#I need to get back in my hq faze
kurooandkenmasslut · 1 year
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rottenpumpkin13 · 6 months
Can we have a company party night that Rufus was out in charge of? He organized everything properly and now the actual event has come. All the Turks and SOLDIERs are present along with directors and a bunch of popular celebrities. What happens?
The Company Party From Hell #2
• Rufus has been tasked with hosting Shinra's annual charity ball. The event area at the HQ has been transformed into an opulent party, with all of Midgar’s elite invited to drink and dance as they please. It's the event of the year and everyone wants to be in attendance. 
• Almost everyone. 
*Angeal and Genesis drag Sephiroth into the ballroom, each of them holding one arm* 
Sephiroth: I'm going to scream for help and embarrass you both. 
Angeal: I once had to drag Genesis kicking and screaming from the book store after they sold out the last Loveless graphic novel. Nothing fazes me anymore. 
Genesis: Please, as if I kick and scream when—SON OF A BITCH! SHE SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOU WHEN SHE HAD THE CHANCE! 
*Sephiroth stops struggling, he and Angeal look at Genesis like he's insane* 
Angeal: What the hell was that? 
*Genesis pulls his hair back to reveal wireless earbuds on both ears* 
Genesis: I'm listening to a soap opera finale. I cannot miss it, so this is my brilliant solution. 
Sephiroth: Don't you think people will notice when you start having meltdowns? 
Genesis: What? I'm being so quiet. No one will notice a thing—AH HA! I KNEW YOU SLEPT WITH HIS MOTHER! 
*Everyone turns around and looks at Sephiroth and Angeal* 
Sephiroth: This is going to be a long night. 
*Zack comes bouncing up to them, happily drinking a flute of champagne* 
Zack: Hey guys! What's going on? 
Sephiroth: I slept with Angeal's mother, apparently. 
Zack: Cool!
• The four of them split up, Sephiroth and Angeal refusing to be anywhere near Genesis. They find a table and watch the party go by, talking to celebrities and other execs when the need arises. All is well, but Angeal keeps checking his phone and Sephiroth is getting suspicious. 
Sephiroth: Are you waiting for a call? 
Angeal: Actually, a text. 
Sephiroth: From who? 
Angeal: You might judge me, but I accepted an anonymous request to punch Rufus in the face. I'm waiting for the text from the anon so I can put the plan into action. 
Sephiroth: I can't believe you would agree to something like that. 
Angeal: They're paying me 10,000 gil. 
Sephiroth: I can't believe you didn't ask for my help and agree to pay me 5,000 gil. 
Sephiroth: What's the plan? You simply go up and punch him in the face? 
Angeal: Uhh…I'll let you know when I get the text. Just don't tell Genesis. 
Sephiroth: Bold of you to assume I would go anywhere near Genesis. 
*They turn around to look at Genesis, who's seated at the next table with Tseng and Lazard* 
Tseng: Genesis, is something the matter? 
*Lazard turns to Tseng* 
Lazard: What is he talking about? 
Lazard: Tseng, I had no idea you harbored such feelings for me. 
Tseng: What!? Genesis, what—
Genesis: Ah, I see how it is. *Genesis stands up* You are in love with his brother. You're having an affair.
*Lazard turns to Tseng, alarmed* 
Lazard: The Vice President??? 
Tseng: I don't know what he's talking about. 
Genesis: Two sick individuals you are, fooling around behind his back. 
*Genesis promptly leaves when Zack comes back with their drinks. Lazard turns to Tseng*
Lazard: How dare you have feelings for me while you fool around with the Vice President. 
*Back at Sephiroth and Angeal's table, they continue to watch*
Sephiroth: Should we do something? 
Angeal: We should've locked Genesis in a broom closet thirty minutes ago. 
• Meanwhile, Zack and Genesis are walking around the party when Cissnei comes up to them in a hurry.
Cissnei: I need one of you to do me a huge favor. 
Zack: Sure, what's up? 
Cissnei: The target I've been tracking for weeks is here at the party, but I need to go undercover as a man to get near him. Can one of you switch outfits with me? 
Zack: But you're wearing a dress!
Genesis: I would do it, but unfortunately I'm too busy listening to—I KNEW IT! I KNEW SHE WAS PREGNANT! 
*People turn around to stare at Cissnei* 
Cissnei: What's with him??
Zack: Don't judge him. Let him enjoy his soap opera. 
Cissnei: I don't have a lot of time! Zack, can you please switch with me? 
Zack: Ahh! Fine, but you owe me! 
Cissnei: I know, I know. Come on, I'll help you into this dress 
*Cissnei grabs his hand*
*People around them gasp and stare at Cissnei and Zack* 
Genesis: Apologies, dear, maybe I can help by doing your makeup so you blend in with the feminine crowd. 
Zack: You think that'll work? 
Genesis: Of course. I've also got a wig in my emergency makeup kit, so we're all set—SHE LIED. SHE'S NOT PREGNANT. SHE'S SCAMMING HIM FOR MONEY THAT WENCH! 
*People gasp and stare at Cissnei*
Zack: Dude, I can't believe you'd like to me about your pregnancy. 
• Meanwhile, Sephiroth and Angeal have just separated Lazard and Tseng from a fight that escalated into a physical altercation. 
*Genesis walks up to them with a very pretty girl in a glittery blue dress and long black hair*
Genesis: How's your night going? I just helped Zack—*gasp* HE GOT MARRIED TO HIS MOTHER! 
*The bartenders and other people at the bar turn to look at Sephiroth and Angeal* 
Sephiroth: Genesis, are you going to introduce us to your friend? 
Zack: It's me! I look hot, right? 
Zack: I had to switch outfits with Cissnei so she could infiltrate a group of men in disguise. 
Sephiroth: You're a good friend. 
Zack: Thanks! 
Angeal: Why couldn't Genesis wear the dress? 
*The people at the bar gasp and look at the four of them* 
Angeal: Never mind.
Zack: Hey man, what show are you watching? It sounds intense. 
*At that moment, Rufus Shinra himself passes by and overhears this conversation*
Rufus: Rhapsodos, why are you screaming at our lovely guest? 
Rufus: Oh my god. Is this true? 
*Rufus turns to Sephiroth* 
Rufus: Did this woman fake a pregnancy to scam you for money? 
Sephiroth, nodding: And had an affair with Angeal, yes. 
Angeal: WHAT? 
Zack: Hang on, I didn't do any of this! I'm Zack, I'm just wearing Cissnei’s clothes. 
Rufus: It's alright, miss, I'm not judging you. 
Zack: No, I really am Zack. 
*Tseng walks by* 
Zack: Look! Tseng can vouch for me. 
Tseng: Excuse me? 
Zack: Tseng, tell Rufus I'm really Zack in disguise.
Tseng: I'm sorry, I don't know you. You do look familiar though. 
Genesis: I can't believe this. I finally understood the full story. He was in love with him, but started having an affair with his brother behind his back. And now he got a woman pregnant. 
*Lazard is walking by and overhears this*
*The music stops, the whole party gasps and are now watching this go down* 
Tseng: I have no idea what you're talking about. 
Rufus: This isn't what it looks like. 
*Lazard gestures to Zack*
*Zack rips off his wig* 
*Everyone gasps* 
Sephiroth: I think there's been a misunderstanding. No one's pregnant, no one's having an affair with anyone, and no one is involved with anyone's mother in any way. 
Angeal: Yes, if everyone will please calm down, we can sort this out without fighting. 
*Angeal gets a text notification on his phone* 
Angeal: 10,000 gil here I come. 
*Angeal punches Rufus in the face, the crowd gasps* 
*Rufus is bleeding* 
*Genesis is still listening to his soap opera*
Lazard: THAT'S IT!
• Lazard flies at Rufus and the two start brawling on the ground. Tseng and Lazard rush to pull them apart, but this ends up creating an even bigger fight when both Turks and SOLDIERs start attacking each other. The party quickly descends into chaos.
• Angeal pulls Sephiroth and Genesis out of there. 
Angeal: Happy, Genesis? Look what you did!
Genesis: Me? You're the one who punched Rufus in the face! 
Angeal: Yeah, but I got paid to do it! 
Sephiroth: Speaking of which. 
*Sephiroth pulls out a wad of gil from his pocket—10,000 gil* 
Sephiroth: Angeal, here's the money you were promised. 
Sephiroth: Yes, I believe this is what is called a plot twist. 
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all-for-geek · 10 months
The Company Party
Fandom: Alex Bale/Don't Feed the Muse
Summary: Jared is a private guy. He spends his days alone working for the IT Department, and he's fine with that. He wouldn't enjoy going to some company party. No way.
Word Count: 1,435
This piece of Jared fluff was requested by @sam-harz. I hope you enjoy!
In the dank recesses of Happy Meat Farms HQ, there was a room darker and dingier than the rest. It was a room that few ventured near, but the inhabitant of the room didn’t mind too much. He was never very good with people anyway. He was content with spending his days there staring at the computers, helping Mother in any way he could.
He loved the work he did in IT, genuinely. Every new person or problem was a fun little puzzle sent his way. The hard ones were always the best. Victoria was probably his favorite. He had to search deep in her files to find the hair incident. He had never felt more pride than when he sent that information up to HR.
Something wet and soft nudged against Jared’s hand. One of the mutant dogs had taken a liking to him and lived with him in his room. He had named it Bobbo. Bobbo stared at him, begging for affection that Jared was more than happy to give. He scratched the bottom of Bobbo’s chin slowly and carefully so that his metal hand did not break skin. It wouldn’t faze the mutant mutt, but Jared always felt bad.
A loud thud outside of Jared’s door made him jump in his seat. If he didn’t know any better, he would have thought someone knocked on his door. But no one knocks on his door. Someone must have dropped something outside again. He returned to petting Bobbo, but when the thud occurred two more times, he couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Jared opened his door enough so that his center eye could be seen. It was the new guy, Wesley. He vaguely remembered getting his file when he was first given his Muse, but Jared never got anything after that. He must have been very eager to join the family. Or very desperate. Or both.
“Hello?” Jared’s voice was scratchy from lack of use.
“Hey, man,” Wesley replied with the usual chipper attitude of the others. Jared had never been very good at putting that mask on, but he didn’t need to with his role. “We were throwing a company party, and I figured I would let you know.”
“A party?”
“Yeah, I think it’s something that human businesses do to celebrate milestones or holidays.” Jared rolled his two eyes that were out of view. He knew what a company party was. He could remember a few from before he joined the family. That wasn’t the part he was confused about.
Wesley handed him a flier through the crack in the door. “It’s going to be tomorrow at 8 in the evening. See you then?”
“If I finish my tasks, then maybe,” Jared answered before promptly closing the door.
He looked down at the poster. It was very well made. Someone from the art department must have put it together. Jared tossed it to the side. Wesley was new, so he probably didn’t know how things worked yet. No one talked to Jared, so Jared didn’t talk to anyone. And Jared was fine with that.
Bobbo caulked his head in confusion. Jared shrugged before continuing with his work.
The next day, Jared was where he always was. In his room, working in the dark. It was a surprisingly light day. With the final phase being so near, there were not as many hosts that needed motivation, so it was mostly tidying up the files that he was sent. 
Jared pushed his swivel chair through the walls of servers to the TV he had set up in the back. He had been a good boy, so he deserved a treat. He pulled out his Spongebob box set, and searched for the right episode. He settled on “Ghost Host”. The Flying Dutchman had always been a favorite character of his.
Just as the theme song got into full swing, Bobbo started barking. Jared shifted his left eye so that he could see the dog at the door staring at him.
“Do you need to go out, boy?” he asked. He slowly got up from his chair, feeling the pops and cracks from a long day of work. He opened the door, but Bobbo didn’t go bounding down the hall like he normally did. Instead, he stayed on the threshold, staring at Jared.
Jared rolled his eyes. “Do you want me to go with you?”
Bobbo immediately bounded the hallway. Luckily, the dog would stop and wait for Jared before turning a corner. Otherwise, Jared would have lost him before he got out of his room. 
As Bobbo continued to twist and turn through the halls, Jared recognized his surroundings less and less. This was definitely not the normal way that Bobbo went to go outside, but Jared quickly shrugged it off. Perhaps, Bobbo just wanted to go for a walk. As long as one of them knew how to get back. Jared would never in a million years have guessed what was on the other side of the door Bobbo just ran through.
As Jared burst through as well, every head turned towards him. Most of his family, many of whom had gone through digestion, but some who had not yet, were clustered in various groups of three or four. Some were sitting at the tables that had neatly been set out. Others were in the middle grabbing more food from the long table off to the side covered in a variety of meats.
It was a party. The party that Jared had had no intention of going to. The one that he had just bursted into like he had. Everyone was staring at him. Was it normal for people to stare at the new arrival to a party? It doesn’t seem like it should go on this long. Either way, he was stuck here now. If he ran, Mother, how he wanted to run, that would be worse. Maybe if he stood there long enough, they would stop staring. Maybe-
“Jared! Hey, man.” Wesley walked over and ushered Jared into the room. Thankfully, everyone else turned back to their own conversation. 
Wesley led Jared over to a table where Mark, Antonio, and Carl were sitting. He remembered those three well. Or, there human forms at least. They had all been a handful before they joined the family. 
“Hey, Jared,” Antonio greeted, “Oh hey, great job with the information for the Drawing Room. It really stopped Mark from being difficult. At least for a little bit.” He turned over to Mark. “No offense.”
Mark shrugged. “None taken.”
“Uh…thanks.” Jared remained standing, looming over the four. The chairs were designed for humans, so he had to. He missed his special chair.
“It’s great to see you out and about, Jared,” Carl said, “It’ll do you some good to get away from those screens from time to time.”
Jared stared, confused. “You all… want to see me?”
They stared at him. Why do people always stare at him?
“Of course, we do,” Mark chuckled, “Why wouldn’t we?”
“Because I came out incomplete. I am not fully Jared the human the host, but I am not Jared the muse either. I figured that’s why no one ever talked to me.”
The look they all gave him sent shivers up his spine. Why did they all have to look at him with such big, pitiful faces? It was fine. He didn’t mind the isolation. He liked being alone…right?
“Oh shoot, Jared we’re sorry,” Wesley said.
“We always thought that you were just a private guy,” Carl added, Do you…want us to come visit more often?”
Jared was surprised with how quickly he answered. “That would be acceptable.”
On that note, the five continued to make small-chat and enjoy themselves. Jared would tell stories about particularly tricky hosts while the others discussed their own troubles with their hosts. By the end of the party, Jared was sitting down on the floor with Bobbo curled up in his lap. He found himself stretching out his farewell to his family, his friends, for as long as he could. When he got back to his room, he smiled genuinely for the first time in a long while.
In the dank recesses of Happy Meat Farms HQ, there was a room darker and dingier than the rest. It was a room few ventured to often, but those who did could always count on good company and a fun story. The inhabitant of the room didn’t mind the intrusion much. He was happy to spend his days here, helping his family in any way he could.
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shingia · 3 years
can i req suna,, akaashi and iwa (and anyone else u want!!) getting jelly abt the s/o hanging out with another guy and being touchy (like the playful smacking or smth) without knowing the guy was their brother? angst to fluff bc i want the ✨ pain ✨ if u dont wanna its fine too,,
thanks bby,, love ur works so much! stay safe and healthy 😫💗
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me receiving a request : 🥰 the request including suna :🤩 tysmm bby stay safe and healthy tooo <3
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-> suna, iwaizumi, akaashi
-> angst to fluff
-> reblogs help a lot <33
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• he hadn’t asked many questions when you told him you couldn’t come over to his house in the afternoon. but now, as he was replaying your snapchat story for the sixth time, he really wished he did
• maybe if he had insisted on coming with you, you wouldn’t have let this guy - that he had never seen, for the record - act so touchy with you
• was it his fault for not making you feel special enough ? to the point that you preferred the company of other men rather than your own boyfriend’s ?
• just the thought of this was enough to make a few of his usually well-hidden insecurities bubble up - most of them due to what his friends always joked about « suna doesn’t care enough to be in a relationship, they’ll all run away after a week ! »
• so yes, suna was hurt, but you didn’t have to see that. your opinion on him was the only one he cared about, he didn’t want to tarnish it. well... your opinion and his little sister’s, who burst into his room as he was about to watch your story for the seventh time to tell him that « someone’s at the door ! »
• not feeling like getting out of bed, it took him a few minutes to drag his feet to the door before finally opening it. and of all the people he could have expected to see, you were the last of them
• « surprise ? » you smiled as you let yourself in, not noticing the surprised look on his face as you greeted him with a tight hug. « i felt bad for cancelling our afternoon together, so i asked my brother to drop me off »
• you weren’t even done talking that suna had already recognized the man in the car that was leaving his driveway. his embrace immediately softened, and a smile crept on his face as he felt all his doubts vanish in a second
• « nuh-uh, don’t take your jacket off beautiful, i’m taking you out », he told you, determined to spoil you in the way he regretted not doing sooner
• at his words, his sister almost magically appeared next to you, coat in hand and ready to go. « you weren’t planning on leaving without me, right ? » she flashed you a toothless grin, grabbing both your hand and his to drag you two outside
• suna shared a deadpanned look with you, « of course not... » you both said in unison as she was already leading the way to her favorite ice cream shop
• iwa’s trust in you was infinite. but something about the way this guy had his arm playfully wrapped around your shoulders didn’t sit right with him
• his practice had ran late and he was exhausted. but he had promised you he would pop over to the birthday party of your childhood best friend, knowing how much it mattered to you
• but your behavior looked an awful lot like an attempt at making him jealous... and it was working
• was it your way of letting him know that you two weren’t working anymore ? were you just too much of a coward to be clear about it ? he hated to think about you that way. and most of all, he cared about you too much to not step in
• « ok now you got my attention » he told you after pulling you to the side. « if you want to tell me something, go ahead, i’m listening »
• still trapped in the euphoria of the moment, you didn’t really understand how upset he was. but maybe it was for the best, because it allowed you to defuse the tension lightheartedly : « i can’t believe i forgot to introduce you ! » you let out as you dragged him back to where your brother was still standing
• his jaw still clenched, iwa couldn’t even bring himself to shake this stranger’s hand, as friendly as he looked. at least not until you spoke your next words : « he was actually telling me how excited he was to finally met his future brother-in-law ! »
• iwa’s lips slightly parted in confusion, you could almost hear the cogs turning in his head over the music. brother? well that explained a lot of things
• « h-hi, sorry i was... miles away » he apologized before finally shaking the hand your brother was holding out to him
• but once the surprise had passed, another word stuck with him : brother-in-law ? as in « my sibling speaks so highly of you that i’m willing to let you put a ring on their finger even though i have never met you yet » ?
• well, it was good to know that your brother agreed with the plans he’d had for you since day 1...
• it was not unusual for akaashi to think that maybe he was not good enough for you. but being actually jealous was a first for him
• he had promised himself to never be too overprotective of you. but the facts were here : it was 3am and the only thing keeping him up was this unknown feeling of pure jealousy
• if he had not been in such a hurry when he witnessed your lighthearted banter and playful fighting with this man in the afternoon, he would’ve come up to you. introduced himself. maybe asked a few questions. if
• suspecting that this unpleasant feeling would not go away unless he talked to you about it, akaashi found himself dialling your number in the middle of the night
• used to his thoughts polluting his mind at unpredictable hours of the day and the night, your ringer was always on. which is why you picked up after only two rings
• « hi angel, i’m sorry to wake you up, i just... » he started, the clarity of his tone letting you know that he had not slept a wink. feeling his hesitation, you were quick to reassure him « it’s ok keiji. what’s going on ? »
• « who were you with ? i mean- this afternoon ? i don’t think i’ve ever met that guy and i was just wondering if... maybe i should ? »
• sitting up straight on your bed, you felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders. if this was the only thing keeping him awake, he should be able to fall asleep in the following minutes. « i was with my brother. but i understand why you were confused, it’s a normal reaction so please don’t blame yourself for that, alright baby ? »
• the gasp you heard on the other end of the line made you chuckle. akaashi’s voice was much less tensed now : « well in that case, yeah i should probably meet him... if you’re ok with that »
• « i’m more than ok with that » you smiled, placing your phone down on your pillow « wanna stay on the phone for a bit ? »
• « that’d be nice », his voice sounded sleepy already, especially above the familiar sound of his covers being pulled up to his chin
• how could he put that in words ? he didn’t even know if he was allowed to be jealous because he knew how often you had to see him deal with his many fangirls
• and that was actually what bugged him the most : that he might have already made you feel as shitty as he was feeling now
• but atsumu wasn’t the type to sit down and seriously open up about his feelings. besides, it was much easier to look like a needy boyfriend rather than a vulnerable one
• so he resorted to what he was best at : physical touch as a way to get your attention
• sneaking up behind you, he didn’t give you any warning before wrapping both his arms around your waist and pressing his chest on your back so much that you almost had to bend over
• he really hoped you would be perceptive enough to understand that he wasn’t just being clingy, but in need of a lot of reassurance. and luckily, it was quick to come :
• « tsumu, let me introduce you my brother » you chuckled, understanding how and why he had been mistaken
• one hand still on your waist, he used the other to greet your brother. atsumu did not really seem fazed by the news. of course he was relieved to know that he had nothing to worry about, but this little experience had still been very eye-opening to him
• after your brother had left to give you two some privacy, tsumu’s grip on your waist tightened, but in a softer way
• « ‘m sorry if i ever made ya cry » he let out, completely out of the blue. you didn’t really understand the meaning of this, but it didn’t matter. your hand found its way to his cheek that you brushed lightly with one finger, admiring the how it was slowly turning red. « being jealous sucks... » he added.
