#I think he'll do a good job all joking aside...and I can see it
fastfists · 5 months
So, how the Shadow RPers feeling about Keanu Reeves voicing their boi? XD
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Ep. 8 "Bad Territory" Review
This episode was honestly the fluff I needed after last week's tense and crazy two parter. There was the usual action and excitement, but I loved the amount of fluff we got. Omega is forever our little ray of sunshine. I feel a bad feeling that it's going to get much darker after this week so I'll take any fluff I can get.
As always, spoilers below
It was really cool to see Fennec again and it makes senes that out of all the bounty hunters, the boys would choose to seek her out. She was originally after Omega, but she's not needlessly cruel like Cad Bane. If Omega's life were truly in danger, I don't think Fennec would want to see her get hurt. Cad Bane wouldn't give a second thought about it. Speaking of the ending, I definitely think she was talking to Ventress or someone like Quinlan. After all, Ventress is a Force-wielder and could be connected to whatever Hemlock is doing.
Overall, I really liked the interactions between her, Hunter, and Wrecker. Their banter was great and the joke about the Batch being straight up broke had me cackling. Like yes, these 5 guys with a kid are clearly enjoying Space Greece or whatever the fandom calls it. They're not gonna be looking for jobs right now. I also enjoyed seeing the boys use their skills like Wrecker's demolitions knowledge again. It's been so, so long since we've seen the boys go on a classic mission. That's not a bad thing either to have an "adventure of the week" style episode. It was cool to see them back in action (you know, non lethally).
The environment looked great, Wrecker and Hunter throwing hands with gators was pretty epic, and the final fight with the other bounty hunter (?) was exciting. I'll admit, the antagonist's design was cool and it allowed from some fun fight choreography.
Shoutout to the Phee cameo btw! Love seeing her as always. I think she'll be back after the Pabu invasion or she'll be back in time for that event to happen. Crosshair not knowing who she or Fennec was though was pretty funny. He's missed so much. (Also, this is the first time we hear him call Echo by his name fun fact).
Of course, Crosshair and Omega were the standouts because their dynamic is just that good. They're finally getting Crosshair's hand addressed! And I'm so glad Hunter stepped up to make sure it got looked at. Hunter loves Crosshair despite the past and he will look out for him. As many of us thought already, Crosshair's tremors are psychosomatic. We don't what happened on Tantiss (aside from some vague details), but whatever it was, it was bad; real bad. Crosshair is afraid of talking about it because it hurts. His reactions to even thinking about it were heartbreaking.
My theory is that Hemlock did something that broke a part of his identity. Maybe the identity erasure almost worked. Maybe he had Crosshair kill someone during a trial session to see if the reconditioning worked. Whatever it was, it traumatized Crosshair (on top of everything else he went through). For Crosshair to move forward, he's going to have to confront his trauma. He'll need to accept what happened to him and learn that it doesn't define who he is now.
Omega is so gentle and patient with him; I absolutely love it. She doesn't push him nor does she just leave him to get trapped in his mind. Instead, she tries to teach him coping mechanisms. The way he trusts her is so good too. Crosshair doesn't know what to do, but here is sister whom he loves. She's never left his side since they were imprisoned together and she was the only one who really advocated for him back in season 1. This girl loves him and he loves her. The scene where she holds his hand because it won't stop trembling genuinely means so much to me. It's such a small gesture that means so much. I really do appreciate that the writers are taking their time to show Crosshair going through the healing process. His hand doesn't get magically fixed because he escaped Tantiss nor because he redeemed himself. He achieved that. Now, he needs to finish the rest of his journey. AZI even mentions that it could be permanent. Real life mental health issues don't disappear in one night nor do they go away permanently. It comes and goes and that's what Crosshair will have to do. He'll have to cope with his trauma and hopefully the tremor will steady over time.
Many have pointed it out, but I would love to see a scene with him and Echo. Echo understands Crosshair's plight as he too was held captive and subjected to horrific experiments. I hope we get a scene between them where Echo comforts him. It would be a nice moment between two characters who often don't interact much.
Aside from that, the animation and music were great as always. That last scene of Cross and Omega meditating while Pabu's sun begins to set is truly gorgeous and it might be my favorite landscape shot of the show. It's also reminiscent of Hunter and Crosshair together on Barton IV. I am truly so happy to see Crosshair finding peace and happiness after so long. I honestly never thought we'd see him like this. But now, we do. (Side note: he looks so much smaller and vulnerable without his backpack or shoulder pads).
Anyways, I could go on and on about Crosshair. But I'll save that for another post. Can't wait for next week and hopefully we'll see Ventress!
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The Best Gotham Has To Offer
Contents: Flirting, pining, fluff, gender neutral reader, reader is from this world, reader knows Bruce Wayne is Batman
Words: 650
Bruce cautiously follows the sound of thumping coming from down the hall. He's unsure if Alfred is the one making that noise or if someone was actually dumb enough to break into Wayne Manor first thing in the morning to loot the place.
Drawing closer to the stairs he realizes the sound is coming from the first floor. He proceeds down the stairs and steps into the Grand Hall. The sound seems to be coming from his right, from the bathroom. He quietly approaches the door and knocks.
The tension leaves his body as he hears your voice, "You alright in there?"
"Oh! Yeah! Sorry for the noise. The sink had a small leak so I'm fixing it."
He turns the knob and walks into the bathroom to see you with a screwdriver in hand twisting a screw back into place on the cold water knob. He leans beside you against the sink cabinet, "You know I can just have Alfred call a plumber for that, right?"
"I know." You pop the little cap with a capital C back into place on the knob, "But I don't wanna just sit here and do nothing after all you've offered to do for me. I want to be useful around here." You respond, turning to face him. He gets a stunned look. You've noticed he's more expressive with the cowl off but you're still not used to it.
"Usefulness isn't necessary."
"It is to me." You say with a serious expression.
He studies your expression for a moment before smiling and standing straight up, "Where is Alfred anyway?" He asks, trying to change the subject.
"He said he was gonna dust the parlor then make breakfast." You drop the screwdriver back into the toolbox and close it, "I was gonna help him with that too once I got done here." You mention while turning the water on to wash your hands.
He lets out a small chuckle, "Aiming to put him out of the job, huh?" He jokes. Something else you're not used to yet.
"Of course not, I just want to help. You're helping me after all, so I want to return the favor."
He smiles again. He steps aside to let you out of the bathroom and follows behind you, "We could go out for breakfast instead." He suggests, "My treat." 
"You don't have to do that Bruce," You stop and turn to him and he stops too, "You're already doing enough for me by letting me stay here while we try to figure out how to get me back to my own universe."
"It's fine really. I'd like you to experience everything Gotham has to offer while you're here."
"I think I already experienced that last night with the whole clown abduction thing."
His smile quickly deflates, "Don't let Joker define how you look at this city. It's got a problem, but there's still good people here."
"I know. I'm looking at one of them." You smile at him this time. You could swear there's a hint of a pink to his cheeks. His smile returns.
"Gotham is a little calmer in the daytime. I know a good restaurant that's in the heart of the city. We could explore downtown too."
"I… guess that doesn't sound so bad. I probably should leave the manor every now and then or I'll go stir-crazy."
"I'll let Alfred know to only make breakfast for him and Dick." He says walking past you.
"He isn't driving us there?" You follow along behind him this time.
"I can drive too."
"I know, but-"
"I think he'll be fine letting me out of his sight for a day." He jokes. You smile and hold in a laugh this time.
"You sure about that? Batman might not need supervision but Bruce Wayne might." You tease.
"Maybe a little." He looks back at you with a grin.
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nonsense-with-jelly · 6 months
Hi!... can I request hcs for lupin and the gang falling in love with a cop reader or something like that 🙏 ( if you can't do it or don't want to that's okay! sorry for bothering)
Oh shit, I didn't see this
Lupin III × Cop!Reader
(Adding a cut cause GOD DAMN THIS IS A LONG ONE)
General (Lupin, Jigen, Goemon, and Fujiko)
Imagine the whole god damn gang falling in love with you cause you're doing your damn job.
