#I wonder if my telepathy worked
sagittariangirl27 · 4 months
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This reminds me of one of my first tumblrs. I started with erotic art, and ended up finding myself. I will be back here soon.
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pizzapizzadickz · 1 year
I feel a lil bit better today after getting some rest in. I always feel better when I can spend a day at home. I think tomorrow I'll wear my noise cancelling headphones or something so I can chill even more.
...funny how my way to chill is just trying to eliminate all external stimuli
(Pt 1 for description rant)
#diary#personal#i rly wanna book a therapy appointment but im having a rly hard time trying to get myself to do that bc i need to check i can vid call#cuz my computer monitor is broke and havent fixed it yetttt ugh.#i rly feel like researching autism again. idk. i saw a video about communication badges being used at furry conventions#and by god that sounds so fun ;-; like. i really struggle with interaction with others and talking is sometimes really hard.#mainly bc if theres a lot of noise i usually wanna block it out and if i gotta take my earbuds out to comunicate all the time its not fun#idk. i just wish i could go around writting shit out for ppl to read and thats that. no need to speak to clerks or crap.#bc imma be honest. i have a hard time hearing too. like in crowded places. its so overwhelming all the time.#its both a good and a bad thing that im giving myself the permission to be overwhelmed in situations#but its also making it much more difficult to actually be in those situations.#idk. i used to force myself through it. tell myself i like it or whatever. but by god everything just hurts nowadays#like. i dont like leaving my house mostly bc of the sensory overload.#i wonder how things'll change in the future. just how much more accepting will i and society be. i dont know.#but i hope i learn to cope more. bc life is really hard and imma be honest im struggling at best.#idk. i find it so hard to work lately. i love my thoughts. they are so fluid. and just. language doesnt keep up.#everything i say or write isnt quite right. and it bothers me. i sorta wished telepathy existed just soley so i could comunicate#idk maybe someday ill learn sign language. and maybe that could help. but it wouldnt help when im shut down. or having a meltdown#yknow. i find face to face human to human contacr really scary. i worry theyll want to do something and i wont#i worry i wont be able to get across my reasoning as to why. i worry that theyll see just how odd my behaviour can be.#and above all i just sorta worry they wont work with me to meet me halfway. like. im stuck with my family i dont want that with friends too#i hope if i visit them itll be okay. that like. i wont cause a problem or accidentally offend them or something?#idk. i wanna make friends n hang out. but as ive gotten older ive discovered just how much i hate that.#like i saw a rly cool tik tok about how they set up their home for all their autistic friends when they come over.#like. its established you can just stop talking and remove urself if you wanna. and theres stim toys n plushies n shit. and low lighting#and just. that sounds like heaven. i struggle so much in social situations. bc i eventually get tired.#and it makes me feel sorta burnt out/depressed. so itd be nice if i could just remove myself from a stituation whenever.#or just lay my head down on someones lap and silently observe.#i wish i knew what to do when i get overwhelmed in public. bc it happens a lot. and i freeze. and idk what to do.#and ill cry and get overwhelmed and shutdown or meltdown. and i start to aimlessly wander and its sorta dangerous tbh?
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muddyorbsblr · 1 month
See my full list of works here!
Requested by: Anonymous | view request here
Summary: Loki's interrogation tactics left you curious about his powers, and he's more than happy to give you a little demonstration while you worked on your reports.
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warning/s: 18+ | slightly smutty (think limes not lemons…but still, minors & pearl clutchers leave right now); thigh riding; hand necklaces; naughty use of Loki's powers; semi-public [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established relationship
Dick-tionary: nothing explicit but proceed with caution starting from "Quiet, darling"
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"Darling? Are you alright?"
The sound of Loki's voice broke through the hazy thoughts you'd found yourself lost in for the last few minutes, making you realize that your fingers hovered over the keyboard for so long that your computer screen went on Standby. And the text fields of your interrogation report remained blank.
"Sorry what?" you mumbled, realizing too late that the reason you lost yourself in your thoughts in the first place was from recalling the events of the interrogation from earlier. Specifically the way your lover's voice and overall aura darkened as he threatened a variant of reminding them specifically what kind of person he was on the once Sacred Timeline.
Of showing them a sampling of the terrible awful things that he could do, especially now given that the magic barrier had been switched off. You had only the slightest whispers of an idea, given what you'd read from his file and the files of multiple variants of him.
Shadow casting. Duplication casting. An entire pocket dimension filled with who knows what. And then there was the telepathy. The telekinesis. The illusion projection. The mind control.
Which powers did your Loki have, you wondered. And which ones would he utilize in the name of those terrible, awful things?
And why did the prospect of him using those powers on you stir something in you that currently had you struggling not to squirm in your seat from the arousal?
"You look as if you keep drifting off, darling. Are you feeling alright?" Loki reached out to cup the side of your face in his large hand, the contact hitting him with a barrage of the thoughts that had been swimming through your mind since the interrogation. "Oh…" he rasped, moving his hand to weave his fingers through your hair. "I see now what has stolen your ability to focus on this…simple tedious task."
"Hmmm?" you replied absently, soft whimpers escaping you once the god leaned in and started pressing kisses from your temple down to your neck. This wasn't helping your wandering thoughts in the slightest. And then he wrapped his arm around you, lifting you up from your seat and maneuvering you to straddle his thigh. "Loki," you whined, a sharp gasp escaping you when he nipped at the spot between your neck and shoulder.
"Quiet, darling," he told you in a low teasing tone. "You wish to know which powers I possess? I'm more than happy to give you a little demonstration." He brought a hand up to your neck, squeezing ever so slightly at the sides. "I've cast an illusion wherein our colleagues are none the wiser to our…current predicament. All they see is us, sitting side by side, your lover patiently waiting for you to finish your report."
He flexed the muscles of his thigh, the motion causing a delicious friction between your legs. You let out the start of a moan before his fingers tightened around your neck for a fraction of a second.
"Much as I would adore to hear those beautifully filthy sounds from you, my love, I'm going to have to implore you stay silent. See, if you make any noise that could draw people's attention to us, the illusion breaks. And we'll be disciplined." With a wave of his hand, your jacket disappeared and reappeared neatly folded on the table in front of you. He kissed at your now exposed arm. "Can you breathe alright?"
Butterflies fluttered violently at your stomach at the question, choosing to nod instead of voicing your answer.
"Good girl." A rush of arousal pooled between your thighs at his words. You bit your lip to prevent yourself from making a sound when he nipped at your skin. Another wave of his hand and you suddenly felt cool wispy tendrils grasping at your waist and moving you to grind on your boyfriend's thigh. "I must admit, dear Y/N, I rather enjoy finding these more…pleasurable uses of my abilities. Especially with how deliciously responsive your exquisite form is under my touch." He kissed his way up to your ear. "I look forward to using them all with you. Perhaps later tonight, in our home."
The tendrils held you tighter, pressing you down harder against his thigh before proceeding to undulate your hips. The increased friction, along with how he was kissing and nipping away at your earlobe, had you letting out a strangled moan before his hold tightened on you again, your head swimming from the pressure.
"What did I say about breaking the illusion, my darling?" he growled, the gravel in his voice making you even wetter. "Do you wish to give every soul in this library a show of how desperate and wanton I can make you? Is that it?" He flexed his thigh again the same time that the wispy tendons ground your hips harder against it, a barely muted whimper coming out of you before you bit down hard on your lip and shook your head. "Then stay quiet, sweet mortal. Lest you wish for me to find something within my pocket dimension to stuff that beautiful mouth of yours with."
You did what you could to look down at what was moving you, your mouth forming in an 'O' when you saw that it was his shadows. You let out the tiniest whimper of his name, the pressure on the side of your neck lessening when he stroked at your skin with his thumb.
"I'm going to lift this illusion and then you shall finish your report so that I may bring you home and we can move on to a more…thorough demonstration," he rasped, pressing a kiss to your cheek. "With a little help from a few friends of mine." A flash of Loki's green magic from the corner of your eye caught your attention, his shadows grinding you down even harder on his thigh once you caught sight of two duplicates of him waving and smirking at you. One was wearing that ruffled tuxedo that on paper looked unremarkable on the average man.
But Loki was no average man. He was a god. Your god.
And the other duplicate was dressed exactly as such. With the gold horns and the black and green leather, his usual obsidian curls straightened and slicked back with a menacing look in his eyes as his gaze roamed your body.
The feel of his thigh flexing against your slit had you bringing back your attention to the Loki that held you in place. Your Loki. The real one.
"But first, I want you to soak my thigh."
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A/N: Anon, whoever you are, I hope you're having the absolute best day because getting this in my asks had me staring at the ceiling and immediately typing down a lil note in my writing schedule to make this 🫠 Hopefully I did your thot justice
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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acey-wacey · 2 months
Good morning!!! Congrats for hitting 2000 followers, I think you really deserve it! Also, I'm really glad that you've returned! I've been following your blog ever since last year, when I found your "Love Rivals" and "Meeting your future children", I really like how you portray the twst characters in your writings! There are times where I smiled For the 2000 milestone event, could I please request Idia with Lavender (Mind Reading)? You know how Idia usually think lowly himself, right? What if Idia has feelings for reader, yet he doesn't take action because of his low self-esteem/fear of rejection, but when Idia got in a potion accident where he can temporarily read minds, all he can hear from reader's mind are praises and thoughts of infatuation/admiration about him.
So that's the general idea of it, the rest is up to you. Also, I don't mind if you'll make a few changes here and there. That's all, thank you and have a nice day!
This is so cute! Thank you for hanging around so long!
I may have niche-video-game-referenced my way a little too close to the sun with this one. Hopefully, it makes sense to somebody.
Pairing - Idia Shroud x Reader
Prompt - Mind Reader
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"Tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna..."
It has been 40 minutes since Idia had gained his powers of telepathy and already he wanted them gone. Grim hadn't had a single thought the entire class except a dumb song he made up about tuna.
The whole thing had been Grim's fault really. The mischievous cat had run away from you and invaded the 3rd year alchemy room. And of course he ran right into Idia just as the upperclassman was adding ground eye of newt to his animal comprehension potion, causing the vial to smash all over him.
You had apologized profusely and tried to wrangle Grim back to your classroom, but Crewel made you miss your class and clean all the dirty cauldrons as punishment, thus why Idia couldn't stop hearing Grim's
Everyone else went on with making their potion, but unfortunately for Idia and his tendency to get overstimulated, he could hear the immediate thoughts of every person in the classroom. He had been trying and failing to pay attention to the lesson due to the crazy noise. Serves him right for daring to venture outside his room.
"I think I put too much nightshade."
"When's lunch again?"
"Sevens, he's pretty."
Idia perked up in his seat. That last one was your voice. He looked over to where you were scrubbing grime off the rim of a black cauldron. Much to his surprise, he made eye contact with you. You looked away so fast, he almost thought he imagined it in the first place.
"Shoot, I hope he didn't catch me staring," you thought. Idia could see the embarrassment in your face now that he knew what he was looking for. He didn't know who was standing behind him, but whoever the guy was was maxed out in luck to get the prefect to like him.
Idia turned back to his cauldron and began to stir lethargically. He tried to block out the noise coming from everyone's thoughts but it was getting very loud. He just wanted to be back in his room playing video games!
"His little pout is so cute! Poor thing, he probably wishes he was back in his room," you thought. Idia's brows furrowed as he subtly looked around the classroom trying to find the person you were thinking about. "I wonder what he's looking for."
Idia snapped back to look at you, only to find you glancing at him again. This time, you were startled but you held his gaze and offered a hesitant wave.
Idia turned his face away as fast as he could so you wouldn't see the growing blush on his face.
"Hm, his hair is turning pink on the ends. I hope he's not mad at me for staring at him," you thought, turning back to the cauldron you were working on. "Though if he doesn't want me to look at him, maybe he should try being less nice to look at."
Idia let out an involuntary squeak. He felt his head start to swim and quickly sat down on a nearby stool. He was sure he looked absolutely crazy to the other students but he was so preoccupied by your thoughts that were apparently about him.
"Is that shallow of me to think that? I don't know. I mean, I don't like him just because he's cute. I also love listening to him talk about games he likes and his inventions are crazy awesome!"
Idia pulled himself deeper into his jacket. Your gaze had been fixed firmly on your work for fear of being caught staring again, so you didn't notice Idia's rapidly increasing fluster meter.
"I like how sweet he is to Ortho, even though he kind of hates everyone else." You sounded kind of defeated when you thought that, or at least you would if your thoughts sounded like anything. "He probably hates me too. I am just another normie. Though I don't know if he co-ops Untitled Goose Game with just anyone."
"No! I don't!" he wanted to scream, but he couldn't get a single sound out of his mouth. He thought he was the self-deprecating one, but you seemed to have convinced yourself that the boy who had a big fat, very obvious crush on you hated you. He even let you play the blue switch controller even though it was his favorite.
"I do wish he would stop being so mean to himself though," you thought, more sincere than Idia expected. "He's so amazing, but refuses to believe anything nice I or Ortho say to him. Maybe if he read my mind, he'd know I'm being sincere."
Idia froze. Did you know about the potion? Had you been messing with him the whole time?
"Well, that little brat better believe me when I tell him I love him even if I have to beat it into him with a Wii remote tennis racket attachment," you thought with a playful vengeance. "Do you hear that, Idia Shroud? I'm gonna make you believe nice things about yourself no matter how many niche video games references it takes!"
That was the moment you decided to glance at Idia, downright shocked when you found him curled up inside his hoodie on a stool with bright pink hair poking out the top.
"Idia, are you okay?" you asked. When he didn't respond, you went up to him and brought your face down to where his would be if you could see it. "Hey, are you alright?"
He jumped, almost falling off the chair.
"You actually said that?" he looked stunned which confused you.
"Yes?" you offered, unsure what he was talking about. "I did just say it."
"Uh, um, I'm, uh, fine," Idia tried to smile at you but it came off more pained than reassuring.
"I don't believe you. What's the matter? Is it too loud in here?" you asked.
"Shame he's always hiding his face. His blush is so adorable!"
"Yes!" Idia shrieked frantically, catching the attention of a few nearby students. "It's too loud. I can't think."
You nodded empathetically.
"You wanna step out for a minute?" you offered, gesturing to the door with a nod of your head. Idia nodded, desperate to get away. It really was very loud, especially with everyone's thoughts flooding his brain. Your seemingly-harmless sweet nothings were only the final nail in his coffin.
You followed Idia out of the room and shut the door behind you.
"Won't Professor Crewel get mad?"
You scoffed.
"Not a single teacher at this school gets to get mad at me after everything I've done," you leaned against the wall with a calming smile. "And if they do, they'll answer to the ghosts that live in my house."
That made Idia chuckle. You lit up seeing a smile on his face, no matter how minute.
"I love seeing you smile. If only I could be the reason more often."
"You're pretty much the only reason," Idia mumbled. Your easy smile dropped.
"What did you say?"
"What?" Idia averted his eyes, his mind filling with panic. "I didn't say anything."
