#I will finish finish this eventually but school is getting busy and I’ve ran out of steam atm
owalinedraws · 3 months
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The Blade of Avernus⚔️
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lostgirlmuseum · 8 months
Bucky vs. Book
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^Bucky on his way to you fr^
Summary: Bucky rushes to your aid when he finds out you’re upset. He’s never seen you this distraught before.
Pairing: Bucky x f!Reader
Words: 600 (I don’t think I have ever written something this short before wth)
Warning: It’s kinda angst?? But mostly fluff. 
A/N: Sorry I haven’t been on much lately, school is keeping me busy. I wrote this pretty quickly and it’s just a short little treat while I’m in the middle of writing a mini series. Idk when I’ll finish writing it, but it prob won’t be done this month. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!
Divider credit: @cafekitsune
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“Bucky?” Sam asked.
“M’ busy.” Bucky mumbled, curling a barbell like it was a dumbbell.
“Someone just informed me they heard crying coming from your girl’s room.”
“What?” Bucky dropped the barbell on the ground with a loud thud. 
“Move, out of the way!” Bucky yelled, nearly knocking Sam over as he started sprinting to the gym exit.
Bucky ran so fast that he was bumping into walls and hitting corners, trying to locate the nearest stairs. 
He took the stairs by three, his heart hammering against his chest, his ears on high alert in case he could hear you calling for him.
Finally, he made it to your room, and swung the door open without a second thought, just needing to know if you were okay. Bucky’s wide eyes spotted you instantly, curled into yourself on the rug, tissues littering the floor, sobbing. He had never seen you so upset.
He wasted no time sliding onto his knees and to you.
“Doll? Doll, what’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?” He tried to lift your chin to see your beautiful face, but you barely acknowledged him, your puffy eyes cast down.
“My h-heart,” you choked, clutching your chest.
“Are you having a heart attack?” He couldn’t stop himself from sliding his hands all over you, checking for injuries.
“I feel– s-so sad,” was all you could make out between sobs.
“Baby, who hurt you?” He was panicking, he needed to know what happened, why you were so distraught so he could fix it. 
“Stupid book!” You cried, and flung yourself at him, holding him close, and tucking your head into his chest. Bucky immediately reciprocated, wrapping his big arms around you, squeezing you tight, one hand brushing your hair.
That’s when he noticed the outline of a book under a couple tissues.
“It’s not fair,” you cried, body shaking with each breath.
“I know, I know,” he soothed. He, of course, did not know, but he was enormously relieved to see the perpetrator was only a book. 
“They were supposed to end up together! They were p-p-per–” You squeezed him tighter, struggling to get the words out. “Perfect together! Why did the author ruin it? It’s not fair, it’s not fair, they deserve to be happy!” 
“Shhh,” he whispered, starting to rock you back and forth.
“It’s not fair,” you whispered through another cry, and collapsed fully into him.
“It’s not,” Bucky echoed.
Eventually your cries quieted and slowed, and Bucky kissed your forehead and let go of you. You barely had time to question what he was doing when he picked up the book from behind you and started to pretend to punch it. 
“Bad book,” he chastised, “you made my baby cry. Nobody makes my baby cry,”
You couldn’t help but giggle, and wipe the remaining tears from your eyes.
Bucky continued to scold it, and even positioned himself to body slam it.
“Bucky,” you full on laughed, “stop,”
“Not until it apologizes,” he grumbled, faking a chokehold on it. “Oh, shit–” Bucky rolled onto his back and held the book above him, acting out a struggle. “It’s got me baby, help!”
Giving in to his shenanigans, you leaned over and grabbed the book from his hands, and gave it your own weak punch. 
“Fuck you, book,” You sniffed and laughed.
“It can’t hurt you anymore,” Bucky said, patting your back. 
“Thank you, Bucky,” 
“I’ve got you, doll.”
“Why are there dents in all the walls?” Tony’s raised voice could be heard all the way from the floor below.
You looked at Bucky.
“What?” He smiled cheekily. “You needed me.”
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Thank you for reading!
My Masterlist if you'd like to check my other stuff out :)
Oh oh and this is inspired by my reaction to Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I hate that book so much. I love that book so much.
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eis4ngel · 2 years
Chapter 2: Meeting a blue haired fanboy.
This chapter has a lot of “comedy” you could say :)
Maybe listen to this song while you’re at it
You knew it was probably him. Your favourite author from 2016.
You actually couldn’t believe what you were doing for a literal human, “it’s just some guy who knows his way around words” you told yourself but isn’t that any good author with an imagination?
So literally running into the line and managing to finally secure 68th place. Damn not even one spot below?? Very well, you realised your running ability has certainly gotten worse since high school P.E.
Around 10:14 am you’re finally second in line. Like any fangirl you’re absolutely dying just to see his face, you’ve prepared everything you wanna say and eventually you get to him and the first thing you say is.. “Book me I y/n love” damnit! You were in disbelief but nervousness does that to ya. “I mean.. book- you- I’m y/n i love your book”
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He chuckles gently holding his head high, “nervous to see some guy writing all day in his bedroom?” He says softly
“Oh don’t give me that I know you have a huge beautiful office!” You pouted saying it with so freedom, unlike your nervousness from like 3 seconds ago. “Anyway look you’re my favourite author to ever exist your books make me feel so much emotion and just, so happy so you better be glad I’m a super fan I have all your books from head to toe I’ve loved them since 2017, you’re the best.” You literally blurted out everything you wanted to say in that conversation in one line, Mr Kamisato, was in shock and was abundant in joy.
Before you knew it you had to leave, plus your phone was buzzing it’s ass off
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Venti’s the only famous person you know who still likes Facebook, yikes.
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Yeah you probably had to go fast since venti was still in line waiting for you to hurry up while you were fangirling so hard over a blue
boy. You ran to the line where you saw a group of people surrounding your friends and of course, you finally saw Ei! You see that your friends were all just joking around and talking and really thought of how you wanna cherish this moment forever. Just nine months ago you would have never expected them to be as close as they are today.
“Honestly I didn’t expect Ei to show cuz of her busyyyy busy schedule yano” Beidou said with a smile while holding her hand over her waist.
“Why, of course I would fill you with my presence today as I would not miss it for the world, to see you all smile”
“and as Ei spoke lovingly it was our, well my turn in line. “
At the bookathon you took your 8 book bags out, that yes with your priceless books were in and yes you did make your friends hold a few. Guess what, since you had this planned for a month you knew you had the best books. It was a competition on which person had the best books, the limit minimum and maximum you had to show were 30. Out of the 30, you were kinda not loving some books as you saw the people behind you had limited edition kinda from places such as Yae publishing house’s “Yellow House” which was so limited that there were only 2000 copies sold. Yet you did know you had a lot more books that were way cooler.
You finished showing the judges and the results were gonna be in at around 1:30 pm, so now you and your friends decide to finally go eat some breakfast.
While you were there, around 20 minutes in your eye just decided to spot him again. “Shshjsvsushshsh” you splutter out random words and everyone just stares at you in confusion and laughs out of love. Ayato catches this since you were very loud, and smiles. He decides to tell his guards to wait and approaches your table, you wonder why while being really nervous.
You have your socials open as he comes by and he spots this with the corner of his eye
He just came by to say hello to Venti and fanboyed so hard over venti it was kind of surprising. He was freaking out with his hands over his face and everything, his voice went like 10 decibels higher I’m sure of it.
He then looked at you and softly said something you didn’t expect to hear..
Art : Ayato / Pitchi on Twitter
Art : Venti / @/3Miily3 on Twitter
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Post #4- Why Procrastinate?
In class yesterday our Professor mentioned an observation of hers- that honors students are generally procrastinators. She suggested that putting things off until the last minute guarantees we won’t overthink things and/or spend too much time on them. This is something I’ve been thinking about since then.
My sister was a huge procrastinator. At least when we were growing up, I don’t know whether she was like that in college. But she cared a lot about her grades. I’ll never forget the one time she– as a freshman or sophomore– cried about getting an A minus. She thought the minus part was really that bad. Whether or not she told many other people we knew, one of her biggest long term goals was to be valedictorian and she accomplished it eventually, despite that one pesky A minus that she got on a quarterly report card (I’m fairly certain it wasn’t her final grade for the class but I could be wrong). 
Anyway, as I was saying, she really was a serious procrastinator. I remember one late night when she begged me to stay up later and later and later. Long after our parents had gone to sleep. She needed me to record her playing guitar and singing a song that she’d written for a class presentation. We already had a couple of good takes. But she wanted the *perfect* take. She’d get halfway into the song and then start over. Again and again and again. At one point I worried that I might fall asleep standing up. Soon after that point she finally got a take that she deemed to be good enough and we got a couple hours of sleep before getting up for school. 
She got a good grade on the project. And at the end of her time in high school she ended up being the valedictorian. In fact, she was the first sole valedictorian in several years. In our High School there’s usually a tie between at least two or three students, if not more. This supports Professor White’s observation that a lot of the honors students are procrastinators. But I wonder whether it goes both ways… are all procrastinators smart? (Probably not). 
If I procrastinate, there’s usually a reason.
a.) I’m bored out of my mind and just can’t make myself do it. This was the introductory English course I took last semester! I’ve been dreading its follow up course and had been putting it off when someone told me that I can try to bypass it through a program called Credit for Prior Learning. I ran to fill out the form and it worked! No College Composition 2 for me! 
b.) Maybe I’m overly intimidated and don’t know where to start. One of my Professors this semester has very lengthy detailed instructions for every single one of the assignments- from posts on the discussion board to papers. I swear the instructions for papers seem like they’re ten pages long. Well okay I might be exaggerating a little here… I just looked through the guidelines for the paper I’m writing right now and the document is around five and a half pages. Still, it just seems like a lot for a 1000 level course. 
c.) Maybe I’m just too busy and the penalty isn’t all that bad. Last semester I had a class where I posted stuff late all of the time because it was only a minus ten percent and I knew I’d finish out the course with an A (which I did).
d.) Bored out of my mind. Again. This time it isn’t because the subject matter is basic. Rather, I’m loving the course textbook! But we do the same exact assignment with the same exact rubric every. single. week. 
It’s clear that the Professor doesn’t want to be teaching an asynchronous online course… so why do they bother with it? It’s extra frustrating because I wish that I’d waited to see if they would eventually run an honors version of this course. 
e.) Most often it’s because I’m a perfectionist. I don’t like to do something if I can’t do it well, or at least to the best of my abilities. I’m not someone who feels satisfied doing things just to do them and get them done. Nope. If I put my name on something, I want it to be good.
f.) Another reason for procrastinating is that it’s something I enjoy. For example: I’ve been putting these blog posts off. Simply because I enjoy writing. I have so many assignments to do before the end of the semester and most of them are not fun at all. But this is an assignment I appreciate, for a class I enjoy. So for some reason, my subconscious feels as if it should take a backseat. 
Outside of a few original graphic novels, I haven’t been able to read anything for pleasure all semester. I’ve hardly had any time to pitch story ideas and write professionally. Back in December I had three pieces published. I’d been so deeply determined to take that momentum and roll it into the new year and just keep going… but it didn’t happen. If I don’t have enough time to develop pitches then how does it make sense that I’m sitting here and writing for pleasure? It’s practically a sort of logical fallacy. I’m reminding myself that it’s actually for a grade, not just because I felt like sitting down and writing (which I could do any time of day). 
g.) I second guess myself and/or I think that I will fail. Enough said. 
h.) Logistics. An assignment was explained/made available on x day, with a specific deadline. Perhaps I couldn’t get to it within that timeline and then when I did get around to it I felt like I was rushing and that takes us back up to reason number e- because I dread doing something if I know it’s not going to ultimately be a result of my best efforts.
In middle school– seventh or eighth grade– one of my science teachers had a huge handwritten poster taped on the door to her classroom reading: “poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.” My mom went to parent teacher conferences (yeah she was one of those parents who goes to every single one. Good times) and saw the poster once. Just once! But the saying stuck for years and years. She would say it while driving us home from school and my sister and I would sneakily roll our eyes in the backseat. If she had just one singular catchphrase, that would’ve been it. By the end of my middle school days I’d feel a sudden urge to tear the poster off the door and rip it in half anytime I walked by that classroom. Vivid daydreams. 
I guess that’s why I haven’t thought about the concept of procrastination too much before now. It was this big bad problem that teachers and any other adults would harp on. The metaphorical dead horse got beaten so badly that it would just disintegrate into the dirt and have to be replaced with another poor (strictly metaphorical) dead horse. And another and another. Okay, you get the picture. 
Perfectionism is one of the primary factors fueling my “chronic stress disorder.” Yes, I know everyone is stressed. How could you not be? But this condition that I’m talking about made me lose garish amounts of weight without even trying. I also lost a lot of my hair. For a while I had visible, patchy bald spots on the left side. And my hair is the one thing I’m just a little vain about. When telling me that I had chronic stress disorder my Doc told me that they worried it could take years off of my life. 
Thankfully, my hair grew back after some therapy. It’s still just a tad bit patchy if it’s a dry shampoo day and you’re looking closely. Most of the time it isn’t noticeable, and those little spots are continually fading as they get covered up by hair regrowth. That alone is a win. 
The other tools that my therapist gives me may not be visible physically but they’re just as valuable as the hair I’d been so worried about. When I remember to use the techniques, it helps me not to procrastinate. Technically they’re little time management tricks. 
Do I feel that a task is taking me twice as long as it should? Well, if it’s a task I do regularly– like when I was part of a literary magazine and I used to review ten short stories per week– then it’s easy enough to consider the work and come up with an idea of how long it should take me to write up a paragraph or two that states my opinion of the story. So I’d take a look at the story and quickly review a section if I needed to. Then, when it was time to upvote or downvote and write my supporting information I would start a timer. If the timer went off and I was still typing I’d give myself another minute or two. But soon enough I started to come in under time every single time. I’d been evaluating short stories for a long time but there I was, nearly a year later, still trying to be a perfectionist about it. Plus, if you know a timer is running it keeps you on task and therefore, it’s harder to get distracted. 
Another problem is that I have a lot of thoughts, ideas, and goals. Sometimes I catch myself trying to do ten things at once. But if my attention is so split up, I feel like I’m not going to do anything well for some reason and that’s a problem because my perfectionism (list item #9) is my most frequent excuse for procrastination. If I feel that way long enough, then I just won’t want to do the things and their respective deadlines will creep closer and closer. 
In order to combat this pitfall, I have to pick one singular thing and only focus on that one thing. I tell myself that I’ll be working on one thing or another for an hour. Then, if I want to pick another thing I do. Usually I fall into what I’m working on and lose all sense of time and place well before the hour is up. So then I keep going and eventually things get done one by one. It’s an easy thing to do because I don’t have to convince myself that it works. It’s something I prove to myself often and it really sounds quite logical- two plus two equals four. See? The math is mathing here. The tricky part is catching myself in the first place. I normally think about many things all at once, it just comes naturally to me. But if I want to be successful I can’t constantly be bringing that energy to my desk time/laptop time. 
I guess I never came to a conclusion based on whether or not most smart people procrastinate but I think I still managed to take a detailed look at the idea and I hope that this blog post wasn’t too hard to read.
0 notes
latenightdecaf · 3 years
No Signal [3/3]
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pairing: yoongi x reader
genre: established relationship, fluff, angst, idol!yoongi
summary: you're dating Min Yoongi, member of BTS and he.. well the busy man that he is forgot about you for two days.
three out of two three shots! - [part 1 & 2]
no warnings here, hun
word count: 4,159
a/n: I have this imagine in my head that I hope Yoongi falls in love with someone who strikingly similar to him when it comes to taking care of people. I hope he ends up with someone, who even has a much bigger heart if it’s even possible. I hope the universe will return its favor to him, and send him a human being that’s selfless and carries so much love that it pours out. Whoever it is, wherever that person is—I’m rooting for you.
I am late but Happy 11 years with Yoongi. 🎈
Finally closing this one, I hope it’s not too tooth achingly fluffy 😂 i’m so glad i wrote and finished this heheh thank you all so much for reading!! ♥️ And to the beautiful humans who sent me their messages, again thank you and I really really appreciate all the love.
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“Ji Eun-ah, Ji Eun!!!” Shaking the practically dead body thats been clinging to you again on your third day in Yangyang. “Hun, you have to wake up. Tony’s been calling you.” Eyes still tightly shut, and hugging a pillow instead of your arms. You sighed in defeat, leaving the room completely “I have no idea how she’ll finish law school at this rate.” Skye offering you a cup of coffee, “She will eventually..” and sipping in on hers. You followed her out into the porch, enjoying the view in front of your rented home. Breathing in the fresh air, the sounds of the waves crashing and sipping on iced coffee in an empty stomach. Although it was never ideal but vacation sometimes calls to unleash all unhealthy habits. Unhealthy habits of drinking till dawn, habits of basically crawling on the way back home from Ahjumma, leaving your phone uncharged for the past unknown hours since it died, and completely forgetting everything that stressed you out for the past 96 hours. You feel like you can finally breathe, facing it again is another story but you’ll just cross the bridge when you get there. For now, you’ll settle for this—settle for this present.
“Hun, Tony called.” Ji Eun appearing behind you and Skye with hair all messy. “Yeah that’s what I’ve been telling you..” Still facing the sea and sipping on your iced coffee and Skye doing the same. “Hun… I forgot to file my case, and it’s due 4pm today—or else I won’t graduate.”
“What!?” Immediately turning your heads to the woman behind you. “We have to go, hun.” Still standing by the porch and saying it in the most calmed manner. You and Skye ran immediately to the room. Grabbing everything that’s been lying around the house and into the nearest bag you could find. Frantically fixing the bed and cleaning all your stuff before vacating your beloved rented place. Throwing everything at the trunk of your car, feeling completely awake and somehow responsible for all this. Hopping into your car as soon everyone is set, not forgetting the iced coffee that was the star of your morning.
“Hun, we’ll get you there in time. I promise.” Immediately driving off, and plugging your dead phone into your car. Asking Skye to check the possible traffic and the estimated arrival to Seoul. Eyes focused on the road, knowing so well that there will be enough time. You all left Yangyang at 12:45 in the afternoon. “Hun, remind me again—Tony’s the dean of College of Law right?” Peeking on your rear view mirror. Sitting in the middle of back seat, seat belt strapped around her as she types in her laptop. “Yup.” Still confused with the situation, “So the Dean called to remind you?” Eyes glued to her laptop as she responds casually. “Yup, Hun we’re all friends there.” Slightly shaking your head and finding it quite extraordinary. You focused on driving, chill music playing in the background courtesy of Skye, you declared to your passengers that there will be no rest stops and everyone agreed. So on fast track highway you go, keeping in mind that you need get this woman in Seoul in less than 2 hours if that’s even possible.
