#I truly believe the thing people want to see most in a potential continuation is characters and their interactions with eachother!
jacarandaaaas · 10 months
Love reading your opinions on the characters and movie, it's refreshing to not see that repetitive hate and you make some good points
The discussions and others adding to that is also interesting
aww thank u anon! I just think these characters are so 3 dimensional it’s impossible to boil them down to one thing! isabela is the prissy oldest sister until you realize actually she’s not! luisa is the strong confident one until you realize no she’s not! These characters are so complex I just want to appreciate all of them!
I also love partaking in discussions and find your guys perspective interesting! It’s fun to dissect these characters and this story!
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theleotarot · 7 months
How Your Person Of Interest Sees/Thinks/Feels About You
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Choose the image you are most drawn to or resonate most with… pile 1, pile 2, & pile 3 ✨
Pile 1
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(Knight of Pentacles, Nine of Pentacles, Three of Wands, Knight of Swords, The Unknown Card, Three of Swords, Mentor, Plane, & Thriving)
Hi Pile 1! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Your person of interest sees you as someone who is very hardworking in all areas of your life. Perhaps, right now you are pursuing a degree or job, or maybe you are working towards a goal that requires lots of resilience and financial responsibility. Your person sees you very successful as well. I am also getting this energy that they may think you are above them in some way, whether it be financially, emotionally, or mentally. I really think they do look up to you in every way regardless if you feel like you are struggling yourself or you feel like you can do better. They see you as someone who is very helpful to other people and the community. Your job or every day work may involve with interacting and helping people out, and this is confirmation that this is your pile! They might find you very funny and young at heart as well. I'm getting that some of you may not think you're funny, but your person definitely thinks that you are. I'm getting that you may be the type of person to also laugh things off when you feel scared or hurt, it's kind of like a coping mechanism, only for some. Besides that though, I really do think your person sees you as someone who radiates bright energy and that's why people and even animals enjoy being around you. Not only they see you as bright energy, but they also see you as someone who attracts very much positive things into your life, again, abundance, school, work, you name it. What your person thinks about you is that you have a huge future ahead of you, and you have the ability to achieve your goals if you just go for it. I believe that they also think that you are very good with your words. Again, I keep getting this energy from your person of interest that they do not think they are as good as you. Honestly, I feel like they are intimidated by your potential and success. I believe that your person is going through something difficult or heartbreaking. It may be because of a separation, insecurities, or any kind of past trauma, but it is unknown. I think that this difficulty they are facing has an affect on how they feel about you. I do think that their feelings for you are developing though. I think that this person just cannot show your their full interest or attention because they need to focus on themselves more. Even though they are facing their own difficulties, I do believe you cross their mind, and their feelings for you have potential in growing into something bigger within time. Overall, I feel like your person sees you as a light in their life. They really look up to your for your positivity and ambitions. I think that once they get their life together and feel better about themselves, their feelings for you will escalate and they will start to show how they truly feel.
Pile 2
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(Ten of Wands, Ten of Cups, The Fool, King of Wands, Eight of Swords, The Magician, Shape-Shifter, Flowers, & Transformation)
Hi Pile 2! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Okay pile 2, before I start your reading, I just want to say that this is the sweetest pile. 🥺 Okay let's carry on. Your person sees you as someone who carries or has carried a lot of baggage on themselves. Perhaps, you have struggled financially or educationally, or you have really struggled with your family or friend relationships. I also get this energy from you that part of your baggage has something to do with the fact that you always put others as a priority rather than yourself. You are always sacrificing yourself, even if it costs you your happiness. Even though you've been through so much emotional baggage, you continue to persevere through adversity, and your person of interest definitely sees this about you. They see how hard your life has been, yet you find the power to proceed with your life, and they find this absolutely inspiring about you. It's like, you have the choice to stay in despair and yearn for a better life, but you choose the opposite and make changes to your life to be happy instead. Your person sees that you have amazing grit and can also adapt to your environment, whether it be difficult or easy. They might also see you as someone who is very emotional and someone who wants to have their own family and children in the future. They can see you feminine as well. The way that your person sees you is very warm and precious. There are lots of pink and purple in your reading pile 2, so this means that your person sees you very delicate and they are really romantically connected with you too. I think they think you are confident in your actions as well, and whatever risks or actions you take, you are able to go through with it. I think your person thinks you're very playful as well. Even though sometimes you may feel stressed or upset about certain things in your life, your person knows that inside of you, at the very core of you, you are actually a very warm, delicate, loving, affectionate, and playful individual. I think that they believe that you deserve the best, pile 2, especially since you've gone through so much. They also think of you as a flower. Not only are they beautiful and delicate, but they're also a product of growth and transformation. Your person not only sees you for your beauty but for also all your hard work, tenacity, and sacrifice. Pile 2, I believe that your person has very romantic feelings for you, but they do not know how to come forward with it towards you. I believe that they want to turn your bond with them into something more, but they are intimidated at the same time. I think that maybe you have a chance to come forward instead, and this will save your person a headache lol because they feel for you so much. One more message I'm getting is that they see you as a butterfly. Again, you have transformed so much in your life. You may have felt stuck in the past and over worried, but you will grow into your wings and you'll be set free to fly. Your reading is beautiful pile 2. Your person deeply feels for you.
Pile 3
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(King of Pentacles, The Hermit, The Star, Seven of Cups, The Tower, Four of Wands, Servant, Unity, & Protection)
Hi pile 3! Welcome to your reading. ♡
Your person of interest finds you very, very attractive, and maybe even very addicting pile 3! I say this because The Devil card popped out twice in the back of the deck. You're quite appealing to them I would say. 😏 Anyway, I think you give off independent vibes to your person. You're very successful, and you're independent. You're not a loner, you're in solitude. There's a big difference between those two. I think they see you as someone who does not take bs either (I'm getting that some of you here are more mature so I can insert bs here lolol). I think they see you as someone very helpful to others. Maybe you are a people pleaser, for some? I just got that. Your person also might see you as quite mysterious. You may be more of the quiet type, and they are intrigued by you. They just want to know more and more about you. I get the feeling that your person also thinks that you may have a lot of people lined up for you in regard to romantic partners. Your person may think that they don't even have a chance with you because you're so hot lol. They do think of you as a star though. You radiate light in their life, and I think that they may admire you from a distance, and they keep their feelings to themselves at times. I think that when you or if you have conversations with them, they will feel very emotionally connected with you. Your conversations with them are easy, and they feel like they can open up to you about pretty much anything comfortably. I think this is what separates you from others. You just get them in a way that no one else does, this pertains to your conversations with them, as well as your looks. 😉 One random thing, I think they might like your hands lol. Your person's feelings for you are strong pile 3, it's a given here. I think they did not expect to be this attracted to you though. Maybe some people here are in a work or classroom environment with your person, and your relationship with them could almost feel "taboo" but they can't help but be so drawn to you. Another situation I’m seeing here is a friend dynamic. Just take what resonates. I think that your person does really want something more with you though. I think if you two were together, they would really make it known to the world that you are theirs and they would celebrate your love lol. They also feel very protective over you. Even if you are already strong on your own and independent, your person still wants to be the one to protect you at all costs and even be your knight in shining armor. I believe that your bond with this person does have potential to lead to something more pile 3, even if you do not talk to them, the both of you still have potential together. Overall, they are so attracted to you pile 3. Do you ever have that person that you like so damn much that they are ruining your life???!! Yeah, that's you to them. Lol.
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krashlite · 6 months
I think that c!Jimmy liked being a Bad Boy and a Big Dog because for once in this series a role let him be reckless without being mocked/put down by his allies and without truly harming anyone through the risks he took. In this essay I will explore his character through this lens
Jimmy is an extremely optimistic character, almost always seen smiling and laughing about whatever’s going on. Not in the sense that he laughs when he’s nervous, but in the sense that he makes light of whatever scenario he’s in. On a deeper level, this also translates into overconfidence in a glass-half-full type of way. If there’s a chance a plan could go south, he only focuses on the potential benefit. If there’s a chance he loses a fight, he only focuses on winning
This isn’t to say he’s unaware of negative outcomes, he just chooses to ignore them. The result is him making poor decisions over, and over, and over again. Jimmy knows exactly why he did that but from an outside perspective he’s regarded as stupid
This is seen as early as 3rd life, with Scott practically putting him on a leash to stop him from fighting Ren and his army. Specifically when they manage to chase Dogwarts away from Joel’s base, Jimmy goes to give chase and Scott immediately stops him. They’ve won, and he doesn’t understand why Jimmy would push it further. Jimmy, on the other hand, is thinking about how they’ve been chased across the map like rabbits and knows DW will be back unless they establish themselves as a threat. Now’s the perfect time, since they have the upper hand
But again, Scott doesn’t see this. In his mind, the battle is won and they shouldn’t expend more time, energy, or resources on it. Ultimately he doesn’t want to see Jimmy hurt and believes that restricting what Jimmy does will protect him from harm
I think this shows a fundamental difference in how they interact with the world. Scott’s more practical- he only does what he feels is necessary and is humble enough to know when the risk isn’t worth the reward. Jimmy, on the other hand, wants to test the limits and see what he’s able to accomplish through, once again, taking unnecessary risks.
But this is where things get messy
Again, there is a fundamental difference in their thought processes. This causes them to clash, and since Scott is the one who held more “power” in the relationship (being the one to decide many aspects of their base and being the one to make most deals and plans for the both of them), resulted in Scott putting Jimmy down A Lot. This started with Jimmy returning from the desert without several of the armor pieces he left with and continued throughout the war.
Jimmy, in response to this treatment, started acting More reckless as a means to prove himself. He wanted to be seen as just as strong, smart, and capable as the people around him. Ultimately, he wanted to be respected in his own right, and that didn’t really happen this season!
Nor did it happen in LL,
LL was an entire mess for so many reasons and most of it was due to the game mechanic itself. Lives being treated as currency caused rifts in many alliances, especially the Southlands
This coupled with the fact that Jimmy is already back in 3L habits, trying to prove himself constantly, makes an incredibly messy situation. His efforts in monopolizing sugar cane are downplayed and mocked, he spends so much time getting spyglasses just for Mumbo to lose them. These are meant to be harmless jokes (and really, they are) but Jimmy’s coming off of an unbalanced power dynamic and a tiny bit of it eats away at him and he can’t figure out Why.
Jimmy doesn’t understand why he doesn’t feel valued in the team, so he starts looking at arbitrary reasons Why. The reason he settles on is the life count, with Grian’s death making it known that Yellow-Names are on the brink of being exiled.
This comes back to the game mechanic. Jimmy sees Martyn with four lives, with the ability to either a) bring Grian back to Yellow or b) offer a Yellow-Name in the alliance a life to keep them safe, and Martyn Doesn’t. This tells Jimmy that Martyn either doesn’t trust him or doesn’t value him enough to even attempt to protect him
I think this was even voiced a couple of times during LL, with Martyn closely guarding his lives and finding every reason he could to justify it (he was fully in the right for keeping them, even if doing so hurt others). Jimmy backed off, but there was just a small amount of bitterness that lingered
With Martyn, I think Jimmy picked up on the fact that Martyn was more concerned with protecting his Alliance than the people in it. He needed a group around him, but wasn’t terribly concerned with them otherwise
And that’s what fueled his decision to steal the life. If Martyn doesn’t respect him, if he doesn’t trust him, if he doesn’t care enough to protect him, why should Jimmy do the same. Why should he be a human shield for someone who barely looks his way. Impulse and Mumbo could stay if they wanted, but he wasn’t going to
Which makes it hurt so much more when Martyn asks to run away with him, when Martyn says he cares about Jimmy more than anyone else in the alliance. I want to remind you, Jimmy’s an optimist. He looks at the half-full cup. He doesn’t consider Martyn could be lying because he wanted so badly to just be Seen. So Jimmy gives it back
As it turns out, Martyn was lying. He calls him an idiot, and Jimmy is exiled immediately
All the resolve that Jimmy had in stealing the life crumbles then and there. He starts hanging around the Southlands alliance like a lost puppy, basically begging them to take him back. Martyn’s little ruse inadvertently showed Jimmy that, really, all he wanted is to be valued and supported. The life counts stops being an issue because he’s able to recognize the real issue- he feels undervalued and he feels stupid
That’s a factor even after the Southlands reunites, after he’s almost unanimously voted back in but Grian’s insistent on a recount. I think it’s the main reason why he’s so risky when he goes down to red- with him falling for a trap that he easily could have avoided
Again, it’s the same as 3L. He feels disrespected and undervalued so he takes unnecessary risks in order to prove to himself and to others that he’s just as strong, just as smart, and just as capable as they are.
This is later coupled with Mumbo’s extreme bloodlust when he turns Red. On Red, Mumbo was needlessly violent and is basically the only Red to swing at anything that moved. And I do mean Needlessly violent, he got himself and others into several dicey scenarios because he was impulsive and wanted to Stab. He gave the server a reason to be cautious of Mumbo and any other Red-Name. If Mumbo was a loose cannon, how would others be?
Except Mumbo was only aggressive towards Non-Reds (obviously) and was otherwise supportive of those on his side
I think this actually greatly influenced Skizz’s decision to leave BEST behind, with him seeing Mumbo as someone worth defending/standing by. Not only was he a visibly strong ally with a reputation, he genuinely cared for and supported those who were at his side. In Skizz’s case, he offered a source of stability where BEST couldn’t, and I think the same is true for Jimmy.
Jimmy sees this, and sees Mumbo as someone who can both show him how to be dangerous and respect his abilities in this game. Mumbo was respected as a threat and genuinely cared for those in his company. So he’s the perfect ally, right?
Actually, no, and this isn’t where the Skizz comparison ends either. Remember, Mumbo created the reputation that Reds are a worthy threat and that they’re violent without cause (“oh but what about Joel?” Joel was a joke at best and an annoyance at worst. He I think he definitely did influence Mumbo’s actions but that’s another essay entirely). Mumbo influenced Skizz’s aggression this season, with him becoming more bold in who he threatened or even attacked
So how does this compare to Jimmy? Both of them were coming off of alliances where they were unsupported, so they leaned more into Mumbo’s habits- good and bad. Except they didn’t really see it. Good traits were associated with Mumbo, their friend, and bad traits were associated with their shared condition, their Red-Life.
The plan to trap the bunker played on both, but was coupled with Jimmy’s bad habit of shooting for the best possible outcome. Mumbo had previously turned tail and ran whenever a plan went south, but that’s not how Jimmy is. Jimmy only focuses on the possible gain and ignores possible dangers. When the trap didn’t set off, he insisted on pushing Grian into it. And that actually goes back to him trying to chase Ren’s army- he didn’t know when to call it quits
And of course this causes both of their deaths. To Jimmy, his death caused Mumbo’s. He caused the death of the one ally who actually stood by him. I think this is when he fully internalizes criticism from 3L and LL as a whole. He feels weak, he feels stupid, he doesn’t feel nearly as capable as those around him.
And this carries into DL
Except DL was a much different season than the previous two. The soulmate mechanic in DL meant that you and your ally have to rely on each other, you have to support each other because failing to do so will surely spell your doom
Not only that, but Jimmy was finally paired with a supportive ally from the start. They made their base together because they trusted the other to build more than they trusted themself. When Jimmy came back with cows, Tango’s immediate response was to exclaim “you’re amazing!!!” Instead of criticizing him like previous alliances had- even back in 3L!! This is the first time Jimmy got a fully positive response to his efforts. Tango was overwhelmingly supportive towards Jimmy and Jimmy returned the favor. The base didn’t look perfect, but it was theirs. The server didn’t want them to have a horn so they devised a plan to get one.
Tango had also been following a similar arc up until now- with him being undervalued by his alliances. Except in those alliances, he was pushed to the side or physically harmed instead of being an object of ridicule. I think this is part of why it isn’t really out of place for them to meet through dying. Tango was expecting to be harmed and so was Jimmy, so neither of them blame the other
With Tango being pushed to the side, he also shied away from leadership positions, finding it more comfortable to follow. This paired well with how Jimmy typically takes charge of things, with Jimmy making most plans for the both of them (most, not all)
But again, this is where things get messy
Remember, Jimmy uses risks to prove his worth. He wants to see what he can do, but is also still recovering from previous seasons. He still thinks he’s the reason why him and Mumbo died, and doesn’t want to cause the death another ally, especially one who loves him. Instead of staying careful, he devises a plan to steal livestock, to steal Scar’s horse. It’s for the ranch, it’s for Tango
I think Jimmy realizes the problem when the Ranch is burned. He’s forced to confront this when he sees Tango fly into a rage and almost try to fight a group of people he’d surely lose to. Jimmy cannot be reckless here, he has to talk Tango down from the proverbial ledge.
