#I love the 5ds trio so much
sapphic-agent · 4 months
Saw your thing about mha rewrites, thought i'd throw my hat in the ring. I've had a fic in mind for a while now that involved keeping midoriya quirkless, but instead of him just waiting for a quirk to happen, he'd actually been taking martial arts classes and such in preperation ( something that i find baffling that it didnt happen in canon) where the main issue for Izuku is pushing himself to far to prove a point. but in this, he distances from bakugou, the martial arts training giving him a better sense of self-esteem or atleast a better sense of where his energy is best spent. I plan to try to focus more on the ORIGINAL trio, uraraka, Izuku, and Iida....and i wanna give uraraka OFA bc i think playing around with what improved gravity manipulation could do. i think she'd get it after the torunament arc. Given how smart Midoriya was shown to be early on, I figure he'd make a lot of use of gadgets. infrared goggles, bo staff, head gear for better threat detection, and other possible improvements that he figures out throughout the year. All Might in this basically supports Midoriya's dream by providing the funding for the needed suit and gear. and instead of HIM having the iron man suit with everyones quriks somehow....lets give that to Midoriya, to represent his entier class pushing him forward as a symbol of hope for anyone who thinks they cant be a hero just bc their quirk sucks, or bc they dont have one. Nedzu is the traitor instead of aoyama, bc hes playing a game of 5d chess with AFO and knows once allmight loses his power, everythings going to go to shit, so he engineers events to happen at school with the lov to force the students to where they will have to be to survive the dark times to come. ie, doing a horrible thing, but he believes he has a solid reason for doing so. Bakugou loses to uraraka in the tournament. seeing midoriya so sucsessful without a quirk has made him impatient and desperate to prove himself so he goes at uraraka full boar. now, im not going to make this an insta win, that just dosent feel right, BUT this loss will be the second in a series of losses for bakugou to start going ' what am I doing wrong?' one of the other losses being that Midoriya completes the test with him and bakugou fighting allmight, but with Bakugou unconcious bc like in canon, dude flew off the handle and tried to solo the worlds strongest hero, while Midoriya was more tacticle in his approach. subsequently....bakugou dosent get kidnapped by the Lov, Midoriya does bc they think ' hey this kid is quirkless we can get him to turn' and its bakugou that fails to save Midoriya bc the students that failed their exam were all asleep during the time of the attack of the training camp. he wakes up and comes up short of saving the day, bc he blew his chance of victory. but heres the problem. i have the first couple chapters hammered out...but this is all a lot, and theres so much more that i know is either going to need to be covered. like the hero comercialization, the hero system relying solely on allmight to keep things in check, the lack of proper aid to those with quirks that would require some extra guidance etc. I have the idea....but the idea of writting all of it feels daunting to say the least XD if youd like i could also ramble more on other points i have in mind for this fic idea
Ngl, this sounds really good. OFA!Uraraka isn't something I see often, it's nice to see her get some love. Izuku working hard to become a hero on his own merit is always nice to see, and we love supportive All Might. I'm a firm believer that if Izuku had asked at any other time All Might would have given him a different answer. Izuku just happened to catch him when he was in a place of self-loathing and immeasurable chronic pain.
No, it doesn't excuse his actions. But it's realistic. He also tried to suggest that Izuku seek out a similar dream, like becoming a cop so it wasn't like he said what he did out of malice.
Also, don't be afraid to completely rewrite Horikoshi's terrible canon system! It's filled with a ton of contradictions and inconsistencies anyway so if you need to change it all to make sense, 100% go for it
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itsavgbltpta · 6 months
Should You Watch Undead Murder Farce?
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(Japanese title: Undead Girl Murder Farce)
A Brief Summary
In an alternate universe where demons and monsters still exist, one half-oni is living out his days in a fight club, just waiting to die.  That is, until a genius detective manages to catch his eye.  With promises of extending his life in an exchange to end her immortal one, the two pair up - along with the detective’s maid who happens to be handy with a rifle.  The trio solves some mysteries in Japan before going global, searching for the man who wronged them both and meeting some familiar literary figures along the way.
With so many scheming people together - friend and foe - it’s a battle of who can out-think and out-detective each other in order to win the day.
So, should you watch the anime?
To be fair, I have a predilection for media (shows, books, whatever) where geniuses keep trying to out-do each other.  I love a person with a plan that’s thinking 30 steps ahead in 5D chess.  And this show is abundant with that character type.  I also like it when a show can keep me on my toes.  Undead Murder Farce kept up a lot of mystery throughout, which also makes it kind of hard to talk about in fear of spoiling things.
The season is made up of several arcs, each 2-3 episode arc involving a specific mystery to be solved.  There is also a general mystery tying things together and giving reasons for our characters to come together.  Our detective trio often clashes with an organization made up of supernatural beings, sometime works alongside vigilantes, and tend to end up meeting a whole lot of interesting folk.
I was a bit skeptical when the show made a change from the Japanese setting to Merry Olde England, and also wary for our detective hero party to suddenly be in the realm of probably the most well known detective in all fiction, but this show managed to pull it off.  Sherlock didn’t steal the show.  Lupin may have. ;)
One of my least favorite characters in Undead Murder Farce is the maid body-guard.  She didn’t seem to have much point in the plot-line besides being sullen and getting into certain… situations… but you know what, I bet there are people who really like her and those situations, so I’m not upset, lol.
The animation is really nice and action sequences flow well.  I am a fan of the character design so that gets a win from me, but I know that’s always a subjective thing.  But if you like any of the faces you see in the image for this article, then you’ll be good to go.
I have to mention the absolute banger of an OP this anime has as well.  It gave me big K-Pop vibes (in a good way).  I did a little digging and the group that performs the OP is part of the K-Pop world, so I guess that vibe makes sense.  It’s a song I can easily recall even half a year later (which is kind of a rarity with the amount of anime I watch), and it sparked joy every week.
For me, characters are a big part of what makes me enjoy a story, so what kind of characters does Undead Murder Farce have jam-packed within each mystery-solving episode?
A slightly perverted and laid-back Rakugo-styled half-oni experiment that can put up a mean fight with a smile always on his face (Tsugaru).
An immortal genius looking for someone to end said immortality - oh and also looking for her body as she’s currently just a very intelligent head in a cage (Aya Rindou).
A military-esque maid who can keep up with the monsters around her, though she also somehow ends up in rather sapphic situations (Shizuku).
A gentleman thief that’s always a few steps ahead of his detective opponents and tends to add a dramatic flourish to all he does (Arsene Lupin).
The big detective himself, full of snark and confident that he is the alpha detective in Europe, despite the supernatural competition (Sherlock Holmes).
The epitome of a polished lady who isn’t afraid to show off her assets and also sink her teeth - quite literally - into anyone who gets in her way (Carmilla).
Plus a whole heaping of other figures from literature and supernatural origins, including the mother-fucking Phantom of the Opera.  Just because.  
I skipped on a few key spoiler characters as this anime is all about mystery, and who am I to give it away?
Where does it rate on my personal scale?
S: I will buy it at full price (unless it’s released by Aniplex USA, because fuck their pricing).
->A: I will buy it on sale sometime down the line.
B: I had fun watching it, but don’t need to own it.
C: It’s not my cup of tea, but wasn’t awful.
D: Dropped it.
X: Finished it out of spite, but did not enjoy it.
Undead Murder Farce was a lot of fun to watch, so it gets an A ranking from me.  It was probably my favorite anime of the summer 2023 season, and the show I most looked forward to watching every week.  While some mysteries were solved in the 12 episodes that aired, we’re still missing a resolution for the over-arching plot lines.  I very much hope we get a season 2!
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soaringonblackwings · 5 months
Title: Wind Underneath Your Wings
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's
Chapters: 6/6
External: AO3 / FF.net / SquidgeWorld
The final rounds of the tournament would happen today. The excitement could be felt upon entering the building.
After today Crow will likely have less time to come here due to his participation in the WRPG. He really wanted to throw himself into the coaching gig, but other things took priority.
He made his way to the miscellaneous room to greet the girls before their duel. Allie, Amanda, and Guu all had anxious looks on their faces. The trio leaped for joy when the older ginger entered the room.
"We did it! We have a strategy!" Allie said.
"Keep your voice down." Amanda hisses at Allie.
Guu timidly walks over to Crow and hand him a small pouch.
"Don't open it until after we win." Allie says with full confidence of their victory.
"We made it last night while planning." Amanda said. "We wanted to show you that we were thankful for your help."
"Thank you." Crow said, their gratitude making him elated.
Team Cosmica was called to the field. Today the final matches would be held. If the girls won, this match they would go onto the finals. This was it, the final stretch for them. They really put their all into this new strategy. Crow noticed that Guu went first so that her teammate could take advantage of her graveyard effects. They pulled off a victory and moved onto the finals. There was a break for them while the third-place match commences. Resting was a bit difficult due to the high emotions.
"I didn't think we would make it this far." Amanda said.
"Well we did. So let’s go all the way!" Allie shouts. Amanda and Guu cheers with her.
Crow couldn't help but smile at the display of friendship in front of him.
"What aspect of dueling are you all interested?" Crow asks them.
"Action Duels." Allie blurts out. "It's a new type of dueling were you can run around on the field with your monsters. Think of it like a performance."
Allie did a dance routine. It resembled the one she would do upon taking the stage on the duel field.
"I hope to one day go to the Yu-Show Duel School for training to become the number one Dueltainer!"
"She gets excited about Action Duels." Amanda said.
