#I think dnd was a hobby of mine but I have no one to play that with
whimsyprinx · 2 years
tomorrows goals that may or may not be met: wash blankets and remake bed, watch scooby doo movies or something that will make me happy, try not to cry, try to actually finish or get far into a drawing, eat more
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vide0-nasties · 8 months
1. Were you named after anyone?
To the best of my knowledge no, at least for my real name! My internet name, Rags, I actually just ended up snagging from one of my OCs - a washed up rockstar named Cosimo Ragatz, who was a recovering drug addict that founded an indie record label with his wife.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Oh god, it was some time last week?? So much real life stuff had piled up and I think it was honestly some kind of mini-break or smth, god only knows. But I’m feeling better now lol.
3. Do you have kids?
ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY NOT LMAO. My mom passed when I was young and I raised my younger siblings, I’ve done my time in the child rearing mines and I’m never doing it again.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
For a really long time I rode horses and I was a really good three day eventer. I also really loved archery and swimming. I also rode dirt bikes too, and I’d love to get back into it!! 🥰🥰
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes indeed!! But I’m not sure that I use it as much as I used to. Not for any particular reason, I don’t think dgheh.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I’m boring and predictable and I pretty much always notice height first 😂😂 I do also notice face shapes and noses, though!!
7. What’s your eye color?
Dark brown that leans pretty close to black dfhjd.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Each have their own benefits and negatives!! A time and a place for everything 👏👏
9. Any talents?
I’m a good writer, and I’m pretty good at accents! I also like to think I’m the funniest asshole in any given room at any time 😂😅
10. Where were you born?
Commonwealth of Virginia babeyyyyy 🦩 there aren’t cardinal emojis, but I’m still barely south enough to be southern lol.
11. What are your hobbies?
I like posting video games, writing, playing dnd, a lil bit of digital art. Painting my nails. Dfhjd. Running outta stuff here, uhhhh. Panicking trying to remember my meds, but that’s more a full time occupation lol.
12. Do you have any pets?
Four dogs (a cocker spaniel, a border collie, a pit bull, and a boxer lab 🥰🥰), some barn cats, and a little grade paint horse named Rooster who’s a complete ASSHOLE.
13. How tall are you?
5’6” or 5’7”, it depends on how tall I want to feel that day dghjd
14. Favorite subject in school?
History and English!!! I really wanted to be a historical researcher for a career when I was in school and I still think about it. I would’ve liked to study Appalachian history from pre-Civil War to present.
15. Dream job?
LOL 😂😂 historical researcher, possibly an author, or a rare and antique jewelry shop owner siiigh. I really fell in love with fine jewelry at my last job, and I would DIE to be able to do it again, but in a much more niche fashion.
No Pressure tags: @smoggyfogbottom @brilliantblasphemer @dotcie @kastlequill @skinnyazn @snail-eggs @lunarvicar @siriusleee 💖💖
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
Daily ask №12
Hobby edition!
Firstly, Author, what is YOUR favourite hobby? Besides writing? Mine is probably text roleplay if you're curious : D
I'm pretty sure that there was a list of hobbies for each character somewhere z or at least I've seen it written down that Tubbo likes gardening, but still, what is each character's hobby/hobbees?
Hobby swap. Every hobby gets sent to the person arter them in the order that you answered the second question in. How well does it go?
I do still remember that you wrote that Wilbur figures out that it has no hobbies when he doesn't have to get food so I suggest: Photography. I mean, they're already travelling through the USA and considering the fact that the foundation forgot about their existence they might as well have some fun and not hide constantly yk. Climb onto the statue of freedom or something. Why not. Might as well keep some memories!
Also it would just bee kinda ironic if Wilbur who has like the void thing which is the absence of light, photography as a hobby which is essentially capturing light.
5. What hobbies do you think whatever character/s would enjoy but aren't able to do due to their situation?
Man I don't think this one has an ounce of spoilers for Fault or content warnings!
1.Drawing. I find my drawing and writing is a very symbiotic process that keeps up passion about projects. I write a cool scene so I want to draw it, and while doing that I’m thinking about the story. Or I draw something sick as hell and am like well now I gotta put that in. I also like dnd but don’t play much alas.
2.I realized I was addressing the 5th question a little, so I’m going to put asterisks next to functional hobbies that they’re able to do on the run.
Tubbo gets the most exploration of hobbies due to the interlude WHiT Croplands. Tubbo definitely likes gardening because of Rhodes, though it’s also kinda cheating since flowers auto bloom once exposed to Tubbo long enough. Rosalind also has a lot of hobbies, and a bit of a problem with starting a new thing only to abandon it for the next project. So quilting*, painting, knitting. Tubbo also enjoys the Pokémon franchise. And they’re a dirty cheat at monopoly, can’t trust that guy at all. Also likes messing around in photoshop since they had an Instagram and needed to learn how to look like they badly photoshopped themselves into looking like a bug fairy thing.
