#I suppose unless they were like on their deathbed and it was her trying to save them
quibbs126 · 1 year
Maybe it’s just me and my fascination with body horror, but I feel like Cookie Run could get a lot of mileage out of it. Considering you know, they’re Cookies
Show us some messed up looking Cookies that are either products of horrific experiments or some sort of disease that horribly disfigures Cookies until they crumble
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animaniacsxposed · 8 months
I’m trying to clear the air because there is so much misinformation speculation and hearsay surrounding this mess. Kyle Carrozza did not get that animator fired. In fact, Kyle wasn’t even working with them when he cut ties with them. That is misinformation. He also has no power to blacklist anybody. Absolutely none. That’s speculative paranoia. He did not in any way harass, bully or threaten the artist. The artist can’t find work rn because it’s hard to find work right now. The industry is simply a mess. The artist is using Kyle as a reason for not finding work when he hasn’t done anything to prevent them from finding work. Kyle had every right to cut ties with someone for drawing sexually explicit art of minors like the baudelaire kids from a series of unfortunate events. They were posting it publicly where real kids could see it. He had every right to cut ties with this person. I am astonished people are defending an artist who draws sexually explicit child porn. Saying it’s their coping mechanism is a crutch. There’s no excuse for putting that out there publicly unless it’s for attention. PUBLICLY. Where kids and survivors could be triggered by it! I say this as a CSA survivor. Kyle Carrozza is being used as a scapegoat to excuse their own actions. The artist faked DID at one point. Nobody knows for certain if this artist truly on their deathbed or just faking it for attention.
One thing is certain. This artist is spreading lies and conspiracy and if they’re found out to be lying there could potentially be legal repercussions. Again, Kyle had every right to cut them out and If you want a screenshot of the conversation where they sever ties with the artist I will provide a link to it below. Pulled from Reddit.
Hello you are allowed to clear air, but there is a lot of evidence going about that shows Kyle did not protect Ang (they were supposed friends at one point) as a friend should have. He did get Ang fired because he exposed her graphic porn account to his followers which are mostly minors very inappropriate and HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Angs account was locked before it was exposed and do you remember New Grounds from way back when you could post almost anything? You can be disgusted by the art Ang drew but Kyle did the same thing and voiced it too. If you are going to be disgusted with Ang for drawing underage characters having sex then the same energy should be given to Kyle for drawing "sexually explicit child porn" or in this case, implied "sexually explicit child porn". This little animation bit should put him on the same level as Ang.
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I cannot speak for faking mental disorders but this is the internet and I have seen people lie about worse. Please refer to the following threads about how this callout post led to Ang being swarmed by antis that are mainly brainwashed minors that should not be discussing such topics because they are not mature enough to handle such situations. This whole situation led to Ang being fired. Her health insurance was tied to her job and since she is disabled it is hard for her to find work in a field she qualifies for and also provides decent insurance for her health. I am not sure her specific disability but it is none of my business and I am aware that it is life threatening. Since it has been 2 years since this incident she has not found work in her qualifying field and still hasn't had insurance. Ang is in the process of End of Life care by someone close and has basically accepted death. But yes, let's protect the guy who helped and encouraged putting a disabled rape victim in her place.
Ang also testifying her time working at CN HQ where she endured a lot of inappropriate treatment. Including her treatment from Kyle himself (link to thread included)
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And Angs Google doc to "clear the air" about why she is not an abuser or predator for drawings over characters that are not real or resemble or use likeness to that of actual real child, but a disabled rape victim that uses her art skills as a way to cope with whatever happened to her in life
Judging from what you have sent to me, you haven't done much research and have biasedly picked side. I am not a fan of underaged characters being drawn in sexually explicit ways but it is not criminal. Here is thread of one of Kyle's lackeys sending porn to unwanted people just to gain momentum about Ang being a bad person when all she did was draw behind a locked account until Kyle called her out and got the account exposed.
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Please be sure to read all of evidence before you get back to me, as I have read all of yours. Thank you.
Also the screenshot you send, it is basically Kyle exposing himself for being on the site baraag which is mainly a hidden nsfw site for people to upload their R34 work with credit. So why was Kyle casually looking up "child porn" on a website like baraag? Was it just to expose Ang or does he have darker secret?
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pearlcaddy · 2 years
29 for the wrapped fic vibes?
29. Don't Get In My Way by Zack Hemsey
Ooh this one was very difficult, cause it feels like an edgier, angrier Juke than I tend to write. But:
I'm too many years in the zone Too many years to have built what I own And many dumb fool try to take what I've grown But these roots go deep and you can't blood a stone
Aged-up Jukebox AU where Julie and Luke are separately famous. Bobby steals Luke's songs and looks set to record them as Trevor and win a bunch of awards for his stolen goods. To make matters worse, the label backs Bobby in the dispute and refuses to investigate further.
But with rumors circling about Bobby's theft, Julie figures out that all of the songs on Bobby's first album were written by and stolen from her mother. When Julie realizes that Bobby's first hit, Wake Up, was supposed to be a private gift for Julie from Rose on her deathbed, Julie hits the roof. She wants to spark a media storm about it, but without evidence, her team warns her that she could be on the hook for major legal trouble.
Instead, she reaches out to Luke to do a revenge collab. Writing an album of furious masterpieces that will 1) point the finger at Bobby with just enough plausible deniability, and 2) hopefully be good enough to beat Bobby's knockoffs come award season.
And what if they fell in love along the way? haha jk... unless???
Send me a number between 1 and 101 and I'll tell you what Jukebox fic I would write based on the corresponding song from my Spotify Wrapped playlist!
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You Don’t Own Me (You Don’t Even Know Me)
Chapter 1
Summary:  As the son of a Baron, Roman Sanders always knew that when he married, it would be due to a political arrangement rather than true love. Still, when he is sent away to marry an older, more powerful Earl, he is determined to make the best of his situation. Despite the Earl's indifference towards him, Roman forges ahead and prepares to become the best husband he can possibly be, making new friends along the way. But when his fiancé's demeanor turns from cold to cruel, Roman must shift all of his focus to survival, and find a way out of his marriage before it's too late.
Ships: Logince (Logan x Roman)  Moxiety (Virgil x Patton)
Content Warnings: arranged marriage, abuse, attempted sexual assault, murder, poisoning, character death, hurt/comfort, angst
Word Count: 2604
Read on AO3: here!
Cowritten with @ironwoman359 masterlist
False masterlist
As the son of the Baron of Falkirk, Roman Sanders always knew that when he married, it would be due to a political arrangement. There was a small part of him that mourned the loss of the chance to meet a beautiful stranger and fall hopelessly in love, like the characters in the fairytales that his nanny read to him as a child. But those fantasies were just that, fairytales. The fanciful whims of a child had no place in Roman’s life now that he had come of age. His marriage was to serve one purpose: to elevate his family. 
And Roman had been training for that purpose his entire life. 
Barely a month had passed since Roman’s twentieth birthday when he was called into his father’s study. He knew that whatever the reason for his summons, it must be important, as his father hated more than anything to be interrupted in his work. Roman knocked twice on the familiar, thick oak doors, and held his breath until he heard his father’s muffled answer from within. 
“Come in.” 
Roman stepped inside, and was surprised to see his mother and older brother already in the room, seated opposite his father’s old mahogany desk. As he entered, his father stood, gesturing to an empty chair that sat beside his mother. 
“Have a seat, son.” 
Roman sat. 
“I have good news,” his father continued. “As you have now reached the proper age, one of my primary interests has been to find an appropriate arrangement for your marriage.” 
Roman’s heartbeat quickened, and he forced himself to remain calm, folding his hands in his lap. This was it. This was the moment that he’d been preparing for nearly all of his life; the moment that would shape his entire future. 
“There were many factors to consider,” his father said, stepping around the desk to stand beside his wife. “It was not an easy decision. However, your mother and I have entered an agreement that we believe will be very profitable, for you and for the family.” 
Roman nodded. His father was a shrewd negotiator; he was sure that, whatever the terms of the engagement were, the Sanders family would not lose more than what it stood to gain. 
“So, you’ve reached a decision then, Father?” he asked, taking a deep breath and willing his expression to remain neutral.
“I have,” his father agreed. “You are to be wed to the Earl of Asberg, Lord Garret Howard. I have just received a message from his footman: they arrived at the Fireside Inn late this afternoon. Tomorrow, they will come to the manor to bring you to Lord Howard’s estate to begin the engagement period.” 
Roman bit back a gasp, his eyes growing wide. 
“Lord Howard?” he repeated. “I was not even aware the earl was looking for a suitor.” 
“For many years, he was not,” Roman’s mother spoke up. “His youth was spent primarily securing the political and financial status of his late father’s estate. Only recently has he turned his attention to more social matters.” 
“Your dowry aside, the connections we will gain through this marriage will be of an immense benefit to us,” said Roman’s father. “I know you know your duty son; I trust you will make us proud.” 
“I will, Father,” Roman said, getting to his feet. His father held out a hand, and Roman shook it firmly, doing his best to ignore the butterflies in his stomach. “Thank you.” 
His mother and brother stood as well, and Roman let his mother pull him into a quick hug and plant a kiss on his cheek. 
“Congratulations dear,” she said as she pulled away, a proud smile on her face. “I know you’ll do just wonderfully.” 
“Thank you, Mother,” he said, squeezing her hand, and then his brother was in front of him. 
“Congrats, Ro,” he said quietly. 
“Thanks, Remy,” Roman whispered, and when they shook hands, Roman hoped Remy didn’t notice the slight tremble in his grip. 
“The carriage will arrive at eight o’clock tomorrow morning,” Roman’s father declared. “I’ve already instructed the maids to pack your clothing. Whatever other preparations you need, I suggest you make them now.” 
“I will. Thank you, Father,” Roman said again, bowing his head slightly to his family.
He left the study, walking through the halls of the manor as though walking through a dream. He reached his quarters, and it was only after he shut the door behind him that he realized he very well might never walk the path from the study to his room again. He sat on the edge of his bed, his formal posture falling from his shoulders like a forgotten shawl now that he was alone. 
True to his father’s words, a trunk lay open at the foot of his bed, his shirts and trousers and suits all carefully folded and placed inside by the maid. Another, smaller trunk had been placed beside it, no doubt for Roman to fill with whatever else he wished to bring with him to his fiance’s estate. 
His fiance…
Sun, moon, and stars, he was engaged. It wasn’t as though he didn’t know it was coming; he was the youngest of his parents’ three children, after all. As the oldest son, Remington would inherit the title Baron of Falkirk and all the duties that came with it, while Roman and Remus would be married into other families to increase the Sanders’ political influence. So Roman had always known that he was destined to leave the family manor. 
That didn’t necessarily mean he was ready to. 
He sighed, sweeping his eyes around his room. What would he even take with him? A single evening was hardly enough time for him to consider all that he owned and decide what to bring on a permanent move halfway across the country. Should he bring his books, his star charts, his journals and quills? Or would he be able to find suitable replacements for them all at Lord Howard’s estate? Would he even have time to indulge in his hobbies as the husband of an earl? If only he’d had more than a day’s notice of his departure, then he’d have time to think!
A light knock on the door pulled Roman from his thoughts, and he straightened instantly. 
“Who is it?” he called. 
“It’s me, Roman,” came the answer, and Roman relaxed at the sound of his brother’s voice. 
“Come on in, Rem.” 
Remy stepped into the room, closing the door behind him and giving Roman what was probably meant to be a smile, but came out more like a grimace. 
“So, it’s finally time,” he said, and Roman rolled his eyes. 
“No need to sound like I’m on my deathbed, Remy. It’s just an engagement, we all knew this was coming.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” Remy sighed, plopping down on the bed next to Roman and leaning back against the headboard. “Still...I had sort of hoped you’d end up somewhere decently close by. Gremont, for instance, I know Lady Lishan has a daughter who’s eligible. Or maybe Ravenhold. Then you could at least visit. Asberg is…” 
“Far,” Roman agreed. 
He’d been trying not to think about it. Asberg was at least four days away by carriage, maybe longer depending on the weather, and Roman had never been so far away from home unaccompanied in his life. 
“Hey though, the wedding’s only six months away. I’ll get to see you then! And who knows, maybe I’ll be able to come visit for the harvest festival next year...or you could come visit me!” 
“Only if you serve coffee,” Remy joked, and Roman laughed, the tension in the room easing just a bit. 
“Help me pack?” Roman asked. “I can’t figure out if I should bring everything or nothing.”
“Hmm…” Remy sat up and scanned the room. “My advice? Bring only what you think you can’t live without.”
Roman hesitated, then looked up at his brother. 
“You?” he suggested. He tried to shoot Remy a playful smirk, but he could feel the corners of his mouth wobbling, and he knew from the sad smile on his brother’s face that Remy didn’t buy it. 
“I wish, Ro-bro,” Remy said, nudging their shoulders together. “But I think one son running away from home is enough of a scandal for Father to deal with.”
“That’s fair, I suppose,” Roman said, looking down and fiddling with his fingers in his lap. “What...what do you think Remus would say? If he were here to see me off?”
“Honestly?” Remy looked up at the ceiling for a moment, then snorted. “He wouldn’t say anything, he’d just lock you in the bedroom and throw away the key to make you stay. Or kidnap you and hide you somewhere so that the wedding had to be cancelled altogether.” 
“You’re probably right,” Roman said. He chuckled, but the laugh felt hollow, like a piece of it was missing...gone forever and irreplaceable, just like his brother. “Did...did I ever tell you that he came to see me, the night he left?” he asked quietly. 
“No,” Remy answered. “But I had a feeling that he did.” 
“He asked me to go with him,” Roman said. “To leave you and Mother and Father and everything we’d ever known, to go chasing ‘freedom’ and ‘adventure,’ like we were children again.” He shook his head, closing his fingers into fists. “I told him I couldn’t.”
“I think he knew that,” Remy said. “But I...I also think he felt he had to at least ask you for himself. I don’t think he’d really believe that you wanted to stay unless he heard you say it.” 
“And I did want to stay,” Roman insisted. “I begged him to stay. But he wouldn’t listen, and he left, and now it’s been three years and I have to leave you and Mother and Father and everything I’ve ever known anyway, except now I’ll be alone.” Roman looked up at Remy, his eyes shining with un-shed tears. “What if...what if I made the wrong choice?” 
Remy pulled him closer, hooking his chin over Roman’s head like he did when they were small and Roman would trip in the garden and scrape his knee. 
“I can’t answer that for you, Ro-bro,” he murmured. “That’s something you have to figure out. But for what it’s worth...I’m glad you stayed. It- it would have been even harder, I think, to lose both of you.” 
“You’re losing me now,” Roman whispered, but Remy shook his head. 
“No,” he said vehemently. “I’m not. You said it yourself, Roman, the wedding’s only in six months. And Asberg may be far, but it’s not like it's across the ocean or anything. We’ll still be able to see each other once in a while. Remus…” Remy sighed, and tightened his grip around Roman’s shoulders. “Remus left us for himself. You’re leaving us for the family. That’s the difference.” 
“Yeah...I know,” Roman said, sniffling a little and nestling deeper into his brother’s hold. “I’m still gonna miss you though.” 
“I’ll miss you too, Ro-bro,” Remy said, dropping a kiss into Roman’s hair. “I’ll miss you too.”
Remy eventually left Roman to pack, and the rest of the night passed in a blur. Roman finally decided what to bring with him (his used notebooks and journals, his collection of star charts, and an old cloak that the maid hadn’t packed because it was torn, but that Roman couldn’t bear to part with) and what to leave behind (unused sketchbooks, his set of inks and quills, and the ancient paint set that he hadn’t touched in almost a year), but when he lay down to try and get some rest, sleep evaded him. He tossed and turned for what felt like hours, unable to stop his thoughts from racing. Morning arrived far too soon for his liking, and before he’d really processed what was happening, he was standing at the bottom of the front steps of the manor with his family, waiting for the carriage to arrive. 
"Now Roman, remember," his father said, and Roman looked up at him. "Lord Howard oversees an estate far larger than our own. Whatever duties you are expected to perform, they will be on a scale far greater than what you are accustomed to here."
"He may look to you to aid him in business, but he may also expect you to oversee more of the social obligations. He has dealings with many different families, after all," Roman's mother added, and Roman nodded.
"Politics is never just about numbers," he recited, and his father's lips twitched in a small smile.
"That's right, son. Remember all that we've taught you, and you'll do fine."
A carriage pulled in at the end of the manor's drive, and Roman took a deep breath.
"Remember to write!" his mother said, pressing a kiss to his cheek and giving his shoulder a squeeze. 
Roman placed a hand over hers, then shot Remy a lopsided smile.
"Any last words for me, Rem?"
Remy smirked, and ruffled Roman's hair.
"If you let Earlship go to your head, I’ll cut you out of the estate when I take over."
"Honestly, Remington," their mother said, rolling her eyes, and Remy winked at Roman.
The carriage reached them then, and Roman quickly moved to fix his hair. A footman hopped down from a seat on the rear, and bowed to Roman's father.
"Good morning," he said as he straightened. "I come on behalf of my Lord Garret Howard, Earl of Asberg, to deliver a dowry payment to Lord Phillip Sanders, Baron of Falkirk, and to collect his lordship's fiance, Lord Roman Sanders."
"Thank you, sir," said Roman's father, nodding to the footman. "Our family is honored by this union. May I present my son, Roman."
Roman inclined his head to the servant, who bowed again, quick and low.
"A pleasure, my lord. Allow me to gather your things."
Roman's luggage was loaded onto the back of the carriage, and Roman tried not to think about the large trunk that was unloaded and left at his father's feet. He hadn't been told the amount of his dowry, and he didn't want to know. For some reason, it made him feel strange to think about money being given to his family in return for his hand; it made it seem more like he'd been bought, when that wasn't the case! 
“Well,” he said when everything was ready to go. “I guess this is it.” 
“Safe journey, son,” his father said, laying a hand on his shoulder. “Make us proud.”
Roman swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. He gave his family as strong a smile as he could muster, then he stepped into the carriage and the footman closed the door behind him. Roman drew the curtains back from the window and peered behind them as the carriage pulled away from his home. Remy and his mother were both waving, and even his father raised his hand briefly in farewell. Roman watched them grow smaller and smaller, and then the carriage turned out of the grounds and he couldn’t see them anymore. The manor that had been his entire world for the past twenty years shrank into the distance, until it was nothing but a speck on the horizon. 
Roman finally turned around so he was facing the direction the carriage was traveling. His father’s words echoed in his mind, and he took a deep breath. 
Don’t worry, father, he thought. I’ll make you proud. I’ll make our whole family proud.
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marmolady · 2 years
Another Sunset (Part One)
Main Pairings: Estela x (f)MC
Summary: In the far future of 2052, Estela is once again faced with a staggering loss within her family. Tio Nicolas reflects upon the life he's shared with his niece.
WARNINGS: Assisted suicide, character death.
Tagging: @saivilo, @edgydepressedchoicesthot, @sceptilemasterr, ​@mauvecatfic @rhemenway888
Thanks for reading! You can find Part Two here.
San Trobida, 2052
The room was beginning to darken. It wouldn’t be long now. Nicolas Montoya pushed himself upwards with his hands so that he could better look out the window. So much had changed since he set up home in this place… but that view out the window barely had. The lengthening shadows… the way they fell, it was just another sunset like all those that had come before.
The door opened, and in came his great-niece, his Liv. Not far off thirty now, Liv was a living reminder of all that he’d gotten right. She wasn’t just Liv now; as of a few months prior, she was Dr. Olivia Montoya. The second one. Making her name as a passionate zoologist and conservationist, she was now protecting San Trobida, as was family tradition. But the scars over her weathered arms were not marks of a fight for survival, rather marks of a life lived fully and of her choosing. In Liv, Nicolas saw a great deal of his beloved Estela, and his sister before her, but Liv was perhaps what they might have been in a kinder lifetime.
“Can an old man not die in peace, Livitita?”
“Nope,” said Liv sternly. “Not when we all know you’re happiest when you’ve got the whole motley crew hanging around.”
“Ah--” Nicolas hacked up a painful cough, and settled back into his pillow, wincing. “I suppose there’s worse company to be in. Come… sit on the bed. Don’t make me strain my eyes to see your dopey face.”
As Liv sat down at his side, knees up to her chest, her eyes began to water. “There’s… no chance you might hang on another few weeks?” she asked weakly, knowing the answer.
Nicolas lifted a gnarled old hand and cradled her cheek. “Mija….”
To see her cry, his little Livi, their sunshine girl… it made his heart ache, even now that she was all grown up. Heaven knew how he’d endure it when Estela, so much more stoic than her daughter in her protectiveness, finally cracked.
The door creaked open, and Jeimy came in. Within seconds, they too were teary.
“Joder, not you as well! I hope those are recycled tissues you’re using-- you’ll be going through them like they’re going out of style!”
That ruffled Jeimy’s feathers. “What do you take me for? Of course they’re goddamn recycled.”
Liv snorted with laughter, and it was just what Nicolas needed. Gentle Jeimy would not say boo to a goose… unless you got onto something they were passionate about, then an angry little lion would briefly rear their head. Nicolas had found it little wonder Liv adored them so-- they liked their passionate hearts around here.
Jeimy leaned down to embrace Nicolas, then sat beside Liv, taking her hand and squeezing it. Liv’s free hand reached for her tio abuelo’s.
“¡Y ahora parece que estás a punto de llorar de nuevo!” he exclaimed.
“Well, if you didn’t want me to cry, maybe you should try not dying?” Liv demanded, spluttering. “Viejo pendejo!”
“Cursing me out on my deathbed. Young people these days….”
Meeting Nicolas’ eyes, Liv’s own filled with tears until she could keep them from falling no longer. “I… don’t really know what to say. I’m sorry.” She grimaced. “You always imagine when you have to say goodbye to someone, you’ll know how to find just the right words. I need you to know how much….”