• « it does », you approved, giving him a quick peck on the nose. « but there’s nothing and no one that you should worry about, i promise »
• a fond smile lit up his face. you looked sincere, and he really needed to hear that right now. quick as ever, his hands left your waist to come and rest on your cheeks. both holding each other’s faces, you stared at the other for a few seconds, wondering which one of you would give in to a kiss first
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TAGLIST : @toworuu @catwithangerissues @miyumiya @livy384 @k0u-minamo2 @fullsundear @hsjvwq @kelsuuki @hiraeth-z @velvetvirgos @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner @47meow @japanesevenom @geektastic84 @noir-blanches-blog @idontlikeyourjob @seiri-ami @atiny-grl-with-luv @admiringlove @nachotrash @kellesvt @aintyourholy @Moonlaeli @catchmewiddershins @duhsies @devilgirlcrybabiey @crystal-lilac @ijustwantfreenetflix @mimaki @maitenight
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peace-for-levi · 3 years
Isabel [Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader]
N.B: heya! if you're scrolling through the tags and thinking, "hey, i have read this before..." chances are you probably have! don't worry, this is not plagiarism. you read that on a - now - deleted blog (i had to restart for reasons i won't go into.) so i am reposting everything now!
synopsis: when levi's wife goes into labour, he has to drop the crude, cold façade he normally holds and be there in their time of need.
tw: possible inaccuracies as i have never been pregnant before LOL, reader is labouring, occasional use of she/her throughout, levi being soft ASF (self-indulgent all the way.)
You turned your head at the sound of the door and almost immediately, you felt the wintery gust flood through the narrow hallway of your house. You sucked in a breath, but you quickly smiled. After all, your husband had returned to your cosy cottage.
He shut the door behind him, and you saw him lean his head against it, heaving a great sigh. You frowned at how he almost always needed those few seconds to just process everything in his head before turning to face you. You instinctively brought a hand down to your swollen tummy - was this a good decision after all? Having a baby in these troubling, turbulent times?
But then he turned around again to face you and his face was illuminated by the amber-coloured light of the oil lamp. He saw you stirring the steaming pot of stew and his steely gaze softened immediately.
He smiled.
Don’t be silly, you chastised yourself for such thoughts, he’s happy with us.
Of course he was. He could calm down instantly looking at you. He walked over and shrugged off his forest green cloak and placed it on the counter next to you. War-torn hands reaching out and cupping your cheeks, he pressed his lips to your forehead. You felt his calloused thumbs rub against your temples and you leaned into his touch. Immediately his hands fell to your tummy and rubbed in circles.
“Dinner smells good,” he whispers softly against your lips, “how was your day?”
Dinner did smell good; nothing could beat some beef stew after a long day with your cast iron kettle hanging over the fire, right? He couldn’t wait until your bellies were filled and he could cosy up with you in front of the fire with a cup of black tea in his hand.
Your smile grew wider when he sank to his knees and nuzzled against your tummy. You were probably going to give birth in the next week or two. You lowered your right hand and allowed it to tread through his raven locks, your other hand still stirring to prevent any sticking to your pot.
“Eh…” you huffed out.
Levi pulled back for a bit. “Had an ‘eh’ day myself… What’s troubling you?”
“Just very crampy today and my back is killing me. Why did you have an ‘eh’ day?”
You almost laughed when you heard Levi’s heavy sigh, and it was a long sigh too. He closed his eyes as he recounted the disaster at HQ but… what with the amount of grief Levi had been through, there was very little that could faze him now.
Still, when he recounted to you that Hange accidentally launched one of their new projects - a thunder spear - into HQ and close to his office at that - while he was drinking his tea! - obviously he would be pretty livid. All that was destroyed in the fires of the aftermath were two bedrooms and a storage room, and thankfully no lives were lost, but he wasn’t going to forgive Hange for a while after this. You had to give him credit for his composure.
“I miss Hange, even in spite of these incidents.” You spoke.
You hadn’t seen Hange since you were discharged by Erwin at three months. Well, you had waved at her in the streets when you did your shopping for you and Levi and you might converse briefly, but she was always too busy to stop by for a chat. She did, however, say she’d be present for the birth.
“I bet he’d get along with Hange.”
“Still sure we’re having a boy?” your husband asked.
You yawned as exhaustion began to consume you more and more. “Yeah, he is giving me a lot of trouble like how his father used to.” You teased.
Levi only muttered something under his breath, and you weren’t quite sure what it was. He leaned back a bit and extended his index finger. “Oi, stop giving your mother a hard time. She’s tired.”
Another yawn. “I am, actually. I might pass on dinner tonight and just head to bed.”
Levi stood up again and eyed you curiously; wasn’t like you to skip dinner but he thought nothing of it. He mentioned he’d save some for you and with a chaste kiss to your lips, you made your way upstairs.
You opened the creaky, wooden door to your shared bedroom and when you disrobed, you rooted around for a clean nightgown in your drawers. You groaned as another sharp pain radiated around your lower back and pelvic area. You held onto the edge of the drawers with a white-knuckle grip. You had gotten cramps here and there before throughout your pregnancy, but these were just all-consuming. A few more whimpers and a few deep breaths though, and they subsided.
Hmm, weird, there’s no way it’s time already? I’m still a week or two early, you said to yourself. If he wants to come now, what will happen… would he be healthy?
You shook your head and made your way over to the bed, propping yourself up with a few pillows. It wasn’t long before Levi came into the room too with a candle in his hand before placing it down on his desk. As he removed his shirt, the dull light illuminated and highlighted his defined body. You smiled dozily at him and you were fast asleep before he could even climb into bed.
Awaking in the middle of the night with your husband’s arms wrapped around you was always a treat. He didn’t always sleep, and when he did, it was poor. But whenever his arms snaked around your chest with one hand resting on your tummy, you knew he was sleeping well. It gave you a chance to look at his unguarded and peaceful countenance.
You woke up with a feeling of heartburn that was hard to ignore so you decided a drink of water might be a good idea. You made your way downstairs, careful not to wake your sleeping husband. Leaning against the countertop once you reached the kitchen, you fetched yourself a glass of water and began to sip slowly.
Gulping the last bit down, you placed the glass in a sink and walked towards the stairs again… until you felt a gush of warm liquid flow down your legs.
Oh, crap!
You peered down at the pool of fluid between your legs that was now pooling in your hallway. Your mind froze and all you could do was stare for a few seconds.
“U-uh… Levi?!” you shrieked.
You heard a large thud from upstairs when he landed less than gracefully - unceremoniously, even - after jumping from your bed and he was quick to scurry down the stairs at the yell.
“What the hell?! Are you ok--?”
He stopped when his bare feet splashed against the pool of fluids between you both.
“Oh, my?” he questioned and peered down. “Is it that time already?”
You only blinked at his calmness at the situation. How was he not freaking out?! Your fingers moved to clench your soaking gown. He reached for your hands and walked you towards the front door. He stopped for a few seconds as he scratched his head in thought.
“Levi?!” you screeched at his silence.
He had to stay as calm as possible. It was something he was well used to, being a good captain and all. But it was so different in this situation. Seeing you panic like this and the gravity of the situation made him almost lose his composure. He was able to keep everything well hidden beneath his steely exterior and this was all because he was good at analysing typically abnormal situations.
This wasn’t a situation like this. All he had to do was be a supportive husband for you.
As he hurried down the stairs again, the realization dawned on him again.
Was this actually happening? Were you two going to be parents? Could you two do this?
Well, it was not like you had a choice now.
“Come, let’s get moving.” He said, holding you with one hand by the small of your back.
He assisted you back up the stairs as fast as your body would allow, but once you got to the bathroom just a few metres shy of your bedroom, that’s when you felt everything tighten and your breath became lodged in your throat. Your legs buckled as your hands gripped onto the architrave. Levi was quick to descend with you and hold your hand. A pained groan escaped your lips and you heard deep breaths beside you.
“Deep breaths, you can do it, [F/n]...” he said as he rubbed your back in circles. He tried to do deep breathing with you, taking long, exaggerated breaths. All to feel you a little less alone or too lost in your own pain.
It wasn’t the worst pain you had experienced - you were a former veteran of the Scouts after all - but that didn’t make the feeling pleasant either.
He propped up all the pillows to give you ample support and he placed a hand on your shin, gesturing you to keep your legs open. It seemed that the next contraction seemed to be taking its time, so he made the decision to alert the neighbours. This was a plan Levi had made with them a few months ago, that he’d call next door and ask them to go rush to the nurses and for Hange. Luckily for you two, HQ was no more than a five-minute walk away.
After slipping into a dress shirt and black slacks, he ran down the stairs and hopped over the wall to your neighbour. It was close to midnight now, but hopefully they’d be awake… If not, he’d have to leave you alone by yourself and that was not an option.
He rapped on the door and even called out to them, before knocking again. Thankfully, the middle-aged man and his wife seemed to be up and were quick to open the door.
Perhaps Levi looked a bit more flustered than he thought he did. Then again, as someone so composed all the time, any change in composure screamed out.
“Captain Levi? Is everything alright?” the wife asked.
Levi inhaled sharply. Damn, he was getting stressed already. If they were to shine the oil lamp up to his face, they would be able to see the sweat beading at his brows and how his pupils had narrowed from the intensity of the situation. “[F/n] has gone into labour, earlier than we expected. She needs the nurses a-and Hange--” Fuck, was he stuttering from it all? “I can’t leave her alone to get them and-”
The wife who was probably a good three inches shorter than him looked up at him and passed him a soft smile; a reassuring smile. She had been through all this before. She knew the chaos involved but knew the best thing he could be was a pillar of support for you. She placed her hands on his shoulders and got her to look at him. Normally he’d shrug off any physical contact from anyone that wasn’t you, but his mind was spiralling, and he was doing his best to hide it.
“Levi, it’s okay. Dear, you go get the nursing staff and Hange, okay?” she called out to her husband who had already saddled up in the meantime and taken off. “My husband will be back soon. Let me get you a few things.”
Levi tapped his foot impatiently as she pattered around the house for a bit. She came back with a bag of rags, towels and some knitted clothes.
“It’s important you stay calm, okay? What do you think you’ll have?”
Levi shrugged as he nodded his thanks. “I don’t know, of course, but [F/n] reckons we’ll have a boy.”
“Hmm… I think you’ll have a daughter!” she beamed.
Levi began to head out the door again. “Look, thank you so much for everything.”
“Best of luck, Levi,” she wished with a gleeful smile, “and congratulations.”
Levi nodded with the bag and headed back up the stairs of his home. He burst through the door of your bedroom and was immediately at your side again. He dropped the bag down at your bedside and reached for your hand. He caught you just in time for another contraction. You tried to steady yourself, but you cried out once more and gripped onto the blankets as another contraction overwhelmed you. You hastily grabbed a pillow and cried into it, trying to muffle your cries. Okay, it was official, this was the worst pain you had felt thus far, and all Levi could do was stare helplessly.
It’s not like he could do much. He couldn’t take away the pain from you, but by god, he wished he could. He’d deliver the child if biologically possible, anything to not see you in so much agony. But every time a contraction died away, you would re-emerge and tackle this again with an ungodly amount of strength.
And he couldn’t be prouder of you in these agonizing yet awe-inspiring moments.
You lowered your pillow when you vaguely heard the crowd of nurses patter into the room and everything kicked off. The lead nurse stated she’d be the main overseer to everything. At times, Levi’s mind flitted in and out of the conversation at hand from the nurses. His stare glossed over occasionally, and you couldn’t exactly decipher what it was he was feeling. Whatever it was he was feeling, he hid it well. He absent-mindedly rubbed the small of your back hoping you’d relax as the nurse checked your cervix. His ears perked up once he heard the number ‘three.’
“Three centimetres, seven to go, I reckon.”
“OOH, SEVEN?! HOW EXCITING!” a voice from outside screeched and Levi’s face fell flat. The bespectacled brunette burst through the door. “THAT’S SO FEW!”
“Hange.” Levi barked. He said nothing but his gaze said, be quiet now. “If you’re not gonna be helpful to [F/n], you can leave out the door you came in.”
“Sorry, sorry,” she aired as she rushed over to the other side of your bed and sat on top. “How are you doing, [f/n]? Anything I can do?” she asked. At first you shook your head, but when she mentioned that she brought a few scented candles to help soothe you - or at the very least, keep a gentle ambiance going - you perked up. “Okay, I’ll go light them. Levi, do you have any matches?”
“In the high cupboard left to the sink.” He said and she scurried down.
“Fuck… Levi, it’s happening again…” you groaned as you tossed your head back.
“I have you.” He reminded. He loosened his hand so you could squeeze it. With each contraction came a pain that dominated your entire being. In those moments, for those seconds that stretched into infinity, there was nothing else. Every contraction seemed to hurt more than before, and you would be left panting and almost delirious for a few seconds. Everything melted into the background when a contraction came; the nurses melted to nothing as did their encouraging cries.
But you remained grounded to Levi. He held your hand with every contraction and his lips were pressed to your sweaty temple. While you could only vaguely hear his encouraging words, he was still there and encouraging you to breathe deeply through it all, even if it hardly did anything to alleviate the pain.
“How much longer will this take?”
“She progressed quickly enough to get to the three so it may not take too long. Though it could just as easily be another few hours, or even well into tomorrow. I’m sorry, there’s no way of knowing.” The nurse replied.
Levi only nodded. He just wanted you to be okay and to make this as pain-free as possible. Hange came back in with the matches and began to light a few candles.
As time passed, your head fell. The contractions kept coming but you weren’t progressing as fast as you thought. By the time the second hour rolled by, you had only made it to four centimetres. You were reminded that you’d know when to push.
Levi couldn’t stand to see you in so much pain.
“Is there anything we can do?” he asked, now getting slightly panicked.
The nurse smiled sadly, knowing there was only so much they could do. “[F/n], how about a walk out in the fresh air?” she offered.
Levi peered over at you. Within the past two hours, he had acquired a basin and wet cloth, and was dabbing it occasionally on your forehead. “How about it?” he asked, repeating the motion of it as you lifted your head up again to receive his touch.
“If I walk down those stairs, I don’t think I’ll make it back up…” you huffed.
Hange had taken to holding your other hand too. Levi’s initial glare at her excitement seemed to do the trick and she was very helpful. Perhaps more proactive than the nurses. Then again, she was your best friend; she probably wanted to do everything under the sun.
“A bath may help?” Hange perked up. “Warm water and all?” to which you nodded.
Levi stood and pulled you up. Before you may have walked upright and with your back straight, but now you walked totally hunched over. He ordered for someone - anyone who could get there fastest - to draw a bath. A few stayed behind in the bedroom, taking turns supervising you.
Levi walked you towards the bathroom and unbuttoned your nightgown. With an ‘arms up’ command, he had it off you quickly and you were left in just your bra. He lowered you into the bath and you sat in the middle of the tub. He questioned why you weren’t going to lean back and that was when you asked him to come into the bath with you. He wasn’t going to fight you in the moment and rushed back to the bedroom and put on a pair of (swimming) shorts… or shorts he had no issue getting wet. Within mere seconds, he lowered himself into the bath and wrapped his legs loosely around your waist, his chest firm against your back. He began to rub your arms up and down and leaned over to press a kiss to your cheek.
“You’re doing so well.” He said. His tone lowered to a whisper when he heard you begin to weep. “Hey, hey, hey… What’s wrong? Ah-- Hange, can you go get us a basin?” he asked. Your face paled a little and he shouted for the Titan scientist to hurry as another contraction washed over you.
“L-Levi, I don’t feel right…”
“Hange!” he barked for the third time.
You brought a hand up to your mouth and expelled whatever food had been inside you from before. The pain of this contraction was so intense you had thrown up. Levi swept a thumb across your chin and Hange came in with a basin, and you spilled the rest into it. In fact, you threw up twice more. The bitter taste in your mouth left you feeling all disgusting and ‘icky’, and you let out a choked sob of frustration. Your body had you rocking back and forth on its own accord, trying to move with the pain so to speak, letting out pained groans through gnashed teeth.
Levi leaned you forward and began to rub your lower back. “Breathe. You gotta breathe, [f/n], come on.”
You shook your head as you wailed, almost sounding like you were giving in. “I can’t! It’s too much, Levi!”
“Hey,” he called gently. “Sniff the flowers,” he commanded and paused to breathe in, “and blow out the candles” and he exhaled. “You can do that for me?”
You weren’t sure about how the silly visual cue helped you at all, but you also knew Levi wasn’t going to quit saying it until you did what he told you to do. After a few deep breaths, you calmed down and your contraction died away. Levi continued to rub your lower back, offering whispered words of encouragement.
“Gosh, Shorty, aren’t you such a sweetie?” Hange jeered.
“Go away, Four Eyes.”
The contractions came and went, growing more and more intense. Levi sometimes opted to swish the water down and forth or turn on the tap, to give you something else to focus on. You weren’t sure how long you two stayed in the bath, but Levi helped lift you out once the water had gotten cold. Hange went to relight the candles, pillows were propped back up and you were moved back to your bedroom, to do the whole thing all over again.
And frankly, you weren’t sure how long you could hold on for. It was unbearable. As the hours ticked by until the wee morning, you were losing your strength.
“I’m sorry.” Levi mumbled as he kissed your matted hair.
“It hurts so much. I’m so tired.” You whispered, your voice dry and hoarse.
Levi looked up at the nurse and then over at the small clock on your bedside lock. Seven in the morning, so you had been labouring for seven hours, if not more if you were experiencing smaller contractions before your water broke.
How he ached to take all your pain away from you; to shoulder it all and save you from this agony. You both knew it would be worth it at the end, but the process of getting there was no doubt painful.
“You’re doing well. It’ll all be over soon, won’t it?” he asked and looked at the nurse.
“I’ll go see how far you are,” she said, softly. You let your legs widen as she did another cervical exam. You flinched a bit as you felt her gloved fingers inside. She gasped. “My, you’re almost there. Easily nine centimetres!”
For the first time in a couple hours, you felt genuine relief amidst all the chaos and pain.
Levi had sent the nurses and Hange downstairs an hour later, telling them they were free to help themselves to food stored in your cupboards. They had been crowding around you both for over eight hours now, they deserved a break too. You were fine with your husband sitting through your contractions with you, especially when you only had a centimetre or two left.
That was when you felt an excruciating pain down below, unlike anything you had felt all evening. Levi was at your side in seconds.
“What is it?”
“Hnnn!” you groaned out. This was it. This had to be it, the feeling the nurses told you about. An overwhelming amount of pressure was building between your legs and you let out a guttural noise. “Get Hange and the nurses.”
“Wait, is time? Now-”
“Get the fucking nurse, Levi!” you yelled, and he ran down to fetch them.
The pressure had your hips swaying into position, it was almost unbearable to refrain from pushing. The pain had your whole body trembling. Levi arrived back in with the nurses and you opened your legs at the lead nurse’s command. Your husband was sitting by your side once more, lacing his fingers with yours.
“I see a head! And plenty of hair too! The baby has moved into the birth canal. I need you to push on the next contraction.” She explained.
You heaved in massive strokes, starting to lose your breath. You were completely worn out now, body and mind. You all waited with bated breaths for the next contraction to hit. You took in a massive breath when you felt that familiar pain come back again. Your stomach tightened - everything tightened - as a scream ripped out from your throat.
“You have got to push harder, [f/n].” The nurse urged. Hange came in, sitting on the bed and shuffled onto the bed to hold your other hand.
You shook your head. There was no way you could, you were so depleted of energy.
“You can do this.” Your husband said.
“I can’t! You have to do it for me!” you wept into his arms.
“I would if I could.” He assured you.
The nurse called for your attention. “The next time you push, tuck your chin into your chest and push as though you got to do a number two. But push very hard.”
You blinked frantically. “Wait, what if I do poop?”
“That means you’re pushing right!” Hange cheered.
This entire conversation made Levi grimace, and it took every ounce of self-control to not cringe.
The final contraction hit and with whatever strength you could muster, you pushed through with a shrill cry. The baby began to crown, the hot stretching of flesh almost making you want to stop but you had to keep pushing through. You felt the head leave your body and you pushed through the rest of your contraction. You held onto Levi’s hand with such force he was pretty sure you could have broken it. And he would have taken it.
And then the pain left your body finally.
Tiny cries pierced the air.
Levi tilted your head back and his lips crashed against yours in a kiss that carried so many emotions with it; love, adoration, pride, elation and gratitude. He kissed you again and once more while your baby was being wrapped up. One of the extra nurses moved to clean you up and help deliver the placenta.
“A girl, congratulations.” The nurse whispered. Hange cracked a toothy grin, but she knew to step back and leave you two to have your moment.