"No, no, you said 'you're pretty much the only reason'," you questioned, your eyes full of confusion and shock. "That sounded like... I don't know, I was thinking something and then you said that and it sounded like..."
You squinted in confusion before scoffing at yourself and relaxing.
"That's stupid, Y/N. He can't read your mind."
"Actually, I can?" Idia squeaked, his voice getting higher with every word. Your eyes widened.
"Idia," you said solemnly, standing dead still.
"You can read my mind."
"Well, not usually, but there was a thing with a potion and it was with Grim and it messed with my head and now I can read minds and it's actually really loud but mostly I'm just nervous because of the stuff you've been thinking and I'm just really..."
You held up a hand to silence Idia's rapid rambling. He looked away sheepishly. You sighed and blinked a few times to process before laughing. Idia looked up in confusion.
"Aren't you mad?" he asked hesitantly. "I violated your privacy."
"I mean, you saved me the time of confessing to you myself," you chuckled, a giddy smile on your face.
Idia stared at you, trying to find traces of joking but you seemed to be serious.
"You aren't mad?"
"I'm in love with you is what I am."
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i-yap · 20 days
Hey, love your writing!
I was wondering what it would be like with Jason and reader who is also a hero/vigilante meta. What would their dynamic be? I love the idea of them working/fighting together maybe even retiring together.
Sorry I'm a little late in posting, Meetings and big girl jobs blah blah
Jason x vigilante!s/o
I always shipped Jason with civillian s/o so I can either see him with a healing powers or "softer" power's hero , A scientific genius or someone who really just wants to retire too but feels like they have no out.
If you are out there fighting, He is worried, almost unbearingly so. The only person in the batfam I can see with vigilante s/o is dick I'm sorry. Jason is very protective. Too protective for someone who constantly puts themselves in danger so It just wont work. They will keep interrupting your work, His stress levels will be higher and your frustration will drive you insane.
Now if you had softer powers( helping with growing plants, manipulating emotions, healing, talking to animals, telepathy ) and weren't directly in the line of fire..he acts like your guard dog. Example- if you have healing powers he wont let people misuse your kindness and keep making you use your powers to heal even small injuries even though it exhausts you. He will be brick wall between you and whoever dares to even think about exploiting you. And when you do retire, you do it to use your powers to directly benefit the civilians rather than just being a tool for the leagues.
If you are scientific genius, its like the brain and the brawn and it s adorable. Sure jason is argues he is both the brain and the brawn to which you reply "Well I'm the charming personality and the winning smile" and he really cant argue with that. He loves how smart you are and calls you his little nerd ( even though he is equally nerdy but he is more literature smart I feel) He also gets to test out your brand new inventions ( fun guns) to which he gets excited like a kid on Christmas. He wont let you overwork yourself and constantly remind you to take days off to spend with him( don't worry he gives plenty incentives) He is also the biggest distraction ever. You guys may retire to teach in university( JASON AS LITERATURE PROFESSOR AGENDA FOREVER) and become the professors in love( the students ship)
This isnt exactly what you asked but these are just my thoughts tbh. Im sorry I just cant see jason with a full on fighter s/o ...man deserves soft domestic loving and a little peace and quiet in his life.
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celestialvoyeur · 8 months
As a follow up to my recent post about how few fics make it to my favourites list, and how special they are to achieve that distinction, I decided to share my current list.
I’ve shared some of these individually in the past but here you’ll have them all together. 
If you've read any of these already then I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you loved them as much as I did! 🥰
(NB: these are not listed in any order of preference. Mostly it’s the reverse order in which I read them)
Leave No Soul Behind by whochick Words: 258,951
AOS, AU Canon-Divergence. Spock, Kirk and the other valiant members of the Emergency Personnel Ambulance Service fight to save lives and turn the tide of the ongoing war against Nero and his fleet before it’s too late. Such a beautiful slow burn for Spock and Kirk.
Atlas by distractedKat Words: 135,529
AOS. Follow on from 2009, Kirk, Spock and the rest deal with the aftermath of Nero’s attack and rebuilding after the decimation of the ‘Fleet and Academy. An exciting tale with twists and turns involving black ops, bad-mirals, action, love and fierce loyalty.
The Lotus Eaters by aldora89 Words: 93,594
AOS. Stranded on a planet together, with multiple dangers and very little hope of rescue, Jim and Spock have no choice but to rely on each other to survive. Spectacular plot, amazing world building, fabulous original character and an epic slow burn Spirk love story!
With Your Feet on the Air and Your Head on the Ground by flippyspoon Words: 39,188 @flippyspoon
SNW. A phenomenal Spirk fic in which Kirk is stuck in Spock's mind while the crew work to find a way to retrieve his body. A wonderful getting to know you/falling for you hard tale. Wonderfully written and highly entertaining.
Evolution by Rhaegal (RhaegalKS) Words: 149,293
AOS. Covering the first year of their 5 year mission, this is totally flawless. The character voices are perfection, the prose spectacular. The whole thing plays like an AOS movie. It’s phenomenal.
Emotions by LadyRa Words: 35,569
TOS. Spock gets drugged on a shore leave and is overwhelmed with its effects. Kirk tries to pick up the pieces. A beautiful, and wonderfully grounded, story of realising how much they mean to each other.
And When the Bond Breaks by LadyRa Words: 24,631
TOS. Spock takes out a shuttle to investigate an anomaly and returns to an Enterprise that’s not his own. Time travel shenanigans with such emotional depth that it will traumatise you in the best way. Stunningly good!
All Our Tomorrows Come Today by flippyspoon Words: 18,156 @flippyspoon
SNW. A newly introduced Jim and Spock accidentally get a glimpse into the future and see what they’re going to be to each other (a.k.a. Spirk’s Greatest Hits). A stunningly told story about finding the great love of your life. 
I Won't Make That Mistake Again by Moreta1848 Words: 69,402 @jennelikejennay
SNW/TOS. An epic story detailing Spock and Kirk’s love throughout their lives, beginning from their meeting on Pike’s Enterprise (SNW) and continuing on to an eventual  Generations fix-it happy ending. Wonderful!
No Going Back, No Before by spirkme Words: 78,486 @spirkme915
SNW/TOS. Timeline shenanigans, spies, twists & turns, pining, angst, sacrifice and so so much love!
The 1,000 Hour Sleep by spqr Words: 27,227
SNW. Jim’s been infected with a pathogen that means he can’t sleep, but it he doesn’t he’ll die. Cue Spock and his Vulcan telepathy helping Jim to achieve the sleep he needs, while they get to know each other within their shared mindscapes. A sweet and exciting story about falling in love and overcoming your own inner demons.
First Best Destiny by Ophelia_j Words: 387,733
TOS/TNG. Such a very special fic. Epic in its scope, it covers the entire timeline of Spirk from their very first meeting through to a  clever and satisfying Generations fix-it ending. It provides extra scenes, additional dialogue and internal monologues to expand on existing canon in a really compelling and effective way. Truly this is my new TOS canon.
The Steadfastness of Stars by itsnatalie Words: 61,566
AOS. After Beyond, The crew investigate sudden climate change on a frozen planet and find more than they bargained for. The perfect mix of great plot, fun original characters, action, mystery, world building and deep deep love.
Let Forever Be by gunstreet Words: 43,446 @gunstreet
TOS. A really compelling character study of James T. Kirk. An excellent companion piece to City on the Edge of Forever. Exploring what Jim and Spock got up to, and all they had to overcome, while trying to find Bones and their way back home.
Time After Time by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Words: 138,921
SNW. Kirk spends a 6 month rotation on the Enterprise as part of his command training. OK, if there’s a favourite of my favourites then this may be it. It’s such a stunning version of their love story, with a beautifully constructed plot. It runs the emotional gamut from moments that will have you laughing out loud to moments that will have you in floods of tears. 
milk and honey by spaceisgay (ChancellorGriffin) Words: 28,651
SNW. Kirk and Spock meet for the first time when they wake up in a prison cell together. A really fun, and extremely clever, version of the ‘aliens made them do it’ trope. It’s intriguing and funny with a real depth of feeling throughout.
The Promised Land by gunstreet Words: 58,260 @gunstreet
TOS. A story that explores the time Jim and Spock spent apart between the end of the 5 year mission and TMP. It’s a beautiful story of reunion and renewal of love. Sometimes achingly sad, but it’s worth it for the happy ending.
Again, if you've read any of these already then I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you loved them as much as I did! 🥰
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mochinomnoms · 9 months
The Private (not) Thoughts of a Moray Chapter 1: I wonder if you look both ways (when you cross my mind)
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Gender Neutral Reader x Jade Leech
Chapter 1 preview:
“Henchman? Are you okay?” “…Yeah, thanks guys, I didn’t realize how sick I was getting… this magic thing is hard.” Snorting at your whiny tone, Ace still looked at you with a bit of sympathy. “It’s that telepathy stuff that’s the problem right? Not magic!” “Although,” Grim spoke up, left your arms and stood on the step instead. “That could just be a unique magic thing, right?” “Yeah! Though it’s basically impossible for someone to have a unique magic active all the time…” Deuce rubbed the back of his head, looking at you frustrated. “You’d probably be blotting, maybe it’s something else?”
[wc} - 3,699
back to chapter list
A year ago today, you, Y/N, entered Twisted Wonderland with nothing but the clothes on your back, a rotting, haunted dormitory, and a fire-breathing cat creature. You were but a mere  human with no magic to defend yourself with and no way to return to your home. Today, after months of sweat, tears, blood and 7 consecutive overblots, you have become known as the infamous prefect. 
It was a title well-deserved for the human that survived the overblots of several powerful mages, especially in the case of your dearest, Hornton (you still called him that even now, he seemed to like it). But it ended surprisingly well, with minimal casualties to the students and to the overblotters. You really should give thanks to the Seven for that.
Though it’s really less impressive than it sounds out loud, as without the help of your fellow freshman, Ace and Deuce, Jack, Epel, Sebek, and even Grim, it wouldn’t have been possible, as you still remain mostly magicless. 
Despite the mirror declaring you “empty”, and though it was true for most of your time at NRC, it seems that your extended stay has slowly granted you an affinity for magic. At the rate you’re learning at though, you can mostly cast small spells, like light spells in the dark, and small healing spells courtesy of Nurse Goethel. 
You personally found it pretty impressive that you could cast spells now, though the one time you mentioned as much, Ace insisted that you were the equivalent of a little kid proudly showing off a shitty stick figure drawing of their family. 
You choose to view that as a family endearingly encouraging their kid’s budding artistic streak!
Besides, that wasn’t your only budding ability, as you noticed during the graduation ceremony for the seniors. The freshman, per tradition, were in charge of the concession stands before the graduation ceremony. From what Crowley told your class, this was to help build character and build financial literacy, for he was a generous headmage that prepared his students for the real world.
You, of course, knew that it was probably just because it was cheaper than hiring someone.
Here you, Grim, and your 6 fellow classmates worked at a booth outside the coliseum, currently selling bouquets and garlands to the graduates’ families. Soon enough, the conversation shifted to summer plans. 
“Ahh~ I’m super excited to go home! My family’s gonna go to the beach! I'm so looking forward to seeing hot babes!”
“Of course you are Ace,” Jack sighed. “I’m just looking forward to some cooler weather back home.”
Deuce looked over as he adjusted the garlands, Heartslabyul-styled, in his hands, “It’s gonna suck being alone on campus for the next three months. Are you sure you don’t want to spend summer break with one of us?”
“Ehhh? I didn’t say anything like that!” Ace scoffed. “Don’t lump me in with you, Juice!”
“Don’t be rude, Ace!”
“Deuce is right! Y/N! We have room at my home, Meemaw- I mean, Grandma -would be happy to have you!” Epel piped up from behind the booth. “And I’d finally have someone my age with me in town.”
You smiled as your fellow incoming second-years bickered amongst themselves. Jack looked exasperated at the Adeuce’s arguing, as he usually did. On the other hand, Epel was blatantly ignoring the two as he looked at you with puppy eyes, embracing his cuteness (just this once) to convince you to join him home. 
“Cease your arguing! It is unbefitting of you as soon to be upperclassmen to a new class of students!” Sebek barked, looking quite silly as Grim laid on top of his head, a scene that would’ve been impossible two months ago.
“Nyah! Quiet down, you’re even louder when I’m on top of your head!”
“Mm-hm, I appreciate the concern--Grim get off him--but I can’t,” You grabbed Grim from Sebek, who leaned down to your head to help. “Crowley’s giving me a bigger allowance if I stay to care for the fairies again.” 
Grim curled himself in your arms as he pouted. “The cafeteria and school store are gonna be closed again! How am I gonna get my premium tuna from Sam now?!” 
“Don’t whine about something so trivial! Prefect, are you sure you don’t want to spend at least a weekend with me and my Mom?” Deuce asked you once again. 
“Ah, I’d have to ask if the ghosts could cover, but a weekend should be fine, but we’d better get back to the concessions.”
“Right you are, human! We should be celebrating the graduation of our upperclassmen!”
Jack winced at Sebek’s increasing volume, “Lower your voice, Sebek. It’s already too loud with the crowd as it is.”
Wincing alongside him, you rubbed your temples as the noise from the crowd grew with the number of attendees. You'd expect a graduation to be a busy event with loud crowds, but that was before you could hear everyone’s thoughts as well.
It’d started off slow, just after the last overblot, with soft whispers floating in your mind like will-o-wisps in a dark forest. They grew, as fire does, with those whispers becoming more and more prominent. Soon you could hear your classmates daydreams, worries, and secrets, like the soft crackle from a campfire. It wasn’t like you could control it though, each little fire from your peers grew together to become one large, blazing wildfire. In the forest of your mind, one unprepared for any sort of magical blaze, it tore through you, leaving your mind burned and throbbing from the endless feed of thoughts. 
I can’t believe it’s the end of the year already!
Ah! Damn they’re loud…
Geez, Mom, stop embarrassing me, it’s my graduation…
Make it stooooop!
Maybe I should stop for a graduation garland. Would he want an NRC one or Savanaclaw one?
