#I’d give her so many hugs this healed the part of my that was sad for her after the latest episode of the anime T^T
regionalpancake · 2 years
For the writing meme: 7, 8, and 10, please.
7. Which character that you’ve written is most like yourself?
After your utterly eloquent answer, this one is tough! I think I’d like to be able to say Raffi, but her level of self-assuredness in the face of other's disbelief is something that I don’t have (yet). I asked the pancakefam group chat, who said: “Elnoraffios :p take the sweetness of Elnor, the resoluteness of Raffi, and the trauma of Rios...? OR Riker because he's a total feeder?”
Which I didn’t see coming! XD Personally I think I’m most like Kestra or Hugh - people with a non-zero amount of ongoing sadness, but who are kind, creative, and invested in helping others. I hope I am anyway <3
8. Which character is your favorite to write?  Why?
Part of the reason I adore Star Trek Picard is that there are so many characters that I love to write! My AO3 fic character filter looks like this:
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So by the numbers, it’s Raffi. But the more accurate answer is probably Raffi and Rios. I love their friendship, their banter, their close and tenderly affectionate physicality, their kindness, and their understanding (of themselves and each other). 
Their relationship melts my heart, and losing that was one of the reasons I found the end of PIC Season 2 pretty tough going.
Thankfully there’s always fanfic and Raffi & Rios show up in quite a lot of my drabbles, such as this one.
10. Do you have a specific philosophy that you go by when you write?
A philosophy! Oh heck. I feel supremely unqualified to answer this one 😅 I think it’s maybe not surprising that I like to write about history, healing, found family, (and food!) since those are things important to me. But I suppose if I had boil something down, it would be that I like finding the lasting emotional consequence for the goings-on in canon. 
If canon says that Seven wore skintight clothes as part of the healing process for her skin following her reclamation surgeries, then I want someone to respond to that.
If canon says Rios gives up everything her knows at the end of Season 2, then I want Raffi to respond to losing her closest friend. And not just a quick hug on screen, I want to see her angry and sad and hurt and lost.
If canon says scars are a rarity in the future, then I want to see someone to struggle not only with losing their relationship their child, but with losing the physical marks of bearing them in the first place.
If canon says xB’s are discriminated against, and that the process of becoming an xB hurts, then I want to see that. Not just in Narissa and her distant distain for xB life, I want to see what day-to-day life looks like for a chronically ill person from a stigmatised minority group living in ‘paradise’.
I love Star Trek, but there’s only so much a tv show can do, and sometimes there are Big Things in canon that don't get the time for emotional weight or emotional consequence - I like to think I try and explore those. Sometimes I get there :)
Writing Ask Meme
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waiting4inspiration · 3 years
Love Again (Bjorn x Reader)
Summary: Every nine years, Vikings travel to Uppsala to worship the Gods. After everything that Bjorn’s been through, his wife leaving him and breaking his heart, things start to change when he meets the princess who has many stories behind her name; you. 
Warnings: it’s long and there’s still another part coming, angst, fluff, strong language, dueling, mentions of drinking, Uppsala stuff, I hope you guys enjoy it :))
Word Count: 4,306
A/n: So, this is actually a long, long overdue request from @honestlyya​ and there are quiet a few things that are different from the show. 1) Bjorn and Porunn never had baby Siggy, 2) Aslaug never happened so Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar are all children of Lagertha and they are older than they are at the point in the series when Porunn leaves. This is all part of the request. 
Vikings Masterlist
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The last time Bjorn was at Uppsala, he was a child and his sister was still alive. Now, he is a man, with four brothers, and a wife that left him because of her insecurities of the scar on her face. He doesn’t expect his heart to be healed by the Gods over the next nine days. But, perhaps coming here was a good idea. It might give him a chance to forget Porunn, for his heart to heal. 
Many people from different parts of the country come to Uppsala. Sometimes, people from other lands come to celebrate and give sacrifices to the Gods. When Bjorn sees an army-like group arrive, one man carrying a purple banner with a sword and ax crossing each other, only one person catches his eye. The woman leading the army. 
You look behind you as the men and women following you split up to either visit the temple or set up tents for the nights. Now that you have time for yourself, you have to decide what to do with yourself. But when your gaze lands on the temple, a bright smile grows on your face. 
Bjorn hears Ivar walking towards him with those heavy, uneven steps because of the crutch he uses to walk. He stands beside his oldest brother, follows his gaze to find out what or who he’s staring at, only to chuckle when he sees his gaze fixed on you. “You stare at (Y/n) of Forsa.” Ivar’s words make Bjorn’s head snap to him and his eyes grow slightly wide. 
For someone so talked about, Bjorn never thought this is what you’d look like. He never expected someone called The Protector of Forsa, someone whose skills with a blade are told like sagas about the Gods, to capture his attention with just one look. 
He remembers how Porunn caught his attention and how he fell for her the first time he laid eyes on her. The feeling now is almost similar. Except this time, the feeling that draws his eyes to you is stronger than what he felt with his past wife. 
Even though you don’t come from Norway or worship the Gods Bjorn and his people do, you and your people make it important to educate yourselves in the culture of others. Bjorn knows your people speak many languages because of that. And seeing you here in Uppsala only makes Bjorn’s broken heart jump in excitement. Especially when you turn your head and your gaze meets his. 
Two people walk up to you, the King and Queen of Forsa, and you turn to greet them with a bright smile and a hug. Your parents, making you… “The princess of Forsa,” Bjorn finishes his thoughts out loud, making Ivar who still stands beside him chuckle and nod his head. 
On top of the story of being a fierce warrior, you’ve raised your own army to fight in your father’s name. It must have been your army that he saw arriving with you. 
To break his stare, Ivar shoves Bjorn’s shoulder with his and nods to Ragnar and Lagertha nearing you and the King and Queen of Forsa. “Are you going to spend the nine days staring at her and pouting, or are you going to talk to her?” Ivar questions, looking up to him when Bjorn turns his head to look at his young brothers. 
Bjorn sighs, turns his head back to look at you as you greet Ragnar and Lagertha, and bites the inside of his cheek before he starts to walk forward. Unaware that his other three brothers have now joined Ivar to see these events unfold because he keeps his eyes on you, he takes in a deep breath as your head turns to face him. 
“King Hurr, Queen Vealda, this is our oldest son, Bjorn Ironside,” Ragnar states with a proud smile on his face as he holds his hand out to gesture to Bjorn. 
He simply nods his head to your mother and father before looking back at you. “Princess (Y/n). I have heard many stories about you,” Bjorn says, taking your hand in his and bringing up to kiss the back of your knuckles, all while keeping his eyes locked with yours. 
Lagertha notices this, notices the look in his eyes and the lingering hold he has on your hand, only letting go when you smile at him and smile. “About me, or my army?” you ask, slightly tilting your head to the side as he smirks down at you. 
“Why not both?” he responds, making you smile and turn your gaze to your mother who nods her head in approval. “I’d like to hear things from your side,” he mentions, taking a small step forward and making your head turn back to him. 
“It would be my pleasure, Bjorn Ironside,” you reply, turning to start walking away and nodding for him to join you. 
Your parents and his watch you both walk away, the conversation starting lightly between both of you and a smile never leaving your face. Your father turns to Ragnar, pleased to see the two of you getting along right from the beginning. “I have a feeling we shall talk again before leaving Uppsala,” Hurr mentions as he takes his wife’s hand and starts to walk away. 
That night, you told Bjorn all about your travels with your army and the places you’ve been where you’ve learned new languages and cultures. 
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Bjorn only met you yesterday and he wants to spend the next day with you. He has his family’s permission, his brothers are more than happy that he’ll be out of their hair, and his parents happy that he’s not moping around still about Porunn. They’re all happy that he’s finding something to keep his mind preoccupied from his past wife. 
Walking around the grove, between those still drunk from the previous night or passed out from the effects of alcohol or other substances, he’s certain he won’t find you among these people. He’s certain he’ll find you either at or still in your tent where he led you last night after your long talk with him. 
He finds you, seated in front of your tent with a sword in front of you and a grinding stone in your hand that you run up and down the blade. There’s a calm look on your face as you focus on the blade in front of you, and it makes him smile to himself. 
“Couldn’t help yourself?” he asks, breaking your focus on your sword and making your gaze lift to him as he steps closer to you. 
Seeing him makes you smile, especially when you remember the previous night. “No, I’m making sure I’m ready for tomorrow,” you mention, placing your sword to the side and standing to your feet. “One of my men has initiated a duel tomorrow and I couldn’t refuse,” you explain, placing your hands on your hips as he comes to stand in front of you. 
He chuckles, nods his head, and glances down to your sword for a moment before looking at you again. “I thought I might ask if you’d like to join me for a walk. To the fjord?” he asks, nodding in the direction away from the temple and in the direction of a cliff that looks over the fjord some use when they arrive in ships. 
Biting your lip, you glance over his shoulder to where he gestures before nodding to your head. He breathes a silent sigh of relief and turns to walk by your side when you walk forward. “I must say, I didn’t expect you to want to spend more time with me after I bored you last night,” you chuckle, folding your hands in front of you and dropping your gaze to the ground. 
“If anything, I couldn’t stop thinking about you last night,” he mentions, his words making your heart skip a beat and your head snap up to him. “It’s been a long time since something like that has happened for me.”
You hum, nod your head as you turn your head back to look in front of you. “You don’t have a wife?” you question, thinking that it might be wrong for him to think about another woman when he has a wife. He looks about the age where he could have one, and you’re sure that women throw themselves at the sons of Ragnar’s feet. 
Hearing him take in a sharp breath, you slowly turn your head up to him and find him staring at his feet with a sorrowful look on his face. Was it the wrong question for you to ask? Are you prying in places you shouldn’t?
He looks down at you, that sad look still on his face, as if he’s just had his heart broken and it makes you stop walking for just a minute. “No. I don’t have a wife,” he states, tearing his gaze away from you again before he starts to walk again. 
You bite your lip, think for a moment if this means that he no longer wishes to be in your presence anymore and if you should turn back. But, after a few steps, he stops and turns his head over his shoulder to look at you. “Tell me about your siblings,” he says, encouraging you to join him again. It makes you smile as you walk forward. 
“Well, I have one very much older brother who married when I was young,” you state as you and he start walking again. “And that’s where it ends. I’m afraid my family isn’t as interesting as yours,” you add with a small laugh. A laugh that makes Bjorn smile and treasures the sound. 
“I used to have a sister. Who I imagine would have become a shieldmaiden,” Bjorn mentions, and you stare up at him, waiting for him to carry on. “She died when a plague came to Kattegat,” he simply states, keeping his eyes in front of him as his jaw goes tense. 
You reach up to touch his arm and his head turns to look at where your hand touches him, the sight making his heart flutter and the corner of his lips to pull slightly into a smile. “I’m sorry,” you whisper, giving him a gentle smile which he returns. “I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose my brother,” you say, dropping your hand away from his arm as you fold your hands together. “At least you have four brothers now.”
He hums, smiles to himself as the memory of the teases his brothers sang before he left to find you, either at each other or at him. It never stops with them, and Bjorn suspects that’s what happens when there are so many boys in a house. 
“They definitely keep everyone on their feet. Each other, me, my mother and father,” he mentions, making you chuckle and bite your lip as you nod your head at his words. 
“That reminds me of my brother,” you say, turning your head up to him as you smile. Bjorn can see that you’re thinking of a memory. “Always keeping me on my toes.”
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How could he forget about the duel you told him about? It was the first thing on his mind when he woke that morning and the only thing he wished to do was to go and see if it had already started. From the sounds he hears the moment he steps out of the small cabin for him and his family - the royal family of Kattegat - he gathers that this duel might have already started. 
Bjorn follows the cheers, shouting, and the sound of swords clashing with shields, ringing as they hit one another. Hvitserk and Ubbe join Bjorn on his way to your family’s side of the grove, eager to get involved themself, should it come to that. 
Just in time to see you with your sword against a young-looking opponent’s neck and his against yours, Bjorn can’t help a smile growing on his face, especially when he sees the determination on your face. Determination to win. 
The crowd that consists mostly of the men from your army urges you and your opponent to carry on, not wanting this fight to end so easily. The uproar when you both come to a standstill, panting heavy breathes only entices you more. 
Discarding your shield to the side, you pull out a battle knife and push away from your opponent. Snarling at him as you slightly crouch down to prepare for an attack, he throws his shield to the side and rolls his shoulders as he starts to walk around you. 
You do the same, both of you waiting for the other to attack. But you know, never attack first. It shows impulsiveness, not cunning. And as your opponent rushes towards you with a battle cry, you’re quick to step to the side, trap his sword between yours and your battle knife to disarm him. 
Then, you press the knife against his chest and the sword to his throat, a victorious smile on your face. “Will there ever be a time when you won’t come out on top, princess?” your opponent chuckles as you pull away, sheathing your knife and shrugging your shoulders. 
“There is still much you must learn if you wish to defeat me one day,” you mention, patting him on the shoulder before he walks away in his defeat. “Anyone else want to have a try?” you ask, glancing around the crowd gathering around you. 
Ubbe looks up at Bjorn, sees the deep stare he has on you, and smiles to himself as he pushes him forward. “My brother will have a go.” His words make Bjorn’s head snap over his shoulder to coldly glare at him. 
You turn toward the noise to see your new opponent, your smile slowly falling when you see Bjorn looking back at you. But you're not upset. If anything, you’re slightly concerned about yourself having to duel someone so...build like a God. It would be a bit of a challenge for you, you think. 
But you never say no to a challenge. 
Someone hands Bjorn a sword and a shield, making him take his eyes off of you for a moment. When he does look back at you, he sees that you’ve opted to not have a shield which makes him refuse one too. Instead, you go for another sword. 
He meets you in the center of the circle created by those that have gathered to watch this duel and you both touch swords, a sign of a friendly battle that’s about to come. You smile at him as you take a step back, twirling the swords in your hands as you roll your shoulders back. Bjorn smirks back at you, ready to see what it will be like to fight against you, someone he’s heard much about when it comes to fighting. An amazing shieldmaiden. 
Expecting you to make the first move, he stops your blade midair and then realizes how close you have come. He gets the chance to stare into your eyes once more, as he had yesterday.
You push him back, your sword ringing against his and making the crowd cheer. Bjorn had a feeling you wouldn’t go easy on him, but he can’t help notice the playful smirk you have on your face as he readies himself for another attack. It’s a smirk that makes him chuckle to himself. 
His mind wanders, thinking about what it would be like to train with you. Alone. What he wouldn’t give to be alone with you right now. He cherishes the moment he spent with you since he met you and he hopes, he prays to the Gods that they will give him more time with you. 
As he loses himself in his thoughts for a second, you attack again. This time, with both swords. Bjorn quickly snaps back to reality and just manages to swing his sword to counter your attack. He had no idea you have so much force behind an attack. You must be deadly on a battlefield, he thinks. 
Many men are rooting for Bjorn, probably hoping to see you lose at least one fight so that they can get back the money they had lost on bets against you. “You might have a chance,” you speak, pressing your swords harder against his. He knows you’re talking about the men urging him to defeat you. “If you concentrated a bit more.”
He laughs, swings his sword to push yours away, and then moves to attack you in three strong blows which send you walking backward. “You don’t have to tell me how to fight,” he teases.
Then he brings his sword down with all the force he has, making you fall on one knee with your swords crossed above your head to stop him. The crowd abrupts in a loud cheer for no one has ever brought you so close to the ground. 
But the fight is not over yet. 
Even though you’re panting, you fight to pull his sword out of his hands to disarm him. But just as you push yourself onto your feet again, Bjorn grabs your wrist and takes a sword from you before you can win this duel. He doesn’t let go and instead pulls you closer to him so your chest presses against him. The crowd goes quiet. 
“When can I be alone with you again?” The question falls from his lips, making you smile and shift slightly on your feet as you think about an answer. “Tomorrow night?” 
You can’t stop yourself from nodding. “Yes,” you whisper, stepping back and dropping your sword to your side as a bright smile spreads across your face. 
Bjorn watches you turn and walk away, his heart swelling in happiness that he’ll get to spend time alone with you again. It’s guaranteed that he’ll see you again and that you want to see him again. 
As you walk out of the ring, the crowd mutters among themselves to debate who won this duel. 
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“And who are you seeing that you’re making a fuss of how you look?” your mother speaks as she walks in on you picking at the braids in your hair to make them look a bit more decent. Her voice makes you turn around with a loud gasp before you smile and look down at the ground in slight embarrassment. 
You bite your lower lip as she steps forward to you when you give a small shrug. “I decided to spend tonight’s feast with Bjorn Ironside,” you say, looking up at her with a small smile on your face. “He asked yesterday and I said yes.”
She smiles brightly, reaches up to run her finger over one of the braids in your hair, and chuckles to herself. You rarely bother to do so much with your hair. The last time you made so much fuss...well, it was when you had your eyes on a man. “You wouldn’t want to wear a dress tonight?”
Her words make you groan and roll your eyes as you duck under her arm to get away from her touch. “It’s not like that, mother. I just enjoy his company,” you mention, turning around to face her as you walk backward. “That’s it.” Your stubbornness makes her chuckle, but she holds her hands up in defeat, saying that she won’t say more.
“Who should I thank for making my daughter want to look like a princess tonight?” your father asks in a joking tone as he walks in. 
You give him a stern look that makes him laugh and hold his arm out to allow you to leave, which you do quickly to avoid any more questions. Your father then looks up at your mother, both of them smiling because they both know very well what’s going on even if you don’t. “She likes him,” your mother speaks, making your father hum as he wraps his arms around her waist. 
“Let’s just hope he’s not like the last one.”
The smile that grows on your face when you see Bjorn waiting in the spot he said he would be. There are people around that are celebrating in their own ways, drinking, laughing, or other activities. But it looks like Bjorn’s idea of spending the feast tonight with you is something a bit more relaxed. It will give you a chance to get to know him more and for him to ask you questions himself. 
That was probably his plan from the beginning, you think to yourself. 
Bjorn pushes himself off the tree when he spots you, his arms that were folded over his chest fall to his side and he gives a big smile as he walks forward to meet you before you reach his selected spot. 
“I’m glad you came,” he says, reaching down for your hand and raising it so he can place a kiss on the back of your knuckles. 
You bite your lip at the action and suppress a giggle from escaping. Bjorn thinks of you as a fierce warrior. A flustered giggle will ruin that and you don’t wish for that to happen. “I said I would join you and I’m not one to go back on my promise,” you chuckle, looking down at your hand when he doesn’t let go of it. 
He smirks and gently pulls you toward the spot. “I didn’t take you for someone who does in any case,” he mentions. 
Glancing around you, your mouth drops at what Bjorn has laid out. A blanket under a tree with bowls of food and a jug with two cups close by. There are no candles, but it’s bright enough with the moonlight shining down through the gaping hole in the canopy above that also shows a few stars. It’s amazing. “I would have thought you would have women lining up to be with you if you’re so romantic,” you joke, gently pulling your hand out of his as you sit down on the blanket. 
“If they are, I haven’t noticed,” he says, dropping down to sit beside you and reaching for the jug of ale and the two cups. “You’re the first woman to have caught my eye since…” He pauses, thinks to himself if he wants to say what’s on the tip of his tongue or not. “Since I lost my wife.”
