#what a world: fluff
onsunnyside · 2 years
I can totally picture touch starved Tarzan Steve loving the way you caress and scratch his beard and hair. Him just being this big gentle giant nuzzling into your hand grunting and whining for more touches because it makes him feel warm and fuzzy. Wait till he gets a taste of fucking you tho I feel like this man would wrap you in a bear hug letting out loud moans and growls as he pounds into you saying “mine mine mine, my mate only mine”
this is making me miss tarzan!steve !! he was such a sweetheart and will always be one of my faves
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sleepwalkersqueen · 2 months
Healthy Birb >:3
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He's very kitten shaped ur honor
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spacebubblehomebase · 28 days
"Say My Name."
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Tumblr "Poll Results" for my #HHStargazersAU are out and so I'm releasing ALL the currently available titles of my future posts for this story!!! Though to not completely spoil the plot for everyone, I redacted some parts on the list. Just know that, while I DO have plans, they could always change and not everything is complete. But if you're still willing to be patient with me, here's a taste of my writing and art! Nothing serious. Just to see if it's to your liking. I won't always stick to such style, but there WILL be consistent world building as it's my favorite part of starting any AU! And if you like Chaggie or queerplatonic Radioapple centric stories then you're in luck because that's EVERYTHING I'm here for! It'll take a lot of effort, but GOD will it also be a LOT of fun! XD Still a show is nothing without an audience and according to my list, it's time for an INTEREST CHECK, so what say you? 👀✨️ -Bubbly💙
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(For more context, check out "Part One" of my story! "A New Day Will Dawn...")
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hypewinter · 1 year
The Young Justice learns about a new experiment going on at Cadmus once again involving cloning and decides to go rescue the clones. They expertly break into the facility avoiding all alarms only to find out that they trigger anyway. Instead of a voice coming on over the intercoms announcing intruders though, it instead announces an escape. What?
The team continues navigating the base until they come across two kids. The older boy can't be older than 8 while the girl being tugged along behind him looks around 5. The boy narrows his eyes and his body tenses up.
"You're definitely not guards. Who are you?" He questions.
It's Superboy who steps up and says "We're the Young Justice. We came here to rescue you."
The boy doesn't seem to believe them but the girl immediately gets excited. Apparently she couldn't wait to meet real life superheroes. Especially Superboy. That means whatever Cadmus was doing with the kids, they'd already implanted knowledge of the outside world in them. That didn't bode well.
The team decides to push that to the back of their minds for now and focus on the mission. They manage to convince the boy (with the help of the girl) to come with them and they get the two out of the facility. Of course this is after they take all the information they can from the servers (Thanks Robin).
As they get both kids to the medical wing on the Watchtower, the boy introduces himself as Danny and the little girl as his sister Ellie. Connor's never seen clones with such a close bond before and he can admit he's a little jealous that he and Match don't have that kind of relationship. Still he's just happy they rescued the two.
Now to find out who they're clones of and what Cadmus wanted to use them for.
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saw @chez-cinnamon's absolutely BANGER butterfly!Howdy design and couldn't resist! two fluffy flutterbyes <3 solidarity
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haikyuuhoo · 8 months
I’m sick and I can’t stop thinking about how Nanami would dote on you so hard when you’re feeling unwell. Tucking you in and kissing your forehead before placing a wet rag there to help stave off your fever. Constantly suppling you with hot tea to soothe your sore throat. Bringing you homemade soup accompanied by fresh baked bread he got from the bakery on the way home. Helping you into the shower and washing your hair for you when your muscles ache too much to do it yourself. Not letting you sleep alone despite your protests that you’ll get him sick (and if you really do want to sleep alone, he’ll happily take up residence on the couch for a few nights).
But he’s always there when you close your eyes and when you wake up, because his heart clenches seeing you suffer even just the slightest bit, and he hopes that he’ll be granted the opportunity to always make sure you’re safe and cared for.
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"What will you do once I pass away?" The question came out of the blue, but such strange questions were par for the course at this point. Gamigin was nuzzling to your neck when you spoke, but he wasn't phased.
"I'll revive you. Death won't be permenent in Paradise Lost for as long as I'm around to stop it." You were running a hand through his blue hair, playing with a strand of it.
"But what if you don't revive me? If you can't revive me? What will you do then?" The dragon stopped kissing up your neck and shifted so he would be at eye level with you on the bed. He looked confused and hurt which almost made you ashamed that you asked the question.
"My staff can bring anyone back from the dead."
"Ok, but I age and demons don't what about that? What if I get so old I want to die to end my mysery."
Gamigin looked even more confused by your words. He didn't quite understand why humans aged so fast. He pouted in thought and stared at the ceiling. After a while, with a stern voice he asks "How long do humans usually live for?"
You try to remember your anthropology classes and what the avarage age of death was for your country, but you just can't put your finger on it. "I don't know, 70 or something like that." "70! Only 70 years!?!" He pushed you to the bed and pinned you to it with a shocked expression. His mind was working overtime trying to calculate just how long that timespan felt like.
Finally, he turns to you and holds your hands softly kissing them both. He stares determined in your eyes. "You are going to have the most exciting life ever. I promise you. What do you wish to do before you die?"
