#I would love to live in a house like this minus the spider
urlocalcookie · 11 months
Henry Creel headcanons
Ong first ever Tumblr post let's go
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I love him so much, he's such a well written character
also there may be some NSFW, you have been warned!!
🕷️ = regular headcanon(s)
🍼 = fluffy headcanon(s)
❤️ = x reader headcanon(s)
🍋 = lemon/smut/NSFW headcanon(s)
🕷️୨{Favorite color is black and purple
🕷️୨{Uses 50s slang sometimes
AU🕷️୨{Would not have tried to legally adopt Eleven/Jane after escaping in fear of someone finding them.
🍋୨{What he lacks in girth, he has in length.
❤️🍋୨{Absolutely loves the sounds you make when he pleases you.
AU❤️🍋୨{Would really rather you be quiet when having sex so that Eleven doesn't hear. He enjoys it when you really struggle to control yourself, it makes him feel like he's doing a good job. Still, he doesn't want to ruin Eleven's innocence.
🕷️୨{He is Eleven's father. Way too many similarities, specifically in their powers.
AU🍼୨{Blows bubbles in the backyard with Eleven sometimes when they're bored. He'll blow lots of bubbles and make them swirl around Eleven while she runs around in them
🍋୨{Rarely ever jacks off. Ever.
🍋୨{Has probably only jacked off, like, four or five times. And this man is 32.
❤️🍋୨{He jacks off more often than he used to now (again, it's still rarely ever), now that he's with you. Sometimes the silly or crazy things you do just won't get out of his head.
❤️୨{He likes scaring you sometimes and acting like it's not on purpose. He just wants to see your reaction.
🕷️୨{Sometimes he'll draw different types of spiders, not just black widows.
🕷️୨{Likes brown widows too, just not nearly as much as black widows
🕷️୨{If he got to choose a pet when he was younger, he would have chosen a tarantula.
❤️🍋୨{He'll put his hand over your mouth if you're too loud. He doesn't care if you bite him.
🍼୨{Enjoys listening to Dream A Little Dream while laying in bed some nights. He also will listen to it while eating dinner, occasionally. As concerning as it is, he sometimes reminisces about breaking free that one night back in 1959.
🍋୨{The first time he reached a climax, he found it a bit gross. He was well aware of what it was and enjoyed the endorphins, but he still found the sperm gross to an extent.
❤️🍋୨{He is very, very gentle with you. He is not rough unless you want it rough, even then it's still not that rough. He doesn't want to hurt you.
🕷️୨{Is manipulative to everyone, some people more than other. Barely any with Eleven, but it's still there.
❤️୨{(when you first escaped from the lab) Would love to take you out to dinner, but, it is too risky. He doesn't want to get caught/captured.
❤️୨{Was a bit awkward at first, but is an amazing kisser.
❤️🍋୨{The first time you slipped your tongue in his mouth, he very clearly gagged. He was not expecting that in the slightest. He never even heard of such a thing. After you explained it to him, he still found it very weird and gross, but kept trying it occasionally to see if he'd end up liking it (he did to an extent).
AU❤️🕷️୨{You, Henry, and Eleven all live together in the Creel's house. At first, you guys did nothing to the outside of the house in fear of someone noticing. But, after a while, you took down some of the wood that was barricading the windows outside. You still have the curtains closed 90% of the time, especially at night. The inside of the house, however, was fixed up much quicker. It looks like a normal home on the inside now.
❤️🍋୨{You and Henry made out once, and whenever he's in the mood for another, he'll push the memory to the front of your mind to attempt to get you on the same page.
❤️୨{Gentle kisser, but you can tell when he's needy (rarely ever) (it's something like this (minus the blindfold of course))
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AU🍼୨{Reads Alice In Wonderland to Eleven before bed sometimes
Aaaand that's the end! I'll make another, I'm sure, but these are all I can think of as of right now!! I hope y'all enjoy. ❤️✨
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goodnight, smart cookies!
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vspin · 5 months
formal, hair, and alternate for the character design questions!
Ty for the ask! Doing this for Tav'Lyn...
Link to the ask here!
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
She does love dressing up. Since she is from the 3rd Drow house of Menzobarranzen she is used to expensive fabrics, jewels...the whole works. She would probably look grandiose compared to surface standards but it's what she's used to.
I am an absolute sucker for the intricate Drow hairstyles the nobles wear. They are outlandish and usually incorporate headpieces with them.
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Even though she now lives on the surface, for a formal event, Tav'Lyn would still go all out with this type of look (minus the spider motifs).
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
She keeps her hair long in the drow/elvish custom. While in formal situations like those mentioned above, she would go for something intricate, in her day-to-day life she is quite relaxed with her hair. Keeping it either in a messy bun or a half-up hairstyle. This is a deliberate choice since she is choosing to be more relaxed and less structured in her life versus when she was in Menzobarranzen.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Hmm...her modern look...hard to answer... I am keeping everything about her the same except for the clothing choices....something very casual like jeans and a t-shirt. That is because she is someone who is actively rebelling against a structured/rigid society. Someone who had to dress in a particular way for so long (priestess robes) that she really just doesn't want to think about it anymore.
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ejzah · 2 years
The Other Shoe, Part 5
For some reason, it felt strange to walk back into the bullpen, even though he’d only been out a few weeks. It felt much longer, and almost like he didn’t belong. He hesitated momentarily when he realized that everyone, minus Kilbride was present.
“Deeks, aren’t you supposed to be home basking in the sun?” Callen asked when he saw them. He stood up long enough to smack Deeks on the back, more gently than usual, he noticed. He forced a smile past his bitterness.
“Tried that and got burnt,” Deeks joked. “Figured I’d try something a little less dangerous.”
“Don’t worry, he’s not here to do anything too strenuous,” Kensi interjected.
“Good,” Sam added, joining the group in the bullpen. “Cause I don’t want to see your butt out of that chair all day.”
“Yes, Sir,” Deeks said wryly. Kensi flashed him a “behave” look, squeezing his shoulder while Fatima stepped forward.
“Hey, I’m glad you’re back, Deeks. I’m trying to track down a guy with brown hair, a beetle tattoo on his hand, and an earring. Do you want to help me?”
“Nope, too old. Too young. Woman. Too blonde,” Fatima rattled off, sighing as they flipped through a series of series of pictures captured off of various surveillance cameras. “Ooh, he’s cute. But no spider tattoo.”
It was kind of tedious, but better than languishing at home. Or worse, being saddled with the good old cold case review.
“Hm, what about that guy? To the left, head down, gray jacket,” Deeks said, gesturing to the screen.
“Ooh, nice,” Fatima muttered. “Let me enlarge it. And that is definitely a spider tattoo. Alright, let’s see if we can get him at another angle and see his face.”
Five minutes later she announced,
“His name is Matt Bomer, no relation, and he lives in Reseda. Thanks, Deeks.”
“Great, let’s pick him up,” Deeks said, starting to get out of his chair.
“Nice try, but you know Kensi, Sam, and Callen would all kill me if I let you leave. I’ll have Tree go to his apartment.”
Deeks tilted his chin back, pursing his lips as he nodded. “Right. I forgot I’m on house arrest.” He hadn’t really expected for Fatima to actually fall for it, but it would have been nice.
“I’m really sorry, Deeks. Nothing would make me happier than if you could come with,” she apologized, true regret in her eyes.
“It’s ok, I was only joking. I’ll be fine here.”
“Ok. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”
Deeks fully intended to behave himself. He left OPS after a few minutes, planning to log into his laptop only to find that someone had revoked his access. That was the final straw and he was filled with the kind of anger he hadn’t felt in years. He was shaking with it.
He grabbed a change of workout gear he’d never cleaned out of his locker, and headed for the gym.
His anger fueled him though a mile jog and a few sets of pushups before his energy started to flag. He pushed on, powering through some pull-ups.
“Hey man, aren’t you supposed to be taking it kind of easy?” Rountree asked. Opening his eyes, Deeks saw he was leaning against the wall as Deeks struggled through another set of pull-ups. His shoulders burned and he felt just a touch nauseous, but he battled through.
“I get sick of not doing anything every day,” Deeks responded, inhaling and exhaling twice before he pulled himself up again. “Besides, maybe I’ll finally get some rest tonight.”
“Didn’t you say you were tired all the time?”
“Heh, funny thing about this whole kidney failure thing; you can be completely exhausted but barely sleep. Lots of time to think over your life and all that while you slowly go insane from insomnia.”
Rountree just stared at him for several long seconds, seeming kind of shocked. “Wow, that sucks,” he finally settled on. Deeks couldn’t help it, he laughed, breath escaping in uneven gasps.
“Yeah, you could say that.”
Releasing the bar, Deeks landed on his feet with surprising lightness for how much his body ached.
“I thought you were supposed to be picking up our spider loving suspect,” Deeks prompted, settling a hand on one hip as he sucked in deep breaths. Rountree was kind enough not to mention it.
“Yeah, I’m waiting on Fatima. Callen wants us to go together since this guy has a history of violence.” He lightly clapped his hands together, a touch of awkwardness in the press of his lips. “So, I guess I’ll just hang out here til then.”
“I don’t need a babysitter,” Deeks informed him flatly.
“I know. Look, I’m not going to pretend I know what you’re going through. For all I tease you about being old, you’re still young, end you were healthy up to this point. It’s not fair and…I would be frustrated and angry too. But pushing yourself like this isn’t going to help.”
“Glad to know that you don’t actually think I’m decrepit. Be honest with me though, Devin. Would you be able to just sit back and put up with all the restrictions?”
Rountree hesitated. It was just a second or two, but it was enough, and Deeks nodded.
“And there it is,” he said with grim satisfaction.
“Deeks, that’s not what I—”
“Agent Rountree, I believe you have a suspect to retrieve.”
They both turned towards the authoritative voice, not having noticed Admiral Kilbride enter the gym in the midst of their discussion.
“Sir, I was just—”
“I know what you were doing, but I’ll deal with this situation,” Kilbride interrupted. “Agent Namazi is waiting for you. Thank you, Rountree.”
“Right,” Rountree said, eyes flicking to Deeks briefly. He looked dismayed, which Deeks really hadn’t intended. Rountree was just trying to look out for him. Even if it was freaking annoying. As Devin passed by on his way out, Deeks patted his shoulder, and said in an undertone,
“I appreciate the concern.”
Rountree offered a half-smile that was more grimace than anything, and made a hasty escape. Which left Deeks all alone with Kilbride.
Hands clasped behind his back, Kilbride paced closer, silently observing the recently used equipment and then Deeks sweat-stained body.
“I see you’ve been making good use of your time,” he observed mildly.
“Just trying to keep busy,” Deeks responded just as lightly. “It’s a little hard to do anything else since I’m apparently blocked from all the NCIS computers and databases.” He cleared his throat pointedly, moving to clean off the weights and other equipment he’d used.
“Clearly that was a mistake by an overzealous IT. I’ll have it fixed by the end of the day.”
“I appreciate that, Sir.” Their relationship still might be on the very rock side most days, but Deeks had come to respect Kilbride for his integrity, if not his tendency to catch Deeks at his worst.
Kilbride pursed his lips, gesturing with his chin towards the bench press.
“Have a seat, Deeks.” Before Deeks could protest, he held his hand up. “That’s not a suggestion. To put it kindly, you resemble my Aunt Margaret post heart attack.”
“You always do have a way with words,” Deeks commented wryly, taking a seat because he was tired and didn’t have the energy to be overly stubborn for no reason.
“Something we have in common,” Kilbride said unexpectedly. He rocked back on his heels for a few seconds, observing Deeks again. “So far, I’ve tried to keep my distance with regard to your current situation. You have your family, and your friends to support you.”
Deeks didn’t say anything, not entirely sure where this was going. It was
true that Kilbride had largely been hands off, other than approving medical leave.
“However, I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation with Agent Rountree.”
“Sir, if you’re—”
“I’m not finished yet,” Kilbride said. “I’ve also heard through the grapevine, something that is entirely impossible to avoid in this office, about your team’s concerns. They seem to think you’re pushing yourself too hard, and not taking full advantage of the medical assistance at your disposal. “ He stopped then, eyeing Deeks expectantly.
“That’s not fully accurate. I just don’t want anyone turning their life anymore upside down than it already is on the small chance that it helps me,” Deeks explained doggedly. He’d gone over this so many times he was exhausted by the topic.
“I think they’d like to make that decision for themselves, Deeks.” Moving closer, Kilbride sat on one of the machines across from Deeks. He folded his hands between his legs, and offered his version of a smile. “In case you haven’t noticed it, this team would move hell and high water to help you.”
“I know.” He was humbled, and overwhelmed by that support. “But there, uh, a lot more to worry about than just my health,” Deeks murmured, looking slightly beyond Kilbride. All the other parts of his life were slowly falling apart along with his health.
Kilbride nodded with understanding in his eyes.
“What you need to worry about right now is getting better, Son,” Kilbride said, with more compassion than Deeks had ever heard from him. “When you get to the other side of this, rest assured that there will be a position for you on this team. It may not be quite the same, but you will be here. Because this team needs you.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Deeks swallowed heavily, not prepared for anything like that out of Kilbride. He’d expected a gruff speech about pulling up his bootstraps. Not compassion.
“And if you don’t do as I say, I will personally come kick your ass into shape,” Kilbride added, making Deeks laugh breathily. He nodded, once again beyond words.
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irondadfics · 4 years
Hey! Any fics where Peter is insecure about his relationship/thinks Tony doesn’t want to be around him or is embarrassed of him?
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Been awhile since we did a rec list! In this list we feature fics where Peter questions his role in Tony’s life for various reasons. ENJOY LOVELIES!!
And if you need a friend, then please just say the word by frostysunflowers @frostysunflowers
“Three cracked ribs, a broken wrist and a heavy blow to the head, along with multiple cuts and bruises.Not so bad as Spider-Man injuries go.So why is he driving like an absolute maniac towards the tower (a hastily repurchased tower to stand in place of the decimated compound) with a roiling churn of something bitter and painful in his stomach.Because before, Peter would always call him. Always.This time though…The kid called Happy instead.”
Delicate by Bean_reads_fanfic @the-reverse-mermaid
It starts here: Peter, in his Spider-Man suit minus the mask, caught deer-in-the-headlights-style in front of a person he’s never met before in the kitchen of his and May’s apartment.“You’re, uh, what’s-his-name –” The guy coughs a bit, swallowing. He points at Peter, his voice getting higher as he goes: “P – uh – Peter, right? You’re – you’re Spider-man?!”…One unfortunate encounter starts a chain of frustrating events; in the process of which, Peter’s insecurities are examined. Including but not limited to: his worries that Tony cares about Spider-Man more than Peter Parker.
Alone by Lost_And_Longing
Alone. Yes, that’s the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn’t hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym.- Stephen KingAfter four months with no contact between him and Mr. Stark, Peter finally comes to a conclusion he should have come to much, much earlier.Basically, Peter has depression. And no, not the romanticized version.
Learned to lose you, can’t afford to. by ironspidereilish
Peter Parker’s biggest fear is that everyone he loves dies, so when one of Tony’s jokes hits a little too close to home, Peter tries to distance himself from his father-figure/mentor/hero. Unfortunately, a mission going wrong and landing him in the Tower’s med-bay means he has nowhere to hide when Tony asks him what’s wrong.————————————“Jesus, kid, you’re gonna send me to an early grave,” the billionaire joked, still massaging his temples with his eyes closed. Because of this, Tony never saw how quickly Peter’s face paled as he stumbled back a few steps in dreaded realisation. The older man never saw the absolute terror in the boy’s eyes- eyes that were suddenly glistening with tears- caused by his thoughtless words.—————-(now with a cute epilogue, too!)
Memories by radioactive_storm @mala-sadas
When Tony snapped his fingers and saved the universe, there were consequences. Instead of losing his life, he lost an arm…and his memories. And Peter Parker may be the only person who can help him get them back.
Porcelain by macabre
She constantly calls Tony a child of excess and Peter a child of absence. It makes Tony cringe every time. “He’s not used to having all of these things, and the things that he was offered in previous foster situations came at a price. You know this. Just be careful.”
Becoming Belonging by sahiya
Peter barely remembered the week after he came back, five years and two minutes after dying on Titan. But he did remember this: looking at Morgan Stark and feeling––to his immediate shame––wildly, insanely jealous that Morgan had had those five years with Tony and Peter hadn’t.
Sunlight by ArdenSkyeHolmes221 @ardenskyedarcy221b
“Stop pouting and ignoring me. You’re giving me a complex.”“I am— I’m not pouting,” he sputters, avoiding his father’s gaze.“Oooh, but you are ignoring me.”***Or the one where Peter struggles reintegrating in his own life after his dad lived five years without him.
What We Lose in the Fire We Gain in the Flood by xxx_cat_xxx @xxx-cat-xxx
The universe is saved, Thanos is defeated, the Vanished are returned, and Tony has survived (though with severe radiation burns and one less arm). Everything should be good now - except that it isn’t.While Tony embarks on a painful and frustrating recovery, he wrestles with the fear that he’s no longer capable of caring for his family. Meanwhile, Peter tries to find his place in a world that just doesn’t feel like his own anymore.
