#I look at Raph and literally all i can see is my older sister
plum-pitt · 6 months
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did the silly ass kinnie bingo cards for Rise
definitely feel like i’m exposing myself with these but fuck it we ball💀
anyway blank versions under the cut if you wanna give baring your soul to the internet with silly cartoon characters a try.
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i’d give credit if i could but imma be fr i found these mfs on pinterest and i don’t think i gotta tell you how much of a bitch that would be. Just know they ain’t mine.
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misteria247 · 2 years
Rise April: So Splints mentioned that you have new brothers?
Rise Donnie: In a way? Technically they're us but from another dimension, and papa has taken to them rather quickly.
Rise April: Oh?
Rise Donnie: Yeah, but mainly because they're uh......orphans.
Rise April:.........Say sike now-
Rise Donnie: I wish I could say sike but I'm being very serious. Anyways I'd like to introduce you to them seeing as how they're gonna be here for a bit. Plus they're important to me and the others and we want you to know the people who helped us.
Rise April: Alright bet! Anyone who's important to you is A-Okay in my books Dee! I'm looking forward to meeting them-
Rise Donnie and Rise April coming into the room and it's in mass chaos, 12 Raph is chasing 12 Mikey while 12 Leo has his head in his hands exhausted and 12 Donnie is just sipping on his coffee not wanting to get involved with it
Rise Donnie: Ah well this is awkward I apologize for this April-
Rise April grabbing Rise Donnie's arm and shaking him giddily, staring at the older turtles star struck
Rise April mentally: Ohmigosh they're babies, chaotic, unhinged babies. There's a short angry baby, a tired drained baby, a chipper chaotic baby and a tall exhausted baby ohmigosh ohmigosh they're literally just as out there as my boys-
Rise April looking Rise Donnie dead in the eye: I love them, can we keep them?
Rise Donnie: What-? April they're not pets-
Rise April already adopting them: They're my new little brothers now and I love them very much, unhinged tiny children whom I adore don't stop me I'm taking em-
Rise Donnie: But they already have an older sister and best friend???? Who's also an April and a Casey-
Rise April: Fuck it, adopting them too. They're all adopted I don't care no one's stopping me will love to see em try-
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Can i request a funny platonic one-shot of rottmnt of leo and his little sister? (Mutant ninja turtle too at the age of properly 10).
Plot: so the plot is about the brothers, whenever there's a long, difficult mission they're about to have, one of the brothers must stay and babysit reader because 1, splinter is old and he pass out after milk and cake (and reader knows that) and 2, of how active she is; like she literally can run for hours, jump and do flips like there's no tomorrow, and today was leo's turn.
All leo did was leaving his sister unattended form 5 to 15 minutes just to read JJ comic book while she was watching MLP, turned out she went out of the lair and if raph caught a whiff of what happened leo won't live to see the next day, so now Leo is on a crazy goose chase to hunt his sister down who was running around New York City from rooftop to rooftop and from car to car.
And trust me when i say this; his mystic power and pun jokes aren't enough to stop reader.
Portal Kombat
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Leo + gn!reader
Warnings: really bad puns, swearing, Leo centered 2nd person, this is kinda short
A/N: I don't know what it was about this, but I was having so much trouble writing this... :)
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"No one leaves. Right, Leo?" Raph gives Leo a look, eyebrows raised.
"Yes... No one leave..." Leo rolls his eyes, turning away from his older brother. Leo sighs exasperatedly. The other 3 brothers then left for patrol, leaving Leo and you at the lair. "Alright, Superstar, ready to watch My Little Pony?"
Both of you cheer as you make your way to the movie room, Splinter had already retired to bed. Leo put My Little Pony on for you, chilling on the couch with a Jupiter Jim comic. He zoned out as he read. After a while, he realized he was hungry so he sat up and put down the comic.
"Alright, Bee, time for dinner." He says, standing. "What do you wa-"
You weren't sitting where he left you anymore. He immediately ran around the lair, searching for the small turtle. He yelled your name, searching everywhere, until he saw the lair door open.
"Fuck me..." He groans. Leo quickly grabs his katanas and runs out the door. He makes his way topside and onto a roof only to see you talking with pigeons. "You know... Pigeons make terrible counselors..."
"What?" You ask looking at Leo, only to realize your mistake as a smile spread across his face.
"They can't stand the emotional bird-en." He smirks. Leo watches you, amused, as he watches you run off. He sees you jump to the next roof and quickly follows. He portals and ends up in front of you, you stop before you make it to him. "Damn... I forgot the next pun – do you have something to jog my memory?"
You quickly run away again, jumping from roof to roof. You hear Leo running behind you. You see a flash of blue and he's next to you suddenly.
"Would this be considered Portal Kombat?" He asks, laughing. You shove him and he falls into another one of his portals and is on the other side of you. "Portal Kombat II?"
"Leo!" You yell, changing directions again to get away from him. You fall through one of his portals, landing on your butt in front of him.
"Portal Kombat: Conquest!" Leo grabs your arm, pulling you up. Leo drags you back to the lair, pushing you onto the couch, a hand on his hip in disappointment. "Are you terra firma? Because you're grounded..."
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whattraintracks · 6 months
25. Laser Tag Gone Wrong - The Next Mutation
Let's take a trip to Joe's Laser Funhouse
Some thoughts on "The Good Dragon" (S1E23). I've said before Venus and Raph are besties in this show, and I stand by that, but they also give off baby sister and big brother vibes, especially in this episode. It adds an interesting perspective when they butt heads over Raph being too protective and Venus declaring she doesn't need protecting. This is true; she kicks serious shell, and Raph knows it.
ACTUALLY WAIT, DO YOU KNOW WHAT INTERPRETATION WOULD BE SO MUCH BETTER?? THEY BOTH THINK OF THEMSELF AS THE OLDER SIBLING. This is perfect. Venus was so sad when Leo said they weren't related (part of my list of things to ignore). I swear she wanted to be their mysterious, long-lost sister so bad. So I imagine she gets to New York, meets the guys, and is like, ah yes, four little brothers, how exciting I've always wanted to be a sister. But Raph, who is the protector ever, meets Venus and is like, ay sweet, baby sis acquired. You guys, I'm so big brain for this. Okay, on to the actual episode.
Brief Inexhaustive List of Ignorable Things:
every incorrect use of the term shinobi, forget the word exists in this show it will make your life easier
weird out of sync running sound effects
weirder dragon noises
the dragons do not look like dragons, they look like humans in baggy clothes, green body paint made to look vaguely like scales, and red-eye contacts
on that note Venus' plastron
don't know how I never realised this before, but there's a scene in the opening where Leo's in yellow instead of dark blue??
whatever puns you don't like, it's 70-30 for me on which land or not
My Commentary:
We open at Joe's Laser Funhouse
Raph and Venus are playing laser tag
Raph: "Oh, Venus! I'm coming for you!"
Raph could probably afford to sound a little less serial killer, but that would be boring, actually
R: "Ya mess with the best, ya fall like the rest"
Raph might just be posing
I choose to believe he is actually the laser tag champ in this version
R: "Raph rocks"
yes, you do, honey, never change
or maybe do because Venus immediately tags him
or not
not sure if she completely missed him from five feet away or if Raph did actually cheat somehow like she insinuates
R: "Want fair? See a judge"
what could you possibly know about the US judicial system
Venus: "This here town ain't big enough for the both of us"
who showed Venus a Western!! I'm not mad, I just wanna talk!!
literally the cutest thing ever
V: "Draw!"
except it's NOT Raph it's a dragon
good thing he's super dramatic and ominously inches his laser closer to Venus so that OTHER dragon can come in and knock him out
you know, the titular Good Dragon
R: "D'you know why they call them dragons? 'Cause they're a major drag"
Raph saves the day with the power of ninjutsu and puns
After two PowerPoint transitions, we arrive at the lair
obligatory Venus getting mad about it Raph rescuing her all the time
R: "Ah, quit being such a weenie, I'd've done it for anyone"
which is not inaccurate
but we know the truth, he just wants to watch his sister's back
proceeds to jack Mikey's food and leave
Quick jump over to the Dragon Lord's Lair
turns out Joe's Laser Funhouse is actually the Good Dragon's hideout
Mikey: "Hey, Raph! What's the mutatious babe up to?"
you know Raph's hovering when folks start asking him what Venus is up to
he is, in fact, just watching her meditate in this scene
yes, Mikey calls her that. no, I don't know why
I've just been reading it as a silly Mikey thing
Back to Joe's Laser Funhouse
can't believe Venus got past Raph to Joe's Laser Funhouse by herself
V: "Good doggie! Sit! Stay!"
Good Dragon v. rabid dog
R: "Ay, yo! Mei Pieh Chi!"
never mind, there he is
comes in a-shoutin', but it's really sweet that he uses her real name!
alternatively, calling her by her legal name for the full big brother effect
R: "Where you hidin', huh?"
she sneaks up on and judo-flips him
why? why not
as far as I remember, Raph is the only turtle Venus consistently chooses violence with
V: "Goo!" R: "Uh, that's boo, Venus" V: "No. When you're packing these it's 'goo'"
excuse you, Raphael, she got that colloquialism wrong on purpose
they are very physical and constantly in each other's faces in this episode, such sibling behavior
oh no, he fell for the classic made you look + mystic goo ball getaway!
R: "I've been psyched out by a peace-loving mutant!"
hilarious because she gets into and out of as many fights as he does
Raph, I hate to break it to you, but you are also a mutant
V: "Being hunted isn't so bad, trust me I know. Sometimes I even enjoy it"
girl, we need to get you some new nemeses and professional help
V: "Gee, Raphael, you see kind of angry"
metaphorically and then literally pokes the beast
see could be little or big sibling behavior, I don't know
R: "Oh, boy"
he says, after getting kicked into a dumpster and dragged away
V: "Raphael's in the trash!"
how she chooses to announce to the lair that Raph has been kicked into a dumpster and dragged away
Leo: "There's no dragon alive that Raph can't wail on"
okay, Leo's faith in him is really sweet
Donnie: "A . . ." L: "B. . ." M: "3. . ." D: "Shouldn't that have been C?"
Donnie, why do you even bother
Splinter: "Teenagers! Ugh, can't get used to them"
Splinter when nobody ever tells him anything
he's like, where are you going? where is my son???
and they just leave
PowerPoint transition to Props Props Props
that's the name of the prop warehouse Raph is being held captive in
Raph is tied up with tinsel and string lights
why would a dragon who likely has no concept of Christmas also put a star on his head?
Did Raph tell him to do it?
who knows, but Raph is very bothered by looking like a Christmas tree, and the Christmas music in the background sells it
R: "There's no shame in, uh, being good"
Raph's attempts at negotiation
unfortunately, said dragon reacts like he's been called a slur
Good Dragon: "You're my only hope . . . I'll sacrifice you to prove my loyalty"
you have been chosen
farewell, Raphael
you go on to a better place
R: "Here's the concept: you untie Raph, Raph will fight, okay?"
everyone just leaves him tied up while they have an epic fight scene
guys, please, he just wants to fight
this is like his third or fourth entreaty to be untied
V: "Merry Mutant Christmas!
as she drives a pair of dragons pulling her around on a sleigh
one is wearing a zebra mask, and the other has a sombrero that she put on them to blind them? I think?
Venus goes ham in this fight
R: "You know, I sorta liked that Good Dragon dude. He wasn't like a dragon. He was more like, uh, like a turtle!"
Raph has two categories: turtles and everyone else
if he decides you're chill, you get to be an honorary turtle
L: "Raph finally makes a friend, and it turns out to be the enemy!"
Leo, don't do him like this
this is like the fourth to last episode, he's made other friends
like Andre and the gorilla
does the baby turtle count?
Raph gets along well with animals
R: "Hey! He wasn't my friend! He was Venus' friend!"
the turtle doth protest too much, methinks
goes to sulk on the couch with his sister
jokes on him, she will not be a reprieve from the mocking
V: "Actually, I think he liked you best" R: "Oh yeah? how's that?" V: "Well, you guys have more in common . . . You're both pig-headed!"
Venus never wastes an opportunity to make fun of Raph
such big sibling energy to me
gets laughed out of the lair and goes for a ride on his . . . hog . . .
All in all, a delightful episode. Love the new insights I had about Venus and Raph's relationship. Laser tag gone wrong in the funniest way possible.
Bonus: memes for Splinter in these trying times.
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yellowhollyhock · 1 year
I noticed your fics mostly focused on the b team. I was wondering what’s your opinion on the other 2 I mean for 2003
Raph and Leo are good boys! They have such a close bond it’s like they share one mind. Raph is usually the one who’s emotionally driven and impulsive while Leo is the one who people pleases and watches their backs, but they trade off these roles more than any other set of brothers. I always saw Raph as the oldest, even after learning that canonically it’s Leo, and that’s still going to be my headcanon forever, but I think the fact that it’s so hard to tell says something about their bond. They both go to each other for advice, they both want to impress the other.
I love how Raph pushes Leo to do things that scare him. It may not always be a wholly positive thing, like when he talks him into sneaking out, but you can still see in their dynamic how they’re looking out for each other’s blind spots. Leo takes on extra concern about the rules because Raph has none. Raph is reckless because he wants Leo to let loose and worry less. The fact that he calls him Fearless gives me feelings, I’m working on a story about it but it is… in very early stages.
Some of my favorite moments are when Raph gives Leo a six for the move he did because he only has six fingers (I think this is in the episode where they meet Casey), when Splinter is missing and Leo recognizes Raph’s need to go off alone and is so nonjudgmental about it, of course when Raph helps Leo make new swords. Also Raph’s memory while Leo’s in a coma, where he’s riding the big crocodile hanging on for fear life and his (from my pov) little brother piped up with “Can I offer some strategy advice? 😀” and Raph’s like “No!” while clearly needing it. Very relatable from both ends.
Also also the City at War arc! That’s where their biggest fight is but it really shows how much they care about each other. Raph hates that Leo is blaming himself, partially because he’s worried about him but also because he and Leo do everything together and he doesn’t want to blame himself. Leo is also pretty deeply upset that they aren’t on the same page about this. It’s so interesting to me how they kinda switch roles when they’re in a bad place; a happy Leo looks for ways to avoid a fight and prioritizes protecting his family. A scared Leo goes looking for trouble. A happy Raph is ready for a fight and has confidence they can all face it together. An upset Raph withdraws to the sidelines and wonders why he should have to protect anyone besides his own family. It’s such a “when one of us acts like That the other has to act like This” and I love it.
Anyway I write mostly for Donnie and Mikey because I find them more relatable. I have two older sisters who share one soul and a little brother who can do literally anything, so I take all opportunities to project onto Donnie, especially in stories about the whole family’s dynamic. That, and it’s a bit easier to think of B Team fic plots since they don’t get as much canon attention.
Here’s my favorite Raph and Leo dialogue that I’ve written which is now part of a scrapped scene and will sadly never be posted:
Raph: Leo. I know you ain’t been acting all moody and jumpy because the colors didn’t match.
Leo: It was a wedding, Raph! The colors are supposed to match!
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akesdraws-blog · 1 year
📷 Under the Public Eye 📷
We interrupt your favorite program to announce the news of the century!
Finally our mysterious protectors of the city, our heroes, who are always there to help us from the shadows, after so many years in anonymity, will finally officially present themselves to the public!
