#I wanted to write happy siblings but I need to practice writing angst more so…and anyway why be happy when you can instead just be ✨sad✨?
tadpolesonalgae · 1 year
Can’t Bring Myself To Hate You
Azriel x Third-oldest-archeron-sibling!reader
a/n: I was in the mood for a writing a heated argument that turns into an even hotter make-out session, but then it got slightly depressing so…
warning: slight angst but not much because I can’t take that emotionally :’)
word count: 3,888
-Part 2[*]-
“How was she today?”
You fight the urge to clench your jaw. The harsh snapping of your book is the limit to how far you’ll allow the leash on your anger to slip. Jealousy? Frustration? Whatever complicated nonsense he’s gotten you tangled up in.
“No hello? What about a how are you today?” You ask tersely. So much for keeping your emotions on a tight leash. His brow narrows a little—you don’t usually bubble over when he asks how your older sister is doing. “You weren’t practically bed-ridden for months,” he replies slowly, gauging your response carefully.
Instantly, guilt weighs in the pit of your stomach, and you look away quickly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you,” you soothe hastily. Gods, why did you say that to him? You’re trying to gain his favour, not make him think you’re an ungrateful, self-absorbed sister. “She was fine. We did some baking—well, Elain did some baking, I was reading something. It’s a new book, actually! Because I finished the last one, which was actually pretty good, but this one I think is set in the last war and…” you trail off when you notice the patient smile he’s giving you.
Right. He’s not interested in what book you’re reading, or how you spent the day. He’s not interested in you full stop. He’s interested in Elain. You fight the way disappointment wants to twist the edges of your mouth, instead plastering on a smile that you hope he reads as oops, look at me! There I go again, haha.
“Well,” you say, swallowing the lump in your throat, “she made some cupcakes—I think they were vanilla, and she put something that looked like jam inside. Really good. I’m sure she’d be happy for you to try one—if you ask,” you smile, adding in the details he wants to hear. For the Spymaster, he’s surprisingly open about his interest in Elain to you. But maybe that’s because you’re always so willing to answer any question you can for him.
“I’m glad,” he says, something glimmering in his hazel eyes. “And there were no silent spots? No abrupt changes?” You return your attention to the book in your hands, fingers running over the bound edges, “she was fine all the way. You never would have guessed everything she’s been through.” He hums, pleased with her progress. It’s a sound of contentment, from the back of his throat that you’re certain rumbles throughout his chest. It’s an effort to keep your attention on the book.
It’s been more than two years since the three of you were tossed into the Cauldron. Feyre and Rhysand are happy, Nesta’s made progress on healing herself and is now alarming in love with Cassian, Elain’s taking large steps in a good direction, too. You remember vividly the time when she would hardly utter a word for days, hardly shift her gaze from a strange spot in the middle-distance, how worried she made you and Nesta. And Feyre, obviously, but things were a little…strange at the time. They always had been.
You spent the first few months struggling to hold a meal down, often being wracked with spasms of anxiety and flushes of hot and cold. There was a time you would black out if you stood up too fast, and now you can hold down three meals a day without needing to run to the nearest latrine provided you don’t eat too quickly. You feel like yourself again, but fresher. You know you aren’t the same as you were, though. Not after the Cauldron, but you had no choice but to adapt. With eternity ahead of you, you couldn’t stand the thought of spending it weakened and frail—hardly capable of standing without feeling dizzy.
Maybe you are a little jealous that Elain’s getting all the attention. She’d always been the centre of Nesta’s attention, and while you were on fairly good terms with your oldest sister throughout your childhood, you were no competition for her sharp mind and sharper tongue. Feyre was the wild one, Elain the pretty one, Nesta the cunning one—then there was you.
What’s your place in your dysfunctional family?
“It’s good she seems to be steadily improving,” Azriel says, breaking you from your inner thoughts. You nod dutifully, agreeing with him. “She smiled for most of it, too,” you add, remembering how pleased she’d been when they came out how she wanted—after numerous attempts. “Though she was covered in flour—her hair was practically white!” You laugh fondly, covering your mouth with your hand.
A faint smile appears on his lips and, for just a moment, you let yourself pretend he’s smiling at the sound of your laugh.
But that’s all you have to report back to him, and even if you’ve pleased him, he’ll be finding an excuse to slip off now that he knows she’s been fine. You’ll admit, it’s difficult to remember she’s your sister when he so clearly would choose her over you. It’s not even a competition.
So you swallow your nerves, tuck your hands behind your back and peer up at him. “Hey, you read right?” You ask, keeping a pleasant smile on your lips—lest he think you’re too eager. He blinks out of whatever thought he was having, clearing his gaze as he looks down at you, then nods. “I’ve been known to pick up a book from time to time,” he answers. He’s in a good mood, it seems.
“Do you have a favourite?” You ask, tipping your head at a slight angle, appearing to look at the books stacked on the shelves. “I feel like I’ve been rereading the same story over and over again and want to try something else.”
“You’re asking me to pick just one?” He replies, quirking his brow. The smile that comes to your mouth isn’t as fake, or as controlled as you would like—it stretches your lips thin, showing the gaps either side of the top row of your teeth.
“Okay, give me a couple to have a nose at. So if one bores me to tears, I can pick up another,” you laugh gently, pulling the book tight to your chest, worried you’re showing too much. Does he know how your days often centre around whether he’ll seek you out? The too-short conversations that often revolve around your sister?
“Does Elain read?” He asks, tentatively, and it’s like a stone to your cheek. You clutch the book tighter to your chest, taking in a slow, quiet breath. “I can ask her? Subtly, of course,” you force a smile, fingers digging into the spine of the book. He shakes his head, “I’ll do it. I’d like to see how she’s doing for myself.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, “to be fair, she might be sick of them for how long she was in here last year. They might be an eyesore by now,” you laugh softly. But instead he frowns disapprovingly, like you shouldn’t be making jokes at her expense. And suddenly that urge appears, the urge to confront him about his behaviour—why he never talks to you for you.
“Azriel…?” You say, the smile slipping from your lips, though your make sure your eyes still sparkle a little, keeping them partially crinkled. But then you bite the inside of your lip, and the rest of the mask fades, leaving you raw, and more than a bit scared. If you overthink it, it’ll never get done.
“Why do you…I don’t feel like you ever…like we ever talk. Us,” you say, then flush at the word—so intimate. Us. “What do you mean?” He asks, standing sturdy before you. A seed of frustration sprouts within, but you push the irritation away. “I just…You’re always asking me about Elain.” His brow narrows a bit, and you want to take the words back.
“What else?”
You look up at him, all beauty and classical grace, and such unearthly, ethereal lines and angles to him you wish you knew how to paint like Feyre. “What do you mean, ‘what else’?” You ask, a little hurt.
“I mean, is there something else you want to talk about?” He asks, gently. Carefully.
My book would be nice. I’d like you to ask how I’m doing today, how I’m feeling, what I want to do.
“Something that doesn’t involve my sister, would be nice,” you laugh, giving him a smile that reads, can you really blame me for not wanting to talk about Elain all the time? He doesn’t smile like you’d hoped, but frowns. “Do you not like her?” He asks instead, “did something happen between you two?”
“No,” you say hurriedly. “No—nothing happened, we’re fine. Right as rain. It’s just…you always ask after her, and I feel like that’s the only reason you approach me.” You swallow, having begin to put the truth out there for him. “You seem fine talking about other things with Feyre and Nesta, but I can’t remember the last time we talked about something that wasn’t my sister, and I… I don’t really…” You trail off, watching him nervously.
His frown only deepens as he takes you in. “I’m asking out of concern for her well-being, you understand that, don’t you?” He asks.
“I know, I know, but…are you?” You reply, managing to reign in your wince at the blunt question. When he only looks at you without response, you push forward. “I mean, you…you like her, don’t you? That’s why you ask all these questions? Why you care more than the others do?” You say, fighting to keep your voice even as the words come out. “And there’s nothing wrong with that,” you quickly amend, “but, you know, it would be nice to talk to you for you. And you for me. And, you know, she does have a…mate, so, I just thought—”
“What did you think?”
You blink at the sharp tone, his eyes colder than before, more sealed off. Still, you square your shoulders, keeping the book tucked tight against your front. “Well, that, maybe, it would be better to try somewhere else? Instead of investing in someone who’s practically already taken?”
“She doesn’t love him.”
“I know she says that, but—”
“But nothing,” he says, brow narrowing. “The mating bond can’t force someone to fall in love. If she doesn’t want him, she doesn’t have to have him.”
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips as you shift on your feet beneath his penetrating gaze. “Feyre and Rhys worked out,” you manage, eyes flitting away from his, focusing on the book in your hands. “And she didn’t love him at first.” The paper’s old and crisp—worn with age. “Then Nesta and Cassian also got together, too,” you add, the pads of your fingers dragging over the pages, “and you saw what Nesta was like. How badly she was struggling. They didn’t look like they were going anywhere but destruction, but—”
“Are you done with the nosey speculation into other people’s relationships, or is that how you’ve found yourself filling your time?”
Again you blink at him, caught off guard by the ice in his tone. “I’m not saying it’s wrong to pursue her, Azriel,” you appease—try to. “I’m just saying maybe you could try looking…elsewhere, you know? Maybe try something with someone else? That won’t end badly?”
“You don’t know it will end badly,” he replies, all former warmth gone, no trace of it in his beautifully designed features. “It will for someone. Even if you and Elain do somehow end up together, what about Lucien? If it were Feyre and Rhys, or Nesta and Cass, would you think it okay for someone to try and separate them? When they were chosen to be together?”
“Bad pairings happen. Rhys’ parents are a fine example.”
“Yes, but they’re rather suited for one another, don’t you think?” You ask, pushing forward, “Elain’s always excelled at social events. She easily settles into the flow of conversation—she knows what to say, and how to act to put people at ease around her. And Lucien does the same. He knows how to draw ties between people where there seem to be none, just like her. He knows how to keep conversation flowing without pushing it, how to keep things at the right pace, just like her.”
“While you…” you pause, and his jaw tightens.
“Go on,” he says icily, “tell me why think I’m undeserving of her.”
“I don’t think its a case of deserving, Azriel,” you say quickly. “But you…well, you try to blend into any corner you can when there are more than three people in the room.”
His brow narrows, “I didn’t realise you’d been keeping tabs on me.”
“Yes, well, you’re the only one I’m interested in, so.” Your voice is soft, bladed, honed. Resigned. You lips press into a thin line as your eyes flicker away from his, too embarrassed to look even in his general vicinity. You had never anticipated laying your heart to bare to be so…scary? Terrifying?
Admitted in such a quiet, understated way. As if he isn’t the first one you’ve ever felt so strongly for. As if he isn’t the first one who’s given you a vague understanding of why some women were so happy to do whatever their husbands told them. Why they were so happy to live in subservience, and why that’s not what it was.
“You think you’re deserving of me?” He asks, coldly. Shame and embarrassment heat your features, but you manage to shoot back, “do you think you’re deserving of her?” You cross your arms over your chest, trying to prevent yourself from being intimidated by his height, and muscle, and beauty, and overall damned attractiveness that makes you weak in the knees.
His upper lip twitches in a repressed snarl, anxiety spiking in your chest. “Answer my question,” he says, softly, an edge to his voice. You swallow, “answer mine.” You’ve never demanded something from someone before, but it’s out there now, and it feels surprisingly good to insist on something for yourself.
He regards you silently, and it takes a remarkable strength to stand still beneath his icy gaze—knowing that he’s judging what he’s seeing. Weighing if you’re worth his answer.
“I think I gave a hint of my interest for her,” he says, eyes glittering with something cold that you’re unaccustomed to have turned on yourself. “And she reciprocated with her own signs.” He stares you down, unyielding, and powerful, and you want to run and hide. “What about you?”
You purse your lips to keep them from trembling as heat crawls beneath your skin with humiliation. But—no. Get over it. Make it through. Survive something else. “I think I’m tired, and hurt from knowing that you only talk to me because you want to know how my sister is doing,” you confess, voice wobbling. “I think it’s cruel to continue asking after her when I so obviously answer every question you have just so you might pay me a little more attention.”
There’s no bite to your words, and they come out softer and weaker than you had expected. You feel tired, and drained. Eyelids heavy and heart rate spiking every other beat, numerous crescent shaped indentations on the heel of your palms.
“Maybe you’d be better off turning your affections somewhere they’d be appreciated,” he says, icily. Your heart aches, and it takes a few humiliating moments for you to gather yourself enough that you won’t burst into tears when you again find your voice. “That’s all you have to say?” You manage, fingers trembling behind your back.
“Maybe if you were even half the female she is, I’d be tempted to show a little interest,” he snarls softly, eyes glittering with cold rage.
It feels like a smack to the face, a punch to your stomach. Your eyes go wide, then blur, hot pressure building steadily. You dig your nails into the binding of your book, and move to walk past him—at least preserve what little dignity is still intact by refusing to let him see you cry. He already barely sees you as a woman, you won’t win any points with your blubbering. He wants a female, not a girl.
But he seems to realise what he’s said and turns, gripping your upper arm to keep you from leaving. You allow him to stop you, if only because demanding he let you go would show your tears. “I didn’t mean that,” he says quietly, and you can hear the pity in his voice. “I spoke in anger, I did not mean to upset—”
“Get those hands off me,” you snarl, turning on him with defensive ire blazing in your pupils. Rage fresh from the forges.
He recoils as if you burned him. Retreats a step.
“Not nice, is it? Targeting someone’s insecurity—rubbing salt into an open wound?” You snap, blinking away the tears and pulling your arm back to yourself. “Don’t come asking me for updates on Elain again. I don’t want to talk to you if your only interest is in getting between her legs.”
He’s silent for a moment, and you debate just running from the library—you can feel the storm in him brewing, and you’re not sure you’re ready for him. But he doesn’t wait for you to decide, because the storm breaks right then and there. “At least she has someone interested in getting her into bed,” he says softly, hazel piercing into you. “Can you say the same?”
Mortification flushes your skin, mouth parting in humiliation. “I—…This is inappropriate,” you hiss to hide your burning shame. Because no, it’s always been Elain and Nesta to be pursued. His eyes gleam, reading your thoughts clear as day in your expression. “Thought not.”
Pain twists viciously across your chest, heart strings being plucked within an inch of snapping—pulled taught around your throat. “If I’ve never taken a man to bed, it is not because I am unwanted. Rather that I would not waste my self nor my time on someone I was not sure about. That I did not want with everything I have,” you whisper hoarsely—the final layer stripped bare for him to slice and dissect.
But then he steps forward, and without thinking, you yield a step. He’s not perturbed, and takes another. “You admit you have no experience in bed, yet think you could handle me?” He snarls softly, wings flaring ever so slightly at his back, shadows thickening. “I don’t think it’s a matter of handling you, Azriel.” His name is a little more than a whisper from your mouth. One he tracks eagerly.
“No?” He asks, stepping forward again, slowly herding you. “Then what?” You swallow, trying to stand your ground, but the sense of him is so overpowering, he threatens to obliterate every ounce of your own self. “I think it would be a matter of learning. And if you think I’m unprepared, then Elain is definitely no better off, so that clearly isn’t your issue.”
“At least she’s shared the bed of a man before, at least she would know what to do.” You don’t correct him that you have, in fact, shared a bed with a male before. A few in fact, by this point. Nesta’s the bad influence. He steps forward again, and he’s towering over you, hazel glittering between his shadows. “At least she wouldn’t lose her head over the slightest touch.”
And then his hands have landed softly on your hips, and your head is silent. Only his touch on your body, his warmth on your skin, seeping into your clothes. Does he find your shape pleasing? Is he feeling this mind-numbing shock? The tingling at his fingertips where they’re pressing into you?
For a too-long moment you just stare at him, thoughts eddying about without a destination, floating throughout your conscious.
“Still in there?” He taunts quietly, pushing you back, turning you gently as he feels the heat radiating from your skin, the stiffness to your body beneath his touch. It’s only when a hard, wooden shelf digs into the base of your spine that you realise he’s pushed you against the case. You open your mouth—to say what, you don’t know. He beats you to it either way. “You want to prove you haven’t already lost your mind?” He says softly, voice like a lover’s touch. You can do nothing but stare at him, panting softly, completely at his mercy. “Tell me to stop, or I’ll keep going. Say no, and it finishes,” he murmurs, keeping you pressed tight between his hips and the book case. “But I think you’ve already lost.”
You blink up at him, hardly a thought behind your eyes.
In the back of your mind, you’re struggling frantically to decode his words, translate them into something that makes sense. And then his challenge clicks, and you take a sudden, deep breath. You need to tell him to stop, to show him you’re still in control of yourself—that you haven’t lost your head over the slightest touch.
But then his mouth latches over yours, tongue prying your lips apart, and your efforts of rebellion are washed away. You go all warm, and soft, and pliable in his hands, melting like butter as you coat him. His piercing hazel eyes lock with yours as his mouth slants, one hand rising to the curve of your spine, pulling you against his front.
How are you supposed to stand against him when he annihilates everything that you are with the softest brush of his fingers—fingers that are now tracing up the path of your spine, reaching that final notch as they tangle with delicious pressure in your hair. His gaze cuts into you as his tongue drags across your own, flicking at the roof of your mouth.
He’s utterly unruffled, and you feel like you’re on the verge of bursting into flame right there, setting him ablaze in the process.
But then you’re again subverting his expectations, your hands flying over his shoulders as you tilt your head to allow him deeper. The only sign of surprise he allows is a blink of his eyes, but you’re already lifting onto your tiptoes—the swell of your breasts dragging over his chest in a way you must’ve learned males like. But where would you have learned?
Your arms tighten, then your hips are pressing against him, and—you’re fighting back, he realises. And for the first time in a long, long time, he feels excitement flare deep inside him as you stride to meet him. No matter that you aren’t Elain: he’s hungry, and you can make your own decisions. If you want him to stop, you need only say the word, and he’ll be off you. But if you don’t…well, he’s not going to be the one who backs out first.
He has a damn point to prove—that you have no idea what you’re getting into with him.
Taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
Ok, this is so fun! Congrats again!
I'll pick...Hunter (shocked, I'm sure.)
How about: "I don't think I've ever seen you smile" and "Oh, don't be cute"/"Wait, did you just say that I'm cute?"
Carol (@clonethirstingisreal)
Thank you @clonethirstingisreal - I hope you love this Carol, it actually brought a smile to my face as I was writing it.
Enjoy, love oo.
One Meal
Warnings: knife flipping, allusions to loss, slight angst, fluff. I think that's it, if I miss any please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Hunter flicked his knife back and forth in between his fingers, as he contemplated the next mission. Things were … different, since you joined. Not good or bad … just different. It been about six months, and yes, the Marauder was cleaner and didn’t have that lingering smell anymore, and yes, the meals had gotten better too, because you refused to just eat the ration bars the GAR provided. And … okay, it was nice to see your smiling face in the morning, compared to the miserable faces of his brothers. 
Yet, he still felt awkward around you. He wanted to laugh with you, like you could so easily with Wrecker, to have deep discussion, like you could with Tech, even philosophical discussions like you did with Echo. Hell, he’d be happy if he could just do target practice with you, like you did with Crosshair, but … every time he opened his mouth, he was curt, short tempered, and on edge. 
It wasn’t even your fault, it was just him. 
He stood from his seat, heading down the ramp and taking in a breath of fresh air. You were cooking dinner, doing your best to teach Wrecker that just because salt tasted good, didn’t mean he had to put in a whole table spoon full. 
It made him laugh a little as you tried to explain in your most patient voice possible, that you’d fix the dinner and Wrecker could go help Tech or Crosshair with something else. It was your polite way of saying ‘go away.’
Hunter tried but he couldn’t stop the smile on his lips, as he walked over to you.
"I don't think I've ever seen you smile" you pointed out as he walked up to you. “What’s got you so happy?”
“Oh, I just saw how you were very tactful with Wrecker. It was funny.”
You shrugged trying to fight back your own laughter as you tried to fix the stew, by adding more water, “He tried. I’m grateful he’s willing to learn.”
“Need help? I’m not completely inept when it comes to cooking.”
You looked a little surprised when he asked, not that his offering to help was a real shock, it was the fact you realized this was the first time you two had a proper conversation. “Um … yeah, if you don’t mind using your handy dandy knife there, that you like flipping around so much, to cut up some of these veggies so I can add them, that’d be great.”
Hunter chuckled at your description, as he nodded, taking a seat and getting to work, “Where did you learn to cook?” He asked, hoping to get to know you a little better.
“My mom and grandmother. They were adamant that I learn how to feed an army if I ever needed to …” you chuckled, “I had a big family, back home. Usually there would be around twenty of us for dinner.”
“Twenty? Did you have a lot of siblings?”
“No. It was just me. But I had uncles, aunts, cousins, friends, neighbours, anyone and everyone who needed a meal could always come to our place for dinner. We never turned away anyone in need of a good meal.”
“Sounds nice.”
“It was …” a sadness passed your face, as you thought back to what had once been your home, until the Separatist droid army showed up, and destroyed everything you had held so dear. 
Hunter saw your smile slip, it pained him to see that you had been through so much, although he hadn’t heard about it directly from you, he did overhear what had happened when you were talking with Tech. “Well we appreciate all your efforts, especially when you’re trying to teach us neanderthals how to cook.”
You giggled a little, pushing away the sad thoughts that had encapsulated your mind for a split second, “You’re not neanderthals.”
“We’re not exactly proper either. Couldn’t say, we’re exactly suited for a posh dinner.”
You shook your head as you laughed, “You don’t need to be suited for a posh dinner, you just need to show up to eat.” You smiled as you turned to look at him, smirking as you saw how perfectly he cut each vegetable.
You walked over and grabbed the tray of veggies, and dropped them into the stew, “Thanks for your help.”
“Of course. Can I ask you a question?”
“Why do you take care of us? I mean granted the Marauder smells a lot better, and the meals you cook are much better than the GAR rations, but … why do you do it?”
You stirred the stew as you contemplated the question, “I guess … because you feel like family to me.” You turned to look at him, truthfully, he was the only one that you didn’t think of as family, you wanted something more with him, something special, but seeing as this was the first time you two actually talked, it might be a bit far-fetched to imagine that could possibly happen. “And, I love seeing how my food makes you guys happy. Wrecker, has the biggest smile on his face, whenever he eats when I cook. Tech has this adorable blush, although he’ll never admit how much he enjoys my cooking. And Crosshair … well he always comes back for seconds; and frankly, between you and me, he needs to eat more. He’s too skinny. I could break off his collarbone if I needed.”
“I enjoy it too,” Hunter clarified as he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, “I might not say it, but I always look forward to your cooking.” He blushed and turned his head away, not wanting you to see how much of an effect you had on him, and not just because of your cooking. 