Philza is seen doing a lot of meditating*, which is good for an embodiment of wrath. He’s probably picked up thousands of hobbies at one time or another. On speculation, he’s drawn to hobbies that involve fire and absolutely adores how creative humans are. Like part of Phil becoming a person was deffo influenced by humans changing the symbolic meaning of fire to include creation and protection. So metal work, glassblowing, anything with a combustion engine, etc. Philza was absolutely invested in the space race to an inordinate degree since they’re going into space with ROCKETS! He’s into cooking* and has a lot of random recipes that are nostalgic and tied to previous Collected. I can also see him doing a bonsai tree thing but like with a whole forest. Like sculpting how it grows over a few centuries. Ever see tree braiding?
I’m not sure if The Blade necessarily likes playing video games? I think he views it as a safe way to let The Blood God and voices go ham and appease their cries for slaughter. So it’s more The Blade disassociating while The Blood God plays, so I guess that makes video games his hobby instead. The Blood God finds it a little demeaning of his capabilities but at least The Blade is letting him out? His hooves and size would make it somewhat difficult, so probably tends towards turn based strategy games. The Blade does not let anyone around him when gaming for safety. The Blade personally prefers reading*, which is like narrating for an audience. The voices get really into it, and The Blade gets goofy and dramatic with it. It is difficult without his glasses tho given pigs are hyperopic.
Tommy likes video games, watching scary movies his mum forbid, and goofing around with his friends. He also gets into drawing at the Foundation using either his Red or Ros’ crayons. Not uh good at it but still it’s enrichment.
Wilbur has music* and that kinda it. A bit of a risk with instruments, given that’s extra weight to carry and the void could eat it but after a few messy obliterations over scratches the void has gotten the memo kinda. Wilbur likes the act of creating stuff to spit in the face of the void, but anything it makes runs the risk of eventually getting eaten by the void, which would really upset it. But music itself isn’t a physical object and so is safer. It’s a big coping mechanism for him to help calm down and control the void. The Foundation tried to ruin music for him but it didn’t work.
3.Tubbos wide array of hobbies would mesh well with Philza’s, and the gardening already aligns with the forest maintenance I hypothesized.
The Blade can’t meditate. He just can’t. He and Phil have a convo about it in the whumptober prompts thing since he’s frustrated meditating isn’t working and Phil just blinks and is like ‘? Why would my coping mechanisms be tailored to you? Come on mate let’s find something suited for you.’ All the fire related hobbies would also be no bueno bc he is very fluffy and very flammable. Might go for cooking tho, but on the whole he’s lazy and can just eat things raw so why bother.
Video games work out for Tommy, though I don’t think he’d be a fan of strat games. Reading is tricky with Red though, he needs someone else to hold a book. There’s a deleted scene where Tubbo and Tommy help each other read a book between the Red and dyslexia, with The Blade spoiling things and the pair getting salty.
Video games would drive Wilbur crazy since it doesn’t have the cultural background for them at all. Ever seen a grandparent try to play Minecraft? Plus he doesn’t like staying still in one place too long. Maybe a DS would work until the void tries to eat the cartridge. Scary movies don’t do anything to Wilbur because he IS a scary movie. And drawings are the worse for it since 1. Probably accidentally incorporates an evil rune subconsciously and gets cursed 2. Paper is Tastey snacc for void and prone to getting snapped up.
Tubbo canonically is bad at singing. I get the vibe Rosalind played the viola in middle school ? Sheet music can be rough on dyslexia though you can do stuff like use colored highlighters for different notes, though I don’t think Wil uses sheet music. They’d try to figure out simple tunes, very basic stuff. Tubbo wouldn’t be good but they’d have fun and annoy Wilbur.
4.There is the problem of photos getting eaten. I think he could convince the void that the camera itself is a dangerous creature that could vaporize them in a single flash of light if threatened. But if it could get the photos safe it would be a really good thing to help with its memory. Like visible proof xyz happened. Though I imagine what Wilbur and a human think is worth photographing is very different. Wilbur would have a blurry picture of a road captioned with something like ‘tastiest asphalt in Indiana’. Picture of random camping site ‘place where Phil admitted I was his favorite (this was not under duress)’. Picture of a lumpy cloud ‘if I got tall enough could I eat a cloud’
5. If Tubbo did beekeeping would that be like Mickey keeping Pluto as a pet.
Wilbur NEEDS to be in theater. Ideal enrichment for its dramatic soul. Interact with humans in a normal setting would be fantastic to work on the racism problem. It’s also the perfect medium for him since a performance is a one time thing that can’t be destroyed after the fact. Its main hold back would be the bad memory, but I think learning to value non survival memories could actually improve its memory and priorities. Theater is like 3 different character arcs for him. Also put him in a hot dog eating contest. I need Joey Chestnut to taste overwhelming loss.
Also put Tommy in an improv troop he needs it. Or therapy. He needs therapy as a hobby.
Alas having fingers holds The Blade back from a lot of things. But I think it would be funny to plop that man in a furry convention and try to scam people into giving him money to also make them giant crazy realistic suits. Would he do this. Never. It would be mean and require talking to a lot of people. However. It would be hysterical.
Back in Philza’s day, you could just be a leviathan monster in the ocean and eat entire whaling ships. But now you can’t anymore. Becuase woke.
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murder-cookie-dust393 · 11 months
Match ups :0
I am considered to be an Outgoing Extroverted person, I just like people I want/need people to like me. I also tend to be over emotional, and it takes very little to make me cry. I tend to bounce from one Extreme to another (like being overly tired to having way to much energy).