With his thumb, Nicolas stroked Liv’s hand. “People talk too much. I don’t need to hear words out your mouth to tell me what I already know. In some ways….” He winced, began to cough, and winced some more. “I-in some ways it’s better just to enjoy one another’s company without the need to do it ‘right’. Don’t worry about wasting this time… I could never see it as wasted.”
He held her as she cried. She could feel her so strong in his frail old arms… where had those years gone? He’d held her through her tears when she was so little he could cradle her entire body with one forearm.
“Thanks, Tio,” Liv murmured. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, allowing herself to just be in the moment. “I… I know you know I love you.”
Nicolas’ deeply lined face cracked with a smile. “So, what with my being certain you know I love you too… I think we will be fine.”
La Huerta, 2023
Nicolas was twitchy as he waited on the garden bench, looking over the small memorial Estela had erected for his sister. It was all there was, just a marked stone, a box of letters, and a scattering of flowers. All there was left. His eyes stung as he read the words on the stone again and again, the name of the little sister he’d promised to keep safe. Oh, their papa would be rolling in his grave. Nicolas rubbed his eyes, not allowing himself to be overcome when sadness when this was to be a moment of the deepest happiness. But then, the deepest happiness really did only come out of the shadow of heartache.
He’d sworn he’d never come to this place. It was Rourke’s island. Evil. Had Nicolas not been surrounded by enough evil in his days? To know that his beloved sister’s body had been disposed of there… it tainted the place beyond help. Of course, he supported Estela. If La Huerta had given her the sense of peace and home for her, then he could never begrudge her staying. But it wasn’t for him.
Until the damned baby came along. That damned baby, whose arrival had brought him to joyous tears. It seemed only that damned baby could make an old man as stubborn as him willingly get on a plane to this godforsaken island.
Estela returned to him, now holding in her arms a wriggling infant; her own Livita. The babe was a few weeks old now, and Nicolas could see already that she was bright-eyed and healthy. Perfection.
“Tio, I’d like you to meet Livi.” Estela’s eyes shone with pride. “Livita….” Her voice cracked. “T-this is your tio abuelo.”
“An honour to meet you, mija!” Nicolas chuckled, reaching for Liv’s hand and letting her tiny fingers wrap around his much larger one. “A strong grip already! Your mama will make a fine sparring partner out of you--”
“Like hell she will!” Taylor laughed, sitting down beside Estela on the bench and putting an arm around her. “The last thing I want is a toddler that can K.O. me. No sparring until madam’s at least….”
“Five?” Estela grinned broadly, and kissed the side of her wife’s head. Truly, she was a picture of contentment, and it stirred Nicolas deeply. It had been a long time coming. A long time, much trauma, countless scars, and great depths of despair… but she’d gotten to this place, and it was all the sweeter for what had come before. “D’you wanna hold her?”
That was no question at all. Nicolas carefully took the baby in his arms and held her against his chest. She blinked up at him with dark shining eyes, brow creased. There was attitude in this one! Even at this tender age, features were familiar, as if taken from their old family album. All those features of people he’d tried and failed to keep safe; his mama, his sister, his little shining star, Estela. In Liv he had another chance, and he wouldn’t fail again.
Nicolas’ voice caught in his throat. “She does look like you. You and your mother-- she’s got that fire in her eyes.”
Taylor was looking at her little girl with utter warmth. “Yeah… we’re expecting a handful. Especially if the past few weeks are anything to go by.” She glanced to Estela and winked. “Nothing we can’t handle.”
“You’ve handled one Montoya woman, Taylita, what’s another?”
San Trobida, 2052
Taylor switched on the lamp as she entered the room.
“God, how did it get dark so fast?”
“Time moves quickly when you’re hurtling toward a deadline,” Nicolas said simply.
“Yeah….” came the wistful reply.
Funny, if anyone could understand what it was to have a predetermined expiry date, it was the woman before him now. She, however, had cheated death. For him… well, the number of lives he’d used up would make a cat green with envy. It was just his time.
Nearer sixty than fifty-- though her actual count of years lived was a far smaller number-- Taylor’s hair was more silver than blonde, her face carried the lines etched by countless smiles. Ageing, Nicolas knew too well, was a privilege, and one he’d watched Taylor, his second niece, fight for, so fragile she’d been when first they’d met. It had been so long now… it barely registered now that she was ‘different’. Perhaps now she wasn’t. Her life was full; people, places, memories. Their family, once his and now hers too, it anchored her to the world where she belonged, and from those roots she’d flourished.
“How are your pillows? Are you comfortable?” she asked, concern clear to see in her blue eyes.
Nicolas shifted, frowning. This was exactly why he had to be done with all this. His aching body protested even the simplest of tasks, with each exertion his lungs seemed to strain and fail all the more. His life, as he saw it, was over. “I could be propped up a bit higher.”
“I’ll grab another pillow.”
Taylor did, and assisted her uncle-in-law into a slightly more upright position. “Better?”
He grunted.
Taylor sat down, leaning over the bed so she could clasp Nicolas’ hands. “You’re welcome.”
Nicolas met her eye, studying her. She’d never seemed to flinch at his scrutiny of her, his need to analyse motive and character.
“How is Livi?” he asked at last.
“She’s….” Taylor bit her lip. “It’s hard. She’s not lost anyone close to her before.”
“I’d almost call that miraculous….” said Nicolas darkly. He furrowed his grizzled eyebrows. “But then… this is just as new an experience for you, señora extraterrestre.”
Taylor’s quirked a small smile. “And you. Ever died before?”
He chuckled appreciatively. “If I recall, you have.”
“Bah-- only briefly. Your girl knows her CPR. Between her and Michelle, I was never going anywhere.”
Again, they shared a lingering gaze. Nicolas could see the worry that couldn’t be hidden. What was to come would be… testing. How could he reassure when he shared that worry? When he’d be gone and there wouldn’t be a damn thing he could do….
“Miraculous,” he croaked again. “It seems our luck changed when you fell out the sky.”
Taylor’s eyes filled with tears. “I can’t protect her from this…,” she apologised.
“You should tell yourself that. You can’t carry the burden of another person’s mental state entirely on your shoulders.”
She laughed dryly, caught out. “I know, I know. Liv’s been calling me out as well. Estela was right when she said this family didn’t put up with hypocrites. But I am going to look after myself as well. I… I know… this is going to hit me. It’s… going to be hard.”
“I should think so. I am your uncle after all.”
“You’ve gotta know how much you mean to me, tio. You didn’t have to take me in the way you did, treat me as family, but you welcomed me. It sounds like something so small, but it really made a difference.”
Nicolas closed his eyes and sighed, a small smile upon his face. “You make it sound like I had a choice in the matter. You were family. That was clear very quickly, mija.”
“It’s not going to be the same around here without you.” Taylor said, and she rested her hand on Nicolas’ arm. “I always enjoyed our middle of the night ‘can’t-sleep-so-let’s-drink-rum-and-trauma-dump-together’ sessions. Considering the alcohol involved, it’s amazing that I always came out the other end actually more clear-headed.”
“Well, it worked both ways. It didn’t surprise me at all when you took to providing counsel as a vocation; you have a knack. I was more used to having only Estelita to talk to of a nighttime. And you know… blood from a stone….”
Taylor chuckled. “She’s gotten better.”
“True. True.” His eyelids were heavy… it would be a relief to let them fall shut and stay that way… but Nicolas opened his eyes enough to offer his niece the reassurance she needed. He knew he couldn’t help, but he had faith in his niece’s inner strength. “She’ll get through this.”
“I… I know.” Even as Taylor’s voice shook, her face was full of conviction. “There’s no way in hell you’d be bowing out now if you didn’t know that too. It’s gonna be awful, but… Estela’s gonna be okay.”
“And mija? You’ll get through this as well.”
All too soon, Estela came in with a small pile of papers and a pen, her face drawn and tired. There was official business to be attended to, and then… then it would be just Nicolas and his first niece, his protege, until the end.
“I hope you’re not making my wife cry, Tio,” Estela said brusquely. “I’m already having to mop up Livi and Jeimy.”
No doubt it was hurting Estela deeply to be unable to protect her beloved child from this-- he could already see it in her eyes. That the family Nicolas was to leave behind would band together with love and solace to get one another through was a great comfort, and it allowed him to let go.
“I’d never dream of it. I’m under no illusions that my being close to death would stop you from ripping me a new one.”
He was tired. These conversations had been heavy, leaving him so ready for sleep. It wasn’t long now and he’d have his rest.
“I suppose this will be the last signature you’ll need from me?” he growled. “That will be everything above board?”
He thought he caught Estela’s lip tremble, but when she spoke, she sounded steady and strong.
“Yes, that’ll be it. Taylor’s gonna sign as a witness, and then we’re set. You won’t have to worry about anyone getting in trouble over this.”
Nicolas closed his eyes. As if you could ever not get yourself into trouble, little star. He nodded.
“Good… good…. I should think so anyway. Everything I’ve given for this country to have a little peace-- you would want to think I’d be allowed to take some for myself?”
With a little help from Taylor, Nicolas sat up, scanned over the official papers, and signed away.
“That’s… that’s it, then,” he wheezed, feeling relief as he sank back into his pillows.
Taylor helped him to get comfortable again, her eyes watering. “Th-this is where I leave you, tio. In the best possible hands.” Weeping, she kissed his forehead. “Te amo, viejo. Duerme un poco. ”
He grasped her hand and brought it to his lips to kiss her. “I love you, too. Nuestra señora de las estrellas.”
When Taylor stood up and embraced Estela so hard, giving comfort that was everything and yet still could not be enough, Nicolas felt his heart wrenching.
He had always known this would be the hardest part.
San Trobida, 2010
Nicolas came into the kitchen to find Olivia quietly seething as she placed several flattened balls of dough into a pan. He could read her, her telling expression, like a book. Her talk with her employer hadn’t gone well.
“Do I even need to ask?” he ventured, and his sister turned around, scowling.
“I didn’t go in expecting any different; I knew that man has no compassion,” she said bitterly. She huffed, putting down her spatula. “The most Rourke can offer if anything happens to you is a couple weeks leave to come home and make sure Estela is safe and provided for. ‘No children on the island’ means ‘no children under any circumstance’. Even if it means leaving a fifteen year old kid alone in the midst of a fucking war. He’s a bastard.”
“Joder eso,” Nicolas growled. “El puede ir al infierno.”
Olivia leaned her head back, her eyes closed, her hands kneading her neck, and she swore under her breath. “Unfortunately, he’s a bastard who’s giving me the best hope I’m ever going to get of getting Estela out of here for good. You saw the salary offer.”
The arepas sizzled, and Olivia turned to check on them, while Nicolas went over scenarios in his head. A lot could happen in a year. Wars could even be won or lost. There was no question of his stepping away from the front lines-- too many people on their side now relied upon him. But if he was killed in the course of what needed to be done, what the hell would become of Estela?
“Paola. I’ll ask Paola to keep Estela safe until you can get back home.”
“Paola Ruiz? Ivan’s wife?”
“Estela already knows Ivan. Obviously, there’s little point asking for him to watch over her when he’s as likely to get wiped out as I am, but Paola is at least somewhat familiar. And sharp enough to keep Estelita from trouble.”
He put a hand on his sister’s shoulder, felt her slump, afraid. Trapped.
“I have to do this,” she said shakily. “One year and they’ll let me transfer to the States. She’ll actually be able to get an education without fear of being indoctrinated. She’ll have a future.”
“I know, Livita. I don’t like it, but I know.” Nicolas watched as Olivia shook herself back to the present and finished up their meal. Always powering on, no matter how daunting the path ahead looked. While he worried for Estela, he couldn’t help feel relief that at least Olivia, the little sister he’d always been so protective of, would be miles and miles away-- safe from the unfolding disaster that was their home. Of course he’d support her. “You’re a good mother.”
Olivia plated up arepas for the two of them, and for Estela. She laughed darkly. “I’m trying. I’m trying so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if it killed me. I couldn’t keep on doing it without you.”
She met Nicolas’ gaze and held it, steely and unflinching, as if she could order him to make everything all right.
“Just… for god’s sake, Nic, keep yourself alive.”
San Trobida, 2052
“My star… if I’m asking too much of you….”
Estela cut across. “Never.”
She sat down on the bed, crossing her legs, then reached for her uncle’s hands. Softly, she kissed his calloused old fingers. “I want to help you. I will always want to help you. And I’m gonna be there with you right ‘til the end.”
Nicolas coughed, rough, hacking. He knew his dearest niece was making an effort not to wince at his obvious pain. Oh, she was a stubborn pain in the ass.
“I know… Estelita… --kff-- that you don’t easily back down once you’ve decided you’re going to do something, but --kff-- please….” He ran a thumb over her hands. The two of them had endured so much with those hands entwined… and they’d endured even more knowing those hands were always there to be reached for. “Mija, you’re the one who’ll be living with this. Your needs are more important here than mine.”
“Look at me,” Estela demanded.
And he did. He saw a fierce fighter, the raging fire still flickering behind her eyes, now framed with the wrinkles that came of a life well lived. He saw the deep, angry scar he might have prevented had he not failed her, failed her mother. He saw warmth, and kindness. A mouth that he knew to form the most irrepressible, most contagious of smiles.
He knew hers would be the last face he’d ever see.
“Tio,” she said shakily, “I’m terrified. I don’t… I don’t want you to go.”
She held him tighter with one hand, while her other reached to stroke his face. “I’m with you. It doesn’t… it doesn’t matter how hard it is. The only regret I would have is not doing this for you. Okay?”
--kff-- --kff-- “Well… that’s me told….”
Estela already had his pills prepared, sitting alongside a glass of water for when the time came. Looking after him, as she had since he’d first become ill.
“So, um… how do you want to do this?” she asked tentatively. “I guess you just… tell me when you’re ready, and I’ll help you take it then?”
Nicolas nodded stiffly. He was ready. Done with all this. And yet to say goodbye was so hard to bear.
“Do you think, mija,” he asked quietly, “there’s any peace to be had on the other side, when so many you’ve let down are waiting for you?”
He’d had a little joke… many, many times before… that he had to keep on surviving, for his little sister’s wrath when he joined her in the afterlife would be a fury beyond compare. It had been so easy to speak in jest, skirting neatly around the depth of his shame. He’d told his father that should anything happen to him, he’d care for Olivia. He’d told Olivia that should anything happen to her, he’d care for Estela. The bloody images he’d never rid from his mind were the penance he carried for promises broken. That shame. Either it was all about to catch up with him, or he’d at last be free.
Holding him still, Estela sucked in a breath, and emotion rattled her voice. “I--I think that Mami will grab you by the ear and ask what the fuck you were thinking. And then she’ll hug you until the life’s crushed out of you. What happens if you get hugged to death in the afterlife?”
Nicolas looked into his niece’s scarred face, and appreciated her. Somehow, for all his fucking up, he had in her the best friend he’d ever known.
“I suppose I’ll have to find out.”
Then, Estela’s face crumpled. “You’ll… tell her I love her?”
Mustering all of his failing strength, Nicolas pulled her into an embrace. It took everything in him to hold it together. This was every bit as hard as he’d known it would be.
“I didn’t think you believed in any of that?”
Estela rebutted with an “I didn’t think you did?”
Nicolas smiled darkly. “With my own curtain about to close, it’s hard not to imagine everyone I’ve wronged waiting to give me what I deserve. The guilt catching up with me.”
Estela’s eyes were still misty, and she stared into space. “I want Mom to be somewhere. I don’t know if that’s the same as believing. But I want it. And you… I don’t want you to just be… gone.”
His response was a hoarse whisper. “I know.”
With a shuddering exhale, Estela came back to herself. “I’ll have to just… think of you when I pour out a rum. Or when the grandkids want to know about that sword wound you gave me.”
“Grandkids? Has Livita said something?”
Estela leaned forward and kissed his forehead. “It’s only a matter of time. These past few months she and Jeimy have been dropping ‘when’s rather than ‘if’s when the subject of kids comes up.”
Nicolas chuckled softly. Children? It was a shame he’d miss them, but how comforting to have that certainty of life marching on. Liv would be a wonderful mother. Ah… what he wouldn’t give to see his Estela as the doting and fiercely protective abuela he knew she’d be. Perhaps an afterlife would not be so bad… it would be nice indeed to somehow watch over his family as they continued to blossom in his absence.
He’d find out soon enough.
With assistance, Nicolas got comfortable, nestled in his pillows. Estela lay down beside him, linking her fingers with his, and sharing with him a long stretch of easy quiet. It was peaceful.
“Are you ready?”
“I’m ready.” He could see the apprehension in her face. Small wonder-- what was to come would not be easy. “If you are ready.”
Estela scoffed, gently mocking, and gave his hand a squeeze. “As if I was ever going to be ready.”
He brought his hands to her face, looking upon her with love. “My star…,” he said shakily. As Estela’s dark eyes began to sparkle with tears, he felt a lump form in his throat, one he’d simply have to fight past. “I have done things in my life that I’m proud of… things I wrote a whole damn book on. It’s nothing next to the pride I feel-- that I’ve always… always felt-- in being your uncle. I… I won’t be able to thank you for what you’re doing for me after the fact, so… while I can still look you in the eye and say it; thank you, mi vida, Estelita. I love you.”
“I love you, Tio.” A tear rolled down Estela’s cheek, then another. She placed the pills in his hand and squeezed his fingers once more. Speaking in a whisper, she brought her forehead to her uncle’s. “You basically… you taught me how to be a parent. The way you were there for me, helping me even when I was too messed up to help myself. I know….” She sniffed. “I know you feel like you didn’t do enough, that you let me down… but god, I know I wouldn’t be here now without you.”
That lump in Nicolas’ throat gave way, and he let out a dry sob. As his niece, his dearest friend, kissed his brow, then his cheek, he felt peace from his head to his toes. He exhaled slowly, then took the pills. Estela held his glass of water, helping him drink.
He settled down, closing his eyes, and sighed deeply. Tucked up close beside him, his Estela, stroking his hands, kissing them… whispering that she loved him over and over again.
And he let himself drift away.
San Trobida, 2002
“Tio! Tio!” Little Estela, six years old, jumped up, flinging her arms around her uncle’s middle. “Tio, Tio, Tio!”
“Oof!” Nicolas was knocked back by the force of the little human hurricane who flung herself at him. “Now that’s how you give a welcome! And here I thought you’d be in bed by now.”
Olivia stood with her arms crossed. “She was. Apparently not as ‘asleep’ as she’d pretended she was.” She reached for her daughter, prying one arm away from Nicolas’ torso. “Estelita, amorcita, just a quick cuddle with Tio Nicolas, then you need to go back to bed.”
“Mami!” came the immediate protest.
“It’s late, and you have school tomorrow.”
“Please, Mami, I only just seen him! It’s been a really long time.”
“I know, nenita linda, but you need sleep. You don’t want to be tired and grumpy tomorrow-- you want to be fresh and happy so you can properly enjoy having your tio back home.”
Estela, though, wasn’t letting go. “But I not seen Tio Nicolas in a really, really long time-- I missed my tio, I just want to see him a little bit….”
It struck Nicolas hard, how much his absence… his absence and the knowledge that he was in danger, had caused distress. Estela needed to be comforted, to know that he was home and safe, and that things would be back to normal-- at least for the time.
“¡Ay, hermana! She’s about to cry. There can’t be any harm in her staying up a little while. I could take her to the roof to look at some stars.”
Olivia frowned, but it was clear to see that she was cut up by her little daughter’s desperation, born of what Nicolas knew must have been an anxiety-ridden few weeks. “Half an hour-- tops. And don’t you ‘¡Ay, hermana!’ me when you come in here so late and get her all worked up. Cabrón.”
“What’s a cabrón?” Estela asked innocently, looking up at her mother with wide, curious eyes.
“Never you mind, chiquita.”
Nicolas put a blanket over his little niece’s shoulders, then helped her up to the roof. Already there were cushions set up, for it was a favourite place to retreat to. To look at the stars was an escape; something that took them far away from the fighting and the fear. The night sky was vast and wild and beautiful. In Nicolas, that sky stirred hope for something more, something better; in Estela it was simply a wonder.
“Follow where I’m pointing, Estelita….”
“Yeah… I am.”
“You see this cluster of stars here?”
“That is the constellation of Virgo; the maiden. You see, if you were to join the stars together, it makes a picture. This is a woman’s torso… a leg… her head… her arm hanging down.”
“Hee-hee, it’s a jellyfish!”
“A jellyfish?”
“See-- look! All the long lines go into the circle in the middle, like the middle bit is its body, and the long lines are its arm-tentacle things. It’s definitely a jellyfish. And that’s not boring than just some person.”
Nicolas scoffed playfully. “And I suppose you know better than all the astrologists and historians, do you?”
“We can ask Mom. She’s smart, and she knows all about stars. She’ll know it looks more like a jellyfish than some maid girl.” Estela yawned widely, and snuggled against her uncle’s side.
“Of course you say ‘ask Mom’, as if she’d ever take my side over yours!”
“Tio…,” Estela said, quieter. “Why did you go away so long? I missed you.”
“It wasn’t safe. The people I was dealing with were very dangerous. I had to be very careful not to bring that danger home to you.”
“I don’t care about danger,” she whimpered. “I just want you to be home with us.”
“Oh, amorcita….” Nicolas stroked his niece’s hair, and felt the entirety of her little body relax into him. He hated to distress her so. It would be worth it, she’d see someday. She’d live in a world that was kinder; of that he was determined. If it killed him, he’d see to it. “I’m home with you now. Hopefully, it’ll be a long time before I have to go away again. Do you know, I feel less worried leaving knowing your Mami has her brave Estelita to make her smile every day?”
“Of course.”
She closed her tired eyes, and her head lolled against his chest.
“...I still think it’s a jellyfish….”