Pull them over for speeding and they all just look at you with the hunch that the universe sent the hottest cop in the city to catch them for speeding
Once they are caught as a group of criminals though, they SCATTER.
I can guarentee they were all talking about you when they got to the hotel.
You were just writing up a parking ticket... for his car...
He wanted to yell, but at the same time, was he? He just watched you do it.
You were barely doin' squat aside from writing a ticket and he already had his mind in the gutter (but that's normal Lupin behavior)
He does walk up to you before you could walk away, and despite YOU JUST WROTE HIM A PARKING TICKET, he asked you out to dinner...
If you say no, he just goes back to the hotel and sulks cause he lost the person of his dreams he didn't even know about... and he has a parking ticket.
If you say yes, he takes you to the BEST restaurant in the city and tells you to order whatever you'd like. He's gonna spoil you SO MUCH.
Don't even TRY to order something relatively cheap or else he's just gonna pick for you, after all, it's hard work being a cop that is also a good person, he says you deserve a night out.
He is such a gentleman the entire time, he makes a few flirty jokes, and a couple risqué remarks here and there.
He also orders desert for the both of you to share if there is a desert you are able to eat. He will feed you a bite then take a bite himself
He's REALLY laying it on thick for you... which, originally, this was all to ask if he REALLY had to pay the parking ticket, but then again, he was starting to grow feelings for you.
After dinner, he takes you to a nice hotel and tries to push the night a little further, but you tell him you've got work in the morning and he just pouts
But then, you turn around and give him your phone number... chances are, he's not gonna call again cause by tomorrow, Jigen is probably calling him a nutcase for going on a date with a cop when THEY'RE ALL CRIMINALS... then again... maybe he'll call?
While Jigen isn't much of a fan of cops, while he was undercover as a cop, he met you.
You were one of those cops who'd go out of their way to make someone's day a bit better. Like the ones who are called for a noise complaint on children playing and drawing with chalk on the sidewalk in the middle of the day and they play with them because screw those guys.
In this case, you were called because some kids had put up a lemonade stand. You dragged Jigen along with you cause you thought he was a coworker.
The car ride is awkward for Jigen, cause if he blows his cover in a cop car, THAT would be embarrassing.
Once you guys get there, these kids are no older than 7 or 8, in other words, why the hell would a grown adult want to rain on some child's day and WHY did the station think you of all people would shut it down?
You walk up to the stand, the kids are already a bit nervous cause not all cops are good cops.
You lean down, look at the price, and say "2 cups of lemonade please" then turn to Jigen with a smirk and ask "what about you, buddy?"
Jigen passes at first, but a while later, he changes his mind... thankfully, you bought 2, you didn't even know he'd do that, but something inside of you told you that he would do something like that.
Later, the two of you are chilling in the park during your lunch break, Jigen is SEVERELY laye for a heist, but he kinda liked hanging out with you that day... even though he was on edge the entire time.
"You know I'm single, right?" You say to him misinterpreting his anxiety as a small crush.
He just gets a but red in the face and looks away, but at the same time... you don't seem all that bad. A date sounds ok... so the two of you go on a date the next day. It's a very simple date. Just a talk at the cafe, a trip to the movies, and a stroll in the park at sunset.
You invite him to stay the night, but Jigen knows he has to leave the country tomorrow with the rest of the gang, so he gives you his phone number and tells you "maybe another day, but not tonight."
He didn't realize you were a cop at first cause he first met you on your day off.
He was at a grocery store, buying stuff for his own dinner sing Lupin, Jigen, and Fujiko were going out to eat at a place he didn't really like.
Just as he was checking out, that was a bad time to realize he had forgot his money at the hotel. He almost considered just stealing it, when your arm reaches past him as you use your debit card to pay for his groceries.
He looks at you as though you are crazy, but his expression softens and he thanks you... he sort of expected you to tell him something like "you owe me" but you didn't... And it messed with him for half the day.
He ran into you again, this time he had money on him and he offered to take you somewhere nice. After all, his groceries weren't cheap.
You were flattered that he was willing to take you somewhere, but you could practically hear his stomach growling.
"You know, you can save money and just invite me over to your place for dinner" you tell him, assuming he didn't really have much money... but then he took you to the nice hotel he's staying at
You help him cook and before you know it, the two of you are enjoying a candle lit dinner.
You would've stayed the night if you could, but between Goemon telling you that his friends would be back soon and that you telling him that you have work in the morning, you just couldn't stay
Before you left he asked where you work, totally not because he wanted to check in on you to see if you wanted to do something after work because he feels as though he hasn't properly returned the favor, when you told him you were a cop, he got a bit tense, but you assured him that your not the same kind that's going out of their way to make someone's day worse.
While that was assuring, now he wasn't sure if it was gonna work out between the two of you... but something about you... he can't stop thinking about you. He knows you may very well turn him in if you find out he's a criminal... but I guess that's half the thrill, the other half being trying to repay you for your selfless act.
Her ride was pulled over and charged with a dui. Without a ride and the fact that the hotel she's staying at is on the other side of the city, she was desperate and asked you to take her back to the hotel after dropping the drunk taxi driver off at the police station.
Of course you weren't going to leave a beautiful woman in high heels and an outfit like her's to walk to the other side of the city at this hour, so you agreed.
Ater dropping off the Taxi driver, the two of you made casual conversation... which evolved into Fujiko asking if you're dating anyone, which causes your face to feel like it's burning.
You knew where this was going, and you were still on the clock, so was it really right to flirt with the woman your helping? Probably not... however, she did flirt first, and her words are like that of a siren's song, plucking at your heart, finding what you desire and use it against you as a lure.
Eventually you cave and give her your number and tell her to text whenever you feel like talking again.
Af course, Fujiko had other things in mind. Because whenever she'd text you, it was always something flirty and provocative. Some instances make you regret opening your inbox in public.
Eventually, the two of you do start going out to have fancy dinners and romantic evenings, and you've grown used to it... but all good things come to an end as she informs you she's "moving" out of the country.
The relationship keeps going on as a long distant one of course, but you always look forward to when she'd visit your city again...
Author's Note
I feel as though I suck at romantic writing, that's always one thing I had trouble doing in my high school creative writing class... then again, I've aged, hopefully my writing skills also aged???
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saxandviolins88 · 18 days
Hey I'd love to hear more headcanons about your structies! Like their relationship with each other (I especially love your dynamic between Scrapper, Long Haul, Hook and Bonecrusher), what they like, their hobbies, best qualities or worst traits or anything you'd like to talk about!
Yes! A question about my most special guys! Live is worth living!
I have so many headcanons for them it's hard to choose what to talk about. I am, in fact, planning to make one of those relationship charts where the characters express what they think about the other-I do like them to have unique dynamics between them (I feel there's enough wiggle room for that). Maybe this month I'll have a sudden inspiration burst and finally do it lol.
So let's do best and worst traits of each one, shall we?
Best trait: He is genuinely a good leader. He cares about each team member and their opinion, considers their stand when making a decision that affects them all, and takes care of them all the time (even to the point of smothering, lovingly smothering ofc). He also does not in any circumstance, put himself above them - even going as far as asking them to not call him 'boss', mostly because he sees his position as leader being to guide them and help them reach their full potential.
If you asked him, he'd say something generic, like: "My best trait? Oh, people say I'm a good listener!"
Worst trait: Aside from the serial killer tendencies(that's pretty obvious), he's a fucking manipulator and he doesn't feel sorry about it. The Constructicons as a whole are REALLY insular, (us vs them type of thing), this isn't different with Scrapper, but instead of isolating himself, he uses other people as tools to get them further. Aside from that he can be pretty aloof, even with his gestalt, something he thinks only he should carry all of the team's burdens, which, in turn, makes him grow detached. (But Long Haul snaps him back more often than not.)
