#I literally cannot stop thinking about this whole scene they didn't need to come after us like that
jimjamgem · 1 year
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No ok so is anyone ok after that???
Have a speed paint because I haven't made anything in forever but I need some kind of coping strategy because I didn't go into this weekend expecting to have my heart broken.
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BSD Dead Apple manga highlights!!
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Kunikida is insane. "Oh yeah getting shot in the gut is no big deal dwai" and then he proceeds to run around and fight both his own Ability and Demon Snow after this. Jesus.
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Kunikida's so resourceful tbh. I love watching him fight. Akutagawa's later fight with Rashoumon (where he demonstrates similar resourcefulness using the molten metal) is also cool for the same reason, because like it's one thing to be TOLD these characters are cool under pressure and smart as long as Dazai's not there to piss them off and a whole other to be shown it.
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SO THIS CONFIRMS MY THEORY. I need a fight scene where Yosano detaches her limbs and uses them as weapons after she heals them omg she's so fucking badass. Side note the fact that Kenji and Yosano held up so long against their Abilities is so impressive? Like all of them are ofc but Undefeated and Thou Shalt Not Die are both like, extremely powerful. Your fighting a power that rearranged a mountain and a power that basically can't be killed. Like damn.
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Lmfao Akutagawa's main priority is watching their Abilities fight each other
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Confirmation Dazai fucking hates both of them. He was probably tearing his hair out internally this whole time. Literally him going "friendless behavior" at Shibusawa lmao- ALSO THE 'MEOW EXCHANGE. HE ACTUALLY MEOWED. THIS IS SO FUCKING DRY LMFAO.
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Akutagawa's monologue is conveyed in a really cool way via manga adaptation... like DA has some great development for Akutagawa, Kyouka and Atsushi, but Akutagawa's in particular stands out to me because it doesn't really disprove his strength-based worldview?? He finds his own self worth through that view instead which is interesting, by overpowering his Ability instead of finding somewhere he's valued beyond it like say, Yosano.
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This is also SUCH an interesting panel. "That I control Demon Snow/That I didn't want to hate her" it's like Atsushi has previously only seen Kyouka as a victim, as being controlled against her will and never wanting any of the violence she partook in when this kinda... confirms it's not all the case? DA as a whole kinda tries to break Atsushi's black and white worldview but I also think, between this and how well Akutagawa and Kyouka work together in DA, there was likely a part of Kyouka who knew she was good at killing and violence, and liked that about herself, if nothing else. The ability to not be completely helpless, even if her circumstances as a whole were not within her control.
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"Are you fucking serious" he is SO DONE with Dazai's shit lmfao.
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Soukoku are fucking insane. What do you MEAN you noticed Dazai's hidden message from a mention of a microscope. What do you mean you remember all your interactions with him that clearly. What do you mean-
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Ohh my fucking god is that a tear in the last panel?? Oh my god did Chuuya mean he just doesn't want Dazai to stop him in Corruption. Chuuya cannot catch a fucking BREAK oh my god.
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So Ango is also suicidal right?? Like sure he has a reason for saying this but also this is not a normal thing to say. He uses Chuuya's vow to kill him to try and stop Chuuya from what he sees as a suicidal mission later. Like this is not normal.
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"Dazai doesn't care about the ADA!" shut the fuck up
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Oh my god. This was so fucked up oh my god. Poor baby Atsushi oh my god.
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The repetition of "I raised by claws" is SO chilling here omg. But I also find it so so interesting that I think Atsushi is... the only BSD character who just... wants to live. Not for other people, he definitely doesn't want to die. Like so many characters in BSD (Dazai, Yosano, Chuuya, Kunikida, Kyouka, Ango, arguably Akutagawa) are in some manner suicidal, or even the ones who aren't have reasons they life for. But Atsushi's base desire is just... he wants to live. That's where his Ability comes from. It's why he killed Shibusawa. It's so interesting.
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So there are two sides to Fyodor's Ability. But he CALLS HIMSELF crime in this case?? Bc the Crime avatar is wearing what Fyodor was wearing. I've seen theories Fyodor himself is just the manifestation of his own Ability or something and tbh... that might have merit.
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Tbh, I often wonder how Ango ended up working with the government. It's repeatedly mentioned how he dislikes and opposes their use of human lives as value metrics, or plans like this for the 'greater good', and yet he still does their bidding. He's still here. Even though no one listens to his oppositions. Why?
Anyway so if anyone has manga translations past Ch 13 please help I can't find any lol.
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questforgalas · 1 year
Sibling moments in the Bad Batch that live rent free in my head
S1E1 "Aftermath"
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will shout it until i'm blue in the face but how in synch they are is unmatched to any other battalion (yes even the 501st as much as it pains me to say)
"Don't over think it, Wrecker" Crosshair babe it is possible to go more than 2 minutes without sassing your brothers. I know you don't believe it but it's true
Echo's big, patient eyes when Wrecker turns and asks "Exploits?" and getting ready to answer him before Crosshair butts in
Echo and Hunter's little smiles at Wrecker after he says "We're all ya need!"
literally skipped the Order 66 scene because i just genuinely cannot right now
but also Wrecker's extreme protectiveness of Hunter when the regs try looking for him 🥰
Echo's tired sigh when Tech over explains how long they've been gone
His even more tired sigh when he has to simplify it for Wrecker
Wrecker's face the whole time Tech is over explaining time zones
Hunter knowing Crosshair's looking at him without him making a sound (it's the sibling sixth sense, every sibling has it)
Crosshair crossing his arms when Hunter walks away. He's such a pouter i love him
All of Echo and Tech's glances at each other
Wrecker's shoulder shove to Tech
Tech's annoyed look at Wrecker after said shoulder shove
Hunter glaring down the reg who shoves Tech out of the way
Crosshair shoving his way into the barracks and Hunter's tired head shake at him
The Hunter/Crosshair glare off (Crosshair won, Hunter can glare but no one out glares the toothpick)
Wrecker jumping across the room purely to shove Crosshair's shoulder with enough force to make him stumble to then shove Lula in his face and force him into a side hug
literally just this perfect capture of siblings to ever grace Star Wars
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Crosshair shoving Wrecker off
Wrecker retaliating by shoving Lula in Crosshair's face repeatedly
I'm crying laughing watching this scene again
Tech continuing his info ramble while his two brothers faux-wrestle, not fazed at all
Echo and Hunter just letting it happen
Tech and Crosshair's glare off (they need to stop trying to out glare him, they'll always lose)
"First time for everything" Tech you don't need to sass Hunter
Echo's pure look of "are you fucking kidding me?" at Wrecker when Wrecker says "you can say that again" about the emperor. Like Echo just wants one minute of normalcy
"Still don't think the regs are programmed" Tech needing to make sure his brothers knew he was right
so this now makes the separation even more sad, but I didn't notice until now how often Hunter and Crosshair look at each other, similar to Tech and Echo, when they're in a new situation or assessing something god that makes my heart hurt
Hunter and Crosshair's looks when Omega approaches them in the hallway
Crosshair's eye roll and head shake as Tech and Wrecker argue about being programmed
Echo's look at Tech like "just let him think he's right please he won't let this go"
"Well, I'm convinced"
Hunter's insulted look after Tech says "Hopefully not mental, clearly we'd never pass that" 😂
Crosshair's "yeah he's right" accepting nod after he thinks about what Tech said 😂😂
Echo's insulted face when Wrecker punches him in the pec to then go right back into "don't fuck with us mode" at the regs
Wrecker escalating the situation after Hunter calmed it down
Not a single surprised face as the Batch turn to look at Wrecker after the tray is thrown
Hunter's no hesitation to start throwing fists
Crosshair ignoring the chaos around him letting his siblings be until someone fucks with his lunch
someone get Crosshair on a frisbee team
The batch coming to check on Echo 🥰
Crosshair and Wrecker betting on Echo's state
Crosshair's eye roll at losing said bet
Echo's sigh after the batch expertly sum up the citadel 😂
Hunter's amused smile at Wrecker
Wrecker shoulder shoving Tech (is that 2 for Tech and 1 for Echo so far?)
