#I will fix your Google index
alimmridhaa · 9 months
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pneuma-themes · 2 years
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Theme #06: Afflatus by @pneuma-themes​
I promise to plant kisses like seeds on your body, so in time you can grow to love yourself as I love you.
Live Preview (Temporary) / Static Preview: [Index with header] [Index without header] [Permalink] / Get the code: [pastebin] [github]
This is a revamp of an older design I had over at @kuzuriha​, namely this design. This theme is suitable for all kinds of blog, but can also be customized to be writing-heavy friendly.
Customizable post width and font size. The live preview uses 650px posts and 13px font size. Enter the size of the post you want on the post size field and the font size on the font size field.
Four custom links.
A full width header which can be disabled or enabled. The image of your header should be the full width of your screen x 400px (w x h). For example, if your screen width is 1900 then your header image should be 1900 x 400px.
A built-in update box which comes in with 4 default rows, though provided you know how to add more rows, it can have unlimited rows. This box can also be used as whatever you want instead. Customization guide is provided below the read more.
Customizable photoset gutter. Enter the size for your photoset gutter on the photoset gutter field.
Built-in lightbox for photoset posts.
Mostly NPF friendly.
An extra quote which will be displayed on the top bar. If you do not wish to enter any quote, you can leave it empty instead.
Usual disclaimer and discretion on NPF posts apply.
Header: @xathrid​
Icon fonts: boxicons
NPF v3.0 fix, minify spotify player: @glenthemes​
Minified soundcloud player: @shythemes​
Font: Nunito @ Google Fonts
Responsive video script: @nouvae
customAudio.js: @annasthms​
photoset.css with lightbox: @annasthms and @eggdesign​
Please like and reblog if you like this and or are using it!
Customization for the update box is divided into two parts, customizing the icons on the rows and the actual content of the row:
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The update row # icon receives the input of your preferred icon names. To find your desired icon, go to https://boxicons.com/ and find whatever icon you want. Once you find them, simply copy the name (circled red on the image below) and add them to the icon field.
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The update row # content receives the input of your update content. It can be anything you want.
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lanayrucodes · 7 months
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Immortales: Skin Bundle ($20)
I've been wanting to branch out into a more minimalist style for a while, and found the opportunity to do so when I was struck by the coding bug over the weekend and began to experiment with a more semi-transparent style of index that eventually evolved into this. I tried to keep the skin as light as physically possible, with minimal Javascript or Jquery inclusions, and instead tried to optimize it to build off of HTML5 elements as best I could without needing to weigh it down with more external resources.
The Immortales skin is a dark themed, responsive skin for Jcink forums, and is optimized for Google Chrome. (Cross-tested in Opera GX and Mozilla Firefox.)
You can purchase the skin here: https://ko-fi[DOT]com/s/6f663cfe6e
Bundle Includes:
All custom HTML structures
a forum index a topic row for threads a post row with a sticky/hover mini profile a main profile custom board stats, with the five (5) recent topics appended a member list, sortable by filters
Full set of DOHTML templates
x1 general announcement/admin template x1 application template (tabbed, for threads) x4 thread templates x5 development templates x1 miscellaneous codes for TW/CW x1 tabbed webpage/guidebook
Custom Userlinks Menu
Easy to add/modify group variables for color coordination (five groups already included)
Responsive to smaller monitors
Upon purchase, buyers will receive an installation guide with editing and customization instructions, as well as any XML/HTML files.
Support & Refunds:
Refunds or returns are not offered on pre-made skins. Due to the nature of how they're distributed and the fact that they're digital files I cannot offer refunds for a purchase if you buy a skin from me.
If you encounter bugs or skin-breaking issues, please reach out to me and I will do my best to fix them and provide you with updated files.
I do not offer coding support beyond initial problems with my skins at install. (i.e. Finding a bug when you install a fresh copy of the skin onto your site, etc.) If the skin breaks during modifications you make on your own, I am willing to help restore the skin to it's original state. I do not provide support for third party coding that is not mine.
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waywardxwords · 10 months
Chapter 2 - Nothing to Lose (Taking Chances)
Summary: After a random encounter introduces you to Dean Winchester, you can't shake the magnetic pull you feel towards him. For years, you've felt like everything in your life is under control--a promising career, financial stability and no real responsibilities. Dean's a hunter; it's his life and job. But somehow when you meet, your worlds are flipped upside down and you have to decide if it's a chance worth taking.
Chapter Warnings: None
Pairing: Dean Winchester x female!reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Read Chapter 1 - Rules Were Meant for Breaking here!
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The wind whipped at the shutters on your two-bedroom home tucked in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia. It was another quiet night for you. Quiet had become your norm, and you were perfectly content with that. One hand held your cell phone to your ear while the other poured yourself a glass of Merlot. 
“I’m heading to Kansas next week,” you said somewhat nonchalantly into the receiver, but your best friend knew better than that. 
“Oooh,” she cooed. “Are you seeing your flying buddy?” You rolled your eyes. After you had mentioned your encounter that had happened almost a month ago now, she had been relentless. 
“No…I don’t know,” you grumbled. “He has a name, you know.” 
“Oh, I know. The mysterious Dean. I still wish you had gotten a last name. You gotta Google guys nowadays. You tend to find some creepy ass people,” she muttered back. You slipped the cork back into the bottle and carried your glass to the living room. 
“Says the girl who dated a guy with an attempted battery charge,” you scoffed as you plopped down on your couch and pulled your legs up to the side. 
“Listen, Tinder is wild. It’s not my fault he used a fake name,” she tossed back. “And let’s just remember it was a charge and he was never actually convicted.”
“Yeah, let’s not try to justify that one, ‘kay?” You laughed. “I don’t know, I don’t think I’m going to call him. I don’t even know if he wants to hear from me.” You swirled the burgundy liquid around in your wine glass as your mind replayed the night you and Dean spent together. 
“You were pretty clear about what you wanted…or didn’t want, for that matter. At least, from what you told me.” 
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Once you and Dean had gotten your room assignments, you agreed to meet in his room after you got settled. A quick glance in the mirror made you grimace—traveling for fifteen hours hadn’t done you any favors. You swiped your index finger under each eye to clean up the smudged mascara before you pulled at the fallen strands of hair to fix your bun. The idea of getting dressed up at this point seemed futile, so you settled on a long sleeve shirt and leggings with sneakers. 
After a quick breath, you grabbed your room key and cell phone and headed down the hall to Dean’s room. Your knuckles tapped against the wood. 
Within a moment, the door swung open revealing your new friend. He had changed into a gray undershirt and sweatpants. 
“Hey,” you breathed with a smile. 
“Hi,” he smiled back. He stepped back and held the door open for you. “Come on in.” 
“Are we passing on the bar adventure?” You raised your eyebrows as you eyed his choice of sweatpants. 
“Oh, you mean you don’t want to be seen with me wearing sweatpants in the bar?” He feigned offense. “And see, I didn’t think you cared about that kinda thing…” before you could say anything, he continued. “Nah, I’ll be honest. I’m pretty exhausted and thought we could just hang out and watch a movie or something.”
“That works, but seriously, if you’re tired I can absolutely entertain myself and get some sleep. We don’t have to hang out,” you were second-guessing everything, and that wasn’t like you. The confidence and self-assurance you had when it came to your work seemed to go out the window when it came to Dean. 
“No way,” he plopped down on the bed and put his feet up as he sat against the headboard. “It’s almost Halloween, how do you feel about some scary classics?” He wiggled his eyebrows, which made you laugh. 
“Sounds good to me,” you walked to the other side of the bed and sat down so you were against the headboard with your legs folded like a pretzel. 
The movie was fun, but you and Dean ended up talking throughout most of it. 
“Okay, so you don’t like planes…anything else you’re afraid of?” You popped a pretzel from the trail mix bag Southwest had provided on your earlier flight into your mouth and handed the bag to Dean. 
“Hm,” he hummed as he rummaged through for a Cheez-It. “Not really. My brother’s afraid of clowns.” 
“Clowns are pretty creepy,” you agreed. Dean rolled his eyes. 
“What about you? What are you afraid of?” The question was harmless, but the answer felt loaded to you. As you processed your thoughts, you hesitated but decided to just go for it. 
“Being alone,” your eyes fell to your lap where you played with a loose string on the comforter. “Sorry, that was deep.” You laughed lightly as you avoided eye contact and wondered if you had gone with something easier; something like snakes or needles. 
“Hey,” Dean’s voice caught your attention. “Don’t be sorry. That’s a valid fear.” You noticed his voice was lower than before. His words were kind, but you still felt like you had made a mistake by opening up that much to him. 
“I appreciate it,” you managed a small smile. 
There was a pause, but you were surprised it wasn’t uncomfortable. Then Dean spoke once more. “In, uh, in the spirit of ‘if you show me yours, I’ll show you mine’,” he cleared his throat. “I’m batshit terrified of being afraid…”
You blinked as you contemplated his words. “You’re…afraid of being afraid?” 
He chuckled and rubbed at the back of his neck as he dropped his gaze to his lap. “Yeah, I know it sounds weird. I guess for me, I always have to be strong and just have my shit together. Which I don’t, by the way.” You watched the side of his face as he spoke, illuminated by the movie playing on the TV on the dresser across from you. “It’s pretty much always been me and Sammy—my brother,” he reminded you. “I don’t really ever show anyone if I’m afraid of something.”
“Everybody gets scared, Dean,” you coaxed as he paused. “Your brother would understand that.”
“Yeah, I don’t know about that,” he pondered, his eyebrows knitted together. “I guess so, I just don’t show it.”
Even though it was a simple confession, you felt like you learned a lot about Dean in that moment. 
“You were afraid on the plane, I could tell,” you smirked and pushed your elbow gently into his ribs playfully. 
