#I thought the next few episodes would show us her struggling with it after her initial 'everything is fine. I'm fine.' phase
moonlayl · 2 years
For the sake of humour, they made Jennifer Walters ridiculously incompetent, even though she’s supposed to be a good lawyer both in the MCU and in the comics.  
#it's annoying tbh#and like...I thought the first episode wasn't bad#but it's just more and more ridiculous situations and her not really learning anything?#like she comes off as obnoxious and self-centered#and not in a 'she's supposed to be a flawed character so those are her flaws' way#more in a 'she's super strong and great and this is what a girl boss look like'#looks*#where's the struggle in being a superhero outside of it affecting her dating life?#they legitimately had her more upset about going against the guy making her her dress#than about defending the man who attempted to murder her cousin#like initially when people went berserk over her angry outburst in the first episode#I didn't agree with them because idk I felt they would actually expand on that?#like okay she can perfectly control the hulk. clearly she doesn't realise how difficult it would be like#I thought the next few episodes would show us her struggling with it after her initial 'everything is fine. I'm fine.' phase#but no....she was legitimately fine. with a big change like that. wtf?#like she says something along the lines of 'I work for THEM' but she chose to do it and didn't really fight it?#and don't even get me started on her using 'she-hulk' to try and find dates#that was just weird.#15 year old Peter Parker thought about it and recognised the ridiculousness in that#and he was only wanting to impress ONE girl who he KNEW was a fan of spiderman#and he STILL immediately talked himself out of it. He's 15.#'is there anything more depressing than dating in your 30s?'#yeah...how about a terrifying transformation that gives you new powers and changes your body and impacts every aspect of your life? -_-#anti mcu#jennifer walters#she hulk#anti she hulk#marvel meta#in the tags#layl.text
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violet-snail-sfw · 2 months
The first time I saw a trans woman was in porn. I was pretty young then, in early middle school I think. My first thoughts about trans women only existed in a sexual context, since that was the only place I saw us mentioned
The next time I saw trans people mentioned was a TV show presumably about trans people and transitioning. I didn't watch it, only saw the description because even as a kid I had already internalized the idea that it was taboo and I would get in trouble if my parents walked in and I was watching it
Eventually I saw enough TV and cop shows to see an episode with the dead trans hooker trope. It further reinforced the building idea that trans women were something else, separate from "normal" people and always on the outskirts of society
And then Caitlyn Jenner came out. At my Catholic middle school there were few kind things said about her and plenty of nasty comments, but this was the first time I saw trans people being publicly talked about
In high school my views on trans people started to fracture. On one hand, I was being pushed the idea that gender was about what's in your pants, that if you've got a dick your a man and there's nothing that can be done about it. On the other hand, early high school me had stumbled across some gender change erotica and quickly became obsessed with it. While it wasn't great representation, it was still pretty positive about transitioning. The people in those stories were always happier afterwards
I struggled to reconcile what parts of society were saying about trans people with my daydreaming about what I'd do if I woke up the next morning as a girl. Eventually I decided that it was just a fetish. I just thought it was hot, there was no way I could be trans because I was just a normal person. I wasn't weird or a spectacle for others to gawk at, I was just a person
Around that time I also met a trans person in passing for the first time. One of the trans guys at my high school was in one of the musicals that I went to because some of my friends were also in them. When I was talking to my friends about it after someone mentioned the trans guy and that he was trans. I wasn't really sure what to think so I kinda just didn't think about it. Thinking back, there were a few trans guys at my high school but I don't think there was a single out trans woman
Eventually in college I actually met some trans and nonbinary people. In some classes we introduced ourselves on the first day with names and pronouns which was my first exposure to people using pronouns other than just he/him and she/her. I had a few classes with trans and nonbinary people, including a survey of transgender studies class I took in my last semester. I had plenty of excuses for why I was taking it (I needed a few more credits to graduate. It still had room open. It fit with my other classes. It seemed interesting. I'm trying to be a good ally.)
Around this time as well I found some trans creators online like ContraPoints and Philosophy Tube (whom I had watched before she came out as trans). I was weirdly excited and interested when Odyssey Eurobeat came out as trans and I went to go listen to some of her music right after I heard. I was starting to have examples of trans people just being people. Not just porn stars or public spectacles, but people
Later I met and befriended a few trans women, one of whom was extremely open about her transness and happened to share a video which started the initial steps of my egg cracking and figuring out who I am now
If I had actually known any trans women, if the world had been kinder to trans people, if representation of trans women as people existed and was well known, I might have been able to realize who I was sooner. I would have been able to exist as myself for more than a tiny fragment of my life so far
Representation matters, both in media and in daily life. Trans people being out and open about who they are made it possible for me to realize that about myself. Please never stop being who you are
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devastatinglygreen · 16 days
Why do you think they're waiting for the Lady Whistledown reveal?
aside from drama? and i mean that seriously. i know everyone had headcanons and wants for years here but they're building tension. there was no real tension in part one outside of sexual and the stakes need to be higher for the penultimate episode.
the next bit is spoilers we know have been pretty much seen by too many people for ep 5 at least so wander under the cut at your own risk:
i think, and i know a lot of people aren't going to be thrilled about colin not knowing before some things happen, that they need to do two things: solidify their relationship a bit and basically send penelope into a spiral to take the stakes higher.
they have plot armor, they're not going to behead penelope right there in the queen's garden with the peacocks once she gets caught. the only thing truly up for grabs is polin. and not even that, not really, but it's the thing the audience is going to care about.
the spoilers have penelope trying to tell him but failing because she keeps getting interrupted. every time she fails, the clock ticks further. it's a pressure build. eloise is on her back. colin is just wandering along, deliriously happy and penelope knows she's carrying this bomb she's gonna blow up in his face.
she lost eloise to it. colin is the love of her life. i think we can all do that math. she's so stressed out by eloise's timeline she can barely breathe and then comes cressida.
you've got cressida taking credit for LW, colin's happiness sitting on her shoulders (tho i do think it's also so smart of them to have him defend penelope to portia before he finds out, it might give him some insight to how penelope is treated and feels when the right time comes), eloise is assuming things and giving her hell.
i mean, wouldn't you be a mess too? like, give the girl some grace her entire life is imploding right after getting what she's always wanted and never thought she'd get and losing the two most important people in the world to her only a few months before. would you want to blow that up again? yes, yes, i'm sure everyone who says "but she has to!" is very morally outraged and perfectly righteous in their own lives scoffs at the idea that penelope might struggle with a secret she doesn't know what to do with.
it's not like we've never seen how that eats her up before, right? oh. we totally have. nvm.
anyways. cressida. i kind of hope it's the turning point for peneloise because i think even eloise knows she's not a good person to have in a position of power like that. say what you want but penelope doesn't lie in LW.
add in they seem to be bringing in book scenes and i'm going to guess colin catches her after she takes off to print something saying cressida is a whole ass lie. fight ensues. angst! stakes are ridiculously high. the wedding is planned. the pedestals are knocked over and now colin will know everything. does he love her after that? can he? does he trust her ever again? (clearly yes or they're gonna need to change up that family tree thing they released lol).
this will give way to colin having to come to terms with penelope's legacy and how it affects his own estimation of himself and his writing. jealousy like the book. it's a colin issue and he knows it but he still has to deal with it.
colin very much thinks penelope is his purpose, right? the book says it. LN said it about show colin. he's gotta reconcile that LW and penelope are two halves of the same person. he can't put them both in boxes.
anyways what i mean is that the stakes need to be high and her blurting it out then having 2.5 episodes of them moping around about their LW fight isn't really the thing that gets your heart racing when you've got 8 episodes to tell the whole story.