With this, the roles end up reversing, with Tango being the reckless one and Jimmy trying to steer him to be more tactical. And Jimmy is So careful about this too, not wanting to act like Scott or the Southlands. Because of that he never actually tells Tango no on his dangerous plans- ESPECIALLY the plan to release Rancher’s Revenge, the warden- but instead suggests ways to make the plan better
The dilemma here is that Jimmy needs to choose between being risky and being safe. Both would benefit Tango, except Jimmy knows from experience how much it hurts to be bound in bubble-wrap all the time
Jimmy sees no way to avoid risks without hurting Tango. So instead of fighting against that part of himself, Jimmy leans into it. He accepts it as a key tenet of his identity, even as it puts the both of them in harms way. Yes they went down in the end, but they went down together, Always Together.
It didn’t matter if Jimmy was a “worthy” ally, he didn’t need to be Smart, he didn’t need to be Strong, he didn’t even need to be Capable. He learned that he deserved love not in spite of his flaws, but alongside his flaws.
And this is the lesson he carries into the next two Seasons, with both alliances being fully centered on being reckless
The Bad Boys acted dangerously, but they acted as a unit- ESPECIALLY him and Joel. Bad Boys dig straight down, Bad Boys water bucket clutch from the build limit, Bad Boys care about each other not in spite of endangering themselves, but because of it
And this is because Joel had a nearly identical arc. Joel in previous seasons had a habit of acting recklessly in the same way Jimmy did, and was cast aside because of it. In 3L he ended up a Lone Wolf, in LL he was forced into a position where he’s the villain, and in DL he and Etho leaned into the danger in the same way Jimmy and Tango did. Their stories run parallel so it only makes sense that they’re the ones who end up supporting each other in LimL
And Joel was Jimmy’s main source of support that season, with Grian representing the criticism of previous seasons. This gave Jimmy the ability to confront said criticisms through, again, leaning into them. He did something stupid? Yes, but him and Joel were having fun. A plan went south because of unnecessary risks? Yes, but Joel was being risky with him. Joel gave Jimmy the ability to basically cut through the aforementioned “bubble wrap” Grian was trying to put around them
And I think it’s also important to mention Grian did this out of both love and cowardice, not malice. Ultimately he didn’t want to lose either of them and was trying to keep them alive longer. But because Grian never learned the lesson they did- that it’s more important to act together than to survive alone- Grian chooses survival and ends up alone.
Anyways, recklessness being the foundation of Jimmy’s alliances carries into SL as well
Jimmy was on the brink of death for almost the entire season, man was not thriving whatsoever and that was known. Funnily enough, he ends up with Martyn, who again was previously more concerned with his own safety than the people around him
But Martyn is just coming off of a victory, of finally achieving the very thing he’d been working towards and the thing he centered his motivations on. Without that goal, he’s left with his methods- which was mostly having dangerous ideas and seeing them through
With Jimmy, Martyn introduced plans that involved them being risky and in everyone else’s faces. This, to Jimmy, echoed both Joel and Tango’s behavior. He was able to fully settle into the fact that, for him, good things come from being reckless, from shooting for the best possible outcome and refusing to back down
Jimmy maintains his optimism and his recklessness, traits that had previously been challenged but traits he stubbornly holds onto and values in his Life
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honeytonedhottie · 9 months
trusting and betting on urself⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🫧
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keep promises that u make to urself : just like how if u know someone who continuously makes promises to do something, yet they never act upon it, you won't trust that person or believe them if they promise u something else. this is also the same with urself. ur new years resolutions? ur goals that you've had for a while but never ever did? all those promises that you've made to yourself and the ones that you haven't followed up on will lessen trust with urself. do what u say you'll do. "stand on business" and if u know that u won't be able to deliver or do what u say you would, dont say it. dont tell urself promises that u won't be able to keep. once u start keeping ur own promises, you'll start to build trust within urself.
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hold yourself accountable : just a quick disclaimer but when i say holding urself accountable i do NOT mean punishing urself!! when u find urself falling into old and fruitless patterns you need to hold urself accountable and make sure that u straighten up. the thing about our relationship with self is that a relationship needs BOUNDARIES. you need to set boundaries with urself. what will u or what will u not do? ur non-negotiables?
and when u find urself crossing boundaries within yourself take the BIGGEST step back. the key to forming a healthy relationship with urself is to balance being strict and gentle with urself. strict in the sense that ur the only one that can get u to where u wanna be, and gentle in the sense that ur best won't look the same every single day and u should also listen to urself and what u want, without having to compromise on ur boundaries. kind of finding that middle line is important, bcuz when we're too lenient with ourselves, we get too comfortable and that leads me into my next point...
where growth begins : u cannot expect to grow if ur too comfortable and honestly, this is why most people stay stagnant. its bcuz being comfortable FEELS GOOD. but growth will almost never happen when ur comfortable, on the contrary growth can only happen outside of ur comfort zone. if u want better things for urself, ur simply gonna have to DO BETTER.
the importance of ur self concept : even if ur not familiar with or u dont practice conscious manifesting/law of assumption, i think that working on ur self concept can still be such a fruitful thing to do. i say this because self concept is the way that u view urself in relation to ur desires/goals. its seeing urself as worthy and powerful, and truly grasping ur potential to do great things. a way to start with ur self concept is with affirmations! start telling urself about urself in a positive connotation. you're unstoppable <3
putting it into practice : start small, challenge urself a little bit every day. do one hard thing a day, doing so will build ur confidence bcuz u won't be so daunted by ur big goals when you've already done so many hard things. when u see something challenging instead of thinking "oh i can't do this" you'll have confidence in urself and what u are capable of. oftentimes when we have goals, we kick ourselves out of rooms before we've even tried to get in them bcuz we think "im not good enough" or "im not worthy" which isnt true at ALL. dont shoot urself in the foot. thats self sabotage. and thats not hot.
motivating urself : if u remind urself of your "why" then you'll have reason to stay consistent and truly try. i recommend asking urself the tougher questions, like "what do i want out of my life?" or "am i truly happy and if not what can i do to get there?" once you've decided what u want out of life make a VISION BOARD and actively pursue your dreams. u can't actively pursue something if u dont know what it is. so i advise u to remind urself whenever u feel that u need it of your "why", your driving cause. having that motivation, and actively pursuing and keeping the promises that u make to urself -> will then build ur confidence in yourself to the point where your betting on urself bcuz u know that no matter what cards you are dealt, you'll prosper.
so just to wrap things up, an overview ; start keeping ur promises -> be strict -> get comfy being uncomfy -> say ur self concept affirmations -> apply -> remind
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confirmeddead · 3 months
Can we take a second to reflect on the truly f*cked up intimacy that exists between Armand and Daniel - and which might come to exist? Even if we put away the possibility of a past-DM relationship!
Armand potentially spent days - days - looking through Daniel’s mind looking specifically for what makes him fascinating. Looking for the reason behind Louis’ interest. Looking through all of his life, dreams, hopes and shame. All of this then resulting in Armand trying to talk Daniel out of his own life through a nihilistic script specifically tailored to him. Ending with that embrace (as Daniel embraced him as his Death), and him drinking Daniel’s blood, and forever leaving his mark on his neck. Then we have Daniel Molloy, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who is many things but most importantly a very competent journalist. Someone who is able to listen, gather research and find some version of the truth hidden behind the smoke and mirrors his subjects tries to conjure up in front of them. The Talamasca has sent him detailed files, which we know reveal a lot of the history and horrors of Armand’s life. Will Daniel in the finale use his skills as a journalist and analyze Armand to get to the truth? (As he does with Louis, as already seen). There is basically a level of enforced intimacy between the two, as they have both without the other’s consent learnt a lot(!) about each other. And if speculation is correct and Armand turns Daniel into a vampire this season? Will Armand see Daniel’s life flash before him? And if that is not intimate enough(!) they will then both be left with a bond unlike anything else - which has been shown to literally make maker/fledgling ’feel’ each other, their respective emotions and thoughts. Like what even is this relationship, and can I get more please haha?! If DM didn’t happen in the past will Armand go to drain Daniel and realize as he does so that the boy from the 70’s still finds him absolutely fascinating? (I strongly believe that Armand believes Daniel when he claims to not find him boring in episode five). Daniel is an insatiably curious journalist with an addictive personality (and maybe a little of an adrenaline junkie, no?) - and Armand must surely be a truly fascinating subject, even given what Armand’s done to him (one vampire might not be enough to interview/to come to understand for Daniel…). Will Armand see that and will that be partially what makes him suddenly decide to turn him??? Their chemistry has been interesting since season one and has only become more intriguing and compelling. I have so many thought, many not really coherent - sorry, love you blog! What do you think?
Hi Anon! First off, let me thank you for sending in your thoughts. I really love having conversations with other fans, especially regarding Devil’s Minion and Armand. I’ll set aside the possible past-DM as well, by the way. Buckle up!
There’s something really important being set up for viewers with Armand and Daniel’s relationship. Let’s look at what the show has presented us with. Armand and Daniel’s meeting was, quite possibly, the worst way for two people to meet. Looking into someone so deeply and, through your own selfish reasons (jealousy on Armand’s part), continuing to coax this young man into Death’s arms is inherently messed up. This isn’t something anyone should take lightly, and Daniel doesn’t. Therein lies the odd set up to their eventual maker/fledgling relationship. I love what you say is “enforced intimacy” because that really is what it is!
Daniel’s character is a juxtaposition when most of who we’re seeing are these immortal vampires. He’s our voice when we want to tell off them off, he’s our conscience and sense when we’re presented with lies, horrible situations, and straight up buffoonery. Putting this man in the same room with The Not-So-Master Manipulator Armand is going to give us some amazing results. He isn’t a 20 year old who will welcome Death with open arms, he’s a bright reporter with just about every point of view a human can have gone through at this point. And this is what will perk Armand’s interest.
I fully believe Armand finds Daniel fascinating already. I don’t think he saw it in SF, marred by his own feelings with Louis, but was open to the idea of trying to see it for the sake of Louis. There’s a huge part of Armand that wants to serve someone, wants a teacher, wants a leader. The teacher part being something he knows he seeks- he sought it in Louis. Louis’ big appeal to others is his humanity, something Armand lacks but craves. And Daniel, not intentionally, is going to give Armand this dynamic he seeks to give him purpose to keep living.
Older Daniel has decades under his belt with his profession and his personal history. Aging up Daniel and having him be this well-respected journalist is probably the smartest thing the writers could have done for the ~bigger picture~ in regards to Armand’s storyline (since he’s such a big player in TVC). We the viewers are presented with someone intelligent, strong-willed, and cutthroat. What can Armand gain from being with someone like that? Literally everything. He’s not a replacement for Marius, Lestat, or Louis. He’s something Armand genuinely needs after everything he’s gone through (and put himself through, let’s be honest). I’ll rehash one of my previous theories that Daniel isn’t the Boy we met in the books who went a little crazy after being turned- our Daniel is a fighter- and he should be ringside on Team Armand. A coach, a shoulder to lean on, an active listener.
So present-day Dubai
I think after everything is said and done in Dubai, Daniel will find the vulnerability in his next subject. He’ll have cracked Armand but will be shocked to find the soft(ish) interior. Daniel will see Armand for who he really is- someone stuck in a loop of their own trauma but also someone with real feelings and love to give. Not just a monster manipulator. Still that scared boy from Delhi, maybe, but not a lost cause. Never.
I’d really love a callback to 2x05. No, Daniel isn’t going to talk Armand onto the ledge, he’s going to be what Louis was to him. You’re not unworthy of love, you’re not hopeless, you’ve made it this far and you’ll continue enduring. These words will hold you up and carry you.
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idk6123 · 3 months
Helping The Puppeteer (Frenchie X Male Reader)
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Potential sequal of Puppeteer The Puppeteer (Homelander x Male Reader) (Depending how you view the relationship) If you haven't read it, link is above
The Boys recently discovered about the newest member of The Seven, Y/N, but more know as The Puppeteer. With his telepathic abilities, such as mind-reading and mind control, The Boys know he’s going to be a massive danger to society. Although acting modest when the camera is on, they don’t know how he acts behind the scenes. And even if he’s a good guy, there is no doubt in their mind Homelander will use Puppeteer’s abilities to gain further power.
The group are sitting around, all discussing the current threat.
“Just imagine of he controls the president, or some people in congress.” Butcher makes sure to remind the group about the possibilities. “Can make any law he wants, and there is no doubt Vought will take advantage of that.”
“What are we going to do about it?” MM asks. “If we try to take him out, he will just take over our mind and probably force us to kill ourselves.”
“And to make things worse, I never see him without Homelander.” Hughie adds.
“It’s clear he views him as one of his biggest assets.” Butcher comments. “And right fully so. That kid is a menace to society. And as much I hate to admit it, unless we get a miracle where Puppeteer is unconscious and without Homelander, there is nothing we can do.”
“It’s likely Homelander bring him along if he’s fighting.” Frenchie points out. “And to think Homelander is dangerous…”
“There got to be something that can counter him.” Butcher, always the stubborn man, still believes he and the group can defeat The Seven and Vought. “We just need more info about him. Without Puppeteer, there will be one major threat less.”
And so, the group begins researching into their new target. Learning about his past, likes and dislikes, hobbies and other information. With that, they hope for an opening where they spot Y/N alone. Learning from Starlight, it’s likely their target put on some disguise in order to blend freely with society.
As everyone disperse around the city, either doing other missions, Frenchie is on the current case. He’s watching at the entrance of Vought. As he waits for what it feels like forever, he spots someone leaving the building, wearing sunglasses and a cap. However, all the other physical requirements fit him.
With Y/N leaving, Frenchie follows him. They get to a subway, take the train to get to the outskirts of the city. As Frenchie continues to follow Y/N with some distance, the man eventually gets in a house. After their research, The Boys discovered Y/N’s parents live there. Thus, Frenchie stays there, observing if anything odd is going on.
An hour later, and Y/N get out of the house. His clothes changed into short sweatpants and a T-Shirt. With earbuds on and carrying a bottle of water, the superhero begins to jog. Frenchie follows him into a park nearby. As he follows him, he reflects how Hughie got information from Vought via Starlight by just being friends and later a relationship. Thus, he got an idea.
After looking at the map of the area, Frenchie get in position. As Y/N get around the corner to continue his jog, the French man begins to jog as well. Purposely, but acting not to, Frenchie run into Y/N, causing both of them fall on the ground, with the black-haired man on top of the sup.
“Sorry!” Frenchie quickly get off Y/N and stands up. He offers a hand, with the sup taking it. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” Y/N accepts the hand and stands up. “I didn’t mean to run into you, sorry.”
Frenchie is surprised he’s polite, knowing how most of The Seven truly are, though he wonders if it’s a façade. That’s when the France man acts like he takes a closer look at the hero. “I feel like I know you somewhere…”
Y/N looks around, seeing no one else. He then removes his shades. “I would really appreciate it if you kept this a secret. I already barely have any privacy.”
Frenchie gives a kind smile. “Don’t worry. I take it to the ground.” He gives him a hand. “I’m Serge.”
“Y/N, but I suppose you already know that…”
Frenchie chuckles. “I hope I’m not intruding, but I’m curious what my stamina is compared to a hero. How about a jog?”
“Sure. Why not?”
After an hour of jogging, they get to a park bench take a rest. While Y/N seems to be fine, Frenchie is breathing tiredly.
“God… I thought I could do better…”
“You did fine.” Y/N smiles. He takes a drink from his water bottle. Afterwards, he hands it over to Frenchie, who accepts it. “I don’t expect people to be on my level. My training is quite brutal.”
Frenchie chuckles. “I can see that.” He takes a drink. After he’s done, he gives it back to Y/N. “It’s really cool I got to run with you. Come here often?”
“Depends. You’re not telling everyone?”
“I take that to the grave as well.” Frenchie says with an assuring smile. “Send me a message if you feel like a run.”
“I don’t even have your number.”
Frenchie gestures to hand over his phone. Y/N opens his notepad and gives it to him, seeing how Frenchie put in his phone number. “Here ya go.” He hands it back. “I have to go. I rather not stink. I suppose I see you later.” Frenchie stands up, not wanting to push his intentions with Y/N.
“Sure. Talk to you later.”
As Y/N remains on the bench as he drinks his water, Frenchie turns around and jog again, smiling proudly he succeeded.
As time passes, Y/N officially considers Frenchie a friend. Despite the danger and the mission, Frenchie changes his views. As far as he knows, Y/N is a humble and quiet guy that wants to help people. He isn’t sure the Puppeteer knows about the true nature of The Seven and especially Homelander, but he’s sure at worst Y/N is a decent guy. And for what Frenchie knows, Y/N never used his abilities against him.
Again, they’re sitting on a bench on a sunny day, looking at a pond as they catch their breath.
“How are things going?”
“Pretty well. I trained my powers and now I control 14 people without an issue. Still trying to extend my reach of my powers, but there is process.” Y/N looks genuinely proud of his powers. “Yesterday, I managed to stop a burglary. Was too easy though.”
“Can imagine.” Frenchie saw it on the news, remembering that Y/N got 5 burglars turned in without any harm. “I’m curious about your life back at your job. How’s everyone?”
“Well… Homelander is basically my mentor. He’s always so proud of me. Queen Maeve and Starlight are always fun to hang out. Oh, and Black Noir too. I do most of my condition training with A-Train. …I rather want to avoid The Deep.”