If you asked him, he'd say his worst trait is caring too much, not humble brag, he genuinely thinks that (little freak).
Long Haul
Best trait: He's the only person in this gestalt with common sense, I'm not joking. He is down-to-earth and no-bullshit which makes him a perfect second to Scrapper's more unorthodox leadership style PLUS he's the only person who is willing to put Hook in his place.
If you asked him, he's say something like: "I'm the only normal mech in this function, not necessarily a good trait, but have you seen the others?!"
Worst trait: His stoicism sometimes turns into cynicism. He works in a career he hates and doesn't see an escape from it, so the bad vibes more often than not get to him. Of course, he combats this with that sweet apathy, "Oh, it doesn't matter what I want, at least the team is functioning".
If you asked him he'd say his worst trait is that his too damn independent.
Hook (<3)
Best trait: He is good at his job, like REALLY good. Mostly because if he takes on a task or an area of study, he'll not rest until he's the best at it and there is no more room for improvement (for a perfectionist like him? There is ALWAYS room for improvement.) So aside from also being a handsome fella, he's also extremely smart.
If you asked him he'd give you a comprehensible list of all of his traits, in no particular order, they're all his best.
Worst trait: Aside from being a perfectionist and the biggest enemy of deadlines; his ego knows no bounds, he NEEDS to have the last say in everything, he's never wrong no matter what, and he'll bring this hyper-logical approach to any discussion or problem even emotional ones (since his emotional intelligence is... extremely low, don't tell him I said that!)
If you asked him... I think you can guess what he'd do.
Good trait: He's an ace at most things(demolitions, fighting, etc...), but unlike his BFF he isn't a braggart. Though I would argue his best trait is that he is fiercely loyal, he hates being talked down to or controlled, but Scrapper earned his respect, so he does anything he says without question.
If you asked him he'd say his focus and discipline are his best traits. (with a small smirk after, because this mofo is LYING.)
Worst trait: He's overprotective. If you mess with his gestalt, consider yourself dead. He really does think only he can fend for his gestalt and take their pains for himself; sometimes he escalates the situation so badly he may even admit he fucked up.
If you asked him, he'd say that sometimes he lets his emotions get the better of him. (Visualize Hook, sneering at him while he says that (because he's SO much better/s))
Good trait: He has the highest emotional intelligence of the team; more often than not serving as the voice of reason between them (not that he is heard by the other 4). Being the oldest also makes him the wisest among the Constructicons (and the faction in general TBH), so I'd think he can see the problems between them from a mile away.
If you asked him, he'd say there's nothing that noteworthy about him.
Worst trait: The constant need for approval(duh!). The older he gets the more his body breaks down, and the less he can work, and since most of his self-worth comes from his usefulness, you can already picture how it affects his mental health.
If you asked him, he'd pass the question.
Good trait: The most resourceful Constructicon. If being a genius chemist is not enough he can make any type of material or alternative from basically nothing; he also thinks outside the box, which makes him able to solve complex problems in record time using the least amount of resources.
If you asked him, he'd say his best trait is his sense of humor. (NOT TRUE BTW.)
Worst trait: He's the most annoying guy you'll ever meet in your life, like no exaggeration, he simply loves getting on people's nerves (Hook has been his main victim for millions of years, but he isn't picky.)
If you asked him he'd say something like: "Yeah, people say I'm loony, but I do-do-don't see it."
Oof long post! If anyone has any specific headcanon questions I am always happy to answer in excruciating detail. <- insane
(Sorry for any typos, feel free to beat me up if you find any)
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kanraandchrome · 1 year
Opinion on the LIs of MCL New Gen
I WAS RIGHT ABOUT RED SHADOW LEGEND. Anyways, here are my two cents about the characters, their designs and hopes I have for their routes.
I really love his eyes full of wonders, since you have to be extrovert and always searching for new ideas when you work in event management (how to market it, how to please both the clients and the people you're going to source the project to, finding catchy sentences or downright awful puns) but I love his hands even more, the way the interior is lighter, his long fingers, it reminds me of Mahershala Ali's hands and I hope he was one of the models to create the character. His hair are also a nice touch, especially the colors blending ! Seeing him in bright colors is refreshing, he seems fun and full of peps ! Sure black clothes give a more classy vibe, but we're managing events not burials. And do you even know how bright are the colors of some African clothes (search for dashikis, they are amazing and bright and joyful and...) ? I'm overall really happy to see a black man not bald nor fully dressed in black because god forbid they wear colors.
I'm hoping for a route like Rayan's, with a bit of conflict because dating your boss can lead to a lot of inequalities and risks for the low-rank involved, but I'm pretty sure we won't get a lot of dramas this season (apart coming from players who are so chronically online they can't not play a game that will make them miserable but that's another issue). I think he might have an ex ? Or past relationships that failed because his balance between work and personal life is bad ? Maybe Candy and her freshness/ability to surprise him and take him out to touch grass will be the balance he needs ? Honestly I'm hoping for praises from him, awful puns, dad jokes and a lot of complicity.
Oh, is he gonna be the Castiel of the game, but more chill ? People seem to love him a lot already and I can't fault them, he's handsome, looks nice and has tattoos (you can see it on his right shoulder, the black strip). His long hair looks very nice to braid, and I can just picture him as the outdoor guy, the one who always want to see the places the events are gonna take place since he's probably very good with spatial thinking !
He looks a bit "bland" at first sight, but I'm sure he'll show another side, probably more caring once he notices MC is not here to only get in his pants. He looks like he'd listen to any rant without taking side and just feed you until the anger dies down. Himbo maybe ? We'll see ! But he looks like the most gentlemanly of them all and I'm sure he'll be the one to ask Candy out first, probably after a date to the beach or so. Dake style but less flirty ? he's my least liked LI so I have a hard time thinking about possibilities about him.
Oooooh she looks like a Targaryan !! Joke aside, she looks preppy enough and is probably the most down to earth of them all (and not just because she's a Taurus). I'm thinking that maybe, she'll get Yeleen's kind of personality ? The fair but harsh one ? She'll get the job done for sure, and the color palette is really soft and fashionable. Having a plus size LI is already a remarkable step forward, but making her so pretty AND dateable ? Now that's improvement.
And I can already picture people saying "they'll ruin the wlw romance like they did with Priya" but Jesus Christ and all his Apostles combined, didn't you notice Chino wasn't the one managing it ? That all the mistakes you blame on her are actually Uncoven's creators' mistakes ? That they sabotaged everything (MCL, Elda S2) just because they were so woke and so enlightened ?? Now that they're out of it, I'm pretty sure we'll finally have nice things, and without misandry nor biphobia. I'm hoping an enemies or rivals to lovers with her, just like I hoped one with Yeleen uwu.
I WAS RIGHT ABOUT HIM FROM THE START. Ok time to be serious, his design is really nice, the high cheekbones, the milky white skin, he lost his freckles but gained piercing eyes looking directly in your soul and his curls look so nice to ruffle. He has the most guarded pose out of the four and is skinny, which gives us two "no six pack abs" characters (thank Gods beemoov). I don't know if he still plays the guitar, but that could be one of his special interests along a lot of things we need to discover about him.
My guess is that, as we saw him being precocious, he's neuroD and will be the harshest without meaning harm. You ask him something and he answers the raw truth, which could give a very good dynamic depending on the Candy's personality, which could also give us an interesting dynamic when dating or falling in love ? Like not touching but hesitantly grabbing her sleeve between two fingers, or gifts, or stuttering, or all of the above. I just hope he's aloof enough for Candy to have to "run after him" (no harassment involved) just to show him she cares about him, and so he could open up at his own rhythm. A soft slowburn or an abrupt hook up ? I don't know, I hope he surprises me a lot !
