#I still need to do my animatic oops
cactikoi · 9 months
Possible In Stars and Time Act 6 spoilers under the cut!!!
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For the in stars and time tarot deck project! It’s so cool seeing everyone’s cards for it !
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perpetualexistence · 8 months
The Alley Cats: A fun little Team CIRRRRH AU
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(I could have tried to go for consistency with either all vectors or no vectors, but I feel like the inconsistency is more appropriate for this AU.)
So, time to share the AU I alluded to in my last post with Team CIRRRRH being gremlins to José!
It's a high school AU where each member of Team CIRRRRH have been made into social outcasts in their own unique and special ways. Plus Eva. I just couldn't bring myself to separate Team E-scope.
No one else would have them, so they started hanging out in an alley one of them found behind the school to avoid the bullying and the glares.
From the outside it looks like utter garbage. But if you go through the garbage and past the corner, you get to their little cove with a beat up couch, a stolen vending machine, a punching bag, and other little personalized touches they've added to make their place more cozy.
Alejandro's the newest addition and their self-appointed leader. He does not like his new status on the bottom of the totem pole in school. So, he leads the others towards schemes that will get them (him) back into the good graces of everyone else. Or to get revenge on those who made them into outcasts. It really depends on how well Alejandro can manage to herd these cats on a particular day.
There's only one main rule in the alley (aside from the ones Alejandro tries to impose). If someone finds their way into this alley all on their own, they're automatically an Alley Cat.
After all, if you're that desperate to get away from everybody, you probably need a group of friends more than anything else right now.
(More details about the AU under the read more, I just wanted to separate it from the basic premise.)
I'm still coming up with ideas for this AU! It's definitely a more casual one filled with wacky shenanigans. I'm retconning two of my previous posts into this au as party of the wacky shenanigans. Because they, along with the idea itself, were all inspired by a very specific animatic that you'll see in the second post. I just want to add links to them both here so they're consolidated in the same place:
Alley Cats vs. José Pt 1
Alley Cats vs. José Pt 2
Most of what I have now is trying to nail down exactly how each of these little goobers became an Alley Cat. Some of them I have a more clear idea that'll get their own posts soon enough, others are just a thought. So far, I have this:
Alejandro - Used to be a popular kid that DID a good amount of the bullying towards the Alley Cats. Thought he was leaving the country and decided to let loose. Turns out his father changed his mind. Oops. Actions, meet consequences.
Noah - Has personal beef with Justin he refuses to explain. Tried to make Justin into an outcast. It backfired horribly.
Izzy - Pulled one too many wacky hijinks that resulted in other people getting injured. The final straw was when she exploded something that ruined a good thing for everyone.
Eva - She issued her anger towards one of the sweetest people in the school to the point where she hospitalized them. She might have avoided juvie, but it sure doesn't feel like it.
Owen - Outcasted by association. He started hanging out with at least one member of the Alley Cats (still trying to figure out if it's just Noah or a combination of Noah, Izzy, and Eva) because he really didn't think anyone deserved to be outcasted. Refused to turn his back on them to save his own reputation.
Tyler - Fumbled the winning point during the big game (still trying to figure out which sport he plays when I don't do sports). Made worse by the fact that this would have finally put the school on the map towards being taken seriously. Combined with bitterness towards favoritism that allows him to stay on the team despite him being a bad player, he got socially kicked out of the team even though he's still physically on it.
And a later addition:
Duncan - Pretty much did the whole cheating thing with Gwen as in canon. Doesn't get why he's here. Essentially becomes New Alejandro once Alejandro starts getting that sweet sweet character development.
If you have any questions about this AU, please feel free to ask away! It helps me come up with things.
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squivulous · 1 year
My Podcast Masterlist
I have a long commute, giving me two hours a day to listen to podcasts. Here is my documentation of all the audio dramas I’ve consumed plus a little blurb. I just wanted to organize them in a list and also (selfishly) get recommendations if anyone would be so kind. Or maybe you’ll see something that’ll interest you. Enjoy!
Podcasts I’m Caught Up With
The Penumbra Podcast: I’ve made an animatic for this one. I’m down bad. This is the one that sucked me into this podcast world.
Malevolent: Arthur dating sim when??? Everyone wants him. Also it took me way too long to find out it was an actual play podcast.
Red Valley: Gordon fan all the way. Normally I do like the Sad Boy but Gordon is that type of dorky that makes me want to protect him.
Caravan: Interesting world and love a main character that makes questionable decisions. Everything is going to be fine :)
WOE.BEGONE: I’m obsessed. It happened slowly but now I think about it every day… And the music is so good! Mike Walters is cringefail, bbygurl, easy to manipulate, and saws his left arm off at the shoulder.
The Cellar Letters: Legit gets me spooked at times. Steve and Nate are good vibes. I’m sure glad nothing ever happens to them.
Harbor: Love that Sam being a malewife ruined his life.
Rifted: Aurora, another Sad Boy to add to my collection. Daniel should give him a kiss to make him feel better.
Heroics: Pls come back some day… I need more Josh. He’s in his slay era.
Second Fiddles: Max is owning being a bbygurl. Also there are a lot of poop jokes which is weird but I’ll look past it.
Hand in Glove: idk anything about baseball but these baseball players are smoochinggg.
Find Us Alive: Lancaster in booty jorts. It's canon. Don't look it up. I'm right. ALSO HE NEEDS TO TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM PLS. C
The Kingmaker Histories: The kiss is still the subject of much historical debate. Eisen <3
The Viridian Wild: It hasn’t been updated since 2021 but I still have hope.
Dos: After You: Ghosting GONE WRONG
Brimstone Valley Mall: SEASON TWO IS COMING. 90’s mall setting is really fun and I’m here for the thing Asmoraius and Trent have going on.
Levian: It starts off with a bang! Well not quite since his sister walks in oops. Excited to see where this pirate tale takes us.
Midnight Burger: Each episode is a delight and as someone who is bad at science, I appreciate Gloria and Caspar. Caspar pls stay forever and also Brodie <3
Return Home: I’m really listening to it for Buddy and DW.
Raythe Reign: Sometimes you need a yaoi.
The White Vault: At this point, I know what I’m getting into and yet still decide to get attached to these characters
The Amelia Project: Please don’t hurt the Interviewer! He’s too goofy for all this drama. I’m scared!
Fawx & Stallion: James Stallion being canonically hot in any situation is such a win
Victoriocity: Inspector Fleet has had a long week and needs some days off
Yokai Detective Agency: I’m always a sucker for detective stories and I’m looking forward to where this one is going
The Grotto: the music is so good but also please help. The emotional turmoil is torrential.
Camlann: Yo…. Dai, for real???
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: Idk how they’re still alive
Podcasts I’ve Completed
Dash: This might not be completed? This is actually the first audio drama I finished. Classic noir but supernatural and boys are smooching!
The Two Princes: This was wholesome and had good vibes. I prefer the first season but it was still a fun time.
The Magnus Archives: Arrived late to the party on this one, but I love all the fanart. Awakened my interest in pathetic men.
EOS 10: I also am not 100% sure this is done but I enjoyed the shenanigans!
Wolf 359: Eiffel, my beloved. I liked the silly and dramatic parts of this story. It hurt my soul but it was worth it :)
Time:Bombs: noahdeaart's fanart made me think this was going in a different direction... Still a fun one!
Valence: Love this one WAAAAHHH! Pls listen. I love Nico. Sad Boy but hides it under their chaos energy.
The Bright Sessions: I would 1005% listen to a spin-off just about Mark. This Sad Boy keeps collecting trauma and I need to see him and Oliver maybe go on adventures or something. ANYTHING.
Roommates: I, too, had a pandemic college experience. It's kinda bizarre that there's already a story about that and I love it!
Look Up: Wholesome. Briggon Snow kept me fed.
Moonface: Appreciate having an audio drama from an Asian American perspective. Didn’t realize how much I needed that.
Murray Mysteries: Must protect Jonathan.
Kaleidotrope: More wholesome content. I got more into it by the second half. The hosts have a fun dynamic!
Re: Dracula: Still thinking about Inside You.
Wooden Overcoats: Rudyard is my fav. Chapman deserves the hate.
The Vanishing Act: this Rudyard wasn’t my fav. I was happy to listen to him suffer but also happy when he fell in love. A win for Griffson!
Greater Boston: Michael Tate <3
Ars Paradoxica: Nikhil Sharma <3
Podcasts I’m Catching Up On
Life with Althaar: I knew that plant lady was sus
Love and Luck: I’m on ep 87 now some magical things are going down
Going Lowbrow: I wasn’t expecting a musical but I’m not complaining.
SAYER: There are no bees on Typhon :)
WTNV: I got behind during high school and now I’m too scared to get caught up… one day. It's been so long at this point I think I'd need to start over.
BRASS: I fell behind on episodes :(
Not Quite Dead: If there are vampires, I'm automatically interested. Only a few eps in.
Hi Nay: I’m listening to Murphy respectfully.
Unwell: I just listened to the Christmas episode and cried
Podcasts I’ve Dropped
Moonbase Theta Out
Archive 81
The Sheridan Tapes
Jar of Rebuke
I’ll keep this updated every so often. Most of these I’ve found either from scouring rec lists or seeing nice fanart.
Please let me know of any recommendations you may have! Thanks for reading if you got this far. Mad respect.
Last updated: 06/08/24
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denrukatheblogger · 9 months
QSMP Rambling (Tallulah and Chayenne)
(Main context: QSMP is a multilingual minecraft multiplayer server with streamers playing and I specifically follow Philza but watch clips and read happenings from other streamers)
Good god help me I was going to just enjoy philza's qsmp portion of the stream but then apparently lore stuff happened and now the eggs are clashing. (I rambled way too much, so I'm putting it below oops)
Though the lore stuff is not something I dislike, my mind immediately honed in more on how the two eggs I watched QSMP for mostly ended up. Tbh, I started watching QSMP because I saw clips and animatics connecting Chayenne to Techno and then I think I started officially watching Wilbur's streams when Tallulah happened. Not immediately, but it was either the 2nd or 3rd stream with her.
Chayenne was one of the outgoing eggs, picking fights and jumping off of the wall his dads made a home on. Tallulah was the youngest at the time, I think, and was mostly sweet, gentle, loved flowers and music. Chayenne was one of the first eggs and iirc only 4 of the og batch remain. Wilbur left after making sure Philza could care for Tallulah, and Chayenne ended up needing to do the same considering he was the older kid that had more experience.
