#I should check if these guys were given names yet they probably have at this point
chisatowo · 1 year
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This fucker has been haunting me since c-side was first revealed, and in my non satisfiable thirst for worldbuilding things that didn’t need worlbuilding I decided that fuck you teeth inkling die
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d10nyx · 5 months
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addicted to hurting
ft. leon kennedy x fem!reader
cw: 18+ content, hate sex, one bed trope(love it idc), p in v, mean leon, huddle for warmth n that, fingering, p in v, creampie, degradation ig, one use of good girl
a/n: request for @princesspalac :) sorry it took so long, um... my brain didn't want to work for this. guys don't question the title i hate naming fics... this one especially but it's from drugs by eden
word count: 1.6k words
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It was an undisputed fact that you and Leon did not get on well. Everyone knew it - the both of you made it very clear with your constant bickering.
But you were also both very competent agents, and that often meant you got assigned to missions together. It was usually fine, you both had enough professionalism to suck it up and get on with it, but he really seemed to want to wear your patience thin this time around.
It had been snowing heavily, and the chopper wouldn't be able to get to the extraction point. You'd been told that you should try and find shelter for the night, and when the snowstorm cleared up tomorrow, you'd both get evacuated. You had secured all the mission objectives and found an abandoned cabin to hole up in for the night, but the cold air nipped at your skin and made it impossible for you to relax.
You complain a little about having to stay here, shivering slightly as you settle on a worn down chair, the wood looking like it's halfway to rotting. You're surprised it hasn't given up under your weight at this point.
Eventually, Leon snaps.
“Jesus Christ. Do you ever shut the hell up?” He grumbles, running a hand through his hair, his brows pulled together in frustration. You scoff at him, your arms wrapped around your waist to keep you warm.
“It's fucking cold, and your attitude has been pissing me off all day. Apologies if I'm not a ray of sunshine.” You bite back, trying to ignore the chill settling deep in your bones.
He just glares at you before moving away, checking the perimeter and securing any entrances to the cabin. You take the opportunity to explore the other rooms, your heart sinking when you realise one very important detail.
There's only one bed.
Great. Fucking amazing. As if this day couldn't get any worse. You hear footsteps approaching, and you can sense the moment Leon realises the same thing by his sharp intake of breath.
“No. Absolutely not.” He says quickly, crossing his arms as he leans against the doorway of the bedroom.
You dislike this just as much as he does, but it's probably a blessing in disguise. The both of you were too proud to admit it, but you'd likely freeze to death if you didn't huddle for warmth. The sun had only just set, and it was already this cold. You didn't want to imagine what it'd be like later.
“We're going to need to share it.” You say simply, approaching the bed and lying down facing away from Leon, staring at the wall as you wait for him to do the same.
“Well?” You say after a moment, noticing he hadn't come any closer. He hadn't moved from his spot, just staring distasteful at the empty spot in the bed. “Are you going to join me? Or did you drag your ass through herds of infected just to freeze to death?”
That gets a scowl from him. He kicks off his boots before approaching, settling on the edge of the bed and doing his best to keep his distance from you.
“You're going to need to come closer, or we're both going to be out of commission.” You say through gritted teeth, already frustrated with his attitude.
He lets out a soft grunt, but he shifts closer. He's practically spooning you, now, but you can feel the cold radiating from him. Neither of you had the chance to warm up yet, and you can't help but shift slightly in the bed, trying to get your blood circulating so you can warm up.
“Can you stop your squirming?” He hisses, his hand clamping down on your hip to still your movements. He seems so much closer now, his warm breath brushing the skin on the back of your neck and giving you goosebumps.
“I was just trying to get warm.”
“Then come here.” With that, he tugs you into his body, wrapping his arms tight around you. His nose presses against the crook of your neck, and you feel your heart racing. You feel warmer, sure, but you can't ignore the feeling of his muscles tensing as he holds you.
You don't mean to keep moving, but there's something uncomfortable about Leon of all people holding you so close. You try to put some distance between the two of you while staying close enough to feel his body heat.
“For fuck-” He lets out a deep breath from his nose, and then he's gripping you tighter, pulling you back against him. “Didn't I tell you to stop moving?”
You open your mouth to speak, but it's quickly stopped by a palm pressing firmly against the lower half of your face. “No. I'm so sick of your shit. All you've done is bitch the entire mission about being cold, and now I'm trying to help, you're being a fucking brat about it.”
His fingers push past your lips. He frowns slightly as you keep your jaw clenched, so he reaches his other hand around to squeeze the sides of your cheeks, prying your teeth apart so he can shove his fingers into your mouth.
“Ah, that's better. Get them nice ‘n wet for me. You gonna let me fuck that attitude out of you, huh?” You whine around his fingers, but you're already soaking your panties, nodding before you even realise what you're agreeing to.
He reaches down to free you from your pants, tugging them as far down as he can be bothered before he's yanking his fingers from your mouth and shoving two of them inside of you without any warning. He likes the way your face twists up at the burn, a grin spreading across his face.
The way he fingers you is almost clinical. He's not doing this for your pleasure - he just lazily scissors his fingers open until he deems that you're stretched enough for his cock. He doesn't bother undressing, just pulls his dick out after he unzips his cargos, pulling your hips up so you're face down, ass up.
“Fuck… surprised you're this tight… thought everyone in the office would've stuck their dicks in you by now.” He grunts as he bottoms out, immediately setting a brutal pace, his hips smacking your ass with every thrust.
“Fuck you, Kennedy.” You hiss, glaring at him over your shoulder. That look is hardly intimidating when he's pounding you into the mattress, and his hips stutter slightly as he barks out a laugh.
“I think you're mistaken, princess. See, I'm fucking you.” With that, he grabs the back of your head, pressing your face into the pillow to shut you up.
“God, that's better. Just take it, that's it. Good fucking slut.” He groans, his balls smacking your clit as he fucks into you with more vigour, low moans spilling from his lips as he uses you to chase his own pleasure.
He growls as he feels your pussy flutter around his cock, pulling out suddenly before yanking your head up by your hair. Your eyes water as your scalp stings, making you whimper softly.
“Ah-ah.” He tuts softly, his cock kicking against his stomach. He hates to admit it, but your cunt is one of the best he's had, and he's already close to cumming. “Not so fast. You gonna say please? I'll let you cum if you ask nicely.”
“You're such an… an asshole.” You say through gritted teeth, your chest rising and falling with heavy breaths as you press your palms on the mattress, trying to alleviate some of the pressure on your scalp from him tugging at your hair.
“That's not very nice, is it? Wanna try that again?” He asks you, his tone mockingly sweet. Makes you want to smack that stupid grin of his face. You don't get the chance, ‘cause he pulls even harder on your hair, your neck craning back painfully.
“Fuck… fuck, okay. Please, let me cum.” You whine, squeezing your eyes shut. He presses your face back into the pillow, pushing down on it as he lines himself back up with your drippy hole, resuming his rough pace from before.
“Good girl. Look at you, capable of following orders. All it took was a little dick.” He coos, angling his hips so he's bumping against your sweet spot every time he pushes his hips forward, groaning at the way it makes you tighten around him.
You cum around his cock, your moans muffled as he keeps fucking into you. He clenches his jaw as your walls spasm with your orgasm, drawing his own out of him seconds later. He buries himself as deep as he can get, his tip knocking your cervix and he cums, heat filling you up and coating your insides.
He pulls out once his dick stops twitching, tucking himself back in his pants and zipping them up. He can hear the rustling of sheets as you pull your pants up, but he's staring at the ceiling. He's sweating, hair sticking to his forehead. At least it helped warm him up.
He can feel your gaze on him, and he frowns, tilting his head to the side to look at you. He raises a brow, his gaze flicking over your face. You really are too hot to be as annoying as you are.
“What? I'm not gonna cuddle you. It's warm now. Go to bed.” He glances at you one last time before turning his back to you, lying on his side and closing his eyes.
He's out like a light in a minute flat.
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lunar-wandering · 11 months
"what the fuck is the mech doing here"
"Uh, congrats on the kid, I guess?"
"Monkey King, I'm too young to be a father."
Or, in which Monkey Mech is sentient.
Word Count: 15k
Read on Ao3
Three days.
That's how long it had been since Monkey Mech had woken up.
It had been a rather boring three days, if he had been honest.
(He?? They?? She?? No, 'he' sounded right).
Nothing had truly happened, outside of that one event at the very beginning, when his creator had controlled him to destroy the Demon Bull King (he's fairly sure that that's what that guy had been called, but he could be wrong for all he knew). Or, well, not destroying him, he supposed, more so defeating him. He didn't think the Demon Bull King had actually died. No, he was pretty sure the Demon Bull Family had all escaped without any deaths.
The lack of any deaths, civilian or otherwise, was an honest miracle, Monkey Mech was pretty sure. After all, he'd had a while to think about it, having remained standing in front of the large, smoking, empty crater that he and his creator's final attack had left on the ground. He hadn't had much else to look at.
A few people had stopped by, a couple of times. Some had been observing the crater- Monkey Mech figured they were some kind of official people, from the way they were dressed. He wasn't... entirely sure how he knew that their outfits made them official people. He didn’t know where that information was coming from, but he was fairly sure that it was right. Probably.
...He should ask someone about that sooner or later. Of course, that’d only be once he got the chance, to talk to someone.
There'd been some other people who had shown up. Most had been seemingly curious civilians who had taken the opportunity to try and get a selfie with him. Not that it was really hard, as he was standing perfectly still, but he had still had to witness some people take hours trying to find the perfect shot to get as much of him in the frame as possible. Monkey Mech didn't really think that was necessary.
After all, why take a picture with him, when they should really be taking a picture of his creator?
Speaking of his creator, he had not actually seen him since the day of his creation. Him, Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, and Mei, (how did he know those names? He'd never truly met them. Was this leftover information from his creator?), had all left the scene shortly after the Demon Bull King's defeat, leaving Monkey Mech by himself.
All alone.
Standing still.
Which he had remained doing for the past three days.
...Okay, so maybe he was just the tiniest bit spiteful about that. Like, come on. He was starting to get restless!! He couldn't just stay like this forever! He wasn't some sort of inanimate statue, he needed to move!!
Of course, he supposed that he could just move at any time. Whenever he wanted to. But there was a reason why he hadn't.
Just one reason. (Definitely only the one. There wasn’t… anything else. Definitely). 
And it was really quite simple.
The humans around him, including his own creator, did not believe him to be sentient.
He was quite certain about this. Considering the way people had been treating him when they walked up for selfies, and the way he had caught some of those official people muttering something along the lines of “what should we do with the tin can?” it was fairly obvious that the people thought he could not think for himself.
And it seemed like his creator likely subscribed to that theory as well, considering he hadn't shown up to check on him yet.
...Not that he could truly blame him for it. Monkey Mech supposed he hadn't given his creator any proof as to otherwise during their brief amount of time together. So it made sense that he simply would not know.
And, well. Monkey Mech... didn't want to frighten anyone. Or, at the very least, didn't want to go against their expectations. He didn't really know how the humans would react if they discovered the giant robot was, y'know, capable of thought and had free-will. It was probably better for everyone's sakes to pretend that that wasn't the case.
...And also he didn't want to have to explain the standing around for three days thing. In truth, complete and honest truth, initially he had frozen up because he didn't know what to do, how to interact with his creator and his friends, and then they had left before he could figure it out, and then other people came around, and, well.
Monkey Mech had an inkling that, for some reason, he'd probably get teased if it was revealed that he had stood around completely still for three days because he was shy.
(Despite not even knowing her, something about Mei gave off that kind of vibe to him).
(Once again, possibly leftover remnants from his creator? Monkey Mech wasn't sure).
Still though, it had taken everything in him not to turn around when he heard his creator's voice again.
“Okay team!” MK yelled, arriving at the edge of the crater, dropping a table he had been carrying onto the ground in front of him and spreading out a blue sheet of paper on top of it. “It's go time!”
The others congregated around him, and Monkey Mech felt curiosity overtake him. Exactly what was his creator doing back here, now?
Patiently, he waited until the whole group was seemingly occupied looking over MK's shoulder, at what he was drawing on the paper, and then, making sure there were no civilians or anyone else around that could possibly see, Monkey Mech slowly and carefully bent over to try and get a better look.
(...He supposed it didn't really matter if a civilian happened to see. After all, since his creator was here, they'd likely assume that MK was the one moving him around. There wasn't much danger in that.
No, it was MK and his friends that he had to be careful of).
He was glad they had chosen to stand in a place that was already covered by his shadow, as it meant none of them noticed his shadow shifting to cover them more.
It... seemed like MK was designing some kind of blueprint?
Pigsy mumbled something, to which MK laughed- but what they were saying was so quiet that, at his height, Monkey Mech couldn't hear them.
He leaned down a little closer.
Mei seemed to bristle, and Monkey Mech took the warning for what it was and quickly returned to his prior position before she could turn around.
Her piercing stare settled upon him, almost kind of frightening, and it was only through three days worth of practice that Monkey Mech didn't instinctively fidget.
After a few seconds of analysis, she slowly turned back around, looping an arm over MK's shoulder as she pointed at something on the blueprint.
If it was possible for Monkey Mech to breathe a sigh of relief, he would have.
After a few minutes, just for safety, he started to lean down again- moving a lot slower this time than before. He wasn't entirely sure as to what had notified Mei that he had moved, so he wanted to be extra careful.
Thankfully, it seemed that he went unnoticed this time, as he was able to lean much further down than before- able to get a better look at what his creator was designing.
It looked like... buildings?
Monkey Mech glanced up at the crater in front of him, and then back down at the blueprints.
By his calculations, the buildings in the blueprints would fit inside of the crater perfectly.
...Why was his creator designing the official replacement buildings for this area? Shouldn't that be the job of some government designer, or something?
...Now that he thought about it, were government designers even a thing? He was sure that there were some people who had designing as a job, but he couldn't recall if there was a government position for it or not.
Well, there probably was. Maybe. There were government positions for restaurants after all! Why else would Pigsy have so much authority?
...Something about that didn't feel quite right, but as it was, Monkey Mech didn't have enough facts to be able to dispute it, so, he supposed he should just be better safe than sorry and consider it true.
That still didn't answer why MK was designing these buildings though.
Oh, Monkey Mech really wished he could just ask him. But they all looked so focused on what they were doing, he didn't want to disturb them, and he especially didn't want to make them angry.
(He didn't truly want to admit it, but Mei's stare had been outright terrifying. Despite being a giant robot, he had actually felt threatened. He was certain that he absolutely did not want to get on her bad side).
So, he really had no choice other than to sit there quietly observing.
He was just starting to become entranced in the way MK drew the swooping lines for his designs when Mei abruptly turned around again.
This time, Monkey Mech was not as fast as he should've been.
He returned to his prior position standing up, yes, but it was obvious that Mei had caught the movement this time around, if the way her jaw dropped was any indication.
The both of them stood perfectly still for a moment, Mei's jaw slowly closing as she seemingly processed what she had seen. Monkey Mech stared back down at her.
And then she was opening her mouth again, in the process of turning around to, most likely, inform the others, and Monkey Mech panicked.
Bending down slightly again, he waved his hands silently, pausing for a moment before making a shushing motion. Mei froze again, but-
Tang had seemed to notice Mei's actions, and turned around to see what she was looking at.
The next few minutes, despite Monkey Mech's panicked shushing movements, were a clean and simple chain reaction.
Tang, in his shock, took a step back, bumping into Sandy, who automatically turned to stabilize him, thus seeing Monkey Mech in motion. While the river demon did not react with shock, per say, he did seem surprised, and immediately nudged Pigsy, lightly, on the shoulder, prompting the pig demon to turn around as well.
Monkey Mech found himself being stared at by all four members of his creator's friends and family.
He could feel his joints start to lock up- causing his motions to slow down. If he was human, he was certain that he'd likely be sweating from anxiety right now.
None of them had said a single word.
MK still hadn't noticed. He was completely in his own little world, happily drawing on the blueprints, seemingly having no clue what was going on.   
That, unfortunately for Monkey Mech, didn't last long.
Mei put a hand on MK's shoulder.
“Hm? What's up-” MK cut himself off with a strangled noise as Mei abruptly spun him around, outright picking him up off the ground in order to do so. He didn't let go of his pencil, still holding it in one hand like he was about to continue drawing. “What was that fo-”
Monkey Mech froze completely as his creator's eyes locked onto him, but it was far too late.
“Oh.” MK said, completely deadpan.
And then he opened his mouth and screamed.
Within instants, everyone was screaming. Monkey Mech, surprised by the sudden action, screamed too, and that just seemed to make the other's scream louder-
On a logical level, Monkey Mech knew exactly why they were screaming.
But, for a brief second, pure instinct took over, the want to protect that was literally written into his very being activating.
Not even thinking about it, he scooped the group up into his hands and ran.
It wasn't until he was sitting behind an abandoned building, glancing over the top of it (rather easily, as he was much taller than said building) for any sign of danger, that he realized what he had just done.
He turned his head back to look down at the group in his hands just in time for MK to summon the staff, seemingly moving to attack him-
Only to very clearly overbalance, as the staff grew larger and connected with Monkey Mech's head with even less force than if he had been lightly flicked on the forehead.
The staff automatically shrank back to more comfortably sit within MK's hands as everyone went completely still.
Monkey Mech blinked.
“...Was that really necessary?” He asked, and everyone quite promptly started freaking out once more.
“Holy shit, you can talk?!” The staff vanished into golden light as MK's hands moved to grasp at his hair in clear distress. “The mech can talk?!”
“Yes, I can talk.” Monkey Mech had to admit, he sounded a lot calmer than he actually was. Well, he supposed that would probably work in his favour.
“Why didn't you say anything before?” Mei asked- seemingly taking over the questioning as MK suddenly looked like he was having a crisis of world-ending proportions.
“You didn't ask me anything?” In truth, it was, well, as previously stated, because Monkey Mech hadn't known what to say, and was quite frankly too nervous to attempt it.
But he wasn't just going to tell them that.
“Why.” MK whispered, and it was only because he was holding them all so close to his face that Monkey Mech was able to hear him.
“Why what?”
“Why did you just stand there???” MK clarified, and Monkey Mech was so glad that he had not actually been built with the ability to form facial expressions, cause he was certain that if he had, the one he would be making now would've been very revealing.
“...The view was nice?” Oh, he should not have said anything. His voice had been steady beforehand, but now there was a certain tone to it that made even him able to tell that it sounded nervous.
There was a collective deadpan look, all of them clearly knowing that what he just said was very much not the truth, but there seemed to be a collective decision to not mention it yet (hopefully it would never be mentioned again, ever-), as MK suddenly removed his hands from his hair, a look of determination in his face.
“I need to go get Monkey King.” There was a bright golden flash, and then suddenly he was gone. Monkey Mech could just barely make out the visual of him struggling to pole vault with the staff in the distance, occasionally being thrown way up into the air.
...His creator should really have someone help him learn how to control that better before he goes off trying to vault across the ocean on his own, he was probably likely to fall in the water with the way he was doing it.
But, Monkey Mech realized, that was not the priority right now.
He glanced back down at his hands, where the remaining four stood staring up at him.
“Uhhh.” He didn't like how quiet they were being. What did people do when they were in this kind of situation? “...Hi? I'm... Monkey Mech?”
MK arrived at Flower Fruit Mountain with a bang- as he crashed into the beach.
Groaning, he pulled himself up out of the small impact crater he had left behind, shaking sand out of his hair and wringing ocean water out of his jacket.
(He hadn't exactly... perfected the art of vaulting across the ocean, yet. He had, unfortunately, lost his grip, and ended up taking a little dip on the way there).
Straightening himself out, he rushed up the stairs to the waterfall cave as quickly as he could.
“Monkey King!!” He yelled, as soon as he was past the waterfall entrance, “Are you in here?”
There was a loud crash, like something falling over, and MK winced.
“Just a second, kid!” There was a bright flash, and, as soon as MK had blinked, there Wukong was, standing in front of him. “What's up? Surely there can't be another world ending crisis already- besides, you could definitely handle it on your own!”
“That's not the issue.” MK sighed, opening his mouth-
“Oh, is this about me training you then? I thought I left a letter in your apartment telling you when we could start that-”
“Yes, yes! I read that- starting this weekend. Yes. I'm very excited for it actually! But this isn't about that.” MK said. Wukong opened his mouth as though he was about to speak again, and MK quickly reached out, slamming a hand over top of Wukong's mouth, preventing him from saying a word. “Could you just let me finish what I have to say?”
Wukong gave a nod, and MK slowly pulled his hand back.
“...What was I gonna-” With all of Wukong's distractions, MK had almost forgotten- “Oh, right- Monkey Mech is sentient!!!”
“Yeah, he is.” Wukong summoned his cloud, back flipping into it, laying down casually, like this fact wasn't a surprise to him. He even went as far as to pull out a bag of peach chips and start eating them before he noticed the incredulous look that MK was giving him. “...Did. Did you not know?”
“You knew?!?!” If anything, MK seemed more distressed than he had been before at this discovery.
“Uh, yeah? I could sense the life energy in him from the beginning, when you made him.” Wukong's tail swung back and forth with a nervousness that MK did not pick up on. “I thought you knew.”
“Well I didn't!! I only found out today!”
“...Uh, congrats on the kid, I guess?” The joke did not land, if the way MK collapsed down onto his knees was any indication. “Woah, hey-”
“Monkey King, I'm too young to be a father.” MK muttered, seemingly in despair. Wukong reluctantly got off of his cloud to hesitantly pat him on the shoulder.
“...You can be his brother, then?” Wukong tried, and, shockingly enough, this attempt seemed to almost kind of work.
“I've always kind of wanted a younger sibling…” MK trailed off, looking back up at Wukong. “But, Monkey King, this is a giant robot we're talking about. Like, giant!”
“He can't even fit in the Noodle Shop!!”
“That's your biggest concern?!?!”
Monkey Mech being alive, surprisingly, was a concept that took very little adjustment to. People seemed to accept things as the new normal far too quickly in this city, in Monkey Mech's opinion. He thought there'd be more of an uproar than this.
Of course, that didn't mean that there hadn't been challenges. In just the one week since his sentience had been discovered, there had already been a group that had tried to run him out of the city.
'No Giant Robots Allowed!' Had seemed to be their catchphrase.
After one meeting with them, however, their leader had mumbled; “Well, I guess he seems rather polite”, and the issue had been dropped.
Of course, there still was the general concern about the overall destruction he might cause, even if it was accidental, which, Monkey Mech found that concern entirely fair. So, he did his utmost best to stay in one section of the city, mainly around the parts that had already been destroyed by the battle against the Demon Bull King, and, when venturing out, made sure to stick to the same paths- usually stepping into the footprints he had previously left behind, so as to not create more damage.
Really, the only reason he had for venturing out anyways was to go and visit his crea- (“MK, call me MK. Hearing myself be called your 'creator' just feels... wrong, for some reason.”)- no, MK, at the Noodle Shop. And, even then, most of the time the others just came around to visit him, instead, so he didn't really need to go anywhere.
(There had been, some kind of... vibe when he had first shown up outside the Noodle Shop. Pigsy had offered him some noodles, and Monkey Mech had allowed the tiny bowl to balance on his pinky finger for a good five minutes before something seemed to click in the other's mind.
”Can you even eat?“ Pigsy had asked.
”No, but I like to feel included!“ Monkey Mech had been genuinely happy at the time, but the energy coming from the others…
It had felt a little sad.
Monkey Mech didn't like it.
So he much preferred it when the others would come and visit him, instead).
He had never gone further than the Noodle Shop.
Which was why he hesitated when a commotion started up over at what he was pretty sure was the Weather Station.
He stood, in the middle of a street, ignoring the sound of traffic carefully moving around his feet as he stared down the road. He'd never gone down this way.
But... something was definitely happening down there. He couldn't just ignore it. What if MK was in trouble? They might need his help.
(Or, well, maybe not. He was pretty sure that they could handle themselves, most likely. But that didn't stop him from being worried).
A louder bang came from the Weather Station, and Monkey Mech made his choice.
Carefully, he started walking down the street to the Weather Station.
He kept his eyes on the road below him, paying close attention to make sure that he didn't accidentally step on top of a person- or their car.
(Someone who's car he'd stepped on had been a very vocal part of the 'No Giant Robots Allowed!' group. Monkey Mech would rather avoid going through that whole experience again if he could, thank you very much).
It wasn't until he was directly in front of the Weather Station that he realized that this building was actually slightly taller than him. Carefully, not wanting to knock himself off balance (falling down when he was surrounded by so many buildings was most definitely a worst case scenario), Monkey Mech stood up on his tippy toes in order to look inside.