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softguarnere · 2 years
I would like to request a headcanon of George falling head over heels with the new lady lieutenant in their company. Thank you! Have a great day!!!!! ❤️❤️
I am officially back in my era of writing requests in the school library 🥴 I am going to try very hard not to get overwhelmed this semester. Writing some Luz content seems like a good start to these next few months 💕 Thank you Anon, I hope you have a great day as well!
Tumblr media
TW: mentions of alcohol
News of a new lieutenant being transferred into Easy reaches the company and everyone's automatically like "Here we go again" expecting another Foxhole Norman
Then you walk in
There are some that are skeptical of you. After all, they've expected great new leaders before, only to be disappointed
George, on the other hand, trusts you immediately
Maybe it's because you laugh at a bad pun he makes that causes everyone else to groan. Maybe it's because the first thing that you do upon arrival is make a point of getting to know them each individually. (Or maybe it's just because he thinks that you're smart and beautiful and - )
He knows that there's probably some rule against the two of you becoming a couple. He doesn't even think that you like him back. After all, you're nice to everyone, and you're probably just being nice to him
That doesn't stop him from flirting with you, though
It's subtle. It's making sure that there's always a good pack of Lucky Strikes and a Hershey bar set aside for you, even if it seems like not everyone else managed to get one
It's checking in with you after combat to make sure that you made it out okay. It's the way that he lets you rant about upper brass and the stresses of war whenever you need someone to talk to
Of course there are more obvious things, too
He'll wink at you. Throw a compliment your way whenever you walk into a room. But sometimes the way he smiles at you seems like less of a joke and more of a soft moment
Finally, he ends up confessing all of this to Malarkey. He expects his friend to be sympathetic, or maybe to warn him against falling for a lieutenant. But instead -
"She's in love with you too, dummy"
He's been so busy trying to show affection for you without getting the two of you into trouble that he overlooked all the things you've been doing for him
Giving him someone to talk to. Making sure that his assignments don't put him in direct danger. Smiling at him differently than how you smile at the others, sometimes patting him on the shoulder and then leaving your hand there
He's been so convinced that his love is unrequited that he overlooked all the signs. And now he's stuck trying to figure out how to actually tell you
But you beat him to it
One warm night in Austria, everyone is dancing and celebrating the fact that the war is finally over and that you'll all be going home soon. He should be happy - and he is - but he's worried about going your separate ways
The alcohol is flowing and the music is playing softly. People are coupling off and dancing, and he feels lucky enough to have you as his partner on the dance floor
"Hey Luz, wanna hear a joke?"
You're usually so composed. You usually only let very close friends see you smiling this much. He hasn't seen you drink, and figures that the emotions of the war's end are just making you giddy - and he would be right
"Knock knock"
"Who's there?"
"Lena who?"
You giggle as he twirls you around. "Lena little closer so that I can kiss you."
He's so used to being the one to make bad jokes that he has to make some sort of remark. "You're already a lieutenant, why are you trying to steal my job as the funny man?" But he's all smiles. "But, if that's an order . . ."
The fireworks they set off over Berchtesgaden to signal the end of the war are nothing compared to what your lips against his set off in his heart
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fanichus · 1 year
I'm sorry @battlemaiden13 but I have to write this. A love relationship for Demian (the best brother for me at least), I really like the idea that he is in love with his best childhood friend and they end up meeting again and being more than friends, maybe something like this? (I'm not good at writing I know but I wanted to try)
Today would be a good day, you finally return to the place where you grew up hoping to see all the people you have always loved
It is very nice to see how the place changed and at the same time not, you remember all the times you played with your brothers in front of the house and with your friends, that reminds you (takes out the phone)
****message for Devil****
Me: Good morning bff I'm here
Devil: And this is?
Me: jajajaja How funny, are you coming to see me?
Devil: No? seriously who is this?
Is this some kind of joke or my best friend doesn't really remember me?, Naha he's just playing as always
Me: Ok, Devil you got me and this isn't fun
Devil: Really cause I can almost swear you believed me Angel
(I rolled my eyes and smiled at that old nickname of his)
Me: don't blame me With your work how will I know?
Me: But that doesn't matter, are you coming or not?
Devil:No Angel I'm not going
Devil: I'm busy at work
Me: ok uwu, see you later
Should I unpack or do something to annoy him?, Why not the second one, I don't think he'll really get mad, ok that sounds like a joke but worth trying.
And I did that, I drove to his work but when I was in front of him, I saw a handsome man talking with a skeleton that was a bit intimidating, the man was also a bit intimidating but his sleeve tattoos make it sexy for me and his smile...no remember your here for your friend not a hot guy, just go in and ask for him, stop seeing them.
And just like that they disappear, ok one less problem And now how do I ask about him? I know he is the owner but should I just say I want to see Demian L/n and go inside?Or could I say that I have an appointment with him?
the one that's talking is a skeleton... a... tall skeleton in a beautiful tailored suit, that looks amazing on him I guess made locally because of the fabric, and wow he looks like he knows how to take care of it. *Mmmm?...oh sorry I didn't realize I was on your way*
*By any chance your boss will not be Demian... I mean Mr. L/n?
*Good my name is Elizabeth and I'm an old friend of him, I just arrived from a trip and want to see him* I was smiling and kind of praying to my self that he help, but he just stared at me.
*What no I'm...look I just want to say hi en person he's mi best friend since we were 10 years old*
*Because they won't believe me, you didn't believe me, why would they do it?*
I haven't think about it, he's right I should just say that, I slap face cause of my silly idea
*You know you're right thank you...?
*Well thank you very much sniper*
And he went inside, after thinking about a few things for a while, I decided to do it because I look very suspicious just standing at the entrance.
Walking in note the design of the building is very modern and stylish it really feels like a very interesting place to work, that and the fact that monster and humans coexist in harmony feels good for them, I still don't understand why they are so rejected in various jobs, That reminds me that I have to hire staff and I wonder if I can get a monster to apply for the job. While I was immersed in my thoughts, I did not realize that I was already in front of the receptionist, who was a very cute bunny and I really wanted to caress her ears, they looked soft
*Good morning how can I help you?
*I... I come to visit Demian L/n, could you ask him to come down please?* (god why am I so nervous?)
She smiled at me and said she would call right away.
But he never came down so i just left, they told me that he was very busy with very important matters at the moment and that he couldn't attend to any visitors, I'm sure he doesn't want to maybe I should have let him know that I really wanted to see him after all it's been a long time since I last saw him, I hope he keeps smiling when he sees me that always makes my heart race, but I guess it will be for another time.
I really liked writing this I think it would be nice to write more after all they haven't seen each other yet
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dragon-giggles · 2 years
I've only been in the Mario fandom for like a week! But hey, imma try and make some headcanons about the bros with the little knowledge I have anyway
Let's goooo
(Oh wait, keep in mind that a lot of my hcs might be inspired or based off the 80s cartoon, cause that's one way I've been trying to get into the fandom)
. Mario and Luigi's voices are a lot deeper than what they sound like in any of the games. Like, kind of what they sounded like in the old cartoons.
. Mario is good with children, he just gets them. When he was a teen, he was a popular babysitter with all the kids around the neighborhood.
.Luigi on the other hand is good with animals rather than kids. He can be ok with a kid for a while but freaks out if there's a point where he doesn't know what to do. For ex: He's all good with a baby... until it starts crying, then he starts freaking out and instantly hands it to Mario to take care of. But animals are his thing! While Mario was known for babysitting, Luigi was the neighborhood dog walker!
. Mario is only older than Luigi by about a year. Still, as kids he would try and use his age as an excuse to boss Luigi around. 9 year old Mario would tell his mother that he was capable of babysitting 8 year old Luigi lol.