From now on by peterparkr @peterparkrr
Peter’s fixating on the tie.It’s red. Hot rod red, Tony said. It doesn’t look right. Maybe it’s too long. Tony said it looked fine in the store. It doesn’t look like it had that day anymore. Peter can’t stop fiddling with it.ORPeter's sure that Tony and Pepper's wedding will change everything
I wouldn’t drink that if I were you, kid by Lequia
In which Peter Parker feels abandoned, Tony Stark manages to screw things up even more, and DUM-E may or may not have found another fire extinguisher.
breathe by ciaconnaa @ciaconnaa
Morgan looks mortified. “What? No!” she exclaims, holding out her hand against Peter’s chest. “You can’t kill a spider.”Peter frowns, brow furrowed. He’s not spent a lot of time around kids, ever, but he’s never met one that actually likes spiders. Hell, he hasn’t met anyone who likes spiders. Peter himself doesn’t even like spiders, and a spider is the one that gave him a six pack. ���Huh?”“They're good luck! Don't you know?”He's not sure he does.(canon-compliant, post endgame)
A Heart Grows (With More People To Love) by josywbu 
When there's a newborn Stark on the horizon Peter starts to question his place in the family he has come to view as his own.Good thing Tony has an abundance of parenting books at his disposal and knows exactly (kind of) what to do.
A Tremendous Thing by ExpectoPatronum
“Daddy's read this to me hundreds of times,” Morgan confesses around a yawn, snuggling closer until she can see the first illustration clearly, “but he accidentally ripped out the ending, so it doesn’t have any pictures.”Startled, Peter flips ahead to the last chapters of the book -- sure enough, the final two chapters are missing. “Are you sure you want to read this one?”By the time Tony checks in on the pair of them, Wilbur is beginning to feel lonely in his pen, Peter’s arm is full of pins-and-needles and Morgan is fast asleep.——Peter spends Father's Day at the lake house. He tries not to overthink it.
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prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Halloween | Daniel Seavey
Requested? Yes! I hope you like it and I’m genuinely so sorry it took so long 
Warnings? Nah 
Summary: It’s finally your first real Halloween with your little family and Daniel decides to play a prank on your daughter 
Word Count: 1,522
You had been waiting practically all year for this. 
It was the first real Halloween with you and your little family and you were beyond ecstatic. You had always loved Halloween growing up, you, your brother, and dad going out and walking the little neighborhoods of your small hometown and racking in bag after bag of candy was fun to you. 
When you got home, you and your brother would sit in the living room and sort out your candy. You’d trade each other for things you wanted from the other pile and by the end of the night you were sitting pretty with piles of candy and a happy heart. 
As you grew older, you were sad when your late nights trick or treating turned into late-night parties. While you did love dressing up and going out with your friends, the child in you still missed it. But that was how you met your husband Daniel. 
Your best friend had called you a week before Halloween, telling you all about a party in Hollywood that you had to go to for Halloween. You agreed, knowing if you didn’t you would sit at home greeting trick or treaters at your apartment the whole night. 
You decided to dress up as Cher from Clueless, something timeless and not too revealing for the oddly chilly night in LA. Your best friend picked you up at 8 and the two of you were off for the night. 
The party in the hills was huge, to say the least. You had never been around this area much before so you probably wouldn’t recognize anyone at the party. When you stepped inside the practical mansion, your best friend peels off from you to say hi to someone and you’re left with getting yourself a drink to not look awkward. 
“Cher?” someone asks as you had just finished pouring yourself a drink. 
You turn around to see a boy your age, faded dyed blonde hair in a mop on his head and a smile spread across his lips it strikes you immediately how attractive he is. He’s dressed in a skintight spiderman costume minus the mask and you offer him a smile. 
“Hi Peter,” you say and his smile only grows. “I’m surprised you recognized me.” 
“I figured most of these people have probably never seen the movie or are too drunk to care,” you say leaning in so he can hear you better. 
“Well, lucky for you I have seen the movie and I’m completely sober.” 
“Lucky me.” 
The rest of the night was spent talking to the Peter Parker impersonator and you two hit it off quite well. Before your best friend came over, absolutely plastered and begged you to play beer pong with her. The boy dressed as Spider-Man quickly introduced himself as Daniel and slipped you his number before your best friend could drag you away into the mess of a party. 
Seven years later and you were beyond grateful you met the love of your life at a Halloween party when you were 19. You and Daniel ended up dating for two years, married for one before your beautiful baby girl came into your life. You and Daniel were ecstatic when you found out you were expecting and when Daniel found out it was a girl, he was over the moon. 
You knew he would spoil whatever child you two had together but having a girl meant Daniel had a little princess in his life. He lived dressing her up, taking her out on daddy-daughter dates, bringing her to the studio, singing to her, all of it. He was the perfect father to your little girl and it was all you ever asked for. 
Flash forward four years and it was your baby’s first real Halloween. You had taken Sailor, your daughter, trick or treating with Daniel before but being young she didn’t enjoy it as much and couldn’t eat much candy. 
You had originally thought of doing Harry Potter-themed costumes or The Incredibles but your daughter insisted on being a princess this year and you obliged. You decided as a family you would be Belle, Daniel would be the Beast (but after he’s transformed into the prince), and your daughter would be your princess. 
“Darling! Are you almost ready?” Daniel calls up the stairs. You were finishing up the touches on Sailors hair and set down the curling iron and turned it off. 
“Okay, princess ready?” you ask her. 
She nods and stands from her chair before heading straight over to the mirror. When she sees her reflection, she gasps and starts to jump up and down. 
“I love it mom!” she squeals and you smile at your daughter. 
You scoop her up into your arms, making sure not to mess up either of your costumes before heading downstairs where your husband waits. Descending the stairs, you hear Daniels reaction immediately and it’s like your 19 again when your heart flutters. 
“My beautiful girls,” he says smiling that heart-stopping smile. “My queen and my princess.” 
You set Sailor down, leaning over to kiss Daniel and he grabs your waist pulling you in. For once, your daughter doesn’t make a throw-up noise at the two of you and instead coos at her parents all dressed up like a king and a queen. 
The three of you finally head out and start trick or treating, Sailor holding both yours and Daniels hands the entire time and you’re filled with that childlike wonder again. You loved seeing Sailor so happy wandering around the streets and filling up her tiny pumpkin basket with candy that she’d no doubt devour later. 
Not only did you get to experience what it was like to be a kid again, you had the love of your life next to you, and your beautiful daughter. You wouldn’t trade any of this for the world.
By the end of the night, Sailor is beat and Daniel carries her back to the house before putting her to bed. After she’s changed and settled into bed, Daniel comes back to where you’re relaxed on the living room couch, still decked out in a princess dress. 
“My queen,” he says extending a hand to you and you giggle but take it anyway. 
He lifts you off the couch and into his arms, swaying the two of you back and forth to the imaginary music. You rest your head on his chest, smiling contently as he places a light kiss on your head and you know this man will always have your heart. 
“You’ve always been royalty to me you know that?” he whispers and your heart swells. 
“I love you,” you whisper. 
“I love you too.” 
A few days pass since Halloween and your daughter won’t stop talking about what she wants to be next year. You find it endearing, even though you know she won’t remember what she wanted to be a year from now. And of course, you give her Halloween candy every day so she doesn’t eat it all at once. 
“Sailor?” Daniel calls one day when you and her are relaxing in the living room. 
He walks in, holding something behind his back and you give him a questioning look. He shoots you a wink, only confusing you more before approaching your daughter. 
“Princess?” He asks and Sailor sits up to give him his full attention. 
“I ate all your Halloween candy while you were with mom today,” he says and pulls out the empty pumpkin-shaped basket that she used on Halloween. 
“Daniel!” you exclaim and he winks at you again and you go quiet waiting for your daughter’s reaction. 
“You ate it all?” she asks quietly and while it’s starting to dawn on you that your husband is pulling a prank your heart still aches for your baby. 
“I’m sorry baby girl I was hungry so I ate all your Halloween candy,” he repeats and you watch as Sailors face drops for a second but then she shrugs her shoulders. 
“That’s okay daddy.” 
Daniel’s jaw drops open and his eyes snap to yours and you shrug your shoulders. He turns back to your daughter and watches as she inspects the basket to see nothing is in there. 
“Are you sure baby?” he asks. 
“It’s okay daddy I’m sure,” she says and you can’t help but audibly aww at your daughter. 
“Sailor!” Daniel coos before scooping up your daughter into his arms and swinging her around the room. The action makes her laugh as Daniel bounces her around before landing her carefully back onto the sofa and reaching for her sides to tickle her. 
“I was joking Princess! Your candy is upstairs.” 
“It is?” she asks hope present in her tiny blue eyes. 
“All of it,” he says pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
“Yay!” she cheers before escaping Daniels hold and running upstairs to her room to grab some candy that she previously thought was gone. 
“Our daughter is perfect,” Daniel says coming to sit down next to you and wrapping you up in his arms. 
“She really is.” 
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saltytyrus · 3 years
hi, ariana! if the losers were a superhero group what would their powers be and how would they have gotten together? would they be popular as heroes or would they be considered vigilantes/menaces?
Hi!!! I had a lot of fun with this, thank you for sending it in Jack! 🤗 
Powers - I honestly kinda struggled here and couldn't choose just one for some (also warning, some are about to be very unoriginal :') 
Bill - Super strength (imo it's very useful but also... kinda basic??? it just feels right 😂) + force field generation
Ben - Invisibility
Bev - Pyrokinesis + telepathy
Eddie - Super speed
Mike - Memory manipulation + Panmnesia 
Stan - Zoolingualism (?? basically just the ability to communicate with animals bec!! imagine him with an army of loyal crows! he would always have a friend, this reddit thread is literally Stan living his best life :')
on top of that, just mind reading in general. He'd probably have a never again rule set in place after making the mistake of reading Richie's once. the material for that is endless 👌
ALSO, I'm being greedy but I'd love for him to have serenity inducement (here's to hoping that I'm getting all these powers/words right 😂)  
Richie - Telekinesis + Teleportation (he would have so much fun with it) 
Popular as heros or as vigilantes / menaces?
I think out of all of them Bill would definitely be a popular hero. I can see him actively and constantly seeking out situations where he can help people. 
While for the other losers, I can see them just trying to lead normal lives. I don't think they would be all that interested in being put on a pedestal or in a spotlight (of any kind). And it's not to say that they wouldn't use their powers to help someone out if need be, just that they wouldn't go out of their way with a purpose of finding something/someone to save. 
But also!!! because of Bill, they would find themselves often tagging along to make sure his dumbass doesn't die 😂 like one week it could be bill, richie & bev, and another just bill & eddie or ben etc depending on whatever he's trying to accomplish
Apart from that I think they all could easily end up being seen as vigilantes/menaces at some point. They would 100% set out to change/fix a system that they see actively harming people instead of helping, and because of that it would be a toss up on who sees them as a hero or vigilante/menace.
How they came together: 
This is where I both blanked and somehow ended up over complicating it 😭 
my brain refused to imagine them ever being separate and unaware of each other, so I was going to stick with them being school/childhood friends
but then I thought of a sky high situation where powers (if any at all) come in randomly throughout teenage years
So for this version powers would come in from age 17-20. The losers would be completely unaware of each other & Georgie still would've died as a kid, but instead by getting hit by a car while out playing. Bill would have a constant need to try and save people and it would later on be a double edged sword because: 
I thought it would be fun to bring Pennywise into this. The losers would each have a neibolt version of themselves that would come out once their powers came in. They'd mirror their abilities, but would only be as strong as the individual loser based on however much they'd use/practice their power. 
(I would probably have to change Stan's power to shape shifting for this to justify the random spider head running around town 😂)
Every single loser would end up being viewed (/framed) as a vigilante/menace of varying extents at some point. And because of Bill's power usage, Neibolt Bill would end up on top- both with being the strongest and fucking up the most shit around town 😭
The neibolt crimes would start out extremely small, like barely even punishable or noticeable aside from those around to actually witness it due to the losers themselves newly having powers.
But as it would add up the losers would begin to receive more and more dirty looks from peers & strangers and rumors would eventually follow. The losers would get so used to being accused of shit at a certain point that it would just roll off their backs. They'd probably chalk it up to bullies targeting them. 
For Richie maybe it would even result in a cop visit to his house- but with nothing more coming of it due to having a solid alibi.
It would be annoying but bearable up until the moment that the rumors got swapped out for video evidence as the crimes became more and more frequent + serious.
I feel like Ben, Mike, and Stan wouldn't surpass the rumor phase while Bill, Richie, Bev and Eddie's neibolt half would definitely land themselves on tape due to their excessive power usage in comparison. 
I love Eddie, he's my favorite character but the idea of him being the first of them to end up on tape is sending me. And it wouldn't even necessarily be over anything crime related, but something extremely embarrassing. Like imagine his neibolt self being found casually lounging in a dumpster on trash day and making the news over it. Just a story along the lines of "halted trash collections earlier this morning due to grimy teenager (Derry news would be that shitty imo 😂) found asleep in a dumpster. We're told that workers had to forcibly remove him after twenty minutes of refusal to leave" 
And with his powers, Neibolt Eddie would've zipped away as soon as he was set on the ground before anyone could've even done anything with him or offered to take him somewhere. 
...I am once again making a disclaimer that I love Eddie dearly, because what if the night before that he had done a little act of rebellion against Sonia & dyed his hair blonde, which in turn just ended up making him look even more guilty 😭
Okay, now for how they actually end up meeting:
For everything to work Bill would probably have to be one of the last to get powers (otherwise he'd end up on the news within months due to his usage & it wouldn't work for how I want it to play out)
Bev and Richie would definitely be one of the first two to get their powers & meet. Richie would randomly teleport into the convenience store she was working at, all out of breath and crouching behind some shelves. Initially she'd be spooked by his random pop in but would take pity, whether it was out of boredom or curiosity, and offer him a hiding space behind the counter (which he'd immediately accept & hop over for some reason despite probably being able to teleport behind it). After some small talk and Richie telling her that he was being chased by Bowers over some shit he didn't do, they'd come to find the common ground of being the brunt end of recent Derry high rumors and from there they'd stick together.
They would later track down the others (minus bill & eddie) by following frequent rumors with the goal of seeing if the same shit was happening to them as well. 
6/7 losers would only realize that everything probably wasn't exactly a rumor once the crimes start getting recorded/aired. They would have Eddie's experience on the news to support the "devil duplicate" theory they'd come to after seeing Bill Denbrough, Derry's beloved hero and now apparent villain make the news. From there they'd set out to track down Bill to find out wtf is happening.
my brain is absolutely f r i e d, but I'm jumping back to go over how they found Eddie as a treat for myself  :')
there are 2 versions, not all that different from each other, but one just really highlights Eddie's (knowingly or not) continuous pining over Richie. It 100% follows his neibolt dumpster news report & unfortunate hair-dying-timing.  
Scenario #1 is Richie and Bev walking into the theater to see a (much cleaner!) blonde Eddie. Beverly would manage to keep Richie from immediately running up into his row, but would find her efforts useless five minutes into the previews when he teleports himself into a seat next to Eddie, nearly scaring him half to death. He'd playfully lean on the arm rest with a dopey smile like
"I personally favor the dumpsters up in Bangor but hey, I'm all for going local if you'd like to show me around sometime."
(??idk.idk.idk 😂 originally his opener was just "hey, weren't you on the news recently?" but eh). So anyways, Eddie would be a mess, nearly popping a blood vessel but would later find himself near tears of laughter due to Richie's commentary throughout the movie. Bonus if he tried holding in his laughter out of spite to the point that he broke with a full on snort and turned to see Richie staring straight ahead at the screen, red cheeked & beaming, already preparing his next joke.
Scenario #2 is that Richie works at the Aladdin for the concession stand and recognizes Eddie as he steps up to pay. Opening with "I dig the new look" (referring to his hair that's now growing brown at the roots) and Eddie's confused because he's 98% sure that he's never seen this person before but it clicks immediately as Eddie watches the shit eating grin grow on Richie's face. Eddie, wanting nothing more than to run away again, simply stays put and mumbles out that it wasn't him
And the last response he ever expects to hear is an "okay", sounding just genuine enough for him to look up and see a much softer smile.
It would catch him off guard, having someone finally believe him, or at least not openly fight him on it (even if he's sure that Richie is just humoring him) that he'd often find himself showing up to the theater thirty minutes before his movie, just hovering over the stands by Richie. Clinging to the excuse that it was just someone to talk to while he waited away from the harsh summer weather and the grips of his mother.
Panic wouldn't set in until the day that Richie asks him what movie he's waiting for and completely blanks, not having the slightest clue until peeking down at his ticket.
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sasukyss · 3 years
Here we go
List of all my animals (dead and alive)
Ok, in gonna divide this into sections depending on the species of the animals, cause I had a fuckton of them.
1. Marie (dead): she was ginger and white and I think she might of been our first cat? Idk I don't really remember but I do know that we picked her up off the street lol.
2. Beauty (alive): she's our oldest animal! She's white and we've had her for around 10 years and we got her from our plumbers.