“Not too fond of rapists?”
“Nope.” Y/N responds. “Still surprised he’s allowed to stay.”
Frenchie can appreciate Y/N’s honesty. “You’re a good guy, Y/N. Not anyone can speak without a care about their job.”
“You say that, but there is a lot of things I can’t talk about.” Y/N let him know. “Legal reasons and all. I can share my opinion about public news, but that’s it.”
“Still, credit is where credit is due. Celebrities nowadays are a bunch of plastic dolls.” Frenchie says with a smile.
Y/N smiles back, with each guy looking in each other’s eyes. Feeling his heart beating faster, Frenchie feels like he should act on his feelings. He put a hand on Y/N’s hand, who looks a bit surprised. Afterwards, he looks unsurely back at the other man, only to pull his hand back.
“…I… I already got someone…”
Frenchie feels disappointed. If he’s allowed to be honest, he haven’t even thought about the mission the last couple of times he hangs out with Y/N. He genuinely likes him, as a friend and something more.
“You’re a sweet guy… It’s just that I’m already with someone.”
Y/N feels sorry for Frenchie, not wanting to make him upset. “We can still be friends.” He tries to think of something to make him feel better. “How about we go to a gala?” Frenchie is surprised by the sudden invite. “I was told to bring some friends. Lots of celebrities and rich people will come. Maybe you can get something out of it?”
Frenchie didn’t think once he acted on his feelings and be rejected that he got an invitation to a gala of all places. “Sure. Where is it?”
In an expensive hotel back in another city, Frenchie is wearing a fancy tux as he walks in a giant room. He sees countless people, wearing suits and dresses as they chat with each other. He can already recognize a couple of celebrities and politicians. From what he has been told according to Y/N, The Seven stays here for the night as they attend the Vought hosted ball.
“Make sure to not waste this opportunity.” He hears Butcher through his earpiece. He told the rest of the group about his progression, and they couldn’t be happier.
As Frenchie walks around, he searches for Y/N.
“Serge.” The French man turns around to see Puppeteer walking over to him, wearing a dabber tux as well. “You’ve made it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” Frenchie says with a handsome smile. “What’s the occasion?”
“Charity-event for cancer. Lots of rich guys made sure to donate, but I know it’s all because of publicity.” Y/N smiles back. “If I don’t have a moral compass, I would make them donate 90% of their cash.”
As Frenchie talks to Y/N, he flinches a bit when he spots Homelander. The very same man locks eyes on his colleague and walk over to him. With a glass in his hand, he joins them.
“Hey Y/N. Good to see you.” Homelander smiles. He notices Frenchie, who tries his best to hide his fear. He feels whatever he does, Homelander can stare right in his eyes. “Who’s your friend?”
“This is Serge. Met him during jogging.”
“Nice to meet you.” Homelander offers a handshake.
“You too.” Frenchie accepts his hand. Once he notices the tight grip, he was scared Homelander would squish his hand until nothing remains.
“I don’t mean to interrupt your conversation, but there are people you need to meet.” Homelander looks back at Y/N.
“Right.” Y/N nods. He looks back at his friend. “Enjoy the night, Serge. See you later.”
Once departed, Frenchie walks over to one of the waiters to get a drink. From his earpiece, he hears Butcher.
“Seems like you dodge death. We run a scan, and we know where everyone’s room are. Ya ready for some snooping?”
After going through some floors and sneaking around, Frenchie manage to get to The Seven’s room. He first gets to Y/N’s room through lock picking. Once entered, he sees the large and luxurious hotel room. He quickly looks around, trying to find anything interesting. However, once he hears someone getting to the door, he quickly runs to the nearest walk-in closet and hide in. He makes sure to put the door slightly open, wanting to make sure to see what’s going on.
Y/N walks in his room. He plumps into the couch. As he waits, he grabs his phone. It takes around a minute before Homelander enters the room.
“Enjoying the night?”
“Somewhat. Talks with the politicians are boring.”
Homelander chuckles and sit down next to Y/N. “There’s a reason we needed to talk. These ‘boring’ politicians are quite influential. Even if some are democrats and others are republicans, people believe in what they say. That’s exactly why I want to make sure when they give their speeches, they need to show their support for me.”
As Frenchie overhears the conversation, Y/N looks back at his mentor, who’s sitting close to him. “You want me to mind control them? You sure it’s the smartest idea? I mean, after a while, I think they figure things out.”
“Don’t worry about that.” Frenchie raises an eyebrow once he sees Homelander’s hand on the other man’s lap. “It will be good in the long run. Not just for me, for us.”
That’s when the blonde leans in to kiss Y/N, causing Frenchie to look surprised. Out of all people, he didn’t expect Y/N’s boyfriend to be Homelander. However, that’s when he quickly realizes something. This isn’t a relationship, this is Homelander taking advantage of someone.
Homelander pulls back, seeing an unsure look. That’s when the superhero moves his hand towards Y/N’s private area, causing him to hold back his moan. “I promise you. I will reward you, like usual.”
“…F-Fine.” Y/N quickly pulls back, seeing Homelander smile. “…Let’s just get it over with.” That’s when he walks to the exit.
“That’s the spirit!” Homelander follows Y/N, leaving the exit as well.
After some seconds, Frenchie exits the closet, still gasped what happened. “What the actually fuck…!?”
“What?” MM asks.
“Y/N is with Homelander…”
“Like a couple?” Hughie asks, sounding really unsurely. “I doubt Homelander likes guys.”
Frenchie shares his thoughts. “He isn’t.”
Once back at the gala, Frenchie sees some announcements and speeches from all kinds of different people. Once the politicians came to the podium, however, Frenchie sees Y/N’s manipulation. Everyone praises Homelander, saying that he is the hero they need. Not just America, the whole Earth. Politicians of all isles all came in to share the same message. All the while, no one expect something wrong with it.
After the speeches, Frenchie sees Y/N leaving the event, looking a bit upset. Wanting to talk to him, he follows him to his room. Once there, Frenchie speaks up.
Y/N looks back, looking a bit stoic. He still walks to his room. “Oh… hey. Sorry, can we talk later?”
Frenchie quickly runs to Y/N, who was about to enter his room. “I know you’re not alright.”
“…What do you mean?” Y/N offers him to get in, which he did.
Once in, the French turns around. “I know what Homelander asked you.”
Y/N looks surprised. “Y-You were spying on me!?”
“I don’t mean no harm.” Frenchie tries to calm his friend down. “I can tell you hate what you’re doing by the way you act.”
Y/N remains quiet, staring at his friend with some caution. “Tell me the truth. You become friends with me for your own personal gain. Don’t lie. I can read the truth.”
“It’s not like that.” Frenchie chooses his words carefully. “What I feel towards you, it’s completely true. I care for you. If you don’t believe me…” The man then points his head. “Read this.”
Y/N sighs. He takes his offer and reads his mind, learning the truth within a second. “So, your friends want me dead, huh?”
“I don’t want you to die. You’re a good guy. And I know that you wouldn’t do this, unless you had to.”
“No, I didn’t ‘had’ to do this.” Y/N corrects him. “I did this because I’m loyal to Homelander.”
“The man that pretends to love you.”
“You don’t know that…!” Y/N begins to feel irritated. “He cares for me and watch over me. He believes in me and my abilities.”
“And use that to his advantage.” Frenchie argues back. He gets closer to Y/N, grabbing his hands. “You deserve better, Y/N. Don’t settle with a man that uses you, but settle with someone who actually cares about you.” Thus, he leans in and kisses Y/N. After some seconds, the sup kisses back.
Soon though, Y/N pulls back, as he and the other man stand closely to each other. “I can’t leave. Whether I want to or don’t…” He then suddenly looks alarmed when he sensed something. “Homelander. Hide.”
Frenchie quickly gets back to the closet and get in. He merely escaped being caught as Homelander opens the door and enters the room.
“You did well, as usual.” Homelander looks proudly at the other man. He walks over to Y/N to put his hand behind head to kiss him. However, right before he plants his lips, he smells something. He then pulls back.
“You were kissing another man, huh?” Y/N remains quiet as Homelander accuses him. That’s when the blonde smirks. “And here I thought we had something special.” He looks around the room, still standing in front of the nervous man. “I know he’s hiding here. How about you confess your sins first?” Y/N remains quiet, too anxious to respond. “Y/N, you know I don’t like liars. And you know in the end if you keep your mouth shut, it will only hurt you more.” Though smiling handsomely, Y/N can feel his life may be at stake.
Feeling like Y/N could get hurt because of him, Frenchie reveals himself, causing both men to look at him, with Y/N looking worried while Homelander merely looking curious. “It was me.”
“You?” Homelander let go off Y/N and slowly makes his way over to the French man. He looks back at his partner. “If you weren’t satisfied with just me Y/N, you should’ve said so.”
“Just leave him alone.” Frenchie demands, not wanting to get Y/N in trouble. Homelander then looks back.
“He’s my partner. Why should I do that?” He then grabs Frenchie by the neck. “Especially when that plead come from someone like you.”
As Frenchie sees the American Hero’s eyes become red, he thought this would be the end. Only then it disappears, with his eyes closing and collapsing to the floor following up quickly. That’s when he looks at Y/N, just sawing how he used his powers to save his life.
“You shouldn’t come here… and don’t come back. Please.” Y/N pleads, scared for his friend’s life.
Frenchie walks over to The Puppeteer and gives a kiss to him. He can feel the anxiousness in his lips, feeling how scared he is. After a long kiss, Frenchie pulls back.
“I promise Y/N. Everything is going to be alright.”
“Just… don’t die.”
Frenchie smirks. “I won’t.” He turns around, leaving the room. Y/N then looks back at Homelander, knowing he needs to manipulate his memories to have him forget what just happened, for Frenchie’s sake.
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nostalgink · 6 months
Due to some past trauma from previous fandoms, I'm not particularly one to engage in fandom related discourse anymore, but when you not only name-drop me, but continue to perpetuate lies about not only me, but also my friends.... that's when I'd rather "clear my name" than allow for a nasty rumor to circulate when I know it's out there.
I want to go through everything that went down in order as best as possible. Even though I’ve spent so much time on this receipt post, truly this issue was something very small, the root of the issue lies with CookieRuby herself, given she decided to continue to create and perpetuate lies and rumors about myself and others. I know she will most likely continue to make up whatever she wants to have happened to obtain pity from those who do not know the context, but I thought that if she was going to do so regardless, I might as well let everyone know mine and my friends’ side of things. Because sadly I got some very worried and confused messages wondering if the statements were truthful. Hopefully this reassures most that they are in fact not.
I also would like to say while I am deeply upset that someone would lie about me like this and continue to emotionally manipulate, then double down on it all… I still do want to say that if you know people who act as such to please help them get the help they need. The timeline of this basically showcases us interacting at 3 points ever, but its obvious in her own obsessive world she has created, it has been brewing with her much longer. Which all of this is genuinely concerning and I hope she gets help. Despite my anger.
In the beginning
I believe I knew about them prior to them joining the old Darkwing Duck RP server I used to be active in back in 2022. If you know me, I follow practically every artist in the fandom. Especially as the fandom loses traction and there are less and less of us actively creating works. So naturally I followed. I even found her oc interesting. I mean why wouldn’t I? Magentus, while more of an oc now than he was in the past, at the end of the day still is my sona so to speak. I love seeing others put themselves into their own work in their own ways. Unfortunately once I got to know them, their attitude towards others when it came to their oc soured my interest.
In a lot of her posts, she makes claims towards my friends and I (as well as I suppose vague unknown other “harrassers” prior to us. I only put it in air quotes because the amount of lying she does, ironic I know, makes me question the validity of anything she says.) that we actively hated and made fun of her for disliking Drakepad. As you can see in the screenshots provided, that is exactly the oppposite.
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I also want to mention the screenshots here are an anonymous friend’s server that I used to be active in. In the screenshots provided by Soy, it refers to their old server. Though I believe there is a point in our screenshots where one is referenced in another. (I am currently not looking at them, so I can recall which is referenced in which.) I wanted to make sure there was no confusion with that. These were provided to me by Drake. I could not find them on my own. This was her asking about playing her oc initally. and some stuff I didn't screenshot previously I think?
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On Soy’s Side of things
Initially I had another draft of this whole rant, but because of these screenshots I got so peeved that I spiraled into a mad disorganized rage due to the ridiculousness of all of this. So I thought it would be best to rework my words into a more composed response. Personally I had read the first set of messages after they had happened, but when it comes to the discord screenshots, these were new to me. We were all suspicious of her potentially using an alt account on tumblr to ask as a “friend”. Because while I cannot say the same for my friends, I had online friends when I was young who pulled very similar stunts to continue to emotionally manipulate me into remaining their friend and under their thumb. I do not fuck with that sort of behavior anymore. And to note from Soy they said that they had joined their old dead DWD server and immediately dmed them. The obsessive manner of her continuing whatever game she thinks this is is a genuine concern and big alarm sounding that she needs to talk to someone. She is older than me, but I have already dealt with extremely similar people in my preteens, so it’s sad to see someone being so immature like this. (I hit the 30 post limit so the screenshots will be in the reblogs for anything missing)
responses to tumblr posts
Starting with the post that finally prompted this response, I want to cover my personal opinion of each thing mentioned. Unfortunately as you will see, I do not have proof for my own ponytown run in personally, but if you read all of the messages provided, you can probably tell who’s more truthful considering it’s a 1-0 with me having evidence and her none. You’ll notice she remains vague when she can, which is most of the time.
First we need to all heavily note that this was a supposed dream. She is her character Hannah in her dream, alongside Drake. Soy, an anon, and myself appear as “hooded people” in her dream and do an incantation on her in order to curse her to not be with Drake. I suppose this causes a curse that forces Drakepad to be real in her dream? Then we say quotes she is claiming we said. I will get to that in a moment. This is a summary so that if she deletes the post linked, you still have me explaining it. (I wrote this last night, unfortunately as of right now while I was acquiring links she did in fact delete the post. Likely because of my warning post from the other day. So she is stalking my account still.) Then her own oddly crafted happy ending where the spell is broken and she gets her ending of support.
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Now I’ll cover the “quotes”
“Drakepad is the only true ship”
You will here her claim people saying this to her often. In reference to my friends, such claims have been proven false. We supported her opinion despite our own. Even comforting her and letting her know its awful for anyone to try and pressure her over such a simple difference in taste. Also adding the fact we supported her oc x canon even though she could not RP it in the old server.
“Darkwing DENIED YOU” with her claiming it is something I said to her in Ponytown.
I will go more in depth in exactly what I said in ponytown further down, but I never once said this. She insisted that my opinion was that her oc x canon was not valid. I was Negaduck in game, then I specifically swapped to my Magentus pony and stated how hypocritical it would be for me to say such a thing. Then proceeded to let her know, though I was annoyed, that it’s alright for her to not ship something she does not like, but continuing to bring up that you hate a ship to people you know don’t mind it or even ship it themselves is rude. Then she proceeded to do something I can only describe as something I am seasoned to as the son of an emotionally inmature mother. Again I will elaborate in the ponytown section.
“She gaved me PTSD by her DrakePad hate. And with her tumblr post who HURTED my friends saying we “FORCED” Drakepad on our server she lied.” Which was aparently what Soy said.
I cannot speak to how soy feels completely on this, but I know they did not develop post traumatic stress disorder from this. Nor have they said this quote if you could not guess. I believe the friend was the one in the screenshots between them and soy on discord I shared above. Again, I do not trust that these are her actual friends. This is not to say she couldn’t potentially have friends who agree with her, I just don’t trust her truthfulness especially with said discord dms. But you as the reader can make your own opinion on that. From what I was told by Soy, they joined (I believe after they realized they couldn’t do oc x canon with our Darkwing in the old server, which was his choice to make.) and asked if they could do darkwing x hannah. Soy and others kindly let her know that they were working on a drakepad relationship, but saw no problem in doing dw x lp x hannah. She accepted I think? But regardless then returned to our server to both brag about how someone finally let her, but soon ranted about how uncomfortable poly stuff made them. Some of this is word of mouth, but you can see other parts referenced back above.
“You deserve no friends.” by an anon
Again, I question the validity of this claim, but assuming someone actually said this to her this is horrible to say to someone. Back in 2020 I dealt with prosh*ppers in a problematic fandom harrasing me because I outwardly was against their adult x minor ship. Unfortunately if you know what fandom I mean. (keep guesses to yourself, I don’t want to bring it up in public.) You know it’s very popular unfortunately. I was sent death threats and people telling me how unworthy of friends, love, or anything they could throw at me. I would never say this to another nor condone saying this to another. Even if CookieRuby is in the wrong here. Everyone deserves the chance to have friends and flourish as a person. I’m angry but I’d never wish such a thing. And while I’m at it I would like to suggest to you as the reader that if you are considering doing such a thing don’t. Block her, move on. It’s not worth it. I’m only here right now to give context, then I’m done. I do not want anyone going after her. I’m just here to show my receipts, not to harrass her. I’d just prove her point if I did that. I’m not that sort of person.