What’s the point in keeping it a secret? You were bound to find out one way or another whether it be one of his brothers mentioning it out or you hear it from someone else. 
You blink at him in shock, not knowing which to focus on more; his compliment or the fact that he had a wife before but lost her. “I thought-” you stop. It would be distasteful to mention that you thought he didn’t have a wife. You can see the sadness on his face after he mentioned her. You don’t want to step over any boundaries. 
“That I didn’t have a wife?” he asks, turning his head to look at you as he hands you the filled cup. “No. She left a long time ago.” 
A lump grows in your throat and you roughly swallow past it as you watch Bjorn take a long sip from his cup. “What happened?” you softly ask, not knowing if it’s okay to ask that question.
“She…” His head drops between his shoulders as he breathes out a long sigh. “She was scarred across her face during a battle and was never the same since that. I didn’t know what to do to help her. She wouldn’t let me help her. I went with my father to Paris on a raid and when I came back, she was gone,” he explains, refusing to look at you and keeps his eyes on the cup of ale in his hands. “No one has seen or heard of her since.”
You can see he loved her. Truly loved her. And you can tell how broken his heart must have been when he came home to find her gone. It makes you reach out to place a hand over his, making his head turn up to look at you at last. “She meant a lot to you,” you whisper.
Bjorn turns his hand so he can lace his fingers with yours, locks his eyes with yours, and leans slightly closer. “She did. But not anymore.”
Catching his eyes flickering down to your lips, you breathe in a sharp breath that makes your lips part slightly. Your heart hammers in your chest and your skin goes hot. And when he presses his lips to yours, your mind explodes in an array of contradicting thoughts. 
You want to kiss him back, you want to allow yourself to let go of your past. But it still scares you. Thinking about the past few days, you realize how close you’ve gotten to Bjorn, how your feelings have grown so for him and it scares you even more. What if you’re wrong about him just like you were wrong about…
Stopping yourself from thinking about that, you pull away from Bjorn, break the kiss and shake your head to yourself. “I can’t. I’m sorry,” you whisper, pulling your hands out from his and placing the cup to the side as you stand. “I should go.”
Bjorn doesn’t have a chance to say anything to stop you from leaving and he’s left alone in confusion. He has no idea what happened and doesn’t know if he did something wrong. All he knows is that he’s certain he heard a tone of fright in your voice. 
Permanent Tags- @cassindeansass​ @simsadventures​ @fandomfic-galore​ @belovedcherry​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @what-just-happened-bro​ @geekandbooknerd​ @lonewolf471​ @rainbowkisses31​ @moonie-flower101​ @p8tn0lish​ @rinkashirikitateku​ @readsalot73​ @louisolos​ @petlaufeyson​ @bangtan-serendipity​ @aworldwideapart​ @mythicalbullshit​ @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ @xbuckxnastyx​ @madithemagicalfangirl​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @shannygoatgruff​ @a--1--1--3​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @mblaqgi​ @tephi101​ @coconutqueen21​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ @babypink224221​ @writers-whirlwind​ 
Bjorn Tags- @thorins-queen-of-erebor​
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
The General (part 10): Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
synopsis: this is it. this is what the end looks like. 
wc: 1.5k
tw: none
a/n: WOW. This is the end. We’ve come a long way in... ten days! IT REALLY FEELS LIKE IT’S BEEN WEEKS. This is the end of Lady y/n’s and Geto’s journey... It has been SUCH a pleasure writing for you all. 
Three children come tumbling out of the carriage, tripping over themselves to be the first to dart past your mother and father to hug you. You look upon the faces of Nobara, Junpei, and Yuji with astonishment; the tears leaking from your eyes are not ones of sadness any longer. Giggles and kisses and hugs are exchanged between you all as you stoop down to greet the overexcited bundles of joy. 
You look up just as Gojo and Nanami are exiting the carriage, eyes on the children with gentle smiles. Your father instantly recognizes Gojo, and holds his hands up in celebration. 
“Welcome back, Gojo-kun!” Gojo begins to chatter with your father and the three children descend on Megumi, who looks helpless as they ask him too many questions to keep up with. Haibara appears seconds later, flanked by Yuta, and they greet you and Kaori with a fondness you relax into, their faces blending back into the bright paintings of your memory. It was all beautiful - Nanami, Haibara, Yu, Yuta, the children… but everyone knows that one person is missing from the environment. 
“Gojo, whe--” Just as you turn to Gojo to interrogate him about Geto’s whereabouts, a large shadow passes over the sun, blocking your eyesight for a moment. When your vision returns, you watch an enormous golden dragon descend from the sky. It’s scales shimmer in the sunlight and toss reflections of rainbows around, almost blinding you to the man sliding off of it’s back.
When you see the General, it’s as if there had been a dam in your heart. The flood of emotions overwhelms your body, and you can only stand among your family and friends in shock as he approaches you, dressed in illustrious fabrics and smiling like the world was his. 
“Y/n,” he whispers as everyone watches your reunion. The entire thing was too beautiful - too sweet. When he envelops you in a deep hug, you feel the weight of the world transfer over to his shoulders and ease your burden. You were no longer alone. The tears you shed fade into the silk of his purple haori, and you’re enveloped by the sweet words and tender forehead kisses of your lover. 
“I thought you were dead…” you murmur into his chest, and Geto shakes his head, his hair tickling your face. You look into his onyx eyes and ask the obvious question without speaking, and his hand comes up to cup your chin.
“Let me tell you the tale over dinner, my love. It is a story that requires some nourishment.” 
“Yeah, because I’m starving!” Gojo announces behind you, much to the chagrin of Kaori, who rolls her eyes at the outburst, despite there being a small smile painted onto her face.
“It wasn’t an easy battle,” Gojo begins, shoving a piece of sushi into his mouth. “First of all, we were outmanned four to one. Then, when we were pushed back to the base of the mountain,” he continues, mouth full of food. “It’s like we don’t have anywhere to go but up. And that meant a slow, freezing death for a lot of soldiers.” 
“They took their charge seriously,” Haibara interrupts, attempting to preserve their honor. “Their sacrifices weren’t in vain.” Yuta nods, hanging his head a little as he consumes the bowl of soup silently. 
“But Prince Geto here tried one last trick that very nearly got him killed,” Gojo growls, pointing his chopsticks at Geto, who is watching his friends animate the tale of their escape and not saying a word. “Releasing all of those curses at once,” the white haired man mutters, stabbing a fish eye with determination. “That almost cost us our General.” 
“You what…?” you look over at Geto, who is chickling softly. 
“I released quite a few of my curses to attempt to overwhelm my younger brother, Naoya. He did quite well fending them off, but by the time he was finished, Gojo and Haibara had escaped with a little under half of our forces. I lost my way up the mountain and was sustaining a pretty large gash from the fight… but that’s when Mei Mei and Utahime found me.”
“Mei Mei? Utahime?” Kaori questions, but Gojo pats her hand, trying his best to soothe her. 
“Listen, they were mountain women. Healers, really.”
“In any case, they healed me, but it took about a month before I could recover from my wounds. By that time, the Court had already pronounced me dead. However, Gojo and Haibara weren’t too far from the Imperial Palace, intent on cutting down my younger brothers and my father.” 
“Your father did put up a nice, long fight,” Yuta murmurs, still not making eye contact with anyone at the table. “But it’s never enough, is it?” 
A tiny hand sneaks it’s way from the bottom of the table, patting around the wood for something beside your mother’s elbow. It seems that only you notice it, but your mother looks over and notices the hand, takes a piece of fish from the spread, and hands it to the gremlin beneath the table. The hand slinks back to where it came from, disappearing beneath the wood as Gojo rambles about his trek up the stairs to the Palace doors, and how Yuta had already wounded the Emperor by the time they arrived. 
“I just think it’s interesting how…” That meant Gojo did not find anything about that interaction interesting. 
You look over to Suguru and place your hand on his underneath the table. He looks back at you and grins widely, gripping your fingers tightly as he leans over to whisper in your ear. 
“I told you I’d come back for you. All you needed to do was wait.” 
“But how did you make it back to Palace, Geto?” your father asks, frowning. Geto’s eyes look up at the group’s collective gaze. 
“I made it down the mountain with ease, and rode my rainbow dragon curse all the way there.” 
“How long did that take?” Toji wonders, and your mother is holding her hand over mouth, obviously trying not to laugh as another small hand appears next to Toji’s elbow.
“A day.” Toji hands the little fingers a rice ball from his plate without bothering to look, and it disappears just as quickly as it appeared beneath the table. “It was the longest day of my life.” 
“And you made it back just in time to save me from a pretty nasty fate,” Yuta laughs. 
“Basically, Geto promised to not wipe the whole Imperial Court out if his father would reinstate him as the eldest son, give him his birthright, and…” Gojo thinks, tilting his head back to find the final piece of the puzzle.
“And give him control over the villages he had acquired.” Nanami finishes for him, surreptitiously sliding a piece of tonkatsu underneath the table, and Gojo snaps his fingers in response to the addition.
“Right, that. So, the Emperor said ‘yes’ because it was either that or die, and then we had the camp join us in the compounds surrounding the Imperial Palace. Geto was crowned Prince pretty quickly after that, and then presented to all of the villages one by one as the next in line for the throne. And here we are,” Gojo pauses, frowning suddenly. “Can someone tell me why I feel little fingers on my legs?” 
Children snickering echoes from underneath the table, and you try to hold in a laugh, pressing your lips together tightly and feeling little fingers pat your feet, then slide up to pat the table beside you in search of another morsel of food.
The night comes quicker than you expected, and you find yourself standing in front of the moonlit window, held from behind by Suguru. He’s littering kisses down your neck and you’re relishing in his touch, your skin feeling like it hadn’t been caressed in ages. 
“You’re even more beautiful than I dreamed you would be,” he breathes into your ear, and you shudder, leaning back into him even more. “I spent so long thinking about your face...” He presses a kiss to your cheek. “... your soft body...” His hands drift over your hips. “...the way you feel pressed against me like this.” You smile at his words, and he turns your face to him, blinking slowly. “I fought heaven and hell to come back to you.” 
“I’m glad you did,” you whisper before pressing your lips to his, feeling your mouth part almost instantly. Suguru grips your hips and turns you to face him, pulling you closer than you thought possible. You slowly follow him to the bed, still connected by the lips, and when he sits back on it you follow, straddling his half-clothed figure in the moonlight. 
“I’ll have to make up for the time we lost,” he murmurs, nipping at your bottom lip tenderly. 
“That’s three long months, my Gen- I mean, my Prince.” Suguru laughs at his new title, mouth latching onto yours again as he unties the fabric at your waist and pulls the shoulders of your kimono aside. 
“I’ll make it up to you for the rest of my life,” he speaks against your neck, sucking hard at the skin there. “That is... if you’ll let me, Lady y/n.” 
“It’s actually Princess y/n, now,” you correct him, and he breaks out into a wide smile, his right eyebrow twitching up. 
“Is that so?” He searches your eyes for any falsehood, and you grin sheepishly, pressing yourself against his chest. 
“If you’ll let me, my love.” Suguru huffs out a laugh, and pulls you under the sheets with him in the midnight hour.
TAGLIST: @kamisamaundercover​ @jotazinha​ @just4readingfics​ @mxhi​ @sammytamaki​ @brownskinnedgirll​ @keelyshayee​ @leanne-tamashi​ @vabybizzle​ @amaris9​ @fuegy-fuegy​ @ambiguous-something​ @honoredsatoru​
did I hear that the General is getting an epilogue?
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flameohotwife · 3 years
Okay, #41 for the fluff prompt!! (I feel so powerful, hahaha!)
41. "Darling, I love you and all but please step out of the kitchen."
This turned... long! And sad-ish in parts, so I'm sorry! Maybe more hurt/comfort? But there is still fluff. I hope you enjoy!
Rated T. 2.2k words.
“Aang? Have you seen the dumpling pan?” Katara was crouched down, head and shoulders deep in the cupboard, looking for the right pan to crisp the dumplings she was planning on making for dinner. Her husband was flitting about, albeit slower than he once could, on the other side of the kitchen with what she assumed were fruit pie ingredients for dessert. The original Team Avatar were travelling to Air Temple Island from all over the world in a few hours to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the war ending, and their 50th anniversary together. They always tried to get together the week they’d met in Ba Sing Se at the Jasmine Dragon to remember what they’d lost, and to see how far they’d come. Though Aang and Katara hadn’t gotten married until several years after the war, they always counted that day on the balcony as their anniversary, as the only thing that had truly changed with their marriage was the world’s recognition of their relationship and its permanence. They were devoted and dedicated from the very beginning. Perhaps even before that.
“Oh, I’ve got it over here, Sweetie,” Aang called back to her. She jumped up, almost bashing her head on the top of the cupboard before wriggling properly out to stand and face him. Even in his old age he still maintained a certain twinkle in his eye when he was up to something, and Katara’s hands flew to her hips when she saw it.
“What are you doing with my dumpling pan?” she asked, warily.
“I thought I’d cook tonight,” Aang replied, though his hand rubbed the tattoo on the back of his neck tellingly. “I wanted to add some Air Nomad dishes to the menu. Sokka will be bringing some Water Tribe food already, Toph and Suki will have Earth Kingdom, and Zuko and Mai will bring Fire Nation… I just thought I’d add something of my own in.”
Katara’s throat caught for a moment, as it always did when she remembered. His loss always felt bigger on anniversaries, though his grief was an ever-present emotion. It rose and fell like the tides, but was always there, under the surface. Most people saw his smiling face and kind, loving spirit and forgot that there were only two airbenders in the world and why. That Aang had actually known and loved so many of the ones Sozin had murdered. He masked his pain well, but took that mask off around Katara from time to time, when he needed to.
“Sweetie,” she began, stepping forward to grasp his wrinkled hands. “Oh Aang, I was going to make Air Nomad food, too. I would never leave you out like that.” Her tone wasn’t defensive, only calm and reassuring, as she rubbed gentle circles on the blue arrows that adorned the backs of his hands with her thumbs. She wanted to remind him with her touch that his grief didn’t have to be his alone to bear. That she would remember his people with him. Just as she had taught their children old Air Nomad fairytales when they were small, and celebrated their holidays with him, and learned to cook their food. Katara was Water Tribe through and through, but her soul was bound to an Air Nomad. Moreover, she was bound to Aang, and she always felt his loss. Even when he hid it well.
Aang melted into her, then. A hug that was so deeply meaningful it was reminiscent of the one they’d shared on Iroh’s balcony, but with all the weight of his pain crushing down on them along with that promise of love and acceptance. It was as though through this hug she was able to share that weight with him, so she held him tighter. Half a century after learning about the deaths of his people, sometimes the wound still felt fresh, and Katara was always the healing balm to whatever ailed him, even when she knew she could never heal it completely.
Katara stroked his back lovingly with one arm as he clung to her. She waited for his breathing to even out, for his muscles to relax. Waited for a sign that she had taken enough of his grief that he could function again. Finally, he moved his head to kiss her sweetly. It was wet, and salty, but his movements were lighter again. She moved her hands to his face, wiping his tears as she pulled him closer, and he deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms fully around her waist and pressing against her.
“Thank you,” he whispered. He knew his grief was never hers to bear, and yet she did so willingly and with so much love. He could never thank her enough for the way she cared for him when he hit his lowest points. He wasn’t sure he could have made it without her. Sometimes the weight on his shoulders was so heavy he felt like he would sink without her unending love and support buoying him up, keeping him afloat.
“You’re not alone, Sweetie. Never.” Katara continued to caress his face as she looked into his sparkling, sad eyes.”Do you want me to help? I can make the dumplings and the butter tea. I never quite mastered the tofu but I could try if you want…”
Aang silenced her with another kiss. “You’re wonderful,” he said, pressing his lips to hers again. “The best wife, partner, and friend in existence.” Yet another kiss. “I think I’ve got it from here. Why don’t you take a break before everyone gets here?”
Katara laughed, not quite knowing what to do with herself. She reluctantly removed her hands from her husband and settled on making herself some tea and sitting at the kitchen table to observe him. Even though he was aging, Katara still enjoyed watching him when she had a moment, whether it was bending practice, or working hard on something, or even something as simple as cooking. She still appreciated the lithe way his body moved, the smooth, airy motions he made, the way his tongue stuck out when he was concentrating…
She sat back in her chair, grinning over her teacup as she watched him chop vegetables and boil water and roll dough. Sometimes observing him do the most trivial things—like cooking dinner for friends, or braiding their daughter’s hair when she was small, or working in the garden—reminded her how lucky she was to have him in her life. He was the Avatar after all. He could have maids and cooks and servants and never lift a domestic finger in his life, but that was never in Aang’s nature. And he could have chosen anyone as his companion, but he had always and only ever chosen her. Over and over. It was somehow both humbling and assuring all at once.
After some time, she rose from her seat, walking behind him to wrap her arms around him, reveling in his warmth. She couldn’t see the smile on Aang’s face, but she knew it was there when he pressed one arm over her interlocking ones, squeezing lightly with his hand.
She leaned up to press a light kiss to the back of his neck.
“You’re awfully distracting, you know,” Aang chided. He turned in her arms to peck her on the nose. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten to watch you cook. I forgot how much I enjoy it.” She gave him a very pointed look and he laughed heartily.
“Well, by all means, enjoy the show,” he said, wiggling his hips for her benefit as he extricated himself from her grip to keep working. Katara giggled. She was about to return to her seat when she noticed the clutter Aang was leaving in the kitchen as he worked, and decided to help him by tackling some of that so he could focus on the food.
When Katara cooked, she was very methodical. Every ingredient, pot, pan, and chopstick had its place, and was immediately returned to that place when she had finished with it. She knew if she didn’t keep up with the mess as she worked, it would pile up to the point that she would feel overwhelmed at the end, so she tidied continually. Aang, on the other hand, was much more impulsive in his cooking. He would think of an ingredient to add mid-stir, and leave the remnants on the counter, never quite sure if he might want to add more later. He would wait to clean up all the messes at once.
There was a time in their marriage where this had driven Katara crazy. The kids were still very young at the time, and the extra mess on top of the cacophony of kid-sounds and clutter and Momo swooping around the house would become too much, so she would constantly buzz around him, taking things and washing and putting them away before he was even finished with them. He would turn around for more of an ingredient and find it wrapped up in the icebox. More than once, he had had to take Katara by the shoulders, kiss her gently, and exclaim, “Darling, I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.”
Now, much like in other parts of their relationship, she had learned which parts of the mess to let be, and which ones she could handle that would actually help him. She sat up with him at night while he transcribed ancient Air Nomad texts and histories; her presence a comfort as he worked through it all and felt the loss more keenly. Tenzin joined him now, of course, when he was home, but Aang still felt more able to work through his grief when she stayed too. When they were younger, she had sewn Air Nomad clothes for Aang and for the acolytes, and eventually taught the acolytes to make them herself not because Aang couldn’t sew or teach them, but because it was one of the things that they both could do. Something that she could take off of his already over-heaped plate.
They balanced each other. He was her rock on full-moon nights or when she missed her parents or when her emotional storm was raging. He was her center of calm when she was worried about the kids or about the world. But today, Aang needed her. So she washed the used dishes for him to use again if needed, and cleared the wrappings for him, being sure to leave the ingredients on the counter. She made sure to give him gentle touches as they worked; a hand to the small of his back as she passed him, a bump of the hip as they worked side by side. Loving smiles and stolen kisses as the afternoon sun fell lower in the sky.
