#I packbonded with the robot
27vampyresinhermind · 7 months
Goddamnit AntiReset!! I told you not to let anything happen to the adorable little robot man!!!!! And what did you do??? You made love cause a fucking system shut down!!!
But then in the preview for next episode, he seems perfectly fine. You can’t play with my packbonded emotions like this!!!!
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Also! Does the actor for Ever 9 remind anybody else of Nat from MaxNat? Because every fucking time he turns those big brown baby cow eyes up at Yi Ping, I keep yelling “Diao!”
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thirtheenprimes · 9 months
Is anyone interested in my dozens of Murderbot stories inspired by Netflix's Lost in Space? I've always loved Lost in Space, always loved aliens, and always loved robots. Alien robots, even better. Alien Robots in Lost in Space? Yes please.
This is a trick question, I have so many iterations of this that I will be flooding my AO3 updates with Murderbot characters in LOS scenarios. On my break rn but when I get home, it's over.
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Sci-fi au…….pilot Nick who dies on what is essentially a suicide mission after his family dies and ship AI Lucifer who gets permission to use his face & voice instead of the standard robo one as the ship slowly runs out of oxygen because she wants to keep him humans respond better to things that appear similar to them.
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blujayonthewing · 11 months
man it sucks that systems like alexa and google home can't function without connecting to the internet and also reporting back to Evil Corporations because I DO actually want a robot in my house that I can packbond with who will turn my music on for me when my hands are busy but I don't want it to spy on me 24/7 and work for jeff fucking bezos
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iviarellereads · 1 year
All Systems Red, Chapter 2
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which the humans, in true human fashion, want to packbond.
When MB wakes up, it's up to 80% efficiency, and Mensah has extended the security lockdown an additional four hours, but left a message asking MB to report to her. MB has never been asked to do this by any client, it seems, but thinks maybe she wants to go over the planetary hazard info packet and why it didn't mention the giant predatory worms.
MB takes a moment to say it really doesn't care about its clients or what their goals are.(1) It knows that these clients are from a freehold (not associated with a major corporate confederation) called PreservationAux, and the survey is to see if this planet is worth buying a share in the planet's resource extraction potential. It wasn't expecting much from them, but they've been surprisingly easy to work with.(2)
MB cleans itself off, and puts its armour in its repair slots. It doesn't want to dig out the spare armour set, so it puts on the uniform provided for it instead, something like exercise clothes.
When MB goes out into the main hub, everyone is talking and Mensah is busy, so it waits silently. Ratthi is the first to notice it, with a comedic double take. MB comments that's why it prefers wearing armour as much as possible: the humans like to pretend it's a mindless robot, and that's easier when they don't see a human body shape.
Ratthi asks who this is, with the security lockdown preventing anyone coming in or out. Mensah is busy on an interface, so MB has to say it's their SecUnit. They all look almost as uncomfortable as MB feels, and it wishes it had taken the time to get the spare armour.
Part of it is, they didn’t want me here. Not here in their hub, but here on the planet. One of the reasons the bond company requires it, besides slapping more expensive markups on their clients, is that I was recording all their conversations all the time, though I wasn’t monitoring anything I didn’t need to do a half-assed version of my job. But the company would access all those recordings and data mine them for anything they could sell.(3) No, they don’t tell people that. Yes, everyone does know it. No, there’s nothing you can do about it.
Shortly (subjective: half hour, objective: 3.4 seconds) Mensah turns and sees MB, and asks it to review the hazard report, just as it expected. It does so, and can feel Dr. Gurathin, an augmented human with his own interface, poking at the data while the others, on touch interfaces, are more distant.
At first, MB thinks they're being paranoid, but it finds discrepancies in phrasing, indicating deletions in the warnings and the section on fauna. Everyone's pretty pissed off about it, and MB likes their openness with each other. It outlines their interpersonal relationships, and says they're very low-stress and restful to be around… just as long as they don't try to interact with it.
The team speculates on what biological niche the hostiles fill, but Pin-Lee brings them back to the important bit: who removed the subreport? She asks MB directly, can HubSystem be hacked? MB thinks how it hacked it easily from inside, to hide its hacked governor module, but from outside… it says it's possible, but more likely they were sent an incomplete report. Mensah assigns Pin-Lee and Gurathin to tracking that problem down, and asks if the other group on the planet, DeltFall, were given the same damaged report. MB checks with HubSystem, which says it's likely, but MB is skeptical of HubSystem's reliability. Aloud, it only says, "Probably".