You've never seen him so stern, but the question was one that you've many times asked yourself yet never seemed to have an answer to. Gamigin's glare was starting to intimidate you so you gently slap his face.
"Don't look at me like that! You're making me nervous! I don't know what I want to do before I die. I just kind of want to see where life takes me."
Gamigin smiles like he usually does and pins you to the bed with a hug. His staff, which he kept in one hand at all times, jiggled lively as you both collapsed on the cottage bed.
"Well then, I want to cuddle with you and rewatch the 'How to Train Your Dragon' trilogy. And then we can play blackjack and whoever wins has to wash the dishes after dinner!" Gamigin proclaimed before kissing your cheek and nuzzling into it.
"Who tought you blackjack?" It was strange hearing your usually innocent boyfriend putting forth the idea of blackjack of all things.
"My brother Buer. He also thought me the dishes strategy as well. Jokes on him, I won." His giggle was contagious and you two ended up just cuddling and watching movies for the better half of the night.
If your relationship with Gamigin thought you anything, it was that you didn't have to live through bombastic experiences to enjoy life. You were having the time of your life just being close to him.
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bitterspoons · 2 months
For once, I thought it was me.
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Summary: Soulmate au where you can hear the songs your soulmate is listening to. Fred asks your best friend—Angelina—to the ball thinking she's his soulmate.
use of y/n
Warnings: Angst and just a lil' fluff
Word Count:
part one / part two coming soon
A/N: of course the first thing I write is a soulmate au 😭—it's fine and I hope you like it.
"Angelina!" Y/n calls, running over to the Gryffindor table—almost tripping over her feet before placing a hand on Angelina's shoulder.
"Yes?" Angelina looked up from her conversation with the Weasley twins and smiled at her best friend. The Great Hall was bustling with noise.
Y/n panted, catching her breath as she fixed her hair. "Sorry—I just—I ran—oh god I'm dying—" Y/n tried to catch her breath before waving her hand at the twins. "Give me a second—continue your conversation..."
Angelina chuckled before turning back to George and Fred. "This is my friend, Y/n." Angelina introduced. "She's in Hufflepuff so I doubt you would've met her."
Y/n waved, stealing some of Angelina's water.
"Why haven't you invited her to some of our parties?" George asked, batting his eyes. "It would've been nice, seeing a pretty face more often."
Angelina rolled her eyes at the flirt, making space next to her for Y/n. "Yeah, I've asked her but she's not a huge fan of social events." She explained. "It's a miracle she's even in the Great Hall—why aren't you with Willow?"
"Oh, I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out after Divination. Turns out my detention with Professor Sprout is cancelled!" The Hufflepuff said happily, still a bit red from George's flattering.
"Hell yeah!" Angelina cheered. "I told you she loves you."
Y/n smiled. "Yeah but turning her favorite plant into a pair of heels is pushing the line."
Fred cackled. "Y/n, You did what?!"
In her head, a symphony sounded. Him just saying her name sounded like an orchestra.
Pops of warmths fidgeted around her. She had always had a crush on the Weasley, and she never really knew when it happened. She hasn't told a soul and she never would. It was just— he always seemed so happy. She had made him happy, she made him laugh.
Y/n beamed as she explained how she had gotten too caught up with her conversation with Angelina about what shoes to wear for the Yule Ball, she had completely forgotten about the spell she was casting.
"Little Chéri's a troublemaker huh?" Fred teased, scrunching up his nose.
"Chéri?!" Angelina cackled—not a fan of pet names in the slightest.
George grumbled. "Fred has been learning French so he can impress girls."
Y/n laughed, taking a sip of Angelina's water again. "I think it's cute." She bit the tip of her thumbs, an old habit of hers.
"Ever the hopeless romantic, Y/n." Angelina commented, stealing her drink back.
The four engaged in conversation until a Slytherin tapped on Y/n's shoulder. "Uh—Y/n, I think I have a fitting right now." She said awkwardly, getting glares from the Gryffindors.
"Oh!" Y/n shot up, grabbing the last strawberry off of Angelina's plate before grabbing Angelina's pen—sticking it behind her ear—and running off, dragging the Slytherin with her.
"Hey!" Angelina protested, grumbling as she bit into her toast.
"What was that about?" Fred asked, battling Ron for the last corndog.
"Huh? Oh—Y/n and I are helping organise the Ball." Angelina explained, not seeing how Fred watched her run her fingers through her hair as she grabbed another pen to do her Potions Homework. "She's helping make and tailor people's outfits."
"Y/n?" Hermione clarified, popping into the conversation. "She's ridiculously talented, she made the dress I'm wearing!"
"She made adjustments on mine!" Angelina looked at Hermione. "I didn't like how bland my dress was, so she helped bedazzled it."
"Do you think she can fix Fred's dress?" George asked, earning a punch from Fred. "Ow! No seriously though, his tie is all wonky and his pants go way past his feet. Poor bloke's gonna trip!"
Angelina laughed, packing her stuff away and slinging her bag over her shoulder. "Find out yourself! I have to go check up on the Frog Choir."
