#I think I want the little denim vest to be black and silver
tj-crochets · 3 months
Hey y'all! My next plushie project is a little purple monster with a flower crown and (if I can figure out how to do it) a spiky denim vest, but I'm not sure what quilt project I want to do next, so I'm looking for input!
edit: I forgot scrap management as an option so that's the "something else" option now lol
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carolmunson · 1 year
orange colored sky (older!modern!eddie)
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older!modern!eddie - setlist inspired by the fact that i fall in love with someone new every time i got to trader joe's and @loveshotzz new older!steve series. manip by my fave @eddiemunsons-missingnipple tw: nothing really, very much a meet cute at a grocery store. eddie is in his early 40s, reader is late-late 20s/early 30s. lemme know if you guys want this to be a whole thing.
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the automatic doors rush cool air into your face, a sweet reprieve from the sticky heat of this summer. a much muggier july than you remember having as a kid. but then again, you don't remember that much about being a kid these days. trader joe's is a little busier than usual, which makes sense with the holiday weekend coming up -- but you hate when it's busy. there's already too many sounds -- some summer 90s playlist and the squeaks of the carts, people in their hawaiian shirts milling around with boxes and box cutters. you just want some snap peas for god sakes. 
you grab a basket and adjust your canvas bags on your shoulder, tossing your headphones in them for later. you feel 'running errands ugly' but everyone seeing you in the bike shorts you threw on this morning doesn't think that view is ugly at all. your music drowned it out on the train ride over here. you're already sort of annoyed. people just don't know how to do anything anymore -- why are we just standing in front of produce. get what you need and go! you think hastily. but you wait for people to stop gawking at the produce and make their selection before you grab the romaine, snap peas, and shredded brussel sprouts you need. when you turn you almost walk entirely into someone's cart, eyes flitting up briefly and muttering a 'sorry, s'cuse me'.
can everyone just get off my fucking ass? you huff to yourself internally. you maneurver over to fruits, a few stands in a row -- citrus, apples, berries. all separated by category in large cargo looking boxes. you snag a big box of cherries, the three pound one, knowing you'll go through the small ones too fast. you frown over the lack of watermelon, continuing along while someone turns the corner into your aisle. you look up for a moment, just to scan your surroundings, to see who it is.
 you've never seen him before, but you've never seen anyone here before. it's not like there's regulars at the grocery store in a city like this. his hands hang over the handle to his cart by the wrists, knuckles tattooed in shapes you can't make out. you follow the leather banded watch up to a full sleeve of ink, only obscured by the start of a cuffed t-shirt sleeve, a crisp white that blinds against the black of the elvira pin up tattoo on his tricep. horror icons blending into each other seamlessly. you can see more black and color peeking out from the collar of his shirt --vintage judas priest, mint condition, tucked comfortably under a well perserved denim vest covered in patches of bands you've never heard of. you're surprised by the black chino shorts on his bottom half, not expecting someone who was clearly still stuck in their grunge phase to wear those over cut off jeans. the busted up reebok's on his feet make up for it though -- pairing nicely with the tattoos on his calves and thighs, not quite sleeves, but enough to make a statement. 
you grab a box of strawberries and pop them into your basket, surveying the mangos on the top shelf at your eye level while he maneuvers behind you. you think he's cute but you don't take too much stock in it -- it's so like you to have a 'train boyfriend' or 'trader joe's boyfriend' for a brief moment in time. someone cute that you spot outside and never speak to. it's one of those days.
he has brown eyes and thick lashes, hair dark wrapped in a bun on the top of his head with streaks of silver poking through, bangs in his face. some curls stick to the heated skin by his neck and jaw. not that you're looking. the scruff on his face is littered with salt and pepper -- maybe that part of him aging more than the rest. he grabs a heap of bananas to his nearly empty cart. he also has a big box of cherries in there. he wears a cologne with spice and suede in the notes, it's familiar, a little smoky. maybe an old boyfriend used to wear it. you shrug it off, grabbing a mango or two and popping it in a produce bag before hocking it in. more veggies for a greek salad. an onion. some pre-packaged turkey slices. 
you turn into the first frozen food section, weaving through more people who just stand there and you grit your teeth. you snag some frozen broccoli, the coolness bringing you a moment of calm so that you don't lose your mind inside the store. more like traitor joe's. you grab a few more things, a veggie medley for a tofu scramble, some scallion pancakes that you’ll use as meal replacement because no matter how many times you think you’ll food prep you never do. you see him at the end of the aisle, rifling through bags of frozen shrimp to find one he likes. you notice he has a ring on but it’s on his pointer finger, two more rings on the hand that holds his cart by his hip – a silver chain dangles from what you assume is his wallet in his back pocket. his keys jingle from a carabiner by his front belt loop. slut, you think to yourself. you grab a bag of small frozen salmon filets, not paying much mind to your grocery store boyfriend of the week when you turn the corner to the next frozen food aisle. he’s there not soon after you, grabbing frozen fruit medleys and a few bars of chocolate on the non-frozen shelving above. you aren’t sure if he sees you, but you see him. you can smell the suede and spice of his cologne as his moves past you to the other end. bread is on the back wall of the store, you want to get sourdough but you know you’ll just eat it plain and not make sandwiches so you opt for the tuscan loaf instead. you snag a bag of mini bagels, forgoing the small baguettes this time. you can’t afford the good burrata this week for any special girl dinner you come up with, so it’s best to not have it around if you can’t pair it with anything pretty. further down the back wall you get to snacks and don’t ignore the bag of yogurt covered pretzels – a basket must. seaweed snacks for salmon rice bowls. plantain chips. Your basket feels a little heavy but at least this errand is almost over. you turn down the pasta, beans, and rice aisle and there he is turning down the other end. you both catch each other this time, because this time feels like it’s not a coincidence. you both break eye contact as quickly as you make it, both of you looking down and smiling to yourselves. you feel the heat on your cheeks but you don’t see his blush, both of you too preoccupied with whatever you have to pick up to pay attention to the other. you smell the suede and smoke even after you lose him to the next couple of aisles. 
pre-packaged tortellini, lox, shredded cheese. chicken thighs. a six pack of some pretty sounding beer you’ve never tried. your basket overflows but it’s fine. the errand is over, at least here, before you need to run into target which for some reason is far less overstimulating. he’s a few people ahead of you on the opposite line, still leaning over the edge of his cart with his hands hanging, one thumbing a text to someone before he stands up fully to push the cart ahead. he looks over his shoulder and your eyes briefly meet for a moment – heat on your cheeks – before he moves ahead to turn down the long row of cashiers to pay. you don’t see him when it’s your turn and by the time you’re done paying you’ve already forgotten about him, lost in a flirty conversation with the guy ringing you up. target only has half of what you need and that’s fine because nothing else will fit in the big canvas bags you brought with you for your groceries and it’s at least an eight minute walk back to the train. you groan when you get back out into the heat, the boiler room of the subway cooking you as you make it down to the platform. a pleasant sigh passes your lips when you see it’s at least only a four minute wait until your train makes it to you – only a few more minutes of suffering before you’re on your way back to your air conditioned studio apartment. you look across the platform where some old lady’s push cart rattles as it makes it down the stairs on the other side. her little body walking ahead, a voice saying ‘i got it, ma’am don’t worry,’ echos down into the chamber of the subway.
there he is. a canvas bag on each arm filled to the brim and the push cart lifted in front of him. while you can’t see from this distance, you have a feeling you’d like how his arms looked at full capacity like this. the cart’s metallic jingle continues when he places it on the concrete ground, pushing it over to the woman who now sits pleasantly on the bench. you watch their conversation while they say quiet ‘thank yous’ and ‘your welcomes’ to each other and he checks his phone while he finds a spot to stand, waiting for his train on the opposite side.
you check your phone just the same and look up again as he puts his phone in the pocket of his vest. his attention catches on you from across the way.
he gives you a small wave and smiles. he has a nice smile, infectious.
you wave back with two fingers, a small salute, “hey.”
“i’m eddie,” he starts as the red glow of the light on your train starts to pull in. 
the chug, chug, chug starting to drown him out. he raises his voice with a boyish grin, you hear him just before the train obscures him from view – whooshing past you as it pulls into the station. “i normally go to trader’s on wednesdays!”
you get on the train when the doors open, seeing him still on the platform, searching for you in the windows. you put your hand up again in an awkward wave and he grins when he finds you. ‘stand clear of the closing doors, please!’ he puts a hand back up with two fingers, mouthing out a message. ‘wednesdays around two.’
you give him the okay symbol with your fingers and nod at him, chuckling at the ridiculousness of the situation, he chuckles too. his smile is pretty, lips are full. his two fingers point to his eyes and then at you – ‘see you then’. 
the train pulls away before you get a chance to reply. 
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bettyfrommars · 10 months
Heyy, I have a little optional request for the nightmare factory. Eddie could be located in an abandoned theme park or an abandoned place half submerged in water & loves how much this location freaks you out in the best way…
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nightmareGuide!eddie x reader
another installment of The Nightmare Factory
This is a collection of blurbs and short fics about Eddie falling for you, but only being able to communicate through your nightmares. 2.3k
This suggestion really inspired me, and I don't think it's exactly what you had in mind, but I will be using more abandoned themes throughout this series. This is a comfort write for me that I post as soon as I'm finished, so I'm sure there are plenty of errors.
18+ONLY, nightmares, terror, abandoned places
When you showed up to the theme park, you were the only one there. Strange also because you didn’t remember how you got to that location, and as you looked around you wondered if maybe you were at the wrong place.
Perhaps you were supposed to go to a different fairgrounds or theme park because this one looked like it was abandoned.  It was dark out, and there didn’t seem to be a single star in the sky.  The moon was bright, though, and it loomed comically big, as if it were somehow much closer to earth.  You were standing in the empty parking lot in front of the ticket booth and rolling metal arm entrances, which were all covered in graffiti; the pavement littered in shattered glass from the broken windows.  Ahead you could see the looming rides spread out over the vast park, each of them overgrown with moss and vines, rusted and frozen in time like a place where laughter goes to die.
Questions echoed somewhere in the back of your head as to why you were there, but all the same—your feet kept moving  
Out of the corner of your eye, you thought you saw a black mass with multiple spider legs crawling up the ferris wheel—but when you turned with a gasp, it was gone.
“You lost?” A deep voice called to you from between the fence and the ticket booth. You saw the plume of smoke first, and then someone stepped out.
It was a man, possibly in his twenties, with long, curly dark hair past his shoulders and bangs that covered his eyebrows.  He was wearing dark jeans with holes in the knees, white shoes, and some type of denim vest covered in patches over a leather jacket.  When he took a drag of his smoke, you noticed the chunky silver rings on his fingers.
Eddie wanted to contain his excitement, but it was hard to be normal about this.
He finally found a way for you to see him—-to really see him.  To talk to him.  You could even touch him, if you wanted to.
In dreams, there are people we travel with once in a while that are simply known as Guides.  Sometimes they pass knowledge on, sometimes they are there as a reflection of your needs, and sometimes—they are just there to hang out with you.
Usually, to be a Guide you had to be employed with the Nightmare Factory for a long time; it was the equivalent of slacking off for a few years before retirement.  But, Eddie had wormed his way into the Abandoned Spaces Simulation wing of the factory by flirting ruthlessly with Jean, the older woman who worked the front desk.  
And now, there you were—looking right at him.
“I think I came to the wrong place,” you said.  It never occurred to you to ask him who he was or where he came from—there was an instant familiarity.  You even wondered if he was the reason you came to the amusement park to begin with.
“Come with me,” he inclined his head, extending the crook of his elbow for you to take.  “I have something I want to show you.”
In a blink, you were deep inside the park, surrounded by the long-forgotten rides and a place along the fence where there were once games to win prizes like pop the balloon and bullseye.  A roller coaster loomed menacingly in the distance like a big, green, sleeping monster while a vendor that advertised cotton candy had what looked like mold growing all over bags of the sweet treat and bullet holes through the sign.  
Eddie guided you to the ferris wheel, and for some reason, now it looked brand new—as shiny as the day it was first erected.  
“Take a ride with me?” Eddie asked, enjoying the expression of awe on your face.
A gust of wind blew his hair back and you wrapped your arms around yourself, horrified to realize you were still wearing your pajamas.
“Oh shit,” you whispered, meeting his amused gaze with terror.  “I forgot to change my clothes before I came here.”
“It happens,” he shrugged.  
He took your hand to help you up into the metal bucket, and then he settled in next to you and pulled the safety bar down.  Your hips were touching and he opened his knees a bit wider so that your legs were touching too.  He arched forward to adjust his jacket, and when he sat back, he turned his head to ask if you were comfortable, and you had this overwhelming urge to kiss him.
Eddie felt it too.  He noticed the way your gaze fell to his lips, the way you swallowed hard and then sought his eyes with a childlike curiosity.
“Do I know you?” You asked. “We’ve been here before, haven’t we?”
“Not here,” Eddie rocket the squeaky bucket as the ride started at a crawl. “But yeah, we’ve met before.”
Who was operating the machine? How was it suddenly in working condition?  You didn’t even think to wonder. When their seat finally made it to the top, it stopped and swayed there. Eddie lifted his arms up for a mock yawn and a stretch, and then one of his arms came down around your shoulders.
You heard the music first, and then the playful screaming and the buzz of conversation.
“Look down,” Eddie told you.
Below, the park was completely functional again.  There were no more weeds or mold growing on everything, and a sea of people made their way around to the various rides and games, enjoying the festivities.  There were bright carnival lights and people cheering and the smell of buttered popcorn.
Eddie was watching your face; basking in the way your eyes lit up.
“We should get a funnel cake after this,” you told him, forgetting that the place was ever abandoned. “With powdered sugar and strawberries.”  You put your hand on his leg so that you could lean further over to see the rest of the scene.  There were stars in the dark blue sky again, and they twinkled like jewels.
“Hey,” he brought his arm down from around your shoulders and took your hand to interlace his fingers with yours and it felt like the most natural thing in the world.  You were warm and soft and he didn’t want this to end; he could feel desperation tightening in the back of his throat.  “Can I ask you something?”
You met his gaze, searching for your answer.  “Sure?”
He looked down, rubbing his thumb along yours.  “Do you think you could try to…remember me? After you wake up, I mean.”
Your face offered the genuine confusion that you felt.  “Wake up? You mean, this is a dream?” Your attention returned to the swarm of people down below.  “Why does it feel so real?”
“I’m real,” he whispered. 
You turned to face him, to return the affection in his rich, umber eyes, and he squeezed your hand.
“Fuck it,” he breathed, deciding to shoot his shot.  “Listen, this is going to sound crazy, okay? But I work for a place called the Nightmare Factory and I was dispatched to scare you a few months ago, but I just…I don’t know…I really like you.”
As his mouth moved, his face began to distort; his eyes and nose vanished, and then they came back misplaced like a deranged Mr. Potatohead.  You watched it in awe, having trouble registering what he was saying.
“I mean, I’m not sure how this could work,” Eddie continued.  “Because we exist in different realms, but there are dreams that last for days, and I’m going to find one for us, so we can get to know each other better. If you want that?”
You nodded, even though his voice was garbled and there was an eyeball where his mouth should be.  You blinked a few times, and then his face finally went back to normal.
“I’d like to spend a few days with you,” you heard the words come out of your mouth and felt the response come from your heart, even though you didn’t think you had heard a word he’d said.  As you slept there was another very important part of you that stayed awake—and it yearned for this boy you were with.
Eddie coughed out a laugh, relieved, and then tightened his lips around a long exhale.  “Damn, that’s a relief.”
The lights all around the park began to dim, but you didn’t notice or mind, because Eddie brought his hand up to cup your jaw and ran his thumb a few times over your cheek.  The screams you heard coming from down below were different now—more blood curdling—but Eddie was pulling you close to press his forehead against yours.  
“I want to be your favorite nightmare,” he said with a chuckle.
“Are you supposed to be scary?” You asked, innocently, rubbing the tip of your nose on his. “Because you’re not very good at it.”
The bucket you were in began to swing aggressively as something made the ride jostle.  
“Shit,” Eddie hissed.  “There’s always something. But wait—don’t look!”
Before his words could register, you did, indeed, look down to find that what had once been a sea of regular people, had morphed into a horde of zombies.
Snarling, hungry, ragged zombies with bulging eyes and skin hanging off their bones.  
They were crawling their way up the ferris wheel to get to you.
You screamed and crushed in closer to Eddie. He wrapped his arms around you and put his lips against your ear so you could feel the sensation of his hot breath.  “They won’t hurt you, I promise. You trust me?”
A few of them were half way up, screeching and moaning as others joined the ascent.  You were thinking maybe you should crawl down the other side and run into the woods.  The last thing you wanted was to be mauled to death by the walking dead.
“Do you have a knife, or something we can stab them in the head with?”
Eddie chuckled at your exuberance to kill his co-workers.  “Baby, it’s okay, I promise. They’re just trying to scare you, they won’t hurt you.  Hey—” he took your face in his hands as the metal basket made a cracking sound at the hinges like it was about to break.
“Oh god oh god oh god—”
And then he pressed his lips to yours, softly, but with enough pressure that your eyes fluttered and you forgot to be worried.
The big wheel you were on started to move forward, chugging and jerking along at a labored pace.
Eddie pulled back to see you.  “Remember me? Please? Remember my face.”
All you could do was nod a few times.
The zombies were sliding off and falling to the ground as the contraption rotated on its axis, but the next problem was that you were about to be deposited right into the arms of the waiting horde; jagged teeth snapping at the air, eager to tear you limb from limb.  
“I promise I’ll try,” you told him, bracing yourself as you were lowered into the outstretched hands of your demise.
When the bucket was about to ground level, two of the zombies lunged at you from the side, and just as their fingernails clawed at your clothing and you screamed bloody murder, a wide, black hole with blue edges opened up in the atmosphere and you fell through, screaming.
You fell back to your bed.
Your eyes flew open as you gasped, feeling your arm and neck for bite marks.
“What the hell was that?” You said aloud to the dark room.
It was so vivid, so real.
There was a boy in the dream that you desperately did not want to forget, and a voice inside told you to write down what you remembered of him.  Even as you searched around in the drawer of your nightstand, the details of the boy you kissed were slipping away and turning to mist.  
Writing frantically in the dark, you recalled that he had brown eyes and he said he wanted to be your favorite nightmare.
But what did that even mean?
The abandoned theme park and the zombies—-those details were very clear.  But him…him…HIM.  Why couldn’t you keep him in your mind?
Why couldn’t you keep him?
When the ferris wheel came to a stop, Eddie pushed the metal bar up with a grunt.
“Thanks for nothing, you guys,” he told the group of flesh-eating zombies that were all gathered casually around him, mingling with clueless expressions on their faces.
“Sorry Munson,” Val—the one with a broken neck that made her head sit sideways and a missing eyeball—said with a helpless shrug.  “Kevin said we had to.”
“Fuck Kevin,” Eddie jumped from the platform to the ground, his wallet chain clapping against his thigh. “I suppose he wants to talk to me?”
They all nodded in unison.
“Are you coming to the potlatch this weekend?” Norman—the one with a skeletal face that looked like his skin had been burned off with acid and a bloody hole in his stomach—-asked with his wide, lipless mouth.  
“Maybe,” Eddie answered, shouldering his way through the rest as they mumbled their greetings. “If I have time before band practice.”
Marv, the Zombie with maggots in his rotten cheek, clapped Eddie on the back a few times.  “Kevin is on the warpath today, but don’t let him get you down, kid.  You do good work.”  
Eddie walked a bit and then stopped and turned around when he realized none of them were beside him.  “You guys coming?”
“Nah,” Val said.  “We’ve gotta wait around here for the next one. Our shift isn’t over for another hour.”
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piratefishmama · 1 year
You're writing is godly. Can you take a shot at
09.  “I should’ve told you back then, but I didn’t want you to leave.”