"Why don't you memorize them?" "I have!" Sibling 101: always sass even when in the middle of being shot at
Wrecker's tone when Tech gets shot off :(
"Tech hold tight buddy!" "I'm not going anywhere"
Wrecker's so impressed with Crosshair it's so fucking cute how proud they are of each other
Wrecker and Echo going right to Tech after the simulation 🥰
"He actually cried" "Hey! We both did!"
Crosshair's glare at Wrecker when he outs him
Tech and Wrecker arguing about Tech having to sleep next to a projectile
Crosshair's head shake at Tech and Wrecker
"Easy Wrecker, your programming's kicking in"
Tech is so subtly sassy in this episode
The entire exchange as they debate about the insurgents on Onderon
Crosshair's literal growl at being told he doesn't get to shoot anyone
so many sibling shoves this episode
Hunter and Crosshair's entire exchange on Onderon
"Well, I thought it was obvious" Tech is so done with his idiot siblings
Tech and Crosshair checking in with each other when Tarkin is talking in the hangar
"Smell's weird." "Because it's clean"
Wrecker and Tech's little smiles at Omega when they find her in the brig 🥰
Tech and Echo glances Tech and Echo glances
Omega checking in with Crosshair :(
All 4 batchers ready to absolutely throw hands when the reg stomach punches Hunter
Omega copying Hunter's movements
"Yeah well I beg to differ" Echo let him explain before you let the snark out!!!
"Astute as always Wrecker"
Hunter and Tech's tired sighs and head shakes at Wrecker's terrible attempt at distracting
Just broke out of prison and their first thought was finding their brother
they all just put on at least 20 pieces of armor in less than 30 seconds???
Their confusion and sadness when Crosshair walks in :(:(
Hunter and Crosshair's inability to not sass each other even when they're in a life-or-death standoff
oh no now they're separated and i'm sad and Croshhair's sad which makes me even more sad there's just so much sad
Wrecker refusing to cooperate so Tech and Echo can HEAL HIM
"You were down" "Yeah well not for long!"
Tech's smile and head shake at Wrecker's antics
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peachesofteal · 7 months
Thank you for letting me ask you questions about your new hades fic. I really really appreciate it. I’ve always loved Greek myth and the paganism religion as a whole, it’s pretty much the only belief that’s felt somewhat natural to me. So, when I saw that you’re writing a hades fic, I think I pretty much shit myself in excitement. Lately I’ve been a really soft cod girl and frankly it’s leached into my other fandoms and I’m not 100% why it did but I’ve been having issues with myself where if I read a Fic and I can’t tell if they love each other or not I literally cannot stop thinking about it. Last time with dramione I think I only slept 2 -3 hours a night when I couldn’t get it out of my head. (I’m autistic, I promise I’m working on it. Fml)
I would like to apologise if any of my questions come off rude as that’s definitely not my intention.
One of the tags is bad bdsm etiquette and I was wondering if you can share if they are doing it ‘bad’ on purpose or is it more of a they will learn along the way type of thing? It’s obvious that she likes pain but that can always be done correctly (is that the right word?) and not badly? Or do they not realise they are doing it badly and will learn to still give pain but better?
(I think I’ve confused myself!)
Another question I had is if you think they truly love her and will see her as their equal as a wife? Or will it always be them and then + her?
If you can share , I’d love to know your thoughts and feelings. Thank you again for letting me ask questions.
Have a good day/night. ♥️♥️
Hi! This didn't come off as rude at all, don't worry! I'm happy to answer your first question, but I can't answer your second question because it's plot relevant and I don't do spoilers for my own fics. I'm sorry! I hope you understand.
Bad BDSM etiquette: At the club, Aselgeia, it's inferred that Simon is engaging in non consensual voyeurism.
John infers it here:
“We’ll decide what ye can take, when we get there.” 
And then Simon appears here: “Beautifully done, darling.” Somewhere far, far away, in the last sliver of your sane mind, you realize it’s a different voice, a voice echoed in gemstones, ruby and emerald and pearl, before that too, slips into space, and you drift deeper inside the luxurious praise. A warm bath. A sunlit meadow with thousands of Narcissus dotting the hill, soaking up every ray. A golden fawn, taking her first steps to freedom.
And then John confirms it here, using we again:
“We need a yes.” He murmurs, cupping your cheek. “Persephone.”
which is terrible BDSM etiquette considering it was never negotiated or discussed. Bringing in a third without permission is a no no, for obvious reason, and they use subspace to essentially trick her into saying yes. Persephone craves pain, so giving it to her is not bad etiquette.
After that, everything goes downhill in second spanking/smut scene because proper BDSM etiquette is abandoned.
I felt like it was important to tag due to the nature of the initial scene, being in a club and what not.
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sir-adamus · 1 year
My absolute favorite thing about ATSV is the narrative repetition of not only literal religion but wanting to do both things / two things and the callbacks to walker scenes. Miles trying to catch Gwen after he startles her and the Spot kicks her vs her trying to save him from falling during the chase and he snaps the line on purpose
Miles and his two cakes and Pavitr saying “I can do both!” as we see he cannot hold the bus and save captain singh and the girl (but with help they do indeed save everyone)
Miles literally has DNA from two different dimensions he’s literally always been both since he got bitten!! That’s the point it’s so good!!
Spider-Man doesn’t always win. They don’t always save the day. But with this unique technology they have a chance to learn and make friends and new connections. If the issue was just universe hopping then the whole spider base thing would be a bad idea. I can’t wait for the power of friendship and trying even tho it seems hopeless to kick ass in Beyond it’s gonna be so good.
Gwen also has an "i can do both" thing - trying to keep the canon event happening and save Miles (and thinking she failed when he gets buried under the rubble, which is why she was so panicked in that scene, because she was right back at the night of the dance and seeing Peter crushed under the rubble)
and yeah the thing is it's like
this movie is hanging a lampshade on the idea that Spider-Man needs to have these personal tragedies happen to be a better hero - that these events aren't just unfortunate happenstance but Fated Incidents that have to happen in order for them to be correct in the role (and uh, just a note... doesn't apply to Miguel - literally none of his story lines up with the Peter archetype)
like - the Uncle Ben death is a tragedy because it could have been prevented, it was something Peter could've stopped and didn't because of his pride, and the resulting guilt of that forms his 'with great power must also come great responsibility' thing (which also a note, not originally an Uncle Ben line, it was just a narration bit, only got applied to Ben later) - but the point is it's a code he forms in the wake of tragedy, not a predestined event meant to teach him a lesson
and more importantly Miles in these movies never needed to learn that - because he outright quotes the line to Peter B during the first movie, and of course he did! he's about 13/14 in Into the Spider-Verse, Blond Peter had been Spider-Man for a decade and he marketed the hell out of it; every kid in New York grew up knowing the line (which is actually a factor i don't see people discussing when it comes to the 'Earth 42 Miles and Earth 1610B Miles swapped fates' thing, we don't know what kind of Spider-Man that the Earth 42 Miles would've become, or how our Miles would've ended up if he hadn't been bitten)
Uncle Aaron's death is rather erroneously framed like Ben's by Miguel, but a) it wasn't something Miles could've prevented but didn't, he very nearly died himself, and b) it's reinforced later as 'sometimes you can't always save everyone'
so in terms of 'canon events', Aaron's death fits the George Stacy death more than it does the Uncle Ben death, where it happens in a moment it is impossible for Spider-Man to prevent it as a result of the main villain of the story (Aaron is even trying to save Miles in that moment, who was wearing the red store-bought Spider-Man costume, and pointedly the kids George and Inspector Singh try to save in those moments are also wearing red) - however ultimately it's trying to fit all these personal, different tragedies into a specific box that's the problem, because that's not how life works (nor is it how the multiverse works, but Miguel thinks it does and he's convinced others of the same and refuses to accept any alternatives). Aaron's death isn't a variation on Uncle Ben's death, George Stacy's death or anyone else's death. it's the death of Aaron Davis
also, introducing other Spiders completely changes the surrounding context and the stakes - if Inspector Singh had died there, would Pavitr have come to the conclusion that he couldn't always save everyone? or would he have been angry and resentful that the people he thought were his friends sat there and did nothing when they could have helped? because he wasn't alone in that situation, which completely changes the ballpark even if no one else interferes, it would affect how he responds to it
so it's all questioning why these events need to happen - if we're looking at it in-universe, these things are just unfortunate tragedies. looking at everything bad that happens to you as predetermined fate meant to teach you a lesson is both incredibly unhealthy and fucking dehumanising to your loved ones - a community of Spider-People can help each other and mentor the younger ones to convey the lessons and codes the elders pieced together so they don't have to go through the same shit, be forced through the same pain under the bullshit logic that the suffering will make them 'better'
and from a meta-narrative perspective, the 'canon' is the stakes of the story; Earth-65B continues to run even with George quitting, because dramatically speaking, learning Gwen is Spider-Woman and nearly losing her forever, while Gwen avoids going home because she's terrified that her father hates her and - compounding that - is scared that if she does go home, he'll already have died. that drama is 'good for the story' and can resolve without anyone dying
Peter B literally only has Mayday because of Miles, the 'original anomaly', and yet Earth-616B is perfectly fine with a child who - according to Miguel's logic - should not exist. why? because Peter B has started putting in the effort to make his life work, 'making adjustments at half-time', and earning his happy ending
whereas Miguel deciding to skip all the hard work of trying to make his life better by just inserting himself into a happy life that belongs to someone else, and that reality crumbles apart because he didn't earn it - so the stakes had to be raised, and the resulting guilt is what turns Miguel into the uncompromising anti-hero we have in this film
Spider-people are capable of incredible things, and are capable of even more incredible things when they have each others' backs - they've just gotten too caught up in their guilt complexes to realise that
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arziaisfrench · 1 year
▪︎ IPKKND Ep 111 : Fire turned into ashes
I'm warning yall, this post is very long ! Let's go !
