#I still need to catch up with all the other games you've tagged me in lmao
Ok so I miscounted, it’s 9 and not 10. BUT, I’ve been in a Guardian mood so, I’m still dropping facts about them <3
📂 Robin Westerberg, Guardian of Fire : Warmth, Home, Affection
Despite the traumatic dumpster fire that was his parents' marriage, he’s the most hopeless romantic of them all. Because of this, he has the most love interest of all my characters, which is 3. Though most are nothing more than crushes lol Robin has heterochromia, which plays a significant role in his arc.
📂 Aasim Mbodji, Guardian of Energy : The Soul, Courage, Will
He plays the drums in a band, but can play a wide array of instruments like bass, cello, and trumpet, and he’s an absolute beast at singing. Sadly he’s very shy about it so very few get to actually hear him sing.  Aasim’s element was originally Thunder.
📂 Max Erdene, Guardian of Lightning : Chaos, Light, Battle
Shortest and snarkiest of the bunch, so naturally he’s the jock. He even has a whole rivalry with a girl at their school, who is an old friend he had a falling out with during his gender discovery. It’s all fun and games though.  Max has gone through the most name changes of any character (Theo - Edvin - Max)
📂 Signe Krantz, Guardian of Illusion : The Mind, Memory, Judgement
It is a little too easy for her to provoke and aggravate people, more so than she thinks. So even if it is her intention, she’s almost always shocked when it works. It also ends up leading to my favorite scene in book 2. Signe is fluent in ssl (swedish sign language)
📂 Linus Medico-Forsberg, Guardian of Spirit : The Heart, Recovery, Devotion
Different from the other Guardians, he’s had access to his powers his entire life. Though only his ability to see emotions, which led to him becoming a firm believer in astrology and the supernatural. Linus made friendship bracelets for all the Guardians.
📂 Kim Saito, Guardian of Time : Progression, Harmony, Evolution
She has a very hard time apologizing, even if she knows she’s in the wrong. While it is a part of her hypocritical tendencies, it’s mostly due to a fairly traumatic event in her childhood. Kim is the only character to have sex within the narrative (does that make sense ?)
📂 Louise Müller, Guardian of Air : Breath, Communication, Liberty
She’s the soft kind of weird. Like, she has random trinkets in her pocket she’ll give to her friends for no real reason and baby talks spiders. She’s full of gentle whimsy <3 Louise was the first character to have a canon sexuality (lesbian)
📂 Joakim Dubois, Guardian of Water : Youth, Beginnings, Emotions
Being the grandchild and child of world-famous designers, they made it their life mission to be as weird, unapproachable, and annoying as possible so people would leave them alone. Joakim and Amber have been best friends since daycare.
📂 Amber Castellanos, Guardian of Earth : Compassion, Redemption, Patience
Not only is she a gamer, but she’s a killer chef too. And since both her parents are into gardening, with her mother also being a groundskeeper at a graveyard, she’s got a very keen understanding of herbs and spices. Amber has a cat nammed Tomillo.
📂 William Arvidsson, Guardian of Gravity : Order, Darkness, Peace
His biggest passions in life are design and fashion. There is not a single article of clothing he owns that he has not altered in some way. His biggest project is a custom-made suit that is very gender. William was originally into cosplay.
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wiishopwednesday · 3 months
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longing for something you can never return to
[ID: a collection of images relating to nostalgia. the first image is a genius screenshot of the lyrics to car seat headrest's "famous prophets (stars)." the screenshot reads "We gotta go back/We gotta go back/We gotta go back/We gotta go back." the second image is the "we got the torture labyrinth tomorrow" meme template, edited to instead say "We got missing what we can never return to tomorrow/What?/We got the beginning of the rest of our lives tomorrow/Ohhhh/Okay." the third image is a discord screenshot, with the user's username and icon cropped out so that only the text is visible, and reads "Duuudeee you missed out on those 7 days where god created earth you are fucked LOL." the fourth image is a screenshot of a piece of text, which reads in bolder font "You can never leave home." underneath it, in normal text, it reads "You take it with you no matter where you go. Home is between your teeth, under your fingernails, in the hair follicles, in your smile, in the ride of your hips, in the passage of your breasts." the fifth image is a screenshot of a post made by tumblr user ryebreadgf, which reads "YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK! YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK! YOU CAN BITE AND SCRATCH AND BEG BUT YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK!" the sixth image is a screenshot of a piece of text that reads, "YOU KILL YOURSELF AND IMMEDIATELY WAKE UP AS A CHILD ON YOUR PARENTS BED. YOU'VE BEEN ASLEEP FOR HALF AN HOUR. THE SUN IS SHINING." the seventh image is a picture of two uneven dark yellow boxed next to each other on a off-white background. the first box reads, in handwriting, "I'm terrified of change." the second box reads, "I'm terrified of staying this way forever." the eighth image is a screenshot of a post made by tumblr user dakotajohnsongf, which reads "women be looking at pictures of their childhood selves and trying to find a way back to them." the ninth image is a screenshot of a post made by tumblr user bestofgentleearth, containing a screenshot from a forum of some kind. a line of text reads "(16 hours ago) butterfly said:" underneath, an indented section of text reads "today, the world looked beautiful again. i'm starting to remember what kept me alive last summer." the tenth image is another tumblr post by user cursedsuggestion, which reads "the friend you miss comes home for good. you never see another mirror. it's summer forever and that terrible thought you keep having finally disappears." the eleventh image is a screenshot of a reddit post, with the original poster's username and icon cropped out so only the text is visible. it reads "I'm not sure how to word this, but I constantly go through this deep sense of loss. I feel like I terribly miss something I love from the bottom of my heart, but I don't know what it is, exactly. Nothing in life satisfies me, nothing makes me content, but l wouldn't say I'm depressed either. There's just this endless search for something, and at times I feel I can catch a glimpse of it - different sceneries pop into my head at times, like of a particular beach at night, and I'm moved to tears. Or I remember a dream and all the feelings that were stirring while I saw that dream, and feel entirely connected to them." the twelfth image is a screenshot of a tumblr post, but the original poster is cropped out so only the text is visible, which reads "wait i wasn't ready. i never finished that game of tag. i still need to learn how to do a cartwheel. my friends and i never finished making that bridge over the creek. i want to go back. can you carry me to bed one last time? and maybe i'll wake up tomorrow in my childhood room with my pink walls and we'll laugh over this dream at breakfast." the thirteenth image is another tumblr screenshot of a post by user heavensghost, which reads "uhhh yh sure u can go back but no one will be waiting for you there."
the fourteenth image is a screenshot of a reddit comment, with the user's information cropped out so that only the text is visible, which reads "HIRAETH (heer-eye-th) 'A deep homesickness; an intense form of longing or nostalgia for a place long gone, or even an unaccountable homesickness for a place you have never visited. A pull on the heart that conveys a distinct feeling of missing something irretrievably lost.'" the fifteenth image is a collection of 3 rows of black boxes, with 3 boxes in each row. the first box has a white, vague form of a human. the second box pictures the human form stretching its arms and legs out. from the third box onward, the human figure starts to dissipate into white dots until it has completely disappeared and only dots remain. the sixteenth image is a tumblr post by user n1ntendos, which reads "I AM HAUNTED BY A PAST I CANNOT GO BACK TO !!!!!!! anyways." the seventeenth image is a screenshot of text that reads "I cling to everything - CDs that skip, rings that turn my fingers green, the dead ends of my hair, old love notes that turn my stomach over and over. And I'm not proud but there are still boxes under my bed. And I'm not proud but my closet is still running out of space. And nostalgia is a fucking waste of time but my heart is full with it. Tell me I won't hold this forever. Tell me there will be a day where I let gloriously go." the eighteenth image is an image of larger text that reads "It's a summer day, and I want to be wanted more than anything else in the world." the nineteenth image is a photograph of a large white dog standing in a dark, flowing river surrounded by a dark forest and green trees. the dog is facing away from the viewer with its mouth open. the dog appears to be glowing, likely due to a lens flare of some kind. the entire picture feels very melancholy and nostalgic. the twentieth image is larger text that reads "Nostalgia is the aching realization that you can't go back again. The longing, no matter how intense, can never be met." the twenty-first image is a screenshot of an instagram dm, with the user's username and icon cropped out so that only the text is visible, and it reads "well the time passes anyway so I have to." the twenty-second image is a screenshot of the spotify lyrics for gerard way's song "action cat." the lyrics read "Hey/Do you miss me?/'Cause I miss you/Do you miss me?/'Cause I miss you/Do you miss me?/'Cause I miss you/Do you miss me?/'Cause I miss you too." the twenty-third image is a screenshot of text that reads "YOUR CHILDHOOD DOG IS ALIVE. YOUR DEAD BEST FRIEND WANTS TO GET COFFEE. YOU HAVE BEEN KIND AND GOOD. THERE IS NOTHING CHASING YOU. YOU CAN SLEEP. WHAT DO YOU DO?" the twenty-fourth image is a continuation of the lyrics from car seat headrest's "famous prophets (stars)" that were pictured in the first image. these lyrics read "We've gotta go back/We've gotta go back/We've gotta go back/(Don't spend too much time on it)." end ID.]
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h0ck3yl0v3r · 10 months
foolish one
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lh43 x childhood bestfriend!reader
warnings: angst, semi-swearing
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you and luke were inseparable. always attached to each other, whether it was you attending his hockey games or him attending your events. everyone around you guys always thought you were both dating, although you wish you were, there was never any romantic relationships.
highschool graduation happened, and you and luke both had committed to the university of michigan. as time went on through senior year, yours and lukes relationship was rocky, luke being too busy with hockey and girls to always be there for you. as for you, you were still one of his biggest supporters. it was in that long list of promises you guys made when you were seven. 'we promise to always be there for each other no matter what.'
college was rocky, you barely saw luke, heard from him, it was hard on you.
chances are, tonight, you've already got plans and chances are i will talk myself to sleep again
you cried every night, seeing pictures of luke at parties with girls while you were never invited. you felt invisible to him now, your mom and ellen called every day, they knew how much love you have for luke, they knew it from the moment you slipped and fell on the ice and luke helped you up, the moment your spark in your eyes grew.
and the voices say, "you are not the exception you will never learn your lesson"
that spark was now slowly fading away. you really thought you had a chance being his best friend that maybe, just maybe he'd be in love with you too.
don't know what to call this situation but i know i can't call you mine
the whole first semester of freshman year went by really fast, meaning it was now time for winter break, one of your favorite seasons. luke was still radio silence, you both always spent winter together, guess he's too famous for you now, another promise broken, 'we promise to never forget each other, no matter how famous we get.'
but goodbye screamin' in the silence and the voices in my head are tellin' me why
when ellen and your mother came down to visit they held a little gathering with jack, quinn, luke and his friends.
the gathering was a mess.
"yo moose who's this girl in your baby pictures." one of his teammates had brought up.
"oh her, she's just an old friend." he had replied, 'old friend.' that hurt to hear, you were no longer apart of his life.
cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings i'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring
luke didn't know you were there, too busy with his new girlfriend and teammates. but you heard it all, you see it all, it was heartbreaking, quinn saw it all though. quinn was always second closest to you, being that person you looked up to, he was the first person you ever confessed you had a crush to luke on.
"it hurts quinny, it hurts so much, i feel like a ghost to him. i thought we would've happened i thought all the signs i gave him would've been enough for him to catch on. i feel so stupid" you sobbed into quinns chest, hos heart breaking for you.
"shh its okay, my brothers an idiot, please don't feel like stupid, it's not your fault angel" quinn rubbed your back softly as you sat there and cried yourself to sleep.
foolish one sittin' 'round waiting for confessions of love they ain't never gonna come and thinkin' he's the one, you should've been walkin' out foolish one
you woke up the next morning devastated. maybe in another universe it could've happened, but right now its time to piece yourself back together. you couldn't face watching your spark keep fading over someone who no longer is present in your life.
when all is said and done, he just wasn't the one no, he just wasn't the one
for you, luke will always be your past present and future, but right now he is not what is needed in your life, mayne one day he'll come back to his senses but for the time being self-love is the best healing.
tags: @drysdalesv @ghostfacd @shy4turcs
pt 2??
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348kg · 3 months
stupid cupid (soul)
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ꕤ haku shota 白翔太 (soul) x choreographer!reader
18+ mdni
wc : 2.3k
: friends to lovers
tags : afab reader, fluff, smut, oral sex, vaginal sex, talk of wet dreams, porn with plot (kinda), most basic smut ull ever read oops, jongseob + intak mentioned, reader and shota are the same age, cupid in this case is shotas horny mind, oneshot
synopsis : having a wet dream about a staff member is not the way to go
an : catch me in my writer era … i listened to nct dreams stupid cupid as i wrote this (this only took an hour and i didn't proof read so pls lmk if there's errors)
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shota had a problem.
shota had a big problem, a problem he never even considered could be a problem until a few nights before, as he sat up in bed with one hand covering his mouth while the other fisted his throbbing cock, following the explicit dream he had just woken up from.
said problem was his choreographer and friend, who ever since that night has been looking a little too beautiful and perfect for comfort.
and now said problem was touching his waist to help him perfect the move he was working on, and shota was doing everything in his power to keep his erection from showing. as a dancer, he took pride in his body and movement, but right now he felt so out of control of himself and it made him want to melt into the floor where he was currently laying.
all of a sudden he longed to know what you tasted like, to feel your hands in places where you'd never touched him befo—
"shota!" you yell.
he shoots up. "huh?"
"are you okay? these past few days you've been... out of it. is there something you want to talk about?"
yeah, because you were definitely the right person to confide in about his issue.
"i'm fine... i'm, um, sick?"
your face scrunches in concern. "why are you here if you're sick? go home and sleep. it's getting late anyway." you grab his arm to get him off the ground before pressing your palms flat against his back to shove him out of the studio.
"text me if you're still feeling off tomorrow. i can finish off the section we were working on, if that's okay with you?" he could only stare at you. how were you so pretty and perfect and hard working and competent and talented and pretty—
"soul," you wave your hand in front of his face, "are you sure you can make it back to your dorm alone? you don't seem... in good condition right now."
he nods, "i— yeah, i'll be fine. i'll text you when i'm home." you were left in confusion as he backed towards the elevator in big, awkward steps. he lets out a sigh of relief as soon as the metal doors shut.
keeping up with his grueling schedule was tough enough as it is, and this was not helping relieve the constant pressure on his shoulders.
"jongseob." shota spoke as he lay in bed that night, turning to face his friend that was sat upright in the bed across the room, nintendo switch in hand.
"hm?" he doesn't look up from his game.
"do you ever have, um... dreams?"
jongseob furrows his brow, letting out a laugh. "yeah, i have dreams sometimes. whats this about?"
"no, i mean, like, those kind of dreams."
he looked up, face morphing into one of disgust. "aw, dude, that's nasty!"
"i'm serious! i need help!" his face burned.
"okay, who was it?" he tosses his switch in front of him.
shota covers his face with his hands, letting out a muffled, "yn." he was sure his face was the equivalent color to a ripe tomato.
jongseob snorts, shaking his head as he reaches for his game again. "don't you like her anyway? ask her out. me and intak have a bet going, so if you did id make $20. no pressure though."
shota shoots upright. "what are you talking about? i don't like her."
the face jongseob makes in response is one that has shota inwardly reflecting on every single interaction hes ever had with you.
"if she doesn't reciprocate it would make both of our jobs very awkward."
"dude... whenever i see you two interact she's completely smitten. she likes you. i even heard some of the other staff talking about it last week." jongseob reaches for the lamp on his nightstand and shuts it off, leaving the room in darkness.
shota sighs, smushing his face in his pillow, still feeling unsure as sleep washes over him.
shota 👽
[8:37am] i'm sick (¬_¬”) don't wait up for me
[8:41am] feel better!
you stared at your phone screen, mentally running through everything you were supposed to get done today, then racked your brain to scheme up a way to finish before noon. you quickly finished the final steps of shota's routine and dropped off some footage at your bosses office before speed walking out of the fnc building to the nearest pharmacy.
when shota answered the incessant knocking at his door that woke him up from his nap, the last person he expected to see was you, much less expected to see you with arms full of gatorade bottles and various painkillers and cough syrups.
