#I mostly get into character songs while trying to write them and I haven't really written much with the jli
thegazette5 · 1 month
I've found out that reita is gone three months later
so yesterday at night, august 15, I found out that reita was dead... and I couldn't' believe it, it was so surreal and I cried reading the words of ruki for him. it pains me to know the gazette members were friends, mostly reita and uruha that used to know way before.
tbh I haven't listened to the gazette since 2016
I met the gazette's music at 18 or something like that and
now I'm 36 and I have clinic depression and when the gazette made their second world tour, the country I live in it's close to argentina, I had a friend who had an argentinian friend that got me a front row ticket for the gazette concert, I got the flight tickets for me and my friend, and then I had a shitty nationality that didn't let me go anywhere (I already changed my nationality) anyway, I didn't get the visa to argentina, I was so sad I wanted to end everything. I went straight to the psychiatrist, it was the first time I really wanted to end everything, every bad thing that had happened to me, not being able to got to the gazette's concert was the last blow, and someone I thought as my best friend back then, she got to go and it made me so sad and angry 'cause she wasn't even a real fan compared to me, she just happened to listen to their songs that year and go (she dedicated ito to me 'cause she missed me, and hell I told her 'bout that song's meaning, that's my proof she wasn't a fan)
so I stopped listening to the gazette, but this year I felt like listening to, and last night I was listening to layla by eric clapton because a kaleido star's fanfic I was reading with the characters layla and yuri, and I wanted a name for the main female character of the book I was trying to write, I thought layla was cool, but there's already too many L in my main male character's name, so I thought of reila (I thought it was reira) and there was "what happened to reita the gazette" on the search while I was looking for reila's lyrics, I thought it was a illness or accident, but no, reita is gone.
I found out that reita is gone while listening to eric clapton playing guitar.
I went to wikipedia and I thought a troll edited the page, a horrible joke, but it was real and it means I'll never go to a the gazette's concert in my life, maybe I still can, but it won't be the same without reita, he is the gazette and he is my fave bassist and I remember when I was young and grew up with the gazette's songs, I got excited just by watching their pvs on the screen, everytime I read their interviews were so inspiring, just a bunch of young adult friends that decided to pursue the same dream together. I wish I had that kind of friends, and let's face it, most jrock groups break after a few years, the gazette were friends with the same dream that lasted over two decades, they were losers that had each other and followed their dreams and made them come true and to me the gazette isn't one of the best rock/metal groups of japan, to me they're one of the best in this whole universe.
and I went to two aerosmith lives where they were in their 60s and I dreamed of the the gazette were going to rock 'til they were old in his 70s.
tbh I'm curious about reita's passing, I want to know why, last year matthew perry died and I love friends, it was shocking, but I did know why, however asian artists are more discreet than western ones and we may never now about what happened to reita. there's so many rumours and the gazette haven't released new songs since 2021? I guess there'll be a new bassist and I won't hate on him, but it won't be the same.
reita was so young, not 45 or 47, he was 42 and I don't want to believe in the horrible rumours. whatever happened to him, it was his life, if there's heaven, another life or another world I hope he's in peace.
and I'm hurt and I'm not ready to listen to the gazette music yet.
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channelinglament · 1 year
Self Aware Project Sekai
P.s: I am just brainrotting and rambling here, so uh.. there may be grammar mistakes and etc
TW: Yandere stuff
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You can read part one here if you already haven't
...So first things first
There's no worshipping here?? (Well maybe a little-)
Why do I say a little-? Ichika :)
I mean, you've seen her when it comes to vocaloids heh. Now yanderify it
No one else really does that
Mafuyu is one of the most dangerous fellow here
She looks up to you, she sees you as someone who could save her. She knows that you won't judge her
And if you have at least a bit of similar family problem with her, well..... say hello to being isekai 'ed into pjsk :)
She isn't the only one who would do that ofcourse, but she is one of the fastest ones WHILE being smart.
But we will talk about it later ;)
Everyone's tactic to get you here, is to make pjsk your comfort place, safe space. To make you love them so much you would WANT to stay with them.
I'm sure they would share you- but jealousy would exist
I mean, you're helping them and supporting them! How could they not like you? (Why do I feel like Akito and Ena would argue over who's band is you favorite)
So, you know how they have songs right?
If you mostly play one groups song, ohoho
Other would be jealous, like rlly jealous
While the group is so happy to be your favorite! (Some may even try to make their songs more similar to the song of the other)
If it's Leo/need, most will be slightly jealous and will try to change their music to their.
If it's More More Jump, they'll change their outfits and try to be more energetic (Even Akito-)
If it is Vivid BAD Squad, OH the jealousy would eb over the top. Everyone will try to rap like Akito Everyone will try change their music AND dances. Also Ena might..argue/bicker with Akito more (Tsukasa and Shizuki won't with their siblings btw..probably.. maybe a bit)
If it's Wonderland x Showtime, everyone will try to make their performances grander! Jealous aswell but not as much as with Vivids (Akito's fault).
If it's Nightcord at 25:00 then they would turn emo then they would turn their songs a bit darker. Also might make their color pallate darker (while with wxs more colorful)
Tbh they all ate great friends and siblings that I don't think bad blood would happen between them. Maybe fight sometimes but no killing each other. Saki is the most safe one lmao
Though they could kill others (aka noc characters)
They might even do singing battles 💀
But usually guys fistfight (minus Tsukasa, he's smarter than that! I will expand on what he would do later.)
Girls fight too but they won't do much damage (care about each other).. BUT I feel like Mafuyu won't hesitate to start a war. THEN it will go downhill
I'm off for now, but soon I'll expand more
(I'm out of brain juice)
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(I like putting gifs, idk why. Be it random gifs or the fandom I write for ones, I just love doing it heh)
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illarian-rambling · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @theink-stainedfolk!
WIP Questionaire
I'll answer for MG3 (my on-going wip)
What's The First part of the WIP that you created ?
The ending. I haven't written it yet, but the first thing I knew when I started was how I wanted it to end. Just imagine me laughing evily now for the full effect.
If Your Story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
The Darkest of Days by Piotr Musiał. It's the darkest of the three books and this song is from Avymere's playlist, who is one of the two new POVs I added in for book 3.
What are your favourite characters that you made and why?
Ah, I can't choose! I love them all <3
What other pieces of media your fanbase would share?
Dnd definitely. I was inspired heavily by the Foundryside Trilogy (great read, but Watch Out), so if anyone liked that, they'll probably like Mortal God.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
The two new POVs. I've been writing from Astra and Mashal's viewpoints for a while now, so I'm very used to them. Avymere and Elsind are newer though, so I'm still getting used to those two.
Are there animals in your story? Talk about them.
No, sorry. Astra's cat is staying with her parents for book 3 because I'd be sad if Mercher ever got hurt.
How do your characters travel/get around?
Mostly walking. If they're lucky, they can hook up with a caravan. Telephone is also an option, but not one that's very conducive for Astra's mental health right now.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
The dreaded middle. Honestly, it's not so bad. The beginning was more rough with this one for some reason. But I'm just really excited to get to the end, so everything feels slow.
What aspects (tropes, maybe) will you think will draw your audience in?
Slow burn romance, revenge quests, characters put on a pedestal learning to be human again, weird magic, and robots are a few draws, I'd say. I fucking love robots.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I really want to get traditionally published! Maybe that's ambitious, and I definitely have to save up some cash before I can afford editors and things, but I'll never know if I can do it until I try right?
So yeah, that's The Machinations of Machine and Man! I'll tag @kaylinalexanderbooks @sleepyowlwrites @princeofhags @wyked-ao3 and anyone else who wants in :)
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I really really hope you're right, this just killed my motivation for everything. What happened with Solomare's story jar already left a bad taste in my mouth too.
I know I'll feel better in a few days, but I felt lied to when they said they'd continue the story and the app. And it's going to be even lighter and fluffier and a replacement for the main story line? One that new players will perfectly fit into? I was so looking forward to learning more about what would happen to Simeon.
Also not announcing it until last minute? For once I'm really glad I can barely afford food, because I'd be devastated if I had spent even a dollar. But maybe that's just me being poor.
I'm mostly likely going to stop writing for a while until I've archived everything important from the app, which is gonna take ages just in case anyway.
But anyway, are there any recent events you thought were better than usual? I've been too sick to grind lately so I haven't unlocked them. I want to know which ones to archive as soon as possible once the six months are up.
Sorry for bringing the mood down and the rant, but you seem to be the only positive one I follow that isn't outright calling people stupid or pathetic for being upset so I'm really hoping your positivity rubs off on me.
I do hope you keep posting for Nightbringer too! I have several issues with my hands so I don't think I'll ever be able to see the end of the og story line, and I especially love your analyses out of anyone else's.
Okay okay so they are continuing the og app and continuing the story, the only difference is they'll be continuing the mainstory in nightbringer and the og app will just be getting events. So the og app will continue the way it has since the end of s4 and new main story content will be uploaded to nightbringer (the devs did says this)
Not sure what happened with story jar but Obey Me! is solmare's most popular game. Objectively, nothing solmare has created has ever come near to reaching om! And I'm talking purely in the money making side of it - the anime? mangas? songs? merch? cons? VAs getting heavily involved in everything? Solmare's a business. As long as there's a fandom and a demand for it they're not gonna kill the og app.
