#I love bugs but fear swarms
depression-fork · 8 months
hey it’s been a hot minute but here I am again with a weird question
Would you rather find a dead body or 1000 roaches in your attic?
Is the dead body also in the attic? How dead is the dead body? Is it still warm? Is it cold? Is it a skeleton? A mummy? A frozen corpse? Is it getting its dead body juices everywhere? Are there maggots eating its flesh? Do I know the corpse or is it random? There are many variables.
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Taylor's use of fear tactics is like, just consistently so fucking funny. She tries so hard to appear menacing and scary and because of it she just becomes a one woman horror movie and I love her for it. Like that one fight with the merchants in 11.3, she surrounded a group of people with swarm clones that slowly approached them and closed the distance, and one by one the people tried to run through and collapsed under the bugs, and then she purposefully let the last guy go. And then for no reason other than being a dramatic dumbass, she herded him into alleyways and had him run until she had a swarm clone materialize at the end of the alleyway he was in, and then another one behind him when he turned around, and then she had them both slowly move towards him while growing ominously with more bugs.
His head whipped around as he realized he had no escape routes left, and then he screamed, a primal, despairing sound.
C'mon Taylor, you fucking broke him. What the hell girl. She says its to send a message and have the fear build her reputation, standard stuff that she stole from Bakuda and justifies as ok because she's the one doing it so its fine, but still what the hell! Would it not be terrifying enough to just fucking drown them all in bugs? Why did you need to put them in the horror movie situation? She's so fucking deranged, she does this shit constantly too. Has her bugs ripple in her hair to make it fan out like wind is blowing, the swarm voice, everything she does is so dramatic because she thinks she needs to be scary to survive even when she's already incredibly terrifying without even trying. I swear to god no cape puts as much thought into their presentation as Taylor does.
Oh also that whole fight where she put the guy in Bug Clone Stalking Hell took place while she drank a cup of tea, and she cared more about the fact that the tea was bitter than the fact that she just broke some poor bastard's mental stability in half with bugs. So much wrong with her.
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bunny-yan · 20 days
Hii I love the yandere king series! I was wondering if you could write more about reader with the Stockholm syndrome? Some tooth rotting fluff if that's okay :]
i'm not the best at the good emotions, but here's hoping you like this TW: fluff (:
He was tugging at you, hand clamped around your wrist, racing down the quiet halls. It reminded you of when the two of you were children. 
He’d glance back, eyes filled with mischief, lips curving and refusing to say anything as if the two of you would get caught if he broke this sacred silence the two of you escaped in. 
You followed him then. 
His hands intertwined in yours, he’d take you somewhere that would become special no matter how mundane. 
The kitchen to share a pastry he’d snatched earlier that day so the two of you could eat it under the full moon later that night. The garden after mysterious bugs swarmed, shining like the night light you’d kept in your room. The wall, waiting patiently for the guard to leave their post so the two of you could sit and watch the ocean as it shimmered like diamonds. 
Memories you once looked back on with warm remembrance seemed terribly lonely when you thought of the power he seemed to drown in these days. 
Your king, your prince.
He could’ve ordered the chef to make extra to share as opposed to the daring tale he spun to capture your childish heart. Ordered others to catch those bugs that he discarded and told that guard to leave once they’d served their use. Once he’d engraved himself so deeply onto your heart, you felt you’d rip out the organ if you ever tried to let him go. 
It was a bitter sweetness. 
Asking yourself if it mattered if he’d really gone the extra mile. Stashing pastries, catching bugs, learning the guards rotation shifts all with his own two hands. The past wouldn’t change, neither would his intentions, but the conflicted feeling tumbling in your heart might know a bit more peace if you did know. 
You felt such pain in your chest. When he looked at you, the man often overlapped with the boy you knew. You wondered if he was still in there, or if age and power killed him. 
He grabbed you by the waist, surprising you as the two of you were suddenly pressed against a wall, hiding behind a large statue. You watched him as he checked to make sure your path was clear, pushing further against you as a maid passed by, hoping the shadows would shield the two of you from being discovered. 
His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist, his grip stronger, his arms more mature and yet it reminded you of that same little boy. Made it hard to give up on hope no matter how many times you watched that playful innocence disappear. 
You didn’t have enough time to wonder, to pity the thought that the boy you knew might have actually gone with time because he was pulling you again, slipping into a door before finally releasing to catch his breath. 
Looking around you recognized the room he brought you to as the ballroom. 
It was terribly quiet and it seemed bigger without the lights and guests that usually milled about.
He took a step, creating so much distance between the two of you with it, before taking another. You held your breath, wondering if he’d go until you lost him in the shadows further in the ballroom. You would have to stand there, waiting for him to retrieve you, forced to remain quiet under threat of shattering this serene atmosphere. 
Your fears were unwarranted. 
He turned around, elegant and regal as he looked at you with an expression you couldn’t put a name to before he extended his hand. Bowing deeply, you understood what he wanted. 
So you played along. 
Giving the proper response as his partner, you placed your hand in his. 
You could only gasp again as he yanked your body into his, your heart beating from the way his grin appeared so large, shining brightly as he spun the two of you. 
A hand resting comfortably on your back while his other grazed along your skin until your hands were intertwined, he slowed your pace, pulling you closer, closer still. 
You looked into his eyes that had gone soft, never taking his eyes away from yours as the two of you swayed back and forth to music that only he could hear. 
It frightened you. 
The way it felt as if he could feel each beat of your heart. The closeness, the silence in the way he looked at you.
You felt your heart jump to your throat. 
It was only then that you realized. 
It was the way he looked at you. 
You peered into his eyes and could only see how much he had changed. How his boyishness had disappeared. How his innocence had been drowned by something much darker, something deeper and more sinister than you could ever imagine and yet when he looked at you, you appeared the same in his eyes. 
Having lost so much in the gaze you once knew, this stranger still recognized you. The one thing that kept him familiar. 
You hated to wonder. 
Hated tasting this bitter feeling, searching for something sweet. 
You hated not knowing if that look would change too. 
Would he discard you? Would he grow bored or grow to hate you if you continued denying him the one thing he wanted?
It was like balancing a tightrope, unable to calm your doubts without breaking this delicate balance. Unable to ask, too much of a coward to hear his answer and more afraid still that you might feel that familiar surge in your heart despite all he’s done. 
So you were fine with this silence.
Fine with him wrapping his arms around you so tightly as if you might disappear the moment he let you go. 
Fine with searching his eyes for the answer to a question you were too afraid to ask. Knowing that as long as he continued to escape with you under moonlit nights, as long as his eyes remained on you, you wouldn’t have to. 
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Love Bugs: Insect Dorm Leaders x Reader Part 1
It's yandere so don't read if you don't like. Also, to all my requests still working on them, I just needed a small break from Jojo's. This is my opinion on what insect they'd be, and I'll probably write full stories for each of them. If you think something fits them better, just let me know. These are scenarios that are not going to be part of the main story. Reader is gender neutral. They get a little long but hey enjoy.
Riddle: Fire Ant
How could this have happened? You were having a nice day in the park, which turned into a nightmare. Ginormous fire ants swarmed the park and attacked anyone they saw on sight. Frantically, you ran to find a place to hide. Quickly ducking behind a tree as a group of the loyal foot soldiers skittered by. Peeping around the corner, you prayed that those horrid carnivorous ants were gone.
Voices in the distance. You duck back and sink to the base of the tree, praying to the Gods that the voices don't come closer. If only the Gods didn't hate you so much. "Dueceeeee, this is so boring! Why didn't Riddle send someone else out here?" The voice held a childish yet bored tone to it and it sounded human. Could they be humans? "Quit whining it's an honor to be assigned such an important task for the King." The other voice sounded just as youthful as the first but with a more responsible air. King? What King? Your curiosity got the better of you as you peeped back around the tree to see who was talking.
To your horror you saw two men which look human from the head down to the torso (minus the antenna). From the torso down they had the body of ants... fire ants. Your luck got worse by the minute as the blue haired one spotted you. "Oi, you get out from behind that tree!" You yelped at the harsh tone and did the only rational thing. Run. Run far and fast. You could hear the sound of your heart pounding in your ears as you escaped certain death.
"Gotcha" You squeak in surprise as you feel a pair of arms circle around your waist. You thrash in the redhead's arms as he laughs at your pitiful attempt to escape. "Nice try but you're nothing but a puny human compared to- ow!" You bit down hard on the closest bit of flesh that you could find. When it came down to it, you were going to fight for your life. Even if it meant biting the strange hybrid that was holding you. Running the opposite direction, you again find yourself captured by the redhead's blue companion. "Argh that little bitch, I ought to eat them for biting me." You trembled at the threat as the redhead glared daggers at you. "Quit whining, we need to report back to the King our findings." Duece stated before lifting you over his back and walking in the direction they came from. Ace chuckled a little, a sadistic glint filling his red eyes. "Yeah, let Riddle decide what to do with them. I can't wait! Oi, you hear that bitey? Riddle's gonna destroy you." The jeers do nothing to comfort you as you continued to scream and kick against the man's hard exoskeleton.
The duo arrived at a site that made your eyes widen with fear. An ant's nest that looked almost like a mountain. Thousands of ants and ant hybrids were moving in and out of the mound. The sight alone made you very queasy. That's it for humanity, if there were more of them inside. The duo holding you hostage crawled past the fellow ants who all drooled hungrily at the sight of you, causing you to shiver. You were going to be torn to pieces by a bunch of hungry ants. You silently sobbed as you lamented your fate.
Skittering through the corridors, the duo made it to their destination. Your ears were met with a joyful squeal as you heard someone skitter closer. "Ah that human you have is so cute! Can I touch it?" Even though the voice was friendly the dehumanizing way he treated you scared you a little, causing you to actively try and wriggle away from the excited voice. Another voice spoke. "Riddle won't be two pleased that you brought a human into the colony. You know the rule-" "Yeah, yeah no human shall dwell in or know of the colony. We just thought he might like this one as a trophy of sorts." The redhead spoke to the unknown voice with confidence oozing from his words. The ant he was talking to sighed. "Alright, I'm only allowing this since he's in a good mood from the hunt. Just don't be surprised when you find yourself headless." With that the two moved forward allowing you to see who the two were talking two. A green haired man with glasses who looked nervous, and a ginger who gave you a quick wink before returning to his post.
Inside the room you could hear the skittering of the ants and a single voice that rose above the others and gave out commands. "You two take those bodies to the food cellar. I want them to be preserved for future meals." The voice ordered in a serious tone. So much for a good mood. "Hey your majesty." The red head drawled out as they stepped before the King's humongous throne. An exasperated sigh came from the top of the throne. "What a pleasant surprise to see my scavengers come back empty handed. Weren't you supposed to look for survivors?" The man you have yet to see had a voice dripping with sarcasm. Duece knelt before the king causing your body to slide and fall off the man's shoulder. "Apologies your majesty, we were searching for more survivors, but we got a bit distracted." Duece hesitated at the end of sentence. The King falls silent before retorting. "Distracted? How?" Cue you lifting your head, a little disoriented from the fall. All of the ants gasped as the supposedly dead human rose shakily to their feet. You looked up at the throne to see an adorable man sitting on the dirt throne.
He had short red hair that blended in well with his antenna making the heart shaped antenna look like his hair. A crown of leaves and flowers sat atop his head, and two wide stormy grey eyes stared down at you with interest. His plush lips pulled a neutral look on his baby face as he looked at the scene with indifference. A ring of giant soldier ants with spears formed around the three of you, ready to tear the rule breakers apart.
That's it. You weren't going down without a fight. You turned towards the nearest guard and sunk your teeth into the fleshy part of his arm. He dropped his spear out of fear and surprise to clutch his hurt arm. You grabbed the spear from the floor and wasted no time charging at the guards. Even though the ants were bigger and stronger than you, you fought for your life. Slashing and jabbing at the soldier ants. Duece and his redheaded friend joined in the fight for their hides, beating back the soldiers. As you fought, it became very clear that this was a losing battle. One of the soldiers manages to knock the spear out of your hand and leaves you defenseless. This was it; you were going to die.
Instead of the sound of the spear piercing your internal organs and the feeling of pain attached the sound of clapping echoes through the chambers. From up on the throne Riddle is clapping with a smug look on his face, like an Emperor watching his favorite gladiator win. "Well done human, you have thoroughly impressed me." Riddle stood from his throne and waved his hand. The guards and all other ants nearby bowed low to the ground as the King approached. Up close you were able to see that he was much shorter than most of the ants here but commanded the room with his royal presence. You keep eye contact with the King and glare at him, causing a wicked smirk to appear on his face. "I must say of all the humans I've met you have the most spirit." He grabs your chin in a crushing grip. His gray eyes meeting your (e/c) eyes. Even in the face of the most powerful ant here, you refused to back down.
Riddle laughs at your defiance before leaning in close enough that your foreheads touched. "Let's see how long that spirit lasts." He blows warm air into your face causing you to flinch back. Riddle's amusement drops as he addresses the duo you came in with. "See to it that those two are locked away until I can come up with a fitting punishment." Some of the guards nod before dragging the ragged and confused duo away. Riddle turns back to you and smiles. "Good news you'll remain with your life." He turns to the ginger in the hallway and snaps his finger. The ginger comes in obediently. "Bad news is, your life in mine now." With that last statement the ginger urges you through the door and away from the King's watchful gaze.
Riddle returns to his throne and sighs happily, for the first time in a while he's found something worth his time. A human, a toy, and perhaps in the future a queen. Riddle chuckles to himself at his musings. However, he does know...
Every King needs a Queen
Leona: Ant Lion
Curiosity killed the cat.
Was that how the phrase went?
It must when it slipped through the elders' lips with such ease. They would always say it directed at you, with their judgmental looks and wagging fingers. However, you never paid any heed as these geezers were just looking out for you because you brought them food.
You were an ant, a worker ant specifically.
You were also a curious little insect.
Ever since you were a larva you dreamed of joining your siblings, friends, and neighbors to help scavenge for food and fight off enemies. However secretly you also selfishly hoped to go out and see a little more of the world you called home. Sure, it was dangerous for you to wander too far from the colony, but you were strong. All ants were strong and if only they would just use it differently. It was always "We're strong to protect the colony" or "We're strong to gather food" never anything about the individual.
You sighed as you worked with five other ants to carry a leaf back to the colony for supper. Your job was to fetch and deliver, no questions asked. The colony needs food and without you, it gets no food. You are important yes, but you only get to see a small part of your world. The part the scouts deemed safe and plentiful.