Pleeeease… it hurrrts!
a͔̱ͪ̓̅ͅw ͚͚̜̈́ͮ̾mán,̧ i̷̞̼ ͉͕̟͛̉ͦw̡̭̩͚͒̀̓ḁ̖͎s̶͍̻̩̉́͂ h̠o̒҉͕ṗ̭i̯ͦn͙̒g ̭̱͆ͥt̸o͕̟̫ ̤̓s̸e͉e̦̮̞͟ ̶̑͗h͏͖̠ï̪̻͓ͦ̎m̹̺̼̐͛̆ ̴̻̟̞ḅ͚efͪ͐̕o̖ͅr̦ͧḙ̹ ́ţ͔ͨh̲ͤḙͪ ̼̦̀ć͖er͓̝͕̀̓͐̕em͙͚̑̈́ȏ̟͍̹̓̓n̢̔͐͌y ̡̺ŝ͌̒t̶̪͂ąrt̞ͧeͬͫd̷
It hurts!!!
s̩̝̝ͪ̄̈h̦͉̱̰̾ͬ̄̾i̴͍̹̅͗t̬̬͇̙̳ͅ ̠̫͙̼̯͐̓ͫ͌̒ĭ͕̗͔̺̍̎̑m̛ ̱̣̗̠r͗ͧǜ͉n  n͢i̴̫͐ng̵ͅ ͇ḻ̬͙̠͋͆͆ͬa̹̬͚̺̯̯͔t̔̋ͨ̋ͬ̑e̖̹͚͓͖͚̙̅̌̉͆̌̉ͭ,̢͉͚ ̟̺̄ͦȉ̹͟ ̴͙̫̿ͫh̻͓ͨͦo͛͛̊̂̂̿ͯp̪̙̠̬̗ͣͤͪ̎̆͘e i͚̝͇̲̜̠ͣ̐͌̑̓̋ ͘c̉ͧ͌̓͂ a̳͚̐̚n̤̰̖̮̘͍͖͂͋ͧͯͫ̈̒ ̩͊g̷ͦͯ̈́̿̆̊̾e̴͖̙̲̮̦̰̮̽ͨ̑͌̉̿̅t͉̳̯̙ a ́̄̌ͦ s̈́̏́͟e̝͇̮ͥ͋̀ḁ̯̼̪̮̅̌̓ͩͥ̚ͅt̰̝ͥ̏ ͕̰͇͚͝
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Iş̘̭̺̱͇̖ͧ͛̀̉ͭ̏̚ͅ ̷̜͍̩͈̹̻̥̋́̋͆ͣ̃̚t̼͐hȅ̋̊̉̑ ͍̺͇ STOP IT!!!!! h̖̳͜ͅu͌ͬ̅͆͊͑́҉͈͓̭̮̲̥͓m̹̟̟͇͚a͎̳͉̗̟̳n̥̘͈͚̫̣͉͊̾͗̏̃ͥ̿ ̝ͧg͎̅ő̳͔̖̞̄ͣ́n̪̰͈̝̙̣͕̆ͥ̄ͮ͒ͤͬṉ̖͕̍ͯ̚å̡̼̪͔͍ͦͣ̚ ̒̆͞p̯̝ǔ͙k͎͎̪̜͇͔͒́̉ͨ̓̏e̷̞̺̖?̯̘̻
You felt soft purring against your chest, where you had been clutching Grim tighter to your chest as you hyperventilated. Grim pressed his head against your chin in an attempt to comfort you as tears flowed from your eyes. You could still feel your head pounding when Ace and Deuce approached with concern. 
“You don’t look too good Prefect, do you need to take a breather?”
“Deuce is right, come on let's take you back to the dorm!” Ace placed a hand on the small of your back and began leading you away from the crowd. “See ya later guys!”
“Hey! You can’t just skip out of work like that!” 
“Trappola! Get back here!”
“H-hey wait! Deuce, give back the garlands!” 
Ace continued walking as Deuce ran back to hand Epel the products in his hands. “Oh sorry can’t hear you from here, Prefect is super sick, gotta blast~”
Leading into your friend, you let him guide you to your dorm, Deuce catching up to you as well. While it was still relatively packed along Main Street, even with the ceremony starting soon, the crowds dispersed as you two headed closer to the dorm.
Ah man, the line at Sam’s is super long. Maybe I can cut in somewhere?
Oh look at the Great Seven! Wait, that one’s an actual lion?
The botanical garden is closed! Nooo, I was gonna confess there before we left for internships!! 
As the four of you approached to the dorm, you visibly relaxed as both the voices and thoughts of the crowds quieted down. 
“Hey, we’re here,” Said Deuce, relaxing slightly as you approached the gate to Ramshackle. “You wanna just sit out here for a bit? The weather’s not too bad.”
You nodded and relaxed as you and your friends sat on the stone steps of the dorm, taking a deep breath as only the faintest of voices made their way to your head. From this far away, it made for a more pleasant ambience, like those YouTube “study with me” videos you’d put on for studying back home.
“Henchman? Are you okay?”
“... Yeah, thanks guys, I didn’t realize how sick I was getting… this magic thing is hard.” 
Snorting at your whiny tone, Ace still looked at you with a bit of sympathy. “It’s that telepathy stuff that’s the problem right? Not magic!”
“Although,” Grim spoke up, left your arms and stood on the step instead. “That could just be a unique magic thing, right?”
“Yeah! Though it’s basically impossible for someone to have a unique magic active all the time…” Deuce rubbed the back of his head, looking at you frustrated. “You’d probably be blotting, maybe it’s something else?”
You snorted at his comment, drawing strange looks from them.
“You could’ve just said I’m weird. It’s a well known fact at this point.” Sighing dramatically, you threw yourself down to lay on the steps with your wrist resting on your forehead, tossing back your head for extra effect. 
“Magic or not, I, the Ramshackle Prefect, will always be the strange little human! Whether it’s the strange human with no magic, or the strange human with weird…uh…mind magic!” You heard him snort. “I, alas, remain a spectacle!”
Rolling his eyes, Ace flicked your forehead (“Ow! Ace what the fuck!”) at your dramatics and sighed. 
“You know, I was joking earlier. You can join me—or Deuce, I guess (“Hey!”)—during the break. We’re not all-knowing like a certain housewarden friend of yours, but we can help you figure out what's up with you.”
So far, only Ace, Deuce, and Grim knew about your newfound ability. And while it was the thought that counted, neither really knew anything about spontaneously gaining magical abilities. In fact, no one, not Crowley or even Hornton, really knew what to make of your new powers. Adding telepathy on top of the mix seemed like a good path to trouble. In the meantime, you found it best to keep it between you four, even if you felt bad leaving your other three friends out of the loop.
I bet my brother can help us figure out something, he works at a pretty swanky university back home! 
You sighed and adjusted yourself so that you laid on your side, Grim curling up to you as you looked up at your friends. Ace sat a few steps down, so he could stretch his arm alongside your back, while Deuce laid his head on your waist. 
Almost a year's worth of life-threatening fiascos have led to your closeness to your dearest friends, and Ace’s casual PDA with you and Deuce certainly helped bring your little group close together. 
“I’m not gonna ask that of you, as much as I appreciate it.”
Why not? “My mom would love to have you over! It’d be no issue!” We could meet up with Ace and go to a library or something.
“That’s not the point Deuce,” You responded. “I just want to be able to do things on my own, and do you and Ace even live close enough to do that? Isn’t the Queendom pretty big?”
What? He didn’t mention me. Ace made a face at you as you answered. “Are you reacting to his thoughts?” Man that’s kinda creepy.
“Shut up, Ace.” Sorry… “I’m not trying to be creepy!” 
Deuce smacked his side. “Don’t call them creepy!” Don’t be rude, Ace!
“Ya, what he said, don’t be rude!”
“He didn’t even say anything out loud!”
You blew a raspberry at him, the other Heartslabyul student snickering at his exasperated look.
You’re lucky you’re both cute…and stop laughing at me Deuce!
Grin widening, and migraine fading, you wiggled your eyebrows at Ace. 
“Oh~ you think we’re cute? Deuce, he thinks we’re cuties!”
Eh? Me cute?
“Okay! That’s definitely not fair! Shut your mouth now before you spill all my secrets!” Ace grabbed at you as he tried to cover your mouth, blushing, failing to notice Deuce’s equally red face.
“Nyah!!! Watch it! No crushing the mighty Grim!” The little cat hopped out of the way and into Deuce’s arms as the two of you began to playfully wrestle. “I can’t be smushed before I become the greatest mage ever!”
You and Ace continued to fight for a few minutes, Ace gaining the upper hand as you were already laying down. Eventually, he finished your fight by simply holding your hands hostage in his, and laying across you, preventing any movements other than squirming, much to the other two’s amusement.
Unable to wrangle your hands back, you ceased your movements, huffing. Haha, I win. Instead, you relaxed, finding his presence on your chest comforting, like a weighted blanket.
Silence overtook the four of you for a few minutes, Deuce looking off into the nearby woods, Grim grooming himself, Ace settling in for what looked like a nap, and you gazing at the sky as stars began to emerge in the dusk.
“It’s just…” You spoke quietly, breaking the silence as if telling a deep secret. Maybe you were. “I’ve been so dependent on others while here, and now I feel like I can take that burden off of others.”
Your comment disrupted the comfortable quiet between you all. 
“You’re not a burden,” Not to us. Deuce spoke up, his voice soft. “But I understand, wanting to become independent.” I want the same too. 
“If you were a burden, we wouldn't've stuck around for so long you know!” More brash, but just as soothing, Ace scoffed. We love ya too much for that, anyways. “I think Deuce would agree with me.”
“Besides!” Grim piped up, standing up now with hands on his hips, You’re my henchman! “I need my henchman! You wouldn’t be allowed to go anywhere without me!” How else are you gonna survive without the great Grim!
You smiled at the three, taking a deep breath. 
I don’t know what I’d do without you guys. I wonder what would’ve happened, if we never crossed paths the way we did. 
Grunting, you push Ace off to the side (“Hey!”) and stood up, stretching your limbs until they gave a satisfying pop. 
“We should probably head back, Riddle’ll probably have both your heads if he finds out you're missing from concession duty.” 
“Ah shit.” You’re totally right. 
They’re right. “Are you sure you’ll be okay though? It’s gonna be way more crowded once the ceremony starts.” Deuce stood up with you, letting Grim take a perch on his shoulder.
Myah! I’m taller here! 
“Hm, yeah I think so.” You held a hand to Ace and helped him up. “I’ll just focus on whatever you two start dozing off about! Don’t think about anything gross though, Ace.”
He threw his hands up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” What? You think I’d think of dirty thoughts? “It’s not like I’m actively trying to think of stuff to freak you out!” 
“… I heard you think about whether or not you’d fuck your own clone—”
Laughing at Ace’s red-faced embarrassment, your little group walked back to the coliseum to join your friends before the graduation, and the end of the school year, finally commenced. 
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Geez, it’s crowded.
Ah man, I hope I’m not forgetting anything. 
I wonder if they’re gonna let us keep our rooms when we get back.
The food’s gonna go bad! Come on, let me get to the mirror!
My internship will start right away, I should tell them goodbye now. 
I wonder who’ll be housewarden now that Leona’s gone. 
I can’t believe I went through the entire year without meeting Idia, my own housewarden!
We can’t lose you!! Come back, I can’t work the lounge without you!!
Groaning from both the noise of the crowd and their thoughts, you rubbed your temples, reminded of the night before. Grim was still at the dorm, peacefully dozing off the morning away. At least this time you could blame your friends for keeping you up at the impromptu sleepover. 
“I told you to go to bed early,” That’s how you get sick, Prefect. 
“Shaddup Jack, that’s not why I’m feeling sick.”
“... I didn’t say anything about you being sick?” Did I say that out loud? “Uh, you’re okay, right?”
Waving off your slip-up, you nod. “Yeah, I’m fine, just tired. Hey, who’s gonna be Savanaclaw’s housewarden with Leona becoming a fourth year? Do y’all have, like, a throw down or something?”
Crossing his arms, ears flattening, Jack shook his head. That’s stupid. “No, of course not.” They’d probably do that if they could honestly. “Leona had appointed Ruggie, surprisingly, but he didn’t want it. Said he didn’t want to fight with whoever might become vice housewarden later on.”
“Eh? But I heard that he took it after all!” Epel chipped in, hair swept back in a ponytail and skin immaculate despite the late night activities (damn Vil and his pristine skincare routine). “What made him change his mind?”
“A-ah, well, I uh-” Rubbing the back of his head, Jack suddenly looked embarrassed. “asked me to be his vice housewarden, and I couldn’t refuse an upperclassman’s request.” 
“Woah, what!” No fair! “I can’t believe he asked! Vil didn' even spare a glance at me!” Epel pouted, his accent emerging before he caught himself.
“I mean, good for you Jack! I’m happy for you!” So unfair…
“Yeah man! Don’t be so bashful about it!” It’s super cool! Ace and Deuce approached you two, out of breath from running over, “Riddle definitely didn’t consider one of us for vice! He asked someone from his year to take Trey’s place.”
The pair had woken up late and ran over to pack up the rest of their things (or at least Ace did, Deuce had his stuff already packed, but couldn’t find his shoes at Ramshackle this morning), so both were slightly disheveled. 
“Of course not! Rosehearts would only expect the best of his dorm to lead the rest by example! Something the two of you humans fail to do!” Unlike me! My lord asked me and Silver to take his and Master Lilia’s place! Oh, joy to be considered a guiding leader by the Young Master! 
 “Unlike you two, I was deemed worthy by the Young Master to be Diasomnia’s new vice housewarden!” Sebek chastised the two, dressed in rather prim clothing that didn’t differ too much from his dorm uniform. “If you two were to shape yourselves up, then I’m sure Rosehearts would’ve considered once of you as his vice housewarden!” 
Groaning, Ace rolled his eyes at Sebek, who made an offended noise, before throwing an arm around you. “Hey Prefect, you know our offer still stands-”
“What do you mean our offer, Ace, I made it first!” Deuce grumbled. You’d probably make them clean your room or something as payment.
Shut up, Deuce. “-You can always stay with one of us during summer break! The headmage probably has someone else that can care for the fairies anyways. Enjoy the break with us!” Ace grinned and gave a sly chuckle. Plus, you can wear a super cute bathing suit to the beach with me! Yeah, I know you heard me~
“...Thanks Ace, maybe next time.” Deadpanning, you reached up and yanked on Ace’s ear, who started yelping in pain, as you pulled.”No guys, I promise I’ll be fine! Some of the juniors—or I guess seniors now—they’re gonna be coming to the college during break to solidify their internship credits and stuff. Plus I got the ghosts, so I won’t be lonely!”
Deuce looked at you with furrowed brows and concerned eyes. “Are you sure?” 
“Yes, but don’t worry,” you winked. “I’ll definitely be coming by to meet your mom. I’ll let you know so I can figure out the ferry and bus and stuff!”
“Oi! You can’t say that and not visit me too! It’ll basically be in the same area,” Ace whined, he’d accepted his fate with his ear in your hand.
“Yer gonna visit my place too then!” No fair to see just them!
“I’ll be visiting Epel’s place later in the summer, so we can meet then too,” Jack offered, a small smile on his face.
“Then it would only be acceptable to visit Briar Valley too! The Young Master—” And I. “—should be your first visit!”
Smiling at your friends, you felt incredibly lucky to have made a small family for yourself in a home away from home. Soon enough though, each passed through the magic mirror, exchanging promises of visits in the near future, though Sebek’s voice still rang in your ears.
Even when the last of your friends stepped through the mirror, you loitered around the mirror chamber and wished farewell to your other acquaintances and friends. Cater even gifted you a custom phone case before leaving, promising to message you on Magicam when he returned before his internship. As the crowd became smaller and smaller, you yawned and determined that it was time to take your leave and sleep for the rest of the day with Grim. 