. Mario is bi/ace, I can't unsee it. Peach is too. So it's bi for bi <3
. I know a lot of people would probably go ballistic over this and disagree and all that, but Luigi is aromantic/ace. BUT, he is all up for a queer platonic relationship. He realized when he was younger that the thought of an actual serious romantic relationship was scary, and that's how he found out he was aromantic, the end.
. Mario's eyes have always been blue, but Luigi's are brown (it's canon in the old cartoons)
. The bros grew up never knowing who their father was so Mario took it upon himself to be the closest thing to a father figure that Luigi could have while also still acting like a sibling
. It's Mario's fault but Luigi can barely ever hug someone half the time without stiffening up or getting jumpy. It's because whenever he would hug Mario when they were younger, he'd end up getting a noogie of being tickled half to death half the time cause Mario was a little gremlin like that. It happened so much that it's just become habit for Luigi to involuntarily start smiling like a goof or move his arms down to his sides when someone raps their arms around him.
. The bros are super close but they definitely bicker quite a bit. At least half of their conversations with each other throughout the day consists of arguments over unimportant things. What can I say, they're siblings and that's what sibs do. None of their arguments are actually serious though, they mostly consist of stuff like who's going to do which chore and stuff like that.
. Like I said before, Luigi is good with animals but he also knows a lot of cool facts about them as well. He loves to throw off little random facts when he can!
. Though Luigi is the taller of the two, both of the bros are pretty short. Mario is 4'8 and Luigi is 4'11
. Their job may be to fix pipes, but the bros did all kinds of different side jobs aside from just being plumbers. They loved to help out their friends with tasks or chores and were known well around their neighborhood for it! One day they may be helping stock cans in a friend's store, then the next day they may be painting someone's house!
. Mario is definitely a tough guy but he's also really goofy. One second, he'll be in complete serious mode, the next, he's breaking out into a silly smile and laughing his butt off at one of the stupidest jokes ever.
Ok I tried my hand at headcanons with these two. Guess I'll just throw em out here and see what people think
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battlekilt · 1 year
The thought of Commander "Not My Vod'ika" Cody being the first person to step between dogpiles on Anakin and everyone else.
Not that he won't hold Skywalker accountable. Just...
Let's back up and let me explain, as I've done with @spacingstars and I think @ninjigma:
My current thought process is Cody being grumpy around Anakin and about Anakin, but in that playful way he is about Obi-Wan, just more... Anakin is little brother. Despite being... 2–4 inches taller than Cody, depending on how tall I make Anakin. Anyway.
It comes down to the concept of Cody also being a very observant young man, and he not only knows Kenobi well, but he's also figured out how both his General and Rex's space wizard tic.
Specifically, Cody knows that when General Kenobi gets anxious and starts on his own spiral, he becomes incredibly self-critical, and when it comes to Anakin... it often comes down to him listing his criticisms about Skywalker. What Anakin struggles to see and Cody has figured out is that Kenobi gets hung up on Skywalker's shortcomings because Obi-Wan holds himself to blame.
When Obi-Wan starts in on Anakin, he's driven by a need to make sure he's done well by Anakin, and anything not smoothed out in his Padawan is ultimately, as the Master, his fault.
If there is a kerfuffle when Rex and Anakin's relationship is revealed, it isn't hard to picture Obi-Wan doing an Obi-Wan and laying in on Anakin. Our Chosen One would, of course, start to weep, and get sulky.
This means little can be done to address the actual issue. Cody's solution? He probably has many. Most of the time it is to distract the Jedi Master. However, this is the same Clone who bodily flung himself at Grievious. Meaning, he isn't above distracting Kenobi by picking a verbal fight.
However, most likely, I see Cody showing his calm, simple, military focus and just... in so many words, telling Obi-Wan to calm the eff down. Usually, it is Cody who is the hot-headed one between them.
Cody's actions as a buffer isn't just to aid his General or keep focus on the issue. It is also... Skywalker may not be his General of choice, but he is... Little Brother, and Anakin is Favorite Little Brother's Jedi "Little Brother" General—and for some Force-forsaken reason—that Favorite Little Brother has chosen to...
That's as far as Cody will let me write. He will make commentary under his breath about how he "raised" Rex better than this. To which, the Captain will remind his illustrious brother that they didn't become friends until they were roughly 9 years old (18th cycle); Cody didn't raise him. Or remarks about how he thought Rex would have better tastes—"What would you rather, Cody? General Kenobi?"
Cody just has to say:
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Either way...
The idea of Cody being both Mr. Grumpy Cat Commander that cracks jokes about Skywalker being chaos on two legs, but he'll also:
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Because, as with all Little Brothers—Don't hit his little brother, it is HIS job to hit his Little Brother.
And if this is Favorite Little Brother's Chosen One(TM)—Is this who Rex has decided to make The Stupid Face(TM)* to? He can't have Kenobi self-sabotage himself AND the Obnoxious General, can he?
Look, I love imagining Cody and Anakin's friendship as complicated and multilayered—it fits with Anakin, and it fits with how I characterize Cody. I think they deserve a relationship that isn't what it seems, but it has a good foundation.
Why? At the core, I don't like the Clones being the super informed Mindful Ones who do everything right, all the time. But, I do like to explore how they are absent of some of the same foibles we may have, and can't been infected with certain social ails the way we have—e.g their relationship with the concept of Gender being very simple, basic, but mutable and adaptable. Or that they haven't been inducted into the galaxy's larger rape culture. On one hand, I love the idea of them being socially impressionable, but also... sheltered in a way that makes it easy for them to put aside some things. So, they pick up on things quickly.
They aren't experienced, well-informed, and quite progressive like the Jedi Order would be. However, they also aren't burdened with the same bigotry others have because they grew up incredibly sheltered and isolated.
Thus, Cody does not see the point in dressing Skywalker down, while everyone is in an emotional statement, to the point where emotions continue to escalate detrimentally. It does more harm than good, makes it harder for them to go through the issues later, and just...
It is that remnants of Cody's childhood:
Never hurt another brother.**/***
PLEASE DO NOT USE the Cody emoji. It has been used here with exclusive permission by its creator, @ninjigma. If you want to use their pewpewCody and other adorable emojis, become a Patreon of theirs and join their server.
notations under the cut
*The Stupid Face is the Clone colloquialism for... basically, heart eyes.
**Certain military regulations and their mandated punishments are another thing. Don't be a traitor, and don't desert—though, to Cody, deserters ARE traitors.
*** From Legends, we know that the Kaminoans had VERY strict rules about the Clones being prematurely harmed. It took a lot for Jango to get them to permit Commandos to be trained with live-rounds at all.
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marinerainbow · 2 years
No one asked, but here are some headcannons for the one and only,
~Jessica Rabbit~
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(Why isn't this GIF used more often? No joke, she looks amazing here (then again she looks amazing in the whole movie))
I've seen people headcannon Jessica is asexual, and that's definitely awesome to see! However, I personally think she's demisexual. In one of the canon Roger Rabbit shorts, specifically 'Tummy Trouble', at the end we see Jessica actually instigate/suggest pattycake to Roger. And it wasn't in the cartoon she was starring in with him, it was after they were off set. So it does look like she does enjoy that sort of thing, but only with her husband. Again, I'm not ragging on anyone who sees her as ace, this is just my personal opinion.
I saw a post on here saying that Jessica's maiden name might be Krupnik, and that implies she's Jewish. And honestly, regardless if that's canon, I like it. I'll have to look into it more. Not necessarily a personal headcannon I guess, but I'll still add it.
Jessica wants to be a baker someday. Yes her main job is a singer and actress, but her real dream is to own a bakery. So far she's just baked for Roger and their neighbors, but she's getting there. And it's not just baked goods, she's a master with the frying pan. Cooking dinner together is one of hers and Roger's favorite at home dates (Disney, where's the Jessica Rabbit restaurant?)