3. Milly (dead): she was Beauties daughter, she was a tabby cat. Milly only died a few years ago, she was also one of our longest living animals. Fun fact about her, she got shot and lost feeling in her tail but she lived! She died of feline leukemia lol
4. Molly (dead): Milly's sister, she was also tabby but with darker colouring, I think she got poisoned by one of our neighbours. She was sweet
5. Spider (???): one of Milly's litter of kittens, he was a dark tabby colour and he hated my entire family and he ran away the moment he could
6. Tiger (???): another one of Milly's, he was like Spider but lighter in colouring. He also hated us and ran away.
7. Ariel (???): part of Milly's litter, I named her Ariel cause she had a ginger bit on her head lmao. She hated my entire family and also ran away
8. Lucky (dead): he was my trans cat!! He wasn't really part of Milly's litter cause we found him when he was a newborn in the rubbish, but Milly happened to be feeding the kittens and she took him. He was ginger and white.
9. Angel Milk (???): she was black and white and we only had for a bit and then we dropped her off at this house cause we couldn't look after her and then we never saw her again.
10. Hope (dead): we found her in another village when she was a kitten, sadly she was a carrier of feline leukemia so she died of it and also gave it to my other cat who died a few years later. Hope was white with random patches of tabby fur everywhere
11. Buttercup (dead): A SWEETHEART. She was tabby with super long fur and she was sweet and she had two kittens and I loved her a lot
12. Guppy (dead): one of Buttercups litter, he was super long and he had long dark tabby fur.
13. Kevin (dead): Guppy's brother, he was my neighbours cat and I think he only died a few years ago. He had the same fur and colour as his brother.
14. Biscuit (???): He was ginger and one of my favourite cats, super sweet and I loved him a whole lot
15. Mopsy (dead): we got him along with his sister from our school when he was a kitten. He was super big and had dark tabby fur.
16. Roberta (alive): HOMOPHOBIC BITCH. She's so grumpy and I hate her, I actually have photos of her so here
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17. Arya (alive): gay ass cat. We thought he was a girl at first cause he was so pretty but turns out he's a dude and hes super gay
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18. Arnold (alive): my beloved, I love you sm. He's great and I'd die for him. He's also bisexy
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19. Lucy (alive): BABY PLS COME HOME. She's not dead but she's in England with my brothers, I miss you 💔 here's a pic of her assaulting her child
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20. Lucy's litter of kittens whose names I only remember two of so here's a photo of them (all alive minus 1):
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1. Rocket (dead): stupid and dumb. He was small and was light brown with darker colours on his snout and legs.
2. Daphne (dead): my beloved, you may have been dumb as shit but you cared and thats what counts. She was super scruffy and she was black with light brown on her snout and belly.
3. Daphnes first litter of puppies that was like 6 and idk what happened to any of them cause my mom gave them away at my school and these kids just took them home and I nev r saw any of them again.
4. Fred (alive): we called her Fred cause we thought she was a dude but suprise, she wasn't and she had 13 puppies cause my dad dumped her in this village in the mountains and we found her again cause my uncle bought a house there and we had to check on it. Oh yeah she was also coloured like a Dalmatian lol.
5. Marbles (dead): honestly I don't remember where we got him all I know is that we had him and his brother when they were puppies and one day we found him dead. He was white with brown patches.
6. Domino (alive): my neighbours took him in, he was Marbles brother and he grew up to be fucking huge. Hes white with brown patches.
7. Goldy (alive): part of Daphnes second litter of puppies, Daphne had like 7 but one got killed by Fred who had her puppies at the same time. Yes I was there and saw her with it in her mouth. It wasn't fun. She's called Goldy cause she had blonde fur lmao
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8. Tinkerbell (dead): looked like a Yorky but longer and scruffier, she could jump super high and she got run over by my neighbour
9. May (dead): she didn't last long, she was white and was a puppy and she also got ran over by my neighbour
10. Annabelle (alive): she looks like a rat, she's from this litter of puppies we found near one of our neighbours houses, shes white with black patches.
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11. Toby (dead): he was brown and big and he would always break out of the dog house. He got hit by a car and it broke his spine so they had to put him down.
We had two generations of them, the first batch had babies and thats how we figured out that if you touch baby hamsters their mother will eat them cause she doesn't recognize their scent. So in total 8 hamsters (gen. 1 and 2) and some like 6 babies.
We had a fucktonnn, and they'd die every few months so we'd got back to this festival where we got them. I think the ones we had the longest was one of mine (Aurora) and one of my brothers (Stitch).
Ok so we had three gens of them
Gen 1: I don't remember a lot but ik the rooster was called Scooby-Doo (my younger brothers choice). Also they got killed by this thing called a genet that Fred ended up killing
Gen 2: again idkkk, ik they were black and they hated these other chickens we had. Also they ate baby mice
Gen 3: they were this single rooster and these two chickens, the rooster kept getting beat up by the ducks so we had to move him away. Just so you know chickens don't die pretty.
Yes we had fucking ducks, cause my brothers a dumbass and wanted some for a reason
Roberto (alive): idkk ik hes the one that actually lived and we need up giving him to one of my mom's friends.
Roberta (dead): idk what happened to this one I didn't really care tbh.
Snowy (dead): ok so we called Snowy sumo rabbit cause she was fucking huge and albino. Also funny story, but we thought Snowy was a dude so we would get her other rabbits but she ended up killing them all, so we eventually figured out Snowy was a girl so we got her a dude rabbit, and yeah she got pregnant but she also killed the dude rabbit, so yeah...
She had like two litters of them and they all died lol.
Carrots (dead): I miss you 💔 super great, even if she didn't like anyone. She also had kid rabbits and these ones actually lived. Also she was orange so that's why we called her carrots.
Thumper (dead):, he was a dwarf rabbit, he was black and white and he was the father of these other two rabbits we had.
Bruce (alive): idk why he's called Bruce, I thinks he's black and white but I don't remember
Jean (alive): again, idk about the name. This one's white and brown I think.
Ok so we had one budgie which we called Peanut and I don't remember what happened to him, and then we had two lovebirds and I'm pretty sure we named one after my uncle cause the bird was bald like him. Yes they are both dead.
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seokiloquy · 4 years
Catch Me If You Can - Nishinoya Yuu
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AU: Penpal / Travel
Warning: Manga Spoilers
Word Count: 7.6k+
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How could he not have fallen in love with (Y/N) back then? The foreign transfer student that regaled stories of her adventures around the world with swinging arm movements and an indistinguishable accent that had been muddled over years of travel. She was a sun among stars. A linguistic animal lover that had a passion for learning and adventure. No one could resist her charm, not for long. She was expressive, loud and boisterous. But when given the chance, the outgoing girl will always sit quietly and listen with a kind smile on her face. How could anyone not want to know her?
It was nearing the end of March in 2014 when they last saw each other. Despite it being the beginning of spring, the sun was shooting down warm golden rays of light that (Y/N) happily bathed in. Nishinoya sat next to the excitable girl, looking at the various pins she had stuck into her worn down and faded hat, tired after years of travelling and use. It was spunky, out there, it suited her quite well. In her hand, she fiddled with a keychain that he had just given her moments prior. A small enamel volleyball that he had a duplicate of.
“I’m going to travel the world,” she said, leaning back against the stairs of the gym.
The graduation ceremony was long. Despite that, the volleyball team had gathered in their gym to send off the 3rd years, announcing Yamaguchi as the new captain, and making everyone cry. The 1st years were the worst, only getting to spend one year with their beloved elders.
Nishinoya smiled, stretching his legs along the steps to lay down beside her. “Where are you going to go first?”
She hummed, “I think I’ll go to Australia, I want the accent back.”
Nishinoya laughed and watched as the traveller held up the chain to her nose.
“I want to meet as many people as I can, get some new experiences,” she sighed before shooting up from her spot, nearly launching herself on top of Nishinoya’s relaxed position. Her eyes seemed to be twinkling as they looked into his, “I’m going to write you letters.”
How could he say no to that smile?
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For three years they sent letters back and forth. Occasionally sending a care package, typically coming from (Y/N), who always seemed to have money to spare for the best quality of shipping. Nishinoya was always eager to open her letters. The words on the page would dance in his mind, creating beautiful images of the girl he remembered as she continued her travels. He would feel his heart squeeze with every package, carrying various treats and pictures for him to enjoy. Nishinoya always wanted to travel despite never having the funds to do so. Because of this, he lived vicariously through his long time crush’s adventures, holding every gift he received close to his heart.
He saved every last picture, letter, and gift. Yearning for when he would find the next one sitting snugly in the mailbox of his family home in Miyagi. 3 years since the day they graduated they had been exchanging letters, and 4 months since he last heard from his (Y/N), who had suddenly stopped. 4 months he waited. 
Nishinoya waited desperately for her next reply, but it never came. Leaving him anxious for months as his family tried to calm him down. Nothing worked. Nishinoya spent most of his free time walled up in his room, ducked under the covers of his childhood bed, waiting.
It wasn’t until his grandfather, Mineo, knocked on his door that something happened.
It was the 2nd of July 2017 at 3:28pm.
“Eh, Yuu, there’s something in the mail for ya,” the old man teased, throwing a thumb over his shoulder.
Running out of his room, nearly knocking over his laughing elderly grandfather, the youngest Nishinoya ran out of his house, through the gates and to the mailbox. From the corner of his eye, he could see the mailman down the street. Inside the box was a neatly packaged envelope. He pulled it out gently, trying his best not to fold or mark the clean paper.
Once at the dinner table, family surrounding all sides, excitedly waiting for the boy to open the letter, Nishinoya let out a deep breath. His heart was pounding, gripping onto his ribcage like a prisoner wanting to escape. His hands shook, making the paper let out a desperate fluttering sound. He read the front of the paper.
The letter was sent from Australia. Particularly a city named Mutitjulu, which he didn’t bother to try and pronounce as even in his head, the English word seemed to only be a muffle of sounds. English wasn’t something he was good at anyway. He continued, staring at his name that was scripted on the front in a familiar style. One that he’s been reading for years.
“Well, what are you waiting for Yuu? Open it,” his mother pressured. She was excited too, tired of her son’s heaving and hawing over the past four months.
Taking in another wavering breath, Yuu opened the envelope gently and pulled out the crisp piece of paper. As he opened it, a wad of cash fell out, sprawling across the table his family sat at.
His grandfather laughed, “What is this? Some sort of ransom?”
“You’re not given money when you get a ransom note, let Yuu read the letter first,” His father chuckled as he watched his wife gather the money in a neat stack also grabbing the stiff paper ticket that had landed before her.
The first thing on the page was the date, followed by (Y/N)’s handwriting.
14 August 2014
Dear Yuu,
Australia feels like a home I wasn’t born into. It’s hot and my hair hate’s the humidity, but it’s a beautiful country. The accent makes it all worth it. While writing this, I sit at the bottom of one of Australia’s many sites, Uluru, a giant rock that would make you look like a worm in comparison. There are flies everywhere, and we’re painting stones in dotted patterns. I painted a lizard.
I’ve spent the last week in the outback with a group of born Australian’s working with Kangaroos. They are the funniest creatures, easily aggravated in the wild, but these ones have become used to humans over the years.
A man named Joshua has become my companion for the week. He’s taught me a lot, I can’t say it all in a singular letter, but here’s a funny story. One kangaroo, lovingly named Swipe, stole his hat on a particularly hot day, hiding it somewhere we never found. I had to give him my hat. When you see him, please, ask for it back, I miss it and will have more pins to add later.
Oh right, the money and the ticket. Well, I’m sorry for not telling you sooner, but I wanted it to be a surprise. By the time you get this letter, it should be about mid-summer of 2017. You know how you’ve always wanted to travel the world? Well, I’m picking out your stops. You won’t be able to contact me, that eliminates the fun out of it. But, that’s your mission.
Come and catch me~
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Nishinoya had to give it to her, Kangaroos were soft. And even in the heat of the Australian winter, he desperately wanted to snuggle up to them and bury his head into their chests. He had jokingly told Joshua that he wanted to be a joey in his next life, to which the Australian born man laughed and slapped his back. 
It seemed as though, despite (Y/N)’s appearance in Mutitjulu having been 3 years prior to his arrival, that she had planned out his whole trip. Getting Joshua to walk him through every landmark and location in Australia that she had visited on her solo trip.
He was a tall man, tanned to a golden ochre colour from his days working under the blistering sun, and you could tell he did hard physical labour from his well built physique. Nishinoya would stare at him occasionally, mostly jealous of his overwhelming height.
The two men were visiting the Sydney Zoo, watching a gigantic alligator eat a whole chicken when Nishinoya asked the older man a question in broken English. He still needed practice.
“Did you help plan everything?” he asked referring to his tour around the continent.
The Aussie shook his head, making his messed up sandy coloured hair bounce. Turning away from the reptilian show, the tanned man looked at Nishinoya with a large smile.
“She did it all herself. Every last detail. You wouldn’t believe it when she told me her plan, she was going to burst!”
Leaving their suitcases at various hotels over the 3 month period and grabbing the bare minimum so they could trek through the day felt new to Nishinoya. He had spent his whole life in one location, only ever needing to carry around a bag or two wherever he went. Joshua carried around a leather satchel everywhere. At every location they stopped at he would reach into it and pull out a photo that (Y/N) had taken while there, handing over to Nishinoya. 
“Keep it, I’ve made copies,” he said when Nishinoya tried to give them back.
Noya bought a photo album after that, carefully storing the photos in the slots that were available. He would flip through the pages until late when the birds started singing. The late nights staring at your photos led to beautiful dreams of hiking through forests and petting koalas together, holding hands and watching the sunset. He wanted that. Minus the gigantic spiders. 
It was at the end of September when Joshua barged into Nishinoya’s room early in the morning and threw something at him.
“Oi! Get up, get packed. You got more than just a plane to catch.”
Noya, still tired from a long night of drinking — likely being Joshua’s way of sending him off — groggily grabbed at whatever had been bounced off his head. He rubbed his eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the light that Joshua had so graciously invited in beyond the curtains.
Groaning, Yuu turned his attention away from the bright sun and onto what laid in his hand. A familiar hat, worn out and covered with pins, it’s original colour faded into a dull grey. Next to it, a letter. His spine shot into a straight position as his fingers gently separated the lip of the envelope from its body as quickly as possible. Just like the one before, money, plane ticket and a letter. A noise in the corner of the room caught his attention, Joshua was stuffing Noya’s clothes haphazardly into his suitcases, throwing a change of clothes to the side for him to wear.
“Get changed Cobber, we got to go!”
Joshua steered the tourist onto his plane, not letting Noya take a detailed look at the ticket. At the gate to the airport, Nishinoya was pulled into a strong hug by the Aussie, who rambled into the shorter man’s ear about how he would miss his foreign wisdom and poorly constructed sentences (which had improved over the months).
Before he knew it, Nishinoya was on a plane, reading the note you had sent back for him.
21 February 2015
Dear Yuu,
You like dogs, right? Well, I sure hope you do. I’ve spent the last few weeks in Yukon, Canada (specifically Whitehorse) and HOLY! It is freezing up here in the wintertime. Luckily the group I’ve been working with provides the proper gear you need but still, it’s frigid. So be ready for that. Margaret will help you out. That’s not actually her name, but she says her real name is too hard for us to pronounce.
Anyway, dog sledding. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried it. It’s such a freeing feeling. Oh, and I might have given one of them the keychain you gave me. I’m sorry, but he was so sweet and I wanted to give him something of mine. His name is Mateus. Be sure to give him pets for me!
Make sure to spend that money well~
Love you,
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Although October wasn’t technically winter, the northern hemisphere was cold, too cold. Bundled up in thick layers, covered from head to toe, Nishinoya laid back in the tall snow, rubbing the bellies of eager huskies that rolled around next to him. Yuu laughed and one jumped at him, pushing his shoulder back into the snow and licking any visible skin he could reach.
“Ya! Mateus, please!” The dog backed off, sitting in the man’s lap, panting happily.
Nishinoya sat up, petting the friendly dog’s head with his thick glove. His other hand moved the collar so he could admire the given jewelry. The metal had oxidized, making it look brown and blue. The volleyball has definitely looked better but Nishinoya wouldn’t complain. The dog whimpered at his new human friend as he played with the chain. 
Noya looked the husky in the eyes, “Awe, I miss her too bud.” 
The dog whined again and pushed his head up against Noya’s hand. He obliged to the canines request, rubbing the space behind his ears. The dog lolled his head to the side, then let his body completely fall over Noya’s lap. The other’s came closer, joining the lazy dog puddle that made itself home around their new companion.
“If you keep letting them do that they’ll never let you leave.”
Margaret was a kind woman, older and a bit worn after years of working. She was ruff around the edges but as soon as she got a good look at Noya’s photo album (which now also held (Y/N)’s letters) she swept the young man into a bone-crushing hug, telling him about the memories she had from years prior. Noya listened to every story earnestly.
“She’s a natural,” she said. “Hopped onto the sled, grabbed the reins and off she went! Over the hills through the trees and the wolves listened to her every command.” 
Margaret’s movements were a shadow of the girl he remembered. Large and unapologetic. He took a sip from his hot chocolate as he watched the woman’s arms wing in fluid motions. The fire that was lit next to them cast a shadow behind her, like a puppet. Other volunteers around the lodge watched in awe as she continued telling her of (Y/N). Just how did she manage to make everyone fall in love with her, would there be any room in her heart for him? Everywhere she went she seemed to take someone with her and Yuu couldn’t help but think he’d be left out. It nagged at him.
On the last day of his stay in Whitehorse, Margaret sat down next to Nishinoya and handed him a neatly wrapped pile.
“You know, I sometimes wondered why (Y/N) asked me to make duplicates of her photos. But after spending these past couple of months with you, I can understand it. You’ve got yourself a keeper.”