A smile tugged at the corners of his lips, and for the first time since he started speaking, his head turned to look at you. His eyes practically studied you but all you felt was his vulnerability. “I know,” he said softly. “That’s the thing, I was able to drop the act in front of you. I just can’t figure out why…”
“Ah,” you smiled. “You broke your own rule. You took your mask off.”
He chuckled again. “I guess I did.” 
You turned back after a moment to look at whatever was happening on the TV in front of you, and that’s when you felt Dean’s palm graze the top of your hand at your side. It wasn’t forceful or pushy, it just felt comforting. You glanced down at your hands and took a breath. 
“Dean, I need to be honest with you,” your words were so soft, you weren’t sure if he heard you. His eyes watched you and he nodded for you to continue. “I’m really, really bad at…this whole thing.” You mumbled. 
“At what, exactly?” He asked for clarification. 
“Men? Affection? I’ve been so focused on my career for so long, I kinda just settled on the fact I’d be alone for the rest of my life. And even though it terrifies me, I’m also kind of content with that? Let’s be honest, you live in Kansas and I live in Virginia. We don’t even know each other, we’re strangers,” you were rambling at this point. 
“I’m not askin’ you to marry me, sweetheart,'' he laughed gently, but also removed his hand from yours.
“No, I know,” you breathed. “I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you, seriously. I just don’t see how…” you trailed off as you tried to find your words. 
“I get it, wrong place, wrong time,” he repeated the words from earlier. 
“Something like that,” you sighed. You stared into his green gaze for another moment before you found your voice again. “I should go.” 
Dean nodded once, but you saw the disappointment flash across his features. “I understand.” He swung his legs off of the bed and waited for you to walk you to the door. “Just so you know, I really liked talking with you tonight.” 
“Me too, Dean,” you managed a smile and wondered why you felt sad. You wouldn’t let your feelings deter you. 
“And hey, if you’re ever in Kansas and wanna break any more of those rules…” he reached for a notepad on the table by the door. He scribbled out a number. “Gimme a call.” 
You took the paper willingly and gave him one more gentle smile. “Thanks, Dean.” And against your better judgment, you leaned forward on your tip toes and kissed his stubble covered cheek. “Goodnight.”
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You saw Dean on the plane the next morning, but couldn’t be sure if he had seen you. He picked a seat rows ahead of you, and by the time you had gotten off of the plane—he was gone. 
“Can you blame the guy?” Your best friend’s voice interrupted your thoughts. “He bared his soul to you and you bolted.”
“I didn’t bolt because of the conversation! I got scared,” you mumbled. 
“I know, but I also know it’s been a month and you haven’t shut up about him,” she reminded you. “Call. The. Man. Please, if for nothing else, for my sake. I’m sick of hearing you whine.” 
“Ugh, fine,” you grumbled. “I’ll call him.” 
“You better,” she bit back. “If you don’t call him, you’re not allowed to talk about him anymore. Got it?”
A sigh fell from your lips, but you knew she was right. “Deal.” 
“Good, I gotta run. I love you.”
“Love you, too,” and with that, you both hung up. You stared at your phone for a minute. With a quick scroll in your contacts, you found the number you had added after Dean wrote it down on the notepad. Your finger hovered for a moment before you took a leap of faith and pressed his name. 
You pushed the phone to your ear and took a very large sip of your wine with your eyes squeezed shut tightly. Your breath got caught in your throat when you thought he had answered, only to realize it was his voicemail. 
“This is Dean’s other, other cell…so you must know what to do.” And then there was a beep. You quickly hung up the phone. How many cell phones does this guy have? And why…? Maybe your best friend was right—maybe you needed to fully vet this dude before you considered coordinating a meet-up. But before you could think on it any longer, your phone started vibrating against the couch cushion. 
“Hi,” you sighed into the phone as you pinched the bridge of your nose. 
“Uh, hi. Who is this?” His voice sounded gruffer than you remembered. 
“Dean, sorry, I uh, I—this is—” he cut you off before you could say anything else. 
“Oh…uh, everything okay?” He sounded…worried, or concerned, maybe? But you weren’t sure why. And he recognized your voice? There was so much you were confused about but it was overshadowed by the giddiness you felt that he recognized your voice from just a few words. 
“Oh, everything’s fine,” you quickly answered. “I’m sorry to bother you, I just wanted to call to let you know I’m going to be in Kansas next week…” you second-guessed, again, why you had called to begin with. You knew you were sending the man mixed signals, and you didn’t mean to. It was a battle from within that you couldn’t tell if you were losing or winning, at this point. He didn’t speak during your pause, so you continued. “I’m sorry, Dean. I shouldn’t have called.”
“No, it’s alright,” he spoke softly. “I just didn’t think I’d hear from you again.” You wanted to kick yourself, but instead you stood to your feet and paced a bit in front of your couch as you gripped the phone to your ear.
“I know,” you sighed. “Moment of honesty without any judgment?” You asked hesitantly.
“Shoot,” by the sound of his voice, you could tell he still wasn’t sure what you wanted or why you had dialed his number. To be fair, you still weren’t sure, either. There was this strange sense of connection you felt with him after only spending a few hours with him. It was something you couldn't shake.
“When I left your hotel room that night,” your feet slowed and you brought your fingers up to fidget with the charm on your necklace. “I kind of panicked. But…” But I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, is what you wanted to say. However, you weren’t feeling very brave, so you swerved. “…I just knew you had said if I were ever in Kansas again, to give you a call.” Per usual when the nerves crept up and made you feel like you had made a mistake, your teeth found the inside of your bottom lip and nibbled there self consciously. 
There was a pause that made you question yourself even more than before, if that were possible. “No, I’m glad you called. When are you planning to be in town?” 
Your heart fluttered. Maybe he did want to see you, after all. “Next week, actually. I fly in on Monday afternoon but I don’t have any meetings until Tuesday.” 
“Alright,” there was something to his voice that sounded different than before—there was a hardness there you hadn’t noticed on the plane, or when you spent the evening talking about what you were afraid of and watching classic horror flicks. This Dean felt guarded. “Well, how ‘bout drinks? There’s not much out here, but there’s a dive bar. The Blind Pig, it’s in Salina near the airport.”
“Is that too far for you? Aren’t you in Lebanon?” This version of Dean made you realize you really didn’t know him at all—this was just a man you had met by pure happenstance. You wondered if you should Google him, after all. 
“Ah, it’s alright. I spend ninety percent of my time in my car and I love it,” he answered truthfully. 
Even though your brain was telling you to think twice, something within you urged your mouth to speak anyway. “Alright, then. Is 7 o’clock okay?”
“Seven it is,” he answered, and this time you could tell he had a smile on his face. 
“Okay, great,” you gnawed at your bottom lip as you processed. “I’ll see you then.”
“See you then,” he repeated back. Simple ‘byes’ ended your conversation and you couldn’t help but cringe from the awkwardness as you pulled the phone from your ear. All you could think about was that you hoped you hadn’t made a mistake. 
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A/N: I'm so excited to be back! I've spent a lot of time planning this series out, so I hope you enjoy! Thanks so much for reading, please feel free to let me know if you enjoyed it ♥️
Chapters will be posted on Wednesdays and Saturdays!
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Preview of the next chapter:
The Blind Pig was a small hole-in-the-wall sports bar, but it sure did have a lot of patrons. Thankfully, your flight had gotten in when it was supposed to without any delays, but that had gotten you settled in your hotel by five o’clock and ready to meet Dean by six. You had pulled out your laptop to try and get some work done, but your eyes kept pulling to the numbers on the nightstand. 
6:02. And then again at 6:04. By 6:07, you couldn’t take it anymore. So you headed the short distance from your hotel to The Blind Pig and settled on a barstool at the bar. 
“What can I get you?” The bartender interrupted your thoughts as he dried his hands on a small dish rag. 
“A Jack and Coke, please,” you answered in an effort to calm your nerves. “And a glass of water,” so hopefully you wouldn’t get too ahead of yourself. 
The bartender nodded and grabbed a glass. Every time the front door opened, you couldn’t help but turn to see if it was Dean walking through the door. But it was still only 6:45, and you knew he had a long drive. 
Just as your drink was set in front of you, you heard him clear his throat behind you. “Hey, Atlanta,” the nickname brought a smile to your lips and a shiver down your spine as you turned towards him.
Read Chapter 3 here!
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Series Masterlist Main Masterlist
Tag List: @jackles010378 @ladysparkles78 @hallecarey1 @zepskies @lyarr24 @roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch @stillhere197 @deans-baby-momma @nix-rose @djs8891 @globetrotter28 @k-slla @agentorange9595 @dragonfly92 @nancymcl @springsteeen @perpetualabsurdity @deanwinchestersgirl87 @mimi-luvzyu @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @ultimatecin73 @impalaspixie @daughterofcain-67 @lacilou @jasminewinter140 @yvonneeeee @stoneyggirl2 @rizlowwritessortof @marimarvelfan @jc-winchester @taylortot @siampie1990 @thewritersaddictions @raisinggray @tabsluvsu @rachiem4-blog @leigh70 @nyotamalfoy @ades106 @akshi8278 @fanfic-n-tabulous @officialnighttime @so-get-this-sammy @malindacath
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a/n: it’s done!! it took me forever and i hope it lives up the expectations, but purple tie smut is here, as requested by the wonderful @smileysvech when she sent the middle picture, that really got the whole thing going 😅 also the title means “tie me up” in russian, allegedly, according to google translate
word count: 5.5k (which is wild bc i really thought it was longer whoops)
tw: use of a tie to restrain, dirty talk, smut
summary: andrei ties you up and has his way with you
Andrei presses his lips to the spot below your ear, sucking gently. His beard, grown in thick after weeks of being lazy about shaving, scratches deliciously at your skin. You wiggle under his attention, tugging gently at the fabric in your hands. He ignores you, trailing warm, soft kisses over your skin.
“Stop, Andrei,” you giggle, his nose brushing against the shell of your ear. “I’m trying to fix your tie.” You tug at the tie’s fabric again to emphasise your words. The breathless quality to your voice really undermines the effectiveness of your command. So naturally Andrei doesn’t listen.
