#I’d like for at some point for it to be answered why the women are excluded from this
honorthysalad · 7 months
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Hikaru’s mom compilation. 3 times she shows up. Outside of this- I think she’s mentioned three times: cut up some watermelon, one of the reasons Hikaru doesn’t want to die, and then to say she, along with the hikaru’s grandma, doesn’t know anything about Hichi-san.
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highvern · 3 months
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Drive Me Crazy
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x f!reader
Genre: smut
warnings: strangers to lovers, virgin!JK, dry humping, oral sex, cum eating
Length: ~3.7k
Note: yes i'm insane. no i won't be taking further questions. thank u @gyuswhore for chaperoning my descent into JK madness
summary: You're not the only one with a shitty dating life. Your driver seems to be having a worse night than you can imagine. But things take a turn for the better in the backseat of his car.
This blog is intended for 18+ only! Minors/blank blogs will be blocked.
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“Uber for Y/N?” you ask, stumbling into the backseat. “Thanks. God, you wouldn’t believe the night I’ve had.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” the man, Ian according to the information on the app, gasps. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” You’re a wreck; makeup running, clothes damp from the rain peppering on the window. The last thing you want is some hot guy as your driver for the short journey back to your apartment but at this point you can’t muster the energy to care. 
“You probably don’t want to hear about my shitty night.”
“Well that and—” he starts, cut off before he can say more by your tipsy motormouth. 
“Where does a man get off telling me he isn’t interested in gold diggers when he’s a public school teacher? No offense but what gold?” you ramble. “Not to mention, when I told the waiter to split the bill he asked if I thought he didn’t have any money. Like make up your mind dude.”
“What the fuck?” he asks lowly.
You nod in agreement, hands thrown wide in exasperation. “That’s what I’m saying!”
“That’s fucked up.”
The thickness of his voice doesn’t register in your mind, a broken edgy scratching at the edges of your brain but it doesn’t signal any significant interest “Oh, that's not even the worst part.”
“There’s more?”
“He said ‘I asked too many personal questions.’”
“What he liked to do for fun, if he’s originally from the city, do you like dogs or cats? Literally anything I could think of because apparently he’s allergic to carrying a conversation.” In your hand, your phone rings with an unsaved number. “Hello?”
“Hi, this is your Uber. Did you mean to cancel your ride?”
“Ian from Uber? I’ve been circling the block and haven’t found you and you weren’t answering your phone.”
“Oh! I’m sorry I’ll just—cancel. Yep. Bye.” You stare at the equelly unease expression on Not-Uber Driver Ian’s face, muddled brain racing. If he isn’t your driver that means you got into the car with a random man. 
“Who the fuck are you?” you scream. 
“Who the fuck are you?” he yells back.
You fiddle with the door handle, unable to grab a hold with shaky hands. “Oh my god, you’re a kidnapper.”
“I’m not a kidnapper!”
“That’s what a kidnapper would say!” You fumble for the pepper spray in your bag only to find it absent. It’s not your usual bag. It’s the nicer one that barely fits your phone and chapstick. Damn it.
“YOU GOT IN MY CAR,” he argues.
He makes a good point. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I tried but you talk a lot.” 
Another good point.
“Oh my god, what the hell,” you gasp. “Why are you sitting here with the doors unlocked? I could have robbed you.”
“I used my last five bucks to buy this ice cream. Just kill me instead.”
You balk. “That’s so sad.” 
“Yeah, I’m aware.”
“You’re a horrible kidnapper.”
“And you’re a pretty shitty carjacker so I’d say we’re even.”
If he was dangerous he's had plenty of time to prove it. Instead, when he looks back over the center console, all you see is the red rimmed eyes of a kicked puppy with a bird nest for hair. A ridiculous expression for a man of his size but you pity him nonetheless. He’s harmless. Pathetic. But harmless. 
There’s a story about him and you’ve always been curious. “Okay, not-Ian, why are you sitting in a parking lot eating ice cream on a Friday night? Kidnapper thing aside, this is just sad.” 
He’s hot. Even in nothing but sweats and his own misery. The intimidating kind of handsome that people, men and women, pine over. Hand themselves over on a silver platter if he so much as asked.
“Thanks,” he grunts, going for another spoon of ice cream. 
“So why are you upset?” The rain outside intensifies, setting the scene to bare your souls in his cramped Toyota.
“Ugh…” he hesitates. 
“You don’t have to tell me, but I don’t think it can be any more embarrassing than what I just went through.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Why not? If it’s more embarrassing then I won’t steal a bite. Is that chocolate?”
“Cookie dough,” he corrects. “This girl I’ve been talking to ditched me.”
He prepares with a deep breath, steeling himself against whatever motive his fling had. “I’m a virgin.”
“What?” you ask dumbly. Virgin.
Chin tipped back, he swipes at his face in embarrassment. “I told you it's embarrassing.”
“You’re eating your feelings because you’re a virgin?”
“Yes.” He waits for your interjection. When it doesn’t come he hesitantly continues. “And the last person I told laughed in my face and started hooking up with my roommate. So…”
“What a bitch.”
“Yeah. People just assume I’m some kind of man whore.” He explains, head banging against the wheel. “But I’ve never done anything besides… ya know?”
“I have no idea, complete stranger.”
“Like hand stuff.”
“Yeah, you’re definitely a virgin,” you snort. “Move over, I’m coming up.”
Shimmying into the front seat takes more coordination than you’re prepared for. The hem of your dress rises to brazen heights, a draft curling around the edge of your panties. Its a feeling you assumed would be happening with your date and not in the car with a random stranger. But beggars can’t be choosers. At least it’s good ice cream.
He pointedly avoids looking anywhere close to your legs. Polite. Innocent. Virginal. How cute.
“Thank you. That makes me feel so much better.” His eyes roll as you settle into the passenger seat, snatching the container and taking a bite from the same spoon he’d been using. 
“Sorry,” you say after swallowing. “Is it because you don’t want to? Because that girl can go fuck herself then.”
“No, I just, I don’t know. I get nervous? They’re expecting someone who knows what they’re doing and I have no idea. And then all I can think about is what if I’m bad at it which makes me more nervous and then I feel like throwing up.”
“Please tell me you haven’t thrown up on a girl.” 
“Ew, no,” he laughs, taking a bite for himself. “I just make an excuse to slow down and then leave.”
“Okay. Well…” You try to think of something, anything, that could make him feel better. It’s not everyday a stranger spills their guts about lacking sexual experience. “So what if you’re bad? It’s not like you can’t get better.”
“Okay, but what girl wants to sleep with a guy who’s bad in bed?”
“How do you know you’re bad if you’ve never even tried? It’s different if you’re bad and you don’t care. Just tell whoever you're with you’ve never done it before. If they don’t jump at the chance to teach you then they can fuck off.”
“Well, Mina rubbed my face in it—”
“Oh fuck her. She seems like a bitch.”
“You’re not wrong,” he says. 
Rain drizzles on the windshield, obscuring the lights into messy streaks. A flood of memories surrounding your own virginity rush to the forefront.
Your college boyfriend, Jimin, wanted to wait. It was cute. High school sweethearts going to the same school, taking similar classes, holding hands in the library. You thought he wasn’t ready and you respected it, found it endearing that he wasn’t like most of the guys your friends dated that couldn’t wait to do it.
Or you did until you decided to surprise Jimin for his birthday with breakfast in bed and got your own surprise. A girl, naked in his bed, Jimin’s own clothes scattered around the room.
You broke up with him right there. Two days of crying later, you invited your lab partner, the one Jimin couldn’t stand, over.
It was Yoongi that sent a selfie of you two cuddled up in bed to Jimin. He still likes to cash in on that favor whenever he needs a dog sitter.
Yoongi knew there were no feelings involved. A simple favor in the form of revenge against a shitty ex. Maybe not-Ian is your chance to pay it forward. By the looks of things, you wouldn’t be suffering.
“Ya know, some girls like guys who are inexperienced. It’s hot knowing you can teach someone how to be good in bed. Like an ego boost.” You shrug. If he wasn’t looking at your legs before but he sure is now. Pink ears and round eyes, his fingers twitch in his lap as you suck the spoon clean. At least the hour spent shaving your legs isn’t going to waste. “Besides, you obviously care how the other person feels, which is more than some dudes.”
“Why would someone not care if the other person feels good?” he asks, tone laced with disgust. “That seems like the entire point.”
“The world is full of mysteries.”
“My name is Jungkook by the way.”
Jungkook. Fitting somehow. It tastes good on your tongue. Like the cookie dough ice cream.
You end up in his lap in true stereotypical fashion. A too long silence, his eyes on your mouth and yours on his. Someone leans forward and now you know Jungkook is a great kisser with even greater upper body strength.
His inexperience shows in the fine details: shaky hands, hesitant tongue, waiting for you to take the lead as not to offend. It’s endearing. Someone as big as him treating you with such gentleness. But it means he’s thinking about messing this up and that’s the opposite of what you want. 
You kiss him deeper, a grip on the side of his neck that he eagerly surrenders too. Your other hand wedges between your chests. Teeth nipping at his lip, you rock against him, palming against the soft cotton sweats until he’s plump in your hand. 
“God,” he chokes. His own hands busy themself on your body, one at the seat of your ass, teasing the edge of your dress where bare skin peaks out while the offers a tight grip at your chest, pinching your nipple in desperate retaliation.
“Feel good?” You rut again, a tease for your own pleasure in the form of Jungkook’s heavy breath. It’s decent contact on your core, not enough to get you off but plenty for right now.
Kissing is well in his realm of experience. Obvious from how quickly he finds his bearings, licking behind your teeth. It’s good. Better than dry humping his thigh in the front seat should be. Vision dark from his hands frantic at your ass, thighs rising to meet every torturous curl against the heat of his lap.
You fall into his shoulder, drool staining his sweater as you pant. “Ever had your dick sucked?”
A vein raises across his neck and becomes your new guidemap. Your hand at his crotch squeezes, his cock twitching at the action. “Do you want to?”
“You don’t have to,” he hisses. 
You squeeze his cock again, enough for a needy drive of his hips in response. “I want to.” 
“Seriously?” he marvels.
“If it’s cool with you.” You nose along his jaw, teeth scraping red over his skin. His stomach dips under your hand. “Get in the back, I don’t need to get caught with your dick in my mouth.”
“Holy shit, don’t say that.” He kisses you again, firmer this time. 
You crawl back through the narrow opening between the front seats, ass on full display for Jungkook’s eyes. The heat of his palm ghosts over your legs but he doesn’t touch. The deliberate arch in your spine isn’t enough to break his self control just yet.
He comes next. The struggle is endearing, half stuck between the seats and wiggling forward. “I think I’m stuck.”
“Why didn’t you just go around?” You snort, grabbing around his arms and pulling to no avail.
“Too late now.”
You're both laughing. Breathless because Jungkook is lodged between the seats with zero hope. “Why are you so heavy?”
He wiggles through with your help, nearly elbowing you in the head in the process. But he’s in the seat with his lap as prime real estate. You try to commandeer the space once again but Jungkook stops you. Instead, he settles between your legs, weight pinning you into the door. Broad shoulders block out the light but you take it in stride, fisting the back of his sweater as he finds your pulse.
“Can I go down on you?” He nuzzles down your throat, mouthing the spots he’s learning make you putty in his hands.
“Yeah, sure,” you hiccup. “That’s fine.” 
Jungkook crams between your legs, bending in half on the floor like a contortionist. The sparse kisses across your thighs would be a blatant tease if nervousness wasn’t rolling off him in waves. He’s eating pussy for the first time and acting like it’s open heart surgery.