(also as an aside, i think it's going to lead to us getting second "firsts" in a way. it's not going to be a first kiss or anything but i feel like the energy of it all will be different and i, personally, think that could be very fun)
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last-ofthe-starks · 2 years
Some thoughts and Easter eggs:
Rhaenyra’s symbol in the opening sequence is from the necklace Daemon gave her in episode one.
Viserys is missing two fingers on his left hand, and wears gloves most of the time now. His hairline has also moved back and he’s a little softer around the belly. Excellent attention to detail here.
In the opening scene, Daemon has no qualms about murdering some of his own men while on dragon back in order to defeat the crabfeeder (which has gotten him no where for three years). By the end of this episode, Daemon runs across the sand on a suicide mission in order to defeat the crabfeeder. He’d rather die than accept help from the King.
We have the first introduction / reference to Harwin “Breakbones” Strong, which book readers will know is very important later on. We also meet Larys Strong who eventually becomes Master of Whispers in the books.
Jason Lannister introduces us to the Lannister family for the first time. He gifts a spear to the king for his hunt. Ironically (and brilliantly) a Lannister spear is what kills the Stag. Brilliant foreshadowing.
Ser Criston Cole references The White Book, which depicts the best knights in the kings guard. In GOT, Brienne of Tarth updates that book at the end of season 8 when she writes down the death of Jamie Lannister.
Otto proves once again he is ~the worst~ by suggesting Rhaenyra marry Aegon, which…ew. Glad Viserys found that cringe too, but again it’s a suggestion used to push Viserys in another direction in order to further Otto’s attempts at replacing Rhaenyra as heir.
We see Seasmoke and older Leanor in this episode, which is important for next episode. But have to admit, I wasn’t crazy about his scenes on dragon back, visually.
Viserys reveals his Dragon Dream to Alicent, in which he has a son born with a crown. After Balon dies along with the Queen, it made Viserys question everything. In the books it is said that he never wavers on naming Rhaenyra as his heir. In the show, we see him falter a few times now that Alicent has revived that dream with Aegon.
Alicent is passing an olive branch to Rhaenyra a few times this episode. In the books, the two already had a completely broken relationship with Alicent taking steps to try and eliminate her as a threat to her sons claim. This show version of events (where she is aged down to be the same as Rhaenyra) has made her more sympathetic, and likable. Book Alicent is awful, so something is going to have to happen to take a whole 180° on her personality to match the books.
Rhaenyra choosing to show mercy on the white stag is very significant. The killing of the white stag was a symbol of her position as heir being taken away. Viserys struggled to kill a non-white stag that was hunted for him in order to uphold tradition and please the people, meanwhile Rhaenyra let’s the white stag live. Perhaps Aegon is not meant to be the heir…
Daemon hunted down the crab feeder without the aid of Viserys’ men and cuts him in half (in the books, it is said that he decapitated him). He is so petty I love it, because he’d rather die on a suicide mission than accept Viserys’ help. While I have already seen many people upset we didn’t get a fight between the two, keep in mind the crab feeder had severe greyscale and was already quite weak, it would have been a quick one.
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ro-rogue · 2 months
i have very mixed feelings about the new bostin confrontation that got john expelled.
it is portrayed as the worst of john's actions in new bostin, his lowest, most violent moment. and while that last part is not untrue, i feel like the confrontation is a lot more complicated than just john going insane.
by that point, john had already been king for a little while, and he was absolutely terrible at it. (i've written before on why i think that is, and even his objectively horrible actions here were not excusable but understandable.) claire decided he needed to be stopped, and she gathered a bunch of their schoolmates to confront him, as her vision had shown. then, instead of trying to talk it out, zirian (one of the people she had gathered, for some reason) immediately attacked john, and everything devolved from there.
now, a few things stick out to me here:
first of all, claire took zirian with her to confront john. the question is: why? john and zirian had already fought on multiple occassions, and last time they fought, john had beaten zirian. did claire think seeing someone john defeated in a fair fight would make him realize he was a horrible person? did she think that if people saw zirian, they too would be willing to confront john? but wouldn't those people then think they were going to beat john up? did she not realize that if people believed her lie enough to follow her, they would be prepared to act on it too? i really struggle with her thought process here.
next, zirian thought that they could beat john if they all worked together. this supports my theory that the kids in new bostin had absolutely no idea how powerful a god-tier was. the wellston kids would never try to gang up like that on pre-ability loss seraphina - they knew she was too strong.
however, they did gang up on john at least sixteen-to-one (in episode 185, the shot with the most classmates shows sixteen people). when claire was telling the story to seraphina, she made it sound like it was completely unreasonable that john assumed that a group of people who all hated him, at least some of whom he had fought before, including the former king, would want to attack and overthrow him. "he refused to listen" is true, and something john has struggled with a lot both before and after the ambush, but to be honest, in his shoes, i also wouldn't have believed claire.
moreover, he is criticized for going too far in beating them up, but imo that mostly applies to claire and adrion, who weren't actually attacking him. the other fifteen kids were very clearly willing to hurt him just as much as he ended up hurting them. besides, they were attacking him fifteen-to-one, with claire standing to the side - what was john supposed to do? hold back?
the answer, of course, is yes: he should've. it was absolutely not right for him to go that far. but we must understand that john was sixteen, stressed, hurt, and facing people who were likely his former bullies, in the sense that everyone used to bully him.
(plus claire, who gathered everyone there, and how was he supposed to know that she didn't mean for it to turn out like that? and plus adrion, who called the authorities on him, which was objectively a good decision, but it can be hard to see it that way when you're the one who the cops are being called on)
in addition to that, if seraphina or even arlo had been ganged up on like that, no one would be surprised if they, too, fucked up their opponents. (remember that turf war back in episode 17/18/something? where arlo clearly wasn't just going to stop hurting rein, not until seraphina physically stopped him?) john was out of control and very much Not Okay, but his handling of the ambush actually seems to be quite typical for a god-tier.
so to conclude, the new bostin ambush/confrontation was more complex than simply john going crazy, and while both he and claire definitely think that he is the only one at fault there and he acted completely irrationally, that isn't actually the case, and uno readers should be aware that we are viewing the story from the perspectives of biased and thus unreliable narrators.
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givesupp · 3 months
The Ones Who Live (episode 4 spoilers)
My head feels like it's going to implode in on me and I just need to vomit my thoughts somewhere before it does. I remember hearing about the The Walking Dead (literally everyone and their mother was talking about it). I remember never wanting to watch it because it was SO popular and I've never been a huge fan of watching anything while it was still going live and everyone was into it. I'm weird IDK.
