#I need some crumbs it’s been so long since we’ve had a feast
the-crows-typist · 4 years
Hello Lemilia-san, ficlet with Trey x f!reader and the word “cuddle”? Pretty please with cherry on top? 🥺
The Possibilities are Endless
EDIT: Thank you to my wonderful friend @starry-eyes-inc for helping me with grammar mistakes and spelling. Your help means a lot.
EDIT 2: CW warnings for betrayal, death and blood towards the end.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be with you soon.”
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The roses of the red queen’s kingdom smelled of perfumed paint as the white clad royal walked through the garden, the rich red still wet and dripping down the once white petals. One would often wonder why the red queen, the darling and eccentric sister she was, would never switch to red roses instead of bathing white ones in red. 
“It’s a tradition to paint the blossoms red on the day of the Unbirthday party.” She would reason, stuffing a tart of berries into her mouth one evening. “I see, dear sister.” Her sibling, the gentle white queen, nodded her head and took a small bite of the savory dish in front of her. “Then, I shall visit you on the day of the party. It has been a while since we’ve had a nice tea party together.”
The red queen’s eyes widened in glee and she took her sister’s hands in her own, staining her gloves with sweetened crumbs. She had always forgotten her manners when she was excited. “That would be absolutely wonderful, sister. Oh, I can’t wait to see you. You will absolutely love the party!”
The grass was soft and the guards ran about around her. To the entrance of the maze, a chamberlain stiffened and bowed his head. His hair was a dark, mossy green; his eyes were fierce yellow in a kind gaze, and a clover birthmark on his left cheek. A card. 
“Good afternoon, your Majesty. I am Clover, I have been assigned to bring you through the maze to the party.”
“Clover. That’s a nice name.” The white queen bowed to the guard with a soft smile that graced her lips. “I was not informed that cards have been added to her royal guard.” She began, his eyes widening as she spoke in a soft and meek voice. “Oh, please do not be frightened, it is a surprise, yes, but it is a welcomed one. It is a pleasure to be of your acquaintance, Sir Clover.”
The guard blinked his eyes owlishly before letting out a small laugh. “No need to be so kind, my lady. I am but a simple guard with a task to fulfill.”
“A formed connection can last a lifetime no matter how short the journey is. Walk with me, let us see my sister together.” He nods his head, going down on one knee with a hand on his chest. “Yes, my queen.” The two walked together through the garden of roses, the happy voices from both party goers becoming louder and louder with each step. “How long have you been here, Clover? From the looks of it, this is our first time attending the red queen’s birthday party.”
The guard laughed, his shining armor clicking and tapping as he walked next to her. “I’ve only been here for a few months at most, my lady. Although we celebrate it in the Kingdom of Cards, I’ve never been one to attend it. Well, since it was something only the nobles took part in. Or at least, those that the queen fancied.” A fascinated sound left her lips and a hand rose to pat him on the back, making three soft metallic taps. “I see. Then, this will be a new experience for the both of us. I think you’ll absolutely love the food, my sister’s cooks are wonderful at what they do.” 
A hedgehog ran between their feet, tea was spilled, and the joyous laughter of the guests was loud and merry. The mix of red and black contrasted the white clothing, something the queen noticed and laughed at. “Oh, I knew I should have heeded my sister’s warning about wearing white. She said it would be an exciting event, but not this exciting.” The red queen and some guards laughed together, eating good food, and drinking smooth drinks. 
Clover looked around in awe, his fellow guards being merry in their own table, the queen’s gentry dancing around to music played by happy villagers. “Go on,” She says, patting the knight’s back once more. “I can walk myself to my sister, enjoy the party.” 
“Sister, you’ve come! Oh, and just in time too.” The red queen jumped into her sister’s arms, prompting her to twirl her sister around with a shared laugh. “I see you’ve gone with Clover, did you? What do you think, isn’t he adorable? Isn’t he so handsome??”
“He is. A little shy, I’ll say.”
“Well, our kingdoms are extremely different from his own. All those odd rules and angry tempers.” A slice of warm bread was handed over. “But no matter, I’m sure he’ll get used to how things work here soon.” Clover laughed with his fellow guards, a cupcake in his hand. The two caught each other’s eyes and shared a small wave and a smile. 
“He likes you.” Her sister nudged their shoulder. “He really does.”
“Oh, stop it and eat your tarts sister.”
“I will but I will not take back what I said!” 
The day came to a close as people began filtering out of the rose maze and back to their stations. The red queen still conversed with the guards and Clover stayed by her sister’s side. “What a feast that was. I couldn’t think I’d eat another turkey leg.” 
“I enjoyed the quiche; my compliments to the chef.” He was tired from the party, but the queen could see the faintest traces of smile marks on his cheeks. He enjoyed himself, she was sure of it. 
“Let’s take a walk, shall we? All this food would go to waste if I were to just sleep after this.” A hand was held out to him, one he hesitantly took in his own. The two walked hand-in-hand deeper into the maze of roses and took in the sounds of nature around them. The small, scurrying sounds of pink and blue hedgehogs, the cats that would jump over head, and the birds that tweeted and sang their beautiful songs. In the silence, the queen felt peace.
“My queen, may I ask something of you?” 
“Yes, Sir Clover?” 
The shy knight looked down at his hands, lips pursed into a thin line. “What you said before…Do you believe that it’s true, that connections can last a lifetime?” His grip tightened in her hand but loosened when the monarch’s other hand draped itself over his. 
“I do. Very much.” A smile, a very sweet one, was on her lips. Something Clover came to like despite their short time together. A sad smile was on his face as he straightened his back. “Let’s continue on, your majesty.” 
The two soon reached the center, a large fountain running its water in the very center of the garden. The queen leaned down, dipping her fingers into the cool water with Clover behind her. “I’ve been meaning to ask, Clover. What prompted you to ask such a question?”
He took a deep breath in. “In my line of duty, I can easily be taken out should we be under siege.” A hand on his sword and gripped tightly at the handle “A siege?! But my sister and I are on good terms. I don’t think a siege would possi—”
Pain bloomed in her side as Clover’s sword was thrust through her and out her back, his eyes  held a pained ferocity as the two of them fell into the fountain and stained the clear water red. A gasp left her lips in a hitch, her eyes wide in horror and surprised as the pain began coursing through her body. “You—”
 “The more you struggle, the sooner your end will be met my queen.” Clover’s voice was strained in her ears. The cold water made her shiver and suddenly it was hard to breathe. The iron taste of blood touched and flooded out her tongue. His eyes were closed shut, his stomach painful with fear and anticipation for the worst, the seething words, the insults, the wishes of death.
But it never came.
A hand rose from the water and fingers on Clover’s neck, wetting his hair and his armor. “You enjoyed the party, right? You said you liked the quiche.” 
His lips quivered, he was close to tears in front of her.
“It was delicious.” 
Her other hand joined at his neck, her eyes were half lidded. She felt so tired. “I’m happy that you had fun before you were forced to do such a laborious task. Knowing the queen of hearts, I’m sure she’ll make you do another one.” A cough and blood splattered onto his shoulder. Though she couldn’t see him, her face was sorrow stricken with teeth grit against her neck. “You know, Clover, the sky looks very nice from here…So very blue.”
“It’s alright. I understand why it needed to be done. After all, the orders of the queen are absolute.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said I believe that a connection formed can last a lifetime. In fact, it can last more than that.” A small laugh left her blood soaked lips. “Who knows, if fate may have it…I’ll see you again.”
“Will you forgive me even then, my queen?”
“I’ve forgiven you now and I will forgive you again…”
Her eyes were slowly closing as Clover moved to look at her face as she died underneath him. She was pulled up into an embrace, water trailing down her cold body. The two relishing each other’s warmth. “Then I will wait for you. I will wait until I see you again.”
“I will see you very soon.” The queen said, smiling up at him. “Do not worry.”
“I will be waiting, my queen.”
The darkness swirled and Clover’s sad smile was the last thing the white queen saw. 
The shifting of covers, her eyes opened in the darkness of a bedroom. In her arms, Trey cuddled into her chest and his breathing soft and deep. The sound of rain pelted against the window of their bedroom. There was a report of a strong storm passing through the area, the howling winds rattled against the window. Trey’s grip tightened before he grumbled himself awake. 
“Did I wake you?” she asked with a soft voice.
Trey remained quiet before he assumed his old position, cuddling into her chest and going back to sleep. A kiss to his forehead and the covers were pulled up to provide them more warmth. The two cuddled, sharing each other’s warmth in the spine chilling cold of the storm overhead.
She reminisced on the dream, its memory soon fading with each passing second. She cuddled close to Trey, pressing another kiss to his forehead, and as soon as she closed her eyes, the shine of a clover shaped mark appeared on his cheek  and disappeared quickly.
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padfootmadfoot · 3 years
Sirius Black- Graduation
Graduation By Benny Blanco, Juice Word (A song I will be playing in five months!)
It’s Graduation day! Wonder where it’ll take Sirius and Madilyn
Word Count- 2.1K
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“Get up get up get up!” Lily Evans shouted jumping out of her bed in excitement, the first excitement in days, week or even months in hogwarts.
“What do you want Lily,” Marlene moaned, covering her head with her pillow, Madilyn did the same, ignoring Lily.
“We graduate today, no more classes no more anything, we’re free from classes with McGonagall and going to the slug club, how are you guys not happy!” The girl cried out jumping off her bed, rattling the floor.
“We graduated!” Madilyn smiled, pushing her blankets off her head, she felt happy, the war fell out of her mind and she looked up at Lily with a smile, almost falling asleep.
“We need to get ready, oh Merlin, I have to wake the boys, I have to go see James!” Lily chuckled grabbing her sweater and tossing it over her head. “Are you coming to see Sirius?” She was Madilyn.
Madilyn and Sirius had started dating just the end of fifth year, after almost everyone is hogwarts thought they were dating, they gave it a chance, a rocky start but almost three years and they were graduating together, today.
“Yeah Yeah, i’m coming,” Madilyn cracked, fully waking up. “I still can’t believe you and Potter are dating, never would I thought i’d see the day,” She chuckled as the two walked out of the room, leaving Marlene and Alice to sleep just a little bit more.
The two girls walked quickly down the hall, careful to not wake anyone else up they got to the boys room, expecting four sleeping boys.
“We graduate!” James Potter yelled pulling Lily into the room, Sirius stood at the door as well, taking his girlfriend into a long hug, admiring her touch, then planting a kiss on her lips.
“We made it love, a lot of detentions but we did it,” Madilyn chuckled planting one more kiss on her boyfriends lip. The two looked over in the room, the boys enchanting Balloons to float in the air and confetti to fly all over the room.
“You like it, I came up with the idea,” Peter chuckled, laying back in his bed and admiring his work, Balloons popped every couple minutes, causing everyone to jump then laugh.
“It is spedice Remus, but we boys should be getting ready,” Remus pipped up getting out of his bed. “And i’m sure girls take a lot longer to get ready then boys,” Everyone laughed at his joke.
“You’ve surely never met James and Sirius before then, they take like five hours making their hair perfect to just go to class,” Lily chuckled, the room was filled with laughter and smiles, something that everyone hoped to last long.
Lily and Madilyn eventually left, going back to their room, Alice and Marlene were up now, slowly getting ready for the day.
“You know what!” Madilyn yelled walking into the room. “Fuck everyone who was ever a ass to us in Hogwarts, and hope that we never have to see their faces again!”
“You fucking know it!” Alice chuckled crawling off her bed. “And fuck all the detentions we got for no good reason,”
“Fuck all the times we fell off the moving stairs!” Marlene went on following all the girls train of thoughts.
“And fuck Hogwarts, and may our future children to better in this school then we did,” Everyone laughed, walking around the room, grabbing everything they needed for the day ahead of them.
“Have you guys seen my black heels, I need them, they match my dress,” Marlene's voice was muffled as she was halfway deep into her closet.
“They’re in my closet, one second,” Madilyn shouted back, digging herself out of her closet with Marlene's black heels in her hand. “You let me borrow them last week with my date with Sirius,” She tossed them on Marlene's back.
“Stop asking for stuff when i’m sleeping, you know I always will say yes,” Marlene hummed taking her heels with a dress drapped over the side of her.