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fruitless-nonsense · 3 years
Okay, so I didn’t actually think anyone would care what I had to say. I just saw a post that riled me up and I wrote that to let off some steam. That being said, to everyone who liked my post or just read it thank you from the bottom of my heart. Seriously it means so much to me that there are people who notice what I have to say. That being said, I want to do more of these cause I have a lot of opinions that aren’t widespread, and I’d like to start with a post gushing about a certain character that receives too much hate. However, seeing as this isn’t a rant out of agitation this might take a bit longer to get out. With that long introduction out of the way... Cami O’Connell!
As I said, Cami is my favorite female character in the whole of the tvdverse (Bonnie is a close second). The reason why I want to start with her instead of Bonnie or my favorite character (Marcel) is because while both were royally screwed with by the writers, there are plenty of fans online who sing their praises (as they deserve). However, when it comes to Cami the consensus online is either hatred or indifference by a vast majority of the fans (that being said there are still a good amount of people who do love her I’m not saying there aren’t, but they are in the minority). This is something I never quite understood, but I’m gonna try my best educated guess on it.
I suppose before I go any further, I have a confession to make. The way I watched both tvd and to was not a straight line. Several years ago, I decided to finally watch tvd and started with the first two season (which I really liked), then a youtuber dropped a video analyzing the pilot for to and the premise hooked me immediately so I started the first season and kept watching until finishing the third, then I decided to go back and watch tvd seasons three and four, then got bored so I switched back to finish to, and finally after a few months declared I wanted to finish what I started and slogged through the second half of tvd. Why is this relevant? Well I just wanted to inform y’all as this might’ve led to my different perspectives on many things in both shows, and it hopefully can somewhat explain my reasoning
Going back to Cami, why is she my favorite female? A multitude of reasons. Firstly, I love how different she is from other female characters we’ve seen. Characters like Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline are fun in their own right, with bubbly personalities and childish innocence. This makes sense because they’re teenagers! Even Elena’s angst comes off more like young naivety than a wayward soul. I’m not knocking this characterization, it makes sense that a show aimed at teenagers would have teenage girls as it’s main cast. Where am I going with this? Cami might be the most mature character we’ve seen in this universe that actually has a pretty big part in the cast. What I mean is that shows like this paint maturity on women as being motherly or a stick in the mud, but Cami is neither. She’s still fun and loose, but with an aura of restraint and intelligence that needs to be accumulated over time. She’s not even that old! My guesstimation puts her at 23 cause we know she’s graduated college with a degree in psychology and was already working at Rousseau’s in the pilot (you mean to tell me you don’t just get your dream job right out of college, you have to work some dead end jobs first? YA lied to me!). I don’t know how quite to describe it beyond that, Cami just feels like a real person to me, and that makes me invested in her life even more.
Secondly, is her personality beyond her intelligence. I love how empathetic and kind she is! In the span of three seasons, she had helped almost everyone in the show while never sticking her feet into the main drama. That’s another thing, she knows when something’s over her head and will step out when she can, when something is pushing her, she fights back. I love that despite how kind hearted she is, she’s not a pushover. If there’s something she doesn’t like, she will attest. She may be nice, but get on her bad side and her sass will cut you like a knife. Considering she’s only a human against these witches, vampires, and originals you would call this unrealistic, but it works because unlike most people on the show, she’s smart. I know I just said beyond her intelligence, but I just want to gush about how fun it is watching Cami get out of trouble on her own by using nothing but her brain (I just think it’s neat). Characters this complex are not usually reserved for women on the cw, which leads into my final reason.
I love how much agency Cami has throughout her run on the show! Like, her story isn’t stapled to Klaus, she does so much without him even being there. In tvd, I can’t think of a single storyline Elena had that wasn’t tied to one or both of the Salvatore brothers, Bonnie is constantly being abused by the writers, Caroline is forcibly impregnated, Hayley starts off with her own goals before being tied to Jackson and later Elijah, Davina also starts off with her own ambitions before also being shackled to her love interest to resurrecting Kol being her only storyline in season three. I’m sure there are more, but these are just ones off the top of my head. While this makes me wish she had her own storyline, I acknowledge she is a supporting character (which begs the question of why none of the women in the main cast get this luxury but I digress).
This has been very long, and we’re just getting to complaints. Unlike complaints about the ship, I have yet to find an argument about why Cami sucks that isn’t factually incorrect, so if you have one please share. The first complaint I hear is that Cami is a copy of Caroline (I’ll give y’all that have seen the show a second to stop laughing at the statement). I’ve already explained why Caroline and Cami are two very different characters (hint: one is bubble and energetic and one is calm and mature), I know they’re both blonde, nice, empathetic, and have names that start with c, but try paying attention to what you’re watching then maybe you’ll have a better grasp on it. Secondly is that Cami’s only purpose is being Klaus’ love interest. Like I stated, there’s a lot Cami does where Klaus isn’t even present, unless you’re saying everyone Cami has had a story with was a love interest (So Davina, Josh, Hayley, Elijah, Marcel cerca season two onward, Vincent, Lucien, that detective guy, and her uncle Kieran), in that case I think y’all are onto something with Cami being a Mary Sue cause she getting all the action (note the sarcasm)! That’s another thing, people say Cami’s a Mary Sue cause almost everyone loves her and she has basically no flaws. First of all, I don’t believe Mary Sue to be a character problem but a story problem, and above all an excuse to neuter powerful women lest they make fragile men uncomfortable. Second of all, we see Cami form these relationships in real time through her actions not by her existence. Third of all (not that she needs them to be a good character since other favs don’t), Cami has her stubbornness that eventually got her killed and the fact that strength wise she is the weakest character in the show by her being human.
Are you catching on to some of what I’m saying? Most of these complaints aren’t even true, yet it’s all we hear. My first inclination was to blame this hatred on klaroline shippers who were bitter that their ship could no longer sail, but then I saw posts of people who claimed not to ship them and still hated Cami because she was “just a love interest.” Which leads into the other problem with haters: the hypocrisy. Reasons people hate Cami are elements in other characters that these same people love. Never mind the fact that some of these complaints don’t even apply to her like the love interest thing. To use something that isn’t a lie, people will hate on Cami for sleeping with Marcel in season one when Marcel is Klaus’ son, meanwhile y’all seem to forget Elena not only dated but cheated on Stefan with Damon in the finale of tvd season two (spoiler: she kissed him on his deathbed while her boyfriend and his brother was searching for a way to save him, which doesn’t even go into all their kisses in season three) and furthermore shipping Marcel with Rebekah who would be his aunt (I know some people who ship them acknowledge this but damn). I also know these people jumped at the chance to attack Cami for stealing the white oak stake in season three and ignoring what she was going through meanwhile will wave past everything Elena, Damon, and Caroline did when they had their humanity turned off as “they were going through a lot” (disclaimer: no hate to either of those girls, they were understandably in much pain, just wanna expose the hypocrisy). This all made me reevaluate the reasoning as more than just shippers being bitter, this seemed much more malicious to just be that.
After a lot of thought, my only conclusion I can come to is sexism. Cami is a very different female character than what we’re used to, she’s strong willed, opinionated, smarter than the men, and more mature. I guess fans weren’t ready for a character like that so assumed it was bad or just wrote her off as too different, but that’s giving the benefit of the doubt. To be honest, I still don’t know why she was so hated and continues to be ignored by fans, but maybe it’s time we start asking that question. It’s time we appreciate characters like this so maybe we can have more of them on the cw. It’s time to give Camille O’Connell and Leah Pipes the respect they deserve!
(P.S - Can someone far more talented than me please put out some Cami x reader content? I’m starved of my girl and Leah is too pretty for my gay brain to function!)
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spideymarvelws · 3 years
Always But Not Forever
Mob!Tom Holland x Reader
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Summary : During the interrogation of a mole, Tom learns something
A/n : I want to write something for the holidays but i dont do fluff (unless its requested) so here’s a angsty mob!au instead
Warnings : Torchere, blood, violence, cursing, illusion do death, fluff if you squint (dont worry it doesnt last long), mention of injuries, mention of manipulation, implied death?
Word Count : 1.7k
“You know, I almost admire the audacity you must’ve had to pull off something like this,” Tom chuckled, rolling up the sleeves of his white button up, “To betray us, to betray me,”
The pads of his fingers passed over the array of equipment laid out on the table in front of him, teasing the handles of guns, knives and other various torchere devices. Usually, he would just grab his trusty blade from the holder on his belt, slicing the person's throat to watch them bleed out on the chair, coughing and pleading for their life.
But this was a special occasion, one he wanted to drag on for as long as possible. He wanted to hear her screams fill the room, echoing its way around the warehouse. He wanted the floor to be soaked in her blood, dripping from her skin. He wanted to watch her life drain from her eyes slowly and painfully.
But first, he needed to get answers.
“So,” he said slowly, “Are you going to tell me why? Or do I have to force out out of you,”
The woman only chuckled, her eyes hooded as she stared him straight in the eye, “I think we both know the answer to that Tommy,”
“Don’t fucking call me that,” he growled, striding up and grabbing her throat with enough force to lean the chair back, not caring if it were to fall and break on the hard, concrete floor.
“Aww, what’s wrong?” she fake pouted, “I thought you loved the name? Or is it only reserved for your whore of a wife,”
“You really want to die don’t you,” Tom chuckled darkly, bending down to look her directly in the eyes, face inches apart, “You’re on thin fucking ice,”
“And I want to shatter it,” she sneered, leaning her own face forward as much as she could with the restraints tied around her, “Just like I did your best pals heart,”
Tom felt his chest tighten at the mention of Harrison. He would never blame the blond for what happened, because despite the guilt he held, he knew that it wasn't his fault. He blamed himself for getting his friend in the hospital on his deathbed. Well maybe not that drastic, Harrison was a hard fucker to get rid of, he knew that no matter what he would hang on  but it felt like he had already lost him.
He couldn't get the images out of his head, the flashes of red, screams pounding in his ear. But the sight of her standing above his best friend, gun in hand, ready to fire. The thought alone made his go feral.
And he hated that, he hated that she knew how to get under his skin so easily. After getting so close, to not just him but his close family, his friends, to you. He could already picture the hurt that would spread across your face when he would tell you. You both valued close bonds with people, building that relationship to something reliable, something worth trusting.
So when that trust was broken, all hell broke loose.
“I’m sure you’ll do just a fine job at that,” he muttered, standing back straight up, “And the moment you do I’ll put a bullet between your eyes,”
“Oh we both know you couldn't do that Tommy,” she smirked, “Not when I have so much valuable information that you so desperately need,”
Tom chuckled, picking up a syringe filled with a light blue liquid. His fingers flicked the cover before taking it fully off, revealing the needle to the open air, “Yeah, we’ll see about that,” he turned back around to face her, his face void of emotion, “Gag her,”
Him and his men had spent the next, god knows how long trying countless methods and tactics they always used to get people like her to talk. But nothing worked, even after repeatedly taking out the gag, waiting for the answers they had been searching for, she didn't budge.
She stayed completely stoic.
Tom tried his best to keep calm, unbuttoning the top of his shirt when his breath became restraint with the added pressure to around his neck
“It wouldn't matter anyways,” she sniffed, finally calming down while spitting out a wad of blood from her mouth, “I’ve already gotten what I wanted,”
“What the fuck is that suppose too mean,” Tom said exasperatedly.
“It means-,” she interrupted herself while trying to stop the sick laughter threatening to erupt from her throat, “I never thought you cared so much about me Tommy, to spend so long with me when-,” she tilted her head to the side, “You have a wife at home don’t you?”
Tom felt his heart stop, “What did you do?”
“Might want to check that little wifey of yours Tommy,” she cackled, blood splattering from her mouth, staining the collar of her shirt and the floor in front of her, “Who knows how much time she might have left!”
“WHAT! The fuck! Did you do!” He screamed, clutching her bloody shirt in his fists, not caring if some of the liquid transferred to his already red hands.
“You left me alone, with Y/n, for months,” she giggled, “What do you think I did?”
“If you hurt her-,”
“You’ve already done your worst to me Holland,” the grin settling on her face became unsettling, “Now it’s my turn to watch you suffer,”
Tom didn't want to question her further. He didn't want his temper to take over the little control he tried to maintain over his mind. With a short gruff he pulled away from the woman, walking over to one of his men stationed by the door of the warehouse.
“Break her legs and take her to the hut, prepare the call and get Dr brown on the phone and tell Sam to get to Y/n as soon as possible,” he whispered under his breath, “Take me back home to my wife,”
“Good Girl,” you yawned, lazily scratching the top of Tessa’s head. It had been a chill day for you in the mansion, lounging around in your husband's clothes while you decorated your section of the building, preparing for the holidays. Tom insisted on getting decorators, knowing how clumsy you were, he didn't want you to hurt yourself. At least that’s the excuse he told you, you knew it was because he didn't want you doing any work on your holidays. 
Nevertheless, you were proud of the work you’ve done, the lights strung along your bedroom walls illuminating the room, making your placement by the window feel more cozy than usual. And with the addition of the cutest dog and a mug of ginger tea, staring out into the snowy garden never felt more calming. The only thing that would make this better is to be cuddled with your personal teddy bear, but your prayers were answered when he called unexpectedly.
“Hi Tommy,” you answered sweetly, gulping down a good bit of the tea,“What’s wrong? I thought you were busy with work?”
“Y/n?” Tom said seriously, a hard edge to his voice you never heard when he talked directly to you, “Y/n, you need to listen to me right now, okay?”
“Okay,” you sat up, throwing your blanket off your lap, “Okay, yeah,” you learnt not to question things like these with Tom’s line of work.
“Where are you right now?” you could hear the click of his shoes hitting the floor in the background, the sound of the vehicle's engines vroomed to life.
“I’m in our bedroom, with Tessa,” you answered quickly, squinting your eyes when you watched her body bounce away when your hand retracted from her fur, “Well just me now,” 
“You’re going to need to go to the medic bay, Doctor Brown will be there and he’ll explain everything,” a car door slammed shut, “Sam is coming to escort you, just,” he let out a deep breath, “Are you alright?”
You melted at the crack in his voice, clearing your throat before answering him, “I’m fine Tommy, never felt better,”
“Are you sure love?” he whispered, his voice losing its harsh tone, falling back to the soft, breathy one you grow to love.
“I’m-,” you moved away from the phone, coughing into your sleeve, “Sorry, uh, yeah I’m fine Tom,”
“It doesn’t sound like you’re okay to me,”
“I-,” you coughed again, this time more violently that the last, “It’s just a cough, probably from that food truck we went out to last night,” you forced a chuckle, trying to keep the air as light hearted as possible.
“A cough? When did this start,” Tom said urgently.
“Uh, this morning i think?” you sniffled, shuffling around to find a tissue box for your sudden runny nose, “I’m sure it’s just a bug Tommy,”
“Y/n, Is Sam there yet?”
“I didn’t hear him no,” your coughing continued, “Do you want me to go outside to check?”
“No, no, stay until he comes, I don’t want you going by yourself,”
Tom’s words began to blur when you took note of the red sploshing your white hoodie. You ran to the bathroom, cursing at the blood trailing from your nose, staining the bottom half of your face.
Your raging coughs continued, splattering droplets across the marble counter
“Love? Are you still there?” Tom said panicked, “Sam said he’s moving as quick as he can,”
“Tommy,” you whimpered, your hand clutching your chest in pain, “I-,” you braced yourself against the counter, feeling weaker and weaker, “Tommy, I don’t-,”you grabbed at your closing throat, “I don’t feel so good,” 
“Love? Y/n?” Tom said frantically, “Hey, hey, hey, listen to me, Sam is almost there, I’m so close to our house, hang in there okay?” he debated his next words, “You’ve been poisoned okay? You’ve been poisoned and if you get the help in time you will get better, just,” his voice hitched, “Please don’t go,”
Your throat burned as your breath started to become short, hiccupy wheezes. Blood began to drip from your nose and mouth onto the tiled floor. You could feel your chest tighten, your heart physically hurting until you couldn't take in any longer.
“Tom-my?” you managed to let out before collapsing on the floor, the shouts of your name echoing in the back of your ear before blackness covered your eyesight, followed by a bright, white light.
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80srichie · 3 years
just a bet, part 9
30 days remaining
Richie woke up to his phone ringing with a start. It was Eddie calling him. He missed the answer button a few times since he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Hello?”
“Richie! Good morning.” Eddie was talking cheerfully.
“What time is it?” Richie asked, rolling over on his bed to grab his glasses off his nightstand.
“11 A.M.” Eddie replied, then paused. “Did I wake you?”
Richie snickered a little. “Yes.”
“Well, good, you should be up anyway. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? My mom is visiting her sister.”
Richie paused for a moment, stretching out his arms and legs. “Well, toots, I’d be delighted.”
Eddie laughed a little. “Okay, well, get over here after you shower and all that. Please brush your teeth, Rich.”
Richie pouted, even though Eddie couldn’t see him. “Are you implying my breath stinks?”
Eddie laughed again. “Yes. See you soon.”
Richie heard the telltale beeps of an ended call and he put his phone down. He stretched again, finally standing up out of bed. He grabbed a new pair of boxers and headed into the bathroom to shower. Richie more than thoroughly washed his body, purely for the sake of Eddie, and brushed his teeth afterward. He threw on a shirt and some pants, not bothering to make his hair look presentable. He was out the door within the hour Eddie called him.
When Richie arrived, Eddie had already opened the door and was ushering him inside. Eddie seemed very upbeat and excited. “What’s going on with you, huh? Excited to see me or something?” Richie teased.
Eddie smiled. “You could say that. I was making lunch and I got a perfect idea and you get to taste test it!”
Richie raised his eyebrows. “Oh, really? You can’t taste it yourself?”
Eddie frowned a little. “I can! I just want another opinion, asshole.”
Richie smiled, nudging him with his shoulder and bringing him close to him. “I will try anything you make for me, Eds.” He paused, “even your.. bodily fluids…”
Eddie shoved Richie off of him. “You are disgusting and I hate you. I thought you were being sweet.”
Richie scoffed, feigning hurt. “I was Eddie Spaghetti. That was endearing.”
Eddie made a face. “Your definition of endearing is very wrong.” He turned back to the stove, grabbing a wooden spoon and stirring something in a metal pot. “Anyway, come here. I want you to try this.”
Richie leaned over Eddie to peer into the pot, a red sauce lightly simmering. Richie took the wooden spoon from him and sipped a little sauce off the utensil. It was a sweet and spicy tomato sauce. “That’s good, Eds! What is it for?”
Eddie smiled and took the lid and placed it back on the pot, turning the heat on the stovetop down. “Ironically, spaghetti. Unless you’d rather have a rotini or penne pasta, that’s an option too. I didn’t know what pasta shape you liked but thinking about it now, it probably would be something like a bowtie.”
Richie chuckled. “I appreciate the consideration you took into my pasta shape preference, but honestly, I’ll eat anything.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “I know that Richie, you eat everything. I just want you to actually like it.” He put another pot on the stove with water in it, turning on the other stovetop to boil the water.
Richie smiled, feeling his heart swell with affection. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He paused for a few moments, before continuing. “Of food poisoning, of course.”
Eddie groaned as he put the box of spaghetti noodles on the counter to await the other pot to boil. “You can’t just compliment me normally, can you?” He turned, staring at Richie with a small grin on his lips. “You’re the worst.”
Richie smiled widely, reaching forward and pulling Eddie towards him by his hips. Their height difference was clearer this way and it was Richie’s favorite. Being able to look down on Eddie and see his innocent brown eyes stare back up at him - it was heavenly. “Eddie…” He started, wetting his strangely dry lips. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip to cry and contain the smile that yeared to appear. “Depends, did you brush your teeth as I asked?”
Richie chuckled, already leaning down to meet Eddie halfway, mumbling out a yes that was muffled by their lips connecting. They fit together seamlessly. Both of them had wordlessly learned each other’s favorite ways to kiss and it never ceased to amaze Richie just how easily their lips fit together. Their first kiss was messy and off-kilter, but every one after that continued to get better and better.
Eddie pulled back after a moment, staring up into Richie’s eyes before taking his hand and sliding it up the back of his neck. Eddie’s hand tangled into Richie’s unruly curls and gently tugged, pulling him back down for a deeper kiss. Eddie had gotten increasingly more forward as time went on and as they both got more comfortable with each other. Richie loved it.
The two of them spent a good few minutes kissing before Eddie, lips a bit swollen, pulled back and detached himself from Richie. “I have to put the pasta in the water.”
Richie made a noise of dissatisfaction but let him go, watching as he dumped the entire box of noodles into the now boiling water. The meal itself was done not soon after, two bowls of perfectly sauced and portioned spaghetti sitting in front of the both of them. They ate in comfortable silence before Richie spoke up. “Hey, Eds, I have a game tomorrow. You’re coming, right?”
Eddie smiled softly, wiping off his mouth with his napkin and setting his fork in his empty bowl. “If you’d like me to.”
Richie nodded. “Of course, I love seeing you in the stands. I always play better knowing a hot guy is watching me.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes and stood, picking up his bowl and taking Richie’s as well.
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” Richie protested.
Eddie laughed a bit. “I know, dickhead. I’ll put the leftovers in a container but my Mom will be home soon, so…” He trailed off, letting Richie fill in the rest on his own. He watched as Eddie put the extra spaghetti in a Tupperware and closed the lid, handing it back when he was done.
Richie took it from him with a smile. “You’re practically my perfect housewife. House… husband?”
Eddie blinked at him, intentionally not playing into his joke. “Uh-huh... Okay, bye, Rich.” He ushered him to the front door and left him outside with a peck to his lips. Once Richie got home, he checked his phone for the first time since that morning and noticed he had multiple texts from Stan, as well as a missed call. He pushed Stan’s number and held it up to his ear. It only rang a few times before Stan picked up with a sigh. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?”
Richie shrugged, laying down on his back on his bed. “I was with Eddie. Why? What’s going on?”