There was a job you wanted. Part of the scouts. The ones who risked their lives and explored the corners of the world in search of food and places to expand. In your dream like state, you almost dropped your part of the leaf which caused the team to groan at you. "(Y/N) you're not focusing." Neema complained. Neema was a close acquaintance of yours and the only one who didn't outright chastise your dreams. She was a dark-skinned beauty with short frizzy hair and almond eyes.
"Sorry, just thinking." You replied staring wistfully off onto the savannah. The sun cast a radiant glow on the acacia trees. Trees that you never climbed. There were watering holes that you never swam in, beasts you never faced. So much to do in your short life and you were wasting it picking up stupid leaves.
"Hey, I know as soon as we get back to the colony, we can help sort the food, that way we get first pick." Neema's dark eyes filled with joy at the mention of food. "All you think about is food." Was all you could say at your friend's childish remarks. "That's what ants think about food and work." Neema beamed proudly. She was the definition of everything you were not. Hardworking, food focused, and successful. In fact, you two might have been friends if that was all you cared about.
But it wasn't...
You had snuck out of the colony for some fresh air. During dinner time it can be a little chaotic. There were thousands of your people getting food. You had worked all day picking up leaves and sorting food, that you weren't hungry when it was time to eat. Sick of the sight of food.
No not you, you wanted to see the sun set over the savannah and the thousands of twinkling stars. Feel the gentle caress of the wind on her face and antennas. To breath the fresh air and not the hot and sticky air in the colony. You wanted freedom. More than anything. However, you knew an ant alone cannot survive for long. God you were so frustrated! Why do you feel like this when no one else does?
You wanted to cry your frustration out, you wanted to run. Where? You didn't know but you sure as hell didn't want to be here. With no other thought in mind, you ran.
Everything was a blur around you as you ran without a care in the world. Screw not being able to survive on your own, you wanted to thrive. Even if you lived just one more day, you want to live freely.
You should have watched where you were going.
Thump! You rolled straight into a sand pit, hurting not only your pride but your legs a bit. You twitched your six legs to see if they were in operating condition. Your middle and back ones were fine, but your two front ones hurt like hell.
Great, just great.
Things just couldn't get any worse.
"Hmm...what could have possibly ruined my slumber?"
You remember what the elders told you about sand pits, if any ant was unlucky enough to fall into one. Also, more importantly what hid in them. The sand began to rustle beneath you, causing your fear to rise. You needed to get out of here. Away from the Ant Lion. As he yawned and stretched you climbed with all your might on your four working legs. The sand was so uneven that you kept slipping back in with tears in your eyes.
Sand was thrown in your eyes causing your vision to blur. You cried in pain as more sand was thrown at you. You slipped further and further down the trap towards the waiting jaws of your predator. "Tch stop struggling herbivore, it's no use." You screamed at the lazy voice that was closer than you were comfortable with. Standing on all your legs to try to escape, you yelp in pain and fall back down. You tried blinking the sand out of your eyes to see the face of your killer.
Green eyes.
A handsome man with green eyes and tan skin stared down at you. He was much larger than you and stronger by the looks of it. His long dark hair flowed down his back in waves. You would have thought the man was an ant like you, except the lack of antenna. As well as the two sharp looking pincers in his mouth.
"Hm, you're a lot cuter than my usual prey. Tell you what, you agree to become my pillow and I won't eat you till morning." You could only squeak as you felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your soft torso. A sharp thing poked you in the neck back causing you to freeze up. "I need an agreement little ant, otherwise I might be tempted to eat you right here and now." You nodded swiftly causing the Ant Lion to purr and burry you both into the sand. Before you were completely submerged you hear him speak.
"I might just keep you after all because..."
You're too good to eat
Azul: Diving Bell Spider
You wished you had listened to your mother.
You wish you hadn't been so stupid
So naive
So kind
It was too late now as you were trapped in the lake with a man who claimed to love you ever since you showed him kindness all those years ago.
You were a cute and bubbly kid known for a kind heart and loud voice. Being the bundle of energy you were, your parents often sent you outside to play. You especially liked playing outside your family lake house. Swimming in the lake, chasing ducks, and catching fireflies at night were some of your favorite things to do. However, one day you met someone you firmly wish now you never met.
You had snuck out of the lake house early in the morning while your parents were still asleep. Hoping to get some early morning swimming in before breakfast, you tore over to the lake in your swimsuit. You jumped off the dock and began to playfully splash around giggling with joy. You stop splashing about and just let your tiny body relax, floating gently on the lake surface. As you absorbed the sounds of nature you heard the sound of...crying? You popped your head above the water and listened intently to find where the sound was coming from. Searching high and low, you were unable to locate where the sound was coming from until you noticed a small figure underneath the reeds.
It was a small boy but unlike you he was only a few inches tall. From the waist up he was a pudgy little boy with silver hair and blue eyes. From below the waist he had the body of a spider. The boy noticed you and shrieked in fear. "Who-who are you?" You beamed down at the boy with a friendly smile. "I'm (Y/N)! Wanna be friends?" The boy eyed you suspiciously before crying some more. "Why would you want to be friends with a fat, stupid, spider like me?" Your eyes softened at the boy's harsh statement. "I don't think you're stupid." The boy stops sniffling and stared up at you, blue eyes filled with hope. "You don't?"
"Nope!" You chirped cheerfully offering your hand to your new tiny friend. He hesitated once more before carefully climbing onto the palm of your hand. You lifted it up to your face so you could see your friend better. He bashfully tried to hide himself from your curious gaze. Nodding your head satisfactorily you smiled at the boy in your hand. "You're the prettiest kid I've ever seen!" Your words cause the boy in your hand to cover his face in embarrassment.
"What's your name pretty new friend?"
"Nice to meet you Azul."
"You too (Y/N)."
You and Azul hung out every day since the day you met. You'd come to the lake and Azul would wait for you on the bank. Then the two of you would play all sorts of games together. Azul showed you all kind of new and cool places near the lake that you had never seen before. You really liked hanging out with your new friend. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end as Summer came to an end. Your family was going to move back to your regular home for the school year, which meant saying goodbye to your friend.
"Azul I'm not coming back tomorrow." You stated sadly which caused the little spider great shock. "Why?" He sounded so heartbroken at your words. "I have to go home." You state sadly unable to look at your friend out of guilt. "I thought you lived with the humans in the house?" Azul's voice was wavering a bit as he tried not to cry. "This isn't my real home; my real home is far away from here." "No!" The little spider boy clung to your thumb like his life depended on it. "You can't leave, I love you." You patted the poor boy's head gently.
"I love you too Azul, you're my best friend." Azul's eyes lit with hope at your words. "Then you'll come back soon, right?" You smiled and nodded. "Yep, totally will!" "Promise?" Azul stuck his pinky out childishly. "Promise." You giggled booping him gently with your pinky.
Many years had passed, and you were now a grown woman. You had forgotten all about Azul and the promise you made to him. Instead, you were focusing on your last Summer of freedom before heading off to college. You brought a couple of friends and your current crush (c/n) with you to the lake house.
"Come on (Y/N), what's taking you so long?" Your good friend Bess asked stamping her foot in exasperation. You laughed at your friend's impatience. "I'm coming, don't worry." You eagerly walked out of the bathroom in your new bathing suit. "Wow (Y/N), wait till (c/n) gets a load of you looking all good." You blush at Bess' compliment before rushing past her. "Last one off the pier has to make lunch." "What no fair!"
The day was perfect. You spent plenty of time with your friends and even flirted a little with (c/n). (c/n) flirted back with you causing your heart to soar at the thought of them liking you. After you finished dinner, you went out onto the pier to relax a little bit. You sighed in contentment for the day and the days ahead. The sound of crickets and frogs lulled you gently into a state of calm. You yawned and stretched a little. Hmm you must be tired, time to go to-
You woke with a crick in your neck and back and well everything. Sleeping on the pier was not a good idea. Not to mention the mosquito bites you had accumulated throughout the night. Well, time for some breakfast. You went into the house to start fixing breakfast. The smell of fresh pancakes and bacon ought to wake Bess and the others right up. When you finished, no one came outside of their rooms.
Strange. Normally someone would be stirring at this point. Oh well they can fix their own breakfast. You ate in the silence of the house which gnawed at you. Alright, something is wrong. You walked up to Bess' room and knocked. One time. Two times. The third time you let yourself in. No one was in that room. In fact, the bed was freshly made like no one had even slept in it. You checked the other rooms of your friends. Empty. Worry and pancakes were not a good mix. Finally, you came to (c/n)'s room which laid empty but with a note on the bed.
"Come to the pier tonight darling."
Okay, who was pulling a prank on you? It was not funny. Safe to say you were showing up at the pier tonight to give someone a piece of your mind. First, she had to clean the plates and then hatch your plan.
You came to the pier at night as the note said. However, you didn't see a single soul there. Another bothering thing was that your friends and (c/n) hadn't returned from wherever they went. You might as well sit down and wait for the mysterious Mx. A to show up.
"Oya careful where you sit." You jumped back as a dragonfly flew up from where you were about to sit. "Did you just t-talk?" The dragonfly person in question just smirked and flew close to your face. He had teal hair, and one eye was gold and the other was olive. A black piece of hair fell to the right of his face. "Yes, I did t-talk have any q-questions?" Your face paled at this site. Fairies weren't real and yet there was a tiny man in front of you with dragonfly wings.
"Jade stop teasing Giaganto so much, I want a turn too!" A childish voice whined out and a second dragonfly man zoomed over. He looked almost like a mirror image of the first man except he had his hair piece on the left and different eye shape.
"My apologies Mx (Y/N) you're just so fun to tease. My name is Jade, and this is my twin brother Floyd." Jade spoke while doing a little bow. The other brother, Floyd, had a lazy grin on his face. "Hiya Giganto, Azul's been talkin about ya all the time!"
"Azul?" That name sounded...familiar. Where did you possibly hear that name from? The two dragonflies smirked at each other before turning to you with wide grins. "Yeah, he heard all about your little troubles Giganto!" Floyd said in a "sad" tone while circling your head. "Yes, your dear lost friends who abandoned you." Jade responded, making himself comfortable on your right shoulder. You were insulted at Jade's implications "They didn't abandon me... they just must have gotten lost." You finished your sentence not too confidently. The twins caught onto that and grinned deviously at the other. "Lost indeed but not forever." Jade responded sitting elegantly on your shoulder.
"You know where they are?" You asked hesitantly, not fully trusting the twin dragonflies. Floyd stopped zipping around your head and settled on your left shoulder. "Not us but Azul knows, he knows everything you could ever want to know." There was that name again that you were having a hard time placing where you heard it. "Could you take me to him?" The twins chuckled to themselves like you said the funniest thing. "Of course." They responded together, Chesire grins on their faces. You then followed the devious dragonflies to the place they led you.
You found yourself in the lake swimming towards the small "island" of lily pads. The water was murky and dark at night making it hard to see what lay at the bottom. "Come on Giganto, he's right here!" Floyd flew ahead with his brother Jade in tow. Lucky bastards got wings while you had to swim in your clothes.
Floating towards the first lily pad you could see the figure of a man spider hybrid waiting calmy on the leaf. He smiles as he sees the twins approaching with you following behind. "Welcome Mx. (Y/N) I've been expecting a visit from you." "You have?" The spider nodded his silver locks bouncing. "Yes, I do believe you have a problem. All with problems on this lake come to me." Azul's smile was practiced as he reached his arms up towards you to come closer. You lean your head down to his level. He smiles, satisfied with your obedience as he saunters closer to you. "Your friends have gone missing have they not?" You nodded. "Well, I happen to know where they are." You perked up at the spider's confidence. "You do?" Azul smirks at your answer and pats you nose affectionately.
"I know where they are and how to bring them back." He states with a businessman grin. This was perfect. Though Azul seemed sketchy he looked like he was telling the truth. "However... this kind of deed comes with a price" You deflated at his words. What could the spider possibly want? "I don't have a lot of-" Azul places a hand to your lips "I'm not asking you for money." His eyes darken with greed as he places both hands on his walking stick. "What I want is you." Huh?
"My what?" All three insects chuckle at your naivety. "Not any of your possessions just you. See I've been very fond of you for years now and I feel it's only fair that you fulfill your promise you made all those years ago." Promise? What promise? Your eyes reflected your confusion, which caused anger to cloud Azul's blue eyes. "You don't remember...after all these years of patiently waiting." He chuckles bitterly to himself and looks back up at you.
"I suppose it can't be helped, you're a busy person. I'm a busy person so I'll cut to the chase. Be with me and your friends can go back to living their normal lives. Choose your own freedom and well...your friends will never see the light of day." He springs the ultimatum on you causing your eyes to widen. "What did you do to my friends?" Azul glances at you in a lovesick way before planting a kiss on your nose. "What I had to do to get you back where you belong. With me." You glared down at that swindling. lying, no good crook. He stole your friends and lured you out here to become his giant pet. However, Azul held all the cards, and you were forced to cave into his demands.
"Fine..." Azul perked up at your acquiesce. "Wonderful! You won't regret it. I'll treat you so much better than any human ever could my little jewel." He then turned to his lackies and nodded causing them to fly away. "First my friends." You said in a demanding tone. "Already taken care of my dear. They've been returned to their beds as if none of this happened." Azul responded adoringly, stroking your cheek, causing you to shiver in disgust.
"What do you plan on doing to me?" You asked the spider who giggled giddily. "Loving you for the rest of our lives but first, getting rid of that height advantage." Azul pulled out a vial from his pocket and handed it to you. "I've been working hard to make this ever since I met you. It's a potion that will make you, my size." Great he was prepared too. Well, a deal's a deal. Reluctantly, you threw the tiny vial down your mouth. Nothing happened for a while before you felt like you were falling in midair. Landing straight into the lake. Without wasting a second, the spider greedily grabbed you and dove into the water. You were losing air quick as you dove deeper into the lake. He cooed over you as you lost conscious. Before you went out you heard him whisper.
I love you very much my treasure.
Kalim: Peacock Butterfly
The desert's an unforgiving place for many. You being one of them. After losing your caravan and family you wandered the desert aimlessly in hopes of finding them. However, each day grew hotter and hotter, and each night grew colder and colder. You were tired, hungry, and so very thirsty. Not only that but desperate for somebody, anybody to talk to.
You would sleep during the day in caves or even bury yourself in the sand. Then when night fell, you'd search once more for your lost family. At this point you were searching for someone, anyone to save her from dying of hunger and thirst. One morning the sun was so harsh that she couldn't sleep through the day. Why not carry on?