"ah... i wasn't sure what you needed, so i got everything. gatorade is supposed to be good for dehydration." you rambled, and he wanted nothing more then to kiss the words out of your mouth.
"you didn't have to do all this." he gestures you into the kitchen, and you drop the pile of cure-all on his counter. he tries to hide the grin that was sneaking onto his face.
"gah, don't make fun of me! i was worried, you've been acting super weird. have you seen a doctor yet?"
"no... uh, it didn't seem necessary."
"what kind of sickness do you even have? a fever?" you stand on your tiptoes to press your palm to his forehead. "weird... you don't feel hot, but your face is super red."
it was ironic, because shota felt like his face was on fire. every time you stepped closer to him and pressed your hands to his body, he could feel his blood rush straight to his dick.
he realized he was staring when you tapped his elbow. you were way too close to him now, your brow furrowed as you inspected his face. all of a sudden he felt something brush against his groin.
he froze. you froze.
you looked down to where your hand sat, mouth opened slightly. "you're not actually sick... are you?" you spoke slow as you looked back up at him, and the soft tone of your voice was not helping shota as he frantically searched his brain for the right response.
sensing his panic, you continued, motioning to his crotch. "is this... for me?" shota thanked god for your confidence that he loves so much.
he searched your eyes for any look of disinterest or discomfort. when all he found was a look that made him feel like he was being swallowed whole, he nodded, voice dropping an octave. "for you."
you took his response as a green light to step forward and wrap your arms around his neck, moving your hips to press your clothed cunt into his hard cock. groaning, he reciprocated by thrusting his hips forward, desperate for friction. you let out a squeak when he reached to grip your waist with one hand, cheek with the other.
you could feel his breath fan your face as he stared at you.
you grinned. "are you gonna kiss me, or just stand ther—"
he cuts you off, smashing his lips to yours. he feels you sigh and he can't help but smile against you. it isn't long before it escalates, groaning into each other's mouths as your tongues dance together. he feels you begin to walk backwards to lead him into his shared bedroom.
"do you know when your members are coming back?" you spoke between frantic kisses, as if he was your only source of oxygen.
"they talked about having dinner plans later, which could stretch out past midnigh—" he held his breathe as you sucked at his neck to cut him off. he grabs your thighs with his strong arms to lift you into his lap and sits down on the edge of his bed. you pulled back to play with the bottom of his t-shirt. taking the hint, he reached to lift it off, leaving his abs that you can't help but ogle at in all their glory. while you're distracted, he unzips your hoodie and throws it to the floor, leaving you in only a red lacy bra.
"were you planning on jumping me before you got here? wearing something so pretty..."
you giggled, kissing your way down his neck, licking at his abs before situating yourself between his legs. he tugged his shorts and boxers down, and his thick, hard cock hit his stomach with a smack, already leaking with precum. you hummed in delight when shota twitched as you licked at his tip, hands moving to wrap around the base of his dick as you took him in your mouth.
"oh, god, yn."
you let out a strangled noise when you started to bob your head, matching the pace of your mouth with your hand as you fisted the bottom of his length where your mouth couldn't reach. you could hear his breathing grow faster and his hips begin to twitch as he grunted out your name over and over, ropes of cum painting your throat as you suctioned your lips to his tip.
"you didn't last very long." you giggled as you pulled off of him, licking your lips to get the remainder of his cum off of your face. shota didn't think he'd ever seen something so sexy, and it wasn't helping him as he attempted to catch his breath before responding to you.
"couldn't help it, you... fuckin— dreamt about that. dreamt about you. you're so— fuck."
you crawled back on top of him, pressing your mouth to his. he chased your lips when you pulled away. cocking your head to the side, you looked into his eyes innocently. "dreams about me? what did you dream about, sho?" shota swore he was going to die if you kept looking at him like that.
"dreamt... about this." he doesn't give you the chance to question him further before hes pulling himself beneath you so his face sits between your thighs.
he tugs at your shorts and panties with his teeth. "can i take these off?"
shota feels the air knock out of him as he looks straight into your dewy pussy. he kisses your inner thigh, "wet for me, baby?"
"all for you, sho. dreamt about this too— oh!" you gasp when you feel shota press his nose into your core. wasting no time, he presses a kiss to your clit and slides his tongue through your folds in one painfully long lick. your hands flew to grip his long blonde hair, hips bucking upwards in a hopeless attempt to chase the pleasure you were feeling.
"patience, baby."
shota realized quickly that he couldn't follow his own advice, already addicted to the taste of you. how did you taste this good? he licked and sucked at your clit like a starved man, speeding up when he felt your grip on his hair tighten. the pretty noises you were making were making him groan into you in return, and he could feel his dick growing harder by the second.
"sho, oh my god! m'close, m'so close!"
to help push you over the edge, he took 2 fingers and quickly slid them into your hole, fingertips pressing into your gummy walls over and over. you felt the rubber band in your core snap as you reached your climax, hips spasming as he pulled his fingers out and quickly latched his mouth to your cunt, licking up every last drop of your release.
giving you a chance to come back to earth, he slowly readjusts himself so he's over top of you again, and he can't help but marvel at the mess he's made you. the sight of your red cheeks and teary eyes alone nearly had him orgasming a second time.
"need you inside of me." you breathe, leaning up to connect your lips in a lazy kiss. shota reaches into his bottom drawer to grab a condom, quickly ripping the packaging and sliding it over his length. he grabbed his cock with one hand, aligning it with your hole.
"are you sure?" he muttered against your lips. when you responded with frantic nods, he didn't waste a second to sink himself into you slowly, holding back a groan at the feeling of you stretching out as your walls squeezed his cock, and at the whines and begs that began to spill from your mouth. he slowly started to move and you matched his rhythm, hips bucking together. you hadn't even noticed that your bra had come off at some point until you felt shotas lips attach to your tit, licking and sucking while he groped the other.
"prettiest fucking girl in the whole world. want you all to myself. so fucking perfect." your whining intensified at his words, tears falling down your cheeks.
"yours, sho! m'yours!" you began to lose all ability to form coherent sentences as he pounded into your cunt, grabbing your thighs to readjust your legs so he'd have better access to your hole. your thrusts became messier as you felt yourself reaching your high, and the chants of your name that were leaving his mouth signaled that he was too.
"gonna come, baby?" he kissed the corner of your mouth.
"yeah i— shota!" you saw white as your orgasm washed over you, mouth wide open. shota followed shortly after, chanting your name into your skin as he emptied into the condom and pulled out of you. you both took a minute to recollect yourselves, and you watched in a daze as shota left the room, only to return a minute later with a towel. he wordlessly cleaned you up before crawling back into bed. he pulled you into his chest and you reached for his hand to intertwine your fingers.
"in case that wasn't clear enough, i really really like you." you shyly tuck your face into his neck, feeling a blush creep onto your cheeks. shota kissed the top of your head and played with a strand of your hair.
"good, because i really really like you too."
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© 348kg please do not copy my work
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selencgraphy · 24 days
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PAIRING: sebastian stan x f!reader
TAGS: set during quarantine, established relationship, age gap (if you squint, it's not directly mentioned), just fluff :)
A/N: yet another lost selencgraphy fic! wrote this during quarantine in attempt to lift my spirits :) happy reading <3
masterlist || request box <3
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You and Sebastian have been stuck in the tiny apartment that the two of you shared for what felt like forever. When the pandemic hit, he was still filming for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, so he had to finish it up. Somedays you would get the occasional FaceTime call at lunch and be "graced with the presence of Choclachino" as Mackie titled it. It wasn't how it normally was but it was fun while it lasted. 
Once they finished filming, he was stuck at home with you. Sure, the world was put to a pause but that didn't stop the two of you from having some fun of your own. "Y/N, I swear to god if you don't get your ass back here right now!"
Life with Sebastian never had a dull moment and being stuck with him during a pandemic just amplified your already chaotic energy. You two had tons of movie and game nights. But some days you would just lay in each other's arms and cuddle. Pranks became a common theme in the household and unfortunately for him, your pranks never failed. Today, you threw confetti all over him as he was about to get out of the shower.
His eyes grew wide as he stopped in shock and quickly met yours. "You're so going to pay for that," he muttered with a chuckle before he lunged towards you.
"Oh shit, OH SHIT!" you screeched as you avoided him. Quickly, you ran back out to the kitchen and devised a game plan. There was no way in hell you were letting him get his revenge. Eventually, he was going to catch you, and then you'd both be covered in confetti. So you snatched your phone, wallet, mask, and keys and ran out the door. You’ve been meaning to go grocery shopping anyways.
The groceries you needed were acquired, and it was finally time that you made your way back home. Hopefully after leaving him home by himself for a couple of hours let him cool off. You quietly used your key and opened the door. He was just sitting down on the couch, which Mackie was 100% correct about even if Seb denied it. It didn't look like he noticed you were back home. To make sure, you removed your shoes to make no noise. Tiptoeing to the couch, you looked over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. He was on his phone. He was looking at TikToks. "No fucking way," you thought.
Very quickly, you snuck your hand up and around his head and snatched the phone out of his hands. "What the fu-"
"Ah ah ah," you tutted, wagging your finger in his face with his phone in your other hand. "Is the Sebastian Stan looking at TikToks? Let's see what you've been looking at."
You scrolled a bit and noticed a common theme. They were all mostly memes of him and Mackie. You pulled one up and let it play. "I'll see you next time! Bye Sebastian! HuNgRy EyEs! OnE LoOk aT yOu aNd I cAn'T DiSgUiSe-"
He reached out over the couch to try and swipe his phone back. You quickly pulled it back out of his reach. "Y/N... Give me my phone back. Please..."
"Or what?"
Suddenly, he was jumping over the couch and you turned and started to run away again. Lucky for him, your apartment was incredibly small, and you had little place to run. His arms wrapped around your waist, and he pulled you back into him. "Gotcha," he whispered, "I'd like my phone back now, please."
Even though you had no more options, you didn't give in. You continued to hold the phone close to your chest, a smirk settling on your face. "So that's how you wanna play it? Okay..."
He let you go. You thought you were free. You thought wrong. He quickly turned you around, picked you up, and threw you over his shoulder. "Seb, put me down!" you pleaded, laughing as he walked back to the living area.
Before you knew it, he threw you back onto the couch and started to tickle you. He knew you were extremely ticklish and unfortunately, he played to your weakness. "This is for earlier," he giggled while continuing to tickle your sides.
Soon enough, the tickling got to you and your grip on his phone loosened. He swiftly grabbed it back and stood back up. "Fine, fine you win," you let out, trying to catch your breath, "Why were you even looking at TikToks anyways?"
"First of all, Mackie sent these to me. Second of all, I'm teaching him how to use Instagram, but all the kids these days use TikTok so I'm uh..."
"Go on," you encouraged.
He sighed. "I'm trying to get with the program if you will."
Your boyfriend. Sebastian Stan. Gen Z's current internet crush was trying to get with the program. You tried to hold in your laughter and he could tell by the look on your face. "You better not laugh at me or I will tickle you even more."
You threw your hands up in surrender. "Hey! I'm glad you're trying, babe." You turned to head back to the kitchen to put the groceries you just bought away. As you walked away, you said back, "About time, old man!"
"What did you just say?"
"No, I think you just called me an old man!"
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
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Did You Know? - A Request from @wax-birds
Summary: You've been the Batch's medic since well before the Jedi Purge happens, and it just made sense to stick with them when they defected. Recently, Tech's been going out of his way to tell you random facts, and at first you were confused, but you're starting to understand what his game is.
Pairing: TBB Tech x F!Reader
Word Count: 1618
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I hope this is close to what you wanted. I made up the planet, but I think the bird is an actual thing in the Star Wars verse...I didn't actually do any research, lol.
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“Did you know,” You lift your gaze from your datapad to look at Tech, who’s standing awkwardly in the door to your area of the marauder, “the Morai birds mate for life and should their mate pass they remain in the nest waiting for them to return.”
“I…was not aware of that.” You say, “I also didn’t know that you were interested in the mating practices of birds.”
“Ah, well,” He nervously rubs the back of his neck, “I am interested in a wide range of topics.”
Amusement lifts your lips into a smile, “And your fixation for the week is birds?” You tease very gently.
“They are very brightly colored.” Tech offers, “And are native to the planet we are about to visit.” He hesitates, “And I remembered that you have a Morai tattoo.”
“Aww, Tech.” You clasp your hands under your chin, “You’re sweet, learning things about my favorite animals simply because they’re my favorite.”
“I…well, not solely for you. Omega had questions-”
“I DID NOT!” Omega shouts from the next room.
Tech ignores her with the long practice of an older brother, “And then I remembered your tattoo-”
Omega appears next to him, her face is scrunched up, “Stop lying! You looked that stuff up specifically-mmph!” Tech slaps his hand over Omega’s mouth, stopping her from talking.
“Thank you, Omega.”
Your gaze flickers from the annoyed preteen, to Tech, and then back again. “Well then, if neither of you are injured, I need to get back to work.”
Omega pulls Tech’s hand away from her mouth, “Tech just hit me!”
“I did no such thing.”
“I have bruises!”
“You do not.”
“I want you to arrest him!” Omega declares dramatically as she points at her brother.
“I’m a medic, Meg, not a cop.” You reply with a small grin, “You want someone to punish him for hitting you, go to Hunter.”
“Maybe I will!” Omega says loudly, before she rounds on her heel, “Hunter!”
“Why would you tell her that?” Tech asks with a sigh.
You wink at him, “Well, if you get hurt, it means that you get one on one attention, doesn’t that sound fun?”
Tech averts his eyes, but a small smile lifts the corner of his lips, “I suppose it does not sound…awful.” He finally says as he catches your gaze, for a moment, just a moment, there’s something hot and needy in his gaze, before it’s quickly banked, and he turns away from you. “I will leave you to your work. We will be landing on Mora in three days.”
You know your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you. You know what you saw. And you are very, very interested.
And so you flash a small smile, even as a plan starts forming in your mind, “I’ll be ready.”
Tech glances at you one more time, and then slips out of your workspace just as Hunter shouts for him, and you muffle your laugh. Sometimes, a lot of times, the men you travel with are so obviously brothers that it’s hilarious.
In fact, you’re pretty sure you heard Echo and Wrecker arguing over Wrecker stealing some of Echo’s snacks only a little bit ago.
Still, you wouldn’t trade this job for any other medical career in the galaxy.
After all, where else would an incredibly handsome man flirt with you using bird facts?
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Three days later, the Marauder lands on Mora, and you, with your medical kit slung over your shoulder, and your camera in hand, couldn’t be more excited.
“Alright,” Hunter says, getting everyone’s attention. “It looks like we have five different places we need to visit.”
“It’ll be faster if we split up,” You offer reasonably, “Using the buddy system, of course.” You add once you see the look on Hunter’s face. “And naturally, I won’t be paired off with Omega, since we’re both harmless.”
“I have a crossbow,” Omega reminds you with a pout.
“Ah, right. My mistake.”
“So that means you’re the only one here who’s harmless.” Echo teases as he bumps you with his shoulder.
“Yeah, well…before all else, do no harm, etc, etc-” You reply with a grin, as you bump him right back.
“Anyway,” Hunter interrupts, “Splitting up and using the buddy system isn’t a terrible idea. I’ll go with Omega. Tech-”
“I do not mind going with the doctor,” He interrupts, “As I understand, one of these locations has medical equipment she needs to inspect.”
Hunter looks at him, disbelievingly. 
“It’s not a bad idea,” You offer cheerfully, “If anything is broken, I might not notice right away.”
Hunter turns his disbelieving gaze on you next, and you just beam at him. 
“Fine. Tech and the Doc are going together. Which leaves Echo and Wrecker.” Hunter says, “Any complaints? Good. Omega, come on.”
You grin as the other groups walk off in different directions, and then you turn your gaze on Tech, who’s watching you with a small smile on his lips, “Shall we?” You ask.
“It should not take that long to get the equipment that we need.” He agrees, as he turns in the direction of the shop, and then waits for you to fall into step next to him. 
“It shouldn’t,” You agree, “The longest part will really be you making sure that the equipment looks like it’s in working order.” 
He glances at you, “You really would not be able to determine if the gear was in working order?”