Mensah gives instructions for the team, and MB asks if she needs it for anything else. Mensah says no, she'll call if they do, but… it could stay in the crew area if it wants.(4)
They all looked at me, most of them smiling. One disadvantage in wearing the armor is that I get used to opaquing the faceplate. I’m out of practice at controlling my expression. Right now I’m pretty sure it was somewhere in the region of stunned horror, or maybe appalled horror.(5) Mensah sat up, startled. She said hurriedly, “Or not, you know, whatever you like.” I said, “I need to check the perimeter,” and managed to turn and leave the crew area in a totally normal way and not like I was fleeing from a bunch of giant hostiles
Back in the ready room, MB is upset that it gave away that it doesn't want to be around them. It worries, because it has too much to hide to make mistakes like that. A slip leaves the rest of its secrets less protected.
It decides to do some work instead of moping, and gets its spare armour to do the perimeter walk, check on the hoppers, double check the emergency supplies, everything it can think to do for its job parameters. Then, it goes into standby with some more Sanctuary Moon.
It's just fast-forwarding through a sex scene(6) when Mensah sends it some images. It's interested enough to pause and save its place. It hasn't really looked at the satellite maps, because it hasn't needed to, but now that Mensah's pointed it out, there are six huge swaths of the planet missing from their documentation.
MB is so grateful that Mensah did it all over the feed instead of insisting on in-person, it gives her its honest opinion: the package was cheap, and it's likely the pieces are missing for that reason, but the only way to know is go out for yourself and see if there's something worth seeing in the missing regions.
MB feels Mensah's attention pull back from the feed, so it tunes into the hub cameras to listen to the humans' discussion. They're all in favour of going to check it out. They've already had a conversation with DeltFall, who agreed to send the missing files, but MB knows how this is going to go, and that they don't know security like it does. It wants to go alone, but if its governor module were working, the failsafes would fry it if it went further than 100 meters away from all the clients, so it can't volunteer.
So when Mensah opened the feed again to tell me they were going, I told her security protocols suggested that I should go, too.(7)
(1) I think this is a little too much protest, if you feel me. MB may not be the most reliable narrator of its relationships. It could have followed protocol and left Volescu in the crater in chapter 1, but it didn't. It could have been aggressive in getting him out, but it wasn't. It took the time to get his attention and, in a totally appropriate manner, distract and guide him out of it. (2) I wonder what MB's criteria are for "easy to work with". Following directions without question from a trained professional? Not complaining about things like the security lockdown while it regenerated? (3) Sound familiar? (4) Humans packbond even with the most unlikely of creatures. We packbonded with dogs and cats, and honestly, we've been packbonding even with the autofill chinese box text generators they're calling AI these days. Of COURSE they're going to want to treat MB like a person when they see that it's person-shaped. Mensah in particular recognized that MB didn't have to do as much for Volescu as it did, and I like to think she sees a spark of something in it. (5) Our dear MB, on the other hand, has little urge to be treated like a person, because that means interacting with people, which it has never been trained or encouraged to do outside the boundaries of its contractual requirements. (6) MB thinks it has no interest in sex scenes in media because it has no gender or sex-related parts, since that would make it a sexbot, not a murderbot. This has, however, led to more or less canon assertions that MB is just ace. This could be considered problematic in some senses, because real ace people are accused of being broken or lacking in some supposedly essential quality, just like MB literally lacks sexable genitals. Notwithstanding author bigotry I'm not aware of, I (occupying spots on the aro and ace spectra) am inclined to forgive the false equivalence because MB is a bot, and even with organic bits, it still has some drives and capabilities that seem inextricable from its constructive and semi-programmed nature. This is not to say anyone else has to feel the same way, or that this counts as any sort of representation because to me it really kinda doesn't even if MB is relatable in this way for some people including myself. This is just the space to put my thoughts as I read. (7) Do you think this is purely fulfilling its function, or does MB seem a little too eager to make sure these humans survive? (I'm in camp the latter if that's not clear, no matter what it says.)
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bitegore · 2 years
I got all excited about Raf's tbh creature but noooo it's an evil robo-flesh eating monstrosity.