“Calm down.” You brush a hand through his hair, attempting to be comforting. 
“I am calm.” A bold faced lie. Even in the darkness of the backseat the signs of his impending nerves are obvious. 
“You’re shaking,” you say. “I’ll tell you what feels good. You’re not gonna mess it up.”
An open mouth on your core kiss leaves you sweating with a weak hum. At least he knows where the clit is. Or has a vague idea of its presence. Jungkook presses his face further into the cotton, suffocating himself without realizing. 
“O-oh,” you hitch.
Humiliation brews from such a visceral reaction to something as basic as a kiss over your panties. But Jungkook is out of his depth here and any reaction will stroke his confidence. 
He ducks away, watching you with rapt attention. You’re the teacher and he’s a student eager for whatever validation that may fall from your lips. “Good?” 
“Yeah, do it again,” you praise. 
He nods before diving back in, throwing your legs over his shoulders for better reach. Your pulse jumps with juvenile eagerness. Like it’s the first time you’re left with a boy unsupervised and his hand is the first real thing to touch you between the legs. It makes you feel dirty. Has your hairline sweat and tongue go dry. A bold wash of his tongue couples the next kiss, hot and wet as he laps against the fabric until your own arousal mixes with spit. 
"You fucking liar,” you croak. The back of your head knocks against the window, hips rolling into his mouth.
"What?” Jungkook asks, leaning back but just barely. His breath fans over your skin, a shiver crawling up your spine. “Did I do something—" 
“It’s good. So good,” you praise. “Touch me more.”
He jumps at the chance. Your panties tear down your thighs, out of the way with some rough maneuvering. Bare for his eyes, Jungkook takes more than a fill before diving in for another taste. But not until he spits on your clit and rubs in the mess with his thumb. Your thighs spread wider to accommodate a hard pass of his mouth, more wet kisses burning your cheeks.
“Jungkook, fuck,” you sigh. “When you said ‘hand stuff’ what did you mean?”
“I’ve touched a vagina before if that's what you're asking.”
You swat his hand. “Don’t say vagina, it makes me feel like I’m at the gynecologist.”
“Sorry, a pussy.”
“Don’t say it like that either, weirdo. Have you fingered one?”
Pointed silence is answer enough.
“It’s okay. I’m not gonna make fun of you. Just don’t put a finger in my ass and you’ll be fine.”
He doesn't laugh at your poor attempt to cut the tension but he releases a weighted sigh, muscles sagging an inch. Better. Instead, he focuses on stroking you to life between your folds, fingertips nudging your bud teasingly. 
“Use your mouth some more and then finger me too,” you beg. 
“Uh—how many? I don't wanna hurt you." He’s unsure despite the obvious twitch in your thighs. It burns depravity through your veins. His innocence is hot. Jungkook doesn’t even realize how fucked up he has you from some softcore porn level touching.
"All of them. I don't care, I’ll tell you if it’s too much."
One hand firm on your stomach, keeping your dress out of the way as he spreads your insides with two. The first strokes are meek. Nothing to scream over but he’s learning and that’s what's important. Seconds tick by and Jungkook finds a hesitant rhythm. Wet noises echo with each slow sheath, reserved but stretching you all the same. The wet strokes of his tongue are there too, placating just in case. A soft curl of his fingers makes your hips cant into his mouth. 
The fogged windows are a dead give away to what's playing out in the backseat. If anyone stumbles down the sidewalk then you’re both dead but Jungkook’s mouth is distracting in the worst way.
And then he licks between his fingers, tongue slipping past his knuckles for a pure taste of your arousal. You go fuzzy at the edges, thighs squeezing tight until he’s forced to keep them spread or risk having his head crushed.
“Oh–fuck me, god.”
It’s not fair. For him to be good at this so quickly. To delude himself into thinking he could possibly be bad, trying to convince you he’d be bad. Complete unfair how ill prepared you were for Jungkook worshiping your pussy like he’s never tasted anything better.
He really needs to be more confident because, in the cramped back seat of his car, you’re losing your mind and it’s barely been ten minutes.
“Can I—” he asks around your clit.
“Do whatever you want, just don’t stop,” you ramble. “Jungkook, fuck.”
A hand of your own sinks into his hair, angling his chin for better access. Wet echoes fill the car, sharp mewls from your lips adding to the noise. Nerves blazing, your ride his mouth for all its worth. Eager slippery circles of his tongue against your clit intensify, built on praising moans of his name.
“Fuck. Tastes good,” he grunts. A squeeze of your hand, the one not pulling his hair and then he’s finding your chest, blind groping until you guide him to your nipple and curve into the sting of his grip. He twists it. Hard. 
You want to cry. The sweat suck of his mouth, fingers confidently curling it that spot that makes the air thinner in your lungs. Moans die between your teeth. Too quick into the next sensation to revel. There isn’t a thought other than Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook.
“Jungkook!” you cry, grinding into his fingers. Your teeth clench as a third one stretches that extra inch. Stiff in the thighs, you force yourself down into the friction. His tongue hardens, perfect for use as you hump his face weakly.
Your legs kick, scrambling under the sharp pleasure. He’s got you melting into nothing right on his carseat. Jungkook doesn’t lean back to ask for more confirmation; just takes the signs for what they are and keeps going with renewed stamina at the promise of your pleasure. 
“I’m gonna—oh, god. Yessss,” you hiss. Nails sharp against the back of his neck, Jungkook buries his face in your cunt. 
You go rigid, voice breaking into a desperate whimper. Jungkook has the sense to keep going, lashing at your clit over and over with each desperate pulse of pleasure through your veins. Flashes flare behind the darkness of your eyes squeezed tight. You make a few more desperate noises, lurching in his hold before falling lip and worn.
“Fuck, okay. Okay,” you whine, pushing him away from your core before the stimulation becomes too much.
His mouth is drenched, cheeks and chin smeared with your orgasm. A flash of tongue collects some of the mess but you drag him into a kiss before he can go for seconds. First time eating pussy and he’s one for one. If that doesn’t help his confidence then nothing else will. 
“Give me a second and I’ll blow you,” you pant into his lips. 
“I-it’s okay.”
You pout at the brush off, a deep kiss as you invade his space. “I promise I want to.”
Your hand goes for his pants just to be captured with his own. His fingers are still soaked from your insides. “No, I…I came too.”
“Really?” you ask in awe.
Jungkook is embarrassed again. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be. That’s hot.” You kiss him again with a gentle suckle along the curve of his lower lip. Jungkook drinks it in, crowding you back into the door again like you aren’t a pile of mush. Your back hurts from hunching over for so long but you let him keep you tangled up for a little while longer just to feel the shuddering exhale from his nose across your cheek. “Can I see?”
He swallows thickly before rolling down his sweats. The thin fabric of his boxers are wet, sticky under your shaky hand. You dip below the waist band, fingers grazing the limp ridge of his cock. He’s stuck in the inbetween of soft and hard but still hot and heavy in your hold. Your core throbs in interest at the feeling. 
Jungkook shivers as you swipe at the slit, collecting a bead of cum. You want to get your mouth on him but he looks like he might cry if you keep playing with it.
When your hand retreats, rising to your lips for a taste, his eyes round, mouth gaping over silent words. The pink of your tongue comes out, lapping at the thick mess coating your thumb. 
“Is it okay if I get your number?” he asks after the initial shock wears away.
“Yeah,” you snort. “You can have my number. You can give me a ride home too. And we can do that again in my bed.”
The glee on his face is worth the disgusting mess between your thighs. “Hell yeah.”
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Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie
@gaebestie @primoppang @gyuguys @mine-gyu @doremifasire
@missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu @sliceofwoozi @writingbarnes
@dokyeomkyeom @christinewithluv @minwonfairy @idkjustlovingbts @wobblewobble822 @futuristicenemychaos
@seungkw1 @horanghaezone @jespecially @scoupsjin @isabellah29
@luvseungcheol @crisle19
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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authorhjk1 · 3 months
I’ll try my luck in requesting.. Plot is, reader asks SNSD Yoona who is his gf to dominate him femdom style.. I’d want to see kinks like pegging and well.. To be honest body worship especially armpits.. Thanks for reading and if you choose to decline it, all good.. But I really wish to a great writer’s take on this humble request of mine..
Submitting to her
(Lim Yoona X Male Reader)
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This is how everyone sees her. Lim Yoona. One of the younger members and the center of Girl's Generation. Most of the time a cute, playful sunshine. But when it comes down to it, she can also be fierce and borderline sexy.
But no one will ever be able to see her, how you see her. That is something no one will ever know.
You met Yoona about a year ago for the first time. You couldn't believe she actually walked into the bar you were working at. It was a very expensive and prestigious one, yes, but you didn't really think of Yoona as big bar goer.
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And you were quickly proven right. She was only there, because of one of the two friends she was with, was celebrating her engagement.
The three women were sitting at your bar the whole night, chatting away and drinking more and more of your most expensive liquor. While you were serving them and the other guests as well, the newly engaged woman seemed to have drunk too much. First, she kept on showing off her ring to Yonna and the third woman, but as the night grew longer, she also started to flirt with you.
You thought nothing of it at first, blaming it on the alcohol, but she got more and more into it. You could tell that Yonna was getting a little uncomfortable at her friend's behavior, but she didn't say a word.
"Would you mind mixing me another cocktail, babe?"
Yes, you did mind. And no you didn't like the fact she called you increasingly worse pet names. Blaming the alcohol would have been only a sorry excuse at this point. You could already tell that her future husband would probably catch her cheating at one point. It was so clear it could've been written on her forehead.
Eventually, her and Yoona's other friend went to the bathroom. The rude woman definitely drank too much. And while you were wiping parts of the black granite surface of the counter, you were hoping she wouldn't completely ruin the ladies' room.
You heard Yoona groan, after she took the last sip of her cocktail.
"Would you like a refill, Miss?"
To your surprise, Yoona suddenly glared at you.
"Oh, please, lover boy. Don't pretend like you would say no, if she asked you to spend the night with her."
You felt that was a little out of the blue. But the alcohol and her being annoyed by her friend, probably made her search for some kind of release.
"I would say no."
You would never sleep with another man's girlfriend, wife or whatever.
"Really? Why wouldn't you, huh?"
You suddenly felt trapped. Was that a trick question? Did she want you to mess up, so she could let out all her pend up frustration on you?
"Never mind, I'm sorry."
Yoona cut you off, before you could answer.
"It's just... I'm always too busy, you know? Barely free time, no time for dating, or a boyfriend and especially no time for a husband."
"Another cocktail it is, then."
Yoona chuckled as you started to mix the same cocktail she had before.
"You're really good at that, you know?"
"I hope so, I've been doing this for years."
As you added your finishing touches, Yoona let out another sigh.
"You are still young, so take some advice from me. Make sure you find the right person to be with. Don't wait as long as I have."
"I'm sure there are a lot of good men out there, who would like to go on a date with you, despite your busy schedule."
Since the granite surface was a little bigger, you let her new glass slide over the stone. It came to a hold just in front of her. You leaned over the counter and reached behind her ear.
Yoona slightly backed away, but you pulled back already, holding a small cocktail umbrella in your hand.
"Myself included, of course."
You blew on the umbrella, opening it up, before you let it fall into the drink.
You usually weren't that straight forward with guests. But this wasn't a usual guest. This was Yoona.
"That was smooth."
She playfully wiggled her eyebrows as she acknowledged your skill.
"Like I said, years of work and experience. Once I start something, I only finish once I perfected it."
"I like the sound of that."