Hobby wise: I play dnd often, I’ve recently gotten back into digital art. I also play a ton of sudoku, solitaire, puzzles, and Nonograms when I’m bored, I’m pretty good at them :>
Habits of mine: I’m a messy disorganized person. I don’t need things to be neat and tidy I just need them there. Oh and I have a habit of hoarding things until they are completely unusable - but even then I have a bunch of wires that don’t really work anymore but I can’t bear to throw them away.
Things I like: Citrus fruit, being carried around, fairytales, BUGS!!!
Things I dislike: People who think they are above me. Most Dairy products v.v.
Before I was struggling to think of like- different cookies for each person- But I have a list prepared, so this should go quicker (whenever I have the motivation to write aha-)
Tw: mention of guilt-tripping, implied kidnapping
I match you with: Royal Margarine (Smuggarine-)
If you like being carried around, then this guy has got you covered. Whether it's just letting you get on Buttercream, or carrying you himself, it's quite the fun thing to do. Oh and hey, if he wants to take you far far away, he can just load you up on Buttercream and hope no one comes looking for you.
He can be total pretty princess or flirty bastard there is no in-between. So if you're overly emotional, he's overly emotional with you.
He's terrified of bugs. Absolutely terrified. So please, hold him as he screams like a girl for the next 2 minutes.
He's a bit of a sappy/cheesy romantic so as soon as he finds out you like fairy tales, he'll start flirting with those kinds of lines.
Don't question him when he guilt trips you to stay beside him forever and forever. He just needs you so bad. I mean, you're both emotionally dependent on each other, right?
- Celina
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lady-of-endless · 7 months
Hello! I hope you're doing well. May I please request a romantic matchup for One Piece?
My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men.
Personality: Leo, INFJ, 1w9, HP house Ravenclaw. Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I'm very supportive, encouraging, reserved, clumsy, easily flustered, athletic, conscientious, witty and sarcastic. Though I unintentionally come across as intimidating, I'm rather gentle and caring. I'm pretty stoic and some misinterpret it as being emotionless (I honestly just want the best for everyone). I rarely lose my cool. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine–living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. I actively search for things to be thankful for to remind myself that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I adore challenging myself both intellectually and physically. I am happiest when seeking out information, reason, and understanding. I’m really kinda superstitious…
I work as a foreign language teacher, so my job requires me to have patience, be understanding, be able to think on my feet, and be creative. I'm incredibly determind, which helps push me through difficult days. I strongly encourage those I teach to speak their minds and have open discussions.
My love languages are definitely acts of service and words of affirmation. I don't dislike physical affection when it's from my s/o, but I don't tend to seek it out. Quality time is fine, especially when we're just doing our own thing but sitting near each other. I will always appreciate gifts but hate feeling like I owe others.
Likes and Dislikes: I love discussing topcs that revolve around enigmas. It's not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. I like practicing the languages I know, biology, demonology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, singing, alternative rock and metal music, and exploring my surroundings. Cats and rodents are top tier pets. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments.
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing, listening to music, playing the piano, dancing, watching horror movies, drawing, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine.
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, lean, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle. I mostly wear black and white, but also lilac :) My asthetic is a mix between grunge and dark academia.
I hope this wasn't too painfully long! 💜💜
Author's Note: Thank you for your request! Please dont apologize for the long description, it's helpful and very enjoyable. Hope you'll like it!
I ship you with... Mihawk!
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(lovely gif is not mine, please show appreciation to the OP)
- Your ambitious personality draws him in, thinking of how beneficial is to collaborate with someone as ambitious and capable as him. Not to mention your ability to not lose your cool.
- He's feelings go from doubt, to fascination, to respect and then to attraction. He also takes time to understand himself and his feelings so it will definitely be a slow burn.
- He likes that you take time to ponder and then act. Whenever he sees you deep in thought he can't help it but wonder what's going on in that pretty mind of yours.
- Please be a little sarcastic with him too, he'll secretly like that.
- The fact that you try to find the beautiful things in life is something that he wants to learn from you but won't admit. You'll see him try though.
- Unintentionally intimidating looking? You two would look like such a power couple, oh my. Also your grunge and dark academia aesthetic goes so damn well with his aesthetic.
- He thinks that you are a magnificent woman. As days go on and he discovers more about you, you slowly become his muse.
- Because he knows just how determined, analytical and creative you are, he'll probably propose you to come with him to Cross Guild meetings. You'll be a fine addition and a great advisor. (this also gets him the chance to show you off)
- I think that even some of your likes and hobbies will perfectly match his. So perfectly that Mihawk is a bit doubtful at first. He's a bit confused, he always thought that his likes were a bit well, unique.
- Will love to spend a late night talking with you about enigmas and the occult over a glass of wine.
- He will ask you if you could play the piano for him after he had a long day. You may not notice but he looks the most enamoured when you're playing the piano for him.
- Oh and expect reading dates. He takes pride in his library so that's where you two would spend most of the time together.
- He takes note of your dislikes. During stormy weather, Mihawk will invite you next to him to keep you warm. He will start reading to you so that you'll hear his voice instead of the wind and the thunders from outside. He hates it when disagreements turn into arguments as well, so expect him to always come to you and discuss calmly whatever disagreement you two might have.