Why would that not be ideal. Scraplets are baby. They have the gender. They understand me and I them. Also in one continuity they ARE a baby, there's like a thousand of them that form a tiny colony that packbonded with one of my insane and mean teal helicopter blorbos and decided to pretend to be a whole baby robot except when it's time to eat people
furthermore i don't got autism so I can't nominate scraplets for autism creature positions but i can absolutely nominate them for adhd. I too am sweet and docile except when i see something Interesting and then i too need to take it apart and put every piece of it in my mouth. Very relatable behavior. Scraplets my beloved
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onsunnyside · 3 years
Friend friend I have question about Tarzan!steve and bambi
How’d they react when they see little robots like roombas? Or Tony’s dummy? Are they spooked? Do they packbond with it? Do they throw food on the ground to feed them because it’s been still for too long and they’re too concerned it might starve?
Maybe they’re eating at the table and throw some torn up bread on the floor for “tiny rooba friend, is hungry too 🥺”
What A World - Tarzan!Steve:
Steve is very confused about the little thing that follows Tony around in his lab. He’s tried to observe it from afar, but the robot seems to always know where he is, turning towards him with those weird whirring noises.
“Steve, leave it alone.” You say from where you’re hunched over a desk, reviewing some documents.
You hear him huff, and the clang of metal.
“….strange thing.”
You spin around in your chair, unable to hide your amused smile. Steve was sitting on a table, legs swinging as the dummy stands (is settled?) next to him.
“And it’s Tony’s, so don’t break it like you broke the drones on the island.” You tut teasingly.
“Was—unfamiliar!” Steve defends as the robot’s arm points upward, as if in shock, then it quickly rolls away, “Ah, wait! Won’t hurt you!”
Third Eye - Bambi/Feral!reader:
Steve barely catches himself on the counter, looking down and seeing a squashed strawberry smeared under his boot and on the floor. He huffs, “Bambi! I told you to stop leaving food on the ground.”
You pop out from around the corner before sinking back as Steve wipes the mess. You hide the bowl of fruit behind your back, licking your strawberry stained lips. “N-Not me.”
“Yes, you.” Steve stands, throwing the paper towel away before grabbing another. He heads straight for you, and you quickly step backward. “Your face is dirty, doll.”
He grabs your chin, wiping the mess from around your lips, gently, alway gently with you, of course. After he’s done cleaning you, he takes the bowl and kisses your lips, still holding your chin between his fingers.
“What did I say about lying?”
You avoid his gaze, blinking profusely at his forehead. “N-Not lying.”
“Yes, lying, Bambi. You know better than that, c’mon.” He cooes, “aren’t you my good girl?”
“Yes!” You shoulder’s sag as he pops a strawberry in his mouth. “Just… what if hungry? Rooba friend need food—and have so much, why not share?”
“The roomba doesn’t need to eat, doll.”
“Does.” You bite your lip, “Rooba—said so, tell me.”
Steve stifles a laugh, playing along. “Oh, it told you? How did it tell you?”
Your eyes widen as you stutter, “Uh—it… it—oh, my, what that!”
Steve only narrows his eyes, “If I turn around and there’s nothing—“
You gasp and cradle his face between your cold hands, shaking your head. “Okay, okay, nothing. Will be honest—was going to hide when Steve turned around… was also going to find rooba friend to feed because almost dinner time….”
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Hello I know that you are busy but I hope you don't mind me adding to it! Would you have any recs for Stiles touching Peter and/or Derek cuz packbonds. Like maybe he realizes their touch-starved or notices/learns that packs need to be touchy-feely but the beacon hills pack isn't so he sets out to rectify that. Can be Steter or Sterek or any combo of the 3 or even Gen/No pairing! Thank you so much!! 💕 (I just need some hugs in my life xD)
Let's see what we got, @hokee101!
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ANDWhen it needs fixing by kiranightshade
(1/1 I 1,762 I Teen I Steter)
Stiles notices. And then Stiles cares.
i see that you've come so far [just like them old stars] by crossroadswrite
(1/1 I 2,304 I General I Sterek)
But her big brother’s unwillingness to touch anyone, like he thinks he doesn’t deserve it isn’t the only thing she notices. She also notices how Stiles doesn’t touch him.
Everyone reaches for Derek in some form or another, but Stiles- Stiles is something different altogether because he reaches for Derek but he never makes contact.
He’ll be trying to shimmy past Derek and instead of putting a hand on his arm like most of them do, he’ll reach out with a hand and stop it scant centimeters away from Derek’s skin.
Or they’ll be walking alongside each other and Stiles will hover a hand on Derek’s lower back.