“Of course I’d be able to tell. I just wanted to spend time with you.” You reply with an unrepentant grin.
You cheerfully take his hand in yours and you lace your fingers with his, “Anyway, once we have the stuff delivered to the ship, we can look around on our own. I need a new jacket.”
Tech is staring at your joined hands, as if he’s not sure what to make of it, and then he slowly squeezes your hand, and is rewarded with a blinding grin. The moment he realizes that it’s intentional, some of the nervous tension drains from him. “Is there something wrong with your jacket?”
“Well…no. Not really.” You shrug, “It just doesn’t match.”
“...What does it not match?”
You sigh, “You and your brothers. My leather jacket is white! It needs to be darker so I actually look like I belong.”
“You do belong.” Tech says, “You are the most important member of the squad.”
“We both know that’s not true.” You say with a laugh.
“It is true,” Tech insists, “We would be lost several times over without you.”
“Aww, you’re sweet.”
“I am honest.” Tech replies, “You have saved all of our lives on many occasions. We owe you everything.” He pauses, “And I prefer it when you wear white. It makes it easier to see you on the battlefield.”
“That’s not necessarily a good thing.” You point out as the pair of you come to a stop in front of the shop that’s holding the medical equipment that you need to look at.
Tech doesn’t reply right away as he enters the shop, “I think you look nice in white.” He finally says and then he turns his attention towards the shopkeeper and offers the name on the order.
Inspecting the machines takes a lot longer than you would prefer. A lot longer than Tech would prefer too, based on the look on his face, but there’s no way around it. Cid would have your heads if any of the machines were damaged in any way.
But finally, finally, you’re able to confirm the delivery, and you slump against Tech, exhausted. “This is the worst job ever.” You whine.
Tech glances at you, “Well, we are done now.”
“Until Cid gives us another job.” You grumble, and then you lay your cheek against his shoulder, “We used to fight for the good of the Republic, this work is demeaning.”
“But Cid does pay us,” Tech reminds you quietly, “Which is what we need.”
You hum thoughtfully, “Yeah, I guess.”
You take his hand again, and then tug him away from the shop. “Where are we going?” Tech asks, though he doesn’t seem to have any problems with trailing after you.
You just grin at him, and tug him down an alley. “I wanted to go somewhere private.” You reply once you’re not surrounded by people.
“For what purpose?” Tech asks.
“For this one.” You stand on your toes and brush your lips against his, before you pull away, “I don’t know if maybe I’m misreading things-” You murmur, though you’re not able to finish your sentence, as he tugs you against him and crashes his lips against yours. 
One of his hands slides up into your hair, while the other tightly grips your hips, pulling you as close as he can. And when he breaks the kiss, his lips hovering just over yours, you can’t help but grin, “I take it I wasn’t misreading then?” You ask.
“I do not think you ever have.” Tech admits.
“Go me,” Your smile is soft and warm, “Hey, Tech?”
“Did you know that I think about you all the time?” He blinks at you, startled, “And that I would be really, really happy if you loved me as much as I love you?”
“And here I thought that I was being obvious.” Tech murmurs, before he kisses you again and again, “Of course I feel the same way. Or else I would not be kissing you.”
You grin and lightly kiss him again.
“Did you know,” Tech says quietly, “That I think about you all of the time too?”
At that a bubbly laugh falls from your lips, “I do now.”
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teecupangel · 7 months
sooo Desmond is an Irish name, so fae Desmond?? 👀 haven’t been able to get to my laptop to search your blog if you've already done this idea, but I thought I’d throw it out there anyway!
am a big fan of Weird fae, like when you look at them you think they should be human but something about them is so obviously not. uncanny valley with a side of fight-flight-or-freeze instincts kicking in just from being around them.
is this something something that comes from his parents? is it all Isu bullshit? is it something he changes into or is he born with it?? on that vein, what if he was a changeling child? lots of ways of incorporating the Isu and the calculations into that for sure
(am one of the anons who keeps coming back for renaissance baker Desmond, so thank you very much for answering those asks, and also for just being a rad individual in general. am still catching up on Eagle of Alamut, I think I’m around chapter 30, and absolutely LOVE what you've already done with it and where you’re taking it. my sib assures me Altaïr makes his appearance soon, and I'm GREATLY looking forward to it.
thanks again, I hope you're well 🧡) —bread anon
(Thank you! I try my best hahahaha. I am so sorry for being slow on asks and replies TTATT
I hope you’re enjoying the rest of Eagle of Alamut… especially Altaïr’s appearance hehehe)
Desmond Miles always knew he was different.
The other kids call him ‘ugly’ and they don’t like to play with him.
He had cried in his mother’s arms and told her what happened and she just… she looked somber.
She patted his head and held him close, comforted him with soft words and a warm hug.
Never once did she say anything about his face.
He was a little bit older when he realized why they think he was ugly.
There were no mirrors in their home.
Or even in the training building he spent most of his childhood in.
But there was a hand mirror in the infirmary.
Desmond never had a reason to go there. What he lacked in brute strength, he made up by being faster than anyone on the Farm.
He had went to the infirmary to take the first aid kit. One of the other kids had a painful gash on his arm. It wasn’t life-threatening but it needed to be cleaned and disinfected.
Desmond had been ordered to get the first aid.
He supposed it was because he had been the reason the boy had hurt himself, trying to run away from him like he was being chased by demons during a ‘game’ of tag.
They always run like they were scared for their lives when Desmond was ‘it’.
The doctor wasn’t inside so Desmond went towards the cupboard that would have the small boxes of first aids stacked on the bottom shelf.
He stopped when he noticed the hand mirror.
And saw his reflection for the first time.
Desmond Miles was not ugly.
But there was something in his features that made him seemed… strange.
It wasn’t anything that can be physically described about his facial structure.
He looked human but there was something in the human brain that just made it scream ‘danger’.
Desmond couldn’t explain it.
But he could see it.
He didn’t bring the first aid back to training.
He went home.
His mother was cooking something.
“What am I, mama?”
She didn’t seemed surprised by the question. She looked resigned.
She looked like she had been waiting for the day he would ask the very same question.
She led him to the dining room, letting whatever was on the stove continue to simmer in low heat.
“You’re my son, my dear little fairy.”
She didn’t held the same unnatural feel as he felt when he looked at his reflection.
But it didn’t sound like a lie.
Her hands trembled as she caressed his cheeks.
Her smile was genuine as she whispered, “You will always be my baby.”
But he could hear it.
The fear in the voice.
Whatever he was…
He was affecting her too.
Yet she didn’t try to run.
So he hugged her, pressing his face against her stomach.
Her trembling stopped and she held him like she was afraid he was going to disappear from her grasps.
She didn’t fear him if she didn’t see his face.
Whatever he was…
It was the face that scared all of them.
Once upon a time, a young woman married a young man by the orders of her father. The man loved her but she did not. No matter what she did, she could not. She tried to be the best wife she could be.
She did not love him but she bore him a son. A weak little thing, more fragile than glass and smaller than any other child in their little commune.
She loved her child more than anything in the world.
But the world did not.
The child died during one cold winter night while her husband had been away.
In her grief, she took the cold body of her dead child and ran towards the forest, as silent as she was taught by her own father.
She came across a circle of mushrooms.
And heard the whispers of the fairy queen when she stood in the circle of it.
The fairy queen will save her child.
But he will become one of them.
“Yes! I agree! Please, save him!” The mother begged on her knees.
The fairy queen did not do it out of the goodness of her heart.
She was one of three rulers of their little fairy kingdom, long destroyed by the wrath of the sun.
She was nothing more than a ghost, traveling to the far future.
The mother gave the corpse to the ghost.
And the ghost gave it new life.
The mother thanked her as she held the warm body of her son.
And the ghost disappeared.
The mushroom circle melted like metal.
And mother and child returned to their home.
Centuries ago, Minerva saw a future which the Assassins and Templars waste years fighting each other instead of finding a way to save the world.
She saw a future where Desmond Miles would die to save the world in their stead.
So she made a different choice.
There was no one to stop her.
Tinia had long given up, waiting for the end as he drinks and drinks and drinks.
Juno remains imprisoned in the Grand Temple.
She was the only one left.
She changed the trajectory of the Calculations to one where Desmond Miles died as a weak human baby.
She created a device and had it transported to where his mother would walk into in her grief, her mind weakened to the point of thinking of falling off the cliff nearby with her dead son in her arms.
It was a device she had created using Consus’ research.
Consus’ research cannot bring back the dead.
But with Minerva’s modification…
It could clone the dead.
But she didn’t clone the weak human baby that would die centuries from now.
She created a child made of Desmond Miles’ DNA from that tragic future.
And added her own DNA to reinforce his body and mind.
A new future the Calculations could not predict.
A new future where Desmond Miles is both human and not.
Minerva did not know if this would be a better future.
She does not regret it.
At the very least, before she died…
She was able to save someone.
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starsandhughes · 10 months
Penalty Box Series— Trevor Zegras Edition (Eight)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: seven
next: nine
this is so short i’m sorry! i’m still playing catch up
NOVEMBER 1, 2023
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liked by tterry19, trevorzegras, and 19,723 others
yourusername welcome back to my postgame penalty box update show: my boyfriend might be moving into the penalty box edition!
after sitting for part of leason's penalty in the first (because my mans is the default criminal), trevor got his own penalty bestowed to him for slashing travis dermott in the third! my poor baby didn't even know he did it :( but alas, he did the crime, and he did the time
scared of watching a game loss? never fear! the duckies are here! my boys got their fifth straight win tonight in overtime against the coyotes! the best part about this? MY DAD, TROY TERRY, SCORED HIS SECOND CAREER HAT TRICK TONIGHT! it was completed in overtime where he scored the game winning goal after scoring the first two, and he's the first duck EVER to score a hat trick in overtime! i’m so proud of you, dad! i love you! @/tterry19
and to my sweet boy, i'm sorry you've got a pointless drought, but you're playing great! it's the beginning of the season, you'll pop off soon enough! i love you, always🧡
tagged trevorzegras and frank_vatrano
view all 133 comments
trevorzegras i love you, forever, my favorite personal cheerleader🧡
yourusername coachy cro doesn't call me the ducks's human mascot for nothing! but i’ll always be your cheerleader first🫶
trevorzegras aww, you sap
yourusername for you? always
trevorzegras that's three times you've said always! that's a love hatty
yourusername i'd call something different a love hatty, but i’ll take it! go me!
trevorzegras you're thinking of a horny hatty
yourusername ah yes, how could i get them confused?
trevorzegras silly girl!
jamie.drysdale oh my god make it stop
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale jealous much?
trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale green is not a good color on you
jamie.drysdale i quit
yourusername maybe the twins will split into three and we can have a baby hatty!
trevorzegras that's so many babies
yourusername and we would love them all!
trevorzegras yes we would, sweet girl
jamie.drysdale oh so NOW you decide to be cute
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale we have depth
user7 okay but that fight was hot as fuck and suddenly... i’m on my knees for vatrano
_quinnhughes how does it feel to be below me on the penalty totem pole, zegras?
trevorzegras you're at two games
_quinnhughes and you have 8 penalty minutes 10 games into the season
yourusername laideez, laideez, save the animosity for november 28th!
trevorzegras @/yourusername you have a "we can't fuck with each other" rule
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you're sending mixed signals, sissy
yourusername @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes trip him
trevorzegras @/yourusername who was that for??
yourusername @/trevorzegras yes
user6 "my poor baby didn't even know he crimed" and it's not even the first time😭
yourusername @/trevorzegras yeah, BABE! don't touch kivi's stick!! and apparently don't do that other thing!!
trevorzegras @/yourusername IT DIDN'T USED TO BE A RULE
trevorzegras @/yourusername you're right, i’m sorry
user39 i need to know what vatrano and durzi were saying to get z's jaw to drop
jamie.drysdale our boy is trying to defenseman that's why he's not rallying up those points obviously
yourusername damn and i thought he was trying to become a goalie
jamie.drysdale you're not very observant, my ex dear
yourusername bite me, my ex husband
yourusername psa to everyone: I'M WITH HIM AND HE ACTUALLY BIT ME
jamie.drysdale psa to everyone: she bit me back and whacked me
yourusername psa to everyone: i also bit mason just for funzies
masonmctavish23 i gotta stop hanging out with you three after games
yourusername @/masonmctavish23 but then you'd be lame
jamie.drysdale @/masonmctavish23 don't be lame
masonmctavish23 is this a cult? it feel like a cult
trevorzegras @/masonmctavish probably
user20 the ducks: ceo of comebacks this season
leocarlssoon i love you, too, mom! i scored just for you!
yourusername you're such a good son🧡
trevorzegras it wasn't for... ya know... the team?
yourusername @/trevorzegras not everything is about you, trevor
leocarlssoon @/trevorzegras shhh what she doesn't know won't hurt her
trevorzegras @/leocarlssoon you really are a good son!
tterry19 thank you! i love you, too
yourusername AHHHHHHH
trevorzegras and she means that
tterry19 you crazy, kids😂
jackhughes @/trevorzegras this isn't very sissy's fiancé of you
trevorzegras listen, i'm trying
yourusername he's making passes!! the other guys just aren't scoring either!!
jackhughes @/trevorzegras do you always make your girl fight your battles?
trevorzegras @/jackhughes i’ve seen you jump over the couch screaming because she started lunging at you
jackhughes @/trevorzegras unimportant
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes we used to call her scary sissy
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 also unimportant
yourusername @/jackhughes don't get all cocky just because i’m pregnant and can't jump you. i remember everything. i have other ways to attack you.
jackhughes @/yourusername please don't
trevorzegras @/yourusername that's my girl!
user44 sissy is feeling a lil ratty tonight i see
frank_vatrano your god for tonight?😂 i'll accept that! i love you, too!
yourusername as you should!
trevorzegras @/yourusername i can't believe you're hoeing stromer like this
yourusername @/trevorzegras he's my HERO not my god! i can't believe you think i’d do that to my stromer
frank_vatrano @/yourusername then who's normally your god?
yourusername @/frank_vatrano me
frank_vatrano @/yourusername that's taking god complex to a whole new level
trevorzegras @/frank_vatrano she is next level
yourusername @/trevorzegras SIMP
trevorzegras @/yourusername for you? forever🧡
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ravengards-rogue · 6 months
Ooo for the writing game, maybe Lae'zel and sick fic? I feel like whether it's her getting sick and vehemently denying it or trying to care for a sick s/o in her own. Unique. Way, it would be very entertaining regardless dfjlask
✧ tags : gender neutral reader, sickfic, silly.
"You dare try to bench me like a foot soldier?"
You frown at her. She's visibly upset at you, brows pinched and face more scrunched up than you thought possible. If she didn't look ready to smash you into the ground under her boot, you might think she's cute.
Well that's not fair. You do, still, think she's cute.
But that's neither here nor there. Lae'zel is sick and there's no two ways about it.
It wasn't a regular illness. When is it ever with you people? Some home brew concocted ailment from getting sliced in the Shadowlands - that even Shadowheart is having a hard time dealing with, godly healing and all. The symptoms are obvious, weakness and high body temperatures and nausea. No amount or strength or healing potions seems like it's going to cure it and drinking all kinds of antidotes hasn't been working either.
Halsin has some suspicion about it, but he'd need some herb that grows closer to the cities gate and it's a few days trip to get there, even using the shortest route. For the time being, though, it means Lae'zel is ill. It's not anything too miserable. Seems like a peskier version of a common cold and it comes and lingers much longer.
But well, Lae'zel is a warrior githyanki. You don't think she's ever been truly sick like this in her entire life. She's also very obviously miserable in trying to fight it off, forcing her way into remaining in your group and fighting alongside you when Karlach could very easily take her place.
It was fine the first few days, but you're positive that keeping her around in such a way is only making it worse. As her unofficial lover and the only she seems to pay even a little bit attention too, the responsibility fell on your shoulders to ensure that nothing too terrible happens under your care.
So you've been trying to wrangle her into her tent with minimal success. She doesn't like being told what to do and what not to do - but you find that you're unwilling to budge because you really don't care to see her sick.
You frown at her, perhaps unhelpfully. Sighing, you place a tentative hand on her forehead and try to ease her back against the soft mess of blankets underneath her. You think she growls at you, or something along those lines. Something biting and cautious leaving her mouth.