MK wasn't there, but Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy were. They were all tied up, and seemed to be varying levels of mad about it. The Demon Bull King's son, Red Son, happened to also be there, sitting in the chair at the Weather Station's computer. All of them had their backs turned to him.
Well. This was a less than ideal situation.
Monkey Mech reached out, to attempt to gently tap on the glass to get the attention of one of his friends- and quietly ask them how he could help out.
Unfortunately, things did not turn out that way, as his 'gentle tap' completely shattered the window, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.
“...Oops.” He quickly withdrew his hand. “I... didn't mean to do that.”
“What…” Red Son muttered, and then continued, much louder than before; “What the fuck is the mech doing here?”
“Hey!!” Mei yelled, looking outright feral, “Watch your fucking language around the mech!”
“...You guys say the f-word all the time though?” Monkey Mech's head tilted to the side in confusion. Red Son looked absolutely flabbergasted at the situation, and Tang turned to the side, seemingly to hide laughter.
“Holy shit, he censored it.” Mei said.
“Say 'fuck' Monkey Mech.” MK chimed in.
“Do it Monkey Mech, say fu-” Mei started to continue, but was interrupted.
“I don't have the time for this nonsense-” Red Son said, his head in his hands, before he paused, and slowly raised his head, blinking, as his eyes locked onto MK. “What the fuck- when did you get back here?!?”
“Oh, around the same time Monkey Mech absolutely destroyed the window.”
“I said I didn't mean to!!”
It had been a few days since what Mei had promptly dubbed the “MK Clone Revolution” incident- which was a rather uncreative name, but Tang's idea of “Duplicatnation” had been outvoted. In all honesty, MK had felt a little bad to have to get rid of all the clones, especially the more sentient ones, like Painter, Delivery, and Porty... they had almost given off a vibe rather similar to Monkey Mech, if he was being honest.
Even so, that hadn't stopped him from making a clone or two to help him out with a few things. 
He just made sure that he didn't leave them around for too long! He even had Mei develop a little check in system to make sure that he hadn't left any clones unaccounted for.
“Clone Check!” Mei yelled, appearing out of nowhere behind him, and it was only due to the fact that MK had grown used to this behavior over the years that he didn't startle. “How many clones did you make today?”
“Mmm, three?” MK was fairly sure that sounded about right. It had been a pretty busy day- between his third training session with the Monkey King that morning and the intense rush hour that afternoon, he'd needed a bit of an extra hand (or, well, hands) with things.
“Okay, and, did you dismiss all of them?” Mei asked.
And MK... paused.
He... couldn't remember.
Had he dismissed the clones he made today?
Apparently his silence was answer enough, as Mei narrowed her eyes dangerously.
“I don't remember.” MK admitted, “But, y'know, I probably did, right?”
He winced as Mei gave him a Look.
“Alright, alright.” He said, before letting out a sigh. “I... probably didn't dismiss them.”
Mei sighed too.
“Guess we're going on a clone hunt.”
It was quickly discovered that there were far too many places within the city for a hair clone to hide. Over two hours had passed, and between him and Mei, neither of them had found a single clone. It was getting rather frustrating honestly- this was eating into MK's free time. Well, he supposed that was a valuable lesson to himself; don't leave a hair-clone active unless you want to waste hours in the city searching for it.
Eventually, their search led them to the outskirts of the construction area- where people were working to repair the damage MK, Monkey Mech, and Demon Bull King had inadvertently caused. (MK was just glad that his only punishment was to design the new buildings, not pay for them. The Demon Bull Family was the one charged with the financial aspect of it, thankfully). Monkey Mech usually hung around in this area- he said it was to stay away from buildings he could actually damage, and to help with the construction efforts, but MK was pretty sure it was actually because there were less people over here. He had a niggling suspicion that the giant robot was, for some reason, shy.
(This suspicion was only strengthened by how Monkey Mech still continued to avoid answering the question of why he had chosen to stand around perfectly still for three days. The longer they went without a proper answer, the more MK was certain that the mech was almost embarrassed about it, which, on some level, was kind of hilarious if you thought about it).
Sure enough, in their search, they eventually stumbled across Monkey Mech, who was sitting on the ground, seemingly doing nothing.
(...Weird. For some reason, MK could swear that the background soundtrack was oddly louder in this area...)
“Hey! Mecha-dude!” Mei called, catching the robot's attention. “Have you seen any rogue MK-clones running around?”
“First of all, it's Monkey Mech. Secondly... no. I haven't seen any MK other than the one beside you.” Monkey Mech said.
“Huh. Guess... they're not in this area.” Mei let out a groan, leaning on MK's shoulder to take weight off of her own feet. MK allowed her to do so without protest. “Ughhh, where could they be? We've been searching all over for them…”
“I don't know, Mei.” Was it MK's imagination, or was the soundtrack getting louder? “Maybe they... happened to 'poof' on their own? Hair-clones can't actually stand up to much stress, physically.”
No, yeah, the soundtrack was definitely getting louder.What was up with that?
“I think the hair-clones would know fully well what they can and cannot do without 'poofing', MK.”
“Ehh, I'm not so sure-”
Man, that was really loud. What was up with the-
That wasn't the soundtrack.
MK turned on his heel to face Monkey Mech, not missing how the giant robot seemed to nervously startle at his action.
“And what is in your cockpit young man?!?!” MK shouted to be heard over the music, pointing at Monkey Mech in accusation. The music stuttered for a moment and then died out, Monkey Mech slouching slightly as the entrance to his chest opened-
Revealing Delivery, Painter, and Porty to be standing inside- slightly tangled with one another, as though they had been arguing.
They quickly straightened up when they saw that MK and Mei were staring at them though.
“Oh, uh. Hi, OG.” Porty avoided eye-contact, the other two clones following his lead and mimicking his actions. “How's it goin'?”
“Where have you three been?” MK asked, a note of exasperation leaking into his voice. “We've been searching for you three for hours.”
“Well, we've just... been here. Chillin' with big bro mech.” Porty said, lightly knocking his knuckles against the side of Monkey Mech. MK looked up at Monkey Mech expectantly.
Monkey Mech sighed.
“They're kinda like... well, they feel a bit like younger siblings to me.” He said, reaching a hand up for the three clones to jump onto, carefully and gently moving them back down to the ground. “They ended up wandering over here and wanted to hang out before you 'poofed' them away.”
“Well, you could've told us about it.” Mei huffed, “We went on a three hour long goose chase looking for them.”
Monkey Mech and the clones all hung their heads as though they'd been admonished, and MK let out a world weary sigh.
“Just... tell us about it next time, okay?” He said, pretending not to notice how both the clones and Monkey Mech brightened at the mention of a 'next time'. “I don't want to have to go searching all across the city again.”
The three clones saluted him, and Monkey Mech quickly copied their action.
...MK hoped he wouldn't regret this.
Monkey Mech didn't need to sleep. This, however, did not stop him from daydreaming.
Which, of course, is why he startled when his inner comms device suddenly rang.
“Hello, hello?” Mei's voice came through, “Testing, testing… Monkey Mech?”
“...Hi?” Monkey Mech said, slowly. He... didn't know his comms could do that, actually. Considering Mei had contacted him with them, he probably shouldn't tell her that, though.
“Oh good, it worked!” Mei said, “Anyways though, we've got a tiny bit of a situation.”
Well. That was never good.
“What's up?”
“Y'see, Tang and Pigsy have been kinda kidnapped.”
“...Kinda kidnapped?”
“Yeah, by some kind of spider-demon, apparently.”
A full body shiver suddenly made it's way through Monkey Mech's non-existent spine. He wasn't even sure he knew what a spider was, but just hearing the word was enough to convince him that he did not like it in the slightest.
Mei seemed to be completely unaware of this, thankfully, as she continued.
“She's down in the sewers, so we're starting a little rescue mission, but, well, MK is kinda scared of spiders, so we were wondering if you could lend an extra hand, somehow.” She said, and Monkey Mech could just barely make out the sound of MK saying something about spiders in the background- something about being tiny with lots of legs?
Monkey Mech did not like the sound of that. He wanted to help, that was what he was for, but…
...Mei had said that the spider-demon was 'down in the sewers'. Well, in that case…
“There isn't an entrance to the sewers that I can fit through.” Monkey Mech said, “And I don't exactly wanna destroy a city street just to get down there...you should probably save me as an absolute last resort.”
“Oh. Yeah, you're right. Y'know, sometimes, I forget just how big you are.” Mei said, and Monkey Mech did his best not to wince. “Sorry for bothering you! We'll contact you again if we need you to do some... demolition.”
Monkey Mech did not like the way she said that, but didn't get the chance to respond, as she hung up almost immediately afterwards. After a few seconds, he let out a sigh (he couldn't actually exhale air as a sigh, but something about making the sound of one did help to release some tension, somehow, so he kept doing it), feeling like he had just dodged a bullet-
“What are you up to, buddy?”  
Monkey Mech jumped, cringing as the buildings around him briefly shook from the motion. Paying attention to his surroundings, out of the corner of his eye, he could just make out the Monkey King standing on his shoulder.
“N-not much.” Monkey Mech hadn't actually interacted with Wukong, outside of that one time the monkey had stood on top of him before turning into a bird and flying off. He had sensed the Monkey King's magic then, but other than that, he'd never had any contact with him, so... “What are you doing here?”
“Oh, I'm just checking a few things out.” Wukong said, sitting down, swinging his legs back and forth. “Where's the kid and his friends?”
“...Tang and Pigsy got kidnapped by some kind of... spider-demon. In the sewers. So MK, Mei, and Sandy are gonna go save 'em.” Monkey Mech explained, Wukong nodding along with every word.
“Ahh, Spider Queen, huh? So she's hiding out in the sewers? Good to know.” Wukong said, “Well, since everyone else is gone…”
Before Monkey Mech could properly react, one of Wukong's feet swung back with much more force than before, whacking him, and causing the door on his chest to swing open on instinct. Within seconds, Wukong had swung down and flipped his way into the cockpit, the door automatically closing behind him.
“Wha- hold on! What are you doing?!” It took all of Monkey Mech's strength not to move as Wukong started pressing buttons and moving the controls. “Hey!”
“I've always wanted to try driving a mech.” Wukong said, pulling one control stick back. Monkey Mech couldn't stop himself from lifting one arm in response. “Ooh so that's how that one works-”
“Okay, just, wait a second!” Monkey Mech forcibly brought his arms down, shaking with the effort not to move as Wukong kept messing around. “Just- can we at least move somewhere where there aren't so many buildings first?”
“Huh, why?” Wukong asked, sounding genuinely confused, before realization seemed to finally hit him. “Ohhh, property damage. And mortals. Right. Okay, yeah sure. I know someplace where we can go.”
And that, was how Monkey Mech ended up following Sun Wukong's instructions to a nice, large, abandoned clearing a good 20 minutes outside the outskirts of town.
“Right, we shouldn't bother anybody out here.” Wukong said, “Now come on, I wanna test this whole thing out!”
Monkey Mech glanced around for a second, double checking to make sure that no-one else was around, before he let out another audible sigh, just to let the Monkey King know exactly what he thought about all this, and then let Sun Wukong take control.
(Later, after calculating the exact number of trees they had accidentally uprooted, as well as the damage done to the ground, both Wukong and Monkey Mech agreed that Wukong should not be allowed to take the controls unless it was in the case of an absolute emergency).
Monkey Mech didn't normally get summoned for any kind of problem. He was rather big, after all, and his fighting style caused a lot of destruction. It was, usually, a better option for him not to get involved.
He knew this. He knew MK and the others knew this.
Which was why he rushed to MK's location at top speed the instant he felt the calling magic from the staff activate.
He had sensed that something was wrong all day. Or, for the past week, really. There'd been something off with MK, definitely, for sure. Some kind of magic that hadn't been there before. MK had vaguely mentioned having a bonus teacher “giving him a few extra pointers” when he had asked, so Monkey Mech had mostly shrugged it off.
However, he had also noticed... something strange about the overall magic in the city.
Over the past two days, the magic levels in the city had spiked. By, a lot. And the temperature levels seemed to be dropping too, for some reason.
Monkey Mech could only assume that the Demon Bull Family were up to something again. Something of this scale seemed like their forte. However, with his size, he couldn't exactly pull off any kind of investigation, so he had to leave it be.
As he jumped down into a giant hole in the ground and caught MK and Mei within his cockpit, though, he kinda wished he hadn't.
He didn't pay much attention to what MK and Mei were saying, instead observing his surroundings, as well as making sure that they didn't fall any further down the hole. Man, there sure were a lot of Demon Bull...Clones? Bots? Now that he thought about it, Monkey Mech wasn't sure what they were called.
Next thing he knew though, MK was falling back down the hole again, and Mei was maneuvering him back up to the top.
“Woah, hey, wait-” Monkey Mech said, even as he let Mei move his arm to deflect an attack away from himself. “What's going on?”
“Don't worry big guy, just let me handle this.” Was the only response he got, as Mei promptly threw herself entirely into fighting the enemy. Very quickly deciding there was no point in trying to get any kind of answer from her- she did have a tendency to be rather impulsive, sometimes even more so than MK and Wukong after all, Monkey Mech allowed her to do as she wished. The only time she paused, was when she happened to mess up a step, causing Monkey Mech to fall over backwards.
“Agh- sorry!” She said, even as she quickly readjusted while Monkey Mech stood back up.
“It's fine- you're doing better than Monkey King did, anyways.” Monkey Mech lifted a leg, lightly shaking off the Bull Clones(??) that had gathered there, sending them sprawling across the ground.
“Monkey King? When did he- ah, you know what, you'll have to tell me about that later, okay?!” Mei's tone left no room for argument, and Monkey Mech knew he would be forced to tell the whole story to her one way or another- despite the fact that he had told Sun Wukong that he “would keep the whole thing a secret”.
Well... it is in the nature of secrets to not stay secret forever, he supposed.
There was a large crash that was, most definitely, not fireworks.
Monkey Mech stood up almost immediately. From the outskirts of the city, he couldn't exactly see what was going on in the city center, and that... well, that worried him. He had picked this spot because it was far enough out that he wouldn't be in the way of any of the celebrations, but would still be able to hear everything, as well as see the fireworks, but now he worried that maybe this was to his disadvantage.
For a few moments, he wondered if maybe he had just heard wrong, if perhaps a stall had gotten knocked over or something, and the sound had just echoed louder than it should have. Maybe someone's generator blew a fuse?
The screaming proved that theory wrong.
He quickly started towards the center of the city- not daring to run, not quite yet (besides, he could cross the general area much faster than most cars could just by walking), when he caught a glimpse of Wukong and MK out of the corner of his eye.
He turned a bit, to put them in his sights better, just in time to watch MK completely freak out.
MK looked terrified.
Confusion ran through him. What could possibly freak MK out so much that he would-
Monkey Mech glanced back in front of him, and immediately came to a direct halt, a kind of fear he didn't even know he was capable of sweeping through him.
The shape of this-this mech. The way it was moving- the- it's legs-
Based on the way MK had reacted, there was no doubt in Monkey Mech's mind that this- this was a spider.
He felt almost sick at the sight of it, terror almost locking him in place. The spider-mech moved forwards, knocking into a building, sending debris falling to the ground.
He could've sworn one of it's various 'eyes' swirled around to look at him.
For once, Monkey Mech was glad for the general confusion and chaos of the panicking citizens.
Cause it meant that nobody noticed when he turned around and ran away.
“Hey, uh, has anyone seen Monkey Mech?” MK asked. The colours in the sky from the explosion were steadily beginning to fade, and MK had realized- “I don't think I've seen him in a while... He would've definitely heard the commotion, right? He usually always comes when there's some kind of trouble.”
“...Now that you mention it, no, I don't think I did see him.” Pigsy said. “You'd think a giant robot would be, y'know, easier to spot.”
“I can see where he normally hangs around from up here.” Mei curved her hands in front of her eyes like binoculars as she focused in on the direction of the construction-zone as well as the outskirts. “I don't see him at all…”
“...Strange.” MK muttered, standing up from the ledge of the building. “Maybe we should go look for him. It'd be bad if he'd gotten hit by some weird kinda robotic spider-virus or something.”
“I... don't think that's possible-” Tang started, but MK ignored him, instead heading for the stairwell. He was far too tired from the day's events to try pole vaulting around the city. 
Soon enough, everyone had piled into Pigsy's van, and were driving to the outskirts of the city.
About halfway there, Mei pointed something out.
“Are those... Monkey Mech's footprints?” She asked, and Pigsy brought the van to a stop as they all turned to look. Sure enough, there were giant footprints in the ground- ones that abruptly turned around and went back in the direction that they had come from. Mei tilted her head to the side. “I don't... think this is one roads he normally goes down... Plus, he usually makes sure to step in the prints he already left, so as to not leave much damage behind…”
The sense that something must be wrong settled over them like a suffocating blanket.
Pigsy turned the van around and took off, following the footprints.
It turned out, Monkey Mech could cross quite a distance when he wanted to. It was a full hour and half before they found him- they'd even needed to go off road, following the trail of crushed trees and flattened bushes until they reached a fairly large, fairly destroyed, clearing.
(MK had worried, for a brief moment, before he realized that none of the damage seemed truly recent. Good. At least 'giant robot gone rogue' wasn't on the menu for today. With everything that had happened already, MK wasn't sure he would've been able to handle that).
Monkey Mech was sitting in the center, his legs pulled up to his chest, his tail held within his hands.
Overall, he looked a bit like an upset child.
MK was out of the van before it had even come to a complete halt.
“Monkey Mech!!” He yelled, wincing as Monkey Mech seemed to actually startle- the resulting small jump the giant robot did enough for the ground to shake, sending MK temporarily off balance. Seems like Monkey Mech hadn't heard the van.
...That was weird. Normally he was more aware of his surroundings.  
“...Monkey Mech?” MK said again, gentler this time. “Is... everything okay?”
“Uh-” Monkey Mech's voice crackled a little bit, slightly staticky as he let go of his tail- but it only swished once before he seemed to think better of it and grabbed hold of it again. “I- yeah. Everything's fine. How'd uh- how'd the fight against Spider Queen go?”
“It's over now, but-” MK started, but was cut off by Pigsy.
“If you knew the city was being attacked by Spider Queen, then why didn't you come to help?” He asked, and Monkey Mech visibly shrunk back, seemingly trying to make himself smaller- a completely impossible task. Pigsy let out a sigh. “We're not mad at ya. We just want to know.”
Monkey Mech let out an electronic noise that, if MK didn't know better, would've almost sounded like a whine.
...The giant robot's next sentence was so filled with static that it was impossible to tell what he had just said.  
“...You wanna try running that by us again, big guy?” Mei joked, and MK harshly nudged her in the side.
Monkey Mech made another static-filled noise.
And then, after a minute of heavy silence, there was a staticky sounding sigh.
“I'm…” Monkey Mech's voice was still filled with static, but at the very least was now understandable. He sounded...almost nervous. “I'm... afraid of spiders.”
“Oh.” MK said, ignoring the various looks and noises of disbelief from the others as he stepped forwards, using the staff to help himself up to stand on top of one of Monkey Mech's hands to be closer to eye-level with him. “Uh. You uh, probably got that from me. Sorry. But, hey!! Spider Queen and the others are gone now, so there's nothing to worry about!!”
That statement, for some reason, seemed to do very little to assure Monkey Mech, as he let out another static filled noise. MK sat down and tried to give off the best comforting vibes he could, watching out of the corner of his eye as the others started pulling out blankets and some snacks. Seemed like they were all aware that they were probably going to be here for a long while.    
It was an hour before Monkey Mech spoke again.
“...I'm sorry.” He mumbled. MK, who had been leaning to the side, starting to fall asleep, jumped, before straightening up. Once Monkey Mech knew MK was paying attention to him, he repeated himself; “I'm sorry for running away.”
“Oh, hey- it's okay buddy.” MK said, gently patting Monkey Mech's hand. “Like Pigsy said, none of us are upset with you. Heck, if I was you, I probably would've done the same thing if that was my first encounter with a spider. Nobody blames you.”
“But what if you had needed me?” Monkey Mech asked- “What if you had called for me, and I didn't come?”
“I'm sure I'd find another way out.” MK swung his legs back and forth, creating a steady rhythm. “I have my friends with me after all. And, even if that had happened, I still wouldn't have been upset with you. Concerned, maybe, but not upset.”
This didn't seem to reassure Monkey Mech as much as MK had hoped- but the distressed energy he had been picking up from the robot started to slowly recede, so at the very least it was somewhat working.
Monkey Mech didn't speak again- MK wasn't entirely sure if he even believed what MK was telling him, but he wasn't outright arguing with it, so MK figured that there wasn't much else that he could do except wait.
...In the end, he must have ended up falling asleep, because when he next opened his eyes, he was laying on the ground, on the blanket with the others. Sitting up, he could see that Monkey Mech had moved slightly- unfurling from his previous curled up position into one that looked much more relaxed than before.
The sun was rising.
MK stared at him for a few moments more before laying back down, rolling over to curl in closer to Pigsy and Mei, and fell back asleep.
Everyone in town was asleep. All because of some stupid app.
Obviously, MK had to go to the Cloud to fix this.
...But before that…
Well, he wanted to check in on Monkey Mech first. Everyone had simply fallen asleep after all, there wouldn't have been any screaming, Monkey Mech probably wouldn't even know that there was a crisis at hand. So, deciding to put his plans to, y'know, save everyone, on hold for a brief second, MK vaulted to the outskirts of the city.
It was rather easy to find Monkey Mech this time around- he was standing beside a nearly finished building, his tail slowly swinging from side to side a little bit- MK wondered if Monkey Mech had to physically hold back from letting his tail swish more.
Well, at least he didn't seem to be asleep. (Could Monkey Mech even sleep? Now that MK thought about it, he didn't think he had ever seen, or heard of, Monkey Mech sleeping. Huh. Maybe he should ask him about that. If he was capable of sleep, the fact that he hadn't was... kinda concerning).
Anyways, right now, Monkey Mech not being asleep was a good thing.
MK landed on the rooftop of the building beside him, waving to get his attention.
“Yo!! Monkey Mech!!” MK called, and Monkey Mech, thankfully, didn't startle, instead just turning to face him. “You doing okay?”
Monkey Mech gave him a thumbs up.
“...Alright, good.” Something about this seemed...a bit off, but MK wasn't entirely sure what specifically was wrong, yet. “Um. Are you aware of what's going on in the city?”
Another thumbs up.
“Oh, so you know that everyone's fallen asleep because of that video game?”
Yet again, a thumbs up.
...Oh. That's what was wrong.
“...Why aren't you talking?” MK asked, and the slight swaying of Monkey Mech's tail immediately froze. “Is something wrong-”
“I'm fi--ine.” Monkey Mech's voice seemed to almost glitch mid-way through the word, going staticky and skipping a little- like a broken CD player. “Nothin--ng's wro--ong.”
“Uh-huh. Yeah. Suuuure.” MK said, leaning against his staff with the most deadpan pose he could muster. “Really believable, Monkey Mech. Now, tell me. What's up with your voice?”
“My voi--ice? Nothing's u--up with my vo--oice.”
MK didn't bother responding to that, instead fixing Monkey Mech with the best 'Disappointed Pigsy' look he could muster. (He'd never quite been able to nail the expression, but there had been people who had told him it was rather effective anyways, so...).
Sure enough, it only took a minute or so before Monkey Mech caved.
“...I'm no--ot as unaff--fected by the vi--rus as I see-em.” He finally said, sounding slightly defeated. “Bu--ut I can't sle-eep, so...”
“So it's just... making you glitch out?” MK asked, and got a thumbs up in return. “Hm. Well. That's. Less than ideal.”
“You're tel--lling me...” Monkey Mech mumbled, crossing his arms. MK let out a sigh.
“Okay. Okay.” He said. “Alright. I gotta get to the Cloud. The only real issue seems to be your voice so... keep an eye out to make sure nothing else happens?”
Monkey Mech saluted him, and MK saluted back, and then spun his staff and slammed it into the ground.
“You named me after what.” Monkey Mech deadpanned, looking down at where MK and Mei were standing in front of an arcade game with a very familiar name. MK laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yeah, well... it's what you're designed after, after all.” He said, “I didn't know you were going to be, like, sentient. Alive. I would've picked a more serious name for you then instead of just. Y'know, what you are. You're... fine with this name though, right? We can always change it if you want to.”
This...gave Monkey Mech pause.
Did he want a different name?