And I was shown her speaking about her inferiority complex. I do not have one, so I cannot speak to how true this is, but considering this was March 2023...it seems despite her admitting this, she has obviously continued to lie about people. So I don’t know if she has that complex, but she is a chronic liar at the very least so there’s that I guess.
Ponytown run ins
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The provided screenshots below are from before what I’ll be describing to you. I had to re-listen to a voice note I sent after this. It’s all I have besides the discord message of me realizing it was her. I do not want to attach it just because I keep my voice to myself most times. I’m shy gang.
Starting off I was just finishing my Magentus pony. For a while they had a color palette I had just chose myself without reference and I was finally giving them their reference colors. I was returning to the darkwing rock circle I was hoping to start a darkwing pony hangout at, when I saw a Darkwing pony approach. Now, I don’t know if this was coincidence of perhaps she knows about the hangout from my story. Considering she has alts, she probably was checking my story, but that is speculation. I immediately am eager to friend them because of their pony. But of course the first words from her are “why do you have me blocked?” my mood immediately changes as it hit me that someone had told me prior she had an account. Likely due to the incident in the other ponytown screenshots. I ask to confirm if it’s her and she says yes.
So I simply put that she cause discomfort to my friends and I and that I use the block liberally. During this I am scrambling to try and block her on ponytown too, but unfortunately my block list is too full because I have been blocking Dream SMP ponies left and right. So I decide maybe here is where I can put my foot down on things. I also mentioned a side thing about how the old server I was in had a policy about posting over people, but she seemed to focus on this more. (I do not recall if this was enforced at the time, but still it was focused on way more than the main issue I was bringing up.) I mentioned how she’d post over others. I told her that it wasn’t my main point and to forget that and move onto the main issue. I explain to her as adult as I can back to her Drakepad issue that “You were being rude to people because you could get your ship. We tried to be nice and I just blocked you because I didn’t want to deal with that [anymore].” and the only thing she got from that was me saying “rude” I suppose so she responded saying “oh so I’m the toxic one?” and boy have I heard this one get pulled on me before. It’s giving emotional manipulation. I calmly reply “That is not what I said.” I said something else that I couldn’t recall, though likely just me restating what happened, then she said “well I guess I’m sorry-” I was on a call at this time with my boyfriend while he was on break as this went down, so I began speaking to him irl. I guess I did not respond to her in time because she continued with the classic backhanded comment of “Since everyone wants me to apologize anyway” or something to that effect. It was in that way that someone who does this wants you to just accept the apology even though it was not a meaningful one. She does not have to apologize, no one is making her, but that was her attitude about it. I thought I’d just end it off there with a joke to myself so I didn’t lose it. I went “I have a mother, I can be emotionally manipulated at home, I don’t need this game from you. Bye.” and logged off. Honestly there is when it actually got personal. Somewhere in the middle she insisted what I had mentioned earlier with us hating oc x canon and drakepad and all that and that statement from earlier still follows.
I even have a later note worrying there would be a post on her tumblr, but I checked once and there was nothing so I thought maybe she had gotten over herself…..we are here now so nope. Also this was 2/2/2024 for timeline’s sake.
I was transcribing from a voice note, so if it seems like there are any holes in that ask me, I’ll try to fill in what I missed.
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Lastly here are things I did not know how to organize into the rant. As well as some people making mention to their experiences with her in reply to my Instagram story. I swore I would get all I could and I meant it.
And anyways thank you to those who actually took the time to read all of this mess. I don’t know how I did drama back in the day this has truly been so exhausting to write, but it was important that I did. Honestly despite my anger this is really dumb to have to make, but I do not like being lied about. I especially don’t like my friends also being lied about. And again just block her and do not engage. I do not condone harassment of any kind. I am going to go sleep as I finish writing this. This was a tiring experience. She’ll probably continue but now I am satisfied knowing we’re all on the same page.
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poughkeepsies · 1 year
Not to make this 1000 times worse for everyone but actually, 614 and 615 were the episodes for both Buck and Eddie mutually rejecting each other and the other's place in their lives by implying that they are lacking in the area that is the other's love language. Lemme see if I can hold my pieces together long enough to explain.
614 with Eddie rejecting Buck was much more subtle and didn't show a reaction from Buck beyond general jealousy because I fully believe that Buck doesn't know he's in love with Eddie, because he never even allowed himself to consider it as an option. He is too petrified of people leaving and too incapable of accepting that he can be loved to ever put himself in a position to hope for something that has the potential to devastate him so thoroughly. But whether he knows he's in love with Eddie or not, over the past 5 seasons he has thrown himself completely and utterly head-first into being there for Eddie and Christopher, being their best friend and their safe place. He exists as a part of their lives that no one but Shannon has ever even come close to occupying. Buck doesn't do grand declarations like Eddie does, but he shows his love through quality time and acts of service and all of that boils down to making sure the Diaz boys are never, ever alone. And yet, just last episode Eddie decided that he wants to start dating because he doesn't want to be "alone" anymore. Eddie is scared of dying alone when Buck has proven time and time again that there is no mess, battlefield, or locked door that could keep him from Eddie if he's ever in danger. So if Eddie is still feeling alone, still scared of dying alone, then maybe the kind of partnership and presence Buck brings to their lives simply isn't what Eddie is looking for, at least in a romantic sense. Even if he isn't aware of his feelings yet, even subconsciously Buck would take that as a door closing in his face before he even had the chance to knock. And so continues the pattern of Eddie jumping back into the dating game and Buck diving in seconds after him.
Now, of course, Eddie isn't saying that because Buck isn't enough. Buck is everything he wants or needs in a partner, but that scares him because Eddie is aware of his feelings and that makes him so acutely aware of the fact that Buck will find someone else to settle down with and start his own family with any day now, and when that happens Eddie really will be well and truly alone. He can't break his own heart, he needs to start being proactive because he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life alone after Buck has moved on.
And in 615, when Buck says that Natalia really sees him, he's discounting the way Eddie has always unspokenly expressed his love for him. Because maybe Eddie hasn't ever used those exact words before, but every one of his major declarations, including "there's no one in this world I trust with my son more than you" (THE TO BE SEEN, TO BE FOUND SCENE?? HELLO???), "I love him enough to never stop trying and I know you do too", "I forgive you", "I know", "It's in my will if I die you become Christopher's legal guardian", and especially "you act like you're expendable, but you're wrong", have been just another way of Eddie telling him I see you for all that you are and I love you for it. The expandability line is a particularly unsubtle standout because it's absolutely paralleled with both Taylor and Margaret telling Buck "you think you're invincible but you're wrong," and there Eddie was again, paired against Buck's mom and his girlfriend, two of the people who should know him and love him the best and yet just don't. And oh shit I'm realizing this just as I'm typing this but Eddie is yet again being paralleled against Buck's mom and his girlfriend (the girlfriend now being Natalia). In 6x10 when Margaret calls him a "miracle baby" and the way Natalia gushes about his death - Buck's death and his birth, two of the most traumatic things that have ever happened to him and Buck is someone who so desperately wants everything to be okay, wants the trauma to have some grand meaning, so he takes the out and takes the win and he lets them let him hide behind the superficial positive bullshit. But Eddie, Eddie sees Buck and Eddie knows him and loves him enough that he can tell just how not okay all of this is, not just for Buck but for all the rest of the people who love him as well, and he doesn't want him to hide away from it because Buck shouldn't have to pretend to be unchanged but he should acknowledge the way he's changed. Eddie is seeing Buck more than Buck can handle being seen right now and Buck is unconsciously rejecting it by placing preference over the way Natalia sees him. Except to an Eddie who is already convinced Buck doesn't feel the same, who is so scared of being alone after Buck has moved on, this feels like just another way he won't be enough for Buck and the time when he'll really well and truly be alone is more and more drawing near. There's even something to be said about the fact that we see Eddie visibly realize just how much Buck has been affected as he's talking - the fact that he's realizing this so late may be making him even more sure of his inadequacy.
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 years
“Check it out. These are my kids.”
“Oh yeah? Check out my kids.”
“That’s just Denji and Power . . .”
CAUTIONS: Spoilers for the Manga. Yandere Themes. Chainsawman Themes. Religious Themes. God uses he/him pronouns.
INGREDIENTS: You reminisce about the past and think about what lies ahead in your future. Denji gets his ass almost eaten by Batman- I mean a Bat Devil. Power.
FORMULATION: horridly unedited
[previous dose] [pillbox] [next dose]
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You’ve hated humanity since the moment of your conception.
One might argue it was baked into your existence as a devil, simply etched into your heart the moment you popped out of hell, but you couldn’t agree with that notion at all.
It was just how persistent they were with survival and self-preservation that whatever your peers do to oppress them, torture their very souls, devour their physical being, they still manage to cling unto hope.
They were like cockroaches, ones with wings and the unending urge to fly towards your face like if they ever stopped they’d die.
Humans don’t hate cockroaches when they’re born, just like how you don’t hate humans when you were created. You merely saw them as pests you’d rather have gone. At least, that’s what you thought.
It was when you met Makima that you realized it wasn’t hatred you were feeling. It was envy.
You were envious of how they managed to find the grit to move forward. Of how they’re able to shake off tragedies and get stronger.
Unlike you, who had stayed stagnant for as long as you’ve remembered. Too scared to ever go out of line and potentially lose everything you already had.
As the God Devil, you were both one of the strongest and the weakest devils there existed.
Many feared your name, sure. But people found God equally, if not moreso, a comfort through trying times. God was their salvation, no matter how invisible, or inactive he was in their battles. Humanity continued to pray in his name, your name.
But slowly, but surely, faith began to disappear. And your powers began to grow.
You never believed in Makima’s goals. Nor do you believed in her feelings towards you to be genuine. You fully know that she’s using you for her desire; a family and most importantly the eradication of everything bad in this world. Her jealousy was probably based on the fact that she saw you more as a possession, a precious tool than a real partner.
You see, much like the Chainsaw Devil’s ability to erase concepts from this world, you also had a few unique abilities of your own. The ability to remember everything in the course of humanity’s life on Earth. Even the parts the “Hero of Hell” removed and bring it back to existence. Your head was akin to an infinite book, you nicknamed ‘The Bible’.
Where the Chainsaw Devil was the definition of chaos and destruction, you represented peace and life.
And you loathed that. Despised how different you were from other devils. Detested the thought that you were anything but an avatar of fear.
In any case, amalgams were one of the examples of things you’ve partly brought back to the world. It’s original name seemingly inaccessible even to your hands. Though it was mostly done as an excuse for you to use your powers whenever, you had a feeling Makima thought of Denji and Pochita when asking you to revive those mongrels. Or may be not. Makima was confusing and mysterious that way.
You didn’t pry much into her plans. Only ever preparing yourself for the shitstorms her actions cause and brave through it.
But now curiosity ate at you like leech. Why was she allowing Denji so close to you like that? Was it truly because she wants to play him like a fiddle?
Why did the thought of her hurting him hurt you so badly?
“You’re going to break it.”
Angel poked your nose. His touch, with how rare he gave out, almost broke your seemingly invincible composure.
“The weapon. Don’t. It’s such a hassle to make one.”
“My apologies.” You said, as you crushed the sword Angel made within your hands. Expression devoid from your features.
The latter sighed, you were as insufferable as ever.
“Could you stop being so polite and rigid? It’s gross.”
“You know I can’t use casual language in front of them. To the committee, you’re a demon and I’m . . . ” You were about to say ‘one of them’ but you couldn’t shake the sense of otherness you’d feel whenever you were with your colleagues. It wasn’t as if they viewed you as an outcast per se, just that they seemed so nervous all the time. Which led to you avoiding contact especially during battle. You weren’t oblivious to how humans viewed and often worshipped you, you just didn’t know the extent your powers affected them. Especially those who have known you for quite a while.
And so Makima helped by pairing you with beings who are usually unaffected by your aura. At least, on the surface.
“Still. I’d prefer if you went back to how you were before.”
You knew Angel before you even met Makima, as what the two of you represented were both closely related. Despite that, your relationship remained symbiotic at most. Angel’s weapons worked best when wielded by you, and you were capable of taking away his memories and ‘sins’ thus making the number of voices in his head less burdensome. None of you made an effort to go beyond that.
Your Bible ability allowed you to remember everything even beyond your current incarnation.
But Angel knew that while you will remember him if you ever died, the emotions attached to said memories will surely disappear.
He’ll remain that, just a memory. He was content with that. In fact, that’s why Makima trusted him enough with you.
“Charismatic? Proud? A perfect example of what it is to be a devil?”
“An asshat.” Angel munched on the human blood sausage you prepared him. Well, the sausage Makima forced you to make as to fulfill your ‘wifely’ duties, that you gave to Angel since you disliked the taste of it. “But a predictable one.” His androgynous voice came out muffled as he basically scarfed down the piece of meat
“It’s fine to admit that you’re a masochist, Angel.”
“If I’m a masochist—“ He squeezed on the barbecue stick holding the sausage, about to give you the rebuttal of the century (or so he thinks) until your husband unfortunately arrived to the scene.
Oh right! Did I mention you and Angel were atop a massive pile of human and devil corpses? I didn’t? Huh, my bad. Kinda hard remembering to say that stuff when the stench is awfully, well, awful.
“I’m sorry to cut your reunion short, but your new team requires your supervision.” Makima’s signature calm and collected voice slices viciously between your conversation. You can sense the underlying malice from a mile away at this point.
“You want me to stalk your hero from the shadows again.”
Makima didn’t reply, but her usual eerie smile said a thousand words. She didn’t like you getting too close to humans. Sure, it was fine for them to cling unto hope that you’ll ever notice them, it was fun seeing the light disappearing from their eyes as they find out such a thing will never happen. But you indulging your supposed dogs with more than a glance killed her.
In other words, if she was like that with humans, she was the worst — absolutely abhorred — you making conversation with another one of your kind.
To her, humans will never be threats. Devils on the other hand . . .
Well, she supposes even they don’t stand a chance. But she preferred knowing that even without her powers, you were all hers.
She trusted Angel, sure, but she’ll never like seeing her wife with someone else.
“Well then, underling. I will see you soon.”
“I hope not.” Angel blew a strand of hair off his face. He’s had enough of your presence already. Too much and he’ll build up an appetite for it.
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“So . . . Sea Cucumber Devil, huh?” You started. Your silent appearance startled Denji and caused him to almost fall off the rooftop, if it weren’t for you catching him by the wrist in time.
Yeah, you weren’t really good at starting conversations.
“[Y-[Y-[Y/N]—! I mean —“ Denji stared at the connected skin. It had only just been a day, and he was already back to acting like hormonal teen who’d never been touched around you.
“C’mere.” You pulled him towards your form. His face landed on your chest, turning awfully red. After making sure he wasn’t falling anymore, you propped his legs over your left arm and carried him bridal style.
You landed on the ground following a single jump. Your heels (courtesy of Makima’s thinly veiled threats) clicking loudly.
You looked at Denji and smiled.
Then dropped him on the massive purple disarray.
“G-god . . ?” The girl, with peach-blonde hair and horns known as ‘Power’ from the info debriefed to you, halted her maniacal laughter. Her mouth opened up in shock and a little bit of horror? Could she sense you were . . . no she couldn’t. Makima wouldn’t allow a newbie to know.
“Close enough.” You shrugged. You had to discuss this with your spouse later. Spotting a bench behind Power, you made your way past her. A cool chill crawled up her spine, who were you? You felt like that devil but at the same time you were nothing like them at all. Not to mention you weren’t as stuck up as she remembered. . .
Nah, they wouldn’t help humans. You were probably a phony of some sort.
“So, what happened?” You sat down, holding off the cringe on your face that threatened to show from unhygienic everything is. Maybe Aki’s ways were rubbing off on you.
They began blaming eachother, clearly not aware that you were there for the latter half of your journey and only gave them an opportunity to explain themselves rather than point fingers.
“You know I can’t stop Makima if she so chooses to punish you two, right?”
“Please don’t tell her!”
“Yeah, this won’t happen again. We promise!”
“I have a feeling it will.” You sighed.
“If I’m correct . . .” You stood up from the bench, and gave your behind a few pats to relieve it of dust and whatever filthy things people have put there. You looked to Power, narrowing your eyes at the way she flinched away, “Your reason for being cooperative with humans is because you want your cat back.”
“And you, aside from being paired with me, want a chance to touch someone’s breasts, am I wrong?” You turned to Denji.
“No, you aren—“
“You were not given permission to speak, dog.” You glared at him. Though your expressions softened the moment he almost whimpered at your harsh words.
Not knowing that was him preventing a moan of pleasure.
“Why don’t we make a contract per se, right now?Denji, you get to touch Power’s boobs as long as you’re able to procure her Meowy.” You grabbed his hands, hovered it over your chest for a couple of moments, and observed his face. He was absolutely drooling.
You retracted your hold and swiveled your head to Power’s direction, taking laid-back, slow steps.