At the bottom of the pile of photos was the letter, sent back to Margaret from his next location. The woman patted his shoulder.
“You better pack up soon, I’ll drive you to the airport.”
3 September 2015
Dear Yuu,
I know the cold must have been ruff. Haha, get it? Ruff? Well, don’t worry, cause where you’re going next it’s all summer and sun (with the occasional thunderstorm but a little rain never hurt anybody).
The Florida keys are hot. I’ve been spending a lot of time either at the beach or indoors where it’s airconditioned, but It’s been a lot of fun relaxing in the sun here. I found a restaurant, tucked in behind the white fences of a narrow road just by the waterfront. It has a large sign saying “CASTAWAY” I think it’s fitting with the whole nautical theme. It has high ceilings and gives off a wood cabin by the lake sort of feel. All the workers are nice, I’m writing this while talking with them.
I recommend the honeybuns!
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The honey buns were delicious. They weren’t even something you had to order, but Nishinoya did anyway, every single time. Joe, the owner, along with his wife busted the bar table that Nishinoya sat at. He was the only one in there at the moment flipping through his photo album, adjusting all the photos in place, making them look orderly. Without looking, he reached for one of the many bread buns that sat in the woven basket next to him.
“You know Noya, there’s more food other than the honey buns,” Joe chuckled as he snatched the bun filled basket out of the grasp of Noya’s clingy hands, making said boy pout. Joe laughed again before slipping a laminated piece of paper his way, “Read the menu kid, you might find something worthwhile.”
Joe, despite his outward appearance being that of a beer drinking food lover (which he was), was an avid deep sea diver. Often going with Miranda to collect underwater treasures that could be used as decor for their restaurant.
Nishinoya nodded, thanking the kind man as he began to read. The words gave him a bit of a headache. English, definitely something he’s improved on since beginning his journey but still makes him run circles in his head. He rested his chin on the counter, squinting, hoping the change in sight would magically turn the English into Japanese. It did not, and after 5 minutes of continuous grumbling, Miranda came his way.
“Noya, sweetheart, take a look at the drinks would ya?” she laughed, towel and plate in one hand, flicking the back of the page with a long spindly finger from the other.
He flipped the page over.
The (Y/N) Special
“What is this?” he asked pointing to the only spot on the page that had kanji characters mixed in with the English alphabet.
Miranda smiled, leaning her elbows onto the counter. Flicking a chummy finger toward the page she explained, “That right there, is a drink (Y/N) made up on one of the nights she was here. She jumped over the counter and made us all one, then gave us the recipe for later.”
Joe came their way with a cheeky smile, “Give it a go. It’s got a bit of alcohol in it but not a lot, fine for a midday drink.”
Yuu gladly took the drink created and named after his beloved adventurer and gave it a big gulp. It was cold and sweet with a bit of lemon, perfect for the everlasting hot weather in Florida. He could imagine lounging at the beach or by a pool with (Y/N) sleeping peacefully by his side as he drank this, both of them soaking in the sun’s warmth. Noya sighed happily, resting his head in the palm of his hand.
“Hang in there kid. I don’t think there’s that much alcohol,” Joe teased as he flicked Nishinoya’s forehead. “Don’t go dozing off just yet, we’ve got your next letter.”
Noya didn’t even realize that Miranda had left, only just seeing her as she came back out from the restaurant’s back with a box in hand.
The pictures were of her in various places, just like all the others. Now mostly at the beach or at his current location. He didn’t hold himself back from admiring the images of your summer glow as you posed happily for the camera in your bathing suit. One image of your face stuffed with honey buns make him cackle outright. At the bottom of the box was a small corral and your note. 
18 June 2016
Dear Yuu,
Oh YUU~ please don’t be mad at me! I know you probably wanted to see me first out of all our friends but I couldn’t help myself. Brazil was already on my list and where else would I go besides Rio de Janeiro?
Hinata has grown so much since high school, you’ve got to see him play. You should be proud of your Kohai, he’s gotten pretty amazing~ His roommate, Pedro, was really nice too he likes OnePiece and Spiral Knights. Reminds me of Kenma a bit. They were both kind enough to accommodate me for my stay. Oh, Oikawa showed up too.
Be sure to give Hinata a hug for me~
Love (Oh so very much),
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Had they still been in high school, Hinata would’ve probably blabbered about everything upon Nishinoya’s arrival. But, as you had said, Hinata had grown and thus, he learned some restraint. Managing to respect the wishes of his travelling upperclassman who insisted that he kept a tight lip about everything until Noya had begun his travels in Rio.
Noya, on the other hand, was rather discouraged that his past teammate had gotten to spend months with his girl. His girl? His girl. He grumbled, crossing his arms with a haughty huff.
Nishinoya had arrived in Rio in February of 2018, getting the chance to hear all of Hinata’s stories from the beginning of his appearance in the hot city. Heitor, Hinata’s teammate for a tournament they played a couple of months prior, listened carefully to Hinata’s ramblings as he switched back and forth between languages, translating as much as he could. Nishinoya also often found himself admiring Heitor’s coiling hair. A complete opposite texture from his own. (Y/N)’s appearance seemed to be news to Brazilian man as well, but both listened with rapt attention as the carrot head rambled. 
Noya got really pouty when his friend showed him the pictures though, mostly fixating on the one that had Oikawa, Hinata, and (Y/N) all making strange faces at the camera.
“Shoyo, must you torture me like this?”
Hinata only responded with a large smile and wiggling dance.
Heitor and Pedro had become Nishinoya’s closest companions after Hinata left for Japan. Nice, Heitor’s newlywed wife, reminded him of Saeko, making her his go-to whenever he needed to rant to someone. She never understood a word he said, but would always give him a pat on the back and a warm smile. Luckily, Pedro had managed to pick up some Japanese during his time living with Hinata, making the learning curve of figuring out Portuguese a little easier.
At the near 3 month mark of his stay in Rio, Pedro came out of his room with a box that had Nishinoya’s name printed across it. “It. Yours,” he tried to say with heavily accented Japanese, which the streaked blonde man was thankful for.
The name across the top had obviously been done by Hinata, the messy script made it that evident, not that Noya could easily read it anyways. Just like the others, the box held a few remaining photos that Hinata didn’t give him during their time together and her letter. The envelope had a small crease in the top corner, likely from Hinata’s rough handling, but he was eager to read it despite its mediocre condition.
Pedro sat down next to Nishinoya, taking hold of the photo album, and offered to put them in order. Before he did though, he took his time flipping through the pages, listening to Nishinoya as he tried to explain what was happening in each photograph. Pedro smiled.
“I spoke to her quite often, she learned Portuguese rather quickly, I was surprised,” he paused for a moment, watching the memory that played in his mind from the photo he had taken of you and Hinata playing volleyball on the beach. “She is quite an amazing person.”
Despite not being able to fully understand what Pedro had said, Nishinoya could hear his feelings.
Why did she have to be so magnetic that even a near stranger felt her gravitational pull?
With an almost sad sigh, he gave Pedro a nudge and began to read the letter. It was filled with glitter. That was new.
 31 December 2016
Dear Yuu,
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I might be a bit tipsy but that’s okay! I’ll write this anyway.
New years in France is filled with alcohol. I shouldn’t be surprised but the wine is surprisingly sweet? And you know me, I can’t restrain myself when it comes to sweets.
Paris is beautiful by the way. I can’t wait for you to see it. Danon has been an amazing tour guild. He even gives me a discount on the coffee from his family’s café. Despite being in the more expensive part of town the café is rather quaint. When his parents are out Donon lets me choose the music, it’s typically 70’s dance and pop music, like ABBA. Who am I kidding, It’s mostly ABBA. Sometimes other customers join me in dancing, Danon can’t because he works but I see him grooving behind the counter. I think I made it a tradition.
Ooh, I also made another friend, her name’s Brielle, she's just lovely.
It’s beautiful here Yuu~
Love you loads.
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 Was Nishinoya jealous when he met Danon? HELL YES HE WAS. The man was their age, and undeniably handsome, clean quaffed brown hair and perfect skin. Nishinoya spent his first few days in Paris giving the other man the side-eye. 
That’s how it was, until one Friday evening, when Nishinoya walked into the café he was stopped frozen at the door.
“Ah Noya, my friend! Come join us!” Danon called over the music once he saw the shorter man enter.
In the Frenchman’s arms twirled a beautiful young woman with dark skin and braided hair that swung at the middle of her back. ABBA was playing, Noya noticed as he entered, weaving through the dancing couples of men and women alike. Danon and the woman met him halfway, and Danon, being the gentleman he is, bowed slightly as he gestured to her.
“This is Brielle. I’m sure (Y/N) must have mentioned her in her letter.”
Brielle laughed, waving her hand dismissively, “The two of us only got a moment together, a week at most. But she did talk about you Nishinoya. It's a pleasure to meet you.”
They spoke in English, with French accents, but Noya was thankful for the familiarity, although it did make him notice his own mangled accent even more.
“So what’s happening here?”
Danon laughed, “It’s (Y/N)’s night! What else?!”
The day slowly turned to night and the Eiffel tower began to glow outside the window. Nishinoya tried his best to dance in the sensual duets that took place in the middle of the floor, but more often than not, he went behind the counter, taking Danon’s parent’s place and giving them a chance to take centre stage. Out of the pairs, his parents were the most infectious. But anyone could look Danon’s way and see that he and Brielle were a match made for the night lights of Paris.
Towards the end of May, Nishinoya sat at one of the tables next to the chalk wall, sipping slowly at his tea. Danon came out from the back, giving his mother a rub on the shoulder before sitting across from the Japanese tourist. He placed a clean stack of images on the table between them. Before pointing to the chalk wall with a melancholic smile.
“She wrote you a message up there, ‘see you soon’, she said that a lot about you,” the taller man slid over the stack.
Noya slowly flipped through the photos, pausing at one that captured a moment of Danon holding (Y/N) in his arms as they danced, being perfectly framed by the Eiffel tower behind them. Noya gripped the photo a little tighter. His heart clawed at his insides again. That nagging feeling was back, making the palms of his hands feel sore and warm. Danon’s voice pulled him out of it easily, the man was a siren.
“She is a remarkable woman. If I had the same opportunity that you have right now,” he trailed off, pausing to take a breath, “I would follow her off the edge of the world if she asked me,” Danon took the photo out of Noya’s hands, giving it a fleeting look before tucking it into the album that rested open on the table.
Gulping, Noya met the man’s eyes across the table.
“Aren’t you with Brielle?”
Danon smiled, “I am. (Y/N) introduced us. Brielle knows of my infatuation but trusts me and I can’t thank her more for it.”
“You two are beautiful together,” Noya said, looking up at your name on the wall. He took another long, slow sip of his tea.
“As will the both of you. If you manage to catch her that is.” Danon spoke softly, joining his new friend in staring at their crush’s smooth writing on the wall. “Can you do me a favour, Noya?”
Nishinoya hummed, continuing to look up.
“Love her for the both of us, okay?”
 8 May 2017
Dear Yuu,
A kind old man was nice enough to let me spend most of my time with him and his dog at their home in Hamburg, Germany. He’s a potato farmer! But sadly he injured his back working, what a spine breaker. Anyway, I offered my help farming in exchange for a warm bed and food. He was happy to help! Oh right, his name is Adal. He’s a bit of a grouch but I know he’s secretly a softy.
I managed to get to a few places around Germany before settling down there for the rest of the trip though. My favourite by far is the torn down Berlin wall. It’s covered in graffiti and art and it’s just filled with so much history. It’s overwhelming but seeing the broken wall is just such a beautiful sight. I don’t even think I can put it into words.
Don’t let Adal be too mean to you~
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 Nishinoya knew what you meant by the wall being overwhelming. It felt like he had the memories of generations pushing down on his shoulders all while a swell of happiness and relief seemed to lift his chest upwards. It was a sight to behold.
Adelina was a kind but blunt woman in her 40’s. Their initial interaction was a shocking one that left a bitter taste in both of their mouths. Noya, a stranger that had shown up at Adal’s doorstep that was in the middle of vast farmland was greeted with a less than welcoming hello.
“Is Adal here?”
In broken English, Adelina responded, “Adal is dead. What do you want?”
After explaining his now new predicament to the resilient woman, she had broken into a gasp eyes wide as she rushed up the stairs of the house. She nearly tripped coming back down, holding a box that was covered in dust and set it down on the wood table in the middle of the large room visible from the door.
She had sighed while she blew off the dirt, “You must be Nishinoya, correct?”
Taking his shoes off at the door, he entered the premises. Adelina had gestured for him to take a seat in the chair across from her and the box. Nishinoya was understandably nervous at the time, desperately wanting to bite his nail or crack his cold knuckles, but he resisted.
“Adal was my father, he died last year and left everything to me,” she started. “I only met (Y/N) once but she was a kind woman from what I remember. Managed to break that old man’s shell. Not many can do that,” she laughed, tucking a greying piece of hair behind her ear.
Nishinoya listened to every word patiently. Adelina wasn’t a great storyteller, she often had to cycle back, remembering events that would have been told earlier on, and sounded rather monotone as she recounted them. For what it was worth though, once she got on the right track, she seemed to be able to recall every detail word for word despite the stories not having been from her own experiences.
“I know the plan was for you to work in the field, but I sold off the farmland not too long after he died,” she said, placing a glass of water for him on the table. “If I had thought a little further ahead, I probably would have waited until after your visit,” she scoffed sadly at herself. “I guess my mind was a bit preoccupied.”
“No, no. It’s alright. I’m the one showing up unannounced. You probably didn’t even remember the plan until I showed up.”
That night, Adeline offered to take Nishinoya on a grand tour through Germany.
“I should at least fulfill some duty that I was given, he would want me to,” she said, giving him a rare smile. “Diese Dinge passieren, und das Leben geht weiter.”
Despite having given him most of the pictures in the box on the first night, the letter remained untouched until after spending three months in the woman’s care. At the airport, Adeline thanked Noya for visiting and wished him well.
“Chase your dreams,” she said, sending him off with a final wave.
 1 September 2017
Dear Yuu,
Somehow a little town at Italy’s ankle has made me believe that gods exist on earth. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but these architects did an amazing job. The buildings are all colourful and beautiful to admire. Especially during the sunset. The whole town is cast with a warm glow.
I’ve been staying in Sorrento, (imagine if I was writing this from Torino! Haha). A small town by the bay known for its beautiful view of the water and 14th-Century architecture, very picturesque. I spend most of my time down by the bay, I’ve gone so often that I’ve even made friends with some of the fishermen. They even offered to take me spearfishing out in the bay. Their boats are beautiful but on windy days I definitely prefer the land.
Don’t let the marlins get to close, they’ll stab you~
Love you,
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 “Eh, Noya! You did great! Let me take a photo for you.” 
Donte was a middle-aged man that owned a boat by the pier. Often spending his weekends fishing for marlins to feed his family the following week. His hair was dark brown and mousy, slowly fading to grey at the sides of his hairline that trailed down his jaw into a patchy scruff of a beard that never seemed to grow. Quickly, the ageing man grabbed Noya’s phone off one of the seats in his large fishing boat and angled it to face the other man.
“Say: sorridi!” he cheered.
Noya dropped his borrowed trident like a spear on the tiled concrete and kicked up his left leg onto the large metal cleat at his side and balanced the weight of the large marlin between his arms. The fish’s mouth hung open, but Noya smiled into the camera of his phone, yelling out ‘sorridi’ as the photo was taken. 
“Ah good. C’mon, I’ll treat you to lunch.”
It was during lunch when Donte began to entertain Nishinoya with some stories of (Y/N)’s visit. The big one was how we decided on the name of his boat. He explained that at the time, his ship was brand new when she visited, with (Y/N) being the first to book a time to experience marlin fishing on the new vessel. At the time the name hadn’t been printed on the side, and when Donte had mistakenly tripped over a loose line it sent him into the cold water of the bay. Despite being able to swim, the visiting woman had immediately pulled out the rope ladder tying to the side of the ship and dived him.
Donte laughed as he recalled floating in the water with (Y/N) staring at him with an irritated expression. “I can swim you know?” he said, making her grumble and paddle to the ladder she had set up moments prior.
“The water is nice, but you better get out soon,” she had teased. “Don’t want the marlins to attack.”
“Thought that ‘the Mad Mer’ was fitting. She did look like a goddess while swimming after all.” 
The description made Noya smile happily.
Donte was starting his next story when Nishinoya felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.
Asahi had sent him a message.
We’re all meeting up today.
Are you coming?
A cheeky grin pulled on the corner of Noya’s face. Swiping his phone across his screen and clicking, without sending a word to his friend the image was sent.
Woah, Noya!
Are you still following those letters?
Nishinoya chuckled.
You bet!
Donte nodded his head in Noya’s direction and took a large gulp of water and a bit of food from his plate. “Who you talking to?”
“Ah, an old friend. Sent him the picture of the marlin.”
On his final day, after packing up all his clothes, Nishinoya flipped through the new photos he collected. His favourite had been taken on the same day that she had dived into the water to help Donte. It was of (Y/N) in a flowing white dress, arms spread wide open, with the sun setting in the background making her dress glow. This photo closed out the passage of Sorrento, Italy.