...Maybe if MK had asked him that at the start, he would have, but, now, quite frankly…
“Nah, I think I'm too used to this one.” He said, “I'm fine with it. I just, can't believe I never noticed that I shared a name with the video game you're always playing before, though.”
“I mean, you are rather big.” Mei said, “It makes sense you wouldn't be able to see the letters on the screen down here.”
That... was true. While he could read, oftentimes, Monkey Mech wasn't sure what most signs or written letters said- simply because they were too small for him to actually see.
“Can I watch you two play?” He asked, carefully kneeling down. “This arcade screen...seems big enough. I'll probably be able to see it.”
“Oh, sure!” MK said, before muttering to himself, “I wonder if we could somehow make a controller and screen large enough so that you could play it too...”
...Yeah. Monkey Mech wondered that too.
Honestly, there were a lot of things that he frequently missed out on, just due to being too big. Going to movies, hanging out in the Noodle Shop, playing video games... yeah. There wasn't exactly much that he could do.
Sometimes he wished he was smaller.
As it was, he would have to settle for this, doing his best to focus in on the tiny screen in order to take in every single detail of the video game his creation had apparently been inspired by.
Mei woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of a large boom, immediately followed by shaking.
She got out of bed as fast as possible, grabbing her jacket but not bothering to change out of her pajamas as she raced to the door- a large crash and shaking in the middle of the night could only mean one thing.
There was some serious mystic monkey business going on.
Swinging a leg over her motorbike, she turned on the engine, switching her phone on and checking the most recent social media to find out where the attack was taking place.
Only to find… nothing?
Sure, there were some posts, mainly from her general area, about a large crash and shaking, some even asking if there had been an earthquake, but nobody was mentioning an actual incident.
...Huh. Maybe it really had just been a normal explosion, or earthquake-
That idea was promptly dismissed as there was another large boom, and the ground shook again. This time, Mei was awake enough to be able to somewhat pinpoint what direction the sound had originated from.
Pocketing her phone and revving her bike, Mei pulled out of the driveway and drove out of the city.
Over the next hour and a half, she thought she'd picked the wrong direction a few times- or that maybe whatever was going on was now over and dealt with. That thought was always overruled, as another large boom would ring out, followed by more shaking- sometimes closer together, and sometimes further apart.
It was when the booms started to get loud enough to the point she had to put headphones on that she noticed the giant footprints on the ground.
Hm. Well, that certainly painted a scenario, but she wasn't going to make any assumptions just yet.
But, as it turned out, her assumptions would've been right anyways, as she pulled into a very familiar clearing, turning off her bike and hopping off of it, staring up at Monkey Mech.
He hadn't seemed to have noticed her yet, too preoccupied with-
He moved suddenly, with enough force to make the ground shake- as well as knock Mei completely off balance, tumbling to the ground, her headphones slipping off her head. She remained on her back for a moment, briefly dazed, her ears ringing, only just managing to catch a glimpse of Monkey Mech starting up another movement out of the corner of her eye.
“Ah- wait!” She yelled out just in time, Monkey Mech freezing before his foot could make contact with the ground. “Monkey Mech!”
Slowly, Monkey Mech turned around, with a lot more carefulness and precision than he’d had in his previous motions. He carefully knelt down once he caught sight of her, the ground still shaking with his actions, but not nearly as bad.
“...Mei?” He asked, and she could just pick up the slightest bit of hesitance and nervousness in his voice. “What are you doing out here?”
“That's what I should be asking you!” Mei pushed herself off the ground, wiping dirt and grass stains off of her pajamas. “You woke me up, I'll have you know.”
“Woke you up- ah. The, uh, the noise?”
“And the shaking, yes. Nearly knocked my shelves off of the walls, the entire west side of the city thought there was an earthquake!” Mei said, stretching her arms above her head for a second, before letting them drop back down to her sides. “What are you doing all the way out here anyways?”
“Oh, uh, nothing much”” Monkey Mech said, and Mei raised an eyebrow. Monkey Mech looked away from her. “...I'm sorry. I thought I was far enough away that nobody in the city would be affected.”
“Maybe the other parts wouldn't, but the entire west side certainly was.”
Monkey Mech still wouldn't look at her. Mei slowly crossed her arms, analyzing him. Something was niggling on the back of her brain, but what-
The expression she made must have somehow given away the fact that she had figured it out, as Monkey Mech let out a groan, dropping his head into his hands, as Mei pointed a finger at him accusingly.
“You were copying the moves from the Monkey Mech video game, weren't you!!!” With the way she said it, it wasn't really a question, more so a triumphant realization. Monkey Mech made a noise filled with static, but didn't attempt to deny the accusation. Mei cackled, pulling her phone out of her pocket. “Oh, MK's going to love this!”
“...Must he know about it?” Monkey Mech asked, his head still covered by his hands. Mei's loud laughter was the only response he got, indicating that, no matter what, MK was definitely going to find out about this- and there was no point in trying to delay the inevitable.
Monkey Mech found MK sitting on top of an abandoned building, cross-legged, his staff sitting on his lap. He didn't seem to be doing anything, simply staring off into the distance, in the direction of the ocean.
He only tilted his head to the side slightly in acknowledgement when Monkey Mech came to a stop beside the building. There was silence for a few moments- Monkey Mech couldn't help but think something about MK just felt off today, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what.
But, after a bit of pondering it, he decided to brush that issue to the side.
He had a more important question after all.
“Soooo.” He started, drawing MK's full attention to him. “I heard you managed to shrink your staff?”
“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah- I can make myself go all tiny too, if I want.” For some reason, MK didn't sound as excited by that fact as he should have been, but Monkey Mech didn't think too much about it.
“Well, in that case…” Monkey Mech looked side to side, confirming that no-one else was around, before leaning closer towards MK. “Could you... make me smaller?”
“Y'know, smaller! Like, person-size, preferably?” Monkey Mech couldn't keep the hope out of his voice. MK gave a sigh.
“I... I don't know.” He said, “Maybe I could, but... I don't want to try it. Risk it.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I made you, right?” The staff vanished into golden light as MK slowly stood up, turning to be able to face Monkey Mech fully. “You're created from like, my energy, or whatever. I just, I don't know if trying to make you smaller would like... mess with that. I don't want to risk losing you.”
Oh. That... was reasonable, Monkey Mech supposed.
He didn't exactly want to be 'lost' either.
“Besides…” MK muttered, under his breath, too low for Monkey Mech to hear. “We're going to need as many heavy-hitters as we can get.”
Something was wrong.
MK and the others had headed out to the desert to train today. Monkey Mech had considered following them, but had been explicitly told by MK to stay in the city, and keep an eye out for trouble. He was under no circumstances allowed to slack off today, apparently.
Monkey Mech had picked up on the fact that it seemed like MK had been more anxious lately. And it was starting to look like he'd had good reason to be.
The magic levels in the city spiked again- to numbers that went even higher than the last battle against the Demon Bull Family. Monkey Mech's sensors pinged as the temperature steadily started to drop.
But, weirdly enough, it didn't seem like the source of the magic spike was in the city.
Monkey Mech was in the middle of trying to place where exactly the magic source was coming from, when a bright flash of blue light shone from the corner of his eye.
The desert.
Monkey Mech didn't even think twice before abandoning his post, turning and starting to run in the direction he now knew the hauntingly cold magic spike to be coming from.
A pang rang through his chest, causing him to almost stumble. It felt like something had grabbed hold of the energy contained within him and squeezed it.
Something was happening to MK.   
Monkey Mech started to move faster.
Even so, with the pangs in his chest resonating throughout him, he knew he wasn't going to make it to the desert in time.
Which was why he gladly accepted the staff's call, allowing it's magic to encircle him, teleporting him directly to MK's location.
He had only just registered MK's presence in his chest, safe but drained, as well as the small figure in front of him-
There was a brighter, bluer flash.
Something grabbed hold of him, and cold ripped through Monkey Mech's sensors faster than he could process.
Alarm notifications flared in his vision as connection to his left arm was severed.
He could hear MK's voice, faintly, but he couldn't make out what he was saying over the ringing- and the whispers.
“M....K....” His voice was staticky, barely understandable, as he struggled to move, to get up, to protect.
Something cracked.
MK slipped out of Wukong's grip and slammed onto the deck of Sandy's air-ship, skidding slightly before coming to a complete stop. He groaned- it felt like every muscle, every bone in his body was aching.  
Slowly, he started pushing himself up, glancing over at where his mentor was starting to do the same.
His breath caught.
“The- she-” He choked, coughing, Monkey King turning and looking at him with obvious concern. “Monkey Mech- we have to, we have to help-”
He pulled himself to his feet, only to freeze at the sight of Wukong's expression.
That... that was not the expression of someone who believed there was still someone to help. 
That there was still someone to save.
MK stumbled backwards, collapsing into Pigsy's arms.
Monkey Mech was gone.
It was almost like... dreaming.
Except Monkey Mech was not supposed to be able to dream, and, instead of a dream, if he had to compare it to anything, he'd say it was more like a nightmare.
He hadn't been expecting to come to awareness again at all, really.
And especially not like this.
It was a bit of an overly polite way of describing it, honestly. He wasn't entirely sure if he could call what this was 'awareness'.
It was still dark. He could sense things moving around him, sure, and he thought that maybe he was moving too, but he wasn't in control of it.
It was cold.
He felt like he was rotting from the inside out.
MK stared up, gaping, at the armored monster Macaque had created.
Those... those were Monkey Mech's parts.
A ringing flooded MK's ears as a bone-chilling anger crashed over him.
The Lady Bone Demon was gone.
MK guided the mech over to a nearby cliff, moving the hand up in front of the entrance to the cockpit, letting the door open, the other's silently stepping out onto the hand, which MK lowered to the ground, allowing the others to hop off before he jumped out of the pilot seat himself. Landing on the ground, in a crouched position, kicking up a fair amount of dust, MK slowly stood up and turned around, facing the mech behind him.
Since summoning him onto the field, Monkey Mech hadn't said a single word.
Not a single thing.
With MK no longer in the pilot seat, the mech simply stood there. Still.
Not a single sign of movement.
“Is... is he…” Mei trailed off, not wanting to voice what they were all thinking.
Monkey Mech was back, in body yes, but in spirit?
MK wasn't sure.
There was a flash of golden light out of the corner of his eye, and MK turned his head just in time to see Wukong change out of his bird form to land on the ground, Macaque stepping out of the shadows behind him. Wukong wasted no time in tearing off the armor he'd been wearing, tossing it off to the side as though it had personally offended him.
He was in the middle of making quick work of tearing off his outer shirt when he noticed the looks on all the others' faces.
“...Why do you all look so sad?” He asked, before seemingly finally noticing how still Monkey Mech was being. “...Oh. Hm. Weird.”
“Monkey King... is Monkey Mech-”
“He's... there, yes. Just not... awake, I guess? His energy is definitely there, but it's not at the forefront.” Wukong said, tilting his head to the side, golden eyes flashing. “Maybe if you give him a lil smack on the side?”
“Monkey King.”
“What, it works for laundry machines!” Wukong tried to defend himself from Mei's glare, raising his hands innocently. Her glare only hardened to pure steel.
“Monkey Mech is not a laundry machine, Mr.King. We are not going to sma-”
She was cut off as a loud clang resonated through the air. As one, the group turned to see Nezha, who was slowly pulling the flat end of his spear away from Monkey Mech, analyzing him.
There was a brief pause-
And then suddenly Monkey Mech was reeling back, stumbling, almost like a delayed reaction. One hand went up to the spot where he'd been hit, protecting it from a second attack.
“Ow.” Monkey Mech's voice hissed, filled with static, “What was that for- Oh. Hi guys. ...Did we win?”
“Holy shit.” Wukong muttered, the only words spoken as the others simply stared up at Monkey Mech in frozen shock. “I did not think that would work.”
It was a few hours after Nezha and Macaque had both left, Macaque saying he was going off to do some scheming, and Nezha simply saying that he need to return to the Celestial Realm, when Wukong brought it up.
“Y'know,” Wukong started, pausing mid-way through his fourth bowl of noodles that night, “I've been wondering this for a bit but. Why doesn't Monkey Mech just join us down here?”
“...What do you mean?” MK asked, from his position of sitting on Monkey Mech's shoulder. “He's right here.”
“Well, yeah, but like, he could be down here, is what I mean.”
“...I'm afraid I don't follow.” Tang said, “Once again, what do you mean by 'down here'?”
“Ugh, y'know!! Down here!! With us!! Eating!!”
“...I don't know if anyone told you, Monkey King, but I'm a robot.” Monkey Mech gently lifted a hand so that MK could jump onto it, carefully bringing him down so that he could be closer to the conversation taking place around the campfire. “I can't eat.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know you're a robot.” Wukong waved a hand dismissively. “My point is, you don't have to be a robot right now.”
“...Monkey King.” MK said, slowly, and Wukong finally seemed to realize that maybe, just maybe, he was privy to some information that the others weren't, if the way he suddenly started to shrink under their collective stares was any indication. “Are you telling me. That there's been a way to make Monkey Mech human this whole time?”
“Uh…” Wukong shrunk down more, looking nervous as the others didn't take their eyes off of him for even one second. “...Kinda.”
“What do you mean, kinda?” Pigsy asked, “Either there is, or there isn't. Hurry it up and spit it out.”
“Okay, okay, fine so like, he would not necessarily be human, I guess?” Wukong scratched at the side of his face, seemingly thinking about it more intently. “It'd be more like... a hologram? Except he'd be able to interact with solid matter. He could form a new body outside of the mech, and just, transfer his energy into it. Of course- me or MK would have to help him make it the first time, and it doesn't really need to be a human form... but it's possible.”
A much longer silence. Wukong's tail started to swing back and forth nervously. 
“Did, did you guys not kn-” He started, but was interrupted by Monkey Mech's voice.
“I could've been going inside the Noodle Shop this whole time?!?!”
“That's what you're the most concerned about?!”
The rest of the night ended up being entirely and completely dedicated to designing Monkey Mech's mortal form. Wukong had said something about how Monkey Mech “needed to feel like himself in it” in order for it to work- so MK had rushed inside of the van to grab his sketchbook and pencils, and had quickly gotten to work, creating multiple designs with Monkey Mech's input.
Realistically, it should've been a relatively short process.
That is, if Monkey Mech would just pick one design.
“...No, it's not right.” Monkey Mech said, for what had to be the 23rd time that night, and MK let out a groan. The others had all mostly accidentally dozed off, leaving only MK and Monkey Mech awake. (Or, at least, MK assumed so. Wukong was curled up on top of his cloud, but for all MK knew, the Monkey King could very well just be pretending to sleep. MK kind of wanted to pull a little test, just to check, but considering Wukong had probably had little sleep these past few days in general, he didn't want to risk accidentally waking him up if he was, in fact, asleep). MK shoved the paper he'd been working on to the side, grabbing another one, and waiting for Monkey Mech's next drawing instruction.
“Um... I, uh…” Monkey Mech trailed off into silence. MK turned to look at him, but his face was just as blank and unreadable as always. His body language, however, read as… nervous. Unconfident. MK stared at him for a minute, then back down at the papers covered in various designs all around him, and then back up at Monkey Mech.
“...You do know that it doesn't need to be perfect, right?” He asked, receiving no response. “Nobody's perfect, after all. It just needs to be you.”
Monkey Mech slowly gave a nod. After a longer moment of silence, he quietly gave a new request, and MK turned back around to focus on drawing.
By the time morning came, the sun rising over the horizon, Monkey Mech had made his choice.
“Alright.” MK said, clapping his hands together as the others sat on the nearby logs they had set up for the campfire the night before. “Let's get this show on the road!”
“Uh, kid, did you even sleep at all?” Pigsy asked. MK ignored him.
“Monkey King!” He said instead, “You uh, got any advice on how to do this?”
“Eh, just concentrate your magic in one spot while focusing on the visual in your mind.” Wukong shrugged. He raised an eyebrow upon noticing the deadpan stares he got in response for his simple answer. “...What? The kid's pretty instinctive, it'll work out. Besides, if it's not working, I'll step in, don't worry.”
He then proceeded to yawn and roll over, seemingly going back to sleep, which was, y'know not reassuring in the slightest.
MK turned to look up at Monkey Mech, trying not to let his anxiousness show.
“You ready for this big guy?”
Monkey Mech gave a simple thumbs up. MK suspected that he wasn't speaking so that the nervousness in his own voice wouldn't show.
“Right. Okay.” MK took a deep breath, muttering to himself. “You got this. You can do this. Simple. Easy. Just picture it in your head…”
MK closed his eyes, holding his hands out in front of him, doing his best to hold the mental image of the design he and Monkey Mech had chosen within his mind.
Red fur... golden eyes... hair pulled back, with just a tiny bit of it remaining loose to frame his face... that stupid jacket that Monkey Mech seemed to enjoy for some reason that MK didn't have the heart to refuse adding to the design…
A few minutes passed with seemingly nothing, and Monkey Mech was about to speak up to tell MK to maybe take a break from this whole thing, that he could wait until later, when-
A spark.  
A flash.
A bright ball of light appeared in between MK's outstretched hands, flickering, before slowly growing and morphing. The others watched in raptured silence- even Wukong sitting up (proving that he had not, in fact, gone back to sleep), as they watched the light slowly morph into a more humanoid form.
Another bright flash, one that had everyone covering their eyes-
And then there was a body, standing on the ground, frozen still, eyes closed, almost as though they were asleep.
“Yes!! I did it!!” MK cheered, before pausing. After a moment, he turned his head to the side to look at Wukong. “Uh... Monkey King, what do we do next?”
“What do you mean?” Wukong asked.
“He means, uh.” Monkey Mech said, leaning down to get a closer look at the body meant for him. “How do we get me into the body?”
“Oh. That…” Wukong said, trailing off. Mei, sensing mischief, pinched his arm. “Ow, hey!”
“You better not have been about to say something along the lines of 'smacking him like a laundry machine' again.” She hissed, and Wukong leaned away from her.
“Please, of course I wasn't!” From the expressions of everyone around him, nobody actually believed that statement. Wukong coughed awkwardly. “Ahem. Uh, anyways it... should come naturally, really. Just, you can feel the energy inside you, right?”
“Yes…” Monkey Mech said, slowly.
“Right. So, just, mentally imagine that, condense it into one spot, and then... just imagine it leaving you and going into the body I guess?”
“You guess?” Pigsy crossed his arms, “What do you mean you guess?”
“Well I've never done this before!”
“What do you mean you've never- how do you know this will even wor-”
“Oh. Hey. It worked.”
Everyone turned to see that the light in the giant robot's eyes had faded, and-
The smaller, monkey demon form on the ground was now moving.
Monkey Mech had barely taken a step before he was stumbling, not used to his new size. MK quickly moved forwards to catch him. Monkey Mech's hands clung onto MK's jacket, shaking for a moment, his tail swinging as he looked up to meet MK's eyes.
“...Hi, MK.” He smiled at him. MK smiled back.
“Hi, Monkey Mech.”
That seemed to be all the permission the other's needed to tackle the two of them, sending them both tumbling to the ground, trapped under the rest of the group.
“Agh- hey!” MK struggled, trying to squirm his way out. “Not fair!! I wasn't ready for this one!! Let me go!”
“No can do, kid.” Pigsy said, “Y'see, Tang's done the numbers, and we're pretty sure you have not slept in the past three days, at least.”
“And, well, Mr. Monkey Mech has never slept at all…” Sandy said, “So…”
“Yeah. We're not letting either of you up until you both fall asleep.” Mei finished.
MK huffed, pouting, but not directly protesting the treatment. Monkey Mech, for his part, looked shocked-
And then he burst out into loud laughter, some tears running down his face, startling everyone.
“Uh, guys?” Tang said, “I think we broke the mech.”
Monkey Mech swung his legs back and forth. Getting used to being able to transfer himself into such a small form was... definitely a weird adjustment. He was grateful for it, most definitely he was, he finally got the chance to play arcade games with MK, Mei, and Red Son, as well as go in a car, and into the mall, and the movie theatre, as well as the Noodle Shop-
(Monkey Mech looked at the area around him with wide eyes, half supported by MK and Mei as they led him in. He still wasn't quite used to walking around in such a small body yet.
“Y'know…” Monkey Mech said, “...The inside of the Noodle Shop is much smaller than I thought it'd be.”
“I don't know if I should be taking that as an insult or a compliment.” Pigsy sighed, walking past them. “It better have been a compliment.”
“Oh- uh, trust me, it was!”
“You don't sound very confident in that statement.”
“C'mon- it was definitely a compliment- MK back me up here!”
“Sorry dude, you're on your own.”).
 So yeah, overall, it'd been great.
Didn't mean that sitting on his own shoulder didn't feel really weird though.
Monkey Mech swung his legs back and forth again as he thought, staring out at the half-constructed buildings around him. He'd been leaving his real robot body here for now, but he'd probably have to move it soon. Construction was shockingly fast within this city, sooner or later people would start to move back into this area... he'd probably have to move himself to the outskirts then.
Now that he thought about it, that clearing that Wukong had shown him would probably work just fine…
Lost in his own thoughts, he almost missed the shadow portal forming directly beside him.
The keyword being almost.
Monkey Mech did a double take, whipping his head around just as Macaque stepped out to stand beside him, giving him a little wave.
“Yo, Monkey Mech!” He said, “Uh, congrats on the new form. Heh. Um, I just came around cause uh. I wanted to... say sorry for, uh, stealing and using your corpse. From one resurrected guy to another, that was, uncool of me.”
...Was that meant to be a pun? Monkey Mech had some vague memories involving Macaque and feeling like pure ice was tearing through his non-existent skin.
Hm. Now that Monkey Mech thought about it, pretty much all of his memories associated with the time Macaque had been using his parts had felt... wrong.  
Macaque seemed to be growing nervous at Monkey Mech's lack of a response, the anxiety in his expression slowly growing more obvious as Monkey Mech slowly stood up.
“...So, yeah, that was all I wanted to say, so, I'll just be going now-” Macaque went still as Monkey Mech vanished in a flash of golden light, returning himself to his robotic body. Before Macaque could recover from the shock, Monkey Mech raised one hand, carefully grabbing Macaque by his scarf. Macaque immediately struggled, trying to kick and scratch at Monkey Mech's fingers to no avail. “Woah- hey-”
Macaque let out a strangled noise as Monkey Mech unceremoniously tossed him into his cockpit, shutting the door behind him.
“Hey!” Macaque shouted, and, having landed in the pilot seat upside down, quickly readjusted himself to be sitting up. “What are you-”
“During your time using me, you felt a little... off.” Monkey Mech crossed his arms over his chest, preventing Macaque from being able to kick the door open. “So, I'm running a diagnostic on you.”
“What? You can't just- you know what, I don't have the time for this.” Macaque huffed, a shadow portal forming under his feet, the monkey demon dropping down into it-
Only to be spat out back into the cockpit.
“...Huh?” Macaque didn't even waste a single second before trying again. “I- what? What is this, how are you doing this?”
“A robot never reveals his secrets!” Nevermind that Monkey Mech was horrible at keeping secrets, or that-
“You have no idea how you did it either, do you.”
“Not a clue!”
A small pop-up appeared in Monkey Mech's vision.
Macaque was suddenly and abruptly tossed out of the cockpit.
Macaque swore, loudly, and Monkey Mech saved rolling his eyes until after he'd reformed his monkey body, and leapt forwards to snag Macaque out of the air, landing on the rooftop on a nearby almost-finished building. He set Macaque down on the solid ground, dusting off the shadow monkey's shoulders, ignoring the angry and indignant muttering that seemed to be comparing him to a dangerously faulty Easy Bake Oven.
...Not that Monkey Mech even knew what that was.
“Diagnostic's done!” He said instead, clapping his hands while smiling innocently. “And- hm.”
“Well, you're functioning.”
“Yeah, obviously, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.” Macaque rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and turning away from him.
“I do think you should probably go to a doctor, though.” Monkey Mech added, watching with thinly veiled concern as Macaque let out an irritated sigh.
“Oh yeah?” He asked, “And why's that?”
“...Well, it's not exactly normal for people to not have heartbeats, is it?”
Macaque made a sound that was almost akin to a kicked puppy, and suddenly Monkey Mech almost wished he hadn't said anything, as the other vanished into a shadow portal within the blink of an eye. Monkey Mech stood there, for a while, waiting to see if the other would come back, to learn what else the diagnostic had picked up.
...He didn't come back.
Monkey Mech sighed, and shelved the concern over the shadow monkey's only slightly healed broken ribs and damaged six ears for a later date.