Writing Prompts | No longer accepting new prompts
It was the first time in ten years that Steve Harrington had seen Eddie Munson in person, and it was from what felt like miles away in shitty seats up on the balconies, the only saving grace was that Eddie was being tracked like prey by the camera guys, each step, each sway of his hair, each manic, dimpled, toothy grin blown up larger than life on the big screens on either side of the stage. The rest of the band blown up on the ones in the back.
He wasn’t looking at the ones in the back, although the guys suited being up there.
“Steve… he’s uh… Eddie I mean, corroded coffin, they’re playing, y’know? In Indy? Dustin got tickets, but… well they’re not the best tickets, nothing VIP or close to the pit or anything, I don’t think Eddie even knows Dustin’s going, but… we could at least go and see him perform…” it’d been Robin that’d mentioned it, none of them had seen Eddie in person.
He kept in touch when he could with Dustin and his little adventurers, Lucas, Mike, and Erica. But he’d left Hawkins behind with nothing there to hold him back.
There could have been.
Steve knew there could have been, Eddie had told him the night before he’d packed his stuff and left, bore his heart to him in his backyard, hair haloed by the blue light that shimmered off of the pool, nervous but hopeful, he’d offered his heart on a silver platter and Steve… god…
He hadn’t known.
He hadn’t known just how much Eddie meant to him until he was gone, off to stardom with his band, leaving a possible life behind for something else. Could have, should have, would have, it made no difference in the end. Steve had said no when he really meant he needed time to work out his feelings, he’d shut down the possibility before it could grow, and had regretted it ever since.
Eddie had been gone by the following morning, he’d only said goodbye to the kids. Apparently there’d been a record deal offered at his last gig, and his choice depended entirely on whether or not Steve said yes.
Part of him wished he’d have been selfish, part of him wished he’d known his own heart before he’d stupidly let the rejection slip out, things would have been different… but then… Eddie wouldn’t have had this.
He wouldn’t have had a stage, an audience of thousands cheering for him in awe. He would’ve been stuck, in Hawkins, a place that still hated him… Steve was happy for him, truly. Happy that he’d made it, even if it meant Steve could never have him. He could stomp around the stage dressed in denim and leather and shred on a guitar in a way that made Steve’s ears ring but his heart happy, he’d never be tied down to a place that hated him.
He'd never be stuck where the past could haunt him. He could be happy even if Steve couldn’t.
The gig was amazing though, even if Steve stook out like a sore thumb, he’d done his best, wore a little eyeliner, mussed up his hair, he wore Eddie’s old battle vest with the blood stains still visible cause he’d never been able to get them out and Eddie had never taken it back, had seen Steve still had it after they’d won and claimed “it looks better on you anyway” he still looked like someone’s out of place dad, but he was surrounded by the party so, it didn’t matter. Nobody was paying attention to him, nobody was looking for him, Eddie wouldn’t see him from so far away, probably couldn’t even see the row in front of his face with the lights shining on him so brightly.
And yet near the end of the concert, while the band were wrapping up on their final song (before the inevitable encore the audience demanded of them, Dustin claimed it’d probably wind up being Upside Down, or Pariah, two songs he’d always claimed had been inspired by ‘his past’ from the bands last album, they were fan favourites.) A burly guy dressed in a black crew neck with a big white ‘SECURITY’ stretched over his broad chest, flagged him down.
Steve motioned to his ears, he couldn’t hear shit over the music, and could barely hear shit on a regular day, but that particular security guard, simply signed the words:
‘Not in trouble, come with me.’ confidently, as if he knew Steve would understand it. Only when Steve frowned in confusion and signed back
‘why’ did the guy thrust his thumb over into the stage’s direction. The band.
Steve, feeling suspicious, turned to look toward the party, only to find Dustin giving him a thumbs up, and Robin making shoo motions with her hands. Scheming little shits knew he wouldn’t think twice about attending if the seats were so far away. Would think it was safe, that he wouldn’t have to face Eddie. Face his terrible decision that worked out for one of them but not the other.
He wouldn’t have to find himself waiting backstage in a quiet room behind a door labelled ‘Talent’ because of course he’d go. His traitorous legs and heart would force him to go at the mere chance of seeing Eddie again, of seeing him up close, of talking to him, of the chance to fix a mistake he’d made years ago even if his new answer wouldn’t change anything between them. It’d been too long, Eddie wouldn’t still want him when he could have anyone.
If they had told him, he wouldn’t have to see Eddie, quietly (a word not many used to describe the man) enter, his back facing Steve as he closed the door just as quietly as he’d entered. His hair was longer.
The curls fuller, they reached down to his mid-back now and glistened with a mixture of product and sweat, Steve still wanted to touch, still mourned the fact that he’d never gotten the chance to.
“Y’know… When ol Dusty bun said he’d get you here… I wish I’d have believed him. I owe him 20 bucks now.”
“You bet on me coming?” Of course he did.
Eddie turned to face him, a small wistful smile on his cheeks that just hinted the presence of dimples. “Wouldn’t you if you were in my place? Steeeeve Harrington, at a metal concert? Pfft, seems a bit farfetched. You even dressed up too, shit, man, I guess that’s forty bucks. Vest still suits you more.” Steve let his head duck down a little, his cheeks warming under the mans gaze, unsure of the feeling within it. He didn’t know Eddie anymore…
Had he ever really known Eddie though? Had he ever given them chance to know each other outside of sharing trauma and comparing matching scars?
“Why am I back here, Eddie? Why’d you call me back here? Why not the party, they’re here too, they’d probably wanna see you too, it’s been years… why?”
“Ah. Dustin told me to, said I should have another go at something I tried years ago that didn’t pan out very well for me the first time around… has been chatting my ear off about it every time he calls… I guess I finally humoured him.” Something he tried years ago? Involving Steve? “Listen, Steve… I—”
Steve cut in, he shouldn’t have, but words just… had to burst from him driven by a flickering ember of hope, he had to, even if it wasn’t the path Eddie’s words were taking, he had to, with hope driving him on “I should’ve told you back then, but I didn’t want you to leave.” Eddie’s mouth shut, his head tilting to the side a little in uncertain interest “I didn’t know… I should have just told you, I didn’t… I wasn’t sure, shit, Eddie… I’d never… you—I’d never felt like… like that for a guy before… I didn’t know what it meant, I should have said—I should have told you that I just needed more time… that I wasn’t ready to answer but… but I didn’t want you to leave. I didn’t know you’d be gone by the time I woke up. By the time I realised I was wrong, you were gone.” He wanted time, but his words had come out wrong.
He’d stumbled through them like he stumbled through everything, struggled to get the right words out and they’d wound up wrong. So so very wrong. “And you didn’t think to call?”
“Heh, you were on your way to fame, Eddie and you didn’t exactly leave a number, Dustin told me you had a chance at stardom… why would I want to weigh you down? Where would I fit in in this life of yours, Eddie? I’m no one, you could have anyone.”
“Mmn, anyone. Even if the one I want believes himself to be no one?” Hope burned brighter, its embers brilliant and warm. “So… can I try again? Or was Dustin wrong?”
“Did you make a bet with him about this too?”
“Absolutely, I’d owe him two hundred bucks if he’s right.”
“Would it be worth it if I said try again?”
“God, Sunshine, I’d drain my entire bank account right into that little buttheads pocket without a care in the world if it meant he was right… i never stopped...” Eddie stepped closer, "I never stopped wanting... even though I wished for the longest time that I could stop... it's always been you, Steve..." now close enough to be within reach, his voice quiet but hopeful “so... is he right? Should I try again?”
“…Please try again.” This time… he wouldn’t be saying no.
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rapha3liii · 9 months
Abigail, Emily & Haley! (part 1 of my bachelorette art!)
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these are just my personal headcanons, mostly in line with my fic! the surnames are just ones I chose myself because I think these gals deserve a little more character :) Image descriptions and in-image text/captions are provided below!
Leah, Penny and Maru are next! (will get to the dudes eventually)
Abigail Mercer:
20 years old attending online university for Anthropology
tall compared to most villagers, even taller than her parents!
nose and bridge piercing done in Zuzu city
hearts drawn on with eyeliner
tattoo of thorned rose
Sam's old denim jacket, she cut the sleeves off with craft scissors
Amethyst gem-set sword commissioned from Marlon, her parents still haven't found it...
Silver bangle gifted from her mother
belly button piercing done by Emily in Sebastians basement, she definitely didn't get an infection from it-
sword tattoo inspired by the first sword she held
usually accompanied by her fathers retired leather satchel, holding her flute case and cool rocks she finds
her fishnets are the only thing shes ever bought from Joja Online and her dad is still mad about it
second hand doc-martins because her parents refused to spend that much on shoes (I don't blame em...)
Emily Larson
26 years old and the towns resident tailor
always wearing contacts!
average height
has helix, ear lobe and vertical eyebrow piercings
Always changing her hairstyle and colour, but blue seems to stick for longer than most!
She regularly attends ren-faires all over the republic
made this miniature cape for Zuzu ren-faire and hasn't stopped wearing it since...
hoop earrings and favourite lipstick given to her by her girlfriend, Sandy!
Wears lots of rings
obsessed with lantern sleeves!
always has her Nazar pendant on!
Acrylic nails are done by her younger sister, Haley!
exclusively wears gold jewellery
hand tailored dress and shirt
shoes are bought from a vintage clothes boutique in Grampleton
always wears her favourite ruffled petticoat under skirts
Haley Larson
18 years old and newly graduated from highschool, now a freelance photographer
shorter (and cuter!) than most
always wearing baby blue eyeshadow
shell necklace gifted to her by Alex, her best friend
cute face mole!
always wearing her grandma's bracelet
always using extra blush and face shimmer!
flowery blouse made by her sister, Emily
loves wearing mini-skirts, shorts and low-waist jeans!
regularly posts her landscape photography to her blog, and even won a local competition once!
her fav pleated skirt
loves swimming and paddleboarding in the sea by the beach!
despite graduating top of her class, she has little interest in academia - but loves art
really wants an ankle tattoo of a sea-shell!
cute strap heels she stole from her sisters wardrobe (Emily still hasn't realised yet)
[Image 1 ID: A digital drawing of Abigail from Stardew Valley holding a sword. She's smiling, with dark lipstick and purple eyeshadow, and has small hearts drawn on her cheeks in eyeliner. She has a bridge, nose and belly button piercing and blue eyes. She's wearing a sleeveless denim vest, with a black tank top underneath and black denim shorts with purple fishnets underneath. She has a tattoo of a rose on her upper right arm and another of a sword on her inner left calf. She has pointed black nails and two bangles on her right wrist. She has black platform boots and has a freckles all over her body. Her hair is a vibrant purple in waves reaching her lower back. In the upper left corner is her in-game sprite by 'ConcernedApe' and the artist's signature 'Rapha3liii' is in the lower right corner. /.End ID]
[Image 2 ID: A digital drawing of Emily from Stardew Valley pinching her dress in both hands in a bowing like gesture. The left side of her head is shaved while the right has straight, blue shoulder length hair. She has purple eyeshadow, pink lipstick and brown eyes. She also has gold helix piercings, a gold vertical eyebrow piercing and golden hoops in her lobes. She is smirking and looking to the right. She is wearing a layered red dress with a long pleated skirt. It has a white ruffled petticoat underneath. Under her red dress is a pink shirt with lantern style sleeves. She has a corset on over the dress with golden buttons and a miniature cape in dark red clasped to her shoulders. Two necklaces are hanging from under her shirt collar, one golden chain and the other a pendent of a 'Nazar'. She has long sharp purple acrylic nails and multiple rings on both of her hands. She is wearing dark red heels with button clasped straps. In the upper left corner is her in-game sprite by 'ConcernedApe' and the artist's signature 'Rapha3liii' is in the lower right corner. /.End ID]
[Image 3 ID: A digital drawing of Haley from Stardew Valley standing casually, smiling, with a tuft of her hair inbetween her fingers in one hand and blue eyes. She has golden blonde hair in waves just reaching her upper back. She has locks of hair over both of her shoulders. She has light blue eyeshadow and bright pink blush and lipstick, she also has a mole on her face just above her lips to the right. She is wearing a low crop blue blouse with short sleeves and a white lined flower pattern on it. She has pink nails and is wearing a necklace of a blue sea-shell with a golden chain and a bracelet with a golden chain and heart pendent. Her left arm is holding her hair while her right arm is crossed over her chest and resting on her other arm. She is wearing a pink pleated mini-skirt and blue heels with small straps around her ankles. In the upper left corner is her in-game sprite by 'ConcernedApe' and the artist's signature 'Rapha3liii' is in the lower right corner. /.End ID]
[Image 4 ID: A digital drawing with the three previously described characters all standing in a line. The order is Abigail to the left, Emily in the middle and Haley to the right. Each character has their in-game character sprite by 'ConcernedApe' on the upper left to them. The artist's signature 'Rapha3liii' is overlayed in three different places on the drawing. /. End ID]
This my first time ever writing image descriptions so please tell me how I did! I read some other blogs and advice prior to writing my own but I understand its likely I got some things wrong! Please let me know if I've formatted or written something in a way that makes the descriptions innacessible! Thankyou
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galexystern · 9 months
call me
pairing; eddie munson/fem!reader
rating; t
warnings; dialogue-fic, swearing, pining, fluff, angst, dialogue-heavy fic, no use of y/n
word count; 8.5k
desc; you meet eddie just before he goes on tour. can you two survive the long-distance and his rising fame?
a/n; this is based on an idea i wanted to happen to me a couple days ago
read on ao3 / masterlist
Everything is going to (your very rushed, reorganized many times) plan when you get waylaid by merch.
It catches just the corner of your eye, and then it’s all you can think about. Of course you want a t-shirt from the tour, how could you forget that? You’d saved money especially for it.
So you divert your path and go to stand in front of the table. It’s not very busy, but there seem to be a lot of people manning it, six when you count. But only two are in the venue’s uniform, and the other four are in plain, rocker attire. You check your watch again—you’ve done it so many times today you almost don’t even register the numbers anymore—and realize it’s probably the opening act. They’ve almost certainly already played, since the main act must be coming on any minute. Your gaze darts over them—they’re cute, a little nerdy, but they look nice—before your anxiety reminds you how late it is and hones your stare in on the merch.
You’re taking up precious time debating when someone from behind the table calls out, “Hey! You need some help?”
You look down to meet the gaze of a boy about your age, with long, wavy black hair and eyes that look like your favorite kind of milk chocolate. He’s smiling, expectant, and you jerk when you realize you haven’t said anything back.
“Oh,” you rush to reply, “I’m just trying to decide between two shirts.”
“Which ones? Maybe we can help.” There’s a daring, mischievous look in his eye that makes you step forward and take up the challenge, despite never having done so before with anyone else.
“A and C.” You point to them.
All six people turn around to study them. A is a simple silver-on-black style of the band’s logo and the tour dates and cities on the back. C is a picture of the band from an album cover, also with the dates and cities on the back.
“Tough choice,” the metalhead—because he clearly is one, with his leather jacket, Dio denim vest, black skinny jeans, and chain belts—muses.
You hum and nod. “Hence the indecision.”
“I think I’ve seen more people buy the second one,” another boy from the opening band says, with red hair and an interesting distressed plaid shirt with the sleeves cut off.
“Maisie, crunch the numbers, please,” a third member requests, with a cropped afro and his own worn leather jacket.
A venue employee takes a look at her clipboard, and you all wait anxiously as she tallies the sales. “A has sold the most,” she finally says.
The last boy from the band, with curly hair and an Iron Maiden shirt you like, rubs the shoulder of the second boy, who seems oddly sad by his prediction being wrong. The first boy, the metalhead, turns back to you. “Well, there you go,” he says with a flourish.
“I guess A it is then,” you reply.
“Wait,” he interrupts, making everyone pause. “You don’t sound very happy about that.”
“What? It was one of the options I picked out.”
“Sure, but when it came down to it, you knew which one you wanted and that’s not it. Am I right?” He gazes at you, both cocky and nervous, if that’s possible.
You look back, wondering how he could tell, before answering, “You’re right.”
He claps his hands in triumph. “Knew it! Andy, will you please bag up shirt C for this lovely lady?”
You blush a little as the other venue employee glances at you. “Size?”
“Large, please.”
He nods and grabs the shirt, folding it nicely before putting it in a bag. “That it?” He’s set your shirt on the table by the register.
You nod but then the metalhead says, “Sure I can’t tempt you into buying one of our shirts?”
You look at the limited options for their band, apparently named Corroded Coffin. The style is cute and you like their logo, but like every other piece of merchandise at the table, it’s too expensive.
“Maybe if it was twenty dollars cheaper,” you joke as you give your hard-earned and specially saved cash to Andy. “Besides, I haven’t even heard y’all play. Can’t buy a shirt for a band I can’t sing along to.”
The metalhead’s brows furrow. “You didn’t hear us? We were pretty loud.”
You laugh. “I just got here. Today has been a shitshow.” Andy hands you your change and the bag.
“What happened?” This boy is asking like there’s not five other people around you and you’re not at a concert merch table, and you kinda like it.
“Work just kept going and going, every time I thought I’d get outta there at a decent time they kept adding things for me to do. And then the El stalled at one station for fifteen minutes, I was dying in the heat and humidity down there. Not to mention all the stairs I had to run up and down.” You’re rambling, but he’s nodding like he’s enraptured.
“Wow, that sucks. I’m sorry that happened.” His lip quirks up. “Though I’m more sorry you didn’t get to hear us play.”
You smile. “Do y’all have a record out? Maybe I can get it after my next paycheck.”
“Gareth,” he orders, and the plaid-vested boy hands him a record. The metalhead presents it to you. “Here. On the house.”
Your jaw drops a little. “What? I can’t take that.”
He laughs. “I think we’d all rather have more people hear our stuff than make money right now. Right, boys?” Gareth and the leather jacket boy nod, while Iron Maiden looks doubtful, until his band mates slap his shoulder and he nods too.
“Oh, well, thank you. That’s really nice of you.” You take the record from him and tuck it between your arms, cradling it like it’s precious.
“I’m Eddie, by the way,” he replies. “That’s Gareth, Grant, and Jeff.” They all wave and you smile. You’re not sure which is Grant and which is Jeff but you can learn. You give them your name as well. “Fitting,” Eddie says.
You cock your head in confusion.
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.” He grins when your cheeks get redder.
“Thanks.” Your voice is barely there.
Then there’s a bunch of loud screaming and the starting of a rock song. You gasp. “I gotta go!”
You’re about to rush away when Eddie shouts, “Wait!” You stop and look back at him, face surely revealing your anxiety about getting inside. “Come with us,” he continues. You give him a suspicious expression, so he adds, “Backstage. You can watch from the best seat in the house. And you might be able to meet them.”
You gape at them for the second time in five minutes. “Are you serious?”
“Totally.” Eddie looks at his band, who all nod in agreement. “Come on.” They step out from the table and move towards a back door. You look at Andy and Maisie, clearly asking them if this is legit and you’re not about to be murdered, and they both smile and nod. Reassured, you run after the boys in a daze, entering a dark labyrinth of hallways.
“Which is it?” Eddie hisses.
“Third door,” someone answers, sounding annoyed, like they’ve had to do this many times today.
Eddie locates the right door and opens it, letting light spill into the corridor. You follow the boys through it and into the backstage area, which is much more normal and dirty than you’d expected. They lead you all the way to the wings of the stage, music getting louder with every step, until you’re looking right at the lead singer, bouncing around onstage. You stare in amazed shock, closer to your idols than you ever have been before.
“Pretty good, right?” Eddie murmurs from his spot beside you. You nod in disbelief.
It takes you until the end of the opening number to settle down, and then you’re engrossed in the music. You sing all the lyrics and dance to the beat, not a care in the world. This is better than your wildest dreams of how you thought tonight would pan out. Eddie stays next to you throughout the show, and you two sing and dance along together, having more fun than you thought possible. He’s adorable when he lets go, just enjoying himself, and your desire to kiss him grows as the night goes on.