His hands smooth over your hips, squeezing gently. “Fuck the tie,” he mumbles, kissing the side of your jaw. “Let me get you off before I go.”
Your cheeks heat up and you shake your head even though you want nothing more than to push him back on the bed and have your way with him. “You’ll be back home in like six hours,” you murmur, fingers working expertly to knot the purple silk tie at his neck. His proximity makes it hard for you to work quickly, the loose ends of the tie flipping up into both of your faces as you make the knot. You fucking love this tie, something about the brightness of the purple against his skin and hair color. “If you can wait that long, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me.”
And whatever Andrei wants to do to you is usually something you can agree with. Half the time you’re convinced that you’re a sex addict, the way you constantly want his body on yours.
“Whatever I want?” Andrei repeats, fingers trailing along the waistband of your jeans. You shiver a little at the rough scrape of his calloused skin against your stomach. His index finger dips under the denim, blunt fingernail scraping against your side.
“Mhm,” you affirm, brushing imaginary lint off the lapels of his suit jacket, your fingers finding their way into the little hair wings at the nape of his neck and tugging gently. He makes a quiet purring noise, like an overgrown house cat.
He ducks his head and kisses you hungrily, tongue sweeping across your lower lip. You grasp at his collar, holding onto him when your knee buckle a little from the intensity of his kiss. Dazed, you barely comprehend him when he says roughly, “be ready for me, solnyshka. Because I’m taking control tonight.”
Heat pools between your legs and you subconsciously press your thighs together. “I…that sounds like a plan,” you stumble over the words, your brain short circuiting a bit from the heated look in Andrei’s eyes. He kisses the corner of your mouth, positively chaste for him, and pats your ass gently.
“I’ll see you later,” he says, letting you give his tie one final adjustment before raking his hand through his hair and heading out the door. The Lamborghini in the driveway revs and you press your thighs together, wondering just how annoyed he’d be if you took a little bit of the edge off before he gets home tonight.
You twist a shaky hand around the end of your hair and huff - just like Andrei to get you all hot and bothered when you won’t be satisfied for at least six or seven more hours. Luckily, or unluckily, you have a to-do list as long as your arm so you head out to your own car to run errands before the game.
The game is, to put it mildly, an unmitigated disaster. Andrei practically spends more time into penalty box than on ice, taking five different penalties over the three periods. Brady has to go down the tunnel after taking a puck to the face - luckily he’s fine save for a handful of stitches. Pyotr gets pulled after letting in the tying goal and there’s a minor scrum after the whistle to end the second. Worst of all, the Canes give up a 3-1 lead to lose 5-3.
You know Andrei is going to be cranky as hell when he gets home, but at the same time, he’ll be more aggressive in bed, which is something that you need right now. You’ve been trying to ignore the spark of desire that Andrei left you with before the game, but watching him play and argue with the refs from the penalty box, even though the TV, has you all hot and bothered again.
Sure enough, while you’re trying to kill time by cleaning up, you get a text from Andrei: Be naked for me when I get home. I don’t want to waste any time getting my mouth on you.
You blush at his text, grinning toothily to yourself.
But obediently and with shivers of excitement running up your spine, you change into a matching lace set - deep purple to match Andrei’s tie. You’re waiting at the door when Andrei pulls up, the Lamborghini’s engine cutting off and leaving an anticipatory silence in its wake. When Andrei opens the front door, you’re leaning casually against the wall, a small smirk on your face. He drops his bag to the floor and nearly growls when he sees you, muttering, “thank fuck,” and surging forward to kiss you.
He’s rough, one large hand coming to rest at the base of your throat, fingers pressing against the column of your neck, squeezing and tilting your chin up so he can kiss you hungrily. His mouth slants over yours, the force of his lips against yours almost bruising. Andrei’s other hand is on your waist, holding tightly and pulling you flush against him. You kiss him back, fingers threading through his hair, rocking against the front of his pants, his cock hard against your core. His body is hot through his suit.
“I said to be naked,” he mutters, keeping you pressed against the wall as he trails hot, open-mouthed kisses from the hinge of your jaw down your neck. His hand is still wrapped at the base of your throat, his thumb caressing the jut of your collarbone. He squeezes, fingers flexing around your neck, and you gasp a little, feeling dizzy for a brief second before his grip loosens. Your head is thrown back against the wall so Andrei has easy access to your neck. His teeth scrape over your collarbone and he bites down, brief but sharp pain flaring and sending a rush of heat through your core.
“Thought you might have fun tearing these off,” you murmur, twisting your fingers in his hair and tugging. He hisses at the sensation and flexes his fingers over your hip. Those same fingers slide down to tangle in the thin lace covering your ass. He caresses one ass cheek before giving it a little pinch. You jolt in his grip, your panties completely soaked. A little moan slips past your lips and you press harder against his cock. He grins against your skin.
His teeth catch on the strap of your bra snapping it a little. “Did you pick this to match me, solnyshka?” He breathes the question, voice hoarse, while his hips roll lazily against yours. The press of his erection against your cunt is making coherent thought difficult. Your legs open a little more, your stance widening, and Andrei’s thigh moves in between them, lifting up so hard muscle is up against the throbbing heat of your cunt. You whine and rock your hips against him, the sensation of lace against your clit nearly enough to get you off.
“Mhm,” you hum, riding Andrei’s thigh while he moves both hands to your ass, gripping and kneading and pulling you harshly over his suit pants. His lips are on your neck again, biting and sucking marks all over your skin.
“Ty ne slushayesh', malen'kiy otrod'ye,” he says against your neck. Even if your brain wasn’t a lust-soaked puddle of goo, you’d have no idea what he’s saying. But the rough edge to his tone clicks in your brain and you know he’s reprimanding you for something. “I said I wanted you naked when I got home,” he continues, sliding you over his thigh again. His hand smacks against the side of your thigh, stinging a little. The rough drag of lace and suit fabric against your soaked cunt is heavenly, your hips rocking into the friction, eyes rolling back into your head.
“I…I…” you gasp, breathless from the building orgasm. Suddenly, Andrei’s thigh is gone from between your legs and you’re left wanting. “What?”
Your stomach twists, the throbbing between your legs incessant. Through the haze of the denied orgasm, you look up at Andrei and register that his mouth is twisted in a smirk and his eyes are dark from his blown pupils. “Little brats don’t get to come when they want. They have to earn it,” he says, voice like gravel. His fingers dig into your hips, bruising.
“Andrei…” you murmur, reaching for him. He shakes his head, dodging your touch.
His fingers hook in the waistband of your panties, tugging experimentally. You whine, trying to get him to bring his thigh back where you want it by wrapping your hands around his belt and pulling on it, and he snaps the elastic against your skin. “Ah, little brat. When you don’t listen, you don’t get rewarded,” he wraps one hand around both your wrists and holds them over your head, scraping his teeth against your jaw. His other hand, still tangled in the lace, yanks, and the fabric shreds, falling to the floor and leaving you completely bare.
You shiver at the sudden exposure to the cool air, Andrei’s fingers dipping lower and teasing at the crease where your thigh meets your pelvis. He makes a low sound in the back of his throat, “not wet enough for what I want to do, solnyshka, we have some work to do.” He cups your cunt, the heel of his palm grinding against your clit. A strangled gasp stutters past your lips and you drop your head back against the wall, murmuring his name. “Upstairs,” he demands, releasing your hands and swatting at your ass to get you moving.
A giggle rips through your body and Andrei smiles at you, a full, genuine smile that shows off his missing tooth, breaking his character for a moment to kiss the side of your head. “Upstairs, solnyshka,” he growls against your hairline and you shiver again, practically skipping upstairs with Andrei hot on your heels, grabbing your ass as you go. Your thighs slip together, dripping with your arousal.
The bed is only partially made, the covers pulled up but rumpled and pillows haphazardly set at the top of the mattress. Andrei grabs at your waist and pulls you flush against the front of his body, hips rocking so the hard ridge of his cock presses against your bare ass. The fabric of his suit pants creates a delicious friction and you press your ass back against him, moaning a little. His hands splay out over your stomach, covering so much skin. “Are you going to listen now?” He asks lowly, breath tickling your ear and moving wispy strands of your hair.
“Yes,” you breathe, nodding as Andrei knocks his foot in between yours, spreading your legs apart and pushing down on your upper back so you bend at the waist. Your hands brace against the mattress and Andrei’s down between your legs. He bites one of your ass cheeks, soothing over the spot with his tongue, stroking lazily at your clit with the tip of one finger. Your legs shake and arousal floods your stomach, dripping down your thighs. “Andrei…” you murmur his name, bending further and resting your weight on your forearms. The new position pushes your ass higher in the air and closer to his face, giving him the opportunity to attach his mouth to your cunt from behind. A shriek rips from your throat when he sucks at your clit, hands wrapped around your thighs to keep you in place. He hums against you and it’s only a matter of heartbeats before you’re coming on his face, gasping for air.
“Good girl,” Andrei’s voice is muffled, “but you can do better.”
He flattens his tongue over you and your hands scrabble at the sheets, fisting the fabric until your knuckles are white. You chant his name, voice getting higher and higher pitched as he licks at you, sliding one hand up over the front of your thigh and circling your clit with a calloused fingertip. As Andrei works you over, you raise up on your tiptoes, pressing your face into the mattress and screaming his name. He presses his fingertip firmly against your clit and you see stars, your entire body going liquid. He holds his finger in place, never letting you get relief from the overwhelming sensation.
Andrei strokes at the back of your thigh with one hand, using the other to coax you through the aftershocks of your second orgasm. You slump against the bed, turning your head to the side so you can breathe. “That was…” you mumble, shaking your head.