You laughed at his reaction, "Oh, don't be cute” you teased, “I might have to walk over there and pinch your cheeks.”
Hunter started to laugh, when he realized what you said, “Wait, did you just say that I'm cute?"
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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permanentmess · 13 days
Can you do a quicksilver x reader where the reader has a twin and quick silver thinks the reader is cheating on him but it’s just the twin? (Gender neutral or male reader pls!!!)
a/n: i wanted to do this idea justice, so i tried my best to make the situation line up so that it would work. i hope you enjoy it, and thank you for your request! i also wanted to use this as writing practice for angsty feelings because i need to get better about showing and not telling
title: seeing double (peter maximoff x twin!gn!reader)
word count: 1015
warnings: obviously beliefs about cheating, angst but a happy ending, hurt/comfort, some pet names (babe/baby), use of the word shit (once), not really proofread, gender neutral reader technically but its pretty vague and pronouns are only used for the twin (unnamed + they/them/their) and peter (he/him)
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He hasn’t realized he’s shaking until his chest starts to hurt. His head feels fuzzy and he wants to puke. You wouldn’t do that to him, would you? But he can’t fathom what could possibly be happening right now. You, with your lips on another man, your arms wrapped around him. His world feels like it's crashing down around him, with no logical thought in sight. 
Peter can’t help it, he has to clear his head. He can’t think about what this entails, what will happen once he talks to you about this. He runs and runs until he’s found the arcade, burying his sorrows into Galaga.
Peter was acting…strange to say the least. Well, you’re sure he would be if he was around. He wasn’t the most “normal” person, but that’s what you loved about him. And you knew, after 2 years of being with him, that he was being too weird just by being gone. 
He wasn’t in any usual place he’d be at, or any of his favorite hiding places (that you knew about). You asked your sibling, but they hadn’t seen him either. Not since earlier that day in the hall after he was done teaching. They were with their boyfriend, so only caught a glimpse of the silver-haired boy speeding away.
It wasn’t like him to just up and disappear, even if he was fast enough to do so. In fact, that man couldn’t go more than an hour without bothering you (lovingly) in some way. 
You were about to call out all the stops and have Charles use Cerebro when Peter walks through your bedroom door, looking somber. His hair is unkempt and he’s fidgeting more than usual. 
“Oh my god, Peter, where have you been? I’ve been worried sick, what’s going on?” You exclaim as you stand up to meet him. It feels like the words are spilling out of your mouth. 
He closes the door gently. “We should talk.” Your heart drops, but you gesture for him to sit on the edge of your bed, joining him on his right once he sits. You feel a pit in your throat but you try to swallow it down. 
He’s silent and refusing to look at you, and taking shaky breaths in and out. “Hey, what’s going on?” you ask softly, reaching out to touch his arm, but you decide against it. It’s at this moment you wish you had Jean’s powers instead, so you could understand what was going on. 
“Are you cheating on me?”
Your entire body goes cold, muscles tightening. Your mouth is open, but you make no move to hide your shock. “What?” 
“I saw you earlier in the hallway, with some other guy.” Even in a time where you’d think he’d be seething, his voice remains even. It was scary; he was never serious for very long. 
“Babe, I’ve been teaching all morning, and then I went straight from a classroom to back-to-back training sessions. I’ve barely had time to eat.”
“Then who could I have seen?” His voice is uneven and shaking now, like he’s on the verge of tears. “I want to believe there's a good explanation.”
You pause, taking a deep breath to try and bring some reason to your mind. When you finally realize what was happening, you let out a laugh. He finally looks at you, eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“You know, for a speedster-” you laugh a little more, cutting yourself off, “you sure were slow about this one. Peter, what kind of sibling do I have?” 
“A twi-ohhhh” he closes his eyes, dropping his head into one of his hands. “Oh, god, I’m so sorry baby, I wasn’t even thinking. I was so stressed because my class was acting up and I wasn’t thinking straight.” He’s ranting, now refusing to look at you out of embarrassment. 
“Maximoff, look at me,” you tell him gently, smiling at the confusion. Honestly, there are long stretches of time where you forget about your own sibling, about the lack of similarities, because you never see them. It’s a big and busy school, what can you say? 
He peeks out his eyes from behind his hand, but won’t remove it. You set a hand on his thigh, rubbing gentle circles with your thumb. “Hey, I’m not mad. I’m glad you cleared your head and talked to me about it.” 
When your relationship with Peter first started, he would suppress anything he was upset about, whether it was towards you or not. He’d ignore the issue and jump head-first into any distraction he could find. It took a lot of coaxing to get him to talk about anything bad that happened. 
“You’re not mad?” He asks quietly while removing his hand from his face, grabbing yours with it. His eyes are searching your face intensely, tears filling the rims. Your heart feels like it's beating so loud. It’s a rare occurrence that he’ll cry. 
“No, not at all. I have a twin, shit like this will happen.” 
He looks at you for a moment before he leans in for a gentle kiss and then pulls back. “I didn’t think you’d do that to me by the way. That’s why I was so confused, it didn’t make sense.” 
“I know, baby.” You lean your head on his shoulder. “You don’t have to explain. I’d be upset too if I was in that situation.” He rests his head on top of yours and then pulls you both down so that you’re laying on your bed. He’s exhausted suddenly, all of the panic and confusion and hurt crashing and dissipating. 
He shifts so that he’s holding you against his chest and you wrap your arms around him tightly. It’s a long time just laying in silence, and he thinks that you’ve fallen asleep, but when he pulls back slightly he sees you looking up at him. 
“Soooo,” you drag out. “I’ve got the rest of the day off, and you do too. What do you wanna do?” 
“Star Wars marathon?” He grins.
You return the gesture. “Absolutely.”
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wakeofvultures · 2 years
j for neither snake nor dragon 🤞
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic]
Okay, yeah, I should have seen this coming! Anyway, this will be a really long ramble that is not very well organized.
There is certainly an AU in the works where everyone in the Greens live (except Otto and Criston because we needed some war casualties), so you will have to be satisfied with a description for now.
This AU fic would probably be tagged Angst with a Happy Ending if that is any indication of the contents. I think the prologue actually might be posted on this blog somewhere.
Basically, Elayne saves Helaena from jumping, and Rhaenyra being in a slightly better mood that specific day incidentally saves Elayne from the chopping block. Elayne gets sent to the Black Cells instead.
Aegon finds her there thanks to Tyland Lannister informing him that someone else was in the Black Cells.
The Civil War basically wraps up while Elayne recovers.
Aemond and Elayne get to resolve their unresolved emotional issues where Elayne thinks that her platonic husband abandoned her to marry someone he actually loves while she was a prisoner.
Helaena gets to surprisingly be a little mad at Aemond for the above emotional conflict. Protective! Helaena is sweet. She's still distraught about everything, but after losing Elayne and then finding her again, this jostles her into a bit of action to be protective of both Elayne and Jaehaera.
Aegon is just happy everyone is alive honestly.
Daeron's recovering from the war somewhere probably. (Since he currently has not appeared in the show, idk what to do with him)
I debated about having the dragons die here, but I decided that Dreamfyre and maybe Vhagar get to make the author's life easier due to politics.
We probably get an in-text Helaena and Elayne Valyrian wedding.
There's a subplot about Larys being a dick to Elayne. (Since I am basically spoiling the fic at this point, he's the reason that it took the Greens awhile to realize she was in the Black Cells)
The middle part is not super planned out, but the ending is the Greens trying to resolve the aftermath of a civil war.
House Tully except for Elayne gets to take the Black (RIP Kermit and Oscar). Most everyone else on the Black side is executed or taking the Black, but Aegon III specifically is forced to take the Black first and they hold all others in King's Landing before sending them North. Rhaena and Baela get to be Silent Sisters. (I debated keeping Rhaena and Baela around to explore their characters more, because they deserve it! But I feel like the Greens would land on the more pragmatic side of sending them away and having them take vows.)
Now, at the end of the fic, we have A Situation, because Jaehaera is Aegon's heir now. There are whisperings of further strife because well, Jaehaera's a girl. Aemond at this point has a son with Alys Rivers but uh... do the nobles dislike placing the son of a bastard woman on the throne. Elayne and Aemond probably eventually have the kids I imagined they'd have, Aerion and Daenys.
Aerion is probably heir to the throne according to most nobles.
I'm a little unsure how I want to resolve this issue, because everyone involved would probably not want to marry Aerion and Jaehaera given that they are practically siblings given their weird family situation, and Aegon is not down for another round of incest. He hates the idea. Elayne knows its the most pragmatic solution but also hates the idea.
I think it would be really funny if these guys literally fought a war invalidating the female claim to the throne and then put Aegon's daughter on it. True hypocrisy, love that for them. Honestly, they probably just end up putting Elayne and Aemond's son on the throne to avoid Targaryen in-fighting in future generations.
Alys' son/descendants gets Harrenhal for however long the curse and cosmic forces allow.
Elayne's daughter/descendants gets Riverrun.
The events of Westerosi history is henceworth changed (because Butterfly Effect) and we probably never get the Game of Thrones events. If we did however, I imagine Robert's Rebellion goes completely differently because House Tully is likely still closely tied to House Targaryen (while Aegon and Elayne were committed to the not doing anymore incest, I feel like there would at some points still be an effort to "keep Valyrian bloodlines pure" and House Tully and Strong would be good contenders for future Targ marriages)
Anyway at the end of this hypothetical fic, there is probably a historical excerpt to see how Elayne is remembered in Westerosi history. She would be markedly more documented than in Neither Snake nor Dragon
My stumbling block for working on this AU is that I don't want to get attached to my own interpretation of Alys Rivers, and then have her show version be completely different (I already expect this possibility with the Muppet Tullys and perhaps in some way with the Greens).
I've tried cutting Alys' appearances in the fic down to a minimum but it feels strange to do that!
Anyway, there is also The Elayne Survives the War but Ends up Dying of Winter Fever AU in 132/133 AC. It is always a thought that I think about for how absolutely unfair it is. It's such a terrible AU timeline.
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creampuffqueen · 8 months
Mal's Future Sukka Headcanon Timeline! (Part 2)
okay, gonna be real, i thought i would be able to fit the whole timeline into one post. i should have known better lmao
Part 1
same disclaimers still stand. this is the last part of the timeline, talking about their last kids, Sokka serving on the Republic City council, and how it all ties in to tlok
(small TW for mentions of a stillbirth. but not quite a stillbirth? it gets reversed. read more for an explanation lmao)
but life has one last surprise in store for them
if you've read my fic 'broken jars' you'll know the story of the twins. if you haven't, i'll summarize the events real quick
Suki is pregnant with twins, but doesn't know. since she doesn't know, she doesn't get quite the proper care needed for a person pregnant with twins
this means that, when she gives birth, the first baby is perfectly healthy. a baby girl they name Kolla
and then she gives birth to another baby. a little boy who is not so healthy
he's stillborn
Sokka and Suki are utterly devastated
holding their baby boy together under the light of the full moon, a miracle takes place
a stripe of his hair turns pure white. and he begins to cry
they're both aware of what just happened: Yue saved their son
they name the baby boy Hakoda, after his grandfather, who unfortunately at this point has passed away. he ends up going by the nickname 'Koda' for the most part, though
after the rather traumatic birth of the twins, Sokka and Suki both agree that they're Done having kids. they likely were anyway, considering they're both in their 40s at this point, but they take extra steps and precautions to assure that they're done until Suki goes into menopause
but after taking their time to recover, they're happy to be a family of 14. the kids are all amazing older siblings (the oldest few have had lots of practice at this point) and life is good
then, when the twins are about 6 months old, Aang writes Sokka a letter to propose an idea to his best friend
he wants Sokka to serve at the SWT representative in Republic City
it doesn't take much for Sokka to be convinced. and Suki is right with him, as always
the family up and moves to Republic City
however, the eldest three, Yuki, Saya, and Umari, decide not to go with them. They're all adults now, and can take care of themselves. they like their lives on Kyoshi island, and don't want to move
it's the first time the family has ever separated, and it's hard for the parents to realize that their babies are growing up
but they raised them well, and they know they can look after themselves and each other
Sokka serves on the council for 10 years
as the kids grow up, they all begin to fly the nest. some return to Kyoshi island. Some head to the SWT. Others set out on their own adventures throughout the world (Iknik, i'm looking at you)
after Sokka's service is done, they move back to Kyoshi
now it's time for Suki to take a stab at leadership! she gets elected as mayor of Kyoshi, where she also spends about 10 years
and then she and Sokka decide they've really done enough, and opt to retire on Kyoshi island
of course, spoiling their many, many grandkids
now, i mentioned that one of their kiddos is Senna! which makes their granddaughter the avatar!
but mal, you cry, wouldn't Korra know about Sokka and Suki being her grandparents?
well, not necessarily. she was kept in a compound in the SWT for most of her life. she hardly saw her own parents. i don't think it's much of a stretch to say she wouldn't have a relationship with her grandparents, either
but also, i'm just gonna go ahead and say suspend some of your disbelief. it's more fun
and then, of course, we sadly must talk about the end of Sokka and Suki's lives
i have two endings. one very angsty, one not
for Angst: i saw a theory online about this. Zaheer was a nonbender member of the Red Lotus. In theory, he wouldn't need to be kept in a specialized prison, since he didn't have bending abilities. so why was he kept so freaking locked up?
the answer: he killed someone very, very important
hearing that there were threats against their granddaughter, Sokka and Suki didn't hesitate to come help protect her
Suki died defending her granddaughter. she was killed by Zaheer. After the death of his beloved wife, Sokka took it upon himself to ensure that Zaheer would never hurt anyone ever again, locking him away in the highest security prison he could design
and it was very hard for Sokka to see his granddaughter after. he was only able to remember what he lost
anyway, here's the less angsty ending lmao
Sokka died peacefully in his sleep, sometime before or very soon after Korra was born
and honestly at this point, travel was difficult for Suki. so she has just stayed put on Kyoshi island, living out her retirement in peace
so there we go!! SUKKA my beloved!!
hope everyone enjoyed my nonsense timeline lol. next i'll be posting some character designs for the kiddos, as well as some stuff about their personalities/individual stories!
and last but not least, a quick age layout for the kids so y'all can see age gaps and stuff
Yuki- 23
Saya- 22
Umari- 20
Kyiasa- 18
Akedi- 15
Kannaa- 13
Baatar- 10
Senna- 8
Iknik- 7
Kio- 5
Kolla and Hakoda- newborn
0 notes
vampiresbloodx · 11 months
Hiii, I heard that you write Vanessa stories and may are open for requests . So maybe you could write that Vanessa notices that there are two new night guards and decides to get to know them. The two night guards are Y/n and Mike, two good friends who were looking for a job and now work here. Vanessa sees Y/n and immediately falls in love with her, but also quickly becomes jealous of Mike because he and Y/n are so close. Y/n also soon realizes that she Has feelings for Vanessa and the two get closer and yes 😅. Maybe with your good writing skills you can make something out of it and improve it a little and add a few little details - just write it the way you want. And if you want, you can add a little flirt and maybe smut too. I would be very happy, but please don't stress.
(Sorry for the bad English ,English is not my first language🥹)
a/n: this idea is so cute pls I hope you enjoy reading this! also never apologize for your english, it's so good.
Word count: 1.2k
Trigger warnings: just fluff, slight angst.
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When Mike, who has been a good friend to yours for as long as you can remember, going back to the highschool days. He was like a best friend to you, like you had a brother and Abby was a sister to you, the three of you were a family, through thick and thin. 
You were there for Mike when his dad left, his mom didn’t speak to him anymore, he was practically left alone, forced to take care of Abby at such a young age and he was so thankful he had you by his side, he wouldn’t have asked for anything more than that. 
You loved them both like they were your own siblings, even if you weren’t related in any way, but they’ve felt more family than your own blood. 
Mike was always there for you, no matter what, and so was you. 
It was just the type of dynamic you shared. 
That was he had offered you to come and work with him at this security gig he was told about by his career counsellor after his incident at the mall that ended up him getting fired. You knew he and Abby were struggling financially, he also knew you needed help as well. 
You didn’t think too much about the security job at the old run down restaurant that has been shut down for years now, you were desperate, one day you wanted to get out of this hell hole, take abby and mike with you, go on an adventure, see more of what the world has to offer than this. 
It was your second night working there, already the time was close to 1AM, when you saw something at the monitors, which were the place’s security cameras, there was someone standing outside in the rain, with a rain jacket on, you noticed the police car, looking to see if mike was still passed out, you rolled your eyes, shoving him awake, he grumbled, pushing you away. 
“Mike, someone is here” you said. 
“So?” he muttered. 
“It’s a cop.” 
Well that seemed to catch his attention as his eyes widened, looking at you then at the cameras. 
“The hell?.” 
“We should go answer the door.” 
“Fine” he grumbled, standing up as you walked out of the security room, heading towards the main entrance. 
Mike unlocked the door, allowing the cop to enter and when you saw the person’s face you froze, god, she was the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen in this shit hole. 
Mike must have saw your change in mood after seeing the police woman as it didn’t even look like you were paying any attention to whatever she was saying. 
“Uh, is your friend here okay?” the blonde asks, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“Oh, um, sorry, it’s been a long night” you stammered, quickly snapping out of your thoughts as the officer nodded. 
“I’m Vanessa, by the way” she introduced herself, again, as you took her hand and shook it. 
Her touch sent a chill down your spine. 
From there on, you knew you were fucked and so was Vanessa, already feeling her heart ache out for you more and more the nights she came to check up on you, well, that’s what she claimed anyway, when really she just wanted to see you, but of course, he was there, your other rather close friend, Mike. 
Who you seemed to have a special type of bond with. 
She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, since she hasn’t seen either of you two kiss, hug, be any sort of intimate, you two just seemed like good friends, but she wasn’t so sure.
The more she got to know you, her feelings grew stronger. 
She knew she couldn’t hide them for much longer. 
She had to tell you eventually, especially if you were going to let her into your life and so was she. 
So she had a plan. 
Vanessa decided she was going to confront you first about Mike, seeing what relationship you had with him, if it isn’t what she thinks it is then she will ask you out and take you out on a romantic date. 
Because all she wants to do is kiss you and make you smile, laugh. 
And her heart would break if Mike had beat her to it. 
Since you were beautiful, there was no doubt in that. 
You’d catch anyone’s attention. 
After all, you caught hers. 
And she wasn’t the type to fall first. 
It was a friday night as she made sure she looked nice in the mirror, she wasn’t on the clock tonight, the one time she’s on break, which is rare since she is a workaholic. She wore her best jeans, her flannel and white shirt. 
Fuck was she nervous. 
She arrived at the restaurant, a chill going down her spine as she couldn’t tell if she was nervous or if it was the cold weather coming in, she saw the lights on and knew you’d be in there, so would he. 
She pushed that thought away, stepping out of her car that wasn’t her cop car she’d usually drive around in, Vanessa felt her heart hammered against her chest, as she walked closer to the entrance. 
Mike was asleep again.
Of course, when was he not sleeping? 
You tried to wake him up, but he wouldn’t budge, muttering a “15 mins” or whatever he was trying to whine about this time, you gave up, seeing a familiar person at the entrance on the security cameras your eyes lit up, spotting Vanessa as you immediately ran towards the door. 
“Hey” you said, gasping a little. 
“You okay?” she chuckled, noticing how breathless you are. 
“Yeah, just forget how big this damn place is,” you joked. 
You couldn’t help but notice that she wasn’t in her uniform tonight. 
“You look hot” you couldn’t help but say, looking her shamelessly up and down, catching the way her cheeks turned red. 
“You think so?” she blushed, “a-anyway, I actually wanted to ask you something.” 
“What is it?” you asked, you couldn’t even keep your eyes of her, she looked so fucking good. 
“Are you and Mike… dating.” 
“What?” you said, you were baffled by that question, not expecting that as you bursted out laughing. 
“What?” she asked, looking confused. 
“Dating? Ew no. He's like a brother to me.” 
You pretended to gag, making her laugh as she relaxed a little more now. 
“Why do you ask?” you said. 
“I was wondering if I can take you out some time…” she said, biting down on her bottom lip, “that’s if you’d want to, I know this nice place in town, not far, uh, it looks like fun, yeah.” 
You smiled at how nervous she was, stuttering all over her words. 
“Mhm?” vanessa muttered, not catching that. 
“Yes, I’ll go out with you.” 
“Really?” she couldn't believe it. 
You nodded. 
“Pick me up at 8pm tomorrow?” you said with a small smile playing on your lips. 
She grinned, the happiest girl alive. 
“Yes. See you then.” 
“Mike wake the fuck up” you shouted excitedly, shoving at the sleeping brunette who’s eyes fluttered open. 
“The hell was that for?” he groaned. 
“Guess who just got asked out on a date!” you squealed, “this bitch. Thank the gods I am no longer single!.” 
You cheered, Mike didn’t even seem to care, though he was happy for you, he just wanted to sleep.
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luxaryllis · 2 years
I AM IN NEEDETH OF A PART 3 TO THE SCARED SIBLING READER AND RIDDLE. I NEEDETH MORE PAIN AND HURT (P.S you don't need to do this or if you do plan to do it take your time ) (Your writing is amazing AHHHHHH)
Scared!Younger Sibling!Reader with Riddle Rosehearts: Part 3
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Note: Am I concerned with the amount of angst requests I've been receiving? Yes. Am I also loving the angst? Yes.
But, I myself do love a good little angst fic here and there, but man, anon! You wanted FULL ANGST!!
You're wish is my command, anon. You wanted it, you deal with the consequences-
Come and go aboard the ANGST TRAIN!! CHOO-CHOO!! 🚈
But seriously, thank you so, SO much for the support, anon! I'm happy that you enjoyed my writing, even though it's mostly angst 😅.
Also, 🐍 anon and I actually talked a bit behind the scenes about this (though they aren't the original requester), so I sort of based someparts here on their feedback! I hope that this is alright!!
Now, let's get to it!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 2.5 | Part 3 (here) | Part 4
Warning: Mentions of past abuse and domestic violence, Reader possibly has PTSD and anxiety, Angst with no comfort, Possible OOC, Self-deprecating thoughts, tell me if I missed something
"Mr. Trappola, kindly bring [Name] to their room in the dorm. While the potion is quite harmless, the potion might make them say things that they don't want said. [Name]'s privacy is very important.", you hear Mr. Crewel say to your partner in Potionolgy/Alchemy, Ace Trappola.
"Wha- but!- Hahhh, alright, alright...", Ace says as he starts to take one of your arms and slings it over his shoulder.
You feel dizzy... and tired. Thoughts are circling around your head.
"W-what... happened?", you ask with a soft voice.