You’re suddenly nervous when the band finishes before their encore, wondering if they’ll come to your side, but thankfully they go to the other one, and you don’t have to introduce yourself in the approximately two minutes before they go back on. But when the set’s really over, encore done, the band does head your way offstage. You stumble into Eddie, who grabs your upper arms so you don’t fall as the band members walk past you. You try not to stare like a crazy fan, but it’s a losing battle. At least none of them look at you.
When they’ve gone, you breathe deep. “Oh my god,” you whisper.
Eddie laughs in your ear, voice low and spine-tingling, and you realize you’re still in his space. You step forward, missing the warmth of his hands, and turn to him. He’s smiling like you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen. “Have fun?”
“Oh my god,” you repeat at a normal tone, and he laughs again.
“Let’s go meet them!”
“Oh my god!" You say for a third time and Eddie snorts.
“You might want to remember some more words by the time we get in there,” he suggests. You nod and he takes you out of the wings and to the green room. He turns around before opening the door. “Lemme just make sure they’re cool with it. Can’t have them yelling at you, sweetheart, when it’d be my fault.”
You blush while you nod, too much happening to wrap your head around. He disappears inside and you try to calm down, get your composure back before meeting your favorite band.
Then the door is opening, and it’s like slow-motion as Monochrome is revealed.
It’s a little anti-climatic, to be honest, as the members are sitting around in a small, ordinary room that’s not even green. But they are all looking at you in interest. You glance at Eddie, who nods encouragingly, and step inside gingerly. “Hi,” you squeak out, immediately clearing your throat before giving your name. “I’m a big fan.”
“Well, thank you for being a fan,” Connor, the lead singer and guitarist, says.
“And thanks for coming to the show,” Dan, the drummer, adds.
“I was really excited for it,” you reply.
Leon, the bassist, asks, “Did we play your favorite song? I love asking that question.”
You nod. “‘Rush’ is my favorite. I wasn’t sure you guys were gonna do it.”
Dan looks thoughtful. “It’s not one of our more popular tunes but we like it.” You smile at his smile.
“Obviously, me too,” you joke, and Dan laughs a little.
“You know, I wasn’t sure, so thanks for clearing that up,” he replies sarcastically, making you giggle.
The door closes loudly, startling everyone. You all look at Eddie, who seems sheepish enough. “Sorry,” he mutters, but there’s an edge to his tone that makes you think he doesn’t fully mean it.
“You want something to drink?” Dan asks.
“Oh, I don’t need anything.”
“Seriously, we’ve got plenty of stuff.” He stands and goes over to a mini-fridge tucked into a corner. He opens it and you see rows upon rows of cans, beer and seltzer and whatever else.
“Um, okay, maybe a beer?”
“PBR or Coors?”
You wrinkle your nose at the options, making everyone laugh. You redden as you answer, “PBR, I guess.”
“Lesser of two evils?” Leon teases. You nod while Dan grabs the can and opens it before handing it to you. You thank him and he winks.
“So how did you guys feel about the show?” Eddie asks, causing Dan to smoothly step away. You look at the metalhead and take a sip, noting his clenched jaw and balled fists. He seems to realize you’ve noticed and shoves his hands into his pockets.
You hide a smile against the lip of your can. Dan’s cute, and being a member of your favorite band gets him plenty of points, but he was never the one you had a crush on (that honor went to Leon) and he’s a bit too old for your liking. Eddie’s jealousy is flattering and entertaining, but ultimately unnecessary. He had you back when he read you like an open book about the shirt choices.
Connor smiles in response to Eddie’s question. “It was good. I think the crowd had a great time.”
“Shouldn’t we be asking our number one fan over here?” Dan says, turning to you with a playful smirk.
“It was amazing!” You gush, and the band chuckles. “You guys are so good live. You should do a live record.”
“Top secret,” Connor leans close and you look at him eagerly, “there’s one in the works.”
You squeal a little, beaming. “I can’t wait.”
“You’re cute, honey,” Dan says easily, with a grin that could make any other girl’s knees weak.
“Thanks!” You reply, trying to sound innocent and like there’s nothing to read into, because you definitely don’t want to read into it.  You glance at Eddie, and thankfully he can still read your mind, because he walks over to you after seeing your slightly panicked expression.
“We should let them rest. I’ll escort you out.”
You’re nodding halfway through, and walking ahead of him to the door. He opens it for you and you turn around to say goodbye to the band, complimenting them again and setting your mostly full beer on a random surface. Dan has a lightly disgruntled face, but waves with the rest of the band. You let out a breath when the door closes behind you and Eddie.
He places a hand on your shoulder gently. “You okay?”
You look at him, nodding. “Thank you. I know it’s probably not normal behavior but…”
“No need to explain. I can see when a girl’s creeped out by a guy. Happened to me plenty of times.”
You hope he’s joking but it seems like he’s not. You frown. “That can’t be true.”
He walks you down the hallway. “Believe me, sweetheart, it’s true.”
“But you’re so cute and nice and thoughtful,” you exclaim, face heating at your words.
But Eddie just smiles kindly, his own cheeks dusted with pink. “Thanks. Things were just different in high school.”
You hum in understanding. “High school sucks and girls are bitches. I’d know, I was one.”
Eddie looks at you with skepticism. “You? A bitchy girl in high school? Doubt it.”
“I may not have been a mean girl cheerleader but I hurt my share of feelings.”
“Who hasn’t? It’s a wonder we made it out alive with all those raging hormones.”
You laugh. “We were in the trenches, for sure.”
There’s a comfortable silence as you two head back into the darkened maze of back corridors. “What are you doing now?” He asks.
“I’m in school. I go to U of I Chicago.”
He whistles lowly. “Impressive.”
“Whatever.” But you’re blushing again, and hoping the low light is hiding it. “What about you? Did you go to school?”
He snorts. “Nice of you to think that. It took me three tries to graduate high school. The guys and I tore outta there and came here to pursue what we loved.”
“That’s admirable. It’s also sweet that you've known each other so long. And it paid off.”
“Yeah.” He says it like he still can’t believe it, which is adorable. “This is our first tour. We can’t wait to get on the road.”
Disappointment settles in when you realize this is the first date of the tour, and the rest are around the country. All you can do is nod in response, not even caring if he can’t see it. He rushes ahead to open the last door, and you walk out to where it all began: the merch table, which is now empty.
“Well,” you say heavily, “thank you so much for all this. It was so nice of you to do that for a stranger.”
“You’re not a stranger. I know your name and what school you go to. We’re friends now.”
You giggle. “You make it sound so ominous, like you’re gonna kill me later.”
“I’m not gonna kill you.” He looks horrified at the way it sounds like he absolutely is, making you laugh more. “Promise! I won’t!”
“I believe you, Eddie.”
He sighs in relief. Then you’re staring at each other awkwardly.
“I guess this is goodbye.” Your mouth twists, not wanting to leave him yet.
“Yeah.” He sounds just as sad as you feel. “You think I could maybe get your number? Call you sometime?”
You brighten. “Yes! I’d love that.”
“Great! Here.” He pulls out a tiny notebook from his pocket, as well as a pen. He flips to a blank page and then gives it to you, and you write down your name, phone number, and a smiley face before handing it back. He glances down and grins at it. “It was really nice to meet you.”
“You too.” You give him an abrupt hug—you two fit together just right—and then walk away backwards. When you’re at the top of the stairs, you make a “call me” gesture and smile when he nods eagerly. You watch him until he disappears from view.
You sigh happily. You can worry about the sadness of never hearing from him tomorrow. Tonight, you’re going to replay the entire encounter and go to bed smiling.
"Hey, it's Eddie. From Corroded Coffin?"
"Oh my god, hi."
"You sound surprised."
"Well, I never thought you'd actually call me. You know, you're busy on tour and probably never get any time off. Plus, plenty of other fans to meet and woo."
"You're right, we are pretty busy and don't have much time off. But we're not being held hostage. Besides, all the fans weirdly just want to meet Monochrome. No idea why."
"That's bizarre. I always wanted to meet the opener and not the main act."
"Exactly, it's just not normal."
"But it's good otherwise?"
"Yeah! All our sets have been amazing. Speaking of which, have you listened to our record yet?"
"Yup, a couple times. I really like it."
"I knew you would. And we have another one coming out this Friday."
"No way! I'll have to go buy it after work that day."
"No need. If you'll tell me your address, I'll send you a free copy."
"You sure you don't want it just to murder me?"
"Scout's honor. Not sure how meaningful that is seeing as how I was not a boy scout, but all the same."
Laughing, you give him your dorm address.
"Thanks, sweetheart. We'll send it out ASAP."
"No rush, honestly. You're already being so kind by sending it for free."
"We'll charge the postage. Nah, we've got it covered. You only have to worry your pretty little self with listening to it."
"Promise I will. Thanks."
"No problem, princess."
"So where are y'all tonight?"
"Des Moines, Iowa."
"No wonder you called me. You were that bored."
"Honey, I've been wanting to call you since we met. Just had to work up the nerve. Wasn't sure if you'd remember me."
"Of course I remembered you. Haven't really stopped thinking about it, you know. You, I mean."
"That's really sweet, angel. Honestly, this tour would be a lot better if you were here. Living with six other boys is not a fun time, let me tell you. I thought I was messy, but I've got nothing on these guys."
"Maybe you can steal some stuff and sell it as payback."
"That's not a bad idea. Anyways, what are you doing?"
"Gross. I'm sorry."
"Ha ha. It's not too bad. Authors just put too much meaning into their books. I can't remember all of it."
"You've got this, sweetheart. If you can remember all of Monochrome's lyrics, you can remember this."
"But I like the lyrics a lot more than this."
"Lemme just go ask if they can write a song about whatever you need to memorize. That way it'll be both. I'm sure Dan would be on board."
"Are you jealous, Eddie...I just realized I don't know your last name."
"It's Munson. And no, I'm not jealous."
"Good. You don't need to be."
"That's good to know."
"I'm sure it is."
"Well, I gotta go, pretty girl. Can I call again sometime?"
"Yeah, you can call anytime."
"Okay, great, I will. Not at all hours of the night, but a normal time. And we can talk if you're free."
"That sounds good."
"Okay. I guess...good night then."
"G'night, Eddie."
"Hey, angel."
"Hi, Eddie!"
"How are you?"
"I'm good. I got your package! Thank you for both the record and the shirt, I wasn't expecting it."
"No problem, sweetheart. How'd you like it?"
"It's so good. Been listening to it nonstop."
"Aw, thanks. We're proud of that one."
"You should be! Are you selling it with the other merch?"
"Yeah, we just got the copies yesterday and started selling them tonight. They didn't sell out but we sold some."
"That's good. Maybe you can tell them I think it's really good."
"'Hey, everyone, this girl I really like loves our new single so you should buy it too'?"
"Yeah, exactly. And I'll tell all my friends, 'Hey, a band with this boy I really like came out with a great single, listen to it'."
"Perfect, we'll make up a sign and everything."
"As you should. What city are you in now?"
"Phoenix, Arizona. It's hot as shit down here."
"I don't think I fully understand the tour map. What's next?"
"I think Las Vegas."
"Maybe y'all can detour and see the Grand Canyon on the way there."
"That'd be fun. I've never been out west before this trip."
"Me either. Send me some postcards."
"Maybe on our next tour you can come with and see them for yourself."
"Already planning the second tour, are we?"
"Nowhere to go but up, sweetheart."
"If you headline the next tour, who would you choose as opener?"
"I don't know, that's a good question. There's a couple bands we've played with in Chicago that would be options. I think we'd like it to be a local group."
"That'd be really sweet. Though maybe it could be not all guys this time?"
"Ugh, yes! I didn't know this was possible, but it's gotten worse here. Our bus smells like dirty socks and no one seems to mind or notice."
"Gross. I'm kinda glad I'm not on this tour with you."
"We'll have candles and air freshener ready for the next one."
"Think the candles might be a fire hazard, but it's a nice idea."
"Someone needs to have it."
"You having fun otherwise?"
"Yeah, we've been writing a lot while on the road. Come up with a couple new songs, stuff for our first album. We'll probably polish and record it when the tour's over."
"That's so exciting. Can't wait to hear it."
"Of course, you'll hear it before it comes out, so it'll be a little rough."
"Doesn't matter to me, just wanna hear it."
"You will, pretty girl. First one outside the band."
"What about your friends?"
"You think I'm gonna let those twerps hear the unfinished stuff so they can make fun of it? Nah, they'll get the finished product."
"That'd be mean of them."
"It's be good-natured but all the same. I don't wanna hear it. I only trust your critiques."
"What about like, producers and such?"
"Yeah, I guess I'll listen to them too."
"Probably a good idea."
"If you say so."
"I do."
"Alright. What have you been up to?"
"Just school and work. It's definitely getting colder up here. All the leaves are changing and you can crunch them when you walk. And I'm excited to watch Halloween movies."
"Oh, man, I love scary movies. What's your favorite?"
"Probably The Shining. Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall are so good in it."
"A+ choice, honey. Mine's Poltergeist."
"Ooh, that freaked me out when I saw it. Haven't rewatched it since."
"Aw. Maybe we can watch it together. That way you can cower behind me if you want."
"I'd love that, as long as you don't laugh at me."
"I'd never laugh at you, angel."
"Good. You're not allowed."
"Oh, is that a new law?"
"Yes, they just passed it. The 'Can't Laugh at the Girl You Like' Act."
"Fitting name. Could be shorter."
"Well, I could've used my name but then it wouldn't apply to everyone and it really should."
"I'll be sure to let everyone know about the new amendment."
"Please do. We need to get the word out."
"Gotta go, princess. The boys wanna talk about a new song. Jeff says he has this amazing idea."
"Okay, let me know if it's any good. Call me later, handsome."
"I will, pretty girl."
"Hi, angel. Sorry I didn't call yesterday. We were up all night designing the cover for our album and we were dead on our feet all day. I crashed right after the show, didn't even watch Monochrome's set."
"No worries. Guess what?"
"I got A's on all my finals!"
"Wow, congrats, honey! Knew you would."
"You always say that, but you can't see the future, Eds."
"Maybe not, but I know you're good at what you do."
"Just like you. I hear the new single is selling out everywhere."
"Yeah! Ever since they played 'Think About You' on the radio, they're going like hotcakes. And audiences seem to know the lyrics to it, they sing along when we play it."
"That's awesome. It has to sound so good onstage."
"It does. Is this what famous bands hear all the time? Because I get why they'd be into it."
"Don't forget us little people when you skyrocket to the top of the charts."
"I couldn't forget you, sweetheart."
"Good, because there was another law passed about it. The 'Don't Forget Where You Came From' bill."
"Is that right? It's a good thing I have a good memory."
"Very, otherwise you'd be arrested in no time."
"What are you doing, angel?"
"Finally just relaxing. I'm going to be chill all break, I swore that to myself."
"You deserve it. You've worked so hard all semester."
"Thank you. Though I wish I could see you."
"Me too. This tour feels like it's going on forever. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing and I love it, but it's kind of a lot. I wish I could just be there and take you to the movies or something."
"That'd be nice. Would that be our first date?"
"Nah, our first date was the concert. This would be our second."
"I see. Where are you, anyways?"
"Wow, y'all really went north and then immediately back down south?"
"I guess so."
"I'm not sure whoever put this schedule together knew what they were doing. Like how—"
"Hey, angel, I'm sorry but I gotta go. The boys are demanding we go out to celebrate and refusing to leave without me."
"Oh, okay. Well, have a drink on me, I'm proud of y'all."
"Thanks, sweetheart. Talk to you soon."
"Bye, Eds."
"Hey, princess."
"Eddie? Are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a couple of weeks."
"Yeah, I know, we're fine. Everything's just been crazy since our single blew up. Now paparazzi are following us too and fans keep mobbing us at the merch table. We're thinking about just not doing that anymore."
"Wow, that's...cool. As long as y'all are safe."
"We are. Monochrome got more security for us now. I think they're a little upset we're getting so popular."
"Well, it is their tour, after all."
"Right, but we can't help it, you know? People like our stuff."
"What are you doing?"
"Break ends in a week so I'm just getting everything ready for the spring semester. Also planning my birthday."
"Your birthday? When is it?"
"February 14th."
"Aw, you're a Valentine's baby?"
"Yeah, and I've never had a crush during it so I'm excited for this year."
"I'll be sure to call you, honey."
"Good. Um, are you gonna be calling less now? So I know."
"Possibly, not sure yet. It's a whirlwind over here."
"I bet. I'd just like to know so I don't plan for the calls anymore."
"I'll let you know ASAP, sweetheart."
"Thanks. So where are y'all?"
"Philly. We play New York tomorrow!"
"That's exciting."
"We've been waiting for it all trip. The set is gonna be electric."
"I hope so. Uh, Eddie?"
"One second, babe."
"Sorry about that. What's up?"
"Do you know what date you'll be back in Chicago?"
"I don't exactly know. Lemme get back to you on that too."
"Sorry to cut this short, doll, but I gotta run. Call you later."
"Hey, baby."
"Oh, hi, Eddie."
"How you doing?"
"Fine. How's the tour?"
"Amazing. Everyone loves us. We get mobbed just going to our hotel now. It's wild."
"Wow, that's crazy."
"I know."
"Where are you?"
"That's fun. I love Boston."
"Yeah, it's cool. Don't have much time for sightseeing."
"What are you up to?"
"School's been crazy, we just went in running apparently."
"Still planning my birthday. I'm gonna host a party, I think."
"That sucks."
"Sorry, honey. That was directed at Grant. Birthday party, sounds fun."
"Yeah, you're still gonna call, right? Talk to my friends? They think I'm crazy and like, lying whenever I talk about you."
"Sure, sweetheart. I'll do that."
"Okay. You sure?"
"Yeah, don't worry."
"Gotta go, babe. See you."
"Yeah, it's me!"
"Are you drunk?"
"Maybe a little. But how are you?"
"I asked how you were!"
"You wanna know how I am, Eddie?"
"Uh, yeah, that's why I asked."
"Okay, here's how I am: You missed my birthday."
"No, I didn't! I'm calling you now!"
"It's 3am on February 15th, Eddie. My birthday is over."
"It's close enough!"
"You had a full twenty-four hours in which you could call me and you couldn't manage it. So no, it's not close enough."
"Wait, are you upset?"
"No, I'm just peachy."
"Of course I'm upset, Eddie!"
"Oh? That's all you have to say?"
"Look, I know we're not dating or anything, and you don't owe me anything. But I was so excited for you to call. I told all my friends they'd be able to talk to you and then you stood me up. You know how embarrassing that is? On both your birthday and Valentine's Day and in front of all your friends who don't believe you? They gave me pitying looks all night. I couldn't bear it."
"I'm sorry—“
"Yeah, right. I really liked you, too."
"I like you too—“
"Oh, give it up, Eddie. I know Corroded Coffin is huge now because of your big single. All the magazines can talk about is when you're coming out with your debut album. You're bigger than little old me now, and I get it. I just feel like a fool for thinking this could be different."
"It is! It is different!"
"Is it? Tell me how."
"This is how I see it. You liked me when we were on the same level. You called me every other day because you thought you couldn't do better. And now, with your song at the top of the charts and people mobbing you all the time, you've realized you can do way better than me. Pretty, skinny blondies are throwing themselves at your feet now, right? Girls with perfect teeth and perfect skin and perfect bodies and perfectly plastic personalities, and you have your pick of the litter. So you stop calling me so you can hang out with them instead."
"No! Well, kinda—"
"That's what I thought. I'm hanging up now."
"I...I miss you."
"Eddie, do me a favor."
"Don't call me again."
"You've reached my voicemail. You know what to do!"
"Angel, it's me. Eddie. Will you pick up?"
"You've reached my voicemail. You know what to do!"
"It's Eddie again. Are you screening my calls? Can you answer so I can explain?"
"You've reached my voicemail. You know what to do!"
"Okay, you don't have to answer. I understand why you won't. I just wanted to say I'm really sorry. I should've called you on your actual birthday and I shouldn't have been drunk when I did it. I did really wanna talk to you and wish you a happy birthday, because you deserve it. I would've really liked talking with your friends too. You talked about them so much I feel like I know them already. I think I could've made them laugh—“
"You've reached my voicemail. You know what to do!"
