#I want these bunny slippers for myself
atane-is-here · 4 months
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snake appreciation month
76 notes · View notes
shimmershy · 2 years
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Frisk Month Day 1: Good Morning!
I don't care that I'm late because I GOT IT DONE, I'm so proud of myself.
513 notes · View notes
bvidzsoo · 9 months
Who am I?
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Author: bvidzsoo
Warnings: mentions of a gun, cursing, smut
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x female reader
Word count: 14,2k
Summary: Going through the dark passageway late in the night really wasn't your greatest idea, but the angels were on lookout that night and sent Jeong Yunho as your savior. But what happens when you realize Jeong Yunho isn't at all what he seems to be?
A/N: Uh...hi? This piece here really shouldn't exist, like the way I wrote it was so against the routine I have when doing stories, I'm even shocked it became real. It also was supposed to be a mere longer drabble but oh well, I suck at writing short stories either way. Also, Jeong Yunho is a constant in my mind lately so...ig it was inevitable that I write something with him. *sigh* There's smut in here and ugh...yeah, I tried again lol. Leave feedback, I very much appreciate it and stay tuned for the next chapter of the rockstar!au Mingi story! Enjoy now and tell me your thoughts!
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            It really was my fault; I should have been smarter before turning down the dimly lit passageway between the two tall buildings. But the path towards my flat was shorter this way, and I was in a hurry, desperate to finally get home after a long and busy day. The streets were quiet as night had settled upon the otherwise lively city and as I exhaled through my mouth, a little puff of smog appeared in the chilly air. My hands slipped deeper into the pockets of my black bomber jacket as I nuzzled my nose more into it, the tip of it unmistakably red. Winter struck upon us quite unexpectedly and the hope that we still had a few more days of sunshine and as little warmth as the sun could offer came crushing down when the wind picked up two days ago and snow started falling immediately. And what was even worse is that the temperatures dropped so low that everything had frozen over by now and it was slipper; in the past ten minutes I have almost fallen on my bum at least three times. But the little scare got my heart pumping faster, and I wasn’t feeling as cold as I was supposed to despite the layers of clothing adorning my body.
There was a light shuffle behind me, that was the first thing which caught my attention, and then suddenly, the dark figure standing a few feet ahead close to the wall, as if they were facing it, was the second thing to alarm me. My heart leaped slightly as my hands balled up into fists in my pockets, but I quickly tried to calm myself down. Not all men were evil and not all men wanted to hurt women, and I wasn’t even sure it was a man standing up front. My legs carried me faster and I gulped when the person whipped their head around to look at me. My hunch was right, it was a man, and he had a bloodied lip as I took in his face while still approaching. I quickly averted my eyes and quickened my pace, hoping that if I ignored him, he would ignore me as well. I had nothing on me if he decided to attack me, I could only hope my fists were good enough and I wouldn’t break my fingers if I was forced to use brute force. I only would have had to take three more steps to be past the man, but he suddenly jumped in front of me and I came to a halt as he squared me up. I tried not to let him see the fear I was feeling pulsing through my body as I clenched my jaw as my body lightly trembled from the adrenaline coursing through my bloodstream.
“Hey there, bunny.” My eyebrows furrowed at his raw voice, almost as if it was hard for him to speak as a disgusting smirk painted his lips. I suddenly wished I had taken the longer way, walked on the main road instead of this shortcut. When the man realized I wouldn’t say anything back, he tsked, “Are you shy, little bunny?”
Nicknames were annoying in a normal scenario and it was only making my skin crawl right now, but I remained silent, gripping the keys of my flat’s front door which I had in my left pocket. One wrong move from the man, and I wouldn’t hesitate to stab him with it.
“Why are you not answering me?” His voice got rougher and he took a wobbly step towards me, and without much thought, I whirled around with the purpose of walking back the way I have come, but another man was blocking my path. He looked lanky and was hunched over as his lips pulled into a scary sneer. I was cornered. My hands started trembling more as I took a deep breath, trying to think level headed, but my mind was clouded with panic as I searched for an escape route without much success. Before I could even react, the man with the busted lip approached me from behind and as I turned to be able to see him, his rough hand made contact with my left shoulder. I quickly yanked myself away and slightly crashed into the concrete wall of the building behind me.
“Don’t touch me!” I managed to snap out with a shaky voice, yet it sounded rough. It certainly didn’t match the way I was feeling, scared absolutely shitless.
“Is my little bunny scared?” If I wasn’t so scared I probably would’ve seen red at his claim over me, and it only made it worse as the other man chuckled. My eyes snapped towards him before quickly looking back at the other man when I realized he tried to grab at me again.
“I said, don’t touch me!” I shrieked and went to push him backwards, breathing irregularly as I was full on shaking, on the verge of a break down. But if I started crying I would look helpless, which I was, and I probably wouldn’t be able to see anything, so I willed myself to blink away the tears quickly.
“You little bitch, you wanna play rough?” The man spat as he had stumbled backwards from my push and I shrunk against the wall when the taller one suddenly started approaching, a hungry stare in his eyes. My lips started trembling and I went to yank out my keys and lunge at the taller one, but a very amused chuckle halted everyone’s actions. All I could think about was a third man coming to do vile things to me and at the thought, a few tears rolled down my cheeks, but I quickly wiped at them when I saw the battered-up man smirking in my direction at my distress.
“I thought I beat your sorry ass into unconsciousness.” At the hear of the third person’s voice, the battered-up man suddenly froze and his eyes widened as the taller one took a step back, leaving just enough space for me to run away, “What are you still doing out here?”
The battered-up one cursed under his breath before putting on a fake smile as he whirled around, facing the third man. I was too scared to look, shaking, as I pondered whether it was the distraction I needed to run away, “I was just playing with my little bunny, you should go on your way—”
“She doesn’t look like she wants to play with you, Siwon.” The third man snapped and my eyebrows furrowed at the familiarity of his tone. It resembled someone’s I knew from my university, but I remained unmoving as the tall man slowly backed away, “And you, Nikhun, I thought I said I didn’t want to see you around here, anymore…”
“I was just passing by.” The taller one, Nikhun, stiffly said before he abruptly turned around and took off almost in a run as the familiar voice just chuckled. My muscles slightly relaxed as I realized I could now just run back the way I had come, and moving slowly, I started heading just that way.
“I know I said I wasn’t going to kill you, Siwon,” The familiar sounding man tsked as I continued slowly walking with my back pressed up against the building’s cold wall, “But you’re really testing my patience lately.”
“Fuck you, man.” Siwon spat and I jumped when there was suddenly a loud crash and an exasperated scoff. I froze and didn’t dare breathe as I felt eyes on me. I didn’t know who was looking at me or what happened, I was scared to turn my head and look. I had to run. But as I pushed myself away from the wall, the familiar voice suddenly called out.
“It’s okay now, Y/N.” What—I whipped my head around and first took in the scene. Siwon, the battered-up man, was lying on the ground unconscious by the big trashcan. The loud bang must’ve been him. With wide eyes, I looked at the third man alarmed, and my jaw dropped as I stood staring at the familiar face of Jeong Yunho. Everyone knew him at university and everyone loved him. Jeong Yunho was like the sunshine. He was always smiling and laughing, cracking harmless jokes and hitting up a conversation effortlessly with anyone. He was kind and considerate, he always helped out anyone who needed help. He would carry your stuff if they were heavy and he’d walk you home if it was too late. He held the door open for anyone and he would make place for you at the Cafeteria if there were no more empty spots. The Jeong Yunho who was often found in the library with his nose buried in books, typing furiously on his laptop, and always turning in his assignments way before their deadline. He wore light colors and fluffy clothes, often paired with hilarious beanies and hats. But the guy standing a few feet away from me looked nothing like the Yunho I have taken glances at or heard stories about. Yunho and I weren’t friends, we were far from being acquittances even, but everyone knew him at our university and that included me. We were people from two very different universes and I had no idea how he knew my name. Yes, sure, we would cross paths in the library at times when I was in a rush as my deadline was a day or two away, and yes, I did almost spill my coffee on him once, but there was never a conversation involved or an exchange of names. Just a small, “Oh, my, God! I’m so sorry, that was a close call.”, and a “Don’t worry about it, you have great coordination, you stopped in time.” If I would have had great coordination, I wouldn’t have nearly ran into him, but I didn’t have the time to tell him that as I was late to work.
“Yun—Yunho?” I stuttered out finally once I was one hundred percent convinced it was Jeong Yunho. The dimly lit passageway made it harder to see his face from where I was standing and his clothes were unrecognizable, but it was his voice which confirmed his identity.
“Jeong Yunho in person.” He chuckled and I finally pulled myself together and slowly started approaching him. My legs were slightly shaky and I was still clutching my keys tightly in my left hand, but my heartbeat was slowly calming down. I passed by Siwon and took a peek against my better judgement, eyes widening when I saw the little trickle of red from the side of his head. Was he…going to die?
I looked up as I came to a stop a few steps away from Yunho and exhaled, coming face to face with a very unfamiliar looking Jeong Yunho. Despite the cold weather he was wearing a black leather jacket over what seemed to be a long-sleeved form fitting blouse with graphic design on it, and wide black jeans hugged his legs with the blouse tucked in, showing off his waist. His neck was decorated with various necklaces and as he extended one hand towards me, I noticed all the rings on his long fingers. I gulped as I looked back up at him, slightly intimidated and mostly confused. His black hair was completely pushed back and the usual fluffiness was gone from it.
“Come, you’re safe now.” Yunho encouraged me with his usual warm smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. My eyebrows furrowed as I reluctantly extended my hand and placed it in his palm, gasping when he yanked me forward, making me jump over Siwon’s slumped body. Yunho smirked as I somehow managed not to fall against his chest, big eyes staring up at him in shock, “Good thing I was passing by, angel, or else these two…”
He didn’t finish his sentence and he didn’t have to; I knew. I gulped and became aware of the awfully obvious height difference between the two of us and scrambled to pull my hand out of his, but Yunho’s grip suddenly tightened and he stepped closer, making me tip my head back as I tried looking in his eyes. My heart was racing once again and I could feel a blush creep up onto my cheeks as Yunho’s eyes examined my face with a small smirk, “What are you doing out here so late at night?”
“I—” My mind blanched for a second as Yunho’s cold fingers intertwined with mine, “I had the evening shift today, I—I was just walking home.”
“It’s unsafe at this hour.” Yunho’s voice turned stern and I averted my eyes, suddenly embarrassed that I was getting scolded by him, “And especially through this neighborhood, Y/N. You should’ve stuck to the main road instead.”
“I know.” I grumbled under my breath and Yunho chuckled, his voice deep, and it only made me flush harder as I avoided eye contact.
“Let’s get you home.” He said quietly and I looked at him alarmed, extracting my hand from his as he started walking us towards the end of the passageway.
“I can walk on my own—” I said in a panic, not wanting Yunho to walk with me. I wasn’t even far away, I have taken this route so many times before, I was going to be fine now that those two men were gone, but Yunho’s tone definitely made me rethink my words as he spoke up.
“You are not walking on your own, especially around here.” Yunho’s voice was sharp and he threw me a quick glare as he looked behind, at me, “Do you not know anything about this place?”
I shrugged and pushed my hands into my pockets again, “I do, but it’s not that big of a deal. I always walk home at this time and nothing has ever happened. I just had bad luck tonight.”
“Bad luck, you say.” Yunho scoffed, face contorted into disgust, “The things those two would’ve done to you would have been terrible, Y/N, and you call it bad luck?”
“Okay, fine.” I snapped and walked up to his side, giving him a wide-eyed stare, “Walk me home then, but this is fucking weird. How do you even know my name?”
Yunho’s eyebrows furrowed and his sharp stare made me gulp as I shrunk back, walking a little further away from him, “We go to the same university.”
“I’m not popular.” I deadpanned and Yunho shrugged, looking ahead as his jaw clenched and unclenched.
“You once scribbled in a book from the library and I was at the front desk when the librarian lost it. She rambled on about you for a good fifteen minutes before I was finally allowed to rent the book I wanted.” I cleared my throat in embarrassment, remembering well what the next day looked like when I walked inside the library. I have skipped going there for the next two months from shame as the librarian had screamed at me for ten minutes without even as much as taking a breath.
“Whatever, it’s still weird.” I muttered and nuzzled my nose behind the neckline of my jacket, regretting now that I haven’t worn a scarf. Yunho just chuckled and cast me a side glance as his longs legs carried him around faster than my shorter ones; it almost felt like I was jogging next to him. He must’ve been cold with how few clothing items he was wearing. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander towards him as I took in his appearance again, deciding that this version of Yunho was intimidating and quite…hot. His bright persona was certainly eye catching but this felt different, alluring almost.
“It’s not weird,” Yunho said with a chuckle, lips pulling into an amused smile, “I’m just observant.”
I hummed, but didn’t look at him as I asked my next question while we crossed the road, “What are you doing here, anyway?”
Yunho chuckled again, but it was lower and as we looked at each other briefly, there was a dark glint in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, mischief written all over his face, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
I rolled my eyes and quickened my pace, just wanting to get home already. I was tired and cold.
“Do you have the evening shift often?” He asked after a minute of silence.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I fired back and Yunho laughed, head tilting back slightly, “Don’t expect me to give you an answer when you evade mine with a question.”
“You didn’t look like you’d be this feisty, angel.” My steps halted as I stared at Yunho incredulously, eyes slightly widening in offense. What did he mean by that?
“I’m tired.” I called out since Yunho hadn’t stopped walking and now I had to jog to catch up with his long strides, “And you’re walking too fast.”
“My apologies.” Yunho suddenly slowed down and looked at me with a big smile, the first time he looked like the Yunho I knew from university, “Sometimes I forget not everyone has long legs like mine.”
“Yeah,” I rolled my eyes, “I wonder how’s the weather up there.”
Yunho suddenly laughed, pressing a palm against his lips as it was loud, “I haven’t heard that one in long.”
I just hummed and cast another glance at him, confused of our whole conversation and the situation we were in. To be fair, I was grateful for him, of course I was, but the shock still hadn’t worn off and I was still slightly thrown off by his demeanor and change of personality…and looks. We continued walking in silence, steps hurried as the wind started blowing harder and all I could think about was Yunho being cold and getting sick because of his choice of clothing. However, the quiet didn’t last for long around us as we heard approaching footsteps, it sounded like they were running towards us. Yunho and I looked back at the same time and I failed to notice the way his expression hardened and jaw set. Before I could react, a heavy arm was draped around my shoulders and I was pulled into a sturdy body, warmth wrapping around myself and a masculine scent. I looked up at Yunho flabbergasted before watching the running man again as he came to a stop a few feet away from us.
“Hey, Yunho—” He panted as he leaned forward, resting his hands on his knees, “Finally found you, man.”
Yunho said nothing as he watched the guy, strengthening his grip against my shoulder when I tried to move away. My eyebrows furrowed as I struggled for a bit more, until Yunho clicked his tongue and I looked up at him, feeling his gaze on me already. His eyes were sharp and dark and I gulped as I looked away, stilling in his grip when he looked back at the younger looking guy, “What do you want?”
His voice sounded nothing like the friendly person I have been just talking to, it was ice cold and it made me shiver.
“Yeah, uh,” The guy glanced at me reluctantly, “Cheol wants the money. Soon.”
Yunho scoffed and rolled his eyes as I looked at him curiously, wondering where this conversation was going, “I thought I have made myself clear already, Chan.”
“Hey, don’t shoot the messenger, alright?” The shorter guy scoffed and stood up straight, his eyes hardening as he looked at Yunho now with a slight glare, “You’ve been avoiding us for months now, Cheol is getting fed up…so is everyone else.”
“And I have a reason for that,” Yunho snapped, anger coating his voice, “which you all know of. If you want my money, do your fucking end of the deal for once.”
“Was the merch not good enough last time?” Chan raised an eyebrow. These two were acting like I wasn’t even there, so I tried to get out of Yunho’s grip again, but instead, he gripped my nape and roughly pushed my head into his chest, making me gasp. I clutched against the collar of his leather jacket and tried to pull away, but Yunho’s strength was immense, so, instead my cheek was mushed against his firm chest, his musky cologne invading my senses and making my head slightly dizzy.
“If it were good, you would’ve seen the money by now.” Yunho’s voice held no emotions and I watched as best as I could from my position as he reached with his right hand behind himself, moving at what looked like lightning speed to me, but with my vision obscured I wasn’t able to see what was in his hand, “Go back to Cheol and tell him to get his fucking act together before I take action.”
“Asshole.” I heard this Chan guy snap and then an unsettling silence followed. I bit my lower lip and wondered what was going on, and it didn’t take long to find out as he spoke up soon again, “Got yourself a shiny new toy?”