Plus the majority of om's content is on the og app, with new content and old events still being released. If they wanted to kill the og app they'd stop releasing new content and updating lonely devil.
Since nightbringer will be continuing the mainstory from where they left off, they'd also need to move all of S1-4 the chats, call & devilgrams to nightbringer if they were gonna kill the og - and I'd imagine that's more hassle than it's worth
I do think we'd learn more about what happened to simeon;
• devs said they'd be continuing the main story in nightbringer so that'd include simeon
• nightbringer's current plot is about time travel and mc trying to find a way back home - so they will end up back in the current time at some point, where simeon's whole thing can be addressed
• s3 established that luke wasn't alive when the brothers were angels. If they intended to keep mc in the past they'd either have to scrap luke's entire character (?????) or retcon s3 which so far dropped the most lore
• thirteen (who's supposed to turn into a LI)'s first visit to the devildom happens in s4 and in nightbringer's op we see her in Diavolo's castle. Which means we're seeing the present timeline as well
....i think you're maybe panicking a bit too much? You definitely don't need to archive anything anytime soon. For well all of the reasons I mentioned above.... Maybe someday you'd have to but definitely not right now
Honestly I liked all the events🤷
No worries! And Yeah I think the thing people are forgetting is that Nightbringer is STILL Obey Me! I'm definitely going to be still talking about it
Ok so I have an exam in 2 days and I think I've answered every possible question about Nightbringer you could possibly have so I'm calling it here.
Won't be answering new asks until sunday. Everything posted will be from queue.
If you want to see my others asks/answers regarding Nighbringer just hit the tag on this post
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phoenix-flamed · 6 months
Meet The Mun!
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ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Well... To be honest, I don't entirely know. I decided to play the XVI demo when it came out, and at first I was like, "oh no he's hot but he's so dead" when Elwin first showed up. But as soon as the throne room scene started, and he told Clive, "Alright, you can stop licking my boots. Your mother isn't here," I had this intense feeling of, "I need to RP as him." The inspiration just... struck me so unbelievably hard, and I haven't had that happen since like, 2014? Somewhere around there? So I made this blog, the same day, and now here we are!
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Hmm. There are a few subjects that I absolutely won't write, like sexual abuse, CSA, and relations between adults and minors. (Which is one of many reasons why I'm still glaring daggers at XVI's Ultimania book for their listed ages of characters like Anabella and Hanna.) As a general rule of thumb, if it's an intense subject other than those listed above, I'd like to talk and plan it out first, so that all parties are okay with it and no one gets shocking/dark content sprung on them unexpectedly.
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Heeheehee. Horror, actually -- most specifically, psychological horror. The last fandom before this one that I was hardcore devoted to was for Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. As much as I love angst, fluff, drama, silliness, adventure, fighting(although I am super, super rusty with this one), etc., horror is the sort of dark content that I love. Give me brutality and torture, give me gore, give me body horror, give me psychological terror. Give me the fucked up and the disturbing, and you'll have me doing the M. Bison "Yes! YES!" thing.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Inspiration, mostly. I try and twist ideas around so that they're at least vaguely plausible in canon, but really it's a matter of inspiration -- if an idea jumps out at me and really resonates with me regarding my muse, then it gets mulled over until it's fleshed out enough to be written as a headcanon.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
Definitely play music. To be honest, I listen to music most of the time as it is, when I'm not talking with people. (And even then, sometimes when I'm on vc, I have music playing very quietly in the background.) It's not an inspiration thing, or anything like that; it's just that music is what keeps me focused. Grounded, I guess, so that my brain doesn't float away and get distracted by 100 different things while running in another 100 different directions all at the same time. It acts as a sort of tether to keep me on track!
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
It depends. Sometimes, inspiration smacks me upside the head with a brick for writing a particular reply. Other times, I have bits and pieces of ideas for various parts of the reply, but I have to sit with it for a while and map it out in my head first, if that makes sense? Then I can actually physically write it out, reread it over and over, and make adjustments as necessary. But much of that is also because I have the awful tendency to overthink constantly...
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Yes! As long as there's chemistry between the two muses, definitely. My favorite thing is when characters grow closer over time, and love grows that way -- but I'm not at all opposed to jumping head-first into the deep end if the chemistry is good enough and the muses just... naturally click.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Vonny! (Thanks, Von Leon, for inspiring my nickname, you depressed sadsack.)
34, going on 35!
June 29th. :D
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
Burgundy, various shades of blue, lavender!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
I'm predictable; I listen to mostly video game soundtracks, especially Final Fantasy ones. I also really love Miracle of Sound and Aviators, with an actual example of a favorite-favorite song being Aviator's "Blood and Snow". There's also so many others... But we'll be here all night if I name off all of my favorite songs.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
I started watching the remake of "All Quiet On The Western Front", ... but then got distracted. I should finish it...
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Uh. Well, technically, the last show I watched was the first episode of The Last Czars... Yet another thing I meant to watch more of, but got distracted. Aside from that, I've been watching a bunch of Jack Patillo and Matt Bragg streams, if those count?
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
Miracle of Sound feat. Aviators, "Let There Be Fire"!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
I ... don't actually know. Pepperoni pizza, I suppose?
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
It used to be winter because of snow, but now it's summer or fall. I like summer because of the sunshine and hotter temperatures, but hate the storms that come with it. I like fall because while it's cooler, there are significantly less storms... (Can you tell I'm terrified of storms?)
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
There are a few! In addition to one of my RL partners, I won't name any names but some of these friends have also been there for me through some serious bullshit. I'm eternally grateful to have met all of them -- and to have them in my life. I just hope they know who they are, if they see this!
Tagged By: @origami-assassin and @lastflowerpetal -- thank you both!!
Tagging: Everyone who sees this and hasn't already done it! Consider yourself tagged!!!
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13tinysocks · 1 year
FAQ because fags ask questions.
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Gimmie the basics
I'm Rea, 21, butch bulldyke, I live with and am dating my coauthor @itsabee pronouns ??? She her I guess???? Art account @11largesocks
Wait are you seriously a lesbian?
Yes. I hold no attraction to men fictional or real. I think playing Barbie with them is just really fun.
Where can I find your fics?
Avaliable on Ao3 (linked) or on Quotev (just search the titles you should find us)
Spill Your Guts - proxies x reader - completed
The Hunt Is On - EJ, Jane, Clockwork x reader - completed
You'll Catch Your Death - proxies x reader - completed
House Of 1000 Corpses - various creepypasta x reader - in progress
Uhm? Tag slurs?
Can you give me writing advice?
Can I make fanart/fanfic based off your interpretations of the cpp characters?
Yes of course I don't own them at all and I'm happy to inspire others to get creative!! Tag us if you ever do anything like that!!
Check my #writing tag. Anything unanswered free to ask.
How do you write so much?
What do you listen to while writing?
Idk I got autism powers. Also making writing even a little everyday as a goal is a good way to form a long term habit of doing it every day.
What does the average chapter of your fics go through before being published?
A lot more than people think that's for sure! We pre draft our fics general plot and major events before starting. As for chapters: Abby and I write an outline together. Once completed I will write the chapter. After that Abby goes through to fix character interactions, add depth, and fix my awful spelling mistakes. I then go over Abby's edits and completely reread the chapter to make sure it's cohesive. Give it a silly name and add a song that's related to the vibe and then she's live, baby.
Mostly Pup, Rob Zombie, TPOF's soundtrack, Harley Poe. Sets the mood for the type of stuff I write.
What do you call each fic YN?
We named each of our yn's to refer to them more easily. Syg yn is Ryan. Thio yn is Dylan. Ycyd yn is Dianne. Ho1c yn is Joan.
When is the published version of spill your guts coming out?
No idea. It needs to be drafted and redrafted, edited and reedited, and then I gotta query for agents.
Spill your guts is getting a published version??
Yes! However because of bad writing and copyright it is being completely overhauled. The story is mostly the same but better. The characters are different. Goober is even goobier. It will be split into two to three novels due to word count restrictions.
Head cannons?
I'm not a matchup, head cannon, or mini fic blog. I talk about my fics mostly. If you have questions about those fics I'm happy to answer.
Will you be writing more fanfiction?
Yes I am currently writing house of 1000 courses with Abby. It's our take on a various x reader and mansion fic. It will update slowly. We are both busy and trying to focus on the book.
Why haven't you answered my ask?
I've been getting a huge influx of asks recently and it's hard to take the time to answer all of them. Sometimes I just need to think on it, other times I don't know quite how to respond. I appreciate your kindness and curiosity but I am just a regular guy.
Thank you
Is there anywhere to support you and Abby?
Our Kofi
Our Etsy
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fractured-shield · 3 months
WIP questionnaire tag
thanks for the tag @honeybewrites!