"Wow, your voicemail time limit is short. Um, I'm sorry I stood you up and all your friends thought I was an asshole. I have been an asshole, I'll say that. I know I've been acting like one when we talk. Our calls have definitely been shorter lately, and I'm sorry for that. It's not that I didn't wanna talk to you, it's just been crazy here. That sounds like a lame excuse, but I barely have time to take a breath let alone do anything else—“
"You've reached my voicemail. You know what to do!"
"But I should've called and talked more. You're important to me and I still really like you. You were right, more fans have been coming up and weirdly propositioning us, but I don't want any of them, I swear. They can barely hold a conversation, and all I can think about is talking on the phone with you for hours, never running out of things to discuss. And I love all our inside jokes, like the new laws and talking about this weird schedule—"
"You've reached my voicemail. You know what to do!"
"I just wanna talk to you all the time. And I miss you a lot. I still wish you were here with us, and not just because boys are pigs. I wish I could kiss you. I lie in bed awake at night, regretting not kissing you the night we met. I wanna see your smile again, and hear your laugh. I wanna take you to the movies, sweetheart, and protect you if anything is too scary. And I wish I could hug you like all the time. Shit, I'm running out of time—“
"You've reached my voicemail. You know what to do!"
"This is the last one, I swear. I'm so, so sorry, angel. Will you please pick up so I can keep pleading my case?"
"Hi. I’m probably home. I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you."
"Hi, sweetheart. Nice new greeting. I know you don't like me right now, and I know you're still screening my calls, but I like hearing your voice. I miss talking to you so much. We're in Toronto tonight. The boys and I didn't know we had to have passports for Canada so management had to work overtime to get us some. They're not fans of us right now, but they got it done. I'm not my biggest fan right now either. I'm sorry again. I miss you."
"Hi. I’m probably home. I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you."
"Hey, angel. The tour's almost over, last show tomorrow in Indianapolis. It's really close to my hometown and I'm not loving it. All my friends and family have moved out of town so there's nothing left there for me, just bad memories. I really wish you were here with me. I'd tell you all about it so I'm not the only one holding them anymore. Not that I want to give you the burden too, but so you could be closer to me. I miss you tons."
"Hi. I’m probably home. I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you."
"Princess, the tour is officially over. I'd love to say I'm coming home, but management is flying us out to L.A. to record our album. I don't know why we can't just do it in Chicago, but it's not up to me. L.A. freaks me out. Famous people are so weird and no one has anything behind their eyes. I wish I could see your face, you're so beautiful to look at. I can always see the gears turning in your head. I always want to know what you're thinking."
"Hi. I’m probably home. I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you."
"Honey, this whole process is a nightmare. Everyone is so up our asses to get this done when we told them we weren't ready. I wanted to come home and play these songs for you, if you'd hear them, and keep workshopping. Now it just sounds unfinished. I'm not sure what to do. I wish I could talk to you. You always have the best solutions. Maybe they'd pass a law for it. The 'Don't Pressure Your Band' Act. But I'd bet you'd have a better name for it."
"Hi. I’m probably home. I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you."
"The album is done, sweetheart, and it's shit. They pushed us too much and it sounds terrible. We heard the final cut and refused to let them release it, demanding that they let us take a break and then come back to fix it. Our new agent is a real bulldog, and she scared them into accepting. Plus, I have a song I've been thinking about that I wanna add. I hope you're doing okay and midterms went well. I know you aced them. Miss you like crazy."
"Hi. I’m probably home. I’m just avoiding someone I don’t like. Leave me a message, and if I don’t call back, it’s you."
"Angel, this is a warning. God, that sounded bad. I just wanted to let you know that we have a single coming out next week and it's about you. It's all good, I swear, but so you're not blindsided. We fixed the album and added this song, and the studio loved it so much they made it an immediate single, which is a nice feeling, I guess. All I hope is that you'll listen to it and give it a try. Give me another try. I probably don't deserve it but I'll do anything."
"Hi. Now you say something."
"New greeting, that's promising. I hope you liked the single, pretty girl. I meant every word of it. I miss you so much it's nuts. Life is so boring without you in it. Our album comes out in a few days. They're throwing this big release party but I'm not excited. If you're not gonna be there in a gorgeous dress, making fun of all the rich people with me, what's the point? I hope you're kicking ass on all your assignments. Miss you."
"Hi. Now you say something."
"Hey, angel. Party went okay. I left early. I hear sales are doing well, but I don't really care about them. I'm just sitting in this hotel room wishing you were here with me. I miss you so much. Do you think about me as much as I think about you? I can only hope so. I'm sorry for everything."
"Hi. Now you say something."
"Alright, sweetheart. I can take a hint. This will be my last voicemail. I just wanted to let you know that we're coming home tomorrow. I cannot wait to be back in Chicago. And even if you never talk to me again, I know I'll feel better just being in the same city as you. I hope you ace your finals, because I know you will. Have a great summer, angel. Do you remember when we used to write H.A.G.S. in our yearbooks as shorthand for that—Hello?"
"Hi, Eddie."
There’s a knock on the door. You stare at it for a few seconds, and then take a deep breath and open it. On the other side is Eddie Munson.
His hair is different. Still long, but with a more flattering cut, and you can see his pretty brown eyes now. He looks mostly the same otherwise, besides the bags under his eyes and worn-out and exhausted expression. You feel a pang. All that shit he went through in L.A. obviously took its toll.
His gaze roves over you like he can’t get enough. “Hey, angel,” he breathes reverently, like you’re actually angelic.
“Hi, Eds.” You step out of the way and gesture for him to come in. He walks inside, stopping and shifting nervously in the small space. You close the door and turn to face him.
You can tell he’s itching to explore but he keeps his attention on you. “Thank you for meeting with me.”
You bob your head. “Get here okay?”
“Yeah, no fans or reporters in sight.” He sounds relieved by the statement.
“Leave it to your hometown to remind you that you aren’t special.”
He exhales a small laugh. “For sure.”
“You need something to drink?”
He shakes his head. “Just wanna talk to you.”
“Okay.” You bring him into your room and shut that door as well. You sit on your bed and look at him expectantly.
He’s looking around your room in interest, but remembers his goal pretty quickly. He sits next to you. “How have you been?”
“Good. Got mostly A’s and one B on my finals. Picking up more shifts at work now that it’s summer.”
“That’s awesome. I always knew you’d do well on them.”
You smile a little. He did.
He takes a deep breath. “Princess, I’m really sorry for my behavior this past year. I took you for granted and I shouldn’t have, it wasn’t right. Not to sound cliché but the fame went to my head a little. Growing up in a small town where everybody hates you and thinks you’re a freak doesn’t prepare you for a lot of attention on you. It was nice in the spotlight for a while, until I realized I was losing myself, not to mention you. You gave me a wake-up call, sweetheart, one I really needed, and I thank you for that. You brought me back down to earth.
“I’m sorry I missed your birthday. I’m sorry I didn’t call. I’m sorry your friends think you’re crazy for saying we know each other. I’m sorry for acting like a douchebag on the phone near the end there. I’m sorry I didn’t spend enough time talking with you. I’m sorry I didn’t consider your feelings.
“I wish I could go back and do so many things over. I’d kiss you that night at the first concert. I’d take a picture of you and keep it in my guitar case. I’d beg you to come on tour with us. But I can’t turn back time, so all I can say is that I never want to hurt you like that again and I promise to try not to. I can’t promise I won't because it’s impossible, but I want you to know I’m going to work really hard to prevent it. If you give me another chance.
“I missed you so much this whole time. I felt like I was going crazy when I couldn’t talk to you. It didn’t feel like anything mattered if you weren’t there to enjoy it with me. I’m not trying to guilt-trip you or anything. Honestly, the world was just duller when you weren’t in it. You brighten everything up, honey. I hope I can brighten things for you again.”
You sit with his words for a while, long enough that he starts fidgeting nervously next to you. When you feel like responding, you say, “Thank you for the voicemails.”
There’s surprise on his face when you look at him. “Um, you’re welcome, angel. I felt like I had to keep talking to you.”
“I’m glad.” To your mild horror, the words catch in your throat and tears start to threaten to fall. Eddie can tell and tentatively grabs your hand. You gaze at him, vision getting blurry. “I missed you too.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” he coos, and pulls you forward. You bury your face in his chest, relishing in the smell of his body wash and cigarettes and faint thread of weed. You cry against him, tears and snot soaking into his shirt, but he doesn’t move away, just cups the back of your head sweetly. “I’m sorry. Honey, I’m so sorry.”
You keep going until you’re all cried out, sniffling and wiping your face in embarrassment. But when you look at him, he’s smiling kindly, no judgement in his expression. “Will you kiss me now?” You ask wetly, feeling like it’s way overdue and the only thing you want to happen right now.
“Absolutely,” he murmurs. He holds your face in his hands like you’re precious, and leans forward slowly until your lips finally touch. It’s light and chaste, but it’s also warm and soft, and it feels right. When he breaks away, he looks at you like you saved his life (and maybe you did). “Wow.”
“Yeah,” you whisper, definitely feeling what he’s feeling. “We should’ve done that ages ago.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” he replies and you laugh. “And now I’m gonna have a hard time not doing it.”
“Well, you can do it whenever you want by my account.”
He lights up. “That means we’re okay? We can start up again?”
“You think I’d let you kiss me if we weren’t?” He chuckles at your expression.
“Maybe you were just trying it out. Seeing if it was worth it,” he says.
“Hm,” you feign thinking about it and he knocks his shoulder into yours. You grin. “I think it is.”
“Good.” And with that, he kisses you again.
When you part, you’re laying on the bed together, you resting on his chest while he rubs your back. “I’m sorry L.A. was shit,” you murmur, tracing the designs on his shirt with your fingers.
He hums. “Yeah. I’m sure it’s like, a rite of passage for bands to go through something like that.”
“Doesn’t mean you should’ve.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. Maybe they should make a new law about it.”
“The ‘Leave New Bands Alone’ bill.”
“Exactly. Told you you’d come up with a better name than me.”
You snort. “Can’t say that’s better but it’s certainly another option.”
“So, angel, what’s the plan for summer?”
“You tell me. All I’ve got going on is work.”
“Well, management wants to send us on another tour for our album, but we negotiated that we need the summer off. Apparently sales are doing so well that they don’t mind.”
“Then it seems you have a completely free summer.”
“From work, sure. But I have a lot of dates to make up for.”
“Yeah, with this girl I really like. Her kisses make me feel like I’m on cloud nine.”
“She sounds great.”
“She is. Actually, she’s pretty fantastic.”
You smile as he lifts your chin gently and kisses you again.
“Hi, Eds.”
“Angel! Are you finally here?”
“Yeah. I still can't believe you flew me out here. First class was too much. And this hotel room is super nice.”
“I know, right? Only the best for my girl.”
“I know you didn’t book this, babe.”
“You don’t know if I demanded the best of the best because my amazing girlfriend is gonna be visiting me a lot.”
“I guess I don’t but I seriously doubt it.”
“Well, I guess we’ll never know. All settled in?”
“Yup. Plus, I wore your shirt so free publicity."
"What would we do without you?"
"Perish, I guess. Are y’all gonna be done soon? I’m starving.”
“Soon, baby. Sound check just finished and we’re packing up now. Should be there in the next fifteen. Is it cool if Carly comes along?”
“Of course! I'm so glad you picked her as your opener, she's so good."
"She's better than another pack of dudes, that's for sure. And she's so nice."
"I know, I love her."
"More than me?"
"Obviously not, but don't tell her. I can’t wait to see you.”
“You too, beautiful. I’ve missed you so much.”
“I missed you more.”
“It’s very possible. They actually just passed a law about it. The ‘Your Girlfriend Missed You More Than You Missed Her’ Act.”
“Is that so? Well, I heard they passed another new law, the ‘Your Boyfriend Loves You More Than You Love Him’ bill."
“Damn, I gotta work on getting them to repeal that, because if they don’t I’m going away for a long time.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll protect you.”
“Good. Speaking of which, we gotta watch some Halloween movies this weekend.”
“Totally down for that. Ready for that Poltergeist rewatch with me?”
“Why did you think I segued from you protecting me to scary movies?”
“Duh, stupid of me, honey.”
���It’s alright, my love. We’ll work on that.”
“Wow, you’re so good to me.”
“I only give what I get, baby.”
“Ugh, I can’t wait to kiss you.”
“Me too. I also can’t wait for you to kiss me.”
“You’re gonna get so many kisses, angel, the band’s gonna hate us.”
“Good thing they have a separate room.”
“Bold of you to think I’ll stop kissing you when we’re out of the room.”
“I wouldn’t mind being a tabloid cover if it’s headlined ‘Rockstar Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin goes in heavy on the PDA with hometown girlfriend’.”
“How do you come up with all these good lines?”
“I don’t know, it’s a gift.”
“Well, you are gifted, baby. Hey, we’re all packed up and heading out now. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Okay! Just hurry or I might fall asleep on this plush bed.”
“That won’t stop me from kissing all over your face.”
“Oh, good, then.”
“Okay, the boys are fake-gagging at me for that last line.”
“They’re just jealous.”
“You’re telling me. I’m gonna hang up now, okay? Can’t wait to see you, angel. I love you.”
“Me either, baby. Love you.”
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fandomfluffandfuck · 6 months
hi s i absolutely ADORE you can(t) teach old dogs new tricks. i just wanted to know what images you have of steve and bucky when you picture them for the series. idk if you’ve mentioned it already but i would love to know
Aw, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it!
I don't think I've put any actual images out there and... it's just as well 'cause I don't think there are really any images that exist for the exact look I imagine for them.
Basically, I'm imagining Steve older than we ever see him in the MCU (not counting Old Man because... he doesn't count) with almost entirely silver hair (shaved short sides and a longer quiff-like top) and a salt and pepper beard. Bucky is young, like, 40s Bucky before the war but with his longer hair. The Wakandian Jesus look, y’know?
A more drawn-out answer could be the character outlines I have in my original plan for the series (so don't mind the horrible grammar, haha):
Steve Rogers
Same/similar background
Mom was single (Dad died before Steve can remember him) & poor, an immigrant from Ireland, a nurse in Hospitals around the area they lived
Mom died of cancer when Steve was in high school
Raised Irish Catholic
Born in 1969 (54)
Sexual Orientation
Ma had a feeling he was… she could probably tell… but he never told her before she died (she died when he was 17, and spent the rest of high school bouncing around between friends' houses until he graduated)
Left Brooklyn
Came to San Fransico to find new people & work (came out in San Fransico by the time he was 19)
Started as a photographer, and had a good eye for it (film camera w/ dark room development)... moved from scenery landscape photos to photos of people to fetish photography through a boyfriend (a past Daddy)... then slowly integrated more and more into the kink scene, was a boy for a long time, sold photos of himself, then photos of his subs… his professional dom business took off
(two coming outs, one coming out as gay, the other coming out as kinky w/ his kinky lifestyle)
1981 to early 1990s (AIDs epidemic)
Lots of friends died during HIV/AIDs crisis
He survived the HIV epidemic
Old-guard Leather & BDSM / Occupation
Professional Dominant
Sex worker
People pay to have scenes w/ him
Bondage & impact play are his specialties BUT he does a lot BC he’s been in the scene for so long
Was a photographer B4 pro dom… casual then a fetish photographer
Blue eyes
Greying hair (salt & pepper)
Hair is short on the sides and a little longer on top
6’2” & 260-ish lbs
Obviously works out a lot…
His arms and shoulders are huge and his stomach is soft (a belly but when he flexes it’s pretty hard under a layer of fluff. His whole waist is wide, though). Also. He has an unfairly round and pert butt
Needs glasses when reading
Often in a t-shirt & leather jacket with dark wash denim when casual
When domming… leather: leather peaked cap, leather jacket, leather shirt + leather tie (or leather vest w/out a shirt under it), big, wide leather belt, leather pants (or leather chaps on top of dark Levi jeans)
Usually prefers tight briefs as underwear
Aaaand Big, leather boots
Steve's play collar is black leather with silver hardware. It has a silver o-ring on the front, two o-rings on the side, a silver padlock on the back, and all around the collar there's a silver chain overlaying the leather. He had a good friend and BDSM gear craftsman make it for him, originally with the intent to collar someone else, but... it never ended up happening, Steve got a different collar instead, he just fucking loves this collar. It reminds him of the plain chain and padlock collars he used to see all the time at the leather bars and bathhouses. Rugged, masculine, junk-yard-esque collars.
Bucky Barnes
Grew up in modern New York
Brooklyn (he was growing up by the time Steve had left the area for the West Coast)
Middle class
Parents are alive, Dad is an alcoholic (mean drunk) & Mom did the best she could, but they don’t talk often
Born in 1997 (26)
Sexual Orientation (1)
Came out when he was 18 (2015, June 26, when all 50 states legalized gay marriage)
Parents are both Jewish… Bucky goes back and forth with it… he isn’t practicing actively, but… it’s a little hard to leave the faith completely behind after being raised that way
Sexual Orientation (2)
Leviticus 18:23 & Leviticus 20:13 (Torah)
Mother was speechless, she nodded and grabbed his hand, when she turned away, Bucky saw her eyes were glossy (crying)
Sober father made him write out passages again and again and again and again after he came out, believing that it was a problem to be solved
Drunk father yelled at him, saying that he couldn’t believe his son was this way, he tried to do everything right!
Bucky wasn’t kicked out, but he didn’t exactly feel safe… so he left and lived with a friend (at their parent's house until he could afford to rent a place of his own)
He occasionally speaks to his Mom, but more often, he speaks to his sister. He doesn’t speak to his father.
While in NYC, he dated one guy for almost 2 years (stayed until he was 23) and went on a few dates w/ some more guys
Since moving to San Fransico he’s dated around more (23-26)
He hasn’t connected w/ anyone really... COVID-19 pandemic
Sexual Experience
Has had vanilla sex... kind of bored by it
KNOWS he's interested in kink
He’s topped in vanilla sex and the power he got from that, he liked… he wants more… more power dynamics
Wants to be a dom
Restraints really appeal to him (cuffs, rope, etc.)
Web Developer
Works online (he used to go into an office in NYC, but when he expressed his decision to move & put in his 2 weeks, they didn’t want to let him go... online now)
Designs the front-end (the parts of a site a user interacts with) & back-end (the behind-the-scenes part) of sites (referred to as “full-stack”)
Doesn’t have a degree, he took classes in high school, then a few through the nearby community college, and was good enough to get hired, then he’s been building his career since then
Long dark brown hair (often pulled back into a bun when he’s working on something)
Steel blue eyes
Stubble (short beard)
6’0” & 200-ish lbs
Works out... nice arms & NICE legs
Has a good amount of body hair, he obviously manscapes, but it’s dark & thick
Around his apartment, he’s often in just a t-shirt and basketball shorts (or sweatpants)
Wears a lot of jockstraps
When he’s not home, he’s in a lot of ripped jeans (black) & t-shirts (loves his denim jacket) + he always has his dark aviator sunglasses BC his eyes are sensitive
I hope that was somewhat interesting 💀💀 and that it gives you a clearer picture! Thanks for the ask <3
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mar-the-magician · 2 years
Redacted Asmr Fashion Headcanons!
Both Ash and Gavin view developing a personal style as a matter of self-care (I'm totally not projecting right now) but in very different ways. Ash is a thrift store GOD. He knows where to find all the best-stocked stores and he knows all the methods for making sure you do not miss out on a single styling piece that has potential. While Ash stocks up on basics that mix and match fantastically, Gavin is more of a statement pieces kind of fellow. His wardrobe is full of glitter, sequins, thigh-high socks, platform boots, and bright colors. Don’t get me wrong, he DOES have his basics… in the very back of the closet. Only to be used when absolutely necessary. XD His go-to "casual" outfit is a pair of neon pink leggings and a MASSIVE oversized t-shirt that slips off both shoulders and goes down to his knees. Not exactly fashion related, but whatever it my post I can do what I want— Gavin is and absolute chapstick and lipgloss ADDICT. He has a specific, almost-clear, peachy pink-tinged, all natural (yes he is THAT bitch) not-tested-on-animals lipgloss that he wears virtually every day. He puts chapstick on every night before bed and has an entire bin of all his different flavors, colors, etc of chapstick. He would 100% wear a choker with a bell on it and clip on cat ears solely for the purpose of flustering someone and/or creeping them out. Two piercings in each earlobe, generally just wears hoops or little rings if he’s feeling more boring.