Just a couple minutes later, Fred heard oddly croaky choruses from his soulmate.
Fred was trying to go the sleep that night, but all he could hear was stupid music.
When he couldn't decipher whether he was hearing it through his soulmate or if he was hearing it in the common room, he shoved his slippers on and slowly went down stairs.
As he peeked his head around the corner, he saw Angelina dancing with somebody—a CD player in the background as they laughed.
It was the same music playing in his head...Is Angelina—actually his soulmate?
He watched Angelina dance with her friend, practicing their dance for the ball before slowly going back upstairs.
Y/n and Angelina fell the floor in a heap, almost crying of laughter as Angelina stepped on Y/n's foot and then went crashing to the floor.
"So, are you planning on asking your mystery crush to the ball?" Angelina asked, rolling onto her stomach and popping the CD out.
Angelina didn't have a clue about her crush on one of the Weasley twins. Y/n refused to tell her, but she did give vague details about why she liked him so much.
"You think I have time for that?" Y/n questioned, brushing her hair. "Even if I did have the time to ask him, he's probably not even my soulmate."
"Who cares?" Angelina asked, exasperated.
Angelina was one of the people who couldn't hear music from their soulmate, it happened more than you'd think—about as common as dyslexia.
Angelina didn't give two fucks about whether the person she was dating was her soulmate, she tended to do whatever she wanted.
"Well—my soulmate is pretty cool too." Y/n protested.
"Well obviously!" Angelina retorted. "They has to be good enough for our Y/n"
"Oh stop it." Y/n laughed, throwing her hairbrush at Angelina. "I won't have time to ask someone and besides, I think he likes someone else." Y/n looked down, fiddling at the edge of her pink pyjamas.
"Your soulmate or your crush?"
"Maybe both!"
Fred woke up early today, mostly because he couldn't sleep. I mean, he just found his soulmate! This is the moment that everybody waits for, and it finally happened!
Fred was utterly in love with whoever his soulmate was. The two soulmates have sang duets with each other since they could talk—never making any action to try and find each other but Fred would be lying if he said he hadn't blasted music in his ears just to see if someone in the Great Hall would react.
His soulmate was constantly listening to music and singing songs, it comforted him whenever he heard it—especially since he's heard it since he was little.
And it was Angelina, a girl he was been trying not to crush on for ages.
Fred walked down the stairs, almost laughing when he saw Angelina.
Angelina and Y/n were completely passed out on the common room couches, paper sprawled out as they were doing a history of magic essay.
Fred shook Angelina awake. "Angie...Angie!"
Angelina fell off the bed. "What?"
Fred grinned. "I just thought you might wanna head to bed before the rest of the house wakes up."
Angelina rubbed her eyes before looking around—seeing essay papers, pens and her best friend, still sleeping as she sleepily held the tip of her thumb in her mouth and lulled herself asleep. "What time is it?"
"You have a little less than three hours before everybody else wakes up."
Angelina sighed, getting up and separating their papers and pens. "Hey, Fred?"
"Yeah?" He said hopefully.
"Can you do me a favour?"
Angelina handed him a messenger bag with little bows and gold chains decorating it, he took it without question as she continued.
"Do you think you could get Y/n to her common room? This is.. um This is the longest she's slept for a while and I don't know how to get into the Hufflepuff common room."
Fred thought for a moment—but who was he to deny his soulmate? After all, getting into the Hufflepuff dorms were easy—having learned the ins and outs of practically the whole school.
So Fred slung the bag across his shoulder and walked over to Y/n, still sleeping peacefully.
"Thank you!" Angelina grabbed her own supplies and started going up stairs. "You're the best!" She called. "I'll get you a tailoring with her today! Is dinner alright?"
Fred nodded, slowly picked Y/n up, putting her on the couch so he could give her a piggy back ride to her common room. "Hold on..."
Almost as if her sleeping body could hear it, Y/n's body tensed up, making it easier for Fred to carry.
So Fred walked out of the Gryffindor dormitories and started walking in the halls to go to the Hufflepuff common room.
The sun had barely risen, shining dull lights into the hallway and Fred felt Y/n shift in her sleep—ignoring how his skin fluttered as her breath rolled on top of it.
Fred almost stopped walking as Y/n shifted once more, making a small whimper, trying to pull her hand closer to her face.
"Chéri, if you move your hand, you're gonna fall—okay?" Fred said softly, adjusting his grip on her legs, making sure she wouldn't slip.
Y/n hummed in response, tucking her head on Fred's shoulder as he kept on walking.
Fred was halfway to the common room—walking slowly as to not wake up Y/n when he froze.
Having her thumb clasped between her fingers around Fred's chest, supporting her upper body weight—Fred felt her head twitching, needing something to soothe her to sleep.
Not wanting to have to explain the situation to the sleeping girl or disappoint Angelina—Fred adjusted the girl, now giving her a piggy-front, letting Y/n head sit comfortably against his neck.
Fred debated checking whether his face was on fire when the sleeping girl began to press little kisses on his neck, trying to substitute something for her thumb.
Fred continued walking, but why was he so flustered?
Maybe it’s his soulmate’s best friend.