Arnav can feel Khushi wants him to stay, stay to explore and move to the next step. And he terribly wants to stay too.
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His eyes betray his lust. And she doesn't mind.
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She finally realizes every hint he dropped weren't her being delusional lol. This almost-kiss scene was incredibly haunting, and so gorgeous !
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The lights, the chemistry, the intensity of their stares, the pull, the lights, the slow movement and that little detail that make the whole result even more delighful : the reflection of the water on the walls.
He's so gentle.
THEN suddenly, Asr stops Arnav. Asr takes control again. Arnav is fighting himself again.
"Why are you taking your hands off me? What's wrong? Kiss me."
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Arnav stops his attempt to kiss her. Why? He got scared of course. He has, in my opinion, three main fears :
1/ He realizes the importance of his gesture. Kissing Khushi means promising her marriage. Does he really wants to get married? No, at least not for now. He never actually seriously thought of getting married because he never met someone he could love. He also didn't plan to fall in love. Meeting Khushi and most importantly falling in love with her started to make him change his mind.
Does he wants to get married to Khushi? He doesn't know. He doesn't have a certitude right now. He's not sure, he's not ready.
He wants her. He loves her. He would make her his girlfriend without a second thought. But Khushi already told him, it's marriage or nothing. He remembers.
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He never thought of getting married before Khushi. And now he literally is about to kiss her, to promise her to get married in a way (it's what he thinks is Khushi's mindset, when in reality it's not).
And how could he change one of the most strong belief he had in his life so suddenly, because of one kiss? "Two people can't stay together for a lifetime. Marriage means family ... And I don't want to take the risk to be abandoned again."
Right now, he wants to run away. A kiss will change too many things in his life. He needs to reevaluate the situation. They never spoke about their feelings openly to each other !
Of course, kissing Khushi doesn't have to directly lead to a strict obligation to marry her. But Arnav is a man of integrity. He cannot act against what he believes is what Khushi wants (marriage). Having been made aware of Khushi's beliefs about love and marriage, he does not want to act hypocritically and kiss her pretending to believe that Khushi would be satisfied with a relationship that is not marriage. Arnav is not a dishonest man for the sake of it, he can lie to protect his vulnerability but not to use someone.
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Khushi feels so lost. "He was about to kiss me. Why did he stop? He doesn't want me? He doesn't have feelings for me? Did I misunderstand him? Is only attraction/lust he feels? Is that why he stopped? Did he regret wanting to kiss me? Why?" Imagine seing the man you love regreting wanting you. Running away after he tried to kiss you. Imagine seing the man you love with whom you were about to get intimate run away from you to ask another women to get married?! A living cruel nightmare !
I don't think Khushi was thinking of the consequences of kissing Arnav contrarely of what he might think. She wanted him. She wanted to kiss him. The future wasn't something she was thinking when she let him come closer to her lips. She knew she loved him and trusted him. But she didn't know the deepness of his feelings, they never talked about it. "How can I … like this?"
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Look at him, he is terrified. So he runs away once again but he also wants space to think more about them. He's panicking by over analyzing the situation because he is petrified of the probable consequences of his love on all the protections he has built over time to protect himself.
" -Where did you get my payal? For how long was it with you, and why didn't you return it to me earlier? Why now only? [Why now only? Because he was confessing to her by returning it.]
-Just leave me alone. He needed space right now. He don't want to talk about their relationship right now when he's too overwhelmed by his feelings & fears.
Infact, I don't even want to see your face. Go away. These cruel words are triggering Khushi. She feels humiliated.That's why she is insisting on having an answer.
-… explain to me … -I said just leave me alone." From the tone of his voice, you can sense he's begging her to let him have some time alone to think instead of letting his anger takes control, an anger that would hurt her and make him do something he would regret. He's fighting yet again against himself.
That almost-kiss moment was about Khushi and Arnav stop using their mind and living the moment only with the heart. And when the phone rings it wakes them both. But Khushi is confused by how she has completely put aside her own limits when it comes to her modesty. She was about to dive in her love and lust for and with him.
She's a bit awkward but she's not regreteful. Her confusion is due not only because Aranv left her like that but also because she allowed him to get physical while still having no real proof that he has deep feelings for her (no one actually confessed their feeling to the other). Him wanting to protect her, him trusting her a little was enough for her to let him kiss her since she's in love.
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Then, Khushi's insistence woke up Arnav's mind, it took control of him completely. His mind, Asr. He's thinking way too much instead of living the moment with his heart. Arnav was terrified, therefore he ran away and let Asr takes charges
Khushi accepted how her love for him was winning over herself. Arnav still refuses to accept the way she can take control of him. He refuses to accept fully the power she holds on him for now.
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2/ As I wrote previously, I think Arnav is obsessed/scared by the possible imbalance of their relationship, him allowing her everything. This is the second reason that could explain him freaking out. How could he let this happen? He created Asr persona for so many years, and she's gonna break it just like that? "How can I do this? Why did I fell this weak?" It might be an unpopular opinion but I think Arnav wasn't feeling guilty about cheating on Lavanya, I don't think he was runing away from Khushi because he felt guilty.
It's a way too simplistic reason, and it doesn't fit at all with the complex writing style that the screenwriters have presented to us from the beginning.
Now, let me share another theory of mine, here's my take : I actually feel like he was more triggered by his mother's d-ath than his father's. Lavanya was never the woman he loved. His mother was the woman his father loved. Their situation is not exactly the same.
But of course, I think a part of him was affected that he was almost cheating (and not only emotionally) like he's father. But it's not why he freaked out, and what I mean by that, is that this was not the reason he left Khushi. It's more complex. I think Arnav has secretly always been more angry at her mother (cause their relationship was stronger) for choosing to d'e for his father rather than stay alive for his children ! And that's why he ran away from Khushi, because he's aware of the love he has for her looks like the love his mother had for his father! Strange, powerful and mystical !!!!
> Let me explain more :
A part of himself hated his mom for ending her life because of his father, instead of facing the situation and choosing to stay alive for her children. That's why I think his personality disorder began.
He felt terribly guilty for resenting his mom despite loving her so much. And that's, in my opinion the most plausible reason explaining why he stopped. How can he allow himself to live the same type of love? He hated his mother for not being able to stay alive for his children. That's his process thinking when he leaves Khushi after almost kissing her.
Now it gets even more twisted, hear me out, I know it's a bit too complex, you might want to read everything more than once to really get what i mean, and again I'm sorry for my lack of vocabulary, english is not my native language.
We don't see him truly resent his father and we see him always having the best feelings for his mother. I think, it's because he burried his hatred for his mother in Asr persona. When he's Arnav or Chote he only shows his love for his mother. We never see him talk about his parent in his Asr persona.