Asher isn't quite as out there as Gavin, but he also thinks that if anybody is going to judge him for his fashion choices they can just fuck right off. He loves layering— vests, halters, overalls, biker jackets, belts, corset tops and micro mini skirts over pants when he's feeling more adventurous, leg warmers, body chains and fingerless gloves are his Thing. He takes inspiration from a LOOOT of different aesthetics and it really just depends on his mood— alt, cottagecore, goblincore, 80s, light academia, romantic academia, aaaaalllll that good stuff. His favorite casual outfits would consist of smol t-shirts that say something about him (band t-shirt, show merch, etc) paired with baggy jeans, maybe with some patches or rips. Asher. Adores. Jewelry. You KNOW this man owns fifty thousand rings!!! He’s always wearing at LEAST two rings. He often wears those little netting black chokers and owns like three different pop tab necklaces, at least one of which is homemade. Speaking of, he’ll often make his own stuff! He can’t sew, but he’ll hack the sleeves off of a jacket or crop some jeans into shorts no hesitation, and is always painting designs on plain t-shirts and making jewelry out of discarded trash or unwanted beads. He and Milo went to get their ears pierced together when they were both teens. They both like studs the most, but while Milo generally sticks to round black or small silver studs, occasionally mixing it up with some tiny gold or silver rings, Ash has a whole collection of funky studs. Hello Kitties, pokéballs, little fried eggs, lemons, little puppy footprints, moons in all phases, stars, all manner of fruit, tiny sushi’s, tiny pizza slices, metallic strawberries, fuckin mermaids, nothing is too wacky for this man. Baabe gets him a new pair every chance they get. 
Milo likes fashion but feels like the community is too competitive and unwelcoming to really get into it. He’ll often tag along to Asher and Baabe's thrift store trips, but he generally just ends up getting… ANOTHER denim or leather jacket. Yeah, this man owns a LOT of denim and leather jackets. He also has a massive, ever-growing collection of enamel pins with which to abuse said jackets. He owns a trench coat solely because it makes him look more intimidating on jobs, according to him. Milo CAN sew, and will embroider little embellishments on the cuffs of his jeans and the collars of his shirts 🥰. He does it to calm himself sometimes, and what it ends up being often completely depends on his mood and what media he’s consumed recently. He has jeans with spiders on the hem, with little howling wolves, with times trees, with bats, with daisies, with paw prints, with stars, even ones with little hearts. It annoys the shit out of him when Asher asks him to modify his clothes "I'm not ya personal tailor, Ash!!" but he’ll do it anyway, with enough weedling. His favorite casual outfit is just an old college tee, a Melanie Martinez shirt, or a Shaw Security shirt paired with a comfy old worn-out pair of jeans that he embroidered LITERALLY all over with whatever he was thinking of at the time.
David really doesn’t care about "fashion" per se, but he likes to feel put together. He generally wears polo shirts and nice jeans on a casual day, a button up and nice slacks on a more formal day, and will add a tie or even a blazer on the most formal of events. The only time Angel approves of his fashion is when he wears flannels with the sleeves rolled up in the fall and winter. 😏 
WOW THAT WAS LONG so if anybody wants a part two with the rest of the D.A.M.N boys, Vincent, Sam, Camilopardalis, and maybe William, please let me know!
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dreamingofaizawa · 4 years
Guys My Age
Title and concept inspo: Guys My Age by Hey Violet
Soft Dom! Aizawa Shouta x Medium-sized Fem! Reader
Quirkless AU
***18+ Fic***
You must be at least 18 years old to participate in this reading. If you are under the age of 18 please step out of line and find another fic. Thank you and have a good day.
Warnings: Age gap, praise kink, DD/LG dynamic and terms, use of the words daddy and sir, light bondage, overstimulation, smut. 
Word Count: 4.1k
Author’s Note: I KNOW, I know, I write a lot of Aizawa fics, and they’re all DD/LG stuff. I know, okay? It’s an obsession, I’m in love with this man. Anyway, another soft dom Aizawa, but reader isn’t very well-versed in intimacy. Also, reader is what some would call medium-sized. Not necessarily big, but definitely not small. This is for all my medium-sized girls, including myself. I was very self-indulgent with this one.
Part 2
You’d always been told you were mature for your age. It wasn’t until recently you realized how true that statement might be. You’re currently 21. And very, very single. You’ve had a total of six different relationships, and all of them fell through for one very simple reason. The boys you dated were just that. Boys. They were extremely immature. Only ever wanting to ‘hang with the boys’ or stay at home. No effort was put into the relationship on their part after the first few weeks. You didn’t understand why these vastly different boys were all so adamant on staying inside.
You’d tried desperately to get them to go out on dates with you. You offered to pay, and drive, and literally anything else. But no, they were too busy playing video games or getting higher than the damn sky. Don’t even start thinking about sex. You hadn’t got any of that shit since your first ‘boyfriend’ at 17, who used you like a sex doll and broke it off once he found someone hotter and sexier and altogether better in his eyes. You were sick of it. So you did the last thing you’d ever want to do. You went on a blind date.
You’d stumbled on a website last week that allowed you to set up a blind date with a stranger. It seemed legit, and had background checks on all participants. It also allowed you to put in any preferences you had, and matched you with someone that had similar preferences and hobbies. The age range you put in? 30-35 years old. Because guys your age just didn’t cut it. You needed someone more mature, someone who could treat you like a woman, not some girl.
Today, almost a week after matching with someone, you were standing outside an italian restaurant. You didn’t know his face, just his name and age, and that he was a teacher. Aizawa Shouta, 31 years old. And he’d sent a single message when you matched.
Meet me at this location on Saturday. When you enter, I’ll be at the back corner table. Semi-formal. 8 pm, please don’t be late.
It was blunt and straightforward. You liked it. You just hoped he wasn’t quite this blunt in person. You’d put on a black knee-length cocktail dress with a halter top and a partially open back that fell to the small of your back. It accentuated your shoulders and the top half of your torso before fanning out at your waist, the silky material falling and swaying around you. 
You slipped on simple white heels and silver jewelry, with a white clutch purse. You’d decided to pull your hair into a loose half-up half-down, a silver comb pinning your hair in place, minimal makeup and clear lip gloss. For the first time in a while you felt pretty. You knew you weren’t exactly small, but the way you were dressed gave you confidence.
You looked at your watch. 7:55 pm. You took a deep breath, straightened out your dress, and stepped into the restaurant. The host asked if you had a reservation, and you told him you were meeting someone who already arrived. He let you pass, and you walked back to the table Aizawa told you to meet at. He had his back to you as you approached, but you could see his broad shoulders and muscular frame easily. 
He wore a white long-sleeve button down, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a black vest fitted to his form. His slacks were also fitted, showing off his muscular thighs. His long raven hair was pulled in a half-up half-down similar to yours. You hadn’t even seen his face yet and he looked delicious.
Your heels clacked on the wood flooring, and as you neared the booth he turned to look at you. You stopped next to the table and got a good look at the stranger. He was beautiful. His dark bloodshot eyes looked tired, the bags underneath giving him away and only adding to his appeal, and a scar curved under his right eye. A sharp jawline, with a tamed scruff, and thin lips in a neutral expression. You were about to introduce yourself, but he stood from the booth and held his hand out, palm up. “You must be (y/l/n) (y/n).” You smiled at the gesture, and placed your hand in his. “That’s me. And you are Aizawa Shouta. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He pulled your hand to his lips and placed a kiss on your knuckles, before leading you to your seat.
As he sat down, you noticed a bottle of wine sitting in the center of the table in a bucket of ice, and two glasses of wine halfway full. One sat in front of you, and the other in front of Aizawa. He began the conversation with a rather specific question. “So, (y/l/n), why are you on a dating website looking for men that are so much older than you?” Normally you’d take offense to a question like that, but the way he said it was pure curiosity. So, you answered. “If I’m being honest, it’s actually pretty simple. Guys my age just don’t know how to treat me.”
He raised an eyebrow at that, a barely noticeable smirk tugging at his lips. “And how do you want to be treated?” You smiled a little at the implications behind the question, and answered. “I don’t want to be stuck in my room while my ‘boyfriend’ plays video games and smokes weed. I don’t want to be ‘one of the boys’, and I don’t want to have to plead and beg to go on a date or spend time with him. I want to be treated like a woman, not a girl. And I want to spend my time with a man, not waste it on a boy.” 
At that, Aizawa smirked and sipped at his wine. You both took a quick look at the menu and ordered when the waiter came. As you ate, you talked about random subjects and hit it off quite well. The date went by quickly, and at the end of the night you’d exchanged numbers. “I look forward to another date with you, Ms. (y/l/n).” “The feeling is mutual, Mr. Aizawa.” 
When you got back home, you undressed and cleaned your face and got into bed. As you lay there, your mind drifted back to the date, and how undeniably handsome Aizawa is. The way he spoke to you like you were his equal, and looking at you like an ancient treasure. He was everything you wanted, without even considering anything sexual. Little did you know he felt much the same way.
When the date ended he texted Hizashi to let him know he was free. Hizashi, of course, called him immediately, and began drilling him about the date. “How’d it go Sho? Was it a rando with a thing for older guys? Did she want a sugar daddy?” Shouta rolled his eyes. “No, Zashi, she wasn’t looking for a sugar daddy. She was...actually really mature for a 21 year old. She knows what she wants. I admire that a little. And I won’t lie, she’s quite beautiful. Not the generic, model, beauty-pageant, barbie doll pretty. It’s a natural glow she has. It’s...quite mesmerizing...”
Hizashi exploded on the other side, laughing at the new infatuation his friend had for a blind date. “I hope she’s your type, Sho. I mean physically. I know how much you like them with a little meat on their bones.” Aizawa groaned at his comment. He knew he was just teasing, but that his blonde friend was 100% right. He knew he had a type, and he’d be lying to himself if he hadn’t looked at your full figure quite frequently. 
He’d taken in your dress, how it showed off your shoulders and back. As you climbed into your car and took off your heels, he trailed his eyes up your legs, getting a small glimpse at your thick thighs. When you sat up behind the wheel, he revelled in the small rolls showing through your dress, wanting nothing more than to squeeze them and kiss them and bite them...
He shook away the thoughts that were threatening to take over his mind. “Shut it Hizashi. Her body is none of my concern, and is most definitely none of yours. I enjoyed the date and that’s what matters.” The loud blonde gasped dramatically, “Oh my god she totally is! Damn you go get some Sho!” Aizawa just ended the call.
The next date was planned once again by Aizawa, and it was only a week after the first. It was a simple coffee date at a small cafe. You talked casually about the things you enjoyed doing. You convinced him to let you take care of the next date, which you decided would be a relaxed ramen date. You’d gotten comfortable around each other, and after about six more dates, he invited you over to his place for dinner. Of course, you accepted.
He’d sent you the address and apartment number, and you stood outside his door in dark jeans, black flats, and a beige sweater with a white tank top underneath. You knocked on the door, and when it opened he greeted you with a peck on the cheek. It had become a normal greeting, since you’d gotten so close, though the gesture always made you a little shy. He told you to get comfortable as he finished up dinner, and you sat at the kitchen table and admired him as he worked in the kitchen. He wore fitted blue denim jeans, and a black cotton t-shirt, his hair pulled up in a bun. 
No matter how many times you looked at him, he was always just as shockingly handsome as the first time you saw him. His t-shirt left his toned arms exposed, and it was fitted to his torso, showing off his muscular frame. Your eyes traced the outline of his muscles from his shoulder, down his arm, drifting to his hips and up his back. You didn’t notice him glance back and smirk at you. “Like what you see kitty cat?” Heat rushed to your face at the realization that you’d been staring, and the fact that he’d noticed. And that name… “K-kitty?” you barely whispered, before quickly apologizing. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.”
You didn’t think he heard the first part. You were wrong. “It’s alright. And yes, kitty. Don’t like the pet name?” Your face burned at the tone of his voice. “N-no, the name’s fine, you just...caught me off guard.” He chuckled. “I should do it more often. You’re cute when you’re flustered.” You didn’t think your face could get any hotter, but it did. You tilted your head down and away from him and bit your lip, letting your hair fall to hide your face. You’d never gotten this kind of attention before, and you had no idea how to handle it.
You were too busy trying to calm your breathing to hear him approach you. The proximity and demanding tone of his voice made you jump a little. “Look at me, kitten.” You swallowed and took a breath before turning your head to him, and he hooked a finger under your chin, tilting your head so you were forced to sit up taller. He moved even closer, your shoulder brushing against his abdomen, and you nearly had to look straight up to look in his eyes. 
Your eyes began to drift away from his, and he jerked your chin up higher, silently commanding you not to look away. You brought your eyes back to his and held his gaze, and after a few moments he smirked. The hand under your chin moved to stroke your cheek with his knuckles. “Good girl.”
He quickly dropped his hand and went back to the kitchen to finish preparing dinner. It took you a few seconds to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You panted a little, trying to calm yourself from what just happened, and clasped your shaking hands together. But they weren’t shaking from fear. In fact, you couldn’t quite tell why you were so shaky and out of breath. And the praise from him sent a shiver down your spine.
He managed to distract you while you ate, and you had completely recovered from whatever that was earlier. After dinner you moved into the living room and relaxed on the couch while you talked some more. Soon he’d leaned his head back and closed his eyes, still talking and listening, but clearly relaxed. Once again you found yourself distracted by his body, following the muscles in his neck down to his toned chest and abdomen. And again, he noticed. “I can feel your eyes on me, kitten.” His voice was low, a rumble of smooth baritone. You found yourself turning away to hide your face again, and the command in his voice controlled you with ease. 
“Don’t look away from me, kitten.” You turned back to him, and when your eyes met his, you looked away, and he let out a low growl and your eyes snapped back to him. He adjusted and sat up, your eyes still fixed on each other. He pat his leg, “Come here kitty.” You blinked at him, not quite prepared for such a demand. His eyes darkened a little and his voice dropped to a growl, “I won’t ask twice.” 
At that you got up and went to sit on one of his legs, but he pulled his knees together and shook his head. So you climbed over and straddled his legs on your knees. He grabbed your hips and pulled you so you were fully sitting on his lap, your core dangerously close to his growing bulge.
Your eyes were still locked on his as he leaned close to you, his hands rubbing circles into your hips.  He leaned past your face and whispered into your ear. “Can I touch you kitty?” You took a shaky breath and nodded. He laid a light spank on your ass and you jumped. “Use your words kitty cat.” “Y-yes, you can t-touch me.” He laid a kiss on your neck and whispered ‘good girl’ before moving his hands under your sweater and tank top. He ran his hands up and down your back, and he gripped the fatty flesh of your stomach and hips, kneading it in his palms gently as he worked his way up your body, leaving feather light kisses along your neck and jaw.
The intimacy had you quivering, and the way he nearly worshipped your body had your breaths coming out shaky and heavy. Shouta caught on quickly. “Is it safe for me to assume you haven’t done anything in a while?” he said in your ear. You started to nod, but quickly caught yourself, “Y-yes.” He stilled his movements and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Tell me what you did before this.” You took a breath and explained the situation as simply and quickly as possible.
His arms tensed, clearly upset that you’d been used like that. But he didn’t pry into that right now. “So you haven’t explored anything? Like any preferences you might have?” You shook your head quickly, “N-no...why?” He chuckled. “Well, kitty, you’re quite submissive. If you’d let me, I can help you explore this side of you.” You swallowed and nodded. “Y-yeah, I think I’d like that.” He hummed into your neck, “We can start tonight, but only if you’re comfortable and you want to.” You took a few moments to think about your answer. This man had been nothing but good to you. He treated you with more respect than all the boys you dated had combined. And you trusted him. “I...I’m comfortable starting tonight.”
“Alright kitty. Now, listen to me closely, because this is important, okay?” “Okay, I’m listening.” “Good. Since this is new to you, we need to establish a safeword. Is ‘roses’ alright?” You nod. “Okay. Now if anything ever gets too much for you, if you feel uncomfortable for any reason, if you need to stop for any reason, or if there’s a medical emergency, you need to use it. And that goes for me too. If I don’t like where things are going, I’ll use it. Once we use the safeword, everything will stop right there, no questions asked. Understand?”
“I understand.” “Okay. Can I trust you to use it if you feel the need to?” You nod, “Yes. I’ll use it if I need to.” He kisses your neck, “Good girl.” The praise makes you shudder, and you feel him smile into your neck. “Now, kitty, I want you to address me as either ‘Daddy’, ‘Sir’, or ‘Master’ when we’re like this, do you understand?” “Yes.” He spanks you a little harder. “Yes what?” You jump at the contact “Y-yes Sir.” Another kiss on your neck, “Good girl.” He leans back and taps your arms, “Up.” You lift your arms and he pulls off your sweater and tank top at the same time. 
His hands come back down on your shoulders, and he runs his hands down your chest and stomach, taking the time to remove your bra and knead your breasts. He wraps his arms around you and stands up, and you wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as he carries you to his bedroom. He puts you down on the bed on your back and takes a rope out of the bedside table. You let him take your hands and tie your wrists to the bar at the headboard. It’s not uncomfortably tight, but a few experimental tugs tell you it’s solid and you won’t be getting out of it unless he unties you.
He trails kisses down your body, unbuttoning your jeans and removing them as he goes. Once your jeans are off, he loops his fingers in the band of your panties and pulls them off. After that, he leans back and just rakes his eyes up and down your body, eating up every inch of your skin. “You’re such a pretty kitty.” His words have you shuddering and blushing. You’d never been called pretty before, and you knew why. You were a little bigger than other girls. You weren’t necessarily insecure about it. You didn’t care all that much about how people saw you with just your looks alone. But you knew Shouta was admiring your body after knowing who you are as a person, and it made you a little giddy.
His mouth and hands were all over you, squeezing and groping, sucking bruises onto your skin. His touches were sending waves of heat through your body, and pooling between your legs. You desperately wanted him to touch you there, and you whined and rolled your hips up into the air. “Such a needy kitty. Be patient. I’m not done here yet.” He rolled a nipple in between his index and thumb, pulling the other into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue. You mewled at the sensation, and he switched his mouth over to the other side.
Your legs were rubbing together, begging for friction, and he finally moved down to your dripping core. He took a finger and slipped it over your folds. He groaned as his finger collected your slick, “You’re so wet kitty. Are you this wet for me?” You nodded your head frantically, and he laid a light smack on your pussy. You let out a soft whimper, “Yes Sir, it’s for you,” you answered quickly. He hummed, “Good girl. I didn’t even need to remind you to use your words.” He kissed the inside of your thigh, and moved to lick a stripe up your folds. You gasped at the new feeling, never having anyone’s mouth down there before.
He slipped the pink muscle into you easily, groaning when he tasted you. The sound sent vibrations through your dripping cunt, making you squirm at the pleasure. He looped his arms around your legs, dipping his fingers into your core and using the slick to rub tight circles onto your clit. An unfamiliar sensation built in the pit of your stomach, your muscles tightening in your abdomen as it got stronger. You knit your eyebrows together, and in between heavy breaths you gasped out, “S-sir...it feels strange.” He raised his eyebrows at the statement, and increased his pace until that coil inside you snapped, which didn’t take very long.
Your back arched off the bed as you let out a loud, sharp moan, your legs shaking from the intensity of your first orgasm. Aizawa kept lapping at your pussy, letting you ride out your high, and once you were relaxed and panting on the bed, he lifted his head and wiped his chin. “Kitty, have you never cum before?” He asked, a small smirk tugging at his lips. You shake your head, “No S-sir...Is that what just happened?” He chuckled, but didn’t answer the question, “You’re going to have fun tonight kitty.” You didn’t have time to question what he meant, though, because he slipped a thick finger into your core, and you mewled as your walls clenched down on him.