 30 March 2018 
Dear Yuu,
Hazyview is quite the sight. It’s full of green trees and large expanses of grass. Rolling hills turn into mountains with sharp cliffs and rounded tops. It’s a sight you’ve never seen before.
I got to travel around a bit before settling in Hazyview so I could learn about all the languages they speak. It’s so interesting! I swear some of the people I met probably thought I was some foreign nut job, but I had fun
Working at a sanctuary for elephants is such a rewarding experience. I wish I could have stayed a bit longer to help. Luckily they primarily used English to communicate because of all the immigrating volunteers they get, but even the diverse collection of language there was amazing. But that’s not the point. Elephants. Elephants are the point.
We managed to save a baby and his mother from poachers! The little guy was rather clingy, and I got to name him!
Work your hardest~
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 Nishinoya was relieved when he was able to practice his English again with fluent English speakers at the sanctuary. Nearly two years of practice has shown some improvement. 
Jabulani was the man that greeted him when the helicopter landed at the sanctuary. His arms were wide open and his smile was big, showing off his pearly white teeth.
“Welcome!” he yelled over the sound of the helicopter’s blades spinning.
It took a couple of days for Nishinoya to get the chance to interact with the large beasts. That time was spent settling in, getting a tour, and learning about the protocol that was held in high regard at the sanctuary (for good reason).
When Jabulani, nicknamed Jabu, introduced Noya to the various elephants that were being rehabilitated he was brought to a pause at one.
“His name is Shino?”
“Ah yes. You’re (Y/N)’s friend. I almost forgot. She talked about you a lot.”
Noya made a large gesture with his arms, throwing them in the warm air. Then he adjusted the old button filled hat on his head to block the sun.
“When (Y/N) said she named a baby Elephant I thought I was going to be small! She named it after me, and he’s that big?!”
Jabu laughed at Noya’s pain. Giving a hard smack on the back. Earning a groan from the slightly saddened man.
“Don’t look at it like that. Think of it this way,” He said as he grabbed Noya’s shoulder, straightening his back. He gestured to the elephant’s trunk that started sprinkling water over its head. “She must think highly of you. Think you can reach great heights like the trunk of an elephant.”
“That height is mediocre when giraffes exist.”
The throwaway comment earned Noya another hard smack.
“Don’t say that around the elephants. They’re sensitive creatures.”
Occasionally, at night when everyone was lounging around the common area, eating food and relaxing, Nishinoya got the chance to listen to Juba and his friends speak in their native tongue. Zulu was something he had never heard prior to coming here, and as he listened to them converse fluidly without tripping over any syllable or sound he couldn’t help but realize why you appreciated the complexities of language so much.
The last letter was short, and when he opened it a picture slipped out. You wore Karasuno’s classic colour; black. You were in a waving salute, your two fingers in the motion of pointing away from your forehead. The back of the black tracksuit was visible thanks to your slightly turned position. You stood on the steps of the volleyball gym, the doors were open. The letter was sent back to Hazyview recently.
 9 April 2019
Dear Yuu,
What do you think? The newest job suits me, huh? I managed to race through school while I waited. World Cultures, I’m excited.
See you on the first day of school~
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 April 20th of 2019 was the first day of school. Nishinoya had flown in from Hazyview the night before, greeted by his parents who pestered him about all of his adventures on the way home. Still wide awake with jitters of excitement, Noya rambled about every moment and story, flipping through his nearly complete photo album.
He was wide awake until he wasn’t. Despite his eagerness to wake up early to the following day and hopefully ambush you in the morning before classes started, he managed to sleep through most of the day. When he finally did wake up he was groggy from the jet lag but forced himself to change into something more presentable than plane clothes. Be grabbed your old hat, oxidized keychain and his photo album before rushing out.
Once he got to the front gates he breathed in deeply. It had been years, and the nagging feeling had returned to his chest. Students gave him weird looks as they left the school grounds.
How could he not have fallen in love with you back then? But how could he be so naive to believe he was the only one? He thought of Danon in that moment, letting the words replay in his head. Over and over again. For the both of us.
Taking one last breath, he ran towards the old gym he remembered. The doors were slightly ajar and the welcoming sound of air-filled balls bouncing off the wooden gym floor made his heart race. He screamed as he kicked the doors wide open.
A high pitch screech followed.
“Noya? What the hell are you doing here?”
Despite the change in hair, now back to his natural black, Ukai hadn’t changed a bit. The squealer, Takeda, held his chest tightly as he stood straight, recovering from the sudden scare. The players on the gym floor began to murmur, they’d ask their coaches questions later.
“Sorry, Takeda, Ukai. Do you know where (Y/N) is?” Noya asked, gripping his belongings tightly. “I thought she was going to be in here.”
Takeda let out a shaky laugh, “You haven’t changed a bit, Noya. But did you maybe consider she’d be in the girl’s gym?”
Ukai sent Takeda a confused look, to which the bespectacled man waved off as if saying ‘I’ll explain later.’ 
Nishinoya began bouncing on his toes, ready to move. Wearing a smile, he yelled a loud ‘thanks!’ as he bowed, before running out the double doors.
The girl’s gym, though not one he visited in his past often except for those moments he went to see (Y/N), brought a familiar feeling. The sound of balls ricocheting off of solid surfaces greeted him as he stood outside the double doors, waiting, scared.
Then he heard your voice, heavily accented but pronouncing every word with a sense of style with accuracy. Soothing and sharp with a bit of a raspy bite from years of hysterical laughter and yelling.
“Tiny Hinata! Natsu, can you do me a favour real quick?”
Slowly, he pushed the doors open.
Nishinoya didn’t even see the young orange-haired girl lift the old polaroid camera to her face. He was too busy enjoying the old familiar feeling of his girl’s hands holding his back, hardly even hearing the smack of objects fall from his hands and onto the floor. He melted. Noses brushed against each other as she pulled him into a kiss that was worth the years of patient pining. He let out a breathless laugh when she pulled away, letting his head fall back for a moment as she used her hands to lift him back into an upright position. His hand came to rest on her shoulders, massaging them gently to fully know that she was there.
That nagging feeling finally crawled away, chased out by an eruption of warmth in his stomach.
“I finally caught you, (Y/N),” he said, wearing a dopey grin.
“Took you long enough,” she teased, hitting his arm.
Picking up his belongings that he had dropped suddenly, he held the brim of her old hat between his fingers and slipped it onto her head. Back where it belonged.
The photo was a pretty one, fitting perfectly into the last page of his album.
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So this onshot comes from a prompt in my writers notebook that I’ve been wanting to write for over a year. And when talking to one of my firends we got really into multiple different idea’s and then dragged Kiwi into it. So this one is sort of collaborated.
I hope you liked it! it’s the longest thing I’ve written so far and it’s about the length of a regular two or three parted story. - Bacon
Posted: 03/07/2020
56 notes · View notes
katsukis-sad-angel · 3 years
"get to know me uncomfortably well" 1-100 minus whatever questions you dont want to answer :D
ahem (original post)
1. What is your middle name? Therese Hildegard (yes i have two)
2. How old are you? 19
3. When is your birthday? May 22
4. What is your zodiac sign? The most introverted Gemini you can find
5. What is your favorite color? Purple
6. What’s your lucky number? 18
7. Do you have any pets? 2 beautiful rabbits named Asphodel and Genisys
8. Where are you from? NE Ohio
9. How tall are you? just about 5′5″
10. What shoe size are you? *sniffle* size 10, but my doc martins are size 11
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 4
12. What was your last dream about? all i remember is the guy i like holding out his arms to me for a hug, but before i could jump into his arms i woke up :(
13. What talents do you have? I’m a percussionist so I hit things to make pretty sounds and i guess i’m pretty good at writing 
14. Are you psychic in any way? no, why?
15. Favorite song? Fiending by Broken Transmitter and Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy at the moment
16. Favorite movie? ummmm gotta be big hero 6
17. Who would be your ideal partner? tall, dark, and handsome, a little muscular, not too much tho, at least a little taller than me who gives good hugs
18. Do you want children? yes
19. Do you want a church wedding? yes
20. Are you religious? yes
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? i had a seizure when i was 4. haven’t been there since
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? i mean i’ve broken laws but i’ve never been caught
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? CLIFFORD CHAPIN!!!!! MY LORD AND SAVIOR!!!
24. Baths or showers? both, first a bath to relax and then shower to actually get clean
25. What color socks are you wearing? none
26. Have you ever been famous? would you call 800+ followers famous?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?  absolutely not
28. What type of music do you like? rock, the occasional j-pop, songs with a lot of bass i guess
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? HAH no
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
31. What position do you usually sleep in? i fall asleep staring at the ceiling and wake up on my face
32. How big is your house? large enough for 6 kids, 2 parents, 2 rabbits, and the ghosts of 2 cats and 2 dogs 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? something dad makes or a parfait from school
34. Have you ever fired a gun? nope
35. Have you ever tried archery? yep
36. Favorite clean word? rats
37. Favorite swear word? piss baby
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? in all 19 years of my existence, i have never once pulled an all-nighter. my body will just shut off, it doesn’t matter how much caffeine i drink
39. Do you have any scars? me and my curling iron have a love-hate relationship if you will
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? lmao
41. Are you a good liar? it depends, but usually yes
42. Are you a good judge of character? no. i’m way too trusting and give everyone the benefit of the doubt even when SEVERAL people tell me so and so is a bad person and i usually end up getting hurt because of it aha
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? i can talk like gordon ramsay if requested
44. Do you have a strong accent? i live in ohio. no.
45. What is your favorite accent? gordon ramsay
46. What is your personality type? an introvert who will fight you if provoked
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? something stupidly overpriced from hot topic probably
48. Can you curl your tongue? yes
49. Are you an innie or an outie? innie
50. Left or right handed? right handed
51. Are you scared of spiders? no but if i see one i will smack it with a shoe
52. Favorite food? pork ribs
53. Favorite foreign food? chinese food
54. Are you a clean or messy person? clean
55. Most used phrase? “so... there’s this guy...”  
56. Most used word? “rats” as a derogatory term or otherwise
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 30 minutes max
58. Do you have much of an ego? i try not to
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? bite. i dont want something in my mouth for that long
60. Do you talk to yourself? all the time
61. Do you sing to yourself? yes
62. Are you a good singer? i mean, i’m not necessarily bad
63. Biggest Fear? people that are upset with me and i don’t know why, hospitals, blood and other bodily fluids, dead things
64. Are you a gossip? yes
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? i watch anime, fool
66. Do you like long or short hair? on my men, as long as it’s not super long and nasty we’re good... women? i don’t care
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? yes. i have every animaniacs song memorized so, not to flex, but i can name all 50 states AND their capitals in SONG form
68. Favorite school subject? history
69. Extrovert or Introvert? introvert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? no but it sounds fun
71. What makes you nervous? not knowing where i am, deadlines, a teacher saying “i’m letting you form your own groups for a project this time and no you can’t work by yourself” 
72. Are you scared of the dark?  yes
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? as nicely as possible
74. Are you ticklish? yes
75. Have you ever started a rumor? nothing major but yes
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? no
77. Have you ever drank underage? my dad let me suck on his empty beer bottle when i was a baby and my grandpa gave me a little champagne on new years when i was 14 so maybe
78. Have you ever done drugs? no
79. Who was your first real crush? his name was mateo and he was perfect in every possible way...
80. How many piercings do you have? 4
81. Can you roll your Rs? yes
82. How fast can you type? pretty dang fast
83. How fast can you run? i can outrun all 3 of my brothers if that’s what you’re asking
84. What color is your hair? chestnut brown
85. What color are your eyes? dark brown
86. What are you allergic to? THOTS jk i’m not allergic to anything
87. Do you keep a journal? yes
88. What do your parents do? my mom is an independent web designer and my dad sells cars for ford
89. Do you like your age? i don’t have an issue with it
90. What makes you angry? stupid people, particularly stupid females, people in general, cuphead
91. Do you like your own name? no. ‘cass’ is just an alias... i wish it wasn’t
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? girls: Cassandra, Adrianne    boys: Mateo, Levi, Atilio
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? i don’t have a preference
94. What are your strengths? listening, organization, colorful insult creation, art maybe
95. What are your weaknesses? food
96. How did you get your name? annabella was an option but it was also the name of my dad’s bosses dog, sophia was an option too but mom didn’t like it over my actual name sooo 
97. Were your ancestors royalty? nah we were italian farmers that fucked around in syria for awhile
98. What nationalities are you? mostly italian but lets see i’m also irish, syrian, czechoslovakian, and a sprinkle of french
99. Color of your bedspread? cheetah print
100. Color of your room? gray
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vivithefolle · 4 years
Have you read endrina's "The Secret Language of Plants" series on AO3? It is so good and so long and it does some really amazing stuff with Ron. With all characters really, except for the Death Eaters and Voldemort (and a little bit of Dumbledore) this author creates the best versions of these characters that JKR *wishes* she had been well rounded and clever and emotionally honest enough to write. "The Meaning of Mistletoe" is the first one. Its a full canon rewrite. All 7 books are covered!
I am very torn.
On the one hand it contains Drarry and Snupin and Geormione and I hate those.
On the other hand... the Ron-appreciation is fan-freaking-tastic.
Find it here.
Ah of course it’s somewhat a “Severus Snape mentors Harry Potter”, so we get those:
Severus had a tell. His face would be impassive, his voice perfectly even and smooth and devoid of all inflection. But if he found something funny, his left hand would twitch and he would close his fist instead of laughing. Harry was probably the only person who knew (maybe Remus did, he didn’t know). Twice, Severus had found one of Ron’s comments funny.
I gotta admit I have a soft spot for the Ron&Snape BROTP, AVPM has a way of making you appreciate it
“He has a… a permanent poker face” whispered Hermione as Severus waved Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic, in the direction of the lake.
“You just have to learn how to read him” explained Harry while petting Buckbeak’ head to keep him quiet. “I know for a fact that he finds Ron very funny.”
“Funny?” Ron was having a day full of affronts. “He has given me more detentions than McGonagall ever has.”
(Not true. It was a tie).
How the Yule Ball ought to have gone - minus the gross Drarry shit:
Harry’s robes had belonged to three different witches of various tastes and body types before being purchased by Mrs. Weasley and adapted to be Ron’s formal outfit.
The next step had been very simple. Ron still cared about what other people thought. Harry did not. He really, really, did not. They traded. Ron resisted at first, because it was the polite thing to do, but once Harry got ahold of the dress and started to jump on the bed saying “mine, mine, mine” he accepted the exchange.
His smile had been so soft and wondering, as if Harry had given him the world. Harry felt as if he were trespassing on some religious ceremony, so grateful Ron looked, so easy it had been to make him happy.
Harry’s robes were green, to bring out his eyes. The colour also went very well with Ron’s hair and he looked quite fine. Not as elegant as Draco, for sure, but certainly one of the handsomest students in the ball
Harry could honestly say that he loved his new dress robes. Specially the cuffs. Oh, the glorious cuffs with three layers of lace. Harry could say that he loved the robes in all their frilly magnificence, but that wouldn’t be completely truthful because what he loved was the effect he had on people.
Headcanon accepted:
“Honestly, I don’t know why are you all acting so surprised.” He said to a variedly pink audience. Seamus Finnigan looked as if he had measles. “They are my brothers, you know. I had to grow up with them. And I am friends with Harry.”
Ron, like Percy, was easily overshadowed by the more explosive and flashy performances of his siblings. Ginny in particular, with her choleric character and her excellent jinxes, came on top of Ron. But Ron was not the runt of the group, not at all. Ron had slowly and painstakingly come to master a subtle non-verbal almost motionless magic, ever since his first year of school when he smuggled his wand to use during punishments. You would not see Ron cast anything, but he was, all the time. All. The. Time. Like someone compulsively pressing the save button on a computer. This was Ron, only with magic, defensive magic. It was now past conscious habit and it had become a tic.
Look, his brothers turned his favourite teddy bear into a spider, when he was on his second year a teacher tried to obliviate him, and the next year he was mauled by an over-enthusiastic Black (“so sorry, Ronald. Do you want a broom? I will get you a broom. Or better yet, a flying motorbike. I am sure you will look great in leather”). Note that he very generously was leaving the first year out, because it was the one time in Ron’s life when he actually went looking for trouble. Every other time the trouble came to find him.
It was only natural, given that he lived in a magical household where he could practice magic during the summers, that he would practice all the protective spells he could learn. He lived with Ginny, too, in case people had forgotten that. It was mere survival instinct on his part.
(Oddly, Percy had been quite helpful. He gave him tips and let him borrow his notes).
By the time he was starting his fourth year, it wasn't that Ron could cast protego in his sleep, it’s that he did. Constantly and absentmindedly. On himself, on Harry, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Luna (for heaven’s sake that girl was too fragile, someone should look after her). Really, he was casting protego on everyone all the time.
Percy was not his dad, he did not share his fascination with muggle ingenuity, but he did pay attention to his father. More than any of his brothers, actually, not that it was ever appreciated. Percy was never appreciated. (Not a complaint, just a statement. At the moment that lack of appreciation was what allowed him to work unnoticed. Hooray for ignored middle children).
(Side note: He should check with Ron, because Ronald was also very much a middle child like him and it occurred to Percy now that his little brother might be sitting on some big secrets of his own.)