“Monkey Mech!” MK's voice called, and Monkey Mech risked glancing up from his precariously stacked stack of delivery boxes in his arms to see MK standing on the top of a nearby building. “Is it cool if I use some of your parts for a bit?”
Monkey Mech shifted slightly to account for the stack changing weight.
“Uh, who is it today?” He asked.
“Jin and Yin!”
“Oh, sure! It's fine!”
MK gave him a thumbs up, and then summoned the staff, leaping to another building. They had discovered, a while ago, that while Monkey Mech was in his monkey demon form, any damage taken to his robot self would not hurt him in any way- so long as it was put back together properly before he returned to it.
That knowledge would have certainly been helpful in escaping a few situations if they had known it much earlier.
Monkey Mech returned to his goal of delivering the take-out boxes in his arms, and sure enough, a few minutes later, he could faintly feel the tug of magic suggesting that some of his robotic parts were being pulled to MK. Another couple of minutes later, there was a large crash in the distance, and Monkey Mech struggled not to fumble the last delivery box in his arms- only barely managing to keep it from slipping out of his grasp and tumbling to the pavement as the ground shook.
Geez. He couldn't believe anyone had been able to handle living with him around for a year if this is what it had been like whenever he had taken a step slightly too hard.
Final box delivered- Monkey Mech turned around to walk back to the Noodle Shop.
Upon return, it seemed like he had just missed MK, the faint hint of his energy vanishing around a corner, leaving Mei and Pigsy behind.
“Hey guys!” Monkey Mech gave them both a wave, catching their attention. “I'm done with deliveries, Pigsy.”
Pigsy let out a worn sigh.
“Thanks, Monkey Mech.” He said, “At least one kid is actually doing their job around here…”
Monkey Mech sat cross-legged on the stone floor, Delivery, Painter, and Porty beside him. 
All four of them were focused solely on the Azure Lion sitting across from them.
MK had summoned them to Flower Fruit Mountain- or, well, he'd summoned Monkey Mech, literally teleporting him there (he'd been in the middle of cat-napping on a roof, now that he could, in fact, nap). The other three had simply been poofed into existence already at the scene.
They'd been instructed to “keep an eye” on Azure Lion. He was, essentially, a complete stranger that they were choosing to tentatively trust, after all.
Besides, it wasn't like Monkey Mech could go into the scroll in giant robot form, not to mention that going in while in his monkey demon form, which he was only just getting used to, would be a bad idea, and MK obviously knew that he would worry if he didn't have some kind of task.
...The clones were probably just there so that he had some familiar people with him.
That being said, none of them had said a single word for the past four hours, which was rather impressive restraint on the part of the hair-clones.
A restlessness started to form in Monkey Mech's chest, but he ignored it, figuring it was just coming from being stuck sitting around doing nothing but stare at a complete stranger for so long.
Seriously, couldn't the guy come up with some kind of polite conversation to talk about? Heck, Monkey Mech would even take talking about the weather at this point! The weather!!
The restlessness kicked up a notch.
And then suddenly it was a pang, an all too familiar one.
Monkey Mech gasped, doubling over, clutching at his chest. The hair-clones had a similar reaction-
They poofed out of existence at the next pang.
“Something- something's happening to MK.” Monkey Mech struggled to get out, unable to get rid of the sensation of pain and panic. “I- you gotta let me in there, I have to help him-”
“Sorry, but.” Azure slowly stood up, a new, menacing aura surrounding him. “I'm afraid I can't allow that.”
And then he snapped, and Monkey Mech could feel the magic encircling him- the parts of his body fading away-
He jolted back into awareness in his robot form, exactly where he had left it, sitting on the outskirts of town. He remained completely frozen for a second, processing, before;
“Oh, I knew we couldn't trust that motherf-”
Monkey Mech watched silently as Wukong began the slow process of collecting all his robotic parts from the places Azure had carelessly thrown them to. Now more than ever, he was glad that he could transfer himself into another form so easily.
It still didn't make seeing his real form torn up into multiple pieces any less... disturbing.
He tried his best to ignore it, instead looking over to where MK was trying to lift some knocked over trees back into place. Wukong had said that Flower Fruit Mountain was fairly sturdy, and had a habit to bounce back from, well, a lot. (He hadn't elaborated upon what that meant, but Monkey Mech had the feeling that Flower Fruit Mountain had seen catastrophe before). So, MK had taken it upon himself to make as much of the process easier for the mountain's magic as he could.
...The both of them had also been quite promptly kicked out of the efforts to rebuild Wukong's house after Wukong had accidentally broken a board in half, and MK had started to get a little too into painting the walls.
Monkey Mech, really, had been sent out to keep an eye on the both of them, to make sure that they didn't end up getting into some kind of mystic-monkey trouble.
(Technically, didn't he also count as a mystic monkey now? Did that mean he could also get into mystic monkey trouble? ...Monkey Mech wasn't quite sure about the logistics of it, or how one defined 'mystic monkey trouble' in the first place. It was probably better to not think about it).
As it was, everything seemed fine…
Monkey Mech let out a sigh, slouching a little as he watched Wukong move to grab the next piece, and MK reach for the next tree.
He wished he could be on the beach right now…
Monkey Mech stared at the water far below him in trepidation.
“C'mon Monkey Mech!” MK called out, waving his arm from said water. “Join us!!”
Monkey Mech continued to stare down at the water.
He was standing on his own shoulder again. MK had practically tackled him full force earlier that morning, telling him about a much needed beach day, to take a break from the efforts to repair Flower Fruit Mountain, to just enjoy some sun, and had practically outright demanded that Monkey Mech bring his robot form with him, not just his monkey-self.
Monkey Mech had been, understandably, confused at the time.
He hadn't expected that MK would have used his robot body as a makeshift giant diving board plus water slide.
(Or, well, more so just slide, with the water only being at the end. They didn't have a hose long enough to be able to reach Monkey Mech's shoulder- so they couldn't run water down the arm that was currently extended slightly at an angle).
There was a green flash, and suddenly Mei was standing beside him, her head tilted to the side.
“What's wrong?” She asked, and Monkey Mech tried his best for an easy-going smile.
Considering how he had quickly discovered that faking expressions was a lot harder than he thought it would be, he was pretty sure he did not succeed.
“It's nothing!” He said, “I'm fine.”
“...Uh-huh, sure.” Mei was clearly unimpressed. “You've been standing up here for the past 15 minutes. Are you going to jump in or not?”
 “Well, uh-” Monkey Mech stuttered for a second, before shrinking down into himself, avoiding eye contact as he said, quietly. “I don't know how to swim.”
“What do you mean you don't-”
“I was a giant robot, remember!! Of course I don't know how to swim.” Monkey Mech's tail swished back and forth with anxiety. “What if I just sink?”
“Hm... I guess that's a valid point.” Mei mumbled, before reaching out and grabbing hold of Monkey Mech's arm. “Let's get you down from here, then.”
Before Monkey Mech even had the chance to blink, Mei had scooped him up on one shoulder, and rushed him back down to the beach, her dragon speed ensuring that they barely even touched the water.
Monkey Mech stumbled slightly when she put him down on the sand, but very quickly regained his balance.
“Mei? Monkey Mech?” MK asked, walking out of the water to join them. “What's up?”
“Mecha-dude over here doesn't know how to swim.” Mei said, pointing her thumb at Monkey Mech as she did so. Monkey Mech let out an irritated huff, mumbling “it's Monkey Mech, you've known this for a while now-” under his breath, and being rather obviously ignored.
“Oh! Well, not to worry!!” MK wrapped his arm around Monkey Mech's shoulders. “I can teach you!”
“...Uh-huh.” Monkey Mech said, slowly. “I have so much confidence in being taught how to swim by the person wearing floaties.”
“We should've never let Red Son teach you what sarcasm was.” MK deadpanned, before swapping back to his easy-going smile effortlessly. “And I can swim!! I just sink easily, is all.”
That statement was not as reassuring as MK clearly thought it was, but Monkey Mech didn't even have the chance to voice that thought, as he was grabbed by both arms and dragged into the ocean.
“Hey, Monkey Mech?”
...Monkey Mech did not like the look on MK's face.
“...What is it?” He asked, hoping his nervousness didn't show- but it must've, as the teasing smirk on MK's face grew slightly wider.
“So... I realized I never actually got the chance to ask you this before, in between getting you adjusted to your new body and, like, everything that happened afterwards…”
Oh, Monkey Mech did not like where this was going, slowly starting to stand up, but was prevented from doing so as MK put his hands on his shoulders and shoved him back down into his seat.
“And, well, you can actually show expressions now, so y'know, I was wondering…” MK continued, “...Why?”
Well... Monkey Mech could pretend to play dumb for a few moments longer, couldn't he?
“Why what?” He asked, already knowing there was an absurdly flustered expression on his face, one that drew the attention of the others, as well as made the teasing smirk on MK's face somehow more menacing.
“Why did you stand around for three days?” MK asked, and Monkey Mech opened his mouth- “No lying this time, young man.”
Monkey Mech let his mouth close.
Slowly, he looked away, avoiding eye contact.
“C'monnnnn.” MK poked him in the arm repeatedly, “I'm not gonna leave you alone until you give me an answer.”
Yeah. Monkey Mech had picked up on it.
He let out a defeated sigh.
“Okay, fine, you got me.” He said, “It was because of p.”
“Peace out.” Monkey Mech quickly made a peace sign, and then let himself dissolve in a flash of light, returning to his robot body.
Even though he was now on the other side of town, he could still hear MK's scream of frustration.
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CW: OC talk + Rambling / Blood / Gore / Censored Nudity (character sheet) / Mentions of Drugging
(idk why these warnings are so intense, but I swear it's all just silly OC talk T^T)
I’m kinda sorta working on more (comprehensible) TS OC stuff in between studying right now… I wanna hurry and talk about them but without info dumping (if given the opportunity I will without hesitation 😔…) because in terms of the best stories I have conjured up for OCs in general Naudedel and Noble are surprisingly good and I’m very excited to share how deranged they are together…
Right now it’s just about making Naudy readable and working on extra fun stuff… like monsters!
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I’m trying to work out his “monster” form…. The concept is there, but the execution is just not ticking the right boxes for me right now… also, the line art at the end is old and probably will go unused, but thought it was something to add here because like hehe look at my deranged son :)
When it comes to the writing I'm going to split it into two chapters. The first half will be a summary+ of his upbringing, and the second on how he fucked up his arm and why. Just enough info to get a read on what his deal is pretty much. I just need to edit the first chapter and rewrite some parts then it's ready to annoy the world!
I'm trying to think of a good design for his original mother... I'm thinking dark hair and milf (¬‿¬)・゚✧ ... honestly I need to start drawing out the designs for all the other TS OCs I've accumulated over the year (?) here's a fun list-
Hickery (bloodhound OC... dilf oc...I've already been made fun of for his name, but it stuck to me so I'm keeping it!)
Maya (another bloodhound OC)
Cove (Hound's ex-husband)
Cetcher's gf + informant, who still needs a good name...
and that one guy! (doesn't have a name yet... but is important in Hound's part of the story... she bashed some of his guys in the back of head with a hammer... it was a whole thing... Leander got involved... gang war stuff, don't worry about it...)
There are technically more OCs, like that Hightown lady Noble befriended during their first few weeks in town. However, I'm not sure if I'm including her in the final plot meeting. But yeah, anyway I'm rambling so on to Noble news!
For Noble, everything is plotted out in advance surprisingly…character playlist and all... just need to find the words to explain their story other than “parasite with a weird God complex feels guilty” I do have some old memes and art of them though!
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Noble curse stuff...
Childhood cult stuff...
Current reality...
Poor person masquerade dress censored for tumblr...
Noble folks!
I actually wrote out a whole little thing for the black dress in a what-if scenario of...
"Oh! ,,,What if there is a masquerade in Hightown and Noble sneaks in to get some information on a certain individual who might know a thing or two about curses, but turns out the whole event if devious and their all eating babies or some fucked up shit,,,, and what if while sneaking around they see Leander and are like 'what's he doing here?' and they lock eyes but he ignores them as he ducks into a closed off area with some important looking people,,, once he comes out he walks past them and they lock eyes again as he leaves,,, Noble chases after him and once they catch up they get to see his cold and detached side right before he hides them from the other guest,,, after they talk for a bit, or more like Leander talking over them and their worries as he slowly wipes their memories while they protest that it's not fair only to wake up the next day back in their room,,, thankfully their curse is good for more then just silly bouts of insanity so they have a hunch on what happened, everyone around them who knew where they went the night before were obviously worried and the general consensus is that they might have been drugged and should go check in with Kuras just in case (wow this is getting long...) but on their way to the clinic they run into Leander and of course discusses their current problem with him ,,, words are exchanged,,, a kabedon may occur,,, as he whispers in their ear,,, all fun till he erases their memories again, or at least tires before receiving a little gift that makes him look at this whole curse thing from a different angle." DEEP BREATH! ...Anyways... yeah.
But it was taking so long to write out that I ended up losing motivation so yeah... like everything else we will pray the motivation comes back so I can finish that... plus who knows, I might make an x reader version of it if I can. (don't hold your breath... I'm extremely slow)
Anyway, I'm gonna to shut up now because I've yapped enough. I'mma make some hibiscus tea (ironic) and head to bed... Night night, if you made it this far, thank you for listening to my craziness <3
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pikmingrubb · 1 year
Saul Gooman X ftm!reader
You're a regular "client" at Saul Goodman's office, you must get in a lotta trouble, probably that fucking mouth of yours. Good thing Saul has you covered!
Words like: Cunt, hole and cock are used for readers genitals.
Word Count: 3,003 (we went a little crazy, ok)
Long stares and awkward coughing were the only things heard inside the cramped space you entered; you tried ignoring the glares from Saul’s clients as you perceivably passed them up. You weren’t here for Saul’s legal practice, never needed a lawyer on your side for anything you had done, and you hoped to keep it that way. 
“Hey, Francesca, here’s your usual!” Your voice broke whatever trance she was in, her mean look that gilded her face reserved only for clients suddenly faded. She honestly looked exhausted, you couldn’t blame her, some of the worst people imaginable came to Saul for legal help. He gladly accepted all for the correct number of zeros added to a check in his name. 
“I’m gonna kick his ass if he hasn’t given you a break yet,” You chimed in lightly, trying to lighten the mood a little. 
She quickly accepted the coffee and food, sending a small smile your way, a nod of understanding passed between you two before she proceeded to smack a buzzer on her desk. 
“Your favorite client is here,” Francesca spoke into the receiver on her end and didn’t wait for a response as she released the button, a few seconds passed before you heard a slight buzz through her headphone, indicating Saul was actually responding and not ignoring her as he fiddled around in his office. 
Groans and cries of indignation resounded behind you as the door was unlocked for you, and the handle was quickly locked behind you. 
“Hey, kiddo, still haven’t gotten that car fixed?” Saul chimed at you from his desk, he was currently munching on a box of Chinese food and appeared to be watching something on his laptop. You just let out a sigh, “Nooo, stop asking. I haven’t had time to mess with it,” You groaned approaching his desk and peering at his laptop, he was…Watching a video labeled “ Epic Fail Compilations ”.
The slow gaze you gave him out of the corner of your eyes should have been enough words, but he just continued watching with a mildly entertained look on his face. 
“Really? You’re ignoring your clients to watch shit my dad watches on YouTube?” You deadpanned at him; brows furrowed as you stood back up to glare at him. He just waived you off with chopsticks in his hand, swallowing the food he was currently chewing.
“Eh, they’re not important, just some schmucks who keep publicly masturbating in front of an orthodox church.” He frowned shaking his head, your face scrunched up with a displeased look as you imagined that. 
“And don’t even get me started on that Charles guy!” Saul groaned setting his eating utensil down, he leaned back into his chair and rolled his eyes sighing. “He’s gotten busted by the same cop three times! At the same location! These idiots practically just love throwing money at me!” 
“Yep…” Was all you had to say, shaking your head you just gently watched Saul in his chair. “Have you let Francesca have a break today?” Your brow raised lightly at him, he seemed to be caught a little off guard by this. 
“Y-yeah, of course, what kinda boss do you think I am?” He just chuckled at you, your gaze was unrelenting, not a word coming out as you watched him. He practically squirmed before you, trying to maintain eye contact. 
“Jimmy…” Your voice chided, he just deflated like a balloon at that. 
“Okay, no! I haven’t, we’ve been busy…” He said throwing his hands up and nervously chuckling, trying to avoid you. 
“Right, busy ignoring the local masturbators and watching stupid YouTube videos…” He just cringed at your harsh tone, giving you a pleading look, “Okay, okay, she can go on break after this.” He said, trying to quell your annoyance with him, his hands traveled to your hips and thrummed his thumb against your waist bone. 
“This?” You questioned, ignoring his traveling hand, he was gazing up at you with a soft facial expression. He tried pulling himself closer, you now standing between his legs as he sat in his chair, hands grazing over your belt with swift fingers. 
“Come on, kid, don’t play hard to get. You, coming in here, thinking you’re just gonna leave like that, practically blue balling me. Kinda mean,” he said, humming lightly and raising his brows at you, your eyes betray nothing as he kept giving you puppy dog eyes, pawing and whining at you. 
It was honestly kinda cute, desperately wanting literally anything from you, and you wanted to leave him hanging so bad. 
“You thought I came here to fuck you?” You snorted, he just frowned at this, “I mean, yeah. Wouldn’t be the first time you showed up just to get your hole filled.” He shrugged casually, his fingers slowly slipping your belt from the first loop. 
You didn’t relent, you stood stock still as he continued to look pleadingly up at you, “Because that’s all your good for, your client work? Pretty fucking pathetic, helping out lowly criminals, Jesus fucking Christ.” You snarled, this seemed to egg him on, but not in the way you had anticipated. 
“Oh, and you think you’re any better? I’d say you’re just here because you’re a gold digger, coming in here for my fat wad and my fat fucking cock,” He hissed angrily grabbing at his crotch to amplify his words, a small laugh left your mouth, his lips pursed at your reaction.
“Hmph, I couldn’t give two shits about your money, and your cock? The one that you need to take a whole bottle of Viagra to get up because the two-bit whores you pay for don’t get it up fast enough?” You pushed him back into his chair with your palm on his shoulder, your leg sliding between his crotch to put pressure on his cock nestled in his jeans. 
“The same cock that only gets hard when he thinks about fucking me? You some kind of tranny chaser? Or are you just trying to pretend you’re not a little fag who likes to bone men?” And of course, his cock was completely hard against his pants, a smirk rising to your lips as you proved your point. 
He groaned at this, “Hah, at least I’m not the one who likes to fuck men twice my age. Daddy issues much?” He jeered; his hands quickly traveled to your neck as he brought you down for a heated kiss. His lips fervently worked against your own, puffs of air billowing from his nostrils as he tried to not break for breath. You bit his lip harshly, he jumped below you, mouth agape for a second before you shoved your tongue into his mouth. 
While his mouth was busy kissing your own, his hands traveled down back to his original point of contact. Your belt quickly came undone, fingers pulling the button of your pants apart and zipper descending down. He wasted no time tugging your pants and underwear down your own ass, fingers sliding behind you to feel up your rear. He gave you a harsh squeeze on your ass cheeks before disconnecting his lips from yours, he pulled away to catch his breath. 
Red dusted both of your cheeks, saliva slipped between the two of you, and his eyes fluttered open to gaze at you with blown pupils. You took this moment to appreciate how wild and pent-up he looked, hair a mess, lips puffy, completely bendable to your will, god…
If you left now, he’d probably cry and beg for you to turn around and at least suck his cock, full crawl on the ground begging mode. 
Your hand slipped over his scalp and tugged on his hair, pulling his head back, and giving him a glare. 
“Did I say you could put your cock in me?” You snarled, watching him cringe in pain as you glared down at him. A little noise escaped his mouth, both a cry of pleasure and a moan of pain. 
“N-no, we don’t have to...I just thought-” You interrupted him with a harsh pull of his hair, his voice hitting a high note. 
“That’s your problem, you think. I didn’t ask you to think, I want you to beg. Beg nicely, and maybe you can put your cock in my hole, and if you fuck me good enough, you can cum inside me.” You let go of his hair and gently corded your fingers through his scalp, eyes still trained on each other. Tears welled slightly in the corners of his eyes as he panted lightly and tried to catch his breath, 
“Please, let me…let me put my cock in you. I’ll fuck you so good, you’ll be crying so loud for my cock that everyone outside could hear you.” He babbled lightly, at this point, he couldn’t look away as you stripped your pants and straddled his waist on the chair. Your lower half is completely naked and open for his viewing pleasure, your throbbing cock standing and begging for attention. Saul swallowed seeing slick already between your legs, his hand caressed down your stomach brushing through your fuzzy hair, lightly brushing the tip of your cock. 
“I want to fuck you so good, come on, let me remind you how much you like my cock, please sweetheart.” He begged, his thumb brushing over your sensitive cock head, his fingers dipping between your lips, slicking his fingers up before slowly jerking you off on him. 
Your lower half twitched and throbbed with excitement as his hands played with you gently, his eyes never leaving your own as he pleasured you with his hands. You let out a slow exhale as you tried to steady yourself and not thrust against him. 
He had the most puppy lovesick look he could muster, bottom lip stuck out and pouting, curved up eyebrows, and a giant tent in his pants. 
Alright, he whined and squeaked enough below you, if he begged anymore, you might see some waterworks being put into play. Then you’d really feel bad, I guess he did a good enough job that he could finally stop his groveling and get some release from you. It was only fair since any time you came in here, he would gladly let you sink onto his leaking cock, not that he would ever so say no. 
He was completely shameless, if you’d say yes, he’d have you sucking his dick under the desk for all his client meetings, too bad he’s noisy. You hummed a little thinking maybe; he’d allow for some training to keep his mouth shut for once in a while.
“That was cute,” You purred gently at him, fingers brushing back a piece of his combover, “I’ll let you have what you want, so go ahead and pull your little cock out for me, you dirty bastard.” You whispered right next to his ear, a shudder when down his back as he choked down a little moan. 
His hands quickly released his belt buckle and struggled with his top button, fumbling with shaking hands trying to free his erection. You just watched him as he tried concentrating with a straight-lipped look, brows knitting closely together with his cheeks flared up. 
He didn’t bother even pulling his pants down, just enough below his front to let his length and balls free, begging for attention. Precum had already leaked down the side and wetted his underwear, absolutely shameless, what a fucking mess he was.
You snorted lightly at this as your hand instantly started jerking him off, using his cum as lube to slick himself up, a noise escaped the back of his throat at your harsh hand thrusts. He was loving every second of it, watching you manhandle his cock as if it belonged to you. 
“Ahh!~” He gasped lightly as you touched his head, rubbing it lightly with your thumb, “Come on, kid, while I like your hand a lot, I uhm-” You sunk yourself down on him, hand angling his cock into your soaked hole, “Oh fuck!” He cried as you sunk slowly onto him, allowing yourself to breathe out calmly, slipping down on him inch by inch. 
His breath hitched as you finally enveloped his entire length, taking a short break to adjust to him, letting your legs rest on top of his own. Your hand was placed on his shoulder, keeping you steady, you just watched his pleasured face as he stared at your two bodies connected. You felt a blush creep up at the intensity of his stare, his hands calmly brushed over the top of your thighs as he gave a little thrust, gently testing you. 
A soft sigh left your lips at this, he took that as a good sign, hands firmly grasping your legs as he started grinding into you, you felt yourself clench around his twitching member, his head hitting your front wall making you gasp quietly. 
“Yeah, you like that?” He breathed out, his fingers delving in to stroke your cock as his length pulled out from you before slamming back in with a wet slap.
“Oh, you feel so tight, holy shit! Relax a little, kid.” He chuckled as his pace sped up, hips jerking up towards your own, your slick allowing him to glide in effortlessly. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re getting close, you want me to slow down?” His pacing did not, in fact, slow down. 
You had to lean into him just to keep from falling off his lap, hands bracing on his shoulders, his lips met your own as he pulled you closer. A low whine escaped your throat as he kept pistoning into your cunt, the chair squeaked in denial below you two. 
“Hah, I didn’t think so, I’m supposed to be making you feel good, right?” He asked, pulling away from your face just enough to breathe out some words, his mouth nipping and biting along your jaw, “Does it feel good? Having my cock inside you?” He hummed biting harshly on your jugular, a strangled “yes” escaped your throat. 
“Hmmm, what’s that, sweetie? You’re gonna have to speak up, daddy can’t hear you.” He chuckled to himself, giving you a particularly rough thrust of his hips, his cock was absolutely soaked with your juices as his balls slapped against you. 
