#I swear I am organized most times when it comes to my ideas
Twisted Wonderland Kaiju!AU Note:
So in the summary here that discusses the cast and tools and such, it occurred to me that "basic clothing" was a bit too vague and up to interpretation like say a T-shirt and pants or shorts. So to help with visualization and draw more inspiration from the game, the clothing that Yuu was wearing is the same uniform that we see our Overblot boys wearing in chapter 6 (English server peeps, you are in for one HELLUVA rollercoaster ride of chaos when that chapter drops)! The outfit design in question would be more suitable given that duller colors are much harder to spot compared to bright and obnoxious colors that some animals can see very well, so it wouldn't exactly do well to have any humans wandering around the island looking like a tasty snack for some hungry predator or looking like a play thing for some massive kaiju. >.>;
I'll do some more development on the researchers and whatnot, but I wanted to make note of this while the thought was in my head. UvU
Spoilers for English server players under the cut with reference to the outfits from chapter 6 in question, but that's the only spoiler I will give for now! I know some people don't like getting spoilers until the actual thing drops.
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This is what I would imagine the outfit Yuu wears in the prologue of the Kaiju!AU. The only difference is that they won't have the collar around their neck as you see with Riddle in the battle scene!
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redrose10 · 17 days
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Part 2 of three… Thank you for all the comments and messages!
CEO Yoongi x Female Barista/College Student Reader
Title: Cold Brewed Love
Summary: When you begged the owner of Jin’s Java House to hire more employees you didn’t mean for him to stick you with the cold, rude, arrogant CEO Min Yoongi. Over time something begins to brew between you both and you end up forced to make decisions way above the pay grade of a cafe barista.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, hints of smut(nothing explicit), Yoongi is mean but we all know he’ll turn fluffy later, violence, kidnapping, mention of a gun, drug references, gang activity, murder, overdose
Word Count: 3,824
You woke up confused and alone in a room you didn’t recognize. Your throat hurt, but your head hurt worse. You looked around trying to make out your surroundings to get some idea of where you were. The room was empty except for an armchair in the corner with a small side table next to it. The only light in the room came from a small space between the curtains of what you assumed was a window. It seemed like you had been out for quite some time judging by the amount of sunlight.
You tried to stand up, but you felt too weak immediately falling to the ground. You tried once again, but froze when you heard the door handle begin to jiggle. The door swung open and a light was turned on making you squint from the change in brightness.
“Good morning Y/N, good to see you’re finally awake. Can I get you something to eat or maybe a coffee?”, a deep unfamiliar voice spoke.
“Who are you and how the fuck do you know my name?”, you spat not in the mood for pleasantries.
The man walked in and took a seat in the chair across the room. You took noticed of his expensive looking suit that was tailored to fit him perfectly. His hair was slicked back. A strong cologne followed after him. He reminded you a lot of Yoongi.
“Is that anyway to speak to the man that saved your life and took you away from that monster?”, he said while lighting a cigar.
You scoffed, “You saved my life? My life was just fine until you kidnapped me and threw me in this room.”
“Oh dear Y/N. You really are too good and naive for Yoongi.”, the man chuckled.
The mention of Yoongi made your breath hitch.
“How do you know Yoongi?”
“Well Y/N…I am glad you asked. You see me and Yoongi go way back. We met when we were just children. We used to be very good friends, actually like brothers. We ran a little side business together. The largest drug manufacturing and distribution organization since the 80’s, you know… nothing too extreme. Then one day Yoongi’s parents decided to finally give him the reigns to control the business and suddenly he didn’t need me or our organization any more. I agreed to let him walk away because he was my brother and I loved him as such. I wanted him to have a good life either way.”
The man paused to take a long draw of his cigar before continuing, “But it turns out that wasn’t good enough for Yoongi. He was selfish. He wanted to take everything we had worked for while also making sure his past life would never get out to the public. He lied to me. He deceived me because he knew I trusted him. He took all of our assets, every cent. He destroyed any evidence that could be linked to him. And then to top it all off he went to the police to get the whole operation shut down to make sure this could never come back on him. But..unfortunately for him I’ve been able to build back most of what we had even though it’s nowhere near what we once had. It took a lot of time and cost me a lot of money and many of my men all while I’ve had to watch him live the life of luxury in his comfy office, going to galas, being praised and awed by strangers around the world that don’t know how evil he really is behind the facade of expensive suits and sultry looks. I vowed that I would get my revenge against him and make him pay for what he did to me…to us. I was starting to loose hope that I would ever get my chance.”
The man suddenly stood up and took a few long strides to kneel down in front of you. You pushed yourself back against the wall as far as you could while trying to conceal your whimpers.
The man poked his finger against your forehead, “And then I saw the photos of your little date. I could see it in his eyes…just how in love with you he is. I knew this wasn’t some random hookup like the others. And I knew that my time had finally come. Min Yoongi took everything from me and now I will take everything from him.”
“So what are you going to do? Just kill me to get back at him?”, you scoffed.
“Oh no no no Y/N. Not yet at least. I’m going to have some fun first. I want him to suffer for a while. I want him to worry about you until he’s sick to his stomach. For him to know your pain is all his fault. Then I want to kill him.”
You watched as the man walked over to the door before he turned to look back at you, “At the end of the day Yoongi doesn’t care about anyone or anything except himself, his image, and his money. You’re going to learn real soon about the real Min Yoongi.” The man stood up and left you speechless as you watched the door slam shut behind him.
“Fuck fuck fuck”, Yoongi chanted as he drove around trying to figure out his next move. He knew he never should’ve asked you out. He scolded himself for being weak for you.
He thought back to the first time he saw you and how he developed an immediate crush on you. Something he’d never experienced before. He saw you behind the counter of the coffee shop. You were definitely new. You kept eyeing him before quickly turning away every time he’d try and make eye contact with you. He knew you liked him. He wasn’t stupid.
Unfortunately he liked you too. Your cheeks flushed from nervousness and the heat of running around in behind the counter. Your hair wet from sweat and plastered to your forehead. You bit your lip in concentration as you poured the coffee. You looked so cute to him and he wanted to get to know you. To date you and make you his.
Then you shakily handed him his coffee only to knock it down on the counter spilling all over his favorite custom made shoes. Sure he had three other pairs so it really wasn’t a big deal, but he took it as the opportunity to scold you hoping to make you hate him. Selfishly hoping it would keep you away from him so he wouldn’t fall for you even more.
But it didn’t work as he had hoped and he quickly fell more madly in love with you every time he saw you. Then his parents made him get a job at Jin’s Java House. He knew it was a bad idea from the start. He tried to argue with them, pleaded for another option but to no avail. He thought he was strong enough. He started off trying to be rude while working together to make you hate him even more then he already knew you did, but it only made him feel guilty and left him wanting to make it up to you any way he could.
Then he tried distracting himself with other women, sometimes as close even ten minutes before he came down for his shift at the coffee shop with you. But even when his secretary was topless and moaning underneath him as he thrusted into her on his office couch all he could think about was you and your beautiful smile and how he wished it was you below him instead. As he was burrowed deep inside someone else he fantasized about how he would take his time and do everything possible to pleasure you until it was you screaming his name over and over. He knew it was a lost cause at that point because he was a man in love. And now here he was driving around the city while you were God knows where because of him and his weaknesses.
Yoongi regretted his past life. He wasn’t proud of what he did. He had gotten in a little trouble at school so his parents had told him he was a failure and they would sell the company before allowing him to take control. He felt hurt and useless and desperate to prove them wrong.
So as a teenager he turned to crime. Him and his best friend started dealing drugs. It started small with just some weed or pills here and there to other friends and their acquaintances. Then it got bigger and bigger until next the thing he knew they were moving thousands of kilos of various drugs every year worth hundreds of millions of dollars. They had bases in Seoul, LA, New York, Tijuana, London, Rio, Moscow, and Beijing as well as dozens of smaller ones he couldn’t even remember any more. Money was rolling in like he’d never seen even though he already grew up wealthy. He had a new woman every night and said goodbye to them before the morning with no strings attached. He was on top of the world and the best part was he was doing it all with his best friend.
Then he got a call. His dads health was deteriorating. The generational family company was falling apart. His mom was coping by drinking and popping pills, probably from his own supply unbeknownst to her. They were proud of him for becoming so successful in his “pharmaceutical business”, a lie he told when people started questioning his job or where his money came from. His parents had changed their minds and wanted him to take over the company. Become the ceo and bring profitability and success back to the family name and business.
At first Yoongi told them to fuck off. He wasn’t going to give up what he had worked hard for after they tossed him aside like he wasn’t their own flesh and blood.
Then days later he got another call from one of the few people in the world that he respected, his grandmother. She asked Yoongi to take over the company that her and his grandfather had fought so hard to build and turn into an empire. She didn’t want to see it given to someone outside of the family or worse have it shut down completely.
Yoongi tried to politely decline, but then solemnly she begged him. She begged him to take over not only to save the company, but so that he could escape his life of crime before he ended up in prison or worse. She cried reminiscing about how many times she stayed up all night worried about him and what he was doing out in the world. How every phone call made her heart skip a beat fearing the worst. How she saw families being torn apart thanks to him and his business’s product. She begged him, even referring to him as her little dumpling, a nickname she had often used for him growing up that he hadn’t heard in years.
Yoongi didn’t ask how she knew about his secret life. He didn’t want to know to be honest, but he knew he didn’t want to be the reason for her tears any longer. So he called his parents the next day to accept the position.
His friend had been kind and understanding, offering to let Yoongi just walk away from everything and leave him in charge.
At first that was fine. Then one night on his way home he found out that his neighbors daughter overdosed. She was just sixteen. A star student and respected ballerina already being scouted by some of the biggest dance companies from all over the world. Yoongi knew the drugs were from his prior organization. There were no others around at the time.
He watched the girls parents standing in the pouring rain until their knees gave out and they hit the concrete and sobbed as the stretcher carrying their daughter was wheeled into the back of a waiting van. After that night his grandmothers voice started playing over and over in his head often keeping him up along with the screams of the parents he heard that night.
Yoongi decided he wanted to erase that part of his life like it never happened.
Because he was still trusted by his friend he had access to the bank accounts which he wiped clean. He destroyed every document he could find that would tie him to the organization. Anonymously he contacted police in every city he could think of and helped them to track down all of their operations getting them all shut down. Multiple people were arrested and a few even killed. He did his best to convince himself that their blood was not on his hands.
And when the few that were arrested tried to snitch and implicate Yoongi there was no significant evidence and the little the police could find was quickly swept under the rug thanks to a little cash swung their way.
Yoongi was able to walk away without anyone knowing of his past life. His friend left to pick up the pieces of a once great empire. And now here Yoongi was paying the price for something he thought was long behind him and could no longer keep him from happiness.
You walked around the room as you looked for an escape. The window had bars around it. Of course the door was securely locked. There was nowhere to go. You didn’t have your phone any longer. You resigned to taking a seat back on the floor trying to come up with a plan.
You weren’t sure how much time had gone by but at some point later in the day a woman appeared with a tray carrying a bowl of soup and some toast as well as an apple and a bottle of water. You thanked her even though you had no appetite at all.
As you sat under the window staring up at the little bit of the sky you could see you wondered what was happening in the outside world. What happened at the coffee shop when you didn’t show up for work? Did they call looking for you? You were going to fall behind in your classes if that even mattered any more. Was Yoongi even looking for you or was he worried this would get out in the public and ruin his image? It was all becoming too much and you began to cry fearing the future and the unknown.
After a while of crying and dozing off you decided you were getting a little hungry. Remembering the tray from earlier you decided against the soup which was now cold and gelatinous, but the toast still seemed okay so you picked it up taking a bite.
It was slightly stale but passable. As you mindlessly chewed you noticed a small piece of paper on the plate where the bread had been.
With your brows furrowed you unfolded the paper finding a hand written note. The writing was barely legible as it appeared quickly scratched down and was written in some kind of lipstick.
“I’ll come back tonight. When you hear three knocks at the door be prepared to run.”
Your mouth went dry. Your heart began to race. Quickly you chugged down the bottle of water as you contemplated if running was worth the risk. Surely if they caught you then you would be killed. And who is this woman and why is she helping you? What if it was a test?
You had a million different thoughts going through your mind, but they were cut short.
Slowly the door creaked open and the same woman from earlier peaked in the room. She motioned for you to follow her. What did you have to loose you thought so you did.
The two of you tiptoed down the hall and some stairs before you heard shouting after you.
“Run!”, the woman shouted so you sprinted not far behind her. You ran down hallways and and stairs. Looking for any exit door.
Just when you saw your hope, a door with a large window facing the outside world just down the hall from you, you were grabbed and harshly thrown down on the ground. You looked up seeing Yoongi’s friend breathing heavily.
“This is what I get huh? I tried to let you stay upstairs in a warm room. I gave you food. Yoongi always said I was the soft one out of the two of us. I guess he was right, but not any more.”, he spat dragging you down the hall by your arm.
Frantically you searched for the woman from earlier who tried to help you. You hoped she got out or was at least safe, but you quickly realized that was not true. A blood curdling scream rang through the air followed by a single gunshot. Your eyes widened in horror.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. I’m not gonna kill you just yet. Not before you’ve gone on a final date with your Yoongi.”
You swallowed down the lump in your throat as the man threw you in a cell, the iron gates loudly clanking shut. It looked like you were in a dungeon. It was cold and there was zero light coming through.
Without speaking the man tossed you an old dirty towel to use as a blanket before heading back upstairs leaving you down there alone.
Days went by. You were barely fed and barely slept. You had accepted your fate at that point. Unsure if it was the delirium setting in or what but you often found yourself chuckling at your situation.
You missed the days of going to college. You missed your friends. You missed the smell of coffee and the warmth it brought. You couldn’t believe how your life had turned around in the matter of hours all thanks to you falling in love with a lier, con artist, the devil? You weren’t really sure how to view Yoongi right now. He was probably leading a meeting right now without a care in the world. He’s probably going out to dinner later with some woman he met on his way to work with the sole intention to get in her pants by the end of the night. A small part of you hoped he was worried about you. Looking for you. Doing anything to help. Because a small part of you still loved him.
You hadn’t heard anyone walk in until you heard the iron gate slide open ending in a loud clank.
“Put this on. And use these wipes to clean yourself up.”, an unfamiliar voice said.
You sat staring at the items in front of you not moving.
“Bosses orders”, the man growled.
Slowly you grabbed the wipes and began wiping down your face and arms. It actually felt kind of nice.
You reached for the other items, a black cocktail dress and hair brush. You took the brush and ran through your hair a few times until the knots were out.
You looked at the dress and then at the man in front of you. He rolled his eyes and sighed before turning around and facing the wall. Quickly you removed your clothes and put the dress on before the man could turn around.
Just as you finished, the familiar smell of cigars entered the air and not long after Yoongi’s friend appeared.
“Wow don’t you look nice. I can see why Yoongi likes you. I think he’ll appreciate that you dressed up just for him.”, he said before blowing a cloud smoke through your cell.
“Now go ahead and stand up against that wall.”, he pointed towards the other side of the cell.
You crossed your arms in defiance refusing to move.
He chuckled, “I like you Y/N. I really do. Too bad I’m only giving you twenty four hours to live.” Your face dropped in realization at his statement.
A bright flash lit up the cell for just a moment before you realized your photo had been taken.
“Thanks sweetheart. I’m sure Yoongi will love it.”, he laughed before leaving you alone once again.
Yoongi was back at his place pacing back and forth. He’d ignored call after call from Hobi. He’s sure he’s wondering where he and/or you are and he doesn’t have the brain power right now to come up with a believable lie.
As he stared out at the river below his apartment he heard a new notification on his phone. A text message from an unknown number came through showing the preview of a photo.
Clicking on the message he instantly dry heaved sure he would’ve fully vomited had he consumed anything today.
A photo of you in a black dress. Your hair frazzled. Immediately Yoongi noticed the bruising on your body. The cut on your lip and welt on your forehead. What killed him the most was the look on your face. The look of fear, of despair. He could see you were holding back tears and it was all thanks to him.
Seconds later another message came through, “Y/N’s a beauty Yoongi. I always did think you had good taste when it came to women and it seems like even after all these years nothing has changed. You have 24 hours to find us. If you involve the police I’ll kill her instantly. If you even care…”
You had changed back into your old clothes giving yourself a little more coverage from the cold. The floor was made of stone but you were so exhausted you were able to drift off to sleep quite quickly.
You fell into dreamland. Dreaming that you were on a beach. The warm sun shone down on you as a breeze rippled through the air. The ocean waves crashed gently against the sand next to you as you walked along the edge. Looking up you saw Yoongi just down the beach waiting for you. He flashed you a gummy smile showing you the two drinks he had in his hands. Just as you began to walk towards him the sky turned dark and a giant wave came crashing down on you dragging you out to sea. You screamed for help unable to get yourself out of the current as the waves kept you down. Running out of fight you felt yourself slowly drifting under water father and rather. The last thing you remembered was hearing Yoongi screaming your name.
You jerked awake sweaty and out of breath with your hand clutching to your chest.
Sitting up you did your best to try and calm yourself down taking deep slow breaths.
Faintly from a distance you swore you heard your name shouted. You brushed it off thinking it was just a residual memory from your dream.
Then you heard it again, a little clearer this time and you were a little more certain.
“Yoongi?”, you whispered to yourself hearing a familiar sound as the door slammed open.
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ihearthes · 10 months
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Christmas Thyme part 1
Author: @ihearthes
Pairing: Harry x Reader Insert (1st person)
Rating: Smut (NSFW, 18+ Only)
Word Count: 2665
‘Tis a week before Christmas, and just as I am preparing to twist the “Open” sign to its “Closed” side, the bell over the door jingles. Inwardly, I groan. Outwardly, I paste on my brightest smile as I pivot towards my (hopefully) final customer of a very long, very exhausting day. 
I freeze. 
Because standing there in the doorway of my boutique is Harry Styles. THE Harry Styles. You know. As It Was. Watermelon Sugar. Sex on a stick. That last one isn’t a song. Just a description. 
“Um, hi,” I mumble, not knowing what else to say, but then I quickly tack on a “How may I help you?” 
His eyebrows draw downwards, and he looks around at the merchandise which, after a long day of Saturday sales in the last few frantic days before the most important gift-buying holiday of the year, is scattered everywhere. 
I’ve no idea if I want him to decide to leave immediately or if I should beg him to stay and shop. I do neither. 
But only because I spot another person on the street outside, pointing at one of the most sought after and most frequently purchased soy candles. She and her friend appear to be heading towards the door, so I summon the last of my energy and lunge for the door ahead of them, pulling the shade while simultaneously rotating the lock. My panicked movements mean I jostle the popstar as he stands nearby. 
“Oops! I’m so sorry. I just…” 
“Are you open or closed?” He asks, worry etched on his forehead where it peeks out underneath his black beanie. I take him in, recognising his face instantly. With a pair of joggers, he wears a black Pleasing crewneck, and I’m briefly jealous of how cosy it looks. I wouldn’t mind snuggling close – to the crewneck, of course. 
I am, after all, a competent businesswoman. Pfft. Okay, I’m trying to be one. 
“We’re closed now, but if you don’t have much to shop for, you’re welcome to look around while I tidy up in preparation for Tuesday’s maniacal clientele. 
He grunts, and I assume it’s affirmation that he’d like to look around, so I nod. “Are you looking for something in particular? Or shopping for a certain someone?” Wracking my brain, I attempt to recall if he’s currently dating anyone, but I’ve no idea. Since opening up my pop up last month, I’d not had time to do much more than work daily until exhaustion forces me to crawl into bed with a heating pad on my back and warm peppermint compresses on my feet. 
“Just looking…” He smiles, and I’m nearly blinded by the left dimple. 
Holy shit. No wonder he’s so popular. 
I have the silly idea that I should sniff him. It would be easy to make a tonne of money from bottling his scent and selling it. Then I would have enough money to set up a permanent shop to sell my organic candles, soaps, and lotions. 
Resisting only because I have managed to maintain some self-respect after being yelled at and cursed at by customers all day long, I decide to provide him some privacy. 
“Absolutely. Let me know if you have any questions.” 
He nods once, and I swear my insides melt into a puddle like Frosty the Snowman when the sun has come out. 
Stepping to the counter, I fiddle with the sound system, turning off the grating holiday tunes that permeate the atmosphere this time of year and sliding instead into some soothing jazz from Alfa Mist. As soon as the first song starts playing, Harry’s head whips around and he stares in my direction. 
“Excellent choice.” His voice is gravelly and kind with a bit of surprise in it. 
“It’s the kind of music I prefer,” I shrug, not knowing what else to say. 
“Me too.” 
It’s such a surprising thing for him to say that I do my own double take, but he’s returned already to smelling the candles on the wall display. 
Shrugging, I move to the first shelves to the right of the register, straightening products, and making mental notes of what I need to restock. When I move to the next set of shelves, though, it’s clear that a mental note isn’t going to be of any help. There are simply too many hand lotions, soaps, and other products that need to be replaced. Sighing, I move behind the counter again, withdrawing a pad of paper. Quickly, I jot down what I need to replace on the first two shelves. 
Turning my head, I see that Harry has barely finished sniffing one shelf of candles. “Um…” He glances up at my utterance. “...would you mind if I stepped into the back to grab some more stock?” 
“Whatever you need to do.” His voice is so silky that I could easily wear it and nothing else against my skin forever. 
In the small stockroom, I remove my shoes, wiggling my toes that have been screaming at me for the last two hours. Grabbing a basket I keep for just this purpose, I fill it with the items on my list before stepping back onto the main floor. The coolness of the tiles under my toes is soothing, and I sigh at the pleasure of it on my hot skin. Quickly, I restock the first two shelves, giving my feet a workout as I have to rise onto my toes multiple times. My knees also get to practise squatting so I can place items on the bottom shelf. 
After I slide my protesting feet back into my shoes, I sneak a peek to check on Harry. He’s moved on to the next set of shelves, opening the sample shampoos and smelling them one by one. 
At this rate, he’ll be here another hour at least. 
Surveying the third set of shelves, I jot down the merchandise I need to pull from the back for this one. It’s the shelf of eye compresses I’ve made that include differing herbs to soothe the skin around the eyes and quiet the mind. With a quick glance at Harry, I return to the storeroom, trying to recall where I’d placed the box holding more eye compresses. 
Spying it on a higher shelf, hiding behind a box of the scented rice neck pillows I’d designed to be heated and worn next to the skin, I stand on my tiptoes in order to reach. Just — one — more — inch — CRASH! Both boxes clatter to the ground, the sides splitting open on the box holding the neck pillows, and I sigh. 
“Are you okay?” 
His voice startles me, and I jump like that time I’d been forced to watch a horror movie by my previous boyfriend. The arsehole. 
Placing my hand on my chest to calm my pounding heart, I smile at where his head has emerged through the curtain separating the sales floor and stockroom. 
“Thank you for checking on me. I’m okay. Just knocked off a couple of boxes.” 
“Shit. That looks annoying. Let me help.” He muscles his way past the curtain, assisting me by setting the box right side up. I locate the roll of packing tape I’d used earlier to package some items for a customer who wanted them delivered, handing the tape to Harry as he repairs the box. “I’m Harry.” His introduction is endearing, and I share my name too. 
“No one else working tonight?” His hushed tones do things to my body that are inappropriate for work. 
“No one else is working ever. It’s my shop, and I couldn’t afford to pay for help this year.” 
“Damn. How do you manage?” 
“Well, I take it slow on nights like this with the restocking and tidying because I know I’ll get the next two days to soak my feet and relax.”
“But how do you do it during the day with all the customers?” 
“I think that’s clear from the state of the front. I muddle through.” My shrug is intended to communicate that there’s no real answer to that question. 
“Can I help?” 
“YOU?” I yelp, clamping both hands over my mouth at my shriek. 
“Why not me?” 
“Um, cause you’re Harry Styles.” 
When he smiles this time, his eye crinkles come into focus, and I’m lost in him. I could stare at those crows’ feet all night, I think. 
“And that means I can’t help?” 
“It means that you probably have plenty of plans that don’t include stocking shelves.” 
“Hmmm… tonight, I actually do not have plans. My sister and I were supposed to shop for our mum, and then my sister ended up ill, so…” Trailing off, he raises both hands to the side in imitation of a shrug. “You can pay me by helping me choose gifts for my mum and my sister. And my manager’s wife. And maybe the wives of my friends.” 
“That’s silly. I’d help you with that for free.” 
“Ah, well then, you can take me out to dinner after we’re done.” 
My jaw drops. Dinner with Harry Styles? 
Is he asking me out on a date? 
“Just as repayment, right?” I ask. 
“For starters,” he smirks, and my panties become uncomfortable as I rub my legs together. “I’ll take these boxes out front.” Bending his knees, he picks up the box of neck pillows with the box of eye compresses on top. Striding through the curtain, he drops the boxes on the floor and immediately starts artfully arranging the merchandise. Occasionally, he brings a pillow to his nose and breathes in deeply. 
Mesmerised, I watch from the door to the store room. After a few minutes, he removes his coat, carefully draping it over the counter, smiling at me as I straighten the bottles of lotion on the table, ensuring that the rosemary mint doesn’t get mixed up with the rosemary thyme. It’s easy to get them confused as the labels are similar. 
“How long did it take you to prepare all of this?” Harry asks, his hand encompassing the entire shop. 
“All year. My dad –” I pause as emotion invades my throat, layering it with sorrow. Finally, I swallow, clearing the grief. “My dad was ill for the last couple of years, so I quit my job to move in and take care of him. I started growing the herbs in his garden. And then I needed something to do with all of the herbs I grew, so I started making soaps and selling them at the local farmer’s market. Demand was swift, and I’ve been expanding the line for the last eight months or so.” 
“That’s amazing!” His face has lit up like the Christmas tree that’s in the corner of the shop, and his grin takes over his entire countenance. “And how’s your dad doing now?” 
I wince. “He actually died in July.”
