#I was surprised too
lafortis · 16 days
you've been having sex recently? respect 🎷
respect 🎷
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halo-smashorpass · 7 months
Having gone back and checked, how has NO ONE suggested my queen, Commander Miranda Keyes?
(I will never forgive Bungo for killing her just for shock value)
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maspers · 29 days
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away-ward · 7 months
Car groups made using the click and drag game
Car 1:
Driver: Emory
Directions/Maps: Winter
DJ: Damon
Drinks and Snacks: Banks
Emory is absolutely a speed demon, and I hope they give Winter a gps and not a paper map. Otherwise, we're going nowhere fast - possibly right off a cliff. However, I trust Banks with the snacks. She's got you covered whether you want sweet, sour, salty, crunchy, chewy, and she's got water, soda, juice, and coffee. She even remembers motion sickness medicine. And I think Damon can be trusted with music... I think? Maybe?
There's no guarantee this car gets to the destination on time... or alive. But it will undoubtedly be a good time.
Car 2:
Driver: Will
Directions/Maps: Rika
DJ: Kai
Drinks and Snacks: Michael
Will is a great driver. I have no doubt we'll get to our destination safely. Rika will take her role seriously and might even find us a cool shortcut. She's got every pit stopped and cool road side attraction marked. You'll never have to worry about running out of gas or going too long between bathroom breaks. Kai's playlist would be fairly good, nothing that would annoy anyone but keep the vibe going. However, Michael with snacks? Oh, we're all getting pickle and peanut butter sandwiches. And he didn't even remember water.
We'll arrive to our destination on time and safely, but we all might be a little sick.
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sophsicle · 2 years
so i'm rereading parts of choices (bc i like to be in pain) and i just burst out laughing at the chapter summary for 33 being "extreme where's waldo"
you're hilarious <3
WAS I WRONG???????
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Valicer Polyship Week, Day One: Road Trip (Modern AU)
Hi folks! Welcome to Valicer Polyship Week! Where every day this week you will get a short Valicer fic based on one of the prompts from the official Polyship Week list, courtesy of @polyshipweek! Today is Day One, and our prompt is “Road Trip” in the Modern AU universe (where Victor, Alice, and Smiler are all human and meet in college in the modern day, or close enough to). This prompt actually ended up being more inspiring than I first expected -- mostly because, after writing it and looking at some of my other prompts for the week, I realized that, completely by coincidence, I’d made all the odd-numbered days (One, Three, Five, and Seven) Modern AU -- and that all of them felt like they were part of the same story. So I decided they were! :D So yeah, this is now the first in a series of stories set during a road trip around England that Victor, Alice, and Smiler take a couple of years into their relationship. (The other prompts are split between the Soulmate AU and the Valicer In The Dark AU I expanded up on last week -- I’ll go into more detail on those when we get there!)
As for this particular story, my specific inspiration was the mention of “car snacks” in the post expanding on all of the possible prompts for Day One and Two, and remembering some road trips I took with my family down to Florida to visit Universal Studios as a kid. Specifically, how much I enjoyed getting Combos (the cheesy pretzel snack) while on those road trips. I figured Alice might like them, and so this fic was born. (And then had to be quickly updated to indicate that these are imports when I confirmed that Combos are made by an American company. :p Look, I had a specific vision in mind, so give me that this random petrol station has the snacks, okay?)
“Hey, Alice – catch!”
Alice turned, just in time to intercept the bag tossed her way. “These are – ‘Combos?’” she said, reading the name printed across the front.
“Yeah – they’re little pretzel tubes filled with cheese,” Smiler informed her, holding up another, identical bag. “American brand, so whoever works here must be a big fan to import ‘em. I know you like pretzels, so. . .”
“Ah – well, I’ll certainly give them a try,” Alice said, turning the bag over in her hands to read the back. “Marvelously unhealthy for you, I see. . .oh, and there’s other flavors to boot. Pizzeria, Buffalo Blue Cheese – Sweet and Salty Caramel Crème??”
“Really?” Smiler checked the back of their own bag. “Huh! Well, hey, chocolate-covered pretzels are pretty good, so don’t knock ‘em til you eat ‘em.”
“I haven’t tried those either, so I can’t give an informed opinion,” Alice replied. “Maybe Victor might be up for them, though.”
“Might be up for what?” Victor asked, appearing at the end of the aisle holding what Alice suspected was at least one of every candy bar this petrol station offered.
