#I want to be butch. I want to be recognized as butch. but will anyone see my cane and still think butch?
nekropsii · 8 months
This is a personal challenge, based entirely on my own experience and perspective, and also ranked from Most to Least Correct. I was bored, and thought this might be fun.
Putting this under a cut, because it's long as hell.
People get her mostly correct, from what I’ve seen… Most of the time, fan content of Meulin is absolutely recognizable as Meulin, but her pride in her deafness + joy of learning new ways to interact with the world through/due to her disability is always removed, and I do not often see people tackle the Toxic Positivity aspect of her character. That seems less like character assassination, though, and more like a combination of people not actually playing through the Openbounds, people not being able to fathom disabled people (especially those who gained a disability later in life rather than being born disabled) being happy, and general fandom distaste for the idea of touching anything uncomfortable, especially when that uncomfortable topic is highly mundane, normalized, and potentially applicable to them or their loved ones. Meulin’s toxic positivity was, of course, commentary on Tumblr’s ecosystem at the time, so… It was much harder to touch back then.
People tend to get her general, broad strokes personality right, but unfortunately she gets treated pretty roughly for the crime of Being A Serket. People refuse to understand her motivations, and she often gets demonized for what she was doing around/during [S] Game Over, even though that was something she’d gotten pushed to and also was cool as fuck to watch. God forbid a woman do anything.
People are right about the racism, 100%. It is completely despicable, hard to look at, and extremely blatant. She does, however, have character outside of that. No, it isn’t “whore”, it’s more like “angry, dysfunctional abuse victim”, and she’s genuinely a very interesting and tragic character. But, again, people are right about the racism, so she gets to be placed way up here.
She is such a chaotic little bastard. I love her. I really do. Please understand that she genuinely does not understand the concept of consequences. This girl didn’t have a Lusus, she didn’t have parents, it was functionally illegal to tell her “No, you can’t do that.” That would fuck up literally anyone’s moral compass. That’s not me hand waving away all the fucked up and bad shit she’s done, we all know what she did, but people tend to forget this aspect of her character and it pains me deeply, because it is a very genuinely interesting concept that I want to see more of. She’s capable of regret, we’ve seen her feel it, I just don’t think foresight is her forte. No one raised her to consider consequences, or help her experience them in a healthy way, because nobody raised her period.
Also, her ass is not butch, she is the girliest girl in the entire comic. She is about hot pink and glitter and kiss marks and unicorns and cute little puns and you will respect that. She is not masculine. Her ass is not masculine nor is she butch. Let her be her hyper-feminine self.
Please for the love of god there is more to her character than “Gamer Girl” and “Mituna’s Girlfriend”. You are falling for her fucking ruse. Please. Please. Please recognize that her entire character is about internalized misogyny, and being forced to overcompensate for misogyny in gaming circles as a gamer who happens to be a woman. Please. I’m begging.
His character is not that deep, it’s mostly just a string of events he is mysteriously, inexplicably involved with. The Makaras are extremely Function Over Form- their characters practically do not exist, they're mostly just plot devices that exist to push the story along. I'm sorry to Makara fans. You just invented a guy in your mind and decided he was real. He is also not that soft, though, and his relationships with both Meulin AND Mituna are not healthy. Hard to stop people from ascribing cutesy squishy lovey dynamics to random men who happened to have looked at each other once, though. Some people truly haven't graduated from 2012.
I am begging people to consider that maybe the biggest issue here is not that he is “Bad Otherkin/Therian Representation” and is in fact maybe the fact that Hussie was actually making fun of Systems when he was writing Horuss. Because Horuss is canonically a system. He uses the word system. He uses the word switching. He uses the word host. He literally talks about his Plurality at length in extremely upfront, plain terms. I don’t know how him being “Bad Otherkin Representation” was and still is the main discourse about him. It makes me insane. That is a commentary that truly writes itself. Talk about having your priorities out of wack, honestly...
No, she is not a MRA, she’s just a regular feminist who happens to live on a different planet with different politics and social hierarchies from Our Real World Earth’s USA. Whatever argument you’re about to pull out of your ass to say that she sucks is bad. She already explained what she meant by that, in more detail, very clearly, and she was right. Half the time she’s literally just giving you factual information about what Beforus was like, and literal plot synopses. She isn’t saying anything insane. She’s literally normal. I don’t know why people cannot handle or process this. Porrim has not ever said anything controversial. If you disagree with this you’re either misconstruing her on purpose or you fell for Kankri’s bait, and that’s just fucking sad at that point.
Also, she’s more than a sex object, and her tits are not huge. Honestly, half the shit she was saying was just “I am more than my sex life”, and so many people took that and made her main character trait her sex life. Just pathetic.
This man is a fucking war criminal and I will stop at nothing until he is behind bars for his crimes against Damara. Raging misogynist. Total fucking cunt. Just the worst. If I talk any more about this, this part will be 1,000 paragraphs long. But also, I’m begging people to recognize his relationship with disability, too. He was similar to Meulin in the sense that he didn’t mind his disability, and his biggest gripe with it was the way that Horuss tried to “fix” it… Which is an interesting way to expand upon how Beforus’s culling system is not only very explicitly ableist, but mimicking real world systemic ableism. I also want people to recognize that Hussie is actively having a conversation about the reclamation of slurs with Rufioh’s character, and how not letting people reclaim such language is doing nothing but giving the word power against them while stripping away their own personal agency. Rufioh’s a complicated guy, and he’s interesting and also the worst, and I am really tired of how he gets watered down to nothing but “Pretty Boy Victim Of His Inexplicably Psycho Ex”.
Holy Fucking Shit, You Guys Are Ableist.
To this day I see people saying he was just Hussie making fun of SJWs. To this day. To this day people think Hussie was trying to make Every Tumblr Leftist look bad, and that he hates them Because They Are Leftists. When will people recognize him as a bootlicker to the oppressive class and the violently bigoted. When will people recognize that. When will people recognize that this is more of a commentary on the legitimate real flaws of Tumblr’s politics at the time. When. When.
When will people stop portraying him as a lovey-dovey Catholic Whore. I’m going to stab my fucking eyes out and then kill everyone in this building. Me when it's based and cool to ship an aroace character with a sexual predator. I GUESS.
I say this with every ounce of sincerity I can possibly muster as a person: What the literal actual fuck.
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velvetvexations · 2 months
Like legitimately one of many reasons why I've taken to talking about transandrophobia and other related concepts nearly every day is that I feel like my oppression is articulated much better by people who recognize animus, fear, and general weirdness about the category of men. It's not entirely enough to get me to say it's the exact same thing but I feel much more seen by that crowd while the takes of TMA/TME folk are complete fantasy land rigmarole that favors arbitrary and pointless validation over recognizing material reality.
Like, when trans men are pushed out of a trans space that's supposed to include them on paper because they're too far into transitioning for the cis and trans women there to be comfortable with them, I straight up refuse to believe that's a safe environment for butch trans women like me or that a she/her pin is a magic talisman that'll override the fact that I don't look anything remotely "like a woman".
I want to be able to go to community events like pride celebrations so badly that it aches in my soul, but I have no illusions about the my hopes of being perceived as one of the gals by other trans women let alone anyone else. But oh, no, please do go on about how masculinity, real or perceived or whatever, is is always rewarded and it's actually just the role of woman that people don't like.
Trans women aren't treated like cis women and if we're going to solve anything you have to fucking deal with that instead of coping by insisting TERFs are just jealous of how womanly you are and literally every single word they say about their motivations are 100% lies solely for the sake of being mean. This is fucking oppression and visceral, genocidal hatred, not your second grade bully pulling on your pigtails because he has a crush on you.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 6 months
Fandom observation nicknames and funny tags: Part One Piece
Okay, one piece fandom it's your turn and I'm going to highlight your creativity. Again this is not meant to shame or call anyone out. I am genuinely impressed with the creativity and you guys made me laugh. So again in my opinion these were too good just to be lost in the tags or in the anonymous messages, several you sent me. So expand post at your own risk. This one is unhinged
*updated as of May 4th with more tags and new characters
I have mentioned this before, but for some reason that is beyond me. One Piece fandom you guys refer to your characters as daddy and mommy (And it's in a kinky way) way more than any fandom. I think I should just start with the list of characters that have been labeled as such before I go into the creative names for individual characters. Because trust me who makes the list and who doesn't is actually funny.