“Oh. I’m sorry for your loss.” 
My watery smile hopefully conveys my gratitude. “He was ready to go. At least that’s what he told me. And I needed a project after his death to keep me busy while I cleaned out the house and prepared to sell it.” 
“Sell it? Why?” 
Moving to the next table, I straighten the bars of soap. Wiping a tear from my eye, I answer his question. “Too many memories. I’ve had a lot of loss in my life, and now I’m the only one left in my immediate family. So when I’m in the house, all I can see are the people no longer with me.” 
“That must be hard.” His hand rests on my shoulder, and I’m startled because I hadn’t realised he’d approached. 
“It’s life. Lucky for me, I have my dreams to keep me going.” 
“Dreams of expanding beyond a popup shop at the holidays?” 
“Something like that,” I nod. 
“Sounds lovely. Listen, I’m done with these shelves, and those over there look pretty good. I, um, straightened them earlier when I was testing the product. Is there a broom so I can sweep up?” 
Astonished, I blink at him. “No. No. No. I draw the line at having a number one pop musician sweep my floor.” 
He giggles, his laugh growing until he’s slapping his knee, his full body moving with glee as he heartily releases his mirth. “So if I were the number one classical musician or number one jazz musician or number one country musician, you’d be okay with me cleaning the floor?”
Seeing the humour in my comment, I laugh along with him. “Okay. Okay. You’ve found me out. Only pop musicians aren’t allowed to sweep up. Everyone else is fair game.” 
Bopping me on the nose, he grins. “Good thing I’m not a number one pop musician tonight. I’m just a customer who is quite taken with your goods.” 
And the way he rakes his eyes over my body lets me know that he’s not talking about the merchandise on the shelves. 
Dammit. Why don’t I keep a pair of spare knickers in my bag in case I run into the handsomest man alive? Because the ones I’m wearing right now are ruined. 
Sticking his head through the curtain and peering into the back, he joyfully exclaims, “There it is!” Seconds later, he’s pushing the broom around the shop floor, and I am both pleased and appalled. 
Reluctant to let him do all the work, I watch him and squirm. Using the broom as a partner, he dances to the music, and I can’t help the giggle that escapes. 
“I remember when you couldn’t dance at all,” I reveal, then clamp my hands over my mouth at my rudeness. 
“Some would say I still can’t.” 
“Screw ‘em.” I grin. “Listen, I’m about to count up the money for a night deposit. Are you planning to pay with cash or credit?” 
Wincing, he bites his lip, resting his arm on top of the broom handle. “Oh yeah. I was having so much fun that I forgot I was here to shop.” He looks around at the merchandise. “You’re taking me out for dinner, right?” One eyebrow raises while the other stays in place. It’s a talent not many have. 
“I believe that was the deal in exchange for your labour.”
“Then let’s eat first. I can tell you about those I need to shop for, and you can decide what would be most fitting for each.” 
“Hmmm…” I tease, “Are you trying to get out of buying products from me?” 
“Nope,” he grins, stepping closer to me. “Trying to let you get to know me more.” 
“Who's to say I don’t already know everything about you?” 
“Ah, I see.” The expression on Harry’s face is smug. “You wanna have a quiz? Find out what exactly you know and don’t know?” 
“Sure,” I smile, “but somehow I’m not sure I trust you. You could easily say all of my answers are wrong, and I wouldn’t be able to contradict you.” 
“Let’s start. What colour are my eyes?” 
“Are you taking the piss? They’re green. That one’s easy ‘cause I can see them.” 
“Okay, okay. You got one right. What colour are my lips?” 
Which of course drags my eyes right to the body part in question. And they look lush. Soft. Slightly chapped, but not enough to keep me from… 
Shit. I’ve gotten lost in staring at his lips. 
“I didn’t hear your answer.” 
My tongue dips out to lick my own lips, and he steps closer, his eyes locked on my tongue. Shaking my head, I dart my gaze back to his eyes, and I can feel his breath on my cheek. Leaning forward, he reaches his arm to my left, and I briefly wonder if he’s going to wrap his arm around my waist and haul me to him for a snogging session. 
Which is when he grabs his coat from the counter. 
“Let’s count the money so you can make your deposit. I’m getting hungry.” 
Really? I'm experiencing a powerful thirst.
Author's note: Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, please reblog. I know not everyone reblogs, but it really helps writers out.
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revolversandlace · 2 years
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Moonlight on the Lake
Warnings & Tags: Smut, Swearing, M/M/F, f!Reader, Het Threesome, No Y/N, Enthusiastic Consent, Gentle - as gentle as DP can be, There’s too many specifics to tag - a lot happens, Readers a brat but so am I, Minors DNI
Word Count: 9.2k
Summary: After a night of drinking by the campfire with both Arthur and Charles, you convince the men to take a swim with you. It doesn't take long for the alcohol to take hold and to end up in a situation you never imagined was possible. 
a/n: This is how I die. I think I’ve peaked, because I don’t see it getting much better than this. Also my official headcannon for Charles is that he’s a bit of a dog after a few bevs. Thank you imagination for this very vivid dream. 
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The last of the campfires' heat crackled and spat and the moonlight kissed the ground in silver. 
It had been a long night and even longer day, but after you and most of the boys from the gang made it back to camp with canvas bags stuffed with cash and jewellery, the drinks began to flow.
You had no idea what time it was, nor did you particularly care. The drinks poured, dances were had and now it was just you Arthur and Charles left around the campfire with a bottle of whiskey sharing stories for your earlier lives.
God knows how much you had to drink at this point, but it was certainly enough to give you the warmth behind your eyes and all the giddiness that it usually did. 
'By the time Hosea managed to drag John back to camp, well…' Arthur slurred slightly, lighting another cigarette, 'the boy was cryin', screamin', snottin'.'
'Sounds like he hasn't changed much,' Charles said with a laugh as you threw a smile over your shoulder to him. 
You were in good spirits, you all were. Hell, Arthur had probably laughed more times in the past few hours than he had since you joined the gang.
'You not sharing now cowboy,' you said with a mischievous grin, as you tapped at the side of Arthur's thigh with your boot.
You were stretched out next to him on the log, balancing on the palms of your hands whilst Charles sat on the ground, throwing his head back in submission to the whiskey.
'Ain't I told ya enough times. Get your own damn smokes,' Arthur said, although not unkindly. No matter how rough his words were, you could see that twinkle in his eye, even in the low light.
'Oh hush, Arthur. You know I only smoke when I'm drunk!' 
He was so quick, you didn't even see it coming as the cigarette smacked you square in the face. You let out a small squeal as your hands flayed, trying to catch the white stick as you nearly lost all your balance entirely. It earnt an earthy chuckle from both of the men as you fumbled with the cigarette. 
'Now that wasn't gentlemanly!' You said through your abating giggles, as you swung your legs to the ground and with a slight stumble, made your way over to the campfire. Using the last of the embers, you held the cigarette on the crackling white ash.
'Take my smokes but too proud to ask for a flame?' Arthur teased as he waved his match, killing the fire and throwing it with a simple flick in your direction. 
'Will you quit it!' You exclaimed, once again taking a jesting kick towards him. 
Even with his hat on as he took the bottle from Charles, you could see that shit eating grin of his. 
He didn't wear it often, but goddamn, whenever he did… it made you feel like every single one of your organs rearranged themselves inside of you. 
'Charles tell him, he's been a pain in my ass all night,' you stood there pouting slightly as you folded your arms looking between the two men.
'I ain't getting involved. I mean, you can handle yourself.' Charles said, pushing the sleeves of his shirt up past his elbow. 
Maybe it was the drink, maybe it was just that you hadn't had a man in weeks, but something dark and urgent stirred within you at the sight of his thick forearms.
Swallowing, you tried to shake your thoughts, snatching the bottle from Arthur and taking a healthy gulp.
'So much for chivalry' you huffed, trying to not look at either of them as you tried to quell the intruding desire. Maybe another swing would do the trick.
'You gonna share that?' Charles said, stretching out his hand, beckoning at it with his fingers.
Dear God, you thought to yourself. You knew he was just after another drink but there was a part of you - and not even a small part at this point - that wanted him to do that gesture to you. 
Clearing your throat, you shoved the whiskey towards him as you tried to amble back to your seat on the log. 
'Thought we were a gang boys, thought we were supposed to share,' you said, a wicked tone creeping into your voice. 
You knew you shouldn't have even started on the whiskey. It did always manage to get you in a certain mood. 
'"These be my smokes you here!"' You said, in an attempt to mock Arthur, dropping your voice as low and as moody as you could. 
Although it earnt a laugh from Charles, to the point where his eyes creased at the side, Arthur didn't look so amused. 
'You're drunk,' he said firmly, taking another thick puff on his cigarette.
'Oh and so are the both of you,' you said, shaking your head side to side, stretching your legs out in front of you as you sat down again.
'Besides!' You exclaimed, grabbing your hat and throwing it into the air as high as you could, and calling a 'yeehaw!'
The hat came crashing back to earth as you all followed it with your eyes and Charles scooted to the side and out of the way as it thumped into the dirt. 
'Yer tryin' to wake the whole camp up woman?' Arthur hissed at you, earning him his eighth eye roll of the evening. A gesture he would get from you more frequently than not.
'Ain't none of them sorry fools waking up. And for God's sake Arthur, I'm in a good mood,' you said, stretching your arms behind you prostrating yourself on the log.
You threw your head back, looking up at the beautifully clear summers night sky. The stars twinkled, burning tiny holes of white light into the navy that cloaked your world.
You felt the ends of your hair tickle the ground ever so slightly and you gave a soft sigh of relief. You weren't just in a good mood. You were in a great mood. The alcohol had certainly worked its magic as an impish feeling took over you.
As you looked back down, you could see the men staring at you, but not in the way they usually did. They were looking at all of you. 
You looked at them each in turn, a smirk toying at the corner lips, threatening to break loose. 
'No one ever tell you it's mighty rude to stare at a lady?' You said, internally refusing to move from your stretched out form. 
In your drunken mind, you supposed you looked like one of those stray alley cats, stretching and rolling around for an easy meal. Not that it was far off what you were trying to do. 
For all the months you had been with the gang, joining just before the Blackwater, it had taken a while to really settle in with them. 
Either from spending time with them on jobs or around camp, it wasn't really until after Colter that you began to notice the little quirks of the two men that would make your stomach flip. 
Whether it was the steely blue gaze of Arthur, or that little scar that nestled just beneath his lip or Charles's impossibly thick eyelashes and knuckles covered in tiny, pale scars - you still hadn't decided which of the two was more attractive. 
In that brief moment of silence -an intense silence - you had already decided that you'd be waking up next to one of them.
'I don't even know why they put the damn campfire on,' Arthur said, breaking the void as you tried to hide your grin in your chest. 'It's July for Christ sake!' 
'Well you know…' you said with a small shrug, 'it's pretty. Don't need much of an excuse if somethings pretty.'
You shot Arthur a look, taking the whiskey from the ground and taking another large gulp. Considering the three of you were drinking it, not much had really seemed to go, although it was your third shared bottle of the evening. 
Probably for the best, considering your head was spinning - and not just from the liquor. A pure drunk lust coursed through you, enough to even start that familiar throb between your legs. 
You narrowed your eyes at the men, a terrible, terrible idea forming in your head as you chewed at the inside of your mouth. 
'Well, if you're so warm. Come for a dip, it's a beautiful night for a swim!' you said, slapping your palms on your knees as you stood, 'coming Charles?' 
You widened your eyes in a doleful plea, your lips parted ever so slightly.
'Hell, I'm game,' he said, pushing himself off the ground.
With a satisfied nod, you turned to Arthur, taking the bottle from him. 
'Come on, Arthur!' You said, almost stamping your feet impetuosity.
'I ain't goin' for no swim,' Arthur said, attempting to pull the bottle back from your grip.
You stumbled forward a few paces, enough to nearly crash into Arthur entirely. 
Your stomach turned with excitement, as your heart gave a thump in your chest. You were nervous, excited and God you were turned on. There was no way you were giving up now. 
'Come on, Arthur! It'll be fun!' You said, using the exact same spoilt expression you just gave to Charles. 
Arthur shook his head, but there was stubborn and then there was you. 
You grabbed his hand, tugging at him as he begrudgingly stood up with a slight sway, giving a heavy sigh.
'Besides, the whiskey is coming with us,' you said in a whisper with a sickly giggle. 
'Sure. Why not,' Arthur said, defeated as you gave a little prance and spun on the tips of your toes. 
You almost skipped off, making your way through the tents with a spring in step as you stole another swig. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see the men muttering behind you with the expected drunken gestures.  Whatever they were talking about, Arthur seemed to have retreated back to his tightly wound self. 
You smiled at the thought of giving him an excuse to loosen up a bit. 
As you reached the edge of the lake, your lips were beginning to tingle from the whiskey, its heat burning into your bones as you bumbled slightly, placing the bottle on the sandy floor. 
You held your arm out to the side in a weak attempt to keep your balance as you reach for the heel of your boot, pulling it off followed by the other one. Next came your suspenders and belt, and then you took to your blouse, undoing the buttons one by one. 
You faced out to the water, the gentle ripples flowing gently across the horizon and it seemed the entire world, aside from the three of you, was asleep. 
With a happy sigh, you removed your shirt as the warm summers air brushed across your nipples. For the first time in a long time, you felt free. 
You moved to your jeans, unbuttoning them and pulling them and your riding drawers to your ankles as you stood out of them.  You didn't look behind you, but you heard the men approaching, their uneven tread breaking their way across the leaves and sticks. 
You didn't care if they saw you, hell, you wanted them to see you. Like they were sneaking a look that they both knew neither of them should see. You chewed at your thumb coyly and you made your way into the cool water, utterly brazen in your actions. 
The water reached over your breasts, your feet trod lightly on the lake floor as you pushed your arms through the water and kicked your legs slowly behind you.
'Don't go swimming off now!' You heard Charles call from behind you. 
'You should be so lucky!' You shot back, closing your eyes and bobbing in the water as it enveloped the entirety of your body, licking every inch of your skin. 
You thought there would be a chance that the cool water would somehow calm you down, perhaps even sober you a little. But it did nothing of the sort. If anything, the thought of being utterly naked a mere few feet away from Charles and Arthur just fed the exhilaration. 
'Don't forget the whiskey!' You called, looking up at the full moon that hung over your head. It almost seemed close enough to touch, its craters dark across its white glow. 
Eventually you heard the splashes of the men entered the water and you turned yourself around, slowly making your way towards them as your fingertips pushed across the water's surface. 
'I see you both made it,' you smiled at the both of them as they passed the bottle between them and to you. 
'Can't say liquor and swimmin' is usually the best idea,' Arthur said, as you raised your eyebrow to Charles. 
'Oh, Arthur,' you said, shaking your head as you sank into the water, the coolness covering you up to your eyes as you took a mouthful of water. 
Re-emerging, you saw the look in Arthur's eyes - he knew exactly what you were going to do. Just as he raised his finger in no doubt some warning you pursed your lips and shot a stream of water in his direction. 
'For once, Arthur,' you said in a sing-song voice, 'just relax.' 
He sighed at you as you took the whiskey from Charles. You made your way over to Arthur, close enough that you could see the freckles that dotted across his thick, hard shoulders. The twitch of his muscles as he passed his arms through the water. 
'Here,' you said, holding out the bottle as he reached out for it.  However before he could take it from you, you pulled it back, much to his annoyance. 
'Only if you promise to have some fun!' You said with a grin. 
He dipped his head under the water, breaking the surface in the following second as he brushed back his wet hair and wiped the rest of the water from his face. 
God he truly was a sight, it almost caught all words in your throat and before you knew it he had swam close enough to you to snatch the bottle back from you. 
'Fine. S'long as you behave,' he narrowed his eyes at you, almost dangerously. 
No amount of prayers would be enough to save your soul from the look that he gave you, and in turn, the feeling that stirred throughout your entire body. 
'I promise no such thing Mr Morgan,' you said weakley, almost sheepishly as you pushed yourself away, creating a more sensible distance between you. 
'I dunno,' Charles said, a boyish grin playing on his lips, 'I think she's earned it Arthur. She did take out five Pinkertons by herself on the train.' 
You gave Charles a bashful look, not quite used to the praise as it made you even more light headed. 
'Oh well in that case,' Arthur said as he passed the bottle back to Charles. 
For the second time this evening, Arthur managed to make you scream as he smacked the surface of the water at you, covering your entire head in the lake's water. 
'Fuck Arthur!' You cried and both men laughed at you again, as you tried to wipe the liquid from your eyes. 'I was trying to keep my hair dry!'
'Don't seem much good if you're goin' swimmin',' he chuckled. 
You wanted to be mad at him but in reality you just couldn't as you too started laughing. 
'How much whiskey we got left?' You asked Charles as your legs started to grow weary from treading water and after the day's events. 
''Bout half,' he said, raising the bottle giving it a slight shake. 'You want some?' 
'Well, obviously' you said as he kept it up high, 'of for God sake' you muttered. Teasing was one thing, but withholding alcohol was just plain rude. 
You made your way through the water with an attempt to grab the bottle but instead he turned to take a swig and held it out to Arthur. 
'Oh very funny,' you said, 'goddamn cowboys.'
You made your way over to Arthur who you knew would do the exact same and he did not fail to disappoint. The men both stood over you, their torsos glistening with drops of water like tiny crystals and they smirked and drank all the while teasing you. 
'You know full well I can't stand up this close to shore,' you huffed. The water still covering everything from the chest down. 
'Oh, so now you're shy?' Charles said, taking the bottle from Arthur over your head. 
You couldn't say that even if you were sober, you wouldn’t have risen to the challenge but if there's one thing you knew about men, was never to back down. 
'I said, pass it here,' you said, your voice tight as you tried your best to snatch it back. But Charles was too quick, pulling it just out of reach as you stumbled forward. 
Thinking was never your strong suit as you leapt forward, nearly crashing your entire and very naked body into Charles. But for a man who was built like a bison, he could certainly move quickly. You stretched out your arms again, clawing for the bottle. 
You became almost single minded, as Charles turned slowly in the water, taunting you like you were a mouse with a cube of cheese on a string. 
As you tried another feeble drunken attempt, you felt his arm around your waist, holding you with those thick forearms. He pressed into you, his cool skin touching yours. It's a good thing he was holding you otherwise you were sure you would have drowned at the touch. 
You looked up at him, your heart beating so fast it could have caused ripples in the water. But you wanted that damn whiskey, as much as you wanted him. 
His dark brown eyes fell on yours as you threw your arm around his neck, stepping up to his lips as he pulled you closer into him.
His chilled lips touched yours, a passionate, deep kiss that tasted of the earth. He licked his tongue across yours, just for a second as he stepped between your legs, his cock pressing into the place that needed the most release. 
You gave a slight whimper, but with your other hand you pulled the bottle from him and stepped out of his grip. He looked stunned for a second, but only a second as a wide grin spread across his face. 
You chewed your lip at him as you returned a beaming smile drinking greedily at the whiskey. You turned around to see Arthur, a lot closer than he was before, his eyes the colour of the ocean narrowed at you. 
'What?’ You said, placing the bottle back to your lips with a wicked smirk, taking another gulp.
You moved closer to him, an inch away from his chest as you felt yours heaving with adrenaline. 
'Didn't think I'd leave you out, did you cowboy?' You handed the bottle to him, placing it on his chest as he gripped your wrist and then took the bottle from your hand. He took several large drinks from it, nearly finishing the entire thing.
'Think the rest is your Charles,' he said, passing it to his friend, not taking his eyes off of you for a single second.
There was something in his look that almost made you recoil in fear. Almost. As he kept a grip on your wrist you took another step closer, your breast pushing up against him as you parted your lips and looked up at him in a silent plea. 
He dropped his hold on you , his hand snaking to the back of your neck as he pulled you into a kiss. It was hungrier than Charles, desperate and ravenous, his stubble prickling against your cheek as he grabbed a handful of your ass, roughly pulling you up against him.
You gasped into his mouth, almost becoming undone there and then. He had none of the patience of Charles, but all the ferocity that he lacked. 
And then the fingers traced down your back as Charles stopped at your waist, delicately tracing both his hands up each side as his broad chest hovered over you, encasing you in the two men with lust and want and all those things you didn’t dare entertain in your mind. Yet there you were, helpless in the water being kissed, caressed with so many secret promises of pleasure. 
Arthur removed his lips from yours, his grip still firm on the back of your neck, your hair wet dripping across your shoulders as you felt both the men against you. 
‘Yer sure you want this darlin?’ He said, almost whispering in your ear. 
You nodded pathetically, your eyes half closed with near swollen lips from the kissing.
‘If you want to stop,’ Charles said, his hands snaking across your front, cupping at your breasts and gently pulling you back towards him, ‘just say, beautiful.’ 
You looked across your shoulder up at him, his dark eyes soft and welcoming. 
‘Okay,’ you said breathlessly as Arthur moved his hand and his finger under your chin as he lifted your face to his. 
Charles leant down and started to kiss your neck, delicate kisses, kisses of a long lost lover as Arthur stared at you, watching you. His face was only a hair width away from yours as he didn’t even bat an eyelid. Just watching you, your eyes, your mouth as you panted whilst Charles continued to leave a trail of even more wet down the side of your neck and across your shoulders and he softly kneaded as your breasts, almost massaging them as his thumb would flick across your nipple. 
They held you there, working at your pleasure but it wasn’t enough. You weren’t sure if what either of them could give you would be enough. But there in the water, the two of them made all of shit outside of camp make sense. It made the whole damn world slot into place as your whole spine turned soft.
You mewled lightly, trying your best to keep your eyes open, to remain with Arthur in that moment but as the tingles ran up and down you from Charles lips, you closed your eyes, licking at you lips as your hand found the way around the back of his neck, your hips slowly beginning to grind in need.
Charles stepped closer to the back of you, his full hard cock pressing up against your ass, matching your motions. Slow, deliberate and teasing. 
Working his way up to the base of your ear, he continued to work his lips on you, thick and wet with the occasional brush of his tongue. The moan you made sounded so foreign to your ears, almost distant as you felt yourself slowly becoming one with the darkness, with the water… With them. 
Arthur moved his thumb from your chin, wiping it across your parted bottom lips, removing the water left on there from the lake, his rough skin smoothing across the soft texture. You mewled again, willing yourself to open your eyes, to his lustful hooded look as you continued to leisurely grid your ass against Charles’ cock. 
You opened your mouth by the smallest amount, your tongue pushing out to meet with Arthurs thumb as you wrapped your lips around it, and moved up and down it as measured as you could. 
The change in his eye was subtle, but unmistakable as Charles remained utterly lost on your skin, soft growls emitting every now and then. His breath against your wet skin sent shivers down every limb.
You continued to slowly suck at Arthur’s thumb, his eyes almost tensing in a way you’d never seen any many do before as he refused to lower his gaze. Bringing your hand up, you grabbed at his, his strong knuckles and wide palms making your own hands feel so delicate and feeble. 
You pulled his hand away, his thumb giving a slow pop  as it left your mouth. His eyebrows furrowed for just a second as his jaw tensed in silence, making his square jaw even more prominent. 
Even breathing seemed like a struggle with the sensations that were going on, but you were wet, aching and wanting. He let you guide him, as you put his hand into the water, taking his fingers and putting them exactly where you needed. 
Never before had you felt so alive. So desperate and so content with asking for exactly what you craved. Even in your entombed desire, you knew you could trust them, that they would live and die for you. And in that moment you wanted both. 
As soon as Arthurs fingers connected with your clit, you moaned, almost losing balance. He had barely even moved, just pressing into the bud of nerves as all breath had left your lungs. 
For a fleeting moment you all stopped, just still in a perfect statue of yearning. Charles stopped moving up against you, his lips softly peeled away from you, the feeling leaving you near empty. But then Arthur began to move his fingers. Sickening slowly he circled at your clit, the pleasure seeping and invading in equal measures. 
Letting out a long moan, the men gave a breathy laugh as Charles continued to pass his thumb sparingly over your nipples. 
‘Still enjoying yourself, darlin’?’ Arthur said, his voice low and sweet. 
‘God yes,’ was about all you could muster, as you could feel Charles smile into the crook on your neck. 
You continued to cling onto him behind you as those sweet, sweet circles that Arthur continued to make on you nearly made you drop into the water. But then something changed. Arthur moved his fingers down, across the slick of your heat. You didn’t need the water to tell you how wet you were. 
With your free arm you grabbed onto his solid shoulder whilst your other still clung around Charles’ neck. Arthur however, continued to stroke you up to the most delicate part down to your entrance, teasing you as he had done all night. 
But then, after one last final press on your clit, his fingers made their way back down tentatively placing two of them inside you. At first you panted hard but as he pushed them further into you and curved them deep inside, a long moan burst free from you. He held them as deep as he could for a moment and you could feel yourself stretching around him in the most wonderful of ways. 
And then he moved them back out, but not all the way. Just enough for you to stop seeing sparkles in your eyes as he pushed them back into you, right to the knuckle as he earned another whimper from you as your mouth formed a perfect ‘o’. 
Charles moved his hand from your breasts, down to the side of your hips, digging his fingers oh so silkenly into your soft flesh as you slowly bucked your hips onto Arthur’s fingers. 
‘Let go for a second,’ Charles whispered into your ear as he slowly peeled your arm from his neck by the elbow steering it towards Arthur’s shoulders, ‘we got you, okay?’ 
You couldn’t even nod, let alone speak as you just let another guttural sound escape you. Arthur continued to move his fingers in and out of you, the water gently stirring around you with the movements. 
Charles dragged his hands across the front of your hips, just where your hips bone lay and back again across the curve of your ass, palming a handful and giving you a light squeeze. 
‘You ready?’ He whispered into the nape of your neck through your wet hair. 
No. No you weren’t ready. But you were happy to comply. To agree to anything that would give you the release you so desperately needed. 
‘Y…Yes,’ you said, managing to find some sort of voice, although it was a voice so unlike your own. 