Turning to the exit, someone’s peculiar thought entered your head.
Ah, no goodbyes for me, my cute little pearl? How devastating! Why don’t you look my way, cute little Y/N?
Whipping your head around with wide eyes and a flush face, you scanned the remaining students for the person whose thoughts you heard. Searching for someone looking your way, or looking sad, or something, you came up empty. A few students from Heartslabyul, Ignihyde, and Octavinelle remained. From the remaining students, you only recognized Azul and the Leech twins, none of which were looking in your direction. 
Tired and confused, you shrugged and simply continued your leave. Though, not without one final thought entering your brain. 
Finally leaving? Until next year then, my little pearl~.
463 notes · View notes
yournowheregirl · 10 months
read my mind
rating: G | wc: 1225 | cw: none
The first word that comes to mind when Eddie steps foot into the Harrington house is ‘chaos’.
Which is weird, because he had come to know Steve’s house as neat and very much put together. It was probably a combination of weekly cleaning and the fact of Mrs. Harrington’s obsession with interior design and keeping everything absolutely perfect, even though she wasn’t there most of the time. But this time there are loose pieces of paper all over the floor and a pile of books in the middle of the hallway, like someone had spent hours researching something.
Eddie also hears some kind of ruckus coming from the kitchen and he prepares himself for the worst. He might not be all that up-to-date with all of the crazy shit that’s been happening in Hawkins over the last few years, but he has been through enough to know that something weird can happen at anytime.
As he approaches the kitchen, Eddie jangles his keys, sliding them between his fingers as a makeshift weapon, just in case. He stomps his feet a little louder than usual and takes a deep breath, preparing for the worst, as he turns the corner.
If he thought the hallway was chaotic, it’s nothing in comparison to what Eddie finds in the kitchen. The clutter of books and loose papers had made its way onto the tiled floor, but it was joined with what looks like miles and miles of tin foil. Eddie’s eyes follow the silver trail to the other side of the kitchen, where he finds the two culprits.
Steve is sitting at the kitchen table with Robin sitting on the floor in between his legs, and while that isn’t something unusual, their accessories definitely are. Because Steve is wearing an absolutely ridiculous tin foil hat, with a pointy end and all, and for a second Eddie wonders if this is a new hair routine for him. Steve is focused on making a hat for Robin, it seems, as he’s wrapping even more tin foil around her head as well.
“What the fuck are you two doing?”
“Babe!” Steve says with a bright smile. “You came at the perfect time!”
“Uh, you invited me, and also, that doesn’t answer my question. What the fuck are you two doing?” Eddie asks again. “Is this the new and improved Steve Harrington hair ritual?”
“No,” Robin replies with a roll of her eyes. “We’re testing out our telepathy.”
Eddie blinks, completely dumbfounded at what Robin had just said. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Yeah, there must have been something in that bunker, or in the Upside Down, something, because we totally have powers now. Like, I always know what Robin’s thinking, for some reason,” Steve says, and oh God, he’s being sincere isn’t he?
“Yes! So today, while I was shelving tapes at work, I was thinking about how the moon landing was totally faked, right? And then Steve just finished my thought, saying ‘oh yeah, they faked it for sure’ like it was nothing,” Robin says excitedly. ”I didn’t even say anything! He just read my mind!”
Now Eddie hasn’t been scared away from the freaky sides of things, it even earned him a nickname, but this is a little too weird. Even for him. There’s no way that Steve and Robin actually have supernatural powers, no matter how hard they try to believe it. But then Eddie notices how excited they both are, and the big smiles on their faces make him smile as well. Sure, they’re being ridiculous right now, but he figures they deserve to be after all they’ve been through.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What can I do to help?”
“Right, so…”
Apparently Robin has raided the Harrington’s personal library on all the science books they had (which Eddie had noticed in the hallway) and cooked up an experiment that will prove once and for all that she and Steve are telepathically connected. All Eddie has to do is a little word association, and if both Robin and Steve write down the same word without looking at each other’s answers, it proves their connection beyond any doubt.
Well, Eddie still has his doubts, but whatever.
Once Steve and Robin are all set, their backs against each other and a piece of paper and pen in hand, Eddie gives them their first word: chocolate. He gives them both five seconds to think of something, but while they look very confident, their answers don’t match up.
“Sorry. Steve said milk and Robin said cocoa,” Eddie tsks. “Not a match.”
“It’s basically the same thing,” Robin scoffs. “Another one.”
“Fine. Your next word is, uh, sun.”
After five seconds, Steve shows his paper, which says summer, while Robin’s says hot. Again, not a match.
“Well, summers are hot, so we’re getting close.” Steve shrugs. “We’ll get the next one, Robs, I can feel it.”
But with every word Eddie throws at them, they continue getting close to a similar answer (Steve answers ‘sky’ while Robin says ‘galaxy’ when Eddie gives them the word ‘star’) but it’s never an exact match. This doesn’t deter them in the slightest; they continue to be convinced of their powers while Eddie starts to believe less and less. Not that he believed it in the first place.
That is until…
“Okay, final one,” Eddie sighs, and because his stomach is rumbling, says, “Hungry.”
Steve and Robin scribble away on their papers and then show Eddie their words in unison. For the first time, they have the exact same word on paper: ‘pasta.’ Eddie must look either shocked or impressed at this turn of events, because Steve positively lights up at the sight of him.
“Did we get it?” He asks, looking over his shoulder at Robin’s paper and beaming when he sees the answer. “Robin! We got it!”
“I knew it! I knew we had a connection!” Robin exclaims. “Do you believe us now, Eddie?”
Eddie huffs in response. “That doesn’t prove anything. You’re just saying that because you were supposed to make pasta today, remember? You invited me over for lasagna?”
“Oh shit. You’re right,” Steve says with a sheepish grin on his face. He carefully removes the tinfoil hat and Eddie tries not to laugh at the ridiculous state of his hair. A very wise decision because he’s rewarded with a quick kiss from Steve. “I guess we got a little distracted. Sorry babe.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re lucky you’re cute,” Eddie flirts back. “Now, where’s the pasta?”
After the kitchen is cleaned up, Steve starts working on the lasagna. Eddie offers to help, but Steve tells him to just sit back and relax. Well, Eddie can definitely do just that. Robin does get to help though, saying something about the lasagna being her mom’s recipe, so she has the final say with the ingredients.
As Eddie watches them cook together, moving around the kitchen in perfect sync and handing each other spatulas and seasoning without asking for it, he can’t help but wonder if Steve and Robin do have some kind of psychic connection after all.
happy birthday!! @stobinesque 🎉🎁🎂 me and @legitcookie cooked up this little silly stobin brainworm for you to celebrate your birthday!! we hope you enjoyed!
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i23kazu · 6 months
"it's just a walk in the forest," scara scoffs. "what's the big deal?"
"...the birds. and the trees."
"and the worms. the dirt." he counters, staring back at you. telepathy, please work. please, please please, please, please please please, please-
"ugh, fine. fifteen minutes, i don't want to spend my time in a place that ginger could just pop out off." your lover gets up, huffing and looking around – almost expecting the other harbinger to spring up and yell "boo!" in his face.
you want to chuckle.
"we're in sumeru – the last i heard, he's off in fontaine doing archons-know-what," you chortle, getting up and following him to put your shoes on. "i don't think he'll be here anytime soon."
fast forward a few minutes, and the both of you find yourself staring at the wide clearing in front of you, surrounded by towering trees and the sound of running water.
scara grimaces.
“what’s wrong? can’t handle the forest?” you tease, skipping a rock over the stream.
“come on. you’re not taho. you’ll be fine! just watch,” you rolled your eyes lightheartedly, taking his hand in yours. you hear a faint tch, but he doesn’t retract his hand.
you feel a squeeze, even.
the forest is nice. it’s cool, it’s not humid, the ground doesn’t have dirt that cling to the sole of your shoes, and you can even hear the dusk birds singing their native songs. it’s lovely all the same, being here with scara. a sense of peace that the both of you share infrequently — you start to wonder if scara enjoys it too.
and he does. he does (not) enjoy it. it clears his mind, it makes him think about things like the (disgusting) feeling of the grass beneath the feet and the (annoying) charming tunes of the birds that cast their gaze upon you from the trees. it is lovely, as much as he reluctantly admits it.
“hey, would you love me if i was a worm?” you look up at him with a cheeky grin. he pulls back his hand with a huff.
nevermind, it’s not so lovely anymore.
“…we’re heading back inside.”
“wah- hey!”
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sentientgolfball · 10 months
Writing request! Phantom being a soft little attention whore and doing everything to get the flustered GN!Reader's attention? Doesn't need be NSFW, Phantom just wants some cuddle time.
Anon I need to thank you for adding fuel to my Phantom obsession
Also ignore how long this got
Tags: none! Just good old fluff
My request are currently open !
You had gotten to dinner later than normal because of some overflow work you were assigned. Being Sister Imperator’s assistant had its perks, but most of the time it left you with a stack of paper the size of your torso. That’s how you ended up displaced in the dining hall. Where you normally sat with the other Siblings who have been at the Ministry for a decent amount of time was crowded. You couldn’t justify trying to worm your way in. So you took up an open spot with some of the newer Siblings at the end of the hall. You were engrossed in your own world trying to get your brain to stop buzzing for the better part of the meal, only occasionally answering some questions or clearing up misunderstandings that you may have overheard. That was until you heard snickering. You looked up and noticed that the ghouls of The Ghost Project were seated at a table not far from yours. You also noticed that one of them, the quintessence ghoul by the looks of it, was approaching while Dew and Swiss tried and failed to hide their amusement. 
The Siblings you were seated with forgot about any conversations that might've been going on when the ghoul came to a stop at the head of the table, his tail wagging rapidly. The mask may have hidden his face, but his mood was clear as day. Everyone at the table looked at him with wide wonder-filled eyes. You just cocked your head at him with a small smile. His tail beat faster if that was even possible. 
“I couldn’t help but overhear some of you have never seen ghoul magic before.” He smiled so wide his fangs were peeking out from his lips. Some of the Siblings made small noises in affirmation too wonderstruck to formulate a proper response. 
“Well lucky for you I learned a new trick! Do you wanna see it?” All it took was one nodding their head for him to clap his hands together “Great! I’ll need a volunteer though.” 
You had never seen people move so quickly in your life. Each one of the Siblings was leaning over one another to get closer to the ghoul in hopes they’d be picked. He just laughed and held up his hands in a passive gesture. 
“Alright okay, how about…you!”
 The ghoul motions to the Sibling closest to him. He nods his head eagerly and waits for whatever instruction. The ghoul reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder. The air smells like ozone for a brief moment and you can hear a faint static noise as you watch tiny purple sparks dance to life and connect the two. Everyone at the table seems to be holding their breath watching with an intensity you don’t even see during Black Mass. You huff a little amused laugh and eat while you watch the display. 
When the ghoul removes his hand the Sibling is staring at him in awe as he beams down at him. There’s a confused murmur through the group and out of instinct you answer their questioning 
“Telepathy. Some quint ghouls have that ability.”
 It’s almost humorous how casually you talk about demons and magic. It goes quiet for a moment. You look up from your plate to see all of the Siblings and the ghoul staring at you. His mouth was half open and it was only then did you realized you definitely just interrupted him. You panic internally for about a second before you notice his tail never stopped wagging. He made a move to walk over to your spot at the table, but he didn’t get very far before he was yanked backward with a yelp. 
“Stop bothering the Siblings and eat your food before it gets cold or else you get leftovers in the den.” You recognized the voice of Cirrus from under the mask. 
The moment he was gone, they all began questioning the man who was lucky enough to be chosen. He tried his best to describe it, but it was obvious he was floundering under the attention. You weren’t completely exhausted yet so you decided to throw him a bone and began to explain what you knew of ghoul magic and some of the things you’ve seen it do. However, the entire time you spoke you couldn’t help but notice the little quintessence ghoul hadn’t taken his eyes off you once. Every time he realized you were looking back, he would wave and smile broadly, and every single time Dew and Swiss would tease him. You couldn’t help but laugh at the display, it was pretty cute seeing how excited he got. 
After you had finished and decided you had enough conversation for one night, you stood to leave, bidding everyone at the table a nice night. You made it approximately five feet out of the dining hall before you felt a clawed hand on your wrist. You stopped and turned to face none other than the little quintessence ghoul. His purring was filling the otherwise quiet hallway. 
You cock your head with a smile not quite reaching your tired eyes.
“Need something…?”
“Phantom.” He grinned.
He trilled happily “Say it again.” 
You huffed a laugh and took your hand from his grasp “Answer my question first.” 
He took his helmet off, shook his hair out, and looked at you with bright eyes, cheeks dusted a deeper purple. 
“Can I spend the night with you?” His tail wagged as he waited for your answer. 
That was not what you were expecting him to say if you were being honest with yourself. You had been at the Ministry for years now, so random demons offering a night of sin was nothing surprising. What was surprising was just how forward he was. Usually, it took the new ghouls a bit of time to gain that level of confidence and interest in the humans of the Ministry. 
When the silence dragged his face flustered deeper. 
“That’s not what I meant dear Sibling…I mean well not unless you’re offering.” 
You smile amused at the way his voice pitched higher awkwardly, you almost feel bad for your response.
“Not tonight Phantom. I’m exhausted from work.”
“Oh! Well that’s fine we can just—“ 
“I meant no to both sweetheart.” 
The wag of his tail faltered as his purring got softer. You didn’t miss the brief flash of disappointment in his expression before he tried to hide it. He lightly shook his head causing his earrings to jingle. 
“Well…can I walk with you to your room?” 
You laughed “Sure I don’t see why not.” 
“Great!” He immediately grabbed your hand and started walking down the hallway. You gave a light tug on his hand. He looked at you with a little ‘mmrr?’ sound. 
“Uh, Phantom…my room is that way.” You pointed to the right with your other hand. 
He smiled awkwardly making a noise of affirmation and turned to the direction you pointed to and began walking with your hand still in his. He definitely has not gotten used to his otherworldly strength because he was practically dragging you behind him. Eventually, you gathered your footing and were able to walk side by side. He kept glancing at you as he walked and would startle every time you caught him. 
When you arrived at the door to your room you dropped his hand ready to say goodnight. Before you could squeak even one word out he wrapped you in a tight but quick hug. You rolled your eyes with a smile and hugged him back with a pat on his back. When he let go you opened your door and stepped in but not before turning around to him. 
“Goodnight Phantom.” 
You began to close the door and noticed that he tilted his head to keep looking at you until it was completely closed. 
You smiled at the closed door for a moment before going about your before-bed routine. You flopped onto the horde of fluffy pillows and blankets and let the events of the day replay in your head. You let out a sigh feeling content at finally having a moment to yourself. It’s not that you didn’t like sitting with the new Siblings, but it felt more like babysitting or hanging out with a coworker. Then you thought to Phantom. You smiled to yourself. New ghouls were always so much fun, they were always so curious about everything Earth had to offer. It was even better when they finally got used to the company of humans and began seeking interactions. You would be lying if you said you didn’t find his behavior a bit endearing already. You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time Phantom followed you back to your room. 