One piece Daddy's: Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy, Sir Crocodile, Benn Beckman, Killer, Sanji, Rayleigh, Roger, Doflamingo, Rosinante/Corazon, Katakuri, Ivankov, Arlong, Yamato, Marco, Izou, Smoker, Garp, Sengoku, Zeff, Kuzan/Aokiji, Kizaru, Fujitora, Akainu, Blackbeard
When it comes to the One piece Mommy's: Nico Robin, Boa Hancock, Charlotte Smoothie, Charlotte Galette, Charlotte Amande, Vice admiral doll, Catarina Devon, Ivankov & Crocodile
Now due to popular demand the new category the One Piece Babygirls: Ace, Buggy, Sanji, Luffy, Sabo, Zoro, Ussop, Marco, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Kid, Law, Bepo, Killer, Mihawk, Shanks, Perona, Yamato, Kuzan/Aokiji, Kizaru, Fujitora, Rosinante/Corazon, Katakuri, Smoker, Robin, Nami, Vivi, Jinbe, Hatchan, Roger, Zeff
Now when it comes to individual characters there have been some interesting standouts but I'm just going to do some highlights because you guys have so many characters
Ace: "Depressed sunshine orphan boy with daddy issues", "ace has that grungy line cook riz you know he lays legendary pipe", " he got goofy older brother swag", "Beautiful butch dyke wife", "Ace my greasy fire narcoleptic king", "The narcoleptic babygirl", the greasy crusty desert rat. "He would be worth the burn risk", "my favorite fire donut", "something about greasy alabasta ace hits so different", "with his riz he's probably a walking STD risk but it would be worth it. Just look at him probably also probably got a couple bastard kids running around the grand line", it's ok he's still greasy in my heart worlds most feral baby boy he looks like he eats dirt I could fix him (force him to bathe regularly)
Arlong: "Y'all are too afraid to recognize the truth too afraid of his drip, his swagger, his saw nose, to admit that he's hot also live action arlong?!?!the only sexy fishmen," "arlong looks like a toxic florida frat bro," "I legitimately think there's something wrong with me sometimes due to how bad I want arlong the rancid personality enhances the appeal", "yall are p****" arlong is sexy put some respect on his name look at those lips the laugh the hair!"
Akainu: "The world's next top authoritarian," magma Daddy, "He makes donuts and I still love him"
Bartolomeo: "the man hasn't showered in probably a week he's obsessed with the strawhats he'll pee anywhere and he's an absolute dweeb he's like a stray mutt that followed me home look at his fit it's AWFUL AND FABULOUS he's gross and dumb and if something bad happens to this silly barrier- creating puppy i'll LOSE IT"
Belo Betty: "True story: Belo Betty made me, an Aroace woman have a sexuality crisis."
Ben Beckman: Dilf, "retirement blorbo", "Benn Beckman is a religious experience", "to me? beckman is the character with the most sex appeal ever. raw sex appeal. I would [redacted] if I met this man. just sayin", "He can ruin my life any day of the week", "Also lest we forget pre TS Beck a++ quality right there I just want someone smart who will also hit a guy with a gun is that so much to ask for", "This p**** wants what she wants and its always going to be Benn “back breaker" Beckman", husband material, "men are like wine in order to get a good vintage you want the one that's aged", he had that sexy blind and reckless loyalty about him", "Beckman is a fine aged vintage of wine as men should be", "DEAR GOD the things I WOULD DO to that man LIKE [redacted] and [redacted] because [redacted] and [redacted]", "idk how to explain it but he's so wife", "benn beckman? more like benn breastman ok sorry yeah anyways. said it before and ill say it again beckman exudes raw sex appeal like jesus christ. why would you not want to fuck this man ive had lesbian friends who said he would be an exception to them which is so real his tits are big he loves his captain he STUBBED HIS CIGARETTE IN A MAN'S EYE UNDER THE GUISE OF DEFENDING HIS CAPTAIN so fucking sexy mwah mwah beckman my wife you are so hot SO HOT. in conclusion benn breastman you will forever be a top sexyguy in my head oh also forgot to add. he canonically gets bitches which is so real. he could get me any day", "Oh dear I just realised I have a thing for older men with grey hair and have substance abuse issues I choose to believe lung cancer does not exist in opu", "
Buggy: Assigned clown at birth, walking disaster, "my pathetic sniveling wet clown", my Beloved, "he has blue hair and pronouns", Failboy, "the skrunkly clown", "my clown wife", "he has that fail boy cringe", "buggy has the stronger levels of foolishness and fumbling his way to success", "the cringefail clown extraordinaire buggy", "he is silly and pathetic like a bisexual divorced dad",
Catarina Devon: "my problematic lesbian sugar mommy”,
Cracker: "if Cracker just let his hair down he'd be unstoppable i fear", "get wrecked cracker", "I am so curious about the people voting for cracker let me study you please", "cracker getting murdered as expected", "you can't do my biscuit husband like that", "i find cracker really hot"
Crocodile: desert daddy, Babygirl, "He's like if tony soprano was trans", crocodaddy, crocomommy, Big titty mob boss, He's 8ft tall and I would let he ruin me,"Mr. Sandman", "the human sandcastle," "literally has sand in his britches", "son of a beach", "World's Most Expensive Sand Sculpture", "he's got 99 problems and his hook is one of them", "casino blorbo", "I would subject myself to sandburn any day for THE SIR FUCKING CROCODILE Anakin Skywalker don't go here because I WOULD love sand if it was like 8 feet tall and had a voice like that absolutely rabid he could stick his sand in so many places and I'd thank him crocodile is one of those guys i wanted to hate so bad and then went actually no i want this guy carnally Crocodile has some weird rizz goin on and i need to climb that sandcastle", "I'm so sorry but I need to eat crocodile's pussy", "With Sir Crocodile you can have Sex on the Beach. Literally. Plus he owns a casino so you could probably sip on the cocktail version too...while getting some cocktail.", "mafia vibes and style", "crocodile's got style. class. you will be wined and dined in the most exquisite way you can imagine", "He's got DADDY vibes", " One handsome mafia boss", "I love crocodile but also i wanna punch him and i feel like hes got the sandiest pussy/dick that shit will give me a rash", "my evilest baby boy", "Crocodile invented evil trans swag just saying", "im sorry az but crocodile was my dilf awakening", "in Crocodilf we trust",
Dragon: "the revolutionary scrungle dragon",
Doflamingo: "Dofy's got some wierd (potentially fun) energy but he would NOT treat you well he'd be awful", "The psychopathic pimp on a shoestring budget. Seriously dude, San Diego Zoo called and they want their flamingos back. That coat is so last season.", "fashion travesty", "Doflamingo dresses like an eye test and will probably steal your credit card by the end of the night not because he needs the money. because he finds it hilarious", "Mingo is just a spoiled frat fuckboy who's too full of himself to be interested in anyone/anything else", "a balding white man", "evil florida man my beloved they dont understand you", "Budget Pimp who robbed San Diego of their world famous Flamingo flock"
Eustass Kid: Pirate punk, "He's a sopping wet loser", "a man wearing eyeliner and nailpolish is by definition hotter", "my scrungy little fuck", he would also probably give me an STD and it would still be worth it
Franky: " Three words light up nipples"
Fujitora: "fujitora yes plz that like calm collected way he fights makes me KNOW hed take care of his partner real good", "have you seen how he slurps his noodles? I just know he could eat me out in ways I could never imagine"
Gol D. Roger: "the "Tom Selleck" of Pirates. He mustache'd the gold somewhere. You think these puns are bad wait until you hit my NSFW tags. Can't believe no one pointed those out yet, his name is a literal gold mine of innuendo. king of pirates? nah he's the king of rogering roger this roger that roger anyone he damn well pleases he has the D", "why does no one thirst after Gol like i do? youre all weak! cowards", "sorry but i am all about his dads mustache", " I can't be the only one that wants to ride that mustache"
Jinbe: "I wanna suck on the webbing between his fingers", does anyone else contemplate how soft Jinbe's tits are to lie on or is that just me?
