#I should have left and moved far away but noooo
ricco4 · 2 years
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rogertaylorshbb · 1 year
"its a kind of magic" Roger Taylor fanfic
This wonderful fanfic idea was requested by @missbohemianqueen [sorry if it seems rushed or if there is any mistakes!]
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So far the whole month has been a range of excitement for you. Just last week you and Roger had gotten engaged, him proposing in a fancy restaurant, and just after that you got offered a new job position. 
Everything seemed to be perfect but one thing, you and Roger seemed to have no alone time. He would be recording queens albums, doing music videos and you would be at work. 
You sat in your office swirling around in your wheely chair with a pen dangling in your mouth. “Hello ms.y/l/n” your boss's voice bombed suddenly
You jumped a little and quickly straightened up your posture,taking the pen out of your mouth and rolling to move to your desk which you were far away from.
“How may I help you?” you said trying to sound as professional as possible. Your boss rolled his eyes “you're allowed to leave early today” he stated. Your eyebrows furrowed and you got worried “your- your cutting my hours?”.
“No” he tutted “there's an event, im sending everyone home early”. You sighed in relief nodding your head. 
You walked out of your work building holding your bag while your white heels made a loud and sharp click clack sound along the street. 
You walked over to your car rummaging for your keys. Normally you leave work at 5 and it was only 1. 
You scratched the top of your head wondering what to do, that's when the perfect idea popped into your head.
"Why not go over to the music video queen is recording”. You smiled and started your car. 
You walked out of your car into the filming studio. As straight as you walked in you saw a bunch of people. Some holding cameras, doing lighting, doing makeup, setting tables up, really just a bunch of stressed people running around. 
You stood there confused since no one looked familiar. As you started to turn on your heel trying to find someone you did know a random guy started walking up to you waving from far away. 
The random guy was wearing a newsboy hat, a long coat, and looked dirty. You didn't get a good look at him and instantly started to power walk away awkwardly putting your head down. He caught up to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. You turned around, whipping your shoulder out of his hand “hello?” you asked, but your confused face slipped away and turned into a smile. It was roger.  
“It's just me,” he laughed. “Oh- i didn't even recognize you” you mumbled embarrassingly. 
“Why are you- dressed- like…that” you cocked your head to the side looking him up and down. 
“I'm playing a homeless person….what? You don't like it?” he grinned. You shook your head “they put dust all over your face!”. “It's not permanent,” Roger laughed assuredly. 
You followed Roger to a table behind the filming crew that was full of drinks and food. Deacy and brian were there picking at the food, and Freddie was chugging water. “y/ns here!” Roger called out. “Oh what a nice surprise!” Freddie cheered, coming over to hug you. 
You hugged him back and chuckled. You saw brian and deacy come up to you too, “hello y/n” deacy smiled with food still in his mouth, and brian gave you a small hug “did you get off of work early” he questioned. You nodded “there was an event. 
“AY ENOUGH CHIT CHAT” the director called out “BRIAN AND JOHN CMON” the director waved his hands to signal John and brian over. They both rolled their eyes finishing off their drinks before shuffling away. “Well, I should be off now,” Freddie huffed. “Noooo stay” you frowned. “y/n as much as I wish, I don't have any scenes left and frankly my throat hurts like a bitch, I should get some rest- I'll be back later and we can all get some drinks' ' ' he smiled, hugging you goodbye.
After, Roger grabbed your wrist slightly signalling you to follow him. You walked behind him as he led you into the room with all the props. “You guys have a lot of props” you chuckled looking around.
“Shh, we aren't allowed to be back here” he whispered with a smirk. “Then why are we here-” you whispered before you were cut off by roger jumping back hiding behind a wall. 
You both laughed trying to hide away from the crew. “Ok coast is clear '' you said peeking behind the wall.
You both ran into a corner with furniture props. You propped yourself on top of a desk and Roger hummed, sliding his hands to your waist. As his smug face got closer to yours He started to kiss you slowly as you flicked off his hat so your hands could grab at his hair. 
The kiss got more passionate and aggressive as he started to unbutton your shirt. “Wait” you laughed, pulling back. “Won't they hear?”. “Not if you can control your moaning” he teased leaning back into the kiss.
He eventually got your t-shirt off by throwing it to the side, unclipping your bra in the process. Roger let his hands roam your upper body as he laid small kisses along your collarbone. You wrapped your hands around his back trying to get closer before you frustratingly threw his coat off him. You hurryingly slid your skirt and underwear off making roger grin with satisfaction as he pulled his pants down to his ankles. He wrapped his hand around your stomach roughly pulling you closer to him. 
He gently let his fingertips feel your clit before he lined himself up to fuck you. “You okay?” he questioned seeing the worried look on your face. “Yea, just- what if we get caught” you sighed. “Would you like to stop?” he looked at you with his sincere blue eyes. You shook your head reassuring him. 
He slowly began to enter you, you bit hard down on your lower lip trying to be quiet. Once he thrusted into you, you gasped loudly putting a hand over your mouth. Roger rubbed his hand on the side of your waist “shh, don't want anyone to hear you” he whispered. You nodded as he thrusted into you again this time harder. Your whole body is filled with chivers and an intense feeling to scream his name. “Fuck roger, this- fuck” you moaned as quiet as you could.
“I know, I know, just try to be as quiet as you can” he cooed, running his fingers through your hair. 
Everytime he thrusted in you making you lose sense of reality all you could do was grasp his skin and pull at his hair.
As you breathed heavily into his neck you felt your body getting closer and closer to reaching your orgasm. “Keep- going” your shaking voice trembled. He went faster and faster, his hands pulling you closer to him, you tugged at his hair as you gasped from your release. 
“Fuck- y/n- jesus” Roger groaned quietly  following his release. You both stayed close to each other, trying to regain your strength. 
“I love you,” Roger whispered, placing hair behind your ear. You looked into his eyes seeing his toothy smile. “I love you too”.
@knxfesup @sarcastic-sourwolf @missbohemianqueen
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Afraid of losing him: Part 1. Remus' P. O. V.
Moments after sex were the best for Remus. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate sex itself. Because sex with Sirius was glorious. But it was after, that the soft moments came. Sometimes the love was so intense. They stared into each other's eyes. They gave each other little tender strokes. And they whispered I love you. And everything was calm and quiet, until they fell asleep in each other's arms. And other times, they told jokes or said silly things to make the other laugh. And they were happy. They talked and talked. And everything felt easy. They were best friends. They were each other's worlds.
Not this time. Not lately. Remus noticed it was quite different. Remus had felt Sirius' love through his touches and kisses. They had wanted each other so much, they ended up on the living room floor. And now they were both naked, quiet, just catching up their breath. As if they had slept with a stranger.
So Remus stared at Sirius. How he was so beautiful. His hair was getting longer. And it was so sexy that he was getting more comfortable with himself. He was more mature. Away from his toxic family.
Remus felt a knot on his throat. He hated Sirius had his eyes closed. That he felt so far away being so close. Remus hated that he hesitated before raising his hand and touching Sirius' chin. Remus missed him. He was so scared of losing him.
But Sirius smiled now. At Remus' touch. And Remus felt relief. There was hope again.
"I love you, Pads" Remus whispered.
Sirius opened his eyes. And he smiled, kissing Remus' lips.
"We should probably move off the floor, Moony Moons" another kiss.
He didn't say it back. He didn't say it back.
Remus pouted and whined.
"Noo!" he wrapped his arms around Sirius "It is the most comfortable place in the house. Plus, you weren't complaining a few minutes ago"
Sirius smiled "I was very horny a few minutes ago, Moony"
Remus smiled back.
Sirius sat up. Remus saw the gorgeous muscles of his back moving. And Sirius fixed his hair, running his fingers through it, putting it back. Sirius was so beautiful it hurt. And Remus was pathetically skinny and average.
"Have you seen my phone?"
Remus couldn't care less about phones right now. He just wanted Sirius. He wanted Sirius not to care about his phone. He never did immediately after sex. They supposedly forgot about the world for a while.
"No" Remus sat up as well, to hug Sirius and give him soft kisses on his back.
"I'm gonna have a shower"
"Noooo" Remus whined like a kid and hugged Sirius tight "Please stay with me. Let's not move. Let's not move for a while" he was using the soft voice he only used with Sirius.
Sirius smiled.
"Also, my legs hurt a little"
Sirius chuckled.
"You left me exhausted"
Sirius grabbed Remus' chin.
"That was the point" And he gave him a soft kiss.
Then Sirius stood up and Remus felt cold on the floor. But he dropped back just to admire Sirius' whole body. Such a piece of art.
"Can we order some food?" Sirius said as he took his phone from the table "I'm hungry"
"Are you paying?" Remus smiled.
Sirius smiled. But Remus didn't know if it was for what Remus had said or because of his phone. Because he began texting.
"Yeah I am paying, Moony Moons"
Remus frowned. Who was he texting?
"Is it James again? Sending the baby things he is buying?"
James had been only focused on his future job as a father. And was obsessed with babies. Looking through baby items on Ebay and reading articles, and talking with mums at the grocery shop. Lily was the same. But James was worse.
Sirius took a few seconds to answer.
"No... It's Benjy"
Remus' throat went dry. Benjamin Fenwick was Sirius' classmate in Art School. He was older. A free American bloke that had "had experiences" and traveled places. That bloke was friends with everyone and had a party or event every single week. He always wanted to drag Sirius with him. Remus accepted the friends Sirius had made at Art School. But Benjy was different. Remus hated his guts. Not only him. James too. James was jealous as well. And it was obvious. It was pretty obvious. Even if Sirius denied it a million times and said they were only friends. Benjy had a crush on Sirius.
Sirius put down his phone, finally.
"Can you call the Chinese place while I shower?"
Remus raised an eyebrow.
"Yes sir"
Sirius smiled and blew him several kisses.
"Thank My Moons, love you"
As he walked to the room, Remus sighed in relief.
"And get off that cold floor!"
At least he had said it. Sirius said he loved him. Remus had nothing to worry about. They were truly in love. They were soulmates. Remus touched the little star tattoo on his wrist. Next to a P. Sirius had a moon and an M. In the exact same place. Sirius had insisted with those tattoos. He said they would never break up. And even if they did, Sirius would never stop loving Remus. And Remus believed him. He had to believe him. Because Remus was not going anywhere. He wanted Sirius forever.
When he heard the shower, Remus sighed and got up from the floor. He took his clothes and got dressed. While he did so, Sirius' phone kept buzzing. Remus stared at it for a second. But he tried to ignore it. He never checked Sirius' phone. He trusted him.
So Remus walked to the kitchen to look for the Chinese place's number. And came back to retrieve his own phone. And Sirius' phone buzzed again.
Remus felt a rush of adrenaline. He was so curious to see. But he couldn't. He couldn't do that to Sirius. Although it could be something important. It could be James. Or Marlene. Or even Regulus. Plus Remus knew Sirius' password. And Sirius had never hid his phone from Remus. Because he had nothing to hide. It would not be harmful to take a look.
Remus took a glance to their room. The door was half opened and the shower was still running. So Remus took Sirius' phone quickly. He hated himself. He had never been so insecure with Sirius. He had never done something like this.
Sirius' phone was full of notifications. Likes and comments on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. It was obvious. Sirius was popular on Social media. Remus had been victim of the constant pictures he took of himself and the two of them. Sirius had a few old unread messages from their friends. And there were Benjy's texts.
Benjy: Hope you had a great shag with Remus, you asshole
Benjy: Meanwhile I was left here by myself
Benjy: Kidding :) I am glad things are great with him.
Benjy: But we are going out next week. You have to promise.
Remus didn't know what to think. He thought it weird that Sirius told Benjy everytime they had sex. He did that with James, sometimes. But it was James. It was different. They couldn't be this close. But Remus was also relieved they were talking about him. So Sirius told Benjy about him. It was a good sign. Although... Why was Benjy glad things were going great? Was there a problem before?
Remus put Sirius' phone back and proceeded to order the food instead.
"Grant... I don't know what to do... I need you right now... And you don't pick up your bloody phone. *sniff sniff* I am outside, in the little terrace we once smoked. Sirius is asleep. And.. And I sneaked out to have a fag... And I am crying. I don't why. I am scared of losing him, Grant *a few sobs* My Sirius. My Padfoot. He is just so perfect, so beautiful, so friendly. And I am nothing. He could have anyone. He could have anyone, Grant... *sniff* I think I am going insane... I am doing crazy things. I check Sirius' phone. I think about every move, everything he says and doesn't say. I over think. I am constantly changing my mind whether he loves me or not. Sometimes I feel like yes and sometimes I feel like no... *more sobbing* I'm going mental, Grant. I am going mental. It is not the same thing. He says he loves me. And I trust him. But why do I feel like everything changed? Why do I feel him so distant? Is in the little things, the little details... I feel so insure that I feel jealous of everyone.
I am so stupid. I'm such an idiot. And this is why Sirius could leave me. I know it. I am scared. I am so scared to lose him, Grant. I feel... I feel I would die without Sirius. I would die without him... *silence and heavy breaths* Anyway, none of this is important because you don't pick up your phone and you probably forgot about me.... Sorry I bothered you. I miss you. I miss you so much.... And I fucking hate you for leaving me alone... Bye... Bye Grant *sniff*"
Remus hang up and felt an stupid urge to cry again. He had these stupid urges lately. And he felt so sad all the time. Like everything was wrong. But he didn't cry. He couldn't most of the time. But this time it was the other way around. He couldn't stop crying. And the pain was unbearable. Remus saw everything black. He thought about all the wrong things in his life. And he hated himself. He hated the way he looked, the way he acted, the way he spoke, the way he was so stupid and insecure. And he thought about letting Sirius go to find someone better, someone he deserved. But then he thought about his life without Sirius and he felt sick only thinking about it. Remus was selfish. He couldn't let him go. So he cried a little more until he was too tired to continue. And Remus went back to bed. He laid next to Sirius. He was facing the other side. Remus hesitated about hugging him and cowardly decided not to. It felt like they were strangers. It felt as if something was wrong as if something had changed between them. And Remus laid awake thinking about all the things he must've been doing wrong and how to fix them. Because he couldn't lose Sirius. He couldn't.
Please don't leave me, Sirius. Remus thought. Please don't leave me.
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confessionsofasuperfan · 10 months
Special Comment: Why David Tepper has no business of running an NFL team.
And now, a "Special Comment" about why David Tepper has ruined the Carolina Panthers organization, and why I'm not rooting for them until that piece of trash his gone.
After watching yet another blowout loss at the hands of the Tennessee Titans last Sunday, the Carolina Panthers find themselves sitting at 1-10 on the season, and yesterday, the team fired Frank Reich, who was hired by a certain hedge fund guy who has not business whatsoever of owning an NFL team. That guy I'm talking about is David Tepper.
When he first bought the team from Jerry Richardson in 2018, he promised to bring energy and enthusiasm to a team that hasn't made the playoffs in several years, and in the years that followed, he has not gotten the job done as an owner. This season, the Panthers have absolutely brought pain, heartbreak, and frustration to all of us fans, including myself, who is no longer supporting the Panthers until further notice, and I'll talk about that later on in this "Special Comment".
Today, Tepper had his press conference with the local media explaining the reasons why he decided to fire Reich in the first place, and did I even watch it, HELL TO THE NO. I did not watch it because first of all, he somewhat did not allow one Scott Fowler of the Charlotte Observer, this city's newspaper to ask him a question, and after that dismal press conference came to his conclusion, he took to X/Twitter saying that he was very unhappy with the Panthers for getting frozen out of asking a question at the press conference."
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The Heist - Chapter 20
You can read the previous chapters here :)
Previous chapter
Warnings: Mention of death, Gore, Swearing and a little spice(?) Kissing only though
From the previous chapter:
“NOOOO! JAKE!!!!!”, I scream my lungs out on not seeing him anywhere. He didn’t jump with the car right? “No no no, this can’t happen. “And I start running towards the ditch to figure shit out when suddenly…
Continuing from there :
Suddenly a hand grabs my arm, pulling me to a hard chest. I struggle, twisting my body but shit, this guy is too strong. Jake can’t go like that. I must save him.
I struggle harder, then bite his arm till I taste blood. Shit. Is this guy even human? He just wouldn’t budge. I spit the blood to get rid of the disgusting metallic taste in my mouth when I feel the guy's breath. He pulls me closer and whispers, “Shh. You have to move to a safer place first.” 
What bullshit is this guy spewing? 
I struggle harder when I hear his faint voice again, “I’m sorry. But we have to move. Immediately.” I am about to turn my head and ask what the fuck is he talking about when his hand hit my neck. Somewhere between my nape and collarbone? Shit. 
I’ve seen this in movies. 
The surroundings turn black. I have to move before I lose it. I am struggling to move, basically crawling on the floor. But damn. This guy just won’t let me move an inch.
Through fading consciousness, I think I mutter something. I can’t hear. What am I talking about?
Ah, I can guess.
Jake…please don’t die.
I feel my face rubbing on wood. Hardwood? Damp smell? Shit. Fuck that damn carotid chop or whatever it is called. I don’t have time for this bullshit. I have to see what happened to Jake. 
I dropped the damn burner phone too. At this point, the only thing I have is the revolver Jake handed me…
Fuck. There’s no way the guy who kidnapped me would let me keep it.
I shouldn’t open my eyes immediately, I think to myself. Making no move as much as possible, I slowly open my eyes. Only enough to gain my vision a little. The room is dark, I am lying on a wooden bed? Confirming there’s no one in the room beside me, I open my eyes completely. I notice another thing as well.
Damn. Is this guy crazy?
My hands nor legs were tied at all. What kind of a kidnapper would be this stupid? Wait.
The revolver is with me too?
What the fuck? Could it be James? Maybe he sent someone?
I immediately rise as I hear footsteps. I take the revolver in my hands and hide behind the door. Whoever opens the damn door won’t be able to see me right away. I can have the advantage of surprise. Of course, it’s more likely there will be other men too.
Still, I’ll go as far as I can. And Jake, you will have to fucking face my wrath when I find you. How dare you scare me like this? 
It will do no good to shoot this guy. If only I can just knock him out.
Soon, the door opens. I knock his head with the handle of the revolver. 
Fuck. He only hurt his head. A black-haired man with dark green eyes turns to me, his face is distorted. It must be quite painful there. That’s what you get for kidnapping me, dude. 
I point the revolver in his direction. Should I say ‘hands in the air? Well, before I say anything he raises his hands over his head. Right under the wrist of his right arm, there’s a bite mark. Yes. I only believe that it was done by a human because I did it. But there’s no way anyone is gonna believe that. The damn metal taste is still burning in my throat. 
Exhaling loudly, he rolls his eyes. Is he annoyed? How dare you, bastard? Am I not the one who should be annoyed here? I was the one who got kidnapped?
I open my mouth to curse but he beats me to it. “Fuck! Where did you even find this woman? Is she a dog or what?”