Her smile was warm, but at the same time a little seductive. Her eyes sparkling with amusement, but also looking at you as if she was searching for something.
You later asked about that moment.
"I liked you. You looked handsome. And I wanted something she couldn't have."
That was her answer. Almost the perfect way to describe the start of your relationship.
"Although I don't have a man, I do have needs. I don't have enough time to date, but I can definitely make just enough time to take care of those needs."
You were surprised at how hopen she suddenly talked about herself. You were still in a public place.
"I could use someone like you. Dedicated to a task. Not stopping until he is satisfied. I would repay you of course. How much money do you make?"
While you were standing there, totally bamboozled by her sudden offer, you realize you could've seen that coming. Yoona is lonely, doesn't have time for a proper relationship and has more than enough money to find herself a sugar baby.
And for some reason, you did like the sound of that. Her terms were clear. Wherever and whenever she wanted, you would do your best to worship her entire body, make her feel good. But for that, you would have to quit your job.
"Don't worry. I will pay for everything you need."
While you were still debating on saying yes or no, her friends came back. They were eventually done drinking and were about to go home.
Yoona gave you one last look.
Decide right now, or you will regret it for the rest of your life.
You quickly wrote your number on a napkin and gave it to her.
The dynamic in your relationship was clear from the get go. Yoona was literally your sugar mommy and paid for everything, while you were tasked with pleasuring her better than anyone had ever before. Outside of the bedroom, she was the dominant one, but when it was about sex, you were the one who took care of her.
After staying at her place a couple of times, you, unconsciously, slowly started to move in with her. It started with a toothbrush and it ended with your computer and desk in her guest room. Not that Yonna minded at all. The living together and sleeping together, made it impossible to not start developing feelings. And finally, after ten months of sex with no strings attached, you both agreed on your new status of your relationship.
"10 Minute break in twenty minutes. Need you."
A simple text from your now girlfriend and you are on your way.
You enter the SM building slowly after, making your way to one of the smaller rooms on the third floor. As soon as you walk in, Yoona crashes into you. You haven't seen her since this morning. She looks just as good as she did then.
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As soon as you saw her outfit this morning, you knew this is gonna be one of those days. She doesn't have them often. But on those days, she sometimes shows you a side of her no one can know about.
Most of the time, the power during sex is equally distributed. Sometimes it's Yoona, who leads, sometimes it's you. But most of the time, the two of you are equals. Yoona isn't the kind of woman who loves to get fucked like a cheap whore. She does enjoy you, being a little rougher with her at times, but never something too crazy.
And on rare occasions, just like today, you can see a fire burn inside of her. A fire that makes her lust and arousal grow immensely. Until now, she always had herself under control. But you do know, that if her self control breaks, you will be the one who will have to bear the consequences.
"Oh, fuck. I need your tongue so bad."
She whispers into your ear, after just having kissed the life out of you.
You lean down and push her hair behind her shoulders, before you start to kiss her naked skin. Yoona loves how you take care of her. How you worship her. To say that she has a praise kink is an understatement. More like goddess kink.
"You taste perfect, mommy."
Yoona purrs, at your words, letting out a satisfied sigh. Yeah, one of those days. You know you are doomed tonight, if you can't satisfy her well enough right now.
And at the same time, you don't mind at all. You actually welcome the idea of Yoona punishing you for doing a bad job. You want to find out what happens, when that fire inside her does take over her being. You are just not sure yet, if you can handle it.
Once you have dutifully peppered her shoulders with endless kisses, you pick her up and carry her towards the window.
"Oh, yes. I'm craving that. Oh, baby I'm so thirsty for your touch."
Yoona always turns into a mess, whenever you start to worship her like this. She loves it. And you do too.
After putting her down on the windowsill, you quickly start to take off her belt. This is just the right height for what you have in mind. Once her suit pants are around her ankles, you reach into her panties. The black lace traps your hand, forcing you towards her pussy.
"That's it, baby. Be a good boy."
Yoona moans in delight as she feels you pushing a finger inside of her. You lick your lips as you see her closing her eyes, ready to bring the second half of your plan to life.
While your left is slowly fingering her wet pussy, your right hand is now reaching for her wrists. Already knowing what you have in mind, Yoona gladly raises her arms. Standing next to her, you are greeted with the magnificent sight of her left armpit.
The slight sweat on her skin sparkles in the sunlight from outside. You unconsciously take a deep breath, enjoying Yoona's scent. After you spend hours after hours worshiping her entire body, you know how she tastes everywhere and how she smells too. Usually sweet, with a hint of sweat, because it's a hot day.
After taking another breath and pushing a second finger inside of her, you stick out your tongue and place it right underneath her armpit. Yoona lets out a deep moan. This combination has always made her cum pretty quick. And you have limited time right now.
The slight salty taste hits your taste buds as you use one long lick to move your tongue across her armpit.
"That's it, baby. Lick your mommy clean."
Yoona moans out loud as she feels your tongue now delivering longs swipes across her armpit. Your fingers in her pussy aren't idle and soon, Yoona succumbs to the pleasure you force onto her.
It takes you a minute or two to complete lick her armpit free of her sweat and just a little longer to reward yourself. The more you can have of her, the better. Yoona's sweat is now replaced by a small amount of your spit.
You change position as you keep your fingers inside her, your thumb now rubbing her clit.
"Hurry, baby. If you don't make me cum..."
Her whispered threat is interrupted by your tongue, finally reaching her armpit on the other side. The saltiness seems to be a little bit more prominent on this side. You gladly lick it all up, while Yoona starts to buck her hips against your hand.
"Damn it!"
She sighs heavier as her breathing becomes faster.
"Make me cum already."
Her heightened arousal makes her a little more aggressive today.
You keep on licking her skin and fingering her pussy. You know that she is slowly getting there. Maybe a couple of licks more. Or maybe a third finger...
You stop immediately as you hear someone outside the room. Yoona holds her shakey breath.
"We have to get going now."
"Give me a minute, manager-nim!"
Yoona quickly urges you to pull your fingers out of her. As if you wouldn't have thought of that yourself.
"This isn't over."
She looks up at you with that fire in her eyes, once she is done making herself look presentable.
"As soon as I'm home..."
She let's that threat linger in the air as she walks out of the room. Yes, this is one of those days. But today seems more intense than usual. You wonder, if you asked for it, would Yoona let that raging fire consume her? Would she let go off her primal instinct and use your body for her pleasure, without thinking about you?
A shiver of anticipation runs down your spine. What do you have to do to make that happen?
You know that Yoona will be busy for the rest of the day. You're sure she mentioned something about a magazine cover photoshoot, but you can't remember. Her schedule is stuffed with way too much events and appointments for you to know all of them.
And that's why she catches you by surprise, when she suddenly crashes through the door to her apartment.
"I have ten minutes."
It looks like she is on a break again. And it seems she came straight from the photoshoot. She is still wearing that outfit.
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And you can tell by the fact, that she only came here for sex, that she is close to breaking.
You try to get off the couch you are lying on, but Yoona is quicker. The advantage of her skirt is, that she can just sit down on your face, without having to undress.
Barely ten seconds after she came home and your tongue is already buried inside her wet pussy. Yoona quickly holds onto your hair with both hands. Too impatient for you to find the proper rhythm, she just starts to ride your face. You have no choice but to lie there, enjoying the taste of Yoona's sweet pussy.
A minute passes. Then two. Then three. You do your best, trying to get her off as quick as possible. But that small voice at the back of your head starts to talk. What if...
Yoona breathes heavily and leans forward, trying to catch her breath, as she realizes that this isn't enough. Not enough for her to orgasm. Not enough for her to satisfy her hunger.
She quickly gets off your face, leaving you with trails of her juices all over it. Before you can react, your pants are already off. And a second later, Yoona has already straddled you, her pussy hovering above your cock.
"Oh, damn. That cock."
She sighs, her eyes closing in bliss as she impales herself on your cock. Without even thinking about it, one of her hands move towards your throat. She keeps riding you, her pleasure now increasing by the second. After almost getting caught earlier today, she really needs to find that high right now.
She hears you coughing after calling her. Her eyes shoot open and she realizes that she has been choking you. Yoona quickly moves her hand away, an apologetic look in her eyes. She has never done that before. She never let herself go that far.
She wants to say sorry, wants to apologize. And yet, a small part of her mind tells her to put her hand back on your throat. To make you cough, while she rides you like a dildo, not giving a damn about your well-being.
It scares Yoona for a moment. Those thoughts. But she can also see that you seem to know, what's going on inside of her.
Her eyes grow wide as you slowly start to nod your head.
No need for words. Yoona takes a deep breath, before she puts her hands back on your throat. For the first time, she starts to let go of herself.
You lie on the couch with wide open eyes. Yoona left barely a minute ago. It's hard for you to get up. You didn't expect her to go that hard. She rode you like her life depended on it. You were barely able to take it yourself, her pace and power were almost too much for you. Reaching for your throat, you grimace in pain. It's not that bad, but you don't need a mirror to know that that's gonna leave bruises.
You are glad you were able to cum, just in time, before Yoona came herself. You wonder if she would've cared about your orgasm at that point. Maybe not. But that thought alone almost makes you reach for your cock, which is still wet with her juices.
The rest of your day goes by without anything major happening. You are excited about what is gonna happen tonight. Despite having climaxed earlier, Yoona still didn't look very satisfied.
Trying to make time go by faster, you sit down in front of your computer, planing on gaming a little, until she comes home.
"Turn it off."
You almost have a heart attack, when you suddenly hear Yoona's voice. You didn't hear her come home.
"H-Hi, babe."
Her tone made it clear, that this day is still not over. The only question is, how rough Yoona is going to be with you.
Once you turn off the computer and look at her properly, you know what kind of sex she has in mind. She is now wearing a different outfit. Probably another one from her photoshoot.
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"You look gorgeous."
You can tell she is holding in a smile as she leans down, to be at your eye level.
"I've had a long day..."
You get the hint as you stand up, just to walk her over towards the bed. Knowing you have the rest of the night, you start slowly. First, her hands. You kiss each of her knuckles and the back of her hands. She sighs, as Yoona lies on the bed, enjoying your work.
You soon move upwards, switching from one arm to the other, while you pepper her skin with kisses. It's smoothness takes your breath away every time. How can she be this beautiful?
Reaching her shoulders, you take a short trip to her collarbone, licking along it's length, before returning to her shoulders. Yoona lets out a satisfied hum. But you know that, at least today, this won't satisfy her enough. You move her arms away from her body a little, giving you access to her pits.
"Baby. I need to fuck you."
Yoona sighs, her first words since she told you to take care of her.
You know what she means by that. The fire in her eyes still there. As you dive in, licking her right armpit, you know that she is thinking about something far different from just riding you, like she did earlier today.
Yoona's fire urges her on to take control. To take you. To make you hers. And there's only one way you will truly be hers.
Yoona shifts around a little, while you keep worshipping her body. Once you're finished with licking her armpit clean, you kiss along her collarbone towards the other one, before diving in again.
Her hand finds itself in your hair as she lets out a heavier sigh.
"I need to-to take you. Now."
You realize that Yoona is approaching her breaking point. Should you push further? Ignore her real needs for just a couple of moments longer?
You eventually decide to be forward.
"You can do what you want with me, mommy."
You kiss her armpit one last time, before looking up at her face.
"Please. Be as rough as you want."
This is the only way for her to be happy today. To be satisfied. And you are more than willing to help.
"A-Are you sure?"
You nod your head yes.
"Do with me what you want."
You can see that dangerous fire flicker in her eyes. Yoona's inner voices are fighting each other. Eventually, she pushes you off of her, before she jumps off the bed. You watch her walk towards the big closet. Once she opens it, you can see what's lying on the middle shelf.