Everyone is still unknowingly on their pajamas, after the rush that is your morning. 5 minutes past 3 pm at the stop light right before arriving in Yonsei you looked back and checked on Ji Eun reminding her to at least put on her jeans instead. She hurriedly changed her clothes, reminded you and Skye about the passcode to her house that is just at least 3 blocks away from the university and before you dropped her off, “Hun, go get them.” You smiled brightly before she rushed off to have her case printed and ready—just enough time before 4pm. Heading to Ji Eun’s apartment to drop all of her stuff, Skye brought all of their luggage out of your trunk, including bags of empty banchan tupperware that was sold old out during the trip, emptying your car effectively. You hugged one of your dearest friends, not knowing where to start and how to even say how thankful you are for the needed getaway. “I owe you a whole lot—you know that right?” releasing Skye from your hug, “I know but you do know you have to tell me who he is sooner or later, right? Or we’ll find out anyway.” You chuckled at what seemed to be a light threat. “I know. I’ll tell you who he is—soon enough.” Reassuring your dear friend that if everything goes well, they’d be able to know who your boyfriend is eventually. “Now go, Yongsan is still at least less than hour away. Ji Wan is already on her way.” Facing and pushing you towards your car. “Can’t believe you won’t even let me stay to see her.” Lightly fighting her, as you are eager to see her girlfriend again after all the stories you’ve heard. You wanted to see her again, thank her for lending Skye for the past few days and apologize too for all the inconvenience. You know so well, that it’s not easy to be in a relationship with someone who is needed by other people too and for that you wanted to apologize. “See her? You’re still in your pajamas.” Looking down and realizing again the state that you are in, you immediately retreat. “So you’re ashamed of me now. Fine, next time then. Thank her for me though and apologize for me too. I’ll go ahead.” Starting your car, and waving bye to your dearest friend as you drive back home in haze.
After the day you just had, running on an empty stomach with just iced coffee you sigh to yourself. Feeling tired. Your life with your friends will never be complete without a rush of drama here and there. But you know for sure it’s the kind of friendship you wouldn’t trade for anything else.
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Mouth agape and extremely confused, you have no idea if you’re dreaming.
“I’ve been coming here since yesterday, just in case you’re already back.” Immediately dropping your stuff on the floor and not believing your eyes as you look at the man that’s standing in front of you. Groceries and a small bouquet of yellow tulips on the table, iced americano still full, him wearing the house slippers you’ve bought and hidden as a surprise for his next visit. “You told me before that just in case of emergency just treat this place as my own, so I did.” Looking too confused in this situation, Yoongi just continued to tour you in your own kitchen. “I filled your fridge with groceries and my mom’s banchan.” Opening up the fridge and showing you a carefully placed and label boxes of tupperwares that’s stored in it. You bit your lip shut, brows still furrowed in confusion, following him around and just listening to him, saying all these things. “Tell me if the kimchi’s too spicy for you. I didn’t bring you her pickled anchovies because I know you don’t like fish that much. I also got you apples and lemons.” Showing each of the items he bought that are still in the bag, decaf arabica beans because you love drinking decaf at night, reminding you as well to not just use the lemons for tequila.
“Please stop talking.” You feel dizzy and still not fully comprehending his presence in your own house. He turned to you but you’re not meeting his eyes. “What?” Trying so hard to control your tears, and hide your frown. You move closer and closer until he’s just inches away, towering in front of your small frame. He held your hand and pulled you closer to him, close enough to feel his warmth, arms wrapped around you, hand carefully stroking your hair as his chin rests on the side of your head. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. How many sorry do you think I can say in the next minute without breathing?” Head just resting in his embrace. The moment you saw those leather sandals in your front door, he’s already forgiven. “Zero.” You whispered. You’re tired and there’s no other place you’d rather rest than on his arms.
You’ve seen him rapped, Cypher in all parts there is and it bothers you too much how he can rap so fast without breathing. You seriously even told him before that every time you see that video of him, you catch your own breath hoping you can breathe for him instead. And he never forgotten those words. “How is it even possible for your to breathe for me?” You closed your lips and thought about it, but in the end you shrugged your shoulders and went back to reading, “I don’t know maybe I just can.” The smile and look on your face was one of the many things he can’t forget. They way you always have an answer to his unearthly questions. The way those answers were always unscientific, vague, random and despite it’s lack of reasoning, often times he believes it. And he has no idea how you do that.
Pulling away from his embrace, you went back to reality “What are you doing here?” Looking at him with worried eyes, and arms still wrapped around his waist. “I know, I can’t always make time for you whenever I want to. Even my own time is not necessarily mine. But on some days, I know what to prioritize or not.” Tucking the hair behind your ears. You blinked a couple more times and pouting, “I’m not asking for the moon and stars—all i asked was for you to text me back or call. I don’t know.” Rolling your eyes over, and started joking to lighten up the mood.
You’ll never get used to this, or at least for now. When he starts speaking those words, it scares you sometimes how real he can feel in your arms. So you hide those feelings in a form of a light joke. Terrified that if he continues to do so, you’ll be left with no choice but to fall into this too deep because you know that when it comes to love, you always go all in.
Smiling on your joke and still not letting you go. He is more than aware on what he’s like at work, having been in the industry for a while. The pressure of being on top is immense. Sometimes he’s just locked up on this studio for days, forgetting some of the basic things like human interaction or even sunlight. Sometimes he seems to forget the reason he’s doing this all for, and at the expense of everything he unknowingly took for granted before.
You’ve had this conversation with him before, mentioning how he would like to take you to the movies sometime ago. He noticed how you immediately panicked in this notion while sitting at his car and drinking on your coffee, saying that you loved watching movies in your house anyway that it’s no big deal. And you meant it, it doesn’t really matter to you where you watch a movie. But in the end he felt bad, making you compromise about the small things normal couples do. Making you settle for sneaky car dates along Han River. He knows you deserve more.
“How are you still in your pajamas?” Looking at you carefully and pointing out the obvious, you laughed at his question. “It’s been a hell of a crazy day, Yoongi you have no idea.” Frowning and dying to tell him the crazy day you just had, but you held yourself back. Naturally intertwining your fingers with his, as you make your way to the sofa to sit. Settling beside each other and not letting him go. It’s been days. The air and all the alcohol consumed has cleared your head and where you stand in this relationship has finally dawned to you. So despite your enormous lack of courage, you’re taking the leap—facing him, “Yoongi-ah, I’m a big girl. I know how to take care of myself. I know what to do, what not to do. When to stop working and when to rest, you on the other hand you don’t. It comes with practice, I don’t need to be your top priority—what I need is for you to make you, your top priority.” Yoongi can’t meet your eyes, just holding your hands tightly and the other one playing with your finger tips. He heard you, and knows what needs to be done. But it’s not the outmost concern he had as soon as you skipped town after that incident in his studio.
He didn’t meant the situation to have to come that far. Him not calling you did not meant that he has completely forgotten about you, of course not. He thought about you, in the smallest things possible, in ways he hated himself for not acting on it sooner. You’d slip on his mind, he’d check his phone only to find its battery dead. He’d charge it, then get occupied at work again it’s a viscous cycle and he knows. He knows that he needs to do better.
“So you don’t want to be with me anymore?” Saying it in the lowest and saddest voice you’ve ever head from him. “Hey…” hugging him and gently stroking his back, “That’s not what I meant, and you know that.” Settling his whole body on your embrace, and him hiding his face. “That’s the problem, I don’t know. I don’t know these things.” Being completely honest and laying his cards, he had it in his head that if you come back and tell him that you’re leaving him. He won’t even blame you but he desperately wishes and hopes that you won’t. He knows he can’t promise that those days will not happen again, he can only promise that he’ll never let it get out of hand. He can only promise to never let you walk out again before hearing his side. Promises that he will never leave you wondering again if you were important, because you are.
You cupped his face to meet your gaze. “Okay, how bout I make it clear. I’m not going to leave you—you are unfortunately stuck with me.” He shyly smiled and feeling relived. He felt a certain warmth after all these days of being without you. Fixing his hair, running in your thumbs the lines in his eyes, he looks sad and tired and you hate seeing him like this. “You already said it earlier, my love.” not even noticing that you called him that. “You said you know what to prioritize or not, and I know you meant me but what i meant is for you to include yourself too.” Frowning after saying your sentiments again. Gently patting his head and wondering sometimes how can someone who’s very music heals millions of people, forget to include myself in his list of priorities.
“You just called me your love.” Blinking fast and trying to recall what he had just pointed out. Eyebrows furrowed and looking at him, “That’s not the point.” His smiled immediately came back, making things feel lighter. “I know.” Hugging you again, more tightly this time and echoing in his head the very moment you called him your love.
You figure, after all this you’re going to need to be much stronger, full of love because you hold it in your arms the man who’s very existence heals a lot of people. The man who’s very existence shines infinite light into your life. And you figured, if you can at least give him back half the love he’s showed you then it might be enough.
You’ve always wanted to be loved this way. People might not immediately understand, but you’ve always wanted to be with someone who remembers little things about you. It’s so small and very trivial but from experience it not necessarily the easiest thing to achieve. Sometimes no matter how long you’ve been with someone, there comes a day that you realize they don’t really know you after all. But this man, does everything so naturally, so effortlessly. From the food you hate, to what coffee you get on a sunny day, to the comfort movie you watch on a rainy day. For whatever weather or mood, he remembers.
You both know how this is. No relationship lasts without hitting a storm a little. But in the end we give it a good fight, not just with the inner demons we have in our personal lives but also tides, the fight with tides in our relationships no matter how strong the current we must stay and stay afloat. The land is near and sunshine’s waiting.
“You have to hear my new sketch.” Smiling as you heard those words again, you noticed that some kind of light has returned to his face. Grinning and grabbing his phone to make you hear his new song. You hate that you have caused him any kind of pain, you know you can’t really promise not to be petty anymore. You know you can’t really promise him anything either. But what you can promise is you’d stay, you’re never one to easily walk away anyway. So that’s the only part you can promise.
“Fine, let’s hear the reason why you won’t call or text me back.” Saying it sarcastically and rolling your eyes on him as a joke. He wanted to blurted out the words, “God I missed you” but he held himself back and just settled with a smile. These days his songs wouldn’t be complete without you hearing it first, without your small giggle at his off beat raps and bloopers. You tell him each time, how wonderful and amazing he is and it gives him so much strength more than he realizes. And this time, he heard it again from you. Not that he could ever admit, but it’s starting to feel like he needs you a lot more than you think.
He stayed for hours, you told him everything about Yangyang, he even cooked you food before he left. And despite the time, you missed him immediately as soon as his right by the door, parting with you again. It’s evening and with the frantic day you just had, you totally forgot to check your phone. And after Yoongi left, you finally have the time to unpack your stuff, dumping in your clothes immediately to the washer, finding your phone with signal again and with 7 unread messages. Recent messages each from Skye and Ji Eun and 5 old messages from Yoongi.
“I tried calling you, I guess there really is no signal to where you are. Don’t drink too much.” 10:46 pm
“I’m sorry. I hope you come back soon.” 2:00 pm
“I miss you.” 9:03 am
“I used the code to your apartment today. I know how you must’ve felt now, but you’re still not home. I’m sorry. I’ll be back again tomorrow.” 6:12 pm
“I am afraid to lose you. I miss you so much.” 4:31 am
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4 months later
If people were to ask you what is so great about dating him—people would think that it’s because he’s Suga of BTS but at the top of your head you probably would unknowingly blurt out, “Holding his hand.” You’d say it’s your most favorite thing in the world and people would instantly find you weird. But you don’t mind. They probably wouldn’t understand it too easily, the way your hand would just naturally reach for those big, veiny hands that warms yours almost immediately. He’d cook for you on days you are together, and while peeking silently on the brewing stew. His hair’s too long effectively covering his tiny eyes, left hand holding a wooden spoon and tasting, the other intertwined with yours so naturally like breathing. Peeking in his menu for the night, you’d reach for a glass of water on the other end of the countertop fingers still intertwined with his. He’d move with you so he doesn’t have to let go. He’d never admit it, but it’s his most favorite thing too.
Settling the finest Hanwoo and his famous, Kimchi-jjigae on a rainy Friday evening. You couldn’t be more thankful for the food that is obviously perfection. And to the man, who always takes his time to cook for you even when you both know so well you can manage but you figured after months have passed, maybe it really is his love language. So you let him anyway and in return you wash the dishes. Glasses of beer were shared, warm conversations about life, work and some random cat videos are always a must. You figured in between dialogues, “Life couldn’t get any better than this.” And then, he brought to your attention that he’d be in LA for the next couple of weeks and your smile faded. You listened to him intently, and cursing to yourself how you totally forgot about their upcoming concerts. Of course, you’re happy for him. He went on to tell you how excited he is for finally going back on stage and meeting armys after the year that everyone had. Telling you about the stages they had prepared and how it’s all being wrapped up now that they are close to leaving.
You uncontrollably smile every time he does, you figured it’s some adopted reflex that people in a relationship get or he probably just makes you that happy, you’re not sure but—it definitely feels like the latter. Long distance is not necessarily a great concern for you, after almost 8 months of being together and practically living on Facetimes and text messages due to everyone’s busy schedule, you know it wouldn’t make much of a difference. That time doesn’t really make that much of an effect to you both, but what you’re most concerned about is him. Always him. He’d never admit it, but he’d always be nervous every time they’re about to unveil something new to the public. He’d be incredibly chatty, trying to hide it but after that he’d be back in his own hole drowning with all of his concerns. You make your way around him, even after all this time he’s not necessarily an easy man to figure out.
After dinner, he tried helping you with the dishes but you insist that you’d do your end of the bargain and after insisting some more he finally retreated. Sarcastically suggesting to him that maybe he can just rest for a change, maybe watch some TV if he can. You weren’t sure if he heard you but he went on to disappear to one of the rooms of his apartment. And as soon as you’re done with the dishes, you peaked in his bedroom to check but he’s nowhere to be found. A notification from your phone caught your attention instead, Lee Han immensely apologizing for bothering you on a Friday night but he needed help with his revisions. You called Lee Han to hear his concerns more precisely, as you make your way back to the kitchen grinding some decaf arabica beans, and making yourself some warm decaf vanilla latte. Settling in on the dining table with your laptop and warm coffee, Lee Han on the other end of the call as you both work on his revisions.
Finally after almost an hour on the phone with your friend and co-worker, you get up to wash your mug and you just realized how late it is already. Looking around the dim lit and silent apartment, you wondered where did your boyfriend go. You went back to his bedroom he’s not there again, and to his studio with the door slightly left a jar. You sighed to yourself when you found him. His back facing you, already in his pajamas but again still working. You make your way silently into his side, hand resting on his shoulder while quietly peeking on what he’s been working on. “You do know it’s already 12 am.” And he just responded with a nod, “I’ll shower, then let’s sleep?” Resting your chin at the top of his head and loosely hugging him. His eyes still fixed on his monitor. “Good, I have at least 30-45 minutes then.” Knowing so well that it takes you too long to shower he sees it as an advantage. “That’s not the point.” You heard him smile. “Fine.” And after his surrender, you gently give him a kiss on the top of his head, made your way out of his studio. And before you even reached the door you heard him say,
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Without even noticing it, you answered him almost like reflex—even if it’s the first time you heard him said those words.
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tagging the beautiful human beings who left a reply/reblogged on the first and second one, @theusedlover10112 @sugainmybowl @aianloveseven @gingerspicetalks @kaykay0315 @belladaises
thank you all for reading again!
moodboard sr: x x x
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fredshufflepuff · 3 years
— anon’s request: ok so since i too am a whore for angst. how about the reader and rafe having a summer thing as a kook (maybe she goes to the pogue school but is a kook) and once she goes back to school, they drift apart and rafe gets jealous of her spending her time with the pogues. then maybe he sees her again at mid summers all dressed up and remembers he still loves her. please break my heart with this, im in need of a cry and then maybe put it back together with some fluff at the end? please
— warnings: fem!reader, brief smut (skip if uncomfortable), asshole!rafe for a good chunk of the imagine, language, angst, fluff.
— word count: 2,166
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IT all started when you bumped into rafe at the country club on figure eights.
you didn’t normally hang around that area, but you were hanging out with sarah that day—which meant eventually running into her brother.
she tried to keep you away from him, just because he had no filter and didn’t think twice before voicing his opinion, but sooner or later your interaction with the boy would happen.
“oh god” sarah mumbled causing you to raise your brows, a confused frown on your face as she signaled to look behind you.
you turned around not so subtle to see rafe cameron making his way down the grassy hill, a golf club in one hand and a can of beer in the other.
“hey little sis, when were you going to introduce me to your friend here?” the boy spoke, a small grin on his face at seeing her roll her eyes.
“i wasn’t planning on it, you know—considering how you’re an ass.”
a small giggle fell from your lips as rafe turned his attention back to you, the sides of his mouth curling slightly at your reaction.
“well since she won’t introduce me, i will” he said, his figure leaning over yours which was sat on the grass.
he tossed his most likely expressive golf club to the ground to extend his hand out to you, which you hesitated to take before slowly reaching for it.
“i’m rafe cameron.”
of course you knew who he was, everyone did.
“y/n y/l/n.”
YOU thought the interaction with sarah’s older brother was in the past, not having to see him again since you weren’t planning on going back to figure eight or the club any time soon.
but when you found yourself in his bed getting the absolute daylights fucked out of you, you knew right then and there that this wasn’t a one time thing.
“fuck rafe,” you moaned loudly, your head thrown back against the pillow as your eyes fell shut from the feeling.
he slide his cock in and out of your needy hole as you whimpered from under him, his toned body pressed against yours as you jolted from each thrust.
“m’gonna cum, flood this needy little fuck hole” he spat, his hand coming down to grab your face and force you to open your eyes.
“please, rafe. please fill me up” you begged, your little moans and pleads sending the boy over the edge.
as soon as he gave you permission to cum you didn’t hold back. it felt like your entire body had shut down as your head fell to the side.
rafe sent a rough thrust into your quivering body before emptying himself inside, making sure to keep himself as close as possible in order to not let any leak out.
“fuck,” he groaned in your ear, his body pressed against your small one as your hands came up to rest in his hair, pulling on it gently as his cum filled you up.
later that night you didn’t bother sneaking back out to your place, instead rafe suggested you actually stay—running you a hot bath before ordering take out.
it surprised you really, considering how you didn’t know what you guys were.
you both agreed to only be friends with benefits when this all started, but now you didn’t know if you wanted that or not.
you wanted something more with the blue eyed boy.
“what are we?” you asked while laying in his arms, the feeling of his breath trailing down your neck giving you comfort.