Do you dare say that you fucking asshole?! I am even considering pulling the damn trigger. I hear a voice, ‘the voice’.
“Don’t underestimate my girl.”
My hands lose their grip but I soon give strength. I still don’t know Jake’s condition. What if he has been caught too? 
Wait, he left me the damn revolver. Did he take out the bullets? 
“MC, it’s okay now.” Jake walks in, pushing the other guy aside. He is still in one piece. His blue eyes curving pleasantly. I feel my entire body finally cooling down. 
How dare he smile like that?
He is caught off guard, so my slap successfully lands on its destination. The blue irises widen, and Jake is now rubbing his cheeks. “W-why?”
I take a step forward. Grab him by the shoulders, bending him to my face level. I whisper in his ear, intentionally exhaling a hot breath. “Your punishment for scaring the shit out of me earlier.” Licking his earlobe, I smirk as I feel him shudder. “Of course, there will be more.”
Jake visibly gulps, then I grab him again and put my lips on his. I don’t give a fuck about the guy before us. We are already in a room, so how about he fuck off?
Jake seems to think the same as his tongue soon slips through my open lips. Damn. How dare he always make me forgive him so easily? The nerve of him.
As we part to catch our breath, Jake reluctantly loosens the grip on my waist. “MC, this is Kyle.” My eyes widen as mine meet the dark green ones. He has a hint of redness on his cheeks. With an awkward smile, Kyle greets me, nodding. 
Of course, he is embarrassed after witnessing our reunion kiss. Sorry but I don’t feel sorry at all. 
“Why are you suddenly helping us?” 
I ask, crossing my arms. Apparently, Kyle has now changed his mind not to stay silent anymore. He wants to help us bring Mark Willow down. Why suddenly? 
Who knows if Mark himself sent Kyle to us?  
Kyle chuckles under his breath, before sighing. “Of course. If it’s Jake’s lover she has to be this much at the very least.”
I frown. Yes, I’m happy that he called me ‘Jake’s lover’ but this is not the time for that. “What?”
Shaking his head lightly, Kyle lets his head down. “Master…That bastard killed my mother. My sister is all I have now but she’s in a coma. If I am to protect her, I must bring him down.”
This is all too complicated. Kyle is dishevelled as well, he looks like he needs some time to pull himself. Not to mention, treat the wounds I caused, if possible. I sigh, kneading my brows. Turning to Jake, “Let’s take a break. Can we afford that?”
Jake nods, “Yes. We can’t move out until it’s dark anyway. Also, I suppose they’re probably looking for our bodies by now.”
My heart aches as the car invaded my mind again, “How could you do that to such a beauty? To kill her like that? You’re heartless.” He chuckles, “Since I’ve got a beauty far beyond her,” pecking his lips on my nose playfully, he smirks. “Couldn’t help it.” I can feel my cheeks heating up.
Yes. By now Kyle has already left the room. It’s better that way, isn’t it? I was about to kick him out if not.
His lips crash on mine, this time more powerfully yet desperately. He runs a hand through my back while the other clutches my waist, gently but strongly. He licks my lower lip gently, asking me for access. I open my lips in a daze. His tongue invades my mouth, gently grazing over my teeth, then the cheeks. Soon, Jake presses his tongue on mine, inviting me to join him. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
Soon, we part as my lungs couldn’t take it anymore. Panting, I look into his hazy blue eyes. Eyes filled with desire.
Fuck. If only that Mark Willow bastard didn’t exist. We could’ve continued for sure right?
“Seriously,” I ask, still gasping for air. “How the hell did you escape there? I thought you fell with the car for sure.” 
@geocait0815 Your turn :)
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
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Requested by anon - a picture of your request will be at the bottom of the post! Thanks for sending it in, I had so much fun with it! :)
Pairing: best friend!BTS, maybe some secret crushes going on? 👀
Premise: You + all 7 members of BTS visiting a haunted house. What could go wrong?
So, so much.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: they are touring a haunted house, so there’s gonna be some scary story/spooky things going on. hopefully there’s enough fun things/fluff to counter it? 
a/n: this was longer than I expected it to be...but I was having fun with ot7. hopefully nobody minds lol
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It wasn't your fault that Hobi had never seen "A Quiet Place". He had mentioned it as you scrolled through the options on his TV while lounging on his couch like an overgrown cat. Everyone else was in the process of scarfing down their dinner, popping popcorn, and laughing over whatever Jimin and Yoongi were bickering about.
Obviously you had to watch it.
Naturally, the conversation had drifted to a bit more spooky topics. You'd come back from grabbing more popcorn surprised to find Jin talking about his friend that wanted to open up a house they'd inherited for ghost tours.
After nudging Jimin out of the way, you took up your usual spot next to Taehyung. They all watch you with amused eyes, knowing full well that Taehyung is the only one that willingly scratches your back on movie nights.
"Really, like is it the kind of haunted house where people dress up and scare you?" Jungkook asked, his interest piqued.
Jin shook his head. "No, not really. It sounds like they just walk you through the house and tell stories and stuff."
You and Jungkook share a look, already thinking the same thing. A glance at Hobi shows him clutching a blanket to his chest, caught between the events of the film and the conversation taking place.
"We should go," you ventured, immediately earning a startled stare from both Jin and Hobi. The others chuckle in response, Namjoon swatting Jungkook's hand half-heartedly as he tries to steal more popcorn from him.
"...noooo," Jin began. "It's not like it's up and running yet, they're just working on getting it ready for the fall-"
Jungkook picks up where you left off. "Perfect! We can be their test group. That way they'll know what they can do for the general public, get an idea of what works and what doesn't."
You jump in again before Jin can protest more. "C'mon! And besides, this may be your only chance just to go for fun! Otherwise you'd have to find a way to go without running into all of those people, and have to contact management about it..."
Jin sighs, looking at Hobi who stares back at him with an expression of defeat. You grin, Taehyung chuckling beside you.
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It was all too easy. Standing here now, you can see just why they want to open this up for ghost tours. Of course you won't admit it, but you already have chills running down your spine.
Or maybe that's just because Jung Hoseok is currently breathing down your neck.
"Alright," Jin's friend, Gina stands at the top of the steps, smiling down at you all. "Everybody ready?"
Jungkook and Taehyung, completely riled up, let out whoops and cheers while everyone else grunts in acknowledgement. Hobi clings to the back of your jacket, whimpering like a lost puppy.
This should be fun.
Jungkook doesn't bother to wait for everyone else, heading straight inside after Gina. Taehyung and Jimin are hot on his heels, joking about something back and forth. You follow after them, glancing back at Hobi with an amused grin.
"Oh," he realizes that he's still clinging to you. "Right." Extracting his hand from your jacket, he lets you move forward. He remains close behind you, Jin at his side.
Namjoon and Yoongi bring up the rear, hardly paying attention to anything that's going on as they chat about a business they saw not far from here.
"We'll begin in the front study here," Gina adopts a spooky tone as she stands in the candlelight. Shadows dance along the walls, making the hairs on the back of your neck stand up straight.
Suddenly you wish that Hobi was still holding onto you.
Slowly, so as to not draw the attention (and teasing) of the maknae line, you step back until you're between Namjoon and Yoongi.
The two of them smirk down at you, knowing full well that you're already spooked.
"What are you doing?" Jin whispers back to you, eyes wide while he rubs his arms as though he's cold. "Trying to abandon us to the ghosts?"
You shake your head fervently, hoping that they don't notice the way you're sneaking your hand into the pocket of Yoongi's jacket.
"No, the middle is the safest place," you argue. Yoongi gives a breathy chuckle beside you, his hand finding yours in the warmth of his pocket and giving it a squeeze. Thankfully the house is dark enough that the blush on your cheeks shouldn't be visible.
Absentmindedly you link your other arm through Namjoon's, hardly able to breathe properly when he instinctively moves closer.
What were you even saying?
"A-and now you've got three in front and three in back. You're totally safe."
Hobi and Jin look at each other like they know exactly what you’re up to, but don't push it as they suddenly begin walking again. Gina leads the way toward the dining room, weaving a tale of how the estranged wife of the owner of the house swore she would never leave the property.
"Did she?" Jungkook asks from the front, peeking in closed off rooms along the way. You can't help but marvel at his fearlessness.
Gina's eyes glow with excitement, almost as though she were waiting for someone to ask that. "No. Years later, when the owner sold the house, the new occupants said they found a sealed off room in the basement." You gasp, the sound echoing through the hallway. You miss the look Jimin gives you, too attached to the story.
"What..." you clutch Namjoon's arm, the fabric of his jacket bunching in your hand. "Did they ever open up the room?"
Gina grins. "They did. They hired someone to come and open the sealed door. However, the man they hired only got about halfway before quitting. He was terrified."
Yoongi leans down to whisper in your ear. "Are you trying to cut off my circulation?"
It's only then that you notice you've been squeezing his hand with startling strength. "Whoops." Going to remove your hand from his, he frowns, holding it tighter before you can move.
Well, if this isn't a rollercoaster of emotions.
"Why was he so scared?" Namjoon pipes up beside you, a hint of a smile gracing his features as he reads the expression on your face. Oh, you're so screwed. "Did he find something?"
"It's not so much what he found as what he didn't," Gina replies. "But we'll have to save that for last. For now, the dining room. Come on in, everyone."
Hobi looks back at you, a mixture of horror and overall curiosity on his face. “Oh, she’s good.”
Indeed, Gina definitely seems to have a way with words. You’re just having a hard time understanding them as your heart beats loudly enough to drown out any other noises. Yoongi has taken to tracing circles on the back of your hand, which you think are meant to be soothing. 
It only serves to send your heart rate skyrocketing. You stare at the portrait on the far end of the dining room, practically boring holes into the painting of the young woman. 
Breathe, don’t do anything stupid.
You blink, finding yourself to be the sudden center of attention. Jungkook grins widely at you. 
Jungkook repeats his question. “Are you doing alright?”
Jimin bursts out laughing. “That’s not an answer, jagiya. Need us to protect you from the ghosts?”
Your wide eyes immediately give you away, and even Gina is offering you a look of pity before deciding to continue on with the tour. Before you embarrass yourself even more, you slip out of Yoongi and Namjoon’s grasp, sneaking up behind Jin and Hobi.
“Hello boys,” you drawl, making Hobi nearly jump out of his skin. You earn a laugh from the group, Jin chuckling at his scared friend. Hobi just glares at you. 
“This sucks,” he whispers to you, pulling you up to stand between him and Jin. Immediately they stick to your sides like magnets and you realize that you have indeed done something stupid as Jin’s breath ghosts over the shell of your ear as he goes to whisper something to you.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire, it would seem. Your heart certainly agrees. 
“I’m not scared, you know,” Jin whispers. You take a deep breath, reminded yourself that these idiots are your best friends, not menu items. 
You shoot him an incredulous look. “I doubt that.”
He grins at you, eyes lingering a bit longer than usual. “You’ll see.”
Tearing your eyes away from his and hearing his deep chuckle, you wonder if it’s too late to ask Gina where the nearest exit is. 
Don’t do anything stupid.
“Shall we head up to the attic?” Gina asks. “It’s a small space, we can only go three at a time. However, there are some really interesting old photographs up there that we should look at.”
In the blink of an eye everyone is paired off, and you find yourself face to face with Jimin. He grins at you like the Cheshire Cat, making you wonder if he isn’t the most dangerous thing in this house. 
Jin and Hobi have the glorious opportunity to go up together while Gina leads the way, and several screams accompany their little trip. In the middle of the candlelight in the hallway, you chuckle with the rest of your friends. 
“It’s been interesting so far,” Jungkook muses. “I really want to know what they found in that sealed off basement room.”
Taehyung hums in agreement. “Mmm. Or rather, what they didn’t find.”
“What does that even mean?”
Nobody is given a chance to answer Jungkook’s question as Hobi and Jin come scrambling down the ladder, faces pale even as they laugh. Gina chuckles from above, beckoning the next pair to come up.
Jimin looks at you with an arched brow. “Wanna go next?”
“Sure.” You follow him up the ladder, laughing as Jin recounts how he swore the woman in the photograph blinked. 
The attic is filled with moonlight, and under other circumstances it might be pretty. However, amongst the old heirlooms sits an ominous scrapbook, filled with black and white photos of less-than-happy people. 
Jimin reaches down, grabbing your hand and helping you to your feet as you look around. When he lets go you aren’t sure whether or not to be disappointed. 
You’ve hardly made up your mind when he leads you to where Gina stands beside the scrapbook and slips behind you. A moment later his arms encircle your waist, chin propped up on your shoulder. 
So there’s that. 
Gina points to the first photo, a grim-looking man standing behind a chair where a young woman sits smiling. “This is the estranged wife, before she was estranged, of course. And this is the owner of the house. From what we’ve been able to dig up about his past - no pun intended - he was always deathly serious.”
Jimin hums in acknowledgement, the vibrations going straight into your spine. Unsure of what to do with your arms, you gently place them atop his arms around your middle. 
You swear he smiles for a moment before turning pensive again. “Why did they separate?” You manage to ask, applauding yourself for getting a complete sentence out while Park Jimin hugs you from behind. 
“Rumor has it she cheated on him with his best friend,” Gina whispers, pointing to another photo where the solemn owner stands beside a smiling man. “He was driven mad with jealousy. Terrible, isn’t it?”
Gina gives you a long look, and suddenly you straighten your spine. “I-uh, yeah. Horrible.”
She shows us another photo, explaining something about it while Jimin mumbles out a couple of questions. You hardly process any of it, staring at Gina and wondering if she thinks that you are somehow cheating.
But on who? Jin, maybe? Since that’s her friend?
“Alright, send up the next pair,” Gina croons. Jimin detaches himself from you, suddenly leaving you cold. You turn to follow him, but stop as Gina places a hand on your arm. 
“Yes?” You ask, struggling to keep your tone even. Gina motions for Jimin to keep going, pulling you back to the scrapbook. She tilts her head to one side. 
“Forgive me for maybe overstepping a boundary but...” she motions toward the ladder, where everyone waits below. “Don’t tell me you’re flirting with all of them.”
Your eyes widen, and a breathy laugh comes out. “Me? What? N-no. They’re my best friends, why would I-”
Gina laughs, the sound too loud for the small attic. “Well, they’re flirting with you.” She playfully elbows me. “Speaking from girl to girl...enjoy it. For the rest of us.”
Nearly choking, you frown but nod all the same. “...ok?” When she makes no move to say anything else, you head down the ladder. The boys look up at me with confused looks, Jimin waiting at the bottom to make sure you get down safely. 
“What was that about?” Jin asks, looking a little nervous. “She didn’t say anything to make you uncomfortable, did she?”
You blink at him, wondering for a moment if the boys have always been like this around you. Surely not. It’s just the haunted house bringing out this protective side, right?
“No, she just wanted to show me something else. She’s actually really nice.” You think.
The other groups go up, and nothing else happens to pique your interest. Gina comes down last of all, giving you a wink before walking down the hallway. 
“I think we’re ready to go down to the basement, everyone!”
Somehow you end up at the front, surrounded on all sides by the maknae line. You crane your neck, looking back to see the older boys all lost in a heated discussion. Hobi catches your eye after a moment, elbowing Namjoon who looks up at you with fake innocence. 
You frown, Gina’s words coming back to you. “They’re flirting with you.”
You must have lost your mind. Was the haunted house really that traumatizing as to make you start coming up with such ridiculous things? How silly of you. 
The feeling of a hand resting on the small of your back has you yelping, jumping to face forward again. Taehyung gives you a sheepish grin. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, gently pushing you forward to stand in front of him. “Are you really that spooked?”
“I...no.” You fail to come up with a complete sentence, but shrug it off. Taehyung smiles brightly at you, gesturing for you to head down the stairs. 
“You seem distracted tonight, are you alright?” 
The way your heart had begun palpitating calms down as you notice the obvious concern on Taehyung’s face. You give him a small smile, allowing yourself to relish the feeling of his fingers splayed against your back as you move down the stairs. 
“I’m fine, don’t worry. Just distracted by the story.”
Taehyung looks at you for a moment longer, not quite believing you but shrugging it off. He brings both hands to your shoulders as you enter the basement, an obvious chill in the air. 
You fight off a shiver, Taehyung noticing and beginning to rub at your arms in an attempt to warm you up. Gina immediately notices the action, hiding a smile as she pretends to cough. 
“Well,” she says once her ‘coughing fit’ subsides. “We’ve made it to the final leg of the tour. How’s it been so far?”
This time everyone cheers with renewed vigor, although a part of you has a hunch that it’s because Hobi knows he’s nearing the end of this scary experience. The thought makes you grin. 
“Earlier, you guys asked me what was found in the sealed off room. It’s easier to show you, rather than explain.” Gina walks backward, motioning for everyone to follow her. It’s darker down here, only a few candles light the way. Despite being surrounded by people you trust, you can’t fight the fear that sneaks inside of you. 
Rounding a corner, you see a small hallway with a half-open door. Jin curses behind you, clearly feeling just as freaked out as you.
“Remember how the estranged wife said she’d never leave this place?” Gina nods toward the door and dark entryway. “In that room there’s evidence that she may have had an...extended stay here. It’s very small, and the door only opens to a certain point. Almost as though whoever designed it didn’t want to have an easy escape point.”
Chills run down your spine, and even Taehyung’s ministrations pause for a moment as he takes in this new information. 
Jungkook speaks up, ever the curious one. “Wait...her body isn’t still here, right?”
Gina shakes her head. “No, although we think that she may have been buried somewhere on the property. We have yet to find her, though.”
“That...” you shake your head, shuffling from foot to foot. “That sounds so ominous. Like she still walks the property or something.”
The smile Gina sends you is enough to make your blood run cold. “We haven’t ruled anything out.” She gestures toward the door. “Due to fire hazards, we can only have two people at a time in the hallway and in the room. Do I have any volunteers?”
Jungkook’s hand immediately shoots up in the air, and he looks at his hyungs pleadingly. You remain still as a statue, refusing to look up for fear of being called on. 
You swear you can almost hear Taehyung sigh before he speaks. “Well, obviously you have to go.” He nudges you forward, and you whirl on him in absolute horror. 
“What?!” You shout. “How could you betray me like this?! I- no way!”
The boys can’t help but laugh at you, Namjoon clapping Taehyung on the shoulder. Taehyung gives you an apologetic look, shrugging. 
“C’mon, I’ll keep you safe,” Jungkook promises, his big pleading eyes on yours.
You hate how you can never say no to him. 
Gina pats your shoulder as you walk past, laughing lightly. “Have fun,” she croons. “Ok everyone, let’s go into the open area just around the corner-”
“You’re leaving us?!” You shout again, stopping in your tracks. “Noooo, no no. Not happening.”
“Jungkook will take care of you,” Yoongi says over his shoulder. “Or do you not trust him?”
Jungkook pauses, looking at you with those big brown eyes. “You don’t trust me?”
Yoongi chuckles darkly before leaving the hallway, and you know he’s aware of what he did. You’ll have to make him pay for it later. 