That's right, as you've heard it.
The famous reporter Abril O'neil confirmed it exclusively, with the support of the Chief of the Police Department Rebecca Vincent.
The big reveal drove all of New York crazy.
We're going from just having snippets of fan photos to having exclusive images!
And thanks to our sponsor The Hero who defeated Destroyer, will offer a great party to welcome these mysterious heroes, that's right, we are talking about the “Fenwick Falcon”.
You can't miss it!
At the end of the announcement, only a proud Vernon was seen, since the party would be held in the old Sacks villa that Vernon bought some time ago.
Vernon. -He!, He!, And how are you? You liked it, right?- You could see the huge smile on his face.
Mikey. -Does that mean we will be officially famous? I have to practice my best side for the camera- Mikey spoke excitedly while he thought of all the poses for the camera.
Leo. -Vern, we had talked about a subtle revelation- he spoke under his breath as they massaged the wrinkle formed on his forehead.
Raph. -Yes, how did we go from something subtle to “that”?- Raph said, a little annoyed, although more than anything nervous.
Donnie. -They didn't even warn us that it would be of such magnitude- said the nerves in his voice.
April. -In my defense... They changed my words, I only talked about it with my boss, I didn't confirm anything- the redhead said a little indignantly.
Casey. -In fact... It was Rebecca who confirmed it- said the black-haired man, scratching the back of his neck a little uncomfortable.
Splinter. -I think we would have liked to have had advance notice- the old rat murmured with concern.
Literally the entire team had a small crisis because of what they had just seen.
Initially they were going to do it to be able to stop the fans who seemed to hunt them as if they were Pokemon looking for a photograph and it was extremely annoying, except for Mikey, he even posed for some and his brothers had to drag him away.
Casey. -Guys, Rebecca wants to see you, I'll send the location and she'll be waiting for us in 20 minutes- Casey announced as he looked at his phone.
Leo. -Maybe we can fix this so it's a little more...private- I considered, although he was still worried.
After what was said, all the turtles left to follow Casey from the garbage truck.
Each one thought about the reason why they had been requested, perhaps it would be a plan to be able to modify or alter the news sheet.
Although none of them expected the real reason why they had been summoned.
The meeting place was a very exclusive hotel, they entered through the parking lot and were escorted by several police officers who covered them with shields for safety.
Each of them was holding a tablet while sitting on a huge sofa, big enough for the four siblings to sit together, although they were all in a kind of shock.
Casey. -Can you repeat why the boys are here? - The black-haired man spoke, thinking that he had heard wrong a moment ago.
Rebecca. -Look, some citizens are afraid of you because they don't know them, even if they are aware of what they did for the city, what you need is to show that they can have a common coexistence- I explained as simplified as possible while looking at the turtles.
April. -And they are in a whorehouse for what reason?- asked the redhead with the older sister instinct active.
Rebecca. -The event will be in a couple of days and at that time they cannot arrive alone, no offense, April, but they need the public to see that they can coexist as any person would.
Donnie. -Yes, but... We are not like any other person- he spoke a little distressed.
Raph. -I highly doubt that anyone wants to live with any of us- this time Raph spoke, somewhat annoyed.
Rebecca. -The situation was explained to the Ladies of the place and they were shown a photograph of each one- she spoke calmly and when she saw how the turtles were going to object, she made a sign with her hand to let her finish speaking -I must say that some quickly refused, but others have accepted, the tablets that you have in your hands will show you the women who have accepted, you will choose who and how to meet them- I finish speaking waiting for the turtles' response
Mikey. -I accept!- He spoke excitedly even though she received a blow on the back of the head from Raph.
Donnie. -If we talk about that issue, it is not wrong, humans feel calmer when they can see someone of the same shape living with others, it is like those who live with other common reptiles, they foster an unconscious acceptance- he mentioned after having analyzed what was said.
Raph. -And why can't we go with April and that's it?- Raph asked, crossing his arms.
Rebecca. -We need Miss April to be in unbiased focus, so she will cover her revelation- she quickly responded to the question.
Raph. -What do you think Leo?- she asked looking at Leo who had remained silent.
Leo. -We could do it- he finally spoke, surprising everyone. -I don't like using the ladies just for an image… But I guess it's the best option-
Mikey. -Great!, Have I already told you how much I adore you brother?- He said while hugging Leo with emotion.
Rebecca. -Well, then you can look at the tablet and choose the lady who you prefer to meet with-
Donnie. -Meet?- he asked confused.
Rebecca. -Of course, I won't send them to just anyone- she replied with a slight smile.
After the boys began to look at the “Ladies of Company” catalogue, each one took their time, except Mikey who was practically jumping with excitement, they even asked April for advice on who to choose.
Who will be the turtles' lucky companions?
.• ~°•. ~•°. ~°•. ~•°. ~°•. ~•°. ~°•. ~•°. ~°•.
@post-apocalyptic-daydream . @turtle-babe83. @turtlesmakemehappy. @dilucsflame33. @thelaundrybitch. @scholastic-dragon. @leosgirl82. @tmnt-tychou.@little-bunny-in-space. @happymoonangel. @lazyafgurl. @kikithedreamerwriter. @cleos-chaos-corner .@androidships007
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
Imagine being Ronin Mikey in Eclipse Across Dimensions.
You lost your brothers, your father, you live in an apocalyptic police state run by the Footclan (who are why majority of your family are dead) with your sister and your niece. You want revenge against the Footclan's leader (you are also actively suicidal and constantly hear the voices of your dead family haunting you)
Then one day two mutant turtles literally fall from the sky. Both wearing orange masks (familiar orange masks, like the one you used to wear) they both fight with nunchucks (just like yours)
They are yelling the names of your dead brothers as they travel through the remains of your city, as if expecting an answer from the dead.
As soon as they two turtles see you, they full on CHARGE AT YOU AT FULL SPEED
You cannot escape them. They are FAST little fuckers. (And considering the fact that the smaller of the two threw an entire flying BUS at Foot Police...yeah you dont wanna tick him off.)
It doesnt take long for them to catch you. And then they are attached. Literally, you cant get them off of you. They are strong as hell.
You begrudingly head home (with the two turtles still clinging to you like leeches)
Once at home the duo start the rapid fire questions ("Have you seen our brothers?" "Raph is this tall and he's like a chihuahua!" "Donnie has a forehead bigger than Montana! You can't miss it!" "My Donnie has a gap tooth like Michael! Its more in the center so have you seen him?" "Leo is hurt really really badly but when I find him Im gonna wring his neck! So do you know where he is?" "Dark blue eyes? Twin katanas? Any tornados recently?") So you end up learning a few things.
One-The multiverse is real
Two-These turtles are alternate versions of YOU
Three-They are looking for alternate versions of your dead brothers.
Four-They have mystic powers
Five-Their brothers all got separated after the biggest deadliest fight of their lives to prevent an ACTUAL APOCALYPSE from happening. (Also one of their brothers, Leon, is most likely on the brink of death)
Its...a lot to take in.
These poor kids look exhausted, battered and injured (the younger one's hands are wrapped in bandages up to the elbows, his hands trembling nonstop, while the older one has an arm completely wrapped in a cast and a thick piece of gause covering most of his plastron) the least you can do is let them stay with you.
They take up residence in your home, claiming a pile of old pillows and blankets as their bed.
Neither of them leave each other's side. And considering everything they went through, you dont blame them.
The next week or so is spent searching New York for their missing brothers, because you will be damned if you'll let two versions of you experience the same pain and grief you did. You dont find the missing turtles.
And while the two turtles are terrifying to watch as they help you fight the Foot Police (despite the massive injuries the younger turtles have)
So eventually the two turtles leave, with sullen faces.
You feel bad for them, you really do. These poor kids are going through the worst time in their lives. Their family is missing, there was an attempt at Alien dominion, everyone is badly hurt. The entire world almost got destroyed. All in a day.
(The older Mikey gave you a cellphone shaped like a turtle shell. "If you find them or hear anything about them, please call us ok?" And then the two left)
You look through the phone's gallery (you dont go further than that) it was an older version with all the data already backed up. There are pictures, videos. Pictures of a family so similar to the one you lost, videos of eight turtles all having fun and beeing teenagers. It makes your heart ache. Your family used to look like that, before everything went to shit.
You can only hope that these two will be alright.
Then about a month later the two turtles return (in significantly better shape than before)
Maybe they found their brothers? Before you can ask they both look up at you with bright smiles on their faces.
You chat with them for a bit before...
"You're coming with us." The older one states. Its not a question, you dont have a choice.
Something's...off about them. (Maybe its the way their smiles looked strained, or how blank their eyes look.) Then you notice that their veins are jet black in color, visible on their skin all the way up to their cheeks. Its in their bloodshot eyes too, making the veins pitch black. It was unsettling.
You naturally back away, something clearly happened to these two since they left. The Mikeys approach, drawing their weapons. The smiles never leaving their faces.
You fight them, they move MUCH faster than before and they are so much stronger.
You don't stand a chance. Despite your decades of fighting and experience, your years of training, every single skill your worked hard to master.
It didn't matter.
For some reason these kids were whooping your ass into next Tuesday, every hit hurting more than the last.
It doesnt take long before your head is slammed into a wall, knocking you out cold.
The next time you wake you are tied to a surgical table, thick metal restraints keeping you pinned. You are in a lab of some kind, a dark lab that reeked of old blood an chemicals.
As you lay there struggling to free yourself you hear whistling that rings like bells. A tail being dragged across the floor, aow excited sounding growl mixing in with the two precious sounds. Theres also the click-clacking of high heels against the floor.
Four women enter the room. Three are wearing lab coats and appear to be mutants (The first one a ghostly white and lizard like, with long curling horns and four green eyes, she looks bored of you. Her hands have been replaced by what look like mutant wolf paws with claws long enough to slice your head clean off.
The second being shorter, a rosey pink colored salamander with matching green eyes, she looks mildly amused at your struggles. Bat wings that clearly do not belong on her body have been attached to her back, judging by the mystical looking band around her chest that probably lets her actually use the wings given the wire connecting to the back.
The third and tallest of the trio appears to be the most humanoid, she looked amphibious, with the webbed hands and the gills on her neck. Her skin was a dark blue, near black color covered in rainbow freckles, like water and motor oil. Her hair is black black smoke, wisping around like a snake. Her eyes are a bright red, framed by thin gold glasses. She has a massive burn scar on the right side of her face. She grins menacingly, her sharp pointy teeth glinting in the dim light)
The final woman is the shortest of all four, older looking with purple skin and wearing an expensive purple dress, blue coat with green fur. She moves her silver bangs out of her eyes before looking at you, a bright red gemstone on her chest practically glowing. She taps it, turning into a giant spider mutant.
"Hello my turtly boo!" She coos, having the audacity to boop you on the nose with her claw. "My havent you grown into a befuzzled behemoth! But so dull, where's the dazzle? The excitement?"
Oh jow you want to deck this giant spiser in the face.
She turns to the amphibian lady. "Dr. Bloodmoon, I expect this brute to be Battle Nexus ready by tomorrow night! Feel free to get as creative as your dimblely little heart desires, just make him more attention grabbing please. I need a new champion to replace the Shredder Beast after all."
The Shredder WHAT?
The amphibian smiles, her lizard assistants joining her with a sadistic look in their eyes. "Of course mother! I would be honored to create your newest champion. However I will need access to only the finest parts and materials. I'm assuming I can retrieve such things from the Nexus?"
The spider nods before leaving. "Do not disappoint me again, or you can go back to the disgusting little prison cell you were staying in!" Now you were left alone with the scientists.
The amphibian claps her hands. "We have much to do and so little time! Katrina, go retrieve a mamba scorpion stinger from the Nexus! As well as some Lycan claws and perhaps a few bat wings."
The white lizard nods before disappearing down the dark hallway.
"Anastasia, would you be a dear and fetch the bonesaw?"
"Yes Doctor." The pink lizard says, strutting over to a far shelf. The amphibian leans over you, watching as you struggle helplessly in your binds. Its like they get tighter the more you pull at them.
"When I get out of here-"
"You're going into the Battle Nexus Arena, and you will become the champion!" She suddenly grabs your face really tightly, her claws digging in your skin. "I am NOT going back to that prison cell, do you understand me? I am not going to sit there waiting to be executed because YOU refuse to cooperate. So you will do as I say or I will show you new levels of agony that would make you WISH you were dead! Am I CLEAR!" She hisses evilly while trying to crush your face like a stress ball.
"I already wish I was dead. So do your worst. Because I'm getting out of here and then your head will be rolling across the god damn floor." The woman looks shocked at your threat as her assistant returns.
The pink lizard holds up a large circular saw, probably twice the size of your head.
And it was literally made out of bones. Lovely.
"I want his liver." The pink lizard says, and you cant help but shudder.
The amphibian locks eyes with you. "You can have it, in fact you can have anything else you want besides the brain, heart and lungs." The lizard laughs, revving up the bonesaw.
"I was going to be nice and use a bit of anesthesia, but I much rather listen to your suffering." The bonesaw starts to be lowered to your exposed plastron. "Be sure to scream nice and loud so I can hear you over the saw ok?" You struggle harder in your restraints, trying desperately to break free.
As the saw comes closer and closer you can't help but think 'Is this it? Am I actually going to die like this? Without even avenging my family?'
You shut your eyes, bracing for whats to come.
It seems that even after all these years turtle luck is truly a bitch.
All you can do is hope the two Mikeys will somehow be ok.
The saw makes contact with your plastron and you can't help but scream.
It only gets worse from here.
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As a rottmnt superfan, I think it's very shameful I have not actually watched the full series. I have been trying to get myself to watch all of it for literal months, and I will finally start now.
To keep my motivation to actually watch my favorite show (wow) I will be writing down little things I like/notice/one sentence summary of each episode.
Plus I want to do the AU with the events of the show but a "little to the left" including the missing sisters, Mikey getting his deleted episodes back, ideas that couldn't be used because the show was cancelled, fandom ideas, etc. etc.
AND this is also doubling as info from each episode, so that way I don't forget anything important.
(Like I forgot Heuso existed. Who does that?)
To start -
Leo seems very unsure of himself/ is scrambling in the intro. Compared to the rest of the turtles, he seems the least sure of himself. Even the lyrics say "Leo's making a scene" while everyone else has a definite positive word associated with their character. In fact, "making a scene" definitely has the connotation of a bad thing.
Leo's insecurities are so strong that even the show agrees lol.
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(I'll just keep editing this into one really long post, and also, I need obvious stuff to be stated to me, so I'll write it down anyways.
Okie, Donnie's first words in the show are him using his science to support his brothers and be overdramatic.
April helps them all with shenanigans using her connections with all the jobs she has, and is in no way the 'responsible older sibling'
Even Raph (at least in the beginning of the series) is not that responsible in the grand scheme of things.
Also also, I want to slow down the show so I can catch every single detail, every single expression, but that would make this take too long. So I'll miss expressions they make... sad.
Donnie has tech in his shell for when April needs a ride, meaning that, again, he is constantly making tech to help others, along with his own interests.
(Also the way he flies? So overdramatic princess-y. I love him. And I can't take screenshots for some reason. Sadness. )
Also, does Mayhem have a scar on his forehead? It looks like a scar.