Four dildos, lined up and sorted by length. A belt, to make a strap on out of one of them, on their right. You gulp, knowing that there is no turning back now.
It's not like this your first time. Usually, at least one of you is in the mood for it. And you are the one, who decides which one gets used, before you start.
But you are very aware that Yoona is already using the one on the right. She put it on the belt already and is now tying it around her waist. The biggest one.
Her black outfit seems to fit the blue plastic perfectly. You don't choose that one very often. But now you know Yoona's true thoughts. The others aren't big enough for her taste.
She says, before even having turned around.
You hesitate for a moment. It's not that you don't trust her. It's the fact that you don't trust that fire within her. How far will she go...
Yoona's movement quickly makes you jump into action. As she turns around, you're just getting rid off your pants. She steps towards the edge of the bed as you take your shirt off.
Without a word, Yoona stares at you, lust burning in her eyes. She does a come hither motion with a finger, making you crawl towards her.
"Suck my cock, baby. If you don't want to get hurt..."
Yoona only used lube at the beginning. But after having tried this a couple of times, she started to make you suck the dildo first, before pegging you. Your own spit being the lubricant. That should've been a sign that something like this would come sooner rather than later. A sign you should've read.
You look up at Yoona as you open your mouth. Her fiery gaze stares back at you. You can't tell how rough she is going to be exactly. Should you be using a safe word?
But as Yoona pushes her hips forward, the blue dildo pushing past your lips, you realize that the time for setting a safe word has long past. You feel the plastic in your mouth, the unforgiving material dragging along your tongue. Yoona places her hand on the back of your head, holding you in place as she forces you to take it all at once. The tip slightly grazes the back of your throat, once your lips reach the base.
"Look up."
You do as your told. Yoona stares down at you, her face cold, while her eyes are burning. You catch her biting her lip slightly, before she moves her hips back. A moment later, she pushes them forward again. She starts to pick up the pace soon after, letting her other hand wander towards the back of your head as well.
Yoona is now fucking your face. Not as hard and fast as you occasionally do with her, but enough for you to cough once in a while. Due to her constant thrusts, the blue plastic is eventually covered in your saliva. Some of the liquid is already staining your lips and chin.
"What a good boy you are, sucking mommy's cock."
Up until now, you had both of your hands placed on the mattress, supporting your weight. Now, knowing how horny Yoona is, you reach forward with one hand. Since she is wearing a one piece, it was hard for you worship her whole body just now. So you try to make up for it by placing your hand between her thighs.
"That's right, baby. Mommy comes first."
Yoona slows down a little to make it easier for you to rub her pussy through the black fabric. Whenever you send really big jolts of pleasure through her body, Yoona thrusts forward uncontrollably. And soon, she is fucking your mouth again, while you try to pleasure her.
"Press harder."
You follow her orders, applying more pressure on her pussy.
"Fuck, yes!"
Yoona hisses loudly at the sudden increase of pleasure. Her hips move as fast as your hand, the two of you in a silent competition on who can go the fastest. It doesn't take long for Yoona to win as she forced herself inside of you exceptionally deep, making you gag and lose control of her your hand.
"Turn around."
She tells you, while you still recover from her sudden attack.
Once you do, you feel Yoona climb on the bed as well, kneeling behind you.
"If you are going to be a good boy and take it well"
Yoona leans over you slightly, the wet plastic pressing against your ass cheeks. It sends a shiver down your spine as you know very well what's next.
"I will reward you by letting you lick and kiss every single part of me."
It's an offer you can't refuse. For one, because you would do anything to get that opportunity. And two, because you are literally unable to refuse. Even if you would try, Yoona would just laugh at you.
You feel the dildo poke your butt hole as Yoona readies herself. She lets her hands wander over your cheeks, before she reaches underneath you. A moment later, her hand holds your cock, slowly stroking it.
"Don't cum too early, baby. Last time, you made a mess of yourself while cuming."
One would think that Yoona is just being considerate. But her tone says otherwise. It drips with her lust and you can tell that that's exactly what she wants. For you to lose control over your body as you cum.
Finally, Yoona slowly pushes forward. You breath a little heavier as you try to adjust to the new feeling.
"Relax, or this is gonna hurt."
Usually, Yoona would stop if you had trouble taking it and speak some encouraging words.
Not this time. Instead of waiting, she pushes the plastic tip past the ring of your muscles. You hold onto the sheets as Yoona slowly pulls you towards her, while she moves forward.
More and more of her length you take. Inch by inch, the blue dildo stretches your ass.
"Oh fuck, baby. Your ass looks so tight."
One of her hands squeezes your cheeks, while the other keeps stroking your cock. You grit your teeth as Yoona pushes further. Having taken this dildo a couple of times already, you can tell that you're halfway there. You feel every new inch drag past your muscles.
You feel fuller than before as Yoona keeps going. She doesn't stop, until you've finally taken it all.
"Good boy, taking all of mommy's cock."
Yoona whispers sweet nothings into your ear. You know that this only the calm before the storm.
Without asking if you are ready, which she would usually do, Yoona starts to pull out of you. Your hole clamps down on the plastic, not wanting it to leave your body. Just when only the tip remains inside, Yoona pushes forward again. She does this very slowly a couple of times, before she starts to pick up the pace.
It hurts a little as she becomes faster, but you don't complain. You can take it and you don't want to get on her bad side.
"Oh, damn. You're so hard already."
The whole time, Yoona has kept stroking your cock. She removes her hand for a moment and you hear her spit on it. Her now wet hand goes back to working your cock, while the plastic cock in your ass keeps moving back and forth.
Just as you are getting adjusted to the current pace, Yoona starts to fuck you faster. Some thrust leaves you breathless as she pushes your face into the mattress with her power.
You don't dare ask her to stop, but you need to warn her. You feel like you are losing control. Your thighs start to shake, your cock twitching a little.
"Not, yet."
You can tell she is gritting her teeth as she fucks you from behind. Both her hands are now on your ass as she keeps up the pace. Soon, she is pounding away with no regard for your comfort. The plastic inside of you drags along your inner walls and keeps splitting you open.
It seems that is the only word that you can force off your lips. As she takes your ass, you can tell that Yoona is really enjoying herself. Her nails are slightly digging into your flesh as she holds a tight grip on you. Apart from her breathing, which is now a little faster, you can hear her deep moans and an occasional grunt.
"Mommy, I think I'm gonna-"
You suddenly have a mouthful of the mattress. Yoona has pushed your head down to shut you up, ignoring your warnings that you're about to cum.
You can't help it. The plastic dildo in your ass keeps dragging along your inner walls as Yoona fucks you hard. You hiss, feeling slight pain, as she bottoms out inside of you.
You want to warn her again. Tell her you're about to cum on the sheets. But your words are muffled by the mattress, while Yoona keeps fucking you further into it.
"Don't cum too early, baby."
She mocks you, her hand finding it's way to your cock again. She squeezes it slightly while she strokes you faster and faster. Timed with her thrusts, her handjob pushes you further towards your climax.
Because you can't talk, you can do nothing but take Yoona's cock in silence. You feel your back arch as Yoona pushes your head even further into the mattress. It enables her to drive herself even deeper into you.
That's the final push you needed. You let out a deep moan as you climax immediately. Yoona's dildo feels even bigger now, her hand drains you of all of your cum. You can tell you've ruined the sheets, without even having to look.
"You've taken mommy's cock so well, baby."
Yoona leans down to kiss your cheek. For the first time today, she seems to genuinely care for you.
"Time for your reward."
You lift your head, once Yoona has removed her hand. You fall to the side, still breathing a little heavily.
Yoona uses your small break to untie the belt, before tossing it off the bed. She straddles you and leans over you with an expectant look.
You move your head upwards to lap at her armpits, cleaning her off the sweat that had just build up over the last couple of minutes.
"Get your tongue in there, yes!"
Yoona sighs in delight. You let your hands wander over her clothed back, trying to find the zipper. Once you do, you slowly reveal what's been hiding underneath her one piece.
You move from her armpits, over her collarbone, towards her chest. You suck on Yoona's nipples, once your reach them. She moans out loud. Her tits are quite sensitive, especially while you dedicate yourself to worshipping her body.
More and more of her skin gets covered in kisses, until you've been everywhere at least once.
"Make me cum, baby."
Yoona quickly strips off her entire one piece, now leaning over you completely naked. The sight makes you hard again already. She quickly lowers herself onto your cock. Just like earlier, she doesn't wait for you to adjust yourself. She quickly picks up the pace, using your cock like a dildo.
"Use your tongue, damn it."
She groans as you stop for a couple of seconds, because you are too captivated by her beauty.
While she rides you, you keep your tongue on the skin of her upper body. You make sure you don't miss a spot. Her tight midriff, her chest, her collarbone, her shoulders, her pits. All deserve equal attention as you do your best to reach each spot.
Eventually, the combination of your cock inside of her and your tongue all over her pleasure her too much, Yoona finally orgasms on top of you. Her body shakes as she rides out her high.
Once she comes down, you are surprised by feeling her getting off of you.
You'd hoped she would allow you to stay inside her longer. Maybe even cum in her.
"You are not done yet."
Yuna turns around and lies on her stomach on top of you. She purposefully puts her feet in the direction of your face. You feel her lips wrap around your cock, while you dart your tongue out to get your first taste of her feet today.
As you shift around a little, you can tell that your going to be sore tomorrow. But it won't be too bad. Because once she woke up, Yoona will be the beautiful sunshine she usually is. You wonder how long it's gonna take until her next rampage.
Hi, everyone.
This is the first time I tried writing kinks like armpits and pegging, so the quality might not be as good as you expected. But I hope you were still enjoying reading it.
Stay healthy!
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worldlxvlys · 7 months
I have been ITCHING for a latina!gf x bf!matt oneshot where the readers family is having a big get together and she brings Matt to meet everyone and he’s super nervous and yadda ya dad all that jazz but when they get there either one of the tías or the readers mama basically like steals Matt and he follows her around and gets loved on by readers big huge Mexican family and all the tiny cousins tease him cause he only knows gringo Spanish and AHHHHH I’d love love love it in your writing style 🙏😭😭😭😭
btw you’re my fav and ily and feel free to do whatever you want w the request obv 🥸🤭🫶🫶
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bf! matt sturniolo x latina! reader
warnings: cursing
a/n: i’m SO sorry it took me so long to get to this, i hope it was worth the wait
pls cut me some slack, i don’t have a single latina bone in my body, but i did my best 🙏🏾
for @riversandwinds <33
“matt, you’re gonna be fine. they’re gonna love you, ok?” i said as i cupped his cheek.
“are you sure?” matt asked, the worry showing clearly on his face.
“would i lie to you, my love ?” i asked him.
“it’s normal to be nervous, matt. but you don’t have to be, i’ll be there the whole time” i told him, giving his hand a peck.
“thank you” he smiled at me before placing his lips on mine in a sweet kiss.
“so, remind me, why did we get here late on purpose ?” he asked when we pulled away.
“nobody comes to these on time, matt”
“ok, but, couldn’t we have at least tried ?"
“shut up and come on” i spoke, playfully rolling my eyes at him.
the second my mom saw matt, she rushed over to us.
she had met matt a few months after we started dating, and instantly loved him.
“ mateo !” she yelled as she approached us. “ ¿ cómo estás, mijo ?” she placed a kiss on his cheek before pulling him into a hug.
a smile instantly grew on matt’s face as he was squeezed by the woman.
“i’m good ! i missed you!” matt spoke, beaming at her.
