#I love writing them being dumb and getting themselves into these situations
jasmineoolongtea · 3 months
hii!! i recently just started following you and i don’t wanna overload you with anything so i stress that i urge you to take your time and if you feel like you need to tweak anything then you can since i noticed you barely opened requests :)) i was just wondering if you could write something ( whether it be headcanons or a fic ) about gojo having a jujutsu sorcerer for a girlfriend / partner and his students don’t know so they’re all shocked when they just see this badass person next to gojo and he just casually introduces them as his partner lol. just a thought!! make sure to take care of yourself 💕
a/n: thank you smmmm for the kind words <333 yes omg i love this idea and honestly, i imagine gojo pretending to be chill on the outside but on the inside he's fangirling the same way his students are over his partner cause he's just so whipped and down bad for them jdjsndnsbd
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"Shhhh! Quiet down, you two or you're gonna get us all caught." Nobara hisses through her teeth at Megumi and Yuji, trying her best to be quiet. It was quite a comical sight actually, the three students were all stacked on top of each other as they all attempted to crane their necks into the doorway as discretely as they possibly could.
"I still don't understand why we can't just ask like normal people." Megumi sighs, clearly exasperated at his friend's antics.
"You're such a buzzkill, Fushiguro." Nobara scolds him over her shoulder. It was like he didn't even understand the gravity of this situation.
This wasn't a situation where they could just waltz in and chat it up like regular unless they were intent on embarrassing themselves. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet the current rising star of the jujutsu world: the newly minted special-grade sorcerer L/N Y/N who was famed for being highly elusive, never being in one place for too long to be tied down to somewhere.
Rumours and stories were constantly swirling about you ranging from the more serious ones about your incredible feats of jujutsu and how you managed to exorcise a grade 1 curse for one of your very first missions without breaking a single sweat to more silly ones like that you only wash your face with the purest spring water that was imported from the Swiss Alps and that allegedly you and Gojo Satoru were seeing each other. She thought the last one was particularly dumb as she was sure that a person of your calibre would have better taste than to date their man-child of a teacher, even if he was the strongest. Whatever it was, Nobara was not going to let those two ruin her chances of possibly being able to talk with you face to face.
Above her, Yuji groans out in pain as he feels an elbow jam into his stomach.
"Hey! That hurts!" Yuji complains loudly, his grip tightening around the wooden door frame.
"Can't you be in pain more quietly?" Nobara asks and with that, the two of them were sent into a bickering spat as they traded harsh whispers and snappy comments. However, this would prove to be their end as Megumi eventually loses his balance from all of the commotion above him and tumbles onto the floor with the other two following suit as they land in what can only be described as a failed human pretzel.
Unfortunately, their crash was not as quiet as Nobara was hoping for as one of the office's inhabitants stood up from his seat, seemingly made aware of their presence. "Oh? It seems like we have some eavesdroppers in our midst."
You hum to yourself, your back still facing the doorway as you turn to your white-haired companion. "Is that true?"
"Yes, I think I might know who they are as well. If only they would be so brave enough to reveal themselves." Gojo sighs dramatically, even bringing a hand to his chest as if to feign sympathy. You can't help but giggle softly at his behaviour.
The three of them take that as their cue to stand up, dusting themselves off as they slowly make their way into the office in a single file line. When Nobara sees you, she can't even let herself fully fangirl because the amount of embarrassment she has at getting caught trying to eavesdrop is far outweighing it right now.
Gojo makes his way towards his students as they stand lined up, his hands rubbing together and a devious grin on his face as he puts on his best menacing voice. "Now now now, what do we have here?"
"Satoru, take it easy on them. I'm sure they meant no harm by it." You place a hand on his shoulder as you stroll up to his side. His arms immediately fall to his side as he melts under your touch.
An adorable pout graces his features, his bottom lip jutted out in an attempt to put on his best puppy dog look as he whines at you, "Awww, but you're ruining my funnn. I don't get that many opportunities to do this."
"Sensei, they know you by your first name?" Yuji questions, his head tilted slightly to the side as he tries to figure out what relationship you two could possibly have.
A sly snicker is heard from Gojo as he quirks his eyebrows towards you. "They know me in a lot more ways than just that" he quips back, his tone bordering on being an outright innuendo.
You roll your eyes affectionately at him, clearly used to his playful nature by this point, and give him a light shove on the shoulder to which he pretends to exaggeratedly nurse in pain.
"Sorry for not introducing myself properly, my name is L/N Y/N and I'm a special-grade sorcerer here on a visit to Tokyo Jujustu High." You smile warmly at your boyfriend's students, your hands clasped in front of you as you greet them.
Nobara could feel her breath hitch in her throat as a million thoughts ran through her mind. Oh my god, you, her idol, were actually right in front of her and were acknowledging her. She swears she could die happy right this instance but that would mean that she wouldn't get to take full advantage of the chance to talk to you fully. With that, she snaps out of her star-struck daze and politely inquires, "If you don't mind me asking L/N-san, what are you here for?"
"Oh, they're here to visit yours truly, me!" Gojo chimes in, a megawatt grin on his face with a sense of pride radiating off of him as he motions to himself.
A tsk sound escapes Nobara, clearly distrustful of her teacher's statement. "Yeah right, they have way more important things to be doing than that."
"But it's true though! My lovely partner is here to pay a surprise visit to me!"
"There's no way that that's true. You and them?" As if to punctuate her point, she points at you and Gojo standing side by side and firmly shakes her head. "Nuh uh. They wouldn't date the likes of you."
A soft smack is heard as Gojo theatrically clutches his chest, stumbling back from where he stands to drape himself over you. "It wounds me to hear you say that Kugisaki." He claims, his expression twisted into one of faux pain. When he turns to face you, his demeanour suddenly switches as he leans in towards your ear, a roughish smile on his face with a faintly seductive lilt to his voice. "Maybe we should kiss to prove that it's true."
"Don't be crude, Satoru, they're your students and they're right in front of us." You try to brush him off of you in an attempt to spare his students from becoming witnesses to their teacher's love for PDA but he doesn't let go of his grip, instead choosing to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck as if trying to coax you to stay with him in his embrace. Like always, you relent to his touch with your fingers carding through his snowy locks, a soft sigh of approval leaving his lips.
There's a beat of silence as Nobara and Yuji try to process what they've just learned and the fact that they've just seen a visual confirmation of it before that peace is shattered and they erupt into a thousand questions. You field all of their burning questions ranging from ones about you to about your relationship with Gojo with grace, amused and endeared by their excitement and insatiable curiosity. Secretly, it warms your heart deeply that Gojo and his students are so comfortable with each other and that he can be himself around them without the pressure of the greater Jujutsu world on his back.
You turn to look at the clock and sigh at how fast time has gone by. "Alright, I'll see you at home Satoru and Megumi." You comment, packing up your belongings as you get ready to leave to attend to some business. Gojo leans down to your height as you place a lingering kiss against his cheek and wave him and his students goodbye.
Unblinking, Yuji and Nobara turn to each other and then to Megumi before they exclaim simultaneously. "You all live together!?"
Oh boy, Megumi knows he's going to be in for an earful with that.
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bunji-enthusiast · 3 months
Hello! Would you mind writing scenarios or head cannons about Tristan or Lancelot with a female s/o?
Love your 7DS works btw!💗💗
I will do both! Thank you for the love kind anon ☺️
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Tristan Liones
About anyone can take one look at you two and think to themselves, 'Yeah, they actually fit each other pretty well' or something along the lines of this example. Tristan generally worries or cares for your wellbeing quite a lot, it can be more so obvious in this aspect when it comes down to you beside from how he worries for others.
He faces quite a lot of teasing about having you as his girlfriend from (guess who-) a friend of his, and always tries to refute the teasing or simply ignore it. A lot of their silly disputes was mainly because of you, Tristan tends to get a little defensive on your behalf.
Tristan still very much is beside himself with disbelief sometimes, as he sometimes is just suddenly is reminded of how he is in a relationship with such a beautiful and wonderful girl. He genuinely appreciates you a lot, and shows that in various ways, at appropriate times of course.
Though, he does have concerns about how civilians or some of his closest friends may view you, due to difference in status (Tristan being a royal, and that you are simply more so a regular person). You had reassured him that you didn't mind, and that you rather focus on just worrying about anything else then the dumb whispering or blatant rude comments.
He had been eventually faced with the fact that he will have to introduce you to his parents, he tried to keep his relationship hidden as long as he possibly could - but it was inevitable at in the end. You had ran into Meliodas one time, and Elizabeth on a separate occasion. You introduced yourself without realizing that Tristan hadn't told them yet, and their reactions were completely different yet similar. Meliodas was both bewildered and happy, his son found someone he could be happy with. Elizabeth was somewhat surprised, but had praised you and Tristan for getting together, and she was happy that her dear son found someone.
If you happen to be a Holy Knight like Tristan is, he worries a lot less and knows you can hold your own in battle. However, despite the fact you may be a Holy Knight, he will always look for you after anything major in combat happens. Tristan simply sometimes can only hope you are okay in these situations, and will do his best to re-group with you at a safer time.
If you are not a Holy Knight, he may be a little overbearing at times when rushing into combat, and tells you to be extremely careful and safe. He tries not to worry too much, but he can't help it! Tristan does his best to try to not think about you when these situations occur, and trusts you that you can take care of yourself when neccessary. He just simply hates when you are endangered, be it your own decisions or possibly being dragged into it.
Due to his abundance of wealth as a prince, he likes to use this money to buy you a gift here and there. Even if there isn't a holiday at the moment in Liones, Tristan still likes to do it anyway. Gift giving is mainly one of the ways Tristan likes to show his affection for you, and takes careful time in choosing his gifts for you. Most of his gifts are things you might've mentioned that you liked that one time, or objects that you say were your absolute favorites.
Had misunderstandings were ever to occur between you, he would try his best to resolve it fast and quickly. Tristan doesn't want tension to rise at all, and prefers to amend the situation quickly and peacefully. Though, if he ever felt the one to be right in such circumstances, Tristan would be a little angry and push off the argument between you. Sometime later, his anger had faded and Tristan would be the one try to resolve the tension between you both. Not to say you had some moments of being the one to resolve the situation at times too.
Tristan was still very at odds with his demonic abilities, and preferred to not show that side of himself to you, no matter how long the two of you had known each other or gotten comfortable with. He didn't like the comparisons others would make of him compared to his father, not that he didn't dislike his father, the whole monster thing had just made him simply detest the idea of his demon half.
With his goddess half, he didn't mind as he was more comfortable and very in control of his goddess powers. So Tristan liked to use his wings fly with you sometimes, soaring through the air was a wonderful feeling to him, and he wanted you to be able to experience such a thing. When you had first seen his goddess half, you had flat out said that he was beautiful, and that had made him very bashful.
If you were ever to gift Tristan anything, he'd cherish it very deeply. Such an example could be that you gifted him a very ornate bracelet of flowers that can never wilt, he will keep it at almost all times on his person. He could take one look at the bracelet and be reminded of you right away, Tristan was happy that you thought of him for this very thing, and this was something he would never forget.
When it came to being one of the kindest you could ever know, Tristan always could find you beautiful and pretty in every single aspect. Even sides to you that you say are ugly, he still finds that absolutely beautiful too, because it was part of you.
Tristan doesn't mind very casual displays of affection, such as hand holding. He in fact very much enjoys it as he walks through the capital with you, perhaps on a day of leisure when both of you aren't so busy.
"Oh, look at this."
You spoke in a quiet voice, causing Tristan to perk up to see what had caught your attention. The sound of your own footsteps had stopped at a window store display, it was a mannequin dressed in your favorite kind of clothes.
He walked up to the window, standing at your side as he can very much understand why it did, "It looks great, I think you'd look good in them." Tristan mentioned, his eyes setting upon you with that kind smile of his. You blinked for a few moments, registering the compliment.
You waved your hands, shaking your head, "Ah it's just a silly thing to think about you know! I don't think I could ever look good in those clothes, I just like to admire the patterns and the way it looks." You sighed with a resigned look, you preferred comfort over fashion. But sometimes you just wanted to look good just for the hell of it.
His features contort into a slight frown, sensing the self-deprecation in your words. Tristan would prefer if you didn't bring yourself down like that.
Oh so gently, he clasps your hands, enveloping them in his own. "Bringing yourself down on one thing isn't going to give you good thoughts, I know for a fact you would bring out the best of those clothes." He winces, somewhat finding the words he was saying as cheesy, but nonetheless attempts to continue, "I know those thoughts won't just go away, but I hope you know how amazing you look regardless."