You can tell she's exhausted because pushing her back down when she inevitably tries to get back up is half as hard as it should be.
"Lae'zel," You say gently, trying to keep her from biting your hand off "Please? Just... rest for a little while."
You play up the desperation in hopes it sticks. She at least seems softened by it. In some way. You purse your lips trying to figure out how else to convince, her nose still turned up at you. Something alights in your brain/
"Y-you know Lae'zel, when one warrior falls injured it's not a sign of weakness but proof of strength," You stumble, trying to sound as convincing as you can. "And it uhm, gives other members of the ranks to prove themselves. So it's not...weak for you to rest. Just gives everyone else a chance to catch up,"
You try not to cringe at the sound of your own voice, awkward and stilted. It's a little ridiculous isn't it? But well - while Lae'zel is a lot of things, she cares about the pack as a whole. Her words, not yours. Teamwork hopefully speaks to her enough to get her to listen.
She turns her head to look at you slightly, lips upturned as she huffs what sounds like a laugh. Definitely laughing at you. You flush, preparing to give up.
Her hands reach up for your face, think fingers cradling your cheek as she brings you down to her level to kiss you.
Her mouth is warm and the kiss unusually tender. You chalk it up to sickness because you can't fathom any other reason she'd do it.
"Your useless muttering reeks of the wizards influence," She says, and it sounds affectionate. To your ears at least. Maybe you're imagining it. "I shall rest, lest you bite your tongue on your own foolishness."
"Thank you, Lae'zel,"
"Keep watch," She mumbles back, eyes starting to close. And, maybe this time you're really imagining it - but it sounds like she's asking you to stay.
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actual-changeling · 3 months
I've been rotating this scene in my head for like three weeks now, send help. There's a continuously expanding fic I'm writing and this is a warm-up stream of consciousness. thing. I guess.
If there's one thing I know how to write it's overly emotional mental breakdowns.
tagging @today-in-fic (side note: would people be interested in a general tag list for my txf writing? i did it for GO until the fandom got. bad.)
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And they're changing and still looking at each other, thinking, is this who I want you to become? Is this how you see me? Is this the 'you' I shaped without knowing I was taking the knife to your face?
There are no apologies spoken, but they both know they're sorry. They both know they're forgiven, and that was never the question to begin with. If there's one thing they never have to ask for, it's forgiveness.
Every single time she takes his hand, she wonders if their fingers will always fit together the way they do now. If it's enough to squeeze them until it hurts and then find more pain in the letting go than the holding on.
You don't need me. You never have, and he never did, did he? I've just held you back.
Scully cannot decide what's worse—being needed and becoming expendable or never having been as important as the blood rushing through his veins, after all. Mulder is the oxygen in hers, indispensable, vital, the reason the world has yet to suffocate her as it reaches for her with its greedy claws and sharpened teeth.
I loved you, she wants to say, and then corrects herself before the words can spill. They built a home out of misplaced guilt and fear of loneliness, and yet she wouldn't change a day—she likes to think that neither would he.
I want to love you. I still love you. I love you. 
She knows she might never tell him. Maybe she will, maybe it will be a goodbye instead of a long-overdue confession. Maybe he will kiss it off her lips and lick it out of her mouth. Maybe she will take what could have been to the grave.
I don't need you to love me back.
Maybe her words will grow roots and bury themselves in the soil of their relationship, maybe they will grow and morph into something entirely unrecognisable; maybe Mulder will dig them up one day and read them back to her.
I just need you to keep looking at me and make me believe that you need me. That you have always needed me and always will.
When did they turn themselves into a game? When did she start feeling lonely with his palm pressed to her lower back? When did he stop believing in her? Why does love suddenly feel like surrender on an empty battlefield she thought she had left behind?
One in five billion, he told her, and she believes him even though she knows he is lying. She still believes him when his past catches up with them and takes her place.
She needs to believe him, or she's going to turn around and walk away.
She might anyway.
She will never ask, but she knows he would never forgive her if she did, not really. Not in a way that would bridge the gap opening between them as they drift further and further apart, and she believes him and he believes her, and she doesn't recognise either of them anymore.
There's a stranger in her bathroom mirror smeared with soot asking, who is this person you no longer need? Because it isn't me. It can't be her.
Everything smells like him, and her body is aching for more, for his arms wrapped around her as she tries to keep him from breaking within her embrace. For his hand on her lower back and the loneliness it brings. 
Mulder will gift her his anger, and she will take it because anger means there is still something left. Anger presses a gun into her hands and tells her to keep fighting.
Anything, anything at all, and she will take it.
I burned a long time ago, and now you've finally grown tired of playing with the ashes.
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Coming Over
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Prompt: You go to visit Yunho on a very short notice due to having a bad day and he melts your frustrations very fast. He's playing with his friends but he wants to play with you<3
General tags: fluff, slightly suggestive at one point, established relationship, yunho gamer, no gendered reader
Word count: 2.7k
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You are overwhelmed. So overwhelmed. Work was more stressful than usual, it seemed like the entire world was turned upside-down, all the customers you encountered today were in a bad mood, in some way or another, which also put you in a bad mood and have been on edge since your shift started. And when your shift finally ended, it started raining, and you got a text from your parents, letting you know that more relatives came over. Normally you would be able to put up a front and deal with them, but not now.
‘Are you home?’ you quickly text your boyfriend Yunho, right after texting your parents that you already made plans. You were not getting home tonight.
Ten minutes passed by and no reply from your boyfriend, the rain calmed down a little though. You start making your way towards your boyfriend’s house, which is fairly close to the place you work at.
As you get closer to his house, starting to see it in the distance, you let out a relieved breath as you finally get a text back. ‘Yes. Why? Something happened?’ is his reply. He’s probably playing with his friends. Now that you think about it, he did tell you that he planned this gaming night in advance and you are about to bother him. But you felt like you were about to explode if anything else went bad. Your clothes stuck to your skin due to the rain and it frustrated you so bad and all you wanted was to be a bit selfish and hug your boyfriend. ‘I’m coming over, I’m sorry.’ is the last thing you text as you shove your phone in your tote bag and reach his house, ringing his bell and waiting, the door opens a few seconds later and you are pulled inside by your wrists.
You are pulled into a tight hug, your face tightly pressed into Yunho’s chest, his arms wrapped around your shoulders. He didn’t say anything, and neither did you. You just took in his scent and presence, listened to his heartbeat as you calmed down. It was insane how fast Yunho was able to calm you down and ground you.
“I’m sorry I came unannounced, but I really needed you.” you are the one to break the silence. One of his hands goes up and down your back while the other is still around your shoulders. Yunho slightly pulls back to look you in the eyes and smiles at you, bending a little and kissing your forehead. He was wearing his glasses. You love it when he wears them.
“Don’t be sorry, princess. I always love having you over, you know that. Just let me end the call with the guys, and I can give you all of my attention, yeah?” Yunho says as he takes your hand into his and starts walking towards his room. Him cancelling his plans is exactly what you didn't want him to do.
You firmly plant the heels of your feet into the ground and he turns around, once again facing you, with a confused puppy-like expression on his face. “You are not going to cancel your plans because of me. I know you've been looking forward to playing with them. I don't mind just being in the room with you while you do your thing. Your presence is all I need.” you say as you play with his fingers.
“It's really no problem, princess. Let me take care of you.” Yunho insists as he takes one step closer to you, but you take one back, to keep the distance and in a way threatening him. “If you cancel your plans I will go home. I don't care if it's still raining or that I will catch a cold.” you verbally threaten and you look at him with wide eyes and a serious expression. He knows you are not joking.
Yunho lets out a defeated sigh and pulls you into another hug. “You are so stubborn sometimes, you know?” he says and then proceeds to kiss your head. “Learned from the best! Now go back to your game, I will just take a hot shower and then stay in your room.” you say as you peck his lips once and then push him into his room and then on the chair that was sitting in front of the desk, seeing on the monitors the ongoing game waiting for him.
You turn on your heels to go and pick some clothes you left at his house for moments like these, but Yunho has other plans and grabs your wrist and pulls you onto his lap. You are now straddling him, your forehead pressed together. He loses no time and he pulls you into a kiss that quickly turns heated, as his tongue slowly licks your lips, urging you to open them, which you do eagerly. One of your hands finds its way into Yunho’s blonde hair while the other one comfortably rests on his neck, feeling his pulse picking up, all while his hands were resting on your ass and your tongues were taking turns in exploring each other’s mouths.
As you were about to start moving your hips, he pulled away and let his head fall on the headrest of the chair, both of you having your breaths heavy, his glasses being slightly foggy in the inner side of it. However, his neck being so exposed as it was, made you connect your lips to his jaw, placing kisses up to his ear and then down his neck, taking your sweet time into worshipping every inch of that sensitive skin, earning some groans from his part.
He cups your face and pushes your face back slightly so he could look you in the eye. His cheeks were a slight shade of pink, but his ears were bright red. His mouth was slightly open and his hot breath was fanning your face. He was the most beautiful person you have ever seen. He always was and always will be.
“Go take that shower before I cancel my plans.” he says in a low voice, his stare piercing right through you. You wish you could be selfish and ask him to cancel his plans without feeling guilty about it, but Yunho’s in-game character doing his idle animations while waiting to be controlled and the faint voices of his friends that you could hear from the headset on the desk just made it impossible for you to ask that of him. You nod and get off his lap, heading towards his closet and he sits properly in front of the desk and puts the headphones on his head, starting back the call he was on.
“Sorry it took so long, I had something to take care of but I’m back now.” Yunho says as he places one of his hands over the mouse and the other over the keyboard. You rummage in Yunho’s closet until you find the clothes he always has ready for you, a pair of sweats and one of his white plain shirts. You take a towel and head to the bathroom.
Finally a hot shower.
Once you were clean, warm and most importantly, dry, you were starting to feel much better. You re-enter Yunho’s room and he was in the same position you left him earlier, but wearing different clothes, as you dampened up the clothes he was wearing earlier. Yunho is in front of his computer, hands on mouse and keyboard and glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, however there was a very concentrated expression painting his features, his bottom lip trapped tightly between his teeth. God he is so cute.
While passing by next to him to reach his bed, you lean over and give him a quick kiss on the cheek that causes his features to soften all of a sudden and he gives you a huge smile.
“Feeling better?” Yunho asks while still looking at the screen, but removing his headphones from one ear. You sit on his bed and just hum, to which he nods and puts back his headset. 
You grab your phone and so the mindless scrolling on various social media platforms begins.
You would look over at your boyfriend every time he would let out any sound such as a gasp or a groan of frustration and you would smile. At times you could even hear Wooyoung’s voice escaping from Yunho’s headphones. 
Wooyoung, the person you are most grateful for as he introduced you to Yunho. When he said he has a friend he’s gaming with that he thinks you’d get along with, you didn’t really know what to think of it, but you still agreed to him setting up a blind date for the two of you, and you couldn’t be more thankful.
You and Yunho just clicked right away. There was no moment of awkwardness between the two of you, maybe because he can handle conversations so well. But it’s been a little over eight months since the two of you started dating and things are going more than great.
One of the first things you talked about were your love languages, debating who has what love language, and while he could give and receive love in each and every way (true puppy behaviour), you on the other hand were only really okay with anything but gift receiving and acts of service at times, mainly because you were so overfilled with guilt whenever Yunho did something for you out of the kindness of his heart or whenever he got you something only because it reminded him of you. But you were working on it. Yunho was patiently rewiring and changing your perception of love, making it a healthy one. 
This wasn’t the first time you came over on a short notice while he was gaming or doing other things, and usually you are okay with just being near his presence while each of you do your thing, but this time you wanted him close. This time quality time was just not enough. You want his undivided attention and his arms around your body while you talk about nothing and everything. But you also don’t want him to end his plans early.
And then you get the genius idea.
You tap into the notepad app on your phone and start typing a quick message so he isn’t too confused.
‘Can I sit on your lap please? I need you close:c’
You get out of bed and make small steps in his direction, and once you are next to him you slide the phone in his sight and he quickly reads the note and then looks up at you with a surprised face that quickly turns into a huge smile. “Give me a second guys, I need to go to the bathroom.” says Yunho into his headset and then mutes himself, takes off his headset and stands up, pulling you into his chest for a big hug and you are quick to wrap your arms around his waist.
“Is my princess needy? Is my presence not enough?” he says in a playful and teasing tone, using your words from earlier against you, and you get embarrassed, hiding your face further into his chest, inhaling his scent. “Nope, I was wrong. Need you close.” you reply simply and he chuckles. He takes a step back and takes your hands into his, caressing your hands with his thumbs.
“You sure you don’t want me to end the call? The guys won’t mind, I promise you.” Yunho says while tilting his head to the side, giving you a soft smile. But you don’t fall for it, you are not backing down. With one of your arms still clinging to his waist you bring the other close to his face and adjust his glasses that were close to the tip of your nose. “Yes I’m sure. Just let me stay next to you please.”
He looks down at you, straight into your eyes and you can visibly see him weigh his options. “Two more rounds and then I’m leaving the call, I’m starting to get tired of it and I wanna spend more time with my princess. I’ve been playing with them for the past four hours.” Yunho says as he gives you his best puppy eyes, pouting while looking at you through his glasses. Your biggest weakness: fluffy hair and glasses.
“Deal.” you say after a long sigh and he smiles brightly, leaning into a kiss, a quick one, ending after placing a few fast pecks over your lips.
Yunho sits back on his chair and turns it towards you, making room for you. You carefully place your legs on each side and then sit, slithering your arms around his waist and placing your head on his shoulder, Yunho’s head resting against yours for a bit before straightening it again. 
Yunho then drags the chair back in front of the desk and puts on his headset, unmuting himself and continuing the game he was playing, from now on being more considerate before making any sudden moves or saying anything in a louder voice. Your heart hurts from the love you have for him, the little things making your love for him grow greater. How his arms would hug you tighter whenever he died in game or had a few seconds of nothing happening, how he placed small quick kisses on your neck or shoulder, taking you off guard and making you blush.
You turn your head so you could face his neck this time and you look up at him between your eyelashes. The angle was a bit weird and would make anyone look not that great, but Yunho was still so beautiful. His blonde hair looked very fluffy and messy, his glasses sitting comfortably on the bridge of his nose, bottom lip still trapped between his teeth as his concentrated brown eyes were stuck on the screen monitor. You place a kiss on his neck and see him smile slightly, seeing as he was trying to focus on the game, but he still died and was now on cooldown to respawn. You mute and deafen his mic quickly and he turns to look at you, kissing the tip of your nose which makes you smile.
“I love you, my Yuyu. Thank you for having me over.” you say as you tighten your hug, feeling as if you will never be able to show him just how much you love him actually. Words are never enough, any physical contact is never enough, nothing will ever be enough to make him understand and see how much you love him and that frustrates you.
“I love you more princess, more than you can imagine.” Yunho replies as he adjusts your hair with one hand, ending up caressing your cheek as you lean into his touch.
Before Yunho gets to respawn he sees the losing screen on the game so he unmutes and undeafen himself, being able to hear his friends complaining over yet another loss, which you find endearing to some extent and you giggle, hiding your face into Yunho’s chest so they wouldn’t hear you.
Yunho closes the game before they get to invite him to another one. “This game fucking sucks. I’m logging out for the day, you guys have fun. See you next week at the same time, bye.” he replies, rushing, not giving any of them the chance to stop him or to try and convince him to stay for one more game. He leaves the discord call and takes off his headset and glasses, leaning back into the chair and closing his eyes, taking a deep breath in. You stay like that for a while, with you still on top of him, hugging him tightly and hearing his heartbeat, one of his hands going up and down your back. You find yourself smiling at the comfort and security Yunho brings you.
He suddenly stands up which makes you yelp, circling his waist with your legs this time, your arms around his shoulders, pulling him close. Yunho laughs and places a kiss on your cheek. 
“Now, how about we play something, hmm?” Yunho says as he slowly and carefully lays you on the bed, placing his palms on either side of your head to hold his weight so he wouldn’t squish you.
You smile and bring your hands to the back of his neck and pull him into a kiss.