He doesn't seem to me triggered here because he might feel like he's acting like his father, cheating. It will only really affect him this way in my opinion, and trigger him when he's gonna think Khushi was cheating on him with Shyam and Shyam was cheating on Anjali with Khushi. Because Khushi is the woman he loves.
Lavanya never was. He always knew it. There was no a single doubt on his mind about that, even when he would state about Lavanya to Khushi later "and I think I might never loved her", he is certain he never loved Lavanya in a deep romantic way.
Now, let me demonstrate why he left Khushi during that almost-kiss and then chose to let Asr take control : His obsession with power unbalance in their love is the reason he ran away. His mother d'ed because she loved her husband more than her husband did. This is what caused his mother's destruction. And by running away, it's his way to deny this possible imbalance and take back control. At this very moment, this is a way for him to survive the heartbreak he's remembering while making that parallel with the d-ath of his parents. Khushi made him yet again lose complete control like his father would make his mother lose control too !!!! It's a way for Arnav to actually say to his mom "look, I won't be weak like you, I won't let this happen, I'll gain control of myself, in a way you couldn't ! I refuse to be like you! I won't let someone else than myself the power to destroy me !"
How does he think this power difference would have affected him in his relationship with Khushi? The fact that he was ready to kiss her knowing full well that it would lead to eventual marriage while he said he was absolutely against marriage, proves that Khushi can even make him forget the own boundaries he had imposed in his life. Khushi would thus have the ability to push him to marry willingly. And after this marriage, just like his mother with his father, he would have loved Khushi more than she loves him. And would end up betraying him, hurting him and abandoning him.
3. In a way, it's almost (I know yall it's twisted af but think about it right) a way to take revenge against his mom for abandoning her children and also to rationalize but most importantly legitimize the resentment he harbored for his mother for the decision she made (to k'll herself). " Look at me mom, look, I can avoid the mistake you made, I can chose to protect myself, to not lose control for someone else, I was right for hating you for what you did. You abandonned us because you chose to. I won't be weak like you, watch me prove it to you."
Let's be real, come on, be honest, don't you think my theories are sooo freaking good and twisted hahaha ?! Yes I'm throwing flowers at myself because I think I deserve it hehe ! 😎 If one of the writers of the series reads me (we can always dream, can't we?😂) please let me know if my theories are right or not, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease !
" - why didin't you return it to me earlier? why only now? Explain it to me ! Why did you keep my payal with you? what does all this mean? And that … that thing you were about to do …"
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Khushi was asking for explanations, he thinks she was insinuating he kept her payal because he might have started to love her for a while, way before she did. It got him so angry.
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But what makes him decide to ask Lavanya to marry him is what is happening during this precise scene : his reaction to Khushi's tear, the way her tears could make him feel so weak, just after remembering all those stuff about his mother !!
Here, he has let Asr took control but Khushi put him on his place with only the presence of her tears !!
"Why and how can she makes me lose complete control over myself ?! I was so angry, but look at me now, I'm so worried for her, seeing her cry breaks me ... I am not her toy ! If love means to feel helpless, I don't want it !
I'm not like my mother ! I can control myself, I can take back the control ! I won't let her win, I won't let her the posssibilty to destroy me! I won't be like mom ! I won't ! "
I really hope you're getting hooked by what I wrote today, please like that post if you did haa !
Now here comes another twist you weren't expecting hehe :
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Asr left the moment Khushi cried. It's Arnav who took the decision in that intense moment of adrenaline to f-ck everything up, to ask Lavanya in marriage. Arnav did it.
Why Arnav didn't use Asr this time? Because it was the revenge he thought he needed to accomplish against Khushi and his mother.
Against Khushi, for making him feel that helpless, her be able to push away Asr with the strength her tears hold on Arnav himself, and which prevented him to be able to call Asr back to his rescue.
And Against his mom, for abandoning him and his sister. For being unable to control herself from leaving her own children behind, and therefore for provoking their father to also d'ie, leaving them orphan and traumatized for life. Arnav probably believes the love their mother had for their father was stronger then her love for her children !
I have the certitude it wasn't Asr for this reason: when it comes to his mom, Arnav can't hide behind Asr. Because the very essence of his personality disorder is his mother d-eath but more precisely the secret resentment and hate he carried for his mom who chose su'cide. And as I wrote earlier, he burried that hate in Asr, Asr can't act consciously against his mom, he never speaks about her.
Arnav made the decision. He fully became self-destructive and lowkey evil for that very short period of time, when deciding to ask Lavanya in marriage in front of Khushi. It was a way for Arnav to make Khushi pay for the power she holds on him through the love he has for her, and also to make his mom pay for making him weak like her "Watch me destroy the love that is making me weak, mom, something you couldn't do !"
Perhaps when we see him secretly praying/making a wish, it's not to god or any deity that he's addressing himself to but to his very own mother, whom he knows is watching over him in mysterious ways. And maybe he thinks it was his mother who arranged for him to meet Khushi. By breaking Khushi's heart, it's a way of refusing this gift which he thinks is poisonous. "I don't want to end up like you, mom."
Pretending to want to marry Lavanaya was just his cowardice driven by impulsivity. He didn't mean a word.
He will use Lavanya again. He was trying to prove to himself and to Khushi he can take back control over his love for her if he wants to.
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Here, his stares prove us how he tries to brag to Khushi how he didn't let her win, see how immature but also evil he was behaving.
The state of his mental health was definitely showing the most in this episode. He disgusted me very much with his actions but I also felt as never before the seriouness of his personality disorder. I was like, daamn this dude is so fcked up, so unwell, deeply sick and so lost ! The dude is in a constant battle with himself and his fears ! He disgusted me but it also made me pity him so much in the very first sense of the word, not in a condescending way.
He's his own captive.
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And if you pay attention, Khushi and Arnav being separated by those big windows really amplified this portrayal of him being a prisoner to himself, isolating and pushing away the one person who gave him a real taste of happiness. This is so sad. This scene always make my heart aches so much. I don't even remember how many time I cried watching this scene.
Arnav, as he always does, regrets his actions. Khushi can make him lose control but not by making him become someone else. And here, he just proved himself and us that she wasn't the only one being able to make him lose control, he can do, he's his worst ennemy actually. He thought he was still being fully himself while taking his revenge but in reality it was his deepest fears that made him turn evil, his fears are able to make him completely lose control of himself and in a very very corrupt way.
He only realizes how badly he screwed up and comes back to himself, freed from this strange almost mystical hold he was trapped in for a few minutes when his family started to congratulate him but especially when he saw Kushi's back.
The look she gave him before was the one you give when you're saying goodbye forever.
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He then is starting to understand (and it's only a glimpse of it, much later in the series he'll have the whole realization) how losing control is nothing compare to losing Khushi ! He thought he was saving himself and the power he has over himself but in reality the only think he did was to lose Khushi.
He might not fully trust Khushi, but she did. Tonight, he didn't just humiliated her, he broke not only her heart but also her trust.
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djeterg19 · 1 year
yeah I really wish the Top & Boston stuff was handled with way more care because it has led to some very disgusting takes from the fandom and their pea brains still can't process just how gross what Boston did is. They think it's just him sleeping with his friend's bf (which would already be pretty shitty) but it's much more than that. and the twitter hellhole is full of "Boston may be an asshole but he would never blackmail anyone or use revenge porn" as if he didn't record his friends in an intimate moment without their knowledge, hold onto it for years, and then use it as a way to get someone (who would not have done it under normal circumstances and already rejected him multiple times at that point) to sleep with him. what would they call that then?? I truly can't wait until this show is over so I never have to deal with these nasty people again.
Thank you for the ask! I would have answered last night when I got it but I was tired and knew I would be long winded because...the whole Top/Boston thing bothers me so much. First, I'm gonna start off and say what Atom did was disgusting and harmful to real victims. Nothing justifies what he did.
But Boston LITERALLY sexually harassed and assaulted Top multiple times. Their first bathroom meeting at Yo's Top says he already told Boston he wasn't interested in having sex again. Is it wrong to ask once or twice? No but Boston literally did not take no for an answer. And he ignored Top telling him no on multiple occasions.