You were amazed at his words, his immediate attempts at reassurance. So you respond in just a manner of two ways, simply just squeezing his hands and noted, "Thank you, Tristan. That means a lot to me."
He beams, a wide smile on his face.
Somehow he can think of every nickname in existence, and without fail will refer to you by any one of these nicknames. It can vary, but the most he refers to you as is either 'babe' or a shortened version of your name. He likes to keep it simple and sweet, only can you actually tell he is being serious about something is that he calls you by your full name.
Lancelot tends to be quite protective of you, and glares at anyone who seems to be making you uncomfortable. He can understand and relate to the feeling, so he is quite literally your guard dog when you need him to be. Often times, he is very ensured in his success.
He has a habit of keeping an eye on you should you two or even the group is rushed into danger. Lancelot doesn't hesitate to listen for your heartbeat, he is more reassured the moment he hears your thoughts or heart. Lancelot was beside himself with relief that he actually was born with the ability to read both minds and hearts, he didn't have to worry as much the moment he hears yours.
The only way his/your friends would learn that you two were in a relationship together is by how Lancelot would be blatantly obvious in his small affections, could be him referring to you by a nickname or just even him smiling in a way he wouldn't for anyone else. It becomes a rousing moment of surprise the moment they realize, asking why you/he hadn't said anything about being together. He just brushes it off and asks 'why it would be such a thing to bring up? don't be so nosy in our personal business.'
If you ever end up matching his energy at times, even if it wasn't directed at him, Lancelot actually feels pretty proud that you stand up for yourself or whatever it may be. He feels a little unsure however of the fact that his behavior might've have been rubbing off on you.
One of the only ways you could manage to get Lancelot flustered is if you had referred to him as 'Lance' in an endearing manner, and other way you could get that expression is your willingness to carry yourself through situations and even in combat (regardless if you were as strong as him, or weak). He can appreciate your personality, viewing you far more unique then most people.
He quite readily understands that each and every person have their weak points and strong points, Lancelot simply wasn't prepared to be granted with the sight of all those points of you. Each and every side of you perhaps, but he shrugs it off rather easily, and gets used to them all quickly. He always reminds you that he doesn't mind what sides of you he sees, it literally will never deter Lancelot.
Normally because of his ability to read minds or even the heart, he can sense right away if you are sick or afflicted with a fever. If you ever tried to hid it from him, it is very futile and will result in a worried Lance. He cares about you a lot and wants you to get better as soon as possible, Lancelot is stubborn as hell in this regard.
One way he shows his affection for you is acts of service, as he isn't always in the mood of physical touch with you. Such an example is that you could say that your feet were hurting because of the constant walking, and he will not hesitate to pick you up and walk around while carrying you on his back. Another example of this is that Lancelot will perform certain things you've been needing to get around to on your behalf, he just shrugs it off like it wasn't a big deal when you ask.
He absolutely does not care whether you're a Holy Knight or not, Lancelot will always worry about you when danger is imminent, or if you may be the one in face of the danger. His senses are heightened and he is high on guard, ready to bring you away from the incoming danger if neccessary.
Despite his shortcomings, flaws and all. He truly does appreciate you as a whole; when you worry, when you cheer, and your laughter. The one thing he hates seeing genuinely is your tears, Lancelot hates when you cry, even if its a normal emotion, he feels angry at himself for allowing that to happen. It also makes him feel at odds with himself, even he's been in this relationship for you for a good amount of time now, he actually cares about you in this way.
Lancelot tends to be a bit of a show-off at times when in battle, he really likes seeing the impressed look you have on your face. He would never admit it, but he really likes being praised - especially when it's you praising him for how cool he was. Lancelot is excited on the inside when this happens, but never expresses his sentiment on the outside. He just likes when his own girlfriend tells him he's cool.
Introducing you to his parents was something that has very rarely come to mind, as he had a habit of being away from home quite often for long periods of time. So Lancelot seldom thought of the idea, thinking it was rather unnecessary to go all that way for you to meet his parents.
You knew Lancelot had an eye for attention to detail, but you didn't expect that to go the same for hair-styling as well. How this had occurred was that he had asked you to sit down in front of him, and despite your confusion, you complied and did as he asked.
Now you had been sitting here with Lancelot as he had braided your hair, into an ornate design laying upon your head.
"I didn't know you were so good with hair, Lance." You teased, but stayed still as to not interrupt his focus. He was definitely making good process in such little time too, though truth be told you were still so surprised. However, this time with him was nice, a good way to bond even in silence.
"I just had alot of practice before." He mentions, the tone almost seemed to be somber. You raised a brow for a short moment, but quelled your questions and curiosities.
So you decided to not bring it up, and changed the subject, "Lucky you then, trying to wrangle my hair is hard to deal with every time I need to."
He huffs, almost as if he laughed at your comment. Lancelot pats your head for a short moment, "You can get better at it babe."
"Lance, if that was supposed to be a joke. I promise you it is not funny." You warn, and he recoils for a moment, feigning an expression as if he were scared. You huff as you turn your head, watching this happen all in the next few moments. Lancelot softens, returning to his usual sitting position.
"Wasn't a joke, I promise."
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
Hiiiii! I love your clarisse stuff!!!! Can you pleaseeee do a fic where Clarisse says something mean to R and they get upset so Clarisse goes to comfort them!!! You’re free to make it your own. i love your writingggg!
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- don’t say I’m to much -
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Fem! Girly! Reader
An - guys send me more clarisse FIC ideas but also request Abby to pretty please
An Pt 2 - this lowkey sucked ass bc I was distracted while writing it but yall will live
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Sitting by the bonfire, Clarisse beside and the comforting atmosphere brought you a sense of comfort. Clarisses Hands found themselves under your tanktop, rubbing the small of your back as you continued to sing with everyone else.
“What are You doing” You giggled once the song ended, looking up at clarisse with a dumb smile. “I’m keeping my hands warm”
“There’s a fire right there”
“This was is warmer though”
Laughing some you tilted your head up just to give her a kiss. Most nights clarisse wasn’t this clingy but on a special occasions she preferred to have you close to her.
After a few moment you had noticed a long forgotten face across the fire. One of your first friends at camp was a son of Hermes names Logan “Oh my gods Logan!” You excitedly yelled.
Giving a kiss goodbye to clarisse you quickly ran to the blonde tackling him in a hug. Clasisse knew you were close with the son of hermes but that didn’t mean she had to like it.
Watching during your conversation with him, his hands rubbed your waist and hips which rubbed her the wrong way. What finally set her off however was the sheer audacity this man had to slide his hands under your shirt but to also peek at your showing cleavage.
Without realizing it clarisse got up and walked towards where you two stood— away from the fire.
“Oh! This is my girlfriend clarisse” You happily introduced the girl, quickly being cut off though as she decked him in the nose making the boy fall over, blood dripping down his face.
Standing in shock you turn led to clarisse yelling at her “what is wrong with you!”
“He was being a creep am I not allowed to defend you anymore” she scoffed trying to play off the entire situation.
The campers around the fire went quiet, turning to watch what had just happened. The Apollo and a few hermes kids ran over worried.
Watching as they helped the boy to the infirmary clarisse tried to grab your arm only for you to push her off of you and walk away. “Babe wait!” Clarisse yelled after you.
Once at your cabin you stumbled to open the door giving clarisse just enough time to catch up. “What’s wrong”
“What’s wrong?! Your seriously asking me what’s wrong? Clarisse you just decked my best friend!” You spoke louder than you should of.
“Well excuse me for protecting my girlfriend from a Fucking Creep”
“He’s not a creep!” Both of you yelling at each-other to the point that your voice had broke. “I don’t need you to beat the shit out of ever guy who looks at me wrong”
“Well maybe if you didn’t dress like a fucking slut all the time then I wouldn’t have to.!”
Clarizse knew she had fucked up as soon as she said it. “Wait pl—“ you finally managed yo get the door open, slamming it in her face.
In her cabin That Night all of her siblings knew to just leave her alone, especially with a few new holes in the wall none of them wanted to face her anger.
You couldn’t sleep. The thought of clarisse calling you a slut replayed constantly. Did she really think that low of you..
Shaking that thought out of your mind you went upstairs. Going to the balcony all you wanted right now was some fresh air. However what. You didn’t expect to see was clarisse lifting herself up and over the wooden railing. You both made awkward eyecontact
Crossing your arms you looked her up and down. “Go”
“Wait please” clarisse grunted finally getting over the railing and walking towards you, grabbing your arm she turned you around. “Please just five minutes, no arguing no yelling… Ill just talk, I won’t say something that I’ll regret please I’m just asking for five minutes.” Her tone breathless most likely from the climb up
Being with clarisse for as long as you’ve been not once have you seen her act this vulnerable.. nodding your head slowly you relaxed letting clarisse speak. “Im sorry.. im so so sorry… your not a slut I should of never yelled that to you I just, I got mad.. Logan had his hands under your shirt and he was blatantly looking at your cleavage and it’s not that I don’t like you wearing revealing clothes I do I just..I don’t like seeing people taking advantage of you”
It was quiet at first. Clarisse letting out a deep breath, only to be met with you kissing her lightly. “Next time.. you feel like that, don’t deck someone in the nose maybe talk to me about it and use your words not actions”
“Yeah.. Yeah” she mumbled, kissing her once again. “I’m still mad at you though”
“I know”
“Good” You remained neutral but led her inside.
You both laid down on your bunk, laying close in clarisses arms you were finally able to fall asleep. Were you going to have a talk about it in the morning, probably. But right now you didn’t care about that all you cared about was Her.
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menaceoffandoms · 1 month
LMK analysis rant: Mei
I said I was gonna do this and I'm keeping to my word! The only thing that may stop me is my procrastinating... and the fic I'm slowly writing but uhhhhh-
ANYWAY- We're here to talk about Mei, our favourite white horse dragon pepper girl!
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Mei stands out as the most different from her inspiration, something the writers perfectly portray in the yellow-robed demon episode of s4, which is likely to do with how little they had to go off of. Despite being one of the pilgrims in jttw, Ao Lie dose very little in the novel. His most notable chapters being when he's introduced and when the group faces the yellow-robed demon, which is why we met him in that memory in the scroll. Combined with my belief that Mei isn't a reincarnation of Ao Lie -- just his descendent -- means that Mei is one of the most unique characters in the entire show.
There's just less source material for her to draw from, it let's the writers have more fun and do more things. It's not that they don't make the others characters unique -- they like to play very fast and loose with things over all -- but Mei feel like her own complete and original character. She's inspired by Ao Lie in the same way Mk is inspired by Monkie King basically and she all the better for it.
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Being the female lead (isn't it interesting how most of the female characters in this show are villans?), Mei is a refreshingly strong, confident girl who begins the show as the most powerful cast member. Being a descendent of the great dragon gives her amazing powers that no other cast members have, a birth right that leads to her being the most protective of her friends and the first to help out in any fight.
What she has in power, however, she lacks in experience. Mei has no mentor -- other than her parents, but I believe its safe to assume they weren't very focused on teaching her combat -- which leads her to trust her gut more, rush into things and learn through observation, like when she mimics what her great x1000 uncle did in s3.
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Overall Mei is an excitable, energetic and loving person with a "You only live once" kinda attitude, for lack of a better explanation. Even still, she has her own insecurities and flaws which make her all the more interesting. Due to the shows run time, Mei and many of the other main characters don't really get explored as much as Mk, however what we do see of these struggles and fears is incredibly interesting even on a surface level.
Her tendency to rush head first into danger without first examining the situation or creating a plan, truthfully, tends to work out for her, but it can't always. It's something shown perfectly in s4, when Mei is the only member of the group to not get a star from Master Subohdi, however what a lot of people seem to miss is how Mei actually did earn that star eventually.
When they leave the temple and head to the celestial realm to try and stop Azure, Mei leads them there with no plan at all. As such, they fail and need to be saved by Mk. Faced with proof of Subohdi's criticism, Mei makes the more important amendment to Mk's plan in the s4 special. I don't think we've even seen Mei make a serious plan until this point, which feeds back in to another one of her flaws: being unable to take things seriously.
This isn't something I see said about Mei often, but when watching her character I think it's externally obvious. Don't get me wrong, Mei can be serious, but usually only in moments of vulnerability or high stress. For example: when talking with her pearents, after she gained the Samahdi fire and whilst imprisoned by the Yellow-robed demon.