- Dear, to me you sound like the perfect match for Mihawk, I have nothing else to say.
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hi! so...
I have a character with A LOT OF early childhood trauma. At first, I didn't think much about it, but as time passed, I saw that much trauma would for sure leave a big mark on them somehow, especially being so young when it was repeatedly happening. So I thought about making them have DID, and I would like some tips, bc at the beginning of my story, my character will not know they have DID, so I would like to see if you have any tips for writing systems that don't know that they are a system yet, I heard that some systems are commonly misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder and stuff, and I also know that you can pass a lot of time and don't realise you're a system, so I wanted to ask if could you help me, please
Sure yeah! From what friends of mine have said, some semi-common experiences are:
parts of one’s identity changing many times in notable ways over the years without clear reason
Having memory issues
“Playing pretend” for really long amounts of time as a kid / getting really in character for more teen hobbies like roleplay or dnd
Not really caring about traumatic memories except in certain situations
Seeming to have a different personality at home versus in public, not just superficially but down to motivations, social preferences, and even opinions (like preferring socializing in public but being entirely fine with aloneness at home)
Changing names/going by many aliases (online, nicknames, etc)
Feeling distant/disconnected from one’s past self
Forgetting details from distressing moments (arguments, etc)
These are just some ideas, and there’s a lot of variety for how things can look! For instance I know someone who essentially presented as someone with PTSD for many years, because their system was keeping them in front and doing all the system related work in the background. Another had a lot of online identities and liked roleplay, and another insisted they were a kid’s show character for a whole year as a child. It can vary a lot! Overall though you seem like you’ve got a good grasp on things, and I wish you luck in your writing!
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artharakka · 1 year
ohhhh OC questions 11, 13, and 20?? 👉👈
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Nila, I think. He/they (the language Nila speaks has no gendered pronouns so eh?) are an old old oc of mine I recently resurrected to be a companion NPC in a ttrpg/dnd campaign "Llehia" I'm currently DMing (more behind the scenes material for that on my patreon). He wants to trust people and see good in them which is why they can come across a bit naïve at times. But I don't think he's necessarily stupid, just trying to break the cycle of being cynical and if things go south, he's fast to dodge (he hopes).
Another one is Willow. Not necessarily in the usual sense but more like "can sometimes be overwhelming and irritating". Might also make you a cup of tea so also warm I guess (expect their hands, they are always cold). We also enjoy a good olde sun & moon symbolism with @artist-rat whose character Ash we associate with the moon. Willow and Ash are twins 🌞🌙 Also Willow started as my Skyrim character Paju (willow in Finnish) and you bet I had the Dawnbreaker.
(Nila on the right, Willow on the left with very fast sunglasses)
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13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Ohohohoho so many! But two that do and say stupid shit in order to get a reaction from other people are my Dragon Age inquisitor Sonera, and once again, Willow. Willow enjoys irritating their twin sister Ash's short temper (and Ash's girlfriend Rhea). Too bad those two are strong butches, which is why Willow is always ready to flee with a shit-eating grin. (Don't worry though, Willow and Ash are actually really close). Sonera's humour is lewd her hobby is trying to see how far they can throw a dagger and still hit some poor fool's toes. Both Willow and Sonera would be the types of friends who see something cursed online and immediately send it to everyone.
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20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Not many! In fact right now I could only think of one, which might tell more about my own musical talents and how much I think of singing. But I think Rhiam would sing in bath/shower (would never admit that though. They are very shy). And to be honest I don't exactly know what kind of voice they would have! I just know the tone I use when we play the campaign. But I think their singing voice might be a little higher than expected.
Rhiam is good at inventing and sometimes freestyling their own spells, so I think they might even invent their own songs. Or in modern AU where they haven't lived on a farm without electricity, do very dramatic imaginary covers of their favourite songs. I think they would like Lady Gaga and Marina 💕
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So many thems I notice! But tbh my first language doesn't have gendered pronouns either so that causes it a bit. But Nila as said is he/they, doesn't matter to him. Sonera is bit same but with she/they, mostly she. Willow is just they, and Rhiam is... kind of at crossroads. Has been he but doesn't really vibe that. So vague they for now.
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little-mouse-gardens · 3 months
4. 🐈 CAT: Does the world of your WIP have any superstitions or folklore?
6. 🪩 MIRROR: Which OC is most like you?
14. 💎 GEMSTONES: Share a line in your writing that you really love!
EEEE! Thank you for the ask ^W^
4. Ooo! For one of my rise aus with my four ocs, fae kings au, it is said that you shouldn’t play a pan flute out in the forest since music could attract fae
6. Hmmm if I had to say which oc of mine is the most like me? I’d say a rabbit monster character I made for a dnd campaign concept I thought of while back. While I was designing her I modeled a few of her hobbies and a few personality traits based off myself
14. A line that Marcy says in an another au im working on, “hmmm…let’s think about this, go out into a creepy forest at three am oooorrrr stay home and just have a regular sleepover? Lets be honest here, I’m gonna prefer the sleepover because I don’t feel like being apart of a real life horror movie”
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ruvastuon · 17 days
Writeblr Intro
I haven’t gotten around to writing an intro until now, and i’ll try my best to not ramble too much.
Ruvastion/Ruvastuon are both fine to call me, but if you want to play around with the names to make them easier to type, that's okay with me, too.