I had just finished up another TV series and was feeling empty, as one usually does and just wanted to dive into a new series. I chose The Walking Dead, finally deciding to give it a chance. I binged the first 4 seasons on Netflix and as I was doing this, it was literally becoming life saving. Only a few short years prior to starting the series I had just started dealing with severe depression. It was crippling. IYKYK. And to make a long story short, falling in love with this show, falling in love with Rick Grimes gave me something to hold on to.
'It's just a show' - this has been said to me many times. But it's not just a show to me. It's a lifeline. Its taking an inspiring moment and grabbing it with the only strength you have left and burning it into your head because if they can do it you can do it. You'll think about it the next time you feel like you can't get out of bed because there just isn't a point. It's taking a character and watching him fight for his sons life while everyone around belittles his character as a father and leader and using that the next time you feel like your chest is about to cave in from the sheer force of anxiety that just hit you like a mack truck. And you think about this character persevering while you sit in the corner of your bathroom floor with a cold rag on your face just simply trying to breathe.
So many examples, so many moments TWD has breathed life back into me when nothing else could.
And then Richonne.
Oh my god, what a fucking absolute treasure to emerge from this series. The slowburn of it, the showcasing of patience and friendship, love and trust and overcoming loss and hardships - together.
Finding your person. Camaraderie. True, real love. A soulmate. This? Despite loss, death at the hands of others, death at the hands of your own, tragedy, hopelessness, mental illness, losing your child? I can't even find words to express what Rick and Michonne mean to me separately, but as a couple? I am unable to express in words because it just would not do justice to what they actually represent to me in my own personal life.
Nearly a month ago we were given The Ones Who Live episode 1. And I remember watching that and having to physically remove myself from my home, go outside, sit down on the ground and reflect while sun soaking near a river. That's how blown away I was over the writing, the story, the emotions centered around this character that I have watched and grown to love over years.
Episode 4? EPISODE 4 is a fucking WELLSPRING of emotions, struggle with mental wellness, disagreement, unconditional love, immense hurt, understanding and patience. A relationship struggling to be what it was, if not anything at all. A broken man and a broken woman. A son, who has DIED years ago still finding a way to be the one who brings his parents back together. Who brings strength to his dad even after all this time...
Carl placed in the palm of his fathers hand as a sketch on a broken phone breathing life back into him. This, from his wife. Finding a way to save him. Giving him a sense of purpose, meaning back to him after he declared his own death not that long ago because he could not and does not ever want to live without her.
You cannot tell me that this show isn't important.
That it isn't life saving.
That it isn't at the very least forcing us to reflect and discuss and acknowledge our own lives, our own relationships, our own mental health, our own circumstances, our -
This isn't just a show to me.
Thanks for reading my vomit novel.
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noideawhatshappenin · 1 month
I need to rant about a few things from Bad Batch so
I'm writing this based on memories right after my first watch because my emotions are overwhelming me and I need to rant about them to strangers on the Internet. They're also not in any chronological or logical order.
First off, Echo telling Emerie that he knew the Zillo was Omegas doing? Because he would have done the same?
Immaculate. Fives would be proud to see his brother still being up to dangerous shit. And even passing it along to his little sister/daughter.
On the same note, the Zillo breaks out and the boys outside immediately know it's not coincidence because of course it would be one of their genius madlads.
Crosshair: Was that Echo or Omega.
Wrecker and Hunter without missing a beat: Omega
Because of course it was her.
Then Crosshair saying Clone Force 99 died with Tech had me crying buckets. Baby really has lost all feeling of self worth and needs time to heal on Pabu. Poor boy. Probably feels hella responsible for his death, too, because he wasn't there to help them.
Next up, Hemlock's operatives? You cannot tell me that they're not reminiscent of the Clone Force 99 we saw in Clone Wars. Using debris as a shield, like the first plan we see them do? One fighting with knives, like Hunter? One having a rifle, like Crosshair? Hemlock saw the boys and said: damn I want that as well.
It also explains why many people (me included) hoped for the reveal of Tech being CX-2. They're meant to seem like the Batch.
Also I really hoped Scorch would somehow survive this, just because I'm currently replaying Commando and feel for my poor boy.
Then I think a lot of us remember the meme with the explosion? Absolutely adore, that it was Nala Se blowing the research and Rampart to pieces.
Don't get me wrong, Rampart was a great addition to the recent episodes and his screams had me dying with laughter, but he was an evil piece of shit till the end. He died as a selfish evil Empire guy instead of dying for redemption (like there is a tendency in Star Wars) or getting to live on without any change. He stayed an asshole, even if he was kinda funny in the end.
Now to get into some specifics about the ending and the fate for the boys.
The cut to black when one of the operatives threatened Crosshairs hand? I nearly shat myself, holy hell. What the actual fuck.
The constant pan to Wrecker being injured? I was fully expecting him to sacrifice himself in the end, very glad he didn't.
The scene in the rain on the bridge? Immaculate. The perfect climax to the show. Perfection.
Hemlock's threat being empty, because he needs Omega.
Crosshair still worried because, even if Hemlock won't shoot Omega, his trauma won't just go away and he cannot risk Omega getting hurt.
Omega realising Crosshairs struggle and helping out.
Hunter realising that Omega realised.
Crosshair getting the first hug.
And then we see them leave. Safely. Because it's over. Their fight is over. Bad Batch is over.
Seeing all the clones and children happy on Pabu was the kind of ending the show deserved.
I'd go so far as to call it the ending the show needed. Because the Bad Batch would never have stopped fighting, if there was still danger threatening one of their members. Omega wouldn't have stopped fighting if she had lost another one of her brothers or hadn't been able to free the other clones.
The only way for them to find peace in that world, was a happy end. And I think that's beautiful.
In fact, this leads right into my final thoughts on this. Omega leaving to fight for the rebellion is very on brand for her selfless nature. It's also why this has to happen in the future. The Bad Batch had done their duty. They had fought enough battles for their lifetime, which is why we don't see them joining the rebellion with her. Why it has to happen, when Omega is ready to leave on her own.
Then of course, I cried buckets for Tech's glasses on the dashboard. Because her following in his footsteps and becoming a pilot makes this story come full circle.
Sidenote, I'm pretty sure her hairstyle is, at the very least, inspired by Phee. And her flying is probably closer to Phee than Tech as well, because she is still a chaos child.
Perhaps we'll see more shows from this time. We're certainly still lacking important info.
How does Wolffe join his brothers?
Why are Gregor, Wolffe and Rex "retired" in Rebels?
What happens to Echo?
I imagine, Filoni will give us a Clone Rebellion show (possibly with a sadder ending than Bad Batch) to answer these questions.
Do I have a closing thought? Yes.
As nice as the final scene was, we were absolutely robbed of older Crosshair and Wrecker. ROBBED I SAY.
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sevensoulmates · 2 months
I really appreciate you making the buddie meta post for 7x4, taking that many hours of your time just to write it and sharing it with us. I'm really grateful, I was literally giggling and kicking my feet while reading your post 💕
What a wonderful episode, it still feels like an out of body experience and I'm so happy Buck is finally free (I'm still in disbelief they gave us bi Buck in such a beautiful way).