Even though this fic went with the “Draco is second best to Hermione in class” cliché and I hate it it does get some things right:
Hermione wasn’t very good with emotions, hers or anyone else’s. She had always exhibited more awareness than Ron, it’s true, but that was more due to Ron having a philosophical acceptance of life than to any particular sensitivity on Hermione’s part. She was not very good with emotions because emotions clouded judgement and Hermione put all her might in her razor sharp mind. This is something that she understood very well.
This is why that morning, after breakfast, she had unfolded a piece of parchment on the table (sadly there were only two notebooks in the house and they were mostly full) and had announced, with great assuredness, that Voldemort must had been and still be very scared.
We love a Minerva that appreciates her chess lion
Minerva had put a swift end to the competition for Most Mischievous Student Ever by naming Potter (Harry) and Weasley (Ron) the ultimate and unsurpassable winners. (“I mean it, don’t even think about trying to take their place, unsurpassable I said.”)
She stood by her judgement because Harry was giving her headaches even in absentia and although Ronald grumbled a little bit that “he didn’t do nothing” there was not much force behind it. Minerva didn’t know exactly what Ronald had done or not done, but she would glare at him as if she knew and the boy looked guilty enough.
At this point, she wouldn’t even be that surprised if he turned out to be an animagus too. He had kept quiet about Severus’ involvement with Harry and he casted protegos nonverbally, so who knew what else he could do.
Ron’s Patronus is the best Patronus and this is canon
Ron was good, had always been good. When asked, because the quality and endurance of his patronus was amazing, he said he just had to think of that pigeon message that told him that his friend was alive and that was enough.
And Ron fucking killing Voldemort is like... *chief’s kiss*
Ron had grown as a young child in a big family. Not even the youngest which is a position of honour in a certain way and often featured prominently in fairy tales. No, he was the one just before, young but not the youngest. There were so many brilliant brothers before him that he knew he would never get to have an “-est” for him. Not the brightest or the funniest or the bravest.
Ron had gone through a process of acceptance in life. By the time he came to Hogwarts he had known and accepted that if he didn’t manage to do something magnificent and astonishing, he would be a bit of an embarrassment for the family. The runt, the one who did nothing remarkable. But even if he achieved a wonderful feat he would still be following the steps of his brothers and so it would not be something extraordinary. He could not win either way and he had accepted that.
By the time he was in his fourth year he had come to accept that his best friend, Harry Potter, was too much of a good person to resent him for all the attention he got and that Ron craved. During that year with the stupid trials Ron had come to accept that he would always be overshadowed by his brothers and friends. Talented Bill and Charlie and even Percy and his good grades, funny twins, clever Hermione, and lastly Harry who was very odd but still the Boy Who Lived. Ron was none of that and it was a bit like drinking black tea with no sugar, it wasn’t nice but he could take it and he could still care about all of them.
Ron had accepted a life of being the runt, the spare, the disappointment. Not even the black sheep of the family, not even that because Percy of all people beat him to it. Ron would be the grey dull brother, not so bad to be the outcast, not so good to be someone for himself. He had accepted it because at that moment making sure all the people he loved were safe was way more important than Ron’s sense of self-worth.
He had accepted it.
Perhaps this is not clear. He had accepted it. He was resigned to a lacklustre life, to becoming an insipid note in everyone else’s lives’ accounts. Ron Weasley, brother of the founders of Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Ron Weasley, older brother of record holder Quidditch player Ginevra Weasley. Ron Weasley, brother of William the curse-breaker and Charles the dragon-tamer. Ron Weasley, friend of Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived.
Never in his wildest dreams and fantasies in which he got all the recognition and awards, never, had Ron thought he would become Ron Weasley the One Who Slayed Voldemort.
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lavenderlight · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40 >:)
Ahdgkhh okay here we go!!!
1: Which TES games have you played?
All 5 main series games, ESO, and Blades!
2: Favorite TES game?
Oblivion........ like the other games have traits I like more, but also cons. Like... if I had to pick a game to just play with only the Unofficial Patch, it’d be that one.
3: When and how you got into TES? I was at a game store with my brother and we saw Oblivion with all these award “amazing game” stickers on it on clearance. So picked it up. I wasn’t impressed right away (remember picking dark elf tho) so put it down. My bro played it and said “omg you have to get out of the tutorial dungeon that sucks but the rest of the game is so good!” So I made a bosmer and did and there rest is history. TES has been a special interest of mine and a big comfort series for a decade now!  4: Favorite race Bosmer! Dunmer are a close second though. Thanks Morrowind. 5: Favorite province Valenwood........... love it............ Cyrodiil too because I’m basic. 6: Favorite character Ahdjgh hard to pick because there are so many! Off the top of my head, Dagoth Ur/Voryn Dagoth, Indoril Nerevar (what a shock, I know), Serana Volkihar, Glarthir, The Adoring Fan (don’t @ me), The Jemane Brothers, Marcurio, really all the characters from ESO’s main quest and the ending side quests who help you 😭😭. 7. Favorite faction
Thieves’ Guild, minus Skyrim’s. Skyrim’s Thieves’ Guild was awful eww.
8: Which province you would like to live in
If the lore and history and stuff weren’t a thing, Summerset because it’s aesthetic and has nice beaches. Realistically, probs Cyrodiil because I’m basic and I like how it’s a melting pot of various races and cultures!
As much as I love Valenwood, wouldn’t be able to handle the Green Pact
9: Which deity/deities would you worship?
Dibella - because I like how she’s the divine for the arts, and actual true love and beauty in the world (feel like she’s the divine most likely to say gay rights and trans rights). That vibes with me.
Makes me sad that both in the games and in the fandom, she’s reduced to “ha ha slutty sex goddess”. 
10: Favorite Divine
Dibella because see above.
11: Favorite Daedric Prince
Oh boy... hajdg I love Daedra (except Molag Bal - eww)!!! So it’s hard to pick. Just rapid fire listing some favs: Sheogorath, Meridia, Azura, Barbas (does he count?), Hircine... 
12: Favorite enemy
Dagoth Ur
13: Favorite dungeon
Hmmm, I feel like I’m forgetting some, but I enjoyed Nocturnal’s trial dungeon in Skyrim because I like sneaking and it was all based on that.
14. You have awakened and you are a Cliff Racer. What do you do?
Hunt and kill anyone who dares to step outside Seyda Neen lol
15: What would you do if you contracted vampirism?
C u r e
16: What would you do if you contracted lycanthropy?
C u r e
17: Are there any characters you have crushes on?
Not rly because I’m ace.
 If so, who?
18: Favorite Great House
The Sixth House. The Tribe Unmourned. The-
Honestly all of them are whack and have... issues. When I played Morrowind, I didn’t join any of them lol. Telvanni is at least entertaining and very out there which makes them cool. So I guess them?
19: Favorite TES music
Ahaha... I sold my soul to Jeremy Soule... I have so so many... :’)
“The Road Most Travelled”, “Peaceful Waters”, “Stilt Sunrise”,  “Auri-El’s Ascension”, “Sunrise of Flutes”, “Harvest Dawn”, “All’s Well” “The Streets of Whiterun”, “Secunda” (this is one of my all time favourite video game songs!), “Sovngarde”, “One They Fear”
Then from ESO which has other composers too: “Northpoint Nocturne”, “Moth, Butterfly, and Torchbug”, and “Grazelands Dawn” (mostly because it’s a remix of “The Road Most Travelled” 🥺)
Oh, and this song from the Morrowind dlc because the remaster of “Nerevar Rising” from 2:54 onward. (which how could I forget “Nerevar Rising”? Ugh it gives me feels! The Oblivion and Skyrim main themes are very near and dear to me too)
Also really enjoyed this song from Clockwork City - captures the melancholy vibe and I like the clock noises in it.
20: In your opinion, what is the scariest thing in TES?
I can’t stand spiders so anytime anything having to do with them shows up... I play with mods that remove them and in ESO,  I have a list of dungeons and places to avoid. If I have to do one, I make someone go with me and kill them for me lol.
The Lighthouse Quest in Skyrim was also mega spooky. As for lore, soul trapping and the Soul Cairn really freaks me out! I can’t bring myself to use soul trapping because it bothers me :( I headcanon that when a soul gem runs out of charge, the soul is freed because it’s the only way I can sleep at nigh leave me alone lol 21: Favorite main quest Morrowind, hands down. I will infodump and discuss that game’s plot forever. 22: Favorite side quest
I really like the Daedric Shrine quests, they’re always fun. Also love the silly little short quests like in Morrowind when you have to help the guy get his pants back, or in ESO where you gotta find the lost dog in Valenwood and pet it.
Oblivion has loads of side quests I loved... the missing dunmer painter, Hackdirt, that quest with the ladies who are killing men, the Floating Bowl quest... the mystery at Chorrol Castle....
23: Most frustrating experience in a TES game
I get mad any time the sneaking mechanics in ESO don’t work like the main games. Because I always play an archer-thief lol.
That one fabricant machine puzzle in Tribunal.... oh man........ I had to look it up.
And also the final boss for Clockwork City was annoying. Don’t go to the Clockwork City!
24: Funniest experience in a TES game
Other than moments intended to be funny, I sometimes laugh whenever I miss a jump and end up dying from fall damage. It’s so ridiculous.
Dagoth Ur’s “What are you doing?!” when you first attack the Heart always gets a chuckle out of me too. He sounds so... upset and disappointed in you? Lol
25: Most badass moment in a TES game
The ending to ESO’s main quest was a rly big power fantasy moment for me.
Also more mundane, but I felt really cool and powerful when I got to the point in Morrowind where I could one shot kill cliff racers lol
26: Saddest experience in a TES game
The ESO side quest, “The Soul-Meld Mage” in Coldharbour. After that one, I had to step away for a bit.... man. It hurt my heart and I still feel so bad. That was a case in the game where I really felt impacted by how cruel and awful Molag Bal is. Like I *knew* but that quest played with my emotions and made it personal.
27: Favorite area/region
Valenwood from ESO. I spend all my time there, and sometimes go to Summerset or Vvardenfell lol.
28: Least favorite character
Also don’t like Maven-Black Briar. :I
29: In-game food item you want to eat the most
Also this one recipe for a beef dish I found in Valenwood sounded good.  Maybe also the Sunrise Souffle mentioned in Skyrim?
30: If you could try skooma, would you?
No. Don’t do drugs, kids.
31: If you had the skills and resources to do a perfect cosplay of any TES character who would it be?
Probs Serana
32: Have you read any of the novels?
No, but I’ve been thinking about it!
33: Favorite class to play
Thief, or a thief-similar class like agent or rogue.
34: Which type of magic would you most like using?
Alteration seems the most useful for everyday life lol. But illusion would be fun.
35: Favorite weapon
I use bows all the time!
36: Favorite spell
Levitate from Morrowind - it’s so much fun to use!
37: Favorite artifact
Nerevar’s Moon-And-Star Ring. It’s cute lol and I like the lore behind it!
Also enjoy the Wabbajack because of how silly it is, and Dibella’s Brush of Truepaint.
38: You have awakened to find you’re in Tamriel. How do you react?
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Because yeah I love TES but also the world of it is scary with gods and monsters constantly trying to kill you lol
39: Thoughts on ESO so far
I really enjoy the world and writing! But I’m still cranky over some moments where it’s an MMO and not a normal TES game :I
I also hate that we can’t have NPC companions.  You really gonna give me a clockwork nix-hound named Snuffler and not let me travel with him? For shame.
40: Character you’d most like to hang out with
Nerevar, because I’m very awkward and shy and bad at peopleing and I would hope he could teach me how to improve lol.
But to actually hang out and chill, Marcurio would be pretty fun lol
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bitchiha · 4 years
Can I get a Naruto, Harry Potter and Marvel ship please? I'm average height with hazel eyes and long, dark-brown hair. I'm sarcastic, stubborn, laid-back, down-to-earth and very open-minded. I love reading, writing, listening to music and taking naps. I love animals, nature, the winter and the fall. I daydream a lot and I'm terrible at social situations (unless I'm really comfortable with the people that are with me). Thank you so much!
I ship you with...
Shikamaru Nara!
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When he first meets you he’s already like 0-0 wow pretty, but he doesn’t say that of course. He likes that you’re not loud or overbearing, but at the same time you’re not too quiet. You won’t let yourself get pushed around by anyone and you’re also pretty sarcastic, which is a bonus because that means you’ll get each others humour.
One day when he’s walking around the village and he sees you laying on the roof of your house. He was kinda curious as to what you were doing, so he goes up there to check and it turns out your cloud watching. You make some sarcastic comment at it him which he’ll chuckle at, but lay down next to you anyways and watch the clouds with you. Then it kinda all goes downhill from there.
He’ll like lazy things you do together like laying on the grass and cloud watching or more like he cloud watches while you go walk around looking at all the animals in the forest. He likes when you daydream because you look cute when you do it and it’s also an opportunity for him to tease you, but don’t be afraid to be snide back, he lowkey likes it.
WILL TAKE NAPS WITH YOU 24/7!! Like you two may not have been planning to have a nap, but you both wanted one so why not? Sometimes you both won’t get anything done tbh
Will complain about going on little nature walks or exploring for animals, but he secretly likes it. He will definitely make you rest periodically for ‘cloud watching breaks.’ Since your both really go with the flow and down to earth, your dates are more spontaneous. Like he’ll knock on your door and ask if you wanna get some barbecue, or you’ll knock on his door and say it’s a perfect day for a walk. You two can listen to music together while you’re on walks or cloud watching. He thinks his music taste is superior though and will always want the aux cord.
Bonus if can bring you cloud watching and you’ll read a book instead, putting your head on his lap as you do so. He just lives for the little quiet moments like that and will definitely make a routine of asking to cloud watch with him. Also likes if you just talk to him while you’re together like that. It can be about your book, about a new song you like or a decent mission you went on. He just lives for your voice.
Will wanna play Shogi with you, he likes that you really put an effort into the game. You may not be the best, but you’re trying and that’s all that matters. It also really boosts his ego everytime he beats you at Shogi because he wants to make sure you know he’s really smart.
Thinks that both your awkwardness with social situations and your daydreaming are really amusing. He won’t tease you too much about daydreaming all the time because you look pretty when you do it and he doesn’t wanna deter you from it. However, he will get a real kick out of your awkwardness though. Like he won’t be a bitch about it because he wants you to be comfortable, so he’ll try and ease your stress. But beware, if you do something embarrassing or stupid by accident he will laugh his ass off.
You can definitely push him around a bit too. Like you’ll only take the lazy shit 50% of the time. Plus, if you didn’t push him around he would never do anything, so don’t feel bad about it. You’re doing him a favour.
Remus Lupin! (marauders era)
Andrew Garfield is his face claim I don’t give a fuck that’s his face claim fight me
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He’s probably been crushing on your for timeee. Like since first year time. Despite your own awkwardness in social situations he’s still too nervous to talk to you.
It isn’t till like fourth year, when you’re hanging around the black lake trying to find the giant squid, that Remus Lupin actually approaches you. Sirius, James and Peter were all hiding behind a tree waiting to hear what your answer would be. They had noticed Remus’ interest in you since first year and they teased him endlessly about it. It wasn’t until this year that they actually managed to get him to ask you out.
When he comes up to you his face is all red and his hands are clammy. You’re really nice to him though, minus the fact that you were a little bit awkward around him. I mean you had little conversations before about animals (you were always reading books about them) and your classes. You were more than happy to hear him ask you out on a date to Hogsmeade though as the feelings he had for you were mutual. That begins the start of a cute and wholesome relationship.
Since you like nature so much, you usually end up lounging outside on lazy school days. Like if its spring and the weather is amazing, you’ll lay on the grass together and read. He’ll love it if you read to him, or sit in his lap so you can both read the book. If it’s fall, you two would walk around the castles courtyard and watch the leaves fall and crunch them with the soles of your shoes. You would probably listen to music on a Walkman Sirius smuggled in for him as you walked around.
If you’re dating a marauder, you basically become one. So that means you’re involved in a lot of antics. You fit in pretty well, you’ve got that sarcasm to bark back whenever Sirius or James want to get sassy. You’ve also got the stubbornness that keeps their plans going, if the prank fails the first time, it will just have to be even better the next time. They’ll love you like a sister and will never allow you to get introuble for their pranks.
Will also love to read the works you’ve written yourself. He will be super supportive and even come up with ideas for you to write about and they’re surprisingly good! Can proofread your work if you want him too bc we know he’s smart asf
When you find out about his ‘condition’ he’s embarrassed, but you reassure him that you aren’t afraid of him and he won’t hurt you. Sometimes he can be too self concious and you’ll have to knock some sense into him.
Will die of happiness if you buy him chocolates. Like make it a routine thing where a certain day of the week, or month you would give him chocolate. He will brag about it constantly to the other marauders. He’ll like whip out the chocolate and be like “oh yah, look at this? Wanna know who got it for me? Y/n!” And there just like: he does this every fucking time
Peter Parker!
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So you meet him at school, I can see you being a friend of Michelle’s. You’re definitely more approachable than she is, so he talks to you more and more and eventually Michelle just starts saying “go out already” when ever you two talk. So then he finally works up the courage to.
He’ll come up to you after school at your locker and he’ll give you a flower or something bc he knows you like nature. He’s so nervous when he actually asks you and you can see his face get red and he’s sweaty. You say yes ofc and he’s so happy. Anyways, the first date will be at Central Park bc that’s like the only form of nature he can find in New York. Then he’ll take you to that Thai place he usually goes to with Aunt May.