Possibly in the form of food.
“No, I do Kook,” you sigh. He extends his hand out to you, waiting patiently. 
You take it a little too quickly.
Gina was right, the door only opens to a certain point, leaving you no choice but to shimmy through. Jungkook inspects the entire area, pointing out what looks to be scratches on the doorframe. You shiver. 
“It’s not real,” he reassures you, keeping his hand in yours as he shimmies into the room. You hesitate for a moment, daring to glance at where your hands are connected before following after him. 
It’s nearly pitch black in the room, hardly allowing for you to see anything. “Can you even see anything?”
Jungkook laughs, squeezing your hand. “Nope. I think we’ll have to wait for our eyes to adjust. You good?”
You squeeze back. “Yeah, I think-”
The door is shut.
The door is shut. 
Suddenly delved into complete darkness, your breath hitches in your throat. “Jungkook,” you whimper. “Jungkook, I’m scared-”
“Shhh,” Jungkook hushes you, pulling you closer until you bump into his chest. “You’re fine. They’re just pulling a prank on us.” 
Without thinking anything other than, I’m too young to die, you instinctively wrap your arms around his waist, burrowing your head against his chest as he chuckles. 
“I can’t die, Jungkook,” you mumble into his chest. “I’m too young. I have so much to do. I have a test this week to take, and I’ve studied so hard for it, I have to take it. That’d be so stupid to die before taking that dumb test. And I have to yell at Yoongi or something, I don’t know-”
Jungkook’s giddy laughter pulls you out of your daze, and if you weren’t so scared you would be glaring at him. He laces his fingers behind your back, pulling you impossibly closer.
“You’re so cute,” he whispers into the dark, making every last thought eddy out of your brain. “Have I ever told you that before?”
Finding just enough willpower to move, you shake your head. Jungkook harrumphs above you, the sound almost pulling a giggle from you. Then you remember the situation you’re currently in. 
Jungkook sighs. “Well, you are. That, and a lot of other things. Would you like me to tell you what else I think you are?”
Hands bunching in the fabric of his clothes, you find your voice. “...yes.”
Jungkook takes a deep breath. “Scary smart. It’s horrifying.” A chuckle bubbles up from your chest. “And inclusive. That’s so underrated these days, you know? But you’re always making sure everyone is involved and enjoying themselves.”
You can tell that he’s holding his breath from the way his chest has stopped moving, and you’re about to ask him if he’s alright when he hesitantly runs his fingers through your hair. 
If that wasn’t enough to send you over the edge, he lets out a shaky breath before continuing on. “I’m sorry I haven’t told you those things before.”
You manage a laugh. “I’m sorry that it took us going on a haunted house tour for you to say it.”
Jungkook smiles down at you, your eyes finally adjusted to the dim room. He stares at you for a long moment, and you wonder if he’s going to kiss you.
You wonder if you’d let him.
He must see the question in your eyes, but he gives you a knowing look before heading toward the door, making sure your hand is in his. 
“You don’t have to worry about that,” he says, testing the door and giggling at your sigh of relief when the door is unlocked. 
“Worry about what?” You feign ignorance. Jungkook sees right through your, tugging you along as you head out the door. 
He shrugs, suddenly unable to look you in the eyes as pink no doubt paints his cheeks. “You know...overstepping any boundaries.” He looks down at his feet. “Making a move.”
“Why?” The question comes out before you can stop it, and you inwardly curse yourself. Jungkook smiles softly at your inquiry. 
The sound of everyone chatting makes you almost want to cry with relief. They must be just around the corner, waiting for you to return. 
Jungkook leans over, whispering to you. “Because we have a pact.”
You turn to question him further, eyes wide. He anticipates this, taking long strides until you find yourselves back in the open area with everyone else. 
“We’re back!” Jungkook announces, shooting you a smirk. You can’t help but stare at him, mouth slightly agape. 
A pact?
Gina smiles broadly. “How was the room? Did you find anything interesting?”
You shake your head, trying and failing to stop yourself from overanalyzing every glance the boys give you. “...no. I was too freaked out to even look around after the door closed on us.”
“Yeah, who did that? We didn’t even hear you guys,” Jungkook asks. 
Everyone looks at the two of you before looking at Gina, clearly just as confused. 
Gina, on the other hand, looks absolutely terrified. 
“Ummm...” she begins, rubbing her arms in an effort to warm herself up. “Remember how I said that we haven’t ever found the body of the estranged wife?”
You nod your head but stop, the words sinking in. The hairs on the back of your neck rise up, and you find yourself shuffling over to stand next to Jin, clinging to his arm. 
“Yeah...” Namjoon says, eyes darting around the room.
Gina sighs. “Alright, everyone, single file line. Head out as quickly and quietly as possible.”
You don’t need to be told twice.
this has been turned into a series!
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oooh so spooky ;) 
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
I read the Diavolos ball and angsty stuff, can I please please please get a happy ending to go with it?
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This has been a highly requested and I must give my poor followers comfort after this straight up angst
So everyone, let's get into it! Some hurt and comfort to soothe your hearts
Warning: angst, long
I'll be putting this under readmore as it is long and I have had someone before say they wanted me to add it on long posts, I never really got any feedback about what I could do better and how this will help with people's viewing but I understand why, long posts can be annoying
If you guys think I should do this with all my long posts please comment or dm me or even state it in asks/requests - I wanna do what I can to make things enjoyable for people
Part 1 - beginning
Diavolo's ball aftermath
It's been a few days since they've seen you; they expected to find you in the dorm. Some fear you went back to the human world; there was no messages, no note - there was nothing. You were completely gone.
Everyone was losing it. The brothers got more aggressively with each other, no longer able to have you come between them. Your presence was so soothing to all of them but now you were gone. As soon as they realized you were gone the whole air of the dorm shifted. It wasn't right.
Mammon got desperate to know where you were. He handed one of his crows a necklace he got you, you promised to never take it off. His heart shattered when he saw it was on your desk. He wasn't sure what he did wrong - why did you take it off? What happened to you?
It wasn't long before the crow came back to the devildom; reporting that you were in fact in the human world. The brothers were devastated. They had to tell the others and they had to watch the hopeful shine in their eyes die.
They could all feel thankful you were unharmed but you were so far. You did this to get away from them. You didn't even leave a damn note!
Diavolo ordered everyone to go to the human world. They all split up into different parties to get you, whoever could get you first had to interrogate you. It didn't take a genius to understand that the Noble told you something horrible - why else would you have such a reaction? Barbatos was tasked to 'calmly discuss' that night with said noble but regardless of how rough and merciless he was; he refused to talk.
It was wasting time and energy. If he wasn't going to talk then they had to get the answer from you. A few were able to gather the gist of what he told you from your conversation before you disappeared; you were convinced you were being used and just a replacement, a pawn to them.
They wanted the full story. The whole reason. Anything! Just to understand why you would push them away and disappear like this. What have they done to make the nobles words feel so real to you? They needed to fix it.
The demon brother's split into a team of two; eldest and youngest, the royals stayed together and the elder exchange students were a double team aswell.
The crows lead the teams their way, splitting up to different routes to see if they could circle you so they could talk to you even if you decided to run.
In the end they found you, you were across the pavement, a train coming. The pedestrian stop dinged as it commanded people to stop but the men couldn't help themselves.
You whipped around, shocked. You thought your ears were playing tricks on you but there was the boys. Your boys. Tears bubbled in your eyes. You couldn't believe it. They followed you to the human world.
The world slowed down; the wind blowing against you as your eyes widened at the sight of them. They looked exhausted, some even with tear streaked cheeks. The more impulsive bunch being held back so they don't go running towards you. The street lights illuminated all of you; their appearance looked just as broken as their hearts.
The train rammed itself between you all. Disturbing the moment with its blaring horn, the screeching wheels ringing in your ears. It was the second you had to decide; do you run? Or do you stay?
To let them get you and finally face your emotions or run away, avoid everything and keep letting despair consume you.
You stayed. You couldn't move at all. It was if you were glued to the spot. But you knew it was just your heart aching for them; desperate to hold them and cry out your pain.
As soon as they could, they all rushed to your side. Hugging you, grabbing at your arms and head to pull you close to them. You choked on your tears as you let the 11 men hug you and check your face and clothes. All just wanting to make sure you were really there and unharmed.
You missed them all dearly and you were so happy they missed you too.
But then the big question was asked.
"what happened that night?"
"he said he was happy to meet me...asked for a dance and I said yes, I never should of, he kept telling me I was just Diavolo's pawn, Lilith's replacement and convinced me none of actually cared for me....I believed him.....I felt so unsure and he knew so much about us I just couldn't stop the doubts in my head....I'm so sorry-!"
He couldn't believe that noble said that to you
He hastily grabbed your face, wiping away your tears
"You will never be and never have been her replacement, you are your own person, your connection to our sister means nothing other than comfort that she was able to be happy and that's it - I apologize if we have made you feel like you are a replacement and have compared you to her.... please understand we just miss her very dearly but we all want you in our life more than anything."
You buried your face into his shoulder
Sobbing your heart out as you kept chanting apologies and gratitude in a broken voice
He silenced you, holding you close
The prideful demon hid his face as best as he could and let tears drip down his cheeks
He was so relived to have you back
It seemed that noble wasn't only going to be visited by barbatos
Lucifer was not known for being merciful
He grabbed your arm and hastily tugged you towards him
His other hand cradled the back of your head
"Don't ever run away again, you understand?! I'm supposed to be the one protecting ya and how am I supposed to do that if you're off running in different realms without telling anyone??!! That noble doesn't know anything! I don't know how he knew about Lilith but you ain't her, you're (Y/N) And that's it! You are your own person - you gotta call out my dumbass-ary if I compare or make you feel that way, I would never do it on purpose! I like you and only you! I can't lose you again!"
He pushed his forhead against yours
A shaky exhale leaving him
You tried to apologize but he cut you right off, hugging you closer
He was going to make that Noble pay for ever making you doubt yourself like this
To doubt how much he loves you
He was already crying
He was crying before you even considered crying
He rushed to you and grabbed your hands
"I got so scared I did something, Don't listen to that normie! Normies are losers for a reason! There's no one else I would want as my best friend - no one will ever be a better game partner than you! You always make me feel happy and proud to be me-! I couldn't ask for anything more from you! I miss Lilith but I miss you even more! You're my favourite person, you're not some replacement, you're you! You're my player 2-! I'm sorry if I made you feel like you're not as amazing as you are, please don't leave again!"
It wasn't long after his speech he hugged you
Squeezing you tightly as he relished in having you back in real life 3D
since you were gone he kept playing as your game avatars
Using ai set ups to feel like he was with you again in VR
That noble will not stand a chance against his fury
He wasn't sure if he was mad at you or himself
It was most likely both - mad you left and let someone just destory so much work and progression in one meeting
But mad at himself for not making you feel secure
He couldn't bring himself to hug you but that was because he was scared he wouldn't let go
"I knew that Noble was nothing but a menace-! You can't listen to people like him, he's just trying to get to you and tear us apart - I don't know why he would do that but he isn't right, he will never EVER be right! You are yourself and never will be Lilith, I didn't get to me her or really know who she was but I do know you will never be her and never were her! I care so much about you and I will make sure to keep my stupid brothers to never make you feel that way again, I've missed you so much (Y/N)."
In the end, he fell into your arms
Holding you tight as he let out his tears of frustration go
You apologized but he just told you to shut up, he didn't want you to be sorry for being the victim
He already had plans on what he's going to do to that noble, trying to push those thoughts away
Focusing on how wonderful it is to have you close
As soon as he could reach you, he pulled you into an embrace
Shaking his head as tears streamed down
His makeup already starting to to drip along work his tears
"No! No! No! Noooo!! Don't listen to that horrible noble! He isn't right at all, he doesn't know anything about us or you! He obviously doesn't know how much we care about you and like you as your own person, I never meant to make you feel as if you were some sort of replacement! Lilith was her own being and so are you, your connection means nothing! I i will always be happy knowing my sister got to live the life she wanted but you aren't apart of that, your life is your own and you are nothing like her! I love you because you're you! I couldn't imagine ever loving someone as much as I love you, please come back to the devildom!"
He nuzzled his cheek against yours
Thankful to have you back in his arms again
He didn't like getting his hands messy but no one was going to make you feel that way ever again
He didn't care about that demons status
His hand landed on the top of your head
You flinched not expecting such a gentle pat but it only broke his heart more
"That noble knows nothing about you or any of us, he's turned my sister into an enemy to our relationship and I will not let that go on for any longer! You are not her and not her replacement, how dare he make you feel that way! you're apart of my family and I'll have it no other way, I really love you and missed you everyday you were gone - I was scared I'd never feel full again, you make me feel complete and when you disappeared I knew I wouldn't be able to protect you, I would of never forgiven myself if you got hurt! I want to always be able to protect you and have you by my side and make you feel happy - I promise I won't fail you again."
He almost fell to his knees once he was done
He was ready to swear to you on one knee, like a true knight
But instead hugged you
Mindful not to squeeze too hard but let himself be selfish and hold you tighter than he would normally dare to
He was one prone to be violent unless it was in sports or he was starved - the Noble starved him of your touch and kindness
He'll break more than just rooms once he gets his hands on that Noble
He spun you to face him
Needing your attention on him
It was only a few days but it felt like forever since he's had your eyes on him
"You're no pawn and no replacement, you are you and that's all I want, I don't want any one else, I know I've made you feel like a replacement - i did something horrible to you and then tried to make it seem like it was all okay after, I'm always trying to make up for that day but I know that is something that will always effect us! I missed you so much....you are your own person and you've helped me be a better person, come back home and let me make this right......you're all I want and need."
He broke down crying
Hanging his head low and it dropped onto your shoulder
He loosely held your waist whilst you gripped onto him tight
If everyone thought choking you was bad, just wait until they see what he plans to do with that noble
He couldn't stand seeing you so upset anymore
He gently held your arm
Giving it a small squeeze as tears built up
"He said all that? I'm sorry he made you feel like that, to feel such confliction and dread, You are never will be or were my pawn, you're a fantastic student and wonderful person who's did more than I've ever imagined Someone could do, if I could have asked you myself properly to be apart of the exchange program I would of but the world is not yet ready to merge and be aware of our existence.... please you have my deepest apologies and regrets that you felt this way and I've allowed such a person in my court, I will do whatever I can to make this right."
The tears finally fell and he became selfish
Hugging you tight against him, his fingers brushing against any skin he could touch
He couldn't dare to think how he'll be when you finally do leave the program
But until that time comes he needed to make it a good experience for you
If what barbatos did to him wasn't enough to convince him then he will not go back on his word
He'll fix this and do whatever he can to make all the pain stop
He sighed in relief seeing you in the flesh
Knees buckling as he stood before you
His knuckles bloodied and bruised under his gloves
"I should of been more comforting when I found you, if I had known that was what he said I would of never let him be apart of the lord's court or be at that party, believe me when I say you are not a pawn or someone's replacement - you are so much more than that, you are you and someone that's made me feel closer to the present, to act quicker and stop using endless time as a excuse, I will fix this and make him regret ever uttering a word to you, I promise you."
Your touch was as gentle as ever
He caved, leaning against you
Happy to be able to make amends and fix the situation
The nobles dealt with him once and no matter what he did it wasn't enough
But he was merely holding back to be a gentleman, even if that noble now looks like a beaten raisin
It seemed he will have to do much worse to send everyone's message across
His face was gentle yet scolding
He gently brushed your cheek, wiping away a stray tear
"don't run off next time something like this happens, your life is so short and I hate to think would could happen if I lost you because you felt isolated even from me, you though you could find solace as both of us are humans but I was slow to understand your needs - you are deeply loved by everyone, I envy how much love you get and that's why I can't stand to see you run! I also love you and your presence, you have been so kind to me and I still have so much to teach you- please believe me when I say you're no one's pawn or replacement, you're important because you're you."
You crumbled completely
He hugged you as you apologized, calling yourself an idioit
But it only made him tsk, rubbing your back as he filled your ears with praises
He was sure the demons were going to rip that Noble to shreds but he couldn't help but desire his own revenge
Seeing you like this hurt him so much
He was so quick and gentle you could of mistaken him as a feather
He embraced you, cradling your head and rubbed soothing circles between your shoulder blades
"I was worried about you, I took you home and then I learn you've completely disappeared! No warning or note behind, you ran away - your feelings are extremely valid and I understand why you did this, It must of been so conflicting and you needed space to think and reflect, you're so strong (Y/N)! but you are also smarter than this, I feel ashamed knowing I haven't showed you how much I appreciate you being in my life and make sure you feel secure in the Devildom, I want to look over you but I've failed you already, that Noble does not know what he's talking about regardless of the information he has! I would never let anyone use you or let anyone treat you as some replacement, we all care so much about you."
He slightly swayed with you in his arms
Overwhelmed by his fears and the emotions that were rushing through him
He promised to never harm an innocent soul
That noble did not have one
He will leave the more physically destructive rage to the others
Wanting to merely talk and show the noble the error of his ways
You were back in the Devildom, Everyone was making sure to spend extra time with you. So happy to have you back and wanting to work on making you feel more secure. You couldn't stop how fast your heart was beating from all the overwhelming joy you felt.
It felt so good to be back. But you nagging worry remained in your head; what was going to happen to the Noble? you wished you could go up to him and yell at him. Prove him wrong and make him regret ever making you spiral like that.
When you brought up the idea, the men all looked at each other. A knowing look in their eye.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N) but I think it's best you don't see him but rest assured, we've dealt with him on your behalf and understand your wishes - let us know how we can help you feel resolved from that situation if this is unsatisfactory."
Diavolo answered. If it weren't the state the noble was in they'd happily let you chew him out but your heart and mind have been through enough already. No need to add on to the hurt with seeing what was left of him. They couldn't stand to see you upset again.
But you agreed, thanking them for their support and handling the situation. Unaware of their true actions. They all wished you a great day before going back to their own private meeting.
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chockfullofsecrets · 3 years
"If I'm not careful I'm gonna end up writing content for a character who literally never appears in 141 episodes"
I mean, you are more than welcome to. In fact, we will gratefully encourage this.
you encourage chock? you encourage chock like the author? oh! oh! tk fic for anon! tk fic for anon for Two Thousand Words!
(also, heads up that i am moving next week! have been working on Importance of Timing when i can, but the first chapter probably won't be here for another two weeks at least.)
Verin Thelyss, Essek knows, is a seasoned battle commander and strategist.
He’s also in possession of the instinct to tackle people when he’s excited, so Essek is well aware that it’s only those decades of training and experience that have his little brother pausing for the briefest instant as Caleb and Jester teleport him into the hold of the Nein Heroez before he launches himself at Essek in a dead run.
Veth and Caduceus are at their respective homes, Kingsley watching over the ship, but he is far from alone - Yasha and Fjord each have a supportive hand on his shoulder, a silent assurance from the tense minutes waiting for their friends to return from Bazzoxan. They swear in unison and scramble for their weapons as Verin screeches to a halt just shy of shunting Essek straight though the hull and yanks him into a rib-crushing hug.