God, he felt so fucking good inside you, reaching all the places his fingers couldn’t get, filling your needy hole while you clenched around him, begging for release. 
“Yes, fuck! I love having your cock inside me!” You practically wailed in his ear, your nails dug into his shirt as he fucked you into oblivion, his own moans mixed with yours. 
“Oh, shit, yeah take my fucking cock, slut!” Saul groaned, he felt his cock throb with want for release as he pumped you full of him, “Ah, oh fuck! Can I cum inside you?” He begged, his thrusting stuttering, and holding back as much as possible while still pounding into you. 
“Ahh~ Fuck….yes, please fill me up,” you begged against him, his fingers came back to your cock and started jerking you off hard. Your pleasure increased tenfold, the blazing heat in your stomach wound tighter as he cursed and thrust into you like a rabbit.
“Yeah? Good, because I’m gonna breed you like the slut you are, god that’s the only thing your body is good for, taking my seed!” He yelped particularly loudly as he seated himself into you fully, thumb still rubbing against your cock, bringing your release in time with his own. He let out another moan as his hot throbbing cock spurted inside your clenching walls, his mouth sloppily connecting with your own as he rode out his release. 
He whined below you, feeling your own spasms around his sensitive cock, still desperately thrusting up into you. You let out a quiet moan as he slowed his thrusts to seat himself in you, taking a breather as you both enjoyed coming down from your highs.
You could feel his cum leaking out from around him, making an absolute mess of his pants, thank fucking god they were a dark color. It wouldn’t be quite as noticeable to see a giant wet spot and realize it’s a cum stain on his work clothes. 
He let out a long sigh, relaxing back in his chair, his hands had left your hips and now wrapped around your lower back gently stroking you as he cuddled closer. You two stayed like this for another few minutes while he became completely soft inside you, before finally deciding to pull out from you, a soft whine left your throat at the loss of his heat. 
“I know, I know, kid. But a deal is a deal, Francesca needs that break, huh?” He said, patting your thigh before you slipped off his lap, legs slightly wobbly as he held your sides for support. A chuckle escaped his lips seeing you like this, “Woah! Be careful now, don’t wanna hurt yourself. There are no payouts for injuring yourself on the job.” He joked a little standing up and tucking himself back into his pants. 
You just rolled your eyes and bent over to grab your pants, and he this took this opportunity to slap your ass particularly hard, earning a yelp from you. 
“Really, Saul?” You snarled, turning back to him, he just oggled at you with an innocent look, a small smile dancing on his lips.
“What? I can’t resist you, you know this!” He laughed handing you your undergarments you had yet to pick up, you let out an exasperated sigh at his childish antics. 
“Whatever. Just go let Francesca have her damn break,” You chided before slipping everything on and promptly leaving, his eyes watching you the entire time as you left. With a smirk still present on his face, his mood had been lifted and his dick satisfied. 
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starsologyy · 1 year
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: confessing to someone you thought had also liked you back doesn’t seem to go as you planned. 
drafts of the chill wind flew amidst the showers of raindrops floating delicate in the sky, following the sunlight pouring into your room as it caresses your eye bags built from fatigue to awake you from slumber. Little to do as you now gazed at the ceiling, but part of you rather enjoyed the simpleness of it all. When streaks of sapphire mixed with violet to resemble a mix of a sea of flowers suddenly flutter past the roof you have mesmerized trance on, you realize a butterfly has taken a cozy habitat inside your room this very morning. Possibly to signify fast change on the slowest day you could ever dream of. It cracks a smile on your face nonetheless, and it causes you to wonder how city-folk lived without noticing these rather insignificant things. Stillness though of course, was never guaranteed in land where everybody must occupy their hands at a given moment; yet, little of their ambition still lays a chance to be better than the calmness of the dawn and the charm of nature you arise to
No better though to the haste of town, you’re a foolish girl who accompanied the moonlight to sooth its loneliness when the people and daylight rested outside your window. With your rigorous yet consistent scribbles on fresh white paper, school is what regretfully keeps you alive against will in this journey of these constant evenings. Hilarious of a joke it was to judge others for not enjoying peace when you yourself immersed in the opposite of it. Perhaps to fill the void of daytime noise, you usually caved in to call to the boy who lives opposite your bedroom window during those moments. He maintains stillness while solving his math homework, and you interrupt it with your reading of English homework. Ironic though you would describe it when he criticized the stress of it; yet, he was the one who kept you awake during these sessions. 
A sigh escapes your lips with the subject of these revelations.  
The result of this morning was from one of those same nights. ‘Ru’ you would usually murmur by now to wake him out of his sleep beside you. His full name’s ‘Suguru Geto’ and yet the childhood habit to call him your nickname lingers similar to how the scent of your dad’s coffee grounds does on your clothes when it seeps through the crack of your door every sunrise. The joy of familiarity and care you feel when participating in this habit admittedly makes you want to question why you do, but you decide not to.
 Suguru continues to lie in utter peace amidst your cotton comforters as you start to lose focus-ness to the abundance of your illusive thoughts at the moment. he had no plan to awaken anytime soon it seemed (despite your clock signaling 8 o clock last time you checked), so you were stuck at this very moment. Aside from the exams for university soon arriving and the studying that’s going to accompany it, you can't remember what else should occupy your head. It was on the rims of your lips, maybe even to the cuticles you probably shouldn’t pick. Ah, what could it be? Did something happen last night?
 “Even when we watch these shitty dramas I think you’re still the prettiest girl.”
Oh yeah. That was what happened last night. Your childhood best friend told you that you were pretty while you guys were watching some cheesy kdrama in the middle of night. 
 7 hours ago, your brows scrunched at a scene where the main character rambled about how ugly she was even though she had appeared to be adorning at least 20 layers of makeup for that scene. And if that goddess said that, You were thinking, what were you then with all this acne and blemishes on your skin? You weren’t sure if you had been obvious to your own insecurities resurfacing at the time, but he clearly did. 
Because at that moment, Suguru had mumbled those 14 words which bought you out of them almost immediately . Only then you noticed how his eyes laid on you in a slow trance, pupils dancing and being mesmerized to survey from the softness of your pillowy lips to the way the crack of your delicate smile could even surpass the beauty of the sun itself. A gaze in his eyes that could lead you believing he found you prettier than that actress on tv in your wildest dreams. “—Don’t even need makeup honestly.” He even whispered afterwards, like he needed further to steal air out of your throat.
You try to reason that he was simply joking like those other times, but the way his cheeks remained flushed when you turned back to look, told you that you could never disregard this as a lie when you had all the evidence you needed. Some would consider this you simply being desperate, but you dared gained courage to argue that this night reminded you of the feelings you kept stored inside your heart. 
He was flustered before turning back to the TV.
 Lame (lack of) response yeah, but what a night it was, to be reminded of your insecurities, then to be reminded of your feelings for your childhood again. You had decided to forget about it at that late hour, afraid it would affect your studies for the exam in the  future.
But here you were this morning, again pondering upon possibilities that laid scattered behind the thinly veil of fate if you had even whispered that you heard the lowness of his utmost kindness. A lie to yourself, it was a crime to Suguru you committed last night. However, let’s say you suddenly confess the truth of always wanting to be more to him and he accepts it. If you had then entertained the fantasy of being the one beside him when he grows old and starts to wear knitted sweaters (you would be the one to do), what would it entail? You picked at the scenario in a manner similar to a loose stitch on your pajama sweater, but you couldn’t find con in any of those of domestic scenarios, leading to a conclusion that had caught up finally since its emergence from middle school.
    You still liked Suguru—hell, even loved Suguru. 
   Probably would even marry him based on that knitting scenario.
 Your heart lays intertwined with the mere existence of him; how its threads pull to every word he whispers to you, how it beats to the rhythm of his own, how it yearns to even be closer than what it seems right. You could recall every detail about him if he asked randomly, like how Suguru stared at you for hope every time he’s at a game even if he told you he wasn’t worried in the previous 10 minutes before, preferred to keep his meals separated by food group, and even hated wearing fuzzy socks because they’re itchy to him.
 Somewhere inside you knew as well that Suguru would be able to tell you the small things about yourself. You two knew each other like you were the only people alive at this movement, and yet you have always forbid yourself from ever telling him what you truly felt about him even when opportunities have risen since the moment you first met in elementary. 
To bathe in the naivety of adolescence, dancing amidst the winds of the fleeting carelessness this world gifts all at this era of time, your youth used to cradle significant hope that he would ever realize how your heart longed for his own. To age however is to be punished with the inevitability of truth, and why you had soon learned to forbid mention of those sentiments was so you could save your dying pride if he had even mumbled words resembling the idea of rejection. No matter how many shojos you could read in spare time, whimsical they would only ever be to give you hope that Suguru would regard you as someone prettier than the girls he witnessed everyday. Nothing rather special you were even past the idea of beauty, even lacking possession of talent that would’ve made you stand out in this world. It was selfless, righteous almost of you to keep this tenderness encaged in the vacancy of your heart if he meant he would receive better than what you and this small town could offer. 
Yet you question why you still didn’t feel good when he told you that he had to reside with his father up north for a while when both of you were eleven. Nauseous you remember feeling when he didn’t smile as if he was merely joking about this, that you would actually be alone once more while he was gone. The tears you wept and wailed when you tried to pull on his arm to not let him enter that car, all went to waste that day. However while he had whispered to you he’ll call you everyday, you were still too young to understand life without him to be content enough even with that claim of his.
Somehow after years you still remembered what Suguru said to you when he arrived home eventually, climbing out of the cramped van his mom could only afford with the little support she had from her job at the nearby tailor shop. You weren’t the first he approached because of the distance you attempted to have, but you never forgot the tears that aligned with the tiredness of his soft eyes when you two made the slightest of contact, like he had been waiting his lifetime for the gods to reward him this moment. Many things happened during his absence and you were tempted to leave them in the dust known as silence for the thought he wouldn’t care, and yet somewhere you knew that he would carry their burden as his own if it meant it would relieve the heaviness of your heart; so, you decide to tell him, and he broke. 
The worst of you he accepted with no hesitation. No matter how many times you had told him to leave you, pushed him and had him waiting on nobody to come out of the door, he would be there. Perhaps it was guilt for all that happened during his disappearance, but he never seemed exhausted dealing with your stubbornness. Suguru cradled your flaws like they’re what to praise, leaving you to break into the comfort of his arms eventually when your anger had ultimately grown dormant. The warmth of his chest and the gentle rubbing motion of his contrasting rough hands on your freckled back telling you that he would take anything you throw at him, and that he’ll be here to sooth them when you’re ready to. 
Somewhere in your soul yelled the reemergence of feelings for Suguru during the first couple of years, but you decided to bury it like the frog you dissected in biology at the time, so it could be forgotten for the sake of this preservation of joy. From there, High School emerged to be greater than middle school, in which meeting new friends, working at the part time restaurant, sampling the tastiest of treats at the nearby corner shops led time to pass the both of you so swiftly in a mere blink of an eye. 
 Eighteen the both of you now were, though, searching universities to eventually do their exams for. The two of you had planned the same university, but inside you knew you would have to settle for less, for he to be greater than you even in the intelligence you once had great ego in. Suguru will be accepted, and he’ll be ripped apart from your fragile grasp once more like you were the preteens from seven years ago. You had wanted to forget the inevitable, but it lays its hands around your neck to steal breath when you try to find even the slightest solace you’ll be able to pass the eventual exam of entering the same university as him. Fleeting it was to search for chance, you usually stuck to basking in the joy you found from spending time with him. But even this morning it suffocates you despite him being right beside you. 
Delusion you called it when you used to twirl a strand of your hair along your finger, daydreaming the day that he acknowledges you as a girl. Now that it happened just last night, your body instead remains planted in horror of learning how to face the unrest of the unknown mystery from your grasp. 
 You let a quiet sigh take the place of the plethora of words you would’ve wished to exasperate to Suguru’s ears if he was awake, to perhaps communicate acknowledgment of what worries lies beneath your own skin. Picking gently at thread sewn cheaply on your sheets, you hum rhythmic melody to decide what you shall do next to decide this heartbreaking fate. Coward as you could be, to perhaps leave it to fate, to let whatever chance that exists guide you both into whatever you’re meant to be. Yet, that didn’t feel right for once. Inside your conscience, you realize guilt would be all you knew from there on if you had let the fate of your ignorant silence hold your peace. And you realize you don’t think you can live with yourself if bitterness of regret was all you could taste on the very tip of your tongue.  
 So with that, you decide to marry yourself to the foolish phenomena known as risk at this very moment instead, letting the fleeting sensation of freedom seep deep into every pore of your flesh so you could perhaps have a chance at the semblance of satisfaction without regret for once. In short, you were going to tell Suguru you loved him to get it off your chest once and for all. When he woke up of course. 
“ I know I’m hot but staring at me while I’m sleeping is a little creepy you have to admit.” 
Fuck he’s awake. 
 Forcing your head to swiftly turn to whatever you could lay sight on at the moment, ready to deny his accusations with a playful remark you’ll come up with in under a millisecond, he takes you by awful surprise when he slightly lifts up his (notably well built) body to yours, holding you in his grasp. 
“Come on, only guilty people hide themselves. Never seen an innocent person hide.”
“What are you thinking about then?”
“Nothing. Promise.”
 “Yeah because ‘nothing’ would be you tossing around in bed like some fucking maniac.” He comments, “So tell me, what really has you tryna hide something from me if you’re thinking about it this hard? You don’t seem to be so innocent, you know.” He teases, accompanying it with a singsong-like voice, intentionally grating your nerves (even if you have to admit he was right about you lying.)
“University. we’ll be separated soon, you know? guess i’ve been a little worried.” your lips whispered finally, murmuring almost, the gentleness in the strings of words you chose so light that the currents of wind and sea decide to spare you the everlasting burden of those worries in their amazement, letting him sustain them all instead. You roll your eyes at the thought of telling yourself before you would confess the truth of your fondness, and yet here you are now, bothering him with meaningless concerns instead. “I’m not even that amazing or whatever. I can’t catch up to you even if I study twenty four seven for those exams.”
Suguru lied in thought for a moment seemingly, only to conceal the two of you from the world swiftly with his hands dragging the blanket to lie on top of you both. being under the sheets together like children, you dared turn your body to witness his stare on yours. selfish, you would call him when he appeared in your gaze completely, for him to then lower his head merely centimeters close to your own, curling slowly into the emptiness near your neck to hear even the slightest of hitches of your breath. “what the hell are you doing?—” 
There you realized the situation, that you were under the sheets with him, like children again, heart to heart, only centimeters away. 
You realize eventually that maybe those concerns weren’t meaningless. Meaningful they would be before you have to decide whether or not to admit that you want to be his as long as he’ll take you. Maybe you’ll find a flaw to make an issue out of, so you wouldn’t have to tell Suguru your feelings by excusing your cowardice with denial. 
 “Come on, you don’t think I’m letting you grow apart again, right. Right? Tell me.” he muttered, sparing no sense of embarrassment when he stared directly at you. Suguru’s kind, and he’s not making you feel awful. It’s the bare minimum but your  lips start to tremble when you leap faith to dare admit truth in the fragility yet seclusion of this makeshift “home” from others. “Ru, us growing apart is bound to happen.” you could almost feel a lake forming along your water lines, “so many things I just haven’t told you cause I don’t want you to know my secrets before you have to leave again. What’s the use of knowing something about my life?”
 “If you go to the university, I know you’ll join the basketball team and become a rich engineer with a spot on the national team probably later on.”  “I have nothing. Nothing is waiting for me like crap is for you. Don’t you understand that?”
An uncomfortable silence laced your room at the moment, and you could tell both of you lacked a chance of  falling asleep again to the melody of the hummingbirds outside anytime soon until an answer was said. You decide to arise out of the bundle of fabric, resting your back on the wooden headboard, trembling to find somewhere to hide the recency of the puffiness surrounding  your eyes. Suguru follows soon after, inching closer once more to find the dip of your hips to pull you beside him. Movements like these never seemed to confuse you in the past but now they left you restless once more. 
 “Jesus it’s okay to cry—but come on. That’s not going to help make you feel any better.” He grumbled, ruffing your hair in the large palms of his hand. “You’re not going to suddenly end up fucked up after highschool.” Suguru flicks your forehead, “And I’m not going to just suddenly disappear, even when you think you might not get into that university.”
 “Don’t worry about things you know I’ll be there for. What’s the point of crying when things fix themselves? A uni doesn’t do shit anyways. You’ll find something more worth crying about eventually.” 
 Suguru’s voice attempts to stay brave in the face of your fears when he says this; however its fragility you can tell cracks when it forces his own terror urges to release  its ugly head. You can tell a part of him didn’t know the truth of it all, but he was willing to be dishonest if it meant you would even crack the slightest of a smile.  Man a being who lives his life full of righteousness in his veins with sureness in every word he calls out, he tries to make things right when he knows it has been wronged.  Suguru lives his life no different than who he is as this being, assuring you endlessly like he had eternity to spare if it meant your happiness would be guaranteed. Especially after his plenty of mistakes that had convinced you he would disappear again, he seemed to have precaution when it came to your worries. It makes you happy, admittedly, the thought of your existence being so persistent in his head that he bends over spine and sanity to give what your heart pleases. His values of truth and righteousness seemed to pale in value when it was your joy on the line, and the cynical pleasure of knowing that becomes obvious where you now have a lopsided grin on your face.
 “Guess someone’s believing me now since you’re smiling like an idiot now. I missed that smile, you know?” Suguru chuckles, pinching your cheek in his hand to ignite a somehow wider grin on you. “Very cute–” he closes his eyes, extending his sentence; “For an annoying ass motherfucker—”, he ends off, even cackling afterwards at the frown that quickly approaches your face afterwards.
 “Whatever.” You punched gently at his chest, resting your hands in your lap before your eyes strayed off to the nature outside your window, letting him catch his breath after his (not) humorous joke on you. He seemed to relieve your main concerns before confessing, so there shouldn't be anything left to prevent you from saying anything finally.  Your senses seem to heighten out of their fright though at the thought of doing so, and at its pinnacle you could almost hear every slight movement of the strawberry clock on the beige wall as if every click it made represented a skipping beat inside your running heart.  Soon, after a minute now passes by, you now decide  you’re going to wait for some form of sign to appear. Something to push you out of this standstill state. (Perhaps) Luckily for you though, amidst the golden and bitter caramel leaves of Autumn, a certain butterfly appears anew to seize your wandering sight with its cerulean hue, fluttering wings that behold their spectacular gradient of iridescent indigo. It seems to call out to you to speak this truth or you will be forced forever to hold an insincere notion of peace. In your very own nature all you knew was to be awfully rash, so you decide to listen to the creature's outcries to the end. Its presence plans to be the fragment of fate’s will for you to do this, so you enact it finally. 
“Geto Suguru, I like you.” 
His eyes widened, but his lips remained glue you think since you heard nothing after you shut your eyes to avoid having to see whatever face may appear. You’re not sure if the butterfly has left your side, yet you don’t seem to stop or stumble somehow, letting the flow of adrenaline take over you.
“I really really like you Suguru. And I'm not talking about a stupid school crush either—but I love you so much that I hope we’ll get married in a flower area in this shitty countryside—and I was being a pussy to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin whatever we had before university—” your hands start to bunch the bed sheets, “And if everything is so easy for you to understand and you can say that say you’ll be with me all of the time, is this really that surprising to hear?—” You had plans to continue on with this rant, but it’s clear he had different ones when he suddenly places his lips on yours.
Geto Suguru, your childhood best friend, was kissing you at this moment.
How the nerves contained inside your very veins freeze as if they were exposed to the harshness of the  autumn breeze outside; yet, they can’t resist leaning into the warmth of Suguru’s touch when his fingertips simply dance on your exposed skin. They leave crackles of sudden warmth almost when they move and make their way further down your waist, defrosting any nervousness hidden inside you. And with little to hold back, you continue to press the softness of your lips further into his, enjoying the delicate sensation of how they connect like they were puzzles in a set out of the million you desperately search for. When he kisses you, you realize Suguru seems to desperately try to continue apologizing for all of the tears and years he left you, the months and the days where he left you abandoned to what lies in the vastness of this world.  Suguru kisses you familiarly like you were his wife, and he has finally returned for the fourth lifetime you guys share so he can meet you and marry you. 
 All of this in the mere seconds he continued, to then simply pull apart after almost a minute or two it felt like.  He looks almost relieved for a moment, only for his brows to furrow as he jumps out of bed to find the beater of a tank top he left on your bed last night. Muttering from multiple curses stringing his rigids breaths, he forces on the baggy jeans he wore yesterday, only to tighten his leather belt a second later, leaving you no crevice of instant to even ask or stop him. 
To find meaning of this, shouldn’t it be obvious he had accepted whatever scraps of a confession you gave him? Why would have he kissed you if he hadn’t meant to say yes? Questions of those nature form inside your throat, and you knew you lacked maturity at 18 when you decided to lace the words with venom in the hurt you were bathed in, from the possibility he didn’t accept these feelings despite stealing your first kiss. Even your naivety proved itself true from the way the tears of your frustration started to swell within your water lines. But all of those things didn’t matter if you could only figure how everything suddenly went south as if suddenly your words don’t even matter anymore when he’s about to reach the golden knob of the wooden door. 
 “Wait so this means you like me? Come on, you kissed me back! At least tell me. You were so fucking ironic on making me tell you how I felt so at least tell me how you do.” You call, standing up to now chase after him before pulling on his arm. 
Suguru stops. 
He stands still for a moment, deciding to give you the decency of his direct attention. You should’ve been glad for that. But what he says afterwards, you wish he had spared you a saint’s mercy to leave you clueless. 
 “I don’t. I could never love you. Forget that kiss. It was a mistake. All it was.” He almost raises his voice when he says this, making sure every single fragment of your soul hears his regret in agreeing to whatever spell you had put him under at that moment.  Suguru loses the warmth he once had in his touch before he tugs away from your grasp once more, likely to escape to the  downstairs of your house. 
You knew it was no use to cry, how he wouldn’t magically accept your feelings even if you had a tantrum right there and then, but you couldn’t help but let droplets about a river's amount run down your cheeks. There was nothing left to say now clearly. No words in the immense vocabulary of the world to convince him to stay. Silence had carried itself to be all that the air contained now, leaving it to be heavy as you had anticipated to soon hear the sound of the door opening and closing from his departure. The silence cuts itself though when you hear Suguru whisper under shallow breath.
“Don’t cry over me you know, just, let’s pretend it didn’t happen. Please. Can’t bear to see you cry.” 
 A scoff releases amidst the chokes bunched in your throat at that statement, but your heart betrays you when your tears seem to dry to mist as his hand reaches to sooth the top of your heart. Its weight leaves after a blink, and then you hear a rushed sorry, the sound of the door closing follows it. 
 “Go. Go away.” You manage the guts to spit despite the lack of  his presence in this inhospitable space. With nothing else to do, you decide to see if your friends were somehow awake this morning to go bother, hurriedly throwing pillows to the ground in search for your almost dead phone most likely. You locate it finally, and you plan to call the two friends you knew were definitely up by the way they texted you and Suguru last night to come visit in the morning. 
Maybe they were expecting Suguru to come with you, but no way in hell. 
“Hey, Can I come over later? Before 10? Happy birthday by the way, Kana.” You say when they pick up the call, trying to clear the congestion in your chest to not make the breakdown you had a moment before so obvious. Kana. Your other best friend. Satoru, your very close friend. Surely both of them had space for you even before the agreed meet up time.
 And luckily for you, they did have space by the way their voices reach a pitch no like other to say of course you could. You’re quick to say thanks and end the call, collapsing to sit against the wall of this tiny bedroom. Kana’s birthday gifts remain stagnant on the shelves of your wall to remind you to take it when it leaves, but it serves to leave you in the agony of the misfortune that your first ever rejection came from her older brother. 
 How would you even tell Suguru’s sister and best friend that you tried telling him about your longtime crush? You would have to figure that out before nine o'clock, and with about thirty minutes to spare, you take the liberty to scream into the pillow with your back facing the ceiling for a good chunk of the time about it. Like a child you kicked and yelled to seemingly no end, possibly hoping that somewhere inside the wretchedness barely held behind the cages of your ribs, Suguru would hear this anguish you’re going through and finally tell you he was simply joking in the end; however, the room remains silent. 
 All that could ever have a hint of sound now came from the emerging fragments of your thoughts, how they attempt to consume woe to dare convince you that this was the right thing. for the better of it, of course. it couldn’t be you in the end if Suguru had desired success. Yet, somewhere inside the unfurling chaos in which you start to pick at the skin at the tips of your fingers, you start to sob once more. If he was doing the right thing, why was it hurting so much? 