After that you two become inseparable. You’ll come over to his place and read while him and Ned build their LEGO Star Wars shit. Sometimes you’ll help but other times you’ll read or watch them.
Peter can be a sassy little shit, but guess what? so can you. Will have sass offs of sarcastic remarks for a good half an hour.
You’ll find out his identity as Spider-Man at the same time as Ned. Like the two of you were supposed to hang out at Peters and finish the LEGO Death Star and then spider man crawls through the window and your both like: bitch wtf
Anyways he will 10/10 swing you around New York with him. You’ll probably lay on the roofs of a building and watch the sun go down. He will web a lil hammock for you two to lay on and it would just be so chill.
Likes to listen to music with you while you’re on the subway together. You two are just commuting to school and whips the AirPods out, one for you and one for him. The two of you will alter in who will play the music that day. Also will get sandwiches with you after school and treat you everytime, even if he’s borderline broke.
Will brag about you to aunt may 24/7 and will get all his romantic advice from her. So sometimes the romantics gestures he makes are a little sappy but you can tell he’s trying so you don’t care. Since you really like nature he’ll put an effort into doing things that involve it with you. Like you’ll go out of the city to pumpkin patches in the fall or in the winter you could have a snowball fight on the way to school and in the summer you’ll go on walks in the parks a lot.
Will also brag about you to the avengers and show you off through pictures on his phone and they’ll be like: bruh we get it shut up twerp. But they ship you guys anyways so.. and when he’s on missions he misses you a lot so expect him to ft at odd times. Like he’s fighting a bad guy but he misses you? Expect a ft call. He’s on a top secret mission that is deeply classified? Expect a ft call.
Also he will send you memes 24/7 and expects memes in return. It’s common courtesy, jheez ppl.
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monkey-network · 4 years
An Unfortunate Critique of Spiderverse Part 2 (of 3)
Want Part 1? Here you go. Otherwise, enjoy the show.
Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse was a fun award-winning 2018 animated film with a basically unanimously positive fandom, regarded generally as both a masterpiece Spider-Man film and a remarkable animated film overall. And while I do not disagree with that, it definitely earned its spoils, it pains me a bit to bring up the reason(s) why I can’t call it the masterpiece that many claim. I like this film, but I don’t love it as much as others and I wanted to express why. And I will see to be critical, not cynical. Fair enough?
Part 2 ~ The Spiderversal Stakes
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To get a little personal real quick, I’ve been at this whole reviewing/analyzing for plenty of years now and I say the hardest part of doing these type of critiques, aside from not coming off as a cynical bitchlet, is conveying yourself properly. You don’t want to give people the wrong idea about what you want to get across.. Which is why this part is hard to express because there’s a lot to mull over and I don’t wanna bore ya. So with that said, I got a problem with the plot, but first lemme talk about my favorite Spidey film, Spider-Man Thre-
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Sorry but we gotta talk about this
When you think about how the storyline of 3 plays, you’ll feel exhausted by of how much was thrown in (Venom, Sandman, the New Goblin, Emo Peter, etc.), the movie had to seriously juggle a lot in a little over a couple hours. Then again with all that, it never felt like the movie was inconsistent with the focus. It’s campy as hell but I felt it still had that good modicum of serious that Raimi’s 1 and 2 pulled off just as well, a quality balance. You grasped everything it threw at you by the end. Now Spiderverse, minus the credits, is an hour 45 minutes and it felt like the two points of the story, setting up the multiverse and Miles’ uprising as a heroes, were at rubberbanding odds with each other.
When I see Spiderverse, Miles’ story mostly overshadows the tension that came in the multiverse getting fucked up, and that the final fight of Miles and Kingpin is the only time where I felt shit got serious. Otherwise, the whole aspect of the Spidermun slowly dying because they weren’t in their realities and the multiverse colliding felt much of an afterthought for most of the film. Narratively, it has a good pace of doing what it needs to do, but on the look back the journey didn’t stick with me as well as I thought. 
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If I can bring in some previous examples, the likes of Kung Fu Panda and The Lego Movie had better stakes because it felt like the two storylines (the protagonist’s upbringing and the villain’s scheme) were prominent throughout the films once they got going. Po wasn’t just training because he wanted to be better and found the ways to do it, he was training hard because the villain was on his way and the defeat of the Furious Five showed he meant business. The Lego Movie takes a step further by having Emmett and the gang be on the run, we see the villain’s increasing impact as we go along, giving us on the fly experiences that provides Emmett’s “leap of faith” type breakthrough while the villain finally goes all out with his scheme. It helps make the stakes and optimistic breakthrough of overcoming them both escalate and converge naturally.
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You know, not doing what Kingdom Hearts 3 did
Not saying Spiderverse doesn’t naturally converge its two storylines well, everything about it was clear, but the effects of the Super Collider come off as very infrequent and thus made the escalation disjointed. The whole “cellular decay” bit with the Spidermun could’ve been a great way to add some tension, like “Oh shit, this could be disadvantageous in the fight at Aunt May’s house. Put our heroes on the ropes.” It doesn’t happen, in fact the fight felt like it disappeared the moment Aaron and Miles were on the roof. It felt like a slight inconvenience than a matter of winning or losing everything, even in the climax. Same with the whole “reality warping” idea, it would’ve been very cool to see reality start to deteriorate or change around our characters, make the news media go “Oh shit, what’s happening?” or put the Spidermun on a little edge instead of them just solemnly waiting for a little anime girl to heely her way in with the flash drive to save the world. As great as the scene was, the “leap of faith” felt disconnected where I say a scene of Miles noticing the glitches from the hotel after he was living in the moment for once would’ve been a great transition to the climax. Show that he’s ready and amped to be the new Spider-Man, but knows there’s no time to lose. Have the life-threatening factor be more of a looming presence. If not that, might as well not add it in, especially at the last minute. I mean it’s possible.
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Like what happened to Liv? We don- we don’t see her after everything is over. Is best villain just gone now forever?!
I talked previously of how Peni, Spider-Noir, and Spider-Ham were wasted in the film, but they were but a fraction to the whole idea of the quantum warping and how it felt like an afterthought until near the end. And as I mention Doc Ock, it mostly felt like the villains just come and go. Prowler is the exception, but I completely forgot Kingpin fucked with reality to get his family back. Shit, I forgot Scorpion and Goblin were in the movie. I’m not saying we needed the know how of everything, but I figure better time to conveying their stance in the film would make them more memorable. Spider-Man has great villains, and most of the films knew how to mix their presence in with our hero’s life fluently. If the major world ending threat wasn’t much, it didn’t help that most of the villains here supporting that threat were flash in the pan at best.
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like a majority of blockbuster villains
Now off the bat, as I mentioned before, I am not a fan of movies that notably wink and nudge that a sequel is around the corner. I’m okay with things being open-ended but I draw a line at a film being forced to feel lacking because it’s relying on a sequel to pick up the slack. There are exceptions to this of course, but great films should be able to stand on their own and not be codependent on sequels to make them better. With my talk of the B-team and the whole reality warping aspect of the film, the Spiderverse part of the title feels like setup for the sequel and while there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, it doesn’t help when half the 1st film feels minor and somewhat forgettable in my case. Miles’ story was great but it’s like we had to flip flop between his story and the setting up for more. And it’s that story rubberbanding that leaves a less satisfying note to me compared to not only other films in general, but other Spider-Man films where even when a lot is thrown at me, each of the Raimi trilogy felt conclusively satisfactory as both a whole and individually.
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It honestly makes this ending pretty mixed in my eye
But on this note, I don’t wanna end on a sour grape, not when the 3rd part is gonna end this whole critique off more optimistically. So as much as I harped the whole setup Spiderverse aspect, the silver lining is that this felt like the first few hours of Kingdom Hearts 2 with Roxas. This is a weird comparison but it does feel like Miles is at the twilight of his life in this film. We get some great action but his involvement in the film is kept at arms length while the other Spidermun are stepping well. It’s only after Aaron’s death, the dejection, and Jefferson’s uplifting words and this shot in particular where we can finally say...
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Spider-Man has Awaken Again
I can step on anything in this movie but it’s where Miles gets his groove and is there for the other spidermun in the climax when I say that it’s a give and take. This movie isn’t perfect, and I can’t say it is my favorite Spider-Man film ever, but it definitely knows what it wanted to do and I can’t give them enough credit. I said before, but this film certainly has its ambitions and while not everything lands well with me, what they get right is what they handle in spades. The best about it all is where part 3 is gonna pick up. Stay tuned...
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Otherwise, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy your day.
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snarkythewoecrow · 4 years
The Difference a Day Makes
by: Snarkymuch and @clowns-or-midgets-uk
Rating: T
Summary: Peter thought losing his powers was a fate too terrible to face, and then a new battle came, new challenges, and he’s going to need Tony to get his through it alive.
Tony has seen and done a lot in his life, he’s seen disaster and pain, but he’s never faced something like this before, and it’s not a battle he can fight. All he can do is be there for Peter. He’s got to be a father, and it’s going to take a whole different kind of strength to what he has as Iron Man.
*This story is complete and will be updated Saturdays and Wednesdays until fully posted. Rough length is 100k*
Read Chapter One on Ao3
The window creaked in protest when Peter shimmied it open. It was late, and he was tired and sore. His patrol had started quiet, but before heading in, Karen had tipped him off about an ATM robbery. It wasn’t that big of a deal, but it was still a workout, and he ended up taking a few hits from a bat before webbing the guy up.
He stripped off his suit and grabbed some sweats, heading to the shower to wash away some of the sweat that clung to him. The hot water would feel good on his tired muscles. When he slipped to the bathroom, he heard the TV in the living room. May was still up. He called out to her, letting her know he was home. She always worried about his spider-manning.
“Okay, hon,” she called back. “I’m gonna head to bed. Don’t forget to set the alarm. You can’t be late again.”
“I’ll be up, promise.”
He shut the bathroom door and started the shower, catching himself in the mirror. Purple bruises still marred his chest and shoulder from days ago. They blended in with the new ones that were blooming on his side. He carefully touched the reddened area, face twitching at the pain. They were going to hurt tomorrow. He wished Tylenol still worked for him.
Grumbling, he stepped out of his boxers and into the shower. Letting the hot water wash away some of his stress. He was going to need to be more careful.
Tony checked the time. The kid should be there anytime. After the disastrous events of homecoming, Tony had stepped up his taking care of Peter. They didn’t just share lab time, but they also trained together on weekends. It wasn’t safe for Peter to be out there fighting crime without any training—not that Tony was skilled in hand to hand, but he knew a thing or two.
When Peter got to the gym in the tower—the tower that Tony decided not to sell, after all—Tony was already ready to go. He was in his tracksuit, bouncing on his toes. Peter greeted him with a wave, dropping his bag by the wall. “Hey, Mr. Stark.”
“Hey, kid, go get changed up. I wanna see if I can beat that Peter Tingle of yours.”
Peter’s head snapped up, his face going red. “That’s not—it’s not my Peter Tingle.”
Tony laughed. “That’s not what Aunt Hottie says.”
Peter groaned, making Tony laugh harder. “Don’t sweat it. We could call it your arachnid awareness instead.”
“Please, no.”
Tony did some light stretching while he waited for Peter. He was getting too old not to. Peter came out of the locker room a few minutes later in his suit, minus the mask, which he held in his hand.
“Ready to be schooled?” Tony asked, walking with Peter to the center of the mats.
Peter smiled. “Bring it, old man.” The kid tugged on his mask and took a defensive position.
Tony activated his suit, letting the suit spread out over him. He didn’t give Peter time to think. He just went straight for him. Peter dodged and easily deflected his attacks. Tony stepped it up, moving faster and with more force. Peter seemed to be struggling. Tony threw out his fist, thinking Peter would dodge right, but instead, the kid didn’t see it coming. The blow landed squarely on his nose. Thankfully, he was able to pull the punch in time and avoid crunching bone.
Peter put up a hand. “Time—time. I need a minute.” He pulled his mask off, smearing blood across his face. His nose was bleeding—and bleeding bad.
Tony stood frozen for a moment, but he snapped himself out of it, tapping his housing unit and making the suit retreat. With his suit gone, he moved to Peter’s side, hand hovering in front of him.
“I’ll get a towel. Just keep your head—keep it tipped forward. I’ll be right back.”
Tony bolted to the locker room and grabbed a towel, rushing back to Peter's side. The kid’s nose was still gushing, blood dripping on the mats. He hadn’t even hit the kid that hard. He’d seen Peter take harder hits on patrol and be fine. He lifted the towel to his nose, holding it in place. Peter raised his gaze to look at him. Tony could see the embarrassment in the kid’s eyes.
Forcing a smile, Tony tried to lighten the mood. “You got an ouchie, Pete?”
Peter rolled his eyes. “No, I just took a meat tenderizer to the face. I’ll be fine.”
“Seriously, kid, I’ve seen you take harder hits than that and shrug them off, but you’re—hell, I could have broken your nose.” Tony lifted the towel, taking a peek at his nose. It was still bleeding freely, so he pressed it back down. He couldn’t help the pang of guilt that twisted his stomach. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt the kid.
“I don’t know what happened. I didn’t feel it coming.” Peter shrugged. “It’ll stop bleeding soon.”
“Yeah, probably will, but I don’t understand why it’s bleeding at all.”
Peter's gaze dropped, and he shifted his weight between his feet. “I guess you punch harder than I thought. It’s actually impressive for an old man.”
Tony watched the way Peter’s shoulders had turned in and wouldn’t make eye contact. Something was up, and Tony was going to figure out what. “What’s going on?”
Peter chanced a look at him, big eyes blinking. “Nothing—really.”
“I call bullshit. You can tell me what’s going on, or I’ll get Bruce here to set your nose and give you a Hello Kitty band-aid. What would MJ think of that?”
A line formed between Peter’s brows. Tony couldn’t see it through the towel, but he was pretty sure Peter was frowning. “She’d probably love it, but yeah, it’s really nothing. I guess I’m not healing as quick these days.” He ducked his head, shrugging a shoulder. “It’s not a big deal. Don’t freak out, but—” Peter lifted his shirt, exposing an expanse of multicolored bruises.
Tony pulled back, studying the marks. There were so many—all in varying degrees of healing. The one on his side looked fresh. Tony had seen Peter plenty of times after an injury, but he’d never looked like this. “What the hell happened to you? Did you get hit by a truck on your way over?”
“No, these are just what I picked up this week patrolling.”
Tony blinked a few times, trying to wrap his mind around it. There wasn’t a good explanation for why he wouldn’t be healing. With the evidence in front of him, it wasn’t something he could ignore. They needed to figure out what was going on. Tony’s brain nearly seized when he realized how badly he could have hurt the kid. If he wasn’t on his game, if he wasn’t healing, their sparring match could have turned out a lot worse than a busted nose.
Peter shifted again, and Tony saw that the kid was close to losing it. Anxiety was rolling off him in waves. With his free hand, Tony cupped the back of Peter’s neck and gave it a gentle squeeze, hoping it reassured him, though Tony needed reassurance himself. “Maybe it’s the flu or something, slowing down the healing.”
Peter shrugged. “Maybe.”
He didn’t sound convinced, and Tony couldn’t blame him. This was a concerning development.
Tony nudged Peter, reaching up and helping him lift the towel. The bleeding had stopped.
“Thank god, it was starting to look like the set of Carrie.”
Peter tried to sniffle, but it just made a wet noise. “I’m gonna go clean up.”
“It can wait. It’s not that bad.”
“It looks like I faceplanted in a bowl of tomato soup. I’m cleaning up.”
Peter disappeared into the locker room, and Tony watched him go. It was clear that Peter wasn’t comfortable talking about it, and Tony couldn’t blame him. If something was wrong with his powers, then it put Spider-Man at risk. Tony didn’t ever want to ground him from the suit again, but he couldn’t have him out there getting hurt either. They needed to figure out what was going on—sooner rather than later.
Peter came out a few minutes later, his eyes beginning to bruise. The pang of guilt from earlier was now more like a knife twisting in his gut. He cringed when he realized May was going to ask what happened, and more likely than not, she was going to rip him a new one—again. Something he was getting familiar with now. Peter’s aunt had no problem holding back.
“Training’s over, panda kid. Let’s talk.”
Peter lifted a brow, a small smile on his lips. “Panda?”
“I guess you didn’t check the mirror. You look like Po.”
“You‘ve watched Kung Fu Panda?” Peter asked in disbelief.
Tony shrugged, tipping his head to the side. “The fact you know Po means you’ve watched it, too.”
A genuine smile spread across Peter’s face. “Then I guess this makes you Master Shifu.”
“Not complaining about that. Shifu is the bomb.” Tony patted Peter’s shoulder, guiding him out of the gym. “That’s something you youngsters say, right? Come on. Let’s get a drink.”
When they got to the penthouse, Peter went to the couch while Tony got them drinks. He took a seat beside Peter, handing him his soda.
“So, what were you so carefully not telling me earlier?”
Peter shrugged.
“No? Maybe you don’t want to tell me. That’s okay. I’ll just ask Aunt Hottie.”
Peter blanched. “No!”
“Yeah, didn’t think so. So come on, Spider Baby, spill. What’s going on with you?”