And Raph saying 'Aw' and wanting to save him. The precious bean. <3
Mayhem immediately goes for April out of everyone there. My headcannon is that he was sent specifically to watch the turtles and make sure Baron Draxum's experiments don't cause any havoc, so he is wary of all of them.
Also also also... the 'brushes' for the line art of the show? I'm obsessed.
They do have rehearsals for 'if they come in contact with humans'. So.... do they worry about that? Also, Donnie never goes to them. I can relate. Things I find unnecessary that I take away from my 'writing time' are things I try to avoid at all costs.
And I wish something that was cemented more in my head from the show is that the turtles constantly went on adventures with April, even before finding out about the hidden city, perhaps they wanted to be like Lou Jitsu, and I also wish there were more adventures in the hidden city afterwards.
Donnie screaming 'Fibonacci' or just being happy and showing off his tech makes me so sparkly inside.
(I'm not even five minutes into the first episode.... this might take awhile)
Donnie's tech does not work, he tries but it does not work a ton. Which I love. Our favorite/ special things not working, or just not being that great is something I relate to a lot/ want to see more in media. It's the thing we base our lives on. It HAS to be good. Otherwise, what's the point of our existence?
Yes... I kin Donnie.
Leo is incredibly fast, even from the beginning, especially for a turtle
All of Donnie's lines are immediately iconic in my brain
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Leo has murderous intent/his eye glows red for a moment. I saw a comment once that the turtles WERE created to be killing machines, and those instincts may or may not still be there. IDK, it would be fun to see Baron Draxum's original intents placed upon the turtles. Although... in my rise sisters AU.... oh I could do that.
They all try so hard to live out their fantasy, adventure, Lou Jitsu dreams. Little beans. <3
Mayhem is an agent and he is carrying a vial. Vial for what?
Mikey is the most artistic and the most mystically inclined. He notices the sign on the wall and where's he's seen it before. My artist sibling also tends to see things as they are/ find un-findable things + predict the future.
We were robbed of Mikey content
Splinter has a cabinet full of memorabilia, and the weapons they all broke in the beginning were 'priceless'
My headcannon is that the brothers understand Japanese from watching Spilnter's shows, but can't speak it. (Yes I'm projecting my own second language skills)
Donnie again tries to make things better with his tech abilities, and Raph tries to make a good plan (because he's the leader, he should be able to make plans.) But Leo already completes the mission. So he can bask in the praise.
Because Leo notices things and can plan ahead, impromptu.
Raph is super anxious about doing things right.
Mikey again, uses his 'art/mystic intuition' to open the wall.
OHMIGOSH the Hidden City looks so cool. I really really (that's two really's) there were more Hidden City episodes.
When Donnie 'insults' his brothers. ('You guys are fools') He'll say something positive about it later. ("You beautiful fools') he's basically doing /pos all the time.
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Donnie, upon finding the hidden city, says "Exactly what I expected." (At 11:37) Meaning that he is a cryptid theorist confirmed. He has theorized about the existence of mystic beings since before they found the hidden city.
(I will do another "Why Donnie dislikes mystic powers" later, because this gives me the notion that Donnie dislikes mystic powers the same way some physicists dislike quantum mechanics or the Copenhagen interpretation of it. It doesn't make sense. It contradicts and he can't figure it out, that wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for his brothers immediately getting it. In the AU, I would have an 'episode' where their mystic powers start making Donnie inconsequential. They already don't listen to him most of the time. And now his tech doesn't help anymore....
anywho that's for later, back to episode one!)
According to Donnie's calculations, they are in a 'Tertiary metaverse'.
A google search revealed nothing on that. But ..... DONNIE HAS CALCULATIONS FOR THESE SORTS OF THINGS, AAA-
And April has explored this hidden city beneath New York. I feel like, with Mikey, she's the most mystic-inclined. Something that other people in the fandom have pointed out.
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Donnie loves Draxum's lab. Specifically, the color scheme and the style. These two would get along so well.
Draxum has captured Mayhem. Supports my headcannon that Mayhem was an agent specifically sent to watch Baron Draxum and his experiments, carry on.
They are precious.
Also also, humans do not care about the existence of mystic creatures apparently. I like that tbh, makes way for better storylines.
Mayhem stole a vial from Baron Draxum. Probably to bring as 'proof' to the three heads.
hhhmmmm.... Maybe Mayhem was sent to watch Baron Draxum and his experiments, and eventually the three heads council thought that the threat was neutralized. Baron Draxum rebuilt his lab, but hasn't done anything nefarious. And no turtle has been found for a long time. (Except for the one Big Mama has, but no one dares oppose her.)
But Mayhem found a vial of ooze, enough to convict Baron Draxum of crimes, but Draxum sent his assistants after him, retrieving the vial.
Draxum's color schemes do look cool.
He mutated a human in this episode.
The turtles ARE aware they are mutants.
I love the headcannon/unexplored plot thread that Splinter was a little afraid of what his sons were: mutations meant to be killing machines. Hence the "rehearsals".
April finds things. She's crafty, knows how to use her surroundings to her advantage.
Donnie has high grade titanium, how did he get high grade titanium?
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(my headcannon is that he goes on 'shopping trips' with his siblings, mainly April, sometimes Mikey. And he steals things.)
He seems awed. At 14:41 he says "it's like mystic and science had a baby"
OKIE OKIE, here's my headcannon.
Originally Donnie was a science person (obviously) but he was like - "well there's no definite evidence that cryptids and magic AREN'T possible. I mean... black holes and quantum mechanics make no sense. Science does wild things sometimes, why can't these things exist? And you know what? I'm going to prove it!"
But then he actually SAW mystic powers and everyone else doing really well with it. Replacing him. And while his prior experiments with the crystal have led to good results in tandem with his goggles, but when he tries afterwards, it doesn't work. (Because mystic powers are based on emotions and he's frustrated.) That's weird. Science should lead to definite, predictable results.
So *character arc*
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April is literally more athletic than the turtles. She keeps landing on her feet while everyone else is in a heap.
That's it. I'm a believer in April supremacy now.
Leo is scrambling. He may be good at impromptu plans, but he struggles at the application. My personal, maybe headcannon, is that he doesn't actually like going on some of these adventures. He's not that good at them, but he will support his brothers, because of his inferiority complex
Also also, Draxum has been trying this whole time to continue his work. I'm wondering how I can work my 'He's looking for Louise' storyline. Perhaps he needs mutants to eliminate the human threat and also to save his child warrior.
Mikey gets star eyes like his older sibling :D
Baron Draxum's magic is with his vines, mechs and potions. Like alchemy. Using this for Louise reference later.
Donnie has the Bi flag in the background of any of his scene things <3
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His tech is constantly on the fritz in this episode. Mainly his tech bo. Maybe that's a newer piece? His battle shell seems to work fine. I think that may be one of his first pieces of tech, and the flying part looks like what would become Shelldon in the future.
AND, I think he gets better at making his tech in the future, while still making mistakes :D
Plus, his tech being on the fritz, makes his whole "they care more about what I can do for them than me"/needing to be useful, and fix things, mean that much more.
Also also, I'm basing above off of the fact that the siblings like his tech, but don't trust it, and they often don't exactly listen to him that often ('DONNIE NOT HELPING!') Which I feel like would hurt after some time. Also this post.
Donnie goes to his phone after his achievement of his tech bo working, he's probably documenting his success + photo archives + data points.
I've heard the hc that the brothers keep Mikey's drawings, maybe Donnie scans each one for his archives? They have a whole scrapbook?
Oh wait... that's really cute actually.
Mikey gets bored of the Villain banter really fast. Donnie wants his own world to keep working as it does and just coast along with his family while still 'spending time with them' (I can HEAVILY relate... or maybe I'm just projecting, but wanting to be in your own world while being around others is literally my whole life in a nutshell.)
I think Raph trains on his own + counts Lou Jitsu movies as training, Leo does not.
April has successfully defeated Huggin and Munnin. Clap clap.
Notes for Louise: Baron Draxum is show-offy and thinks he's 'all that' and truly bettering humanity. His lab is huge and colorful, full of alchemy experiments. He has 'bio-inspired' magic. Like plants and spiderwebs and huge fleshy gauntlets
Mikey activates his mystic powers after he gets angry at Baron Draxum for trying to hurt April. He can't really control it, but his anger activates it.
Mikey's mystic weapon is a cackling fireball gremlin that is absolutely uncontrollable. Everyone (including Donnie) thinks it's REALLY COOL
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moxfirefly · 4 years
I!! Have an request!! If you want, thats up to you! But how about the turtles have a friend (the reader) and no matter what they see hints of or how it seems she just doesnt seem to be in a relationship ever and then leo starts acting "odd" (in love) and one day michelangelo of all people catches leo and the reader in a romantic (or heated) moment! What do you think would happen? How would they handle their older brother in love? 😂 i just thought itd be a funny one-shot
Ok I’ve been wanting to tackle this for a while now and ima do my best for you friend, also I hope this reaches cause I know it’s been tough so I send you lots of love💕
Blue boi all in lovey dovey
Rated Mature (Romance but will a little sprinkle of smut) 18+ Only
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Raphael squinted his eyes.
For the past twenty-two minutes he’d been wondering what was wrong with this picture. His breakfast was getting cold and he’d even neglected to smack Mikey’s hand away when he stole a piece of bacon off his place.
Raphael took pride in his observation skills, often he noticed plenty of things in his environment but while Donatello ran commentary on it he usually kept the information to himself. He shared a room with his youngest brother so he knew any odd shift when it came to Mikey. He is very close with Donnie, spending a few sleepless nights by his side while the genius tinkered away at projects, even lending a hand here and there.
Leonardo for all of his hard headed ways and their personality clashes, he felt he knew him well enough too. The leader though, was much more guarded in his emotions which made for some difficult moments to completely gage his older brother.
You on the other hand were an open book, plenty of times he’d spent time with you, getting to know plenty of your ticks and thoughts. Raph considered you a close friend, a confidant he could turn to.
But as you all sat together for a late breakfast. Mikey inhaling his while Donnie’s overworked eyes looked into his coffee cup as if lifes answers laid there, Leo and you were just sitting there, suspiciously.
You were still in your sleep wear, Leo’s groggy movements mechanical as he ate on autopilot. You yawned reaching for a coffee refill and without command or hesitation Leo had pushed the creamer and sugar towards you, going so far to place the exact amount of both in your mug. You had given him a sweet smile, reaching a hand to thumb a crumb away from the corner of his mouth.
Raphael raised a brow ridge, well naturally that could translate to common kindness. You all knew each other, often April had in some form or shape probably done something similar. He poked a few pieces of eggs into his mouth, now he was intrigued.
He picked up a few more instances where his curiosities got the better of him.
For instance one afternoon while you were over he had decided to gather info. Raphael had kitchen duty and you had stuck around to help him out. “What’s up with you?” A common not so invasive question, you shrugged. “Same old, same old” You gathered plates to set the table. Raphael kept his gaze at the task at hand, cutting tomatoes for the sauce he was preparing. “Yeah but have you done anything? Gone out with friends? Maybe found your future husband?” He chuckled even more so when you nudged him with an elbow. “A forget you have a sense humor under all that angst” Raph smiled, the two of you often bickered Iike this.
Truth be told you had never mentioned a boyfriend or a girlfriend, the subject was never really breached. With the amount of time you spent in the sewers with them it never came up if you had some partner or if you even were dating. Raphael added the tomatoes into a pot, you joined his side ready to help with more cutting of condiments.
Then Leo arrived and he felt the air shift, he peaked a glance at you, a small smile playing on your lips. Leo in turn greeting the two of you before he made his way towards the fridge to retrieve something to drink. “Want something?” He asked from the fridge and honest to God Raph was very sure he wasn’t asking him. You nodded extending a hand for the soda he gave you, he leaned against the fridge and chatted you up as nonchalant as ever.
Nothing in the small chat raised any flags, Raph’s sauce almost burning from how intently he was concentrating of quite literally eavesdropping on you two. You laughed at something he mentioned, that was bizarre because Leo was seriously not even funny but he could be biased on that end.
“Your hair looks pretty that way” Leo spoke, a tad bit shyly. Raph stirred the sauce, brow ridges shooting up, ‘real smooth big bro’ he couldn’t help but think. Then again he had probably at some point told April the same thing, well they all had commented on April being pretty in all manners of ways.
But this felt just the taddest bit different?
He excused himself having to get back to whatever he was doing. Raph squatted to get something from the bottom cupboards, he didn’t miss the blush on your cheeks.
“Yer hair does look nice like that” He tested, you beamed brightly at him. “Thank you, you’re very sweet when you put your heart into it” She teased smacking a hand towel at him.
Inconclusive results.
For now.
This stupid notion continued to bother Raphael, curiosity would kill the turtle in this case. He wanted to know if truly something was amiss there and you both being friends he wondered why you just hadn’t flat out told him what was up. Nevertheless he couldn’t drop the bomb on you, you could be motorfide or maybe deny it to high hell. Asking Leonardo was out of the question, he sure as hell wouldn’t say a thing.
So Raphael kept his gaze glued as you parted ways for the night. You gave a hug and kiss to everybody, quite normal for your loving nature. He got his hug and kiss, so did Donnie, April and Mikey. Once you landed on Leo you did the same.
He could’ve sworn you lingered a little more, going so far as to whisper something to him because Leo gave a little huff of a laughter and smiled. He definitely slid his hand away from your lower back quite slowly.
Maybe, just maybe...
One patrol night he got stuck with Leo while Mikey and Donnie were doing rounds on the truck. They were scouting out a bank that was rumored to be hit soon by a group of robbers. Raph didn’t mention you, in fact he patiently waited for these robbers to possibly show up.
Something vibrated and his gaze landed on Leo who was reaching a hand into his pocket to pull out his phone. His concentrated and serious featured softening with whatever he read on the screen. He typed back something quick, shaking his head from whatever image or words or whatever had been provoked out of him. “Everything good?” Raphael asked, Leo nodded as if back to ‘normal’ and that absolutely was suspicious in his book.
That night didn’t yield any resolution and honestly it’s around this time that Raph regrets this little task that had occupied his time. He had originally decided to leave it as inconclusive, at some point You two dummies had to say or do something. He had been rummaging his room for his hand wraps, more than ready to get his nightly workout in order. When he had come up empty handed he exited towards Leo’s room, he always had them which annoyed the red banded brute.
His first mistake was not knocking or making his incoming presence known. A rookie mistake considering he lived with three young adult brothers.
His second mistake was just barging in like he owned the place. An annoyed “Jesus Leo quick taking my shit” spewing out of him.
If mistakes One and Two had been adverted he wouldn’t be standing here, wide eyed and frozen.
Because he really didn’t need to see his brother stark ass naked on top of his best friend who he basically considered a little sister, equally naked to boot. There was a solid fifteen seconds where Raphael didn’t know if he running out was the best option, mumbling a ‘shit my bad’ was better or if covering his eyes and screaming at his brother that he better be a gentlemen to you cause you’re a great gal.
Leonardo’s hands cupped your exposed breast for modesty sake, the need for the ground to dramatically open up and swallow him whole heavy in his mind. You had squeaked when Raph barged in, hands super glued to Leo’s rear and god why couldn’t you scream and let go and scream some more.