Everyone laughed knowing what Marlene was talking about, whenever the girls wanted something of Marlens they’d wait tell she was sleeping to ask, since she’d love sleep she’d do anything to get back to her sleeping.
“How does this dress look, I think it matches my hair?” Lily asked slipping the rest of her dress on, the three girls turned around, looking at Lily who was wearing a peak pink dress, her hair falling down.
“You look wonderful Lily, I am so excited for today,” Madilyn smiled slipping on her dress, the girls all wore the dresses they bought last week. Lily a peak pink, Madilyn a light blue long sleeve, Alice wearing a babybel purple and Marlene a long dark green dress.
“We all look so cute!” Alice squealed running her hands though Madilyns hair then walking out the door. “I’m going to see Frank, i’ll be back,” she called out leaving.
“I hear that their is a rocking party tonight, you bet you guys are coming ot it with me,” Marlene said down on her chair infront of a mirror letting her hair curl with her wand.
“And you know that we’re forgetting all about our problems, tonight is about freedom and success,” Lily smiled walking out of the room. Madilyn followed slightly after her, running into Sirius on the way.
“Hello Gorgeous,” Sirius was wearing a black tux, his hair falling down to his shoulders, Madilyn was starstruck by his appearance, loving everything about him. His hands wrapped around Madilyn, pulling her closed, his hands landing on her ass.
“Hello to you to, looking very nice I see,” Madilyn smiled, looking up at Sirius whos hands laid on her ass, looking into her eyes.
“Come on, I bought you something,” Sirius’ hands left her ass, taking her hand and dragging her down the stairs, into the common room, where a little box laid on the couch.
“What is this?” Madilyn asked smiling at Sirius then looking back at the box, it was a medium sized, with horrible wrapping and lots of tape.
“I got you a graduation present, you’ll love it open it,” Sirius sat down beside the box, pulling Madilyn onto his lap.
She took the box in her hand, unwrapping it slowly, revealing a small camera, with rolls of film placed all around it.
“Sirius,” She whispered in disbelief, looking at the camera, taking it out of the box and turning it around, she smiled, placing the camera gently back in the box, then turning to Sirius hugging him tightly. “I love it and I love you,”
Madilyn smiled at his words. “I love you too, a lot Sirius,” Madilyn rested her forehead on Sirius’ chest, admiring his smell.
“Hey lovebirds we should get going down to the great hall, before we miss the feast,” Marlene chuckled walking down the stairs, soon came after and Alice and Frank, Remus and Peter then Lily and James, all dressed up fancy and nice.
The nine of them walked down the stairs, every one of them excited, smiling with the other dressed up people in the halls.
“I’m gonna miss talking to the paintings at night,” Madilyn admiring looking at the moving painting that stood on the wall. “All the light night sleep walking,” She chuckled making everyone laugh.
“We’ve got passed so many detentions with that excuse,” James smiled nudging Madilyn making her laugh, that was always their go to excuse when out at night, she was gonna miss the pranks in the school.
Everyone got into the great hall, some in uniform and others dressed down and looking fancy, especially the group.
“Hello Gryffindors,” McGonagall smiled walking towards the nine of them, Sirius stepping up first with a smile.
“It was nice to be teached by you, and i’m sure that you’ll miss the nine of us,” Sirius smiled blowing a kiss at McGonagall, making Madilyn chuckled. “You’ll miss me the most won’t you Minnie,”
McGonagall let out a slight smile looking back Madilyn. “You’ve got a full life with this one Miss Madilyn, I wish you the best of luck,” Everyone chuckled, watching McGonagall walk back to her seat the nine sat down at the Gryffindor table.
“Good morning students and graduates!” Dumbledore roared walking to the stand. “I wanna congratulate everyone who will be graduating this afternoon, a hard seven years pays off tonight!”
The room roared in clapping and cheering. “This is the best day ever dont you think,” Madilyn said to her friends with a smile. Sirius and James were already digginging into the food, not caring about the mess they could be making on their dress robes.
“Bloody hell Sirius, look at your suit,” Lily shook her head and took out her wand. “No more eating until tonight,” The crumbs that laid on his tux. 
Breakfest soon was done, and the nine took off, they had no idea what to do, since their was no class and nothing until tonight.
“Hogsmeade, we could go to hogsmeade, i’m sure James could get us some drinks with the cloak and we can have a blast of a after party,” Sirius suggested smirking. “Madilyn and I have somewhere to be,” Sirius grabbed Madilyns hand and dragged her away.
“Where are you taking me Sirius,” Madilyn chuckled following Sirius who was practically trying to run is Madilyn hadn’t been pulling the boy back.
“I wanna show you something, another gift,” Sirius smiled kicking open the astrology door and letting go of Madilyns hand. “I’ll be up there in a second, wait for me okay darling,” Sirius planted a kiss on Madilyns cheek then took off running.
Madilyn was confused of her boyfriends secretivity but she proceeded up the stairs, looking around at the portets who blew kisses at the girl, until she got to the top, where a pile of roses laid, and Sirius with a bouquet in hand.
“I love you Mad, you know that,” Sirius said with a smile, Madilyn was confused, looking around, her heart beated for that boy, she was in love with.
“I love you too Sirius, what is this?” Madilyn asked, Sirius dropped the bouquet gently on the floor and walked over. 
“Move in with me tonight, I could have your stuff in my house with a flick of my wand, I love you and I know I want you in my future,” Sirius planted a firm kiss on Madilyns lip.
She looked at Sirius after, admiring his face, his hands on her waist and his repair breathing. “Well then I guess you’ll have to flick your wand,” Madilyn brightly smiled, but was cut off by the bells in hogwarts ringing.
“Come on, the ceremony, the boys are gonna love to hear about this!” Sirius grabbed Madlyns hand again, pulling her down the stairs.
The pair ran in the hallway, laughing and happy, knowing in a couple years they’d still be dating, living together and living their best lives.
“There you two are!” Lily shouted pulling James away from her, his hair was a mess and he had a smile on his face.
“We’re moving in together, tonight!” Sirius shouted, and never had Madilyn or Lily seen two guys jump at excitement on each other.
“The ceremony is starting you four, get in line,” McGonagall pipped up walking passed the ground. The four met up with Remus and Marlene, Peter, Alice and Frank.
“Here goes nothing,” Alice whispered nervously, they awaited, watching McGonagall unravel the list of names.
“Alice Fortescue ,” McGonagall called out, a spring of energy went through Alice, as she looked back at her friends then forward, walking and waving her hand, people cheered, especially Marlene, Lily and Madilyn who cheered the loudest for their friend.
“Frank Longbottom!” Frank went nice, the boys all clapped, making Madilyn and Lily cover her ears since they were so close.
“Remus Lupin!” Remus stuttered to walk but Sirius pushed him making the group laugh and scream, getting looks from McGonagall as they were being so loud.
“Madilyn Seer!” Sirius planted a kiss on Madilyns cheek quickly, pushing her forward a bit.
“Congratulations Miss Seer,” McGonagall whispered handing her parchment, Madilyn nodded her head and walked away, Remus instantly taking her into a hug.
“You and Sirius are moving in together?”  Remus smiled letting Madilyn go so she could greet everyone else.
“Sirius Black!” Sirius walked out, acting cocky, blowing one kiss at McGonagall then walked over to Madily, bringing her into a tight hug.
“Peter Pettigrew!” James practically shover Peter on stage, making him giggled as he received his parchment.
“Lily Evans!” Lily walked out, her face blushed, nodded her head then practically jumping on Madilyn, Alice and Remus.
“Marlene Mckinnon!” 
“James Potter!” 
The nine stood around, as the rest of the year sevens were called out, all happy to be together, happy to all have each other in their lives and hoping for the best years in the future.
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baronessblixen · 6 years
Thanksgiving. Stranded on a case. How does that go?
Let's pretend Thanksgiving in season 7 was somewherearound "Hungry". Tagging @today-in-fic
Happy Thanksgiving!
Cold Turkey
"Scully, I'm sorry."
He's said it at least a hundred times now,repeating the sentiment every five or ten minutes. As if she could forget it. Muldervaries it each time, puts some additional flavor in; sometimes adding her name,sometimes saying he's really sorry or very sorry. No matter how often heparrots the words, though, they don't change anything.
"Can you just stop?"
"You mean driving?"
"I mean apologizing."
"Oh. Sure, I can do that. I'm sor-,"Scully gives him a look and she sees him swallow the rest of the word."I'm sore," he says, his face almost triumphant. "From all thedriving, you know," he adds as though it would make her believe it. Shenods anyway, giving him this.
To be fair, they have been driving four hours, tryingto make it home after all. She's finally decided to give up. In Arkansas. Mulderoffered to keep driving until they made it home, but there's no use to it. Evenif she let him – and with his still fairly recent head injury she reallydoesn't want him to forego sleep – they'd never make it back in time forThanksgiving dinner. Her stomach grumbles, reminding her that she hasn't eatenin hours. It's not late yet, but the roads are empty. Everyone is home,celebrating, stuffing their faces, spending time with loved one. Mulder andScully are alone, in some shady motel in Arkansas.
They're the only ones here today.
"Don't say it, Mulder. I mean it." They'rein her room and she's going through her overnight bag, trying to decide what towear. It's too early for pajamas probably, though that's the only thing shefeels like wearing. When she turns to Mulder, she sees the apology on his face.It's as if it were written on his forehead.
"I know you wanted to spend Thanksgivingwith your mom." She groans and falls backwards onto the surprisinglycomfortable bed. "I know you don't want to hear it, Scully. But I reallyam sorry." This is it. She can't take it anymore; not his guilt trip, nothis puppy voice, none of it. She sits back up, stares at him.
"Stop it, Mulder. You decided to take on acase this close to Thanksgiving. I told you that I didn't want to fly out hereand you said we'd make it back home with plenty time to spare. I appreciateyour apology, but it doesn't change anything. I'm still here and not home withmy family. So please just stop apologizing." He's quiet, shuffles hisfeet. He looks lost, everything about him defeated. But she's too exhausted,too furious. "You never take anything I say seriously. The only person youcare about is yourself." She goes for the kill. Scully knows Thanksgivingis hard for him, the most difficult of all the holidays because of Samantha.But she just can't take it anymore.
"You're right, Scully. You're right."She expects him to say more, to specify what he means. Go on a rant andapologize even though she told him to stop. He doesn't. Instead he withdraws.Without looking at her, his hands buried in his pockets, he walks out of hermotel room like a kicked puppy. The door falls shut behind him silently and shewatches it, anticipates. Nothing happens. The door remains closed, the roomstays quiet. Scully hugs her knees and puts her head on them like a littlegirl. She shivers and hugs herself tighter. Meanwhile her eyes are glued to thedoor, closed and motionless. A fixture in this cheap motel room. She is not sureshe'd apologize if Mulder were to return now. But she does want him to comeback. Desperately.
Right now.
It takes almost an hour until her wish isgranted. She hears a soft knock on the door; he won't just barge in, not afterwhat happened earlier. Her anger is long gone and has made space for a stingingemptiness inside of her. Neither of them should be alone on Thanksgiving and ifshe's honest, she misses Mulder already. Her pain in the ass, apologizes toomuch for who he is, puppy-eyed partner. Her friend. Her best friend even. Andmaybe, if the last few months are any indication, finally something more. Asmile sneaks up on her face as she opens the door for him. Mulder's expressionis decidedly uncertain and she wonders show long he's been standing outside,debating whether he should knock at all or leave her alone. He holds up a smallplastic bag, an obvious olive branch.
"I thought you might be hungry."Scully makes room for him to step inside. Cold air surrounds him and she shiversagain, craving warmth and coziness. But she doesn't want to pressure him aboutwhere he's been or what he's done. Leftover guilt and disappointment stillhangs in the air, like a guest no one invited. Instead of addressing it, sherummages through the bag.
"Turkey sandwiches?"
"It's all they had left." She takesout a big bag of potato chips, a bottle of cranberry juice and a small bag ofcandy corn that looks like it might be from last year's Halloween.
"Happy Thanksgiving," Mulder says,the rasp in his voice yet another apology. He shrugs; he tried. It's not afeast, but they won't go to bed hungry.