“friends with benefits.”
no hesitation was found in his voice. it was quick and sudden, just like your heart breaking.
you didn’t talk much with rafe after that night—leaving early in the morning to avoid further interaction.
rafe didn’t suspect anything though, knowing how busy you usually get with school and home life, but after that single day turned into almost a week, he knew something wasn’t right.
usually you’d be around the house or at the country club, but it felt like you were almost avoiding him.
when school started up that’s when things really started to hit for rafe. you were not only distancing yourself from him, but now you were hanging out with the pogues.
to him you had wiggled yourself into john b’s friend group, getting closer with everyone but mostly jj, the one pogue he despised more than the others.
it was the night of midsommars and you were preparing yourself to see rafe, your nerves seeming to skyrocket every time his name was mentioned.
“ARE you feeling okay, y/n/n? you’re all jittery” kie pointed out, her eyes locking with yours through the vanity mirror as you slowly brushed through your hair.
“i’m okay, kie— really. just nervous for tonight i guess” you shrugged, your response seeming convincing enough as she nodded.
“hey slow pokes! hurry up or we’re going to be late” jj called, pounding on the door making you and kie jump.
“fucking assholes” you mumbled.
MIDSOMMARS was something you always looked forward to.
the lights, the food, the beautiful dresses and people you got to meet—which was rare considering how almost everyone there were stuck up kooks who’s only personality trait was having money.
all except rafe.
he was different towards you, a lot different it was scary.
“jj, don’t get into any more fights, k?” kie sighed, licking the pad of her thumb before dragging it across his face—getting rid of the dirt that had formed there.
he didn’t say who specifically it was with—the fight—just claiming it was with some stupid kooks who didn’t know when to stop talking.
“yeah yeah” he mumbled, running his fingers through his hair before sending you both a small smile.
he picked up his tray and spun it on his finger before sending her a wink, a blush coming to kie’s face as she quickly looked away.
“soooo, you and jj....” you said, the girl’s eyes rolling as she playfully pushed you away.
“enough about me, what about you?”
“me?” you raised an eyebrow, “what about me?”
“don’t play dumb, y/n/n. i’ve seen you come back late with hickeys.”
you grabbed a glass of champagne from one of the waiters walking by and took a long sip from it, your eyebrows twisting together— “this is good, you should try it.”
kie was about to protest until the music started to kick up again, your favorite song playing making you gasp.
you quickly placed the glass on an empty table before taking her hands and pulling her towards the dance floor.
“let’s dance!”
unknown to you—rafe had been watching you ever since you stepped foot into the venue.
IT was almost one in the morning when everyone had left, you and kie sitting at one of the empty tables while you waited for jj to finish up.
you hadn’t had that much to drink, but you could say you were a little tipsy.
“ready to go?” jj asked while throwing his arms around you both, a sarcastic grunt dropping from your lips at the sudden weight.
“we were about to leave yo-”
“well, well, well...if it isn’t the golden trio” a familiar voice spat, your head snapping to the side as your eyes fell on the devil himself.
rafe cameron and his little minions.
“if it isn’t daddy’s money, dumb, and dumber” kie snapped back—referring to topper and kelce who were standing on either side of him.
“put your dog on a leash maybank before we do it ourselves” rafe threatened, only causing jj to break from your side and lunge at the boy.
“jj, stop” you said, grabbing his arm as kie yanked him back, “he wants a reaction.”
“i didn’t see you there, y/n. so quiet and small, hard to notice you.”
which was obviously a lie. rafe noticed you the second he walked into the stupid party.
“what do you want, rafe? getting bored at the country club?” you asked, your lips dropping into a fake pout.
“actually the country club is entertaining, unlike some needy bitches who can’t satisfy my needs.”
your face dropped as kie gasped beside you—jj completely unaware of what was going on but still pissed at the way rafe was speaking to you.
rafe’s face dropped slightly at the realization of what he just said, nothing but lies falling from his mouth as his eyes filled with guilt.
“fuck you.”
YOU didn’t remember much after that. just the events taking place of jj trying to throw another punch at the boys before getting dragged away by kie.
the poor girl was trying to control her hot headed friend while the other was on the verge of tears.
but you refused to cry.
in front of rafe or not, you would not let yourself cry over him.
all you remember is crashing at john b’s house and waking up with a massive headache.
your legs were draped over kie’s as the two of you slept on john b’s bed, the boys taking the couch in the living room.
light from the outside peeked through the curtains as your eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness.
your phone laid next to you on the comforter as your hands dragged it closer.
what you weren’t expecting was a shitload of texts from rafe.
rafe cameron: i’m really sorry
[sent 1:34am]
rafe cameron: y/n
[sent 1:34am]
rafe cameron: i didn’t mean anything i said
[sent 1:36am]
rafe cameron: i was drunk and wasn’t thinking
[sent 1:40am]
rafe cameron: please hear me out
[sent 1:41am]
rafe cameron: meet me at our place
[sent 1:49am]
rafe cameron: 7:30am
[sent 1:51am]
you groaned loudly while reading his texts, the need to throwup swirling in your stomach as you tossed your phone to the side.
you ran your hands over your face as you thought on what to do, biting your bottom lip in the process as you stared at the wall in front of you.
after what felt like an hour of pondering, you let yourself slip off the bed and grab your hoodie that was thrown on the floor.
you were going to see him.
‘WHAT if she doesn’t show’ rafe thought to himself as he sat in the sand, his eyes locked on the waves crashing in front of him.
he was stupid last night.
the boy made a stupid mistake that he regretted deeply.
he just needs to show you how sorry he is.
his head snapped in the direction of your voice, your figure standing a few feet from his as he then quickly stood up.
he dusted off his pants before nervously making eye contact, his throat suddenly drying up as he attempted to swallow what felt like a rock.
“y/n, i’m s-so so sorry for what i said yesterday. i-i didn’t mean any of it-”
“so what? i’m supposed to forgive you?” you cut off, raising an eyebrow as his mouth fell slightly, “what if it happens again?”
“i-it won’t! i swear it won’t. i was just drunk and jealous and really fucking stupid” he blabbered on, his hands shaking as he tried to defend himself.
“jealous?” you asked, your eyebrows furrowing together as he nodded his head shamefully.
“of you and that stupid pogue.”
he seemed to visibly retract from your words, his eyes narrowing as he bit the inside of his cheek.
“yeah, him.”
“so you acted the way you did...because of jj?” you slowly asked, his eyebrows knitting together as he stared at you.
“i didn’t mean it, y/n...” he frowned, his face dropping slightly as you waited for him to continue, “please give me another chance, i’ll show you how sorry i am—how much you mean to me.”
it was quiet for a good minute as your thoughts swarmed your mind for a response.
“y/n, please.”
another minute went by, the only sound coming from the waves crashing along the shore.
IT had been five months since you forgave rafe, and things were honestly going better than you had expected.
after that morning on the beach he took you out on a proper date—ending in him walking you back to your house and even stealing a kiss.
he even stopped starting fights with jj and the other pogues, wanting you to know that he was better than that.
“WHAT do you want to watch?” rafe asked while flipping through channels, one hand holding the remote while the other rested on the small of your back.
“m’not sure, you can pick.”
he hummed in response before clicking on some random channel, not really planning on watching it anyway.
he tossed the remote to the side before looking down at you, admiring your relaxed state with your arms wrapped tightly around his torso.
“you know i love you right?” he suddenly asked, his voice low and soft as he stared at you from above.
“why so gushy, rafe?” you teased, your own head angling up to see him better.
he was so beautiful.
“i’m not gushy,” he rolled his eyes, “i just wanted to remind you.”
you blushed at his words before nuzzling back into the crook of his neck, your lips kissing the delicate skin making him smile.
“i love you too, rafe.”
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🏷rafe cameron taglist : @jordynsharum
a/n: could you tell i didn’t know how to end it
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goldnn-harry · 3 years
loving family [h.s]
i've recently been obsessed with dad!harry fics so here you go <3
warnings: none, just plenty of fluff😁
tags: dad!harry 
harry groaned softly as his daughter lightly touched his arm. not in a bad way of course, just due to the fact of being woken up.
“yes bub?” he turned over to the side of the bed and picked lily up unto the bed. she was still too short to climb up, so she always waited patiently for her dad to help her.
she grinned, “good morning daddy.”
harry smiled and kissed her nose. “good morning princess. how’d you sleep?”
“good, pascal gave me company!” little lily smiled even wider as she showed harry her favorite stuffie, one of pascal from tangled.
“that’s amazing baby. i’m glad you like your stuffie. how about we go brush our teeth, hm?”
lily whined, but still complied and got out of bed with harry. hand in hand, they walked to the bathroom. harry picked her up and set her on the counter, brushing her teeth first and then his own.
“alright bub, clothes or food first?”
lily rested a finger on her chin and hummed, “food!”
harry chuckled, “alright pumpkin, lets go.”
harry helped lily off the counter and carried her to the kitchen. 
he peered down at his daughter as he walked and lightly pulled her thumb out of her mouth, “hey, remember what nanna told you about that? don't suck your thumb baby.” he lightly kissed her forehead to show that he wasn't mad at her, and then set her in her high chair so he could make her breakfast.
“what do you wanna have for breakfast, hm?”
“cinnamon rolls? pleaseeee daddy?” she pouted adorably, earning a chuckle from harry.
“alright bub. but remember that's not an everyday thing mkay?”
she nodded, “yes dada i know. can you eat them too?” she asked him hopefully. most of the time, when he made cinnamon rolls, he didn't eat them. he usually had eggs or toast instead, since he wasn't a big fan of the sugary treat so early in the morning.
but of course, he'd do anything to see lily happy. so, he nodded and started to cook their cinnamon rolls along with scrambled eggs and a couple of cut up strawberries as he listened to his daughter ramble to him (and to pascal of course) about the movie gemma and her had watched a couple nights ago.
a couple minutes later, he served her food in her favorite plate, which featured some of her favorite disney princesses. (***)
after giving lily her food he served his own, and stored the left overs in a tupperware container.
“is it good baby?” he asked, after giving her juice and sitting by her to eat aswell.
she nodded eagerly, “very!”
harry smiled, happy to see his daughter happy. “i'm glad you like it.”
“dada are we gonna go see y/n today?”
harry absolutely loved how much lily loved y/n. she was always so excited to see her, or even to talk about her, anything that involved y/n made her happy. and that was one of harry's biggest concerns, his daughter not liking the person he dated. so when he saw how much lily loved y/n, and not only that, but also how much y/n loved and adored lily, he was more than relieved.
with being a single parent, there's always going to be people that don't want a kid that's not theirs, or just dont want a kid in general, and even though it sucked, harry had to understand that.
but that didn't mean that he didn't worry whenever he had to break the news to someone he's talking to that he had a kid. he'd only dated four people after lily's mom left him (and lily).
the first girl was called ellie, and she was so complicated. she didn't trust harry at all, always accusing him of cheating or whatever she could come up with. she also didn't love lily, but she didn't hate her, and she told harry that she was trying and would eventually love her as her own. and although she was nice and loving at times, harry ended it after 6 months.
the second girl was noelle. she was gorgeous, such an amazing person. but that ended at 10 months, when she broke up with him and harry found out she was never over her ex.
then he dated bella, who was a not affectionate person, and didn't care for lily at all. she always pushed her away and asked harry to hang out, without her. that ended super quickly, just after a month. harry was never going to tolerate or date someone who didn't want his kid.
but then he met y/n. he met y/n at his job. y/n was a clothes designer, and she designed and made most of the outfits harry wore to his last tour.
she had walked into his trailer, hands full of folders and papers which harry immediately offered to help with. after getting situated, they went over all of her designs and harry picked the ones he liked and wanted to wear. their first interaction went smoothly and friendly, just how both of them had hoped for. after that they had to meet each other countless of times for measurements and just overall discussing how harry wanted his outfits to look, fit and even feel.
when tour ended, harry asked her out on a date, which went amazingly. and here they are, a year later, completely in love.
“yes baby, we'll go bring y/n breakfast before i take you to school.” he smiled. somedays, before taking lily to preschool harry brought y/n some breakfast if she wasn't too busy. those were lily's favorite days.
she giggled in excitement and finished her food quickly. “hurry daddy!” she pointed to his still half full plate of food.
“alright, alright pumpkin give me a second.” he grinned and ate his food a bit quicker. he washed the plates and cups and everything they used and carried lily to her bedroom.
he walked to her closet and picked out two outfits so lily could choose. he layed both of them on the floor and set her down. “go ahead baby, pick one.”
lily looked at them for a couple seconds, and then walked to the one on the left. she picked it up and held it up for harry. (***)
he smiled, that had been his favorite outfit too.
he helped lily get dressed and then moved on to her hair. he lightly brushed it, her small curls usually got tangled at night. her hair was exactly like harry's, brown with soft, light curls. he put two butterfly clips on the front and kissed her on the forehead.
“all done.”
“okay now your turn!” lily smiled and pushed harry out of her room and into his as he laughed.
“okay okay i'm coming!” he walked into his room with her, and picked out an outfit to wear. (***)
he also added his pearl necklace, knowing that basically everyone loved it.
after he finished getting ready, him and lily left the house and headed over to y/n's work place with the extra breakfast he had stored in the tupperware.
lily held his hand as they walked inside, eager to see y/n but a bit nervous to be around so many other people.
harry knocked lightly on y/n's door, gently opening it when he heard the soft “come in,” from inside.
“y/n!” lily grinned as she ran over to her, jumping in her arms.
she laughed, "hi lily." she pressed a soft kiss to her head and set her back down.
“we brought you breakfast! show her dada!"
y/n smiled as she looked at harry, who was smiling too, holding the container and waiting for y/n and lily to finish their moment so he could go say hi.
“thank you lily! i bet the yummy treat was your idea, hm?”
lily giggled, “yes! dada made cinnamon rolls.”
“just my favorite.” y/n smiled. lily sat down on the small couch in y/n's office, paying more attention to her toy now.
harry took the opportunity to walk over to y/n and give her a big kiss on the lips. “hi my love. i brought you breakfast, but you already knew that.” he grinned.
y/n kissed him one more time and set the container on her desk. “thank you. i missed you.”
“i missed you too. we've been so busy," he said as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.
“i know. is it okay if i stay with you for a couple days?”
harry smiled, “that's more than okay.”
she grinned, “good. i suppose you have to take lily to school now right?” the dissapointment in her voice was evident, as she didn't want to say bye to her so soon.
“yes i do, but i'll take you with me to pick her up. deal?” y/n grinned and nodded, “deal.”
harry kissed her once more. “i love you.”
“i love you too harry.”
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butterflyyeo · 3 years
drunk in love
pairing - yeosang x fem reader
genre - fluff, angst (?)
tw - lots of alcohol consumption, swearing
wc - 10k
side ships - seongjoong, yungi
a/n -- was meant to be angst but turned into fluff... im trying my best to get better at writing angst aaaah. but please enjoy this for now <3 thanks for letting me tag you @iminchaosnow !!
------------------------------------------- you had known kang yeosang for nearly two years now. two, dreadfully slow and exhausting years.it was your final year of high school when he transferred to your school, he was a close family friend of wooyoung's. his parents had spoken highly of the school, insisting that yeosang transfers in order to excel for his last year of schooling. as far as you were concerned, he had decent grades, but he preferred to spend his time hanging around the skatepark after dark, when everyone else had left.
and in all the two years you'd known him, you had never once had a full conversation with him, despite being in your group of friends. his side of the 'conversation' usually consisted of monotonous 'yeahs' and 'mhms'. wooyoung constantly assured you it was because he's shy and that he'd eventually open up. but you weren't convinced. you tried so hard for him to like you, but your efforts were fruitless. it was infuriating, feeling like you were constantly doing something wrong whenever you were around him.
you currently found yourself in the backseat of yeosang's car, wedged between a drunken yunho and mingi while a chaotic wooyoung was singing along to his chosen playlist. (though, it sounded more like wailing.)
you and the eight boys had all decided to take a gap year, spend every last cent you earned on adventure and alcohol to make lifelong memories, before your careers became a blockade in your friendship. but the year was coming to an end soon, it was already mid november. on the bright side, that meant your favourite holidays were just weeks away.
yeosang was always the designated driver. that was something you had noticed about him over the last few years. to be honest, you weren't sure just how he coped with a screeching wooyoung, because you sure as hell weren't dealing very well with yunho and mingi who were playing a very intense game of rock paper scissors to decide who would be crashing on the couch in your apartment.
"i win!" mingi cheered, waving his hands excitedly. "you're on the couch, man."
yunho frowned, "damn."
you laughed, "it's okay, yunho. you can share the bed with me if you'd like."
"hey! that's not fair y/n! you said i could this time." wooyoung whined from the front seat.
"sorry, woo. you know i keep my promises, but you're going back to your apartment. remember?" you tried to reason.
wooyoung looked as though someone had switched a lightbulb on behind his eyes, "oh yeah! i forgot."
the four of you burst into laughter, mainly caused by the alcohol and partially because of wooyoung's realisation. and still, yeosang didn't crack a smile, hands just gripping the steering wheel tighter as his knuckles turned white.
soon, you arrived outside your apartment block, quickly stepping out the car after yunho. wooyoung wound his window down and you poked your head in, attempting to hug him goodbye.
"bye woo!" you said, giggling at your faltered farewell.
"good night y/n, thanks for the drinks!" he shouted, exclaiming a bit too loudly next to your ear.
"thanks for the lift as always, yeosang!" you yelled, pulling away from wooyoung's tight hug.
he nodded, "no problem." before putting the window up and driving away.
you pouted, turning around to face the two boys. "i just don't understand what i'm doing wrong." you buried your face into your hands, "why doesn't he like me?" you groaned.
"y/n." mingi began, "its nearly 1am, its way too late for this 'why does yeosang hate me?' crap." he shook your shoulders, literally trying to shake some sense into you.
"yeah, mingi's right. we've had this discussion a thousand times." yunho said grasping your wrist and pulling you up the stairs, stumbling along the way. (because lets be real, stairs are difficult enough as it is, let alone when drunk.) "now, let us into your apartment so we can eat your food and crash on your couch!" he joked, nudging mingi in a playful manner.
you reached into your pocket and fumbled around with they key for a moment before unlocking the door. the boys practically pushed you inside and made a beeline for the fridge.
"help yourselves! i'm going to shower." you called, dragging yourself to your bedroom.
once you'd finished showering you went back to the living room to check on yunho and mingi. not so much to your surprise, they had fallen asleep on your couch already, cuddled up into each other. it was cute, even picture worthy to show their sober selves. you reached for your phone which typically lived in your pocket, though you began to panic when it wasn't there. hurrying around the apartment, you searched every possible nook and cranny for your phone, but it was nowhere to be found. you collapsed onto your bed, snuggling into the soft sheets, too tired to worry about your phone anymore and content with the assumption that you'd left it in yeosang's car.
shortly, your heavy eyes fell shut and you began to sleep away the tequila.
the next morning you awoke to mingi and yunho's deep, hungover voices, discussing their plans for the next week.
you reluctantly pulled yourself out of bed and dawdled down the hallway.