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I think this flaw is Mei's own version of Mk playing dumb. They both behave this way to lessen the emotional impact of serious things, to protect themselves and help those around them deal with trauma or difficult topics. Mei and Mk really are two sides of the same coin and I'd love for them to do more with that in the show.
Going back to Mei's parents, one of her biggest struggles is reconciling who she is with who she's meant to be. She is a noble dragon, a descendent of the great dragon of the West Sea and practically the successor to Ao Lie. It's a lot to live up to and -- evident in episode 3 of season 1; Welcome home -- she doesn't believe she dose.
Mei is confident in her abilities, she's sure of her strength and quick to help those around her, but in the face of her legacy she stands uncertain. It's another thing her and Mk have in common, though in vastly different flavours, and it's interesting how this legacy colours Mei as a character.
She wields the dragon blade, proving herself as a worthy part of her family and gaining the approval of her parents, however the stark difference between her and the rest of her clan is more blatant than ever. We see this perfectly in season 3 when they visit the great Dragon of the East Sea, Mei being put into fancy clothes she instantly ruins in order to have a place to hold her sword. She fights against her uncle, fights against her family, because she knows they'll never understand her. But even still, she knows she's still one of them and she's so proud to be.
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Becoming the vessel of the Samahdi fire is only more proof of Mei's legacy and connection to her family. It gives her a moment of pure vulnerability where she vents her frustrations and fears before rushing away, wanting nothing more than to protect the people she cares about.
When Red Son finds her she's still serious, but even with just a basic understanding of the fire within her Mei falls back to her normal nature; a silly excitable girl not taking things seriously. We see this after Red Son attacks her with the spears and when she's eating later on, but even if her attitude doesn't show it, she's still listening and taking the training seriously. She just needs to be silly so she won't freak out again.
Since we're on the topic of the Samahdi fire, I think most people can agree that the way it was handled post s3 was very poor. With only one mention of it in s4, by Master Subohdi no less, I assumed that the fire had been resealed, this time correctly. Something that dangerous should be locked up, even if a capable wielder is around. It would also prevent power creep and stop the show from having another Wukong predicament, by which I mean a character so powerful they need to find a way to prevent them from trivialising whatever threat they have to face in the plot. Wukong will get his own post soon don't you worry...
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Instead, we learn in s5 that Mei still has the fire, she just kinda forgot? She learned to fully master it when breaking out of LBDs mech, so since the fire was no longer a raging uncontrollable inferno she just didn't realise it was still there... for an entire season. Yeah it feels lazy and honestly is probably the worse written choice the show has even made. Even still, it dose lead to a very interesting and in character moment for Mei.
When attempting to seal the willow wisp with Red Son, Mei loses her confidence, believing that she lost the Samahdi fire and thinking she's lacking. Mk getting Monkie Kings powers was one thing, but the rest of her friends now having cool weapons and magic? If their all so strong and only getting stronger, then what's the point in Mei? She was the strongest but now she might be the weakest, and that terrifies her cause if she's weak she can't protect people. How can she act when she's powerless to do so?
This dilemma is quickly resolved by Red Son telling her she's had the fire the whole time, amending it's use to Mei's lightning motif she's had since s1 -- I know fire benders in ATLA use lighting but come on -- and basically saying she's been using the fire the whole time. It takes away from Mei's whole struggle to be honest, but I do think there's potential for her to relearn this now tamed Samahdi fire so she can better use it. Just depends if the show wants to do that...
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Moving on from my thinly veiled complaints about season 5 (I like it I swear but it is the weakest seasons to me so far), let's talk about Mei's role in the group a bit. Aside from being the token girl, she's also Mk's best friend and the only other character his age and acts around the same age as the shows target audience. Mk's the main character and leader, Tang is the lazy historian smart guy, Sandy the loveable giant, Pigsy the cynical brute and Mei's youthful and silly power house.
I would love to go into some narrative tropes, specifically the 5 man band since jttw is one of the primary bases of the trope, but I've realised I have far too many thoughts about that to fit here. This is the 21sh paragraph and I'm sure at least some of this is a mess, but I hope I'm getting my point across! Overall, Mei is an extremely compelling character how often gets side-lined due to run time and other stuff, but is honestly one of my favourite characters in the show.
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arrowfleur · 6 months
“What was that for?”
Some more thoughts on Darlin’s love languages and Sam’s HBS. Part 2 headcanons yay!
@darlin-collins <3
Darlin feels like they are never close enough to Sam, they will be laid directly on top of him and still trying to figure out ways to get closer
Sam, although quite outwardly stoic, does not only use his ‘pretty prose’ on Darlin’ (although they get the most and the best ones). Since his turning he is so aware of how short life can be and when he truly admires something about a person he’ll let them know.
This is usually with close pack/clan and also always when he’s just on his own with the person he’s talking too. But, if the timings right, he lets out these poetic observations, usually leaving the other person speechless before he quickly changes the topic. Not always realising the (positive) weight of his compliments.
On multiple occasions Sam has used words to describe Darlin that they didn’t know. Not because they’re dumb but because some of his vocabulary is rather niche. And upon looking it up they almost always perfectly describe Darlin’ in whatever situation he was talking about.
Although not the best at giving compliments, Darlin’ does tell Sam that he’s beautiful, gorgeous etc depending on the vibe he’s giving at the time and they’re the first person to ever call him anything other than handsome or hot.
‘You’re so pretty’
‘Darlin’ I ain’t-‘
‘Especially right now, with your hair like that’
‘Alright…. Well, thank you.’
I’ve mentioned before in a head canon post that they like it when Sam runs a finger up and down the bridge of their nose. Darlin’ will also full on nuzzle into Sam when cuddling/hugging. Especially into his collarbone/neck
Although comfortable with (platonic) touch from people they know, Darlin doesn’t like it unexpectedly, nor will they usually initiate it.
Unless someone they love is upset, then they’ll be getting a hug or an arm wrapped around them without any hesitation (if that’s what they like ofc)
Sam feels like he’ll never be able to fully voice how much Darlin’ means to him, Darlin’s heart practically skips a beat when he simply calls them beautiful. (Or when he makes a joke or complains or laughs or….)
When comforting Darlin’ about something, Sam often adresses problems/reasons for their behaviour/feelings that Darlin’ hadn’t realised themselves yet. He is so careful with his wording and extremely observant of them.
Darlin’ although previously independent to a fault, realised that the best comfort they could give Sam was to let him help them. On multiple occasions Darlin’ has let him heal paper-cuts and small bruises (which is a ridiculous waste of magic in their opinion) because otherwise he’s not going to stop thinking about it.
Sam knows all of Darlin’s tells by their body language and Darlin’ know Sam’s by his tone and the amount he’s speaking for example: if he says he’s ‘fine’ then he’s not but if he says he’s ‘alright’ then he probably is
The same way Sam felt bad about not being able to give Darlin every physical action that they wanted Darlin feels bad that they can’t verbalise their feelings for him correctly.
Sam found a scrunched up love letter from Darlin’ and keeps it in his wallet. They’d wanted to write down their feelings so they wouldn’t mess it up when sharing them with him but ultimately hated the end result.
They do however leave little notes for him sometimes while he’s sleeping , since they tend to work on different schedules, that Sam also dearly treasures and keeps in a shoe box.
Sam is really good at writing professional emails and has on multiple occasions written some for Angel and Babe when they’ve had problems with their bosses
The perfect mix of polite, professional and passive aggressive
Another way Darlin’ helps Sam is by reminding him of his talents/abilities and how he uses them for so much good, they will not let that man be humble. His #1 cheerleader FR.
Even with all of this in mind both of their most comfortable ways of communicating their love is through acts of service. That way they get to keep up their grumpy outward personas that the pack/clan have long since learned to see right through.
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0asisbliss · 3 months
HI LOVELYYYYY please do more of lawyer!reader with phantom troupe 😓☝️ its so funny to me like fr 😭😭 /nf (idk if ur reqs were open or not so ignore if they are, stay safe luv ur writing 💗)
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A/N: HIII. Thank you for requesting love, and another thank youu. Sorry for the late reply, and any spelling errors. 💖
Pt.1 Pt.2
Nobunaga, Phinks, and Shalnark day they were all coming in court together, and boy were you in for a ride. You were already sick to your stomach from Feitan’s and Chrollo’s trial. Their trials didn’t even give a verdict yet.
Shalnark, Nobunaga, and Phinks all agreed to let Shalnark do most of the talking. It was important they said the right things to get themselves out of this situation. Which funny since they could just kill anyone and everyone in this room if they wanted.
They were told to ride out this situation till Chrollo told them other wise. Nobunaga still found this situation kinda funny while Phinks was pissed off he was in this situation. Shalnark guessed this would happen, but not this soon.
“So Phinks, Nobunaga, and Shalnark is it? Of course it is.” The judge laughed emptily while the trio just stared at them.
Phinks wasn’t very fond of the judges dumb jokes, and was starting to get even more pissed.
You stared at Phinks silently begging him to not lash out.
“By the state documented my clients have no fond memories of killing. There is also no proof they enjoyed what they did.” You stared intently at the judge to believe you and at the jury.
This was going better than the other two. You sighed in relief and Shalnark opened his mouth to answer a question on the stand it wasn’t rare for Shalnark to speak for all of them. You thought their tactic was smart. Shalnark has plenty of pretty words to get them out of this predicament, but you weren’t sure if would be enough to get them fully out of this.
“Unfortunately your honor I have no evidence to prove-.” Shalnark tried to state.
“So he had no real proof that he didn’t love killing, and stealing from the innocent.”
Phinks glared at the opposite lawyer. It pissed him off how fucking annoying he was being.
“You just can’t give us a fucking break can you, you piece of shit?”
“Phinks no-.”
The bystanders stared discussing and the jury started to talk to each other. It started to get pretty hectic in there then the judge tried to bring back order in the court.
“Order in the court!”
It was loud and powerful enough to silence the whole court. While Phinks, Shalnark, and Nobunaga just stared at him.
This was going to be another long trail.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Fatui!Dom! Scaramouche x fem!sub!Fatui reader. Smut. Established poly relationship. Cunnilingus. Wearing Scara's hat during sex. Yandere-ish? Possessive behavior. Choking. Degradation. Praise.
a/n: Welcome to #suzu after dark. These two pieces are going to be companion pieces. One is with Scaramouche and the other will be with Childe. I just wanted to write smut for them both lol. This idea got many pushes of inspiration. I had @kichikichiko indulge me with the hat idea and @xxventiswindblumexx indulged me further. So credit goes to these lovelies for the tonight's smut and tomorrow's smut with Childe. Enjoy😳 also tagging @that-one-gay-writer1227
"Ha! You look like such a fucking slut, right now," Scaramouche said, smirking as he sucked harshly on your clit. "And I fucking love it. I don't know who is more turned on. If it's you for wearing my hat during sex, or me fucking you stupid on that idiot's Harbinger jacket."
You see, you were in something of a unique situation. You were in a poly relationship with Scaramouche and Childe. You felt guilty but you wanted them both. And they both wanted you.
So, they reluctantly agreed to your idea of a poly relationship. They both got to be in love and obsessed with you and you got to have your way because they wanted you to be happy.
They soon discovered that being in a poly relationship turned them on. Why? Because it became a competition. Who could fuck you better? They got off on this on this little competition. They got to fuck dominance over you into you and you get to have them both. So, it worked for them both even though they hated sharing you.
It was Childe's turn to provoke Scaramouche. He had put his Harbinger jacket on you because you said you were cold. In front of Scaramouche. He knew the boy was just as crazy about you. And he got to use that against him and try and fuck you better later on.
Like Childe predicted, Scaramouche quivered with rage, jealousy, and lust.
"Scara! Please! I can't...it's too much..!" You pleaded, tugging on his hair, pressing his face into your cunt. Your finger nails buried themselves in his scalp, making him hiss in pain and pleasure.
"Shut the fuck up, slut. I know you are enjoying this! I'll take my time and decide when you can cum," he growled, making your clit twitch and throb. "Maybe you call me Master like the slut you are, I'll make you beg louder because I know you will!"
Scaramouche buried three fingers to the knuckle inside of you, sucking harshly on your clit. You whined and moaned, hardly being able to string coherent sentences together.
"You sound like such a perfect slut," Scaramouche laughed, relishing in how you cried out desperately when you watched him lick his fingers clean.
Pushing his fingers into your mouth, he made you gag on them by pushing down on your tongue. "Are you going dumb already? That's perfect!" He grinned, manic with lust as you sucked on his fingers.