Stan paused for a few seconds. “I wanted to talk about Eddie, actually.”
Richie sat up, looking at the ground in confusion. “Why?” He could hear Stan talking to someone in the background, as well as some shuffling before Stan spoke again.
“I think this has gone too far. The bet.”
Richie scoffed. “I did try to say that like, a month ago, Stan. Why are you bringing it up now?”
Stan sighed again. “You’re going to hurt him if you continue with this and you know it. It’s not fair to him, or you, for that matter.”
Richie took a moment to process what Stan was saying. “Stan, I don’t know if I haven’t made it clear enough, but I like him for real. Like, seriously, genuinely have feelings for him.” The line was uncomfortably silent. “Stan?”
“Okay. How are you going to tell him why you went after him in the first place?”
Richie frowned. “I don’t fuckin’ know! Unless you have an idea, I have no intention of telling him until it’s on my deathbed.”
Stan exhaled dejectedly. “You have to at some point.” He pointed out.
“I know,” Richie groaned. “I know and I will, so, just let me deal with it. Why did you call me anyway?”
Stan clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “No reason, I suppose. Is he going to be at the game tomorrow?”
“Okay,” Stan said and took a few beats before continuing. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Without another word, Stan hung up the phone, the line going to dead static on Richie’s end. He pulled the phone back from his ear and stared at the screen, frowning.
The night of Richie’s soccer game was uncharacteristically chilly, most patrons wearing hoodies or light jackets to cover themselves from the cold. It was nearing the end of Fall and the Fall soccer season, so Eddie came prepared. He stood among the rest of the audience in the stands, his hands balled up inside the sleeves of his hoodie and tucked into the front pocket to keep warm. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, watching the soccer game in front of him. Since he had started dating Richie, the rules of soccer started to make more sense. He could easily name the different positions and even knew some of the penalties and why they were called. Half-time had just been called when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. Eddie turned, a bit startled. “Oh, sorry, hi, Bill. You scared me.”
Bill offered him a friendly smile. “H-Hey, Eddie, can we talk real quick?” He jutted his thumb over his shoulder to a grassy area beside the bleachers that was mostly empty, apart from a man and his dog.
Eddie glanced back at the game and nodded. “Yeah, sure, I just wanna get back before the game starts back up.”
Bill nodded in agreement, leading Eddie down to the area he had pointed to, the man and his dog moved on from the area, leaving the two of them alone. “So, um, what’s up?” Eddie asked, bouncing on his feet to keep himself warm.
Bill wrung his hands together anxiously and Eddie waited patiently with a confused smile on his face. “You okay?” He eventually asked.
Bill nodded. “Yeah, I juh-just don’t know how to p-phrase it.” He let out a long sigh before talking again. “I… I like you, E-Eddie.”
Eddie’s friendly smile dropped from his face, hating the way his stomach clenched uncomfortably. “Um…”
Bill continued before Eddie had the chance to talk. “I h-have for a good wh-while, too.”
Eddie managed to crack an uneasy grin. “Uh, Bill…” He laughed awkwardly. “You... Why are you telling me this?”
Bill frowned. “Because I wa-wanted you to know, a-and I think y-you deserve better than Richie.”
It was Eddie’s turn to frown now. “I don’t think you have a say in that.” He mumbled, taking a step back towards the stands. “If that’s all, I’m going to-”
“Wait!” Bill reached out, grabbing Eddie’s arm.
Eddie gently pulled back from his touch. “Sorry, Bill, I have to get back to wa-”
Bill grimaced. “No! There’s something you need to know.” When Eddie made no move to leave, Bill sighed and spoke. “Richie never liked you.”
Eddie laughed. “Okay, Bill, seriously? We have been together for a good few weeks, I would know if-”
“He’s dating you because of a bet, Eddie!” Bill exploded. “It was Beverly’s idea and Stan knows about it too - He hasn’t told you yet because you guys haven’t slept together and that was part of the deal.”
Eddie’s movements faltered, his body growing colder as Bill spoke. “What?” He asked, shaking his head. “No, you’re making that up. He told me the bet Beverly was talking about had to-”
“-do with Stan. He lied. She was talking about you, Eddie, she always was. Richie’s been lying.”
Eddie let out a shaky breath, turning his back to Bill and facing the field. He could see Richie jogging towards them and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “No… You have to be lying.”
Richie approached them, smiling at Eddie. His smile faltered, though, when he saw the look on his face. “Eds? Bill? What’s going on?”
Eddie felt his tears prick with tears. “Tell me he’s lying, Richie. Tell me right now.”
Richie was alarmed. “Lying about what?” He turned to Bill. “What did you tell him?” He demanded.
Bill stood his ground. “The truth.”
Eddie was staring at Richie, his eyes burning from oncoming tears. “Did you date me… Are you dating me, for a fucking bet, Richie? You told me Beverly was talking about you and Stan.”
Richie’s face fell, his heart twisting painfully in his chest. “Eds-”
“Tell me!” Eddie cried, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Richie’s jersey and shaking him a bit. “Tell me right now.”
Richie could feel his entire life fading in front of him. “You have to let me explain.”
Eddie abruptly dropped his hold on Richie’s jersey and took a step back, tears finally finding their way out of Eddie’s eyes and rolling down his cheeks. “You promised me, Richie.”
Richie tried to close the gap between them, but Eddie pushed him away. “Don’t!”
Richie couldn’t breathe, his world was spinning anxiously around him. He felt like he could get sick right here. “Eddie, please, let me explain. It will make sense, I promise, none of this was fake!”
Eddie scoffed, using his sleeve to wipe away the tears pilling under his eyelashes. “You’re so full of shit. I can’t believe I trusted you, you stupid fucking asshole.” Eddie’s voice was laced with malice and regret; It made Richie’s heart hurt more. Bill made a move towards Eddie, and he backed up from him as well. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you, either.” He threatened, sniffing and glaring at Richie. “If it wasn’t clear, do not ever fucking call me, text me, speak to me again.” With that, Eddie was gone, disappearing around the backside of the bleachers and into the poorly lit school parking lot.
Richie stood there, shocked and heartbroken, before turning to Bill. “What the fuck did you do?” He asked angrily, moving towards him.
“I-I told him the truth!” Bill said, backing up a bit. “He d-deserves better than you, R-Richie, and you know it!”
Richie pushed Bill harshly by his shoulders. It all clicked. “Oh, and you’re much better?” He pushed him again, Bill falling into the wired fence behind him. “You are a selfish fucking prick, Denbrough, and I’ll make sure everyone fucking knows.”
Bill stood there, leaning against the fence. “Everyone already thinks you are, Richie.” He said, pushing past him to leave, heading the same way Eddie had gone.
Richie stood alone in the grassy area, attempting to calm his rapid thoughts of anger. Bill told Eddie and Eddie believed him and now he was gone. Richie knew he needed to tell Eddie himself but he couldn’t find any time that would have gone better.
Someone approached Richie from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Richie?” It was Stan.
Richie pulled away from his touch. “It was your idea, wasn’t it?”
Stan blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Bill telling Eddie! It was you, wasn’t it? You put the thought in Bill’s head so he would end this stupid bet!”
Stan frowned. “Bill did what? Eddie knows?”
“Yes!” Richie cried. “Eddie fucking knows! Do you see him here, Stan, huh?”
Stan grimaced at Richie’s yelling. “I didn’t tell Bill to do anything. He had a crush on Eddie-”
“Isn’t that fucking sweet,” Richie mumbled, moving past Stan to chase after Eddie. He was going to make things right, he was going to explain himself.
“What about the game?” Stan asked and Richie nearly exploded.
“I don’t give a fuck about anything but Eddie right now, Stan! Isn’t that obvious?”
Stan nodded his head. “Just tell the truth. Tell him how you’ve always felt, Richie, he needs words.”
Richie stared at him for a few beats, before turning to walk away without another word.
30 days remaining
Richie woke up to his phone ringing with a start. It was Eddie calling him. He missed the answer button a few times since he wasn’t wearing his glasses. “Hello?”
“Richie! Good morning.” Eddie was talking cheerfully.
“What time is it?” Richie asked, rolling over on his bed to grab his glasses off his nightstand.
“11 A.M.” Eddie replied, then paused. “Did I wake you?”
Richie snickered a little. “Yes.”
“Well, good, you should be up anyway. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today? My mom is visiting her sister.”
Richie paused for a moment, stretching out his arms and legs. “Well, toots, I’d be delighted.”
Eddie laughed a little. “Okay, well, get over here after you shower and all that. Please brush your teeth, Rich.”
Richie pouted, even though Eddie couldn’t see him. “Are you implying my breath stinks?”
Eddie laughed again. “Yes. See you soon.” 
Richie heard the telltale beeps of an ended call and he put his phone down. He stretched again, finally standing up out of bed. He grabbed a new pair of boxers and headed into the bathroom to shower. Richie more than thoroughly washed his body, purely for the sake of Eddie, and brushed his teeth afterwards. He threw on a shirt and some pants, not bothering to make his hair look presentable. He was out the door within the hour Eddie called him.
When Richie arrived, Eddie had already opened the door and was ushering him inside. Eddie seemed very up-beat and excited. “What’s going on with you, huh? Excited to see me or something?” Richie teased.
Eddie smiled. “You could say that. I was making lunch and I got the perfect idea and you get to taste test it!”
Richie raised his eyebrows. “Oh, really? You can’t taste it yourself?”
Eddie frowned a little. “I can! I just want another opinion, asshole.”
Richie smiled, nudging him with his shoulder and bringing him close to him. “I will try anything you make for me, Eds.” He paused, “even your.. bodily fluids…”
Eddie shoved Richie off of him. “You are disgusting and I hate you. I thought you were being sweet.”
Richie scoffed, feigning hurt. “I was Eddie Spaghetti. That was endearing.”
Eddie made a face. “Your definition of endearing is very wrong.” He turned back to the stove, grabbing a wooden spoon and stirring something in a metal pot. “Anyway, come here. I want you to try this.”
Richie leaned over Eddie to peer into the pot, a red sauce lightly simmering. Richie took the wooden spoon from him and sipped a little sauce off the utensil. It was a sweet and spicy tomato sauce. “That’s good, Eds! What is it for?”
Eddie smiled and took the lid and placed it back on the pot, turning the heat on the stovetop down. “Ironically, spaghetti. Unless you’d rather have a rotini or penne pasta, that’s an option too. I didn’t know what pasta shape you liked, but thinking about it now, it probably would be something like a bowtie.”
Richie chuckled. “I appreciate the consideration you took into my pasta shape preference, but honestly, I’ll eat anything.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “I know that, Richie, you eat everything. I just want you to actually like it.” He put another pot on the stove with water in it, turning on the other stovetop to boil the water. 
Richie smiled, feeling his heart swell with affection. “You’re going to be the death of me.” He paused for a few moments, before continuing. “Of food poisoning, of course.”
Eddie groaned as he put the box of spaghetti noodles on the counter to await the other pot to boil. “You can’t just compliment me normally, can you?” He turned, staring at Richie with a small grin on his lips. “You’re the worst.”
Richie smiled widely, reaching forward and pulling Eddie towards him by his hips. Their height difference was clearer this way and it was Richie’s favorite. Being able to look down on Eddie and see his innocent brown eyes stare back up at him - it was heavenly. “Eddie…” He started, wetting his strangely dry lips. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie bit his bottom lip to cry and contain the smile that yeared to appear. “Depends, did you brush your teeth like I asked?”
Richie chuckled, already leaning down to meet Eddie halfway, mumbling out a yes that was muffled by their lips connecting. They fit together seamlessly. Both of them had wordlessly learned each other’s favorite ways to kiss and it never ceased to amaze Richie just how easily their lips fit together. Their first kiss was messy and off-kilter, but every one after that continued to get better and better.
Eddie pulled back after a moment, staring up into Richie’s eyes before taking his hand and sliding it up the back of his neck. Eddie’s hand tangled into Richie’s unruly curls and gently tugged, pulling him back down for a deeper kiss. Eddie had gotten increasingly more forward as time went on and as they both got more comfortable with each other. Richie loved it.
The two of them spent a good few minutes kissing before Eddie, lips a bit swollen, pulled back and detached himself from Richie. “I have to put the pasta in the water.” 
Richie made a noise of dissatisfaction but let him go, watching as he dumped the entire box of noodles into the now boiling water. The meal itself was done not soon after, two bowls of perfectly sauced and portioned spaghetti sitting in front of the both of them. They ate in a comfortable silence, before Richie spoke up. “Hey, Eds, I have a game tomorrow. You’re coming, right?”
Eddie smiled softly, wiping off his mouth with his napkin and setting his fork in his empty bowl. “If you’d like me to.”
Richie nodded. “Of course, I love seeing you in the stands. I always play better knowing a hot guy is watching me.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes and stood, picking up his bowl and taking Richie’s as well.
“Hey! I wasn’t done.” Richie protested.
Eddie laughed a bit. “I know, dickhead. I’ll put the leftovers in a container but my Mom will be home soon, so…” He trailed off, letting Richie fill in the rest on his own. He watched as Eddie put the extra spaghetti in a Tupperware and closed the lid, handing it back when he was done.
Richie took it from him with a smile. “You’re practically my perfect housewife. House… husband?”
Eddie blinked at him, intentionally not playing into his joke. “Uh huh.. Okay, bye, Rich.” He ushered him to the front door and left him outside with a peck to his lips. Once Richie got home, he checked his phone for the first time since that morning and noticed he had multiple texts from Stan, as well as a missed call. He pushed Stan’s number and held it up to his ear. It only rang a few times before Stan picked up with a sigh. “Why didn’t you answer my texts?”
Richie shrugged, laying down on his back on his bed. “I was with Eddie. Why? What’s going on?”
Stan paused for a few seconds. “I wanted to talk about Eddie, actually.”
Richie sat up, looking at the ground in confusion. “Why?” He could hear Stan talking to someone in the background, as well as some shuffling, before Stan spoke again.
“I think this has gone too far. The bet.”
Richie scoffed. “I did try to say that like, a month ago, Stan. Why are you bringing it up now?”
Stan sighed again. “You’re going to hurt him if you continue with this and you know it. It’s not fair to him, or you, for that matter.”
Richie took a moment to process what Stan was saying. “Stan, I don’t know if I haven’t made it clear enough, but I like him for real. Like, seriously, genuinely have feelings for him.” The line was uncomfortably silent. “Stan?”
“Okay. How are you going to tell him why you went after him in the first place?”
Richie frowned. “I don’t fuckin’ know! Unless you have an idea, I have no intention of telling him until it’s on my deathbed.”
Stan exhaled dejectedly. “You have to at some point.” He pointed out.
“I know,” Richie groaned. “I know and I will, so, just let me deal with it. Why did you call me anyways?”
Stan clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “No reason, I suppose. Is he going to be at the game tomorrow?”
“Okay.” Stan said and took a few beats before continuing. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” Without another word, Stan hung up the phone, the line going to dead static on Richie’s end. He pulled the phone back from his ear and stared at the screen, frowning. 
The night of Richie’s soccer game was uncharacteristically chilly, most patrons wearing hoodies or light jackets to cover themselves from the cold. It was nearing the end of Fall and the Fall soccer season, so Eddie came prepared. He stood among the rest of the audience in the stands, his hands balled up inside the sleeves of his hoodie and tucked into the front pocket to keep warm. He was rocking back and forth on his heels, watching the soccer game in front of him. Since he had started dating Richie, the rules of soccer started to make more sense. He could easily name the different positions and even knew some of the penalties and why they were called. Half-time had just been called when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder. Eddie turned, a bit startled. “Oh, sorry, hi, Bill. You scared me.”
Bill offered him a friendly smile. “H-Hey, Eddie, can we talk really quick?” He jutted his thumb over his shoulder to a grassy area beside the bleachers that was mostly empty, apart from a man and his dog. 
Eddie glanced back at the game and nodded. “Yeah, sure, I just wanna get back before the game starts back up.”
Bill nodded in agreement, leading Eddie down to the area he had pointed to, the man and his dog moved on from the area, leaving the two of them alone. “So, um, what’s up?” Eddie asked, bouncing on his feet to keep himself warm.
Bill wrung his hands together anxiously and Eddie waited patiently with a confused smile on his face. “You okay?” He eventually asked.
Bill nodded. “Yeah, I juh-just don’t know how to p-phrase it.” He let out a long sigh before talking again. “I… I like you, E-Eddie.”
Eddie’s friendly smile dropped from his face, hating the way his stomach clenched uncomfortably. “Um…”
Bill continued before Eddie had the chance to talk. “I h-have for a good wh-while, too.”
Eddie managed to crack an uneasy grin. “Uh, Bill…” He laughed awkwardly. “You.. Why are you telling me this?”
Bill frowned. “Because I wa-wanted you to know, a-and I think y-you deserve better than Richie.”
It was Eddie’s turn to frown now. “I don’t think you have a say in that.” He mumbled, taking a step back towards the stands. “If that’s all, I’m going to-”
“Wait!” Bill reached out, grabbing Eddie’s arm. 
Eddie gently pulled back from his touch. “Sorry, Bill, I have to get back to wa-”
Bill grimaced. “No! There’s something you need to know.” When Eddie made no move to leave, Bill sighed and spoke. “Richie never liked you.”
Eddie laughed. “Okay, Bill, seriously? We have been together for a good few weeks, I would know if-”
“He’s dating you because of a bet, Eddie!” Bill exploded. “It was Beverly’s idea and Stan knows about it too - He hasn’t told you yet because you guys haven’t slept together and that was part of the deal.”
Eddie’s movements faltered, his body growing colder as Bill spoke. “What?” He asked, shaking his head. “No, you’re making that up. He told me the bet Beverly was talking about had to-”
“-do with Stan. He lied. She was talking about you, Eddie, she always was. Richie’s been lying.”
Eddie let out a shaky breath, turning his back to Bill and facing the field. He could see Richie jogging towards them and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. “No… You have to be lying.” 
Richie approached them, smiling at Eddie. His smile faltered, though, when he saw the look on his face. “Eds? Bill? What’s going on?”
Eddie felt his tears prick with tears. “Tell me he’s lying, Richie. Tell me right now.”
Richie was alarmed. “Lying about what?” He turned to Bill. “What did you tell him?” He demanded.
Bill stood his ground. “The truth.”
Eddie was staring at Richie, his eyes burning from oncoming tears. “Did you date me… Are you dating me, for a fucking bet, Richie? You told me Beverly was talking about you and Stan.”
Richie’s face fell, his heart twisting painfully in his chest. “Eds-”
“Tell me!” Eddie cried, reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Richie’s jersey and shaking him a bit. “Tell me right now.”
Richie could feel his entire life fading in front of him. “You have to let me explain.” 
Eddie abruptly dropped his hold on Richie’s jersey and took a step back, tears finally finding their way out of Eddie’s eyes and rolling down his cheeks. “You promised me, Richie.”
Richie tried to close the gap between them, but Eddie pushed him away. “Don’t!”
Richie couldn’t breathe, his world was spinning anxiously around him. He felt like he could get sick right here. “Eddie, please, let me explain. It will make sense, I promise, none of this was fake!”
Eddie scoffed, using his sleeve to wipe away the tears pilling under his eyelashes. “You’re so full of shit. I can’t believe I trusted you, you stupid fucking asshole.” Eddie’s voice was laced with malice and regret; It made Richie’s heart hurt more. Bill made a move towards Eddie, and he backed up from him as well. “I don’t want to fucking talk to you, either.” He threatened, sniffing and glaring at Richie. “If it wasn’t clear, do not ever fucking call me, text me, speak to me again.” With that, Eddie was gone, disappearing around the backside of the bleachers and into the poorly lit school parking lot. 
Richie stood there, shocked and heart-broken, before turning to Bill. “What the fuck did you do?” He asked angrily, moving towards him.
“I-I told him the truth!” Bill said, backing up a bit. “He d-deserves better than you, R-Richie, and you know it!”
Richie pushed Bill harshly by his shoulders. It all clicked. “Oh, and you’re much better?” He pushed him again, Bill falling into the wired fence behind him. “You are a selfish fucking prick, Denbrough, and I’ll make sure everyone fucking knows.”
Bill stood there, leaning against the fence. “Everyone already thinks you are, Richie.” He said, pushing past him to leave, heading the same way Eddie had gone.
Richie stood alone in the grassy area, attempting to calm his rapid thoughts of anger. Bill told Eddie and Eddie believed him and now he was gone. Richie knew he needed to tell Eddie himself but he couldn’t find any time that would have gone better.
Someone approached Richie from behind, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Richie?” It was Stan.
Richie pulled away from his touch. “It was your idea, wasn’t it?”
Stan blinked in surprise. “What?”
“Bill telling Eddie! It was you, wasn’t it? You put the thought in Bill’s head so he would end this stupid bet!”
Stan frowned. “Bill did what? Eddie knows?”
“Yes!” Richie cried. “Eddie fucking knows! Do you see him here, Stan, huh?”
Stan grimaced at Richie’s yelling. “I didn’t tell Bill to do anything. He had a crush on Eddie-”
“Isn’t that fucking sweet.” Richie mumbled, moving past Stan to chase after Eddie. He was going to make things right, he was going to explain himself.
“What about the game?” Stan asked and Richie nearly exploded.
“I don’t give a fuck about anything but Eddie right now, Stan! Isn’t that obvious?”
Stan nodded his head. “Just tell the truth. Tell him how you’ve always felt, Richie, he needs words.”
Richie stared at him for a few beats, before turning to walk away without another word. 
hi all!
I'm not dead and i clearly have been rusty with writing reddie specifically, is it as obvious as it feels?