He burrows into the junction of Essek’s neck and shoulder, made possible only by virtue of the activated floating spell that puts the coiffed swoop of his hair a full inch above Verin’s. “Thank the fucking Light, you’re not actually dead.”
“What the fuck, he’s like a swearing puppy,” Beau hisses. There’s a soft thwap as Fjord gently smacks her across the back of the head.
Essek is feeling out the edges of friendly intimacy, still, stumbling through every brush of fingers and shared look of exasperation, but even he does not need Jester’s frantic gesturing to prompt him to lift his arms and awkwardly wrap them around Verin’s shoulders.
It’s like wrapping a single thread of silk around one of Yasha’s biceps. Clearly he is not built for comforting.
Verin stiffens with a single sharp twitch of his ear against Essek’s collarbone . Essek’s thoughts flail wildly between an expectation of tears or a dagger to his ribs, but his brother just laughs, loud and hearty, and snuggles even further into his personal space. “I see someone’s finally taught you how to hug back - you should have written and told me, this is better news than any number of pages on den politics.”
Essek bristles. “Careful, or I will stop,” he huffs, somewhat more waspishly than he intends to.
Luckily, Verin has proven immune to his moods. “Oh, please don’t,” he insists, voice still crackling with glee. He grins, warm and wide enough that Essek can feel it against the side of his neck. “It just makes doing this that much easier.”
“Doing what,” Essek says reflexively, even as the tiny portion of his brain that he allows to remember his childhood starts to blare an alarm. “Verin-”
It’s far too late to realize that Verin’s hands have somehow been maliciously positioned just along the backs of his ribs.
Jester, standing with Caleb behind Verin, perks up in clear interest as the corners of his mouth start to twitch up. On second thought, Essek thinks he’d have preferred the dagger.
“Verin,” he hisses again, fighting back the anticipatory shiver crawling up his back. “Don’t - don’t you dare-”
It’s about then that Verin’s evil, evil fingers find the edges of his mantle’s arm slits and squeeze him even closer as they stretch to wriggle under his arms.
He snatches his arms back, but it’s too late - a dismayed giggle sneaks from his throat, then another, and then he’s beating helplessly at Verin’s shoulders as he dissolves into high, squeaking laughter.
Every single nerve between his armpits and his ribs squirms in unison - a bubbly, slippery sensation even more potent for how long it’s been since he last felt it. “No,” he shrieks. “I - ahaha! eeheee! - no tickling, no tickling, Verin-”
Jester looks thrilled - she’s bouncing on her toes, babbling something to Caleb that’s inaudible over the rush of his own laughter. Light, the Nein are going to tear him apart for this-
“Yes, tickling,” Verin protests, laughing right along with him. “All the tickling! You let me think you were dead! For months! I thought I was never going to get to watch my poor brother giggle himself to pieces ever again!”
He’s not, because Essek is going to kill him. “That - nahaha, hff, ahaaa! - that was - ha - it’s been decades - stop, stop, there’s people!”
“Yeah, people,” Beau says, loud and smug and far too close behind him. “Hey - Verin, was it? - does hotboi here have a worst spot?”
Oh no. Oh no. Essek squeezes his eyes shut in a desperate attempt to focus and does the only thing he can while laughing like an idiot.
With a shaky flick of his wrist, his floating dispels. Verin yelps in surprise as gravity takes Essek straight out of his grip.
The instant his boots hit the deck, Essek twists the rest of the way out of his grip and bolts.
There’s nowhere to go, really - the Nein have a room full of Counterspells, and Verin can run faster than he can, and he’s already tumbling halfway back into laughter in giddy anticipation of being caught. Still, it’s a surprise when he stumbles into a brick wall of leather and biceps that resolves itself into Yasha as she hoists him back into the air.
“Oh, where do you think you’re going?” She sounds admirably innocent given the soft, teasing smile she gives him.
“Noooo,” Essek giggles. Heat gathers in his cheeks as he tries to make himself stop - it doesn’t make sense, he’s not even being tickled anymore, but even the potential for it flutters light and fizzy at the bottom of his lungs. “I - I’m not ticklish anymore, I’m not-”
The Nein and Verin cluster around the two of them, bubbling with various levels of amusement. “Really?” Beau drawls. “It’s cute that you think denying it has a single fucking chance of working.”
The sarcasm helps him center himself, if only a little - he buries his face in Yasha’s arm and sucks in a deep breath that doesn’t do nearly enough to get rid of his blush.
He straightens as best he can while being bear hugged by a barbarian. “I am denying nothing,” he says carefully. Jester is still bouncing next to Beau, fingertips already twitching where they’re curled sweetly on her cheeks around a mischievous beaming smile, and Essek has to look away before the nervous snickers still wobbling on the back of his tongue can worm their way free. “I am well aware that Verin is - incorrigible-”
He hisses the last word in his brother’s direction - again, harsher than he intends, but he is so unused to being soft around him - and fails to contain a shy smile as Verin sticks his tongue out in retaliation.
Jester’s tail waves its way into the edge of his peripheral vision. He jumps and looks over at Fjord instead. “-but I, ah, I would ask for more respect from the rest of you-”
“You really shouldn’t,” Fjord says, grinning boyishly back at him. “I mean, you know us.”
And then, to Fjord’s right - “Essek?”
He’s been avoiding looking at Caleb. It is foolish, perhaps, to think that after all of the incredibly stupid things he knows Essek has done he will decide to judge him for this, but he cannot help the way his shoulders stiffen as he twists a little further to meet the gaze of the last link in their semicircle. “Yes?”
Caleb looks - focused, in an offhanded way, like he’s intent on something happening just slightly out of their current reality. Stunned might be a better word for it. He blinks for a moment before focusing those keen blue eyes somewhere near Essek’s eyebrows. “Ah - did you know that when you laugh, your ears -” He puts his hands up to his own ears and flaps them a little.
Drow do not run particularly warm, but that only makes it easier for Essek to feel the heat absolutely flood back into his face. “I-” he stammers. Nearly a century of politics is nowhere near enough to help him keep a straight face. “I - ah - eeh!-”
Caleb is close enough to reach out and run a questing fingertip over Essek’s left ear - it flicks wildly, trying to dislodge the unexpected tickle, but a surprised squeak still slips out.
There’s a moment of silence before Verin starts to snicker. “Oh, I like your friends,” he says merrily, beaming. “Go on, Light knows he doesn’t let himself laugh enough otherwise.”
“Don’t,” Essek gets out hastily, but Caleb is already reaching out for another go and Yasha’s grip is firm enough that all he can do is squeak again. “Wait - hm, hnn!”
Beau sidles up to Yasha’s side and gives him a self satisfied leer as she reaches out across their little group to pluck the feather from Fjord’s tricorn. “You got him, babe?”
“I do,” Yasha confirms and lets out a little squeak of her own as Beau reaches around her, no doubt squeezing something entirely inappropriate with company present.
“Hot,” Beau smirks, and reaches to flutter the feather over Essek’s right ear. “Aw, does that tickle? Thought you said you weren’t ticklish, man.”
Essek maintains some facsimile of composure for all of two seconds before his face crumples “Nnn - hehehe - eheehe - oh!”
His lungs are surely going to burst, with the way they’re shivering out desperate giggles as he shakes his head frantically between Caleb’s fingers and the teasing feather. He can’t move his arms, so he kicks his legs instead. “Please,” he begs, nearly incomprehensible even to his own ears. “Ah - aha, heeheehee! - tickles-”
Verin leans down and scoops his ankles up with one ridiculously sculpted arm. “Essek, you’re going to put a hole in someone with those boots.”
He looks up, raising his eyebrows teasingly, and Essek’s stomach drops like he’s cast something on it. “Here, I’ll fix that.”
Essek’s eyes, narrowed with laughter, shoot wide open. He doesn’t remember Verin being this evil - but then again, his brother’s never been egged on by five other people determined to render reports of his death more realistic.
“Verin, Verin, no-” he tries, but he’s giggling so hard that he can’t even get the words out. He twists as far away from Caleb and Beau as he can, flailing frantically, but Verin’s grip holds firm.
He pouts dramatically. “What? Is it my fault that my tiny, ticklish wizard brother insists on wearing metal-tipped boots that endanger everyone?”
Essek opens his mouth to reply and promptly dissolves into another frantic peal of laughter as Beau gets bored of his ears and shoves her feather in Caleb’s direction before jabbing a finger between his trapped arm and his chest to get at his armpit. “Your - shihihit, shit, ahahaaa, not there! - your arcanist brother is going to kill you just as soon as I can- hahaha!”
Verin just laughs, unlacing one of his boots and starting to slide it off. “Is that your attempt to convince me not to tickle your feet?”
Jester, practically vibrating, emits a sound that perhaps only weasels can hear. “Oh, that’s so cute! Can I have one of them?”
“One of his feet? Sure.” Verin hands over an ankle, grinning down at Jester. “You, I think you’re my favorite.”
As Essek gasps and struggles and falls further and further into a formless mirth that makes him feel so light he can hardly bear it, there’s a different sensation at his ear. A hazy portion of his brain identifies it as the rough bristle of chin scruff and an amused huff of breath.
“You don’t really want them to stop, do you,” Caleb murmurs. “I will help you, if you do.”
It’s quite unfair, Essek feels, to try and make him explain himself while he’s strung out and dizzy with laughter. He tries anyway, for a syllable or two, but Verin digs in between two of his toes and he ends up just tipping his cheek against Caleb’s and shaking, laughing too hard to make a single sound.
“Alright, then,” Caleb says. “In that case-”
He brandishes the feather with a flourish more suited to somatic casting, swooping it down the length of Essek’s nose before directing it back to his ear.
“Tickle, tickle...”
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
Daily Speedwrite Pairings: Day 19
“Get It yourself!” -HinaNoya
This is probably the cutest one I’ve written so far.
It’s really wordy?? Like I went hella far with imagery, sorry.
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It was close to coach Ukai’s birthday, so the team was having a surprise potluck for him. Shoyo and Yuu teamed up on making a dish, given they are both terrible cooks. Luckily, Asahi decided to oversee their messattempt. The Karasuno members were spending their Sunday night in the Hinata family kitchen.
“Noya-San, can you grab me the cookbook?” Hinata requested as he fiddled with his hair. His voice was a little distorted from his teeth being locked together, attempting to hold the hair tie Asahi had let him borrow.
“Sure thing! Where at?” Noya shot him a beaming smile.
“Third cabinet... to the left... of the sink!” Ta-da! He did it! Shoyo put his hair into a very tiny, yet very messy, ponytail. He never puts his hair up, but Daichi gave him a lecture about, ‘hair in the food’. So, to not invoke the wrath of his captain, he kept his tousled orange hair up, “Oh! You’ll need a stool though.”
Nishinoya found this to be the perfect opportunity to stir up(HAHA PUNS) some trouble. Yes, Yuu Nishinoya had a reputation for being a troublemaker, but he did not need Asahi to babysit him. So, to show rebellion, he was going to give his caretaker an extremely difficult time.
“Is that so? Because I’m short, right?”
“Wh-No! I-I mean!” Crap. That was the exact reason, “I- well- I need a stool to reach and-“
“Do not finish that sentence, Shoyo.” Noya barked as he inched toward the first year, “You can get it yourself!”
“W-Wait! Noya-San!” Hinata whined as he slowly backed up, hands up in defense, “I didn’t-“
The second year rolled his eyes and shot Shoyo a playful wink. This signified that he wasn’t actually pissed, but he was still going to play around.
“You did! And now? You’re gonna have to pay!” The libero rose his voice a little, attempting to gain Asahi’s attention.
“Nishinoya! Behave!” Asahi hissed from his position on the living room couch, attention shifting from his phone to the duo.
“Relax, Ace. I’m just making things... a little interesting.” The second year responded menacingly, shortly before tackling Hinata to the couch.
“GYAH! Noya-San!” Shoyo yelped, taken aback by the sudden smack to the couch, “Wh- Hey!”
The underclassmen duo wrestled with each other, causing both to giggle furiously.
“Take it back!” Nishinoya cried as a grin plastered his face.
“Never! You- you’re-“ Hinata squeezed his eyes shut in anticipation, “You’re short! Just like me!”
“That’s it!” The libero took advantage of the pinned boy beneath him and snaked his hands under the tangerine boy’s shirt, gently skittering his fingers on the middle blocker’s stomach.
“WAAAH!! Nohohohoya-Sahahahan! Nohohoho!”
“Noya-San! Yes!” The second year replied in a mocking tone, pinching around the trapped boy’s belly button.
“HEHEHEY! NOHOHOHO!” Shoyo whined as he tried to push his upperclassman’s hands away. Instead, distracted from laughing, he could only grip the hand that was destroying an unknown sweet spot.
“Aww! You must want me to stay here!” Nishinoya cooed as he dipped his finger into the small hollow.
Poor Hinata was not expecting it to tickle that badly, “NAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAHIHIHIT!”
“Sorry! Us short people wait for no one!”
“Geez, Noya. You sure are a tease.” Asahi stated calmly, focusing on the scene unfolding as he recorded it.
“Oh? A crowd? Well gee, I guess we should put on a show, eh Shoyo?”
The first year was too busy losing himself in uncontrollable laughter. Noya-San was so mean!
Speaking of mean...
“Hey, Shoyo, I think I know what we can make!” The libero beamed, “Raspberry torte!” And with that, he blew multiple raspberries into Hinata’s side, all while continuing to move the antagonizing finger in his belly button.
“Oh yes, Rasberries!”
Raspberry after raspberry, wiggle after wiggle of Noya’s finger, poor Shoyo thought he would die. The icing on the cake? Nishinoya sneaking a hand up to prod at Hinata’s lower ribcage.
“Okay. Okay. You’ve had your fun.” Asahi hoisted Nishinoya off of poor Shoyo, leaving the ginger to gasp for air.
“Awwww. But-“
“No buts. He said to stop, we have to respect that.” Asahi’s tone was firm, almost paternal.
“No- Ace you don’t understand! He’s g- NOHOHOHOHO!”
Hinata has regained his stamina almost instantly, and latched onto Nishinoya’s torso, massaging his thumbs into the back of his ribs.
“Not so fun! Is it?” Hinata pondered with an evil grin.
The first year cocked his head like a lost puppy. What did he mean by time? Oh! The time! It was only a few hours from the potluck! He instantly unlatched and scrambled to the kitchen.
“One word about me getting taken down like that to the team? You’re next, Asahi.” There was pure venom in Nishinoya’s tone. Though, it was all in good fun.
“Noya-San! Let’s make this!” Hinata had stars in his eyes as he turned the cookbook around, revealing the recipe he chose.
“Yeah! Cool!” the libero chimed in response, bounding up to the kitchen himself, “Says we’ll need... strawberries, almonds, aaaand açaí?”
“Yeah?” Asahi shortly after appeared in the kitchen.
The two underclassmen chuckled furiously at the Ace’s sudden reply.
“Noooo! Not Asahi, Açaí!” Hinata said as he pointed to the word in the cookbook.
“You’re funny, Ace.” Noya cooed, “Since you’re up here though, want to help cut some stuff up?”
The third year sighed and picked up a large knife, a cutting board and a bowlful of strawberries. “The things I do for you morons.”
I remembered my taglist this time: @littlebbyleesfw @cupcake-spice13
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cleoirvine · 3 years
♡It was his arrogance. The way he spoke with a slight drawl, his words dripping with narcissism. It was how he walked, his back straight from years of holding himself upright, believing he was better than everyone else. Or maybe it was the way his eyes glistened with unbridled determination, the want, no, the need, to be the best. He was selfish, manipulative, and quite frankly, had his head shoved so far up his own ass that you-
“Maybe you should take a picture, it would last longer.”
Atsumu looked at you with a slight smirk, a volleyball tucked beneath his arm, a bag slung across his shoulder.
“Maybe you should try a different hair color, that way people won’t call you piss boy behind your back.” You said with a snort, averting your gaze elsewhere.
He had half a brain to spike that ball right at your face. But he simply rolled his eyes and brushed past you, making his way into the gym where the rest of his teammates sat stretching. Slipped between the clasp of your hands was a clipboard, the stats of each player displayed on clean even lines. Your notes took up the margins of the pages, your job as manager for the boys volleyball team becoming more of a hassle with every snarky comment that left the older twins mouth.
“If you’re going to be manager, then ya should at least pretend to make yourself useful.” Atsumu had said halfway into practice. As you passed around water bottles and reviewed upcoming plays, he had snatched the clipboard from beneath your elbow and dangled it above your head.
“Are you a 12 or something?” You retorted, crossing your arms over your chest. The blonde had grinned, a devilish smile laced with ill intent rolled over his features.
“Come on, manager. All ya gotta do is reach. Not up for a little fun?”
“Keep it. I have everything on there memorized anyways.”
But Atsumu was never one to give in easily. Golden boy, whether that name was a play on his hair color or not, was a powerhouse of a player; he was loved by many, adored by more, and envied by most. He was capable, and overwhelmingly diligent in his plays and his teasing mannerisms, and so what if his manager of all people didn’t give him the time of day? Why should he care that you were able to shut him down so easily, with the wave of your hand, the roll of your eyes, the quirk of your eyebrow. There were hundreds of other people who would love to be in your position. Thousands of people who would love to be acknowledged by someone like him.
“So ya wouldn’t mind if I ripped it up? Or maybe if I poured water all over it? How about that?”
Your movements were deliberate. The way you stood with one hip jutted out just slightly, the tilt of your head and the crease in your eyes to signify your annoyance. You tapped your foot on the hardwood floor of the gymnasium, the sound echoing off the walls around you. In your head, you weighed your options. 1) You could give in, beg him to hand back the clipboard, and return to your seat like a humiliated dog with its tail between its legs. No, you couldn’t give him the satisfaction. 2) You could get the coach involved. There’s no way Atsumu wouldn’t give it back then. But did you want to risk sounding like a cry baby? Like a snitch, even? 3) You could do the only reasonable thing you could think of- treat him like the child he is.
“I’m going to count to 5, Miya. And by the time I’m done, that clipboard better be back in my hands, or else.” You extended a hand, fingers firmly stuck together, face stoic and void of anything other than impatience. Like a mother with her toddler in a grocery store, you waited for him to stomp his feet and curl his hands into fists as he always did when he was embarrassed.
“Or else what?”
You paused. You hadn’t thought that far ahead. Atsumu sucked in a breath and gripped the notes a little tighter. He knew he had you cornered.
“Or else I’ll quit. And you can find yourself a new manager. How would your team feel, knowing that you’re the reason they no longer have me around?”
“Why should I care? Leave if ya want, no one’s stopping ya. Door’s wide open, sweetheart.”