I really wonder how they will give us the Eddie coming out arc. ¿Do you have any theories at the moment? Also why does it feels like Marisol will be kicking rocks sooner than expected? 👀
Thank you again ❤️
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Thank you so much!! I mean I always have so many thoughts going round and round in my head about this show at all times so at least this gives me a place to put em.
I was beyond happy with everything we got in this episode. 10/10 no notes. I'm getting the feeling next episode is gonna be similar but is also gonna have some plot twists as well. The possibility of a double date has me V~I~B~R~A~T~I~N~G especially if Eddie doesn't realize the entire time that BuckTommy are on a date. Eddie and his queer blinders runs so deep and I want to see the way his face changes when he realizes.
I loved how they handled Buck having this discovery and I'm beyond happy they're not going the "gay for you" route with Buck (and I hope not with Eddie either). I'm glad Buck can exist in the world as a bisexual man outside of his relationships, but also in conjunction with them. They're all a part of him and he deserves to finally be settled in that aspect of who he is.
I do get the feeling that Buck's gonna be so swept up in the euphoria of figuring out his sexuality that he's likely going to be attributing a lot of those feelings to Tommy where he actually isn't wholly the cause. Don't get me wrong, I do think Buck is genuinely interested and attracted to Tommy, and I'm excited to see where that goes, but we're already getting some hints about potential issues with their relationship and I'm very intrigued about where that will go.
My prediction for Buck is that he's going to dive headfirst into whatever he has with Tommy and start seeking out the feelings/connection he has with Eddie, but in Tommy. I think the date will have some hints at Buck and Tommy trying to connect in certain ways and Buck in the back of his head finding *something* missing.
As for Eddie....HOO boy. I think that he's gonna be in for an interesting time. There's a chance he might break up with Marisol in 7x05, or I was also seeing spec about breaking up in 7x07, etc. IDK ANYMORE!! As much as I PERSONALLY would like to see them break up next episode, I think it would also be interesting to extend that relationship out a bit more just to show Eddie's sexual struggles and have her as a foil.
I'll give you what I would LIKE to see instead of what I speculate might happen because at this point the information we do know is confusing.
I would like to see Eddie feeling visibly weird about Buck dating Tommy. The reasons for him feeling that way can be nebulous at the start. I want this to cause some issues with Marisol, but I want his primary issues with Marisol explored separately from BuckTommy as well.
I would love to see more of his incompatibility with Marisol explored, whether that's in terms of how they act on a date, how they talk to each other, maybe even sexually (?). I want Eddie to genuinely start questioning why once again he's not feeling anything in a relationship with a woman. Like Ana could've been a fluke, but now Marisol too? I want him to think about why he just forces these relationships into something full-blown when most people would be able to recognize they're not attracted/into someone after the first few dates and end it.
I would love to see him possibly being dissatisfied with sex (if they go the demi route) and being really confused about if it's the sex itself, or the woman he's having sex with. I want some definitive building blocks for Eddie being like "I don't understand why I don't feel attraction to her" leading to an eventual "I don't feel attraction to women" realization. I think that Eddie's queer realization arc deserves more nuance and time put into it and a slow unveiling. I think it can still overlap with BuckTommy, with his feelings regarding them confusing him even more.
Buck getting kissed once by a man, understanding and accepting his sexuality right away, and being excited about it makes sense for his character. Eddie on the other hand I think is gonna struggle with it a lot more. I would like to see those struggles highlighted. Bring in more of his family (parents, sisters, etc) and show him struggling with heteronormativity around them. Show Eddie struggling to act "normal" in his interaction with BuckTommy when they're around him as a pair.
I would love it if a surprise kiss in the heat of the moment came in somewhere. Whether Buck is/isn't with Tommy and Eddie is/isn't with Marisol, would provide different ramifications. But I don't want the kiss to immediately lead to them getting together. I want them to have to sit with it, and maybe Eddie can then deconstruct his feelings about men, his sexuality, and his feelings for Buck at the same time. I wouldn't mind this struggle continuing over the hiatus and into the season 8 opener, or having this be a season 8 storyline altogether.
Either way, I do firmly believe Eddie's queer arc is coming down the line, and what we're seeing now is going to be the foundation for him to work up to it. As we know, Eddie doesn't really have sudden realizations. He kind of lets things build and build until it explodes and he is forced to sit down and think about it.
Also I don't believe Tim Minear about his "spur of the moment idea to have them kiss". What a liar. They were filming the scene with Buck, Tommy, and Eddie at the helicopter hangar back in January. That was a whole 3 months ago. Oliver literally said it was his first day back on set. You can't tell me you filmed that without knowing how the episode was gonna end, Tim. What a lying liar who lies. I do believe him that bringing Tommy in to replace Lucy probably meant they could streamline the queer Buck storyline faster in the season, but I firmly believe he knew they were planning to get to it at some point. There's no way Tim could've gotten the green light for it from ABC that fast without major lengthy discussions, both with TPTB and the writer's room. People take a long fucking time to respond to emails, Tim. Get better at lying.
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commenter2 · 5 months
Charlie and Vaggie trailer quick breakdown
Just wanted to go over a few things about the latest "trailer" with Charlie and Vaggie. While making this I discovered another one for Angel Dust and Husk came out today, meaning it looks like we will get more over the next few days, but I won't be going over them unless something big is seen in it.
One thing I took notice was that scene of Vaggie suggesting Charlie should command more respect from people since she is the princess of Hell, only for Charlie to say that would be mean. Along with being another example/joke of how pure Charlie is, I feel like this shows that Charlie might not like being that royal.
I could see Charlie seeing her royal status being a burden (maybe its also connected how this is related to how she canonically doesn't like wearing dresses XD) like maybe she always just wanted to be treated like everyone else but for her it was hard to tell who liked her for who she was or if they were doing so out or obligation or using her for fame. That last part could be another good reason why she broke up with Seviathan von Eldritch. Another reason I bring this up is that we will likely see Charlie struggle with doing this until near the end of the season as seen with that makeshift army she makes of her friends and Rosie's people she recruited via singing which does seem to make Charlie a bit confident.
Another thing a lot of people are pointing out is how when Charlie introduces Vaggie to her father Lucifer, he is surprised. There have been many reason to explain what is going on there, so here is a list of what I hope/don't want it to mean.
Im hoping his reaction is due to him thinking something like "oh crap I forgot about Vaggie/her new girlfriend and what Charlie told me about her, just be cool and try not to show you forgot" or "Aw man this going to make things really awkward between me and Charlie when I suggest she stop her redemption plan".
I DON'T want it to be because he and Charlie haven't talked for so long that he never knew her daughter started dating Vaggie/broke up with Seviathan, or worse he never knew she was bi. I'm also hoping that Lucifer doesn't hate all humans/sinners, maybe in the past he did but over the past several millennia (and more so because of Lilith if she is part human/sinner in the show) he has become more okay with them as shown with the Overlords in Hell's hierarchy.