Kaido: "beefcake beast of a man",
Katakuri: "I'm a monsterfucker at heart", "Katakuri is literally so good man he's a family man #he's badass he's got a great sense of honour you know I had to go for the mochi man", "donut king", "KATAKURI MY MOCHI MONSTER TEETH KING CHAMPION HUSBAND THAT I WOULD CLIMB LIKE A MOUNTAIN #I'M ALWAYS ON MY CLIMBING AGENDA WITH MY ONE PIECE KINGS!", "i just know this man would treat me right we love kata", "Kata definitely ticks that hot box"
King: "King is literally the most beautiful OP character you can't change my mind", "Gotta chose the melanin yknow", "king is so ajdhjdjdjchjd bark bark bark bark", "I saw King and decided he is my blorbo", "king of my [REDACTED]", " I know he's like 20 ft tall and I'm probably the size of his d*** but it would be worth it. I would gladly choose death by snu snu for one night with him"
Killer: "big tiddy murder boyfriend",
Marco: Bird daddy "Mr. Dr. Emotionally-Stable Scrungles", "surfer hippy electric blue glasses wing flapper", "DR. MMMMM", Fineapple
Luffy: "l am in the minority here I need luffy's gomu gomu no [REDACTED]"
Mihawk: The Vampire Pirate, Goth Dad, the sword father, Pirate Dracula, the big titty goth husband, "I think mihawk would treat you right. i want mihawk to treat me right", "I love his gay wine uncle energy", "I appreciate that he dresses Like That everywhere extra ass bitch", "hot vampire cowboy pirate", Morticia Addams, "Mihawk oozes 'step on me' energy",
Robin: "she has irresistible weird girl rizz", "big tiddy archaeologist gf"
Rosinante: "my insane clumsy tall dilf", "wife material", "he has cringefail dad swag", "rosi is everything to me actually. I would climb that tall clumsy king like a tree", "the klutzy mime", "he has that pathetic depressed clown vibe thats irresistible", "He's the epiome of strong but silent, he's the asshole with a heart of gold, he has everything", rosinante is hot tho and his clumsiness somehow enhances it", "I've said it before and I'll say it again I WOULD climb that clumsy king like a tall tree want to kiss him until his silly jester makeup is all over me too", "I am loyal to the guy who actively sets himself on fire",
Sabo: "bc he said killing woth lead pipes and then he just kept doing it its the crazy for me"
Sanji: fail wife, Cooking Daddy, "I NEED sanji to f*** me to tuesday and make me dinner before and breakfast after", "The man will feed you the best meal you've ever had and genuinely compliment something about you", "His fighting style is 'kick the problem until it goes away' and he chugs Love Women Juice", "he can cook and fight and he's damn fine while doing both"
Shanks: Margaritaville Himbo, "Dilflicious", "the deadbeat malewife wifi user", "I am a whole lesbian but if there were a butch girl version of these men I would let shanks ruin my life", "favorite guy in the local frat" He's probably a walking STD risk but he's hot and I'm a slut that has a thing for red heads, "the unwashed bitch", "LOOK AT THAT SCRUFF ON SHANKS the three scars on his face that smile", "my Scrungle drunk bastard", I would volunteer to be his next baby mama you know shanks got a few a dozen red haired children all over the grand line tell me I'm wrong," " The biggest fuckboy to ever whore about the Grand Line."
Smoothie: "ah...smoothie....or as i call her... one piece tsunade Imaoo", "ultimately my desire to be crushed by Smoothie's thighs won out", "SMOOTHIE. THANK YOU mommy long legs... gauhggfghgh......i want her to juice me pleeeeaaaseeeeeeeeeee /silly",
Silvers Rayleigh: "Silver Fox Rayleigh", "he's old but he can get it", "Rayleigh has that 'your daughter calls me daddy too' energy", "he's a gilf who married a literal queen", "rayleigh has spent his entire life SERVING CUNT", "Raiyleigh has that gilf energy despite having no kids", I need him in so many different ways I cannot list", "he has my heart around his little finger", "Rayleigh makes me howl like a dog I swear", "I mean come on look at his HAIR his GLASSES that incredible STARE even his wrinkles are hot", "Rayleigh got the 50 year anniversary in the bag idk why you would go for anything else", "helloooo????? Rayleigh is the hottest old guy in one piece please", "I would let rayleigh ruin me and I would thank him", "Rayleigh to me is more like a really smooth mead", "genuinely may be the hottest man of onep just like. objectively", "rayleigh you will always be famous for being the most fuckable old man ever. there may be dilfs galore out there but ur the only gilf in my heart", "that scene where Rayleigh gets out of the ocean shirtless After swimming to the island of women I actually said Daddy out loud",
Smoker: "Smokedaddy", "Smokestack. 'Ole Smokey. Smokin' Hot Smoker", "smokers allergy to keeping his Tits covered compels me", "i do love smoked sausage i'm sorry i'll see myself out", "smoker he's just so beefy like fuckkk and he's like almost 40 i just wanna be smokers lil housewife", "smoker is a beautiful lesbian to me", "smoked sausage I just *know* he's got more to work with than a cocktail weenie", "SMOKEYBEAR PAPA SMOKE MY KING i would smoke him like a chimney if you're pickin up what I'm putting down wink wink nudge nudge he really would kill my lungs but it'd be a fun time", "SMOKER PAPUCHO RICO I NEED HIM", "smoker is solid (despite being made of smoke)", "smoker. smo-yan. ultimate "guy who is allergic to wearing shirts" and honestly? he's so right for that. he needs to show off his tits! in a one piece man boob ranking he's coming number 2 (after crocodile) i said this in dms earlier today but it needs to be released to the world "fat d*ck fat tits fat ass he has it all" smoker is PACKINNNNN in every way he's genuinely so attractive, even just considering him physically and look at his sexy facial scar also (beck also has one. very good) and his slicked back short hair.....not to mention the things that are very endearing about him personality wise - he does masculinity like NOBODY ELSE. genuinely NO ONE does it like him like. he's gruff but he has a very strong personal moral code and he really *does* care..... the man's a tsundere and he's never been cruel to those undeserving like in his introduction - kids bumps into him, spills ice cream on his pants YOU KNOW WHAT SMOKER SAYS? YK WHAT HE SAYS? "my pants ate your ice cream." KILL ME NOWWWWWW HES SO FUCKING HOT IM EATING MY OWN HANDS and then he GIVES THE KID MONEY TO BUY MORE ICE CREAM. jesus christ smoker big d*ick big tits big heart i fucking love him good god", "something something vague moaning sounds I would call him smokey just to provoke him", "
Trafalgar Law: "DR. Slut", "He has them tattoos which makes me go fucking feral", "A stoner greasy boyfailure", "the edgy emo orphan boy with daddy issues", 'My tried stressed bitch", "law is hot because hes pathetic has tattoos and is the narrative's favorite punching", "i am DERANGED over a depressed formerly-suicidal surgeon",
Yamato: "I need my trans man big naturals...... I know nothing about one piece but yamato lives rent free in my brain and my heart at all times the only anime figure i have is of him and i don't even watch the fucking show", "he's new + he's trans + he's over 8 feet tall + he's a wolf god what more could you want?!", "he is filled to the brim with TRANSMASC SWAG", "it's transmasc dog boy swag for me he's my best boy", "Yamato's boobs call to me I need to motorboat yamato titties. whoa who said that", "yamato could crush me and i would thank him yes indeed", "I just found out Yamato is Literally a whole entire meter taller than me & that's all the convincing I need", "my canon transmasc king", "cant compete with is the fact that on top of beautiful yamato is just. fucking huge like i can not will not get over it every time i remember he's 8'7 in canon I'm like aaaAaaAaAAaAAAAaa kiss me on the mouth big boy", "as an aroace person. if yamato stepped on me id thank him. thank you for your time", "hes literally the whole reason i started watching/reading one piece
Zoro: "The President of the strawhat's local big titty committee", "The king of boobs", "Beautiful butch dyke wife", I would probably get an STD but it would be worth it, "his stupidity and gay attire make him very appealing", canonically the biggest tits in one piece, He got them big naturals, "Big honkabadonkaroo hoinkybadinkirs massive man tiddies Zoro", "Zoro oozes 'I won't let anyone hurt you' energy", "zoro is hot because of his big naturals
Zeff: "He will wine and dine me before leaving me lovingly bedridden the day after. And he actually takes care of his kid", "Zeff is honorable and can cook and clean and bathes and almost dies for a kid that's not his and then adopts him" He's got line cook energy. If you know you know
I definitely know I'm going to have to add to this since there's so many more characters and you all are definitely going to get more creative after seeing the list.
And a few observations. Why did Sanji make the daddy list and not Zoro? Characters that I thought would be short cliff notes turned into some of the longest sections And characters I thought would have some of the longest sections turned into some of the shortest ones. And I still think this was worse theyn JJK I just forget how unhinged this fandom can be because your unhinged craziness is dispersed amongst so many characters. And I haven't decided which fandom's next.
I now have my answer on why Sanji made the list and not Zoro. Overall the fandom is just thirsty so very thirsty. Hence the many updates to this list
Commentary added as of May 4th.
Characters that I never thought I would ever add to this post are on here and I am so confused. When I started this blog, I was warned that the JJK fandom was unhinged horny and thirsty AF. But in my opinion, the one piece fandom is much worse. Just look at this post for proof. One Piece you guys are definitely the thirstiest fandom by far I mean Catherine Devon has a section. You guys just hide it better than the JJK Fandom. Plus I do regret challenging a few of you to come up with tags as a joke because you definitely delivered
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cowboyjen68 · 10 months
I just wanted to ask some advice from one butch to another.