“She’s a person, not a toy, Chan. And she’s not mine.” Yunho’s voice was rough and my breath halted for a second as I felt Yunho’s fingers twitch against my skin. I moved my head slightly to look up at him and caught the quick glance he sent down at me. It was dark and emotionless, yet it held a clear warning that I needed to stay quiet. My heart skipped a beat involuntarily.
“You better claim her then, before Cheol gets his hands on her—”
“Get lost, right now.” I have never heard such a threatening tone from anyone before, and my blood froze over at the anger and sneer in Yunho’s voice as he grabbed onto the back of my head tightly, making me freeze as I heard the click of something. Was…was he holding a gun? I gasped quietly as my fingers dug harder into the fabric of Yunho’s jacket and I heard the Chan guy cackle before his footsteps stared fading away. Yunho, however, didn’t move and I was too scared to do so as I realized I had started shaking. Suddenly, my head was being pulled back by Yunho’s hand on my nape and we made eye contact as he looked down at me menacingly.
“Not a word to anyone.” I exhaled shakily and frantically nodded my head as I dared to take a glance at his other hand, which, to my horror, held a black gun. My blood ran cold as Yunho released me at the same time as he put his gun away, behind himself, probably in the belt of his jeans, “Let’s go.”
And the rest of the walk was silent and hurried as I almost ran to finally get home, confused and scared and needing a shit ton of answers to the questions swirling in my head, which Yunho was probably unwilling to give. I valued my life above all, and therefore I remained silent, besides, the anger oozing off of him was enough to shut me up despite my sparkling curiosity. Who the hell was Jeong Yunho?
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            The next day I did everything in me to forget about last night’s endeavors and about Jeong Yunho. I could act like nothing happened, like it was all just a dream. And everything was going well, until…until Yunho and I crossed paths in our university’s hallway. Well, we didn’t actually cross paths, but we saw each other briefly as I was walking with my best friend to class and Yunho was headed towards the stairs, the two of us on the two opposite ends of the long hallway. My friend was talking about the book she was currently reading and I would hum or nod along to her words, letting her know that I was paying attention despite being silent as we walked, my hands gripping the straps of my backpack. I nodded in agreement at her characterization of a character we both enjoyed from the book, when I finally looked ahead and my mind blanked. It certainly did feel like last night was a fever dream as Yunho stood on the other end of the hallway, black hair falling in soft curls against his forehead with his rainbow-colored sweater hanging loosely around his frame, big hands disappearing in the sleeves of it. His jeans were a faded grey and he was laughing as he talked to someone, eyes disappearing and cheeks puffed out. He looked nothing like the guy from last night and it gave me whiplash as his menacing and threatening eyes flashed before my eyes just as Yunho suddenly looked ahead, his eyes finding mine, looking at me with the warmest gaze anyone could muster up. I realized I was gaping, but I couldn’t help it when my brain convinced me that Jeong Yunho from right now and Jeong Yunho from last night weren’t the same person.
“Are you staring at Yunho right now?” My best friend’s voice finally snapped me out of my staring and I looked at her with the same wide eyes.
“I—yeah, but—” I needed to get it together, “That’s not Jeong Yunho.”
“Uh,” My friend looked at me like I had grown another head, “then who is he?”
“I don’t know, but—” I let out a long huff, eyebrows furrowing as I looked back at Yunho, “but that’s not the same guy from last night, I’m telling you.”
I could see the confusion on my friend’s face as she looked towards Yunho, crossing her arms in front of her chest, “He looks like—Yunho. I mean, what are we even talking about right now? Did you hit your head or something?”
“Stop it.” I snapped at her and pushed at her shoulder in frustration, making my friend glare at me, “He must have two personalities or something.”
“That’s not a very nice thing to say about someone, Y/N.” My friend chastised me and I groaned in frustration. Of course she wouldn’t understand. She wasn’t there. She didn’t see the Yunho I have. Coming to think of it…I don’t think anyone had from around here, seeing as everyone was flocking towards him and acting so freely with him. His laughter carried down the hallway and it was soft, his cheeks slightly rosy as a girl leaned too close to him and he averted his gaze shyly. He was void of all the accessories he had been wearing last night and his clothes were what I was used to seeing him wear on a daily basis. He kept shifting from one foot to another as a guy threw his arm around Yunho’s shoulders as the two giggled about something, Yunho covering his mouth before whispering something to him back with a cheeky smile. The image of him holding a gun suddenly flashed behind my eyes and I jumped, sucking in a sharp breath of air. My friend looked at me like I was crazy and I averted my eyes from Yunho, looking at her like I have seen a ghost.
“There’s something very wrong with that guy, I’m telling you.” I muttered as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in the opposite direction, scared of facing Yunho after his weird personality shifts.
“You sound super crazy right now, bestie.” I rolled my eyes and huffed as my best friend taunted, cackling when she saw the discontentment on my face.
            And the days passed just like that. Jeong Yunho, wearing every existing bright color, avoiding eye contact when he felt shy and hiding behind his hand when he laughed a little too hard. His cheeks had a flush to them constantly and he would carefully arrange his wavy bangs against his forehead. It was confusing. I was becoming convinced with each passing day that what had happened that night was just a fever dream, and that it was so real that my mind decided to believe it. Perhaps I was lucid dreaming or something, it wouldn’t be the first time. Two weeks had gone by since my strange encounter with Yunho and I have finally come to terms with the fact that maybe what happened wasn’t even real. It couldn’t have been, not when Yunho didn’t even glance my way once. Not when he remained the bright and lovely popular boy and I…continued almost missing my deadlines, which meant I was coped up in the library currently, searching for the book I needed without having much luck in finding it. I was too lazy to ask the librarian as I would need to descend the stairs, so I instead grew more and more frustrated as I stomped around between the bookcases. I was surely disturbing someone, but I didn’t care. Eyes set on the books, one title caught my attention and I stopped, hoping that it was the book I needed. It was at eye level and I pulled it back just enough to be able to see the cover and title of it. I felt like banging my head against the shelf when I realized it wasn’t the book I needed, and with a very loud sigh/groan, I pushed it back harshly, almost screaming when a human head was casually leaning against the bookshelf next to the book I had just examined. My heart beat like crazy as I gaped at Yunho, his warm eyes twinkling with amusement as his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. His baby pink shirt hugged his frame messily as the collar fell a little low, showing off the smooth skin of left shoulder, and his dark green cargo pants were an interesting choice to wear. Yeah, this was the Jeong Yunho I knew. Dressing quirky and looking almost like an oversized puppy as his lips were pushed into a pout. I couldn’t find any words to say so I just scrambled through my brain for something, pushing my hair behind my ears as Yunho continued staring. It was becoming too much, his gaze.
“What?” I managed to say, still at a loss and not knowing how I should approach him.
“Hi.” His lips suddenly pulled up into the brightest smile I had ever seen, and his eyes twinkled with so much warmth that I took a step back. I’m going crazy, aren’t I?
“Hi.” I willed myself to greet him back, taking another step back as Yunho took one towards me, smile still on his face. He didn’t say anything else as he proceeded to come closer and closer, making me chuckle nervously as I continued putting distance between the two of us, not for long though. My back soon ran into the bookshelf and I internally whined as it cut into my back sharply. Yunho came closer, caging me in between the bookshelf and his body, making my heart somersault as I looked up at him confused, but intrigued. He was still smiling, still looking as friendly as ever, still the bright and well-liked guy from our university. Suddenly, his arms raised and were placed on each side of my head, slightly above. Yunho went and leaned down a bit, crooking an eyebrow as my eyes widened and body shrunk against the hard shelf. His musky cologne wrapped around me once again, and the events of that night flashed before my eyes without a warning.
“What are you doing?!” I whispered, sounding panicked as Yunho looked almost confused by my reaction. Almost as if it didn’t make sense that I was reaction to him like this. But I had every reason to, I can’t be crazy.
“I’m looking for a book,” He said with a light tone, expression calm, “this is the medical section. You know I’m studying to become a doctor, right?”
“No.” My answer was instant; I had no idea what his major was. I only heard rumors about how great he is, not about what he does or studies here.
“Oh, now you know.” Yunho said surprised and looked above my head, grinning happily as he reached out. What the hell was happening?
“You’re majoring in architecture, right?” I nodded wordlessly, confused as to how he knew once again something about me. I never told him. Just like with my name.
“So, did the librarian tell you this too about me?” I asked, sounding a little accusatory, as I raised an eyebrow at Yunho. He chuckled and shook his head, looking down at me in amusement.
“Not quite, I figured it out when I saw you leaving class a good while ago.” Right. He saw me leaving class. Sure. My eyes narrowed at him and I licked my lips, about to slip away and go on my merry way as this whole interaction was weird and confusing, but as if Yunho read my mind, he stepped even closer, the front of our boots touching. I looked up at him alarmed, eyes widening as Yunho lowered one arm, holding a book.
“This is so weird,” I muttered to myself, feeling uncomfortable, “Is there something wrong with you?”
My question was quite offensive and I didn’t think it through before I said it out loud, but it didn’t seem to affect Yunho as he started giggling quietly, eyes becoming smaller as his cheeks flushed. How was this the same man from that night? Did he have a twin or something? Why would his name be Yunho too? Was he fucking around with me? Or did he just have multiple personalities?
“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me, angel.” My body tensed at the nickname and I watched as Yunho composed himself, and yet, the Yunho suddenly caging me against the shelf wasn’t the same Yunho from just a second ago. The friendliness and warmth slipped from his face as his eyes slightly narrowed, darkening as a smirk appeared on his lips instead of the cute smile he directed at everyone. My heart started beating faster as he bit his lower lip, leaning down even more to be eye level with me, making my breath catch in my throat, “Do you think there’s something wrong with me?”
“Something very wrong.” I managed to whisper as Yunho chuckled darkly, the knuckles of his free hand suddenly grazing against my cheek. I flinched, but didn’t pull away as his eyes ran over my face. The way his wavy hair fell in his eyes made them look sharper. He oozed danger and my mind screamed at me to high tail it out of there, yet my feet remained planted.
“There’s nothing wrong with someone who has a colorful personality, angel,” Yunho’s deep voice rang through my ears as he leaned in to whisper in my left ear, goosebumps erupting on my skin, “Have you told anyone about our encounter from that night?”
I quickly shook my head no and Yunho smirked, pulling back and gripping my chin tightly, yanking me forward and knocking the wind out of my lungs, “Good girl, keep doing that. I’m afraid something might happen to you if you decide to blabber on about it to someone.”
I shuddered as his piercing gaze kept me locked in, a whisper barely passing between my lips, “Like what?”
The sinister look which crossed Yunho’s face felt like a punch to my gut and I suddenly remembered the gun he owned. He’d shoot me. He’d kill me. Of course he would, something told me he wouldn’t hesitate or think twice about it.
“I would have to punish you—” He bit his lower lip as he paused for a second, making me realize I started shaking, “And not in the way I would love to.”
“Fuck.” I muttered, gripping his wrist and lightly pushing against it. His words were meant to be threatening, and they were, I was shaking after all…but his words also did something to me as my stomach twisted and body shivered, eyes subsequentially falling onto his red and plush lips. Yunho’s smirk widened and he leaned so incredibly close that I could feel his breath hitting my lips, his skin seemingly flawless from up close. My fingers closed around his wrist tighter as my back melted into the bookshelf behind me.
“Let’s keep it our little secret for now, angel.” His thumb swept against the skin of my chin, my face flaming at the motion, “And I shall reward you if you’re a good girl.”
“How?” I whispered, looking into Yunho’s dark eyes.
“You shall wait and see.” He winked and before I could think more about his words, he was gone just as quickly as he had come. I was left blinking confused at nothing and struggling to breathe regularly as Yunho’s warm, and big, hand left my skin burning where he had touched. What have I indirectly gotten myself involved into?
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            Things happened the same way like the first time after my strange encounter with Yunho in the library. He didn’t look my way, he didn’t acknowledge me, he didn’t speak to me for at least a good two weeks. It was weird, everything he was doing. I had so many unanswered questions, but I pushed them to the back of my mind and hoped that whatever weird thing going on between Yunho and I would stop for good now. I didn’t want to get tangled up in something which felt so unsure and dangerous. I still haven’t forgotten the gun Yunho owned nor the conversation between him and that Chan guy. Even a dumb person would’ve understood that there was something illegal, at least, going on between the two of them and I didn’t want to get involved. However, the radio silence didn’t last for long as it was another Thursday and I was closing up the small convenience store I was currently working at. I had the evening shift again; the clock was close to hitting midnight and it was snowing heavily outside. I sighed when I realized I would have to walk twenty minutes just to get home. There were no signs of snow half an hour ago, it came out of the blue and I watched as a group of teenagers ran past the convenience store laughing loudly and having a snowball fight. I couldn’t share their joy as I shrugged on my coat, the weather had been nice today, I thought it wouldn’t get cold and thus abandoned my thick winter jacket, which I came to regret now. I switched off the lights and braced myself for the cold as I pushed open the door and instantly shuddered. There was a freezing chill in the air and it clung to my body as I quickly tightened the scarf around my neck, at least I had half a mind to bring one with myself. I struggled for a few seconds with the lock, it's been acting up for a while now but the owner didn’t bother to fix it, until I heard a click and pushed against the door, making sure I have truly locked it. I whirled around to stalk off towards the bus stop, with little hope that the last bus hadn’t went by already. However, I was quickly forced to stop by the sight in front of me. Yunho, painfully underdressed for the current weather, stood leaning against a black massive car. It was an SUV, a very expensive looking one.
“Evening, angel.” My jaw shouldn’t have almost hit the pavement, but I couldn’t help but gape at him. What was he doing here? Why was he here? Was that his car? How? Was he rich? Now that I come to think of it, I have no idea what Yunho does outside of university or the type of family he comes from. The sudden realization of knowing exactly nothing about him besides the persona he paints himself as was startling as a sly grin crossed Yunho’s features. It made my stomach flip.
“What are you doing?” I managed to ask, reluctantly walking closer to him. Yunho pushed his hands inside the pockets of his leather jacket, which looked thicker than the one he wore on the night he had to save me from those two creeps. His jeans were ripped and black and a very tight, form fitting, white shirt clung onto his well-defined body. With a black baseball cap over his wavy hair he looked extremely handsome underneath the street light, I had to stop myself from letting my eyes wander all over his body once again.
“Saw how hard it started to snow,” Yunho spoke up casually, smirking when I stopped a few feet away from him, “Figured you might just take the shortcut again, so, I’m here to pick you up.”
“No, you’re not.” My answer rushed through my lips instantly and I looked at him startled, slightly taking a step back as Yunho pushed off his car, “I am perfectly capable of walking home and besides—I might still catch the last bus.”
“It went by while you were still locking up, angel, just accept my offer and stop being so stubborn.” Yunho sounded slightly irritated as he walked closer, head lowered so that I was able to see his eyes from this angle. They were narrowed and I gulped, realizing that he wasn’t playing nice nor would act goofy like at university, this was the weird and intimidating version of Yunho.
“Excuse me if I’m hesitant in accepting your offer, Yunho,” I snapped, slightly fed up with the constant whiplash this guy was giving me, “But I have no actual idea who you are and so far you’ve been acting like a stalker. You know my name, you know my major, you randomly show up when I’m in trouble and then you walk me home despite my complaints. You proceed to act completely different than the guy I’m used to seeing at university and you have strange conversations with weird people who are threatening you and are calling me yours like I’m simply just a piece to be put on display and you—you have a gun! And you’ve threatened someone with it. So, yeah, I don’t exactly want to get in your car for you to—drive me home? Or kill me. Or do something else to me.”
“If I wanted to do something to you or harm you I would’ve already done so, Y/N, I had plenty of chances for that.” My jaw hung open once again at Yunho’s instant reply, heart hammering at his admission. Is this seriously the only thing he’s taken from my rant? Which felt good to finally get off my chest, but it seemed to make no difference as Yunho shook his head lightly and suddenly invaded my personal space, taking me completely off-guard, “Who I am at university and who I am outside of it might seem like two completely different people to you, but it’s me. I’m not always happy, and goofy, and I’m not always in a good mood. I just don’t like showing the real me around people.”
“I am people, so what’s different?” I scoffed, glaring up at him, “We don’t even know each other so I don’t understand why you feel the need to drop your act around me.”
“Would you prefer me acting all fake, then?” Yunho’s tone was harsh and his face read displeasure as I allowed my eyes to soak in his expression. Would I prefer that? It was the Yunho I was accustomed to, but would I like that?
“I don’t know,” I managed to mutter out, averting my eyes when Yunho’s dark gaze became too much, “I guess I’m just used to that version of you and this—feels weird, perhaps scary.”
Yunho suddenly sighed and his shoulders slightly dropped as he looked up at the sky, his smooth skin glinting under the streetlamp, “I’m sorry if I scared you, that wasn’t my intention.”