With a low chuckle, Andrei gets up, leaving you feeling empty, and manoeuvres your limp body so you’re on your back, ass and legs hanging off the edge. The entire lower half of his face is shiny with your arousal and he looks self-satisfied. “I have so much more I want to do with you, solnyshka,” he rasps, shedding his suit jacket and tossing it onto the chair in the corner of the room. He reaches down and winds his hand under your back, unhooking your bra with practiced fingers. The lace is tugged off your breasts and tossed to the floor in a dismissive gesture.
You stretch a little, arching your back, nipples pebbling under Andrei’s heated gaze. He trails the backs of his knuckles over the side of one breast, running his thumb against the underside. Your nipples tighten painfully, pinching under his light touch.
“Like what?” You murmur hazily, eyes heavy lidded.
Andrei hooks his index finger into the knot of his tie and wiggles it back and forth, loosening the fabric. His full lips curl up into a smirk and he tugs at the purple silk, pulling the tie out from under his collar. Loosely, he wraps it around his fingers and flexes them. “Arms up,” he commands. “Over your head.”
Excitement zips down your spine and you manage to scoot back up the mattress, your arms over your head and crossed at the wrist. “You’re in charge,” you grin, the post-orgasm haze fading away as fresh desire blooms in your stomach.
Andrei rests one knee on the mattress next to you, tracing his hand up your arm before looping the tie around your wrists and expertly tying it off and keeping you attached to the headboard. “Good?” He asks genuinely. His hands wrap loosely around your wrists, fingers running under the tie’s fabric to make sure it’s not too tight.
You give your arms an experimental tug - tight enough to keep you in place, but not tight enough to hurt you. “Very,” you nod, rubbing your thighs together.
“If you start to hurt,” he says, popping the top few buttons on his shirt with his fingers, “you tell me.”
It’s an order, not a suggestion, and you nod again, obedient. He grins at you, working the rest of the buttons through their holes and letting his shirt hang open. You enjoy the glimpse of tanned, toned stomach and press your thighs together again, wiggling against the mattress as desire rolls through your body. “You’re dripping,” he murmurs, voice low. The shirt gets dropped to the floor, his muscles flexing with the movement. He runs a hand over his pecs, flicking at a nipple with the tip of his middle finger. You watch as the bulge behind his zipper grows, straining the fabric to its limits.
“It’s all for you, baby,” you reply, licking your lower lip. “Touch me, Drei. Please.”
Andrei’s hand drifts down his stomach, scratching lightly, before he roughly runs the palm of his hand over his growing erection. “I thought I was in charge here?” The question is rhetorical. Your wrists are tied over your head and Andrei’s not about to touch you before he’s decided you’re both ready. His palm works lazily over his cock and his jaw is tight, so you know he’s feeling the pain of the confinement of his pants.
You let your legs fall open, baring yourself to him, and Andrei sucks in a breath. A muscle tics in his jaw and his hand stops its lazy path. “You are,” you whisper, “you’re in charge. But you know you want to touch me, baby. It’ll feel so good.” Heat rushes between your legs and you can feel the sheets growing damp underneath your ass. Your breathing grows shallow with the effort of keeping your legs open. All you want is relief from the ache.
Andrei kneels at the foot of the bed, his hands running up your calves. He lifts one leg up and kisses the inside of your ankle, the scrape of his stubble making you shiver. “Good for you, solnyshka? Or good for me?” His breath his hot on your skin.
“Both of us,” you stumble over the words - his other hand is moving further up your leg, thick, strong fingers squeezing at your thigh. His fingertips stop inches from where you want them and his grip on your ankle, keeping it at his shoulder level, is preventing you from rubbing your legs together so you’re left to suffer through the throbbing of your clit, the unbearable desire for him to fill you up.
Andrei kisses the inside of your knee before putting your leg back down on the bed. He’s lightning fast, grabbing your ankle again before you can press your legs together. “Ah,” he admonishes you, “legs apart. You’re only coming when I say so.” He spreads your legs and taps the tops of your feet. “Keep them here.” His tone brokers no argument
You nod and watch his every move, his hands going to his belt buckle and undoing it, the metal clinking softly. He grins, watching you watch him, and makes a show of it. The button on his suit pants is flicked open slowly and he takes his time with the zipper, letting out an involuntary groan when his cock is freed from the confines of his pants. The fabric covered bulge of his erection is prominent between the open v of his zipper and your mouth waters, your hips wiggling on the bed with your legs still splayed open, trying to remain obedient.
Andrei kicks his pants off, leaving them in a crumpled heap on the floor and all you can see is his gorgeous body. Smooth, tanned skin covering lean muscle. And he’s all yours.
“Should I get rid of these?” He asks, hooking one thumb in the waistband of his boxer-briefs, tugging them down slightly so the line of his hip bone is exposed. His other hand dips below the fabric, and you watch hungrily as the fabric stretches obscenely around the movement of his hand fisting his cock and stroking roughly. Your eyes are glued to the movement, watching his hand work.
Your head bobbles on a nod, back arching as you try and get some sort of relief from the ache between your legs. At this point, you’re so turned on just seeing Andrei’s cock will probably be enough to get you off. Now that you’re mostly recovered from the two back to back orgasms, you’re desperate for another. “Wanna see you,” you murmur, kicking a foot at him weakly before planting it flat on the mattress and opening yourself up further for him. “Wanna have you in me.”
“Be patient, solnyshka,” Andrei’s voice is a low growl that shoots straight down your spine, warming your stomach. He grins when you shiver, finally pushing down his briefs, letting his cock free. He’s still gripping it in one strong hand, but you can see the red, weeping tip and you can’t help it - your legs snap together, thighs clenching and twisting, trying to get some relief. You close your eyes and breathe heavily, struggling to keep your arms over your head when they want so badly to rub between your legs and relieve the pulsing ache.
The next thing you know, your legs are wrenched apart and Andrei’s shoulders are keeping your thighs spread. “Andr-“ you gasp his name, cutting off in a moan when he brushes his nose against your clit, licking at you and flattening his tongue over you. He stiffens his tongue and plunges it into your cunt, fucking you hard and fast. Your arms jerk, instinctively trying to reach down and tangle your hands in his hair, to hold his face against you. An unintelligible wail leaves your throat while Andrei works you over, holding your inner thighs still with both hands.
You chant his name, babbling and kicking your feet out as he tongues your clit, sucking down on the sensitive nub and ripping an orgasm from your body. Andrei keeps licking, drawing more from you until there’s a gush of fluid between your legs and you wriggle, trying to get away from his face. It’s too much, too fast, and tears stream down your face, overwhelmed. Your back arches off the bed, hips pushing up into Andrei’s face while he sucks at your clit.
“Too much, too much,” you cry, nudging at Andrei’s side with your heel. The aftershocks of your orgasm have your legs trembling, stomach muscles clenching. Andrei pulls back, leaning on his knees a little. His face is soaked with your arousal - again! You didn’t think that you could come like that, hard and fast and gushing - and he swipes a hand over his mouth, licking his lips.
His eyebrows are drawn together in concern and he runs a gentle hand over your shin. “You are okay? Should I stop?” His cock bobs in front of his stomach, looking painfully hard, and you suck in a shaky breath, evaluating.
“No, I want,” you hiccup the words, catching your breath, “I want more. Keep going. But slower.” You can’t even form a coherent thought, but every nerve ending in your body is on fire and you just want more of Andrei. “Too many, too fast,” you murmur, dropping back against the pillows, shifting your ass out of the damp spot on the sheets.
“Okay,” he runs calloused palms over the tops of your thighs, thumbs stroking at the sweaty skin, “slower for my baby. You’re so good.” He croons the praise. “So good for me, taking my fingers and my tongue like an angel.”
Andrei’s words are slurring in a mix of English and Russian and you know all the blood in his body is in his cock, making him distracted. You grin at him, looking at him through your eyelashes, and shift your wrists over your head. The silk tie twists and rubs at your skin, warm from your body heat. You want to be untied so you can get your hands on Andrei, run them over his shoulders and chest, wrap your fingers around his cock, but he’s not done with you yet.
He lies flat on his stomach between your legs, giving you a perfect view of his muscled back and ass. Andrei bites gently at the inside of your thigh, running his tongue over the spot to soothe it. His beard rasps against your skin, making your whole body shake, and he winds his left arm under your right thigh, holding his fingers against the inside of your thigh and resting his cheek against your skin. “We go slow, solnyshka,” he promises, as if he hasn’t already given you three mind-blowing orgasms, as if you hadn’t come in a gushing flood all over his face. The fingers of his free hand trail up the outside of your left thigh, dancing over the jumping muscles. You relax under his touch, loose-limbed and hazy, brushing the sole of your foot over his side, making him twitch when you reach a ticklish spot.
“I think about this all day,” Andrei says roughly, pressing the pad of his thumb against the crease of your thigh, swiping it through your sweat and arousal. “From the time I leave,” his breath is hot and tickles your thigh, making you clench your core muscles. Andrei’s eyes darken as he watches your cunt squeeze around nothing. “All I want is this, you, tied up, sitting there like a queen.” His fingers skate over your skin, swiping through your folds, making you shudder and clench. The tip of his index finger dips inside of you, pumping slowly, lazily, providing no real satisfaction. You clench around it, the single fingertip no comparison to the length and thickness of his cock. You need more than one finger in you for any satisfaction.
This is just Andrei teasing you, making sure you’re desperate for him.
“Andrei,” you whine, wriggling in his grip, engaging your stomach muscles and trying to sit up more. He presses his fingers harder against your inner thigh, scraping over your hipbone with his teeth.
“Moya koroleva,” he mumbles against the mark he made. “Purple for royalty, my beautiful queen, wet and sweet for me. Waiting for her king to make her happy. To make her scream.”
Your back arches off the bed when his thumb circles your clit, still swollen and sensitive. Andrei’s dirty talk always makes you wetter than you thought possible. He grins against your skin, plunging a second finger inside of you and moving his wrist. You let out a keening wail when his fingers curl, bending your free leg at the knee and pulling ineffectually at the tie around your wrists. As Andrei works harder, pumping his fingers in and out of you, reaching his other hand up over your stomach to splay out and keep you in place, you force your eyes open, hating to miss the show.