You felt your heart beat erratically in your chest. Were you really going to quit over something as stupid as a clipboard? But if you stayed, Atsumu would win, would he not? Was winning and losing all that really mattered at the moment? No, your pride was on the line. Your dignity. Maybe, you had just as much of an ego as him. You couldn’t stand to see that smug look on his face for just one more second. You hated the way he laughed, as if he knew how much the bickering truly got to you. As if he could hear you physically swallow each time he called you sweetheart or when your shoulders brushed against each other on the way to practice. You feared the way his eyes watched your every movement, as if predicting and calculating exactly what you were going to do next.
But right now, Atsumu sat still, arm extended above both your heads, contemplating what exactly was going on inside your mind. Would you actually leave right now? Walk out that door, turn in your resignation letter and never return? He tried to picture it without you- the bus rides void of your terrible singing, the benches empty of your presence. You wouldn’t be there to comfort him after a loss, or praise him after a win-them, he thinks. The team, not just him. But god does he want it to be him. So bad. He knew you hated him. He knew you despised him down to the very atom. And maybe this was the only way he could get you to look at him, even if it was for only a second.
“Is that what you want?” You ask, voice uncharacteristically quiet. Your eyes drop from his for just a second, and you feel yourself inching towards the door. Atsumu doesn’t even take a moment to think before replying.
“No. Not at all. I want you to stay right where you are.” His mind is yet to catch up with his mouth, and his hands are moving before he can process it. He tosses you the clipboard, and dips beneath the net to prepare for another practice round. It’s only moments later does his face begin to grow red from embarrassment, with the realization of his actions settling on him fully.
He waits for you outside the gym doors. Kita helps you put away any stray balls and stacks the chairs against the back wall for you, before making his way into the late afternoon. As you find yourself stepping out as well, Atsumu’s hand grips at the junction of your wrist, his touch light, desperate, far from his usual demanding demeanor. He pauses, scratching at the back of his neck and running his hands through his hair as he glances at your shoes merely inches apart.
“I’m sorry-about today. I got a little carried away.” His voice is small, and you can see the apples of his cheeks glow pink in the fading sunlight.
“It would really suck if ya quit on us. Not for me-but for the team, ya know.” The silence between you is deafening, and you feel your heart hammer against your rib cage as you watch him remove his hand from where it was positioned on your arm. The loss of touch has you chasing him back, gripping his hand tightly in your own, before entwining your fingers together.
“I’ll stay for you too- I-I’m staying for you, I mean.” He looks up at you then, eyes wide in shock, before they turn to amusement.
“Oh really? Good to know-” You retract your hand from his, moving to walk ahead of him up the street.
“Nevermind, I take it back.”
“Noooo where are ya going? We were making progress!” His hands slip around your sides as he twirls you back towards him, his grip on the front of your backpack straps keeping you secured in place.
“Does this mean you like me, manager?” He asks with a playful lilt to his voice.
“I mean I don’t hate you-”
“Aw come on, can’t ya just say it? For me?”
You pretend to act oblivious, struggling against his hold.
“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about-”
“I like you, ya know.”
You stop then.
“I tease ya because I think your reactions are cute. Especially when you go from slightly annoyed to angry, cause then you look super hot-”
“Miya-!” “Astumu. Please call me Atsumu from now on.”
He releases his hands from around your bag, and turns you back towards the road. In front of you, you watch as it forks down the middle, Atsumu usually taking the right to get home. But as you hurry on, you feel his presence behind you. “Your house is that way.”
“I know, I’m walking ya home.” There’s a beat of silence before he speaks again.
“At least tell me you like me a little bit. Come on, it ain’t fair to leave a guy hanging-”
“And what if you’re lying. What if tomorrow you don’t feel the way you do now?”
Atsumu shook his head with a laugh.
“I liked you yesterday. And the day before that, and the day before that. Trust me, I can’t get rid of ya even if I tried. Not that I would want that, though.”
You stop, and in the dimness of a dying sun, you catch his stare, eyes holding yours with careful assurance.
“I like you, Atsumu.”
He moves quickly, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you tight against his chest as your voice is muffled in his shirt.
“But I swear to god if you ever try that with me again-”
“We were having such a good moment, why’d ya have to go and say that!” there's a pout on his lips as he pulls away for just a moment.
“But you look really pretty right now, so I’ll forgive you.” You can’t help the smile that spills over your features. You clutch him close to you- the boy who’s overwhelming arrogance caught your attention. The boy who teased you too much, pushed not just the right buttons, but all your buttons, until his presence was nearly impossible to ignore. He was yours, and only yours. His image was shared with hundreds, but you were the only one who could hold him in such a way, the only one to see him crumble beneath your touch. He was yours, and yours only.
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babyjagihoney · 4 years
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Characters: Wonwoo x fem reader
Genre: Actor!Wonwoo, Dad!Wonwoo, Fluff
Warnings: mentions of kissing scenes (Not too much tho!)
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Jeon Wonwoo enters their home after a long day of meeting and script reading for his upcoming movie. Upon entering, he immediately smelled the dinner that his wife is cooking.
“Love? I’m home!” He announced his presence and in a few seconds, he saw his wife’s bright smile as she approached him to give him a peck on the lips.
“Welcome home, love! How was the script reading?” You asked as they were walking inside their home.
“It was fun! I love the storyline, makes me excited for the movie!” he enthusiastically answered, making you nod in understanding as you gently smiled at him.
“That’s great! makes me feel excited too! Can’t wait to see you again in the big screen!” You said and he chuckled at you “now, go change into a more comfortable clothes. Your son’s in his room probably playing. I’m just gonna finish cooking our dinner okay?”
Wonwoo nodded at you and gave you another kiss before going to you son’s room.
“Where’s my baby boy?” Wonwoo shouted in the hallway, waiting for his son to come out of his room and give him a warm welcoming hug. But much to his confusion, no one came.
He peaked into his son’s room and saw him busy playing with his toys so Wonwoo decided to just take a shower and change his clothes first before playing with him.
After a quick shower and changing into a more comfortable clothes, Wonwoo immediately went back to his son’s room to play with him. “Hey there, buddy! Daddy’s home!” He greeted but his son just looked at him and then continued playing.
Now, Wonwoo’s more confused and... sad. This is the first time his son ignored him and he didn’t know why. Did he just woke up from his nap? His son is usually cranky when he just woke up.
“Minwoo? Aren’t you going to give daddy a kiss? I just got home.” Wonwoo tried once again but Minwoo just shook his head at him. It broke Wonwoo’s heart more when his son moved away and turned his back from him.
“Baby? Is something wrong?” He worriedly asked as he approached Minwoo once again. “Come on, Minwoo. Talk to daddy.” He softly said.
“No!” Minwoo exclaimed with tears starting to fall from his eyes before running out of his room. Wonwoo was left dumbfounded and sad at his son’s actions. He has no idea what made his son act that way but he’s worried so he followed him outside.
There he saw you near the dining table, probably setting it up for dinner but here you are now, trying to calm a crying Minwoo who’s clinging onto you. You looked at Wonwoo apologetically as you rubbed Minwoo’s back, comforting him.
“Sshhh.. stop crying now baby. Daddy’s waiting for you.” You whispered as Wonwoo walked closer to the both of you.
“Noooo!!!” Minwoo cried more “I don’t like daddy!” He shouted and Wonwoo’s heart sank once more after hearing those words. He didn’t know what he did wrong to make his son react like this.
You looked at Wonwoo and he saw you trying to control your smile which makes Wonwoo even more confused, “Baby, I told you it’s part of daddy’s work. Don’t be mad at him.” You calmly explained to your son and smiled gently at Wonwoo.
So it’s something related to his work. Did he miss something? As far as Wonwoo knows, Minwoo has no activity at school that he should attend. And it’s definitely not Minwoo’s birthday.
“Minwoo, what’s wrong?” He asked but Minwoo didn’t answer. He just continued to cling on to you.
“Daddy’s talking to you sweetheart.” You patiently said. “Dada’s sad because you’re ignoring him.”
This seemed to work because Minwoo now reluctantly looked at Wonwoo. Tears still falling down.
“Don’t ignore dada anymore okay? Dad’s heart will break if you ignore him.” You explained and Minwoo nodded. “Good boy, now go to dada. He misses you already.” You added before kissing him on his cheeks and Wonwoo took his son from you, Minwoo hesitantly clinging onto his father.
“Did daddy do something wrong?” He softly asked but Minwoo didn’t answer. “Minwoo?”
“B-because.. y-you..” Minwoo sniffed, his lips quivering and tears are falling from his eyes as Wonwoo carefully wiped the tears, “y-you kissed an-another g-girl!” Minwoo finished and bawled his eyes out once again.
Wonwoo was surprised at his son’s answer and immediately sent you a confused look to silently ask about it but you just mouthed the title of his ongoing drama and it immediately clicked in his mind.
“Aaww baby, I’m sorry for that but it’s part of dada’s work.” He patiently explained but he can’t help but smile at his son’s cuteness. Wonwoo still feels bad that his son is crying because of his kissing scene with his co-actress.
“Noooo!!” Minwoo cried in protest “But what about mom? You don’t love her anymore??” Minwoo said and cried once more. Wonwoo wiped his son’s tears away as he calmed him down.
“Of course I love mommy. I will always love you and mommy okay? Don’t cry anymore, baby.” He said and kissed his son’s forehead.
“You will only kiss mommy from now on?” Minwoo asked.
“Yes, I will.” Wonwoo confidently answered.
“Promise?” Minwoo asked once again as he held up his pinky finger.
Goodbye acting projects. Wonwoo thought before doing the pinky promise with his son, “I promise.”
“Okay” Minwoo nodded and then hugged Wonwoo tightly.
After that dramatic scene with his son, the Jeon family had their dinner peacefully. Wonwoo offered to wash the dishes after dinner while you washed Minwoo up before his bedtime. Then Minwoo requested for his dada to read him a bedtime story to which Wonwoo gladly did.
“So, your son’s still mad at you?” You joked as he entered your bedroom making Wonwoo sigh. He laid beside you, burying his face on the crook of your neck, and his arms wrapping around your waist. “Aww baby, don’t cry.” You joked once again and giggled at your clingy husband.
“I was scared. I thought I forgot an important occasion today to make him upset like that.” He admitted and you chuckled at him.
“Well, I was scared too when he suddenly cried while I was watching your drama earlier. I thought he was hurt while playing or something and then he goes ‘why is daddy kissing another girl?’ while bawling his eyes out.” You explained making Wonwoo sigh once again.
“I should be careful now in accepting acting roles” Wonwoo said, now laying on his back
“Oh babe, he’ll understand your work as soon as he grows up.” You consoled him and cupped his cheeks as you pecked his lips.
“Thank you.” Wonwoo mumbled on to your lips, making you pull back and gave him a confused look.
“For what?” You asked
“For explaining it patiently to Minwoo and for being understanding and for not getting jealous at those kind of scenes.” Wonwoo sincerely said.
“How sure are you that I’m not jealous though?” She asked as she raised her brows. This made Wonwoo look at you worriedly but you just laughed at his reaction, “I’m just kidding. Of course I’ll always be here to support you in everything okay? Me and Minwoo.”
Wonwoo sighed once again but this time in relief, “I’m really lucky to have you and our little family. I love you.” Wonwoo said and kissed you on your forehead.
“Hmm, love you too, dada Won” you said and snuggled closely to your husband.
Yeah I know. Another Wonwoo fic ✋😩 but he’s my ult and this has been sitting in my notes app for so looong! I almost forgot that I wrote this! 😆 but I hope you all enjoyed this one and as always, feedbacks are highly appreciated!! 🥰
Also, what do you guys think about a mini series of Dad!Wonwoo ?? I’ve been thinking about Wonwoo as a dad/husband a lot and I may or may not have written a few drafts about it already. Let me know what u think about this, friends!! <33
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strawberrylemonz · 4 years
Masked Crowns
Part 16
Part 17 [CURRENT]
Part 18
@petrichormeraki @applepie1000 @artistconk @ivorylin @sydneys-sketches @snapdragonfirefly @bargledblocks
“Theo, stop moving around! Clem, stop fucking around and quite biting my ankle! Hey, don’t use that tone with me, young lad- Clementine!”
Fundy appeared half dead as he laid on the couch, exhausted. He watched as both Theo and Clementine hounded Tommy, who was just trying to make adjustments to their formal wear. Groaning as he hoisted himself into a sitting position, Fundy rubbed his eyes as he addressed his uncle.
“Give it up, Tommy, they aren’t gonna sit still. Wilbur gave them candy this morning.”
“I know, Fundy. Jesus, what the fuck was Wil thinking?!”
“Look at the bright side, you were able to quickly make adjustments to the bot-boys.”
“Only because Grumbot and Jrumbot are saints. I swear, Grian is a better father than I am at times. Don’t fucking tell him I said that- Clementine! What the fuck?!”
Both Fundy and Tommy looked down to the two children, who both appeared to be offended. Clementine huffed as she stomped her kicking foot on the ground, her arms crossed as she glared at her father. Theo did his best to match his cousin’s level of intimidating energy, giving an annoyed looks at his father and great uncle.
“No what?”
“Ender- Clem, I can’t understand what's wrong when you throw fits, okay? Take a deep breath, collect yourself, then tell me what’s wrong.”
Tommy frowned as he stared at the younger girl, who seemed to grow more irritated by the second. He knew her, though, could read her body language perfectly. She wasn’t angry or irritated, she was hurt and upset. Kneeling down, he held his hands out to his daughter, who glared at them in fury. After realizing her father’s hands weren’t going to combust, she sighed as she placed her tiny hands in Tommy’s bigger ones. Slumping her shoulders in defeat, she frowned down at her feet. Giving a frown of his own, Tommy lowered his head to try and make eye contact with Clementine, to no avail.
“Hey, look at me. Please?”
He watched with slight appeasement as she tilted her head up, her eyes slowly meeting Tommy’s. He gave her a hesitant smile, gently rubbing her tiny hands in a comforting manner as he did so.
“What’s wrong, little moth?”
Clementine didn’t talk much, opting to use her growls and grunts to communicate. This, however, wasn’t a situation where that form of communication would help things run smoothly. Moving her eyes from her dad’s face down to their joined hands, she frowned as her bottom lip began to quiver.
“I’m bad.”
“No good. Bad. Not nice. Not calm.”
As he stared at the sad expression resting on the girl’s face, Tommy suddenly felt small once again. He felt the same way he did when his father complained about him, not realizing his youngest was listening. He remembered the self doubt he felt and the hurt in his chest when his dad would compare him to his older brothers. It had fucking hurt when he was a kid, and it still did. And now? Now he was doing the same to his daughter. He was the fucking worst.
“No-Clementine, that isn’t true. Fuck, I- That’s not what I- Listen-”
Tommy sat down completely as he leaned forward, peering into the sad eyes of his daughter. Fuck, who knew being a parent would hurt his heart so fucking much? He was in his fucking feels at the moment, and it was all because of the toddler that stood before him. He was so scared of hurting her, of giving her reasons to despise and disown him as her father. He had to fix this, he needed to.
“The day I found you, I felt a piece of me return. It’s okay that you’re not like your cousins. You know what? I’m glad you’re not like them. You’re you, and you are being the best you there is. You’re not bad, Clementine, you’re fucking lovely. Don’t ever doubt yourself, okay? You’re a fucking badass, a brilliant one, too. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to compare you to your cousins.”
The small smile that graced Clementine’s lips was enough to fill Tommy with relief. Pulling her into a hug, he smiled as he felt her cling onto his shirt for comfort. Looking to the side, he hummed as he motioned for his great nephew to join in on the hug. Theo, who was quietly watching it all, happily ran into the hug, pulling his father along with him. So much had happened in such little time that Tommy forgot that kids were easily overwhelmed. From discovering new family, the park’s opening, house renovations, and then personal schedules, it was too much for the two to handle. They got along and enjoyed their cousins, but Tommy and Fundy had forgotten that they needed more than just that. They needed reassurance that they were enough.
“Now, can you two please let Tommy make final adjustments to your outfits? We have a ball to attend to, after all.”
Attending the ball was truly a blast from the past. Tommy snickered as Kristin gushed about the matching outfits her grandbabies and youngest son were wearing, alongside with her own. Most of the members from the Dream SMP just gawked in silence as Lani, who was matching with both Drista and Tubbo, twirled and bragged about how wonderful of a designer and tailor Tommy was.
“Tommy made those?”
“Yup! He sure did!”
“But they’re so...elegant.”
“Oi! Fuck you!”
Laughter erupted from the group as the music played in the background. As the group conversed among one another, pairs began to break off to dance.
Tommy peered down at Clementine, who held her hands up expectedly. Letting out a laugh, he scooped her up into his arms, smiling as she giggled with every bounce her father caused with his laughter. She smiled brightly at him as he fixed the tiara on her head. She laid her head on his shoulder as he swayed along to the music, both content. After a moment, Tommy felt his daughter’s head lift from his shoulder.
He turned to follow her line of sight to see Theo, Grumbot and Jrumbot all waving at him, their suits and hair fixed appropriately for the occasion. Returning the wave, he smiled at his daughter, setting her down with a nod.
“Yeah, you four go dance and have fun. Be careful.”
He couldn’t help but smile as her curls bounced as she squealed in excitement. Giving Tommy a hug, she quickly grabbed a hold of her cousins and rushed to the dance floor, smiling as her cousins argued as to which pair should dance with who. As he watched his only child scurry away with her cousins, he couldn’t help but sigh. The feeling of a hand on his forearm caught his attention. Turning to the side, he saw Tubbo smile at him, Lani and Drista right behind him.
“C’mon, let’s go dance.”
Tommy and Lani were doing their best to not disrupt their dancing with silent wheezes of laughter, they really were. It’s not their fault, everyone was making it so hard for them!
“It’s like he’s dancing with Mount Everest!”
“Holy shit, this is hilarious.”
The pair watched in amusement as Tubbo bossed an awkward, but happy, Ranboo around the dance floor. The height difference in itself was enough to make the sight laughable.
“Tommy, over there.”
Following Lani’s line of sight, Tommy damn near belted out laughter as a grumpy Drista was stuck paired with one of the park’s guests, who would not shut up about her relation to Dream.
“Poor girl, losing her sanity.”
“She’s about to break, it’s fucking hilarious. Should have given her a fork.”
“We’re here to dance, Tommy, not commit a felony.”
“Rich coming from a girl with multiple knife pockets installed into her dress.”
“You installed them!”
“You commissioned them!”
The two began to bicker like the besties they were as their friends and family danced around them. Phil and Kristin danced and twirled as they shared whispers to each other, their smiles brighter than ever. Wilbur and Techno were awkwardly dancing with one another, their empty insults to one another growing louder the longer the brothers were with each other. Grian was teaching Grumbot the proper way to waltz, Bad and Skeppy goofingly twirling around them. Clementine and Jrumbot happily danced off beat, no one even daring to teach them the proper moves. Quackity, Karl and Sapnap laughed as they spun around together, the three pulling George in from the sidelines. Just as Tommy was about to make a comment, a sharp elbow jabbed his side.