I chewed on my bottom lip as Yunho looked at me again, our gazes connecting. He was sincere, his eyes were shinning with honesty and an almost innocent like gleam, just like the one I was used to seeing. I hummed wordlessly and looked away, feeling slightly more at ease in his presence. He just sighed quietly and I heard shuffling before I felt the weight of a big hand pressing against the top of my head. I looked up at Yunho wide eyed as he started patting my hair, almost as if he was flicking something out of it. The snowflakes, probably. My cheeks flamed at his action.
“Will you let me drive you home, then?” Yunho asked again, voice softer this time and features relaxed, “I don’t want you walking around late at night and in this weather.”
“Alright,” I gave in, clearing my throat as Yunho suddenly grinned widely, “But you should be worried more about yourself, you’re barely wearing anything.”
It made Yunho chuckle as he headed for the passenger seat’s side and opened the door for me. I muttered a small thank you as I carefully slid inside.
“I’m rarely ever cold.” Yunho said with a cheeky wink before closing the door and jogging around to the driver’s side. I allowed myself a quick check-out of the car, eyes widening when I saw the emblem on the wheel. I was sitting inside a Maserati Levante. Just how did Yunho afford this car? The seats were of black leather and it was definitely heated as I felt my body warm up quickly as the engine has been left on. Yunho grinned as he slid inside and quickly buckled his seatbelt, reminding me to do the same as he put on the blinker, signaling that he would drive off now. The car slowly started rolling, pulling away from the store as I gazed out the window, feeling slightly awkward that I was now enclosed in such a small space with Yunho. I took a quick peek at him and watched him gripping the steering wheel lazily, hair framing his face as tonight it wasn’t as wavy as usually. His eyes were set on the road and he licked his lips before glancing at me, making me quickly look back outside the window, hating the way my cheeks instantly flushed. And as we drove by the bus stop, my eyes widened when I spotted the bus which would’ve taken me home.
“You said the bus went by already!” I exclaimed and turned to look at Yunho slightly offended.
“Oh,” He hummed but by the smugness coating his face I knew he had lied on purpose, “my bad, thought I had seen your bus.”
I scoffed and shook my head, melting into the warm seat as I glared ahead, ignoring the fluttering feeling of butterflies in my stomach at the thought that Yunho only lied because he wanted to drive me home. Perhaps he wasn’t so awful at all times.
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            Despite me feeling like Yunho brushed over my outburst that night, he seemed to change a bit. He started gradually approaching me at university and even hung out with me during our shared lunch breaks. He also started stopping by the convenience store whenever he had free time and I soon came to know that he lived just a few blocks away from it. Which was a surprise because I have been assuming he lived in some fancy rich neighborhood due to the car he was driving. Nobody really seemed to question our suddenly blooming friendship, although I felt like we still had a long way to go, and Yunho also stopped being so mysterious. He still didn’t answer all of my questions and often changed the subject when I asked about that first night, so I stopped asking about it after a while. I figured that I might get him to tell me at some point, and if not, I could always start asking around. People loved to gossip and maybe they would know something about this Chan guy who had called Yunho a few times while we were hanging out, but he always declined his calls. Tonight was supposed to be a chill night, but my best friend decided that she has had enough of staying at home every Friday and thus dragged us to a house party not far from our university. It was a half an hour walk away from my flat, so we opted to walk and just grab a cab on our way back. The house was large and packed with people as we made our way inside and I sighed at the sight of so many familiar faces. Almost everyone from our university was here and I realized I was tricked into coming to a party organized for our university specifically. My best friend just giggled as I have her a glare, already hating the fact that I had to stay here for hours and hours as she was in the mood to party. The only savior I found at the moment was alcohol, so the two of us made our way into the kitchen, both grabbing some beer from the fridge. Apparently, my best friend knew the host of the party and got us invited easily.
“I really needed this.” My best friend said as she threw her head back, downing half of her beer in one go. I raised my eyebrows at her as I sipped on mine casually.
“I can see that.” I chuckled and allowed my eyes to wander around the kitchen, taking in the faces. A few people above our grade were gathered around the sink, laughing about something and pointing at something. I wasn’t further interested, so I averted my eyes and noticed two friends of Yunho’s.  They were standing in the corner and laughing about something as the taller one had his phone out. My staring must’ve been insistent as he looked up and we made eye contact, a smile appearing on his lips. He smiled and waved as he called us over. Due to Yunho and I hanging out more often lately, he was quick to introduce me to his friend group. They were a nice bunch but a bit too energetic and happy for my liking. My best friend, however, was totally into their vibe and would beg me to hang out with them. It was fine, I knew she wanted to make some new friends and these guys were nice and…handsome.
“Hi!” Mingi was quick to greet us happily and I smiled at him, waving at Seonghwa as my best friend went and hugged him. The two seemed to click instantly, it was nice to see.
“Was it you who urged Sooyoung to come to this party?” I asked Mingi accusingly and he laughed as he looked down.
“It was actually her who gave us the idea of coming here tonight.” I hummed and threw a knowing look at my best friend as she didn’t bother focusing on Mingi and I, already wrapped up in a conversation with Seonghwa.
“I see, I should’ve known.” I chuckled and Mingi nodded while putting his phone away. It was a little unusual that these two were here without Yunho, but I didn’t question it. I knew he wasn’t a big fan of parties and besides, he didn’t tell me he would be coming. Therefore I didn’t expect to see him here.
“Did you finish your project?” I asked Mingi, remembering him complain about it two days ago. Mingi’s shoulder slumped and he started pouting as he stole my beer swiftly.
“Almost, I have to design the garden and then I’m done.” Mingi was a landscape architecture major and he was always busy with projects, barely out of the house if it wasn’t for Seonghwa and Yunho dragging him to places. He was quite dedicated to his work and it was admirable. Especially when I could barely find any inspiration to do my assignments. Whenever we shared a few of our classes I was amazed by his knowledge and drive to learn even more.
“That’s good, you’ve got this, Mingi.” I gave him an encouraging smile and he chuckled, looking at me knowingly.
“So, did you start your design?” I fake laughed and took a swing of my beer after taking it back from Mingi.
“You know me, I’ll do it two or three days before the deadline.”
“At this point I’m afraid you’ll fail.” Mingi’s eyebrows furrowed and I chuckled, shrugging.
“Don’t worry, I function best under pressure.” I saluted him mockingly and Mingi chuckled, soon our attention on Seonghwa as him and Sooyoung approached us.
“I really want to dance,” Seonghwa said, drunkenly gazing at Mingi, “Are you coming?”
Mingi just sighed but stood up, throwing an arm around Seonghwa’s shoulders, “Of course, I’m coming. Someone needs to make sure you don’t trip over your own legs.”
Sooyoung and I chuckled as we followed after the two boys despite me not being too fond of the idea. I didn’t feel like dancing tonight, but I didn’t want to leave Sooyoung alone, and besides, I could see it in Mingi’s eyes that he didn’t want to be alone with the two. Whatever was going on between them, which both were denying, was pretty obvious.
The music was loud in the bigger room compared to the kitchen and I looked around, realizing it must’ve been a sort of library hence the bookcases on both sides of the room were filled with books. My heart broke a bit for the books, I could only hope no one was stupid enough to damage them. Otherwise the room was cleared up and there was a table with a mixing console on it, the DJ standing behind it and playing trendy songs everyone seemed to enjoy. The bas thrummed against my chest and I downed my beer in one go before I pushed through the crowd, making way for myself and my friends. Somewhere in the middle we found a good spot and formed a circle starting to dance.
I couldn’t tell how much time passed before I needed to use the restroom, but just as I went to tell Mingi I would be leaving for a few minutes, he leaned in to tell me that he needed some air. And so, after telling Seonghwa and Sooyoung where we were headed, Mingi and I took off hand in hand towards the exit. We agreed on meeting in the kitchen in around ten minutes before heading back to our friends, and so we parted, going on our way. The bathroom was in the far back of the house and I was thankful as the music didn’t reach here, I could finally hear my thoughts. The air was gradually better too compared to the suffocating heath in the library like room. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long to make it inside the bathroom and I was quick in doing my business, washing my hands thoroughly before splashing some cold water on my face, tapping it against my flaming skin. Perhaps I should join Mingi outside for a second before grabbing another drink. I huffed and smoothed down the top of my hair, baby hairs all over the place, before I unlocked the door and left the quiet bathroom. The hallways had no lights but it was fine as the living room was well lit up and it poured out here too. There was a staircase leading upstairs, but it was barricaded off and I knew not to go upstairs even if I wanted to. Just as I went to walk past the staircase, someone collided into my shoulder, knocking me slightly backwards. I gasped in surprise and looked back, surprised to see a slightly familiar face. The guy was younger, and he quickly apologized before a look of recognition crossed his features. Despite it being almost two months ago, I remembered his name. Chan. The guy Yunho threatened with a gun. I gulped and accepted his apology, about to walk off when he spoke up again.
“Don’t I know you?” He asked with narrowed eyes and I cursed silently, facing him again.
“Uh, barely.” I offered with a small smile and Chan hummed, eyebrows furrowing.
“Weren’t you with Yunho once?” So he remembered too, huh.
“Chan, right?” I raised an eyebrow and suddenly the guy was grinning and extending his hand towards me to shake.
“Knew it,” He said with a chuckle as I reluctantly shook his hand, “I don’t know your name though.”
“It’s Y/N.” I introduced myself and Chan smiled, his grip lingering for a second longer than necessary. It unsettled me as I cleared my throat and very obviously made to leave, but Chan seemed like he wanted to talk a little bit more.
“I had no idea you knew Jeonghan.” My eyebrows raised at the name and I thought for a second until I realized he was the host.
“I don’t, my best friend does though.” I explained and Chan hummed, a small smirk appearing on his lips.
“Now that I come to think of it,” He took a step forward and I willed myself to not move backwards, “Yunho never mentioned you again after that night.”
Oh, well…that didn’t feel nice to know. I thought we were sort of friends by now, but maybe Yunho needed more time. Our relationship dynamic was still weird and most of times I didn’t know where to put us, so maybe Yunho was feeling the same way. Or maybe there was something dangerous about this guy and Yunho just simply avoided talking about me in his presence. Our encounter that night felt almost fresh in my memories and I willed myself to not think about the gun pointed at this younger guy.
“He must have a reason, then.” I found myself answering with a cold smile, ready to excuse myself finally, “My friend is waiting for me—”
“Just because he doesn’t mention you doesn’t mean we don’t know about you, Y/N.” His sinister smile and cold tone sent a chill down my spine and my eyebrows furrowed as I looked at Chan, “Do you have a tattoo?”
That was a very random question, one that took me off guard as my eyebrows raised, “Uh, no, I—”
“What a pleasant sight, Lee Chan.” A sharp tone cut me off and I turned my head to see Yunho approaching us in all of his tall glory. His glare was sharp and body stiff as he came to a stop next to me, instantly pressing his warm palm against the small of my back. It made me straighten up slightly as I gazed at Yunho’s profile, surprised to see him here.
“Thought you weren’t coming, Yunho.” Chan said with a chuckle, eyes falling between the two of us and the non-existent space between our bodies as Yunho pressed up against me, his musky cologne invading my senses.
“Maybe you should check on your friend, Chan, he might be unable to walk for a week or two.” The dark smirk which crossed Yunho’s lips made me gulp, and I watched as Chan’s expression fell, suddenly it felt like we were back to that chilly night out on the street.
“You son of a bitch,” Chan hissed and marched up to Yunho, who didn’t even as a little as flinched, “What did you do to Hansol?”
“Nothing he won’t survive.” My eyebrows furrowed as I looked up at Yunho, who seemed to be unbothered by my piercing gaze. Chan hissed under his breath and with one lasting glare quickly stormed off, grabbing for his phone as he raced towards the front door. I released a breath I didn’t know I had been holding just as Yunho faced me, and I took in his attire in surprise. His black long-sleeved blouse was tight and was unclasped down to his chest, blank ink peeking through from underneath on his left pectoral. His outfit was completed by black leather pants and his black hair, which fell messily against his forehead. I was snapped out of my staring the second I felt Yunho caging me in against the railing of the staircase, big palm still pressing against the small of my back, eyes very slowly dragging up from his exposed milky chest to his chocolate warm brown eyes, which were narrowed and carried a hint of frustration.
“What did he want?” His voice was low and it brought a flush to my cheeks as I looked up at him, suddenly all too aware of the lack of space between us.
“Nothing much.” I muttered with a shrug, but Yunho didn’t seem to believe me as he lowered his head, eyes boring into mine. His gaze made my skin crawl and my fingers twitched as I placed my hands behind my back, doing everything in me I could to focus on his eyes and not on his cherry red plush lips, which were too close to my face all of a sudden.
“Don’t lie to me.” His right knuckles grazed against the skin of my cheek and I gulped as something coiled in my stomach. Was I this transparent? He could read me so easily.
“He just asked if I have a tattoo or something.” I answered after a beat of silence and Yunho’s eyebrows slightly furrowed as I dared to peek at his chest again, the ink more visible because of his stance. The collar of his shirt fell lower and I could make out a thick line which went in a circle and the tip of a letter, perhaps A?
“And what did you say?” His forefinger was suddenly underneath my chin as he tipped my head back, pulling my eyes away from his chest. I blushed furiously because of the amusement in Yunho’s eyes and the wide smirk on his lips, I was caught staring. His voice was low and breathy and I bit my lower lip for a second, trying to ignore his proximity and scent as his head seemed to be even closer to mine right now.
“No—nothing,” I exhaled and licked my lips, “you got here when I was answering him.”
“Good girl.” My legs shouldn’t have almost given out at his praise, but my mind wasn’t clear anymore. Yunho’s scent and proximity were intoxicating and I sure as hell wasn’t drunk from one beer, but everything about Yunho made me feel like it. I don’t know when it happened, but I couldn’t pull my eyes off Yunho whenever we were hanging out. And when we were at university, I was just like the others, flocking towards his bright and warm aura, desperate for his attention at times. When it was just the two of us, I yearned for his warmth and dangerous eyes, often breathless when his voice dropped to chastise me for something. When we hung out with our circle of close friends, I wanted his undivided attention on myself only. I had come to realize that Jeong Yunho was insanely good-looking and his mysterious aura was nothing but a little spark which made him even more irresistible.   
“Wanna get out of here?” I heard him asking once I was done daydreaming, “I know you don’t like parties.”
I nodded wordlessly and as Yunho slowly, without breaking eye contact, pulled away I almost chased after him, hands balling up into fists in order to prevent myself of doing something I might regret later. There wasn’t a label to our relationship, but friends certainly didn’t want to fuck each other, therefore I needed to keep myself in check and control my desires.
            After letting our friends know that Yunho and I would be leaving we got our jackets and went up to Yunho’s car. It was slightly dirty, which made me wonder where he had been as he had a habit of keeping his car crystal clean, even just a speck of dust made him wash it. The car ride was quicker than I expected as we flew through the quiet city, lights blurring at the speed Yunho was driving. He wasn’t a reckless driver, but it seemed like he was eager to get home. I couldn’t blame him, there was nothing better than the feeling of finally reaching home after a long and tiring day. I could imagine Yunho’s had been the same after he texted me in the morning that he had some business outside of the city and wouldn’t attend his classes, therefore we wouldn’t meet up. It was a surprise that he even made it to the party. It wasn’t the first time Yunho and I hung out in his apartment, but it was the first time I had come here so late and without a real purpose. Usually we huddled together to study, Yunho’s determination finally rubbing off on me to do to my assignments in time or when our friend group wanted to hang out and have a chill night.
After Yunho and I got settled, he went and grabbed a bottle of red wine, saying he needed it after the day he had. I didn’t complain as I watched him from the couch, body turned around and eyes running all over his frame. The clothes he wore did an amazing job at showing off his forms and I couldn’t help it but linger on his shoulders and waist as he had his back to me, grabbing around his counter while he had the wine in front of him. He popped it open without much struggle and then poured some red wine in two glasses, putting the bottle away. I watched as he turned around and leaned his hips against the counter, crossing one arm over his chest as he grabbed a glass and raised it to his lips, closing his eyes. He took a small sniff of the beverage before taking a long sip, letting out a content sigh. The image shouldn’t have made the hairs on my skin stand, yet all I could do was watch and gulp, mind blank until Yunho’s dark eyes snapped open and he smiled. It was mischievous as he spoke up.
“Won’t you get yours?” He pointed at the second glass and I hummed, wondering whether I should mix beer and wine, but it’s been a few hours since I last had beer. Besides, I was feeling fine. It shouldn’t do any damage. So, I pushed off the couch and approached him carefully, feeling fidgety under his sharp gaze. His eyes followed my every step as I stopped next to him and grabbed the glass, copying him. I sniffed it before I took a careful sip of it, the sweet taste exploding in my mouth. I hummed and took a bigger sip, appreciative of its taste. Yunho was smiling as he sipped his, and we remained standing like that as I tried to find anything to look at which wasn’t Yunho. The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, but it was getting too much and I felt like I needed to break it, so I spoke up, “You never told me you had a tattoo.”