You were reduced to crawling through the desert in hopes of finding some form of shade and water. Scanning your small view of things, you couldn't find anything. You were losing hope and vision as blurry spots began to dot the corners of the world. That's not good. Wearly standing up you spotted up ahead an oasis. Was this a mirage? You didn't care as you used your remaining strength to run towards this haven. You had to make it. You had to make it. Your vision began to become smaller and smaller as the oasis grew closer and closer. You practically threw yourself onto the ground of the oasis and landed in some bushes. Safe at last. You could taste the water now. However, as soon as you tried to stand up, you promptly fainted.
You awoke lying on something very soft. Was this heaven? Opening your eyes, you saw you were on a very comfortable and stylish bed. The room around you looked like something you would see in a Sultan's palace. Heaven was rich. However, you were not alone as a woman wearing an abaya came in and made a low bow. This was already a little strange, made stranger by the pair of wings on her back. "Are you an angel?" You asked the woman. The woman giggled and shook her head. "Not unless the honored guest wishes for me to be." Guest? "Guest?" You repeated your thoughts aloud to the woman.
"Master Al-Asim found you unconscious and brought you here. He's been very worried for your health ever since." The woman took a cup from the tray that lay neatly on the bedside table. "You must be very thirsty." You didn't have to be told twice. You snatched the cup from the woman and greedily drank the cool and refreshing water. Felt like bliss having some liquid. The woman refilled your cup, and you drank. This repeated for some time until you were satisfied. You immediately laid back down on the pillowy softness of the bed.
Wait a minute. You shot up from the bed and stared at the woman. "You have wings!" The woman chuckled at your astute observation. "Indeed, I have." That response floored you. "How?" The woman looked confused. "I was born with them Master..." "(Y/N)" You responded. "Master (Y/N) it is a pleasure to humbly serve you." All of this was happening to fast. People with wings? Master? "You can call me (Y/N) Miss..." "Esmat Master (Y/N)." Darn Esmat was stubborn.
You two spoke for a while. She told you that the Al-Asim Oasis was the biggest Oasis in the desert. Supporting hundreds of thousands with its bountiful water. Since the Al-Asim Oasis was created and maintained by the Al-Asims they were the wealthiest and most powerful family in the entire Oasis. Their oldest son Kalim Al-Asim was the one who found you unconscious and brought you back to his family home.
"Oh, my I forgot to tell the young master that you are awake. Please forgive me Master (Y/N) it has been very lovely talking to you, but I must go." Esmat left leaving you unsupervised in your room. Well you guess you could just-
You heard hurried footsteps approaching your chambers followed by cries of worry from people in the hallway. A white-haired boy burst through the door. His red eyes lit up with delight as he flew over to you with a goofy grin. "You're awake, oh I just knew it!" Suddenly, your world goes topsy turvy as you collapse onto the bed with the energetic boy hugging you. The boy in question's multicolored wings fluttering with happiness. "Kalim don't crush them!" A voice behind you spoke another. This guy was part man part scorpion with long dark hair and dark colored eyes. "Sorry Jamil, I'm just so happy to see them awake." The boy sheepishly responded while still laying on top of you. This boy had no shame. "Um Mister Al-Asim sir, could you please get off of me." Kalim looked at you and smiled. "Just call me Kalim..." "(Y/N)" "Ooh cool name!" "Yeah, Kalim can you get off me please?" The boy looked confused before realizing he was still on her.
"Oh, sorry about that!" He then hops off and stands in front of you with a grin. He was practically floating with how fast his wings were fluttering. This guy was always happy huh? "How are you feeling?" The man behind Kalim, Jamil you think asks you. "Fine, just a bit disoriented." You answered causing Jamil to nod. Kalim smiles and bounces on his heals. "We should totally have a feast to celebrate you waking up. Jamil start preparations immediately." Jamil rolls his eyes at the boy's commands but scuttles off. Leaving you and the hyperactive butterfly boy alone.
"So those wings are real?" Kalim smiles. "Yep! Wanna touch them?" You nod as you are curious as to what butterfly wings feel like. Reaching you hand out to touch them you graze the top gently. Kalim hitches a breath. "Was that okay?" You asked worried you hurt your savior. "Oh yes it's just my wings are very sensitive. It felt nice though." You continued to gently caress Kalim's wings which caused pleasant shivers for the Al-Asim. The two of you stayed like this for a while before your stomach began to growl. Very loudly waking Kalim from his trance. "Oh, are you hungry? Let's check on Jamil and see how the feast is going!" The white-haired butterfly boy grabbed your hand and ran out of the room.
The Al-Asim house was practically a palace with many workers bustling about and completing their daily tasks. Many pointed and whispered at what an odd couple the Al-Asim heir and his "special guest" were. However, Kalim was completely ignorant to all that happened around him as he continued running towards the dining hall.
The dining hall was massive and very luxurious, you looked around to see servants bustling around with plates of food and placing them down at the table. Kalim urged you to sit beside him on the soft looking pillows beside the table. Excitedly Kalim began placing food on the plate in front of you encouraging you to taste a bit of everything. Asking you how everything was and becoming increasingly more pleased with each response. "It's all made by Jamil. Isn't he the best?" You nodded once more before turning back to your food eagerly. He then began asking about you.
"Where are you from?" "Huh?" You asked the boy who had stars in his eyes to repeat himself again. "Well, you're not from around here because you reacted so weird to my wings." You scoffed at his reasoning before smirking. "You seemed to be enjoying it when I was petting them." Kalim's cheeks turned bright pink at your words. "Well, you were very gentle with them." You chuckled at his reaction finding him cute. Friendly and cute. "To answer your question, I'm from the desert beyond the Al-Asim Oasis." Kalim's ruby eyes became wider at the knowledge. "I knew it! You'll have to tell me all about life out there." Kalim squealed focusing his whole attention on you. It felt almost like you were an elder telling the children tales about the times of old.
"What would you like to know?" You asked smiling gently at the boy. "Anything and everything especially about you!" You blushed at the last part of his statement. "Well, I lived in a caravan with my family, we never stayed in one place for long." Kalim eagerly took in the information you gave him. You smiled as you recounted memories with your family and friends on the caravan. Days playing in the desert, trading the goats you raised, and dancing around the campfire at night. The whole time Kalim stared intently at you with a large smile on his face. "I miss my family you know." You finished bitterly as the memories were all you had left of them.
Kalim's eyes softened with worry. "What happened to them?" You looked away from those sympathetic eyes in pain. It was bound to come up at some point, but it didn't take away the weight from it. "A sandstorm, the caravan encountered a great sandstorm. By the time it was over I was left alone, separated from my family and everything I've ever known." You couldn't stop the tears that began to pool in the corners of your eyes. It hurt so bad to be lost and alone. Dying in the desert didn't really matter as much as dying alone in the desert did. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and Kalim's soothing voice hushing your worries and whispering encouragements in your ear. You went limp in Kalim's embrace, too tired to cry or do really anything anymore.
You woke in the middle of the night, feeling pressure on your chest. You looked over to see Kalim lying beside you with his head on your chest. What happened besides you breaking down, you don't remember. The haze of emotions clouded your judgement and memory. You tried not to shift to quickly to your feet, to avoid waking the boy. Speaking of Kalim, he looked so peaceful with a gentle smile on his face as opposed to his rambunctious one. Is this guy ever not handsome? Wait handsome, what are you thinking? A groan stops your panicked thoughts as the aforementioned boy opened his eyes sleepily.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing up?" He asked with a yawn. "I couldn't sleep. Why are you in my room?" Kalim hummed before snuggling back into your chest. "What do you mean, we're in my room. You were struggling in your sleep so I thought having someone with you would get rid of the nightmares." Well, that got your attention. Looking around you saw that you were in fact not in your room. This room was bigger and ten times more luxurious than your personal guest room. Kalim settled down right back where he was, drifting back to sleep. "Hey, get off me mister!" You lightly pushed away the sleepy man, who barely resisted it. "Nooooo, you're so comfy." Kalim whines while trying to crawl back to you. You stood up and walked away to the doors that led out to a balcony to get some fresh air. Hearing nothing but whining coming from Kalim.
The cool desert air felt refreshing on you heated skin. For a not so big man Kalim produced a lot of body heat. Looking around the Oasis you could see the lights of this small metropolis glow and felt amazement. Never have you seen a sight like this before. "Looks pretty cool huh?" Kalim surprised you from behind, he looked at you smiling. "Wanna see it from above?" You were already looking from a balcony so how much higher could you get. "You mean from the roof?" You asked the man, only for him to chuckle. "No silly I mean in the air!" Kalim states cheerfully while flexing his wings. He couldn't possibly mean... you turned your attention back to the innocent looking boy. His red eyes gleamed in the moonlight as he offered you a hand "Do you trust me?" Should you take it?
He did mean flying. You had excepted his outstretched hand tentatively. Wasting no time, Kalim picked you up bridal style and jumped off the balcony. You screamed in terror as you both plummeted towards the ground. There was no way he or his wings were strong enough to hold you both. Squeezing your eyes shut you expected to become a stain on the Al-Asim immaculate courtyard.
"You're not going to be able to see anything with your eyes closed." Kalim chuckled. You're not dead? Opening your eyes, you see both Kalim and you soaring through the air. Completely fine. Looking down you see all of the Al-Asim Oasis in its splendor. The glow of the lights in the buildings, the majestic fountains, the night bazaar with its multitude of goods. It all took your breath away. "Cool, isn't it?" Kalim jovially replied staring at your look of awe with glee. "Come on, let me show you the best part."
You stayed with Kalim after that day and the day after that day. Each day filled with excitement and new things to do. You really were starting to think of Kalim as a great friend, a little brother even. Even still with all the fineries and stability this couldn't last. You were incredibly homesick, which only got worse with each day. Sure, you had access to all the food you could ever eat, fine clothes, and servants at your beck and call. However, you longed to return to your family and simple life you had before. Then there was Kalim, sweet Kalim. He was sweet and cheerful, always wanting to know how you were doing. Always with you. Always. In fact, he became touchier and clingier with each day. You didn't mind that so much but were you wrong to want some time to yourself too? Were you wrong to want to talk to someone else sometimes?
These thoughts continued to rack your brain as Kalim ran up to you a threw his arms around you. "Hey (Y/N) what's up?!" You smile at Kalim and ruffle his hair. He eagerly leans into your touch. "Oh nothing, I was just thinking about things." "What kind of things?" "None of your business." Kalim pouted at your answer before lighting up. "Jamil and I were going to go to the bazaar, wanna come?" You immediately nod, you need something to take your mind from spinning any further. Kalim smiles and starts dragging you towards the door.
The bazaar was busy on that exceptionally hot day. Many people rushing around buying things from the multiple vendors. The scent of spices and savory meats filled your nose as you walked through, causing you mouth to water. There were fine rugs, jewelry, and beautiful clothes. That wasn't even half of what was there. Anything you stared at Kalim asked if you wanted it. "No Kalim I'm serious, this must cost a fortune." Kalim placed down a bag of gold coins like it was no big deal. "If you want it, you should have it, anything you want should be yours." Kalim went around buying out the entire bazaar for you which made you a bit uncomfortable. One because he was wasting his family fortune on you and two because Jamil had to carry all the stuff he bought. You needed to distract him with something quick. "Oh Kalim, I think there was a kebob stand a little way back. Let's check it out." Kalim immediately grins and runs off in that direction by himself. "Kalim!" It worked a little too well. Jamil groans and mumbles something under his breath. "I'm so sorry Mx. (L/N) but Kalim can't be unattended, so I have to go." Which led to you being completely alone.
Well, you're back to square one, all alone and this time in an Oasis. You should catch up to the duo ahead of you. That way you aren't completely alone. That way...no that way. Ugh, if only you hadn't stupidly forgotten which way to go. "(Y/N)?" Huh? You turn around to see someone very familiar to you. "Samir!" You immediately jump on the man in front of you. Samir was your childhood friend and even your crush. With beautiful long dark hair and light brown eyes who wouldn't fall in love with him. "We've been looking for you everywhere." Samir replies returning your embrace with as much vigor. "Well, I've been looking for you too! How's mom? How's dad? How's everyone? Where's everyone?" Samir puts his hands up in surrender. "Woah, woah settle down. Why not ask them yourself." Your parents were here? "Take me to them." Samir complied led the way.
Kalim was a wreck. He came back to the spot he left you only to find you had disappeared. No problem, you're probably just looking for more stuff you want. Wait you don't have any money on you! Oh no what if you get hungry? What if you get bored? He's not there to help you. "Jamil, we need to find (Y/N) now!" Jamil sighed as Kalim continued to freak out. "They'll be fine. You on the other hand need to return home, your parents are back today." His parents were back, today?! This was great news he could tell them all about (Y/N) and how great they were. Maybe even convince them to let (Y/N) stay forever. Kalim felt himself becoming giddy at the thought of spending the rest of his days with (Y/N). He liked them ever since he found them, but now it felt different. Anyone who brought up their name brought butterflies to his stomach.
"Kalim are you even listening to me?" Jamil asked the boy, pulling him out of his dreamy state. "Uh yeah, let's go home!" Kalim smiled happily to himself; he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
You were light as air. Everything was going your way. You were happily reunited with your family with lots of tears and laughter. Your mother and father almost didn't recognize you with the fine clothes and jewelry you were wearing. However, your face hadn't changed much so they embraced you happily. "My dear (Y/N) we missed you so much!" Your mother said tearfully as tears of joy streamed down her face. "I missed you too mom, dad, how's everyone else doing?" Your father grinned and patted you on the back. "They'll be doing better when they hear you've returned." You were eager to reunite with your caravan, but you needed to say goodbye to Kalim first. After all he saved your life and cared for you for all those weeks. "Mom, dad there's someone you ought to meet."
You arrived back at the Al-Asim house with your parents and Samir in tow. Samir wanted to join you to catch up with you and thank the man who saved your life. Each of your companions' jaws dropped when they saw the sheer opulence of the manor. "(Y/N) you didn't tell me they were rich." Samir said agog to the amount of gold and marble of the main building. You preened like a peacock, happy at each reaction. "Wait till you see the inside." As you approached the front door you were stopped by the guards at the front steps. You hadn't seen their likes before. "Halt! What business do you have with the Al-Asim family?" The centipede on the left spoke, his broad frame being slightly intimidating. "I'm a friend of Kalim Al-Asim!" The guards took one look at you with your finery and stepped aside. However, they weren't so lenient with your family and Samir. "Halt! You are not permitted to enter." Each guard holding a nasty looking spear at your family. "Wait they're with me." You pleaded with the guards, but they did not relent.