"We were working on an experiment for a truth potion. Some dumbass decided it was a good idea and spilled our entire work on you while I was goin' over to Mr. Crewel to have him check ours.", Ace says.
"Oh... I don't feel so good....", you say.
"I know..."
"Do I HAVE to go back??", you ask.
"Yes, [Name]."
"I don't want to... Dorm Leader might be there...", you say, thinking of what Riddle might say when he sees you not in class.
"Dorm Leader..? You call him that even though everyone knows that he's your older brother? You can just call the guy by his name, y'know."
"No... he's scary. And mean. He would always shout and hurt me. He's horrible!", you say.
Wait, why are you saying these things?!
Oh no...
Is the truth potion taking its effect now?!
No, no, no, no, NO!
No one has to know!!
Who knows what they'd say?
Who knows what Riddle would say?
Stop it..
Stop it, please!
Even though you want to stop, your stupid mouth still decides to keep moving anyway.
"Back when we were kids, mother would ALWAYS compare us! It's always, Riddle did this, Riddle did that! And she expects ME to do the same!! We aren't the same person for Great Seven's sake!"
"...", Ace was silent. He's never heard you speak so much before. You also don't seem to like your older brother all that much.
He means, he relates, y'know. But even he acknowledges that Riddle has changed.
"A-and then! Whenever I get something "wrong", Riddle would hit me too! He's mean! He's scary! And most of all, he's JUST like mother!"
Gosh darn it, [Name]! Stop it right now!
No, no, no!!
"And then, ALL OF A SUDDEN, he decides he's going to change for the BETTER?! Oh please, NO ONE changes beliefs like a light switch!"
Ace was even more surprised now. You're practically venting out every single thing about your life.
...how much have you been holding back?
Ace knew that holding in your emotions weren't healthy; so he decided to be the bigger person and just let you let it all out.
So, for probably the first time in his life, Ace stayed silent.
"If anything, what if it's a trap!? What if it's some kind of test?! And the moment he sees me break a rule, it's ALL back to Riddle's Tyrant Mode!!"
"And when I saw Riddle playing with that Clover and Pinka, HOW DARE HE BE ABLE TO HAVE FRIENDS?! How dare HE be able to play and have fun?! Without punishment!? Without getting hit?! Without getting shouted at!!"
Mr. Vargas had let off Riddle's class pretty early.
Mr. Crewel had called Mr. Vargas for some help procuring an antidote for the Truth Potion.
Apparently, some student thought it was a good idea to dunk an entire cauldron of the truth potion onto some student.
Now, Riddle would have just shrugged it off, if it was some student.
But no.
It was a Heartslabyul student who got dunked with the truth potion.
And not just any Heartslabyul student.
His sibling, [Name] Rosehearts.
So, Riddle is currently brisk walking his way to Heartslabyul; to check on [Name].
After all, he IS the Heartslabyul Dorm Leader.
And... he wants to get a chance to apologize to his sibling.
He remembers that one time Cater had brought in his fainted sibling.
He had fallen asleep after a while of tending to the unconscious student.
When he woke up, he was alone on the side of his bed.
His bed, empty with only a note left.
Even the glass of water, the rag and water basin were gone.
The note had read,
"Thank you for tending to me while I was unconscious, Dorm Leader. By the time you read this, I am already in my room. I can tend to myself on my own now. And please allow me to be exempted from classes for around 2-3 days until I get better. Once again, thank you, Dorm Leader Rosehearts.
Signed, [Name] Rosehearts, 1st Year"
Riddle knew that the note was purely for formality; it was even written in such a formal way; no one could have possibly guessed that it was from his sibling.
That was 2 weeks ago.
Now, Riddle suddenly hears a loud noise.
It was a school rule not to use such loud noises in the halls; especially when class is still in session.
But then, he hears a couple of words that make him stop in his tracks.
"And when I saw Riddle playing with that Clover and Pinka, HOW DARE HE BE ABLE TO HAVE FRIENDS?! How dare HE be able to play and have fun?! Without punishment!? Without getting hit?! Without getting shouted at!!"
Is that... [Name]??
Was [Name]... talking about him??
Hold on...
W-was that why they seemed even more quiet than usual back then?
"It's no fair... why does Riddle even DESERVE to have a friend? Why does HE deserve to have fun!? And... why was he always so... frightening?! Does he have NO MORAL CONDUCT WHATSOEVER?!?! He's such an annoying, stupid, selfish TYRANT!!"
...[Name] was the one who got the truth potion dunked on them...
So... is this how [Name] really feels about Riddle?
Do... do they really see him as a monster? A person with no morals?
'I... no, Riddle; they-they're right...', Riddle thinks to himself.
'They're right about you. You're a stupid, selfish, annoying tyrant... who always gets mad over the smallest thing... who hits his sibling for the tiniest mistake... who can't even get his sibling to love him, or look his way...', Riddle adds to this thoughts. Tears filling up his eyes.
"I wish that! I-I wish that he..." He hears [Name]'s voice start to waver.
"I wish that he would just... I don't know...", he hears [Name] start to hiccup and sob.
Hearing his dear sibling start crying, it was as if something had made him cry with them too.
'I'm sorry... I... I am so, so sorry for how you were treated, [Name]... I want to make it up to you... somehow...'
'But... how can I...?'
Riddle knows that his sibling wants nothing to do with him. He's painfully aware that they think that he hasn't changed.
But Riddle wants to change that.
He wants to comfort you.
Say, "It's all okay, I'm here" to you.
Like an older brother should.
But you've gone far too down the rabbit hole that is the trauma of having people constantly criticizing their every move.
And Riddle isn't sure if he CAN get you out.
And he isn't sure if you'd be willing to take his hand so he could get you out.
As he continues listening in, Riddle feels his heart breaking even more.
"And... and everyone's telling me that 'Riddle has changed' and stuff! They tell me stuff like, 'Why won't tou acknowledge that he's changed for the better?', 'He's become similar to the older brother of Heartslabyul'..."
"But I wanted that older brother! I wanted the older brother who would comfort me! And think of creative ways to help you study, instead of forcing you to do one certain method or thing all the time and hitting you. Why do THEY get that "older brother"?! If Riddle Rosehearts has truly changed then... then that means he was always capable of change. And I just... wasn't worth changing for..." (a reference to The Good Place)
Riddle's eyes widened.
Do... do they really think that?
No, it isn't you fault, [Name]...
It was mine...
I should have known better...
I wish I could tell you all these...
But you won't let me in...
No matter how close I get, your walls get even higher.
No matter what...
I WILL get you to listen to my apology.
Even if it's the last thing I do...
Another full angst fic!
I hope you don't mind that I made the reference to The Good Place-
If not, I can take it off, just tell me.
And also, please tell me if there is anything wrong here.
And I focused a bit on Riddle here- don't worry, Part 4 will have a bit more of Reader! I hope-
Again, comments and feedback are always appreciated!! Thank you for reading!! 💙💙
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primofate · 2 years
hello! i saw your post about your requests being open for a certain time so i took the chance >< i absolutely love your works and i tend to binge or reread them whenever i have the time to do so :DDD i would like to request something with kaeya and diluc with a reader who is their youngest sibling? they witnessed the boys’ fight after the death of crepus and after the whole incident they try so hard to have the boys be on good terms again bcuz they promised crepus to look after them in his stead? but after every failed attempt which made the brothers distant even more, the reader just breaks down when they think they're alone? how would diluc and kaeya react when they hear their youngest sibling's cries? :’D hoping this is okay to work with! and i hope you're having a wonderful day! :3
Platonic relationship! This is definitely something I need practice writing about. My first instinct is to turn away from this but I just really want to improve my writing overall so I shall do it.
Thanks for this anon! Since you didn't specify the age nor the gender I shall go along with my own.
Characters: Younger Diluc, Younger Kaeya, sibling gn!reader
Warnings: angst with a bit of comfort, not proofread, Kaeya and Diluc being mean to each other
It happened when you were 8. 
The image of a happy family fell apart. 
Although you were not all related by blood, it had always been warm and safe. Diluc and Kaeya fought, sure, but it wasn’t like how it is now. Back then they fought because they pushed each other to always do better. Now, they fought because there was so much resentment in their hearts. 
It was hard on you too, Crepus’ death. Whoever said that children wouldn’t understand death as much as adults did were wrong. You understood every bit of it, maybe even more than they did. Crepus would never come back, you would never see him again, would never relive those moments where he would read to you at night or run around playing hide and seek out in the vineyard. 
People didn’t understand that Crepus was not the only person you lost that night.
Diluc and Kaeya slipped away too.
Gone were the days where Kaeya and Diluc would walk around Mondstadt with you. Or the days where they pranked you, hiding behind trees and waiting to see when you’d notice they were gone. They never ate together with you anymore. Didn’t sit by the fireplace talking about the books you all read.
“Diluc?” You peered around the door of his study. Previously Crepus’. Now Diluc’s. Your eye is the only visible thing from the desk. “...Can you...read with me before I sleep?” You asked cautiously. There was no real reason to be afraid of Diluc. He was still your brother, and he was still kind and nice towards you but lately...lately he just wasn’t the same. 
Diluc’s eyes softened and his lips turned up into a small smile before retreating away from his desk and meeting you at the door. “Come on,” he tapped your back and you scurried towards your room happily...only for him to find out that Kaeya was there too. 
The two of them used to make such good sound effects for the stories you read together. You just thought...it would still be possible, once in a while. But Diluc doesn’t even enter your room. He stays at the door and stares at Kaeya, almost glares at him. Kaeya is silent, but stares back. 
Perhaps it was too early to do this, but you were hopeful. 
They tried, they really did. At your prompting, Diluc finally walked in and sat down on another free chair as Kaeya started the story with you listening intently. Diluc admitted that it was easier to be in the same room as Kaeya while watching your eyes light up... but they were at each other’s throats after a moment.
“...Are you going to let me read or are you going to do the whole thing?” Diluc asked, to which Kaeya stopped and glanced at the red-head.
“Oh, you wanted to read? I just had the impression that you didn’t want to be here. You don’t have to force yourself, Master Diluc,”
They went back and forth, with Diluc saying that they were supposed to do it together, but Kaeya was obviously not the best at following instructions. Kaeya countered, spitefully stating “Of course I have to follow your instructions, you’re the man of the house now, I forgot,”
It didn’t end well. It never ended well. Neither did your attempt at getting the two of them to bake together with you. Nor your attempt to at least just have a meal together.
So when your ninth birthday came around, you were hopeful. Adelinde prepared the cake, everyone gathered round the dining table as the candles were lit. Kaeya was there, but Diluc was a little late, having some business to attend to in Mondstadt. Still, he appeared when all your candles were lit, just as everyone was ready to sing the song.
“Nice of you to finally show up,” Kaeya said.
Diluc’s eyes darted towards him, eyes cold. “I wasn’t expecting you to be here either. I didn’t know you were invited,” 
Kaeya let out a breathy laugh. “I can’t even see my own family now?”
“...We aren’t a family,” Diluc said it before he could think, but he meant it. He meant every bit of it. His resentment towards Kaeya still raw, still fresh and still rampant. 
The candles on your cake continued to burn as they started going at each other. They brought up things that shouldn’t have been brought up while arguing, including Crepus’ death. 
You sat on the chair and watched the two of them. Watched as the maids tried to dissuade them from fighting. Watched as your candles burned lower, and watched as the candles became blurrier. 
Everyone was here. And yet you felt so, so alone.
It was Adelinde that noticed the tears just pooling out of your eyes, you yourself hadn’t noticed it yet. Fat, wet tears uncontrollably trailing down to your chin and towards your folded hands atop the table. Your sniffles barely audible over the arguing. 
“Young Y/N,” Adelinde knelt down next to your chair and you jolted up, aware of your surroundings. “A-Adelinde,” your voice breaks, and you hiccup, the sound finally breaking through the argument and forcing Kaeya and Diluc to turn their heads towards you.
“I-I don’t--hic--I don’t have anyone,” 
Not father.
“No one,”
Not Kaeya.
“I don’t have anyone anymore,” your eyes shut tight, and you push against the table, your chair dragging noisily across the floor.
Not Diluc.
“Y/N!” A chorus of Adelinde, Kaeya and Diluc’s voices followed as you threw yourself off the chair and up to your room. Kaeya’s the first one after you, then Diluc... leaving the maids to clean up the party that hadn’t even started.
“Y/N? Hey, you didn’t even blow your candles yet,” Kaeya softly turned the knob to your door, realizing that you had locked it and he instinctively presses his ear onto the wooden surface. “...Y/N, do you want me to bring the cake up?”
Diluc only watched. He was in a small trance. Recalling your words at the table and the way your face contorted into such a painful expression. Somewhere in all of this...he had somehow forgotten that you were just a child. Forgotten that he still had a duty to you, as your brother. Forgotten that you still needed them, just as much as they needed you, yet hadn’t realized it in a while.
For the first time in such a long time, Diluc placed a hand on Kaeya’s shoulder, and spoke with you through the door. He had to step up, or they’d both lose you. “Y/N, Kaeya and I...we’re going to bring your cake and gifts up and we’ll wait out here, okay?” 
Still no answer, and Diluc was getting mildly anxious if you were okay in there. “We can open presents together and you can pick which one you like better,” Kaeya stills as well. Just wanting some indication that you were there, and wanting to be forgiven.
The two of them hear a small murmur from inside, causing them to both lean in closer. “Can you say that again?” Diluc probes gently and your voice comes out clearer.
“I-If I do that, you’ll end up fighting again, I don’t want to choose gifts,” your sniffles are clear as day and it hurt that they were the reason for it. 
“...Well...I guess we might end up fighting but that’s...that’s cause we’re brothers,” Diluc nearly falters, he feels as if his throat is about to close up too. “And we’ll always want to be the better brother for you,”
Kaeya steps back just as the door rattles open and little old you peers up at the two of them, eyes red and cheeks tear-stained. Kaeya bites the inside of his lip to keep from breaking his expression. “...We’ll have my party in my room?” You ask them hopefully, and the two of them break into a small smile. 
“Yeah, that’s fine, I’ll go get your gifts and cake. Kaeya’ll stay here,” Diluc turns to return downstairs. Possibly to get away from all the emotions he was feelings at the moment, possibly to hide the tear he might have shed. You’ll never know. 
Kaeya leaves the door open and brings his arms out, which you instantly fall into. He closes his eyes and sighs. “...Sorry, little one... Let’s try again, okay?” And as Diluc enters the room, cake and gifts in tow, he looks at the sight and can’t help thinking that he still had something to fight for. 
It might take a while to heal the still open wounds...but at least for today, it’d be like it had always been. At least for today, he’d agree on a silent truce with Kaeya, and they’ll try harder after that. 
For today, and for you, they’ll strive to make the word family warm and safe again.
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ilylovelyz · 2 years
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❥main character(s): hyung line (bangchan lee know changbin hyunjin x genderneutral!reader
❥genre: fluff (with a sprinkle of angst)
❥warning(s): sickness, medication, vomiting, just basically sick people stuff, hyunjin bathes you, mentions of fainting
❥wc: 1-2k
❥special note: yes i know there is a girl in the concept photo however reader is genderneutral based, just ignore it. also i made this because im sick too and just wanted to write my feelings out.
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look imma be honest with y'all, i bet he does not know what to do when his partner is sick.
he doesnt even know how to take care of himself when he is sick.
since he does have little siblings, he does have basic knowledge of how to take care of a sickly.
however, when you come down with the flu, all of his knowledge basically leaves his brain and he is just standing there with a blank face as you look like you are near dead.
of course, when you snap him out of his predicament, he is rushing to your side.
i feel like he is the type to get you whatever you ask for (and sometimes what he thinks you would want.)
he accidentally overfills his medication cabinet and you are staring at the multiple plushies and snacks he bought you from the local walgreens.
listen, he is trying his best.
"chris-," you croak out, clearing your dry throat before continuing. "you can't just buy all of this. i really appreciate but you are just wasting your money away." you finish, taking one of the plushies into your hand. it was an elephant, with a unique textured trunk.
"i'm not wasting my money away, if it's for you." he smiles, setting down your medication onto the wardrobe. "..how have you been feeling?" he asks, feeling a bit guilty due to his lack of knowledge on how to take care of you.
"i've been feeling better, chris. thank you for taking care of me. if-if you keep this up, then i'll be better i-in no time." you say, coughing inbetween some words. chris seems to relax at your words, but he still guard-fully leans against the wardrobe so that way he can watch you closely, trying to see if you really have everything you need or if he can scout out some new symptoms on you.
it's quiet for a good minute before you speak again. "there's no need to worry, chris. you're d-doing a good job. i've got everything i need."
it seems your words just go in one ear and out the other and it's quiet again. you understand why chris feels this way. he naturally cares for everyone, and tries the best he can so everyone is happy.
but now, he feels so fucking useless because he can't even take care of his own soulmate. he knows health is nothing he can control, but he knows he could do plenty of things to make you more comfortable, but for some reason he can't even think of one.
you sigh before you slump down in your shared bed again. "chris," you speak, "come here. if there is one thing you do best for me, it's cuddling."
that seems to work as his eyes are immediately lighting up and he practically dashes to the bed. he doesn't seem to care that he could possibly get your contagious illness too as he happily tucks himself (and you) under the warm comforter of your shared bed, wrapping his arm around your waist to bring you in closer.
"i love you." he whispers, his unoccupied hand coming up to pat your head. in no time, you are caressed into a deep slumber, truly a miracle as you've been barely able to sleep for more than 2 hours whenever you try. chris soon falls asleep after you, satisfied that his work being able to bring comfort to you for once.
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lee know.
with every cough you have, he feels his heart break.
you are lee know and lee know is you, is best as he can describe it, so he easily feels for you.
as result of your flu, he is so attentive and coddling.
your teaseful bastard lee know, turned into into a gentle and quiet imposter, is how you described it at the time.
he rarely talked when he was taking care of you, and when he did, he talked in low whispers and soothing words of encouragement.
he touched you as if you were fine china, as if you could break any second.
even though you assured him it was just the flu, and that he should probably distance himself because you don't want him to get sick either, he still couldn't stop his overthinking.
even though it was just the flu, what if it got worse?
that thought alone spurred him to not be more than 5 feet away from you, getting even closer when he heard you cough and looking at you with those tearful cat eyes.
even though you are sick right now, you somehow feel like you are on cloud 9. wrapped up your bed's comforter with two cats snuggling close to you, their warmth acting as a comforting substitute to your boyfriend, who was currently taking on the chores you usually did.
everything you wanted was at the palm of your hand (and definitely not because your boyfriend decided that you needed everything in the medicine and comfort aisles.)
you couldn't say that your boyfriend was on cloud 9 though as well. from the way he rushed to get the chores done, from running across the apartment you both share back and forth to make sure your needs are being attended to and also making sure that the apartment is tidy and molded to your current needs, you can't tell if you should be the one comforting him and telling him that it's going to be alright.
startling Doongie and Dori on you, you let out a demonic-like cough. it hurt, yes, it felt like your throat was as dry and rough as sandpaper, but you got used to it.
minho, however, has not gotten used to it. and probably never will.
before you even realize it, the tv show you were watching is interrupted with minho practically zoom-walking into your shared bedroom, harassing you with the question he asks with every cough you let out. "are you alright? do you need something? more tea?"
at first, it was charming, seeing your usually bastard cat of a boyfriend soften down to a golden-retriever who was at your side with every beckon. except, he is a sad, worried golden retriever. you could see the heartbreak in his eyes whenever you cough.
but now, you can't help but be worried for him because what would happen if something worse happened to your health? probably fly off the rails that for sure.
rolling your eyes out of feigned annoyance, "oh yes, dear boyfriend. can you please give yourself a break and lay down with me for a bit?" you smile, patting the cold, empty spot next to you that was once your boyfriend's.
he gives a soft smile before he is crawling under the comforter, careful not to disturb his cats and intertwining his body with yours.
maybe he will take a short break, just for now.
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oh lord, oh god.
he gets more worried than minho.
he will never leave your side.
somehow he predicted your symptoms before you.
by the time you were feeling feverish he was already surprisingly prepared.
i feel like when it comes to it, changbin will absolutely become serious and prepare for things.
he is so sweet about it too.
"are you feeling better baby? do you need to go to the bathroom? ☺️"
gah hes so cute.
will 100% look at you with warm and loving eyes even when you are coughing up your sins.
carries you everywhere if you cant walk.
doesnt mind if you get him sick.
probably does end up sick afterwards lol
it was your 4th day of your fever. your fevers always last long, however that does not mean you've gotten used to them. you'll never get used to loosing all of your appetite, suddenly being unable to walk due to loosing your strength, or even being unable to sleep.
and it always felt worse because you had nobody to comfort you. when you were younger your parents did make sure you were doing well but didn't necessarily do anything that they didn't have to do. so you were always alone, seeking warmth from your pillow.
but now, you have changbin.
now, changbin takes care of you even when you are practically heaving and gagging from the heinous coughing you are doing. he stays up with you now that you are unable to sleep. he keeps you entertained with stories and jokes.
it all worked for a while until the 4th day. the 4th day of loosing your appetite, loosing the strength in your legs, and worse of all, feeling the toll that being sleep deprived was taking upon your body and mental state.
changbin, after leaving you for the first time in a few hours to go to the bathroom, came back to you sobbing uncontrollably. of course, he rushed to you, immediately looking for the source of your distress.
"'m tired binnie. i can't breathe. my head hurts." you cried, lazily wiping your tears from your flushed face. changbin knows you are tired. it's written all over your body. he wishes he could do more, but ultimately knows he cant.
"i know, pretty." he whispers. an idea pops into his head as he remembers an old tactic of his that his mother used to get him to fall asleep.
cooing at you, he gently takes you into his arms over his lap, cradling you like a baby. "changbin.. what are you doin?" you whine, not that you are necessarily against it, but you really don't want to play around or listen to anymore stories. you just want to sleep.
"just go to sleep." he says, kissing your forehead before slowly rocking you back and forth. your sobs and hiccups slowed down before they eventually stopped all together. you fell asleep in his arms like a baby.
to be more specific, you're his baby.
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hes like all 3 combined.
but he's more put together.
it doesn't let his nervousness show because he doesn't want you to reassure him when he is the one who should be reassuring you.
makes you lots of tea.
shows you the paintings he's been working on and sometimes will carry you if you want to the spare room where he paints.
you two will have a silent mental conversation as you watch him paint you in all of your sick glory.
even though you tried to persuade him that you don't look you best right now, he said that you'll always look beautiful to him.
he thinks the constant blushing, bed hair, and snot is for some reason cute.
really makes sure that you are up to date with your medicine.
tries to get you to eat, but if you can't, he'll try to get you to settle for those good flavored nutrition shakes instead.