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
Four of my characters: Therien, Oenith, Idhren, and Leithe. Everyone else (and the setting) came later.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
Oh, good question, I haven't really considered that too much. I could see it maybe being something like the TLoVM theme but a bit less actiony? still very character-focused with lots of group shots lol
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
Oh, Idhren, no question. Therien's in second place and she would like it that way. Idhren is like...the comfort character of highest honors for me. I swear, the man's been a better influence on me than my own damn family. My last therapist was like "you should consider writing a character that's what you feel you needed as a child" and I had to be like "ma'am I have been doing that for a decade I'm way ahead of you"
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
I already said TLoVM/CR and like yeah definitely that. fun fantasy setting with a bunch of queer idiots and so much emotional damage. vax stans pspsps i have something to interest you. also just like. the lotr/silm influences are heavily apparent in the "mourning the ruins of your people" and "living a long life is a unique sort of grief" and "doing something with the situation you're given even when you're scared and nobody important" and a couple of the characters don't worry about maithyr there's nothing to see there
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
mostly just sharing it, I think? I've been through enough drafts and major overhauls, and seen enough progress that I can let myself relax and trust that the characterizations and plot details will iron themselves out. but for as compelling as these characters are to me, there's a lot of "is this any good / is this cheesy and blatantly generic / is anything i'm trying to say coming across right"
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
yes!! so first of all there's dragons. they're not like, inherently more magical than other species, but the lochieru will use them in rituals the same way other mages might use the occasional feather or bone. but dragons are unique because their eggs are incubated in the earth and drain nutrients from the land while they develop. this is because the god who created dragons was removed from the gods' order for their actions, and was unable to finish their work and make dragon eggs grow without stealing other life. ...there are also horses and other livestock, which I try to give attention to as well. I have a degree in animal science and used to work with horses, so there's lots of "character is struggling with sheep handling for hours and now smells like lanolin and dirt" and "distinct personalities and quirks for everyone's horses"
How do your characters travel/get around?
aside from the lochieru and their dragons, mostly just...horses, whether ridden or in harness. sometimes ships, though trade with the western expanse is mostly dried up so there's little use for boats large enough and sturdy enough to make the journey
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I'm starting a new first draft, meaning the first draft after major plot/setting overhaul number...four? something like that. I'm just finishing up the first act, in chapter 6. this draft has been really interesting, it's the first time I feel I can see forward clearly and also still be surprised by new directions the story wants to take
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
I keep saying chosen family, but it's more like, a bio family that was separated and chooses to repair their relationships and figure out how to be close again. the protagonist is aroace and pretty far from the whole "hyper-competent young protagonist" trope. there's elves and dragons and magic so that's something lmao. also like, what i hope is a very well-handled depiction of trauma and mental illness represented in a couple different characters in different ways
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I kind of just want to be able to share it in its finished form, I guess? like whether that's traditional publishing, serialized self-pub online, whatever. I love these characters and I think they deserve to be appreciated and remembered outside of my own head, even if it's just by one or two people, and I want to have something tangible like a finished set of books to show for the decade+ and counting of work, even if it's just a single copy for myself
tagging: @diabolical-blue @the-golden-comet @ryderwritings @leahnardo-da-veggie @finickyfelix (sorry if anyone's been tagged already) and anyone else who wants to join!
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sing-in-me-oh-muse · 4 months
Writer Highlight from Writers Sanctuary
Each month on Writers Sanctuary, a Discord server that nurtures writers of all kinds, highlights a writer and asks them questions about their writing process. This month's writer is Chai_ki!
Ao3 Profile: Chai_ki
Fervor Lullaby was fun to write and it honestly just flowed. I think that’s why I like it so much.
Can I Take Your Last Name was my first attempt at humor and I had a ton of fun writing it.
The Cadence of Leaves was my first multi-chapter fic and even though I haven’t posted in a while, I’m on track to finish it!
What is your writing process? How do you approach a fic or original work? (e.g. Are you a Pantser? Plotter? Do you focus on dialogue before description? etc.)
Pantser, now there's a great term! I would have to say that I am definitely more of a pantser but occasionally will try to plot. Most of the time I just write as things come and hope it all flows well. 😅A lot of my ideas come from music. I usually can imagine a scene in my head during a song and then that scene grows (if I'm lucky). Original works have been hard as I have a tendency to want to over-explain things and feel like I can't get the characters back stories across well enough. That's one of the reasons I love fan fiction, those reading already know the characters so I can just dive right into the story.
What was your first story and why did you finally decide to write?
Ooo this is hard. My first ever story was one about cats I think. It was in 1st or 2nd grade. I've had random other stories since then. My first Miraculous fic was titled "Affinity" and I first posted it on Amino. It's one I would like to rewrite (and finish) at some point, but I have a few other projects to finish first. I have always loved to write and as stated in answer 1, I struggle with over-explaining my characters. I fell in love with Miraculous and then found out there was this entire community of writers and realized I had found my version of heaven. That was in 2018 and since then writing for the fandom has been one of my most relaxing hobbies.
Where is your favorite place/time/conditions to write?
This one is easy, mostly. I can honestly write just about anywhere - so long as I don't have other responsibilities to attend to in the moment. I prefer to have music playing, usually it's songs that have inspired my current work, but I can write without it as well. So long as the ideas are flowing, I'm able to write!
What is your favorite pairing, platonic or romantic, and why?
Fandom specific would be the love square. I honestly can't really say why, I just know I adore them. I think a part of it is because I see bits of myself in each character, both in cannon and fanon. I also love the dynamic between Alya and Marinette. Alya reminds me of my best friend of 25 years in so many ways and I find I end up writing from personal experience with them. In terms of anything other than my own writing, I enjoy a variety of parings and ships and enjoy seeing how other creators bring them to life. (Not fandom specific I have a few parings that I'd consider an OTP, but that would make this answer way too long. 🤣)
Do you have any thematic elements you’re interested in or that consistently show up in your writing?
To be honest, I haven't thought much about themes in my writing. I suppose my main theme is cutesy love stories, friends being there for each other. Stuff like that. I'd love to get good at writing adventure or humor, but I'm not sure I'm there yet. I do have a WIP that is an adventure story. The prompt is a Goonies/National Treasure AU I was given in the MWG for December's event. I'm struggling with it, but I also enjoy the challenge. One of my favorite tropes is friends to lovers and I feel like I use that in every story I've posted so far.
How do you deal with writer's block?
Music. Just about everything comes back to music for me. Sometimes I get disheartened if I'm stuck but I've found that listening to music, be it a new song, band or old favorite always sparks something creative.
What do you do if you have too many ideas?
I feel as though that's a normal state of living for me. 😅At any given moment some idea for something is floating around in my mind. (Along with a constant radio of song.) If one idea really sparks an interest I will hyper fixate on it, otherwise they live in my head, rent free. Truthfully, I should be noting them down somewhere...
You said that Fervor Lullaby (which is adorable) was fun and easy to write because it "just flowed." How long did writing the one shot take in that flow tate, and have you ever been able to get back into it for any other pieces?
Thank you! 🥺 Fervor Lullaby took about 3 hours in total to write. I saw the prompt and the ideas just kept coming. Ironically this story didn't have a song to spark it though I found a very fitting one to go with it once it was done. Sadly, I haven't been able to get back that fast of a flow since then and IRL stuff has limited my writing time significantly over the last 6-ish months. I hope to get back into writing more now that things have slowed down a bit. Seeing other creators is always inspiring and I am grateful for the Miraculous community!
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For the fic meme 😘
Ahhhh, you're so cute, I love you 😍😍😍😍 Thanks babe, excellent letter choices 😉
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
Ohhh, so many. Too many. I tend to get a bolt of inspiration, start writing, and then get waylaid by another idea. But one I am making some inroads in at the moment is a weird little ✨time✨ fic, but I don't want to give anything away for that. We'll see if it works out LOL
I: How many fandoms have you written in?  Do you have a favorite?
*joints start creaking* back in my LJ days I wrote for Supernatural mostly, but d(r)abbled in a few others like True Blood. But yeah, three mostly – SPN early seasons, Gilmore Girls and Hellcheer, the latter two being the only ones on AO3. I got into writing later than most and also took a massive break. Hellcheer is my absolute 100% most favourite ever, in case no-one realised 🙃
C:  How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
I'm gonna just pick one, lemme see. "Those were days of roses" is a line from the Tom Waits song Martha, which I just adore – in it an elderly man contacts an old flame to see if she remembers him. The short little fic is just a chance meeting when Eddie and Chrissy are middle-aged and haven't seen each other in 20 years. I tried to imbue the sense of melancholy from the song into the fic, but gave them a little more hope, I think.
O: What are your thoughts on people writing fanfic of your fanfic?
Uhm, sure, go for it! I don't think anyone would, I don't think any of it would particularly lend itself to it, but inspiration strikes from anywhere!
L:  Which of your fanfics was the most emotionally challenging to write?
Most of my Hellcheer stuff is a bit of fun and not really emotionally taxing, I think. But my GG fic Not Time's Fool, maybe? I wrote the spaces between canon, so trying to see how Rory and Jess could move forward with those events took a bit of meditation on my part on why they would and how they could.