It’s both fascinating and tragic to watch, like NASA lost control of one of their robots and instead of it landing on the moon it’s fated to gravitate around it.
Sacrifice - But is it Really? by SaphiraTARDIS11
(4/? I 7,902 I Not Rated I Sterek)
Everyone had left Derek.   Scott wasn't pack anymore, hadn't been since the kanima and his betrayal. Jackson had left for London, pack bonds severing as soon as a new pack had been found. Erica and Boyd had left too, went to the San Francisco pack, barely even saying goodbye. Isaac had drifted away slowly, merging himself with Scott until one day Derek had awoke to the pain and emptiness of a solitary alpha.
One Step at a Time by Jazz_2_chess
(1/1 I 15,326 I Mature I Sterek)
When Stiles discovers Derek's aversion to touch and the deeply rooted fear it is caused by, he takes it upon himself to help his residential Alpha. Unfortunately, things don't go over so smoothly...
Like Fire in Your Blood by Accidental_Ducky
(3/3 I 19,856 I Teen I Steter)
After Peter’s home and family are burned to the ground he makes a wish, calls upon the demon his great-grandmother had spoken of so reverently. Ink dark hair and bright honey eyes that can turn burnt gold in a second of rage, a sharp tongue and magic sparking at fingertips the color of moonlight, a creature of myth to be feared and worshiped.
Peter never expected to find all of that encompassed in the skinny frame of a teenaged boy, but stranger things have most certainly happened.
Learning Boundaries by totallyrandom
(39/? I 45,196 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek isn’t lonely anymore, but he is touch starved. He catches himself reaching out sometimes, but he hasn’t quite been ready to make himself follow through yet. No one’s said anything about it, but Stiles must have noticed recently. Of course. He notices everything. It’s … annoying. Most of the time.
Soothing the Burn by Therapeutic_Steter
(17/? I 52,188 I Mature I Steter)
Peter is burnt out and breaking down. Stiles notices and offers him solace, along with the one thing he wants most: Pack.
Murphy's Law by Decemberangel
(13/13 I 61,534 I Not Rated I Steter)
There are four things Stiles knows to be undeniably true. Four things to which he lives by. Four things Stiles has sadly been victim to. The first thing that Stiles knows to be certainly true, lives by and has been victim to on more than one, no, more than many occasions, is that Murphy’s Law is a very accurate description of his life. His life is Murphy’s law. This might be the most important of the four things.
Gambling Debts by lady emebalia (emebalia)
(67/67 I 141,004 I Explicit I Sterek)
Stiles owns a casino, Peter has a gambling problem and Derek has to pay his uncle's debts. You know the setup, you know where this leads. Or maybe not
Anon suggested this one.
Touch Therapy by syriala
(1/1 I 4,043 I General I Steter)
“You’re hugging Peter,” Derek said from behind them, confusion very obvious in his voice.
“Yep,” Stiles gave back, not moving from his current position, speaking more into Peter’s hair than anything.
“Why are you hugging him?” Derek asked, and Stiles shrugged as best as he could, with his arms still around Peter.
“He just woke up from a coma. I don’t even want to think about how long he went without a hug,” Stiles gave back.
Or the one where Stiles derails Peter’s plans by aggressively hugging the shit out of him.
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katzkinder · 3 years
man, i love the idea of gear packbonding to, like, anything
but specifically humans and werewolves consistently creating very strong friendships over the eons to the point that werewolves evolved a way to share their power with humanity, because the two species, at one point, were so interconnected with one another, fueled primarily by our own insane ability to packbond with Literally Anything, up to and including inanimate objects and computer programs, tiny robots who clean our homes and our favorite ceramics we lovingly use on the daily
Like, how awesome would it be if the state of human/werewolf relations we see in the modern day for Servamp isn’t the historical norm?