100% will play with your hair to soothe you whenever you watch tv.
still takes pictures of you despite your protests.
you feel a bit bad for hyunjin. he is probably exhausted from taking care of you. he probably feels sweaty from all of the stream in the bathroom. he took it upon himself to bathe you today. you haven't been able to shower because the time you attempted to you nearly fainted due it being too warm or being too cold.
"jinnie.. i can do it myself." you pout, turning your head slightly so you can look at him. right now he is sitting outside of the bathtub on a chair, his right hand holding the soapy sponge and dragging it gently across your skin. he looks up at you, his eye-bags show exhaustion but his eyes show love and adoration. "it's okay. you're tired. let me take care of you." he smiles, massaging the sponge into your neck and back.
"hyunjin aren't you tired too? you've been taking care of me, don't worry i can do it myself-" "yeah but let's not forget when i found you sprawled over the bathroom mat." he interrupts, raising his eyebrow at the mention of you nearly passed out when you tried to take a bath yourself.
that immediately shuts you up, somehow making you feel embarrassed but that feeling doesn't last long when he shampoos your hair, running his long fingers throughout your locks.
yeah, he is tired, but he doesn't care. he's pretty much used to it. he has better things to do than sleep, which is take care of you. he loves taking care of you.
humming a sweet melody, he warns you before he slowly pours a lukewarm bowl of water over your head, making sure to adjust your hair during it so it gets as much shampoo out as it can before he does the same with conditioner.
you wish it didn't end when he drained the water from the tub, carefully raising you from it like you were fine china and then wrapping a fluffy towel around your naked body. he guides you out of the tub and helps you put on your pajamas and brushes your hair for you.
he guides you back to your shared bedroom, your hand intertwined with yours and tucks you into the comfort of your bed.
he stares at you with love and adoration, even when you look like shit.
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c/maknae line.
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bubbletaeeee · 3 years
Fatally Reunited - Karina x GN!Reader
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Requested: Yes! 🥰
Content: Angst, Fluff, Quite Light Smut
Warnings: I don’t think so, Just mentions of light sexual activity
A/N: before you read, I apologise for my absence, I chose to take a break for my mental health, it’s been a little difficult to write recently or find the motivation but I finally got this done for you guys, I hope you enjoy 🥺❤️
Word Count: 4.1K
As a child, you were pretty happy and loved. Although it’s not as easy to say that you were a super good kid, because let’s be honest, you could be naughty.
It was all pranks and dares, all with your best friend. That one girl who spent every second with you.
Gosh you were practically like siblings. You got into trouble together, you cried together, you laughed together, you were just together.
Life seemed fun… until it stabbed you in the back!
At the age of 12, you watched your best friend drive away with tears streaming down her face.
Her mum found a new job out in Seoul and it was a huge deal, they’d always struggled a little with money and basic living needs but this offer would change their life. It was a trade between a better standard of living and stability and friendships.
But at the end of the day, it wasn’t jimin’s choice. She simply HAD to go.
Everyday after that didn’t seem so enjoyable anymore, the days were a bore and if we’re being honest, you didn’t want to make many new friends, in fact you had a dream, a goal that kept you going. The loneliness all seemed a blur when your mind was focused on this dream. Your parents both believed it was just a fantasy, being an idol is definitely not an easy thing to be, and it was not easy to even get a chance to become one.
You trained yourself for months, years, literally forever, and you auditioned for all the companies possible, the more you tried, the more chance you would get to be accepted.
It came as a shock to you when SM accepted you, of course you began as a trainee. Starting at 15. And before you knew it, you were 17 and ready to debut with your own group. You and your 6 other members became close friends.
Your music, your songs, your choreography, your performances were all outstanding. Millions looked up to each and every one of you.
The years seemed to go by so fast, and before you knew it, the sad day came when you all had to be disbanded, after 6 years your contract ended, but you weren’t going to let it bring you down.
To think positively you had 6 still close friends and your songs are still loved and listened to and to make things even better, the CEOs at SM recognised your leadership and talents and decided to keep you on a successful journey.
You and 2 of the other former members became soloists, it wasn’t hard to catch the popularity again, because you were so well known after the 6 grateful years you spent with the group. You wrote your own songs and sung them independently, but of course you can’t take all the credit, a few producers helped create the music, design and edit music videos and help out with dance routines.
Right now life felt like a dream come true, and to think it couldn’t get any better, not only did SM keep you for solo music purposes but for much more, you were given a huge responsibility in managing a new group, to act as an older leader to guide them through their musical journey.
You were told that there were 4 girls in need of a manager, Karina, Giselle, Winter and Ningning, each of them being supposedly very talented and unique, their concept is said to be a whole different scene: futuristic, an alternate universe in a virtual reality attempting to connect with the real modern world.
You couldn’t be more excited, they sounded so cool and fun.
So far the girls have determined their roles. You were to visit and introduce yourself to each member but first it was principle to have a first meeting with the group leader, Karina.
Karina… a strong, beautiful name you thought.
It’s around 9:00am and you were waiting in a small meeting room, it was quiet and secluded. A young, pretty woman knocked and entered on command. You both exchanged a friendly smile and sat down opposite one another. The air felt a little tense and awkward, neither of you knew what to say so you attempted to cut the silence with a simple question.
“So, I’d like to assume you’re Karina”
She giggled nervously, looking down at her lap, “uh, yeah that’s me, it’s nice to finally meet you… manager”
Your eyes studied her face for a moment, squinting in order to concentrate.
Isn’t she familiar?
It took a few seconds for the younger girl to avert her eyes to yours when you didn’t reply.
“Uh- is somethi-”
“You look so familiar to me”, you interrupted her, your confusion puzzled her just as much, causing her to tilt her head to the side.
“Is Karina your birth name?”
You thought maybe the two of you had met before but ‘Karina’ didn’t ring any bells in your mind.
“Oh- no, no my real name is Yoo Ji-Min”, she waved her hands in dismissal. Your eyes widened at the name that hit so close to home as your hands slapped against your mouth in disbelief.
“Jimin? Oh my goodness! Don’t you remember me?”, your hands redirecting over your chest as if to specify who you meant.
Jimin’s eyebrows furrowed together like she was searching for recognition in her brain, “umm- I-”
“We were best friends when we were kids, remember? Then you had to move away”, you hung your head in sadness when reminding her and yourself of the last part.
This time she clocked the memory and sprung up in her seat, “y/n?”
You mirrored her actions and laughed in unison.
“You remember now?”, you searched for reassurance, smiling brightly.
“Yes! Yes i remember, oh my god, you look so so different now, really grown up I see”, she smirked jokingly, causing you to roll your eyes and cross your arms.
“It’s nice to see some things didn’t change, your humour is still the same”
The awkwardness left the room, just the two of you left with so much to catch each other up on.
After an hour of frantically talking about everything that had happened within the prolonged period apart from each other, you both left the room laughing and glowing.
Shortly afterwards, you were taken to meet the other three members, although it felt more like Jimin introducing you to them as a friend rather than a manager.
The girls were so kind and respectable, you had a feeling being their manager would be a great experience. Although right now, it’d only just come to your realisation that it’s around 12:00 and even though it still may seem early in the day, you had a lot of work to be getting done. Even though you were now a manager, You still had a solo career to deal with too, I mean, you knew juggling two very important jobs together would be extremely difficult and busy but you’re willing to give it a try.
It’s been half an hour since your introduction with the girls and now you would be found in an empty dance studio practicing away at your soon-to-be solo comeback.
It got extremely tiring after a couple of hours but you had to work through it and keep going.
After the next hour, you took a break and turned to grab your drink, well until you got interrupted by a pair of hands on your shoulders and a voice screaming “boo!” In your ear.
You pretty much jumped out of your skin and spun around abruptly to see a goofy looking Yoo Jimin.
Your shock quickly turned into a warm smile, “heyy, what are you doing here?”
“Can I stay and watch?”, she pouted like a toddler which made you giggle
“You wanna watch me dance?”
She nodded, smiling happily.
You rolled your eyes playfully and let her do so.
After watching you practice just once through the routine, the younger girl got up and mocked your moves along with you, next to you.
You couldn’t help but smile at the scene of your two through the mirror. Her moves were a little off but you took the time to show her properly how to dance each move smoothly, the room was filled with music and laughter.
Somehow the ‘lesson’ ended up with you two tackling eachother to the floor, tickling eachother in competition. It got to a point where she switched your positions and ended up on top of you, pinning your wrists down, “ha! Now I got you!”, she called out childishly.
But for a moment, time felt slow, you forgot everything you were thinking and feeling and just stared at the beautiful girl hovering above you.
Your heart beat felt a little harder, a little faster.
Was she always this adorable?
Soon enough the laughter died down and you were stuck staring eachother in the eyes and becoming… closer?
Her face leant in closer and closer to yours, by now you could feel her breath on your skin.
Before anything could happen you cut the moment in panic, “so! I think we should take a quick break and get back to it!”
She laughed in embarrassment and got off you as fast as she could.
Gosh! You felt so bad about interrupting the moment.
You just panicked, stumbling over to the back of the room where you left your water bottle to take another sip, but with your back turnt, you felt a weight and warmth behind you.
Jimin wrapped her arms around your torso and rested against you, of course you couldn’t help but smile at her affection.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel awkward”, you heard her mumble against you.
The sound of her voice melted your heart and cooed at her adorable apology.
“You didn’t make me feel awkward at all, don’t worry about it jiminie”, you spoke in a low, warm tone and turned in her arms to give her a proper hug.
“You know, it feels like we’d never been apart, I’m still so comfortable with you”, you admitted, still holding onto her.
Even though you couldn’t see, her cheeks were as red as a rose at your remark.
“Me too”, the shy girl whispered.
Instead of practicing some more, you decided to call it a day and walked eachother out.
She hugged you goodbye and left to have lunch with her members.
You watched as she walked away, replaying the moment over and over again in your head. Thinking about what would have happened if you didn’t prevent it.
Skipping ahead to tomorrow, you woke up to get ready for the day and check your schedule.
Today you were planned to take up some studio time and spend some time training with aespa, figuring out debut plans and assessments.
First things first: Studio Time
You’d turned up at an empty studio that you reserved for yourself for the morning.
You took these next couple of hours to put in some hard work on your new album.
These new songs, in your opinion, were something to be proud of. You’ve never been super confident about all of your songs but at the end of the day you were proud of the effort and time you put into it and seeing your fans complimenting you so much boosted your self esteem.
At around 11:30, you showed up in the dance studio you knew the four girls would be in.
As soon as your presence entered the room, all four of the members rushed in front of you for a hug each to greet you.
Every one of the Aespa members are just so cute and sweet that the stress of all the business felt worth it when you get to see them succeed in the end knowing that it was you that guided them. Although, up until now you’d never exactly heard any of them sing or seen any of them dance so today you planned an introductory assessment to get an idea of what you would be working with.
You found a chair and sat at the back of the room, leaving them space to show off their talents in front of you.
The music began playing and every one of them sang and danced neatly. There were a couple of minor faults in the dance routine where a couple of moves were slightly off beat but that could easily be worked on.
A slower part came up and Karina was favoured to take up the verse. She sang softly but passionately, staring you directly in the eyes as she did so.
Your heart pounded a little harder against your chest and a small grin naturally plastered on your lips, she took the chance to wink at you before turning back to join the other girls in the sequence and sing along to the chorus.
You were in shock once they’d finished.
Their vocals were beautiful and perfect and the way their voices synced together in a perfect tone, and their dance moves were pretty much perfect, smooth and correctly paced.
It was adorable how proud of themselves they looked and rightly so. They’re brilliant.
You clapped supportively and sat in shock, the only words formed were, “wow…”
Giselle, Ningning and Winter all giggled nervously and hid their faces whilst their leader approached you slowly, now standing directly in front of you.
“What did you think?”, she smirked.
You sent her a proud smile and complimented, “it was perfect, you’re all beautifully talented and… I can’t wait to work with you girls”
They all squealed in return, including Karina who turned back to the others. Your time was well spent discussing ideas for a debut song and their weaknesses and strengths up until 13:00, everyone complained about feeling hungry so you allowed them to dismiss themself to get lunch.
Over the next couple of weeks you helped the four girls through choreography and creating a killer debut
So far the music was only a rough draft but you had an idea of what to do with it. The lyrics were written out by the production team with large contribution from Aespa
Today, you’re practicing the new choreography with them. All this busy work had tired the girls pretty fast because they weren’t used to it yet but you’re trying your best to encourage and build up their confidence and strength.
Right now it was late and you were finishing up the last round of practice, going over the choreography once more. Giselle, Winter and Ningning bid you goodbye and thanked you before leaving to go to their dorms. You turned to find Karina staring sharply at herself in the mirror while she continued to practice. There was just one part of the choreography she couldn’t get just right yet, and that was okay because she could surely work on it with a little bit of time but the girl was too stubborn to wait and let herself rest. A tired smile formed on your lips watching her pushing herself further, her persistence was admirable but you didn’t want her to get overtired and stressed.
Her moves froze when she felt your hands massage lightly into her shoulders and her head hung low, almost shameful.
“Don’t push yourself too much, you’ll make yourself tired and upset, don’t worry about this right now. Just go and rest” but Karina wasn’t going to go that easily, she was stubborn, and always wanted things to be perfect.
“Just a few more minutes”, she pouted.
You stared at her in the mirror and rolled your eyes, “fine JUST a few more minutes and that’s it, I’ll teach you”
Her pout quickly turned into a smile as you walked over to your phone connected to the speakers and pressed play before rushing back to her side and showing her the moves slowly whilst instructing clearly.
“Okay, got it? Let’s try together”
She nodded and stood to your right, slightly in front of you.
“Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4 Go”
You went over the same routine at a normal pace with her copying you through the mirror.
She was almost there, it was just the one move she couldn’t perfect.
“Right, I see the issue, you just need to loosen your hips a little more and sway with the beat”
And that’s when you came up directly behind her and cautiously placed your hands on her waist, worried that she may feel uncomfortable.
“Uh. Is this okay?”
She nodded and sent you a soft smile.
“Okay, sway for me”
She did as she was told and rolled her hips side to side whilst you guided her with your hands to make her moves smoother. You got caught up staring down at your hands on her waist that you forgot you were trying to teach her, hoping that she didn’t realise anything you cleared your throat and praised her, “that’s really good, keep doing that when I let go”
You slowly slid your hands away from her waist and observed her up and down, when she noticed the movement of your eyes through the mirror, a smirk wandered to her lips.
Unexpectedly, the younger girl pushed herself back a little more, closer to you whilst still rocking her hips side to side.
You froze and your eyes widened as she became increasingly closer, her pace slowed when your bodies were almost pressed together.
You were close enough to whisper, “what are you doing?”
Karina turned around to face you and wrapped her arms around your neck to pull you in for a soft hug.
You let your arms fall to her waist and hid your face into her shoulder. Her right hand rested on the back of your head, massaging you lovingly.
Eventually the girl pulled back slowly with her hand still at the back of your head and the other leant onto your left shoulder.
Your eyes made contact and once you saw the sparkling, hypnotising look in her dark eyes you panicked a little and looked down as fast as possible, your heart fluttered and stomach was filled with butterflies.
What is even happening right now?
She could sense your nerves and bought her left hand away to lift your chin up, once again being met with her gorgeous brown eyes. She sent you a comforting smile and leaned in slowly. Once her lips were hovering just over yours, your foreheads leant against eachother, your breaths fanning against your lips.
Her eyes closed and your lips brushed against eachother. You froze for a moment until you came to your senses and let yourself kiss her back, she took that as confirmation to be able to kiss you more.
Your lips parted from eachother to breathe, giving the smaller girl a chance to take a step closer so that her entire body was lightly pressed against yours.
And with that, your lips made contact again for a slow, passionate kiss.
It felt so right and so wrong at the same time, your thoughts began to overtake everything else, causing you to pull away and jump backwards leaving Karina flustered and confused.
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t do this, it’s not right”
You knew you wanted it. It felt like fate that brought the two of you back together again. There was no lie in saying that you had a connection, you were always comfortable with eachother and there was never a secret hidden, you would be blind not to see the spark between you both but being her manager you were worried about it being a problem or when fans might notice and start to go crazy about it, it could cause some problems, usually idols are banned from dating for a while. So all these issues felt like a barrier between the two of you.
The theories and thoughts filled your mind and a tear slipped from your eye as you let out quiet sobs.
The sight broke her heart and she immediately rushed over to you and pulled you in for a hug, hushing you gently,
“Hey, don’t worry, everything will be okay. Talk to me, what’s going on? Hmm?”
You pulled back and let her brush your tears away from your cheeks.
“I’m just- I’m worried, if something happens with us-“, you gestured between you both to emphasise your idea, “- then we could lose all of this success and opportunity and what if- t-there are fans that can’t accept us and cause trouble, I don’t want to risk anything”
Her hands cupped both of your cheeks and she sternly looked you in the eyes.
“Listen to me my love, everything will be okay, I like you, and I know that you can’t lie to me, you feel the same, so don’t let it go… no one else needs to know, at least for now. Follow your heart”, and with that she kissed both of your cheeks.
Her words calmed you down, at least enough to stop you crying.
She whispered to you, “I care about you so much, let me give you my heart”
You stared into her eyes, letting yourself fall into her arms.
You buried your face into her neck and wrapped your arms around her to hold her as tight as possible.
“I do like you… you’re right”
She put on a hopeful smile and kissed the side of your head.
You found yourself gaining some confidence.
Enough to press your lips against her neck to leave a sweet kiss, and another one… one more.
She giggled at your affection, “look at me, let me see that smile”, she demanded kindly.
You pulled your head away to look her in the eyes with a small grin.
You held her hands and spoke up, “I guess we could try, as long as we’re careful, I don’t want anyone to get hurt or in trouble, okay?”
The bright smile on her face was hard to miss and her excitement got the best of her as she leapt up to kiss your lips again.
“I understand y/n-ssi”, she agreed with a lower tone, dipping her head to the crook of your neck to leave a light trail of kisses from your jaw to your collarbone.
Her lips found their way to your ear to leave you with words that made you quietly moan, “I’m crazy about you, so let me prove it to you… darling”
You held on tight to her hips and pulled her into you as hard as possible, bringing your lips to meet with hers once more, the kiss led to a long makeout session, all that could be heard were innocent whimpers and quiet moans.
You pulled apart to breathe finally.
“Come to my dorm, let us finish this there”, she suggested between breaths.
You nodded willingly and followed her to her dorm.
The rest of the evening was blissful and euphoric.
Her touches were so gentle, her kisses so delicate you wish you could stay in her embrace forever.
By the time the evening was over you’d both ended up fast asleep in each others arms until you were awoken hours later at 7:00am by Karina’s alarm.
You groaned and stirred away from your slumber.
She stopped the blaring noise as fast as possible and sat up to rub her eyes only for you to wrap an arm around her to pull her back down to the mattress with you.
Your head purposely laying on her chest to prevent her from going anywhere.
“Sweetie, we need to move at some point you know, we got work to do”, she laughed whilst playing with your hair.
“Nooo”, you whined tiredly and drifted back to sleep.
“You know, even when we were just kids I knew I liked you, I would sometimes get a little nervous around you and I always wanted to impress you, I couldn’t understand the way I felt until now, we’ve both grown up but I didn’t expect my feelings to grow back after so many years apart, i'm just so happy you’re back in my life now, I need you, and I want us stay with eachother, there’s no way i'm letting us split apart again”, she confessed sleepily.
You opened your eyes slowly and hovered above her, “you always liked me?”
She nodded shyly and blushed a little, but of course you noticed and kissed her cheeks along with her forehead.
“It’s okay, I think I always knew I needed you, and yes we spent time apart but I’ve got you now. I'm not planning on letting you go anytime soon”
Your reassurance warmed her heart and gave her a sense of relief she didn’t know she needed.
Your head laid back onto her chest whilst a love struck smile plastered onto her face.
“Thank you”
Her voice was just a small whisper but you could hear perfectly, along with the constant rhythm of her heartbeat.
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rozu-minaki · 3 years
Heyy🐼 I have new request :)- the MHA/BNHA boys with a quite S/O? like- she just dont make noise during the dance with no pants. she grew up in a house full of people and has gotten used to being quite when she gets off. how would some of the characters react?
other details- non-hero!UA, [character name] and reader have an established relationship, and [character name] and reader live together
hope you have an amazing day/night!!
Aww hi again! Sorry for the slow answering as I’ve been doing assignments while messing about on tumblr trying to get inspiration for a such an interesting topic! be sure to include the characters you want as it’s easier to do! Also this will be a small itty bitty self insert in the family part since I did grow up in a household like this! sorry if this isn’t as good as the last one ^^’ as always characters are aged up
warnings: smut, small pieces of angst if you squint
Bakugou: At first he didn’t mind he because he thought you were shy and such and didnt want to tear you out of your shell. But as time grew on and so did your relationship he became somewhat worried. Was it him? Was he doing something wrong? He slowly began to doubt himself in that department and retracted himself sexually, only interacting if you really wanted it. That was until finally he spoke up about it. Asking if he was truly making you happy and treating you like the gem you were. He was scared that he had put to much of his asshole demeanor up to make you loose interest, to which you only giggled and reassured him that of course he was. This only confused him more and when he asked about it you explained you grew up in a house full of people where privacy was non existent and locking doors was a no no so you had taught yourself to make little to no noise as possible. He had finally understood and was glad that he was treating you properly and slowly but surely you began to let yourself loose and let yourself make as much noise as you wanted when it was time for that kinda fun ;}
Todoroki: If he’s being honest he himself is also quiet. So when you guys had first done it he was totally okay with it and thought he should just allow you to go at the pace you wanted. But now you guys are living together and you still hadn’t done more then the occasional squeak and whine. So why haven’t you began to make noise when you guys had sex? So being todoroki he asked you straight up, wondering if it was him or if he was doing something wrong and if he was he wanted to know what so he could improve. You had to tell him that it definitely was not him (we all know he gives off big dick energy) and that he was doing amazing, it’s just you had taught yourself to keep quiet and make little to no noise as possible since privacy was only in the bathroom or after a shower in your large home of people. He was relieved and understood since he too grew up with multiple siblings. Soon Enough you got out of the habit of keeping quiet and now the new neighbors know shotos name! How lovely :D
Izuku: poor baby. He was truly worried he was being a bad boyfriend in the department and actually began to take notes on ways he could improve resulting in quiet mumbling and notes that definitely should not be put in the same book as his hero notes. One day however, he left them open and you found them, reading them and stifling a laugh but felt bad on how he seemed so scared he was lacking in that department but also happy because he was taking the time to actually try and improve for you (newsflash he didn’t need to he’s perfect). Once he came back he was embarrassed beyond belief and had to be coaxed out of his stone cold stare and blush. Of course you told him he didn’t need the notes or the improvement, you just weren’t used to making noise during sex or masturbation since your parents were strict and were against it. Izuku happily got rid of the notes but saved a few on new positions and techniques that he could test out if yk what I mean.