E: What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
I don't know about identify, but there are some qualities in Eddie that feel like me. Or maybe that's just the Eddie I write – I probably write him lighter than canon tbh 😆 While I didn't stand on tables and act out so dramatically, I have always been someone who is a bit of a clown, who has a sarcastic comment or dumbass quip. Which fic shows that best? Fucked if I know. Maybe my New Girl fic, or Mary Jane?
(Also the sense of bottled up rage, or rage that simmers under the surface that Eddie has in some canon scenes. That's me too LMFAO)
Thanks for the ask, my love! If anyone else wants to read more waffle like this, check out the ask meme!
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hamarhemmo · 2 years
A way too long analysis/rant/review of The Rocky Horror Picture Show
I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show a few days ago and then proceeded to watch it twice more in the following days. And I have very strong feelings about it. Those feelings are almost exclusively positive, so don't worry.
This is gonna be mostly just me rambling, so maybe not the most interesting thing to read, but I had a lot of fun writing it.
Kind of a content warning before I actually start talking about it, this post will be talking about things like homophobia, transphobia and dubious sexual consent, and include swear words and (reclaimed) slurs. So if any of that bothers you, proceed with caution.
Also I'm gonna spoil the whole movie but honestly the plot isn't as important as some other things in this movie so you should watch it anyways.
I will only be talking about the 1975 movie in this post since I haven't seen the play.
For those who either don't remember or know the plot, the film centers around four people. We're first introduced to a young couple Brad Majors and Janet Weiss who get engaged in the very beginning.
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To celebrate their engagement they decide to go visit their former teacher, Dr. Scott, who taught the class they met in. However on the way there, they get lost and a tire in their car breaks. The only building nearby is a creepy-looking castle. In the castle Brad and Janet meet the owner of the castle, Dr. Frank-N-Furter, who is a self-described "Sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania". Frank tells the couple that he's been trying to make a man (like Frankenstein) and thinks that he has finally succeeded. Frank brings a man named Rocky, who is very hot but very stupid, to life, and seemingly marries him.
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In the castle there are four more important characters: Riff Raff the butler, Magenta the domestic, Columbia who just kind of hangs around, and Columbia's boyfriend/Frank's implied ex-boyfriend Eddie. Soon after Eddie's entrance Frank kills him, "out of mercy". This will be relevant in a bit.
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Janet and Brad are brought to their seperate bedrooms and soon after that Frank sneaks into Janet's room and tries to have sex with her. After some resistance she agrees to it. Soon after Frank does the exact same thing to Brad. Janet finds out about this and has sex with Rocky while Magenta and Columbia watch and have sex with each other. Aforementioned Dr. Scott comes to the castle to ask about Eddie, and it turns out that Eddie was his nephew. At this point it turns out that Frank, Riff Raff and Magenta are aliens from the galaxy of Transylvania from the planet Transsexual. A fight breaks out and Frank turns Brad, Janet, Rocky, Columbia and Dr. Scott into statues. He then moves the statues to a theater stage in his castle and dresses them up in corsets and heels. The statues are turned back into humans and perform a song and a dance.
Also they imply that Dr. Scott is a nazi who moved to America after WWII so that's interesting.
After the performance Riff Raff and Magenta enter the room, kill Frank, Rocky and Columbia and leave back to Transsexual. Brad, Janet and Dr. Scott leave the castle and I'm assuming, head home.
Yes, that is the actual plot. Wasn't that fun?
Now we can get to actually talking about this weird-ass movie.
To me the most important thing about this movie was its unapologetic queerness. Recetly there has been a decenty chunk of movies and TV shows with queer characters and themes, but none of them have really worked for me perfectly for a few reasons. These shows and movies usually either:
a) Center around the fact that the characters are queer and are almost exclusively coming out stories
b) Have queer (usually side) characters who don't really "look or act queer"
I'm not saying that either of those are bad things, but I personally find them boring and can't relate to them. I just kind of always knew I was queer and didn't have that closeted gay teenager phase that the first types of movies are usually about. These movies often also center around relationships and I didn't date at that age. The second type of movies and TV shows don't really work for me either because I do look and act queer and it's a big part of my life. So seeing a character to whom being gay doesn't really matter that much or affect them as a person, isn't very relatable to me either.
Also most of the time gay characters in shows and movies are just boring. They're either evil faggots or cute flower boys who could do nothing wrong. But because Rocky Horror Picture Show isn't really a movie about queer people, all the characters just are very queer, they have the same amount (or even more) depth as straight characters would have in a similar "regular" movie. But a straight movie with the plot of Rocky Horror simply wouldn't work. Sure, the plot would make about as much sense (which is not a lot) but the movie would lose it's meaning. If you removed all the crossdressing, gay sex and queer symbolism from Rocky Horror, it would just be a weird musical Frankenstein adaptation with aliens, cheating women and occasional incest. Doesn't really sound like a movie I would personally love.
Without it's queerness, the movie would not have the cult following it has today. Fans don't watch the movie for the plot, they watch it for representation, hot men in corsets and heels and women finding confidence in embracing their sexuality. The movie is watched because it has been giving people something they don't really get anywhere else, especially around the time the movie came out.
At this point I would love to talk about the songs. Everything from their lyrics to symbolism to just how I personally like them. The movie has around 15 songs but it's hard to say what the exact number is, since some of the songs are so short they barely count as songs, at least one song was deleted from the final product, and at some points it's unclear if it's several songs right after each other or one very long song. But I will talk about these songs in this order in this post:
Science Fiction / Double Feature
Dammit Janet
Over at the Frankenstein Place
The Time Warp
Sweet Transvestite
The Sword of Damocles
I Can Make You a Man
Hot Patootie / Bless My Soul
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me
Once in a While (a cut song)
Planet Schmanet Janet
Planet Hot Dog
Rose Tint My World
Don't Dream It
Wild and Untamed Thing
I'm Going Home
Science Fiction
So this is the first song of movie. It is technically unrelated to all of the plot and kind of just sets the vibe for the movie while also referencing many Sci-Fi movies as a kind of tribute to them. Rocky Horror is after some kind of parody of Sci-Fi and horror movies. The video during this song is just red lips sin ging. Funny enough, the lips shown belong to Patricia Quinn (actress of Magenta) but the voice belongs to Richard O'Brien (the creator of the movie and actor of Riff Raff). Kind of a fun detail if you ask me.
During the song the credits are shown and that is really what this song is for. I personally don't care for it that much, especially since I'm not just a huge Sci-Fi fan but it's a nice song that actually makes me want to not skip the credits.
Dammit Janet
Dammit Janet is the first song sung by actual characters. The song is in the very first scene and during it Brad proposes to Janet. It's a pretty cute love song, the lyrics themselves aren't too special in my opinion. But there are a few fun details in this song.
First there's kind of foreshadowing of the fact that Brad's and Janet's relationship is going to fail. Before Brad sings "The road was long but I ran it", Janet tries to kiss him but he leans away. If that was me and my girlfriend, soon to be fiancée, tried to kiss me when I was singing, I would absolutely stop for a few seconds to kiss her. Especially since he leaned away at the last second. Kissing her wouldn't have taken any time from his song. Later when Brad gives her the ring, Janet seems to care about how pretty the ring is way more than the fact that she's going to marry her boyfriend. This is a fairly common trope but still. She also says "Now we're engaged and I'm so glad that you've met Mom and you know Dad". She isn't glad that they're engaged, she is glad that Brad has met her parents.
Also the whole songs takes in place at a graveyard adn in a church preparing for a funeral service, yet they seem unaware of that. Something something ignoring the bad signs about this relationship.
ALSO in this scene you can see people from the castle. Literally what are Riff Raff, Magenta, Columbia (?) and Frank doing there?? (Also it took me too long to realize that one of them was Frank 'cause he's not wearing any make up.) But like did they plan all of this? And if they did, why?? Is there something special about Brad and Janet? Were they just trying to find random people to trick to coming into their castle?
Over at the Frankenstein Place
I sadly don't have much to say about this song. It's honestly just a bit boring to me. It doesn't really move the plot forward or anything. Though they sing about how there's a light in everyone's life and they can seen a light in the castle. Maybe they will find the light (hope) in their life from the castle. Arriving there does change their lives drastically for the better or for worse depending on how you look at it.
The Time Warp
Honestly when I heard this song, is when I was sure I was gonna like the movie. This kind of fast tempo rock is very much up my alley, especially when the lyrics are abou ignoring time and enjoying life in the present. I have always been deeply afraid of the passage of time and forgetting about it, even for a while, is always great. Also during this song we get to see Frank's Transylvanian guests. I honestly love how they look.
We also learn a little bit of Columbia's backstory. It seems that unlike Frank, Riff Raff and Columbia, she is a human. Columbia's line also implies that Frank owns a pick-up truck which is very funny to me.
The song doesn't contribute much to the plot but it's a fun jam and also taught me a cool dance (Which based on Mgenta's line later in the movie is like a common dance on Transsexual.)