The game he played went on for what felt like hours, and you lost count of how many times he’s made you cum. He’d fucked you and cum multiple times himself. You’d already squirted several times, and tears were streaming down your face from the overstimulation. It felt so good, but it was starting to melt your brain and the title of ‘Sir’ drifted to ‘Daddy’ as it went on. All the muscles in your body were burning from flexing so hard, and your wrists were feeling raw from how hard you’d been tugging at your restraints. It felt so, so good...but it was too much. He leaned down close to your face and kissed at the tears, “You’re doing so well babygirl. You got one more for me?” 
You giggled lightly at the praise, your mind fuzzy, unable to form coherent thoughts as he thrust his hips into you. He stilled his movements and caressed your jaw. “How are you feeling, kitten?” Your eyes looked up into his, struggling to stay open. You giggled a little as you answered. “It’s… I f-feel…” You knit your eyebrows together in concentration, searching your brain. “R-roses?”
Everything stopped, and he instantly reached up and tugged off your restraints, and pulled your exhausted body close to his chest. Your breathing got heavier, and your chest got tight, and fresh tears fell down your cheeks. He held you tight, kissing your tears and petting your hair as your cries died down. He held you like that until your breathing was normal again. You slowly opened your eyes, weakly calling out to him, “Daddy?” He kissed your forehead, “I’m right here kitten. Tell me what you need.” You nuzzled your head into his neck and mumbled, “Water. Can I have water?” He wrapped you in a soft blanket and stood up, carrying you with him. “Anything for my kitten.”
He set you on the counter and made a glass of iced water, holding it up to your lips. As you sipped, he rubbed your back and kissed your forehead and neck, and he didn’t stop or move until you had drained the cup. He left it in the sink and picked you up again, taking you to the bathroom and filling the tub with warm water. He turned off the tap, took off your blanket, and carried you into the tub. He washed the both of you, massaging your scalp, and you let out a sound like a pur, which he smiled at.
When he was done, he stood you up and wrapped you in a fluffy towel, dried himself with one, and carried you back to bed. You curled into him, and he wrapped his arms around you. “Are you okay (y/n)?” You nodded into his chest, “Yeah, I’m okay. It was just intense.” You could hear the smile in his voice as he spoke, “Thank you for using the safeword. You did so well for me kitten, trusting me like that.” You nuzzled into his chest some more, relishing in the heat his body gave. 
You loved the praise he gave you. It made you feel warm and fuzzy in your belly, and it felt so good. Soon you were drifting into a deep sleep, comfortable in Shouta’s arms. This was nice. You’d be happy to let him guide you, let him take care of you like this. One thought drifted through your head as you drifted.
‘Guys my age could never.’
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sweetest-honeybee · 3 years
Impulse’s New Outfit
Summary: Scar helps Impulse into a suit much like his own.
TW: None
Word Count: 1278
Notes: This wasn’t edited lol
Impulse wanted to try a new look, a style he usually wasn’t very familiar with. But, he supposed that Scar could help him given the man’s taste in his clothing.
After Charlie’s message, he got to work on building his factory and it eventually hit him that a factory meant business and business, on this scale anyways, meant that he’d have to dress in something more formal. At least, more formal than his usual t-shirt and cargo shorts. Scar seemed the perfect choice as he’d been swaying away from his usual brown denim jacket and towards coats made of expensive fabrics- his head now crowned with a top hat as well, of course.
So, he did just that. After finishing the entrance of his factory, he glided over to the large wagons across the village. Thankfully, Scar was around, having only been in his garage until he looked up as Impulse landed with a stumble. Through the iron bars, Impulse watched as his friend finalized his Swaggon restock and walked to the garage’s entrance.
“Hey Impulse!” the builder greeted happily.
Impulse approached him with a wave. “Hey! The new, uh, Swaggon? I think? It’s looking great,” he chuckled.
Scar glanced at the new version of it with a proud smile. “Yeah, I’m excited to roll ‘em out.”
Impulse nodded. “Right right, so um, I need a favor from you.”
The other raised a brow but then shrugged. “For the right price, anything’s possible.”
“I need to look like,” he gestured up and down towards Scar, “that. Can you help a guy out?”
Scar looked down. “My clothes?”
“Yeah. I’ve got this whole business thing going on with the factory, thought maybe you could get me looking kinda fancy, you know? You’re the fanciest Hermit I know.”
“Aw, well I do love me some flattery. Sure! Just step on inside this here wagon and we’ll get you started.” He bounded away with what Impulse noticed was a skip in his step. Scar must’ve been excited to do this.
He followed and the builder led him to the top floor where his desk, bed, and lounge resided. Scar left him to stand idly while he dragged a large trunk from out beside the couch near the window.
“I’ve got a whole chest of stuff you could wear,” he started. He eyed Impulse with a hum. “I’m thinking black and yellow to not throw off your whole theme. Or, if you had something else in mind-“
“Black and yellow sounds just fine,” Impulse answered.
“Alright, what do you want to wear? I’ve got shirts, vests, jackets, coats of many kinds, and a bunch of hats,” he listed. “If you want my opinion, I’d say some kind of tailcoat at least.”
The redstoner pondered over the suggestion then shook his head. “No, too fancy I think. A jacket kind of like yours seems like a good choice.” He raised his hands with a shrug. “But, you’re the expert here so you don’t have to listen to me.” He flashed a lopsided smile.
Scar tutted. “It’s your outfit, Impulse. Your feedback is crucial in this process. But,” he trailed off to dig into the trunk, then pulled out a black top hat with a yellow ribbon wrapped around its base. “I think I’ve got an idea.”
He went over and placed the hat on his friend’s head. Impulse looked up as if he could see it which promoted Scar to grab a hand mirror from his desk. He held it up in front of Impulse.
“If you like this hat then my idea should be a good one.” He awaited an answer. Then, really much to some surprise, Impulse broke into a wide smile.
“I like it!”
The builder clapped happily. “Awesome! I’ll grab the rest of the main suit, then you can help pick accessories, yeah?”
Impulse still stared into the mirror admiring the hat. If it were only the hat that produced such a reaction, he assumed Impulse would die from smiling so much. It did bring one to Scar’s face though. Impulse would leave the wagon looking like a new man.
They two set to work on the rest of the outfit. Scar rummaged through the chest and pulled out a matching black coat and slacks trimmed with yellow, and a yellow vest to match. He showed them to Impulse.
The redstoner only looked confused. “Aren’t those…your size?”
This brought out a laugh from the other. “Oh, a little vex magic never hurt anyone. Some tailoring is all.” He waved a dismissive hand which he then used to snap his fingers. The snap produced a blue sheen that travelled down the clothing, effectively enlarging their size. “This should fit you fine.”
Impulse opened his mouth to say something, then clamped it shut. Whatever worked, he supposed.
He put on the articles of clothing with ease. With more vex magic, the builder summoned a full body mirror that sat against the wall. Impulse twisted and turned, marveling at the look. Though, the t-shirt under such a suit made his face twist which prompted Scar to find a button up to go underneath. After the change was made, Impulse was extremely impressed and so excited that he bounced on his toes.
“I love it! Maybe a bit longer of a coat but I’m very happy with it!” He commented as he tipped his hat at the mirror with a laugh.
Scar was more than proud of himself. His friend looked amazing and it only made his cheeks burn from grinning. Or, it might’ve been the flush that rose to them from the compliments. He turned and lifted a small wooden box from where the trunk previously was by the window. Impulse eyed him curiously as he walked back.
“Are you more of a bow tie or necktie person?” Scar asked. “I also suggest a monocle if you’re feeling particularly dangerous.” He winked and his friend laughed.
“I’m not that dangerous, but a bow tie sounds fun. Not a very serious thing, you know? It’s a candy factory.”
The builder opened the box with a hum. “Any colors you have in mind? Maybe a yellow to match the ribbon on your hat or a darker shade?”
The other peeked into the box which held many accessories- bow ties, neckties, cufflinks, collar pins, and decorative gold and silver chained charms. Much more than he was certainly used to and likely wouldn’t use. But, a vibrant yellow bow tie caught his eye which he pointed at.
“How about that one?”
Scar plucked it from the box alongside a grey bow tie. He put it down on his desk, leading Impulse to the mirror. He put up the bow ties in front of the other.
“Yellow seemed fitting for the kind of business you’re running, but I grabbed a grey one in case you didn’t want something so vibrant,” the builder explained. He alternated the bow ties, giving Impulse time to choose.
“Yeah, I like the yellow actually,” agreed the redstoner. So, Scar put it on the other and stood back, taking in the finished outfit from farther away.
“You look awesome! You’re like a whole new man!” He mused. “It suits you,” he added with a snicker.
“This season and the puns,” Impulse muttered with a laugh. He looked over into the mirror. “I absolutely love it, thank you.”
Scar patted him on the shoulder. “That’ll be a diamond block by the way.”
“Wait, what-“
“Kidding! Only kidding, it’s free.”
“We’ll I sure hoped so-“
“The first time anyways. Additional appointments are a diamond block.”
Impulse rolled his eyes with a fond smile. “Right.”
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oldschoolvpq · 3 years
Tamacrafty Halloween Part 1: Here's the Plan
There are some Halloween events coming up, and with it being Tamagotchi's 25th anniversary year I think it's high time I made myself a themed outfit.
The goal is to work iconic 90s Tamagotchi motifs into all elements of the outfit, reworking off-the-rack items mixed with authentic Tama trinkets from back in the day for something bright and FUN! After a lot of brainstorming over the past several weeks, here is what I'm hoping to turn that lovely box of supplies into:
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Read on for the detailed breakdown...
Styled after the iconic pink clock shell, the skirt will be the star of the outfit. The circle skirt is just above knee-length and will BEDAZZLED TO HECK. Blue details will be appliqued with officially licensed fabric, while the arrows will be black (with rainbow sparkle!) stretch sequin tape. A frilly bright blue pannier underneath will add volume to help show off the details. If nothing else, this piece must be complete before Halloween, and it will absolutely take the most time as everything needs to be sewn by hand. I'm gonna hate sequins all over again.
Styled after the P1 screen wallpaper with its funky checkered tiles, hearts, and stars, this tee-shirt will be my first foray into sublimation printing. I found a site that'll do it $20 cheaper than standard, so I'm pretty excited to brush up my vector design and place the order. Once the shirt arrives, I'll modify it a bit so it ties in front...another nod to 90s fashion. I'm hoping the pastel colors and large print won't be too overwhelming when paired with the skirt!
I found the loveliest baby blue second-hand Reebok Freestyle high-top sneakers for around 1/3 US retail price. The theme here is the pink and blue number shell, with rose pink accents in as many places as possible...including some REALLY fabulous legwarmer-esque slouch socks. I have crazy ambitions in terms of how far I can push the custom details, but ultimately the shoes are an afterthought as the first several events will be attended in Rollerblades.
Denim jacket - It's not 90s fashion without one! I have a full set of P1 pins and a near-complete set of P2 character pins I'll be decorating the front with. For skating, the jacket will be swapped for my favorite denim vest so I don't overheat.
Ball chain necklace - the Tamagotchi uses a 2.3 mm ball chain; I'm blowing it up to 8 mm to make an impact! I'll be hanging metal pixel character charms of my favorite Tamas that should match the aesthetic of a black and gray LCD screen.
UFO earrings - Gotta have that crazy little logo mark in there somewhere! I'll be doing shrinky dink UFOS (with resin accents for volume, probably) mounted on studs with rings on the bottom so as to hang the CUTE charms that were originally meant as beeper chain fobs! They have a lenticular Kuchipatchi sticker and are just plain FUN...and light, for which my earlobes will be grateful.
Egg purse - I don't expect to have this done in time for Halloween, but I want a black and silver pleather crossbody zippered purse that looks like the P1 egg. The gimmick will be a pocket on the front that has a zig-zag shape like the egg is hatching...perfect for storing my phone. This might not be done until November, but that's okay. I have plenty of other bags I can use in the meantime.
Hair accessories - Light-up scrunchies for little high pigtails and star clips to spread through my hair like the butterfly clips of old. As much as I want to temporarily streak my hair with colored wax or chalk, I can't risk it not washing out and/or staining the clothes.
It's a crazy plan with many details that require some slightly specialized materials and techniques, but it's nothing I haven't done before. Stay tuned!
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might-be-judas · 4 years
Yo if you want us to make our minesonas punk you've gotta teach us what punk IS I have a feeling Google Images isn't the most reliable source..
alright i can do that i think!! strap in lads this might be a long one
Judas's guide to looking punk (or metal)!!!!!
They dont wear a lot of hats, that would get in the way of their epic hair. Maybe a headband/bandana, if you want
Metal and biker fashion are pretty similar so if it wont be an obstruction of your epic hair you could add a leather biker's cap
Punks often have the SICKEST hair!!! maybe spiked or a mohawk or a devilock. Dont be afraid that you're making it too spiky or long just look it up idk HOW they do that but they do
and colorful too!! either a fun bright color or dyed black
Metalhead hair more often either very long (for headbanging with of course!!!) or super short, probably not dyed.
Lotsa piercings!!! eyeliner too! esp for punks but works for metalheads too
If you specifically want a black metal look, look up corpsepaint
chokers!! ESPECIALLY if they have spikes!! cool and punk
mormal necklaces good too esp for metal
bandanas, collars, and also ties work
might wear a chain if you want as well
t-shirts, tank tops, button-ups or shirts with ripped sleeves
probably black and has a band logo on it or some general demonic imagery
plain white shirt is ok tho as well
Any leather or denim jacket/vest, hoodie or flannel will do
but a big part of punk and metal is the BATTLE JACKET!!!!
Leather or denim jacket or vest
Meant to be covered in all sorts of patches and pins and buttons! Often one really big one on the back
Patches/pins/buttons may be of favorite bands, be political messages(more common to punk) and some pride flags if you'd like!
Also studs. pyramid studs and spikes can go anywhere on the jacket but are common on collars and shoulders. usually on leather jackets only but i dont see why you cant put some on a denim one too
belt. multiple belt. studded belt. many belt. belt on leg. belt on chest. belt.
Chains are fun too
Tight jeans, may be ripped and/or covered with patches
Leather pants, cargo pants, shorts, 'bondage pants' are all good
add some leggings if u want!
Punks and metalheads love boots!!!!!
hhrgreggg combat boots
May or may not have laces, a zipper, buckles, whatever you want. or all of the above
Maybe add a spiked/studded boot strap or a chain
heels or giant platforms too if you want!!
but really, some sneakers are just fine too
Other accessories
You know you gotta have them bracelets
LOTS of bracelets if youd like
or maybe a big bracelet that covers the entire forearm
with spikes and studs!!!!
also studded armbands
and fingerless gloves!! maybe with a skeletal pattern or spikes on the knuckles?
rings also allowed
punks like safety pins. maybe their patches are attached with pins, or they used pins to hold together ripped clothes, or just stuck anywhere for the fun of it but safety pins.
Other random notes
black is the main color, of course, maybe some blue denim
but you might add an accent color to break up all the neutral colors
red very common accent, silver/white kindof a given too with all the studs
punks especially can get very colorful tho if you want! metal stays pretty neutral
Some examples real quick:
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Punk can be pretty casual like on the left or really out there like on the right.
Punk and metal fashion is not exclusive to skinny white people go out and vibe!!!
What we really consider as punk was mostly a thing of the 80s so if you want some inspo you'll wanna look for punk 80s specifically
yeah thats my guide!!! i know i tryna be punk vibe all the time but i really am just some dork so this may not all be completely right and im not the punk police either so you dont have to follow this ok just tryna help a little anyway bye go punk yalls sonas now!!!!!!!!!
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copper-wasp · 5 years
Laser Tag - Dante x Reader
Fandom: Devil May Cry
Pairing: Dante/Reader
Rating: T
Words: 1663
Also posted to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18719848
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“Oh, boys. You are so gonna lose,” you said, strapping on the laser-tag vest, pulling the straps tightly to your chest. Straightening your shirt, you gave a steely look to the silver haired man in front of you. He looked completely nonplussed, inspecting the plastic gun he had been given.
“Doubt it,” said Dante, taking a step towards you. He was much taller than you, but you had no intention of backing down, tilting your head up to meet his eyes with a cold glare. [E/C] stared into blue for a long moment, your eyes narrowing in challenge. He broke first, barking out a loud laugh and clapping you on the shoulder as you covered your mouth with your hand, trying and failing to stifle your own giggle.
“Hey, hey, hey!” Lady whined, grabbing you by the arm and pulling you out of Dante’s orbit, “No fraternizing with the enemy!”
“The enemy?” V said, looking confusedly at the blinking LEDs on his vest. “I thought this was all in fun.”
“Fun? No way! We’re gonna get absolutely destroyed by them,” Nero said dramatically, trying to shine the laser into Dante’s eyes. “These women are vicious.”
Dante quickly grabbed the gun out of Nero’s hands, twirling it by the trigger guard just out of his reach. “Have some confidence, deadweight. You do have me on your team,” he stated, flashing a dazzling smile at the young man. Dante tossed the gun up, striding away as Nero snatched it out of the air, fuming at his unfortunate nickname.
“We’ll only gloat a little when we beat your asses,” Nico added, pulling her hair back into a messy ponytail. “Now come on, Lady, let’s talk strategy,” she said, taking the other woman by the arm and walking away from the boys.
You had propped your foot up on a bench, retying the laces on your Doc Martens when Dante sat down next to where you stood, dragging his eyes obviously from your polished leather toes up to your face. “You don’t really think you can beat me, do you, [Y/N]?” he asked, swatting your hands away when you went to retie the other boot’s laces. He quickly tied them for you, hands deftly knotting the cords securely. He caught your eye, a little smirk playing on his lips and you blushed, putting your foot back on the floor. You rolled up the sleeves of the denim shirt you were wearing, bending over a little to level your eyes with his. He slid his eyes down to your cleavage, lingering there for a long moment before reluctantly dragging his gaze back up to your face.
“I guess you’ll find out soon,” you replied, moving your mouth next to his ear. “I’m going to wipe the floor with you, cowboy,” you whispered, pushing the barrel of your gun against his chest. You pulled away, Dante’s scent following you, citrus and lavender and heat. He chuckled darkly, hooking his index fingers into the front pockets of your jeans, keeping you from moving any further away from him.
“We’ll see....” he remarked, scrutinizing your face before he stood, body nearly touching yours. “Good luck, sweet cheeks.” You glowered at him, no real dislike in the look, before taking a step back and heading over to huddle with your teammates.
“So, what’s the plan?” you asked, eyes flitting between Lady and Nico.
“Divide and conquer,” Nico said with a smirk, laying out an iron-clad strategy. A minute later, all three of you were nodding in understanding, a solid plan formed to take down the boys.
“So, I’ll take on V; Nico, you keep Nero busy, and [Y/N], you’ll take care of Dante, ok?” Lady said, doing some last minute checks on her gear.
“Gotcha,” you replied, “leave the Legendary Dumbass to me.”
There were strobing lights and metallic sounds all around you. Neon glow-in-the-dark painted set pieces were scattered throughout the arena, fog machines providing the perfect addition to the Post-Apocalyptic theme. All the props were broken, smashed, or otherwise damaged to add to the ambiance. How fitting, you thought, just like being on a job.
As soon as the buzzer sounded, the plan was put into action - the three of you immediately separating V, Nero, and Dante, driving them to different areas of the arena. You lost Dante in the fog and flashing lights pretty quickly, which, to be fair, you were expecting; the man was practically the Flash, born with innate speed and dexterity.
You heard a very loud, very Nero-sounding “Damnit!” a minute later, followed by a very bored-sounding voice over the intercom reminding you to watch your language. You chuckled, mentally congratulating Nico on her no doubt masterful takedown of the cocky young hunter.