And then things got worse for the eggs. The code monsters, the kidnapping as people or groups organized shit, and then the eggs left thinking they would be protecting their parents after being threatened.
Chayenne ends up as one of, if not the main, leader of the eggs. Tallulah was known by most as "not a fighter". Needed to protect and needed to be protected respectively. Their dynamic was almost always like this. Chayenne was cared for by his dads of course, but Missa has irl stuff to do and Philza needed to give Tallulah more attention since she needed help. Tallulah has been missing her father for months now- even if the server cared for her, she wasn't their special person. She felt like someone that needed pity and was given it- not like as if they would've cared otherwise...
I'm going all over the place but despite it somewhat feeling sudden how they acted in the recent stream, I feel like I can understand mostly what was going on with them switching in choices. Tallulah used to want love and peace- she's tired of being "useless" and a "burden" for not being able to fight. Chayenne used to be one of the reckless eggs- he's exhausted from being given most of the responsibility whenever they're in danger.
He's tired from all of the action. She's tired from all the inaction.
Chayenne wants to fucking rest for once in his life, meanwhile Tallulah wants to actually help fighting for once in her life.
They got separated before/during Purgatory.
Tallulah had to survive with Dapper and Ramon who seemed to be closer friends with each other and Tallulah maybe envied their bond. But they're still siblings and so she cares deeply about Dapper being kept hostage right now. She frustrated over bonds people get to have because she can't connect with them when she doesn't even have a real pillar to stand on. Missed her dad so much that even with the family he left her with, she doesn't feel like she belongs. She just wants her dad back with her but she's changed. She's scared. She wants to be useful and actually do something so that people don't see her as a weakling anymore.
Chayenne was perceived as one of the stronger eggs. He had to keep calm and focus on keeping everyone safe. He was stuck for however long without even knowing if Tallulah was still alive. He was cared for by Phil and Missa and then Missa needed to leave while Phil had to figure out how to take care of Tallulah with Chayenne. He wouldn't necessarily blame his dads, but a kid wants attention. A kid would love to feel special care from their parents more. But no, Chayenne needed to push aside his wants because others need more care and protection. Maybe not intentionally forced by others into the leader role, but he got into the role and people listened, so people started perceiving him as the one in charge if things happened to the eggs. But it's not like he's immune from all the bullshit they've been going through just because he's not acting out like some others. He's been carrying a heavy weight on his shoulders by staying in the protector role. He loves his siblings and wants them safe, but he's tired and wants to be cared for back instead of simply being looked up to as a leader. He doesn't want pure idolization or criticisms in doing his "job"- he just. He needs a break.
Philza, god bless him, the man's gotta deal with all this bullshit happening on the island while still caring for his eggs. The kids say he's a wonderful dad while Phil says he's been shit at it if he didn't notice them feeling this way or not caring sooner. He does care, but Rose told him he needed to recover his lost courage for a reason. He's understandably terrified of everything that could kill the eggs, that could kill or take him away from being able to be with his kids again, but he needs to regain the confidence he once had in himself to be able to face things stronger too. But that's... It feels bad saying things like that.
Like father like son, I guess. They both just want to rest. But Tallulah's tired of being given rest. That's what most people seem to tell her to do while everyone else goes off to do all the important shit. She can't do the important things because she "can't" fight. She's changed. Chayenne's change. God, Philza's changed from what the Ender King and Rose saw of him before QSMP.
I don't know a solution for this, I don't think a solution could be easily made when there are factors outside of this family's control affecting them. I know they talked it out by the end, but I'm still worried yet intrigued by how things might continue on. The dynamic between the two eggs just tickles my brain in the fun way. I don't think I tend to focus so hard on things that aren't my own OCs- usually I take what happens in a thing and use it as inspiration for my own stuff. But these two are just... I want them to be okay in the end. I want to see Tallulah being allowed to be the strong badass she wants to prove herself to be while still accepting that people care for her in a way that they'd be willing to risk a lot for her too. I want to see Chayenne being allowed to relax, to take the backseat and have fun while not needing to worry about shit messing up their entire lives. I want to see Philza being able to take the kids on adventures and just being able to have a good time with them without the terror of everything threatening their damn lives.
I want for them to be okay and they're trying. Damn it, they're trying as much as they can to be okay for everyone else too.
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backpocketkazoo · 1 year
If your still doin Psychonauts self ship content then how about some Edgar Teglee or Fred Bonaparte x reader hcs (there’s like no self ship content for any of the characters much less the thorny towers patients)
I’m doing both of em cuz I’m here to provide 😋
🎨Edgar Teglee General HCs🎨
💜 I feel like this is obvious but he loves drawing you and gifting you art.
-> You’re his default subject. Like I said, he LOVES drawing you :-]
-> He’ll also gift you art that he just thinks you’ll like.
-> His love language is gift giving & words of affirmation >:-]
💜 Edgar feels as if he needs to impress you all the time. This may be rooted in a fear that you’ll grow bored of him if he doesn’t.
-> You reassure him that isn’t true!!
💜 He can be a little protective over you around people he doesn’t know or trust.
(That old relationship got him MESSED up bro😭)
-> Other than that he’s a HUGE softie.
GUYS whatever you do DONT imagine Edgar teasing you by grabbing ahold of your face and smearing a bit of paint on you. Then you have a moment where he’s washing the paint off you with a warm washcloth!:! Don’t Do it Guys!!😦
Ok babygirl Fred time 😎
💌Fred Bonaparte General HCs💌
♥️ For starters, if you weren’t aware, Waterloo by ABBA? 100% Fred and his love interest. Listen this song got me giggling and twirling my hair 😭
Mind animatics go crazy to this song lemme tell you 😭😭
Abba had the Fred selfshippers in mind when they wrote this in 1973 /j
♥️ His love language is acts of service and quality time !!
♥️ Ok hear me out. Fred doodling your name in pretty and cutesy calligraphy in his spare time. (additionally? the paper is adorned with lil hearts he drew? <3)
♥️ Fred doesn’t realize he’s falling for you until it’s too late oops.
-> He’d get bashful when thinking ab you. And won’t openly admit that he caught feelings. “Oh we’re just friends!”, he says but then proceeds to look at you the way the moon looks at the sun.
♥️ If you call Fred any french terms of endearment; i.e. mon chéri, mon amour, etc, he’s speechless. He is torn between his disdain for french & his infatuation with you (spoiler alert you win).
-> there’s just something about you?? he wasn’t sure what it was..
♥️ Fred constantly hovers behind you. Just hold his hand. It’ll make him feel a bit better. It lets him know that you’re still there.
So there’s this lil scenario that I rotate around in my head like a microwave where both Fred and Y/n work at thorney towers back in the day.
They don’t really know each other but they admire each other work from a distance because they’re both too shy to say anything.
You two gradually getting to know each other.
Thinking about the asylum courtyard in it’s prime. Or even walking down to the shore. Awkward yet sweet hangouts. Accidentally brushing up against each other and turning bright red, avoiding eye contact. 🤯
Ok that’s all for now
(I lov u thorney towers self ship gang🔥)
(interact if u wish cuz I love hyping you guys up😋💖)
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dear-nyu · 4 months
Okay list of things I wanna do NOT in order of importance or urgency:
Vampire AU illustration
Embroider handkerchief!!
Sona AUs 🥺
VTM Dealmakers art. Norn bby art. Pathetic meow meow and stronk woman friend art.
TESSA COMIC!! it's been sitting unfinisheddd
studies, actually,, i need to get back to those
OCs. It's nearly artfight I gotta get back in the oc spirit-
no but fr i need someone to bother with my ocs cuz I need someone to be also excited about them
Animatics QwQ i miss making those
....comics. Any comics. I need.
Sew skirt!!!! Skirts. Petticoat!!
Finish collab work. (this one's actually in progress)
Buy pattern and attempt to make that 1840s corset. It looks so comfy. I need a proper corset pLS.
Sketchbook for my dear Blu. I have all the materials now. And time too.
Paintings. Just. Any painting. Study or illu or comic idc i miss painting
.......that friendship bracelet I still have not done. Oops.
oh also the linocut homework. That's a thing due next week iirc. probably should check?
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chiliger · 10 months
For the procreate dream animatic you did, how did you do the blurry quick pan over? I love it so much. What are the issues you are facing with the program, is it worth the money?
Gonna have the explanation down below~ Along with my thoughts on the app.
So for the pan over, I used these two frames. They’re basically the same image except I moved them to different ends of the screen. I added a kinda motion effect to the second image by drawing “tails” cuz the app only has guassian blur. The speed they move depends entirely on how many frames on the timeline you give them. I was working at 12fps (frames per second) and set these at one frame each.
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As for the “focus” camera blur on Boil and Numa. There are key frames I used to achieve that effect. First the “camera movement” which was done with moving the animation track layer. Procreate Dreams has a feature called “performance mode” (it’s the circle next to the play button, I forgot to circle that oops) where you move a layer in real time. It took me a few tries to get the movement I was looking for. (The same movement feature was used for Numa falling.)
Second was the filter effects feature where I made the track blur then un-blur like when a camera is trying to focus.
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And yeah, I hope this helps answer your question.
As for my thoughts on the app and whether is worth the money. I would say that is will eventually be worth it. Procreate the company is planning on implementing more updates to the app soon to fix bugs and streamline features. But there are a lot of basic UI stuff that I feel should have been included with the release.
This app is by no means beginner friendly. There is a learning curve to it just like any animation or art program, but the fact that I had to watch tutorials to figure out things like where to find the onion skin, which is an essential tool for animating, it kinda had me a bit frustrated.
There is no selection tool, so you can’t move individual parts of a layer instead of the whole thing (I had to redraw a few things cuz I accidentally made them too big or positioned them too far off). At the moment there is no pen stabilization, which is important for a lot of people. And, something I have found important for my own workflow, is that I can’t expand frames. I do initial storyboards one after the other then figure out the timing after. But with Procreate Dreams, you either need to know off the bat how long you want your frames to be, or move frames on the track one by one to make space.
Overall, the Procreate Dreams app is great, and it will improve with time just like Procreate. I do wish the company had already included basic functions from the get-go, like camera movement, but I’m sure that will be added in the near future along with a lot of other things people are asking for.
✨If you want my recommendation on a really good animation app that feels more polished and has more basic features, then look at ToonSquid. It’s half the price of Procreate Dreams, and though there still is a learning curve, you can figure it out just by clicking around. Though I will say that the creator’s youtube tutorial is an important watch to really get your flow going.