Crow remembers hearing about that form of dueling. Though it is still in its infancy. The solid vision tech is growing rapidly, so that form of dueling might be closer than he thinks. He would love to try it one day just for the purpose of petting his Blackwing birdies. He look toward Guu for her answer.
"Riding... Duels...." She looks way in embarrassment.
"No need to be shy." Crow said. "Amanda? What about you?"
"Oh, I am more into the tech. Like making and designing duel disks. Stuff like that." She replies.
All of them have goals that they wanted to achieve. It made Crow happy to see them so passionate. The third-place match was over which means it is time for the final.
"No matter the outcome, are you able to tell yourselves and each other that you did your best?"
"I can confidently say that!" Allie says.
"Our efforts mean more than the outcome. I like that way of thinking." Amanda says. "Though it would be nice if we won."
"We... did our best... no matter what."
It was time for them to head toward the duel arena. Crow could feel the excitement and anticipation in the air. The audience was at the edge of their seats.
"Lets put on a show the crowd will never forget!" Allie said.
on the opposite side of the field their opposing team was none other than Xitto, Phovi, and Taxus. They called themselves team Rush. First up it was Taxus vs Guu. He knew what they were planning and tried to send as little monsters of hers to the graveyard. his dinosaur deck did not have much in the way of burn or banishing effects to bypass her strategy. It did not help that Guu had ways of sending her own cards to the graveyard. It came close, he managed to overpower Guu and win the match.
Next up was Allie. She still had Guu's one face down and one monster card on the field. She was able to work with it since it was a water attribute and it synergized with her deck. She was able to get rid of Taxus and Phovi came in next. Phovi came in swinging hard. He manage to summon his ace monster Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon. Phovi activated its effect that destroys all other cards on the field and inflicts 200 points of damage for every card the opponent controlled. Guu's card that halves all effect and battle damage to the player's life points was already in the graveyard. So Allie took 500 points of damage instead of 1000. Since Aquarium Lighting was sent to the graveyard from the field, she was able to special summon a aqua monster from the graveyard. So she was able to get back Aquaactress Arowana on the field. Phovi only placed one card face down and ended his turn.
Allie drew a card during the start of her turn. The was another monster of Guu's that could be used from the graveyard. It could be banished from the hand or graveyard in order to destroy any card on the field. Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon was only protected from being destroyed by battle. So it was goodbye to Phovi's ace monster. She added Aquaactress Guppy to her hand using Aquaactress Arowana's effect. She summoned Aquaactress Guppy to the field and played Aquarium Set and Wetlands which gave her monsters the boost it need to take down Phovi.
The last duelist was Xitto. He opened with Monster Reborn to bring back Demise, King of Armageddon. He wasted no time activating the effect to clear the field and inflicting damage to Allie. Though since Aquarium Set was sent to the graveyard from the field, she could special summon one aqua monster from the graveyard. She choose Aquaactress Arowana and put it in defense mode. Xitto summoned Witch's Apprentice in attack mode. This monster gave a 500 point attack boost to all dark attribute monsters on the field. Then he played Raigeki; a card a destroys all monsters your opponent controls. So Allie was left open for two direct attacks that dropped her life points to zero.
It was down to the last duelist of each team. Xitto vs. Amanda. Xitto finished his turn by placing one card face down. Amanda took her draw. With 6 cards in hand she took a breath and began to summon Guu's boss monster Constellation of the Dragon from her extra deck. Zodiac of the Dragon could be synchro summoned by using 'Constellation' monsters from the graveyard as material. Once summoned it could also banish your opponent’s cards on the field up to the number of the user's banished  'Constellation' monsters. Xitto field was cleared of any cards that could stop her direct attack. So she decided to have some fun. She played the card Rescue Cat; by sending it to the graveyard from the field she activated the effect to special summon 2 Level 3 or lower Beast-Type monsters from her deck. Amanda choose The Fabled Cerburrel and Tree Otter in attack mode. All three monsters had enough attack points to win her the duel.
"Team Cosmica are the winners of the Little League Grand Prix!" Muckraker yelled into the microphone.
All three girl ran on stage to celebrate and get their medals from Ryoko.
With the tournament finished it came time for Allie, Amanda, Guu, and Crow to all part ways. Once everything calmed down Crow walked with the girls to the entrance outside.
"Don't forget to open your gift." Allie reminds Crow. He retrieves the pouch from his messenger bag. Opening it revealed an orange and black ribbon.
"You helped us. So we wanted to show you, our thanks." Amanda says.
"We could not have done it without your help." Allie said.
"This win is as much your as ours." Guu fidgets as she looked directly at Crow.
"Thank you for this." Crow carefully put the ribbon back in the pouch and safely in his bag.
"We live pretty far from here so we don't know how frequently we will come here." Allie said.
"This isn't goodbye. We are bond to see each other again." Amanda said. Allie and Guu nod in agreement.
They all arrived the parting at the end of the community center pathway. Crow had to go one way and the girls the other.
Allie, Amanda, and Guu all turned their backs to him as they ran off to who knows where.
As Crow walked home, he couldn't help but feel a ping a sadness. With everything going on with the WRPG and Illiaster, he knew he would have less time to volunteer. He wanted to grow into the role of a mentor. He recalls his day learning under Pearson. That is it! That is what he wanted to do. He wanted to be someone who could teach others and impart his knowledge onto someone to help them grow. Just as Pearson did to him.
That means Crow himself had a lot to learn. To be the wind that helps everyone soar. That was the future he wanted.
Crow looked to the sky. It was a beautiful blue clear day. There was enough time for him to make a detour to visit a friend.
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paperandhis-paper · 1 year
Arc-V Month Day 8: The Regular- ah, Standard Show and Day 9:Light Across the Aether
Combining two prompts, as I'll be gushing about (among other parts) about the Standard arc. Hope that's fine, @arcvmonth
Anyway, Arc-V has a lot of positives (that tend to get washed by the hatejerk), but what I want all of us to appreciate is that this silly show...exists. Not only that, but the awesome way the staff managed to hype all of us up?
What do I mean by this? Let me put it this way. This is a show about a multidimensional war where each dimension is based on a previous Yugioh series, featuring Returning Characters, and every Summoning Type is used.
Now go back to the original trailer for Arc-V. Notice how there're some things missing. Namely? ALL OF THE ABOVE. We knew about Pendulum Summoning, we knew Yuya rode a hippo...and that's about it.
Marketing-wise maybe this wasn't the brightest move, but it's an example of something I love about early Arc-V. In the year of our lord, 2023, where crossovers are everywhere and meta-commentary is so overdone people do meta-commentary about meta-commentary, it's bewildering how Arc-V kept its cards close to its chest and drip-fed information about its plot to keep the audience interested.
All of Season 1 is like this. At first we only really see Pendulum Summoning. But as early as Episode 3, we get hints about the other Summoning Types, since LDS has courses on each one. But whatever, you may think. It's only an Easter Egg, right?
Then this little fella shows up.
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Casually, this kid activates Polymerization like it's nothing. And it's not like Jack randomly Fusing in early 5D's, Sora's deck is clearly Fusion-focused. But if that's not enough, we then meet the LDS trio, who use Xyz, Fusion, and Synchro. AND THEN Reiji tops them all by using all three at once. And Pendulum.
It's easy to take it for granted now, but this was legit just such a "holy shit" moment back then. 5D's featured Fusion a few times, but it was mostly a Synchro Spam. And Zexal pretended Synchros didn't exist. So it was so exciting to know Arc-V would be different.
That would be cool enough, but then they went ahead and made it so that each Summoning Type was tied to a specific Dimension. And again, the war plot was dropped slowly but surely. We get introduced to Yuto, who not only looks like Yuya, but he mentions something about some "Academia". But hey, a GX reference, whatever. And then it keeps going. We learn about Shun, about Ruri. And it all culminates in Shun vs Sora, which... ok, everyone knows this duel is amazing, but it's not just about the duel itself being spectacular. It's about the confirmation that, yes, we really are doing this. That Action Field IS Heartland, Shun and Yuto are from there, and the Academia Sora belongs to is based on GX.
The most ambitious crossover in history is here. And all they told us at first is that Tomato-boy rides a hippo. What the fuck.
Speaking of hippo-ridah. Arc-V always gets the somewhat-backhanded compliment of being the most ambitious Yugioh series, a statement I agree with. However, this is generally just refers to the overall scope of the plot. Today, one aspect that can sometimes get neglected that I want to highlight is how daring their choice of protagonist is.
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Yuya, my beloved. I don't wanna spend too much time about how much I love him, because I'm sure I'll do so in the future, but I want everyone to appreciate the writers' choice in creating him.
I'm gonna be blunt: Shonen fans can be dumb. They are not the kind to be receptive to protagonists who're not hyper-macho, badass types and who are prone to show weakness. Just look at the response characters like Shinji Ikari or Natsuki Subaru get. Now, I'm not saying Yuya is as well-written as those, but it shows that even if the writers had written him perfectly there was always going to be a crowd of people who were going to hate him.
So I gotta give a shout-out for creating what's easily the most complex Yugioh protag by a long shot. Other protags could be slotted into one of two categories: "Serious" (Yugi, Yusei), or "Upbeat" (Judai, Yuma). Meanwhile, from Episode 1, Yuya defies categorization. He plays the clown, making one think he'll fit right in with Judai and Yuma, before the show makes it clear that it's just a facade... but also it's not. He truly strives to be the fun-loving, charming Entertainer he projects, but his own struggles and feelings prevent him from succeeding. It's a fascinating struggle, and I'm impressed that a franchise like Yu-gi-oh would even attempt this. And then you throw in the demon inside of him, and the waters get even muddier.