Sweet Transvestite
Frank's introduction song! I love him.
Sure transvestite is technically a slur for crossdressers (is that a slur? I honestly don't know dude) but sometimes things just are like that. Also he can call himself whatever the fuck he wants. Like damn, maybe I'm a sweet transvestite too, who knows.
I'm sure many people know this already but it's pretty funny that when when you hear him say "From Transsexual, Transylvania" you would assume that he's just calling Transylvania (on Earth) transsexual for some reason. But he's just saying that he's from the planet Transsexual from the galaxy Transylvania.
Also yes, transsexual is also a slur but it fucks so I'm using it.
The Sword of Damocles
Sadly this song isn't on the official soundtrack. It's honesly great. Rocky is a silly little guy and I like hearing him sing. Funnily enough all of his songs are dubbed and that is not the actor's voice.
Rocky literally just gets born and immediately starts singing about how his life's gonna suck.
It seems like he's afraid of Frank for some reason. Maybe it's just 'cause he's a weirdo, but it could also be because Rocky has half of Eddie's brain. Maybe he like subconsciously remembers Frank literally cutting his head open.
I Can Make You a Man
When I see the title written out like that I just hear the line from Lola in my head. It's not even the exact same line, I am suffering.
This is kind of funny to listen to 'cause Frank says that Rocky weighs 98 pounds and I have literally no idea how much that is. I'm assuming it's not a lot.
Also Frank starts straight up riding the pommel horse. I sadly don't know how to make a GIF but please go watch the video, I'm begging you.
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Look at him go. Oh, how I wish that pommel horse right now. Saying pommel horse so many times in a row sounds very weird but I don't know what native speakers actually call it.
Hot Patootie / Bless My Soul
Eddie simply didn't have enough screentime. He's honestly so cool. Sure, one of the news articles says that he like killed a woman or something but shit happens. I am stupid and gay and Eddie is hot so I'm willing to forgive him.
The song, again, doesn't really contribute much to the plot but it slaps. Even the Transylvanians jam out to it.
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me
This is in my opinion pretty much the perfect song for Janet. Her whole arc in the movie is her breaking free from 70s purity culture. She has sex for the first time and realizes she really enjoys it and now she wants more. Especially the line "Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a, touch me, I want to be dirty". Earlier in the movie she was this very classic cute pure female character from a movie in the 70s and now she finally gets to do what she has probably been told not to do for her entire life.
In this song she also gets her obligatory bisexual moment, fantasizing about everyone in castle, including Magenta and Columbia.
Also someone is finally nice to Rocky :)
Once In a While
So this song was cut from the movie, at least on Disney+, but is still on YouTube and the complete soundtrack on Spotify. I don't know if the video on YouTube is the original scene but that doesn't really matter. The song is also in theatrical releases but again, I have only seen the 1975 movie.
Anyways this is Brad's only solo and it happens after he slept with Frank. It seems like he's reflecting on his and Janet's relationship and feeling quilty and/or sad about sleeping with Frank. (Apparently in theatrical versions he had also found out that Janet cheated on her.)
I don't really want to comment on this song that much because I don't know everything about it, but it does make Brad look more bisexual. In the version that I saw, there wasn't really a lot indicating that Brad was attracted to women. Of course there's Dammit Janet and the fact that they are engaged but I don't know, he just didn't really seem to be that into her. Especially with his verse in Rose Tint My World, which I'll get to in a moment. But yeah, this feels like a more genuine love song to Janet even if he never mentions her name.
Also I find it funny that Frank is just sleeping on the bed right behind him. I like to think he's actually singing this out loud in the quiet dark bedroom.
I've also seen this song being called Eddie's Teddy but it's just called Eddie on Spotify so I'm going with that.
This song really just sums up Eddie's short life. This comes a bit out of nowhere but Eddie's cool so it was actually pretty interesting to hear about his life. A very catchy song.
Also Frank implies that he's serving Eddie as their dinner so that's lovely.
Planet Schmanet Janet
Honestly I have no idea what's going on in this song but the line "A mental mind fuck can be nice" kinda slaps. So true bestie.
Planet Hot Dog
This is technically a part of Planet Schmanet Janet but it's listed as it's own song on Spotify.
Characters basically just finally acknowledge the fact that his name is literally Frank-N-Furter. Very funny if you ask me.
Rose Tint My World
My absolute favourite song from this movie. There's just so much going on. This is actually the reason I wanted to make this post.
First of all, all the characters look very hot in the corsets and heels so I definitely enjoyed that. Also they zoom in on Rocky's dick and show Columbia's titties so that is also very lovely.
Let's go over everyone's verse seperately.
First there's Columbia. She sings about how things were great when she first started hanging out with Frank but as soon as he started working on Rocky, things started to go downhill. He started giving all his attention to creating Rocky and stole hald of Columbia's boyfriend's brain. Now Frank has even killed him and Columbia doesn't have much to live for. She ends the verse with "Rose tints my world, keeps me safe from my trouble and pain". I'm assuming she's talking about the expression of wearing rose-tinted glasses aka pretending that everything is better than it actually is. At this point it's all she can do.
Second verse is Rocky's. Rocky sings about how he was born only hours ago and how the only thing he has really been taught is sex. Throughout the movie everyone just takes turns either fucking him or abusing him. And of those two things only one is widely considered to be nice. Because of this the only thing he knows to keep him safe is having sex. He ends his verse with the same line as Columbia. To him it means ignoring everything negative in his life and only paying attention to the thing that has brought him pleasure.
Brad's verse seems to be many people's favourite (that includes me). Out of the four, he seems to be the most afraid at this moment. He has found out things about himself that he did not want to know and could've lived a decent life by ignoring, but now he's forced to face the reality that he's queer. In his verse he shows disbelief that this could be happening to him. He begs for his mom to help him and wake him up from this dream, missing his days of innocence and naïvety. After falling to the floor he still says that he feels sexy, possibly for the first time in his life. To this point he has always been just an average American young man with nothing that "special" about him. Now he's dressed up in corset, fishnets, heels and make up and actually feels beautiful and wanted. He doesn't know what's come over him, since as he has probably been told, queer people are perverts, rapists and murderers and suddenly he is one of them. And he didn't get to have the slow realization and time to reflect that many others have. All of this has happened to him in one night. He doesn't sing the line "Rose tint my world" like Columbia and Rocky but it is implied. He just wants to pretend that none of this happened and everything's fine in his life. Also unlike Columbia and Rocky who just kind of stay in random poses after their verses, Brad covers himself up as seen during Janet's verse. I feel like this comment on YouTube puts it well:
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Janet's verse is pretty much the opposite of Brad's. She seems to be the only one to be genuinely thankful to Frank for opening up her world. Frank let her break free from the oppressive society and she feels more confident than ever. She also says that "[Frank's] lust is so sincere" unlike any attraction Brad has shown towards her. She also very much shows off her body in this scene, clearly enjoying the revealing clothes she's finally allowed to wear. I'm also going to mention now that in the next songs she says "God bless Lili St. Cyr". Lili St. Cyr was a famous stripper around the time. She again is happy that people like sex workers have made it more normalized to wear revealing clothes.
Don't Dream It, Be It
This is technically Frank's verse of Rose Tint My World, but again Spotify lists them as seperate songs on the ceomplete soundtrack. He starts by telling us about how when he was younger he saw Fay Wray (who was btw earlier referenced in Science Fiction / Double Feature) on TV and started to cry because he wanted to dress just like her. I'm sure this is a familiar feeling to many members of the LGBTQ community, getting gender envy as a kid from seeing an attractive person on TV.
After this he sings about how you should give yourself over to absolute pleasure, including dressing and acting however you want. He also encourages you to enjoy "the sins of the flesh". For any fellow non-Christian's out there, sins of the flesh according to Google include "sexual immorality", sensuality, orgies and "things like these". Many of these things are considered pleasurable by the vast majority of people.
After this he jumps to a pool that just is there. He tells you to be it instead of dreaming it. By it he could mean pretty much anything but I'm assuming it's just general "If you want to do something (like crossdress or have gay sex), you should do it instead of just dreaming about it and dying unhappy."
Also the floor of the pool is painted to look like Michelangelo's painting The Creation of Adam. This is slightly unrelevant but there's a fair amount of proof that Michelangelo was not straight.
After this Columbia, Rocky, Brad and Janet join him in the pool and they all start making out with each other. During this Dr. Scott manages to turn back from stone and says that they must get out of there before he also 'goes crazy' so to say. However it's too late and he reveals his leg so that the audience can see that he's also wearing fishnets and heels, becoming like Frank and the rest.
Wild And Untamed Thing
This song is still in a way part of Rose Tint My World.
Frank gets up from the pool and starts singing about how he's "a wild and untamed thing" and "a bee with a deadly sting". This part feels like it's just about Frank's personality. He is a very short-tempered nonconforming murderer. Then the rest join in on the song and now they're singing "we're a wild and untamed thing". Maybe I'm just imagining it but 5 (6 if counting Dr. Scott) bisexuals in drag on stage singing how they don't fit into society, makes it really seem like "we" means queer people.