You looked down at your wrapped-up little miracle, falling in-love instantly. Had her father’s hair and gunmetal eyes, but your eye shape and complexion. She also had your chin too. Your index finger rubbed against her plump cheeks and almost began to whimper again but with a few gentle hushes from you, she settled down once more. She was probably hungry too.
“She looks so much like you…” you whispered, looking up at your husband. The nurses and Hange took this as their cue to leave. Levi’s eyes had completely glossed over with a newfound vulnerable expression that you had never seen before. You could tell he was just itching to hold her, so as gently as you could, you shuffled over to the side to allow Levi to relax into the headrest. “Here, Levi.”
Your little girl was placed into his arms and a calloused thumb immediately went to trace under her eyes and around her cheeks, her forehead; everywhere. A swell of emotions overcame him like a tsunami crashing against the shoreline and he shut his eyes, tears flowing down his pallid cheeks and he made no effort to stop them. His lower lips trembled, and minute whimpers escaped his lips, but he was desperately clawing at whatever composure he had left to try to piece himself back together.
But he could cry, his daughter was here. He was a father now; he could be as emotional as he liked, and no one would care.
“Isabel.” You said, gently, and Levi nodded at the suggestion.
Levi’s thumb moved to his daughter’s fist and her fingers latched around it instantly, bringing his thumb to her mouth and began to suck. He let out a soft chuckle. “I think she’s hungry.”
“I bet she is.” You said, reaching out and taking a hold of her once more. The baby began to wriggle, and her arms broke free from the blanket, beginning to fuss. You lowered one side of your nightgown and held your daughter against your breast. She latched after a few seconds and by god was it uncomfortable. The feeling had you biting your lower lip in discomfort, but you just had to grin and bear it.
The three of you sat in silence for another half hour or so as you nursed your baby when you heard a knock on the door. Hange peeked her head around and smiled widely at you both.
“Shhh.” Levi was quick to say.
Hange tiptoed in. “I may have bought a few visitors…”
The raven-haired man’s face fell flat. “How many?”
And in came all of Levi’s newest squad and Erwin. He face-palmed at the noise and shrugged off his blazer to cover you and your daughter.
“Is this a bad time, Levi?”
“Yes, it’s a bad time. She’s barely been born a half hour and--”
“I KNEW IT WOULD BE A GIRL! TAKE THAT, MISTER DEATH WISH!” you heard come from outside the room. You only sighed softly.
“I tried to keep those two out of this,” Erwin mentioned as he walked over to the two of you. You removed your baby from your breast and buttoned up your nightgown again. The blonde smiled in pure adoration. “She’s so precious. Congratulations, Levi, [F/n].”
“Thank you, Erwin.” He replied and you nodded your thanks.
In your half-asleep state, you began to nurse again in front of everyone, not bothering to cover up. Levi sighed heavily and moved to cover you up again before you came through.
“Sir, we can call back later if you want.” Eren piped up, walking over to stand by his superior.
“It’s okay, Eren, this is natural. I don’t mind, provided you don’t stare too much.”
“I mind?!” Levi cried. With your free hand, you rested it on his hand. He took a deep breath and sighed. “Fine. You can stay, Jaeger. All of you can.”
Sasha and Connie were next to try to squeeze onto your too small bed for nine extra people.
“I brought her some potatoes!” she chimed and handed one to you. You had to politely explain that babies probably won’t eat until four months at the earliest. And even then, it would only be baby gloop and mushy foods. Not steamed potatoes.
Connie peaked over Levi’s shoulder. “Do you mind?” Levi asked him rhetorically.
“Nope,” he answered swiftly and saluted. On the wrong side. “Sir, why does it look squishy and ugly?”
And then ensued a fiery debate from everyone in the room (apart from Erwin) on why you shouldn’t call babies squishy and ugly, especially in front of their parents. Especially if one of those parents was one Levi Ackerman. But amidst all the commotion, both you and your baby were tuckered out. Levi was surprised that he saw you dozing off in spite of all the ruckus and that your baby was suckling away on nothing.
The short man may have had his doubts before Isabel was born but looking at everyone around here right now - being so chaotic and noisy, but so full of happiness and pride for you both - made all those negative thoughts wash away.
It took a bit of shuffling and squeaking of military boots, but eventually everyone was kicked out by Levi. He looked back fondly at you two, both of you sound asleep.
He would promise you both a normal, peaceful, family life one day. Even if he had to lay down his life doing it.
Because every doubt, struggle, emotional outburst, hormonal-fuelled argument led you both to this, and he would not trade it for the world.
This was his purpose; protect his beautiful wife and precious daughter.
And maybe one day, in the distant future, he would be able to spend more time with you two. In a world without Titans. In a world that was peaceful.
But for now, he had a small serving - a slice - of peace at home and he couldn’t wait to navigate this new chapter of his life with you.
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realcube · 4 years
telling the hq boys you faked an orgasm
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characters ♡ bokuto, kuroo, hinata & tendō
content warning ♡ cursing, fem!reader, nsfw themes, all characters aged up - minors dni
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kōtarō bokuto
♡ you must be a really good actor if you managed to fake an orgasm without him noticing js
♡ anyway, bokuto needed a lil’ ego boost bc he hadn’t been to well at his games lately so you were talking about how great he was in comparison to your exes 🥰
♡ bc that always cheers him up pfft 
♡ after a while, the topic accidently kinda steered off in the direction of sex so you reminded him that he was the first guy to ever make you cum 
♡ and since he seemed to have gone back to his normal, cheery, confident self, you thought it was safe to joke about how the first time you ever came was on round two (2) of y’alls first time together 
♡ he was chuckling, laughing at a previous joke you just made then he literally just froze-
♡ which creeped you out tbh
♡ ofc you asked him if he was okay and once your statement had fully processed in his brain, he asked with a shaky voice if you meant to say round one 
♡ his red cheeks and pout should’ve been a big sign that you should lie and say ‘yeah, i meant round one.’ but instead you just shrugged and said, ‘no, it was round two. i faked it the first time.’
♡ you may as well just have stabbed him through the heart and left his corpse in a Target parking-lot >:’(
♡ bokuto tackled you into a hug - and luckily you were already sitting on the bed or else that could’ve ended badly - as he buried his face into your neck and blubbered, ‘oi! was my dick not big enough the first time?!’
♡ bc obvsiously dick size = orgasm 👍 /s
♡ you tried to explain to him that he was just really stiff the first round but in the second, he actually started to utilize his lips and hands  - but that just made him defensive 
♡ ‘i was nervous, (y/n)!’
♡ ‘yeah, i understand, bo! i was nervous too. but look on the bright side, you were the first guy to ever make me cu--’
♡ if he wasn’t already in emo-mode, he is now 
♡ though he probably takes it closest to heart out of all of them, he’ll probably forget about it after a good nights’ rest lol
♡ honestly 90% of his problems are solved by sleep and the other 10% is solved by water
♡ but for the rest of the day, pls be gentle with him 🙏 he is sensitive-
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tetsorō kuroo 
♡ offended™
♡ he told you about an argument he had with bokuto about who was better in bed and he said something along the lines of ‘then i told that owl bastard that i made my girl cum with just my finger so i guess my di--’
♡ and you were already in a pissy mood bc he has been talking non-stop for the last half hour, not letting you get a word in so when you heard him say that, you blurted out, ‘who’s your girl then?’
♡ kuroo was just about to keep rambling on until he finally faltered, ‘what?’
♡ you blinked rapidly, unsure of whether you should continue or not but his glare that seeming to penetrate to tough exterior prompted you to choke out, ‘uh, wh- who said you could do that?’
♡ kuroo cocked his head to the side, quirking a brow, ‘how bout the time i had that meeting thing?’
♡ that was in reference to the time he was wearing a suit for his conference which he had to leave for in a few minutes, so ofc he didn’t have the time to get undressed so he just fingered you 
♡ however, after a while it was clear that you weren’t gonna reach your high anytime soon and you didn’t want him to miss his train, so you just..pretended to cum :)
♡ ‘uuhhh’
♡ kuroo’s tongue ran over his bottom lip, looking irritated at first before he pounced on you with tickling hands, ‘tell me what you mean by that! did you cum or not?!’
♡ you tried to stutter out a response but his fingers worked quickly at your stomach, ‘i- uh- no!’ you finally managed to squeal, resulting in his whole body immediately freezing
♡ ‘why?’ 
♡ you blinked rapidly, inhaling sharply at his sudden change in demeanour, ‘b-because you were gonna miss your train, baby!’ you yelled, clasping his cheeks in your hands 
♡ kuroo chuckled, running a hand through his hair as before pinning you to a nearby wall by placing an arm over your head, ‘that’s no excuse, babygirl.’ his gaze burned through his bangs and into your eyes, ‘now, how do you think i should punish you for lying to me?’
♡ your throat ran dry, looking up at him with pleading eyes as you ran your hand up his chest, your mind too fogged by the feeling on his knee rubbing against your clothed cunt to process his question properly
♡ ‘c’mon, use your words.’ he cooed, taking your chin between in index finger and thumb before angling your head upwards
♡ once he realised that you were at loss for words, he answered on your behalf with a sly smirk on his face, ‘i’ll make you cum so many times - until that slutty mouth of yours forgets how to lie to me.’
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satori tendō
♡ he’s probably the least fazed
♡ if it was in the past, at least
♡ like if you tell him that you faked an orgasm with him on your first time together, he’d hardly be surprised lol
♡ he’d just chuckle and shrug bc ofc he’d be awkward during his first time, but he’s gotten a lot better since then so it’s fine
♡ but if you say you faked a orgasm last night- he is shocked 
♡ like you can see his hair inflate and his eyes widen 
♡ ‘wha- why?’
♡ you shrugged, casually taking a seat beside him as if what you just said wasn’t a big deal - which it was, to him, at least
♡ ‘but you’re usually a slut around my fingers.’ he said, tugging on each of them individually, preparing them for the lengthy session they were about to have 
♡ ‘i guess it just didn’t hit the same yesterday’
♡ he raised a brow, taking one of your clothed breasts into his hands to fondle with it while he kept his eyes glued on your blushing face, ‘how ‘bout we try it again then, doll? this time, i won’t stop until that pretty little mouth of yours is begging me to let you cum.’
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shōyō hinata
♡ he honestly feels bad for you 
♡ when you approached him to explain that his fingers alone didn’t really do it for you last night, he felt so guilty
♡ like he didn’t want you to feel obligated to fake for him- 
♡ but he was glad that you told him :))
♡ he wasn’t too sure about the fingering thing either so it wasn’t that big of a loss for him lol 
♡ that was hardly an excuse though bc ofc he wanted you to feel good no matter what 
♡ anyway, he probably use this against you if you are ever being too bratty - like he’ll threaten to only fuck you with his fingers for a few weeks or so if you don’t fix your attitude 
♡ or he’ll slip out at the last second and replace his dick with his fingers just as you are about to reach your high to ruin your orgasm 🥰
♡ he feels kinda bad that you had to fake an orgasm for him but he promised to make it up to you :3 and he did, many times
♡ like he took the fact you didn’t like his fingering and ran with it 
♡ though he initially wanted to improve his fingering skills, once he realised that he could use it as a punishment for you, he didn’t bother
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ssamie · 3 years
them getting caught simping for their s/o (part 1)
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·˚ ༘⌗ just hq boys simping for you and getting caught simping by their friends
·˚ ༘⌗ characters include: tanaka ryuunosuke, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime
·˚ ༘⌗ gender neutral pronouns were used.
·˚ ༘⌗ warnings: swearing and fluff lol
gen masterlist.                      hq masterlist.
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honestly are we surprised?
he's already a massive simp, so why should he hold back when it comes to his s/o
he simps by literally any and every way you could think of
hyping you up? ofc, no need to say anything he already does that on a daily basis
want cuddles? say less,, he's already waiting with his arms wide open
want to go on dates? who cares about practice, he'll go on a date with you anytime, no matter what the consequence he may face
want to meet up at 3am for no reason at all? wdym, he's already up and waiting outside your house
you're sick? no no, he's already in your room taking care of you with meds, soup, and cuddles <3
i could go on but...you get the point
he gets caught simping by the team when they walked past you and him sitting by a tree on the school yard
he had you sitting on his lap with a gleeful and lovesick smile as he brings his chopsticks up to your mouth to feed you
"do you like that, baby?" he asked you with a smile. "yeah, it's very good" you said. "did you cook this?" you asked him
tanaka proudly smiled and nodded "yup! i have to make sure my baby gets only the best food there is!" he exclaims as he wraps his arms around your waist
you laugh lightly and playfully smack him in the chest "you're too sweet, ryu" you said "but thank you."
"hmm, anything for you, babe" he muttered in reply as he pressed a soft kiss on your cheeks and temples
the whole team is watching with varying reactions lmao
first of all, noya and hinata are crying from jealousy (suga too but he won't admit that 🙄)
tsukki, yams, and the other second years are snickering while daichi and asahi jokingly join along
they tease tanaka about it, but it's not like he cares lmao 💀
"damn what a simp."
"you're so smitten it's actually sad."
tanaka: "you're just jealous you don't have an s/o!"
it's true. they were just jealous 🙄🤞🏼
they're still very happy tanaka actually found someone that loved him back. they all knew he had a heart of gold, and he deserved every bit of love he received from you
i love him :(
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oikawa is actually a very affectionate partner
he does have a high ego, but he will succumb once he gets a quick glimpse of you
to him, you're the most beautiful being to ever walked the earth, not even kidding.
that's usually how he simps lol
he just praises you about pretty much everything
gives you never ending compliments and aims to make you feel like the most perfect person alive, because thats how he sees you
also loves physical touch <3
doesn't have to be sensual,, he just likes feeling your skin on his.
his favourite is when you're holding hands because his hands are much bigger than yours and he finds that cute >:(
"tooru, practice will start soon" you said to him as you comb your fingers through his hair, though being careful enough to not mess it up.
"hmph" he said, though it only came out as muffled murmurs, seeing as his face was buried into your chest
"you're very clingy today" you hummed "something wrong?" you asked him
his hand, which he felt the need to intertwine with yours, squeezed yours tighter as he brought them up to his lips
"mm, i just love you that's all" he said as he went back to burying his face into his your sweatshirt.
you smiled and kissed the crown of his head, making him sigh in content. "love you too, tooru"
they clown him.
the whole team just clowns him.
it would start with iwaizumi quietly snickering, though he wasn't really that fazed since he sees oikawa like this with you a lot
but makki and mattsun saw you too and just burst out laughing. idk why either they just did
they, along with yahaba, would just laugh and throw in some teasing comments
he usually responds with petty replies
"damn, what a simp"
"didn't think the oikawa tooru would like anyone but himself"
oikawa: "shut up! stop teasing me, you're all dumb! you're just mad i have a god/goddess of an s/o. you probably don't know what that's like cus you're all ugly. unlike me ofcourse. though blah blah blah.."
oikawa sweetie... shut up <3
kindaichi laughs along,, kunimi and kyotani just doesn't care lol
i love tooru sm :(
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i love you sir 🛐
anyways, iwaizumi is a very loving boyfriend!! very protective and affectionate, but more showy when you're in private
he could never say no to you, no matter the request
you could probably ask him to eat cat shit and he'd do it for a kiss ngl
okay.. maybe don't go that far.. but yeah
you want kisses? he's not the biggest fan of pda but he'll do it if u really want it
wanna go on a date? can't say no to that
want him to buy you food/clothes? he'll do it no questions asked.
i could list down more things but my brain can't think of anything else so no <3
you were outside the gym, getting drinks and snacks and just talking
and you thought it would be a good idea to try on some clips you got on his hair
"please, hajime" you pleaded with a pout "i got these really cute clips yesterday but im wearing enough already" you said
"so i want you to wear the rest" you present him a small bag of colorful butterfly clips with a smile
iwaizumi looked at it with dread, not really wanting his head to look like a rainbow. but one glance at your hopeful smile and he just ~melts~
"ofcourse, baby" he said with a small smile "do what you want" his smile only widened as you cheered, excitedly picking out the colors to accessorise him with
"would you like blue and pink or blue and purple?" you asked
"which do you like more?" he asked "hm. maybe blue and pink.. i dunno though. you'll look cute with both" you said
"just do both then" iwaizumi shrugged as he leaned his head back on your lap, closing his eyes and humming as you comb through his hair with your fingers.
"thank you for letting me play with your hair, haji~" you cooed with a soft laugh as you press a kiss on his nose
"anything for you, love" iwaizumi replied with a chuckle
everyone just stops for a second. just pause.
they definitely didn't expect to see iwaizumi to enter the gym with his hair decorated with blue, pink and purple butterfly clips.
oikawa gasps in shock and would probably ask to borrow some.
he already knows its from you since iwa is his best friend, and he really didn't want to get a beating so early into practice.
"iwa-chan! can i have some?! give me the blue ones!"
iwa: "no way, shittykawa get your own fucking clips!
makki and mattsun would tease him to death. they were the only ones brave enough to do so :p
"damn, y/n really had you wrapped around their finger, huh?"
"ah, the things we do for love~"
"what a simp"
makki and mattsun came home with a bruise that day.
kunimi and kindaichi are quiet. they didn't want to end up like the two idiots. though kunimi may or may not have snapped a quick photo
kyotani thinks its iconic. he's an iwaizumi supremacist, what can i say.
i love iwa sm pls 😖
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i think im getting better at making headcannons,, idk tho jjsbsnabs
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ataraxiies · 4 years
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✶⋆。˚☆゚✦ heartwarming things hq boys do pt. 2
▐ part one▐ part two▐ part three 
synopsis: mini headcanons that show how the hq boys are total sweethearts for their s/o
★˚。 — ⌇ characters: bokuto koutarou, meian shugo, matsukawa issei, ushijima wakatoshi, osamu miya, aone takanobu
★˚。 — ⌇ genre: fluff
★˚。 — ⌇ warnings: n/a
★˚。 — ⌇ author’s note: i just had to do part two because all hq boys can be sweethearts! 🙈 thank you to the anon for the chara suggestions~ also, bear with me, ik part two/sequels are never as good as part one/the original one. ╥﹏╥
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✶▐ bokuto koutarou ↝ this precious boy is such a goofball at heart, but like such an emotionally intelligent goofball who will love you like a puppy would? right? he’s definitely the type to dance with you in the kitchen without a care in the world. and you better believe that it becomes somewhat of a ritual for you and him to have these impromptu “dance parties”. with the music blasting and him twirling you, all the while grinning & letting out laughs of unadulterated joy, he never fails to treat you like his number one & draw out your own silly side. if your neighbors complain, no worries; bokuto handles it so well to the point you don’t have to be self-conscious of you two enjoying each other’s company!
✶▐ meian shugo ↝ being 6′5 (196 cm), it’s an unfortunate fact not much will accommodate meian’s size, and so, pajamas and even blankets end up being kind of small or short on him. but then- enter you, the perfect size for him to forever act as a cuddle monster towards ! as someone who probably lives for snuggles, meian will wrap his large arms around you and hold you snugly against his body for much needed warmth. and honestly, he will do this whenever you two sleep . . . but ! if you even give the slightest indication you want soft cuddles now and not later, meian will pounce you (not literally ofc) & give you all the cuddles you need within a heartbeat. just being so close with you makes him so happy, he just doesn’t have the words for it, and he genuinely hopes that applies to you, too.
✶▐ matsukawa issei ↝ there is not a shadow of doubt in my mind when i say matsukawa issei’s the type who pokes and tickles you when he senses you’re even a little bit upset or annoyed. even if you flash him the biggest unamused scowl, he just wears this unreadable look as he once again pokes your side, attempting to tickle your irritability out of you. like, he just wants you to crack a smile for him, doll. though, it’s kind of surreal how very patient matsukawa is with you?? you’ll catch on rather quickly that not much can truly faze him, and if there’s one thing you should really know, it’s he will always be there for you even if you’re at your lowest and or your worst.
✶▐ ushijima wakatoshi ↝ ushijima. really. enjoys. just. booping. your. nose. and he can’t really explain it?? just something about you just makes him want to do so. he’s not a very touchy-feely kind of guy, but he truly does relish in the pleasant feeling he gets when you tilt your head & shoot him a puzzled look due to wondering what prompted him to boop your nose out of the blue. he cracks a small smile just thinking of that curious expression you wear; you’re just too adorable for him, and he makes a mental note to tell that to you soon. anyway- in all honesty, him booping your nose is simply one of his habits he picks up on as your boyfriend- call it a small gesture of affection if you will.
✶▐ osamu miya ↝ i am convinced osamu is as touch-starved as his twin brother if not more so. and in this conclusion, osamu has this natural penchant of pulling you onto his lap, and simply wrapping his arms around you securely and protectively. he’ll gently lay his head on your shoulder as he essentially recharges with you being in such close proximity to him. honestly, this happens at the most random of times, and he doesn’t offer you much of an explanation either?? it just clicks in his mind that you and him need to recharge cuddle now. so, he just pulls you into that position, and only then does he let out a soft sigh as he melts into your touch. it honestly becomes one of your go-to cuddle positions, and you can’t help but love your childish boyfie, who truly just wants your affection.