I recently got my dream job of being a warden on a nature reserve (and i love it!), while interacting with people there I get called a young man very often (i am 18 lol) and it gives me euphoria to know im masculine enough to even pass as a man. I've also had some volunteers ask if I was a man or not (despite my feminine name).
But recently I got called a "lady" outside while out with my mother. It drove me INSANE I cried alot.
Don't get me wrong I do identify as a woman but I hate being seen as a lady.
I've even thought about using he/him pronouns recently and changing my name but i'm too scared to as most people won't understand bc im still a lesbian.
Is this strange?
ps love u and ur blog lots xx
This is an easy answer because I was 18 once and looked enough like a teenage boy that I got "hey sport" and "hey young man" all the time, especially when in my work clothes. I worked for The Mayor's Youth Corp in Iowa City in the summers of my 15th and 16th year. Mom and Dad let me get a work permit AND bought me a used Datsun Pickup so I could drive myself the 20 miles there and back each day.
I was a volunteer with the Corp of Engineers youth from 14 to 16 and Dad knew I was super excited about this job. Mom was not thrilled that I wanted to cut my hair but my "grand mullet" was really hot under the hard hat in the summer heat of Iowa. (in the 1980's boys and girls had the short in front long and permed in back look) We compromised and I cut the sides really short. (photo of my me at 16 in my uniform for reference)
Using "he" would never have occurred to me because "EWWW Boys". This is not to say, however, that I hated being mistaken for a boy, on the contrary, it felt good. When someone thought I was a young man it meant they treated me as such. They didn't talk down to me, I knew they assumed I was capable and willing to get dirty. I knew unconsiously that along with the mistaken identity came many perks. This was nothing I analyzed but little girls see very early on the difference in treatment they recieve from their brothers, male cousins and neighborhood boys. This difference leads us to become negotiators to control our circumstances and not entittled to treatment based on our skills and actual personalies.
When an adult recognized me as a boy, even for a second at first glance, I knew I didn't have to prove myself. They, for an instant, assigned to me words like "strong, capable, demanding etc". No negotations required.
When someone realized I was a girl they literally had a change in their face. They smiled at me, softened their voice. When I was called "young lady" or "Miss" it always seemed to be backed my the worst assumptions (in my mind anyway). Lady is steeped in all kinds of traits I didnt want assigned to me. "quiet, weak, likes to dress pretty"OR "motherly, submissive, meek" Nothing good in my teen brain, that is for sure. Lady felt so OLD, so married to a man and reliant on him for survival, so polyster pants and ugly flats and scratchy blouses with a flower imprint. NONE of these things are inherent to being a woman or even socially forced on us but that is not how things work sometimes. Words that describe people get stereotypes and myths and traits attached to them all the time. Woman and girl are no different.
I can tell you, the best feeling in the world when I was in that job was when my supervisor, who damn well knew I was a young woman, trusted me with all the same tasks as the boys. Who valued my opinions and abilities equally to the young men. He took time to teach me what I didn't know, just like with them and didn't assume I couldn't or didn't want to learn things on the job. He didn't shame ANYONE for not being strong enough or for getting tired or needing a break.
Don't let the assumptions of others force you into another box of conformity. You don't need a boys name or to use any pronouns you don't feel connected to just to please others. In fact, none of that effort will change perceptions of those around you. I can promise that one day being called Lady will just be another word that you can hear and know it does not change your personality or your interests or control the hope you have for your future. What does waste a lot of time and energy is trying to adjust things in your life to fit incorrect or snap assumptions about you as a person. You can never control the thoughts of those around you but what you can do is stop worrying about it and enjoy YOU.
You have a job you love and are sure to thrive in. You are solid in your sexuality and love of women, you are in a unique position to possibly change the perceptions of others when they think of "young women". Your interactions with the public are sure to effect the assumpions of at least some people when they think of young women and their roles in our society.
Congratulations on your new career and I bet you rock that uniform.
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stonefemblues · 2 months
sometimes being femme4butch can be weird wrt self image bc like. what i find most attractive in a person is not what i want to look like. so it’s kind of like, i don’t find myself particularly sexy or attractive (if im looking at myself as if i were another person, which i often am, bc sometimes it’s hard for me to recognize the person in the mirror as Me). and sometimes i start thinking maybe i do wish i was butch bc im confusing my attraction to another person for what i want myself to be. and then i explore that for a bit and find that trying to be more masculine does not make me feel sexy at all and just makes me feel dysphoric. and being femme DOES make me feel sexy. but its confusing sometimes. in order to view myself as attractive i need to pretend i am viewing myself from the eyes of someone Else, not Myself. and i need the assurance of someone who is butch4femme to remind me that i am attractive as i am. idk. does anyone else who is primarily femme4butch get this
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dykeulous · 3 months
transmedicalist spaces have a tendency to quickly turn racist, classist, & insanely misogynistic. i myself have spent a long time in such spaces, and i know enough to say they can have a very narrow view of trans healthcare, liberation, and the medical field itself.
the trans people i have met mostly could fit in two categories:
1. the overly transmedicalist ones: they would encourage the existence of gender in a rather traditionalist way, claiming how the stereotypes that make up the gender binary help them “cope with dysphoria & pass better”, straight up advocating for the patriarchy & an immediate need for sex reassignment surgery for dysphoric individuals. i spent a long time in transmedicalist circles, assuming they would understand me better than the folk who claimed dysphoria wasn’t a neurological problem: it turned out they simply supported the status quo, were comfortable with the system with the way it was & just wanted to integrate in it, they supported strict assimilation, rather than liberation. they claimed there was no other way for dysphoric people to ease their dysphoria other than undergoing sex affirming care, and they were the heteropatriarchy’s biggest supporters: many of them were homophobic (against pride, against any attempt to promote homosexuality as natural & normal), and all of them were insanely neurosexist & bio essentialist, supporting the myth of the “brain sex”. they didn’t care if trans/dysphoric folk couldn’t afford to “pass”, didn’t want to “pass”, wanted to ease their dysphoria some other way rather than by transitioning, lived in an economically or otherwise dangerous environment, and would often push racist & eurocentric standards. they were, in a way, advocating for their own dismay.
2. the queer theorist: they would encourage the existence of gender in a way they claimed was “progressive”, tried to re-define transsexuality & claimed being dysphoric wasn’t a mental health problem/straight up refused to acknowledge the influence misogyny & socialization has on social dysphoria, claimed one didn’t require dysphoria be trans & coined the term gender euphoria (often experienced when trans people would be “validated” through the same roles these folk claimed to want to “destroy”, reinforcing the gender binary once again), many of them also would be homophobic & racist, trying to re-define homosexuality as well & stripping black women of their autonomy, they would claim to be against the patriarchy & described themselves as gender abolitionists: but then they would turn around and define gender as self-expression. they would vigorously attack butch lesbians, effeminate gays, and just in general gender nonconformity: all the while “advocating” for the people they were harming. they were extremely pro-rainbow capitalism, they would take any “representation” as a step towards liberation, even if the “representation” was toxic, disingenuous, and harmful. they would claim they want to “smash the system”, they would follow the newest liberal trends, and in this process, they also were in a way advocating for their own dismay. they allowed extremely sexist practices to lurk in lgbt spaces (kink, porn, gender ideology, etc) & defined them as queer. they actively weaponized marginalized voices, and had a very fucked up view of liberation.
of course, not all trans people are like this. i suffer from extreme dysphoria, and i would never want to put my people in two damaging & divisionist boxes. however, many feminists will agree that they also have encountered such people, and while i understand that dysphoria is agonizing & painful, and many people will go to crazy lengths because of it, we shouldn’t paint that as normal, healthy, or liberationist. there are many ways to treat dysphoria, and the approach to trans liberation should be one that supports & doesn’t question anyone’s right to self-determination, self-will, self-expression, and bodily autonomy; all the while recognizing that gender ideology (whether traditionalist or liberal form of it) & queer theory supports the further oppression of both dysphoric individuals and female people. we cannot disenfranchise another group of already disenfranchised people, just to liberate trans people. we must recognize that dysphoria is rooted in misogyny (and although we cannot fully know whether sex dysphoria stemmed from misogyny or not, and we cannot claim it did, we know & should acknowledge that social dysphoria did), and that sex reassignment surgery isn’t the only solution to dysphoria. we are all in this same hole, and we cannot go around shitting on each other, when at the end of the day we are all locked in the cage called gender. liberation of trans people can only happen once it is abolished. truly abolished. not modified, not painted rainbow, not rebranded as self-expression, not fed into. really, truly, violently stomped on & abolished– once for all. then, we can see trans liberation flourish. and we can also ease dysphoria more thoroughly, instead of feeding into it & creating new boxes (new gender “identities”) to further amplify the pain dysphoric people experience.