Speaking of which...
Something Cool about the Zarc Duel
(Yeah, that's as good of a segue as you're getting. I just wanna talk about something cool I noticed.)
So. The Zarc-duel. It's a mixed bag. I'm of the opinion most of it is meh (not helped by it taking over a month to air), but that the first and final episodes of it are amazing. And I wanna talk about something cool about said last episode that doesn't get talked about enough.
So, as we know, Zarc, alongside Yuya, created Pendulum to get revenge. And yet he gets defeated the exact-same way, by Ray activating the En Cards...or does he? If you pay attention, you'll notice that the En Cards destroy monsters, negate their effects, and deal 600 damage for each Monster sent to the graveyard (very particular wording these uber-powerful cards). Zarc has 2800 LP, and five monsters affected. 600x5 means his Life Points naturally drop to... 1000?
Of course, that's because Odd Eyes and Zarc are Pendulum monsters, so they're sent to the Extra Deck. If they weren't, he'd have lost right there and then. And not only did Zarc's scheme prevent his defeat, it basically got him the duel: he still had Scales set, and Reira's field was empty, so nothing stops him from Pendulum Summoning Zarc and/or Odd Eyes, and attack for game. Thankfully, the Lancers' efforts managed to reach Yuya, and he regained control and basically Shining Drew Smile Universe. In a hint of irony, they even play Swing, Pendulum of Souls, a song usually reserved for Zarc possessing Yuya.
Speaking of which, Smile Universe's effect is really similar to that of the En Cards. I guess it's the Unofficial 5th one and Smiles are the 5th beauty of Nature.
On that note, one last thing.
The Title: Arc-V
Arc-V is a very peculiar name for a show. And what I love is that it has many meanings. Most straight-forwardly, it's the name of the machine Leo builds to fuse the Dimensions. And obviously, it refers to it being the fifth Yugioh series. But it also refers to both the arc of a Pendulum, as well as the shape of a smile (there's an ED literally called "ARC OF SMILE", in case you think I'm reading too deep into things). I love how well-crafted this show's symbolism and visual language is.
Anyway, this turned into a massive ramble. I'm just happy to talk about this silly show that's burned itself into my mind. Thanks for reading if you somehow made it this far.
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Thoughts on the new intro sequence for My Adventures?
Adore it.
More than anything shown so far, this perfectly captures the "anime Superman" aesthetic the show is going for. Quick thoughts:
Love the rock & roll theme, wish it had some catchy lyrics to go with it. All my favorite childhood cartoon themes like Ben 10 had catchy earworm themes that I can recall with ease because of how many times I heard them. Welcome reprieve from every Superman adaption going with an orchestral theme regardless.
Superman winking at the camera is enough to make a hardcore Superman fanboy cry. God we're finally getting a Clark who isn't a stick in the mud, and it feels so good.
Clark and Lois are so fucking cute together, and Jimmy's reaction is hilarious.
Again it sticks out to me that while Jor-El shows up, there's no onscreen showing of the Kents in the intro. Could they actually be dead in this show? Don't want to get my hopes up but it's starting to feel like an actual possibility
Cackled that all three of the trio have their own "anime power up" moves
And finally we have the big showing of the villains. Starting from the center and going clockwise it looks like the shadowed figure is Brainiac, the smaller figure in front is either a spoiler character from the leaks (AI Lara, who I've just realized is basically this show's take on Eradicator) or Zod, then Livewire, Mxy, some kaiju monster that might be Parasite (hope not, I don't want a technological Parasite), someone who could be Bloodsport, Deathstroke, or Atomic Skull, then Amanda Waller, generic Intergang thugs, Silver Banshee, a guy I don't know but I've seen others speculate is a minor Intergang bad guy called Rough House, and finally a guy I'm guessing is Metallo.
Like the Kents the biggest omission that stands out is no Lex. Doesn't bother me at all to not have him for the first season.
Regarding the villain designs, I love Mxy's. His comic design of just being a regular dude in a suit is terrible. A 5D sorcerer-imp should look much more demonic or at least otherworldly, so their redesign is welcome. Waller looks fine and if that is Bloodsport I like their take on his DCEU redesign. Silver Banshee and Livewire I'm not a fan of. Making them tech based is boring and a downgrade from how they look in the comics. I guess Livewire will also be a member of Intergang to justify the change and that I'm fine with.
Metallo, if that is him, looks New 52 inspired which isn't my favorite design but is a great story foundation for his character if that's what they're drawing on. With the focus on Clark & Lois' romance I'm wondering if Corben will start out as a rival for Clark's affections, and with Waller in the mix we might get General Sam Lane, Waller, and Metallo hunting Superman. That would make for great drama - Clark and Lois are in love, Lois' dad is hunting her boyfriend, the guy trying to kill Clark is also trying to woo Lois, could be great. Kinda wish we had a love quadrangle going on with Clark starting off dating Livewire and Lois with Metallo, before the two hook up and their supervillain exes target their rivals (Metallo going after Clark and Livewire going after Lois respectively) in retaliation
Man if that's Bloodsport I hope he kicks Clark's ass and gets to look cool. If it's Deathstroke I hope Supes utterly bodies him.
Funny how amongst all the major redesigns, that silhouette looks like we will be getting a fairly straightforward Brainiac take
Final big thought regarding Lex's absence. Originally this show was greenlit for two seasons, and I hope that's still the case. I could see this first season being about humanity trying to bridge the gap with Superman's natural powers via tech. Brainiac is the big bad to stand out as an evil counterpart of both Superman's alien power and humanity's tech based enhancements. Then in S2 Lex arrives and he starts experimenting with the metagene. Silver Banshee and Livewire get redesigned to be more like their comic selves cause they unlock their metagene powers, Parasite and Bizarro are created, basically we see the rise of the "supervillain" to contrast with S1 being aliens and tech enhanced organized crime.
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maddmuses · 2 years
Ship Wish List
(Not all Romantic, specifying when a dynamic I want isn’t)
Conner Kent -Young Justice Members (Friendship) -M’gann M’orzz -Cassandra Cain -Cassie Sandsmark -Teen Heroes in general to relate to -Clark Kent (My boy needs his father blz) -Lois Lane (he needs a mom in his life too) -Basically any Kent (family vibes, and to meet his daughter)
Martha Kent -Other kids of JL members (Just connections bls) -Witchy vibe gfs would be great in general please she is known magic strong-girl -Pretty much same on Superfam and Kentfam as Conner
Caroline Kent -Other next-gen Teen Titans plz (all kinds) -Pretty much same on Superfam and Kentfam as Conner
Cassandra Cain -Other Batfam Sibs (Family, please she needs these) -Bruce (Give this girl her dad dammit!!) -Conner Kent (#1 Boyfriend tbh) -Stephanie Brown -Rose Wilson (-confused bi noises-)
Peter Parker -Other Spider Folxs (Spider-Verse what what?) -MJ Watson -Felicia Hardy -Cindy Moon -Gwen Stacy -Kitty Pryde -Mayday Parker (I need him to be a dad or meet an alt-timeline version of the daughter he could have someday) -X-Men (I like this in general, I definitely like the idea of him being connected to other ostracized superhumans in general)
Rachel Summers -ATTENTION ALL MUTANTS (Here she is, right there) -Kitty Pryde -Mayday Parker (future timeline gfs ftw :3) -Laura Kinney  -Logan (I need surrogate dad vibes, lbr her current dad leaves things to be desired)
Gwenpool -If it’s chaotic I’d love to have it
Ty Lee -Fuck me up w/ your ATLA muses (Ty Lee needs interacts) -Also Azula ofc :3
Mina Ashido -Ochako Uraraka -Nejire Hado -Momo Yaoyorozu -Honestly I just want her to interact w/ other hero muses in general (Var.) -Could give her some adversaries in the form of villains too tho (Var.)
Isane Kotetsu -Kiyone Kotetsu (She needs to interact with her little sister!!!) -Other 4th Division Members -Rangiku (”>////////////////<” -- Isane Kotetsu (19XX-20XX)
Rukia Kuchiki -Ichigo Kurosaki (A variety of dynamics are desired but romantic too yes) -Renji (Frenemies but actually Frenemies) -Byakuya (She requires her older brother) -Orihime (Besties but also gfs???? 👀👀👀👀) -Tatsuki -Ask me about my Rukia ship tier list it’s p good -Gotei 13 (What if The Office, but it’s samurai ghosts????) -Her gf from when she was in the Shinigami academy
Byakuya Kuchiki -Same as Rukia reg. Gotei 13 (Just need coworkers tbh) -Renji (Obviously he needs his main subordinate to bully) -Kenpachi (Battle Boyfriends???? 👀👀👀) -Same as Rukia I have a ship tier list ask about it
Isshin Shiba-Kurosaki -Masaki Kurosaki -Basically any Kurosaki he needs his kids lbr -People he knew early in his time in the living world -Various Bleach muses for various reasons
Goku -Chi-Chi >:3 -His kids kindly (My Goku is still not best dad but he’s peak Goku-style dad) -ppl to fight???? -Also his besties/squad
Goba -Other Son family members -also ppl to fight -Time Patrollers to train with -also ppl to date -Hot Saiyan Girls™ 👀👀👀👀 Mun: *slaps Goba’s hands* OFF MY COMPUTER BRAT!!