Turns out, that came much earlier than you expected. You had woken up a bit before your alarm and decided to just accept your fate and get up and ready for the day. When you opened your door to leave, you immediately tripped over something. The mass in front of your door let out a surprised yelp. You caught yourself before falling. When you turned around you were met with the sight of Phantom slowly sitting up rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“G’moring.” He said with a yawn that ended in a whine. 
“Phantom I did you…did you sleep there all night?” 
“Yeah, why?” He asked it so casually with a hint of genuine confusion. 
You stared at him bug-eyed
 “Why? You weren’t kicked out of the ghoul den already were you?” 
He cocked his head raising an eyebrow 
“Uhh no? I wanted to walk with you to breakfast but then I realized I didn’t know how early you got up and then I realized I usually sleep late. So naturally the solution was to sleep right here.” He emphasized his statement by tapping the floor with his tail causing the piercings to scrape against the stone. 
You laughed with a mix of amusement and disbelief “Naturally.” 
You held out your hand to him and he took it eagerly. You helped him up and he hugged you again. As you two walked to the dining hall, he wrapped his tail around your wrist. With how early it was there weren’t many people at breakfast which you didn’t mind. It was mostly older Siblings and a few Clergy ghouls. The Siblings gave you knowing looks and you just rolled your eyes in amusement. The only other band ghoul that was present was Cirrus. When she noticed the way Phantom was leaning practically on top of you she came over. 
“Bug I think you’re suffocating the dear Sibling.”
You shook your head as he whined “It’s fine Cirrus I don’t mind.” You reached up to scratch behind his pointed ears for emphasis. His tail beat heavily against the bench as a loud purr kicked up in his chest.
“Alright alright but if he does start bothering you, you know where to find me.” She said with amusement. 
“I can handle myself” you grinned at her “I know how to handle a ghoul.” 
Her tail flicked playfully behind her as she turned to go back to where she had sat. 
You finished breakfast rather quickly after that and untangled Phantom’s tail from your arm making him pout. You apologized and gave him a quick explanation of your job as Sister Imperator’s assistant and why you had to go so suddenly. He seemed to accept it despite his dejected look. You ruffled his hair and bid him a good day which caused him to brighten a bit. 
Apparently Phantom didn’t quite accept your explanation. Your task for the day, after finishing the paperwork you didn’t get to yesterday, was to run around the Ministry delivering said paperwork to whomever it applied to. Somehow every corner you turned you bumped into Phantom. At first, he would apologize, give your hand a squeeze, and then walk off to do his own chores, but after he realized you didn’t seem to be getting annoyed with the ‘coincidences’ he simply started to follow you around. He kept his distance for a bit genuinely not wanting to interfere with your job, but every time you turned and caught his eye and didn’t tell him off he would creep closer. 
By the end of the day, he was practically your personal escort, walking side by side with you asking you questions just to hear you talk with his tail curled idly around your arm. Little did you know, that soon became your new daily routine. You would wake up to him waiting eagerly outside your door so you could walk to the dining hall together. He would disappear for a bit to speed through his own chores before coming to find you no matter what task Imperator had you up to. When you finished you two would then go to the dining hall for dinner where you’d make faces and hand gestures to each other from the tables while the ghoul pack and your friends respectively tease you both. It didn’t take much longer before he started to sleep over every so often. 
As the months crawled on and the first tour date came closer you began to see less of him which made your heart oddly heavy. You tried, and failed, to not think too much about it. You obviously didn’t like him, he was just being friendly. You saw the way he interacted with the other ghouls and some other Siblings or the way he acted when you would sneak a peek at rehearsals. He was just affectionate! He liked attention! But he only walked with you. He only got up early to meet you. He only looked at you doing dinner. He only followed you back to your room. And his purring helped you sleep so much better than any weighted blanket. And the way his tail always betrayed his emotions. And how his eyes always lit up when he spotted you. And maybe your heart skipped a beat when he once confided in you after a rough rehearsal saying that you made him feel grounded. 
Aw, shit was all you could think as you felt your cheeks heat and the list of reasons grew. You shook your head slightly to clear it and returned to the task at hand. You had been working on a massive project for Imperator that needed to be finished before the band went on tour. It’s taken up practically all your time, you barely had time to get proper meals in. That also meant you’ve been having less and less time with Phantom. You could tell it was definitely affecting him just as much. The moments you two did get together he was even more clingy, if that was even possible. He also seemed more tired, he still was rather energetic, but he definitely seemed toned down. Your suspicions were confirmed when he got back from a longer-running rehearsal and his quintessence sparked to life without him even noticing. He also took to sleeping in your bed every night now, burying his face deep into the crook of your neck and passing out with his tail wrapped around your waist. 
You worked for a few more hours before leaning back in your chair to stretch. Your eye caught the clock on the wall and you cursed. It was well past midnight. Phantom’s rehearsal ended four hours ago. You found a good stopping point and quickly packed everything up and made your way to your room. You were ready to have to spend the night on your own for the first time in almost a month. You were already ragged from working all day and the idea of having your new routine, your only time with Phantom, getting disturbed made you feel even worse. You choked down the burn in your throat as you pushed your bedroom door open. 
“There’s my comet.” 
You gasped and looked up to see a rather exhausted-looking Phantom sitting happily on your bed. He was already in his pajamas and there were multiple books stacked on your nightstand. He blinked slowly and cracked a wide smile. 
You smiled in return and willed yourself not to cry in front of him. However, the way his brows knit together before standing up and walking over to you reminded you. Quintessence ghouls can feel emotions. He crushed you against his chest and kicked up a purr in his chest. You attempted to stutter out a mix of an apology and an explanation, but he just shushed you and practically threw you both backward onto your bed. You didn’t even care you were still in your day clothes, you didn’t want to move now that you were right where you wanted to be. And then you smelled it. The air had suddenly felt electric. The scent of ozone and frost filled the space. You felt a little tingle in your mind before hearing Phantom.
I’m so happy you’re here. I missed you so fucking much. I like you so fucking much. 
Your eyes snapped open. Oh. You definitely weren’t meant to hear that, at least not like this. However, your sleep-deprived mind couldn’t care less at the moment. 
“Hey.” You shifted your shoulder to get him to lift his head from your neck.
“Huh? What is it?” 
You gave him a quick, chaste kiss on his lips before pulling back and kissing his nose. 
“I missed you too.” 
It took him approximately five seconds to really understand what just happened as you sent him entirely offline. When his brain finally caught up, though, he laughed with so much genuine joy that it made your heart beat a little faster. He pulled you so impossibly close to him and peppered your whole face with kisses before leaving a long kiss on your lips. He nuzzled his face right back into your neck as you scratched between his horns. The silence was periodically broken with Phantom giggling to himself and pressing another kiss to your neck and shoulder. This went on until he ended up falling asleep with a slight smile on his face and a purr deep in his chest. 
You curled into his hold and never felt more content in your life. You closed your eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep soothed by his rumble and his weight. 
Okay. So maybe you did like him. Just a little bit.
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the-kr8tor · 16 days
Hie hie I love love your Hobie stories I was wondering if you could please could write something cute . So it’s about the twins asking their parents for a pet and they like seven but age is up to you and Hobie’s being all cheeky asking them if they would be good pet owners typical parent behaviour so they give them babydoll eyes to reader who can’t resist them and I guess the rest is up to you if that’s ok don’t wanna offend you in any way I love your work but if you can’t it’s no the end of the world thanks 😊
You didn't offend me dw dw! Thank you for requesting! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, Mom! Reader, Dad! Hobie, Twin AU, Dad AU, Billie and Ramona AU, FLUFF.
The girls gasp simultaneously, a cute reaction that would have you smiling sweetly and cooing at them but when you followed their line of sight, you almost audibly groaned.
In each hand you have their tiny palms in yours, Ramona jumps excitedly, eyes sparkling at the luminescent fishes on display in the window of the pet shop. While Billie screeches unabashedly, the sound gets the attention of the nearby people who are coming out of the grocery store. Her hands tugs you towards the store. You swear that they've gotten stronger even though they're only five years old.
“Mummy!” Billie yells at the top of her lungs, pink trainers scrapping on the rough pavement. “They have a puppy!”
“Okay, okay, don't drag mommy around like your doll.”
Hobie chuckles behind you, hands full of groceries. You stare at him with a pout, wordlessly calling for help. He raises both hands, plastic bags crinkling, shrugging.
With a quick glare, he changes course from the teasing. “Listen to mum, Bee. Mon, your shoes are untied, you're gonna trip.”
“‘m okay!” Mona says, ribbons falling off her pigtails from all the jumping. “Can we see the fishes?” You crouch down to tie her shoes, an impossible feat while Billie tries to coax you into going inside the store.
Billie's voice triumphs over Mona's. “The dogs, mum!”
You inhale, wrangling the twins in your arms. “We'll go inside, only if you promise me to behave. And what did dad tell you last time?”
“Don't put your fingers inside the cages.” They both speak at the same time with the same flat cadence.
“And?” Hobie continues for you.
“Don't tap at the aquariums.” They simultaneously say, “can we go now?” Now their twin telepathy has you giggling and almost creeped if not for their cute faces staring at you, waiting for a response.
You decide to tease, hands holding onto their overalls. “Hmm, what do you think, dad?”
Hobie fakes a huff. “Dunno, love, these bags are heavy.”
“Dad!” Billie exclaims, stomping her little foot.
“Please, daddy?” Mona has a different plan, she pouts at Hobie, eyes all big, staring up and pleading with him.
The second Hobie nodded, you're sure that you won't be able to say no to a pet this time. You're already running out of excuses as to why they can't have one. The girls run off, leaving you in the dust.
“I'll just bring these to the car—” Hobie starts.
“Nuh uh” you grab him by his sleeve. “I need backup, I know they're gonna ask again. ‘sides, you can handle the bags, right?” Hobie scrunches his face, a resemblance of both girls when you ask them to eat their veggies. “You're my big strong spider—”
“Fine!” He says before you could finish your teasing. “I am strong.” He murmurs, pecking your cheek before following the girls inside.
“You are so strong!” Ragging him on, you race after him, quickly reciprocating the kiss by smooching his cheek with a resounding smack.
Hobie's lips curl into a sly smile, eyes roaming around the shop for his gremlins. You loop your arm around his own, carefully not adding to the weight. Hand kneading softly at his skin. He grins wider from how you lovingly hold him close.
“Ooh!” Billie's voice acts as a beacon for you and Hobie to follow. You see them both crouched down, eyes big and curious at the lonesome angel fish swimming in the tank.
“She's so pretty!” Mona adds, you're wishing that you brought your camera with you to capture the moment.
Sure enough, when you peek at the aquarium, the cobalt scales of the angelfish has you mesmerized too. “She is gorgeous.”
Both girls turn towards you simultaneously, smile all toothy with a few missing teeth in between their milk teeth. You already know what they're about to ask.
“Please?” Mona starts.
“We'll take good care of her!” Billie finishes with the perfect puppy dog eyes that you know the girls got from Hobie.
“Angelfish is a bit hard to take care of for a first pet. Maybe we should start off with a goldfish?” Hobie joins in unexpectedly, smile identical to the twins. You sometimes think it's unfair that you carried them for nine grueling months only for the girls to end up looking almost exactly like their father. This day is one of those days, because you know you cannot say no to that face. You've even joked about it to Hobie, to which he always replies with a ‘maybe the next one will look like you more.’ When you're too flabbergasted to reply, Hobie brings the other bag of groceries to his other hand to hold yours and then to bring your knuckles to his lips. You've lost, again. “Ain't that right, love?”
You sigh, surrendering to the whims of your adorable yet menace of a family. “Only if they promise to take good care of the fish.” The girls gasp, Billie even embraces Mona like they've won the war. “And it has to be a goldfish, okay?”
The girls can't hold their excitement any longer, they shriek happily, bounding over towards the goldfish section. Hobie kisses your hand again, this time longer, you can feel his smug grin through it. You shake your head with a groan, but you still peck his hand back.
“Wait, girls!” Hobie suddenly calls for them back. They both come hopping over to you. Billie and Mona getting what they want has turned them more obedient. Or they're just biased because their dad finally convinced you to agree. They look up at you sweetly, they know the effect of their cuteness, probably because of uncle Ned who gives them whatever they want if they just look at him all adorable like. “What do you say? Especially to mum?”
“Thank you, mummy!” Mona hugs your leg, while Billie joins in a second later.
Billie looks up, “kiss?” She asks, pouting her lips. No DNA test needed, definitely Hobie's kid, like there was any doubt.
“Of course, baby.” With a quick smooch, she smiles gratefully.
“Thank you, mummy, love you.” She murmurs into the denim of your pants, she's bringing out her big guns for this fish.
“I love you too!” Ramona joins in, puckering her lips too. You give her the same amount of smooch. “Thank you, love you.”
“And I love you both.”
“Okay, stop hounding mum, go pick out your fish.” Hobie pats them both on their curly heads, then both girls give him a not so sly thumbs up.
Mona gestures for her dad to lean down, Hobie obliges. She whispers in his ear but she still doesn't understand the concept of whispering so her tone is as loud as her usual one. “A doggy next time, daddy.”
Billie pipes up, of course hearing the entire thing. “Or a kitten!” You can see from Hobie's face that he wants the monitor lizard in the corner to eat him up.
Your family has played you like a fiddle.
They walk away giggling, talking about what name they should give their fish. Hobie looks back at a glaring you. “I love you so much—”
“You’re cleaning the tank.”
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spliffymae · 1 year
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synopsis: it’s just you and your ex husband speaking…at three in the morning…with tensions at a crazy high…you’re totally fine.
⚠️, swearing, mentions of cheating, smut, oral (m receiving), toji is a dickhead, reader experiencing body issues during pregnancy, angst with a mix of sadness.
pt.1 if y’all haven’t read it already :)
kio’s notes - guys i am so proud of this part. omfg idk what it is but i ate this shit up. also wanted to just say thank you all so much for interacting with my posts and loving my stories 🫶🏽🥹 honestly makes me so happy to know y’all love it!
now playing:
⊱ ──────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}──────── ⊰
“so my name can’t be said in your house, toji? what, am i voldemort now?”
“might as well be.” he mumbled, looking anywhere but at you. he couldn’t, not when you wore one of his old college sweaters he had forgotten at your house when you two started dating, four years ago. you ended up keeping it as a part of your wardrobe.
unfortunately, you hadn’t a clue that you were wearing something of his.
you folded your arms, leaning on your right leg. you were going to start with your attitude, you knew that for certain, and you didn’t care. “really? that’s how we’re acting? grow the hell up, toji. i’m not the one who ruined our marriage.”