I do intend to finish this fic at some point in the near future. writing this chapter was not as bad as I imagined it would be. i was terribly afraid of how out of my element with these characters I was - but I went back and watched the movie and re-read some of the previous chapters and felt like I could give it a go. i hope to be able to wrap this monster up in one more chapter, so be on the lookout for that. for those of you who have stuck around and are reading this - I love you. thank you for your continued support. this fic was my baby and I intend to have a finished product that I'm at least happy with the last 20% of it. also, if any of you are into anime, I have a separate ao3 account under the name kenmqs so be sure to visit me there.
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ibijau · 3 years
Deathbed Wedding pt3
Nie Huaisang meets with his friends, and gets to ask about certain rumours he's heard
Also on AO3
Even though he had probably left earlier than anyone else, Nie Huaisang was still late to reach the meeting point, and the last one to arrive. That, of course, was not exactly unusual. Wen Chao looked as annoyed as ever about it.
"You didn't bring anyone?" Wen Chao snapped at him in lieu of greeting. "What's even the point of inviting you if you don't also bring some competent people with you?" 
"Some other business came up," Nie Huaisang lied. "The others had to stay behind to take care of it, but I asked to still come here. I didn't want to disrespect you." 
"I wouldn't even have noticed your absence," Wen Chao retorted. 
Nie Huaisang only smiled politely. They both knew that was a lie. 
Wen Chao liked to organise grand Night Hunts for the young masters of other sects to join. With an older brother as talented as Wen Xu, it was an easy way for him to distinguish himself and make sure he didn’t fade into obscurity, which his personality wouldn’t have borne. Sadly, that same personality made it difficult for anyone to put up with him. To make it worse, there were a number of grudges on-going between the young masters of their generation, and while Wen Chao liked to boast he had the heirs of all the Great Sects coming to his Night Hunts, he lacked the diplomacy to make everyone really work together.
Meanwhile Nie Huaisang was desperately in need of joining every Night Hunt he could, and he had the skill of getting along with anyone, no matter how much he disliked them. Besides, living in an environment like Qinghe Nie had taught him early on how to deal with personal conflicts, and he was pretty good at stopping fights before they could start (or at making them worse if it suited him).
Unless Wen Chao wanted to deal with Wei Wuxian and Jin Zixuan's constant arguing, or with Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji's silent feud, or with everyone’s dislike of him, then he needed Nie Huaisang at his damn Night Hunts. 
And since Nie Huaisang was there at last, they could finally head out toward the location of the actual Night Hunt. Although he had many questions for Lan Wangji, and a few for Jiang Cheng as well, Nie Huaisang decided to fly next to Jin Zixuan. The conversations he needed to have with his other friends would likely have been too intense, and he wasn’t sure he could have mustered enough focus to continue flying his sabre at the same time, not when he was already a little tired. Jin Zixuan, thankfully, always appreciated a little silent companionship, and did not mind that Nie Huaisang barely said ten words to him the entire time.
It took them a good half day of flying to get where Wen Chao swore the monster they’re going to hunt has made its den. He refused to give them any details about the creature in question of course, because Wen Chao thrived on surprising people with his Night Hunts, even if it sometimes got a little dangerous as a result… but that was part of why they all came back. Wen Chao was a prick, but he always organised such good Night Hunts.
This one wasn’t off to a great start though, with Wen Chao telling them they needed to start looking for a cave somewhere in the mountain they’d just reached. It was unlike him to not know more precisely where the creature they were after had made its den, but he hyped it so well that nobody really minded. Nie Huaisang personally would have loved to rest a little first, but since nobody else seemed tired, he simply couldn’t start complaining. It was a good way to work on his endurance, he decided. 
As everyone divided in small groups to look for that cave, Nie Huaisang dumped Jin Zixuan who he’d been flying with, and went to join Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng.
“Can I search with you?” he asked innocently, trying to match their fast walking pace. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen any of you, so I thought we could catch up.”
“You saw us not two months ago,” Wei Wuxian retorted with a grin. “How are your ribs, by the way?”
Nie Huaisang pouted as he fell in step with them, and patted the right side of his body.
“They healed quite nicely, and da-ge never realised they were cracked instead of just bruised.”
Of course, Nie Mingjue had still scolded him a lot, even for what he’d thought to be only a minor injury. Which was very unfair, even Jiang Cheng had said it had been bad luck that day, and Jiang Cheng never said anything nice if he didn’t mean it.
Lan Wangji, who in some respects was a lot like Nie Mingjue, slowed down and frowned upon hearing of that injury.
“Nie gongzi was hurt?” he asked. The ‘again’ was left out, but so heavily implied that Nie Huaisang still heard it.
“Just a little, nothing to worry about,” Nie Huaisang replied with a bright smile. “I’m doing better and better on those Night Hunts, and everyone gets a little bruised here and there, especially at first. It’s all very normal.”
Lan Wangji’s frown deepened, and Nie Huaisang thought it better to quickly breach the subject that actually interested him before he had to deal with a lecture on safety. He hadn’t left his brother’s home just to be bothered by his friends as well.
“So, Wangji-xiong, how is your brother these days?”
Immediately, the atmosphere changed. Lan Wangji’s expression hardened, while Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian exchanged a nervous glance. Nie Huaisang noticed it, and forced himself to continue smiling as if he couldn’t see it.
“I do hope he’s well,” he said lightly. “And your uncle too. Your father as well, I suppose,” he added with a small laugh. “I haven’t had much news from Gusu lately, how sad. Won’t you tell me what’s happening in the Cloud Recesses?”
The other three boys tense further, avoiding his eyes. Nie Huaisang felt his cheeks start to hurt from the effort of keeping his smile on, but he refused to break. He refused to ask if the rumours were really true.
He didn’t need to ask when their faces said it all. 
He didn’t want to ask, but he wanted to hear the answer anyway.
“Nie-xiong, don’t play that game,” Wei Wuxian snapped, poking him in the side, eliciting a slight grimace. His ribs were almost fully healed, but still a little sensitive. “You know it’s annoying when you pretend not to know things. You’ve heard already, haven’t you?”
“Only fools listen to gossip, Wei-xiong,” Nie Huaisang, fighting the impulse to take out a fan to comfort himself. “What am I supposed to know?”
Wei Wuxian, in a rare moment of good sense, bit his lip to stay silent. He looked at Jiang Cheng, even more uneasy than himself, then at Lan Wangji, who was visibly uncomfortable as well.
It was Lan Wangji who broke first. Gusu Lan’s rules demanded honesty, after all.
“Father has been going to Lotus Piers recently,” he announced. “There is discussion of an engagement between xiongzhang and Jiang guniang.”
Nie Huaisang stumbled against a tree root and would have fallen face first if Jiang Cheng hadn't caught him.
Even if rumours had reached him, to hear it said so plainly from Lan Wangji was more than he truly felt really to handle. It shouldn’t have surprised him though.
Back then, Qingheng-Jun had made it clear that he wasn’t willing to let his sons marry just anyone. Ideally he preferred for them to have a spouse who would bear them children (which almost had made Nie Huaisang laugh when he’d heard it: Lan Xichen might agree out of duty, but good luck getting Lan Wangji to obey). He was not entirely opposed to a sterile union though, as long as that spouse agreed to the presence of concubines to continue the line (Nie Huaisang and Lan Xichen, who had already discussed the issue before even asking for that engagement, had already figured it would be required). 
The real problem though, the issue that had been a deal-breaker for Qingheng-Jun when Nie Mingjue had approached him on behalf of his half-brother, was that he believed his sons should only marry someone of great cultivation skill, as he was convinced that an unbalanced match could only lead to trouble down the line.
Nie Mingjue had argued that it would be a good political alliance, that Nie Huaisang brought other skills to the table, that the two young people had been deeply in love for close to two years at that point, but none of it had mattered. Qingheng-Jun had rejected the engagement, because Nie Huaisang just wasn’t good enough.
For months now Nie Huaisang, furious and humiliated that the qualities he did have were overlooked, had worked hard to improve himself and show Qingheng-Jun that he was worthy of Lan Xichen. He was getting there, he knew he was getting there, if only he could get a little more time, a few more Night Hunts, another couple of chances to prove that he could be a real cultivator when he just bothered...
“It’s nothing certain yet,” Jiang Cheng remarked when Nie Huaisang remained silent for too long. “My mother is interested, but my father is saying he didn’t break off the engagement with Jin Zixuan just to push my sister in the arms of another boy who wouldn’t favour her.”
“Xiongzhang is unwilling,” Lan Wangji agreed. “There have been arguments. Xiongzhang raised his voice against father.”
Nie Huaisang managed a weak smile. Lan Xichen wasn’t the sort to stand up against his elders, least of all against a father who rarely meddled in his sons’ lives but expected total obedience when he did. This situation was less than ideal, but Nie Huaisang felt a twisted sort of joy upon hearing that in his own way, Lan Xichen too was fighting for their future.
Still, even if negotiations with the Jiangs didn’t work out in the end, it was clear now that Qingheng-Jun was looking to marry his son, and there would be plenty of candidates. Nie Huaisang really needed to step up and do something extraordinary, and he needed to do it soon.
“Let's keep looking for that cave,” he said, a new spring in his step. “I don't want Wen Chao to find it first, you know he's just going to be insufferable if he does!”
The other three agreed, and redoubled their efforts, though they also all kept an eye on Nie Huaisang who, for once, didn't notice it. He had bigger things to worry about.
That monster Wen Chao had promised them had better be something truly legendary, because Nie Huaisang had a father-in-law to convince.
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p-artsypants · 3 years
I Do...I Guess (7)
The Thunder Plains
The chapter name is a lie. The majority of the chapter still takes place in Guadosalam. :/
Ao3 | FF.net
Tidus couldn’t sleep. It had been a long, emotional, crazy busy day, and his brain just wouldn’t shut off. 
Kimahri and Wakka snoring wasn’t helping much either. 
Auron leaned against the wall, head braced up against his hand, braced on his knee. The man constantly bitched about people getting to bed early, but was he even sleeping? He couldn’t be comfortable. 
Tidus got up, and slipped his boots on, not even bothering to tie them properly. He was a little thirsty, and thought that maybe a little walk around the halls would clear his head enough to get back to bed. Maybe he could even find the kitchen.
As he opened the door to his room, he heard a squeak. He had almost smacked Yuna in the face with the door. 
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” He whispered. “What are you doing up? Can’t sleep either?”
She shook her head and held a finger to her lips. She grabbed his hand and pulled him further down the hall. “I’m investigating,” she confessed when they were alone.
“Investigating? Why? What?”
“In the Farplane, I lied. Lord Jyscal did say something to me, but I didn’t want everyone to know.”
“Are you going to let me in on the scoop?”
“Yes, and I need your help, please.” 
He nodded. 
“Lord Jyscal said he left something for me behind his portrait in the lobby.” 
“Really? For you?” He asked, perplexed. “Did you ever know him?”
“No, but I think he wanted someone trustworthy. Braska’s daughter, another Summoner, would probably be a good guess.” 
“Okay, what do you need me to do?”
“Come with me, and keep watch. I want to see what this is before any other Guado gets a hold of it. If he had to come to me in the Farplane, it’s obviously something he didn’t want to disclose on his deathbed.” 
Tidus frowned at that. “I hadn’t considered that. What could it be?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know.” 
“Should we be getting involved with it?”
Again, she shrugged, looking sheepish. “I’d feel guilty ignoring the wishes of a dead man. If he appeared, it’s obviously bothering him. Maybe this will give him closure.” 
“Okay, if you’re sure.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Don’t you want to tell the others?” 
She smiled at his concern. “You think Auron and Wakka will let me get involved in this?”
He scoffed. “‘This is a waste of time. This is a distraction.’” He impersonated Auron. 
“‘Oh this is Yevon matters, we shouldn’t get involved, ya?’” She pretended to be Wakka. 
“That’s a really good Wakka!”
“And you do a really good Auron!” She giggled. 
There was a creak from down the hall, the mansion settling in the night. No one was there, but it reminded them that they were out in the hall. 
“Let’s go!” She urged him down the hall to the lobby. 
A Guado guard stood outside of Seymour’s room, but there was no one else around. 
“Lady Yuna? Is everything okay?”
“She was thirsty,” Tidus provided. “Can you show her the way to the kitchen?”
Obviously the guard found them non-threatening and smiled at them. “I can get you a glass of water. Just wait here.” They followed him down the stairs, passed Jyscal’s portrait, and watched him go into the Parlor, where they had met Seymour earlier in the day. 
“Okay, keep watch,” Yuna said as she hurried to the portrait. With a little grunt, she admitted, “Actually, let’s trade places, it’s kind of heavy.” 
He swiftly took her place and lifted the portrait off the wall. Since the wall was made up of roots, there was a little alcove hidden, with a sphere, a rolled up piece of paper, and a signet ring. Not knowing what object he was supposed to grab, he swiped them all and stuffed them into his jacket. 
“I hear him coming!” Yuna whispered. 
Tidus fumbled with the portrait, trying to get it back on the wall. It was harder than it looked. 
“Here’s your water—“ The guard returned, and immediately spotted Tidus with the portrait. “Hey!” 
“I’m sorry! I knocked it off the wall by accident!” 
The guard handed the water to Yuna, and went to help. They hung the painting right, and the guard gave him an exasperated look. “Don’t touch the portraits!” 
“Sorry! I’m still half asleep, and so clumsy!” 
Still slightly annoyed, he looked at Yuna. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Lady Yuna?”
“No, that’s all. Thank you.” 
He nodded curtly, and resumed his post. 
“I think I need some air,” said Yuna to Tidus, loud enough for the guard to hear. “Will you escort me outside?” 
“Of course,” he held his arm out to her, and they left the mansion. 
Yuna led them to the Farplane, which had a deep and long enough hall that they could have a bit of privacy. It wasn’t ideal, but time was of the essence. 
“What did you find?” 
Tidus took out the three items. “I’m not sure which of these he referred to, so I just took them all?” 
“Alright, so a sphere, a ring, and…” she unrolled the paper. “A map of Spira.” 
Tidus looked over her shoulder. “What’s this?” He pointed at a tiny red X on the end of a string of islands. 
“That’s Al Bhed territory. I don’t know what that would be.” 
“Let’s remember it for later. Now, the ring?” 
“Not sure. Might be sentimental, or valuable. I don’t think it’s what he was alluding to.” 
“Okay, and then this sphere?” 
“Let’s watch it,” Yuna urged, with thinly veiled excitement. It seemed like she was getting a thrill from this mystery.  
Tidus set it on the ground and allowed the image to project. The scene was a room, Jyscal sat at his desk, facing away from the camera and a servant stood back, listening. 
“When I finish this recording, I will give it to you, Orlus. When I die, I want you to put it behind my portrait in the lobby. Tell no one, absolutely no one about it.” 
“You have my word, My Lord.” 
“After I pass, no matter how it happens, and this deed is complete, I want you to leave Guadosalam. I don’t care where you go, but for your own safety, and the safety of Spira, go.” 
“Yes my lord. But if I may speak freely, you’re certainly not that old. You’re in great health. Do you anticipate this happening soon?” 
“Yes. In fact, any day now.” He turned to face the sphere, and to talk to them.
Tidus paused the recording and pointed to a grid on the desk. “Hey wait, is that a calendar?” 
“Yes, and it’s dated to almost three weeks ago.” 
“And in Luca, the announcer said that Seymour became Maester a fortnight ago. Isn’t that two weeks?” 
She nodded.
 “To you who are watching this sphere. I don’t know who you are. But know I trust no one more with this information. What I am about to tell you is the absolute truth, on my honor as a Guado, and Maester of Yevon. I will leave this world soon, and if my hunches are correct, it will be at the hand of my own son, Seymour. Though this act is heinous, I can not fault him, for the world has not been kind to him or his mother. And I did not do my best to protect them. Seymour has become twisted, vile, and thirsts for violence. I fear that if he is not stopped, Spira will pay. If I am to die of natural causes, I will pass my signet ring onto my successor. But if I am to meet an early demise, the ring will be with this sphere. That is my proof that Seymour has done me in.” 
Tidus looked meaningfully at the ring in his hand. 
“During the recent talks with my son, I find myself doubting the truth of my wife’s demise as well. The map that you found is the temple to which Seymour and his mother were sequestered to. In the months following her death, I never could see her in the Farplane, and I fear something horrible had befallen her. Please, if you are watching this sphere, stop my son, by any means necessary. And if you can, please find out what happened to my wife.”
The sphere ended, and the couple stood in silence, staring at it. 
“Wow.” Said Tidus, without much else to say. What could he say? ‘You really dodged that bullet’? 
Yuna’s only answer was a sniff. He glanced at her to see her crying.  
“Oh Yuna…” 
“I’m so foolish,” She sobbed. “I thought…Seymour was a good and honorable man, that he only had my best interests at heart.” 
“You couldn’t have known—“ 
“But he’s a murderer! I would have signed my own death certificate with a marriage to him!” 
Tidus frowned. “Well, not necessarily, but it is worth investigating why he wanted to marry you. Because we both know he wasn’t in it for the peace and happiness of Spira.” 
Yuna clenched her eyes shut, trying not to cry more. “I was so stupid…” 
“No, no, stop that.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. He had disagreed with her decision to even consider the proposal. And everyone else had told her it was a bad idea. 
But Yuna was smart. She had her reasons, even though she wasn’t being completely honest about them. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, pecking his cheek before pulling out of the hug. “And thank you for not rubbing it in my face and saying, ‘I told you so’.” 
“Oh I wouldn’t do that…at least not to you.” 
She couldn’t help but giggle. 
“Let’s go back to the Farplane and talk to Jyscal. He can confirm what we saw in the sphere.” 
“Good idea! Would you hang onto the stuff we found?” 
“Of course, My Lady.” 
She blanched. “Could you not call me that? Seymour uses that all the time. It just feels…icky.” 
“I totally understand, My Dearest.” 
Yuna smiled at that. “Thank you.” She took his hand and led him back into the Farplane, where they had been earlier in the day. 
At this time of night, or morning now, the platform was completely empty. Even the guard at the door was gone. 
Yuna took her place at the podium, Tidus by her side, and rested her hand in the sphere. 
Her abundance of people appeared again, and she glanced over them all. 
She grimaced. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t see him.” 
“Can you like, call out to him? Maybe he’s up there somewhere.” 
She closed her eyes and focused, and all the other figures faded away. 
“He’s not there,” she lamented. 
“Why not? He was here earlier. Unless he doesn’t want to talk to us…?” 
She turned to look at him, pale and fearful. “I fear something worse than that. I think he left the Farplane.” 
Tidus’ eyes widened. “You can do that?” 
“Not that I know of for certain. There’s old wives tales and ghost stories that might hold some truth. But Lord Jyscal did not look well, even in death. And he didn’t have a clean death. I fear Seymour never sent him, and he was only in the Farplane to contact someone.” 
“Of course Seymour wouldn’t send him. Then he couldn’t tell anyone about his murder. So, where did he go?” 
“I don’t know, but…he’s probably a fiend somewhere.” 
“A Maester in life, and a fiend in death. That’s…that’s worse than murder. We have to stop him. Somehow.” 
Yuna looked at Tidus’ jacket pocket, where she had seen him stash the movie sphere away in. “Jyscal said to stop him by any means possible. Do you think…we’ll have to fight him?” 
“Fine by me. Let’s fight him, and kill him and not send him, then he can be a fiend and suffer like his father is.” Tidus had never met Lord Jyscal, but by the bitterness in his voice, you’d think he cared a lot about him. 
The thing was, Tidus was a victim in a cruel father-son relationship. And for a father to finally be the victim and the son the villain…well, it made his stomach churn. 
“For now,” he placed a hand on the small of her back. “Let’s get back to the mansion, and get some sleep. We can’t do anything tonight.” 
“You’re right, of course. I’m glad I can share a room with Rikku and Lulu, but…” 
“I know. I wish I was there too.” He turned his back to her and started walking back. 
But Yuna crashed into him from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist. 
“It shouldn’t have been surprising,” she began. “Every time I spoke with Seymour, I would get this sinking feeling in my gut. Remember before operation Mi’ihen? I told you I had this sense of dread that something was going to go wrong.” 
“I remember,” he rested a hand on top of hers. 
“I had the same feeling with Seymour. I just didn’t understand why. I thought maybe…maybe if I didn’t go along with whatever he wanted, something bad would happen.” 
“Like what? What could he do?” 
“I thought maybe, he’d find a way to end my pilgrimage.” 
“Could he really do that?” 
“He can’t forbid me, but he could ban me from the temples, or convince Wakka and Lulu to force me to stop, or have me imprisoned or—“ 
“You’ve been worrying about this for a while.” He noted. 
She hugged him tighter, burying her face between his shoulder blades. 
“If it bothered you so much, why didn’t you say anything?” 
“They wouldn’t have taken me seriously. They didn’t take you seriously, so…” 
He scoffed. “Yeah, but Yuna, I’m not from Spira. I’m not beholden to Yevon. And I’m a guy. Any weird feelings I get, are automatically going to be written off as jealousy. And it was.”
She curled her fingers in his clothes. “I don’t always feel like I’m being listened to.” 
“I feel like…the others listen to me, because I’m the summoner, and they're supposed to do what I ask. But I feel like…they discount what I say because I’m so young.  It was like that the whole time I was training. ‘Are you sure? Are you sure?’ Everyday for ten years, they made me feel like…like I wasn’t thinking right.” 
“You feel like they agree with you, because they have to, not because they understand and really agree?” 
“Yes!” She threw her arms up in frustration. Meek little Yuna seemed to explode in anger as she paced the platform. Tidus cautiously turned to face her. “I know that I don’t know everything, but the least they could do is give me the benefit of a doubt!” 
“I’m sorry you feel that way.” 
She paled immediately and started to backpedal. “Not you though! You always listen to me. I feel like I can tell you anything and you really listen to what I’m saying. I appreciate that about you.” 
“Of course I listen to you. You’re the most interesting and wisest person I know.” 
She blushed. “Thank you.”
“At any rate, thank you for explaining things to me a bit more. I understand what you were thinking. I’m not upset anymore.” 