I am a 22yo introvert, and my hobbies include writing, drawing, gaming, knitting/crochet, DND, walking, and making bread.
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(Guava taking a nap)
I have been writing since I was young but suffered from the curse of never finishing any of my projects.
Last year, I was really frustrated with myself for having only two actual results of my writing efforts over the years (both of which were unedited short pieces that exist where I can not reach them. (One I had written in a note book that I lost, and the other was on a web novel account that I lost access to, due to my former self being really bad at writing things down correctly))
Anyway… One of my brothers had a conversation with me about trying to write some fan-fiction to jump start my writing which is how I stumbled across a little site called AO3 and to my surprise I was actually able to get some stuff written and even posted.
I struggle with interacting online and tend to procrastinate heavily if there isn’t some type of deadline that is in one way or another enforceable. I was sick of being held back by my anxiety about even commenting or liking things that I enjoy, so I made this account to try and push myself through exposure therapy.
I’ve really enjoyed interacting with people here more than I thought I would, but as I am rather new to social media interactions in general, I apologize in advance if I get something wrong.
For my original work, I tend to write more dark fantasy than anything, but I like to experiment around with ideas that I find interesting, so no genre is completely off the table.
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My main original WIP right now is very much a work in progress, and doesn’t have a proper title yet, so I just call it ‘Bloodmage’. I’ve already posted snippets from it for Flashfictionfriday prompts, and it is an alternate universe 1940s post-war dark comedy that leans heavily into magic/cryptids.
I’m having fun with it.
I have written fics for: Valorant, Resident evil 8, Vampyr, Darkest Dungeon, and Warframe. As stated before they help me get my brain in writing mode and I would recommend at least trying to make a short fic about some fandom you enjoy if you struggle with a similar problem to mine (It might not work, but it’s worth a shot)
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I like talking about people’s ideas and absolutely love when people make original monsters/different takes on existing monsters. They can be so fun to imagine and fascinating to think about. If you would like to share one, I would love to hear about them, but if you just want to gush about a character that you are having fun with, feel free to do so.
I am okay with being tagged in games or posts, but it might take me a bit to reply.
My all-time favorite book series is LOTR/the Hobbit, but I also really enjoyed Exile’s Honor by Mercedes Lackey.
I love cats, but dogs are also fun to be around. (The cars featured in this post are some of mine.)
Okay, scatterbrained rant over. Good luck with your projects. I hope you have a great day!
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(Front: Tubbles, back: Gondor)
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Hello! I hope you're doing well. May I please request a matchup for One Piece?
My pronouns are she/her and I prefer men.
Personality: Leo, INFJ, 1w9. Making an effort to understand myself and others is important to me, so that leads to long periods of pondering my actions, as well as others’. I love having me time, though I enjoy being with those close to me from time to time. I love discussing topics that revolve around enigmas. It’s not as important to have others agree with me as it is to explore the unknown with them. Since I’m reserved, I take a long time to open up to others. I’m gentle but can be (unintentionally) intimidating. I’m adventurous and have completed a dream of mine – living/working in a country that doesn’t speak my native language. I actively search for things to be thankful for. I'm easily flustered, clumsy, athletic, and conscientious. My humor is witty and sarcastic. Every now and then, I like listening to the branches being rustled by the wind and being able to gaze up at the moon and stars shining brightly, which remind me that there's a lot of beauty in the world, and I'm glad to experience it. I am happiest when seeking out information/reason. I’m really kinda superstitious…
Likes and Dislikes: I like practicing the languages I know, demonology, biology, genealogy, reading, museums, Victorian history, singing, alternative rock, and exploring my surroundings. A large portion of what I read/watch relates to the occult. Although I used to play the piano and was extremely talented, I still admire it and may want to get back into it in the future. I dislike storms, large bodies of water, and people who always turn disagreements into arguments. 
Hobbies: Writing horror stories, DnD, reading, singing, listening to music, watching horror movies, drawing, and yoga. As an avid horror fan, animated movies are for sure a guilty pleasure of mine.
Appearance: long wavy auburn hair and my eyes are more of a honey brown. I always wear round glasses. I'm pale with freckles on my cheeks and nose. 5’9, more of an hourglass shape and have a bit of muscle
Thank you so much in advance! I'm sure I'll love it. :)
Hi! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I am currently up to episode 410 (Amazon Lily) of One Piece so please keep that in mind while reading. I hope you like your matchup!
In One Piece, I match you with...
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You and Law would take a while to get together since you’re both slow to open up to other people but once you learn to trust each other, your bond is unbreakable.
Admires the fact that you consider your actions and try to understand others. He’s surrounded by people like Luffy and the rest of the Straw Hats so it’s a nice change of pace being with someone who thinks before they act.
In a modern au, Law would absolutely play D&D. I can see him as either a rogue or the DM but either way, he enjoys playing through campaigns with you.
Loves your wit and sarcasm. He’s got a very dry sense of humour himself so he can certainly appreciate your humour as well.
I can also see Law as someone who is interested in the occult and enigmas. He finds those little known or understood aspects of life intriguing: it’s the same reason he’s interested in medicine and understanding the human body.
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junowritings · 4 months
Would I be able to get a BG3 match matchup if that's still something you're doing? Thank you so much in advance!