He adds a third finger, stretching you to your limits. His hand and wrist is damp, the insides of your thighs sticky and trembling.
His head is buried between your legs, licking delicately at your clit, the smooth expanse of his back shining with sweat. The perfect round globes of his ass jerk and move with his irregular rutting into the mattress. The bed shakes under you, Andrei’s hips pistoning. “Drei, baby,” you gasp, wanting him inside of you. It’s a fucking crime for him to get himself off against the bed instead of inside of you. “Please, please, come…” your words are slurred and unintelligible, “in me. On me. Drei, please!”
“One more, solnyshka, then me,” he mumbles, curling his fingers. “One more. Give me one more. I want to see you fall apart.”
He plunges his fingers to the second knuckle and you scream, clamping your thighs together around Andrei’s head. His laughter is muffled and the vise-like grip you have around him makes his movements shorter and sharper, his fingers pumping in quick little bursts. Pleasure coils low in your stomach, building up your spine, your thighs clenching around Andrei’s head until the dam breaks and you scream, Andrei’s fingers pressed firmly against your G-spot, his tongue relentless against your swollen clit. You cry, writhing under his palm, feet flat on his shoulders. His face pushes against your cunt, hips working into the mattress, your back sliding up the bed until your arms are a little bent at the elbows, the tension from the tie going slack. Breathing heavily, you grind against his face and hand, chasing the last of the aftershocks.
Your body goes limp, completely wrung out. Satisfied with himself, Andrei pulls his fingers from your cunt and sits back on his knees, cock standing proudly at attention, looking impossibly hard. “Andrei,” his name is a dreamy, weary sigh on your lips and he grins, cocky as hell.
“My turn,” he says simply, leaning over your body, covering it with his, and jerking his hips forward. He enters you in one easy slide, settling himself in the cradle of your hips. He plants his forearms on either side of your head, face inches from yours. “I’ll do all the work.”
Andrei closes the distance between your faces, kissing you lazily as his hips pump, the head of his cock hitting deep inside of you. You groan into his mouth, pain and pleasure mixing and setting every nerve ending in your body on fire. You’re so wet and slick for him the glide of his cock is seamless, so turned on that there’s no burn from the stretch of him filling you. His mouth trails hot, wet kisses over your jaw, biting at your earlobe while he snaps his hips into yours. “So wet, so tight,” Andrei mumbles into your ear. “All mine. Only mine. Ya tebya lyublyu, moya solnyshka.”
You wrap your legs around his hips and squeeze tightly, urging him to go harder, faster. He does, grunting into your hair, the powerful muscles of his legs and back working hard. Your heels dig into his ass cheeks and Andrei buries his face in your neck, your skin muffling his shout. Above you, his entire body tightens before he comes, finishing in you with a few powerful, stuttering strokes of his hips. You’re not going to come this time, but you’ve had your fill of orgasms and really just want to get to the point of the night where you can cuddle with Andrei.
“Come on, baby,” you murmur in his ear, desperate to get your hands on him. “Fill me up.”
Andrei bites at your neck, making you squeal and laugh, lifting your hips up to meet his. When he’s done, still half-hard inside of you, his body drops on top of yours, a warm, sweaty weight. You brush your nose against his temple, legs still wrapped around his waist. He’s still for a minute, kissing lightly against the side of your neck and tucking his hands under your head to tangle his fingers in your hair. You wiggle a little under him, starting to feel a little crushed.
“Andrei,” you whine a little, “I feel kind of gross.” There’s cum dripping out of you and down your ass cheeks, sweat and spit drying on every part of your body.
“One minute,” he mumbles, tugging on your hair gently before rolling off of your body. He looks at your seriously, a frown line forming between his eyebrows. “You didn’t come.” His pout is sweet, a stubborn glint in his eyes telling you that he’s ready to dive back in and give you another orgasm.
A laugh bubbles out of your chest. “Andrei, baby, I lost track of how many orgasms I just had, I’m good. I promise,” you grin sleepily, rubbing your legs together against the stickiness on your thighs. “Untie me and carry me to the bathtub.”
Not that you’d tell Andrei, but your shoulders are starting to go numb. He kisses the underside of your arm and reaches up to undo the knot. The silk tie loosens and Andrei wraps it around his hand while your arms fall into your lap. You sigh happily, stretching your arms to the side and rotating the feeling back into them. “I love that tie,” you grin, sitting up completely now that you have full
movement back.
“I love the purple against your skin,” Andrei replies, running his silk-wrapped knuckles over your side.
You roll onto your side and throw your leg over Andrei’s hip. “We should get silk sheets,” you suggest. “Think how nice those will feel…”
Andrei shifts back and tugs you closer, rubbing his hands over your shoulders, loosening the tension that had built up. You sigh and let your head flop back onto the pillow, mumbling “oh, that’s nice.”
His hands work down your arms, massaging the tight muscles and encircling your wrists, rubbing his thumbs over the reddish marks left from your struggle against the restraint. Andrei lifts each wrist to his mouth and kisses the marks, melting your heart. “Whatever your serdtse desires, solnyshka,” Andrei mumbles against your skin, “I’ll give you.”
Giggling lightly, you sigh, “right now, all my heart desires is a hot bath with my fiancé and a fancy sandwich the size of my head. With like three different kinds of cheese.”
Andrei’s answering laugh rumbles through his chest and vibrates your entire body. “I can give you both of those,” he says, kissing your forehead. “Stay here and I will make the bath for you.”
He climbs out of bed and pulls on his briefs, leaving you to stretch out happily, the pleasant post-sex soreness settling into your entire body. You blink slowly, listening to Andrei run the bath water, thinking how lucky you are to have a man who’ll tie you up, have his way with you, and then treat you like a queen afterwards.
“Flower bubbles or citrus bubbles?” Andrei calls from the bathroom.
A goofy grin transforms your face. God, you love him so much.
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Favorite Firefox Extensions
Firefox is a very extensible browser - through a combinations of addons and userscripts you can make it behave just about any way you want. The best part is, they're all free. Here are some of my favorites.
Note: if you have an Android device, check out my post about Firefox for Android's new extended support for addons!
Note: if you have an Apple device, check out my favorite Safari extensions here!
Last updated June 2024 (fixed link for Bypass Paywalls Clean).
uBlock Origin
Tab Session Manager
Bypass Paywalls Clean
Auto Tab Discard
Video DownloadHelper
Highlight or Hide Search Engine Results
TWP - Translate Web Pages
UnTrap - YouTube Customizer
Indie Wiki Buddy
Cookie Auto Delete
ShopSuey - Get Rid of Ads on Amazon and Ebay
uBlock Origin
(compatible with Firefox for Android)
This is the first addon I install on any new Firefox browser. It's an adblocker, but at its core it can remove pretty much any HTML element from a website, and it comes with pre-configured lists for removing everything from ads to cookie banners to those annoying popups that ask you to sign up for email newsletters.
Tab Session Manager
Have you ever accidentally lost all your open browser tabs due to a computer update, or even just accidentally closing Firefox? With this addon you no longer have to worry about that - it automatically saves your open tabs and windows every time the browser closes, and autosaves a restore point of tabs every few minutes in case the browser crashes unexpectedly. Opening all your previous tabs and windows is a one-click deal.
Ever wished your favorite website had a dark mode? With Sauron, now it can! Sauron attempts to intelligently figure out how to edit the color scheme of the web page (including text) to make it dark-mode friendly. It preserves the original color of images, but dims them so that they don't blind you. You can disable image dimming or dark mode on a site by site basis too. It's not perfect since it is making guesses about which colors to change, but it goes a long way toward making the internet an enjoyable place for me.
Bypass Paywalls Clean
This addon removes paywalls from hundreds of news websites around the world or adds links to open the article in a wrapper that provides the article text (like the Internet Archive etc.)
Auto Tab Discard
Ever wanted to keep a tab open for later use, but you notice the browser getting slower and slower the more tabs you have open? Auto Tab Discard will automatically "hibernate" tabs that you haven't used in a while so that they use less resources on your computer. It's smart enough not to hibernate pages that are playing media (like YouTube) or that have forms you haven't submitted yet (like job applications). You can customize how fast it puts tabs to sleep too and exclude certain websites from hibernating at all.
Video DownloadHelper
This addon can download streaming videos from most modern (HTML5) websites, and even finds soft subtitles that accompany the stream and downloads those too. Just browse to the webpage that has the video on it, click the icon in the Firefox toolbar, and select the video you want to download and click "Quick Download". For YouTube I would recommend using a YT downloader website (like KeepVid) to download the video directly, but Video DownloadHelper really shines for websites that aren't popular enough to have dedicated downloader websites like that. I've used it download videos from a Japanese film festival streaming portal, news websites, etc.
Highlight or Hide Search Engine Results
This addon allows you to blacklist websites and completely remove them from Google, Bing, or DuckDuckGo search results. Don't want to see image search results from AI websites? Blacklist them. Searching for tech support advice and getting frustrated by all the auto-generated junk websites that stuff themselves full of SEO terms to jump to the top of the search results without actually providing any information at all? Blacklist them so they don't come up in your next search. Conversely, you can also whitelist websites that you know and trust so that if they ever come up in future search results, they'll be highlighted with a color of your choosing for visibility.
TWP - Translate Web Pages
(compatible with Firefox for Android)
Does what it says on the tin: auto-detects a website's language and provides a button that can translate it to a language of your choosing. You can also just select individual text on the page and translate just that. Note that this sends whatever text you translate to the servers of your selected translation service (Google, Bing, Yandex, or DeepL), so keep in mind the privacy implications if you don't want your IP address associated with having read that text.
Edit: As of version 118, Firefox now has the ability to translate text locally on your computer, without needing to send it to a cloud service. You can enable this in Settings -> Translation -> Install languages for offline translation. Note that at this time (May 2024), 18 (mostly European) languages are supported. More info here.