You were tensed, completely on edge, eyes peeled for Dante’s form, ready for him to round any corner. V had the misfortune of running into you, and you immediately shot at him before he could even raise his gun to aim at you, flashing red lights exploding over his chest. He groaned, turning on his heel and calmly walking away from you.
You saw Lady streak by you a few moments later, skirt swishing as she chased after the tattooed man. You kept walking briskly around the outer perimeter of the space, head on a swivel, trying to locate the half-demon. A second, equally loud “Damnit!” resounded throughout the arena, and you clearly heard Nico cackle in absolute joy. The bored voice sounded over the speakers once again, sighing before giving the language spiel for the second time in ten minutes.
“Where the hell are you, Dante?” you growled lowly, peeking around a corner. Seeing it was empty, you crept past a fake storefront painted to look as if it would crumble any moment, green and orange dented trash cans on either side. Your boots stirred up the fog, the nearly opaque smoke swirling around your ankles. You softly stepped down the corridor, slowing nearly to a crawl as you neared the next corner.
Hearing a creak, you pressed your back against the end of the wall, gun poised and ready, a big grin on your face. You sprung around the corner, a jubilant “HAH!” leaving your lips, pulling the trigger of your laser-gun and having it make contact with... nothing but air. A dead end was before you, neon graffiti of a smiley face sticking its tongue out at you painted on the wall.
Sighing annoyedly, you went to turn back to continue your search, when you felt the stiff plastic barrel of a gun press between your shoulder blades. “...Shit,” you said resignedly, raising your hands in surrender.
A fingerless-gloved hand grabbed your gun out of your grip, the barrel of the other one pushing insistently on your back, coaxing you to move further into the dead end. You went along with it, rolling your eyes at how Dante was teasing you. Once you reached the end, a hand grabbed your shoulder, turning you around to face your would-be laser murderer.
Dante looked at you with a huge shit-eating grin, the black lights making his teeth glow an unnaturally bright white.
“All right, you got me. Take your shot,” you grumbled, hands still raised in surrender. For extra comedic effect, you closed your eyes, twisting your features into an exaggerated grimace, awaiting the telltale vibration of your vest as the laser made contact with the sensor.
For a moment you didn’t feel anything, and you were tempted to crack on eye open to see why he was taking so long. “Dante?” you asked, just to see if he’d respond. You noticed a soft rush of air blow past you as something moved into your space, smelling the bite of citrus, and feeling a soft pair of lips press against yours.
Your eyes shot open, seeing nothing but Dante’s closed ones as he kissed you, gently working his mouth against yours. His free hand wove into your hair, tugging a little to angle your head a certain way to get a better seal over your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut once again, raised hands finding purchase on his shoulders, gripping them tightly. You kissed him back eagerly, increasing the pressure and you felt him hum appreciatively against you.
Your hands caressed up to the sides of his neck, ends of his soft locks brushing against your fingers. He nipped at your bottom lip and your mouth opened slightly with a gasp of surprise. He took the opportunity to slide his tongue in past your lips, tentatively touching yours. You were sure you were melting, electric shocks firing down your spine with each soft, experimental touch. He tasted like heat, like sin, a pure addiction that you never wanted to kick.
You pressed your body against his, needy for more contact, and you felt his other hand, still holding onto both of your guns, press into your lower back, pulling you close to him. You licked into Dante’s mouth, wanting more of his taste, a small moan escaping from your chest. He moved his hand to the side of your neck, sucking your bottom lip between his two, drawing another lusty noise from you. He chuckled, placing one more gentle peck on your lips before he moved away, fingertips lingering on your neck, little prickles of heat dancing on your skin.  
He grabbed your hand, pressing your laser gun back into your palm. Without saying a word, he backed up a few steps, his eyes never leaving yours, and pointed his gun at your chest, firing right into the bullseye. Red flashes erupted in your peripheral vision as your mouth dropped open, a look of complete indignation spreading over your face. He grinned, super white teeth mocking you.
“You ASSHOLE!” you shouted, stamping your foot  like a toddler. He gave you a tiny salute before turning quickly and disappearing around the corner, fog swirling after him.
The intercom crackled; “Language!”
Thank you for reading!!
You can also find me on:
AO3: copper_wasp
Twitter: @copper_wasp_
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Mutually Assured Destruction 
Rating: Mature Pairing: Nikki Sixx/F. OC Playlist Here Description: Growing restless in his discontent, Nikki Sixx is plagued with past anxieties that he never could find the courage to confront. He’d seen and done it all but when it came to Ruby Moon, he’d always felt he had unfinished business. Now, years after their tumultuous relationship had seemingly come to an end, Nikki finds himself compulsively recounting memories and asking questions only she would have the answers to.  ***Warnings: mature themes, sexual themes, descriptions of sexual encounters, alcohol, drug use, violence, cursing 
Clad in all black and asleep in a patch of sun on the floor, Nikki resembled a big black cat snoring the afternoon away.  It was warm in California but even warmer in the apartment where they refused to clean or open a window.  Smoke hung thick in the air, thick as the smell, creating an unfortunate atmosphere completely unique to the apartment’s toxic ecosystem.  In the corner of the barren living room, Tommy’s stereo clicked a constant metronome since last night when Nikki fell asleep with it on, eating up his favorite X tape in the process  He couldn’t be bothered.  Nikki is not home right now.  Summer demanded more from him than his usual rough-n-tumble; more kids in town meant more shows meant more girls, more sweat, more parties. His spot on the floor, not four feet from the couch, was a testament to that.
However, none of that mattered.  Not when addicts were concerned, least of all.  Ruby had her own problems and her own pressures.  Right now, her main concern was the growing tension in her jaw and how she hadn’t been able to pull her tongue off the roof of her mouth since she woke up that morning. She was hungover, she was fiending and she had to go to work - with a smile on her face- in just a few hours.  None of this would have been a problem if she had been able to find her drugs to get her head straight.  When she couldn’t, however, she knew she wouldn’t have to look much farther than the Crue house after spending last night there.
There was no need to kick in the lock, though.  The door was always unlocked.  
“Wake the fuck up, Sixx!” A heeled red leather boot stuck him in the thigh.  Awareness flooded in.
“God! Damn it!”  Nikki’s eyes shot open, curling in on himself before he was able to understand what was going on.  Ruby stood over him, her long legs wrapped in black denim, shaggy black hair falling in her face; her long leopard print duster flapped wildly around.  “Give me my fucking drugs, Nikki!” She shouted in her thick New York accent.  He shielded his tired eyes from the sun streaming in around her silhouette.  He propped himself up on one elbow and felt around in his motorcycle vest pockets for sunglasses and cigarettes.
“Why don’t you fuck off, Ruby?” He croaked, his throat coated with phlegm from a night of chain smoking and snorting pills. He slowly pulled his sunglasses on and was able to see the pissed off look on her face.
“ Me   fuck off?!”  She stared at him in disbelief as he lit up a Parliament.  
“Yeah you!  Fuck off!  What the fuck are you even doing here anyway?” He groaned.
“My fucking drugs, Nikki!  I know you took them!” She snatched his cigarette out of his hand and pushed him in the chest.  
“I don’t have your drugs!” He swatted her hand away and backed up from under her. “Get one of those assholes at the strip club to buy you some if you snorted em all up.”
“Bullshit!” She whipped off her coat and threw it at him.  “Where’s my speed, Sixx?”
“I don’t even  do   speed, you fucking psycho!” Nikki stood up, rising a foot taller than her, still in his platform boots from last night.  
“Oh, I’m the psycho?!” She challenged him as he approached her, towering over her and taking his cigarette back.  Nikki bit his lip and held back a spiteful grin, taking a deep drag.  “You might wanna reconsider your angle, Moon.” He looked down at her, smoke pouring from his nostrils.
“Ruby!” Vince swung around the front door frame, hanging into the living room.  He was panting from having to follow her for four city blocks while she mumbled to herself about kicking Nikki’s ass.  “Ruby, knock it off!”  He took two quick, long strides across the room and got in between them as Nikki stepped to her.  “Both of you, stop being fucking crazy.” He put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder and attempted to push her away from Nikki. “C’mon, come smoke a cigarette with me, let’s go calm down.”  
“Oh, fuck off, Vinnie! He fucking stole from me!” She threw her arms out.  
“Yeah, fuck off Vinnie.” Nikki laughed from behind him.
“Hey, fuck you, man! I don’t gotta be part of this!”
“Then don’t be! You should both fuck off!” Nikki threw his arms out and turned to the kitchen for a morning beer.
“Ruby,” Vince ignored him and turned back to her. “Ruby, c’mon, let’s go smoke and relax, he’s not gonna give you your drugs back.”
“Because I don’t have them!”  Nikki shouted from the fridge.
Ruby gritted her teeth while she locked eyes with Vince.  He knew Nikki was lying.  She knew he knew Nikki was lying  “Please.” He pleaded with her quietly, watching her try not to explode.  He knew he’d be the one dealing with Nikki’s side of the argument long after it was over.  He just wanted it to stop.  He felt like they’d been having the same fights for as long as he’d known the both of them.
“Fuck you, Nikki!” She stomped towards the kitchen, almost colliding with him as he rounded back into the living room.  She shoved him in the chest, hard, and he actually stumbled back a bit.  She finally took her voice down.  “Just admit it!  You were being all nice and sweet to me last night, getting me all fucked up and stupid so that you could fucking steal from me! Just say it!” She shoved him again, almost begging at this point.  
Nikki chugged his beer and looked away from her.  He offered her a lazy shrug.
“To be fair, that does sound like something I’d do.”
Vince rolled his eyes. “God damn it.” He said under his breath.
Ruby barked a sarcastic laugh.  Her face flushed hot and she had to turn away from him, feeling like tears might start falling.  She shook her head and held her hands up, still laughing spitefully.  “You are so fucking awful, Nikki Sixx.”
“Oh, like you’re not!” Nikki shouted and held his middle finger up at her as she stormed out the front door, finally slamming it shut.  
“Dude!” Vince shouted, feeling eternally frustrated.
“What, am I supposed to feel bad?” Nikki was still heated, still pacing and nearly shouting. He finished off his beer and tossed it onto the kitchen pile.  “She’s fucking nuts, dude! I’ve been telling you that!”  
“You’re both nuts!”
“Yo! Shut the fuck up!” Tommy’s muffled shouting and pounding came from the other side of the living room wall, still attempting to achieve his full 12 hours of beauty rest.  A knowing grin cracked across Nikki’s face when a high pitched squeal started making its way out of the bedroom.  Vince had to fight not to laugh with him.  A messy blonde came teetering out on tiger print heels, pulling down her lime green banded dress and wiping her nose.  She paused, looking from Nikki to Vince and feeling exposed as she interrupted their conversation.
“Um…sorry.” She squeaked, hanging her head and squaring her shoulders in as she stalked past them, well aware of them both checking her out.
“Later.” Vince smiled at her flirtatiously and watched her ass wiggle as she left.  Once she was out of sight, she was out of mind and Vince turned back to Nikki.  
“Listen, Ruby doesn’t need speed anyway, dude.” Nikki waved him off and threw himself down on the couch, groaning and stretching out.
“She clearly fucking needs speed, dude.  Fucking find some. You owe me, man.”  Vince pointed a finger at him before ducking back outside.  “Not a good favor to cash in on, Vin!” Nikki shouted out at him.
Outside, Ruby stood against the brick wall of the boys apartment building, slapping a bic lighter against her palm and failing to light the cigarette hanging from her red painted lips.  
“Shit.” Her hand cupped around her cigarette tip, the black nail polish on her thumb chipping away.  
“Here.”  Vince showed up with his silver zippo and lit the tip. He watched her as she took three short nervous puffs, anxiously averting her gaze to the cracks in the pavement, the spiders crawling across the outside awning, trying to look anywhere but into his searching expression.  
“What?” She spat at him, sounding harsher than she had meant.  Vince didn’t pay it any mind.
“Are you okay?” He asked her, knowing no one had in quite some time.  She still couldn’t help but let out a short derisive laugh in spite of herself. “Yeah, Vin.” She gave him a cheeky smile that came across more like scowl.  “I’m just great.” She hung her head and looked away again.  He cocked his head at her and moved into her field of vision.
“I’m serious, Ruby.” He stroked her sad face with his thumb.  “What’s wrong?”
Ruby finally pulled her green eyes up to his and almost smiled.  Vince was sweet and Vince was hot.  It’s what made him so easy to deal with; Vince was simple and he wasn’t insightful enough to understand why she wasn’t interested in doing anything other than momentarily distracting herself with him.  He came with little complication and close to no baggage.  He wasn’t concerned when she lied to him about sleeping with other men, because he was sleeping with other women and he didn’t feel bad endough about it to tell her.  That’s the way she wanted it with him.  But over time, as he got to know her and as he got used to her, he had started caring about her. And it was beginning to become obvious that, despite being extremely unattentive, he was becoming infatuated with her.  
“I uh…” She began, shakily.  “I dunno, Vince.” She gently pushed his hand away.  Whatever hopefulness his expression may have held dropped. Somehow, he understood what it was she hadn’t been saying this whole time.  She wasn’t thinking about losing her drugs; she was thinking about Nikki.  Despite the nature of their relationship, Vince and Ruby had gotten close and had a lot of fun together.  But he wasn’t so clueless that he didn’t see her walls were up.  For awhile he couldn’t figure out why, but eventually he started catching on to how Ruby and Nikki reacted to each other. Vince never minded it; it made sense to him.  Besides, her distance allowed him more freedom to do what he wanted, which was perfect for a guy like him.  But after awhile, it was becoming hard on his ego the closer he tried to get to her.
A tear finally fell down her cheek.
“He just used to be my best friend.” She admitted, offering a sad shrug.  She didn’t know why that wasn’t the whole truth, but it was true enough that Vince could understand with a bit more sympathy.
“Yeah.” He leaned up on the wall next to her and frowned.  “Yeah, I know.  You two used to be a lot closer, actually.”
“I just don’t get it.” She exhaled smoke.  “He’s so mean to me now.”
“Yeah, but I mean….” Vince hadn’t known either of them long, but he was immediately reminded of cheap shots, screaming matches, pushing and shoving and endless taunting between them.  “You two have always fought. Y’know, you’re both pretty volatile and headstrong in that way.  And Nikki’s never really been the nicest guy.”
“Yeah, but not like this, Vinnie.  He never would’ve stole from me before.  He knows what it’s like.” She sighed and put her cigarette out on the bottom of her boot.
“That is really…..fucked up, actually.” Vince agreed, considering the breach of trust for the first time since this whole thing began in the morning when she kicked the sheets off him in bed.
“Yeah.” She shook her head and tried to brush it off.  “I gotta head to the Veil.  I gotta score something before my shift so I can at least try to get through it. Thanks for….I dunno, trying to talk to me I guess.” She offered him a weak smile.
Vince saw the sadness in her smile and despite everything, he didn’t want to send her off feeling this low.  She was, after all, still his friend too, and he didn’t intend for that to change.  He shoved her in the shoulder. “Want me to ride with you?”
“I dunno, Vince…” She felt like she was leading him on whenever he got so eager.  “They don’t really like us bringing guys around.”
“No way, I can’t stick around anyway. We got a gig later!  But we don’t gotta talk and I’ll totally eat you out in the parking lot.” He flashed a gorgeous crooked smile at her and winked.   She rolled her eyes at his frankness but couldn’t help smiling too.
“That does actually sound really nice.”
“There’s a smile.” He laughed.
“Don’t over do it, Neil.”
From inside, on the couch, Nikki watched out the window as Ruby and Vince sped off in her white Trans Am.  He shook his head and sneered, pretending to pick at the bass in his lap while he listened for her loud exhaust to fade out of ear shot.  He picked up his head again and peaked out the window to be sure they were gone before pulling a small plastic wrap of white amphetamine powder out of his back pocket.
Tommy stumbled out of his bedroom, all arms and legs in nothing but a pair of Reeboks.  He held onto his big swinging dick to assume the illusion of modesty in front of his friend.  “Hey man.” He mumbled sleepily at Nikki on his way to get a beer out of the fridge.  Nikki gave the bag a hard snort and thumped his foot on the floor. “Woo!” He threw his head back and swallowed the drip hard, feeling warmth spread behind his face.  He was finally awake.  
“Whatchu got, homie?” Tommy laughed and fell down on the couch next to Nikki, spreading his legs out and covering his junk with the one dirty pillow they had.
“What’d you think I got, man?” Nikki laughed, plucking away on his bass, his head cleared of tension.
“Dude! Is that Ruby’s? I thought you were yellin’ all morning about how you didn’t have that!” He slapped Nikki on the shoulder.  Nikki grimaced and smacked him back harder.
“Of course it’s Ruby’s.  She’s the one with a job, man.  Besides, it’s not like she pays for this shit anyway.”
“She doesn’t?”
“Fuck no!” Nikki exclaimed, dipping his finger in the bag. “She gets it from this rich foreign dude she fucks in the Valley.  That’s why it’s so goddamn good!”  He shouted before shoving a finger up into Tommy’s gums without warning.  Tommy laughed.  “Fuck yeah!” He lapped at his gums as Nikki buried his nose in the last of it.  “You mean she’s not fucking Vinnie anymore?” He asked. “I kinda liked them together, dude, I thought that was nice.” Tommy smiled, ever the romantic.  Nikki pulled back before screwing up his face and frowning.  “Are you fucking demented?”
“Nothing.” Nikki shook his head and pulled his notebook out from under the couch cushion.  “She’s still fucking Vinnie.  She’s fucking everyone.”
“Dude, that’s not true at all!  You gotta like...not talk about her like that.”
“The fuck are you a feminist for all of a sudden?” Nikki kicked Tommy’s foot, getting agitated with the direction this was going.   
“Yeah. Right.” Tommy laughed again, kicking the heel of Nikki’s boot in return.  “I dunno, man, I just think it’s kind of fucked up.  Ruby’s our friend and shit.  It makes me real sad to see you two fighting so much. She like….gave you a place to stay when you first showed up here.  She’s always at our shows.  Her band rules.  Why are you stealing shit from her, man?”
Nikki wasn’t expecting to have this conversation, not with Tommy least of all people and not this early in the day.  He shot Tommy a suspicious look.
“You know, I really thought you’d have my back on this.”
“Have your back on what?! I just don’t get it.” Tommy slapped Nikki playfully in the chest.  “C’mon, dude! I really wanna know what’s going on.”
Nikki shrugged, nodding his head to a bassline he was scribbling out in his notebook.  He honestly didn’t know what to say.  His disdain for Ruby had arrived seemingly out of nowhere.  Where she once made him feel seen and heard and understood, warm and familiar, she now made him feel isolated and awkward; uncomfortable in his own skin and less than.  He liked it even less than he understood it.  He shook his head, deciding that thinking about it made him feel worse. In his anxious and urgent mind, he decided that Ruby was causing him more harm than good. All he cared about right now, all he wanted to care about, was finishing this bass line.  He didn’t need an interrogation from his only other friend.  “She’s just some girl Vince is fucking now, man.” He shot.
“Damn.” Tommy stared at him.  He didn’t laugh this time.  In fact, he looked pretty upset.  “You are one cold mother fucker, bro.”
Nikki didn’t look at him.  Instead, he stopped writing and stood up, throwing his bass down to the floor and shoving his rolled up notebook in his back pocket.  He made his way to his bedroom. He wasn’t going to listen to this.
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
***fan fiction writers are creators too! we work really hard and put a lot of time into our stories. if you enjoy someone’s content, please consider leaving them a comment. it’s really helpful! thank you.
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enixamyram · 6 years
Free Drinks
Summary: Bartender AU - Roni is tired of Margot giving away free drinks to the girl she has a crush on. She tells her to just ask Tilly out already or start looking for another job.
  “Margot, I need you to go into the back and get me the bucket and mop.” Roni said, wandering behind the younger woman with half a dozen used beer glasses pinched between her fingers. “Someone’s been sick in the toilets and missed the actually toilet… Again.”
  “Ugh, fine,” Margot grumbled, pulling a disgusted face.