Eventually their friends would arrive and they would be able to laugh and joke and remember together. There would be group hugs and arm-punches and happy sounds and smells would fill their home as they reminisced. Through all of it, Aang would sneak looks across the table at Katara, with a special smile reserved for her. Fifty years! They’d made it fifty years together, in no small part because of everything they had learned through their struggles as they grew together. Because of the weights and grief they shared with one another instead of bearing them alone.
“I may be old, Twinkletoes, but I can still feel your heartbeat when you look at Sugarqueen like that,” Toph jabbed as Aang snuck another glance at his wife. “How can you two be together for fifty years and still act as disgusting as when we were teenagers? I’m not going to have to pull you out of a linen closet at the official event tomorrow, am I? Because we are all too old for that.”
Knowing that she still sent his heart a-flutter the way he did to her warmed Katara’s old bones from head to toe, and she sent a look of her own towards her husband. Aang’s face reddened.
“Oh, no,” groaned Sokka. “Oogies! I’m out.” He rose from the table, pulling Suki along with him. “Dinner was great guys, and I’d like to keep it in my stomach, thanks. So, we’ll see you all in the morning when the kids get here?”
“Sounds good,” replied Zuko as he and Mai rose to join them. “We should probably turn in anyway. It’s getting late.” Aang and Katara stood as well to accompany their guests to the door before everyone went their separate ways.
“Thanks for a wonderful evening as always, guys,” Suki added as she hugged them both goodbye. “Try not to wear yourselves out too much tonight, hmm? It’s not as easy to recover as it used to be and we have a busy day tomorrow.”
Katara feigned shock at her sister-in-law’s tease but Aang only blushed further as Sokka faked retching and promptly exited with their friends. Aang was always so open about his emotions and intentions when it came to Katara, whether or not he intended to be. She simply smirked back up at him and took him by the hand, waving to everyone one last time before pulling him back to their bedroom. And, maybe they were a little extra tired the next day, but it was worth it. Loving each other through the many ups and downs of a lifetime together would always be worth it. Even when Toph berated them for it outside a linen closet door.
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heeberry · 3 years
My Clumsy Player
(Loona) Jung Jinsoul x Female!Reader
Requested: yes!
Berry: Hey can I request Jinsoul x fem reader where the reader is a basketball player but is clumsy and got injured during practice and Jinsoul takes care of her, very fluffy pls <3
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You smiled as you heard the echoes of your girlfriend, Jinsoul cheering you on. The bleachers weren’t filled with many students at your school, but there were a few that decided to watch the schools basketball team play, one of them being Jinsoul.
Jinsoul always admired your hard work, constantly visiting you from time to time to watch you play the sport you enjoyed the most. And seeing you doing something that made you happy, made Jinsoul happy as well.
Getting into the basketball team wasn’t easy. Being rejected multiple times in middle school discouraged you, feeling like you weren’t meant to play in the court with others who enjoyed it just as much as you did.
But when Jinsoul came in she told you how you shouldn’t give up, and just from that it gave you motivation to only try harder.
You always thank Jinsoul after every win or dunk you manage to make, as clichè as it seemed without her you wouldn’t be one of the best players in the team, not to brag about it of course.
Though, there was always a little flaw you had. People have loads of flaws but this one always stood in your way most of the time during practice or games.
Your coach always scolded you for it but in all honestly you couldn’t control it at times.
It was always “y/n! You’re being clumsy again! Get yourself together!” That made you feel utterly upset.
Oh how clumsy you were, no matter what time or place somehow you’ll always end up making a little clumsy mistake. As much as you hate it, Jinsoul seems to adore it.
She only doesn’t like it when you do something stupid and end up on the floor, but that’s besides the point.
Currently you were practicing your three pointers, if your lucky enough you could manage to shoot from afar, but it isn’t that easy. Three pointers were something you were weak at, constantly missing or the ball hitting the rim of the hoop always made you fustrated. Especially when there’s a actual game going on in school, missing a three pointer in front of school mates and people you didn’t know at all put you in pure embarrassment.
You stood exactly on the spot to shoot a three pointer, knees slightly bent and hands fiddling to get to the right position of holding the ball. You suddenly shoot with the basketball in mid air, you silently prayed that the ball was gonna make it through the hoop.
The ball rolled around the rim, it made you anxious if it would even go inside or just go outside like magic.
Soon it slowly stopped, your eyes widening as the ball sucessfully went in the hoop. You heard Jinsoul cheer for you as you turned around with a smile, hands in the air as you shouted in excitement “I did it! I did it!”
“not so fast” the coach came to you, shaking his head “your going to have to do that while someone is trying to steal the ball from you, you know that right?” He asked.
You nodded in agreement, all the excitement flowing away along the wind. You should’ve known something like this was going to happen.
Your coach was hard on you, never celebrating your tiny successes but using it as a advantage for you to get into a one on one match.
Which brought you to your opponent, Hyunjin, shielding you from trying to make the shoot.
You tried escaping her sharp movements and gazes, whatever you did she always managed to get in your way in time. It truly made you impressed but now wasn’t the time to be, souly focused on making that three pointer hoop and making you, your coach, and Jinsoul proud.
Taking a quick breather, you sighed, “you can do this y/n, you can do it” constantly repeating yourself in your head as you spined three sixty away from Hyunjin and ran.
Despite the turns you made Hyunjin still caught up to you, a groan escaping your lips everytime she did so.
If you can’t shoot the three pointer with Hyunjin being in the way than at least for now you could show coach your dunking right?
Well that plan wasn’t played the same way in you imagined it. You ran towards the hoop, jumping on time you smiled at yourself, it was pure success but also a fail. You were about to make this dunk but you didn’t make the three pointer while Hyunjin was in the way.
Or so you thought you’d make the dunk. As you were about to make the hoop you accidently lost focus. You began fiddling with the ball which caused it to jump out your hands making you confused, and before you even knew it you were on the hard floor.
Hyunjin couldn’t even jump with you on time, accepting the defeat. But when she saw you on the floor she panicked, rushing to you along with Jinsoul, who was extremely worried.
She watched from afar at how you were about to make it, slowly rising from her seat, the whole scene making her tense but excited to see you dunk. As soon as she saw the ball fly out your hands she knew things would go down hill. Jinsoul’s heart dropped seeing you fall on the floor, your knee hitting the floor first before any of your other limbs.
It took you awhile to realize what happened, the pain spreading around your whole leg woke you up, gaining conscious you held your breath in, bitting your lips and eyebrows furrowed from the pain.
“Y/n! Y/n! Are you okay?” Jinsoul spoke, lightly shaking you to face her side. Hyunjin squatted to your level, shaken up from your sudden fall “hey are you okay?”
You whimpered in pain when Jinsoul’s slender fingers touched your knee, the pain only increasing so much that tears started to form.
Your girlfriend got up in an instant, lifting you up bridal style with ease and telling your coach about the fall before heading to the nurse. She looked at your knee and frowned, a bruise slowly started to form. “Don’t worry y/n, you’ll be fine”
After visiting the nurse she did confirm that a bruise was slowly forming on your knee. “Don’t play until that bruise is healed okay?” She told you, grabbing a ice pack and pressing it against your knee.
You hissed in pain but nodded, “I’ll try my best”
At the moment you sat at the cafeteria, your bruised knee laying on one of the seats. Jinsoul came back after grabbing some snacks for you to distract yourself while she took care of your knee, just like how the nurse instructed.
You smiled when she handed you your favorite snack, opening it up in a instant and shoving it down your throat like it was the last piece of food to ever exist.
Jinsoul shook her head and laughed, you stuffed so much into your mouth it almost looked like you were squirrel, storing things in your mouth.
She moved you closer to herself, bringing the first aid kit out. “Jinsoul you didn’t have to do this” you frowned, feeling bad for her having to take care of you when it was your fault for causing this mess.
“yes I do y/n, don’t worry! It’s better that I do” she smiled, “plus your my number one priority, so I have to take care of you always”
You watched as she applied aloe vera to the bruised knee, the cool feeling hitting the part that hurt the most made you feel slightly relived.
Jinsoul grabbed a elastic bandage, wrapping it around until the bruise was no where to be seen. “Does it hurt if I press on it?” She asked, poking your knee.
You shook your head in response, “no not really, it hurts less than last time so I guess that’s improvement” you giggled.
She smiled, playfully slapping your shoulder before engulfing you in a hug. Resting her chin on your shoulder, she turned her head to give you a tiny peck on the cheek. “How come you lost focus? That’s pretty rare of you to”
Shrugging your shoulders you replied, “I know! I guess I was too excited? I don’t even know” you lowered your head. “I can’t even play this weeks game because the nurse said so”
Jinsoul senses the sadness in your voice, picking her head up she picked your own as well. “Hey it’s okay if you can’t, if you rest then you’ll be able to play better!” She said, trying to lift your sprits.
You slightly nodded your head in agreement, “yeah I guess your right” you said, staring at your knee you soon let a little laugh, “isn’t this the third time I gotten hurt from practice?”
“Elventh?!” Your head shot up with your eyes widening, “no way! How do you even know?”
She scoffed “I’ve always been there whenever you got hurt idiot of course I’d know how many times you’ve specifically got hurt”
“Besides, your my clumsy player”
You raised your eyebrows, “that doesn’t sound right”
Jinsoul quickly kissed you, catching you off guard, she confidently spoke, “well it does to me.”
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crybabyalexxx · 3 years
hihihi! could i possibly request a peter parker x stark!reader where the reader and their dad arent close? possibly themed around the song motion sickness by phoebe bridgers? thank u in advance!
Motion Sickness
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: The reader finally opens up to Peter about the relationship she had with her father and what his death meant to her. Inspired by Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers
Warnings: Character death, Morgan being adorable, slight mentions of trauma (SLIGHT) and so much sadness
A/N: Thank you so much for requesting this, I absolutely love this song and can relate to it. Tony Stark was like a father figure to me so thanks for the tears while I wrote this lol. I hope you like it! I really enjoyed writing this! I should also try and write something that isn't so sad next.
Word Count: 2.1k
You hated him for what he did. You hated everyone for making him feel like it had to be him. You couldn’t understand why he did it. Why did he have to snap his fingers? Why did it have to be him?
“Hey kid, how are you feeling?” Happy sat next to you, it felt as if maybe he needed a hug more than you did. You gave Happy your best smile and shrugged, “I’m okay Happy, just needed some fresh air. It's so sad in there, it could use some music. He might have liked that.”
Happy chuckled, but he knew exactly what you were doing. You aren’t the first or only Stark he had to deal with. “Yeah, he might have liked that.” You and Happy sat in silence, comfortably. You were so used to faking a smile, even at your father's funeral, it felt natural. You were fine with that. After the attack in New York, Tony became distant from you. Always working on his suits, partying instead of going to your science fair. You couldn't blame him, but a part of you hated him for it. And now he's gone. He's gone and you're here with a new sister you only met a few days ago.
“Dad, please. I don't need to see a shrink. I'm fine, really.”
“It's a therapist and I think it'd be good for you.” Not many people knew this about Tony, but he would see his therapist twice a week. He hadn't realized how much you were affected by the attack on New York until Pepper pointed it out to him. Although you were only a kid when it happened, he knew the both of you would never be the same. And instead of going through it together, Tony dealt with it in his own way. Which meant you were alone to deal with it in your own way as well. You only went once, and Tony let it slide. Sometimes you thought that your dad would rather be back in that wormhole than be open with his own daughter. Whether that wormhole be the one in the sky or the one in his mind, I'll let you decide.
“What are you doing out here?” You and Peter were inseparable once your dad introduced you two. He couldn't hide his excitement every time you and Peter interacted. His daughter and his prodigy. In fact, he gave you the old ‘If you do anything to my daughter’ talk instead of giving it to Peter. He said you'd corrupt him and you did but that's a story for another time.
“Just thinking.” You couldn't stand to be out in the world anymore, not with all the constant reminders of him. It made you emotionally sick. It was easier to be numb than to feel.
“Is that why you've been ignoring my texts and calls?” If you were being honest with yourself, you'd say that yes you were avoiding Peter. For reasons, you didn't want to admit it out loud or to yourself. You loved Peter, he was sweet and silly. He was everything you weren't. He was even closer to your father than you ever were. You can see why your dad took a liking to him. He was nothing like a Stark.
You sat just outside your window on the fire escape. Peter was only wearing his Spidey mask. “What's with the mask?”
“Didn't want people seeing me swing around the city as Peter Parker.” Peter takes off his mask with ease while you look for any reason to run inside and avoid him a little longer. “So why are you avoiding me?” No more hiding.
You sigh and figure, you can't keep running from him. He doesn’t deserve that. “You're not the only one I'm avoiding Peter.”
Peter takes a seat next to you and waits. He doesn't say a word, just sits next to you and waits until you're ready.
“It's like everywhere I go, I see his face. A constant reminder of who he was to the world. And what he was to the world is so much different from what he was to me. A hero who made the ultimate sacrifice, a father who was never around. I don't know whether to be thankful or to hate him for it. He left before we could ever get close. And we blipped for five years, and I came back with a sister who knows him better than I do. She's always asking me how dad was like before her, but I don’t know Peter! And it's so frustrating! Not knowing who my father was and then coming back to find out that he read her bedtime stories and played hide and seek with her. When I won my science fair he was miles away at some party. I thought once maybe when I'm older we can finally both heal from what happened in New York and get to know each other. Then you came along, and I realized that I could never have what you two had with each other.” You hadn't realized the tears coming from Peter until you finally looked up at him. “Why are you crying? I'm supposed to be crying. Not you peter.”
Peter smiled softly at you and wiped away a few tears that were rolling down your cheeks. “You are y/n.” It was like a dam broke and you could no longer stop it. “I just really miss him, Peter.” You leaned into Peter and finally cried. “I miss him too.”
“I didn't know you and Mr. Stark weren't close. He always talked about you and how proud of you he was. It made me a little jealous, wishing I had a dad that was as great as him. He was a father figure to me, you know?.” Peter can recall many long nights where he and Tony only ever talked about you. He could also see how sad Tony was when he talked about you. Peter now just realized why that was. He missed you, except you were alive and well. Peter could only imagine how he felt for those five years you were gone.
“Really? Whenever we were together all he ever talked about was you. He said you were the only thing he never second-guessed. To be honest it made me a little jealous of you.” You and Peter chuckle at the idea of being jealous of each other.
“Peter, I’m horrible at this whole opening up stuff. But I don't want to leave this world someday and have the people I love second guess whether or not I loved them.” Peter nodded, understanding what you were trying to tell him. “I'll help you y/n, I always will. Just please don't drown me out or push me away. I need you too. I can't lose you too y/n.”
After you and Peter talked you decided that the following day you would go see Pepper and Morgan. You didn't even get a word out and Pepper was already hugging you and saying how much she missed you. And that she knew why you were there. So she let you go downstairs to Tony's lab. You looked around and really just imagined him running around finding some breakthrough for a project he was working on. Then you bumped into one of his tables and knocked a few things over.
You turned around and found Morgan smiling at you from the stairs.
“Morgan! Only mommy can say that word, she claimed it.”
“What are you doing down here?”
“Knocking over some shit apparently.” You and Morgan giggle and head upstairs. You stay for dinner and Pepper tells you how much she and Morgan miss you.
You tell Pepper about how you've been feeling about Tony and his death. You tell her how angry you were that he felt like he had to do this. And how guilty you felt for not trying hard enough to open up to him. The image of your dad on his back while he slowly died made you sick. Emotionally sick. You explain to her what it felt like to turn into dust and to feel Tony hold on to you with all his strength, just to wake up in this battle and watch him snap his fingers. You were thankful you made it out and sorry that it all went down like it did.
She offered to stay with them for a while. Maybe you and Morgan can get to know each other a little more. You consider her offer, it scared you to be a part of their lives now. You don't understand why. But before you could give her an answer you two saw Happy driving up the driveway.
“Hey Kiddo, I talked to Peter earlier and he told me to come see you,” Peter told Happy about the conversation you two had. Peter didn't know if he could be much help and was worried about you. So he called Happy and asked if he could help, and Happy knew exactly what to do.
“How'd you know I'd be here?” You'd see Happy every once in a while. He'd come to your apartment to make sure you were alright. He was the only person you couldn't avoid, even if you tried. He's trained in working with Starks.
“Pepper called me and told me you were here. I got something to show you.” You and Happy walk to the living room and set down a device. “Your dad told me to show you this when I thought you were ready.” You looked at Happy confused, then a hologram of your dad appeared. Morgan came running to sit next to you and held your hand.
You panicked and couldn't even imagine what your dad wanted to say. Then it's like every good memory you had of him left your brain. And everything you wanted to say to him occupied your mind. Why must you try and save everyone? Why did you leave? Why couldn't you talk to me?
And now it's too late to change anything. And you can't ignore the things that remind you of him anymore, even if you try. You can't drown him out anymore.
“Y/n, I told Happy to give this to you when you needed it. So I guess now you need it.” Tony sits down on his hologram chair and looks directly at you as if he knew where you'd sit. “Before I had you, I was partying and sleeping with women I thought were interesting enough. I thought I had it all. All the money, all the fame. But I realized that I only did those things to drown out how lonely I was. Even the loudest parties seemed so quiet. Then when I met you, it was as if I were in the band. Everything came to life. I know after New York it was like I left. And I can't forgive myself for leaving you the way I did. I also don't expect you to forgive me. But know that I love you. I always will. I love you both 3000.”
You told Peter everything that happened a few days later. And how you agreed to stay with Pepper for a while and make sure Morgan never knows what it feels like to be drowned out.
“I miss him, Peter. I wish I could just tell him that. We weren't close but god, I miss him.” You wondered if maybe you were making the wrong choice, staying with pepper. Maybe not feeling at all would be easier.
“Please don't second guess your decision. This will be good for you I promise. I'll see you every day if you need me to. Just please don't shut us out again.”
“I just wonder if forgetting him is easier than all of this right now.”
“You aren't just shutting him out though, you're shutting us out, me. Please don't leave me.
It was then that you realized what your father must have felt like when he came back from that battle in new york. You were so angry at him shutting you out that you hadn't realized that you were starting to do the same thing to everyone else.
“Okay Peter, okay. I won't surrender to the sound.”
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
...i would like to request a part 2 of the Kennyo×Reader×Y!Nobunaga plz only if you want to I understand if you cant/dont want to I just loved it so much 😣💘❤
All For Her - Yandere!Nobunaga X Reader X Kennyo PT 2
Not gonna lie to you, it was so hard to pick an ending for this. I enjoyed writing the conclusion to this work that I'm sad to see it end. Don't worry, I have many Yandere works I'm still working on!
Because you requested for a second part, I decided to make this a bit of a more hurt/comfort type since I wanted to give you some happiness in this work.
TW: Yandere, Self-Poisoning, Hurt/comfort
"How would you like to rule the world by my side?"
Those words…
Those words were your death sentence.
"Your death will surely be my greatest victory," Nobunaga cried, swinging his sword at the monk. "The people would find it heroic how I rescued my bride from the Ikko Ikki's leader―"
"You defiled her!" Kennyo roared, unsheathing his staff. He blocked the rampant parries of the Devil King. "And you think that's love."