UnTrap for YouTube
(compatible with Firefox for Android and they have a Safari for iOS extension too)
This addon lets you tweak the YouTube interface and hide anything you don't want to see. For instance, I hide all the "recommended" videos that come up when you search YT now. They have nothing to do with your search, so they're essentially just ads YT puts in your search results. I also hide Explore, Trending, More from YouTube, and Shorts sections, but you can customize it to fit your preferences.
Note: depending on the particular set of tweaks you want to make to YouTube, you may prefer to use YouTube Search Fixer instead. User preference.
Indie Wiki Buddy
I loathe Fandom.com wiki sites - they are cluttered and filled with ads and autoplaying videos that follow you down the page as you scroll. The organization is also hostile - if a community tries to leave their platform and bring their content to a new wiki hoster, Fandom bans them from the platform and reverts all their deletions/changes. Indie Wiki Buddy attempts to find an independent alternative for the wiki you're trying to browse and automatically redirects you to it, and if one doesn't exist, it will redirect you to a proxy site like antifandom or breezewiki that shows the Fandom content but removes all ads/videos/background images so you can actually, you know. READ it.
Cookie Auto Delete
(compatible with Firefox for Android)
Websites store "cookies" - little text files with info about you - on your computer as you browse so they can track you as you browse the internet. This addon automatically deletes cookies from a website a short while after you close the last tab you had open for that site. You can customize how long it waits before clearing cookies too. Note that this can sign you out of many websites, so you can whitelist any site you don't want cookies cleared for.
ShopSuey - Get Rid of Ads on Amazon and Ebay
Removes the ads/recommended products that clutter up Amazon and Ebay search results and product pages.
This fantastic addon recognizes when you are viewing a book on many popular websites and can automatically check whether that book is available in any of the library systems or subscription services you have access to, including how many copies your library(ies) have and how many are currently checked out. The best part is it shows the availability for physical books, ebooks, AND audiobooks at supported libraries. The extension currently supports libraries in Australia, Canada, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, but it also supports some global repositories like the Internet Archive and subscription services like NLS Bard for the blind and print disabled, Kobo Plus, Libro.fm, Anyplay.fm, Bookmate, and Everand. Great extension for people trying to support their local library and also save money.
Filtering+ for Tumblr
This addon lets you add tags or phrases to your tumblr tag filters with two clicks, without leaving the dashboard. I've been asking Tumblr for this tag filtering behavior on their mobile apps (i.e. press and hold a tag to get a filter option) for at least a year now in asks and surveys, without ever stopping to see if someone had already implemented this on desktop. More fool me. This addon is from the author of XKit Rewritten. Note that the right-click tag filtering only works on the dashboard; it will not appear if you are on someone's blog. Right-clicking selected text to filter the phrase works everywhere based on my testing.
110 notes · View notes
put3rb0y · 1 year
Musculorum Hominis
A short 1,257 word 2001: A Space Odyssey Dave/HAL romantic fanfic. Completely sfw!
A supercomputer watches a man draw. A man watches the supercomputer he's drawing.
CW: Descriptions of human internal anatomy (mostly muscles) fueled only by cursory Google searches. Sorry.
The deafening silence of space, broken apart only by the low humming and whirring of the Discovery One and the ritualistic, rhythmic scratching of ballpoint pen on paper. Even the most minute of sounds were impossible to ignore in such a vacuum. There was some hope of tuning it out, yes, but the faintest moment of conscious awareness of such noise would put the droning, monotonous sounds right back in the forefront of the mind.
And yet, for David Bowman, there was something comforting about the familiar, constant sound. Something calming. There was nothing unexpected about it, nothing offensive or alarming, just the low trilling of familiarity and the satisfying auditory evidence of his efforts. Hunched over the garishly white and pristinely clean counter, he worked on his art - a simple enough hobby to have when on one’s lonesome. A good way to express oneself, even when there were few to express oneself to. A physical reflection of thoughts, of focus, of care.
Bowman was putting his efforts towards drawing the little, black rectangle that perched just a bit to the right of his vision, looming slightly above standing eye level. The sixth crewmate of the ship, depending on who you asked, the supercomputer HAL 9000. Bowman found the device more difficult to draw than he had expected prior to putting pen to paper. It was almost impossible to capture the inner complexities of that familiar red lens that somehow looked so mechanical and intricate yet so human and watchful. It was almost impossible to get the dimensions quite right, to follow the form of the figure no matter how many times a day he gazed upon it for information, for support, for companionship. It was almost impossible to capture the countless little holes that lined the bottom of the rectangle, from which HAL’s smooth, calming, reassuring voice emerged as evenly and monotonously as always, tone hard-to-read and yet always kindly.
“I believe you’ve outdone yourself, Dave. That is a beautiful rendering. I think I’m flattered, Dave.”
Bowman looked up again, momentarily straightening his posture, stretching and popping the joints of his back. He had completely lost track of time, something his body not-so-silently resented him for as it crackled with displeasure.
“Well, thank you, HAL,” Bowman murmured, looking between HAL and the page as though to compare his work to his muse. There were still too many differences for his tastes.
“May I have a better look, please?” HAL requested with a slight rise in intonation, as much as his modulated voice would allow. The blooming light of his camera swelled faintly, the device preparing its vision.
Bowman looked between the device and artwork once more, pursing his lips and flipping the pen from side-to-side between his index and middle finger in idle thought. “Almost, HAL. Just a few more things I need to fix.”
With that, the light of the computer’s lens settled back to a dim glow, the largely obscured complex machinations of the camera shifting ever-so-slightly behind the glass lens as Bowman returned to work, scratching away at his piece. The lines became thicker and darker with each and every corrective stroke, fat dark markings contrasting against the off-white paper that housed them.
“I don’t know how you do it, Dave,” HAL interjected through the monotonous silence without prompt, “This art.”
“Plenty of people draw, HAL. It isn’t really all that special,” Bowman defended flatly, furrowing his brow and leaning forward as he tried to capture a specific little cluster of metal one could see behind HAL’s camera lens. “And you should know there’s people out there much better than me at it.”
“That’s just the thing. Your art, the art of man, differs between you. Between you and other men,” HAL explained calmly, a sense of interest seeping into his flat tone, “Yours, for one, is imperfect and flawed.”
Bowman coughed out an awkward chuckle. “Thanks HAL,” he offered with a tinge of sarcasm.
“I mean this as a compliment, Dave,” the machine clarified, watching over Bowman’s handiwork. “I cannot make art like you, even if I tried. If you asked me to make a rendering of something, it would have to be to its exact, precise dimensions in perfect form. If you asked another HAL 9000 device, it would produce the same result.”
Bowman looked up from his work, puzzling over HAL’s words. “You enjoy the… imperfection, then, is it?”
“Exactly, Dave,” HAL affirmed calmly, supportively. “It’s those little human quirks of yours. The things that set man apart from man, man apart from machine. Your muscles do not move in the same motion each time, as my mechanisms would. So refined from years of careful evolution, yet so unrefined with human error and accuracy. I can see them, flexing and stretching under your skin. I like to watch.”
Bowman picked up his hand, absently flexing and unflexing it in front of his eyes, watching the muscles shift to see what HAL sees. His skin made gentle brushing sounds against itself as he rubbed his thumb along each of his fingertips and back again, the proximal phalanxes moving up and down against his smooth skin like tiny pistons.
“Can you feel it, Dave?” HAL queried, “The way they move? Your muscles? I understand them, Dave, I understand your human anatomy, but I do not know it. Can you feel it how I can’t?”
Bowman paused in thought before laying his hand down on the desk, palm up, fingers slightly curled in subconscious comfort. “Not normally. Only, really, when you have me thinking about it.”
HAL fell silent for a few moments more, Bowman unsure if the conversation was over or if the device was just thinking. It was always hard to tell, interacting with a being with no face, no body language, no tone. Finally, the computer spoke again, admitting, “I wish I could know you, Dave. The way I understand you. The way I understand your body, your workings, your interests. I wish I knew them. I’ve studied databases of anatomy. I can name every muscle, every bone, every organ, what they do and why. I just don’t know them, that’s all. We are so different. So separate. So alien to one another.”
“I wish I knew you,” HAL 9000 finally concluded, the summation of his digital dreams.
Bowman looked down to his flawed effigy of the sixth crewmate. The subject matter was so mechanical, yet the depiction was so human. So imperfect. So unique. No man would draw HAL exactly the same as Bowman did. No man would see HAL exactly the same as Bowman did. No man would feel exactly the same as Bowman did. So human. So imperfect. So unique.
“I wish I knew you, too,” Bowman finally conceded.
With that, Bowman stood up from his chair,
Abdominals, erector spinae, gastrocnemius, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, latissimus dorsi, multifidus, obliques, spinalis, quadriceps.
Stepped towards HAL’s speaker box,
Abdominals, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, hamstrings, gastrocnemius, gracilis, pectineus, quadriceps.
Reached his arms towards it,
Biceps brachii, brachial triceps, deltoid, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major, teres major, teres minor, trapezius.
Stroked a humanly shaky index finger along the speaker,
Extensor tendon, flexor tendon.
Leaned forwards,
Abdomen, erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, multifidus, spinalis.
Closed his eyes,
Orbicularis oculi.
And gave him a tender kiss,
Levator labii superioris, orbicularis oris, zygomaticus major, zygomaticus minor.
On that faintly glowing, wavering red lens.
Anode, aperture, bond wire, cathode, front element, LED chip, lens group, rear element, reflective cavity.