“Ow! Lani, what the fuc-”
“Shh! Look!”
“What are you-”
“Just look, it’s important!”
And important it was. There, standing at the food tables, was Fundy. He wasn’t alone, though, not at all. There, making the hybrid blush and stutter, stood a guy. Lani and Tommy exchanged knowingly looks, before dashing over to the nearest hiding spot.
“Move over!”
“No, you!”
“Shh, listen!”
“Go away.”
Theo frowned as the words left his mouth. He crossed his arms as he glared up at the emotionless mask before him, the face behind it hidden well. That didn’t stop Theo from being able to read body language, and the vibes he was getting weren’t necessarily hostile, but they weren’t welcoming as well.
“I just wanted to get a good look at you, to know you. Makes sense, doesn’t it? You are my son after all.”
The word sounded so wrong coming out of the unseen mouth. Son. As far as Theo was concerned, Dream was no father to him. His only dad was Fundy, and Fundy was all he needed for a parent.
“Your crown looks very nice, did you design it yourself? And I like your suit. I noticed that it matches Fundy’s perfectly. In fact, both of your crowns match perfectly with one another.”
Theo wasn’t planning on responding to any of the comments, not that he’d have to try. Dream just didn’t seem to catch the child’s drift, continuing to talk despite the boy not responding. 
“You have my hair color, it looks good on you. You’re obviously a shapeshift, like Fundy. Have you tried shifting to your more humanoid form? Oh, your eyes. You have-”
“My eyes.”
He may have been young, but Theo wasn’t daft. He knew that Dream (he would not call him father) was the reason for him having to live in the burrows up until then. He didn’t know what all Dream did, but he knew that it was enough to make his papa and uncle Tommy hurt very badly. He wasn’t going to let Dream see him with his guard down, not around him. He just stood and glared at the older man, who seemed to not have taken a hint to the child’s body language. Theo just confidently stood his ground as he watched Dream kneel before him, reaching over to gently pat his head, not seeming to care about pushing the crown around. Theo was quick to catch his crown, which fell off his head the moment Dream pushed it off. Much to Theo’s relief, the unwelcomed form of affection didn’t last long.
“Dickhead! Dickhead!”
Dream pulled his arm back as Theo hid a laugh behind his hand. Standing in confidence was Clementine, who had just bitten Dream’s hand. She just growled and hissed at Dream, taking a protective stance in front of Theo as Grumbot and Jrumbot stood by his side, ready to defend their cousin. Dream just rubbed his hand, before pointing at the emerald jewel dangling from the girl’s necklace.
“I only know one person with an emerald cut exactly like that. You must be Tommy’s brat. What did he name ya again? Clementine? Figured. I guess it’s true after all, trouble attracts trouble. Don’t tell me that you’re just as problematic as your dad-”
“Shut up!”
Theo huffed as he yelled at Dream, who wasn’t expecting such an outburst from the quiet child. Grumbot narrowed his eyes as the man, pulling Theo behind him as he did so. Jrumbot, on the other hand, just mocked the masked warrior.
“-meanie mask man!”
“Fine! We’ll talk once you’ve all calmed down. I’ll see you around, Theo.”
Dream let out an annoyed huff as he walked off, giving a half-wave to Theo. Once he was completely out of sight, Theo was mobbed by his concerned cousins, who were quick to assess him. Clementine began to sniff for any off scents while Jrumbot clung onto his arm, whines escaping his artificial mouth as his older brother inspected Theo. Whilst checking for any possible injuries, Grumbot began to question the younger boy.
“Were you hurt?”
“Did he threaten you?”
“Nuh uh.”
“Well, is he as big of a jerk as Uncle Tommy said he was?”
Theo blinked a few times before laughing, causing the worried faces of his cousins to morph into confusion. After a moment, an amused look graced Grumbot’s features. Clementine and Jrumbot only continued to watch in confusion. Finally calming down, Theo responded with a nod.
“Yeah, he is. He tried acting like he was my dad.”
“We should tell your dad.”
“Are you kidding me?! He’s talking to a potential dad! Let’s just go bother Uncle Tommy.”
“No! Spy. Uncle Grian!”
“I’m sure dad won’t mind us bothering him. Let’s get going.”
Making sure they all had their belongings, the four children scurried off towards Grian. As they happily spoke with the father of the bot boys, Theo felt a chill down his spine. Turning around to peer behind him, he noticed a familiar white mask. If he clung onto his uncle a bit tighter than usual, Grian didn’t mention.
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Ice Cold Pool
Part v of the Without You series: Colson and Y/N try to return to normal, but they still don’t know what normal actually is.
Colson x Reader
Warnings: Cursing (as per usual), substance use, people not following social distancing guidelines.
A/N: Seriously guys, wear your masks, social distance, etc. I really wanna go to a concert sometime in the next 2 years.
Word Count: 2743
| i | ii | iii | iv | vi | 
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It had been 4 weeks since you and Colson had made the agreement to just be friends. Obviously, there were some hiccups in this plan. Most notably that hanging around Colson reminded you of all the reasons you loved him in the first place, and thus all the reasons you shouldn’t hang around him.
You were glad to be back to somewhat normal. You could hang around your friends without feeling too much tension, you could talk to Casie (who wanted to know everything that happened), and you could smoke again.
That last one you probably shouldn’t have been so happy about, but after a month without weed, you needed it.
Of course, not everything was back to normal. You and Colson weren’t technically… speaking. Yet.
You said simple things to each other, “excuse me,” “thank you,” and even the occasional “bless you” after a sneeze. But you had yet to have an actual conversation since that night. When hanging around the guys, you tried to be as normal as possible, interacting with Colson as little as possible. You didn’t want anyone else to think you felt awkward, because then they would feel awkward and it would be a whole awkward mess.
Tonight, you were hoping to ease some tension between you and Colson. Trippie was releasing the deluxe version of his new album and was having a “covid safe” album release party. All that meant was they would party outside rather than inside and only invite half the amount of people that they normally would.
Against your better judgement, Slim and Baze convinced you to go.
“There’s not even gonna be that many people there.”
“And Trippie would be so upset if you didn’t come.”
“If I go, will you two shut up?”
“Yes.” “Yes ma’am”
“Don’t call me ma’am ever again, Slim.”
So, you made a plan to talk to Colson at some point that night about something other than all of your problems with each other. If and only if the opportunity presented itself.
So, there you were in an oversized Misfits T-shirt that looked like a dress on you and shorts that no one could see, a beer in one hand, and a blunt in the other. You were sitting at the pool edge, your feet dangling in the water, as you talked to Iann Dior about cheese.
You may have been pretty tipsy, but he was worse.
“Cheddar cheese is the worst possible flavor of cheese.” Iann shook his head, laughing.
“Absolutely not. You can put cheddar in dishes, and they taste great. Cheddar makes things taste better. Brie cheese is the worst cheese. It’s literally fucking moldy.” You giggled, taking a swig of your drink.
“You’re both wrong. Feta cheese is the absolute worse and no one will convince me otherwise.” Colson chuckled, sitting next to you.
“There is nothing wrong with feta cheese, you two are just uncultured.” You laughed, the opportunity you needed apparently presenting itself. You took a quick glance at Colson, who was about to dip his feet in the water. “Colson your shoes are still on.”
He looked at you confused, and you realized just how high he was. “So?” he asked and Iann laughed.
“Dude, if you’re gonna put your feet in the water you gotta take your shoes off.”
Colson broke out laughing at Iann’s comment, his whole body shaking with joy. He slipped his shoes off once he finished and dangled his feet of the edge.
“So, you really think cheddar cheese is the best cheese?” He asked, taking a sip of his beer.
“Noooo.” You whined, “I just don’t think it’s the worst kind of cheese. But obviously there are better cheeses.” You kicked your feet up, splashing Colson on accident.
He looked over at you, a mischievous glint in his eye. He reached his hand into the water, splashing water towards you. “Colson!” You squealed, laughing.
You returned the favor by flicking water at his shirt, at which point Iann left. “You get me wet and you die.” He said with a laugh.
Colson then cupped his hands together, bringing water up to your shirt and pouring it all over you, much to your dismay. Luckily, your shirt was black, but the water was still freezing. “Bro.” You pouted, looking over at Colson. He was smiling, but soon mimicked your pout.
“Aww, I’m sorry. Did the little princess get wet?” Your eyes went wide, and you slapped his chest. He grabbed your hand, pulling it up so you couldn’t hit him and accidentally pulling you closer to him. “I didn’t mean it like that!” He laughed, his hand intertwining with yours as he brought it back down.
“Colson…” You trailed off, warning him. He pouted, a sigh leaving his lips as he unlocked your fingers.
“Sorry, forgot I’m not supposed to do that.” You smiled a little, glad that things were slowly becoming normal. “I wanna go for a swim.” He changed the topic, standing up and pulling his shirt off.
“Colson it’s freezing. You’re gonna get sick.” You looked at him with wide eyes but a giggle falling from your mouth.
“Guess someone has to come in to keep me warm.” He shrugged, tugging his shorts down his legs so he was just in his boxers.
It was only at this point that you realized he was very drunk. A few moments later you felt the cold water splash your face as Colson jumped into the pool near you, coming up and running his hand through his hair.
He made his way back over to you, reaching for the beer that he left on the side of the pool. He half-stood in front of you, a needy smile on his face. “Get in the water with me Y/N.” He dragged out the last syllable of your name, causing you to roll your eyes.
“There is no way in hell I am getting in that water.” You chuckled, taking a hit of the joint in your hand.
Colson pouted, taking the blunt from you and smoking it himself. “I guess I could always just pull you in.” He grabbed your thighs and you moved backwards, fighting him.
“Colson, I don’t have a change of clothes, I’ll be cold.” You tried to squirm out of his grip, giggling.
“You can just wear my shirt or something. Someone will have something.” He shrugged, pulling you into the water.
“Colson!” You squealed before your entire body was encased in the cold liquid.
“Too late.” He said, a cheeky smile on his face. His arms wrapped around you as you turned to face the edge, ready to get out. “Noooo, you’re already in here.” He whined, dragging you towards his chest.
“Colson, it’s freezing. We need to get out.” You said, turning your head to face him.
“I don’t want to. This is the closest I’ve been to you in weeks. I just wanna enjoy this for a moment.” His head rested on top of your head, and you let yourself fall back into his chest.
You had to admit, you did miss his playfulness and his touch, and you really hadn’t been this close to him in a while. But you knew he wouldn’t be doing any of this if he wasn’t both drunk and stoned out of his mind.
You sighed, knowing you needed to end the moment, if not for your own sanity. “C’mon Col, we can’t do this. Let’s get out.”
He groaned. “We did this when we were friends before, how is this any different from that?”
You made your way to the edge of the pool. “It just is Colson.” You sighed, trying to mask the anger in your voice. You tried to pull yourself up to sit on the edge of the pool, but you couldn’t quite make it the first time. Colson, of course, took it upon himself to help you, grabbing your hips lightly to lift you up. He got out and sat next to you, both of you soaking wet.
He reached over and grabbed the shirt he was wearing earlier, passing it to you. “Here, so you don’t get sick.” He seemed to be sobering up, probably due to the cold water.
“Thanks.” Your voice was hushed, your cheeks burning with a blush that you couldn’t explain. It’s just a shirt, you told yourself. You stood up, preparing yourself to find somewhere private to change.
“Where are you going?” Colson asked, looking up at you.
“To change.” You said bluntly. “I can’t exactly strip in front of 40 people.”
Colson nodded, standing up next to you, pulling his shorts on. “Where are you going?” You asked him, a small smile on your face.
“Wherever you are.” He smiled and you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, I guess I can use you to clear my path inside.” You chuckled, starting to walk towards the crowd of people near the doors of the house. As you moved through the crowd you found yourself instinctively reaching back for Colson’s hand, not wanting to lose him as you moved through the crowd. He happily took the hint and moved closer to you, his free hand resting on your hip to help guide you to the doors, though you didn’t mind as much as you should have.
You made your way through the open glass door, suddenly very self-conscious about the clothes you were wearing and the fact that you were soaking wet. “Bathroom is this way.” Colson mumbled into your ear as the loud music blasted around you. The hand on your hip led you down a small hallway until you found the open bathroom.
You went in, turning to close the door when you saw Colson had followed you in. “I gotta change, Kells. You can’t be in here.”
“Woah woah woah.” He started, clearly offended, “You never call me Kells. That’s not allowed.” You giggled, rolling your eyes. “And I’ll just… look away.” He covered his eyes with his hands, moving his fingers to form a gap.
“Colson, seriously,” You laughed, “turn around.” He thankfully did as told, and you quickly removed the Misfits shirt you were previously wearing and replaced it with his long sleeve pink shirt. It wasn’t quite as long as the other one you were wearing, but it still went down to your upper thigh and the sleeves went far enough past your wrist for permanent sweater paws. Unfortunately, this meant you would have to keep your wet shorts on.
Upon realizing this, you let out a sigh of disappointment. “What?” Colson questioned, still facing the wall.
“You can look now.” He turned around. “It’s not as long as mine.” You pouted, stretching your arms out for him to see before flopping them back down to your sides.
Colson chuckled, “I really don’t see the problem, Y/N.”
You glared playfully, “I have to wear my wet fuckin shorts.” You whined, a pout on your lips.
“I meannn, you don’t have to.” Colson said, playfully. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding! But I don’t know what to do to help you.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, looking off into the distance. “I’m not giving you my pants, Y/N.” Another dramatic sigh. “Okay fine we’ll just go to his laundry room and through them in the dryer, okay?”
“See, you do know what to do to help me.” You smiled, grabbing your wet shirt and pushing Colson out of the bathroom.
The laundry room in Trippie’s house was surprisingly small, given his house was a small mansion. You were able, however, to close the door and pull off your wet clothes. Colson threw your shirt in the dryer as well.
You hopped up onto the washer, your legs dangling off. “You don’t have to stay, Colson.” You told him, knowing he probably wanted to rejoin the party.
“I’m good. This is much more fun than whatever’s going on out there.”
You laughed, “waiting for my clothes to dry? Whatever, loser.”
He moved towards you, his stomach touching your knees. “I’ve missed this.” He said, softly. You met his eyes with your own. “Just us doing stupid shit. Being friends.”
“We’re still friends, Cols.” You smiled, tilting your head to the side.
He sighed, “Yeah but we haven’t really been friends since…” He trailed off, but you knew what he meant. “Not real friends, at least.”
You sighed, trying to decide what you wanted to say. “I’m sorry about that. I just needed a little bit of space and it never felt like the right time to… talk. Like if we started talking in a group everyone would just think it’s weird.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” his hand reached out to touch your waist. “If anything, I should be apologizing. It’s my fault we’re stuck in this weird limbo shit anyways. I was honestly afraid the guys would kill me if I talked to you.”
“Well, good thing it’s not up to the guys anymore.” Your voice got soft as you realize how close your faces had gotten. “And we can be normal friends again.” You added.
Colson looked down. “Yeah, normal friends.” He tried to hide the disappointment in his voice but failed miserably.
“Colson, we’re just friends, right?” You asked, trying to convince yourself more than him.
He nodded, “Yeah, we’re just friends.” He looked up and met your eyes, and you could see the emotions in his crystal blue eyes. “But I don’t know that I can just be friends.” His voice was soft, making your heart sink deeper.
His head was inches away from yours, his nose almost touching your own. He leaned his head to the side, his eyes traveling your face. His lips were millimeters from yours. “Tell me that you don’t want this, and I’ll walk out right now.”
“I…” You couldn’t form a sentence with his lips so close to your own. “We shouldn’t.” You whispered.
“That’s not what I asked.” He paused, touching his nose to yours lightly. When he spoke, you could feel his words on your lips. “Do you want me to kiss you right now?”
You couldn’t answer him for a few seconds. “I don- I don’t know Colson.” You breathed out, leaning your forehead against his.
Part of you was hoping he would take matters into his own hands and just kiss you, but the other part of you knew you would regret anything that happened right now.
He jerked his head away from you, a frown etched across his face. “When are you gonna make up your goddamn mind? I can never figure out where I’m at with you.” His voice raised slightly, making you jump. “One minute we’re not even talking and the next you’re holding my fucking hand at a party. You say we’re just friends and then don’t say no when I ask if you want me to kiss you. Like what the fuck is this?” He ranted, causing your grip on the edge of the washer to tighten.
“Colson, I told you. I need time to figure all of this out. It doesn’t just happen overnight.” You tried to keep your voice calm.
“It’s been weeks, Y/N. How long do you need?”
Confusion took over your features, and then anger. “Colson do you even realize what you did? Honestly, you’re fucking lucky I even wanted to be friends. You kind of screwed me up, really bad. So, excuse me for needing time to figure out if you’re worth it or not.” Your eyes fell to the floor, suddenly very self-conscious of all the things Colson had said to you 2 months ago.
Colson scoffed, backing away from you, “Well honestly it would be a lot easier if we weren’t friends.” His words were harsh, and you were reminded that he wouldn’t change, not really. “Y/N I didn’t mean it like that.” His voice became soft, but it was already too late.
You hopped off the machine, pushing past him and pulling your damp shirt and shorts out of the dryer. With your back facing him, you pulled your shorts on and then took his shirt off, replacing it with your own.
“Y/N I’m sorry I jus-“
“No, Colson. I’m sorry. I keep forgetting that my existence seems to be the bane of yours.” You shove his shirt into his chest. “You don’t have to worry about me anymore.” You walked out of the small room and through the house, determined to call a cab home.
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linnamonrolls0 · 2 years
The Thing About Illicit Affairs... : Chapter 8
Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader
“And you know damn well, for you I would ruin myself, a million little times…”
When you pictured moving to New York City, an apartment in Washington Heights was a far cry from your Gossip Girl dreams. That was, until the guy next door flashed you a smile that could light up the entire city and your world turned upside down…
Mature / Warnings: cheating ofc, and some NSFW fantasies lol / 3265 words
Chapter 8: Dead Girl Walking
It was, as I imagined it would be, a raging fire. Lin was everything I wanted and more, and I’m not ready to let him leave just yet. We stay snuggled in a mess of cushions and blankets on my way-too-large sofa; his arms around me, my head on his chest, in a peaceful comfortable silence. I can feel his heartbeat as it slowly steadies, and it almost lulls me off to sleep…
“I better get back,” Lin murmurs into my hair, breaking me out of that trance as he runs his fingers through my long locks.
“Noooo… Why?” I complain, “Stay a little longer.” I push myself up a little to playfully nip at the skin on his collarbone.
I feel his chest lightly vibrate beneath me as he laughs, “Really, I should go. I told her I was helping you with your bookcases, but we’ve been here all day… Not that I mind, obviously.” He leans down and gently kisses me, and I smile against his lips until he moves to get up. I reluctantly let him go.