His hands travelled further down, to the back of your thighs, grabbing them with the most force he had touched you with tonight as he held you legs up, spread and open. You imagined that the water may have helped, not that it mattered, and you certainly didn’t care as Charles held the underneath of you almost floating as Arthur continued to pump in and out of you. 
You felt Charles' knee underneath the back of your thigh, just enough to hold you in place as your feet dangled and Arthur nestled his strong fingers into the very back of your cunt. 
Digging into his shoulders, you became utterly unable to hold yourself but thankfully, you were in good hands. 
You could feel Charles’ cock pressing against you again, burrowing it between your cheeks as your head fell onto his shoulder. 
Time could have passed a hundred years or more and you would have stayed there. In some fleeting vision, you were sure that’s exactly what had happened as Charles held you there, holding your legs open whilst Arthur did the most gratifying things to your cunt. 
‘Can’t have you come just yet, sweetheart,’ Arthur mused. 
There was some sound, some moan, something that fell from your lips and with every movement you tightened around him, twitching at his knuckles, the coil building and tightening. If he hit just the right spot you would be left screaming and splashing in the water. 
‘Let’s get you in the warm, darlin’,’ Arthur said, as you tried to shake your head. 
No, not yet. But you were beyond the ability to form the words. 
Charles slowly led your legs back down as Arthur removed his fingers. You whined at the utter torture of it all. Unsure of who even still held your weight in the water and your pried your eyes open. 
‘You want to carry on?’ Charles said, planting a kiss on your shoulder as you tried to force the blood back to your head to think straight. 
‘Please,’ you said, or at least think you did. Either way, you saw them smile as you, both of them. For Godless men they certainly did look like something out of the ancient books. But given all that you felt, you wouldn’t be surprised if they were some sort of deities. 
‘C’mon,’ Arthur said, gesturing his head towards the shore as you commanded your legs to move. 
Somehow they did, and by whatever miracle that was, you weren’t sure. Before you knew it you were on land again, pathetically picking up your shirt and throwing your arms through the sleeves and grabbing the rest of your clothing. The simple idea of trying to coordinate yourself back into your jeans was far beyond you. 
There was a part of you that felt this was a dream. Unsure whether it was the alcohol, all the excitement of the day or whatever had just happened in the water was to blame, but you stumbled behind - your gait uneven as your damp toes curled into the grass. 
‘Arthur,’ Charles whispered, his trousers half done up as they hung off his impossibly thick abdomen, ‘take her back to your tent, just grabbing something.’ 
Arthur gave a curt nod, as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, herding you back to his tent like some orphaned and weak puppy. 
‘Here,’ he gestured to his cot as he closed the flap behind him. He too only had his jeans on loosely, as he turned up the gaslamp to a low heat, the orange flame dancing and licking across the canvas walls. 
Just as you were beginning to think straight again, Arthur put a heavy weight around you, something warm. Something dry. You didn’t realise how cold you had gotten out in the water, but the warmth was welcome. Thank God it was the middle of summer. 
Charles pushed through the tent entrance, his enormous build took up what little room was left in there between you and Arthur. However, it didn’t escape your notice that in his hand was another bottle of whiskey. 
He uncorked it with his teeth, giving you a wink as Arthur knelt on the cot next to you, taking the bottle. 
‘This will certainly help,’ Arthur said, his voice a low drawl as you heard each thick gulp.
‘I mean, we should get you warmed up,’ Charles said to you, crouching before you in the low light. He placed his hands on your knees, still wet and cold from the lake as he slowly pushed them apart and he crawled between them. 
Arthur meanwhile held the whiskey to your lips, pouring in a small amount as you tried your best to not spill it down your chin. Leaning over, he placed the bottle on the floor, tentatively removing the blanket from your shoulders, followed by the damp shirt that clung to your skin. 
As you sat there on the edge of the cot, completely naked and legs spread, you gave a small nod, silently signalling to the men that you were ready to continue from where you left off in the lake. 
Charles kissed the inside of your knee, then the other. Soft little kisses just as he had done before, except now with an unwavering look at you as he stared up at you from the floor. He continued to work up your leg, taking each one in turn as he pressed his teeth into your inner thigh, you gave a whine as you pushed your hips forward closer to him. You were desperate for his mouth to be just where you needed it the most. 
Arthur knelt above you, his thick calloused hand gripping at your cheek, stroking your soft skin with his thumb. 
‘We’ll take good care of you, darlin’,’ he said in his usual gravelly tone. His thumb moved down your cheek and onto your neck tenderly, more tender than a man like him had any right too as a shiver visibly ran over you. 
Your fingers curled gripping tightly in the bedding as your back arched and your head fell back, exposing the column of your neck, allowing Arthur to brush at the fragile bones. 
Then you felt it, the warm velvet flat of Charles’ tongue on your clit, your whole body straining at the touch and your vision blurred behind your eyes. 
‘Oh fuck,’ you managed to keen breathlessly, as Arthur chuckled beside you. 
Charles began swirling his tongue, lightly at first but then became firmer, more confident in the pleasure he was giving you. You can feel your chest rising and falling with each heavy breath as you let out another stifled whimper, your hips moving with each of Charles’ movements as his hands lay flat on your hips in an attempt to keep you still. 
‘Think yer can stay quiet for us, be a good girl?’ You heard Arthur say next to you. 
In all honesty, you don’t think you could. Your mind was awash with everything that had happened that evening, what was happening now and couldn’t even comprehend what would follow. 
You shook your head as you involuntarily grew louder as Charles brought you up higher and higher, the pressure building as your whole body was ablaze. 
‘Was hopin’ yer’d say that,’ Arthur said with a grin, removing his hand from the side of your neck as he reached for his jeans, darkened unevenly by the water. 
His hair had mostly dried but you could still see the odd drop that clung to his skin like morning dew in the spring across the coarse hair that coated his chest and just where his jeans sat. 
Not that they stayed there long, as he pulled them down to his knees, his thick cock springing free as he grasped it, giving it a few sensual strokes. 
He didn’t even need to ask as you grabbed at the back of his thigh, your mouth falling open ready to take as much as you could. Which given what you saw, you wouldn’t be able to take all that much. But God you wanted to try. 
You could already taste the pre-cum as you took him in your mouth, trying to concentrate on doing a good job, but Charles certainly wasn’t making it easy. You wrapped your tongue around Arthur’s tip and you slowly began to move your head up and down as much of the shaft as you could. 
Arthur gave a groan, a sound that would haunt you until your last breath. You could see him straining to keep his hips where they were, to let you do the work with as little or as much as you were comfortable with. 
But as soon as you felt Charles slowly put a finger into your sopping wet cunt, his tongue making a meal out of your clit, you made an animalist cry as you hollowed out your cheeks onto Arthurs cock. And the air around you changed. 
It was as though all three of you suddenly changed under the moon, like those beasts from tales and you all became driven by one primal need. 
You lifted your legs higher, placing your heels on the edge of the cot, as Arthur cupped at the side of your face, although a little rougher than he probably intended. Not that you minded as his cock filled your throat to the point where you tried your best to breathe from your nose. Your mouth was just as wet and as messy as your cunt. 
Charles soon picked up the pace, putting not just two but three fingers inside of you as he drove harder and deeper, his mouth keeping pace as you gripped the top of his hair, the silken locks falling through your fingers. 
You were close, so goddamn close as your scalp grew tight, your stomach and cunt tensing as the coil built up in your spine, all your blood pumping to one place and one place only. 
It hit you sooner than expected. Your whole body turning numb for just a second as the pleasure soon crashed over you, a wave so life threatening you lost all senses. You couldn’t see nor hear, only feel that sweet release as you sobbed onto Arthur’s cock, saliva and pre-cum falling from the edge of your lips as neither man wavered their pace on you. 
After your last spasm, you fell from the clouds. Arthur pulled himself from you with a smile, as did Charles, his lips and chin glistening from your slick. 
‘You good?’ He said, planting one last kiss on your inner thigh, as you nodded, wiping your mouth with the back of your wrists. 
He moved to the other side of you, his frame towering over you even sitting down. 
‘Can you carry on, princess?’ Charles said, stroking your arm with his knuckles as you waited for all good sense to return. 
‘Mmhm,’ you sounded, your vision coming back to you as your legs trembled and shook. ‘Please.’
Arthur leant over, grabbing the whiskey from the floor, keeping up with the night's ceremony of passing it between him and Charles for a moment whilst you regained your composure. What little was left of it anyway. 
You moved yourself, turning to face Arthur, his cock in your eyeline as you put your back against Charles, your body already screaming at you that one orgasm wasn’t going to be enough for you tonight. 
Charles wrapped his arm around the front of your shoulders, the bottle in hand as he placed it to your lips. You took the amber liquid greedily, the burning melding with the prickling that still danced on your skin. 
He pulled it away, careful enough that you didn’t knock your teeth on it as he tilted it again towards you. But this time, instead of your mouth, he poured it all down your front, the alcohol trickling down your breasts and over your nipples as Arthur gave a wolfish grin. 
You barely had time to acknowledge what was happening as Arthur knelt over to you, licking at the whiskey that covered your skin. He kissed at your breasts, taking them with his hands, grabbing, kissing and licking at your pliable flesh and the liquor. 
Finding your nipple, he took it into his mouth, biting down on it carefully, as your body jolted already at the point of over stimulation as he sucked and licked at you. 
‘Lift your hips up, beautiful. Just a bit,’ Charles whispers in your ear, and you did so obligingly pushing yourself up with your knee. 
You felt his hand underneath you, searching for your cunt all over again, as your eyes screwed shut, waiting for the inevidentable. He played with the coated cunt, just as he had done before, nestling his fingers in your puffy warmth and guided your hips back down. 
Tomorrow seemed so far away, and yet impossible at the same time as you could have stayed in the moment for all eternity. A never ending life of torturous teasing and orgasm after orgasm and the men played with you, pleasuring you in ways you couldn’t even do to yourself. 
You held onto Arthur's shoulders, as he continued to nip and suck at your nipples, the whiskey almost steaming off of your body as you rocked yourself up and down on Charles’ fingers. 
Far past the point of making any noise, you ground your hips into the man behind you as he wickedly used your own weight to push deeper into you as his other hand found the small of your back, pushing down on it so he was as deep as could possibly be. 
Arthur broke his lips free from you, looking up at you with those piercing blue eyes that held so much danger and hunger. He watched you as your face contoured, how you moaned in front of him and all the gratification you were receiving. 
‘Come here,’ he whispered at you, as sat back on the bed, the pillow propping his head ever so slightly as you bent over, allowing Charles to continue whatever magic his hands possessed. 
You grabbed Arthur’s cock, it was so hard you thought it might burst and the thought of it inside of you just made you moan harder as Charles found the perfect spot, right at the back of you causing you to whine and whimper all over again. 
You stroked at Arthur playfully as he closed his eyes, his head stretched back. Both of them had been so good to you, not just with what they had done to your body but how tentative they had been. Never had you thought that this is what it would be like. 
You took Arthur’s cock into your mouth again, finding it easier in your new position as you forced it all the way down your throat until your nose met with the base. He let out a growl so predatory, you thought he would lose all control there and then. But he didn’t.
Instead you continued to work at it, just as you had before as Charles seemingly pushed you from the inside, further onto Arthur. 
Perhaps, if it wasn’t for all the alcohol, you would have been untethered all of again, and you suspected so would have the men. However it bought you some time, just enough so the memory would stay with you all forever. 
‘Do you need something more?’ Charles said behind you, as you tried your best to nod with a mouthful of cock, prostrating your ass higher in the air, as Charles shifted behind you, his hands gripped around your ass cheeks. 
You felt the tip of his cock at your entrance, sliding up and down as you gave a stifled moan, feeling every single throat muscle move against Arthur’s twitching cock. And then Charles found himself inside of you, stretching you open as he slid carefully all the way inside of your cunt. 
You were stuff from every end and have never felt better as you began to work harder or Arthur, his abdomen visibly tensing as Charles painstakingly pulled himself from you and right back in again. 
Never had you ever felt anything like it before, as your body moved between them, a perfect momentum between all three of you as Charles started to force himself into you harder. For as much as you wanted to show Arthur all the pleasures you had felt, the moaning and movement made it all the more harder to use your tongue against him. But as you moved your head up and down, Arthur returned his hand to the side of your face, caressingly it softly as you continued to suck and slurp with all your might. 
‘She feels good Arthur,’ Charles said in a tight voice, the sounds of your love making, slowly beginning to fill the tent. His hands dug harder onto your hips, the feeling of ecstasy soon returned to your body as Charles fucked you from behind. 
You slowly moved your lips up Arthur’s cock again, as tight and as firm as you possibly could, as he fell from your mouth as you took a breath, trying your best to not see stars again. But you 
knew that was impossible. 
‘Yer look mighty pretty like this,’ Arthur said with a smile, his chest moving, falling with yours as you grabbed onto Charles’ hand. 
‘One… one second,’ you mumbled, as Charles stopped instantly, pulling himself from you.
‘You hurt?’ He said, the concern as plain as day in his voice as Arthur too, furrowed his eyebrows at you in worry. 
‘No, it's not that… it’s…’ you smiled. Utterly abashed with yourself. You knew what you wanted, what your body craved. But to say it? ‘I want both of you,’ you said, almost hiding behind your hair as the words fell from your lips. 
‘Yer sure?’ Arthur said, moving himself up onto his elbows slightly.
You nodded, with a soft smile. 
‘Please,’ you said, looking between the two men. 
They shared a look and for a moment, you thought they would disagree with you but they both gave you a look of affirmation. 
‘You can have whatever you want, princess’ Charles said behind you, planting a kiss on your lower back. 
You certainly didn’t need to be told twice, as Arthur grabbed for your hand, helping you up the bed as you straddled over him. 
‘Let’s see how good yer feel then, shall we?’ He said, as you smirked down at him, placing your hands either side of his head. 
He reached down between you and with how wet you were, he barely needed any time as he cock slipped straight into you. As you sat on his cock, you pushed your body flush against his as he wrapped his arms around you. 
‘You just tell us if you need us to stop,’ Charles said, his large hand stroking over your ass and hips. 
You started to ride Arthur, his cock hit just all the right spots as your clit was already starting to grow warm and tense again. He lifted his hips up into yours as you ground down, your hips snaking up and down as you could feel him gripping his arms tighter around you.
‘Shit woman, you feel incredible.’ He moaned as Charles gave him an ‘I told you so,’ from behind you. 
You heard Charles spit, his hand finding his way to your tight hole as he moved the spit across your asshole whilst Arthur still fed your cunt with his cock. You began to slow down, more purposeful and exaggerated in your movements as you looked over your shoulder to Charles to give him a nod to tell him it was okay. 
He smiled sweetly at you, even if his eyes had grown black in the low light, like a shark ready to feed. Your nails raked at Arthur's chest, who held tighter onto your hips, your flesh as soft as moss beneath his fingertips. 
You felt Charles adjusting himself on the cot, then you, ensuring he got just the right angle. You felt the warmth of his tip on you, smooth and slick from where it had been inside of you previously, as he teased at the entrance prodding it slightly, careful to not take you there too quickly. 
‘Please,’ you begged again, as a goddamn fell from Arthurs mouth. 
Charles didn’t waste any time as he pushed himself into you, the intrusive stretch filling you up as you gave a throaty cry. He stopped for a moment, just as you supposed he would, letting your asshole settle around him, twitching and clenching. 
You all moved painfully slowly, every ridge and vein catching inside of you and Charles slowly pushed his cock further into you, until he finally bottomed out inside of you. All three of you let out a deep moan, as both men were fully hilted in you, touching the centre of your core. 
They held still, as you started to move your hips again, trying to find the movement, the perfect way to move yourself on their cocks. Arthur dug his hands deeper, his face screwed so tightly you almost laughed as Charles put his hand onto the small of your back again and delicately started to move in and out of you. 
You could barely even remember your own name, waves of pleasure washing over you with every single tiny movement as you all began to find your momentum with the new intense pleasure. 
They both slid in and out of you, their gentle movements giving you everything you needed, and before you knew it, you were ready to cum all over again. 
Sandwiched between the two men, their warm bodies and strong torsoses sheathed you just as much as you sheathed their cocks as all three of you moved as one with one aim in sight. 
You picked up the pace, revelling in the sensation of how utterly filled you were, as the men took your lead and too began to speed up. Arthur’s fingers dug further into you as he bounced you on his cock and Charles continued to fuck you ass. 
‘Shit,’ Arthur grunted, and then you felt it. The thick ropes of cum filling you up as you struggled to keep yourself still enough to ward off your own climax. 
Arthur continued to fuck himself into you and your legs gave way under Charles and before you knew it, you were screaming into the air, a mess of cum, sweat and unbridled ecstasy. 
Charles didn’t last much longer either as you twitched as sobbed, he filled up your ass with a moan and it was as though the whole world turned black. 
You stirred the next morning, the sun breaking through the canvas of the tent as the humidity hung around you. A soft thump began at the side of your head as your stomach gave a turn. But for how hungover you were, you were warm and so very comfortable. 
Taking in a long breath, you tried to stretch but couldn’t quite find the room as you slowly opened your eyes. The smell of whiskey and musk hitting your nostrils. 
‘Shit!’ You cried, springing up, clutching the blanket to your bare breast as you saw Arthur and Charles either side of you. The memories of last night came back to you in an uncoordinated flash as you brushed your hair back from your face. 
‘Morning,’ Charles said, as you looked back behind you to him. 
‘What time is it?’ you croaked, your voice hoarse from a night of smoking, drinking and well… everything else. 
‘Not too late,’ Charles said, smiling, running his hand up and down your back. 
You groaned, pulling your knees up to your chest as Arthur gave a small snore. 
‘We need to get up before everyone else wakes up,’ you said, resting your forehead against your knee. 
‘Good luck with Arthur,’ he said, as Arthur’s mouth hung slightly open, his face the most soft and calm as you’ve ever seen him. 
You tried to not think about last night, about them, about them inside of you. But you couldn’t help a small giggle slipping from your lips. 
‘Thank you for last night,’ you said with a smile that felt as though it reached from ear to ear. 
Charles sat up onto his elbow, placing a soft kiss on your bare back. 
‘Anytime. Come on then,’ he said, reaching over and giving Arthur a smack on the arm. 
He jumped awake, his eyes feverish before settling. 
‘We need to get up,’ you said as he gave a sleepy nod, sitting up and throwing his legs on the side of the bed. 
Charles clambered over you, reaching for his jeans as the men started to get dressed. 
‘You alright?’ Arthur grumbled, shoving his legs into his jean legs before jumping into them. 
‘I could do with a coffee,’ you mused as Charles finished buttoning his shirt as he tied his hair back from his face. 
Charles threw your blouse at you, as you turned the still damp fabric the right way round, the blacket dropping to your lap as you fiddled with the sleeves. 
‘Arthur!’ A voice called from outside of the tent, as all three of your eyes went wide.
‘Arthur are you still…’ The tent flap was pulled back as you screamed and threw the blanket over your head.  Not that it would have concealed you in any capacity. 
‘Ah, Arthur,’ Hosea said, as you scrunched your eyes as tight as possible, wishing the earth would swallow you whole. A silence settled around you as you in hid in your not so subtle cocoon. 
‘What is it Hosea?’ Arthur said, his voice tight. 
‘I… er… Dutch would like to see you,’ he said, the air turning beyond awkward. ‘I’ll see you when you’re decent.’ 
‘And… Miss,’ Hosea called, the humour evident in his voice, ‘Ms Grimshaw would like some help with a few bits.’
‘Okay,’ you said weakley, on the verge of tears and utterly mortified that Hosea, of all people, had caught you. 
After you heard his footfalls retreat, you slowly removed the blanket from your head, your cheeks burning so much that you felt you were being branded. 
‘S’pose that cat’s out the bag then,’ Charles said with a smirk as Arthur just shook his head whilst lighting a smoke. 
After you finished getting dressed, you left Arthur’s tent very sheepishly, your head still basically in your hands as you made your way across camp towards the rest of the woman. 
‘Hosea said you need my help?’ you said, searching the faces to see if there was any sign that your secret had spread around camp. Thankfully, no one gave you any knowing looks as Karen silently dropped a bucket of laundry at your feet. 
Picking it up, you began to make your way over to the lake, your stomach giving a flip of excitement as you remember what happened the last time you were there. 
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bestworstcase · 5 months
So, I recently had a discussion with a friend regarding your angle that Salem respects humans/Faunus, convinced Summer to get onboard with her plan and has the explicit goal of taking out the gods to save Remnant.
Conceptually I don't strictly mind any of this, its certainly not impossible for reasons you've outlined and it'd be suitably subversive of CRWBY to take the woman scorned/heretics villain and have her not be about that but some way bigger issue.
However, I run into a bit of a hurdle with embracing the concepts because it always hits what I deem to be some narrative and structural hurdles. Not one's that "Can't" be overcome, but that I am unsure I have seen be covered in outlines and theories.
My main concerns tie into a few angles that I'll try to break up for clarity:
Focus A big concern for me with the current theory is that it feels like it shifts the focus of the story away from the main characters.
You know how people treated Ironwood or Adam, or Ozpin & Qrow like they were the main characters and RWBY were or should be just supporting characters in their narrative?
While I don't think this is intentional on your part, it does beg the question of how this would be avoided.
Shaggy Dog Story Tied into the above is the potential for it to make the main characters journey feel a bit like a Shaggy Dog story. IE, a story where a lot of bad stuff happens for no reasn and they'd be better off having stayed home.
Again, I don't think this is intentional.
But, if Salem has a plan to take down the gods, if this plan is good and workable and would succeed... Haven't they made everything worse by fighting her and dragging it out?
Agency & of not and Salem is happy about them rallying the world behind them because then she can do this alone, we go back to the Focus issue.
Salem seems to become the main character and the story feels less about RWBY and more about them being caught up in Salem's narrative.
Consistency Meanwhile from Salem's angle, it does beg some questions about her thought processes. I can accept the idea she is varying shades of paranoid ad not used to being trusted...
But at the same time she has an inner circle she trusts a fair bit and is willing to reach out and align with large organizations like the White Fang, or try to cut deals with Atlas. Plus she might legit have Summer on her side.
So the idea I've seen proposed that she feels compelled to go to war, that she cannot envision another way. When most of the world doesn't know or care about the gods, when she has humans & Faunus on her side already who could speak for her.
Simply put it feels inconsistent to say that Salem is pathologically incapable of reaching out to others. She certainly struggles with communicating, but she can do so and can get people on her side.
Satisfaction This one is a bit more vague, but the general point is I am unsure what a satisfying conclusion with the seemingly proposed ideas looks like.
If Salem is right, then RWBY and co are to one degree or another supporting characters, whose actions had little impact. Or their narrative significance is in basically clarifying that Salem is correct and should be worked with. Or perhaps serving as her nominal therapists/communication advisors.
I swear I am not trying to be reductive, I am just basing this on conversations I've had and posts I've seen.
But yeah, basically I am wondering how you envision things going down that ensures RWBY remains the focal characters and that their journey and decisions have real meaning. While keeping the nuanced Salem and ensuring she doesn't come across as inconsistent. I am sure it can be done, and have tinkered with some myself, but most of them don't seem to in the direction I've seen suggested by others.
rubs hands. all good questions
#1: focus
i will say i do think the story of rwby is foundationally about ozlem—in the sense that the plot of the story revolves around this ancient and deeply personal conflict between them that is tearing the world apart and the narrative goal is their reconciliation, because you can’t have true peace until These Two immortal fucks stop fighting—and that team rwby’s the main characters because they’re the ones whom the narrative has, in essence, asked to put the broken pieces of this fairytale back together the right way.
as ruby herself says, remnant isn’t like a fairytale but that’s why they’re here, to make it better. on a character level that’s a statement about how ruby sees the world, her youthful optimism mingled with sadness, but on the thematic level it’s a very. literal description of what the story’s about. 
points at oz. look at where he started, look at where he is now. this man is under a curse designed to make it impossible for him to change and at the top of the show he has not fundamentally changed in any sense except gradual decay for, literally thousands of years. right. and then he admits ruby into his monster hunting school two years early because she has special magic eyes and he’s in need of a new chosen one since her mother disappeared, and then salem sends cinder to maul him, and—oops!—his “simple soul” who was never supposed to become anything more than another symbolic guardian is the one actually. like. making all the decisions.
once he gets oscar to mistral his “authority” over the gang lasts for exactly as long as ruby trusts him, which is [checks notes] One Month and Two Weeks. and then she explodes his whole situation by asking jinn what he’s hiding, which incites his long period of self-reflection while oscar becomes more oscar followed by the atonement arc in v8 and now he’s in vacuo fighting against this curse tooth and nail. 
now ruby did not Set Out to wrench ozma free of his divinely-enforced rut, she just did the protagonist thing of seeing a problem (bad guys attacked her school, and they’re planning to attack the other schools too!) and trying to fix it (she won’t let anyone else die!). but directly because of her actions, oz undergoes this seismic character development precipitating his part in the Ozlem Reconciliation.
and ruby is also indirectly the cause of the (subtler but just as necessary) character development salem has undergone since her proper introduction in v4 because all of that is constructed on the foundation of cinder’s near-death atop beacon tower.
so v1-8 are—in this very high level, bird’s eye view of the narrative—about ruby being more or less the butterfly who flaps her wings, by just Being There and responding to the events unfolding around her as best she can, having these cascading impacts on the world and on ozlem. thats step one. 
step two is the ever after, where all of team rwby but ruby in particular start having to confront. The Ideology. of ozma’s mandate which they’ve not yet thought about because they’re focused on the more immediately urgent problems of Not Dying and Not Letting Innocent People Die. so they need to get a little time to stop and breathe and feel the weight of “atlas is gone and salem has two of the four relics and what are we going to do” before they meet the demiurge who tells them, very gently, that the god of light is wrong and that they can’t solve this conflict with more conflict. 
and then they go right to vacuo, which is on the brink of civil war. this is step three. they need to figure out how to resolve the situation in vacuo, and this is why i do not think salem will arrive in vacuo until the end of v10 if at all; vacuo is sort of a proving ground for team rwby. 
can they take what they learned in the ever after and put it into practice in vacuo? can they make that mental leap from ozpin’s idea of unity (conflict avoidance, fear of disagreement, keeping secrets and hiding problems to maintain the appearance of peace while propping the whole system up with warriors trained to kill monsters and not ask questions) to true balance (which is messy and complicated and requires talking instead of fighting, negotiation and compromise instead of placation or condemnation, honesty and trust instead of manipulation and secrecy)? 
their coalition wants to protect vacuo from salem. the crown also wants to protect vacuo from salem. the two sides of this nascent civil war want the same thing, but have very different ideas about how to achieve it. v10 is about team rwby solving this, finding common cause with the crown, in preparation for step four.
which is finding common cause with salem. they want to save remnant from destruction. she also wants to save remnant from destruction, but has very different ideas about how to do it. The Rest Of The Show is about bridging that divide. she isn’t the main character so much as the final goal. 