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A/N: i was like 'man i should write things w the other members as well!' and then i got this fic idea with yunho... anyway soon other members as well i hope!
if u have any like prompts in mind please dont hesitate to send them my way and i will try my best to write them!
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willowedwisteria · 2 years
⁂~The Ends of Time~⁂
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Summary -> Convincing the archons to take a break is so hard, they definitely like working.
Note -> I've definitely written about this... YEAH, I DEFINITELY HAVE. Just consider this an updated/different version. Variety is good
IF YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGED IN MY TAGLIST: I mixed up the taglist for my "the system" series and my other works, please send me an ask to specify if you're okay with being tagged in my other works or if you want to be tagged specifically for my series
Featuring -> Zhongli, Baal, Venti
Genre -> fluff
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Around a year has passed since you first arrived in Teyvat. From simply that, you've noticed how people have guarded you with such vigilance. Security is always a must when you go out, returning with a single scratch causes chaos, and these people really care for you.
They know so much. About baking your favorite cake - which you happened to have a debate with your friend about before you got suddenly transported. There's also the time they noticed how much wood you collected when you were still in-game using characters as if they've been watching how much time you used up to decorate the teapot.
However, you're sure they have to be tired or bored after being so loyal, for so long.
"Say," You stir around your tea lightly, "What's the point of staying by my side for so long? Morax and Barbatos - well, Zhongli and Venti now - you have already retired, have you not?"
You watch Zhongli frowns and Venti holds back his laughter.
"I can slightly understand why Ei insists on staying by my side. Even so, what's the purpose of all of this? Really, you all are just troubling yourself."
Ei purses her lips in response to your questions. Your words sink deeper into her mind, taking their time to fully soak in.
"How about this," The three of them turn their gaze back to face you, all waiting expectantly for you to retract your last statements, "You all go on a break.
Unlike the two panicking archons next to him, when Venti hears of a break, he feels not the slightest bit of panic. While yes, he'll definitely be disappointed - he won't be by your side after all! Who will he share all of his favorite apples with? Plus, you've always loved coming to the tavern with him! A moment without you feels like boredom.
He nods in respect to you, allowing you to catch it from the corner of your eye whilst both Ei and Zhongli are in denial. You give him a thumbs-up, smiling assuringly in his direction.
Venti turns away quickly, cheeks flushing up. it's a shame he won't be able to see that euphoric smile of yours for a while. The more he looks at it, the more he'll miss it dearly.
With that, he follows the trail of the wind, disappearing from your sight. You shout goodbye to him, and it might have been your imagination, but you're pretty sure the wind became much more gentle.
"That bard..." Zhongli and Baal are practically seething. How could he just escape like that and accept it so easily? Zhongli shakes his head, sighing to regain his composure in front of you. Baal, however, seems to be clutching her polearm... a little too tight.
"I suppose since he's already left, that means he agrees to your suggestion." Zhongli stares off in the direction of Mondstadt, "I... do not doubt your grace's ability to defend yourself, but it's impossible not to worry."
Zhongli's eyes furrow, visibly concerned.
You take a small sip of the recently brewed tea, "I can see that from how both of you are so insistent on staying by my side, but you both don't need to worry. I'm just saying to take a break from being by me, you can visit me once in a while."
Before relief can be dropped onto Zhongli and Baal, you continue.
"No taking up jobs to guard me."
It feels like an invisible blade strikes them.
"No more than 24-hour visits."
A huge rock is suddenly thrown onto their backs.
"And you have to wait for another 2 days before visiting me again."
Woah, when did they become so lifeless? They've practically grown wrinkles already! Jeez.
Zhongli bears it, gritting his teeth, "...Yes, your grace. I will see you... as soon as possible. However, I will be forced to disobey your orders if you are in any sort of danger."
You nod, "That's fine with me. As long as you have a valid reason."
With that, the geo archon turns his back to you and leaves silently. You hear a few boulders being smashed after he leaves, and you wonder if he had run into any trouble. Well, he's the geo archon, he's more capable than anyone you know. You're sure he's fine.
And now, to convince the last one.
Ei quietly bites her lip, not willing to look you in the eye. Just from her shaking fist, you could tell she was against this. "Ei, are you upset with me?"
Her head jerks up, opening her mouth to disagree. Her polearm fades from her grasp, both of Ei's hands interlocking in front of her as she tries to piece together her sentence.
"Your grace, not being here with you, not being able to protect you when you're in danger is... risky." Ei can't even begin to imagine how much despair will eat her from the inside out if you ever get hurt, "I will be there for you, forever."
You lean on the table next to you, already finished with your cup of tea, the bittersweet taste left on your tongue. "You've already been there for me, for so long already. As grateful as I can, taking a break is necessary."
Sighing, already missing the presence of both the geo and anemo archon, "You wouldn't want me to worry about you being overworked, would you? I'll allow Raiden Shogun, that puppet of yours to accompany me if you really are so anxious."
You laugh to yourself, already imagining the complaints from both of them when they see that you let "Ei" stay by you.
"You can start by going to see Venti and telling him about my rules for visiting. If you want to know where I'll be staying, I'm going off to Sneznhaya for a week. The next week, I'll be in Mondstadt."
You wave lightly to her, watching her pout. Switching from denial to acceptance, she bows to you and heads off to Mondstadt.
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The electro archon throws herself into her work, trying to distract herself from thinking about you. Unluckily for her, she's surrounded by everything, and everything reminds her of you.
"Oh, those flowers, their grace would look good in that shade."
"My, the scenery, it's just as breathtaking as their grace."
"The hairclip... I wonder if their grace still has the other piece."
She can't help but miss you. She dreams of you, being by you, basking in your presence, ensuring you're always safe. Your words of gratefulness shove her onto her knees and she can't help but adore how you could be so... so... enchanting.
Ei misses you so much.
She had sent over her puppet and wondered if her son Scaramouche would be there for you. Though, it doesn't stop the back of her head from generating scenarios of you being in trouble without her.
Once she can visit you, she's practically been revived, upbeat as ever. Her usual unexpressive self around others switches, you could see that sincere grin from ear to ear on her face when she's with you.
You could practically read her thoughts and emotions, delivering her a box of desserts from outside of Inazuma and a note to comfort her.
Ei will insist that Yae travels over to ensure that you're okay and guard you. However, Yae spends that time gossiping with you, exaggerating jokingly about how much of a miserable state Ei is in currently.
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He's been quite leisurely enjoying his holiday. Venti had nothing else to do now since he's put his trust in the people of Mondstadt to handle their own issues.
He spends his day exploring the woods, enjoying life, and spending his time at the tavern.
Venti knows that you know what you're doing, he won't be wasting his time off working overtime. He'll visit you the least out of the three, but you coincidentally see him more since you visit the tavern quite a bit as well - admittedly, he's drunk 99.9% of the time you happen to stop by.
Diluc mentioned to you when you drop by about Venti being more relaxed. "His tab is piling up and at a remarkable speed too."
You laugh, "I would pay it for him, but you wouldn't let me."
"I'm not letting you pay so much for someone who isn't even awake right now."
Dvalin also had a small chat with you! Saying about how Venti went through all 5 stages of grief in a day. No matter how laidback he seemed to be, when Venti's drunk, his emotions get amplified.
Denial was a rollercoaster, anger and bargaining were just a bunch of complaining, depression was just pouting angrily in the corner, and acceptance was Venti falling asleep.
"...How did he become an archon again?"
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Zhongli does worry about you, but he uses his break as an opportunity to prepare something special for you. A gift perhaps? Celebrations? Who knows? He just wants it to be for you.
He found a bit of a loophole since you didn't mention anything about letters too. You didn't really notice or mind since it was thrown into the mountain of letters that other acolytes had sent to you when they wanted to check up on you. It would take a while before you finally reached his letter.
He'll leave Childe in your care, aware of his abilities when it comes to fighting. Perhaps the traveler will happen to be around as well. He's sure that the shield he left on you will protect you as well.
He spends most of his time with Hu Tao when he's in Liyue. He can't just make Mora appear again like he used to after all.
While Zhongli absolutely loathes with his whole soul how he can't be there for you and serve you, he feels a bit more fulfilled once he visits you. Oh boy, life without Zhongli handling things was chaotic though and he noticed that during his visits.
Things are a mess without our dear Geo archon around. Usually, orders are given by him from you. He covers up mistakes and his presence alone is reassuring enough for the maids and butlers to carry out their job without worries.
Without him, maids and butlers have to speak with you directly and receive orders from you. Some have been so astounded and entranced by you, so much so that they miss your orders or hear them wrongly.
Others have been so scared about making a mistake in your food or your orders that they can't even stand up. The maids and butlers have described Zhongli as an efficient leader, whilst they've described your company as powerful and captivating - so much so that they can't focus.
In other words, things are VERY messy. You'll allow him to return by your side soon.
(Riku is probably fine, he's slowly taking control of the situation at his own desired pace [Riku is my OC])
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Tag list -> Taglist -> @under-a-starry-night, @yourfaveisblack, @bardisipatos, @callmemeelah, @kithewanderingme, @pale-value, @bamboowritess/@bamboowritess, @uchihaeirin, @karmawonders, @lunavixia, @anfre109, @ly-archives, @zuyoo, @pimacolada-lulu, @bimboing, @gallantys, @swaggyb0ke, @borbsbirbs, @shizunxie, @tiffthescales, @genshin-impacts-me, @keithsaccount, @mkaella, @mentallyunpresent, @alicehasdrowned, @franc-1-s, @no-regrets-just-confusion, @christmaspickl, @lunalily19
Special tags -> @is-very-sad, @chocoenvy, @raidengaile/@ly-archives/@simplygaile, @saigomo, @gunterdon, @emilemovhi, @lovelyy-moraxx, @demon-bane, @i-put-the-yan-in-polyandry, @xiaophilia/@ayayaxia, @thewindstale, @creation-magician, @my-white-canvas/@pale-value, @yuzuricebun, @ventivity, @sweetstrawberrybabe, @euthym1as, @lotterymology, @mx-kamisato, @matsutake-san
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cho-aaacho · 8 months
(Don't) Tease Me!
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Tags : Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Comedy, Pranks, Kissing, Surprise Kisses, French Kiss, Teasing, Silly Geto, Mischievous Geto, Please pinch Geto's cheeks.
Summary : Aggressively exploited, with a fondness full of weak points, that's what he did.
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Some may consider you foolish, but Suguru is foolishness. 
You've never engaged in a serious argument with him. Because he is really annoying when he jumps into the argument. He effortlessly prevails, always striking you with a brilliant sentence that flows freely through his mind.
His sweet talking abilities, along with his beautiful features, are comparable to the sweet cotton candy that makes you lose in an argument with him. Probably a true master of manipulation since day one.
How many angels had he tricked, or how many poor souls had he manipulated, until this time? 
You can't even count. 
Suguru loved it when they fell from his tricks; the pleasure he derived from the agony of those poor souls was overwhelming. He would love to dance under their agonies in their twilight of despair.
His brain was always used for complex and strained thoughts, pouring forth mysterious ideas that transformed into poetic words under his warm palm.
One night, he was monologuing about his work and casually declaring it to the ceiling. 
"Satoru will be surprised if he finds out about this."
"I'll make a big surprise for my old friend, Satoru. He will see..."
"Uh, do you think Satoru will have a good expression when I come to Jujutsu High?"
And you were yelling at him. "Stop talking about Gojo-san. I thought you and him were enemies. Do you still care about that man? Funny."
Or you'll say.
"Next time, Suguru-kun. If you say something ridiculous again, I will make sure you won't wake up the next morning."
He responded playfully. "Oh, that's just my work project. Why are you so angry? Are you jealous?"
Of course, you are annoyed by his attitude. You hate his inconsistency irks. Although he promises to stop (monologue to the ceiling), he is still doing that whenever your eyes catch him. 
You try to calm yourself, keeping your revenge to yourself and your flame of anger against his behaviors.
Sometimes he responds to your criticism by placing a coupled cheek-pinching when Miguel is around, which makes him roll his eyes.
He found it interesting when he heard you scowl aggressively. He'll chuckle pleasantly, making you feel embarrassed when he says it. "I find you cute. Don't you dare show this to anyone else, okay?"
You want to punch him or teach him a good lesson because of his actions. Perhaps he simply enjoys witnessing your reaction, which amuses him more than the reactions of his followers.
Is there a chance you may defeat him in this game? Who knows.
Today, Suguru summoned you to the meeting room. He mentioned that he had something essential to convey. You always found the meeting room with the other members, like the twins. But this time, you only find Suguru.
Instead of telling you about the upcoming mission, he began telling jokes. Which makes you frustrated because it's unnecessary.
"Alright, I understand about the jokes. So, Suguru-kun, what should I do? You summoned me for the next mission."
He gave you an inviting glance and giggled. "Nothing. I just want to see your face."
"Do I sense a concern?"
He smiled. "We always have diverse perspectives. How about we conclude—"
"Oh, you're suggesting I get out of your group? Fine. I'll be out!"
"You've been so sensitive since morning; did I neglect your usual morning kiss?"
How can he say those words with a straight face? This guy needs a reality check! So ridiculous. You almost can't believe he's the special-grade sorcerer, and all of the sorcerers are afraid of him.
You sighed in frustration, hinting that you were done with him. But you have another idea: take revenge. Maybe... a little tease. It wouldn't hurt him.
"Suguru-kun, I'm sorry. But I need to do something."
You grab his collar into your grasp and kiss him, feeling his textured lips on yours, feeling his breath against your face, and smelling his peppermint from his mouth. 
Actually, it wasn't a forced kiss; it was a gentle kiss, but it was enough to make him gasp for air. He reached your shoulder and shut his eyes, trying to deepen the kiss as he pinned you on the floor.
His tongue enters your mouth, dancing sensually with yours. He counts your teeth, biting your lips gently. A smirk curls on his face, and you swiftly let go. 
You can hear Miguel laughing from outside, along with the twin's protests, and there is an unpleasant silence between you and Suguru, as well as a scarlet blush on his face.
"Oh. I didn't know you were a good kisser. What is that for? If it's a present to get me to stop talking, sorry, but that didn't work!"
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hippiegoth97 · 2 months
Into the Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story Pt. 16
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Collage by me :)
Master List
Part 15
Tag List: @keikoraven @ar-jupiter @alcielo1438 @cairro-xx @stolen-in-moonlight
@micheledawn1975 @janiejenn @rafescurtainbangz @melodymunson @spacedoutdaydreamer
@veemoon @sariahs-stuff @feral-pumpkin-energy @comeonatmebruh @munsoneightysixx
@morgthemagpie @josephquinnsfreckles @jenniquinn @usergeta @cometzombie
@spookybabey @daggerdaggerkitten @nina6708 @sanctumdemunson @yourdailymemedelivery
@person-005 @slowandsteddie @gri959 @elegantkoalapaper @letitgoandletlive
@loserboysandlithium @costellation-hunter @leelei1980 @h-ness1944 @pretendthisnameisclever
@ohmeg @stalactitekilla @hellfirenacht @birdysaturne @oneforthemunny
@prettyboyeddiemunson @eddievanmunson @msgexymunson @rattkween86 @violetpixiedust
@bimbobaggins69 @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@mediocredreams @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @ali-r3n
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI:  swearing, yelling/arguing, anger, angst, crying, nightmares, mentions of blood/violence/death, parental issues, mentions of terminal illness, smut, oral sex, unprotected sex, fluff
Word Count: 8.4k
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divider by @strangergraphics
Part 16: Hold Me Now
Sunday, April 23rd, 1989
"Alright, Y/N. You've gotta roll a perfect twenty to win. Think you can do it?" Eddie asks, tossing you the D20 from across the table. You catch it in your hand, looking at it anxiously. This is your last chance to clinch a win, otherwise you and your fellow players' journey is all for naught on this Sunday evening.
"I guess we'll find out, won't we?" You reply in uncertainty, heart racing with anticipation. You can feel everyone's eyes on you as you rattle the plastic icosahedron in your sweaty hands. You release the die after far too many shakes, and it chatters to the table. The moment plays out in slow motion, each side coming into view in agonizing succession. The players around you watch the spectacle unfold, loudly hoping and praying for the odds to work in your favor. You look on hopefully, biting your lip as your pupils follow the movement. The object in question gradually comes to a stop, rolling over one last time to display the numbers 2-0 in bright, blinding red paint. "Holy shit." You exhale, unable to believe you've actually succeeded. You look around the room, met with seven pairs of widened eyes and accompanying mouths hanging slack jawed to mirror your own skepticism.