My only gripe with ToonSquid is that it doesn’t have a blur feature, and the vector brushes could be better. But that’s kinda superficial at best and the creator has it on the list for a future update.
So yeah, if you’re getting into animation, I’d say skip Procreate Dreams for now and use ToonSquid.
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Week 3, Sept 20th - 27th
My animatic is now finished and can be viewed below. Originally, the story I had in mind ended up being a whopping 6 minutes in length. Oops.
It has now been shortened to 4 minutes. This is still longer than the 3 minute film goal, however most of the shots are held ones that consist of the same subject being in frame for about 8 - 10 seconds, and that is where the extra minute is coming from.
This adjustment from 6 minutes to 4 will allow me to reallocate my time appropriately to work on other aspects of my project, and also cut some elements out all together (such as many of the additional props I had planned to model this week). Ultimately I think this decision will be better for the final product, though I wish I could have made it the total 6 minutes.
Some shots may seem out of place or abrupt because of this after-the-fact adjustment. I did not want to redraw the frames that needed more context (for example, the introduction of the red-yellow butterfly, which originally had much more of an entrance than appearing next to the red one) but I hope to use close-up shots to re-add emphasis. Instead of redrawing this, focused my time on building an asset for the project this week.
This week I aimed to model, texture, and rig both butterflies for my animation. I ended up completing one, which I can copy and edit to create the second butterfly.
I didn't have time to re-texture the second butterfly with the appropriate shaders needed to create the emissive effect of the wings. However, now that I have less props to rig this week, I can give it extra time without delaying my production schedule.
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Last year I made a butterfly as well that was essentially a flat plane with a simple picture texture and a toon shader. This year, I want my animation to have a more realistic feeling to it, so I tried to replicate the texture of a real butterfly wing more accurately.
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The base mesh of my character was something else I worked on this week. It still needs a head, hands, and the feet need more work, but I will continue this week. I didn't want to add too much detail to the body model, aside from making sure there will be sufficient geometry and edge loops for rigging and weighting accurately.
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Lastly, this week I tested grass textures. I like how the image looks on the blades as a collective, and with some modifications to the base geo of the grass when I'm creating the MASH network it will look more realistic while still having that slightly stylized look that I admire.
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To-do for next week:
Finish base model
Modify current butterfly for second
Start modelling clothing, mask, shoes, and other accessories for character
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averlym · 4 years
get down you dirty rascal
a wipling! small short animation im so ridiculously proud of!
#okay so maybe im just a tad bit in love with anna and genesis. not that i didnt love them before but seeing the final thingy so far made me#////// and that's a good sign i suppose! also THE STUDIO CAST DESERVES MORE LOVE like aaaaa!??! something about them and the cast recording#makes me soft. you know comfort food? this is like the singy version of it that makes me nostalgic and happy and sad and filled with#such desperate longing for something and makes early morning/late night hours nice (also its 3am oops)#but IM SO HAPPY HOW THIS TURNED OUT?? i was watching youtube and went hold on i should do something instead and drew an old storyboard i ha#also some frames had to be cut for timing which is sad but at least i had too many instead of too little and didnt have to draw more#i have also learnt that timing the frames to the audio means you have to change what timings you originally had and audio covers slip-ups#like the hand grabby thing was originally faster but because it fits with the audio it looks fine and the iffy bit becomes negligible#videos dont seem to get as many notes? it's either because of low quality or just preference for the medium to be still images#im considering making a taglist for my animatic nonsense because i need to scream about this with people#maybe i'll make a youtube channel once i figure out how it works because in tumblr i'm kinda scared people will question me like:#why do you post these in tumblr instead of youtube?#same reason i dont use insta im comfier on tumblr and it clicked for me and i have so many lovely friends here#this truly is a passion project for me and it means much more and every time i post one of these i get soft#i think i sorta get what frogling said about passion. just a bit. i've had friends tell me i light up and get enthu and excited and bouncy#and that's how i feel about this i feel so happy working on these and making these (especially now im okay with doing short bits at a time)#and finishing feels so good. and notes kinda make my mood swing but for this even if it isnt as popular i keep going back to it in the end#again and again and still continuing because of genuine interest and love for what i'm doing#it makes me feel alive and happy in a way i haven't felt for quite a while now#six the musical#six the musical fanart#six the musical animatic#anna of cleves#wiplings#animatic adventures
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someone1348 · 3 years
CLINGYDUO!!! ahhhh! Okay! Okay! I'll be quiet now! I love them so much!!
Thank you @kasey-writes-stuff for helping me choose the fic and Lee! For this one! You're the best Kasey woop woop! Hehe /p /gen /pos
People in this!: Lee!Tubbo, Ler!Tommy ( a small Lani moment too!)
An Irl fic today! I can't wait!
Tw: some cursing, other than that none!
With all that being said enjoyyyy! :]
Intresting Reaction
Today was the day!!! After years of knowing each other and months of being on the Dream smp together Tommy was finally going to meet his best mate Tubbo! In real life!! He was bouncing off the walls, this last minute plan was the best decision anyone could have ever made ever!
Now the trip there wasn't too far but it was still long, So for the remainder of the time in the car Tommy filmed a bit for his video, that he was most definitely going to upload as soon as he got back! And couldn't stop his leg from bouncing up and down with excitement when the GPS stated that they were nearing his final destination. He was going to meet Tubbo and Wilbur! This was the best day ever!!
Once Tommy had arrived the two shared a quick hug and many high fives. Tommy got a tour of the Tub House! And said hello to his siblings while the parents talked, It was already alot of fun but the fun had only just begun!
The two took off to the beach once they got the go ahead. Tommy filmed their sea adventure as the blonde tried to stand up on the paddle board ultimately making the two of them fall over into the water.
"I survived guys, I'm alive" Tommy stated as he pointed the camera towards himself. The two had some great laughs and genuinely enjoyed the well needed company.
As Tubbo tried to get back on the board to sail them back to land Tommy splashed the bee boy with some of the sea water as Tubbo scolded him for it, splashing the blonde back, the two kept pushing each other off and were having a great time, once the two settled a bit Tubbo let Tommy sit on the end of the board watching the sea life beneath them as Tubbo paddled them both back to shore.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Tubbo said with a gentle smile as Tommy hummed with a smile in response watching the fish go by
"You've got a great place and area man! Im jealous!" He joked as Tubbo giggled with him
"You're welcomed here anytime big man"
Tommy's smile grew wider before the board hit the rocks, "Alrighty, off my ship!"
"Pfft!" Tommy laughed, getting off and helping Tubbo carry the board back to his place.
After getting told off in a loving and joking way for entering the house soaking wet from swimming around in the ocean the two changed into some dry clothes chilling in Tubbo's room before Tommy's big brain sparked an idea
"You wanna stream? Chat wouldn't ever suspect a thing, I'll stream from your account! Please! It'll be so cool!"
Tubbo laughed and got out of his chair for Tommy to sit and get everything ready, "sounds good to me!"
Thus started the Tommyinit tradition of streaming on everyone's account that he met up with with their set up and things!
Tommy shouted as the starting soon screen turned to Tommy's face in Tubbo's room on his account
"Sup Stream!"
The chat was going nuts! It was great!
"Im with, im with Bitch boy"
Tubbo made a face at him before they logged onto the dream smp to hang out, maybe do some pranks, it was going great!
"'This is wholesome', no its not!" Tommy said reading out some of the chat as Tubbo's character walked along prime path.
It was perfect, they were watching animatics and having a great time until Tommy got too excited and accidentally kicked Tubbo's pc which accidentally ended the stream, oops!
"Im so sorry Tubbo!"
"It's all good mate!"
It was fixed in no time but they didn't feel like starting a new stream, they both just wanted to enjoy time together so that's exactly what they did
The two went back to the beach, just to walk it this time. They walked and talked about all sorts of things from serious to silly they were really enjoying every minute!
"Look at this one Tubs!" Tommy had picked up a beautiful dusted ruby colored rock, the color was perfect faint enough and shined beautifully with the sun
"Oooo" the pair admired it before Tubbo showed the blonde a beautiful faint yellow one he found
"That ones huge! I love it!"
"Wanna throw it?"
"Hell yeah!!"
Shoving some seaglass into their pockets as well the two decided to head back before it got too late, the sun was slowly getting ready to fall with the moon patiently awaiting their performance in the sky.
"Lani?!" The blonde called out to his best friends younger sister as she walked over to the pair
"Here you go!" Tommy smiled handing her the ruby rock as she smiled and thanked him, heading to her room to put it on her desk.
"You gave it to Lani?" Tubbo giggled a bit rasing his eyebrow
"What!? I thought she'd like it! Buzz off man" Tommy giggled pushing Tubbo in the process
"Im messing with you that was lovely of you Toms" the brunette ruffled the youngers hair as Tommy grumbled before they walked back to Tubbo's room.
Tubbo was his best friend, his family was like his second family so that's why he wanted to give Lani the rock. Both boys knew that and Tubbo agreed that Tommy was family and that Tommy's parents were his second family too! And he couldn't be more happy about that fact.
So happy in fact that Tubbo gave Tommy a hug out of nowhere, his actions were of course returned by the blonde but still he questioned the brunette anyway
"Whahat was that for?"
"Felt like it"
Tubbo answered as the blonde giggled once more, the two went out to move their TV party to the living room couch when Tubbo's parents announced they were going to head out with Tubbo's siblings for a bit.
Throwing back on their favorite show the pair smiled in this shared comfortable scilence, just them and the tv, no cameras in their face or people to interact with, a bit of peace if you will,
Short-lived peace if anything. In the scilence Tubbo had shifted his head down onto Tommy's shoulder the blonde looking at him smiling with his eyebrow raised before turning his attention back to the TV.
"what happened to not being good with physical affection big man?” Tommy stated, his eyes still glued to the tv as Tubbo audibly growled jokingly, his peace disrupted by this question,
"Comfy" Tubbo said with a jokingly annoyed tone making Tommy giggle
"Im comfy?"