"This will be the last time you hold her, Kennyo."
He roared, howling at the pain of the sword. Kennyo fell to the ground, the stab to his shoulder numbing all of his senses as the blade cuts deep into his flesh.
"Perhaps YN would cast you away if I scar your face once again… Oh… How adorable she'd look to you in horror with the new scars I give you," Nobunaga teased, his menacing tone only edging his sword. "Or, I should kill you right here, and your head should be my bride's present…"
"Not so fast, Nobunaga."
A uniform of dark blue came to view, and two twin shining katanas.
"Masamune… Should I consider this a betrayal or a duel?"
"Consider this your loss," Masamune confidently chided.
"Why... Why do you defend a demon One Eyed Dragon?!"
Masamune struggles against Nobunaga's sword, pushing him away and giving distance between them. "Abbot... I'm not defending you. I'm doing this for her," He said, smiling at the man who won his Kitten's heart. "I'll let her be happy with you. Anything, just anything away from the Oda. Now go."
"You'll be in my prayers, Date."
Kennyo hung onto Ranmaru, the swishing of swords and cries of confusion dying down as Ranmaru escorts him away from the battlefield.
Masamune heaves out, taking a large blow to his chest as the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven holds a sword to his neck.
"How would you like to lose the other eye for treason, Date Masamune?"
"Apologies Lord Nobunaga."
"You owe me one, Masamune."
Ieyasu and Mitsunari raised their swords at Nobunaga, blocking the oncoming attack from reaching Masamune's neck.
"Oi, Date Dragon, don't fall just yet…" Keiji said, holding onto Masamune, with Kojuro trying to stop the bleeding from Masamune's armour.
"I won't Keiji… Not until I see her happy…" He said, passing out from the fight.
"Kennyo!" You were frightened by the red stains on his kimono as Ranmaru brought him in from the battlefield. Before you confronted Kennyo, Sasuke bowed to you, joining up with his group.
"YN, I'm glad we meet again but I must go on with Kenshin's plan."
You bowed to both Sasuke and Ranmaru, appreciating their help.
You tried to wrap and dress his wound as quickly as you could, salvaging any amount of salve you could. Kennyo winced in pain, enduring it for now.
After dressing his wound, you couldn't stop shaking. He was weak at the moment, barely opening his eyes. You could feel his hand reach out to yours, and you brought it to your cheek.
"YN… I'm sorry I couldn't protect you…" He said, trembling under the thought of the battle.
"He… He did this to you…" You whispered, frightened of the thought of Nobunaga and the terror he brought on to the battlefield.
Kennyo tapped your palm once again, bringing you to listen to him. "The Date Dragon saved me, YN… For that I am grateful…" He coughed, pressing his hand down on his chest. You quickly cleaned up any saliva that seeped out, begging him to take rest.
Enough was enough, you thought.
You couldn’t afford anyone else to be hurt.
Be it your friends in the Oda; Masamune, Hideyoshi, Ieyasu…
Or be it your friends you met through Kennyo; Kenshin, Ranmaru, Yukimura…
You couldn't.
Not for your selfish reasons.
Once Kennyo had passed out, you kissed his temple, whispering your affections and apologies.
"My love… I'm sorry… Live for me, won't you?"
You ordered one of the guards to carry you on horseback as swiftly as the horse could to the battlefield. You clutched the napkin carefully, your eyes searching for the warlords.
Without hesitation, you jumped off the horse, running up to where Ieyasu and Mitsunari were holding off Nobunaga.
Ripping off your hood, you revealed yourself to the warlords. "NOBUNAGA! I CALL TRUCE!"
Nobunaga saw your face, and he blocked off his allies, reaching out to you.
"She said, she called for truce," Kenshin said, standing next to you and guarding you.
Once all the troops had returned, you allied yourself with the Uesugi-Takeda warlords as the warlords of the Oda alliance reluctantly sided with their commander.
Nobunaga spoke first, "Now, my Princess, did you call truce to willingly return to me?"
You firmly replied, casting away your anxious subconscious at the sound of his voice, "I'd be a fool."
"Instead," You spoke again. "Let the Uesugi-Takeda leave. Let me stay with them, in exchange for the Oda claiming this land and the resources here."
They did not word it, but Kenshin and Shingen stood by you with no rebuttals. Your heart stilled at their silent agreement and support.
Shingen added on, "Consider the Princess collateral for your war, Nobunaga. With her, the alliance has reason to believe you won't be a threat to us."
Nobunaga was unimpressed, reaching for his katana. "What half-assed words… There is no benefit to the Oda in this arrangement."
The other warlords of the Oda were dumbfounded. Hideyoshi spoke up, "My lord! This is considerably generous-"
"Do not cross me."
You shivered, remembering the cold tone of that voice. No, this was not the time to give in. You threatened the warlords, revealing the needle closer to your skin. "Let me go, or you will have nothing to live for, Oda Nobunaga."
Those manipulative eyes quickly looked in horror as you pricked yourself, the poison quickly drawing into your system.
"YN!" Sasuke cried out. Yoshimoto quickly caught you, but you stopped Yoshimoto from touching the wound.
"Suffer as I did, Nobunaga."
The Devil of the Sixth Heaven, in front of his vassals, fell to his knees.
"Ieyasu!" He roared. "Heal her!"
The Tokugawa lord did not budge an inch.
Ieyasu curtly responded. "Call off the war, then I'll do it."
"Too little too late, Nobunaga," Masamune said, sheathing his katana. "Your allies will abandon you if you go on with this war."
"Lord Nobunaga, no, Nobunaga," Hideyoshi claimed. "Return the admirable lord I served, not one who falls so easily."
Kenshin chipped in, "I will retreat my troops as well, Oda. You're not a worthy opponent now, so fight me once you've gained your honour."
The Uesugi-Takeda warlords stood behind you, as Yoshimoto clutched your poisoned body.
"Foolish girl, you knew this would finish him," Yoshimoto whispered, trying to discretely draw out the poison.
"It's done. The Oda will retreat."
The moment Nobunaga said those words, Ieyasu rushed to your side, immediately drawing out the poison from your blood. "Honestly, you're such an idiot after all this time," He scolded, a tear or two slipping down his cheek.
"And not one of you has changed," You said. "Ieyasu, everyone, thank you…"
All you saw was your dearest friends crying out for you as the world turned black.
Days later, you woke up in your room at Kenshin's place. Nothing but seeing Kennyo entered your mind, as you raced to his room.
"YN?" He was well and up in his futon, being visited by the Uesugi-Takeda group.
You jumped into his arms, finally being able to feel his warmth.
"I heard what you did, my dear…" He said, sitting you on his lap. "Thank you."
You shook your head, "It was for you, for everything you'd granted to me. My freedom, my livelihood… and love," You said, looking up to your lover. "For that, Kennyo, may I marry you and can we stay together until our time ends?"
Kennyo himself was shocked, not expecting such words from you. He turned red, and unexpectedly the warlords still didn't leave the room.
"C'mon old friend! Your lovely lady proposed to you!" Shingen cheered on.
Sasuke and Yoshimoto nodded. "What a wholesome ending," Yoshimoto added on.
"Gosh, why do I have to witness th-"
Yukimura was quickly silenced by his lord and his best friend. Kenshin simply smiled, drinking his sake in response.
Kennyo hugged you, his tears soaking your kimono. "My love… I will. I will live for you and stay with you until our time ends."
"You swear on it?"
"Of course, it’s all for you."
"LN Kenta! Are you listening?!"
The boy slumped his head to the desk, reiterating the history lesson, "-And the leader Ikko Ikki was rumoured to have escaped the battlefield with Lady LN YN but no proof has ever been found except for a bear made by Lady LN left in Kennyo's temple…"
"Right!" The history teacher exclaimed. "Next test will be about Oda Nobunaga's married life, including the tale of Lady LN and all relating battles…"
Kenta shuffled out of the classroom, slinging his jacket over his shoulders and then and there, he saw his lover Mai waiting for him.
"You could've eaten on your own…"
She smiled at her boyfriend, leaning on his shoulder. "Well, food's better when you're around people you love!"
Unbeknownst to the couple's eyes, a stalking figure of the captain of the baseball team watched them, his gaze envious at LN Kenta.
"Oi! Oda-senpai!"
"Oda Nozaki! Hurry up!"
The dark haired boy shifted away from his hiding spot, putting on his cheerful façade in front of his kouhai and friends. "Guys! I'm here…"
"Sheesh… Took you long enough…"
"I bet Oda-senpai was staring at the Drama Club's tailor again… Katakura Mai-san right?"
Nozaki shushed his teasing kouhai, shoving their caps straight on. "Hey, don't waste your time on gossip. We've got a war to train for."
"It's just a friendly match Nozaki!"
As the group went ahead, Nozaki trailed behind, taking one more glance at his beloved Mai.
It's alright, my little fireball. This rivalry between me and Kenta…
It's all for you.
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pandajaye · 3 years
Todoroki Family Ties (Part 7)
Characters: Enji Todoroki, Stepmom!OC!Ivy (Ivy is black btw), Child!Shoto Todoroki, Teen!Touya Todoroki
Warnings: child missing, dangerous criminals, mention of child murder, family abandonment
Enji and Ivy searched the entire property but Shoto was no where to be found. They called the police, Officer Tsukauchi alerted AllMight and Eraserhead and they were helping find him too. Even with them here, they were careful to keep quiet about the missing child of a Pro Hero. You never know what Villains could be looking for him too. The worst part of it was, the reason they needed pro hero help was because Shoto was the least dangerous person they were searching for today. The news reported that someone dangerous was out on the run and that only made Ivy’s heart sink lower. They figured they were fine since it was a private residence and Shoto was with a nanny, but she was gone too.
“We’re working hard to find him and the missing nanny, ma’am. I hate that this happened on the same day that a criminal broke out of jail. Is there any more information that you can give us about the boy or the woman?”
Tsukauchi must have been in a lot of situations where he had to show calmness towards civilians. His soft voice gave her a sense of peace, it was small but any was good.
“I-I.... I don’t know too much about her. She seems good with the kids. We just recently hired her last week and she’s been an angel. She has a very kind attitude for an older woman with a tattoo.”
“A tattoo? What did it look like? Can you describe it for me?”
Ivy thought hard about the image that was located on the woman’s hand. Enji didn’t agree with it but Ivy convinced him that since she wa so child friendly, the tattoo shouldn’t matter.
“It was a thin black circle with a cherry blossom inside. There was an ‘X’ on the right side of the circle. It was kind of wrinkled a long with her hand but I still thought it looked pretty cool.”
One of the officers that was standing in front of her drawing the description of the tattoo nodded to Tsukauchi. When he looked back at her, she could tell there was more of a hardness to his face. He turned to Enji and Allmight who had been standing next to them to observe.
“If it’s alright, I’d like to just speak to you two alone for a minute.”
They looked at each other before taking a step into the kitchen, away from where Ivy could hear.
“I’m afraid that the nanny may be involved in the disappearance of the boy. The tattoo that Mrs. Todoroki had described matched the same image of another womanms tattoo. They’re believe to be apart of a gang of Villains called the Withered Blossoms. Any crime scene these women have been apart of usually have young men unconscious or dead but with the appearance of someone who is old. Their victims also are left with no money. Apparently they use the youth from their victims to stay alive. There’s no telling how long they’ve been on this earth but we’ve managed to mostly keep them in jail. I’m not sure what they would want Shoto for. Either his youth, or ransom, but I know that we’ll do whatever it takes get him back and those women in maximum security prison.”
Toshinori thanked Mr. Tsukauchi before turning to look at Enji. His gaze was stuck on the ground, thinking about everything that was just explained. He was never one to really show emotion when anyone other than his family was around. Though he wasn’t sure if he’d even get a response, Toshi tried his best to communicate with Enji.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find your son. Everything will be fine.”
Enji scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Who said I was worried? I know he’ll be okay. He’s a damn Todoroki, of course he’ll be okay.”
Toshi shook his head. He could see the worry on his face. It was written in his furrowed brows. The angry wrinkles on his face. No matter how he tried to hide it, this bothered him deeply.
“It’s not bad to have feelings. Your child is out in the big world and could be in danger. It looks more suspicious not showing worry.”
Enji sighed angrily and looked at Toshi. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was speaking some sense. He didn’t know why he was such a hard ass all the time. There was just a lot of frustration and rage inside of him. The expression on his face softened but he looked away from Toshi.
“You’re right. I’m very upset. That’s.... my youngest out there. He could be scared. He could be hurt. Or.... o-or....”
“Hey. We’re not going to think like that, alright? They’re doing everything they can, looking under every rock for these villains and your son. I have no doubt that we’ll get some good news soon.”
Toshi gave him a nod of reassurance and Enji returned it. They may not get along always but he was glad to have Toshi here to comfort him and Ivy.
Especially Ivy....
This family.... Enji.... the kids.... they meant a lot to her. She was the first person in her family to be born quirkless. They hoped she would grow up and eventually gain one, but, unfortunately, it never happened. When she was in high school, she came home that day to her bags packed and thrown out of the door. They constantly hounded her for not being able to become a pro hero so that she could make them rich. Since she seemed to give no value in their eyes, she was kicked out and forced to live on her own.
After years of hard work, she graduated high school, college, got a job, and did pretty good. All on her own. She met Enji when she was fired and found a job at his agency. Apparently his assistant before her couldn’t handle his explosive temper. The difference between her and Ivy was that she could afford to quit, but Ivy was barely making it and this paycheck could change everything for her.
It was hard. There was almost constant intimidation. The atmosphere of every meeting had tension and no one was brave enough to disturb it. And it only got worse after the incident with Rei Todoroki pouring hot water over her son’s face. There were many rumors that floated around. Even when the truth about Enji putting her in a mental hospital came out, everyone said it was a cover up and that he actually murdered her. Luckily, the world continued to go around.
The agency was fine but it was obvious that Enji wasn’t. There was an aggressiveness and darkness to him that no one had ever seen before. Everyone was afraid to speak to him outside of business but Ivy figured that maybe that’s what he was missing. Someone needed to check on him and something inside of her said that it should be her. It was her character flaw. Even though she’d been through so much, she always felt as if it was her job to take care of the beasts of the world. In her mind, all they needed was love and kindness.
One day, she gathered the courage to talk to him and see how he was doing. When she opened the door to his office, the lights were off. He was just sitting in his chair but facing towards the window. That morning he walked in a nice suit but not the jacket was on the back of his chair and his tie was loosened. He was just sitting there, his head leaning against his hand like he was just done with everything.
“Hello? Mr. Endeavor?”
“What is it?
“I-I wanted to talk about something. Are you busy?”
He sighed and dropped his hand, turning to look at her and permit her to enter before turning back to the outside world.
“Come in.”
She hurried in and closed the door behind her, quietly making her way over to the front of his desk.
“I wanted to check on you.... see how you were doing lately. I’m really worried about you, sir. You haven’t burned as brightly as you used to, so I’m here if you want to talk about anything. I’m sorry if I’m bothering you in anyway, sir.”
When he didn’t respond, she walked to be in his line of sight. He looked so tired. There were bags under his eyes and a sad frown that looked as if it’s been there forever and would never leave. It broke her heart to see him so depressed. She decided to leave. He probably was being nice by not telling her to get out immediately.
“I hope your day gets better, sir...”
Ivy only took a single step before she was stopped, her small wrist in his large hand. When she looked at him, there were streaks of tears on his cheeks.
Suddenly, he pulled her to him and hugged her waist. She could feel him trembling.
“S-She’s gone.... she’s gone.... a-and it’s m-my fault-t.”
Enji’s grip on her tightened and she started to relax. He needed her in that moment and it was necessary that she was there for him.
“It’s going to be okay, sir. It’s going to be alright.”
They talked for a long time. He avoided questions about Rei but she didn’t mind. There were lots of emotions in the room. Maybe it was the sudden opportunity to be vulnerable or how she comes off as a trustworthy person, but he was quick to let her in. He admitted that this was one of the very few times that he made a connection with someone at work. He really appreciated her bravery and that she wanted to actually talk to him.
This was the beginning of their relationship. From coworkers to friends to friends to lovers. Oh how sweet it sounds. Even if it wasn’t always sweet, especially after they were married. So quickly at that. However, it was obvious that they were soulmates. The conflicts weren’t because of her, it was his toxicity. A toxicity that healed when they were together, it heals slowly, but progress is progress.
Now here they were. Enji holding Ivy as her emotions were trying to control themselves. That’s when they got the call from Toshinori. Ivy put her phone on speaker so Enji could hear too.
“We’ve found Shoto and the criminal. We’re bringing your boy home.”
A huge weight felt lifted off of the couple’s shoulders. Enji held onto Ivy as she cried into his chest. Since his hands were preoccupied with holding her, he couldn’t quickly wipe the tears out of his eyes and instead just lowered his face to kiss the top of Ivy’s head.
Shoto was back home within a few hours after an interrogation with the police. The woman had never mentioned anything about what he would be used for, she lured him with the lie that she would take him to see Rei. It made Enji and Ivy furious to find out that someone would make up such a terrible lie to kidnap a child and he vowed to find the rest of the group so they couldn’t hurt anyone else.
After dinner, and putting the kids to bed, Enji received a phone call from a number he didn’t immediately recognize and excused himself to go outside to answer it.
“We need to talk about Natsuo and Fuyumi soon. I believe it’s time that they come home.”
He recognized the voice immediately. Rei’s mother. The current guardian of his other two children.
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idyllicstarker · 3 years
here's a Christmas prompt for you ;) how do you feel about Peter telling Tony he won't be home in time for Christmas (maybe he's on a trip? at MIT?) but then showing up on Christmas to surprise Tony
I may have turned the prompt a little, but I hope it’s still close to what you asked for 💖
Warnings: none
“I was thinking we could maybe watch Elf, tomorrow - Christmas Eve is for cheesy Christmas films after all.”
Peter’s apprehensive gaze eyed the screen on his laptop, completely illuminated by Tony’s face. It was evident by how timid the question was, he knew his suggestion was a long shot - he didn’t want to make Tony anymore mad then he already seemed, but he also didn’t want the holidays to be a complete bummer because of his own faults.
Tony looked up, presumably from his work bench in the lab, eyes settling on the grainy pixels that made up Peter. He had a blanket wrapped around him, having expressed many times that the heater in the dorm pretty much did nothing at all. Tony could tell he was sad. He could tell he felt guilty at not being able to be there over Christmas. But it didn’t mean Tony felt any better about the whole ordeal.
“You’re really expecting to be able to stream and video chat with me at the same time - with your crappy wifi?”, Tony asked, looking back down to whatever work he was completing.
Peter should be used to the man getting distracted during their evening calls. Most of the time Peter didn’t have his camera on anyway, not when his roommate, Harley, was around. But that didn’t stop the pang of hurt in his chest upon seeing Tony so nonchalant about it.
“Well I don’t think it will be that slow. Harley’s gone back to his family for winter break, and most of the dorm isn’t here either”, he muttered quietly. His revision notebook sat untouched on his lap, nervously rolling his pen between his thumb and index finger.
“You know I never used to like Harley, so I can’t believe I’m saying this but you should be more like him.”
Frustrated tears began to form in Peter’s eyes at Tony’s bluntness. But the man still refused to even look over at the screen.