"No way they are anywhere close to your status my liege. Master Kalim should be out near the fountain." Your family sadly bid you go on your own, feeling doubt with their own worth. Samir on the other had barged past the guards to join you. "Halt intruder!" You grabbed Samir's hand and made a run for it. The guards followed you two as you ran to the garden where you hoped to find Kalim. The guards were hot on your trail being more built for running long distances than you or Samir. However, luck appeared to be on your side as you burst through the doors out to the garden. A familiar mop of white hair appeared near the fountain. "Kalim!" You shouted, causing the butterfly boy to turn around with joy. "(Y/N)!" The boy screamed as he ran to you with his arms outstretched. He grabbed into a tight embrace swinging you about.
"(Y/N) where did you go? I was so worried for you but I'm happy you returned! I'll ask Jamil to prepare a feast for your return." The boy continued to prattle on happily as the guards chasing you both ran over to where you stood. They grabbed Samir by both arms and were prepared to drag him out. "Samir!" Kalim turned around to see who you spoke of and stared quizzically at the new face.
"Hello, I'm Kalim, who are you?" The guard interrupts Samir before he can speak. "Master Kalim this rabble claims to be a friend of Master (Y/N), we're simply kicking him out." Kalim waves his hands signaling for the guards to stop. "Nonsense of friends of (Y/N)'s is a friend of mine." He walks up Samir with a smile on his face. "Would you like to stay for the feast?" Samir nods as the guards let him go. Kalim smiles and ushers you away, not allowing you to talk for another second to your crush.
The feast was awkward as Kalim had you sitting beside him, and Samir was placed on the opposite end of the table. Kalim was trying to feed you himself which led you awkwardly rejecting him multiple times causing him to pout. As the servants came in with the food they halted as two majestic looking older people came in and sat at the head of the table. You guessed they were Kalim's parents and went to bow low like the rest of the servants. The older woman approached you and took your chin in her hand.
"I must say Kalim you do know how to pick your fiancés, they're absolutely exquisite." You flushed at the beautiful older woman's compliment, feeling very small in her gaze. "Fiancé?" You asked the woman almost by instinct. Where did Kalim's mother get that from? "Why yes fiancé. Don't be too shy (Y/N) we've heard all about how well you get along with our son and approve of your union." The older man spoke from the head of the table, servants tripping over themselves to serve him food. "I think you've got it wrong, (Y/N) isn't anyone's fiancé." Samir cut in which caused the older couple to glare at the man. "Who are you?" Kalim's mother asked stiffly as she took a seat in her chair. "I'm Samir, (Y/N)'s friend. We came to thank you for taking care of (Y/N) before leaving." Tension was building between the parents and your friend. This wasn't good.
The shattering of a glass caught your attention as you looked over a Kalim. He looked as if his heart had shattered in his chest. "You're leaving (Y/N)?" Kalim whimpered out like a kicked dog, causing your heart to swell with pity. "Kalim, you didn't think I was going to stay forever. Did you?" Kalim didn't answer as he lowered his head. Quiet sobs began to rack his body. "JAMIL! Take this unwanted guest away at once!" The man at the head of the table shouted fury ever present in his eyes. Jamil appeared out of thin air and grabbed Samir, who kicked and screamed in protest. "Samir!" You yelled; this was getting out of hand. If you knew this was going to happen, you wouldn't have returned.
"It's alright dear, no need to worry about him. He won't try and take you away from us." The older woman cooed as panic filled your eyes. "Us?" The woman smiled and nodded at the man at the head of the table. "We've never seen Kalim this happy before with anyone, this truly isn't something that money can buy." The man stated turning the guards near the table and nodding. The guards grabbed your arms and restrained you. "We'll take you to his room so you can begin preparations for the wedding at once." Wedding? No, they had it all wrong. "Let me go!" You shouted as you were dragged out of the dining room and into a familiar room. You were roughly placed on the bed. You ran after the guards but found yourself locked in Kalim's room. This was madness, Kalim's parents were insane! You pounded on the door till you ran out of energy. Defeated you slumped onto the floor and cried.
You awoke to the sound of the door opening, it was Kalim! Maybe he could be reasoned with. "Kalim, you've got to let me go!" You begged as you clung to his robes. Kalim wasn't looking you in the eyes. "Kalim please! I want to be with my family!" He still refused to look at you. "Kalim?" You softly asked trying to see his face. You wish you hadn't. His eyes held the most lovesick expression you had ever seen. You backed away from the boy slowly, who only followed you till you were against the bed. This wasn't good at all. "Sweetheart are you okay, you look terrified." Kalim cooed as he pressed kisses against any exposed skin he could see. "I am terrified of you Kalim. Your family is sick!" You complained as you tried to bat away his affections. Kalim continued to stay there and embrace you, while guiding you to the bed.
"You're probably just tired let's go to bed now." He cooed as he gently lay you beside him, wrapping his wings around you. You were trapped in the crazy butterfly's embrace and wanted out. The more you tried to resist golden powder floated around the air from his wings. You found yourself becoming drowsy as the pollen entered your system. No you needed to fight it off you needed to...
"Sleep my love, we have a busy day ahead of us..."
I know my parents are wrong but I'm too selfish to let you go.
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airaibunny · 11 months
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dom!yujin x sub!fem!reader - “more than studying” (warnings: smut, first time/inexperience, high school AU, praise, scissoring, breast play, begging)
a/n: requested! omg i’m sorry about the length, i just started writing shit and i didn’t realize how long it was. it wasn’t gonna be an au at first, but i decided against that. i know i’m trying a lot of firsts lately, but this is my first time writing an au, i ask u guys to please give me feedback as per usual. but um, ig hopefully i didn’t fuck it up that much
word count: 3.3k
everybody knows who ahn yujin is. she’s your high school’s “it” girl. you’re not exactly her friend, you don’t even know if she knows who you are. despite this, you can’t help but be completely captivated with her, but not in the way you should be.
all of the other girls look at her with envy. they swarm around her like bugs, they all want to be in her place. on the contrary, you look at her completely enamored. you have memorized every feature on her face, even if you’ve never gotten an up close look at them. the things you think about while looking at her are criminal, but you can’t stop yourself.
if only she’d give you the time of day. you often daydream about her asking you to hang out, or flat out kissing you in the middle of the hallway. but she’s never acknowledged you in the slightest. you’d love to get close to her, but you’re much too sheepish to do so yourself.
her usual flock of friends run to greet her when she walks in the front door of the school. you watch from afar for a few seconds, but quickly run to class in fear of being late.
your grades are entirely too important to jeopardize them for one more meaningless look at yujin. you’re very intelligent, top of your class in fact. you don’t live up to the tv-nerd stereotype however; you’re very pretty. you don’t indulge in vanity though, you hate being the center of attention and don’t crave praise for your looks.
you hear the bell ring and impatiently await the teacher. first period is dreadful to sit through because you can’t stop looking at the clock in anticipation; the only class you have with yujin is the one right after this.
your teacher rushes into the classroom, apologizing for the delay. you quietly sit through today’s lecture, sometimes catching yourself thinking about yujin and not paying attention.
the bell finally rings and you bolt up from your spot, packing up erratically and speeding out the door. you walk down the hallway as fast as you can and into your second period classroom. you sit at your usual spot in the front, closest to the teacher.
you watch the door like a hawk, waiting for yujin to walk in. when she finally does, you abruptly turn away, not wanting her to see you looking her way. you think she’s just going to walk past you and go sit in the back like she routinely does, but you freeze when she sits right next to you.
you can feel your heart skip at beat as she takes out her notebook. you’ve obviously been this close to her before, but never for an extended period of time.
“shit. do you have a pen?”
your eyes widen at the remark. you turn your head to look at her, shaking. “yeah, here you go.” you nervously smile, holding out your hand with your own pen. “is this the only one you have? i don’t want to take it if it is.” you pull out another pen from your pencil case and hold it up to show her. she smiles and takes the pen your previously offered.
you turn back to the front, trying to stay calm. that was the longest (and the only) conversation you’ve ever had with her.
“wait, you’re the really smart girl. y/n, right?” you turn back to face her, in shock that she’s still talking to you. “yes, i am.” you hide your hands in your lap in fear that she might notice how shaky you are. “please drop the honorifics, they’re really not necessary.”
you agree with a nod, but you’re squealing inside. the ahn yujin just asked you to speak to her informally. does this mean you’re friends?
she gives you a big grin and you give her one back. “your smile is so cute!” your breathing hitches, did she just compliment you?
“oh, thank you.” you practically whisper to her, too flustered to raise your voice. “of course!”
the bell rings and you’re left to think about your interaction in complete silence. paying attention is extraneously hard, how are you supposed to concentrate when she just complimented you?
you keep looking at her throughout the entire class, but you make sure it’s not noticiable.
you sigh to yourself a bit when it’s over, upset at having to leave yujin. you start packing, but you stop when she starts talking to you again.
“oh my god, did you understand all of that?” you nod, trying to seem cool about the situation even though you are most definitely freaking out internally. “ugh, how? you should tutor me, like, i’m 100% serious. i’m really close to failing this class and i don’t know how my parents will react if i do.”
you’re pretty sure you completely stop breathing. tutoring yujin would mean spending time with her, alone. could you really trust yourself to do that?
“um, i could…” she stands up and you’re forced to look up at her since you’re still sitting. you suddenly feel even more nervous than before. “oh my god! really? that’d be amazing. i don’t have any smart friends. you’re my first.”
she just called you her friend.
this didn’t exactly what you want to be, but it’s a step in the right direction. “oh, that’s great!” you smile again and she giggles. “yeah! how about we hang out after school? you can try to explain whatever it is that the teacher was saying, and then we can just talk if you want.” you nod while still smiling, but you try to dissimulate how truly ecstatic you are.
“okay, can we meet at your house?” you nod again. “let me put my number in your phone.” you immediately hand your phone to her. you can’t believe she’s giving you her number. you quietly watch as she makes a contact for herself and hands your phone back. she took a selfie for her contact picture and named herself “yujin-ah🩷”
“let’s meet up outside the school gates after school, okay?” you nod for the hundredth time and she waves goodbye at you. you sloppily pack up as you realize how much time you and yujin spent talking after class.
the rest of the day goes by dismally slow. you sit through every class tapping your pen on your desk and shaking your leg. you blankly stare at the clock during your last class of the day, anticipating every move of the handle.
when the bell finally rings you almost hurt yourself getting up. you stuff all of your things into your backpack, which is very out of character for you. you hurriedly run outside and to the school entrance. you stand there, looking in every direction to see if yujin was coming.
“hey y/n!” she somehow sneaks up behind you and startles you. “oh, sorry.”
“no, don’t apologize, it’s okay.” you smile at her and stop her from bowing. “well, do you want to get going?” you nod and start walking away in front of her, but she links her arm in yours. you continue walking, but you can feel your cheeks and ears getting hot.
“am i being to forward, is that why you won’t talk to me?” you harshly turn your head towards her and furrow your brows. “no! not at all, i just don’t talk to a lot of people.” she stays silent for a few seconds. “oh. well, you can talk to me freely, seriously.”
“oh, okay.” you surprisingly talk the entire way to your house, taking her up on her word. sometimes you think you’re being too much, but they way she’s attentively looking at you encourages you to go on.
when you finally arrive at your house, you lead her inside and lock the door behind you. “i forgot to tell you my parents are at work, we’re alone.”
“that’s fine, i don’t mind.” you take her to the living room and ask her if she can unpack both of your supplies from your backpacks while you get a snack. she nods and you disappear into the kitchen, finally letting it sink in that she is at your house.
you take a few minutes to compose yourself before going outside with a few apple slices and drinks.
“are you ready?” she asks, lifting her eyebrows. you nod and sit down beside her.
you explain the material to her for about two hours before she decides she’s ready to give up for the day. she follows through with your agreement and just talks to you for a while. you listen to her every word very attentively. you’re still in awe that she’s treating you like this.
“it’s getting dark, i should probably head home.” you help her pack up and walk her to the front door. you try just waving goodbye, but she gives you a hug. you hug her back, smiling to yourself. “we should do this again!”
and you did. you and yujin met up almost every day for the next month. your amazement died down after you got fully acquainted, but your crush has only grown stronger. now that you two are so close, you feel more immersed in her than ever. you’ve had to stop yourself from kissing her multiple times, and you can barely look at her without a vulgar thought popping into your head. will you ever be able to tell her?
“are your parents home?” she asks when she meets you at your usual spot outside the school. “yeah, they are.” you nod along with your sentence, curious about why she’d ask that. “can we go to my house today?” you find her second question stranger than the first, but you agree with her nonetheless. “awesome, let’s go.”
this is your first time going to yujin’s house. you wonder why she chose today, and if your parents being home influenced her decision. you brush it off, thinking she just feels like being alone.
she’s very quiet on the way to her house which is usually not how she acts. you’re both normally loudly laughing and making silly remarks on your walks after school. why is she acting so strange?
you get to her house and she pushes you inside, making you stumble a bit. you shoot her a ‘what the fuck’ look, but she’s facing away from you and locking the door.
“lets go upstairs.” she takes your hand and drags you up the stairs, not letting you respond. “where are your parents?” she doesn’t bother to look back at you.
“not here.”
a sudden thought pops into your head. the fact that she asked to go to her house because she knew her parents weren’t home is strange, what does she want to do? it can’t possibly be what you’re thinking. she just thinks of you as a friend, there’s absolutely no way.
she shoves you inside her room and turns around to lock that door as well. you giggle in confusion and somewhat fear. “are we doing some top secret studying, what’s going on?”
she drops her backpack on the floor and walks up to you to do the same to yours.
“we’re not studying, but it is top secret.”
with that, she grabs your face and crashes her lips into yours without a warning.
your mind stops working for a second and you just let yourself melt into the kiss. her lips feel infinitely better than you imagined. they’re smooth and pillowy, you can’t help but imagine how they’d feel elsewhere. you part your lips, allowing her to push her tongue inside your mouth. you try fighting her for dominance with your own, but she ultimately wins.
you can feel the slick running onto your underwear just from kissing her.
she only pulls away when you’re both gasping for air. “is this okay?” you respond by smiling and pulling her back in, wrapping your arms around her neck. “you’re so pretty. can you smile for me again?” you comply and she looks down at your shirt, slightly tugging at it.