Scully hands him one of the turkey sandwiches.She bites into her own and she is surprised how good it is. The turkey istender and she moans, tasting it on her tongue. Mulder's mouth hangs open, hishand suspended in mid-air as he watches her.
"Sorry," she mumbles with her mouthhalf full. "I didn't expect it to be this good. Try it." His handmoves to his mouth, but he doesn't take his eyes off her as he takes a bite.His eyes flash in surprise and Scully chuckles. "Told you so."
"This really is good. Let's have somecranberry juice." They don't have any glasses so they share the bottlelike two vagrants, passing it back and forth. "I've had worse Thanksgivingdinners." Scully opens the bag of chips and snacks on them, the crunch loudin the small room. Neither of them is ready to talk about what transpiredearlier. She isn't sure they'll talk about it at all tonight. Or ever. They'retoo good at ignoring their emotions. They can just push them aside again andagain. Tonight the thought saddens her.
"I know you don't want to hear this,Scully." Mulder wipes his face with a napkin, hands her one as well. He'ssaid the same thing earlier and she wants to roll her eyes at him, but stopsherself. "But I really am sorry. I am. I wasn't thinking when the caselanded on my desk. I just wanted to do something. We've only had one casesince…" Since he's returned from insanity. Since he almost died – again.For days after she had nightmares of Mulder dying on that table, his beautifulbrain nothing but grey matter spilled on the floor. Simply because she was toolate. She hasn't mentioned any of this to Mulder, knowing he'd feel guilty aboutthat too.  
"I needed to get out of the office and I wasn'tthinking." About her, he means. She hears it loud and clear even though hedoesn't say it. "I thought we could make it back in time. We didn't andthat's my fault. So one last time… I'm sorry, Scully. For ruining your Thanksgiving."
"Apology accepted and you didn't ruin itcompletely." She motions at the food, of what's left of it. She'spleasantly full. "But we're not going anywhere before Christmas. I meanit, Mulder." She licks her salty fingers, revels in the taste from thesandwich from the chips and the sandwich.
"I promise," he answers, putting hishand over his heart.
"I want to spend Christmas with my family."A shadow passes over his face and takes his smile away. She said the wrongthing. He thinks she doesn't consider him her family. No matter how often sheinvites him over, he won't believe it. This man, Oxford-educated psychologistand brilliant profiler, doesn't understand the simplest things. She scootscloser to him on her knees, crushing the candy corn under her. She wasn'tplanning on eating it anyway.
"I haven't told you yet what I'm thankfulfor this year." They're so close now that Scully can smell the cranberryjuice on him, the turkey too. A few crumbs are on his shirt, but she doesn'tcare about those now. "I am thankful you're alive. This past year hasn'tbeen easy for many reasons." They both swallow hard, almost in unison.
"But you're alive. We're both alive. I amthankful that you're here with me, Mulder. I'm thankful you're my…friend." Color rushes into his cheeks.
"I am thankful for the same things,"he says, his words rushed. "I am thankful for you, Scully. That you're inmy life." She nods, agreeing with him. She feels the same. As if she'd behere with him in this motel room if she didn't feel the same way.
"Happy Thanksgiving, Mulder." Sheleans forward and gives him a quick peck on his lips. It's acceptance, it's athank you and it's a promise. One she hopes he'll follow up on and soon.
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Finally getting around to this!
Was tagged by @cenobitic-anchorite (thank you!)
Putting this under a read more, because I wrote a lot.
1. What is your favorite movie? My answer to this is always Sleeping Beauty because it was the first movie that I stayed up watching with no adults. Like I must have been around 7 and my older cousin was 12 and we stayed up watching it after all the adults went to sleep. So for me, it signified some sort of independence. (On another note, that same cousin and I also stayed up to watch Pretty Woman before I realized what was going on in that movie.)
I know sometimes it’s a cop out answer, because I really can’t pick a favorite live action movie. There’s too many and I love a lot of them. Also, usually, when I say Sleeping Beauty, based on the other person’s reaction, I can tell if they’ll be compatible and/or get my vibe or not.
2.  If you had to drastically change your hair, how would you cut it and what color would you dye it?  I want rainbow hair, but I can’t have that where I work. I’ve been saying I’ve wanted to dye it red for several months now, but haven’t made the appointment yet (long story, but also mostly me dragging my feet). I’ve ALWAYS wanted a pixie cut, but have always been told that my face shape isn’t good for it (I did it senior year of college and there were people who flat out told me never to get that hair cut again). I’ll do it again, when I feel like I have the energy to maintain it.
3.  Can you drive a manual transmission car? lol, no. I can just barely drive an automatic. (Fact: I got my license at age 23 and didn’t regularly drive until 32.)
4.  What’s your favorite thing to cook or bake? Why? Is there a word limit to this? Cuz we’ll be here a few days. lol Favorite thing to bake is scones because I love scones. I also love to bake pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. And anything with a short pastry, so pies, tarts. I LOVE making sweet danishes. Oh crumb cakes. Oooh it’s season for fresh cranberries. I make a really good cranberry lime crumb cake. Cake, in just about every variation (rounds, sheet, cup, etc.) I like these because they’re delicious (and very few bakeries make them well, and I’m a dessert snob. If I’m eating it, it better be worth the calories. I’m also very particular about my cake to frosting/crumb ratio). Also, fact: I suck at baking regular cookies. I can do it, but they never look right and I’m pretty sure I’m screwing up the ratio of dry to wet ingredients or the butter’s not cold enough or something, but yeah, my cookies always look seriously deformed. (yes, I’ve seen that chart that troubleshoots cookies. No, it hasn’t helped.)
Favorite thing to cook. Hm... go to comfort stuff: penne vodka, but really, I like trying new recipes.
5.  How old were you when you got your ears pierced (if your ears aren’t pierced, do you want to get them pierced? The first time I got my ears pierced, I think I was in 8th grade, so 13-ish. After the initial however long it was that you’re supposed to keep them in, I got lazy so I didn’t keep earrings in all the time (and they hurt my ears), so the holes apparently closed. I got them re-pierced in sophomore or junior year of high school and again, after a little while, they closed again. I was thinking about getting them re-pierced again.
6.  Do you like Thanksgiving? Why or why not? I LOVE Thanksgiving. Yes, the historical aspect can go to hell, but personally, I love Thanksgiving. So growing up, being Chinese, we never celebrated American Thanksgiving. When I was about 13, I got a bread making book from the Scholastic book fair and discovered that we had a working oven (Chinese people don’t cook with ovens. We have a wok and a rice cooker. That’s really all you need.). Anyway, I started baking bread and it was amazing.
Also, our local supermarket would do the holiday promotion of if you spend $X, you can get a free holiday protein, and being a household of 8 (sometimes 10), we hit that spending threshold very, very quickly. So one year, I told my mom that we’re getting a turkey, instead of the ham that she likes. She was skeptical, but I was hell bent on celebrating American Thanksgiving and figuring out what this whole turkey hoopla was about.
I started cooking a Thanksgiving feast for my family (immediate and extended) from the age of 14. I did a sticky rice stuffing in the bird. Mashed sweet potatoes (no marshmallow. it’s sweet enough by itself.) I always made a lasagna (with cheese from DiPalo’s, where I would wait hours on line for our order) or another pasta dish. We did Chinese vegetables. And every year, we would pick new recipes we’d want to try. By ‘we’, I mean me. I would pick new recipes that I’d want to try and my three younger siblings would be obligatory sous chefs. And since bread baking happened in the wee early hours of the morning, we would have it for breakfast. So then I expanded the menu to include breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It became an all day thing and I was (and still am) obsessed.
Oh, it probably also helped to know that I come from a very large extended family and everyone would come through our house during holidays. Usually, it’s because my family hosted the mah jong parties, so we were kinda party central. My biggest Thanksgiving, we had about 50 people cycle through the house that day, so I had to make sure I had food enough for 50 people. Growing up, I’m pretty sure we never had less than 30. (It’s been a shock for me these past several years when we’ve hosted less than 20 people on turkey day.)
Then, my siblings would find recipes that they want to try, and Thanksgiving was this day where we would try food. Not all the recipes worked out, but no one ever got sick or food poisoning (oh man, I have stories from adjacent family members). But yeah. It’s an insane production and I love every minute of it (especially since my mom did the clean up, because bless that woman, she messed up Jiffy corn bread mix when she tried to bake, so she sticks to cleaning).
Anyway, after I got married, I demanded Thanksgiving, which my in-laws didn’t care about because they were getting it catered anyway. But I found out the hard way that they’ve sucked the soul out of my Thanksgiving festivities. One person demanded Stove Top (over fresh sausage dressing?!??!!). Fine. Another prefers roasted turkey (as opposed to smoked or fried). Year after year, they keep telling me to make less food, because they don’t enjoy watching me cook (they think I work too hard, but they also don’t understand that I’m having the time of my life).
At this point, I know that in order to get back to the Thanksgiving that I want to celebrate, it will be after that generation has passed. It’s fine.
I used to start planning my Thanksgiving menu in March, studying recipes and picking and choosing stuff up until like two weeks before hand. Ever since the kids came along, that excitement has also waned. But I’m excited for this year. There will be apple cider mimosas. And I’m roasting a savory pumpkin. And there will be artichokes. Oh and one of my good friends went to Dominique Ansel Kitchen’s pie night this year and had a poached pear chocolate pie that she said was divine. I am attempting to recreate it based on her descriptions of the textures and her pictures. This is what I live for.
(where the fuck is that barney stinson challenge accepted gif when you need it?)
and yes, this year will be my 24th year cooking Thanksgiving dinner.
7.  If you could live in the world of one film, which one would you pick? Oh man. D2: The Mighty Ducks. Ok, I lied. I do have a favorite live action movie. I wish I had a more creative answer to this. Yeah, Harry Potter’s world would be cool. Yeah, I identify with hobbits. Any of the Star Treks would also be good in terms of universes. But I want Adam Banks to teach (13-14 year old) me how to ice skate.
8.  What kind of pet have you never had, but have always wanted? lol one of my bffs and I always wanted a baby panda.
9.  If you won the huge lottery, what would be the first 3 things you’d do?Get a good fucking lawyer, set up a shell foundation so it’s not listed in mine or my husband’s name, prepare to disappear after a couple of years of acting normal. Then, for the more fun three, pay off debt, travel, get a house somewhere the fuck else.
Ceno’s answer was too perfect, so I left it, mainly because I’d pretty much do the same. I’d buy my parents a new house and hire a chauffeur for them. Also @katiekeysburg will get a chauffeur. And I’d throw money at teleportation research. And fund a bunch of gofundmes.
10.  Have you ever gotten a tattoo? What is it? If you haven’t, do you want one? I do not have any but I’ve always wanted one of my Chinese name above my ankle and I’ve always wanted the pi character somewhere (debated various locations). One day, when I get the guts to. (and when it’s seasonally appropriate to get one above my ankle, cuz omg I never knew about the various care required while it heals.)
11.  What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done? hahaha um. Probably calling the cops on an online friend who I thought was going to kill himself, but he really wasn’t (but I didn’t know that). (hey kids, don’t put your addresses in your aol profiles--yes I’m ancient.) actually, I’ve done my share to stupid aol/online shit. it will probably come back to haunt me if i ever run for public office or marry a celebrity.
Ok, real stupid thing. I’m a severe klutz, and one time I walked off a raised cement slab (like the kind that statues would sit on) and sprained my ankle. It was probably 3 inches off the ground on the side that I got on it, but it was further off the ground on the other side, so when I got off the slab, I misjudged where to put my foot and I rolled my ankle. Ended up at the ER and they put me in a soft cast. I had to have crutches to get around campus and this one guy who I don’t even know his name, picked me up and carried me up the campus hill (we had a really big hill), and it was against my consent. I did NOT want him to pick me up. It was terrible. Anyway, I rolled my ankle by walking. I have tons of stupid shit. How much time you got?
I was also pretty pretentious when I was younger. (I might still be. I’m not as self aware as I wish to be.) I once asked an Italian friend to try my tomato sauce and asked him what was missing because it didn’t taste right. (I know. I was so gross. You learn from your own grossness though.)