Yunho eyebrows slightly raised, almost surprised that I knew, until he glanced down at himself and chuckled, “Ah, I forgot this blouse was low cut.”
“It’s not low cut,” I snickered, “You’re just wearing it like that.”
“Are you saying I should button up?” He asked with a playful smirk and I just smiled while shrugging. If he did that perhaps I would stop staring, but I wasn’t about to say that to him.
“So…does it mean anything?” I asked nonchalantly, having now an excuse to look at his exposed chest as Yunho glanced down too. He remained silent as he looked up, eyes searching my face for a few seconds before he lowered his glass on the counter.
“Not one you’re expecting to hear.” He said lowly and I raised an eyebrow as he suddenly stepped closer, looking down at me with a serious expression and darkening eyes, “Do you want to know?”
I gulped and busied myself with the glass I had in my hand as I looked down at it, pursing my lips in thought. I was trying to ignore the rapid beating of my heart but Yunho took away my only distraction as he took the glass from my hands and placed it on the counter next to his, now I was forced to look at him.
“I guess.” I muttered, hoping he couldn’t hear the shake of my voice. His scent was once again all around me and it was hard to focus on anything he was saying.
“But if I tell you…” He took a step forward, making me step back and collide into the counter, “and you tell anyone…”
My body tensed as he reached forward and pressed his thumb against my lower lip, eyes focused on my lips, “I will have to kill you, angel.”
I gulped as I shuddered, and Yunho lightly dragged my lower lip down, licking his lips as we looked at each other. His gaze was challenging and dark, lips about to break into a sneer as I was scared but intrigued, “I won’t tell anyone.”
“How can I know for sure?” Was he testing me? His voice dropped to an almost whisper and he cocked his head to the side, eyebrows raised almost mockingly, “You have a vengeful personality, who knows what you’ll blabber on about if I happen to hurt you.”
“Don’t hurt me then.” I snapped and Yunho chuckled, but there was nothing amusing about it.
“Are you reckless or simply dumb?” He was taunting me and I didn’t like it. I grabbed his wrist and glared at him, pulling his hand back and thumb off my lips.
“That’s some nerve coming from someone who was everywhere I went and knows everything about me without actually knowing me.” Yunho’s lips pulled up into an amused grin at the way I snapped at him, nose scrunched in annoyance.
“I’m in a gang,” He stepped impossibly close and placed both hands on the counter on both sides of body, “A very dangerous gang, the tattoo is to signify where I belong to.”
I gulped, slightly thrown off. I was expecting many reasons to answer the enigma around Yunho, but I didn’t exactly envision him being involved into gang activities or the mafia, even. Was he just simply not saying? Wouldn’t be the first time he lied to me.
“Why did Chan ask if I have a tattoo?” My voice was hard and I tried not to shake when I felt Yunho’s large hands gripping my waist. His hold was firm, like he was afraid I would run away.
“Because,” Yunho licked his lips as he lowered his head so I didn’t have to crane my neck up so high, “if you’re mine you have to get the tattoo as well.”
“But I’m not yours.” I quickly said as I tried to process everything and ignore the way Yunho’s grip tightened around my hips and jaw clenched, “And I don’t want to have a tattoo.”
“Then you won’t have one,” Yunho’s tongue peeked out as he liked his lips swiftly, his eyes glued onto my lips, “But you are mine, Y/N.”
Before I could ask him since when, Yunho closed the gap between us and pressed his plush lips against mine. I didn’t mean to flinch, but it was unexpected and rough as his hands on my waist pushed me up onto the counter, easing the height difference a little between us. I kissed back when I felt him about to pull back, probably thrown off by my lack of response, and Yunho was quick to smash his lips against mine with a fever, setting a hasty and messy rhythm as my head was tilted back and arms circled around his shoulders. It was everything I have envisioned and yet nothing like it. His lips were plush and warm yet rough and relentless as he bit at my lower lip, almost as if he was trying to inhale the whole of me. His scent was the only thing I could smell around us and my brain was fogged up as Yunho’s lean body pressed into mine, pushing me flushed against himself by placing his hand on my back. My legs parted wider, making more space for Yunho as one of my hands traveled towards his hair, gripping at the black wavy strands firmly. His warmth was overwhelming and it made me breathless as his large hand wrapped around my neck as if he needed something to hold onto. My lungs were screaming for air and I pulled back once it got too much, lightheaded as I leaned forward, teeth attaching against the soft skin of Yunho’s neck. His chest was falling and rising rapidly, just as breathless as I was feeling, the hand from my neck traveling to my nape as I pressed open mouthed kisses against his skin, lips trailing down to his collarbone. Yunho groaned when I bit lightly at it, teasing and licking, before I was pulled back and forcefully met with lips against my own. It didn’t take long for Yunho to push his tongue against my lips, asking for permission. I opened up without hesitation, letting him take the lead as his wet tongue licked against mine, humming, the vibrations traveling through my whole body as I pulled on the smaller strands of his hair. Yunho tasted like the red wine he just had, sweet and so intoxicating that I couldn’t get enough of him. His tongue explored my mouth as my hips bucked against him and I wasn’t surprised to find him just as affected as I was feeling. I could feel him through his leather pants and the friction was much needed against my throbbing core as I grinded against him once again, catching his lower lip between my teeth as he went to pull back. Yunho’s eyes were the darkest I had ever seen them and his cheeks were lightly flushed as he grabbed my nape firmly, jaw clenching and lips plump from the kissing.
“Bedroom, right now.” His voice was raspy and it sent a chill down my spine as I quickly clung onto him, legs firm around his waist as he walked us to his bedroom, large hands holding me up by my ass and allowing me to grind against him as Yunho groaned and nipped at my lower lip until we were standing in his dark bedroom. He carefully lowered me and onto the ground and I was quick to get rid of my jeans and shirt, helping Yunho in undoing the zipper of his leather pants as he had gotten rid of his blouse. I allowed myself to stare unabashedly at his body, taking in his lean but muscular form as he towered over me, stomach well defined and thighs thick. It was a sight worthy for drooling and I snapped out of it when Yunho started walking me backwards, not expecting me to palm him through his boxers. He sucked in a harsh breath and allowed me to feel him up and massage him before I was pushed down onto the bed by my shoulders. I scooted back before he crawled towards me and leaned down to press kisses against my neck and shoulder, tongue flattening against the flush skin of my collarbones before he sucked hard at a patch of skin, making me groan at the sting. His kisses didn’t stop there as he kissed down between my breasts, biting at the skin before he continued, all the way down to my stomach. I was panting and itching to grip onto his hair, but his face was in front of mine in an instant and he kissed me breathless once again. My nails dug into his back as my hands roamed over it, mapping every flaw of his skin, soaking in his warmth. Before I could register it, his fingers were ghosting over my thigh and slowly itching closer to my panties. I groaned into his mouth as he yanked them down, eyes opened as Yunho pulled back just slightly, hot breath hitting my face as one finger slowly slipped inside my wet hole. I gasped at the feeling and Yunho groaned, lips pressing against my cheek as he pushed himself up by one hand near my head. He slowly started thrusting it in and out, making my eyebrows furrow as he dragged the movement out, not waiting long to add another long finger. I grabbed his arm as my toes curled and hips lifted off the soft cover of the bed, trying to meet his lazy thrusts. They weren’t enough and they made my skin burn as my other hand tangled into his hair.
“Please, Yunho,” I whispered out, moan choked back as his thumb pressed against my clit, stomach coiling at the added sensation, “Faster.”
His teeth bit into the skin of my jaw, not hard enough to leave a bruise as he slightly picked up his pace, fingers curling against my walls and making my back arch off the bed as he rubbed harsher and faster against my clit, fingers thrusting in and out. A knot was forming in my stomach as more sound left my lips, sharp exhales and broken moans as Yunho’s fingers reached the spot which made my back arch off the bed, my own hips picking up its pace as I chased for an orgasm.
“Such a good girl,” Yunho rasped in my ear, making me moan as his finger grazed the spot again, “you were so patient for me.”
“Yunho.” Our eyes connected and I pulled his head closer by the hand I had tangled in his hair, “Please—”
“Not yet.” He bit my lower lip as his hand stilled, making me whine as my walls clenched down against his fingers, every nerve in my body burning. I tried to move my hips despite it, but Yunho’s fingers quickly were pulled out from where I needed him most and I watched helplessly as he sat back, the tent in his boxers obvious. He proceeded to pull my panties all the way down before getting rid of his own boxers, pumping himself as his head fell back. I watched with hungry eyes as his size came as no surprise, matching the massivity of his body. He reached over my head, holding a package as he opened it, putting on the condom before he hovered over my body. For a second he didn’t move and my skin tingled in anticipation as I reached my arms around his shoulders, pulling his hot body against mine, whispering in his ear.
“Yunho, just fuck me already.” I didn’t expect him to moan and before I could blink, his tip was at my entrance, slowly pushing in. My mouth opened as I clenched my eyes shut, surprised at the burn as he stretched me out more and more as he slid inside. He was bigger than anyone I was with before and I needed a moment to adjust to his size as Yunho pressed kisses all over my face, biting my earlobe.
“You can’t tell anyone.” He said lowly, and despite our predicament I heard the threat in his words.
“Which part?” I questioned despite knowing what he was talking about, hand trailing down his smooth back.
“The gang part.” Yunho clarified, as if I needed it, lightly thrusting up. I gasped and gripped his sides, walls clenching around him, making him groan.
“I won’t, I won’t, just—” My voice broke off as he did the same again, smirk on his lips, “Move, please, Yunho.”
“As you wish, angel.” He whispered in my ear before pulling out almost all the way and slamming back inside, making me gasp loudly as I didn’t expect it. Yunho’s smirk stayed glued to his lips as he did it again, ripping a loud whine from between my lips, nails digging into his skin as he set an excruciatingly slow rhythm. It did no good but rile me up and make me reach around for anything to hold onto as my body flamed, walls clenching more around him, desperate for more friction. But Yunho seemed to enjoy the desperate state I was in as he chuckled, and suddenly, I felt his big hands bringing mine together, pushed above my head as he pinned my wrists together and pushed them down harshly into the mattress. He suddenly was moving, getting up onto his knees and sitting back as his right hand slipped under my lower back, guiding me up, lower back hovering in the air. Yunho only paused for a small second, eyes connecting with mine before he moved, sharp and clear, pace nothing like the slow one previously. I moaned loudly as he started rocking his hips harshly, pace relentless and dick reaching deeper than before, making my hands ball up into fists as I couldn’t hold onto anything with Yunho pinning them above my head. It didn’t take long for Yunho to get vocal, cursing under his breath as his eyes were closed and he was biting his lower lip, pace picking up the louder my moans got. I couldn’t focus on anything else but the pleasure building up in my lower abdomen and the electricity coursing through my veins, mind wrapped up in the scent of Yunho, the feel of Yunho…Yunho.
“Yunho.” He was the only thing I could think about and at the desperation in my voice he got rougher, pistoning his hips at an unforgiving pace, making me cry out in pleasure as my hips thrusted up, chasing for an orgasm as I tried to meet Yunho’s frantic thrusts. He finally released my wrists and gripped my hips firmly with both hands as he helped me move against him, my head thrown back at the constant ripples of pleasure as my fingers tangled into the sheets above head and twisted hard, moans of Yunho’s name tumbling through my lips. He was panting loudly and whines left his lips as I could feel him throbbing and I knew he was close like I was.
“Fuck, Y/N, you feel so good.” He moaned out as my walls clenched down hard on his length, toes curling and mind completely fogged up with pleasure. The second his cold thumb started rubbing circles against my clit I saw stars and I came with a high-pitched moan of his name, Yunho’s hips stuttering before he guided my hips, riding out my orgasm just as he muttered a quiet fuck before he came too, groan low and guttural, movements never ceasing until it became too much and I whined, gripping his wrist in an attempt to ask him to stop as I haven’t managed to find my voice yet. Yunho groaned as his hips stuttered and slowly stopped, panting hard as he stared down at me. My eyes took him in before they stuck to the tattoo on his left pectoral. It was big. A big circle going around the letter A and cutting into it at the bottom. I shuddered as he slipped out and got off the bed, leaving my limp body on the bed to recover as my fingers tangled in my hair in an attempt to tame the wild strands. Yunho got rid of the used condom before he stood by the bed, towering over me. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he leaned down and tucked the covers away, effortlessly picking me up and slipping me underneath them. He got in next to me and pulled the soft covers over our bodies. I sighed in content at the warmth spreading over my naked body and nuzzled my nose into the pillow which smelled so much like Yunho. I felt him shift behind me before the front of his big body was pressed against my back, a hand coming around my body to hold me. I didn’t expect him to grip my neck firmly and push me back even more into himself as he slightly leaned over me. I was able to look at him from the corner of my eyes and I watched the menacing look on his face and the darkness in his chocolate brown eyes as he leaned close enough to be able to whisper.
“You don’t have to get a tattoo,” Despite his expression, his tone was soft, “but you’re mine and everyone else will know about it. I’ll make sure.”
I gulped as Yunho pressed a chaste kiss against my cheek before his long fingers slipped from my neck, making me realize I had been holding my breath. I released it shakily and felt him settle down behind me once again, nose pushing against my shoulder blade as his arm was firmly planted around my middle.
“Alright, let’s say I’m yours for now.” I found myself saying, but didn’t expect the chuckle from Yunho. I didn’t like being called nicknames nor being claimed like I was an object, but they didn’t sound so bad coming from Yunho’s mouth, they held no menace nor ulterior motives.
I didn’t know what this made us, but I knew I had one or two secrets to keep and that Yunho wasn’t letting me go nowhere from his sight.
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⟨Part 2⟩
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hannyoontify · 1 year
[20:27] you restlessly tapped your fingers on the handle of your suitcase, looking around the vast, quiet hotel lobby. there was a handful of people, some lounging in the waiting area while others were aggressively tapping on their phones while looking around urgently. you could pick up on a few unintelligible mutters in german and you checked on your watch, for what seemed to be the 100th time that evening.
the hotel you were staying in was placed on the edge of a cliff that overlooked berlin, and while you were looking around, you caught a glimpse of the berlin night sky that was aglow with bright city lights. peering out the window, you found yourself wondering where jeonghan would be in the midst of the restless city.
you had flown out to berlin only shortly after he had–originally to surprise him for your upcoming 3 year anniversary–but after hearing about his delayed flight and the possibility of him being late to the show, you cancelled all reservations and planned on pampering jeonghan with all the love and affection you could physically muster out of your body.
while you were deep in thought, jeonghan pulled up to the hotel with the rest of his staff, exhausted from a long day of photoshoots and interviews. he was still dressed up, with the exception of the black heeled boots being replaced with his white, fluffy bunny slippers (ones that he brought from home–a matching couple gift from you).
when he stepped into the hotel lobby, the last person jeonghan was expecting to see was you, your pretty lips pulled into a small smile while you stared off into space. you looked up and jeonghan could see your eyes brighten as you yelled his name with a bright smile.
before jeonghan's brain could properly process what his tired, jet lagged body was doing, he dropped his duffel bag on the floor and threw himself into your open arms.
'you're here..' he mumbled into the fabric of your clothing. inhaling the scent of your fabric softener, the tension in jeonghan's body seemed to naturally dissipate. 'you're here, you're actually here'
your hand reached out to pat his head. 'of course i'm here, silly. did you think i would be on the other side of the world for our 3 year anniversary?'
jeonghan felt his stomach, heart, and the rest of his internal organs drop past his feet, into the deepest, darkest pits of hell. he pulled away from the hug and looked at you blown, panicked eyes.
'[name], love, i don't know if i can-'
you smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to his soft lips. 'don't worry about it. we're spending our 3 year anniversary in your hotel room, drinking flutes of sparkly champagne and building legos. i brought a couple sets and we can always order more'
'did i ever tell you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me?'
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a/n : i honestly wanted to write more but i thought it was getting a little out of hand so i stopped here hehe i wanted to write this after hearing abt his delayed flights and his sweet messages on weverse telling carats not to worry and he seemed super nonchalant about the entire thing so i wasn't too worried but i had this lingering thought/worry about how exhausted he probably is, waiting at the airport for 13 hours while his flights kept getting delayed so this was kinda self indulgent in a way where i comfort myself by comforting him 🥲 HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED YSL BERLIN JEONGHAN TOOK MY LIVING BREATH AWAY HE'S SO GORGEOUS I'M IN LOVEEEE
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not-wholly-unheroic · 2 months
Idk if you've ever talked about the Descendants franchise but now seeing that there's a young Captain Hook there I wanted to ask if you saw it and what were your thoughts?