“can i take this off?” you shamelessly nod and help her pull your shirt over your head. her hands land on your waist, pulling you closer to her. “have you ever done this before?” she brings her lips to your neck. “no…” she stops to look at you with a sickeningly sweet smile. “okay, i’ll be very gentle.”
she plants a kiss on your forehead and goes back to your neck. she leaves sloppy kisses and bruises all over it, earning soft moans from you. one of her hands moves to your back and unclasps your bra. you let it fall, but cover yourself with your hands.
“don’t cover up pretty girl, let me see.” she moves your arms out of the way and stares at your chest. your face turns red with embarrassment and she immediately notices. “don’t worry, there’s no need to be shy.”
she takes one of your breasts into her hand and pulls you in for another kiss with the other. you moan at the sensation of her hand on your tits, but also at the puddle forming on your underwear. you become hyperaware of the fact that she’s still fully clothed and whine out in frustration while pulling at her shirt.
“yujin-ah…” she quickly catches on to what you want and practically rips her shirt off. she lets you take off her bra and throws it on the ground. you stand frozen for a second, not knowing what to do next.
“do you want to touch?” you nod, but hesitate to bring your hands forward. she rolls her eyes with a smile and grabs them, placing them directly on top of her breasts. your face turns scorching once more, which earns another giggle from her.
“do you need me to guide you?” you nod again and she brings her hands to yours, making you caress her breasts. you let it happen, completely astounded at the fact that this is happening. you’re enjoying getting to touch her, but it’s just making you focus more on the wetness growing between your legs.
luckily, yujin notices how squirmy you’re being. “do you want to move on?” you respond to her verbally this time. “yes, please.” you see that same provocative smile spread across her lips, so you make an mental note of your response.
she unzips her skirt and lets it fall to the ground. she does the same to her underwear and you nearly faint. you’re completely sure you’re awake, but this still feels unreal. you watch the sway of her hips as she walks to the bed and sits down, beckoning you closer. you comply and walk in front of her.
she places her hands at either sides of your shorts and slightly tugs them down. “is this okay?” she pauses for a second but you give her your consent to keep going. she pulls your shorts and underwear off, leaving you completely bare. she holds onto your thighs and leans in to plant a soft kiss on your abdomen while looking up at you.
you twitch at the feeling of her lips and gasp a bit. she chuckles to herself and pulls you onto her lap. “i love making you so flustered, it’s so cute.” she leans in for another peck on the lips before moving on to your neck once again.
she uses one of her hands to massage your thigh and the other to do the same to your breasts. she continues marking you for a few minutes, making you whine out with her every move.
the hand on your thigh moves further up, stopping to ask you for permission. “can i touch you?” you remember her reaction to your previous response and answer in the same way. “mhm, please, yujin-ah.” she doesn’t need to hear another word before she brings her fingers to your core.
you let a loud moan escape your lips and hold on to her shoulders. you hear her breathing get shaky and wonder what’s wrong.
“you’re fucking soaked.”
your state is clearly eliciting a physical reaction from her because her hand feels shaky. “are you sure you want to keep going?” you whine in annoyance again and lift her face up to your own to give her a kiss.
“stop asking, please just go. ruin me, please.”
you don’t know where your sudden boldness came from, but yujin seems pleasantly surprised. “okay pretty girl, whatever you want.” she begins rubbing small circles on your clit and you immediately become a mess.
her lips land on your breasts, she sucks on them, leaving more red marks everywhere. you push her head farther into you, earning small laughs and witty remarks.
you feel a paralyzing knot building in your stomach and tighten your grip on yujin’s hair. her fingers speed up, sensing that you’re on the edge. her agility is impressive, you’re amazed that she’s not tired.
“yujin…” you whimper, causing her to detach from your chest and plant a kiss on your lips. “it’s okay. i’ve got you, go ahead.”
you feel the pressure release as soon as she finishes her sentence. you instinctively bury your face into her neck as your hips stagger to a stop. she keeps her fingers pressed against your clit, gradually slowing until you’re completely done.
“you were amazing, princess.” she strokes your hair, letting you calm down and regain your normal breathing pattern.
once you’re back to normal, she moves you out of her lap and onto the bed. she’s pushes you, making you fall on your back. she positions herself on top of you and bends down to kiss you.
“can you lift your leg for me?” you oblige without thinking about it, your mind is so foggy, you’d do anything she asked you for. “good job, you’re so good at following directions.” you feel the familiar heat return to your core with that sentence and become immediately impatient.
she brings one of her legs over yours which leaves her core hovering over your own. you think she’s going to let her hips fall, but she brings her face to your breasts again, continuing to tease you.
“yujin, no teasing. please, just sit.”
you push her face away from your chest to look at her in the eyes. she licks her lips and chuckles down at you. “you’re such a needy girl. you’re lucky i don’t feel like being mean.”
you mutter another ‘please’ at her and she finally gives you what you want. your hips jerk forward as soon as you come in contact with her core, which earns a small moan form her. you take her breasts in your hands without thinking about it, playing with them exactly like she showed you earlier.
her hips move at a steady pace. your legs twitch a bit every time her clit brushes against yours. you’re both extremely loud, you’re very thankful her parents aren’t home. she looks absolutely heavenly on top of you. you can feel yourself inching closer to the edge every time her eyes meet yours and she shoots you a smirk.
she leans back, resting on her hands. your own hands leave her breasts and go to her thighs. she speeds up and her pace becomes erratic.
you think she might cum first, but you suddenly feel a wave of ecstasy wash over you. you dig your nails into her thigh, causing her to whine out. she keeps the same sporadic pace going for a few seconds until she finishes as well.
you can feel her juices leaking out onto your folds and mixing with your own. her bangs are stuck to her forehead with sweat and the air around you feels thick. you’re both gasping as yujin halts her movements.
“did you like that?” she leans down to kiss you and whispers against your lips. “mhm.” you smile at her. “i love your smile so much.” she drags her thumb across your bottom lip and looks down at your chest. her eyes widen when she finally sees what she did.
“sorry i left so many marks.”
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bogleech · 1 year
Just read your plastic bug review ( absolutely delightful!) and Id love to hear your mosquito hot takes if you have the time.
Well there's a viral lie that they're ecologically valueless and of course, no, there's really no such thing, and their importance goes far beyond just another food for insect-eaters, but that's more "scientific facts" than "hot takes" so as far as "hot takes" go:
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They're both beautiful and cute animals, more charming than butterflies.
The fact that they're bothersome vampires is part of the charm, it's just plain cool that our planet has swarms of night-flying blood-sucking swamp creatures.
I completely reject their status as "deadliest animal" on the basis that a mosquito by itself is irritating but inherently harmless. The diseases they can carry are distinct organisms that evolved to exploit the mosquito as a vehicle. It is worth noting that only a few mosquito species can even transmit illnesses to humans at all!
Speaking of which I notice people are quick to defend bats, raccoons, rats and other more popular animals that can spread disease, but use mosquito borne illness as justification to want mosquitoes totally eradicated, and I think that's pretty transparently a matter of petty spite. Take away the diseases and the mosquito is still an "inconvenience," however harmless, and humans just have a very difficult time with the reality that nature does not exist for our comfort and fun.
Can't help noticing that research into just killing them all off gets more attention and funding than the equally viable and environmentally safer research into simply making them inhospitable to pathogens, and I'm sure that's driven partially by the above biases, but partially because there's probably money and clout in being the one to reduce Pesky Bugs from popular tourist destinations like Florida.
Even having said all of the above, an animal never needs to be harmless, pleasant, or ecologically "essential" to be worthy of admiration. Each is a unique and special sculpture of evolution and a "character" in the vast varied cast of living organisms. Some of them are allowed to be bad guys. Some of them are allowed to just be background filler. The total sum of the different forms taken by life on our planet is what's precious about life on our planet, including every part of it anyone has ever feared or hated.
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krypticcafe · 5 months
How do you feel about CoD boys in a monster au? Whether they’re the monster or their s/o is the monster, I just think it would be neat. I’m partial towards werewolves but honestly I love anything that goes bump in the night. I LOVE the idea of a monster being afraid of hurting their partner but their partner knows that they could never hurt them. If you’re open to monster requests, I have so many ideas. Just… monsters, man
oooo are we spitballing bc I love throwing around ideas!!
I absolutely love monster AUs, one of my faves is @/bluegiragi's and I'm sure you all know that iconic one. I'm totally open to monster/hybrid requests, and a detailed list of what other things I write can be found in the cafe's Customer Service Policy aka rules :]
And monster-related plots? I'm a sucker for that shit, need more of that and monster!reader.
If I were to make a Monster Hybrid AU with my own specific ideas though, hmm...
Powerful and stoic, Price would make a great minotaur (lower half of a bull). Sure, maybe his back isn't what it used to be, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have the strength to send you back to your maker. Every step he takes on base acknowledges his presence, a posture that demands respect from its witnesses. The horns on his head aren't something to mess with either, though it takes him ages to scrape out the dried blood from the cracks and tailor his bucket hats.
On the other hand, the canine hybrid for Soap is oddly charming. Similarly to a werewolf, he would have the senses of one, but as a just hybrid, he's unable to fully transform. Instead, he's equipped with features like ears, tail, fangs, some fur on his arms and legs, and a longer tongue. I can see him being a border collie, the Scottish sheepdog just makes sense. But a kelpie/merfolk would also work with his callsign. Soap, a mischievous water spirit known for "cleaning out" rooms of enemies? A body with slick scales, gills, and a frilled mohawk when in monster form? Yeah, I can definitely see that.
For someone with a Queen's honor, a phoenix feels right for Gaz. Bright and burning wings and tail—a light that feels regal and elegant, yet so youthful and lively at the same time. With him in the sky, you're guaranteed to be safe under his watch. Or maybe a cervitaur with those doe eyes of his, gorgeous as ever. Yet equipped with a kick that's sure to shatter the ribs of those who mock him for being just a faun with a pretty face.
Undeniably, with such a specific callsign, Ghost can't be anything other than a wraith. Maybe mix in a bit of demonic blood, soul-eater tendencies, or even marks of an incubus for a little extra kick. His scars look more like shadowy cracks in his skin, smoke pours from the concerningly realistic skull he wears, he looks more like a reaper than a spirit. Regardless, this man is a shadowy phantom that provokes the fear of gods in whoever he sets his target as.
Roach, sure maybe his energy is fitting of a satyr or something more fitting and urban for our token American, like a roach version of Mothman. Bug wings and scales similar to the structure of an exoskeleton, But Roach came to be for being nearly indestructible, like the bug. In fact, it would be more accurate to call Roach, Roaches, as a bogeyman with a human body that can crumble into a swarm of those insects would explain why gunshots and explosions can hardly stop him.
Like Ghost, we can't deny who Hound is, either. Werewolf. Anything less would be criminal. For fun, mix it in with a bit of hellhound hybrid biology, so that he has to either go as a full hellhound or a human with hellhound features. Eyes that burn like Tartarus and a fanged snarl that even Cerberus would shudder at. Maybe even make him in charge of a hellhound K-9 unit, forced to face the very thing he fears.
As for the Reader? Well, that's up to you. Personally, I'm a little fond of shapeshifters. Might need to draw some of these ideas sometime...
Ah well, just some thoughts I had. Any other spitballs you guys have?
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squerlly · 3 months
flames of desire chapter 9: care to dance~
Alastor x (f! bunny reader)
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your POV:
walking out of my room I head to the table taking a seat, Charlie and Alastor have something they want to announce, as Charlie runs downstairs Alastor comes out of the kitchen holding a plate of Beignets and hands them out to everyone, I heard of them but never tried one. "alright everybody I'm so sorry to wake you all up early but me and Al had an idea!" "I and Charlie decided that-" "We decided that we should throw a party here at the hotel to gain some patrons and you all are invited!!!" "you gotta be fucken with me..." husk grumbles "I could~" Leaning over the table Angel strokes husks chest as Husk pushes him off "Go fuck yourself" "That sounds wonderful hun," vaggie says trying to calm Charlie down. "A party?" "yes, a partyyy!!" "Charlie would like-" "I would like for" Cutting Charlie off Alastor stuffs a Beignet in Charlie's mouth "As I was saying Charlie would like for you all to help clean the lobby and decorate" "cleannnn!!!!! I love cleaning...." niffty giggled creepily. Charlie nods as she finishes the Beignet "well dress up and dance and celebrate!!!!" "that doesn't sound too bad" "Yes yes yes, we have a lot to work on so let's get started"
everyone stood up to gather cleaning supplies, and we spent the whole day cleaning. nifty ran around dusting and killing bugs, husk cleaned the drinking glasses while Angel went to buy food and more alcohol. Charlie and Vaggie went upstairs to the old storage room and grabbed whatever leftover decorations, and Alastor summoned these weird shadowy minions to fix the place up and move the furniture around to create a dance floor. 
Once Angel came back we set up the food table, restocked the drinks, and wiped everything down one last time before dragging all the girls upstairs to Angel's room to get ready. "Let go husk my, dear friend, we need to get you in tip-top shape, you're our bartender after all!" "Whatever..." 
At Angels Room Charlie, vaggie, niffty, and I had our dresses laid out. Charlie and vaggie picked black and white themed dresses to match. Angel picked a hot pink maxi dress that sparkled with an off-the-shoulder neckline, Niffty picked a little light pink cocktail dress with white lace around the bottom, and lastly, I had decided on a black red short flowy dress.
Alastors POV:
as I watched the ladies run upstairs I took Husker up to my room to get him ready. "you don't have anything to wear do you?" "No, does it look like I give a shit what I wear!" "Hmm, fear not my friend I know just what to put you in" With a mischievous smile I snap my fingers causing a line of green smoke to twirl around Husk, changing him into a Black and white suit with yellow cuffs and a yellow bow tie. "is this some kind of joke..." "doesn't it bring you back to old times~" I chuckle as husk leaves the room with a groan. another snap of my fingers and I change into my best condition red suit and black slacks topped with my brand new dress shoes. combing my hair and tying my black bow tie, I finish and head downstairs seeing the girls already in the lobby talking and giggling.
your POV:
listening to Charlie talk, I turned my attention to Alastor walking down, he had the same suit but somehow looked even better, Charlie rushed over to open the doors for people to join the party as vaggie turned on the music, with time the place was filled with demons, the bar was packed and the food table was swarmed.
sitting at the bar I grab a glass of Champaign talking to Angel "So uh you and smiles?" "what about us," I say trying to hide a grin "Oh come on ya guys have been extra close, he looks at everyone like he wants to tear them to shreds! but not you~" "And your point is" "I think dark and creepy likes ya" I shake my head and chuckle "Your nosey" "Hey I'm just sayin', you guys look good together" Seeing Alastor walk over I sit up a bit "speak of the devil~" angel winks at me and leaves the bar.