  She tucked her phone back into the pocket of her black skirt and pushed a strand of hair back behind her ear, adjusting her glasses slightly on her nose and sighing loudly as she turned towards the back door. Margot loved working at the bar. The people were so friendly, the atmosphere was fun and lively and the days went by so quick that she always wished she could do some extra shifts to make them last even longer. However as much as she loved the job, she also hated some of the more disgusting tasks she was left to do as bottom of the employee chain, including cleaning up other peoples upchuck.
  Just before Margot could reach the back room, however, the front door opened with a slight ring of the bell hanging over the top corner and a new customer came in. Out of instinct more than anything, Margot glanced back to give the new customer a big welcome and a friendly smile like she always did for everyone. However her smile stretched even more when she saw that the person to come in wasn’t actually a new customer at all, but rather a frequent one that she was eager to serve.
  “Actually, Roni, I’ll get to it in a minute!” Margot said, rushing back to the other end of the bar before her boss could ask her why.
  In the seconds it took for Tilly to cross the room, Margot reached up and casually pulled her hair down, tucking the band into her pocket. The only uniform she had to wear was an unflattering apron for health and safety reasons but Roni let her get away with not bothering with that so long as there wasn’t an kind of inspection coming up. So she was allowed to dress in her own attire, which included a plain yellow blouse with a low collar, tanned tights with sensible soft brown shoes – not exactly a fashion choice but a practical one for sure. If she had known Tilly was coming, she might have added a bit more but for now she settled with leaning forward onto the counter slightly as she approached, so her necklace (a plain silver one in the shape of a small rabbit) swung just over the top of her chest.
  “Hi,” Tilly, the pretty daughter of Detective Rogers said when Margot approached.
  Today she was dressed in a white and blue stripped cotton vest with a light blue denim jacket pulled over the top and a matching knee length denim skirt. As usual she had black leggings on underneath that had a series of holes – she was far too active to keep anything nice for long but she seemed more comfortable that way. The only difference was the new shoes Margot noticed, brown hiking boots that didn’t match the rest of the outfit but that still looked perfect on her. She also had on a pair of earrings, golden short chains with a pair of arrows on either end pointing away from her and towards Margot.
  “Good evening!” Margot beamed, still leaning forward to show what she has to offer. “You’re here early today.”
  “I had some free time. Thought I’d get a drink. Papa’s taking me cinema later.” Tilly grinned.
  Margot smile at that. She knew Tilly’s story well. Even if she hadn’t been told it firsthand by Tilly a few weeks ago, a lot of other people gossiped the tale loudly to one another, especially after having a few drinks.
  Tilly’s mother was a woman who went by the name Eloise Gardener. She had been kidnapped as a young girl and indoctrinated into a cult of other women, eventually becoming as insane and psychotic as the women who had abducted her. At one point she had been “saved” by Detective Rogers, only to have secretly been using him to get pregnant with Tilly. The plan was to raise Tilly in the cult and then sacrifice her when she hit puberty. Luckily Detective Rogers and his partner, Detective Weaver, realised what they were planning and managed to save her, though the events led to Tilly being lost for a while, she was finally reunited with her father some few months ago.
  Ever since then Tilly had finally had a chance at a normal life. Rogers was a good dad, even if he hadn’t planned to be one, and he spoilt Tilly like crazy since she moved in with him. Though maybe her life with her mother had humbled her, because despite her father’s spoiling, she was still a kind hearted girl and not like some of the others Margot had known, especially in her old fancy private school. Margot was happy when she was finally able to get herself kicked out of there, though she might have tried harder to stay if there was a girl half as much like Tilly in her classes.
  “The usual?” Margot asked.
  “The usual!” Tilly confirmed with a sharp nod that made her earrings swing slightly.
  “Coming right up!”
  Margot turned and quickly grabbed a bottle of bourbon from the counter, pouring it into a small glass and mixing it with just a lash fill of coke before turning and sliding the glass over the counter to the other girl had taken a seat. As usual, Tilly was already reaching into her pocket and pulling out a crumpled note, holding out in exchange for the drink.
  And as usual, Margot immediately held her hand up. “On the house.” She grinned, winking at her and ignoring the note.
  “Margot!” Roni suddenly called, interrupting the girls shared moment. “Can I have a word with you please?”
  Margot glanced back at Tilly. “Be right back,”
  “I’ll be here,” Tilly shrugged, cradling her drink between her hands.
  Reluctant to leave her side, Margot wandered over to Roni, stepping up beside her with just a touch of inpatients. “I’ll get to the toilets in a minute,” She said immediately.
  “That’s not why I wanted to talk to you.” Roni said, turning so her back was to Tilly and frowned down at Margot in something close to serious annoyance. Wow, normally Roni was a really laid back boss so long as you eventually did as you were told. “Margot, this has to stop.”
  “What?” Margot blinked.
  “We cannot afford your crush anymore,” Roni said strictly.
  “What are you talking about?” Margot frowned.
  “Do you seriously think that Kelly and I haven’t noticed the amount of free drinks you keep giving to Tilly whenever she comes in?” Roni demanded. “At first we let it pass but we cannot afford it any more. You do it every damn time and you don’t even give the cheap stuff for heaven’s sake!”
  Margot opened her mouth but… She had no defence. She hadn’t meant to. When Tilly first showed up, asking for a bourbon and coke, Margot had been a little flustered and offered it on the house without thinking about it. And when Tilly had grinned at her with thanks, she became addicted. She needed to see that smile again, so when Tilly came in the next time, Margot once again offered the drink for free without much thought about it. After that it was more of a habit than anything, and hadn’t really cared if Roni or Kelly noticed because her brain, for whatever reason, didn’t register what she was really doing. She certainly didn’t think how much it was probably costing the bar…
  “I’ll pay,” Margot said finally, feeling her face flush. “For her drinks, I mean.”
  “Margot,” Roni said, leaning towards her. “You can’t afford the amount you give away, even if I just stopped paying you altogether, you’d still owe us.”
  Margot hesitated then shrugged. “I can’t just start charging her now. I’d look like the biggest cow and we’d lose a valued customer.”
  “I’m pretty sure you only count as a valued customer if you pay for the services,” Roni said, putting her hands on her hips. “Look, Margot, I love you like my own. Your mother is my best friend and I really have enjoyed you working at the bar but I’m going to have to put my foot down. Either go and ask that girl out already, or go get a job at a flower shop. At least then the thing you freely give away can be grown on trees.”
  Margot could tell Roni was serious. There was no humour in her expression at all, not even a slight half friendly tease. She tensed her body and nodded her head. If nothing else, this was probably the push Margot needed to finally do what she’s been day dreaming about for a while. With that thought in mind, she turned to go and finish her conversation with Tilly, bracing herself for what she was about to do…
  When Roni suddenly grabbed her arm and stopped her. “But before you do. The mess in the toilets still needs cleaning.”
  By the time Margot was done cleaning up – it was freaking bright green, too! So gross! – Tilly was still sitting in the same place with her glass cradled between her hands. That wasn’t a surprise. Tilly always took her sweet time with her drinks, never risking getting drunk since it always took her hours to finish a single glass. And she only ever had one – otherwise Roni probably would have given Margot her little talk a lot sooner.
  As Margot wandered passed with the bucket and mop (freshly cleaned to keep a lingering smell attached for the next time they used it) she instinctively turned and offered her another friendly smile. Tilly grinned back immediately, lifting her glass in thankful cheers and taking another small sip. The sight of her caused a knot to form in Margot’s stomach as she hurried into the back room, setting the equipment down in the far corner and pausing to take a slow breath in order to calm her rapidly beating heart.
  Margot loved working in the bar. And Roni was the best boss she’d ever had, but she didn’t doubt that she would make good on her promise to fire Margot if she kept giving things out for free. Which meant that, if Margot was going to stand a chance with Tilly then she was going to need to ask her out before she suddenly started charging her for her drinks. But now that it was finally time, despite the many nights she’d practised quietly in her room or daydreamed about it or thought it over while making drinks for the others, she suddenly had no idea how she was going to actually do it.
  Before she could wimp out, Margot turned and strolled from the room. Roni was busy chatting with Henry and Jacinda, a couple that often spent evenings here when they could get a babysitter for their kid. They seemed to be quite friendly with Roni, but Margot had to admit, she’d never really had a proper conversation with either of them. Then again, she might have been distracted with other customers at the time or, more likely, one in particular.
  Margot made a beeline straight for Tilly. She ignored the look Roni shot her and put on her usual friendly smile, conveniently not seeing the guy who tried to catch her attention for a drink as she passed. If Roni wanted her to get this done with then she could cover her for the next few torturous seconds when she put everything out in the open and her entire heart on the line.
  “Hey, how’s the drink?” Margot asked cheerfully.
  “Nice,” Tilly nodded, setting the drink down in front of her. She wasn’t even halfway done with it yet.
  “So look, I was thinking.” Margot said quickly, before she had a chance to back out. “Maybe you’d like to get a drink sometime.” What?! Margot froze as soon as the words were out of her mouth, mentally beating herself with every bit of non physical willpower she had in her mind. They were literally in a bar with Tilly having a drink right now. That was the stupidest thing she could have said! “I mean… You and me… Go somewhere else. I mean, the bar is great and all but maybe you’d like to try something different and maybe you’d like to do it with someone different. I mean not so different that you don’t know them but maybe different to whom you’d normally go out for drinks with, apart from here I mean. I mean…” Margot groaned dropping her head down before looking up and giving her a strained smile. “I’m trying to ask you out on a date.” She said finally.
  Tilly, nodded, looking as calm as ever. “Yeah, I figured. You’re not very good at it though.”
  “Cut me some slack,” Margot said, blushing hard and trying not to stumble over her words. “I’ve never asked anyone out before…”
  “Yeah, I figured that too.” Tilly nodded again.
  Margot was starting to feel a little put out at this point. Alice was still sitting like she was very relaxed, almost like she had expected this kind of question to be asked eventually, but she had still yet to say yes… Or anything for that matter. Maybe she was just waiting for Margot to officially ask her so she could properly turn her down, once and for all.
  “Well, whatever, it was just an idea,” Margot mumbled, glancing down at her feet and feeling like the biggest idiot in the whole bar.
  “So where shall we go?” Tilly asked.
  “What?” Margot blinked, looking back up at her.
  “For the date. Where shall we go?” Tilly asked, leaning forward and smiling at her.
  “Oh… Oh!” Margot grinned. Her earlier worries vanishing as her smile stretched from ear to ear. “I have an idea. There’s this sweet little restaurant near the middle of town! I heard good things about it. And it even serves your usual bourbon.” She winked.
  Tilly’s own smile stretched. “Great.” She said, showing all her teeth.
  “It’s about time,” Roni mumbled, shaking her head at the two grinning girls before turning to see Henry smoothing a laugh behind his hand. “What’s so funny?” She asked.
  “Oh, I just… Had a conversation with Detective Rogers the other day.” Henry grinned, he leaned forward and lowered his voice so only the three of them could hear. “Tilly hates bourbon.”
  “Wait what? She orders it every time she comes in here.” Roni blinked.
  “Yeah, according to Rogers, she’s had a crush on Margot for a while. She finally picked up the courage to come in and say hi, then chickened out and ordered the first drink she could see, which turned out to be a bourbon. She added the coke, hoping it wouldn’t taste too bad but, well, she absolutely hates the stuff. But she kept ordering it because she didn’t already said to Margot that bourbon and coke was her usual and she loved it. Apparently she doesn’t want to admit the truth now.” Henry grinned.
  “You’re kidding.” Jacinda giggled. “That’s so cute!”
  “It is not!” Roni snapped, looking outraged. “Margot’s given away over eight hundred bucks worth of free bourbon and Tilly doesn’t even like the damn stuff!”
  The three looked up to where Roni had accidentally drawn the attention of the exact two girls they were discussing. Margot looked confused and a little shocked while Tilly was turning very pink in the cheeks and doing her best to shrink down on her seat. When Margot finally turned to face her, she offered a shy half smile and a little shrug.
  “So… Maybe just a couple of beignets and a walk in the park for our first date then?” Tilly said, forcing the large grin back on her face, while secretly holding her breath for Margot’s reaction to her long lasting lie.
  “Well… That would be cheaper.” Margot said, nodding and grinning back at her.
  “Cheap is good. Especially if I’m going to have to start paying for my own stuff,” Tilly winked.
  “What did I say?” Jacinda said, leaning forward and keeping her voice down. “So cute!”
  “Yeah,” Roni said, smiling. Then added. “I swear to god, Margot is replacing every bit of liquor she gave away.”
  “Oh come on, Roni. Let off, it’s young love.” A voice said from behind them.
  They glanced up to see Kelly strolling from in front of the fire exit she had been trying to fix. She had a little light in her eyes, watching the girls from across the room with a soft smile.
  “Love isn’t gonna pay for wasted alcohol.” Roni complained.
  “You really have no room to talk.” Kelly snorted, leaning against the counter. “Oh shall I retell the story of your fling with that Daniel guy to Henry and Jacinda here and the extreme lengths you went to convince him you loved heavy metal and the money he wasted on you because of it.”
  “Alright! Point taken!” Roni said sharply.
  Kelly turned away, then muttered loudly enough for them to hear. “At least Tilly didn’t get a tattoo of bourbon on her ass.”
  “You what?!” Henry yelped with a laugh.
  “No way, Roni! Are you serious?” Jacinda grinned, leaning right across the counter.
  Roni glared at Kelly. “I’m going to remember that.”
  On the other end of the bar, the two girls glanced up at the loud laughter.
  “What do you think they’re talking about now?” Tilly mused.
  “Who cares. So long as it isn’t us.” Margot snorted, then turned and reached over, taking Tilly’s hand. “So, when are you free to go out?”
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littlemix-styleblog · 6 years
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Requested Jesy inspired outfits for Harry Styles Concert
First Look
Zara FRINGED FAUX SUEDE JACKET: £19.99. So the first outfit was actually quite easy for me to do, I had it in mind for a festival or a outdoor concert (This could be ideal for the summer hits tour). But it can work well inside a concert venue. I wanna start with the fringe jacket because I think it`s the staple piece of the outfit, also I did want a sleeveless one but I just couldn`t find any and this was the closet, nevertheless it doesn`t take anything away from the look. Of course if you get too hot you can always take it off. It`s from Zara and it`s actually been discounted from £29.99. But like I said it`s a staple piece and can go with anything.
Public Desire ROCKY STUDDED PLATFORM BOOTS IN BLACK: £24.99. When I started this request, these were the first things I went too because I love them myself and Jesy is always wearing her platform boots from Jeffrey Campbell. Now you may not be a fan of platform boots and that`s ok, not everyone is so the shoes in the second set may be to your favour. These boots scream Jesy, they are edgy, rocky, fierce and fit the look well. These have also been discounted from £44.99, you can also get them in different styles so you can get them with gold studding, mixed with colours, zips, buckles, embellishment, whichever takes your fancy.
Topshop Mom Shorts: £30. No matter what season it is, you always get hot when your inside a venue for a concert...With the amount of body heat and fire and whatever else going on you can`t wait for a bit of air. So I opted for some denim black shorts, of course a fan with Jesy. 
PrettyLittleThing BASIC WHITE SQUARE NECK JERSEY VEST TOP: £10. You don`t need a fancy top to make this look, a simple white vest top will help you along. You can get a cheaper white vest/tank top from anywhere just depends where you live. Of course you can also opt for a black one which Prettylittlething also do.
H&M Choker and ring: £2. Jesy is rarely seen without a choker these days and when I was searching for one this was last on my radar. I visited all these sites and they didn`t shout Jesy to me. This particular choker could actually be a dupe to her Unif one or another similar one. Bargain aswell at £2.
Topshop Fire Feather Cross Body Bag: £26. When you go anywhere it`s basically impossible to go anywhere without a phone and a purse and if you do what I do and try and man handle them all within your hands and put your phone, keys and loose change in your pockets then I do not recommend it. So I suggest a bag, now before I go into things. I do suggest a cheap bag, not a cheap one that falls apart the minute you get it home but because what are the chances are of you loosing it? Or it getting stolen? So I recommend a Primark one. But the one I have gone for is a pop of colour, I love the feathers and the purple entwined. Would go well alongside your fringe jacket
Second Look
PrettyLittleThing RHODA BLACK TRIANGLE STRAP DETAIL BRALET: £8. Now recently, Jesy has been loving the bra and the pants look a lot, I`ve said on here i`m not particularly keen on it myself and theirs definitely ways you can jazz it up and make it different to flatter your body. The ones she picks are literally underwear bras or bikini bras and not everyone has that confidence to walk around in one of those. But I`ve tried my best to find a similar one that is also acceptable and not that flashy. It may not be the best but again it`s your choice...Also see the next item.
PrettyLittleThing BLACK SATIN BUTTON FRONT SHIRT: £22. Since everyone is not a fan of wearing just a bra top like Jesy does, I was thinking why not alter it to peoples preferences. So here we are, Now I do like the shirt and bra look. The look I was going for was a black shirt and you wear that strappy bra under it, you can either show a lot off or you can show a little you have the power to show what you like and it also keeps your modesty up. Now I personally like this look with a skirt, a small black leather mini skirt but Jesy doesn`t wear any of those does she, infact I don`t think she`s ever worn a black mini skirt, all she`s worn is black leather pencil skirts and they don`t really go with the look and they will restrict you from breaking into a dance. But yes, if you like the bra look but don`t wanna too flash I recommend a shirt. What great is, is that you can get this shirt in many other colours. Also to style it up a bit you can tie the front of the shirt off and show off a bit of skin if you wanted, that`s what Jesy did a couple of months ago.
PrettyLittleThing BLACK GINGHAM BARDOT TIE FRONT PUFF SLEEVE CROP TOP: £12. When I got that bra top, I just wasn`t happy with it I dunno why probably because it`s not suited for most of my followers. But I continued searching and came across this top because Jesy also wears a top that is modest but shows a bit of skin. If you look back on her recent outfits you will see she sports a similar style top. I personally think it`s cute and sweet. I hope we`re all keeping up? I am just trying to find to find ways to wear a crop top and make it suited to everyone's preferences. 
Topshop MOTO White Joni Jeans: £36. I don`t think Jesy has ever worn white jeans before? But that doesn`t matter because we are jazzing things up a little bit. So for the gingham top from Prettylittlething I thought white high waisted jeans looked good with it and lets not forget it`s going back to Jesy`s style she is happy with at the moment. I don`t think Jesy likes her hips which is why she is always hiding them, she wears high waisted jeans often so these arent alien to her. Now, I know Topshop jeans are everyones favourite, they have a lot of negative then positive attributes to them but theirs plenty of other recommendations out on the web. What makes this one even better is that their is also a black option and the black option would go well with the black strappy bra top and the black satin top so win win.
New Look Black Fedora Hat: £9.99. Dunno if i`m going for a cowgirl look here or what, that is not what I intended. But a black fedora hat can go with either style, I think it suits the first style better but it`s your choice. Again a simple black fedora, Jesy likes a Fedora. This one is from New Look, but again you have plenty of recommendation on the market.
PrettyLittleThing SILVER RENAISSANCE TRIPLE LAYERED COIN PENDANT NECKLACE: £8. The bra top is quite low and leaves some space on the neck for a choker or a necklace to go in. So I chose this necklace from Prettylittlething, Jesy loves her jewellery and i`ve noticed she likes silver jewellery rather then gold. The layered necklace design is very on trend at the moment. You can have too many accessories. 
H&M Ankle boots: £18. So your dancing around at a concert and you want to be happy and enjoy it for every second, but then you realise your feet start to hurt because you`ve been on your feet all day and all you want now is a seat. So even though some heels would be recommend for this outfit, I recommend either some flats or these boots. Now I found flats didn`t really go with this outfit, so I went with some boots and they do go with either outfit. Again H&M delivering the goods, they always have some good ankle boots you can never go wrong with them. They were £24.99 so you will get a bargain too!.
This post does contain affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links I earn a tiny commission to keep the blog running. It does not cost you any extra.
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