What other stupidity? I fawned over boys. My bff gave me a copy of The Giving Tree in college (I had never read it before) as a metaphor of how much of myself I gave to this toxic dude. I sobbed reading it for the first time.
In hindsight, not getting my license at 17 was a pretty stupid move too. But that also had to do with life circumstances.
OH. Turning down an interview for an internship with my dream company at the time, because I had already accepted an internship position with another company.
Trying to explain to my MBA ethics class how my industry worked only to get it mansplained back to me (pretty stupid of me to have tried in the first place).
Going for my MBA was also a pretty stupid move in the holistic view of my life.
12.  Have you accomplished your New Year’s Resolution for 2018? I honestly don’t remember if I even made resolutions, so I’m going to say hard no.
13.  If you could get any degree from any school, free of charge, what would you pick? Criminal Psychology. Ceno, we can go to school together! (this reminds me I need to catch up on last week’s Criminal Minds) Another option would be anything in the forensics sciences. I would also like to learn massage therapy. And I want to take that artisan bread breaking course at the Institute of Culinary Education.
I forget how many people I’m supposed to tag. @katiekeysburg @daisyjm75 @steverogersnotebook
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Serial: A Sheriff of InTween. Case 4, Part 4: Whiskers of the Past
A Sheriff of InTween
Fourth Case, Part 4: Whiskers of the Past
The curious gazes from the townfok followed him down the street. He was tall and broad shouldered, walked with a smooth gait that spoke of an athletic build. Honey hued eyes sparkled in the sunlight and he was well dressed in a fashion normally unseen in InTween. He smiled as if he enjoyed every moment alive and waved at all the watchers, uncaring to their open stares. He figured he would be an oddity in this remote upcoming city-state.
It was understandable. After all, even back home where people were used to felinids, he stood out. Anyone more than 6 feet tall and thick with muscle would be noticeable, and he thought he was a spectacular specimen covered with fine black fur and a full head of grey hair.
“Look at this guy, walkin’ around as if he owned the place.”
Loran Nightstalker turned and grinned at the speaker, revealing a pair of gleaming fangs. “Come here buddy!” he laughed, enveloping Edwin in a back-slapping embrace. His large hands grabbed the Sheriff by the shoulders and he held him at arm’s length, inspecting him critically. “You look pretty good for being out here in the sticks.”
Edwin grinned back, setting a basket on the ground and rearranging a pack on his back. “Naw, InTween ain’t the sticks. You passed the sticks miles back. This place is like the twigs compared to Malarcha.”
The felinid chuckled. “You said it, not me. What’re you going by these days?”
“Tay’s fine. Edwin too. Sheriff if you’re feelin’ official.”
“Alright. Tay it is.” Loran shook his head. “Never thought you’d be the one to take the role out here.”
“Well, they asked me real nice. Besides, I’m startin’ to really like it out here. Quiet mostly, lots of fresh air. Decent food, decent folk. What more could you ask for?”
Loran looked around at the people gawking at the pair. “Seems like y’all need a little more entertainment out here if I’m the most interesting thing.”
“Pay them no mind,” Edwin said as he waved at the townsfolk. “They just never seen such an intimdatin’ figure of a law man. They’re used to scrawny me. You come sweepin’ in with your big city haircut and your fine clothes.” He pulled on Loran’s tunic. “Actually, you sure you’re still an officer? Wearin’ stuff like this. You aimin’ for higher office?”
Loran slapped Edwin’s hand away. “Bite your tongue, I work for a living. I just like the finer things. Not whatever rags you’re wearing.” He sighed gustily. “Wish I could stay longer and catch up. But that mishap a few stops back really threw me off schedule and I have to live immediately. They want me to collect a few more offenders tagged for extradition. Thanks for giving me a call by the way, we’ve been after this guy for a while. Never could figure out how he was doing it.”
Edwin shrugged and started to walk back to the rail-way station. Loran fell in step with him and the two walked in tandem. “My pleasure. Figured he might’ve been plying his tricks elsewhere. Now y’all can take him to justice and help other folk get some closure. Sorry I wasn’t there at the station to greet you. Had to do a couple things beforehand.”
The felinid snorted. “What’s more important than transferring a prisoner directly? I know he was secured but the Tay I know is usually more of a stickler for rules.”
“Needed to finish a bit of paperwork and some letters. Which here you are.” Edwin handed Loran a roll of documents bound with an official looking roll of leather as well as a smaller stack of envelopes tied together. “Thanks for deliverin’ these for me.”
“Sounds like you to put off paperwork to the last minute,” Loran grumbled. “Why should I deliver these messages for you? Without reading them myself first?”
“Because you’re a friend and you like me.” He smiled at Loran’s growl. “And because I knew you had to head back immediately so I packed you enough food to last your trip. The finest InTween can offer.”
Loran eagerly accepted the large basket that Edwin had been carrying. Fragrant smells wafted through the cover and a long pink tongue swept over Loran’s lips. “Well, since you gave me this I guess I can be your delivery boy this time. I can finally get some of those fabled pies you keep going on about.”
“Plenty for you and the girl,” Edwin said with a grin. “Even for the prisoner if you’re feelin’ generous.”
“Speaking of the prisoner, that guy got something against felinds or something? He took one look at me and went –“
“Catatonic?” Edwin dodged a swing from Loran’s meaty hand. “Beats me, maybe he does. Probably some kind of past trauma.”
“Probably.” The pair chuckled. “Oh, the girl wants a moment to talk with you if you got the time.”
By then the pair had reached the station. It was a busy place, being used while under construction. The sounds of heavy machinery from the rails and the trains clashed with yelling foremen and workers, visitors trying to find their way around with others rushing to where they needed to be. It was a scene that would fit into large urban cities neatly and it was a portent of the future of InTween.
As Loran spoke with the conductor of the train that would take him away, Edwin looked about the station. Small furry animals ran by and on a whim, he followed them. Rounding the corner of a warehouse he found a small crowd sitting around a halfling girl, all of them looking up at her intently. She was leaning against the wall, a basket at her feet, and she sang to the rats. Though he could not hear the words the rats certainly did, swaying in place with peaceful expressions on their tiny faces.
As he approached they turned to look at him, several sets of blue-black eyes stared. The rat in the arms of the girl recoiled at the sight of the sheriff, hissing loudly and trying to burrow into the girl’s chest.
Edwin stopped and his face colored. “That’s the…uh…yeah. Can you…apologize for me?”
Yola patted the rat’s head and it stopped hissing but its eyes continued to glare at Edwin with distrust. “You might need more than an apology Sheriff,” she said.
He swung the pack around and opened it, reaching in and pulling out several hand pies. The rats on the ground fell onto the treats hungrily and after watching its compatriots eating, the rat hopped down from the girl’s arms and joined the feast.
He brushed the crumbs from his hands. “Well, I hope that’s a good first step towards making amends.”
Yola smiled and that was the first time Edwin had seen her do it. “I think it is.” She hesitated for a moment. “I want to say thank you Sheriff. Thank you for helping me, and believing me.”
“Well of course. You’re a victim here just as much as the townsfolk.” After Hoger had confessed to his crimes, and to several more that Edwin had no idea about, he had gone to the town’s hotel to collect Yola. It turned out that the girl’s family had died in an accident and Hoger had taken her in. Once he knew of her talents though, he forced her to teach him what he wanted and swore to do terrible things to her if she ever betrayed him.
Once she saw the state of the dwarf however, she had confessed to her role in things and led Edwin to where the pair had stashed what they managed to steal while in InTween. Then she led him to where they had hidden other things during their time as thieves. During the whole process, the only thing she asked for was mercy for the rats that had been enthralled.
“What’s going to happen to me?” The words were normal enough but the way she asked them made Edwin’s heart ache. She had lived so long under Hoger’s iron grip and she truly looked beaten down, lost and hopeless. For a moment Edwin was not looking at Yola the halfling girl but at another child in another terrible situation, one he remembered from long ago.
“You’ll be called to testify against Hoger in Malarcha. Despite being an accessory, I’m sure others will see that you were unwillin’. I expect charges to dropped against you.”
“Do I deserve that?” Tears glimmered in her eyes as she stared down at the eating rats. “I’ve hurt so many, done so many bad things. My family would be so upset with me, teaching such things to those who abused it.”
Edwin handed her a handkerchief. “I’m sure your family knows that you did what you had to. Hoger did the wrong thing with the knowledge, not you.” He watched her dab her eyes and he tried to make his words as encouraging as possible. “You deserve a second chance. You’ve had a hard run of things.”
She blew her nose and it sounded like a squeak. “What do I do?”
“What do you want to do?”
Her eyes opened wide. “What do I want to do?” She closed her eyes, swayed softly. When she opened them the tears were gone. “I want to make up for what I did. I want to help those with my abilities.” She looked down at the rats that scampered around her feet. “I don’t want them to hurt again.”
Edwin pulled an envelope from his pocket and handed it to her. “You can trust Loran, the officer escorting you to Malarcha. He’s a good guy, thinks he looks prettier than he is but one to trust. When the trial is all done look up the name in that letter. They’re friends of mine, they’ll help you. Plus if you need anythin’ at all, just let me know.”
Yola clutched the letter to her with desperate strength. She stammered as Edwin handed her the bag. “It ain’t much,” he said with a gentle smile. “Just some things to get you by until you’re all done.” A loud whistle cut through the hubbub of the station. “I think that’s your cue to go.”
She bent down and opened the basket, clicking her tongue. As if trained, the rats hopped into the basket one by one without protest. The squeaked and chittered softly as she placed the lid on and she carried the basket without complaint, a sweet smile on her face as she looked down at her charges.
Edwin led her back to the train, dodging past carts and people who looked to be in more of a hurry. “Say,” he said to her as they walked. “So you taught Hoger everythin’ he knew about the bonds and how to control them.” At her nod he continued. “You learned from your parents?”
“Yes Sheriff, they were very good at magic and animals loved them. While they did not like blood bonds, they knew of them and taught me so I knew how to recognize them as well as to never make my own.”
“So you knew the dangers.”
She nodded again.
“Did Hoger?”
She shook her head.”
“You didn’t warn him?”
The smile on her face twisted, turned feral, almost predatory.
Edwin resisted a shiver. “Well, fair’s fair.”
Loran’s tail whipped the air as he stood at the open door to the train car, large arms crossed in mock disapproval. “There you are! Took your sweet time getting her here. You trying to hold me up even more? Get me in even more trouble?”
Edwin took the basket from Yola and waited for her to climb onto the train car before handing it back to her. “We both know you never get in trouble. You just gotta flash the Chief those pearly white fangs of yours and the worst thing you gotta do is some volunteer work.” He laughed at Loran’s hurt expression.
“Take care of yourself Yola,” he said to the halfling. “Live well, be happy. You deserve it.”
The girl nodded shyly and climbed the stairs before ducking into the car itself. The two law officers watched her get settled in the booth through the window.
“Keep an eye on her for me will you?” Edwin said softly.
“Whenever I can,” Loran promised.
The two exchanged another hug before Loran jumped onto the car with cat-like agility. He settled into the both alongside Yola and the pair waved as the train began to move away.
Edwin stayed on the platform until the train had left his sight, the only remnants were a faint wisp of steam in the far distance. Seeing his friend had brought memories back, memories that warred with the ones he experienced when the medicine first went missing. He was happy to see Loran and remember the good times. He was happy to have helped Yola and set her down a path that would help her. The other memories threatened to swallow those good feelings.
The walk back into InTween was uneventful, far quieter than things have been the last few days. After getting rid of the pellets, the rats had fled the town en masse. No more squeaking, no more sounds of scampering or gnawing, just a general quiet once you got far enough away from the rail station. The normal sounds of town life were absent, as if the townsfolk of InTween wished to preserve the peace for as long as they could.
A sound made Edwin stop, one hand adjusted his hat and the other went to his belt. He peered down an alley and saw a small furry beast peer back at him. A sigh of relief came from him when the eyes were small and beady, a dark brown that was nowhere near black nor blue.
“Go on, git.” At his words the rat ran off without protest. The Sheriff sighed and shook his head. He resumed his walk down the main street of InTween, and down the lane where his memories resided.
More debt relief tips at ROF review
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hypnobyl · 7 years
CatCo covers the Pumpkin Spice Season. Cat chooses Kara and herself to try them all out... together...