"Good to know, but this isn't all man, you've been extra touchy and Clingy today, I thought that stuff bothered you?" Tommy was still being lighthearted but it was a genuine question, he didn't want to make Tubbo uncomfortable is all, that's why he asked too
Tubbo pushed and practically headbutted his head further into Tommy's shoulder as the blonde giggled a bit louder
"Ahahalright I'll drop it" Both smiling wide things were going good, except soon Half-way through this one episode Tommy needed to move but he didn't want to disturb Tubbo so he bounced his leg until he stated to the brunette
"Tubs I love ya pal and I love this platonic affection that's going on but I gotta move so either you get your head off my shoulder or you get removed by force" he half jokingly stated giggling a bit as Tubbo smirked and shook his head 'no'
"You can't evict me from my house Tommy, your shoulder is my house now and I'm not leaving weather you like it or not!" The brunette joined in the fun giggling a bit too before Tommy smiled
"Suit yourself" the taller of the two had begun to push at the smaller's head but alas he wouldn't budge! That's when he decided to move down and push his side to get him off.
The noise Tubbo made shocked not only Tommy but himself as well
"Tubbooo~ what was thatt?~"
"Nothing!" He was quick to respond scrambling away from his former "house" as he moved down the couch, Tommy followed with a smirk until he his back hit the end of the couch
"T-tommy! Let's talk about this!"
His smirk only grew as he lowly chuckled at his right hand man "Excellent! We will talk about it! Answer me this then since you really want to talk about it, Are you Ticklish Tubbo?~"
"Whaaaat! ME! Never! How dare you suspect such a thing!"
Tommy laughed a little while wiggling his fingers teasingly at the other "oh yeah? You're not ticklish? Mind if we test that theory out mate?"
"N-noho need! Bossman heheh!" Tubbo was practically in a ball at this point at the end of the couch as he watched Tommy's wiggling fingers got closer and closer to him getting ready to attack at any moment!
"What's wrong Tubs? You seem nervous, afraid that my wiggly fingers are gonna tickle tickle tickle all over your tickle spots? I thought you didn't have any? Tubbo! Don't tell me you lied to me now?~"
A hue of crimson circled Tubbo's face before he blurted out his hands in front of him for protection
"Wahait! Tohohoms! I didn't mean to-"
"Do you know what happens to people that lie to me Tubbo?"
"They get,,,,Tickled!!" And with that Tommy's quick hand wiggled all ten tickly fingers into the smaller's sides as Tubbo kicked his legs out rolling from side to side to try and escape Tommy's tickly wrath.
"Yes Tubbo? That's my name!" He quickly skittered over the exposed skin on his sides that was created from all of the rolling,
"EEE! NOHohOHoT FaHaHaiR!" Tubbo continued to giggle away grabbing at Tommy's hands in the process to try and push them away, nothing worked but honestly he wasn't complaining.
"Oh I think this is plenty fair Tubso seeing as you lied to me" he continued this bit he was doing, smiling brightly as he skittered up Tubbo's ribs, towards his underarms.
"Tickletickletickletickletickle!" Tommy giggled saying the word tickle on repeat in a baby voice as he skittered up and down and back up Tubbo's ribs making sure to get the in between areas of his ribcage as well leaving no spot untickled
"TOHOhoOHMMY!!!" Tubbo's legs softly pounded the couch behind the pair as Tommy evilly giggled "IhIhiHiM SOHOhohorryy!! HEHE!"
Tommy smirked "good! Im glad you have admitted to your mistakes now laugh for me bee boy!" He giggled wiggling his fingers into Tubbo's underarms as they shot down to his sides with ease and speed.
"HAHAhahaha!!" Tubbo wiggled a bit before letting his body fall fate to the tickles
Tommy sat smiling wider, seeing his best friend happy was all he ever needed.
"You've trapped my hands Tubbo! What am I supposed to do now!" He stopped wiggling them for a minute while Tubbo got his breathy giggles out,
"Gehehet them ouhuHAHA-OUT! THOHOHOMMYY!! HEHE!" Wiggling his fingers once again Tommy laughed along with him
"You've gotta release my hands Tubs!"
"TOhHoMmY! PLEheAse!"
"Okay okahay!" Tommy got his hands out from Tubbo's underarms rasing them up to quickly move them only inches away from the brunettes stomach.
"T-Thohohommy! Please don't!"
"Don't what Tubbo?"
"Tihickle me! WAIT!-"
"Tickle you? I'd be happy too! Tickletickletickletickle I gotcha now Tubbo!"
"Hey Tubs do you like raspberries? Because I think they're delicious!" He took a deep breath in before blowing the biggest raspberry ever on the center of Tubbo's stomach shaking his golden locks around with it to make it tickle more.
"Hahaha ahahalright! Im all done big man!" He rubbed away the ghost tickles before helping him sit back up, the tv still going with a show that's now long forgotten by the pair as Tubbo continued giggling with his breath and placing himself right back on to Tommy's shoulder.
"Im glad you liked it Tubs"
"It was obvious but don't worry I won't tell or say anything to anyone, and between you and me I don't mind it either but that's for another day"
"Pfft, lee!"
"I am not! If anything you're the lee here bee boy! More like lee boy!"
The two joked before Tubbo poked Tommy's face "shush, sleep time"
"Sounds good king, sleep well my friend!"
"You too Tommy you too"
It wasn't long before Tommy did eventually fall asleep along with him, Tubbo's parents putting a blanket over them letting them sleep in peace, they deserved it, it was so great to see the pair finally meet in person, it was a day and night they would never forget!
I hope you all enjoyedd! I added a small headcannon in of my own for this one but I had so much fun writing it! There is more to come but feel free to send in a prompt in the asks for me to write! I would love to write them! Treat yourselves, drink water, take care of yourselves and have a great day my friends! :]
-K <3
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askerror87 · 3 years
Concept Art!
Been a while since I've used this tag, huh? Sorry for the wait- a lot of things happened in a very short amount of time, and oops 8 months late on my own animatic-
(Don't worry, my girlfriend understands why it's late and we're- @chroama-the-brute and @mug-o-matcha, thanks for still being along with the ride- doing our damndest to get this monster done)
About... 15-20 seconds need to be redone because I just... do not like what was going on before, so here's some of my concept art for the redone frames, along with some screenshots of some all-new ones :>
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I'm not entirely sure how professionals do this but I don't think they sketch their initial frames out in notebook paper sdffdskjfdsjds
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azems-familiar · 3 years
hello! are there any songs you associate with any of the kotor characters? (totally not asking bc my brain is hungry for animatic ideas haha,,)
first things first, i will direct you to my twelve hour Revan playlist that i use for writing vibes, it's a mixture of vocal and instrumental and it has both a bunch of Revan songs for different eras of Revan, plus revalek songs, plus some revastila songs, plus some songs that just vibe.... it's good and most of the songs i'm about to highlight, if not all of them, are on there already.
first things first, i need to introduce you to the title song for my mandalorian wars fic, oblivion by the aviators! god, this song doesn't fit all Revans perfectly, but it fits mine so well it was like it'd been written for her specifically, i swear. listening to the song was what inspired me to write the fic to begin with (and now i have a whole series oops). i mean, come on, look at the chorus:
Let the broken heroes rise Let the victors take their prize No one wins when justice dies War has let this age begin It's where we've gone and where they've been What a state that we're in Here in oblivion
can't look at that and tell me that isn't Jedi Knight Revan and the war that broke them.
next up!! liar by the arcadian wild, my beloved. this song is currently my top all time on spotify, closely followed by the song i'm going to rec after it and then achilles come down - and the fact that anything unseated achilles for the top spot should tell you something. (and if you don't know what achilles come down is look it up that one's on my playlist too.) this is a really good one for Revan's slow fall down, the corruption arc - again, all of the songs i'm mentioning really fit my own versions of the characters best, but they're just good in general. some of the lyrics i enjoy from this one:
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hnext up, we have it all by pim stones. this particular one feels very revalek to me, early in the Sith years when they still maybe had good intentions, maybe after the war but before becoming Darth. there's this softer, almost desperate tone to the way the singer sings it that just hits me hard - this is the song i'm using as the title for my Sith years interlude fic! a lyric snippet:
All my life I've been heading for hell But never had I thought I'd drag you down as well I just couldn't resist what he was trying to sell
There's glory ahead but our love will be forgotten If my heart was still mine I would go to the bottom And apologise to you until the day it went rotten
next up we have the balancer's eye by lord huron, which is the song i named my series after (have you noticed a trend yet?). it's a very Revan vibe in general, and while i'm not as much of a fan of the style, the lyrics are really excellent!
Nothing's waiting for us in the great sky Life is equal to dust in the balancer's eye Now I know that I can't lift an old curse Tell me, how does a man change the universe?
Will I ever be forgiven for the crime of my life? Will it haunt me 'til I die?
mmm let's see what next. OH! go to war by nothing more. this is just straight up a Sith years song for revalek, whether you ship them or not - they were important to each other either way! ..... i am not going to tangent into yelling about revalek. that is not what this is for. anyway, the song itself is a) a banger and b) talking about love corrupting and falling apart and it just. it hits, man
Do we censor? Do we flow? Are we drunk on the chemicals? Every feeling in my bones Tells me to lash out and tell you to fuck off You've got my heart and I've got your soul But are we better off alone? With every battle we lose a little more Remember everything that we'd die for You are everything that I'd die for
oooh NEXT we have the song i was going to use for my Jaw Scene before i decided to write a full sith years fic. saints by echos is the song, and again, we've got Sith years Revan and Malak here (yes yes i have a type), the vibes of losing faith and anger and it blends really well with how Revan basically played off being a legendary figure to the Republic to fuel their war against it!
You were standing there like an angry god Counting out my sins just to cross them off Saying that my tongue was too loud to trust And that my blood couldn't keep you
My dear, you're not so innocent You're fooling Heaven's gates So you won't have to change You're no saint, you're no savior
mmmm okay the discord has informed me that ten (10) songs is the maximum i should do in one post so. i will only do four more. chrysalis - the last breath by delain is yet another Sith Revan and Malak song and honestly you can read it as a response to the song above, if you think of saints from Malak's pov and chrysalis from Revan's, they mesh really well together.