Almost fifteen minutes later, gravity seems to have abandoned you when you force yourself  to rise from the wrinkled sheets you ruined and your knees can barely stand straight; however, your hurt forces you to find something decent to wear despite this fatigue, likely out of the consolation that “you didn’t need his validation anyways”. You then tie your sneakers as you stare out to gauge what weather you’ll curse (the one you realize you have dressed too thin for), and that’s when you witness a familiar presence from before. 
Because in your hurt, you somehow see the same butterfly from this morning flap its wings again, now taking haste to depart from the still it once occupied. 
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cevansbaby-dove · 3 months
I wouldn’t worry about those blogs.
The ringleader is a cuckoo and she repeatedly says she’s not a CE fan and is only into his characters. She says she doesn’t follow his life like that and only knows people who know him (lol) So pray tell, why are people even paying attention to her? she doesn’t like him! So why would she know anything about him? She doesn’t care about his career or projects and instead just focuses on how she can troll people into thinking a breakup is going to happen.
Here are some facts vs what Regina and her crew have been saying:
She claims he’s C list and nobody cares about him yet spends 24:7 talking about him and pretending she knows that he’s going to divorce soon.
He is A list. Has been for years. He is not on Ben affleck and Matt Damon level but that’s also because he doesn’t put himself in the spotlight like they do. The guy literally disappears and does like one or two interviews when he needs to. He doesn’t do big brand endorsements, he’s not at every award show, he’s not doing prestige films that get a lot of big press so of course the GP isn’t checking for him like that. But when he’s mentioned people do know his name and more so by his famous character. He was given back to back 200 million film deals (yes, those projects didn’t do as well as they could have, but his name was attached to it because he was AT that level.)
I would say he’s gotten less popular over the years because after endgame his popularity soared. What goes up must come down. This was never going to be forever. And that’s ok. He still is here and he still is working. He doesn’t have to be at the forefront of everything to be considered a famous person. He had his time, now it’s time for others to shine. But if he chooses, he can make a comeback. His remaining fanbase should hope for that. Instead of checking to see how many bots he’s lost.
Regina and her crew post how many followers he loses everyday. Those loss of followers are clearly bots. He doesn’t do anything specific to warrant steady losses of actual followers. It just means his team is not having him keep up appearances of gains as much as they did at one point. Also, pre AB era, CE’s engagement on SM was impressive. His rare selfie garnered Millions of likes and thousands of comments. His last few posts right before AB got multi millions of likes. His actual IG followers are a lot less than some of his old costars because he came to IG much later than most. He started late but he was actually getting a lot more than ppl with hundred million followers (the Rock) and others. People did genuinely like him for him. He’s lost some of that shine now but it doesn’t mean the public hates him. He’s not blacklisted from the industry (clearly - but some people were claiming this 🙄)
Regina and her crew like to say he’s got no acting chops and compare him to other actors saying he won’t get any roles that are good. So he needs to stick to rom coms. She’s full of shit. First of all, he’s done like one romcom in the last ten years. So no. He may be limited in what roles he gets because many people may still perceive him as a certain type of actor. His latest projects may start to change that. We will see.
Regina and her friends like to say there’s no engagement for him anymore and nobody cares except they alone spend all their free time posting think pieces about him. They very much still care because they are still here. So what does that say about them?
His “marriage” is not going to ruin his career but it probably has dampened his Internet bf persona significantly. But at his age, does it really make sense to still have boyband level fans? He’s going to hit mid 40s and still have teenage fangirls?
I feel like it’s better that he loses that Internet BF popularity and starts focusing on pivoting his career. It can be difficult but at least that has endurance and longevity potential. It’s just making sure that you do still maintain an audience that wants to see you and will come out to watch you in projects you do. That’s what he needs to worry about in terms of popularity.
What is hurting him now is projects not doing well and hurting his potential future offers. But if he starts to choose better projects he may see a resurgence.
His fanbase has significantly shrunk but TBH, that happens to many actors that were once popular and eventually just outgrow or get outgrown by their fan base. People move on. He still will have fans but they just won’t be as intense as the ones who will sit there fighting trolls for him on the internet. That’s the bed he has to lie in and it’s up to him and his team to decide how they can pivot from their current situation.
You seem like you are a good person and you want to root for him and stay positive. That’s a good energy to have and I think some other blogs could stand to learn from that. (Doubt it though)
I am 23 not a teen and i agree 100%
Posting about how many followers he's losing is nothing but mean they are laughing about him when he's becoming more and more less of "i love my fans" Kind of guy.
And As for me rotting for him HELL yes i will unless he does something Super bad I will keep being a fan of his.
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eagle-warri · 8 months
MAG XXX: Labyrinthine
(inspired by both @cherrifire’s Distortion!BigB and @mothofprophecy’s Distortion!Grian. And also the fact that Secret Life is basically a Spiral domain at this point)
tw: derealization, descriptions of glitching
[ARCHIVIST] Statement of G. Rian regarding a maze of doors. Statement given October 29, 20…that can’t be right. The statement says it was given 2023, that day hasn’t happened yet. It must’ve been a mistake, I’ll have to refile it. Statement begins.
[ARCHIVIST (statement)] Alright, first thing you need to know is that I am not the best guy sometimes, but I try! If I sometimes trap my friends in death games for fun, well, no one’s perfect. I see how you’re looking at me, they’re fine. Mostly. Don’t ask about Jimmy.
Anyways. I was running another game, but something was wrong. I wasn’t completely in control anymore, something…else had gotten in there. And not of my own design. Something not of blood and life and death, like the games always were, not of the binding strings and rot of Double or the ticking time of Lim or the hopping bloodlust of Last, but of color and twisting and lies. We had…they were called Secrets. Things we had to do or we suffered the consequences. And there was one player…
It was BigB. Don’t ask about a real name, only about half the players went by one, and he wasn’t one of them. But from the start his secrets were weird. First one I’m almost sure was hole-related, but he would not tell me, which I’m kind of annoyed about. But the second one…
I don’t even know what his secret was for, but he had some sort of labyrinth built, and he invited me in. I took it, obviously. But as I passed him, something was a bit off. Nothing was wrong looking right at him, but out of the corner of my eye I could have sworn that he was glitching. Like, he had this weird, colorful outline, and his fingers were too long. I didn’t think much of it. Probably should have, otherwise I wouldn’t be in here.
Anyways, I headed in, and figured that it was a maze thing, that I’d have to find my way out. Especially when I glanced back and realized the door wasn’t there anymore. I kept going, but it seemed like I was going in circles. The doors on the walls kept changing, colors and styles glitching. Eventually I tried just walking in one direction. Until I realized that I should have been past the world border. There should’ve…well what should’ve happened is that there was a wall, a border somewhere that you couldn’t go through. A pocket domain’s only so large, ya know? Suppose you do, given this place.
I kept going. Eventually I started running, checking every door I could. It only seemed to glitch more the more I was in there. It was as if whatever had trapped me in that place didn’t like me. And every so often, when I glanced back, I saw BigB. He seemed at home in the glitches, but so wrong at the same time. His limbs didn’t look right, his sweater glitching from blue to pink to purple. The curls in his hair only spiraled in and in and in and in, never seeming to stop.
I found the one door that wasn’t glitching. It seemed normal, your typical birch door that seemed stark against the dissolving hallway around me. I grabbed for it and went through it and…
I woke up on the ground, looking up at BigB. He looked…normal. It was a stark contrast from the glitching mess that had been in the maze. He helped me up, saying I’d passed out in there, that he’d dragged me out. He shrugged before waving a goodbye as I walked up the stairs that spiraled up to ground level. 
As I left, I thought to check my secret. It said to move some doors around people’s bases, and I did! Twice as many as I needed to, actually. And I built this confusing base thing, basically all stairs.
I never realized how much fun it was to confuse people like that.
[ARCHIVIST] Statement ends. There’s…a lot to unpack here. That Jimmy he mentioned…I’m pretty sure we have an End statement by a Jimmy that refers to a “G” a couple of times. But the other things. Mr. Rian seems like a dangerous Avatar. It seems less like he belongs to someone specific, and more to a fear, something game and death and blood and control. Adding being Spiral-touched to that can’t be good for anyone. Hell, it seems like he’s halfway to being an Archivist himself, if he wasn’t so tied to Web.
That BigB he mentioned confuses me too. He doesn’t match the description of Michael or Helen, but he’s obviously a Distortion. The doors make that obvious enough. Maybe this thing really is from that date. Or maybe it’s not, and the Spiral is just messing with me.
Not really that much to follow up on here, unless I want someone to end up in his…what did he call it? “Pocket Domain?”
Whatever that is, it sounds worrying. For now, I’ll only hope that none of us cross G’s path.
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peste-bubonica · 1 year
Hehehohohaha I have been thinking have a thing
(Corpse Spouse) Eclipse probably would've put a bounty for your safe return. When he can't find you, might as well dangle money so you get betrayed for greed, right? Well when you return to the town to get your things you're caught by a group of guys. You're obviously not going quiet so you're given...reminders to behave. One results in a nasty knock to the head.
Eclipse sees you and while joyful he notices quickly you seem...off. You don't look at him with distain, in fact you don't give him any emotion. You just seem so confused. And red and sore. Unfocused. Perhaps it's from where you were hiding? He still feels off about it. He sends your parents away with you and takes the group that found you away to pay them.
He tells them while you were found safe you weren't quite sound so they'll get half of what he offered. Still a good amount of money but yeah. He disappears behind the corner...and listens.
And in their complaining he finds out why you seemed so off.
How dare they hurt you. Sure you were kicking off, but to hurt you? To leave marks that would no doubt bruise?! He's furious. Raving mad. He's smoking at the mere thought. He had to accept people had to put their hands on you to grab you, but hurt you? He's enraged.
He returns with a line. Oh dear it seems his optics are acting up. Can they check to see if he has their right amount? Good old human greed.
Closer then that. Closer. Closer. Closer.
Too close.
The morning comes and there's a doctor waiting to check you over. Indeed those men caused some bruising. Took that money and ran, you know? Didn't even say goodbye to their families. But what does that matter now? Eclipse needs a new suit for his wedding! His one is very burnt...and weirdly very stained.
Yes!!! This is great.
Eclipse would absolutely pay to have you brought to him, for a lot of reasons: 1) just another way for him to show you his power, 2) it’s, in a way, more effective and easier for people your size to search for you, and 3) it’s another way to show you that you’re not safe; that at any given time people will betray you for the right price, family or otherwise.
Truly, that hit gave you a break. Unfocused, a bit light-headed, why did you even leave? You missed your family, and Eclipse wasn’t as insufferable, maybe you’ll stay. You felt… happy. A bit dazed, sure, but you were fine!
So they hit you? Another reason for Eclipse to hate humans. How dare they?! Those lowlife pests didn’t deserve to live. ‘He didn’t tell them that making you compliant was off-limits’?! He shouldn’t have had to! Everyone knows that you’re off-limits, in every sense of the word.
Next you see Eclipse, something changed, and tell him as such. ‘Your face looks different. It looks new.’ ‘I hadn’t seen that suit before; looks nice.’ ‘Your eyes look like fire, and you are really warm. Are you all right?’ ‘It’s one of the faceplates you made. This occasion demands perfection.’ ‘Ordered it custom for now. I’m glad you like it.’ ‘It’s simply my delight of having you back showing.’
Ok ok, but imagine… y/n gets slight memory loss from the hit.
Eclipse… you know him; it’s a familiar name, as familiar as your own mother’s and father’s, so he must be someone close, right? Wait… he’s your husband?!
You… he… you don’t remember, but you are told it was a happy marriage, before you were… kidnapped. That means you should love him, then. you don’t feel anything for him, except maybe apprehension.
You remember two other; your kidnappers Eclipse tells you. You don’t remember their names, nor their actions; you remember their face, though. So similar to Eclipse, yet at the same time not alike. you don’t forget Eclipse’s face when you tell him; you make sure to not mention them again.
All in all, you suppose you’re content, though you can’t ignore the shadows of doubt that lurk in the darkest part of your mind when Eclipse holds you, or when your parents tell you things you should remember. why does everything feel wrong?
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derelictheretic · 1 year
Wips be upon ye again
I was tagged by @clicheantagonist @adelaidedrubman @socially-awkward-skeleton @unholymilf @strafethesesinners @aceghosts and @detectivelokis to share a wip!! Thank you beloveds 🥺💕
Tagging @viktor-sinclaire @baldurrs @deputyash @fadedjacket @florbelles @ishwaris @jinfromyarikawa @locustandwildhoney @redreart @shellibisshe @wewillryesagain @bl-beater @jollybone @trashcatsnark @afarcry5fromstraight @bluemojave @shellibisshe
My creative juices have been flowin so I got a whole three things to show off uvu
First Lola wip 👀 (I have half given up on this because I'm not confident in Lola's dialogue/mannerisms yet but it's also cute so who knows)
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"I heard we had a newbie!" A boisterous voice sings from the left and the three turn to the doorway of the breakroom, a blonde with pink dyed tips bounds into the room with more energy than anyone else in the whole building had combined. A plastic container in her hands as she shoves past Staci and Joey to stand in front of Dean. Her grey eyes are bright and her pierced smile is breathtaking and infectious. She clutches the container to her chest with one hand and grabs Deans with the other, shaking it enthusiastically as she all but bounces in place.
"Nice to meet'cha rookie, names Lola! You can call me Darling or Your Majesty if you're feeling cute though."
Dean can't help but grin as both Staci and Joey sigh, the high energy from the woman now opening the container a nice change of pace from his slow and dull first week in the county.
"Nice to meet you, my name's–"
"Dean Sinclaire! Australian, twenty five, single, youngest of three kids, no criminal record and owner of a really shitty Jeep wrangler. I'll forgive you for the car because you were playing some bangin' tunes but you're on thin ice—Cupcake?" Lola holds out the container with a cheery smile and Deans tries not to look shaken as he reaches in and takes out a pink frosted cupcake. He knew his file would have some information on him but he had no idea who would have access to it, and he wasn't expecting anyone to list it all off in the middle of the office. Not that any of what she'd said was much of a secret, it was just unexpected.
"Tone it down Darling you're gonna freak him out—she does the background checks on newbies don't overthink it," Joey sighs, shaking her head and offering Dean a reassuring smile. He nods gently and decides to shake it off and take a bite of the cupcake and damn it was a good cupcake. Really good.
"Yeah, yeah i'm the only one tech savvy enough to do 'em, anyway interesting socials you got, don't really scream enforcer of the law if you know what I mean. Why're you here?" Lola takes a bite of a cupcake herself, watching Dean with an intense yet non-judgemental gaze that leaves him feeling unsteady. He swallows the piece of cupcake in his mouth and glances between the three deputies now staring him down, Joey and Staci seeming to want to hear his answer as well.
"Uh… I don't know how to say it without sounding cliché—I just want to help people." He offers sheepishly, suddenly having a hard time keeping eye contact.
"Plenty of other jobs that help people though, why'd you go this route? Is it the gun, it's okay if it's the gun I know you guys don't really get those easy down under." Lola raises the hand holding the cupcake to her mouth, her tone growing hushed in a conspiratorial manner as she offers a squinted, pursed lipped look his way.
"Hah—no, it's not the gun, I'm hoping I don't have to use it if i'm honest but uhm… I don't know it just, ended up this way I guess?" He shrugs gently, not prepared for this line of questioning. Which really he probably should have saw it coming, it's not like it was the one question in every cop movie ever or anything.
Lola nods slowly, humming as if she were dissecting his words in her head, ripping them apart.
"Better reason than Pratt's that's for sure, you'll do fine here. It's slow most days, holidays it tends to get a bit crazy but we'll look out for you." Joey offers another reassuring smile, matched with a welcoming pat to his shoulder. Staci scoffs under his breath, Joey quickly glaring at him to stop any complaints he had from surfacing verbally. Dean can't help but admire the interaction, it seemed like they had a good friendship—maybe in time he'd be sharing similar moments with them as a new guy walked in the door. It was a nice thought.
"You're getting paired up with me so obviously you'll be more than fine," Lola places a hand on Dean's other shoulder and he catches sight of her black acrylic nails, pink hearts dotted along them, "You're like my baby duckling now and if anyone fucks with my baby duckling I'll fuck them up with my car." Her happy tone turns serious in the blink of an eye, sincerity in every syllable and a promise that she meant it in her gaze. Oddly Dean finds the sentiment comforting instead of alarming, it was nice knowing he'd have someone so intent on having his back.
"I'm—Thank you, Lola." He smiles and she shoots a grin back, her vampire smiley piercings gleaming in the office light. She pats his cheek before stepping back and placing an extra cupcake on his desk. 'For later,' she mouths at him, pointing at it as if the other two with them couldn't see exactly what she was doing. As she's closing the plastic container the older deputy Dean had seen sitting at the front desk walks through the doors and Lola lets out an excited squeal, bounding up to the woman with glee.
"Nancy, my baby duckling is here! He doesn't have an accent but he's got the cutest little nose, do we have his uniform yet I wanna show him off—show him the ropes. I'm going to show him the ropes." Lola excitedly buzzes to the older woman, tacking on the last sentence as Sheriff Earl Whitehorse walks in behind her. Dean has to stop himself from laughing as she straightens her poster and blinks owlishly at their sheriff.
Earl shakes his head lightly as she shoots him a less than bashful grin. She tries to offer him a cupcake but he raises a brow at her and she pouts in response, mumbling something about being unappreciated as she walks off with Nancy back to what Dean could only assume was the break room.
And !! More of the jacob/dean fic from the last wip day, I know, me working on the same wip consistently? Shocking
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"What did he do to you Rook?" 
Staci's voice feels distant, but Dean knows he's standing in front of the cage—clinging to the bars and probably looking down on him with the same dismay in the others' faces. Their resilient resistance leader was quiet, small, tired. 
"Fuck, your leg—"
They were all scared, Staci was scared. Dean wanted to reassure him, wipe his eyes and tell him he was still getting them out of here. 
"I–I'll get you some bandages, hold on."
But his mind just wanted to rest, shove down every memory of ginger hair and humid nights and stupid towns and stupid dreams and stupid wishes—He wanted to rip it to shreds and destroy every trace that said that motherfucker had ever been something to him. So he laid there on the ground and he stayed quiet. He tried to scrub the images behind his eyelids away, and tried to spit that name out of his mouth. Tried to rip that feeling out of his stupid heart.
Maybe if he was lucky he'd bleed out right now and steal the satisfaction of watching him continue to struggle through Jacob's trials. He could just see the hissy fit he'd throw, tables thrown and paper flying through the air as he cast blame onto whichever chosen shot him. Wouldn't that be funny?
I have a lot of art wips so uhh, peggie!dean and Jacob chillin' while Jo gives a sermon. Giving peggie!dean an alt look entirely based on a cosplay I did and i'm not sorry
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whatwouldmickeydo · 2 years
I wrote this random thing sometime after season 10 aired and had planned to make it a part of something bigger but never actually got around to it.
Takes place after Ian’s release in 10x5 and before Mickey’s release in 10x6.
He’s on hour ten of a 14 hour shift, waiting in line for some desperately needed coffee while on break, the other two paramedics waiting impatiently in the rig outside. At least Paula hasn’t stopped them from having this little bit of joy yet. She’ll probably start back charging them for breaks too before long.
And then that’ll be when I finally fucking quit. Except not because he needs the damn money.
The lady at the front seems to be attempting to win a medal for how much shit she can fit in one cup of coffee. Who the fuck even mixes peppermint with caramel?
He’s glancing around the shop when his eyes lock onto another pair staring straight at him. Ian recognizes him slightly, seen him here a few times when he comes in to grab coffee for a long shift. One of those guys who never seem to specify what exactly they do for work but somehow always have a laptop open doing something.
He’s good looking, there’s no denying that – tan skin, tight shirt, slick backed blonde hair, artsy tattoos wrapping around his biceps. Not the right kind of tattoos though. Ian offers a friendly nod in his direction, gets a heat filled leer and a grin back. He knows the look, seen it enough times from his days at the club. Hell, he’s given that look to plenty of guys himself.
Ian’s finally next in line so he drops the gaze and steps up to the counter, quickly placing an order for three coffees to go.
He’s standing off to the side waiting for them to call his name when he hears a throat clear next to him, looking over to see the guy walking up to him with a friendly smile on his face.
“Hi there. Name’s Jackson. You work around here?” Ian turns to address him, slightly caught off guard at being approached so quickly.
“Hey. Uh, the rig out there is mine,” he says, gesturing out the window to the ambulance parked out front where his two other coworkers are standing outside, one of them tapping frantically at his watch.
Jackson turns to look, nodding in recognition. “Yeah, I’ve seen you come in a few times, there some medical crisis happening around here I should know about?” he says with a rakish smile, not hiding the way he’s clearly checking out Ian, eyes lingering on his lower body.
Ian flushes slightly, skin prickling at the obvious attention. He laughs lightly, scratching the back of his head. “No, nothing like that. This coffee shop is pretty close to our route and the two out there are actual coffee snobs who won’t drink shit from Starbucks.”
Jackson laughs, a little too loudly for a joke Ian thinks isn’t all that funny.
“It’s a pretty nice neighborhood, actually. Lots of cool bars and places to hang out. I could show you around sometime if you want,” he offers, and Ian thinks he finally understands what the phrase ‘batting your eyelashes’ means.
Ian glances at him quickly, trying not to make too much eye contact. “Uh, sorry dude… I’m uh… taken. I’ve got someone.” He flushes, heat spreading through his body at his own words. Because he is. Taken. He belongs to someone.
He doesn’t think a simple sentence like I’ve got someone should be having this much of an effect on him, but he can’t help it. Mickey is his and he told him he’d wait. It’s different than the last time, when they were separated by glass and prison guards, when he had lied to his face and spiraled out into madness. They’re both so different now, it’s hard to fit those parts of his life together with his life now.
“He’s a lucky guy then. If you’re both ever looking for a good time, hit me up,” Jackson offers with an easy smile and a wink, clearly not put off by the mention of someone else. He slides a piece of paper across the counter with what Ian can only assume is his phone number. He doesn’t make an effort to take it, because he already knows the answer.
Mickey doesn’t share.
And neither does he.
A sliver of want flashes through him, images of Mickey’s shit-eating grin shining bright behind his eyes, picturing that tongue curling around his teeth when he’s feeling particularly smug. God, he misses him.
He snaps out of his daydream when he hears his name being called for his order, nodding politely at Jackson before heading up to grab the coffees.
“No thanks man, we’re good.”
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Twilight Syndrome Murder Case - Guy C
[Part 1]
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So... given Twilight Syndrome Murder Case was in the game - I am curious of what everyone else else was doing; I know that girl A was Mikan, girl B was Hiyoko, girl C was Ibuki, girl D was Mahiru, girl E was Hatomi and guy F was Fuyuhiko...
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Yeah I... did recall seeing those names pop up but I'm not sure what everyone else was doing at the time but I'll give you my account of what I was doing...
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On July 8th... I did remember talking with Yukio and Kei about Nagito's status after his suicide attempt...
Date: July 8th, 2011
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Wait hold on are you saying that Nagito is going to leave the hospital?!
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Indeed... seems that after checking his mental health; he was free to go, so I'm going to check him over and sign him out.
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So by July 11th, he should be able to return back to us...
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That's... good to hear, honestly I was worried about him but at least he'll be okay, so what about you Yukio; you going with Byakuya?
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O-Oh uh, actually I sadly can't... you see, me and Peko are going to go on a date tonight...
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Oooh, talk about lucky for you; Mr. Miyahira, you surely got yourself a good catch...
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Hey if you can confirm if her panties are black for me if you do.
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Wh-What?! Hold on a moment, don't think we are going to that stage in the relationship just yet!
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And besides, it's only just one date... I'm not even sure if it's going to work out or not.
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Exactly, Teruteru... let's not tease him as he does seem nervous...
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Right... that is fair...
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Still... have fun, Yukio...
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Thanks, see ya then... *walks away*
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Well... I better head off too, gotta prepare for exams.
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I got a dish in mind and I think the judges are gonna love it!
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Well I'm sure whatever your going to make will impress the judges very well; see you later.
*As Imposter leaves, Teruteru takes his leave too and heads for the cafeteria which he comes across a sight*
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Hey Sayaka, did you... give me this note?
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Huh? A note...? I don't think so... can you let me see it?
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*gives her the piece of paper* It was on my desk and had your name on it so I figure I give it to you to confirm it.
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'Dear Yokoyoko, I want to meet you as the music room after school to talk about something, please come alone. From Sayaka.'