Also a fun thing about this song is that by the end of it Rocky's actor can't keep up with the rest an he's unable to lift his legs as high as others or even jump. I just think that's a funny detail.
After this song Riff Raff and Magenta enter the room declaring that they're returning to Transsexual. They're also wearing fishnets which kind of makes it seem like this is a normal attire on Transsexual, but that's not really important right now.
I'm Going Home
This is genuinely the saddest song to me, partially because I know how it's going to end.
Frank sings about how when he left the galaxy of Transylvania, he didn't feel like he missed it. But now on Earth he has seen beautiful things including the blue sky, which possibly doesn't appear on Transsexual as it is described as the land of night. But he realizes that it's time for him to go home. At this point he imagines an audience on the empty seats in front of the stage, showing his desire to perform to large groups of people, even if they never say it out loud.
Sadly he is not going, home and he is killed immediately after the song, ending his life too early but completed.
Conclusion or something
I'm not crying, you're crying.
I feel like I've really said all I wanted about this movie. It's been really fun writing about this movie and why I love it. Though I'm surprised if anyone has actually read this far. This post is 4176 words long by the way. That's longer than my Finnish essay for school.
Thank you, if you read this and I sincerely hope that you'll watch this movie if you haven't already. ♥
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indygotcha · 2 months
Got tagged twice actually by @japanesedragonrider and @mewkwota ! Wanted to wind down today due feeling bit aimless BTW.
Favorite Color: Turquoise Blue and Orange
Last Song: Mindtrap by Blank Banshee - mostly because the lyrics and overall Death Grips-esque tone has ended uncannily befitting the psyche and mood of my latest OC I've been working on. I wanted him to be an inversion of "wet chihuahuas"/"girlfailures" seen in modern anime lately such as Bocchi/Hitori Gotou and Kobeni Higashiyama mainly through examining back to my own past regarding my experiences with ableism-based bullying and shutting off from the world. The OC that came out of that ended up becoming this lanky, "sheltered dog gone through abuse"-type dude - feeling now a lot like Asuka Langley Soryu in mannerisms but wanting everyone to stay the far fucking away from him. Funny how that works.
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Currently Reading: Haven't actually been reading much lately aside from assorted fanfics on Ao3. Some really heartwarming, some with varying degrees of spicy. I get easily drowsy reading them though, oufff. Currently Watching: G Gundam and Magical Knight Rayearth - if you've been following my rare occurrence of personal posts on my reblog-centric blog lately. Domon and Sai-Saici + Hikaru and Umi, my beloveds. (WHY OH WHY DID MISS P HAVE TO DIEeeee)
Currently Craving: Not much, I think - but I do miss my sibling, them being kept busy has left me bit lonely regarding genuine familial interactions.
Coffee or Tea: I flip-flop between both? I'm not exactly into ordinary black coffee - I seem to lean on flavoured lattes or cappuccinos more than anything. I've drank milk tea since very young and love all the flavoured types out there~ Something tells me the caffeine ain't working well with my current ADHD-medication however, might have to cut out my morning vanilla latte...
A Hobby I'd Like To Try: I've been trying to get back on drawing again lately, but it's been really hard to figure out the balance between trying to get good at it and just trying to concentrate on drawing things I find fun or like. In some respects I also feel like what I wanna draw for fun are things I can't exactly discuss in enthutiasm to someone and just have to work on in a vacuum - but IDK, maybe I'm really not making most of the support near me? (Though at times I'm afraid people are just too busy to possibly be my accountability buddies of sort regarding me sharing things and hearing their feedback...)
An AU You've Been Plotting: I'm always around mass crossover AUs - I guess because they serve as my personal sandboxes/toyboxes to explore the series I've been into that I can also categorize by medium, genre, or time period. One I've actually been trying to get out for a while now is this long-dwelling plot bunny on my head - with how I've been trying to give it a definite start and end in under 20 chapters or so. The premise with sounds really cracky and poisonously meta - except I've been staying keen on trying to tackle it as sincerely as possible. I guess I'm weird like that. To explain the premise in simple sentence, I'm taking the implied rivalry between Pokemon-anime and Animaniacs during their time on KidsWB and using it as a springboard to make main trios from those shows getting to know each other better after a major incident spurred by the latter party. This also involves a road trip to some kind of china-towny resort for localized anime stars taking a vacation in palmtree coastline-filled roads and beaches inspired by SEGA's Outrun and Hiroshi Nagai's illustrations on city pop albums in the 80s. I'm looking forward to various shows I wanna explore there for this pair of trios to interact with. Other AUs I've been messing around is Jellystone!-esque take on many characters from Golden Age of Arcades. It's been pretty fun to write more humorous, clever or plain irreverent takes on these somewhat simple arcade characters. I certainly like what I did with Ms.Pacman and the Ghost Gang + Mappy & Flicky...
Tags: @hatefilledpoptarts @tomatomagica @ogamagirl @starspatter @jupujuu @kermakatti @rex101111 @basedstoutland @zodiac-senpai @bimbelygimbly @harundraws @sonilium @kiora06 @patron-saints
You can take on this tag if you like~
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kamiko1234 · 9 months
Heyaa!! I read your big brother arthur fic a while back and i haven't said it yet but: I LOVE YOUR WRITING! The way you write the characters is so on point like omg go off, You can really capture their personalities! (especially arthur)
So for the questions thing, Howsa bout 1, 4, 5, 10, 13 and 14? Really interested to kno about the fic! Will be waiting patiently for the next update ;)
-Trancy <3!
Thank you so much for the question, and thanks even more for the compliment ! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. Tbh I was kinda nervous that I fucked up Arthur's characterisation in the Big Bro AU.. Anyway- onto the questions :
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I was trying to capture Arthur as a character if he had grown up genuinly loved. If ya think about it, Arthur is a pretty affectionate guy ! He's almost fanatically loyal to Jeremiah and the Vatican by extention, and clearly wants to have friendships & bonds with people.
It would be cool to see how his personality developed if he got to develope all this by himself without any manipulation. That's also why he's so overprotective in the fic acctualy ! He's still the same brand of loyal and trusting as in canon, just this time it's to his friends and family and not the Vatican. He's also just as obsessive, but this time it's not with being a good exorcist/being a "knight in shinning armour" but with being a good brother and keeping those he loves safe !
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
In the original fic ? "......... I won't allow them to pay for crimes they didn't commit. Even if I have to go against the entier order to do so." From chapter 2. This line is said by Arthur after he found out about the twin's father. I like it bc this shows the diffrences between canon and big bro Arthur really well. Also establishes that Arthur is loyal to people rather than institutions in this fic. If we talk abt the rewritte- the line has yet to be written and published 😅
5: What part was hardest to write?
Nothing rly, it all came to me pretty easily. But if I had to say one thing I'd say that I struggled quite a bit with the start of chapter 7 of the OG fic. Restarted that one quite a bit.
10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
I don't rly have any pairing for the fic in the romantic sense, as for the reason why I wrote it with an focus on Arthur & Rin ? They are my favs and I think they make a fun pair. I do plan on AngelLight happning in the rewritte tho (once I get off my hiatus) since I just like the ship. The two are cute together and Lewin is the best ship for Arthur imo.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I don't rly listen to music to get into the mood for it tbh. I mostly write in short and inconsistent burst of inspiration or inclination to write smth about it. What I DO have however is a spotify playlist with songs that give me big bro Arthur vibes, here's the link if ya want to listen to it. I also have an unlisted YouTube playlist with some songs in it from an idea I had of Arthur singing the twins lullabies ! Rly it's just songs I could see big bro Arthur singing for Rin and YUkio, will props include the idea in the rewritte !
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Nope. This fic is supposed to be harmless fun for all of us us. So, that conclused all the questions ! Again, thank you for sending an ask and I'm so glad you enjoyed the fic ^^ I'm trying to get off my hiatus and continue it since I rely enjoy the AU it's in. Ofcourse the fact still stands that if anyone (you included) has specific hdeacanons/wants to see a specific scenario in the fic you can tell me and I'll deffo try to include it it ^^
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5, 11, 23, 34
Thank you for asking!
5. have you ever made a playlist about something you were writing as an elaborate means to procrastinate when you could have been actually writing and if yes drop a link, son
I love music but am the absolute worst at making playlists. It's more like a song or two here and there that reminds me of a piece. I made a feeble attempt at a Ride or Die playlist just now but it makes basically no cohesion.
I will say the plot of Ride or Die is more or less hinted at heavily in the song Kaisarion by Ghost (which is also, obviously, the name of Dralla's dactillion). It's about environmental destruction and loss of autonomy from an oppressive outside force.
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And of course, what happens to Dralla in the end is... fairly explicitly written in the song.
Then Ghost treated me again, putting out another song (I See No Evil) that quite literally repeats our most beloved Pau'an's name (from this work).
I Tsi-no evil, eh?
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And I've mentioned before that I can so perfectly hear the Plainsmen throat singing similar to music from The Hu.