#2: shaggy dog story
following from that: i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again, salem can’t get the Good Ending by herself either. i think whatever plan she has for dealing with the gods is probably something that will work but, gestures at the apocalyptic destruction she’s leaving strewn in her wake, she does not care how much blood she has to spill to get there, and the best case scenario for her if she continues on this path is that the gods are gone forever but the entire world reviles her and she’ll find no quarter anywhere. 
right-but-evil vs wrong-but-good. 
now in the abstract, if the relics had been just sitting on an unguarded plinth somewhere and team rwby had taken it upon themselves to keep them away from her… then sure, they’d have been better off staying home to let her scoop the damn things up and stab light in the heart, figuratively speaking. but ozpin had the relics locked down inside fortresses guarded by children, three in the middle of major urban population centers. salem. can’t get to them by herself without killing a whole lot of people.
so if nothing else, if literally nothing else, team rwby saved thousands of people who would have died in mantle/atlas and i am pretty sure they’re going to save thousands of people who are now trapped under mountain glenn, to bring that full circle. EVEN IF making peace with salem were to look like the heroes just adopting her plan with no notes and handing over the last relic, they’d still be the sole reason hundreds of thousands of people survived to see the world get saved. 
but i can also guarantee that’s… not what making peace with salem will look like. the stakes are very high for everyone and there is a lot that needs to be addressed. what happens to the grimm? to the huntsmen academies? how does her vision of a new world conflict with the future they want? (how do they deal with the way fear of collective punishment shapes her plans, because i do think her plan for dealing with the gods depends on the whole world being credibly united against her as a failsafe against round two of “we killed the world to punish you”?) what compromises do they demand from her? how do they challenge her? etc.
this is a type of narrative arc rwby has already proven to be pretty good at handling—look at ‘cordially invited,’ look at the whole amity-or-mantle split underpinning the plot of v8. there are even more moving pieces in negotiating with salem than in either of those combined, and team rwby—by virtue of being the main characters and by virtue of being the ones who brought the vacuo coalition and the crown together—will be the ones shepherding all of this. 
#3 agency
salem is pleased about the broadcast for, i believe, two reasons:
in the short term, it hands her an opportunity to force the sword out of the vault without risking cinder’s life on a silver platter, because if she takes a rain check on showing up to be the Great Evil they’ll eventually have to mount a counteroffensive to hold that coalition together, and
in the longer term, once she has all four relics, if the entire world fucking hates her then the gods are less likely to kill them all to punish her if she fails. 
this is also why she razes vale to the ground (and the first is another reason i anticipate a lot of survivors trapped in mountain glenn—hostages). 
i don’t see that either of these reasons reduce the agency of the main characters or make salem the main character, any more than e.g. cinder’s pleasure when the black queen virus hops from ozpin’s desk to ironwood’s scroll makes her the main character of the beacon arc. villains have motivations and agency as characters too and one of the basic building blocks of narrative is action-reaction pushing and pulling between hero and villain. 
ruby takes action. salem reacts to turn it to her advantage, because that’s how she operates. the vacuo coalition will react to her destruction of vale (and probable hostage-taking) with either a counteroffensive or an attempt to save people without handing over the sword, or both, or take the riskier but higher reward option of talking to her, which she doesn’t expect (and may react quite badly to, because of the second reason). 
the reason i discuss salem’s motivations and plans so disproportionately in comparison to the heroes is that she’s more opaque and teasing out what she wants and why she does things is a lot more challenging than it is for the main characters; they are, always, trying to protect everyone they can from those who do harmful destructive things. there is an abundance of other very interesting things to talk about with regard to the mains, but within this broad overarching narrative their motivation is Extremely Simple. they don’t want bad things to happen to people. 
so when it comes to speculation, if you can puzzle out “what will salem do?” it tends to be self-evident what the good guys will do in response. because the response is always “stop salem” and will continue to be that until it turns into “help salem,” which is really just a different means to the same end of protecting people from salem but one that requires her to cooperate, and she isn’t going to cooperate if they don’t surprise her.
it’s similar to “what is ozpin hiding from us?” in that there’s another key change coming—so far salem has taken the initiative in every arc. she attacks beacon, she attacks haven, she attacks atlas, she razed vale. villainous action, heroic reaction. they need to, in essence, react and then act in a way that she doesn’t anticipate. and then she reacts. 
but narratively, the way this plays out—the focus and momentum of the story is with the main characters. it’s going to cut away to salem only as much as is needed to set up her reaction when the main characters take the initiative. the story is how the main characters get to the point where they can do that. 
#4 character consistency 
the key point here is that all of salem’s relationships within her inner circle (and more broadly the factions she aligns herself with) are strictly transactional; she is able to trust and feel secure in these relationships only as long as they don’t care about her and she doesn’t care about them. but the instantshe becomes consciously aware of caring about cinder in 6.4 she goes kind of nuts. 
dropping everything to rush to atlas after saying she was going to leave cinder to toil in isolation. then being mean to her. then doubling down on being mean. then folding like wet cardboard when cinder called her bluff, landing on “good for you for defying me when i was cruel,” and immediately razing vale rather than send cinder after the summer maiden. 
this is what salem caring looks like; going to extremely destructive lengths to protect someone whom she is, in almost the same breath, trying to shove away. remember all the ruby-salem parallels that began to really erupt in v9? “if you stay with me, you’re going to end up dead, too” is one of them. salem:
lost her mother in childbirth. her father blamed her and locked her up with a wet nurse from infancy because he wanted nothing to do with her except insofar as he could treat her like a defective imitation of her mother once she grew older
grew up imprisoned in a tower, watching her father execute not just anyone who tried to help her but anyone who spoke to her; being caught offering her kindness was a crime punishable by death. 
fell in love with a man who then promptly grew sick and died, and got brutally punished by the gods for asking him to be restored to life.
told people her story and gathered a following of a few hundred, maybe a few thousand people who agreed to stand with her against the gods, and the gods murdered not only these people but also everyone in the world, to punish her defiance.
refused, millions of years later, to help ozma enact his mandate from those gods; he left her and they attacked each other and fought so brutally that their children (and entire household) died in the crossfire and their whole kingdom collapsed overnight. 
has spent decades watching ozpin treat children as expendable cannon fodder, bloody grist in the mill of an imaginary war to get rid of her. 
salem blames herself for at least the latter two (#5 is made clear by the framing in 6.4 and underscored by paralleling with jaune in 9.7; #4 is implied by salem glossing over her rebellion out of fear that ozma would reject her, a fear she could only feel if she felt guilt), and i will not be remotely surprised if it turns out she’s blaming herself for the first three as well. certainly ozpin implies in his commentary on ‘the girl in the tower’ that the blood her father spilled is on her hands because she asked for help.
the point is, i don’t think it’s possible to understand salem as a character without considering what it would do to a person for this to be the defining narrative of her life, literally from birth, that she is the reason others die. she killed her mother; it’s her fault that her father murdered anyone who showed her kindness; she was selfish and arrogant to plead for her lover’s life; her turning other people against the gods who enforce this rule is cause for genocide; her children are dead because she is a monster. if you stay with me you’re going to end up dead too.
ozma was her last and only hope—the one who saved her from the tower, who knew her before, who chose to come back for her—that anyone might ever see something in her worth helping, worth loving, worth protecting. his betrayal shattered her trust, but that isn’t why salem is the way she is. 
she always felt unlovable. she always felt monstrous. the foundation of her identity is guilt. she is the scapegoat. she is the reason everyone else must die. and it’s her fate to be the one left standing with all that blood smeared on her hands, because she is always, always the justification for the killing. all this endless death! salem calmed down when yang spat that in her face instead of getting angry because it rang true to her.
it isn’t that she’s incapable of trusting or making emotional connections or seeking common cause with others—although her preferred method for doing so begins with inflicting violence on herself or inviting others to inflict violence on her so there is severe dysfunction there—but rather she feels a deep conviction that doing so is materially harmful, that she endangers people by asking for help, and therefore that no one who understood her could ever want to help her. 
if no one sees her clearly, if she performs her role as the fairytale witch and allows people to cast whatever distorted reflections of themselves onto her that they like, she can maintain the emotional detachment that makes her feel safe. as long as she is alone, no matter how painful it is, she feels safe.
but once she notices herself caring about cinder… she desperately wants to keep cinder safe and that motivates her cruelty, because if she cares about cinder then cinder will, eventually, be killed to punish salem. and if cinder knew that she would run, and she should run while she still can. this is woven into the foundations of how salem sees herself.
#5 satisfaction
the conceit of this reading is that there is one way to resolve the central narrative conflict, which is the war between ozma and salem. the Problem Of Salem is that she cannot be killed and never gives up, so even if they defeated her now and sealed her away in a vault somewhere or whatever, nothing would really change. the world would still be broken and endangered by this conflict. oscar would die; ozma would gradually decay again until he became another ozpin.
moreover, it’s becoming increasingly clear that they can’t defeat salem. oz wiped out hundreds of thousands if not millions of grimm in the blink of an eye—and half the fandom kept treating that like the inflection point, as if salem had exhausted all of her resources and now had nothing left to bring to vacuo—and then what happened? she turned around a few weeks later and flattened vale.
if this were a conflict ozlem could resolve on their own, they would have done so long ago and there wouldn’t be a story, or at least not this story. the reason the story is happening right now is that team rwby are the ones who can make what needs to happen, happen. 
the only thing that makes this narrative different from a bog standard fantasy war story is that, well, as ‘for every life’ put it, some heroes chose the wrong side. so instead of a straightforward narrative about good guys persevering through trials and tribulations until they triumph over the bad guys it’s a narrative about the good guys—team rwby—learning that doing the right thing is actually really difficult and complicated, because there’s no such thing as pure evil and because the things they were taught to believe aren’t always true. 
salem is evil (she kills people) but right (she refuses to surrender remnant to a genocidal tyrant) and just a person (she deserves compassion as does everyone). ozma is good (he wants to save people) but wrong (he serves the genocidal tyrant) and just a person (he deserves compassion as does everyone). 
narratively, the purpose of team rwby is to take right and good and put them back together. with ozma this means team rwby is the driving force that causes him first to be honest with himself and others, then to rebel against his role as the god of light’s servant—because his problem is that he’s wrong. with salem, team rwby first have to tear down all the obfuscating false narratives built up around her (this arc began in v6 and is ongoing) and then hold out a hand and challenge her to meet them halfway. which she will, because the cinder stuff is challenging her in the same way that “what is ozpin hiding from us?” challenged oz.
this is not anything different from say, what blake does narratively for ilia or what penny and weiss do for winter, or what oscar tries to do for ironwood, or what ruby and yang do for raven, or what ruby does in forgiving neo. it’s at a larger scale because salem is a central character—the main villain—but the same in principle. they open a door and she has to walk through it. 
this remains true even if salem is notionally the one who initiates the conversation, e.g. by revealing the existence of hostages in mountain glenn and demanding the sword, because if she does that then obviously team rwby can’t and won’t play on her terms. this remains true even if salem initiates the conversation in earnest, e.g. by putting all her cards on the table and asking for help, because the focus of the narrative then will be on team rwby grappling with the very daunting question of whether to take the risk of hearing her out and the emotional stakes of agreeing to negotiate.
again, gestures at jax and gillian. the crown wants exactly the same thing that the heroes do, but their methods are destructive and harmful and while they might be able to achieve a victory against salem if they won, it would be a very pyrrhic victory indeed. this is precisely the narrative set up regarding salem and dealing with the crown is the last set of training wheels for team rwby before they’re ready to tackle the Salem Problem. 
it may help to think of it in terms of negotiation being equivalent to the battles in a standard fantasy war story. typically you would expect the main character to face a series of increasingly difficult fights against increasingly dangerous opponents until they’re ready to bring the fight to the villain, and then they win. if they lose a battle they’ll train and become stronger and eventually face that opponent again and win this time. yeah?
well. rwby is doing that but with talking. weiss and blake have their blow up fight over weiss’s bigotry in v1 and weiss has to listen and apologize. v2-5 team rwby lose every important fight against salem’s agents except for the one that forces qrow to reveal himself and bring RNJR into the loop and the one where yang confronts raven and persuades her mother to give her the lamp. v6, ruby triumphs over cordovin and the bees defeat adam only after making a serious effort to reason with both of them, and then the leviathan is defeated because cordovin ultimately took what ruby said to her to heart. v7 is centrally about trying to talk ironwood down from the fascism ledge and get everyone to the table to negotiate. v8 is in many ways an examination of why they couldn’t get through to ironwood in the end—that intense fear of division and consequent inability to handle disagreement constructively—while setting up, through salem’s erratic treatment of cinder, the idea that salem is not beyond reason or incapable of change. v9 is literally just an extended training montage where they practice empathy and critical thinking and learn to ask questions and listen instead of making snap judgments. 
see how it builds? their journey isn’t about becoming better fighters so they can beat salem, it’s about developing the skills and perspective they need to talk to her. but that really only works narratively if salem wants something that the heroes can find common cause with—there has to be a connection, something they can listen and then say “we want that too, so work with us” about. in the same way thatif this were a story about defeating salem, she would have to have a weakness, something they could do to negate her power or make her mortal again, so that defeating her isn’t impossible. 
and again if you have trouble envisioning how this can happen without displacing team rwby as the main characters, look at how things shake out in v7 and v8 with the negotiations and disagreements the kids deal with in those volumes. because those are preludes for averting the vacuan civil war in v10 (or ending it in a truce) and that’s the prelude to dealing with salem. 
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britt-kageryuu · 19 days
A bit of a content warning! Mentions of Blood, mentions of dismemberment(I think), not sure what else, but Mikey is wielding a knife. He's Cooking!
(I for a very silly reason want to say this ain't very Vegan Friendly, but that's just a weird part of my humor coming through. Let me know if I should get rid of this weird joke of a content warning!)
Mikey is doing another cooking show stream, though he switched somethings up. He's showing off some skills he learned from the high level cooking classes he took recently. And not just the new gadgets and tools he added to his kitchen.
Like he's butchering the skinned, blooded(drained the blood), body of a deer during the stream. He explained that there had been a bit of an accident when they went to visit a friend of theirs that lived out in the woods. "Todd is a total sweetheart! He runs a puppy sanctuary, makes some of the best lemonade, and he's an amazing blacksmith!"
Mikey had already removed the organs, legs and head by this point. And he was separating the main part of the rib area. All while telling random anecdotes.
"I remember hearing those jokes about people hiding weird stuff in their recipe stories, because most people never read that part. And it just made me think how weird it would be to just drop, 'My Dad was trapped in a highly toxic relationship for like 10 years, but during that time he learned the recipe for the best dumplings ever, and here it is!'." Mikey says this with such a upbeat tone, while holding the knife close to his face 'cutely', "But this could only work with like 3 recipes that my Dad taught me. Though I think one of those was from one of the assistants that worked for Barry. Who Dad meet briefly after escaping from his Ex-Fiance."
Mikey paused to chop harshly through a tough connection point.
"Hmm. I think I need to sharpen my knives, I should've been much farther in this than I am." He holds the knife at an angle to look at the blades edge. "Give me a sec, chat!"
Mikey puts the knife down, and goes to a draw, and searches for a moment before coming back with a stone.
"For those who don't know what this is. It's a whetstone, which is traditionally used in blade sharpening. Let me demonstrate by sharpening this knife!"
The audience is not very sure how to handle parts of this stream. Some are fascinated, others are confused, while some feel a bit concerned.
Mikey then demonstrates the now sharp knife by chopping right through a bone section.
"Well, that's more than I expected, but it will definitely get the job done!" Mikey chirps out, "I wonder what else this could cut through? Well I can't test that right now, especially if I want to get around to cooking something today."
He goes back to cutting apart the different sections that were still together.
"Also, I swear the most delicious thing I've ever had, was sadly also poisonous. Not really in a 'this will kill me' way, but a 'I felt boneless for 6 hours' kinda way. And I was forbidden from trying to get the recipe!" Mikey rants with a slight glare off to the side.
Now the audience is even more conflicted, and concerned.
Someone in the chat brings up that Mikey has a Psychology Degree, and some people start to wonder if Mikey is just messing with them or not.
I honestly wrote this because of that 'Hide dark stuff in the recipe story' joke. And the idea of Mikey telling one while cutting apart a carcass or something.
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kaija-rayne-author · 4 months
DA 4 Veilguard predictions
Okay so I wanted to get a whole ass post about what I think is likely to happen in DA 4 done before the reveals but I haven’t had the time between work and life.
There are MASSIVE spoilers for every Dragon Age game, book, comic, and most internet theories in this post. Proceed with caution.
Also I swear like the truckers I grew up around. So CW on language.
First and foremost, I’m going to warn you all that I’m a die-hard Solavellan. If you don’t like that? Don’t bother reading this. And for gods’ sake don’t bother arguing with me about it. Depending on my mood, I’ll either first roast your face off and then eat it with bbq sauce or if I’m feeling generous, I’ll just block your ass. You like what you like about games. I’ll like what I like. I don’t shit in your porridge, I ask you to not do it to me. As I’m writing this, I’m 47 years old and I’ve been gaming since I was 9. Which means I’ve been gaming longer than a lot of you have been alive. Stop yucking on people’s yum. There’s far too little joy in this world. Go find your own.
So, this is just a partial post (albeit, in true to me fashion, an incredibly LONG one XD). It will cover stuff I think we might see revealed in things this weekend at either SGF or Xbox whatever (I have no idea why they’d bother with the Xbox thing since they hold such a small share of the gaming market these days but whatever.) We’re seeing something between Friday and Monday. Hopefully, enough to give hope to the masses.
Depending on how much time I have before I have to serve dinner I might add some more of my theories.
It’s a bit silly of me to be so obsessed about this game because my computer definitely won’t be able to handle it, and because I’m a disabled, neurodivergent author with a family to support… well… the likelihood of me being able to buy both a computer able to handle it and the game itself any time in the near future isn’t good. So, I won’t be able to play it. I am going to add my links and a go fund me to the bottom of this post (which has taken me hours to research and write so if you would like to donate to the cause I would be so deeply appreciative. Dragon Age is one of my AuDHD special interests, and it’s killing part of my soul to know I can’t participate when it comes out. I promise I’ll write all sorts of interesting stuff about it!)
But I can’t help myself. Letting my research-oriented, lore-obsessed brain noodle about Dragon Age is one of my very favourite special interests. So, without further ado… here goes!
I think we have a good chance of seeing some of these as playable classes.
Knight-Templar ❌
Lord of Fortune ✅
Antivan Crow ✅
Mortalitasi (Nevarran necromancer) ✅
Grey Warden ✅
Shadow Dragon ✅
Shaper/Carta/Kal-Sharok/Sha-Brytol Dwarf ❌
Veil Jumper ✅
Fen’harel Fanatic (not his usual people, the fanatical ones detailed in Tevinter Nights) ❌
A lot of these ideas come from the supplementary material that I’ve read at least three times each. I’m obsessed. What can I say?
Qunari: ✅ Tal-Vashoth Sarrebas, maybe Qwydion? ❌
Rivani Lord of Fortune: ✅ ‘Hollix’ maybe? That would be fun, plus they are canonically non-binary! Please please please? With sugar on top? ❌
Tevinter Mage/Magister: ✅ Maevaris Tilani ❌ would be so cool, but I’d be equally as happy to see Neve Gallus. ✅ Honestly, they both have benefits for me. Mae is trans and Neve has a prosthetic leg. Alternatively, I liked Myrion ❌ well enough that he’d be a cool companion too. And he’s canonically bisexual from what I read between the lines.
Grey Warden: ✅ Please let it be Antoine! ❌ (Antoine absolutely has ADHD and I would love to see more of that rep in a AAA game.) Evke ❌ could be fun too.
Templar Knight-Commander: Rana Savras ❌
Spirit Companion: I really hope it’s not Audric. 1. He’s not really a spirit, he’s a higher undead, which is a Zombie by any other term. And all the poor guy wants is to organize his library. I’ll be quite disappointed with the writers if they go this route.
So, we’ve had Faith/Wynn, Justice/Anders, and Compassion/Cole. There are two other widely known benevolent spirits in Dragon Age canon. Valor and Hope. Given what I think is gonna happen in DA4, my money is on a Hope spirit. ❓
Antivan Crow: ✅ Illario Dellamorte. ❌ (I really really hope it’s not Lucanis Dellamorte. 💩 He’s so damned annoying and gods that is NOT how an assassin operates. Here's my professional editorial opinion of why Lucanis is an absolutely terrible character.
Veil Jumper/Dalish/City Elf: ✅ Strife. ❌ Please please please? He’d be so awesome as a companion character. He’s not young! I want an older companion character. (And it would let them get away with the white hair on a darker skinned character without it being racist as fuck.) I just really hope he looks better than he did in the comics. The art style in those was just fucking terrible.
I am hoping that we can somehow romance Lace Harding. ✅ But I just don’t see how she could fit in with the reported likely classes and things I’ve personally considered.
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That gives me 8 even though reports say we only get 7. But did you notice in this picture that there are 8? So either we’re gonna get a ‘secret’ companion like Loghain Mac Tir. (Three guesses who that will be and the first two don’t count.) Or they have a surprise for us. Or the art is off.
I could also see Kieren ❌ as a companion. (Morrigan’s son) He’d be just about old enough if we get the time jump reports are saying we will. He was roughly 12 in DAI. + 2 for Trespasser puts him at 14. Ten years minimum between Trespasser and DA4 puts him at 24. So, it’s possible. I could also see Vaea as a companion. But I’m not exactly sure how she would fit with classes.
Potential Advisors
Some of these I’ve got as potential companions as well because I could see them fitting either.
Dorian Pavus for Tevinter Magisters (I think this is very likely given Tevinter Nights.)
Maevaris Tilani (Same as above.)
Charter (I think we’ll see Charter stepping into Leliana’s place as Spymaster given what we saw in Trespasser and Tevinter Nights.)
Myrna/Audric (Mortalitasi)
Ramesh (Grey Wardens)
Genetivi (Scholar) (given what happened in Tevinter Nights I have a feeling we’ll be seeing him again under a new name)
Viago De Riva (Antivan Crows)
Andarateia Cantori (Antivan Crows) I’d love to see Zevran again but considering what he was up to in DAI I think it’s unlikely. Although something did happen in Tevinter Nights that might make it possible.
Lavellan: With how the story in DAI ended and what we saw in the end scene of Trespasser, I think they’ll be important in some way.
Fenris: (Wandering Warrior)
Cameos we might see:
Arishok Sten
Antaam Rassan
Kieren (Morrigan’s son)
Sebastian Vael
Viago De Riva
Andarateia Cantori
People I don’t think we’ll see or if we do it won’t be for long.
Cassandra (thank gods)
Leliana (sads)
Most of the cast of DAI and the previous games.
Bosses we’re likely to fight.
Solas. He’ll be a mini-boss and maybe one you can talk out of a fight.
Andruil. She and Ghilan’nain often go together.
Critters/bad guys we’re likely to see.
Bone creatures from the necropolis.
Changed darkspawn/humans from Ghilan'nain’s labs.
Tentacley sea creatures from Minrathous and other ‘experimented upon by mages’ monsters.
Werewolves may make a comeback.
Venatori. ✅
Fen’harel Fanatics (these are different from Fen’harel agents).
Whatever or whoever the people across the sea are.
Carta dwarves
Sha-Brytol dwarves
Antaam Rassan
Things I think we’re likely to see.
We’re going to see trans/non-binary rep. ✅ I deeply believe this is happening. I will be so sad if I’m wrong.
Sad as I am to say it. Varric is gonna die. The writing has been on the wall in drippy red marker since they fired his writer. I hate this, personally. I grew up listening to Brian Bloom (Varric’s VA) and he’s just one of my absolute favourites. But I don’t think Varric is gonna make it.
The how? I think, narratively, they’ll do it in a way that hurts Solas a very great deal. In DAI, Varric is one of the few people that Solas listens to. Apologizes to and actually talks to with a sense of respect in his tone that he rarely does with anyone else. Given events in the comic The Missing where Solas saves Varric several times… yeah.
If I were writing it? It would be an angsty as fuck scene where either something Solas does accidentally kills Varric in a friendly fire isn’t friendly sort of situation or that Solas can’t get there in time to save one of the few people he actually probably considers a friend.
So, the pain of Varric’s death will be what in the writing/editing trade we call a pinch-point for Solas’s character arc. How the player decides what happens will likely be one of those crucial choices matters points that will turn Solas down a darker path or possibly toward a redemption arc.
Flemythal isn’t dead. I’ve talked before about how she is not the happy fluffy bunny version of a mother goddess. Sure, she might be a mother goddess. But she’s the type that reminds us that mother nature is often more red in tooth and claw than nurturing.
And the lady is bent. Bent on revenge. Bent on using people to get her revenge. Just… if she ever was the good and kind person that Solas remembers? She definitely isn’t anymore.