"well my dear you look wonderful as always" "You look extra nice as well" "Always have to look my best!" holding his hand out he offers it to me "Care to dance mon cher~" "Setting my glass down I take his hand, he pulls me to the dance floor, slow music playing as vaggie, Charlie and other demons began to dance. he holds my waist as I hold his shoulder and together we sway. "have you been enjoying yourself?" "yes, and you" "If I'm quite honest I'm only here to see you, my dear" As he twirls me I smile "Taking a liking to me?" "oh more than just a liking, you are quite the thief I'll have you know" "Well I suppose it's only fair since you have stolen from me as well~" "Have I now?" "you have" "How about a deal then" "a deal?" "yes a deal, you may keep what prized possession you have stolen from me as long as I get to court you~" "We have a deal" and with one last twirl the deal is sealed with a kiss...
The song ends and Charlie walks to the front of the room for an announcement, vaggie hands her a microphone as demons gather around, "I just want to thank everyone for coming out here and giving redemption a chance, and I want to thank my friends soooo much-" Charlie's eyes begin to water and vaggie takes the microphone "alright hun I think its time to go-" "I love you guys so much!!!" Charlie runs over and gives us all a hug, to my surprise Alastor doesn't protest, giving her a simple pat on the head as she wipes her tears. "we love you too Charlie!" "Now let's celebrate! I think it is time to bust out the big drinks" "Angellll don't get ahead of yourself!" "nah loosen up vagina" vaggie scowls as Angel drags all of us to the bar, husk serves all of us drinks.
I wanted to make this longer so badly but I had severe writer's block, man I need request to refresh myself, it took me the whole day to finish this but I hope you all still love this chapter and wait for some upcoming spice ;) have a good day/ night love you all!!!
@pooplyface1423 @strippezzz
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oneforthemunny · 25 days
Which Eddie is this
i'm actually laughing so hard bc i fear that it's rockstar!eddie lmaooo.
his biggest shock with fatherhood is he is the designated wasp killer, and he hates wasps. genuinely is so scared of them and despises them. every other bug he's good with. spiders? no biggie, he'll get them out. centipedes? are you seriously scared of those? they're just weird they won't hurt you. lizards? loves grabbing them and setting them out. even bees, no big deal to him.
but wasps?? his enemy.
so when he hears nb screeching one day. "eddie! there's a wasp in persephone's play room." he has a damning realization that he is responsible for it.
he's got to be a man. he's got to protect his family. he's got to kill the wasp.
nb strikes down his hairspray and lighter for a makeshift torch idea, so he's forced to try and smash it.
nb and persephone are watching as eddie's slow and calculated, trying to smack it with nb's vogue issue. he finally gets close, slams the vogue cover down before running away in case he missed.
"eddie!" nb squeals, cradling persephone away in case it swarms.
he looks back, peeking into the room, approaching the magazine with the suspense of a horror movie. "it's dead." eddie nods, looking around to make sure there's no nest.
"alright, call the exterminator. no more playroom for now until they figure out where the fuck-"
"-sorry. where the hell those things came from." he's shoving shirts and sealing the cracks of the door just in case, until the exterminator comes.
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twisted-tales-of-all · 8 months
Slippery Sensations
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Summary: As the tank of your party, you've fought plenty of slimes before, but this monster proves to have tricks hidden in his goop. Pairing: Han Jisung x afab!Reader Genre: Fantasy, Horror(?), Smut, One-Shot Tropes: slime monster!AU, adventurer!AU, knight!AU Word Count: 1.8K Contains: (pure filth tbh) slime play, taboo desires, unprotected sex, outdoor sex, tentacles, breath play, pet name once (my love), vibrations, nipple play/breast fondling, bondage (with slime), dacryphilia, clit play, overstimulation, multiple orgasms (f. receiving), cum-eating (technically, absorbing) A/N: The plot of this was loosely based on a character in one of my favorite anime series, Darkness from Konosuba, who is a wonderful masochist, so take that as you will.
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Another slow day for your guild, your party decides to grab a few quests and earn some extra money. Known as the team's tank, you offer to single-handedly take on the ever-present quest of fighting the lower-level monsters that consistently creep towards the city gates. Exiting the city, you feel confident in your abilities to fight a few magical animals or low-level slimes and other pests.
You quickly work through five swarms of oversized bugs, some wolves, and even a few rogue goblins. As the swarms get further from the city limits, you begin to fight against low-level archers and sorcerers. They manage a few hits on you while you make it into closer range, but you still best them without much issue. After finishing your tenth swarm, you expect to be finished with the quest, but you survey the nearby area in search of any stragglers hiding amongst the foliage.
Stepping into a particularly cold patch of forest, you find a stream that you don't remember being there a few days ago. You carefully follow it back to its source, only to find that it's not water at all, but rather some translucent slime trailing from a high-level slime monster. Before you can turn around and alert the guild, the monster catches sight of you.
With a quick curse under your breath, you prepare yourself for battle. You don't fear it, but you choose to follow your adventurer's instinct to always be ready for the worst. However, the slime monster simply looks at you in wonder, making you lower your sword. The blob of a monster begins rippling as it shifts, morphing itself into a form that resembles a human.
"What the-?"
"Would you not be more comfortable facing something similar to you? Should I shift into something else instead?"
Where you expected a voice of some sort of extreme, you find that the monster's voice is oddly... normal. It feels soft and flowy, but it also has a bit of bass that tingles your ears. If you didn't see a dangerous green monster of thick liquid in front of you, you would've pictured a handsome man based on voice.
"Based on your smile, I assume you to be accepting of this form. Shall we begin?"
"Begin? Begin what?"
On guard again, you raise your sword uselessly. The moment you settle into a battle position, you feel your feet engulfed by the cold, thick slime. You hate yourself for the fluttering in your stomach at the feeling, where any normal person would likely feel disgust or even fear.
"You followed my slick stream, did you not? Only those with a desire towards slimes can see those, my love. If you quit denying yourself the pleasures you yearn for, I can show you everything you've missed before."
Feeling the rough thumping in your chest as the slime submerges your ankles, your adventurer rules fade from memory as you let yourself become prey to the monster. Although you've had fleeting thoughts and occasional dreams of slime monsters in the past, you never once admitted them to a soul. But now, standing completely alone with one, you can deny your fantasies no longer.
As you relax slightly, you ask for something to refer to the monster as, mentioning that you can get quite noisy. Met with a hearty chuckle that you can feel on your skin through the liquid, you get a response that fills your core with warmth.
"Believe me, you won't be yelling much of anything when filled with me, but if you prefer a title, you can call me Han."
Swallowing back saliva, you breathe out his name in response to commit it to memory. Even without distinct features, you can feel the confidence radiating from him as you do so. He slides more slime up your figure, twisting around your left leg and rubbing up against your heat through your clothes and damaged armor. As the acidic slime breaks down the metallic armor and soaks through the cotton, you find your eyes falling shut as he moves the tentacles of goo up your torso. With the ever-flowing cold liquid against the warmest parts of your body, it feels like you're resting in a nice cold stream.
Wrapping himself around your chest, your nearby broken chestplate dissolves into him,opening your body to him more. Shortly after, you feel your silk shirt fall loose, bringing to mind the fact that its buttons were metal as well. He lets out a noise you can only relate to a cat's purr as he watches your clothes fall apart so easily for him. With the noise permeating his whole being, you feel the vibrations against your nipples and between your thighs. A mewl falls from your lips as your head tilts back in pleasure, but Han quickly silences you by slipping a thin stream of slime between your parted lips, opening them wider as he fills your mouth entirely.
Your eyes fly open as you adjust to the suddenlack of air, but you adjust wuickly by focusing on breathing through your nose. Only keeping your mouth about half full to limit your noises, he focuses back onto your chest. Binding your boobs tightly, he points your now-perky nipples towards the majority of his mass. Small finger-like strands reach from the binds to tease and pull at your nipples. Even when he pulls too far, the sting is soothed by the coolness surrounding them.
Noting your reactions to his actions, Han lifts your body and pushes your back against a nearby tree. Even the roughness of the bark scratching your skin is dulled by the cushion of the slime surrounding most of your body. Manipulating your body like his own personal toy, he lifts your arms above your head and spread your legs open wide. With slime covering your limbs, you struggle to move an inch, even simply as reactions to his probing of your body.
He moves closer, with what appears to be his head only about a breath's distance away. Pushing more slime into your mouth, he watches carefully, peering down your throat through the translucent green material. With the blockage of more of your airway, tears prick your eyes as you struggle to breathe. Although he lightens up after a few beats of your pounding heart, he keeps your mouth stretched wide.
Flattening himself to place his head level with your crotch, he roughly tears away the fabric hiding your entrance from him. Admiring it for a moment, you can imagine that he'd be licking his lips in anticipation if he had the ability. You feel the blood rush to your cheeks the longer he stares, only to be caught off guard when he shoves a thick tentacle of slime into your hole without warning.
Unlike the stretch of a human penis, Han stretches you until your body fights back. A sense of euphoria clouds your thoughts as he fills you perfectly. Solidifying his form slightly, he begins slowly moving the appendage back and forth. You feel your eyes roll back as the sensations overwhelm your whole body. You want to whine, to moan, to squirm about - you want to react so badly, but Han has you unable to do a thing. As he slowly works your body, you lose your mind trying but failing to grind faster.
He can feel your fight despite the lack of movement, so his voice vibrates against your body again, "Shh. Let me take care of you. I know it's slow, but we can't overwhelm your body right from the start. Not when there's so much time left in the day."
You taste the salt from his words on your tongue as your tears mix with his slime. With such a powerful, convincing voice, you can't help but relax your body and listen to his words, even despite such an intense urge for more. Fueled by your tears, the monster growls as he tries to restrict himself from ruining you too quickly.
Wihtin a half hour of mind-numbingly slow sex, he lets his feral urges win as he speeds up. The change in pace shocks your body back into wanting to react. Feeling this, he removes the slime from your mouth, wrapping it instead around your throat. Unable to connect your brain to your tongue, a series of unintelligable noises and curses leave your throat in a near whisper. The ocasional addition of his alias mixed into your mumbling invites him to pound harder, but instead of moving his appendage, he takes a different approach. Dropping your arms down to your side, he tightens his binds around your waist and begins bouncing your body up and down.
Although he made himself fill you perfectly, the sensations change now that your body moves instead of forcibly staying still. Adding to this, he envelopes your clit in another strand, letting the ever-flowing liquid massage your sensitive ball of nerves. The sensations overwhelm you, as it feels unlike anything you've had before. Far better than even the best human sex you've experienced, you find yourself falling victim to the addicting touch Han provides. As your body heats up and tenses, you feel yourself reaching your high. Silently urging you to orgasm, Han sucks up all of your juices as they flow out, enjoying the taste as it melts into him.
Coming down after orgasm doesn't last long, as Han tightens the bind around your neck and continues to bounce you on his slime cock. He removes the sensations from your clit to lessen the overstimulation, but refuses to stop after tasting your sweet orgasm. As the sun progresses its movement across the sky, you can't even think about anything, your mind fucked straight out of you.
Meanwhile, the rest of your party begin to worry about your extended absence. Everyone trusted that you'd be able to handle the creatures nearby, but now they're concerned for your safety. Suiting up in their heavy armor to make up for the lack of their tank, they venture outside the city to try and find you.
Sensing movement in the forest nearby, Han returns the pressure to your clit to bring you to your second intense orgasm. Slowing down as you ride through another high, he lays you down onto solid ground and asks you to come visit him again in the future. Catching your breath, you lie on the grass with your clothes soaked and falling apart, in a puddle of slime. You wipe the tears off of your cheeks before hearing a familiar voice calling out to you, followed by four pairs of feet rushing towards you.
Despite your blissed-out state, your team only notices your lack of armor, torn clothing, and red puffy eyes and assume you fought against a tough, high-level monster. Checking your limbs for injury and draping a cloak over your exposed body, they ignore your outrageous explanation about sex with a slime and carry you back into the city for a long rest.
Tags: @kwanisms @sanjoongie @kpop-stories-21 @mo0nbeams
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jame7t · 10 months
do you know what to do with all these molted cicada nymph shells
Sure, they're not dead, but they still give off the same vibe to me. You know? The empty casings of a spent thing? Dust gathering in the recesses where something used to be? Sure, they're not dead, but they still set off my Necroentomophobia. Fear of dead bugs! Did you know that? Did you know people could be scared of dead bugs? Whatever. It's not the same as being scared of a bug, sure. But I can be scared of a lot of bugs. Sure, little things, like the humble lady bug- not scary. Butterflies, scant as they are, are only off-putting to me. The beautiful moth? Well, I love it, but I don't want to hurt it. It's whimsical, fat body makes me nervous. I don't want to squish it by accident! Because then it would be a dead bug.
And that's worse. It's like, not precisely a direct fear of a dead bug. It won't leap at me in a defiant rage, or be waiting for me around the scary corner. It's more like a shortcut to existential dread. It's a combination of 'ew!' and 'I am going to die one day' and more importantly, if a bug is dead, something has killed it. And you never know if that something is still lurking around. Just kidding. Do you know what a cicada shell is made of? That's right. It's the happy chitin! I don't have an issue with chitin. We're not chitinous beasts, but we have the enzymes to break them down. Humans, that is. This isn't a science fiction piece. This is my blog. I've always thought chitin was interesting though- it's a natural armor made for little guys ostensibly. Little guys in the sense, that it is for bugs only. Well, crabs have chitin, and they can get pretty big- The spider crab can grow over 300 feet in diameter. Just kidding, it can't do that. It's pretty big though. At this point, you'd think: 'Okay- crab reference, and a direct link to the enzymes to break down chitin. Do we eat them? Should we eat the Cicada shells?' Well, I'm not going to. That sounds kind of scary to me. Would you? Would you eat the shell of a thing? I can't imagine it tastes good. I'm eating potato chips right now. They're yummy, and crunchy, and in many ways- the opposite of the humble cicada's false corpse. A lying bug. A lying, cheating, swarming thing. A bug we don't like. A bug we have to deal with. Don't we have to deal with everything? Would it be easier to show less mercy to the little things? It wouldn't, and it would be mean. And that's worse. Anyway, to answer your question, you turn them into mulch, apparently. Or bury them in a hole. Through my research, those were the only two real options we have. There's also 'add them to compost.' So that's three, you have three options. Do you want my opinion? No? Moving on then. There's also a fourth option- a telling one, at that. A sort of 'secret option' lots of people choose. 'Let them decompose on your lawn.' Right? Right, the easy one? Might as well call it 'do nothing.' Doing nothing is always a choice, sure, but when you give me the choice to 'do nothing' in a game, or choose your own adventure, it always seems like a lazy choice on the developer's part. And sure, from your real life perspective, it's probably the easiest. But from a game design perspective? You have to account for the player sitting and watching. What happens if I don't intervene? What happens if I let it continue? Well, in the case of the empty cicada, they stink apparently. I've never noticed it, and we have cicadas here- but I've been lucky enough to never be out in or see a swarm. A predecessor of mine once recalled a story in which the swarm was so bad, you couldn't walk outside without crushing them on the sidewalks "Ew," is what I thought. Maybe they only smell if there's hundreds of them. Thousands? No, probably just hundreds. Not saying they wouldn't smell more if there were lots, I'm saying they probably start being noticeable at around a hundred. Nothing wrong with that. Not sure what the smell is, though. Do you? You should put them in a hole.