This one i highly doubt is canon and I imagine would be difficult to figure out how it would work for toons, but I'll still share. Her hair kind of looked like it was ready to fly off when she and Eddie were driving out of Toontown, and that led me to this headcannon: Jessica has alopecia. She usually just sticks with red hair, but she'll wear different wigs based on what character she'll play in a cartoon (maybe it was Jessica playing as Hello Nurse from animaniacs?). And you all know Roger supports and adores her anyway and helps take care of her wigs. (I do know that some people just have wide foreheads or hairline, and I can see that with Jessica too! I just like imagining Roger reassuring Jessica she's beautiful no matter what).
I'm nor sure why, I have no reason to think this, but I like the idea that she and Smartass used to be friends before the events of the movie. Who knows, maybe he gave her relationship advice from his last marriage. I'm not sure what would have happened between them, (aside from you know, framing her husband for murder and trying to get him killed), but I do crack-headcannon that he wasn't her best man (man of honor?) at the wedding, and that's what made them enemies.
I think that Jessica genuinely likes to be beautiful. She doesn't like the attention and judgment that comes with it of course, but frankly that says more about the people around her than her herself. She likes putting on her makeup in the morning, she likes wearing her dresses, she likes styling herself. And not just her own cosmetics, I can imagine she likes picking out new furniture for the house (not all the time, just when it's needed), and she loves helping Roger put together his outfit for the day. There's nothing wrong with styling oneself, and Jessica can preach to the choir on that one.
Speaking of the choir, Jessica volunteers at singing classes to help others with their own voices. She's a very sweet teacher and will offer tips on how to stretch your voice or sing those high notes without strainging yourself too much (What if this is how she and Roger met? He went to a class she was helping out in, and they hit it off?).
This was seen somewhat in the squeal comic Resurrection of Doom. I think Jessica has a soft spot for horror films. Specifically the classic horror films like Frankenstein or Dracula. She's not a die hard horror fan, but she does enjoy them from time to time. She knows Roger doesn't like them though, so she won't force him to watch them with her. But of course, he loves her just as much as she loves him, so he'll still watch them with her, as long as she holds him during the scary scenes.
This is kind of a darker headcannon; just mentions of drugging, but proceed with caution. In the club, or when she's out, she'll keep an eye out for any suspiciously fizzy or cloudy drinks. She has lost count of how many times she's caught someone trying to roofie somebody else, and she'll teach others how to look out for bad drinks. She mentions in the deleted scene that someone tried to break in her dressing room once, so who knows how many times someone tried to drug her as well? Needless to say, she doesn't play around with that shit (if I could draw, I would definitely draw her punching a roofie user in the face)
Any questions anyone has, I'm more than happy to answer! ^^
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sonorousabyss · 2 years
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿 𝗪𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝘂𝗽 - 𝗔𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻 𝗦𝗸𝘆𝘄𝗮𝗹𝗸𝗲𝗿
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A/N: It's no problem at all @alittletoobsessedwithclonewars, this was... way... way too much fun.
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So long Seppies, better luck next life.
Seriously though. You know how you said you were a menace to society? Yeah. You with Anakin? Take that, and multiply it by cancer.
All semi-references aside, to say that you are chaotic is an understatement. While you both get the job done, you certainly do so in style.
...If by style you mean getting your ship shot, spiraling out of control, crash-landing on a planet, and having to wipe out hoards of droids in order to steal a new one.
You know. The usual.
It's well known on both sides of the war that statistically speaking? When you get Anakin, you're going to be trailing not too far behind.
This is either a good thing... or a bad one. Depends on who's doing the paperwork.
A lot of people just assume that you and the general are close friends, but some people do have their suspicions.
He'd definitely try and drag you on as many missions as possible regardless of your status because it means he can keep an eye on you and keep you safe. He's fairly protective by nature, and it means he gets quality time with his significant other, so to him? It's a win.
That said? I wouldn't be surprised if a few arguments arose between you both because of the missions he doesn't want you going on with him because it's "too dangerous."
We've seen it platonically with Ahsoka, and several times with Padme, so it's safe to say he dislikes when the risk is a little too high for you. If you're capable of protecting yourself it certainly eases his heart a tad- double that if you're force sensitive- but that doesn't stop his anxieties. That said, you'll probably have similar concerns for him, so you'll both have that to look forward to.
Anakin will almost always make a game out of missions with you. He's well known for droid kill count competitions with his padawan- but you make them more entertaining.
Your easy-going nature is something he admires, and before you were together it was definitely something that drew him to you.
He's charismatic by nature, but seeing someone who's fully capable of getting along with him, his padawan, his master, AND his troops is a sight and a half. Talk about a fast pass to earning brownie points.
Mischievous as you are, that gremlin energy was also a major factor in why he liked you. You clicked almost immediately.
Creativity comes in many facets, and whether it's doodling in a sketchbook or... less than orthodox methods of getting things done? He finds it endearing.
Any time he can get alone time with you, he'll take it. Believe me when I say that he'll listen to you ramble about anything for hours. Sometimes the things you come up with absolutely baffle him.
Hope you like cuddling and physical forms of affection, because he certainly does. Messing with your hair, hugs, kisses, the whole nine yards. He gets what he can, and if you think he isn't going to attempt to steal kisses while people aren't looking, you're wrong.
Of course, he'd still respect any boundaries you set in that regard- that's a given. If PDA isn't your thing he'll tone it down, but best know that if that's one of your only gripes about it all he'll be pulling you somewhere private as soon as possible.
100% makes jokes about you being a hazard to society. Hypocrite.
Anakin has stolen your beanie more than once. He doesn't wear it, but he does carry it, and if I had to describe the urge in a nutshell? His obsession with that thing is very much the phenomenon of "If not there to take, why hat?"
If you happen to be shorter than this 6'2, force-sensitive gremlin? Good luck with getting it back because he is not afraid to use your height against you.
Makes you chase him to get it sometimes. He finds it fun. Part of his charm, I suppose.
This was a thing even before you were an item. He stole it in front of Obi-Wan, and the poor man just shook his head and sighed as he watched you book it after him in a desperate attempt to get it back.
He keeps a mental tally of how many times he's kept it from you versus how many you've successfully stolen it back from him. Will argue against you getting a point if he was "distracted" by someone else when you got it, but you and he both know who the winner really was.
Would absolutely adore it if you gave him a keepsake he could wear out on missions when he was away from you. Don't think you'll be conning him into wearing a beanie with his robes anytime soon though.
Has definitely sent one of his boys to give you a gift disguised as something important for a mission, when in reality it was probably something goofy he snagged on one of his trips without you.
This has happened a few times, but I like to think at least one of these 'mystery gifts' was a beanie, or something similar.
If you wear it'll give him a confidence boost that he'll be riding for weeks.
Might need to bully him just a little bit afterward, to knock his ego down a few pegs. /j
Anakin's absolutely enamored with you. He loves giving his beloved boyfriend compliments whenever he can... to the degree that having to disguise the loving nature of them in public mildly annoys him.
He has thought about ditching the order a few times for you, but is also torn because of his sense of duty to his men, the Jedi, and the people of The Republic.
Don't think he won't be planning every aspect of life with you after the war. He will. Both with and without you. It's a hobby of his that helps him get by. He's down to go just about anywhere if it's to live with you, home planet, or otherwise.
Just keep him away from sand. It's course, it's rough, and its irritati-
He's really big on open, honest communication between the both of you, so you're free to talk to him about just about anything without judgment.
Like you though, he does have some anger issues, so you may have to dissuade him from doing anything rash and vice versa. I like to think that you both could balance each other well in this aspect.
But if you both get angry together good luck to anyone on the other side of that charade. By the force-
The theater kid aspect could enter the playing field in a number of ways depending on what role you played in theater- ex: minor actor, major actor, set designer, lighting and sound tech, etc.
The first two could help when it comes to keeping things on the down low so people don't know he isn't breaking the code. Set stuff is tricky but it gives you points in the technical category and any edge you have in that department could come in handy, what can I say?