“Up for – uh, actually, I don’t know if you’d have room for caramel crème pretzels,” Smiler corrected themselves, noting his load. “So where’s the chocolate for the rest of us?”
“Ha ha – I intend to share,” Victor said, putting his nose in the air. “And this is meant to last us a few days, you know.”
“Oh, you believe that, do you?” Alice said teasingly. “I know what you and Smiler are like when it comes to sugar – that pile isn’t going to last the hour.”
“I dunno, I think we could stretch it out to two if we really controlled ourselves,” Smiler replied, smirking. They checked their watch. “Anyway, we gotta wrap up and get going if we wanna reach Alton before sunset.”
“Not before we get drinks,” Victor informed them, grinning. “They’ve got an off-brand Slushy machine on the counter, and they offer apple, banana, and strawberry flavors!”
“What – you must be kidding,” Alice said.
“No, I’m serious! I mean, obviously I don’t know if any of them actually taste like the fruit, but. . .”
“Only one way to find out!” Smiler declared, grabbing a bag of what Alice suspected were Sweet and Salty Caramel Crème Combos. “Lead the way, mutual boyfriend!”
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lulu2992 · 2 years
I was just thinking about this, and I had to ask. Is there anything in FC5 that demonstrates that 'The Siren' title Faith is often given is actually an official cult title? Because I've seen people say this but upon thinking about it, I think this was simply a title specifically Dutch gave her on his evidence board, not something Joseph or the Project actually call her. I could also be misremembering something, however.
No, you’re right, “The Siren” isn’t Faith’s official title in the Project! That’s something I’ve realized quite recently, actually…
And “The Soldier” isn’t really Jacob’s title, either. However, John is officially called “The Baptist” in the cult. He used to be “The Inquisitor”, at least in promotional material, but they apparently changed that.
So, even though two NPCs say this:
Faith's a siren. She calls to you, and you know you shouldn't follow her, but you can't help it. Like a siren in the old stories.
Joseph's Faith is a siren. Like an enchantress or trickster of old stories, who lured sailors to their doom. She's taking us all over the cliff.
…only Dutch (and Ubisoft) formally call her “The Siren”. Cultists don’t.
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inkspellangel · 10 months
Updates from NaNo Hell: Day 11
Did I procrastinate writing until like 22:00 or something? Yes…
Still managed to get my words in before the date changed 😮‍💨
My MC is becoming besties with my female vampire
The monster crew is giving backstories
Hormones are wack so I’m even more tired than usual 😅
I’m still having so much fun with this!
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chaosxcrushed · 1 year
how in hell's sake did you get the 601 badger after it just came out
apparently a few dayz ago , I got a little notif or something for my badges and I apparently unlocked the 601 badge ????? just be a chronic tumblr user and it'll all sort itself out /J /MA
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
wait you can buy luke merch on his site? it’s not sold out for you?
It's not. I had to switch the pricing back to euro so i could actually add stuff to my cart and then i snapped out of the haze that tells me it's not madness to spend that much money on a crewneck but it's there for me. But as an international fan my browser defaults to the European site so maybe that's the difference. I'm pretty sure the us one is the one that's sold out.
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mileenaxyz · 10 days
I swear you can find a fandom for anything on Tumblr. And it's a good thing because from the moment I learned about Fo Sho, I knew I wanted them to blow up.
Let me help the algorithm a bit.
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mintaikk · 2 months
Most underrated part of the Deadpool & Wolverine movie is when Deadpool mentions that his girlfriend left him, and Wolverine's first response was to say, "You had a girlfriend???" because he genuinely can not fathom that this man is into women
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soranker · 11 months
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ink-the-artist · 1 year
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Video game I saw in a dream. It was in this low poly style like an older video game. You play as this character I think was meant to be a lamb, or maybe a weird mix of a lamb a mouse and a rabbit, (while not really looking like any of those things) and you’re running away from a wolf. Your objective is to last as long as possible before the wolf catches and eats you.
The house you’re running in is endless and bizarrely put together like most building interiors in dreams are (like the infinite toilet dream dimension on Reddit lol) the layout of the house is pretty detailed, you can stop and hide in places like closets or bins while the wolf looks for you, you can go up and down stairs and into rooms etc.
You never actually know where the wolf is or how close it is to you until it appears in your line of sight, it makes no noise and the game gives you no way of knowing where it is, and it’s pretty unpredictable it doesnt move at a consistent pace. When the wolf catches you there’s an animation showing it eating your character
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This could be a kart if FLAF wasn't fucking around..
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