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everydayyoulovemeless · 5 months
Assuming you'd be willing to: How does Butch react/act when realizing he might be crushing on the Male!Lone Wanderer? Either while they're both still in the vault or after the Lone Wanderer returns from the Wastes
Butch's Reaction to Crushing on a M!Lone
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Butch is mean ➼ Genre » Romantic
It pisses him off when he first starts to notice how he feels for you. I imagine he represses his romantic feelings for men like crazy and realizing that he’s slowly developing a crush on you, of all people, makes him want to punch a hole in the wall.
He’ll be even crueler to you now; spitting on you, jumping you in the Vault hallways, and threatening to carve his initials into your skin with his pocket knife. He hopes that it’ll force his desires away. Maybe if you hate him enough he’ll finally just let it go, but, to his dismay, it never happens.
It becomes obvious very quickly that something deeper within him is causing him to be like this. The other Tunnel Snakes will also start noticing how much he seems to like picking on you compared to anyone else in the Vault.
The day you leave is the day he shatters. Of course, you’re the one who has to leave. He’ll pretend to be happy about finally being rid of you, but deep down he’s worried you won’t make it. You’re smaller than him, weaker than him, and never had been one to fight back... how would you ever survive on the surface?
He can’t help the way his eyes light up when he spots you entering the Muddy Rudder. He doesn’t even bother hiding the smile that slowly tugs at his lips as he waves you over to the bar, praying you won't cringe at the sight of him and leave.
He’ll act as if you guys had been friends for years. He’ll toss his arm loosely around your shoulders and order you a drink, asking about your time in the wasteland. However, his friendly demeanor will shift once he sees how awkward you act around him.
He doesn’t bring up how he used to treat you - he doesn’t know if he can - but he’ll, at the very least, try to make an effort toward earning your trust.
He follows you whether you want him to or not. He may still be a tad naive about what exists in the wasteland, but he’s not naive enough to recognize the dangers. The last thing he wants is for you to die, especially if it happens before he can confess to you.
He’s gentler toward you now. Those few months after you’d set off to find your dad had killed him, and he wants to make an active effort to show how much he’s missed you and how much he wants to be around you.
He’ll slowly start to do things that boyfriends traditionally do. He’ll offer to carry some of your heavier items, open doors for you, and even pay for meals when you both find a settlement to eat out at.
He also becomes extremely protective over you. You can see the hatred and jealousy boiling in his eyes whenever he spots someone touching you or standing too close. It eats at him even more knowing he can’t say anything because you two aren’t officially together.
Some of his old habits still linger. Occasionally, he’ll grab your face to make you look at him or, stick his foot out and trip you while you walk. It’s just in his nature.
Although, he does try to make it up by offering to clean up your hair for you. Free of charge. Either because he’s noticed it’s been growing out or it’s gotten dirty during the days you’ve spent traveling. Besides, he likes being able to take care of you like this.
It kills him that he can’t seem to find it within himself to just tell you about how he’s feeling, or even just apologize for how he treated you while you both were in the Vault.
It’ll become more and more obvious that he’s interested in you, but he refuses to be the one to say it. You’ll have to make the first move in the relationship because his pride won’t let him be in love with another man. Especially, if there’s a chance he may be rejected.
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sponfawn · 28 days
MTH meta - The Gifts That Keep on Giving (me feelings)
There has been a lot of gift giving in the past few chapters, between the Girls' birthday, Christmas, and the Boy's "birthday".
The gifts I want to touch on first are the shoes. When I realized that Blossom and Butch both received shoes in very different ways, I ttried to think about where else shoes might have been significant in the fic. With the publication of Modern Girl magazine, we are given a reminder about the shoe ad that didn't show the Girls' faces, just their bodies and shoes. Professor Utonium specifically says that he much preferred their (Brick's) magazine photographs over the shoe ads, because he could see their faces. The shoe ads are obviously an example of the physical objectification of the Girls, but it also reinforces the idea that they are a symbol and idols for Townsville (everyone immediately knows it's the Girls, even though their faces aren't visible. There are v few celebrities with that kind of recognition). To the point where Brick gets sick of seeing the ads all over, after seeing their promo. Many of the people of Townsville don't seem to see the Girls as full people with their own needs and wants, but as figures who exist for their safety and/or convenience (as seen when the Boys fill in for the Girls during the parade).
So how does this relate to Blossom and Butch? Brick gave Blossom shoes. This gift shows an appreciation for her talent and passion, beyond her looks - something she talks about after the photoshoot for MG. She's ok with people thinking she's pretty but she does all this other stuff. It is also a gift specifically for her, in contrast to Mrs. Morbucks' "gifts" (bribes) which involved money to Blossom's charity of choice and a scholarship in her name. Both of which target what she values but were a tool of manipulation, and played to Blossom's habit of putting others before herself. Brick has expressed that she also needs to think about her needs, because she is so quick to limit her opportunities for the (perceived) sake of Townsville. We know all the Girls got a lot of presents from the people of Townsville but I suspect that few if any were as personal and For Her as the shoes. Brick chose a gift that relates to her passion, to the activity that he begrudgingly started to admire her for, to the activity that they most often do together (the shoes are specific to ballroom), and that can't be interpreted as being for anyone but her. I'm sure she has also gotten gifts from close friends that were just for her. But given that Brick is adamant that she needs to recognize that her wants are important and that it's ok for her to want and have things for herself, I think this is significant.
Buttercup and the guys' gift to Butch is a practical group gift showing care and affection from his friends, but she signs the shoes last in a physically close and comfortable way. Did she actually procrastinate just to put it off? Did she just have a hard time figuring out what to write, as much as she has feelings for him while trying to deny it to herself? Did she want the last word to make it more special? She waited until he had the shoes on to write something, so I think it is at least partly the latter.
She and Butch are first and foremost friends, but they are undeniably special to each other compared to their other friends (whether they recognize/admit why or not). Buttercup's other gifts for him (pot popcorn balls) are undeniably for him as well, and that is significant for Butch who is so used to being overlooked in favor of Brick. We know that the other field agents at JS like the Boys. They helped them move in, no strings attached, and joked around with them. But it's unclear if they relate to the Boys individually or relate to them more as a unit. The shoes are for Butch only, from a group of people who care about him just for being their dumbass friend. And I think that's why he thinks "No one's ever done something like [that] for me before". Penny clearly cares about the Boys, but I think they all know there's a degree of obligation in it too. It's ultimately her job to take care of them, even though she likes them.
It doesn't have as direct a connection to the shoe ad like Brick's present does, and this is probably a stretch, but I think there's something to be said about how shoes are a symbol of genuine connection and care in these scenes - seeing the recipients of these gifts as whole people rather than simply objectified uncomplicated symbols of love and beauty vs fear and evil.
In Butch's case, he gave Buttercup the jacket partly out of feeling territorial, but it was also based on a prior vulnerable conversation. While I think jealousy was definitely a factor, he also knows how thinking about her relationship with Mitch makes her sad and uncomfortable, and Butch just wants to make her happy (even if it means getting his dick pierced to make her laugh). Penny knew that it was for Buttercup after their first meeting when she seems to measure Buttercup's shoulders with her eyes. Meaning it was likely procured by Penny but with specific instructions (more than just her shirt size would convey). The fact that it fit her so perfectly suggests Butch's intimate platonic knowledge of her body (platonic in terms of the fact that their physical contact has usually been "just friends being pals", not in terms of their feelings).
Mitch's jacket was important to Mitch, something he loved that was his dad's. It was sentimentally very important, but oversized on Buttercup. A bit like his desire for more PDA - it didn't fit her well despite their genuine love for each other and the fact that she liked wearing it. Butch's jacket is a perfect fit, perhaps even made just for her (much like Butch was literally made for her but in a different way). It isn't obvious on sight exactly who gave it to her. It's more discreet, which suits Buttercup's more private nature and is perhaps another way sbj shows Butch's ready interpretation of her wants and his eagerness to meet them.