I have a feeling given one of the stories in Tevinter Nights that FleMythal has infected Solas (vs sharing her power in a simple power up to help him save people move) with the dragon soul. Which could have been part of Mythal's soul even before the dragon had it, if some theories are correct. There’s been a lot of imagery and description of a dreadwolf like creature that is half lupine, half dragon. So, something is going on there.
And honestly, I think that’s going to be Solas’s breaking point with mommy dearest. (Please, please don’t let them have been lovers, that will squick me out so fucking bad.)
“Betrayal is always worse.” Is one of Solas’s really heartfelt lines in DAI. If I’m right, and FleMythal somehow manipulated that dragon soul she got from Kieren (talk about fucked up action right there) so that it’s gonna change Solas into a half dragon half wolf demon thing… welp.
I think FleMythal will find that Solas has bit more backbone than he ever had in the past. He’s not alone now. He knows he’s not alone. He’s got friends. He’s got someone who deeply loves him in a romanced Solavellan playthrough. I don’t think Solas is going to be very happy with his dearest ‘best of them’ Mythal.
Best of them? Yeah. It doesn’t mean she was actually good.
So Mythal isn’t dead. I think she’s likely to be one of if not the BBEG along with whoever that voice was at the end of the teaser. My money is on Troy Baker for the VA and I’m really curious if I’m right. I’m thinking that’s probably Elgar’nan. God of Vengeance. Perhaps Mythal and Elgar’nan patch up whatever divine argument they’ve been having via celestial couples therapy or something. Who knows.
I think we’re going to see a split path depending on the choices of the player for Solas. Depending on our choices, he could go really dark, or he could have a redemption arc. Patrick Weekes tweeted to me that ‘there’s a possibility of a happy ending for Solavellan’ so I still have hope. I trust Weekes to write a satisfying conclusion to the Solavellan Romance. (I just don’t trust Bioware as far as I can throw them.) Weekes was the lead writer on this game, so I think it’s a good possibility that that’s how it’s going to be structured.
I think the game will very possibly be a multi-act structure like DAI. The first act is possibly going to be like the Hinterlands leading up to Coryphyfish blowing the hell out of Haven. I think the veil coming down is going to either be what starts off the game ✅ (like the explosion of the conclave in DAI) or will be the final ending situation of Act 1. Again. Player choices will likely affect this to some extent.
But y’all? That veil is coming down. ✅ And yes. I’m aware of that silly new name for the game. I don’t like it. (That ‘the’ was a mistake. Veilguard by itself would’ve been much better linguistically.) But if you’ve been following my ramblings about Dragon Age for a while, y’all will know I have issues with their linguistic usage and editing already.
Dumped Drunk and Dalishious did a fantastic piece on her blog about the veil. It’s here if you haven’t read it. Firstly, the veil was never meant to exist in THEDAS in the first place. If you deep dive the lore (and trust me, I really have. A LOT.) It’s obvious that the veil has been the cause of more problems than it has fixed. It’s been slowly killing magic in THEDAS since its creation. It has to come down. It’s also as holey a granny’s doilies anyway. Solas taking it down in a controlled fashion is very likely going to prevent far more deaths than if it keeps just falling apart piecemeal like it’s been doing forever. It’s unfixable and it really really needs to go. ✅
So once that veil drops… I don’t think it’s going to be as horrific as everyone has been bellyaching about forever. Solas’s often misquoted and wildly overblown lines from Trespasser (seriously do y’all even know what the word genocide means? You make me doubt.) are very likely a red herring at best. People are being willingly misled. ✅ I can’t really blame y’all.
Weekes is an absolute Master at playing people’s expectations and assumptions off of their preconceived notions, then throwing a bomb of ‘oops you were all wrong and it was right in front of you the entire time’. They’ve even said they really love to write things like that. I want to write as well as Weekes does when I grow up.
Humans existed before the veil. Why wouldn’t they afterward? Given some of the lore, Qunari also existed before the veil. Why wouldn’t they continue to? Will there be chaos? Yup. ✅ But change is often painful. And if anything needs change it’s the world of THEDAS. (Both for story reasons and for gameplay reasons.)
One of the changes I think we’re likely to see is the implosion of the Chantry. (I am absolutely hoping for this. I’m not a fan of organized religion on a grand scale like that and the Chantry has soooooo damned many skeletons in its closets and atrocities under its belt that I will absolutely celebrate when it burns to the ground.)
Which will happen if it comes out that Solas put up the veil in the first place and took it down too. The Chantry either outright claims or strongly insinuates that the maker put up the veil. It’s the cornerstone of their entire faith. Also, in the story Genetivi Dies in the End in Tevinter Nights, Genetivi is absolutely wrecked by the discovery that everything he’s ever written as a travelling Chantry Scholar has been a lie. The Chantry is going down.
So, there’s gonna be some chaos there. And that’s not going to be Solas’s fault because that veil is coming down anyway.
And can you imagine the absolutely hilarious chaos that’s gonna happen when word leaks that an elven god-mage was the one who is technically the ‘maker’ by Chantry doctrine? With all the horrific racism and sheer awfulness the Chantry has done to elves over the centuries? I’m popping popcorn.
I think we’re gonna see Felassan again. Cause that elf isn’t dead. And no, Solas didn’t kill him. Please trust me, I’ve combed through all the lore, I’ve read The Masked Empire where it supposedly happened several times, and there is not a shred of actual proof that Solas was the one who did the deed. It’s a Weekes misdirection again. They've got the nickname Tricksy Weekes for a reason.
The actual facts about the 'murder'.
It was someone Felassan worked for.
Someone he knew.
Someone who he knew wouldn't listen to his reasoning. (Solas has been shown to actually listen to his friends and let them change his mind.)
Someone who could very likely have been female because Felassan likens the murderer to Brialla.
It was someone who could fade-walk or move in the fade.
Mythal can do that.
A Somniari/Dreamer can also fade-walk.
Probably most of the still extant Elvhenan can do it (which there were quite a few of in Mythal’s temple).
And we know from DA2 that at least one modern born Somniari/Dreamer exists in the world.
Point being, there’s no actual ‘Solas killed Felassan’ spelled out anywhere. No, not even in Cole's lines in Trespasser. Those lines only indicate that Solas knows about Felassan’s ‘death’ and that he’s sad about it. Cole talks in riddles and references to modern TV shows all the time. I have no idea why people take him even remotely literally.
I have a few theories about this.
IF Felassan’s spirit actually was killed in the fade (possible) his body wasn’t. His body would’ve been just lying there in the woods breathing like any other Somniari. Possibly made tranquil (which we know can be reversed).
What if Solas lost his original body in putting up the Veil?
What if he had a deal with Felassan or maybe came to Felassan to help him get back to his body after the attack and Felassan decided he was done and wanted to move on?
They're said to be friends. Never said to be employer/employee.
If Solas was awake and in the fade and sensed an attack on Felassan, he'd certainly have gone to help.
What if he gave his body to Solas?
Felassan's 'death' chronologically lines up to when Solas 'woke up'.
Felassan has purple eyes. So does Solas.
Felassan has fade-green magic. So does Solas.
Felassan is incredibly powerful. Stares at Solas.
Felassan knows far more about Fen'harel than even a scholar would.
Felassan knew far more about Eluvians, ancient Elvhenan, and The Forgotten Ones (Imshael is a Forgotten One) than anyone would reasonably expect any elf to know.
Felassan let Imshael see into his head about what was coming in the future. Which Imshael almost got off on. Imshael loves destruction and chaos.
I can make a list as long as my arm on similarities there. So, either Solas didn’t kill Felassan and the old? Felassan will be in the game once the veil falls, or it will be revealed that Solas has actually been wearing a (voluntary because a soul cannot take a body involuntarily) Felassan suit the entire time.
Probably blew some minds there, huh?
So given that Weekes has said that if Felassan was a popular enough character they would consider bringing him back… I think it’s likely we’ll see something to do with him again.
Also? The sheer hilarity factor of elves who do not want magic (Fenris anyone?) getting magic returned to them is going to be sweet.
I think we’ll see blood magic as a much bigger mechanic than in previous games. (And I hope they did some work on it to make it make more sense this time.) The game is going to have a lot of Tevinter content. Blood magic is a big deal there. Ergo… it’s likely.
Given some of the things that happened in Tevinter Nights, which honestly really feels like a teaser book to DA4 (I really hate the Veilguard name) I think it’s likely that we’ll see the Templars again. They’ve been in every game and book so far. I doubt they’d get rid of the useless bastards in this one.
Given some of the things in Tevinter Nights, I think it’s possible we’ll see just as many puzzles as we did in DAI, if not more. I’m hoping for more. I do love puzzles in these kinds of games.
I believe it’s highly possible that whoever drank from the Well is going to be completely fucked. Especially, if they follow a ‘kill Solas’ route. Remember who the well binds you to in Trespasser? Bingo.
I think it’s very likely that someone close to the main character is going to be a dual agent of Fen’harel. And it will not be someone we expect. We’re all gonna be side eyeing the mages after the last three games. But what if it’s a warrior or rogue who hides their magic? There was at least one character that completely hid their magic in Tevinter Nights.
We’re going to see more of the Evanuris and The Nameless/Forgotten ones. I base that on Imshael being in DAI and in Masked Empire and some of the dialogue between Felassan and Imshael.
Titans. We’re going to see the titans waking up and being royally pissed off. This is going to cause so much chaos for the dwarves. Who will also regain magic and a kinda creepy hive-mind thing, too. Again. That’s not going to be Solas’s fault.
We’ll have at least one Gala event. Very possibly in Minrathous or Vyrantium. Hopefully with better clothing.
Finally, for things I think likely… The Grand Necropolis in Nevarra is gonna burn. People seem to forget that Solas doesn’t just fight for the freedom of the Elves. He fights for the freedom of spirits too.
In case you haven’t read it… the Nevarran’s imprison spirits in the corpses of their dead using mages called the Mortalitasi. I really don’t think that is going to sit well with Solas. In fact, I know it doesn’t. It’s spelled out in Tevinter Nights.
I think it’s probably going to be a quest line for the main character to go and save the necropolis or let it burn to free the spirits. This, of course, will be one of the choices that matter and likely another pinch point on whether Solas goes dark or gets a redemption arc. It will also deeply affect Nevarran politics and the way the country is run. The Mortalitasi basically rule the monarchs of Nevarra sooooo. It’s gonna cause chaos there too.
We’ll obviously see a lot of chaos with the Qunari. Their culture is splintering already. The Antaam have decided to go off the rails and attack anything and everything. Maybe the Ben-Hassrath will be able to rein that in. Maybe not. I don’t have very many predictions on the Qunari to be honest. They’re at war with Tevinter at the end of Tevinter Nights so that war will figure heavily in the game, most likely. But how that’s going to play out I haven’t a clue.
Some mechanics I think we might see.
Fade-touched weaponry that can stop mages.
Elemental interactions. (IE: Magic lightning x water = lots of zap)
Magically treated arrows.
More magical bombs and poison effects. (I might be just wishfully dreaming there because one of the things I miss from DAO is the poisons and traps mechanics. They felt like an afterthought in DA2 and DAI. I want to be able to make cool traps and set up ambushes again.) But there was that story with Dorian in Tevinter Nights where several of those things were used, so maybe? It would be cool.
I think it’s likely that we’ll see the Despair Demon from Tevinter Nights. And I’m still so mad that they fired the writer of that story. It’s one of my favourites.
Some things that are very possible? But I’m not sure of and could just be wishful thinking.
I think we might see Abelas again. (Abelas romance? Pretty please? ❌😭) His story does have one of those endings that kills him so it’s possibly just wishful thinking. But they brought Leliana back for DAI, so I don’t see why they couldn’t with Abelas too. And also, I have a voice kink and love his VA Matthew Gravelle.
We might see non-linear storytelling. I kind of hope we do because I love non-linear storytelling. Perhaps one storyline will be Arlathan (through dreams or time travel perhaps?) and the fall of it so we finally get some answers to all of this lore. (Please let us get some answers!)
We may see some problems from a rather irrational faction of people who say they’re working for Solas but are using methods he would never approve of. They may be sort of like the Venatori in the last game. Though I do think it’s likely we might have to fight a few more of the Venatori too. ✅ They’re still out there having really messed up rituals and stuff to destroy things.
I think it’s possible given a few clues in the lore and in Tevinter Nights that we’re either going to see not just a double blight (regular darkspawn and red lyrium darkspawn) but a triple blight with the green/yellow lyrium found in Ghilan'nain’s labs. Remember that Ramesh only destroyed one of them. There are eleven more. I think that’s going to very possibly be a big part of this game.
Settings/Levels/Areas I think likely.
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So, we already know that the game will be taking place in the north of THEDAS. That’s a no brainer after the map reveal in the teaser.
But where exactly will they take us?
In Tevinter, I think it’s very possible we’ll see Minrathous ✅ and Vyrantium. We may see the Black Divine’s/Archon’s palace.
We’ll see Arlathan Forest. ✅ That I’m almost certain of. We’ll probably also see ancient Arlathan somehow. (Dreams or barely used time-travel mechanic from DAI?)
We’re going to be spending a lot of time in the deep roads and even farther below the deep roads. And dear developers please let me have some answers to all this lore.
We may spend some time inside a Titan again.
Pre-veil drop, we may spend some time in the fade. I actually hope that with the veil dropping we get to rescue whoever got left behind in DAI. That would make my heart so happy.
We’re likely to see the crossroads at least a little bit.
Antiva! Gods I’m looking forward to seeing Antiva.
Anderfels/Weisshaupt. We have no idea at the end of DAI or Tevinter Nights or Last Flight what the hell is going on up there, so I think we’ll have to find out in the game. Also… more chaos that is most definitely not Solas’s fault.
I think we’ll see the Golden City. And the Black City. Which is likely the same place.
And I don’t think it’s up in the sky. I think it’s deep underground below the deep roads.
Ships! I think we’re going to see some more ships. That’s based on a story in Tevinter nights and some of the splash art. But gods I really want more ships. Especially in a place like Minrathous or Antiva for fuck’s sake!
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I think we might see some underwater levels for various reasons. And I hope we do.
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These next things are honestly my hopes and dreams that would make me so happy, but I have little to back them up with as far as lore or books/comics and supplementary materials.
Polyamory options. PLEASE give me polyam romance options. BG3 did it. It’s 2024 and only 30% of dating people are monogamous. Get with the times!
I want CC body sliders so bad. ✅ Give me the ability to make a fat player character please! Not just because a lot of gamers tend to be on the heavier side but honestly? Because a fat adventurer is going to be able to go farther than any skinny twig. Real strong men/women/enbies do not look like gym bunnies and models. They have a good layer of fat over that muscle for stability. Guess what fat is? It’s energy storage. A fat adventurer is going to be able to survive longer than a twig. I could go on… but come on Bioware. Be brave. Let me have a fat adventurer.
Decent. Fucking. Hair. ✅ Please let the CC have decent hair options. LONG hair options! Let me have my long haired elfy prince dude!
Isabela cameo. She’s one of my favourite DA2 characters and some of the early splash art makes me hopeful we’ll see her again.
I’m hoping for DAO origin style stories for the Main Player Character. But ideally? We’d have something like BG3 where we could play one of a number of origin stories or make our own blank slate character. ❌ Given the gossip going around the gaming community I’m thinking this is unlikely, but damn do I want it.
Useful. Mounts. Please let us have actually useful mounts. And GRIFFONS. ✅ Give me flying mounts you cowards!
Prosthetic using characters. ✅ Bioware has the worst track record when it comes to ableism, but gods please. They’ve got it set up perfectly with Inky losing their arm. There’s a prosthetic leg user in Tevinter Nights. PLEASE LET ME HAVE PROSTHETIC USING CHARACTERS.
Better Crafting Options. The crafting was okay in DAI. Especially if you mod it in so you can buy the stuff to do so easier (I really hate killing dragons but it’s the best crafting material!). But it also often felt more like an afterthought?
Better. Clothes. Seriously. Give me some razzle dazzle with the clothing. ESPECIALLY since we’re going to Tevinter where how you dress is absolutely important!
I know this is sniffing the genie smoke here, but could we have actually attractive armour options? With BRIGHT colours? Research shows that a lot of historical armour was 1. Gorgeous and well fitting. 2. Brightly painted! Let me have bright colours! (And please not the yellow plaid. Ugh.)
I hope for more gardening options in whatever base we end up using. I loved the gardening options in DAI, but they weren’t big enough for my plant loving heart.
I really want to see Solas in flying Wolfie form. We see him like that in Tevinter Nights. So, I really hope we get to see him like that in game.
Finally… and I know I’m high on my own hopes here… I really hope we get the gifting options back. Completely unattached to approval is fine. I just want to be able to find the perfect gift for my companions like I do in real life with my friends. It brings me so much joy.
Things they’re likely to fuck up.
Sadly, I think there’s some things Bioware is very likely to fuck up. This could just be me being too pessimistic, but they’ve screwed these things up throughout the entire series and to my knowledge they didn’t hire any diversity consultants in the making of DA4 sooooo…
Ableism. Bioware has a terrible record when it comes to ableism. ✅ (the demon design is going to cause visual strain and possibly bad effects for epileptic gamers).
White-washing. The North of THEDAS is like the South of Earth. If they make most of the people there have light skin I will probably boycott the fuck out of Bioware for the rest of my life.
No fat character ability in CC.
Really fucked up hair options. Seriously Bioware. It’s bad.
And I think they’re going to be in trouble when it comes to the Lords of Fortune. Look. I love the idea of the class and I even love how a lot of them are described in the books. But it’s absolutely glomming onto the stereotype of the Romani, and I don’t think that’s going to go over well at all. It won’t for me with my Romani heritage, and it really shouldn’t for anyone. Cause you know what that stereotypical usage is? It’s Racism. Bioware also doesn’t have the best track record regarding racism either.
As more thoughts come to me I’ll either append stuff to this post or do others (probably the latter.)
And here are my links if you’d like to donate to the cause of me actually getting to play this game when it comes out. I’m disabled, so largely use a laptop because I’m in bed a lot. That’s probably going to be a pricey laptop. Though I’d be almost as happy with enough to buy a desk, chair, and tower computer set up (none of which I have). If you’re able to donate and so minded… thank you so very very much!
And if you're in Canada like me you can use Interac. [email protected].
As always, thanks for reading my rambles!
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
Kakuzu’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Tobi
I paid already!
I didn’t break it that was Senpai!
Please Kakuzu-san come look at it, that plant made my arms so itchy 😓
If Itachi can have one why can’t I ?!
How old do YOU think I am 🤪
Don’t worry I didn’t buy it I “borrowed” it 
You don’t need to get so mad, I know how to fix it!
From Zetsu
Please inform your partner that it’s MY job to dispose of the bodies, and I don’t appreciate him interfering with my meals.
I did the scouting, he’s in that small village with the lake in the middle, house with a red roof.
You keep the money, I’m only interested in his head.
YOU try talking to her when she’s in one of her moods!
I truly appreciate your “finding” that artificial sun lamp for me. The winter should be much more bearable now.
From Konan
No more excuses. I made your favorite and you WILL come and eat.
Oh he did? Funny how this is the FOURTH time he’s made this “mistake” this month. 
I need a bigger budget than that. Have you not seen how much these guys eat?? 😒
All three of them? Together? Are you sure that’s wise? 
No more recruits unless absolutely necessary. Money aside I simply cannot “adjust” to one more person in this organization.
“Grandfather” is a bit exaggerated; you’re much too handsome for that, my friend 😏
Of course I appreciate the help but you did NOT have to kill him! 
Please come and join us. It’s a documentary but I know you’ll like it.
I’ve tried to be patient but I’m done asking. My next warning will be paper-cuts to their jugulars. 😡
From Sasori
Overexertion and poor nutrition isn’t doing a man your age any favors.
He said *I* started it? Tell him to watch himself before I decide to END it as well.
Boyfriends or babysitters? 😂
I finished the first two volumes, I highlighted the parts I thought you’d find most useful.
He needed it tightened so I’ll be sending him to you when you have a moment.
If you truly wanted one I could work on building one for you. It would be a version of my Hiroku.
Why would I contribute to that? I don’t eat.
From Itachi
I think I need a new prescription, everything is blurry again.
Thank you, I appreciate the advice.
You were sleeping so I slid the money under your door.
If he does it again I’m using my eyes and tormenting him for 72 hours 😡
Borrow it any time you like. I think we have the same hair type so mine should work great for you.
What meowing? 👀
It wasn’t that much blood don’t worry.
Kisame’s carrying him, I have Deidara.
Not really. It’s a spectrum, right?
Honestly? No. He’ll probably shred it with that scythe of his.
From Nagato
Did you pay the electric bill?
Did you pay the heating bill?
Did you pay the water bill?
You didn’t kill the bill collector did you ?
If they caused the damage, it comes from their checks.
If he feeds it himself I don’t mind.
The eye drops help a lot, thanks.
No we’ve discussed this. Anyone else, fine. But Konan NEVER sees a single bill. Understood?
If the punishment is within reason, yes. Don’t go overboard; remember they’re not immortal like you.
From Deidara
That wasn’t my fault, it was Tobi!!
My clay is an important part of my job so you should pay for it.
Can’t you gag him? I’m legit having nightmares over the sounds he makes 😣
It was only once and I didn’t break anything!
Can I get the money to you next week?
Hidan broke that guys arms and made him scream! THAT’S what got us caught, NOT my bombs 😡
He’s lying I wasn’t even in the room!
Please can you tighten the stitching? Sasori won’t do it because he’s mad I was “reckless”.
Can you just come help me pick one out? I have no idea what kind of medical books he likes.
I swear I’ll fix it before she notices, pls don’t tell her she hits so hard 😢
From Kisame
You wanna do the weights or the jog first?
Please make him think it was your idea. If he knows I sent him to you he’ll get upset.
You can eat it. I don’t want to insult his cooking but I truly dislike liver.
No, Samehada is trained better than that. 
We ate there last week. Itachi loved it but I’m not sure it’s Hidan’s type of place 🤔
From Hidan
Don’t overeat last time you got that cramp remember?
You sure didn’t seem to mind it last night …
There’s literally no point it just gets all bloody again at some point anyway right?
Wtf? No. That was completely blondie and the orange dumbass.
I’m not complaining but damn you’re a freaky old bastard aren’t you 😏🤤
Damn you just go rest. That fucking bounty can WAIT you asshole you’re gonna kill yourself 😡
Ffs Uchiha doesn’t need to come we don’t need a babysitter we’re both grown!!
Yeah but you never say No so what’s that say about YOU? 
Stop fucking with me don’t think I won’t turn this entire house inside out until I get that necklace back 😒
If I say Yes am I in more trouble or less? 🤔
If I tell her the truth she’s just gonna tear my head off and really that’s just more work for YOU.
Gay. But same 🖤
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inchidentally · 10 months
I tried to send this snippet via messages but it wouldn’t let me for some reason so have this snippet of the faerie!Lando fic. I gave oscar a pen collection because why not.
“And this one is a P14.” Oscar absentmindedly passed the shiny metal pen into Lando’s outstretched hand, already pulling another one out of his organizer. “It’s 100% iron, which is pretty cool.”
His head whipped back towards the Brit when he heard a sharp yelp and the clang of the pen hitting the ground. He smelled something burning. For a morbid second, the scent reminded Oscar of a barbecue gone terribly wrong.
“Lando, oh my god, are you okay?” An angry slash of red was stamped on Lando’s palm in the unmistakable shape of a P14 metallic carbide. A similar shade was printed on the inside of his fingers, where he had curled them over the pen.
“I may have forgotten to mention my very severe iron allergy. All of the apartment hardware is silver and the appliances are aluminium. My skin’s just hypersensitive when it comes to iron, I guess,” Lando admitted sheepishly. Oscar thought he wasn’t nearly as disturbed by his blistering skin as he should be. “Quite frankly, it’s a bit embarrassing. What sort of grown man can’t handle touching the second most common mineral on Earth?”
Oscar was horrified. “I am so, so, so sorry! I swear I had absolutely no idea.” He started frantically sprinting towards the bathroom, where they kept all their first-aid. “Do you have burn ointment anywhere?”
Lando shook his head. “It’s all right, not your fault. I should’ve said something.” He watched, bemused, as Oscar scoured their bathroom cabinet for a tube of Neosporin. Warmth bloomed in his chest, a fond smile on his face despite the fast-fading pain in his right hand. Lando thought it was sort of nice seeing his normally unflappable roommate so worked up, especially over him. “Oscar!” he called. No response from the Aussie, still engrossed in his search for burn ointment. “Oscar!” he tried again, louder this time. Lando was relieved when Oscar turned to look at him, a strand of soft brown hair falling over his dark eyes. “While I appreciate how committed you are to my wellbeing, there’s really no point in patching me up. My immune system and I have a love-hate relationship, so the burn will be gone by tomorrow morning at the latest. Maybe in the next few hours if I’m lucky. Healing freakishly fast was probably the universe’s way of apologizing for giving me this stupid allergy. Besides, we need to conserve the bandages so that we’ll have enough for when you inevitably break your leg against that footstool you keep tripping over.”
“Lando. You do realize you’re some sort of crazy medical anomaly, right? I’m roommates with the cure for cancer or something. You definitely escaped from a lab,” he teased as he walked over to the couch, a roll of bandages in one hand, yellow tube of burn ointment in the other. “It would explain a lot of things about you.”
“Mmm yes, Oscar,” Lando moaned exaggeratedly, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes like a really bad pornstar. Oscar tried to ignore how good his name sounded on Lando’s tongue. “Talk dirty to me, baby. I just love being called a freak of nature.”
“Shut up. You know I didn’t mean it like that,” Oscar shot back, laughing. “Even big, tough medical anomalies need to apply Neosporin to their second degree burns, no matter how fast they heal.” He patted the orange couch cushion next to him. “Sit down. I’ll bandage you up.”