I'm a non binary person with a slight masc leaning preference for partners - I work in a job that needs me to be extremely organised. Luckily that's how my brain works! I like to plan my future, events, holidays etc and I get very antsy when I don't know what's in store for me. I have red hair and blue eyes with perpetual eye bags and am about average height.
I like drawing, reading, board games, video games, playing DnD, writing and walking my dog. I'm an animal lover, and I'm happiest when I'm cuddled with a dog and/or cat in front of a warm fire and taking it easy! I can be quite chatty, especially around people I know well, but places like bars and clubs can be too loud and stressful for me - by the time it hits 11 o'clock, I'm ready to go to bed lol - I'm a low energy person who can only take so much social interaction.
I'm independent and dislike overbearing partners due to a negative history with them - I like a partner who is happy to work on their own thing and let me work on mine without being worried about them becoming upset. I'm big into cuddles, sharing my hobbies and gift giving with a SO - to me, the best relationships feel like friendships with extra steps.
Again thank you so much, and I hope you're having a wonderful day!
Heyya hun thank you so much for the lovely matchup! After a little thinking I think a wonderful match for you would be...
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I believe that you and the tiefling will make for an adorable pair, one who compliments one anothers best attributes well!
He certainly appreciates someone who plans ahead for things. It shows a commitment both to your work and the events of your life - you’re taking the initiative to plan ahead for things yet to come. He will be the first to admit that he doesn’t always stress himself over particulars, as he knows that future events may not always go exactly to plan even with rigorous planning. In a way though his own outlook generates a balance for yours - someone who will be there to offer support for the times in life where your plans go awry.  
He loves watching you get that same look of concentration when you’re planning or organizing, practically watching the cogs turn in your head as you work out the how’s and when’s of future events. He’s seen how that beautiful brain of yours helps you to thrive at work by keeping things organized and under control. Dammon’s job is definitely more on the side of it can be chaotic but he knows the place of everything so it’s got order in HIS mind, but it definitely requires a lot of firm deadlines and compensating for surprises or deviations. 
He enjoys the planning aspect of upcoming events or holidays, and will be more than happy to work on a united front for anything important cropping up. Dammon’s got a habit of scribbling down important dates and notes as reminders and tucking them away in his apron for safekeeping. It’s an old habit he picked up years ago, and it’s honestly sweet when you come across them as they’re usually reminders for date nights, future days off with you or gift ideas- those latter notes often get his cheeks turning copper as he teases that he’ll have to just come up with even better ideas now that you’re privy to his plans. After one too many instances of losing said notes when he forgets to take them out on laundry day however, the pair of you may have to invest in a calendar; though be warned the tiefling has a tendency to scribble notes on the margins alongside the daily reminders.
Since settling down in Baldur’s gate and finally being allowed some modicum of a peaceful life, Dammon has a renewed appreciation for all of the little creature comforts. And with you in his life now, he’s come to appreciate them all the more. Whenever he’s got breaks at work and time allows he’ll make a point to come and spend time with you, enjoying some time away from the forge to join you walking the dog or getting food together to bring back to work. Whatever the place or the time, Dammon will quite happily carve out a space for you in his daily life.
That being said Dammon adores being able to come home to you. Before he met you his room was little more than a place to sleep between work hours; sure he made it cozy and filled it with things to pass the time. But there’s something about sharing that space with you that makes him start looking forward to coming home. These small domestic moments of existing around your partner are treasured; so I hope you don’t mind adding an incredibly doting and affectionate tiefling to that fireside cuddle pile with your pooch!
I don’t know if this counts as a bar, but Dammon does occasionally like to drop by the tavern to catch up with old friends - stopping by to listen to Alfira’s latest song, checking in with Bex and Danis, and enjoying some playful ribbing with Rolan, Lia and Cal over drinks. If you’re ever up for joining him Dammon would love for you to come with him, but given your aversion to how rowdy such places can get sometimes he absolutely understands. He tends to bring back things for you on the days you can’t come - treats from friends like Bex’s signature cookies are a personal favorite to bring home to you.
An overbearing partner is the last thing you have to worry about with Dammon - he is quite content to simply be in the same space as you. Though given his affectionate nature you’ll usually find his hand or tail loosely touching some part of you as he’s an absolute sucker for that casual intimacy. Gift giving as a love language is something that the two of you share so be prepared for the sweetest back and forth gift giving at every single chance that he gets. Dammon tends to stick with small, sentimental gifts that will provide you a practical use and also stand the test of time. He’ll often spend way too long pouring over the finer details of each and every gift though - a little perfectionist at heart for gifts for his loved ones.