I have seen some (though not all) of the Descendants films. The music is catchy, I’ll give them that. I enjoy a lot of the soundtracks. But…I honestly just can’t really take them seriously.
The kids aren’t really all that “villainous” even when they’re supposed to be evil. They are, at best, wannabe goth/emo kids who cause a little trouble but I have personally met in real life high school kids who were more intimidating than the VK’s at their worst. It’s…cringey and sort of insulting to the Disney villains, in my opinion. Like, some of the villains probably wouldn’t even HAVE kids but if they did…they definitely wouldn’t let their kids out of their sight looking and acting like THAT. Like what is Harry doing dancing around with his dad’s prosthetic like it’s a fashion statement?? And I’m sorry but as much as I love Kristin Chenoweth in some of her other work, she was NOT the right person to cast as the Mistress of All Evil. To use a quote from Mushu, “Oh, I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover.” So…I haven’t been able to make myself watch the new Rise of Red film because I’m frankly scared of how badly they’ve probably butchered young Hook’s character.
Also…it bothers me when people just like a version of Hook ONLY because they find a new version of him attractive and that seems to be what’s going on with this film. Almost every post I’ve seen about him in Rise of Red is about his attractiveness. And like…yes, Hook is supposed to be attractive. He always has been. (Have you read Barrie? Have you seen Hans Conried in his Hook outfit he wore to audition for Disney? Have you seen Jason Isaacs in the 2003 film?) The problem I have with a lot of these newer interpretations of Hook (like the one in OUAT) isn’t that that make him attractive. The problem is that they often strip him of everything else that makes him James Hook. They get rid of a lot of the complex and often conflicting traits of a refined Etonian gentleman who is also a murderous outlaw of the high seas and replace them with this…generic pirate character that gives vague Jack Sparrow vibes. And listen, if that’s your thing, I’m not saying you can’t enjoy it… But that character is not and never will be Captain James Hook. Give me Pirate Fairy James any day over this new Hook. At least they got his personality right.
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mabelstone · 8 months
Boy Next Door
matt stone x fem reader
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i'm back. mabel finish a fic before starting a new one challenge i don't want to write Y/N anymore so for now i will use [name] as a filler LOL is that even worse? this was one of the first ideas i ever had and i'm sure its widely overused on here but i really loved writing this. will probably turn it into a series lol we'll see but at least one or two more parts to come xx
The removal of the sold sign and the influx of moving vans this past week was a dead give away that I now had a new neighbour. I seriously prayed for someone cool to move in, as I have an almost certain suspicion that the previous owners were drug dealers. I hadn't actually seen them yet and I wasn't planning on going over and introducing myself as my neighbourhood was notorious for keeping to itself. Unless you count that awkward wave you give to the person across the street when you're taking out your bins at the same time. It was a quiet place, all the more reason to love it. We were all living in synchronous harmony in our quiet, private little bubbles.
I had a routine of hitting the hay around 9:30pm, 10pm on a bad night, which in itself was a luxury. Tonight, I'd already set myself up. Fed the dog, fed myself, showered, watched a bit of telly, then got cosy in bed around 9pm. I turned off my TV, and that's when I noticed the repetitious bumping of heavy bass brought to life by the speakers next door. It's okay, I told myself, closing my eyes and trying block out the sound best I could. Is it getting louder? I suspected I may be paranoid or hyper focused on the sound because I have work at 6am. I ended up dozing off, thankfully.
Then the next thing I knew, I was being awoken by a loud smash of glass, and an even louder, "aw, come on, man! You're paying for that!"
I couldn't have been imagining it, because now instead of a steady thump of bass, I could now hear loud and clear the lyrics to MAAD City by Kendrick Lamar as if he were performing a live concert in my bedroom. I rolled over to check my phone. 11:45pm. That's it.
I - a bit dramatically, I must admit - threw my blankets off and threw on my dressing gown, storming out my front door in my stupid bunny head slippers. Despite the great choice of music, I was absolutely furious, the bass bumping so hard as I approached the door, I could feel it in my chest. I knocked on the door so hard my knuckles stung. No answer. I waited a moment, then proceeded to bash on the door with all my might. A few moments later, my hands on my hips and a scowl on my face that screamed, 'I don't care if you think I'm lame, you've royally pissed me off,' the door opened.
A man with kind of short, kind of long, curly brown hair stood before me with ugly oval rimmed glasses, an aquiline nose, and a bottle of beer in his hand. "...hello?" The look on his face almost read, do I know you?
"Hello. I live next door," I huffed, arms now tightly crossed over my chest. Don't get angry, compose yourself. "It's almost midnight on a Sunday. Could you please... tone it down a bit?"
“Oh absolutely, sorry, miss…?”
"Well, nice to meet you," he reached his hand out to shake mine, which I begrudgingly accepted, a little gap in his teeth on display. "I'll turn it down right now." He pulled out his phone and showed me him pressing the volume down button repeatedly, the music complying.
"Thank you." I wasn't interested in chatting, instead I stormed back into my house with an emphatic sigh, slamming the door behind me. I shucked off my gown and climbed back into bed, grateful that now I'd hopefully get an okay sleep.
Less than ten minutes later, the music is cranked back up and now theres a ball repeatedly hitting my fence. "For God's sake," I yelled to nobody, charging for the neighbours house barefooted.
I was so angry at this point, I didn't even care that I was in skimpy little Victoria's Secret pyjamas I'd owned since high school.
As I shamelessly bashed on his door, I tried to block out the little voice in my head that pleaded, just let it go, and, your actions have consequences. Absolutely livid, I waited, and waited. My fist inches away from punching a hole through the door, it opened once more.
The same curly headed man from earlier, this time more noticeably inebriated. Or high. Please, for the love of God, just be an occasional user and not a dealer. “Well, what a pleasant surprise! Decided to come party?”
“No, I did not come to party!” I snapped, my anger seemingly unleashing itself in the form of a foot stomp, similarly to how a spoilt 5 year old would. “I want you to have some respect and turn this shit down! Or better yet, off!”
One of his friends appeared in the doorway, eyes half lidded and probably the same shade of red as my face currently. "That's not party attire," he snorted, being pulled away by someone in a... Spiderman costume? What kind of party is this?
I sighed deeply, pinching the upper bridge of my nose with eyes screwed shut as tightly as my fist. I was on the verge of tears, and I think he noticed by the way he quickly dropped his act.
“Okay, okay. I'm turning it off right now.” He must've realised how much of an inconsiderate dick he was being. He reached into his pocket and turned off the music, sighing down at me. I heard a few short lived groans from the other side of the door. An annoyed, “duuuude that was my song,” before the drunken chatter quickly resumed.
“Thanks,” I muttered, yawning into my hand (for dramatic effect, of course).
“Matt, bring the lady in,” one guy slurred against the door frame as if I wasn't even there. “Wanna play basketball with her,” he professed, before stumbling back into the house.
“Oh, yeah, if that ball hits my fence one more time I'll tear it down and beat you with the wood.” I walked away after this, feeling quite proud of myself, actually. We should normalise occasional temper tantrums in adults.
Thankfully, the music remained off as I got back in bed, almost immediately drifting off.
BANG. Then that fucking ball hit my fence again, followed by followed by my new neighbour scolding someone indistinguishably. Then, in a slightly louder voice intended for my ears, “sorry, [name].”
Due to my disrupted sleep last night, I nearly slept in. I confess, I am a bit of a princess with my sleep. I spent my morning racing around like a headless chicken, spilling coffee all over my white blouse, having to change, which pushed me back another minute. I rushed out to my car, only to find, to my demise, I've been blocked in. Some random vehicle, probably belonging to one of the degenerates next door, hanging 3/4 over my driveway.
Almost with a feeling synonymous with deja-vu, I flounced to the neighbours', determined to fuck his shit up, to put it plainly. I pounded on the door impatiently with both fists, tapping my foot while I waited. A random man clad in a t-shirt depicting a stick figure humping the word 'IT' answered the door.
“Excuse me, who’s car is this?” I pointed to the car blocking my driveway, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“Fuck, dude, I was sleeping,” he groaned, and I didn't even try and hide my eye roll. Karma, I thought. “I don’t know,” he rubbed his eyes like a child, thinning my already impossibly thin patience.
“Where is Matt?”
“Probably sleeping, man, it’s like, barely even morning yet.”
I was painfully close to losing my temper. To avoid combusting on the spot, I sighed and pushed past the potentially still drunk guest. Or maybe other new neighbour. I sure hope not.
I scrunched my nose up at the state of his place - beer bottles strewn everywhere, the stale smell of cigarettes and weed clinging to the furniture, guests were passed out in each corner of the living room. I hugged my handbag close to me and stepped over the scattered limbs like a contortionist dodging laser beams, adamant on disrupting Matt's slumber like he had mine. I navigated his long hallway, pushing open every door, scoffing at the half naked bloke with two naked women clinging to either side of him. I near shuddered in disgust, wanting nothing more than to disinfect my entire body after being in the war zone of his house. Maybe I was only being so judgemental because I was irrevocably angry. Maybe.
I eventually found his room, which to my surprise, was almost compulsively clean and ordered with Patrick Bateman level precision. I stood before his bed with folded arms and wondered to myself if maybe he'd think I had some kind of bone disfigurement that kept my arms bent across me. I quickly relaxed them at my side.
"Matt," I spoke sternly. He didn't even stir. I bent down close to his face, raising my voice this time. "Matt."
Finally, his eyes flung open and he jumped, clamping a hand over his chest as if to stop it from bursting through his skin. “Fuck!” he panted softly. I rolled my eyes at him as he caught his breath and pulled away. As if deliberately oblivious, he stretched and spoke halfway through a groan, “to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Who’s car is parked over my driveway?”
“I have no clue,” he breathed as he smooshed his face into his pillow, voice still thick and croaky with sleep. His hair was unruly, but his glasses were neatly folded on his bedside table beside a glass of water and a packet of Advil.
“I’m going to be late for work,” I exclaimed as calmly as possible, though I was on the verge of a tantrum. I was oddly self conscious that he'd only seen me furious. “Whoever it belongs to, it needs to be moved. Like, five minutes ago.”
“Alright,” he sighed, groggily pushing the blanket from his body and sliding his glasses on, only clad in pyjama pants with m&m’s printed all over them.
He lead me through the dormant chaos of his house, even scrunching up his face from the mess. Or maybe the smell. He pushed a blind to the side and glanced out onto the street, seeing the culprit; a silver Mitsubishi Lancer. He then walked over to the supposed owner, kicking him softly in the side where he was laying on the floor. “Move your car, dude.”
The man just groaned and patted his jean pocket, face smushed into the little couch cushion beneath him, weakly handing the keys to Matt. He just rolled his eyes and trudged out the front, and I followed close enough behind that I almost nicked his heels with every step.
He clambered into the drivers seat with the air of a zombie, pulling the car onto the side of the road. I wasted no time getting into my car, reversing out of the driveway and rolling down my window, pulling up beside him. “Thank you,” I smiled with genuine appreciation, watching him run a hand through his hair in my rear view as I drove away.
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your-local-uwu-artist · 6 months
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oh yeah! started working on my own take on nicktoons unite gang 'glow ups' sea sponges don't change much but i can't leave the guy out so heres this >:D
artist ramble under the cut
-shout out to my lettering work it looks nice >:D
-i asked myself 'what items would spongebob carry on him at all times' and preceded to project 'items i would carry on me at all times if i could'
-decided to go with a pie-cut instead of pupil for the eyes because i'm hoping it'll make him look extra cartoony next to the rest of nicktoons unite gang
-almost gave him gary slippers instead but than i remembered sea bunnies and that idea won
-almost gave him the non binary flag or just the asexual flag for that one tie but the aroace flag reminds me of a beach so it was the winner for that
-i forgor to color the lines in the sleeves on the far left :(
-btw the spongebob wiki has a page for spatulas that legit is just
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-there is actually like consistent hole count and placement for spongebob but i decided to ignore that sense 1. I am drawing this as one guy and not for an animation team. 2. because it's not like, significant, idk the word for this but essentially the concept that accuracy doesn't matter as much as believability and clarity, for example, when someone animates an instrument they likely won't have it be animated 'correctly' because it doesn't need to be in order to give the illusion that the instrument is being played. except in this case it's that the exact placement and number of sponge bobs holes isn't significant to the recognizability of the character and the iconography is kept at long as they're present. the same concept is actually also present in the drawing of that silly straw! the actual direction of it doesn't make sense but that doesn't matter because it's identifiable. and lastly 3. because the holes are like placed to fit around his face and I exaggerated the proportions differently and thus they're fitted around differently
-for the outfits i wanted to keep in mind the 'nerdy' aesthetic, and than just saturate the hell out of the colors. that grey is actually purple
-the way i can spell aplysina fistularis but had to fucking triple check how neutron is spelled
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britt-kageryuu · 5 months
It's kinda Stupidly Late into the night, and Leo decided since sleep is not his friend tonight, he'll stream to any fans that might also be also awake at this time. Apparently there were quite a few people watching, though many might be in Europe or Asia for all he knows. River and Shelldon were charging so no one was really moderating the stream or chat.
His model is in royal blue sweatpants with subtle Hamato Clan symbols as a pattern, a loose white tank top with a cartoony trans pride turtle graphic, his long tailed mask, and bunny slippers that had their ears tied with blue ribbons, and little felt swords on the sides.
He's laying on a huge multicolored beanbag chair that was made to hold Raph, and the background was set to a light blue tye dyed starry void. With sparkles!!
"I sometimes wonder how worth it, it would be to just be a normal turtle just swimming in a pond somewhere, probably annoying the other turtle species, maybe bask on the back of one of Dees' distant cousins, until they try to eat me." Leo rambles while staring at the ceiling. "If I would even care about anything else? Not care about my family... now I'm just making myself depressed. Gotta remember that as a normal turtle I wouldn't be able to be with my Bunny Boy." He let's out a sigh, and kicks his feet a bit, then lifts his legs, and stares at his slippers while wiggling his feet.
Chat is filled with random spam of emojis, hearts, random messages that just get lost right as they pop up. Though an ad for Grandma CJs Bakery pops up with a note about international delivery.
Leo turns his head to the side, and drops his legs back down. A few seconds later Donnies model in just his purple hoodie, purple socks, and black shorts, walks into the scene before just flopping onto the beanbag on his plastron next to Leo, letting out a noise that was a cross between a groan and a hiss. His rear end is unintentionally facing the camera, and his tail seen drooping across his legs.
"What brings you to the studio at this dreadful hour mi hermano?" Leo asks while trying to sit up, though it's a bit hard with the beanbag, and his brother on the other side of said beanbag.
Donnie lifts his head to look at Leo with a slight glare that loses some of the effect without his mask with his eyebrows. "If you must know. I had a dream I was getting married to someone, but every time I looked at the other person, they kept turning into someone different." He looks more disturbing as he talks, "Then they turned into Dad in a skimpy wedding dress!!! I ran away, crashed into Ke- someone also in a wedding dress, then woke up after falling out of bed." He then tries to bury his head in the beanbag while letting out another odd sound.
Leo just stars at Donnie while his face cycles through a few emotions just processing what he just heard. He then leans off to the side reaching for something while trying to not get up. He pulls himself back with a couple things not mapped to a model in his hands.
"Would you like to look at random memes while drinking your favorite drink, or do you want to continue trying to smother yourself out of despair?" He offers, while lifting what is apparently a tablet, and drink containers.
Donnie quickly grabs the drink and has a hard time turning over, but makes it, and leans onto Leo who looks up something on the tablet.
They spend then next number of hours reacting to various memes that the viewers don't get to see, though they could kinda hear some of the audio when they switch over to video meme compilations. They laugh, cringe, and have weird looks while watching. Occasionally one of them gets up to get more drinks, or head to the bathroom.
Though at an early hour probably close to 6-7 Mikey comes in with a slightly disappointed look and askes what they want for breakfast. The stream ends shortly after.
I was going to have Leo call Donnie 'My Purple Twin' in Spanish, but Google translate would give me different ways to write/say it depending on how I asked it.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 5 months
Arsonist Neil/firefighter Andrew snippet plsss🙏 (i hope the wips don’t fight you too much this week❤️)
WIP Wednesday (4/24)  Arsonist Neil / Firefighter Andrew AU (Part 158)
Okay, his arsonist friend is having some sort of clothing-related crisis. That’s great. But Andrew will humor him. He counts the shoes lined up in the bottom of his closet, surprising himself at how many identical pairs of boots he’s got.
“Five pairs of boots, three pairs of sneakers, two pairs of slip-ons, and a pair of bunny slippers that my cousin gave me which I have ever worn in my life." Andrew lies, looking down where they are currently on his feet. "Why do you need a rundown of what’s in my closet?”
10 sighs before answering with, “Everything I own fits into a duffle bag.”