Denki: baby has an ego so of course it was a bit damaged when he was giving his all during sex and you had barely managed to make a whine or whimper here and there. He thought he wasn’t enough which, even though he tried to hide it, began to show when his cheerful and flirty demeanor was reduced to a small and somewhat quiet one. When you had asked about it all he could say was he was only sleepy or had a lot on his mind. That was until one day when you caught him talking on the phone to Kirishima asking what to do and how he could improve. When he heard you sigh and felt you gently grab his phone and hang up he stiffened up and was worried he struck a cord and you were gonna just end it with him. However that wasnt the case as you explained that you didn’t have a lot of privacy growing up and finding more about yourself had to be done alone and safely so naturally you had taught yourself to be quiet and barely make a peep, but if he was so worried and insecure about it you would try your best to improve and make noise to which he instantly lit up and happily slung you over his shoulder and went to your shared bedroom to help you “practice”
Shinsou: Honestly, at first he tried to act like he didn’t mind it and didnt wanna bring it up either since it was a bit of an awkward conversation as a new couple. But now you guys were sleeping in the same bed and waking up next to one another so what was going on and why werent you making any noise during sex? Was it something up with you that you didn’t wanna talk about? We’re you to scared to tell him that he was doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable? So eventually he had asked you about it while you two were making out and about to have at it. He asked why you weren’t really making much noise during sex and if it was something you didn’t wanna talk about or if it was him in general. To which you only smiled and laid a gentle touch on his cheek, you finally told him that as he knew you had a lot of siblings and since your parents didn’t have much money to give you guys each a room, you had up to no privacy when it came to getting off-only being able to do it in the bathroom or when you were home alone which wasn’t often. He finally understood why you weren’t very vocal and allowed you to ease yourself into it, which much practice in bed of course ^^ Shoji: He truly thought you were second guessing your guys relationship (you two are literally living together though??). He thought it was his quirk that was disturbing you two so without him even knowing he began to not use his quirks advantages in sex as much and also only focused on pleasuring you and not himself. This usually led to him not cumming in most sessions until finally you stopped mid sex and asked him why he wasnt trying to focus on his needs aswell. He was worried at first and shyly responded that he thought you needed more pleasure since you hadn’t ever made much noise during this and that he didn’t care if it cost him his own pleasure. Least to say you melted and pulled him close, holding his head on your chest And petting his head. Gradually explaining why you never made much noise and it didn’t mean he wasn’t doing a good job or anything, you just had a habit of making Little to no noise when you got off. He felt sorta dumb after but with some reassurance, soon enough he allows you to make sure both of you were satisfied after each session from now on.
I hope you enjoyed this! It was really cool to write and test myself as a small writer! Be sure to request which characters you’d like in the next one aswell as if you have anything you’d like changed or any writing mistakes you see as this isn’t proofread ^^’. Have a rose! 🌹
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ameliora-j · 3 years
twin flame // gw x reader
words: 3.8k
series genre: angst, fluff, smut (all in due time)
warnings: jealous george, angry george, charlie x reader kinda, mentioned ronmine, mentioned hinny, mentioned bleur, percy weasley slander, alcohol consumption, spitting kink (sorta if you squint), cringey pet names, mediocre writing at best
a/n: idk how many parts this will be,, maybe 5. but i already have the ending in mine. happy reading loves!
part two | part three | part four
twin flame (n.): an intense soul connection, sometimes called a "mirror soul," thought to be a person's other half. it's based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies. one of the main characteristics of a twin flame relationship is that it will be both challenging and healing. this is due to the mirroring nature of a twin flame; they show you your deepest insecurities, fears, and shadows. but they also help you overcome them and vice versa—your twin flame will be equally affected by you.
george weasley. what could you say about george weasley? he is… charismatic. funny, charming, fiery, pretty. everything. george is everything. he’s your best friend, of course, since the two of you were young. your fathers worked at the ministry together, so you and your siblings had playdates with the weasley siblings all the time, whether it be at your house or at the burrow. george is three years your senior, and he’s extremely protective of you. more than your soulmate, george is your twin flame—platonically, of course—that’s all that it would ever be. solely a platonic connection. at least that’s what you thought…
after the war, you and george became even closer. something about both of your lives being put on the line brought the two of you that much closer. after the war, you moved into the apartment above the joke shop with fred and george and began working as the store clerk and attendant. your parents had, unfortunately, died in the war and left just you and your siblings. when you told your older brother that you couldn’t stay in the house filled with memories, he completely understood. fred and george offered you to stay with them, and how could you say no to your favorite twins and your best friends? and besides, fred wouldn’t have let you say no. especially after you saved his life, pushing him out of the way of the falling debris. (fred weasley is alive. no i don’t take criticism.)
the transition was possibly the easiest thing you had ever gone through in your life. living with fred and george was a dream. it was all late night movie dates and cooking dinner together which ended up with the three of you throwing various ingredients at each other and laughing your heads off. this meant that you guys often ended up flooing to the burrow, and eating whatever it was that molly made for dinner that night.
that leads us to another point. molly. she absolutely adores you. she thanked you a million times over for saving fred’s life, it’s not something that she would ever let you forget. she’s like your second mom, and she thinks the world of you. everytime you saw her, she was sure to remind you that you could just give her a call if fred and george ever got out of line and she would be sure to put them back in check. not that you ever needed to, the twins were lovely to be around.
you were finishing up with your last customer of the day as george was locking up the doors and fred was beginning to clean up. just as the last customer walked out, george walked up to you and sat atop the counter in front of you as you were wiping it clean. “oh, please make yourself comfortable,” you remarked sarcastically as you threw away the clorox wipe.
“thanks love, i did,” he smirked. you rolled your eyes with a giggle as you began your count of the money in the register. “so as you know… we’re closing the shop up for christmas,” he began.
“georgie, if you have something to ask then please ask it,” you lightly teased.
“mum wants you to come to the burrow for christmas. i, of course, would also love for you to come. but mum’s threatened me a million times over if i don’t ask. i told her that you had your own family but she absolutely insisted at least ask you. she also told me to tell you that charlie would be there. as well as ron and hermione and harry and ginny and bill and fleur,” george spoke.
“well gosh, if charlie’s going, then i have to be there. after all, he is the hottest weasley brother,” you joked. if you weren’t so oblivious, then you would’ve noticed the look on george’s face after your harmless joke. you would’ve noticed the way his jaw hardened and his nostrils flared. you would’ve saw that way his gaze turned icy and the vein in his neck began to protrude in just the slightest as his face turned the slightest shade of pink. and you absolutely wouldn’t have missed the way that his chuckle wasn’t truly one of humor. you wouldn’t have missed how tense he became and you definitely wouldn’t have missed the ice in his tone when he replied.
“good one, love. are you coming or not?” the words were harsh, but you paid no mind. you didn’t catch it, but fred did. you also didn’t catch the harsh glare that fred sent his twin brother. or the way that he mouthed harsh words at him as he fixed him with an even harsher glare. but of course… you were oblivious. to you, george saw you as nothing more than a very good friend. a younger sister even. after all, you were ginny’s age. but to george…? to george he saw everything.
you were charismatic. funny, charming, fiery, pretty. gorgeous even. you were… ethereal. you were george’s everything and he was your’s. but the two of you didn’t know that. both of you were hiding a huge secret from each other. one that neither of you dared reveal. you didn’t dare tell anyone. your crush on george weasley was a secret that you were absolutely prepared to take to your grave. nobody knew. okay well that’s a lie… harry knew. but that’s only because the bugger was practicing his stupid legilimency and failed to tell you that you were the subject.
your heart fell to your ass when you heard the loud gasp harry let out and you turned to see his wand aimed at you. “you like-“ you practically flew across the gryffindor table and shoved your hand over his mouth before he could reveal your secret. the action had all heads turning to you, causing you to sheepishly smile and offer a wave before pulling away from him, demanding that he follow you. “you like george?!” he whisper shouted once you had finally lead him into an abandoned classroom.
“yes, but harry please don’t say anything, you have to swear it on your parents!” you exclaimed.
“that seems a brash, no?” harry raised a brow.
“swear it, potter! or i’ll hex you into oblivion,” you threatened.
“i swear it! i swear it!” he put his hands up as if in defense. you nodded once before pivoting on your heel. “he likes you too,” he spoke behind you.
“stick your foot in your mouth!” you grumbled, stomping away.
it was three days before christmas, and you fred and george were fully packed. you were sat in george’s room, kneeling on the floor as you packed your last few items and began to zip your bag. there was a soft knock on the door before it opened. “all ready, butterfly?” george asked. that’s another thing about the weasley twin—he had called you butterfly for as long as he could talk. you figured that it was because the two of you would chase butterflies together when you were little. once, a blue monarch landed on your nose, causing you to let out the sweetest giggle. if you ask george, he’d tell you that it was that exact moment that caused him to fall in love with you.
you looked ethereal. the way the blue monarch landed gently on your nose and you just let out the purest giggle. “georgie, look!” you exclaimed quietly so as not to frighten the creature as the giggle fluttered in your chest and tumbled past your lips. it was then that he knew. the sun shone on you so perfectly, like a spotlight almost. like the ball of fire in the sky was made for you and you only. the smile on your face was unmatched as continuous giggles spilled past your lips and your hair cascaded down your back. george fell in love with you that day. and at that moment, he decided that he would stop at absolutely nothing to see you smile like that again. to hear you giggle like that again. in that moment, everything was okay. there was no wizarding war. no death eaters and no voldemort. no dark thoughts and no fear. there was just you and george. and the pretty blue butterfly that made him fall in love.
you looked up at him and shot him a smile before nodding. he offered you a hand and you took it, allowing him to pull you up from the floor. he carried your bag down the stairs for you and the three of you stood in front of the fireplace. “you first, butterfly,” georgie smiled and kissed your head. you stepped into the fireplace and fred handed you the floo powder. you called out your destination before throwing the powder. you stepped out at the burrow and were immediately tackled into a hug.
“y/n/n!” ginny exclaimed, lifting you from the ground and twirling you in the air.
“hi gin,” you wrapped your arms around her neck as a giggle tumbled past your lips. fred stepped out after you, and her reaction was less than thrilled to see him. she simply waved after she set you on the ground, dragging you into the living room as she ignored the younger twin that had now also stepped out of the fireplace.
“great to see you too, baby sister,” george teased lightly.
“don’t care george!” she called. you greeted arthur and molly before kneeling in front of the coffee table in the living room. charlie, hermione, fleur, and harry were each sat on the couches and ginny kneeled next to you. “sooo… tell us everything!” she exclaimed excitedly.
“about what?” you asked with a giggle.
“about george!” she whisper shouted as she slapped your shoulder.
“there’s nothing to tell, gin. he’s my best friend, he has been since we were young,” you explained, trying to force the heat that was creeping up your neck away.
“bullshit, y/n! harry already told me, now spill it all!” she demanded.
“harry!” you pressed.
“she threatened me if i didn’t tell her!” he exclaimed. “and i’m more scared of her than i am of you,” he defended with a nervous gulp.
“well i didn’t tell anyone, y/n. only fleur and hermione,” she waved it off.
“dude!” you slapped her shoulder.
“well we didn’t tell anyone, mon amour,” fleur assured as she sipped her drink.
“i… may have accidentally let it slip to charlie a few minutes ago…” hermione spoke sheepishly.
“you told charlie?! he can’t keep a secret to save his life!” you whined.
“hey, ‘m right here!” charlie defended. “and i didn’t tell anyone but my dragons, and they can’t speak. so i’m doing better than eighty percent of the people here,” he smirked.
you groaned as your entire body heated up in embarrassment. “this is awful. absolutely awful, ‘m gonna die. if he ever finds out i’ll actually die. what am i gonna do?” you whined as your arms came up to cover your face.
“we’re gonna make him jealous, bunny,” you heard charlie’s voice and suddenly the burly, bearded man was straddling you and pinning your arms above your head.
“what are you on about, weasley?” you glared, skeptically.
“well y/n/n, it’s no secret that you’re… well… a huge pussy,” gin began.
“hey!” you exclaimed indignantly.
“she’s not wrong,” charlie defended, causing you to turn your glare to the astronomically muscled man that still had you pinned to the floor with one hand, using zero of his strength. you had tried fighting him off, but you gave up as you had been squirming and struggling for upwards of forty seconds, and the man hadn’t even budged, nor had he broken a sweat. it took zero effort for him to pin your body to the floor as he straddled your waist and kept your arms pinned down with one hand.
“okay so, what’s your diabolical plan, gin?” you asked as you let out a sigh.
“actually, it’s my plan. the same thing i did to ron with viktor, you’re going to do to george with charlie. you’re going to use charlie to make him jealous. the both of you will be here at the burrow for a few days at least, and george will as well. you make that boy suffer. make him want you. force his hand, make him make a move, whether he wants to or not,” hermione explained.
“charlie’s already agreed to help so you can’t say no. we don’t want to hear it,” harry shook his head.
“you told him ‘accidentally?’” you looked at hermione in disbelief as you put the word in air quotes… well as best as you could with your hands pinned above your body.
“no it was absolutely on purpose. we needed his help. bill’s already married, ron’s got mione, no one likes percy, and fred’s his twin so george would be able to manipulate the situation and act like fred and make you spill all the beans,” ginny said.
“i like percy,” you weakley defended the third weasley sibling.
“no you don’t!” harry accused.
“no i really don’t, he gave me four detentions in one week during first year,” you grumbled.
“merlin’s balls, four?!” charlie exclaimed above you. “why so many?”
“i didn’t know how to tie my tie,” you pouted. “and it was a violation of uniform, so instead of being a nice person and teaching me, he served me detention everytime it was untied,” you told them.
“yeah percy’s sort of an asshole,” you all murmured agreements at harry’s statement before molly called you to the kitchen for dinner. charlie stood up before pulling you to stand and you all walked to the table. you sat between charlie and bill, and across from george. you missed the strange look he gave when you didn’t take your usual place beside him as you were too absorbed in your own mind with how the plan was going to go and if everything would go according to plan or not.
“so, y/n, dear how have you been?” molly asked. “we’ve missed you dearly. i’ve caught up with all of my children except for you, what’s it like living with the rowdiest of my boys?” she asked, kindly.
your face heat up again as molly called you one of her children before you began to answer. “it’s awesome. fred and george are sweethearts. i’m the attendant and the clerk at the joke shop and it’s honestly just… a dream. i really love it,” you smiled widely as you talked about life with the twins.
“and uhm… any… special guys?” ginny pressed, gently nudging your shin with her foot under the table.
“ginevra weasley!” molly chastised.
“what, mum?! it’s a genuine question!” ginny defended.
“nothing serious,” you shrugged with a nervous chuckle. “there is a guy that i guess i kinda have a crush on. but i think he sees me as nothing more than a friend,” you shrugged, telling the truth about your crush on george, but turning your gaze to charlie before averting your gaze quickly. you heard a deep chuckle come from charlie on your right before he pat your thigh, causing heat to rush through your entire body once again. this time, you didn’t miss the unmistakable clench in george’s jaw and the way his nostrils flared, signifying that he was positively pissed.
the rest of dinner went by completely uneventfully. it was rather quiet actually, untill it was time to clean up. you, ginny, hermione, and fleur helped molly clean the table and the dishes as the boys all went to the living room. “well,” molly began as the dishes were finished. “percy, your room has been turned to storage, sorry dear. fred and george’s beds have been moved to ron’s room, so there are four beds in there, and your room holds all my knitting. charlie’s room is available, as well as bill’s and ginny’s. you may decide how you all sleep,” molly offered you all a smile before she and arthur bid you all goodnight and went up to his room.
“gin, you can share with hermione and y/n, yeah? perce, you and i can share my room. bill and fleur will take his, and george, fred, ron, and harry can all sleep in ron’s room. sound good?” charlie laid it out. everyone agreed with a small shrug and no arguments. “perfect. now that that’s all out of the way. gin, where do mum and dad keep the firewhiskey?” charlie smirked evilly.
ginny squealed excitedly as she stood and rushed to the kitchen. she came back with two bottles of firewhiskey and bill and charlie got blankets before you all went outside. the guys laid out the blankets by the fire pit as george and fred began to start the fire. “c’mon, bunny,” charlie motioned you over. “come sit with me,” he pat his lap.
heat rushed through your body for the fifth time that night as you stalked over to the man and sat beside him. he pulled you to be sitting in between his legs and your breathing picked up just slightly as a million and four nerves ran all throughout your body. “really need you to relax f’me, bunny,” he whispered into your ear as he brushed your hair off your shoulder, purposefully brushing his fingers across your neck, causing goosebumps to arise on your skin where he had touched. his arms wrapped around your shoulders and he pulled your back to rest against his chest. “s’just me. y’ve known me your whole life,” he reassured you gently.
“just you,” you scoffed. “just you who is literally the hottest weasley brother and possibly the hottest man on the planet. just you who i’ve had a school girl crush on since i was five. just you who is actually sex on legs,” you rolled your eyes. “just you,” you mocked with another scoff as you shook your head.
charlie openly laughed at your small rant, causing you to elbow him in the ribs. “okay, okay, sorry bunny. but really, i need you to relax. georgie won’t be jealous if he sees how tense you are around me,” he reasoned as he began to gently massage your neck and shoulders before moving his hands down to your collarbones and continuing back up, effectively loosening your muscles, causing you to relax more into him.
“alright. lads, ladies, ron…” ginny began. ron furrowed his eyebrows before turning to glare at the insult from his little sister. “truth… or drink?” ginny smirked as she held up the bottle. “everyone drink enough to get you feeling it and then pass it along so we can start and nobody can tell lies,” she laid out the ground rules before she drank the firewhiskey.
you, fleur, ginny, and hermione drank significantly less than the guys as it took more for it to hit them than it did to hit the four of you. you giggled drunkenly from your place underneath charlie’s chin as you began to feel the effects of the firewhiskey. it was unexpected, but you weren’t complaining as charlie’s strong, veiny hand wrapped around your throat and pulled your head back to look up at him. you let out an involuntary whimper as he poured the firewhiskey into your mouth and you quickly swallowed it, causing him to smirk (basically this tiktok). “good girl,” he whispered as he kissed your forehead, making you let out another small noise of satisfaction.
“okay!” george called loudly, interrupting your moment, and making you smirk. everything was going according to plan. “i’ll go first then, freddie,” he called. fred turned to look at him with a raised brow. “what’s going on with you and johnson, then?”
“nothing, you know that, mate. went to the ball as friends in fourth year, we keep in touch but we’re nothing more than friends,” fred shrugged.
“so you wouldn’t mind if i made a move then?” george asked, turning to look at you, tauntingly. your jaw clenched and your nostrils flared as you felt a big, green cloud of jealousy begin to blossom deep within your chest.
“uh… go ahead,” fred shrugged, confusion lacing his tone. “ginny, have you and harry had sex yet?” fred asked.
“blue. y/n, which of my brothers do you want to fuck the most?” ginny totally ignored fred’s question and gave you a chance to fire back at george with your own rage.
“charlie,” you answered quickly, staring back at george just as tauntingly, jaw still clenched, glare hard and icy. george’s jaw clenched harder if that was even possible and you didn’t miss the eye roll. “mione, are you and ron official yet?” you moved on.
“no, not really. we’re exclusive to each other, but he hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet,” she answered, doing her best to ignore the tension in the air.
you and george’s eye contact never broke throughout the entire game. your faces never changed. it turned into a competition of who could make the other more jealous. your faces were set in stone. jaw’s clenched. nostrils flared. glares icy. tones cold whenever you answered a question. one thing you knew for sure… this week with the weasleys was gonna be a shit show. it would either end in heartache or a new relationship. who knew?
the week brought upon two options. you came to a fork in the road. option a would pour gasoline onto your twin flame. expanding it untill it exploded and brought upon a future for you and george that was even brighter than your flame. option b would pour water onto your twin flame, completely fizzling it out. destroying the most amazing friendship you’d ever come to be apart of.
you truly hoped it would be option a. with your whole entire being, you prayed to godric, and salazar, and helga, and rowena, and merlin, and every single one of the gods you knew that would listen that it would be option a. but with the way that just tonight alone was going… your hope slowly began to fizzle out.
you fell asleep with that prayer in your mind. you fell asleep hoping the week would fuel your twin flame. you fell asleep with both george and charlie weasley running all through your head. wondering just what was going to come about. the night was long and completely restless. you could do nothing but sit and wait. to see what would result of your twin flame.
one thing you were completely sure of was that you would make george weasley your’s. just like hermione said, you would force his hand. you would make him want you.
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troubatrain · 4 years
want you to want me - m. tkachuk
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a/n: i’m awful at intros but this fic is my whole ass child. i started it months ago and i picked it up back and then i just couldn’t stop writing. now we’re at a whopping 10k words and i’m really happy with the way this one came out. i hope you guys like it as much as i loved writing it.
big thanks to @hookingminor @igor-shestyorkin & @tkafuckit for reading this as i wrote it and gassing me up ily all sm
warnings: smut
You were Matthew’s dream girl, and you didn’t have a fucking clue. You were leaning against the cold metal bleachers of your former high school, chatting with whatever teacher probably wanted to hear all about that shiny NWSL contract you signed right out of college with the Chicago Red Stars. It was well deserved, a few national titles in college put you in the position in the first place, and Matthew respected the hell out of you. You wouldn’t know, by the way he never seems like he actually wants to speak to you and the few snide remarks about your sport in general. That started forever ago, when Matthew royally fucked up any chance he had with you later in life because he was a competitive asshole.
It started when you were twelve, and middle school was nothing short of a mess. Matthew was growing into his own, adding a near foot to his height over one summer while his father and coaches doted on the fact that he was getting bigger. Getting bigger meant getting better, and for a few years winning was the most important thing in the world. But, becoming a hormonal preteen came with something else, feelings about the girl who sat three rows behind him in almost all of his classes.
Then third period gym class came around, and Matthew was a competitive monster. The kind of kid who took that way too seriously, and you accidentally became public enemy number one. You were the only person in his class who could even come close to beating him at anything, because you were just as much of an athlete as he was. Soccer had become your craft, and much like Matthew, you declared you’d go pro one day. So, Matthew did what any other insecure twelve year old boy would, he teased you relentlessly. It was awful, but by the time Matthew had gone off to play for the National team you had forgotten about his bullshit.
Apparently, you’d done something in a past life to warrant dealing with Matthew for longer than you ever anticipated. Jamie was your little sister, and Taryn’s best friend. Best friend was probably understatement, the pair were inseparable on and off the field. They trained together, they played on the same teams and that meant way too much time with the rest of the Tkachuk’s. You learned quickly, that the rest of their family was wonderful and Matthew seemed to be too thick headed to fall in line.