"And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you do it! Congratulations to Y/N on claiming a victory on her first game!" Eddie announces with a proud grin, bowing to you while extending his arms dramatically.
"Fuck yeah!" Dustin cheers, and the others join in with hoots and hollers while they squish you in a huddle of bodies. You're over the moon to have done so well on your first try, jumping up and down with glee. You imagine this is what it's like when sports teams win their big game, adrenaline and explosive joy coursing through your body when you realize you’ve managed to pull it off.
Eddie scoots his chair out, pushing his way through the crowd to reach you. He reels you into his embrace, kissing you passionately as a reward for truly becoming the Queen of Hellfire. Your knees give out as you melt into him, and he lifts you up to wrap your legs around his waist. "Well done, sweetheart." He says when his lips leave yours, an unrestrained hunger in his eyes. You can see he is nearly desperate to celebrate your achievement in his particularly ravenous way.
You nod in understanding, smirking as you think about what he's going to be doing to you as soon as you're alone. "Thanks, love. Let's clean up and go home, hm?" You suggest, gently squeezing his sides with your thighs. Eddie puts you back down, and you assist him and the others in scooping up dice and player pieces. You can tell he's rushing, clumsily dropping his papers on the floor. He needs to get out of Mike's basement as soon as possible. You still have to drop the other kids at their homes after this, and neither of you want to take a second longer than necessary. You can't deny that during this whole weekend, every turn and attack and spell has served as a unique type of foreplay for you two. You've never shared such intensity before, it's a wonder nobody picked up on you two smoldering the entire game.
Friday was certainly mind-blowing, but last night was even crazier. You rode Eddie's cock for what felt like hours in his bed, crying his name to high heaven while you came over and over. He even pulled out some handcuffs he'd neglected to tell you about before, chaining your hands behind you while he railed you from the back. You called him Dungeon Master whenever he asked, well, more like commanded. He spanked your ass harder and harder every time you said it, the red-hot sting on your flesh sending you over the edge all on its own. He said the filthiest things to you all night, and you reciprocated by telling him just how fucking good he was, how you're his and only his. There must have been at least fifteen orgasms between the two of you, most of which were yours. Making you cum is one of Eddie's favorite things, and he just can't stop himself until you tap out.
You say goodbye to Mike and his parents, loading the rest of the kids into the van for the final time this weekend. You drop off Lucas and Erica first, then Dustin, and finally the Tanners as they live the furthest away from the Wheeler house. Once Ian and James are safely inside, you and Eddie drive over to his place. Wayne just so happens to have a night off from work, a much-needed rest from back-breaking labor at the plant. You'd both been hoping to have the place to yourselves, but you suppose your libidos will just have to wait a while longer.
Eddie makes dinner for the three of you, taking this as a chance to have the meal you'd planned to share before Wayne got sick. "Need any help, Eds?" You offer from the couch, beer in hand as you sit with Wayne. He's got a baseball game on, and you can't follow it worth shit. He offers helpful commentary in his comforting tone, and you slowly grasp the rules as you listen.
"Nah, you just sit pretty and let me work my magic." Eddie replies with a slight panic in his voice. He's trying out one of the recipes from the books you bought him. He's practiced it a couple of times when he's home alone, all of which have ended in using the fire extinguisher from underneath the sink. But he has faith that with you here as his good luck charm, he can finally do it. He scrambles around the kitchen, tenderizing chicken and setting potatoes to boil on the stove.
"Don't burn down the whole trailer, now. I'd hate to end up homeless 'cause you wanna impress your lady friend, Edward." Wayne says, making you laugh. He gives you a kind smile, returning the attention to the men on TV swinging bats and running in tight white pants.
"No fires today, Wayne. I'd bet my left nut on it." Eddie retorts, clanging bowls and utensils around hastily. You crane your neck to inspect what he's doing, but you really have no fucking clue what's going on in there.
"I'd much prefer money or smokes, kid." Wayne replies while chuckling to himself.
"I'm sure it'll be great, darling. I believe in you." You call to Eddie in encouragement, still watching the players swing and miss on the screen before you.
"Thank you, baby." Eddie smiles, and he starts to relax. He knows damn well he could present you with a plate absolutely burnt to a crisp and you'd eat every last bite, telling him how delicious it was afterwards. He takes a deep breath, letting the few chef's skills he has take the reins. He's carefully reading the recipes in the book step by step to stay on the right track.
The smells wafting over to you from the kitchen some time later are making your mouth water, thyme and rosemary are particularly present. Your stomach growls loudly, giving yourself away. "How much longer, Ed? I think Y/N's 'bout ready to eat the couch!" Wayne teases, though you take no offense. You were tempted to ask yourself, but you didn't want to interrupt Eddie's process.
"Almost done, like...five more minutes!" Eddie says as he pulls a pan out of the oven. The smell only grows stronger, and your belly tenses as you await the opportunity to taste whatever he’s created. He opens the cabinet to pull out some plates, setting them on the counter to dish out the food. He places a large, roasted chicken breast on each plate, cutting into his own to make sure it's done. "Perfect." He murmurs to himself, smirking at how tender and juicy the inside of the meat is. He scoops potatoes and green beans from the pan to sit beside the chicken, and brings each plate to the table once he's finished. "Dinner is officially served." He announces, retrieving silverware from one of the drawers. You and Wayne meet him at the table. Eddie sits between the two of you, waiting expectantly for you to comment on your plates.
You look down at the meal before you, steam rising off of it in the dim lighting. It's straight out of a picture book, and you can't help just staring at it for a moment. "Wow, Eds. It looks amazing! Smells really good, too." You glance at him, giving a proud smile like the one you received from him earlier today. You pick up your fork and knife, cutting into the chicken. The dull blade glides through the meat effortlessly, and you just know you're gonna have to hold back a vulgar sound when you finally taste it. You pierce the slice with your fork, bringing it to your lips. You bite down, gasping at the juices releasing from the tender flesh. You chew slowly, your mouth sitting open in shock once you swallow.
"Well? How is it?" Eddie asks while biting his lip. You haven't said anything for a moment, making him nervous. You meet his gaze, somehow more turned on than you were after winning the campaign. There's something so attractive to you that Eddie can cook like no one else on this earth. Everything he makes for you is a labor of love, and it puts all others to shame.
"It's fucking fantastic!" You tell him honestly, unable to hold back as you stare at him with dilated pupils.
"I second that." Wayne says with his mouth half-full. He didn't bother to participate in any dramatic effect. You don't blame him, this chicken is so damn good.
"You really think so?" Eddie blushes at the praise.
"Of course I do." You reply sincerely. He doesn't say anything else, just leans over slightly to give you a thankful kiss. Eddie can't resist grabbing the sides of your face, deepening the kiss with no regard for the other company in the room.
"Jesus, cut it out! I'm tryin' to eat, ya damn horndog!" Wayne chides, directing his disdain at his nephew as opposed to you. Eddie breaks away abruptly, digging into his own serving to hide his embarrassment.
The three of you eat hastily, utterly enamored with your food. Everything is cooked just right, with the optimal amount of seasoning. Eddie clears the plates once you're all finished, rejoining you at the table. "That was really amazing, baby. Thank you for making it." You speak affectionately, reaching over to take his hand in yours.
"You're welcome, sweetheart. I'm glad you liked it. It's all thanks to those books you gave me." He replies, stroking your knuckles with his thumb.
"You're turnin' into a regular little housewife, Ed." Wayne jokes as he takes a swig of his beer.
"I never took you to be so old-fashioned, Wayne." You quip, keeping the light laughter going in the room. You really enjoy the relationship these two have. It's the perfect balance between supportive and ball-busting. To be welcomed into their little world so easily is truly a treat in your eyes. The families of almost all your exes were much more conservative with their attachments.
"I can promise you, there ain't a damn thing that's traditional about the Munson family." Wayne chuckles, before continuing. "But I sure as shit wouldn't have it any other way." He claps a hand on Eddie's shoulder, shaking it in playful tenderness. "Speakin’ of, Wilfred called again today." He says as gently as he can, and the statement snuffs out the happy energy in the room. It pains Wayne to say a single word about his brother, even his name feels like knives scraping against his gums. But he wouldn't bring him up if it wasn't important.
"What’s the bastard want this time?" Eddie asks, shrinking in his chair as his mind slips into survival mode.
"Well, I,uh…I hate to say this when we've been havin' such a good time tonight. But, I 'spose there ain't a convenient time for bad news." Wayne dances around the subject, but you imagine whatever he's about to say is going to drop like a bomb. Heavy, explosive, destructive. You worry how Eddie will react, you can see his fight or flight battling with itself all over his face. Wayne sighs, clearing his throat. "He's dyin', Edward."
Eddie chuckles abruptly, shaking his head. "Voluntarily?" He asks as a poor joke, falling into an unnerving fit of laughter.
You and Wayne look to each other, worried that your man has lost his mind. "Eddie, please be serious. It ain't funny." His uncle speaks sternly, but it only makes him laugh harder. His eyes water from how hard he's going, and his body shudders with each guffaw. It's like he's heard the world's most hilarious joke, laughing himself to death over it. "He's got cancer, goddammit!" Wayne bangs his fist on the table, becoming angry at Eddie cackling his head off at this news.
"GOOD! THAT'S WHAT HE FUCKING DESERVES, WAYNE!" Eddie screams back, his face going red as his features scrunch into unbridled rage. It's like a switch has flipped, the humor is gone as soon as it came. He's breathing heavily, a small step away from snarling. He stands up abruptly, knocking his chair over. It bangs against the floor, scraping the beaten linoleum. He stomps down the hall with his fists balled at his sides. He goes into his room, nearly breaking the door off its hinges when he slams it. You flinch at the sound, pinching your eyes shut in reflex.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have said anything tonight. I just don't know what to do." Wayne apologizes, sniffling slightly. He didn't want to upset Eddie, far from it. He's conflicted about his brother dying. On the one hand, he's one of the few people left in his family. On the other, he's a real piece of shit that beat his wife and son after falling to the bottom of the bottle. Wayne was always taught that blood is thicker than water, but he's been doubting the validity of that statement more and more when it comes to Wilfred.
"It's fine, Wayne. I'm very sorry about your brother. This can't be an easy time for you. I know he's not the greatest guy or anything, but I can tell you value family a lot." You pause, contemplating if you should even ask the one question that's flitting about in your mind. "Did he say how long he's got?" His expression changes slightly, and you worry you're overstepping now. "You don't have to tell me, I know I'm not fam一"
"Don't say that, Y/N.” Wayne cuts you off. “You count as family in my eyes, and you do even more in Eddie's. He loves you more than I ever saw him capable of before. Don't ever doubt the well-earned place you have here, ya hear me?" He speaks purposefully, ensuring every word he says rings true.
"Okay." You nod, letting him continue the conversation.
"To answer your question, he's got a couple months left at best. And his dyin' wish is to see Edward one last time. To apologize or some shit, make amends. Fucker had his whole life to make shit right with his son, and he waits 'til he's about to meet the goddamn devil himself to do it." He chuckles wryly, letting out a resigned sigh.
"I'm not sure Eddie's gonna go for that. I don't really blame him. I certainly wouldn't if I was in his shoes." You can already see how a potential try at convincing him to go through with it would pan out, and it ends in yelling and tears. Maybe a hole punched into the wall for good measure.
"I can't say I disagree. But I promised Wilfred I'd get 'im over there. He's my brother, and he ain't gonna be tormentin' this world much longer." His eyes close for a moment, gearing up to say something else that he finds very difficult. "Look, I hate to ask this of ya, but can you try to talk to Eddie? I know he'd listen to ya more than anyone else. Feel free to tell me to shove it, but it would mean the world, Y/N."
You nod again, wanting to help him out. "I'll try my best, Wayne. I'm not gonna push him into it if he's not digging the idea. I love Eddie too much to force him to face that man if it'll only end up hurting him."
"That's more than fair, darlin'. Just try your best, and I'll take 'no' for an answer if he chooses it." You both stand up from the table, meeting in a soft hug. "I don't envy your position, that's for sure." He laughs, drawing a giggle from you too.
"No shit. But it's better to try and get shot down, than to end up regretting not trying at all. I'm sure that's something my old man learned that hard way in the end." Wayne gives you a gentle squeeze at the mention of your own father, Eddie had told him about the funeral a week or so ago.
You let one another go after a moment, wiping a couple stray tears from your eyes. You make your way down the hall to attend to your man, afraid of what version of him you might find lurking inside his room. You quietly knock on the door, hearing nothing on the other side. You apprehensively twist the knob, pushing the door open as gently as you can. You find Eddie sitting on the edge of the bed, staring down at the floor. His hair drapes to hide his face, and the heel of his foot taps incessantly against the floor. "What do you want?" He asks, barely fighting back the urge to yell at the top of his lungs.
"Eddie..." He softens slightly when he realizes it's you. His foot slows down, and his trembling subsides slightly. "I don't really...know what to say. All the usual questions make no sense. You know, ‘are you alright?’, or ‘can I get you anything?’. So, I guess I'll try this instead. What do you need?" You close the door behind you, walking across the room to sit beside him. You don't touch him just yet, you don't want to enter his space unless he invites you.
"I need you, Y/N. Just you." He whispers, raising his head to bring it level with yours. He's been crying silent, angry tears. His eyes are red and puffy, and his plump bottom lip shakes independently from his body. You bring yourself closer to him, wrapping your arms around his torso. He buries his head against your neck, releasing an borderline inhuman wail that vibrates against your skin. One that rivals the guttural sounds he made after his fight with Jason. His own arms squeeze you so tight, but it's a welcome constriction. His body aches for yours, clinging to you like an infant to its mother. He just needs you to make everything okay again.
"It's okay, love. I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere, alright?" You stroke his hair with your hand, rocking him gently side to side to soothe his distressed soul.
"I'm sorry I got so mad, Y/N. I didn't wanna yell like that. I'm sorry if I scared you." Eddie helplessly attempts to apologize, his words coming out choppy and pained. His sobs wrench his insides around, almost making him ill. He wants to stop crying, to stop making you have to comfort him so much. He's always hated how emotional he is, sometimes he cries at absolutely nothing at all. If he only knew that it's one of the many reasons why you love him so much. His vulnerability is just a bullet-point in a long list of things that make him the greatest man you've ever known.
"Baby, it's okay. Don't worry about it, I know you weren't mad at me. And Wayne knows too, he knows you're just upset. And that's okay. You don't have to be anything but what you feel right now. You're safe here with me. I promise, Eds." You coo at him, hoping you can help him relax soon. This certainly isn't how you pictured tonight going, the exact opposite, actually. But life's funny that way. Just when you think everything's sunshine and lollipops, an atom bomb falls from the sky to blow it all to pieces.
You help Eddie ride out the tears, getting him to lie down after carefully removing his clothes. He nestles under the covers, only his eyes and the top of his head peeking out at you. He's gone silent now, his throat hurts terribly from his meltdown. The only sound from him is the steady breathing through his nose. You continue to caress his hair, it's one of the easiest ways to calm him down. He looks so tired, and you won't lie that tonight has worn you out as well. You were riding on an incredible high that you hoped would end with even more incredible sex, but now you're both feeling lower than you ever thought possible. Sleep's heavy hands rest on your shoulders, overriding everything else. "You comin' to bed, sweetheart?" Eddie asks meekly, his words muffled by the blanket he's taken shelter in.
"Yeah. I just have to pee first. Do you need anything? Maybe some water?" You offer, he's probably a little dehydrated after all the crying. He nods, flicking his eyes away from you in shame. "Baby, please don't be hard on yourself. You haven't done anything wrong. I'll be right back, okay?" You insist that there's no reason for him to be so sorry, but he can't help feeling like a scolded child. It's not anything you said, nor any of Wayne's words either. It's what he's saying to himself, hidden within the confines of his skull.