I sadly do feel like this is going to lead to a scene showing that Lucifer is a pretty bad parent, which I've been really against having him and Lilith being. However along with how it could still be at tolerable levels unlike what we've seen in Vivzie's other works, I keep forgetting that this is the first season of Hazbin Hotel so I could see Lucifer changing over the course of the series, same with Lilith if she turns out to be a similar chase. Keep your fingers crossed if you agree with me about Lucifer and Lilith NOT being bad parents like how Crimson, Paimon, or Cash are.
A small thing but it looks like Charlie and Vaggie go to get Angel when he goes back to Val during the Val debut episode. They'll tell Val to leave them alone, but it just leads to the fight in the episode as shown in the last trailer. Hopefully after all of that Angel does something that makes Charlie and Vaggie proud of him/accept an apology, while showing signs that Angel does truly want to change.
This trailer also makes me wonder if Charlie and Vaggie's relationship will go through some challenges at some point this season? Looking at this and past clips, their relationship looks like Vaggie gives up more to make Charlie happy while Charlie doesn't listen to her as much as she honestly should. Hopefully it's a kind of thing where just by having Charlie agree with Vaggie about punishing Angel after he does something wrong fixes it or reminds them that they are perfect together.
What are your thoughts in all of this?
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theflyindutchwoman · 9 months
How do you think the writers will take Chenford moving forward? I know exploring long-term UC for Lucy and how that will impact Chenford's relationship is a possibility, but what do you think about other things like proposal, marriage and kids? Especially kids, since that is something Tim and Lucy have talked about numerous times.
I have this thought that pregnancy storyline was always written mainly due to logistics instead of what the writers wanted in originally. This mainly stems from the fact that the few times they have pregnancy in the show were because the actresses that played Angela Lopez and Nyla Harper were pregnant themselves and thus pregnancy was written in the storyline, so it kinda makes me think Tim and Lucy having kids may not be something we will see in the series. What do you think?
Ooh speculation time… This might be an unpopular opinion, but I agree, I don't see Lucy and Tim having a baby in the near future, at least not if the writers have a say in it.
As you mentioned, these storylines have been written to accommodate the actresses' real life pregnancies (not sure for Angela's second baby). They didn't get to properly prepare in advance, hence the three unplanned pregnancies plotlines. And I think that's partially the reason why Tim and Lucy have been speaking about kids so much : the writers want to do with them what they didn't get to do with the other couples. We didn't see the conversation, the planning… None of that. They have this opportunity here. Even better, Lucy and Tim had both already their own arc about this topic : her with the fertility clinic and him with having his dream of being a father being dashed repeatedly. And it's something they've discussed together in the past, so it makes sense that they would bring it up from time to time. But I don't think that means they are planning babies just yet. Ideally, Lucy would first get settled in her career - same with Tim for that matter. Otherwise, it would simply be a repeat of Angela's struggles when she got pregnant just as she was becoming a detective. I also wonder whether they're going to reopen the fertility clinic arc or not… In the meantime, having them coach Little League or spend a day with their Make-A-Dream kid is actually a smart way to give us some insights on what kind of parents they could be, without having to introduce a child just quite yet. We may get to see them as parents one day, I'm not ruling it out completely, but it will depend on how many more seasons we get.
If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that the first order of business would be to resolve the undercover/promotion storyline for Lucy. The writers have been teasing this arc all season long, so it's time to move forward. I don't mean that Lucy necessarily has to take a final decision regarding undercover, just that she needs to get to the next stage of her career. Undercover aside, Tim already mentioned that their scheduling hours could present an issue once she makes detective, that they might spend less time together. So it would be interesting to delve a little into that, see how they make it work… which could, in turn, lead to a conversation about moving in together and/or buying a house. After all, that's the discussion that set the wheels in motion and brought Tim and Lucy together. So that could be a full-circle moment. And it could pave the way for the next step : proposal.
Now, I don't think we will see one next season : with S6 shortened, it might be tricky. I know it might also seem too soon, but these two are already serious and committed, they know what they want and they know the other very well. Besides, so far, all the main couples got engaged relatively fast : Wesley proposed to Angela after 6-9 months of dating, Nyla and James got married after a few months (though in all fairness, it was precipitated by the pregnancy) and Nolan was ready to ask Bailey after dating her for like 8 episodes?! There's clearly a pattern here. But again, with a shorter season and a wedding already planned, the writers might want to keep that for later… All in all, it will really depend on how short this season will be (we stand with WGA/SAG-AFTRA in this house) and whether they can get a renewal for s7.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
ML What If
(What if Socqueline was there in season 1?)
Heads up, with the recent episodes that aired and more development on Socqueline's personality and relationship with Marinette. We have a much better understanding of what she could be like in the show
Spoilers below
-Origins would pretty much be the same, It took the break to help Marinette... move on from what happened at the pool.
-The events of Origins happened the same way. Marinette becoming friends with Alya. Marinette becoming Ladybug, Adrien becoming Chat noir. The umbrella scene.
-But now we get into this change. Because now we add Socqueline to the mix. Marinette likely calling her older friend/ sister figure to let her know how things have changed. I.E. her new friend and possibly mention her knew crush.
-Now in canon it mentioned that Socqueline was busy with being in the new school so it is likely that she doesnt respond right away. So lets say a few episodes pass. For the sake of simplicity, lets say Dark cupid.
-Socqueline shows up to catch up with Marinette, Happy that she is thriving and meets Alya, the new best friend. I imagine Alya is curious on what marinette was like BEFORE she met. Socqueline would comment the over the top planning and posters were new. She never took Marinette for an adrien fan. While she herself is one. She would comment that Marinette is quite lucky to be in his class.
-Alya would piece together the hairstyle marinette had was inspired by Socqueline.
-Socqueline would explain that she is a family friend and looked out for Marinette. Not wanting to trudge up too many dark memories for Marinette doesnt elaborate much.
-Alya would reveal that he is Marinette's crush and he is in their class. Marinette would be flustered but confess it is true. Socqueline would make a comment about it being a definite step up from ... but before finishing the thought asking what she is planning (baiting a bit of the past)
-Marinette gets encouragement from both Alya and Socqueline. The Later being more cautious but seeing no harm in a valentine. Though She was surprised to see Marinette supportive of Kim's endeavors in confessing. She doesnt say anything, she simply keeps it to herself.
-Socqueline was there with Alya and Marinette, seeing exactly who it was Kim confessed to. I imagine her saying "That makes way too much sense."
-But aside from that, Dark Cupid resumes pretty much normal, with Alya getting hit with the loathe arrow and Socqueline and Marinette leaving to try and get help.
-Socqueline would probably want to meet this Adrien in person, see if he is on the up and up. Marinette seems to have moved on from what happened, and Socqueline decides its best not to bring it up if not needed.
-Another few episodes pass with the next one that she would appear and be prominent in Kung Food.
-Socqueline probably helping Marinette learn Mandarin as the girl struggles with it. A slight change being that Alya not knowing Socqueline is already involved, Called Adrien to help Marinette.
-Socqueline is happy to meet him as she is a fan. Adrien is flattered. Adrien almost leaves since Marinette has help, But Socqueline insists he stay, saying her mandarin could also use work (Its a lie, but she wanted to meet adrien.)