“And, if you two come back in one piece and with no casualities. I’ll join your next mission and prevent this . . . “ You bent your torso to the side in order to look past the pair and unto the purple sludge and multitude of organs on the street. “Mishap from reaching Ms. Makima’s ears. Is it a deal?”
“Deal!” Power nodded repeatedly, fist clenched in excitement. A stark contrast to her almost aloof personality with Denji.
“Good.” You flicked your finger, and in just a moment, every part of the Sea Cucumber Devil’s corpse disappeared. “Try not to disappoint. Makima has big plans for the two of you.”
Denji and Power left, not before gawking at your unintentional show of prowess.
“They’re gone. You meeting with those prunes again?” Speak of the devil and she shall come. You rotated your body to see what’s behind you, unsurprisingly spotting Makima.
“You jealous?”
“I am. Very.”
“You were listening in on us?”
“I just want to know what my husband is up to. Can’t I miss you?”
“You can.” Makima stepped in front of you, leaning close to your face to take a kiss. However, you covered the lower half of her face before she could get too close.
The two of you hear a car arrive not long after, with an Aki Hayakawa inside of it, “Ms. Makima. Mx. [Y/N].”
He escorted you and Makima to her destination and then brought you to a cafe to order some drinks.
You looked around for any pests, and checked if background noise’s volume was loud enough to drown out your voices before you began, “You’re wondering why too, aren’t you?”
“You . . . are surprisingly sharp when it comes to some things [Y/N].”
“I’m not quite adept at recognizing sentiment or intention. That doesn’t mean I’m completely unaware.”
You ordered black coffee and a few desserts and continued, “Whatever she’s planning. I don’t know. But I do know it wouldn’t be great for anyone in the division.”
You stared at the sweet confectionery’s as the workers were stressing out beyond the display, “My powers only extend up to the past. The infinite future ahead is anyone’s guess.”
Aki sighed, even you weren’t aware of what Makima was thinking.
“How did you become. . . “
“Become an amalgam?”
“. . .I’m sorry for the disrespect.”
“I don’t remember.” You finally answered. Your words barely registered above a whisper. But Aki has and will always hear it better than any other sound.
He guessed your memory of your merging was probably given away in a contract and is a sensitive subject.
The two of you return to the car in silence, waiting for Makima’s return.
Once she was back in, and you’ve given her the coffee and food, Aki started up the vehicle and began heading back to HQ.
The silence between the three of you was killing him so he decided to take a shot in the dark and ask Makima of her intentions. Surprisingly, she took the bait, somewhat.
“All Devils were born with names. The scarier the name is, the more powerful it is.” She commenced her speech.
“Take coffee for example, it doesn’t really have a scary image. If there was a coffee devil out there it must be weak.” She drew her eyes to the shaky state of the beverage and made no effort to cover the cup. Then she looked outside the window, to the cars and city scenery, “A car on the other hand, it gives you the image of being run over. That might be a stronger one.”
“Denji can turn into the chainsaw devil. I just think it’s pretty interesting.” And he could potentially erase anything she deemed unnecessary, which was infinitely more than interesting.
“He’s interesting, but he’s of no use to us. Everyone in the division has a goal or faith. He has neither of those. He’s not cut out for this. Not to mention he thinks he can befriend devils.” Aki bit his lip. Denji was nothing in comparison to the rest of the Public Safety sector. He had no experience, no sense of duty, was a slob and pervert.
And yet the stars of the workplace put their trust on him on just a whim, a flight of fancy. “He’s just a kid.”
“We shouldn’t judge a caterpillar when it hasn’t finished chrysalis, or an egg that has yet to hatch.” Taking Aki’s focus on the road as an opportunity, Makima slid her hand atop yours,“The kid. One day he’ll be a man. And he’ll be your junior to use. Yours to throw at the devils that destroyed your life.”
“Give him enough time with devils.” Her visage faced yours, and she smiled.
It terrified you.
“He’ll learn to hate them. Like every human should.”
You looked away, choosing to fill your mind with something else by checking in on Denji. Your eyes widened at the state he found himself in with just a few hours outside your supervision, “Turn on the radio.”
Aki doesn’t even think before his hands reached out to follow your command.
“Bat Devil spotted fighting with a Chainsaw Devil down at . . . “
“Hayakawa. Prepare your team to dispatch the Bat Devil immediately.” Makima downed the coffee in her hand while you basically inhaled your food.
A/N: First part of my surgery is finished! Might be a week or so for the next ;u; i am in pain
Chainsaw and Happiness Taglist: @saharei @kaedescrush @epsi9099 @aradia-melinoe @sleepwillow @rolo-at-midnight @acuriousmoon @moonnotsonaa @just-some-stars @justarandomweeblol @cyn9 @that-one-simp
(please make sure you’re taggable if you reply to be added)
I’m going home after my family celebrates Ramadan and Eid so slow updates until then I’m so sorry
CHAINSAW & HAPPINESS TAGLIST: @saharei @kaedescrush @epsi9099 @aradia-melinoe @sleepwillow @nordithus @rolo-at-midnight @acuriousmoon @moonnotsonaa @just-some-stars @cyn9 @justarandomweeblol @that-one-simp @somebodyrandom-613
Extra Notes: I’ll delete this in case I find better moments to showcase it in the story but to explain [Y/N]’s Bible ability more in depth, you’re basically able to know everything if it has been explicitly stated (Denji’s boob touching desires) or if it can extracted from an event that happened in a being’s life(Power’s relationship with Meowy and subsequent loss of the feline). To counteract how OP this can be, you aren’t able to read minds and are pretty dense + can’t view the future + it has to be activated rather have it on as a passive. In short, you don’t know how obsessed the sector is of you since most of them know of this ability, are pretty careful about how they act in case you decide to probe their past, and you aren’t a creep (i hope). In other words, abilities’s extent is as far as a reader of history knows not the author.
(Also you just aren’t allowed to peer into Makima’s history. We don’t poke sleeping bears, especially if they have the power to control you.)
Chainsaw and Happiness Taglist: @saharei @kaedescrush @epsi9099 @aradia-melinoe @sleepwillow @nordithus @rolo-at-midnight @acuriousmoon @moonnotsonaa @just-some-stars @cyn9 @justarandomweeblol @that-one-simp @somebodyrandom-613 @cupidlot
White names couldn’t be tagged + added a few who just commented if that’s fine?
Thanks for reading!
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broadwaycutie16 · 4 months
Hey, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is this whole Karma of Lies thing about? I often have some of your posts showing up on my dashboard about how people are not listening to you clarifying things about your story, but I avoided looking into the whole situation myself because I don't want to expose myself to so much (Adrien) salt which I know is at the initial root of all this (or at least, thats how it came across to me)
Would you explain for me what this situation is about? I'm always intrigued by this whole thing whenever I see another post from you, because of how wild reading about it all out for context is, but now curiosity finally got the best of me x3
So basically, KoL starts as your basic salt plot. Marinette’s being bullied by Lila, her friends are extorting her and accusing her of being unfair to Lila, Adrien’s just like “everything’s fine, Marinette” and telling her to just take all the crap from everyone.
Then Hawkmoth’s identity gets out, and Lila decides to cut her losses and get the hell out of there, but not without getting something out of the deal. She gets Adrien to send her money to her, and because Adrien is so trusting, he puts in the info for his family’s emergency bank account right where she can see it, not even thinking that Lila would try to screw him over. Spoiler alert: She does. She drains Adrien’s whole account of fifty million, leaving him without a cent in this catastrophic time in his life, and skips town by telling her mom a sob story. She also tricks the class into giving up their most expensive possessions, and then sells them to other people after she leaves.
So now Lila’s committed a grand felony, and she’s clear to continue her reign of terror anywhere she wants, with her newfound wealth goving her limitless potential on destroying lives. And you know what Marinette does to stop her?
Marinette refuses to lift a finger to get Lila arrested. The narrative would have you believe that it’s because she’s setting boundaries and taking care of her mental health for a change, but it’s easy to figure out the REAL reason. She gives all these excuses over why she’s unable to do anything about it, using lots of loopholes, completely ignoring the fact that she’s supposed to be a superhero and thus has a moral obligation to stop Lila, if nothing else just to save all the innocent people she’ll destroy in the future.
Meanwhile, Adrien becomes penniless, his father goes on the run, and his aunt refuses to personally take him in because she’s more concerned about the scandal than about her orphaned nephew, basically resigning him to live in Marinette’s old apartment with hardly anything to call his own while Marinette moves into his old room at the mansion after getting a job with Audrey Bourgeois, who has now taken control of Gabriel’s company. And all through this, Marinette and the narrative are basically saying, “you didn’t help me when I needed you to stick for me, so now I’m not gonna help you when you need it”, basically ignoring the fact that what’s happening to Adrien is a hundred times worse than what happened to her.
Even worse, Marinette trashes all her friends’ reputations on live TV, calling them out for mistreating her without stating the reason why they mistreated her, so the public doesn’t know the full story. And Adrien, desperate to get his life back, makes a stupid and arrogant mistake and tries to take down Mayura by himself, but is easily fooled by her to give her opportunity to steak his ring. The villains are defeated, but now everyone in Paris thinks Adrien gave Nathalie the ring on purpose, and accuse him of being a willing accomplice to his father, effectively crushing any little particles of hope he had left for his future.
But what truly makes this fic a dumpster fire of a story, is how the author directs the whole narrative to try and make you believe that everything that happened to Adrien was 100% justfied, that not supporting Marinette and letting some girl bully her and turn her friends against her, a problem that was temporary at worst and that basically was nothing more than some schoolgirl drama, means that he, a fourteen year old boy from an abusive household, deserves to be virtually homeless, bankrupt, disowned by his entire family, and falsely accused if terrorism, and doomed to living the rest of his life out on the streets, without even the slightest conception that maybe it was a little too much.
Oh, and the only punishment Lila gets is some vague warning from Marinette about her future, and apparently, that’s supposed to be enough to stop the girl who knowingly teamed up with a terrorist and was willing to doom the city just to get back at one person for one embarrassing incident in front of one person.
Basically, The Karma of Lies is the worst salt fic of all the salt fics, punishing Adrien for childish stupidity with permanent life damage beyond anything written in salts before, and trying to send the message that it’s okay for Marinette to let it all happen just to get back at him for not being a better friend.
Trust me, do not read it. It is a garbage fire. I regret reading it every day. It’s really messed with my head. Even now, I’d wholly welcome an infinite number of sequel fics punishing Marinette and her “friends” (read: evil minions) for what they did, because if the story says that Adrien deserves his fate for doing nothing, they deserve even worse. This fic is the epitome of everything wrong with the Miraculous Ladybug fandom.
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sseomtada · 5 months
being [ruben dias]
the rekindling of your relationship continues, leaving a confession of your own pending.
warnings: 18+ | wc: 5576 | 5/8
Was there a name for a honeymoon phase the second time around?
There wasn’t a technical phrase, you checked. Interestingly, among your research, you came across an article that perfectly articulated what you were experiencing with Ruben. It was the stage of your relationship where you now saw their imperfections and flaws, where you didn’t see your partner on the pedestal you initially place them on in the beginning.
He was no longer the one person who could do no wrong in your eyes or the one who held all the answers to your problems. You weren’t the co-dependent and starry eyed girl who only viewed others through a lens of what you wanted them to be either.
You were okay with that and so was he.
After making quite the…mess in your office, there wasn’t much face to face interaction between you two. Ruben was quickly whisked away by his team to another country for a Champions League match. Even though that initially felt like an inconvenience, you shifted the perspective to something more constructive.
It gave you time to sit with your thoughts and emotions. You still had no regrets about getting back together with him, but you had to truly assess the decision from every angle within. The way it transpired seemed relatively rushed at first. In retrospect, you realized it was anything but hasty.
Your previously relationship with Ruben never came to an organic end. There was no fizzling out or love lost, only an obstacle that he didn’t give himself or you a chance to push through. Had things been different and he brought his fears to you then, would you have ever broken up?
All roads you took in that vein lead you to believe that you wouldn’t have. Of course, there was no way to know for sure what the future held for that version of events. Anything could’ve happened over the course of those seven years that might’ve eventually drove a wedge between you. However, as things were, there was no end in sight.
Maybe that was why it still was effortless with him, potentially even more so now than it was then. You’d both experienced a lot of growth as one naturally does when life progresses. The people you were currently and the past you shared left no room for pretense. He came as he was, raw and unfiltered in his accountability. You didn’t feel obligated to give him anything in return - you wanted to. And that carried the most weight.
“What happened to the sofa?”
Cindy’s question brought you back to a startling reality. You tried to reign in your nervous expression, smoothing fallen hairs at the back of your neck.
“I made a big mess with some takeout.” Even you had a hard time buying that. “It was irredeemable. A new one should be here in a few hours.”
Aki came in from the kitchen, munching on the lo mein. “Shame. I really liked that big, comfy thing.”
That nibbling guilt returned to your stomach. Compounded onto the fact that you still had yet to tell her about the first conversation was now the big revelation that you’d gotten back together with Ruben. Your apprehension only grew worse with the addition of the later.
It didn’t stem from a lack of trust or a fear of judgment. She was somebody that you could confess a murder to and it would only be met with a response like, do you need help hiding the body?
You just knew that it wouldn’t be highly celebrated news. The way things ended, her being caught in the crossfire and the absolute wreck you were would be the things playing at the forefront of her mind when you told her. It was no fault of hers, literally anyone else in the same position wouldn’t be able to not think back to that time.
Perhaps stronger than any of that was the worry that your confession would hurt her. The last thing you wanted was for her to feel like you didn’t consider the pain she carried silently in regards to Ruben. It was a complicated situation that you were still trying to navigate internally.
Luckily, for the time being, you had the distraction of work. Erling’s project was on its finishing touches. You’d finalized the website and had it ready to launch, Aki aced securing a major partnership and Cindy was working with his assistant to put together a small launch party.
Did they buy the excuse about the “takeout”.
You bit down on a smile as your fingers typed quickly.
I think so. The leftovers in the fridge sold it more than I did.
“What’s got you all giggly?” Aki materialized at your door.
You jumped slightly, startled by not even hearing her approach. The messages app flicked shut and you placed your phone down before feigning business at your monitors.
“My mom sent me another one of those videos of her cat.” You replied with ease that shocked yourself.
It wasn’t entirely a lie. She did often send you videos of Jason being a weirdo. Your pseudo sibling had to be the most uncoordinated and ungraceful feline in existence. The latest snippet shared actually did come in this morning with him leaping up and completely missing a tree branch.
“That little guy is spectacularly peculiar.” Her lips pursed. Another white lie seemed to have passed.
“Tell me about it.” You chuckled. “What’s up?”
She slung dramatically across your guest chair. “Just wanted to know if you were burning the midnight oil again.”
Though certainly not her intention, her words made the ache between your thighs prominent to your senses. You squeezed them together and shut down the flashbacks running through your head as you shifted in your seat.
“I should actually try to rest since we have the party in two nights.” You exhaled lengthily.
It was well into the wee hours when you got home this morning, for obvious reasons. And for those same causes, or singular driver, you were too hopped up on adrenaline to fall straight asleep. It didn’t help that you were giggling on the phone with him like you were twelve either.
“Ugh, you’re right.” Aki groaned, shooting back on to her feet to exit. “About the party and the rest, by the way. Not even my emergency kit can rescue you from those eye bags. Luggage at this point.”
Before you could hurl a playful insult back or a pen from your desk, she made quick her escape. You shook your head and decided to actually start getting a move on your tasks for the day. Being snug under your blanket at a decent hour actually sounded like a fantastic idea.
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After a nice, long soak in your bathtub, you threw on a onesie and a sheet mask to really activate the relaxation vibe.
The next order of business was finding something good to eat. As much as you wanted to start munching on those delicious chocolate covered ice ream bars in your freezer, you refrained until you could actually get a meal in your stomach.
Rifling through your fridge and pantry was kind of depressing. You’d been so busy recently that there wasn’t time to do a good grocery haul. Most of the food you ate had been acquired on the go and you wanted to cook for a change, but that didn’t look as if it was going to happen tonight.
You wouldn’t complain about ordering in though. Opening the takeout app was just as exhilaration as going on your favorite retail sites. There were so many options and all of your favorites were right at your fingertips.
Your mouth couldn’t help but water as you scrolled through to decide what your poison was going to be tonight. Just as you were looking through the offerings at an Italian place nearby, your phone screen was taken over by a call.
“What are you up to?” The smile in Ruben’s voice was audible.
“I was mid pasta hunt before you interrupted.” You tutted.
“That’s funny, I’m making some right now.” In the background, you heard a pan meeting a stovetop.
So, he was already back home then. You didn’t watch the match earlier, but you did check in on the result. It wasn’t a shock that his team had won given that they were so dominant in the sport - a fact you came to know rather belatedly.
“I can make enough for two, if you want.” Ruben continued.
“Extra cheese. I’ll be there soon.” You grinned before hanging up.