Blossom's scarf required time and energy. It is practical but sentimental and thoughtful. Red is an obvious choice, but the gray is perhaps symbolic of his shifting priorities and/or her perception of him. Things aren't so black and white anymore. I love the little bit of pink at one end. It is a bit more forward than she has been in the past (except on their date), and I love it. I don't think it was her being territorial in the way that Butch and Boomer were with their presents, but more of a hope that when he wears it, it'll make him think of her. So a bit like Butch in a way, but not in an effort to replace or erase anyone else's connection, just to assert herself in a small way.
She describes it as "all she can give him", and it is a humble gift compared to other "gifts" he has gotten in the series (most of which were bribes or supplied for official events). This gift is all Blossom can give, and it is given with nothing expected in return. Just the hope that he'll wear it. It's a show of care for his physical well-being, something that I'm not sure anyone else has ever given him. The Boys have smoked with him when he was upset, but that's about as much as we've seen in terms of care. He's Brick. He's the leader of the RRBs, he was specifically made and brought back to put himself in physical danger with the hopes of defeating the Girls. Of all the Boys, he is seen as the most competent, the strongest, yet here Blossom is worrying about the fact that he doesn't have a scarf in the cold. There's something so tender in that.
In Boomer's case, the necklace was from a desire to give something unique from others, and a way to show that she is his. He was going to give it to her on her birthday and it was a symbol of his devotion and commitment to her, but he suddenly decided to wait to give it to her until he could confirm that none of her exes had given her a necklace. He is so desperate to be unique and special to her like she is to him, that his insecurities actively get in the way of expressing his love. It is a gift that can be worn all the time, regardless of occasion (as opposed to shoes or a leather jacket), in a heart shape that is more typically indicative of romance.
I sort of wonder if sbj was intending to show the lack of emotional intimacy or lack of Boomer's growth in their relationship. Lemme explain: all of the gifts in this post are wearable, but 3 of them needed to fit well. The 2 pairs of shoes and the jacket. All 3 fit perfectly, requiring the giver to be very attentive to the other party's size (especially considering it's unlikely that Brick has ever seen the inside of Blossom's shoes, the guys were unsure if the shoes would fit Butch, and Butch apparently gave pretty precise measurements/sizing to Penny. The 4th gift, Blossom's, doesn't need to fit well, but it required recognizing a need that Brick had and time and effort to make it. The necklace, while sweet and definitely something that Bubbles liked, didn't require that much thought or attention to her on Boomer's part. Which reflects how he relates to their relationship, I think. He focuses a lot on how she makes him feel, and while he's been trying to be "good" for her sake, his insecurities and jealousy have gotten in the way of their connection. He is so caught up in them, he doesn't realize that she is feeling uneasy because he's hiding things, and didn't really think about how it would make her feel when he decided not to give her the necklace initially.
The only person who hasn't given one of their counterparts a special wearable gift so far, is Bubbles. That could change in the future. But it is interesting. I might discuss this in a different post on other gifts that have been given.
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monimccoythings · 9 days
Mama Wolf
Woah, I've been wanting to write f!Logan since I first saw a drawing about her. She is so butch and gruff and dreamy... And I love the fics where Logan is a dad.
tags: f!Logan and m!reader, pregnancy, Logan has animal traits, a bit of nsfw, chaotic pregnancy because Logan has a very nasty temper. Logan can be a bitch to anyone but you.
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It wasn't really a surprise when you two saw the two lines on the pregnancy test. Given how horny and hormonal she had been lately.
Logan had many animalistic traits, her senses were as sharp as the deadliest predator, which was great for tracking missions. But that biological advantage also involved having to deal with less practical animal traits like heats that stroke twice a year.
Oh, you were always so eager for those times of the year, she was unsatiable. You barely could keep up, almost coupling to the point of exhaustion, but you would gladly die just to be buried between her legs one more time.
At first, she didn't know how to react. Her? a mother? Fucking Godzilla had more maternal instincts than her. But you knew better.
Despite her gruffiness and callous exterior, despite how annoyed she seemed to get with the younger mutants, deep down inside her was buried the urge and need to protect them at any costs. There was zero doubt in your mind that Logan would make an excellent mother to your child.
The first months were hard, morning sickness didn't go easy on her, and given her extra sensitive nose, any smell could really send her crawling towards the toilet with you tailing close to gently rub her back.
If anybody at the mansion thought that regular Logan was short tempered and harsh, they just hadn't met a hormonal pregnant Logan. Her already volatile temper grew in unison with her belly. Everything seemed to set her off, claws out and fangs ready to tear anyone and anything apart; some lights were too bright, some whispers where too loud, her highly developed senses were constantly going overdrive and it was driving her insane.
Despite the hormonal changes, Logan did not cry, ever. She would rather vent her pent up frustrations as she had always done: through alcohol. When Hank told her she wouldn't be able to smoke or drink for the entirety of the pregnancy, she threw an epic fit that left the medbay unusable for weeks. Only your reassuring presence and gentle kisses were enough to soothe her down.
When she started showing, Logan also felt the need to start nesting. Soon your shared bed had become a bundle of clothes, cushions, sheets and towels. She reluctantly told you that she felt calmer if she was constantly surrounded by scents that reminded her of you.
The first time she felt her baby kick Logan was stomping through the mansion, in one of her moods. It was so sudden that for a couple of seconds she didn't know what to do, her anger long forgotten. With trembling hands she slowly caressed her belly, afraid that if she made any sudden movement, the magic of the moment would be lost. That was when reality hit her like a ton of bricks. She was going to be a mom, she was going to build a family with you, her partner. That was really happening. Logan was at loss for words, but surprisingly, she didn't feel anxious, in fact, she felt extremely happy.
Logan found herself becoming more protective of her cub as the months passed, always with a hand on her swollen belly and the other arm extended, just in case she needed to use her claws. The animal in her only recognizing you as a non-threat towards the baby.
Don't think that just because she is with child she will want to stop training in the danger room or working out at the gym. She wants to keep herself in shape in case someone attacks the mansion. It takes a lot of convincing on your part (and Hank's, Charles', Jean's, Scott's....) to make her take it easier.
During the third trimester of the pregnancy Logan was more than done with feeling so swollen and out of control of her own body. Everything ached, everything sucked and she was hornier than ever. And believe me, if she gets horny, nothing will stop her from feeling satisfied. She will shove you against the bed, with impressive strength for a pregnant woman; well, this is Logan we are talking about, and have her way with you. Not that you're complaining obviously, your main concern is that she doesn't overdo it and accidentally harms the child.
It was a hard pregnancy for everyone involved, but specially Logan. It pained you to see her so uncomfortable, knowing there was little you could do to help her feel better. Yet you did everything you could to take that weight of her shoulders.
Everynight, when you two laid together in the safety of your improvised nest, with a hand on her swollen belly and her nose nuzzling your neck, you knew that you would die a thousand deaths and endure the cruelest of tortures just to hold the woman you loved in your arms and feel your baby moving inside her.
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clitorises · 4 months
Any advice for a nearly 30 yo virgin butch who's chronically lonely but terrified of talking to people
Do I ever.
Firstly. Do everything you can to start letting go of any of the shame you have around shyness or sexual inexperience. That shame is heavy and it will burden you in your interactions. You’re not less butch for being shy. You’re not less butch for not being a womanizer. Say it in the mirror if you have to. It won’t click right away, but fake it till you make it.
Secondly. Practice talking to people where the stakes are low. DM a mutual on tumblr and tell them you liked a post of theirs. Compliment a cashier on her earrings. If you’re out walking, tell a stranger how cute their dog is. If you’re doing it in person, do your best to make eye contact, stand up straight, and smile. Do whatever silly little tricks you have to do in your mind to make that possible. (aside: when I was a socially anxious middle schooler, I used to pretend I was Billie Piper when I was walking in the halls at school or talking to people. Just in my brain. I pretended that was how other people saw me, despite the gangly limbs and American accent. That little secret helped me feel more confident and at ease until I got comfortable enough in my own skin to feel cool and sexy.) Socializing is like every other skill: practice matters. Starting small will help you not get terrified.
Thirdly: Take a genuine interest in yourself. There is something amazing about you—probably a lot of somethings—and recognizing that in yourself, cultivating and highlighting it, is good for you. If you make self-deprecating jokes, stop. No ifs, ands, or buts. Positive or growth-oriented self talk only. People are drawn to people who are confident, competent, and interesting, unique, self-assured… those things come from developing a relationship with yourself. Learn what you like to do and how you like to be treated. The warmth you give yourself will start spilling over into anyone you interact with. It’s inevitable.
Fourthly, about dating and sex specifically: It’s a little tough to give advice without knowing much about you as a person, but I will say the same rules for socializing in general apply here. Work on being straightforward and confident. Think about your own interests and desires so you can figure out where you might want to meet a potential partner (bar scene not for you? you can meet dykes at classes at your local craft store, volunteering at the animal shelter, on sports teams, wherever). If you know who you are and are proud to be that person, you will be attractive. Trust me.