“well, damn. i’m here too mom” i pointed out as she continued to sway him side to side.
“i see you all the time, mateo needs his love too” she waved him off.
“yeah, i need my love too” he agreed.
i looked around in disbelief, before she began to walk off with him.
“ vamos, i want you to meet…” her voice trailed off as they got further away.
“wait, you can’t just steal him !” i yelled, before following after her.
i followed them to a group of my tías who were talking amongst themselves.
when they saw matt, the smiles on their faces grew wider.
“ ¡ qué lindo ! this is your boyfriend ?” she asked me, her eyes wide.
“ yeah” i smiled.
“this is mateo !” my mom spoke.
“i’m mateo” he repeated with a smile on his face.
“ adorable, you did good cariña “
“ i know ” i spoke before smiling at him. he smiled back at this, his cheeks turning red.
“ay ! he’s blushingggg” the group of women gushed at our flustered states.
my mom rubbed our shoulders comfortingly, before pulling us to talk to more people.
“is he…?” matt whispered to me as we passed one of my tíos who was drunkenly dancing by himself.
“yup” i answered before waving to him. he waved back with a big smile on his face.
we continued to follow my mom, introducing matt to more and more people.
“alright, are we gonna introduce him to the entire world ? i think we’re good” i told her, watching as she continued to guide him through the house.
suddenly, a flurry of kids passed us, all running and chasing each other.
one of them, my little cousin, stopped in front of us.
“ who is that ?” she asked me, pointing to matt.
“ this is matt, my boyfriend”
“hi, matt ! wanna play with us?” she asked him with a smile on her face.
he looked at me, silently asking if he should go.
“ don’t look at me, mateo. go, have fun !” i spoke, silently thanking angel for asking him and not me.
“ come on!” she yelled before dragging him away.
“niños, the food is ready” my abuela yelled.
the kids came running into the room, going to sit at the table, before getting stopped.
“ no, lávense las manos” she spoke, being met with several sighs as they left to wash their hands.
“ ¿ dónde estás mateo ?” i asked the children, wondering where matt went.
“he’s with angel still, she was teaching him spanish. he tried to ask me what my name was and it sounded like he was asking if i was a llama instead”
my mom bursted out laughing at that.
“it’s ok though, he’s my favorite white boy ” he said before running to wash his hands.
“dios mío” i sighed out. “let me go get this man”
when i found the two of them, i stood in the doorway, watching angel talk to him.
“ mi novia es bonita” she spoke to him.
“mi novia es bonita” he repeated. “my girlfriend is pretty”
“good, mi novia es una princesa” she said.
“mi novia es una princesa” “my girlfriend is a princess” he said.
“ now if you ever get sad, you can just say that and it’ll help you feel better. she helps me feel better too”
i knocked on the door, letting them know i was there.
“ food’s ready, guys. you hungry ?” they both nodded in response.
“is any of it spicy?” matt asked, eyes widening slightly.
“oh, baby…” i spoke, pursing my lips together.
“it’s ok, mateo ! i’ll tell you what the foods are” angel perked up at the chance to teach him more.
“alright, i’ll be there in a minute” he replied.
angel went to leave, stopping to pull me down to her level.
she looked at matt, before moving her face to my ear, cupping her hands around her mouth, “i like him” she whispered before running off .
i’m sorry if any of the spanish is off, it shouldn’t be cause i didn’t go crazy with it, but i’m just going off of what i remember from high school spanish 😭
if this isn’t good please tell me 🙏🏾
tag list: list: @lustfulslxt @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @cupidsword @imwetforyourmom @nickmillersn1gf @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo @blueeyedbesson @mxqdii @sturniolowhore @readerakayourname @defnotayonna @urmom2bitch @rootbeerworshiper @starsturniolo @hearts4chriss @theyluv-meee @carolinalikesthings @itzdarling @chrisstopherfilmed @sstvrnioloo @littlebookworm803 @nicksdrpepper @chrisloyalgf @robins-scoop @fandomhopped @chr1sgirl4life @bbglmfao @55sturn @sturniolololover @meg-sturniolo @mattsnymphette @leah-loves-lilies @vanteguccir @ineedchriscock @junnniiieee07
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babywriter · 7 months
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You were making yourself a sandwich when a beautiful woman wearing only a shirt and underwear came in. Strangely, her underwear consisted of a very thick purple diaper.
“Hum, excuse me?” you said. Not that you minded beautiful women walking into your house, but strangers are strangers.
“Yes?” she answered.
“Who are you?”
“Who are you?” you said louder.
“I’m me?” She looked genuinely confused.
“What is your name?” perhaps she was a little slow.
“Jean?” She answered very slowly, as if you were the stupid one.
“Last name?”
“Billings?” You did know a Gene Billings, your roommate, but the thing with your roommate was that he was a man and this was a woman.
“He brought you home last night?” which confused you, because Gene hadn’t gone out last night.
“I am Jean.” she said.
“Ok, this isn’t leading anywhere. What’s your real name? Where’s Gene?”
“There isn’t any other Jean, I am Jean! Why are you doing this?"
You had enough of this and went to Gene’s room, where he probably was anyway, or so you thought until you opened the door. Because this was definitely not Gene’s room. This was the room of a grown woman. 
“Ah, I get it. Trying some roleplay?” said Jean behind you. “It’s okay, I can do that.” And suddenly her hands were all over your chest. She pushed you towards her bed and unzipped your pants.
“I’m really sorry, mister. I just came in because I was thirsty.” she said.
“Hey, hey, what are you doing?” you said weakly so that she wouldn’t really hear you.
“Oh, mister, it’s so big!” Her every touch was electric. And when she put it in her mouth, your limbs couldn’t help but spasm immediately.
“Mmm.” She said with her mouth full. “Thank you, mister.” She swallowed. “I feel much better now.” She stood up while you were laying on the bed, panting. 
“I just love sucking.” she said while rummaging through her drawers. “It’s great. Bet you loved it too, uh?”
“So, now we’re just going to diaper you and get rid of that little manhood of yours and we’ll be done!”
“What?” But it was too late. By the time she said it, a thick white diaper was already getting taped to your bottom.
You felt the effects immediately. Your breasts, thighs and hair were growing while other things were most definitely disappearing. Like your chest hair. After about a minute, you forgot you ever were a man.
“Thanks for the change, Jean.” You said.
“No problem.”
“So, that guy you were talking about?”
“Daddy? Yeah, he said he’d be willing to let BOTH of us do it. We could even move in with him.”
“I don’t want to move in with a guy.” you said. “I’d rather stay single to get ALL the guys.”
“Fair point. Men sure do like girls in diapers, don’t they?"
Photo credit: @littlestkittenxx
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rafeyscurtainbangs · 1 month
Please Please Please - Rafe Cameron Short Story (Part 1 of 6)
+18 Minor DNI
Older MobDealer!Rafe x Female Reader
🪄 re-uploaded because I had to make a new account.
⭐ republished ⭐
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+18 Minor DNI
3333 words
Warnings contain spoilers: domestic assault, cheating, swearing, name-calling, gaslighting, threats, and mentions of killing partner, general violence. Every chapter after this, will have Rafe as the focal point.
📖 Loosely based on the song and music video Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter 💕
✨“Stopping in your tracks, you watch the tall blonde struggle to break free. He grits his teeth, fighting against the cuffs, his broad chest gaping at the buttons of his black button-down shirt. He looks like he’s been through it; a gashed lip, the bottom of his pressed shirt half-tucked, his hair messy and sweaty against his dewy, tanned skin.”✨
*blue font is present day
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Reader’s POV:
Red wine, Tony’s favorite, Cabernet Sauvignon specifically. Tokara Telos, the first bottle of wine we shared on our very first date. Fitting for our two year anniversary. Slowly swirling the glass you watch the rich red wine cascade down the side. You look at the oven, eyeing the clock, watching a second hour pass. Nine… Dinner was set for seven. Where the hell is he? Maybe he texted me? Maybe he’s in a business meeting gone long or wrong?
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Unread to read. Your heart skips a beat as you watch the three dots impatiently; Tony finally acknowledging you, letting you know where the fuck he is and what the hell he’s doing.
The three dots disappear leaving behind the disappointing chain of messages.
Is he with someone else?
I hate that that’s where my mind goes first, since he’s assured me time and time again he’s faithful and I’m paranoid. It’s hard to give him the benefit of the doubt when there’s so much to doubt. Every excuse just sounds so fabricated with him, corroborated by his goons so I don’t have a leg to stand on.
Then there’s the talk around the country club… It’s just whispers, no real proof, but I swear it’s so goddamn loud. I’m rarely at the Island Club, but when I am, I can see the eyes on us. The cutting watch of women who Tony could possibly be seeing on the side; gossip shared just out of earshot. Everyones’ pity and focus always seems to be directed at me.
It’s embarrassing to feel like everyone knows my drama but me. No one opens their mouths. Ya know why? They’re scared… Scared of him. And I don’t blame ‘em. I’d be scared too.
So here I sit. Getting stood up by my boyfriend while he’s out doing god knows what, with god knows who, because he can. He can do whatever he’d like, break my heart, bruise my ego, because deep down I know there’s nothing I can do… The day I met him was the day I lost myself.
“Vlad,” you call from the kitchen, your voice bouncing off the walls of the lavish estate. “Vlad?”
“Miss?” Tony’s driver comes around the corner with a broad smile, taking in the smells of whatever lingers of the now cold pom de terre. “Smells delicious, Miss. I didn’t know you were a cook.”
“I’m not,” you sigh through a labored laugh. “Just thought I’d make what we had on our first date,” you hum, hearing the drunken slur in your own voice. Vlad cocks an eyebrow, clocking it instantly. “Umm… Dinner was supposed to be at seven,” you sough, gesturing with your glass toward the clock. “Do you know where he-”
“How was lunch with Anna?” He cuts you short, quickly changing the subject, leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
“Where’s Tony,” you return, trying your best to level your wavering tone, dismissing his “pleasantries”.
“The office-”
“What office exactly?” You snip, knowing it’s the Law Firm or The Country Club. Vlad’s gaze casts to the floor. He shuffles his Italian leather boot anxiously, not as good with his “excuses” as the other men on Tony’s payroll. It’s a wordless answer nonetheless - The Country Club. “Can you take me there? I want to make sure he has some dinner. I’m assuming he’s been there all day. The meeting just went long?” You ramble, without a verbal answer from him, gathering your things to leave as the older man flounders.
"Miss…” He cautions you, taking his turn with a faltering tone, making matters worse for Tony.
“Is there an issue?” You ask as you lift an eyebrow in his direction.
“Mr. Marietta is in an important meeting. As you know, they’re not usually the safest situations, and he demands your safety. Tony expressed to me that he would be home late. Would you like me to call him and ask when he’ll be coming home?” You roll your eyes, chuckling in disbelief as you stroll past him.
“I am perfectly capable of that,” you breathe as you snag a new bottle of red wine, heading out the door.
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦
The Country Club comes into sight, the gaudy neon sign flickering from a distance. The parking lot is packed, littered with cars; always jam-packed on the weekends. Kooks, Pogues, and tourists alike all brought together for their shared love of pussy.
“Park there,” you guide from the backseat as you spot Tony’s blacked-out Maybach truck parked under the streetlight. Vlad locks eyes with you through the rearview mirror.
“Would you like me to call him before you go inside, Miss?” You shake your head ‘no’ as you look out the window, drawing a deep, nervous breath before pushing out.
What am I walking into?