And don't even get me started on the car scene. So many people think that scene was hot but I could barely watch the first time and haven't been able to rewatch and it grosses me out every single time it comes across my dash. I hate when people do this but...what would the reaction to those scenes be if Top was a woman? I wonder because there is a perception in a large part of the population that men, and especially large athletic men, cannot be sexually harassed or assaulted or raped. Because Top clearly froze and did not react when cornered and that is taken as consent but it wasn't. If a woman did that and eventually gave into sex to a man that had repeatedly harassed and touched her without permission and after being telling him no, none of us would be saying it was consensual cheating. I've seen people say that Boston only has sex with consent but he ABSOLUTELY did not care one iota about Top's consent. He only cared about getting what he wanted from him. Any way he could.
And the idea that Boston would NEVER use intimate photos for blackmail or revenge? He literally used that picture of Ray and Mew to get back at Mew. To take Top from him. And essentially ruin Top's life because he is still dealing with the repercussions. And then used it again as ammunition when he saw Ray was happy with Sand. Who's to say what he would do with all of those other pictures he has? I personally wouldn't be so confident that he wouldn't use those photos to get what he wants. He's already done it using two of his "friends." Why wouldn't he use them to threaten or harm one night stands if there was something he really wanted from them?
And none of this is about Boston being a slut, ok? I could not care less if he slept with every single willing man that came across his path. This is not slut shaming. And honestly if you think being slutty makes anything Boston did to Top ok...you need to do some serious self reflection because what he did was disgusting and vile. For a fandom that is so concerned about consent, y'all sure don't care about Top's consent or boundaries just like Boston. I could keep going but I'm going to stop there.
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beevean · 3 months
Correct me if I'm wrong but this is literally the first scene we see of Isaac after the timeskip right?
It's so cool when character development happens off screen and we are left with the character just talking about it :)
Imagine watching the show in real time, having to wait a full year after Isaac's story in S3 only to open with this
And for posterity sake, here's the last scene we see of him in S3, after he kills the wizard:
And to this day I cannot understand the thought process of this man.
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He blazed through the village cackling like a madman and happily turning the brainwashed villagers into Night Creatures, because he really wanted that damn mirror. Then he killed the wizard, who might as well be a monster for the amount of personality he displayed. Those people were alive (Miranda says that the wizard "cooked their soul into ash", but also admits that in order to defeat him, Isaac would have to kill them), and Isaac let them die without a thought because hey, new creatures for his army - he orders his Night Creatures to not maim them or eat them, so it was for that express purpose. Then, after he finds the mirror, instead of immediately crossing the threshold since nothing else is stopping him, he decides that he'll keep killing people (?), but leave the city standing, to allow other people to live in it one day, a dream apparently not even he believes in...? Then he wastes six weeks, when without the mirror he would have taken two weeks to reach Styria, nullifying with his own hands the point of getting the mirror in the first place: if before that was the only reason he even cared, now he has decided that "killing [the wizard] felt just". And after taking six weeks off-screen to think, now he's all about mercy and purpose and burying the people he killed because "everyone here was a victim"?
(this feels like Lenore's non-apology. They "were victims", huh? Of who, Isaac? Which two people in particular caused all this innocents to die? How convenient.)
I feel genuinely stupid. What prompts him to change his mind so quickly? Isaac in S3 does nothing but flip flop between listening to wiser people who tell or show him that not all people are bad, and immediately deciding that believing it is insanity because he meets some guards who want to do their job. I don't. I don't understand what clicks in his head. Why didn't he use the mirror as soon as he found it? Why did he decide right then to "take his time to think"??
My guess is that he eventually takes to heart the words of the Captain, who more or less said "yes, humans bad, but also humans good, also how about you rule the region after you conquer it", and decides he doesn't want to go insane like Miranda or the wizard. But it doesn't come across the screen at all, and again, that stupid time skip makes things too convenient.
And I wouldn't even be this nitpicky, if I didn't point out how brazenly self-centered his speech to the dead wizard sounds! I know I'm meant to think he has come to feel guilty off-screen and that's why he wasted six weeks thinking about what he's done, but dude really sounds like he just feels awesome and he's riding the high of being so cool. Like he has decided, off-screen, to be constructive rather than destrucive not because he has come to realize the worth of human life, but because... well, wouldn't he be the coolest dude if he did so? And doesn't he deserve to feel good about himself? And if so, how can I buy the idea that he organically has come to realize his past mistakes and has become a better person?
I could tell you to watch the episode for yourself to draw your own conclusions, but considering the atrocious editing of S3E9 that mixes together Isaac's gigachadness, Trepha fighting a battle no one cares about, and Alucard and Hector getting sexily raped, it's very very hard to get the evidence I need without my eyes melting...
My thoughts when I rewatched the whole show still apply:
Isaac already had agency in S3. He decided to make himself an army and get revenge. These were his ideas and plans. What changed off screen are his loyalty to Dracula's memory, his ideals and how he no longer has any interest in destroying, but building. While technically I can trace back this to the conversation he had with the Captain, by then Isaac had already fallen into his "human bad" mentality, and nothing spurned him to make him care about humans' future. "I killed many people for many reasons, but killing you felt just." You literally killed people because you thought you were purifying the world. You literally murdered people in the name of your Lord and your Prophet. I don't see any regret about all the senseless death you spread in S3. It really feels like Isaac just wants to feel good about himself.
Isaac certainly changed, as he and Flyseyes and Hector so conveniently tell me. If you summarize his arc, it even appears to make sense: dude went from being a personality-less simp ready to die for his Lord, to a petty asshole consumed with thoughts of revenge and death, to someone who has finally understood the worth of his own life and is ready to move on. But when I look into the details, and by details I mean the very dialogue, I just can't make sense of it. And I am positive that his sudden swerve into "goodness" in S4 was not planned, but is due to his massive popularity in S3, much like Lenore getting woobiefied or Hector apparently gaining braincells or Alucard getting over his misanthropy in one episode.
and the time skip was a terrible idea and it sucks for every character in s4 and i hate it
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justagalwhowrites · 6 months
Bestieeeeeeee! OMG! I'm squealing! The smut! It was so hot and beautiful. I could feel the rawness between them, the desire, the need to reassure each other that they are alive, healthy, together, and with so much love and life to share. And their vows! Don't start me on the rings! Could Joel do something more romantic? Could the whole thing be more romantic and so them? I loved it! I could not stop from imagining his little smirk and playful brown eyes when he asked Bambi to be his date at the dance.
Joel's slow but steady recovery and wanting to go back to normal as soon as possible felt so him, as did Bambi's careful compartmentalisation and subsequent explosion and tears once she realised Joel would be fine and that he wanted to go back on patrol. And how she and Savvy are slowly repairing their relationship.
And don't think I'm not onto you with that mention of patrols growing in frequency and numbers and how they keep finding more trees marked. I can feel the trouble coming to Jackson! And I cannot wait to read it! Thanks for the lovely chapter! Lots of love and kisses!🫂♥️♥️♥️
OMG thank you so so much, Bestie!!!!
I'm so so glad you liked the wedding scene! I had two ways I was debating about that happening literally up to when I was writing it. He was always going to propose that way and in that moment but I wasn't sure if they were going to say their vows then and there or if they were going to do something shortly after with Ellie and Savvy there. But I ended up feeling like their love has been such a private and grounding thing for the two of them that the security marriage brought then would be the same. And I didn't think either of them would really want to wait, either lol! Not after surviving what they had, I think they both wanted to tie themselves to the other with as much weight and force as they possibly could as quickly as they possibly could. So here we are!
And OMG yes these two. They're both trying so hard in their own ways. Joel is so uncomfortable not feeling like he can take care of his girls and not contribute to his home. Bambi is not used to feeling this vulnerable with someone she's not in charge of. With Savvy, she could just tell her "no, you're not doing that" when something scared her and that's the end. That's not how it works with a partner and that's really, really hard for her. But they're figuring it out. And so are Bambi and Savvy! They're getting there.
As far as trouble coming to Jackson... let's just say I've put a lot of plot threads out there that haven't been totally tied off yet. But they will be by the end! It'll be exciting, I promise.
Thank you so much for reading and always sending such gorgeous asks!! Your support really does mean the world.