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Whoa, that's... really weird, hey Sayaka you wrote this? It sounds like a crappy love confession.
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Well I surely wouldn't confess like this, I would of written a song about it if I were to confess to someone...
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So no... Sorry Yokoyoko, I didn't write this if asking; sorry if you got confused.
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Nah... it's okay, probably someone wanted to mess with me, I'll just throw it away; honestly this sounded way too weird especially as the music room is being use during the exams. Honestly if they wanted to confess, pick a better spot.
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Hehe, well I hope this helps you - anyway, I'm going to do some exercising in the training room; excuse me.
*Sayaka walks out of the room until Makoto look at Yokoyoko*
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Okay... now that she's gone, is everyone in your class coming to this party or not?
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Yeah, I mean seriously we need to make you all are good to go.
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bruggle · 4 months
Bleh more drabbles
"With all due respect, mister...?" the woman looked expectantly at him. "Just X is fine," he said curtly. She nodded. "Right. With all due respect, X, your services are no longer required," the woman said. "We appreciate the help, but this has long since moved past any sort of Maverick business."
X regarded her for a second. "It is my understanding that minors should have some sort of guardianship present for any sort of legalities," he said. "Last I checked, her case worker and previous foster parents are in an entirely different state." The woman made a sigh of frustration. "We are well aware," she huffed. "But we have alerted them to her whereabouts, so again, your services are no longer necessary."
"Until they are physically present, I am not leaving," X maintained. The woman rolled her eyes. "Surely you have something better to do," she insisted. "Perhaps saving another city from a Maverick outbreak?" Ah. So that's what it was. He had been wondering why this woman had such a chip on her shoulder. "If I were needed, I would be called," X said. "As such, until Ms. Longsdale's guardians arrive I will remain right here." The woman simply chose to glare at him.
"You'll have to throw higher than that," Brook called, a bored tone to her voice. "Shut up, you bitch!" yelled the jock, she couldn't remember his name. Brook rolled her eyes. Although, she was suprised he hadn't given up yet. Seventeen rocks, all falling short of her perch up in the tree, and he was still at it.
"Let me have a go," said one of his friends. Again, Brook couldn't remember his name. "You a baseball player?" she called down. "Bitch, I might be," he snapped. She grinned, "Have at it then," Brook snarked. She watched as he brought the hand holding the rock back, and then he threw it.
And Brook felt a sharp pain right above her left eye.
Well, that stung.
"Take that, you stuck up shit!" the boy jeered, as all his friends clapped him on the back. Brook looked back down at them, her head at an angle so the blood wouldn't get into her eye. Yeah, that had definitely given them a lot of confidence, the assholes. She smirked. "Alright boys," she said. "Playtime's over."
She then launched herself right on top of the boy that had succeeded in hitting her with a rock.
Brook sighed as she sank in the chair right outside the principals office. She knew it had been a bad idea to instigate those boys into a fight, yet she made a point to do so anyway. Now X was here, and that was garnering more attention that she had been trying to avoid. At least she made it to the end of the day.
The sound of the door opening made her freeze. Brook glanced out of the corner of her eye to see X looking disappointedly at her. That was probably the worst part of it all. She really hadn't wanted to be a problem. He sighed, "You need to put pressure on that," X said, pointing to the wound on her forehead. It was still bleeding, she hadn't realized the guy had gotten her that good. In lieu of answering, Brook just used the cloth she had been given by the school nurse to try and staunch the bleeding.
X was quiet for a minute. "What were you thinking?" he finally asked. Brook didn't answer him, which made him sigh again. "Come on," he placed a hand on her shoulder and lead her out of the building. As much as he wanted to yell at her right then and there, X knew causing a scene would just make it worse. As they left the office, the secretary gave him a sympathetic look.
"I think they'd be proud of you," X said quietly. Brook shook her head, "I can't believe that," she replied. He gave her a concerned look, "Why do you think that?" he asked. Brook heaved a sigh, softly shaking her head and refused to look at him. "I've been... I've been so angry" she confessed. "They wouldn't have wanted that for me. But I just... I kept taking it out on everyone. Especially you."
X was quiet for a minute. "You have been," he agreed. "But you've also been through a lot. And you haven't given yourself the chance to truly grieve. But I also know you don't want to stay that way." Brook refused to meet his eyes, and he could hear her take that deep, sniffling breath that signaled tears. His gaze softened. "It's going to take time," he reminded her. "And that's alright. Take all the time you need. I'm here for you."
"You shouldn't be," she whispered. "I've been awful." X sighed. "I figured you would be," he gently teased. "But anything worth doing is going to be hard. And taking care of you has been one of the most worthwhile things I've done in a long time." Brook finally looked at him. "How?" she demanded. "How have I been anything other than a worthless problem?"
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
Falling Away With You | Ch. 28*
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: Y/n discovers that her first non-passive magical ability is... clairvoyance. 👀
Enjoy and take care x
Author’s Note: n/a
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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It’s the first day of autumn, and it’s fucking raining. Like, pouring so hard that if I were to even try to farm in this, I’d probably wind up drowning the plants before they’ve sprouted from their seeds… 
If that’s how plants work? I’m still new to this, leave me alone.
I didn’t rest well, given the contents of the first dream to plague my sleep Yoba help me so I guess it works out. 
Knowing Seb’s gonna be busy with work today, and that he probably isn’t awake yet, I send him a good morning text. A little, “I love you, don’t fuck up your codes, remember to drink water specifically and eat, have a nice day!!” sorta deal.
After a long, hot shower, I brew some coffee, make breakfast, and eat it with Cannoli snuggled in my lap. Hearing something other than droplets patter outside my door — probably Joja litter blowing around in the rain, if I had to guess — reminds me to check the mailbox before I get too lazy. So, after finishing my food, I reluctantly get changed into something warmer. 
Might as well look cute, just in case I need to go into town or something. Despite the weather, it’s early enough in the season that it’s not quite cold yet, so I’ve decided to wear a skirt. I’ll go with… a black one, today! I pair it with a big red jumper and white thigh highs. My black boots and jacket will pull it all together more for sure. 
Deciding to just fix up my hair and face after grabbing the mail, I toss the last pieces of my outfit together and head outside. 
The air is a perfect mix between chilly and comfortable, and the rain mixing with crisp air and wet soil has created an eerie fog around the land. Smells nice, too. I’m so fucking happy it isn’t summer anymore. When I finally stop basking in how lovely today’s ~ambience~ is, I make my way towards the mailbox. 
There’s only one note in it, aside from the newspaper. Before even reading the envelope, something tells me it’s from Magnus. He always has the prettiest stationary — sometimes a deep blue coated in stars, other times a royal purple with gold flecks pressed into the paper.  This envelope is a deep red with silver and gold embellishments. So extra… so elegant. Couldn’t be me.
Hugging the fragile cargo under my jacket, I jog back indoors. After removing my wet shoes and coat, I seat myself on the ground next to Mr. Cannoli, before eagerly opening up my mail. 
After reading, I conclude that it was probably Magnus who was making that noise outside earlier – he wants me to come over today if I can, having predicted that I won’t be farming in conditions like this. 
But… god, it’s gonna be weird going there after the dream I had. Should I?
I sigh, and quietly consult the cat of wisdom. “What do you think, Old Master Cannoli?” Whoa. Haven’t used this guy’s full name in a while!
He trills at me. 
I groan, being all too loyal to my headcanon that any noise in response to my questions is that of encouragement. 
I mean… it’s not like Magnus knows about the dream, y’know? All I have to do is not think too loudly — however the fuck that works — and we’ll be good. Right? 
Cool! I got this!
A quick blow out and some light coats of waterproof mascara later, I’m out the door. 
When I arrive at Magnus’ tower, I let myself in. I’m assuming he’s busy, considering he didn’t intrude on my brain when I got close, and he’s reassured me before that I can just… go inside whenever I want, as long as he’s home. I’m sure he won’t mind.
I wipe down my boots on his doormat before removing them, then remove my hood and hang up my jacket on the prongs next to the entrance. Focused on making sure my skirt isn’t riding up or sticking anywhere weird from the rain and wind, I don’t actually look forward until I’m at the entryway to the main room. 
When I do shift my vision, Magnus is surrounded by Junimos in the center of his spell circle: all of them speaking over each other, bouncing off his limbs, trying to compete for his attention. In the center, his bright red eyes are blazing with annoyance. 
“Release yourselves at once!” he growls. 
“Razmatasmodiums!” A small pink junimo exclaims, hanging off of his sleeve with their tiny, twig-like arms and kicking their puny little feet around. Another one, hopping in place and using Magnus’ leg to propel themself into various flips, is laughing with glee. A similarly sized red junimo exclaims “Magic! Magink wisard!” as they wave their arms, trying to be noticed.
…I’m gonna throw up.
I inch closer. Quietly. Cautiously. 
This is… just a weird coincidence, yeah?
“M-Magnus?” I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear me over the junimos’ ruckus.
“Ah!” He gasps, his eyes somewhere between red and pink now, as a similar tint consumes his gray complexion as well. “I’m— agh, will you quit it?!”  He tries to explain the situation to me as his eyes are swallowed by scarlet again, continuing to be cut off by his little elemental friends. “Sto– confound it, you- Fucking hell…!” He sighs. “(Y/n), would you be so kind as to retrieve that book on the ground? Please.”
Is this some kind of sick joke?
In awe, I pick up the book, and my eyes scan the page as he instructs me on what to read. I find it before he can even finish talking. It’s the same spell I read for him in my dream. 
As I abide, the chirping of junimos fills the room, and suddenly, all but one are gone. The remaining junimo looks how you’d imagine an animated wild plum to appear. 
Magnus kneels down, and the junimo happily jumps into his outstretched hand. 
In a trance, his murmurs to the small creature fade from my ears. I slowly return the book back to its spot, and when I return, I opt for the opposite side of Magnus, nearer to the wall. He places the junimo back down, asking them to tell us more of their background.
I nod along, acting like I’m fine, but I want to fucking scream. 
Since arriving, every single thing aside from a few tweaks on my end parallels what I’d dreamt of last night. Right down to the junimo’s story, word for word. 
I have to be asleep. This is a new recurring dream. There’s no way this is actually happening, right?
“I merely wanted to commune with the little sprites…” Static noise fills my brain as Magnus finishes his spiel.
Unable to bring myself to respond, I nod.
“Now, seeing as that’s all taken care of…” 
Magnus inches towards me until I’m backed against the wooden low trim of the wall. Both of his large arms extend outward, his palms flat against the stones above my shoulders as he effectively traps me in place. 
I’m dumbfounded by the intimate proximity. A piece of me wants to tear my widened eyes from his, now a deep, syrupy red. But I feel delectably small below his gaze, and quite frankly can’t bring myself to move even though I absolutely should. I want to run — to get as far from here as possible before I embarrass myself and put my relationship on the line — but something is keeping me glued in place.
He finally continues, “Tell me the truth, (y/n). Were you tempted to laugh?”
Nervous and hesitant, I smile, a giggle exhaling its way out. Can’t help it. It was quite a sight to see, even if it wasn’t my first time. Unable to lie, my answer comes out more hushed than intended. 
“Yeah, I was.”
I nervously gnaw my lip as Magnus sighs and rolls his eyes. He laughs, and a chill runs down my spine as I feel his breath on my face. 
“I suppose it was quite funny… nonetheless, no one hears of this,” he murmurs, a frustrated rasp adding depth to his already low voice. 
I slowly nod, gaze planted into his. My head feels swimmy, like I’m locked into a hypnosis. “My lips are sealed.”
His eyes flicker down to my mouth, as if taking the phrase literally. They linger as he wets his own lips, seemingly tempted by the close quarters. Fuck, he has nice lips. Those stupid, smooth lips. They curl into a devilish grin before Magnus speaks again, and my cheeks feel hot as coal while my core fills with a familiar warmth.
“While I appreciate your honesty, I ought to punish you.” 
Oh god.
“Indeed. You should know not to poke fun at such significant affairs.”
There’s no way it’ll be the same “punishment”… no way in hell. 
“How would you do it?” I tentatively ask, fiddling with the collar of my sweater in both hands. As I do so, my fear — which seemed to have dwindled a bit — escalates again. 
This is the same sweater I wore in the dream.
In fact, my entire goddamn outfit is the same. I hadn’t even noticed that while getting dressed.
Smirking, Magnus leans down a full, like, almost two feet or whatever the fuck it is to reach my ear, and mutters a quiet incantation against my lobe.
The same spell from my dream.
While I, unfortunately, was just feeling the same feelings from my dream because I’m a stupid insatiable moron who can’t not get frazzled in such an intimate position, nor can I stop thinking about that fucking dream.
“No…” I mouth silently to myself, just as he finishes cursing me.
Everything continues to play out just as that stupid fucking dream had it. 
He walks away chuckling.  
My chest heaves. 
My lungs, head, and pussy ache. 
I’ve never had in-depth sexual thoughts about Magnus aside from in that stupid dumb ridiculous fucking dream, but here I am, thinking of all the ways that he could fuck me. 
All the ways I want him to fuck me… all the ways I can take his coc–
Eyes wide, I recite myself. Another way of confirming this is really happening.
“W-what did you do?” I ask. It comes out airy and whiny. “Magnus, what the fuck is this?”
“Punishment fit for a naughty apprentice, of course.”
Oh my fucking god, no.
Rather than trying to quench my “thirst” with water like my dumbass self did clairvoyantly, I make way for the cauldron. I can’t safely get any closer to him than this but I need his attention before anything else happens.
“Magnus,” I accidentally whine. His head whips around, his cheeks dusted pink, probably at the way I said his name if I had to guess. “You need to undo this, r-right fucking now.”
He begins to approach me. I almost stride towards him as well. Wanna touch him–
I back away, shaking my head. My hands’re curled beneath my sleeves as I shake them too, out in front of my body, signaling him to stop moving. 
“M-Mag–” Mother of god, he is so hard to resist. “Do not go near me, please jus’ undo th’spell.” 
Just like in the dream, my speech is rapidly becoming impaired. The only sounds my vocal cords want to produce are moans.
I nearly raised my voice at him a bit and I’m frantic and I feel terrible for acting this way, but at the same time, this is urgent. Can’t afford for it to go on as long as it did during that dream because I will break and if real life were to play out anything like the dream then it would end in Magnus fingerbanging me and then us doing god knows what else.
Hands on my hips and beginning to pace, I breathe out deeply. It sounds like a moan, as far as I can tell. There’s no trusting my judgment with such foggy hearing, albeit I can definitely make out the intrigued hum coming from the wizard nearby—
“Well,” Magnus thankfully stops in his tracks, before saying his piece:
“The only way to stop it is with a reversal spell, conducted by the enchanter…” he motions at himself. “Or, to obtain whatever it is you desire so greatly.” He motions at me.
“Please,” I slur, shaking my head, “Jus’ reverse it.” I pause to curse under my breath, running two vibrating hands through my hair. “Please.”
Taking one step closer, as I take one step back, Magnus speaks with furrowed brows. Almost amusedly. “Most in your position would go running to retrieve the end to their suffering,” he says softly. Knowingly.
I wonder if he’s actually that condescendingly cheeky during–
Before he can say the next line from the dream, I nearly shout, “M’serious, please!”
Flustered tears are now lightly streaming down my face as I force myself to look into his eyes, that have been shifting in color too often for me to pinpoint what he feels.
Eyes that could easily destroy me right now, with a single dark-red glimpse.
Orbs I could gaze into while they look down at me through musky lenses and an absolutely sinful grin.
Eyes that would scan me with incomparable lust while we’re tangled on the purple and red sofa downstairs as he fucks me senseless, a stark contrast to his hands gently worshiping my body… Softly stroking my hair and telling me how good I’m taking him as I writhe against his—
Oh god, I didn’t need to close my eyes to envision all that this time. 
This is sooo bad!
Seemingly none the wiser, Magnus continues to examine me. He sighs, concern plastered on his features. He’s doing his best to remain calm around someone who is clearly losing their entire mind. Gotta give him props for that.
“In order to reverse it, I need to know what it is you want so desperately.”
I groan into my hands. “S’this a fucking fill-in-th’blank exam? Are ya kidding?!” I strain out. 
Magnus’ deliciously low laugh sends a shock to my core. I wince through a light moan, triggered by nothing more than his sound. Pressing my back against the counter near the sink and clutching the wood, I let out a shaky, airy, needy breath.
I… oh god, I need him.
“I’m sorry, but it essentially is the same concept,” Magnus clarifies. 
He seems distracted — maybe even fascinated — by me, as my eyes lustfully skim over his physique against my better judgment. 
He’s leaning over the cauldron as he observes me, his long and veiny hands clutching the pot in front of him. Magnus’ black tunic contrasts beautifully against his light gray skin… slightly unbuttoned to expose some of his chest, clinging to his waist perfectly, and the sleeves neatly rolled up his forearms. 
He looks irresistible—
I make my way towards the end facing him and clutch onto the metal for dear life. Breathing as though I just ran a marathon.
Staring at the bubbles below me, I prepare to give him my answer. It’ll be so goddamn humiliating, but this is a life-or-death (of my relationship) situation. 
“Y-you.” It comes out as barely a whisper. 
“Me?” Magnus questions. “What do you mean by—“
“You, Magnus!” 
My eyes lock into his pleadingly, as his lids widen as he realizes exactly what I mean, turning that beautifully blood-like red as his cheeks are painted scarlet. 
My brows raise and I squeeze my eyes shut, whispering “Fuck!” to myself as more lewd imagery of Magnus fills my head. “I dreamt this,” I anxiously explain. “C-can see th’future now I guess.”
…Or something. If I’m altering what I foresaw, it clearly isn’t entirely true, unless I’m about to bend time or some shit. I swallow harshly, needing a breather, and subconsciously let out a heady whimper as I watch his eyes trail my form. Magnus’ irises are blown wide and his own chest is beginning to noticeably heave. 
Holy fuck, is he getting turned on by knowing that he’s the reason for this hysterically horny behavior from me?
That’s so fucking hot—
“W-what we did in… w’can’t…”
I shouldn’t have looked at him. I can barely speak after seeing how he just near-shamelessly undressed me with his eyes. I need him so bad. His hands. 
His mouth. 
His cock. 
“Mm– Please, Magnus~”  
…Oh god that came out TERRIBLY wrong.
After a moment of what looks like none other than deep moral contemplation, holy fuck this is testing him just as much as it’s testing me, Magnus makes way around the cauldron to approach me. 
Doe eyed, I scan his body again. Then I quickly snap-to and begin backing away. 
“Wha— No!”
He mutters his next words cautiously and raises a palm softly, as if approaching a feral animal… not that I’m very far off right now. 
“I need to touch you.” 
I try to ask what he means, but a measly “Huh?!” comes from my throat. 
“I cannot free you of this without contact.” 
…This is a nightmare. It takes a few seconds before I can bring myself to tentatively nod and stop avoiding him. 
When Magnus finally approaches me, rather than touching my shoulder or hand, he tucks away a stray section of hair that was falling into my eyes and cups my face. 
I close my lids, trying to ground myself, trying so hard not to cheat on Sebastian against my will. Doesn’t last long before I’m imagining the wizard holding my face like this while he absolutely plows the shit out of me from below, so I open my eyes and try my best to keep them trained on his shirt.
His thumb strokes my cheek as I lean into the sensation. “You seem to respond so… actively, to such a simple touch.” 
Magnus’ thumb trails to my trembling bottom lip. Running gentle lines across its chapped edges. Taunting me. 
On autopilot, my mouth parts ever so slightly. I crane my head up further to see Magnus’ face, and he has a devious smile on his lips. In his eyes? That same dreamy, aching, smitten, horny look that Seb gives me. 
Magnus stalls his stroke once the pad of his thumb reaches the center of my lip, and puts just a smidge of pressure on it; pulling it down slightly, before letting go, and letting my lip spring back into place.
He cups both hands around my face and I swallow back a pitiful moan. I shut my eyes, recall why I haven’t just been hiding behind my eyelids this whole time, and open them again. 
“Sorry,” he grins. A frustrated sob bubbles in my throat. “I’ll stop toying with you.”
At last, he speaks his arcane gibberish. As he works, I put my hands on his, unable to resist. Needing to at least feel his fingers being placed against me, if I can’t have the rest of him. 
His eyes are shut but I gaze up at him anyway, admiring how beautiful he is and thinking about how badly I want him. 
How tempting it is to cup his jaw beneath my palms.
How much I yearn to just climb up him somehow to reach his lips and kiss them, and kiss his little beauty mark, and his perfect button-nose, and lift his hair to see his forehead and kiss there too, and kiss his neck and bite his neck, and—
Upon his last words, my desires dissipate. I can breathe easy and think somewhat straight again. Experiencing this in person rather than in a dream leaves me filled to the brim with want, still... but at least I’m not a monster who’s ready to do anything I can to get laid by him anymore. 
I close my eyes as Magnus’ begin to open, super thankful to be able to not see him fucking me when I do so.
“Thank you,” I whisper through a sigh. 
Now that I’m not literally in heat anymore, I can decipher that my face is the warmest part of my body. When I open my eyes, I can’t bring myself to look directly at the man in front of me. 
This is so embarrassing.
“Now…” he murmurs. Magnus’ hands are still on my face, his thumbs soothingly rubbing against my rosy cheeks, wiping my tears away.  “Come inform me of that precognition of yours.”
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formula1kate · 2 years
A Dubai Reunion Pt. 3: Now or Never
check out my masterlist to read parts 1 and 2
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I could practically feel the Dubai sun tanning my skin. The droplets of water stuck to my body from my swim in the sea were disappearing by the second. But I was too distracted to care. Not distracted by a certain McLaren driver, for once; but from a book, which helped me to ignore the mixed signals my brain was sending me about my best friend. Why did it feel so different today? 
In the past, I would've never thought about the small things that happened between us which gave me butterflies. I wouldn't have given a second thought to Lando's hands being so close when he was helping me buckle into my seat. Or how good it felt to run my hands through his curls. How brilliantly blue his eyes looked as we swam in the sea. And I certainly wouldn't have gotten butterflies from something as simple as him opening my door -- which he'd been doing for years. 
"Max is here," a British voice interrupted my thoughts. The same thoughts which had distracted me from the book that was supposed to be my distraction.
I tore my eyes away from the page and raised my brows, waiting to see if there was going to be any more information about his best friend. Evidently there wasn't going to be any as Lando simply stared at me, awaiting a response. 
"I'm guessing you mean Fewtrell," I assumed. 
He pushed his sunglasses on top of his head and said, "Obviously, you muppet. Why would I go on vacation with Max Verstappen?" 
"I don't know, maybe you guys had become friends. Anyway, where has he been? I haven't seen him since I got here." 
"He actually got here today. You guys should have dinner tonight or something." 
Max and I had been friends since he and Lando became friends. Obviously we weren't as close as Lando and I, but I still wouldn't hesitate to tell him details of my life that most people wouldn't know. I didn't see Max frequently because I wasn't in London often, and when I was he was usually traveling for a race. It would be good to catch up with my old friend. 
"Yeah, I'll text him. Is there a reason you didn't include yourself in your suggestion?" 
Lando's face told me all I needed to know. He wasn't going to dinner with us because he was going out with the girl he'd met out in Dubai, Stella.
"Oh," was all I managed to say. 
"I'm sorry," Lando apologized. "I didn't know you were going to be here. Otherwise, I would've made sure that I could go to dinner. We're going with Oli and Savannah." 
"It's okay," I lied. 
Knowing that Lando was going out with her instead shouldn't hurt my feelings, yet it did anyway. What was so great about her that I lacked? Was she prettier than me? Probably. She was an instagram model, while I was nothing but a student.  
Lando, Oliver, and Savannah had left the pool to get ready for their respective dates, leaving me by the pool. As the sun set, I decided to call Max.
Finding Max's name in my contacts, I pressed the button next to his goofy profile picture of us playing golf. It didn't even take two rings before he picked up. 
"Hey, what's up?" the Brit's voice greeted. 
"Hey, Max. Lando said you were in Dubai." 
"Oh, yeah. He said you wanted to go out tonight," he recalled. 
Lando had already told Max we should 'go out'? Was he trying to pawn me off to his friend so he didn't have to figure out whatever is happening in our tornado of a relationship?
"Oh, shit," Max said before I could continue my spiral of overthinking. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant it as in hang out and have dinner. Not like a date or anything. Not that I wouldn't want to date you, it's just --" 
"Max," I interrupted his rant, a smile crossing my face, "I got it. I'd love to have dinner." 
"Great! I'll meet you in the lobby at seven?" 