She breathed a sigh of relief and rested a hand on her chest. “Thank goodness.”
“Now,” he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s get to bed. If we’re tired in the morning, Auron will give us crap for it.” 
She giggled. “We better go right to sleep then!” 
As they walked back to the manor, a thought struck Tidus. 
“Hey, we had our first fight! It’s like we’re a real married couple!”
“My parents never fought.” Yuna argued back. 
“Do you want to go back and ask them? I’m sure they did, just in private.” 
“That would be something they’d hide from us.” 
She looked away from him quickly. “Oh…I didn’t mean to say that. I…had a brother.” 
“What happened?” He winced. “If I can ask. I haven’t heard anyone mention him before.”
“He died with my mother. They were on a ship to visit family on Bikanel Island. Sin attacked, and the boat sank. Only one man survived, and that’s how we know what happened.”
“But he wasn’t with your parents in the Farplane? Or was he older and I just didn’t see him?” 
She shook her head. “The boat sank. There were no summoners to do a sending. My mother must have accepted death, but Talcott…he’s probably a fiend out in the ocean.” She made her lips into a thin line. “It would be best if you didn’t tell anyone about this. Lulu and Wakka don’t know.” 
“Why? You and your father are so famous. Why doesn’t anyone know that your mother is Al Bhed? Why is your brother just…gone?”
“He looked more Al Bhed than me. He also had one blue eye, and one green. But his hair was blonde like Rikku. We were both so little, I barely remember him. But…you know Yevon and the Al Bhed.” 
“So they just pretend that part of you doesn’t exist?”
“Basically. They knew that my father married an Al Bhed. He was never given any fanfare at the temples, and was often harassed. His journey must have been the hardest.”
“But he’s beloved now.”
“He wouldn’t be, if it was public knowledge. You heard what he said, ‘when she defeats Sin, anything you did wrong will be overlooked.’”
“That’s stupid and unfair.” 
“For now. But when I beat Sin, I want you to tell everyone that I’m half Al Bhed. An Al Bhed became a Summoner and killed Sin. That’ll show them!” She beamed. 
“Me? You think they’ll listen to me?” 
“The Husband of the High Summoner? You’ll be living in the lap of luxury. You’ll be interviewed for books and spheres…everyone will want to hear you tell the story.”
“And what will you be doing?” 
She was quiet for a while, her hands clasped behind her back. Then, with a coy smile, she turned to glance at him. “I’ll be sleeping. After all, I’m going to be the one doing all the work.”
He smiled right back, “okay, Wise Guy. And I bet you expect me to carry you all the way back to Besaid.”
“I’d prefer a bridal carry over piggy back.”
He scoffed. “Then I better get to work practicing my deadlift!”
In the morning, the horrible storm had passed. Now only the regular rain and lighting remained in the Thunder Plains. 
After a light breakfast, the group packed up and departed from Guadosalam. 
Only to hesitate at the exit. 
Well, only one party member hesitated. 
“Do we have to go through here?” Asked Rikku, curled in on herself. “Can’t we go around?” 
“Going around the Thunder Plains would add a week or more to the journey,” said Auron, coldly. “We go forward.” 
“What if…I went around? And met up with you guys later?” 
Tidus patted her back. “Come on, Rikku. You can’t be afraid of a little thunder.” 
A flash of lightning shot across the sky, and Rikku literally jumped in the air and scrambled up on Kimahri. “I’m not scared of the thunder! I’m scared of the lightning!” 
“There’s no reason to be, if we move quickly,” Auron assured. “Lingering on the flat plain is what will do us in.” 
Rikku pouted. 
“Let’s go.” 
There wasn’t much opportunity for chit chat on the plains. They were moving quickly, and thunder almost constantly rumbled above. 
Finally, they reached the halfway point where there was an Al Bhed rest stop. 
Rikku begged for sanctuary, pitifully. 
“No. It’s a waste of time. There will always be thunder. It’s not going to subside.” 
“Please? Just 15 minutes. Just to calm down?" 
Auron was about to put his foot down and leave her behind, when Yuna declared, “actually. I could use a break as well.” 
Auron huffed, but stalked towards the door. “Fine. 15 minutes!” 
Inside, Yuna went to the counter and asked for a room. 
“Yuna?” Asked Lulu. 
“I just need a minute,” she responded, with a slight smile. 
“I’ll uh…I’ll stand watch.” Tidus announced as he followed her into the hall where the rooms were. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. 
“Yes. Just thinking.” She closed and locked the door behind him. “Can I see Jyscal’s sphere, please?” 
He took it out. “Why? Did you think of something?” 
She set it on the floor and watched it. Then rewound it and played it again.
“Can I ask what’s on your mind?” He tried again. Usually Yuna was pretty easy to read, but this whole situation with Seymour and Jyscal had thrown him for a loop. 
“I’m just…wondering. Lord Jyscal was a true devout of Yevon. He brought the faith to the Guado. I don’t think he would have been as successful if he didn’t truly believe.” 
“And…he asks us to stop Seymour any way possible.” 
“Because Seymour is a murderer. That’s pretty definitive.” 
“Right, but…why didn’t he tell us to take this sphere to Maester Mika? Why leave Seymour’s fate in our hands? Why not let the church deal with him?” 
Tidus didn’t have an answer for her, but by the way she clasped her hands under her mouth, he feared she had come to her own conclusion, and it wasn’t good.
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ajoblotofjunk · 4 years
A10 + B11 + C13 If you would like?
A10. Rub arms/back for warmth + B11. Locked in/trapped somewhere + C13. Selfishness
“Rub my back,” Jaime whined, and Brienne gaped at him in disbelief.
“You’re the one who got us stuck in here, you rub my back,” she said.
“You’re bigger than I am, you retain more heat,” he protested. “You’re being selfish by not sharing it.”
“I’m being selfless by not punching you in the stomach,” Brienne grumbled, rubbing her own arms more vigorously. She could think of many ways she would have liked to have Jaime asking her to rub any part of his body, but as a way to keep him from hypothermia because he’d gotten them trapped in the freezer at the cafeteria of their work was not on that list.
“I wish I’d never asked you to meet me here,” he said, glaring at her.
“I wish you hadn’t either!”
“At least we agree on something!”
They exchanged venomous stares, but he shuffled closer to where she was moving her feet to walk in place and try to keep her temperature up without sweating. She remembered all those survivalist shows she’d watched that said sweat could be deadly in freezing temperatures. They’d also said sharing body heat was an effective tactic, but she didn’t particularly feel like sharing anything with Jaime right now.
“Just a little,” he urged her and she turned her back on him in response.
“You’re acting like I meant for us to get stuck in here,” he said. “Why would I do that?”
“I don’t know,” she told the far freezer wall. “Why did you ask to meet in the freezer in the first place?”
“I had gossip.”
Brienne looked back over her shoulder and he shrugged nonchalantly.
“I did. It’s about an executive, so I couldn’t chance anyone overhearing us.”
“Unless this executive is sleeping with multiple people that work for them, it was absolutely not worth it.”
Jaime gave her a knowing look and Brienne groaned. “I still don’t want to know,” she insisted. “Don’t tell me anything.”
“We have to report them.”
“Why don’t you report them? We have that Ethics line.”
Jaime scratched the back of his neck, shivered, and then hugged himself more tightly. “The tiny problem is that the executive might be very closely related to me.”
“Tyrion?” she asked, surprised. But Jaime shook his head and his face twisted into the strangest look of nerves and disappointment and resignation. “Oh gods. No. I am not going to report your sister.”
“You have to,” he said. “No one else will do it.”
“And again,” she said, unwrapping one arm from around her body long enough to gesture at him vehemently.
“You know those lines aren’t really anonymous,” Jaime informed her. “They’ll find out it’s me.”
“Why would it better if they discovered it was me?” she said, her voice far too high-pitched.
“Because everybody trusts you, Brienne! If I do it, they’ll think I’m just trying to get her kicked out so I can take over her division. That’s how Lannisters think.” Jaime’s voice was laced with the same disgust Brienne felt. “But they’ll listen to you. They’ll believe you’re doing it because it’s true. Brienne. Please.” He stepped forward and rubbed her arms, his hands bumping over her own where they were curled tightly around her own biceps. “Nice muscles under that suit jacket,” he murmured, pausing to squeeze a little with his strong hands, and Brienne suspected if all her blood wasn’t furiously trying to keep her trunk alive, she’d be blushing. Thank the gods for small miracles, she supposed.
Jaime looked at her with wide, puppydog eyes, eyes that were normally narrowed and green as a cat’s. His lips were just starting to turn from the pink they normally were, and she wondered if they should press their mouths together to share heat there, too.
Brienne shook her head abruptly. “Fine,” she said.
“You swear?”
“I swear. Although that won’t mean much if we die in here. You have to get us out of here first.”
“No problem,” Jaime said. He pulled out his phone and typed a swift text message while Brienne watched, open-mouthed. “There. Facilities should be here in five.”
“I hate you,” she growled.
“I know. But you wouldn’t break an oath you made on my deathbed, would you?”
“You weren’t dying!”
“I absolutely was,” he said, frowning. “If you hadn’t said yes soon, I might’ve started losing fingers and then I could have gotten some terrible infection and died of that. Besides,” he wiggled his right hand at her. “It would be a shame to have lost these babies. You don’t know what they’re capable of.”
Jaime grinned salaciously at her and when Facilities opened the door three minutes later, he was still coughing from where she’d socked him in the stomach.
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tacosandtomcos · 4 years
Honestly, I get why people are upset about how the shipping was handled in season 4, but seriously, why are people so triggered over kellco? They were literally nothing but a rebound ship. Neither of the characters took actual romantic interest until Tad left Kelly and Star was with Tom coincidentally. And I mean, they straight up called themselves "Break-up-Buddies".. clearly nothing good was going to come out of that.
Well, kellco was seen a little more then that.
I mean, this was a ship that had been going on and had setup for at least 2 seasons? I mean not as heavily as jarco was but still.
While Marco was dealing with the fact star was with someone else, it became clear he and kelly were starting to connect and become friends who were supporting each other through these rough times.
And a lot of people actually liked the idea of that, that these two unlikely characters going through struggles that were similar started bonding and realizing they had a lot in common.
After LLB it became obvious to the audience kelly and marco were hanging out a lot more offscreen, they hang out in monster bash, kell is implied to like marco in the holiday special, they clearly seemed to go to the wedding together in BB as almost like the other’s date (though that’s more implied then anything), marco even considers kelly to be one of the first people he calls to help with meteora….
the show doesn’t lean on them like it did with other ships, but people could clearly tell marco and kelly were having a budding friendship/romance going on, and i think people liked the fact it stemmed from these characters supporting each other through their romance issues and bonding over time.
not to mention, this was one of the few things marco had that didn’t make him so star-constant.
Marco lacked much of his own personal relationships or hobbies or plots that weren’t extremely rooted to star. Marco lost karate, school, his earth relationships mainly, any of his self discovery episodes.
He barely was in s3 unless he was in the romance plot, or doing stuff for star.
Having him have this new friendship with kelly where they support each other and have marco deal with his emotions and where marco seemed to have someone he hung out with regularly outside of mostly star and tom and that entire love triangle was probably a breath of fresh air.
And this was a thing with kelly, kelly herself seemed to be implied to be having a rough time dealing with her past relationship and the show treats her chance with marco as a chance for her to finally move on and be with someone who really understands her.
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Kelly’s not the most detailed and explored character but the fact they spent so much time on focusing on the fact these two were hanging out and there was some romance blooming between them, and then just instantly cut it off for no reason kinda sucks.
In ways i think people liked seeing marco with someone who shared his love of martial arts, and sword fighting, and adventures because while star kinda liked that in s1, her character is flipped a lot in s3 and 4 and it kinda seems more like kelly and marco just end up having a lot more in common.
If jackie was perfect to marco as his opposite, her chill personality working well with his safe-kid persona and worried character.
Kelly was perfect in the almost opposite direction, having a lot in common with him and matching his interests and the two of them bringing out each other’s wilder sides.
Star used to almost be an opposite, but then she got more serious and marco got more wild, and marco just seemed to mostly go on his own adventures, without her.
And the two had things in common in earlier seasons, not all that much in later ones, they don’t really hang out much tbh cause there are more episodes with star dealing with eclipsa and other matters.
in summary here i think kelly just seemed to really compliment the character marco was at the time, and people really liked the direction the show seemed to be taking with it.
like these two characters forming a friendship and support group with each other, and moving on from their heartbreak to find they like each other? That’s wholesome and would’ve been wholesome to see in the show-
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-if they had sticked with it.
people are triggered over kellco because the show spent it’s focus on this relationship and building this budding relationship built on support for each other through rough times….and then ended it for no reason.
like even if it was in the bg mostly, it was still a relationship the show put focus on, they even had an entire episode to get them together.
And then ended it? Without a real reason why?
Kelly and Marco’s relationship was built on support for each other and marco just goes off and ends it? Leaving Kelly once again, sad and alone and clearly heartbroken despite marco KNOWING how tad made her feel? And then they just ignore it and pretend it didn’t matter when they clearly tried to make it matter?
Marco knows how much kelly had been hurt over the tad situation and he knows how much their relationship meant to kelly to help her deal with it and move forward, and no, he doesn’t owe it to her to be with her if he doesn’t want to…..but he DID want to!
Marco actively said he didn’t really want to have feelings for star because they were in the way of these new ones for kelly. He wanted to move on and he wanted to be there to support her….expect somewhere offscreen he changed his mind.
He never interacts with kelly again after the breakup btw, their entire friendship/relationship basically goes poof and neither of them talk about it again.
I mean, the fact star and marco’s other relationships are almost treated like nothing in comparison to their own is it’s own issue, but kellco is a prime example of it.
Spent a long time on this relationship, these two are supposibly close, then after they break up marco pretty much pretends all that time we spent with him and kelly and the friendship they had meant little to him.
Doesn’t even worry when she’s on her deathbed.
Same thing with Tom, where the writers try and pretend these relationships we spent seasons on meant nothing to star and marco and we should only care about their relationship.
Having star and marco give a heck about these other relationships we spent so much time on would probably make them seem less selfish, but nah, kelly is gone forever in her own dimension? Who cares about the fact we were friends with her and she’s gone forever, we get to date now.
Breaking them up like they did removed all the good merit the show was trying to preach with their friendship.
Moving on is a thing that doesn’t seem to exist in this show as long as it’s keeping the main couple apart.
You have these episodes showing that it’s healthy for star and marco to accept they should move on for their betterment and it all entirely goes to waste because they end up together regardless because neither does move on.
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And this is another thing.
Kelly had nothing to do much when she wasn’t with marco.
and like, this is the same problem jackie had, but at least the show didn’t have jackie almost presented like a main character.
They presented kelly as a main character by s3 and by the end, they did nothing with her outside of her and marco’s relationship, which again, they scrapped randomly.
And kelly just never does anything after, she’s basically gone, just like jackie was, because as soon as a character is done dating star or marco they’re useless to the crew apparently and their relationships no longer matter to them.
Kelly wasn’t the deepest or most developed character, but a lot of people were attached to her, liked her relationship with marco, it would understandably piss them off to see the crew give this girl so much attention all of a sudden…
only to immediately remove her and all importance she may of had just to get starco together.
And this isn’t mentioning the fact that kellco didn’t need to exist in the first place, they didn’t develop any characters because marco goes right back to pinning over star and who knows with kelly, they didn’t have a function on the plot directly, didn’t serve to make star or anyone jealous.
It’s a relationship they spent time on, only to go nowhere with, it really had no reason to happen at all and if it was just to make kellco shippers happy….well i think they would’ve rather had no ship then the crew randomly ending the relationship quickly after and pretending it didn’t exist.
by itself, kelly’s world is a cute episode, but it’s so disappointing to see they have it and then pretend it didn’t matter at all.
why did they take so much time to get them together and focus on them if they were just going to break it off after the fact?
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It’s easy to be like “Oh, they were rebounds, who cares, it didn’t matter”
Clearly that’s not how everyone felt.
it seemed pretty obvious to people kellco felt like an opportunity for two characters to move on with their lives and find happiness in each other, because that’s literally how their relationship is presented several times in the series.
and with all the focus this relationship had the last thing people wanted was to see this rather wholesome relationship just be tossed aside for starco, especially since it’s entire message rode on both parties being together and getting over starco.
Kellco made people mad because:
It has no reason to exist by the end
It wastes a character they didn’t care enough about to get any resolution with marco
all the goodwill it had is removed by getting rid of it for starco
the show spent time on a relationship they ended without giving any reason for it to end
it was something entirely wholesome that people enjoyed watching because it was a step away from all this romance drama and gave marco character outside of star, and the show decided to destroy it and make marco so star-centered he seemed to lack any character or ambition or anything outside of her anymore
There’s nothing more hurtful then a show making you care about something and making you feel like it mattered and then tossing it away and spitting on it.
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novissa · 3 years
i’m just the sucker who let you fill her mind - part one
here’s the first part of a rubell fic i wrote for wlw renegades week! supposed to be for the friends to lovers prompt, but technically it is past midnight but it was posted on ao3 before midnight in my time zone :)
wc: 2099
read on ao3
The first time that Ruby visited her in the hospital, it had been so startling that Danna almost made a complete fool of herself. That seemed to happen a lot whenever Ruby was around.
Danna had been sitting cross-legged on the hospital bed, reading the latest copy of the Gazette for the fifth time— well, not really reading. She’d started to fold the pages, wondering if she could get away with tearing them up to make origami. Was this public property? Or could she just keep it? She wasn’t sure, but she was honestly so bored that she might be willing to resort to vandalism. She was starting to regret that she had turned down her mom’s offer to bring her reading material. Well. She’d mostly just needed her mom to leave before she drove Danna insane. Everything with her parents had become more complicated and a thousand times more stressful for Danna lately. Though that was maybe just her. She had a tendency to be a little intense.
Danna frowned, leaning back onto the bed. Everything in the news was horribly depressing— even more so than usual. It was right as she dragged her hand down her face in irritation that she heard a knock. Danna glanced up, and then immediately jumped up in surprise, accidently sending the newspaper skittering to the floor.
Ruby stood at the foot of her bed, her grin a little sheepish. She lowered her fist from the metal framing holding the privacy curtains, crouching down to retrieve the fallen newspaper. “Hi,” Ruby said softly, standing up once again. “I thought I would visit and see how you were doing.” She paused, glancing at the newspaper. “You’re reading about… the annual fishing festival at Hasegawa Bay? Sounds fascinating.” Danna felt an instant relief from the sound of Ruby’s voice.
Danna laughed, taking the newspaper back from Ruby. Her laughter paused and turned to nerves as their hands brushed. Danna shrugged, trying not to think about that accidental brush. “I ran out of other things to read,” she said. “Also, don’t you know that fishing is one of my secret passions?”
Ruby giggled, and something about her laugh made Danna grin like an idiot. She turned her face away, still smiling, trying not to let Ruby see just how much she was grinning— or the blush that had started to spread across her cheeks.
“You looked very startled when I knocked,” Ruby said teasingly. “Did you not expect me to visit you?”
Danna turned back to face Ruby, whose hazel eyes sparkled. Ridiculous, she thought to herself. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was calling ridiculous. Ruby’s eyes were always difficult not to notice. “I—” She wasn’t really sure what the answer to that question was. “I don’t know,” she said. The truth was, she had hoped that Ruby would visit her. The other day, after she’d finished reading through the newspaper for the first time, she’d hoped for someone to visit her— someone other than her parents. Adrian had visited her yesterday, and Oscar had assured her that he would be stopping by soon, but… for some reason, Ruby was always the first to come to her mind. She’d fantasized about Ruby coming to visit her and— well, she wasn’t really sure what. There wasn’t really any reason for Ruby to do anything but say hi, and even just the simple idea of Ruby visiting her in the first place had seemed so far away and impossible. Not impossible, her mind reminded her. Clearly.
“Of course I’m visiting you!” Ruby said cheerfully, sitting at the foot of the bed. “How could I not visit my best friend while she’s in the hospital recovering from a tragic injury?”
Danna smiled. “Best friend?”
“Are we not best friends?” Ruby asked. “Oh no, does the great Danna Bell not consider me her best friend?” She smiled back at Danna teasingly. “Of course we’re best friends! Unless you have a complaint about that, which I don’t think you do. We spend more time with each other than we do with anyone else, even outside of Renegades stuff.”
“Okay, we’re best friends,” Danna admitted, her spirit rising. She’d never really been sure where she and Ruby stood on friendship. She wasn’t usually too good at keeping friends. But the title of best friend made her feel like she was floating, better than any other award she could’ve won. She could fail every single mission assigned to her, and she could have everyone else in the world hate her, but she would be content with anything as long as she was still Ruby Tucker’s best friend. Even if she maybe wanted something a little different from that.
Ruby’s smile grew even wider, and she flung her arms around Danna, careful not to touch her burns. Danna laughed, hugging her back. Ruby smelled like gardenias, a fact that Danna thought was ridiculous that she knew. Who even knew what gardenias smelled like, let alone recognized the scent in their best friend? “I missed you,” Danna said quietly. That was also ridiculous. It had only been a couple days since she’d last seen Ruby. But she found herself missing Ruby no matter how long ago Danna had last seen her.
Ruby pulled back, digging through her bag. “Well, it’s a good thing that you’ll be seeing a whole lot of me from now on!” She pulled out a deck of Uno cards. “Feel like playing a game?”
“This is so unfair,” Danna complained.
“Uno,” Ruby said cheerfully. Danna glared at her.
“I hate you,” Danna said.
“No you don’t!” Ruby said. “Are you going to take your turn?”
Danna glowered, resorting to the draw pile. She gave Ruby an even more intense death glare as she went on without drawing any cards that fit. Seven cards, and then finally she had a red card. She set it down, then frowned as Ruby smiled.