“Y/n?” Luis, Tony’s bodyguard and bouncer, calls from his seat outside the door. “What are you doin’ here?” He looks in all directions for watchers-on anxiously, the blood drained from his face like he’d just seen a ghost. Only a handful of people even know that Tony owns this shithole. To virtually everyone on the Island he’s just another Kook King. The Marietta to the Marietta and Klaus Law Firm. This is simply a front for something bigger, something Tony can use to wash his dirty drug money; a front. “You just missed Tony,” he lies through his gold-capped teeth.
“He’s here,” you smile as you step toward the door, grabbing the handle. Luis rests his large palm on top, looking down at you blankly. “He’s in a meeting, Miss.”
“And-” You ask as you twist the knob, but Luis doesn’t budge. “Move.”
“Get the fuck out of my way,” you snap. Luis’s jaw tightens as he shakes his head ‘no’ standing firm. “You said he wasn’t here. Now he’s here and I can’t go in? That’s my fuckin’ boyfriend,” you hiss.
“I have orders, ma’am.”
“Orders?” You scoff.
“Pussy,” you spit, turning on your heels, heading back where you came. Plan B. You pick up speed, clipping down the asphalt before he can intervene, following the line of men waiting outside, before slipping through the front door.
Your head hangs low as you walk through the dim, seedy hallway, pushing past patrons sauntering in and out of the gentlemen’s club. The main floor. I’ve never been here… The office is the farthest I’ve gone. You catch a few familiar faces from the Island Club, their eyes doubling in disbelief and shame for seeing you here and being seen themselves. Music blares as you storm toward the back; beautiful women dancing on the stage in nothing but Pleasers for the swarm of men gathered around, flicking and raining ones on the stage.
“Yes,” you gasp as you watch a stripper step out from behind the back-of-house door; catching it before it swings shut. Just a few paces and you’re there. You slide in your key and open the office door without a second thought, ripping off the bandaid.
Nothing… The office is dark, only the light of Tony’s laptop glowing in the empty post. Maybe he is gone. You step toward it, letting your heart rate settle as you circle his desk.
The corner of your lips curl into a trembling smile as you see a framed picture of the two of you on his desk. A post-it note affixed to the top with a reminder for tonight’s date.
Maybe I am paranoid… You pull out his large leather desk chair, taking a seat. Drawing a deep, needed breath, you let your shoulders fall, releasing some of your tension. It doesn’t explain why his truck is still here… Your eyes flash open, returning to the worry at hand landing on a bar napkin. Red lipstick.
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Your stomach sinks as you hold the note, your eyes flicking to the laptop screen. Oh my god. Your heart shatters as you watch a blonde bounce on Tony’s lap, his lips locked on hers.
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“I know,” you sigh as you relax your head back onto the cold brick wall of Kildare County Jail, looking up at the ceiling.
“Did ya kill 'em?” The woman asks in a gruff tone as she crosses her arms over her chest, tits spilling out of her tattered, lace bralette as she snaps her gum. “S'that why you’re in here?”
“Thought about it? But no. That’s not why I’m here.” You open your heavy eyes, taking in your surroundings, contemplating all the choices that landed you here. The worst of it, ever being with him in the first place.
“So, what happened next?”
There’s a brief separation as Tony draws away from their kiss, staring toward the door of the Champagne Room. Luis… He must have figured it out. Tony pushes the stripper off his lap, gathering his clothes as he frantically dresses.
Here we go.
You hear the muffled bang of the first door and the gritting of his key working the lock on the second. You watch as the knob twists, light flooding the room as Tony pushes into the office coming toward you fast. Tony grabs your shoulders, and you fight him off. “Don’t fuckin’ touch me,” you snap.
“Baby, please. You gotta talk to me? What’s going on? Why are you so upset? Please just talk to me,” he pleads like he’s done before; times when I gave him the benefit of the doubt; times when I believed I could be the problem here. “We weren’t doing anything.”
“Tony!” You cry. “Are you fuckin delusional? I saw you fuckin’ that stripper with my own two eyes.”
“Princess, she was just dancing. It was a lap dance. Alright? You have to believe me.”
“Just a lap dance…” You scoff looking down at his undone belt, zipper down, dress pants pitched from his hard-on. He follows your eyes, hastily zipping and fastening his pants closed.
“I don’t know what you think you saw-”
“We’re done,” you chuckle tiredly as you step back, throwing open the side office door. Tony immediately reaches for you, clawing for your arm. “Let go of me,” you struggle.
“You’re not leavin’,” he asserts, pulling you back inside.
“I am. I’m done with you. It’s our anniversary, Tony. Look at where you are. Look at what you’re doing. How could you do this to me?”
“Do what? It was just a dance. I just got out of a major deal. Alright? I was about head home-”
“Liar?” He questions. “Did you just call me a liar?” He asks as you feel the sting of his blunt fingernails digging into your arm.
“I know what I saw…”
“Princess… Even if I was lying. What the fuck are you gonna do about it. Huh? You’re mine, bitch. I own you. Where are you gonna go? What money do you have? How are you gonna afford this lifestyle you’ve become so accustomed to? Spending my hard-earned money like the gold-digging slut you are. You should be grateful,” he snarls as he steps toe-to-toe with you using his free hand to tug his leather belt from the loops of his pants.
You look up into his dark eyes as cruel words spit so readily from his wicked lips like he’s had time to prepare. I’ve seen this side of him, only once. He’s an evil man, and I know that. But this sort of cruelty has never been reserved for me. Until today. He grips his belt a little tighter in his fist making you take a few steps back but he stalks closer.
“You’re not goin’ anywhere,” he threatens.
“I am,” you whisper as you try to remain firm.
“I don’t think you understand this relationship we’ve got goin’ on, sweetheart. You go when I say you go,” he growls, tracing the belt along your bare thigh. “Do you think you’ll have a life after me? You think I’ll allow that shit.” He winds up smacking it against your skin. You gnash your teeth in pain, holding back tears, the most horrifying part knowing he could go far harder. “You know too much. You’re a liability. You have nothing. You are nothing without me. And you will be nothing without me.” Chills fall down your spine at his words and the crazed look in his eyes, his pupils blown from coke, pleasure, and rage.
“M'not scared of you.”
“You’re not. Huh? My tough girl.” He leans in; lips draw to your neck, kissing your pulse point, your rapid heartbeat calling your bluff as you inhale Cassidy’s cheap perfume lingering on his skin. You pinch your eyes shut as his large hand threads into your hair, tugging slightly while the other soothes your stinging thigh with his rough palm.
“I came from nothing, Tony. I’ll be fine.”
He scoffs as he uses his grasp on your strands to shove you away, letting the back of your head and body bang against the side door. Tony buttons up his still-undone shirt; bright red lipstick stained on the collar as well as his neck, a dark hickey forming to boot. Tears roll down your cheeks as you stand there defeated in your date night dress, your perfect makeup now streaming down your cheeks as you look into his soulless eyes.
“Fuck you, Tony.”
“Yeah. Yeah,” he chuckles as he pulls a cigarette out from behind his ear, placing it between his lips before snapping his lighter. “You leave, and I’ll find you. I own Figure 8, princess. Hell, I own this whole damn island. You better not make it too hard on me, baby doll. It’s our anniversary, after all. I’m sure you got somethin’ pretty for Daddy under that little dress of yours. I know you like it rough… but you might not make it out this time,” he laughs as he tosses his belt roughly toward his desk, the picture of the two of you clattering and shattering on the floor.
“Are you threatening me?”
“Me? Never… But if my hands are wrapped tight enough around that pretty little throat of yours and you don’t have enough juice to shout our safe word that’s on you, angel.”
“Go to hell.”
“I’ll give you a 5 minute head start, love. That seems fair?”
You grab the door and pull it open, taking a few steps before turning around again, pressing your back against the cool door, holding it shut as you look for an out. Luis is gone from his post, most likely keeping watch on the opposite end, Vlad in the parking lot, open water on the other side. There’s no way I can go back home. No family close by. No car. No escape. Looking out into the busy parking lot, you watch a squad car slow-roll through the back of the lot. Perfect.
Thank you, Luis. You reach down, snagging his Louisville Slugger perched against the weathered barstool. "Miss?” You hear his bodyguard’s frantic voice as he rounds the corner. You run into the lot as fast as your feet can take you, swerving around cars; dodging Luis.
You slam your eyes shut, swinging hard, nailing Tony’s Maybach truck, shattering the glass. The car alarm blares, echoing through the large lot. “Y/n!” Luis yells, but you swing and swing again.
“Y/n!” Tony barks from the door. You point the bat in his direction, twirling it before knocking off the wing mirror and sending it flying. A second siren fires, the sound of the police cruiser blares through the night, competing with the truck as it gets closer and closer.
You nail the glass, shards spilling into the truck as the cruiser pulls up, moving to the front of the vehicle you make your delinquency visible, quickly knocking out each headlight while the deputies climb out of their vehicle. “Get on the ground. Get on the ground now!” They holler.
“Deputy, this… this is a misunderstanding,” Tony assures as he enters the lot, softening his voice again.
“No, it’s not. And if I had a knife, I’d slash your tires, asshole.” The officers grab for you, expecting a fight, ultimately getting the latter. You cross your arms behind your back, smiling at Tony as they lock you in cuffs.
"Well, shit,” the older woman chuckles as she pulls you back to reality.
“Mhmm… but I’m a liability. After that little stunt I pulled, I know I’m living on borrowed time. Jail is the only place I could leave and be safe for the night. It’s just a band aid though; a temporary fix. I’m sure he’ll bail me out any minute, but who knows what’ll happen? I want to show him I’m not afraid.”
She purses her lips, debating whether to ask the million dollar question. “Are you?” She asks somberly.
“I wish I wasn’t-”
“L/n, someone just bailed your ass out. Let’s go,” an officer calls from outside the cell. The woman beside you taps your leg, giving you a little nod.
“He lays a finger on you, honey, I got no problem comin’ back here.”
“Thank you,” you whisper before turning toward the officer, giving her a wide, fake smile.
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You rise to your feet, fixing your dress as you walk to out-processing. “To the left.”
Shupe matches your gaze from his post, giving you a wary glance. “M'am, are these your belongings?” He asks as he holds up the plastic bag of goods. You give him a soft smile and a nod. “Sure you got nothin’ you wanna tell me, Miss F/N L/N. Now’s the time,” Shupe warns. “You know, it’s Tony who posted your bail. He’s waitin’ for you outside-”
“I’m fine. Just fine, Deputy,” you assure as you fish your lipstick out from your clutch, slicking it on in the reflection of the privacy glass. “It was nothin’. Just a misunderstanding, as I said.”
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“Just fine? Trashing Mr. Marietta’s Maybach truck was nothing? Just a normal night for the two of you?” He asks sarcastically.
You look at him and smile, dead-eyed and defeated. “It was our anniversary, actually.” Shupe’s eyes widen at yours, the occasion making your story even more unbelievable. “Have a great day, Deputy.”
“This is not a beauty pageant,” the female officer grunts, shooing you toward the exit.
I don’t know if I made the right choice… but I’m not gonna snitch. If I want to survive, I’m going to have to be strategic.
“I’m cooperating. Ain’t I?” You hear a deep voice echo down the hallway.
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Stopping in your tracks, you watch the tall blonde struggle to break free. He grits his teeth, fighting against the cuffs, his broad chest gaping at the buttons of his black button-down shirt. He looks like he’s been through it; a gashed lip, the bottom of his pressed shirt half-tucked, his hair messy and sweaty against his dewy, tanned skin.
His eyes match yours; even from a distance, you can see how blue they are. His entire demeanor shifts, softening as a smile pulls on his pretty lips. A smile so beautiful, you can’t help but return the same.