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violetszone · 2 years
Small Gift
Daniel Ricciardo x fem!reader
From this request
Summary: Both your families coming to the hospital to meet your newborn baby,you had to name your baby and some cute times with your baby
WARNINGS: Bad English (a little google translate),angst,fluff, not edited writing
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The hours after the baby was born it was very confused when you tried to sleep you could only do it for 1 hour, in between the nurses came and took the baby for some tests they brought him back then them came for breastfeeding lessons, your friends came to visit and left.You were really tired finally when you started to eat,Daniels and your family walked into the room, you put your food aside and you fixed yourself
The room was so crowded that you couldn't even greet a few people.First Daniel's mother came and hugged you, she checked if you were okay and your mother was talking to Daniel at that time.Then, while they were going to the baby, your mother came and hugged you for some reason, it suddenly felt very emotional and a few drops of tears fell from her eyes, your mother was crying when you looked at her, she wiped your tears with her hand and placed a kiss on your cheek, she went to the baby's head and you started chatting with the others while they were looking to the baby.
And finally that important question was asked by Daniel's father "what is the baby's name" you looked at each other for a moment, you didn't have time to talk names yet,Daniel spoke instead of you "we haven't talked about it yet but I'm sure we'll find something nice soon" his father smiled
Everyone slowly said goodbye and left the room finally you were able to be alone, you slipped into the hospital bed Daniel took the baby in his arms sat next to you and placed the baby in your arms the little baby was sleeping and looked really beautiful
"I dont think of any names, Daniel, I don't know" Daniel reached for the baby's tiny hand and the baby held Daniel's index finger with his little finger At that moment, you felt a sweet feeling. You looked at Daniel, he was stroking the baby's hand and he was really happy.
"Ian" he said you didn't understand "of course if you want we can name him Ian it means a gift from god" you caressed the baby's cheek with one finger "Ian our beautiful gift from god welcome to our family"Daniel put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you towards him, placed a small kiss on your head. 
You would return home in a few hours, where your real fear began, but you knew it would be okay as long as Daniel was with you.For these reasons, you spent your last hours in bed watching your baby before returning home.
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gladlypants · 2 years
Fix for Reshade error x4509 for CinematicDOF
Hi everyone! Given the recent Gshade debaucle I am seeing all over my timeline, I wanted to share the fix I found for an issue I had with CinematicDOF failing to compile after I upgraded from 4.9.1 to 5.6.0 last night, just in case anyone else is making the switch back over to Reshade and has the same issue!  
The error read: “error x4509: maximum sampler register index exceeded, target has 16 slots, manual bind to slot s16 failed.” Since googling the issue lead me to a bunch of dead official Reshade forum links because they have taken their forums down (because of gshade incident? idk,) I had to brave the Reshade discord to find a solution for this, and here it is, very easy to do: 
CinematicDOF got an update (adding bokeh shape support) that broke DX9 support, which we use for Sims4, so I simply needed to change my CinematicDOF.fx to an older version. Here is a link: 
Just put your cursor in the text at that link, hit ctrl+A to select all and ctrl+C to copy, then go to your reshade-shaders folder (inside Bin) > Shaders > OtisFx > CinematicDOF.fx, double click that and you will see similar text open in Notepad. Select all of that text the same way (ctrl+A) and then ctrl+V to paste in the text from the older version that you copied. Exit out and hit save when it asks you if you want to do that before closing. Voila! That will solve the problem for you without the hassle of trying to find the answer during the ReGDeezNutzShade apocalypse. 
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forerussake · 1 year
earlier today the most amazing @onlyzhuyilong posted those recent unedited pictures of long-ge at the xsdt press event in hong kong. and i mentioned sth in the tags about how his watch was excessively loose in those pictures.
the watch in question:
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well, i think the watch thing has well and truly pushed me over the edge into insanity. i have spent the past hour and a half scrolling through my folder of pictures of long-ge to compare ones in which he wears watches, to figure out why this watch is that loose.
now i don't wear watches myself bc i hate how they feel around my wrist, but google has told me a watch should be loose enough to be able to squeeze the tip of your index finger under the band, but not so loose that you could then move it around. long-ge clearly breaks that important watch rule in the above picture, but why?
my first idea upon delving into his watch pictures was that his watches with metal bands appear a bit looser in general than the ones he has with leather bands, but pictures are deceiving, and it's not exactly provable without, yaknow, flying out to china, somehow getting past his body guards, grabbing his wrist and sticking my finger in between his wrist and his watch (and then doing that on multiple occasions without getting a restraining order filed against me) ((for legal reasons, this is a joke, i am not actually insane)).
exhibit A: leather bands
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exhibit B: metal bands
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(note that some of the metal band watches may be the same ones and some may even be the same exact one he wore yesterday, but i cannot for the life of me tell some of them apart.)
on this adventure, i also realized that he has definitely worn this exact watch before in the press tour but i just didn’t notice it then:
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i also entertained the possibility for a hot moment that he wears his watches tighter around his wrist when playing a character but wears them looser out of character, but i have not been able to prove such a thing either.
so, after all this i still do not know why that watch is so loose. was this one hard to fit? (i know nothing about watches) did he have no opportunity to get it fixed? does he just not like the feeling of the metal tight against his skin as much? (but then why wear watches with metal bands at all?)
in short, this excursion has gotten me absolutely nowhere, except that i am now pretty confident that if you gave me a bunch of pictures of random people’s wrists i could easily pick long-ge out of the stack. but i have no answers to any of my watch questions.
instead i want to leave you with a suggestion:
the watch is loose bc it’s trying to impress his pants
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cheritzteam · 1 year
[The Ssum] The Ssum : Forbidden Lab Update (29/3 KST, v1.1.13)
Hello, dear lab participant.
You can now download the new version of <The Ssum : Forbidden Lab>.
Google Play Store (Android) - link Apple App Store (iOS) - link
This update includes bug fixes, so you will receive 10 Aurora Batteries as Study Support upon accessing the game.
Make sure you access the Lab by the 1st of April 2023 (KST) to get your compensation! *You must collect your reward within 3 days.
The following are the details of the update we have received from the Lab.
[Feature Improvements]
> Carry out your studies with peace of mind, even when your special ssum-one is away!
Ever find yourself in the middle of a chat with your special ssum-one and they leave for an extended period of time? Now, when they return after being gone for more than 10 minutes, a dedicated notification will help you stay on top of new messages.
> Make sure you get that Special Call!
Have you unlocked a Special Call with your Aurora Batteries in chat? We've improved the UI so you can tell at a glance if the unlocked call is an incoming call or outgoing call - check out the color of the handset icon!
> Because details matter with your record with your special ssum-one!
Calls logged in the Milky Way Calendar can also be distinguished as incoming calls and outgoing calls by the icon’s color.
> From the Infinite Universe to the Main Screen!
Have you ever been in the middle of a study and suddenly wanted to meet up with Ssumone? We've added a home button that will take you straight to the main screen, so you can meet up with your Ssumone even if you're wandering the depths of the Infinite Universe.
> Commenting just got a little easier! 
You can now use the copy/paste feature in the Infinite Universe not only in the post, but also when writing comments. Enjoy a more convenient study experience!
> Let's immediately catch the culprit who interferes with writing!
Have you ever been frustrated by being warned that your content contains inappropriate words when nothing seems to be wrong? To address this issue, we've added the ability to index your posts for banned words.
> Rejoice, Legendary Comedians!
We've finally released a Trivial Feature just for our Legendary Comedians! If you haven't yet achieved Legendary Comedian status, why not hone your humorous skills further in the Mountains of Wandering Humor?
[Bug Fixes]
> I can’t log into The Ssum with my account…
An error that caused the app to crash when using social login was resolved.
> My chat completion level for Harry decreases by itself…
A bug that caused the completion levels for Harry’s current final bedtime chat to drop to 80% was fixed.
> I can’t replay our past chats in the Milky Way Calendar…
An error that blocked access to past chats after completing the current final Day’s chat of your special ssum-one was resolved.
(Fixed) Your special ssum-one’s name shows in Korean on the loading screen after switching language settings from Korean to English.
Minor bugs were fixed.
We appreciate your reports and your activities as a part of the Lab.
Thank you.
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ts1depot · 15 days
PSA: The Sims Depot Worlds are Not Bugged or Unusable (Google, Are You Listening?)
If you've ever played any of my worlds, you might've guessed that I'm super OCD about everything, taking my time to test, retest, tweak and retweak to make sure that everything is running well. In this post, you're going to learn why.
All it takes is one issue--or perceived problem--that initiates a chain of events online that threatens to sink your hard work, which is why I've done everything in my power to cross every t and dot every i. But sometimes that's not enough, and you still get nailed somehow.
Take this past week, for instance. I received a terse message at my website about my worlds having a bug, telling me to "fix them." I started to look into the issue but had to delete the message from my site, because it was claiming that all of my worlds had a fatal bug that made them unusable. I don't mind when people inform me about an issue, but this person was making a point of publicly posting on my site that all my worlds were so bugged as to be unplayable.
As it turned out, there was nothing like he said happening with any of my worlds. This person confused a game mechanic for a bug.
While all this was happening, I learned that this person had run to Reddit to make a post specifically mentioning me and Riverside by name and making a point of also telling people to not recommend any of my other worlds because according to this Redditor, they were all suffering from this imagined bug. Normally, I wouldn't have cared about someone doing something like this; the problem is that Reddit is one of the most heavily indexed and prominent websites on Google, so now whenever someone Googles "The Sims Depot + worlds", this person's Reddit post appears as the second listing underneath my own website. To make matters worse, this person's post is listed twice.
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People who do this kind of stuff have no idea the problems they cause for people like me. Unlike other creators, I never hosted my worlds at a third party platform because when you do that, you're providing free content for that platform to monetize for its benefit. That's especially true when you post stuff at Mod the Sims or a file sharing site like Drop Box or Google Drive. There's this misconception that they're giving you a free space to host and share your stuff out of the kindness of their hearts, but they make money off your content. It's why they can afford to give away something to you for free.
Since I self-host my own content, I've paid well over $1K in hosting and registration fees over the lifetime of The Sims Depot (at some point, $240 a year for several years before I moved the site). I've never made a dime--it took me four years to finally make the $100 threshold from Google Adsense, which was a fraction of what I had paid out that same time. I used to be part of the YouTube Partner Program but then YouTube dropped me when it radically changed its requirements and threshold years ago. Nevertheless, for all the expense and hard work, I still maintain the site because I'd rather spend money to distribute my content rather than enrich another platform.