And it gets way more interesting when you consider, like, all the multitude different stories and legends that have cropped up about returning a werewolf to their senses via clothing or their name, taking those and applying them as truth that faded into fiction in the minds of humanity because Magicians drove so many magical creatures into hiding, those stories that hint at a time of cohabitation rather than fearing an uncontrollable predator (who isn't so different, not really)
lies down
humans and werewolves evolving alongside each other much the same way dogs did with us, to the point where each have special ways of interacting with one another down to a biological, innate level of existence that isn't half so easily erased as their mutual histories, but just as hard to find proof of because no one cares to look and no one would dare subject their beloved friends who have trusted them with their very identity as a person to invasive, unpleasant, dehumanizing procedures.
werewolves who are both exceedingly rare, but also just well hidden by generations of humans who love them as family, protect them as family, with all the viciousness and loyalty of blood
much like everything else, you can find them, living their lives and blending with the cacophony that is modern life, modern living, never a claw out of place
you can find them
if only you know where to look
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c-53 · 4 years
I packbond with every robot in Prey SO powerfully
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27vampyresinhermind · 6 months
So let me get this straight AntiReset. You made Precious Robot Man packbondable, you gave him “flaws” meant to make his human master feel empathy towards him, you gave him the ability to give love as his AI understands it. And then, the second he receives love, it causes a system shutdown?!?!?!?!
Uncle, I’m proud of you for not putting the reset chip in Ever 9 but like….bro, the company made a very human, very lovable, very packbondable robot. You don’t get to get upset when Yi Ping doesn’t want a new one! This is your fault. You gave him a gift. He loves his gift. Stop trying to tell him that his gift is insufficient just because he had a little hiccup that your company put into his code!!!
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This is me (and Yi Ping) with Ever 9 and I will not be taking criticism.
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delimeful · 5 years
Ive just been imagining for wibar, Patton noticed Virgil acting down so he gets Virgil some sort of gift like a potted plant or stuffed animal and thats how the crew gets to see the legendary human packbond with inanimate objects. Virgil: ive only had this plant for two minutes but his name is Carl and if anything happened to him i will kill everybody in the room and then myself
lol yes. patton gives virgil a cool rock he found and virgil names it and puts in on a shelf and regularly checks that its still safely sitting there, chillin. just wait till he gets his gay little hands on the ship robots
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we are like... humans are like... so weird...
the two Doubleclicks songs most likely to give me The Feels are "imposter" which is about the curiosity robot landing on mars, and "kilogram" which is about the official kilogram getting replaced by reference to a universal constant
and like, the songs aren't just about those things, they are sung by those two inanimate objects... the little robot so unsure of herself "I'm just pretending I can do this" and the kilogram wondering "who will I be, if I'm not your kilogram?"
why do I have feelings for these creatures
idk humans will packbond with anything seriously
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spicymags · 5 years
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Allow me to preface this post with the fact that I am an office manager of a wellness center. We have a spectrum of practitioners who rent space (like therapists and acupuncture for example). But the main portion of my job is massage therapist wrangling.
Many of these people tend to be dreamers/spacey/"artistic" (okay i call 'em hippie-dippy, crunchy granola and they know it), but I am much more logic/rules/accounting. Which is why I handle much of the financial stuff - but!
All this to say we have some silly office quirks. Such as, when I came on I discovered our printer. [Image 1: a black HP printer with a green handwritten note taped to it. The note says "Hello my name is Bertha. Please speak to me lovingly."]
Bertha has never once given me problems. Printers can smell fear.
We finally had to replace our linen washer. A process in which the business owner referred to the washer as a white whale.
Thus I decided to leave my personal legacy on this business, no matter how long I may be with it.
[Image 2: A GE washing machine with a printed labelmaker sign that says "Hi, I'm Moby. Please treat me kindly."]
In hopes that my hippie-dippy LMTs will empathize with my cold robot machine and stop overloading them until they break.
Humans will packbond anything, right?
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mmmbetch · 6 years
Humans are Space Australians
I've literally never made a post about this, but I can't get this idea out of my head and I haven't seen this anywhere yet.
So in a lot of space/scifi stories, the ship the story is taking place on has a computer that responds to questions and commands with an appropriate verbal response. We can ALL agree humans will packbond with anything that shows any sort of vague semblance of life
How many humans would packbond with the damn computer??
Like say instead of a human joining an alien crew, an alien joins a human crew and the humans have one of the most advanced ship computers in the galaxy. So their computers can give life support stats, damage reports, locations of crew members, and so much more (much like the Star Trek computer).
And this alien(s) is so fancinated because their computers are advanced but not to this level. And the humans on the ship say please and thank you to this inanimate, faceless computer embedded into their ship. The alien(s) think it's weird but won't say anything to the humans because they were briefed on the human tendency to packbond with anything.
And then they find out some of the crew members have named the computer as if the human-female computer voice is an actual person. And the alien(s) would be so confused when one day human Casey says, "Janice, please locate insign Garrett for me." Because, who is Janice?