You're being an asshole, Eddie. You yelled at Wayne, and now Y/N has to baby you. How can you possibly think you're good enough for her? You may be well into your twenties, but you're still the same silly child you've always been. Crying because your daddy who used to beat you is dying? How pathetic. A single tear forces itself from his eye, and he quickly wipes it away before you can see. He hears the toilet flush, and the sink turning on and off. He listens to your footsteps landing softly along the floor to the kitchen and back to him. You re-enter the room, coaxing him to sit up and drink from the glass you brought him. "Thanks." Eddie says simply, slurping down the water in a few seconds flat. It hits hard in his stomach, cooling him down from the inside out. He hands you the empty cup, and you set it on the nightstand. You flick off the light, removing your clothes to join Eddie under the covers.
Before you can roll over to let him spoon you, he snatches you into his arms. He tangles his legs with yours, not wanting to let go. You stiffen at the sudden movement, but relax immediately when you realize what he wants. You get as far into his space as you can, your tits pressing against his bare chest. "I love you, Eddie." You give him a gentle kiss, not expecting him to return it with much force. But he does, more hungry and desperate than you anticipated. But the feeling behind it isn't lust, it's longing. Even though you're right here with him, any centimeter of space between you feels like miles. Eddie wants more than anything to be okay, but tonight's news has fractured something in him. He'll mend, with time. But he needs you now more than ever before, and he really hopes you're up to the task.
"I love you too, princess." Eddie replies once you pull away. The way his lips met with yours makes your heart ache terribly. You know he's struggling right now, and you have every intention of staying by his side through this difficult time. You want him to lean on you, you want to be his rock. You dread the idea of even breathing a word of the promise you made with Wayne to Eddie, you're afraid it'll push him off the deep end. You choose to put the notion aside for now, rest is much more important, for both of you. Sleep takes you both into its inviting depths swiftly and easily, but the journey you embark upon in dreamland is far from pleasant.
You're strapped to the kitchen chair in the trailer, unable to move. Darkness surrounds you, the only light coming from the overhead lamp above the table. Wayne and Eddie are trapped just the same as you, seemingly reliving the events that took place at dinner. Eddie's laughing maniacally, his eyes going wild and bloodshot as he cackles with glee. He's staring at you, jaw almost unhinged like a snake. You can see all his teeth, his tongue, the back of his throat lit up by the light. The moisture in his mouth and eyes twinkles eerily at you. The veins in his forehead and neck stick out prominently beneath his flesh that has reddened from laughing so hard. 
"Shut up! Stop laughing! It's not fuckin' funny! He's dyin', you big idiot! Stop it! Just stop it!" Wayne screams repeatedly at his nephew, practically turning blue at the force of his pleading.
"GOOD! THAT'S WHAT HE FUCKING DESERVES, WAYNE!" Eddie bellows back, the sheer volume of it shaking the walls of the trailer. "HE SHOULD CONSIDER HIMSELF SO LUCKY! IF I HAD IT MY WAY, I'D KILL THE FUCKER MYSELF! SLICE HIM UP WITH THAT FUCKING SHIV HE CUT ME WITH! GIVE HIM A TASTE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE!" His voice morphs into a deep roar, almost like it's not his anymore at all. This is when you realize there's been another figure with you in the room this whole time. An older man, just barely peeking out from behind your boyfriend like a shadow. His eye meets yours, and he makes himself known once he sees you've found him out.
He's tall and slender, emaciated even. His hair sits shaggily atop his head, messy, gray, and thin. His yellowed eyes are sunken into his skull, and his prison jumpsuit sits loosely on his skeletal form. He's smirking menacingly at you, and you know instantly that this is Wilfred standing before you. Though he may be much older and sicker than Eddie, the family resemblance is quite striking. His hand is hidden behind Eddie's back, who has now fallen silent once you noticed his father. You watch Wilfred flex his arm slightly behind his son, and use him as a puppet to speak to you. "Nice to meet you, darlin'." Eddie's mouth moves unnaturally, Wilfred's voice coming out of his snapping smile. You hear wet squelching at every word, you imagine it's a grisly scene behind Eddie's back. His father's hand shoved deep inside him, blood and viscera leaking out of the brutally formed hole.
"No." Is all you can manage to respond with. You just look on in horror, you don't want to see another second of this.
"What's the matter, sweet-cheeks? I could very well be your father-in-law one day, there's no need to be so rude. Use your words, pretty thing!" Wilfred's other arm stretches across the table to grasp your chin roughly. His fingers are grimy, smudging grease and dirt on your flesh. You flinch at the sensation, wanting to vomit from the smell of him. It's like rotting flesh and sulfur, like he's a demon who rose up from the depths of hell.
"Let him go!" You shout helplessly. He just shakes his head no, maneuvering Eddie's head to mimic the sentiment.
"No can do, darlin'. And since you have no manners, I guess I'll just have to finish what I started!" He releases your face, reaching into his pocket to pull out the shiv Eddie told you about. It's rusty and dull, still coated in blood from the last time.
"Leave him alone! Don't you hurt him!" You scream, tears streaming down your face. But he doesn't heed your words one bit. Instead, he brings the blade to Eddie's throat.
"Say goodbye, princess." Wilfred's voice says through Eddie's lips one last time. Your love's face still smiles at you, a single tear rolling from his left eye. And in one smooth motion, the blade slashes across Eddie's neck. Thick, dark blood pours from the wound, spraying and splattering on the table, his clothes, the floor. A smatter of it whips onto your cheek, uncomfortably warm and stinking of iron.
"NO! EDDIE!" You cry, trying to fight against your restraints. But it's no use, and Eddie sits helplessly beside you in his chair. His eyes don't close, nor his mouth as the life drains out of him. He's just perfectly still with that awful expression on his face. His throat gushes blood, winnowing down to a pitiful drip until there's nothing left. You suddenly wonder where Wayne is, but he's gone when you look across the table. No chair, no body, nothing. And when you look back, there's no sign of Wilfred either. He's not in plain sight, and he's not acting like Eddie's shadow again. You're all alone, still stuck in this chair, with no one to save you. You release visceral wails and screams, staring at Eddie's grinning corpse hopelessly.
"Y/N!" You hear Eddie yell as he shakes you awake frantically. You sit up in bed, gasping as you come to in the darkness of his room. You're soaked in sweat, and there's a beam of light coming through the open door. Wayne's kneeling at the side of the bed, holding your hand while Eddie keeps the blanket above your breasts. "You were screaming in your sleep, sweetheart. Brought me out of my own damn nightmare. Are you okay?" He asks, turning your head to look at him. You meet his eyes, finding nothing resembling how they were in your dream. They're wide and terrified, searching yours for an explanation to your worrying behavior.
"It was terrible, Eddie! We were at the table, strapped to the chairs! And you were laughing so loud! And your dad was there, moving you around like a puppet! And he slit your throat open, there was blood everywhere! And then I was all alone! It was awful, just awful!" You recount your night terror in a sobbing ramble, not caring how irrational or incoherent you sound. Eddie pulls you closer to him, shushing you as you cry violently against his chest.
"Jesus Christ. You two gonna be alright in here?" Wayne asks, giving Eddie a concerned expression. Eddie nods, shooing his uncle away. Wayne's hesitant to leave, and he feels absolutely horrible. He regrets giving you the task of getting Eddie to see his father, guessing that you've been let in the know about what Wilfred did at their last visit. He sighs, shaking his head in shame at himself. He feels like he's making all the wrong decisions here, upsetting the both of you in different ways. At this point, he doesn't give a damn what his brother wants. Wilfred can suck the devil's three-pronged prick as far as he's concerned. He leaves you two alone, making a beeline for the fridge to get another beer. Your screams scared the absolute shit out of him, and he hopes to never hear them again.
"Shh, it's okay, baby. It was just a dream. It wasn't real. I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere." Eddie coos, trying his best to soothe you. How is it that every time something stressful happens, you two have to take turns getting the other to stop crying? Eddie glances at the clock, and it reads 1:45AM. Neither of you have been asleep very long, maybe an hour or two at best.
"You said you had a nightmare too. What happened?" You ask with your face still smushed against him.
"Just the same dream I've told you about before, ending up in prison with my dad. Wasn't nearly as scary as waking up from your screams, though. And Wayne came bursting in here wondering what the hell was going on. It all happened so fast, I thought it was another nightmare, to be honest." He speaks calmly, though the events that took place while he was half-asleep have frightened him to the core.
"Well, I'm certainly not feeling tired anymore." You reply, nuzzling his neck with your head.
"Me either. We could watch a movie if you want, I doubt Wayne's going to sleep anytime soon. Or I could read to you, we could play cards or something. Anything you want, sweetheart." Eddie makes plenty of suggestions, all of which could certainly help. However, you're afraid that Wilfred could be lurking around any corner, hiding in the shadows, puppeteering your boyfriend. You're so afraid to open your eyes, worried you'll be strapped to the kitchen chair all over again.
"I'd love to do any of that, but I'm so scared, Eds. I can't open my eyes, I don't want to see anything horrific like that again." Your voice trembles, and your heart continues to pound.
He tuts. "I promise you won't, baby." Eddie puts his hands on either side of your face, causing you to flinch. "Relax, love. Let me lead you." He says patiently. You nod in his grip, allowing him to bring your head level with his. It's disorienting to sense movement when all you can see is pitch black. "Open your eyes, sweetheart. It's just me here, no one else." He assures you.
"Okay." You reply shakily, taking a moment to breathe deeply. Inhale, hold, and exhale. You force your eyelids to retract, finding Eddie's kind expression waiting for you on the other side. You let out a sigh of relief, rolling your eyes at yourself for being so afraid.
"Atta girl. See, not so scary now, right?" He smiles, keeping it smaller than usual to avoid frightening you. "So, what would you like to do, angel?" He asks. He'd do whatever you want at this point. Buy you ice cream, go streaking downtown, rob a bank. Anything to help chase the monsters away.
You think on it for a moment, contemplating your options. You don't really want to leave the bedroom, the mere sight of the kitchen would probably make you burst into tears. You just want to be close to Eddie, to latch onto him and never let go. Naturally, your brain makes the only logical conclusion it possibly can in this situation. You bring your hand to Eddie's cheek, stroking it gently. He hums at the contact, watching you closely. He has an inkling as to where this is going, which worries him. He wants to please you, any way you desire. But he wonders if this is what you really want. His hand takes hold of yours, lowering it between your bodies for a moment. "What is it, Eddie?" You ask, realizing he might not be in the mood.
"Y/N. I'll give you anything you want, you know that. I just want to make sure you're not jumping the gun here. So please, use your words. Tell me exactly what I can do to make you feel better." He speaks seriously, his loving face illuminated by the moon shining through the window.
"I don't want you to call me a slut, or choke me, or bite me. I don't want you to be rough with me, or make me scream, or slap my ass." You're trying to state things as plainly as possible. Telling him that as much as you want this, you just can't handle your usual dynamic tonight. "I want you to be slow, and gentle, and tender. I want you to cover me with kisses, and say pretty things to me. I want you to make love to me, Eddie. Use your love for me to make the monsters go away. Please?" You don't mean to come off so dramatic, needy, even. But you know he understands you perfectly.
"That's all I needed to hear, princess." Eddie replies, leaning in to kiss you deeply. You let him take the lead, and he lays you down on the mattress, hovering above you as your mouths quietly smack together. Your head rests on the pillow, and you feel his hands caressing all over your body. His palms make contact with your tits, squeezing them ever so softly. You moan when he grazes your hardened nipples. You don't want to make a lot of noise, you figure Eddie's uncle doesn't need to be traumatized by your screams again. "You're so beautiful, baby." Eddie whispers, moving his lips to your neck. He peppers the skin with wet, warm kisses, never biting down.
"And you're very handsome, Eddie. Your lips feel so good. I want to feel them all over me." You're feeling very warm beneath him and the blanket that rests just above your waist.
"Your wish is my command, angel." He says sweetly, listening to your request without hesitation. He slowly moves his mouth along to your right shoulder, and down the length of your arm to the tips of your fingers. You let out breathy moans all the while, savoring every time he meets your flesh. He repeats these steps on the other side, moving on to your chest afterwards. His blazing touch meets the swells of your breasts, and the valley between them. "I love your tits, sweetheart. They’re so soft, and perfect in my hands." He compliments you, giving you a loving glance before taking your left nipple in his mouth. His tongue swirls around your sensitive bud, making you gasp.
"God, your tongue is amazing, too." Your eyes flutter closed. Eddie's pace is patient, in no rush whatsoever. He's absolutely worshiping you, refusing to neglect a single part of your body. You're becoming unbelievably wet for him. You can feel your arousal seeping into the bed below you as it drips from your cunt. He migrates to your other breast, a muted whine escaping your lungs. "Fuck." Your insides are bubbling, growing towards a boiling point.
"I love making you feel good, sweetheart. Your noises are music to my ears." Eddie scoots down further, giving your stomach and hips repetitive little pecks. They're warm and ticklish, tempting you to squirm. His tongue dips into your navel, pulling another stifled moan from you. Your hands grasp at the taut sheets, unable to form a grip. Eddie's lips meet your hip, then your thigh, all the way down to your ankle. You wait in anticipation for Eddie's mouth to finally come in contact with your pussy, he's currently hidden under the blanket as he makes the trip back up your other leg. His large hands spread your thighs open slightly, and he slinks toward the place he's been dying to taste this whole time.
He licks a thin stripe from your entrance to your clit, sighing blissfully at the sweet, musky flavor. "Eddie." You groan, trying to keep the volume down. Your nails dig ferociously into the bedding. He's dragging his wet muscle on you at a snail's pace, but it's probably the most intense instance of him eating you out you've ever experienced. You tent your knees, allowing yourself to watch him work on you under the covers. He glances at you when he notices the moonlight gleaming down on him, smiling wide before slipping his tongue inside you to stroke your g-spot. "Oh my god. Keep doing that, Eddie. It's perfect." Your walls flex around him involuntarily, a flash of white-hot pleasure rippling through you.
"Mm." He responds, rubbing against your sweet spot repeatedly. It's a challenge for him to maintain this torturous pace, using all his willpower to not fuck you hard and fast with his mouth and fingers.
"Just like that, love. You're gonna make me cum…so fucking good." His tongue flicks inside you expertly, his nose brushing against your clit as he pushes you over the edge. Your breath catches in your throat, and you keep a loud moan trapped inside your chest once the oxygen returns. Your pussy strangles Eddie's tongue, coating it in your juices. Your legs tremble, threatening to snap themselves shut. He strokes your thighs as you ride out your high, and he drinks up every last drop of your cum as it flows out of you.
"You always taste so sweet, angel. I'll never get enough of you." Eddie says once he pulls his mouth away from your cunt. He crawls back up from beneath the blankets to kiss you passionately. You moan at your arousal on his lips, slipping your tongue in to dance languidly with his. You reach between your bodies, grazing your fingertips along Eddie's stiff cock. He grunts against you, his hips stuttering ever so slightly at the contact. You wrap your hand around his length, carefully stroking him up and down. Your other hand goes to Eddie's cheek, cupping it as you continue to make out with him.
The moves you make on one another flow naturally, almost like you're performing a dance. It's unbelievably sensual. That word in particular floats around your love-drunk head for a moment. Sensual, it's such a mature term. But it perfectly encapsulates this moment you and Eddie are currently entangled in. There's no expectations, no clamoring race to the proverbial finish line. It's just pure love, and affection, and commitment to one another. Your mouths pull apart as you need to breathe, and you're staring deep into Eddie's eyes while you continue to touch him. "I want you inside me, baby. You're the perfect size, and you fill me up so well."
"Damn, sweetheart. That's gotta be the greatest compliment you've ever given me." He quips, drawing comfortable giggles from the two of you. You kiss him again, using your free hand to gently grip his ass to pull him closer to you. You rub the tip of his dick against your folds, spreading your arousal. You share a muted moan, cherishing every passing second like it's your last. Eddie smoothly removes your hand from his length, bringing the head to wait just outside your inviting entrance. "You ready, babydoll?" He asks, gazing down at you affectionately.