“You know this isn’t my fault”, Peter whispered, it hurt that Tony was pinning the blame on him. How was he supposed to know the weather was going to stop flights?
“If you’d just gotten the flight when I’d told you too we’d be able to watch Elf together on Christmas Eve, on my couch. But no, you wanted to stay for an extra few days”, Tony hissed. The darkness of the screen made his brown eyes almost black, and Peter flinched at the look of absolute betrayal on the man’s face.
“You know I wanted to go to the party”, he said quietly, shaking his head, “I couldn’t have ever known it was going to snow this much.”
“Yes because a party is much more important than your boyfriend-”
“You’re being selfish…”
“Oh! I’m being selfish Peter? You promised to be here, and you’re not. That’s what’s selfish. You told me not to decorate because you said you wanted to do it with me. There’s not an ounce of Christmas cheer in this place, and now I don’t even want to do it. You know how much I hate the holidays because Maria and Howard were never around. I never had that. I never had a nice Christmasz You promised you were going to be here.. to help me experience that, and what have you done.. you’ve let me down. You told me five minutes ago there was literally no way for you to get back in time with the way it’s snowing, and you’re really expecting me to just be okay. That’s what's selfish.”
He leaned forward quite abruptly, and Peter heard the rough click of his keyboard, before his camera turned off. He was still on the call, but clearly didn’t want to be seen. So what Peter didn’t know was that the man was wiping roughly under his eyes, trying to rid himself of any tears.
Speechless, the younger male looked over the blank screen, his own expression hurt. He knew Tony was right, he’d given a lot of promises he wasn’t able to keep. He sighed, moving to turn his own camera off and therefore giving him the relief to let the tears fall. He sank down into his bed, cuddling the blanket to his chest and burying his cold nose into it.
“I’m sorry”, he muttered, because honestly he didn’t know what else to say.
“Yeah so am I”, Tony’s voice rang out through his speaker, heavy with emotion yet the feedback didn’t quite pick that up distinctly.
Silence followed. A heavy, emotional silence that Peter didn’t know how to fill to get it to stop weighing down on his chest like that. He swallowed thickly, licking at his lips.
There was a sudden fast paced typing, as Peter sniffled before finally Tony spoke again.
“It says the snow’s going to stop on the twenty sixth. There’s no planned flights, but I’ll take the jet instead”, as if predicting Peter’s disagreement with that, he continued: “But only if it’s stopped completely. And If one of my pilots is willing. I don’t want to take them away from their family, a hefty pay rise would be in order…”, by the way he trailed off Peter knew he wasn’t really talking to him anymore.
He sighed out quietly, nodding his head solemnly before realising Tony still couldn’t see him.
“Okay”, he agreed, clearly his throat as he shifted in the bed, pulling his laptop to him and turning on the camera. He waited a few seconds, but Tony didn’t do the same. Nervously he chewed on his lip, and closed his eyes.
“How’s your foot?”, he asked quietly.
A couple of days ago Tony had dropped a hammer on it. He was lucky, it wasn’t broken, but it was swollen. If it wasn’t for that maybe he would have been able to drive down to get Peter. But he couldn’t.
“It’s fine," Tony replied gruffly, “healing..”, he mumbled after a moment. No matter how he was feeling right now, he didn’t want Peter to worry.
“Oh, that’s good.”
It seemed all attempts at initiating conversation again was futile. The guilt he felt was unlike any other. He had promised, and honestly if he knew it was going to end up this way he never would have stayed the extra few days just so he could go to that party and leave when everyone else left. But now flights were cancelled and he was alone. Most people just managed to drive back. He couldn’t.
“I’m sorry for getting snappy with you”, Tony sighed out after a long moment. “I know it’s not your fault. You couldn’t have predicted this. And besides your young - you want that college experience. I don’t blame you for taking it over your old boyfriend…”, he seemed to laugh at the end, but he sounded solemn more than anything. It wasn’t a humoured or a happy laugh, it was quite broken.
“That’s not true Tony”, he tried to justify, clutching his blanket to his chest. “I’d rather be with you then anywhere else. I made a mistake.. a big one”
He half expected Tony to agree but he actually didn’t get a reply. The only indication that he was actually still there was the faint tapping of his keyboard through the speaker.
“I don’t feel too good”, Peter said after a moment, “I think I’m gonna get some sleep. I’ll text you in the morning…?”, he mumbled, the last part more of a question than anything. Even if it was Christmas Eve tomorrow, Tony didn’t look like he was going to forgive him anytime soon.
He was right in thinking such, getting only a low grunt from the man. Peter had to cough to hide his quiet sob.
“Goodnight”, he spoke meekly, voice shaking as he quickly ended the call.
If Peter could feel his nose he may have turned around to Ned and laughed about it being a Christmas miracle.
It had taken five hours and driving that most definitely should have been illegal considering they couldn’t see for the most part, but he was here.
Craving comfort after his conversation with Tony last night, he turned to who he knew would never let him down - Ned. He hadn’t asked him to drive down in the middle of the night, to pick him up and take him here, he just did. No amount of panicking from Peter as he realised he’d gotten into his car had stopped him. And now he was here.
The sun was just beginning to rise. Neither of them had slept, but here they were, in front of the tower, in front of his home. Of course, it was still snowing heavily, and as he stepped out of the car, his trainers crunched satisfyingly against the blanket that covered the floor.
“Thanks dude, I don’t know what I’d do without you”, he said softly. His gratitude so strikingly evident in the way his voice softened as they pulled his cases and belongings for his stay from Ned’s trunk.
“Don’t worry about it. It was nice to have the catch up. I’ve missed you”, Ned said, shrugging his shoulders.
Peter didn’t mention the fact that they’d spent half the time screaming whenever they swerved, the tires not quite gripping onto the icy road in a way that comforted Peter enough to not be alert. Instead he simply nodded.
“You should come over, we’ll hang out like old times…”
When all of his stuff was on the pavement, and Peter was beginning to wish he’d put a hat on, he smiled over at his friend. They hugged for a moment, but Ned being tired from driving all night, and Peter eager to go see Tony, let each other go after a moment.
“Thanks man.”
Peter managed to get all of his stuff inside after Ned had left. He decided to let reception send it up, not wanting to haul it all in the elevator and instead just grabbed one small case and bounded over to the lift.
He wiped away at the wetness on his cheeks, and brushed off the snow flakes from his hoodie. He knew Tony would still be asleep, which meant he could go through with his plan easily.
“Friday, don’t alert Tony that I’m back please”, he spoke.
“Yes Mr Parker”, came the reply.
He thanked her quickly, running a hand through his damp hair as let out a deep breath and smiled as the elevator arrived on the floor.
“Ho Ho Ho! Good morning handsome”
Peter’s breath was warm against Tony’s cheek. Smelling faintly of chocolate (they’d had a bit of a feast on the way here) and ever so soft and gentle.
Tony blinked his eyes groggily, letting out a disgruntled sound as he lifted his head up to try and make out the sight that was currently hovering over him in the bed.
The small figure of his boyfriend that should definitely not be here, was straddling his torso with the widest grin. His cheeks were still flush from the cold outside, and atop his head was a cute little Santa hat.
“Christmas came early this year”, Peter hummed, shrugging innocently. “Unfortunately Peter Claus didn’t bring you any presents, but he thinks he’s the best gift of all”
Two seconds later and he was being tackled to the bed by a suddenly very much awake Tony. Peter giggled, squirming as Tony’s goatee scratched against his face and neck at all the kisses that were being peppered against his skin.
“How are you here? I thought there were no flights”, he was evidently elated at the sight of his partner.
“Poor old Ned drove all the way over, and then drove me all the way back. We’ve been driving all night. But it’s worth it. I’d rather spend Christmas with you then alone.”
As they both settled down, Peter wound his arms around Tony’s neck, cuddling up to his chest. The Santa hat sat lopsided on his head but he didn’t mind too much, all that mattered was that he was here.
“We’ll have to thank him later”, Tony concluded, pressing a soft kiss to Peter’s lips that the younger male returned eagerly.
“I’m glad you're here. I was worried, but this is the best Christmas gift I could ever get, you’re totally right”, he concluded after a moment of silence whilst they took in the feeling of finally being together again.
Peter nodded his head in agreement, a sleepy smile on his lips as he curled against his warmth.
“Merry Christmas Tony”, he mumbled softly.
“Merry Christmas my love.”
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hearts-hunger · 3 years
dralshy’a ka’ra (brighter stars): chapter six || din djarin x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter four | chapter five
Series Summary: In the lake country of Naboo, you and Din romance each other under summer’s brighter stars. || Part Two of Jate’kara (Lucky Stars)
Chapter Summary: You and Din return to Sorgan to get your baby, and you get some very happy news.
Pairings: Din Djarin x Wife!Reader
Genre: Pure fluff | Word Count: 4.8k 
Warnings: Just to be safe, talk of pregnancy and having babies
A/N: It’s the end of this little sequel series! I hope you loves have enjoyed reading it as much as I’ve enjoyed writing it, and I’m so thankful for all your kind comments! A note about this chapter: I did my research on Star Wars lore, so even though Omera’s backstory is my own headcanon, it all exists in Star Wars canon! I think she deserves to be force-sensitive, and I think Mr. and Mrs. Djarin deserve their happy news even if it’s not realistic to know that soon. Anyways, I hope you like it! ♡
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“Mr. and Mrs. Djarin!”
You couldn’t help a smile at the exuberant greeting as you made your way down the lane, warmth and light spilling out of the little huts on either side. Winta ran up to meet you, leaving the group of children playing together in the warm evening air, their toys spread out amongst them as they laughed and chattered with each other. Your baby was playing happily with two other children and a pile of toy soldiers. You didn’t call for him, even though you wanted to hold him; you’d be leaving soon, and you wanted to let him play with his friends a little longer.
Winta stopped in front of Din, the toy Pelta-class medical ship in her hands all but forgotten.
“Are you here for the baby?” she asked, the slight edge of hesitation to her voice indicating she was hoping you were here for a different reason.
“Afraid so,” Din told her, sympathy and amusement coloring his voice. You both knew your little one had a devoted friend in Winta, and he’d be just as sad to leave her as she would be to see him go.
Her shoulders slumped, but she quickly recovered her manners. 
“Well, thank you for letting him stay for a while,” she said sincerely, looking up at both of you with an earnest expression.
You smiled. “You’re welcome,” you said. “You had a fun time together?”
She beamed. “Yes!” She gestured back to the other children, then to the toy in her hands. “We were just playing that we were in the Clone Wars, but the hospital ship’s lights won’t turn on.”
Din hunkered down to her height and extended his hands. “May I see?”
Winta handed her toy to him, watching as he took out his vibroblade and began to tinker with it. His big hands were steady even on the toy’s littlest parts, and he soon had the lights working as they should.
“Thank you, Mr. Djarin,” Winta said, almost in awe as he handed the toy back to her. He put his knife away and gave her hair an affectionate ruffle as he stood.
“You’re welcome,” he said. “Could you do me a favor and tell your mom we’re here?”
“Sure,” she agreed. With a parting smile, she skipped off in the direction of her house, cradling her newly-fixed toy close to her chest.
Din watched her go. “Strange to think about kids playing at the Clone Wars, isn’t it?”
“A little,” you agreed. “Though probably more for you than it is for me. I don’t remember them at all.”
“No, I guess you wouldn’t,” he mused, looking at you. “You were only a baby, right?”
You nodded. “I was born the year they started.” You knew Din had been rescued in the last year of the conflict, and wondered how he felt about his son playacting it with a bunch of toy soldiers.
“Does it bother you?” you asked.
“Them playing it?” he asked. He shrugged when you nodded.
“Not really,” he said. “I played like that when I was little. We mostly stuck to the legends of the Mandalorian Crusades, which were thousands of years ago, but it’s... comforting, I guess, that little ones are so removed from the war I lived through that they can make it a game.”
“I think my parents thought the same about the Battle of Naboo,” you said. “We played it all time, in the field where it happened, and mother made us costumes and everything. I always wanted to be Queen Amidala.”
You smiled at the memory. “I stuck bird feathers in my hair to make a headdress,” you remembered. “Even though the queen probably wasn’t wearing her fancy clothes during the battle.”
Din chuckled. “Probably not,” he agreed.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a happy babble, and you looked to see your little one toddling over, a grin on his face and a toy clutched in his claws. He gave you uppy arms and you happily scooped him up, cuddling him close and giving him kisses.
“Hello, my little love,” you cooed, secretly pleased that he’d noticed you were here and had decided you were worth leaving his game for. He touched a hand to your cheek and giggled when you kissed his ears.
“Did you know mama missed you very much?” you said. He gave you a questioning coo, and you smiled. “Yes, I did miss you very much. Your daddy missed you too.”
He turned his head to find Din, then broke into a beaming grin when he spotted him. Din moved closer to you and put a hand on your back as he offered his other hand to your baby.
“Su cuy'gar, ad’ika,” Din greeted, his smile unmistakable through the vocoder as the baby wrapped his hand around Din’s finger. “I missed you.”
Your baby gave an excited babble and held his toy up for his dad to see.
“I know, you’ve got a very nice toy,” Din said with interest and affection. “You had fun playing, didn’t you?”
You knew Din wanted to have his chance to cuddle your son, and you handed him over with a parting kiss. Din cradled him against his chest, listening to your baby’s incoherent but impassioned chatter as he waved his toy around. Your husband responded with “wow!” and “I know!” when appropriate, knowing your son was telling him something but unsure what it was. You smiled as you watched them. As happy as you had been to have time alone with your husband, you were happy that your little family was back together.
“You’re here!”
Both you and Din turned to see Omera greeting you with open arms, and you fell willingly into a tight, affectionate hug from your friend. She hugged Din next, careful of the baby, and looked at both of you with a warm smile.
“You look well-rested,” she said. “Did you have a nice time?”
“Yes,” you said sincerely. “It was wonderful. Thank you so much for watching him.”
She gave a dismissive wave. “We were happy to have him. He’s played from sunup to sundown every day.”
The baby had found his toy made an interesting clinking noise when tapped against his dad’s arm plate, and Din covered the buttons on his vambrace so nothing would get set off accidentally.
“He was good?” Din asked. “Minded his manners?”
Omera smiled. “He was perfect,” she assured him. “No trouble at all.” She glanced up at the sun that had just started to set, then back at the two of you.
“Can you stay at all?” she asked. “I know you’re probably anxious to be going soon, but I have the kettle on if you’d like to at least have some tea before you go.”
You looked up at Din. You knew you couldn’t stay the night; he preferred to set course for Trask as soon as possible, but you did want to spend a little more time with your friend if you could.
“Can we stay for tea?” you asked.
He nodded. “Yes. I’d like us to be headed to the Crest before dark, though, if that’s alright.”
You smiled. “Okay,” you agreed. “Thank you.”
You looped your arm through Omera’s and walked with her towards her home, happy to let Din hold the baby while you told your friend all about your vacation. You’d become very close the first time you stayed on Sorgan, just after you’d gotten your baby - she was an invaluable help to you as you learned the ropes of motherhood, and she was a deeply caring and affectionate friend. You didn’t get to see her as often as you would have liked, but treasured your time together whenever it came.
“You have an aura about you, Mrs. Djarin,” she said sagely, a mischievous glint in her lovely brown eyes as she walked with you up the front steps of her house. “Is there any news you need to tell me?”
You were intrigued but slightly bewildered - you didn’t have any news, did you?
You sat down at her kitchen table. “What do you mean? What kind of aura?”
She didn’t say anything, just gave you a knowing smile as she moved about her kitchen, pouring two cups of Tarine tea into beautiful teacups. You knew they’d been a wedding present from her husband, and she liked to use them as a way to keep his memory close.
“Any for you, Din?” she asked as he took a seat next to you, the baby content to stay in his lap. She handed the baby a cookie, and he gave a pleased coo.
Din chuckled. “No, but thank you for offering. It’s kind of you, considering how many times I’ve declined your hospitality before.”
She waved him off as she sat catty corner to you with her own cup. “What good is a woman’s hospitality if it doesn’t respect those who come through her door?”
She cradled her mug in her hands and blew gently on it as she raised it to her lips. You watched her face expectantly, desperately curious to know what she’d meant by her earlier comment. When she just raised a brow at you, you gave an incredulous laugh.
“What do you know that I don’t know?” you asked. “I don’t think I have any news to tell you.”
Din cocked his head. “News? What news?”
“Omera asked if I had any news to tell her,” you said. “She said I had an ‘aura’ about me. Do I have an aura about me, Din?”
“Um... I don’t know?” he said politely, unsure if it would be a compliment or an insult and therefore choosing the middle ground.
You looked back at Omera. “Is an aura a bad thing?”
She shook her head. “No, not necessarily. It’s just an indication of something - in this case, something medical - that you may not even be aware of.”
You frowned. “Medical? As in, your healing?” Omera was the village healer, but you’d always thought it to be based in traditional, herbal medicine. You’d never heard her mention an “aura” in her work.
She hummed. “Yes, I use it in healing,” she said. “Maybe I should tell you about how I learned to be a healer, and that will make some things clear.”
“I’d love to hear about it,” you said earnestly. Aside from this confusion about your “aura”, you had wanted to know where she trained, as you’d thought she’d been on Sorgan her whole life.
She took a sip of her tea.
“My grandmother’s people were from the planet Dathomir,” she said. “She was born into the Daughters of Allya, a clan of witches and powerful healers, and she was taught to be a healer. Though she left Dathomir to settle with my grandfather here, on Sorgan, she trained my mother to be a healer too. My mother taught me, and when Winta is old enough, I will teach her.”
You studied your friend’s face. To know she was descended from a clan of healer-witches made sense of her uncanny grace, her warrior spirit. It fit her very well, and only grew your admiration for her.
“Do you heal with magic, then?” you asked.
“Not usually,” she said. “Only in very serious cases. And it’s not magic like people usually think of it, not party tricks and potions. It’s more... channeling energy, working with your own life force and the life force of the sick person.”
You and Din looked at each other, and you knew you were thinking the same thing. Life force, energy, healing - that all sounded uncannily similar to the powers your little one exhibited. No one knew of his healing powers aside from those who were there when he’d healed Greef, and to hear Omera talk about a similar power had your interests piqued.
Omera tried to read the tension between the two of you, a frown creasing her brow.
“Oh, dear,” she said. “I’ve offended you, haven’t I? Or frightened you with all this life force talk?”
“Not at all,” you assured her. “It actually sounds like... something we’ve heard of before. But what does it have to do with me?” 
Before Omera could answer, you felt Din stiffen beside you.
“Is it - is there something wrong?” he asked. “Her life force, is there something wrong with it?”
Omera’s smile was warm and comforting. “No,” she assured both of you. “There’s nothing wrong with it.”
“But you can... sense something about it?” he pressed. You put a hand on his arm, hoping to soothe him; though his posture eased a little at your touch, he still looked at Omera and waited for her answer.
She gave a gentle laugh. “Oh, I’ve done a bad job putting you at ease,” she said, apologetic and kind. “I’m sorry. Yes, I can sense something, and it’s nothing to be worried about. It’s actually very good. It must be early yet, if you don’t know what I’m talking about.”
Both of you shook your heads.
She smiled. “Well then, my dear friends. Let me be the first to congratulate you, because you’re going to have another baby.”
Both of you stilled. Then, before you’d quite found your voice - “We’re what?”