-So the episode continues with Socqueline in tow, but THIS is where drama builds. Because Chloé is there and starts criticizing the food choice. Which Adrien corrects.
-Socqueline in defense mode of Marinette after seeing Chloé. And Chloé isnt too happy seeing her either.
-"I thought I was done dealing with you." Chloé comments annoyed. "Still acting as her bodyguard."
-Socqueline looked ready to fight, but Marinette moves forward and tells Chloé that the judges will love her uncle's food and that Socqueline is here as a friend not a bodyguard.
-Socqueline is impressed that Marinette is standing up to Chloé now. Congratulating the girl on her new found guts. She also could see that Marinette's feelings for adrien were genuine and decides to give them some space while she keeps an eye on Chloé. Knowing that girl is up to something.
-Adrien explaining the respect Her uncle was paying to her by using the flowers she got in the dish. Its a cute moment.
-Socqueline catches Chloé sabotaging the soup and confronts her, saying that she is ruining the contest all to spite Marinette.
-"Oh, that. Its not to spite her. Its because his soup is lame. Picking on your mini you isnt as fun these days anyway. But maybe I should try getting creative again. might be fun."
-Chloé leaves and Socqueline tries to warn Wang that the soup got sabotaged.
-Kung food ensues, day is saved.
-Chloé loses her judge spot, and Adrien makes his cheeky comment to Chloé.
-Socqueline asks if Adrien knows Chloé, in which she learns that apparently he knew her from way back cause of their parents. Which Socqueline finds shocking. 1. Adrien is such a sweet person. 2. Marinette falling for a person that is friend's with Chloé?! after everything that happened? Socqueline goes to ask how this was possible
-Marinette says that Adrien tries to see the good in everyone, and that while she was skeptical, knows adrien has a good heart. Socqueline lets it go, and says she will trust Marinette on that. But she would be keeping an eye on Adrien. But mainly watching Chloé. Cause while Marinette may have grown up since she saw her last, Chloé is still a b****
-And that pretty much covers Socqueline's appearances for season 1.
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trillscienceofficer · 5 months
“[Star Trek: The Next Generations fourth season episode ‘The Host’ i]s one of the most outstanding episodes we've ever done,” says story editor Brannon Braga. “Being in love with someone is not very fresh. Having the parasite being as the real intelligence and the body as the host is. It was not originally pitched as a love story, it was pitched as a squirmy worm who's really the intelligence. What's ironic is that the most repulsive story ever pitched to us ended up being the most touching love story and that's why it's so unique." Elaborates Ron Moore, “The addition of Beverly to that story is the vital component. A lot of freelancers would take that premise and say this is a show about the ambassador and the struggles of the parasitic creature and the war negotiations. No one really cares about that. But when it becomes a Beverly problem, who's in the position with the problem, and to some extent Riker, that's how it became a Star Trek story.” Ultimately ‘The Host’ has become one of the most popular Trek episodes in light of its non-polemic, but effective, advocacy of tolerance and acceptance. [...] Although many questioned Dr. Crusher's rejection of Odan, once transplanted into a female body, as homophobic, [director Marvin] Rush disagrees vehemently. “Most of the people that I have talked to thought the show worked pretty well and were entertained. Some comment was that they were unhappy with the ending because it was left a question. There was, or could have been, a sort of homosexual aspect to is [sic] and we chose not to go that route with it. I felt that it was more about the nature of love, why we love and what prevents us from loving. To me the best analogy is if your beloved turned into a cockroach, could you love a cockroach? It's the same person, if the person is the personality and the core within, but can you get past the outside? We as humans are affected by the whole package, including the outside shell, and Gates [McFadden] in her last scene talks about maybe someday our ability to love won't be so limited. She says mankind may one day be able to deal with this, but I can't. To me that is about the nature of love and I think that's an interesting, worthy discussion. Rather than deal with the fact it was because of any homosexual bent per se, it's just that in our culture and our society people who are heterosexual who want the companionship of a male because they are a female, wouldn't be able to deal with that opposite situation.”
From “Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages” by Edward Gross and Mark A. Altman (1995)
[For the record, I'm quoting this while completely disagreeing with the argument Marvin Rush made here. I think it's a textbook example of someone going ‘no I'm not a homophobe but—’ while also bringing transphobic sentiments to the table in order to justify themself. And it would've been easy to entirely sidestep all these ad-hoc rationalizations for ‘The Host’, just by doing what ‘Rejoined’ did with the same concepts—of the Trill and of love transcending hosts while still not being quite enough for a happily ever after—only a few years later.]
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Why I like Vanessa/Natasha
Here’s some incoherent thoughts about why I think they have a lot of potential together (and also some thoughts about their characters in general I kinda just went off with this at times)
They share the same struggle since both of them get judged for their hobby because it’s not something that’s seen as “traditionally female”, with Nessie being into soccer and Nata being into skateboarding. Something I also find very interesting is that due to this Vanessa hates pink high heels as she feels like they represent what the world is expecting her to be just because she’s a girl and Natasha hates pink ballet shoes for the same reason. Maybe pink shoes were just the only thing that the writers could think of to represent a thing girls are expected to be interested in, but I still think them both having hate for such a specific thing really just shows similar their struggle is. They also have similarities in their personalities, they’re both shown to be stubborn, moody, sarcastic, have hard time accepting help from others, passionate about sports and they both also have a softer side to them.
Speaking of which, I know a few people have already talked about this but it was honestly just such a missed opportunity from the show to not have these two become friends😭 Like they could’ve bonded over the struggle they share, it would’ve been great for Vanessa to get a female friend (maybe a controversial opinion but I’ve actually always interpreted Vanessa being able to let go of her internalized misogyny at the end of s1e4. Like that episode is painful with its “strong female character is when a girl hates other girls and is more like one of the boys”, even as a child it left a bad taste in my mouth. It’s very much this clip from Sonic Boom https://youtu.be/dWBn0nS8s0A?si=HxN5Xq90vPPQrLE0 expect the writers stopped listening before Knuckles started speaking. However I don’t think internalized misogyny was really a problem that Vanessa had through the series, I don’t really think she acts like that way in the other episodes, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. However the writers could have made the internalized misogyny not being a thing she deals with anymore more clear, if that was their intention like I hope it was, by giving her a female friend). I think it would’ve also been great for Natasha’s character and especially her redemption arc if she bonded with Vanessa and even made amends to her since that’s who she caused most problems for. It has always bothered me how that was just never acknowledged so having them fix things between them would’ve been so good. Have them skate and play soccer together !!
Okay now it’s time for me to sound a bit delusional and say that these two had some very gay enemies tension in some scenes. Like the “hey Adora” sort of tension.
I couldn’t stop thinking about this scene after I first saw it when I was like 8 but I couldn’t understand why. Peak antagonist flirting with the hero
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Yeah that’s the look everyone gives to their enemy
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Natasha, did you really just go to hang out next to Teufelstopf on your free time just in case Vanessa would ride by and you could yell a few mean words at her? Man you’re obsessed🤨
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Can’t believe toxic yuri was invented by a kids show about soccer.