Anyway I'm not really sure where I was going with this, just popped into my head after watching too much Star Trek and remembering that my parents call their GPS Gladys.
If you want to write this out/add to it, please do! I'd love to see this as a full story!
Edit: I'm loving what y'all are adding on, but I just want to point out that in this, I'm not referencing AIs like Sofia the Robot, Data from Star Trek, or any other humanoid robot you can think of that are designed to exhibit personalities and think for themselves. I'm talking about computer systems like Siri, Cortana, or the computer from Star trek where they don't have a solid personality they are simply there to provide information. However! Please do not stop adding on! I love seeing what you guys think :)
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officialleehadan · 6 years
Carry her Home
(For Opportunity. The brave little robot who could, and a Very Good Girl.)
“We’re not leaving her behind.” Ralph was not a particularly impressive human. He was somewhat scrawny, unhelpful with weapons, and prone to the sort of clumsiness that made him a true hazard on a starship. He was also one of the single most talented innovators of their time, and impossible to budge when he had made up his mind. “She’s alone,” he continued fiercely, bristling. “And it’s dark. She’s cold. We’re not leaving her behind.” Gor’Valth was not sure why the human cared so much. It was an exploration robot, built to examine a planet, and disposable. Ralph was absolutely unwilling to budge on the matter. “I built her,” the innovater snarled, advancing on Gor’Valth with a determination in his eyes not unlike the more militant of his race. “With my own hands. I programed her to do her job, and I am not leaving without her. And if you try to make me, I will shut this entire ship down. Cold and black.” “Threats are not needed,” Captain Fa’aalsho said hurriedly. Like Gor’Valth, he knew the stories of humans who could do extraordinary things when pressed passed their limits. There was no telling what Ralph could, or would, do if forced. “Why is this important? Have we misunderstood the use of exploratory robotics?” Sometimes that happened. Sometimes it was hard to tell what humans cared about. Sometimes it was as simple as a misunderstood cultural politeness. Sometimes they packbonded with something completely inappropriate, and would then, happily, die for it. The human concept of ‘pets’ was an ongoing challenge. “It’s important because she did her job,” Ralph said, less furious now that he was getting what he wanted. He shoved his glasses up his nose and fixed them both with a predator’s stare. “I built her and she did good. So now she gets to come home.” That was not an answer that Gor’Valth could understand, but then, humans didn’t always make sense. For instance Gor’Valth towered over Ralph. His fangs were longer than the human’s hand, and he could easily rip the human apart. Still, Ralph was prepared to fight him with everything in his limited arsenal. And over a robot of all things. Not even a living being. It was absurd in the extreme, and had the makings of a decidedly prickly topic. They had been warned that humans would packbond with absolutely anything, but this was the first time Gor’Valth had seen it in person. “It should not take long to fly down to the surface,” Gor’Valth offered to their angry human, who was armed with a truly staggering grasp of their ship’s systems, and a phenomenally large stubborn streak. “We could collect the machine with very little effort.” “Her name is not ‘the machine’” Ralph said flatly, and not without heat. “Her name is Opportunity XII. The first of her name explored the nearest planet to the human homeworld, and it took us eighty years to get her home. Oppy XII is coming home now.” Definitely a prickly topic. “We can collect Opportunity with very little fuss,” Captain Fa’aalsho agreed soothingly, and traded an alarmed look with Gor’valth over their human’s head. This was an unexpected side of their usually-reasonable human. “a team can be ready in a matter of minutes.” “I’m going with,” Ralph growled and snapped the cover onto his tablet with rather more force than was really needed. His already-wild red hair bristled, undoubtedly the result of his habit of running his hands through it when stressed. “Someone needs to look out for her.” Their claustrophobic, mission-hating, reclusive, difficult inventor, insisting on attending a flight? Surely not. “I assure you, all care will be taken,” Captain Fa’aalsho tried to reassure their human, and actually backed up a step as Ralph advanced on him, finger raised and shaking to punctuate his words. “If you think,” he said fiercely, “That I am going to trust some ham-handed soldiers with my Oppy, you are mistaken! I am going with to make sure she comes back safely!” With that he whirled and stomped towards the flight hangers, still muttering to himself. Gor’valth looked at his captain, and folded his spines down flat where they were raised in alarm. Fa’aalsho looked back, four eyes dark with profound resignation. “Humans.”
HGE - Human/Alien Relations
The humans just want to explore. Everyone else is convinced that these impossible little monkeys are completely out of their minds.
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