Pinning your wrists above your head, he kissed you, harsh and passionate. You moaned as he thrust his cock inside of you. Every snap of his hips was deep, harsh and possessive. "You filthy whore, I knew you were getting off on me fucking you on Childe's jacket."
Your neck was starting to feel sore from the weight of his hat. "You are already drooling. You sound like a shameless slut, and I love it!" He bit down on your neck, grinding his teeth and sucking at a fold of skin, making your back arch in pleasure.
Scaramouche wrapped his hand around your throat, and squeezed, grunting when he felt your walls clamp gummy on his cock. His gripe was harsh and possessive. Your hands were feverishly groping around on his back, feeling your orgasm approaching.
Scaramouche batted his hat off of your head "I only did that because I knew it would turn us both on. Even though I loved hearing your pathetic babbling as you struggled to beg me to fuck you harder, I'd rather cum inside of you while I choke you."
Scaramouche was reeling in love. "Now just lay there and submit to me like a good girl while I put my scent all over Childe's jacket. Don't worry, you'll cum soon enough, slut."
The second he cummed inside of you, he let go of your throat. "Now, stop thinking and let Childe know at the top your lungs who is fucking you better while you cum."
For added dominance, he sucked harshly on your throat while you cried out for him.
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Autism: A Senior Perspective
Recently there was a post on here where someone was saying how everyone automatically hates us because of our autism. How they may act nice to our face, but trash talk us once we’re out of earshot. How everyone will abuse, even kill us, because they can’t stand our autism. I replied that they were just wrong about that. That everyone doesn’t automatically hate us.
The more I thought about it though, the more I saw this was an opportunity for those of us who are older and are autistic, to share our perspectives, our experiences. I think it might help those who are young to know what we went through, how we coped, how our lives have turned out. Most importantly that it can get better.
I’ll start:
I’m 62 years old. Looking back with what I know now it’s clear that I was definitely autistic as a child. Today, my teachers would have pressed to get me tested, but in the 1970s, well autism wasn’t on anyones radar. I doubt my parents would have gone along with that anyway. They were the, “Straighten up and do what you’re supposed to”, and “Boys don’t cry” attitude so common of their generation. I had significant trouble with social interactions, I stuttered, and fought like hell to not melt down in loud and overwhelming situations. Public school was unfortunately full of those. I liked procedure and process, there was a right way and a wrong way to do things and I would get upset if someone broke ‘the rules’. I would obsess over particular subjects. Actually I drove some of my teachers nuts. They would give me a writing assignment and I would turn in a top quality report, but I would have somehow twisted what they wanted into what I wanted to write about.
High School was very confusing. People started dating and going to dances, and all that. I kept asking, only half as a joke if I had missed a class or something because it was all so strange to me. I went off to University and really did well there. My grades weren’t good, (I had to work well over full time to afford to stay in school) but I loved academia. The order, the quiet of the library, being able to study a subject that I was totally onto because I had chosen it as my major. The people I worked with, at all of my jobs, grew to understand my ‘quirks’ and were fine with them. I only wish I hadn’t had to work so much. My middling grades meant that by the time I graduated, I was mentally exhausted, and didn’t qualify for Grad School.
So, I got a job and had to move across the country. There I met someone who I have spent the succeeding 36 years with. They understand me, accept that sometimes I’m a bit odd. Sometimes I react badly to things. Sometimes I just have to say no, and they roll with that.
So I’m now approaching retirement. In the last few years I finally figured out that autism was the reason for all the trouble I’ve had over the years. I’m not lazy, or dumb, or anything like that, I’m autistic. I’m neurodivergent, and that’s the way it is. The worst time frankly was in my childhood and my teens. Since then I’ve learned how to deal with the world. I’ve found people who like me for me, people I don’t have to mask or put on an act around. I’ve found other autistic people and am not the only one anymore. I figured out what jobs suited my talents, and limitations (Retail? No! Computer Wizard or someone who makes things work in the background? Yes!) I’m approaching retirement and honestly things are going pretty well now.
So fellow Autistic Seniors, (That is to say anyone that thinks of themselves as older than most), what was your experience living your life as an autistic person? How have things turned out for you? What advice would you give to children or teens that are struggling to cope?
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
You Sacrifice Yourself for Them Part 2/3
Part 1 || Part 3
Pairings: Four, Hyrule, & Warrior x GN Reader
Requested by anonymous: HIIIII OMG I JUST WANRED TO SAY i lovelovrloveloveeeee the way you write so much!!!!!!! ur recent loz post had me kicking and squealing in my sear hehehe T_T could i request a scenario with the chain in a situation where the reader sacrifices themselves to protect the boys? im imagining things begging the enemy to take them instead, protecting them from a hit or even something funny like taking the blame for a mistake they made!!! id love to see some angst from you!!!!! THANK U AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!!💖💖💖💖
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
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A surprise attack - that's what had awaited the group. They had their guards only slightly down, still keeping an ear for danger, yet that didn't do much to protect them from the onslaught of monsters who soon surrounded everybody faster than anyone could draw their swords.
It wasn't a huge deal at first, at least for ten seasoned heroes. They've been in troubling situations before, both during their own journeys and when together, so they all know how this sort of thing works, in fact some were even having fun with it, making a competition out of how many enemies they could each take down. Then everything went south - fast, too.
That troublesome lizard the Chain has been tracking for weeks - or has it been months now? - appeared without a sound onto the battlefield, going successfully unnoticed amongst the chaos as he creeped through the shadows waiting for an opportunity to strike. Everyone had gotten pretty spread out from each other, pushed apart by their enemies not that they took the time to notice nor worry. This meant the lizard could've realistically chosen anyone as his victim, it was dumb luck that his eyes landed upon Four who was finally beginning to break a sweat as he tried to one-up a Moblin.
Maybe a second passed between that Moblin disappearing into purple smoke and a blur entering his vision. All Four knew for certain was that he just barely blocked the lizard's sword which had been swung his way with such force that it knocked him off his feet. He's been knocked down before, though, and planned to fight without hesitation until -
"- GET AWAY FROM HIM!" It was you. Four didn't even realize you were so close and before he could object, you were engaged in your own little battle with that lizard, successfully drawing its attention away from your downed friend, however your efforts were not without cost. 
You got hurt. Bad, too (although Four would say any injury is horrid if felt upon your skin). You were thrown to the ground just like he had, the difference being you weren't as fortunate as to block the lizard's sword, rather taking a direct hit which sent you crumbling to your knees. Any other day, Four would've been amazed by your determination when you still tried to stand your ground with a wobble, but it was no time to be in awe of your skill. He doesn't doubt that if it wasn't for Warrior and Twilight taking on the lizard next, you wouldn't have won that battle you so desperately fought.
Now Four feels as if his breath is caught in his throat while he stands by, helplessly watching as Hyrule heals you. You're in better spirits than he thinks you should be, awake and alert, but winching in hissed breaths whenever moving too quickly. He can't help feeling responsible for this, cursing himself for not having seen that lizard earlier. If he had, he would've been able to hold his own ground better, giving you no reason as to rush in so suddenly. Of course, you have a different outlook on the situation:
"I hope you aren't kicking yourself too hard over there, Smithy," It's like you can read his mind - or perhaps you can just read his facial expression. You raise an eyebrow at him almost teasingly as if your tunic isn't stained in your own blood, "I was the one who decided to jump in, you didn't ask me to - and I'd do it again if it means you're safe, just so you know."
Four huffs from where he sits mere inches away from you. Simply happy to see you alive, he didn't have time to care about the fact that he’s been holding your hand nonstop since first getting you out of the fray which had been a good ten minutes ago, "Shouldn't I be the one saying that, not the other way around? What is this, the second time you've saved my butt?"
"I don't think you almost falling off a stool counts," You argue, but after a moment of thought, you give his hand a squeeze, your voice a bashful whisper, "...And who says we can't both say it, hmm? Both be willingly to protect each other with our lives?"
"Because then it would be contradictory - If I'm willing to die for you and you're willing to die for me, then we'd both die" 
"At least we'll still be together.”
Four frowns, but to your surprise, he proposes no argument. He instead nods eventually, squeezing your hand back as he looks off across camp in silent thought, “...I guess that’s logical. I’d just prefer we stay together in life, though.”
"You guys are sappy as hell."
"Shut up Legend."
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You've had a well deserved afternoon of peace - at least the best you can probably wish for given the circumstances. You don't necessarily have a lot of scented soaps on hand or even access to a proper bath for that matter, and despite being near a town, you’ve been rationing your rupees since it’s slim pickings collecting them from only monster drops and those clay pots everyone fights over. Still, you did manage to sneak away from all the boys for some time alone, soaking in one of the nice little hot springs found around Death Mountain.
Still patting your hair with your now damp towel, you wander back into camp with dreams of a pleasant meal to finish your day with, after all this is Wild's universe, so you would think he'd know the area well enough to bless you all with something wonderful made from nearby resources. With this said, you're pretty surprised when your nose scrunches up in disgust upon a disastrous smell filling your nostrils. 
It doesn't take long to notice the source, having to push through a few bodies to discover what everyone is glaring at: a pot of bubbling soup of a color you hadn't realized could even exist...and a texture you wish you didn't know existed.
"What happened?" You whisper to Legend who's closest to you. He shrugs as if this sight isn't all that bad, although you're certain he's already thought of some excuse that can get him out of eating tonight.
"Hyrule messed with Wild's cooking again."
"How? Wild's been watching him like a hawk since the last time."
"He wasn't here. He came down to the shops to get some things and when we all walked back together, we found the food like this."
Oh yeah. You remember now. Having overlooked an ingredient for his soup, Wild decided to run down to Goron Town where the others had already gone for a quick supply run and to question locals about weird portals. Soon after he left, the Traveler promised to watch over camp while you went to check out the hot springs as you’ve been dying to do. During your excitement, it failed to cross your mind that he’d be left unattended with Wild’s half-finished food.
"What did you add?" Wild has a hand on his hip, the other holding a ladle that's pointed directly towards Hyrule's chest accusingly as the poor boy sinks into himself, trying to stumble out a response. 
This is far from the first time he’s messed with cooking despite everyone agreeing he should be banned from so much as touching a spoon, yet you can’t help feeling bad for the hero regardless of his bad habit in not keeping his curiosity under control. Hyrule did help you today. If it wasn’t for his kind offer to watch over camp on his own, you would’ve had to put off visiting the hot springs until the others camp back, drastically lowering your chances of being able to sneak away for some alone time. 
“I’m the one messed with the soup,” All eyes are suddenly on you, not a single one looking convinced, but you continue anyways, “You said that you thought it needed ‘a little something more’, so I figured I’d try to help with that. I didn’t expect my additions to cause such -...mildly repulsive results…I’m sorry, Wild. I’ll remake dinner tonight if you want.”
Wild narrows his eyes, humming in thought for a good few seconds before announcing, “I don’t believe you! But…”
He then turns on his heel, dramatically dipping his ladle into the soup. The quote-on-quote ‘liquid’ doesn’t drip back into the pot once he brings up a ladle-full, instead sticking to the utensil before flopping into the soup with a heavy ‘splash’, “...I might be able to fix it if I add more broth - but this is the last warning I’m going to give: the next time anyone tampers with my cooking, I’ll only be making food with a jar of goron spice added in from then on, you hear?!”
Everyone is quick to agree, although Hyrule shows some brief hesitation until you elbow him roughly in the side. At that point, he eagerly nods, giving Wild a little piece of mind as he tries to figure out how to fix this dinner ‘you’ve’ so cruelly ruined.
“...Thank you for that,” Hyrule whispers to you, bashfully joining you beside fire as you lean back and shrug casually, “I really owe you this time.”
“Eh, don’t mention it. I already owed you for allowing me a nice break,” You nod your head towards the path that leads to the hot springs before peeking open an eye and glaring at him, your voice suddenly stern which sends shivers down his spine, “But seriously, dude, do. not. touch. Wild’s cooking again. Forced to eat meals laced with goron spice is where I draw the line in my love towards you.”
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No matter how tightly he squeezes his eyes shut, all Warrior can see among the darkness is stars that seem to glow brighter whenever another wave of pain shoots through his nervous system. He'd like to say he's had worse, although this is truly in his top five - maybe even top three. He can't adjust his body without grinding his teeth, yet he tries anyways, digging the end of his sword into the ground and using it as support to get himself up, but each inch he moves is agony to his battered body.