Broly -Look I’m not picky here???? -Raditz might be nice -So would Cheelai tho
Itachi Uchiha (My main verse is him as Hokage) -Basically anyone from konoha should get to interact with this delight -Sasuke (he needs to make sure his brother doesn’t turn to the dark side) -Akatsuki members fs -idk about romantic ships but I’m down to clown -other Kage
Sakura Haruno -Naruto Uzumaki (besties) -Ino (😳) -Hinata -Karin -Temari -Tenten
Yuharu Kaiba -Honestly she’d love to interact with almost anyone from DM or GX, possibly even 5Ds
Toru Caushan -The Strawhats (though lbr they aren’t a crew he goes after hardcore) -Nami (I miss the old ship w/ him and missvvave but definitely open to exploring it w/ other Namis) -Kaido -other Mythical Zoan users -Any other Marine canons or OCs
Korosensei -Just give this man students plz? -Superman (I think they’d be wholesome) -Aguri Yukimura
Donovan Greyback -Lily Potter II (They’re besties your honor) -Era-dependent but honestly Donovan would love to interact w/ anyone
Hermione Granger -Other Golden Trio and GT-era Hogwarts characters -Ministry of Magic characters -Luna Lovegood (<3)
Sora -I picked him because he can interact w/ literally any verse -Could definitely go for other Destiny Island and FF chara tho
Roxas -Axel (Besties) -Xion (Also Besties) -Org XIII muses and just generally other Nobodies -Other Keybladers tbh
Vanitas -Just anyone for him to torment tbh -Wayfinder Trio -Other Villains -Disney characters who can possibly redeem him (🥺🥺🥺🥺)
Zack -Aerith -Cloud -Angeal (mentor pls) -Tifa -Basically any party member or SHINRA character
Cloud -Honestly I would like more variety but also will never say no to a Tifa or Aerith ship -Just like all kinds of ppl please
Tifa -Aerith -But also just give her gfs -Clouds are also likely ye from me -Patrons of her bar
Dante -Lady -Trish (But like, they’re brother-sister vibes) -Vergil (let him annoy his big bro) -Nero (also let him annoy his baby nephew) -Like just let me throw Dante at you
Ahri -She needs victims -Sona (Romantic/Seggsual) -Sett (Romantic) -Akali (Romantic/Seggsual/Bandmate) -Evelynn (Romantic/Seggsual/Bandmate) -Kai’Sa (Romantic/Seggsual/Bandmate) -Seraphine (Romantic/Seggsual/Bandmate) -Lilian (Prey/Romantic/Seggsual) -Neeko (Prey/Romantic) -Wukong (Prey/Playmate/Bestie/Seggsual) -Irelia (Rival/Enemy/Prey/Seggsual/Romantic) -Xayah (Rival/Romantic/Seggsual/Throuple) -Rakan (Seggsual/Teasing/Throuple) -Kayn (Romantic/Pining) -Teemo (Victim) -Gwen (Romantic) -Viego (Hateship/Complicated/Pining) -Miss Fortune (Seggsual/FWB/Romantic) -Fiora (Fling/Hateship) -Garen (Hateship) -Lux (Rival/Romantic/Seggsual) -Ashe (Rival/Romantic/Seggsual) -Nidalee (Honestly sorta OTP) -Katarina (Hot/Hateship/RWB) -LeBlanc (Hot/Seggsual) -Riven (Rivals/RWB/Romantic) -Rell (RWB/Romantic/Seggsual) -Samira (Hot/RWB) -Taliyah (Rivals/Playful Rivals/Romantic) -Sivir (Romantic/Tension/Seggsual) -Renta (Enemies/Hot/EWB) -Zeri (Rivals/RWB)
Settrigh -Hey, does anyone want to work for a criminal? -Also could use interacts w/ his mum because he loves his mum
Luffy -Nakama (for crew-related reasons) -ShiraCrybabyhoshi (for shipping reasons)
Nami -Luffy (Her Ride and Die) -Usopp (Her Ride but not Die) -Zoro (lbr frenemies) -Sanji (GBFF) -Hina (Hot Marine GF) -Tashigi (Hot Marine GF The Sequel) -Just Hot Marines of both genders to date tbh -Boa Hancock (”Could be us baby”/Ship)
Ty Lee -Azula (Her First Love)(Toxic) -Suki (Her Second Love)(Wholesome) -Sokka (If I Had To Pick A Dude) -Mai (Eagle 2)
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berryblu-soda · 5 months
The trio I originally made to share the main character spotlight in times end is actually so funny to me, bc we got:
Jace: truly doesn't know what he's doing here??? Starting beef w everyone, what the heck is self preservation???? Also lmao get sacrificed to the narrative idiot! Can you spare half your soul? <- victim of the chosen one/ specialest littol guy curse U_U
Rose: looks like she's cosplaying a commoner (she is), trying to play 5d chess w everyone and failing, they tried to keep her in the dark abt the family drama and it went horribly wrong or right depending on who you ask...
Aiden: thinks he's on a revenge mission against the royal family (it's already in shambles), so much rage and grief and nowhere to put it, ouch- is it more important to avenge your loved ones or fight to keep what they stood for alive?
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deerloaf-trash · 2 years
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Some quick 5D’s doodles because I love and care and appreciate them
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
one thing ive really loved seeing as i dive into the yugioh spinoffs is i feel with each series they really get even more and more apt at like. Showing the Main Core Cast of Characters Actually Being Friends With Each Other.
like DM was pretty solid at this, but i feel like still in the anime especially you didn’t have really too much of like... the nerd herd hanging out in different combinations. You didn’t get too much visible implication that like, Anzu and Joey were hanging out together offscreen. Like Yugi really feels like the glue holding everyone together, and that’s not a bad thing! it works for the narrative DM is trying to tell.
meanwhile since such a sizeable chunk of GX does involve Jaden wandering off or being out of commission or on a different plane of reality lor what have you, you get a LOT more of his friend circle hanging out together without him, you get to see how those dynamics coexist; even though they’re all united by We Are All Love Jaden they still feel like theyre pals with each other regardless of that!! You get those fun little side dynamics like, oh, yeah, blair and hassleberry are friends! they’re the same class year, that makes sense! And oh yeah of course Atticus would hang out with them, he doesn’t really have anyone from his year left at DA and he loves his sister; of course Alexis’s friends are his friends as far as he’s concerned!
and then you get to 5D’s and Oh My God, this core friend group loves each other SO much. the whole show is hinged on them being a Team, theyre the Signers and them working together and lifting each other up is critical to their success. You get all these little moments of downtime with them and little gestures of friendship within each other and it’s just fantastic. The guys all work together to build Akiza a Duel Runner. Leo and Luna might as well be the team’s kids with the amount of love they all have for them. Yusei and Jack and Crow as a trio holy shit holy shit holy shit ;_; Team 5D’s feels like a well-oiled unit even though Yusei still has inescapable Shounen Protagonist Plot Gravitational Pull and it just makes me smile so much. 6-pack of friends.
just, like. friendship and bonds are such a core concept of yugioh!!! i love seeing the main cast actual be friends!!!! i love seeing rivals get pulled into the friend group whether they want to be or not!!! excited to see how this concept is honed and developed over the course of the other yugiohs.
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yusei-clownington · 3 years
SO I FINALLY FINISHED 5D’S! And what better way to celebrate than to go through my favorite characters as…briefly as I can
Slight spoilers I suppose?
Let’s work it up from 10 to 1
10- Jack
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Was gonna go with lucchiano but who am I kidding Jack’s great. He’s a drama queen with an even more dramatic wardrobe. Never afraid to express himself and just bluntly blurt out what he thought.
His obsession with Cup ramen is on another level but what can I say? Love is love, Jack x cup ramen for life *wipes tears*
But seriously speaking he’s great. His very first line was enough proof of that. He just… apologized for being late then declared “I AM KING” like the…king he is.
My favorite Rival character still remains Manjoume… and… Yeah I still prefer Kaiba over Jack but damn was he a good rival.
Like he has to be the only Rival so far with an actual past with the Main character, no? That was pretty interesting because usually, the protagonist meets the rival somewhere during the first season and we go off from there. But here we had to go through their backstory to know what their relationship was fully like. Nice touch.
9- Aki
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Hands down my favorite female protagonist so far. I adore Anzu and feel neutral enough about Asuka but Aki? NAH MAN AKI’S AMAZING. I think 5D’s just does the best job with its female characters. Like it actually gives them big enough roles. I loved how Aki got her own episodes…be it the D-wheel ones or just… fillers.
Her crush on Yusei was justified, at least it seems so to me, and honestly never got obnoxious. Sure she had a moment here and there but it was honestly never a bad thing. Hell faith shipping in general isn’t exactly a bad Idea.
Speaking of shipping, is anyone going to talk about her little frienshipmaybemore moments with Crow? No? Ok…
But anyway, overall, SHE’S AMAZING AND I LOVE HER. There was more to her than some boring pining love interest and it shows with each episode. So when people say she has a great personality, they’re actually talking about her personality. AKI RULES
8- Mikage
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Would’ve been way WAY higher on the list if the thing with Jack was thrown out the widow.
That being said I think she’s the more mature of the Jack-crazy trio. Like sure she was just as into him as the other two, but in some scenes she was a lot more tolerable.
But that honestly might just be my bias towards this amazing woman speaking.
She’s devoted to her work, gentle, caring, gorgeous and just all around a wonderful character to see.
I loved most of her scenes in the series, and the fact that there was more to her than just the jack part. She actually had an important part to play in many episodes and honestly proved herself to be a very fun character. I just wish they gave a her little more screentime than what she got.
A lot of lost potential there- I mean come on.