And lastly to tie it all together, I just think these two have a dynamic you could use in a lot of different ways in fanworks. There’s the whole enemies with gay tension and evil flirting I just talked about. The whole “hey Adora” dynamic is always interesting. There’s the possibility to give these two what the writers didn’t dare to do and have them bond with each others and realize they’re actually quite similar. Enemies to friends to lovers with Natasha facing the fact that her dislike toward Vanessa was probably born from her jealousy towards her (like her thinking “she’s a girl yet she’s allowed to play soccer but I’m also a girl and I’m not allowed to skate? If I can’t have that neither can she!”) and then having a redemption arc and becoming friends with Vanessa and then falling for her. If you think internalized misogyny was still a thing Vanessa struggled even after her introduction episode (all though I personally don’t agree with that, I’m not surprised people read it that way, the show fell really flat with its “feminist” message) have her unlearn it thanks to her friendship with Natasha and then realize “wow I’ve been suppressing my true feelings and I actually want to kiss girls, especially Natasha”. They could light pink shoes on fire together and call it a date. Maybe make them date in secret because their friend groups don’t get along and create a Romeo and Juliet like situation for them to deal with. Or have them be sporty girlfriends in an established relationship that watch each other play and then flirt.
So yeah in conclusion, girls should kiss girls👍👍
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like-sands-of-time · 1 year
So apparently it was a money/politics issue, and Lisa edelstein chose to leave the show for a few reasons I've read.. either the people in charge of the show decided to give more funding to Olivia Wilde over her, despite her significance in the show and seniority on the staff, or they disagreed with her political decisions outside of the show and she chose to leave.
Either way it's clear after six years of build up, and apparently twenty years of the characters having history, chemistry, genuine attraction to each other, that the relationship was boring and House being a moody self destructive addict was better for views (I roll my eyes here)
So House, the addict if you recall, was able to tell Stacy she should be with her husband after he slept with her, after he genuinely tried to win her back, because her husband begged him and he realized that they still had a future.
Then a few years later House, the addict who's been reformed and has since been going to therapy and working on himself for two years, is able to see Cuddy with another man and accepts it, offers his blessing, gives her a housewarming gift.
Then Cuddy once again tells him he's alone, always has been, always will be. Just like Wilson has done. It's hurtful, it sucks, but he's heard it before. And he's thought it before. He's not even outwardly emotional about it. He confesses to the dying woman that he is in fact alone and it's not worth it, pride and vanity to have his leg in tact wasn't worth losing his heart.
She decides to call off her relationship that we have to assume she's been hesitant on the whole time, given even Lucas has mentioned it, all because she has to give 'this', their relationship, a shot. Ok. So... Now what?
Back from the edge of using once more, he's struggling but managing. He knows she's gonna leave him one way or another but she's sure she won't, and despite every warning bell he's trying not to self sabotage. He respects her opinion at work more, genuinely, and he preps Rachel for preschool, forming an actual bond with her over cartoons and toys.
He gets drunk and confesses to Cuddy that him listening to her, him being more cautious and overthinking himself is making him a worse diagnostician, and that logically he should break up with her. But that he'd rather find the happiness that comes with their relationship, than the stress and inevitable pain that comes with losing patients. She seems to take this as drunken ramblings and we see nothing more on the subject, until her surgery.
She breaks up with him because he relapses. She got together with him because he was going to relapse. Is it irony? Is it fate? Is it a dumbass character move that someone who's loved another for years and knows how much he struggles with the genuine physical pain would do? You're telling me after perjuring herself just a few years earlier she's not willing to handle a relapse he had at the very real fear she was dying? He didn't hurt her, or Rachel, he took the pill for the pain both physical and emotional he was in. How does that seem unlike House? All that means is just how much he cared about her and couldn't handle losing her, like millions of other people in the world.
Maybe she wants to take a step back, maybe she insists that he go to a rehab facility for 30 days, but breaking up...? "He's never going to be there for me?" That doesn't quite make sense. You've never wanted that before? You've never needed that before? So this is different, this is extreme, and cuddy is scared too. But how she doesn't accept his actions doesn't make any sense for her character. Even if her enabling him is morally wrong or anything else, it was very uncharacteristic for her to break up with him knowing how he'd take it. Knowing how she'd take it.
Then to have Cuddy spend the next several episodes trying to poke it him, force him to talk to her? Why not his therapist? That doesn't make sense
It's writing laziness and I started season eight anyway because I know I hate leaving things unfinished but honestly I just don't feel it. I don't feel the emotional connection to the show, to the new characters in it, I just don't care. Because it doesn't matter right? We're not gonna see either Lisa again and she was fundamental to both the show and the character.
Seeing the spoilers that I have for the end of the show no longer push me to see what happens leading up to it, they honestly just disappoint me. Cancer is a weak and doubly ironic way to end things for an oncologist, but I just don't even care anymore.
His years of friendships and eventual self help are worthless within half a season. It's amazing really.
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kstaki · 4 months
Wahhh after watching episode 48, felt like had to watch something light a bit. End up watching King-Chan! The episode where they play Fortnite (2 part) with the show country in it. Long post…😅
Although have to say it like mind-blown by the details especially there were a few things even the cast didn’t know.
Sadly only four of them participated, Aoto, Marie (Erica), Yuzuyan (Yuzuki) & So. (I am used to calling them that 😅) Yuzuyan & So were wearing glasses they look so cute wearing them 😆
First video was about N'Kosopa, where they were given the task to climb to the top.
None of had it easy climbing up 😂 So did comment he was more used to keyboard and mouse compare to controller saying he would do better. In the end they did provide him with it.
They took turn to climb up but they spend a lot of time falling 🤣
Yuzuyan’s turn she was first one to finally reach to the next level , they all celebrated the accomplishment thinking the game end & it seem like Yuzuyan had enough because she tried to end the channel 😂 Byebye Chan
Unfortunately there were still many level left to climb & there isn’t a save point 😰 so if you fall you’re starting from back from the start Zero!
Surprising Aoto was most quite while they other were playing while the rest were very noisy especially Yuzuyan 😂 (Part 1 & Part2)
They took a break & explore the other part of N’Kosopa. The detail was amazing even the epic showdown (E39) the bridge was there!
They return back to climbing & in middle Marie was saying like who best (this part not that sure but I think so) So, Marie, Yuzuyan & then Aoto who was in totally disbelief haha he click his tongue(probably annoyed 😅) then he blame he see it & doesn’t get it. (Probably referring to the different mechanism that enable the jump)
Afterward they got Miki-Sensei who was guiding them from the beginning & to show how it done lol but even he was struggling. Then admit he more comfortable keyboard & mouse. Chaos broke 😂 when they heard it since he was supposed to be the expert! Although they keep cheering Sensei on to reach the top which he did 😁 well only part of it there was still tower climb.
So tease Aoto to do the climb but he respond this isn’t the Teppen he seek. (Almost similar to E44) It sound so cool even So compliment him.