You tolerated Matthew, brushing his silly remarks off just like you did when you were younger. The thing was, Matthew didn’t want you to just tolerate him, but he didn’t know how to get you to stop hating him. You make your way over to Matthew who’d been standing next to his brother since the start of your sister’s game.
“Hi Brady,” You greet, tapping Brady on the shoulder who pulled you into a bone crushing hug. That annoyed Matthew the most, the way you seemed to love his siblings and despise him. In your defense, nobody was more supportive of your professional career than Brady, who’d made a promise to catch a game the second he could, “Hi Matthew.”
You were waiting for something from Matthew, an acknowledgement for finally achieving a dream of yours. You’d gotten the congratulations from the rest of his family, a massive celebration because Keith thought you deserved it. Matthew probably didn’t think you did. You could practically hear his smug little voice about how much his recently inked contract was compared to yours, because you’d heard it since you were kids. He used to rip on your athletic abilities every chance he could, something about how it didn’t matter how hard you could kick a ball you couldn’t hold a hockey stick so he was just better.
“You’re here!” You hear the chipper voice of your little sister approach, Jamie’s sweaty postgame arms wrapped around your waist. You’d been in Chicago, signing some paperwork and looking into finding a place to stay when you had to go for camp. You promised you’d make it back in time, and your flight landed less than five hours ago but you made it.
Matthew bit the inside of his cheek to keep his smile to himself, watching his own sister push past him to see you. Taryn loved you, because sometimes she just needed a big sister and her brothers were in another country most
of the time. It was the part that killed him the most, seeing you with his family. You fit right in, a fierce athlete with drive that rivaled his own. Brady side-eyed his own brother, watching him instead of the scene unfolding in front of him. He was frustrated with his own brother for not just telling you the truth, that he teased you because he was an idiot who didn’t know how to handle having a crush on you.
But Brady was going to do it himself if his brother didn’t.
Matt, you don’t have a girlfriend right?
Matthew knew damn well he should not have answered his sister’s question, but when he realized her best friend had been sitting right next to her in the kitchen, his curiosity got the best of him. So he did, telling his sister he was single and sparing her details of any of the girls he’d gone on dates with the past year. That was his life is Calgary, a constant revolving door so no one would see what was underneath layers of sarcasm and angst. But every summer, he’d come home and wonder when he’d start to build a life for himself, and if he’d ever find that person to do it with. That was when his brain would start to wander, fantasies of a future that always seemed to involve you. He loved to imagine it, the years that you’d both spend supporting the other’s dream. Matthew would do anything to make sure you achieved yours, and he thought you’d do the same. Then you’d both settle down, the big house with the white picket fence and a shiny ring on your finger Matthew put there himself and years of arguing about what sport your future children would play - he’d even consider letting you have just one.
Unfortunately, none of that could be real until he figured out how to get you to hate him less. Taryn apparently had the same idea, and had been scheming with your sister for months. The two girls were looking at Matthew with devilish grins on their faces, like whatever they came up with would totally work.
“Y/N doesn’t have a boyfriend,” Your sister hums, sipping the smoothie they forced Matthew to drive them to go get, “It’s sad actually-”
“We think you should date,” Taryn explains, Matthew’s eyes went wide. His sister didn’t know the whole story, or just how far back this stupid fued went. Taryn always loved you, so Matthew just kept his remarks to himself.
“I know you know Y/N doesn’t like me very much,” Matthew explains, “So tell me how that’s going to work.”
“Apologize to her, if she can forgive me for anything she’ll forgive you,” Jamie sighs, thinking of all the times you’d shown her mercy when she didn’t deserve it.
“You’ve got to be sorry,” Brady interrupts, mouth full of food while he goes to go look for more in the fridge. He turns around, Matthew’s eyes giving him daggers, “What? You were a dick to her for years, you’ve got to fix that first.”
It didn’t take much convincing after that, Taryn had already planned out what Matthew should say to you. Matthew wasn’t going to repeat those words, because he knew exactly what he’d say to you if he ever got the chance. He was trying to fix his past, because the way he acted towards you was the one thing he regrets. 
So with the help of your little sister and the Find my Friends app, Matthew was pulling up to a soccer field he’d been to plenty of times. He used to run through the park nearby, catching a glimpse of your practices when you were in high school and Matthew was an afterthought. He hops out of his car, smiling when he could see you running drills alone. You were dribbling the ball, counting to yourself while you were weaving through cones you set up.
“I’ve never been good at those,” Matthew calls out, walking over to you while you stopped and caught your breath, “I kick the cones with my skate every single time.”
“Maybe you’re not as good as you think you are,” You tease, grabbing your water and guzzling it down, “What are you doing here?”
“I, uh, I came to apologize?” Matthew admits, knowing his face was probably bright red. He was nervous, the good kind like he got before a big game, “I was just an insecure kid then, and you didn’t deserve what I did just because I was afraid you’d beat in something.”
Matthew left out the part where he felt like he was still that kid all the time. All of those insecurities about himself seemed to be picked up by every reporter in Canada when he was there. You bit your lip, pretending like you were trying to debate whether or not you should forgive Matthew at all. In reality, you would have forgiven him ages ago if he’d just apologized sooner. It was so long ago, and sometimes you thought Matthew’s constant taunting made you better. He was pleading, baby blue eyes staring at you sadly while he waited for your answer. He looked like he didn’t think he deserved to be forgiven, shoulders slumped while he tried to read your body language. It was something you noticed about Matthew forever ago, he could have everything in the world but when he looked at you he seemed almost sad.
“I mean I could forgive you, but only if you beat me,” You cross your arms, raising an eyebrow at Matthew, “If I win, I don’t have to and if you win all is forgiven.”
“Really? Isn’t that why we were in this situation to begin with?” Matthew points out, crossing his arms at you.
“I thought you weren’t that kid anymore,” You remind of his own words, testing him to see if he’d put his money where his mouth was. Matthew smirks, chuckling to himself, “C’mon Tkachuk let’s see what you got.”
Matthew shook his head, laughing and lining up next to you. You both counted to three, sprinting down the field at full force. Matthew knew his height was the only thing working to his advantage while he tried to keep up with you. You were nearing your finish line, and Matthew didn’t think he was going to win. You were going to forgive him regardless, but Matthew didn’t know that. His arms stretched out, grabbing your waist and pulling you into his chest. Matthew turned his body around, stepping over the line before you did.
“God, you’re such a fucking cheater Matthew,” You hit his chest, Matthew’s hands still firmly placed on your hips.
“I didn’t want to lose,” Matthew admits, all of his smug attitude diminishing immediately, “Just want you to forgive me.”
“I’ll forgive you if you never pull that shit on me again,” You poke his chest, slipping out of his grip and running to your stuff before he could notice how nervous he was making you. 
No. Absolutely not. You told yourself while you checked your phone, rolling your eyes at the warning text from Jamie that Matthew was on his way, you couldn’t have anything but indifference to Matthew Tkachuk. It got harder everytime you saw him, the past few years had been nothing short of kind to him, he was growing from a dumb immature boy to a man more and more every summer. You turn around, peeking at Matthew who was sitting down and catching his breath, a winning smile on his face, the same kind he had the very first time he schooled everyone at floor hockey in middle school.
Maybe you could be friends.
Matthew liked having you as a friend, mostly because as of right now that was all he was going to get. You definitely didn’t trust him, which was valid considering Matthew had been a dick to you for years, but he was working on it. He had to, that uncontrollable feeling that he cared about you was getting harder to shove back down with every year that passed.
“You’re friends now, you don’t need to stare at her like a creep anymore,” Brady scoffs, watching his brother gawk at you from afar. Matthew couldn’t help it, you just had a glow about you, you always did, but somehow in the summer you were golden. Tonight you looked even better, maybe it’s because you smiled at him when he walked instead of scowling like you usually did.
“He’s in love with you,” Steph giggles, sipping her drink and giving Matthew a side eye, “He’s been staring at you all night.”
“He apologized to me,” You confess, holding in that little secret about Matthew’s visit to the field even from your best friend. You had the same friends, the same group of people who’d been pushing the two of you to work it out for years. It wasn’t that you didn’t want them to know that they no longer had to worry about one of you blowing up because the other was there, you just wanted everyone to let it go too. Matthew deserved a little forgiveness, you could only imagine the pressure he felt on himself back then, and while he didn’t totally deserve your protection - you were going to give it to him, “Don’t-”
“Oh wonder why, I know it’s because he looooves you,” Steph teases, “Did you forgive him?”
“Yeah I mean we’re both older and I’d like to think he’s wiser, and besides our parents are way too close,” You knew this was going to be your excuse for a while. It was better for everyone that you forgave him, Jamie and Taryn spent more time together than you’d spend with anyone and you're just as close with the rest of their family. It wasn’t untrue that it was in fact for the best, but that didn’t mean Matthew’s stupid dimples didn’t persuade you before you could think about anyone else, “Can we stop talking about this?”
Matthew’s eyes didn’t leave you once that night, especially after the way Steph downed tequila shots and convinced you to join her. You deserved to celebrate, you’d accomplished something Matthew knew was your biggest dream because it was the same as his. He was proud of you, not that he’d gotten a chance to show it.
“If you’re going to go pro Y/N, you’ve got to start keeping up,” Brady chirps, watching you stumble over your own feet to walk over to him and Matthew. Matthew had seen this once before, a level of drunkenness where you turned into bambi but that was so long ago he never thought he’d see it again.
“I’ll go pro in beating your ass Brady,” You snap back, shooting daggers over Brady who was already cracking up, “Hi Matthew.”
“Hi,” Matthew’s voice was small, a weird sound considering he was usually the loudest in the room. Brady scoffs, walking away from the two of you before he snaps at how hopelessly in love his brother was. You turn your head in confusion, your mind far too hazy to realize why Brady was so annoyed in the first place, causing Matthew to chuckle, “Want to play? Might be best if we’re on the same team.”
Matthew’s thumb shot over to the beer pong set up on the other side of the room, a mischievous smirk on face, “I mean if it’s for the best.”
Matthew’s arm wrapped around your shoulders holding you close to his chest while you both played pong was definitely not for the best, and it wasn’t helping that stupid crush you had on him. You could feel Steph’s stare from the corner of the room, and you look at her to mouth a don’t at her. It was nice having Matthew on your team, finally a moment where instead of arguing with each other about who’s elbow was clearly over the table - you got to do the same thing to Brady.
“Brady you’re cheating,” You call out, Matthew’s head thrown back in laughter at your seriousness.
“You heard her Brady, elbows over the table,” Matthew breathes out, his body still rumbling with laughter at his little brother’s expense.
“Oh look at you two, you’re just gonna raise some winners one day aren’t you?” Brady chirps back, both happy to see you getting along and annoyed once he realizes that means he was going to get roasted by both of you now. You felt heat rush to your cheeks, tucking your face into Matthew’s arm in hopes no one saw the way you shrunk at that stupid joke.
“We’re winners right now,” Matthew calls out, his last ball landing in the cup and sealing the game for the two of you. Matthew would raise winners with you, it was something he thought about from time to time, but those thoughts were never going to see the light of day, “Alright drunky I think it’s time to get you home.”
“You can stay, I’ll just catch a ride with someone,” You waive Matthew off, who shook his head no at you before you even started speaking.
“One, my dad would kick my ass if he knew I left you,” Matthew starts with, holding up one finger with another on the way, “Two, we’re friends now and I’d like to make sure you don’t die before you see a pro game.”
Matthew had seen you this drunk before, but what he didn’t know was that getting you home would be more difficult than he thought. You started in the direction of your house, but apparently you were a runner and a speedy one at that. Now you were barely two blocks away from Matthew’s parents place and if he could at least get you there he’d be able to call it a night - which wasn’t fucking easy.
“Alright I’ve had enough,” Matthew huffs, jogging to catch up with you and scooping you into his arms. You were hanging over his shoulder, Matthew making his way down the street with the house in his sightline. You could have cared less, laughing your ass off while Matthew walked up the stairs and finally placed you back down on your feet, “Be quiet, go up to my room and get some clothes and go sleep in the guest room.”
You weren’t quiet, not at all and Matthew was amazed not one of his parents came down to see what all the chaos was about. After Matthew had to walk you up the stairs, running back down for some water and hoping you weren’t a disaster by the time he got back - he found you in his bed. You were curled up right in the middle, an old London Knights shirt on your body, Matthew’s favorite. Matthew grabs his comforter, throwing it over your body. He sighs, leaning against his door frame and smiling to himself at how comfortable you looked, flicking off the light and retreating to the guest room.
Matthew hated the guest room. He hated how hard the mattress was and after a few hours of no sleep and tossing and turning - he gave up. Matthew hoped no one else was up, but not to his surprise his mother was already in the kitchen, and judging by the look on her face, she knew who was upstairs.
“Care to explain?” Chantal smirks, raising her eyebrows at her son. Matthew’s face got red, his landing on the back of his neck to cover the blush.
“She fell asleep before I could even get her to the guest room,” Matthew shrugs, hoping his mom wouldn’t push it any further, “I, uh, apologized the other day.”
“Good,” Chantal hums, a knowing look on her face. She didn’t like to push Matthew, her one kid who seemed to be a little rougher around the edges than the others, but that silly feud never sat right with her, “Here, bring her a coffee, I’m sure she needs it.”
Matthew nods, grabbing the mug his mother was holding out and starting to make his way up the stairs. He heard the tell her you made it from his mother and shook his head. He knew what she was thinking, especially with the way Chantal seemed to talk about you. His mother thought you were nothing short of perfect, and Matthew would be a liar if he didn’t think the same thing.
“Did I fall asleep here?” You’d woken up confused, your question only answered by the jerseys hanging on the walls, you were in Matthew’s room. You rub your eyes, the door creaking open way too loudly for how dead you felt.
“Only after you almost fell down the stairs and ran three blocks in the wrong direction,” Matthew chuckles, sitting on the edge of the bed and handing you the mug, “You know you’re fast right?”
“Yeah,” You muse, smirking to yourself and taking a sip of coffee, “I’m sorry I did that to you, and stole your bed - I can go.”
Matthew stopped you, telling to finish your coffee and relax and he’d drive you home after. You fell into a comfortable conversation, something Matthew never thought would happen.
And watching you walk up to your steps in his shirt still wasn’t something he thought he’d see, but it was better than he imagined.
“Hey it’s Jamie, can’t get to the phone right now…”
You groan, tossing your phone onto your bed and continuing your pace around the room. It was well after midnight, and your sister had been out all night, and past her curfew. Usually you’d cover for her, definitely taking the prize home for the cool older sister who picks her siblings and their friends up from parties. That’s what had you so worried. Sure, Jamie was a teenager and she snuck in a few little white lies with your parents just like you’d done, but Jamie always told you the truth. She’d check in with you more than her parents, letting you know that she’s going to be out late but she’s safe and if she needed anything she knew who to call. You texted sometime around ten, just checking in since it was Saturday and you were sure she had a more riveting social life than yourself. No answer. Then eleven rolled around and you didn’t hear anything, so naturally you double texted and now it’s twelve thirty and you still haven’t heard anything. You cross your arms, looking at your phone as if you could will an answer into existence. You grab it, dialing a number you weren’t even sure would work.
“Hello?” Matthew’s voice appeared on the other side of the line, clear confusion in his voice. You let out a sigh of relief, hoping Matthew would have the answer you wanted to hear so desperately.
“Is my sister at your house?” You ask, biting your lip and throwing on a pair of sweats so you could pick her up and murder her for scaring you like that. You were sure it was innocent, Jamie slept over at Taryn’s all the time, staying up way too late watching movies or when Jamie would hide going to a party from your much stricter parents.
Matthew tells you to give him a minute, and you can hear him walking through the house. By the time you heard a door open and a small fuck under his breath, your stomach dropped, “She was supposed to be home by midnight.”
“Alright, thanks anyways,” You sigh, “Do you know where they might have gone? It’s just, Jamie hasn’t answered me in hours and she usually does even if she’s out past curfew and I’m just-”
“I’ll be at your house in ten,” Matthew says, his keys alright in his hand and his foot halfway out the door. He was more mad than worried, sure his sister was out a party past curfew. Matthew was her biggest brother, and he was far more protective over her than Brady ever could be. He hated when she did this, and Matthew was pissed. You waited on your steps, Matthew car coming into view while you sprung up and practically sprinted into his car.
“You look mad,” You observe, as if it wasn’t completely obvious. You knew why, trying countless times to remind Taryn that her brother loves her and that’s why he’s like that. You thought he could go a little easier on her, but you wouldn’t dare get in the middle of that.
“I am mad,” Matthew grits out, knuckles white on his steering wheel while he drives slowly down the street. You just drove, in hopes you’d find what was obviously a house party and hopes your sisters were inside. You squint, hoping your eyes weren’t fooling you.
“Wait, pull over I think I see my neighbor,” You yell, Matthew’s foot flying on the break and you hop out. You were right, the bright orange tuft of hair you saw was like a miracle, “Hey Henry have you seen my sister?”
“Oh yeah I think she’s still inside,” Henry points to the house behind him, music blasting and a party in full swing, “I think she’s with Taryn.”
Matthew hops out of the car, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the house with him. Matthew’s fingers were laced with yours with every step he took, weaving through the crowd in hopes you’d see them. It took three bedrooms and a laundry room until you finally saw Taryn standing in the doorway. Her eyes went wide, and you pushed past them both to see Jamie with her head in the toilet. She was fine, well she was definitely in deep shit, but it wasn’t the worst thing to stumble upon. You throw her hair up, your attention moving to Matthew yelling at his sister in the hallway.
“Why didn’t you call someone,” Matthew yells, trying so damn hard to not completely snap on his baby sister. Taryn yells that her phone had died and then Jamie got sick and she didn’t know what to do. Of course they didn’t. You were probably more sympathetic, and you knew just how pissed off Matthew could get. You get up, pushing Taryn back into the bathroom and telling her to watch your sister.
“Calm down before you talk to her, please,” You plead, grabbing Matthew’s shoulders, “Besides, I sort of need some help right now.”
There it was. The very moment Matthew realized all along you could’ve been helping him. Your hands were wrapped around his biceps, a finger gently rubbing the skin right under the sleeve of his shirt. Every bit of anger disappeared from his body, a calm feeling replacing it. He knew you were right, and he’d be thankful for it later. Matthew knew he had to do the right thing by you, and he nodded, willing to follow any directions you gave him.
Matthew carried Jamie out of the house, getting both of your sisters in the car and finally heading back to your house. You knew he was still pissed off, a present frown on his face so you just took the chance. Just like he’d done before for you, you grabbed one of his hands from his steering wheel, lacing your fingers together. You caught the smile on his face, your thumb rubbing over his hand while his shoulders seemed to just relax. Once
Matthew finally helped you get Jamie inside, a night of laying on her floor to make sure she was okay ahead of you stood in the doorway with Matthew across from you.
“Thank you, I know we’re working on this friendship thing but you really didn’t have to do that,” You were eternally grateful, wrapping your arms around Matthew’s waist and tucking your head into his chest.
“You’d do the same thing for Taryn,” Matthew hums, knowing full well he definitely owed you for being Taryn’s replacement sibling with him and Brady in Canada for most of the year, “Get some rest okay?”
“Wait,” You stop Matthew, grabbing his hand one more time, “Don’t kill your sister, please she’s just a kid-”
“You’re way too easy on them,” Matthew chuckles, shaking his head at you. He knew Taryn was probably scared, and after he calmed a bit he understood where you were coming from. That didn’t mean he wasn’t going to tell her that if she ever pulls that shit again - he was going to rat her out to their parents.
And when Matthew finally got back in the car, he could see his sister’s grin in the backseat, “Don’t say it.”
She held your hand, are you sure you’re not going to malfunction now?
Maybe you were spiraling.
You’d been waiting for this moment your entire life, now you had a few more weeks until camp started and you were afraid. You knew you were good enough, you had to be. But what if you weren’t? You could feel the anxiety settling in, a feeling you hadn’t felt since Matthew told you soccer wasn’t a real sport in fourth grace. It’d been eating at you for weeks, deteriorating any confidence you had left in yourself. So you started pushing yourself even harder. The harder you worked the less like you were to fuck it all up. Your muscles were sore, your body was tired and it was just all becoming too much.
And Matthew noticed.
You were pushing yourself too hard, even the time you were supposed to relax with your families before your seasons started was being spent training. He understood it, the term first round exit lived rent free in his head every single time his skate hit the ice over the summer, but that didn’t make it okay. You looked tired, sluggish while you moved because you were running twice a day and training in between. And he was pissed everyone seemed to be fine with it. You should start working harder then Matthew. If it bothers you so much maybe you could join her. It wasn’t that he was jealous of your work ethic, he was worried. Matthew’s eyes followed you as you ran past his house again. The third time in one day, he’d finally decided he had enough.
Matthew took the walk to your house, charming the pants off your mother for her to tell him you were upstairs because you just got back in. He knocks twice, hearing a come in from the other side.
“What are you doing here?” You question, rolling one of your ankles that just seemed to be getting more swollen every time you started to practice. Matthew noticed it, your hands freezing one you caught his gaze.
“You’re overworking yourself,” Matthew stands his ground, he knew you could have told him to fuck off because no one hates advice they didn’t ask for quite like him, “Don’t tell me I’m wrong.”
“That’s rich coming from the kid who’s played with more broken bones than anyone I know,” You remind him of a few mistakes Matthew’s made playing through injuries he really shouldn’t, “I’m not fucking frail.”
“That’s not what this is about,” Matthew scoffs, it never once crossed his mind that he thought he was tough enough to play through injuries but you weren’t, “It’s about taking a break so you don’t get hurt.”
“I’m fine,” You huff, getting up and trying your best to hide the pain in your ankle when you stood on it. You fell forward, Matthew catching you in his arms and putting you back down the edge of your bed.
“Tell me what’s wrong?” Matthew asks with soft eyes, he bent down to take your ankle in his hand and inspect it the best he could. It was swelling, probably from the amount of pressure you’d been putting on your body with no breaks.
“What if I never score a goal?” You whisper, teary eyes finally meeting Matthew’s. His brows shot up, alarmed at how one of the best athletes he’s ever seen could feel the same way he felt right before his first NHL game. Matthew sits down next to you, hand on your thigh while you let out a cry, “What if I’m just a bust? Like I get there and nothing works and I suck.”
“You’ll score eventually,” Matthew scoffs, understanding how ridiculous you sounded but just how you felt at the same time, “Everyone does.”