Love you!!
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immunetoneurotoxin · 6 months
Just wanna drip by and say Incendiary has made itself a permanent resident in my brain.
Your writing is absolutely amazing, every scene got me gripping my seat in excitement. Seeing someone write a Pyro-focused long fic, let alone texas toast is so so so rare, I think I've only read 3 (including incendiary) that I've liked so far.
I love this little fire guy with all my heart, and I absolutely adore how you didn't make him too much like a child like how many mischaracterize him. There's the childlike wonder in him but he is capable when push comes to shove and I like that a lot! Every single characterizations in this fic is wonderful, I would love to give Engie a little kiss on his bald head.. he's so adorable.
I'm probably rambling but I just love this fic so much. I'm dealing with semester's midterms, stressed as all hell and this fic has been keeping me going. I practically cheered when I saw chapter 10 update in my inbox lmao. I would love to maybe make some fanart when I have the time, should I just tag you on this site?
Thank you so much for writing Incendiary dude, no kidding when I say it changed my life. I can't wait for the story to unfold! Please take care of yourself and rest well. Good luck on the job hunting as well!!
Omg stranger whoever you are, I just about teared up seeing this in my Inbox -
This is the most grandest, heartfelt comment I think I've ever received in my entire writing career and my heart is GUSHING rn!!!! I was literally out running errands when I saw this and I couldn't stop thinking about it -
When I joined the TF2 fandom in like... oh god, 2014 I think, I was really shocked to see throughout the years that there weren't many Pyro-centered stories out there, which blew my mind. Like how could there not be a deluge of fanfic for Pyro, who is this extremely mysterious, multi-faceted character with so much room for interpretation?! When I first watched Meet the Pyro, I KNEW I had to write a novel about Pyro. Who they are, where they came from, and what happened to them before the events of the gravel war. Massively inspired, of course. But still nonetheless, an origin story that could very well be canon if squinted at, hehe.
This rings true for texas toast content, too!! There isn't a whole lot of it out there and it makes me so sad - I love their dynamic so much! When Incendiary is finished, I do plan on writing some more texas toast oneshots on my AO3 to fill that void. <3 One of the plans is to write a short story about their relationship during the gravel wars as well, that takes place after the events of Incendiary. (plus, Incendiary has only just started to crack the surface tension of the slow burn, and it's only a matter of 1-2 chapters away from when the texas toast really starts showing through so there is that to look forward too as well. (。˃ ᵕ ˂ ))
also I literally hollered when I read your comment about Pyro's characterization in this story especially, because THAT is THE ONE THING I have been working so incredibly hard towards holy shit - when I tell you the amount of stories I've read that writes them off as this danger-child that needs supervision - which don't get me wrong is not an entirely bad thing!! they do have this massive childlike side to them, but there is also so much more to them than how the fandom perceives them, not taking into much consideration how they typically canonically act in the comics/in-game, and taking into LARGE consideration Meet the Pyro. I was reeling when I realized that a lot of people seemed to completely forget about that interview. I could go on a whole rant about this sdfghjkl but yes, Pyro is definitely more than capable when push comes to shove! they are in a war, after all ;)
and engineer, oh man. I love that soft Texan so much. :') I could talk your ear off about him too!
man I am definitely rambling now, but I literally cannot even express how genuinely happy I am receiving this message, it means the actual world to me. and FANART?!?! oh my god YES - you can definitely tag me here if you do make fanart for Incendiary!! I would be BEYOND honored omg
Thank you so so much for brightening my entire year with this feedback literally - I'm so honored to have you here as a reader and a fan. <3 And I'm sending you all of the luck with your midterms!! You've got this!!
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just before I rewatch ep2 I wanted to just get my thoughts out.
[this is kinda long so the rest is below]
so with the whole plot line of iris going missing, I'm guessing it's because she was going to do a welfare check on the women she mentioned at the shelter when tk was there. otherwise idk why it would've been highlighted.
Carlos is going to think this is tk's fault because maybe he didn't know that tk went to chat with her? but even then it seems a bit off.
also with the divorce papers being signed, she thinks they should get an annulment(?) so either that's a plot hole or a really odd thing for a kidnapper to make someone do?
unless you have to divorce because you can annul a marriage? I literally have no clue whatsoever, I took gcse history and that's the only reason I know what an annulment is, my knowledge stops there.
either way it seems weird? maybe that's what sparks an argument between tk and Carlos. when he comes back and explains, maybe tk's like wot? or maybe they really do have to divorce before they can annul? because at the moment this seems to be the only reason. I guess tho this won't impact the wedding timeline much at all. because theyve still got 8 weeks seeing as only 1 day has passed since ep1.
so then it leads me to believe that Carlos getting hurt will impact the timeline, because for some reason I really don't think they'll get married in 8 weeks because otherwise they'll have to condense the whole story down into one episode= one day.
I know their timelines aren't strong on lone star but come on with the whole Tommy and her pastor thing. it's gonna suck if u get it day by day its not a realistic time frame for development.
because its going to happen after episode 8, it also makes me think that there will be a time skip by at least normal standards of one episode= 1 week.
does any of this make sense?
I'm pretty interested in this storyline at the moment too, it allows for so much character development with Carlos because we actually get him on screen for like more than 2 minutes. and we get actual tarlos content too. other than 7000 edited out scenes that will never see the light of day.
moving on from tarlos, I'm just like okay why is Owen with the nazis? but at least it's not another love interest. couldn't they just let him be like s1 Owen when he was a more attentive dad. he did have that video call with tk where he said they need to work on their relationship last season so I'm hoping that will be built up all through this season and not just in 1 scene in episode 8.
I like how they're putting Owen with the crew more, getting him with judd and Tommy is probably a good idea. and I also think that the police sergeant guy will be a double agent because its predictable and they're not going to kill Owen off. I'd like him to get some friends and be a more relatable character instead of a meh one. tho I will admit I did really like his episode last season when you find out his back story.
so yeah alot to think about after ep2, I'm hyped for Tommy's storyline!
and I literally cannot wait for Paul's arc this season!!!!!!!
and I'd like some more time with the ryders too and wyatt. it was nice last season seeing them being a family and I'd love for that to continue. and some grace solo plots too!! I know it's alot to ask but it is an ensemble cast and I love to see all the characters have their own arcs and not just focus on Owen all the time.
like marjan hasn't really had a solo plot since s2 that didn't involve Owen or really any of her own character growth. I'd love to find out more about her. in her two central eps this season!!
and mateo too he's getting a solo episode for himself and I can't wait either, he's such a good character and I think away from Owen he could also have some growth.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e12 as time goes by (w. adam glass)
now that i'm totally bummed out with all the john talk, cain and abel bloodline, etc etc... you better not be making this a rehabbing john winchester episode :p
DEAN Yeah, right. Seriously? Dudes time-travelling through motel-room closets? That's what we've come to?
uh huh
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DEAN Yeah, well, either way, Dad hated the son of a bitch. SAM And Dad made up for that how? By being father of the year?
haha, louder for the people in the back!!
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DEAN Look, Dad had his issues, okay, but he was always there for us.
EXCUSE ME. dean, no, we know better than this. he was literally, canonically, very often NOT THERE FOR YOU. as kids, as adults. oh my god. haha whisper yelling at dean through the screen.
a) the only reason i know the name abaddon is from the book abaddon's gate by james sa corey, which the series it's in got turned into an excellent show that's one of my favorites as well, the expanse. so, learn something new every day, didn't know it was a angel/demon/bible/pit thing
b) i have forgotten after reading the abaddon wiki article. oh right, men of letters, this is funny. i'm well familiar loosely with them, the bunker, etc via fic. but just set dressing. had no idea the backstory
ay this cheesy rousing music while henry waxes poetic about the glory that is the men of letters and their family legacy. cannot
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he went on a little face journey here that was like flirty appreciative, to a little surprised and sadconcerned? haha i could project thoughts all over that, wonder what that was about
oh oh john got traumatized by his father abandoning him which was actually a demon's, a knight of hell specifically, fault. the rehabilitation :P
HENRY John was a legacy. I was supposed to teach him the ways of the Letters. DEAN Well, he learned things a little differently. HENRY How? DEAN The hard way. Surviving a lonely childhood, a stinking war... only to get married and have his wife taken by a demon... and later killed by one himself. That man got a bum rap around every turn. But you know what? He kept going. And in the end, he did a hell of a lot more good than he did bad.
he did good in the world. and he neglected and traumatized his children. it's hard for me to go macro when the results of the micro are splashing around the pool of their trauma daily in front of my face. i know dean is feeling defensive and protective and etc etc.