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
I got really lucky when I was searching for plausible ships for the Pyrefalcons to use in Fly or Fall. I needed a formidible fighting/cargo vessel that could plausibly be on Utapau around this time period, that the former Grand Inquisitor would know a bit about piloting, and it needed to be able to handle a crew of at least 5 with bunks and sonics and whatnot.
Then I found this gem:
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Okay, so even if these Gozantis were blown up, the Separatists at least had them in circulation over Utapau at some point, and it's feasible Wandering Star could have stolen one for their own purposes. The Grand Inquisitor was repeatedly shown on Admiral Konstantine's Gozanti during Rebels. He might have known enough about flying one to get by, and the plausible layouts I've found were definitely suitable for the work.
Also I once did some research for a dogfight I wrote between a Porax-38 Starfighter and the TIE Prototype Advanced v1. And honestly, the speeds these vessels are capable of in-atmosphere are insane. Marshall did some math, and realistically we never see these ships moving at speed because the TIE would get to maximum speed from a standstill in 0.01093 seconds. That's within 2.4 meters of forward travel. 20 consecutive TIE's could reach their top speed before a human could even react to the first one, and in that time it would have travelled over 2 football fields. Yet the Porax is listed as being 60X faster???
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I see now why Porax fighters were mostly piloted by droids.
Which, of course, had interesting implications in the chapter. Given a certain Wandering Star character's predilections towards droids...
23. how do you deal with writers block?
Normally I make writing a habit and try to get through at least a few sentences every time I open the document, regardless of how I'm feeling. But I'm going to be really honest here. As far as I'm aware, not a single person is up to date with my works. I have received absolutely 0 feedback for the last 7 chapters I have written. Numbers like this are extremely discouraging for something a pour my entire heart and soul into.
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And as a result, I haven't written more than a paragraph or two in weeks. I'm strongly considering stopping completely, which is why I try to do things like this to drum it up in myself to continue again.
34. how do you name characters and places?
Some of them come to me from dreams and whatnot. But for most of them, I like to use some kind of system. In Ride or Die, for example, we know Plainsmen are named after their fathers from whom they receive their marks, and borrow characters and syllables from other significant people to their parents' lives. I took a different approach with the dactillion, giving them latin-derived names because they are self-named, and the red robes of Pau'an and their armor shapes remind me of Roman aesthetics.
For places... much like names, I try to think of cultural influences and match phonetic sounds to other places on planet. But I never use name generators. I just come up with something with the right sound and mouthfeel for the character.
Like Reegale, it's like a hick accent mispronouncing "Regal". Which, given his history, is appropriate. It fits the sounds of other Pau'an names, but matches his story as the failed bastard son of a powerful gangster who is more of a common thug than his father. He has this warped sense of morality that makes him almost "gentlemanly" among his fellow gang members. But he's deeply too flawed and rash to really be a noble.
So yeah! Thanks again for asking! Here's hoping I can find the strength to keep writing through the tough times.
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kindlythevoid · 5 months
At first I was like: "Oh my gosh I don't know what to talk about, I feel like I've talked about everything already oh my goshhh"
Here is A Waltz Is Still A Waltz: The Director's Commentary.
Cut to A Waltz Is Still A Waltz: The Director's Cut Commentary below for a play-by-play of the actual story with commentary. The following, A Waltz Is Still A Waltz: The Director's Commentary is simply behind-the-scenes of the creation and intent behind A Waltz Is Still A Waltz.
A Waltz Is Still A Waltz (known as WISW from now on) was definitely inspired by one of my favorite romance songs of all time, One Last Dance by Us the Duo. It is such a pretty song and it's based off a true story and it is just so sweet, I would definitely recommend listening to it (I'll put the spotify at the bottom for easy access). So anyway, I have these two Star Wars characters, right? Right. And I'm writing away at the OC-insert, but writing takes so long and these two characters are nowhere near meeting, but I like writing snippets that hopefully end up in fully-fledged chapters.
But I'm listening to this song and I'm listening (and mind you this happened a while ago so I really have no clue) and I try to write snippets as soon as they come to me or else they're gone forever, so I write down this little snippet. The whole thing is only a few hundred words and is supposed to be about them dancing alone on a warm night in their ship, just a cute little moment.
Two Problems with that.
One: Oh my gosh how do you write ppl that are dancing but not even dancing?? I sure as heck don't know which is why out of the (double checks) 736 words I wrote down, a grand total of 153 of them are about them dancing. Two paragraphs. I spend more time on them actually getting the tapes to play this music than I do on them actually, physically dancing. (I checked, it's 154 vs 153. Like!!! What???)
Do I have the power to go back and write more about them dancing? Yes.
Two: I haven't really?? Written the characters all that much?? Like Kirsi, definitely, we have some solid chapters down. Miikka?? I think I finally nailed down whether or not he was a ginger (a very defining feature, mind you) like, last month. Miikka has vibes right now. I don't know if that translates over to a fully-fleshed out personality.
Two-and-a-half-but-technically-Three: I don't?? write in Star Wars?? I've always wanted to, but a lot of fanfic writers are so good at navigating the universe and just throwing in (COMPLETELY CANON!!!) nonsense words for ordinary objects?? So I sit there gobsmacked trying to figure out the freaking parts of a spaceship that doesn't exist to write better. This whole thing is really just me trying to write Star Wars. I may have gone overboard.
Okay, here's the thing. I got a little over-excited about the music. If you were to ask me what this story is about, I would say "Oh, these two space travelers, my OCs Kirsi and Miikka, finally get some down time and get to know each other better before they're officially together." You, reading this now, now know this is merely the lie I tell myself to sleep at night. This is, in fact, a list of music and my very earnest attempt at making a fic Sound Like Star Wars. (how well it worked?? ...mmm.... debatable, I'll leave it up to the masses (all 8 ppl who looked at the piece I love y'all and would risk it all for y'all))
But mostly it's just about the different genres of music to be found in Star Wars.
Because I spent too. many. hours researching Star Wars music (to find waltz!! because surely Star Wars would have a different word for "waltz"!!!!!!) not to put everything I learned in a grand total of (double checks) 242 words out of the previously aforementioned 736.
Q: After hours and hours of searching, would you like to know what I learned?
This, and the fact that the beloved soon-to-be couple only very crappily dance the waltz, is the core reason behind the name for the story: A Waltz (no matter how badly done, no matter what universe it comes from) Is Still A Waltz
But maybe you're here for A Waltz Is Still A Waltz: The Director's Cut Commentary.
(a la ASMR) Let's dive in, shall we?
Paragraph One: This is mainly just setting the scene. You can tell by the way I drop in the spaceship parts that I'm dipping my toes into the greater Star Wars dialogue. I am also setting up the reason that Miikka and Kirsi, our main characters, will be alone this evening despite their being a part of a whole crew. It is unclear what part of their journey this takes place in, but it can be safely assumed that it is still early on, as Miikka and Kirsi are not officially together at this point and Kirsi is still mostly working for the Rebellion under orders.
Paragraph Two: Here, I try to expand the world of Star Wars to include the people in it who are not, in fact, great heroes or the Skywalkers. As the longest paragraph in the piece, it is merely my love of giving the worlds to the ordinary people that live in it, as well as my heavy implication that the Crew of the Judgement Day can (and, perhaps, will) form a band in their free time. This is left up the discretion of the viewer, however, until I otherwise feel like it.
Paragraph Three: Transition. Going for montage, not doing a great job of it. One of these days I'll go back and beef it up a bit, but for right now it is left vague and up to the reader's imagination. My apologies, reader.
Paragraph Four: I went through the whole of Wookiepedia's many, many pages on Star Wars music. I had to write the word jizz in front of jazz because that's what it is. I must do all of this with a straight face. However, I also take the time to establish more of Miikka's character through his diverse music taste. This will help me in the future, although I cannot say how.
Paragraph Five: Here, I begin by continuing my foray into fake engineering by naming random parts of a ship that sound feasible. I do my best to consult Wookiepedia as well as using my best judgement to gauge what would actually get hit in a dogfight in space, but alas, I hate math, so here we are. I continue the idea of a montage for the audience and randomly reference a story to give the montage some weight/gravity (as in realistic, not as in serious). Unfortunately, I have no idea what story Miikka's is referring to because I have not come up with it yet. I eagerly await the day my creative juices flow properly that I might find out what it is.
Paragraph Six: In this paragraph, I try to account for Kirsi's alternate biology, as whether or not she actually has something passing for ears appears to still be up for debate. It has been brought up that they may use some form of echolocation. I don't delve into it here, but I try to be conscious of this fact as I'm writing from her POV as a Togrutan. Also, I love the feeling of heavy bass coming through the speakers in a car, and the way the whole car can shake, so I thought I would try and convey that here for some sense of reality/relatability in a spaceship.
Paragraph Seven: I need to work on Miikka's personality.
Paragraph Eight: Symphonic, in my opinion, is a lovely word. If I remember correctly, I almost used it twice in the same sentence. I know they say that you don't always have to go to a thesaurus, but damn if it isn't my BFF when I write.