Hey, are you still mad? About the time We almost went too far I know your regrets In my defense; By now, it's just a scar That distracts you from Your broken heart Like you wanted it to do How do you feel? I don't... How do you know? You won't... To let go of you I will try Until my last breath How do you feel? I don't... How do you know? You won't... To let go I promise I will fight
next! for a complete change of pace, i have a revastila song for you - warrior by beth crowley. it somehow manages to capture exactly the dynamic i think of in my head when i think about Bastila, the uncertainty, the forbiddeness of it, but the way Revan ultimately strengthens her and she strengthens Revan
You fascinated me Cloaked in shadows and secrecy The beauty of a broken angel
I ventured carefully Afraid of what you thought I'd be But pretty soon, I was entangled
You take me by the hand I question who I am
uhhhhhh i am desperately trying to think of songs that aren't just about Revan but instead here i am with another Mandalorian Wars Revan song, what did we know by rachel rose mitchell! this song was introduced to me by the same friend who sent me oblivion, and it really captures the fall of the Mandalorian wars incredibly well imo - the way it started with righteousness but ended in pain (compassion leading to destruction and that's a ramble i'm not going on here either), and there's this line in there that i'm not including in my snippet that's what scares me more than anything / if we could choose the past / we'd probably choose the same and it's like. yes! that's it! i'm going to once again go insane over the scene in the Korriban tomb in kotor 2!!! knowing the price.... would you choose to do it all again........ aaaaaaaa
It's been so long since we began. It seems so long ago That in the name of loyalty We started on our own. Answering the call of a house we once called home, We knew that we were right. What did we know?
We swore that we understood this wasn't a game, But somehow we found ourselves fanning the flames. Those who cautioned and abandoned us, they were the same. I saw them turn away.
the final song i'm doing is the song i used when i wrote the Betrayal scene from Malak's pov, the little things give you away by linkin park. this one just. it vibes, it vibes hard, goes really into the actual grief of betrayal, and also has a super epic instrumental solo so there's that. as usual, lyric snippet:
Don't want to reach for me, do you? I mean nothing to you The little things give you away But now there will be no mistaking The levees are breaking
All you've ever wanted Was someone to truly look up to you And six feet under water, I do
All you've ever wanted Was someone to truly look up to you And six feet underground now I Now I do
god okay now that you're completely overwhelmed and never want to talk to me again....... i should've probably put this under a readmore but eh. thanks for the ask!
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red-becca · 3 years
The History Of Wrong Guys
If you wanna know where I got inspiration for this, either listen to the song with the same title or watch a Creek animatic with the same title, as well. I actually did write a Creek one before. Back when Red was just a background character and a Craig punching bag. But now, Red is her own character for me. I actually wish I could draw/ animate bc I want an animatic of this. But writing about it is good too.
Second, I see Tweek and Red as besties... Just cause. For funsies. I did it back when Red and Craig were cousins and I still do it now because I see it as an interesting dynamic.
And last thing, before you go at me, the list of wrong guys at the near end is just crackships I may have shipped at some point and just put there for fun, hehe. So, yeah. Please, don't come at me.
"Thanks again for managing to get me a job here, Tweek! Now, we get to hang out twice as much now without me feeling like I disrupt your work!" Red laughed as she waited for Tweek to finish tying her apron from behind.
"Pft..." Tweek jokingly tied her apron really tight on her waist, making her let out a small noise of pain. "Yeah, well... You can thank me for getting you this job by working hard, alright? Not by ogling at boys. Which I know is the real reason you got this job..." He playfully rolled his eyes before giving her a wink. "Also, you never disrupted me at work, girlfriend. In fact, I'm glad to have a girl best friend like you who takes the time to visit me during work."
Red let out a long breath as she untied the tight knot he made, tying it up herself properly. "So much for helping me with this apron..." She pouted then snickered, giving him an eye- roll back. "And please... That is the last thing I'll be doing. I am so done with guys now after what happened with my last boyfriend. I've had too many boyfriends at this point that I could write a whole book about them." She rolled her eyes again, putting her hands on her hips.
Tweek just gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Red, don't you worry. You'll find that right guy who'll sweep you off your feet, I just know it. I mean, just look at me. I'm not exactly the typical uber masculine male nor am I... Okay, you get the point. I don't want you berating me about bringing myself down and all. Ironic, really, since you do it a lot to yourself." He rolled his eyes afterwards.
"Mmm, no, not really..." Red laughs softly at him, making the blonde sigh heavily. "What? You didn't really make a clear point, okay?"
"Fine. My point is that... We all get a chance at finding the right person for us, no matter who we are." Tweek smiled before snickering. "Like take Craig as an example... For being such an asshole, he got a long- time boyfriend. Then again, I'm not that purely nice, either. But you get my point now, right?"
The redhead just rolls her eyes at the mention of the raven's name, making her exit the employee's room before him. "Ugh, please... Asshole is an understatement to what Craig is. Fucking asks me to be his girlfriend and yet he never treated me like I was... Why I stupidly said yes back then, I have no idea..." She sighed as she sat behind the counter, resting her head on the palm of her hands. "And how you get him to treat you so nicely, I don't know either."
Tweek just chuckled at her actions. "Well, that's how true love works. This might sound really corny but we end up acting differently around the person we love."
"So, what you're saying is that Craig never loved me when he asked me out back then?" She playfully pouted at him as he nodded at her. "Okay, ouch. Brutal honesty that I already knew. But still, ouch." She pretended to look hurt, putting a hand on her chest.
"Mmm, yes. No point in sugar coating things for you, Red." Tweek pinches one of her cheeks hard. "You're a big girl now, after all."
"Gah! Hey!" Red groaned, slapping his hand away. "So, are we working or what?! Seems like I'm just even more of a distraction now that I'm working with you!"
He snickered. "Well, yes. Go on and do the honors of opening up, then. Since you're so excited to get to work and stuff..." Tweek stood behind the counter, right next to where she was standing.
"Tch, well... I don't just want to paid for not doing anything, you get me?" She raised a brow at him, turning the sign at the door as she did so. And she was gonna say more to him until she heard a thud from the door, making her jump. "Jesus Christ!"
A tall looking male wearing glasses was the person who bumped into the shop's doors, giving the girl who was looking at him from inside a small wave before going inside himself. "Heh, sorry about that, Red... Still getting used to these glasses of mine..." He said as he adjusted them. "Ironic how I need them to see yet ever since I started wearing them, I bump into stuff more..."
Red blinked rapidly, giving the stranger in front of her a confused look. "I, uh... It's okay, I guess?" She let out nervous laughter. "I'm sorry, but who are you? And how do you know my name?"
"Red, are you serious? I get glasses and suddenly you don't recognize me? Wow, Superman's disguise actually works, then." He snickered, taking off his glasses for her to recognize him. "It's me! Kevin!"
The female went red soon after she realized who it was, giving him a quick onceover. "Kevin?! As in... Kevin Stoley?! No way! When did you get so much more taller?! And hotter too?! I mean-!" She immediately covered her mouth after she said that.
Kevin started blushing with her, nervously rubbing the back of his neck as he puts his glasses back on. "Heh, yeah... That's me. Kevin Stoley, the name my parents gave me. And wow... You really think I'm all that? Thanks, I guess... We've only not seen each other for like a month... I couldn't have changed that much, have I?" He looks back at her with a shy smile.
His smile got her heart racing, opening her mouth as she tried to say something but nothing came out. "I... Uh... Yes?" She managed to squeak out, giving him a few shy giggles as she rubbed the back of her head.
"Well... As long as it's a good change, I guess it's fine..." He replied, chuckling once before everything between them suddenly became awkwardly quiet.
That was until Kevin's friends came into the store after him, Bradley smacking him behind his back as he passed him. "We're gonna be sitting over there if you need us, alright?" He said, pointing to the table where two other people have just sat in. "Though we don't mind if you take a while... What with you being distracted and all that~" He teased which immediately got him a punch on the shoulder from Kevin.
Kevin gave out nervous laughter, dismissing what Bradley said with a frantic waving of his hand. "Ignore what my friend just said there, Red. I'll be back with all my friends' orders, okay?" He gave her the same smile from earlier before running off back to his friends.
Red sighed happily as she watched him walk away, a hand on her chest as her heart started to race again and a small smile formed on her face.
"Well, well, well~ Guess who's ogling a guy at work after she said she wouldn't?" Tweek teased as he stood behind her. "Also, told ya that you would find the guy that would sweep you off your feet, Red~ Just didn't think it would happen right after I said it." He chuckled, patting her shoulder.
Red scoffed out loud as her hair matched her face, brushing his hand away from her shoulder. "Tch! No, I'm not! What are you even talking about? Nuh-uh! No way! I'm just surprised to see him again! That is all and it! End of story!" She huffed, grabbing a broom and started to angrily sweep the floor.
Tweek sighed at this, playfully shaking his head. "Alright, you fucking tsundere. Whatever you say there..." He gave a playful eyeroll before walking back to the counter.
"I am not a tsundere!" Red yelled on the top of her lungs, making Kevin and his friends look her way. "Oops, sorry about that, you guys!" She nervously laughed at them.
Tweek chuckled softly at this, trying not to burst into laughter at her actions. "Pft, sure, you aren't a tsundere... But you definitely are an idiot with how you're holding that broom in your hands..."
"Huh?" She looked at the broom in her hands and went bright red when she saw that she was holding it upside down. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" She mumbled to herself as she cleaned the floor while holding the broom properly this time.
"Okay, girl... Time to focus on doing a good job at this job of yours... No distractions..." She said inside her head, only to immediately get distracted to wave at Kevin. The redhead shook her head and slapped her face repeatedly in hopes of getting her to focus. "Oh, no! No! Girl, don't you dare! I swear to God, I am warning you!"
She groaned at her thoughts, making her look back at Kevin again. "Fuck... No... You are definitely crushing on him, girl! But you can't! You shouldn't! And yet... Here you are falling for him..." Red bites her bottom lip as she looks and stares at Kevin before shaking her head again, a small smile on her face. "I mean... Why not, right? This shouldn't hurt..."
Red continued thinking to herself as she went back to sweeping the floor, her thoughts being on how women have been making bad choices since the beginning. And she wondered if Kevin was going to be another one of hers, making her sigh and get lost in her thoughts.
So lost in her thoughts, she was unable to notice Kevin walking over to her again which makes her bump into him accidentally. "Oh my God! I am so sorry!" She shouted, panicking as she got back into reality and also, continuously apologized to him.
Instead of being weirded by this though, Kevin just chuckled. "Red, Red... It's okay, calm down. I did just randomly sneak up on you and all that..." He reassured her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She let out a small squeak at what he did, making her blush heavily and shyly look away from him.
"Anyway... I was going to tell you my friends' orders and mine but seeing as you seem to be not feeling well, I might just tell them to Twe-" Kevin was about to walk towards the counter but Red was quick to stop him by grabbing him by his arm.