Raphael finally turned around, an embarrassed heat breaking over his body as he groaned in disgust. “Shit fuck, sorry sorry! I didn’t see shit!” Oh but he did and oh did he crave bleach. “Raph get out! This is why you knock!” Leo chucked a pillow at his brothers shell. You had finally let go of Leo’s rear, covering your face in mortification. “Hang a sock or something outside then!! I can’t read minds!” Raph bellowed.
Mistake number 3 happened because Raphael was a drama Queen through and through and the shouting only helped to alert his brothers towards the room.
“Can you two not fight for five whole minu-OH GOD SORRY!” Donatalleo had exited as quickly as he had approached the room. Mikey thankfully barely saw anything since Raph and Donnie yanked him out which Leo was thankful, he knew Mikey would never let this situation go.
A very quiet hour passed by.
Nobody wanting to say anything. Mikey had left for the tunnels to skateboard for a while. Donnie had thrown himself into truck repairs not even wanting to discuss what his eyes had briefly seen.
And Raphael had sat on the couch, every few minutes making a face whenever his brain decided to bring back the nights events. He heard movement from Leo’s room, the small pitter patter that belonged to your feet. Raph kept his gaze down, whatever playing on the tv long forgotten, he saw your feet when they tentatively approached the couch.
“Um Raph” Your tone was hushed.
“Didn’t see anything, matter of fact nothing happened” Raph grabbed the remote, you sat down and sighed. “Listen you weren’t the one with your tits out here” You crossed your arms grumbling, Raph almost chortled but then he remembered Leo and simply made a face.
“Why didn’t you tell me you and him were a thing? We’re friends, I mean you can do better but you know” He smiled when he felt your elbow smack his arm. “He’s really nice don’t be so mean” You sat back on the corner, Raph looked at you, you were wearing an oversized shirt clearly spending the night.
“Sorry for ah, not knocking” Raph spoke softly.
“Sorry for no telling you I had it bad for your brother” You smirked, enjoying Raph’s disgruntled expression.
You scooted close and hugged his massive arm, Raph smiled. “He better be good to ya... and well, don’t break his heart, he’s an ass but he’s my big brother” You nodded against his arm.
You had stayed for a little before returning back to Leo’s room, the leader was reading on his bed but quickly looked up when you came in. “Everything alright?” He asked tentatively. You nodded climbing into bed and in between his legs to lay on him. “We could’ve so gone a better way telling everybody, at least it’s out and we can just be ourselves” You rested against him, Leo’s chin a top your head.
He wrapped his arms tightly around you and smiled. “I’m never living this down but I’m happy we can just be ourselves” He poked your sides earning an earnest squeal from you.
Outside Raphael could hear the quiet giggling and laughter. He was happy for the two of you, it made sense.
Mikey walked in, board in hand and sweaty from skating for hours.
“So Leo loses his V card first, huh brah?”
Raphael groaned.
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jq37 · 3 years
The Case File – Mice and Murder Ep 1
The Case of the The Pernicious Party  
Hello, hello, hello! It’s been a hot second but your resident D20 recapper is back to tackle the newest season: Mice and Murder! Y’all had to know I wasn’t gonna sit out the murder mystery, are you kidding me???
I might be playing around with the format a bit in the coming weeks to make sure I have the best possible system for keeping track of possible clues, suspects, and theories as we untangle whatever web Brennan weaves for us this season so don’t be surprised if things change a little. 
Anyway, without further ado, onto our mystery!
In case you missed it, this season takes place in an alternate, Zootopia/Wind in the Willows-esque universe where all the characters are animals but history seems to have happened in more or less the same way--for example there was still a King Charles but he was a King Charles Spaniel (cute Brennan). Our story specifically takes place in the English village of Tufting Meadows.  
We start with Katie’s character--Gangie Green (Weasel/Thief Rogue) in the graveyard of the Anglican Chapel (Our Lady of Prayerful Paws). Gangie, we learn, is an orphan who was kicked out of the orphanage at some point for thievery. Obviously, he’s not reformed of the habit because he is here to do some graverobbing. On a nat 20 (that Katie hilariously doesn’t notice even though her total is like a 29) Gangie can see through the window of the rectory that there is a weeping window inside--Catherine McCabbage who is being (dubiously) tended to by Raph’s character, Vicar Ian Prescott (Owl/Bard, College of Eloquence). 
Ian comes from a line of men of the cloth but he’s not exactly the best speaker despite his subclass. He’s doing his best though! The widow’s husband (Conor McCabbage) died at the local mill in what has been declared an accident but she suspects foul play. She’s been hearing his voice on the wind and wants Ian’s professional opinion on whether this could be a sign from God or if her husband might be speaking to her from beyond the grave or something like that. Ian gives a very muddled and not very comforting answer but seems pretty sure that something sketchy did in fact happen. Then, he sees a crack of lightning outside which illuminates the graveyard where he gets a glimpse of Gangie. 
He goes to check it out (and Gangie fully has an elderly goat he’s dug up slung over his shoulder) but “gravedigger” is his legit job so Ian decides to assume whatever’s going on is legit and not ask too many questions. He goes back to the widow (who, before she leaves, says that maybe sometimes people need to work on God’s behalf) while Gangie takes the body Loam Hall (a massive manor, built into a hill).
We cut to the next day and our next two characters! 
At 22B Hamsted Street in a pretty well appointed home are Ally and Grant’s characters. First up, we have Lars Vandenchomp (Huge ass Doberman/Battlemaster Fighter) who is so tough looking but also so Swedish sounding--it’s A Lot (so, incredibly on brand for Ally). Lars is security for Grant’s character Sylvester Cross (Fox/Inquisitive Rogue) who is a kinda (to use Grant’s word) “foppish” Sherlock Holmes type. He was hired by Squire William Thornwall Brockhollow to figure out what happened with Conor McCabbage (and clear him of negligence in running the mill) but he couldn’t find any evidence of any funny business, making this the only case he’s never cracked. He’s not as young or popular as he once was so this is, understandably, bumming him out. He’s even more bummed out when he realizes that William has invited him to his 60th birthday party that’s happening that night (as kind of a prop to show that he did his part in trying to solve the mystery) and Lars has already RSVP’d yes. He grudgingly agrees to go as it’s one of those asks that’s really more of a veiled demand but decides to pull the money he was paid from the bank first so he can return it and really stick it to the guy.
Finally, we cut to our last set of PCs who are on their way to Tufting Meadows via a very luxurious train. Inside are Sam and Rekha’s characters! Sam is Buckster $ Boyd (Peccary which is like a small boar/Mastermind Rouge) a Texan Oil Tycoon who acts exactly how you’d expect a Texan Oil Pig to act. Yes, you pronounce the dollar sign as “dollar sign” (even though as we find out later his middle name is Cassius so it’s like Cash which I think is super cool). With him is Rekha’s character, Daisy D'umpstaire (Raccoon/Assassin (???) Rogue another American (from South Carolina) though it seems she’s My Fair Lady’d herself into an upper class socialite (her last name was previously Dumpster). They’re traveling with their accountant, an Armadillo named Armond who seems kinda skittish and concerned about their travel expenses but Buck tells him that to make money you gotta spend money and they’re gonna make a *ton* of money on this trip. They’re also so so mean to him for absolutely no reason. 
When the train stops, they’re greeted by Templeton Padhop (a frog, natch) who is the chauffeur of Loan Hall, sent to fetch them. A wheel on his car is broken so he joins in on the Armond abuse immediately and has Armond roll into an Armadillo ball and replace it. Poor guy. When they show up they're greeted by a footman--a pug in a bowler hat named Milo Snout.
Meanwhile, Lars and Sly (Oh, Sly fox, I see what you did there Grant) are similarly greeted by another footman--a lizard named Basil Baskins. On a 23 perception check, Lars sees that Jeremy “Jez” Brockhollow is inside (the son of William who is a badger btw) and also clocks Gangie (who they know as a career criminal who disappeared like a year ago). Gangie doesn’t notice Lars though. 
Ian, who is also invited, shows up at about the same time as Sly but very quickly, the conversation is taken over by Lucretia “Lucy” Brockhollow, William’s older, eccentric sister who immediately gets into it with Lars about astrology and the occult (she thinks bad stuff is happening because of a curse let loose when Sly’s old rival--a rabbit named Fletcher Cottonbottom who is the son of his former employer--opened an Egyptian tomb). They’re thick as thieves right away because Ally is a nonsense magnet. And not like a regular magnet, one of those big electromagnets. 
Daisy and Buck spot William’s kids--the aforementioned Jez and his older sister Constance--along with their husbands Dr. Corbin Magpie (Constance’s and obv a magpie and a doctor) and Osmond Sheffield (Jez’s who is a Ram and a lawyer). Daisy is too stuck in her conversation with a truly unhinged squirrel (Lady Eugenia Bristlebrush who clearly does not know she’s in a murder mystery because she just keeps talking about how much she hates and wants to kill everyone) to hear what’s going on but she indicates the conversation to Buck who is able to eavesdrop and hear that they’re lamenting that Catherine--the widow--RSVP’d no which is gonna look really bad, like they didn’t invite her (bad PR). 
Buck, introducing himself as a business partner of William, eases into a conversation with the husbands which their respective spouses also join into and we learn that Buck's dad was British and a friend of Willian’s. Buck bonds with Jez (who is a bit of a dilettante) really quickly since Buck is ready to go drinks-wise immediately (and there’s a stellar pun about the “American [Drinking] Constitution''). Through the window, Buck notices Gangie outside getting his attention. 
At the same time, Ian is going from party guest to party guest, giving out the penances he forgot to earlier at church (as one does). We see him talking to the Lord and Lady Bramble (a cow and hedgehog, respectively) and while she wants to pray her way out of situations without doing any legwork, he wants to buy his way out and gives Ian 250 pounds. A frustrating but financially lucrative conversation.  
Buck goes outside to talk to Gangie who has a list of names of the bodies he’s been collecting. We’re not told what Buck is doing but it seems that this list is extremely valuable to him in some way. Gangie (who Buck keeps calling Gangly, to his annoyance) pays him handsomely (like, with a 50% tip) for the list (and Gangie gives him the real list, despite Brennan saying he didn’t have to). We also learn that Gangie has allegedly been getting the orders from someone in Loa Hall and they flow from William himself.
Matilda Molesly (a mole and the head maid) invites Gangie to come in from the rain--she’s the only person who’s been consistently nice to him and he agrees to come in for tea and scones. 
Everyone is ushered together by the butler (because of course there’s a butler--he’s quite literally a fancy rat named Thomas Gilfoyle) and William gives a speech where he wishes Conor well and kinda highlights that he did hire Sly to solve the case in a “Hey, I did my bit don’t blame me” kind of way. He also makes a 150k pound donation to the church (and Ian thought 250 was good) and tells his daughter not to read the praise he got for it from the cardinal when she mentions it (I wonder if that was choreographed). Sly interrupts the speech to “magnanimously” give his money back, to William’s annoyance. Buck notices that Lawrence Longfoot (a nouveau rich, rabbit photographer) takes a pic of the scene but with Sly in the foreground and William in the background. 
Then, a few things happen at once (in a very cinematic way):
As the camera flashes, Mrs. Molesly drops her tray, eyes hurt by the light. Lady Calliope Fawnbrooke (Deer, Matron of the Arts) helps her up.
In the moment of dark, after the flash goes away, the butler disappears. 
Buck thinks he sees a shape through the window, out in the rain. 
A cheer goes up for Sly for returning the money but all Sly can focus on is one figure he recognizes in the back of the room. Daisy, who is downing her drink and not cheering for him. He downs his as well, and looks at her until she breaks the stare and leaves the room. 
And this episode doesn’t end with a dead body like I thought, but with a flashback to a younger Sylvester, 12 years ago when he first met Daisy.
Case Notes
Here is a compilation of all the characters (PCs and NPCs introduced in this episode). 
Sly mentions that Ignatius Cottonbottom faked his own death as a part of some scheme which seems like a backstory point that might come back later--we now know that there exists a way to convincingly fake your own death in this world. 
Sly walks with a walking stick because of some “mysterious accident” but we’re jumping into a flashback next week so it looks like we might find out about it pretty soon. 
Sly also mentions he used to be the personal physician to the elder Cottonbottom so those are skills he has. I wonder if that’ll be useful to this healer-less party. I wonder if cleric was even an option in this world which seems to be low to no magic. It would explain by Ian is a bad and not a cleric. 
Lars has a military background which I wanted to mention in case it becomes relevant later. 
And Dr. Magpie grew up poor and still acts it a bit even though he married a very rich woman. Brennan uses the very good line, “He forces his body into the shape of an apology”
This might be a really deep cut reference but did anyone else here was the old Britcom “Keeping Up Appearances”? Cause I was getting serious Bouquet/Bucket energy from Daisy. 
This is an all College Humor season and it shows. The energy of 6 (7 if you count Brennan) top notch comedians sparking off of each other, trying to one up each other is off the charts. Some of the best bits this episode:
“When God closes every door but one, you go through the door that is open.” followed by “I’m an owl by the way.”
“Time is money, here’s both” from Buck re his inscribed gold pocket watch--everyone at the table loved that so much and they’re right. 
Armond going from being a third to a fourth wheel. 
And the names--I already shouted out a ton on the main recap but also a rat butler (like Rhett Butler) and naming the mouse Cat(therine). Can’t forget Gangie Green/gangrene from Katie. Also points to Ally for the data stealing Eel Musk which broke Brennan a little. 
I know we just went through this with Crown of Candy but what are these animals eating? Like, in Zootopia there were only mammals so we can assume the carnivores are eating like birds and fish but there are sentient birds here. I know this isn’t important. I’m not trying to do a CinemaSins gotcha. I just wonder, you know?
Y’all were waiting for all the lights to go out during that speech and then come back on and there’d be a body too, right?
If Brennan makes the bad guy a chicken or a duck or something so he can make a “fowl play” joke, he is cordially invited to catch these hands. 
I have been waiting for Raph and Katie to do D20 forever. Their specific brand of nonsense on Rank Room was always amazing. 
I love love love that Grant and Rekha are the PCs that have ~a past~ because they are so funny together. If you haven’t seen their episode of Game Changers, you absolutely must (it’s also a murder mystery actually!). 
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kittypancake · 4 years
About Rise of the TMNT - Long Post (sorry, but I need to geek out)
I always kinda liked the tmnt series, though I was always teased and bullied about it. So I never really...watch a lot of it, unless I could find a way to do it secretly. Now that I’m older, I realized something. I can watch whatever I want, whenever I want! I have a lot to catch up on, but my internalized fear from all the bullying has kinda been hard to get passed. I haven’t watched the shows I wanted to, holding it off for “tomorrow”, yet never following through.
Then a couple months ago I saw some fan art for a series called Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I had no clue about the show! I didn’t know they made another Tmnt after the 2012 version! I was shocked, but also hopeful. Maybe I could watch it, start off fresh with a series that isn’t full of hurtful memories.
Let me tell you, it was not easy. I didn’t know where to watch it! I don’t have cable, nor do I know anyone who has cable. So no Nickelodeon or NickToons. I heard it was in Netflix, so I asked my sister if I could use her account to check. Not there. I was feeling really frustrated at that point. I wanted to watch this show so badly, and the more fan art I saw (because let’s be real, I didn’t see any sort of advertising for this), the more excited I was.