AND fifthly: Tough love, baby! Do it scared! It’s going to be terrifying at the beginning but fake it till you make it!
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thatdogmagic · 6 months
This is the last post I plan on making about the current situation.
I've been trying to recall what it is that might be getting repeated, and there's a couple instances I can think of that are pretty ripe for taking snips:
There are chat logs where I made unkind generalizations about autistic cis men, in the context of the majority of my experiences with them being largely negative, and being relieved that I had a space where my own neurodiversity had room to unfold.
She has chatlogs where I commented on not fully understanding trans men who still veered ultra-femmy, even though I don't have any trouble wrapping my head around butch trans women. That contradiction made me think about it quite a bit, and ultimately decided it wasn't a great opinion to have/was mostly just some lingering All Things Being Binary shit I still find myself unpacking.
I'm sure there's other thorny conversations that can be pruned for content, but I'm having trouble thinking of what it is beyond interpersonal clashes and, yeah. I've already seen the depths of missing context there.
There is no better example, in fact, than the comparison of shadowy werewolves with glowing eyes/teeth. It was taken from a concept that was tabled after approval was actively sought because there was a recognized stylistic overlap. Since 'shadow werewolf with glowing eyes/teeth' is a very common visual element in a lot of werewolf artwork, we also went on to discuss when those visual elements would best be avoided, and when they could be put to use.
This wasn't mentioned in the original comparison posts. Nor was it mentioned that it was never intended for public posting. It was a thumbnail idea for promotional material, drawn over a month ago - and nearly a full year after Lacey's skin tone changed - and it was quietly set aside in favor of other ideas.
Bottom line, I don't have any control over what she does with what she has. I don't have any control over what people think about it. But I do have control over what I do with me, and what I plan to do is stay off social media for the forseeable future, and keep working on the projects that matter to me, like I always have.
In the meantime, if you know me off social media:
I do not want to be contacted about any additional escalation
I do not need to know about any further instances of reposted chatlogs or artwork
It's kind of you to want to know my side of the story, but for my own reasons I'd rather not go into it beyond what I've already posted.
If we discussed commission work that you no longer want, please let me know ASAP so I can remove you from the list I have prepped for when I get back to taking those. Those of you who contacted me about it already have my email address.
All that being said, I understand if even with context, some comments lose people. I'm not gonna hold that against anyone. Where I'm at in my own development is probably not going to be enough for some, and that's fine. It doesn't have to be, and it won't stop me from continuing to try.
End of the day, keep in mind that this is still a personal altercation being made public, with everything that entails.
PS - If any other art is being posted: understand that it is being done without permission, after Ependa and I both actively tried to delete those pieces off the server, stated we'd done so intentionally, and then actively requested those files be deleted off the server/her machine when we were made aware of the fact that she was using third party plugins to retain access.
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ftmtftm · 8 months
Leaving aside the fact that this was apparently sent to a number of trans women, some of whom wouldn't have any reason to be primed to recognize bait because they're not involved in this discourse, there were also a number of people openly defending this ask and trivializing trans women's feelings when it comes the sexual objectification they experience regularly from both outside and, in this case, within the queer community.
In fact I've even seen many of the women targeted recognize that the ask is clearly bait, with their disappointment and anger being aimed instead at the transmascs who went out of their way to claim there was nothing wrong with it and trans women were overreacting, without the cover of anonimity (so clearly they stand by this idea).
In the same way I am not a fan of people who say trans men need to shut up about transandrophobia and get forcibly impregnated (I'm still reeling from that one, honestly. It was vile), I'm also not a fan of people who say trans women need to shut up and fuck people who clearly don't respect them.
And this does happen a lot, to both trans men and trans women.
I want to make it very clear - as I've said in every ask response: I feel for those people, especially the people who are distanced from this conversation who have been caught in the crossfire. Especially when there have been a lot of conversations going on lately about the ways trans women are sexualized, especially within our own communities. It's been happening in tandem with the conversation on the sexualization of butches for awhile now. Those are good conversations to have.
That's why the bait is so obvious to me though. It's very clearly preying on those current conversations and escalating them further to cause an even bigger divide.
And let's be clear - those women, especially the ones who are completely distanced from this conversation and have been harassed for no other reason than this anon decided to include them in their campaign - are absolutely victims here because that's how this kind of bait operates.
Victimize as many people as possible while pointing a finger - directly or indirectly - at a group you want to pit the victims against and cause massive issues and infighting as a result. It's textbook. It creates a scenario where there are people justifiably upset for being victimized while priming their upset in a direction away from the actual person doing the victimizing - creating two sets of victims that are now arguing with each other while the victimizer gets off scott free.
That's especially easy with the anonymous feature.
I don't think anyone is wrong for being upset about being sexually harassed. I think people are wrong for taking the sexual harassment at face value, especially those who are closer to these conversations who should - imo - know way better.
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gaypolls · 6 months
ok i just said it doesn't really bother me but i do wanna rant a little bc it's SO insane to claim that you're only a real homosexual if you've never felt an ounce of attraction to ANYONE but your own gender... as though True Attraction is easily defined and quantifiable for everyone? as though gendered attraction is in and of itself something that involves some essence of other people's genders or whatever and not just what you percieve???
think of how many twinks have mistaken for butches and vice versa lmao. is everyone involved in those funny little mixups not a real gay anymore? hell, what about gay people in the closet who can't quite accept their attraction to their own gender yet but their "type" of the "appropriate" gender is effeminate guys/tomboys? if someone wants to enter the gay identity do they absolutely HAVE to renounce all past attraction to the "opposite" gender as fake? why? says who? why would it not be enough to say "i'm significantly happier and feel more natural embracing attraction to, and being with, my own gender"?
like yeah, personally, i do deem the attraction that i used to think i had for women as fake. but i'm an incredibly self-aware and self-analytical and generally In My Head person. i can look in there and see the throughline and know the exact reason i thought i liked girls, and hell, i can even remember the conscious thoughts i had where i was forcing myself to feel it. but i do NOT expect everyone to be the same?? like that would be insane. if everyone was as self-aware as me, specifically. that's not healthy lol.
but anyway, on that same vein, repression and the closet are seriously powerful things. there may have been a layer of conscious attempt to be masculine in the mix, but when i was 16 and searching for things to appreciate in girls' appearances and, because i was trying so hard, sometimes finding them, and acheiving that abstract feeling of attraction that i was looking for... would it really be SO insane if i now wanted to say that yes, i have been attracted to women, and i just got over it?
when i say that i'm not attracted to women now, that doesn't even mean that i have never been attracted to a single woman. it means that womanhood and femininity does not inherently appeal to me. that's where "exceptions" come in - it's literally not that deep. it's when you recognize that you're feeling something, and maybe you're unsure but it seems at least attraction-adjacent, but it's not related to the prerequisite of gender that's usually on your capacity for attraction; it's in spite of it. i have to imagine that the majority of the time when this happens, it's because the person is in fact somewhat androgynous, or some part of you percieved this person as the gender you do like when you weren't conscious of it, or there's some aspect of their appearance that has the right gendered "energy" to you. and sometimes people just look really fucking interesting, or people are just excpetionally beautiful, and it hits you so hard that it seems like attraction but you're really just in a brief moment of awe! sometimes you just enter the cosmic soup for a second!
and feeling superior about having never had this happen to you is... well, it's just that, isn't it? it's purely about feeling superior. i honestly don't even believe that it's truly the case for that one person. i feel like the internal need to say shit like that has got to come from an insecurity about the fact that you're not that "true homosexual" that you're claiming deserves to never be implied to have things in common with all other gay people.
furthermore... the notion of it being homophobic to identify as gay when you're "not 100% internally homosexual"? well i mean obviously that's the terf shit. it's the braindead idea that other people's identities take anything away from you. as if anyone actually identifies as gay "when they're actually bi" just for fun and not because their "straight" attraction is extremely incidental and/or just does not preclude actually acting on it... like duh, lol. and even if it was for fun, it literally still takes nothing. it's a completely imaginary danger.
and it's so batshit in particular bc going out of your way to harass other gay people and tell them they're not gay is objectively the fucking homophobic thing??? like how on earth do you see yourself as the better person here. christ lol
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emeldiir · 1 month
Can rich people be butch and femme? I wanna create some OCs but I read somewhere that rich people can't be butch femme?