She laughed, the sound bright and happy.
“You’re pregnant,” she told you. “Your aura is unmistakable. The life force coming from you grows by the minute.”
Even before you’d had the chance to really process it, you felt yourself give a beaming smile. You were pregnant? Already? How could that be? You didn’t feel any different, and it had only been a few days ago that you and Din had started trying.
You looked over at him, a little overwhelmed with joy, and you wished you could see his face. He held his hand out to you, palm up on the table, and you put your hand in his.
“We’re having another baby?” he said, his voice hoarse through the modulator. He glanced over at Omera. “Are you sure?”
She beamed at the two of you. “Yes, I’m sure. It’s still early days, but I know a mother’s aura when I see it.”
Din squeezed your hand, and you didn’t need to see his face to know how much he loved you.
“Cyare,” he said. “We’re having another baby.”
“Oh, Din.” You felt a rush of happy tears; he released your hand to cradle your face, running his thumb over your cheek to catch the few that fell.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum, cyar’ika,” he said softly. Though Omera and your baby probably understood what it meant, he’d made a point to say it in Mando’a, just for you. For his wife, the mother of his children, the woman he loved more than anything else in the world.
You leaned into his touch and said it back. You couldn’t stop smiling, and he gave a watery, affectionate laugh as he let you take his hand in yours again.
“Thank you for telling us,” Din said, turning to Omera.
She smiled. “You’re very welcome,” she said. “I’m so happy for you both.”
She took your other hand in hers, and you felt a wash of thankfulness to be so cared for by the people you loved. The excitement and happiness between the three of you was palpable, and you were so grateful to share it with your husband and your dearest friend.
“I want you to deliver this baby, Omera,” you said. Even when you were daydreaming about having another baby, you’d never thought about who you wanted to help you deliver; but there, in Omera’s warm, comfortable home with the sun sinking low, you knew you absolutely wanted it to be her.
“I would be honored,” she said sincerely, her smile warm. “It would be my pleasure to help bring another Djarin into the world.”
Your conversation drifted towards Omera’s experience with midwifery, and you were confident that no one in the galaxy would be better suited to help you deliver this baby. Between the two of you, you whiled away the evening in happy conversation. Din jumped in when he felt inclined, but you knew he was happy to take a breather and let you visit while both of you enjoyed the luxury of sitting at a friend’s table and enjoying her company.
Though he’d said you needed to leave when the sun set, Din let you linger as long as possible over the dregs of your tea and your visit with Omera. He was sweetly apologetic when he gently chimed in that you should be leaving, putting a hand on your arm when there was a lull in the conversation.
“I’m sorry, cyare, but we should head back to the Crest.”
You glanced outside and realized that night had well and truly fallen, and your baby was sound asleep in the crook of Din’s arm. It was later than Din had wanted to leave, and you felt a slight pang of guilt.
“Oh, dear, we completely lost track of time, didn’t we?” Omera said as the three of you rose. “Sorry, Din.”
He chuckled. “That’s alright. It was very nice to see you, Omera, as always. Thank you again for watching the little one.”
He accepted her warm embrace and angled the baby towards her, so she could give him a parting kiss on his forehead. Your baby stirred a little, then snuggled further into the cradle of Din’s arm.
Omera smiled. “Take good care of your clan for me, Djarin.”
“I will,” he said, and you knew he meant it.
Omera hugged you then, both of you holding each other close. 
“I love you,” she said.
You hugged her tighter. “I love you,” you said, your voice tight with emotion. You knew it would probably be a while before you saw her again, but at the very least, you’d see her in nine months.
She pressed a kiss to your cheek as she released you.
“Don’t be a stranger,” she said. “And take good care of yourself. I know it won’t be easy, but try not to get into too many dangerous scrapes, ok?”
You smiled. You and Din managed to get into scrapes like it was your job, and Omera knew it.
“I’ll certainly try my best,” you said. You gave her hand a final squeeze. “Thank you for everything.”
She walked you to the door, and gave a parting wave as Din helped you down the steps in the near-darkness. Winta came up as you were leaving, and Din lowered the baby so she could give him a kiss goodbye.
“Oh, this is probably yours,” Din said, realizing the baby still held onto the little toy soldier even as he slept.
Winta smiled. “It’s ok, Mr. Djarin. He can keep it.”
She gave you a quick hug, throwing her arms around your waist before she scampered up the steps to join her mother. You exchanged goodbyes again and took Din’s hand, letting him lead you through the village towards the clearing you’d landed the Crest in earlier.
“Sorry we’re leaving later than you wanted,” you said, leaning against his arm. “Thank you for letting us stay.”
You walked through the patches of light spilling from the rows of cosy huts, even Din’s tread light in the soft grass.
“You’re welcome,” he said. “No need to apologize. I’m sorry we couldn’t stay, cyare.”
Part of you did want to stay, but you were also happy to be going home together. Hopefully Din could set you on course for Trask and leave the Crest on autopilot so he could get some rest with you and the baby.
He handed the baby to you as the Crest’s ramp lowered, and you smiled to yourself as he put a steadying hand on your back while you walked up. You would have to get used to Din’s care taking on a little bit of anxiety and caution, now that you knew you were pregnant, but you would try your best to humor him and knew you wouldn’t mind the extra attention.
He reached up to turn the bay lights on, leaving them on the dimmer setting for your baby’s sake. “If you’ll get him settled, I’ll get us ready to leave.”
“Okay.” You touched your fingers to your mouth, then to the bottom of his visor. “Will you be able to come back down later?”
“Hopefully,” he said, heading towards the ladder. “I’ll have to see how clear our course is. You don’t need to wait up for me, if you’re tired.”
You didn’t think you were, but your bunk did look awfully inviting as you opened the door. The baby usually slept in his hammock above you, but he was sleeping peacefully in your arms and you didn’t want to let go of him just yet. You gently laid him on the bed next to you and curled around him, brushing a gentle finger over his ear.
You were overjoyed with your news. Another baby, and so quickly after you’d started trying. You hoped that your little ones would get along, and though there would certainly be difficulties to navigate, you knew your capacity for love would only grow as your little family did.
You hadn’t thought you could love anyone as much as you loved Din, when you married. When you became a mother, your love for your little one was different but just as strong, and you got to share that love with Din. That was the thing about love - it only grew the more people you had to share it with. You couldn’t wait to welcome your new baby and become a clan of four.
You were nearly asleep by the time Din came back down, lulled by the sound of the Crest’s engine as she sailed towards Trask and Din’s occasional tread above you. You watched as he took his armor off, putting everything in its rightful place.
Careful of the baby, you moved to sit on the edge of the bunk. Din raised a brow at you and you made grabby hands towards him.
“Come kiss me,” you said.
He smiled. “Demanding, aren’t you?”
He leaned down and cradled your face in his hands before kissing you soundly, all tenderness and slow touches. You were drowsy and very in love; he took his time, murmuring words of praise and affection as he kissed all over your face. His fingers traced under your jaw, behind your ears, down your neck; it tickled a little and you giggled as you pulled away from him.
“Quit that,” you said, though you didn’t really mind it.
He chuckled. “Sorry. I won’t do it anymore. Come here.”
You did as he said; his touch was less feather-light, but still gentle. His hands were rough and calloused from years of hard work, but they held you carefully and showed you how much your husband loved you.
He pulled back after a moment and just looked at you, studying your face with that steady, understanding gaze. He started to smile, showing the laugh lines and dimples you loved so dearly, and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“What?” you asked.
He shook his head. “I can’t believe we’re having another baby.”
You beamed up at him. “Me either. Isn’t it wonderful?”
“Yes, it’s wonderful,” he agreed. He kissed you again. “You’re wonderful. My beautiful, wonderful wife.”
You felt your cheeks pink a little and nuzzled his jaw. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
He chuckled. “Thank you.” He tipped your chin up so you would meet his eyes, and brushed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“You’re such a good mother, cyar’ika,” he said, and you knew how much he meant it. “I’m so glad our children have you.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, thinking of your own mother, thinking of how Din had lost his.
“Thank you,” you said, your voice a little wobbly. You cleared your throat, but the sting of tears still lingered.
“Happy tears, cyare?” he asked gently, brushing away the few that fell.
You nodded and gave a watery laugh. “Sorry I keep crying. I’m just... very happy. I wish I had better words to say it.”
He smiled. “I know what you mean,” he said. “You can cry as much as you need to, cyar'ika.”
You pressed your mouth to his again, and he eased the ache of too much joy - sharing it with him was even better than feeling it alone, and you were so thankful you were going to raise your children with him.
“Come to bed, my love,” you said gently. He gave you a few parting kisses before he pulled back; he took a moment to study you, his gaze soft and affectionate as he looked first at you and then at your son cuddled up in your bunk.
He let you get settled first, and then lay next to you with your son cradled snugly between you. He rested his hand on your stomach, protective of you and the new little one.
“I love you,” he said.
You gave him a chase kiss and tangled your legs together under the blankets. “I love you too.”
You tried to keep up a little bit of conversation, keeping your voice soft so as not to wake your baby; Din didn’t seem overly tired yet, and you knew he liked to lay with you and talk before he fell asleep. But snuggled close like you were, warm and safe and happy, you couldn’t keep your eyes open; he gave a gentle laugh and brushed his hand over your cheek.
“It’s alright, cyare,” he said tenderly. “Sleep, if you need to. I’m not going anywhere.”
You let yourself relax as he gently combed his fingers through your hair, humming a Mandalorian lullaby to you. There in your husband’s arms with your baby held close, snuggled into your bunk that would soon hold four instead of three, you drifted to sleep happier and more content than you had ever been.
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pedro pascal character taglist: @punkgeekchic​, @tv-saved-the-teenage-girl​, @stardust-galaxies​, @theorganasolo​, @qhbr2013​ ♡
series taglist: @kyjoraven​, @sarahjkl82-blog​, @remmysbounty​, @bitchin-beskar​, @cosmicbreathe​, @prettyboyskywalker​, @happyxdayxbitch​​ ♡
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pretend-writer · 4 years
The Ghost Of You (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Klaus comforts Y/N after Ben’s death that happened during a mission. 
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: The Ghost of You x My Chemical Romance
Word Count: 1.1k words
Warning: mention of death, violence
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Everything happened so fast, the time was ticking quicker than the speed of my brain. By the time everything was processing in my mind, it was too late.
I had just fought off one of the robbers as I high kicked him in the face, making him unconscious. When my part was over with, I was going to help Ben who was right by me while our other siblings were clearing a different floor.
As I turned to give my brother a hand, I didn’t think my life would fall apart as quick as it did. It felt as though the whole room went silent as Ben fell to the ground, taking his last breath. The bank robbers with a pistol in his hand shot him right in the head.
Rage quickly rushed over my body as I ran toward the man who murdered my brother. With my martial arts skill and the extra energy I had from anger, I jumped onto the man and snapped his neck.
It was a slight thrill, making me feel better that I killed him for revenge but the sadness of losing my brother flushed right back. It didn't matter after all, it didn't bring Ben back.
Quickly rushing to my brother who was lying still on the ground, I hoped that he was still breathing. It was a long shot but I needed to know if I could heal him with my powers.
I've tried countless times to heal him but he was long gone. The bullet went straight through his brains and there was nothing I could do to get Ben back. We were next to each other fighting the group of robbers, there were so many things I could've done to prevent my brother from dying.
After the building cleared out from all the robbers, the rest of the siblings gathered around Ben. They were all in shock, not believing that we lost one of our own. I've wondered if they ever blamed me for his death.
Dad showed up a while later with Vanya on his side, I could never forget the look on his face when he saw Ben, lifeless and still. 'Who was Number Six's partner for this mission?'
'It was me.' I mumbled as tears fell down my cheeks, not being able to take my eyes off of Ben.
'We all know who's at fault then. Right, Number Eight?' He kept a straight face then turned around without saying another word.
I didn't know what hurt worse, Ben dying when he was my responsibility or disappointing dad when all I want to do it prove that I was great.
When we got home, dad announced that we will do a memorial for Ben first thing in the morning. As much as the house was quiet due to dad hating us talking unless told, that night was the most quiet it had been.
It was hard to look at my siblings in their eyes, I knew that they judged me for what I didn't do to save Ben. They haven't spoken a word, it could be because we were all grieving but I couldn't help but think that they hated me now.
Grace was the only one I talked to before bed; she gave me a goodnight kiss on the cheek and tucked me in just as she does every night. I've asked her if she thought my siblings hated me or if they were angry about what had happened. She said not to worry and that they were all just sad that their beloved brother passed away.
I wish I'd believed that.
That whole night all I did was toss and turn. No matter how much I tried to sleep, it was hard to keep the flashbacks from replaying in my head.
The design of the pistol the man had in his hand, the way Ben slowly hit the floor as if it was in slow motion. The smirk on the robber's dirty face when he saw that he didn't miss his shot. The words that came out of Reginald's mouth when he found out that Ben had died.
It was all haunting me but perhaps I deserved it. After all, I failed the mission and failed everyone in the family.
My pillow was practically soaking from all the tears as I thought of the worst day of my life. I hated every single moment of this day. Too bad Five was away and couldn't go back in time to stop everything from happening.
'Aw Y/N. Don't cry.' I heard Klaus' voice from my door, I didn't even notice it even opening.
I sat up as he walked into my room, sitting right beside me on the side of my bed. Klaus laid his hand on my shoulder and lightly smiled. 'It's not your fault.'
'It is... I could've saved him. I was too busy fighting off the other ones that I barely noticed him struggling. I should've known...'
'No it's not, okay?' Klaus sighed, 'Ben came into my room to tell me you were crying. That you were blaming all of this on yourself. Ben said it's not your fault.'
My head shot up, immediately putting the words he said together. Has Klaus contacted Ben through his powers? 'Wait. B-Ben's here?'
Klaus nodded, 'Yeah. He's standing across from us, actually.'
I tightly hugged Klaus, crying into his chest as more tears streamed down my face. 'Oh my-. Ben... Ben I'm so sorry.'
Caressing my back, Klaus soothed me to try to calm me down. 'He doesn't blame you, trust me. No one else does too, you know?'
'Dad blames me. I know that I could've healed him. I was just not there on time.'
'Ben said that he was gone before you killed that murderer.' Klaus kept eyeing the door, assuming that he was looking at Ben. 'He says nice kill by the way.'
I couldn't help but chuckle. Even when he wasn't around anymore, Ben always found a way to make me smile. 'Yeah now that I think about it, it was pretty extreme. I did it for you, Ben.'
Klaus smiled at me, then looked at Ben. Oh, how I wish I could just give him a big hug or at least see that he was doing alright.
'Hey, also dad is a prick. All the years we've grew up in this house and I have never seen that old man smile. Just a negative, lonely man he is.' Klaus tried to cheer me up, having the biggest grin on his face. 'Can wait to move the hell out of here. Do you want to come with?'
A smile formed on my face, something I'd never thought I'd do all day. 'You promise you're going to bring me with you?'
'Duh, Y/N.' Klaus laughed, 'Maybe Ben would join us too.'
I hugged my brother once again, just happy and appreciative that I had siblings that cared for me. 'Can't wait.'
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spahhzy · 3 years
Perennial (regret)
-a continuation off 'Promise' and based off Spiritbox's song 'Perennial'
*Dimension 52*
"You need to stop this Ruby" said Red head looked up with bags under her eyes as she had once again stared at the footage of her lover Jaune, saving that women from a falling building.
She stared at her sister who had a worried look on her face.
"You've been running non-stop with little to no sleep trying to find these three individuals to no end" Ruby just stared back at her saying nothing before looking back down at her scroll.
"Ruby you haven't even visited Ja-" Yang was cut off as Ruby stood up from her spot and began walking away from Yang only for Yang to put a hand on her shoulder.
"Where are you going" it wasn't a question but Ruby said nothing as she just shrugged off her sister's hand and made way to the door.
All that did was tick Yang off at her sister's difficult mood and as soon as Ruby opened the door it was automatically closed by Yang.
"You think your the only one suffering!?" She screamed at her but Ruby kept her gaze to the door only listening.
"He is our friend too! We are all grieving!" She said to her, eyed turning red in her anger but still Ruby said nothing.
"You'd think he'd want you destroying yourself like this?" More silence.
"Think he wants you running endless missions and chasing dead ends?" Still silence but Ruby tried opening the door once more which incensed Yang more.
"Damnit Ruby say something any God damn thing other then closing yourself off from me, your team, dad, NPR and anyone else!" Ruby gripped the door handle tight.
"I'm going to give you a task that you are to follow as Team Leader I order you to get out of my way" was all Ruby said to which Yang looked shocked as Ruby pulled rank on her.
Ruby still not looking at her opened the door and proceeded to leave.
As the door closed behind her she heard sniffles come from behind the door before walking away from the dorm room and out to Beacons court yard.
The sun was out but was stuck behind the clouds today signaling that it would rain today.
Ruby kept her gaze to the sky for a minute before looking down at her scroll looking at any job listing for any grimm today.
"Going somewhere shrimp" Ruby tilted her head to the voice finding her Uncle Qrow leaning against the building.
Ruby sighed before walking away.
"Ooh ice cold...I'd expect that from the schneeblings are you sure they ain't rubbing off on you" Qrow joked but Ruby paid him no mind mindlessly looking at different request on her scroll before accepting.
"Oooh a job to eliminate some grimm? Sounds fun count me in!" Qrow said to which Ruby turned and looked at him.
"No I don't need you on this mission...I have completed pl-"
"Yeah you completed plenty by yourself I've seen your track record...plenty by yourself not even taking your team with you" Ruby tensed at Qrows words before walking forward.
"You even reported taking no damage or injury and refusing help...hmm" Qrow said rubbing his chin in question as he followed behind Ruby.
"So shrimp where we going?" Qroe asked as Ruby looked at him.
"I'm going to Kuroyuri you are going to stay here and do whatever you please uncle" to which Uncle let out a 'hmm'
"Well that plan seems rather stupid don't you think? I'd much rather follow you and see how you do-"
"You've already seen how I've done...you checked my records and progress have you not? I think they speak for themselves" She said to which qrow had to admit she got him their.
"True...I have but I'd like to see first hand what your capable of and om not gonna back down on this...I'm going with you" to which Ruby rolled her eyes and accepted the inevitable.
"Fine but don't lag behind" She said coldly to which her uncle shivered jokingly at his nieces aura.
The travel to Kuroyuri wasn't long but the travel allowed Qrow to take notes on his niece behavior.
Any time he tried to strike up conversation all he'd get 'ha' or 'sure' and when it came to resting he'd catch her on her scroll looking at photos and videos all through the night. When morning came she seemed tired and her eyes were puffy as if she had been crying, but Qrow had heard no crying.
It was the last night before they would finally make it to the village.
Ruby was once again scrolling through pictures of her and Jaune.
"Have you gone and visited him?" Ruby looked up from her scroll at her uncle who was stoking the fire with a stick.
Ruby said nothing as she returned to looking at her pictures.
"Its been four months now Ruby...think you should take time off your busy schedule-"
" Shut up qrow" Ruby cut him off but Qrow pestered further.
"You can't keep putting this off...his family asks about you and wish you'd check on him-"
"I said SHUT UP uncle" Ruby gritted as she started to get frustrated and her uncle could sense that.