I loved the designs! They all looked different, more than ever! Each being a different kind of turtle, and Raphael was the leader? How would that change the dynamic? I wanted to know!
After searching for so long, I finally found Philo. It’s...not that good honestly. It’s like $20! But I was desperate and willing to pay to watch just this one show.
And I’m glad I did! It’s amazing! I fell in love. Usually, I only really liked Leonardo. To me, he always seemed awesome. Raphael...he always scared me. I have a deep seated fear for anyone who is aggressive, yells, and shows anger. And Raphael was ANGER. He terrified me. Donatello was alright, I liked how smart he is but he felt...one note and super creepy to me in the 2012 version. Michelangelo was pretty neat, he was the goofball. But he was always played off as the dumb one, the one who accidentally succeeded and couldn’t be serious. That’s not bad, he and Donnie were alright to me.
In Rise, though, it was so much more. Leo is a teen! He’s snarky, punny, smart, and just loves his brothers so much. They are his strength, and it shows. He’s insecure, he’s more than “fearless leader, splinter jr”. He’s neon Leon! You can tell he loves his brothers, more than any other interation before this. Leonardo of the before times has always been a bit too detached, cold in a way. He was isolated, but now he can just be more relaxed. Spend more time with his bros, find things he loves to do. And he’s still a nerd! I love that. Plus he’s not oldest!!! He’s like...maybe second youngest, and I just aaaaaaaaaaaa.
Raph? He’s a sweetheart!~ A gentle giant who could and will hug all his brothers at once. He tries his best as leader, but still has the “I will punch first” mentality, but he doesn’t scare me. He’s there for his brothers, maybe too much so he tries to step back a bit to help them be more independent. He’s literally their mother hen now, and he’s good at it. For once, I can honestly say I love Raphael.
Donnie is a riot, I love what they did with him. He’s the funny one! He’s smart, yes, but he’s confident (in his knowledge) now. He’s fun, he’s adorable (do I need to remind everyone of the basketball flashback of him? That’s cute and relatable), and he loves to dance! You can tell, not even by his bootyyyshaker9000 name, but by how he moves throughout the series. He builds so much for his family as well, giving them gifts that he thinks would be helpful, but they also blow up in his face too and that’s kinda humbling to know he’s not a perfect genius all the time. He tries to hold in emotions, but we see them come out and it’s just nice to see. He’s a sassy guy, and I love him.
Mikey, oh my gosh, he’s perfect. He’s still a ray of sunshine, but he’s more! He has more to him now, he has sides to him to help him be helpful both emotionally and with strength. Dr Feelings is there to be the shoulder everyone could go to, Dr Delicate Touch will crush you and not even blink while doing so. He can still be a prankster, but now it feels like he’s more. And I love his interactions with his brothers. I feel like him and Leo get in a bunch of shenanigans, him and Donnie go on a lot of adventures, and Raph and him can bond though he wants to not be treated like a baby. Did I mention he’s awesome? He’s awesome, throwing around trucks and stuff like nothing!
Don’t even get me started on the rest of the characters or I will ramble on for an eternity because of how much I love them. Even the bad guys! I’ve never liked the bad guys before but Draxum? Warren Stone? The SHREDDER? I love them so much, for character design and story. For how it’s not always as it seems, for the redemptions. Splinters development was fun to experience too. Having a positive message where a parent can do wrong and actually apologize to their kids for it? We need more of that! I’m slipping into a rant. Short of it, April, Sunita, Foot Recruit, Casey, Foot clan, Big Mama, I love them all.
I’m very upset that we didn’t get to see the story as the Rottmnt crew wanted, missing what was it? 13 episodes? And one of them was a turtle tots! Another with Draxum and Raph bonding!! More time with Karai! That’s messed up.
I want to experience more. I want to get lost in their world more, l want to be happy.
Because that’s what this show is for me. It makes me happy, in a time where my depression just keeps attacking me constantly. Where there’s fear outside, where I’m not motivated to do anything, even drawing which is something I love. I got lost in the mystic world of Rise. In the characters, the awesome animation, the wonderfully beautiful scenery and story. The silliness actually made me laugh out loud multiple times, and it felt amazing. Still feels amazing every time I can rewatch. It helped me cry, and not feel alone. Because sometimes you really need to get those tears out.
I want so badly for this show to continue. To rewind and give us those missing episodes, to continue afterwards.
This isn’t even all I want to say, but it’s hard to put into words how I feel for this show. And I shouldn’t make this any longer. Thank you to the people in this fandom, for the Rottmnt crew, and for anyone else listening. I strongly recommend you give this show a watch and support it in anyway you can.
@nickelodeon @tmnt
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webrokethe4thwall · 4 years
Venus in the City
A request from @rottmntrulesall for their Little Sister Venus AU. I highly recommend you check their blog out!
After begging and pleading with Splinter, the Turtles and April had finally convinced him to let them take Venus for a ride in the Turtle Tank. Venus fussed only a little as Donnie strapped her into a car seat that he had made especially for her before squealing in delight as the tank roared into life. Her older siblings smiled fondly at the happy noises she made.
“You like that, Venus?” Raph asked, carefully driving through traffic. “You like riding in the Turtle Tank?”
“Yeah!” April cheered in a high pitched voice, waving both of Venus’s arms in the air and pulling a giggle out of the Indian Tent turtle.
Venus’s eyes shone happily. The buildings were moving so fast, and her chair would bump and rattle in the most fun way! This was great!
“Wait, was that—” Donnie started as he squinted out the window.
Suddenly, the Turtle tank swerved as the Foot Lieutenant, Foot Brute, and Foot Recruit landed on the hood.
“Turtles!” Foot Lieutenant rasped. “Prepare for defeat!”
“Oh, come on!” Leo groaned. “Can’t we go for one drive without some bozos ruining everything? How’re we gonna deal with these guys with Venus here?!”
“Like this!” Donnie flipped a switch, and Venus was pulled into the back of the tank and encased by a clear dome. “That bubble is made of a highly damage-resistant material that will keep Venus safe while we deal with these jerks.”
“Don’t worry, Venus,” Mikey comforted the confused baby as their siblings rushed out of the tank. “We’ll be back soon. Just sit tight!”
And like that, Venus was alone in a bubble in the Turtle Tank as the teenagers battled the Foot Clan just out of her sight. The baby chewed on her teal ribbon tail for a little while before growing bored. Venus didn’t want to be in her chair anymore. She wanted out!
A moment later, Venus felt herself slipping free of her car seat, out of the bubble, and through the Turtle Tank’s floor. Her brothers and sister were still in heavy combat though, and the baby didn’t like how loud they were being. Closing her eyes and crawling forward, Venus slipped through dimensions to get to someplace quieter until her siblings were done fighting.
“That didn’t take very long at all,” April said as she and the Turtles climbed back into the Turtle Tank.
“I guess they didn’t restock their paper from the last time we fought them,” Raph gloated, hefting himself back into the driver’s chair.
“Let me put Venus back in her spot, then we can get rolling again,” Donnie said. Flipping another switch, the protective bubble pulled away, and the car seat returned to its original position. “Ready to go, Ve-ven-oooh, boy.”
When they all saw the empty car seat, their stress levels skyrocketed, but it could’ve just been Venus messing with them. April swiped her hand through the air just to be sure. They all shared a look and started freaking out.
“Where did Venus go?!” Mikey screamed. “She’s just a baby! What’s going to happen to our sister?!”
“Where’d yous come from?” Venus blinked her eyes open to find Repo-Mantis staring down at her. She had traveled all the way to the junkyard. “You lost or somethin’, kid? I’m not a fan of turtles runnin’ around my junkyard.”
“Baah! Puh!” Venus babbled, crawling between Repo’s legs and disappearing further into the junkyard.
“Where d’ya think your off’ta?” Repo asked, ducking to follow the baby turtle’s travel. But she was gone. She had literally disappeared. “Wha?”
Not wanting a baby mutant wandering around his place of business, Repo went to look for her. He soon found her in his electromagnet. She managed to swing the heavy machine to hang over the school bus plugging Mrs. Nubbins’ den.
“Wait, no, no, no, no!” Repo shouted, rushing towards Venus. “Not that scrapheap, kid! Stop!” Too late. The bus pulled free, and the cat-mantis was unleashed. Repo immediately about-faced and ran away from his beloved pet.
Growing bored of the purple bugman and the machinery, Venus slipped out of the electromagnet and crawled out of the junkyard. She quickly caught wind of something that smelled delicious! A yellow van topped with a T-bone steak was parked across the street. What was over there that smelled so good?
“My, my, what have we here?” Venus was lifted up by metal hands that brought her face-to-face with a smug Meat Sweats. “You’re just the ingredient I needed for my latest recipe! How fortuitous for me.”
He plopped the baby turtle into the broth heating up on the stovetop, scrapped in some chopped up veggies, and sorted out the seasonings that would “unleash the flavor” within Venus. The Indian tent turtle gurgled delightedly in what she thought was tasty-smelling bathwater. She munched on a carrot piece, splashing in the broth, when pepper suddenly dusted her snout.
“That should do it,” Meat Sweats said. As he cleared away his spices, he noticed Venus scrunching up her face. “What’s that look for? My seasoning is perfectly balanced.”
He drew closer to the pot just as Venus unleashed a powerful sneeze. The sneeze was followed by spikes shooting out of her shell, flying all over the food truck’s kitchen. Meat Sweats squealed in horror. He knocked the pan off the stovetop and out of his truck, baby turtle and all, as the spikes pinned him by his apron to the cabinets.
“Oh, rubbish,” Meat Sweats grumbled.
Venus continued to chew on the veggies remained in the pot with her after the tumble when the she was lifted up once again. This time it was orange crab pinchers that carried her into an alleyway. So many new people in one night!
“Hey, Carl, check it out! It’s one of those turtle mutants that we hate, but littler!” The crabman without pinched Venus’s cheeks. She whined in displeasure and swatted his pincher away. “This one would be way easier to eat, and she’s already in some soup!”
The crabman with hair poked Venus’s cheek and felt his heart melt like butter when she sucked on his claw. “Pass, Ben. That’d be messed up. Maybe if she was bigger.”
“Bah?” Venus questioned, releasing the claw from her jaws. Bigger? What did that “bigger” mean? Steadily, the pot she was sitting in started getting tighter. Venus’s line of sight climbed, higher than when she sat on Raph’s head! The crabmen seemed to begin to panic. The baby turtle giggled and clapped her hands as the crabmen did a silly dance in front of her.
“This is not what I meant!” Carl shouted, swinging his arms wildly as the baby turtle quickly grew to double his and his brother’s size. Ben and Carl ran in wild circles for a moment before crashing into each other hard. The shock from the impact and panic from the giant infant knocked the duo unconscious.
Venus stared at the still crabmen before shrinking down to her normal size. They weren’t doing much more than breathe at this point, and the Indian tent turtle wanted something more entertaining than that. She crawled away and soon heard the laughter of children at a playground. All those colors and kids looked fun! Venus was all set to join them when something flopped onto her head and over her eyes.
“Turtle! Prepare to taste defeat at the hands of your greatest foe, Warren Stone!” The long pink thing in a purple jacket rolled into a dramatic offensive pose before the Indian tent turtle. “I won’t hold back just because you’re a ba-argh!”
Venus gripped the worm mutant by his throat and pulled his stretchy body as far as she could. This was a great toy! She whipped Warren around like a lasso and laughed brightly at the way he yelled. He made really funny noises, too! A white dove then flew into Venus’s line of sight and made her think of the cartoons she and Mikey would watch where birds would flock around the worm and beat them up. Attention drawn away, the baby mutant dropped the mutant in her hands and followed the dove.
“Where are you going?!” Warren shouted after her. “I’m not done with you yet!” He was then surrounded by a flock of large pigeons that had materialized out of thin air. “Or maybe I am.” The flock proceeded to attack the worm mutant. “Aaagh!”
Venus followed the dove for a few blocks, watching it land on the broad purple shoulder of Hypno-Potamus.
“There you are! Back in the hat you go,” Hypno said. He placed the dove back in his magic hat, poofing the accessory away, and caught sight of the baby turtle. She clapped at the sight of the hat disappearing, eyes wide with wonder. “You like that trick, little lady? Wait a tic, where is your family?” He glanced up and down the empty street then shrugged. “How about a little magic show until they come along?”
At the baby’s impartial gurgling, Hypno started performing tricks for Venus. She was delighted by the multicolor hanky rope the magic hippo pulled out of nowhere. Hypno clapped his hands together, and the hanky rope had transformed into a rainbow of cards floating between his palms as he drew them apart. Hypno flinched back at how high-pitched Venus’s surprised shriek was.
Where’d the rope go?! How’d the cards fly in the air like that? Was he magic like Leo and his portals? Was she magic? She looked at her own hands, clapped them together, and opened them herself. Cards floated between her palms, just like Hypno! She was magic!
“How’d you do that?” Hypno asked, just as surprised as Venus. He smirked and snapped his cards away. “Let’s see you copy this then!” He conjured up his top hat once more, and doves rocketed out from its depths.
Venus unleashed amazed laughter. Her cards disappeared as she waved her hands towards the birds flying up into the air. However, her happiness turned to fear once the flock of doves changed directions and flew straight at the baby turtle. Scared and confused, Venus screamed at the doves and the unfortunate magic hippo behind them as well.
“Argh!” Hypno cried out. He pressed his hands onto his ears, but the baby turtle’s scream was too strong. He squeezed his eyes shut against the birds that swarmed past him, missing Venus scramble away. All he was left with was ringing ears and a sense of confusion.
Venus blinked around tearfully at the fancy hotel she somehow entered. She crawled around the front desk and sat down. She liked birds, but those had gotten way too close way too fast.
“Hey, who’s kid is this?” A bellhop asked as he rounded the desk. “She doesn’t have a cloaking broach.”
“Take her to the yokai floors,” another bellhop said. He sniffed the air around her. “And see that she gets cleaned up. She must’ve gotten into the kitchen and lost her broach somewhere along the way if her scent is anything to go by.”
“All right, little one, let’s go.”
Venus let the bellhop carry her into the elevator and was happy to get a bath for once. The broth from earlier was starting to make her scales itch. She also liked the gentle attention the funny creatures in the red suits gave her. They were almost as good as her big brothers and big sister!
“Oh, she’s so pretty in that shade of teal!” The octopus yokai who had given her a bath said, carefully bouncing her in front of the other bellhops.
“Is she one of our guests?” A fox yokai bellhop asked, letting Venus fiddle with his hand. “I don’t recall any turtle yokai staying with us. And that mask kinda reminds me of those other turtles who keep breaking in.”
“What seems to be the piddly-problem here?” A sickeningly sweet asked from behind employees.
“Big Mama!” The octopus yokai spun to face the powerful spider yokai. “We seem to have a lost guest in our midst!”
Big Mama bent down to get a better look at Venus. She was stare was intense and unwavering. The yokai holding the baby and the bellhop were starting to sweat from how long Big Mama was locking eyes with the Indian tent turtle. Then, the disguised spider yokai squealed in delight, sweeping Venus into her arms and cuddling the baby close.