Ruby slammed down another red card, cheering. Danna wanted to throttle her.
“Don’t be a sore loser,” Ruby said teasingly. “Just because I’m better at Uno than you doesn’t mean you have to be rude.”
“I’ll be as rude as I want,” Danna replied, taking the pile of cards and throwing them at her. “I’m going to kill you.”
Ruby smiled at her, placing her hands under her chin. “Why kill me? That’s no fun.” She leaned back on the bed, still smiling. “There are other people who deserve killing way more than I do. Like… Ace Anarchy?”
Danna frowned. “Ace Anarchy is already dead,” she said, leaning over Ruby so that Ruby could see that Danna was still glaring at her. “Besides, I’ve never played Uno with him.”
Ruby laughed, and Danna was realizing what a bad idea leaning over Ruby was. Now she could see Ruby’s freckles and the dimple that appeared when she was smiling widely, which she was now. “Okay, well, the Sentinel, then. I know you’d love to stab him.”
“Stabbing is bad,” Danna said, determined not to let Ruby win. In all honesty, she wasn’t all too opposed to the idea of stabbing the Sentinel.
Ruby pouted. “You’re no fun.” Ruby grabbed Danna’s hand, pulling her down onto the bed so that they were both lying next to each other. Ruby rolled over so that she was facing Danna. Danna almost had a heart attack from how close their faces were. “Stabbing people is fun.”
Danna rolled her eyes, turning away from Ruby so she was staring up at the ceiling. It was awfully hard to think when Ruby was that close to her. “Maybe,” she admitted. “But I think setting him on fire would be more satisfying. Poetic justice, and all that.”
Ruby laughed. If she were the more romantic and poetic type, Danna might compare her laughter to a bell or the feeling of seeing sunlight come through a window or… something. Danna wasn’t a poet by any means. She thought Ruby was quite a bit like the sun, actually— she was beautiful, and Danna didn’t think she would be able to live without Ruby. That being said, Ruby was very hard to look at. Maybe if she stared at Ruby for too long, Danna would get eye damage. Or brain damage. She thought she maybe already had brain damage from her feelings for Ruby.
“Still,” Ruby said. “I don’t think you should kill me. There are much better things to do.”
“Maybe I’ll just maim you a little,” Danna said. “That way I can have you wounded terribly and then I can play another Uno game with you and beat you.”
“You wouldn’t be able to beat me in Uno even if I was on my deathbed,” Ruby argued. Then she sighed. “You shouldn’t kill me, or even maim me. Killing is boring. There are much more interesting things to do that start with the letter k.”
Danna thought her heart was going to beat out of her chest. “Like what?” she managed to say. “Kicking?”
Ruby laughed. That laugh again. “Maybe,” she said. “I don’t think you should kick me, either.” They were both silent for a moment, Danna too afraid to hope for what she wanted, and Ruby perfectly fine. Danna didn’t like feeling like this. It was all way too out of her control, and she didn’t like it when she wasn’t in control of anything. While Danna was always inwardly freaking out, Ruby always seemed to be unaffected. “I think you should get me a kitten,” Ruby said at last.
“A kitten?” Danna asked. She wasn’t sure if she was disappointed or relieved. Relieved, she decided. She was definitely relieved. There was nothing to be disappointed about.
“Yeah,” Ruby said. “A calico. Or maybe a bengal.”
“I’ll keep that in mind for your birthday,” Danna said. “Would your parents be happy about that?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Ruby said. “I’d be happy about that. And my brothers.”
Danna laughed. “Okay.”
After a while, Ruby tapped her shoulder. Danna turned over to face Ruby again. “I should go,” Ruby said reluctantly.
“Okay,” Danna whispered. She didn’t want Ruby to go. That was ridiculous. It wasn’t as if she had any choice in the matter, and it was the logical path. Ruby would leave, because Ruby had a life outside of Danna. “I’ll beat you in Uno next time you visit.” Danna held her breath, hoping that Ruby would agree. She didn’t even know if there would be a next time, but she wanted there to be. Many next times, in fact.
Ruby smiled as she pulled away. Danna watched her go. “No way,” Ruby said. “I’ll beat you next time, and the time after that, and every single time I come to visit you.”
Danna sat up, relieved. “I will beat you,” she said.
Ruby shook her head, grabbing her bag and placing the Uno cards in it. “Oh,” she said. “Also, I brought you something.” She dug in her bag, pulling out a plastic bag filled with cookies. “I baked them with my brothers, so they might not be the best, but we did our best.”
Danna took the bag of cookies, feeling oddly touched. “Thank you,” she said.
Ruby grinned, stepping through the privacy curtain. “My brothers have a big thing tomorrow that I have to go to, but I’ll be back on Wednesday.”
“See you!” Danna called.
“Oh, before I go— is there anything specific you want me to bring next time?” Ruby asked. “I’ll bring Uno again, but is there another game? Or reading material, so you don’t have to keep reading the Gazette?”
Danna smiled. “Reading material would be great,” she said. “And you should bring any games you want, because I’ll beat you in all of them.”
Ruby stuck her tongue out at Danna. “We’ve established that I’m going to win already.”
Danna watched her go fondly, feeling a lot less alone than she had before Ruby’s arrival.
After Ruby left, there wasn’t much for Danna to do except replay it all in her mind. After Ruby left. Maybe Ruby wasn’t there physically, but she was always there in Danna’s mind. Danna took a bite of one of the cookies. It was a little chewier than she thought it was meant to be, but Danna couldn’t bring herself to care about that. They were the best food she’d eaten in days, and they had been made by Ruby. Sitting there, tasting butter on her tongue, sugar on her lips, she could almost imagine that Ruby wanted her the way she desperately wanted Ruby.
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zalrb · 4 years
In your humble opinion, would you say that KW leaving tvd after s4 is what ruined the show? I personally feel that way and if you as well, I would love to know your thoughts. I just feel like after he left, Julie wanted to create HER own fantasy on the show vs we have already been given with the character (hence how de was created). I just feel like Julie and Caroline Dries were lowkey excited he was gone.
I think that when Kevin was around he pushed back against JP’s flights of fancy to create a more cohesive show. Like for instance, in season 1, JP wanted Damon to actually kiss Elena and Kevin was like, no, it’s too soon:
I’m most proud of the cliffhanger [at the end] of season 1. I remember sitting in the room and Julie’s like, “No, Damon and Elena have to kiss. That has to be the cliffhanger. Don’t you remember Dawson’s Creek? You’ve got to do it.” And I’m like, “No, they can’t. You cannot.” We were already fighting about Elena being with Damon or Elena being with Stefan. I saw it clearly: This is season 1. This is about Stefan and Elena. Elena is not at that place yet where she would kiss him. She’s not drunk; she’s not crazy. She’s our heroine; we cannot sacrifice her character and have her make that move against Stefan. Unless —I’ll never forget that moment in the writers’ room — it’s Katherine.
which makes sense because next to the fact that Damon is Damon, Damon and Elena essentially spend no time together in season 1, it’s very minimal screentime and when they do spend time together it’s 99.9% about Stefan
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so it never made sense for her to kiss him/be with him but it would especially not make sense then.
I also think that with Kevin around he pushed for heartbreaking moments that would make for compelling TV, things that Julie wouldn’t have done:
The good storylines start churning, and I just want to be surprising, all the time. I think, “If I do this, how would I earn it?,” and I have to backtrack and figure out the storyline and figure out how to do it
and in season 3 she didn’t want to kill anyone but Kevin said that she had to:
Julie and I still talk at 4 o’clock in the morning. I go, “Who are you going to kill?” I’ve let her decide this year ‘cause I killed enough people. She called me up and said, “I think we’re not going to kill anybody,” and I said, “Oh, no. No, you’ve got to kill somebody.”
without Kevin to talk about stakes, then you get things like the Other Side and body switches so that no one really has to die,
So I thought about it from the point of view of an audience member  saying you know what yes, to be a good writer, your deaths should feel  permanent, but our audience that has been watching our show faithfully  and sobbing along with us every time somebody dies, there is something  beautiful about getting to revisit them every now and then and in   Jeremy’s case, it was actually about bringing him back into Elena’s   world so that she could find herself again.”  
And when you read about what the writing room was like in the series finale, Kevin challenges JP on her ideas
And then Kevin walked into the room and he’s like, “What’s Stefan’s life going to be like?” I said, “He’s going to be happy with Caroline and uh uh… uh, I don’t know.”
He pauses, then continues, “If there was any other conversations, we ended on this one. This show was always about Stefan being the hero, and if Stefan could not have Elena, Stefan could do this very nice thing of giving his brother the chance to live with Elena.”
I’m like, “You’re right, it needs to go the other way.” It was so funny because we had thought about it in the room so much that we had talked ourselves into one path, but all we needed was him to walk in and be like, “But… isn’t it cooler the other way?” And so we switched it. He gets all the credit for that.
and I think after he left, no one did that and that’s why stakes are gone, consequences are gone, which then starts turning the show into fanfiction because it just becomes JP and CD doing whatever they want to do and making last minute changes that aren’t well thought-out because it makes no sense for what they’ve already established (like the Katherine-Elena body swap) which gets into the fact that they’re actually bad writers. Caroline Dries admitted to not knowing what an arc is:
Caroline Dries: I don’t know what the definition of arc is, but we have cool new mythologies that we’re introducing this season.
More than that, she implemented a “chapter” format that doesn’t make sense:
“We’re five seasons in – we learn a little bit every season – and last year was the season of the cure, the year before that was the moonstone and the sacrifice. When we found that we were stretching that out over 22 or 23 episodes, the mythology gets so dense and hijinks-y that the audience is like, “Wait, what?!” So we were like why don’t we break things down into chapters, a little cleaner, so we’re not having springs pop out of our ears every time we’re pitching something to the studio or the network or the audience. That’s what we’re trying to do. We wrapped up the doppelganger thing with Silas and Amara, but the travelers are still around in the ether. They still have an agenda that they haven’t carried out yet. Not to say things won’t come back that we haven’t seen. They certainly will. But it’s more about trying to make the stories have a beginning, middle and end. Have a conclusion.”
But that isn’t how a season works! It is supposed to be the season of the tomb vampires, the season of the moonstone, the season of the Originals, each season is supposed to be a chapter in the book which is the series. If you think that the mythology gets dense because you’re spending 22 episodes on one thing, you can focus episodes on the B-plots for more breathing room like season 2 was about the moonstone but it was also the introduction of werewolves and Katherine was back in town, Bonnie’s power was growing, they could’ve focused on that more if they didn’t want it get to so dense, same thing with season 3 and season 4; it’s the show’s inability to focus things on characters other than Damon and Elena and sometimes possibly Stefan that makes season not broken up into “chapters” too dense to follow because they don’t really expand to the other characters. Furthermore, when you have chapters within a season then the arcs happen too quickly and abruptly, you don’t have enough time to form attachments to the new characters or the new storyline because it’s done within 3 or 4 episodes and when you move on to the next chapter, the show doesn’t bring the effects of the previous chapter into it — for instance, in season 5 Stefan had amnesia for three episodes and then it stopped and became about him having PTSD for two episodes and then that stopped and his character went through absolutely no growth because those chapters were “over.” This season the Lily chapter ended and Damon was a dick to her on her deathbed fine that carries over to his “hell” which lasts for one episode and he admits to being sorry and wanting his mother and then it became about him burning Elena and “spiralling” so what about his revelation in the Phoenix Stone? What bearing does that have on his character? Nothing. Because that chapter is over. It’s RIDICULOUS. Everything within a season should connect seamlessly, which should add to the world you’ve created in the series because that’s what a television show IS. You need direction and you need the flexibility to move shit around, it’s a balance that the show is severely lacking.
Which just means that the show went downhill fast.
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taexual · 5 years
Disciplined / Wonho x Reader
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The newest addition to Hoseok’s team proves himself to be reckless when he breaks Hoseok’s rule and starts a conversation with you only to discover that you weren’t going to be his damsel in distress.
pairing: mafia au! – lee hoseok x reader
warnings: some mentions of death, strong language, some sexual themes
words: 5.1k
ANON REQUEST: Monsta x Mafia AU! Where Wonho is at a business meeting and leaves his men at home to take care of his girlfriend, but a new(er) recruit hits on her?
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He always said it wouldn’t take long and that he’d be back within an hour. That was never true – you were lucky if you’d see Hoseok again the same night after he’d left for a meeting – but you still believed him every time he said goodbye to you by the door. In your defense, Hoseok’s charming smile and the affection in his eyes would have made anyone fall for his words in a heartbeat.
“I’d really rather wait for you alone,” you whispered against his chest as he hugged you goodbye, seemingly unphased by the three men he’d brought into the house before leaving.
“They’re here to look after you,” Hoseok said, clutching you very firmly. He always seemed to squeeze you tighter right before he let you go, so you knew he was going to leave in the next few seconds. “They’ll make sure nothing happens to you while I’m out.”
“Nothing ever happens to me,” you insisted, fighting a useless battle. Changing his mind was about as likely as you getting killed while these men were in your house. “And I’m sure they’d rather be somewhere else anyway.”
“I don’t really care about that, to be honest, sweetheart,” he said, pulling away from you – just like you’d expected – and bringing his hand through your hair. “They work for me and I need them to be here tonight. That’s all.”
“You could really just give me a gun and teach me how to defend myself instead,” you mumbled.
Hoseok smiled and shook his head. You knew his reasons for his constant need to have you protected and you knew every explanation that made sense of his paranoia. He’d watched his father’s peers turn on him and kill his wife – Hoseok was already smart enough to know that leaving a person completely defenseless was bound to bring bad luck but he didn’t do anything to remind his father that his job constantly put his wife in danger – and, although he wasn’t particularly close to the woman, her death had still left a deep scar in his mind.
A scar that, evidently, was not deep enough, because Hoseok made the exact same mistake his father had made, only three years later. He had left his best friend’s house for five minutes to check up on what appeared to be the sound of gunshots coming from the outside, and then, upon returning back into the house, discovered nothing but a bloody room and a dead body of someone whom he once considered to be his own family.
So, yes, you knew Hoseok wasn’t purposefully keeping you locked up – he was only trying to keep you safe in any way he knew how – but you still did not agree with his methods. And how could you? You did not share his experiences. You’ve never watched two people die because of something that could have been avoided so easily. You’ve never blamed yourself for not being there to protect them and, if all attempts to save them failed, not taking the bullet, too.
“The day I see you with a gun,” Hoseok said, his hand on your cheek, “is the day I’m laying on my deathbed, yeah? Let me and my men do the dirty work. You focus on yourself.”
Although life with Hoseok had completely flipped your world upside down, there were a few things that he insisted stayed the same – your hobbies, your job, and your education.  You may have seen enough blood to last you a lifetime, but in spite of all of that, Hoseok still tried to keep your life as normal as possible. Not to mention, even though he belonged to the Mafia, Hoseok had a deep hatred for guns – the losses he’d experienced had contributed to that, of course – and refused to allow you to keep one, which, truth be told, made you feel a lot more normal. At least, you wouldn’t have to fire any weapons and your only crime would be falling in love with a notorious criminal.
Hoseok never understood your apprehension about his choice to have his men protect you. He knew you never got to know them simply because Hoseok had forbidden them to talk to you but he wasn’t trying to get you to bond with his Mafia members. He was looking after you – like he should have looked after all those people before – and this was the only way he could show you that he cared. However, as caring as he was, he also had a certain possessiveness in him that attracted you most of the time, but managed to piss you off just as much.
“You’re treating me like a baby,” you told him.
“Yes,” he replied, ignoring the complaining in your voice and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You’re my baby.”
You tried to groan – the look in his eyes making your heart flutter more than the pet name – and crossed your arms over your chest. “Just be home soon, okay? I’m done with my thesis, I literally have nothing else to do in this house now.”
“I’ll be back as soon as possible,” he promised. “Gotta keep my girl entertained, right?”
And with a quick wink your way, Hoseok was out of the door.
Sighing at his departure, you turned around with the intention of heading to your bedroom upstairs – you already knew better than to try to have a conversation with Henry and Jay who stood by the door; all of your previous attempts have been fruitless – but then you heard someone chuckle.
Stopping suddenly, you looked around. The sound was by no means unusual, but you were surprised to hear one of Hoseok’s men show an actual emotion while you were around.
“He really keeps you locked up in here, doesn’t he?” someone said and you turned your head towards the corner of the kitchen where one of Hoseok’s men had been standing.
You haven’t seen him before and, even though you weren’t exceptional at remembering everyone’s face, you could tell that he had to be one of the newer additions to Hoseok’s army.
“Not really,” you said, intrigued because not a single one of your guards had dared to talk to you before. “I could leave if I wanted to.”
“And we would, of course, have to go with you,” the guy replied, a smile not leaving his lips.
You squinted your eyes, unsure if you should approach him or just carry on with what you’d planned to do – which was nothing – because you knew the guy had strict orders not to talk to you and yet there he was, ignoring them. If you encouraged him, he could very much lose this job – and his life, too.
“Yes,” you ended up saying. Maybe you thought the risk was worth it; talking to someone was so much better than spending your night staring at the ceiling, after all. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t go wherever I want to go. I just happen to have a bunch of obnoxiously quiet men following me around. No offense.”
You’d addressed the two men by the door but they, of course, remained quiet. The only signs that they were alive and weren’t, in fact, some sort of advanced robots, were the warning looks they’d given the member of their team that had addressed you.
“And do you like that?” the guy pressed. He obviously had a lot of courage and you feared he was going to waste it all on this conversation that he wasn’t supposed to be having. “Do you seriously don’t mind this lack of freedom?”
Crossing your arms over your chest in a defensive manner, you leaned against the door, leading into the kitchen. You didn’t dare to enter the room and approach the guy just yet.
“I do mind it sometimes,” you replied honestly. “But I love Hoseok and that’s the price I have to pay if I want to be with him.”
“Is it worth it?”
You didn’t even hesitate. “Yes.”
“Hmm,” the guy smirked. “Sounds like he’s got you whipped.”
You didn’t like the way he made it sound. The way he spoke about your relationship was as if Hoseok owned you and did whatever he wanted with you. As if you never had any right to say anything. And while you knew your life choices were somewhat limited, Hoseok had never made you feel chained. He’s never stripped you off of your ability to make decisions for yourself unless he knew better.
And, actually, there were many things that Hoseok knew better, one of which being the ability to recognize when he was stepping over the line. He backtracked if he realized he was starting to control you in a way that suffocated you. He apologized if he said something demeaning. And he always made sure you were comfortable with the decisions he’s had to make on behalf of you.
Although you’ve tried to fight him every night, not wanting to have his men babysit you, you’ve also allowed Hoseok to convince you that this was the right decision. You knew how much your agreement meant to him. Had you said no and really pressed on the issue, Hoseok would find a different solution – he’d remove his men from your house, but then take you with him to the meeting instead, or do something else that still allowed him to keep an eye on you – but he would never physically lock you up inside of the house against your will. That just wasn’t him.
“I may be whipped for him,” you started to say, “but it’s certainly not because I listen to what he tells me. Contrary to what you might think, I’m actually capable of recognizing real danger. I know what could happen if I was left here alone.”
“Yeah, but what are the chances of something happening?” the guy continued. “I mean, no offense, you’re really beautiful, but stalking people takes time, you know what I mean? I’m sure there’s no one lurking outside of your windows at night, waiting to kill you. And if there is, then Hoseok would know, wouldn’t he? He has a gift of… ah, extraordinary intuition.”
“That’s a nice way to call him paranoid,” you said, watching the guy chuckle. “You really don’t know much about Hoseok’s life, do you? You’re new, right?”
“I am, yeah,” he replied. “I just joined late last year. I’m a quiet guy under normal circumstances – I guess that’s why Hoseok trusted me enough to bring me into his house – but I couldn’t help but say something to you. See, I’ve never really seen the partners of the guys from the Mafia before. I’ve never seen the way they interact with their loved-ones.”
“Well, get used to seeing that, then,” you said. “Since you’re a member now, too.”
“Right,” he nodded. “I don’t think I’m the kind of member that those other guys are.”
You glanced over your shoulder at Henry and Jay, positioned in the hallway, still standing there as stoic as ever. Their serious, unmoving facial expressions could have given the Terracotta warriors the shivers. Actually, you would have thought they had turned into stone as well but you could still notice glimpses of concern on their faces whenever you replied to something their member had said.
“Yes, I don’t think you are, either,” you said, turning back to face the guy in front of you. “We shouldn’t be having a conversation.”
“And yet we are,” he said, smiling as though the consequences of tonight did not matter to him in the slightest.
You frowned. “What’s your name?”
“They call me Yuto here.”
“Okay. Do you have a death wish, Yuto?”
He laughed. “No, not at the moment. Why? Are you saying the penalty for talking to the girlfriends of the men from the Mafia is death?”
“Actually, I don’t know,” you said. “No one was ever brave enough to address one before.”
You’d entered the kitchen – you couldn’t help it, something about this brave stranger interested you despite his obviously negative attitude towards your relationship – and approached the jug of water on the counter next to where Yuto was standing.
He smiled as he watched you pour yourself a glass but did not say anything, waiting for you to continue the conversation instead. You knew you shouldn’t have – you could just imagine how much danger you were putting him in just by being in the same room as him when he was given instructions to pretend as though you didn’t exist unless you were dying – but you still did.
“Do you think it’s possible,” you started to say in between sips, “that Hoseok put you here as a challenge?”
“A challenge?” Yuto asked. “No. Why do you say that?”
You put the empty glass back down on the counter and sat down on the bar stool by the kitchen island, opposite to where he was standing.
“Well, you’re a new recruit,” you said. “These men in the hallway? They’ve been with me since Hoseok and I started to date three years ago. There were a few other guys but I never found out what happened to them – both of them were Hoseok’s long-time friends, too. And now there you are, a brand new addition to his team. The reason why Hoseok brought you into his house can’t be because you’re quiet.”