The moblin - if he remembers correctly, it's from Sky's universe - follows the bloody trail that had been left behind after it had previously tossed Warrior, stalking closer to the downed hero who can only curse his luck. Of course something like this happens on his turn to patrol. He shouted for help not long ago, although given the distance he's gone from camp, it's fairly possible no one heard. Even with the moblin raising its spear, he finds himself more concerned with the others than himself, praying to Hylia they don't get ambushed like he had -
"- HEY! OVER HERE YOU OVERGROWN PIG!" The moblin pauses, forced to turn its entire body to see where the voice had come from. This allows Warrior to see around it, spotting you running towards them with your sword drawn. He might've been relieved at this point if not for quickly noticing the fact that you're completely alone.
"N-NO! Don -...DON'T!" Warrior tries his best to stand up and reach for his sword, however he immediately crumbles onto his knees, hissing in pain as his free hand hurries to cover his wounded side. 
You don't listen, although you most likely didn't even hear him, too busy going face-to-face with the moblin. It reacts to your charge by holding its shield out in front of itself, yet you take no issue in running right up it, stepping onto the top edge which you use to kick yourself into the air over the moblin's head. You successfully catch yourself on your feet behind and, before it can recover from this surprise, you attack, hitting the monster as many times as you can manage. 
It cries out and angrily swipes its spear towards you (while Warrior holds his breath in worry), but even then you're faster, swiftly leaping out of harm's way and slicing its side in return. The moblin huffs, raising its spear to throw, however it stalls, eyes rolling back into its head before blood loss finally overcomes it, causing it to crash into the ground with a loud 'THUD'.
"Warrior!" You take no time celebrating your victory, hurrying to your friend where you fall to your knees and immediately begin looking over his injuries. His tunic is soaked in crimson at this point particularly around his side, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact damage. You curse yourself for not having gotten here sooner even though you truly did run as quickly as your feet could carry you after hearing his distressed shouts for aid. Thank Hylia you happened to have been foraging not too far away. If you had stayed in camp with the others, you would've surely lost a beloved member of your group.
"Here. Stay still," You order, reaching into your pocket and uncorking a bottle you kept there. A pink glow is free to flutter out and to your friend, practically dancing over his wounds in careful work that brings instant comfort shown through his sigh.
"...Why'd you do that?" Warrior wonders aloud, earning a confused look from you.
"Would you rather me have dragged you back to camp for Hyrule -?"
"- I mean why did you take on that moblin like that? Alone no less."
You huff, taking offense despite knowing full well that he isn't insulting your skill. He’s just terrible at wording stuff (all Links are), "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to steal your thunder there. I was only thinking it would be better to save your dumb butt than to take my time personally gathering an army to collect your corpse afterwards.”
Warrior clicks his tongue, forcing his eyes away from you, "...I'm thankful, don't get me wrong, but it was still incredibly stupid...You could've gotten just as hurt as me..."
"Hypocrite," You huff under your breath, although he still hears and pouts as a result. Gently, you take his chin, directing him to face you again, "I get that you're a captain and all, thus you feel responsible for protecting others, but there's nothing wrong with admitting defeat and trusting someone else to take charge if necessary. Your ego isn't worth your life, after all, I’ll only mourn one of the two.”
Warrior blushes, trying to look anywhere except your eyes, yet you refuse to let him do so, too amused by his adorable embarrassment to let go of his chin right away.
"I...I suppose you're right."
"I always am."
"...I'll be sure to remember that from here on out."
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asgardxvii · 2 years
Helloo!! this is my first writing. I got desperate that there were not many Tsu'tey fics yk.
This is kinda OC Tsu'tey and real? 'cause we haven't seen much and he looks caring for his clan in some movie scenes. Alsoo I'm sorry if I have any gramatical error in the fic, english it's not my first language. I tried to put my best in it tho, I'd love feedback, thankss!! <3
WC: 1,4+K
Pairing: Tsu'tey x Avatar!AFAB Reader.
Warnings: NSWF/SMUT; dry humping, seasonal heat, OC!Tsu'tey.
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Perhaps the fact of being surrounded by all the dangerous flora and fauna of Pandora was a sign to end the walk. The imminent calling of dead at your doorstep, knocking some sense into you, but it was an empty call for you in this state of mind.
Running to the usual spot, a known path, crossed many times before. Feet moving just by themselves, no indication to stopping till the specified place to make the melting warm consuming your brain cease. The enigmatic heat that you have yet to ask your dear teacher, Jake or Neitiry; still they all seem like the last resource. Paradoxically this could still be associated to a seasonal heat of some animals. You know the answer. However, if the situation needs it, is there someone willing to be the one to melt with you, to love you even?
The glowing nature of this world so blinding in this state, merely enough to keep your foggy brain away of those familiar piercing eyes watching you run, aroused and alone. Every step you take slowing down enough to now be kneeling in the cold leaf bed, the one only thing awaiting at the end of the path. Said space enclosed by the ethereal nature of Pandora’s forest, tall trees, branches and a nearby river hiding sounds and doing the best to shield you from the exterior. You have found and kept this place as a secret just for this exact time. You know there´s also a unique view from the trees, the best for the burning alien eyes on you, giving a full access to every part of your anatomy, every luminescent dot and your dampened loincloth as well.
You have known who they were from the start, playing dumb it´s a better choice than just clearing thing out for an uncomfortable conversation and maybe an ending to it all. It's also easy to recognize him, more when you´re both glued to each other in a daily basis; as student and teacher, risking to say friends now. A handsome, strong and noble na'vi warrior. The magnificent hunter. The number one fantasy running through your mind in your current state, Tsu'tey te rongloa ateyitan.
He knows that the possessive embrace he has on your schedule is just an excuse to keep you under him, know everywhere you go to and who you talk to. Even your seasonal heat weaving in front of everyone now, he sometimes wishes you've not accomplished the rite of passage. Every weak male trying to get to his mate, it's an ice bucket thrown to his face. Deceiving all of them was the right answer, keeping all away from his breathtaking and bewitching lover.
This is going to smash his sanity, every season, even everyday it´s hell for him. Can't touch you, court you and claim you before everyone, his duty weighing on him. And this moment watching you touch yourself in your softest places, trying to fulfill his role as your mate. Relief so far away from your delicate fingers, frustration painting your beautiful tearful face. He should just bring himself to aid you, then he heard you, his name coming from your soft lips. "Tsu'tey, please! I-I know you're there," you cried for him. The young na'vi's body went rigid, his presence being known by you was not something expected.
Creeping closer to you, scent burning his nose. Pupils blowing as wide as they can be, feet walking faster taking him to you; the need to touch you, be your only satisfaction feeding his reason. Shameful scenes replaying through his mind, while he fall to his knees before you. Being this close, between your sublime body. Watching you from this close range, sweet face looking lose in translation and pure bliss; gasp's escaping your mouth as he fondles your doughy thighs, passionate touches interrupted by your pleasing voice, "I want you to be honest with m-me, Tsu'tey. W-What do you feel about me?”
His breathing getting heavier, warrior's hands trembling, creeping closer to your jaw softly caressing your skin to memory. Face inching closer, leaning into you with every word, "I have been foolish, my love. I-I should've been more open about my feelings for you," he whispered against your lips. Mouth in a feather like manner touching his, shyly turning into a desperate need to feel each other.
 Kisses broke by his confession, "I see you, my little dream. You have tempted me for too long. I can't wait anymore," Almost hissing he admits, "I'm jealous of the men that look at you, scared they might take you away from me." His scowl breaking, your fascinating laugh taking all the attention, it's impressive how distracting his mate can be.
The young man's hands capturing your waist, a corner of his mouth lifted "You're not supposed to be laughing, my love," Your face getting hotter with the changing position, being on top of his lap is rather shameful.
Arms going around his neck for support, face hiding there too. "Umm, I don’t like anyone else. Maybe a handsome warrior, I think you may know him!" you chuckle at the same time your face jumped out of your hiding spot. Soft pecks quickly deliver in your face distracting you, while his hand little by little traveled to your mount, heavy patting you over your loincloth; a sharp intake of air making you light-headed.
Rutting over his calloused digits, you mumble dizzy, "Hmm, don't play, s-skxawng.” Your smaller hand wrapped around his wrist, hurrying his motion.  
Words bubbling cut short by your warrior making direct contact with your wet pussy folds as he moved your loincloth to the side, fingers playfully brushing your clit. Hips following his caress on you, aching for the so called release. Your desire does not go unnoticed by him, the tent forming in his cloth is a sign of it, grinding heavily against your ass.
Resting your forehead softly in his, breath fanning his lips, “I need to feel you more, Tsu'tey.” you spoke in a whisper. Placing your hand in his chest, traveling unhurriedly to his pelvis. Fingers sprawl against his loincloth, helping free himself, and slowly brushing your thumb over his cock-head; starting a torturing circular motion, pre-cum dripping on your hand. Mimicking your movements, he pushed two fingers easily inside your soaked cunt; your breath getting quicker with every matching pump. His lips ghosting your pulsing point, lapping your salty skin, “Can't mate you yet. We’ve to do it before Eywa, my dream. Even so I still want to feel you more,” his voice sounding needier and fucked out.
“I know what to do, just let m-me," you babbled, trying to pick yourself up. Strong hands nestle under the weight of your thighs and helped you do so, "Thank you. I'm not weak, you know. I-I can't do much when I'm like this.” you said shyly, ears flattened against your scalp.
Still with his arms embracing you, subtle thumps of his tail echoing as your palms rest flat on his chest. The comfort filling your system, relaxing your bodies into each other. You felt him move, kissing the crown of your head. "I'm watching, I don't want to just feel you," he murmured against your hair, hands reaching to untie your loincloth.
You just went for it, accommodating your thighs at each side of his hips. Feeling the heavy weight of his cock over your drenched pussy, rutting languidly against you. Thighs flexing with every torn movement, hands holding harshly on his shoulders.
Gaze fixed on him, consume by desire; softening scowl tainting his face as his ears folded and his eyes closed. Partially open mouth groaning with every improper grind of your hips, such a strong warrior weak before you, grazing the clouds of pleasure with his fingertips.
Embracing him closer, breathing him in; trying to forget the crawling need to fuck him, while the pooling heat at the pit of your stomach numbed your mind. Grinding slowly over his glistening cock, mewling at every catch of your nub. The tender pace stopped by his rougher hands on your hips, “Don’t tease me anymore, my dream," he hissed angrily at you.
Thrust getting faster, possessive grip on your hips heavier with every move. Pussy dripping, ready to fall over the edge at any minute. You know his release is not that far either, his shaft twitching against your wet folds. His calloused hand went directly to cup your face, mouths smashing together and tongues tangling exploring the other.
Hips stuttering on their look for release, moans quiet down by the fervent kiss. "I'm c-close, Tsu'tey," broken words stuttered in-between desperate kisses and moans. Sopping wet pussy pulsing him in as he creamed over the inside of your supple thighs, hot cum dribbling slowly.
Resting on his muscular chest as you played lazily with his hands, "We should rest, yawntu. We'll have to do this all over again later," he mumble.
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candied-heartss · 1 year
Okay so I've been thinking about this for a while and I just can't seem to write it myself so I was wondering if you could write a fic where Klitz and the Reader have been dating for a while like she went to Yale with him and stuff. And they have like super passionate sex like all the time, so at a party that you guys to he introduces you too a couple of his friends and they all start hitting on you and he gets like super pissed so he pulls you to the side like into a bathroom or something and he makes sure that everyone knows your his by giving you a bunch of hickies and marks and stuff. And then you accidentally call him daddy (yk cuz hes being so protective or something) it startles him but also turns him on more. 💀💀 sorry it's a lot but I really like this idea.
(ʲᵉᵃˡᵒᵘˢ!ᵏˡⁱᵗᶻ ˣ ᵍⁿ!ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ)
���𝖾𝗌𝖼𝗋𝗂𝗉𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇: 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖺 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝗃𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝗄𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗓 𝖿𝗎𝖼𝗄 𝖺𝗍 𝖺 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗒.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 18+ (𝗠𝗗𝗡𝗜), 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗲𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸, 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝘄𝗿𝗮𝗽 𝗶𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗮𝗽 𝗶𝘁, 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲!), 𝗱𝗮𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮, 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸, 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗵𝗼𝗹, 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘂𝘀𝘆, 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝗱𝗱𝘆 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸, 𝗸𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘇 𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗸𝗲𝘆 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗳𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗶𝘁𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗶𝗻 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗺𝗶𝗿𝗿𝗼𝗿???