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ghosthalfa · 4 months
( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: perseus (percy) ▐ PRONOUNS: any ▐ SEXUALITY: girls! ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: single ▐ FIVE FACTS:
i really love animals! in my life i've owned cats, dogs, turtles, lizards (bearded dragons and skinks), snakes, hedgehogs, hamsters, gerbils, guinea pigs, fish, frogs, snails, tarantulas, ducks, chickens, lovebirds, and parakeets. currently i own several dogs, two cats, a turtle, three ball pythons, a boa constrictor, and a brazilian rainbow boa. ask me about them if you want to see 8 billion pictures.
throughout my childhood and adult life i've lived in five different states, all up and down the east coast! despite this though i have never visited a state outside of the east united states.
archery is a big hobby of mine, even if i don't have nearly as much time to do it right now. i started out using a child's fiberglass compound when i was a kid, but grew out of it within a couple years and now use a wooden recurve bow. it's for this reason that actors holding bows incorrectly in movies makes me go on unhinged rants, sorry anyone who's friends with me.
i'm a big dnd player! i started out playing with friends i met in the rp scene (shoutout to mod mimosa you a real one) and now have a dedicated in-person group with my friends who play weekly or bi-weekly. and despite always saying dnd we actually play mostly pathfinder, mostly 1st edition but we've been dipping our toes into 2e recently. pls ask me about my characters i would die for them.
i'm like. a huge nerd, traditionally speaking. i am a fountain of useful or useless information about comic books and stars wars. i've been following both marvel and dc comics since i was in middle school, and in high school i added star wars to my list of nerd obsessions. the batfam and young avengers are beloved to me, and my favorite star wars characters are ezra bridger, ahsoka tano, and cal kestis!
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): 13-ish years? give or take? maybe a little longer even, i'm not 100% sure ▐ PLATFORMS USED: mostly tumblr, but i started out forum rp'ing on a super old website. i've dabbled a little in discord rp'ing but it didn't really stick ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: oh geeze uhhh. it's really hard to pick when you've been at it so long. tbh tho if anyone was in aod at the time and remembers, the gnome wars really stuck in my head. i don't think i'd ever had so much fun roleplaying before, it gave me such great and super fond memories
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i tend to have mostly male muses, but when i do muse a female character i cherish her a lot ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: i've never really needed one before. if i'm doing a mun post i just kind of scroll through my icons and pick a sacrifice ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: i'm not one for smut at all, but i do very much enjoy angst. fluff is also good but i'm a sucker for angst in general
▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: plots! memes are nice but they can burn me out if i do too many of them. that's why i tend to only participate in meme day once every couple of weeks or so ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: long replies bc i'm apparently not capable of controlling myself or my writing. i like short replies too but it seems no matter what i do they turn into long replies eventually ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: at night in my room, with a show (a lot of times from the muse i'm writing for) playing in the bg for white noise ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: sometimes yes sometimes no. i definitely feel like i have a type, but also a lot of times i wildly veer off from it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it really depends
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dragonflylady77 · 6 months
I was tagged by @destroya2005
Are you named after anyone?
my middle name is after one of my cousins... my RL first name is after a tree 
When was the last time you cried?
Hm... a couple of months ago I think, when my son mentioned his friend having a termination for medical reason and BOOM, grief about mine hit me like a train.
Do you have any kids?
Yep, all teenagers now
Do you play/have you played any sports?
I played various ball sports in high school. Took dance classes for years too.
Do you use sarcasm?
Only all the time. 
What do you notice about people when you first meet them?
I'm not actually sure...
What's your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
action movies lol but I love a happy ending
Any talents?
I can spot a double space from a mile away. When I embroider, I don't draw anything, it's all free hand. I remember dates and numbers and people for YEARS.
Where were you born?
In France
What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading fanfic, embroidery, with a side of DnD
Any pets?
a tabby
How tall are you?
What are your favorite school subjects?
What is your dream job?
umm... not sure. unless i can get paid for reading fanfic lol
no pressure tag @spaceofentropy @fizzigigsimmer @forever-fixating @shieldofiron
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koalammas · 1 year
Tagged by @rochastocade
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not that I know of. Had i been amab, mom would have named me after the man she believed should have been her soulmate (but wasn't my dad). They met in Italy while she was interrailing and her wristwatch died when he introduced himself. (His name was Alex)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Around and after April 19, after hearing the news of Moon Bin's passing.
3. Do you have kids?
No, but I would love to have someday. I'm just not in a situation where it would be wise for me to raise a child, I feel.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, that's not really my speed.
5. What is the first thing you notice about a person?
Outfit and overall expression of self. The manner in which they treat me. (I mostly meet customers. You can tell instantly which ones are nice)
6. What’s your eye color?
Green. The type of annoying green that ya authors wax poetic abt lol you know what I mean
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
These two are not mutually exclusive. A satisfying ending is more important, but I would prefer if its also a happy one. I'm trying to watch more scary things.
8. Any special talents?
I can pop most of my joints. I love organising and categorising things for myself and for others. It's pretty difficult to deter me.
9. Where were you born?
Ivalo, northern Finland. I have not lived there since I was a toddler
10. What are your hobbies?
Gardening, bullet journaling, digital drawing. Tabletop rpgs (starfinder and dnd, we used to play pathfinder). Reading and trying to be more active in watching different movies. Id love to say video games but ive only really played The Sims 4 and Acnh lately. Running when the weather allows it.
11. Do you have any pets?
Not anymore, but I used to have an older gentleman miniature poodle who was too tall to actually fit the miniature category. I love him dearly. One day I would like to get another dog, probably another poodle. I love how particular they are about things.
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I used to compete in swimming until I started high school. I've also danced a wide variety of genres from ages 7 to 19, and attended a couple of national competitions for modern dance. I had to quit because my joints got too fucked up and I fell out of friendship with my back then bestie. Now I just run and do home youtube workouts because I don't like going to the gym.