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fatalheart0 · 11 months
'Silence' Part 1
Fanfic written for @sleepyconfusedpotato for Jade and Ghost.
Warnings: Angst
Originally, I was going to make this extremely sad by having ghost find out jade was KIA. But I didn't have the heart to do it.
Ignore any grammar mistakes. I'm a bit sleepy, lol.
"It's too silent-..."
Ghost quietly sulked behind the back of the pick up truck he and soap just escaped in, from Graves and his men. When the ambush happened Jade, Ghost and Soap were quick to break off to avoid capture, unfortunately Vargas was caught. Throughout the remainder of trying to avoid Shadow company they all continued to have small talk through their coms. I guess you could say it was a way for them to keep their heads on right, especially soap who was injured.
But after a while, Jade had gone silent. Not one word was spoken from her end. Ghost figured she was in a tight spot and had to remain with 0 contact to avoid being spotted, but that was difficult for him. Memories of the small moments they shared rushed into his head and he immediately tried to brush them off. She was a strong woman, she would be okay. Right?
He pondered in silence on whether they should turn back to pick jade up, but that risked getting them both caught and soap needed medical attention.
Ghost turns his head to soap who is still standing there clutching his bleeding shoulder. They had made it to a safe house Vargas showed Ghost on a map, one he made sure to keep a mental note of in case anything went to shit. And what do you know? It did. Ghost remains silent and nods, getting off the truck and making his way back inside with Soap following in suit.
Rudy, who had been holed up in the safe house greets them once again to which soap offers a nod.
"Why is it so silent?.."
Is all Ghost can think, the radio silence bugged him. He should have heard from her by now. It shouldn't be this silent- but at the same time it felt so loud. The world around him began to ring in his head, the voices of the past haunting him. Her voice haunting him. He could barely hear the conversation between Rudy and Soap, who was helping him with his fresh wound.
3 hours pass -
It was very visible.
No one could not see it.
The irritability Ghost wore was like this giant cloud of darkness swarming around him. At the first hour mark, they still heard nothing from jade and Ghost had begun to worry. By the 2nd hour Ghost became antsy, the smallest things setting him off to argue with everyone who was now gathered at the safe house. When the 3rd hour hit, Ghost had become unwilling to work with people, even Gaz and Price. He was starting to lose the grip on himself that he worked so hard to build. Why hadn't she called in yet? What is her location? Did her radio break? Is she too far away to use her radio? Is she hurt? What if she's screaming for him right now and he's sitting here doing nothing.
So many questions rushed through his head, how was he supposed to keep himself calm in this storm when she was the very thing that helped him through the rough waves of a vast ocean or the dark abyss from swallowing him whole. She was the very thing he needed all his life, every fear, every doubt, every dark thought that plagued his mind was instantly gone with just her presence alone.
For the very first time Ghost felt weak and helpless. He should be doing something, not just sitting here. Not sitting here. Ghost's eyes lit up for a moment as he quickly made his way outside. Merging with the shadows he effortlessly made his way to a truck without being seen. He takes a deep breath, the engine revs loudly as he turns the key. He speeds off leaving price and the others yelling to become distant background noise until it's gone. He didn't care if he got reprimanded for his actions, the woman he loved- truly loved was out there and needed him.
For hours on end he searched the last place they were at, going through every house and every room checking under staircases, in dumpsters. Anywhere she could've hidden herself from view to stay safe. He felt all hope vanishing as he dropped to the floor. Was this his reality? Did he really have to let go of her and move on? He could feel the tears well up in his eyes and he lowered his head to the ground.
The slight shimmer that bounced off the ground reflecting in the corner of his eyes grasps his attention, saddened eyes slowly drift to the sparkling speckle within the short distance fron him. The longer he stared the more he could make out, he quickly crawled over picking up the item and let out a strained sigh of relief. What had been shining in his eye was the bullet necklace he had given Jade one day off duty. Ghost was silent as tears flowed down his face as he realized through all the bodies he'd seen, not one was hers. Not a single one.
But that left him with one question. Where was she? There was no signs of Graves men having been present in the area, giving Ghost a moment to attempt to call for jade.
"Jade. This is ghost do you read me?"
And once again silence. He huffs out an annoyed sigh and stands back up looking around taking in his options. He can't give up yet.
"Jade this is ghost do you copy"
His head perked at the slight noise that echoed from a small alleyway. Pressing his radio button he holds it then releases it, and he hears it again. A beeping noise, one that happens when radio signals bounce off each other when they are close. Quickly he dashes around the corner and looks around. Nothing but dumpsters and trash. But there, on top of a few garbage bags slightly covered with trash was a flashing light. It was small but easily visible. Moving the trash away he picks up a entire radio set and ear peice. He reads the number that's used to keep track of the radios on base. Jade's radio number was #12095.
Slowly he read them off before tightly holding the radio, he brings it to his chest. Holding it there, happy knowing there was still a chance she slipped away. Suddenly prices voice comes out into his ear piece.
"Ghost we need you back here at the safe house. We have located jade. We will discuss more when you get here"
'Don't need to tell me twice' ghost thought as he bolts back to the truck speeding back to the safe zone. Once there, he bursts through the front door. "Is she alive?" Was the first thing to leave his lips as he shoulders rise and fall with every deep heavy breath.
"Alive yes, but she's been caught by Graves and his men. She's being held in Vargas' base. The same one Graves took control over." Ghost can feel the blood moving through his body. He clenches his hands, knuckles cracking. "Let's do this.."
Nothing more needed to be said. For the rest of the night, the group planned how to storm the base, where the guards were posted up in towers and the places that could hold prisoners. Nothing was going to stop ghost from reaching Jade. Nothing. Not even the devil himself could stop him from getting to her.
The next morning was miserable without jade there. Even though he knows she's alive, it still doesn't make the empty feeling go away. Throughout the day ghost did nothing but train and check to make sure equipment was clean and operational. Nothing was allowed to go wrong, not on this mission. When night fell, everyone went over the plan once more.
To start was to take out the guards in the towers, climb over the wall, and quietly make their way inside without alerting anyone of their presence. The battle was to be fought when they left with Vargas and Jade, so they weren't moved or killed on sight. Everything was in order, and the 141 set out to get their team back.
Authors note: if I kept writing, I probably would've filled out tumblrs' word limit, so to keep it safe and in order I will make a part 2.
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prince-of-rot · 9 months
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A Prayer for Fear of Bugs
O, Beelzebub, I am afraid. I fear these children of yours - the (spiders, roaches, whatever you are afraid of).
Pour into my heart the wonders from your well of existence.
Touch my eyes to the marvels of your swarm and heal my blindness and fear.
Connect me once again with your curiosity and sacred creations.
Help me, Beelzebub, to love your children, the (insert name again), and when I cannot, to shake loose my fears and exist at peace with them.
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ordinaryschmuck · 8 months
Bob's Burgers Halloween specials ranked
(Because screw it, why not?)
11. Tina and the Real Ghost--This one's more awkward than funny. I honestly feel bad for Tina for falling in love with an empty box...and grow to hate Tammy for being so petty to steal the box away from her. Even the B-Plot of ghost hunters in the restaurant isn't all that funny. Honestly, the funniest bit is when Bob's unexpectedly swarmed with bugs after a brief moment of cockiness. Other than that, pretty weak episode.
10. The Wolf of Wharf Street--PROBABLY the most irresponsible Linda's been with the kids and Bob believing Teddy's a werewolf was a bit of a stretch. Still, some spooky atmosphere carries this one a bit, so I can't hate it THAT much.
9. Apple Gore-chard! (But Not Gory)--There need to be more episodes with Louise and Jessica. Their friendship is easy and cute in a lot of moments. Anyways, as for the episode, it's pretty standard. Some REAL Halloween stuff doesn't happen until half way through and the jokes aren't all that funny. There's barely any attention on the lesson, making it feel more like a waste of time if anything else. It's just Louise and Jessica's friendship that carries things if anything else (Seriously, MORE of that)
8. Pig Trouble in Little Tina--A great episode about peer pressure and with a fun subplot about Bob's gross ear wax. It's just that none of it screams HALLOWEEN to me. There's some spooky imagery, but a lot of this episode feels like something that could happen in ANY episode, especially Bob's subplot. Great episode, but not so great of a Halloween special.
7. Heartbreak Hotel-oween--This one's cute. That's all I can say.
6. Teen-a Witch--Tina trying to be a witch is more cute than it should be, even if the jokes aren't strong with this one. Thankfully the subplot of Bob obsessing over who's stealing his jack-o-lanterns is funny enough to carry it.
5. The Pumpkinening--Weird title, but it's an episode with Gayle. They're naturally weird, and this one's no exception as Linda and Gayle hunting down who knows that they smashed pumpkins from a contest. Add that with a warm ending and a great subplot of Bob dealing with the stress of being a house with GOOD candy, and you got something fun.
4. Nightmare on Ocean Avenue Street--The kids hunting down a candy kidnapper is fun and Bob and Teddy trying to show up an impressive handyman has some good laughs to it. Solid special.
3. Full Bars--It's always fun seeing the Belcher kids use their brand of chaos to do something good. The only thing that drags it down is the guinea pig murder mystery. Some good jokes are there, but I can't help but cringe as Teddy ruins his own party and the payoff isn't all that funny. That credit scene where Bob danced in the fat suit for Linda was cute as shit, though.
2. Fort Night--The introduction to Millie, and a great one at that as she tortures the kids who are in a situation that's...way more dangerous than you think in hindsight. They really were that close to death, huh? Still, a pretty empathetic episode as we all know there's no worse fate for a kid than missing Halloween and you REALLY want them to get out. And I'm sure some parents can relate to Bob and Linda's plight to make a costume for their kids and the payoff for this one is pretty good.
1. The Hauntening--A genuinely creepy and intense special for this show, where the jokes don't take away from the scares but add to them. This really feels like how these characters would react to a horrifying situation, making you fear for their lives even more. And even the big twist in the end doesn't ruin the episode, but adds to it, showing how much this family cares for each other and how much they'll do to make one of them happy. They might have gone a LITTLE far, but it's in that gray area where you can accept it. Being sweet and spooky is no other combination you can get from any other show except for this one, and I love it.
And that's all. Well, for now. Season 14 hasn't had its Halloween special yet. It's probably pulling a Simpsons and waiting until November for some reason. And I'm not waiting until then. This is the Halloween Special on MY blog, so there. Happy Halloween.
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itgirlgyu · 1 year
HONEY FOR MY HONEY! huening kai.
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ຊ 'huening kai! x fem reader ᝰ GENRE! FLUFF, CRACK!
🎊. S_UMMARY! %🍓 your plans to surprise your boyfriend gets ruined because of two giant buffoons and their biggest vices!
WORD COUNT ノ 1637! 𔖭𔖮 warnings include + BEES! 𐬹 ۫ ۪ beomgyu a lying, useless partner in crime, soobin as a snitch, and huening being the best boyfriend ever! ꒷꒦
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“Yeah but why am I being dragged into this mess?”
Beomgyu may not be right about a lot things; like his ludicrous bullheadedness about the weather being just fine even though the grumble of the darkened clouds could easily deafen anyone, or the the time he thought a dog, who visibly had a tag that said it would be dangerous to approach it, and beomgyu still marching right ahead to to pet the,"adorable puppy," as he called it, and nearly getting his ass bitten.
But this time, you're afraid that he just might be right.
"Because you were the only one available," you told him casually, albeit some roots of guilt that had started to sprout on your head, had already started to die down when you reasoned with yourself—I mean he was your friend, you could definitely expect a favor, or two from him.
Beomgyu put on the veil that was provided by the Bee Harvest you two were visiting to get your boyfriend's birthday present—and that completed his entire ensemble, mirroring yours.
You threw him a quick thumbs before twirling around to venture out into the wilderness—to risk your feeble, lovesick self to acquire the best gift for the love of your life.
"You know," Beomgyu began, his thought shortly interrupted by a pebble he had tripped over. After gathering himself up promptly, Beomgyu quickly dusted himself off with the help of some colorful string of curse words flying out of his dulcet lips, " You could literally dig a plushie out of a garbage can to give him, and Kai would still be happy."
Your eyes instinctively rolled to the back of your head as the frigid perceptive of love from your beloved friend, and current partner in crime, hit your ears. You were aware that Beomgyu was a well known hypocrite, so dwelling on every little word that comes out of his motormouth would be akin to putting your feet on an axe willingly.
"What's the point of complaining now?" you sighed, following the honey harvester who would teach you how to extract the honey yourself, " We're already here."
"And I want to give my honey real honey!" You turned back dramatically, finding Beomgyu standing a little distance from you, with his hands on his hips as though he was waiting for you to finish your grand speech on love.
"You done?" He inquired. Even if his expressions were shielded from you by the veil hat, the judgment that seeped out of his body language, and his words—well soaked in a bitter concoction of annoyance, and anger really coming through strongly.
"Yep!" You answer immediately, " But you came so—"
"Yeah or else Yeonjun Hyung said he'd kick me out of the lease," Beomgyu grumbled, stomping past you to follow the instructor to the destination.
"You're the best Beomgyu!" You cheered on from behind before skipping ahead to match the long strides he took in his fit of rage, and helplessness.
It only took half an hour.
Half an hour to realize that maybe Beomgyu was right; that he had a point. That Beomgyu too, could make two right points in a singular day— that being, what he would even do to help you?
The simple answer was a resounding nothing; in actuality he'd may even increase the workload for you, and for that you only have yourself to blame now as you sit beside the man who was in a feverish state after seeing the bees swarming the beehive, pressing a bottle of cold water to his dampen forehead to ease the fever he had developed out of fear.