I wouldn’t really consider this to be a case of if they can or can not, but more of a ‘what should i consider when making accurate to life representations of butch/femme culture and identity?’
there’s a few different points I wanna make here, so bear with me, hopefully this will make sense to ya ;>
1) butch and femme as it is most commonly recognized today was born out of american sapphic working class culture. It originally evolved to be a protective dynamic for queer people to shield, shelter, and find life saving companionship with each other in during the 1930s up through the 1990s until queerness and transness began to be (slightly) more accepted in mainstream society and violence/brutality lessened (slightly)
2) because butch/femme is born out of working class queer culture it is most authentically practiced, worn, and understood by the people who helped define it. wealth, power, and privilege often go hand in hand so for a rich queer person during the height of queer bar culture and butch/femme dynamics, the experiences they would have had would (most likely) be significantly different to the experiences that a poor blue collar butch/femme person would have had.
3) as times have changed, so has the way we define and label queerness today, and as a result we now have a myriad of different experiences and cultures to pull from. I am very hesitant to gatekeep the labels of butch and femme from most queer people, but it is important to sit down and self reflect on the identity and what the labels mean etc etc. the historical identities of butch and femme are no longer used for their intended purpose of protection in larger society from violence and now are more so defined as a gender or a dynamic at play in queer relationships. The aspect of richness doesn't necessarily exclude anyone automatically from the identity and culture in such a polarizing way anymore
for example, there are butches and femmes in L.A. right now who make thousands and thousands more then i do, in my little rackety midwestern ohio town. I would not say that they are not butch or femme, simply that they have a very different butch/femme experience then I do.
I do not want to make the final decision on if rich fictional characters can be butch/femme for you, I want to give you some insight into how butch/femme dynamics and identity work in real life and then hopefully you can pull an answer that suits you from the information i’ve given.
since these are fictional characters, it’s up to you as to how lifelike they will be, so all of this information is supplementary to your own original ideas and the story you want to tell.
as for my opinion, I personally enjoy making my characters as accurate to life as possible so while I wouldn’t be opposed to rich butch/femme characters in my stories, it would be very apparent that they have a different understanding and experience of their butch/femme identities.
I hope this offered some insight to you, and please let me know more about these ocs if you’d like anon! I love hearing about other people’s stories and their. characters!
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maxknightley · 11 months
So if gender is a social construct and female beauty standards are oppressive, what does presenting female even mean? Sorry if this sounds in bad faith but I’m genuinely confused.
nah I getcha. this is going to sound a bit circular but my take on the subject basically consists of the following:
a social construct is defined primarily by the society that constructed it
that said, how one engages with a social construct as an individual is going to vary based on one's own philosophy and preferences, how they want others to see them, etc.
even if you think a social construct is dumb, that doesn't mean it holds no sway over your brain
so from that we can gather that there's sort of... different ways one can think of "presenting as female."
this is a bit reductive, but to provide an example, lets use "the wearing of skirts and pants" as a lens.
depending on the time and place, society might say "men wear pants and women wear skirts"; it might say "men wear pants exclusively (unless they're gay or something), women can wear skirts or pants (but if they only ever wear pants they're probably gay or something)"; it might say "only laborers wear pants, everyone else wears skirts"; or people in that society might not wear pants at all.
let's say you were assigned male at birth in a society where skirts are designated Exclusively For Women. there's several different ways you can engage with that.
wear skirts specifically so that people will understand you are presenting as a woman. (whether they're cool about this or decide to abuse you for it depends on the person, of course.)
avoid wearing skirts, at least in public, so that strangers won't think you're presenting as a woman.
reject the "skirts are for women" attitude altogether and wear skirts while still thinking of yourself as a man.
reject the "skirts are for women" attitude altogether; don't wear skirts, but still think of yourself as a woman.
reject the "skirts are for women" attitude, but present as a woman through other means. e.g., if your society associates long hair or makeup with womanhood, you might grow your hair out and wear makeup, but still avoid wearing skirts just because you don't like them.
deliberately cultivate an appearance deemed "androgynous" via opposed signifiers of gender - for example, wearing skirts but cutting your hair very short.
deliberately cultivate an appearance deemed "androgynous" by minimizing signifiers of gender - for example, if your culture is fine with anyone wearing pants, and it's fine with anyone having their hair in a ponytail, then that's what you'll go with.
cultivate an aesthetic that will be recognized as feminine (or even specifically as transgender!) within certain subcultures, but not others - basically a visual shibboleth.
ignore the whole thing and wear skirts Because They Feel Nice, or wear pants Because You Like How Your Ass Looks In Them, or whatever.
now, in reality, this is all a lot more complicated because there's even more social constructs to keep in mind - race and nationality, religion, flagging as gay, subcultural signifiers, professional signifiers, and so on. all of these inform each other in a way that will also be mediated by your personal feelings on all of it! (for example: I consider myself a lesbian, and more specifically, I want people to read me as butch. how do I navigate that without making people go "oh that's just A Dude"?)
the upshot is - and I realize this might sound a bit glib - "presenting as female is whatever people decide counts as 'presenting as female.'" society as a whole sets the base terms, and then individual people interpret them.
in a hypothetical world where gendered beauty standards didn't exist at all, it would probably be more difficult to "obviously" present as male or female. on the other hand, people are less likely to be shitty about people who present "wrong," because that concept loses some of its meaning.
none of that should be taken to mean that being transgender is "fake" or "meaningless," obviously. a lot of the time, society is basically arbitrary... but we still have to live in it. or, you know, actively reject it, but as mentioned above, that too is a specific choice which is related to our relationship with society.
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nomadicism · 5 months
I was watching a YouTube video where OP did a "Voltron Rewrite". I agree and disagree with certain aspects of it. (Which isn't a bad thing. We all have our ways of fixing that trainwreck. They have theirs, and I have mine.) But it brought up another question for me, why wasn't Pidge non-binary?
In the show, Pidge disguised herself as a boy to break into the military base that her brother and father worked at in order to find them. But that doesn't make any sense! This is the military. Wouldn't they find that out instantly when they require to do blood work or a psychical on her?
That explanation reminds me a lot of those "female Yuu has to disguise herself as a boy to attend Night Raven for no reason" fics in the Twisted Wonderland fandom in a bad way. Because, just like those fics, it's mimicking Ouran High School Host Club and Mulan without understanding why those stories work. In Mulan, she disguised herself as a boy to take her father's place, because she wouldn't be able to fight otherwise. Plus, she was able to do that since it took place thousands of years ago before the advent modern teach that would detect that instantly, and she was also caught after she was injured. Haruhi just simply didn't care about what gender people identified them as. Here, the story takes place hundreds of years in the future, so those issues are highlighted even more and make the plotline fall flat.
Having Pidge be non-binary right out of the starting gate would nix that issue. Pidge could be another person there, who wants to go up into space to find their missing family. They would be more male presenting, because that's just how they want to present themselves. No long-winded explanation needed. As a bonus, Pidge's voice actor is non-binary IRL, so it would add up in that sense as well.
One baffling choice in that series in hindsight amongst dozens of others. Though, I feel like if that show was made now instead of almost 10 years ago that would be one change the showrunners would make to the story.
Hi there, thank you for the Ask!
Those are good questions, and my own question is "why would the military have a barracks full of teens in the first place?"
The very flimsy reason for Pidge to join as a teen boy might have been fear about being recognized by anyone who knew her brother, or might have seen her in a dress one time. However, Pidge presenting as male would make her look more like her brother, so she'd be more recognizable in my opinion.
Within the VLD setting, there are no logical reasons for Pidge to present as male when joining the military, other than gender identity. It makes more sense for Pidge to be a trans man, or non-binary person, or transmasc person, or genderfluid person, etc.
One thing that I consider (and I don't mean this as a counter-argument), is how cis women still get pushed into a highly feminine presentation box, even though there are plenty of cis women who do not perceive or express their gender in traditional ways. Whether they are tomboys, butches, or women who simply have no interest in cosmetics and clothing that carries strong gender identifiers.
It's like, why are non-fitted cargo pants and comfortable shoes often assumed to be masculine (or for middle-aged women who are not portrayed as sexually available)? Because at some level, men are assumed to get things done, and women are assumed to have things done for them. That means that there is a space for representing cis women who do not represent their femininity in ways that are traditionally seen as feminine. Thankfully, those attitudes aren't as strong as they used to be, but on some level they are still there.
Within that context, Pidge as tomboy works, but Pidge as tomboy using masculine pronouns to present as male seems a bit odd. Like, it almost feels like a marketing decision so that boys in the target demographic could watch the first episode and not be like "ewww why is there a girl in my robot show" (princess-rescue doesn't count). I don't know that boys actually care about that anymore, but once upon a time that was a Thing they were socialized to react against.
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