"Your acting like a brat...to you, your team, his team and your family!" He said before a hour of red filled his vision and all of a sudden he was on the floor a slight stinging on his cheek. He looked up to see Ruby breathing heavily her hand clenched in a fist.
She looked at him in shock before grabbing her weapon and started to walk into the forest.
"Where are you going?" Qrow said as Ruby just walked off saying nothing.
"She got quite the mean hook summer...sheesh" he said chuckling as he picked himself up off the floor before clearing out the campsite and began to chase after his niece.
Ruby stomped further and further into the forest trying to get far away from her uncle as possible all the while her mind was in turmoil.
"You think your the only one grieving!"
"He is our friend too!"
Trying to tune it out she kept walking forward unbeknownst to her she was being watched by red eyes.
"You should visit him...the family asks about you" on and on words of her family echoed and try as she might tuning it out wasn't working.
"Your acting like a brat"
"Shut up!" She yelled loudly as she huffed losing her breath for a moment.
Suddenly she heard a growling and moved her eyes to the darker part of the woods where she could only see one set of red eyes...which turned into two sets...three sets...now four.
Suddenly a pack of beowolves stalked slowly out of the darkness, preying on the girl's negative emotions that were radiating off her.
Ruby smiled as she unfolded Crescent Rose, she would blow off steam one way or another.
The pack leader a rather large Beowolf looked at her before snarling and lunging at her, to which Ruby met the grimm halfway Crescent Rose already pulled back ready to swing.
Qrow understood what his little niece was going through. He more then understood. Grief.
His little niece was grieving. Throwing herself mission after mission, dead end after dead end to keep her mind off the man she loved.
The man who was currently laying comatose in hospital room for the past four months.
Yeah he could understand grief just fine.
Many people deal with it differently.
He heard banging and snarling as well as howls of pain echo throughout the woods and qrow quickened his pace.
He finally made it to a clearing as he saw his niece lay flat on her back holding her scroll up.
"Ruby!" he made it too her she was covered I'm scratches and claw marks she was bleeding alot.
"Come on shrimp let's get you healed up" he said pulling out an Aura pill from his bag.
"Does it always hurt this bad uncle?" Ruby asked and qrow raised an eyebrow as he got a good look at her face to notice she was crying.
"Yeah Shrimp even if it's just a pack of beowolves-"
"I'm not talking about that..." she said as she kept staring at her scroll. Qrow got a good look and saw it was on of her and Jaune.
"I figured...I believed that if I...put myself through this much hurt...that this other pain would go away... or at the very least that maybe it wouldn't hurt this much" her voice trembled as her uncle worked hard to get her healed.
"I keep hearing him tell me how'd he keep that promise no matter what" she started to get choked up now.
"And all I see after is him...facedown in his own blood" finally her wounds had begun to heal as Qrow sighed looking at with a sad smile.
"I regret it...uncle...I regret that promise so much...this hurt...in my heart won't go away" She finally broke down as she dropped her scroll and covered her eyes woth her hand. Crying.
Qrow lifted her into a tight hug as Ruby's wails filled the forest.
For the 9 days of lancaster 'regret' prompt.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
in holt's voice: Pain. That's it.
He looked exhausted like he hadn’t slept at all.
I'm already sad and ready to murder
the baby...
David had never lost someone he loved.
this is fucking foreshadowing isn't it
But real strength was not in surviving the presence of pain. Real strength was in suviving the absence of love.
despite the chaos I'm glad to see these two interacting
The Consul leaned back in his chair and ran his hand through his beard. David had to admit, he looked damn good with it. Even if it made him seem even more intimidating than before.
yes boy YES
it's really hard not to smile right now but my camera is on and im supposed to be finding meanings of foreign words based on my own knowledge so-
“Max is too old for me to tell him what he is and isn’t allowed to do,” the Consul said – although he didn’t sound very happy about it.
It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay. It’s going to be okay.
let's hope so
Facts and figures, babe, Max had kissed his cheek last night. Dad likes facts and figures.
deep breathes
it'll be ok
“You’ve done your research,” the Consul nodded. There was a hint of approval in his voice that made David want to do a cartwheel.
“I’d like to take care of the New York institute,” David said now. “Because Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild took care of me.”
And for the first time that evening, the Consul smiled. David wanted to burst into song.
this is beautiful
David couldn’t help but find that endearing. He wondered what it felt like to be loved like that. He wondered what it felt like to have a father like that – a father who couldn't stop loving his child even for a moment.
A love that was endless and tireless.
Every time he was in the presence of the Lightwood-Bane family he was reminded of what he had lost and what every child deserved.
It made him sad.
But then he would remember. He would remember that Max had grown up knowing nothing but this. Max had grown up with nothing but love.
It made him happy.
alright come here let me hug you
UHUHSCUICDUH "Why do you not like me"
“I know I worry too much about Max,” the Consul said, his smile sad now. “But I can only worry now. I won’t always be there to worry over him.”
it's 9 am boy
"Why are you scared of me" HSUHYUKDUMKDS WELL YOU SEE-
all we can really do is replace the bad memories with happier ones...
“No,” the Consul said, and David’s heart almost stopped. “I mean, of course I care. But I don’t have to be hard on you to show you that I do. There are many ways to show people we care about them without hurting them.”
David thought of his father then. He remembered the way his father had drawn the agony rune on his wrist and promised him it was because he loved David and wanted him to be strong. The memory hurt.
Jace and Clary bestest
“I’m sorry for whatever I did to intimidate you,” the Consul apologized.
that is so alec oh my god 😭
David looked him in the eye. “You’re Alec Lightwood.”
The man looked confused. “Is that supposed to mean something?
I'm smiling so much right now because yeah
yeah I get what he's saying
David hadn’t known that boys were allowed to kiss other boys – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood’s Accords Hall kiss.
David hadn’t known fairy tales existed outside of books - not until he heard about Alec Lightwood adopting a warlock baby with Magnus Bane.
David hadn’t known love can literally change the world – not until he heard about Alec Lightwood changing the world for the man he loved.
don't make me cry during linguistics
“Well,” the Consul chuckled. “To be entirely honest, I did all of that for Magnus.”
as he should
“Everything I have ever done has always been for Magnus,” the Consul said, his voice oddly soft.
we're talking about some wall in class and im here trying not to cry
my teacher just asked why some of us have our cameras off WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY
“I don’t want to be a hero,” David confessed honestly. “I just thought if I ran away to a city full of heroes, they would protect me if someone tried to hurt me again.”
“What’s that?” the Consul frowned, pointing at his neck.
By the angel! David was going to have words with Max when he saw him again.
“Uh,” David said. “Mosquito bite.”
“Do you remember when Izzy got attacked by a demon in Edom?”
“And you drank my blood,” the Consul rolled his eyes.
“Aw,” the Dean of the Academy chuckled. “You do remember.”
poor David is stuck between them talking like this IM SCREAMING
He remembered the way Consul had blamed himself when Max had found the spoils room at the York Institute. The way he had believed he should have done better when his eldest son had been traumatized by foul rumours of the Clave.
oh honey no
There were people who got mad at themselves when things went wrong.
There were people who got mad at everyone around them when things went wrong.
While Alec Lightwood was the former, his son and David’s boyfriend, was definitely the latter.
I'm definitely both
“It wasn’t your fault,” David spoke up then. “When bad things happen to people, it’s because of the people who did those bad things. We shouldn’t atone for someone else’s sins.”
“Yeah. Stop atoning, dude,” the Dean said chuckled. “Listen to the boy.”
“And be careful,” the Consul said, his tone a little different now.
“I will keep an eye on-”
“No,” the Consul said and pointed at the hickey on David’s neck. “With Max. Be careful.”
David was pretty sure his face on fire.
“Um, we have the internet,” David pointed out.
The Consul blinked. “Right. Of course. The internet.”
ao3 and Wattpad
“If he gives you a hard time, don’t give up,” the man whispered like it was a secret. “You just need to weasel your way into his life.”
David chuckled. “Is that what you did?”
“Yeah, and then he had the audacity to get accidentally get drunk and confess his love in the middle of the night.”
“I did have a latte,” her mother said with a straight face.
Georgia didn’t find that funny.
I almost said "BECAUSE IT'S NOT FUNNY" before I realized that is exactly what I would've said
She knew her mother, like so many other people in her life, preferred to use humour to cope with the pain. They preferred to hide their pain away from other people.
Georgia never understood why people did that. Did they think others didn’t know what pain felt like? Everyone was in pain all the time – some kind of it at least. Everyone knew how to cope with it. So, it made more sense to share it than to carry it all by yourself.
i...I never look at it that way
Apparently, hand holding had special healing abilities at times like this.
yeah it really does
Georgia had hoped to find out herself. She had wondered so much about the baby.
tears. literal tears
It didn’t matter that Georgia had wanted to name the baby Abigail after the first iron sister. It didn’t matter that her father wanted to name the baby Jonathan to piss off Uncle Jace.
Abigail Jonathan Lightwood-Lovelace
People said that poison was a coward’s weapon. But Georgia didn’t think so. It wasn’t easy to make poison. It wasn’t easy sneak it into the right place at the right time.
Whoever did this, they were not cowards. They were smart and they should be feared.
yeah, what did happen during the trial?
uh is Selena ok?
like genuinely
is she just a very heavy sleeper or...
Because sometimes the only comfort you needed was your mom.
Except for random parts of the house that were incredibly organized – a sign Uncle Jace had been there
“I’m staying in New York, mom. I’m going to help Selena and the centurions find out who did this to me,” her mother said, her words a promise. “And once I do, I’m going to strangle them with my whip.”
Yes you will
Anjali and Rafe
please be ok. please
ok I know that's not how it works but IM DESPERATE
her bedroom seems amazing though
Rafael gave so much shit to his dad because the other man had the habit of watching his husband sleep.
But now he sort of understood the fascination.
“You do ballet?” he asked, holding up the ballet shoes.
slightly reminds me of rosa
the red binder
it's fucking genius
David can keep his flowers and cookies and scarves.
This, what he held in his hands right now, was the best thing anyone could ever give him. A file full of reforms to make the clave better.
“You think I want to die and leave the Council in your cishet hands?”
“I don’t care what the Clave needs,” Rafael snapped, and Anjali momentarily looked taken aback. “I need you.”
he needs her
“Bulgaria is known as the land of roses,” Rafael told her. “The Sofia Institute is built in the middle of a rose garden.”
“Oh,” Anjali’s eyes momentarily softened. “I like roses.”
you know that tiktok trend? the one which goes "listen it's a good joke it's a great joke even but i need you to stop" or smth like that?
His hand was itching to reach out and hold hers. So, he did just that. He reached out – very carefully – and took her hand in his own.
“I need you to get better, Anjali,” he whispered. “Cause I would very much like to take you there.”
no she's not becoming a vampire
The part that was the shadowhunter – which told him she didn’t deserve to die over some angelic mishap.
The part that was the future Consul – which told him he needed Anjali on his side.
The part that was a Lightwood-Bane – which told him he should never give up fighting.
And then there was the part that was Rafael – just Rafael.
It told him he had to save his heart – no matter the consequences.
we're talking about some powerplant in geography and I'm crying over this
Anjali please please don't die
“Not everything,” Rafael told her. “I know someone who can help.”
“Well, now we don’t know that for sure!” Max grinned. “Who knows what they get up to? Maybe there is someone occasional boning in the bone city.”
“How does manage to get more insufferable every time I meet him?” Jackson demanded.
i...never looked at it that way
Max grinned widely at the other boy. “You wanna be my immortal buddy, Jack-Jack?”
“The boys are back” he yelled, hugging David and Jackson. “Ty, our boys are back! Yas! The London Boys are back!”
“Okay it’s a little disrespectful when you call her by the same name you call me,” Max pointed out.
“True,” Jackson nodded. “Irene shouldn’t be disrespected like that.”
"It’s hard being a celeb,” Max sighed dramatically.
“He is referring to the chaos you unleashed the last time you went there,” Jackson rolled his eyes. “People still remember you.”
“I’m memorable. It’s not my fault,” Max shrugged.
Max no more gambling bestie
“If the assassination attempt on Magnus had been successful, we wouldn’t be sitting and talking like this,” Kit pointed out. “The nephilim and downworlders would be at war.”
As they should. No one hurts Magnus
“So the target isn’t just Magnus Bane?” Jackson asked.
“Possibly,” Ty nodded. “The Consul and his husband…They are the ones who united the shadow world – with the Alliance. With their marriage. So, it’s not surprising that someone – seelie or not – wants to break it all down.”
with every line, I get closer to a breakdown
“There are people all around me to protect me from demons and crazy assassins,” Max smiled. “But you…You protect me from myself. So, don’t give me that I’m not good at protecting bullshit.”
so precious...
“Now let’s go find out which dumbass thought it would be a good idea to try and kill Magnus Fucking Bane.”
i have a few torture methods in mind
If shadowhunters couldn’t fight demons, it would put both downworlders and mundanes in danger. His father’s Clave – small as it was – did their best to keep the demons at bay. They were the only thing keeping the shadow world safe from demons.
Ikr?? Like David said earlier Alec's clave is literally the one doing the actual shadowhunting.
“Jackson is incredibly smart and perceptive. He knows what is good for him, David. He chose you to be his best friend. He has accepted that his family is gone for good and is finally focusing on his future. If this is what he wants to do and if this is who he wants to be, then you should trust that he has thought this through. He wouldn’t have chosen this life if he thought he wouldn’t be happy with it.”
i just want to talk 🙂
“Great,” Max said, feeling frustrated. “So, someone created a fancy new poison just to kill my parents.”
“They did say something else,” Kit said, his tone worried. “The poison…It’s not entirely made of demonic properties.”
“Oh?” David said.
“It’s a mixture of angelic and demon properties,” Ty Blackthorn said. “And we know that-”
“Seelies,” Max whispered. “They have both angel and demon blood.”
Is anyone else scared?
It's an angel and prince of hell working together?
ok that seems highly unlikely
“I don’t think you have a choice, bud,” Kit giggled. “Mina will have your head if you don’t get married. She has been working on a Pinterest board for years now.”
I'm absolutely loving all this angst so much. You said chapter 9 was the most angsty and frankly I can't wait :p
I love how you are complaining but also thirsting for angst yall crazy.
I hope you are taking care of yourself and working on your entry for the competition!!!!!
Also the "we're talking about some wall in class" killed me lmao I laughed so hard fdhvjd.
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I love all of your zuko fic's so much♥️ could you write an angst one when he betrays the water bender reader in ba sing se and they were dating at that time?
Omg, thank you so much! I love writing for Zuko. I'm such a sucker for angst, this literally just hurt me by reading the request. I swear I'm SO bad at choosing titles, but besides that I really liked how this ended up Anyways, I hope you like it!
Heartbreak and Betrayal (Zuko x Reader)
Warnings: Mentions of death.
Genre: Angst.
Fandom: Avatar, The Last Airbender
Summary: See Request
Word Count: 2105
part 2
I've been living in Ba Sing Se for a little over two months now. I ran away from the Northern Water Tribe in order to be free; I didn't want to use my bending for just healing and domestic things. I was a fighter; I had been my whole life, ever since my parents died.
I still didn't know the whole city, so I was really happy when I found a tea shop one day. A pretty new tea shop. I started spending a lot of my time there, going almost every day, not only to drink tea but also because it was calm enough for me to draw peacefully. I had been lucky enough to find a place to stay with a loving family in the upper ring of the city, but I couldn’t get much alone time.
I had been here for a few hours already and it was getting late. I got up, picking up my things and instead of heading towards the exit, I walked over to Mushi.
"Do you need someone to work for you?" I asked abruptly and quite desperately actually. I was running out of money, and I was scared for my future. It definitely hadn't been wise of me to spend that much money on tea. "Please, sir, I'll do anything you need to"
He looked at me a bit sad and I almost started crying at his expression. Then, he looked at the boy a couple of meters away from him.
"What do you think, Lee? Should we help this little kid?"
I looked at him, hopeful, but the boy didn't seem to care much.
"You know, we do have a lot of clients and maybe one waiter isn't enough".
"I-Is that a yes, sir?" I asked.
"You can call me Mushi, kid. And yes, it is a yes" I hugged the old man and he hugged me back, I was so happy. "Now, you are one of our best clients, but I'm afraid I don't know your name".
"Oh, I'm (Y/N)" I said. "Thank you so much, Mushi, when do I start?"
I stayed a little more, listening to Mushi as he told me all I needed to know to start tomorrow. I said goodbye to both of them and walked to my place with a smile on my face.
I never thought I'd be so happy to have a job; I loved spending my time at the shop. Over time, I grew closer to Mushi, who was always kind to me. However, my relationship with Lee was a bit weird: he rarely talked to me and when he did, he was very serious. I figured he didn't like me, but I didn't let it bother me. The thing is I was wrong: I guess we just needed some time to get to know each other.
It was pretty obvious to everyone that I had a huge crush on him; to everyone except Lee himself. His uncle had told me several times that he definitely felt the same, and that he didn't know how to act on his feelings but I wasn't so sure about that. Still, one day I decided to take a chance and ask him out on a date. He said yes, and the rest was history.
We've been dating for a little while and, honestly, I was extremely happy. I grew up thinking I would get married to some unknown man, forced to be only a healer and practically a servant, so this was all new to me. When I ran away, I thought I'd never find love, but I was wrong. Maybe I was being a bit rushed, but I knew I loved Lee. He was so sweet to me, and he always made me laugh. He was very understanding when I told him why I had run away from home. I always found comfort in the warmth of his skin since mine was always a bit cold, and he didn't mind; it was so funny to place my cold hands on his back from time to time, surprising him with my cold touch. I loved the sound of his laugh and I loved him even more.
We were about to close the shop when a man came in unexpectedly, giving Mushi a scroll with a message from the Royal Palace. We had been invited to serve tea to the Earth King! Or at least, they did.
Next day, when I heard a knock on the door and heard Mushi was looking for me, I got worried; he was supposed to be at the Palace with Lee. Of course, I immediately went with him.
"What's going on, Mushi?" I asked concerned.
"There are a lot of things going on right now" he answered. "We’ve been lying this whole time. My name is not Mushi, I’m Iroh, and Lee’s name is Zuko. We’re Fire Nation refugees".
I had a lot of questions, even more with every passing second, but he told me to follow him and that he would explain later. I nodded and we started walking, almost running. We stopped in front of a door and I wanted to ask who we were looking for, but I didn’t have any time since someone had opened the door.
"Hey, glad to see you’re okay" said a little girl.
"I need your help" said Iroh.
The two other boys in the room started to wonder how the little girl knew Iroh, but I didn’t pay them much attention. I was lost in my own thoughts.
"May we come in?" They agreed and so we entered the house. "Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se. She has captured my nephew, as well".
"Wait, what do you mean she captured Lee?" I asked, worried about my boyfriend and not thinking about saying his actual name.
"Who’s Lee?" asked the Water Tribe boy, but no one paid much attention to him.
"We’ll work together to fight Azula and save Katara and Zuko" said the other boy.
"Whoa, there. You lost me at Zuko".
"I know how you must feel about my nephew, but believe me when I tell you, there is good inside him". I stood there, not knowing what to do. I just couldn’t understand why he wouldn’t want to help Lee. He was the sweetest person I had ever met.
After exchanging some more words, they decided to help us.
"Wait, who are you?" asked me the Water Tribe boy looking at my blue clothes and making everyone look at me.