What was her name again? Y/n?
Fred knocked on the Hufflepuff dorm door in the tune of Helga Hufflepuff. Before walking in and taking the stairs to the girl’s dormitory.
Trying not to feel awkward, he searched the dorm labels until he saw it.
Girls Dorm #207
- Susan Bones
- Lia Diggory
- Y/n L/n
Praising Merlin that she didn’t have too many roommates— He knocked on the door a few times, jumping up again to make sure Y/n didn’t slip.
"Hello?" A small voice asked, a very tired red head opened the door.
Fred gave an award smile. "I have a delivery?"
The girl smiled before letting him in and pointing at the empty bed and messed up desk.
Feed walked over, clutching on to Y/n as he quickly flipped the blanket open and tucked her instead. Y/n immediately latched onto the blankets.
Fred smiled before looking at her desk—tons of dress designs a long with tons of reminders everywhere when a certain one caught his eyes.
The Weasley Twins Inspired Dress
Curious, he picked up the sketch to see that she managed to make a confetti canon dress, inspired by that time he and George covered the Slytherin team in confetti right before a Quidditch match against Hufflepuff.
"I think you're cute together," Susan whispered bashfully, her cheeks pink.
"Oh no," her face fell when Fred denied it. "I already found my soulmate today."
"Oh I'm sorry." Susan apologised, combing her hair. "I just thought your h—never mind." She began to point at her neck before waving it off. "I assume you know how to take care of it?"
"Yeah! I'm planning on asking her to the yule ball!" Fred said, not having any idea what Susan was talking about.
"What? Ya know what—" Susan dug through her make up bag before grabbing Fred's arm and swatching some concealer shades. "You're lucky, you're my winter shade." Susan tossed Fred a concealer wand before shooing him out. "Bye!"
Holding onto the concealer, extremely confused, Fred walked back to him common room before going into the bathroom.
"Shit." Fred vocalised, realising why Susan Bones has thrown him concealer.
A light hickey lay on the side of his neck where Y/n had been.
Fred spent the next two hours trying to figure out how concealer worked.
He didn't understand it—instead opting for a scarf instead to cover up the blotchy disaster he created on his neck.
Y/n genuinely didn't question why she woke up in her bed and more concerned on her planner—you could see her running up and down the halls all day.
"Professor Moody, may I borrow Ron Weasley please?"
Ron showed her his suit for the ball. "Never mind, you're beyond help. Professor Moody, you can have him back." Y/n said, scribbling something out in her planner.
Taking the stairs, Y/n just started walking—flipping to the back of her planner to edit some sketches and ideas for dresses—not noticing the stair cases changing directions.
Walking up and down and sideways along the halls, Y/n kept walking until she bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry!" She said automatically only to be shushed by two voices. "Huh—?"
""SHH!" Y/n looked at the two Weasley twins.
"Why?" She asked, looking around to see nobody.
"I don' know," Fred admitted.
"We're skipping, so I assume we have to be quiet." George finished.
The Hufflepuff scoffed. "I'm not skipping. I did all my work in advance so I could focus of the dress making." She looked down at the planner. "And on that note—you have a appointment with me in two minutes. We can't be late!"
"Does that mean you have the answers?" Fred asked as he got dragged away.
"We can discuss answers after we're on time for our session."
"If it's our appointment, how can we be late?"
Y/n sighed, shaking her head. “It’s fine we’re almost there, Willow’s gonna be upset.”
Y/n dragged Fred near a tree where a small desk, mannequins and color swatches were, Y/n thrust Fred upon a little platform until tree branches began to swing around chaotically.
“Willow! Calm down! This isn’t Ron! This is a different Weasley!” Y/n started yelling.
“Willow? As in the Whomping Willow?!”
“Stop moving!” Y/n snapped, petting the branches. “Willow didn’t like it when your brother nearly killed her with a car. I think she has like— Weasley trauma.”
Fred cackled. “Weasley trauma?” A tree branch slapped the back of his head. “Hey!”
“She’s very sensitive.” Y/n defended. “Speaking of Ron, please tell me your suit isn’t as hideous.”
“Don’t worry— I just have a normal suit… I wasn’t sure if I should’ve brought it so I just wore it—”
“That’s perfect. Mind shrugging off the jacket and scarf?”
Nervously, Fred took off the scarf and jacket, revealing the concealer mess on his neck.
“Oh sweetie, what the hell happened to your neck!” Y/n cooed. "Goodness, let me help you. You're gonna break out... Accio makeup kit!"
"I have every shade under the sun, I'm helping people with their makeup too." Y/n waved her hand down. "Get down, off." Y/n stepped onto the platform as Fred stepped off, facing Y/n.
Y/n took a makeup wipe and cleaned up the spot before taking out a whisk and spinning it on the hickey.
"When did you learn how to hide hickey? Does that even work?" Fred asked, watching the metal kitchen utensil.
"Oh hush, it's common knowledge." Y/n pushed his face away, continuing to whisk. "It helps the blood disperse. Next time, put ice on it before it bruises."
Shade matching and blending it in, Y/n hoped Fred couldn't hear her heart beating out of her chest as she finished hiding the red mark. "See? Like it never even happened."