So did try the tower climb while in between Aoto was supposed to give his thought on it. I couldn’t really tell what sort of game he say it was like. Though he did say 楽勝でした (It was easy win) Marie immediately turn to stare at him while Yuzuyan just criticize him 😂 (since he was struggling the most ah poor Aoto) So was busy still playing.
Part 2
Shugoddam, they were only inside the castle the throne room. So was using controller and there was a mini game where you shoot target 🎯 that appear in the place. The ceiling of the throne room even had the King Ohger Mural!
Next was Ishabana and it was a like a quest. Marie had the control. Apparently in beginning you can choose Japanese or English, So & Yuzuyan ask Marie to choose English but she refuse saying let her do it in Japanese.
So spoke English for a moment asking do you speak Japanese (Gahh it sound good)
Marie just reply back in Japanese 😂
YET somehow it turn out the written dialogue was in English. Marie blame that she couldn’t see plus mention that she thought Japanese was on default & press the wrong button thus it end up to be English. Therefore she had no choice but to translate for them what the dialogue 🤣 (Poor Marie) she did translate for them roughly although some part she skip they were like what was written?!?! She did apologize for choosing English but they were fine with it. ☺️
Basically the quest is that you wake up in Ishabana & was save so want return back the favour to Queen Himeno. So the quest is find 5 flower the way was to use Pick-axe to smash the rock to find it. Yet somehow after giving the flower you seem to want to do more since she did save your life. That you end up have to find 300 flower. There was another ‘cheat’ way where this traveller got a machine that allow you make flower but in return the traveller wants a MOFFUN! You have to find it and exchange for the machine that allow you complete the quest and then you can access second floor of castle.
Though like N’Kosopa they just explore outside of the castle and the surrounding.
Next was Gokkan
A bit let down didn’t see the Castle it was mostly outside(I mean it was beautiful but I wanted a small glimpse of the castle) where Yuzuyan & So had the controller (it like two player now onward). Sensei was telling them to power up & gacha for weapon because the game in Gokkan was to fight like wave of zombie figure. Although there was a cool weapon where you shoot out sword & it stab to the ground like Rita’s signature move before exploding! Cool oh yeah it was purple 😎
While they play until they lost, it was really fun they wanted do another round but couldn’t due to lack of time.
Next was Toufu that was still under development while they were playing.
So & Aoto had the controllers this time. They were basically just inside the castle & there was a room that made out like kitchen where all cooking is done they had the sink, box, shelves just anything that like huge kitchen. It was connected to the Throne room.
Also there was this game where you can become a Mini-Kuroko. Basically the game is that you have be last person standing. Not sure if two player game or more can join but for this channel was just two of them.
The base is Tatami mat & underneath is lava so you have to survive by just trying not to fall into the lava. The Tatami mat is fragile so it will break after stepping on it, you can dash & jump. Just have to be last Kuroko standing!
Aoto just kept losing 5 times in a row hahaha & he said it was boring because of it 🤣
So reacted to it saying Aoto just suck at the game.
(There was a statue that say who is wining & how may win)
After his fifth lost, So then suggested whoever lose give next person.
Then Marie took over as she tried to trap So but still lost 3 times 😅 that she like ask Yuzuyan to take over 😆
If I am not mistaken (since they do cut out some part) Yuzuyan lost once but second time finally beat the undefeated Champion So! She even say Toufu now mine & cheer hahaha cute
Then Aoto vs Yuzuyan & 😂 Aoto lost (Aoto I feel so bad for you he is really terrible at game lol)
Then it was Marie Vs Yuzuyan &…Marie won. Then So begin to tease Yuzuyan for losing 😆
Afterward they were told to draw faces for Kuroko that they might use for the game.
Apparently found out they do reuse (or unintentionally put among with other notebook) their drawing notebook that they got sidetrack to find some of previous Masato Yano (Racles) stuff he did in one previous King Chan.
So & Yuzuyan drew a few possible picture to use for Kuroko & I am terrible at explaining how look like so I will just post a picture of one main one they drew
Then they also given the task to give a name for the game which they came up with was this…
黒子からの挑戦畳 (Kuroko's challenge tatami)
~Tatami, Sushi,Samurai~
Though they seem to agree that when the game release the bottom part might be removed 😂
Just roughly what can tell from the two episode (I was laughing at them playing also 😆it so amusing) although I really just want to play the game to see the world…I don’t know if I got time. 🥲
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Although it was so busy that I struggled to keep up with everything that was going on at times, I thought tonight's Casualty episode was generally very good! And the busy-ness was sort of the point, so I can get past that.
First and foremost: I LOVE Ngozi! So much so I felt the need to type "love" in all uppercase. I could see her very, very quickly becoming one of my favourite characters. She's brilliant. I adore her. I was already liking her in her first few scenes, and then there was that beautiful scene with her comforting the husband, and that almost made me cry. I hope the show does well by her for however long she's around - and I hope that's a long while - because her introduction has been so promising.
While I'm at it: can Faith leave and Ngozi gets her job? That would be great.
Jacob having so much to do at the start of the episode was nice, but it disappointed me that he seemed to be ignored after that. I think he gets a proper storyline next week, doesn't he? I hope it will be about him for once instead of immediately turning to be Iain-focused.
Goodbye, Ryan Firth, we hardly knew ye. I don't - didn't, I suppose - like Ryan. He was never as interesting as the rest of that friendship quartet: Rida and Jodie are fantastic, and I quite like Cam because he reminds me strongly of Arthur Digby.
Ryan was just a jerk most of the time, and felt like a very stereotypical portrayal of bi men - there's more variety to us than just "guy who wants to date everyone", Casualty! I'm not saying it's inherently wrong to have bi characters like that, I even like several bi characters that are like that; I'm just tired of them being written like "this is how bi men are, why would we write them any other way" and that's how I felt Ryan was written. Maybe at some point we can get another bi male character who's handled better. Or just let Dylan be bi. I'd say "or Max", but Max is presumably leaving very soon now so I don't have much hope for that.
I didn't like that Faith was in the episode at all, but at least she only appeared for a handful of scenes. Still, I'm just waiting on her to leave. Ryan's gone, and I shan't miss him. Charlie's going, and I shan't miss him either. It's just Faith that needs to leave now. I used her and Iain's scene as an excuse to do other stuff while I didn't need to focus any of my attention on the episode.
Jodie looked great tonight. I just wanted to acknowledge that - I loved the way her hair was styled, it looked so cool.
I'm glad Paige spoke up about the engagement. It was never a good idea, all things considered. I'm not sure how to feel about Teddy and Jodie kissing though. Mostly I'm just sadly longing for the days when I thought Teddy/Paige/Sah polyamory was going to happen. The love triangle - or love square now, I suppose - that's happened instead bores me.
I hate that Max's storyline has been so swept to the wayside. Any of the screentime that's been going to Faith could have gone to him. At this point I've just accepted that he will probably become another John Gaskell: no explanation of his backstory until a few lines at the last second before his storyline is over. At least with Max, his mum can come back again to explain his backstory properly someday, because I don't expect Max himself to do so at this point.
Next week: Jacob is in an episode again! Casualty is remembering he exists! The minimum is being achieved! I don't remember anything else I've read about next week, I just know Jacob's there.
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