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the mismatch of the outside of the motel and the downright fancy inside is weird. this whole thing is kinda weird. don't be weird, time traveling grandpa
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same, dean, same.
i think a lot of what kills the production value in the newer seasons is how evenly and boringly lit so much of it is. yeah the first seasons were often too dark, but at least they used shadows to their full effect. it was interesting! look at the lighting in the this random scene in a motel in s1e4 phantom traveler
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and the slow pan with the exposed leg lol different universe. anyway i scrubbed through literally e1-4 to find that damned scene. desaturated grainy deliciousness. so much more atmosphere
DEAN Listen, I understand that this is not your idea of a happy ending, okay, and that – that you're disappointed that me and Sam are mouth-breathing hunters. But you know what? We stopped the Apocalypse.
there you go, tell him! y'all did some shit and without the resources or education availed to him
DEAN (on phone) Sammy? ABADDON (on phone) No. Much sexier. Try again. DEAN (on phone) Abaddon. ABADDON (on phone) Good boy. Now listen up – I want to make a good, old-fashioned horse trade. Henry and the key for your brother. Or he dies. Am I clear?
the makeup/fake tan on jackles is just so sad and distracting
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DEAN Henry, you need to understand something. When my dad died, I couldn't save him… no matter how bad I wanted to. I never want that to happen to Sam… ever. If there's a chance that I can save him, I'm gonna do it. He's my brother. He's the only family I got.
ps we've both died a bunch and i have personally resurrected him before sooo
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i'm sorry dude but this is just a lot
SAM I get it now. DEAN Hmm? SAM What Cupid said about heaven busting ass to get Mom and Dad together. The Winchesters and the Campbells – the brains and the brawn. DEAN Well, I'm glad you see it. All I see in our family tree is a whole lot of dead.
mmmk. the whole thing feels very.. tacked on. like they just introduced this whole chunk of magic users wholecloth and wedged it in with a very flimsy excuse as to why it was nonexistent prior to this
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SAM You think it would have made a difference? DEAN What? SAM Dad. If he'd had his own father around. DEAN What, in how he raised us? Sammy, he did the best he could. SAM I know that. I – I do. They all did.
sometimes the best you can do is recognize that you don't have the means to raise these kids and maybe someone else in the family would be better suited and willing. like hey. bobby perhaps. blargh. gets my parenting hackles up. and like i've said before, they can feel what they wanna feel and it's good if they're at peace with it, but don't try to sell me on john being a good dad, actually :p
my tolerance for bad plot shit is high, i am a fan of teen wolf (and the killing s2 i'm looking at you) after all. but it is still a bummer
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acourtofthought · 2 years
I feel like Elain would be much more jealous of Nesta's chosen sisters rather than of Azriel's love interest.
Yeah, we can't really know for sure since we know so little about her, but I cannot imagine Elain being so sad or mad over who Azriel loves. She herself gave his dagger back without looking back, she herself gave the necklace back and contuined to do her thing. She did not fight for him or at least talked to him after that. She literally stopped looking at him. Some may say she's really hurt over him rejecting her, but again.. if she was really in love with him or at least cared much about him, i don't think she would've just left it at that.
However.. I really do think she'll be jealous of Gwyn AND Emerie. Maybe Mor and Amren too. If we think about it: Feyre felt left out since Nesta and Elain were always together and she was just there, then Nesta felt betrayed because Feyre found her own family and Elain "chose Feyre", and now I think Elain will be sad because she's the one being left out. No matter how much the other side disagrees, Elain is not close to any of the IC members. Not the way that Nesta and Feyre are at least.
Given that Elain and Nesta were always together, that Elain was always the sister Nesta loved and protected, there's no way that she wouldn't be jealous when she sees Nesta laughing freely at Emerie's jokes or hugging Gwyn so close. Remember that Nesta never laughed before Emerie and Gwyn so I do think that will leave Elain shocked. No, Elain isn't the type of girl who would attack them for that. I believe she'll overthink about it and pretend it doesn't bother her at all.
I know that some may say that she has Nuala and Cerridwen, however.. they're not close like the Valkyries or Feyre, Mor and Amren are. The only things they do is showing Elain how to do certain things, and that was literally from other people's pov. N+C have a total of like 4 little scenes in the entire series. And we barely know anything about them as well. They've been friends with Elain for over 2 years, they never acted like true sisters or really good friends but when her book comes out, all of a sudden they'll act like sisters? I don't believe that. Especially when Sarah loves found families and I doupt she would just make them a family out of the blue. I would hate for Elain to have already found her people off- fricking-page. I want to witness her meeting them, having a whole journey with them. Not 2 years of a nice friendship and then boom they’re family. If they're the suppose chosen sisters, what did they do in the last 2 years? What happened between them? What changed that made Elain go like "wow they're my sisters"?
Anyway, it would be interesting to see how Elain would take it when she sees Nesta being closer to Emerie and Gwyn than she was ever with her. Imagine on winter solstice, when the Valkyries are invited and they all have fun except for Elain because she isn't close to anyone (by that time gwynriel are together) and she looks at her sisters and how happy they're with their partners and especially chosen families. I just know that this would crush her. That could maybe be the start of her book? The first pages of her being so unhappy and ridden by so many needs and wants and jealousy. I think she'll also hate herself for being jealous of her sisters finding other people.
Didn't Elain always wanted a family? To be happy with her father and sisters and go travel the world? I don't remember her having any wishes for a future with Azriel, or even have big plans with Grayson. All I know is that she wanted to be with her sisters and father.
Idc how many people would disagree with me but one thing is for sure: Elain cares more about Nesta than about Azriel. That's a fact.
I agree with you that Elain would not be jealous of Az and Gwyn as a thing especially months after she returned his gift to him and so far as we know, they haven't really interacted with since Solstice.
Elain made a choice to walk away from Az, twice. And though it cannot be denied that she had some feelings for Az, we really don't know how deep those feelings were in the first place.
This is a girl who was destroyed over the loss of Graysen. Graysen may have turned out to be a prick but even Nesta tells Feyre that both he and Elain adored one another. That means while human, Elain did know what it was like to be in love and have that returned and losing that after she envisioned their future together was crushing.
I just do not think that after she had a lifetime of happiness so close only to be taken away, she really felt a tenth of what she felt for Graysen with Az. She felt something sure, but trying to compare the crush she has on a male she rarely sees anymore and only shares lingering glances and a brush of fingers with to the emotions she had for a man she shared her entire self and thoughts of the future with is insanity. What she had with Graysen was real enough that they were going to be married in a month.
She and Az, whatever they had, were not even close to that level.
Sure, his rejection probably stung but I don't think she invested that much of herself into Az that she would struggle with him finding happiness with another, months later, especially because Elain made her feelings extremely clear when she returned the necklace. Those are not the actions of a girl left pining for someone. Those are the actions of a girl who decided she's not going to spend any more time feeling sad over a man who rejected her. It doesn't matter if Rhys was the one who put a stop to things because if she were witness to his conversations with Rhys, I'm pretty sure she'd be put off by everything Az said and didn't say in relation to her.
As far as jealousy towards Nesta's found family. We won't know until we get her thoughts but it would actually surprise me if Elain were jealous. She was one of the first people to express delight over the thought of Nesta having something positive to channel her energy into (the Valkrie's). She was excited that Nesta had something for "her" even though that thing did not include Elain. She didn't express jealousy at Solstice and was beckoning Nesta with smile on her face at the end of SF, though she probably had a good understanding of how important Nesta's new friends had become to her. She also never seemed jealous of the connection Amren and Nesta shared.
I think Elain's arc will show her pulling away from the sisters. Not because she's mad at them or jealous but because she realizes it's time to live life the way she needs and it's not easy to do that when there are extremely take charge people constantly surrounding you. Because her path is not the same one Feyre and Nesta have been and are heading down. I think that will be the focus of Elains story and I think she'll be glad that her sisters have such wonderful people in their lives as she withdraws to begin hers.