Part of being an alien is having a voracious appetite. Unfortunately, there’s nothing in her alien genes that protects her from how bad pumpkin spiced anything tastes. She doesn’t understand the human predilection for the taste. She never thought she’d have a least favorite gourd, but the fall season has brought out a rage she hadn’t known about. Still, she grits her teeth and smiles pleasantly when Cat takes her along for ‘research’ into all the new pumpkin spiced delights available all over National City.
“I need a second opinion before I make any judgments,” Cat reminds her as they walk to the first coffee shop.
“Carter wasn’t interested?” She keeps her tone light and happy, despite the dread pooling in her stomach.
“He’s with his father.”
Kara doesn’t dare inquire further. Carter’s father is a sore spot for Cat because he’s actually decent. He enjoys the weekends he gets with his son, and Carter always comes home glowing and chattering about all the new and cool things Dad took him to do. Cat shouldn’t measure herself against him, especially since she’s the custodial parent, but she does. Carter never responds this way to the activities they do together.
“I’m sure he would have wanted to come.”
Feeling like she’s killed Cat’s mood, which had been bordering on pleasant, Kara quickly tries to change the topic. “Have you chosen a costume for Halloween?”
“Dressing up is for children.”
“I’m going as Amelia Earheart. Winn is hosting a little party, and he didn’t say we had to dress up, but he sort of implied it. It’s sorta fun, too, I think.”
“You know a lot about dressing up in a costume, I suppose.”
Kara flushes and fiddles with her glasses. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, Ms. Grant.”
Cat eyes her. “Aren’t we past this?”
“I was hoping we could keep pretending, so that I don’t have to tell my other boss you know,” she says very quietly. “And as long as we’re pretending, you don’t have to fire me.”
Cat pulls the door open and ushers Kara inside. “I won’t fire you, but I expect the truth from this moment forward. Am I clear?”
“Then we can keep pretending.”
Kara places their orders--two of everything pumpkin spiced--and pays with Cat’s credit card. While she waits, she watches Cat select the perfect table; for whatever reason, she chooses a table with one chair in direct sunlight and the other in the shadow. Cat takes the shaded seat and serves her a smirk from across the room. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Cat were being nice and accommodating her preferences. Her heart thuds that much faster.
She spreads their feast across the table and sits. Cat leans forward to select a muffin, so Kara does the same. Cat eats daintily, pulling the paper back and nibbling, but Kara knows she has to eat this fast before her face can react to the taste. She wolfs it down and waits patiently while Cat finishes.
“You’ve got something.” Cat reaches over and very gently dabs her finger to the corner of Kara’s lips. “A crumb.”
“May I ask you something?” Kara fidgets, trying to channel a bit of her super alter-ego. “This sort of feels like… like a little more than just researching for an article. It sort of, well, it feels like a… date.”
“Is there a question in there?”
“Is it?”
Cat considers her carefully and sips her spiced latte. “Since we’ve recently decided to be honest with one another, yes.”
“Would you prefer to go home now?”
“No! Of course not.” Kara grabs Cat’s hand. “It’s just unexpected.”
Cat allows her grip to remain, which assures Kara that this is indeed real and not some cruel joke.
“Do you want it to be a date?”
“Yes,” Kara answers quickly. She can’t count how many times she’s looked at Cat in her office and wanted to be a part of the older woman’s life. Naturally, she’s drawn to Cat’s sharp looks, but she’s come to appreciate the subtle kindness under the rough surface. The little moments that went unnoticed or ignored are the ones that define Cat, like letting Kara sit in the brilliance of the sun when a half dozen other tables were available.
Cat relaxes back against her chair, and Kara releases her wrist. “May I ask you a question in return?”
Kara’s mind races; Cat wouldn’t just ask about her extracurricular activities or home planet out in the open. Still, Cat had just been painfully honest with her, so Kara wants to attempt the same. “Yes.”
“Do you like pumpkin spice?”
For a split second, Kara almost sputters out reassurances that yes, she loves pumpkin spice, and that’s why she agreed to come with. But she remembers she needs to be honest, even if it’s hard. She ducks her head. “No, I don’t.”
“I thought so.”
Her head snaps up. “Then why did you bring me?”
“Kara, did you really think I’d write an article about pumpkin spiced goods in the city? That sort of banal content could be covered by one of the rookies.”
This had been planned, which means that Cat’s interest in her came before the Supergirl confirmation. Kara feels light and floaty, but she keeps her feet on the ground. “So, why did you make me think it was for an article.”
Cat is quiet for a long moment. “I needed a backup plan if you weren’t responsive. I was afraid you’d reject me.”
Kara flushes with pleasure. “The only thing I want to reject right now is all of this.” She gestures to the table and finally lets her face truly express her disgust. “How can you enjoy any of this? Pumpkins are gross.”
“I’ll keep that in mind for next time.”
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tailsbeth-writes · 7 years
Always the Sidekick - Prose
I wrote this piece for a genre fiction class at university, it’s a romantic short story. It’s one of the few stories I’m actually quite happy with and might even consider continuing.
Word Count: 2609.
The park had well and truly taken autumn in. Across the wet grass, lay leaves in shades of brown and yellow. The smell of pumpkin spice lattes was in the air, it really was the best time of year. Today my wellington boots had been taken on their first outing; their traditional green didn’t particularly coordinate with my red rain mac. However, I could not care less as my appearance was not my speciality. With my mousy brown hair complete with blunt fringe to my milk bottle glasses, I was not what you’d call typically attractive. I was content with my lot though, as long as I could get to my favourite bench with a notebook and pen, I was happy.
It was the best spot for people watching, it was right in the middle of the park. To your left was a large pond where children would attempt to feed swans and nearly kill them and to your right were the multi-courts where men would make fools of themselves on a daily basis in an attempt to woo the opposite sex, usually with dire results. I sat there for my lunch hour and marvelled at the awesomeness of humanity before my best friend Jenny arrived. I love her to pieces but thanks to her gorgeous good looks, my favourite bench became the viewpoint of frenzy for the sporting lads. She walked up in high heeled boots, a black tulip skirt which extenuated her curves precisely and a white chiffon blouse that didn’t leave much to the imagination. The cherry on top of it all was her blonde wavy hair which bounced lightly with every step.
‘April darling, how are we today?’ I loved the way Jenny spoke, so silly yet sophisticated.
‘I’m pretty excellent, how are you?’
‘So tired, rushed off my feet as usual. Glad to get a break.’
‘I just don’t know how you manage it, I wouldn’t dream of such a busy job.’
‘Well, April my dear, not all of us are content with spending our days in a library.’ Despite Jenny and I being the same age, she’s always spoke down to me a little. I never cared what she said about my job though, I loved it. Her job sounded like an absolute nightmare to me, she worked at a law firm which meant she was always busy and always had to look her best. ‘It’s all about reputation’ Jenny told me time and time again. Whereas at my work, I spent hours sorting out books full of magic and romance, I wore whatever I pleased and I got a full hour for lunch. With those stats, I’d never see the appeal of Jenny’s job.
‘What’s for lunch today then?’ Jenny enquired as usual, looking for the plastic lunchbox.
‘Roast chicken sandwich, last night’s leftovers.’ I handed it over to a starved Jenny.
‘Oh you treat me so well April!’ She declared before she took a huge bite out of the sandwich. From the size of her waist, you’d never guess Jenny had a massive appetite.
‘Are we still doing dinner tomorrow night?’ She asked between bites. Fridays were probably my favourite day. I had a half day at work, I’d pick up sushi as a treat on the way home and then I’d settle down to a good book or a Netflix marathon for the afternoon. The nights were usually planned by Jenny, with her job she managed to blag us theatre ticket most weeks. However, this dinner wasn’t one of our usual Friday nights. It was a set-up, a casual reminder that I was still single and apparently needed to find a boyfriend.
‘Was that tomorrow night? I forgot about that. I might actually be working.’
‘You’re kidding me right? Remember tick tock, you’re not getting any younger pumpkin.’
‘Thanks for that gentle reminder Jen, you aren’t ei-‘
‘April Louise Hollander, you are going to eat dinner with me and some lovely male company whether you like it or not! Trust me; I’m doing it for your own good. Also it’s a work thing, you’d be the bestest for coming.’ I knew there would be some form of blackmail; I was always the sidekick to her little plans.
‘As I’ve told you time and time ag-‘
‘April, just be there.’ She interrupts again. I’ve not paid much attention but she’s finished her sandwich and brushed off the crumbs. I didn’t even bother trying to reply this time.
‘I better get back to the office; they’ll be lost without me. Remember 7 o’clock tomorrow at that fancy Italian place, wear something nice. Ciao darling!’ And with that she marched off on her heels, already screaming orders down the phone.  I had been looking forward to Friday, I was going to marathon Breaking Bad. Now I’d spend the afternoon trolling my wardrobe. Help.
Friday mornings at the library were always fun. A couple of classes from the local primary school would come in and if there wasn’t much work to do I got to help out with the kids. They reminded me of myself at that age, always raring to start a new book. I brought out a table full of new books and they cheered as they scrambled to find the best choice. Their adorable little smiles were enough to make my day. On the other hand, on my bus home I saw a bunch of students glued to their phones and tablets. I understood you could read books on those too but the majority of them were playing addictive games or swiping through possible mates like baboons. What happens to us as we grow up? Does the world of fiction lose its appeal to jabbing away at a piece of plastic and metal? I got off my usual stop and walked a few metres down the road to pick up my Japanese feast of sushi and bubble tea.
My flat was in the building next door, on the third floor. It was small and cosy, ideal for me and my pet fish Oscar, named after Mr Wilde of course. Normally I’d have got straight into my pyjamas, unluckily I had to choose a suitable outfit for Jenny’s high standards. Queue a clichéd montage of chucking clothes around my bedroom. Fashion was never my thing; I was about comfort and practicality not designer labels. I reckoned simple and elegant-ish was my best bet. As I turned to the mirror, I imagined an eagle-eyed Jenny staring back at me.
‘Are you really going to wear that tonight? Why do you even own that?’
‘I don’t actually care Jenny.’
‘Well you obviously care my dear; otherwise you wouldn’t be imagining me in your mirror now, would you?’ I let a little frustrated scream out. Imaginary or not, Jenny did have a point though. I did care. I’ve seen the looks of disgust that Jenny’s colleagues give me when I turn up to a champagne party in my doc martens and no make-up. This time it was almost like a date, she’d mentioned male company. I hadn’t had a boyfriend since university, three years ago. I genuinely did want to try, while I had Hermione’s smarts, I unfortunately didn’t have Emma Watson’s good looks. Tonight was going to be different; I ran out to Primark and bought a little black dress. I braved my contact lenses and risked burning my hair with my straighteners. Make-up wasn’t my best friend, but I tried my hardest to not make it look like war paint. I, of course, made a few April-esque touches, a deathly hallows necklace and forest green brogues. It might have just been a dinner date but as I gazed in the mirror, I could have been ready for a ball.
I definitely preferred London at night time. The twinkling street lights bounced off the reflective skyscrapers that melted into the indigo sky. My taxi driver wasn’t very chatty which I was thankful for tonight. My mind was too busy buzzing with expectations to talk about the weather.  Jenny would giggle like a school girl over her carbonara at the dashing gentleman opposite her. Meanwhile I’d be enthralled in conversation with a boyishly handsome chap who happens to have a passion for Doctor Who. As I dissolved into my day dreams, I barely noticed the taxi screeching to a halt. Jenny practically pounced on me as I stumbled out the cab into the nippy air.
‘April, my darling, you’re a new woman! Where’s the milk bottles? And are you wearing make-up? I love, love, love it!’ She was grinning from ear to ear at my apparent transformation.
‘Aw, you’re very sweet.’ I felt my cheeks redden as she spoke.
‘I wish you dressed like this more often, speaking of which, where is this delight of a dress from? I never knew you owned such a thing.’
‘Primark, only a tenner actually!’ Jenny’s face dropped in repulsion, the idea of being seen dead in anything less than £50 freaked her out. Her grin returned as she took in my whole look once more.
‘Not my usual taste, but you work it.’
‘You sure I look alright? I’m way out my comfort zone here.’