“No?” Yuto was smiling even wider now. He hadn’t expected you to be so witty and smart but, needless to say, he did not regret starting a conversation with you at all. “So, you’re saying Hoseok is testing me by bringing me around you?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Why not?”
“Well, what’s the test? Is he going to fake an attack on you to see what I’d do?”
“No, I think it’s simpler than that,” you said. “Maybe he just wanted to see if you’d follow his orders. Obviously, you don’t.”
His glittering eyes let you know that instead of being scared – like any sane human would have been – Yuto was actually excited. For a moment, you weren’t sure if it was Hoseok challenging him, or if it was the other way around.
“That’s right,” Yuto said. “I have a hard time sticking to the rules. Maybe that’s why I joined the Mafia.”
“There’s got to be some sort of order even among criminals,” you pointed out.
“Has there, really?” he questioned and then leaned back when you raised your eyebrows at his question, “you could say I’m a bit of an anarchist.”
“Huh,” you shuffled on the stool, throwing one of your legs over the other one in search of a more comfortable position – and not failing to notice the way his eyes followed your every move. “So, you’re here to show Hoseok he can’t control you, then?”
“I’m not showing Hoseok anything,” Yuto replied, his confidence captivating your attention. “All that I do is a favor to him. He doesn’t own me. I don’t work for him.”
This surprised you. “No?”
“No,” Yuto confirmed. “I work with him.”
You weren’t exactly sure how to respond to that because you had a feeling Hoseok wouldn’t approve of this attitude. There was a strict hierarchy in his team and Hoseok was on top. No one’s ever challenged his authority before – not openly, at least – and if they had, well, then there had to be a reason why you’ve never heard of them.
“Perhaps you should keep quiet about it,” you suggested, starting to feel uncomfortable. Although you could agree with Yuto’s point of view, you didn’t think now was the right time to challenge the system that had existed in the Mafia for decades. “Or better yet, find a different occupation. You’re young. You don’t have to be in the Mafia.”
If you had to choose one reason to explain how the Mafia managed to achieve so much – Hoseok had ties everywhere, it was impossible for anyone in an important government position to do anything without him finding out – then you’d say it was because of the authority of a leading figure. There would never be a successful underground criminal syndicate if someone didn’t lead it.
Chaos was easy to kill – the police would catch one member and he’d spill the truth about the rest in an instant – while order was not.
“You’re young, too,” Yuto countered. “You don’t have to spend the rest of your life hiding in Hoseok’s shadow because he’s afraid to show you to the world. You don’t have to live in a cage like you’re his own personal little bird.”
“That’s not at all what life with Hoseok is like,” you replied, feeling the way your muscles tensed up after his words. “I already told you, I could leave if I wanted to.”
“Could you, really?” he scrunched his nose in doubt. “How many ex-girlfriends of the Mafia members do you know? Frankly, I don’t think that category exists. Not in this world, at least.”
You squinted your eyes at him.
“So, let me see,” you said. “You’re saying I don’t have to live with Hoseok because he’s keeping me locked up. But you’re also saying I’ll die if I leave this so-called cage. Sounds to me like you’re painting my life in very pathetic colors.”
“Not at all.”
“Really? Then the only to outcomes of my life, according to you, aren’t to either submit to Hoseok completely, or to die?”
“No,” he said.
“What else is there?” you questioned.
“You could run away.”
“Run a—wow,” you laughed at the absurdity. “I thought you were brave but now I just think you’re not smart enough to realize what you’ve gotten yourself into here. Even if I didn’t love Hoseok with all of my heart, do you really consider me stupid enough to try to run away from him?”
“Maybe you couldn’t do it on your own,” Yuto said, shrugging his shoulders, “but if you had the right people helping you—”
“Whoa, alright, let’s stop this conversation right here,” you said, standing up from the stool. “I don’t want to hear you say that you’re the Knight in Shining Armor that’s come to get me out of a castle guarded by a dragon, yeah? Because, like I’ve already told you, at least, three times, I’m in love with Hoseok. I don’t want to leave and if I did want to, I certainly wouldn’t need an action movie worthy plan to escape.”
Yuto looked like he heard you – a smile was his response to your words – but he was not convinced. Although he could see where you were coming from – even if he’s never been in love – he was still certain that your relationship with Hoseok wasn’t something that you deserved. And even if it wasn’t Yuto’s original plan to play an almighty hero in the story of your life – he wasn’t lying when he said he’s never met a girlfriend of a Mafia member before – he still thought you needed help.
“Okay,” he said, not pushing his opinion because he knew your defenses were too high up now. “Sorry if I crossed the line.”
You nodded, turning away. “Okay. Let’s just—let’s pretend like we never talked, alright? That’ll save us both some energy. I’ll head to my—”
“You don’t want Hoseok to know you talked to me?” Yuto asked, cutting you off.
“No,” you replied. “I don’t want him to know you talked to me. I’m allowed to do whatever I want – it’s you who’s not allowed to reply to me. If anyone’s the little bird, trapped in a cage, in this situation, it’s you, Yuto.”
He was still smiling but you could see the way he’d clenched his jaw. Perhaps you’ve gotten to him now. You’d have said something else but you decided not to waste your time. Yuto had thought it was Hoseok who was treating you like his property but, really, Hoseok was the one who saw you as a human being, while Yuto only looked at you as a girl who needed saving.
“I’m going to go,” you said after he didn’t reply to you, but right as you headed out of the kitchen and towards the staircase, Yuto grabbed your hand.
“Wait,” he’d stopped you, pushing a piece of paper into your palm as he held onto your wrist. “Keep this in case you change your mind and realize that you can always start a new life.”
Almost angered at his bold move – and his audacity to still talk to you about the same thing even though you’ve told him you’d never even consider leaving Hoseok – you stopped and were about to toss the note he’d given you into the trash, but then the door of the house opened, distracting you.
“They fucking canceled on me,” Hoseok was saying as he threw the door open. He had his phone by his ear and did not notice your surprised eyes, watching him from the kitchen. “I got into my car, drove to their quarters, even fucking texted them three times to check, and they—”
He stopped once his eyes finally landed on you. Although, it wasn’t really you he was looking at – his gaze was too focused on Yuto’s hand still firmly on your wrist.
Barely a second passed after Hoseok clocked the close proximity of you and his newest recruit, and he’d already hung up his phone and took one quick step towards the kitchen until he was standing right in front of you.
“Was there an accident?” he demanded in a cold, serious voice. “Did something happen?”
“Hold on for a moment, sweetheart,” he cut you off, his eyes on Yuto. “I’m trying to find out what reason could explain his hands on you. I’m only assuming he was trying to stop you from leaving which, of course, means that he’d been talking to you and then refused to allow you to end the conversation by leaving the room.”
“I wasn’t—” Yuto started to say but chose to let go of you before he continued, “I wasn’t refusing anything. I had some things I wanted to say to her.”
“Were those things a warning, perhaps?” Hoseok questioned. You had a feeling that the flames in his eyes weren’t caused by Yuto’s hand on yours but rather by your obviously uncomfortable and even angry expression that he’d seen as soon as he entered the house. “Were you trying to tell her not to leave the room because there was a bomb in the house? Were you warning her about a sniper that’s been aiming at her from outside?”
If Yuto was scared or worried, he didn’t show it. “No.”
“Well then why, for the sake of all hell, did you think it was a good idea to manhandle my girlfriend after you’ve been specifically told not to say a single word to her?”
“I don’t think you’re treating her fairly by locking her up here and not allowing her to talk to anyone,” was Yuto’s overly confident response.
It made Hoseok sneer. “Oh, she can talk to anyone she wants. She has more friends than I could count, but this isn’t about her. Your job here was to stay put and make sure nothing happened to her. That’s it.”
“Hoseok, it’s fine,” you said, feeling the need to interrupt – and potentially save Yuto’s life – despite not agreeing with the young boy’s point of view. “I was the one who started the conversation.”
Your boyfriend turned to look at you with the same warm smile he’d used on you before he left, a huge contrast to the way he’d looked at Yuto before.
“None of us deserve you and your heart, my love,” Hoseok said. “But I know you’re lying. I’ve had you protected since the day we met and not once did you dare to start a conversation with my men. Especially not after you found out they weren’t allowed to talk to you.”
You lowered your head, looking away. Hoseok didn’t blame you for trying to take the heat off of Yuto – perhaps, a part of him knew that you didn’t object against Yuto talking to you because it was nice to finally talk to someone that was staying in your house – but he thought your attempt was quite useless. He’s already decided what he was going to do. In fact, he’s had this decision ready even before he left the house.
“Let’s go,” Hoseok said, turning his head to give the other two men in the hallway a nod. “You’ll take him back, yeah? I’ll join in a few hours.”
“Of course,” one of the men said, entering the kitchen and, surprisingly, giving Yuto a chance to cooperate. “Come on, we’re heading out.”
“What are you going to do?” you dared to ask as you watched Hoseok’s newest recruit walk himself out without even a glance your way – thank God for that. “Will you kill him?”
Hoseok may have hated guns but he was no stranger to violence. He had chosen to keep the majority of what he did under wraps but he wasn’t deliberately hiding his work from you. He protected you from the worst of it, but you still caught glimpses over the years.
“Not yet,” was his response to your question as his men escorted Yuto out of your house – although, really, it looked like the three of them left together amicably and if it weren’t for the sudden yelp of pain you heard as soon as the door of your house closed, you would have thought this was going to blow over peacefully. “I’m a firm believer in second-chances. He did do his job, at the end of the day. He just didn’t listen to the orders that were given to him. We’ll teach him how to listen.”
You bit your lip, almost afraid to imagine his methods of teaching, and Hoseok – after noticing your awkward expression –  wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
“Please tell me this won’t traumatize you and scare you off from my men,” he said. “We still have to attend that dinner next week.”
“Dinners are fine, I get to talk to the other girls during dinners,” you replied, sighing. “But it’s not me you’re scaring off from your men. It’s the other way around. They’re afraid to even look at me.”
“Good,” Hoseok said, smiling teasingly as he did not see what the problem was. “Do you really need other men looking at you? Am I not enough?”
His playful tone made you raise your eyebrows in surprise. You’d heard him swear when he returned home and you’ve seen the lightning in his eyes when he talked to Yuto, so, obviously, you weren’t expecting him to tease you about this in such a relaxed way.
“No, you’re enough,” you replied. “But you’re away a lot and—”
“Oh, so you need someone for when I’m away?”
“No. I only need you,” you said. “I always need only you.”
“Yeah?” Hoseok’s hand slid from your shoulders to your waist as he brought your body closer to his, a smirk still decorating his features. “Can you prove that to me, baby?”
“Hmm,” you replied to the teasing grin on his face with one on your own as his playful mood brushed off on you. “How do you want me to prove it? Would my words work?”
“They would,” he said, his eyes burning into yours with the utmost love and adoration. “But I’m sure you’ve already shown your love for me with your words when that useless son of a bitch bothered you, haven’t you?”
“I…” you pulled away from him a little. “Were you—?”
“—listening?” he guessed and then shook his head. “No. I’m not paranoid enough to listen to what’s going on here when I’m away. But I had a feeling Yuto would say something to you. He was far too quiet in every meeting that I’ve seen him in. The quiet ones are always the ones plotting something.”
“Why’d you bring him here, then?” you asked, suddenly confused, “if you knew he was going to—oh,” it hit you in the middle of a sentence. Your speculations about Hoseok’s true intentions were somewhat correct, after all. “You were trying to get him to disobey, weren’t you? You knew he was going to stand up to you and you were waiting for exactly that.”
“Maybe,” Hoseok replied, his eyes falling to your lips. “I also wanted him to meet my girlfriend and realize that she could kick his ass just as well as I could if he tried anything with her.”
“So, was it all for laughs?”
“Most of it,” he admitted. “I knew Henry and Jay were more than enough to protect you and I needed a way to teach Yuto a lesson. I couldn’t exactly teach him some discipline just because I was suspicious he was going to rebel, could I? I had to wait until he actually did something that went against my orders.”
“So… was there even a meeting tonight?” you asked, unsure if you were impressed or angry at him for playing you while he tricked Yuto. “Or did you just—”
“Oh, who cares now?” he cut you off, his impatience finally resurfacing as he got tired of you asking him questions you already knew all the answers to, when he could have been watching you undress for him. “I’m back now. I’m all yours for the next few hours before I have to go back and actually deal with this. We’ll talk about this then, yeah?”
“You mean we’re postponing the conversation?”
“Mmhmm,” he hummed, leaning in closer until his lips were hovering over your neck. “Unless you’d rather hear me explain how I schemed to get this poor disobedient young man beaten up, instead of letting me kiss you everywhere you want.”
“I would—you’re beating him up?!” you asked, almost dizzy from his close proximity and the feeling of his breath washing off on your neck. You still tried desperately to keep your mind working.
“No, I’m not going to touch him personally,” Hoseok replied, finally pressing his lips to the sensitive skin right below your ear. “I’ll just ask him some questions, talk to him a bit… nothing big.”
“Oh,” you exhaled, barely acknowledging what he’d said, too focused on the feeling of his lips moving down your neck. “You’re very distracting, do you know that?”
“I hope I am,” he pulled away from you – the coldness of the room immediately hitting the wet trail his kisses had left on your neck – and leaned his forehead against yours instead as he watched you try to catch your breath. “Because, if I’m not mistaken, I believe you were going to prove something to me, hmm?”
“I can’t seem to remember.”
He chuckled, the feeling of his chest vibrating against yours sending sparks of electricity all throughout your body.
“I believe you’ve told me you only needed me,” he said, his voice suddenly much lower. “So, let me refresh your memory, baby, so you’d forget all about the other men. And then you can prove to me how much you love me.”
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ravenclawisms · 4 years
Doomsday day 4
Title: The Workings of Fate
Word count: 1457
Summary: Fishlegs, lying in bed while Hiccup and Camicazi risk their lives to bring him the Vegetable-That-No-One-Dares-Name, has a conversation with Old Wrinkly that he may or may not remember when he wakes up.
AN: My second fic for this fandom! Just exploring how Fishlegs felt and what was going on with him during the whole adventure, because he’s one of my favorite characters. Also Old Wrinkly really intrigues me, and I like to think about the dynamic they would have had, waiting for Hiccup and Camicazi to return with only each other for company.
Keep reading under the cut (or read on AO3):
Fishlegs woke to the sound of screaming.
It took him a good thirty seconds to realize that he was the one who was screaming, and by that time, Old Wrinkly was there by his bedside, stroking his shoulder and easing him back down into a horizontal position.
“Easy,” said the old man soothingly. “Easy. It was a dream, that’s all. You need to rest.”
“Hiccup,” whispered Fishlegs. “It’s Hiccup.”
“What happened to Hiccup?” Old Wrinkly asked.
“He died,” whispered Fishlegs. It seemed like that scream had taken everything out of him, and now he could speak no louder than a whisper. He didn’t want to speak any louder, anyway; this was a crisis, after all, and if he spoke any louder he’d end up working himself up into a scream again. “He died. They all died. The Doomfang, in that story you told, is real. It’s real. It cracked the ice and they barely escaped and then they got the Vegetable but then they died. They all died. Because of me.”
“Hush,” soothed Old Wrinkly. “It’s not real. They’re not dead. And I can assure you, if the fires have any say in the matter, that they won’t be dying anytime soon.”
Fishlegs’ head felt like someone was continually kicking it, and he didn’t think he could feel his toes. Bother this cold. If Hiccup got himself killed out there, by any huge dragons or crazy axe-murderers or something equally horrifying, Fishlegs would never be able to forgive himself. Hiccup will have died over nothing more than a common cold.
Then again...
What if it was Vorpentitis?
What if Old Wrinkly wasn’t as garbage at soothsaying as everybody said?
“But I will,” muttered Fishlegs.
“Did you say something?”
“I will,” Fishlegs repeated. “Be dying soon. According to you, I’m dying tomorrow.”
Old Wrinkly only smiled knowingly. “We’ll see about that.”
Fishlegs frowned at that, propping himself up on his elbow in order to remain vertical. “You said I have Vorpentitis.”
“Oh,” the old man chortled, “you definitely have Vorpentitis.”
Fishlegs was getting impatient. “And you said I’ll die at exactly ten o’clock tomorrow morning.”
“Unless...” Old Wrinkly prompted.
“Unless... Hiccup comes back,” said Fishlegs. “With the potato.”
“Shh!” hissed Old Wrinkly fervently.
Fishlegs rolled his eyes. “With the Vegetable. So... you think he’ll come back.”
“It does not matter what I think,” Old Wrinkly stated.
A wave of dizziness hit Fishlegs, and his arm gave way beneath him, so he had to resume lying flat on his side. Old Wrinkly wet a rag and placed it on his forehead, then resumed a seat beside him, staring down at him like one might stare at a puzzle very close to being solved.
Fishlegs drifted, and he found himself fervently wishing he was asleep. “So my Beserk tendencies,” he said, trying to stay awake. “You think they’re because of Vorpentitis.”
“I do not know,” admitted Old Wrinkly. “I have never met a Beserk before. I have never met anyone quite like you, Fishlegs.”
“That’s not true,” replied Fishlegs. “Hiccup is like me.”
“We’re both runts,” said Fishlegs, with a bit more spite than was truly called for.
When Fishlegs couldn’t answer, Old Wrinkly nodded. “You are your own people. Hiccup is Hiccup. Fishlegs is Fishlegs. Do not confuse the two.”
“Right,” spat Fishlegs. “Hiccup is out right now, risking his life to save mine, and I don’t even have the strength to sit up straight.” Here, he tried to get himself into an upright position, and managed to hold it for nineteen trembling seconds before crashing back down onto the bed again.
Old Wrinkly calmly picked up the rag, which had fallen off of Fishlegs’ head when he’d sat up, and placed it on the angry boy’s forehead once more. “Hiccup is fighting for you, this is true,” he said. “But he also  has some things to work out. He’s fighting for himself, too, and I think he’ll soon see that.”
After several seconds of Fishlegs fuming at his own incompetence in silence, he turned to the old man. “Why am I like this? Why do I go Berserk?”
Old Wrinkly simply shrugged.
“It’s like...” Fishlegs frowned. “It’s like, I’m quite levelheaded overall, really, I am. But then something happens and it’s like this great fog descends--” and here he modeled with his hands, a great anger cloud enveloping him-- “and then all of my logic, everything that makes me me, it’s all gone. And all I want to do is just--go insane. Destroy everything I see. Scream insults at people who I know can kill me. Why? You must know why. Where did it come from? Why was I chosen to have it? What use is there for it?”
“I don’t know,” replied Old Wrinkly sadly.
“Please,” begged Fishlegs. “Please. I need to know. I need to know why.”
“I cannot tell you, because I don’t know,” said Old Wrinkly again. “I’m sorry. If I knew, I would tell you.”
The Beserk itch started up, crawling under Fishlegs’ skin like a dangerous parasite. He swallowed it down and aimed a kick at the wall instead. “Great. The one big mystery of my life, the only question I’ve ever wanted an answer to, and the man who knows everything can’t even tell me.”
“I am sorry,” repeated Old Wrinkly, a sorrowful ache sprouting in his heart as he watched the boy. Barely twelve, on his deathbed, already sick of the world. He felt Fishlegs’ anger radiating off of him in waves, and it made him terribly sad, that such a young boy had so much resentment.
“You should be,” muttered Fishlegs. “You can’t tell me why I am the way I am. You can’t tell me what I’m doing here. Is there even a reason that I’m here at all? Maybe there’s not. Maybe the reason why I survived was nothing but a freak accident, maybe I’m nothing but a freak Accident, and this sickness is Fate coming to finish what she should have finished long ago.”
He took the cloth off his forehead and stared at it. “But of course, you can’t tell me that, either. Do you even know anything?”
Old Wrinkly let that hang in the air for a couple of seconds, and then he spoke. “I think you’ll find, my boy,” he said, “that I know rather less than people think I know. I do not know why you were chosen for this any more than I know whether or not the earth is round.”
He took the cloth from Fishlegs’ hands and placed it back on his forehead. “I do not know why you survived. I don’t know why you have Vorpentitis. I don’t know why things are the way that they are. All I know, Fishlegs, is that this is the world we live in.”
He sighed. “So, yes. Maybe you are right. Maybe I don’t know anything.”
“I didn’t mean that,” said Fishlegs quietly. “I just wanted to know...”
“...why. Yes. Only Fate herself knows, I’m afraid.”
Fishlegs turned his head and watched the snow fall in flurries, thick and white, outside the window. Then, suddenly, he blurted out “I hate being an Accident.”
Old Wrinkly turned to look at him.
“I hate being a runt, knowing that my mother tried to kill me, knowing I’m supposed to be dead.” His cheeks colored, though with fever or emotion it was impossible to tell. “You know, a part of me sort of wishes that Hiccup comes back too late and that Fate takes care of me. I hate being myself.”
“If Fate wanted you dead,” said Old Wrinkly calmly, “you would be dead.”
“It must have been an accident,” replied Fishlegs.
“It is astounding to me,” said Old Wrinkly, “how, after everything you’ve been through in your rather short life, you can still believe in accidents.”
Fishlegs said nothing.
“I may not know much,” the old man continued, “but I trust that Fate knows her business.” He ran a wrinkly finger along the lobster claws around Fishlegs’ neck. “You are not an Accident, Fishlegs. What you are, exactly, remains to be seen; but you are not an Accident.”
Fishlegs’ glasses were askew, his nose still a blaring red. His eyes were already closing, and it struck Old Wrinkly in that moment just how young he was for such big things. “Thank you,” he yawned. “Perhaps you do know something, after all.”
The old man chuckled. “Do not thank me,” he replied. He added colder water to the cloth and put it on Fishlegs’ head again. “And you were right. I really do not know anything. In fact,” he continued, “I think I have a thing or two to learn from you.”
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