Part of me wanted to run into Lando on his date. Although there wasn't one single part of me that wanted to see them together, I wanted Lando to actually see me looking put together. As if my life hadn't been revolving around thoughts of him since Christmas. 
Which is why I put in more effort than I normally would for a dinner with Max. A nice dress, heels, and makeup really change the appearance compared to shorts and a t-shirt. This extra effort is also what made Max stare at me as I walked up to him in the lobby. 
"You heard me say that I didn't mean it as a date right?" He questioned as I nodded my head in response. "I mean you look incredible. All this for me?" 
He pulled me in for a hug, and I squeezed him tight. It had been a while I'd been with him, and I always kicked myself for seeing him over FaceTime more than I did in real life. Max was an incredibly nice guy and always managed to know exactly what I was thinking, which usually meant we talked about my problems for a considerable amount of time spent together. Not to mention we always had a blast whether it was a night out or playing uno.  
"Ah," he realized. "You didn't dress up for me." 
He had a knowing smile on his face as we pulled apart. 
"Shut up," was all I said, even though it just made him laugh. 
He led me towards the hotel restaurant where we'd made reservations. 
"How'd things go with Lando today?" Max asked into the silence after we'd sat down at the nice restaurant. 
"We talked about our fight and he said that he was stressed about how his whole weekend had gone, racing wise. And I apologized for making him feel second to Pierre. So I think we're good now."
Max nodded, then said, "What about his lady friend?" 
"Oh, Stella? I think that's her name. What about her?" I tried to brush the question off. 
Max knew my response wasn't how I actually felt, and he definitely knew that I know her name. He knew that the situation had been running through my head before I'd even had a conversation with Lando about it. But I didn't want to admit it out loud, because if I did, then I would actually have to come to terms with it. 
"Bullshit," Max challenged. "You know what I'm talking about. And I know that they're doing something tonight and you called me to be your distraction. I'm more than happy to be your distraction, but you have to actually tell me what you're thinking if you want me to help you. You can't be your usual independent and stubborn self in this situation." 
I bit the inside of my cheek. Max was absolutely right, I needed his help. If not to help me figure out the whole situation, at least to help me get over it. As someone who was used to doing things by myself, it was difficult to force myself to let Max into my thoughts. Luckily, I would trust Max with my life. 
"It's fucking with me, Max," I admitted. "I feel like I missed my chance in Monza. I fucked it." 
This was the first time that I expressed my real feelings to anyone, and it felt good to let it out. It made me realize how much I really liked Lando; I thought it was just some silly crush, but now I see that it's grown to be so much more. 
"You're not fucked," assured Max. "You're just in a-- a sticky situation." 
I scoffed, and we fell into a silence. I expected Max to tell me not to worry, that there wasn't really anything serious happening between the two. 
"What do you know about them?" I asked in a quiet voice, worried about the answer to my own question. 
Max sighed, then: "Truthfully, he hasn't really told me that much. I don't know if they're deep into a relationship, but honestly, I don't think they are. I've only met her once when we all went to a club. All they do is go out for dinner occasionally, go to clubs, and then have --" 
"Okay, Max. I get it. I don't really want to know that much of their relationship." 
"Right," he blushed. "Sorry." 
"Why hasn't he told you anything? You're his best friend, but he hasn't said anything to you?" 
Max shrugged and said, "That's why I don't know how serious it is. Don't you think if it was real that he'd talk about her in front of others? Or she'd have met the rest of his family by now? Or been to a race? I know Lando, and I'm not going to tell you our conversations, but I don't think you have anything to worry about." 
It took Lando about five minutes of being in her presence for him to realize the mistake he made. Why was he so ignorant to believe he could distract himself with someone else? Seeing her sitting next to him, laughing at something his brother had said, made him realize what an idiot he'd been. 
Lando wanted nothing more than for her to be laughing at his jokes instead of the woman sitting in front of him. All he wanted was her. To go to races with him, to go on holidays with her, to go to lunch in Monaco with Charles, George, Alex, and her. But he'd blown it by starting that argument all those months ago. 
That was the same night he messaged the other girl, the very pretty one sitting in front of him. Sure, Stella was beautiful, but she wasn't the same. He enjoyed being around her, but it made him think about what could be. 
These thoughts must have been obvious to his brother, who brought it up to the young driver when the two ladies went to the restroom.
"What's with you? You're the one who wanted to go to dinner and you've barely said anything the whole time." 
Lando didn't say anything in response. He wanted to be able to sulk in his own self pity, like he usually did when he thought about her. Was there really anything he could do about their situation? Honestly, he hoped so. But at the same time, he didn't want to ruin things. If being around her meant that he had to stay friends, he would reluctantly do so. There was nothing Lando loved more than bringing her to a race and being distracted by the stress and pressure by her terrible jokes and incredible laugh. Lando realized that he would do anything to hear her laugh like that again; furthermore, to be the reason for her laugh.
"It's wrong of you to use her as a distraction, you know that," Oliver added, pulling Lando out of his thoughts. 
Lando didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to disclose these feelings to his older brother. Oliver was an understanding person, but would he put up with everything Lando was putting their best friend through? How was he supposed to convey to Oli that he wanted to make it right, but didn't know how. 
"I know," Lando replied, absentmindedly twirling his fork.
"That's it? 'You know' isn't good enough. If you know it, then why are you doing it?" 
"I'm not leading her on," the younger brother tried to convince Oliver, and himself, "I like Stella, I really do. I just don't know if she's what I'm looking for." 
The expression on his brother's face was enough to tell him that Oliver didn't believe him for one second. It was the same reaction Oliver gave Lando when he would say something that was only half the truth. Hell, it was the same one he gave the McLaren driver this morning when Lando begged Oliver to let him drive her, citing that she'd feel safer driving with him, because he always drove her when they were together. 
"If you're going to be stubborn and not admit to what you're doing, then it's only going to make it more difficult. The only thing I'll say is that if you want more than friendship, you're going to have to go get it. And if you don't, someone else will be there quicker than you. You've heard what other drivers have said about her." 
He knew, but that didn't mean he was actively thinking about the comments made by drivers. He'd suppressed that terrible experience in his brain, hoping that no one would ever say anything to trigger the memory. Luckily, with Carlos's help, Lando had politely told his fellow drivers to fuck off. Except Pierre, who he barely spoke to. 
Lando was trying to enjoy to enjoy his dinner, and began to push her out of his head, but those thoughts returned the second he walked through the lobby of the hotel. 
There she was, laughing at something Max had said. Lando could remember very clearly the last time that he'd seen her looking that good. It was the after party in Monza, she was wearing a blue dress, not an orange one as he'd secretly hoped she'd had stashed in her suitcase, and was partying with a certain Frenchmen who'd just won his first race. She didn't speak one word to him, and vice versa; but that didn't mean he wasn't staring at her all night, Carlos had made sure to point this fact out. 
There she was again, wearing the same damn blue dress. Lando had no real problem with the dress. Actually he had the opposite of a problem with it. She looked so absolutely stunning that Lando was pretty sure his constant glances her way were going to be obvious to every single person in the hotel lobby. The last time he thought he stared at her so much was when she'd accidentally worn his hoodie at Christmas. That was a very close second to the blue dress. 
Lando decided to be quick with his goodbyes and excuse himself to bed early, before he did something he regretted, which usually included becoming miserable about his situation and inviting Stella up to his hotel room. 
And hours later, as Lando laid there in his too comfortable bed, his brother's advice finally began to sink in. He realized that Oliver was right, as usual. He was going to have to earn her trust back before he could do anything to satisfy the longing feeling he felt for her. Of course he wanted to go on dates tomorrow and bring her to the very first race of the season, but he'd been too distant and stubborn to expect to receive that kind of treatment. 
Thinking about what she'd say if he went to her door, he instantly knew the first question she'd have was 'What about Stella?' so he knew what he had to do, and he needed to do it now while his adrenaline was still rushing from the thought of being with her. 
Dressing quickly, Lando moved to the elevator. The elevator ride took forever as he tried to think about what to say. How was he supposed to tell someone that they were just being used as a distraction without obviously being a prick? Usually Lando didn't have to do that, he just had to fly to the next race and try to forget it ever happened. 
I hadn't been asleep for very long when there was a soft knock at my door. The last person I expected to see this late at night was my best friend. For once in my life, I could not read the expression on his face. He answered any questions that I was going to ask with his message, speaking immediately as I opened my door. 
"I know I fucked up, and I know I need to earn back my friendship with you before I even talk about any sort of relationship. But please, let me fix it. I don't want to loose what we have." 
I didn't need to say anything. Lando was right, even though I wanted to disagree and to say that he could take me on a date right now, I couldn't. It's too similar to what he would do with someone casual, someone that he sleeps with for one night and hopes that he doesn't have to run into at the same time next year. I couldn't let myself do that. I wanted to be back to where we were in our friendship before we did anything else. If we could do that, then I would have more hope that if something was to go wrong, our friendship would still survive. If we were going to make this work, it would take a while. 
What I did let myself do is open the door a little bit wider. Wide enough for the British boy to get the hint: if we were going to do this, we were going to do it right. 
a.n. hope you liked part 3! there will be a bit of a skip in time between now and pt 4. feel free to message me any requests or thoughts! hope you enjoyed :)
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ghoulish-endeavors · 1 year
The cardinals secret
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Whispers flooded the halls; as you walked by you could hear a group of sisters. "The new cardinal is so weird", "Yeah i heard he keeps rats too, gross!", "Haha have you saw him? He looks like a rat!" They suddenly waved you over, "Sister y/n, have you saw the new cardinal!?" said sister Eva, giggling a bit; "Nope i haven't saw him, he's been here only a day, what about him?" you said, raising an eyebrow. "He's so weird!! And he looks like a rat, plus i've heard he keeps rats as pets." She said, gagging, to which you shook your head at.
"So have you talked to him?" you said, looking to the side; trying to find a way out of this uncomfortable situation. "No ew! I don't wanna be close to him!" Eva said, while sister lily also piped up; "he also cant even speak a sentence without stuttering!" she said giggling.
"Well, i haven't even saw the man yet, plus who are you to judge him without even talking to him? Why don't you two find something to do, rather than standing in the hallways being useless like you usually are." You said, voice laced with harshness; "You guys are my friends, but satan, you two are terribly mean sometimes." You shook your head and began walking back down the hallway to where you were going; you had to go meet primo in his office to bring him a paper his brother had given you.
As you were watching your feet while you walked you slammed into someone, shaking you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see a cardinal which you had never seen before; before you could say anything he apologized profusely.
"Im s-so sorry sorella, M-mi dispiace!" He said, scrambling to pick up the documents which had scattered to the ground when the collision happened. You quickly got down and helped him.
"No worries cardinal....?" You said smiling, collecting papers and holding them to your chest. He looked at you, eyes wide, then remembered to answer you.
"O-Oh! Cardinal copia, and you?" He stammered out, standing back to his feet. You smiled softly at him, and stood, handing him the documents you had collected. "Sister y/n, you're the new cardinal yes?" You said, reaching for his hand and kissing his cardinal ring.
His face burned bright red, "Si si, eh beautiful n-name." He mentally slapped himself, really beautiful name? No wonder everyone thought he was a weirdo, but you were beautiful, the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He shook himself out of his thoughts, mentally scolding himself. You giggled at the shy man and studied him, his side burns, pristine mustache, and that nose. You licked your lips at the sight of him, and to be honest, you wanted him bad.
Far behind you down the hall, sisters Eva and lily watched in horror at your interaction with the man. "Is she being nice to him." Sister lily said, scrunching her nose in disgust. "Yes I believe she is, that stupid rat man is probably in pure bliss at someone like her talking to him." Sister Eva snickered.
"Well cardinal I have a paper I must deliver to Primo, ill see you around im sure!" You said, pressing one more kiss to his ring and heading off. The cardinal watched you leave for a minute before scurrying back off to his office.
It had been a couple of days since you had saw the cardinal, but rumor had it the man almost spent all of his time
working. You had been curious one day while walking the halls at night, you came to the halls that held the upper clergy's working spaces and wondered whether you should go and check on the man.
You decided you would, but before you did; you went to the kitchen to grab him something to eat. You quickly grabbed a couple of snack cakes and a water for him, and headed off back down the hall. You came to his office and sure enough the light was on underneath the door. You knocked on the door, hearing scrambling and then a rushed "Enter!".
"Cardinal! I brought you some snack cakes and water, have you ate?" You asked walking in the room, to which the cardinal had a puzzled look on his face.
"Eh, no i have not, but eh, what are you doing here?" He said, wringing his hands together; no one at the abbey had been nice to him so far, to be completely honest you're the only sibling to have willingly exchanged words with him.
"Why do you mean why am I here? I wanted to see you, i told you i would see you around. Plus I know you work almost all the time." You said walking over to his desk, handing him the stuff you had brought him.
"Sooo, cardinal, i had a question.." you said going around to sit on his desk. He cleared his throat, "Ehem, eh yes what is it?" He took off his biretta and set it on his desk.
"Can i help you, relax a little?" You jumped down off the desk and ran your fingers down his arm. His breath hitched a bit, "How did you intend to do that?"
You strattled his lap, "Is this okay?" you said, looking down at him. "Eh, u-um, w-well, y-yes." He said looking at you with wide eyes, face rivaling his red cassocks color. "Good I wanted to give you a scalp message." You said smirking, knowing exactly what you were about to do.
You leaned up, grabbing his head and pulling him towards you, your breasts right in his face while you ran your fingers through his hair, messaging his scalp. The cardinal was so worried, he felt like a total creep not knowing where to put his eyes, and panicking as he felt his cock began to stir in his pants.
You smirked as you felt his cock stir against you, "Oh cardinal your hair is so soft, are you okay?" He nodded his head, nose accidentally bumping your breasts, "Im so sorry sorella!" He said, feeling like a total pervert. He panicked as he felt his cock get rock hard at the contact, to which you gasped at. "Oh cardinal something huge is pressing against me." You said smirking, he gasped as he felt you roll your hips against him.
"Oh cardinal," you said letting go of his hair, allowing him to sit back up to look you in the eyes. His face was beet red and he looked like he was trying to advert your piercing gaze. "Cardinal can I ask you another question," You said, cupping his face with your hands. He could feel precum leak out of his cock, feeling like a total weirdo because of it, little did he know that was your entire intentions. "S-si, anything sorella." "Can i kiss you?"
He gasped, nodding his head, slightly panicking because he had only kissed one other person in his 50 years of life. You slowly leaned in, moving your lips against his; he sighed as you pressed your tongue in-between his lips, the kiss was messy and unpracticed, but was too good. Finally you both separated, panting and looking at each other in the eyes.
"Can i ask you another question?" You said, panting, to which the cardinal nodded his head at, "Are you a virgin?"
The cardinals face went bright red, obviously embarrassed at the question. He slowly nodded his head, avoiding all eye contact with you. You bit your lip and smirked, "Wanna change that?" you said, rolling your hips down onto him. He gasped, not knowing what to do.
"S-si, very much so.." He said, looking up at you, nervousness present in his eyes. You smirked and grinded your hips down onto him, making him let out a moan. "Cardinal, can i make you feel good?" You said, slipping out of his lap to which he naturally parted his legs to make room for you.
"S-sorella, I-I dont know for sure what I am supposed to do, please forgive me.." He said, looking down at you, worry and lust in his eyes as he rubbed his hands on his thighs. "Shhhh, you dont have to do anything, just feel and watch." You said smirking at him, beginning to undo the bottom buttons of his cassock. Getting the hint, he began to undo the top buttons and finally the vestment was off, revealing sinfully tight pants that hugged him in all the right places.
"Cardinal, if you ever wanna stop just tell me and it will stop immediately, i don't wanna make you uncomfortable." You said, running your hands up his thighs and squeezing his hand. He nodded, "Please continue sorella," he breathed out, nervousness present in his voice. You smirked at him, and began to undo his pants, slowly pulling the zipper down.
To your surprise, the innocent cardinal didn't have briefs on, and you gasped. You pulled down his pants fully to reveal his cock. He was big, huge even, its always the quiet awkward ones you thought to yourself. "Cardinal, oh my satan you are huge! You havent used this thing ever!?" You said smirking at him, collecting the precum at his tip and tasting him. His blush became more apparent as he gasped and shook his head.
"Sorella, just a fair w-warning, i will not last. Mi dispiace." He said looking down at you nervously. "Shhh, its okay, just feel and dont worry." You said, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. You spat on your hand and began to stroke him leisurely, causing him to buck his hips. You then removed your hand, causing the cardinal to whine from the loss of your touch. You then began to run your tongue up and down his shaft, watching the cardinal squirm and whine above you, his freckled face burning bright red. "Y/n per favore," He whined pathetically, bucking his cock against your lips.
You smirked and gave his thighs a reassuring squeeze. Finally- finally, you took his tip into your mouth, tonguing at his slit which coaxed a long groan out of him. You began to take him inch by inch, not being able to fit all of him in your mouth, you began to stroke what you couldn't. He was a moaning mess of Italian and praises above you, hands clawing his thighs to try to keep his composure. Unfortunately for the cardinal your mouth felt way too good and he was approaching his end embarrassingly quick. "S-sorella, I-i am going to cum, c-cazzo!" He said as you popped off of him, causing him to let out a whine. You began stroking him with your mouth open, waiting and wanting to be covered in his cum. You smiled and batted your eyelashes at him as he came, and satan his load was big. You thought it would never stop as he came in your open mouth, on your face, on your habit and in your hair. You stroked him through his orgasm, and finally let go; you looked up at the man who was panting and who's eyes were wide with embarrassment.
"Sorella, I am so sorry, I covered you in my cum." He said, panting as he looked down at you; "That was the plan Copia," you said smirking as you took your finger and collected his cum on it, sucking it clean. Copia looked down at you in awe, "Cazzo, sorella, i-im sorry for cumming so quickly." He said nervously, redoing his pants and helping you to your feet.
"Cardinal youre absolutely fine, but..." You said, wrapping your hands around his neck, coming back down to straddle him as you pressed your lips against his ear; "How about we see how fast you can make me cum?" You giggled as you heard the mans breath hitch. "A-ah, sorella, h-heh, I-i would love to, but you know I have never d-done this type of thing before. P-please forgive me if I make a mistake..." He said, once again adverting your gaze and embarrassingly looking to the side.
You grabbed his face and turned his gaze back to you, slowly you grabbed his hand and brought it down to cup your mound through your panties. "Feel this, feel how wet I am for your my dear cardinal? I dont think you could make a mistake." You said, nibbling on his earlobe; your words caused the man to let out breathy sigh; "Sorella, would it be too bold of me to ask you to come back to my room to continue our activities... This office is not the best place to eh- fuck in." He said, as he let out a nervous laugh. "Cmon cardinal, you lead the way," you said, jumping off his lap.
Quickly the cardinal led you to his room, taking out his key and allowing you to enter first. His room was gorgeous and a lot bigger than your own, you smirked as you heard the cardinal enter behind you and lock the door. He led you to his bedroom, looking at you with wide eyes as he stood in the middle of the room, not sure where to go from here. You approached him, and put his slightly trembling hands on your hips.
"Cardinal," you said as you got on your tippy toes to whisper in his ear, "Undress me." You smirked, as the cardinal gasped, slowly he moved his hands to the back of your habit, slowly undoing the zipper. With wide eyes he watched the garment fall down your body and pool at your feet. His cock twitched in his pants, beginning to harden again, despite his recent orgasm.
"Cardinal, you know staring is rude.." You said giggling as the man stuttered out an apology, you giggled, "I prefer hands on activities," and with that you took the cardinals hands and placed them on your breasts. You looked at the cardinals face turn bright red, as you removed your hands from his, which remained unmoving.
"Can I sorella.." he said nervously, you nodded your head profusely, encouraging him to squeeze and explore your body. You gasped as he squeezed one of your breasts, while his other hand found the curve of your ass. "Mmm, copia your hands feel so good, I think they would feel better if there was nothing between the leather of your gloves and my skin though." Copia blushed once again, and brought his hands to the clasp of your bra; after fumbling with it a bit, the garment was removed and copias jaw went slack. "Tesoro, you are a sight for sore eyes." He said, as he moved his hands around to fondle your breats again.
You quickly pulled him back towards the bed until your knees hit it, and he was on top of you. "Cardinal while I do think you look handsome in your cassock, I believe you're over dressed." You said, as you tugged at his collar. He stood and began undoing his cassock, finally removing it and then starting on his pants. You bit your lip, knowing he had no boxers on underneath it; Finally undone, his cock that was hard once again, sprung out and heavily hung between his legs. He returned to you, hovering over you, heterochromatic eyes staring in yours. He hesitantly initiated another kiss between the two of you, it felt electric as your tongues moved in sync with each other, both of you moaning into it.
You entangled your hands in his hair, and he began to break the kiss and make your way to your neck. Gently sucked and kissed at your neck, at first he acted unsure, but once he heard your whimpers and moans it gave the cardinal more confidence. "Cardinal, touch me please," you whined, as he sucked on a particular sweet spot that made your toes curl. He stopped, looking at you; "What do you want me to do?" He panted, "Eat me out."
His face became a dark shade of red, as he slowly began to get on his knees. You sat up into a sitting position and looked down at your cardinal, who was on his knees for you. He slowly took his shaking hands, and grabbed the sides of your panties, slowly pulling them down, watching with wide eyes. He finally got them off, and he just stared at your glistening cunt, his mouth was open and you saw his cock twitch at the sight.
He looked up at you, as you entangled your fingers into his hair once more, encouraging him to get on with it. He slowly brought his face towards your cunt and licked a long stripe from your slit to your clit. You whimpered and watched him intently as he went to town, the man was a fast learner, and he learned quickly what to do. He sucked and nibbled on your clit, which caused your to buck into his face; after he was satisfied with his work there, he moved down to your slit, gently pushing his tongue in, while his nose expertly bumped against your clit. As he gained more confidence he wrapped his arms around your thighs and brought you towards him. You were a whimpering mess of his name and curses, as you entangled your fingers in his hair, he ate you faster. "Fuck, fuck! Copia, just like that, j-just like that. Im gonna fucking cum!" He looked up at you, watching your face as you released your juices all over his face, and he didn't stop until your began to squirm from over stimulation.
The man pulled away, and shyly looked up at you, "W-was tha-that okay.." He said nervously, to which your mouth hung open at his question. This virgin 50 year old man had just given you the best orgasm of your life, and he was asking if it was "okay". "Copia, You just gave me the best fucking orgasm of my entire life, and you're asking me if it was okay!?" You said, pulling him to his feet and back over on top of you. His face shyly turned red again, "Yes it was okay! It was perfect, fantastic, amazing, do i need other words of affirmation to describe it to you?!" Copias face heated up and he smiled, "I just had to make sure sorella, that i didnt leave you unsatisfied." "Well copia, im not satisfied completely yet," you looked down towards his rock hard cock that was leaking profusely on your leg; "I haven't got to bounce on your cock yet."
He gasped as you flipped the two of you over, so you were now on top of copia. He watched intently as you straddled his stomach. You got up on your knees and positioned yourself over copias cock, as copias hands flew to your hips. You slowly grasped his shaft, and slid it through your slick folds, before slowly pushing down onto him. Copia let out a whine that soon turned into panting and whimpering. You were in the same boat as him, as whined and writhed trying to get used to his size.
Finally you had him in to the hilt, and while you were panting and whining trying to adjust, the poor cardinal was trying not to cum right there on the spot. "Y-y/n, cazzo! Im not going to last, im so sorry." He whimpered, "You have nothing to be sorry about copia, a-ah, just feel." You slowly began to rock your hips against his cock, beginning to bounce up and down. You both were a mess of whines, and each others names; the cardinal began to move his hips along with yours, causing your both to moan. "A-ah, fuck! Sorella, I-I cant, Im going to cum, cazzo!" He panted, "C-Cardinal, c-cum inside of me, fill me with your seed, u-use me, fuck!" Your words made him cum right then and there, his cock twitched inside of you as he filled you with his seed. The tension that had been building in your stomach snapped too, and you came with a scream of his name; both of you riding your orgasms out until over sensitivity took over.
Slowly you rose off of his soft cock, and laid your head on his chest, the both of you content until you couldnt stand the sticky mess of your fluids dripping out of you. "Cardinal.." you said, "Yes sorella?" "Can we take a bath? Im sticky and sweaty, and a bath with you sounds nice." You said kissing his neck, "Si, lets."
Authors Note- This is kinda based off of To catch a cardinal by Copias-girl. ALSO check that series out ITS SO GOOD!
Thanks for reading!!
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