7- Rua /Lua
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He reminds me of Judai WAY too much. LIKE WAAAAY too much not to be on this list. The guy’s adorable. And I love how they made him the emotional one. Like they could’ve gone with the “the boy is always rowdy and tOUGH” stereotype, but they didn’t. Sure, ruka (who I don’t like as much) was much more gentle, but it was much easier to see Rua cry than it was to see her do so. It’s just fun is all.
I also adore his deck and that little theme that played whenever he dueled… Plus his relationship with Jack and Yusei…GOLD GOLD.
6- Ushio
I made a whole post about Him, You think he wouldn’t be in my Top 10? Well think again. Great development would see through again.
5- Sherry Leblanc
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What you just witnessed in the line above is my internal reaction to literally any scene this beautiful badass woman happens to be in.
She’s just amazing. She has this really… tough energy IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT SHE’S A REALLY INTIMIDATING WOMAN. But not in a bad way, oh nonononono in a REALLY REALLY GOOD WAY OKAY.
Her character arcs and episodes somehow felt…really separate from the whole team 5D’s shenanigans even though they were basically connected…
Like she had her own motivation that didn’t particularly rely on bonds, but was still willing to accept and even form a bond with the whole team.
Revenge is kinda hot ngl.
Okay no it’s not. But seeing a vengeful character that WASN’T played off as evil or particularly wrong amidst a bunch of friendship is magic ones was pretty refreshing.
The moment she took her helmet off when dueling yusei I was HOOKED and so was Aki but shhhhhh.
But damn I love what they did with her at the end, Rushed as it may have been. It took her joining with Z-one briefly and dueling Aki and Crow ( a very underrated duo btw) to realize that maybe thinking of the past and only the past was not a very good idea.
Anyway love her. And her duels are always a delight to watch.
4- Placido
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Before he showed up, sherry was supposed to be 4th but here we are. Placido Placido Placido. I want to make it clear that…I really couldn’t care less about Aporia as a whole. But Placido and Lucchiano were pretty fun characters.
Now I finally get to talk about my beloved.
This dude was…the biggest mood. EVER.
He would hang up in that third one’s face like it was nothing and constantly ignore his boring ass. Oh. You have a plan? Ok. I don’t care. It’s boring. I’m placido and I’ll do what I want. Kiss my D-wheel ass.
He has a lot of hilariously sassy lines, which include and I quote:
“I don’t know what god wants you to do.”
“But I won’t accept it!”
The guy just does not care and I’m living for it.
Not to mention his bee analogies which- Why have I not seen anyone point out????? BEE ANALOGIES COME ONNNNNNNN
3- Kiryuu
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Edgy dude with pretty hair. Also gay. Also the crash town arc. Need I say more?
I will anyway.
Honestly dark signer Kiryuu was pretty fun to me with all the crazy laughter and stuff…
Then past/ flashbacks Kiryuu was just as interesting but in a completely different way. Sure he didn’t get as many episodes or screentime as the rest, but what I saw of him was more than enough for me to care about the Character. Like unlike the old satellite gang (Rally and the other two whose names I can’t even remember) I actually gave a shit about this guy when bad stuff happened to him.
Not to mention his growth. Like…He went through reverse/ negative development, then uphill by the end of the signers’ ark with all the…dying in your hands gayly stuff, then downhill again by the beginning of the crosstown arc….aaaaand back up and higher than ever by the end of it. Basically the fact that his development wasn’t always constant just added some spice.
Plus his dynamic with his ex-teammates…team….satisfaction (Try saying that with a straight face) was always pretty entertaining, especially his with Yusei.
Speaking of which...
2- Yusei
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With all my talk about him…and…my profile picture…and URL, it may come as a surprise that he’s not number 1 here, but honestly it’s so close you could call it a tie.
As for why I love him….Have you- Have you seen my blog????? Do I even..need to say anything????
1- Crow
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Now there’s a lot I have to say about Crow honestly hE’S JUST THAT COOL, but I’m saving it to talk about later still. All I’ll say for now is this:
Flashy guy with an amazing sense of style, an earring and an incredible amount of cockiness and charisma. What’s not to like?
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tres-fidelis · 3 years
Meet the Mun
Tagged by: stolen from @magnetiix​
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Name: Dani (my online and streamer name!) 
Star sign: Scorpio
Gender: GIRL! 
Height: 5′ 6′’
Sexual orientation: Straight 
Favorite color: Blue! I more partial to the lighter blues, like a sky blue, but I do love the deeper colors too. 
Time right now: 12:32PM
Current location: New York City 
Average hours of sleep: 6-7 usually. 
Number of blankets I sleep under: Around 3 in the winter time but then I have 2 on me in the warmer months. 
Favorite fictional characters: Oh boy, if I list them all it’s going to be VEEEEERY LONG so I’ll go with some of the few that I currently really like. Vivi Yukino (Mystery Skulls Animated), Cuphead, Jaden Yuki (Yugioh GX), Yusei Fudo (Yugioh 5Ds), Joker (Persona 5), Goro Akechi (Persona 5), Naoto Shirogane (Persona 4), Axl (Megaman X series), Susie (Deltarune), and a whole slew of other characters I REALLY could get into. But I don’t want to stretch out this post too much. 
Favorite book: Anything by Rick Riordan honestly. I love his book series. 
Favorite artists/bands: Mystery Skulls, Battles Tapes Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle), Pluffaduff, Daft Punk, TWRP 
Dream job: At the moment I’m working with robotic cameras for television, which in itself is something I really wanted to do when I got out of college. But a big dream of mine is to direct or help film an award winning movie. 
What I’m wearing: Slippers, long jeans, a MMX T-shirt, and a long sleeve flannel overtop. 
Do you have any other blogs?: @bluescarfvivi is my blueberry gremlin girl and @trio-of-tr0uble​ are my canon Persona girls I adore so much! 
Do you get asks on a daily basis?: Sometimes. It depends on my activity here, because more times than not the blueberry gremlin takes up any free time I have to write. 
Why did you choose your URL?: At the start, this was a blog for an OC in the MMX world, but since I’ve gotten into Persona a little more over the past 2 years I wanted to bring my Persona OCs on Tumblr as well. Since I have 3 OCs on this blog I wanted to try summarizing a bit of their personalities together, and make a name of something all 3 girls share. So you have “tres” as “3′ while “fidelis” is Latin for “faithful, trust”. 3 in faith, 3 in trust. 
Tagging: STEAL IT FROM ME!! 
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Next Yu-Gi-Oh! Crossover – Bonds Beyond Worlds
With so many ideas about what Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 will be about, I wanted ZEXAL/ARC V/VRAINS crossover continuation the most. I’ve already discussed this before Yu-Gi-Oh! Sevens was announced (here it is if you’re interested https://3w-writer-with-wings.tumblr.com/post/189629945740/next-yu-gi-oh-anime-new-series-or-a-crossover ) and despite new series, I’m still hopeful we will be getting a movie at least. Well, even if we aren’t getting it, I’ll write it down anyway. Only once Yuma, Astral, Yu-boys, Bracelet Girls, Yusaku and Ai get a happy conclusive ending will my soul be able to rest.
Still please don’t hate on SEVENS! It’s a nice and funny show and Yuga is a precious little inventor who doesn’t deserve all the hate.
Main cast
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So the main cast will be definitely made of the main protagonists aka. Yuma, Yuya and Yusaku and their partner characters aka. Astral, other Yu-boys and Ai. I also want to include Bracelet Girls since they are very closely connected to Yu-boys, though not directly, more like they have a separate, but just as important mission, maybe they even team up with Rio (since she has psychic-like abilities) and Aoi (who learns about world connection from her brother and wishes to help). If it will possible I’ll also include rivals – though more like supporting characters, the same way Signers and professor Banner were used in the movie. For everyone else it would be more or less just minor roles, but still important enough to contribute to the story (Kaito and Arclight brothers guide Yuma through different worlds, Reiji and Yusho investigate strange occurrences in Arc V and Akira, Kusanagi and Ryouken try to find out where Yusaku went and how to help him). Overall, I wouldn’t include too many characters since I really want to give them meaningful roles. 
How it will connect the series?
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VRAINS ends with a surprising findings uncovered by Akira – VRAINS got connected to many different worlds and Yusaku is on his way to unknown part of VRAINS in order to find Ai. While first crossover was connected by time (hence the title Bonds Beyond Time), this crossover will be connected by space. First crossover already made a big deal out of time (Atem was an ancient spirit from past and had to travel back in time to regain memories in order to rest in peace, Judai was a reincarnation of a Supreme King and Yusei fought against time-travelling cyborg from the future) and was therefore connected by time, with Yusei using Crimson Dragon to travel to past in order to stop Paradox from destroying it. This time, the new trio of protagonists will have to travel through space in order to meet. Since VRAINS ended so abruptly, with Yusaku travelling towards unknown part of network, this would be the most perfect point to start this new journey. If that part of VRAINS network somehow got connected to another world or more like a dimension, this is how Yusaku finds himself in ARC V dimension after the events of the fifth series – sometime after the four dimensions merged into one again. Yuya and Yuzu get used to their counterparts living in their bodies and Yuya is yet to defeat Yusho at that point.