"Yes, love." You whisper, nodding in encouragement. He pushes in just as slowly as he's done everything else tonight, hushed groans escaping you of their own volition. Inch by inch, his cock becomes acquainted with every ridge and groove of your insides. But all the other times he's been inside you don't even compare to right now. Sure, fucking one another's brains out is a helluva good time. But, this? This is as absolute of an act of love that any singular human can hope to achieve. You're melding into one singular being, your hearts beating in sync to create the most beautiful music. The kind that all the cheesy love songs are about. The type that poets rhyme about. The sort that the artists paint, sculpt, and craft about. The heart of all things, from the fossils deep in the earth, to the blazing stars in the night sky, lies here within this bed.
"I love you, Y/N." Eddie says, softer than you've ever heard him say it before. A single tear runs down his cheek at how meaningful this moment is. You reach up to wipe it away, smiling warmly at him.
"I love you too, Eddie." You reply, the words just as delicate coming from your own lips. The gorgeous man above you begins to move, pulling out nice and slow, then returning to your warmth.
"Oh, my god." Eddie whimpers, eyes rolling back into his head at how amazing this all is. There's very little force behind his movements, only enough to give you both exquisite pleasure. He repeats the action over and over. It feels unbelievable, you breathe heavily in each other's faces at the intensity. The most dulcet noises flow liberally from your mouths, amplifying every sensation you're experiencing. A light sheen of sweat coats your bodies, and Eddie lowers his head to plant endless kisses to your throat.
"You're amazing, baby. Everything you do is like magic." You sigh, arching your back in coordination with his sedate thrusts. You hold him as close to you as possible, your fingers spread wide across his back.
"Fuck, you feel so good inside, angel. You're so warm, and tight. So beautiful." Eddie says as he continues to worship your neck. He's honestly not sure how long he can last like this. Luckily, your occasional pulses around him signal that you're in the same boat. His hands rest at your hips, helping him to stay upright despite his knees wanting to buckle.
You sense your end nearing again, and it really hasn't taken much at all. Rolling waves of pleasure wash over you, gradually building higher and higher as Eddie continues to move in and out of you. "I'm getting close, Eds. Can you go just a little faster?" You ask so nicely, enjoying every last moment of this.
"Of course, princess. I'm right there with you." He increases his pace ever so slightly, brushing your sweet spot in an even more impeccable way than before. "Shit." Eddie groans, his hips stuttering as his high threatens to take hold.
"Almost there, love. Kiss me while we cum, please?" You plead, needing to feel as much of him as you possibly can. Eddie just nods, his brain devoid of words entirely. His mouth lands clumsily on yours, and he rubs light circles on your clit to bring you down with him. You moan against one another as lightning strikes through your bodies. You give in to sweet surrender, clinging onto any flesh either of you can reach. Your walls squeeze Eddie's cock, and his pelvis bucks into you once while his load fills you up. You whine at the sudden motion, though it's still extremely gentle compared to his usual level of force.
A small amount of your arousal mixes with his, waiting to drip from you once Eddie pulls out. You're still kissing repeatedly as your highs subside, letting out satisfied sighs and muffled 'I love you's when there's a small gap between you. Eddie's dick softens inside you, and you both hiss slightly when he removes himself. Just as predicted, your mixed release flows lazily from your pussy. "Gorgeous." Eddie groans at the sight, leaning down to clean you up with his mouth.
"Fuck, Eddie." You gasp, you thought he was going to grab a towel or something. He's still tender as ever, only licking where it's needed so he won't spoil the wonderful experience you've had tonight.
"Sorry, sweetheart. I didn't wanna leave to get a towel and have Wayne see me naked. Plus, you taste too damn good to waste." He explains, laying down beside you in the afterglow.
"Hey, I'm not complaining! You just took me by surprise. On another note, that was easily the best sex we've ever had." You roll over to look at his glistening face.
"You're damn right! Shit, if I'd known making love could be better than fucking you senseless, I would be doing that every time!" Eddie exclaims, still in an utterly mind-blown state at the magic you made together. You're both in a ridiculously good mood now, forgetting about the monsters entirely. You feel even closer to one another than before, if that's even possible.
"Maybe we should do it this way more often then." You suggest with a grin, giggling as you snuggle up to him. He gladly accepts you into his embrace, his arms wrapping around you lovingly.
"You got it, babe. How can I possibly say no to you, hm?" He chuckles, giving you another little kiss. It only lasts a couple seconds before being interrupted by huge yawns. "Well, I think that's our cue to get some rest. I've got a shift at the theater tomorrow, now that I think about it." Eddie checks the time again, it's almost three in the morning. You two really took your time.
"Shit, I totally forgot! I'm sorry, Eds. Now I've kept you up and you're gonna be exhausted tomo一" You apologize profusely, but he cuts you off.
"Y/N, it's fine. It's my responsibility, not yours. 'Kay?" He soothes your unease, stroking your back with the tips of his fingers.
"Okay. Hey, speaking of the theater...do you think your boss would give me a job over the summer? I can always work at the Big Buy if not. But I figured it could be kinda fun to work together." Eddie cocks an eyebrow at you, he had no idea you wanted to work during the summer. He suspects it might have to do with whatever little 'surprise' you've been hiding.
"Um...I can ask him. There's not a ton of work to go around, though. So don't get your hopes up." He sees your face fall slightly, he hates the sight of your disappointment. "But I'll try my best. And I must say I'd love to work with you, I think you'd look damn sexy in that uniform." He reassures you, hoping he can convince the owner, Henry Biggs, to let you join the staff. Mr. Biggs is quite the asshole, and Eddie isn't sure you'll be able to handle working for someone like that.
"Thank you, Eddie. You're the sweetest man in the whole wide world." You say with a sleepy smile. You're finding it very hard to keep your eyes open now, and it appears he's in the same position.
"And you're an even sweeter woman, darling. Let's get some rest, you might just have a job interview tomorrow." He plants one final peck to your lips, bringing your head to rest on his chest. You pull up the blankets, trapping all the welcome warmth against your bundle of limbs. Another minute or so later, and the steady beating of your hearts lulls you two to sleep. There's no more nightmares, and no more convict fathers to be found. Just deep, peaceful slumber.
To be continued...
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Video Games
Summary: You and Gavi spend a cozy Saturday evening playing FIFA against each other at home :)
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x You
Warnings: none/ pure fluff <3
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"Amor, I have to play football seven days a week already..." Pablo whined but you really wanted to play FIFA together so you can show him your new skills.
"Pleeeaase Gavinho!!!" you gave him your best puppy dog eyes and he sighed nodding his head making you jump and kiss his lips in excitement.
"Alright, which team will you be?" he asked while taking the controller and smiling at your childish excitement while turning on the game.
"Barça ofc!" you said pretending to be offended with his question and he raised his hands in surrender turning on your controller and giving it to you.
"If I win we spend the rest of the night cuddling" Pablo said while picking up Barça as well deciding to make some changes to the line up.
"And if I win the whole internet needs to know who has better skills" you say with a proud smile sitting down and waiting for him to finish so you can start the game.
"Damn it! You've gotten better" Pablo said and you smirked nodding your head and stealing a ball from him rushing towards the opposite goal.
"No...no...no!" he said running after you but none of his players could catch you if they tried.
"Goal! Wooo!" you cheered while he kept a cold face although thinking to himself how cute you looked all passionate about something. (gif)
"Lucky beginning" he said and you kissed his nose picking up your controller and continuing the game.
You gave two more by the time first half came and he avoided your eyes waiting for the game to load for the second half.
"Awe, I can let you win if you want Gavinho?" you tease poking his cheek and he looks at you giving you a challenging look before the game resumed.
He did score one goal in the second half but right before the last minute you got another one in, ending with score 4:1.
"I think we now know who got mad skills, Mr. Barça Golden Boy" you said turning off the controller and putting them away while he sat there with a big pout.
"Awe, my big baby. What's up huh?" you said straddling his lap and snaking your arms around your boyfriend's shoulders while his arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer.
"I really wanted those cuddles.." he mumbled into your neck and you smiled wide running your hands through his messy brown curls earning a groan from him.
"You're so cute, mi amor. You first need to tell the world who has best FIFA skills and then you can get all the cuddles you want, deal?" you say and he looks up a smile appearing back on his face which made you happy. You leaned down to peck his lips quickly before pulling away.
You took your phone out ready to film the video while he kept you on his lap and tried hiding his face into your neck which made you giggle.
"The poor baby doesn't know how to lose...did you lose against me Mr. Gavi?" you mock trying to move but all you could capture was his face stuffed into your neck.
"You lost.." he lied and you moved more forcing him to look at the camera with a charming smile. You definitely understood why he became such a catch, he was defiantly so photogenic.
"You lost! Tell people who's got real mad skills!" you say but he kept denying trying to tickle you but you stopped him as he grabbed his phone starting to film you as well.
"Yes I lost...My girl's got real mad FIFA skills. Are you happy now?" he said and you smirked proudly nodding your head turning off your camera but he kept on recording. You posted a video on your story and tagged him.
"Amor?" he said and you looked up from your phone noticing that camera was still in your face so you gave him a confused look.
"Huh?" you said and he smiled at your adorable confused face.
"Eres linda bebe" he said and you blushed hard now hiding your own face into his neck as he ended the video posting it on his story with a big red heart.
"I'm gonna go make us some hot coco and then we can cuddle? Want to pick a movie mi amor?" you say after pulling away and he nodded smiling wide that you will still give him cuddles even though he lost.
While you were away, he took a chance to post a picture on Instagram tagging you in it ofc.
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She's got mad FIFA skills hehe<3 @y.n
liked by 122K others
y.n you're so cute <33
pablogavi: te amo <33
pablogavifanss: awe! so cute!
gavipedrifanhouse: It's so cute that you guys play FIFA together! #couplegoals !!!
pedri: maybe we should have her take your spot in the team? @fcbarcelona. liked by fcbarcelona and others
pablogavi: shut up!!
y.n: hehe
soccerfans: such a cute couple!
gavirafans: @y.n is such a good and normal girl. she is perfect for Gavi and keeps him humble and happy. Take care of our boy! <3
y.n you're so sweet <3
gavirafans: OMG! hi!! love you!! <333
gaviyngoals: love to see the love they have for each other!!!
"I love you so much, did you know that?" you say standing at the door frame with two mugs of hot coco in your hands and he put his phone away opening his arms.
"Te amo muito! Come here cuddle bug!" he said and you giggled putting the mugs on the nightstand before rushing on top of him with a laugh.
"I let you score than one goal btw.." you say and you both burst out in laughter while getting comfortable to spend the rest of the evening carefree in bed.
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mystwrites · 11 months
Hello ^^
I’m not sure if your taking requests or not atm, if your not that’s absolutely fine!
If you are tho I just wondered can I request another Ler!Tengen Lee Tanjiro fic with lots of baby teases , tickle chase and upside down tickles too :)
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i finally got to this!! eeeeyyyy!! i love the dynamic between those two!!🥰 i hope you enjoy this, anon!!
“You've improved quite a bit from our last mission together!" Tengen praised, a big smile on his face as he saw Tanjiro once again at the Butterfly Mansion. "Kyojuro has trained you well! Heard you fought five demons off with no backup and in less than ten minutes! Great job!"
Tanjiro thanked him and bowed respectfully. It was odd to know that they have so much respect for one another now despite their first meeting.
Seeing that Tanjiro had just visited Shinobu for a checkup, Tengen decided to mess with him a little after he learned some interesting information from his friend. Reaching out, Tengen poked Tanjiro in the ribs. He had time to fool around with the kid for a bit.
"You must've gotten a checkup with Kocho if you are here. What? Did you break a few ribs last night fighting demons?" he asked, chuckling as a squeal escaped Tanjiro's mouth.
"N-no! S-stop it, Uzui san!!" Tanjiro squeaked, slapping the older Hashira's hands away.
He poked Tanjiro's ribs again and received the same reaction. This time, Tengen kept poking and finally received an adorably soft giggle. A look of fear passed over Tanjiro’s eyes before he took off running, Tengen not too far behind.
“Hey!! Come back!!” Tengen cried, trying to grab Tanjiro. “I must test out Kyojuro’s interesting information!!”
“Nooohohoho!!” Tanjiro squealed, narrowly dodging Tengen’s outstretched hand. “You dohohon’t need to tehehest Rehengoku sahahan’s words!!”
“Oh but I must! His information was very flamboyant! Hey, c’mere!! You can’t run away from me forever, Tanjiro! I will catch you!!”
The chase continued for a few minutes, the two in the backyard of the Butterfly Mansion running around like two children playing a silly game of tag. Tengen laughed as he nearly grabbed Tanjiro's haori but missed, the teen laughing and trying his best to avoid being caught.
In all honesty, Tengen wasn't trying too hard to catch Tanjiro because what fun would it be if he caught him within a few seconds? Reaching out one final time, Tengen successfully grabbed Tanjiro's arm, avoiding a headbutt and foot stomp the teen was about to give him.
"AHAHA! I gotcha now, kiddo!!" Tengen cackled, lifting Tanjiro up by his hips. "Uh oh...someone's upside down now and I think this is a perfect time to test out this intel Kyojuro gave me!"
"Nononono!! Wait a minute, Uhuhuzui sahahan!!!" Tanjiro giggled, squealing as a hand rested against his stomach. "NOOHOHOHO!! DOHOHON'T TICKLE MEHEHE!!"
"I haven't even done anything!" he exclaimed, simply resting his large hand on the center of Tanjiro's stomach. "I haven’t even tickled you but since that was Kyojuro’s intel, why don’t we test it out, hmm?”
With that, Tengen gently dug his five fingers into Tanjiro's stomach, grinning evilly as the red haired boy burst into a fit of laughter, squirming and kicking with all his might. Tanjiro was stronger than he had been the first day they met, his kicks causing Tengen to stumble around. Chuckling, Tengen walked them both to the tree and sat down. Tanjiro's head resting against the grass while his legs were still thrown over Tengen's left shoulder, his arm holding Tanjiro’s legs still to prevent himself from getting kicked in the face.
“Awww!! He is ticklish!” Tengen cooed, worming his fingers under Tanjiro’s arms. “Oooh! He’s very ticklish! Just like a baby!!”
“No way! Agatsuma won’t let me tickle him and Hashibira would bite my hand off! Ahaha! You on the other hand, Tanjiro are so easy to tickle!”
Groaning, Tanjiro covered his face. Now he understood why Zenitsu always said Tengen was annoying anytime he teased someone. Unaware of Tengen’s hands, Tanjiro shrieked as he felt a sudden squeezing sensation at the center of his stomach. He kicked out, nearly nailing Tengen in the face.
"Uh oh! He’s a kicker!!” Tengen sang, dodging a kick as he found a sensitive spot below Tanjiro’s ribs. “Aww, Tanjiro! Your cheeks are red! Can you not handle this?”
Tanjiro’s cheeks flushed even more and his hands raised to cover his face. Immediately, Tengen’s hands shot up to his armpits, Tanjiro screaming bloody murder and squirming around.
“Ahaha! You’re so squirmy! I think I’ll call you “Squirmy Wormy” from now on anytime I tickle you!”
“Screaming won’t do you any good, Tanjiro! Everyone knows I’m the flashiest tickle monster around!! RAAAHHH!!!”
Tanjiro groaned, squealing and laughing hysterically as the Sound Hashira tickled him silly. Just as Tanjiro thought he was going to die from too much laughter, a shadow blocked the light of the sun. The scent of sweet potatoes caused Tanjiro to look up as soon as the tickling subsided. He then saw none other than his mentor, the very one who outed his weakness.
“What’s going on here?” Rengoku asked, smiling down at Tanjiro before giving his nose a poke. “Someone’s cheeks are flushed!”
“Hehelp!! Hehehelp me Rehehengoku sahahan!!” Tanjiro begged, shrieking as Tengen grabbed his knees and squeezed.
“OW!” Tengen cried, Tanjiro’s right foot colliding with the left side of his face. “Haha! I was trying to test out your information!”
“Ohhh!! Ahaha! I see!” Rengoku laughed, sitting next to Tanjiro’s head. “You’re not tickling him right!”
Tanjiro’s face went pale. Oh no…
“I’m not???” Tengen gasped, looking at Tanjiro. “He looks pretty tickled to me!”
“Nope! Here, let me show you!” Rengoku said, cracking his knuckles and wiggling his fingers. “Tanjiro my boy!!~”
“Oh no…R-Rengoku san, nohoho!!! NOOHOHO AHAHAHA!!”
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