✶▐ aone takanobu ↝ aone is excessively gentle with you. unlike with how he is with his teammates, he’s constantly worried about hurting you unintentionally. you’re just so precious to him that he wouldn’t forgive himself if he did that to you. and so, you find that even in his most protective & perhaps even needy hugs, he holds back his strength because he just can’t bear to think he could end up crushing you in such a simple act of affection, such as a hug! it’s gotten to the point that it if you two hold hands, you barely feel his warmth because he’s so worried about underestimating his strength. suffice to say, it may take awhile for you to fully convince him you’re not as fragile as he may think, but at least his thoughtfulness for you is endearing!
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akaashisupremacy · 3 years
Yes, Always
Summary: Having broken off your engagement for an arranged marriage with Gojo, your relationship is in shreds. As you and Gojo try to pick up the pieces, what does love look like?
Gojo Satoru  x reader
Multi-fandom Masterlist || HQ Masterlist || Ao3 version
Genre: Mostly fluff, lil bit of domestic angst, exes to friends to lovers (wc: 1.8k)
“How on earth are you still bed when the sun is setting? Gojo Satoru dramatically bursts into your apartment. The door flings open and you’re sure the knob dented the wall. 
You don’t even blink. His theatrics rarely faze you anymore. You shift on your bed to face the wall. 
You don’t have energy for this. 
Gojo knows you since your childhood. You hadn’t always been so easy to tire. But Jujutsu work was a lot. It accumulated fatigue that  drained you physically and emotionally ever so often. 
“You cancelled on Ieri, I knew something was up and I was right!” he placed his hands on his hips. He walks over to you.
You yawn and ignore him. 
Gojo opens a window and pulls out your covers in response. 
“Hey!” you yelp. 
“You go shower while I make you something to eat.” he commands. 
You continue to ignore him. 
He tries to haul you off the bed and into the tub. 
You finally sit up, crossed beyond words. He kneels down so he can look up to you.
“You need a warm shower. It will help you feel better, I promise.” he says firmly, “Get yourself some fresh clothes. I’ll run you a bath.” His tone is is a mix of stern and gentle in away you don’t hear often. 
You grudgingly get up and do as he says. 
You drag yourself off the bed and into the bathroom. As you body soak in the hot water, the fatigue peel off and you feel re energised. You look up at the steam that floats around you. 
Your reverie is interrupted by the kitchen noises.
Why was he doing this? You thought to yourself. This wasn’t like him to cross the boundaries of your home and to check up on you. Sure you were dating, but coming over was way too cozy for Gojo who only ever dated casually. 
You walk out in new clothes, hair still dripping wet. 
Gojo had set up a pot over a portable stove on your dinner table with some food already boiling away. The smell of dinner on the way was already wafting in the air. 
“Thanks for doing this.” You murmur, wrapping your arms around him and burying your face into his chest. 
Gojo resists the urge to pull away or look extremely nonchalant. He’a never been good with commitment or sincere expressions pf affection. 
“The water was nice.” you added. 
He carefully plants his hand your nape and press your forehead on his lips. You body is still warm from the shower. It still shocks him how close he can hold you. 
“If you like the water so much we can go swimming in the summer.” he nods, “I’ve always wanted to go to Okinawa and go diving or snorkeling.”
You briefly pull away, “If we’re still seeing each other.”
He hesitates, “We will.” 
“How do you know we’ll last till then?” 
“I just do.” he pushes. 
“Sure,” you take tour arms off him.
Gojo is not good at commitment. It is hard for him to sustain his interest in any one person, which you’ve accepted when you began dating him. Your set-up isn’t even exclusive. Why was he kidding himself? 
Now that you’ve detached yourself from him. He heads back to the kitchen counter. 
“Because this is the hardest I’ve tried.” he replies softly, “I’m concerned about you you think and how I make you feel. I don’t think I can take the weight of disappointment if things spiral a second time.”
You look at him as he prepares so vegetables. Gojo was your technically your ex-fiancee. You thought the break-up freed him. Maybe you weren’t completely right. 
This is your second shot of your relationship. Why are you surprised that he’s trying so hard? Why is it difficult for you to believe in his sincerity? 
“Okinawa sounds nice, I want some oysters.” you reply, taking out some bowls and chopsticks. 
“I want to see you in a bikini.” He smirks. 
You instinctively throw a towel at him. He dodges with a grin. 
As the meatballs begin to cook, you both take a seat. Gojo recalls his conversation with his student earlier today. 
“Yuuji,” Gojo called out as he enters the kitchen, “I need you to teach me how to make meatballs. I’m bringing them over for a friend.” 
Itadori Yuuji is busy cutting up some mushrooms. Must be hotpot night again for the students. 
“Here take this, this is ready made.” he pulls out a container of meatballs from the fridge.
“Aren’t you going to teach me how o make it?” Gojo asks his student, slightly perplexed.
“You look like you’re in a rush. I can teach you another time,” Iatdori smiles congenially and waves his hand. He causally takes the meat and scallions from Gojo’s bag and begin prepping them for his meal. 
“Is this for you ex-wife?” he causally asks his teacher. 
Gojo snorts, “Ex-fiancee. Yeah that one, they’re not feeling well today. I’m going to drop off something to eat.”
“I think it’s kind of nice you’re a second try.” Yuuji grins good naturedly. 
“The first time wasn’t really a try. Our engagement was arranged.” Gojo packs some other things onto a bag, “Our marriage would have ended in flames if we had pushed through.”
“Yeah, but even if you had married, I think it would eventually work out. It might take years but you clearly do get along and you’re attracted to each other. You’re both willing to put in the work.” Yuuji reasons. 
“Just people try doesn’t mean they always succeed.” Gojo mutters. Yuuji is the eternal optimist. 
“Its not gonna work any better if you don try at all. Relationships aren’t a one time task.” 
“Why can’t you just teach me? It’ll take just a little bit of time.” Gojo asks again. He slings the bag over his shoulder, ready to head out. 
“But a little bit of time is still worth something. More time together is always good.” Yuuji nods. 
“Just take it sensei,” Itadori said before he left the school, “Make the most out of today.” 
After dinner, you yawn. Gojo goes over your side and sweeps you off your chair. Your legs are dangling awkwardly over his arms. This feels so new yet strangely comfortable.
“Let’s get you back to bed.”
He looks into your eyes, framed by your lashes. Warmth has returned to your cheeks. Your face is brighter than when he first came. 
You lace your arms around his neck. 
Gojo has never been to your house on a personal visit before. He doesn’t know how to feel in this new kind of intimacy—an intimacy outside of sex. It is intensely emotional for him to see you at your lowest, at home, without the trappings of your jujutsu powers or even you work coat. 
Who were you outside your jujutsu sorcerer? Who were the two of you outside of your jujutsu connections? 
“Put me down, I want to stand.” you quietly request. He relents. 
When Gojo gets up to do the dishes, you follow. You’re standing side by side, elbows bumping as a creeping sense of domesticity inches up his spine. 
Gojo prefers to eat out. Cleaning up after dinner was like breakfast after sex—too much commitment. 
“If this is freaking you out, we can stop.” You mumble, quickly reading through him “I can do the dishes and you can just go.”
He’s surprised by the exit you create for him, but he buckles down.
“I’m not running away from anything tonight.” he says. He’s shirking from extra time, not from his feelings and definitely not from you. 
He fills his ears with the sound of clanking dishes and your slow and steady breath. His time today was your anyways. Why would he take it back? Domesticity is unfamiliar, but he so badly wants to give it a shot. 
After all the dishes are put aside, you wipe his hands dry with the kitchen towel. His heart is racing, his palms sweaty. He thinks about cracking a joke to hide his tension, but decides otherwise. 
You eyes look steadily at him, as if testing him to see if he will sat or go. He takes the towel and gently dries off your hands, careful to get in between your fingers and to be gentle around your wrists. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” he remarks, “even if you don’t believe me.”
“I’m really trying.” he adds. 
“I believe you.” you nod. Some of the tension and discomfort in his face fades. 
You walk towards your room, “I’m going to bed. I’m tired.”
He scurries behind you, turning off the lights as he goes “Can I lie down beside you?”
You’re taken by surprise but you don’t let it show. 
Gojo mostly lies on top of the sheets and he watches you tuck yourself in. You look so young like this — pajamas, no make up, no work clothes. 
You were arranged to be married by 20 and you look just that age. He notices you staring back at him, inspecting him in this new angle you’re both experiencing for the first time. 
“Did you ever think about what our first night would be like?” you ask candidly.  
He rolls onto his back and stares into the ceiling, “It would probably be awkward. I’ve thought about taking a sleeping pill to knock myself out. What about you?”
“Just the usual stuff.” you shrug. 
“What usual stuff?” he prods. 
You make a face and reply, “I guess I expected you’ll about some of my habits that I’m embarrassed about eventually.”
“It’s not the sex?” he asks surprised. 
You laugh and shake your head. When you were younger you were curious about it, but once you learned what it was it didn’t seem as interesting to you. 
“No, I thought the sex would just make me sad. Judging by the way things were going then, you’d be thinking of someone else while I give myself to you.” you turn away from him as you talk, sheepish to voice your hurt out loud and look at him in the eye at the same time, “You’d make me feel small, like my family did. For most of my life, my only value was to be married to you and I couldn’t even feel good in it.”
Your words heave silence into the room. You don’t know what expression he has on. 
“Man, I sound like horrible husband.” he murmurs. 
You slowly turn back to him. 
“But that was what would have happened if we had married at 20. That’s not us anymore.” you shake your head. 
Your faces so close your noses touched. 
“What are you doing?” he half-asks. 
You press your face to his shoulder. He pulls away a bit to get under the sheets. He wraps an arm around you and uses his other arm to turn off the lights. 
“Can I stay tonight?” he breathes in your smell even though he already knows the answer. You feel so impossibly soft against him, he feels the lull of sleep approaching. 
“Yes,” you barely whisper, “always.”
I wrote this as a follow up for another Gojo x reader fic who used to be engaged. Check out the other parts!
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 || Part 7 || Part 8
Comment or message to be added to the taglist! Or write down some comments about your feelsssss
Series Taglist: @tokyo-love-hotel @samkysnks@herownescape@cherrianne192@shamelessdonutsludgebanana@kageyamakock@shirostrbl@luvang3l @cloudsinthecosmos@httpjungoo @saturnki  @itstheee-ha-chan @gucci-froggy @soy1melk @dora-the-grownup@cherryonigiri
If you’d like to continue being part of my taglist (JJK or Haikyuu), please let me know! I also write oneshots for both fandoms and soon I’ll be doing BSD too!
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strangerivy · 4 years
Say Your Mine
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Summary:   Levi and you head out with a small group of Scouts out of the walls to clear out some titans and your taught a small lesson on why your hair should not be long and in the fear pint up emotions are brought out into the open. Warnings: Swearing | Some Violence | Spoilers for No Regrets OVA   Pairings: Levi Ackerman x Reader (y/n) Genre: 18+ | Fluff  Word Count: 2.8k Author’s Note: So my dumb butt forgot Flagon is dead... so I fixed Confessions in the Snow switching it to Mike, nothing changed though. Anyway, let me know what you guys think! and if anyone wants to be tagged in future Levi fic’s just let me know and I’ll start a taglist 😊 💜
|| Masterlist | AOT Masterlist ||
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Year 845 - Spring
You sat on your horse next to Levi, running your fingers through your horse’s mane with a soft smile, soaking up the little amount of peace you would have for the majority of the day. The morning sun just barely breaking over the top of the wall as you waited for the gates to open. A soft spring breeze blowing through you, sending a chill up your spine. The frost on the almost bloomed flowers that lined the streets and in window garden beds of the homes around you was a symbol of the cold night air still lingering around. 
Your hair blew wildly around you and you quickly swiped it away from your face with a huff as you continued running your fingers through the mane, your horse letting out a snort in appreciation lifting its head for you to pet it more causing you to let out a small giggle scratching the underside of its chin. You heard Levi click his tongue and you looked over at him with a tilt of your head.
“What?” You asked not sure what could have pissed him off so early but then as you thought about it, there were a number of things that could have. For instance, you may have given him your cup of tea rather than his. But he would have said something you thought, your morning tea always having sugar added to it, which is something he hated, always commenting on how it ruined the taste of the tea.
“Didn’t you have time to do anything with your hair?” He questioned looking over at you with narrow eyes, another gust of wind sending your hair into a wild dance again. When the wind died down once again you quickly gathered it up and pulled it behind you taking the hair tie you did have, tying it sloppily back to appease the grumpy man beside you.
“Better?” You pointed at the messy bun with a cheeky grin unphased by his cold attitude and he scoffed once again with a roll of his eyes.
“It’ll do,” He sighed knowing he wouldn’t get a better result now as you were about to leave.  Of all the days you could have overslept, it had to be the day you go out beyond the walls. Erwin, who was leading this mission, yelled out that the gates would be opening shortly. You felt your heart began to beat faster as the minutes tick. 
There was always a sense of excitement and nerves each time you went outside the walls. Excitement to see the outside world once again, beyond the walls. Nerves because you could never predict what was going to happen, how many people would be lost this time? If you would be one of those, you glance at Levi from the corner of your eye, or if he would be among the dead. You let out a heavy sigh from your own thoughts and Levi eyed you curiously but still looking stoic as ever, the fear of what lay beyond the walls never seeming to faze him. You waved his unasked question off as the formation began to move forward, the sound of chains rattling signaling the gate was raising.
“Nothing,” you sighed heavily “Just lost in my own head,”
“Aren’t you always lost in your head,” Levi deadpanned your mouth dropped at his comment feeling your annoyance rise, the dark thoughts forgotten in an instant.
“Rude!” You shouted in offense shooting daggers at him with your glare, he smirked before you started to speed up making it outside of the walls into the open world beyond the walls. You closed your eyes for a moment letting yourself feel the sense of freedom beyond the wall provided before regaining your composure and becoming the skilled soldier you had become over the last few months.
The signal came to break off into your smaller parties, the mission was small so there weren’t many of you out in the field today. Reports of a few titans having been spotted too close for comfort, easy in and out misson.
You and Levi sped up veering off to the left of the formation following right behind Erwin and Mike, you would be closest to the trees that you would be looking for the Titans this time around. You kept your eyes open waiting to catch any movement.
You were quick to spot the 10-meter titan running at you, quickly shooting a red smoked signal flare into the air to signal the other parties. As soon as the Titan was close enough, Levi used the trees on the edge of the forest to take it out. You grabbed onto his horse so that he would be able to easily get back on and continue with the mission.
Levi got back onto his horse with ease giving you a nod grabbing ahold of its reins. Another 10-meter appeared that Mike was able to take out as you continued along the edge of the trees. That was the nice thing about your team now, you didn’t really need to speak to know what to do.
The mission was going smoothly for you each having killed a Titan. Erwin gave the order to retreat as it seemed you had got all the suspecting Titans. You were heading back to the gate with a small smile as it seemed for once, no one died. This seemed to be the case each time you went out with Erwin, he was growing quite a reputation of not losing people in his squad.
You turned to talk to Levi when a large leg of a 15-meter Titan shot out of the trees causing you to quickly turn your horse almost losing balance and falling off but you were able to quickly recover still moving as the Titan tried to swipe at you just barely missing as you swerved. You cursed yourself, getting into a stance on the back of your horse to use your gear.
You hooked your grappling hooks onto a tree just behind the titan using it to gain momentum with your gas to get high enough into the air to grapple onto the nap but just as you were about to do that, you felt your hair become loose flying wildly behind you. You made eye contact with the mindless creature, the world suddenly moving in slow motion as you watched its hand reach out grabbing onto your hair with a tight grip.
You let out a painful scream as you were yanked by the titan feeling the whiplash in your neck and then pain on your scalp from being held by your hair. You reached up dropping your blades, holding onto the base of your hair that you could grab to help relieve some of the pressure, trying to yank your hair out of its grip, legs swing wildly in the air. You felt the air leave your lungs as it brought you closer to its mouth your actions becoming more desperate, your eyes beginning to tear up as you thought your fate was now sealed. You tried to reach your dangling swords while still pulling on your hair another string of curses leaving your lips.
Just as the Titan was about to lower you to its mouth you heard the hiss of ODM gear and a scream of an angered soldier but not just any, Levi.
“Get your filthy hands off her!” He spat as he sliced at the neck, a more than large enough piece being cut from the nape nearly beheading the thing.  The titan began to fall forward with you still in its grasp, but it was now loosening enough for the strands to slip through. Its body already beginning to disintegrate. Levi quickly grabbed hold of you in midair before landing on the ground whistling for your horses to come back before another titan can make a surprise appearance.
You collapsed to the ground once your feet hit the earth breathing heavily as you tried to calm your racing heart down, adrenaline still rushing through you your hands shaking as you collected your blades sheathing them. Your horse appeared next to you and you began to stand up using Levi’s arm to help pull you up.
“T-thank y-” You were cut off as Levi slammed his lips onto yours once you were fully standing, his hands on either side of your face pulling you closer to him. You stared at him in shock at his actions feeling his lips move against your still ones as your brain tried to process that this was real.
You felt his tongue brush against your bottom lip asking for entrance and you relaxed into his grip closing your eyes and kissing him back just as passionately gripping onto his jacket. You parted your lips with a soft sigh letting him in your tongues battling for dominance after years of pint up romantic tension was finally let go, poured all into this one kiss.
He broke the kiss resting his forehead on yours both of you taking deep breaths to catch your breath. You relaxed your grip on his jacket as rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs. He let out a sigh before helping you back onto your horse, you weren’t able to take your eyes off of him as he did, confusion filling your mind. Once he was sitting back on his horse you went to speak.
“We are cutting your hair the second we get back to HQ,” He interrupted before taking off towards the others. You blinked a few times as you stared at him riding away knowing that once you were back things would need to be discussed, you could no longer play this game and you weren’t sure he wanted to either. One of you needed to make the first move, looks like it needed to be you.
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You were laying on Levi’s bed, legs dangling over the edge gently swing them as you were waiting for him to gather the things he needed for your inevitable haircut. You traced the groves of the bottom of the top bunk with the tip of your figure as you heard him walkabout, you replayed the conversation you had with Hange earlier while Levi was conversing with Erwin about the mission.
“So, he just kissed you, in front of everyone, and then rode off?” She questioned as she was taking notes from her most recent experiment, she looked up at you threw her glasses, “What are you going to do?”
You let out a frustrated sigh falling back into one of her chairs running a hand through your hair working out the knots as your fingers reached the ends. “I don’t know,” You whispered staring up at the ceiling and Hange let out an equally frustrated sigh making you look up at her.
“You two are so much alike it’s no wonder neither of you have admitted your feelings to the other,” She states almost as if you weren’t in the room and she was speaking to herself. “Are you happy? Are you happy with how things are between the two of you? Can you keep going like this y/n?”
Hange’s words echoed through your mind making your frown. Your mind wandered to the kiss once again your heart starting to race at just the memory of it. You thought about what it could mean, but you knew in the back of your mind exactly what it meant but your fear of assuming the wrong thing had you pushing that thought as far back as it could go.
You lifted your head to see he was getting the chair set up, you let out a frustrated sigh letting your head fall back onto the mattress. You felt a gentle kick on your boot making you lift your head again.
“Come on,” Levi motioned to the chair and you lifted yourself off the bed taking a seat. He had grabbed your brush from your room brushing the knots out of your hair. This was your favorite part of the whole process. Levi always took his time whenever he brushed your hair, it was calming especially on nights you couldn’t sleep and you two would just sit there talking and he would mindlessly brush your hair with his fingers.
After Levi is satisfied with your hair being knot-free, he begins working on cutting your hair to a more manageable length.
“Honestly, how did you not notice this mop?” He questions a hint of annoyance in his tone
“It’s not a mop!” You let out a small huff, “And besides I’m not the only one who seems to have forgotten about their hair, yours is a bit longer than usual as well,” You defended, you heard Levi let out a small snort and you went to turn your head to look at him with a smirk, but he gripped your head-turning it back forward.
“Hold still,” He instructed, you both fell into a comfortable silence the only sound in the room being that of the scissors. Your mind once again allowed to wander to things you didn’t want to think about especially in the presence of the man those thoughts were about.
“Levi?” You asked, he let out a hum telling you that he was listening. You kept your gaze at the ground as you tried to find the right words. You must have taken too long because the room became quiet.
“What is it?” Levi asks curiously wondering what had you so on edge. You debated making something up to avoid the conversation once again, but you knew it would only make the situation worse if it wasn’t addressed now. If the kiss wasn’t addressed. You took a breath to calm your nerves.
“You kissed me,” Your voice was soft when you finally spoke the air in the room changing, thickening as the veil you and Levi danced around shattered, “Y-you kissed me and- and I don’t know what it means,” Your voice was barely above a whisper but sounded so loud with each word, your heart feeling like it was going to beat right out of your chest. 
The room remained quiet, the only thing giving away that he was still standing behind you was his breath. You began to heat up from nerves worried that this was a mistake, thoughts beginning to flood your mind of how you should have just kept your mouth shut and continued playing the game. You went to turn around in your seat to look at him, but he grabbed ahold of your shoulders pulling you tight to the back of the chair, holding you in place. You tensed at the sudden contact keeping your gaze on the ground, his fingers were trembling slightly giving away just how nervous he was.