“Oh, what a splendiferously precious, teedly tiny turtlely-boo!” Big Mama cooed, rubbing her cheek against Venus’s. Venus laughed as Big Mama’s hair tickled her neck. “Such sprinkly-sparkly eyes! A fantampulous giggle as lovely as her ribbon!” She pulled back and considered the child in her arms once more. “Come! Big Mama will take care of you.”
Venus burbled contentedly in the purple lady’s arms. She reminded the baby of her daddy with how she talked.
“But Big Mama, what about her family?” the bellhop asked. “Won’t they be worried about her?”
Big Mama gave the bellhop a scathing look. “If her family truly loved her, she wouldn’t be lost and causing such a fizzywinkle among my on-the-clock employees! I shall deal with this doodlie-bug’s family if they ever show up.”
Venus chewed at the end of Big Mama’s cravat, watching the other yokai shrink away from the pretty purple lady. She must’ve been tough like April and Donnie for everyone to be so scared of her. Venus loved how much attention this “Big Mama” was giving her, but she was starting to want her brothers, sister, and father the longer the lady held her. Maybe everyone was done being loud by now? She should go back to her car seat. Venus started fussing and struggling to get to the floor.
“Oh, what’s wrong, cutie-doodle?” Big Mama asked. “Don’t fuss.”
When Big Mama lifted her higher and started walking away from the other yokai, Venus began to struggle in earnest. She didn’t want to be in this fancy building anymore! She wanted her family! Put her down! She slipped, quite literally, through Big Mama’s fingers and crawled as fast as she could towards the elevator.
“What?!” Big Mama shrieked. “Catch her!”
Suddenly, bellhops galore blocked Venus’s path. The baby didn’t stop for a second before she was crawling up the walls and onto the ceiling. All of the bellhops stared up in shock at her. However, the owl bellhop shook off his surprise, leapt up, and pulled the baby mutant into his arms. The unfortunate bellhop soon found his hands full of many Venus’s piling one on top of the other until he toppled over. Each bellhop and even Big Mama caught a duplicate before she hit the ground.
“Well,” Big Mama said, obviously ruffled. “That was unexpected. Are you quite done, turtle-boo?”
That’s when the acid vomit started shooting out of every Venus’s mouth.
“Why doesn’t she have a tracker on her?” Leo yelled at Donnie. “You put a tracker on everything.”
“I wanted to!” Donnie yelled back. “But you all thought it was too extreme to put a tracker on a five-month-old!”
“Since when did you listen to us about where to put your trackers?!” Raph yelled.
This fighting was getting them nowhere. The Turtle Tank tore through the streets as the worried siblings searched for their missing little sister. They had chased of the Foot after five minutes max of combat. They had locked the tank door. Where could Venus have gone? Who could’ve been able to take her?! If it hadn’t been for sporadic dust clouds shooting up from Repo-Mantis’s Junkyard, they wouldn’t have had a clue where to start.
“Return our sister, you fiend!” Mikey demanded.
His family jumped out of the tank, armed and ready, only to see Repo dodging and running away from Mrs. Nubbins. Well… they weren’t expecting that. Repo was pretty good at keeping his beloved murder cat contained.
“Do we help him?” Leo asked slowly.
“No,” Donnie said. “This is a waste of time!”
“He might know something about Venus, though,” April countered.
“Alright, Mad Dogs,” Raph said. “Get that cat-mantis!”
One determined sibling fight later, Repo found himself on the business end of Leo’s odachi.
“Hey, bug-man,” Leo greeted. “You see a baby turtle mutant pass by?”
“That little thing was with yous guys?!” Repo yelled.
“And don’t even think about lyin—what?” Donnie asked. “You’ve seen our baby sister?!”
“Yeah,” Repo said, head lulled back. He may as well tell the kids what they wanted; they had saved his life after all. “She must’ve crawled off after letting Mrs. Nubbins out a minute ago. Came outta nowhere, that kid. Left outta nowhere, too.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” April demanded.
Muffled shouting from across the street drew the teenagers’ attention away from Repo, who took this opportunity to slip away. With their initial target gone, they went to investigate where the shouts had come from. April was the first to see the familiar food truck parked across the street. Something pointy stuck out at several spots on the outside of the truck.
“Meat Sweats!” she yelled, throwing the ajar backdoor open wide.
“Not you lot!” Meat Sweats groaned from where he hung on the wall. “One turtle disaster was enough!”
“Give us our sister!” Raph said, pulling the pig mutant free and dangling him in the air.
“That little terror is your sister?!” Meat Sweats roared. “Does the big one here shoot spikes, too?!”
“What? No,” Raph denied, lifting Meat Sweats higher. “Where’s our sister?”
“I threw her out, pot and all, when the spikes came flying at me,” Meat Sweats explained.
“We’re coming, Venus!” Leo yelled, tearing out of the food truck with his other siblings as Raph continued to hold Meat Sweats.
“Stop. Trying. To eat. My. Family!” Raph snarled in the pig mutants face before going to join the others.
Leo and Donnie were on the rooftops, looking in every direction for a hint of teal of their bubbly baby sister; Mikey and April scourged the alleys and streets for signs of Venus; and Raph patrolled in the Turtle Tank. A few moments later, the three groups converged where scraps of metal and two mutant crabmen lay uselessly in an alleyway.
Donnie prodded the mutants with his tech bo, saying, “What happened to you guys? Wait. Let me guess—you found a little turtle and she beat you up?”
The crabman with hair opened one eyestalk, saw the frustrated and near-feral teenagers looming over him and his brother, and shook his head.
“No, she got big, and my bro and I freaked out so much we knocked each other out. I thought she was gonna eat us.”
“Okay.” Donnie crouched down to look the crabman in the eyes. “First of all, she’s just a baby. Worst thing she can do to you right now is bite your exoskeletons. Second, where is she?” The crabman without hair raised a claw and wordlessly pointed towards the park across the street. “Thank you, gentlemen. You will not be eviscerated today.”
The Sando brothers cowered away from the determined children and slunk into the sewers as they crossed the street. The park was empty at the moment, so April wasn’t worried about anyone seeing the giant mutant turtles wadding through the bushes.
“Venus!” April and the others called in intervals, tearing the park upside down for their baby. “C’mon sis, where are you?”
“You guys looking for a baby turtle?” Warren Stone asked. He was chilling on a park bench, sipping a smoothie.
“Warren Stone!” April squealed. She ran up to her news anchor idol. “Do you know where our sister is? She’s got a teal mask and a pretty defined shell.”
“Yeah, she crawled that a-ways about ten minutes ago,” Warren said waving in the general direction. “Chasing a bird or something. No respect for the laws of mortal foe combat.”
“Thanks Warren! Stone-head for life!” April ran off to get her brothers. “I got a lead! Venus isn’t here anymore, but I know where she went!”
“Lead on, April!” Leo said.
April led them in the direction Warren Stone had waved in, and they soon came across Hypno. He was shouting and swinging a top hat at a flock of doves swarming over his head.
“Hypno!” Mikey shouted, wrapping the chain of his kusari-fundo around the hippo mutant. “Where’s our sister?”
“What?” Hypno shouted. “I don’t know anything about a ‘blister.’”
“I said sis-ter,” Mikey yelled. “Baby turtle mutant. Teal mask. Where?”
“Never met one,” Hypno shouted. “Why would a lady turban merchant need a flask? Speak up! I can’t really hear at the moment.”
The teenagers groaned. This was getting them nowhere!
“Did you lot happen to lose a baby turtle?” Hypno asked. “One passed by a minute ago. I gave her a magic show, but the doves scared her off.”
“Where’d our baby sister go?” Mikey yelled as clearly as he could. Hope shined in the box turtle’s eyes.
Hypno seemed to wilt from the question. “I don’t know. She let out a killer scream that took out my doves and my hearing. I didn’t see where she went.”
“That would explain the screaming-match,” Leo grumbled. “Mikey, let him go. Venus isn’t here.” But she has been causing some top-tier mischief.
Raph brought the Turtle Tank around for everyone to pile in and regroup. Now what? Hypno was their last lead to finding Venus, and he didn’t know where she crawled off to. How did her screaming make the hippo mutant go that hard of hearing anyway? Sure, the baby had a loud voice but not loud enough to make someone go near-deaf. Right?
“Now what, team?” Raph asked. “Where do we look next?”
“Well,” Donnie started. Then explosions erupted from the Nexus Hotel in the distance.
“FOLLOW THE CHAOS!!!” April shouted.
Moments later, the Turtle fam burst into Big Mama’s hotel, weapons drawn and ready to take on the spider yokai. The sight that greeted them was not what they expected from the usually put-together criminal boss. Small fires lit up parts of the lobby and stairs, yokai and humans alike were either flopped over broken furniture unconscious or shaking in absolute terror. A yokai ran from one end of the room to the other screaming his head off.
“What happened here?” Leo asked, lowering his sword.
“I don’t know,” Donnie said, looking at his wrist scanner and typing on it. “I’ll hack into the security feeds; you guys keep an eye open for—”
Big Mama chose that moment to leave the elevator in giant yokai spider form. The first thing the Turtle fam did was pull into a tighter circle, defending Donnie as he reviewed the hacked feeds. They noted how she looked, well, battered, bruised, and burned. Big Mama looked at the teenagers with six tired eyes, down at her thick arms, then back at the teenagers. She slowly walked towards them.
“Does this belong to you?” she asked, voice wavering from exhaustion.
Extending her arms, Venus dangled from her hands.
“Venus!” They all cried.
Raph carefully took Venus into his arms and backed his entire family as far away from Big Mama as he could. His siblings launched themselves onto his arms, kissing and cooing at the baby turtle warbling happily back at them. Before they could interrogate the spider yokai about how she got her claws on their precious baby sister, Big Mama passed out less than gracefully in her lobby.
Raph quickly carried his family back to the Turtle Tank where they continued to fawn over their baby sister, relieved to have her back and taking turns holding her close. Donnie held Venus very carefully. She had somehow gotten out of one of his inventions specially designed to protect her, and he took it personally. How had it happened?
“Let’s see how you got into Big Mama’s hands, shall we?” Donnie said, passing Venus off to April and hooking up his gauntlet to the tank’s display screen.
As the security feed played out, the Turtle fam watched with increasing shock as their baby sister all but destroyed the Nexus Hotel. From the very moment that she went intangible in Big Mama’s arms, to crawling up onto the ceiling, duplicating, and puking up acid, the teens couldn’t look away. Then things really got weird.
Venus screamed in the arms of every bellhop that held her, causing them to drop the duplicates to cover their ears. Big Mama wasn’t so lucky. She held the original baby turtle. Big Mama had to transform into her yokai form in order to cover her ears and not drop the baby.
“Hush, cutie-doodle!” Big Mama tried to soothe the child.
No! Venus didn’t want the spider lady anymore. Maybe if they couldn’t see her, they’d leave her alone. Leo played peekaboo with her all the time. Maybe the same rules applied? Venus covered her eyes and held as still as possible. She heard a gasp of surprise and suddenly felt her bottom hit the ground.
“Where’d she go?” a bellhop asked.
“I don’t know,” Big Mama replied. “She was right here! Find her!”
Venus crawled away as the bellhops and Big Mama waved the air around the ground searching for her. She made it to the elevator right as it was closing before becoming visible again.
“There she is! How’d she get in the elevator?!” a yokai yelled out.
The crowd tried to get to the baby turtle, but the doors had already closed. Venus blinked. She looked around the box-like room she was in. How did these things work again? She spotted the shiny panel of buttons and made grabby hands at them. They were too high up! The Indian tent turtle’s line of sight was soon above the panel of buttons. She could totally reach them now! Venus slapped the panel happily. The room felt like it was moving.
When the doors opened again, there were bellhops waiting. They, unfortunately, were not expecting the little baby to have grown to be bigger than their employer. Venus mowed them down as she crawled into the hallway. She found a stairwell and wandered her way down a few flights before shrinking down again.
The door was too heavy for her small body to open. However, she didn’t hesitate to crawl right through the wall to the other side, which just so happened to be a fish tank. Venus loved swimming! She followed the exotic fish in the tank for a minute or two, completely missing the looks of horror guests and employees alike gave her for how long she was in there. What? It wasn’t like she was gonna run out of air. She did this all the time at home.
“There you are!” Big Mama cheered, scooping the baby turtle out of the water tank. “Oh, now you’re all sobbled! Come, dear, let Big Mama dry you off.”
Oh, not this lady again! Venus huffed and puffed, struggling to get out of the gentle but firm grip. Then, she felt something shoot out of her shell. Screaming rang out around her, and Big Mama gasped. Venus looked around and saw several spikes impaling pillars and pining people to the walls. The baby clapped, clearly enjoying the silly poses the yokai had struck to avoid the spikes.
“That’s quite enough of that,” Big Mama admonished. Neither yokai nor baby noticed the pillar behind them starting to fall over. “I’ve had enough fizzywinkles in my hotel today, thank you.”
The pillar groaned and slammed on top of the two females. The bellhops rushed to lift the pillar from Big Mama, who was banged and bruised from its weight, but Venus was perfectly fine. Her scales had formed into a silver armor, leaving a baby turtle shaped hole in the raised column.
Then, a fire started from one of the spikes slicing through an electrical outlet. Everyone started screaming and running. Venus started crawling away again. And—
Donnie shut of the video feed. He, Raph, Leo, Mikey, and April stared at Venus in shock. Raph quickly drove them home. After the teens all gathered in the living room, they collapsed into a heap of exhaustion, stress, and disbelief. Splinter walked in to see Venus sucking her thumb on top of Donnie’s chest as the soft-shell gently patted her head.
“Ah, there’s my precious little girl!” Splinter smiled. “Come to Daddy, Venus.” He lifted Venus to his hip and rubbed his nose to her beak. “So, how was her first ride in the Turtle Tank?”
Splinter raised an eyebrow in confusion at the way the teens groaned and sunk even further into their sibling pile.
Mikey shot up from the pile and shouted, “VENUS HAS POWERS,” then sunk back to his place between his brothers and April.
What a chaotically long day.
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divine-motion · 4 years
my rewrite of tmnt 2012 is turning more into “my fan iteration within the story of 2012 which i change a bit to suit my self-indulgence” (which it pretty much was from the start but hey) so i’m just gonna write down some General Stuff abt it like arcs and stuff
Tang Shen is alive but did get sliced by Shredder like when she dies in canon, so she has scars and Shredder believes her to be dead. Tang Shen also believes that Yoshi went and disappeared on her when he went to buy those turtles so, you know, rough couple of years for her w/ regards to thinking her infant daughter is dead, moving away from japan w/ her husband, and then her husband mutates into a rat and doesn’t tell her abt it. now she works as a robotics engineer at Stockman labs and while she’s still depressed she’s getting better, she likes her work, and she’s working on a certain nanobot project which is going good
(Nano is in this version but they instead are in an arcade cabinet that the turtles then bring to the Lair so that Nano has a family and they get to play with the turtles often. Happy end for Nano!)