“no just the one who ended it, right?”
you scoffed, “well i wonder why!” you said sarcastically. if he could play the ass then so could you. hell, you’d do it better.
toji rolled his eyes as a response. “i’m not doing whatever this is with you, (y/n). just tell me what megumi took and let me go take care of him.” he pinched the bridge of his nose with his empty hand. he was stressed, the evidence all over his face.
unbeknownst to you, he had been having the hardest time as a single father, trying to manage the complexities between todays adolescent life and the development of a baby. now add on his hefty paperwork from his missions and he was positive he could be sent to an early grave from stressing so hard. there wasn’t enough time in the day.
“i don’t know what the drug is, he—.” toji cut you off,
“the hell you mean you don’t know?” he spoke as if you should’ve known, almost judging you for not. the tone had your brow raised, now looking at him with narrow eyes. it was your way of telepathy, non-verbally telling him to ‘watch it’, because he was on paper thin ice.
“like i was saying—he got in the car and didn’t say. i didn’t even think to ask at that moment because i was just concerned with bringing him home first. it was a priority but at—.”
he cut you off again, this time with a scoff.
“just not top priority, right?”
you blinked.
you blinked again.
there was a silence between the two of you. a thick silence holding all the tension you two had created from being in the others presence.
toji had regretted the words just as they came out. he knew he messed up. he knew megumi had been your top priority when he didn’t have to be. when you were nothing more than toji’s friend who would just babysit the young boy whenever his father went out on missions.
megumi had been your first child, whether it be by blood or not. you loved him like he was, raised him, and became the parent he never knew he needed.
toji would always say it was your smile that drew him in, or say to his colleagues at work dinners it was your beauty, but truthfully—honestly, it was the way you loved his son like he was your own.
“i’m gonna give you a chance to take that back,” you spoke softly, voice slightly cracking. “because i know right now you’re just saying shit to hurt me. i love megumi, and if you wanna swing low, i promise you, toji, i will swing to hell.” you pointed. your eyes had become glossy with tears and you hated it.
megumi was a soft spot for you, always has been. whenever you and toji would get in spats in regard to him you were always on the defense for megumi. you were his advocate when there was no one else. but you were also reminded by toji (only when boiling points had been reached) that your advocacy did not need to be respected because you were not megumi’s real mom.
toji looked at his daughter, who had fallen asleep against his chest, soft and shallow breaths leaving her lips. she was your twin and he knew it was his karma. karma for his infidelity, his lying ways. he knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but he couldn’t help it.
“say it, toji. tell me i’m not his mom—do it!” you stepped closer. your eyes quickly darted to your daughter to see if your sudden volume increase had startled her awake. thankfully it didn’t.
“tell me he’s not my son, go ahead. tell me i went to every sports game, recital, and parent-teacher interview by myself because he wasn’t my son. say it, i want to hear you say, ‘(y/n), you’re not megumi’s mom. he’s not your son.”
there were tears in your eyes now, droplets falling after you’d blink. “let me remind you while you were out getting your dick wet in another bitch, i was home, pregnant and alone, with megumi who had a high ass fever. i took care of him when his own father put pussy over him. so don’t come to me about my priorities, ight?”
at the mention of his cheating, toji’s lips pressed into a thin line. he had definitely struck a nerve with his previous comment.
“i told you she meant nothing to me. i wasn’t in my right mind and—”
“and were just mad at your pregnant wife, so you decided to cheat on her. that would show me, huh toji?”
how many times was he going to have to apologize for what he did?
for doing the one thing he swore to not do?
he opened his mouth to speak. what he was going to say was what he didn’t quite know just yet. he wasn’t sure if he wanted to defend himself or just fight back. what was even the point of fighting back? everything you were saying was true.
rin had fussed from under him, her little whines being a reminder to her parents she was still present.
“i—” toji began but you cut him off by raising your hand up,
“shut up and feed my child. i’m going to go check on my son.” you didn’t wait for response from him as you turned to head upstairs, stomping away to let out some anger.
you left toji to realize he was in fact about to feed rin before arguing with you. and he cursed himself for forgetting what he originally came downstairs to do.
“shit.” he muttered as he went to the couch. he took her out the carrier and sat down with her. thankfully her bottle hadn’t spoiled and was still warm. damn you for being aware of your daughters needs.
“sorry, rinny. got distracted.” he kissed her forehead as he put the bottle to her lips. there was that feeling he felt in the kitchen again, that guilt. he hated it.
it was like someone took a fire to the inside of his stomach. it was hot, burning even. he was uncomfortable whenever it came because it was a feeling he couldn’t suppress.
he felt ever since that night, and it only ever grew as the days progressed.
toji had come home later than he told you, he had to stop to bring home food for you and megumi, as well as shower to rid himself of the smell of sex.
he didn’t mean to do it, honestly. he was just mad and needy. you hadn’t been giving him the attention he wanted from you. you wouldn’t let him touch you or even kiss you anywhere that wasn’t on your face. he needed the intimacy, and you only wanted privacy.
you claimed it was because you felt gross. you tried to explain to your husband how the pregnancy was affecting your mental state, mostly how you viewed your body. you already had body issues prior to being pregnant, but now, at your six month mark, you felt like you didn’t know who was staring back at you in the mirror.
but toji couldn’t understand. he kept trying to tell you how pretty you were to him, how beautiful you were all big with his baby, but you would never really take in his words. you just shrugged them and his reassuring kisses off with a fake smile and a quiet “thanks.”
you were supposed to go with him to this big work dinner. you had promised him you’d go and be his pretty little wife months ago. smile big in front of potential clients, mention your husband’s various accolades, basically put toji on a pedestal so they would choose him.
but when the night came, you weren’t feeling up for the event. toji of course wasn’t pleased as he had been telling you about this dinner for months. he tried to convince you to come but like previous disputes you two have had, it ended in yelling and arguments.
you yelled at him for his apathy; not understanding just how tired you were from carrying his baby, working during the pregnancy, and being the present parent for megumi in terms of school while toji went on his missions.
he yelled at you for not giving him the attention he deserves as your husband. for not being there for him when he needed you. honestly he knew it was dumb to have this argument. he should’ve just kissed you and agreed to let you stay home. but his stupid pride got in the way.
so he ended up going alone, dressed in his fancy suit and shoes, silver audemars piguet watch on his wrist and cuff links to match. he walked into the banquet hall and decided he would do it all himself—like he always did.
that’s when he stumbled into her, shoko ieri. she had complimented him on the way he flipped one of the biggest and most stubborn drug lords in the city to hire him for a hit job. she offered to buy him a celebratory drink, whiskey—since she was drinking it too.
it happened fast, at least to toji. the way they went from a playful banter by the bar to sitting next to each other at one of the tables. she had been a guest of his colleague, satorou gojo. she was a doctor for men in his line of work.
“so if i get injured on the job…” toji remembers starting, leaning back in the chair and putting his arm around the back of shoko’s. he had a smirk on his face as he manspread in his seat.
“then just stop by mine and i’ll make it all better.” she patted his cheek, eyes twinkling in mischief.
she ordered another round of whiskey for the two of them. the more he drank, the more you and megumi slipped from his mind. the more he ignored the gnawing sound in the back of his head. the one that kept telling him to stop.
another round of whiskey lowers the volume of his conscience. he can hear shoko better as she tells him about an impromptu surgery she performed on toji’s other colleague—and the godfather to your daughter, suguru geto. she touches toji’s bicep every now and again, as the story reaches turning points and it’s climax. the noise in his head comes back once she finishes the story, reminding him that you are waiting for him at home.
“but i don’t want to talk about me. i want to hear about the one and only toji fushiguro,” she leans in to him and his heart swells.
another round of whiskey. the noise has been minimized to a hum toji now hears every now and again as he tells her about an operation gone wrong in nagasaki. the conversation takes a flirtatious turn when shoko’s hand flies to his knee in a somber stroke, mumbling about how tired toji must’ve been after. his ego bursts.
another round of whiskey and toji does not recall there ever being a noise in his head. it’s quiet now, with only the sound of the jazz band and shoko having his attention. her hand remains on his knee, cherry red nails scraping against his thigh as it inches higher. toji makes a comment about switching to water for the night but shoko reminds him that just like the night they are both young.
another round of whiskey. toji’s hand is squeezing shoko’s thigh, his fingers grazing higher to places he yearns to explore. her lips now the colour plum, stained from the red wine she was nursing in between shots.
“there’s a hotel above us, y’know.” her eyes were piercing into his own. lips in a smirk and cheeks red from being flustered.
“so why are we still sitting here?” toji asked, lifting a brow. shoko smiled and unlocked her phone, passed it to him with the contact page open.
“add yourself. then wait for ten minutes.” she had a confidence about her that toji found captivating. so he did as she said, tapping his thumbs against her screen and filling out the information. when he gave her back the phone, she smiled and stood up, sauntering away.
his dick was hard. he was leaning back in the chair, wiping a hand down his face to calm himself down.
in the moments he spent to himself, the noise he had long forgotten slowly made its way back to max volume. he signaled to the waitress for another round.
the glasses of alcohol were brought in front of him, two tall shot glasses. he took them down without a thought, the liquid burning his throat.
his phone vibrated on his lap,
room 615.
it happened in slow motion, at least to toji. the way his fist knocked against the door of the hotel room and shoko answered with a smirk before pulling him in by his belt. then things started to pick up.
the way he cupped her face and kissed her hungrily. his anger from earlier and passion from the lust he felt were put into the kiss, the sounds of their lips smacking and shoko moaning ringing in his ears.
she broke away to flash a wicked smile before she bent down in her heels, becoming eye level with his crotch. she began pawing at the bulge in his pants, emitting a groan from him. his hand grabbed at her hair, chestnut coloured tresses bunched up in his fist and a gruff “suck it” leaving his lips.
his dick was hard and it was leaking for her. the way she sucked on his reddened tip had his eyes fluttering closed. she opened her mouth wide and took him until her nose was brushing against his freshly trimmed pubic hairs.
those same nails that had his leg jumping traced his prominent v-line. toji was seeing stars as she began to bob her head. he hadn’t gotten head in so long, months probably. her throat was so tight, so warm.
does it help if he said he thought of you during it, the cheating?
when he had her back arched over the bathroom sink and stared at her fucked out expression through the mirror, he saw you for a minute. he blamed the alcohol, of course.
would it make you feel better if he said he used condoms?
he didn’t want to bring anything back to you. and after that night, he got tested sometime that week to make sure everything was okay. it was, and he let out a sigh of relief.
can knowing he felt like absolute shit once he finished bring you solace?
when she had come for the third and final time in the bed, he gave her a kiss to the forehead as she fell to sleep. he walked bear to the shower and at the sight of himself in the mirror he wanted to throw up.
he came home just after midnight to find you were sitting outside megumi’s door with a blanket over your body and head resting back against the wall.
“love,” toji crouched down and shook you softly. you should have been in bed. “(y/n), wake up.”
you stirred, but eventually your eyes opened to see your husband, with a curious look on his face. “you’re on the floor.”
“why didn’t you answer your phone?” was the first thing you asked him. you didn’t say hi, you didn’t ask how the night was—you got straight to it.
toji pulled his phone out from his pants pocket and turned off his do not disturb to see he had five missed calls and ten texts from you.
“i put it on do not disturb so i could focus on the clients, m’sorry baby. what happened, are you okay?” he quickly scrolled through the messages:
you seriously are going to throw a fit bc i’m pregnant and tired?
fine fuck you then
ok not fuck you fuck you. fuck you for now
megs is sick and his head is burning. is your dinner close to finishing?
toji i get we are beefing atm but our son is sick and i need your help
he just told me to leave him alone bc he doesn’t want to get me sick and possibly harm the baby. i told him that won’t happen but he won’t listen to me. toji pls call him
bro can you not be on your petty shit for a hot minute and just answer me?! i don’t know what to do he has chills now! holy fuck
toji !
update: it’s been an hr, idk what tf you got goin on but megs is still sick. i made him soup and he had a little before throwing up. i gave him some medicine and cold towel for his head but there’s no change. idek why i’m texting this shit to you 🙄
if i lock your ass out pls know it was justified.
toji looked at you with apologetic eyes. you were mad, rightfully so. you had expressed to him how uncomfortable you had been lately, with your body in more pain then before. standing up for long was difficult, he knew this. he had heard the doctor tell you not to over exert yourself and take it easy on your body.
“started to think you wouldn’t be coming home.” you pushed the blanket off of you, dressed in one of his tee shirts and a pair of your pajama pants, your cornrows tucked away under your hair scarf.
you struggled to get up on your own, your max weight now being shifted to your front and creating an imbalance. but you did it with a huff, toji standing tall now and watching. he had offered to help but you slapped his hand away.
“shut the fuck up. i’m going to bed and you’re on the couch.” you pushed the blanket into his chest. he was still slightly drunk so he stumbled back a bit, but caught himself.
toji didn’t have any more time to dwell on his past actions. or to recall the night you found out, because you had come back downstairs. “megs’ still high, but he says it’s better than how he was before. he said he and his friends took a pill—probably molly. i ordered him some food to eat so hopefully it comes down fast. rin doing okay?” you stood at the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the banister.
in front of you was toji’s back as he held rin, who was fast asleep in a formula coma. the bottle was empty and she was content, snoring away in her fathers arms.
“she’s fine now.” he mumbled but you heard. and with a nod, you walked to the door to put your shoes back on.
“great, i’ll be on my way. listen out for his food. kiss rin f’me.”
toji heard you unlock the door, and heard the sound of it opening. before you walked out though, he called out to you.
“was there any part of you that would’ve taken me back….after everything?” he turned his head so he could see you in his peripheral. he wasn’t going to look at you as you said it, he couldn’t.
he doesn’t think you understand how hard it’s been to look at you since that night.
you blew air out your mouth, cheeks puffed and eyebrows raised. you hadn’t expected for this to be the question he asks you as you get ready to leave. not at damn near five in the morning.
but might as well, right?
“honestly, yeah. i would always have these random moments where i would feel like i needed you again, in my life or in my bed…but then i would remember that you cheated on me when i was pregnant, and when i was in the darkest period of my pregnancy, at that.”
the emotions were still raw for you, the betrayal and the pain. it was a feeling that felt almost close to that of stabbing. a piercing blade through your heart that turned deeper into the organ anytime you’d think about it.
“i, uh, remember how i stayed up crying for months after because i just knew that whoever that woman was, she must’ve been the definition of gorgeous—because you used to tell me there was not a being alive who could outshine my beauty. and i believed you.”
“i didn’t lie” toji said. his voice was shaky and he honestly didn’t know why he asked you such a question. it was obvious there was no sign of reconciliation between you two. but yet he asked anyways, hoping some higher being somewhere would give him back his family. he didn’t appreciate it at first, but he’s learned now.
you chuckled dryly, “no, you were just proven wrong. goodnight, toji.” you quickly left after that, not wanting to wait around for anything he had to say.
as far as you were concerned, that was the end. it was over.