“I’m sorry,” You panicked going to stand up and walk out “I s-s-shouldn’t have said anything” You rambled but before you could leave Levi grabbed a hold of your wrist.
“Will you just give me a second, dammit” His voice was quiet but still held a sternness to it that kept you from running out the door. His grip loosened slowly until his hand finally let go dropping to his side. You pulled your hand to your chest rubbing your wrist with your other hand as you cautiously turned to face him.
He was staring down at the ground his hair covering his face, hands dangling at his side. You took a step cautious step closer and then another until you were standing right in front of him. He slowly lifted his head so that he was looking at you and that’s when you could see the deep blush on his cheeks. Seeing him blush caused your cheeks to start heating up and you turned your head in embarrassment, but he gently gripped your chin turning it back to face him.
“It means that I love you, alright?” His voice gained more confidence as he went on, “It means that I’m yours and I would like- I would like i-if you would be mine,” He scratched the back of his head from the nerves and you stared at him in a bit of shock your mouth slightly opened as your processed his words a smile slowly spreading across your lips as it sunk in.
You threw your arms around his neck pulling him into you in a tight embrace as you snuggled into the side of his neck taking in his scent that always brought a sense of peace to you. He slowly relaxed, his shoulders dropping and his arms slowly wrapping around your waist holding you equally as tight to him.
“Of course I will,” You answered with a smile pulling back enough to look at him “Always have been,” He pulled you into a kiss just like before. He cupped your face rubbing soft circles into your cheeks. When you parted he pushed a few stray hairs out of your face.
"Now let's fix your mop,"
"It's not a damn mop!"
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admiringlove · 4 years
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II: sneak; returning it like a detective.
— you try to return the book like a normal person would do, and a small nightly meeting with miya atsumu makes your heart bloom.
+pairing: miya atsumu x reader.
+genre: crossover(hq x hp); fluff; angst; frenemies to lovers.
+word count: 1.9k
+warnings: literally none. if you count idiot mcs then yes, that’s the warning. 
+usual customers(taglist): @babyworld @renee1414 @anotherhydrangea @seita @tobiosnoelle @weebslxt @tsukkiwaifu16 @loveusandoor @kozumebri @sarawrz @crackheadsara @kyuudere @cultsax @supernovaa-a @akaashikeijisan @b3llo-there @sugasloverr @kagebunshiin @tetsurolls @velvetfireworks @kritiiiii @1wai @seijohlogy​ @sweetrosemilktea @bellesowl @ems1des​ @akaashi-todorki @tanaka-ryu​
+author’s notes: send an ask to be added to the taglist!! these chapters may be short but that just means there will be more of them ;) 
+navigation: previous, masterlist, next.
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You figure that you could return the book safely to Atsumu's room tonight; before the two of you meet up at the Black Lake, you were going to sneak to the boys' dormitory and place the book under his bed.
You were beleaguered. The paranoid feeling ate away at you as you pulled on a woolen jumper—along with your green scarf, the invisibility cloak Atsumu had gifted you long ago, and boots when Kiyoko suddenly got up from her slumber.
"You've been paranoid all day," the girl reached for her glasses, speaking in an ingenue tone. Your eyes widened at her sudden voice as you turned to face her. You were just about to leave your room to head down the stairs when she spoke up.
"Erm... y-you noticed?" you asked in lassitude. She chuckled as she ran a hand through her hair, pushing the duvet down by her feet as she sat crisscrossed on her bed.
"You've been anxious. I saw you looking at the door again and again in Potions when you got partnered with Miya. You barely paid attention to what I was saying at dinner, and when we got back, you were pacing back and forth in the bathroom. Thank Salazar the other girls were downstairs talking to people," her mellifluous voice soothing your anxiety a bit, as you sighed out loud.
"I guess..." you mused, "—it's 'Tsumu."
"Figures," she giggled a bit, pushing her glasses up as she runs a hand through her hair once again, waiting for you to explain.
"H-he's in love with this... girl. I read through his diary last night. I found it yesterday," you mumble in rue, as your voice cracks just a smidge—telling Kiyoko everything she needed to know. She nods in realization, "I'm guessing you only realized it now?"
"It's stupid of me, isn't it? I can't wrap my head around the fact that he's been in love with another girl this whole time, and I-I've just... not realized it," you hummed in distress as you avoided eye-contact with the raven-haired girl in front of you, her cerulean eyes giving you a gaze which you didn't really understand.
"Hm, so you're returning the book tonight?" she asked. You nodded and continued, "Yes, and er... Atsumu asked me to meet him by the Black Lake. He should already be there by now, so I can just sneak into his room and leave the book there."
"I won't keep you waiting then," she gave you a half-smile, an indication that she'd talk to you about the matter at hand later. She didn't want t Yo pry, and you were grateful for that fact as you quietly tip-toed to Atsumu's room.
Muttering the unlocking charm, "Alohomora," you entered Miya Atsumu's dormitory, to find multiple boys sleeping there—Suna, Aran, Osamu, Sakusa—You quietly moved under your cloak, and crouched down low, pushing the book under Atsumu's bed and getting up as soon as possible. You walked out of his room—the cloak still atop your head—as you stopped dead in your tracks.
Miya Atsumu was standing at the bottom of the staircase, and with each step, he was coming closer to you. You quietly tip-toed towards another door, standing eerily still as you swished your wand at the piss-haired boy's dorm, "Colloportus."
He fumbled with his pockets for a second, then mumbling a "shit" in realization as he pulled his wand out of his boot. He went in.
You take this as your chance of fleeing the scene; you really didn't want to get caught by Miya Atsumu outside his room, nor did you didn't think you wanted to explain to him what you were doing there. You made your way towards the Black Lake, turning left from the Forbidden Forest.
You could've sworn you saw a fox in the distance—a yellow fox just staring at you from a mile away. You shook the feeling away because when you walked towards the deck at the Black Lake, Atsumu was already there(he was panting heavily, which meant he had run all the way here).
"There ya are!" Atsumu raised his eyebrows, his hands on his thighs as he bent down, trying to catch his breath. You chuckled as you ruffled his hair, "Here I am."
"Here," he handed you a small bag. You smiled at how considerate his expression seemed and took the bag from his hands hesitantly. He gestured for you to open it as the two of you sat crisscross under a tree.
"Is that..Miya! You went all the way to Hogsmeade even though it's our first day at school? How did you even—" You gasped, "It's No-Melt Ice-Cream! Ooh, and Treacle Fudge!"
Your worries seemed to fade away for the night as the boy in front of you gazed at you with the softest expression as you dug into the ice-cream and divided the Treacle Fudge neatly into two—one for him, and one for you. Sighing, you slowly laid on your back, looking at the boy next to you with a giggle escaping your plump lips.
"I could've sworn I saw a fox back there. It was the same as your piss-hair!" you laughed, clutching to your stomach. His carob eyes softened as they glazed over your petite figure, widening a bit when he heard you speak those words. He tried his best to hide his expression, but you noticed it anyway. Though you didn’t want to pry, the teasing would have to wait for the morning as his chatoyant gaze on the dots in the sky was too pleasant to miss.
"A... fox?" he spoke quietly, "Really?"
You hummed in agreement as he laid down next to you, turning his head softly. Even in the night, his eyes lit the way, as if he was a seer. You wanted this moment to last, but you knew you couldn't be selfish. After all, he loved someone dearly.
He loved someone that wasn't you.
"Hey, you remember we were brewing Amortentia today, right?" you asked, poking his shoulder slightly. He mumbled a small "yes" and you continued, "There was a really pretty girl there. She was a Ravenclaw, and she had red hair, do you know her name?"
"Why in Salazar's name are ya asking for a girl's name? Are ya attracted to her?" he joked, as you shoved his shoulder. You shyly brushed your hair away from your face, looking up at the full moon. It was now that you realized; there was no backing out now.
"No, you idiot. I was thinking of setting her up with you so you'd stop irritating me every minute of every damned day," you groaned. He stopped and blinked for a second, his lissome expression turning dissemble as you looked at him with inquisitive eyes to hear his response.
"I wouldn't think I'm fit for a relationship," he says, looking at the vast hues of azure and ink sprayed with tiny white dots in the expanse. He sighed—his heavy heart made it seem like he was dangling from a tower, ready to drop any second. He couldn't hold his feelings in any longer.
What was he supposed to do, anyway? You were trying to set him up with a girl when he was clearly in love with someone. And his insecurities would get the best of him. It felt like no matter how fast he ran, no matter what spell he cast to keep himself safe from them, they caught up every time.
He could feel a lump form in his throat as you looked at him innocently, your lips parted just a tad bit, and raising an eyebrow as to why such a bitter response had left his mouth.
He inhaled, "I'm too carefree. I think the other person wouldn't like me after a certain amount of time because my personality is just... y'know? And plus, I'm mean to basically everyo—"
You took his hand in yours, intertwining your delicate fingers with his as if he were a gossamer. It felt like untying a knot; only, this time it felt like your life depended upon the tangled thread. Your love was only incipient; his had already lasted for a couple of years, and you didn't want for the boy you loved to sacrifice his happiness for yours.
"Are you?" you asked, your voice barely audible, "Are you really mean?"
"I-I would like to think so, yeah," he nodded.
"What if I say I don't think so? You brought me snacks because I was sad, that too from Hogsmeade, even though it's the first day of school. You apologize to me every time you cross a line. You make sure I'm not fazed by whatever shit you pull. How is any of this not compassionate? Honestly, you think too lowly of yourself," You smiled, ruffling his hair as he looked at you with his eyes slightly wide, and his expression displaying shock.
He definitely hadn't expected such words from you, of all people. He felt like a ghost in a world of paper-dolls—sticking out like a sore thumb, but being happy because he's the only one who gets to experience the true comfort of the dark.
"Y-yer saying way too many nice things in one night, [Y/N]," he looked away, bringing a hand up to his face to hide the bush of roses underneath his cheeks.
"Maybe you deserve it, Miya."
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You didn't expect the night to go that well. Your heart was efflorescent; it felt like a small bud was slowly blooming into a fully-grown flower in your palms.
"I take it the meeting with Miya went well?" Kiyoko asked, a small smile on her lips as you walked with her to DADA class. You nodded, a slight blush on your cheeks as you passed a couple of friends, "It's a shame, though. He's in love with someone else."
"How do you know if you've only read the first page of his diary?" she deadpanned, "Maybe the person he loves is you. You didn't see the other pages, right?"
"Well, that's because I value privacy!" you bemoaned, seating yourself as you huffed in annoyance, "And it's mean if I just uncover his secrets."
"Oh come on, you would've never thought you're subconsciously in love with a boy if you never found out he actually loved someone," she narrowed her eyes at you questioningly, knowing that she's correct. You sighed in defeat, letting your shoulders fall as you paid attention in class.
Maybe you wanted to know who Miya Atsumu was in love with. Just so you could prove someone wrong.  
When you were heading to dinner that night, someone poked your shoulder.
"Hey, slug," Atsumu nudged your shoulder lightly, you giving him a chuckle in response. His raised eyebrow and a teasing expression playing at his features. A winsome, yet sly smile playing at his lips as if he was hiding something.
"What?" you asked, a quick smirk of your own forming. He shrugged lightly before speaking, "Erm.. you know how Quidditch is starting soon?"
"Yes," you murmured, continuing to walk to the Great Hall at a much slower pace than before. Your desultory expression made him whine—causing you to let out a small chuckle.
"Okay, so I was wondering if you'd help me with the try-outs? I'm the captain this year since Kita-san graduated last year. 'Samu, Omi and Suna won't help anyway, and you're the seeker, so I was thinking—"
"I'll do it," you nodded, "But only if you buy me more Treacle Tarts."
"Say what, [Y/N], if you can catch the snitch in under 5 minutes, I'll buy you as many Treacle Tarts as you want."
"Oh, you're on."
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© all works belong to admiringlove on tumblr. plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
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kickstart my heart
The sequel to boys boys boys that has been requested. You were right, peeps, we definitely needed some Sam/Bucky fluff. So, here you go.
This can also be found over on AO3.
Sam’s so absorbed in his text conversation with Sharon—there’s always some crazy shit going down in Madripoor—that it takes him a while to notice that Bucky hasn’t returned with their refills yet.
The coffee shop isn’t busy, so he quickly spots Bucky by the register, and has to snort when he realises what’s going on. Bucky’s got a hip propped against the counter, casual and loose, and is smiling sweetly at the barista, dimples out in full force. Sam’s too far away to hear what’s being said, but the barista’s cheeks are flushed, and as Sam watches, his hand slowly, carefully moves closer to Bucky’s until their pinkies just barely touch.
It still catches Sam by surprise, sometimes, to see Bucky like this, confident and at peace with himself. Laughing freely at whatever the barista is saying, eyes crinkled at the corners, and smile flirty when he answers back with something that has the barista duck his head, giggling shyly.
Bucky’s always been gorgeous, Sam will freely admit that to anyone but the man in question, but Bucky content and happy is something else entirely.
“Do not ruin this place for us,” Sam warns, just loud enough that he knows Bucky’s enhanced hearing will pick it up, “they have the best carrot cake in the city, man.”
Bucky never looks away from the barista, but he does flip Sam off behind his back, so he definitely caught it.
(Watch out for the break!)
Chuckling to himself, Sam picks his phone up again. Sarah’s sent a series of adorable pictures of Cass and AJ, and Sam is gushing over them like the loving uncle he is when a steaming cup is set down by his elbow. He looks up as Bucky drops into the chair across the table, eyes immediately zeroing in on the plate in his hand.
“Special delivery,” Bucky teases with a quiet laugh, and pushes the giant piece of carrot cake towards Sam. “You’re welcome.”
Sam’s heart flutters traitorously.
“I am a trained medical professional, Sergeant Barnes, I can assure you that I know what I’m doing.”
Bucky doesn’t stop glowering at the doctor, looming over her back as she finishes up with the stitches on Sam’s forehead. Sam hisses when she ties off the last one, and Bucky breathes out something that sounds suspiciously like a growl.
The doctor doesn’t seem fazed. Sam shoots her an apologetic smile anyway.
His wrist is badly sprained, she tells him while she puts it in a brace, and he’s bruised pretty much all over, but there are no more serious injuries to worry about. As soon as he’s cleared to leave, Bucky’s right there with an arm around his waist, snatching the bottle of painkillers the doctor holds out with a glare.
Sam can see the doctor trying very hard not to roll her eyes.
He nods off on the drive home, head on Bucky’s shoulder, and barely wakes up enough to stagger up to his apartment with Bucky’s guiding hands on his shoulders. He’s deposited on his bed, dozing lightly until Bucky returns a few minutes later with a glass of water, and helps him sit up enough to swallow one of the painkillers.
The last thing he hears before he falls asleep again is Bucky tugging and cursing at the laces of his boots.
It’s dark out when Sam wakes up again, tangled in sweat-soaked sheets, and panting wildly. His hand is trembling when he rubs it over his wet eyes, and he has to clench his teeth against the sob he can feel bubbling up his throat.
He startles when his bedroom door creaks open, and watches in sleepy confusion as Bucky makes his way across the room towards the bed. Bucky is warm and solid when he reaches out for Sam, hands gentle as he pulls Sam close, and Sam is too exhausted to question anything, just lets himself be tucked against Bucky’s side, head on his chest.
Bucky tugs the sheets up and over them without a word.
Sam breathes out shakily, fingers curling into Bucky’s shirt, and closes his eyes again.
Joaquín’s face as he walks out of the plane is very telling.
“So, the good news is,” he starts, grease-streaked hands on his hips, “I can fix the engine. Well. I think I can. Probably.”
Sam and Bucky exchange a sceptical look.
“Rude,” Joaquín sniffs.
Sam quirks a brow at him. “I’m assuming there’s some bad news, too?”
“There’s always bad news,” Bucky mutters, which is, more often than not, true.
He shrugs off his combat jacket, and Sam gets momentarily distracted by the way his damp undershirt clings to his abs. Joaquín clears his throat, mouth pursed in amusement when Sam turns back to him.
Sam narrows his eyes at him. Joaquín just grins back.
“Well?” Bucky demands.
“Oh, yeah. Uh, so,” Joaquín grimaces, “I don’t actually have the parts I need—”
Sam and Bucky groan in unison.
“—but! But I managed to get through to HQ, and they’ll airdrop everything I need.” He pauses, looking shifty, before he adds, much quieter, “In about eight hours.”
“What the fuck,” Bucky hisses, at the same time as Sam yells, “Eight hours?”
Joaquín spreads his arms wide, gesturing around them. “Well, I mean. We are in the middle of the jungle, you know?”
Which, unfortunately, is also true.
With not much else to do but wait, they decide to set out and explore the area around the crash site. The plane is stocked with emergency rations that will last them for a while, but they’re low on water, and in this heat, that could become a problem pretty soon.
The universe, mercifully, decides to give them a break, and they find a small lake after only about half an hour of searching. Sam whistles appreciatively, and Joaquín actually pumps his fist, whooping, “Nice!”
Bucky doesn’t say anything, but immediately starts kicking off his boots.
“Uh,” Joaquín says, unsure, peering into the seemingly calm lake. “Do you think that’s a good idea? We don’t know what lives in there.”
Bucky only snorts at that. “I think I can handle an alligator,” he declares, pulls off his shirt, and, with a wink in Sam’s direction, dives headfirst into the water.
“So.” Joaquín eyes Sam with a mischievous little smirk on his face. “What’s going on here? Anything you wanna tell me?”
“That you’re way too nosy,” Sam shoots back, but has to smile when Joaquín just laughs, and nudges their shoulders together.
“You seem happier, though, lately,” Joaquín goes on. “Both of you. So, you know. Good for you, yeah?”
Bucky choses that moment to resurface, wet chest glistening in the sun. Sam can’t help but stare, just for a moment, as Bucky stretches his arms over his head with a happy little sigh.
Next to him, Joaquín starts cackling.
Sam decides to push him in the lake.
He’s pretty sure Bucky will save him if there really are any alligators.
Sam is picking up cups and paper plates around the yard as the party winds down, absently humming along to the music that’s still playing softly from inside the house. The sun has set a while ago, but it’s summer and still pleasantly warm outside, and the faint glow from the porch lights is just enough to see where he’s going.
It’s quiet and peaceful, and Sam smiles to himself as he ties off the trash bag.
Last year, on the 4th of July, he’d stood in front of hundreds of people, talking about Steve’s biggest achievements and sacrifices as if his loss hadn’t still been fresh for him, too. As if he hadn’t been grieving for a friend, instead of an international icon and hero.
This year is different, though. Today has been good. Very good.
Sam had, politely but firmly, denied to speak at any memorial services or ceremonies, had announced that he would be incommunicado for the week, and had packed up his shit to spend the holiday with his family in Louisiana.
His wings are stowed away, his phone is off, and he won’t have to talk to anyone from work for at least another few days.
Well. Almost no one.
Bucky’s just vanishing around the corner upstairs when Sam steps into the house, Cass in one arm and AJ in the other. They’re definitely getting too big to be carried around like this, something Sam’s back reminds him of whenever he does it these days, but something about seeing Bucky do it has Sam feel warm all over.
He can hear one of the boys murmur sleepily, and then Bucky say something that has both of them giggling tiredly.
Sam breathes out shakily.
It’s no wonder Sarah’s been making fun of him ever since he arrived with his unannounced guest in tow.
When Sam glances up, Bucky’s standing on the stairs, only a few steps up, watching him with his head tilted curiously. “The boys want you to go say goodnight to them.”
Sam nods, absently licking his bottom lip. Bucky’s eyes track the movement.
“Buck,” Sam whispers, and when he holds out a hand, Bucky takes it without hesitation, letting himself be pulled close. “Can I—”
Bucky’s, “Yeah,” is pressed against Sam’s mouth, his lips soft and warm. Sam kisses back for a moment, before resting their foreheads together with a shuddering sigh.
“Wait up for me?”
Bucky nods, pecking him on the cheek. “Okay.”
He squeezes Sam’s hand, lingering, then lets go to join everyone else in the living room. He says something, too low for Sam to make out, but it makes Sarah laugh, loud and excited, and Bucky chuckle deeply in response.
Just a regular, normal holiday weekend with his family, Sam thinks as he moves up the stairs, absently touching his cheek.
All of his family.
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my-one-true-l · 3 years
A horror ask because I'm back on my vampire bullshit (listening to the novelization of Dracula.) Wammy's boys react to an S/O who gets attacked and turns into a vampire. They are suddenly staying up all night, covering up all mirrors and security cameras, there are dead animals found around the property and, one day, the body of a kidnapper who they had been fairly sure was guilty of killing several people is found two blocks from the orphanage, drained of blood. How would they react to finding their vampiric s/o, covered in blood, curled up in a fetal position, rocking and chanting "I needed it, I needed it, I couldnt help it, I needed it!" While sobbing?
Hello Dear Theevilanonblog!😊🖤 Dracula is one of my all-time favorite novels and just seeing this makes me want to read it again!