Raph is the one who first meets Shen and Shen starts signing the adoption papers for the turtles
Splinter is pretty much the same as in 2012 but like, he gets confronted abt his shit instead of just being Flawless Wise Mentor, mainly by Michelangelo and then Shen when she meets him again. think he’s still gonna die but only once instead of. what. three times?
the turtles have known April for about three years since they went to the surface in secret and met a curious human girl. April quickly decided she has four brothers now and they agreed whole-heartedly
April’s parents are both alive btw and very good parents, though since “the Kraang want to kidnap April” isn’t a thing here they are both unaware of her mutant friends
April isn’t trained as a kunoichi and instead relies on her telepathic powers, which would grow at the same rate as the turtles become better fighters. i have a whole list of her powers and their limits - for example, tinfoil hats do work to keep your head protected from telepathy, much to everyone’s surprise. a metal pot also works, or a metal helmet. Shredder is unknowingly immune to it with his helmet always being on...
the brain worms serve a slightly bigger role, but they are instead creatures from Dimension X, a weak, telepathic parasite that crawls into people’s brains and controls them to keep the worm safe while it feeds on the person. they are what Kraang Prime mutated himself with to create the Kraang hivemind. they are also called “mind maggots” in Dimension X, “brain worms” is just what Stockman and Donnie started calling them when first discovered. removing a brain worm from a person without using telepathic powers can result in the person’s death or severe brain damage
also the Kraang are a more literal hivemind. if one of them sees you, they all see you. the turtles have to use all their ninja stealth to deal with them, and it’s always a risk because the Kraang can easily overwhelm them with how many of them there are
Kraang Prime is probably gonna be offed at the end of the “season 1 finale”, probably by Leatherhead. he deserves it. offing Prime also frees the Kraang hivemind from his control and the Utrom have their autonomy back. either that, or they manage to release the hivemind from his control another way, and it leaves Prime like weak and useless somehow. maybe by plucking off those weird crystals on his head, i dunno, still thinking abt it
oh Leatherhead! Leatherhead is a doctor for mutants, being a bit of a mix between his 2003 and 2012 self. he wants to help other mutants since he knows they’re victims of the Kraang too, however indirectly, and that they can’t exactly get medical help. mutants do have greater regenerative properties, but that’s only going to help you so far, and your bones might grow back wrong quicker. so, Leatherhead spent his years of freedom studying medicine and mutant biology, using stuff he stole from the Kraang during his first escape.
it would be a lot more focused on helping mutants in general. like, there would still be mutant villains that would be fought when needed, but Mikey and Donnie would put their feet down and try to offer the mutants help in settling into their new life. the turtles would also not be disgusted with mutants like they are in 2012 like jeez, dumbdotcomm really put it into words
anyways the Kraang would cease being a threat after “season 1″ and the truce Karai suggests between Foot and Hamato does happen. Splinter hates it and doesn’t trust it at all
Baxter Stockman has his own lab which is pretty successful, and he is an incredibly smart and eccentric guy with a bubbly personality - until you threaten him or talk down to him, at which point he shows himself to be calculating and ruthless, still with a smile on his face. he doesn’t pick up on sarcasm very well, though, and if you ask him to explain something, he will happily do so in great detail, whether you’re friend or foe. also, he doesn’t get mutated into a fly, and he doesn’t get turned into just a brain, either. he’s just a funky regular human guy
Timothy becomes The Badger in this version. he’s also treated better by the turtles, especially Mikey who takes it upon himself to train Timothy, partially bc Mikey wants to be a superhero but knows he can’t show his face. in fact, Timothy was inspired by Mikey specifically as he saw Mikey trying to be a costumed superhero at one point. when Timothy mutates, he becomes a human mutant like Hun and Ravenwood from IDW, so he can become like an actual superhero with powers
more female characters. like just in general more girls please. i beg of you.
Angel is Casey’s older sister who’s off at college as a STEM student, and she is also Nobody here bc i absolutely love that for her, IDW was galaxy brained when they did that. Alopex is her partner here too same as in IDW, and they jokingly call themselves “Batteries, the Double-A Crime Fighting Duo”. Angel is very much against Casey being a vigilante despite being one herself, but she’s an adult so it’s different, obviously
the turtles ask Alopex to be their teacher, too, especially since Raph notices that she fights using anger in a controlled way, and she is a bit surprised and slightly awkward about it but she accepts. Alopex is an arctic fox instead of a red fox here btw, though she has a summer coat most of the time and only gets white fur during winter.
April would also have an arc where she strives to understand her mutant side and powers better, so she would venture into Dimension X alone to find the Utrom, and learns about their society before and after Kraang. Rook and Queen (named Quin here bc Bishop isn’t a Utrom in this version, and Utrom don’t have a concept of queens and kings) would have bigger roles, as they would help April out with her powers and figuring out what being part Utrom/Kraang means for her identity.
Rook is also an alchemist/scientist who created mutagen in the first place, and Kraang was her assistant. this isn’t super important to April’s arc but i just thought it’d throw it out there
the brain worms/mind maggots would result in a City Fall arc i’ve decided. but it would be the only time mind control/brainwashing becomes a plot point in this series bc i think 2012 really overused that trope. like it was there with Splinter and the Rat King, with the parasite wasp mutant episode, and then again with the brain worms but like, several times over.
this also means that Karai doesn’t get the brain worms pumped into her brain. remember that scene where she’s hooked up to the machine and Shredder’s like “damn that shit sucks i’m sorry Hamato Yoshi’s doing this to you”?? that scene was pretty fucked up. anyways Karai has like. agency in her own arc this time
in the City Fall arc Splinter would die and at the end Karai kills Shredder, and Leo and Karai as new leaders of the clans would be like “alright this stupid fucking ancestral cycle of vengeance” ends here
Northampton time after that because it would be a Lot
after that i think it would be space arc time? it would start with the turtles being separated across dimensions and planets a bit like when SAINW happened, but without SAINW. like, Donnie would get to Neutrino (elves with crazy hair version), Leo would get to Usagi’s dimension, etc. etc.
also in case it wasn’t obvious Tang Shen will play a big role as the turtles’ Better parent and she’d have her own stuff to work through, like meeting her daughter she thought was dead and finding out her boss, Stockman, is evil, that her husband got turned into a rat, and that her new kids get into all kinds of dangerous trouble constantly
anyways that’s um. already quite the wall of text so i’ll shut up now ‘til i have more art to post, digital art this time so you can like. actually see what things look like.
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pgjoy · 4 years
Rise of the TMNT
Rise is “on pause” and, while a movie is coming out, I doubt it will be picked back up. However, it’s the most recent TMNT and still rerunning on nicktoons and nickelodeon. It’s available for purchase in the US on amazon and in the apple store.
Four turtle brothers and their rat dad enjoy their lives while they try to 1) learn ninjitsu from old martial arts movies and 2) save the city of new york (and the world) from mutation and/or death. 
Rise changes quite a few constants in TMNT- Raph is the leader. Splinter has depression over being a rat-man. The focus is more on who the turtles are rather than what they do, and it’s a comedy first and foremost. If you haven’t given it a shot, do so!
Most of the characterization of the turtles comes from what they do and say, rather than what people say about them. They have two potential communities they can join- secretly, they can taste a little bit of human New York, but OPENLY they can join the hidden city. They aren’t isolated any longer, and that lets them open up as people and characters.
My secret hope is that they get more seasons to flesh out the finale- Erase the last 4 episodes or treat them as a multi-season preview- make the 3 season arcs that nick forced them to wrap up in 4 episodes.
Rating 11/10 this one is my favorite. It’s energetic, the references to well loved anime and western cartoons are excellent, and it’s major changes from previous cannon are bold and daring.
Who are they? April: A human teenager! April’s a character as much as the turtles are- she’s best described as their sister, as this time she’s a teen, too (and because she will not hesitate to fight her brothers, or for them). She’s clever, fun, alienated at school, and always getting fired from jobs. She’s doing things outside of shenanigans with the boys. Has as crane operator’s license. Involve and instrumental in every major fight in the series. Involved in every major group hug as well. She’s very cool, but in the way your peers grow to love as you get older- She’s an April who exists outside of her relationships to the turtles and Splinter. Other Aprils tag along or support missions. Rise!April is as likely to include them in what she’s doing, too. The chaotic friend- would stop you from doing something stupid if she wasn’t too busy charging in herself. Donatello: A soft-shelled pancake turtle! Tries to help with science without regard for the consequences. Definite middle child, in that he acts out for attention but also wants to be left alone. Leo’s twin??? A scoundrel in the way that I remember being as the ‘smart kid.’ Believes he knows better than anyone else, and more likely to feign ignorance over problems he’s caused rather than apologize. Self described as an ‘emotionally distant bad boy’ but cries with joy at the slightest hint of parental approval. Smart in the way an engineer is smart, and prone to believing conspiracy theories. Probably dismantled the TV and didn’t even attempt to put it back together as a child. Leonardo: A red-eared slider! Knows how to get under everyone’s skin. Definite middle child in that he fights for attention with jokes and actively seeks to be the center of attention inside and outside the home. Donnie’s twin??? Self described ‘face man.’ Big into himself with little regard for his family members. Always on the look out for another father figure. Bad jokes, awful one liners, looks for positive attention through comedy and cheating. Very good at coming up with or seeing through plans, unless he doesn’t want to. He’s no longer in charge, and that frees him to focus on his love of old scifi movies and annoying the local populace for fun. Loves stage magic. Loves to rag on his brothers for things they like. Probably the kind of friend you need when most of your friend group is indecisive- he’s happy to make all the plans but you’ll probably have to pay. Michelangelo: A box turtle! He’s the littlest brother, and the only one who can retreat into his shell. VERY touchy-feely. Mikey loves his brothers, and is a constant source of positivity. He’s prone to selfishness when he’s pursuing his own goals, but he’s so positive and excited about what he’s doing that you won’t notice until later. He’s afraid of ghosts and loves cooking. The fact that he doesn’t know a feat is impossible is the reason he can pull it off every time. Not good at being firm or mean with other people, until he’s past his limit. Then. it’s time for Dr. Delicate touch. Probably the kid who hid on the stairs to listen to the X-files after bedtime but the whistling made him too scared and he had nightmares about it. Raphael: A snapping turtle. BIG. Largest brother so that he can hug everyone at once. Decided that being the largest brother made him the big brother, and so is in charge. Raph is very interested in justice and the correct way of doing things. He’s very aware of how his brothers are vs how they want to be perceived. He’s bad at plans, but good at action. Gets weird when he’s by himself. Does poorly under pressure, but learns to do better as time goes on. His plans mostly consist of ask questions, be helpful, and SMASH! Being the one in charge frees him from being angry at the decisions of others- but opens him up to the stress of leadership. He’s the friend who you call when you’re in trouble. He’ll freak out about it, but he’ll help you out every time. His brothers will literally eat poison just to get on his nerves. Splinter: A human man who was turned into a rat by warrior alchemist Baron Draxum. He’s raised his sons on a steady diet of movies he starred in since he rescued them. Much, MUCH more of a lazy dad than a sensei, he gradually learns that he has to be more involved as a father, that he has worth even as a rat man, and that his sons need to learn about the history and culture he came from. As a man, Splinter was named Yoshi Hamato (first/last). As an actor, he was Lou Jitsu. And Lou Jitsu is best described as this photo of Jackie Chan:
Tumblr media
(A photo of Jackie Chan from his younger years. He is wearing a backless white cable knit turtle neck sweater, but the sweater has no sleeves which barely covers his chest. You can see his obliques. Dude is ripped.)
Shredder: A FERAL ANIMAL WHO KNOWS NO REASON OR RESTRAINT. Not the main villain of the series- he shows up at the end of season one and retreats into the shadows after the boys nearly die fighting him. Other cast members: Rise has a plethora of new and different mutants to fight. No bebop and rocksteady, but... Todd: Todd’s a capybara mutant who was once a man. He runs a puppy sanctuary and is the one non-parent everyone trusts their kids with. I love Todd. Makes a mean lemonade.
Did I make it ALL the way through? YES! And I will again when the movie comes out.
Are they ninjas? Not at first! They have to learn and grow into ninjitsu and the traditional martial arts of their family. And they do! And the fight scenes are dynamic and gorgeous.
Are they a family? YUP! From the gate they are a family. They know and love each other like siblings do- they have enough room
Do I like them?
Who’s my favorite?
Do they murder?
Is there magic?
How old do they seem vs. cannon ages (if any)
Are they going to ever talk to each other again after the end of the series?
If I was rescued by them in a dark alley would I be grateful or horrified?
What’s left unresolved?
The best:
The worst:
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yellowhollyhock · 1 year
Donnie and April
Computer science buddies let’s goooo
Donnie gets so attached to April so immediately. Throughout the series Donatello gets along well with humans (the Professor, Cody, even the way he is less than thrilled about fighting the mutants during Bishop’s outbreak), girls (Sydney, J’Hanna, Angel, Renet), and scientists (Leatherhead, Fugitoid). April is checking all of his boxes. She’s hired on the spot.
Seriously though, as soon as April gets over the initial shock, these two are like they’ve always known each other. Immediate friends. I mean, they’re kindred spirits. April shuts down the mousers but overloading them and causing an explosion. That had to be such a “look it me” moment for Donatello.
Also let’s talk about April’s confidence. When we meet her she is just thrilled to be working for the famous Dr. Stockman, and implies people close to her might not really believe she could land a job like that? And then her boss, probably her first boss, the first professional scientist since Uncle Auggie disappeared to see her and at least see potential, tries to kill her. Next thing, she meets a group of talking animals (she’s a scientist she’s supposed to know what’s biologically possible) and they’re all trained ninjas (she is not a trained ninja). Not to mention just being in her twenties. Like what could’ve been harder on her belief in herself?
I could do a whole separate post about how phenomenally April handles all this. But what I wanna talk about here is that she doesn’t handle it alone. All of her new friends, turtles and Casey, do what they can to help her. But it’s mostly Donnie who we see addressing her confidence. It’s little moments all the time. When she’s helping them break into TCRI he’s in her ear with a microphone saying “You can definitely do this, April.” Also, it was exactly what April needed to become friends with someone who didn’t have Stockman’s acclaim, or even a college education, who is still able to talk intelligently about and actually build, pretty much whatever they can come up with. This lays the groundwork for her to eventually say Yeah, I can start my own tech company, it doesn’t matter that my first job went badly and I haven’t been in that field (professionally) since. I can definitely do this.
As much as April needed a confidence boost, Donnie really needed someone to talk to. Not just about tech stuff but about family stuff. He’s very sensitive to conflict, especially between his brothers. And he has close bonds all around him, but do you think a fifteen year old is going to share his worries about his brothers emotional needs with his dad? Or his brothers? When him and Leo are older they probably have conversations like that, but both of them learned how from April first. (Ha, April 1st).
And speaking of Donnie needing someone to talk to, just thinking about to Return of Savanti part 1 when they go to a dinosaur museum to admire the robotics. Raph and Mikey are rolling their eyes so hard, and Leo’s being nice but it’s obvious he doesn’t get it. April is into robotics, too, in fact it seems like the museum was her idea. Possibly (headcanon) a plot to cheer her up after Stockman’s vengeful rampage the episode before. But she picked something Don is Way more excited about than her, because she is the best big sister.