“Didn’t take you as the nurse roleplay type, Oscar. Kinky.” Lando winked. “Don’t worry though, I’m down for anything as long as it's with you.” Oscar went from faintly pink to bright red. He would never understand how the Brit could say things like that so casually. Just once, he wanted to see Lando flustered.
“If you don’t sit down right now and let me treat your hand, I swear I’ll get a live fish from the grocery store and let it flop around on your pillow before cooking it for dinner tomorrow.” Lando paled at the threat.
“You wouldn’t dare,” he professed, hastily plopping down on the couch and extending his hand to Oscar. The Aussie smiled to himself. Lando’s hatred of seafood always made for easy negotiations. He gingerly took the proffered hand and almost dropped it because of how cold it was, despite the angry burn cutting through it.
“Are you okay? Your hands are frigid.”
“Well no, I’m not okay. I have a burned hand and a very persistent roommate who insists on bandaging it even though I’ve told him I’ll be fine,” Lando snarked. He softened once he registered the genuine concern on the other man’s face. “It’s no big deal, I just tend to run cold. I’ve been like this for as long as I can remember.”
Oscar hummed in acceptance, turning his attention back to Lando’s hand. Oscar could feel his roommate’s eyes on the side of his face, unwavering. When he glanced over, his heart caught in his throat. Lando was looking at him with something in his gaze. His dark pupils blown wide, gold light flickering between threads of vivid blue-green, a secret nestled in a sea of jade. Oscar couldn’t name what he saw, but he knew he was desperate to see it again in Lando’s eyes. For a second, with the fading sunset backlighting his face, Lando looked hauntingly ethereal, almost inhuman in his beauty.
He reluctantly looked away to rip off a strip of bandage. Having forgotten to grab scissors, Oscar settled for tearing it with his teeth. Bandage still in his mouth, he heard Lando’s breath hitch. Oscar looked up at him expectantly. Knowing him, Lando was probably gearing up to make a comment about Oscar’s “unhygienic practices.”
“What?” A beat passed.
“Nothing,” Lando answered, sounding oddly strained, as if something had lodged itself in his throat.
“If you’re going to complain about me using my teeth to tear the bandage, you can go grab a pair of scissors and I’ll cut you a new one,” Oscar told him. “I won’t be offended.” He dolloped a circle roughly the size of a pence coin on his finger and started gently rubbing it over the raw skin of Lando’s hand. Oscar felt Lando shiver at his touch and cursed himself for not warming it up a little bit.
“I don’t mind teeth,” Lando mumbled, a smile in his voice. Oscar rolled his eyes at the sheer Lando-ness of his response, settling back into the familiar rhythm he knew so well. Whatever was in the air between them dissipated into the comfortable lull of their friendship.
y'all it's an update to the fae!Lando fic!! and oh my god we get Oscar now too <3<3
"For a second, with the fading sunset backlighting his face, Lando looked hauntingly ethereal, almost inhuman in his beauty."
oh I literally have an image to go with that perfectly from @lewdo
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(and Oscar with a pen collection ?? god how incredibly cute and in character)
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spark-yukinghoul · 2 years
Never mess with The element Earth ( NSFW / 18+ )
Had no idea what else to post, no idea what else but to cherish the drummer but in a weird way, NSFW, some weird ass shit- uhh, Yeah, well, Enjoy, i hope- (there will still be spelling errors most definitely, i took my time- well then, it‘ll be taking a while for the next story- OR, you can ask me for a story-)
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(Gif by Cardi-c)
Before hand i wanna explain this story before the summary, This story is about the element of Ice and Earth, but the twist is that Ice and Earth do not get along together due to their difference and stuff. It's not the best of ideas, i am aware of that but i do not give a crap!
About the Element of Ice and Earth (This is my idea):
The Element Ice is able to choose whatever it wants to play, Violin, Piano, Drums, Guitar, Tambourine- You get the drill. The Ice Element is very energetic, open, hates the woods as they cannot find their way back from a blizzard or during a blizzard, Earth always telling them to not go outside then, but during their calling it doesn't matter what time of the day it is, what the weather looks like, they go. Earth always was a challenge to get along with, Ice avoiding the earth elements at all time.
Why? Because Earth is Quiet, a calm nature, adoring the plants and the beauty of the woods, being intimidating to that! The earth elements, despite of what the fandom of ghost says- (ITS MY IDEA!) Hates the cold, complaining to the ice elements when it is already Winter! When fall comes, Earth elements are going through their rut yes, but then when they are gone, the Ice elements make a whole ice skating hall out of the common room! (it pisses them off.) Putting it short:
Ice Element: - Energetic - Hates the Woods - has a choosing of what to play (Instrument) - Outgoing - Loud - Unorganized - Has never been Summoned before - Interacting a lot with people
Earth Element: - Calm - Loves Nature - More of a favor of Playing the Drums - More of a stay at home person - Quiet - Organized - Mostly often being Summoned - Not interacting a lot with people
Please Remember this is only a story Idea!
Warning: Swearing, Violence, NSFW, teasing, Blood
Information about the Reader: You are a Newly Summoned Ghoul, With the Element of Ice, also being the first Ice element of the Church of the Unholy, You play the Lead Guitar as you felt drawn to the instrument, Also you only learned about the Tall Drummer being an Earth Element when you felt your Element going crazy, snow falling in the dens when it happened. ( READER IS A SHE/HER!! )
Summary: You were against the idea of messing with the Earth Element, yet you were being begged to do so by your fellow Lead guitarist Dew and the Multi Ghoul Swiss, doing it but regretting it as soon as something happened while practice, this shocked you and taking matters in your own hands, you requested to stay at the Church, which Sister Imperator allowed you to do, then something interesting happened...
Pairing: Mountain x Ghoulette Reader!
You were walking to the Practice room with Dewdrop and Swiss, as you were only a few months in the band, but already 2 years in the overworld, having to earn your trust first before letting you join and knowing what you play for an instrument, these two idiots helped you practice the songs in private, Dew teaching you every riff and Swiss telling you all about the stupid stuff that'll be going on once on stage. It took you a while to figure out which ghoul was which element, but quickly knew which one was Earth, you remember it quiet good...
It was the first day of you being summoned, getting shown around the abbey grounds, it was winter as well, making your summoning something special, Winter, the Summoning, but no one thought about what element you are yet. "oh! Copia! We didn't think you'd be outside this moment, what brings you to us?" asked a ghoulette, copia shivering answered:"Looking for you my Ghulehs, Cirrus, be a dear and take this new Ghoulette to the dens with you and the rest." Cirrus took a look at you, you were only wearing a pair of shorts and a Shirt.
"Will do Copia, you go to your room though, we don't want you catching a cold!" Exclaimed Cirrus, copia waving her off before leaving to the main building were his office is found, you turned to the ghoulette, looking behind her to find another ghoulette and 3 ghouls.
Cirrus took notice of you looking behind her, giggling, "Hey guys! come meet the new Ghoulette!" she said, the other ghoulette and the ghouls walking over, taking a look at you, then a tall ghoul stepped forward, introducing himself and the others:" I am Swiss, i am the Multi ghoul, The one who called us over is Cirrus, to her left is Cumulus, those two play the Keyboard. The smaller Ghoul is Rain, he plays the bass while the last one is Aether, Rhythm guitarist."
You smiled at them, giving them a little wave before Swiss took your hand and took you to the dens to introduce you to the missing three of them, the other 4 followed, talking and laughing. Asking you a question here and there to make you feel included.
While you didn't feel unsafe or anything, it was weird being surrounded by other ghouls and ghoulettes of other elements, you only knew the feeling of being surrounded by Ice elements, now being amongst other elements, you felt a bit out of place. none the less when you have arrived at the Dens, you were lead to the common room were you saw 2 ghouls and another ghoulette.
"hey guys! we are back and we have brought someone with us!" spoke Cumulus out of the blue, the three ghouls looking at the doorway, the two who were playing uno got up and went over to meet you but the other one stayed in his place.
The ghoulette jumped at you and the other one gave you a death like stare,"I am Sunshine, that is dew!" told you sunshine, you gave them a smile, the only ghoul you haven't met yet sat on the couch close to the fireplace, the other ghouls left ,(well, Rain, Sunshine, Cumulus, Swiss, Cirrus have left-), you were standing there, with Dew, Aether and the unknown one.
Aether took your hand gently, walking over to the unknown ghoul, the closer you got to him, the stronger your element felt, as if telling you to run, the other ghoul seemed to notice it too, his element also telling him to run,"introduce yourself buddy!" said aether, the other ghoul looked at you,"Mountain...the drummer" was all he said before snowflakes fell on his face and landing on the floor.
Your eyes widened in shock, looking above you, there had formed a small cloud of snow, then hissing erupted from Mountain, you looked back at him, stepping back from Aether and Mountain, when mountain stood up, you saw how tall he is, you still felt like you should run but kept in place,"I'm sorry, i don't know what this means, this, this has never happened before!" You exclaimed
Mountain groaned, walking past you, stopping at the doorway,"Its because i am the Earth Element, you are Ice." he said before rushing to his room. "But...." you wanted to say something but cut your tongue, thinking for the time until the other ghouls had come back.
Thrown back to the reality you saw yourself standing in front of thought about ghoul, Mountain standing there, waiting for Copia to say something, not bothered b your presence beside him, you were pulled by your shirt over to Dew and Swiss, the two looking like they have something back in their head, which was exactly what you thought
“We have a plan and need you in it! Please?“ spoke Dewdrop, when dew says please you know its gonna be a lot of trouble,“No, not doing it, last time i heard you say please and i agreed you nearly got us killed!“ you exclaimed, Swiss chuckles,“We know, we know, but please? We wanna tease the tall one!“ Said Swiss,“Teasing Mountain? Hell to the nah!“ you spat back, the two kept begging until you agreed
“Shut up! Okay, okay, i am in, what is this plan?“ you asked, Dew clearing his throat,“You being jokingly choked, also being pushed up to him while playing.“ He explained, didn‘t sound dangerous to be honest,“ okay? Uh-“ you were given your guitar by Rain who just shook his head, that was not really a good sign at all, your so gonna die or do something stupid, but it‘s only one more week until the first tour, so you have to give it your best!
“Lets get Started Ghulehs!“ Exclaimed Copia, you always stood in between Swiss and Mountain, shaking you head at Swiss, flipping him off before playing the first notes of Kaisarion. Practice didn‘t seem bad, but you were choked here and there, having a little battle with Aether in between, stood several times like, next to Mountain, now, you stood in front of the earth ghoul, having a battle with Dew
You both didn‘t realize how worked up you guys were, Dew was hella angry, not taking notice of it, not until he snapped and actually flung towards you, biting your neck harshly, drawing blood from it, his teeth sunken so deep he could almost break your bones and other very needed nerves
You let your guitar hang from your shoulders as you roughly shoved Dewdrop away from you, both of you panting heavily, you felt your cold blood run down your neck, then down your shoulders, before staining your shirt with it,“WHAT THE FUCK?!“ you screamed, giving Aether your guitar, dew gave his to Rain,“I-it was an accident! I swear!“ he tried telling you
“Accident my ASS! You fucking BIT ME!“ you yelled again, that moment you flung towards him but flung at mountain who quickly jumped between Dew and you, not taking notice that moment, mind clearly fogged with anger, you have left a deep, stinging wound on his chest, using your element with the attack, making it sting thousand times worse, when Mountain groaned in pain and you were dragged away from him, you saw the damage, you didn‘t wish to hurt anyone but, except for Mountain sometimes but…you felt guilty, sorrowful…
Regret washing over your face, a stare of horror as you gaze upon the aching Drummer, You weren‘t able to say a word as you were shoved out the room by Aether, you became an animal that moment you wanted to hurt Dewdrop, now you stood in front of the door from the practice room in the ghoul dens, tears streaming down your cheeks, you weren‘t gonna allow yourself to go on tour when you can get mad this easily, also not in for when a ghoul would report this…
You quietly made your way up the dens, walking down the now empty halls as it is dinner at the moment, making your way to Sister Imperator, with a deep breath you wanted to knock on the door but stopped yourself, this is not only a one way ticket back to hell but also a punishment of your actions, you knocked on the door anyway
“Come in.“ You heard Sister Imperator, walking inside she saw the bloody claw you had, the teary face was also what gave away you did something terrible,“I-I‘m here to, hic, report myself…“ you stated, Sister Imperator stood quiet, waiting for you to continue,“I-It was at practice, D-Dewdrop a-accidentally bit my neck harshly, i-i was fogged up w-with anger, i flung at him b-but Mountain jumped between us, t-then i, i had an ice claw a-and i-i wounded him terribly…!!“ you explained
You sobbed, more tears streaming down your face,“p-please don‘t send me on the tour…i-I’d rather be send back to hell than that! I-i might hurt someone on tour…“ you added, sister imperator wrote something down that moment,“You will be staying here, i will have Mist and Alpha be your guide to control your Emotions, you will also be staying with them until the band goes on tour. Ok?“ she said, you nodded
“Who are those, mist and Alpha, Sister?“ You asked, she turned on the speakers, saying into them,“Mist and Alpha, report to my office immediately.“ turning the speakers off,“You will see in a few minutes, take a seat.“ She told you, gladly you took that offer, sitting down on one of the chairs, waiting for those Mist and Alpha, it might‘ve been 10 minutes when a knock finally was heard,“Enter.“ Sister imperator said, then two older ghouls entered, looking at you
“You wished our presence?“ asked the ghoulette,“I certainly have Mist, this ghoul, the newest addition to the band, will not be going on tour.“ Imperator said,“ She wont? May we know why?“ the ghoul asked,“Yes you may, She has reported herself, the report on being her hurting a band member in the process of a rage, certainly incapable of controlling her emotions.“ Imperator told him,“Oh my, that‘s horrible!“ exclaimed mist
“It certainly is, She will be staying with you and the other ghouls until the band goes on tour, i also wish of you two, that you teach her as to how to control her emotions.“ Imperator stated, the ghoul walked over to you, offering you a hand, your bloody claw arose, but quickly went back down, not wanting to like, get his clothes dirty, but he took your bloody claw into his hand and made you stand up,“My name is Alpha, my fiend here is Mist, pleasure meeting you.“ Alpha said, you nodded
“now, get out of my office!“ Imperator said, you were dragged out the room, but the dragging stopped after a minute or two, hand still being held but now you were walking in a slow pace,“Which one did you hurt, if we are allowed to know of course!“ spoke Mist, you were still crying but cracked out:“Mountain“, mist shoved Alpha away, he let go of your hand and mist hugged you tightly,“Oh unholy satanas, i hope he‘ll forgive you!“ she said
hopefully…..yeah…the three of you made your way through the halls of the ghoul dens before ending in a much more secluded and comfier area, then You stood in mist‘s room, taking in she has two beds but only one is being used,“I used to hope I’ll get a roommate, now its kind off reality!“ she said, a small smile crept to your face, she and alpha are so kind to you
The night was nice, full of laughter and chatting, meeting the other older ghouls, they were nice, except for the one group they call Nihil’s ghouls, you noted that you should never approach them, never ever! You had a fun night, you were asked about what you liked, what you have for hobbies, your element, etc.
The morning you woke up, looking at the calendar, you have 6 more days until the band left, you cracked your knuckles and neck before getting dressed and walked up the dens and down the halls with mist to go and do your tasks, you and mist have the same tasks, that was on purpose from sister imperator, you walking outside through the snow with mist to go to the library to help Sister Lisa with organizing returned books back to their place
The time flew by, tasks were done quickly, no practice too, it was on your plan yeah but, you skipped practice, not able to face the band, you were quick to think mountain will hut you as bad as you have hurt him, you didn‘t wanna risk it, you‘re NOT, gonna risk it!
On day 4 though, you wanted to have your guitar back, you left it in the practice room, knowing the band, their all in the common room of theirs, or in bed or doing whatever, creeping your way down the halls and to the practice room, you heard nothing in the room, no talking, no music, not even movement, you are lucky, you thought
You quietly entered the room, spotting your guitar quickly, the one ghoul you wanted to avoid most, was holding it, Mountain was fucking holding your Guitar,“Was wondering when you‘d get it.“ he spoke, he doesn‘t talk much, and you didn‘t like to stay quiet, but the tables have turned this Time, you were careful as you approached him,“not gonna talk?“ he asked you, you shook your head in response
He walked towards you, meeting you in the middle, he stood straight in front of you, guitar in hands and looking down at your figure, you looked up at him and waited for him to say something, but he didn‘t, he gave you your guitar, which you took but you didn‘t go dashing through the door, you were still feeling guilty for wounding him,“how…“ you took a moment to think, his head titled before you continued to speak:“ How is, your chest..?“ you asked
He unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a big scar,“left a huge scar, but else its fine.“ he said, the scar worried you of your strength, quickly your gaze was directed to the floor, he buttoned his shirt again, you had this fight or flight sense kick but you stood there, on fight mode, pushing the chaos of element away,“I‘m, sorry…“ you said quietly, he heard it but said.“What? I didn‘t hear you.“
Thats when your head snapped back up at him, tears streaming down your face, mountain has heard a lot about the Ice elements but never heard of an Ice element Crying when hurting an Earth element and feeling guilty,“I‘m sorry! I‘m sorry, i am so sorry for hurting you mountain!“ you said, guitar over your shoulder,“I already have reported the incident to sister imperator, i am not going on tour that is in 2 days! I am staying here, to dangerous that i might hurt someone again!“ You added
Mountain was looking for some sort of joke in that one, he didn‘t find it, you were dead serious, you were done with the situation, dashing back to the other ghouls, down the halls and just crashing into Alpha who was sent to find you as it was dinner time for them, he took you to mist‘s room, letting you rest there, letting your emotions settle…
The band was already one tour for 4 months, you stood your ground and stayed in the Church, playing the music you love, practicing other songs, you even learned how to play the bass! You felt at peace with Mist and Alpha, you felt safe, you were currently in your and mist‘s room, mist and alpha went to town with some other ghouls but you don‘t like going out, thats when you suddenly received FaceTime call, it was an Unknown number
Swiss texted you only a minute later,
SwissBro: Hey! That FaceTime is safe! I gave one of the other members your Number!
You send a thumbs up before answering the call, you were met with the Body of someone, but not their face, you were to stunned to speak, you want to know which ghoul it is, You know about Swiss, Dew, Cirrus and Cumulus, so who is that? From the stature it is a male
The phone was placed on a table, facing down at the ghouls crotch, he proceeded to unbuckle his belt, hand sliding in his pants, pulling out his rather big Cock, it was twitching, precum already dripping from its tip, you felt your face heat up, hearing the heavy breathing from the ghoul, a sudden deep voice speaking up, making you flinch and feeling yourself getting turned on by the ghouls voice,“You‘ll be getting this big cock once we get back in two weeks~“
The ghoul stroke his shaft slowly, teasing you badly, he took his phone in hand, only showing his cock, you knew he‘ll hang up in the next moment,“Which, which ghoul are you?“ you asked him, a chuckle came from him, “You‘ll have to figure out yourself~“ was the only response you got before he hung up, you put your phone aside, thinking about it, who was it? It could‘ve been Aether or Rain, You do not take mountain in the options, you don‘t think at all it could‘ve been him.
The next few days until the band comes back, you and that number were Talking a lot over text, you even received some dick pics from that ghoul, though it was weird you have send nudes to him, receiving compliments or voice messages from him, mostly compliments or his moans of your name, you took your phone with you while walking around the halls
As you heard a chuckle behind you, a hand held your mouth shut, the same deep voice talking,“ we‘re back, any ideas ass to who i am?~“ you tried getting a glimpse of the ghoul, you hear held to look ahead,“ seemingly no, lets go to a more private room~“ slowly walking to the dens, you were forced to look ahead, not getting one glimpse of the ghoul
Walking into your room, you were suddenly blindfolded,“now you won‘t see my face“ he said, pushing you forward on your knees, choking you softly with his tail, it was a weird feeling, but you really liked this, though you should be running or calling for help, you thought it was Rain or Aether though, so you trusted the ghoul in the room, letting him choke you, his fingers feel so soft, his breathing was being heard perfectly, the way his fingers were choking you, his other hand roaming freely over your clothed body, softly gripping your waist
"Naughty girl, such a naughty little girl~" he spoke, his voice directly in your ear, his breath so hot, you could melt into the firey gates beneath you, back to hell, it was something you never could've imagined someone would do to you, your ice cold skin feeling a warmth creep within it, your blood feeling hotter than normal, an aching pain built in your stomach, did you wish to be touched this badly? Surely not! or maybe you did crave this kind of touch longer than thought?
You thought back a bit, you really wanted to crave this kind of touch yeah, but, this feeling only happened to creep in your body the other day that Mountain and you were alone in the practice room, as he gave you your guitar, seeing his chest with the big scar, it was kinda hot,"Your drooling little one~" you heard,"thinking about something?~"
You were thinking about Mountain, the ghoul you should hate, your Elements do not go together, you do not wanna hate him tho! You, want him to be yours, fuck, Satanas almighty, You craved the touch from Mountain, the one ghoul who you never expected to get in touch with! "I am talking to you Babe." You heard, flinching in surprise you also let out a squeak,"What are you thinking about?~" he asked, you had no way of talking your way out of it
"I'm, uhm, i'm thinking about the Drummer..." you simply said, a deep chuckle caught your attention,"Is that so? Why don't you just relax and scream his name when you climax little girl~" He told you, you must be blushing a deep shade of red, you felt like your burning, why did this ghoul told you to do so? You quickly were ripped out of your thoughts due to this ghoul pulling to your bed, making you sit on it, slender fingers sliding under your habit, softly pulling it off, the warm touch and warm air is something you barely feel, but it was amazing
His tongue licking across a scar that came with dewdrops bite those months ago, it didn't ache anymore but it was rather sensitive, you bit back a gasp, his tongue felt like it wants to taste every part of your body, heck, who are you kidding? This ghouls takes his time, making sure you are still comfortable! like he knows your every move, your every sensitive little spot, kinda creepy
His hands were resting on your thighs, your body was reacting in its own way, your hands were slowly roaming over his body, he was still in his Tour costume, your fingers were softly pushed further down, that moment you could've sworn you saw stars behind the blindfold, his erected cock was still clothed but it felt huge already, making you feel your folds, they were getting wetter every moment you thought about this ghouls length
no more words were spoken, it was making you feel a bit uneasy but this ghoul didn't seem to mean any harm, he only pulled away when he took off his shirt and boots, pushing on your back he pulled you further up on the bed, your legs around his waist, feeling your undergarments being taken off, first the bra, then the matching panties, not the thigh highs tho, seems he has a thing for it, his fingers found their way to your womanhood (i feel awkward for using Pussy- sorry!), pushing through your folds carefully with a single finger, biting your moans back he growled low
this send a jolt of pleasure down your spine, a shaky moan left you, a second finger suddenly entered you, a more breathy moan escaping you, it was a bit painful yeah, but you enjoyed it for some odd reason, you were enjoying this pain that came in a mix of pleasure, this feeling of pleasure and pain, making sure you are prepared to take his huge cock inside you, this ghoul must see you as fragile, else he wouldn‘t be so careful, you were quiet honestly becoming a moaning mess
A mess under his touch, under the touch of this ghoul, making you feel amazing, choking you softly, fingering you rather rough, stretching your insides for him, his tail holding down your hands against the soft sheets of the bed, his lips captured yours in a soft yet also passionately rough kiss, getting you all heated and wild for this, and oh Satanas, it‘s working, it is working so good, you’re trembling weakly, moans muffled by his lips, your skin felt warm and soft
When he pulled away from the kiss, he made sure to finger you even rougher than he already was, making you scream slightly, feeling you‘re coming close to your limit, you decided to play Naughty Girl and not even warn him, he was teasing you earlier, with a hitched, more like Sharp inhale, you trembled badly underneath his gaze, your limit reached, his fingers were no longer moving, he did slowly slide his fingers our of your folds, tasting you,“You taste excellent my Beautifully Naughty Girl~“ he spoke suddenly
“I thought i said to scream his name when you climax, or not?“ he asked, you gasped when his grip on your neck tightened a bit,“Y-yeah, you did“ you responded, trying not to come over as needy right now, fuck, you didn‘t care who it was that was about to screw you! You just want to feel good, your thoughts are foggy, this fog being from lust, something you never really felt before,“Heh, well, then scream it next time, cause i believe you‘re ready for my Cock~“ He said, you yelped in shock, hearing him unbuckle and unzip his pants, but it seems he doesn‘t take them off
You squealed when suddenly you felt his tip against your folds, his hands both roamed down to hold your hips tightly, pushing himself through your folds, making you cry in this new feeling, you have endured the constant screams of the other ghouls and sisters when screwing each other, but never thought you‘d do it yourself, his right hand slid down your thigh and pulled it over his shoulder, you felt so full
He groaned, his cock was so deep inside you, you could see the stars once more, but more clear, he is the first to make you see stars too, he seemingly is skilled with people like you, it must look really hot for him, this sight of you, hands held above your head with his tail, blindfolded, your half open mouth, your chest rising and falling rapidly, your right leg over his shoulder, his left hand holding your hip tightly, seeing how his cock is filling you up, he loves this sight
His hips snapped once to make you flinch, you didn‘t flinch, you let out a loud moan, a deep chuckle erupted from his throat,“So beautiful~“ he praised you, snapping his hips again, another moan came from you, his eyes were piercing through the blindfold, you could feel it, you wanted to see who this ghoul is, you wanted to know so badly!