The sheet mask stayed on until the very last minute after you threw on some sweats. It felt like you were holding your breath as you left your loft. Aki wasn’t some overbearing friend that kept tabs on your comings and goings, yet you found yourself easing the door shut to minimize any alert of your exit.
It wasn’t a lie when you told her you wanted to turn in early tonight, you reminded yourself. That was actually the plan and you were halfway there. But when the pasta gods intervened, well, who were you to shun them?
Your car left the garage with Ruben’s address set on the navigation. He messaged it to you, making you laugh silently. Seeing it brought you back to what you guessed was the first tug on the string that unravelled everything. You’d known where he lived since his name popped up on Nike’s mailing list.
A short and smooth twenty minutes - more like fifteen since you kinda hit the gas - found you pulling into his parking garage. One thing he did provide that you needed to know was the code for entry. You took the guest spot beside his jeep and made your way inside.
“So, this is what making a shit ton of money will get you.” Your brows raised as he let you in.
“Mhm,” Ruben kissed you quickly. Then slower the second time. “Wait until you see the view.”
You jokingly gasped and followed the scent of aromatics to his kitchen. While your cooking skills were described as survivable at best, he always had a talent for putting together a really tasty dish. A moan sounded from you as you leaned over the steaming pan.
“I set the wine out on the balcony. Go get comfy, I’ll bring your plate.” He nudged your hips with his.
“Yes, sir.” You bit your lip and made your way over.
When you first stepped into his place, you thought the air was running but the exterior door was cracked. A wide grin broke of once you stepped outside to see the small setup with the admittedly impressive backdrop of the city. He’d turned on the lowlights and lit a few candles. A bottle of red was waiting for you as promised, along with a blanket folded over one of the seats.
You wrapped the thick, knitted fabric around your frame before pouring yourself a decent amount of wine. As you sipped, you took a deep breath and enjoyed the atmosphere. It must be one of his favorite ways to relax away from what seemed to be a hectic life these days.
“Are you comfortable?” Ruben appeared with your food, as promised.
You nodded, extending a hand to help him out. He joined in on your state of coziness and you poured him a glass too.
“Cheers.” He held his out.
“To what?” Your voice lowered.
“Being yours and getting to call you mine again.” Ruben placed a hand over your own.
You shook your head, calling him corny. but it was impossible to hide the way his words flustered you. It was nice to know that the years apart didn’t rob him of his ability to be so romantic. Also pleasant to note was that his cooking had gotten even better.
Your eyes widened as you took a bite of the chicken. It was juicy and perfectly seasoned. As if you couldn’t believe what you’d tasted, you went in immediately for a second bite with the pasta this time. Your palate was being blessed, objectively.
“I asked one of the team’s chefs for their recipe.” Ruben chuckled at your surprise.
“It’s so good.” You shimmed on your third chew.
Over your delicious meal, you asked him a series of questions that you were curious about. The first of them being whether or not this was a date. Of course. You apologized for being underdressed. Don’t be silly, we’re matching. That was true, those grey sweats of his…
Your mind refocused onto the impromptu Q&A. One thing you were definitely intrigued about was that first night you ran into each other. What was he doing in that area? That time of night and the lowkey look he wore honestly screamed leaving a booty call. If that was what it was, you couldn’t be mad.
“Some friends from back home were staying at a hotel nearby.” He answered. “I thought I was going crazy when I saw you running and called out but-”
“Headphones.” You rolled your eyes.
“Yes. And then it became a whole thing when you dropped your keys. Nice swing, by the way.” Ruben tipped his glass to you.
The compliment was returned, “Nice reaction time.”
“Tell that to my back.” He grumbled.
You wrapped up your meal and headed back inside to tidy things up. Ruben knew better than to object because if there was one thing you hated, it was leaving a kitchen a mess before heading to bed. The least you would settle for was rinsing everything and placing them in the dishwasher, which you did as his eyes followed.
“So,” You walked over to where he sat on a bar stool. “Are you gonna give me the grand tour?”
His lips curled as he hummed. “This place looks best in the morning.”
Your body found itself between his legs after he pulled you close. Ruben grinned mischievously before tilting forward to taste you. It was instant, the way you opened up for him. His teeth flashing in between your tongues meeting showed just how much he liked that.
“Are you implying something?” You spoke into his mouth.
“Maybe,” He breathed. “Should I just come out and say it?”
You nodded slowly, hands sliding up the the soft fabric covering his muscled thighs.
“Stay with me.”
Your acceptance was barely completed before it was replaced with a yelp. Ruben stood up and lifted you into his arms. In the time it took you to get to his bedroom, you could’ve scanned around a bit to see a preview of what was to come in the morning. You were too focused on him though.
The prominent vein running along the side of his neck was begging to be kissed. So you pressed your mouth to it - lips parted and hungry. You felt him shudder under the licks and sucks you gave it and all too soon, you were detached to be placed on top of his sprawling bed.
Ruben crawled over you, lifting the back of your knee with his own to hitch your leg over his hips. You giggled into his hungry kisses and then moaned. A sneaky hand of his had made its way under your hoodie, thumb brushing over your hardened nipple as he massaged your breast.
You bit down on his bottom lip, bucking into him - already on the hunt for some kind of relief for your thrumming core. He used his lower half to pin you still. It only made your urge grow into agony, feeling the one thing you wanted most concealed by too many layers. When you tried a stealthy maneuver of your own, he was quick to catch it.
“Always so impatient.” Ruben tutted as he caught your wrist.
“Always such a tease.” You gave it right back.
He chuckled in a way that said I’m gonna make you eat your words. By God, you hoped he did sooner rather than later. You pressed your palms to the bed and pushed up. The silent request was thankfully met with him at least removing your top layer.
You caressed his head and let your back meet the sheets once more as he kissed down your body. Ruben stopped at the waistband of your sweats, giving it a pull between his teeth. A vexed moan sounded in your throat. He shushed you, curling his fingers into either side of your pants before dragging them down.
“Someone came prepared.” His comment came in response to your lack of underwear.
Your look of annoyance didn’t last long. It was swiftly replaced with one of bliss when you felt his mouth close around your pussy, tongue slicing you open for him to get a taste. He exhaled deeply through his nose and tugged you flush to his face.
“Yes, fuck-“ Your breath caught.
Ruben arched his tongue around your clit in a full circle before settling under to push it upwards. You writhed beneath him. The voice in your mind was chastising you as loudly as your body was crying out. It was never a good idea to challenge him.
He was easily the most competitive person you’d ever met, proving it yet again as he held your swollen bud up with a glint in his eye. Chipping away at your resolve. Waiting for your concession. You knew when to choose your battles.
“Please...” The shakiness in your voice really sealed the deal.
His tongue finally licked up your clit and then all over it on the way down. Your thighs locked him in while he gave it his undivided attention, thorough as ever to avoid missing a single spot. Each nerve in the bundle got its kiss, flick and suck.
There were no other sounds in the room besides your labored breaths and cries, his grunts and wet mouth growing drencher with your never ending slick. Your fingers threaded through his hair, pressing him deeper still.
It was right there. The torturously slow buildup preceding the crescendo. You just needed a bit more. Your hips rolled in circles, side to side and then up and down. When he slurped at your hole before twisting his tongue inside, they stilled. He knew he hit the target then and so he kept going.
You mouth stammered over your words as your body did the same in his hold. They were both saying the same thing nonetheless. Ruben spurred you on, a hand coming down on the side of your ass while his tongue kept lapping at your clit.
A guttural noise clawed its way out of you as you tensed and released into his lingering mouth all over again. Once you were reduced to nothing but limp muscles and jolts of aftershocks, he resurfaced.
“So good, baby.” Ruben leaned over to press his glistening lips to yours.
There was no trace left of him in the kiss. The insides of his cheeks, tops and bottoms of his gums and tongue all tasted of you. It sparked life back into your bones, a physical manifestation of what your glasses met over earlier.
In an unsuspecting move, you flipped him over until you were straddling his hips. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you dragged your drenched core slid over his hardened length. It was him that was left squirming beneath you this time, something you’d delight in if you hadn’t already been pushed over the ledge.
Ruben was in the same headspace. His eyes mirrored your own, nearly black with yearning. The layers of his clothing joined yours in a heap at his bedside. No underwear either. Your brows raised alongside your hips, someone was prepared.
A chorus of sighs and moans filled the air as you sank down onto his cock. Your head dropped back, hands pressing into his chest. The way his heartbeat ran wild under your fingertips made your lips tug.
To test your readiness, you arched your back. More glide than burn. You started building your rhythm, thighs tensing to help you move up and down. The more confident you became in taking him, the more your body loosened.
Your ass rolled like a wave, tempo rising each time your flesh came flush to his. Oh, God, you thought you heard him say. Actually, you were sure he’d said it. The way he looked up at you, hands moving to cup your breasts confirmed it.
Along with his noises and your own came the meeting of the back of your hips on the tops of his thighs. It was the only sound that ever made you understand the term music to my ears. You slammed harder, deeper, more pointed to draw even more of those notes out of his beautifully agape mouth.
His cock was a thing of wonder, the way it filled you up. So snug between your walls that you could feel the prominent vein running along its back as you worked him base to tip and back again. So intoxicating, your mind was stuck like glue on the feeling of how much of you he was coated in.
You folded forward, unsynchronized breaths mingling with his as you gave him a kiss that matched the same energy. A spell of confusion caused your compass to malfunction and made you lose your way. How was it even possible for him to feel this good?
Ruben was right there to guide you back as he so often had been before. His knees bent and his hands settled under your hips while his own raised into you. The vein in his neck swelled thick with rushing blood just like the one fucking into your pussy did with his seed.
The earth cracked and shattered and you quaked. His arms circled your waist tight, holding you as he weathered both of your storms. Everything around you crumbled and faded out of existence. For the next euphoric moments that followed, only you and him remained.
After a prolonged period of feeling the prick of his facial hair under your fingertips and his own running up and down your spine, he guided you to his shower. The water pressure offered a nice massage, but paled in effort to the relief his hands brought as they glided over your skin.
Ruben held the covers open for you to slip under, a call that would never go unanswered. You molded to him in a way that made you shudder. Your head rested in the crook of his arm that curled around your shoulders, a leg nestled snugly between his - not too spacious and not too compressed, just right.
You blinked slowly, lashes brushing his nearby skin. “Ruben?”
“Hm?” His chest rumbled.
“Promise me that even if this doesn’t last, things won’t end like they did before.”
He stopped breathing for a second and so did you. Back then, you probably would’ve said something like promise you won’t ever leave. You never thought to because you didn’t believe he ever would’ve.
Now, you realized the flaw in that sort of ask. If he said he wouldn’t and then he did, you couldn’t accuse him of lying. No one thought in the moments where they were deeply enamored with one another that they’d part, just as no one who got married for love would only do so to divorce.
Ruben inhaled again and tilted your face upwards, “I promise.”
Your eyes searched his for any trace of disingenuousness. When they were met with a steady, unblinking, challenging gaze, you were finally filled with ease. You kissed him gently and resumed your previous position.
“Besides,” He snuggled deeper into you. “If anything, you’re gonna have to get rid of me. I’ll be here tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that, and-”
You pressed a finger to his lips. “I get it. Go to sleep.”
For the first time in ages, you must’ve clocked in more than five hours of uninterrupted rest.
When your eyes peeled open, they were met with a fully lit sky instead of darkness or the murky beginnings of a sunrise. Your back bowed and then froze in position. Instead of being met with warmth, all you felt were cool sheets.
Just when you thought you might’ve lost Ruben to training or something, you heard rattling coming from the kitchen. There was also the faint scent of espresso drifting from under the door. You slid on his discarded sweatshirt from the pile that moved to his armchair and ventured out.
“There’s my beautiful chainsaw.” Ruben smiled as you appeared.
You smacked his bare back to earn a hiss, “I do not snore.”
“Only when you’re exhausted, love.” He handed you a steaming cup. “Did you sleep well?”
Your hand extended, beckoning to him. Ruben bent to meet it and melted under your fingertips that drew him near. You kissed him appreciatively, not wanting a moment to go by where you didn’t show him how grateful you were that he looked after you with care.
“I did.” You took a sip of your coffee and moaned. “Now where’s my tour?”
He shook his head with a grin and whisked you away to the entrance. In true social media giant with millions of followers style, he walked you through his apartment bit by bit. There was the coat closet, riveting and the guest rooms, very spacious. Then his bedroom which you’d already gotten very familiar with, he added.
All that was really left was the main open living space. What you were really interested in was his shelf and the mantle with all of his pictures, medals and awards. He explained the occasion and meaning behind each of them. Premier Leagues, domestic cups, bests of the season. You ran your thumb over the one you knew held the most meaning.
“Champions League…” Though you were infinitely proud of his achievement, your heart was heavy.
Ruben had spoken so much about it from the time when you were kids. He always knew that he was going to become a footballer, and a great one at that. This title was one he longed for vocally on many days.
“When I lift the trophy again,” He hugged you from behind and kissed your cheek. “You’ll be there with me.”
You nodded, wanting that dream to become a reality more than anything else. Well, besides being with him when he won the World Cup. At least that would be a first you got to experience together.
He took you back to the kitchen where he’d already started on breakfast. The toast was ready and after frying some eggs and adding slices of avocado, you both dug in. Such a simple meal that never missed the spot.
“So, Erling’s party is tomorrow night.” Ruben shot you a look.
Of course, the whole team was on the invite list you’d spied over Cindy’s shoulder. You knew what he was getting at and you also knew that it had to be today when you sat Aki down to have that conversation.
“I’ll tell her when I get back.” You promised.
“You don’t have to be nervous. She loves you, no matter what.” He reassured. “Me on the other hand…”
That was going to be the interesting part for sure. You wished you had some words to dispel his fears, but you both knew that they didn’t really exist. Her dislike for him was palatable, nearly a match for your mother’s - which was another bridge you certainly weren’t remotely ready to cross.
“One step at a time.” Was the best you could come up with.
It seemed to be good enough for Ruben, who approved with a half smile.
Wrapping up breakfast and trying to leave to actually get your day started was the hardest thing you’d done in recent memory. All you wanted to do was stay in this perfect little bubble with him - his arms caging you in, lips peppering your face, his deep voice begging five more minutes.
On days like this in the past, you would’ve easily played hooky and called in sick. Alas, that was when you were working for someone you honestly hated. Now that you had your own company, there was no room for letting your work fall behind since it all rode on you.
Ruben gave you one final searing kiss that took up the last of his allotted five minutes before you got into your car. The way you were beaming on the drive back to your place was kind of mortifying once you’d snapped out of your butterfly induced haze.
Almost immediately, it was replaced with sweaty palms and a racing heart. And not in the infatuation sense. You gave yourself a pep talk in the elevator as you headed up, remembering Ruben’s words. He was right and so were you, there was nothing to be afraid of.
Still, you found yourself tiptoeing once the lift got to your floor. You’d adopted his stalling tactic of promising that in just a bit more time, you would head over to hers. Maybe you should tidy up the place beforehand and -
You wanted to scream, but instead became that the woman was too stunned to speak meme. Aki was sitting cross legged on your sofa. She’d clearly been there for some time based off the empty plate and drained glass on the coffee table. It was now or never.
“I’ve got to tell you something.” You made your way over to join her.
“Spill! You’ve been acting weird for a while now.” She griped. “Are you having doubts about the business? Is the shitty weather making you moody? Wait…are you seeing somebody?!”
“Yes!” The answer to her rambling barrage came out louder than intended.
Aki stared at you wide eyed and then began going on another spiel, this time of excitement. You reeled her in, literally, by taking both her hands in yours. A silent version of the affirmations you gave yourself earlier ran through your head as you took a breath.
“I am seeing someone, again. Ruben.” You finally admitted. “I know that sounds fucking insane, but let me explain.”
Seeing Aki take on a serious expression was something you’d only experienced a handful of times. Not many things made her completely shed the upbeat, fun-loving layers she wore, but it wasn’t surprising that your revelation was now one of them.
She listened as you started from the day you went to City’s training grounds and the car ride that followed. It wasn’t the most cheerful conversation to rehash, both your emotions and his in that moment still tugging viscerally on your heart. Your gaze dropped for a second, returning to hers when you felt her hands give yours a reassuring squeeze.
The rest tumbled out painlessly. You told her about him coming to the office when you worked late, how you and him realized that trying things again was worth a shot. And then, of course, your absence from your loft from this morning was cleared up.
All that was left out were the parts about the sex, especially the office couch incident. She probably would appreciate not having that visual, though you were sure her powers of deduction would do the work for you.
“Wow, that’s definitely not what I was expecting.” Aki chewed on her bottom lip.
You digested her response with a nod, your head bowing. It was more than a lot to take in, so you weren’t surprised that she wasn’t throwing a parade in congratulations for you reunion with Ruben.
She untangled her hands from yours only to pull you in for a hug. “I know it wasn’t an easy decision and I wish you didn’t feel like you had to make it alone.”
“I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.” You failed to hide your sniffle.