13. How tall are you?
161 cm ish I think? Which is like... 5'3 or sth
14. Favourite subject in school?
I've always loved languages, and had incredibly supportive teachers both in finnish and English as a foreign language. Swedish as well, but I never quite clicked with those teachers on the same level hence why my Swedish is more ..so-so. Art obv. Honestly? Everything else except for maths, physics and chemistry I found enjoyable. Oh and .. social economics? Probably would have liked the subject but I hated the teacher. Aside from those, learning new things has always been a joy.
15. Dream job?
Honestly? Something that won't drain me and actually leaves me with savings and a will to live.
Bonus: any significance to your blog's name: its the finnish version of my main blog's url, koalamb. Literally just a mashup of two fun little guys who are both known to be .. not the smartest cookies out there.
Tagging @varsbaby @moviestarmijoo @zeesqueere @seekingthestars @sapphicshawol @alexanderfuckingwept @phoradendron if you're up for it, but honestly if you see this and want to do it you can say I tagged you xoxo. Feel free to ignore, but I'd love to learn more abt mine moots
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criminalhobbit · 9 months
People I'd like to get to know
Thank you to @luv-not-hate for tagging me in this! I'm not used to posting anything on here but this seems fun :).
Last song: Lady Writer by the Dire Straits. It has a KILLER guitar solo that isn't as well-known as the one in Sultans of Swings and I'm absolutely living for it.
Favorite color: There aren't that many colours that I don't like! I tend to go for deep blue, but forest green is a close second. Pink is just about the only colour I'm not a fan of.
Last movie/TV show: I recently finished Bodies on Netflix, and it was...ok. Not a bad show, just not as good as it could have been in my opinion. Now if you're looking for a mind blowing time travelling show of amazing quality, I HIGHLY recommend Dark on Netflix!
Sweet/spicy/savory?: YES/ Yes / Yes. I LOVE anything sweet! Baking is a hobby of mine so you'll often find me in the kitchen making banana bread or brownies when I should really be doing something else. It's my way of procrastinating. I like spicy food! I like to think that I can handle it pretty well? At least as well as a white person can handle it ;). As for savoury, who doesn't like savoury food?
Relationship status: Single, and perfectly happy. While I do find the idea of partnership appealing, I don't crave it or need it to be happy. I've got friends and family and I am quite pleased with my situation.
Last thing I googled: How chocolate was brought into the French court during the 16th-17th history. I'm a sucker for history and always looking for fun party facts :). If you were interested, it was through King Louis XIV's wife, Maria Theresa of Spain, who loved hot chocolate and made it popular in France :).
Current obsession: I sold my soul to Larian. I'm deep in Baldur's Gate III these days (though who isn't??) and loving every second of it. It really reminds me of Dragon Age Origin in the best of ways. I love how you can gather allies and get them to play a meaningful part of how your story will end, as it did for the DA:O ending. I haven't finished the game yet but I'm in Act 3! My other obsession is the Legend of Drizzt series. I've been playing DnD since I was 17 and I've recently made the switch from player to DM, and so I picked up the Drizzt series as a way to familiarize myself with the lore of DnD. So far I'm on book 5 (of like 40??) and adoring it!
Here's hoping the following folks enjoy these questions as much as I enjoy sharing. Please include me in the mention so I can receive notices of your response if you decide to play.
@americankimchi @azdesertwillow @miraamell @saltybiowarefantears
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the-grove · 1 year
So something we've been thinking about lately, is the way in which someone who is highly focused in a specific community might expect others to know that communitys understanding of a term or concept.
Ill start with me as an example. Both because this started as self reflection and because i dont want to see this as a "bad" or "wrong" thing in of itself.
Tabletop rpgs and specifically ones inspired by DnD is probably our biggest interest/hobby. Heck we almost became the owners of a friendly local game store. So for me, when I think of Demons and Devils I think of them in the context of that most of the time. In that context demons and Devils are seperate creature types. Demons are "choatic evil" focused on destruction, hedonism, and tempting people into "sin."
Devils are more focused on opression and control, there, tyranical rulers and complex contracts designed to ensnare victims.
Devils and Demons are also often diameteically oppossed to one another and dont like each other...
And that is the basics of the framework i see them, especially when im playing the game. But ttrpg brings in all sorts of people including people who bring their own lore, or who dont have it as their main hobby. So those people may not know or care about the distinction because in other media thats not how demons and devils work, heck i think for a good chunk of people when they hear the word Devil, they think of their only being one Devil, who sometimes has minions.... called demons.
Now for another example, i've seen a small amount of furries who assume everyone knows what a Taur is... or who have been confused by why Minotaurs are called that because they aren't even Taurs.). Because to them it is obvious that a "Taur" is a type of creature/fursonas that has a humanoid esque front on top of a four legged lower half based on some other animal.
These aren't bad things, nessecarilly as long as people arent dicks and try to impose their understanding of a concept on to others or judge others for not knowing your communitys specific use of a term. Which is why even though it is a pet peeve of mine, i try not to bring up the diference between devils and demons in a tabletop game if people are confusing them unless that difference is relevant to the session, campaign. Etc.
Idk just rambling and find the phenomenom amusing/interesting.
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