Maybe for once the Master... at being caught isn't Anakin. Perhaps you've played the role a few times. Who knows?
If that were the case, Anakin would have been mildly grouchy during and after the fact. You? In enemy territory? Without a weapon? Alone? Absolutely not.
He's gotta admit though, you fooling the enemy or executing any successful strategy never ceases to impress him.
He's always so proud. Salty if you're ever at risk, but proud nonetheless.
100% will drop anything to help you with your anxieties, no hesitation. Need something? Wanna talk? Need him to get you away from a place or certain people? You got it. He's head over heels, so if you name it? You've got it.
Y'all are too. Damn. Cute.
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A/N: I'm stopping myself here because if I go on for too long, I'll be up all night. I feel like I was only scraping the bottom of the barrel here, but by the force was it fun. I read your request and knew that you and Anakin would click immediately. I felt it in my bones, man. Request again anytime, and let me know if there's anything I missed or something you'd like to hear more about. May the force be with you, and may your day be as wonderful as the ocean's abyss is deep. Thanks for reading.
If you're new here, I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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omg can we do coconut mango for kent and cherry vanilla for bae >:3c
coconut mango: what mementos do you and your F/O treasure?
I keep all the tests he's graded for me and the workbooks he made and corrected for me because he writes me notes in the margins and I think it's cute <3 even if it's literally just him correcting my mistakes, I think it's nice that he made all the problems specifically for me. Math may be a strange love language, but I'm here for it~
I think he'd keep the sticky notes I put all around his office! Some are actually important events I want him to remember, others are just silly notes I write to him, and others are little love notes! I imagine he has a notebook that's just filled with the sticky notes I leave around for him :)
cherry vanilla: how does your F/O show their affection for you?
He doesn't because he's a jerk who doesn't know how to show his feelings <3 hope this helps
Joking aside, small actions!
Physically, he makes an effort to hold my hand often since I always want to hold hands but I felt like I may be annoying for asking too many times, so he'll just take my hands sometimes without me having to ask. Also, lots of head pats. Usually in a patronizing way, but also just because that's his first reaction when he sees something cute.
Non-physically, whenever I'm upset or anxious, he does a really good job of calming me down! Sometimes people trying to help me when I'm anxious only makes me more anxious because I can feel their anxiety on top of my own, but Bae is great at keeping a level head in any situation, so he's able to help me calm down like it's second nature to him. He usually does it in a way where he thinks I won't notice him being helpful <3
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grimescum · 3 months
more about oscar + his playlist!!! will add more later maybe
his playlist looks awful without context [tw for non-explicit mentions of csa, his childhood was rough]
his name technically isn't oscar. the entity posessing him is named "the gentleman", as the tales depicting him didnt give the character any actual name, and oscar is the name of the man he's posessing. they've since become the same person so it doesnt matter which one you refer to him as but its important for later distinction
as ive said before, the story of the gentleman is a sort of urban legend that became a real threat. aside from kidnapping and cannibalizing people, he's also capable of essentially haunting them and grooming them into taking on the identity of the gentleman, further perpetuating the cycle.
the same thing happened to oscar. oscar was a highly talented cook, even the star of his own show at one point. the child actor business unfortunately led him to be groomed, assaulted, amongst other horrible things, all of which he assumed to be normal and stayed quiet about.
he started seeing the gentleman early into his teens after a brief encounter on the streets late at night (that was before he took on oscar's identity, so he looked different than he does now). he was very nice to him and acted as a sort of guiding figure in his life, albeit not a good one.
oscar started acting out what was done to him to his peers, his friends, relatives. the gentleman only goaded him on and insisted that what he was doing was right. in spite of oscar thinking otherwise at first, he soon began to believe it.
on his 18th birthday, the gentleman spoke to oscar, telling him that he has a job that he was destined to fufill. oscar didn't question it in the least. he took his hat, his coat, and theyve been the same person ever since
apeaking in present times, the gentleman isn't like, a kiddy diddler or anything, i wouldn't want an oc like that obvs. BUT he is a major creep and serial cannibal lacking in much of a guilty conscience!!! he does experience regret, but he genuinely believes this is his fate
he doesn't get angry often unless you offer him money, as a bribe or otherwise. the idea of taking it reminds him of the hush money he was given in the past
not even rude words or physical attacks bother him. while he will scold you for being impolite, he'll continue being a freak regardless of what you do
appears very out of it most of the time. he likes to tease and crack jokes, specifically of the sexual nature. his kindness is just as genuine as it is extremely creepy and sometimes misplaced. avoidant and dismissive of questions related to his identity or his past
his powers are kinda limited. he can appear invisible/visible to select individuals, teleport and appear out of thin air, but thats it
hypothetically speaking u COULD convince him to cut that shit out and end the cycle but itd be very difficult to undo all the conditioning he's been through his entire life. also, he'd probably end up killing himself to prevent the gentleman from just going out and claiming another victim. u could also convince him to leave you in particular alone the same way
he's kind of the polar opposite of my other oc, alan. whereas alan was traumatized and used it to better himself and everyone around him, oscar didn't have the chance before he found himself thrown into the role of the abuser. the two know eachother well but naturally alan doesn't take too kindly to his presence and tries to shoo him away whenever he lingers around his establishment late at night
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ok thats all bows
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you 🤝 me 🤝 deimos being so normal about gil like so totally normal
yk i was thinkin actually- gil wif an s/o who's very physically affectionate? i think the big dumb boy deserves some love-
We three are the average Gil enjoyers and we stand strong. For our king, He deserves and will receive ALL affection physically possible.
Jokes aside it's great to see someone who also enjoys Gil +) !!! His part was short but sweet. I plan on writing for him a lot in the future too. Also Church and Jorge but I haven't gotten around to those two though. Either way this was really fun to write shugsuifhse !!!!!!! <3
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Burger Gil w/ a physically affectionate s/o
GENRE - Romantic
TRIGGER WARNINGS - Kidnapping, Food mention, Toxic mindsets, manipulation
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It'd start when he first takes you probably, Similar to what I wrote about in the drabble: You try to get up but he just sits you back down. But instead, You're hugging into him and he feels like he's about to combust
Drops the plate of food he's trying to give you and just stares in both disbelief and absolute devotion. He can't BELEIVE this is happening. To him of all people! I mean he IS quite the celebrity but … he's just Burger Gil and your YOU, wonderful, awe-inspiring you!
Congrats on being allowed to move around the kitchen, as long as you don't try going upstairs... But why would you when you can be so affectionate with him here.
He's love language in more gift giving and words of praise however he adores physical affection. Considerably shy when it comes to PDA so when you come along and start giving him physical affection. He can hardly control himself.
If it's in a more private setting, He's scooping you right up and peppering your face with kisses. He'll do whatever he can to return his physical affection because he loves you!!! he wants to prove he does and with every good feeling you give him, He wants to return to you!
If it's more public, I.E. in the actual store/upper floor. He'll be very flustered. He's bright red with blush. If Zed's can blush, Not 100% sure if that's possible but he's a blubbering mess who doesn't know how to react since he needs to be professional at his job!!!!!
Either way, It kinda makes his feelings towards you worse. It's like your feeding his obsessive tendencies like he does his " customers ". It's similar to rewarding your pet for bad behaviour, Not good for the long run.
You could manipulate this though if you were smart enough. You could make like it into a reward system of sorts if you wanted to him to be more manageable as a yandere. That's because he puts all his trust into you and knows you'll stay put! But if this were to be broken, no. You won't be allowed out the kitchen every again
Although escaping him in general would be hard with his speed. One of the fastest G0L3Ms there is so unless you do have a different mode of transportation that isn't on foot away from Famous Gil’s City style food & other fine consumables. You are probably gonna be dragged back kicking and screaming
With time he will start to come out of his shell and become more physically affectionate with you more in public.