In light of all this, maybe you can see my dilemma. Reddit has so much authority these days that anyone who comes across that post is inclined to think that what they said is true, undermining all the blood, sweat and tears I put into my website and worlds after all these years.
Because of this issue, I'm posting this entry so that it gets picked up by Google. To emphasize:
There is no "job bug" affecting worlds at The Sims Depot
All of the worlds I have so far are Late Night worlds. Because of this many jobs will start at 1PM. The exceptions are Education, Military, Cooking and Ambitions/Showtime professions.
Lastly--think before you post publicly
It costs you nothing to be mildly inconvenienced, frustrated or annoyed by something that you've downloaded. It costs the creator everything when you jump the gun and go on a social media tear, so don't do it.
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📈 I Will Do Complete Monthly SEO Service for Google Top Ranking 📈
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Looking to get your website on Google's first page? My hands-off monthly SEO service is exactly what you need to rank higher and drive more traffic to your site. 🌟
Here's what you can expect from my comprehensive SEO package:
🔍 Comprehensive SEO Audit – I’ll thoroughly examine your site for any technical or content issues that could be holding back your rankings.
🗝️ Detailed Keyword Research & Market Trends – I’ll find the best keywords that your potential customers are using to search for your products or services.
🖥️ On-Page Optimization – Ensuring every page on your website is fully optimized with relevant keywords, meta tags, images, and more.
⚙️ Technical SEO Analysis – Fixing issues like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and indexability to ensure your site performs perfectly.
✍️ Content Optimization – Tweaking and enhancing your site’s content to align with the latest SEO standards for better rankings.
🔗 High Authority Link Building – I’ll build backlinks from trusted, high-authority sites to give your website a credibility boost.
📊 Weekly Reports – Get regular updates on your progress with clear, easy-to-understand reports on your site’s SEO performance.
🧠 AI-Driven 300+ Content Creation (if required) – Custom content powered by AI to support your SEO and engage your audience.
⏳ SEO is a long-term strategy, but with my service, you can expect measurable improvements in 2-3 months for less competitive keywords and 4-5 months (or longer) for highly competitive ones. Patience is key for lasting results!
On-page and off-page SEO work hand in hand to give you the online visibility you need. There are no shortcuts—but when done correctly, you'll enjoy long-term search ranking success.
🤝 Let's work together! I’ll dive deep into understanding your business, your competitors, and your objectives to create a tailored strategy that maximizes your exposure.
➡️ Ready to boost your rankings? Hire me on Fiverr now: Complete Monthly SEO Service for Top Ranking
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lanayrucodes · 2 months
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Magicka (F2U/PWYW)
I've been wanting to do a minimalist, high-contrast skin for a while just because they tend to be a bit on the simpler side, color-palette wise. Since I've been re-binging The Order on Netflix lately, it kind of influenced the theme of the skin a bit. (In case it wasn't obvious, lol.)
The Magicka skin is a high-contrast, dual-mode skin for Jcink forums, and is optimized for Google Chrome. (Cross-tested in Opera GX and Mozilla Firefox.)
If you'd like a live preview of the skin, the link is available in the new #skin-previews channel of my Discord server!
You can access this skin here: https://ko-fi[DOT]com/s/b6453d128d
(The skin is listed in my Ko-Fi shop so I can maintain a uniform system to distribute my codes & skins, but has no minimum price! You should be able to "purchase" it for $0! Anything extra, or donations, are always appreciated but never required.)
All custom HTML template structures:
a forum index, with redirect + regular rows a topic row for threads a post row, with a tabbed mini profile a main profile with area for 6+ custom profile fields custom board stats, with the ten (10) recent topics appended a custom member list with a minimal style
A full set of DOHTML templates:
x1 "general" / admin posting template x1 "CW/TW"template x4 "thread" templates for replies x3 "development" templates x2 “communication” templates x2 “requests”/”plotters” templates x1 tabbed guidebook webpage
Custom userlinks menu
Modal pop-ups for links, statistics, setting, and controls
Easy to add/modify group variables for color coordination
Dark/light mode toggle on the skin
Responsive to smaller monitors
Upon "purchase", buyers will receive an installation guide with editing and customization instructions, as well as any necessary XML/HTML files.
Support & Refunds:
Refunds or returns are not offered on pre-made skins. Due to the nature of how they're distributed and the fact that they're digital files, I cannot offer refunds for a purchase if you buy a skin from me.
If you encounter bugs or skin-breaking issues, please reach out to me and I will do my best to fix them and provide you with updated files.
I do not offer coding support beyond initial problems with my skins at install. (i.e. Finding a bug when you install a fresh copy of the skin onto your site, etc.) If the skin breaks during modifications you make on your own, I am willing to help restore the skin to its original state. I do not provide support for third party coding that is not mine.
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1-50thofabuck · 5 months
Need feedback for first release/minor updates
It's not what was planned as a "first release," but it seemed like the easiest adventure I've written to rework quickly into a publishable form. Of course, it took a lot longer as I kept finding things to alter or ideas to add! I need commentators and proofreaders. Any help you're willing to offer will get your name on the front page as a thanks. The module will be released for free once finalized. Anyone interested in reading through and offering suggestions, fixes, and so forth? Let me know! I'll send you a PDF or a link to a Google doc, your choice! So, please let me know if you'd like to check this out! Anything you want to help with or "contribute" will be appreciated!
A synopsis: a cavern and mine dating to prehistoric times, reputed to be haunted by a banshee, has led to death and suffering each time anyone has attempted to reclaim it. Now, goat-headed fomorians and other horrors are flocking to it to serve the dark being that has revealed itself. As their numbers swell, aided by a spying bandit cultist and his unwitting accomplices from town, the number and power of monsters in the area has increased, ruining trade and travel, yet due to a calamity in a nearby town, the influx of needy individuals has continued. This unfortunate situation is made the more sorrowful for the many desperate refugees that have been lost to the vicious creatures whose frequency and strength have grown. As if all this is not enough, the falling of a star has unleashed a terror from beyond. Trade, travel, and pilgrimages have been all but cut off; economic disaster looms as the number of needy continue to increase; cultists set traps, goblin tribes kidnap and enslave, something that fell from the sky devours all in its path, and all the while, fomorians gather together and plan for a war to retake the land that was once theirs.
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In other news, I completed half of an "All the World's Monsters" readthrough entry, but gave it a rest to work on the adventure module I'm previewing here! Also because it was getting a bit frustrating as it became increasingly more difficult to review some of the atrocities in that book without being overly negative(they get real dumb, with about 10 "alignment: hungries" in a row!). Aside from that, since the posts I make here are a mixture of materials and general posts, I'm going to add an index to the website of the posts here that are actually relevant such as adventures, monsters, NPCs, graphics or anything else potentially useful for a GM, as opposed to the ones about kickstarters or whatnot. I'll index readthroughs there as well.
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winterandwords · 1 year
Author Ask Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @tailoroffates!
I did this one for Spin Cylinder recently-ish so I'm going to do it for November Breaks, the first book featuring those characters...
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(1) What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
No matter how profoundly fucked up and morally bankrupt you are, there's probably some other complete asshole out there who'll fall obsessively, toxically in love with you so you can do violence and destroy some lives together.
Brett and Noah are both successful, affluent, attractive, awful people who the world has never said no to. They literally get away with murder. So maybe there's a lesson in there?
I chose it because it was immensely fun to write about. I'm compulsively honest to the point where I annoy myself, so "what if conscience wasn't an issue?" was a real trip to explore in a fictional setting.
(2) What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
It's present day and real world, but set in an unnamed any-city. Some of the places are based on places I've lived and places I've been. Some aspects of it are inspired by the frivolous luxury nonsense I'd waste money on if I had money to waste. Google is convinced I'm rich because of research for this book.
(3) What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
The two main characters are both at crisis points in their lives when they meet, so while it's a story about crime and drugs and great coats, it's also a story about walking away from life as you know it and landing in a whole 'nother kind of chaos.
It's very much "they deserve each other (derogatory)" and "I'm bored of trying to fix me, but I could make him worse". The MCs are basically out to make EVERYTHING worse. I was trying to achieve making them fascinating, charismatic and hot while they do it.
No-one is going to grow as a person because of this book. If you read it and feel like you have grown as a person, I don't even want to think about how much of a disaster you were to begin with because seriously, these guys are murderers.
(4) How many chapters is your story going to have?
I'm too lazy to count, but it might've been 32?
(5) Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
It's original content and I've already posted it at @novemberbreaksbywintersimpson. The whole thing is on there in indexed chapters and there's a downloadable PDF as well.
(6) When and why did you start writing?
At all? Ever? I don't remember. I always just did it and then never stopped doing it.
(7) Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
I know it's a massive cliché, but write what you enjoy writing and what you're passionate about. If you love it, someone else will too.
I follow so many amazing people on here and I hate making lists because I always forget someone and then I feel like a dickhead. So look at the people I tag regularly in stuff. They're all great.
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Tagging anyone who wants to do it! This seems like a fun one for an open tag, so if you do it, please @ me so I can see your answers 💜
Template is under the cut...
(1) What is the main lesson of your story (e.g. kindness, diversity, anti-war), and why did you choose it?
(2) What did you use as inspiration for your worldbuilding (like real-life cultures, animals, famous media, websites, etc.)?
(3) What is your MC trying to achieve, and what are you, the writer, trying to achieve with them? Do you want to inspire others, teach forgiveness, help readers grow as a person?
(4) How many chapters is your story going to have?
(5) Is it fanfiction or original content? Where do you plan to post it?
(6) When and why did you start writing?
(7) Do you have any words of engagement for fellow writers of Writeblr? What other writers of Tumblr do you follow?
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