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You didn't even know how you ended up in a situation such as this. Never in a million years did you think that you'd currently be getting your brains fucked out by your boyfriend in front of a mirror while in the cramped bathroom of someone's house at a party, but yet, here you were.
"Open wide, baby." you heard the nearly sinful words being whispered into your ear. Klitz's long fingers pressed themselves against your lips, parting them so that he could easily slip inside the warm, wetness of your mouth, pressing down on your tongue and nearly making you gag from the pressure, the rhythm, and the speed of his thrusts never changing.
You whimpered, but to little effect, on account that your mouth was full of his fingers, the tips nearly hitting the back of your throat while his cock hit nearly every right spot inside of you, due to the angle he had bent you at. You looked up at the mirror again and knew for certain that your makeup was ruined.
"Fuck... Your pussy feels like it was made for me..." he groaned, pushing his fingers into your mouth a tiny bit deeper than before, making you choke at the feeling, your eyes nearly rolling back into their sockets and your head hanging slightly lower.
Klitz noticed this and snickered softly to himself before reaching up and threading the hand the other hand that was placed possessively at your hip into your hair, tugging at it and pulling your head back up so you could face the mirror and look at both yours and his reflections at the same time, the sight sending a spark of arousal through your veins.
"Aw, baby," he teased, "look at you, so pretty, so messy... God, I love looking at you." you moaned at his words, finding the way that he was talking to you both patronizing and also incredibly arousing.
You wanted to speak, to say something back in return, but your mind was so muddled from it all, the only coherent thought that came to your brain was of how deep his cock felt inside of you, that you let out mindless babbles and gibberish.
"Oh sweetie, I haven't even been going that hard and your brain's getting all dumb on me," he shook his head and chuckled, "and here I was, thinking my girlfriend was a smart girl, but all it takes is a bit of my cock, and you're already turning into a mindless cumdump. Is that what you want to be known as? Just a stupid little slut who goes around drinking too much and flirting with other guys?"
"I... Uh, I- fuck... Please..." you whimpered, trying to get ahold of your words, but they just wouldn't come out the way that you wanted to. Klitz sighed and chuckled again as he picked up the pace again, nearly making you cry.
"You... You... You what, baby? C'mon, spit it out. I know you can, yeah?" he taunted you again, reaching down and rubbing at your puffy, little clit with his thick fingers, the feeling enough to send shivers down your spine.
"Y-you're right... 'm so dumb, Klitzy... Being so stupid..." you told him, the words already replaying on a loop through your mind like a broken record.
"And, what else are you, huh? C'mon..." Klitz encouraged you, massaging your sensitive bundle of nerves with a bit more pressure applied to it, now.
"I'm a mindless cumdump... All for you..." you still could barely think, on account of being so inebriated by his cock. He smiled, kissing the top of your head, "That's right, baby. You're such a good girl, baby. I'm proud of you for admitting it..."
Something about the mix of his words, the marks he left on your neck, and his fingers on your clit made the knot in your stomach get tighter as your walls clenched harder around his cock, making him groan.
"Fuck... You're so close, I can feel it. You wanna come for me, baby?" he whispered, kissing your cheek as you like at the both of you in the mirror. You nodded, tears now practically streaming down your cheeks, "Please..."
"Hmm... I dunno, how about you beg for it, pretty girl?" he requested, now having stopped both his thrusts and his movements on your clit altogether, making you sob.
"Please, please... I need it, I need you so bad... Please, Daddy, please..." you cried, your hips bucking desperately into his hand. You hadn't even realized what you said, having said all of this in the heat of the moment, but Klitz realized, and he also realized that he really, really liked hearing those words come out of your mouth.
"Say it, again."
"Daddy, please... I wanna come so badly..." you begged again, making him more satisfied and letting his thrusts resume. You nearly screamed until you went hoarse at the feeling, your legs shaking so much, you thought that you'd fall over.
Suddenly, like a tidal wave or like a car collision, your orgasm crashed through you all at once, making your eyes roll back as you trembled in his grasp and moaned loud enough for the whole party downstairs to potentially hear the two of you. Klitz then almost immediately followed after you, groaning loudly as he came, too, his cum now dripping down your thighs as he released inside of you.
After a moment of the two of you just standing there, panting as you both came down from your respective highs, he pulled out of you, putting himself back into his jeans before pulling your panties back up, so that the stickiness of his cum stayed against your cunt.
"My pretty baby..." he whispered in your ear as he kissed you all over your face.
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sgiandubh · 11 months
Hi there. I enjoyed your post about Sam’s brand and it got me thinking. I feel like he’s stuck between trying to do what other people tell him he should to “make it” and trying to do it himself. Other people: you’re hot, show it off, do action movies, date blonde floozies. Himself: I want to be a good person and a decent actor, but what if I’m not? Guess I should work a lot, build a non-acting brand just in case I get fired, but try not to pay too many people to market it, I can do that myself; the liquor has the added benefit of getting his name out there and hopefully giving him another income stream if acting goes to shit. Where this all becomes problematic is that he’s not the person others tell him to be, so he comes off as fake, inconsistent, disingenuous, contradictory. I worry though that he can’t break away from these “advisors” because of whatever hole he and caitriona have themselves in with Starz and their bosses. We may not all agree on what happened in 2016 or why, but it’s obvious something did. The difference between them both since then is stark. The light has dimmed. They’ve aged exponentially. They’re guarded. They’re not the effervescent dynamos they started out as. She looks pissed all the time, like she’ll trot Tony out if necessary, but she won’t look like she enjoys it. She’ll go to awards ceremonies, but she won’t look as gorgeous as she easily could. She won’t be their ingenue. I don’t know, I think they’re stuck and are limited in what they can actually do for themselves, as much as they might like to. I can only hope there is an end in sight for them and they can persevere until then!
PS, I watched She Said last night. Highly recommend for anyone who doesn’t think a network executive could or would force their tent pole stars to deny a relationship.
Dear She Said Anon,
I liked your submission so much, I have read it three times in a row (and damn the late hour!). I have very few things to add to your excellent assessment of what I think is a very complicated situation. The proverbial Scottish parsimony could explain the choice of a minimally budgeted, all hands on deck sales and advertising approach. But we are quickly passing this stage and he should seriously think of hiring true professionals, if he really wants to make a financial lifebelt out of SS.
Yes. There's a price to be paid for all the games they are being served to play (and yes, something terrible happened in January 2016, of which we will probably never have the full details). Both of them are now striving to show us they can (scantily, painfully) exist without the magical Other. She, with that colorless, wrist-grabbing, fist-clenching literally dumb person (strictly meaning that we never hear him). He, with that (forgive me, Father, for I am about to sin) questionable, loud and tacky Oriental consigliere (it is high time I should write that paper on the Persia I know and love, lest you or other Anon think I am racist, or something). You can't figure out more opposite add-ons to Those Two, both serving, I believe, the same purpose: to deflect, at all costs, any attention given to the real state of play.
I haven't watched She Said yet and I welcome and thank you for the suggestion. On a lighter note, I trade for it Call My Agent (I have already mentioned this very, very witty French series, dealing with the life in a Parisian talent agency) - it shouldn't be a problem to find it on Netflix.
Good night, Anon. This one below is me thanking you for your trouble and time writing this wonderful post. Just look at Mitsuko Uchida's genuine Joy while playing Beethoven - same energy as Two People We Know, back in 2014, right?
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sulfurz · 1 year
ೃ༄ SHIELDING FEELINGS (LITERALLY) (roman reigns x fem!reader)
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ೃ༄ PAIRING: roman reigns x fem!reader
heyyyy!! i have a fluff request for roman x (fem) reader. it’s set in his shield days and the reader is a apart of the shield (or a really close allies with them whichever you want) and she’s kind of like the lita of the group. Her and roman have huge crushes on eachother and it’s so obvious to not only seth and dean/mox but the whole wwe universe. So the two guys try to come up with a plan to have them both confess to eachother 😅😅
ೃ༄ WARNINGS: this is pure humour and fluff! basically just himbos dean and seth struggling at playing cupid
ೃ༄WORD COUNT: 1.8k
ೃ༄ NOTE: hello lovely anon i got a BIT carried away with this i apologise but i hope it still works🥹 i had way too much fun writing shield as terrible matchmakers
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dean ambrose had a plan.
albeit, it wasn’t a very well thought out one. but it was a plan of somewhat decent calibre.
you see, he had a lot of time for you, acting as shield’s manager and all. what he didn’t have time for was how goddamn dumb you could be sometimes (seth’s words, not his — although he very much agreed).
what was it that got dean so riled up, you ask? well it was the fact that you were so evidently in love with roman reigns, and yet never managed to say more than a pretty pathetic ‘uh, you look nice’ whenever the four of you were backstage.
even worse than you? roman. this man had not kept his crush on your quiet. apparently you were the only one who couldn’t see it, and yet instead of ever acting on said emotions, roman liked to play a fun game of hide from y/n in the locker rooms until it’s time for our match and then i only have to see her for five minutes before. this had, on many occasions, ended with dean nearly throwing him to the ground because of course all this was going to do was make you worry the very beautiful yet stubborn man hated you.
a pretty man, but clearly very little common sense, dean had concluded.
so that was when, after too many training sessions in which you’d sit in silence until your coach brought you into the conversation, he hatched his master plan.
now just to put it into action.
it just so happened the final member of the shield would be a perfect partner.
the plan was, in dean and seth’s eyes, bulletproof. they would probably have to undergo a pretty intense intervention afterwards considering how wrong they had been; but at first, their confidence was through the roof.
oh no, dean hurt his shoulder in practice — what a shame! good job seth was there to take him to the medic, a walk he definitely could have done on his own! but they were so smart, right? surely you and roman would talk about something if forced to coinhabit the same space without a buffer?
yeah. they really thought so too.
but after fifteen minutes of hiding behind a comically large stack of chairs, they felt it necessary to put the two of you out of your misery and cry that it was a false alarm.
maybe you two really were more hopeless than dean initially thought.
so came attempt two: the halloween party. because who doesn’t love a good dress up party?
apparently, cupid was more of a christmas fan.
as it happened, vast majority of people brought their dates to the work party, which dean and seth hadn’t planned for, but made the situation even more perfect. not to mention you and roman had accidentally both turned up dressed as demons (finn balor made a playful scene when you walked in) — it was practically a match made in heaven! or hell…
this attempt was easy in theory: set up a conversation about how fun dancing was, before abandoning the two of you at a table to take to the dancefloor themselves. surely you’d get fed up of being left out and want to join???? surely!
except, what dean and seth had failed to consider was that in the spirit of halloween, and the fact that some of the most iconic superstars in the roster loved a good prank, the place was practically decked out with tricks, instead of treats.
dean and seth observed quietly from the dancefloor (they had long since abandoned their girlfriends and were simply dancing together now, chest to chest (hey — this matchmaking was a taxing game!)), practically cheering when they saw the two of you finally getting somewhere.
roman stood, offering a hand to you with a good natured “if you can’t beat them, join them?”, and it was obvious the two of you were so close to finally making that first step as your hand reached for his—
then, a plastic skeleton hidden in a bowl of candy on your tabled decided to choose that moment to make its appearance very known.
and there went your glass of red wine, all down your favourite pantsuit (luckily — it was red too, but the dark patch across your chest was not doing you any favours).
roman very sweetly apologised on behalf of the skeleton, which was the very final part of the conversation seth and dean heard before you were scurrying away to change. they quite literally facepalmed as they walked over to a dumbfounded roman, who still played the entire situation off.
it seemed they’d have to step things up if they really wanted to get through the both of your very thick skulls.
so attempt three was… certainly less subtle.
worse still, it came only a month after the halloween party, when you were still in the thick of your ‘hiding from roman reigns’ era, so imagine your surprise when here comes dean ambrose and seth rollins, dragging roman up to you with the latter wearing an expression of confusion that surely mimicked you own.
“okay.” dean spoke, slamming a hand on the catering table “you, roman, like y/n.”
“you, y/n, like roman.” seth added.
then, like one of those old timely comedy acts, at the same time the men both exclaimed a “now talk!”
and to yours and roman’s credit… you did speak?
it’s not your fault the members of shield hadn’t made the topic entirely clear. it was obvious by now that when it came to roman, you were blind to any subtext, so they could hardly blame you for missing the mark.
“of course i like roman? he’s my friend?” you questioned warily, genuinely beginning to get concerned for the two men you considered friends.