If you play your cards right and are truly happy with him, Maybe it'll just end with him being possessive and wanting your opinion on everything.
But genuinely please give him love and adoration he oh so deserves. That's all he wants. You, him and making burgers with lots and lots of love, hugs and kisses in-between.
So what we can take away: Burger Gil + Affectionate S/O = Very very good.
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multiversxwhore · 2 years
☾☾☾Hello! Hope you enjoy what you’re about to read, I would appreciate it if you like, and reblog my work here on tumblr. Please do not share my work anywhere else, and if you see it has been, or someone is claiming the work as their own please tell me. My master list is pinned to my page if you wish to see more☽☽☽  
Pairings: Batman/Bruce x Black!oc
Genre: Dark, Drama
Warnings: Mentions if blood, flesh, and dark feelings
Chapter 01
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When The Party Over
Chapter 02
My mornings start early out of routine, even if I'm not working I’ve alway been an early bird. The direct opposite of Bruce, ever since his parents have died it seemed as if he’s become an owl. As I’m looking through my fridge trying to decide what to have for breakfast, my phone rings.
“Speak of the devil.” I mumble into the phone, some leftover baked chicken catches my eye. “You were talking about me? I thought all you talked about was your new boyfriend.” Bruce says bitterly, I cringe a bit at myself. It's my fault for being inconsiderate of his feelings.
“Eh, yesterday’s news, anyway, what's going on Bruce?” I pull out the chicken, along with a bowl of diced potatoes, and some collard greens. I sigh to myself when I regret the decision of not baking cornbread.
“Need some stitches…” He says sheepishly from the other end of the phone. I put him on speaker so I can use both my hands.
“Okay, now when I get over there is it still going to be stitches, or big ass claw marks?” I question him, I carve up some of the farm bird, and place it on a plate next to the potatoes, and greens. Then I pop it in the microwave, I turn back to the counter making a second plate for Bruce.
“You know me so well Nina.” Bruce jokes, feigns appreciation in his tone.
“Yea, understatement of the year, I’ll be over in a few.” After I hang up the phone, I transfer the food to plastic Tupperware bowls sealing the lid, and trapping the heat. Then I quickly pull some clothes on, and I pack some medical essentials in my bag. Ivy hops up on the counter watching rush around like a crazy lady. Well, I guess I am a crazy lady for working with The Batman, but that's besides the point. I kissed her on the nose, grabbed the food, and turned to give my living room one last sweep to make sure I don’t forget anything.
On the ride over, I tried to anticipate what Bruce had gotten himself into that required my help, and this isn't the first time I’ve had to patch him up.
I parked the car, and made my way up to the front of the large mansion. You would think Bruce would have downsized after all these years.
Good morning Ms.Gordon, you look lovely as always.” Alfred greeted me, a warm smile on his face. He steps aside like a gentleman, and lets me in. This isn't my first time in Bruce's home, but I still can't help but look around. The design is a cross between goth, and dark academia. There really isn't much furniture in the living room, just a table, chairs, a fireplace, and a life size chess board. It’s obvious he's hiding something, and I’m sure he'll never tell me.
Bruce comes limping in from his office, a poor patch up job on his abdomen, and the bandaging looks as if it's still bleeding.
“Mornin Nina.” Bruce grins, he nearly falls into an unoccupied chair at the large oak table. Alfred shakes his head walking off towards the kitchen. I dump my stuff on the table, then kneel down in front of Bruce.
“Christ what attacked you this time a crocodile?” I ask, lifting his black tee, a large bloody gash gapping into his flesh. Bruce froze for a second, no doubt trying to come up with a lie to tell me, but this time I spared him the effort.
“Forget I asked, so you know there’s a banquet next Saturday, I mean if you actually remembered this time.” I carefully moved the needle in between the freshly torn skin, I worked quickly, but not fast enough because Bruce wont stop squirming.
“Unfortunately I do remember that, and you're going as my plus one.” Bruce groans a little as I continue to poke him, my dad would have a heart attack if he knew I was patching up Bruce. He would feel as though I’m a direct accessory to whatever crime bruce may have committed. My father is always overthinking like that, but that's the brain of a detective.
“And when did we decide that I was going?” I question him, I snip the surgical thread, and reach for some antiseptic.
“He’s your father, you have to go.” Bruce said, then I ever so lightly dabbed on the ointment moving carefully to not disturb my stitching. Then I patched a large square piece of gauge, and taped it to his skin with surgical tape. Bruce winced a little more, but finally I was done.
“I hate being questioned by the press, you know that. Every question is about whether I’ll adopt children, and save their lives just how Gordon did for me.” I said bitterly, I stood up from my kneeling position on the floor, I threw out the needles, and everything I used to patch up Bruce. After I came back from washing my hands, I pulled out the leftover food I heated up in my microwave this morning.
Alfred brought in some pates, and silverware for us, I smiled, and thanked him. Not even a minute after I plated everything is Bruce scarfing the food down. I pressed  my lips, annoyed that he's not eating, again.
“You wouldn't be so hungry if you didn’t work so much.” I said watching him fork three diced potatoes, and a hunk of meat at once. He shoves it all into his mouth, chomping ferociously, I just look at him in shock.
“I don't like bothering you when you’re busy.” Bruce said, a mouth full of food, yet somehow he hasn't choked on it.
“I told you I’ll feed you, I have no problem taking care of you if you need me. That's what best friends do, Bruce. Just like you've been paying all my bills, and keeping a roof over my head.” I said, he froze at the last part, he thought I didn't know who the anonymous buyer was that brought my home when it went  into foreclosure, but I’m no fool. Bruce is the only one in the city that has a heart that big, and that kind of money.
“Well, you do stuff, I mean more than I do. You have the kids at the orphanage, it wouldn't be fair of me to take up all your time Nina.” Bruce mumbles, I noticed the collard greens were eaten this time, I had to talk him into that one.  
“Bruce, I love you, and as far as I know you're the only real friend I have. You know everything about me, I trust you with my life, and I'm only going to say this one more time. If you need food, even if it's a damn sandwich at 3 am…call me, or come over.” I grab his hand across the table, he doesn’t pull away, but accepts my warmth. Then I remembered the other errands I had to run today, I reluctantly pulled away from bruce.
“Speaking of men who I need to feed, I have to go see my dad, and yes I’ll go to the banquet with you next week.” I said, peeling myself off the chair, I gathered my things, and pulled on my jacket Bruce tries to stand up, but I gently push him back in his seat. I turn to stand between his legs, I wrap my arms around his neck bringing his face into my abdomen. Brice brings his long arms around my waist, I bury my face in his hair smelling his Axe shower gel.
“You be my shield, and I’ll be yours? Bruce questions looking up at me, I pull his hair back out of his face, my thumbs lightly tracing the bags under his eyes.
“Bonnie, and Clyde 09’.” I joke pulling away, his hands linger on my hips, and for the first time in a while I see a bit more emotion on his face. As if he’s asking me to stay, he looked more on the brink of crying, like he has so much to tell me. I knew if I asked he’d immediately shut down. I keep thinking if I give him space he’ll eventually open up, but it only seems like he struggles more. I will admit, I have my secrets too, like not telling him Reya is missing. How I’ve been out in the streets at night trapping low level thugs to question  them, and almost getting myself killed in the process. But, something is weighing on Bruce so heavy it looked like he just wanted to scream to the world, and he couldn't.
I pepper kisses all over his face, that's all I could do is temporarily soothe his internal aches, and pains.
“I have to go, call me if you need me okay.” He got up this time to walk me to the door, and I felt my heart pounding harder, his eyes were screaming at me not to go yet. Though his body language is doing the complete opposite, I guess an attempt to convince us both that he’s fine.
“I will tell your father I said hi.” Bruce squeezed my shoulder lightly, finally letting me out the door. Some wounds heal, some take time, and some remain open, and bloody.
Chapter three
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