‘Of course you look alright, more than alright! Do you not think you look fab?’ I had to agree with Jenny. I’d gone through my Cinderella transformation from drab to fab except my fairy godmother came in the form of Primark and YouTube tutorials. I gave her a courageous smile.
‘God damn it, I do look fab Jenny.’
‘Great, glad we can agree on that. The boys said they’re going to be a tad late unfortunately so we’ve just to head inside.’
‘Okay, after you.’ I followed Jenny’s lead. After all the commotion of my new look, I hadn’t taken in Jenny’s outfit for the night. Her hair sat in a subtle up do and a creamy fur shawl sprawled over her shoulders. Her dress was a figure hugging scarlet number, which finished just after the knees and her shoes were a classic pair of black heels. As usual, Jenny looked like an absolute bombshell. I felt rather lucky to be friends with someone so glamourous.
As soon as the restaurant door opened we caught the smell of the incredible menu. Chatter surrounded every table. The place was packed. It was a Friday night in London after all. Everything appeared to be draped in white; the tables, chairs and even the walls. Spaghetti Bolognese was off the menu for me then. We got seated straight away as we had reservations. Jenny briefed me on tonight’s mission; we had to show the representative from this company a good time essentially. He was bringing along an intern which is where I came in, I was the distraction while Jenny spoke business. Whilst this was technically work for Jenny, we agreed we were going to have a good time ourselves. Therefore the first order of the night was cocktails. Our waitress brought over two martinis and we clinked our glasses together.
‘Do you feel like you’re in Sex and the City right now?’ Jenny giggled.
‘You took the words right out my mouth.’
‘I think we could give Carrie and the girls a run for their money frankly.’ We chuckled as sophisticatedly as we could. A joint this fancy didn’t feel like it welcomed belly laughs.
‘Excuse me ladies, I do believe you’ve been waiting for us.’ We looked up from our drinks to see our delicious male company had arrived. Jenny got up to shake their hands.
‘You must be Michael? So nice to finally meet you. This is my friend April.’ Michael stretched a freshly tanned hand over to me, his chocolate coloured eyes slithering into mine. Behind him stood a tall redhead who smiled delicately at us.
‘Nice to meet you girls, this is Eric.’ Eric tottered over and shook our hands. His hands were slightly clammy, nerves were tugging at him.
‘Great to meet you both.’ I drank in his polite expression, it was very welcoming. We all took our seats, Eric sat to my left. His navy cord blazer grazed my skin as it fell on his chair.
‘What are we drinking ladies?’ Michael enquired. Every word was like silky caramel; Jenny stuck to every syllable while it was far too sickly for me.
‘Martinis, we can move onto a bottle of wine if you’d prefer.’ Jenny had to vaguely remind herself this was a professional dinner. Michael had other plans.
‘Of course no, martinis it is! Waiter!’ He glanced around and waved his hand in the air, Eric stared at his lap. He looked as uncomfortable as I felt. A baffled waitress finally came over.
‘Six martinis please!’ Michael demanded.
‘Why six?’ Eric innocently asked.
‘We’ve got catching up to do! It’s Friday night after all!’
‘Christopher Eccleston’s your favourite doctor? Really?’
‘Wow, very controversial.’ I sipped my third martini, never losing grip with Eric’s bubblegum blue eyes. They made my insides feel cosy. That could have also been the alcohol. Jenny had gone to sit at the bar with Michael to have shop talk. Her legs stretched in front of the bar stool to keep Michael at a safe distance. She’d got over his caramel tones and was getting to work.
‘So how long have you known Jenny? I wouldn’t say you’re typically matched.’ I rolled my eyes at the world’s most frequently asked question.
‘Most people think the same. We’ve been inseparable since primary school, she shared her dolls with me when nobody else would. I don’t think she quite realised what she’d got into. We’ve been through semesters abroad with nothing but letters to each other and we’re still going. I know she comes across as ridiculous most of the time but that’s part of the magic of Jenny. It’s just kind of amazing that over ten years later, we still meet at a park bench every day for lunch and it’s not boring yet. God, sorry, I’m babbling now!’
‘Nah, don’t worry about it. I think you two are sweet. A bit mad but sweet.’ I looked down at my drink, my cheeks felt rosy. Sensing my awkwardness, he changed subject.
‘Do you have a favourite park bench in mind? I’m a bit of a people watching enthusiast myself.’ My mouth may have gawped open a little. It was like someone had taken my day dreams and moulded them into my perfect man.
‘Seriously? People watching is my favourite thing ever. You know Waverly Park, how the path cuts right through the middle? The bench right next to the pond and multi-courts.’
‘I don’t think I’ve been there, I’ll need to check it out sometime. If you’d let me of course.’
‘Suppose, but I’ll have to share between the hours of 12 and 1 on weekdays.’
‘Those terms are fair enough.’ His endearing gaze turned me to jelly. His movements were careful, his long fingers ever so slightly rubbed up against mine on the table. He picked up my pendant and edged a smile.
‘Harry Potter fan?’
‘Yeah. I must seem like a massive geek with this thing on.’ I mustered hesitantly.
‘Oh really?’ He smirked and got something out of his coat pocket, a wallet with the Hogwarts crest on it. I let out a slight gasp. Eric laughed lightly at my shock. He placed the tattered wallet back in his coat.
‘Massive geeks should stick together, well I think so anyway.’ He declared. Before I even realised, the space between us was gone as he kissed me gently.
‘I could not agree more.’
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wizardsnwookies · 6 years
FOC012418 - Jail Break
Luke stared up at the ceiling and tried to find his focus. His time with Ben was brief, but he had learned that much at least. Focus was perhaps the most important asset in a Jedi’s arsenal, and nothing was possible without it. Of course, that was easy to say when you weren’t locked up in cell that had just barely been hosed down enough to mask the stench of it’s previous occupant, only a few hours away from being forced to fight for your life to the amusement of a hutt.
He knew hutts all too well, he was from Tattooine after all. Graakus was different some, he had an air of superiority and intellect about him. He thought himself above the others, whether that was true or not was yet to be seen. Meanwhile, his friends in the rebellion were in the middle of the Mid-Rim push and depending on how tomorrow went, he may not survive to give them the help they needed. Wasn’t this how this all started after all? Retrieving Ben’s journals, following whatever trails they left, so that he could better aid the Rebellion? Well...that plan sure went south fast.
A faint tapping sound drew his attention away from his own self-pity and to the transparasteel window. It was too early to be fed. Wait...was that...was that a droid? Yes. A small spy droid, something he had only heard of in his farmboy life. Small and agile and almost completely silent. Ever since they came on the market, paranoid spacers would spread wild theories that these droids were all over the place. Secretly weeding out those who spoke out against the Empire.
It had written something on his window with...was that scat? Luke stood and walked towards the door for a better look.
He should have thought it over more, he knew that, but his eagerness to get back to the fight got the better of him. Luke locked eyes with what he could only assume were the optics of the tiny drone, and nodded.
“He’s in.” Rugor handed the controls back over the Vrssl and smiled. It was his first time handling the droid and he had managed to fly circles around his companions own skills as a pilot. “Whoever he is, I hope he can fight.”
“I have my theories on that. There’s no way he’s in there because he’s a rebel.” Vrssl frowned and looked at the controller. How did he managed to be so precise? “If that was all, he would have sold him up the river the minute he found him.
“I’m thinking he’s ‘gifted.’ Like our friend Jan.”
“Don’t take it personally. I don’t fully understand it myself, but I do know it’s pretty much random on who is and who isn’t.”
“OK, so we have a heavy hitter on our side and a way inside.” Kara bit into her yeast cake and brushed the crumbs off her chest. Before making contact with the rebel in his cell they hand managed to map out every inch of the lower complex. Past the slave chambers and staging area for the arena was the massive dirt pit itself. Along either side of that ran long curving corridors for maintenance and access to the bestiary on the opposite side.
They watched as the Gamemaster entered and tended to what they could only assume would be tomorrow’s main event. No one was quite sure what it was, but they knew it wouldn’t be anywhere near a close fight between this monster and the young mane, gifted or not. Roughly the size of a Rancor, it was covered in horns and spines shooting out its shoulders and back, red beady eyes stared out between the bars, and a biotech arm gripped the steel as it waited for its master to feed it.
The Gamemaster talked to it soothingly for a few moments before reaching over to a panel on the side of the cell and with a hiss a small door opened on the side and a medium sized cattle animal scurried into the bedding. Thankfully Vrssl flew the drone into the opening before the bloody feast had begun, but it still could be heard over the audio sensors.
Beyond this hatch was their way in. A large freight elevator led upstairs to a loading dock on the side of the complex, where a single security pad protected from unauthorized entry.
“Without some kind of security access we aren’t going to get far.” Kara gestured to one of the many doors within the complex whose access required a fob. Their drone had managed to slip in unseen as attendants and Magna guards made their way back and forth, they wouldn’t have the same luxury.
“Aisha said the Gamemaster was a slave too right?”
“So, we just bring him in on the fold.” Vrssl shrugged.
“One problem, how are you going to talk to him?”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got a plan.” Vrssl grinned.
“Excuse me Sirs, but I’m afraid that’s for staff only.” The tongruta working the counter seemed to be the only staff today, it was already approaching evening, and the bets would not open for tomorrows battle for hours now. She was used to the addicted and the desperate to roll in asking her for insider info, but this strange pair did not so much address her as they made way confidently towards the lower level door.
“Oh, it’s fine sweetie.” Vrssl put on his smarmiest smile and put a hand up to wave her away. “I’m with the big guy here, you can get his autograph on our way out.” He heard her fumble with her words behind them, they had not so much broken their stride and Graalbar’s hair hand already had a firm grip on the handle.
“I’m...sorry, but that area is closed at the moment. We are busy preparing for tomorrow’s battle.”
“We won’t be long, I just need to tell the Gamemaster he’s going to have to step up his game if he wants my client in the arena again.”
“I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
Vrssl let out an exaggerated sigh, impatiently tapping his foot on the tile floor. “The last fight was pitiful. I mean, come on, a Rancor? That was nowhere near up to snuff for his abilities am I right?”
Graalbar made a show of yawning, flexing his chest so the oiled Rancor leather of his armor groaned.
“So, we’re going to sit down and work something out together. Really give them a good show. You think you made some money last time, ho ho. I’ll show you some serious credits.” The togruta watched as small bird-taloned fingers rubbed themselves together. But she still had no idea how to handle the situation, she was just a counter girl. Her job was to maintain the counter, take the usual delivers of dirty credits for laundering, and shoo away the riff raff.
“Perhaps I should call someone.”
“Oh, by all means.” The little man threw up his hands in frustration and began to pace before stopping to reach for a comm in his pocket. “No, you know what allow me. Lets call your master Graakus and see what he thinks about this.”
Vrssl carefully watched the girl for her reaction, he had to be sure of two things. One, that she was thoroughly intimidated enough to let them through without checking out their story. Two, make sure she was not a slave they needed to rescue. He wouldn’t like himself very much if they had to put a bolt through a slave’s head if things went south. A willing employee on the other hand...
Her eyes narrowed in confusion at the word “master,” but it was quickly replaced by panic at the mention of the hutt. “Oh, n-no please, that’s not necessary. Let me notify the Gamemaster and see if he has a few moments to spare.”
“Finally, some cooperation.” So, not a slave. Good to know. She looked shaken enough too that Vrssl let his hand drop from the hidden blaster. He went through the plan through his mind one more time while they waited, here more than any other job they pulled, the consequences for things to go very bad were particularly nasty.
He and Graalbar would get the Gamemaster on their side, he was a slave after all and freedom was their best bargaining chip. Barring that, get the key off him by any means possible. Free the slaves and move them through the maintenance halls that ran alongside the arena. Once in the bestiary they free the giant monster in waiting to cover their flee out the loading dock and to a waiting service van driven by Kara outside. Meanwhile, Rugor monitored the entire events over the spy drone watching their backs, and in case things got really bad, keep the ship warm and ready to jump.
Behind them the door opened and a tall human stepped out wearing flowing red and purple robes, his face partially obscured by a mask and cowl, but his eyes spoke volumes. He was flanked by a pair of two magna guards who clanked to a rigid stop, their metal feet making heavy clicking noises against the polished floor.