"ah! there's our favourite karaoke partner!" yunho greeted, jokingly.
you laughed, "shh, don't let wooyoung hear you say that."
"she's right, man. he'd be so offended." mingi said, stretching out his sore limbs. "how are you feeling today, y/n?" he asked.
"not the worst hangover i've had. what about you guys? you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like, until you feel better." you replied, knowing them well enough to know that they'd need at least a few painkillers and a good meal before they went home.
yunho chuckled, "i feel like crap, but nothing a sandwich and glass of water can't solve."
"i second that." mingi said, raising a hand.
"okay, well in that case, i'll go to the store and get something for breakfast. sound good?" you reasoned, running a hand through your hair. you loved these boys, and making them breakfast was just a nice way of showing you cared. drunk or not, they knew how to make you smile and laugh, which they loved to see.
"sounds amazing!" yunho said, breaking into a sincere smile.
you quickly changed out of your pyjamas and slipped some shoes on.
"i might be a bit longer, i need to stop by yeosang's. i think i left my phone in his car." you explained, picking your keys up from the kitchen counter. "see you guys soon! feel free to take a shower if you want." you said, waving goodbye and heading out the door.
"okay, bye y/n!" the boys called from behind you.
the first stop was yeosang's apartment, he only lived about ten minutes away with wooyoung and san, in the same building as jongho. both yunho and mingi lived on the other side of town, which is why they so often crashed at your place after parties. seonghwa and hongjoong were fortunate enough to live in a house, just outside town, they had actually been the hosts of last night's party.
it didn't take long to get there. you pushed open the lobby door and made your way over to the elevator, disappointed to see that it was out of order for maintenance. instead, you took the stairs and began spiralling upwards. less than a minute later you looked up, only to bump into the man you came looking for.
"oh, yeosang! i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to." you quickly apologised, worried about creating another reason for him to dislike you.
"it's fine." he shrugged.
you both began to talk again at the same time, "ah, sorry, you go."
"i was just gonna say, you left your phone in my car. actually, i was about to bring it back." he pulled your phone from the pocket of his jacket, handing it to you. as he did, your fingers brushed against his. he spun around suddenly and began to walk away, "i'll see you around."
he had left before you even had a chance to thank him. slightly confused and frustrated, you turned back around and traipsed down the stairs.
you gathered what you needed for a hearty breakfast at the local convenience store before heading home and spending the rest of the day in the enjoyable company of yunho and mingi.
yeosang had entered back into his apartment and sat down on the couch.
"back already?" wooyoung asked, rummaging through the fridge.
"she was coming to get her phone and i ran into her on the staircase."
wooyoung sighed, "when are you gonna stop hating her?"
"i don't hate her." yeosang said, not looking up from his phone.
"then why do you act like you do?"
yeosang pretended to not hear that question and continued to scroll through his phone. see, he'd rather not dwell on things that he couldn't understand.
to fill up your weekdays during your gap year, you had picked up a job at a hotel in town as a receptionist. to your dismay, your boss had asked you to work night shift all week, which is how you found yourself here on thursday night, sitting alert and waiting for the slight chance that someone might check in at this time of night. it was a pretty fancy hotel, and the job payed well enough, so really, you had nothing to complain about.
the nights seemed to drag on for an eternity. to keep yourself busy, you often wasted time counting the cars that drove past, or tried to count the number of crystals that hung from the chandelier. so far, only a few people had checked in during your shift, having come from overseas and recently arriving at the airport. honestly, whenever someone walked through the front door, lugging a suitcase behind them, you got excited as it gave you something to do.
the clock was creeping up to 4am and you let out a quiet yawn, feeling drowsy as your body clock hadn't yet adjusted to the change of sleeping patterns on such short notice. taking a sip of water, you shook your head, trying to stay awake. your head suddenly jolted up at the sound of the front door opening.
a man stumbled forward, and you'd seen enough zombie movies to become instantly paranoid. you quickly pushed the thought out of your head, feeling ridiculous for even considering it. but as the man got closer, you could smell the cheap, potent alcohol lingering on his body.
he leant against the desk, peering down at you. "i need a room for the night."  he grumbled. "my stupid wife kicked me out." he said under his breath.
you forced a friendly smile, despite feeling uneasy, "of course! i just need you to fill in this form with some simple details." you said, sliding across a clipboard and a pen.
he huffed, picking up the pen and scribbling onto the sheet of paper before pushing it back to you. "can i go now?"
"just a moment, sir." you replied, eyes skimming over the form as you copied the information into the computer in front of you.
the man was growing impatient, stepping from foot to foot with his arms crossed.
"uh, sir, you missed a part of the form. could you please provide your phone number here." you pointed to the empty space on the sheet.
"for fucks sake." he muttered, "i don't have my phone on me and i don't know my phone number." he said, annoyedly tapping on the desk.
"i'm really sorry, sir, but—"
"can't you just find me a fucking room?" he snapped, hands balled into fists and slamming against the desk, making you jump in fright.
before you had time to try and reason with him, he continued to shout.
"you're as stupid as my wife! i'll just find a different fucking hotel." he yelled, swiping the clipboard and pen off the desk. "useless bitch." he mumbled as he kicked over a chair on his way out.
you chewed your bottom lip, trying to fight back the tears. with shaky hands, you picked up your phone and dialled the first place that came to mind. after a few rings, the phone answered.
"woo?" you croaked, trying hard to not cry.
"he's asleep. this is yeosang." he replied, evidently having just woken up by the sound of his voice.
"oh." you began, instantly feeling guilty for waking him up, "i'm sorry i didn't mean to disturb you."
"did you need something?" he asked.
"i just, i was..." you let out a sob, wiping at a tear falling from your eye.
this didn't go unnoticed by yeosang, "are you crying? what are you doing awake right now anyway?"
"i'm at work." you managed to choke out.
"at 4am?"
"i'm on night shift."
"why are you crying then?" he asked, feeling something slightly tug at his heart, but choosing to ignore it.
you began to ramble, "a man came in and he was really drunk and complaining about his wife and then he yelled at me because i asked him to give his phone number and—"
"i'm on my way." yeosang cut you off.
"i'll be there in ten." with that, he hung up the phone.
exactly ten minutes later, you were sat in the passenger seat of yeosang's car. he was dressed in sweats, clearly having come straight from bed. you'd left a note on the desk, explaining to your coworker why you wouldn't be there when she arrived to take over your shift. a silence filled the car, and you felt the need to talk, but chose not to, worried about giving yeosang another reason to hate you.
once you arrived outside your apartment building, you were surprised that yeosang got out the car too and trailed closely behind you up the stairs to your apartment. when you reached the door you spun around to face him.
"thank you for bringing me home." you said, voice quiet and still rather shaken up.
"it's no problem. good night, y/n." he replied, sensing that you were still upset. he suddenly felt this overwhelming urge to wrap his arms around you tightly and not let go until you stopped crying. he wanted to protect you from every drunk idiot on the planet. he wanted to make you feel safe.
but instead, he watched as you closed the door behind you and locked it from inside.
you arrived at work the next morning, instantly feeling more comfortable with cleaners, employees and people coming and going. immediately, you headed for your boss's office.
"good morning, sir. i just wanted to come and apologise for leaving my shift early last night. i can assure you it won't happen again." you said, feeling nervous as to what your boss might say.
he shook his head, "i should be the one apologising, a man came in this morning and spoke very sternly about the safety problems here. i realise now how stupid it was of me to make you work night shift, alone, at such a young age. we've hired security guards and have also made sure that two people will be on desk at all times. i'm sorry that you had to deal with that."
you were at a loss for words, you didn't think that there would be such drastic changes just from the once incident. "thank you so much." you replied.
"for now, take the rest of the day off. you'll only be working day shifts for next week and can return to doing night shifts whenever you feel ready to do so." your boss said, motioning for the door.
the rest of the day you spent in deep sleep, catching up on some much overdue rest.
weeks passed and you found that work was much more enjoyable. you still hadn't returned to working night shifts, but at least now you had someone to run the front desk with you and keep you company.
this weekend, you were going to visit hongjoong and seonghwa. hongjoong was sick and so you decided to go help out since seonghwa couldn't always be there to look after him.
you knocked on their front door and was surprised to be greeted by san.
"good afternoon! come in." he gave you a hug before ushering you inside.
"what are you doing here?" you said, following him down the hall.
in the living room, you saw all eight of the boys gathered around a couch-ridden hongjoong.
"jongho was already here when me, yeosang and woo arrived." san explained.
"yeah, and then mingi and yunho turned up." wooyoung continued.
"y/n! i have never been more glad to see you! you gotta save me from them." hongjoong laughed, arms open, signalling for a hug.
you went over and embraced him in a hug, "good thing i brought an excessive amount of cookies." you said, placing the box of cookies on the coffee table next to the couch. the table was covered in empty mugs and bowls, you could tell seonghwa had been busy and hadn't had the chance to clean up. you opened up the box and handed him a cookie before offering them around to the rest of the boys.
"you're the best cook ever." mingi said, taking a big bite.
"i made you spaghetti last night!" yunho countered, feeling offended that his roommate didn't think he was the better cook. mingi just laughed and took another bite.
"jongho get off the counter, please." seonghwa said, coming through the front door. "don't be so comfortable, you were throwing up in my toilet like a month ago." he joked.
yeosang glanced your way, his eyebrows furrowed like he was contemplating something.
"lets head off and give these two some space." yunho said, dragging mingi behind him.
wooyoung stood up, "yeah, lets get going."
yeosang pulled his keys from his pocket, "okay, bye guys." he said, heading down the hallway.
"can we get some food on the way home?" you heard san call as they left.
"bye hongjoong! i hope you're feeling better soon." jongho said, "bye seonghwa, i promise i won't throw up in your toilet any time soon." he joked, leaving through the front door.
"seonghwa, how are you? don't forget to take some time for yourself as well." you frowned.
"i'm tired, but i'll be okay. i just gotta clean up and—"
"why don't you go rest a while? i can keep hongjoong company for a few hours." you reasoned, wanting to help as much as possible. there was nothing you hated more than seeing you friends in distress and upset.
he looked between hongjoong and yourself, "i couldn't."
hongjoong let out an audible huff, "hwa! will you just let her help please, she clearly wants to."
you grinned, "exactly, now go read or sleep or watch some tv or something." you said, gently pushing him towards their shared bedroom.
you spent the afternoon tidying up and talking with hongjoong. you managed to do all the dishes and put them away before scouring their kitchen, deciding on what you could use for dinner. you found everything you needed for a decent meal and began cooking it up. hongjoong had dozed off mid conversation, surrounded in a pile of tissues, you chose to let him sleep so he would recover quicker.
about an hour later, you placed two steamy hot meals onto their dining table next to two full glasses of water. you quietly knocked on their bedroom door, finding seonghwa asleep amongst the covers.
you gently shook him awake, "hwa, i made dinner for you guys. you can wake joong up, i'll head off now." you said with a smile.
leaving the two of them to enjoy their dinner, you headed home and cooked yourself something to eat. it was nice having some time to yourself, but saturday nights were becoming more and more empty as winter grew closer. december was only days away and the year would soon come to an end. you reached for the phone, suddenly desperately missing your friends despite only seeing them hours ago.
"hey woo, are you free next weekend?" you asked.
he paused a moment, "i think so, why?"
"you wanna go out with the others? it's been a while since we have all caught up for drinks."
"count me in!" wooyoung cheered.
you called everyone else up and they all agreed, even hongjoong promised to come if he was feeling better.
you found yourself surrounded by wooyoung, san, yunho and mingi as the music blared. it was a less popular club on the far side of town but it was a comfortable place for you all. you often came here for drinks and the staff members knew you, quite well, a little too well. san grabbed your hand and spun you around a few times with the music.
you laughed, leaning against him, "maybe spinning around isn't the best idea right after two shots of vodka."
"what?" san yelled into your ear, struggling to hear you over the music.
you laughed louder, pulling him closer to you, "i said, spinning is not a good idea after drinking vodka!"
"oh!" he joined you in laughing before trying to twirl you around once more.
hongjoong and seonghwa sat at the bar, holding hands and being intimate as always. yeosang was sat next to jongho at a booth, quietly talking with him, but from the corner of your eye, you saw jongho stand up and walk away. your eyes watched him worriedly and you couldn't help but run after him. you followed him as best you could, stumbling every now and then. he'd gone to the bathroom so you patiently waited outside until he came back, looking slightly pale.
you practically leapt at him, doing a quick scan to make sure he was okay, "jongho? are you alright?"
he smiled at your overwhelming concern, "yeah, i just drank too much as usual. i'll be alright, you can go back to dancing."
"let me just get you some water first. i'll be right back okay?" you patted his shoulder. "don't go anywhere i'll be back in a second."
you made your way back to where jongho had been sitting with yeosang. as you approached, yeosang eyed you up and down, taking in your drunken state, though, it wasn't the first time he'd seen you this way. you nearly tripped as you reached the table, struggling to walk in heels.
"i need a glass of water, do you have a glass of water? jongho needs a glass of water." you mumbled to yourself, reaching for the jug in the center of the table.
"are you okay?" yeosang asked, quickly pushing your hand away from the jug.
"i'm okay, but jongho needs water. can i take this cup? he's waiting for me, i told him not to go anywhere, i need to get back to jongho—" you tried to pick up a glass but yeosang pressed your hand back down once more.
"i'll take it to him, you stay here." he said, filling the cup full with water and heading towards the bathrooms.
your brain suddenly felt fuzzy and your eyes became blurry, it was like the alcohol hit your system all at once. your head spun round and round and you leaned forward, resting your hands on your head. you'd never felt this sick from drinking, maybe you'd had too much too quickly, maybe it was the spinning. there was no way to tell, all you knew was that you felt like you were about to fall from the top of a very high roller coaster.
your eyes felt increasingly heavy, you allowed them to slip shut, head falling to the table with a not so gentle thud.
"y/n?" someone shook you, "y/n wake up!" it was wooyoung.
"shit, is she okay? should we call an ambulance?" jongho said, reaching for his phone.
"is she breathing? has anyone checked?" seonghwa gently lifted your shoulders and sat you upright, relieved to see the rise and fall of your chest. "we should call a taxi and get her home."
"are you crazy? she's unconscious, she won't be able to get up the stairs to her apartment! what if the driver is dodgy? she's already had to deal with shitty men while working night shift, imagine if something happened while she's drunk!" yeosang blurted out. the boys were shocked over his sudden concern for you. yeosang had never once shown any interest or care for you in the presence of them.
"well, what should we do then?" mingi asked, worriedly running a hand through his hair.
"i'll take her, you've all been drinking." yeosang concluded. "she'll be fine, don't worry. enjoy the rest of your night, okay? i've dealt with woo passing out before remember?"
"that's true." san said, throwing a light hearted glare in wooyoung's direction, who showed a rather sheepish expression.
the boys went back to their drinks, taking it a little slower now and yeosang carried you to his car. it wasn't easy, but he managed to sit you upright in the back seat of his car with his rear view mirror aimed directly at you so he could make sure you were okay.
he was able to lift you up the stairs and get your house key from the pocket of your jacket, which would've looked questionable to anyone else, but he had the best intentions. he sat you down in a dining chair, watching as your head lolled forward and your body slumped. he quickly filled a glass of water and came back to you.
"y/n." he whispered, resting a hand on your shoulder. "y/n." he said again, louder this time.
the last thing he wanted to do was hurt you, but you weren't waking up and that was becoming concerning. he shook your shoulder, as gently as he possible could in a moment like this, and to his relief, your eyes hesitantly opened.
your head felt like a bowling ball and you groaned quietly. "yeosang?"
"here." he said holding the cup to your lips, allowing you to take a small sip.
"how did we get here?" you mumbled, head rolling to the side.
he caught your head and carefully pushed you back upright, "i drove you, this is your apartment."
"oh." you said, eyes drooping shut again. "oh." you repeated.
"y/n, i really need you to stay awake right now." he said, bringing the cup to your mouth again. "lets talk."
"we never talk!" you exclaimed. "this is the longest conversation we've ever had!"
"i know." he said, pulling up a chair to sit directly in front of you. yeosang felt that slight tug at his heart again tonight, the way you sounded so excited just to talk with him.
"no, no, no." you whined, "this is so bad!"
"what is it?"
you pouted before nervously biting your lip, "i'm really sorry."
"for what?" he questioned, leaning back in his chair.
"for ruining your night and making you stay here with me! now you just have another reason to hate me." you sighed, letting your head fall into your hands.
"i could never hate you." he said, voice barely above a whisper.
but you had fallen back asleep, so yeosang sat you upright once more and monitored you closely all night. with every minute that passed, he wished more and more that it was easier for him to show his emotions, to you especially. he wondered if maybe he wasn't so closed off that things would be different between the two of you. but it was hard for him, to let people in, he was afraid. afraid of people judging the real him, afraid of what might happen if he lets himself become vulnerable, afraid of facing his feelings about you.
you awoke hours later with a raging headache and extreme nausea. you headed straight for the bathroom and hunched over the toilet, feeling the sickest you'd ever felt. yeosang waited patiently outside the bathroom door with a glass of water and painkillers.
when you came out, he held his hand out, "take this."
you looked down at his hand and then up at him, slightly confused, "what are you doing here?"
"you passed out last night, and i drove you home because everyone else had been drinking." he said, passing the glass of water.
"oh my god." you ran a hand through your hair, "yeosang, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to be any trouble! you must of been here all night, i promise it won't happen again, that was so stupid of me—"
"it's fine, don't worry about it." he said, shrugging, "i'll get going now, but make sure you take it easy and drink enough water." his eyes carefully scanned your body one last time, making sure you were really okay. he headed for the door and you followed.
"i'm really sorry." you frowned, feeling as though no amount of apologies would make it up to him.
he let out a slight chuckle, "it's okay, seriously y/n." he said before leaving. you heard the all too familiar jingle of his keys as the door closed behind him.
he'd stayed with you all night, eyes watching over you closely. ready at your side whenever you stirred in your sleep. he'd been there in the morning prepared with water and painkillers. this was never how it was, usually this was your job, taking care of the boys. it was your way of showing you cared, helping out wherever possible.
this wasn't like yeosang. at all.
as soon as yeosang got home he was greeted by a very concerned san and wooyoung.
"is she okay?"
"are you tired?"
"did she wake up?"
he was bombarded by questions.
"she's okay, she fell asleep after a while and i made her take some painkillers when she woke up." yeosang said, collapsing onto the couch.
"so you really don't hate her then." wooyoung thought aloud.
"he can't, he spent the whole night looking after her!" san said, hitting wooyoung like it was obvious.