Willow presented a mirror for Fred to see for himself, thank god because that scarf was very itchy.
"Now, how much are we thinking off the tie?" Y/n held up a tape measure and a sharpie, tucking the sharpie behind her ear. "It supposed to be around your belt buckle...Do you feel comfortable with it over here?"
Fred nodded, looking at her in the mirror more than him. Why hadn't he seen her more often? Has she been friends with Angelina for a long time?
"Lovely...okay do you mind if I take this?" Y/n took the colorful tie off Fred and held it up to Willow." Willow, this is Fred's tie." Willow held onto the tie.
"Okay just one second..." Y/n brought out a sheet of brown fabric and a sheet of black fabric and hopped onto the platform with him. She pulled the black one around half of his chest and the brown one around the other half.
"Okay so I think the brown is more flattering on you, I feel like you look paler with the black one—Hey!"
Fred's head started tilting to one side as he imagined Angelina and her hanging out—still in disbelief he had actually found his soulmate.
Y/n grabbed his jaw and moved it so that it faced her. "Sorry, I just need to see—" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows confused as Fred pointed at something in the distance behind her.
Y/n looked behind her only for her jaw to pulled back and facing Fred, pulling the same move she had accidentally done to him. "Touché," She smiled—desperately hoping she wasn't blushing.
"How long have you friends with Angelina?" Fred asked, snapping Y/n out of her mental freakout.
"Oh—uh, since first year. We met on the train." Y/n cast a spell to turn Fred's suit brown. "Yeah that looks better—you looked like you were going to a funeral."
“Then why do I never see you guys hang out?”
Y/n thinks before answering. “I like to keep myself busy, that or I just eat in the kitchen.”
“Why not hang out with Angelina?”
“Uh- Well Alicia and I don’t really get along so I don’t want to make it weird for Angelina. Besides, most of the time Angelina hangs out with me in the kitchen.”
So that’s why Fred never sees Angelina in the Great hall. “Why the kitchen?”
“Because the house elves love me.” Y/n smiled, writing her to do list. “Besides, I like baking.”
Fred stepped off the platform and watched Y/n write. “Do you bake any of the food in the Great Hall?”
“The brownies, but sometimes I also cook the ribs but I like baking more than cooking.”
Fred loves the brownies, he eats them every time they show up on the table.
“Speaking of food… It’s dinner, you better hurry before all the seats are taken.” Y/n starting putting things away and getting out a dress presumingly belonging to her next appointment.
Fred stepped off the small platform, checking his covered hickey once more before starting to turn around. "You aren't going to dinner?"
"Maybe later." She responded quickly, casting a spell on the dress. "Not hungry. " She said briefly. "You can pick up your tie by like tomorrow."
"Alright then, I'll see you around?"
"Sure. Angelina! Can you grab that?" A piece of fabric swirled away in the wind near an approaching Angelina.
Fred walked away, happy with his day and his fitting appointment.
(A/N lmao I have nooooo idea how to end these. Part two could be ready tomorrow or in 3 months, we'll see.)
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etoiile · 6 months
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starring itoshi rin!
synopsis: you decide to go watch rin's football practice for the first time, much to his delight. his teammates struggle to figure out who you are and what you've done to their usually very grumpy rin.
requested by @checkoutmyflow! i hope i did your rq justice ^^
notes: first time completing a request! sorry for the wait >.< ALSO this is gn!reader :)
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admittedly, you weren't much of a football fan, even though your boyfriend was a professional college player. you didn't really understand the sport, as you hadn't played it since second grade gym class, but for some reason, you had decided that today, on this sunny tuesday afternoon, you were going to drop by rin's practice alongside a football-for-dummies book to watch and hopefully learn a little about the sport he was so enamored with.
it would appear that they were in the middle of a practice match, as his teammates and him were wearing different colored pennies, and there was someone keeping score on a whiteboard.
you sat down on the bleachers quietly, not wanting to distract anyone from the game. your eyes scanned the field quickly, almost instantly finding rin's unique dark green hair. you tried your best to keep up with what was happening, quickly flipping through your book whenever someone did something cool to try and find it, but it proved to be quite difficult, and you found yourself very confused at the sport's intricacies.
despite your lack of understanding, the one thing you could observe and comprehend was how alive rin looked whilst playing. he was sweating, shit-talking, and scrambling around the field non-stop, clearly very tired, but his eyes had a certain glimmer to them that you didn't get to see often, and he moved around the field with immaculate grace and precision. you watched as he skillfully maneuvered around the field and how he seemed to be able to calculate exactly where his opponent would go. you didn't have to understand the sport to know that this field was a place where itoshi rin shined like no other.
rin took hold of the ball and began dashing across the field with it, his shiny hair blowing behind him. his eyes began darting around the field, his brain taking in and calculating every factor necessary to victory.
his brain certainly didn't expect to see you, his lovely s/o who knows nothing about football, sitting on the bleachers.
your eyes made contact for a brief moment before rin tripped over his own feet and flew forward, making literally everybody on the field stop what they were doing.
a brief moment of silence washed over the field before laughter soon took its place, his teammates jogging over to him asking if he was ok, and what the hell just happened as they howled in mirth.
he grumbled some excuse with red cheeks as he looked away, clearly very mortified. his coach decided to call a break, seeing as everyone had already stopped playing, and he grabbed his water before practically sprinting over to you.