Peter wrung his hands, keeping his eyes on his lap. “So, it started about a month ago. Bruises started taking longer to heal, only a little longer, so I figured it was nothing, but then they took even longer and—and I don’t feel as strong anymore, Mr. Stark. I mean—I don’t know, sometimes I don’t feel like Spider-Man anymore when I’m fighting, not the guy that wins.”
It confirmed everything Tony was already thinking. Something was going on, and it wasn’t good. He couldn’t let his nerves show, though, because Peter needed him, needed him to be strong, to find a solution—or at least work towards one.
“Okay. This is a problem, but not a big one. All we need to do is work out what’s going on. Maybe you’ve got some virus or something that’s slowing you down. Those things take time sometimes. I’ll get Bruce on it.”
Peter chanced a look at him. The worry was evident in his eyes. “You think there’s something wrong, don’t you?”
“I think we need to be sure before you start packing up your suit for Goodwill. We’ll get some blood, and Bruce can start running it through the system.” He patted Peter’s knee. “We’ll figure it out, kid. But”—Tony leveled his gaze on him—“we’re going to scale back your patrols for a while.”
“Scale back how?”
“You don’t go out alone. I can come with you.”
“You’re busy.”
Tony shook his head. “Not too busy to stop you picking up bruises like a patchwork quilt. I mean it. You either stop altogether, or you wait for me to go with you.”
Peter’s shoulders slumped, but he nodded. “Okay, I’ll only go out with you.”
Tony reached over, ruffling Peter’s already messy curls. “Agreement, that’s what I like to hear. Now, what do you want to do? No more training. Movie? Poker? Eat a bunch of shawarma and regret it later.”
Peter laughed. “Movie. As long as I can pick.”
“As long as your pick is for a panda with martial arts skills, that’s fine with me.”
“Sounds good to me. It’s where I learned my mad skills.”
They settled down on the couch to watch the movie, but Tony couldn’t focus on the screen. His mind was chasing circles around him. It had never occurred to him that something could go wrong with Peter’s powers. From what they knew, they should have been permanent. It just didn’t make sense. Maybe it was just a fluke, something messing with his healing factor, but Peter had mentioned his strength as well.
Every avenue that his brain went down led to more questions than answers. If there was one thing Tony didn’t like, it was not knowing. He liked being informed and having all the information, and right now, he was coming up lacking. The sooner he could talk to Bruce, the better.
The movie was just finishing when Friday announced that Bruce was on his way up. Tony had sent off a short message that he needed to meet him in the penthouse but didn’t explain why.
Leaving Peter dozing on the couch, Tony got up and went to the elevator to greet Bruce.
“Hey, Tony.  You wanted to see me?” Bruce was wearing his lab coat over rumpled clothes, likely from catching a nap on the cot in his lab. Like Tony, Bruce had a habit of getting lost in his work and crashing from exhaustion.
Tony glanced over at the kid and then back to Bruce. He bit at his lip, thinking over what to say.
“Tony, what’s going on? You look—well, worried. It’s a new look on you lately, so what’s going on.”
Tony raked a hand through his hair, nibbling his lip. “It’s the kid, Peter, he’s going something going on and I—hell, I am worried.”
Bruce’s lips pursed. “What’s going on.”
“He’s not healing like he should. He’s always healed up fast, and I’ve seen injuries bounce off him, but today ...” Tony shook his head. “I could have broken the kid’s nose. We were sparring, I’ve got him on this new training thing, building up his skill, and I got him in the face, just once, and it bled like a son of a bitch. I have seen him take that hit before and come right up again, but it damn near floored him.” He rubbed the back of his neck, then dropped his hand with a sigh.
“And that’s definitely new?” Bruce asked, his gaze slipping to Peter and then back to Tony, a line appearing between his brows.
“It is, and there’s more. He didn’t see the punch coming. He’s got this awareness of threats, a tingle.” The corner of Tony’s mouth quirked up at the name but fell again. “And he never would have let me make contact before, but he said there was nothing.”
Bruce nodded a few times, seeming to take in the information. “So, he’s getting weaker.”
As much as Tony didn’t want to admit the truth, the fact was, Peter was losing his strength. “I wouldn’t say weaker, exactly, but yeah, he’s not himself, and he says it’s getting worse. Damn kid only told me about it today, but apparently, it’s been a month, getting steadily worse.”
“It’s understandable that you’re worried.”
Tony shook his head, dragging a hand over his mouth. “I’ve cut him off patrolling alone. I’m going along for the ride to keep an eye on him because I know damn well that I’m not going to be able to cut him off patrolling completely. The kid takes his patrols seriously. It kills him to stay home when there are people out there that need him.” Tony glanced back to the couch. Peter was snoring softly, looking younger than ever. Turning back to Bruce, he squared his shoulders. “I will protect him out there, but we need to know what’s going on. You’ve got to work this out.”
Bruce’s eyes softened, and he nodded, resting a hand on Tony’s shoulder, squeezing gently. “I’ll draw some blood and start analyzing it. There might be an answer in there somewhere. If I can’t spot it, we’ll start doing some other tests.”
“What kinds of tests? I don’t want him more worried than he already is. If we turn him into a guinea pig, he’ll freak,” Tony said, then tipped his head to the side, “and he’ll be cranky, too. He hates being poked and prodded.”
Bruce shrugged, taking off his glasses and cleaning them on his shirt. “You say you need answers, that he does, so he’s going to have to let me work,” he said, slipping his glasses back on.
“I’ll get him on board.” Tony licked his lips, considering for a moment. “You don’t think it can be some kind of virus, the flu maybe, that’s interfering with what he’s got going on with his power?”
Bruce gave him a small smile. “Could be. I’m no expert on what the kid’s got going on. It’s not like he’s ever signed up to let me analyze him, not before anyway. I’ll run the usual med tests to see if I can spot something there, but, Tony, I think that’s pretty unlikely.” Bruce patted his arm. “We’ll work it out, though. Your kid will be fine.”
His kid. The words sat warm in Tony’s chest. There was a truth in them. At some point in the last year, Peter had become his in every sense but blood. He worried about him, protected him, helped him with homework. Hell, Tony and May were basically co-parenting. He’d do anything for Peter. He was one of the few people that Tony held close, that he’d fight to the death for and avenge from the grave. The kid meant everything to him, and that was kind of scary.
Bruce's assurances made him feel a little better, though. The man was a genius, and combined with Tony’s skills in the lab, there wasn’t much they couldn’t figure out together. He had to have faith they would work this out.
“Thanks, Bruce.”
“I’ll get some gear from the med bay to draw some blood. I’m going to need to use the lab if you want me working here.”
Tony let out a breath. “Whatever you need. Make a list, and I’ll get any equipment we don’t already have.”
Bruce eyed him for a moment, making him shift under his gaze. The man’s expression softened, though, seeming to see something in Tony. He couldn’t help but wonder what it was.
“I’ll head down to med bay. See you in a minute.”
“I’ll go wake the kid.”
Bruce retreated to the elevator, and Tony turned to the living room, crossing back to the couch. Peter was fast asleep. The bruises on his under his eyes and around his nose had finally settled into a deep purple. He couldn’t help but feel responsible for hurting him, and just thanked all that was holy that he hadn’t been hurt worse.
Bending, Tony ran his fingers through Peter’s curls. The kid’s brow scrunched up, and he swatted at his hand, making Tony smile.
“Wakey wakey, Spider Baby. Nap time’s over. I’ve got Bruce here, and we need to draw some blood.”
Peter blinked his eyes open. “Blood?”
“Yeah, I know you probably gave enough already from the red nose geyser you popped earlier, but we need something to work with. I’ll get you juice and a cookie after.”
Peter rolled his eyes. “What will he be looking for in my blood?” he asked, sitting up. “Like the virus thing?”
“The virus thing, the healing thing. What he’s looking for is answers, and he’s a damn genius with stuff like this.” Tony took a seat beside him, nudging him with his shoulder. “He’s almost as smart as me.”
“I don’t know. You said he was experimenting when he turned himself into the green guy.”
Tony shrugged, “I did say that. I promise he learned from his mistakes, though. I won’t let you near gamma rays. Hell, the last thing we need is you Hulking out, too. The suit would never fit.”
“Sure, okay, but I want some of the girl scout cookies I know you’re hiding above the fridge when we’re done.”
Tony laughed. “I’ll see what we’ve got in the cupboard. I can probably deliver, though. Pepper has a soft spot for girls selling snacks, which works well with her sweet tooth. If she’s not scarfed them down already, I’ll set you up.”
The elevator opened, and Bruce came in with a tray of syringes and vials. Tony raised a brow at how many tubes there were. Peter was definitely going to complain.
When Peter shrank back into the cushions, Tony patted his leg. “I’ll make it two cookies. Take it easy on him, Doc. Kid’s not a fan of needles. He’s not over those rabies shots from when he managed to get bitten by a Doberman trying to rescue a cat.”
Bruce’s eyes twinkled with amusement. “You rescue cats?”
Peter ducked his head as he shrugged a shoulder. “Only sometimes. There’s this one old lady that—never mind.”
Bruce grabbed a stretchy band, tying it around Peter's arm. He knelt in front of Peter, reaching behind him to the tray to get a needle. “Here we go.”
Peter chewed his lip, looking worried. Tony could understand. He was worried, too. It wasn’t the blood draw, the needles, it was the realization that this was really happening. Drawing blood made it real. Tony knew Peter worried about this might mean for him. Spider-Man was a massive part of who he was. Losing any part of that would be devastating for the kid, but a little piece of Tony, a small sliver, wondered if he wouldn’t be safer that way—without Spider-man to put him in danger. It was selfish, but Tony didn’t like thinking of the kid out there fighting crime.
He just wanted him safe.
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cupofcowboys · 5 years
Black-Eyed Susan, Blazing Stars, Hoary Stock, Petunia, & Rosemallows 😊
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be? 
I’d like to be a cat. I could see the world through my kitties eyes, sleep the whole day, eat, get pets, whats not to like?
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
Oh good grief, everything?? 😂😂 If it can be worried about, I have done it. Many times over. I’m not immediately afraid of anything right now (except spiders? 😬) but I’m just an anxious person?
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
My blog. 
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
I met my fiancé on an MMO. It’s actually a funny story. Basically, I had a really shitty ex-boyfriend who I met on the same MMO (and lived with irl for a time), and when he left me all contact was broken. I eventually went back onto the MMO after a year or so and started seeing this guy around who I was convinced was my ex. The community was really small on our world (everyone knows everyone) and while he had a different username, their character, guild and details were really similar.
One day I came across my “ex” alone and I decided I wanted to be an asshole. So my big game plan was to say “Ugh.” and teleport away before he could respond. And I did it... minus the leaving part. Long story short, it wasn’t my ex and we ended up chatting instead. Added each other. Started talking more. Then more. Before long we’re talking every day (I would literally log in just to talk to him) and then we’re calling every day. Pretty soon we were the best of friends.
Ironically, we came to a mutual agreement that we wouldn’t flirt with each other. Both of us were serial flirts with serious commitment issues and we didn’t want to “ruin our friendship”. Yeah um... that didn’t really work out? 😂
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
(One of my faves) When I was a child I was super obsessed with bugs. I loved to catch them in special jars for a while to look at them and look them up in my bug encyclopedia (what a dork). And this one time?? I saw a shield bug! I got so excited that I actually cried and ran into my house to get my bug jar.
but when I came back it was gone. 💔😢
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missymariee · 6 years
Costume Party - Noah Centineo
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A/N: this was requested by the lovely @irishfangirlxx as part of my Fall Blurb Week! hope you like it girl x.
The large LA mansion was packed full of drunken young adults. It was a real who’s who of the entertainment industry. From actors to musician, models and social media stars. Literally everyone you followed on Instagram was at this party.
Luckily for you, your friend had gotten casted in a new show that became quite popular almost overnight. You’d met a few of her cast members back when you’d visit her on set and most of them were here. Including the very sweet and talented Lana Condor, who already felt like a close friend. It hadn’t taken long for you and your friend to spot Lana amongst the groups of people.
“Hey girls! Are you having fun?” she greets you both with a quick hug and a large smile.
“We just got here, but it’s definitely the biggest party I’ve ever been too” you didn’t know anyone in your hometown who lived in such a big house so tonight was for sure a new experience.
Lana tugs your friends arm to grab her attention. “You have to come meet some of the cast from Riverdale! They’re really fun”
“Sure! Wanna come Y/N?” your friend asks turning to face you.
“No thanks, I’ll think I’ll go get a drink” as much as you did want to meet them, you still felt a bit out of place and needing something to calm you down.
“Okay, the kitchen is that way” Lana turns and points to the left. “We’ll be by the pool, come meet us after” she chirps and you nod. The girls walk away from you so you start to make your way to the kitchen, trying not to hit anyone with the fake wings strapped to your back. Since it was a costume party, you and your friend had dressed up as fairies. You wore a tulle skirt, fairy wings and had glitter all over your eyes & lips.
You got to the kitchen and spotted the large bowl of what you assumed what spiked fruit punch. It was a deep red and had fake eyes in the bowl making it look slightly gross. You grab the ladle and pour the bloody looking liquid into your plastic cup. You take a large sip of the drink and shudder as the strong taste of vodka hits your tongue.
“That looks awful” you look up and see a cute guy wearing a Spider-Man costume, minus the mask. He was looking at the punch bowl with his lips curled in disgust.
“Doesn’t taste that great either”
“It’s not tequila, is it?”
“Nope, vodka” the boy sighs with relief and reaches over to grab a cup.
“Had a bad experience with tequila?”
“Who hasn’t”
You chuckle and nod. “So true” you then take a second to really look at him and realize that his charming smile and messy curls were familiar. It hits you that the cute boy who was now slowly sipping his drink in front of you was Noah Centineo. Ever since the movie with him and Lana came out back in August you’ve had a huge crush on him. Of course, you never told Lana that, not wanting her to tell him. You had this weird thing of running away from the guys you liked, never wanting them to know you liked them. It wasn’t the best thing to do but you were working on it.
You nervously take another long sip of the fruit punch and hope that the tipsy feeling would hit you soon. Noah places his cup down next to yours and clears his throat.
“So, a fairy huh?”
“Yeah,” you feel your body heat up as he takes a longer look at your costume. “It was easy to put together and turns out I really like putting glitter all over my face.”
Noah lets out a laugh and you giggle along with him. “Well it looks great.”
“Thanks” you look into his eyes for a second before glancing away, feeling like your heart would jump out of your chest if you stared for too long. He truly was a lot hotter in person, if that was even possible.
“And you’re Spider-Man”
“You know it” He grins and sticks out his hand to do Spidey’s web-hand thing. “I’ve got some competition though” he cocks his head to the right where you see another guy in a spidey costume.
“Oh definitely.
“So, what are you up to?”
“Well currently I’m drinking a very strong fruit punch with Spider-Man in the nicest house I’ve ever been in.” you smirk and he chuckles.
“I meant, why are you alone in the kitchen” he takes a step closer to hear you over the loud music.
You sigh and move a stray piece of hair away from your face. “My friends went to go meet the Riverdale cast and I wanted a drink, so here I am. Plus if I’m being honest, this place is so crowded and I wanted some space”
“I get that. Parties like these can be overwhelming at times”
“Yeah, especially since I don’t know anyone. My friend is the actress, I’m just a lame college student.” You shrug sadly and he frowns.
“Being a college student isn’t lame. You’re learning important stuff.”
“I guess so, I just wish I knew what I wanted to do with my degree. Life after school seems a bit daunting” you look back up at him. “You’re lucky you get to do what you love.”
Noah sighs and leans back against the counter, looking effortlessly cool. “I know. It was a lot of work though. Finally being able to get some roles that I connect with.”
“Of course. I bet things got a lot better after To All The Boys”
He cocks his head slightly. “So you know who I am”
“Well…you’re all talented and cute and stuff…um…I mean…yeah” you mumble feeling flustered. Noah chuckles and runs his free hand through his hair.
“Mhhm, so you think I’m cute AND talented?”
You groan and hide your face with your hands, feeling embarrassment crawl up your skin. “This is so embarrassing”
“Woah, woah, whoa. No, it’s not” he gently removes your hands from your face and you timidly look up into his eyes. “I think it’s cute. I think you’re cute, fairy girl”
“Oh thanks” you grin at his compliment before realizing that you hadn’t told him your name yet. “I’m Y/N by the way” you stick your hand out for him to grab.
He shakes your hand. “Nice to meet you, I’m Noah.” He grabs his plastic cup and takes a quick look behind him. “Do you want to bring our gross drinks outside? There’s a cool gazebo in the backyard, we could sit and talk if you want” he offers sweetly.
“Yeah, I’d like that” you reply with a wide smile.
Masterlist | Fall Blurb Week Prompt List
Requests are currently open
(Tag list is still open)
Noah Centineo tag list = @mavue @therealmrshale @tomsobrien @goldenariana @jcc04220 @coccoc66 @you-makemethisway @fandomlife31 @caitsymichelle13 @mysticalstarartemis @void-centineo @linheliano @justjustyncase @luna_xxxxx @starlunacloud  @mywhimsicalsecretwonderland @clummycal @livexlovexlaughxdreamxx @xxxstormyninixxx @hannahll14 @matokii95 @aunicornmademedoit @laurarestrepooo @fandomscompilation @iheartgrayson @ara @thatdamselinsolace @stephaniestyles14 @levidunlop @dragoste-lunes @complete-randomness-2 @yourwonderbelle @irishfangirlxx
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