I think sometimes, out of all of them, April forgets that Donnie is a teenager. Like not literally but she thinks he’ll be more mature than he necessarily is. She probably thinks the same of Leo, but Leo is always going to manage to be More Serious than she can possibly expect (showboat). Donnie can be very mature in some ways and then surprise her with like. Secretly ordering food and blaming it on Mikey. He’s the first one she admits her crush on Casey to, probably expecting he’d show the sensitivity he’s always shown when she shares her feelings… and he laughs at her and calls him a bonehead. He’s also the one she calls when she finds Uncle Auggie. (btw they just go to another dimension? Unclear if they left a note?) By then she knows him better to be aware that he might do something crazy. She reminds him to be careful, and he says, “I’m the sensible turtle, remember? :3” Which is important because where did he get the idea that he’s the sensible turtle? They all praise his tech abilities, but if someone has told him he seems calm and mature, it probably wasn’t the people who have lived with him since the first time he took apart their toaster or built a self-driving car in their living room. He’s reminding April that he’s the sensible turtle because she’s the one he got the idea from. And in this episode he lives up to it.
Summary, they show the most of any duo on the show that people will live up to your expectations. Donnie sees in April an experienced scientist, even a mentor, and he actively helps her step into that role until one day she literally becomes his boss. April sees in Donnie a gentle approachable guy who anyone would be lucky to have as a friend. And you know, being a mutant turtle that’s not something a lot of people have seen in him.
Again, I’ve given most of my favorite moments already so have some headcanons:
-Donnie absolutely goes to her for relationship advice
-not a headcanon but I have a lot of feelings about Donnie, Casey, and April starting a business together
-April learns chess specifically to play with Donnie. He has everyone else convinced she’s great at it (she isn’t)
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allthethingamabobs · 5 years
family sticks together, bruh
Notes: I was re-watching the Bay-verse movies and suddenly got irritated at the no last name thing at the end of the second one. April O'Neil was right there. Their ride-or-die, their badass older sister, their hogosha. So here's my first contribution to the TMNT fandom. I literally wrote this in half a day, so if you see any writing errors all I gotta say is...my bad. Enjoy the found family fluff!
Rating: G
Also on AO3.
April figured it all started with a package hastily stuffed in her mailbox. It was barely small enough to fit, wrapped in that tough paper-cardboard material, and took a few careful pulls to get out. She couldn’t recall ordering anything recently, so the least she could do was try not to destroy what was most likely her neighbor’s mail. But when she flipped it over for the addressee, she was surprised to see “Mikey O’Neil” on it.
April and her “childhood pets” had been reunited four months back now, and it continued to throw her life upside down. A happy upside down, though. Those two names together were doing a number on the loner habits she’d built up since her father’s death. Apparently, all it took was four mutant teenagers and their father to start breaking down those walls.
She snapped a photo of the package and sent it to Mikey as she walked up to her apartment. Her phone lit up with a video chat request seconds later. The boys were just like any other teens when there weren’t bad guys to fight—they loved texting (on their one-of-a-kind turtle phones), sending her snaps, and video chatting whenever they could. April supposed that 15 years alone in a sewer could make one a little starved for new attention, and she was always happy to talk.
One of Mikey’s eyes filled the screen first, and then his grinning face when he pulled back. “You got it!” he hollered.
There was a thump from somewhere behind him, and Leo yelled something about peace and quiet when meditating. Then all she could see was a blurry carapace as Mikey quickly escaped to some other part of the lair. “You got it!” he cheered again, down to a whisper-yell.
“Sure did,” she answered with a smile, while making sure her apartment door locked behind her. “A little heads up would be nice, though. People do steal packages.”
“Man, that would’ve been no bueno. It has my name on it and everything.”
She shrugged—it was New York, what could she say. “About that… Mikey O’Neil, huh?”
He brightened. “Yeah! Makes sense, right? You’ve always been family even if we got separated for like, way too long, and who wouldn’t want to be a badass O’Neil?”
“Hm.” Her smile was fond even as she bit her lip to keep herself from doing something dramatic like tearing up. “You make some excellent points.”
Mikey nodded, seemingly proud of his reasoning. “You get me, April. So when are you gonna come hang out?”
“Not until tomorrow at least.” She set the phone on the counter as she turned to mess with the oven dials. “I’ve got to eat, and then a grimy bathroom and donation boxes are calling my name.”
Two weeks ago, a great aunt she hadn’t talked to since her father’s funeral had passed away and apparently left her succession rights to a New York miracle: a rent-controlled apartment above a quiet antique store. It was a dated unit and still smelled a bit like old people, but she was making it work.
A whine came from her phone. “Aw, shell… Oh, hey! We could help! Four mutants and a human are better than one!”
“That’s sweet, Mikey, but I’ve got this.” Plus, she was starting to pick up the brother’s dynamics. That visit would devolve into complete chaos in no time, given the cluttered mess. There were a lot of breakable objects she was still in the process of either packing up or donating.
“Your loss, Ape. Guess we’ll see you tomorrow.” He got up close to the camera again and whispered dramatically, “You’ll bring the package, right?”
She snorted and leaned over so he could see her face. “Pinky swear.”
“I don’t have a pinky, so I’ll have to believe you. Bye, April!”
The screen went blank, and April had a glimpse of herself in the reflection. She had to admit… her smile looked a lot more genuine these days.
In work news, however, life had been a lot of sucking up to Bernadette and the team after getting her job back, so she didn’t get down to the lair until late in the evening. Entering through the water system wasn’t exactly ideal, so they’d built a biometric, heavily enforced door as an alternative. Leo spotted her first as she shoved her way in and waved from where he was cleaning his katanas.
The new lair seemed to change every time she visited—more light-up signs or beat-up furniture appearing—and she still felt a little guilty for being the reason behind the move. The guys had assured her that they didn’t blame her, and they were having fun with the tall ceilings and tunnels in the new space. Splinter had even claimed one to start a bonsai garden.
“Hey, April! How was your day?” Leo called, carefully setting his weapons aside to get up.
“Not too bad, mostly research on some detox craze—”
“April!?” There was a crash from the back where they had set up a gym area in an upper opening. Mikey came tumbling out, almost right on top of where Raph was exiting the lower tunnel, and he gracefully avoided retaliation. “You got the goods?”
Leo shot her a confused frown, and she answered with a fond “don’t ask” look before rummaging in her bag to pull it out. “Yes, Mikey, I have the goods.”
Mikey bounced over and pulled her into a quick, bone-crushing hug before taking the package out of her hands. He ripped into it and pulled out a gaudy gold chain that looked like it once belonged in a 2000’s music video.
“Bling, bling!” he crowed and threw the shell necklace off to be replaced.
“Wait a minute, is that what was so important you had to order it?” Donnie said as he and Raph joined the group. “That’s such a waste of money!”
“Some ninja you are,” Raph snorted. “You can see that ugly-ass chain from a mile away.”
Leo hummed at that and then frowned. “Mikey, did you even ask April if you could send that to her place before you ordered it?”
Said turtle shrugged. “I knew she wouldn’t mind.”
The others seemed to erupt at once.
“Except it’s an unknown package being sent to her place, especially with the Foot Clan knowing her association with us—”
“Even worse, it’s inconsiderate to just assume—”
“Even worse, Leo? What kind of bullshit is that—”
April was an only child (well, not so much anymore), so she wasn’t used to how quickly one small thing could turn into a full blown argument. If pushing got involved, then 6-foot mutant turtles or not, she would break up that fight—yup, there’s the shoving.
“Guys, GUYS!” April moved forward and intercepted the beginning of whatever as they all avoided bumping into her. “It’s fine. You can have stuff sent to my place, I don’t care. As long as I can get it down here.”
It took a little more convincing to assure them that no, they were not imposing on her, and then they seemed excited about this new opportunity. Apparently, they’d had to scout out addresses before and sneak the package away before the occupants realized. Obviously, this was much more convenient.
Steadily, they all started to order stuff online (with what money or credit card she had no idea) and have it sent to her place. Parts for Donnie, books for Leo, and though she only felt it through the packaging, yarn for Raph. At first, Mikey was the only one who used O’Neil for the address. Then something changed, and they all started to use it too. A package of tea addressed to Splinter O’Neil gave her a small laugh one day. Raph had been the last to address himself as O’Neil, always so stubborn, and seemed almost shy when she delivered it.
April knew she was very biased on this, having seen them as teeny-tiny babies, but her little-big brothers could be pretty adorable sometimes.
The last name thing had come up with Splinter one day as they sat in his quiet bonsai garden, enjoying some tea while the boys burned off energy around the rest of the lair.
“I don’t want to overstep any boundaries or anything, but I’ll admit it’s… nice. My dad was really all I had for family, so it was just us and then me for so long. It’s almost like this has all… I don’t know, come full-circle? If that makes sense?”
Splinter smiled and reached out to lay his hand on hers.
“I was not lying when I said I modeled my parenting after your father. One way or another, you both cared for this family, and you know we consider you a part of it.” April nodded, a little choked up, and grasped his hand. He’d said it himself, but she wasn’t ready to fully relive how Splinter felt so familiar, so comforting.
“Besides,” he continued with a chuckle. “Michelangelo has quite enjoyed having a last name, and I think the others were a bit hesitant before they saw that you didn’t mind.”
“Of course not, I’m all for it,” April laughed, wiping under her eyes. “Now there’s more than just me to make the O’Neil name proud.”
One other thing she had discovered about being a big sister to four trouble-prone teens: full names were extremely effective.
“Donatello O’Neil!” she shouted the second she stepped into the lair, and all movement ceased. Leo balanced on one foot, mid-throw, Raph was mid-swing across the lair, and Mikey had an orange soda titled towards his face, where it slowly dripped down his front.
A weak “Oh, shell” came from the direction of the lab, and she stormed over. A taunt from Mikey followed but was quickly cut off with a grunt. Donnie was hunched over his desk, head turned slightly to look up at April’s furious approach.
“Why the hell did I just find a tracker in not one but all of my jackets?” She reached into her pocket, grasped the tiny devices, and tossed them on the desk. “I almost had a panic attack thinking I was being tracked by someone else. You know that’s been one of my worst fears ever since the Shredder, and we’ve talked about privacy and emergency plans, Donnie. I have a panic button on my phone, and I gave you permission to track it when absolutely necessary.” She let out a frustrated huff, pointing at the trackers. “What. Are. These?”
He’d sputtered a bit and avoided her eyes as she spoke, but he finally looked up when she stood silent, waiting for an answer. His shoulders drooped, and he wheeled back from his desk to face her. Even sitting, Donnie was only slightly shorter than her.
“Contingency plan,” he finally bit out. “Phones are most likely the first thing a kidnapper would get rid of to avoid tracking.”
“Wh— kidnapper?” That caught her off guard, and the tension in her shoulders released a little. Was there a new danger she didn’t know about? “But who… Oh.”
Movement on his tablet drew her eye, and the footage there followed a shady van that looked very familiar.
The Foot Clan—because an organization that big could still survive with their leader in jail for a year now—had disabled her turtle-approved security system and ransacked her apartment a couple of weeks ago. The cameras from across the street told them that and how the intruders had missed April coming home by a mere 12 minutes. They had obviously been searching for something specific, and she eventually realized it must have been the box of notes from Project Renaissance. Luckily, they had been stored in the lair for safe keeping.
After coming home to that mess, April called Donnie right away and started packing up her necessities. All four of the turtles had met her at her usual sewer entrance, and they formed a tense detail on the trip back. She worked out-of-office that week as she laid low in the lair and waited for the all-clear while they doubled up her apartment’s security. Splinter and the boys were good about giving her space when she was working, but she could still feel the hovering and worry. The guys had been in and out more often, Splinter always had some tea ready for her, and she just knew there had been many hushed conversations out of earshot.
Sure, deadly henchmen being in her apartment had freaked her out, but it had really freaked out her new family. April held her own against all of the weird shit they got dragged into, but there were always reminders that she did not have a shell or ninja training; a sprained ankle, one small concussion, too many bruises to remember, and even a few less inches of hair when it got singed in an explosion.
She looked between the tablet and Donnie, but now he held his gaze steady. “The Foot know where you live, and you refuse to move. This was the best way for us to always be there when you need us.” His voice was even, calculated, but his hands were clasped tightly and one foot tapped insistently.
Oh, her sweet, overprotective boys. Under all that bullet-proof shell, they were all just teenagers who had five people in the world to call family, and they did not take that for granted.
April sighed and turned to sit against the desk, holding out one hand. Donnie took it and held on, grip tight. “It comes from a good place, Donnie, but you have to tell me about these things. Trust goes both ways, okay?”
Leo, Raph, and Mikey were hovering around the entrance to the lab, and she gave them all a stern look to reiterate her point. “I know I don’t have a shell, but I am scrappy, stubborn, and awesome at running in heels.”
“Way better than the Jurassic World chick,” Mikey piped up, and Raph lightly punched his arm.
“You’re damn right,” April answered, smiling at his effort to lighten the mood. “So I appreciate the worry, guys, but you need to talk to me. I worry, too. You might forget, but you’re not invincible.”
“Better off than you,” Raph grunted. This time Mikey punched him, not as lightly. “What, it’s true!”
April sighed. “Come on, Raph, you know muscle isn’t everything.”
“No,” he grumbled, “but you got us. Whether or not you like it, we can take the hard hits.”
“What he means to say,” Leo said, shoving Raph back with his shoulder, “is that we were worried, and we didn’t think you were taking the threat seriously enough.” Donnie’s hand gripped hers a little harder, and she looked back to see him nod in agreement. “We are sorry about the secrecy, though.”
April sighed. “Fair point. You know I love you guys,” they perked up at that, “but having back-up is kind of a new thing for me. It’s habit to go solo, and it’s habit for you four to be a team.”
She held out her other hand. Leo was closest, and he took it with some hesitation. “Still a learning process all around.”
Mikey eagerly grasped Leo’s other hand and then Raph’s, refusing to let go even as Raph gave a shake, so they were all joined. “Family sticks together, bruh.”
The O’Neils had been a thing for awhile now, but writing it down was very different to actually saying it outloud. Mikey had no trouble claiming his new last name, and had even dubbed some pizza monstrosity he concocted from as many toppings he could get as the “O’Neil Special.” For the others, it took some time to say it—at least when she was around to hear.
Eight months. Donnie had been talking a mile a minute about a phone meeting set up with an award-winning engineer currently teaching at NYU. He’d been given 30 minutes to ask her all the questions he wanted. April had kind of bullied Vern into setting it up with his new connections, and Donnie had asked her to be there for moral support. She assured him it was all going to go great and to just make the call already. His shoulders went rigid under her hands when the call connected. “Hi! Hello, uh, this is Donatello O’Neil, I got your number from Vern? The Falcon?” She squeezed his shoulders in comfort, grinning proudly for many reasons.
One year and 2 months. Raph had been playing a one-on-one basketball game with Donnie while April refereed. Even as the self-proclaimed muscles, Raph was agile, and he did a quick maneuver around Donnie to score a perfect 3-pointer. “And Raph O’Neil makes the shot!” he whooped, doing a quick victory dance. He didn’t seem to realize it, but April certainly did. She felt warm and fuzzy after that, so she let him get away with traveling a couple minutes later.
For Leo, it just hadn’t come up yet. Although, one day she’d been stress cleaning their mess of a kitchen, and opened one beat-up book in curiosity to see “Leonardo O’Neil” neatly written on the cover page. That was enough for her.
Then her amazing family had finally gotten the acknowledgement they so rightly deserved.
“To you, brothers. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo.” Chief Vincent paused. “Last name?”
The guys all glanced her way, and April didn’t care if her eyes were a little watery at Leo’s answer. “O’Neil.”
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