Andrew can definitely relate to that, except he never had anything that nice. He thinks of the big black trash bags he’d carted through foster home after foster home. He remembers one move in which he didn’t even get to take the shoes he’d come with. The Wilkersons wanted his sneakers for their real kid and gave him a pair of dollar store flip flops right before the social worker showed up.
“That doesn’t explain why you’re asking about my wardrobe.” Andrew says as he drops onto his bed.
There’s a sigh and then, “I guess I always knew that it wasn’t normal, but it has been for me for a long time. Just the necessities, you know? I just wanted to know how much a regular person has.”
“I wouldn’t count myself among the regulars,” Andrew admits. He likes having clothes, but he doesn’t even wear most of them. There are several items that still have tags attached and two of those pairs of boots are scuffed up beyond repair. But he can’t get rid of them. He might need them.
“So, do you think it’s weird that I’ve got eight outfits and one pair of shoes?”
“No. Your clothes look good on you. As long as they’re clean— and don’t have scorch marks,” Andrew adds, making 10 snort. “It doesn’t matter how much you’ve got. The man makes the clothes, not the other way around. Why is this coming up?”
“I just unpacked my bag. And my clothes barely take up one drawer.”
Andrew clicks his tongue. “You’re just now unpacking? You’ve been in town for weeks.”
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catmilf4life · 4 months
I wish i hated you
Matt sturniolo x fem reader
!no smut in this oneee!
!enemies to lovers!
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★🎸🎧⋆。 °⋆
I hated matt. I mean it. He always picked on me and made fun of me in school, at my house on the internet he blabbed in his ‘car videos’ about how stupid i am and blah blah blah.
Practically he was a pain in the ass. Maybe just stop talking to him? ignore him? well, I fucking can’t. I really like nick and chris, they never were mean to me or anything and if they did, it was at LEAST funny. Matt was just straight up mean.
“are you fucking kidding me matt?!” I come speed walking through the hallway. My eyes were fixated on matt and his stupid smirk. How could he do this to me! this is too far.
“matt are you an absolute child or are you just stupid and have no brains?!” I yell at him now standing right in front of him. He looks down at me with a smirk lingering onto his face. “what.” he absolutely knew why was I mad and I knew it, he just wanted to piss me off even more push me through my limits and further.
“you said to MY best friend that i fucked with her boyfriend?! how could you!“ I held back my tears as i realised he made my best friend hate me. the one and only friend i had before chris and nick.
She was with me since day one. AND that fucker had to ruin it. “i don’t think she is a real best friend if she believed me instead of you, that’s really fucked up you know?” he said with a small laugh. That laugh made me even more furious. “fuck you, don’t you dare talk to me, ever ever again.” I pushed my tears.
His pupils get bigger as if he was showing some sympathy or sum. I rolled my eyes and left their friend group alone. I didn’t have the energy to fight with him in front of his friends.
It’s afternoon and am sitting in our living room binge watching brooklyn 99 for the fourth time just trying to not think about matt and my best friend.
I didn’t really answer anyone or actually i didn’t even check my phone when i came home. I heard it ding some time to time but nothing i would care about. It’s not my best friend so i don’t give a flying fuck who texts me. I was mad at myself, mad at matt, mad at the whole world.
i was in the middle of the episode when i heard my doorbell ring. I wasn’t expecting anyone my parents were supposed to come later. I put on my bunny slippers and went to the door.
I slowly open the door just a little incase it was a killer or something like that. I peek through a small hole and see the one and only matt sturniolo on my front porch. I roll my eyes as am not in the mood to be fighting and getting laughed at. “what now matt? don’t you know when too much is too much?!” I say now with fully opened door. “i just wanna talk.” he kind of whispered. Was he scared and anxious? The Matt sturniolo being scared? “i don’t want to talk to you remember? I don’t want to talk to you Ever.” i answered now feeling angry. “please let me just talk, you just need to listen. Please.” he pleaded looking at me.
I rolled my eyes as i moved to the side so he could come inside. I leaded him to my living room automatically sitting down on the couch. He sat right next to me.
there was a few second silence. I didn’t want to speak but he wanted so here we are. “am sorry for the thing with your best friend. I know she meant a lot to you. But i can promise i can fix it and i will.” I didn’t believe one bit of his bullshit.
Maybe a bet? Is his friend recording it somewhere? I looked straight into his blue eyes. “I don’t believe you one bit. First of all you come here randomly, just to say sorry for something you did and thinking i’ll be fine? Second why would you now apologise you did so many things why this one. I call bullshit.” I answered speaking the truth. “Look, it’s true i just felt bad after i did it. I took it too far and i realised it, so i came and apologised. Simple.”
i rolled my eyes still not believing one bit of this play. “what can i do for you to believe me?” he asked me waiting for an answer. the truth was there was nothing in this god damn world that would make me believe him. So let see if he is so ‘real’ and means this whole conversation well.
“kiss me.” I reply smirking as i knew he would never put up with the play if he was supposed to kiss me. I wasn’t even his type. I smiled from ear to ear knowing I won this game. He sighed as he looked into my eyes, he looked for a clue or a hint if i meant it or if i played with him.
I closed my eyes as I laughed to myself feeling the victory and a good feeling come back to me.
Until I felt cold lips on mine. I opened my eyes as my pupils went huge. Was Matthew Bernard fucking sturniolo kissing me, his greatest enemy?
So why didn’t he pull away right after? Why didn’t I pull away after the first second i felt his lips on mine? The right question is why did I like it?
I felt butterflies in my stomach swirling around. I kiss him for a second until i pull away.
He looked at me with a smirk crawling onto his face. “you meant it?” I asked him. He nodded his head slightly feeling the embarrassment come to him.
i picked up his chin and melted to the kiss once again. It felt right. This moment felt right.
“God how i wish i hated you”
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punsmaster69 · 10 months
a deep breath, and i feel a sense of nostalgia.
weird nostalgia. wouldn't go back, but i still think fondly of what happened.
the crispness of the cold air in snowdin takes me back- and i'm already reminiscing about random memories.
point to almost any rock formation along the walls of this place, and papyrus can probably tell you exactly how he's climbed it.
kicking the snow with my slippers a little bit, i remember how he used to warn me about wearing 'em outside.
"naahh. i'll be fine."
for the most part, i always was fine; just had to be careful around the ice.
fortunately, it's not an issue using shortcuts; really only ever slipping a few times.
"you've slipped even in your boots."
"so was this."
sliding me across the ice until we were close enough to the snow to stand again, papyrus lifted me onto my feet once more.
"you've gotta admit that over two weeks without slipping in these is pretty good."
"these are way better."
"but with snow boots, you have to tie 'em and whatnot."
"not with slippers."
"that's the plan."
"thanks. that's the one thing i do put effort into."
"it's hard work, doing this little."
back when new bad habits of mine still surprised him.
...speakin' of bad habits.
grillby's looks like it hasn't been touched since the day we took all the important stuff up.
the most one'll find in there now is a fine layer of dust only disturbed by me brushing against some stuff.
not that the jukebox ever worked before, but i'm pretty sure it wouldn't turn on if you tried at this point.
already knew the librarby was empty; they gave away all the books before leaving to the surface.
took the sciencey ones, myself.
wanted the joke book too, but a certain old lady got to it first.
officially, it is hers.
unofficially, the book keeps bouncing between being in either of our possession for months at a time.
it's gained a few pages over the years, a lined-paper section at the end with a lotta skeleton and snail puns.
think paps split the cookbooks with someone, and hoarded the puzzle books.
(not like anyone else was readin' those, anyway.)
there were a couple on monster history i'm almost certain i've seen frisk with a few times, so they must've gotten those.
as charming as this little place was, the new library's got way more selection.
sorry, not library.
still librarby.
they kept the name. too iconic to change it.
even if it had been changed, we'd all continue to call it the librarby anyway.
many of the folks who had shops down here have taken up that same role on the surface.
the two bunnies running the inn and shop moved somewhere closer to new home city for better business.
in the snow, i did what i'd done a million times in the past.
i parked myself at the foot of the door which separated snowdin from the ruins.
"knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
she'd say.
"Cash who?"
"no thanks, i'm more of a walnut guy."
and i'd heard her burst out into laughter from the other side.
"Knock, knock."
"who's there?"
"hatch who?"
"Oh, bless you."
then she'd laughed at her own joke hard enough to be contagious.
"knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Canoe who?"
"canoe come out here? i'm gettin' bonely."
she got a good kick out of that one, but her laughter had a tinge of sadness to it.
"...But, I am afraid not."
didn't expect any different of an answer.
always thinking it better not to ask quite why, i shrugged.
"one day, maybe."
"or not."
"you could just be mysterious door lady forever if you want."
"Knock, knock."
"who's there?"
"peas who?"
"Peas excuse my secretiveness. I know it can be a bit off-putting."
"everyone's got their secrets, 𝘴𝘯𝘰𝘸 problem to me if you keep a few."
"Ha! I am glad that you are so 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘭 with it."
"It is a joy to hear your 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭 jokes every day!"
"nice to have someone with an a-𝘥𝘰𝘰𝘳-able laugh to tell 'em to."
my slight regret about that pun immediately washed away upon hearing the laugh in question follow after it.
as fun as reminiscing has been, i've definitely left papyrus alone for far too long.
gotta spend at least a little time in the snow with him.
that's what we came back here for in the first place.
"it's supposed to get pretty cold soon, so probably not too long now."
"if your desire for snow gets too awful bad, we'll just come down here again."
"would be cool to re-visit the whole underground with everyone after all this time."
he sat straight up in the snow, scattering the powder around as he did so.
"what's that?"
from that very same spot we all first looked in awe at our new future, me and him watched the sun set.
golden light poured over everything; sun beams warm in contrast to the town we've left once again.
when he turned to look at me, i couldn't tell whether his face was lit up more by the sun or the smile he had.
"me too."
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fortheloveoffanfic · 2 years
The Holiday Arrangement
Andy Barber x Reader
Author's Note: I am so sorry about this disappointing final chapter. Summary: When co-parenting during the holidays becomes difficult to navigate, Y/n brings a proposal to her ex-husband, Andy; spend Christmas together- for the sake of their daughter. Their already complicated arrangement becomes even more messy new memories dredge up buried feelings. Masterlists Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter Summary: Andy gives Y/n a sentimental gift on Christmas. A week later, on New Years Eve, an impromptu discussion on the end of their arrangement prove that Y/n and Andy may not be on the same page when it comes to the future of their relationship. Warnings: Angst
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Christmas Day Andy had sneaked out of Y/n’s room at the crack of dawn, mostly because he knew that Grace was probably going to be up earlier than usual and barrel into the room, eager to open presents, but also because he wanted to get their traditional, Christmas morning breakfast started. Crepes with orange cream cheese, cranberry sauce and hot cocoa. Usually, it was Y/n that was up at seven, making breakfast while Andy kept Grace entertained, but that morning he was desperate to beat her to it.
Maybe she’d heard the dishes shifting around in the kitchen, or smelt sauce on a low simmer, but instead of heading to Y/n’s room, Grace had joined him downstairs instead of going to wake her mother- a fact that he was grateful for. He and Y/n had both been up late getting the finishing touches done, but he figured that she deserved the extra sleep a little more than he did. So, instead of letting Grace turn on the television and watch whatever Christmas film was on, Andy had encouraged her to help with breakfast; he charged her with setting the table, promising that however she did it- as long as she tried her best- would be great. 
“You two are busy,” Y/n noted almost an hour later as she reached the bottom of the stairs, bundled up in a thick robe thrown over her pajamas and fluffy slippers. 
Andy was just turning off the stove and turned to lay the final crepe on the serving plate, grinning at the sight of Grace practically leaping into her mother’s ready arms. “Merry Christmas,” he greeted, taking the serving plate over to the table. 
“Merry Christmas,” she flashed him a soft smile after kissing Grace on the cheek. “This all smells amazing,” Y/n complimented, and then quickly deducing that Grace had set the table, she added with the same enthusiasm, “And the table looks beautiful.”
“I did it all by myself!” Grace informed her proudly, still hanging onto Y/n tightly. 
“She did,” Andy confirmed, briefly returning to the kitchen to collect a wooden tray decked off with three mugs of cocoa, “I’ve had the best little helper all morning.” 
Beaming, Y/n pressed another kiss to Grace’s cheek, “Great job, Bunny.” When Y/n set her down, Grace excitedly pulled them both to the dining table, ensuring that they were seated on either side of her. 
Over breakfast, which went by rather quickly since Grace was anxious to get started on opening presents, they chatted quietly and for a moment. It felt like nothing had changed- like everything was the way it was meant to be. A happy couple in love and a young child that was adored by, and adored, her parents. 
Not the family they’d been one year earlier, a quiet little girl who could probably sense the tension between her parents, an emotionally distant husband who’d made a habit of bringing work to the table and a furious wife who’d been led to her wits end. Not that family. 
When they were through, Andy somehow managed to wrangle a bubbly, over-excited Grace- who’d probably already had way too much sugar- into washing her hands before letting her head to the living room to wait for them. Y/n had started cleaning up immediately upon standing and instead of joining their daughter, he decided to help out. 
“Hey, no fair,” she scoffed with a breathless smile, trying to take a trio of stacked plates from his hands, “You know the rule.”
“Its just some plates,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “Besides, if we’re not there in fifteen minutes, she might start without us.”
Y/n chuckled, “I’m surprised she hasn’t already.” Resigning to leaving Andy with the plates, and subsequently letting him do the dishes, Y/n moved on to cleaning down the counters and packing away the bits of leftover cream cheese spread and cranberry sauce. “Thank you for taking over this morning,” she eventually offered softly, “That was….really sweet of you.”
“It was nothing,” Andy shook his shoulders, “Just breakfast.”
When he glanced at her between soaping and rising off the pan, Y/n was shaking her head as she returned the flour and sugar to the small walk-in pantry, “Its more than that,” she moved on to stowing the butter and milk in the refrigerator, “You’ve really changed. I don’t know if its what you want to hear but its true, you’re present and you talk to me.” Shutting the door, she sighed softly, “I don’t think I’ve felt this close to you in…..years.”
The word made his heart sink a little; he hadn’t realized that he’d been checked out of their relationship for so long. Andy had been so focused on trying to reclaim his former professional glory that he’d never realized how much time had passed since he really let his wife into his life. 
Had it been more than a year? More than two? Did his reinvigorated ambition return when Gracey was old enough for daycare or had he deserted his wife even before then? 
The truth was all he could offer, “I’m trying.”
When Y/n came to stand next to him as he packed the last dish onto the counter near the sink to dry off, she touched his shoulder blade, prompting him to look at her, “I know, and it means a lot me,” she glanced at Grace in the living room, “To both of us.”
They lingered in easy silence for a handful of precious moments, eyes locked and matching soft smiles tugging at their features. They might have been inclined to do more than just stare, but after their silence had been caught by Grace, she called them over while bobbing on the sofa, encouraging them to join her in the living room. 
Chuckling at her excitement, Andy moved off just after Y/n had. “Alright kiddo,” he huffed, resigning into the center of the sofa, only for Grace to clamor clumsily into his lap. In an absent gesture, he shifted her hair away from her face, neatening it at the back with his fingers, while Y/n took a seat in the armchair, crossing one leg over the other. 
"Me first!" Y/n interjected, stretching to reach a large box under their red and gold adorned tree. Collecting the present in both hands, she leaned over to where Grace was sitting in Andy's lap and handed it over, "Merry Christmas, Bunny," she reached a bit further, almost lifting herself off the chair, and kissed her daughter on the cheek.
After Grace offered and excited thanks, Andy held it for her when she barreled excitedly off his lap and onto the ground so she could quickly reclaim the present and start ripping into a brightly coloured paper. "Woah," Andy chuckled at her apparent haste, "What is it, Gracey?" He asked, like he hadn't been there when Y/n had wrapped it the night before. 
"I don't know daddy," Grace giggled giddily, right before tearing a strip of wrapping paper off the front of the box. Her eyes lit up at the sight of what it was; an art set she'd seen advertising on television, equipped with a series of glow in the dark water colours, an easel to be mounted up, a large sketch pad, some stencils and a collection of brushes. "So cool!" She exclaimed. 
As Grace fumbled to get the box open, Andy reminded her to thank her mother and she did enthusiastically. He was really trying his best to be more than just a fun dad who let the bulk of the parenting fall to Y/n and he hoped she saw that. 
He was desperate for her to know that he was putting active effort into reshaping himself into the man she and Grace deserved. 
Temporarily, he rose from the sofa and reached under the tree for a rectangular box the size of his hand, bought in secrecy just a few days earlier during a solo mall trip to finish up his gift shopping and wrapped in red and green paper with a shiny gold bow on top. “This one is for you,” he offered it to Y/n, kissing the corner of her lips quickly, before Grace could catch them being a little too intimate. 