Red immediately cuts him off, grabbing a notepad from her pockets and then the pencil from her ear. "Oh, no! There will be no need for that, Kevin! I'm fine, really! So, please... Tell me what your order will be." She gave him a small smile.
He gave her a smile back along with a nod before telling her what him and his friends have ordered. "You got everything?" He asked as he finished with telling his order, raising a brow when he saw Red just staring at him. "Umm, Red? Everything okay? Is there... something on my face? In my teeth, maybe?" Kevin wiped his face to see if there was anything on his face.
"Hmm?" Red snaps out of her dazed state, shaking her head to get herself feeling normal. "Oh, no! You have nothing in your face, Kevin! You're fine! So fine even!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, blushing madly in realization at what she yelled. "Anyway! Yes! I got everything you told me written down! I'll be the one who personally delivers your order to you once it's ready!" She nervously laughed and gave him a quick wave before walking back towards the counter.
As Kevin watched her walk away, an idea suddenly came to his head. "Hey, wait! Red! Can I ask you for one more thing?"
"Kev!" She suddenly yelled in shock, making her cover her mouth again then turning to face him again. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry about that... Yes? What is it, Kevin?"
"Well, uh..." He suddenly got tongue tied, laughing nervously while rubbing his neck. "I was hoping that maybe... I don't know... Hang out during a break or... You know, after your shift is done with..." He nervously swung one of his legs back and forth. "That is if you want to, obviously..."
"Oh, wow... Really?" She got flustered at his request, a small nod coming from him at her question. "Why, yes! I would love to! Sure thing! You got it!" She gave him a few awkward finger guns while walking backwards.
"Alright! Sounds great!" He gave her a small smile along with a thumbs up before heading back towards his table. "See you later, Red!"
Red gave the Kevin's order to Tweek before looking back at Kevin with a loving stare. "Kev..." She took in a deep breath as she sat behind the counter, thinking about nothing but Kevin.
"You know, I used to think you were quite the nerdy, dorky geek... That was a month ago... Look at you now, though! Who exactly is brand new handsome guy I am looking at?" She giggles at her thoughts. "You're actually kinda cute when you're not so shy, Kev..." She sighed happily before turning to Tweek, who had yet another teasing look in face which made Red frown then start helping him with making Kevin's order.
"Are you literally forgetting what you were just lamenting about earlier today, girl? You've literally just been here before! Have you really come back for more?" She looked over at Kevin while still working on the order. "He might just end up being another chapter in your book about the history of wrong guys..."
"Well, then again... He used to be not that much of a catch, right? Not your type whatsoever... But look at him now! He's changed into something I just can't ignore so easily!" She groaned to herself at her dilemma. "Oh, Kevin! Honestly! If only you knew how much I've been hurt like this before! Is there something more to you than what I've always thought?" She huffed before turning her back to Kevin and started helping Tweek with the order. "Oh, whatever... I'll just see if you can surprise me any more than you already have..."
"Hey, Red?" Kevin suddenly approached the counter again, making Red gasp in shock and quickly fix herself before facing him. "Hope I'm not being too much of a bother for telling you this..."
"Oh, no! Are you kidding me? You could never be a bother! So, what is it that you need? If it's about your order, well..." Red grabbed the order that she and Tweek just finished. "Why, we just finished it, actually. Here you go." She smiled as she gave him a tray of his order.
"Oh, why thank you! I'm impressed you two got this to us so quick! What with it being just the two of you..." Kevin laughs a bit while one of his friends grab the tray and bring it to their table. "But, no... You see, in all this excitement, I had completely forgotten to order for Esther. She wants a tall skinny mocha..." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck. "So, yeah... I hope it doesn't bother you and Tweek much if I gave you another order to do..."
"Esther? Who is that? Most likely his girlfriend, right?" Red looked over to Tweek, who just shook his head and had an annoyed look on his face. Then she looked back at Kevin with a smile. "Like I said earlier, you could never be a bother! I will personally do Esther's order myself!" A faint groan from Tweek could be heard. "Esther's mocha... A mocha for Esther... Alright then, no more surprise orders, right?"
He shook his head. "Nope! No more surprises here! And oh, be sure to get it out as soon as you can, if you don't mind? The last thing I want is for Esther to be really mad at me..." Kevin finishes with a hearty laugh.
"Yep, definitely his girlfriend..." She thought to herself, a fake smile hiding the pain she felt. "Oh, don't you worry! I promise you we will get Esther's order ready quickly!" She does the same laugh he did.
Kevin didn't say anything more, just gave her a small nod in response before going back to his table.
Tweek slowly scooched right next to her, leaning close to whisper into her ear. "Yo, Red... I don't mind getting an extra order all of a sudden but... Did you have to reassure Kevin that we could get it out so quickly?" He raised a brow when he noticed that Red wasn't moving. "Uh, Red? Everything okay?" He yelped when the girl suddenly puts her hands on his shoulders.
"He has a girlfriend, Tweek! Waa!" She shook the male around as she freaked out about the revelation. "Why do they have to be so nice when they're..." Red lets him go then looks back to Kevin with a frown. "Unavailable?"
"Kevin? Unavailable? What? Pretty sure he is available because-" Tweek tried to explain to her what Kevin and Esther's relationship but gets cut off by Red.
"Oh, Tweek! Don't get my hopes up like that! I couldn't possibly steal another girl's man! Not again! I am a changed woman, after all! The last thing I wanna be with Kevin is star- crossed lovers! Because well... We all know how that ends..." She made a slicing motion across her neck.
The blond took in deep breaths as he puts a hand on her shoulder. "Look, Red... Listen to me, Esther is-"
"His girlfriend! I know, I know! No need to rub more salt in my wounds!" She whined while Tweek groaned, completely giving up on trying to explain that Esther and Kevin were actually siblings. "But you know what? I'm not gonna let this bother me! In fact, I'm better off without him! We're better off as friends!" She beamed before immediately hugging Tweek and turning into a sobbing mess.
"Shh, shh... It's okay, Red..." He sarcastically cheered her up as he slowly pats her back, hoping she would figure out the truth later seeing as he couldn't be the one to tell her.
Red sniffed as she pulled away, wiping away her tears. Meanwhile, Tweek went back to work in order to get to work on getting Esther's mocha to her. "Damnit, Tweek! I've been hurt like this before! Why does it hurt so much more when it came to Kevin?!" She groaned loudly again before grabbing a photo album from under the counter. "When I said that I have had so many boyfriends that I could make a book about them, I meant it. I really have a book about the guys I have dated who were just the wrong guy..." She sighed as she flipped through the pages of the book where there were old pictures of Red with her exes who were Kenny, Pete, Jimmy, Stan, Craig, Token, Bridon, Kyle, Clyde and Butters. To name a few examples...
"And now, a new addition to the book... Kevin Stoley... Who has a girlfriend named Esther..." Red grumbled underneath her breath, tearing a piece of paper from the book she held in her hands. "Damnit, why am I so damn stupid and easily fall for guys like this?!" She huffed before finding herself angrily eating the paper she tore up.
"Uh, Red?" Kevin suddenly spoke up once he noticed what Red was doing while he picked up Esther's mocha, very confused at what he had just seen and wondering if he had seen something he wasn't supposed to see.
She froze at the sound of his voice, turning to face him then spitting out the paper in her mouth. "Hey, Kevin... How's it hanging?"
"Pretty good, really. Hope you found that paper delicious..." He laughed which makes her blush in embarrassment. "Anyway, I came here because well... My sister would like her receipt, please..."
The word "sister" started echoing in her mind, a smile slowly forming on her face in excitement. The exciting thought in her head caused her to completely space out.
"Umm, Red?" Kevin waved his hand in front of her face, even more confused at what was going on. "Can I get my sister's receipt, please?"
Red simply put a finger up. "Excuse me for one moment, please..." She turned to Tweek with an annoyed expression. "Hey! Did you know that Esther is Kevin's sister?! If you did, why didn't you tell me?!"
Tweek sighed and shook his head. "Look, I tried to tell you earlier about it. But no, you were just too caught up on being heartbroken and stuff..."
"Hmph..." Red huffed, giving Kevin the receipt he wanted. "Here you go, Kevin..."
"Thanks, Red." He smiled at her. "So, uh... Me and my friends are gonna head out now... See you later, I guess?" The male waved before starting to head out.
Red gasped at what she heard, turning to Tweek with a cheesy grin. "Tweek, you know I love you, right?"
He sighed at her words. "Just go on your damn break already, Red... Don't let me stop you..." Tweek chuckled as he shook his head, giving the girl a few pats on her shoulder. "Also, have fun..." He smiled at her.
"Thanks, Tweek! Like I said, I love you!" Red happily beamed, quickly taking off her apron and running off to Kevin. "Hey, Kev!"
"Yeah, Red-?" Kevin yelped when Red suddenly tackled him to the ground with a hug.
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mccnofstars · 4 years
this animatic can also be found on my YouTube :) the username is mccnofstars, the same thing it is on all my handles :)
oops my first content of 2021 is depressing, my bad
here was basically what was on my mind as i was working on this
i've been in a rough patch. so rough that it's mirroring old feelings i had from 2018/2019. anyone who knew me then knows why this was rough. i had felt many things like I'm feeling now -- the feeling of abandonment, loneliness. the feeling of being a second option, or not an option to begin with. the feeling of not being prioritized by those I love. the feeling of not being loved back by those people. the feeling of not being listened to, whether it be through being ignored or through being brushed off for an alternate topic.
just feeling completely and utterly alone in ways no one should experience.
at that point in my life, I wasn't strong enough to handle it. I turned to unhealthy habits, as shown through the video, and my thoughts became overwhelming.
obviously this was meant to be me back then and me now. the cliff was meant to allude to suicide, yes, but also a point of no return. like the second you step off that cliff, you're convinced you can't be saved. so i ended up showing me now trying to talk to older me, since i do that irl and it's how I cope with my feelings.