At first, he thinks something is off, but doesn’t figure it out immediately. Them staying up all night happens sometimes (because of him) and covering up security cameras, well, he’s not surprised by that since more than once they’ve been annoyed by his endless surveillance. It was the covering up of the mirrors that got his attention.
He’s direct. “You seem to exhibiting the traits of a vampire. Perhaps there’s something you would like to tell me?” (there’s not.)
Finding them over the drained corpse of a suspected kidnapper/murderer didn’t faze him. He’s had a pretty good idea this was the case and after seeing Shinigami are real, nothing surprises him anymore. He simple crouches down next to them and says “Let’s go home.” 
He has Watari discretely dispose of the body and a supply of blood bag brought to HQ. They’ll figure out some way of controlling their new instincts, and now they don[t have to hunt for blood in the meantime. 
Point blank asks them why they’re covering up the mirrors and stay up all night. When they tell him why, he’s like “Heh, cute.” He lets it drop, for now. If it keeps up, he’s going to bring it up again. 
When he finds curled up sobbing “I needed it” next to a dead body, he’s like “Okay...you weren’t kidding.” 
Buries the body in the woods. He’s not about to try to explain what happened to someone else. Besides, this is nothing compared to what Mello is willing to do, especially for his S/O. 
He became suspicious that they were somehow a vampire now. He decided rather than ask to observe their behavior and gather more clues before talking to them about it.
Finding them over a dead suspected murderer was of no concern to him. (He was more worried about getting blood on his white pajamas.) 
He kneels down by them and matter-of-factly tells them that they will have to look into a way of getting them a supply of blood so they don’t find themselves in that position again.
Near has Rester bring the body to the morgue and records are falsified. As long as their feeding habits are under control, Near doesn’t see a reason to make a big deal out of it.
Freaks out at first. Tries to tell himself he’s having a flashback thanks to a bad trip. 
Once he calms down, he’s still freaked but his first priority is to get his S/O out of there. His ten billion questions can wait. 
He’s hoping the authorities will think it was an animal attack...in the middle of town...
He immediately asks to be turned by them. He’s so down to become an apex predator. 
Tells them the bastard deserved to be their dinner. 
Tosses them in the river. Who cares if they’re found? Someone want to say something about it?
All of a sudden, hunting killers as a food source sounds pretty good to B. With his eyes, it’s easy to find prey and together they are doing “good” (it’s kind of his low scale version of what Kira does). Win-win to him.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Too Loose And You’ll Lose It
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Ch4: You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Till It’s Gone Part 1 Co-written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: Jake and Stella are both home for Christmas, and the annual New Year’s Party at the Jensen’s sees some unexpected guests in attendance…
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC Stella Stevenson.
A/N:  Another long updated, so split into 2 parts for you to read at your leisure!! Part 2 to follow shortly.  
TLAYLI Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 3 Part 2
“Knowing what you don't want can often be more valuable than knowing what you do want.” Melchor Lim
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"So when do I get to meet Evan then?" Rey asked as she handed Stella the plate she had just rinsed.
It was the day before New Year’s Eve and both sisters were in the kitchen finishing doing the lunch dishes while their mother watched TV in the living room. Stella loved Christmas, she always had, and this was the first one she was getting to spend at home for 3 years. But, the trade-off for being able to do so was having to put up with Rey constantly nagging about her home-based shopping business not doing quite as well in the last weeks as she expected and her constant struggle to get pregnant. And, honestly, Stella was a little bit tired of having to sooth her sister's same worries every time they got together. But now a new topic had been thrown into the equation- Evan. And Stel found herself wishing that they were still talking about ovulation cycles and how many times on average in a week a couple wanting to conceive should be ‘doing it’.
"Jesus, will you give it a break? That’s all I heard when I was home for Thanksgiving…and over Christmas dinner and every day since then!” Stella finally snapped “God, you and mom have talked about nothing else, even Jane was poking for more information when we were at the spa because you can’t keep your mouth shut."
True to her word Rey had spent Rick's money on a girls-only spa day which in all fairness Stella had gladly welcomed. She had relished all the treatments, each one with a more flamboyant name than the other, and as their day culminated they all were relaxing in the hot tub, enjoying the Mean Steam treatment while sipping Mimosas out of rather expensive looking glassware, Jane had started prying because Rey had told her about Evan. Luckily Janet, Jake's mum, had spotted Stella’s discomfort and had come to her rescue by scolding Jane for being a nosey bitch. 
"It’s Christmas. He’s spending it with his family in Boston." Stella shook her head at her sister.
"Boston’s only an hour or so drive Stel…"
"So what? We don’t get to see our families that often Rey." Stella replied, snatching a big round plate from Rey's hands.
"Whoaa, easy Stelly. Anyone would think you were trying to keep him away from us!"
"That’s exactly what I’m doing, yes." she rolled her eyes at her sister, who could clearly read the annoyance in her features and voice as when she spoke again her voice was a little whiney.
"Stel, don’t be like that."
Stella sighed. "Why are you so desperate to meet him anyway?"
"Hey, it’s not every day your baby sister gets herself a new man. At least not when she’s been dating her childhood love for what? Twenty years now? Come on, let me bask in the novelty, Stel."
"Fuck off Rey, I haven’t been dating Jensen for years and we were together nowhere near 20." Stella protested again, this time her voice a little louder.
"Felt like it to me." Rey shrugged.
Stella grit her teeth. Though her sister was exaggerating it was true she’d been with Jake for a long time all things considered, and doing the whole dating thing during the last 8 weeks had felt new and exciting in a sense. She was enjoying every part of getting to know a person while dating them, something she hadn't been able to experience with Jake as they already knew each other inside out when they had finally gotten together. And whilst that had been nice, and she wouldn’t change it for the world, with Evan everything was new and she had learnt what the cliche I want to know you better really meant during the dates which had following the first.
At the weekend following their trip to DC, Evan had taken her for another meal out, this one at a local Mexican place not far from HQ. Then the following weekend they’d visited a posh cocktail bar Stella had been eyeing up for a while which just wasn’t the Losers’ scene. There had been a trip to the cinema, an evening at the bowling alley, beers one Sunday afternoon whilst watching the Patriots’ game in a sports bar, a walk round one of the local parks with a burgers, grabbing a shake and ice cream on the way home….it was easy going, nice, no pressure… and then it had morphed naturally into something a little more serious.
The Friday before Thanksgiving Evan had invited her to his and he’d cooked, which in itself was a novelty as Jake could burn a pan of water. He’d whipped up a spectacular seafood linguini, followed with a simple baked vanilla cheesecake, and after 2 bottles of crisp white wine, one thing had led to another and they’d ended up making out on the couch before Evan had taken her into his room.
"Is he good?" Rey asked out of the blue as if sensing where Stella’s inner thoughts had led her.
"Oh fuck off Rey, do I ask you how Rick is in bed?"
"Better than Jake?" Rey insisted, ignoring her sister rhetorical question.
"You had to ask." Stella groaned.
Rey looked at her and Stella sighed, knowing she wasn’t getting off the hook. "Look, he’s good, ok, really good…but as for being better than Jake he’s…he’s just different."
As a matter of fact that first time they’d slept together on that Friday, despite Stella’s nerves, it had been fucking Earth shattering, and every time since hadn’t disappointed. Evan was a generous lover, giving before he took, making sure she was satisfied in every which way she could be. But Stella still found herself getting a little nervous beforehand. Evan was the one who instigated the sex, and whilst Stella was a more than willing participant, she was craving the day she finally felt happy enough to take charge a little.
"And that’s a problem?" Rey asked and Stella looked at her.
"What?" she frowned.
"Him being different to Jake?"
"No, I didn’t say that. It’s just…well, me and Jake know each other inside out, it’s bound to feel a little different, isn’t it?" 
Rey's eyes suddenly opened wide with realisation. "Oh my god…"
"What?" Stella asked, a little bit exasperated.
"You’ve never been with anyone else bar Jake, have you?"
Stella groaned but that was all the confirmation Rey needed to know she was right. Her sister had hit the spot but she was fucked if she was getting into that. "Look, enough about me. Any progress on baby Fitzpatrick?"
Rey sighed, not fazed in the slightest but Stella’s forced change of topic had redirected the conversation to one of her major concerns and Stella knew she wouldn’t be able to resist talking about it. "No, not yet. I don’t know what we’re doing wrong? We stick to the schedule, I’ve got an ovulation tracker…"
"God Rey, you talk like you’re baking a cake or putting an Ikea cupboard together, that’s what’s wrong." Stella scoffed.
"Science doesn’t lie Stelly." Rey said, as if lecturing an ignorant little girl.
"Science says it’s a matter of PH." she shrugged, a small grin playing in the corner of her mouth.
Rey rolled her eyes. "You know Jake made up that shit, right? I googled it."
"No… really?"
"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, Stella." Rey squinted her eyes at Stella who grinned in response. "And speaking of low forms of wit, did you know Jensen’s new bimbo is coming to the New Year's party tomorrow?"
"Oh, is she?" Stella asked, trying to hide her surprise as much as possible, knowing that she was failing miserably. The news had shocked her a little, not that it was her business, but still.
"Careful Stel, is that a trace of disappointment I sense in your voice?" 
"No, I just hadn’t realised how serious they were. Mind you, I haven’t seen him for a few weeks. Work has been busy and we don’t hang out much now." she tried to explain herself without sounding scorned or bitter.
"You sure?" Rey asked, examining her sister's expression as she finished loading the dishwasher.
"Yeah, it’s just…well, you’ll know when you meet her."
And boy, would they all know. Because, Britney was, how to put it? Something else.
Stella sat at the table opposite Pooch and Cougar in the bar, sipping at her beer. It was the day before they were all due to head home for Thanksgiving so they had decided to head out for a few drinks, a way to celebrate with one another.
"So where’s Evan?" Pooch asked before taking a sip from his beer bottle.
"Oh, out of town on some intel gathering trip with the Canadian Ministry of Defence or something…he couldn’t say much. I won’t see him now until I’m back from New Hampshire." Stella offered.
"It still going well or..." Pooch pried a little bit more and Stella flushed a little. 
"Yeah, he’s nice…"
Cougar grinned and tipped his hat at her and she snorted, setting her bottle down. "He must be, we ain't seen you out of work for the last few weeks, he must be keeping you busy."
Stella laughed and shrugged as Cougar chuckled and then Pooch let out a groan. Stella frowned, and then turned in the direction he was looking at only to see Jensen working his way over with the brunette she’d seen him with a while back hanging on his arm.
"It's Britney, bitch." Cougar chimed in. 
"Wait, her name is Britney?" Pooch asked him and Cougar nodded. "How do you know?"
"Bumped into them at the condo one night." Cougar explained and Pooch's mouth fell open.
Stella frowned and turned around again, locking eyes with Jensen and saw him swallow, like he always did when nervous or apprehensive. But as she watched, he took a deep breath and continued his path over to their table.
"No Evan?" he asked once he reached them, looking at Stella, not even bothering in greeting the rest first.
"No. He’s away." Stella answered, looking back at him but gripping her beer bottle for dear life.
"Who’s Evan, another Loser?" the brunette asked then. Her high-pitched voice making Pooch and Cougar scrunch their noses as they shared a glance.
Stella glared at Jake as a grin spread across his face, daring him to say something and Jake's grin slipped under her glare as he turned to Britney.
"No, Evan is Stella’s…actually..." he looked at Stella, "What is he? Boyfriend? Fuck buddy? Late night booty call?"
"All of the above." Stella answered ignoring Jake's jab and necking her beer as both Cougar and Pooch sniggered and she fought to keep the smile from spreading on her lips at the look on Jensen’s face which was somewhere between disgust and disappointment. Instead she stood up and leaned towards Britney. "I’ll introduce myself seeing as he isn’t going to. I’m Stella."
"Hi, I’m Britney." she said and then to Stella’s horror she pulled her into a hug, kissing her cheek. Stella remained stiff, merely concentrating on trying not to choke on the heady combination of Britney’s floral perfume and hairspray from the huge bouffant ponytail she was sporting. 
"So does your boyfriend work with these guys or…?" Britney's voice pierced the air again.
"No, I work with them." Stella explained as she took her seat back.
"What? You’re in the army too? Wow, Girl Power!" Britney exclaimed before giggling.
"Yeah…" Stella said as she turned back to Pooch and Cougar, mouthing WHAT THE FUCK?
"Does anyone want a drink or…?" Jake asked, trying to divert the weird situation Britney had just created.
Stella turned back to him and stood up again. "It’s ok JJ, I’ll get them, it’s my round."
"I’ll give you a hand." Jake offered himself, motioning to follow her.
Stella smiled as she put a hand on Jake's chest to stop him. "No, Cougs can. You stay here with your girlfriend." she ordered more than suggested, making sure her eyes locked with his when she uttered the word.
At her use of the term, Britney giggled and grabbed Jensen’s arm. Jake looked at her, and Stella could see the irritation flash across his face and she smirked before she asked what Britney wanted to drink. The girl requested a Malibu and coke, the worst combination Stella could think of if you asked her but then again Britney's choice of outfit and her likeness for glittery accessories spoke of her taste for itself, and then Stella looked at Jake.
"Yeah, thanks Stel." he said, a little quieter this time.
Cougar dropped an arm round Stella’s shoulder and as they made their way to the bar, Stella could feel Jake’s eyes burning into her back. Point, set, match to Arty…
"From what I heard it was a total accident she got invited. She was on the phone to him on Christmas Eve when Jane was talking to Janet in the background. Apparently she caught the words New Year’s Eve and Party. Jensen, thinking she wouldn’t be able to get a flight at such late notice, told her she was welcome to come." Rey explained with a grin. "Anyway, next thing she’s messaging him, saying she’d managed to get a cancellation seat so she’s flying in on the morning of the party. Apparently he wasn’t best pleased." Rey snorted. "Jane doesn’t think he’s all that into her, but…"
Stella only shrugged. "Who knows what goes on in his head, I don’t anymore that’s for sure." she commented before her sister could ask more, but she couldn’t prevent herself from letting out a deep sigh. Whilst she had nothing against Britney, and despite the fact she was now with Evan, the idea of being at a party with Jake and his new girlfriend wasn’t filling her full of joy.
The rest of the day was spent in relative calm. Richard came back from wherever he’d been following lunch, Stella hadn’t been paying attention when Rey told her, and the 4 of them settled down for a rather furious game of monopoly which Richard won, Stella passing comment on how it would have been ridiculous if he hadn’t, given he was a finance manager.
It was just after dinner when Stella’s phone went off. It was a message from Evan telling her to get to her laptop so he could video call over the CIA network. So she quickly set it up in the kitchen and soon after it pinged and she accepted the call, smiling as his handsome face filled the screen. “Hey Pumpkin.” He smiled and Stella laughed at his ridiculous nickname for her, chosen due to the way they’d met.
“Hey!” she beamed back “How’s your day been?”
“Not bad.” He shrugged “Usual family bullshit at play. You?”
“Same.” She said, sitting back in her chair “I’ve eaten way too much.”
He chuckled “That’s what Christmas is for darlin’. Way too much home cooking, enough alcohol to fill a pool, and a side of chocolate, pie and cake for good measure.”
“Imma turn into a Christmas cake if I eat any more of it Ev.” Stella smiled, reaching for her wine. She took a sip and then looked at the glass “And probably a bottle of pinot too.”
“Well I don’t have a problem with that.” He smiled, waving his own bottle of beer at her “Food and drink, win win.”
Stella laughed and then the door to the kitchen opened and Rey walked in. She made her way towards the fridge and then paused, turning to Stella. 
“Oh my God is that him?” she practically screeched and moved, draping herself over Stella’s shoulders to get a look at the screen.
“Rey, piss off.” Stella grumbled, trying to push her away. Rey took the hint and stepped back a bit as Evan looked at her, smiling, before he glanced back at Stel.
“Who’s that?” he asked.
“Oh, hi, I’m Rey.” Rey spoke from behind Stella who rolled her eyes “Stella’s favourite sister.”
“You’re my only sister.” Stella shot back as Evan chuckled.
“Nice to meet you Rey, or see you in this case.” He smiled that damned smile that could melt a fucking polar ice cap and Stella heard Rey’s little gasp. She sighed and turned to her sister.
“Ok, seriously, get what you came for and piss off.”
Rey held her hands up and went to the fridge, pulling out 2 bottles of beer and a can of coke. She headed to the door and stopped, looking at Stella, her mouth open.“O.M.G He is a snack!” she mouthed and Stella rolled her eyes again before Rey left the room, closing the door behind her.
“Sorry about that.” Stella turned back to the screen and Evan laughed.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s a mad house here too.” He leaned back in his chair. “She seems nice.”
“She has her moments.” Stella smiled, “Anyway, enough about her, tell me what you’ve been up to. We haven’t spoken in a few days.”
“Yeah, sorry I was gonna call last night but it’s been manic. My sister and her 3 kids have been over and Uncle Evan was the star attraction. And by attraction I mean climbing frame.”
“Lucky kids…” Stella quipped, arching her eyebrow “I’d climb you too if I was there.”
Evan grinned at her comment and Stella found herself slightly surprised. The ten days or so they’d been apart had made her needy and she'd be damned if someone else could pull off a simple white t-shirt like he could, and that fucking chain he wore which was hanging out of the collar was doing things to her.
“Well a few more days and I’m all yours to climb Pumpkin” Evan smiled “So, any plans for New Year’s Eve tomorrow?”
“We’re going to a party at the Jensens’. They’ve thrown one for as long as I can remember so it’ll be nice to see them again, catch up. What about you?”
“Oh I don’t know yet.” Evan ran a hand over his beard, tugging gently on the whiskers which adorned his chin “I may stay here with the family or go out with some friends. I’ll make my mind up as I go.” He paused for a little before his hand dropped from his face “Will Jake be there?”
“It’s his parents throwing the party.” Stella arched an eyebrow “Of course he will.”
“Right…” Evan mused and Stella narrowed her eyes.
“Are you jealous, Evan?”
“No, I just…” he groaned “Ok, yeah, yeah I am. The thought of you bringing in the New Year with your ex and not me kinda sucks Stella.”
“I know.” She sighed “But I wouldn’t worry too much. Apparently his new girlfriend is coming.” She took a deep breath before she smiled a little sadly “I really wish you were here Ev.”
And she did, not least because she actually did miss him, but the thought of Jensen eating face with the bimbo whilst she was simply there alone wasn’t something she was relishing.
“I promise I’ll make up for it when we get back to base.” Evan said gently. 
“You better.”
He chuckled “Being apart from me really suits you sweetheart.”
“What can I say, you spoil me.” She shrugged.
“And you haven’t even had your Christmas present yet.” He grinned.
“I can’t wait to unwrap it.” Stella smirked “And the present.”
“Fuck, Stella…you’re killing me!” he whined. She laughed and at that point a voice sounded in the background and Evan hastily looked over his shoulder before he called that he’d be there in a second. “That’s my ma…I gotta go.”
“Yeah, It’s probably time I bust Rey for eavesdropping behind the kitchen door.” Stella rolled her eyes and Evan laughed.
“Ok, I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, talk then. Night handsome.”
“Night gorgeous.”
With that Stella cut the call and shut the laptop. She stood up, crept across the room and yanked open the kitchen door. Rey immediately straightened up and jumped back. “I was erm…gonna…” she points to the kitchen.
“Spy on us?” Stella folded her arms.
“I wasn’t…I just….ok, I was spying.” Rey shrugged “Because, fuck Stel, where did you get a man like that?”
“The CIA.” Stella said simply pushing past her and heading into the living room where Jules and Richard were watching TV, Stella following her chunnering about Evan.
“Leave your sister alone, Aubrey.” Julie looked up.
“I’m heading up to bed ma.” Stella smiled, “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Julie nodded but Aubrey wasn’t listening, she was still talking about Evan.
“God mom, you should have seen him. And that smile…”
“Erm…” Richard waved “I’m right here.”
“Yeah, isn’t it about time you and your husband went back to your own house?” Stella asked. 
“Yeah, yeah…” Rey waved her hand, “We were going anyway.”
“Good riddance.” Stella mumbled.
Rey spun and pointed at her “I heard that. Don’t forget we have a date to go shopping tomorrow.”
“Can’t wait.” Stella said sarcastically and with that she bid them goodnight and headed to her room.
**** “You heading out?” Jane looked at Jensen as he groaned, shoving his phone back into his pocket.
“Yeah I gotta go get Britney.”
“Thought you said she wasn’t arriving until tomorrow?” Jane frowned
“So did I, turns out she messed up with the date on the flights..”
“What?” Jane looked at him.
“Don’t ask me, she’s a dumbass.” Jensen rolled his eyes.
“Woooow…” Jane looked at him as he grabbed his dad’s car keys from the side in the hall “That is love, right there.”
“Fuck off Jane.” Jensen raised his middle finger over his shoulder as he grabbed his jacket of the peg. He then paused and turned to his sister, shaking his head. “Seriously, though…when she told me what she’d done, do you know what she said? The mouse was sticky, Jensen and I booked a day early by mistake” he shook his head.