In a way all three series share the same theme of protecting the world and changing it in order to save the ones they love, but with each series, less can be done to save it. Yuma used Numeron Code to save the friends he lost, prevented the destruction of Barian world and turned Barian Emperors back in humans. Yuya managed to seal Zarc’s soul in Reira and get Yuzu back and joined all dimensions into one, but he couldn’t save other Yu-boys and Bracelet Girls. Yusaku was unable to save Ai as Ai was never meant to co-exist with humanity. Therefore I believe this chain of events is in a way connected with Numeron Code – with such drastic change in Astral World and Barian World, the change must’ve affected Original Dimension in ARC V and Dr. Kogami must’ve had a reason to create Ignis (in the most far-fetched logic I believe the change awakened Zarc’s rage and convinced Dr. Kogami that the world is ending and humanity needs an immortal successor). Yuma could also feel guilty and selfish to activate Numeron Code, thinking he might’ve been wrong after all and that caused all the suffering Yuya, Yuzu, their counterparts and Yusaku have been through.
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But at the same time this doesn’t mean they should just give up Numeron Code to fix everything and rather look for a different way, considering how much damage it has already caused. Maybe the antagonist wishes to have Numeron Code and their first goal is to destroy it or seal it for good and at the same time deal with the fact that it could bring Ai, Yu-Boys and Bracelet Girls back. Yusaku and Yuya don’t blame Yuma one bit and they both ensure him that their friends are still there, they just need to find another way to bring them back home. At one point they will be back either before the climax or during the climax (Yu-boys are pretty much already in Yuya, but it could be that they gain their bodies at the crucial moment when they are protecting Yuya). It would be interesting if Ai actually knew Yusaku was looking for him but was too scared to face him, thinking he’ll lose him (maybe Astral helps him get over it and during the moment where Yusaku is in danger, Ai comes back in a similar fashion as he did during his duel with Ryouken).
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It doesn’t necessary need an antagonist, considering the goals the main trio has is already challenging enough, though it would be interesting to have another antagonist. Rather than having a one that thinks they are doing the right thing but are ultimately making everything worse or a character that is outright evil. I prefer to use a very calculating antagonist who has a good reason behind his actions and truly presents a challenge for the new trio. Antagonist like Z-ONE from 5Ds would nicely fit in this story, but like I said, it doesn’t really need an antagonist. It will be also interesting to include a secondary antagonist or antagonists’ right hand against the girl squad. Since I plan to include Numeron Code (I mean it is a literal Infinity Gauntlet, why the hell not?) the main antagonist’s motivation could be something with rewriting reality and space all over again since Yuma and Astral greatly changed it since the end of ZEXAL. The Bracelet girls also have a connection to Ray and En cards that are also a rather powerful element so there would be no need to include more powerful elements, prophecies or ancient grudges against the protagonist trio. 
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This might be a bit far-fetched idea too, but I think it would really interesting to use Yusho as antagonist. Not in a willing way of course, just that someone possesses him and through him challenges the new trio to a duel that decides all. A certain fanfic writer has (Frost190 in “Bonds of Pendulum”) already written down the most amazing duel between Yuya and Yusho that fit into the canon story so well that it made me think just what missed opportunity that duel was. Even though ARC V both starts and ends with Yuya’s vow to defeat his father one day, he never really duels him (though considering Yuri was able to defeat him and Yuya defeated Yuri, he could potentially defeat Yusho as well). Then there’s the fact that Yusho and Yuya haven’t really talked things through face to face yet. While it is clear that Yusho had to leave in order to stop Leo, he left right on the day he was supposed to have this big match. He knew Leo was up to no good, but really, really why he decided to leave on that day? He could’ve at least post-phone that match or be done with it in like an hour or so and then leave. This one thing has bothered me for as long as I can remember and that fact that they never point it out is that more frustrating besides the fact that Leo was magically excused of all horrible things he did. Yusho as antagonist (controlled of course, but using Yuya’s and Yusho’s memories to try to manipulate others) would work very well for Yuma and Yusaku too since Yuma also had to deal with the loss of his father and to Yusaku, Yusho could look like Dr. Kogami – a man who traumatized him for life. 
Like in Bonds Beyond Time, a big duel with protagonists against antagonist is expected to be the main battle of the movie, I would like to spice it up a bit or use entirely different climax scene. I mentioned before that I would love to see Bracelet Girls in action, so what if they get a seperate mission or another antagonist to fight and this is how they find a way to get their own bodies. With this info they have to reach Yu-boys and let them know how to separate them, though again there could be some trouble or something is happening due to disturbance in dimensions and they have to protect people in them. It would be really interesting if they were the trump card or if they would show up at that one moment when they would needed it the most. Another reason of why I want to include them so much is also because only the powers of Yuzu’s bracelet have been partially explained and considering Ray literally split a whole dimension and a demon in four, they must’ve been nearly as powerful as Numeron Code.
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I would also love to expose the new trio of protagonists to their worst fears, showing their pieces of vulnerability there. Yuma could relive his duel with III and all the times he lost Astral and his friends. Yuya could go through the time his father was missing and when he hurt innocent people in berserk form. (In a way I would also love to see Zarc and Ray have a role, at least to guide him and encourage him to not to give up.) Yusaku might expect the trauma from Lost Incident, but it turns out to be the fear of truly losing Ai. Another important challenge would be probably temptation to use Numeron Code for their own interests like maybe it could rewrite Yusaku’s life with Lost Incident never happening, but erase all of Yuma’s friends who got revived. Maybe it could bring counterparts back but cause major disturbance in Den City. Overall I wouldn’t go there too much since I know well that Yuma, Yuya and Yusaku are one of the most selfless people and if anything, they would be fine with giving up on their desire for greater good.
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Another important climax (in case I go with it), is Numeron Code. With such insane power of literal creation and destruction it could be again connected to ARC V, with the whole theme of Heavenly Dragons and En Powers. Similar themes also appeared in VRAINS, especially regarding the creation and destruction of life. It could also be that protagonists will be struggling with how to use it correctly or if they should use it in the first place. Another solution is also permanent destruction, but again, protagonists aren’t sure how will this affect dimensions and timelines. 
In all ways, climax will be epic and will join all the build up, struggles, fears and action in one scene.
Interactions of those who never met
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This crossover will be able to provide a lot of scenes and interactions between characters of those three series. Yuya, Yuma and Yusaku have surprisingly a lot in common, especially their experiences when dealing with loss and fears. For some reason I’m actually seeing Yusaku opening up to them since they could strangely remind him of Ai and that was pretty much the only person besides Kusanagi that Yusaku trusted enough to share his fears. It would be also refreshing for Yusaku to see duelling as fun (I really hoped that would be the case when he duelled Go for the first time) and befriending more people like Ai told him to. Astral and Ai could also share a scene where they are talking about their human partners and the time once their partners will be gone since they are both sort of immortal beings. I strongly believe one of the reasons why Ai sacrificed himself for Yusaku was not only because he saw a future where Yusaku dies protecting him but because he knew Yusaku won’t live forever like him and he couldn’t handle being all alone without Yusaku or other Ignis. Astral who has been alone for thousands of years before meeting Yuma could teach him how to cherish the time with his partner that he still has. 
Like I mentioned it in the beginning – this would more or less be fix-it story. While I’m okay with ZEXAL ending (better than the one in manga at least), ARC V and VRAINS are in dire need for a better ending so overall, the ending conclusion will give the three series a much more conclusive ending. While I love to write a good angst and bitter sweetness for the end, I do no plan to end it this way (especially after binge watching two anime series in a row that had bitter-sweet but hella sad endings). This will have to be a feel-good ending with cheese on top or at least hopeful feel. I’m aiming for similar conclusion as Bonds Beyond Time, with three protagonists parting ways in hopes that they did the right thing and that they can return back to the worlds that they no longer need to fear they will break. 
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The endgame will be obviously with Yu-boys coming back, Ai reuniting with Yusaku and Numeron Code being sealed away or if possible destroyed. If I’m going with “Yuma screwed up ARC V and VRAINS with Numeron Code” way, then I’ll really need to find a good reason to get rid of it or at least find a logical way how. Also he will be dealing with massive guilt and responsibility so maybe… Yuma might go Iron Man with it and others will need to stop him (that might lead to a secondary final duel or more like rescue duel, kinda mirroring final duel between Yusaku and Ai).
So yeah there will be a lot of conclusions to go through, especially if I include original antagonists, though I’m not that sure about it yet.
If anyone has any other ideas, suggestions, theories or anything else related to this topic, feel free to leave it below or PM me. I would love to hear your thoughts on this idea and it will really help me gather more ideas and material for this project that I would really love to write, not just for myself but for all other members of Yu-Gi-Oh! fandom as well.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
Behind the Fic: TW:OPT - Chapter 72 - 77
This is it, guys. We’ve finally reach the end of “Break & Gosh”! Thank you so much for sticking around until now. Oh boy, we are way past 75 chapters. I don’t know if I should be proud or worried of myself.
So, this will be the last note before we continue to a brand new Arc!
WARNING: This will contain a bit of spoiler for the newest chapters of my fan fiction Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure. Click here to read the whole mini-arc from the beginning!
Before we actually start, let me tell you about the title of this Arc "Break & Gosh". Following the Nickelodeon TV Series parody title, this Arc was named after the show "Drake & Josh". I tried to find some word that time with the title and came up with this. I don't really like the title, but it sort of grew on me.
All of this mini-arc title were actual lyrics from Hyperdrive, the Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds' English dub opening. I kinda forget why I chose this.
This arc itself can be separated into two: Leona's Therapy (72-73) and Magishift Rematch (74-77)
Following what I did in The Crimson Tyrant, I gave Leona two 'therapy' chapters, just like how I gave two pay-off chapter for Riddle. So we have the comparison:
Chapter 30: Early Summer-Rain Honesty!  =  Chapter 62: There's More To Be Seen Than Can Ever Be Seen!