“Don’t be, I understand.” Aki pulled back, wiping your cheeks. “I only care about two things: are you sure about this and are you happy?”
Something like the grin you wore on your drive returned, “Yeah.”
She groaned and hugged you again, pulling you down to rest on top of her. Aki wrapped her legs around you, shaking your body side to side like she used to when you would try out the moves you’d seen on WrestleMania. You reached up to give her a peck on the cheek and she screamed, pushing you off.
“I bet you still have his spit in your mouth! Ew!” She scrambled from the sofa.
You ran after her, making kissy faces. “I thought you wanted me to be getting pounded religiously!”
That was enough to chase her right out of the front door.
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
Anon: Can I request Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Daki and Gyutaro with a darling who has abilities like Wanda from Marvel?
Requests will be opened on the 4th August. I made the s/o a human, btw. Also, I stopped watching Marvel after End Game so I'm only aware of Wanda's telekinetic abilities and her powers to mentally control/manipulate someone.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsession, possessive behavior,delusion, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, abduction, drugging
Abilities like Marvel's Wanda
Kibutsuji Muzan
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🩸 You would never expect it nor could Muzan ever accept it but his feelings for you are initially only consisting of burning envy and, by extention of such a pitiful emotion, hatred. This is a man who prides himself on being unbeatable, on being the closest thing to being perfect if he could only obtain the ability to walk under the sun. You're mortal, you're delicate, you're not a demon yet you were born with abilities far surpassing what mortals are supposed to be able to possess. It's no wonder that he hears about you thanks to his many underlings although he doesn't believe the rumors at first. How could a human possibly possess such great powers? Yet he's cautious, despite underestimating humanity largely so he decides to use some worthless paws of his and orders them to attack you whilst observing from the safe distance. You're no Demon Slayer but manage to trap the demons long enough until the sun starts rising and they burn to ashes, leaving Muzan terrified and in disbelief.
🩸 Something he couldn't believe is now something he doesn't want to believe, not after having looked down on mortals for such a long time. He instantly sees the potential in your abilities, as of now still unpolished and imagining what you might be able to do if you gain full control is a terrifying thought. Your powers could rival and even surpass those of his Upper Moons, perhaps even his own but Muzan does not allow himself to finish this thought. His underlings continue spying on you and that's when he hears how people call you perfect and praise you, something that triggers paranoia and wrath deep inside of him. You're still mortal! What use could all your powers have if you're destined to writhe and die eventually?! His emotions nearly threaten to overwhelm him yet he forces himself to compose himself, after a short outburst in his laboratory. He fears you deep down, someone who has defined everything he thought he knew about humanity. As a man highly skilled in science though, he can't help the spark of interest. How could you have such abilities despite being mortal?
🩸 Knowledge about your abilities would help reduce his fear and so he strives to discover what makes you different from others. A mutation of some sort would be his best guess but for that he needs samples of your blood. His scientific purpose is what you might call the start of his obsession. His pawns keep an eye on you, waiting for a chance to steal a bit of your blood. Information about you are constantly reported to Muzan who watches everything intently. Entertaining thoughts of killing you and by consuming you perhaps gaining your powers change over time as he considers you worthy of staying alive and perhaps becoming a demon. You would have great potential, he might even give you enough blood to make you one of his Upper Moons, an early sign of his growing favouritism towards you. Eventually his attention shifts to the things that truly are irrelevant for his scientific research yet your daily routine and your presonality somehow capture his attention.
🩸 Muzan isn't oblivious though, he catches onto his obsession fairly early and he doesn't take it that well, although the fact that you're special might make it at least a bit more acceptable for him. Needless to say, it's this point where things truly go downhill as the demon is unbelievably possessive. He wants you as a priced possession, the most unique human on earth who defined nature. He needs to have you, he won't lose someone as special as you to the Demon Slayers. He sends one of his Upper Moons to retrieve you but warns them to not kill you and that he won't tolerate failure. You don't do bad against the demon but lack experience and knowledge how to use your abilities fully so ultimately you get knocked out and land in Muzan's Infinity Castle where he keeps you poisoned and under the influence of drugs to weaken you not only physically but also mentally to stop you from using your powers. He continues his research on you but treats you mindfully as he has no intention to kill you. No, he's sure as his obedient and immortal pet, you'd do wonderfully.
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🌙 Tales of a human with very special abilities aren't something Kokushibo concerns himself with as the greatest swordman and strongest human for him will always be his younger brother Yoriichi. Not to mention that apparently they aren't even part of the Demon Slayer Corps. It's only when he hears the rumors about how this human possesses abilities that only Blood Demon Art should be able to do does he find his interest peaking ever so slightly. Perhaps one short visit wouldn't hurt, although Kokushibo has no intention of wasting his time if you do not live up to the stories that he has heard. On the first glance, you look very ordinary like every human does and if it wouldn't have been for the Upper Moon's enhanced senses and an instinct that one only develops after years of battles and fights, he would have dismissed you as a plain human he would have devoured for letting his expectations down. Something about your presence though sets his senses on slight alert as he knows that he should not completely underestimate you.
🌙 With his sixth sense informing him that you must be more than you allow to be seen, he trusts his instincts and starts stalking you and follows you. You never catch him but sometimes you turn around and stop and he instantly knows that you try to detect a presence. You have a hunch that someone is following you and Kokushibo silently comments you for your shap intuition. It's during a stormy and rainy night that he witnesses your abilities for the first time. It's a wonder that he has kept up that long with you even without having seen your powers once, perhaps his faith in his judgement is that strong or perhaps it's something else. A few trees fall over during that night, unable to stand the strong wind and the rain that feels like a whiplash as they threaten to crush you. You stop them though and his six eyes take in the scene in front of him with clear intrigue as you stop them midair and navigate them to fall down somewhere else before continuing your journey.
🌙 He's left surprised on that night but not because of your abilities. Whilst it is surely beyond unusual to find a human who has such special powers, something he will definitely observe closely, it's his own mindset and his own feelings during the accident that leave him stunned. A surge of slight panic, a wave of protective instincts taking over and one hand on his katana, ready to slash those trees and save your life if it wouldn't have been for your own skills. He would have exposed himself by doing so yet subconsciously let himself almost slip up. It's a loss of his own self-control, something that has never happened before to Kokushibo who is normally always composed and in control of himself. You're the trigger of his loss of control, only one reason more to observe you as the demon needs to know why he acted so unlikely. He disposes of serious threats normally yet such a thought never crosses his mind when his six eyes gaze upon you and he finds every thought of his mind revolving around you.
🌙 Kokushibo is no fool as the weird flutter in his chest and the way his eyes do not want to tear themselves away from you are dead giveaways. He's in love with you. A possibility he has never considered yet he humbly accepts his feelings and the obsessive thoughts it includes. The lack of ill will doesn't mean anything good for you though as Kokushibo is incredibly possessive, something which steams partially from his inferiority complex caused by his younger brother. The abduction happens soon after his realization as he decides to waste not anymore time. He has observed you long enough, can estimate the limit of your abilities as you have yet to learn how to fully master them. He doesn't want to cause a big ruckus nor greatly harm you if he can avoid it. It happens when you're asleep and at your most vulnerable and he for the first time dares to approach you, one of his hands reaching out to touch your sleeping face as his skin absorbs your warmth. He feels a strong yearning for this very warmth, for the feeling of your heartbeat pressed against his own. When your eyes flutter open, you only see six piercing eyes but before any scream can leave your mouth, you feel him hitting your pressure point before you slowly drift back into darkness.
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❄️ You've recently joined the Eternal Paradise Cult for reasons you don't seem to quite know yourself. You've mostly just been sort of urged to do so by some other members who quickly offered you the position when realizing that you were struggling with your life, promised you a fulfilled one. Their leader is a man named Douma, hailed as some sort of god by the members although you do not believe in that nor do you plan to truly praise him and worship him. In fact, you do your best to avoid him since for some unknown reason, you have a very bad feeling about him. Unfortunately for you, one day you decide to use your abilities to finish your work as you believe that no one is there. Then it comes washing over you, a dreadful fear that makes your stomach turn, that has sour bile push against the back of your throat and that almost makes your heart jump out of your chest. You sense that someone's staring at you yet you can't see anyone. The feeling eventually fades away and leaves you nearly choking on your own breath as soon as it releases you.
❄️ The very next day, you're requested by Douma himself nder the disguise of asking the newest member of his cult how they're doing. To say that you're nervous would be an understatement, you're terrified but have to hide it in front of all the other members who are excitedly telling you what an honor it is to have Douma request you and that you have to be on your best behavior. You do not wish to earn their ire after all. When you're led to the room he awaits you in, you keep your head down all the time and bow as soon as you've entered, still not looking up. You hear his cheerful voice asking to be left alone with you, a sentence that forms a lump inside your throat but it's only as soon as the shoji doors are closed that you truly realize in how much of a peril you are when that same feeling from yesterday washs over you again and you come to the horrifying conclusion that it must have been Douma himself who saw you yesterday.
❄️ The pressure is gone as soon as it came over you and instead you hear him lilting you encouragingly to look up. You do so slowly, your body in a paralyzed state of fear as you meet his eyes. They're of magnificent rainbow-colours and shine in the dimly lit room, perking down with clear intrigue at your trembling form as a smile stretches across the demon's face and he asks you of your name and what a damsel in distress like you is doing here. You barely manage to choke out your half-hearted excuses of joining the cult, terrified and yet equally captivated by those orbs staring at you. Douma seems to notice your distress and gives you a sickening sweet smile, cooing that there's no reason to be so nervous in front of him. He just wants to get to know you a bit better, that's all. The time you spend in the room alone with him is agonizing as you can not figure out what his intentions are. You only know one thing for certain. He knows but you don't know what he plans to do now. This puts you constantly on edge, long after you've been dismissed by him.
❄️ You quickly seem to become his favorite follower among his cult, something that does earn you the envy of many others yet Douma makes it very clear that no one should even dare to touch a strand of your hair. Talking about touching, this order does not apply to him as you quickly figure out that Douma enjoys keeping you close and touching you. From running his fingers through your hair, pinching your cheeks or even grabbing your waist, he loves touching you and appreciates the flustered and scared reactions you always give him even more. By now you feel like you're about to go insane as you don't know if he tries to lull you into a false sense of security only to kill you brutally afterwards, you do know that you can't stay here anymore. You try to escape, something that Douma was expecting and he's quick to catch you and reveals his true self to you, although you surely already knew that he was not human. He urges you to show him your powers again and out of panic you do, only that instead of anger you're met with thrill as he grabs you, claws digging painfully into your skin. How splendid you are! How could he ever let someone as adorable and special as you leave him?
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👊 Akaza is always up for a good fight, no doubt about it. So that should make him especially interested in his darling and when he happens to hear the story of them, spilled out by his next victim that tells him everything as fear loosens their mouth, he finds himself pausing. He does not spare the life of the unfortunate man though, it's actually quite disgusting to witness the man telling him a secret you trusted him with. What a pathetic excuse of a man, it almost ruins Akaza his appetite. Still, he's now curious to see this special human the man oh so willingly talked about shortly before the Upper Moon crushed his life. He should have time for a short side trip to judge for himself if you're all that intriguing and special. True so far to the man's word, he discovers the little cottage hidden within the forest where you have been living so far a quiet and isolated life, growing your own vegetables and selling some of them in the nearby city. Your life is about to change though.
👊 You have no one to help you with in your garden or with the other labor you do everyday so you have resorted to using your powers to help lift and carry stuff that would put physically too much of a strain on you. There's no one around you after all so you don't see any reason why you shouldn't use your gift. That's perhaps the big mistake you make, too naive and not careful enough as Akaza's eyes take in your powers and catches him by surprise. He knows that the man had no reason to lie in the face of his death yet it still comes as a shock to see that not only demons have special powers but you apparently too, a very simple human. It fascinates him as he can't help but wonder if there are other humans like you who have such powers. The most prominent question in Akaza's mind is though how far you could go with your abilities as it's quite obvious in his eyes that you lack experience and the knowledge how to properly wield your abilities as you only use them to finish your labor quicker.
👊You earn yourself a new stalker who watches you closely from that day on, who seems captivated by your powers whenever you use them , mind racing with possibilities what you could do. Imagining you at the peak of your powers fighting against him excites him and makes his head and heart alike start racing. Your life otherwise is painfully boring and he bemoans your wasted potential as you could do so much more than growing fruits and vegetables. Oddly enough he slowly finds enjoyment and a weird tranquility in the very act of watching you just being plainly normal and at night he's often lurking around your house, watching out for any potential demon that might get too close. If he doesn't sense any danger, he catches himself in the act of watching you sleeping, blissfully unaware of his presence. There's this tight pull in his chest as he gazes upon your sleeping form, an unknown feeling that longs to always be able to watch you and have you with him.
👊 His feelings grow until they threaten to drown Akaza and that is when he snaps and decides to take you for himself. He's certainly delusional as he not only believes that he can teach you how to really make good use of your abilities but also because he's convinced that you will forgive him if he has to use less appropriate methods. Surprisingly enough he reveals himself in front of you as he tries to verbally convince you at first. He admits that he's been watching you for a while now and that he wants you to come with him, that he wants to help you with your powers. His reflexes are way too fast so when you try to use your telekinetic abilities, he quickly restrains you, uses this chance to emphasis how you need training. He wasn't aware up until this point that you could mentally manipulate someone until you do it on him and it's only thanks to his sheer willpower and the fact that he smashes half of his skull that he regains control, much to your shock. His eyes have grown colder now as he grabs you by your arms, although his gaze soften when he sees the fear. Poor thing, try to understand that he only wants to protect you. You didn't know after all what lurks around at night until you met him.
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🌺 You're only a mere servant in the house of the famous and feared Oiran Warabihime, one personally assigned to cater to said woman's every need and wish. The way everyone stares at you with pity already tells you that something is rather wrong and it's when you witness the temper of the Oiran that you know why everyone kept throwing you such glances. Because Warabihime is cruel and believes that everyone and everything should adore her and bend to her will and the fact that she is the most famous Oiran of the house who earns the most money only gives her more power. Her loss would be fatal to the house and so to not anger her and keep the other women in this house safe, you do your job as dutifully as possible. You act as submissive as possible, always adress her with respectful titles and rush to give her anything she desires. If she does get angry as her temper truly is an ugly one, you instantly go down on your knees, humiliating your pride but sparing yourself any violence as the Oiran calms down upon your acts of obedience.
🌺 In fact Warabihime seems to take a liking to you as your patience and endurance to stay with her, the clear obedience you adapt to please her, flatter her a lot. Finally a human who understands how to act around her, who knows how to treat her with submission and respect. As she takes her ire less and less out on you, you start to realize that she allows you to hang out less and less with other people. Suddenly the Oiran insists you to stay with only her and even the smallest protest from your side instantly makes you a target of her wrath again so you learn to shut your mouth and accompany her silently. You're treated with a lot more respect and just as much fear as everyone soon knows that interacting with you would only earn them the fury of Warabihime herself. She's the only one deserving of your attention and spends her time starting to dress you up in finer clothes, insisting that her darling has to look presentable in her company. You turn into her little dress-up doll she likes to dote on as long as you continue your submissive behavior.
🌺 You've hidden your powers so far from everyone since previous experiences have taught you that people fear your abilities. You reveal them by sheer accident and only to protect Warabihime as another Oiran, terrified of her cruel reign and the disappearance of other woman because of her despite clear lack of proof, attempts to attack her and her darling with a knife. Obviously Daki could have easily overpowered her but instead you stop her with your power and take the knife away from her, the object flying in the air before dropping down in front of your feet. You did that all without realizing it but before you can stop the woman from screaming, her eyes scared as she looks at you and then behind you, obi sashes suddenly wrap themselves around her, suffocating her and that's when you hear her voice, right next to your ear and angrily hissing at you what you just did. The ire in Daki's voice is dripping out of every word as she's immensely mad with you.
🌺 You never told her about your abilities, that's not what a good and obedient lover does. Daki feels entitled to know everything about you, no matter how ashamed you might be of your past. Your feelings do not concern her as it's only important for her that she knows. To think that you kept such a big secret as your own abilities away from her is infuriating, so much to the point that she doesn't wonder how and why you, a human, has such abilities nor gives you credit for having used your powers to protect her. You're kidnapped the very same evening, don't dare to resist as you sense her foul mood and realize that if you fight back now, she'll hurt you. Her obi slashes are tightly wrapped around you, you have a feeling that they could crush your bones if you struggle. You better have a good explanation for why you never told your beautiful master about your powers, otherwise Daki will punish you. Chances to escape her are higher in comparison to other Upper Moons though as Daki tends to underestimate her opponents. The question is if you dare to have her calling Gyutaro who certainly won't be as foolish as his sister tends to be.