He’s right, anyway. Being alone with him had affected me far too much and as a result, I wanted to leap on him the moment he stepped through the door in that goddamn grey-flecked turtleneck, but now I remember that the purpose of him being here really was those Ikea bookcases, which now lay forgotten in a partially assembled stack on the rug. “Shit, Lin, we still need to finish building those!”
I flop back down onto the couch, watching him pull his jeans and t-shirt back on. He casually suggests, “Okay, so I’ll come back. If she asks, we can say we broke them. That’ll be a fun story if anyone heard you screaming.” He strolls past me, reclaiming his socks from the other side of the room. “How’d these even get here?”
I grab a throw pillow off the couch and playfully toss it at him. “Fuck off.”
“I’m kidding, no-one’s home yet.” Lin catches the cushion and throws it right back at me, “But, that just means I’ll get to spend more time with you. That can’t be a bad thing,” he finishes with that heart-melting smile. He takes a step towards me, momentarily distracting me with a quick peck as he reaches over to pick up his sweater. I snatch it out of his hands.
“Nuh-uh. You don’t get this back.” I sit upright and pull the turtleneck in question over my head. It’s a little too big on me, but it smells wonderfully like him and now that I know that, I refuse to return it. I still can’t comprehend how he could make such a boring item of clothing seem sexy, it’s just unfair.
He looks down at me, and though his smile is sweeter than the coffee he favours, his expressive eyes do little to hide the blaze of desire he clearly still has. We must’ve done something right. “By all means,” he whispers in my ear in a low voice that makes me wish I could have him again, right then and there, “It looks fucking adorable on you, querida. Just hope someone doesn’t catch my walk of shame across the hall.” He follows that with a whisper of something in Spanish, and though my knowledge of the language is far too basic to comprehend it, it gets me and I can feel the heat rising to my cheeks from his tone alone.
“What’s that mean?” I murmur, gazing up at him, bewildered.
“If I told you, you’d be doing a lot more than just blushing…” Silencing me with one last kiss, taking my breath away, and then he’s gone, leaving me dazed and wondering.
I let myself fall back onto the mess of cushions, wrapping myself up in the blanket on the sofa. He seems to have left a scent on everything, and I let it surround me, wanting the moment to last longer even if he’s not here anymore. Even just thinking about him is enough to have me melting all over again. I could, and I very well would.
After the events of the day, the rest of that night felt almost anticlimactic - in truth, I’d spent far too much time replaying it in my head. That’s what I find myself doing yet again the following morning as I lay in bed, following my usual routine of listening to Lin singing through the bedroom wall with a silly smile on my face. Today he’s playing around on a more upbeat peppy track and it already sounds like pure joy; I waste no time in texting him to tell him exactly that.
09:12AM - Me: Moooorning 🥰 Someone’s in a good mood today… fyi I like the new song 🎶
09:13AM - Lin: Gmornin sunshine ☀️ all thanks to you :)
I smile as I hear him playing the piano again. I consider calling him, but I’m interrupted by the ringing of my phone; Gina calls to say she has big news to share, demanding that Anya and I immediately take the subway to Midtown to meet her. And maybe a positive distraction is exactly what I need.
Reluctant but concerned, that’s how we find ourselves seated at a table at the Drama Book Shop. I had no idea the place even still existed, but it’s honestly stunning - and here we are, seated around a table with cups of coffee as Gina narrates the story of her latest slew of auditions.
“So anyway, long story short, after a shit ton of auditions, I finally have a job!” Gina exclaims.
“Oh my god, congratulations!” I say excitedly.
“That’s awesome, Gina! Where?” Anya asks.
“You are looking at the newest addition to the cast of… wait for it…” Gina does a little drumroll on the table, attracting the attention of few strangers around us, “Hamilton!”
“What?!” Anya and I react simultaneously.
“Well, I’m actually a swing, but just you waiiiiit,” she clarifies, obviously in tune. “But I’m so excited! And Jon’s play is finally getting produced, so we’re both booked and busy!” she continues proudly, snapping her fingers.
But while we congratulate her and share in our friend’s joy, it’s very short-lived. Because life, in its own cruel way, plays another joke on me when I spot Lin strolling in through the door. I feel my heart plummet to my stomach. He’s wrapped up in a heavy winter coat and annoyingly wearing the Slytherin scarf he never returned to me (not that I mind); ever the friendly charmer, he begins chatting to one of the bookstore clerks stood by the door, but as his gaze sweeps the surroundings and falls upon me, he’s immediately distracted.
Trying to remain nonchalant, I silently gesture towards my friends with a subtle nod and a warning look in my eyes, begging him not to acknowledge us. He responds with a wink in my direction, and I breathe a sigh of relief until Gina whirls around; she follows my line of vision and spots him too. She waves excitedly; he waves back with a sweet smile. And of course, he walks over to our table, still beaming.
“Hey, what’s up?” Lin greets us casually, stopping to stand behind my chair. I feel his hand come to rest on my shoulder in a seemingly innocent, oddly natural gesture; I’m almost hyperaware of his touch, which says a million things without saying anything at all.
Anya and Gina respond enthusiastically, obviously still a little starstruck. Little do they know… “Fancy meeting you here…” I say slowly, oddly tense from the contact. This is too public; too dangerous.
“What do you mean? He owns this place!” Gina giggles. I look between him and her in disbelief - I had no idea. You really can’t make this shit up.
“She’s right, I kinda do,” Lin says with a light chuckle, gently squeezing my shoulder. “So what brings you here?”
“This drama queen,” I state matter-of-factly, tilting my head in Gina’s direction, “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m still not stalking you.”
“Ah, damn. Someday, neighbour,” he sighs, playing along with my mean demeanour. “In that case, I’ll leave you ladies to it. Just let me know if you need anything, ‘kay?” I nod, briefly brushing my hand over his before he swiftly bids us farewell and disappears behind a door behind the counter.
“Okay,” Anya almost whisper-screams across the table, “What the fuck was that?!”
“What?” I ask, feigning innocence. I can feel my cheeks turning red from the impending confrontation, but I dare not admit it just yet…
“There’s something you’re not telling us. You were trying way too hard to seem nonchalant around Lin, and you’re not fooling anyone. The way he looks at you, that hand on your shoulder, and now you’re all flustered ‘cause I’m pulling you up on it… You’re either fucking him, or you’re both thinking about it,” she accuses bluntly, “So which is it, neighbour?”
My eyes widen, first at her level of insight, then at her straightforward means of interrogation. But she’s onto us, and I wonder what good it’ll do to lie my way out of this; I might need to rip off this bandaid sooner rather than later. That considered, making them swear not to breathe a word to anyone at all, I fearfully confess my sins to my best friends, every detail from the very beginning all the way up until the present.
“I’m sorry, you did what?!” Gina shrieks, attracting the unnecessary attention of almost every other patron in the store. She looks around at them and drops her volume to a stage whisper. “Please tell me you know that’s wrong, and no explanation in the world can justify it,” she continues, borderline threatening, “He’s off limits!”
“I know, he should be.” I sigh, “But something about him just makes me forget and I like that. He’s a dream.”
“And hence proven, men are trash. Even the ones that seem nice!” Anya deadpans.
“Lin is not trash!” I defend.
“I’m pretty sure his wife and children would beg to differ, sweetheart!” she admonishes, “Seriously, what are you onto with this?” Trust this girl to tell it like it is.
“Honestly? I have no idea where this is going or where it’ll end. I don’t even really know what I want. For now, it’s just… him.”
“Damn. I won’t condone any of this, but… Was he that good?” Gina asks, “Although that is weird ‘cause he’s technically kinda my boss now. Huh.”
“So good.” I groan, making my friends laugh, “No-one’s ever made me feel the way he did… I don’t know how it’s possible to be gentle and rough at the same time, but he’s literally perfect.” A sappy smile spreads on my lips; just thinking about him has me messed up again.
“Well, you’ve got it bad. Ugh, don’t tell me that’s his…” Anya says.
I realize I’ve absentmindedly been toying with the sleeves of my - well, his - turtleneck I’m wearing again, but this clearly isn’t lost on my best friend. In my defence, it is cold, and the outside world had no business seeing the state of my neck right now, so it made sense. “Yeah, I stole his sweater,” I shrug.
“Girl, what even…” She shakes her head in disbelief, laughing at me. I don’t take it to heart; I’m laughing at myself too. “Wait, what happens if someone finds out? I mean, your secret’s safe with us, but hypothetically…”
Hypothetically, if anyone else were to find out, that would ruin everything - more so for him in a literal sense, but devastatingly so for my helpless heart. I fear to imagine the thought. Talk about being in too deep already.
“We don’t really have a plan, as of now we’re just like, going with it…”
“That doesn’t sound smart,” Anya quips.
“Wait, how long have you been seeing him anyway?” Gina questions.
“Not long enough to have that conversation,” I confess, “I don’t know, we’ve had a sort of thing since the first time we met, but we’ve only just been, like, pining until recently. Isn’t it too soon?”
“Look, I’m hardly an expert on affairs, but isn’t that something you should cover before sleeping with him?”
“It’s only happened once…”
“And how likely is it to happen again?”
“I don’t know. Maybe we just needed to fuck each other out of our systems or something,” I suggest with a shrug.
Gina rolls her eyes. “Whatever helps you sleep at night…”
“Or, rather, whoever doesn’t,” Anya says.
“I know I am! Speaking of which, Max was asking me to convince you to give him another chance… again,” she adds, sounding a little too nonchalant.
I almost choke on a sip of coffee - that caught me off guard. In all this time, I had hardly even thought about Max… “And what did you say?”
“I told him I’d try, but now I’m not going to complicate your moral dilemma even more.”
“Thank you,” I say sincerely, “He’s okay, though, right?”
Anya shrugs, looking wistfully into the distance. “He’s fine. Not exactly sober, but he’s working again and he’s alive, so I’ll take that…”
I want to say something sympathetic, but my phone suddenly buzzes on the table. Lin’s name flashes on the screen, and I bite my tongue. What is he playing at? “Sorry, guys, mind if I take this?”
“Yeah, go talk to your lover,” Gina teases.
I roll my eyes at her, and run to a quieter corner of the store to answer the call in a whisper, “Hey, Lin?”
“Hey!” a familiar, chirpy female voice resounds through my phone, completely throwing me off, “This is Vanessa; Lin left his phone here and I don’t have your number, so I thought I’d call you. I hope that’s okay?”
I wonder if fate takes me for some kind of a joke. She couldn’t possibly know already, could she? No, she sounds far too perky for this to be a confrontation. But if not, then what does she want?
“Oh, hey! That’s cool, is everything okay?” I ask calmly, although I’m anything but that.
Maybe the guilt and illicitness of this thing is causing me to overthink it all, but my brain starts to spiral. What is he doing, leaving his phone out of his sight, exposed? What if she’s seen our texts and she’s trying to investigate or or or…
“Yeah, thanks for asking! How are you?”
Oh, I’m wonderful. Your husband fucked the living daylights out of me yesterday and I’m still floating on a cloud, but you definitely don’t need to know that.
“Just peachy!” I squeak instead, almost too quickly. If this is going to work, I make a mental note to work on my lying skills.
Thankfully, Vanessa laughs it off and continues, “Listen, I just wanted to thank you for saving Seb that day. Lin told me what happened and we’re so grateful! Anyway, we’re hosting a little pre-Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and I’d love for you to join us. It’s nothing crazy, just a few friends and family and a lot of food, if you’re free.”
I pause for a moment, almost too terrified to respond until I panic-blurt, “Sure, that sounds awesome! D-did you want me to bring anything?” I stutter.
“No, no, don’t worry! Just show up.”
“Oh… Okay!”
“Great! I’ll text you later!”
I’ve barely caught my breath after Lin, and now I’m looking at the prospect of an entire evening in his apartment in his presence with his wife and children around.
Forgive me, father, for I have sinned - and karma’s a bitch already.
It hasn’t been long enough to justify anything, but I conclude that fucking each other out of our systems was definitely not the answer to whatever I had going on with Lin. I can’t speak for him, but honestly who was I kidding with that idea? If anything, I only want him more now.
This is probably not the wisest thing to be thinking about in the freaking shower before crossing the hallway to honor his wife’s dinner invitation, but alas, I may have hit a new low. How about those showers, hey, he’s probably getting ready too… And now that it’s in my head, I can’t just skip over the mental image of him in the shower on the other side of that wall, and a little daydreaming can’t hurt… Hot water dripping over his delicious tanned skin, steaming up the glass screens and… I can’t help but close my eyes, gripping the shower head as I lean back against the cool tiles to stay upright. Since when am I the sort to get off on fantasizing about a guy I’d been with once? Yet here I am, imagining tugging on his wet hair, his face between my legs and his tongue exactly where I want him to be… I pump my fingers faster, gasping his name, oh if it were him, so close, just a little more, he’s got me like…
And then the lights go out.
Suddenly the bathroom is pitch dark and the water turns ice cold. I turn off the shower, practically fuming. Left high and dry, frustrated and freezing, I give up and wrap a towel around myself, stepping out of the shower to investigate this twisted karma-esque omen. Managing to grab my glasses, I tread carefully through my apartment in the near-darkness, stopping to peer out of the window, but it seems the rest of the street isn’t affected. Once I’ve located my phone and switched on the flashlight, I cross the living room to pop my head out of the door to my apartment; the hallway is just as dark. I step towards the stairs, trying to figure out if it’s just our floor. It looks like the whole building is blacked out. So why am I the only one walking around in confusion here?!
As if on cue, I hear a lock click and turn to spot Lin standing in his doorway with a small candle, looking concerned more than anything else. The glow of the candlelight shines against his skin and I can’t help but smile; he’s beautiful. I laugh to myself when I notice his hair is still wet - apparently my wild thoughts weren’t too far removed from reality. Just what I need right now. But I have to come back to earth when he calls out to me, “Are you okay? Thought I heard a scream or something.” He squints to see me in the darkness, “Wait, are you - ah, shit.”
I nod, making sure my towel is secure enough to hold up. “Yup. I was in the shower and the fucking lights just went out…”
Noticing my frustration - though he has no idea he is equally responsible for it - he tries to reassure me, “It’s probably just a power cut. Should be back up soon. But until then,” his gaze trails over me, “Maybe put on something warm, or…”
But I don’t ever get to hear the second option, because as if on cue, we watch as the lights flicker on and hear the heating systems whir back to life.
“See?” Lin says. All I can do is laugh, and so does he, until I turn to head back into my apartment.
I don’t know how exactly this night will go, but it sure as hell won’t be uneventful.
Chapter 7 / Chapter 9
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Pink lady
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Note - For the lovely @lielullabyes 500 followers challenge! Congrats babe🥰🥰
And for @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18s challenge and birthday! I'm sorry I'm a bit late! Hope y'all like it❤❤
Summary - You try to convince your professor to give you a better grade.
Warnings - smut, age gap, professor/student relationship, deep throating, cock warming.
Prompts - professor!character x student!reader for snow
Gif prompt + your professor has a different kind of extra credit in mind for navy and siri
Pairing - Andy Barber x reader
Word count - almost 4k
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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You closed your eyes rubbing them to sooth the dryness. You had a long day and getting anything through your thick skull was turning out to be a challenge.
Of course it would. You were never an amazing student. You just studied the night before the exam and cramped whatever you could, writing what you remember on the test the next day. And yeah it wasn’t the most ideal way to study but it had worked so far for you. You got by alright.
It was more of all the shitty professors you’ve ever had than your fault. None of them could ever get you really interested in their subjects. They either didn’t care enough or only knew how to abuse their power.
But then he walked into your class. He was pretty enough to be a model or an actor. You just assumed he was someone famous. You felt as if you’ve met him before, as if you’ve known him your whole life. You were shocked to hear he was your new criminology professor, along with being a DA. Which has to be a demanding job.
It was impossible to not listen to him when he spoke, his voice so smooth like honey, carrying hints of a Boston accent he let slip whenever he got too passionate, which was quiet often.
He had broad shoulders and thick biceps he hit under those expensive suits and dress shirts. But it was more than that. He acted as if he cared. About his students, about the things he was teaching you. He always encouraged questions and helped everyone with their doubts. He had you on the edge of your seat with every word he said.
He even knew all the students by their names. Well... everyone except you.
You never interacted much in your classes, too afraid to make a fool of yourself in front of your dream man. So you had decided to buckle down and study as much as you can so you can finally raise your hand when he asked a question. How amazing it would be to hear him say ‘Good job' to you.
Maybe it isn’t classy to harbor such sinful thoughts about your professor. But the way his pants stretched over his round butt, hugging his long legs and creasing as he leaned against the edge of his table, his thick dark beard framing his face so perfectly, was just so mesmerizing. He was sex on legs. Were you really to blame here?
You had made sure to get to class ten minutes early so you could sit on the first bench. To get a close up look at the show. He was talking about something, you couldn’t really focus on. Your eyes stuck to his crotch, and how you could clearly see the imprint of his...
“Shit” You whispered as you heard him call out your surname, suddenly realising that he had his eyes on you.
“What do you think?” He asked.
“Wh – I – don’t really think a lot.” You stammered “I’m sorry what was the question?” You cringed at yourself.
“Try to pay attention next time.” He scolded you as you cowered under his intense gaze, his lips set in a hard line as he went back to addressing the whole class and resuming his lecture.
He didn’t even spare a look at you the rest of the class. You had to keep your tears at bay. It would’ve been better if you were invisible to him. Anything would be better than being publicly humiliated like that.
You decided then and there that you don’t like him. Sure you weren’t paying attention but how dare he point that out? He would never do that to anyone else. What the fuck did he have against you.
Nope. You were going to hate him now and bear him till the end of the semester. But then, all your resolve went out the window as soon as he turned around to write something on the board, giving everyone a nice view of his 'cute bubble butt'. At least that’s what you heard someone else call it. Although the kind of feelings it gave you were anything but cute.
After two long torturous hours the class was dismissed. You scrambled to pack up your bag. You were about to leave your, but body stopped of its own accord when you heard him call out your surname again. Sending shivers down your spine. You took a deep breathe turning around to look at him, your mouth suddenly dry and your hands clammy and sweaty.
“Yes professor Barber?” You asked as you stood a few feet away from him, staring at his shoes as if they were the most interesting thing you’ve ever seen. You could not look at his face. You would melt on spot and make an idiot of yourself, again.
You cursed as he walked towards you standing just in front. You had never been so close to him before, you could smell his musky cologne, feel his hot breath on your forehead.
“Don’t you think it’s rude to not look at your professor when speaking to him?” He asked cocking his head.
He couldn’t but feel proud and satisfied as you complied so easily, looking up at him. The tip of your tongue peaked out to lick your lip before your lower lip was caught in your teeth as you chewed harshly on it. A very distracting habit of yours. He really had to resist the urge to groan.
He wondered if you knew you were so cruelly teasing him or if you were as oblivious as you seemed to be.
He was excited when he was offered a position to be a teacher, a chance to shape young minds. To make a larger difference in the world. He stayed up all night preparing for his first lecture. He was always thorough with his work. He had made up his mind to do his best and be a good teacher.