I had younger me pull away during the end and panic because I've always done that when people have tried to get close to me, I'm always too scared to do so and I never felt I'd be listened to anyways. I would hide my feelings to avoid abandonment, judgement, being flat out ignored again, yada yada. Because that's all anyone ever did. And its STILL what everyone ever does. So I wanted to show MYSELF being there for me at a time where no one else was, and show ME talking to me and sitting with me because literally all I needed now and all I needed then was for someone to fucking LISTEN TO ME. For someone to keep TRYING and genuinely care enough to not give up.
and it was always me who did that for me.
doing this animatic was my reminder that, even if I have no one, I always have myself and that's enough.
so yeah pretty angry and petty reason for making this animatic but it helped so :DDD Here's this lazy ass animatic I put together in like a day lol
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jefferoni-quotes · 5 years
Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
A oneshot based off of this animatic - THIS ONE - by @invireso ! Sorry it took so long-
Words: 3,018
TW: For blood, death and general sad times. I like angst oops-
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Beware... beware Be skeptical
John, Alex and Thomas were always close friends. Well "friends." They were more like business partners. Perhaps like a trio of bandits galloping around the Wild West, taking out those in their way. They may not have been particularly fond of each other, but no matter what they had their groups back. Nothing got in the way of their jobs.
Their jobs being essential assassins. The group of vagabonds would be set a wealthy upper class target, and they were to dispose of them.
Of their smiles, their smiles Of plated gold
Alexander was definitely the groups leader. He ensured everyone had a job, a position and that's they stuck to their assignment like Elmer's glue. He was the brains behind the project. He was like the choreographer of their deadly dance.
John was act two. If the brawn didn't work, he would launch to attack, as if he were a rabid hound crouching in the dark shadows of an alleyway, just waiting for his prey to scamper past. He was ruthless and merciless. Heartless no doubt.
And Thomas? Well Thomas was the brawn. They strongest of the three by an overwhelming amount. His height was also good for intimidating possible witnesses into leaving the premise.
They were the perfect deadly salad.
Deceit, so natural But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning!
Then came that day.
The men had been given a rich woman to take out. Her name was Martha Wayles, a 24 year old female from Virginia who'd recently moved to New York.
Alex, John and Thomas were hidden in a tucked away alley, watching the woman move down the street, her phone in hand. Alexander clicked his tongue, signifying that she was coming their way. Hamilton and Laurens had pulled up their neckerchiefs up to cover their mouths and noses, but Jefferson concluded it would look more sketchy if a man in a mask lunged out of the darkness towards you. So he played it casual.
Baa, baa Black sheep Have you any soul?
Thomas saw the cool metal of a knife glint in the shimmering sunlight and took it by the handle from John, peaking out the wall. He chewed nervously on his lip, fingers hovering over the material tied loosely around his neck,
No, sir By the way What the hell are morals?
He ducked his head back in and turned to watch Alexander carefully swing a baseball bat over his shoulder and it brushed last his pony tail.
John clutched the cold steel of a pistol and narrowed his eyes, ready in case anything went wrong.
Jack, be nimble Jack, be quick Jill's a little whore
Martha scrolled aimlessly through her Facebook feed, chucking lightly at some sort of dead meme. She tapped a happy birthday message out to her good friend Dolley on Facebook.
And her alibis are turning tricks! So could you tell me how you're sleeping easy?
Thomas waiting for the brief signal from Alex. When the smaller man nodded he sprung into action, keeping the dagger behind his back and beginning to pull up his neckerchief.
Martha spun around when she heard faint footsteps behind her. She made eye contact with a man. He was tall with dark skin and curly hair. She felt a small flush run to her cheeks. Thomas went pink and coughed awkwardly before allowing the knife to slip from between his fingers and clang to the floor.
How you're only thinking of yourself?
"Uh, I'm, um..." Thomas bumbled stupidly. "I'm Tho-Thomas Jefferson."
Show me how you justify Telling all your lies like second nature?
Alexander grit his teeth and whistled, a sign for Thomas to leave. Jefferson heard the calling card and chewed the bottom of his lip. "I'm sorry, I have to go. It was nice to meet you!" And he scampered off, sighing into his hands. Hamilton was going to kill him.
"What the hell was that?!" Alexander gesticulated in anger.
Thomas shrugged.
"You're so dumb." John added.
Listen, mark my words one day You will pay You will pay!
That night at John and Alex's shared home an argument broke out. But no normal yelling. There was rage bubbling in their veins and if you were there, you would be able to smell the fury in the air. "What the fuck was that today?!" John started.
"I dunno, man!" Thomas answered calmly.
"'I dunno, man' isn't a respectable reply, Jefferson! You were supposed to kill her, yet you actually friended her on Facebook!?" Alexander shot back furiously.
"To be fair, she added me first."
"I can't believe you! What's gotten into you? We used to be the perfect team. Like the reverse Musketeers!" John yelled, sticking a pointed finger at Thomas' face.
"Get out of my face!" Thomas slapped his hand away. "Maybe I don't wanna be a part of this stupid group anymore! I wanna settle down!"
"Thomas, we're like a clan, you can't leave!" Alexander pressed.
"I can and I will! Damn you all to hell!"
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
Thomas stormed the home, slamming the door closed so hard it shook the hinges.
Over the next months, he and Martha Wayles formed a close romantic relationship. He took her out. Just... not with a weapon.
He'd never believed in the idea of soulmates yet... here he was. His mind had been flipped because Martha was the half he was missing, and man it felt good.
In fact. It didn't take long for him to propose. To with Martha accepted, tears gathering in her eyes.
Aware aware You stalk your prey
Alexander grit his teeth and scrubbed his hands together. John stood on his left, and he dug his nails into his palms. They watched through the large - if not slightly dirty - pet shop window at their old buddy and his fiance. Thomas held up a black kitten, and watched Martha's face break into a glittering grin.
The cars zoomed past them, yet both Hamilton and Laurens seemed to forget, or many ignore, the metropolis around them. They gazed on with a deadly stare as the owner of the store placed the cat in a carrier and filled a bag with all the things the couples needed to raise their cat. And then, the two walked out, but Alex and John were no where to be found.
With criminal mentality You sink your teeth into the people you depend on
The photos that were pinned on the cork-board in the two' shared bedroom were slowly disappearing, but Thomas nor Martha noticed. John spread them across his table. He couldn't help but smile at some of them where Thomas looked especially happy, quickly changing his expression to stern when Alex waltzed in.
Alexander stared over John' shoulder at the pictures and shifted them around. He paused on the one of Thomas asleep with the cat lying on his chest, and Martha hushing with a smile. The two can almost hear the woman's dazzling laughter and kind of softened. Kind of.
There was another of the couple on the day Thomas proposed. They were close, beaming with glee and love. The shining engagement ring may not have been the centre of the photo, but John's eyes were still drawn to it.
The last one they focused on was what appeared to be a nice selfie of Martha and Thomas, but they were being photo-bombed by their cat, that they had named 'Sabrina.'
Infecting everyone You're quite the problem
Alexander finally snapped from his nostalgic trance and snatched a red Sharpie from the pot on top of the desk. He scratched big, crimson exes over Martha's face in the pictures with a serpent like hiss. John looked up at him, hurt surging through his eyes which he quickly masked as satisfaction. Alex tossed the pen across the room, capless, meaning it would dry out quickly. John wanted to go pick it up but sat stoic still instead.
The two had skipped the wedding, finding it unnecessary to attend. They were past the point of caring about Jefferson's feelings, already knowing how they were going to break him. Martha had to go.
Fee, fi, fo, fum Better run and hide
But now, it was the after party. Alexander and John had invited themselves, and were fully prepared.
They scanned the room, searching for their target. And there she was. Standing by her new husband, holding his arm lovingly and gazing up at him in admiration. John looked at Alex, and the greasy haired male nodded discreetly. John strode off towards Thomas, tapping him on the back. Alexander snickered at their old partners shock and watched notedly as Laurens led Thomas off.
I smell the blood of a petty little coward!
Once Thomas was out of the picture, Alexander sauntered over with his phone in hand. He glanced at John, who caught his eye with a knowing smirk. "Hey, Martha!"
She turned around and smiled sweetly, crinkles showing up by her eyes as she did. "Hello, do I know you?" She sipped from the champagne flute in her hand.
"I'm... an old friend of Thomas'..." Alexander beamed dashingly before holding up his phone happily.
"Oh! You must be... Alexander Hamilton?" Martha held out a finger as she asked.
Alex nodded and gestured to his phone again. "Can I have a photo...?"
Martha giggled. "Yes! Of course!" She took one last sip of her champagne before swinging an arm around Alex as he held up his phone in selfie mode.
Alexander coughed loudly. "Oh, sorry, Martha."
Jack be lethal Jack be slick
John took the signal and walked away from Thomas mid-sentence. Thomas looked around in confusion and chugged some alcohol.
Laurens dug into his pockets, and pulled out three little pale, pink pills. John quickly scattered behind Alex and the new bride just as his partner took the photo. He dropped the drugs into the remainder of her drink with a smirk. Now, all they had to do was wait.
Jill will leave you lonely Dying in a filthy ditch!
Martha walked away from Alexander with a wave, starting up towards Thomas. She drank down the rest of her champagne as she skipped up to him.
Then, she stopped. She coughed. And then she dropped her glass.
"Patsy? Sunshine, are you alright!" Thomas rushed forward, avoiding the shattered glass like the plague.
Still retching her lungs up, she reached forward and clenched the front of Thomas' suit. "Tommy..." Martha managed to spit out.
Thomas widened his eyes. "Someone call for help, goddamn it!" He yelled, watching people scrabble left and right, calling ambulances and policemen. Everyone except from two people. Two that stood solemnly in the corner with their heads down.
So could you Tell me how you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself?
Everyone was whisked away from the scene.
"Martha! Let me see her!"
"You killed my wife, you bastards!"
Show me how you justify Telling all your lies Like second nature!
Thomas placed the white lilies on the vibrant grass by his late wife's grave, tears streaking down his cheeks. Shadows loomed over the gravestone and Thomas turned to his left where Alexander placed a tender hand on Jefferson' shoulder. "Hey, buddy..."
"A-Alex?" He shuddered, tears continuing to fall like crashing waterfalls down his cheeks. "Wh-What are you doing h-here...?"
John cleared his throat to announce his presence.
"J-John? You t-too?"
"Come on, let's get you home." John nodded, almost smiling as Alexander smirked knowingly at him.
Listen! Mark my words someday You will pay, you will pay!
Alexander helped Thomas into the back of their 4x4, and John climbed in the passenger side. "I'm so sorry about your wife, buddy."
Thomas just hung his head, gathering his spinning thoughts. "They think I did it." He finally came out with. "The cops had suspicions it was me, but I would never-"
"We know, Tommy... it's alright. You'll be fine." Alexander stared straight ahead and turned the key, the engine starting with a low grumble.