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pt. 3
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twisted-tales-of-all · 9 months
An Incubus's Innocence
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Summary: After being assigned to work for Jongho, you learn that his powers make him an almost unbearable tease. When you confront him, you learn the reason behind it and offer help. Pairing: Choi Jongho x afab!Reader Genre: Mature/Smut, Fluff (if you squint), Fantasy, One Shot Tropes: idol!AU, Incubus!AU, personal assistant!AU Word Count: 3.6k Contains: cursing, jealousy, territorial Jongho, he's a bit pushy at first, he's a massive tease, pet names (baby, babe), mixed signals, dirty talk, telepathy, inexperienced!Jongho, oral (m. receiving), orgasm denial (kinda), hair pulling, guidance in the bedroom, confirming consent (as you should!)
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When you agreed to work closely with ATEEZ, you expected that you'd run around doing errands. With an exceptionally high salary and the numerous documents to sign, you should've gotten a hint that it wouldn't be the case, and the moment you were assigned to a specific member in particular, you should've known, but your vision was clouded by the money and security of it all - not to mention leaving your old shitty life behind.
Moving into the apartment they assigned you felt like washing away all the stress and negativity you'd piled up over the recent months. Other than the boxes scattered around waiting to be unpacked, everything looked pristine and light. You let yourself take this in as a symbol of the life to come, hoping only for good things.
How wrong was that?
Meeting the group for the first time started the chaos without hesitation, as the manager told them who you were and left you alone for the wolves to tear apart. Quickly, you learned what everyone was - and hence what needed avoidance - and made note to remember. Luckily, you knew of the group already, so you didn't have to put names to faces on top of it. Learning which creatures they were was more than enough work.
"So, lemme double check. Seonghwa and Yeosang are sirens. Mingi is a werewolf. San and Yunho are animal hybrids. Wooyoung, you're a kitsune. And then Hongjoong and Jongho are sex demons?"
With the group's approval of your efforts, the chaos starts right back from where it left off. Suddenly, Mingi is asking you a dozen questions a minute, leaving you unable to keep up. Seeing this, the otherwise uninterested man that you were assigned to help interrupts the wolf and pulls you out of the room by your wrist.
"They hired you for me, so what are you entertaining the dog for?" He spits, jealousy dripping from his words.
"I was just answering questions. But how am I supposed to help you, anyway?" You wring your arm out of his grasp and continue, "Why does an incubus need help from a human?"
With a chuckle, he leans in close to whisper directly into your ear, "Now where else would I get my energy from?"
Your face warms up at his comment, but you decide to play it off as a joke, "Very funny, Jongho. Really, what can I do for you?"
Wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to be flush against him, he makes direct eye contact to emphasize his point, "Fall for me. Desire me."
You freak out at the closeness, brain blanking from the intensity of his gaze. Although small words and noises spill from your lips, none of them make any sense. The moment you break eye contact, he leans in closer, enjoying your confusion.
"Let it happen, babe," He growls out the pet name. "I can feel the urge in you. Why not let it out to play?"
Locking eyes again out of shock, you wonder how he can tell. As his face is only a couple of inches away from yours, you find your gaze shifting downwards, landing on his lips. You watch as one side of his mouth curls upward mischievously, focusing on how beautiful it would be if this is your true job.
"You want a taste, babe? I know I'm dying to taste you."
Watching his lips move as he speaks, you feel like you've been put in some sort of trance. Betraying all the thoughts telling you that it isn't right, you lean in slightly. He meets you in the middle, placing his free hand on your cheek as the arm around your midsection tightens and pulls you as close as you can get. A warmth unlike any you've felt before builds in the pit of your stomach as the kiss continues. Quickly, the gentle start twists into a hungry, needy rush. Before you know that you've moved, your back hits the wall and his hand moves down to your butt. Slowly, the hand around your face moves to your neck, followed by his lips shortly after. Giving into your urges, you find yourself mumbling out his name with ragged breath. You feel him smile against the base of your neck before coaxing you to remain quiet.
"The others are only a room away, and some of them have heightened hearing. Quiet down before they hear."
Although he calmly scolds you, he sucks on your collarbone immediately after, making your breath catch in your throat. Despite his words, he continues his actions, lifting your leg and making it wrap around his hip. Grinding against you slightly, he manages to collect a massive burst of energy, so he slows down and eases out of the position. Finishing with a peck to your lips, he smiles and steps back.
"You taste wonderful, Y/N. So much that you've made me full."
As your breath steadies, you feel an emptiness settle where the warmth once was, "We've not doing more?"
"Don't worry. It's your job, so you'll get more later. For now, I'm full on your energy, so you should be glad. It'd be quite draining in we were to fuck, y'know. You might have to sleep for days."
Not believing him, you slump against the wall, pouting, but he just leaves the room to join the others. You hear them asking about you, with Hongjoong teasing that he probably put you through too much on your first day on the job.
When you pull yourself together and enter the main room again, you hear Hongjoong scream out, "You didn't?!"
"Ask Y/N yourself if you don't believe me. We didn't even undress." Jongho waves him off, paying attention to his phone once again.
Everyone else turns to face you. Hongjoong stands up and approaches you to ask, "You really didn't have sex with him? How does he seem so satisfied then?"
Embarrassed by being so blatantly asked about your sex life, you can't find the words to answer, so you simply shake your head. Your gaze falls to the floor, so Hongjoong notices the difference between you and Jongho quickly.
"You were left unsatisfied, weren't you?" Raising his voice to bring Jongho's attention, he asks, "Should I help you out, then?"
In the blink of an eye, Jongho is in between you and Hongjoong, gripping the collar of the shorter man's shirt, "Don't even think about it."
Scoffing, Hongjoong brushes the hand away and takes a step back, mocking, "Quite possessive over a simple human there."
Breaking the resulting silence, you shakily say goodbye to everyone and make your way down the hall to your apartment. You plop onto your bed and stare at a random spot on your floor for a moment before thrashing around to get rid of the stress and whiplash of emotions from the past hour. When you're finished, you lay flat on top of your blankets with your pillow hugged to your chest. Trying to make sense of everything, you relive it again in your mind.
Accepting the job. Being assigned to Jongho. Meeting everybody. Finding out that none of them are human. Jongho getting mad that you're giving Mingi attention. The room - god, the room. Him leaving suddenly, and that empty feeling. Yet him threatening the captain with violence over you.
Everything feels confusing. You can't figure out where you stand with Jongho. It keeps you up all night, but you don't even notice until you hear a knock on your door, prompting you to check the clock as you stand. Checking the camera, you see Jongho standing there. Your heart begins to race and the warmth returns to your core. Trying to hide this from him, you take a deep grounding breath before opening the door.
"Hello, babe. Can I come in? I missed you once I woke up this morning."
"Uh, sure." You move aside to let him in, but continue, "You missed me? We only just met."
Tossing you a judgemental look, he jokes, "Didn't stop you from thinking about me all night, now, did it?"
"I can read your energy, Y/N. There's no use hiding anything from me. I'll see it, even if nobody else will."
As you follow him to the couch, you ask, "That's a power you have? How does that help an incubus?"
With a laugh, he comments, "You read books about us, haven't you? It's probably stuck in your mind that we just fuck the souls out of people for our own well-being, right?"
Embarrassed to learn that your idea is wrong, you answer with a nod and a mumbled, "Mhm."
Suddenly, he's leaning against you with his hand holding your chin. He speaks with a lure in his voice, sounding as sweet as can be for a demon, "Is that what you want? Would you prefer if I just screw you into oblivion everyday?"
Knowing you can't hide your heightened heart rate, you try to make up an excuse instead, "It, it sounds enthralling, but how about we meet in the middle somewhere? Maybe once or twice a week?"
Slowly, his hand moves from your chin to the back of your neck as you speak, brushing your skin ever so slightly. Tugging slightly on the hair at your nape to tilt your head back, he deepens his voice but keeps that sweet tone, "Now, now. Who works for who here, babe? Are you really that upset that I left you wanting last night?"
You don't have to respond. You know he already knows the answer. After such a quick escalation, how could you not be upset that he ended it early? He switched on a dime and acted like nothing happened in a second.
"Oh, poor baby. Should I make it up to you? You waited for me and everything."
He swings his leg over you, sitting himself in your lap without missing a beat. As he places his hands on the couch on either side of your head, his devious smile finds its way to your lips, so much so that you can still feel the smile in his kiss.
More. Please give me more this time.
Although you think it to yourself, he responds by snaking a hand under your shirt. He holds your waist gently to contrast the aggressive kiss, and the cold touch of skin on skin earns a whine falling from your lips. Unlike the night prior, you feel comfortable to make all the noise you'd like, and Jongho responds positively to it as well. As his hand raises under the shirt, you find yourself whining again as he pulls away to lift it over your head. As soon as the article is removed, you grab ahold of the fabric at his chest and pull him back to you to continue the kiss.
You hear his voice in your head jokingly tell you to have patience, but you can't tell whether it's your imagination or yet another one of his powers - and, frankly, you couldn't care less to know the answer. Tugging at his shirt again, you wordlessly urge him to remove it, but he grabs at your hand instead, moving it down to your shorts.
Pulling away momentarily, you pout, "It's your turn. Why do I have to remove something else before you remove anything?"
"We're not there yet, Y/N. I don't show myself to just anyone, y'know. NDA or otherwise."
Begrudgingly, you pull your shorts down, lifting your body off the couch momentarily. You feel your thighs rub against Jongho as you do this, but he stifles any reaction he might've had due to it. Looking down, you notice his bulge and feel your mouth water at the idea of his cock in your mouth. You drop the shorts down your legs and kick them off of your feet as Jongho moves a hand down your body, lightly grazing against your shoulder blades, chest, hip, and thigh.
You watch his face as his hungry eyes follow his hand down your body and land on your underwear, sensing that they're sticking to you thanks to your wetness.
"Dirty, dirty. We've got a good one here, haven't we?" He boasts, proud that he has his own personal energy source that he can work up so easily.
"Jongho," you breathe out, bringing his eyes back up to yours. "Can I blow you? You look like you want it."
Lightly pressing a hand against the bulge in his pants, you urge him to undo them to let his needy member free. Clicking his tongue, he gets up from your lap. Looking down at you, he finds you pouting as the emptiness fills you again, and the cold air hits your nearly-naked body.
"Pushy, Y/N. Too pushy. We'll get there when we get there. Today isn't the day, since you don't know how to contain yourself properly yet."
Although you reach out for him in hopes of him coming back, he simply picks up your shirt and hands it to you. Holding it to your chest, you beg him not to leave you like this again.
"I can stay with you if you'd like, but I can't eat any more. Your energy overflows so nicely, but that means I can only handle so much of it."
This pattern repeats over the course of the month, and you struggle to get past a heated makeout with him, so you decide to try something new. When he calls you to join him in the dance studio, you head over with the determination to get something out of him, even if it's just some extra skin being shown.
Entering the studio, you find all the boys scattered around the room, sweaty and panting. They all say hello through their shaky breaths, and you make your way to Jongho to ask why he called you over today. Resting against the wall, he dons a black tank top and ripped jeans. Already, you've seen more skin today than in any of your sessions.
Before you even ask anything, the tired boy reaches out both hands towards you, asking for a hug. You comply, bending down and wrapping your arms around him while ignoring the stickiness of his skin.
"Thanks for coming, Y/N. I'm really drained right now, and you always bring my energy back."
"It almost sounds sweet if you weren't just being literal about it." Yeosang shouts from across the room, resting atop a pile of mats.
"Oh, shut it, Yeosang."
You feel him regain strength as you stay with him, but remind yourself of your resolve in case he tries anything funny. And, sure enough, he teases you shortly after.
"Should I show you off in front of everyone?" He whispers with a nudge to your shoulder.
You immediately pull away and stand your ground, "No. I'm not doing anything with you right now."
As you firmly put your foot down, you see Jongho tense up and hear some reactions - mostly stifled laughs - from those in the room with better hearing. He tries to joke with you further, claiming that he'll wait until you go home if he has to, but you claim that you don't want to do anything with him unless he follows through all the way. You say this loud enough for everyone to hear, earning a couple of shocked reactions.
Once practice ends, you all walk home together. Saying goodbye at their door, you walk down the hall to yours, followed by a silent but irritated Jongho. He walks into your apartment without invitation, sitting down on your bed with legs crossed at the knee.
"What was all that for?"
"What do you mean? I came like you asked."
"You put on a performance for them, talking about you no longer playing with me."
"Oh, that's no performance. Unless something more happens, I'm refusing to mess around with you again."
Leaning back in an attempt to regain his sense of control, he tries to gauge your energy. Finding your determination stronger than anything else, he sighs, "Okay, what is that something? What do you want to happen? I'll see if I'm willing."
After a short conversation establishing that he wishes to keep all his clothes on, he agrees to give you oral. Although you can't understand how he's okay to blue-ball himself so much, you relish in your victory to progress with him.
This time, the makeout session is quicker. You're undressed within ten minutes, with him trailing kisses down your naked body as he kneels onto the floor in front of your bed. He pays close attention to your thighs and focuses on them for longer than you expect before a thought comes to mind. You place your hand lightly on his head, coaxing him to stop and look up at you.
"Have you not done this before? Is that why you're hesitant to do anything?"
His eyes widen, wondering how you came to that conclusion despite his best attempts to hide it, but he can't find the words to deny your accusation. You play with his hair a bit as you sit up straighter.
"Do you want me to guide you? I don't mind. Wouldn't have expected a sex demon to be a virgin, but everyone has to start somewhere, right?"
You pat the bed, telling him to sit there with you. You ask him again if he's truly okay with doing this and remind him that you'll guide him through anything that worries him but that you don't want him stopping without explanation halfway through. Emphasizing the importance of communication, you feel him warm up a bit to you.
"Y/N," he starts, gathering the courage to use the words he wants to say, "Could you... go first? I still don't want to take off my clothes, though. Is there a way for it to work?"
"You want me to do what exactly? I can always rub you through your pants, or if you're okay with unbuttoning and showing me just your dick, I can suck you off. It all depends on what you're comfy with."
Looking down at his lap, he whispers, "Could you suck it? I wanna feel it."
The confidence from before is totally wiped from him, and you see someone fully different. Agreeing, you throw your leg over him and hover above his lap with your arms draped over his shoulders. The kisses softer now, you coax him to lay down and slowly guide your hands to his pants. You keep eye contact as you hook your fingers over the hem. He quickly unbuttons them for you, and you pull them down with his underwear, only just until you feel him spring up from the barriers and hit your hand. Before touching it yourself, you return your attention to his face, brushing a stray hair off of his forehead and kissing his cheek and down to his collarbone. Sucking on the skin, you show him a taste of your skills and kiss the red mark.
"You ready, Jongho?"
With the slightest noise of approval, you move down and kiss the tip of his exposed dick. His breath hitches at the sensation, so you lightly wrap a hand around him before placing your lips fully around the tip. As you slowly move your hand, you swirl your tongue around, tasting the salty precum leaking from his tip. Catching him grabbing at your sheets, you place your hand on top of his until his grip weakens. You bring his hand to your head, but he doesn't know what to do, so you lift your head to talk to him.