But he knew he was ruined as soon as his eyes landed on you.
He wasn’t one for making friends. Always having trouble trusting people. Especially in his profession. It wasn’t that he was shy. He hated small talk and just didn’t have a lot to say, unless he was in a courtroom, even if he did he wasn’t always sure how he should say it.
But when he and his colleagues had a win on a particularly hard case, bringing down a huge mob after working tirelessly for over 3 months, he agreed to go out for drinks to celebrate. He did need to wind down a bit. When he wasn’t at the office he was at home either working or sleeping.
He was sitting on the bar stool with Henry the paralegal he had come to like the guy. He had been a huge help with the case. Henry was going on about his daughters biology project when Andy felt a tap on his shoulder he looked over his shoulder before turning around to get a proper you.
There you stood, leaning against the bar with a dopey grin on your face. He couldn’t help but do you a once over, looking you up and down, you were wearing a hot pink dress that hugged your waist before flaring over your hips. He smiled at your cute kitten heels with small white bows on them. You looked so beautiful, your hair tied up in a high ponytail as curls framed your sweet face.
“Hello mister businessman mister!” You giggled before covering your mouth as you let out a hiccup. “Oops excuse me.”
“I’m not a businessman.” He smiled shaking his head.
“Well you sure do look like one!” you laughed weakly punching his bicep “Oh my gosh” You gulped pressing his bicep in your palm “You must work out.”
“I dabble here and there.” He said waving it off as if it wasn’t a big deal “Can I buy you a drink? Are you old enough to be here?” He wondered.
“I’ll have you know I’m more than old enough” You said proudly. Normally, he would never even consider flirting with someone who looked so young, but for some reason he just couldn’t stop. “Yes I will have a drink. Wait no! No I won’t!” You gasped.
“That’s probably a good idea. You seemed to have had plenty. How about a coffee?” He offered.
“Nope I’m fine. I’m here for my friend Stacey. She likes you.” You drawled out moving your hips side to side dancing to a tune stuck in your head.
“And you don’t like me?” He pouted.
“Noooo” You whined cupping his beard in your hands. He kept pouting to milk some more sympathy from you but was completely taken aback when you pressed your soft cushiony lips over his. You pulled back staring into his eyes and said “I like you a lot! But sisters before misters you know. I couldn’t do that to my friend.” And now you were the one pouting.
He heard Henry clear his throat behind him “I’ll just go on home then. See you tomorrow man.” Andy couldn’t be bothered to turn around to say goodbye, his eyes completely focused on you.
“Oh no your friend left. Whatever you’re going home with Stacey anyway.” You looked around for your friend “Where is she? Oh no! She’s not here.”
Andy frowned looking around the bar with you “Don’t worry she must be in the bathroom or something. Why don’t you try calling her?”
You whipped out your phone from your bag. Your lips starting quivering and eyes turned glossy as you looked at it. “Hey what happened?” His instincts screaming at him to sooth your panic state. He just ran his hand up and down your forearm, there wasn’t much else he could do without seeming like a creep.
“My friend left! She said she went home with a wall street guy. Left me all alone.”
He frowned at that. “Your friend doesn’t deserve you.” He stated as if he knew you. He didn’t but he knew how loyal you were to your friend when you turned him down. Who would abandon such a sweet thing like you?
“And we were gonna go to dinner and everything.” You sniffled “I’ll have to walk home now.”
“No you won’t.” He blurted clenching his jaw. He knew just how bad men could be. He would never let a clearly inebriated woman go home alone.
Sure in any other case he would’ve called or even paid for an taxi. But he couldn’t say goodbye to you just yet. So he offered to take you home. And with some convincing you agreed.
He secured you into the passenger seat before putting your address in the GPS. He found himself laughing more than he ever had at your incoherent drunken ramblings.
“Do you believe in aliens?” Before he could even answer you continued “What if this is all just a simulation. By aliens. Like what if we’re in a tv show. That’d be awesome.” You leaned against the window, closing your eyes.
“Are you this funny when you’re sober?” He wanted to know. Although he had an inkling that you definitely would be.
“Yes I am! But my friends tell me I talk too much.” You said scrunching up your nose.
“I could listen to you talk all night. But I think we’re here.” He said parking across a building. “is this it?”
“Yeah” You nodded. “You’re right dude. They don’t deserve me.”
“Don’t call me dude.” He grumbled. You call your friends ‘dude’. And he had no intentions of being just a friend to you.
“Fine dude” You chuckled. “Do you have a pen?” You asked.
“Uh I think” He felt his pockets and then pulled out a fountain pen he always carried around with him.
You took it from him and shook your head. “You business men and your pens” You snatched his arm and started writing something on his palm.
“I keep telling you I’m not a business man.” He argued.
His heart swelled with giddiness as he saw you write down numbers on his open palm.
“Call me if you wanna hear me talk some more, ‘night.” You struggled to open the door before stumbling out. He made sure you got inside your building safely before he entered your number in his phone. He didn’t ask your name, too caught up in your rant about women’s jeans not having pockets. So he just saved it as ‘pink lady’.
He was so excited to hear from you again that he called you the next morning. Only you had given him the wrong number. He didn’t know if it was a mistake or if you had just lead him on. He considered maybe ‘accidentally’ bumping into you near your apartment. But then he saw you. In his class, as his student.
You didn’t seem to remember him but obviously had a crush on him. You weren’t such a confident talker without the influence of alcohol, the one time he asked you what your name was you just replied with ‘I’ve never had one.’ Which was adorable but also infuriating.
Was he so damn forgettable? How did you manage to do such a number on him, so much so that you haunted his wet dreams, but you had completely forgotten about him and the whole encounter. Going about your merry life, your mind not plagued with such unprofessional and unethical thoughts.
He wanted to know you. To hear you ramble some more or be awkward. Literally anything but the cold shoulder you were giving him. So he did a bad thing. He called you out when you were clearly too busy ogling him. He revelled in the sick pleasure he got from embarrassing you.
“Why don’t we go talk in my office?” He suggested and collected his books without waiting for your answer. You both made your way over to his office, you following a few steps behind him. “After you.” He said as he held the door open for you.
He locked the little latch as he closed the door, instructing you to take a seat. He wasn’t sure why he had called you over. It wasn’t like he could actually act on his feelings. Or ask you if you remembered him at all. It would be out of the question. He would get fired from the university, his reputation would be tarnished.
He took a seat at his desk shuffling through the papers in his drawer and brought one out on the desk.
He felt his cock twitch in his pants as he took in your demure state. How you had made yourself so small across him. He decided then. He couldn’t possibly not do anything about his feelings. Once his mind was set on something he HAS to have it.
Every fibre of his being was screaming at him to simply bend you over the desk and take you in the most primal way possible. But he could wait. In just a few months you would graduate and he would ask you out. There was a possibility that you would turn him down. Again. But he’d take his chances and get what he wanted. He always did.
“Your grades aren’t doing so well Miss L/N” He said passing the paper over to you. “It’s a C. You barely passed. If you don’t get a B or up in your next exam you won’t pass my class.” As much as he loved seeing you everyday he needed you to graduate so he could have his way with you.
“Oh” You let out as you looked at the test.
“That’s all you have to say? What’s wrong? Do you not understand my teaching?” To which you shook your head no “Maybe you should focus on your studies before going to clubs and getting drunk.” He spit leaning back in his chair. He knew he was being harsh, but he also knew that you needed some tough love.
“I – clubs?” You looked up at him and frowned “I don’t go to clubs! How would you know anyway?”
“Oh so you don’t remember.” He sneered not taking too kindly to being forgotten so easily. “January’s last Thursday. You were wearing a pink dress.”
You looked as if you were in deep thought before your eyes widened almost popping out of their sockets. “Oh my god! You’re that business man!” You gasped.
“Listen closely. Because I won’t say it again. I’m not a business man. I’m a district attorney and your professor.” He said sternly as he threw his head back loosening his tie so frustrated with you. He’d have to be patient. Something he very obviously wasn’t. It’s alright. You were worth waiting for.
“Sorry” You mumbled half heartedly. You knew you remembered him from somewhere. You thought you had dreamt of meeting a handsome and charming business man. Apparently you were wrong. “Why am I here professor Barber?” You asked.
“I told you. You need to get your grades up.”
“Yeah but I’m sure many other students must’ve gotten a C or lower as well. Why are you so concerned with me? What’s so special about me?” You spit with an accusatory tone.
“I care about all my students.” It wasn’t a lie. He did. He just cared about you a little bit more.
“Uh – huh. Then why did you lock the door?”
“I didn’t want anyone to disturb us.” He cleared his throat as he sat up straight in his seat.
“Sure.” You rolled your eyes.
“Don’t roll your eyes at me.”
“Why? What are you gonna do about it?” You asked before exaggeratedly rolling them again.
He scoffed “You’re such a brat.” He shook his head. “I’ll have you straightened up in less than a week when you’re mine.”
You hummed at that. “In your dreams old man.”
“You’ll see sweetheart. I just have to wait till June.”
“Well how about you can have a little taste now? I can give you something if you can change my grade.” You offered biting your lips again.
He groaned at the tempting offer and sight “There’s nothing you can give me that will change my mind.”
“Isn’t there?” You got up and walked around the desk to him, exaggeratedly swaying your hips.
He moved in his chair to look at you kneeling between his legs. Rubbing your hands on his thighs.
“I’m sure I can change your mind.” You said confidently as you undid his buckle and pulled down his zipper.
“I doubt it.” A thought of maybe stopping you as you took his hard cock out of his briefs came to him. But then you looked at his length with such awe, as if you were admiring it.
“You like it?” He smirked.
You could only nod your head and try your best to not drool. “It’s the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen.” You admitted. It was also the biggest, his rosy mushroom head slippery with precum, couple of blue veins adorning his thick shaft. You could wait to suck the life out of him.
“How many dicks have you seen?” He frowned. He didn’t really liking you thinking about anyone else’s dick, not when his was right in front of you. “Never mind. Finish what you started.” His impatience took over him as he pushed your head down, forcing you to open your mouth and swallow him whole. He moaned at the feeling of your warm wet mouth wrapped around him. “Relax your throat.” He ordered as he pushed deeper into you.
Sighing deeply as his tip hit the back of your throat, groaning as you choked around him before swallowing. “That’s it good girl.” He praised caressing your jaw. Rubbing away the tears cascading down your cheeks.
He pulled some papers out of his bag as your raised your brows at him. “I need to get some work done sweetheart.” He shifted his hips to sit back on his chair. “How about you keep me warm till then?” He said as you whined “What? Do you have other plans?”
You shook your head as he muttered a “Good” And started going through his paperwork. “You can swallow honey. But that’s all you can do. Don’t you dare move.” He warned.
It was proving to be quiet a task. He couldn’t really focus on anything but your mouth and how he wanted to just fuck it and you stupid. But he was teaching you a lesson. He had to wait a while before he came down your throat. Besides this would give him an opportunity to really savor the feel of you.
You laid your head on his thigh as he flipped through his papers for the next half an hour. Suckling here and there to not mess up his pants. When you realised that he might be interested in you, even just a little. You hoped he would just take you, make your dreams come true. You had no idea what the fuck this shit about waiting was. But you were too afraid to say no to him.
He haphazardly put down his pen. Releasing a shaky breath he finally took hold of your head. Rolling his hips a little, he pulled his length out and pushed it back in. Setting a slow and steady pace, knowing that he’d come all too soon.
You moaned as his hand went down to cup your breast fondling it so gently. He lost it as he felt the little vibrations “Do it again” He demanded as you moaned around his length. He held onto the back of your throat driving his hips up a couple of times before spilling in your throat. “Swallow it all.” He ordered as he pulled out of your mouth with a loud ‘pop’.
He groaned as he as your throat swallow a gulp “Clean me up. I have to go to work.” He pushed his tip against your lips as your tongue peaked out and licked what you couldn’t swallow and your spit off of him. You gave his tip a last kiss before tucking him back in his pants.
You stood up on wobbly feet, straightening the wrinkles in your dress. You went over to your chair cleaning your mouth up with a hanky Professor offered. “So you’ll change my grade now?” You pushed your test towards him.
He laughed “We never agreed to that sweetheart.”
“But I – but we – but I just!”
He shushed you putting his papers back in his bag “That would be unethical. You’ll be coming to my house for lessons. We have to make sure you graduate. Are you free tonight?” He looked up as you nodded “Good. Then we’ll decide if you’re worthy of a reward.” He pulled his laptop bag over his shoulder as he walked towards the door, unlatching it and holding it open for you. “I’ll see you tonight sweetheart.”
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Beautiful dividers by @whimsicalrogers.
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bethansfandoms · 4 years
had a prompt from paya on instagram to do one with “remus coming to visit the potters (when sirius has started living there ofc) and one of them sneaking in the others bed/room at night and cuddling and fluff and stuff”
sirius loved summer. he didn’t used to, of course, but since moving in with the potter’s, it had become his favourite time of year.
sirius loved playing endless games of quidditch in the back garden with james, only stopping when they were too physically exhausted to continue.
sirius loved splashing around in the lake nearby, coming out every half an hour only to sunbathe and dry off before going straight back in.
sirius loved euphemia potter’s lemonade. sirius and james would often lounge around in the garden and she’d bring them a glass each and it was heavenly.
sirius loved warm summer evenings, when he and the potter’s would sit outside and enjoy the few remaining hours of light.
sirius loved hogwarts but he also loved not having school to worry about. no homework, no family, no exams.
most of all, sirius loved the two weeks towards the end of summer. those were the two weeks peter and remus would come to stay.
for four boys who had shared a dormitory every day for years, the excitement to all be together again was no less than it had been when they were eleven.
there was the signature crack of apparition and sirius and james leapt up from the floor, pulled on t-shirt’s, and ran through the house towards the front door.
“moony!” james wrapped him in a tight hug. “merlin, look at you!”
if there was one thing sirius loved more than anything, it was remus lupin in the summer.
his hair would get lighter with the sun and it’d become almost blonde. freckles would appear all along his nose and cheekbones. his skin would tan ever so slightly which he knew remus hated as it made his scars stand out. sirius thought it made him look beautiful.
remus was known to help his parents in the garden a lot over summer and him in a short sleeved tshirt showed off his arms which sirius was rather a fan of.
sirius realised he was starting and wrapped him in a hug as well. it was so weird to hug him like this, it was almost brotherly and it felt wrong. when they pulled away, remus smiled shyly at him and sirius couldn’t hold back the grin.
“remus, sweetheart!” euphemia wrapped him in a hug. “look at you!”
“hello mrs potter,” he pulled away smiling, “anyone care to tell me why my appearance is shocking?”
james laughed and wrapped a hand around his bicep, “you should play quidditch.”
“ha ha,” he deadpanned.
“remus you’re in your usual room if that’s okay.”
remus caught sirius’ eye briefly. “yes, that’s perfect.”
“i’ll help you unpack,” sirius offered quickly.
euphemia laughed, “don’t think i don’t know it’s just to get out of helping me with dinner! come on james, peter will be here soon, so we better get started.”james stuck his tongue out at them as he followed his mum into the kitchen.
sirius felt himself smiling the whole way up the stairs. once the door finally shut behind them, remus dropped his bag on the floor and threw his arms around him.
sirius giggled slightly and hugged him back. “missed you,” he murmured into his neck, pressing a quick kiss there.
remus spun them around before pulling away, only to kiss sirius properly. “missed you too. merlin, your tan.”
sirius cupped his face, “says you. you’re gorgeous.”
remus grinned and kissed his nose, then both of his cheeks. “fuck, we should probably go downstairs...”
“at least wait until pete gets here.” sirius kissed him again, hard. it was interrupted far too quickly.
“sirius! remus! peter’s arrived!”
remus sighed and pulled away, “can i come into your room tonight? just for a bit, i’ll leave before i fall asleep.”
sirius nodded, “please do.”
remus gave him a final kiss before bounding down the stairs to meet peter. sirius watched him go, smiling, before following.
it wasn’t that keeping their relationship a secret wasn’t anything they weren’t used to, it had been months now, and they were planning to tell james and peter soon, they really were.
sirius just hadn’t quite anticipated how hard not seeing remus for four weeks and then not being able to kiss him would be. they were sat opposite each other during dinner and it felt like every time sirius looked up, remus was staring at him. it was enough to drive anyone crazy.
the four of them talked almost all night and it was late when sirius finally watched remus, james, and peter go into their respective rooms. james in the one next to him, peter on the floor above, and remus all the way at the other end of the corridor.
sirius was tired but he lay in bed, patiently waiting. he knew remus couldn’t come straight over, they needed to wait for everyone to go to sleep or else they’d hear.
finally, after almost an hour, sirius heard the knock. it was so quiet that if he hadn’t been expecting it, he wouldn’t have heard it at all.
he leapt out of bed and pulled the door open to be met with remus in a white tshirt and plaid pyjama trousers. remus immediately flopped down onto sirius’ bed; sirius quickly followed suit and wrapped his limbs tightly around him.
“hi,” remus said quietly, kissing his forehead.
“hi.” sirius hugged him for a moment before pushing himself half on top of remus so he could kiss him properly. remus wrapped his arms around sirius’ back and let him.
they kissed for ages. it was slow and lazy and sirius only pulled away when he felt himself start to yawn which made remus laugh.
“you have no idea. james and i played quidditch all morning. it was almost thirty degrees outside. too hot, very exhausting.
“did you take your shirt off?”
sirius chuckled, “maybe. why, interested?”
“in james, yeah. quidditch captain and all that.”
sirius would’ve shoved him but he had both his arms and legs tightly wrapped around him and didn’t feel like moving. “piss off.”
“i know you’re joking, but i probably should. the potters wake up at like, six in the morning and we will have to as well if we want euphemia’s delicious pancakes.”
“noooo,” sirius whined, hugging him tighter.
remus sighed, “i don’t exactly want to leave either.
“then don’t,” sirius mumbled, nuzzling his head into his neck. “come on, what’s the chance of them coming in here tomorrow morning. you’ve got wolf hearing, just don’t leave tomorrow until you can tell nobody’s there.”
remus groaned, “why are you so comvincing? this is a bad idea.” remus inhaled sharply as sirius kissed just below his ear. “stop that or i’ll let you talk me into staying.”
sirius grinned and kissed him there again. “come on, moony. stop worrying.”
“fine,” remus huffed. “if we get caught, it is so your fault.”
sirius smiled and rolled over, “that’s fine with me.” remus wrapped his arms tightly around him, nuzzling into the back of his neck. he fell asleep very quickly after that.
when sirius slowly blinked awake to the early morning sun streaming through the crack in the curtains, remus’ arms were still around him. he smiled and tried to turn himself around so they would be face to face.
sirius sat up which startled remus awake as well. “uh... hello james.”
james raised his eyebrows and glanced between them. “mum wanted to know that breakfast will be ready in ten minutes...”
when he left the room, grinning to himself, remus looked at sirius and sighed. “bugger. so... want to tell james about us today?”
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