“are you two okay?” roman added, genuine concern across his face as he outstretched a hand to slap seth? check him for a fever? both?
you hummed in confirmation, thinking back on every odd occurrence that had happened between you and roman recently, realising that the common denominator in every situation was the two other members of the stable you managed probably saying something extremely dumb.
eventually, dean and seth had to admit they were terrible matchmakers.
when the christmas party that same year had been announced, they very nearly put another thing together, but a swift reminder from the wonderful (and honestly; terrifying) randy orton, the two were reminded of every failed attempt in the past, and their plan unravelled before it had even found it’s feet.
as would turn out, when there wasn’t two idiots meddling, that was when things unfolded themselves.
after the many times you had embarrassed yourself in front of your teammate lately, you weren’t expecting roman to approach you mid way through the party. he had spent pretty much the entire night hovering on the opposite side of the room, and for good reason to. you were a liability after all, and his suit shirt was too nice to end up with wine on it. you had opted for white wine instead this time though, just incase.
“hi.” a deep voice came from behind you.
you had been watching triple h and stephanie dancing together for the best part of half an hour, nursing your glass of wine contentedly until the voice behind you had startled you. your glass wobbled in your hand in a terrifying suggested repeat of the halloween event, but roman was prepared this time, swiftly reaching a hand around you and saving it from disaster.
“i should have probably learnt not to sneak up on you.” he joked, motioning with your (thankfully still full) wine glass in his hand before he handed it back to you.
“i certainly learnt that red wine is tasty but dangerous.” you played along, your heart doing a weird thumping thing at how roman chuckled.
“i’m sorry if the other guys ever made you feel uncomfortable.” roman said genuinely, catching you off guard. it was rare you spoke, let alone when the topics brushed a level of seriousness. “we love having you working with us as shield, but they don’t know when to turn off the jokes sometimes.”
you shook your head quickly, hating the idea that roman was concerned about you. sure, dean and seth were idiots at the best of times, but it was a huge part of their charm. from them trying to break roman during promos to their odd, but intriguing backstage celebrations, the slight unhinged enthusiasm was what you loved.
“trust me. i love working with them. with, with you all.” you added at the last second, not missing the slight upper curl in the corner of roman’s mouth when he realised he was included.
you could already feel the blush creeping to your cheeks just because of all his attention being on you, and you knew you were just seconds away from blurting something stupid, when an equally annoying cough came from your side.
comically, both you and roman turned your heads at the same time to see the entirely expected source of the disturbance.
seth and dean were standing a little while away, watching you with the biggest grins you had ever seen. arguably bigger than whenever your team won.
when you realised what was causing their giggles, your heart stopped.
you had casually followed dean’s eyeline, just a simple attempt to see if you could figure out the cause, when you found it immediately. and it seemed roman did too.
mistletoe. hung exactly above where the two of you stood.
you couldn’t help but widen your eyes, going to take a step back but being prevented by a gentle, yet grounding touch to your wrist. when you looked back at roman, he was closer than before, and it was practically an instinct how your eyes flickered down to his lips.
“in the spirit of christmas, right?” he asked, a grin that told it was more than just christmas spirit, and in fact something he had been trying to tell you for a while.
still, you took your time, placing a cautious hand on his bicep as you leant in to connect your lips to his. “in the spirit of christmas.”
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stealingyourbones · 1 year
Bruce isn't the best parent, but a chunk of the issue is that he's an only child. Should he stop Jason and Dick from throwing Damian back and forth like a human ball? Is Tim threatening to bite Cass an issue? Are those death threats serious or not? The poor man is an only child trying to run herd on at least a half dozen feral siblings. He exists in a state of constant confusion.
This isn’t to be mean, but that is simply not the case.
I keep getting bad parent bruce takes and it sucks because all of them aren’t even proper reasoning for his character.
I’m just using you as an example, but hear me out.
Bruce is an extremely smart person, Homie has watched movies and read books, he can learn from situations around him that things are sibling things. Sure, he was excluded as a kid, but that isn’t nearly the main issue why he isn’t the best parent.
homie has so much shit wrong with him, he’s emotionally just not there, he keeps himself stuck in a perpetual state of grief and mourning for his parents of a thing that happened when he was a child, he has been trained by assassins and has experienced loss and pain to an insane extent, he has such an insane extent of paranoia and trust issues that it affects his daily life, is definitely autistic, and has issues with social cues.
I’m trying to properly articulate just why that’s not the case but my brain isn’t working with me so I’m handing this over to my twin @bonebrokebuddy who is far more articulate than me.
Hi, it's Billy, Bones's twin writing because Bones had a hard time putting this into words and I'm more of a canon nitpick than her.
Uh- have you ever. And I mean even once, met an only child.
I promise, if you read even a singular comic, you could tell this take is incredibly out of character.
Bruce isn’t a good parent. He’s also not a bad parent. He loves his kids. He literally could not stop them from pulling dumb shit if they tried and putting themselves into danger.
Bruce is the worlds greatest detective. He knows how to spot and detect emotions and trouble in his kids. He’s The Worlds Greatest Detective.
His issue with being a parent likely comes from having Alfred as a father figure. Imagine having a dad that you can fire at any time, you pay so they can stay with you, and can just leave at any moment if they don’t approve of the person they work for. That will severely fuck up a kid.
His issue isn’t that he’s an only child, it’s that it’s every Robin’s god given right to go against and defy Batman’s orders whenever possible because kids are viscous little buggers who don’t like being told “you can’t do that” even if it’s for their own health, they’ll do it anyway.
After you’ve taught your kids how to exist in deadly situations, they think they’re invincible when it’s because Bruce is doing all he fucking can to make sure his kids don’t get hurt. If they feel like they can make the world a better place, they’ll do it, regardless of the risk because they’re inherently self sacrificing and good people.
Bruce’s issue with parenting is due to his relationship with his kids. Again, it isn’t that he’s an only child, it’s that the kids he adopted are their own people and they are even more stubborn and bad at communication as him.
Even more so, it’s due to the dang narrative.
Conflict between Bruce and his kids that cause them to separate has been the backstory for plenty of solo batkid runs to endure Batman isn’t as involved or the main focus of the run.
Narrative tension is literally the cause of all the bad parent decisions for Bruce, because conflict drives narrative or miscommunications cause the story to lengthen and complicate itself
it’s not as easy as “Bruce is bad dad” because he’s Not. Bruce is good with kids! He has a pouch in his utility belt specifically with suckers for kids!
But Bruce isn't a great world star dad either. He definitely inherited his ability to communicate with people outside crisis situations largely from trainers around the world and his arms-length-distance-at-all-times distance relationship with the butler who raised him.
Despite him being good with kids, his kids have lives of their own with morals and opinions of their own that conflict and clash constantly. It’s not a simple case of “Bruce is a bad dad.”
It’s a case of “everyone has slightly different opinions and approaches to situations so occasionally conflict happens when they clash or interfere with each other” because it’s a comic that tells a story!
Anyways, my recommendation? Pick up a comic. And preferably? Read it. Or watch BTAS if it’s more accessible to you. either works. This opinion isn't your fault most likely, just the quality of the DC fan-content you've been consuming that are incredibly removed from the comics. If you want, DM me at @bonebrokebuddy and I can send you some good quality DC fics with in-character Bruce.
Bones here again,
That basically sums up the exact stuff I couldn’t properly describe. I was using you more as an example because I have dozens of bad parent bruce takes in my inbox and I am 90% sure that the cause of them is that they simply haven’t read anything about the character.
Read a comic, read some strictly DC fanfiction, watch some of the many many TV shows and animated movies, there are even motion comics free online to watch that have voice acting and everything!
Being an only child doesn’t make you a bad father.
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coralhoneyrose · 28 days
fun chrom and or robin headcanons? chrobin headcanons?
alternatively what are some widely accepted or constantly brought up things in the awakening fandom that you hate?
my fun headcanon is they try to both be objective and somewhat professional as leaders but when c&r are alone together they love to gossip. you know theyve seen some stuff
Oooh what a fun question! I’m sure as soon as I hit post I’ll remember a bunch more but here’s what I was able to come up with~
Robin: I actually like head-canoning Robin as having ADHD. I could ramble about that for ages tbh but I think they fit the “twice exceptional” profile really well and that a combination of being an anxious perfectionist and having an attention disorder would make a lot of sense given that we know Robin is both very confident in their tactics and intelligence but also prone to workaholic tendencies with pushing themselves to extremes to make sure they’ve thought of everything. I also headcanon Robin as being kind of a slob LOL like I think their room would always be a mess with things strewn everywhere but *they* know where everything is meant to be so don’t even think about moving anything, Frederick >:(
Also this may be obvious from my writing, but I like headcanoning Robin as having darker skin than in canon in large part to circumvent Awakening’s unfortunate tendency to only feature that trait for Plegians who are antagonists. OH! And I love the idea of Robin being touch-starved when the shepherds first find and adopt her too.
Chrom: I headcanon he has very pretty cursive handwriting that he was forced to learn by his tutors growing up; that he low-key kinda likes PDA; that he’s mindlessly touchy with Robin specifically, even before he realizes his feelings; that he has a praise kink; that he is a morning person; and that he’s not particularly religious, despite being….ya know, the exalt of a halidom.
Idk if it’s cheating to also list that I headcanon him as biromantic demisexual (given that I have a whole fic about that) but I’m restating it anyway because that one is very dear to me. Also! I did not come up with this one myself, but I saw a tweet from another Chrobin author once about how they hc that Chrom would abdicate the throne before he gets particularly old to help ensure that Lucina’s coronation is a happy and celebratory event, and I love that idea and thinks it suits both of them really well <3
I think the one you shared is cute and fitting for them too! Both of them take their jobs really seriously so I can absolutely see them making an effort to keep too many court politics out of their work but then debriefing about stuff and laughing at all the stuffy nobles together after to help maintain their sanity.
As for things brought up / widely accepted in the fandom that I dislike and / or strongly disagree with, the three that come most immediately to mind are:
- That Chrom and Robin have a dumb one / smart one dynamic. I think they’re both very competent leaders and that while Robin is clearly the smarter of the two, I’ve always interpreted Chrom as probably having above average intelligence and just being really blunt and kind of oblivious / not tactful in certain delicate social situations which….tbh I fully believe Robin can be guilty of that sort of thing as well LOL
- That the f!Chrobin supports are “objectively” some of the worst in the game”. I can definitely understand and sympathize with some of the complaints about them, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re my favorite supports in awakening full stop. And I do also think that a subset of the complaints leveled at them are wildly off base
- That male and female Robin have different personalities. I just do not think this is true. I think the differences we see in their supports are pretty much always a direct function of being treated differently by the other character on account of their gender and responding to those differing circumstances accordingly
I have started drafting and ultimately aborted so many posts making arguments for all these points but somewhere along the line I usually remind myself to take a deep breath and that people can enjoy these characters and ships however they want to. Ultimately if I don’t like something, it’s easy enough for me to tune it out and keep doing my own thing and I’ve found fandom has become a lot more pleasant that way LOL
Andddd I think that covers everything? Thanks so much for the ask—I had a lot of fun answering it as probably evidenced by how long this turned out to be asjfk
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takenbypeter · 4 months
Back To the Past
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Words: 2655
Based on this request by anonymous:
Hi!Can I make a request?And yes it will be for Peter Maximoff. I recently revised Back to the Future, so I emphasized the idea of traveling to the past from there. The daughter of Peter and the reader, along with the son of Charles (and possibly Moira), who can travel through time, fall into the time of their young parents.(perhaps some villain has gone back in time and this is dangerous for the future of mutants🤷) In the past, Peter and the reader meet by chance.And the reader falls in love with Charles's son and the course of history may change.Therefore, the daughter of Peter and the reader needs to help her father win over the reader.And Peter is like, "What the hell is a girl, she's my best friend!?" And let the daughter of the reader and Peter also have silver hair, and Charles knows who these time travelers are. I don't know how, but I imagine it in the style of old romcoms with jokes and ridiculous situations))) P.S I apologize if there are mistakes or something was unclear, since English is not my native language.
Author’s note: this is the first time I’m writing a fic like this, in like the 3rd person so there may be a you that snuck in there somewhere. Also I haven’t written a long fic like this in years, writing this reminded me of how much I hate writing long fics cause it literally took me two weeks. Anyways this was still a great request I do love back to the future.
Peter and Readers kid’s name is Lena.
Charles and Moira’s kid is name Orson.
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“Quick, grab your snack so we can get out of here,” instructed the silver haired girl. 