"y/n," he breathed as he came to a stop in front of you, puffing a little from fatigue. "you're here."
you giggled. "hi, rin. i thought i should come watch one of your practices. i want to get to know all the aspects of your life, after all."
he leaned in closer to you to brush his hand against yours as you two chatted a bit. anyone could see the way his eyes softened as you spoke and how his shoulders relaxed at your every move. anyone even being his pretty-damn-stupid team.
in the distance, bachira, isagi, chigiri, nagi, and reo murmured amongst themselves, wondering about who you were - the mystery person mr. im-better-than-you-and-grumpy-all-the-time rin looked so happy to see.
"his sibling, maybe?"
"nah, i'm pretty sure sae is his only sibling."
"oh! what about his parent, then?"
"dude, do you have eyes? way too hot to be a parent."
"his lover, maybe?"
there were a solid 5 seconds of silence before they burst out into laughter once more.
"get out. itoshi rin, an s/o? no way in hell, dude."
"i doubt he could even keep anyone for more than a month. they'd get tired of his attitude real quick and leave just as fast."
"rin-chan probably isn't capable of loving anyone, after all."
despite their adamant denial of your relationship with rin, they could all notice rin's demeanor. he looked happier, more at ease, gentler, kinder, and overall, he looked like a normal person. who were you, and what had you done to their rin?
coach blew his whistle, and they watched as you gestured for him to get back with his team. they then watched with their jaws on the floor as he, itoshi rin, POUTED and SWEETLY PLANTED A KISS on your forehead before jogging off.
they all exchanged looks of pure shock as rin jogged back to them.
they all gave him a shocked look as he raised a brow.
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𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐈𝐈𝐋𝐄 ©𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 please do not copy or repost my work on any other site. interactions appreciated! 🤍
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xdacted · 4 months
not here
Pairing: Reader x Carlos Sainz Jr.
Warnings: pure 100% fluff, nothing but fluff, the tiniest hint of angst, but mostly fluff
Word Count: 500
Status: Completed
Carlos didn’t get to see her as often as he wanted. 
He didn’t even get to see her as often as he needed. There was always something pulling him away. Always a phone call to be taken, an autograph to be signed, an interview to be helped - always something. 
But not now. 
Not here. 
Not in the quiet hours of the morning, just before daybreak, the sun resting below the horizon. The moon cast pure light through the windows, moonbeams dancing across their sheets, stars twinkling beside them. Her arms curled around a pillow, legs tangled together. He didn’t know where he began and she ended, but he liked it that way. The lingering night breeze brushed against his bare skin, sweeping through the windows. The world outside fluttered awake, but Carlos had her here. 
Pressed to her back, arms tucked around her waist, buried in the thicket of her hair. Carlos couldn’t see her face, but he had memorized it. Each shadow, each line, each curve - each beautiful feature was committed to memory. The soft sound of her snores filled their room, her heartbeat steady against his skin. 
Not a thing could reach them here. 
He liked it that way. 
Carlos leaned down, pressing a chaste kiss to the exposed skin of her shoulder, “Hermosa.”
His voice was too quiet to wake her, but he liked to see her nose twitch at the sound. 
Moments like these, where the world seemed to still for just a second, made the distance agonizing. Separated by oceans, miles of land, hours of the day - it was painful. Race weekends were filled with exhilaration and adrenaline. Race weekends were also filled with a clawing sense of breathlessness. 
He couldn’t breathe. 
But here, laying beside her without a care in the world, he breathed. 
Carlos breathed. 
Inhaling the scent of her shampoo and the dying hints of her perfume, she filled his lungs.
He breathed. 
She turned in his arms with a heavy sigh, burrowing into his chest. Carlos couldn’t help but smile, tightening his arms around her. 
He didn’t see her as often as he wanted, but she was here now. 
Behind him, the sun began to rise, warmth trailing up his back. Soft rays crawled up the sky, spilling across her skin, and coiling in her hair. Carlos leaned down, pressing another kiss to her cheek and neck. She groaned, scrunching her eyebrows together. 
A gentle laugh rumbled from his chest, dropping another kiss to her nose, “Hermosa…”
“...stop watching me sleep…”
Her voice was scratchy and unused, the corner of her lip quirked to reveal the smallest hint of a smile. 
“But you’re so beautiful,” He whispered, nuzzling into her neck, “How can I help myself?”
A giggle fell from her lips like wind chimes singing together - beautiful. 
“It’s creepy,” She stretched, arms winding around his neck, “Better only be for me.”
“Of course,” He said, “No one but you.”
After all, not a thing could reach them. 
Not here. 