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just-jordie-things · 10 months
oh my MY FAVOURITE MEGUMI WRITER JUST POSTED A NEW FIC djffkfkfkckf gurl imma read that ASAP but for now *pulls out the tea cup* let's talk (read as:spam) about the new episode. Grab some popcorn for its about to the long.
☕ *sips heavily* FIRST ZERO OFF! The haters be hating but let's just ignore them disrespectfully respectfully. I didn't notice any thing wrong with the animation, plus that whole complain about intro-playing-over-yuji-breakdown, get over it. That's how it was supposed to be, that's how life is, that's what was trying to be conveyed - he can't have a breakdown now, he shall get up and go fight to stop this one hell of a war. I rather was really fascinated at the time selection to play it, plus that display of all the destruction that happened really gave the "war" vibe.
☕*slurp slurp* I COMPLETELY. OFFICIALLY. LOST IT. ALL OF IT. I repeat it - ALL. I LOST IT ALL WHEN MEGUMI SAID "GAMBARE". But it's only now that I realise how he literally summoned the divine mahoraga for that weakling like my dearest and most respectful sir, even your demon dogs would've been enough for that shitty thing. Duh. I always thought people were kidding when they said he was about to summon mahoraga with Todo but now after that scene I really think he could have 💀🤚
☕*takes a long sip* Fuck Megumi. (no please don't we all need a Megumi in our lives. Specially me.) I'm a Mahoraga simp now, so what it doesn't have a human face and it's voice sound like dying buffalo? That thing is fascinating. Tho I've read manga, the whole fighting scene SPECIALLY THE MOMENT IT WAS SUMMONED OH MY GOD it gave me goosebumps. Damn! ☕Sukuna be cooking fr, I'm starting to get a gist of how powerful Sukuna is and honestly? It's really (I'll have to admit) attractive (I'm not a Sukuna simp so far, but about future we never know right? ;)) and fascinating too like gahdayum.
I think I should stop now.
As always I really appreciate your patience for sitting through this long ass message. Have a good day Jordie!! :D
i have not watched the new ep yet, but i have read the manga so i am (sorta) prepared for what’s coming. i will get back to you on simping over mahoraga………. i’ll get back to u
ngl tho i do simp for sukuna yeah he sucks he should die but to that i say grow up he’s hot sometimes okayyyyy i’m just a girl
cannot wait to see megumi finally get to summon mahoraga tho he’s been holding it back for so long 💀
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ferinawrites · 1 year
London Day 2 : Camden Town
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Among the very, very selected songs I love from Ellie Goulding, I love her particular song called "Flux". I always pop it on Spotify when I am feeling heavy and weirdly need a heavier song to top the damning feeling of heaviness. It's a song about the lingering feeling of loving someone after the relationship and the question of what if's? And the chorus goes like this...
"Would you be taking me higher? Would we be living as liars? I wanna know, I wanna know Would we be living in Camden? Getting a ticket to your band? I wanna know, I wanna know
I always wondered, where is Camden? And why Camden?
I didn't realize where Camden was until I traveled to London last year. Thanks to Pinterest recos, I learned that Camden Town in London is an iconic place for street market, music venues, and a brewing pot for alternative culture. The song makes sense why Camden was even mentioned. Seems like a place for hipsters and musicians aspiring to get into the London scene. I reckoned the song was dedicated to a past lover who was a musician finding his way in the music scene. But mainly for me, I saw Camden mainly for its street food culture.
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You know your in Camden Town when you are greeted by a crowded street with a chaotic splash of colors. You've finally arrived at the street market. Almost everybody you meet are dressed up to express their mood, their taste in music, their lifestyle, to represent where they come from, their gender identity, their ethnicity. It is a Camden culture one cannot miss.
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Food is everywhere. Literally everywhere you turn your head is a food stall of all sorts! I mean, I can say that about London in general. But Camden is basically famous for their street food joints. It is so diverse that it has every kind of food for literally, everybody!
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First stop was this Middle Eastern shop called Sesam Me that sells halva. You'd know that these shops are so immune to curious tourists because they welcomed us so warmly and let us taste almost all of their blocks of displayed halvas. Even if we really had no plans to buy, they let us taste test anyways. I have to say, the dessert was so good! It was unlike anything I've tasted before. But we wouldn’t dare pack these crumbly desserts in our luggages. Nope.
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We got to Camden really late so by the time we decided to eat, most of the shops were already starting to pack up. So we ended up eating chow mein with korean fried chicken which we thought were too salty for our taste. I ended up not eating the whole thing. I thought it was just my taste buds that got used to mildly seasoned foods from the nordics, but really, even the indian food we ordered from another stall was waaaay to salty. The lesson is, if you got the last orders before the kiosks close down, chances are, you get the saltiest parts of the cauldron where the salt at the bottom settled! Haha.
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Over all, I think Camden is a great place to hang especially when meeting friends or meeting unfamiliar faces. I got to make friends while standing in line for chow mein. So I offered the vacant seats to this group of people who moved from Denmark and somehow settled in London. Don't aske me how I started the conversation with them. Let's say it started with me telling them I wished had five stomachs... and the rest was history. We ended up sharing this glass dome with them. The glass domes were like pods scattered everywhere where people could sit and eat. They were cool people. Just failed to ask their instagram accounts, and I mean… it would have sounded creepy and assuming if I followed them, right?
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The sunset was not too shabby either. Besides the fact that people always warn us about pickpockets, I guess Camden is worth an afternoon of just eating and chilling with a cold glass of beer and a salty kiosk food.
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janadoesstuffwrong · 3 years
Anyone ever think about how the first conversation Zuko has after betraying his uncle and siding with Azula, stepping backwards from his redemption, is with Mai. And then his last conversation before reconciling with his uncle and, through this, completing his redemption, is with Katara.
Both of these characters come over to him when he is by himself and ask after his wellbeing:
Mai: Aren't you cold?
Katara: Are you okay?
And Zuko responds to this probing in both situations by giving some variation of "not in good headspace right now"
Zuko: I've got alot on my mind.
Zuko: No I'm not okay.
He then lays out the external situation.
Zuko: It's been so long. Over three years since I was home. I wonder what's changed.
Zuko: My uncle hates me I know it. He loved and supported me in every way he could and I still turned against him.
In the first scene he's contemplating his step back. In the second he's contemplating his step forward. He goes on to pose a question to each, wondering if this is a step he'll even be able to take.
Zuko: I wonder how I've changed.
Zuko: How can I even face him?
This is where the scenes diverge. Mai reacts by yawning and voicing her disinterest, effectively shutting him down.
Mai: I just asked if you were cold I didn't ask for your whole life story. Stop worrying.
Her advice is to ignore this conflict that he's facing, just as she's doing. Notably, Zuko doesn't speak again in this scene after this. Mai also kisses him, meaning to distract him from his problems completely.
Katara has a very different approach:
Katara: Zuko, you're sorry for what you did, right?
She presses him to actually answer his question. He asked how he can face his uncle. He can face him if he wants to be better, if he's truly sorry for the things he's done. So she asks him, is he?
Zuko: More Sorry then I've been about anything in my entire life.
Katara: Then he'll forgive you. He will.
After their conversations, Mai walks away, leaving Zuko alone; Katara stays and watches Zuko enter Iroh's tent.
These conversations symbolise the difference between Zuko's old life and his new one. Mai's words mean forgetting, ignoring your mistakes and staying where you are. Katara's mean confronting your mistakes and moving on.
And if we needed any more parallels that show this, take note of the almost identical framing, specifically what each girl is seeing when they are looking at him:
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Mai is on his right. She's seeing the unscathed side of his face. The Zuko she's seeing is the same one she knew in the Fire Nation. She figuratively and literally cannot see the hurt, scarred part of Zuko. The part of him that came as a result of standing up to the Fire Nation in the first place. Mai is talking to the side of him that is on the Fire Nation's side.
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Katara is on his left, facing the scar, the scar which he told her himself represents him being seperate from the Fire Nation, seperate from what they are doing and "free to determine his own destiny".
Here, Mai represents stepping backwards. Katara represents stepping forwards.
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