#I use it to eat cereal
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pov you are v2 in 4-4
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hauntedhotel · 9 months
You know that one tweet where it's like "in college my roommate was like I'm gonna have so many girls and maybe some guys over here and if you don't like it, grow up" but then he brings one girl home the entire time they're at college together and they end up married?
That, but steddie.
Cause I always imagine Steve figuring out he's bisexual and being super chill about it, because generally he is quite a chill guy and he knows about Robin so he's experienced at loving a queer person and doesn't see why he can't do the same for himself and like, there's an active hell dimension right under us Robin, don't you think we have more important things to stress about than me wanting to kiss guys as well as girls?
So his initial reaction is basically "oh, I guess I'm bi then. Huh. Hey sweet, double the potential dating pool! Robin, get rid of the you suck board immediately cause I'm about to woo so many guys!"
But then he meets Eddie and all that shit goes down (and Eddie doesn't die cause obviously he doesn't, why would he? That's ridiculous). And Steve kisses one (1) boy one (1) time and thinks "actually, you know, I'm good, I think I'll just keep this one"
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abandoned-quiche · 11 months
Oh hey I got a good one
Rank ut/dr characters by if they pour milk or cereal first
alphys: milk first. she vehemently defends this decision against everyone who says it's the wrong way. also, she exclusively eats cereal from like, those japanese snack loot box services that send you foods from japan.
papyrus: milk ONLY. cereal is "A SUGARY CONFECTIONARY TREAT THAT HAS NO RIGHT TO BE CALLED A BREAKFAST." meanwhile milk is full of strong bones. when it comes to breakfast he prefers oatmeal
papyrus is right btw most cereals have no right to be called a breakfast. anyway
sans: you do NOT want to know how this man eats his cereal but i'm going to tell you anyway. he pours orange juice into a bowl, pours chips ahoy cookies into it, and mashes it together until it is an orange chocolate cookie sludge with little chunks of solid cookie in there. and then he eats it with a spoon. he has to eat breakfast in a separate room because of it. as punishment and because nobody wants to see that. he always "accidentally" walks into the room everybody else is in anyway eating his "cereal" because he "thought of a joke" or something. they hate it so much. he loves it
undyne: doesn't eat cereal because itll rot her awesome sharp fish teeth, but she knows alphys is doing it the wrong way
napstablook: they always have to use a very small amount of milk in their cereal because their tears fall into the bowl, watering down the milk, making their cereal soggy, and increasing the amount of liquid by a lot, which would cause it to overflow and spill, causing them to cry more because god why
mettaton: cereal-in-the-shape-of-mettaton's-face after milk-in-the-shape-of-mettaton's-face. by the way, every item of food merchandise he sells is available as ghost food as well. he's one of the staples of a ghost's diet on the surface because of this, as there aren't many ghost foods available. in the underground ghost produce was a lot easier to come by but on the surface they now make up an even smaller portion of the porpulation than they already did so it's tough to come by. thanks mettaton!
mew mew: hates mettaton for the way he does his cereal, but honestly, she would hate it no matter how he did it. eats mew mew cereal. cereal before milk
toriel: doesn't encourage eating cereal because it tends to be unhealthy, but occasionally takes a cheat day. milk before cereal. doesn't understand why there's a debate about this. as far as she's concerned the only wrong way to eat cereal is sans's way
asgore: milk before cereal. would let the children have cereal as a treat sometimes if toriel wasn't around. "our secret".
flowey & chara: absolute snobs about this. HATE anyone who does milk before cereal. not literally of course.
susie: milk first, because she's not the one who pours the milk.
thanks for the ask! :D
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sweetiepotatofry · 6 months
The older I get, the more I understand Ava from MID.
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vidawhump · 3 months
(Crack) Whump Prompts
Whumper makes Whumpee pour the milk before the cereal (or vice versa)
Whumper makes Whumpee drink watery milk
Whumper makes Whumpee eat that one cereal with the weird texture/taste
Whumper makes Whumpee use the evil big spoon
Whumper makes oatmeal for Whumpee but they used too much/too little milk so it’s either oatmeal soup or basically still dry oats
Whumpee tries to make oatmeal in the microwave but it overflowed so their punishment is cleaning the microwave
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rotzaprachim · 7 months
I think people getting their politics from animated movies for children is so annoying. That being said I think Nimona was Unironically one of the most ideologically complex and serious treatments of modern antisemitism I’ve ever seen.
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the-terrible-theys · 1 year
made yet another alignment chart
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no one seemed to fit in the blank spot well so i left it empty. also i’m putting more elaboration on this in the tags because there are few things i love more than overanalyzing everything ever.
i just know chris and aviva have SO many arguments about this
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theloveinc · 2 years
Bakugo gets mad at you for eating weird or crappy snacks, not bc he thinks it’s bad, but bc he’s bothered you didn’t ask him to make you something nicer
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pcktknife · 2 years
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moonchild-in-blue · 2 months
hello i miss you
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sky. also am very hungry. no one has fed the buggy yet.
Hello stjärna I miss you too 💙💚
Sky right now!!
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NO ONE FED THE BUGGY?? I'M ABOUT TO THROW HANDS, I hope your band mates can fight 😤
^ have some food!!!! Love you bebe 🦋🪲
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scuddle-bubble101 · 9 months
Me: -done with shower and making breakfast- ?: -new voice suddenly appears and proceeds to judge the brand of cereal I am eating.- Me: Me: You just got here and you will deal with what I e a t.
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nutklcker · 3 months
It's so mean and evil that tumblr shows me posts from whole months ago like it's trying to deceive me into interacting and making OP think I'm stalking their blog when in reality we've only had this account for like ten days and we only follow like ten blogs
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asteria-argo · 27 days
Leaving my house for errands in bullshit why am I so tired now
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cosmoseinfeld · 1 year
also do you ever think about how in misses the boat, dennis didn't even want to be womanizer dennis or whatever, he wanted to be "cool guy" dennis.
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ashtraysystem · 1 month
I've been learning how to better listen to my body's needs, specifically nutritionally.
I used to eat a lot more junk than I do now, bc I was running on caffeine and sugar 90% of the time, but lately I've been doing better nutritionally I think.
I have a higher variety of foods I eat in the morning rather than just shove poptart in my mouth and go. I've learned that I can eat whatever the heck I want whenever I want. So sometimes I'll make myself a tuna sandwich for breakfast! And that slowing down and having a good breakfast (even if that means making it quickly and then eating while I drive) is better than pumping my body full of sugar and caffeine for "energy". It's not sustainable.
Something I've found that works well for me is pairing a quick energy food with a slow energy food, so like protein + carbs or something. idrk food science. Things that kinda balance and gives me what I need for longer while still giving me the short term boost I need.
Because I struggle with chronic fatigue, changing my diet to be better for me has helped a lot in some areas. However doing those things can take a lot of prior thought and preparation, which takes energy. if I want to have salmon I have to put it in the fridge the night before. If I want to have overnight oats I have to make sure I have all the ingredients I want in it. Tonight I made some coconut ice cubes bc I want to try making a coconut smoothie in the morning! But all of that is prep work required for future foods, which isn't always as easy.
Someday I'll be in a better place in my life where I can truly choose exactly what goes into my body, but for now I am stuck at the whims of my family's dinner plans and my own lack of money to do with what I please. There's some things I can change, such as asking for salmon on steak nights. It can be hard to see all the things I am capable of changing though bc of how ingrained it is in me to just deal with what I am given.
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