“What is this? I’m busy.” The gravely voice was cold and impatient to match the intensity of his eyes. He had immediately recognized Graalbar upon opening the door, taking the briefest of moments pause before moving attention to the small creature next to him.
“Ahh finally! How you doing? We’ve got to talk you and me.” Vrssl leaned up on his toes to slap the man on the small of his back, the highest point he could reach, but also one of the more likely places to hide a blaster. He felt only well toned muscle and sinew.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of your work. Really, you’re like an artist down there. But I think you’ll agree my client isn’t your typical fighter, and therefore he can’t be expected to perform at his best with your typical fighter’s challenges.”
“...excuse me?”
“No need to get salty, like I said, it’s no criticism on what you do. If anything, it’s his fault for being too damn good, am I right?”
Graalbar flexed his muscles proudly, the Gamemaster could only stare at the two of them.
“Go away. I’ve got a big day tomorrow. Make sure to place your bets.” He had taken no more than two steps towards the door before the Gamemaster found himself being pulled down to the small creature’s level. He was small for such a size, and the grip when he wrapped an arm around his shoulder was not one of a business man trying to close a deal. What was this?
“Now hand on, don’t be hasty. We’ve got an oppertunity to really draw in the crowds. You want to make your master a lot of money don’t you?”
There it was, the emphasis on the word “master.” There was more to it than just an intimidation tactic. Slowly their eyes met and the human felt breath on his neck as a whisper was passed to his ear. “Or maybe you’d prefer your freedom?”
The magna droids clicked and roughly pulled the two apart, pushing Vrssl up to the wall and taking an aggressive stature with their staffs. They were still unlit, but on their own the metal rods could still do some damage. Straightening, the Gamemaster never broke eye contact with the small alien. Instead he held up a hand and spoke a firm command.
Immediately the droids stood to attention in the places. Vrssl knew these droids fairly well, had actually hoped to get his hands on a few himself someday. They were intimidating and dangerous, yes, but they followed commands as opposed to a processing chip. It didn’t matter that two shady characters were suddenly demanding to see the Gamemaster, and then roughly grabbing at him. When the command to stop was made, they asked no questions on the matter.
“We should have a chat. Follow me.”
The glow of the monitor window was the only light in the lounge. Rugor found it easier to concentrate that way. The cockpit was much too full of lights and readouts. The engines had been fired up and idling ever since the door to the Slavemaster’s private room had closed.
The audio sensors on this thing weren’t great as is, and then they had to go and talk in hushed whispers even when in private. Based on the body language it seemed to be going well enough. The Gamemaster was relaxed, attentive. He sat hunched over on his cot, elbows resting on his knees while Vrssl talked. He was still getting nervous however.
This was taking too long. He looked at his chrono. Vrssl must have gotten to the gist of things by now. It would stand to reason that anyone enslaved to a hutt would jump at the chance for their freedom. So then why-
The Gamemaster stood, his posture changing immediately. His knees bent just slightly, feed firmly planted, arms tense at his sides.
The door behind them opened up without either of the three touching the inside panel. In the doorway he could see the outlines of several Magnaguads, electrostaffs lit and crackling, and a pair of human guards with blasters. Rugor lunged for the comm.
“Kara!!! They’re blown, I’m on my way but you’ll be able to help them before I get anywhere close.”
“What? Wait-”
He didn’t wait to hear her objections. The old adage of “no honor among thieves” came to mind, and was quickly cast aside. Saving your own skin was all well and good, but people forget the part where you have to live with the skin your in afterwards.
The speeder wove through the traffic effortlessly, heeding no mind to laws of speed or safety. He wasn’t even sure it was designed to go this fast and hold together. He’d have to find out, because he wasn’t slowing down for anything. Checking his chrono made his stomach feel empty, there was no chatter on the comms since he had called Kara.
Streaming headlights gave way to the growing glow of the approaching complex. Still no word. What was going on in there? Rugor gripped the wheel, if they were in trouble they needed a distraction. Draw the attention away from then.
He got an idea. It was not a good idea.
Rugor tugged on the safety straps holding him into his seat and made sure they were nice and tight. His legs moved away from the sides and the front well. Hands held firmly at 10 and 2. Take a deep breath now, this is going to be loud, this is going to hurt.
Civilians watched in horror as a blur of color and sound dove from the air at an impossible speed. A deafening crash filled the night air and shards of transparasteel fell like rain. They could smell burning plastisteel. The front lobby towards Graakus’s arena complex was a puzzle of durasteel and concrete. It was hard to tell that a speeder existed within the twisted and dented wreckage. But what amazed them most was the emergence of a living being from within.
Rugor stumbled out onto rubble and shattered transparasteel. Everything around him had an eerie silence about it. In a single instant there was an overwhelming explosion of sound and a terrible jolt threw his body against the straps. And then, nothing. Silence. Stillness. It would take a moment for him to even remember what was happening. Right...I crashed.
He took only a moment to assess the damage to his body. He’d life, a few scratches and banged up limbs, otherwise everything was intact. Wobbly legs brought him to his feet. Checking his chrono he saw only a broken face and frozen hands. It didn’t matter. He was here, he had made quite a lot of noise. He would just have to face whatever awaited him downstairs.
Graalbar had definately been here. Broken pieces of Magnaguard droids scattered the floor. Arms gleefully ripped from their sockets and tossed to the side, innards trailing and leaking oil. Despite this, all was quiet. Not a sound could be heard down the hallways. Rugor wasn’t sure if it was just him or not, maybe he was still in shock from the crash.
He leaned his head into the doorway of the Gamemaster’s private quarters and found a pile of robes crumpled on the ground by the cot, a large sticky pool of read forming beneath him. Good, they at least made it out of the room in one piece. He followed the carnage, it wasn’t difficult. It seemed that at least a dozen droids had fallen in their pursuit of his companions, and yet not a single drop of blood was to be found outside of the Gamemaster’s room. Maybe he acted too quickly. Had they already come and gone? No. Kara or someone would have contacted him. So where were they?
His answer appeared around the corner. Just barely fitting in the cramped corridors, Graakus sat on his spindled robot legs, a single muscular arm holding up Graalbar by the throat. His hair feet dangled mere inches off the floor. Vrrsl was standing to the side, eyes fixed on the scene before him. Around them all, nearly two dozen more Magnaguards stood with shockstaffs charged and ready.
“Ahhh, there’s the last rat. Come join us, please.” Graakus had no smug smile on his face. The slug had a fiery anger in his eyes, a fury that seemed to just barely contained.
“You want to talk about rats Graakus.” Vrssl stood defiant and fished inside his pocket. “Let’s talk about your precious Gamemaster.”
His hand returned and held out what looked like a small signet ring made of polished durasteel. It looked innocuous enough, it didn’t even have any carvings on it, only a small notch in the side. Graakus opened his mouth to speak but was quickly silenced when Vrssl reached out with his free hand and slide the notch along the circumference of the signet disk. What was once solid durasteel proved to be closed shutters. With a slight grinding sound the shutters slide away to reveal an engraved gear. The unmistakable emblem of the Galactic Empire.
0 notes
secondwindrunnerdwf · 7 years
Hi friends!
Happy Monday! It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving has already come and gone. I am STILL reliving the thanksgiving memories through my photos so I thought I’d share some of them with you!
We had cheese and crackers on hand before the actual meal, as well as some raspberry preserves. Last year we had goat cheese and fig preserves on the platter too, which was lovely. This year we kept it simple with cheddar and swiss. I branched out with the crackers by getting the generic brand… they turned out to be a little crumbly. They tasted great but were a little messy on account of the crumbs. Next time I’ll stick with a tried and true cracker brand.
We ended up doing a combination of cooking, catering, and potluck for the meal. For the catering, we got the Classic Thanksgiving meal for 12 from Whole Foods (check out their holiday meals here) which included the turkey, green beans, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce. So great! All you do is place the order online and pick it up in store! I ordered the meal a week early because I heard they sell out — and I’m glad I did, because they totally ended up selling out! Whole Foods also provided some awesome instructions for reheating (ie, temps and times) which helped to simplify the whole process. We were really impressed with everything and would definitely be open to catering again!
In terms of home-cooking, we cooked a couple supplemented sides the day of, including roasted sweet potatoes and mandazis (Kenyan donuts). And as far as potluck, our friends brought over a few homemade side dishes (corn pie, brussel sprouts, carrots, bread rolls), which were all delicious! They also brought over drinks (wine, beer, and cider) and a few homemade desserts (pumpkin pie, mini pumpkin muffins). The pie coupled with vanilla ice cream was unbeatable. It all made for an INCREDIBLE feast!
My brother (wearing the black shirt) and his wife (wearing the white sweater) came up from NYC to spend the holiday with us. They stayed a few days and made their way back to New York on Saturday night. It is always awesome to see them and spend time together. I hope they will eventually move to Connecticut at some point! Oh and side note, we set the food out on the kitchen counter so that everyone could fill their plates buffet-style. There were so many dishes that it made more sense to do it this way rather than try to fit everything on the table!
Joel did a nice job carving the turkey! Every year he is in charge of the turkey, and has always done a nice job. We usually cook our turkey in a bag because that’s how his mom used to do it. This year since the turkey came with our Whole Foods order, we didn’t have the pressure of cooking it, which was really nice! All we needed to do was pop it into the oven to heat up (Whole Foods provides all the instructions for heating each dish). After the feast was over, he made a nice turkey soup with the bones. DELICIOUS!
This is only the second or third time we have eaten in our actual dining room. Our house has a formal dining room and a breakfast table area next to the kitchen –> we usually eat at the breakfast table, but it was super fun to use the “real” dining room! Since there were a good number of us, I used a couple benches instead of chairs. This made it easier to fit more people at the table. I’d say the 9 of us fit pretty well around the table!
After we finished up with the big meal, we packed up the food into containers and got everything into the fridge. It was nice having everything put away instead of letting the food sit out all day long (which is what we have done in the past! haha). Many hands made for light work and it didn’t take long to get all the leftovers put away.
We were stuffed to the gills so none of us were ready for dessert just yet. We decided to play some rousing ping pong to help work off the meal. Joel definitely won every game he played, and we all joked that we need to befriend a professional ping pong player so that Joel will meet his match!
After ping pong came PIE! 🙂 I had a mini pumpkin muffin (they were similar to mini pumpkin pies –> crust on the bottom, filling on top!) they were ridiculously yummy. My sister-in-law nailed her recipe! I also had some vanilla ice cream on the side, which of course was the absolute right decision. I was way too stuffed at that point to try any of the other pies, but each pie got amazing reviews from everyone else!
While dessert was underway, we debated which game to play. We are huge fans of game nights (one of our holiday traditions is to get a new game every Christmas) and we all voted for “Bang!” If you have never played Bang, you definitely should get your hands on it stat! We always have fun whenever we play it.
It’s a game based in the wild west, and each person is a character. The only character that is known to the group is the sheriff, and everyone else’s character is hidden. There are outlaws, a renegade, and a couple deputies. There was a fair amount of shooting (of course) and everything else you’d expect in the wild west.
Thanksgiving was such a fun day and we really enjoyed soaking in time with friends and family. We were utterly exhausted that evening and rolled ourselves off to bed with full bellies and happy hearts.
Over the past few years we have gone to see a movie with family on Black Friday, and it’s become such a fun little tradition. We have an incredible theater near us that is brand new — they have a crazy amount oof stellar food/drink options (Joel took advantage of the kettle corn this time around) and big comfy seats that recline.
This year we saw Justice League! Apparently it didn’t have great ratings, but we all enjoyed it anyway. I still haven’t seen Wonder Woman yet, but now I am even MORE excited to see it! I love Gal Gadot and how she portrays the character.
We’ve been enjoying all kinds of thanksgiving leftovers over here. We probably have enough to last us through the week! I feel like the food is even tastier as leftovers. My favorite thanksgiving food is stuffing and I am pretty thrilled that it is still making an appearance on my plate! I’ve seen a couple leftover pinterest recipes for turkey pot pie, so I might give that a try at some point. I guess we’ll see where the week takes us! 🙂
What’s your favorite thing to do with thanksgiving leftovers? Did you do any shopping Black Friday or Cyber Monday? What do you have going on this week? 