There’s something magnetic about him, an intensity drawing your focus to him like a moth to a flame. He winks, and in that instant, everything changes. There’s no mistaking the connection swelling between you.
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“Hey,” he mouths; your breath catches in your chest, pulse-quickening as time slows to a snail’s-pace. He looks at you until the last minute before being shoved inside his confinements. The metal door slams shut, jarring you from your daze, the bustle of the jail building from the solace in your mind.
Who was that?
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It was momentary… a fleeting beat. The calm before the storm. You get pushed along, shoved toward the exit, and away from a sweet dream, thrown straight into a nightmare.
Part 2
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misserabella · 1 year
new blood
ellie williams x fem! reader
enemies to lovers!
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part 2!
summary; you had finally found joel, the man that had taken away your father. surprises show on the faces of his allies when you join them, instead of hunt them down for revenge, ‘cause you were already a prey under the eyes of your sister; abby. but there’s one of them that seems to take a special interest in you: ellie williams.
cw for this chapter; blood, weapons, chains, hostages, fighting, broken bones, threatening, mentions of abuse and imagery (abusive parent), drug usage (weed)…
REMINDER: english is not my mother language so i apologize if there are some mistakes <3 !¡ either ways, i hope y’all like it. <3
Please, under no circumstances, repost my work on any other sites. I do not consent to anyone taking my work and posting it as their own.
Another day begun, and just like the last… you didn’t know how many days you’d been her, chained to this wall, but what you knew is that they all started the same way.
One, Two, Three Clicks, a knock and the door was opening.
Bright green eyes found yours, and as always, you ignored her, just like you ignored those who accompanied her. Every and each day they did the same. Came for questions that you wouldn’t answer. Came for something that you wouldn’t give them. How much would they keep you here? Would they get rid of you eventually? Would you rot here?
You kicked the still full trolley that they had left for you the night before towards the girl that stood at the front of the group. She looked rough, with freckles decorating her cheeks and a scar his right eyebrow. Her hair was up in a half messy bun, and there was a gun hidden underneath her green combat coat. It was cold. You could see it in the way her fingernails were turning just the slightest purplish.
The food spilled, and the water wetted her boots, but you didn’t care, she didn’t either. It had been days since you’d eaten. But you were clever. Who told you they wouldn’t drug you? Humans were scary, the real monsters in a world filled with them.
She simply approached you, boots heavy, a thud accompanying her walk as she threw something towards you as well; your backpack. You were quick to grab it, ripping it open and taking out your dagger under the vigilance of the whole group. She never stopped getting closer and closer —even if you were pointing at her with a weapon that you were more than ready to use—, until she had crouched down in front of you, bits of her hair cupping her cheeks.
“You’re not scared.” you muttered and the auburn haired simply shrugged. “Then unlock me.” you ordered and she smirked.
“How about a ‘thank you first’? If you can’t recall, I’m the one who told them to not shoot you.”
“Why would I fucking thank you? I’m chained to a fucking wall!” you hissed and she arched her eyebrows. Your grip tightened around the switch blade.
“If you kill me they’ll kill you.” she said, and nodded towards those who stared at you through the other side of the room.
“I’d like to see them try.” you smiled.
Two men and three women counting with this fucking asshole talking to you.
That’d be easy.
“What do you say? Want me to give you a matching scar on your other eyebrow? Maybe one across your neck would look good.” the girl simply stared at you, not even startled by your threat. Her green eyes never left yours, not even when she got up and gave you her back to get to the door. “Fucking let me out!”
But the door was closing, and you were left alone once again, completely trapped.
“Fuck!” you smashed the glass of water that stood on your new food trolley —the one that she had brought you for the morning— against the door, smashing it to pieces.
And that’s when it hit you. That’s right. You just needed to break.
“Okay! Let’s try this again.”
You were laying on your side when you heard her, the door opening with a creek along with the wood floorboards underneath the weight of those who had entered the room. You were giving them your back, trying to stay as still as possible, nor even breathing.
You didn’t answer, didn’t even turn. You were getting out of here.
Your lip was bleeding due to your teeth digging so harshly on its flesh, pain shooting through your veins.
The silence that came after that was terrifying, even more the sound of their guns cocking.
Something was wrong. You knew they knew. But they didn’t knew what exactly. So you had an advantage. You just needed to move your pawns the way you needed to and you’d be able to scape.
Steps became closer, and your breath almost hitched. Just a little bit more…
You moved so fast it was almost impossible to follow, your body suddenly rising and swinging the chain that had had you captive for days. You dodged the bullet that her gun sent towards you and tugged from it when the chain had surrounded her wrist, sending her weapon far away from her reach.
You smiled as you pressed your switch blade against her neck once you’d managed to press her back against your chest, her hair was ticking your skin, and guns were pointing directly to your head.
“Huh-uh…” you chuckled, raising your eyebrows to the group that now threatened you. But you had now the upper hand. “I wouldn’t shoot if I were you. Wouldn’t want her to become my shield, right?”
The red head stood completely still, her green eyes on the oldest man of her companions. Bingo.
“Oh don’t look at me like that, old man. I swear I’m a good girl.” you pouted, still pressing the blade harder against the unknown girl’s neck.
“Ellie-“ he tried and come closer, but Ellie rose one of her hands, stopping him.
Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie, Ellie….
“Clever girl.” you muttered against her neck, and she hissed.
“You broke the chain?” she inquired and you chuckled.
“Not exactly.”
That when they all noticed. The hand that was holding the blade… It was broken, all bruised and bloody, shaking in pain but still ready to kill if the occasion called for it.
“You broke your hand?” the old man that had tried and step closer to help Ellie inquired, his eyes seeming shocked, even impressed by how far would you go to survive.
“Great, so the pops still has great sight.” you rolled your eyes, and he glared at you, his grip tightening around the gun. “You see… It was great. This whole cheap free hotel, nice food, comfortable floor to sleep…But I was getting pretty fucking tired of being your dog.” you shrugged. “So if you let me go… I promise not to bite.” you smiled, the threat on your eyes sending shivers down the spine of anyone that could ever lay eyes on you.
“You see… That was great.” Ellie suddenly said, and your hand shook against her neck. “The whole I’m so fucking crazy I’m gonna fuck up my hand and scape. But your plan is fucking stupid.” you frowned, but soon enough you were groaning when she suddenly grabbed your fucking hand and simply squeezed it, pain shooting down your spine.
In just a matter of seconds she had you pinned to the ground, your switch blade meters away scattered on the floor.
“You fucking bitch!” you seethed, trying to scape her hold, but she simply squeezed harder, digging her fingertips on your bruised and swollen skin.
“Oh, but I though the dog here was you, aren’t you?” your chest rose at her words, and before she could look away, you had spat on her face.
“Let me go.” you repeated, even if you knew you now were the one in trouble.
“Not until you tell me how you found us.” she answered, and you simply quieted down. “Answer me.” you cried out in pain when she twisted your wrist. The pain was making you see red.
“Shut it Dina.” she hissed, and you almost swore you could die when she banged your hand against the floor, making your head spin. “Answer me!”
“Joel!” you whimpered, breathy, sweat decorating your skin. “I came…, for Joel.” you muttered and the whole room fell silent. “And from that silence… I’m guessing it’s one of you, isn’t it? You two have aged since the last time I saw you… But I’d never be able to forget those names…” you smiled, and you saw her whole body stiffen up. “Even if it was years ago that he killed an entire hospital full of people just to save you, isn’t that right… Ellie?” her jaw tightened.
“Who are you?” the old man stepped closer, and you stared at him.
“Just the daughter of the surgeon that was supposed to cut her open.” you shrugged, and you shook when his finger pressed just the slightest against the trigger. “Woah, calm down pops. I’m not here to kill you, just to warn you that they’re coming after you.”
“Who? Who is coming after him?” Ellie inquired and your eyes were back on hers.
“Abby. My dear sister.” you scoffed, and moaned in pain when she tugged on your broken hand. “Fuck.”
“And why would you help us?” Joel spat, a visible frown on his face.
“Because you helped me first by killing that son of a bitch.” you answered. “And because she wants me dead too.”
You hissed and the woman simply sighed, finishing up with the bandaging of your broken hand.
“This… I don’t even have words for this. So you’re telling me that this group lead by… Abby, is coming after Joel to take revenge on him?” a man with brown long slicked hair sighed.
“How many are them?”
“About twenty.” you bit down on your lip when the curly haired tightened the bandages so your hand would be immobilized.
“Weapons?” Joel inquired, right beside the man who had just asked you. They looked similar. Maybe brothers.
“Guns, knives… Pretty much the same stuff you guys have.” you shrugged.
You could feel that pair of green emerald eyes burying into your skull from across the room, but you’ve decided just to ignore it and live peacefully with yourself.
“I still don’t understand it. Why would you make it all the way here to warn us?”
“I already told your, pops. Shit, you really need to check your hearing.” you rolled your eyes. “I’m just thanking you for killing my father that’s it.” you thanked the woman who you recall had been called Maria before when she had finished up with your hand.
“You’re… Thanking me.” you nodded. “For killing your father.” you nodded again and Joel blinked in confusion. “Why?”
“Why what?” you asked.
“Why are you thanking me for killing him? Shouldn’t you be siding up with your sister and coming after me?” you looked at him and then away, falling silent.
You got up from your seat and took your bag. They all watched you put your coat back on and push your gun on the back of your pants.
“Does it really matter? Just take the fucking help and try not to die.” you spat. It was obvious the venom and bitterness on your voice. “I’m done here. I’m leaving, probably to the other side of this fucking country to live in a farm or some shit until the day I peacefully die.” you pulled up the zipper of your coat. “I would say it was nice meeting you. But you treated me like pure shit, so I’d be lying.” you said before making your way towards the door.
“Wait.” Joel’s brother, now known as Tommy, interrupted your leave. “Why don’t you stay? At least for a couple of days, you’re safe here and they would find you. Once we take care of them, you won’t need to hide anymore and leave. At least let us thank you for helping us.” you stated at him, then at the rest.
“I don’t take charity.” you said. “I’ll leave now.”
“You really wanna go?” that was the first time you’ve heard her talk in hours. You could help but look at her, at her auburn hair, freckles and green eyes. “Since you’ve been in the same room for days, you might have not noticed the fact that we’re in the middle of a fucking storm.” and as if the world was trying to make a point, a loud bolt of lightning came crashing down the sky. How the hell hadn’t you heard those before? “And it will get much worse.”
You took a deep breath. Fucking hell.
After a few moments in silence you talked, sighing.
“Fine. But once it’s gone I am too. I’m not fucking staying for tea parties.” you spat.
And just like that, your cage had expanded from a room to the whole town.
Your hand hurt like hell. And you were fucking exhausted. But you couldn’t sleep. Wouldn’t sleep as long as she’d be there.
“Are your ever gonna put that thing down?” her green eyes met the switchblade on your hand.
You were back at her house, where Maria had placed you from the time being until she could find a clean and fixed place for you to stay.
“I think we both know the answer to that.” you answered, squinting your eyes, to what she rolled hers.
“Whatever. I’m gonna smoke. You enjoy your little psychotic breakdown.”
You watched as she made her way towards her side bed table and took a metal little box out of it before coming back to the salon, where the two of you had been sitting.
“Weed? Seriously?” you inquired, eyebrows rising when the smell hit your nose once she had opened the lid.
“I’d better be high if I’ll be sharing my house with you. It’s survival instinct.” she shrugged and you scoffed.
“That’s all? Damn, you really know where to hurt don’t you?” the sarcasm was palpable on her voice, and you rolled your eyes.