"I’m (Y/N), I’m dating Lee- I mean, Zuko" the three of them stood there, a bit shocked, but we didn’t have any time for explanations, so we quickly started moving.
We decided to split up. Iroh, this Aang kid and I were going to look for Zuko and a girl named Katara. While walking down the tunnel, Aang and Iroh exchanged a conversation, but I just couldn’t stop thinking about Zuko and everything that was happening. I still had a lot of questions and not even one single answer.
We eventually got to the catacombs, and it wasn’t long until we found Katara and Zuko. Iroh immediately hugged Zuko and then I did. He hugged me back and buried his face on my neck.
"I’m glad you’re okay… Zuko" I said.
"Y-You know?" he asked surprised.
"Your uncle told me". He tried to explain but I interrupted him. "It's okay, I still like you the same"
He smiled and I did too, even though I wanted to say that I didn't just like him, but that I still loved him the same way.
We rapidly split up again and Iroh started talking with Zuko while I was looking around the catacombs. Suddenly, everything started moving and I could see that Iroh was trapped. I hid myself the moment I heard a girl’s voice. Since she called him Prince Zuko, I realized she must have been the princess and therefore, his sister. She was trying to convince him to join her and Iroh kept telling him that he shouldn’t listen to her.
Then, I heard Katara’s voice again, and the Princess started attacking her. When she was distracted, I decided to help them and use my bending to try to stop her. And then something I never would’ve expected happened: Zuko decided to attack Aang. I just couldn’t believe it.
I could tell Katara didn't need any help against Azula, but I still decided to help her fight the Princess. I didn’t have time to stop and think about Zuko’s actions, I had to act and do something. The course of the fight changed, and now Katara was fighting the Prince and I was about to try to stop Azula from hurting the Avatar.
"(Y/N), stop!" screamed Zuko.
"You don’t get to tell me what to do right now!" I was angry, and I felt betrayed. He was going to let her kill Aang.
He threw fire at me and caught me by surprise, so I bent down while covering my face, which resulted in my arm getting burned. I let out a scream and immediately looked at Zuko. For a moment I saw regret in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced with anger.
When Aang got hit, they both decided to go after Katara, and I tried to help her, but my arm just hurt too much and I didn’t have any time to heal it; I definitely was going to have a scar. When she got thrown against a rock, Azula started attacking me. I ignored my pain and started defending myself.
"Wait, don’t hurt her!" he said, getting closer to me.
"Stay away. I don’t want you anywhere near me ever again, Zuko" I threw water at him, pushing him away. I could feel tears running down my face. "I trusted you! I thought you might even feel the same way I did, but I guess you don’t".
"What do you mean, (Y/N)?"
"I love you, Zuko! Or at least, I loved the person I thought you were. But you’re not that person anymore, maybe you never were!"
"I do love you! Just let me explain, please-"
"No, Zuko. You don’t betray the people you love". I didn’t care anymore about him seeing me cry, and I could tell he was trying not to let the tears run down his face. I had so many emotions inside of me, I was angry, sad, disappointed, and even ashamed of myself for trusting him. And there were so many things I wanted to say, but I just couldn’t get the words out of my mouth.
Suddenly, the Dai Li appeared, and now we definitely were outnumbered. I quickly ran to Katara, who was getting ready to attack again. Then, Aang put some rocks around him and we all were waiting to see what he was doing. When he got out, his eyes and tattoos were glowing but it didn’t last long since Azula decided to throw lightning at him. The other waterbender and I looked at each other and used our bending to try to catch him before hitting the ground. Thankfully, she did, and I remained ready to attack in case we needed to. When Azula was about to throw fire at us, Iroh stopped her.
"You’ve got to get out of here. I'll hold them off as long as I can" he said.
‘’Go, Katara, I’ll help him" I said.
"No, (Y/N), go with her". When I heard Iroh’s voice, I looked at him confused. He definitely was going to get caught, and he needed help.
He started throwing fire and I still stood behind him, not knowing how to react, or what to do. I didn’t want to, but my eyes immediately landed on Zuko, who was already looking at me. He started walking towards me and I could see his lips moving but I just couldn’t -nor wanted to- hear him.
"(Y/N), let’s go!" Katara said behind me. I got out of my trance and went to her, helping her bend the water from the waterfall.
"Wait, (Y/N), please!" said Zuko quite desperately. But I didn’t pay any attention to him, I wouldn’t let him trick me again.
While we were getting out of there, I looked at him in the eyes. He was crying and kneeling on the floor, asking me to come back. I started crying and closed my eyes, trying to get him out of my head since I didn’t want to see him ever again.
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emletish-fish · 3 years
7. what is you favorite sentence/paragraph? read it to us! (asker can choose what fic) (x)
I chose three! One from each of my 'big fics'. No Zombies, Worst Prisoners and Good Boys under the cut:
No Zombies was a delight to write. I had pretty much the whole idea from the get-go, (of a returned style AU with Hector coming to spend time with the family in the modern world). I finished it quick - and it's not too long (side-eyeing Good Boy and Worst Prisoner). It was the first fic where I felt like I really "stuck" the landing. I was quite flexible with my original outline, but I still knew where the journey ended. It ended exactly how I wanted it too - happily but with a bitter-sweet note.
The emotional core of this story is how Elena, family matriach, who is so gruff and no-nonsense, who despises Hector in the films, and who has such a warm heart under such a grumpy exterior would slowly soften and come to love Hector, (and how she grows as a person because of this and becomes more comfortable showing love/emotions to her family). It was like a platonic slow-burn as she learns to understand Hector better - which is why this bit is my favourite because it's where she starts to really feel fond of him for the first time:
“Well, I'm just glad I'm a better teacher for him than watching old Ernesto De La Cruz movies.” Héctor had replied with a wry smile. “It's probably because I'm so much more handsome than that butt-chinned, over-the-top ham.”
“Because you're a pointy-chinned, over-the-top ham?” Elena replied, feeling surprising witty. She never made teasing jokes like this normally, but it was so easy with Héctor.
He looked mock-offended. “I'll have you know, my chin is wonderful and I've given it to several of your grandchildren, so there.”
If Elena was a different person, she probably would have pulled Héctor into a warm, laughing hug then. She might have told him seriously that Miguel had always been difficult for her. He felt things so strongly and got so upset and emotional – she'd always struggled with how to help him, how to calm him. Miguel was so happy now. She knew that was because of Héctor.
She might have told Héctor that he was at least six thousand times the musician, eight thousand times the teacher, and ten thousand times the man that Ernesto De La Cruz was.
But Elena was who she was.
Instead she said “Idiot,” and ruffled his stupidly messy hair rather fondly.
She told herself she wasn't warming to the fool musician, but she knew it was a lie.
My current work. It's another platonic slow-burn, but this time set in the Cobra Kai universe with son and father pair - Robby Keene and Johnny Lawrence. In the show, these two characters have such a dysfunctional relationship that is so full of miscommunications and missed chances, and they genuinely want a better relationship (and it would be so healing for both of them! Do not get me started!) I lean much more into the magical realism in this story, as I turned Robby into a dog (Animal transformation - PIXAR's Brave style), so that he could immediately get the cuddles and easy affection he so clearly needs.... because I have never seen a more touch/affection-starved character aside from Zuko in ATLA.
This also gave Robby a chance to really understand, not only his father, but the other people in his cicrcle. He discovered he had a support network. He got to know he was loved by many. he got to witness the actions people would take as they searched for human-him (not knowing that he'd been turned into a dog). And it gave Johnny a chance to learn how to take care of something, feel needed, and express his love for his son without the weight of their complicated history/his own trauma hanging over him. It was hard to pick a favourite, but I will say the Johnny-stream-of-conciousness chapters are definitely the easiest/most fun to write. One of my favourite bits is in the first one, The queen of ice-cream runaway when Johnny tells Robby about when Laura (his grandmother) found out Shannon was pregnant and she was going to be a grandmother.
It's the first inkling Robby gets that while his father wasn't there for him and he was neglected a lot, Johnny did his best to keep the bad shit from his own childhood away from Robby as his own way of showing care. It hints at the deep and damaging abuse Johnny endured. When he finally had a say with his own kid, he would have done anything to protect Robby from feeling the same. I'd say here is where Robby really begins to warm to his Dad;
Then I told her our chosen name and she said I was a dumbass and Swayze was a terrible middle name, and we had to change it to some shit like Alastair or something. She thought he should have a rich sounding middle name. And I say Mom, Alastair sounds like some lame-ass insurance broker who upskirts his secretary and then cries as he jerks off to the pictures, what else you got? She thought Sebastian, and that was worse! What a pussy name.  Sebastian is going to be sitting in the little french patisserie cafe drinking the tiny-ass coffee for dolls and eating the éclair with his prissy finger tips. I already want to kick Sebastian's ass. Who wouldn’t? I’m not going to give my kid a name that is going to get his ass kicked.
And she couldn't talk, cause she named me after Johnny Cash, just cause she liked his music. And she couldn't think of a middle name at the time, so I didn't get one. Thank goodness. I could have ended up Johnny Alastair and had to kick my own ass.
So Swayze stayed.
Then she mentions how she and Sid can help out, so I didn't need to do the two jobs, stupidly long hours thing. And we need the money. I know we need the money. But my whole body froze and I just went No. None of that for little Robby Swayze. ...
... She’s going on about spending Sid’s money on Robby and I just...I can’t. I can't allow it. Cause I knew how he would be, and the way he would treat that kid. So I tell her, no thank you. Not a fucking cent mom.  Sid’s not getting to feel like he owns a hair on Robby’s head. That motherfucker can go jump. You thought we needed Sid’s money when I was a kid. You decided it was better for me, and that was your choice. I did not get a vote in that. But this is my kid, and this time it is my call, and I am choosing no. I’m not going to have Sid make my kid feel like he has to apologise for existing every day. I'm not going to have Sid treat my kid the way he treated me. I will never need money that badly. I will never put my kid through that. I'll work myself to the bone doing 20 hour days before that. I'll work on the 40th floor without a harness before that.  I will sell my fucking organs before it comes to that. Not a cent mom.
My 'what if Zuko made friends with the Gaang early on?" AU that then turned into a three-book long saga (and I will return to it, Worst Prisoner readers - Thank you for you patience). It does have evenutal Zutara, but the focus is really on the Gaang + Zuko as a whole, and all the interpersonal relationships. I'd say there is more gen-shipping around Zuko as a central character, as Iroh & Zuko, and Sokka & Zuko are both given equal prominence. in fact, all the friendships and familial relationships were equally important to me. (the book 3 Zuko & Azula stuff is so interesting, but it is ...less funny I guess.)
This fic is such a joy to write, and I really try and balance the humour with the bittersweet/sad parts, and one of the main sources of humor was the Sokka-Aang-Zuko -Katara qudrangle of dumbassery. I love the four of them together in book 1, and so many of their interactions were a hoot to write. But if I'd have to pick a favourite moment, it would be the moment in the deserter chapter in book 1, where they all decide to 'officially' be friends:
“Well, you can figure that out and find someone while I'm up in the Northern Water Tribe. Then when we finish up there, we'll come find you,” Aang offered.
“Really?” Zuko’s eyes were shining optimistically. It was a strange expression for him. Aang was so used to seeing him with a grumpy face.
“Really, I promise,” Aang said, feeling so glad that he could help Zuko go home.
“Yeah, I second that. If this means we won’t have to put up with you chasing us, I am in!” Sokka said. “Sheesh, you could have just asked ages ago!”
“You know, this means I was right,” Aang started to say, feeling very vindicated. The others looked at him curiously. “If we had just talked about friendship in the forest, we could have sorted this out weeks ago!”
“Boo, forest friendship!” Sokka said.
“Don't boo him,” Katara admonished, elbowing her brother.
“I agree with Sokka. There's no way I would have appreciated that speech weeks ago, Aang,” Zuko said.
Sokka smiled at Zuko for saying he agreed with him. It actually wasn't that rare of an occurrence, but it still seemed to surprise Sokka every time.
“See, Aang, forest friendship is bullshit,” Sokka said.
“I didn't say that!” Zuko cut in. “I just meant, maybe … I had to be dragged all over the Earth Kingdom by you guys ... and shot ... and taken to nonsense fortune tellers ... and I had to be forced to eat Sokka's truly terrible and disgusting cooking—”
“—and I had listen to Aang lecture me about friendship and vegetarianism in the forest just so I could come here.” He looked around at the deserters’ camp site. “I dunno, maybe it was meant to be this way.”
“What are you saying? You want to be forest friends with Aang now?” Sokka asked accusingly.
“I mean, sure. If Aang will have me, we can be friends,” Zuko said, and looked uncertain.
“Yay! I knew you'd want to be my friend,” Aang said, feeling delighted.
He was so happy he had a Fire Nation friend again. Kuzon had been an amazing friend, even though he'd gotten Aang into so many sticky situations. He had already thought Zuko was his friend, but it was nice to make it official. Aang always knew the Fire Nation had good people in it too, and now he had been proven right. He jumped up and gave Zuko a huge hug.
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nevermindirah · 3 years
I am but a sad little trans man who absolutely wants to know your thoughts on immortals capabilities to transition because I have thoughts and they make my depressed little trans heart hurt because how in the world could they transition if their bodies heal everything?
Hi! Sending you hugs because I've been struggling with the exact same thoughts! I wrote this lil meta last month but I don't like it and my brain keeps interrupting things like my job and trips to the grocery store to get me working on this puzzle.
From what we see in the movie, our elderly friends have regular-human healing, just faster and MORE, plus magic. We have canon evidence of how this works with wounds/injuries and can infer from there about how their immortality would handle infections, genetic/physiological/autoimmune/etc disorders, malnutrition/dehydration/etc, mental illnesses, and dental stuff, as well as things that bodies do that aren't necessarily bad but often need medical care — like pregnancy and gender transition. (I’m not a medical professional, just a nerd who loves a good Wikipedia rabbithole.)
Let's start with an easy one. Nile's hand healing after she stuck it in the fire is just a lickety-split version of what would happen to a regular human with a small skin wound: clotting, inflammation, rebuilding, healed.
When Nile yeets herself and pharma bro out the window of the topmost tower, we see the same thing happen again but bigger, plus we see several of her bones pop themselves back into place, and presumably any blood vessels that got torn up magically correct themselves under her skin. Humans have been surviving injuries like major bone fractures for a very long time but a bone that heals without medical intervention to realign the fractured pieces might heal at a new angle, meaning it doesn't work as well anymore, and it might cause damage to surrounding organs/tissues and leave a lot of scar tissue or a chronic wound. But Nile only needs Booker and Nicky keeping her upright for barely a minute and then she's walking around on her own just fine.
A large wound that breaks deeply through the skin, like Nile's sliced throat or Booker's exploded abdomen, can be survivable for a regular human if it doesn't irreparably damage critical organs and if you can get medical attention before you bleed out, but even with modern medical intervention the results are rough. Jay and Dizzy aren't wrong for being deeply weirded out by Nile's flawless neck: even with the best plastic surgeons in the world on the case, closing up a wound like that will leave scar tissue that affects both appearance and function.
So, we've got immortality magic moving bones back into place, restarting stopped hearts and lungs and brains, rebuilding major structures like arteries and intestines, healing up wounds without scar tissue, pushing out bullets, and otherwise handwaving the big stuff. But it's not a magic wand, it’s a process, and bigger wounds take longer. It's like these people's mitochondria have little gnomes in there with schematics to rebuild their bodies to factory default.
From how these bodies handle wounds we can infer that they'd handle pathogens / infectious diseases the same way: inflammation, white blood cells attack, byebye plague see you never. And if these bodies are resetting bones and rebuilding organs, they're probably also correcting genetic disorders and shifting around physiological problems like bone spurs. So let's keep on inferring.
What if, instead of every death erasing hormone replacement therapy and gender-affirming surgery and leaving a trans immortal detransitioned over and fucking over again, what if the magic that governs immortality considers dysphoria-causing body parts just like any other wound to heal?
What if Booker is a trans man, and he's got that sweet muscle mass and that height and that beard that comes all the way up his cheeks because he's been on the wonder drug that is testosterone for over 200 years? What if immortality was all "we see you've been hung from the neck until dead, and your eyes have been pecked out, and also you have all these hormones that turn your body into a shape that makes you miserable — we're gonna fix all that" and then regenerated his pecked-out eyeballs and unsnapped his neck and undid the results of months of insufficient food AND ALSO started pumping him with the fantasy version of HRT so his chest started to reduce and his fat redistributed itself and his beard started coming in?
Who's to say that's not how it works?
All my dysphoria is social — I'm fine with my body for the most part and I CANNOT STAND when people assume things about my gender, because of my body or for any other reason. We see pretty clearly with Booker that mental illness isn't magically healed the way physical injuries are, and I think that's because the causes of mental illness are a combination of physiology/chemistry stuff and things like our beliefs about ourselves and the world, our experiences of trauma, and our experiences of getting our needs met or not. If I were immortal I could maybe break up with my SSRI, but it wouldn't stop me from getting misgendered — I'd still have to find a way to cope with the ongoing trauma of that. Having to navigate hundreds of cultures' ideas about gender when my gender is "uhhhhh" sounds like absolute hell for me, no thank you, do not want.
But for my fellow trans people whose dysphoria is primarily body-related, and for my social-dysphoria pals whose gender is something nearly every human being would recognize and all they need is to pass, how about let's make an executive decision that immortality includes HRT for anybody who needs it, with no psych eval or begging your insurance company or poking yourself with needles, and just like with wound healing it's like regular HRT but faster and more. HRT so powerful and so magical that it gives you the best possible version of the results you want and none of the results you don't. If I had the option to go on HRT for just like one or two changes but not the whole battery of things I would fucking do that, and if I were to join our elderly friends, maybe I could.
This might be easier on transmasc immortals than transfeminine ones, because testosterone's effects are basically impossible to reverse. But also you can't just keep waking back up after repeatedly drowning for 500 years, so fuck it. We're making an executive decision here.
Estrogen that grows your breasts and softens your dick but doesn't lessen your ability to orgasm. Immortality magic that makes your beard go away and maybe shrinks your height an inch or two or six. Maybe Quynh is trans and one time a few thousand years ago she got injured in battle worse than Booker's grenaded belly and she woke up an hour later with a vulva and a uterus and now her body is just like that. Factory reset.
I subscribe to the "God made wheat and grapes but not bread and wine so humans could share in the act of creation" model of transness and I personally feel very weird about the idea of immortality magically giving a trans immortal cisnormative genitals the same way it resets bones. There's no one right way to have a pussy or a dick, you know? Maybe Quynh woke up from a catastrophic gut wound in like 800 BCE with a constructed vagina rivaling the best our modern money can buy, without a uterus but with a clit that's just as magical as anybody else's.
I've been thinking about writing a Book of Nile fic with trans man Booker, which is why the two of them are most of my examples here. It would include porn, because apparently I can't write more than 1500 words about them without writing porn, so I need to think more about what's going to feel good for me and other trans people who might read it and won't accidentally facilitate cis people objectifying us. Like, I've thought in a lot of detail about what a clit enlarged by that many centuries of testosterone might look and feel like, and that specific experience is not mine so I'm treading carefully.
Cis people are welcome to reblog this! Fellow trans folks are welcome to join me in the act of creation on this post ;)
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