Chapter 31: Take a Break and Get Away!  =  Chapter 72: I Can Hear You Breathin'! 
Chapter 32: Reigning Beast! =  Chapter 73: I Can See You Comin'!
However, unlike Riddle’s, the therapy chapters for Leona was more Leona-centric. While I can still put some filler content in Riddle's, Leona's chapter is exclusive for Leona (with Ruggie and Jonah)
Unlike Riddle, Leona's therapy was way harder to write because, again, I didn't experience the same thing as Leona. I remember being compared, but my usual response was like: "Suck it up." Meanwhile, I feel like Leona took that comparison to the heart which made him think that all his effort is for nothing.
The entire first half of “Chapter 72: I Can Hear You Breathin'!” was improvised. I didn't plan for Grim or Ruggie to appear, however, the plan had changed.
A reference to the canon, here, Ruggie also used [Laugh With Me] on Leona
I also feel like Jonah and Leona are way harder to connect than Jonah and Riddle. Jonah is easier to connect with people who are the same age as him than those who are older.
This also adds that Riddle was pretty much grateful that Jonah said he wants to be his friend back in. So, he could trust him.
This is where Ruggie came in in place of Jonah. Ruggie clearly knows Leona better and had been for the longest. Leona trusts Ruggie, and Ruggie still loyal to him.
Also, this is probably because Leona doesn't get involved that much in Octavinelle Arc, unlike Riddle who has quite a big role in Savanaclaw Arc.
Ah, yes. The chess allegory. I didn't make it, I looked it up from here. I know nothing about chess.
I also added some of Leona's motives for wanting to bring down Malleus.
More of Leona's past were added. None of these is canon.
I just want to point out that Leona's relationship with his grandfather was inspired by Simba and Mufasa's relationship.
Also, can I just point out that Leona never actually apologized to Ruggie for Thanos-ing his arm? Well, he says sorry here.
Almost didn't happen. But because I said I want to match Riddle's therapy, this chapter was written.
“Chapter 73: I Can See You Comin'!” is a continuation of the therapy arc, I just need Leona to see that acceptance from Ruggie because he's just too stubborn and closed-off.
I still really like the part where Ruggie is bowing to Leona. I'm a sucker for that.
The second half of this Arc was a mess, because: (1) This is my first attempt writing a sports scene; (2) Canon didn't give me that much info about Magishift; (3) I thought it was a good idea to mix Quidditch with American Football
“Chapter 74: My Heart Beats In Hyper Drive!” and “Chapter 75: Take a Shot at Me Runnin' Side by Side!” are supposed to be one chapter, but I decided to cut it off in half and switch some scripts.
We never actually knew how Ramshackle Dorm was build or the history of how it became abandoned in canon (hopefully yet), so I made up some stories again
When writing the sports scene, I also watch Eyeshield 21, because this is the first thing that came up in my mind when I heard 'American Football'.
Grim with his frying pan was inspired by that one meme
“Chapter 75: Take a Shot at Me Runnin' Side by Side!” had more world-building info about the (very poorly built) magic system. I made some notes about it in my Behind the Fic: Canon and Beyond. Read it here and here.
The Octavinelle gang wasn't supposed to appear, but then I remember a plot point way back in Jonah Argentum's Declassified Boarding School Survival Guide that I need to address, so the trio made an appearance here.
Epel was supposed to be Ace's mentor. However, because I want to see more of him in Pomefiore Arc, I ended up changing him with Floyd
I made up about Deuce and his past with baby chicks. I need to make-up something about Deuce's loves for baby chicks
Crowley is the Avatar
ADeuce are ROnah (Riddle/Jonah) shippers while the Leech Twins are JonAzul (Jonah/Azul) shippers
The actual Magishift Rematch in  “Chapter 76: It’s a Blur as I Go By!” is way better than the first sports scene I've written earlier, though I still feel it's a bit short spot the Spongebob reference.
The celebration though was a bit of a letdown. I really want to write more, but I can't think about it more.
I just realized that Jack never appears in this portion of the Arc, so I made up the last Savanaclaw squad scene because I know Jack still respect Leona after this.
Ah... The final scene. This is a remake of what happened in canon.
Then I realized that I never write Leona ending scene back during The Crimson Tyrant. It was because Jonah never made a contact with Leona except for that one scene in. However, Azul was present during this while celebration, so I feel it didn't come out of nowhere if I add that scene.
Overall, Break & Gosh is a challenging Arc. Needed way more planning than Jonah Argentum's Declassified Boarding School Survival Guide and felt like an actual Arc rather than a collection of one-shots.
I wrote a really long rant about The Rebel of the Wilderness and Break & Gosh.
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shreedle · 4 years
Fanfic author ask A,B, and C? (If you want to do it.)
Of course I do! c: Thanks!
(From this Ask Meme.)
A. what’s your favourite fandom to write?
Well, at this time last year, I would have said Mega Man... and I still do write Mega Man and I still love it, so that’s definitely a top contender! But I made a mistake by starting to write Fire Emblem, and now I can’t get all of these ideas out of my head fast enough. I might actually finish my first 50k+ word fic thanks to this fandom!
B. what’s your favourite fandom to read?
Similar to question A, the fandoms I check everyday for new fanfiction / updates are Mega Man and Fire Emblem Fates/Awakening. Bonus points if the fics are about Quint or R-Shadow (Mega Man, I have a lot of feelings for those two but it’s hard to find good fanfics about them) or the Awakening Trios shenanigans in FE, those make me especially giddy!
Other fandoms I check regularly, but not as much as those two, are Yu-Gi-Oh! (original and 5Ds), Star Wars, and Doctor Who.
C. what fandom(s) did you start writing?
You might think Mega Man given that it’s my main fandom, but no. The very first fanfic that I ever wrote was this one-page story about Pac-Man, when I was 9. And then a weird Harry Potter/E.T./Witch Mountain crossover. And then Space Quest of all things, and then Metroid. Finally when I was 11, I started writing Mega Man almost exclusively. I only started writing for Fire Emblem last year!
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/intuitive-astrology-sagittarius-full-moon-lunar-eclipse-june-2020/
Intuitive Astrology: Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse June 2020
Intuitive Astrology: Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse June 2020
By Tanaaz
The Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 5, will be guiding us to stand our ground, claim our power, and allow the voice of our inner fire to speak.
It is the first in a trio of Eclipses, and as we walk this Eclipse Gateway over the coming weeks, we will discover a new path emerging, one that is very different from the path we were walking before.
Lunar Eclipses are like heightened Full Moons that bring shift, change, and breakthroughs.
What’s interesting is that this Lunar Eclipse falls at 14 degrees of Sagittarius, which just happens to be the location of the Great Attractor.
The Great attractor is a little bit of a mystery, but our entire galaxy is being pulled in this direction.
As the name suggests, the Great Attractor signals a powerful point of attraction in the Universe that can supercharge the energy of this Eclipse.
Not only does this Lunar Eclipse fall on this highly charged point, but for those on Pacific Standard Time, this Eclipse also falls at the magical 12:12pm.
This is also the first Sagittarius Eclipse we have had since 2010-2013, which also indicates the start of a new Eclipse cycle.
For clues on what this new Eclipse cycle may stir in your life, think back to 2010-2013 and see what significant, life-changing events happened during this period.
It’s not that you will be repeating these events, but you may very well find yourself leveling up or transcending what you learned at this time and replacing it with some newer and more advanced wisdom.
But now, let’s take a deep dive into this June Sagitarrius Lunar Eclipse to see what it may bring…
A Lunar Eclipse has ten times the potential of Full Moon, and often clears a path that helps accelerate our soul journey.
We may receive some news that something in our life is coming to an end. Or, we may find that we are called to release and let go of something that we truly thought was serving us.
We may have thought we were going one way, but often an Eclipse comes along to reveal a whole new path.
As this Eclipse falls in Sagittarius, we are likely going to find ourselves clearing thoughts, beliefs, and ideas in order to prepare for this new journey that is yet to unfold.
Under this Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse, the planet Mars will also be very active.
Mars is the warrior, which is why this Eclipse very much plays into this idea of finding our inner warrior and inner flame, and allowing it to shine.
Emotions may be heated, but we have to learn to listen to ourselves. We have to learn to listen to our anger and frustration for there is wisdom to gain.
If we allow ourselves to sit in our emotions, we are likely to have a breakthrough. If we allow ourselves to feel our anger or feel the intensity of our emotions, we are likely to find the truth of what is bubbling underneath the surface.
All the voices you carry within you deserve to be heard. Sometimes we work so hard to silence the voice of shame or guilt or anger, but there is also a power in learning to stop and listen to what it’s saying.
If we constantly dismiss the harder or more abrasive thoughts and feelings when they arise, we never really get to understand them.
It’s not that we want to sit in our anger forever or allow our inner voice to become drowned by negative talk, but we also don’t want to ignore these voices and push them away.
We want to listen to them and discover what they really mean. We want to hug each and every one of them, and see the value in what they have to share and offer.
When we listen to ourselves; when we really take the time to go within and listen, we catch things we may have otherwise missed. We learn things about ourselves, and we open to a new truth.
It is not just our love and light that can teach us, but our pain, anger, jealousy, and resentment too.
These emotions are uncomfortable, and no one wants to feel this way, but it is so much a part of our human experience, and we can no longer ignore them or wish them away with false thinking.
We have to listen, find the jewels of wisdom that they offer, and then let them go.
We cannot rush this process. We cannot just let it go because it’s uncomfortable. We have to sit with it first. We have to own all of it. Claim all of it. And allow ourselves to rise with it so we can understand what is fanning our flames.