“You scored like four games into your fucking career Matt,” You remind him, Matthew smiling a bit that you knew that to begin with. It would have been impossible not to know, or pretend like you didn’t keep a few tabs on his career. Matthew Tkachuk was a legend in the making, and whether or not you could feel butterflies in your stomach every time he dropped the gloves was a secret you’d take to the grave.
“I got suspended my first season too,” Matthew jokes, a teary eyed laugh escaping your lips, “I’d put down money you score in your first game.”
“Well good thing you have money to lose,” You sigh dramatically, the fear of fucking up still on your mind.
“You’ll find your groove, all legends do,” Matthew promises, throwing his arm around your shoulders. You snuggled into his side, a realization that he was becoming a comforting presence in your life with each passing day, “And if you don’t, you can always hide out in Canada with me.”
“Matty!” The same silly nickname Matthew introduced himself to you on your very first day of kindergarten slipped through your lips without realizing it. Matthew hadn’t been called that in ages, but it was welcome from you. You push his chest, “That’s not making me feel any better.”
“What if I told you the only reason I was so mean to you was because I was intimidated by how talented you were?” Matthew confesses, scratching your head with his fingers, “If I win a cup one day I think I owe you one.”
Matthew didn’t mention that in his wildest fantasies of raising that cup over his head, you were there. He’d owe you one and he hoped it was because you were there for him until he got there. Matthew saw it the same way every time, you’d tell him to go see his parents first but he’d fly right past them to get to you - the person who accidentally pushed him to be his best. He had plenty of daydreams about you winning too, remembering times you used to brag you’d go to the Olympics one day, and he hoped you were right. He wanted to see you succeed, more than anything, and he thought it would work.
“Legally you have to let me drink out of it,” You muse, shutting your eyes and letting yourself just rest against Matthew.
“It has to be Bud Light,” Matthew teases while watching you fake a gag. You grab his outstretched hand, letting him pull you up. His hands rested on the side of your face, eyes flickering to your lips for just a second. He wanted to kiss you, but he knew he had to wait. Wait for you to be ready. Wait for you to settle down. Or even just wait until he thought he had a real shot at forever.
Forever with you.
Matthew was kind of pissed off.
The press didn’t bother him, none of that mattered and at the end of the day Matthew was able to sleep at night knowing he was a good teammate and a decent person most of the time. This one got him though, some writer criticizing the A on his jersey, and how someone who plays like he does didn’t deserve a letter.
A letter he earned.
You could tell something was off, the way Matthew had been running alongside you was aggressive to say the least. He insisted he came with you, something about forcing you to take breaks. He was being your friend, even though your sisters seemed to disagree. Taryn’s words were replaying in your head, Matt doesn’t even care if I get hurt. That didn’t mean anything, those two had no idea what love was and Matthew caring about you a little bit didn’t mean he loved you. Besides, the way he was acting right now told a completely different story.
“Are you mad at me?” You finally slow down, sitting on a rock that was next to the hiking trail you were on.
“No?” Matthew stops dead in his tracks, his heart sinking to the pit of his stomach that he fucked this up too, “I’m fine, don’t worry about it.”
“No, tell me what’s wrong,” You push, crossing your arms and narrowing your eyes at Matthew. You could tell he was pressed about something, his neck covered in a red flush the same way it used to.
“Some stupid article about my letter, don’t worry about it,” Matthew grits, repeating his words again. His defense was up, even after you confessed to him that you were scared of not being enough.
“Get the fuck out of here with the tough guy act Matthew,” You challenge him, poking him right in the chest, “If we’re going to be friends you need to cut that shit out.”
“You really want to hear it?” Matthew barks back, fully yelling at you, “I’m tired of people thinking I don’t deserve things because I threw a few bad hits. Do you know how it feels to have everyone think you’re shitty? No you don’t, because you’re so fucking perfect that my own parents like you more than me.”
You stood there, silent while you tried to figure out how to tell him that simply wasn’t true. His entire body was shaking, the anger coursing through his veins like you’d seen many times before that. Matthew looked like he did the first time you hit a homerun in gym class, except this time it was because that same pressure never got released. You couldn’t come close to understanding the way he probably felt. You didn’t have the comparables in your own family, the constant reminders of Brady’s points tally compared to his, let alone the career his father had.
“Matty,” You whisper, grabbing his hand and running your fingers over the scars on his knuckles, “Why is this bothering you so much?”
You were sure this wasn’t the first time someone’s said he was a pest, and it sure as hell wasn’t going to be the last. Matthew sighed, the better part of his brain screaming at him to stop before he lost you too.
“I’ve felt like this forever,” Matthew whispers, eyes fixated on your hand in his, “From the moment I started getting bigger, there’s just been this pressure to play a certain way and act a certain way. I was a fucking kid, and while all of my friends got to go wherever they wanted all I ever did was practice. Then I finally get to where I wanted and I’m still getting shit on.”
“Except no one thinks you don’t deserve to be where you are,” You whisper, quiet words as if you were going to startle him, “And I know it doesn’t make up for things people say, but the people who love you think you deserve it.”
Matthew nods, pulling you into his arms and holding you close. Your arms wrapped around his waist, his words mumbled against your forehead, “I needed that.”
“I know,” You nod, smiling wide up at him, “And we need to practice more because you’re too slow, soooo catch me if you can!”
You slipped out of his arms, running away with a giggle and a smile. Matthew stopped for a second, his Neanderthal brain checking out your ass while you jogged away and his more logical one trying to process what just happened.
But what mattered most was that whatever you did worked and that meant something to Matthew.
Just admit you think he’s hot.
You wanted to kill your sister for making this weekend harder than it had to be. You were doing a good job at just friends with Matthew until Jamie was curled up in your bed while you packed for a lake trip with your friends. She pushed it for hours, rambling on about Matthew is actually your type and Taryn swears he’d be a good boyfriend if someone just understood him. The problem was, you were starting to see her point. Matthew had a glow up a few years ago, like one summer he’d gotten home and you were infatuated with him. It used to annoy you, because he’d been such an ass to you that you hated how attractive he was. Then things changed, and now looking at him was just frustrating you. You were terrified about the way he made you feel, like everything would be okay with one look of those blue eyes and a smirk. You felt like he had your back, a vast change from how you used to feel and it was just getting hard to hide it anymore.
Especially when Matthew looked like he did right now. He was holding himself up on the dock, shoulders broad and glistening in the moonlight above you. All your friends were inside, moving their party away from the water as the night lingered on. You wanted to run your fingers through his wet curls, the temptation was almost too much.
“I’ll be in Chicago a few times you know,” Matthew hums, enjoying the time alone he was getting with you. Anytime without Brady teasing him about what the Tkachuk’s had been referring to as the hand holding incident. He didn’t want them to think he didn’t want you, because he did, but he just needed to move at his own pace.
“You want to come see me play?” You ask, leaning back on the palms of your hands. You were surprised by the kind of man Matthew had become, it was a completely different person that he used to be. He cared so much about his loved ones, and you were starting to feel like maybe you had a place there.
“Actually thinking you could come see me play,” Matthew teases, sarcasm dripping from his words. You lifted your foot up, kicking some of the water below you to splash him, but he’d caught your ankle before you could. He stopped for a moment, running a thumb over your skin, “This looks better.”
“Don’t make you admit you were right,” You whine, Matthew swiftly pulling you into the water with him. You yelp, the water way too cold for any normal person, “It’s freezing.”
“C’mere then,” Matthew grabs your waist, pulling your body against his. His hands were splayed across your back, heat radiating off of them. One of your hands was on his shoulder, your other on his chest. You could feel his heart beating quickly, his eyes locked on yours, “Middle school Matthew would be so jealous of me right now.”
“Why’s that?” You hum, running your fingers along Matthew to play connect the dots with the beauty marks on his skin.
“Because he had the biggest crush on you,” Matthew confesses, his grip on you a little tighter, as if he was afraid you’d slip right through his fingers again, “But he was too thick headed to do anything about it.”
“What about grown up Matthew?” You ask, biting your lip. Matthew was practically holding you both up in the water, pressed so close together you could hear the hitch in his breath at your question, “Is he too thick headed to do something too?”
You wrapped your legs around Matthew’s waist, pressing your lips to his and tugging on the curls at the base of his neck. He pushed you up against the dock, helping you back up and pulling himself up next to you. You grabbed the back of his neck, latching your lips back on his. His hand was on your back, fingers toying with the back of your bathing suit, “Think we can get upstairs without anyone noticing?”
Matthew was cool most of the time. He never faltered under the pressure from his career, most of the time, and he definitely didn’t fold when it came to a pretty girl. You had him in the palm of your hand, every part of his brain malfunctioning in response to your words. You bit your lip, wondering if you’d read this entire situation. Matthew rubs a thumb along your lip, “When are you going to realize I’d do whatever you asked me to?”
The two of you snuck up the stairs, giggles and stolen kisses left in your wake. You open the door, Matthew’s hands still toying your bathing suit top, “Just take it off already Matty.”
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” Matthew breathes, his lips pressed against your neck while the garment falls to the floor, “So fucking beautiful.”
You back hit the mattress, Matthew’s hands running up your body slowly. Slow wasn’t in Matthew’s vocabulary, but he was taking his time just in case he never got this opportunity again. His fingers hooked under your bathing suit bottoms, sliding the wet fabric down your legs. You looked so beautiful, spread out just for Matthew like he’d dreamed about numerous times. His lips moved down to your breasts, teeth grazing against your skin while his tongue swirled against your nipple. You let out a breathy moan, Matthew’s ego boosting from the sound. You plucked at his curls while his mouth moved down to where you were craving him most, a gentle kiss to your clit, “Matty, please.”
“I didn’t peg you for the type to beg,” Matthew hums, pressing feather light kisses around your core. He stopped, gripping your thighs and looking up at you, “You sure about this?”
“Yes, please,” You whine, pussy dripping from Matthew’s hot breath fanning over it. Matthew chuckles darkly, fingers digging into your thighs when he flicked his tongue over your clit. You moan, completely unbothered by the blaring music a floor below you. Matthew didn’t seem to be bothered either, his tongue teasing your entrance while his nose rubbed against your clit, living for the way you were whimpering above him, “Matty-”
“Close baby?” Matthew groans, slipping a finger inside of you and curling it. You back arched, his name falling through your lips was enough to answer his question. Your legs shook, pleasure washing over your body from Matthew and all of it just felt so right. Matthew’s lips were latched to your skin until he finally met your eyes again. He smiles softly, nudging his nose with yours while you caught your breath, “So good for me.”
“Should’ve known you were that good with your mouth with the way you run it,” You tease smiling against his lips.
“Not with you, not anymore,” Matthew promises, soft blue eyes looking into yours, he meant it. He didn’t know how else to make it clearer, he wanted you. You kissed him slowly, hands trailing down his abs and stopping where his shorts hit his waist. Matthew kicks off his swim trunks, cock springing free. You grab the back of his neck, pulling your lips to his and rolling over top of him and straddling his waist. It was criminal how good you looked on top of him, “Gonna ride me babe?”
You nod, lining his dick up your core and lowering yourself on top of him. You let out a whine, Matthew’s smug smile on full display once he realized it was because of how big he was, “We don’t have to if my dick’s too big.”
“Oh shut up,” You roll your hips, watching the way Matthew’s head fell back, smirking because he really thought he had control here. Matthew’s hands gripped your waist, moving your hips faster. His finger flicked over your clit, causing you to lunge forward on top of him. Matthew flipped you over, wrapping a leg around his waist so he could hit your g-spot. Your hands gripped his shoulders, nails leaving scratches Matthew was going to wear pride later. You were seeing stars, noises leaving your throat you’d never even heard yourself make, “Fuck, Matty, I’m gonna cum again.”
“Look at me,” Matthew grabs your chin, pressing his forehead against yours and watching while your eyes roll back with pleasure. Your pussy clenched around him, his own cum spilling into you from the sensation, a loud groan following. Matthew pressed a kiss to your forehead, his cock still buried inside of you, “I wasn’t bullshitting you, I mean every word Y/N.”
“Matthew,” You whisper, running a finger along his back, “The distance…”
You didn’t mention everything, the way that if this was real it meant it would end up ripping you both apart. You were set to live in a different city, Matthew all the way in another country. The way your dreams included a spot on the U.S. National team, and the idea that wanting to be with Matthew would hold you back was terrifying. The way his dreams probably meant staying in Calgary forever, a C on his jersey and a cup over his head. It wasn’t going to be easy, you weren’t ever going to be the doting girlfriend he probably needed. There would be years of travel schedules and games that overlapped, and a part of you thought that maybe Matthew wouldn’t be able to do it. You’d get a year in and he’d find someone who would be there more and finally you’d end it.
“We can make it work, baby I want you, I always have and I probably always will,” Matthew starts, baring his soul to another person for the first time in his goddamn life, “I want to support your dreams and have you be there for mine. I’m all in here, I don’t know how else to tell you.”
“Can I have some time?” You plead, holding onto Matthew’s shoulders because you knew he could leave and tell you to never speak to him again. Matthew sighs, understanding the way you were shitting yourself about starting your own professional career, remembering the way rookie Matthew would have died before he considered settling down that first year, “Please don’t leave me-”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Matthew promises, rolling over and letting your rest on his chest, “I’ll wait for you.”
You smile, snuggling closer to him. Matthew didn’t sleep a minute that night, running every single scenario that could possibly happen with the two of you. Matthew was sure it would work out, it had to, because if it didn’t he wasn’t sure he’d be able to recover.
So now all he could was wait.
You know this is creepy right?
Matthew stares at Sam, punching his teammate in the arm lightly and telling him to shut up. He had a night off in Chicago, and after four straight hours of staring at your contact in his phone, Matthew finally just bought the tickets. He’d been good at keeping his distance, you needed space and he respected you enough to try and give it to you. He wasn’t doing so hot, Matthew consuming more soccer games than hockey games at this point. It started with your first game, because how was he supposed to just pretend like it wasn’t happening? You scored too, and it took everything in his power not to call you to tell you that not only was he right, he was insanely proud of you.
And he’d been hearing it from everyone. Your sister thought it was bullshit, Taryn and Jamie almost had Matthew on a flight to Chicago ready to show up like a terrible Lifetime movie. Brady thought it was hilarious the way Matthew was simping like this for one girl. Now, his teammates were on him, wondering why on Earth their friend who historically ran through women faster than he did mouthguards could be this hung up on someone he had a crush on in middle school.
“What number is she?” Sam asks, sipping the beer he forced Matthew to buy after making him go along with this.
“Nineteen,” Matthew smiles, pointing down at you on the field. You looked so happy, warming up with one of your teammates and a bright smile on your face. It seemed like a good fit, your team and your new city, and it made Matthew’s heart grow four sizes.
“Did she choose your number?” Sam jokes and Matthew mumbles something under his breath, “What?”
“It was her number first,” Matthew admits, not wanting to ever confess to another soul that you crossed his mind when he kept that camp number. Sam howled next to him, leaning over his seat and cracking up at his teammate.
You looked out in the crowd about halfway through the game, rubbing your eyes to make sure you weren’t seeing things. That tuft of curls was hard to miss, not to mention you knew just how big Matthew was. He was far too into the game to realize you caught him, up in arms about a call against your team that was valid but he’d argue it wasn’t. You asked for space, and it was getting harder to stick to your guns. Especially when he was making it so clear that he wanted this.
And whether or not you went to his game the next night, was a secret you’d take to the grave.
You were so close you could have tasted it.
While the final seconds of your season came to a close, all you could do was hold your head in your hands and hope no one caught the tears. A semi-final loss was devastating, but a semi-final loss where there wasn’t anything you could have done differently was even worse. Every athlete had off nights, a point Keith pushed right before you left to start your season, and he was right. Unfortunately, that was this game. Your biggest fear had come true and there was nothing you could do about it now. The game was over and you weren’t moving on.
And Matthew watched it.
Matthew promised you space, and he swore he’d give you the time you needed to settle down. But, this was something he couldn’t ignore. He could tell you were off, your entire rookie season was almost perfect and watching the way you folded during this game was gut wrenching. Matthew knew better than anyone, losing sucked. So he took the chance, grabbing his phone and shooting you a text he’d been waiting to send.
Doors open in Calgary.
and I’m so fucking proud of you.
It was the very last text you saw before you went to bed that night, tossing and turning for a few hours thinking about that loss. You couldn’t stop, every bone in your body was aching and you didn’t know what to do. So you bought a flight, packed your shit and was walking down the hallway to Matthew’s apartment without a second thought. You’d left him on read, calling Brady in the middle of the night and asking for his address, who gave it to you reluctantly with a reminder that if you needed to see him this badly you should rethink the needing time thing.
Matthew let out a groan when he had a bang at his door at three in the morning. Noah definitely was trying to walk into the wrong apartment again, and Matthew was grouchy when he whipped his door open. Except it wasn’t Noah after he’d had too many. It was you, teary eyed with your shit in a suitcase and a broken heart.
“I can’t stop thinking about it,” You admit, whispering something you never thought you’d say to anyone, “I just didn’t do enough-”
Matthew didn’t say a word, pulling you into a bone crushing hug and holding you as tightly as he could. You didn’t need to hear it from him, about how things were out of your control and you did your best. You didn’t want that right now, you wanted him, “Baby…”
“Everything hurts,” You whimper, finally just letting it all out. You were bruised and battered from the season, the physical pain alone was enough to upset you, let alone the loss you just took. Matthew carded his fingers through your hair, letting you soak his bare chest with your tears because he wouldn’t have it any other way. You came back to him. You came back to him when things got too tough because you trusted him to bring you some peace, and he was happy about it.
You passed out sometime after that, your tears finally running dry and the exchaustion taking over your body. Matthew woke up early the next day, grateful for the optional morning skate so he could stay with you for just a little bit longer. The sun was just starting to peek through the curtains in his room, a calm snowy morning in Calgary so the city was just a bit quieter. 
Matthew settled on breakfast, working away in his kitchen with the only thing he knew how to make. Tell her you made it, his mom’s words from just a few months prior in his head while he cooked. You padded out his bedroom, one of Matthew’s god awful beer shirts hanging from your frame while you wrapped your arms around his waist and pressed a kiss into his back, “It’s cold here.”
“You’ll get used to it,” Matthew hums, internally pumping his fist when he felt your lips form a smile against his skin. You turned your head, pressing your cheek against his against and letting out a laugh, “What’s so funny?”
“You framed my jersey?” You ask, your eye catching a jersey that was way too familiar. It was hung up beside Matthew’s from his first all star game, both number nineteens staring back at you.
“Why wouldn’t I? You’re my favorite player,” Matthew hums, a blush covering his cheeks, “I’m so proud of you.”
“You keep saying that,” Matthew finally turns around, pressing a quick peck to your lips.
“I’ll keep saying it long after we both retire,” Matthew speaks, words clear and sure because he’s had plenty of time to practice this one, “I’ll say it when you win a World Cup gold, I’ll say it when we have kids, I’ll say when you play at the Olympics. I’m going to say it over and over again.”
“But…” You trail off, all of those same demons you’d been fighting when it came to your whatever this was with Matthew, “What I’m not around enough for you?”
Matthew knew what you were thinking about, he’d thought about it plenty too. There were countless sleepless nights where all he did was wonder if you’d find someone in Chicago who could support you better than he could. He’d do his best, he swore he would, but in order for you to be happy, your passion came first. There was always going to be times when he couldn’t be there and it killed him.
“You’re more than enough,” Matthew promises, his lips ghosting over yours, “I want you to seize every opportunity in the world, I just want to be there to tell you that I love you and use the goat emoji on Instagram when you do.”
You let out a laugh, Matthew’s smile wide enough to see his dimples you loved so much, “I think I want to stay a little while.”
“I think you should,” Matthew agrees, capturing your lips in his, “Besides I’m playing tonight and I think I need to show off now.”
“You’re a cocky asshole.”
“But now I’m your cocky asshole.”
One year Later
You had a good reason to be late.
You swore Matthew couldn’t possibly be mad at you for this one. You’d missed your flight to Calgary, a few days post a second loss in the semi finals that you’d been taking much better this time around. Mainly because Matthew wasn’t there, but his stupid smile and words of encouragement where there on facetime hours later. That wasn’t the reason you were late, the reason you were late was because you’d received the most insane news of your life and it was an important phone or that flight. You’d caught the next one, legs shaking not to just call him and share the news, but you needed to tell him in person.
You’d finally gotten by the doors to the locker room entrance, out of breath from spriting there from your cab. There was Matthew, tapping his phone and staring at the clock on his phone with furrowed eyebrows. He was still in his suit, tie pulled a little looser, a nervous habit you realized he had some time ago, “Matty-”
“Don’t call me that just because you know you’re late,” Matthew huffs, already ready for the pout that would have followed so he’d forget all about the fact that you promised you’d make it on time. He holds his hand out, waiting for the handshake he made up in the car on the way to the first game you went to after he finally locked it down. You laugh, slapping your hand against his and letting him pull you closer for a kiss.
“They want me on the National Team,” You mumble against his lips, the words spilling out of your mouth when you pull away with an excited smile. Matthew stood there stunned, while you shuffled your feet in the little dance you did when you were really happy. He grabs your cheeks, pressing kisses to your lips again and again.
“We’re celebrating after this, holy shit,” Matthew cheers, still stunned by your news, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, now go score a few goals so we have even more to celebrate,” You kiss him one more time, pushing him before the door before he was late.
“Anything I do seems unimportant now!” Matthew calls out, a light laugh to his voice as he watched you walk away to go sit in the stands.
And that’s how Matthew thought it should be.
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griffintail · 3 years
Okay so I'm on an angst kick tonight so here's a fic about how Little bee feels about all her new siblings.
Old news
Bee was hitting her breaking point, ANOTHER new sibling? As if Michael wasn't enough now she had to complete with the literal angel that was Boo. Her step fathers new adopted child. How could her dad do this to her? Bringing in this new 'family' as if their real family wasn't God knows where alone. She missed her cousin and uncle dearly, Little (F/L) was practically her sister at this point and sometimes Tommy was more of a father to her then her own dad. It drove the teen up the wall how quickly her father discarded them.
Now she's supposed to consider these strangers her family? No way in nether.
If anyone wants to expand on this feel free too, I wanted to write an argument but I can't think of good dialog for it.-🦊
Hahaha. Angst that I feel on a personal level. I didn’t add Little boo because I try to keep the characters separate when I write for the Lost Ones kids but there’s most certainly Michael! I really wanted to write this....NON-CANON TO LOST ONES
Old News
Pairing: Parental! Tubbo x F! Teenage! Reader
Part 2
Warnings: Angst, Misread Situations, Feelings of Neglect
         She sat alone at the docks, looking back to see her father playing with Michael in the upper story window. She huffed angrily as she looked back to the freezing water.
         …They were supposed to go fishing today. But Michael was sad.