"owww," wooyoung rubbed his arm, "even she thinks you don't like her!"
"i know, she said last night. but she probably won't remember saying that." yeosang said, feeling increasingly drowsy from his lack of sleep.
"maybe you guys should like, talk things out?" san suggested, taking a seat next to him.
"maybe." yeosang said, drifting off into sleep.
you had spent the day curled up in bed, wondering how you could make it up to yeosang, and there was nothing more you wanted than to get to know him better, but what would he want? you called up san on that thought.
"hey sannie," you said, "i need your help, actually, is woo there as well?"
"oh my god she's alive!" you heard wooyoung call from beside san.
"what do you need help with?" san asked.
you paused a moment, "is yeosang there?"
"well yes, but he's asleep."
you groaned, "i feel so bad that he stayed up all night looking after me. i really wanna make it up to him but i don't know how. plus, it's not like he's that fond of me. maybe i should just thank him by staying out of his space."
"i don't think he'd like that." wooyoung interjected. "i still think he just needs time before opening up to you."
"i think its just me." you sighed, worriedly chewing on your bottom lip.
"hey! don't be like that! there's no reason to not like you." san scolded you for down talking yourself as he always does.
"agreed." wooyoung said, chiming in.
"i'm sure i'll work something out. thanks guys! enjoy the rest of your day!" you said.
"good luck!"
"bye y/n!"
you had been staring at your phone for at least an hour, typing and retyping the message to yeosang. wooyoung gave you his number so that you could contact him when you'd finally worked out how to make it up to him. in the end, you decided that you would let him decide.
you drew in a sharp breath and squeezed your eyes tightly shut as you pressed send.
you: hey yeosang, i still feel really bad about the other day, i wanna know how i can make it up to you !!
yeosang: did wooyoung give you my number? T~T
you: yes he did.. i hope thats okay !
yeosang: of course yeosang: how about you make it up to me over a cup of coffee? >.<
you: that sounds great !! you: when are you free ?
yeosang: does tomorrow morning work for you ? i can pick you up ^_^
you: of course ! i'll see you tomorrow :)
yeosang sat in his room, facepalming. why was it so easy to be more open over text?
you on the other hand, felt your heart swell in a bizarre way. maybe it was the way you hadn't expected him to use such cute little emoticons. maybe it was the way that you'd be able to have a full conversation with him. whatever it was, excitement had taken over you.
a knock pounded at your door and you rushed to open it.
"ready to go?" he asked, leaning against the door frame coolly.
"yes, lets go!" you said, sounding a little too excited.
the two of you made your way down the stairs and into yeosang's car. you found yourself smiling as you looked out the window.
your excitement hadn't gone unnoticed, "you seem awfully excited."
"i really wanted to make it up to you," you beamed. "it must've been boring to watch over me all night."
"i didn't mind so much." he said, shrugging.
you frowned, "you shouldn't of done it."
"and leave you passed out in the club?" he quirked an eyebrow up at you.
"exactly." he said, parking the car outside a small cafe nearby his apartment. "come on, lets go inside."
you followed him in and took a seat across from him at a table close to the window. you both ordered coffees and resumed conversation.
"so, where were we?" you smiled, taking a sip of coffee.
"talking about how you wanted me to leave you passed out in the club." he said. you were almost convinced you saw a teasing smile pulling at his lips.
"right. i'm so sorry about that."
this time he actually chuckled, and you were taken aback. it was like the wall yeosang had surrounding himself was crumbling before your eyes.
"you need to apologise less." he laughed, bringing his coffee cup to his mouth for a sip. "half of the time we talk its just you saying sorry to me."
"i'm so—"
"hey!" the two of you broke into laughter.
his laugh was loud but warm and you couldn't help but notice the way his nose scrunched up cutely, the way his eyes looked full of stars and the way he brushed his hair out of his eyes after, revealing his beautiful birthmark. from that point on, you wanted to be the one to make him laugh every day.
he felt that familiar tug at his heart, the one he'd been feeling every moment he spent alone with you. the one he felt when he first met you. the one he couldn't make any sense of. it was as though his heart was a violin and you were the one playing it. (which would explain the tugging feeling.) but you were playing the sweetest song and he never wanted it to end.
the two of you laughed the morning away, gradually making up for what you'd missed over two years in a matter of two hours.
you'd discovered that even after getting him to open up more, he wasn't one for words. you found yourself talking his ear off while he listened intently, occasionally sharing his opinions and stories. in all his honesty, he didn't mind listening to you talk. he could've sat there all day, drinking countless cups of coffee, watching the way you bit your bottom lip whenever you paused to think or the way your eyes filled with sparkles when you talked about something that made you happy.
you insisted on paying for the infinite cups of coffee, as it was your way of making it up to him. he reluctantly agreed, but promised that he would pay if there ever was a next time, which he secretly hoped there would be. he'd finally had the chance to let his walls down. (it was actually more like you'd climbed the walls and torn them down with your bare hands.) but he was thankful for it.
he drove you back to your apartment, even after you persisted on walking home, seeing as it wasn't that far. he refused, insisting that he drive you. he even followed you up the stairs to the door of your apartment.
you turned around to face him, "you know, you're not so bad when you actually wanna talk to me."
"you know, you're not so bad when you're not drunk." he countered, his lips breaking into a playful grin.
you glared jokingly, "hey! don't make me apologise again."
"okay, okay. i won't." he said, raising his hands in defence.
you smiled, resting against the door, "alright, well, i've really enjoyed hanging out with you today. maybe we should catch up more often."
"maybe we should." he said, bearing a coy smile, "bye, y/n. i'll see you around."
it was only about a week later he showed up at your work, at the end of your shift. you were pleasantly surprised to see him, and at first thought he was just someone coming to book a room.
"hello, are you looking for a r— yeosang?"
"when do you get off work?" he asked, glancing over to the clock.
"five minutes."
"i'll be waiting in the car, okay?" he said, turning on his heel and heading for the door.
on his way out, you saw as he ran into your boss, the two of them beginning conversation.
"it's good to see you've made those security changes." yeosang said as he nodded, extending his arm for a friendly handshake. "i'm very thankful."
your boss shook his hand, "and i'm thankful that you suggested them."
just over five minutes later you got into the passenger seat of yeosang's car.
"it was you who told my boss about the safety problems." you said, in near disbelief.
"hello, to you too." he joked sarcastically. "well, i would hate to think that the situation could happen again, so i just suggested some possible improvements. thats all." he shrugged like it was nothing.
"suddenly, i feel the need to make it up to you again." you smiled shyly.
"you can do that by accompanying me to the skate park." he said, motioning to his skateboard on the back seat.
"ah, so thats why you came."
"well yeah, i wanted to bring you to the skate park."
your heart swelled once again, feeling joyed that he wanted to share one of his favourite places with you. (despite him never telling you directly, you knew he loved the skate park as he spent majority of his high school time there when he wasn't studying.)
when you arrived, the sun was beginning to slip behind the horizon, causing the sky to glow a rosy pink. there were still a few kids, probably high schoolers, hanging around the park. you took a seat at a bench and waited for yeosang to come over, who was getting his skateboard out the car. you felt oddly out of place since you were still in your neat work uniform and didn't know the first thing about skateboarding.
yeosang rolled over with a grin plastered onto his face, you'd never seen him so happy, and it made you happy to see him this way. it was strange how all it took was a few cups of coffee for him to become a completely different person around you.
he didn't need to ask you to watch as your eyes were already glued to him as he dropped into the bowl, showing countless tricks and flips.
the truth was in fact that yeosang was grateful for you 'making it up to him'. he'd never been able to comprehend his feelings for you, if they were even feelings at all. he hated the confusion and decided it was easier to ignore it, and to an extent, ignore you, to make it go away. it had been working for the most part, until every time the two of you were alone together, he couldn't ignore the slight tug at his heart, that was becoming more of a pull over the last few weeks.
"you're amazing!" you cheered as he sat down next to you, out of breath.
"thanks." he smiled shyly, running a hand through his hair and out of his face. he leaned back, looking up at the sky. "do you sometimes wish you could see the stars from within the city? hongjoong and seonghwa are so lucky they can see them from their house."
you pondered a moment, thinking about the last time you actually saw stars in the sky. "i see stars in your eyes sometimes." you said, absent minded.
he felt warmth burning in his cheeks, "you do?"
"do what?" you turned to him, "did i say that out loud?" you gasped, covering your face in embarrassment. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to say that it was just a thought and—"
"what did i say about apologising?" he laughed. "it's getting cold, right? you ready to head home?" he asked.
you smiled, "if you are."
he drove you home and said goodbye, feeling happy about spending time alone with you once again. he couldn't stop thinking about what you said and you couldn't stop feeling like a fool for saying it.
the weather got colder and colder and soon it began to snow as the days of december passed. you had spent the day helping jongho move some new furniture into his apartment. it was a difficult job, but easier with the two of you, even san and wooyoung came to help. you couldn't resist wondering where yeosang was and why he didn't come, seeing as they lived in the same building. maybe he was busy, you thought.
"hey, where's yeosang?" you asked, lifting a box and placing it on the kitchen counter.
"at home, i think he's been feeling sick or something, he hardly comes out of his room lately." wooyoung shrugged, assuming it was all good.
"if he's sick i'll bring him over some food and painkillers, maybe keep him some company." you explained, not wanting yeosang to be unwell.
"i think he'd rather be left alone, to be honest." san said, giving wooyoung a side glance that you couldn't miss.
you pulled out your phone and sent yeosang a quick message.
you: are you feeling okay? san and woo said you were sick :((
he didn't respond right away and you just figured he was asleep. but as you finished helping out at jongho's house a few hours later, he still hadn't responded. when you were sitting down to eat dinner at home, he still hadn't respond. just before you were going to turn the lights out and go to bed, he still hadn't responded.
something was up. this wasn't like yeosang, not anymore. not since the two of you had been spending so much time together. maybe it was like the boys said, and he was truly very sick, but in that case, why wouldn't they let you help?
days passed and you went to work as usual, repeating the same few lines, asking people if they want a room, asking them to fill in a form, then directing them to the right room. days passed and you still hadn't heard back from yeosang, you wondered if he was still sick. days passed and you began to think maybe you should go over there to see if he's okay.
but if there was one thing you'd learnt about yeosang recently, it was that he was the quieter type, and probably wouldn't appreciate you going over there to keep him company and would rather be alone. so that evening when you got off work, you didn't go visit him like you so desperately wanted to, instead, you went straight home.
you cooked and ate dinner for yourself, before picking up your phone, only to see still no messages from yeosang.
you: hey woo you: is yeosang feeling better ?
wooyoung: yeah he is
you: well then can i come visit tomorrow ?
wooyoung: i think he's busy wooyoung: sorry
you: its okay woo you: its not your fault !!
you switched your phone off and headed for the shower, trying to wash away the stress and worry for yeosang that had built up over the last few weeks. you had really grown to like him and there was still so much about him you wanted to learn, like when he learned to skateboard or how he got the small scar on the back of his hand, that you'd noticed when ever he brushes his hair out of his eyes.
two years he'd spent, not interested in holding conversation with you and two years you'd spent, wondering what you'd did so wrong. but lately, you felt like you were doing something right around him, getting him to smile and laugh, share his own stories.
you couldn't shake the feeling that maybe he still didn't like you, and had just been trying for wooyoung's sake.
or maybe he was genuinely starting to like you, but you went and fucked it up by weirding him out and telling him about his starry eyes.
or maybe he'd just had enough of you already. decided that a few weeks was enough time spent trying to change things between the two of you.
as you finished showering and changed into comfortable clothes, you glanced at the clock which read 10:56pm. you switched on the television to watch some youtube before going to bed. as you felt yourself dozing off, a faint knock sounded at your door, so quiet you almost missed it.
when you opened the door, you were shocked to see yeosang standing there, leaning against the door frame for support. he looked up at you, his normally starry eyes were dulled with tears.
you rushed forward to him, smelling the alcohol as you got closer, "yeosang are you okay? what are you doing here? i thought you were sick. are you drunk? you never drink, come inside." you gently pulled him inside, closing the door behind you. when you turned to face him, he was staring at you, tears about to spill over the brim of his eyes.
"i hate you." he breathed out, voice barely louder than a whisper. he didn't seem angry though, he looked fragile, like a glass vase balancing on the edge of a table.
you felt the urge to cry, finally hearing those three words that confirmed your biggest concern, yeosang disliking you. "yeosang, i'm so sorry. i never meant to—"
"i hate you." he said, louder this time before running a hand through his hair hastily. he let out a frustrated groan, dragging his hands down his face. "i hate the tugging feeling in my heart whenever we're alone. i hate the way you put yourself before others. i hate the way you ramble on when you're nervous. i hate the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh. i hate the way i don't drink around you because i feel the need to protect you and make sure you're safe. i hate the way i tried to ignore you for two years because i was scared and confused about my own feelings. i hate how it only took one cup of coffee with you for my walls to come crashing down!" he paced from side to side, waving his hands around crazily.
yeosang looked scared and lost, like he'd never felt this way about anyone before, and that was the truth. he didn't know how to comprehend these feelings and it terrified him.
you watched as he spiralled, seeming as though it would never stop. you weren't sure what to do, so you just listened to that swelling feeling in your heart once again, the one that had led you to develop feelings for yeosang, and you pulled him close into your arms. he clung onto you tightly, scared to let go, like if he did then he'd lose you forever. you ran your fingers through his hair briefly, trying your best to comfort him.
"i'm sorry." you repeatedly whispered to him. you'd never meant to upset him or confuse him.
yeosang let out a quiet sob into your chest, "i hate the way i've fallen in love with you." he croaked out.
he didn't hate you. never did. never will. your heart swelled completely in your chest, feeling as though it would burst through. but it couldn't be true. he's totally drunk out of his mind.
"you're not in your right mind, yeosang, you need to get home. you're drunk and talking nonsense." you embraced him tightly one more time, and you could've sworn you felt the beat of his heart through the hug. "come on," you urged, steering him towards the door, "wooyoung and san are probably worried and waiting up for you."
with much effort, you led him down the stairs of your apartment block and walked him home. the street lamps led you in the freezing city night air. you held his wrist lightly, guiding him up the stairs to his own apartment. he didn't speak a single word the whole time, instead, sniffling and wiping at his eyes. it hurt you so much to see him this broken, but you knew he wasn't saying the truth under control of the alcohol in his veins.
you knocked at his apartment door, hoping that one of the boys were still awake. luckily, they both were and quickly they flung the door open.
"y/n? yeosang?" san questioned, his eyes wide open with disbelief.
"we've been so worried about you!" wooyoung said, pulling yeosang away from you. "hang on, are you drunk?"
san had noticed his tired, tear stained eyes, "you look like you've been crying! are you okay?"
you let out a quiet sigh, knowing you didn't need to be here anymore. you gave a small wave goodbye and headed home, utterly exhausted.
and though you were so drained, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. those words yeosang said to you kept running through your mind busily.
did he mean any of it?
yeosang felt bad. he felt terrible. like he wanted to vanish into thin air and float away with the breeze. though he couldn't, no, he desperately wanted to apologise to you. but he didn't know how, he wasn't good with words or expressing his feelings, and you wished he knew that was something you loved about him.
wooyoung and san tried to ask him what happened the night he drunkenly confessed to you, but he couldn't have them know that he'd been harbouring feelings for you for all this time, they'd never let him live it down. he could imagine the continuous teasing they'd give him, nudging him whenever you were together or giving him side glances after talking to you.
yeosang gave it lots of thought. he mulled it over in his head repeatedly. it was only after hours spent hidden away in his room that he decided to go back to where it all started, a text. a text that said how much he wanted to make it up to you for having to deal with him drunk, just like the one you'd sent initially.
yeosang: hey y/n, i feel really bad about the other day, i wanna know how i can make it up to you! T^T
your heart leapt a mile seeing his name appear on your phone. you grinned upon reading his message, realising it was scarily similar to the message you had first sent him.
you: hmmm you: that sounds familiar
yeosang: >.< yeosang: seriously though, how does dinner at my place tomorrow night sound? i'll cook
you: you can cook?
yeosang: there's a lot you don't know about me x_x
you: okay, i'll be there !!
yeosang wasn't lying when he said he can cook. as you traipsed up the stairs of his apartment block you could smell something delicious laced in the air.
the usual swelling in your heart had instead fell to the pit of your stomach, you were feeling slightly nervous as to what would happen when you entered yeosang's apartment. you inhaled deeply before knocking at the door of his apartment.
"hey y/n, come in." yeosang greeted, holding an arm out, signalling for you to come inside.
"you must've been working hard cooking! it smells delicious." you said, feeling a sense of comfort just from the smell of food.
"yeah, lucky i sent wooyoung and san over to jongho's place, otherwise i doubt there would be any pasta to serve." he joked. "you can take a seat, i've just gotta serve up."
you sat down in front of a neatly laid table, it had somewhat surprised you how much effort yeosang had put into this dinner tonight. he placed a steamy hot plate of pasta in front of you and one where he would sit.
"so." he began.
"so." you copied, teasingly.
"i guess, i really just wanted to say i'm sorry for how i behaved the other night when i was drunk. you shouldn't of had to deal with that." he frowned, poking at his dinner.
you furrowed your brows, "it's seriously fine yeosang." you took a bite of pasta, "i was just surprised to see you drunk, since you never drink."
he chuckled, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth, "actually, i do. i just never drink when you're there."
"really? why?" you questioned, eating another mouthful of pasta.
"because..." he paused. "no, it sounds dumb out loud."
"it's okay, you don't have to explain yourself." you smiled warmly, "but that does remind me to ask... do you remember anything you said to me while you were drunk?" you leant forward, genuinely curious.
he sighed, "i remember.. enough."
"you don't really hate me, right?" you asked, playing with the food on your plate.
"of course not! that's why i invited you here tonight. to show you that i don't, and to make it up to you." he had to refrain from reaching across to hold your hand, just to show how much he cared that little bit more.
you nodded, "well, thats good. i was kinda worried that we'd gone back to square one."
comfort settled within you. it was relieving to know you weren't hated by the one person whose love you wanted most. a tiny thought crept into your mind, maybe, just maybe, now would be the right time to tell him about your blossoming feelings for him. or would that confuse him more? now you were the one feeling conflicted.
"are you finished eating?" he asked, reaching for your empty plate.
"yes, thank you! it was delicious. you're a good cook, y'know."
"ah, thanks y/n." he turned away to hide the blush appearing on his cheeks.
"would you like me to do the dishes? since you cooked." you offered, standing up. but he quickly opposed.
"don't be ridiculous." he shooed you back to your seat. "can i get you a coffee? water? wine?"