“Relax Lena, I got this.”
“I’m serious Orson!” And with that being said the boy shot her a wink and set off looking for his sweet treat. 
The girl tapped her foot for a moment before deciding to find something for herself. 
After all, the time travel mission was successful, why not treat herself to something good? 
She strolled through one aisle glancing at the products; some that she easily recognized and others that she’s never even heard of. 
Lena picked up a colorful packet and turned it over before wincing at the excess level of unhealthiness she read on the back. Staring at the contents she overheard a familiar tune in the next aisle. 
Someone was singing. 
It was quiet and clearly to themselves but nevertheless, someone was singing. The more she listened the more she recognized that voice. A smile crept onto Lena’s face as she glanced down remembering the story that she knew that came with that song. 
Was it now? Was this the moment she’s heard so much of?
As she was listening in, something unexpected happened; another voice joined and her smile instantly dropped.
No, no, no. Please no, she begged internally. 
She heard Orson stop after finishing the next line, “I love that song,” said the woman and Lena knew exactly where this was going. 
“Yeah it’s a good one. My friend’s parents listen to it all the time though, it kinda ruined the song for me.”
You heard her let out a light chuckle before saying, “What?! Don’t blame them for having good taste.”
Lena heard Orson laugh that dumb laugh he did when he found someone attractive. “Oh I blame them plenty, I know tons of better songs.”
That seemed to pique the interest of the woman, “yeah? Like what?”
Lena couldn’t just stand here and let this happen. 
So what did she do? She headed straight to the next aisle grabbing the boy by his ear, “I’m sorry this is my brother and he tends to get lost,” she emphasized growling at him before turning back to the woman, “you have a great day,” she said, walking away with Orson in hand. 
“Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow,” he winced as the silver haired girl yanked his ear through the aisles. 
“Are you crazy?” She asked once out of earshot from the woman. The poor boy held his ear in pain, “no, but you clearly are.”
“Don’t you know who that is?”
His nose scrunched and his eyebrows pulled downwards in thought.
“That voice. That song. You seriously didn’t recognize her?”
After a few moments of thought his jaw dropped as it all finally clicked, “that’s your mom? She was hot!” He shouted earning a slap on the back of his head from Lena. 
“I swear if you don’t want me to light your butt on fire, you’ll do the smart thing and shut up right now.”
He held his hands up, palms open in defense, “okay, okay. That’s your mom, so what?”
Lena opened her mouth but got interrupted when she spotted her mother walking in their direction again. “She’s coming, shut up, she’s coming,” you said, quickly switching your expression from anger to calm and collected as she drew closer. 
“Hi, excuse me sorry, I just wanted to give this,” she held out a little piece of paper with a name and numbers scribbled on it, “to…” she paused waiting for her blank space to be filled.
“Orson,” he said while Lena practically glared daggers at the boy who took it.
“Orson,” repeated Lena’s mother, “well maybe you could give me a call and we could talk music some more.”
Orson nodded and the woman smiled before heading towards the cash register. And while Orson watched her mom walk away he got another smack upside his head, causing him to yell another, ow! 
Lena tugged him towards the door, “you’re so stupid, don’t you realize what you did?”
“What did I do?”
They exited the convenience store walking until they stopped a few cars away. 
“Don’t you remember how my mom and dad met?”
“Yeah, she was singing a song inside the store and then when she came out, she heard Peter singing the next line outside…” his words faltered before he let out another laugh, “yeah but that wasn’t here that was at the North Side…” he started while Lena pointed at the name of the store, Orson’s next words faltering at the realization. He hissed some air, finally understating the crucial mistake he’d made. 
“But you don’t know, that doesn’t mean anything.”
The store’s door swung open and Lena and Orson instinctively hid behind the truck in front of them, peering over the hood, watching Lena’s mother walk right past, you guessed it, Peter who was lazily sitting on a picnic table too busy with the popsicle in his mouth. 
“You’ve killed me. You’ve literally killed me,” Lena concludes. All attention got distracted as the red truck they were behind started up and the owner shot them a dirty look before driving off. 
“Oh, no, no, no, no, we’ve gotta fix this.”
“Fix this? It’ll be fine, let's just go back.” 
“Are you mad!? What if we go back and I’m already gone.”
The two kids stood in silence, minds wracking for a good idea when Lena finally snapped her fingers, ”we’ve gotta find Xavier.”
Agreeing that Xavier was the safest bet they had, they traveled to the mansion (figuring it was in the exact same location, which it was). The mansion was small, at least compared to how it was in the present day. 
Easily hopping past the gates the two knocked on the doors. After a few moments the door creaked open revealing a man in well dressed clothes wearing glasses. 
“Can I help you?” He asked and at his voice the two shared a look recognizing Hank McCoy’s voice. 
Lena took the lead, “we’re here looking for Charles Xavier.”
Hank shut the door slightly, no doubt to prevent them from seeing inside, “I’m sorry, what is this regarding?”
“It’s alright Hank,” the door opened revealing Charles as he wheeled himself closer, “let them in.”
Once inside the four made their way to a more secluded area, passing a few recognizable mutants until they got to their destination. Once inside Xavier’s office, Hank shuts the door and joins everyone by the desk. 
Inside, the two begin to explain everything; the mission, the convenience store, the fear of what the future may bring. And throughout it all Charles listens intently, taking it all in, until finally at the end he gives his own thoughts. “This is a tough situation, and I’m no exact expert on time travel but I believe Lena is correct. Because right now we don’t know for sure if these two individuals do get together, you can’t precisely tell what’ll happen to Lena if you go back.”
The professor looks to Hank who still wears a confused expression on his face, “I’m sorry, I’m still a little perplexed, are we talking about Peter Maximoff?” Lena nodded while Hank asked another query, “he got hitched?” The question was more rhetorical as Charles shot him a look of amusement before turning back to the children. 
“I think your safest bet would be to somehow make the two come together naturally.”
“And how do we do that?”
“Well that’s for you two to figure out now isn’t it?”
“What? Us?” Said Orson.
“You’re the ones who got yourselves into this mess so it’s your job to get yourself out of it.”
After interrupting a few excuses from the two Charles sent them on their way. 
“Okay, think,” started Lena as the two now paced back and forth outside the mansion racking their brains for ideas, “how do we get them in the same place?”
“At least we have a way to get your mom there,” said Orson.
Lena turned to Orson, her paces stopping, “how?”
A smile widening on his face he reached into his pocket pulling out the piece of paper from earlier.
“You kept her number?! Why did you keep her number?!”
The boy shrugged.
“Get rid of it!”
“What? No, we need this, I’ll ask your mom out and she’ll go to…wherever it is and we just have to make sure your dad’s there too.”
“And how do we do that?” 
The two join in thought again, finding this part slightly harder than the rest. Orson claps his hands, breaking Lena’s thought process, “first we find him, then BOOM, you flirt with him.”
Lena’s eyes widened before she squinted them, “that’s disgusting, I’m not flirting with my dad.”
“Oh come on, it won't be that hard.”
“You’ve lost your mind—lost it.”
“Well if you don’t then we have to find someone else to help us.”
“Wait!” You shout making the boy stop, “why don’t we just get one of his friends to ask him to meet up at the same place?”
Orson snapped his fingers at your words, before his expression grew confused again, “but who?” The two stop and think as a familiar figure wearing a long yellow jacket conveniently passes by causing the two to share a look before they go after the figure.
“Let me get this straight, you two are from the future, and you messed up our time, so now you need to fix it by having Peter go to this arcade, roller rink at seven o’clock?” Jubilee asked, sitting at a picnic table with the two kids. 
Jubilee let out a single laugh, “you gotta know how suspicious this all sounds, it sounds like a trap.”
Lena held her hands out, “it’s not I swear.” Jubilee raised an eyebrow at the young girl. “Okay, the truth is we’re not just from the future, I’m Peter’s daughter and he,” she pointed at her male counterpart, “messed up big time. I just want to make sure everything goes back to the way it was, so I’m still…me,” she finished her head hanging low. 
Maybe it was because of how desperate Lena sounded, or maybe it was because Jubilee knew how it felt to make a mistake. Or maybe it was the fact that Lena’s gray hair seemed to back up her story of being Peter’s daughter. Whatever it was, Jubilee agreed. 
After Jubilee agreed Orson made sure to call Lena’s mother asking her out to the same venue and time. Now all the two had to do was wait. 
Once getting to the planned location ten minutes earlier than planned the two waited anxiously as the minutes passed by. 
“Okay I don’t think we thought this through enough,” Lena said, worry hidden in her voice.
“We got them together, what more is there?”
“Just because we got them in the same room doesn’t mean we got them together. What if they don’t talk to each other?”
Orson opened his mouth to say something but his gaze shifted past Lena before pulling her towards him as they hid behind a nearby wall. 
“Guess we’re about to find out,” he says as the two watch Lena’s mom enter the building. 
Watching from afar Orson fully hid as the woman glanced around. 
After not finding who she's looking for, she takes a seat at the tables near the arcade. 
After about two minutes in came Jubilee followed by Peter who headed straight to the arcade portion of the building. Jubilee instantly spots the two kids and once separating herself from the speedster she heads towards them. 
“Hey, what’s the plan?”
“The plan is you keep him busy for twenty minutes then you leave and we’ll try to get her,” Orson points across the building at the woman sitting all alone, “to him.”
Jubilee nodded before going back to Peter. 
Fifteen minutes go by while the two descendants try to come up with something, anything to say to get the woman to the other side of the building. 
When the two seem to not come to an agreement Lena stands up and walks to the woman herself. “Where are you going? Lena. Lena!” Whispered Orson as he hid behind the wall again.
Walking by her mom Lena faked a surprise expression before stopping, “hey, I know you! You’re the girl from the convenience store earlier.”
Her mom smiled, “oh yeah, good to see you again,” she paused looking around and it pained Lena to know who she was looking for. 
“Is your brother here? We sorta had plans tonight.”
Lena brought her eyebrows together acting confused, “that’s weird. I asked my brother to come tonight and he said he had a date with a friend of ours at the movie theaters.”
“Oh.” She sounded so dejected.
“But hey, he literally does this all the time, he’s just the worst. But just cause he’s dumb doesn’t mean you can’t have fun, there's a new game at the arcade you have to try, you point over to the silver haired boy, “why don’t you head on over and I’ll join you soon.”
She got up and did as told while you punched the air in a mini victory. Jubilee, noticing the girl coming over, told Peter she would grab a drink leaving the man alone. 
Both Jubilee and Orson joined Lena as they observed Lena’s mom watch her dad play. 
Lena taps her foot nervously, “this isn’t enough. What if they don’t talk?”
Orson put a hand on her shoulder, “relax I got this covered.” Without explaining any further he leaves evading towards the DJ booth. 
With nothing to relax her nerves Lena turns to the pair again. 
Over by the games Lena’s mom just watched as the silver haired boy was in the process of beating the hi-score. With her eyes and his eyes glued to the screen in front of them, she said “you’re really good,” half not expecting him to take notice, but he did.
“Nah, I just play a lot. If it were up to me I’d be here for hours,” he said.
A few quiet moments passed between the two before a familiar song played overhead. “Ugh, of course they play this song,” the girl growled under her breath.
That seemed to catch the attention of the speedster, “what’s wrong with it?”
“Nothing, a guy just stood me up and we kinda met to this song.”
A light chuckle came out of Peter’s mouth, “you shouldn’t let someone else ruin a song for you.”
“Yeah, easier said than done.”
A silence fell over the two excluding the sounds of buttons and music, until Peter spoke up again, “you know what could distract you from all that?”
She says nothing except peers curiously as the boy’s hands leave the controller causing the game over screen to take over. He turns to her for the first time that night with a smile before saying, “a video game.”
Across the building the three watch as Peter gets off from his chair. “Wait, what’s happening?” Lena asks, looking on while her mother replaces where Peter sat. They watch as her mother takes the joystick in her hand while Peter talks, seemingly explaining how to play.
“I think…we just did it,” Jubilee responded. 
“…we did it.” Lena whispered, “we did it!” She repeated turning toward Orson who wore a smile of success on his lips. The two turn to Jubilee and thank her before collecting themselves. “I think it’s safe to head back now,” Lena says, turning to Orson who nods. With goodbyes to their new/old friend they wave with one last, “see you in the future,” from Lena, while Orson holds onto her shoulder. With that being said the two disappear with a spark, leaving Jubilee wondering how it all turned out. 
Guess she’ll just have to wait till the future to find out.
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