What ignites you? What gets you mad and angry? What fires you up is a clue to your power and your purpose.
For me, my anger often stems from disregarding my feelings in favor of what others think, or disregarding my feelings in order to play nice. This is very often at the root of my anger.
This realization only came once I sat with my anger. This realization now lets me know where I need to focus my attention and not give my power away.
This June Eclipse may also be stirring things in our relationships as Retrograde Venus is very active too.
If you have been having doubts about a relationship or feeling uncertain, this Eclipse may start answering your questions.
There is an illuminating factor to this Eclipse, so if you do have questions, if you have been feeling confused, set an intention and allow this Eclipse to show you the way.
Allow it to illuminate and bring you to the path that is best for your soul.
This Sagittarius Eclipse will work in harmony with the next two Eclipses, so there is more to the journey that will unfold.
By the time we have finished walking through this gateway of Eclipses, we are going to feel reborn.
We may enter this gateway feeling confused, overwhelmed, and unsure, but we will leave it with a clearer knowing, a stronger sense of our destiny, and more connected to our personal power.
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managician · 5 years
ARC V Anniversary Day 4
Discussion prompt:  Who’s your favorite character(s)?
Hoo boy, I ended up making a top 10 because there’s so many lovable characters in this cast and I want to talk about them all... Warning for incredibly long descriptions as the top goes on (I’m sorry for mobile users)
10. Reira Akaba
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Look at this precious bab. Right off the bat I knew I would like them — I have a kind of weakness for child characters (Rua is one of my faves from 5DS too for a reason), but I never actually expected to love them as much as I do right now. Seeing this little afraid kid with no sense of self grow into a person of their own and playing a literal key role in the resolution of the final conflict was so satisfying. 
09. Ray Akaba
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Aand naturally, with me loving Reira it probably comes off as no surprise that I love Ray too. Even with the extremely limited screentime, she shot through the roof as one of my favorites. She was no goddess or super powerful entity that had the equal means to fight Zarc, but she did so anyway. And she won. She’s the porter of an incredibly inspiring message and pretty much symbolizes the core of ARC V’s narrative; she saw trouble and she knew cowering in fear would solve nothing, so she took a step forward with courage and believed in her own worth. POINT IS, Ray is awesome.
08. Rin 
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Ahh, Rin... It’s one of the few cases where it’s hard for me to articulate what I like about her the most. I actually wasn’t super invested in her when I first finished watching the show, but one of my friends really likes Yugo and Rin and that got me to think more about her beyond her lack of screentime, and I found myself suddenly appreciating her a lot. She has all her pragmatic yet caring personality and goals scattered throughout the show if you pay attention to her interactions with Yugo, and you can actually get a extremely solid grasp on the kind of the person she is — even her deck plays into it (a logical and ruthless Burn Damage deck, which showcases she’s not here for anyone’s bullshit). 
07. Shun Kurosaki
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Shun is a fairly biased case for me, I’ll totally admit. I didn’t actually like him that much during my watch of the show though, and it wasn’t until the XYZ/Fusion Arc that I looked at the events of ARC V in retrospective and realised how much Shun had been involved in. I’m a sucker for stoic and ruthless characters learning to trust people again, and Shun fit into the mold perfectly. And he definitely did strike me as cool from the first go, with Rise Falcon’s insane OTK against the LDS Trio back in Standard, so even if I wasn’t actively rooting for his character I wanted to see what direction he’d take. Seeing him grow and finally make peace with the Yuto/Ruri situation at the end of the show made me incredibly happy; I think that he could finally start leaving all the bitterness and pain behind and begin a new journey of hope with his comrades. 
06. Serena
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Another case of me being somewhat (okay, really) gay and biased for girls. I loved Serena right from the first go; her pushy and pretty aggressive personality caught my interest, and we got a glimpse of her backstory with Reiji pretty soon after her introduction, which made me feel connected with her very easily. Yet another misguided Academia student — though her arc is completely different compared to say, Sora’s or Dennis’s. She had even less information about the outside world than the rest of the Fusion gang did, and so of course the key for her was learning the truth. Thanks to Yuzu and Shun she was able to check by herself how horrorific her Academia comrades’s actions had been, and she immediately decides to fight against the injustice. There’s something admirable about her relentless courage and will to do what’s right, and she never stops being herself and fighting like she wants to the very bitter end. Pretty inspiring for me, honestly.
05. Reiji Akaba
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And we enter Top 5, starting off with Reiji, who is frankly the trickiest character for me on this list. Unlike many people I know I didn’t ever think of him as an evil or dettached rival, because of... His scarf. Yes, his stupid gravity defying-scarf. Red symbolizes heroism in many Japanese shows, so I had the hunch that Reiji would end up acting nicer than he did at the beginning of show. And boy, did he. He’s an incredibly compelling and well-rounded character who is a clear contrast to Yuya’s bright entertainment, and he expresses his emotions in a very subtle way. He’s an unexpected rival who subverts tropes left and right, just like the protagonist; and while it’s clearly a case of the “I Had To Grow Up Too Early” trope, it’s executed so brilliantly well that you can’t help feel sorry for him, even if you don’t particularly like him. ...Which was actually what happened to me, I barely cared for him in my first watch of the show... And then I loved him and suddenly he was in my top favorites. He’s so great.
04. Sawatari Shingo
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I’ll say it right from the go, I didn’t ever think a character of Shingo’s type could get me so interested. From the beginning of the show I saw him as Yuya’s ‘rival’ in a purer sense of the word than Reiji; they’re both Entertainment Duelists and have a more direct confrontation in the championship’s Action Duel. But that’s all he really was to me, another showcasing of Entertainment and a fun character to see when he was on screen, nothing else. And yet I found myself taking a deep liking to him when he finally tried to steer his own path; despite being a loud, kind-of comedy relief character if the situation requires for it (somewhat akin to Jounouchi in DM, perhaps), at the same time he’s a quite talented Duelist who enjoys pulling a crowd’s attention towards him. He wants to impress people and that’s something I could relate to in a very intimate way, as much as I preferred Yuya’s ideology. And he grew so much during the BB Arc with Crow too, it was so cute.
Tied for 3rd spot - Yuto and Yuzu Hiragi
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Aka... I tried really, really hard to pick one... But I had to give up. Sometimes I say Yuto’s 3rd and Yuzu 2nd and some other days it’s the other way around, and then sometimes I straight up can’t decide. Like today. 
I wasn’t big on Yuto at first at all. He did intrigue me, especially because thanks to him we were introduced to the same-face plot that set off the whole Standard arc in the first place, though that was it. I thought he was cool, a character you can appreciate if he comes up with screen, but don’t actively think of outside of that. Broodingly dark characters tend to piss me off unless they quickly grow on me, which probably added to me not feeling very interested in either him or Shun at the beginning of the show; even with that, I appreciated his rather calm and pacifist nature in comparison to his partner... 
And then Episode 37 happened and I was completely thrown off the charts. His desire to bring smiles to people and to not hurt anyone anymore to the point of refusing to attack Yugo pulled at my heartstrings, and I’m a complete sucker for self-sacrificing characters, so when he protected Yuya at the expense of his own soul and entrusted that desire onto him... I was sold. His influence is rather subtle but shows passionately many times, and I found myself falling in love with his character despite the lack of screentime and dubious characterisation that every XYZ character suffers from; I think he’s the best one out of the trio in that matter, though. And his interactions with Yuzu, Ruri and Yuya are so sweet; overall he’s just a character I can find myself easily toying with and I love his role in the show.
What can I say about Yuzu? She’s my favorite female lead from all YGO series. I found her rather annoying but cute during the first... Ten or so episodes. And then I fell in love with her because holy damn, she’s such an amazing character. She actually Duels, has a beautiful and kickass deck and is deeply involved in the plot from start to end (which is already more than can be said for the other shows), not to mention she’s such an inspiring role model. Yuzu always actively worked to improve herself and it’s refreshing to see her be so open with her feelings and caring for people. She’s so strong and I really enjoyed all the bonds she had with the rest of the cast — when you had half of them going through hell and back to help her, it felt legitimately heartwarming and believable, because she always does her best to forge a connection with people and isn’t afraid to say what she thinks.
She felt like one of the most human characters in the show for me, as her best strength was the power of encouraging and inspiring other people (Yuya, Serena, Yugo just to name a few) rather than being unbeatable or not being allowed to fail. She’s everything and more I could hope from a female lead and she inspires me everyday.
01. Yuya Sakaki
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*falls to the ground and sobs*
I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this precious ball of sunshine. Anime protagonists are always without fail a 50/50 chance for me, I either love them with all my soul or I hate them and I’m 200% more invested in other characters. Yuya (un)surprisingly fell into the first category from the very first episode, he’s so adorable and seeing him go on a journey to leave behind his years of bullying and depression and turn into someone he can be proud of is hands down the most inspiring thing in this series. 
He genuinely makes me so happy and his character development is the very thing that made me invested in ARC V in the first place, I will never get enough of what an amazing and compelling protagonist he is. His attitude of trying to stay happy and make the people around him happy as well, but ultimately falling victim to his own emotions and crashing hard against reality is so brutally and openly real that my heart aches just from thinking of it. I’ve learned with him as I watched the show; as an audience we experienced the same happiness, sadness and pain that he went through, and I’m so proud of him for getting so far and never giving up despite all the odds always being against him.
He’ll always hold a special place in my heart, he’s so important to me and I’m just really glad he exists! 
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