“Hang on.” Jane held her hand up “If she really had messed up with the dates then she would have been on a morning flight still, just on a different day.” Jake looked at his sister, frowning a little and Jane snorted “If you ask me, I don’t think she’s as dumb as you’re making her out to be.”
“Well I wasn’t asking you.” Jake shot back as he shrugged his jacket on and headed out of the door.
At that point Gracie wandered in from the kitchen, dressed in her pyjamas, followed by John.
“Who's dumb mommy?” she asked with a yawn as Jane held her coat out to pop on ready for the drive home.
“Your Uncle Jake, sweetie.” Jane said.
John chuckled “He told you about Britney arriving earlier than anticipated then?”
Jane snorted “Yeah, and considering she’s supposed to be his girlfriend..." she framed the words with quotation marks on one hand “He doesn’t seem too pleased about it.”
“Yeah well, I think we all know the reason for that.” Janet joined them in the hallway, not even bothering to hide her disdain for the entire situation and John snorted. He leaned over and gave Gracie a kiss “Night Squirt.”
“Night grandpa.” She smiled before she took a kiss off Janet too. “Night Nanny” and then she looked at Jane “When’s daddy back from the station?”
“When his shift finishes baby, now come on, let’s get you home.” Jane smiled before she looked at her parents “See you tomorrow.”
Jane and Gracie exited the house, making their way to her car. Jane strapped Gracie into the seat and then moved to climb into the driver’s side and paused, spotting her dad’s car was still there behind hers. Jake was sat in the drivers’ seat, pinching the bridge of his nose. He looked pissed, really pissed, but before she had the chance to go and speak to him, he’d set off.
“Fucking idiot.” Jane grumbled to herself, and with a shake of her head she climbed in her own car and headed home. 
**** The following morning Stella woke up in a better mood, talking with Evan the previous night had calmed her restlessness and though she missed him she was determined to make the most of the New Year's party that very same night. It was just a few days more and they could be together and she could effectively unwrap her gift. 
She was getting ready to go shopping, Rey probably on her way to pick her up, when the doorbell rang and she cursed her sister for being earlier than expected for once in her life as she barrelled down the stairs.
"Honey, can you get that? I’m busy." her mother shouted from the kitchen.
"Sure mom." she replied just as she realised Rey wouldn't be using the front door and definitely wouldn't use the doorbell. With a frown she opened it and blinked in disbelief, her mouth falling open. Evan was stood there, wearing a warm, woollen coat, scarf and a huge, million dollar smile. The bastard!
 “Surprise Pumpkin…” he chanted, opening his arms for her.
Stella gasped and gave him a quick hug. “Oh my God…Ev, what are you doing here?”
"Well I got nothing on, you were only an hour away and after you saying you wished I was here…" he shrugged, “figured I could drive up to see my best girl."
Stella blinked again, before she smiled shyly. "You drove just to see me? That’s…wait… how did you know where I live?"
Evan laughed heartily. "I work in intelligence gathering for the CIA, wasn’t that hard."
"Ok, that’s kinda creepy, stalker behaviour." she mused.
He laughed again and winked an eye at her. "Perks of the job, sweetheart."
That damned side smile of his made Stella pause for a second before she giggled and jumped at him. He caught her and laughed as her legs wrapped around his waist. “I’m so glad you’re here, Ev..."
He smiled at her fondly before he kissed her tenderly, his cold nose bumping against hers. “Me too, but are you gonna let me in coz it's freezing out here…”
“Yes, let the man in Stella.” Mrs Stevenson spoke from behind her daughter, making Stella drop to her feet and turn to face her. Her mother smiled at her and then to Evan. “Hi Evan, nice to meet you finally.”
"It’s a pleasure Mrs Stevenson." he greeted the woman back, flashing his smile.
Stella looked at her mom as she pulled away to let Evan in the house, if she was surprised by her daughter's boyfriend showing up at her door she was hiding it very well, and then it dawned on her. "Oh my God, you knew he was coming, didn’t you?"
Evan shut the door behind him and looked at her mom, then to Stella and chuckled. "Clever girl."
"He may or may not have called me earlier this morning to check if you were doing anything and I may or may not have suggested he spends New Year with us." Mrs Stevenson conceded.
Stel gasped and looked back at Evan with hopeful eyes. "Are you?"
"Well, I was gonna see if you wanted to come back to Boston with me but your mom said you wouldn’t want to miss the party as you’ve not made one for 3 years so, choice is yours." he shrugged, flashing a dazzling half smile.
Stella bit her lip, Boston sounded good, the fact that he had come all the way to see her and was willing to take her back to his family's place sounded even better, but she was really looking forward to that night's party. She missed Mr and Mrs Jensen, and also Jane and, though the prospect of Britney being there wasn't very appealing, she thought that maybe with Evan there she could have a really nice time. Thus, after pondering the pros and cons she looked at him. "I’d like to go to the party if you wanna?"
 "Then party it is." Evan grinned.
"So this means I get to receive the New Year with you!" she grinned back at him.
"Yeah, guess it does." he said with a smile, one that was also loaded with the promise of a very good start to the year, if you knew how to read it that is.
And then the voice of Julie pulled them away from gazing into each other's eyes "I was gonna get the spare room ready but figured you two would want to share so I’ve left fresh towels on your bed Stella." 
"Mommmm." Stella protested, mortified.
"I’m happy to sleep wherever I’m told." Evan, ever the charmer, intervened.
But whatever Stella's mom was going to reply it was cut off as the kitchen door opened signalling Rey’s entrance.
"Stel, you ready? I thought we could head down to…" Rey began to say before she stopped dead as she entered the hallway and spotted a masculine presence, her mouth dropping open. "Fuck me!"
"Aubrey!!" her mum chastised her.
Rey blinked and looked at her mum and then at Stel. "He’s here?!"
Evan chuckled at Rey's reaction to him being there. "I am. Nice to meet you Rey."
"Erm, hi…" she managed to say before looking at Stella, smirking a little. "I take it you want a rain check on our shopping trip?"
Evan frowned at Rey's comment and gave her an apologetic look. "Oh, sorry, did I step all over your plans?"
"No, it’s fine. You can come, we were only going into town to pass the time, grab some lunch." Stella assured him. But Rey wasn't that willing to keep their plans as it were.
"No way am I playing 3rd wheel…you two go, I can do…stuff."
"You sure?" Evan asked Rey. "Coz I can just..." he said as he nodded towards what he supposed to be the door that led into some sort of den, but she didn't let him finish.
"No, don’t worry. It’s ok. You two will want to spend some time together, you didn’t come here to sit in our living room." 
"Whose living room?" Mrs Stevenson asked, amused.
 Aubrey ignored her mum and mused. "Would be a nice addition to it though…"
"Ok so I’m gonna bring my bag in from the car, be right back Pumpkin." Evan said, blushing a little at Rey’s complement before giving Stella a quick kiss on her cheek and heading out the door.
The three women watched him go appreciatively, until Rey shook her head and asked "Wait is he staying? And Pumpkin? What?"
Julie grinned as Stella groaned. She knew that one wasn’t going away any time soon.
Chapter 4 Part 2
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feriferfer · 4 years
IDK what this is, but it is what happens when I relapse into a shipping whore.
So AOS just ended, and even if I stopped watching and then re-watched it and then died when they announced Daniel Sousa was making a guest star, I always loved the show and the characters. 
I totally blame Daniel Sousa for making me fall so hard for Dousy (people, make peace with it already). 
So here are my head canons (if you finish reading this I’ll give you a cupcake). I basIcally thought and wrote and didn’t much care for grammar or semantics much. 
So this is how my brain works. 
Also, I wish I had the time to actually make this into a proper fic, but I don’t. 
It basically covers the year we didn’t get to see. 
Kora stays with Daisy as she recuperates, mainly because she is the only one on the ship who can give her enough warmth for her to regain her temperature when it suddenly starts spiking down.
They talk. Daisy forgives her, because she recognizes the same lost girl she was in her. 
Kora is still defensive and questioning a lot of her decisions, but Daisy assures her that she shouldn’t stress about it, but take it one day at a time. 
They trade stories regarding their mother. Before they dock back at the Lighthouse they agree that Jiaying was not the best of mothers, but she did try her best to work with what she had been given. 
When they arrive back at the lighthouse Daisy is still a little fazed, but she doesn’t let it bother her as she realizes the worry Daniel was in.
It’s a weird feeling, the one where she finds herself glad in knowing there is someone waiting for her specifically. 
He is at her side almost instantly. Just as impulsive as he had kissed her, he hugs her, and tells her he’s glad she’s ok. 
Daisy breathes him in and realizes the tears she had already dried up begin to fall once more. She allows herself to feel the embrace of this man out of time who has somehow gotten her attention and respect. 
Everyone asks about Fitzsimmons’ whereabouts, and they get informed about their little rendezvous regarding their daughter. 
Mack orders them to rest, their next mission can wait. 
Daisy chooses the bunk next to Sousa’s because she has gotten used to him being by her side and without Fitz or Simmons around she’s sure she’ll be restless. 
They only get an hour of sleep before Fitzsimmons arrive back, with Piper, Flint and baby Alya in hand. 
Daisy is out like a light, Daniel wakes her up because he knows she needs to see her family, and in that instant, as he is sheepishly explaining to her how he debated whether or not to wake her up for this but ultimately decided to do so, she kisses him again. 
He is smiling when they part, and she whispers a thank you as she stands to go and finally see the miracle that is Alya Fitz-Simmons with her own eyes. 
Daniel, as always, is trailing behind her, constant and solid and Daisy wonders as she stares at the little girl with blond hair and vivid eyes just how all of this was even possible.
Ok so umm, is this a multichapter bullet point fic? 
Jemma has Alya on her lap as she talks to Daisy.
Daisy can’t decide where to fix her eyes, on the gorgeous miracle that is Alya, or on Sousa and Mack who both look tired and strangely content as they share a beer. 
The thought sneaks up on her. 
She understands why, even if they did have the time stream and could see the timeline play out, she knows why Enoch and Fitz were so sure of this being their last mission as a whole team together. 
Because of Alya. She tells Simmons as much and Jemma agrees, a sad smile on her lips which turns blissful as she strokes her daughter’s hair. 
They want to give their little girl a normal life, or well, as normal as they can, and they can’t do that while being active agents. 
Daisy agrees and claims that if anyone on the team deserved such a life it was them. 
Jemma disagrees, because she also deserves some kind of respite in her life.
Daisy only smiles as her eyes drift over to where Sousa still sits, now alone and contemplating his surroundings, probably trying to take in the fact this was where (or well, when) he would probably end up. 
Jemma sees this, but does not comment, for she knows how to read her friend and knows there are still things that she needs processing and figuring out all by herself. 
So she asks, she asks about Daisy’s plans for the nearby future. 
Daisy shrugs, but she knows she’s not done with SHIELD, and she doesn't think everyone else is. 
She’s still an agent, she claims, she’ll go wherever she’s needed, with whomever she’s needed by.
Because life is funny, Kora then enters the room, still weary and out of place. Simmons sees her first and tells Daisy.
Daisy realizes then: they had fought for family, so that this family could survive, so that everyone’s families could thrive. 
Kora was now part of that family. 
Daisy calls out to one sister to properly introduce her to the other. 
Daniel watches, amazed at how his life has ended up, and enthralled with the fact it seems someone like Daisy Johnson apparently likes him back enough to turn her eyes towards him and give him a soft and promising smile right before continuing her interaction with her sisters. 
Mack chuckles at him and congratulates him on his decision. 
Sousa doesn’t much understand things, and he knows he’s about to get confused with just about everything, but he finds he doesn’t mind much of it. These are good people with good hearts and even if there is a feeling of finality to their team, there is also the sizzling feeling of something entirely new and equally amazing starting. 
He asks the current director about their next move, about what will happen to the team.
Mack answers with a sigh, but with the truth. 
He needs to get out and head to HQ to remind the rest of the organization about his position. He’s been MIA for enough time. He thinks it’s time to take on his role more permanently. More directing, less fighting. 
He tells him about Fitzsimmons plans to retire for a while. 
And the rest? Daniel asks, because there are still more members of the team and even if there is something brewing there with Daisy, he wants to know how he can be a part of events. 
Mack doesn’t really know yet, and states it. 
What am i doing? Part 123456789
It isn’t until the next morning, when Mack announces he is leaving for HQ when Coulson tells the team about his decision to give himself a year to see what he wants to do with his new life. 
May smiles at him, soft and honest and finally coming to terms with the fact that even if the man is all the best parts of Coulson, he isn’t really Coulson. She will always love him, but their time has already passed. 
She tells him she approves and it’s like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders as he smiles back. 
Daisy’s eyes get watered, but tears do not fall, because it means she still has a year to tease and rely on him. It’s more than she had ever expected to have. 
Daniel sits by her side, Kora on the other and Alya can’t seem to get enough of everyone and she’s constantly running from one aunt and uncle trying to get them to tell her stories about their adventures. 
Jemma apologizes.
Mack informs Daisy she has a spot on Z1, if she wants it, she can build her own team and will be granted as much vacation time as she desires. 
Daisy appreciates it and instantly turns to look at Sousa, noting how his stance relaxes and she comes to the realization he was afraid for his own future. She’s not sure where their relationship is going. She knows they like each other well enough and that there is a feeling of attraction and comfort which she had not felt -ever. But she knows he’s dependable and solid and she owes it to him to give him a fighting chance in this century. 
Looking at Kora, she realizes she has two people in care now, two people she will gladly ease into her world and into her time. 
Elena is fast to inform she’ll head back to HQ with her boyfriend, claiming she needs some time off as well. 
Piper and Flint don’t feel as exhausted, they claim they’re glad to head back to HQ and continue working wherever Mack sends them. 
The last to talk is May who surprises everyone by stating she is done. 
Daisy asks her SO why, demanding a valid reason for her abandoning her work, reminding her that everything she is as an agent was because of her. 
May can feel Daisy’s anguish and her fear for the unknown. 
She looks at the young woman she has helped grow and she realizes her feelings are slowly getting there, returning and making her head spin at the same time. 
May simply states it is time for the new generation to continue doing what she had done for many years. Looking straight at Daisy, May adds that she is sure her legacy will be well-continued. 
It’s not that they are being forced to split up, or that they’ll never see each other again, but it is time and Daisy can feel it. Can feel how even if she will still work under Mack’s direction, she won’t have him as her permanent back up, that role has changed now. There is another solid man who is willing to stand beside her and even though it is still fairly new, she has a feeling it will work. 
She’ll be fine, she always is. Her family is not lost, it will still be there. She is not lost, she knows who she is and knows what she wants to do. 
The lighthouse is empty, left in her charge while she waits for Mack’s orders from HQ. 
Coulson and May were the last to leave, Coulson receiving an order for him to report to HQ.
May had just been sticking around to ensure some more time in his presence and once the old AC had gone, she had followed. 
Kora and Daniel roam the place, both amazed by the tech and the stories Daisy shares with them. 
She finds him one day, they have barely been there a week, not a lot of time has passed for them to have talked everything out. There was a lot to process. Especially for him. 
He’s reading something and she realizes it is his file, she teases him about it and he never fails to surprise her by teasing her back, giving her a piece of newspaper he found where the name Quake is in headlines. 
She groans but appreciates his effort of finding out about the world. 
She realizes then she hasn’t properly introduced him to the internet. 
She thinks he’ll freak and thus proceeds to do just that. 
He is in fact amazed and gets the hang of using it way too quickly. She feels strangely proud and fuzzy about it and she shakes the emotion off because sure, they like each other, and Deke did stay behind because he could see it, but they were still waiting on orders and until her life didn’t move forward she would wait to decide what to do with the rest of it. 
She gets orders from Mack to build her own team a day later. 
She has been training with Kora and she knows her sister is still a little off and not ready for full combat or missions, but she convinces Mack to let her be her sister’s SO and all while she does this she has May’s voice in her head. 
Daniel is as solid as ever as she gives him the option of staying at HQ and training up there or joining her. Because well, she does like him a lot, he is constant, and kind and such a square and a dork she can’t believe she feels this attached and attracted to him, but he is quick and witty and he makes her laugh on most days and he actually gets along fairly well with Kora and she doesn’t feel like losing one of the few good things she has gained during the last month. 
Of course he takes her offer of being in her team. 
She teases him on the day they are departing the base. He hasn’t been out and about in the 21st century, even if he has seen a couple of movies with her now, and he does enjoy going on google maps. But she knows it is different. 
He teases back, talking about restaurants and movies and bars and Daisy realizes it is his dorky way of asking her out. 
She laughs, says yes and before they know it, there is a Zephyr arriving and their conversation cut short. 
Daisy finds herself cursing the ship and her sister who is the one who interrupts them. 
The Zephyr brings a whole team of new agents to take over the Lighthouse. 
Inside she is met with Mack and Elena who greet her as though it has been years since they last saw each other. 
They tell her she is needed back at HQ. So she’ll get to see Coulson for a while. That’s nice. 
Sousa stays in the cockpit because he has never seen this world before. Daisy finds him there, the ship flying on autopilot. 
This time it is him who thanks her, for allowing him a second chance. Because he has read all about Peggy and SHIELD and HYDRA and he understands that everything had a purpose, even his failed relationship with the famed Agent. 
Daisy doesn’t dare push because she thinks she might combust if he continues his line of thought.
Out of everything, liking someone was not something Daisy had been planning on occurring to her in the near future. Maybe in the far off one, but definitely not near. 
Life was funny that way. 
He is admiring the view. She can’t help it, she leans in and grabs his chin to turn his face gently towards her own. She kisses him, gently and tries to convey the thousand and one thank yous she should be giving him. 
He returns the kiss, as he has always done everything time they do this. Because they have done this, a lot of times. Because funnily enough he is a flirt and she is flirt and there is only so much foreplay she can handle.
But this time it’s different, because it feels different, it feels as if she is finally letting him in, finally making her decision regarding him. 
He had already chosen to stay with her, now she was choosing to stay with him. 
She doesn’t get to actually work with Coulson, Mack has him as his personal confidant and assessor. She feels it was meant to be. 
She does get to see him though, and she is glad, because Daniel Sousa is making her head spin and she has no idea how to control it. 
Even Kora manages to tease her about it, as they are training one day and the simple mention of Daniel’s name makes Daisy stumble because she is reminded of the previous night and how she had no clue a man could make her feel that way. 
Coulson tells her, point blank, to stop fooling herself and give the man a break.
Daisy stops responding to Coulson's calls for a week. 
Jemma is always patient and insightful, but way too optimistic. 
They are doing fine, their relationship is progressing as normal as one can when you’re an inhuman working for SHIELD, trying to build up a team in order to take them out to space. 
She tries to get more information regarding said mission out of Mack at least once a week, her old partner never budges, but does tease her about her boyfriend, because everyone enjoys teasing her about him.
She always wants to scream because of it, but forgets all about it the second she gets to spend time with Daniel and he greets her with the same dorky and loving smile as he talks about his day and she talks about hers and it is so domestic and it suddenly dawns on her. Why her head has been feeling fuzzy.
She has a home, and a pseudo domestic life and she has never had that in her life. 
As they finish dinner that night, she grabs Daniel and doesn't let him go for the rest of the night. She prays her sister arrives home late as she usually does. 
She tells him she loves him that night and when he answers back she feels her world righting again and everything just becomes easier.
She only tells Jemma about it. Coulson and Mack figure she has figured it out and she ignores them.
It is fitting that she finishes building her team up only a week after that. 
The pieces fall in place and she finds herself happy. 
It takes her three weeks to notice she hasn’t seen or heard from Coulson or Mack in said time. 
She finds she doesn’t mind much. 
She then realizes it is because Coulson left to visit May at her new job and she breaks out into a full hearty laugh as Coulson explains what May has chosen to do with her life. 
She goes on her first mission with her own team after that. Something pretty straight forward. A test of sorts to see if they truly will work well together. 
It feels nice to be back on the Z1.
She almost laughs when she realizes how well she and Daniel work together, and he definitely laughs at her when they all realize Kora is the better pilot of them all -Daisy included. 
She visits Fitzsimmons on her own, because Kora still feels awkward around them and she needs to finish some report she promised Coulson and Daniel is in the middle of a solo mission. 
It is a quick visit, because her life is still busy and she was actually finishing up on her own sort of mission near Scotland and she can’t help it.
Jemma is glad she took the time, Fitz, as always is great and enthusiastic and is not there much because Alya adores her dad and doesn’t allow him much time to be in the room with the other two adults. 
Daisy feels a pang of longing, and quickly shakes it off. She admires her friends for retiring and for having the courage to have a family. 
She still has things to do. While she can. 
When they reunite both are exhausted for different reasons, but both Daniel and Daisy agree that while they had very successful missions, they prefer to work together. 
She claims it is much easier.
He claims it is a lot more fun. 
The Z3 is ready, Mack tells her, and Daisy feels a pang of excitement. 
She tells her team and they are all equally excited. 
SWORD is hers, she has earned it and she revels in the fact she doesn't cower at the prospect of leading. She has a good man by her side who proves to her every single day she can do all these things on her own but she doesn’t have to.