"a coffee sounds good, i think you and i have had too many drunken situations lately." you laughed.
yeosang pulled out two mugs and put the kettle on. he felt your eyes carefully watching him. once again, he hated the feeling that was pulling at his heart. the way you could say nothing, yet he felt everything.
"can i tell you something?" you asked, voice now quieter and more hesitant.
"sure, what is it?" he said, placing a warm cup of coffee in front of you.
you took a sip, humming in delight. it was exactly the way you liked it. when the two of you went out for coffee, he had unintentionally remembered just the way you like it.
"well," you began cautiously, in case you brought this situation into flames again. "i just... i always wondered why you didn't like me. if i was doing something wrong, if i said something once that really upset you. and then after we started spending time together, i finally felt like i was doing the right thing." you groaned, frustrated with yourself for not getting to the point quicker. "what i'm trying to say is that i have feelings for you. it's okay if you don't feel the same way. i wouldn't expect you to, i just thought you should know—"
yeosang basically choked on his coffee, eyes widening in shock. "it's okay, y/n! in case you hadn't noticed, i'm crazy about you."
you had continued to ramble nervously before hearing what he said.
"wait. you are?"
"basically ever since you said that thing about stars in my eyes, yes."
you cringed, remembering how you had said that so absent minded. "yeah, sorry about that."
"it's okay, it was cute. and what did i say about apologising?"
you shook your head and smiled, "i know."
ever since the two of you confessed to each other, you had been almost inseparable, except of course when you had work. but he dropped you home most nights, even though you insisted it was okay and that you could walk. he came over every weekend just to spend time with you, even if the two of you just sat and talked, enjoying each other's company. you'd been dating for a few weeks now, but kept it undercover, not wanting to suffer the incessant questioning that would come if you told your friends.
it didn't go unnoticed either, wooyoung and san were constantly nagging yeosang about why the two of you spent so much time together, and each time he just shrugged it off.
christmas was just around the corner, so you were spending the evening at seonghwa's and hongjoong's house, who of course, were throwing an unnecessarily large house party to celebrate.
you were sat between a very drunk yunho and mingi, who were trying to talk to an also very drunk jongho. you eyed your boyfriend from across the room, as if asking for a way out and he just laughed at the situation you were stuck in.
after at least ten minutes more of having your ear talked off, yeosang came to pull you away to the dance floor.
"care to dance?" he asked, extending his hand to you.
you immediately jumped up, latching onto his hand, "i would love to!"
he chuckled, pulling you close to his side and leading you to the makeshift dance floor that seonghwa and hongjoong created.
the two of you laughed at the boys' reaction. they were completely shocked to see the two of you so close together and yeosang being friendly.
he twirled you around a few times with the music, before settling his arms around your waist. he brought you near to him as you placed your arms behind his neck. you swayed back and forth, engulfed in your own little bubble of comfort in each other's arms, completely out of time with the loud thumping music that blared around you.
you felt content, and yeosang no longer felt confused. he found his home in your arms and his happiness.
you reached up to place your lips on his, capturing the moment surrounding you. yeosang melted into the kiss, discovering that your lips were soft and sweet against his, just as he had imagined, which caused his knees to feel weak and his heart to skip more than just one beat. he never wanted to let you go, he wanted to compensate for every second that he didn't spend with you since the two of you met.
he leaned forward and whispered softly, just so you could hear above all the music and singing, "lets stay like this forever."
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
The Brothers Catch the MC Dancing/Singing By Themselves
So long 2020!!! I’ve been listening to nothing but End-of-Decade Mashups and the 2010s was the decade of club bangers, so excuse me as I write a little happiness at the end of this shitty, shitty year.
Lucifer was in his secret study with the door closed which usually would block out a lot of distractions, but…
The MC was out in the library just blasting this… awful noise!!
Okay, maybe the noise wasn't awful - but as a classical music man, he had no use for the electronic bleep-bloops of whatever the hell they called "music!"
He had tried to put up with it for about an hour… but he had his limits. Soon enough he could feel his fuse dwindling to nothing and he just HAD to open up the door and tell the MC to keep it down!
He just wasn't expecting to find them dancing… while belting their heart out using a feather duster as a microphone…
Oh… wasn’t this amusing~?
For once, Lucifer decided that work could wait for a minute or two as he leaned against the doorframe to watch the MC do their thing, his smile could only be described as somewhere between being highly entertained and genuinely smitten with the off-key goofball in front of him...
The look went away real quick after the MC finally noticed he was there and dropped the feather duster like it was on fire. Shame… They were acting so cute before... 
He still had a knowing smile on his face when he asked them to turn their music down some, but he didn’t blow up at them or anything… What can he say? He enjoyed the show. 😏
The MC has a nasty habit of singing under their breath when they’re bored. Mammon knew this, of course, and he never stopped straining to try and hear their quiet notes whenever he could...
It was hard to do since they had long trained themselves to keep it quiet in public, but he was certain that from what he could hear, he certainly wouldn’t mind listening to more!
The only exception was when they thought they were alone… like in their bedroom doing homework for example.
Mammon had just happened to pass by their bedroom door (and not going there directly just to bother them because he felt lonely or anything...) and heard something through the door…
It sounded like the MC but different… rhythmic and melodic… That was it!! They were singing!!!
He knew he had to be careful about this... If the MC realized he was listening, then they’d stop and leave him high, dry, and wanting more...
He had to push their bedroom door in incredibly gently so it wouldn’t make any noise… The House was old - okay scratch that, ancient - and all the doors have a creak to them if you’re not careful… but oh, was it worth it…
He knew, he just knew, that he would like their voice! Good or bad, it was all them! Why did they also sing so quietly?? He felt like he could listen for hours!
 And he just might have gotten the chance if he had been paying enough attention to notice that he was leaning ever closer into the doorway... The second those rusted hinges made a creak, the MC whipped around and snapped their mouth shut.
Unfortunately, no amount of begging got the MC to start singing for him again, so he had to go back to the drawing board… Maybe he’d get to hear them again someday… right?
Levi had been looking for the MC for some time now to see if they wanted to play a game with him but he wasn’t finding them in any of their usual hangouts… 
Their bedroom was the last place for him to check and when he stuck his head in he didn’t see them there… But he did heard the sound of running water from their personal bathroom.
He was going to leave, honest! He wasn’t going to be one of those creeps who listens to people shower (despite absolutely being perverted enough to do so) but he recognized a familiar riff coming from the room…
He knew it anywhere. It was from one of his favorite anime openings of all time!! And what’s more? He heard a new voice joining the singer like accompaniment… It was… the MC??
Levi could have probably fainted from delight right then. Even if the MC wasn’t as good at singing, the mere fact that they were singing that opening made his heart soar! Who doesn’t love to sing along to their favorite songs??
He probably should have thought a bit more before throwing the door open to belt out his favorite part like he did because, you know, even behind a shower curtain the MC was naked and definitely not expecting him... But, hey, for five whole seconds they sounded great together!
Annnnd then he ran out of the room, red-faced and shouting semi-mortified apologies right after he realized what he could have seen by doing that (*cough*nakedMC*cough*)... 
Poor Levi, but at least he just scored himself a new karaoke partner!
You ever been so happy about something you just want to go for a run? Or even better, dance? That seemed to have been the case for the MC that day...
The MC’s least favorite subject had just had a test and they received their scores before leaving the classroom the next day. He knew they must have been anxious by how nervously they clutched their paper...
They had been getting tutoring help from him for weeks and it really must have paid off! Satan wasn’t able to catch up to them before they checked their score, but the way their face lit up was a good sign at least.
He was on his way to go congratulate them when… they started to dance. Right in the middle of the school. They kicked up the music on their phone then started dancing down the hallway like nothing could stop them!
It was such a random and carefree act that it frankly blew him away... You’d think a human in a school full of demons would be running, maybe even hiding, but certainty not dancing! What even was their human sometimes...?? 
He had to hold in some laughter to keep from getting noticed and just followed them down the hallways with a grin on his face and his phone in his hand…
He, of course, posted it to the brothers’ group chat and all of them got to see the wonderful view of the MC shaking their ass to their favorite song of all time… Oh, and they aren’t going to forget that, like, ever. Devious little shit...
Asmo loves to go clubbing so dancing is just an enjoyable pastime for this man, but he never thought that he’d end up dancing in a dressing room... 🤷‍♀️
He and the MC were on their weekly trip to Majolish and the MC was behind some curtains in order to try on a new outfit he put together for them. Usually during these times, Asmo waits out in front of their stall distracted by his phone, but this time he actually noticed something...
The MC’s feet. He could see them behind the gap of the curtain moving along to the music playing through the store’s speakers… So they liked this song, hm...?
Honestly, Asmo couldn’t help himself. He ended up getting up from his seat and pulling back the curtain a tiny crack just to see what the MC was doing in their stall... Thankfully, they were already dressed, but they were indeed dancing by themselves hidden just out of his sight...
Now, how could he let them dance all by their lonesome~?
Asmo slipped into the stall himself and caught the MC by the hips, frankly any protest they might of had didn’t really last long as he guided their body along with his. 
It was far from their first time dancing together and it always felt amazing when they did… Their every move fit together perfectly like a call and response and it didn’t take long for them to get lost in the music.
Eventually, a store employee began to wonder why they were in there for so long and eventually found two sets of feet in one stall… Really, they got off lucky, because knowing Asmo it was kind of amazing that dancing was all he was doing back there!
Asmo was a far too valuable customer for the store to kick out, so the two of them just got a warning not to do it again but man was it worth it… 
The MC has to wear that outfit to their next club. No exceptions!! 😌
You know, sometimes you just got a rhythm and beat in your soul and it pops out at the most random times… like in the middle of cooking!
Beel was coming into the kitchen looking for yet another snack for the day when he caught the MC already in there baking and… dancing?
They had their phone out to play music while they worked, hips swaying to the beat. Hell, everything they were doing was set to that pace! Every flick of the whisk and stir of the batter was just a part of their private dance sequence.
For a second, he had to wonder if he had just stepped into a musical or something? Dancing while cooking? He hadn’t seen any of his brothers mix those things before… but it worked?? Like, they made it look natural and even a little fun!
Just imagine the look on the MC’s face when Beel came up behind them and pulled them into a twirl behind the counter. It caught them so off-guard that a bag in their hands slipped and covered them both in powdered sugar!
Not that Beel cared about the mess because he just licked his lips clean and told the MC not to stop what they were doing... Which was how the others found them both covered in sugar and moving to the beat while the MC was icing the cake they just finished. 🤷‍♀️
Lucifer ended up lecturing them both about being more careful in the kitchen but they were too busy sneaking smiles to each other to pay much attention... 
Sometimes the music just moves you, you know?
Belphie very rarely gets up from his naps without a little help. Sure, even his body needs to wake up eventually, but it normally takes some kind of outside force to drag him back to the world of the living...
So imagine his surprise when he seemingly woke up for no reason in the middle of his afternoon nap with MC… Or well, he thought there wasn’t reason, until he started paying more attention.
The MC was cuddled up to him like usual, but he could feel a hum against his arm that was coming from their chest. Steady and slow… almost soothing.
When he finally heard a noise in the air - equally soothing as the humming and in time with the vibrations - he put two and two together… Were they singing right now?
Belphie kept himself very still and pretended to be asleep just to check his suspicions and… yeah. He could hear the MC softly singing a human world song under their breath.
Must have been a testament to how besotted this cow man was with them that even hearing their voice that quietly could pull him out of his dreams. 
Eventually, Belphie just had to roll over and pull them up against his chest so he could hear them better... Of course, his movement just made them stop, but any idea that they were off the hook got swept away when they heard him grunt:
“Hey, you woke me up… Don’t stop now.”
Let’s hope they know a good lullaby or two...
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ly-sona · 3 years
[❀] ❝ comfort 。ni-ki ❞
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❀ pair: ni-ki x fem!oc ❀ tags: sulking and apologies ig- its just some cute fluff ❀ au: established relationship ❀ warnings: fluff ❀ word count: 597 ❀ status: completed
She was sulking. Mirae was sulking.
She usually never sulked—she was usually calm, sweet, composed, and understanding.
But today, she needed her boyfriend.
Mirae had come to her boyfriend's house after school, extremely disheartened by the bad grade she'd gotten. She didn't think she'd do so bad on a simple math test, so when she saw the grade she didn't expect, she'd almost burst into tears right then and there.
She thought going to see her boyfriend would be good—he always knew how to cheer her up. However, that's not what happened.
"Rae, I'm busy," Niki said as he smashed the buttons of his keyboard. "HEESEUNG HYUNG WATCH OUT."
He barely looked at her. And she was upset. She eventually laid down on his bed, hugging his teddy bear as she stared at the nightstand. Tears streamed down her face in disappointment and sadness.
Nothing was going right for her today.
Maybe she could've caused a fuss to get Niki to pay attention to her, but she couldn't get herself to bring that attention onto herself. She liked to be understanding, and she'd have felt bad if she forced him to stop doing what he likes to do to relax.
Yet, she couldn't stop the overwhelming that transformed into the heavy teardrops that pooled around her eyes. And she eventually drifted off to sleep, tired from silently crying.
When Niki finally switched off his console, he turned around to see Mirae sound asleep on his bed. Smiling at the sight of his cute girlfriend, he moved over to truly observe her—that is, until he saw her tear-stained face.
Why was she crying?
Millions of thoughts raced through his head as he started pondering what may have happened.
Was she crying when she got here?
Remembering her wavering tone, a wave of guilt washed over the young male as he realized that she was. He didn't even bother to give her the attention that she had clearly needed, and it made him feel terrible. Quickly, he ran into the kitchen, picking up some matcha pocky from his pantry before returning. Hesitantly, he woke her up.
Mirae groggily opened her eyes, confused as she stared at him. She was so deep into her slumber that she'd forgotten where she was for a moment, expecting to see her own bed. Then, she remembered, and her confused face dropped to a subtle frown—one which Niki easily noticed.
"Yes?" she mumbled in question. Her voice was an octave lower than usual, adding to her emotional state.
"Why were you crying?" he asked, genuinely worried as he took a seat on his bed. "Did something bad happen during classes?"
Mirae shook her head, taking in a deep breath. She guessed she should explain what caused her emotions to reach such a messy state.
"I did bad on my test—really bad. I've felt like shit all day," she started before mumbling, "which is why I came here."
Niki frowned, realizing he'd blatantly ignored her when she needed him. "I'm sorry for being insensitive," he spoke, moving closer to her to capture her in a hug.
Mirae instantly returned the hug, unable to be angry at the boy for a long period of time. She understood that he was immersed in the game.
"Don't worry, you did nothing wrong," she reassured him.
"But I did though," he pouted before pulling out the pack of matcha pocky. "How about this and movie night for an apology?"
Mirae smiled, instantly grabbing the delicious chocolate snack out of his hands.
"Apology accepted!"
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started and finished—11/1/2021
a/n: hehe- i wrote this for my friend :D
© All Rights Reserved
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football-rambles · 2 years
School Nativity - Declan Rice
Day 22 of 25 days till Christmas
just a note, that this has now made me broody and want to write dad!dec 
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It was the last week of the kids being at school before they broke up for Christmas, but it was a busy week, with a Christmas disco, a Nativity play that you had to make costumes for as well as finish wrapping the kids presents and your husbands presents, as well as supporting him.
You sat on the floor, your daughter stood in front of you, as you pinned the white material, so you could alter the outfit. “Okay, turn for me.” You asked your four-year-old. Eventually, she turned but only after several attempts.
Sticking the final pin, you heard Declan walk through the door. “Daddy!” Your daughter ran for Dec ruining your alterations as you groaned, picking yourself up off the floor.
“Hello!” He smiled, while holding your daughter and came to kiss you on the cheek. “How’s your day been?” He asked.
“Wonderful, I have wrapped and sent presents to Santa, I have made attempts at sorting out Missy's angel costume, your son is down for his nap and your wife is ready to join him.” You sighed as you tried to pull off the white sheet from your daughter.
“Wow busy day, me and this one can do something if you want to take a nap?” He asked concerned.
“No point, I need to finish off the costume for this play and then baby will be awake, but an early night is in very much order.” You speak.
“Yeah…about the play, I might have to meet you there…Gaffer has called an extra session.” Declan spoke.
“What?? Ugh we were supposed to go together. Please make it Dec…it’s her first play. I’ve got your mum looking after Y/S/N for the day.” You explained, frustrated.
“I know, but I won’t miss it I promise…I’m looking forward to seeing my real angel out there.” Declan smiled at your daughter smiling.
You sighed, as you placed your sewing kit to the side. You were annoyed that Dec had to work, you knew of all the demands, the away days. Two kids in tow was tough especially when your daughter was all Dec. You knew she would be upset if she didn’t see her dad in the crowd.
The next morning, you sat finishing off the Angel costume. Standing in the kitchen making a coffee when you felt two hands wrap around your waist.
“Good morning” You say, as you smile.
“Good morning, you should go back to bed for half an hour before Y/D/N wakes up ready for school and Y/S/N wakes.” Declan spoke.
You hummed at him and turned “Mhm I just finished the costume; I’ve got to prepare a bag to take to your mum's." You spoke.
“I’ll drop him at my mums on the way into training.” Declan spoke and shrugged.
“Thank you, that will free up some time.” You smiled.
“Of course, and I promise…I will be at the play.” Declan looked down at you as you nodded and hugged him.
“I know, it’s just annoying. I feel you miss the enjoyable parts, and when I do have you to myself you get pulled away again.” You pouted.
“I know, but at least after the game Wednesday I am free for a few days so we can do a lot more as a family. I can take the kids away while you wrap the presents.”
It's fun that I have to wrap the presents." You rolled your eyes at him. “Right, I’ll go, and missy moo up.” You walked off to get and wake your daughter ready for school.
You stood in the school playground waiting for Declan. You were really annoyed he hadn't arrived yet, it was cold, and you were starting to get annoyed that other parents would get a seat. Therefore, you decided to save two seats so Dec could join you.
You sat there, as the kids started to come into the hall, your heart fell into the pit of your stomach when you caught a glimpse of your daughter, who waved, but could tell was looking for Dec. You sighed and texted him asking where he was.
Five minutes passed, and several texts later, you decided that killing your husband was now number one on top of the to do list, that was ever growing.
The play was about to start, and he still wasn’t here. You sighed and sat back in the seat, putting on a face so that you didn’t want to upset your daughter.
‘Excuse me, yeah, sorry, thanks, cheers.’ You hear as Declan made his way through the row of parents and sat on the seat next to you. Catching his breath.
“Cutting it fine Declan” You spoke through gritted teeth.
“Sorry, I got caught in traffic, I got here in time. Where is she?” He asked kissing your cheek, looking around to spot your daughter who saw him and immediately waved.