Your tail wrapped around his waist, he didn‘t bother asking, his teasing hip snapping went to a rapidly rough pace, making you feel good with every move of his hips, moans coming from you, the sound of skin clapping, the smell of lust, the feeling of pleasure, it was all filling the room, he could only imagine the lust filling your eyes, this deep lustfull gaze, the one he also saw on the nudes you had send him
This ghoul knew so much from bandmates, siblings of sin and over your texts, but to that you were an open book to read for him, easily to tell what you like, love, dislike and hate, his lips were connected to your neck, kissing it softly, leaving a hickey here and there, You felt your second orgasm approaching, you were still a moaning wreck, yet you still had strength over your voice, his name being the only thing you can think off right now, the one he told you to scream when you climax
“M-Mountain, Ah Fuck, Mountain, Mountain!“ You screamed, his hips also moving faster than before, your second orgasm had already came to its limit but this ghoul wants to make sure you also come a third time, this being the last one and also his own climax,“such a good girl~“ the ghoul praised, groaning coming from him
As you were so sensitive from the first two orgasm, you were quick to approach your third and final one,“M-Mountain!~“ You mewled, your orgasm approached quick,“Mountain!!“ you screamed, his own limit reached as you screamed one last time, knotting you, he had also bitten down on the exact some spot were dewdrop had bitten you months ago, your chest was rising quick but falling shakingly, your trembling so bad, your mind completely fogged
This ghoul took his time when finally sliding out of you, a mixture of your own cum, his cum and some blood was flowing out of you, when he saw the blood you could feel that he tensed up,“shit…“ you heard him whisper, you were laying there, hands above your head, leg still over his shoulder, trying to catch your breath,“Ugh, fuck!“ he cursed out aloud,“what…“ you were still out of breath, trying your best to get this sentence out,“What‘s wrong babe?“ you felt your leg drop on the mattress, hands free again, thats when you felt your body ache
“Nothing, don‘t worry, just, Wait before you take off the blindfold, ok?“ he asked, with a nod you feel him getting off of the bed, buckling and zipping his pants again, the sound of the door and his quick footsteps were a clear sign of him getting something, you laid there, the pain and exhaustion hitting you, something else made you flinch, a yell from down the hall and someone running, a door slam and huffing,“I‘m, uh, back, jeez.“ he said
you were able to get a room with a connected bathroom, even an ice ghoul needs a nice warm bath here and there! The sound of water from the bathroom got your attention,“You need a bath lil one.“ he stated, an exhausted huff came from you, his fingers going softly under your back and ankles, carrying to the bathroom, the water running being stopped, your exhausted body hitting the warm water was only an addition to getting you sleepy
The ghoul took the messy bedsheets, stripping the sheet covers off, getting the fresh sheet covers, a softer kind, he somehow figured out how you like Soft and fluffy sheet covers, pillows, plushies and Pajamas, it makes you relax better, feeling so much better after a rough day, him making the bed gave you time to wash your body carefully, you were still blindfolded but you wanna take it off soon
“Are you, feeling good?“ the ghoul asked, you hummed in response, wanting to get to bed now, you feel so tired after being screwed tonight, the fog in your mind clearing, exhaustion hitting you in every corner of your body, sinking slowly into the water, you were held up by the ghoul quickly,“lets get you dried and dressed, you need rest right now“ he said, hey wait, his deep voice seemed to have softened
Your body hit the cool air at a sudden, soft towel caressing your body, drying your skin, then the feeling of clothing was suddenly crept up your body, first the panties, then the soft pajama pants and last but not least, a oversized, soft hoodie, the blindfold slipped down when the hoodie was pulled down your head, your eyes meeting the ghouls hair, horns and back in sight too, hair a deep brown with soft black ends, horns fading from ash grey into a dark green to the tips
He picked you up, your legs around his waist, arms around his neck, his arms around your waist, carrying you to the bed,“your hair looks beautiful…“ you said in a tired tone, back hitting the mattress, once he let go of you, you turned on your side, you scotted over a bit more, patting the space in front of you, he took a deep breath, lifting the blanket and layer down in front of you, when you saw his chest, you swore your soul left your body
Just before the tour, when they left, you and mountain had a small talk in the practice room, you apologized, he showed you his chest, showing you the scar you left, a chill running down your spine, you are shocked, “M- i, uh, Mountain?!“ you stuttered, slowly looking up to meet his eyes,“Yeah, Hey“, he pulled you into his chest, stroking your hair,“Wha, i don‘t understand!!“ you exclaimed
“At first, it was more of a revenge plan, it still was but, i did fall for you at some point last year, the guy that called you, it was me, i texted you the whole time, i couldn‘t talk to you without the colliding of our Elements, it sucked.“ he spoke, in all the time you have been here, all the time in hell, you never expected to end up with the one Element that is able to make your inner Elemental monster go crazy
“Wait, how were you, like, how-“ he pulled your figure up to capture your lips in a passionate kiss, you didn‘t feel this need to run, you had this feeling you needed to stay with him, that without him you‘d be all alone, that you‘d need to hide from everyone else, he pulled back from you, stroking your hair once again,“oh Y/n, don‘t worry you sweet little girl, when i was on tour, my element was going wild, but, didn‘t your calling happen like about a month ago?“
Thats right, your calling was different than normal, snow everywhere, but you felt no joy, your element going wild, but no one to be mesmerized, your body was feeling like it was pulled by strings by someone on tour,“You felt sad, right?“, you nodded in response,“Your calling normally is joyful, your mind not giving a care, as if the strings were cut, you being safe and sound, when we were gone, i was being pulled back, i felt angry, not what i usually feel.“
You don‘t understand it, before tour you guys were literally going NUTS when near each other,“I kept my element on defense, we are mates to put it short.“ You were fucking lost, exhausted to the max,“but…revenge?“ you made out, “though the scar wasn‘t on purpose, i wanted some sort of revenge“ he said
The gates of dreams welcoming you with open arms, snuggling into mountains chest, you purred, comfort, warmth, exhaustion, it all came hitting to you at once,“My naughty Little girl“ he said, you hummed quietly,“Remember my little Withered Rose, Never mess with the Earth Element“ he said, holding you close, so close,“mhm…never mess with an earth element…“ you mumbled, the slumber catching you…Goodnight
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steddiejudas · 11 months
November 3rd – grinding
Eddie comes home to Steve and Robin doing random shit quite often. At this point, it’s just normal to get home from work and find Steve painting her nails, Robin giving him a haircut, or even that one time he walked into the bedroom to find Steve completely naked with a bag from Victoria’s Secret, modeling new lingerie pieces while Robin laid back on the bed with a whiteboard, giving each a rating out of ten. He didn’t bat an eye then, completely familiar with the extent to which their relationship is Platonic with a capital P, and today is no different.
Eddie knows they’re going out tonight, and he expects them to wear him down to join them as soon as walks through the door, so he’s slightly thrown off by the lack of a stampede when he unlocks the front door, calling out his typical greeting of, “Honeyyy, I’m hooome!” That is until he finds them in the bathroom. Steve is sitting in the sink, the countertops littered with every piece of makeup Robin owns. She’s standing between his legs applying eyeliner to his already unfairly beautiful eyes.
“Well, hello there, my love.” Eddie bats Robin’s hand away to place a chaste kiss to Steve’s lips before moving out of the way so Robin can go back to her, frankly, godly work.
“Hey Eds. How was work?” Steve asks, that sweet tone that leaves Eddie weak laces his tone and he knows he won’t have any fight in him when he’s inevitably asked to come along.
“Another day, another shit-show at the shop. I can’t wait to curl up on the couch and relax with you tonight, sweetheart,” Eddie teases.
It works. Hook, line, and sinker, as Steve pushes away Robin’s hand to bat those long mascara coated lashes at him.
“But Eddieee! We’re going out tonight. I wanted you to come with.” Steve pouts, and shit, if Eddie thought his eyes were convincing with a little bit of makeup, the addition of a pout and puppy eyes are kryptonite.
Eddie sighs, unable to even keep up the game he was attempting to play. “Of course, I’ll come with you Stevie. Anything for you, sweetheart.”
Robin mimes a finger in her mouth, soundlessly gagging. Typical. Steve swats her arm and she smiles back at him, devolving both of them into a fit of giggles. Eddie just snorts and wanders off to the kitchen while they finish up so he can grab a snack before he showers. He makes two extra sandwiches for them and eats quickly. When the two of them wander out he gives Steve another kiss, reminds him to eat and hops in the shower to scrub off the grease from a long day of oil changes and tire rotations. He doesn’t take long, but when he gets out, he is entirely not expecting the hurricane he finds in the bedroom.
Clothes are scattered over every available surface. The dresser, the bed, the floor. It’s a maze he navigates with relative ease until he gets to the closet and realizes most of the clothes are his.
“Guys, what the hell?!”
Steve’s head pops through the open bedroom door with a goofy grin and he points the the clothes on top of the dresser.
“We picked out an outfit for you already.”
“You–” and sure enough, the clothes there are his favorite pair of tight leather pants, a cropped shirt and a pair of fishnets. “Steve, how am I supposed to wear fishnets with these pants?”
“Oh right. There’s a hole in the crotch, put them on under your shirt.”
Eddie has no idea where he got that idea, but he went to all the effort so he might as well oblige. He pulls the outfit on and throws his vest over it for good measure. It may not protect him from the cold like his heavy leather jacket, but he can’t seem to find the thing, and the vest is better than nothing.
Eddie wanders out of the room adjusting the layers of his outfit and grumbling to himself. “Steven Anita you better clean up that room when we get home or I swear to go–” He stops dead in his tracks when he looks up at Steve. He’s in a short black pleated skirt, matching fishnets to Eddie’s own standing out against the plush of his tan thighs, one of Eddie’s metallica shirts tight against his toned chest under Eddie’s jacket. He looks like something out of a wet dream.
“Wh– Where did you even get that?” Eddie muses.
“I borrowed it from Nancy,” Robin says, smirking next to Steve. Oh right, Robin’s here. Eddie… honestly forgot. “So are you two going to keep gawking at each other, or are you ready to go?”
“Yeah, le– we can… Let’s go.” Eddie stammers out, gripping Steve’s hand in his own, barely able to tear his eyes away from the way his skirt sits high up on his thighs. He knows it must barely cover his ass. Jesus, fuck, Eddie’s going to come in his pants if he gets a face full of that.
The club they’re going to is a couple towns over. Eddie is driving which feels like an irresponsible choice honestly, because he can’t keep both hands on the wheel, one of them constantly drifting over to play with the thin strings of the stockings covering Steve’s inner thigh. Steve just chats idly with Robin as if he’s not fully aware of the fact that he’s taking Eddie apart from the inside out. He zones out most of the drive, only tipping the van onto two wheels a couple times, but they make it mostly in one piece.
Outside, the fall air nips at Eddie’s mostly bare arms. He’s not totally sure if the goosebumps are a result of that or the way Steve clings to him, but once they enter the club, the wave of heat from sweaty bodies grinding on the dance floor hits him like a ton of bricks, but his skin’s reaction does not subside.
“Drinks?” Robin shouts over the din of music and chatter.
Steve’s face lights up, nodding and dragging Eddie along to the bar with him to order them all a round of shots. When they arrive, they all three clink the tiny glasses together and down them in one, laughing together at the way their faces pinch at the burn in their throats. Eddie is itching to pull Steve to the dance floor after one more, but he knows that’s not how these nights go. First, Steve plays wingman for Robin, THEN he turns his attention to Eddie. Not that Eddie would ever complain. He feels lucky just to be in Steve’s presence, admiring the way his charm pulls others in, knowing it belongs all to him.
The two of them set to work finding a worthy candidate to be the object of Robin’s affections for the evening. It doesn’t take them long before settling on a petite girl across the bar with strawberry blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looks familiar, but surely no one from Hawkins would be caught dead in a gay bar two towns over, right? But sure enough, just as Steve is about to make his way over, she looks up, and oh shit, Chrissy Cunningham is walking over to them.
“Hey Steve! What are you doing here?” The brightness that radiates off of Chrissy doesn’t falter for a second as she speaks to him, though her eyes are pointedly trained on Robin rather than the person she’s addressing.
“Oh just out for some fun, same as you I suppose.” Steve replies, smiling as he looks between the two women. “Have you met my friend Robin?”
Chrissy’s eyes sparkle with recognition. “You went to Hawkins High too, right? You were in band? I remember seeing you at pep rallies. The ruffles really suited you.”
“Uh, I, you–” Steve smacks her lightly on the back, the smile never leaving his face. “Thank you!” She manages to get out. “You were in cheer right?”
“Uh huh! Still am, actually. Well, I’m a coach for a junior league, but still.” Finally her eyes leave Robin’s face and seem to notice Eddie for the first time. “Oh, Eddie, right? So are you all together or?”
Eddie chuckles at the way Steve and Robin trip over each other to explain that their relationship is 1000% platonic, but luckily he’s there to smoothly explain. “No, just Steve and I, actually. Robin is just our, what? Third wheel?”
Robin snorts at that. “You wish, Munson. If anything you’re ours.”
“Well, maybe I can help with that. Mind if I steal your girl away for a while?” Chrissy asks, mostly to Robin, who just nods dumbly and scrambles to take her outstretched hand and follow Chrissy to the dance floor.
“Huh, Cunningham. Never would have called that one.” Eddie wonders aloud.
“You also never would have called me if I hadn’t made the first move,” Steve sasses back. Which, okay, that’s a fair cop.
“Fair enough, Stevie boy,” Eddie says, extending a hand and sweeping down into a low bow. “Care to join me for a dance?”
Steve snorts, used to and overly fond of his boyfriend’s flirting style. He takes the hand extended to him with an equally ridiculous: “my liege,” and follows him out to the floor.
The lights are intense and the thrumming base of the dance music beats through the floor all the way into Eddie’s chest, and he knows exactly what Steve needs before he even says it. He tucks Steve’s face into his shoulder, wrapping his arms low around his waist, their pelvises pressed tightly together as they sway in time with the beat. Steve’s arms are wrapped tightly around Eddie’s neck, one hand winding into the hair at the base of his neck, inhaling the scent of his body wash and cologne deeply in order to ground himself. He’s not entirely sure why Steve loves this so much. After enough hits to the head during sports, the loud lights and noises are a little intense for him, but he always finds solace in Eddie’s arms. Actually, maybe that’s exactly why he loves it so much. And Eddie will take any excuse to hold Steve in his arms and feel him pressed tight against his body.
They stay swaying gently to the rhythm for a couple songs until Steve groans gently.
“You doing okay, princess?” Eddie asks.
“‘M okay, Eds.”
“Does your head hurt?”
“Sort of?”
“Sort of? Baby if you’re feeling the start of a migraine we can go.”
“No it’s… not that,” Steve says sheepishly. He rolls his hips against Eddie’s tentatively and he feels it. There’s a very obvious bulge under the skirt and Steve’s face lifts from his shoulder with a delicious blush coating his cheeks. Oh, that head.
“Oh sweetheart. We’re only three days in and you’re already getting hard from a little dancing?”
Steve can’t seem to form words at that, just blushing deeper and nodding sheepishly. Eddie feels his own dick twitch in interest. He rolls hips up to meet Steve’s, relishing in the little moan he gets in return. He knows he can’t push this or Steve might literally cum in his pants, but damn it if he can’t have a little fun first. Couples all around them are grinding uncontrollably, lithe movements meant to chase pleasure rather than feel the music, and Eddie can’t help but follow suit. He adjusts his hold on Steve, grabbing him by the hips to keep them tethered while he kisses along Steve’s jaw and down his neck.
“Eddie,” Steve whines. “Please.”
“Please what, honey?”
Steve grinds slowly against Eddie’s growing bulge. “More. Please.”
“Are you sure about that?” Eddie looks around as if afraid of someone seeing them, knows Steve will wilt under the very idea of anyone’s attention on him.
In lieu of an answer, Steve tries to tuck his head back into Eddie’s shoulder as he picks up a steady rhythm to roll against him. Eddie is not having that, though. His hand finds its way into Steve’s hair and tugs gently, lifting his head back up to stare into his eyes. He wants to see the want, the need evidenced in his face. What he finds is perfection. Steve is panting with want, a fire lit behind his hazel eyes and Eddie can’t hold back anymore. His cock aches against the zipper of his tight pants and he craves some kind of friction, finding it in the hard outline that’s well hidden by the flowy fabric of Steve’s skirt.
Fuck, that skirt. Eddie didn’t know until recently just how badly he loved to see Steve in traditionally “feminine” clothing. It’s not about feminization, though if that’s what Steve wanted, he would most certainly be on board. No, it’s about the tabletop ranting, it’s about his own love of heavy metal, his own long hair and chains. It’s the lack of regard for what anyone else thinks, the way anti-establishment sentimentality has long been a part of Eddie’s rhetoric and has seemingly seeped into Steve’s own self confidence. It’s the way that the two of them have grown separately and together, making each other better people, more comfortable in their own skins from the last couple years of loving each other unconditionally.
Steve started wearing lace and lingerie a couple months ago to tease Eddie. Eddie loved it, but more importantly, Steve loved it. Steve loved pretty things. He deserved pretty things and everything nice the world had to offer. And the skirt was damn pretty. He’d have to remember to thank Nancy later.
But for now, his attention was solely on Steve, his hands finding their way to the supple meat of his ass under the flowing fabric. He can feel the silky panties covering his soft skin and hooks a finger under the elastic, drawing it back to harshly snap back. Steve lets out a little yelp and Eddie chases the noise with his lips.
“You know you can call it off at any time sweetheart.” Eddie mumbles against Steve's lips.
The giggle he elicits is oh so sweet. “I know, Eds. I’m fine. Are you sure you don’t want to call it off?”
“More than anything.” He growls, his hips bucking up particularly forcefully. Steve groans and throws his head back, meeting his thrusts with fervor of his own.
“Keep it in your pants, Munson. I haven’t said the magic word yet.”
“Oh, so now it’s a magic word?”
“It is now that I know you want it so bad.”
Eddie has to hold back and honest to god growl at that, fighting the urge to strip him down in the middle of the dance floor and take him here and now. Suddenly his hands aren’t the only ones on Steve and he has to fight the urge to start swinging before taking in the context of the situation.
“Woah, easy there killer,” Robin laughs at him and he eases instantly. He finds almost as much comfort in her as Steve (almost. They all know no one could ever love the two of them the way they love each other). “Hey, so I’m going to head out with Chrissy. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Have a good night Robs.” Steve turns his head and plasters on a beaming smile and shoots her a wink. She leans in close and whispers something in Steve’s ear and he laughs, leaning away from Eddie. Robin skips away from them, meeting up with Chrissy at the door, conspiratorial smiles on both of their lips.
Eddie grabs Steve’s waist to pull him in, but he pulls away with a smirk.
“What? What did Robin say?” Eddie asks.
“Oh nothing, just that we should probably get out of here if we don’t want to cum in our pants like teenagers.”
Eddie huffs a laugh and pulls Steve close, but they both know it’s not to chase pleasure from each other. They just hold each other, warm in each other's embrace and sway for a couple more songs.
“You want to get out of here? Somebody told me you wanted to relax in front of the TV tonight.”
“Yes. Please,” Eddie sighs, leaning his forehead against Steve’s.
He loves a night out with Steve, but a night in is just as perfect.
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midisdying · 2 years
Ok. Hear me out!
ME3 Sleep deprived MShepard shenanigans and very brief Mshenko.
I had this idea for a long time now and I need to let it out. I haven't written anything in a while so you will have to excuse me poor writing skills...
I just wanted some fluff ok?!
also Happy late N7 day ppl!
It wasn't unusual to see Commander Shepard hanging around random areas of the Normandy. Talking to his crew or just doing paper work.
When asked why he wouldn't make use of his personal quarters he'd say it helped him stay focused and awake. The only thing he'd skip over was the amount of time he'd actually stay awake for. Like the time while still working for Cerberus, Shepard had stayed awake for three days in a row (against the very sound medical advice of Dr. Chakwas) before the Normandy's first touchdown on Tuachanka.
Nevertheless, Shepard knew his limit and upon reaching it he would head back to his quarters for a few hours of rest before repeating the cycle.
So to say that finding their CO passed out at one of the mess hall tables was a bit of a surprise to some of the lower rank crew members of the Normandy would be an understatement.
"He's been out for a while now, hasn't he?" Garuss asked, joining the little circle of some of the oldest members of the Normandy crew that had gathered around the table occupied by Shepard's slumped body. Others either actively avoiding or sending curious glances towards the group.
"I guess even that abomination couldn't keep him up at this point. Swear I saw him adding three tablespoons of coffee into that thing last night.” Kaidan said while taking a long, disgusted look at the cup standing not too far from Shepard's face.
"Good thing then that he has all those cybernetics, otherwise his heart might’ve stopped. Again." Joker mentioned sitting at the opposite side of the table.
"Should we do anything? Like wake him up? I can't imagine that this is the most comfortable sleeping position for humans.” Tali spoke up, turning her head towards Liara who just came up behind her.
"I suppose we could, but we could also get some markers, or if we're feeling especially mean-"
"Not if we don't want to get a biotic throw to the face as soon as he wakes up, we don't." Kaidan swiftly interrupted whatever Joker was about to suggest.
"Yeah, you'd know something about that, right? Cause you know, you almost shot him."
"You're never going to let that go, are you?" Kaidan looked back at Joker who was mildly amused by the major's irritation.
"Can we backtrack a bit? Why markers? What would we even do with them?" Garrus spoke up before the two could start anything else.
"I assume that Jeff and Major Alenko are talking about a form of a popular hazing prank done by humans in which the sleeping person, in most cases, has their face drawn on or covered with various usually viscous substances. Like toothpaste, soap, whipped cream, or glue.” Explained EDI.
There was a moment of silence where the non-human crew looked at eachother and then at the two awake humans in the room. Liara first broke the quiet atmosphere.
"That seems… incredibly childish."
"Yeah, it does." Garrus agreed then added "SO, where do we keep the markers?"
The asari turned her gaze towards the former C-Sec officer with a disappointed expression. "You can't be serious about this.”
"Come on, Liara, it'll boost morale." Garrus said trying to jokingly convince the asari into joining the mischief.
"Can we draw something nice, though?" asked Tali.
"You can draw whatever you want, Tali" Joker answered slowly standing up from the table.
"You're really going to let them do this, EDI?" Kaiden asked, making his voice a bit louder, even though he knew he didn't really need to.
"I am taking this as an opportunity to expand my knowledge on organic humor."
"Just no dicks, alright?" He said mainly looking at Joker in mild defeat.
For now Joker staggered over to the medbay to ask Dr. Chakwas about the markers, Tali and Garuss disappeared to ask about them in the crew’s quarters, and Liara went back to her room in search of something. Kaiden was left alone in the mess hall with his sleeping boyfriend.
He brought himself to sit in a chair closer to Shepard, looking over his relaxed form. It was a rare sight these days. Understandably, with what felt like the entire galaxy pushing down on the commanders shoulders. He slowly reached out to delicately caress Shapars cheek, to which he unconsciously leaned into the touch. Kaiden slightly startled that he accidentally woke up his lover retreated his hand but even after a minute of stillnes Shepard hasn't shifted. The only noticeable movement was his chest slightly rising and falling with every breath.
The major sat back for a moment taking in the sight before him then stood up taking the cup, containing the now cold, disgusting beverage, to dispose of it. He may love this man, but he definitely doesn't approve of his taste in coffee.
Three hours later Shepard woke up to a glass of water and a ration bar with a note from Kaidan, a blanket he saw laying on Liaras bed during one of their often talks, as well as a surprising amount of doodles on his face in blue, red, and black marker.
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kanene-yaaay · 2 years
A Method to De-Stress
Warning: None. Just a very silly tickle fic. Romantic pairing. Tickly kisses. Lee!Aang and Ler!Katara. Around 1000 words.
Kanene's notes: Found myself wanting to write a loving fic with Katara and Aang being the most PRECIOUS and SOFTEST w each other except for Katara having the need for blood laughter. I will post a title and organize everything better tomorrow abshyegebsjs I am sleepy.
Katara could swear she was feeling a vein on her forehead about to explode from the sheer amount of stress that only grew stronger with each line of the report she read about the reconstruction of the South Pole. Not for the first time she wished that Appa could fly quicker, not for the first time she hoped he wouldn’t.
Huffing a tired breath - she was supposed to be enjoying the little alone time she got with Aang, and instead… - she closed the paper with a decisive fluid movement, shoving it on her purse before looking at her boyfriend.
The Avatar was too focused on directing the flying bison to notice her stare, giving the waterbender plenty of time to watch at him with what her brother called ‘gooey eyes’ before a very specific smile grazed her lips.
The perfect idea of how de-stress just flicked on her mind.
“Aang, sweetie, can you come here, please?”
The other turned around with the same happy excitement he always had when Katara used the sweet petname, blinding smile and a loving gaze that got too unfocused for a few seconds before he managed to get his head out of the clouds painting his features.
“Alright!” He then turned to Appa, petting his head. “I will be right back, ok, buddy? Just keep flying forward and soon enough we'll take a break with plenty of berries for you to eat!” 
Then, in a blink, he was jumping over the saddle and poppling himself in front of the girl, his entire body facing hers, faces close and attentive eyes clued on her, as if Katara was the wind in a good day for sail, guiding and pulling him close like a nature force that he couldn’t bother (nor want) to fight against.
That was perfect for her idea, of course, even if she wanted to laugh and coo about how easy the airbender was making this for her.
“What is it, KatarAH!”
She smiled, softly, innocently, as happy as a polar goose bear who just got their prey as she watched the other shout a loud, incessant laughter. The surprised sound filling and running across the entire atmosphere, chasing the birds in the air and jumping around the clouds as her hands - still attached to his sides no matter how much he squirmed and trashed - squeezed and tickled the spot freely, without a single worry in the world.
“BWAHAHAAIT! WAIT, WHYHIHIHI!” With a content and a tad questioning hum she gently lowered him to the floor when her fingers, skilled from years and years of tickle fights and surprise wiggle attacks with Sokka, wormed their way to the delightful, horribly ticklish base of Aang’s spine, prodding and poking incessantly at the spot as the younger’s his legs gave out under him.
“Why what, Aang? What is the matter? Did something happen for you to get so giggly out of sudden?”
“YEHEHES!” Tui and La, Katara almost forgot how cute his voice gets when she tickles his spine with tiny, careful pinches, each one of them pulling more and more squeaky shrieks. “Yohoho’re tihihIIIIH TIcklING mHEHEHE! Mwhehehe! Nohohohoho!”