A private smile crept to her cheeks and she flashed him a curious look, “Andy,” she chuckled wearily, “What is it?”
“Open it,” he encouraged. It wasn’t what Andy  had initially intended for her, but when he’d seen in in the store window, it had just seemed like the perfect present. 
“Alright,” she laughed, soft and breathless, as she began tearing the paper. Her fingers employed significantly more care than Grace’s had, but the way she gnawed on her lower lip and the light in her eyes proved that she was just as excited as him. 
Under the paper was a gray, cushioned leather box with the name of a high end brand printed on the front. “This is…Oh my God, Andy-”
“Open it,” he pressed with a quiet chortle. 
Upon finally thumbing the box open, Y/n gasped. A trio of interlinked, diamond encrusted hearts on a delicate hung on a white gold chain. Small diamonds occasionally interrupted the tiny links and the connected hearts dropped down a vertical line. “Three hearts,” she whispered, gently ghosting them with the tip of her finger. 
“Connected; just like ours,” he reached to lay his hand on the back of hers, prompting Y/n to glance up at him, eyes shining. “Do you like it?” He peered, suddenly eager for reassurance. 
“Like it?” Y/n stuttered, “Its gorgeous, I love it but-”
“Here,” he stood again, “Let me put it on you.” Without protest, Y/n let him ease the necklace out of the box and guided it around her neck. As he did, Y/n clasped her hand over the stunning pendant and stole another glance at him, though that time he couldn’t quite read them. Still, their eyes locked and Andy thought he saw something in them that hadn’t been there in a long time; that quiet glimmer that used to be reserved for him.
That little light that was impossible to miss; that he could recognize from across a room with a hundred people between them. 
“Thank you,” she said softly, voice unsteady as his hands brushed her skin. 
“Who’s the big one for?” Grace peered, just as Y/n moved one of her hands to grasp his.
Startled out of the trance they’d accidentally slipped into, Y/n turned back towards Grace and Andy pulled away, rubbing his palms on the thighs of his flannel pajama pants. “Um,” Y/n blinked quickly and Andy cleared his throat. “That’s uh, that one’s for you Bunny.”
“It is?” Her big eyes lit up and Andy approached the tree to lift the huge box and bring it closer, biceps bulging under the weight of the enormous present- which had truly been a pain to wrap. 
“It is,” Andy huffed, setting it down in front of Grace, “This one is special because it's from me and mommy.” They’d spotted it at the Christmas village, and both amazed that it was almost an exact replica of the house, with only a couple architectural  differences, they’d decided to go in on it together. They’d paid for it in full that day, just to make sure no one else had a chance to snatch it up, and Andy had picked it up on the same day he'd gone shopping. 
Grace squealed excitedly when he and Y/n finally got it out of the nondescript, cardboard box. “Its so big!” She marveled with alight eyes. It was about Grace’s height and about three and a half feet wide. The inside was semi furnished, but there were still ‘rooms’ that could be furnished to her liking, and the layout was very similar to their- well, Y/n’s- house. 
“Do you like it?” Y/n clasped her hands together, anticipating their daughter’s next words, so much so that when Andy absently laid his hand on the small of her back, she didn’t even seem to notice. 
“I love it!” Grace beamed, and her broad grin alone was enough to prove at almost slipping on ice while trying to take it to his car was totally worth it. “Thank you,” she deserted the doll house for long enough to run up to them and hug their hips, small arms stretching as wide as they could. 
Both matching Grace’s wide smile, Andy and Y/n bent over to hug her back, resulting in what could only be described as a clumsy- but cozy- jumble of limbs. The minute they let her go, Grace hurriedly returned to her new doll house, gently pulling it open so she could examine the inside. “It came with dolls?” She turned to them as she reached inside what would have been the ‘living room’, where three pretty, handcrafted dolls sat on a sofa. 
“What?” Y/n glanced at Andy, who in turn threw her a confused look, “You bought dolls?”
“No,” he scoffed, furrowing his brows. When they’d paid for it, the dollhouse hadn’t been equipped with dolls. The salesperson must have put them in after, Andy hadn’t opened it upon collection and neither he nor Y/n had opened the box before wrapping it. 
“Look,” Grace shoved the dolls towards them as they both sank to the floor, “They’re just like us.”
“Huh,” Y/n took one and Andy the other two; they did look like them. Two grown ups and a little girl with dark hair and blue eyes. “That’s….”
“Weird,” Andy finished for her, examining Y/n’s tiny likeness, only handing the dolls over when Grace put her hands out to retrieve them. Intently, Andy watched as his daughter replaced the dolls in the living room, that time trying to make them sit on the floor, just like they were. 
He knew better than to take the whole experience as some divine sign that everyone would be okay, Andy wasn’t even sure if he believed in divine signs, but he did know that in that moment, watching that perfect little wooden family, in their picturesque home he felt a little more hopeful than he usually did. 
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New Years Eve After shutting off the engine, Andy got out of the car and rounded the front to the passenger’s side, managing to get the door just in time to help Y/n out. When she stood, and subsequently stumbled into him, she chuckled softly and tapped the center of his chest; they were both a little worse for wear- not near drunk, but not exactly sober either- and they only reason Andy had driven them home instead of having them call a cab was because the restaurant they’d gone to was only about fifteen minutes away from their block. 
“I had a nice time tonight,” she hummed, struggling to get the chain strap of her purse on her shoulder as Andy carefully shoved the car door closed, “I can’t remember the last time we did that.”
Their New Years Eve date; they must have stopped when Grace was about three, but on a whim that evening, Andy had suggested they go out. Getting a sitter on such short notice had been a struggle, but in the end one of the neighbors, an older woman who lived alone had agreed to come over and stay with Grace. 
“Neither can I,” Andy absently shoved his car keys into one of the pockets of his new, Italian leather jacket; a gift from Y/n just a week earlier. “We should do it again. Or just date night,” he huffed a chuckle, “Like we used to,” Andy waited for her response, though when she didn’t offer anything further than a hum as she reached for the doorknob, he frowned. 
Suddenly, it was like the mood had done a complete one eighty; Andy could feel the uncomfortable awkwardness that descended upon them and he couldn’t help but feel like they weren’t exactly on the same page anymore. “What?” 
“Nothing, its nothing,” she said softly, “We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” She didn’t even look at him, and it might not have been his proudest moment, but Andy came to stand next to her and closed his hand over hers- not harshly, just so he could get her to look at him. 
“I want to talk about it now,” she glanced at him, glassy eyes meeting his- that was how he knew that something was definitely wrong. 
Y/n sighed, quickly glancing at their hands, unintentionally joined, before pulling hers away, “I just….I don’t think we’re expecting this to…..end the same way.”
Andy dropped his hand and exhaled audibly, “End, right,” he sniffled, warding off a wave of emotion. After everything they’d been through over the past month- how much closer they’d gotten- they were still going to end. “I guess I thought that everything would be different now.”
Huffing, Y/n shook her head, “Different?” She licked her lips, “Different how?”
“Well first of all, we're different- better even,” he pointed towards his chest and took a couple steps back towards the car. 
“Yeah, but we agreed that this was just for the holidays. After its over-”
“We go back to being divorced,” Andy ran his hand through his hair, and swiping at her eyes, Y/n cast her head down, “And you can go back to hating me.”
“That is not fair- I don’t hate you. I never hated you,” when Y/n glanced up at Andy again, she could see her eyes were filled with water, but he was a little too hurt himself to be sympathetic. 
“Yeah?” He hit the side of his thigh with his fist, “Well you don’t like me enough to give me a second chance. I’m trying- you said it yourself, I’ve changed,” he gestured towards his chest again. “I thought this," he gestured between them, "Meant something to you,” his voice dropped defeatedly
Turning away so her back was to him, Y/n folded her arms across her chest, “Of course it does, but you can’t just show up for a month, ignore a couple work calls, make breakfast and expect that to be enough. Our marriage suffered for years; you can’t undo that kind of damage in a month, Andy.”
“That's not what this is. I’m not trying to change everything that’s happened over the last few years, I’m trying to change what happens tomorrow- next year. And the every one after that. I’m trying to show you that I understand where I went wrong, why you made the decisions you did,” he paused, hoping she’d see his point and inject, but when Y/n didn’t, he continued, “The man who signed those papers last year…..he isn’t me. That man didn’t realize what all this was worth, but this one does,” even if she hadn’t turned, Andy took a couple steps closer, leaving about a foot of distance between them, “He didn’t fight for you,” he moistened his lips, “But I want to; I will. From now till…..” He gestured in a circle with his pointer, “Till I’ve got nothing left in me, because our family means more to me than anything else ever will.” 
When he was through, Andy swallowed thickly and he heard Y/n emit a hitched sob,which was followed by a stretch of silence that was so long that it made him contemplate weather or not he should go inside and gave her space.
But then she spoke and it was like a weight crumbled off his shoulders.
“You have to be home by seven every evening, unless there’s some kind of crazy court emergency,” she turned, hastily swiping at her eyes but unable to keep up with the steady stream of tears, “Weekends are ours, date night every Friday. Gracey and I do not come second-”
“Ever,” Andy approached Y/n gently taking hold of her shoulder. 
“But especially her. You have to show up for everything.”
“Every recital, every birthday party, every parent teacher conference. Doctor’s appointments- you name it, I’m there.”
“We’re not getting remarried,” she added pointedly. 
“Yet,” he chuckled with wet eyes, lifting one of his hands to cup her cheek. When Y/n leaned into his touch, a breath of relief seeped off his lips and he dragged his thumb under her eye.
A somber chortle fell off her lips and Y/n sniffed, “Yet. And if you break my heart again or hurt our little girl, I will definitely hate you, and you won’t get a third chance.”
“Won’t need one,” Andy’s other hand slid from Y/n’s shoulder down to her hip, “Can I kiss you now?” Y/n nodded and he smiled faintly, “Good,” he murmured, guiding his lips closer to her just as she tilted her head to grant him better access. Their kiss was slow, through and through, like snowflakes drifting to the ground- but so much warmer.
“I love you,” Andy whispered against her lips when they broke for a second. He hadn’t realized how long it had been since he’d last said that to her and uttering those words to her after so long felt like saying hello to an old friend that you’d spent everyday missing. 
And hearing her say it back was so much better. 
Like rain to break a thick summer heat, or power after a night long blackout. 
The first threads of sunlight after a storm had passed. 
“I love you too,” Y/n cupped his face, “I want this to work,” she professed between slow, short kisses, “That’s all I’ve ever wanted; for the three of us to be together.” 
Slowly, Andy’s hand inched downward from her face, down her throat, eventually reaching her neck. His thumb ghosted the familiar pendant; three interlocked hearts, “I think we’re meant to.”
Y/n smiled faintly, nodding, “I think so too,” they kissed again, that time lingering longer for a handful of seconds. “We should get in,” Y/n’s fingers found his nape and she planted one final peck on his lips, the taste of champagne from their dinner melting onto his tongue, “I promised Gracey we’d be back to watch the countdown with her.”
Reluctantly, Andy pulled away but took her hand, “Then what are we waiting for?” He flashed her a crooked grin, leading her through the garage door into the house. 
They’d barely made it to the kitchen counter when Grace came running out of the living room, already dressed in warm pajamas with her hair combed through. Their neighbor was sat on the recliner, glasses perched on the bridge of her nose and he set down a bag with a bottle of cider they'd brought home, Andy caught her marking the page of her book. “You’re back!” Grace exclaimed, just as he was helping Y/n out of her coat. 
“We’re back!” Y/n beamed, setting her purse down on the counter, “Were you good for Miss Ward?” 
“Uh huh,” Grace nodded astutely, and Andy watched their interaction unfold with fondness. “We played Go Fish and I played with my doll house,” which they’d temporarily set up in a corner of the living room until they could find a spot for it in Grace’s room. 
“Sounds like you had a good time Bunny,” Andy touched the top of Grace’s head before going over to thank their neighbor and offer her some money for her time- which she graciously refused, citing that watching Grace had made for a nicer time than watching game shows on cable. After she’d refused, Y/n had interjected to offer an invitation to stay for a little while longer to celebrate with them, which she also refused, not wanting to intrude on their time as a family. 
After walking Miss Ward to the sidewalk, Andy  returned to the house, shrugging off his coat and draping it on the marble counter next to Y/n’s before joining her and Grace on the sofa. “Someone’s tired,” Andy remarked when Grace yawned and rubbed her sleepy eyes. It was way past her bedtime, but she’d begged all day to stay up. 
“No I’m not,” Grace protested as Andy lifted her and brought her to his lap. She yawned again, that time settling against his chest. “I’m not tired,” she countered further, though when he angled his head to see her face, he could see the heaviness in her eyes. 
“Bunny, are you sure?” Y/n scooted closer, and Andy instinctively  draped his hands over her shoulders. 
“I’m sure,” she mumbled, glazed over eyes fixed on the television. There was still about fifteen minutes left before the countdown, and it was becoming increasingly obvious that Grace was much too tired to make it, but knowing her, she was stubborn enough to try. 
Two more performances went on before the screen changed to focus on the huge, crystal ball in Times Square that was making its slow, sixty second descent to the ground. Another check on Grace proved that by then, she had in fact, fallen asleep, and after noting that with a tired smile of her own, Y/n suggested in a whisper, “We should take here there one day, when she’s older,” she met his eyes, “Together.”
Just as the word vacated her lips, cheers and music rang out on the television, signaling the start of the new year, and Andy matched Y/n’s soft grin. Leaning in, though careful to not disturb sleeping Grace, he pressed his lips to hers in a deep, impassioned celebratory kiss. When they broke, the tip of her nose was still touching his and their foreheads were pressed against each other,
Tagging: @patzammit @what-is-your-plan-today @royalwritersoftheuniverses @talesofadragon @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @funfickgirl22 @pono-pura-vida @mdpplgtz03 @shipheart @chrismasevans @marvelmenwhore @findthebeautyinbreakdowns @bemysugarbean @wintasssoldier @elrw24 @imyourbratzdoll @chasingsnowintheshadows @sarahdonald87
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noemilivv · 7 months
Hi I saw the match up event recently but I gotta ask who would be a perfect match for me?
I’m a female and I’m not sure about my sexuality at the moment since I’m a bit confused what gender I am interested in but I don’t mind who it is, as long I’m given love and affection, then I won’t mind who it is.
About me, I’m an ambiverted female since i tend to be very shy at first and a little awkward, since I can’t keep up an conversation but there are times I will try and be social and talk to others while I’m trying not to be embarrassed or anything, but once I open up I’m very talkative and kind, i usually put my friends/family/loved ones first and then me most of the time, I don’t really get upset as often but I know deep inside I know I’m hurt since I tend to bottle everything up in short terms, I tend to mask it all with a bright and kind personality, I don’t know how to say no to others but I’m slowly learning and healing myself, but overall I’m very kind to others who respects my boundaries but overall I’m a kind hearted person, and I’m a very comforting person too, I’m basically an uncertified counselor too and not to mention I’m somewhat motherly to my friends since I always worry about them if they ate or something is wrong with them but I also get insecure most of the time because I feel like I’m not good enough or anything, I’m my friend group, I’m the mom friend who worries about their well-being or giving them mom advice (I’m not a mom because I’m single) but also I’m a hopeless romantic and I’m very delusional at times (kinda like mitsuri in a way😭😭) but I’m not a mean person in general!!
And another thing about me is I’m not very smart in a way since my ADHD and possible dislexia
but as for my style and appearance I’m a bit skinny and chubby with a curvey figure with a few small or medium belly rolls and skin marks too but I like to wear sweaters with zippers and a tight crop top tang too with spaghetti straps or thick ones and playboy bunny sweatpants because I find them comfortable since I have a big butt😭, and I like to wear my moccasins (slippers in indigenous culture, since I’m Canadian) but overall I don’t mind what clothes I’m wearing as long I’m comfortable
My main interest is listening to music that comforts me, I listen to Frank Sinatra or Songs from adventure time like everything stays or drift away from Steven universe since it kinda relates to me in away too, I love drawing and creating things like knitting or painting sunsets or landscapes!
And lastly for my main love languages, they are physically touch and Quality time, I’m very touch starved and quality starved too, I love being hugged a lot or even being near someone makes me happy, and maybe gift giving since I like giving people gifts but I sometimes like receiving gifts because I feel bad that people spend money on me either it’s expensive or not but I do like receiving small things that were crafted!! I like reassurance the most since I feel comforted when I’m sad or feeling lonely but also I have a hard time for asking for help in any situation
Thank you for listening and take your time!!!
heyy, autumn (i think this is you), in any case, i pair you with…
Sir Pentious !!