A/N:This work has been cross-posted on Wattpad and AO3. All are under the name XDACTED. Thank you for reading and feel free to request fics about any of the drivers <3
Also this is my attempt at trying to get out of my writing slump, it's short, it's sweet. I like it, so pls enjoy
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starrystevie · 11 months
as if they belong there, because they do, steve's hands will always cradle eddie's face when they kiss. it feels all too natural how he guides his hands up and lets his fingers brush over eddie's cheeks before finding a home on his jaw line. his hands might not be the biggest, but they can hold him, hold his universe between his palms. they're big enough to have his pinkie brush over the veins in his neck to feel eddie's heartbeat picking up, big enough to scratch his nails over his scalp and feel the way he shudders against him.
keeping his hands on the sides of eddie's face lets steve pull back and look at eddie whenever he pleases, like when he can feel the heat flooding the cheeks under his palms or when eddie smiles into the kiss and he feels the joy of it against his fingers. he can watch eddie's eyes flutter open, watch as they come back into focus only to get a little crossed trying to look at steve's lips. with his thumbs stroking his cheekbones and his fingers tangling in curls, steve can pull eddie back down to him when he can't take it anymore and push their lovesick smiles together.
it's not about control, never has been, not when he's holding a wildfire in his hands. it's about connection, it's about what he thought he could never have the chance to grasp onto real and there and solid under his fingertips. it's about feeling what eddie feels and following where eddie wants to go and knowing that he can drop his hands to curl over his shoulders to bring him in closer and closer until their breaths and heartbeats and worlds feel like one.
as if they belong there, because they do, eddie's hands will always curl around steve's waist when they kiss. he lets steve guide him where he wants him but eddie is the one to ground them, holding tight to the soft sides. his fingers need to stay busy and drum over steve's waist like he's an instrument of his own that eddie's learning how to master. he lets his hands pull their bodies close, close, closer until there isn't space between them, pressed one against the other like one entity.
eddie particularly likes steve's left side, where his scarring was worse after the bites, and how the bumps under his fingertips make steve shudder as he runs his hands over it. it's their common thread, their red string of fate, their missing pieces from an unsolvable puzzle, the scars that they share. feeling them against his palms, under his fingers reminds him that they're alive, they made it and they have each other. keeping his hands on steve's waist, he can feel him breathing his very much alive and there breaths. every stuttering gasp and sharp inhale and whimpering exhale are music of a different kind under his hands.
it's not about owning him, like he's just another piece of eddie's ever growing orchestra for him to use as he pleases. it's about knowing what makes steve tick, it's about knowing what he likes and doesn't like and having the the way he moves underneath him in approval as his evidence. it's about holding steve where he's vulnerable, about holding him where his own hands replaced bandages and cleaned off antiseptic and placed featherlight touches so as not to hurt the only person he could ever let himself fall for.
it's about having the most precious thing in your grasp and knowing how to keep it safe, keep it warm. it's about feeling like your hands can do good when they've caused pain and damage in the name of fear. it's about steve and eddie, being the only thing to hold each other together when they're afraid of everything else falling apart.
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onsunnyside · 1 year
Tarzan!Steve seeing you asleep and his instincts kick in and tell his to make his mate comfortable and keep them safe so he gets all the pillows and blankets and forms a makeshift nest for you. Him tucking you into the blankets and wrapping himself around you to protect you without waking you up. He just watches you sleep softly tracing your face with his fingers, if you do happen to stir and almost wake up he’ll start humming and whispering that your safe and to go back to sleep. Just Tarzan!Steve being protective of his mate wanting her to get some sleep.
i am: soft 🤧
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chimielie · 7 months
summary: didn’t they tell us ‘don’t rush into things?’ didn’t you flash your green eyes at me? haven’t you heard what becomes of curious minds? (or: what happens after graduation to a pair of teenagers in love)
word count: 1k
cw: irresponsible decision making (but i assure you there will be no consequences), The Teenage Need To Get The Fuck Out Of Your Hometown, mountains of fluff, my usual Thing iykyk, excessive 1989-related puns
hajime’s never considered himself an impulsive person.
sure, he’s: headstrong, audacious, hotheaded. but he almost always has oikawa spearheading his more reckless decisions with wild emotional situations, a shield that makes him look like a calm, responsible adult. oikawa could make almost anyone look sane.
hajime is pretty sure even oikawa would call him crazy right now, if oikawa weren’t in argentina. maybe, for all his turbulent nature, his friend really is some grounding force; since he’s been gone, hajime’s felt on the precipice of something… big. earth-shattering.
“i just can’t stand it,” you say, head lolled back onto his shoulder, spine curving into his chest. hajime is trying valiantly to ignore the soft weight of your ass on his lap, even though you’re mostly sitting between his applesauce-crossed legs. he can feel it, though, against his right thigh. he is failing miserably. “it feels like everyone’s moving and i’m… stuck.”
“stuck,” he echoes, and you roll your head so you’re looking right, out of his bedroom window at the familiar landscape of miyagi. the sun is close to setting, having burned through the daytime clouds and casting a brilliant glow over you. your lips look darker and fuller and more kissable in this light, he’d thought earlier, right before he’d kissed them bruised.