         They were supposed to go last week but Ranboo wanted a day together with no kids. So, she had to watch the stupid zombie piglin…
         God, she never thought she’d miss the days when Uncle Tommy would drag her and Tubbo off on dangerous adventures. She never thought she’d miss all his yelling…she never thought she’d miss L’Manberg…With all the good memories that it held inside…
         At this rate, she’d start missing how her father and Tommy fought Dream all the time!
         “Hey.” She jumped, looking up to see Foolish. “You’re shaking kid, you should get inside.”
         Her jacket had long since felt cold. She just didn’t want to go inside and listen to dad talk to Michael though. Not when he hadn’t properly talked to her in months. She looked at the house before looking at Foolish.
         “Is the mansion warm?”
         “Uh, kind of. There should be a few rooms, come on.”
         She got up and followed Foolish inside. She’d go to her actual room later…for now, she just wanted to sit and watch the trees sway without thinking about everything she missed…
         She stirred her mushroom soup as she sat at the dining table inside their home after night fell. Ranboo was out, thank god, but Tubbo was upstairs with Michael again and she had to make and eat dinner for one…
         “Hey, I need to talk to Foolish before he leaves. Watch Michael for a few minutes alright?” Tubbo asked her as he jumped down from the ladder.
         “Ok.” She muttered.
         “Thanks.” He smiled before rushing out.
         She rolled her eyes and kept eating her warm soup. The kid wouldn’t die, he was old enough to be fine. There was no need to make her eat cold soup to watch the stupid zombie piglin. After a few bites though, she heard a loud thud upstairs and she face-palmed before going up the ladder.
         The little zombie piglin was sniffling as a little bit of blood trickled from his forehead.
         “What happened?” She sighed, going over and sitting in front of the zombie piglin, wiping the blood away with her sleeve.
         Michael pointed to the bed and the floor and she shook her head.
         “You jump off the bed?” And he nodded. “Yeah, that hurts like hell. I fell off a lot of crap, mostly because Uncle Tommy dared me but I digress.”
         Michael gave a snort and she gave a small glare with no actual heat behind it.
         “You think that’s funny little shit?” She asked and Michael shrank but she smiled. “I’m just joking. But hey, watch out, I’ve been taught by a lawyer, I’ll sue you next time.”
         She didn’t hate Michael; she just didn’t like how he and Ranboo got all of her father’s attention. Michael was a funny kid and smart when given the chance. She just wanted to avoid him though so she didn’t have to think about what he gets that she can’t.
         “Alright, come on, I think there’s some of those special potions for you downstairs.” She said, standing up.
         The teenager was about to pick him up when Tubbo came into the room.
         “Hey, how—What happened?!” Tubbo exclaimed, rushing to Michael, not a second glance to (Y/N).
         “Oh, he just fell a bit.” (Y/N) said.
         “He fell?! How? Weren’t you watching him?” Tubbo asked her with even looking at her as he carefully looked at the minor cut on Michael’s head.
         “Dad, he’s fine. It’s just a little cut from a fall.” She wasn’t watching him but she also wasn’t going to tell on Michael that he just jumped off the bed.
         “You call this fine?!” He motioned to Michael as he finally looked at her.
         “Yeah, I had a lot worse going on adventures with you and Uncle Tommy.”
         “Yeah! But he’s not you!” Tubbo huffed looking away.
         (Y/N) was taken aback by that. He wasn’t her…No, no Michael wasn’t her. He was better than her, just look. Michael always has her father’s attention. What was she? Just…just a disappointment.
         Tubbo canceled plans with her, Tubbo rarely spoke to her as much, Tubbo barely spared her a glance some days. He had a better family now…
         “You’re right.” She whispered, Michael giving little snorts seeing the tears in the older girl’s eyes. “I’m going to go.”
         “I think that will be best,” Tubbo said, once more not looking at her as he picked Michael up.
         Her lip quivered before nodding as she rushed downstairs. Tears poured down her cheeks as she grabbed a bag and threw her clothes in. Nothing else.
         She left the house, hearing nothing from her father as she walked away from Snowchester.
         It was better for everyone…They could be happy without her bothering them now…
         The darkness surrounded her as she clutched her bag as she crossed the path back towards Dream SMP land. As she got across, she looked up at the well-lit hotel her uncle had finally won back. Without much thought, she dashed up the path to the building. As she got to the door, she hesitated.
         Would it be better for her uncle if she didn’t bother him? Would he be happier?
         “(Y/N)?” She heard behind her and she once more jumped as she looked to see Tommy walking past the gates to the hotel.
         He stopped seeing her red eyes and the tears staining her cheeks, along with the bag by her side. He then rushed over, taking her arms.
         “What happened? Who hurt you? Who the fuck is going to die?”
         At his words, she sobbed. She hadn’t felt this cared about in months…
         Tommy was startled before hugging her tightly. “Hey, it’s ok, kid. I’ll fuck up their shit for you. No need for the waterworks. Let’s get inside.”
         He brought her inside as she cried harder and he didn’t get much of an explanation once she calmed down as she didn’t want to talk about it but he set her up with a room and told her they’d talk about it tomorrow when she got some rest. Yes, Tommy was worried but he knew that he couldn’t just force the kid to tell him everything when she looked exhausted.
         “I don’t know how Tubbo fucked this up, but I’ll fuck up his shit later,” Tommy told her, ruffling her hair. “After I beat the ass of who hurt you. Get some rest.”
         He left the room after that as she held back the tears this time. If only he knew, and lord did it feel so good to feel like someone cared…She had missed Uncle Tommy…
         Tubbo came to (Y/N)’s door later after putting Michael to sleep. Tubbo felt guilty about getting so snippy with his daughter. She was right, kids get hurt. He remembered the clumsy little girl that would fall down all the time or who he’d have to catch after Tommy dared her to jump from various places. It made him feel guiltier when Michael tried to stick up for her, trying to take all the blame.
         He hadn’t been angry; he was just scared. He had fucked up in some areas with (Y/N), he couldn’t fuck up again. Michael wasn’t the same as her, he was more fragile, a different creature entirely, which meant he had to be extra careful. It was better she went to her room though, so he didn’t say something he’d regret. He felt regret though for being so loud with his words.
         “(Y/N).” He knocked on her door.
         She didn’t answer and he sighed.
         “I’m sorry for yelling. I didn’t mean it. I was just scared because Michael isn’t like you or me. He gets hurt a lot easier. And…shit. I forgot about fishing, didn’t I? I’m making a lot of mistakes today. I’m so sorry little lamb. I…I’ll leave Michael with Foolish tomorrow and we’ll have a day all to ourselves, no matter what. We’ll have your favorite breakfast and do whatever you want, ok? Just you and me my special little bee.”
         There was still no answer and he let out another as he nodded.
         “I’m going to stick to it! I promise (Y/N). I love you so much. Good night.”
         And he left without opening the door to see what he’d find out tomorrow…
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cherrycheridarling · 3 years
'someday maybe' | t.h.
tom holland x singer!reader
warnings: one swear? fluff and angst? kisses
summary: you're so close to finishing your second album when your manager pushes the deadline, your ex tom helps you write the final track.
{listen to someday by michael bublè and meghan trainor (if you want)}
wc: 2.1k
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"Someday maybe when we're old and grey,"
"Yes, yes. I know. You are not being a very helpful manager right now, Noelle." you spoke to your phone as you paced around the living room, "Okay. I'll get working on it. Bye." you huffed and threw your phone against the couch.
Your album was due to be released in two months and you needed one more song to tie it all together. Your manager, Noelle, was pushing you to finish the song so she could start the promo of the album.
You were incredibly grateful for your career, but the pressure weighed down on you everyday. Never ending.
With a final groan you picked up your acoustic guitar and sat on the couch. Picking at the strings, trying to find a melody. You hit record on your voice memo app before strumming away.
"Someday maybe when we're old and grey, we can be in love once more. 'Till then I won't give my love away. Darling, I'm forever only yours." you sang softly.
You and Tom had a joyous relationship. A love that only ever existed in movies and fairytales. The type of love story that gets told for generations and onwards. But alas, all good things must come to an end.
Your breakup was calm, serene and clean. A mutual agreement as if your whole relationship had been a business deal. There were no loose ends or jealous passive aggressive remarks made. Just maturity and respect for one another.
Your pinky still held the promise ring he gave you. A token of appreciation. A reassurance that he'd always be there for you. And he lived up to his word.
Tom walked in and sat across from you, startling you, "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Whatcha writing?"
"Need a final song for the album. Sorry for showing up unannounced. I just get better inspiration here, with all the memories, you know?" you timidly looked back down at the guitar.
Tom nodded, "No need to apologize. We gave you a spare key for a reason."
You couldn't stop yourself from spilling the words from your lips, "That was when we were together."
You could hear the awkward silence start to fill the room before he spoke again, "Still our best friend, Y/L/N."
The pain that crossed your features was instant. Being addressed by your last name felt like a stab to the gut. Especially by Tom.
You nodded before playing again, "Can I help you write it?" Tom asked as he sat next to you.
"Dancer, gymnast, actor and now songwriter. How many hidden talents have you got, Holland?" you teased making him laugh.
He shrugged with a smile, "It's kind of like writing a poem, right?"
You pondered on his analogy before slowly nodding, "Yeah, it kind of is. Give it a go."
You began playing the melody and he listened intently for a few moments before singing, "I love seeing you happy. I miss seeing that smile. It's been such a long time. A– Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh. I can't do it." he shook his head aggressively with a loud laugh as you stopped playing.
"No!" you quickly protested, "That was amazing! Don't leave me hanging, c'mon." you nudged him with your shoulder before strumming again.
"Alright, alright." he ran his hands down his face, "And although I don't have you, I know now that I need to?" he paused and gave you a skeptical look before you nodded again, "Somehow make you mine. Mmm."
"Oh, okay. He's giving ad-libs and all. Get it." you nodded as he laughed.
You were so engrossed on Tom actually writing a song with you that you didn't focus on the lyrics he was singing.
"And I won't lie, it's hard seeing you with him 'cause I know he can't hold you like I can." his mood seemed to drop by a thousand as the words left his lips.
"When can we meet this boyfriend of yours?" Harrison flicked your forehead from across the booth.
You, Harrison, Tom and Tuwaine were all sat in the local pub. Pints of beer in front of each of you as loud music and chatting filled your ears.
You shrugged, "He's picking me up, so possibly tonight."
Tuwaine's eyes lit up, "Fina-fucking-lly. I swear you've kept him hidden for years."
"We've only been together for three months, T." you laughed lightly with the group of boys.
And they met him. It wasn't the smoothest of introductions, but an introduction nonetheless.
"Boys, this is Kai. Kai this is Tom, Harrison and Tuwaine." you gestured to the parties as they all shook hands and gave polite greetings.
"So," Harrison started, "What do you do for a living, Kai?"
Kai cleared his throat, "I'm a Senior Resident at Kingston Hospital. Working towards being Head of Pediatrics."
Tuwaine and Harrison both nodded, impressed by his profession. Tom's face remained expressionless as he stared at Kai with cold eyes.
"Do you have any siblings, Kai? Any psycho ex-girlfriends? Any wacky cousins?" Tuwaine joked making everyone laugh. "'Cause Y/N has a lot of wacky cousins."
"We could be in love once more,"
"Hey!" you gasped with a laugh.
Kai pulled you closer to him as he laughed, "No, no wacky cousins or psycho exes, but I do have an older sister and a younger brother."
This game of ask and answer continued on for a few more minutes. Tom didn't say a word, just sipped his beer and burned holes into Kai with his eyes. If looks could kill, Kai would be six feet under.
Kai was a sweetheart, but you two ended ages ago. His work got too much for him and your job had you touring and travelling every second.
You picked up after him with the chorus before diving into your own verse, "I remember that love song. I sang every word wrong, but you didn't mind, no, no."
"I love the things you do. It's how you do the things you love. Well it's not a love song, not a love song. I love the way you get me, but correct me if I'm wrong. This is not a love song, not a love song!" Tom belted the 'Austin & Ally' song from the top of his lungs.
"Your turn!" he pointed the pretend mic in your direction.
You laughed, not knowing any of the lyrics, but still wanting to participate, "I love that you not a licket! And you own a watch and chicken! We got a car!" you sang with full confidence, making Tom burst with laughter.
"Yes! Sing it, darling!" he cheered you on, "Absolutely butchering the lyrics, but sing it!"
"Being stuck inside a car. If it's not a doe, don't kiss it! I can't hear a missing, when there's a shoe inside the ceiling! If you really need to fart, you can lunch on a pig farm! Love song! Love song!" you couldn't even hear the song in the background, your voice overpowering it.
Tom was hunched over from laughing before he came back up and planted a soft kiss on your lips, "You are one hundred percent ridiculous and I love it."
You brought yourself back to reality and sang again, "And I'll admit that I miss you, but only if you do. 'Cause you know that I'm shy. And I can't lie, it's hard seeing you with her. 'Cause I know she can't love you like I can."
Tom's eyes met yours as the words fell from your gentle lips. His mouth was slightly agape as you continued to strum.
"You are absolute rubbish. Imagine coming in eighth. Embarassing." you laughed as you crushed Harrison in a game of Mario Kart.
He shoved you with his shoulder, "You're such a try ha—"
"—It's always the same, Tom! How can I trust you? You follow gorgeous models on Instagram and expect me to trust you?" Nadia's voice cut Harrison's words off.
You looked at him with wide eyes, his expression matching yours.
"Those women that I follow have been my friends for ages. Who I follow on a stupid app shouldn't effect how much you trust me."
You paused the game, cutting off the theme song, "How long have they been fighting like this?"
Harrison sighed, a long groan following, "A few weeks. I think it started when she saw that he liked your Instagram picture?"
You stammered, "M-my post? She got mad about my post?"
Harrison nodded before opening his mouth to speak, but Nadia cut him off again, "And she practically lives here! How do you think it makes me feel seeing my boyfriend play house with a superstar?!"
"Aw, a superstar? I'm flattered." you joked making Harrison stifle a laugh.
"I've been friends with Y/N since we were in nappies!"
"I can't be with you if you're going to be friends with her."
Your laughter abruptly died at her words. Harrison stiffened beside you.
"Y-you can't be serious. You can't make me choose between you and her."
"Why? Because you're gonna choose her?" you could hear her voice crack.
"I-" Tom couldn't make out a sentence for a few moments, "Yeah. I'm gonna choose her."
Your heart fell from it's place, stopping at your feet. Harrison brought a hand to his mouth, "H-he chose you. He chose you!" he whisper shouted before you shushed him.
"Of course. I don't know why I expected anything different. I think I'll be going now." Nadia's footsteps approached the living room.
You and Harrison scrambled to look as if you weren't eavesdropping on their argument/breakup.
Tom followed close behind her, "I'm sorry. I really am."
She nodded, hand on the doorknob, "I know. Goodbye." she stepped out of the house, slamming the front door shut in the process.
Tom let out a breath of relief before turning to you and Harrison who were staring at the Mario Kart home screen with the infamous tune playing.
"You guys are terrible actors."
"'Till then I won't give my love away,"
"I'm forever only yours." the both of you finished the song in unison.
There was a moment of silence before you reached over and ended the voice recording.
"T-that was really good. You can change what I wrote, I know it isn't as good as anything you would've written, but I tried. And it was actually pretty fun and I never knew how difficult songwriting was un—"
"—Kiss me." you cut Tom's rambling off.
His eyes grew wide, "W-wha—"
"—Kiss me, Holland."
He swallowed, a small smile stretching on his lips, "Thank God."
And with that, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. Interlocking like missing puzzle pieces. Moving in sync like waves in the ocean. Soft and sweet, but filled with passion. You could feel his smile against your lips causing you to grin.
His hand came up to pull your face closer into his. Caressing your jaw, fingertips playing with the hairs on the back of your neck. His other hand holding your hip in a tight grip. Pressing the pads of his digits into your flesh, scared that you might slip through his fingers again.
One of your hands was pressed flat against his chest. Steadying yourself, the heat of the kiss threatening to throw you off of your axis. Your other hand tangled itself into Tom's curls. Pulling and tugging lightly causing small groans to fall from Tom's lips. Your fingernails scratching his scalp. Pulling him impossibly closer to you.
"I want my ten pounds." Harrison's voice snapped you and Tom out of your make out session.
Him and Tuwaine stood in the doorway, shit eating grins on their faces.
Tuwaine laughed before placing a ten pound note in Harrison's palm, "You guys couldn't have waited until next month to get back together?"
"You two were betting on us?" Tom laughed at his mates who nodded.
You shook your head with a smile, "Absolute idiots, all of you."
Harrison let out a happy sigh and pocketed the money, "Today was a good day. Had a sick ass shoot. Got ten pounds. And my best friends are finally together again." he waltzed into the kitchen with Tuwaine, leaving you and Tom alone again.
Tom's shy expression met your gleeful one before he spoke, "Someday came a lot sooner than expected, huh?" he chuckled.
You nodded with a laugh, "It certainly did and I am not complaining."
He sent you a wide grin before cupping your face and connecting your lips to his again.
"Darling, I'm forever only yours."
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80s4life · 3 years
You Take Good Care Of Her Pt.1
Word Count: 1,416
Status: Not Requested!
Fandom: The Expendables {1-3}
A/N: So this was one of my writings I have on my Wattpad, and decided to have it brought over here to Tumblr. This isn't my best work, but it's okay I guess.
Relationship: Lee Christmas x Reader 
Summary: Y/N and Barney Ross are half siblings. With their lives not being easy, the only people they had were each other, Barney raising her as his own.  But, that all changes when she decides to serve our country, earning many scars outsiders will never see.  When she returns however, she might actually get the happy ending Barney and her have always dreamed of.
Warnings: language, a little bit of angst
Masterlist The Expendables Masterlist Part Two
{Not my gif}
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For the next few years, with Barney's extensive training and knowledge with hand-to-hand combat, how to quick draw a weapon, and how to know how to use it, Y/N had become a strong woman.  Y/N never understood how or why he knew these things, but yet again, she never doubted her brother for a second.  Barney has always been there for her, as he was now, teaching her self defense in the best way possible.
After Y/N had graduated high school, she joined the army, starting out as a nurse but quickly changing ranking when a horrific war came in, needing her well hidden skills.  Barney was proud of his little Gumdrop, the nickname he had given her from the day she was born, but he would be lying if he didn't say he was the least bit nervous.  He knew she could handle herself, especially when Y/N had even made it a point in learning all different types of weapons, perfecting Barney's signature skills, and going way beyond anything either of them could imagine.  Barney was almost like a proud father.
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To say that military didn't change a thing about a person would've been a full-faced lie.  It had made you hard, cold to the touch, maybe in the worst ways selfish, too.  Y/N was never one to put herself first, but in the military world, although you are all fighting alongside each other as a team, the main point was for you to take care of yourself and only focus on keeping yourself alive; no one else mattered on the battlefield.
Y/N had started to write a diary, trying to keep herself from driving off the deep end into insanity.  She was lonely, something that was expected in this way of life.  Battle was a different world, a separate one from the world of the more fortunate ones, the ones not in war.  Y/N had made a few friends, but as the wars raged on outside, they slowly died off, scaring her, and not wanting to have to hurt as much as she does because of how much she cares.
But after all, nothing is permanent.  No one stays forever, and that made Y/N miss her brother all the more.  As she writes in her diary, she also wrote letters home to Barney, those that could have a range of time before getting a response back.  After all, Barney was stuck on missions, making a group called the Expendables, and spending so much time up just to not be alone, worrying for his baby sister, and if she will actually come home alive.
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After 10 years, Y/N was able to return home, different, but whole.  Barney, who had responded a few weeks before, had been the first to see her come down the escalator of the airport, more than ready to feel whole again, to have his family back.  When she had spotted him, she practically tackled anyone in her way, almost tripping down the steps to get to her brother.  With a lunge and a jump, she crushed her older brother in a rib shattering hug, tears of joy not only pouring out of her eyes, but his too, although he'd never admit to it.  Clearing his throat he said, "Let's get you home Gumdrop."
After loads of catching up, Barney told her there were people he wants her to meet, as he was going to show her what he had spent so much time training her for, to be one with the boys, the Expendables.  Barney had blabbed about what it is he had done on the ride before entering Tool's shop, which is what made Y/N so eager to meet the rest of the gang, knowing what and who they were before they even entered her life.
The first person she met was Tool, an older man with a rugged smile, warm eyes, streaked hair, and a creative eye for everything he sees.  Y/N enjoyed him and took a close liking to him immediately, becoming a weird yet funny father she never had.  She was caught up in a conversation with Tool, missing the warm smile her brother had as he watched his sister find someone so alike to her, talk to her, and share interests that normal fathers would, even if it wasn't by blood.  Then, multiple other men filled the room of Tool's tattoo shop, the smell of testosterone, grease, and smoke filling the room as the roaring of motorcycle engines came pouring in, soon shutting off.
Barney and Tool introduced Y/N to every person of the group before they all spread out and did their own thing.  Toll Road, one of the members, had talked to her, being kind and gentle, a total opposite of his professional career choice.  After that, Y/N had made her rounds, talking to everyone: Gunnar Jensen, quiet, handsome, tall, and quite funny.  Yin Yang, small, quick-witted, loyal, and very caring.  Hale Caesar, the most hilarious person Y/N had ever met, very playful, and a lot of fun to hang out with.  She had met everyone, except one; Lee Christmas.  
A few times during the night, their eyes had met, as if it were electric that made them shudder and stare on many occasions.  But, although many looks were made, he had made it his duty to avoid her like the plague.  "But why?" was a constant thought that crossed her mind.
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As time passed, Y/N had become just one of the guys, squeezing her tiny self into the little family they had all made.  Tool had given her her own specialty Expendables tattoo to make it official too.  Decorating it with vines and flowers, "Matching your personality," Tool would tell her, "Beautiful and delicate alongside other flowers in a bundle, yet hard and piercing when messed with by the wrong hands."  Y/N enjoyed her tattoo all the much more, taking his words to heart and placing a sweet kiss on his cheek.  She never realized the eyes that watched her so calmly from afar though.
What Y/N didn't know was how Lee actually felt, and that was a charge he knew was on him.  It never stopped him from getting jealous though, stiffening as he watched her every moves.  He had fallen for her soft Y/E/C eyes, and Y/H/L, Y/H/C hair that only she could make beautiful the second he met her.  He would talk to her every now and then, but always kept his distance, knowing exactly who she belonged to.  Barney would have his ass hit by a train if he ever touched her, and that was because she had gone through so much already, Barney not wanting anymore pain in her life.
Despite his attempts, he knew he wouldn't ever be able to resist her, and for that, he didn't care what he had to go through, he was going to have her. Because she was his, and he was hers, no matter who knew.
To be continued...
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