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
Alexander sat out in the car as John lead Thomas into his home. "You sure you'll be okay on your own?"
"I just need some time to myself." The taller insisted, leaving Laurens at his doorstep. "Bye, Jackie."
"See ya, Thomas."
Maybe you'll change Abandon all your wicked ways Make amends and start anew again
That next evening, Thomas was crouched over his office desk in his home, photo album open. He traced over the image of Martha in one, where she looked so happy... He flipped the page, and where several photos that were originally on his cork board should've been, there was instead the white paper. He narrowed his eyes and flipped again. He smiled sadly as his gaze fell to a selfie of Alexander and his wife.
Maybe you'll see All the wrongs you did to me And start all over, start all over!
There it was. Small but there. The obvious puff of his friends ponytail. Of Johns hair. Thomas blinked, unsure he was seeing it correctly. And then. It clicked, something in him snapped. Martha's beautiful laugh rung through his head, her beaming smile filling his mind. It went silent, before the image of her crying and gripping his suit as she choked suffocated him. Thomas cracked.
Who am I kidding? Now let's not get over zealous here!
The thundering rain beat off Alex and John's house windows, the lightning flashing across the sky lit up the rooms with bright white light. They lay, reclined on the sofa, self righteously sipping a cold beer each.
You've always been a huge piece of shit! If I could kill you, I would! But it's frowned upon in all fifty states
With a clap of dark thunder and a blast of lightning, Thomas was there. He paused for a millisecond, looking up at the red brick home. The grey curtains that clouded the living room were drawn shut. Thomas kept his hand wrapped around the handle of his blade, stepping forward. He knocked gently on the door, listening for the shuffling inside.
Having said that Burn in hell!
The handle was tugged down and Jefferson kicked the door fully open, glazed eyes landing on John who was sat on the couch. Alexander stumbled back and fell onto his back, as Laurens leapt up in horrified shock. He was seeing scarlet, clouding his vision as he charged up to John. The man ran, he sprinted up the stairs and could feel Thomas hot on his heels.
Alexander fumbled for his phone, shivering as he pressed the numbers to call.
John tripped up over the stair, and tried to shuffle backwards as Jefferson stood over him. His lips twisted into a sinister smirk, all the rage blocking out the rapidly approaching police sirens.
So tell me How you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself?
Red. It's a horrifically tranquil colour.
Or blood. And blood is the substance that was coating the pristine walls of the home. The door busted open again, but this time it wasn't a murderer. It was someone from the NYPD.
Show me How you justify Spreading all your lies like second nature?
The policeman rushed in and helped Alexander to his feet. "Are you alright?"
Alexander nodded. "Y-yes, I'm fine... B-but, J-John-!"
The man patted his shoulder and looked up the stairs, where Thomas was creeping down. He let Alexander go and calmly started forward. "Drop the weapon." Thomas just looked at him through his hair. "I said drop the weapon!" Jefferson kept his hand firmly wrapped around the blade. "Come down the stairs, keep your hands in the air."
"They killed her." Thomas whispered.
"Pardon?" The policeman watched as Thomas stumbled down the stairs.
Jefferson looked up. "They killed her!" He yelled.
"Sir, drop the knife and kindly put your hands behind your back."
Thomas ran forward and he stumbled back. "Sir, stop." He reached for the gun that was rested by his side. Jefferson hit the front of his helmet.
He ran back, still being targeted by the killer. The officer, who's name tag read, J. Madison, threw his helmet away as the cracks were starting to cloud his vision.
Listen Mark my words one day You will pay, you will pay
James leaned against the alleyways wall, fear filling his eyes. He looked up at Thomas who was looming over him and held out his hands. "N-now... lets not b-be to rash." He attempted to keep the waver from his voice.
Thomas stopped. He didn't even notice the knife falling from his hand and hitting the concrete floor with a clang. When he looked at the police officer, all he could see was the terrified look of his late wife. He stumbled back, hands cupping his face as his hardened facade crumbled.
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
Madison took Jefferson's moment of weakness as it flittered by. He grabbed it and ran forward, hitting the man in the face, He caught him by enough surprise to easily drag him to the police car.
Thomas looked down at his hands. There may not have been anything there, but there was metaphorical blood all over them. He looked up front into the mirror, looking over the police-mans face. When James looked back at him, Thomas immediately gazed back down.
He should've been destroyed that he was going to jail, yet he found himself numb. At least he'd rid the world of a murderer.
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
He was escorted to a cell, and all his belongings were stripped of him. He was handed a stereotypical orange jumpsuit which he was commanded to change into. And he did. From there, he sat himself on the lumpy bed.
His face slowly contorted into a sickly sweet smile as he clasped and unclasped his hands on his lap. Thomas pushed his hair behind his ear and didn't stop smiling.
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!
- - -
I’ll be writing more oneshots, so I’ma open up requests! Thanks for reading!
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dandelionpath · 5 years
I’m not sure what to classify this as but like the closest I got to the astral travel I want to achieve was like 👌 (if you can’t see emojis it’s the pinch emoji) like I was meditating and I move starting with the tips of my fingers n toes while physically meditating, I Like was able to change my position astrally more drastically than usual and the voice in my head altered somewhat (like I mean one’s thinking voice lmao) to be more like what I presume the voice of my astral form would be? (1/?)
(2/?) it was pretty cool but like before I could do much else all my muscles like seized up or moved at the same time again and it like brought me back to step 0 >~(3/?) closer and closer and eventually be able to on my own that’d be pretty cool lmao. I’ve technically been able to astral travel before but not in the way I want to specifically, like I have a pocket universe thing where I keep my astral space and thoughtforms (I have one son thoughtform that I joke is basically Jesus cuz he’s like my manager for it and he’s great at his job lmao) and I go there to a beach near my original astral space sometimes to feel the sand and surroundings but it’s (4/?) kinda like I’m there but only remotely? Like it’s like a phantom presence of sorts I guess. I can only get little glimpses of surroundings when I do that rip :( sometimes I can sense and even visualize stuff better though and those times are great lmao but I haven’t yet been able to find what might determine any differences, it seems mostly random >~(5/5) if that would be okay. Thank you again for your help and stuff, and I like reading about your experiences in your posts! Thank you again for your help :D 
FIRST OF ALL, I'M SO SORRY FOR TAKING SUCH A RIDICULOUSLY LONG TIME TO ANSWER YOU OML?????? I had a whole humongous answer written up and then my computer just chucked it out the window so I procrastinated a lot in writing it all up again aaagh I'm so sorry, that was the worst of me to do to you! Also had mental health stuff going on, but I definitely could have and should have answered you earlier, I am so so so sorry!!!So!! Here I am and let me try to help you as much as I can without writing an entire novel of an answer for you to read OOPs LOLlemme get all the jokes and oohs and aahs out of the way first dsdgsdfjkl: that sounds so cool and exciting omg!! that's such an interesting experience!! i'm glad u had that!! the astral voice is so wildly cool omg??? that's such an incredible experience!!!! god that's the worst feeling where you're finally getting somewhere and then your body just NOPES right out of it aaagh! YOUR JESUS THOUGHTFORM SON SDGDSFJKL I LOVE THAT
okay so first off (UPG and SPG): the pocket dimension ur describing sounds like a realm that's in between ur imagination and the astral. it's a bit of both. it's probably a realm that you created that's part of the astral that you've created. the astral is endless, and you can create new parts of it that aren't attached to anything else. so you've most likely created a little realm of your own that you can change around as you please (most likely using a bit of energy, otherwise that'd be just your imagination if you could move and make things instantly and without expending any energy). in these realms you can invite any spirits you want, and can have thoughtforms and everything there! sometimes realms like yours will eventually grow on their own and attach themselves to other realms, and that's why you still want to ward your space because spirits would be able to get in fairly easily if the realm attaches itself to another realm.in this pocket realm, you can control stuff (and controlling things uses energy) and it follows mostly your own rules i would assume. you can also create things (i always imagine it like minecraft when i'm working on pocket realms lol) but this uses energy as well. does that sound right?so, assuming that's what this is, I think the reason why you're only catching things in glimpses is just because either a) you need more practice, or b) that's just how you experience the astral. it could also be a bit of both of those reasons! personally, when I'm astral traveling, I don't often get full clear HD continuous vision. when i do get that, it's a huge energy drain and it also requires me to be super relaxed and of the right vibration at that time. aka it rarely happens and i actually don't prefer it because it takes way too much energy. it's not worth the energy drain for me! OKAY ANYWAYS LMAO: when i astral travel, i see it in only quick glimpses every few seconds. most of it is actually just me sensing what's going on. it's difficult to explain, but let me attempt to dgsfjkl: imagine that you're in your room and it's pitch black. you have a pretty good idea of where the furniture is, and so you can make your way around without bumping into too much. you know what's around you even though you can't see it. it's kind of like that, except things are moving and speaking and i've often never been there before. i hope that makes sense lmao ^^; (i'm actually considering making an animatic of what my astral travels look like, bc it's difficult to explain,,,, but that's a ton of work lmao) i actually feel a little bit like i'm there remotely, but also not?? i'm often still very much aware of my physical body, but the longer and more focused i am on the astral, then the less aware i become and my physical body kind of fades into the background. 
one tip i have that's helped me is to feel your consciousness in your physical body, and then kind of shift that consciousness to your astral body. sometimes i just like... fling my consciousness/awareness over into the other body, and that works? idk, try it out!
so! for advice, i'd say: 1) keep practicing!   2) lower your expectations for yourself, you're not going to be able to see HD vision in the astral, that's just setting yourself up for failure and frustration!   3) work on talking to spirits some more in this plane! this will help with astral traveling because then you'll kind of know how your metaphysical senses feel when you're doing them right! you'll have a bit of a better idea of how it feels when what you're experiencing is "real" and therefore how it feels when it's fake/you're making stuff up.   4) if you want to, see if you can ask someone (spirit or human) to pull you into the astral! I've done this for a friend of mine, and it did help a bit!   5) and finally, and i think most importantly, remember that this takes practice and work and there won't usually be any immediate gratification. some people take weeks to learn to astral travel, others take months, and some can take years,,, if you practice and work at it regularly, though, i'm sure you'll get there! 
i hope this doesn't get to you after you've got this all figured out (or maybe hopefully it does bc then you'll have progressed a bunch and that's awesome!)! i just hope this helps you in some way, at least even a tiny bit!! let me know!! i'll answer ur q waaaay faster if u send any other ones in, i promise lmao!!!
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