“more like a balloon,” you muse. “on a still day. just drifting up, and up, and up, and the birds are just flying by.”
he hums, deep in his chest, in agreement. something’s felt wrong ever since graduation. you and he had stayed, and it had been what you both wanted at first.
but not like this.
miyagi without oikawa, without makki, who was rooming with mattsun in the city while the latter earned his junior degree and the former chased youtube fame, wasn’t what he’d thought it would be at all.
“it’s gonna be all ours,” you’d promised him, graduation cap tilted jauntily and smile brighter than the pure white clouds drifting above. “you’re all i need, hajime.”
but miyagi without the people you’d grown up with was empty, a melody that only echoed memories. it was you and him—and the ghosts of your childhoods.
“you’re not happy here,” he says. not a question.
you twist to look at him, eyes open wide. “i’m happy with you. i didn’t mean—”
“i know,” he says, kissing your pursed, worried mouth. “but we’re not happy here. i feel it too. maybe i’m crazy, but i think we need—”
“change!” you’re sitting straighter in his lap now. “every day is the same. i’m starting to feel like i need to do something insane. i need enrichment in my enclosure.”
he puts his arms around you and you draw yourself tighter into him until you’re cheek to cheek.
“do you trust me?” he says. you snort.
“what is this, haji, aladdin?”
“yes,” he says, rolling his eyes. in this light, they’re a forest, green and deep and irresistibly inviting to you. “do you trust me, princess?”
you nod, and he feels it against him, your skin rasping together. “of course. take me to wonderland.”
“that’s corny, too,” hajime grumbles. “don’t criticize my romantic gestures then reference the wrong movie.”
“whatever,” you brush him off. “how much do we need to pack?”
that’s how the sun sets on your last night in miyagi.
hayakawa tomoka’s job at the ticket counter is so boring. she sits there all night—during the day, she studies fine art—, a magazine propped up in front of her, arching high brows at anyone who hadn’t had the forethought to buy tickets online.
she does so now at the young couple skidding to a stop in front of her, suitcases bulging even if there’s only one each, panting for breath and knocking shoulders as though even their bodies are on a gravitational course to each other. they can’t be more than twenty.
“when’s your next flight to california?” one asks, his straight hair sticking up like a hedgehog.
“…where in california?” hayakawa asks, pointing her mouth at them. “it’s a big state.”
“anywhere,” the other says. “we’ll find our way to where we need to be.”
hayakawa blinks slowly at them. these new romantics are too exhausting to deal with at this hour. she types, click-click-click, wrinkling her forehead at the blue glow of her computer.
you stare anxiously at her as she does, desperately hoping for anything in the next day.
hajime tugs you into him as you wait, and you relax, turning a closed-eye smile up at him while he looks down on you with a mirrored expression.
“too impulsive for you yet?” he says, mouth twisting wryly. you shake your head.
“there’s one to santa ana,” hayakawa says. “the south. in five hours.”
“perfect,” you say eagerly.
“thank you,” hajime says.
there are two seats free next to each other, serendipitously. ticket prices are exorbitant, but not bank-breaking—both of you had worked all of high school at the café next door, earning good tips and waiting for something worth spending it on.
“okay,” hayakawa says finally. “your flight’s set, mr. and mrs. iwaizumi. safe travels.”
“thank you,” you say effusively, “so much.”
“you too,” says hajime, and then turns very red.
hayakawa watches you go, a rare and soft smile gracing her features as your suitcases crash into each other even as both of you refuse to let go of the other’s hand to control their direction. the night shift is boring. something like this shakes things up.
after a race—more like a marathon—through customs, hajime finds himself shifting in a plastic seat, peering through the blackness of the night for a glimpse of airplanes landing. falling stars, sort of, magic to be wished on. you breathe evenly, deeply asleep with your head on his shoulder, his denim jacket wrapped around you, leaving him with just his hoodie and the new band of cheap jewelry around his fourth finger.
his mother would flip if she knew how rushed his wedding was. next time, he promises himself, he’ll do it again with you if you’ll keep having him and the ceremony will be beyond your wildest dreams.
it’s colder than he thought it would be in the airport. the earth is moving under his feet.
you’re all he needs; he’s gonna give you the world.
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shellxrls · 4 months
hear me out but i swear jj maybank wld be the no.1 temu warrior 😭😭.
“babe, babe, this only what — 90 cents, 90 cents!”
and you’re just there like 🧍🏽‍♀️.
”jayj they have tons of lawsuits against them sweetheart, maybe it’s better to invest your money elsewhere?” for fear of him getting broker than he already is with the way he seems so eager to spend.
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alwaysmicado · 9 months
My poor baby was really going through it
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He breaks my heart every time.
I just want to wrap my arms around him and never let him go. Hug him until our heartbeats synchronize and his muscles relax. Tell him he did and is enough.
Tell him he deserves to be happy.
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Did saint ever ascend biting notos? Also how was the gang’s reunion in the void?
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of course Saint has! after all, its sole reason for existence is this. no matter how lonely and difficult the quest will be for it, everyone has to go
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as for your second question... my god as u can see i went off on the first one, this is legit the biggest comic i've ever done- i'll do some stuff for the reunion in the void at a later point i prommy 😩✌ it'd be better like that either way. these guys haven't been introduced enough for my tastes for the big relief ending yet
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