You sighed contently, now that Declan was here, and she could now enjoy her daughters' play, knowing that Declan was here.
tagging: @superjackgrealish​ @footballerimaginess​ @callyhandra​
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I know everyone likes the "secretly good villain whumpee..." but what about when the villain was a rat- bastard with very few redeeming qualities... just being injured and sick and oh so broken. Just begging for mercy, even though they were so arrogant and vicious before.
I melt at those scenarios.
I agree with that. If the villain is secretly good, you might as well call him or her a hero- or at least a vigilante.
Vicious and Bloody
Warnings: gorey(?) description of injuries, maggots, blood, vomit, mention of people dying, pus, field medicine, bathing, vomit, sleep deprivation, pills (tylenol and ibuprofen), attempted murder, implied past torture, hallucinations, fever, delirium
There was no rational answer for the scene in front of her. Not even the greastest minds in history could comprehend it- figuratively speaking. It was just so peculiar, odd and out of place, that it was like from a different dimension.
The said scene would be absolutely mortifying to the squeamish soul. Between the blood and the vomit and the maggots, the sight was more than revolting.
But still, ignoring her instincts to gag and run, Civilian crouched down next to the poor man- not touching, of course, it would only irritate his injuries further and be disgusting on many levels.
"Should I call an ambulance?" Civilian asked the man softly, brushing back the part of his grimey hair that wasn't intoxicated by maggots or too much blood.
But in doing that, she realized that the man wasn't even conscious. Which, was not surprising and brought a small relief to the nervous civilian.
But it also revealed his identity. Even without the foreboding mask, his features unmistakably were those of the most feared and vile human of the city.
"If you ever see Villain, call the heroes. If he so happens to be incapacitated, kill him or injure him further to limit his ability of escape or to destroy."
That mandatory lesson rang through Civilian's ears nearly as loud as semi's horn. It was every civilian's responsibility- whether they were a certified hero or not- to hand it or dispose of any being against the government.
Especially Villain.
Especially without any doubt Villain.
Civilian sighed and observed the injured man's face. It was her responsibility to do this, the city would thank her, applaud her.
She brought her hands to Villain's neck and squeezed. His breaths hitched, but he didn't wake, not even to the sensation of suffocation. Civilian squeezed her eyes shut, but it did nothing to rid her mind of the horrendous sight of his already crimson stained face growing even redder... his lips paling then morphing into a grayish blue...
Civilian gasped, drawing her hands away from his neck. The villain's eyes shot open as he tried to fill his lungs, but as he heaved and wheezed, they kept rolling up and sliding closed.
"Hey!" Civilian exclaimed, tapping his shoulder. Villain's eyes shot open and he looked at Civilian with an expression filled with the unthinkable.
Villain's lip trembled as he tried his hardest to scoot away. He whimpered something unintelligently and weakly held up a hand as if to protect himself from futher harm- as if the shaking limb could do anything other than wave aimlessly in the air.
Upon coming to the conclusion that escape was impossible, the villain resumed a position of pointless mewling.
"Don't hurt me," he whined, tears streaming down his cheeks, making the small cuts sting and itch. "D-don't hurt me. I've been bad, please don't remind me. P-please." He shifted his head into his elbow and sobbed.
Civilian didn't know what to do with the scenario, so she just allowed him to cry until he was too exhausted to do anything other than whimper pained pleas.
When his eyes started to droop, Civilian wrapped her arms around his upper body and heaved him into a sitting position- somewhat shocked of how limp and pliable he was.
Then she stopped. What was she doing? Villain was the most notoriously evil person in the city, if not the universe. He killed hundreds, thousands even including men, women, and children. He was undeserving of any level of comfort, whether that be love, care, or compassion.
Yet someone had to be worse than him to put him in such a nasty condition.
"Don't hurt me," Villain whispered, clinging to Civilian's shirt with all his might- as little as that was.
"I won't," Civilian promised, smiling down at the injured villain. The villain sighed and closed his eyes.
She had to help him now. It would be practically illegal to turn him in, or harm him even further. Well, metaphorically speaking.
Civilian dragged Villain into her house. Luckily, she owned a one-story, so bringing him to the bathroom was not too big of a deal- apart from the exertion on her slender arms, that was.
Immediately, Civilian stripped off the remains of his tattered clothing and sat him in the tub. Gingerly, she washed out the infection wounds, making sure all the maggots were gone.
After thirty minutes, she only finished the lower half of his body and his back and shoulders were much, much worse. It took another hour to get done with those.
Civilian took a second to catch her breath, she didn't realize how diligently she was working. The villain was completely clean, other than countless uneven holes that looked like someone grabbed his skin and pulled it out.
The next line of business was whether or not to give him stitches. Many of the remainding wounds were heavily infected and would benefit from being dried out.
Many of those infected wounds needed to be drained and removed.
Civilian sighed, thinking of her nursing classes. She had school tomorrow...
Someone was dying.
Someone with the name of Villain.
Civilian ran into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. She ran in through the sharpener a couple times before heating it on the stove to remove bacteria. Here goes...
Civilian cut into one of the infected abscesses and carefully drained the pus out. She sighed and wiped her hands on a papertowel. She should really be wearing gloves...
Villain jerked, suddenly awakening with a shriek. His eyes saw the knife and he froze, staring at it for a long time, before erupting into unstoppable sobs.
"Don't hurt me! P-p-please don't... knife," he wailed, trying to curl into himself.
"Stop it," Civilian tried to reason, clenching her teeth, as she pulled Villain away from himself. He started to rock, back and forth... back and forth... back and-
"Hurts," he whimpered.
"I know," Civilian whispered, rubbing the back of his head. "I'm trying to help."
"No. Pain."
"No pain?" Civilian repeated, trying to make sense of what Villain's intent of the statically said statement.
"No pain," he murmured, resting his head against the tub. "Take away."
"I don't have anything for the pain," Civilian told him softly. "Some nyquil, but I'd rather give you tylenol for the fever."
Villain looked up at her with pleading eyes. "Please," he begged..
"It's just gonna make you tired, not take away the full extent of the pain."
Villain let out a strained sob and kicked out with his feet. Pouting in the most pitiful way.
"Just," Civilian sighed. "Just. It's gonna hurt."
Civilian leveled the knife to another wound and drained it. Villain writhed in the beginning, but stopped when he realized his fate.
By the time each major abscess was drained, Villain was barely conscious, his head lolling groggily against the bath tub. Civilian gulped. She would have to disinfect the wounds now, but she didn't have anything for it...
Salt water, a saline solution.
Villain's screams did not leave Civilian's memory for a while, even when he was finally asleep on the couch. Civilian aimlessly rubbed his hand, whispering to him as he slept, but it all felt wrong. So, so wrong. All the people he hurt never got the same level of care that he was receiving- as if they had any at all.
But at the same time, it felt right. None of Villain's victim's injuries were as extreme as his- they either died or went to the hospital. Whoever tortured Villain wanted him to suffer, not that Villain wanted people to not suffer...
Crap, this was confusing herself.
Civilian cared for Villain throughout the night. The open textbook on her kitchen table did not even remind her of her class in the morning. Nothing could, especially when someone so sick seeked her hospitality.
Villain's fever raged and he was fed more and more tylenol. Eventually, she started to put ice packs around his neck and major arteries, but he was still so, so miserable.
He started to hallucinate. Sometimes whimpering about a bat flying around his head, or laughing giddily. But one of these episodes really stood out to Civilian.
"Curve, curve," he muttered as his cheek rested against the mattress- for some reason he kept flipping himself to his stomach. "Fall."
"Then cave." The delirious, but intense gaze the villain had made Civilian wonder if he was trying to tell her something in his fevered state.
"Man hurt."
Civilian shushed Villain and gave him a quick sip of water with an ibuprofen tablet. He sighed and closed his eyes.
"Don't hurt me," Villain whispered, scratching at the sheets. "Please."
"I won't, sleep."
Villain slowly, oh so slowly nodded as he allowed his eyes to slip closed.
Civilian took care of Villain as best as she could. She really needed to get supplies, but it was dangerous to leave the villain unattended as sick and injured as he was. Infection set in agai, fever rose...
Civilian groaned and rubbed her head. She had a horrible headache from stress and lack of sleep.
Maybe a short nap wouldn't hurt...
When Civilian woke up, seven hours later, she found Villain shivering on the ground with vomit all over him.
"Dangit," Civilian groaned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
Just dangit.
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kaytoko · 3 years
Breaking Point
A Tianshan Drabble
A/N: so, I super love this pairing, and 19 Days, I’ve just never felt confident enough to write anything for them. But, I’ve been thinking about these plot developments enough lately that I had to get something out. I’ve started several short fics over the last few weeks - this is just the only one I’ve actually had time to finish 😅 ah well, enjoy!
Twenty-one days.
Mo scratched the tally mark deeper into the paper next to the twenty other just like it. Just below it, He Tian’s crude drawing of Mo eating a sandwich stared back at him. He had taken the text book after that night - the one where he had read He Tian’s scratched out note about leaving. He couldn’t bring himself to put it back and act like he hadn’t seen it. There was none of He Tian’s normal bravado in the words, no confidence in the script. The tremble in the characters and the harshness of the scratch out said enough. But He Tian said nothing about it. Chicken dick hadn’t even noticed the notebook missing. And Mo, being Mo, said nothing about it.
But it had been twenty-one days - twenty-one - since He Tian disappeared without so much as a sarcastic text good-bye, and now, Guanshan wanted nothing more than to go back in time and kick his own cowardly ass for not confronting him about it the first time around.
He knew something was up. Maybe it was because they fought, or because She Li had beaten the shit out of him, but He Tian was different after that day. His smiles were tighter and his eyes more distant, like he had so much he wanted to say but no time to say it in. And yet, Mo had said nothing. He always figured that He Tian had his secrets and that eventually he would open up if he felt like it. So, he never pushed him to say anything he didn’t want to.
He didn’t realize it at first, but after that day, the walls Guanshan had built around his heart had begun to soften. He found himself allowing their shoulders to linger together when He Tian leaned against him and their fingers to stay intertwined when He Tian would reach out. It was like a breath of fresh air when He Tian reached out to touch him, like a reminder that everything was going to be fine. The precarious line between them felt more blurred than ever before, and so he didn’t miss when something in He Tian’s behavior changed. He just couldn’t bring himself to push past the precedent they had set for themselves to really ask why.
And now, twenty-one days later, he really wished he had.
He pushed the pencil harder against the paper until the lead snapped, and he leaned back in his chair with a frustrated sigh. Movement shuffled behind him and Jian Yi slipped his pencil down the gap between his hoodie and his neck. Mo swatted him away, letting the pencil drop to the floor.
“Still nothing?” Jian Yi asked. There was an uncharacteristic note of seriousness to his tone that made Mo uncomfortable.
A knot instantly formed in his throat and he grimaced, trying to hide it. “What do you think?”
Jian Yi frowned and Mo leaned his head against his folded arms. He wish he knew the answer. He wish he knew where He Tian was or when he’d come back. Both so he could kick his ass for leaving without saying anything, and so he could man up about how he really felt and tell him that he actually missed his chicken dick ass. Guanshan pressed his lips together and ran angry fingers through his short red hair.
Damn, he was tired of lying to himself.
“Are you busy after school?”
Jian Yi’s eyebrows lifted, like was shocked that Mo would ask him anything like that. “No?”
“Good,” Mo said sitting up. “Come with me. I want to get my ear pierced.”
Jian Yi stared at him like he had grown a second head. “What? Why?”
You don’t have to pierce your ears to prove anything. I just hope you’re doing it because you like me.
“Because I feel like it.”
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thelastspeecher · 2 years
Uh oh I accidentally wrote more for the Firefighter AU.
             The wildfire was far from defeated, but Stan’s shift was over.  He headed to the truck to wait for the shuttle that would take him back to the prison. But he wasn’t the only person done for the time being.  Someone else was at the truck, removing their gear.  He came to a stop.
             I recognize that height.  It’s the chick with the scar I pissed off.  What was her name?  Angie something.  Angie Bucket?  Maybe. Angie caught sight of him.
             “Oh, it’s you,” she said flatly.  She propped a hand on a hip, frowning at him.  “Can I help you?”
             “Yeah, uh…”  Stan rubbed the back of his neck.  “We, uh, we got off on the wrong foot the other day and-”
             “One second,” Angie said.  She reached for her right ear.  Stan squinted.  His eyes widened.  “All right, you can talk.”
             “You’ve got a hearing aid?” he asked numbly.
             “What of it?” Angie snapped.  She crossed her arms.  “I shouldn’t have bothered to turn it on to hear you if yer goin’ to insult me again.”
             “I didn’t-” Stan started.  He sighed.  “Joe says I’ve got a gift for putting my foot in my mouth.”
             “He’s right.”
             “He also says I’ve gotta apologize.”
             “I’m not used to doing that.”
             “If you ever plan to make somethin’ of yourself after ya finish servin’ yer time, you’ll have to get used to it.”  Angie raised an eyebrow.  “Word around the station is ya want to go into firefighting.” Stan nodded.  “Ya best learn yer manners fer sure, then.  We ain’t cops.  We have to actually be polite to civilians.”
             “Yeah.”  Stan took a deep breath.  “I’m…sorry.” To his surprise, Angie smiled.
             “Thank you,” she said softly.  “Now, what’s the real motivation behind yer apology?”  Stan grinned sheepishly.
             “Joe said he’d stop giving me money for cigarettes until I apologized.”
             “There it is.”  Angie sat on the ground and patted the dirt next to her.  “Join me, Pines.”
             “Can’t say no to a pretty lady.”
             “Careful ‘bout what ya say,” Angie said airily. Stan sat down next to her.  “I know yer curious ‘bout my scar.  Everyone is.”
             “Can you blame me?” Stan asked.  Angie shook her head.  “You said it was a firework accident.”
             “Yes.”  Angie sighed. “When I was eight, my older brother was settin’ off fireworks fer the Fourth of July.  I was runnin’ ‘round hyper and excited, ‘cause of course I was.  Then…”  Angie cleared her throat.  “Turned out my brother started the firework and retreated to a safe distance, but didn’t let anyone else know he’d gotten the next one goin’.  By the time he realized I was still runnin’ ‘round in the danger zone, it was too late.”  Angie fell silent.  Stan was silent, too.
             What do you say to a story like that?
             “I…”  Angie ran a hand through her caramel-colored pixie cut.  “I grew up out in the sticks, so it took longer ‘n desired fer me to get medical attention.  Luckily, it looked worse ‘n it was.  I didn’t lose any vision in my eye, despite it bein’ in the line of fire.”  She tapped her right ear.  “The boom from the firework goin’ off, though, that screwed up my hearin’ pretty bad.  I’ve needed a hearin’ aid ever since.”  She snorted. “At least I was the only kid in elementary school with one.”
             “But you couldn’t have even sued anyone for negligence,” Stan mumbled.  Angie chuckled.
             “Nope.  But I’m all right now and the experience helped me find my callin’.”
             “That’s why you decided to become a firefighter?”
             “That’s nuts.  If you almost drowned, would you have become a lifeguard?” Stan asked. Angie shrugged.
             “Maybe.”  She cocked her head, smirking.  “Yer opinion is the same one I’ve heard from my fam’ly.  They couldn’t believe what I wanted to do.  They fell in line eventually, though, when they realized I wasn’t goin’ to back down.”  She patted Stan’s leg.  “Okay. Yer turn.”
             “My turn?  For what?”
             “I shared a deeply traumatic experience from my childhood.  You have to share somethin’ similar.  Fer example…” There was a twinkle in her eye.  “What was the crime what got ya here?”  Stan hesitated.
             Do I tell her?  It’s not really her business.  Angie nudged him expectantly.  Joe and the other guys know, though, so if she wanted to find out, she could.  Might as well keep working at getting on her good side.
             “Ironically, arson,” Stan confessed.  Angie nodded thoughtfully, a ghost of a smile playing on her face.  Stan was hit with a sudden burst of inspiration for something to fully win her over.  “And, actually, I, uh, I’ve got a burn scar of my own.”
             “Yeah.  It’s right here.”  Stan gestured to his right shoulder.  “Some debris got me while I was trying to get away.  Took me down for the count.  Next thing I knew, I was in handcuffs.”
             “Hmm.  Don’t take this the wrong way, but it honestly sounds a bit like karma to me.”
             “You’re probably not wrong,” Stan agreed.  “The universe decided to tell me to stop sticking my big nose into trouble, I guess.”
             “Speakin’ as someone who also has a big nose, trouble finds us,” Angie said with a wink.  Stan grinned.  Angie’s nose was big in a different way than his, as it was thin and long, but it was still a defining feature of her face.
             If it weren’t for the scar, it’d be the first thing people notice.
             “You don’t seem worried about spending so much one-on-one time with a convicted arsonist,” Stan remarked.  Angie snorted.
             “I know they put ya through the wringer ‘fore they let ya join us out here.  And anyways…” She winked and flexed her arms. Stan’s jaw dropped.
             My muscles didn’t look like that when I was at my peak with boxing.
             “…I can take care of myself.”  Angie stood up.  “Nice chattin’ with ya, Pines.  Ya seem like a good sort.  Hope I see ya ‘round.”
             “Uh.  Yeah. You, too,” Stan said, still dumbfounded by Angie’s biceps.  Angie walked away.  Stan stared after her.
             I’ve never seen a woman half as buff as her, holy shit.
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maria-akira · 3 years
how you meet the ahs boys + their reaction while you're having a class - PART 1
hey yall im back again 🧍🏻‍♀️ is this what you call a headcanon?? idk BAHAHSHHA. anyways i've had this idea in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it to yall, so i hope you guys like it 😌
these also have a little back story on how you guys meet !!
also, special mention to @tatestripedsweater for helping me give ideas with jimmy's part !! thank you so much mwah 🥺❤
warnings: none! just pure fluff <3
please excuse any errors !
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before the pandemic, you and your family have moved into the murder house.
the house gave your family a very odd vibe, but nonetheless all of you had to bear with it because it was sold for a cheap price.
but when the pandemic arrived the country, you were stuck at home 24/7. thus, classes were online.
you met tate because of your father. tate was one of his patients and the both of you grew close.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
tate would randomly barge in your room while having a class and you would jump out of shock.
"Jesus, Tate. Stop scaring me like that!"
tate would giggle and lay on your bed, observing the lesson that the teacher rambled about.
while you're writing notes, he would stand up and take a chair from some part of your room and sit beside you.
knowing that tate is clingy, you would warn him not to bug you and behave while you listened in class.
of course, he doesn't listen and he would place his head on your shoulder and eventually would cuddle you.
"Taaate, please let me focus."
luckily, you always keep your camera off.
"Mmm, no. I enjoy bugging you."