“Tickling you?” Katara gasped, ignoring the avatar’s hands batting hers, the touch both too uncoordinated and too light to really diverge her from her objective, the tip of her fingers dancing upwards to scratch all the sensitive spots on his ribs, making his laugher much more high pitched and lost in hysterical giggles for him to do much more than nod non stop to answer her question. “But how so! I am simply resting my hands here, on your very ticklish ribs and there is no problem with me choosing to rest them here, is there? I spend the whooole morning working, they’re tired from writing so much. You won’t force your own girlfriend to take them away, will you, Aang, sweetie?”
“Mmmmhehehehee! Katara!!” He tried to squirm, cheeks involuntary getting hotter with both the nickname and how his muscles melted with the careful touch and silly teases. Still, the light, unbearable tickles kept following every little twist and wiggle of his torso with a determination that could rival Zuko’s when he wanted to capture him. “Ihihihit tickles sohohoh much!!”��
“Please, Aang? Pleeeease.”
He made the horrible mistake of opening his eyes, only for them to be captured by the biggest, prettiest and bluest gaze he had ever seen in his life (and he had seen very beautiful things!), and suddenly every single muscle in his body gave up, all the fight flying away from his spirit in a single giddy breath. She indeed had worked so much these days…
Oh, he was done for, wasn’t he?
“Really?” She beamed, and grey eyes watched the exact moment the innocent, pleading disappeared her gaze and was promptly overpowered by a hungry, predatory smirk. “Perfect.”
He felt as the hands that, before, were barely fluttering against his skin closed in fists, knuckles now resting on the tickle spot, and in a sudden hysterical piece of second he realized exactly what he just walked in.
And then she attacked.
“Thank you, Aang!” Her words were playful and happy as she peppered a series of quick butterflies kisses on his red cheeks, little huffs of snickers painting her tone as the act only made the other’s tired giggles flow faster.
“Nooo,” his hands were clued on her shoulders, caught between the need to push Katara away before the moment grow into a second tickle attack and basking on how nice the lovely kisses felt. “Yohohou know thahat my cheeks are tihihihicklish!”
With a last chuckle, Katara laid a last kiss on his forehead, finally letting the boy snicker, titter and snigger his way out of the giddiness of the tickling and the adrenaline of the surprise attack. His arms let her go to hug his own torso, a couple of tired kicks being the materialization of the somersaults his stomach kept doing.
Both of them carried gigantic smiles on their faces (one a tad more adoring than the other, that is true) and a joyful wrinkle around their eyes, clothes being softly jolted by the wind as Appa calmly kept passing under the clouds.
Katara knew that there would be more problems and papers and responsibilities and choices waiting for her, no matter the place or time, that was just life.
Still, with Aang's laughter still ringing clear on her ears, Momo jumping on her shoulders to convince her to give him a snack and a grin still stretched on her face, suddenly none of this felt so overwhelming. 
"I do." She chuckled and Aang's smile blossomed wider, probably already thinking about revenge and surprising attacks, she would have to be careful to not let him out of her vision field for the day. "That I do."
A wonderful method to de-stress, indeed.
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the-yuri-librarian · 9 months
Love Thy Neighbor Episode 41 reaction
So I haven't talked about it here because it has been in hiatus, but Love Thy Neighbor is one of my absolute favorite yuri stories, and this week the official English translation of Season 2 began to release. With that being said, I am going to be posting week to week reactions as the chapters come out (Bloom Into You analysis series starts this Monday). These will be less craft analysis and more reacting to what is happening in the chapters and talking about where I think the season is headed
I am so glad that S2 is finally coming out, and I am excited to go on this journey. If you want to catch up, or read along, you can find this series on, well, the internet (DM me if you want to know where I read it, I won't say here). But, as always, please support the official release if you can. This series is pretty toxic on multiple fronts, and it is high in psychological drama, so read with caution.
With all that being said, lets start! Spoilers beneath the cut
so, lets say first and foremost that I DO NOT trust Jin Joo's husband. this asshole disappears for months, lets his wife be tormented by loan sharks and then what....everything is suddenly fine?
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especially since the loan sharks are still threatening Doyeon. they literally whispered to her "watch your back," but this guy fixed everything?
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I am absolutely convinced he still owes them money, without a doubt. I'm sort of wondering if his way out of debt was to sell his wife to them so they could take sell her organs on the black market or whatever (as they suggested to Doyeon when they were pretending to be the police), and then he found out Doyeon was in the picture and told them "take her instead."
meanwhile, the toxicity between Doyeon and Jin Joo continues to grow....
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(this are Doyeon's thoughts if that isn't clear)
so hours after Jin Joo makes Doyeon swear to God that she (Doyeon) belongs to her (Jin Joo) in a church, Doyeon is reflecting on the fact that she is so scared Jin Joo is going to abandon her that she is in a constant state of anxiety and also missing Jin Joo. I think we're building up to a spiral and it isn't going to be a happy one. This is of course made worse that the final panel seems to be implying that Doyeon's concern over Jin Joo burning her hand is suspicious to her husband
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all in all, things are not good.
But, where do we go from here? I think the real mystery is Jin Joo. I absolutely expect (as Doyeon herself thinks outright earlier in the chapter) that she has not only been expecting his return, but planning for it. I expect she is going to have a way for her and Jin Joo to see each other. The real question is: does Jin Joo even want that? In Season 1, it was shown over and over again that Jin Joo does not love Doyeon, and that she is doing this because she doesn't know what else to do. Not only that, but there has been several times where Jin Joo has realized/thought that her relationship with Doyeon may have been an instance of biting off more than she can chew, like the bathroom sex scene in the last season (which is also the relationship at its most toxic, as we found out later). I can definitely see Jin Joo trying to cut Doyeon out at this point. It would be incredibly in character, especially since Jin Joo thinks her marriage is all she has (and she doesn't seem to see Doyeon as a way to get out yet). And Doyeon, being head over heels in love but still reasonable, will try to respect this. The question is, will Jin Joo be able to stick to it? When and where will they run into each other again?
I could totally see Doyeon showing up at Jin Joo's church later because she can't stand not seeing her anymore. Or, they leave their apartments at the same time and have an awkward encounter maybe? both?
The idea that Doyeon could be a way out for Jin Joo, especially consider what Doyeon said in the church at the end of last season (we'll move, find a new place, I'll take care of you, etc.) is an interesting one, but I don't think thats what Jin Joo needs. Jin Joo needs freedom, the ability to be her own person and pay for herself, autonomy that she hasn't had in a long time, and, depending on how bad her parents were, maybe never had.
And Doyeon....I am not entirely sure what Doyeon needs. Someone to love her unconditionally, and not see her as a way to get in life, probably? we don't know what happened to her original parents, but it definitely seems like her adopted parents adopted her mainly for the social capital that comes with doing such a good deed.
Side note: I really love this shot of Doyeon
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all of last season, we were shown that Doyeon scratches at the back of her neck when she is stressed, and when Jin Joo went missing at the end of last season, she was doing so incessantly, like multiple times a chapter. Its just a nice detail that the damage she has done to her skin is there, just below her hair
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Since I am back from the dead I had a funny idea.
Stranger things incorrect quote generator (feat. The Dead Ones, Nancy and Barb :D, Hawkins and California group)
Pt. 17 (I think)
Barb: If you took a shot for every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
Bob: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Chrissy: Drunk.
Billy: Wasted.
Eddie: Dead.
(Seems accurate. Idk what to say)
Barb: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it.
Barb: Everything will be fine. You have no choice.
Eddie: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that?
Barb: Ominous positivity.
(The First and last person to die in the upside down? I think. Also Barb trying to comfort Eddie but just confusing him)
Billy: So what’s for dinner?
Bob: I can’t tell you, it’s a soup-prise!
Billy: …
Billy: Is it soup?
Bob: I soup-pose it could be! *winks*
Billy: Please, enough with the soup puns!
Bob: Wow, you’re soup-per mean.
Billy: STOP!
*one hour later*
Billy: It’s fucking tacos?!?!?!
(bob being the dad of the dead kids)
Billy: I’m a masochist, not a loser.
(sure Jan)
Billy: You’re charged with…..breaking into a pet store?
Barb: I thought the animals might be lonely.
(Barb wants to show that she's cool and did something illegal. You are the coolest barb)
Bob: I’ve organized your messages into three categories.
Bob: “From Billy”
Bob: “Death Threats”
Bob: and “Death Threats From Billy”
(They are all just death threats really besides the occasional ,when is food ready, text)
Fred: That’s illegal, right?
Billy: Why do you care? Are you a fucking cop?
Fred: No-
Billy: Then shut the fuck up.
Billy: You treat an outside wound with rubbing alcohol. You treat an inside wound with drinking alcohol.
(honestly I don't like that it's mostly billy so let's change that)
Fred, going fishing: I’m going LIE to fish!
(bad boy on the loose)
Eddie, on the phone: Where are you?
Chrissy: I told you, I’m at work
Eddie: Swear you’re not at Chuck E Cheese again?
*skee ball machine alarm goes off in the background*
(Chrissyyy what are you doing there. Aren't you banned? The reason to me is unknown)
Chrissy: Have I ever told you that you cook well?
Eddie: Awww, no, you haven't!
Chrissy: So why do you keep cooking?
(damn. let him cook)
Eddie: What scares you guys the most?
Eddie: Werewolves!
Chrissy: Sharks.
Alexei: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.
Bob: Alexei.
(Alexei. He's also here. Yay ✨)
Eddie: Can I ask a dumb question?
Alexei: Better than anyone I know.
(he also learned English while he was/is dead)
Chrissy: Sweet dog you got there.
Police: Yes, this is our new drug sniffing dog.
Chrissy: Still training huh?
Police: What do you mean?
Chrissy: Never mind.
(she met with Eddie again)
Eddie: So don't panic but one of us is possessed by an owl....
Fred: ....
Barb: .....
Bob: ......
Chrissy: ..Who?
Eddie: That's the thing we don't-
*Everyone stares at Chrissy*
(who 🦉)
Barb: Go to hell!
Eddie: Where do you think I come from?
(That's why it's called the hellfire club. Maybe)
Eddie: Chrissy, you need to calm down.
Chrissy, slamming their fists on the table: BUT HOW CAN IT BE "BIRTHDAY CAKE" FLAVOR IF A BIRTHDAY CAKE CAN BE ANY FLAVOR?!
(actually true. That does not make sense)
Alexei: Fred, why are you crying?
Fred: This book is so sad!!
Alexei, picking it up: But this is my diary-
(writing about his life and when he died and missing Murray 😪)
*Chrissy is ordering a cake over the phone*
Shop Employee: …and what would you like your cake to say?
Chrissy, covering the phone to look at The Squad: Do we want a talking cake?
(no thank you. I don't want to hear its screams when it is cut)
Barb, to Chrissy: If you see Fred, give them this message *makes a neutral face*
Barb: They'll know what it means.
Chrissy: oh, and Barb said to give you a message.
Chrissy: *makes a neutral face*
Fred: Oh no. The neutral face of displeasure.
(Nancy made that face a lot)
Alexei: I'm gonna need a human skull but you can't ask why.
Chrissy: Only if you also don't ask why.
Chrissy: *pulls four pristine human skulls out of their bag*
Alexei: ...
Alexei, grabbing a skull: This one will do.
(what is going on.... actually no. Don't tell me)
[Nancy and Barb]
Barb: Nancy, we tried things your way.
Nancy: No, we didn't.
Barb: I did it in my head and it didn't work.
(barb is always trying to convince Nancy not to be stupid)
Barb: Last night, I had a dream about sandwich pizza.
Nancy: What?
Barb: It was pizza with bread on the top and the bottom.
Nancy: So a calzone?
Barb: You can’t just name things I dream up.
(I love calzone 😋🤌)
Nancy: Why do you hang out with me?
Barb: You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me!
Nancy: …
Nancy: I feel a bit sorry for you.
(Sad but true.)
Barb: *seductively takes off glasses* Wow, you're... blurry.
(best compliment ever)
[Barb and Nancy +Robin]
Robin: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds?
Nancy: Yes?
Robin: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days.
Nancy: Fuck.
Robin: It's gonna be a fun week!
Nancy: I'm going to Barb's house.
Robin: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
(that's what the wedding vows said)
Barb: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks into this room.
Nancy: Screw that, I’m not kissing any of you.
*Robin walks in*
Nancy: Fine, I’ll do it. Rules are rules you know.
(Totally wouldn't have done it if it weren't the rules)
Nancy: Robin annoyed me today so I told them that I can’t wait to see what they have planned for our special day tomorrow.
Barb: There is nothing special about tomorrow.
Nancy: But there is something special about watching the color leave their face as panic takes over.
(Poor Robin)
Robin: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Nancy: Wasn’t Barb with you?
Barb: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
(Barb and Robin creating chaos 👀)
Robin: Hi, who's this? Barb changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures.
Nancy: What's mine?
Robin: Dwarf.
Robin: Oh, hey Nancy.
Nancy: FUCK!
(hehehe :3)
Barb: That shirt looks great, Robin.
Robin: Thanks.
Barb: But I bet it would look even better on Nancy's floor.
Nancy: Are you hitting on Robin... for me?
(well you wouldn't do it yourself so)
*Barb and Nancy flirting with each other yet again*
Robin: And you two are sure you're not dating?
Barb: 100%
Nancy: Of course not! Why would you think that?
Robin: I wonder why that possibility would even cross my mind, Nancy. I fucking wonder.
(I see it and I love it)
[Hawkins group]
Cop: What are your names?
Robin: Don't tell them, Nancy.
Cop, writing: Nancy...
Robin: Crap.
Nancy: Nice going, Robin.
Cop, writing: Robin...
Nancy: Uh oh..
(when they got caught by the police after visiting Viktor lol)
*during a group project*
Dustin: *does 99 of the work*
Lucas: *has no idea what’s going on*
Steve: *says they’re gonna help but does not*
Max: *disappears at the very beginning and doesn’t show up again until the very end*
(not that accurate but Dustin just being smart ✨)
*Eddie and Steve are fighting*
Dustin, taking aspirin: I have a headache! Can you guys just be cool?!
*Eddie and Steve start fighting while wearing sunglasses and riding skateboards*
(omg so chill and cool)
Steve: Thanks for not telling Eddie what happened.
Dustin, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
(Steve was trying to learn DnD and chaos somehow broke out)
Robin: Have I ever told you that I love you with my whole heart?
Nancy: For the love of all that is holy, I am not taking you to McDonalds. It’s 2am!
Robin: Mean.
(Yes, very mean. Give Robin her McDonalds)
Nancy, texting Robin: Hey do you like anyone?
Robin: Yeah you
Nancy: Oh, I'm sorry we're just friends
Robin: *Yeah, you?
Nancy: Oh haha sorry lol
Robin: *dies inside*
(I feel ya gurl. I feel ya. 😪)
Max: You are, of course, wondering why it is I have brought you here tonight.
Lucas: Actually, Max, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.
(Well that's because you are a simp. But same)
Erica: *chokes on something*
Lucas: Jeez, Erica, don't die on us.
Erica: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the hell I want!
(you tell him, Erica 💪)
Robin: But that place is haunted.
Lucas: Ghosts prey on fear. Just be confident!
Robin, marching into the haunted house I AM NOT SCARED! I AM NOT A PUSSY!
(entering Victor's house)
Max: Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying?
Lucas: Damn, if people did that to each other, Erica would've killed me years ago.
(nah. She wouldn't.. or would she 👀)
Nancy: I love sarcasm! It’s like punching people in the face, but with words!
(hell yeah 💪👊)
[California group]
Argyle: Why are your tongues purple?
Mike: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Will: I had a red one.
Argyle: oh.
Argyle: OH.
El: You drank eachothers slushies?
(My sweet El, I love you. Also byler✨💪)
Will: You know, sometimes I really think I can be too straight.
Mike, covered in bi merch and sipping an iced coffee: Sucks to be you.
(With the way he's getting all the girls I'd believe that. While mike is pulling no one and he is bi-himself)
El: I drink to forget but I always remember.
Jonathan: You're drinking orange juice.
(Poor El🥺 get her stronger orange juice!💪)
Shapeshifter: *transforms to look like Argyle*
Argyle: Okay, are you like BLIND? You look nothing like me. First off, I'm way taller. Secondly, I DO NOT look so sleep deprived and lastly, if you could drag comb through that hair you're like a 7 on a good day and I've been told I'm a constant 10.
(he is absolutely a 10. Also he takes good care of his beautiful hair)
El: Would it be discrimination to only hire employees at my doughnut shop who have the same name?
Jonathan: Legally, I don't believe that breaches any discrimination laws. Morally though... I don't know.
El: I believe god is on my side when it comes to Duncans' Doughnuts.
(I can only think of one Duncan and it's from Total drama.)
*El recording whilst Argyle and Jonathan are arguing*
El: *wheezes like a tea kettle*
Jonathan, pulling out a knife: I'm gonna stab them.
Jonathan: It's my favorite movi-
Jonathan: I'm not fighting with you, I'm not fighting with y-
(I love that video. Also they are high as fuck)
Jonathan: Hey, can I get a sip of that water?
Argyle: It’s not water.
Jonathan: Vodka! I like your sty-
Argyle: It’s vinegar.
Jonathan: …What?
Argyle: It's vinegar, PUSSY.
(that's how they became friends)
Mike: *closes a cabinet*
*a crash is heard behind the cabinet door*
Will: What was that?
Mike: The sound of someone else's problem.
(I feel ya. But it's annoying when you forget that you did that and then you are that someone else whose problem it's gonna be)
El: Why is Jonathan crying on the floor?
Will: They took one of those 'what person are you?' quizzes.
El: And?
Will: They got Mike.
(Jonathan started the hate make club.)
Argyle, Mike &amp; Will: *screaming*
El: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Will?!
Argyle: Wait, why are you asking Will that when Mike and I are also here?
El: Because Will wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
(idk but feels accurate enough. Also I say that a lot I think)
El: Why is there blood everywhere?
Will: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife.
El: You stabbed someone?!
Will: No, no. I aggressively poked someone with a knife.
(The chaos siblings ✨💪 also yes it was just an aggressive poke)
Will: I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.
(you absolutely do 🥺✨)
So here it is. I'm too lazy to tag the other stuff.
I am almost finished with my ronance thing that I mentioned in that post before (I think the newest after this idk) but I don't like the way it turned out but I also don't want to change it all Soo if it's gonna come out maybe this week someday but don't know for sure.
You can give suggestions on which people of what groups you want to see!
Lots of love ✨👋😋✨
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oldmanbayou · 2 years
how to start a garden with no money
Most people who know me know how much a hate spending money on things. I’m reasonably comfortable financially now, but I graduated right at the very start of the recession and was barely making ends meet for the first decade of my adulthood. So thriftiness is sort of embedded in me. Besides wanting to save the planet, I think just being kind of a cheapskate is where my homesteader mindset probably comes from. A commenter on another post gave me this lovely idea for a writing prompt -- Thrifty Gardening! 
Here’s what really pisses me off about gardening -- It’s not the act of gardening but then unbelievably sexist gardening industry that tries to sell us tools and supplies. I mean just look at the ads -- it’s a bunch of ladies and their babies. Even though there are tons of dudes who garden, they are under the impression that gardening is dominated by women and I swear to god, they stick a women’s tax on gardening supplies in response. SO much of what they try to sell us looks aesthetically pleasing on the surface, but then turn out to be overpriced uni-taskers and pure junk! A lot of it is stuff you can find in a hardware store or Tractor Supply that they’ve rehashed as gardening supplies and jacked the price up. (Note for clarification - despite my handle, I happen to be a lady.)
Starting a garden doesn’t need to be an expensive endeavor. You don’t need special tools or equipment to start one. You don’t really need much of anything!
Here are the BAREBONES BASIC essentials you need to start a garden. If you do have a little bit of cash to spend, I’ll put the extras in at the end that will make your life easier and have a higher chance of success. 
1. Forget transplants from the gardening shop - Get yourself some seeds! Cost: $0. Hear me out:   • Do a quick google search: “seed library near me”. See if there happens to be one nearby and check it out if there is! • Check out this amazing organization, Free Heirloom Seeds. They have a lengthy list of seeds and you can get 4 packs of whatever you want for free!  • Gardeners LOVE sharing their seeds! We also get super excited about new gardeners and want to help them out and share our wisdom (hi). If you are on Facebook, do a search for local garden groups and join a couple. Post to the group and just tell them you’re starting from nothing and ask if anyone has some extra seeds they want to get rid of! You’ll likely get a few people who would love to help a newbie out. • Butter up some old folks! I am ridiculously shy and have no social skills but nonetheless, I have still unintentionally landed on free seeds and free plants just from casually chatting with locals. Every year, my town has a big townwide tag sale. A lot of these tag sales tend to be from retired folks who are downsizing and moving away. Many of these old folks have big, beautiful, impressive gardens that they’ve developed over many decades. As shy as I am, of course I need to compliment them on their garden! And that gets them going, and then they inevitably end up gifting me seed packets or plants that need a new caretaker. One woman I met really scored me a jackpot when she gifted me the  seeds she’d been harvesting from her garden year after year for generations and are functionally landrace varieties specifically suited for the exact microclimate of my little pocket of the world. I’ve also accidentally gotten a lot of garden supplies for free this way! 2. Next is the garden plot! Cost: $0-$20 • If you have dirt, you don’t need a raised bed. They’re expensive to build, require shipping a giant pile soil, and are so unnecessary. The most overrated gardening ploy of our time! Unless your soil is toxic or you have physical limitations necessitating a raised bed, just use the ground! The ground will be a better insulator than a raised bed, providing better protection to your plants from temperature fluctuations. It also typically has both better water retention and drainage than a raised bed. (If you DO need a raised bed -- try straw bales or finding a used trough and drilling some holes on the bottom.) • Moving on! If you don’t have a pre-existing garden plot or bare patch of dirt to work with, you’ll probably need to dig up a plot, likely involving removing chunks of grass, which is sort of exhausting work. If you aren’t blessed with livestock to do the dirty work for you, a spade or garden fork will serve you well in the garden. You might be able to find one for very little money at a tag sale or on craigslist. But if you need to buy one, they're usually around $20 new.  • If you don’t have ground to work with, container gardening is a perfectly legitimate way to garden! Keep an eye on craigslist/FB marketplace for people giving away planters. You can also make your own out of trash -- Any food container can be a planter. You can poke holes at the bottom for drainage with a screwdriver, nail, awl, or pretty much any sharp object (if you’re truly starting with nothing and don’t even have basic tools at your disposal like a screwdriver, two words - DOLLAR TREE.) Berry containers and those plastic boxes that salad mixes come in make excellent mini greenhouses. 
3. Plant your seeds! Cost: $0-$16.25.  • Option A: Direct sow - If you really want to go the totally free route, you can just stick the seeds in the ground. Refer to the seed packet and/or Farmer’s Almanac to determine timing.  • Option B: Start indoors - All you need for starting seeds indoors is some containers, potting mix, and a window. If you ever buy eggs again, egg cartons can make terrific seed starting trays. If you ever buy transplants at a store, start hoarding those little containers they come in because those are ideal for starting seeds and will last years! As I stated above about container gardening, any food containers can be reused as planters if you just poke some drainage holes at the bottom with a sharp object. For soil, any potting mix will suffice, which a bag will run you about $5-$15 depending on bag size (note: don’t use dirt from the outdoors for container plants). Once they are ready to go outside, make sure to harden them off first by gradually acclimating them to the outdoors over the course of a week. When you’re ready to transplant them, all you need is a trowel to dig a hole, which can be found at Dollar Tree for $1.25.  **Free and simple watering can on a pinch: Try a soda bottle!
Non-essentials but a good idea: • If starting seeds indoors, a seed starting potting mix will give you a much better germination rate and the seedlings a better start at life. This runs about $6-$8 for a small bag (I only use this stuff in seed starting trays because of the expense. Once the seedlings outgrow their trays, I either stick them in the ground or upgrade them to a larger container with regular potting mix.)  • If starting seeds indoors, investing in a grow light will result in an easier time and prevent leggy seedlings. A regular lightbulb isn’t really going to cut it, but you can find a basic grow light easily enough on Amazon for less than $20.  • Fencing. Unless you live in a very urban area with no concerns about wildlife, something is most likely going to want to eat your garden! Honestly, I just use this fairly inexpensive wire fencing ziptied to some garden stakes and the only critters I’ve had issues with are chipmunks. It’s $45 and a roll goes a long way. You can find even cheaper options for $30. Garden stakes usually run $2 each and Dollar Tree carries packs of zipties. (You can also buy a bulk pack of zipties with various sizes for $6 on Amazon.) I also don’t have a door on my fence--I just have a cinder block on both sides of the fence that I use to step over it ($2 per block = $4). A door could be nice for occasional wheelbarrow loads but eh....doors are an overrated added expense!  • Soil test. A soil test will reveal what nutrients are already in your soil and your soil’s pH level. If you base what you plant off of your pre-existing soil conditions, you’ll have a higher chance of success. If you’re growing food and suspect there might be a chance your soil might not be safe for that, you may need to send it to a lab for testing. Costs on this can vary wildly depending on where you live and what resources you have for this kind of thing. Otherwise, the at-home kits are perfectly sufficient. I use the Luster Leaf rapid tests, which are $17.  • For weeds, I just use a garden cultivator (it’s the size of a trowel and looks like a claw), and guess where you can get one for practically nothing? That’s right - Dollar Tree! $1.25
Don’t be fooled by aesthetics in the garden catalogs. This is my thrifty garden (taken in July--it’s of course covered in snow right now). It’s substantially larger than it was when I first started off about 5 years ago, but I’ve not really made many upgrades!
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The squash trellis is a new addition that I paid nothing for. I built it out of scrapwood and some leftover fencing. Trellises are the most obnoxiously and pointlessly overpriced of all garden things - Another post for another day!
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