"Do just like you did to the sheets. Grab my hair in your fist if you want. Let me feel that you like it. Plus, this way you can pull me away if I do too much for you or do something you don't like. Just don't pull too hard."
Leaning back in, you continue, moaning onto his dick when you feel him grab onto your hair and arch his back in response. Gaining a sense of dominance as his enjoyment rushes through your head, you begin taking more of him into your mouth, bobbing your head at the same pace as your hand. After a couple of minutes, he's whining incoherently, so you take it as a good sign and take his full length, the tip hitting your throat and making him grab your hair tighter to hold you in place. You enjoy his reactions, loving to see this new side of him. Without warning, you feel a gush of hot liquid stream down your throat, bringing tears to the corners of your eyes as you have to stop yourself from choking out of shock. You swallow it down, the sensations drawing a strained groan from the man from the overstimulation.
When his grip loosens again, you slowly move away, quickly wiping your mouth with your wrist as you look up to find an exhausted man staring at the ceiling above him.
"Tired?" You joke.
"No, I'm overloaded, actually. I've never felt such a great surge of energy before."
Laying down next to him, you confirm that he enjoyed it. As he thanks you for helping him, he turns over and throws an arm around you, asking whether he should try to repay the favor.
"I think I can work with that great example. It probably won't be as good, but I'll practice plenty."
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teriri-sayes · 9 months
Reactions to Tsunami Stopper's Chapter 194
TL;DR - HD nags Cale about taking care of himself in consideration for his companions. Cale's legend begins to spread in the Central Plains. Cale receives his reward.
Scolding Time You would think that it was Cale's companions who would scold him, right? This chapter proved us wrong. It was HD who did that... 😂HD lectured Cale on taking care of his body properly and to consider the feelings of his companions.
HD said something about how he was the sky to the Demon Cult who was the earth, and that Cale was similar to him. Cale was the sky to this companions who were the earth. And the sky and the earth relied on each other.
Cale's companions treated being with Cale as their home, and Cale also felt the same. HD said all that because that was how he felt with the Demon Cult too. 🥰
I would have been happy about HD's nagging, but his words somehow felt like he was going to stay in Central Plains and not join Cale's group... 🥲
The funny part about this scolding was that HD said all of that to Cale via sound transmission, the murim world's version of telepathy. So only Cale was supposed to hear that, right? But then, Cale recalled that Raon could also eavesdrop on sound transmission... and he panicked because HD was also saying stuff about how his whole body could have exploded and not just his head... 😂
Our Raon was trembling and glaring at Cale despite Cale saying that he was fine. And when HD said that part about the sky and earth, Raon couldn't hold it in and shouted that he wanted to be the sky and his human should be the earth like Super Rock.
HD was shocked that Raon actually heard him, and Cale agreed to Raon being the sky but added that he did not want to be like Super Rock. Fire AP laughed at Cale's words.
Meanwhile, Alberu, who was still watching them and did not hear the telepathy-like conversation, could only mutter "What a sight" at Cale trying to reassure Raon. 🤣🤣🤣 There was also HD and Raon secretly agreeing to talk about Cale's condition later... Uh-oh, you're not yet in the clear, Cale. 😂
Ending Remarks Other half of the chapter was Cale's legend spreading to the masses 🤣🤣🤣 and Cale about to get his reward for his work in the Central Plains. My goodness, this arc is finally about to end. Of course, Cale looted the Blood Cult of their mountains of gold, but he still looked forward to what Jungwon would give him.
I wonder what that would be. More elixirs (perhaps one for our Clopeh-nim)? A person Cale could take back with him to Roan? (Yeah, I still haven't given up on HD returning with Cale) Guess we'll find out on Friday.
P.S. It's been 20 chapters already. Perhaps we'll have a new chapter title on Friday. Pretty please, author-nim?
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 6 months
Every Bionicle mask-power summarised.
Hau: Everything-proof shield
Kaukau: "Hey, wanna see how long I can hold my breath underwater?"
Miru: Somewhat balanced flight powers (can't take off from a standstill; horizontal movement at least somewhat controlled by wind)
Kakama: Wheeeeeeeee!
Pakari: Kinda like the Berserk Pack from Doom
Akaku: X-ray specs
Huna: Stealth mode
Rau: Google Translate
Mahiki: Illusions, but also just full-on shapeshifting for some reason?
Komau: Hypnotism kink
Ruru: "Night vision", which canonically manifests as a torch-like beam projected from the mask's front, and gives the wearer actual night-vision, and yet more x-ray stuff
Matatu: Gmod Physgun Telekinesis Addon 2004 No Virus
Calix: Basically X-Cell from Fallout 4 but without the intelligence boost
Elda: Thing finder, for finding things
Suletu: Telepathy and also psychic torture
Sanok: Aimbot
Kadin: Very unbalanced flight powers (literally the only downside is that the user can't hover in place)
Iden: Out of body from morning to night/Dance floor packed and I'm feeling alright
Arthron: *Whale noises*
Faxon: "Hey, wanna see my animal impressions?"
Zatth: Kinda like if going "pspsps" had an equal chance of attracting a cat, a bear or a car-sized land-octopus
Garai: Gravity-y-y-y-y-y, on me/Never let me down, gent-ly damn, two Gorillaz references in one post; I'll try to use another band next time
Volitak: Same as the Huna but worse
Tryna: Wise fwom your gwave!
Jutlin: Rust-vision
Avsa: *Vampire noises*
Felnas: Messes up your abilities, but only through touch for some reason?
Mohtrek: I have no idea how I'd condense this mask's timeline-fuckery into a single se- where did all these scars come from?
Shelek: ‍
Crast: Pushes others away
Mask of Mutation: Guess.
Mask of Scavenging/Vulture: Like the Avsa, but it only works on the recently-deceased
Pehkui: Makes you tiny
Mask of Clairvoyance: The last word of this post will be "diversity"
Kualsi: Nightcrawler powers
Mask of Emulation: "Hey, wanna see my non-animal impressions?"
Mask of Growth: Makes you big
Mask of Rahi Control: Gives you all the powers of a zookeeper
Avohkii: Let there be light!
Kraahkan: Actually I changed my mind; there should darkness
Mask of Psychometry: Ever wondered where your favourite shirt came from?
Rode: Mask of Seeing Through Your Shit
Olmak: Now you're thinking with portals
Mask of Charisma: Actually functions more like brainwashing
Olisi: Isn't it weird how Bionicle's most notable use of the "mad oracle" trope is A. unreliable and B. a giant Frankenstein-man who commits body-horror on random people?
Kiril: Basically the opposite of the Jutlin
Mask of Intangibility: *Ghost noises*
Mask of Possibilities: Essentially the Improbability Drive from Madness Combat, but on a smaller scale
Mask of Elemental Energy: who cares about this one like seriously it barely appears outside the games
Mask of Adaptation: Turns you into an environment-specific action figure
Mask of Aging: The mask that makes you old
Mask of Biomechanics: Essentially the Gmod ragdoll-mover addon
Mask of Conjuring: I'm just going to copy what Biosector says, since it's really convoluted and complex; "The Mask of Conjuring is a Kanohi that allows its user to verbally program a limited power into the mask for a brief period of time. The user must describe in detail the power desired and at least one weakness. If the phrasing is spoken wrong, it causes intense psychic backlash in the user's mind. The user can use a programmed power for fifteen minutes (with a Great version), and after the time is out, the user must wait thirty seconds to activate the mask again. The Noble version will only work for five minutes. Another weakness is because it requires time and speech, any enemies nearby can hear in detail what power to expect and what its weakness is. Because of this, the usage of the mask is more commonly done alone. It is also capable of being programmed with the powers of other masks, such as the Kanohi Hau."
Mask of Freezing: What do you think it does
Mask of Fusion: Combines things • Mask of Healing: Heals stuff
Mask of Incomprehension: 👁️🧠🫵🥫🚹🇮🇹📤
Mask of Rebounding: Something something rubber glue etc.
Mask of Reconstitution: Literally just another Mask of Mutation, but slightly worse
Mask of Sensory Aptitude: 'Cause I've got one two three four five/Senses working o-ver-ti-ime!
Mask of Undeath: I live... again!
Mask of Weather Control: /weather clear 18000
Mask of Weight Increase: Literally just a Garai that can't make things lighter
Ignika: Do-anything MacGuffin that turned into a guy once and also became God's hat for a bit
Vahi: Time isn't holding up/Time isn't after us/Same as it ever was/Same as it ever was...
Mask of Creation: Just kinda lets you make stuff, while also celebrating the Matoran Universe's cultural diversity!
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iamthecomet · 9 months
I would offer my firstborn to see mean!Dew out-mean Rain. Maybe Rain doesn't expect it. Getting a taste of his own medicine. He doesn't expect it to be so hot.
Mean!Dew. My favorite.
"Kneel," Rain orders. Dew's barely in the door to his own room. Rain hot on his heels. Rain kicks the door closed hard enough that the window rattles. He glowers at Dew’s back. Persona sliding into place. Dew wants a firm hand—he’ll give it to him. He’ll give Dew exactly what he’s been hinting at all day—he’ll ruin him.
Dew looks over his shoulder, and Rain catches a glint in those copper eyes that makes his stomach twist. Apathy. Annoyance.
Dew waves a hand, the embers in his fireplace roar to life. He shrugs his jacket off, tosses it over his desk chair. Busies himself with the buttons on his shirt. He doesn't look at Rain again. Rain says Dew's name, harsh. Another command. Dew ignores him.
Rain feels like the world tilts under his feet. Dew ignores him a lot. Turns his nose up at Rain's orders in an attempt to make punishments worse. He's used to disobedience, at least initially. But this isn't the same.
Dew's, loose, relaxed. Flippant when he shrugs his shirt off and finally turns to look at Rain. Shirtless, uniform pants slung low on his hips. Nipple rings swaying as he takes a step toward Rain. Dew cocks an eyebrow. He looks amused, like he's cat with a mouse between his paws. But then that makes Rain the--
"Dew--" "Shut up.” Rain’s words die on his tongue. There’s no argument in Dew’s voice. No desperation, no question. And Rain is grappling with what's happening. It’s unexpected. He doesn’t know what to do with the way his cock kicks in his pants at the tone of Dew’s words. At the way Dew looks through him. Past him. Like Rain is a nuisance, a burden. All he knows is he never wants Dew to stop. Rain doesn’t know what to do now. Knows if he opens his mouth he’s going to sound unsure, hesitant. And that isn’t going to work. Not if he wants to keep the upper hand. Though, he’s starting to realize that maybe he never had it. Dew's been playing this game all day. Lulling Rain into this comfortable place where he calls all the shots. But really, Rain's walked right into this. He's let Dew play him. He doesn't want to admit how much he loves it. From the minute Dew dragged his hand over Rain’s chest and up to his throat in rehearsal, Rain’s brain has been racing to catch up. And Dew’s been one step ahead of him. Making Rain chase him, making Rain do all the work just to get here. Where Dew is looking at him like he's an idiot and Rain's cock is twitching to life in his pants because of it. “Why don’t you kneel for once?” Dew says. Satanas, he sounds bored. Rain’s stomach twists again. Is this how Dew feels when Rain treats him like this?
No wonder he likes it so much. Dew gives him every opportunity to back out. Questions him with his gaze in a way only Dew has ever managed to do. Like telepathy. Never breaking character but Rain knows this is his chance to bow out. To go back to the old script or something different entirely. Instead, Rain nods, just a little, just enough. And Dew is on him. Long fingers curling in Rain's hair and pulling until Rain yelps. Dew drags him down to his level, so their noses almost touch. Copper eyes boring into Rain's. "Are you too stupid to follow simple instructions?" Dew spits. "Kneel." Rain does. Isn't sure if he actually decides to or if his legs just give out. His body following Dew's orders long before his brain catches up. He hits the floor hard, pain jolting up through his thighs. His hands fall to his thighs, palm down and useless. Rain won't move them again unless Dew tells him to. They might as well not exist. Rain's already dipping. Static crowding into the edges of his brain. He's never fallen so fast. God he wants to sink into it and never come out. Dew never lets go of him. Unclenching his fist in Rain's hair to shift his grip and curl around one of his seaglass horns. He drags a hot claw over the place they connect to his head, oversensitive all the time. Rain's eyes flutter closed, he whines. Leans into Dew's touch. It's a mistake. The sting of Dew's slap is sharp on his cheek, hot. Rain's eyes snap open. The pain goes straight to his cock. Fully hard now, tenting his uniform pants. He can feel himself dripping already--unable to hide what this does to him. How much he likes it. "Don't look away from me again," Dew demands, and Rain promises himself he won't. Doesn't want to. Rain doesn't want to disappoint him, but he knows that he will no matter what he does. It doesn't stop him from trying. Dew nudges Rain's clothed cock with his boot. Rain hisses, hips canting toward the pleasure-pain he knows that boot will provide. Too eager, he knows, he'll never get it if he acts this way. His cheeks burn, delicious shame flashing through him at his own desperation. He can't help it. Rain knows the game but can't catch up. He's falling into traps he knows how to set. Letting Dew bait him into them. It doesn't matter how good he is at this game from the other side--on this one, he's helpless. He loves it. Dew laughs at him. A low chuckle, dark. The promise in it makes goosebumps break out over Rain's skin. "Fucking pathetic," Dew sneers. He pulls back on Rain's horn, tipping his head back. Dew leans down and spits. It hits Rains' cheek in a thick glob. Burning hot and slick as it slides down Rain's face to his jaw. Rain wishes it had been in his mouth. He wants to taste it. Thinks about sticking out his tongue, trying to catch an errant drip of it. Anything to get a taste of Dew--a piece of him. "Please," Rain murmurs. He doesn't know what he's asking for. The word breaks from his mouth unbidden. He digs his teeth into his cheek to try to keep more from escaping. "You want something, water lily?" Dew says, too soft, a trap. There's something in his tone--dangerous--sing-song, that makes Rain throb. Rain knows better than to nod. He keeps his eyes on Dew's face, keeps his head and hands still. "I want whatever you want," he offers and hopes it's good enough. Dew grins down at him, predatory. Fangs sharp. Rain hopes Dew digs them into his throat. Hopes he draws blood. Rain hopes he wears the evidence of Dew's debauchery on his body for days. Dew reaches for his zipper, fingers tightening on Rain's horn. "Right answer. Open up." Rain does, sticks out his tongue for good measure. Eyes still fixed on Dew's face as Dew pulls his cock free and smacks the head on Rain's cheek. Smearing a trail of salty pre over his cheekbone. "You think you're so fucking pretty," Dew chuckles, mocking. It hits, hard. Rain's cheeks flush darker. He wants to look away, he forces himself not to. Dew strokes himself, tapping the sticky head on Rain's tongue. "You won't be when I'm done with you."
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