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Pentious is very soothed by your soft yet cheery energy haha it makes him feel at home and at ease and he really craves that in a partner tbh
Although you tend to bottle things up, it makes him very sad, as he’s very open about his feelings with you, and it makes him feel like he did something wrong :(
He will hug you for hours on end if you’d let him. Please let him hug you. He won’t ask, but he really wants it.
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Hi Sarah! I was seeing if it’s possible to get some random conversations that show different ways Eddie would meet you? Does that make sense 😂🙈 you’re the best!
Hiii babes!!! Sure I legit think of the most random ass ways you can meet Eddie so I hope you like these, have a good mix! Also YOU’RE the best!!! 🥹💖
*Eddie swears you’re the worst waitress and also wonders if you ever wear actual shoes or if it’s always slippers?*
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“I didn’t order that.” “So you don’t want it?” “Uh…well I Uhm…didn’t order it…” “You can just tell me if you changed your mind and don’t want it anymore.” “I’d gladly take it but I just…didn’t order it.” “So you do want it?” “What? No that’s-” “your name is Eddie right? I think we had English together.” “Huh? Oh uh yeah…yeah my name’s Eddie.” “Enjoy your salad Eddie.” “Uh…thanks…”
“Do you need help?” “Are you going to kidnap me?” “Wasn’t planning on it.” “Most kidnappers don’t plan on kidnapping until they see their victim.” “Well uh I’m looking at you and don’t have the urge to kidnap you.” “Then why do you drive a van?” “It was cheap and it’s good to haul my band equipment.” “Okay then…sure I’ll let you help me. It’s just a flat tire.” “Is your spare in your trunk?” “My spare?” “Spare tire? So I can change your flat.” “Uh well it’s already actually in use…” “Right…” “Don’t look at me like that. Curbs are a nuisance and come out of no where.” “I agree. We should just do away with all the curbs so you don’t have to keep going through tires.” “Thank you! Finally someone gets it.” “I’m Eddie by the way just in case you want to know the name of the guy who owns a van and didn’t kidnap you.” “Great to meet you Eddie, I’d actually probably be better off if you did kidnap me. At least your van has all four tires…”
“Hi.” “Uh hello.” “So I have locked myself out of my apartment and was wondering if i can use your phone to call my friend who has a spare key.” “Where are your shoes?” “What? My shoes are…on my feet?” “Are those bunnies?” “Yes they are bunnies they are comfy and normally I don’t leave the house in them.” “But tonight you did?” “I didn’t realize the door was going to lock behind me I was just coming to check the mail.” “But the mail is all the way on the other side of the complex.” “Okay fine I wear these all the time now can I please use your phone.” “Sure sweetheart. Come on in.” “You know I’ve seen you around before and we live two doors down and I’ve never gotten your name.” “It’s Eddie and I’ve seen you and your bunny slippers before. A few times actually once I swear I saw you sitting by the pool in them.” “They are my favorite comfy shoe.” “They are slippers.” “Slippers are considered a shoe.” “No slippers are slippers not a shoe.” “These have rubber bottoms so they are a shoe.” “That’s your argument? They have rubber bottoms? So do grippy socks and those aren’t shoes.” “Why do you care so much about my shoes?” “I just think it’s funny you’re always in your bunny slippers every single time I see you.” “You’re just lucky I guess.” “You know what? I think I am.”
“Hi I know you don’t know me but can you act like my boyfriend really quick?” “Uhh yeah sure. Uhm…I’m Eddie.” “Great to meet you Eddie. Do you come here often?” “Yeah my band plays here once a week.” “No way you’re in a band? Damn I picked a rockstar for a boyfriend? Love that for me.” “I mean I wouldn’t call myself a rockstar by any means…” “Do you mind getting closer to me? Like put your arm around me or something?” “Oh uh yeah yeah sure I can do that…how…uh how’s this?” “Perfect. Oh wow you smell good.” “Thanks…” “Is it okay if I touch your hair?” “Sure..yeah that would be fine.” “It’s so soft.” “Thank you…so who uh are we putting this show on for? Just so I know who my audience is.” “Oh he already walked by.” “Oh…” “I just wanted an excuse to come talk to you.”
“Oh I’m sorry did you want this movie?” “No no it’s fine you take it.” “Are you sure? It’s the last copy left.” “I’ve seen it like ten times I have it memorized by now.” “Nightmare on Elm Street? You’ve seen it ten times?” “Yeah…I love horror movies and Freddy is terrifying…are you okay?” “Huh? Yeah I just…I think I just fell in love with you sweetheart.” “Has that line ever worked for you?” “You’re the first one I’ve used it on so you tell me. Did it work?…I’m Eddie by the way.”
“What kind of noise did you say it’s making?” “A rattling sort of noise.” “Okay and how long has it been making that noise?” “A few weeks.” “A few weeks and you’re just now bringing it in?” “Well I thought it would go away. The check engine light did after a while.” “What? Your check engine light was on?” “It was but then It went away.” “You’re killing me sweetheart. Okay I’ll take a look at it and you can come by tonight and I should have your noise and engine issues figured out.” “The engine is fine the light went off…” “Like I said…I’ll have your noise and engine issues figured out by then.” “Just be gentle with him okay? He’s been through a lot.” “Oh he will get nothing but the best I swear.” “Thanks…Edward? Is that what your shirt says?” “You can call me Eddie.” “Thanks Eddie….see you later.” “Looking forward to it.”
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lovesosweeet · 10 months
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter thirty nine
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
november 19, 2018 san diego, california orion
Today is the final day of the tour, and it’s also the day that they’re in Madrid. I should be there, and I know that fact very well. Emelia is off for Thanksgiving break, so I would’ve been, too. We could have gone, but instead, we are at my family’s house doing practically nothing. 
I spend a long time in the shower. It’s nice to stand under the stream of water because it camouflages my tears. There’s no clarity whether the droplets are tears or water and that keeps me feeling a little less shitty for how much I’ve been crying lately.
It feels like any time I get a moment alone I start crying. 
Missing Calum is hard enough, but knowing how little life I have left to live is an awful, gut wrenching feeling. 
I’ve had my phone in hand with Calum’s contact open far too many times to count. I’ve typed messages and deleted them. I’ve even considered deleting his contact altogether to make reaching out to him next to impossible since I clearly don’t have the guts to reach out and it’ll torment me every day. 
I want him here with me. I do. I want that more than anything. I can’t even call it a change of heart because I know that’s what I’ve always wanted. Some kind of switch flipped in me when I saw the pictures of him with Paula and I finally admitted it to myself. 
That should be me is all I could think, staring at the photos of them hugging, leaning close to each other to talk at the bar. I’ve craved a hug from Calum from the moment he left me.
One of the worst thoughts I’ve had is what if I reach out and he doesn’t reply? What if I’m too late? What if I’ve fucked it all up beyond repair? That fear is one of the many things holding me back. I’m scared to reach out and it ends up that I’m still alone and aching to have him home with me.
I’m still scared of the idea of watching me die and how that will take a toll on him. The thought is still terrifying, but I still, selfishly, want him to be with me. 
I haven’t told anyone this. I’m sure the second I tell Emelia she will grab my phone and call him herself.
Em and I are planning on streaming the Madrid show if we can tonight, assuming someone goes live to share the show. She said if she has to she will call Crystal and have her Facetime us the whole time, but that’s not my favorite option. 
I finish up my shower and get dressed in another random combination of sweatpants and sweatshirt, putting on my bunny slippers that my moms got me for my birthday. I don’t know how I’ve made it to 22 without a pair, but I’m grateful for the adorable, cozy footwear regardless. I find Emelia in my bedroom when I exit the bathroom, scrolling on her phone, perched on the edge of my bed that she must have decided to make for me. 
“Paula and Lucia are with them,” she announces, holding her phone up to me.
I get closer to her, sitting next to her on my bed so she can give me her phone. It’s opened to Paula’s Instagram story, which is a photo of her hand, complete with her new, dazzling engagement ring, Lucia’s hand, and Calum’s hand, all three reaching for a box of donuts from my favorite donut shop in Madrid. She has the location tagged at Retiro. 
“For old time’s sake,” she wrote on top. 
I tap the screen, letting the next image on her story show. It’s a selfie of Paula, Lucia, Calum, Luke, Sierra, and Crystal. They’re sitting by the water at Retiro. I should be there. I wish I was there. 
I sigh, closing out of the Instagram app and giving Em her phone back. “Looks like they’re having fun,” I say, my voice cracking as I try to stifle the tears I have forming in my eyes.
Emelia wraps an arm around me and rests her head on my shoulder. “I’m sure they all wish you were there just as badly as you want to be there.”
I sniffle and wipe the tears from my eyes. “Maybe.”
She sighs and thankfully doesn’t say anything else about it. “C’mon, come help me write my paper. I don’t wanna have to deal with it on Thanksgiving.” 
If it was up to me, I’d spend the rest of the day in bed alone, but when Em is here, she gives me only one allowance of wallow-in-bed-and-pretend-to-nap time per day. It’s been almost every day that I tell her I want to take a nap and then instead I just lay in bed and cry. I’m sure she knows that’s what I actually do, but we don’t talk about it.
As if she could read my mind from all those miles away, Paula goes live for the concert. As far as I can tell, she’s in the VIP section. It doesn’t look like many other people are watching her live, so I’m almost certain she is streaming just for me. 
Emelia and I watch together, curled up in the guest bedroom with a bottle of wine and a huge bowl of popcorn. We sing along the whole time, tears in my eyes for most of it. It’s my first and only time seeing the show from the whole tour. I knew it would hurt too much after the breakup, and before I wanted to be surprised by it in San Diego. Em and I both knew I needed to see it at least once. I didn’t think through the fact that I possibly wouldn’t actually see the San Diego show. 
Calum not singing his verses in Amnesia and Ghost of You cuts me deeply, which has been true since the breakup based on Twitter, and both Emelia and I cry when they play those two. Cal doesn’t even face the crowd during those songs.
As the show nears its end, in a break after Jet Black Heart, Calum steps to his microphone.
“Madrid!” He starts, and Luke and Michael snap their heads to him, shocked. I guess they weren’t expecting him to take a talking break. The crowd cheers loudly at his pronunciation, since he says it like Mah-dree rather than Muh-drid. He hadn’t spoken the whole show, and, if I know Calum, he hasn’t been speaking much on tour at all, especially not in the wake of the breakup. 
“Excuse me if I fuck this up, but I asked a friend to help me with this translation. If it’s wrong, blame her,” he says and he laughs. 
“He’s talking about me,” I hear Paula say. She knows I’m watching. I’m sure of it. 
“Tu ciudad tiene un pedazo enorme de mi corazón. Te he extrañado y te quiero.” Calum fumbles through the Spanish that he reads off a scrap of paper. The crowd screams louder then than they have so far for anything else they’ve done tonight. I’m sure no one expected Calum to have said more than two or three words in Spanish, so it’s exciting to have him say something beyond te quiero and gracias.
“Uh, back to English,” he says while he tucks the piece of paper into his back pocket. “I’m sure some of you know why I love this city, and that’s never going to change. Thank you for having us tonight, the last night of this tour. You’ve been incredible and we will never forget you. This next one is one of my favorites, and again, I’m sure some of you know why. Let’s take it home, okay? This is Want You Back!” 
The lights turn off and the room of people screams when the opening notes resound throughout the arena they’re playing. Throughout this song, Calum actually bobs his head and sways a little, getting into the music the way he used to but hasn’t throughout the entire show. He seemingly stares directly at Paula’s phone, and I wonder if he knows she’s streaming the show for me to watch it. 
“Are you gonna call him?” Emelia asks in the middle of the song.
I look to her, tears filling my eyes again. “I don’t know, Em. I’m scared.”
She doesn’t say anything else then, just nods. 
At the end of Want You Back, which is supposed to be their last song aside from the encore, Michael and Ashton take their bows and Luke and Calum just clap at them. Michael and Ash look confused, but just wave to the crowd. They check behind their shoulders and find Calum and Luke still at their mic stands, but they continue their exit from the stage.  
“Madrid, for an extra something special this evening, Calum and I decided we’d like to treat you to a little surprise,” Luke says. From the side of the stage, an acoustic guitar is being brought to Luke. 
“If it’s alright with you, I’m gonna steal Luke’s mic stand!” Calum says into his mic. The crowd cheers and he hands his bass to the stage tech that brought Luke the guitar. Cal is now center stage, looking incredibly nervous. “We’ve never played this one before, but we hope you like it.” 
Look at the stars Look how they shine for you
Calum sings softly while Luke strums the guitar. Luke is smiling widely at Calum like he’s a proud parent. 
Your skin, oh yeah, your skin and bones Turn into something beautiful And you know, you know I love you so
Cal is crying again, but he manages to sing each word clearly. 
And you know, for you, I'd bleed myself dry For you, I'd bleed myself dry
Every word seems to cause another tear in my eyes. Their cover of Yellow is officially my new favorite of theirs, and I know Cal chose it for me. It’s as clear as day. As they finish the song, the crowd erupts again, and then Luke holds his arms out to Cal, encouraging everyone to applaud him specifically. Cal bows and takes a step back, his hand resting on his chest. He waits for Luke to bow too before they walk offstage together.
As soon as they’re off the stage and the crowd starts to beg for an encore, Paula flips her phone around so we can see her, Lucia, Marta, and Crystal huddled together and smiling. 
“For you!” Paula screams and then she turns the camera back so the boys can finish their usual set.
I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but Calum has just made me feel way more loved than I deserve, and it makes me want to reach out even more, but I still don’t know if I can or how I should. I officially want — no, need him back in my life. I need him by my side. I don’t know what it’ll take for it to happen and I’m terrified of whatever will be in between, but I know I’ll feel much better when he’s back in my life. 
Em looks at me with teary eyes as the boys take the stage again. 
“Em... I miss him so much.”
She hugs me tightly. “I know you do.”
read next chapter
a/n: something's brewing!!!!!!! :')
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bluemallow-log · 2 months
✍️ fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
Omg!! Hi hi hi! Thank you for the ask (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Ok so here goes my favourite five fics that I’ve written (in no particular order):
1. Celestial Bodies (Series)
This series consisted of two fics titles: UPRIGHT MOON and REVERSED STAR but I’m going to count them together. I really love writing this fic because it gave me the opportunity to: (1) explore Yachi’s character as an adult; (2) explore Tsukki’s character as an adult; and (3) show the readers about why I think the relationship between Tsukki and Yachi would work very well if they got together.
The Tsukiyachi fandom is very small (especially when compared to other ships in Haikyuu) but that did not deter me from writing almost 60k words of fic for them. As a matter of fact, my love for them grew tenfold after I finished writing this fic ❤️✨
2. Of War and Theatrical Play
This fic was originally inspired by the SNK S4 soundtrack (Memory Lane). Somehow when I listened to that soundtrack, I thought of a scenario about: “what if Levi and Hange met during a war?”
Then, as someone who loves learning about history, I decided to set the stage during WW2. Then as I did my research, I found that people actually refer to the war arena as “theatre”. It was such an interesting term, and so I kinda made it the main theme of this fic.
It took me quite a long time to finish the fic but afterwards, it felt so great! I really love how the story turned out in the end. I feel so proud of myself because I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone in order to write this 🫶🏼
3. Bunny Slippers
This is my first-ever tsukiyachi fic. I wasn't sure anyone would read it but I wrote it anyway because I simply love writing their dynamics 🥰
I really enjoyed putting a lot of subtle romantic elements in the story. I think the idea behind this fic is how your space will slowly be influenced by your partner as your relationship progresses.
I had a lot of fun writing this (:
Also, without this fic, the Celestial Bodies series would not exist
4. Tales from the Ackerman Estate
This fic literally raised me as a writer. I learned a lot of things from writing this fic
I never would’ve thought I would write a long-ass fic but here I am. 200k words and still counting 😳
At first I thought no one would read it because afaik not many people enjoy historical genre. But clearly I was wrong. I’m so glad people seem to like this fic 💕
I really love working on this fic because I feel I have this place where I can share my passion for history and for psychoanalyzing these characters 😆❤️
5. Don’t You?
If I can offer you some advice, please do not read this fic‼️ I had only my phone notes app and my love for levihan when I published this fic HAHAHA
This fic was not beta-read AND IT WAS NOT PROOF-READ. I’m PRETTY sure this fic was written with bad grammar and poor spelling (I don’t even want to read this fic to check because I’m too embarrassed).
But still, I have a special place in my heart for this fic because this is legit THE first fic that I’ve ever published.
Despite how hard I cringe at the writing, I do recall the happiness and joy that I felt when I wrote this fic. I can still remember the thrill and the nerve when I decided to publish it. I also remember the excitement that I felt when I received my first-ever comment. That’s precisely why I’ll never delete or edit it.
It’s my time capsule. I look at this fic as a proof that I am brave and as a sign that I have come a long way. I keep them with love as it is the one that started my journey, and I’m very grateful that it exist 🥰
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