Paragraph Nine: I like using parentheses for inner thoughts for some (but not all!) of my characters. I use it for other stories, but I don't believe they are posted. The only one that comes to mind is Dean's POV from Mara's story, but that is a long, long way from being finished. This is also my attempt at some relatable humor. Whether anyone other than me thought it was funny is up for debate, but I thoroughly enjoy it.
Paragraph Ten: Kirsi, I have decided, has a thing for gingers. Whether she knows this yet is up for debate.
Paragraph Eleven: I'm so down for consent questions. Nothing better. Also the juxtaposition of dirty-tired-mechanic Miikka with refined-polished-questions is *chef's kiss*.
Paragraph Twelve: THEY'RE FINALLY DANCING!! I personally love the idea of Miikka acting as a gentleman and recognizing that Kirsi can do whatever the hell she wants. I also love the idea that Kirsi recognizing this fact and choosing to stay with Miikka. (bc she loves him but neither of them know this yet shhh)
Paragraph Thirteen: Kirsi is crushing so hard and she doesn't even know it. But also the thought of dancing for fun when you aren't good at it?? Or even just swaying in place with the music?? Makes me melt every time. I really do need to go back and add more to this, just because I think it's sweet and the paragraphs are looking really thin. :/ Mixed feelings. Short and sweet? Or Sweet but too short??
Paragraph Fourteen: Oooh, not the beginning of "it doesn't feel like other people when it's you" that introverts understand. IDK if Kirsi is actually an introvert but the idea of Miikka becoming one of her inner inner circle is approaching and I watch it crash hit like a comet with great interest!
Paragraph Fifteen: Yeah, I definitely tried to lean into Togrutan biology this time. Leaves you in the middle of the action, but I think it's a nice ending.
And, yeah, thank you so much for joining me. I know that was a lot, with me going off on the story (negative) for the first half and then me going off on the story (positive) for the second half. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read through it (and/or the story itself) and go on this venture with me. <3
I won't promise that every Director's Cut will be this lengthy, but I hope it was entertaining at the very least! :)
The Void
P.S. Below are links to the story (again) as well as the song referenced earlier (One Last Dance by Us the Duo)
P.P.S. I almost forgot! While the initial story was most likely created under the aforementioned song, a majority, if not most of, the editing was done under the repeated listening of the Up theme song, which, if that doesn't tell you something about the story, I don't know what will, ha ha!
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galvanizedfriend · 5 months
32, 33, 36, 37 for the ask game ♥️
Hi, friend! How's it going?
Do you have a word/expression that you always use in your writing?
I'm sure I have several. 🤔 I tend to get attached to certain words or expressions because English is not my first language and then I repeat them often and I'm aware of that as I do it, but I can't think of anything in particular right now lol If I had to guess, it's probably something Klaus says to/about Caroline. I always run wild with the way he talks about her, he's so extra. I'm sure I must have repeated myself. 😂 But I have the memory of a dead fish lol I'm sure it will come to me at like 3 in the morning when I'm in bed, trying to sleep.
Give your writing a compliment.
Oh man 😂 I don't know how to compliment myself lol I guess my writing is kinda decent? Could do with some improvements, maybe some beta-reading, but it's ok? Ish? Maybe? I don't know 😂
I like to think I have a good humorous vein in writing, obviously when I'm writing stuff that's more on the lighthearted side (like the romcom stuff), and I think I write a good Elijah? I don't know if those are true, it's just what I feel in my heart 😂 I'm usually proud of my Elijah, and I feel like he's a difficult one to get right. I also always try very hard to do good adaptations when I'm writing AUs, especially human AUs. Doesn't matter the setting or the type of story it is, I do very meticulous work in picking the characters so their personalities will match and they won't be just random OOC people thrown in with a name slapped on them for convenience. I also draw parallels to canon, bring in lots of references, sometimes even little comments. I like for things to still be recognizable regardless even if it's a completely different world, and I think that makes for better stories, especially with AUs. I don't know if anybody ever notices that, but yeah, that's something I personally feel I do a decent job with.
How do you come up with fic titles? What's the one you're most proud of?
Fic titles are the woooooooooorst! I suck at titles, I think I hate almost all of mine. I usually take them from songs, some I tweak a little, but yeah, it's mostly from music. But I usually regret them. Like The Wolf. What was I thinking?
My favorite fic title is probably Vice & Virtue or The Sound of Settling. Gasoline is a little stupid, but I really think it fits the story, at least in my head it does.
Do you research before writing or while you write? Is it fun or boring for you?
I do! I research for everything, even tiny details within stories, even if it's just to write a single line of information, I do some research. I once spent hours using google street view to find the building they use as the compound in The Originals just so I'd know exactly where it's located and what one would see if they looked out the window or stepped out on the balcony (it's Royal St. 837, if anyone's curious). I do a lot of research, yes. Sometimes it's more basic stuff, just to get a date or name or random bit of info right, sometimes it's more in depth. I like doing it, but at the same time it's so distracting. I can sometimes spend hours on research and then before I know the day is over and I haven't written anything. 🙃
Thank you so much for your asks! Have a lovely week! ✨
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heredis-sanguinis · 6 months
- Tagged by: @piltover-sharpshooter & @shimmerbeasts -
-Under 'Read More' for length-
What made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? He's one of my absolute fave League champions. There were hardly any out there and I dipped by finger in that sanguine pool for a moment and got pulled in instantly. To me he has a ton of potential to be fleshed out, that I hope to put down in writing. Riot seems to forget the 'unpolished' gem they have created at times. Especially since he seems to always end up as a joke to people in the community and even the playerbase, and easily gets ignored that way. Or at least in my experiences. The amount of times I've heard jokes like 'discount-ripoff-Lestat/Dracula/vampire/-clown are too.fucking.many...
Is there anything you don’t like to write? Slice of life stuff... I just don't get any motivation to keep anything going in that genre. The same goes for modern verses? I just don't get inspiration for anything on my muses for this either. And not even because I dislike them or anything, it just doesn't mesh with my brain.
Is there anything you really enjoy writing? A n g s t It comes naturally to me, with little effort. And considering how swamped my schedule is, this is a blessing. Though I am not that fuzzed about what genre I'm writing in. I enjoy most things, as long as there is something that moves forward. Development and something to work with to continue that pace and progression are absolutely <3
How do you come up with headcanons? Inspiration from other sources Trying to look behind the basic lore and colour stories, but also look at any potential related characters or other sources and see if anything meshes with Vlad. Like, besides his own lore, I also looked at Noxian lore, Camavoran lore, Viego/Kalista/Hecarim, the Blessed Isles, Ruination, the Darkin and so on.
Do you write in silence or do you play music? I write mostly with something playing in the background. This could be any relatable music to my muses. Or just any of my playlists. A Youtube series I'm watching/listening to. While at work I tend to write down keywords if something comes to mind, and then at home I'll see what comes out of it. (if I remember that I wrote something down)
Do you plan your replies or wing them? I wing them, 99%, mostly. I don't really enjoy planning out every step of muses interactions and relationships. And besides, Vlad is not one to let his life and actions be dictated as easily. He does as he pleases and so too do I write him.
Do you enjoy shipping? I am a shipping whore, but I am very passive in seeking anything in this regard due to really bad experiences where I got accusted of only seeking out interactions for ships, just because I like some characters together. Like, my absolute otp is VladVayne, but I never interacted with any Vayne for the shipping reason. I enjoy their antagonistic dynamic potential a lot too, but yeah stuff happened and now I just tend to not bother to seek interactions. It's a good thing Vlad is not an easy character to ship with, so that saves me a lot of issues as well in this regard.
What’s your alias/name? Cella
Age? 36
Birthday? May 20th
Favourite color? I have several: Black, red, green and purple
Favourite song? This changes whenever it does, But currently it is 'The Skies Above' by The Black Mages
Last movie you watched? I can't remember. It might have been a horror movie when I went to my bestie, sometime last year, to watch 'something'. But I have slept since then, and just don't remember a title.
Last show you watched? I think that has to be Hazbin Hotel? I don't watch a lot of series or shows. Heck, I haven't watched TV properly in a decade now. And rarely go online to watch anything.
Last song you listened to? 'Oblivion' by Masayoshi Soken (Yes, it is another Final Fantasy XIV song)
Favourite food? Listen, I love food, so I don't really have one specific dish or type that I consider a 'fave'. So I'll give a couple: sushi, steak (rare, I need it to bleed), chips (fries for you USA lot), kebab and ice cream (lemon being my absolute fave flavour)
Favourite season? W I N T E R No sun, no spiders (severely arachnophobic), no skin-blistering heat. What's not to love? And if I'm cold, I just. wear. another. layer. of. clothing.
Do you have a Tumblr best friend? Quite a few. Shoutout to @angelicxlly @piltover-sharpshooter @thegoldentigress @weapon-turned-jack These four have been with me through thick and thin for several years now. I love them dearly and they're precious to me. Heck, Monkey-brain-sharpshooter is practically my clone. Literal spiderman-meme stuff there and it gets creepy at times how much we act and think and say alike...
Tagging: You, yes you! I don't know who has been tagged or has done this already. But consider this your tag now~
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