Hard to believe thanksgiving is over! I'm reliving memories and sharing a few photos with ya! Hi friends! Happy Monday! It's hard to believe Thanksgiving has already come and gone. I am STILL reliving the thanksgiving memories through my photos so I thought I'd share some of them with you!
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3one3 · 7 years
The Sequel - 807
A House Is Not A Home
André Schürrle, Juan Mata, other Chelsea/BVB players, and random awesome OC’s (okay they’re less random now but they’re still pretty awesome)
original epic tale
all chapters of The Sequel
Juan went home on Saturday night after the services so that he could still go to final training on Sunday, so Christina went home too- to Dortmund. André’s match was Sunday, so he was with the team. Espen and Lukas picked her up at the airport and brought her to the new house. Just like when she walked into the house in London for the first time when it had furniture and decorations, it was an overwhelming and slightly surreal experience to see all that had been done since she left. She and Zoe had discussed general plans for where to put things, but that isn’t the same as trying it out and seeing how it feels. Christina really disliked that her last three moves were into environments that she had no hand in setting up. It was like stepping into a place and thus a role that was provided for her instead of her being able to ascribe her own. Nearly everything significant in the house was something she picked out, so she knew she was exaggerating when she complained about that to herself, but still- it was a symptom of a larger problem that kept gathering evidence for itself and making itself clearer.
The living room, for example, was laid out “okay” but not ideally. The familiar C-shaped sofa was installed on a slight angle to the front wall of the house, which hosted the TV, so as to remain welcoming to those coming through the front door into the open foyer. Christina preferred the couch to be parallel to the TV, especially because the new arrangement meant the part of it she most frequently occupied was now further away from the screen and angled to the left of it. The medium-pile burgundy rug that used to live under the sectional was replaced with a luxurious and very high-pile deep blue-ish-gray one that would trap and collect food crumbs and small toys and was way too glamorous to be stain-proof or even stain-resistant. The tall, long, narrow decorative table that used to live behind the couch with some books, flowers, and coasters was under a mirror in the foyer, which meant the coffee table became the only place to put drinks for the people sitting in the living room. One couldn’t sit in André’s corner of the couch and reach a beverage on the coffee table, even if blessed with his wingspan. The long cabinet unit underneath and floating shelves around the TV had too much stuff on them- too many picture frames, candles, and pointless decorative objects. The rider didn’t like to have too many distracting things around the TV. The Lichtenstein print and faux Lichtenstein Wonder Woman print hung together on each side of the back corner of the room were wrong too. They belonged in the bedroom. And it was just weird for the living room to feel so small. The 10’ ceiling was a lot closer than the two-storey one in her London home, and that space was the full width of the house. Her new main hangout area was half the size.
Beside the unfortunate comparisons and fixable decorator errors, there was the inconvenience of arriving home after a long day and finding all of her personal belongings in a mountain range of boxes on and around the sofas in her bedroom, and the majority of the contents of her kitchen scattered on the counters and island. André put away his own things. Espen put away Lukas’ clothes, cuddly toys, and bedtime stories in his new room and found places for all of the rest of his stuff in the playroom. She also installed some necessary things in the kitchen, like the blender and toaster over, and unpacked some of the food items she needed to make the baby’s regular meals. The espresso machine was operational. There was milk, juice, soda, and some fresh foods in the refrigerator.
Christina did bedtime with Lukas in the new nursery, which looked a lot like the old one except the walls were just gray instead of white and gray striped, and there were two faux “windows” painted on the interior ones with safari scenes. Whenever the little boy’s crib was replaced with a toddler bed, he could look above his dresser and feel as if a family of elephants were having a drink from a stream right outside his room, or look next to his closet door and think a bunch of giraffes and zebras were feasting on tree leaves and tall grasses in there. That was a nice touch on Zoe’s part that her friend really appreciated. Rather than go try to make a dent in the unpacking process in her own closet, which she couldn’t even get excited about, the rider put on her coat and trekked over to the barn to see how the horses were getting on in their new digs.
Calvin, Nick, and Rio were in the three stalls next to Socks and Dirk. That block of 5 on the south side was an exact recreation of where they lived at home. The order was the same. Everyone had the same neighbors. They just didn’t have Christina and her office across the aisle anymore. They couldn’t see her sitting at her desk, and she wouldn’t be able to see them. The 5 warmbloods all seemed surprised to have a visitor at 9 at night, but not unwelcoming. Three of them nickered to their human partner, and all 5 leaned over their doors. So did Jules across the way, and Jelly Bean and Dezzy down the far end. Christina suspected they knew it couldn’t possibly be time for breakfast yet, but they were going to check anyway. Each horse got forehead rubs, neck pats, and nose kisses while she checked to make sure they all had hay, water, and manure in their stalls. Then she went in search of treats for everyone. Isandro kept boxes of sugar cubes in the brush boxes on the walls in his grooming stalls. Tom wanted small cabinets in his grooming area instead of the small boxes. Christina checked there first. They were full of his preferred grooming tools and supplies, but no treats. The tack room was locked, and so was her office. That was a surprise, and it annoyed her. Never mind the inconvenience of being locked out of her own stuff- there were drugs and medicines in one room or the other that could be important in an emergency situation.
She took her phone out to fire off an angry text to her stable manager and to Kyle too, since he came over from London that day, but stopped herself before she could take out her frustration at many things on people who were only responsible for a small part of it. It was logical to assume that the reason she didn’t have a key to those rooms was that she simply wasn’t there to get it. That wasn’t their fault, and as far as they knew she wasn’t supposed to be at the barn until Sunday morning. So the horses got no treats. Christina felt bad about visiting and not feeding them anything, and they had plenty of hay so she couldn’t even throw them each an extra flake in lieu of something sweet or crunchy. Also, she didn’t know where Tom was keeping the “handy hay”, or the bale or two on hand for feeding between regular mealtimes, like if a horse was brought in from his field because he had a farrier appointment and needed something to snack on while he waited for the guy to arrive. Dirk and Rio watched her intently as she wandered around, and the others mostly went back to their hay or their snoozing. Everyone was in their toasty black stable blankets, except for Dezzy and Jellybean who each had a turnout sheet on on top of an extra large wool cooler. Julian was in a navy medium-weight turnout that was older than him, borrowed from Christina’s stock of old stuff because Stefanie only had blankets for her two. Christina thought of gifting her a full set of sheets and blankets in the stable colors for Christmas, or just as reward for her extra help with exercising the horses and supporting Tom and/or Kyle at events, and the reason she didn’t kind of fit with what she decided to talk to Dirk about that night.
“I had to assure Stef on Tuesday night that we’re really doing this,” she told the nosy stallion. “She called me and said she saw a picture on my phone the other day where I was naked with Juan. I got out of the shower and dried off and everything and I was gonna go get dressed but I checked my phone first because I was mid-conversation with Espen when I got in the shower and it was about Lukas and it was important, and sure enough there were messages. So I’m standing there in the bathroom texting with her about food- I’m bad at multitasking- you know this,” the big star smiled at the animal she credited with her star status. “And Juanin comes in to pee. He stopped to hug me first though, and he kissed my shoulder and my neck, and I’m watching this in the mirror and it was really sweet. I’ve told you how Schü says it’s okay. We’ve talked about that, you and I. I had the phone in my hand and everything anyway so I took a picture in the mirror. I don’t even know why I kept it, ‘cause Schü would be upset if he saw it on my phone too. Anyway, she saw that, and she overheard me say some things that I didn’t think were a big deal to Juan when he came to Sweden, and I guess there was some other “evidence” she could have put together. She was like, “I don’t want to accuse you of cheating on André, but can you just tell me that I shouldn’t worry we’re all moving to Germany tomorrow and in a few weeks or a few months you two will split up and you and the horse aspects of your life will move back to the UK?” Now, obviously I told her she doesn’t have to worry. And I think I believed that when I said it. But now...I’m not so sure, man.”
When is he going to defy science and just fucking answer me, Christina sighed to herself while Dirk checked her coat pockets for the third time. He really couldn’t believe she came to see him without any treat offering. His counsel was not free. He expected payment. His mom expected help. She needed someone to tell her it was normal to think she made a huge mistake in moving her whole life to Germany while her heart was maybe trying to tell her it wanted to be with someone other than the guy who drew her there and that she needn’t concern herself with those feelings because they’d go away and didn’t mean anything, or to tell her to listen to that heart and get out of that relationship and move everything back to London because it was the best thing for her, or that those feelings were serious but dictated that she should talk to André about them and try to change things so that those feelings went away on their own, or any other useful or consoling advice.
Never in the long saga of the André-Christina-Juan love triangle did she feel more strongly about or more compelled to make a change. Even when she and her husband were separated and she wanted a divorce, it was more a necessity than an emotional compulsion. He wouldn’t speak to her and she needed to move on. It wasn’t because she desperately wanted a future with Juan. Even on all those other occasions when she was unsure about which footballer was the right one for her, it wasn’t the same. There was always something that happened, or some question asked of her that made her wonder and consider. In the present, it was no one thing. It was no handful of things. There was no manipulative Juan question that got her thinking from an angle that helped his agenda. There was only what the rider believed an organic feeling inside that she wanted to be with the Spaniard because of how much she enjoyed their time together and how fulfilling their relationship was. For once it wasn’t about leaving André. It wasn’t just trying to get away from his mistakes and less desirable qualities. It was wanting to be with Juan’s qualities. And Christina knew that was what Juan always wanted, and what he was waiting for. He said when they broke up that some day she would love his former teammate differently, and would want to be with him for him instead of with him as a person with whom to escape problems.
The main thing stopping her from already acting on that feeling, besides the logistical nightmare of undoing all the changes just made, and the very real impact a separation would have on her son, was the little voice in her head that kept reminding her of André’s belief that things would be fine when they were together. If he was right, then their disconnect was a consequence of too much time apart, and her old feelings for him would be restored soon through close exposure and routine, overpowering any feelings she had for her best friend. That voice kept telling her she had to at least give him the benefit of the doubt and the chance to prove that he was right. She couldn’t just say “I’m unhappy with you and I’m very happy with him so I’m leaving before giving this a chance.” It wasn’t fair, she still believed, to judge their relationship, and make decisions based on that judgement, during such a difficult period of change and when she and her partner were only able to see each other for maybe 6 weeks worth of days in 7 months.
It was warmer in the barn than she expected, and she put that down to its newness relative to her old carriage stable. Everything but the roof was stone colored brick- significantly better insulation than 100+ year-old wood. Stefanie’s trio of horses were really okay in their relatively light layers. They had heavy rugs for going outside. They didn’t need a new wardrobe to match their stablemates, because Stefanie wouldn’t be training with Christina forever. She’d been around and a while and would be round a while longer, but her presence wasn’t permanent, which is why Christina decided against the gift. There wasn’t much point in pretending Stefanie’s horses all needed to fit in. The pro-André factions in her coach’s head wanted Christina to act as if André would always be there, with her forever. They wanted her to assume it was true, and behave accordingly- do everything necessary to make it work.
“I gotta go talk to your Pops,” she sighed to Dirk. “He’s waiting for me to call. I have that ever-present “I wanna talk to him about real stuff but I know I shouldn’t because he’s playing tomorrow” thing. We’re constantly telling each other not to do that. I wouldn’t even know what to say about the real stuff though. Stop trying to eat my zipper pull, dude.” The horse found the therapy sessions boring. If she didn’t have any food and wasn’t going to be more aggressive about the scratches, he would have to entertain himself. That meant grabbing anything he could lift with his big rubbery lips. “Do you want to do something tomorrow or would you rather have the day off? How are the rings? Everybody has ridden here but me. I have to go to the game but I could ride in the morning. Should I ride, or should I play with Lukas?”
Her Holsteiner declined to respond, but Christina visited the shiny new whiteboard next to one of those brush cabinets and wrote a list of four horses at half-hour intervals beginning at 10:30 Sunday morning, leaving her enough time to “do the morning” with Lukas, work out, ride, shower and change, and get to Signal Iduna Park for kickoff. Calvin was the odd man out because he would definitely be terrified by everything about his new home and require more time to get acquainted with the surroundings. They all got a “goodnight” on her way out.
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