"I swear I am brave," Beomgyu muttered under his breath, " I even ate bugs as a kid—"
"Yeah that's enough beomgyu," You swiftly put an end to his loony babbling before he could further embarrass himself in front of the beautiful lady who had helped you take him inside the workshop and had provided him with urgent care.
"Please don't mind my friend," You apologized on his stead, pressing the cold bottle to his lips, sealing it shut, "He's just squeamish about bugs," Beomgyu shoots a glare at you an instant, his neck audibly cracking at his rapid force. But you ignore his searing gaze in favor of mingling with the pretty lady in front of you.
The lady assured Beomgyu one last time that he wasn't the first one to get freaked out at the sight of all those bees together, and it's a completely normal reaction to have, before excusing herself to let him rest for a while, much to Beomgyu's dismay.
"You just hate me don't you?" Beomgyu shoots you a glare, "First bringing me here-"
"You were the only jobless one that could drive me here without raising any suspicion."
"And then making me look bad in front of that nice nurse!"
"I just spoke the truth!" You defended yourself, allowing yourself to lay back on the chair you had placed yourself in beside the single bed, " You did faint!"
"Couldn't you have made it sound cooler?!"
"And lie?"
"Precisely!" Beomgyu who had forgotten that he had gotten dizzy, and fell backwards on the ground hitting the back of his head pretty hard, had suddenly the determination of an olympian representing his country as he, with a lot of "ouchies" and winces in similar note, sat on on the bed facing kai's girlfriend, and currently his formidable foe.
"Lie about what?"
"Beomgyu not fainting at the sight of bees." You replied rapidly with a scoff prior to the tone of the voice registering in your head, and realizing who it belonged to.
You whipped your head around to see none other than your very own boyfriend—the one who you were hiding from as you planned to surprise him with the thoughtful organic gift—kai, while holding a basket full of strawberries.
"Kai?" You yelled in shock, but it came out more like a question as you narrowed your eyes behind your glasses trying to assess the possibility of your boyfriend being real, and not an entity of your subconscious appearing before you.
You also noticed a large figure of the man behind Kai,who was trying his best to appear invisible, and it all became all too real as the math started to make sense in your head, all of a sudden.
One plus two indeed meant that Soobin had failed to keep his big mouth shut, and snitched on you.
"Before you get mad I can explain," Soobin spluttered, emerging out of Kai's shadow. His hands flailed around as he tried to get you to listen to him before you start to berate him for something which he admits he had done; but Soobin swears he had a reason.
"Your reason is that was around here and so you wanted to ruin his girlfriend's surprise for him?"
Soobin winced—his nose scrunched up as he listened to you,the taste of his own actions appearing too bitter for him when you summarized it for him
"Well then Beomgyu texted me that he got injured."
"He was exaggerating," Kai laughed as he sat beside beomgyu, pinching the blanket between his index finger and thumb, reminding you of his attendance; it made your blood boil to have your sweet little surprise being trampled by two giant buffoons.
"And your surprise is still intact my love," Kai exclaimed, turning his body to look at you. His hands glided on the bed to approach yours, but you quickly hid them inside your crossed arms—eyes boring into his as you silently grilled him to come clean.
"I swear!" Kai lied once again, throwing his hands up in the air in his defense, "actually it's my surprise that got spoiled."
"Poor Kai," Soobin, the loose lipped traitor, sighed from the sideways.
He quickly shut himself up when you shot him the umpteenth number of glares, and excused himself to the bathroom, as you turned your attention to your boyfriend, and his apparent spoiled surprise.
"What surprise?" You inquired, your body still leaning away from his touch, as you situated yourself on the other side of the bed.
Beomgyu had his head hidden by the blanket, and refused to come out of it to even breathe right after Kai appeared with Soobin because of his weak, unsavory moment of helplessness when he was being treated by the woman of his dreams: Beomgyu's own words.
"Wait!" Kai's sparkled as he clapped his hands," That means you don't know!"
You rolled your eyes, the corner of your lips curling upwards in a distasteful scorn.
"I knew it, you were lying."
"Was not!" Kai exclaimed, his head swinging back as though he had just been accused of perjury, the opaque sparkles swimming in his waterline.
"I wanted you to surprise you with my hand picked strawberries!" He held up the straw basket, filled with delectable strawberries before your eyes, before setting it between the two of you.
"Really?" you asked, the distasteful anger in your heart simmering away little by little at his endearingly childish antics, "Why surprise me though?"
Your fingers finding themselves picking up a sweet looking strawberry, tearing it through your teeth as the dulcet juices of the fruit, mixed with your lover's effort touched the tip of your tongue.
"Because I love you."
"You knew didn't you? Soobin told you, didn't he?"
Kai pressed his lips on a thin line as a color mimicking the shade of the strawberries he had picked bloomed onto the apple of his cheeks, his hands brushing the back of his head, nodding meekly.
" I will kill him later," You said, picking up the basket and replacing it with yourself—inching closer to him and placing your chins on his chest, looking up at him.
"Right now let me bask in your cuteness."
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author's note / low key a comeback?
PERM TAGLIST— @full-sunnies @impureperhaps @wonioml @1921choi
©ITGIRLGYU 2023,, feedbacks are appreciated!
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ashtronomyys · 11 months
Roast Chicken
The entire week had been pretty shit for Simon. A new group of recruits brought all kinds of new trouble, arrogance, and disobedience that higher-ups like him needed to wring out of the soldiers. Then about halfway through the week, Price informed him of some errors with the last round of paperwork. So, late-night tea time was spent huddled over his desk scrounging through stacks of documents till his eyes gave out on him.
And to top thing's off, the mini rec room shared between the squadron had a run-in with an ant infestation. Simon had planned to put a kettle on the stove when he rounded the corner and found Gaz spraying the bug killer along the floor.
"Oh hey! Sorry mate, looks like someone beat us to it this morning." Gaz stops to stomp on a few particularly stubborn ants hiding along the tile. "Woke up this morning to make a pot of coffee and the bastards were in the bloody coffee pot! I think I got most of them, but you might want to be careful, yeah? They were all over the counters earlier."
"Which counters?!" Simon's voice comes out harsher than intended, already fearing the worst. Sure enough, Gaz gestures along the far right counter. Simon nearly rips the handle off the cabinet while he's opening it. One look inside and the last bit of life in Simon's body leaves and shatters on the ground.
His Yorkshire tea. All the boxes he stockpiled. Now swarmed to the top with little black ants making the tea bags their new home.
So yeah, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that this week had been one of the hardest on his psyche in a long while. It was almost a blessing that the snarky little sergeant that was usually at his side was off on leave. He had the tendency to test his limits when it came to Simon. And one wrong joke with the lieutenant this week may wind up being the last one the sergeant makes.
"You sure those are the only reasons why you've been a right pain in the ass this week Simon?" Price had asked. The masked man shot daggers back at his captain.
"What else would I have to be mad about Price?" He handed the daunting stack of papers back to Price. The man chuckled behind his paper mug, hiding a smirk. "Nothing. Nothing... Well anyways, in unrelated news, Soap should be back in tomorrow! I'm sure he'd love to hear all the stories of your woes and misfortunes this week."
"Tch, I'm sure. He's not going to let me hear the end of it." He's going to have material for weeks when Gaz tells him about the yelling and crying he did when he was tossing out his tea.
"Oh lighten up Simon. You /know/, I'd hazard a guess that you actually missed the man more than you're letting yourself believe."
Simon lets out a cut-off laugh at that one. "I'd hazard a guess that you've lost it, old man!"
"Oh alright, I'm not even /that/ older than you!" Price shakes his head at him. "On that note, you're dismissed. Go and get some shut-eye," he stops to give him a once-over. "You need it."
Simon tosses another side-eye at the older man before he leaves. Once his door closes, Price groans to himself. "That boy could not come back soon enough..."
The next day, Simon wakes up with s scowl still on his face. The energy he sends off as he walks through the halls of the base sends chills down everyone's spines. It's as if he's singing the air around him with a black haze of /Do not come near me/.
That is, until the end of the day. As he nears the (now freshly cleaned out) rec room of the 141, a smell draws his attention. He can hear the sizzle of something cooking on the stovetop and the clatter of drawers being pulled. The savory smell drifts from the small kitchen and spills out into the hallway, tempting Simon to investigate further. Like a moth to the flame, he enters the room in a hunger-driven daze, coming to a stop at the entrance.
Oh, of course, that's who was drawing him in. It was honestly pretty comical how domestic the sight Simon walked onto was. Johnny had his back to him while he stirred a pan on the stovetop. A radio played some generic, slow tunes and he swayed his hips to the rhythm while he cooked. He must've just come back, seeing as he was still wearing his civies (a generic grey tee and figure-hugging pair of jeans) and his duffel bag was sitting on the couch.
Here, the sizzle of the skillet was even louder. The aroma of sauteed meat and spices was overpowering now, causing Simon's stomach to rumble. Johnny whipped his head around, his face lighting up when he saw who was by the entrance.
"Heyya Lt! Where've ye been?! I didn't see ya with the welcoming party at the gate." He turned to lower the heat on the stove, letting the food simmer. Turning back to Simon, he crossed his arms and gave the man an accusatory look, jutting the side of his mouth with his tongue as he spoke. "If ah' didn't know any better, ah'd say you didn't even miss me!"
"You wish Johnny," Simon huffed. "Been busy. Training ran late and a few of the soldiers needed a little... we'll say /positive reinforcement/" That positive reinforcement being several laps around the training field for a few too many pointed remarks about the mask.
"Aah, so that's yer excuse," Johnny jabs back. He bounds up to the lieutenant, not backing down despite the heated glare he gets from him. Instead, he comes up and fist bumps his shoulder, a lopsided smirk playing on his face.
"Bah, ah'm sure it's nothin' my ole Lt couldn't handle, aye?" He pats his back, his hand staying there as he transfixes Simon with a more serious stare. "Well anyways, it's good to see ye again, Si."
Simon doesn't know what it is about Johnny, but it's moments like this where the older man questions just how the hell he ended up in a situation like this. The hand on his back almost seems to soothe the embers that have been on fire ever since this week started. It's as if all the stress and tension he's held onto begins to slide off his shoulders the second Johnny blinds him with that wide, toothy smile.
God, he's so fucked.
A louder grumble from his stomach breaks the silence between the two. Johnny jumps excitedly, the thought of his food likely brought back to his mind.
"Oh! Are ya hungry?! Ah' almost forgot, I brought some leftover roast my ma and I made. C'mon, ye've got to try it!" He's already moving to fix a plate up for him before he can even respond.
Fuck it, he could give in to the seargant and pig out after the week he's been having.
With the dish finally in front of him, he has to admit, it looks pretty damn appetizing. Pieces of leftover chicken roast with traces of ground pepper, garlic, thyme, lemon, and other ingredients mixed in with carrots and other vegetables greet him. Johnny makes his own plate, leaving Simon to try it for himself.
He skewers a piece of the chicken, lifting the edge of his mask up and bringing it to his face. The first bite of the savory meat nearly elicits a groan from Simon. Maybe it's the stress he's been under, or maybe it's just that good. Either way, he finds himself getting lost in the dish.
Something about the chicken and the way it was prepared brings back memories of his own childhood. It wasn't often that they'd have the time or energy to indulge in very many different kinds of dishes. He still remembers one of the rare off chances that they did, barely tall enough to see over the counter but still helping his mom labor over the roast. Knocking into his brother Tommy who kept wanting to fight him over who got to do what. Simon watched one of the few fleeting moments of joy from his childhood as if he were watching an old recording. It was like he was living through the experience again, decades of trauma and heartache a distant sting. The taste of freshly roasted chicken on his tongue bringing back memories of the chill in the winter air, the soft glow of fire in the furnace, the soft vibration of his mother's laugh...
"...ye alright Simon?" the sergeant had gently asked. Simon jolted from where he sat, blinking away the wetness from his eyes. Since when the hell had he been crying?
The man cleared his throat, voice coming out more hoarse than he would've liked it to be when he spoke. "Y-yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm uh..." His tone shifted back into the gravely vibrato he usually uses. His heartstrings felt rubbed raw from the vision. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
He stole a brief glance back toward Johnny. The man was sitting across from him at the table (and since when did he get there?). He stared back at him with wide eyes and a slice of chicken hung limply from his fork.
"Ehm... right, emm... no reason." He also cleared his throat and shifted in his seat, no doubt trying to shake off the uneasiness hanging in the air. "So um, h-how do ye like the food?"
The soft smile he gives Simon manages to settle some of his fried nerves. One of the nice things about the seargant is how swiftly he can handle the perturbances that seem to follow him. Either be a shoulder to cry on or give him the space he needs. Simon figures he ought to return the favor, at least try and lighten the mood a little. "Hmm, could've used less garlic."
Johnny actually gawks at him for that response. "Wha- /rude/!" Simon's happy to see the man break into a laugh, throwing his head back and shaking. "Ya fuckin' bawbag!" SImon doesn't hide the smirk that begins to spread across his face.
"Ach well, I was trying to follow my ma's recipe. She popped in to help towards the end but ehm, maybe ah've got a bit of learning to do still." He chuckles, but Simon notices the way his gaze drops back down. How his eyes bore into the chicken, self-doubt emanating off the man. Whether over the chicken or Simon, he can't tell.
"It's perfect Johnny," the lieutenant speaks just above a whisper. "It's my favorite actually, reminds me of home." There's another pause before he continues. "You should make it again sometime."
Their eyes meet again. Brown eyes, typically dark and gloomy and hiding layers of suffering shine brightly in the dying light. And bright blue eyes, who's edges usually give way to tumultuous, rocky waves soften into a rooted, tranquil state.
"Och, of course. Anytime Si." Johnny pushes out from the table. Grabbing dishes to stack in the sink, he pats Simon's shoulder as he passes by. Any lingering stress hanging in him melts away at the touch. "Glad to be back Lt."
He hums in acknowledgement. Simon relaxes into the seat and watches him deftly drown plates and pans into the sink water.
"Glad to have you back Johnny." He's rewarded with a beaming smile thrown back over his shoulder. And a nice view of Johnny swaying his hips to the music in pants that really fit him way too well.
/Fucking Christ/, he's so fucked.
Once again got inspiration after one of Samuel Roukin's live signings. Someone asked what his favorite dish was and he proudly exclaimed "my mom's roast chicken!" So now it's Simon's favorite as well, sorry I don't make the rules.
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