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🟢 Gyutaro gets to know you through Daki as you are part of the same house as she is, although he has no interest in you initially. He despises humans with a burning passion so why should he care about someone like you? You're potential food for him at best. It isn't until he's out to hunt down some humans and devour them that he witnesses you for what you really are. He recognizes you when he sees how you're being threatened and bullied by some people of the disttrict and just watches with half of a sadistic grin and half of a disgusted sneer on his face. All of you are so pathetic. He might as well kill all of you to kill several birds with one stone. Only that it never comes that far as your powers explode sort of out of you when they get physical and you accidentally knock all of them out with your telecinetic powers and your mental manipulation alike, lost in your wrath and anger. When you snap out of it, you're mortified of what you did and fled the scene, leaving Gyutaro fascinated.
🟢 You're anxious to be exposed by the people who attacked you but weirdly enough they disappear after that night and no one knows where they are. See it as a a kind gesture of Gyutaro who decides to help you as you clearly lack the guts to take a human life. He doesn't know why he spares you and even helps you to protect that little secret of yours, perhaps because the look in your eyes reminded him of himself, even if only for a short second. Now you definitely have caught his eyes though and Daki is left having to have you around her more often as she can sense her brother's peaked interest in you, something that makes her quite jealous and sometimes just makes her want to strangle you if it wouldn't be for Gyutaro growling at her to let you be. He takes it upon himself to stalk you too as Daki makes it clear that she can't be bothered to look after you like some sort of babysitter all of the time. Whatever he has witnessed that night doesn't allow him to just kill you. Yet.
🟢 Thoughts os murdering you gradually fade away though as Gyutaro gets to know you a whole lot better through all the information he drains out of his little sister and his time spent stalking you. It's obvious that you resent those who hurt you and put you down yet you do have a certain kindness to you, one he can't help but scoff over yet simultanously be curious about. Kindness is a needless waste of time in his eyes yet you still try to express compassion as good as you can, even if rarely. At times he wonders how it would be if you would show him some of your kindess, although he quickly tries to shake those thoughts off as soon as they cross his mind. What was he just thinking? Certainly something that infects his mind more and more, a weird itching need rising all over his skin to touch you, have you with him and away from those people you so secretly despise. Realizing that he holds affectionate feelings for you is everything but easy for Gyutaro but rising from that resentment is the sadistic possessiveness that demands to take you and drag you down the same hole he's falling in.
🟢 You freeze in horror when Gyutaro shows himself to you right after Daki has forced you to follow her somewhere, doing begrudgingly as her brother has told her to do. An angry mask shadowing his face when he sees how you start cowering in front of him, about to use your powers before he immobilizes you with his next words. That he knows what you did to those humans on that night and that he is in fact the one who got rid of their bodies for you. So instead of trying to attack him with your powers, you should just maybe be a bit more grateful. Otherwise you would have been exposed as the freak you are after all for your strange powers. He's a demon after all, he's normal. You on the other hand are a true outcast even amongst your own kind. If Gyutaro knows that you're afraid of your own powers and have been forced to hide them due to the fear of being treated as a monster, he will go for that weak spot of yours. You could try to attack him only to risk him hurting and punishing you later on but who exactly do you want to go to? He'll manipulate you into feeling all alone and that there won't be anyone besides himself who will accept you for who you truly are.
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cethlyarlo · 9 months
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Shin's Belt
I really rather like that the symbol on Shin's belt is that of the alchemical symbol for chaos. Let me tell you why:
Chaos represents the concept of everything doing everything all at once; existing together, in tangent, or not at all. It represents all paths and what lies beyond what was made to believe is set in stone. The definition of chaos is not particularly the opposite of order in this circumstance, but it can be used that way.
More clearly, chaos provides an opening for new beginnings; to disrupt what is stagnant or what doesn't feel right to present alternative pathways. Chaos is needed to undo pressures, expectations, norms, etc. so that an individual can learn to be themselves; to grow and change as needed.
It's very much not the evil or negative symbol pop culture and Hollywood would have you believe. I've even seen it used to refer to Satanists, which is very much not true. Dark practitioners can and do use this symbol, but this symbol does not represent them. They don't own it nor can they control it/assume authority over it. It's not exclusive to one group either: anyone can utilize it however they see fit and like with most things, that could go in any direction. We will be focusing on the balance between the negative and positive aspects of chaos here in this write up.
That being said, on to why this symbol is important for Shin's character arc:
Firstly, Shin is devout and loyal to Baylan; her Master and depending on how you look at it, potential father figure. He's everything she's ever known and his own views, teachings, and opinions have been pressed on her since she was young. There's nothing particularly wrong with that, seeing as that's usually how parenting/teaching goes, but it isn't allowing her to see beyond that. The box is small and she finds herself unable to think outside of it due to her loyalty to him.
When Baylan begins to refuse to tell her crucial details about his plans and goals, she begins to question him and her idea of him. This is the beginning of chaos' disruption over her life and as the show progresses, this disruption continues to grow. It's a butterfly effect, if you will; the seeds of disarray have been planted and they have the potential to grow into something exponential.
She comes into contact with Sabine Wren, who has lived a very different form of life compared to her own and I believe the simple interactions between them helps to spur the questions she suddenly has about her life in general. There are things and people that can and do live outside of the box in her mind and while she's probably aware of this, she hadn't truly understood what that meant until this point. With her master's increased elusiveness and the lack of answers, plus the eye-opening revelations that witnessing bits and pieces of Sabine and Ahsoka's relationship (I.e Seatos), the seeds of distrust and further questions begin to take root and sprout. Her mind is opening to other things; the walls of the box are beginning to crumble.
By the time they're on Peridea, Baylan's motives are entirely unclear and somewhat unpredictable to her. She's confused by him and what he wants. Chaos is taking greater hold of her now; her life is changing so quickly and in directions she can't forsee like the arrows of the symbol that gesture to all directions simultaneously. The seeds begin to uncontrollably grow into trees regardless of her attempts to reconnect with him.
Then he abandons her.
Without a word on where he went, Shin's found herself alone. The walls of her box have been destroyed, the wound made worse by Ahsoka's offer to help. Chaos has upended her normalcy, her comforts, her mental and emotional stabilizers, her trust, her view of self; her life. What began as seeds have rapidly grown into a sprawling forest and now she has to deal with the wreckage.
The change is for good though. With Sabine and Ahsoka stranded with her, she has the opportunity to step into her own person. She now has the opportunity to find herself; to make her own decisions, to spend some time with other people like her. She has the ability to learn and grow free of her box and the restrictions that had been pressed on her since joining Baylan, however long ago that happened to be.
Shin gets to be her own person now, and she can do whatever she wants with that :)
Edit: I realized I forgot to mention the little dots within the wheel!
Symmetrical to the Norse story of Hati and Skoll [who were sons of Fenrir (and Fenrir is the son of trickster God Loki and Jötunn giantess Angrboða)], the wheel of chaos on Shin's belt sports two little dots which I believe represent the sun and moon [and thus the wolves that chase them; Skoll (the one who mocks) and Hati (the one who hates) respectively]. As it goes, the celestial bodies rise in the East (right quadrant on the belt) and set in the West (left quadrant on the belt). The little dots are doing just that. The dot on right I believe represents the moon, or Shin, and that the dot on the left represents Baylan. The moon is rising and the sun is setting, showing that Baylan's time in her life is ending and her own time is just beginning.
Either way, it's a very hopeful symbol in my opinion :)
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forfucksakesniall · 1 year
"Can't Help Falling in Love"
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Summary: Falling inlove with Lewis Hamilton
Word Count: 525
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As I sit lost in thought about Lewis, my heart races with excitement and fear. For some time now, I've harbored feelings for him, but I've never had the courage to express them. At first, I believed it was just a passing fancy, but as we've spent more time together, my emotions have grown deeper.
I yearn for us to embrace the discomfort and vulnerability that comes with opening up to each other. Let's hold onto each other through thick and thin, finding solace and safety in each other's arms. We can find humor in our blunders, cherish the simple moments, and cry together when needed. We should be receptive to all the good things life has to offer, discover life's beauty as a duo, and support each other through the bad times.
Our potential to become something truly special is unmistakable. Despite our different backgrounds, our hearts beat in unison. My attraction towards him is undeniable, and I comprehend that it's more than just a momentary infatuation. Lewis possesses a combination of traits that I find enthralling.
For example, his fervor is infectious, driving everything he does. Whether it's on the racetrack or in his personal life, he is unwavering in his pursuit of his goals. Like when he worked tirelessly to win the championship race, despite the odds being against him.
He is acutely perceptive of the world around him, attuned to people's feelings and emotions, and is not afraid to show his own. I remember when he comforted me after a tough day, his empathy and understanding were comforting.
His bravery in being vulnerable is commendable. Lewis is intrepid, taking chances, testing boundaries, and willing to reveal his flaws. This vulnerability makes him even more endearing. I recall when he opened up to me about his fears and insecurities, it made me feel closer to him.
He is fully present in each moment, committed to the people and experiences in his life. His enthusiasm is contagious, making anyone want to be a part of whatever he is doing. Like when he took me on a spontaneous adventure, his excitement was contagious and we had an unforgettable time.
For me, being with Lewis is like being in a beautiful dream. He is gorgeous inside and out, bold and daring, and unafraid to pursue his dreams. He is addictive in the most wonderful way.
So here I am, acknowledging that my feelings for him are authentic. I'm not sure where it will take us, but I'm inexplicably drawn to him. He is exceptional, and I am grateful to have him in my life.
As I sit there lost in thought about Lewis, he interrupts me, calling out my name. My heart races as he approaches me.
"What were you thinking about?" he inquires curiously, searching my eyes.
"Just lost in thought," I reply nonchalantly.
Lewis doesn't push any further, settling beside me as we continue our conversation. I rest my head on his shoulder, feeling his warmth as he wraps his arm around me. The way his eyes look at me, as if he can see straight through me, makes me feel special.
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goingbuggy · 1 year
When you have time I would LOVE to hear your thoughts about post time skip buggy!!
Hi, anon! Sorry for the late-ish reply. I thought carefully about how I wanted to reply, but alas, here I am again, starting my metas in the strangest places. Anyways, here’s a seemingly unimportant question: Why is it funny that Buggy keeps failing upwards?
My answer also happens to be one of Pixar's 22 Rules of Storytelling:
"Coincidences to get characters into trouble are great; coincidences to get them out of it are cheating."
You might be wondering why I chose this quote -- after all, Buggy manages to escape most conflicts by sheer coincidence. Take the canon-filler episode(s) “Little Buggy's Big Adventure,” for example; coincidence is the sole reason why he ends up on Gaimon’s island and eventually finds Alvida, one of his future allies. But for as much as Oda is guilty of using coincidences to benefit Buggy, he also creates coincidences to get Buggy into trouble. Sure, Buggy left on good terms with Gaimon/found Alvida, but only after:
Suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of Luffy
Losing most of his body
Being chased by killer fish/eaten by a ginormous bird
Nearly getting shot in the head by Gaimon over a misunderstanding
Being chased AGAIN by a deadly crab???? LMAO???
Buggy’s “luck” functions like a pendulum -- for every good thing that happens to him, horrible things are guaranteed to follow. This core aspect of his character is what keeps the gag afloat. Buggy is never rewarded by the narrative without experiencing consequences. In order to earn moments of respite, he has to suffer.
I find it hilarious when people argue that Buggy doesn’t deserve to have good things happen to him. Because, yeah? Duh. Oda loves having his cake and eating it too. It’s not necessarily good to play both sides with the audience when it can cheapen emotional impact, but Oda will absolutely continue to make Buggy both a complete joke and a genuine character. He has fun that way. However, he’s not going to help Buggy without hurting him first.
But that's a very meta perspective. How does Buggy view his own beneficial coincidences? He’s now an emperor, and extremely close to the One Piece/Pirate King title that he so desperately wants. But why does he think he’s being rewarded, in-universe?
His facade.
His devoted followers, his influence, that billion-berry bounty, his emperor status -- all of it stems from his fake persona and its snowball effect. He’s well aware of this. In fact, I think it’s likely that he hates himself for being such a coward and hiding behind lies. But when he sees his true self as worthless, what else can he do except dig himself into a deeper hole?
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Look at 1082. Buggy finally stands up for himself, claiming that wealth and power come from chasing after your dreams -- not grand schemes. Here, he’s talking to himself as much as he’s talking to Crocodile and Mihawk.
“This is wrong… This isn’t how I wanted my life to go…”
It’s a very depressing peek at the man behind the curtain. Buggy only ever wanted to follow his dreams, but he uses schemes to get ahead instead, because they're all he thinks he has. His lies are a crutch to depend on, so he doesn't have to face the truth: he doesn't believe in himself. 
To me, 1082 reads as a "Hail Mary" moment from a character at an emotional low. Buggy still doesn't believe in himself, but he is saying: Fuck it. If Shanks and I finally have an equal chance at becoming Pirate King, I at least have to try... Right? We can confirm his lack of self-confidence, because Buggy even admits he got here by “luck or chance or whatever."
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He cannot entertain the possibility that he'd get this far any other way. Of course he doesn't see himself as Shanks' equal. It’s one of many reasons he didn’t want to go with Shanks at Loguetown; he assumed he’d be working “under” Shanks (even though Shanks only said “Come with me!"), because he truly believes he is lesser in terms of potential/greatness. ("You coward!" can also be interpreted as Buggy projecting his own insecurities onto Shanks.) Buggy's decision in 1082 is a desperate leap of faith. "Go for broke," "shoot for the moon," etc.
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Post-Timeskip Buggy may appear more dangerous than ever before, but in reality, he’s just a small fish in a big pond. The farther he crawls his way up the ladder of success, the worse he feels, because the life he has built is not how he wanted to live at all. Based on everything we've known about Pre-Timeskip Buggy, we should expect him to be happier than ever. He has influence. Power. His monetary value in the eyes of the World Government has shot up exponentially. But look at the poor guy. He's miserable.
If you've ever seen Better Call Saul, I think this scene from S4E9 is very similar to how I feel about Buggy:
JIMMY: There you go! Kick a man when he’s down! KIM: Jimmy, you are always down.
Buggy is a character who is always down, even when you think he might be up. Until he stops maintaining that false image, he will always be punished by the narrative pendulum he's trapped himself in.
Unfortunately, change is hard, especially with the stakes he’s currently facing. If Buggy actually has to fight Blackbeard, Luffy, or Shanks... he can’t. Not alone. He needs people to believe the facade, because that's what got him here in the first place. He may look invincible, but he is quite possibly the most vulnerable character right now.
Crocodile and Mihawk would sell him to Satan for one corn chip (especially after that stunt he pulled in 1082). We haven't seen him improve his physical abilities (unless Oda pulls some off-screen bullshit). As an emperor, he has more people gunning for his head than ever before. Buggy’s last line of defense is his long-running gag -- if Oda decides to subvert our expectations, he’s a dead man walking.
And who would he have to blame but himself? He built his image on smoke and mirrors. Eventually, he's going to have to pay the price.
If Pre-Timeskip Buggy is a man defined by coincidence, then Post-Timeskip Buggy is defined by consequence.
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onewholivesinloops · 1 year
i really love that ciconia engages so much with gender fluidity and the option people have to not have to disclose their 'assigned at birth sex', and how much that has the potential to help everyone. it’s ryukishi continuing to engage with gender issues further after everything in umineko and higurashi.
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it's also why i hate seeing people constantly say that yasu/lion is actually X because "that's definitely what ryukishi intended" when ryukishi has gone out of his way to not be overt about many aspects of gender with them and across other characters (zepar and furfur are meant to read as ambiguous for example).
people want to pretend that "lion is a no bullshit sort of girl" or "lion is a feminine man", and if that's truly the case why is it that ep7 emphasized their distaste for such gendered expectations and demands of other people?
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why is it that there is no Certain Answer the manga gives like with the episode 8 stuff? why is this not something confession of the golden witch ever clarifies? if this were something ryukishi thought was so obvious and important, why doesn't he tell you straight up, such as how he does with so many other things? ryukishi is always very overt with things he believes are important for the reader to know and it’s why he’s called “preachy”, so if he wanted you to know this he’d say it, but it’s hidden in the catbox for a reason.
umineko is about cishet male as a default power status and how the abusive patriarch is responsible for the family’s problems which is something reflected in every facet of the story (yasu in particular reflects the abuse of all beatrices by kinzo including the sexual trauma but that's something the game is respectful and tactful about so it's never too explicit about it and it even obfuscates it), because that still addresses misogyny and misogyny isn't only about women as it affects everyone, and it’s a discussion that includes patriarchal privileges and systems, things that constantly affect queer people across all divisions just as much as it does women. umineko centers the women’s struggles before the men’s through the aunts, ange and maria but yasu/lion don’t have to be boxed into something specific for their struggles to be equally valid. caring too much about their agab is very creepy and invasive, because it’s always either for shipping purposes or someone wanting to insist that their idea of trans is The Most Correct and any other way isn’t valid. the statement of "yasu's gender is in the catbox" works really well. they're confirmed to not be cis and the specifics are left without much elaboration, because umineko is a story about multiple truths coexisting with one another, and i think yasu is the most queer character of all time for encompassing a wide range of gender experiences and being relatable for so many people. yasu is yasu. they're one yet many.
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