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one time, you were driving to school on your own and you were almost running out of gas.
luckily, you saw a gas station nearby and decided to get a fill before heading to school. and there, you met kit.
when you first laid your eyes on kit, you thought that he was the prettiest man ever. you couldn't let this chance slip, thus, you exchanged numbers with him.
you talked all day and night, the both of you were so inlove with each other and you finally decided to introduce him to your parents.
your parents loved him and you were so, so happy.
but when the pandemic came, it affected your relationship with kit.
since all schools and unis were closed down, everything went online.
when kit stayed over, he couldn't spend a lot of time with you because you had to attend classes early in the morning, till afternoon.
"Can you stay in bed with me for a little bit, darling?"
unfortunately, you woke up late that day and you missed 10 minutes of your first class. and just like that, you were stuck to your desk until afternoon.
"Kit baby, I'm sorry. I'm late for my first class. Maybe later, okay?"
as much as kit hated this whole online class thing, he would always find a way to cheer you up.
thus, he would cook you breakfast and bring it over to your room.
"C'mere, I'll feed you while you listen and write down notes."
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madison, your friend, had bugged you all week to go with her to this college frat party near your house.
you weren't the party type. you loved staying at home, watching netflix or reading some sort of fan fiction on wattpad.
but you hated being single. so, this was your chance to actually get a boyfriend.
when you arrived at the party, you immediately hated it. everything was so loud and everyone was drinking, it was definitely a new sight for you.
you were sitting on a couch that was in the balcony, with a red cup that was filled with punch. you loved being away from the commotion.
this is where you met kyle, it was love at first sight. the both of you had so much in common and you thought that he was the man of your dreams.
you exchanged snapchats and from there, you were partners-in-crime.
you and kyle had stopped going to parties ever since the pandemic arrived, which means you got to see each other less.
since the both of you were students, both of your classes went online.
one time, kyle had no classes for a day and he decided to surprise you.
that day, you were having an online presentation. both your camera and microphone were on.
"Rene Descartes was the Father of Modern Philosophy—"
as you were presenting the slide show, you were cut off by kyle's presence infront of your desk.
"I brought you food, baby!"
you would shush him and suddenly turn off your mic.
"I'm so sorry, Miss. My boyfriend arrived and I—"
kyle would go beside you and kiss you on your cheek, your classmates and teacher cooing over it.
"Miss, you better give my girlfriend a good grade."
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*pretend that he survived the bus accident and had a coma, because we arent involving witchcraft here*
kyle and his fraternity were on a bus that was going to some college event at school.
on the way there, you guys snapped each other and his friends would talk to you as well.
unfortunately, they got in an accident and the bus was flipped over.
a few students, including kyle, survived the accident.
when you heard this news, you cried your heart out and you didnt talk to anyone in your family.
you and your family visited the hospital and you rushed to kyle's room, it broke your heart to see tubes in him, with machines that beeped like there was no tomorrow.
when the doctor said that kyle was in a coma, your heart sank in the deepest part of your body.
this made you stay 24/7 with him until he was discharged.
when he was discharged from the hospital, he was not his usual self. the bubbly, energetic kyle was gone. instead, he was so confused with everything.
kyle's mom made him stay with you until he got his memory back, and you were more than glad to help.
but this took a toll on your studies because your classes were online due to a pandemic.
everyday in class, you would let kyle sit beside you and let him observe what you were doing.
"We're in Science class, Kyle. You were really good in Science, you helped me alot with my homeworks."
most of the time, you would help kyle develop his speech and his writing. but it was difficult for you.
"S-Sci... S-Sci-en.. ce?"
"Yes, Kyle! Good job, now one more time."
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ever since you were a kid, you loved going to carnivals, your parents would always bring you there every weekend.
there were carnivals almost everywhere, and your family brought you to all of them.
to you, each carnival was unique. the clowns and magicians in each carnival had different tricks up their sleeve.
but as you grew up, these carnivals slowly went out of business. except for one, which was elsa's cabinet of curiosities.
you decided to visit it one day just for a trip down memory lane, you never really had expectations for this place.
when you arrived there, there were a few people that were seated.
the show started and it instantly made you smile, they reminded you of your younger days. oh how you wished to be a child again.
you watched through a few acts, and the last act was a man named jimmy darling
when he came on stage, you locked eyes with him. there was something about him that really struck you.
after the performance ended, jimmy ran over to you and got your number. from there, you always talked and you would visit him regularly.
the regular visits stopped when the pandemic struck the country, forcing entertainment establishments, schools and unis to close down.
for the mean time, all your classes went online. you told jimmy that he could stay with you until things went back to normal.
on an early tuesday morning, you were in english class. jimmy was with your parents preparing breakfast, and you were falling asleep while your teacher discussed about the odyssey.
unlike tate, jimmy would always knock on your door. as his mom always taught, never enter anyone's room without knocking.
jimmy would giggle at your sleeping sight, your head lowered and your hair messed up.
"Hey, sweetheart, wake up! You're in class."
jimmy's timing was perfect. as he woke you up, you were called by the teacher.
"Miss Y/N, Do you think Odysseus was loyal to his wife?"
obviously, you panicked. but jimmy was there to save you. since jimmy was fond of reading, he finished the book and he whispered the answer to you before you could turn on your mic.
"No, Ma'am. Odysseus had an affair with Calypso and Circe."
once you got your teacher's approval, you turned off your microphone and let out a sigh of relief.
"You're lucky that I'm here to help you."
jimmy would joke and you would jump up to him, tackling him into a hug.
"I'm always lucky to have you, baby."
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at a young age, you were exposed to different types of fabrics. denim, silk, corduroy, neoprene. they name it, you've probably seen it.
your mother worked as a fashion designer. she managed to open a shop in the city and it was a great success for you and your family.
your mother has styled famous models. because of this, the shop was promoted and broadcasted all over the country. one day when you came from school, you saw a long line outside the shop.
that day, the staff count was low. there were only 5 employees instead of 10. you didn't exactly know why, so you decided to help.
after what felt like several hours, the long line finally dissolved into 2 customers, which was a mother and her son. they looked through the shop and the mother instantly loved everything.
her son, on the other hand, was trying on this lilac tux that your mother made.
you assisted her son and when you locked eyes, the both of you smiled. you entertained him throughout his shopping spree and the both of you never broke eye contact.
this was how you met dandy. he made the first move by getting your number, and of course you gave it back.
from there, the both of you talked day and night, even when you were in school.
since dandy's mother, gloria, loved your mother's shop so much, she would invite you and your mother regularly to her mansion.
gloria and your mother got along very well, and it was like gloria was your second mother.
so when your mother went to paris for a fashion show, she let you stay in gloria's mansion until she came back.
but to your dismay, your mother was not able to come back due to a pandemic that was all over the world. flights, establishments, and schools closed down.
of course you were sad, but you didn't worry so much because gloria treated you like her real daughter.
classes were online and you were forced to attend them everyday in the shared room you had with dandy.
since you had to get ready for class early in the morning, you would quietly get out of bed because dandy was sometimes a light sleeper.
it was around 8am and you were in math class. in your school, cameras were required to be turned on at all times. you thought this was a shit rule, but you had no choice to comply.
you were drawing some circles with a compass for an example that was being discussed by your teacher, when all of a sudden dandy was beside you.
"Dandy, sweetie, what are you doing up so early? Go back to sleep.."
dandy would pout at the lack of attention that you were giving him. since he loved holding your hand, you let him hold your other hand that you didn't use for writing.
"You're doing Math instead of cuddling with me!"
i'm actually super proud of this omg !! i hope yall enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥺❤
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closhelby · 3 years
HER. - Thomas Shelby
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warning: it’s peaky blinders, with smut
Word Count: 2472
AN: this is my first time writing smut, please give me any tips pls, it’s appreciate. It’s probably shite.
She always was on his mind. The woman, that always read between the lines, always two steps ahead of him, and had an incredible eye for business. She had left him years prior, leaving for a top business school in London. they never had a title, a label on their relationship, but it wasn’t exactly a secret that they always, somehow, gravitated back to one another. Often people, especially Polly, would say that there was no way two people would be so alike, strong headed but only rarely clashed. 
However y/n’s degree had finished and she was coming back to Small Heath for a period of time before she was going to figure out what exactly what she wanted to do. Y/n was actually great friends with the Shelby family, since growing up with them, living just down the road, they practically lived together. Y/n was actually younger than Tommy, she was ages with Ada and John. They were in the same class throughout school, Ada and y/n regularly wrote to each other, updating each other on Ada’s eventful life as a Shelby still in Small Heath and y/n’s very exciting studying life in London. 
They had actually planned to meet up, for a nice and quiet drink at the Garrison on her return. The thoughts swirled in y/n’s mind as she approached the Garrison, it had just gone 6pm, and she knew as it was a Friday, she did have a possibly of bumping into her first, arguably her only love.  Pushing the thoughts to the back of her head, she pushed open the door to see a fairly crowded Garrison. 
“Ah, y/n, how was London?” Harry shouted, from behind the bar. Y/n smiled at him, walking over to Ada sitting in the back corner. “It was good Harry, nice to be back in this clear Birmingham air”. He chuckled slightly, “Whiskey coming up love”. 
Y/n nodded, taking a seat next to Ada, giving her a cuddle, “Unsure if ive missed this place or not” y/n laughed slightly, eyes scanning the pub, looking for the one man she questioned if she did want to bump into. The pair was throwing back drinks like it was going out of fashion, knowing they would both regret this in the morning. Apparently, Ada wasn't allowing y/n to go back home, and in fact y/n didn't have a home yet and wasn't willing to go back to her parents, so Ada was insisting that she stayed at hers until y/n found a suitable place. Y/n didnt put up a fight, despite them both being hot heads, and taking absolutely no shit from anyone, men or woman, y/n didn't argue. She was actually really thankful for her. 
They eventually stumbled into the house in the early hours of the morning, their laughs echoing throughout the silent house. 
The sun caught y/n directly in the eyes, quickly awoke y/n from her sleep. Her head felt as though someone had been hitting her head against the floor multiple times. Y/n continued to lay there, turning away from the sun, trying to keep the contents of her stomach from getting sprayed all over her and the sleeping Ada. She made an attempt at moving, sat with her head in her hands as she was trying to give herself words of encouragement to get up and make herself something to eat. 
“Fuck sake, why do we do this to ourselves?” Ada moaned from behind her. Y/n scoffed, “ Your bloody idea”.
Quickly standing up, in hope she could get it over with quickly. The room continuing to spin, as she attempted to walk to the door. Ada following closely behind. 
They both sat slumped over the dining room table, as they attempted to sober up and embrace the oncoming hangover. John now present, laughing at the two dying woman in front of him. 
“Good night?”
“Always.” Ada grumbled.
Pol placed a plate in front of them, toast with jam, “Does Tommy know your back? 
Eyes falling onto y/n from every person in their, “No.” answering quietly. 
Attempting to change the subject, “Told myself I would start looking for a new job today, since I shall be staying here for a decent period of time.”
John raised his eyebrow, “Tommy’s looking for a new secretary.” A slight smile on his face, “You've got a good background, business and that”.
“hm, I don't think so Johny boy”.    
“Don’t say no too soon, your a good asset to the business.” Pol added. No one was ever in y/n’s corner more than Pol, they would bang heads sometimes, as neither of them would back down. But she accepted y/n was the only one that had the best interest for Tommy.
The front door closed, and there he stood, the room turning to face Tommy, silence filling the room, then he broke it, “Heard you were back.”
“Yeah,” she replied quietly.
“Well, you know where I am if you need that job, I’m sure you’ve already been told,” he spoke, cigarette hanging from his mouth, as he walked away from them and into his office.
Y/n let out a breath, as though she hadn’t been breathing the whole time he was there. Ada smiled at her, placing her hand onto y/n’s, “I’m just going to get ready for the day love,” and off she went upstairs. The boys getting on with their day, and Pol following suit.
Y/n sat collecting her thoughts while trying to tell herself to face her ex lover, who she was still so deeply in love with. She tapped on the door slightly, opening it before opening it, “hi”, seeing his eyes flutter onto her shot tingles throughout her body, his eyes quickly looking away
“You can start tomorrow if you wish, I need a few papers signed and sent tomorrow. I can get your contract drawn up tonight.” He spoke, his eyes still not lifting from the paper in front of him.
“Yes, that’s fine 8am?”
“8.45, shop doesn’t open until 9. And there are others to set it up, that’s not your job.”
Nodding, “I heard you have a new woman.”
At this point he did look up at her, “I heard you had plenty men in London,”
She laughed slightly, nodding before heading to the door, “none were ever a patch on you,” closing the door, leaving a smirk on Thomas Shelbys face.
The following day came around, as y/n got ready for the day. Putting on a formal black tightly fitted dress, flats and pin curled hair. A slight tint of red lippy, remembering it used to be Tom’s favourite. Assuming Tommy wouldn’t be at the shop at this time, she took a whiskey with her placing it on the desk infront of Tommy’s office. The place was silent, despite there being other employees now starting to arrive, something calming about the place, almost the calm before the storm, she thought.
The hour was now around ten thirty, and there was still no sign of Tommy. She had already finished the papers he had left for her on her desk. It wasn’t the usual small Heath lady, she was educated, and to a very high level. y/n was sat twiddling her thumbs, awaiting Tommy’s arrival to get other things done.
“Y/n. My office please,” his voice low, as he stood behind her. She stood up quickly, following him into the private room.
“There’s your contract, if you wish to have a read over it. I see you’ve finished the work I gave given you for the day.”
Y/n took the contract into her hands, scanning for any mistakes or anything to question. But he actually was paying her nearly double the rate of other staff, and just over that the London rate was, “you’ve done your research eh. More than London rates, impressive. The peaky’s are stepping up in the world” Y/n smiled at him, as she placed the documents on the desk, picking up his pen, and signing it. Y/n Y/l/n. Followed with today’s date. That was now it, she was a Shelby Co Ltd employee.
The days turned into weeks, spending time with tommy while no one else was looking was becoming a regular thing. She now had her own place, just doors down from the shop. He would regularly call her into the office, and discuss things that he would usually never utter a word about. It had always been that way with them, since they were little, he would confine in her, telling her all the issue and problems he was facing, both in his mind and with others. But it was also coming to her attention that he was still seeing Grace.
Later on in the day, the clock chimes 11pm, as y/n sat listening to the music that takes her back to a child, while sipping a whiskey. The knock of her front door bringing her out of her daydream, she picked up her handgun that she kept on her at all times. Growing up with The Shelby’s, she had to protect herself in someway. She kept it behind her, out of view for anyone who was in front of her, slowly creeping up to answer the door. She swung it open, gun clocked and pointed directly in the face of Thomas Shelby. Not wasted, but defiantly had a few.
“Ah, can never change a Shelby girl eh” He spoke, laughing slightly as she lowered the gun and he stepped inside. 
“Although, I’ve never been a Shelby girl, have I Tom?”
“Depends who you ask.”
She sighed, stepping in to the fire lit living room, “Drink?”
He nodded in response, and y/n began to pour him a whiskey, topping up hers and handing a full glass over to him. “Why are you here?”
He stepped over to her, the closest they had been together since before she left for London. He placed a hand on her back, pulling her head into touch his, their foreheads touching. The sensation ran through her body like the first time they had ever touched. He placed his hand on around the back of her neck, pulling her into him, his lips crashing onto hers. Their tongues intertwining with each others as the kiss started to deepen.  Y/n reached for his jacket, pulling it off his back, before making her way on to unbuttoning his shirt. Tommy pulled the bottom of her nightdress up, y/n only allowing the kiss to be broken to allow it to come over her head. 
Their lips syncing with each other once again as tommy took his now unbuttoned shirt off, moving onto unbuckling his trousers revealing his already hard length. He began to push her back onto the couch, untangling her lace thongs from around her legs. His fingers trailing over her already wet pussy, “Do it” y/n whispered as she pulled his face back up to kiss hers. 
He didn't even wait as he shoved his length into her. Their bodies rocked in sync together, “Tommy...” Y/n moaned, her fingers trailing down his shirtless torso. The stars were starting to align, the room was warm, full of love. It felt as though it was five minutes but in reality it was around fifteen all in.
Their breath shortened as y/n’s back started to arch as she came close to climax, “cum for me”. He spoke, looking at her directly in the eyes as he rocked her world. The love, chemistry, love and lust, all so very present just as it was back how they were before. Both of them moaning in pleasure, as they both came at the same time. The deep breaths and steamy windows showing the passion that had just unfolded. 
It was a Friday evening, a week following the night of sin that taken place between Tommy and Y/n. They had still had the talks in private in the office, and on another occasion she was fucked bent over his desk after closing time. Y/n wasn't one to hide her feelings, it would always be present on her face so when it came to facing Grace in the Garrison, it wasn't hard to tell how y/n’s feelings were over her.  
Pol chuckled softly, clocking the glare Grace was on the opposite end of, “If looks could kill” Ada joining in on the hilarity. 
“She would've been killed 8 times over” Y/n replied, turning back to face the women. Whiskey in hand. 
“Feelings still there for him then?” Ada asked. 
“No, I wouldnt say so” y/n lied. 
“Cant lie to a gypsy woman love” Pol laughed, y/n begining to laugh with her when the doors open to reveal Tommy and his two bothers. Tommy’s icy blue eyes scanning the room, a slight smile shooting over to Y/n before approching the bar where Grace was, where he stood there for a good twenty minutes chatting away to her. 
“I cant take this anymore.” y/n looked over to Ada, who was rising her eyebrow while taking a sip of her drink. She was fairly close to them, and y/n being y/n liked to have a slight stir up now and again. She stood up, smile showing on her face as Pol and Ada laughed, watching her approach them both. 
“So, hows your little fling going?” she spok loud enough that Pol, Ada, Arthur and John could hear her. 
“Y/n” Tommy warned. 
“Who are you?” Grace questioned. 
“Y/N,” she responded, leaning herself against the bar, “The woman he has fucked behind your back multiple times this week.”
Pol snorted, almost chocking on her drink, “ I fucking knew it. Gypsy senses never lie.” 
“To be honest with you Grace, you had absolutely no chance when Y/N came back” Ada added. 
At this point, Tommy had moved y/n away from the bar, into the small room, “what are you doing?”
“You cant take the piss out of me, fucking me but then fucking her thinking youll get away with it.” she was pissed, and he could see it in her face. They had never spoke on their feelings toward each other. Everyone knew that it was always each other but there was nothing that compared to them, they always seemed to go back.
“I have always loved you but you left to go to London, I had people follow you. I knew what you were up to so I assumed you would stay down there, I assumed you had moved on.” He spoke, almost showing vulnerability.
“Oh I know. I can remember faces Tom. I think you forget I can see right through you,” she seethed, through her teeth, “what are you going to do about this?”
Tommy cupped her face, pulling her into kiss her.
“I love you.” He mumbled, feeling her smile into their kiss.
“I love you Tom,”
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