She has a sister who has come such a long way, who now smiles more often and enjoys the little things. Daisy feels proud of her and every time the feeling takes over her she wants to laugh, because Kora is older, yet younger than she is and Daniel is always confusing the fact and she adores that out of everything he’s seen, that is what always gets him rattled up.
She makes him watch as many space films to prep him for it. He is unimpressed by Star Wars but claims ET a favorite. 
Kora surprises Daisy by informing her baby sister she has gotten a pilot's license and the stamp of approval from May herself to be able to efficiently fly them on the Z3. 
Daisy finds it funny that even if he had managed to welcome the 21st century life-style (sans actual style) with ease, it is atop the Z3 where Daniel feels most comfortable. 
He claims it is because it was on a Zephyr where he first caught a glance of his future. 
Daisy thinks he’s being sappy about it, and does not push because she is certain she will cry if her suspicions about his chosen wording are correct. 
She’s the captain, for god’s sake. Her dork boyfriend should not make her want to cry. 
It is different from normal missions. It is both smoother and yet far more exhilarating. 
She appreciates the wonders of being able to sleep in between missions and assignments. 
She especially appreciates the fact she convinced Daniel (or did he convince her, she’s still a little fuzzy on how that conversation went, she blames him) to share her bunk. 
Because their life is chaotic at times and to be able to wake up next to him, well, it is something she got used to pretty quickly -or well, around the time of the 5th loop. 
It is Coulson’s idea and she cries a little as she receives the invite. 
Daniel simply kisses her head when he finds her, he whispers an ‘I love you’ which only makes her smile even wider and she adds her tears to the list of ‘odd things which should NOT be happening to me’ list. 
Simmons wink is almost a confirmation, but she waits patiently for the email.
The first words in the email are unintelligible, which basically confirms the fact to her. 
She ponders on what to tell him for three days, but then they get dropped into a mission. There are five of them out there beside her, her sister and Daniel included. She can’t let her guard down now. There is a team that needs her.
Everything turns out to be a misunderstanding in the end. But it doesn’t go by smoothly. The (insert alien name) race is stubborn and it takes a lot of Daisy’s energy to get them to talk. 
Daniel will never let her forget it is one of his odd idioms which finally makes the aliens cooperate. 
Still, they have earned a day off, and she orders Kora to put the Z3 on autopilot, as close to Earth as she can. 
It is that order which makes Daniel know there is something up with her. 
He patiently waits for her to tell him. Because he knows her, and he knows she needs to sort out her brain before asking for any kind of input -from anyone. But she always does, at least, she has always done so with him. 
She tells him as they both stare at earth, reminiscent of that first trip they took together. Circumstances are entirely different. 
He is scared, he has to admit, because there is nothing as scary in life as to be hit with the realization that you're going to be responsible for another human. 
And she can’t help it, she teases him about it; because she needs to find humor in this, and because it is no secret that very few things manage to rile Agent Sousa up. It is one of the many reasons he works so well in the field -with her. 
Besides his surprise, his reaction is very much like him, and Daisy thinks it a win for her when he doesn’t propose to her right away. Not because she would say no (she’s sure she would say yes), but because it means he truly is a wonderful man who can read her better than anyone and who gets her, all parts of her. 
In the end, they agree it is best to take it a day at a time. She is still the captain and he is still her right hand and they are still pretty good at their jobs and they don’t want to stop. 
In the end, Kora is the one who steps up, once she notices her sister throwing up almost at the end of the third month. 
She volunteers to help in any way she can. 
Their daughter is born in space, just like little Alya. Because Daisy truly never took time off until she literally couldn’t stand and because even if she couldn’t go out and explore, she was still the captain and she directed her team with an authority and a smoothness, which reminded Daniel of Agent Coulson, which he knew meant a lot more to her than to him.
True to her word, Kora steps up and helps keep Z3 floating as the couple settles into their new lives. 
Daisy knows it is not ideal. But she wouldn’t trade her life for anything. 
Daniel still finds himself waking up, even years after, with their daughter already running around the Z3, and can’t believe his life. 
Honestly, if you’ve made it this far, my sincere apologies. But I was left with way too many feels and a thousand and one ideas in my head which I just had to get out. 
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real-jaune-isms · 4 years
RWBY Volume 8 Chapter 10 Review/Remix
WHAT the ever loving FUCK was that just now RT?? You give us several great answers and scenes we really wanted to see, and then rip all that joy away in the last 3 minutes!!! I want to sue for emotional damages, but I really can’t be mad cuz it’s very masterful writing on their part. After years of shows doing redemption arcs we finally have it... the bastardization arc~
We open, perhaps to the disappointment of some, on Ironwood staring out the windows of his office at the battlefield and city in turmoil below. He’s being given a situation update on the destruction of the cellblock two episodes back, and he takes the news a little differently than might have been expected (read: worse). Jacques apparently stayed right where he was and let himself be put back into custody, while Qrow avoided much harm by being a bird and ending up in a spot where the rubble wasn’t landing directly on him. Robyn was only slightly lucky, she was under some large debris but doesn’t seem terribly hurt and is actually conscious when Atlas soldiers uncover her and say she’ll be moved to a new cell elsewhere. Qrow isn’t about to be put back in a cage though, and flies right at the soldier who finds him. Behind a conveniently placed piece of wall he turns back and, as I was somewhat praised for phrasing it in a discord chat, he tackled that man as a man. We can assume he knocks out the guy about to apprehend Robyn, and the two make a getaway. Ironwood doesn’t like this news one bit, though he focuses more on recapturing the two huntsmen he had arrested on paranoid treason charges than the actual war criminal he lost an arm catching whose dangerous work on the city of Mantle still hasn’t been undone. Not cool, dude. He yells at the soldiers who had come to report this, and they leave to try and find the jailbirds. He stares out the window again in contemplation and tries to calm down a little before turning on his earpiece to get an update on the status of some thing or another, probably the bomb, when something massive happens.
With a blinding flash and an array of gold and green, Oscar’s staff goes off with whatever he was charging up. It’s as bright and forceful as you’d expect a nuclear bomb to be, and it knocks Winter and the Ace Ops off their feet as they were heading towards Monstra lugging their own bomb. Weiss and Nora see it from Schnee Manor, and it seems to do a real number on the Grimm around Monstra and in the city. Rooster Teeth had to give a flashing lights warning at the start of the episode for those it would adversely affect, and I can totally understand why after the crazy display this gave us. When the light fades and the noise settles, Monstra has been snapped and is fading away to dust, and in that dust cloud we hear and barely see Neopolitan skipping away with the Lamp in hand. What a little punk... Winter gets back on her feet and is quick to ask her squad for their status, she doesn’t want to have lost anyone or suffered serious wounds from whatever the hell they just saw/felt. No one is hurt, though Elm’s ears seem to still be ringing. But Marrow is very distressed, realizing they still hadn’t heard back from Jaune and the others and they may have been killed in that blast. Nobody has anything to say that would appease him, so they stay silent. Vine tries to put a reassuring hand on Elm’s shoulder but she brushes him off. Guess after they got called out by Ren she wants to show even less emotion and sentimentality than before. Ironwood contacts them under the false assumption this was the result of their bomb, and requests they return to HQ for an update on the new problem he wants to deal with. Marrow naturally points out that the destruction wasn’t their doing, and Winter decides that will be news best delivered in person, so they load the bomb back on the airship and take off. 
Cutting into the city, we see Watts and Cinder viewing the destruction of their mobile HQ from a distance. Nobody is returning Cinder’s calls but they know Salem will be back so Watts suggests they come up with a plan in the meantime. But Cinder is fully confident that they can still do what they originally intended, that being having her kill Penny and take the Winter Maiden powers after Watts brings the synthezoid to her. But this was a plan made under false assumptions, because apparently she misunderstood the terminology in his message and thought he could puppeteer Penny to go wherever he demands when really he just laid a new prime directive to send her straight to the Vault as we saw two episodes back. Hearing this pisses Cinder off immensely, especially the part about Penny being set to self destruct as soon as the Vault is open since that means the next recipient of the powers will be randomized again and she’ll have lost her chance to yoink them. Watts is too busy grumpily musing to himself about Penny having free will and a spirit that doesn’t want to succumb to his leet hacks to notice Cinder growing more and more enraged, until he turns around and she pulls him in close to yell at him. But Watts is having none of that, he works for Salem not her, and his plans weren’t made to give this flaming whining goth what she wants every single time. He’s just supposed to get the Vault open for Salem, and this is how he’s doing that. This is not the kind of answer Cinder wanted to hear, and she stretches her arm out to shove Watts to the edge of the roof and leave him on the verge of falling over to his demise. He doesn’t seem terribly fazed, calling her bluff and saying her mission was to bring him back and Salem won’t be a bit pleased if he dies. But you know what Salem is not? Here right now to stop Cinder from dealing with this arrogant self righteous prick once and for all. So she fully intends to drop him and then tear up Atlas on a fiery path to the Vault where she can intercept Penny and steal the Winter powers before tearing her to pieces herself and being the triumphant follower getting everything done that Salem really needed. And Watts just... laughs. Chris Sabat must have had a great time in the VO booth for this one, because he gets to have an absolute roast session the likes of which he hasn’t delivered since Majin Vegeta tore that clown Kakarot a new one. Naturally Cinder’s plan would be to brute force her way to victory and get glory for none but herself with her every whim satisfied along the way. Because that’s always her plan. And it always fails. She tried to storm Fria’s hospital room like that and got her ass handed to her by some teenagers and a dying woman before Penny took the powers before she could. She did the same damn thing 2 Volumes ago when she tried to massacre all her enemies under one roof in an alliance with a woman she thought she could outwit, but ended up blindsided by a surprise Maiden reveal and almost died while her outnumbered forces were on the verge of surrendering without her. And did anyone warn her not to do that? YES! WATTS DID!!! WATTS IS ALWAYS RIGHT, YOU FOOL!!! Well, okay, he’s really not. But he’s more clever and meticulous so he saw the flaws her arrogance left her blind to. And then Watts really tears into her by saying she isn’t smart, she isn’t worthy, and she isn’t entitled to what she wants because she’s suffered in the past. The one thing she is is a goddamn migraine. I’m a little mad Tyrian stole the show’s first cuss 4 years back cuz I really would have liked for Watts to cap this off by calling Cinder a bitch. This roasting literally lights a fire under Cinder and she seems ready to snap and kill Watts here and now, but instead she pulls him back onto the roof and stares off blankly into space before her fire fades and she walks off to sit on the ledge of a different side of the building to really think about his harsh words and shed a single tear. It’s a little unclear if she’s just feeling sorry for herself and realizing she’s more of a failure than she wanted to admit, or if she’s just overwhelmed by Watts reminding her of her childhood trauma. Maybe she’s realizing how powerless she’s truly remained all this time after fighting so hard for her own freedom and independence, and crying at the fact that she seems unable to escape that role she hates so much. Whatever the case, it’s real rough for her but I don’t feel like shedding any of my own tears for her sake. She doesn’t seem like she’s gonna change her allegiances so I don’t feel much need to cheer for her, but maybe she’ll reevaluate her strategy and become a force to be reckoned with as a villain because of this. I wouldn’t mind that. We’ll have to wait and see.
Back in the ruins of Monstra, we see Yang Ren and Jaune are all doing alright, and Oscar seems to be as well. Jaune is using his Semblance to help Oscar heal up quicker so that’s good to see too. Yang answers a call and sees Blake anxiously hoping she’ll pick up. The biggest smile comes to her face when she does, and the two halves of the group are ecstatic to hear the other is still alive and well. Neither are quite ready to tell the full tale of what they’ve been up to, but Weiss pulls up a map of the city and lays out a safe route through the subway tunnels that will take OYRJ straight to the mansion so they can actually reunite. Oscar isn’t about to leave Emerald behind though, and we see her knelt in the chaos holding out her hands as if hoping to catch some of the dust that was once her father figure. Yang is vocally against the idea of bringing Emerald with them, but Oscar advocates for her being every bit against Salem as them so the enemy of their enemy should be their friend. Emerald actually doesn’t seem to want to keep hanging around them and says they should just part ways, but Jaune isn’t about to let her walk free without facing any kind of justice for her past crimes. Ren thinks they need to be able to see past their emotional hang ups and consider the value in having her as an ally, and Yang is quick to remind them all that Emerald is part of the reason she lost her arm. Technically that is true, Adam was working with Cinder and if Yang hadn’t been framed as a brutal criminal she would have been around the rest of the team when everything popped off so maybe that first fight would have gone differently. But I do feel like it’s a bit of a stretch. Yang keeps going about why she can’t just forgive and forget when Em had been such a snake in the grass back at Beacon, but that’s not what Oscar is asking of her. He just wants her to try and give the girl a second chance to be better. He gets a little cryptic about how they’ve already gotten help from someone they haven’t had the best track record trusting, and Ren perfectly guesses he means that Oz has reemerged in his mind. This takes the blondes by surprise, and Oscar stands up for the old soul by saying he took the brunt of the beatings and told him how to impede Salem like he did just there. Turns out we’ll be finding out the secret of Ozpin’s cane today: It’s been made into a magical repository for kinetic energy stored over dozens of past lives to be made into a sort of bomb to set off when needed. I don’t know quite enough about physics to describe how exactly that would work, but it seems to make sense that it does. But the blast that took out Monstra used up the majority of what was in there so he can’t rely on it for that kind of attack again. It seems likely that was what Ozpin used against Cinder in the Beacon Vault, but didn’t use very much of it, and again what Oscar used to bust a hole in the bottom of the pit Ironwood shot him into. Oscar finishes making his case that Oz really does want to aid them, and the others seem convinced. What’s worth noting is that all eyes had been on him during this, but Emerald made no attempt to run away or even lower her hands. Guess she might really want to stick around after all... The moment is interrupted by the not so distant sound of a crying baby, and they all run further down the tunnel to find a subway station where the people of Atlas are taking shelter on Ironwood’s orders. Emerald starts to feel the weight of her action and those she used to side with, especially when she sees kids scared and hungry like she was before Cinder found her. They continue past the station on their way to the manor, and Oscar offers some encouragement to Emerald that they need her help in this war considering what she’s capable of. Considering the feats she performed under stress back in Volume 5, I’m inclined to agree. 
We fade away from that scene to Ironwood’s office and the camera rises up the stairs as if being held by the Ace Ops as they and Winter come through the still broken doors to give their report to the general. He’s looking at multiple holographic screens projecting from his table: one with graphics telling him the status of all the airships mechs and soldiers, one pulling up news articles and any other info they can get on Monstra presumably for the purpose of cataloguing it in case they ever need to worry about another one, the third seems to be a map of city to monitor the damage so far, and the last is all the info they have on Cinder. He congratulates the team for their work destroying the Grimm, but Winter admits it wasn’t their bomb that did the job, they still have it intact for him. This confuses Ironwood greatly, but he sees an opportunity in this twist of fate. Penny hasn’t come to the Vault like he wanted her to be programmed to do, so he assumes Watts did a shit job of reprogramming her or just intentionally screwed them over. Yet the truth is something he can’t seem to imagine, she has free will and doesn’t want to do as she’s told. Who’s the real tool now Jimmy? He informs them that Cinder broke Watts out, and he seems to consider Qrow and Robyn escaping to be an even worse consequence. Harriet seems ready to sprint out of the room and haul them back here herself, but Ironwood stays her hand... or foot in this case. With Salem temporarily halted, now is the best time they’ve got for him to have the Winter Maiden open the Vault and use the Staff to lift Atlas higher than she can reach like he wanted so badly. So he wants Winter to bring him Yang Jaune and Ren. Winter doesn’t see the purpose of that, or she does and hates to imagine it’s truly what he intends, but either way she knows she can’t do what he’s asking. He plans to make full use of the lives they hold in their hands, and he’s going to use Jaune and the others as leverage to make Penny do what he says. He acts as if he’s actually proud of himself for realizing this is an option available to him, and I think it’s his Semblance that’s partially blinding him to the moral reasons why it should not be an option worth considering. Winter is left wilting under his unaware and proud gaze, and then Harriet pipes up to tattle on her commanding officer. Winter gave the kids a chance to try and rescue their friends from inside the whale(they don’t mention that friend was Oscar so he still doesn’t know the kid survived his attempted murder), and they weren’t seen exiting before it blew up. I want to say I’m shocked and disgusted that Harriet snitched on Winter just for the brownie points of being honest and taking Winter down a peg, but I’m really not. She’s been a loyal bootlicker since this time last Volume, and this feels like payback for that whole “I outrank you so you can’t stop me from giving them a chance” thing in chapter 7. Ironwood removes the proud and probably intended to be comforting hand he had placed on Winter’s shoulder, as if ashamed to be touching her after she let him down like this. This was his last plan for his definition of success, and now it’s ruined so he can’t do anything. In a fit of rage he smashes his table like the goddamn Hulk and the Ace Ops are left to watch and wonder just how in his right mind he actually is. As he tries to catch his breath, the general gets an urgent transmission that dozens of non-military aircraft have shown up on radar. I and probably a few dozen other people watching this hoped this was an Avengers Endgame moment of tons of allies coming to the rescue of the down and out heroes. But no, its the Schnee Dust Company ships Whitley sent out. Almost forgot about that plan, whoops. Ironwood immediately recognizes this as Weiss’ handiwork for the sake of saving Mantle, because nobody would have guessed Whitley would show some humanity and make this plan himself. Winter immediately shows attentive concern hearing her sister has done this, and Harriet gives her a look as if to say “you are such a bleeding heart for these little criminals...” Ironwood makes the very one dimensional assumption that everything Ruby and the others have been doing is simply to protect Mantle, as if they didn’t have a serious conversation with May about helping Atlas as well as Mantle 3 episodes back. With that knowledge in mind, he decides he needs to make a call. 
Speaking of phones, Cinder gets a cheeky text and an accompanying selfie from Neo revealing she has the Lamp and she knows Salem will tear Cinder to pieces if she doesn’t bring it back to her. So she’s proposing a trade; Cinder gets the name to activate the Lamp, and in return she has to bring Neo to Ruby for the revenge she so deeply craves. Watts can’t see Cinder’s screen so he wonders who among their comrades has survived. Unclear if Cinder is going to tell him.
At last, we see Ruby throw open the front doors of Schnee Manor with Weiss and Blake flanking her, to see Yang and the others on the front steps. The sisters immediately embrace and Ruby sheds a tear of relief and joy that they’re all okay. Yang tells her she missed her too, and that seems to be that for the distrust and argument they had back in chapter 1. Ruby goes to greet the guys, and Yang gives Weiss a nice hug too. Then she sees Blake has taken a few steps away from the group and seems ashamed or embarrassed, unable to even look in their direction in Yang’s direction. Yang puts a hand to her cheek, her thumb softly stroking up and down as she turns Blake’s head to meet her gays gaze. Yang blushes and smiles, Bake returns the smile, and the two softly press their foreheads together. The intense sapphic energy of this deeply intimate moment was almost overwhelming, and many couldn’t help but adore it. I know I couldn’t stop myself from being a little giggly. Ren notices Nora isn’t there to greet them, and Weiss seems like she’s going to bring him up to her room and possibly even explain what happened along the way. Ruby takes this chance to go and greet Oscar with a hug, but stops short when she sees Emerald behind him. She seems real mad and is about to go on the attack, but Oscar steps between them and insists he can vouch for her, or maybe he’s saying he can explain? We don’t quite know because they get cut off by the sound of Ruby’s Scroll ringing. May is calling from the crater to say that the SDC freighters aren’t the only thing in the air right now, and she seems very panicked by what she sees. She yells for everyone to run into the mines for shelter, and an explosion is hear before the call is cut short. Before anyone has time to try and puzzle out what they just heard, a loud alarm tone goes off on all their Scrolls. It’s a fun detail that as a Faunus Blake covers her ears cuz the loud noise is especially bad for her. An emergency CCT broadcast is coming in for everyone in the kingdom, and Ruby magnifies her Scroll’s playing of it to be projected into the air for all of them to watch. The cargo ships are shown being shot down by military ships, and then the feed cuts to Ironwood standing ominously under a single light to deliver a downright villainous speech. He claims he has been trying his best to protect the technology and future of the kingdom from those who would do it harm, but I think it is VERY telling he never mentions protecting the people. Because that’s not what matters to him anymore. Not really. He says the only person stopping him from finishing his plans of making sure the currently crippled Salem can’t hurt them anymore is Penny. So he has an ultimatum for Penny and her friends, because he knows they will be listening right now. Either she turn herself over to him so he can have her do her “duty” and save as much of the Kingdom as possible and forget about trying to save Mantle, or he will nuke Mantle as punishment for her selfishness. The more he talks the more angry Ruby and the others get, and we are right there with them. He somehow thinks that if Mantle is destroyed then Penny will be free to only care about Atlas and its protection and will gladly work with him to do so. What a delusional bastard. And if anyone tries anything other than what he has said to do, he will use the bomb. 1 hour to decide how they will respond, and a hell of a lot riding on that choice.
There can be absolutely no question now, Ironwood will be the villain for the rest of the Volume and Salem will probably return at the end to ruin whatever hope putting him down will have raised in our heroes... And I’m kinda excited for how that’s gonna play out. Let’s see how team RWBY get out of this one~
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