You two fell silent, and you simply stared at her roll the blunt with her slim yet long fingers, lick the paper to seal it and burn it just the slightest so it would have more firmness.
She took a big inhale once it was lit up.
You shrugged your jacket off, uncovering your shoulders and arms, more comfortable now on only your white tank top.
Ellie’s eyes landed on the exposed skin, the emerald shifting once she had took in the multiple scars that decorated them, along with your shoulders and back.
“Pretty aren’t they?” you sarcastically scoffed, and that’s when she noticed that she had been staring for far too long.
“Clickers?” she inquired, taking another drag of her blunt.
“My father.”
Her face fell, her breath hitched as you looked away.
“Let’s say I wasn’t his favorite.” you shrugged. “And that he was a fucking alcoholic with a lot of bad days.”
Ellie looked at you, silently, listening. She felt sorry for you. She never got to have a father, nor a biological one at least, but just to think about how your own blood could have done something as brutal as that to you…
“So now you might understand why I came here. How grateful I am to Joel for having ripped him out of my life. He saved me.” you muttered, still not looking at her.
Long minutes passed by in complete silence.
You two didn’t interact until she slowly but softly offered you her blunt. You rose your eyebrows before accepting it, taking a drag of it and slightly coughing.
“This shit’s strong.” you bitterly said, but still took another long and deep drag, already feeling slightly lightheaded.
“Why thank you. Appreciate it.” she smirked and your mouth slightly fell. “Best in Jackson.” you laughed at her confidence, your laughter filling and warming the room.
You offered it back to her, and as the time passed you two shared it in a deep silence.
Soon enough it went out, and Ellie got up, eyes tired and body heavy.
“Gonna go to my room. There’s more blankets on that basket in case you need ‘em.” you nodded. “Night.”
And with that you laid on the sofa, eyes unable to close. But it was okay. You couldn’t truly remember the last time your mind had been quiet enough to sleep. Ellie stood up all night as well. And the silence in between the two of you couldn’t be any more loud.
a/n; this has been sitting on my drafts for far too long. part two? 👀
ellie williams masterlist! <3
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pitchsidestories · 1 year
Alex Scott's daughter (1) II Leah Williamson x Reader
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"Our song is the slamming screen door Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window When we're on the phone, and you talk real slow 'Cause it's late, and your mama don't know." ~ Taylor Swift, Our Song
part 2 I arsenal women masterlist I word count: 1747
Being the daughter of Alex Scott was significantly different to having any other mum. Not only had football a very important part in both of your lives, but you also were much closer than other families were. Alex had gotten pregnant with you when she was only seventeen, struggling to balance being a young mum and finding her way into a football career. You two basically grew up side by side, with the same people and on football fields all across the country. Often, you felt more like sisters than mum and daughter.
Now you were twenty-one sitting on the sofa and watching your mum slip on some heels while simultaneously putting in her earrings. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with me to this party?“, she asked for the hundredth time now.
You rolled your eyes with an amused smile; “Yes, I’ll be fine at home with my book and a hot chocolate, Mum.“ “Okay, fine. I won’t ask anymore. But you’re going to miss out.“, she warned you, holding up a finger in your direction. Satisfied, you nodded once; “Thank you and no, I don’t think I will.“
Your mum shrugged into her coat and walked over to give you a kiss on the crown of your head: “See you later. I won’t come home too late.“ You closed your book carefully, keeping one finger between the pages as a bookmark and raised an eyebrow at your mum; “We’ll see about that. If a certain redhead is there, I’m sure it will take longer.“ You knew your mum loved parties. Especially when her new crush was likely to show up.
Alex just waved your comment off; “Oh shut up. She won’t be there.“ “If you say so…“, you stated before returning to your book. “Hey, I’m not just saying it, I know it.“, your mum continued. “Mum, you need to hurry up or you’ll be late.“, you reminded her, pointing at the clock in your living room.
Hesitant the former player started to laugh:” Yeah, fine. Why do you want to get me out of the house so quickly?” “I don’t.”, you replied flushing. Despite her feeling that something was off in the way you tried to make her leave, she said: “I’ll see you later.” “Bye, I love you.”, you shouted as Alex was already at the door. With a huge smile she turned her head towards you before stepping out of her home:” Love you, too.”
A couple of minutes after your mum left the door ringed. A bright grin was on your lips as you opened the door for your girlfriend: ”Lee, come inside.” “Hi.”, Leah smiled. A loud sigh escaped your mouth:“ Hey, sorry, I thought she’d never leave.” “Couldn’t say goodbye, huh?”, the blonde threw her eyebrows up in amusement.  “Nope.” The defender admitted:“ That’s kind of cute.” “So, any plans four this evening?”, you winked at her.
In a casual tone the older woman answered:” No, I thought I’d just come over and we’ll see what we’ll do.” “Sounds good to me.” An innocent smile was showing up on Leah’s face while she showed you what the Arsenal player was hiding in her bag:” I even brought my book if you prefer to read together.” “Like in a reading date? I love that. Do you want a hot chocolate, or I think we do have a bottle of red somewhere if you prefer that.”, you informed her about the options.  “Oh, I don’t mind. I’m just here to spend time with you.” Time together, was something you rarely had, especially with the busy calendar your girlfriend had even with her ACL injury.
So you decided on the following evening plan:” Okay, let’s spend our time with reading so your physio can’t complain about the fact that you don’t rest enough.”  
“I’ve rested enough.”, Leah protested before she was lifting you up carrying you in the direction to your bedroom. Giggling you pleaded: “Lee, let me down.” Although you knew all too well about the England’s captain stubbornness. Determined the blonde shook her head: “No.” “Sofa or bed?”, you questioned her. “To read on?” “Yes.”, you nodded.
“Bed.“, Leah decided quickly. You nodded in agreement of her decision; “Good choice.“ “I know.“, the defender grinned back while following you into your bedroom. With a sigh, she let herself fall onto your bed. You immediately followed suit. With your head propped up on one arm, you opened your book; “Want me to read out loud to you?“ “Sure, why not?“, Leah agreed and turned around to put her own book on the nightstand. As you started reading, she drew her attention back to you.
However, this did not last long. You could feel her fingertips on the outside of your thigh tracing small patterns and then slowly wandering higher and under your shirt. In feigned annoyance, you slapped her hand away; “Hey!“ “What?“ Her blue eyes met yours with pure innocence. “You’re not listening.“, you scolded her. Leah shook her head in denial; “No.“ You shot her an amused look which Leah took as an invite to kiss you and finally, you gave in.
The book dropped from the side of the bed as you passionately kissed her back, running your fingers through her long blonde hair. “Now I know why you didn’t finished The Cost of Living yet even though it’s only 200 pages.“, you laughed between two kisses. Your girlfriend rolled eyes as answer and pressed her lips on yours again. You two were so absorbed in each other that neither of you heard the front door open and close. “Honey, I’m home.“, Alex’ voice echoed through the hallway.
In surprise, you two immediately drove apart but at the same moment, the door to your bedroom opened. Alex stood in the door frame, watching the scene before yelling out; “What the hell?“ “Oh shit. Alex, I can explain.“, Leah replied. She got up from the bed and took a few steps towards her friend. Your mum refused to hear any of it, looking from you to Leah with in an expression of betrayal; “No. That’s my daughter you kissed there, Leah!“ “Alex…“ Your mum turned back to you; “And you? Leah is one of my best friends!“ “Mum…“, you whispered, looking down at your hands because you could not stand to look at the hurt in her face.
“Can I talk to you for a moment, Alex?”, the blonde pleaded. Sternly Alex shovelled one of her closest friends out of the room:” For how long this has been going on, Leah?!” “Not long. Really. We just didn’t find the right time to tell you yet.”, Leah confessed. Out of breath Alex lips escaped an: “Oh wow.” “Don’t be mad at her. I started it.”, the younger woman told her, the softness in her words when she mentioned her daughter startled the older one. Devastated the former Arsenal player shouted: “You? When? How? Why?” “Because your daughter is cute.”, Leah said trying not to hurt her best friend any further while staying honest about her feelings.
Furious Alex looked at her:” I know she’s very cute!” “Alex.” Angrily the ex-defender waved with her hands:” What?!” “Calm down.”, the blonde asked her to. “So you started it?” “I did.”, the England skipper nodded earnest. “Are you serious with her? If not I swear-“, Alex began.  Without any hesitation Leah stated firmly:“ Alex, you know me. I don’t date unless I mean it.” Groaning the BBC reporter hid her face in her hands:” I know and I even told you recently you need to let someone in your heart again, that you’re ready to love again.” “And I am.”, the Arsenal player confirmed. “With her?” “Yes.”, the blonde affirmed.
Carefully you reached out to the brunette: “Mum?” “I’m fine. Sorry, I’m just being dramatic it’s what I do.”, Alex apologized.  A mild but also tired smile appeared on Leah’s face:“Only when it comes to her.”  “True.”, her friend admitted while putting the arms around her daughter into a tight hug. Quietly you said:” But mum I’m not a kid anymore.”  “I know that.”, your mum mumbled into your ear. “But?” “It’s Leah. And you. I’ve to get used to that first.”, the brunette revealed. You let out a sigh of reveal:” That’s okay, we respect that.” “You should leave now Leah.”, Alex told the younger woman. The blonde went to you and pressed a kiss on top of your head:” Oh okay, good night you two. See you both soon.”
You share on last look with Leah; “Night, Lee.“ “Good Night.“, Alex answered curtly and closed the door behind the blonde defender. Your mum turned back to you but didn’t say anything. “How was the event, Mum?“, you finally decided to break the silence. “I don’t want to talk about that right now.“, she shook her head earnestly. You bit your lip, trying to avoid the elephant in the room; “What do you want to talk about?“ “You.“, Alex replied simply. With a sigh you agreed; “Alright.“ Slowly, you sat back down on your bed.
Your mum was still looking at you with her arms crossed in front of her chest but her facial expression has relaxed a bit; “So? When did you want to tell me?“ “Soon, really.“ Alex raised an eyebrow and repeated sceptically; “Soon?“ “Yes?“ Unconvinced, she shook her head; “I don’t believe you that.“ “I’m really happy with her.“, you stated, tired of discussing with your mum.
Finally, she seemed to soften up and sat down next to you; “You really are, huh?“ “Yeah.“ “I can tell.“ You carefully tried to find her eyes; “You’ll get used to it, right?“ “I think I will.“, she answered, a smile tugging on her lips. You nodded gratefully in her direction: “Thank you.“
“Hey?“, she asked and nudged you with her shoulder. “Huh?“, you looked up in surprise. Your mum winked at you; “I don’t want to know anything about what you two are doing together, okay?“ Perplexed, you could not stop yourself from laughing; “Okay.“
After a moment of silence, Alex cleared her throat; “I’m sorry I send her away for tonight.“ “Don’t worry about it.“ Gently, she slapped you on your thigh as she got up from your bed; “Let’s order some food and you tell me about you two? How does that sound?“ A big smile on your face, you followed her; “That sounds great, Mum.“
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runnning-outof-time · 11 months
Hi K! I have another prompt I’d like to send in. This time with Tommy. “I believe this is yours.”
I also decided to make you something so be prepared to expect something soon!
Hi Daisy! Thanks for sending this prompt in also! I hope you like what I’ve done with it - I had the temptation to be a little devilish with it….I hope it makes sense! Sorry I got a bit carried away with it too…. Enjoy! :)
Part of my 3.5k Celebration — find more stories here!
From Another Angle
Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Warnings: some suggestive actions…nothing graphic
Word Count: 1318
Summary: (Y/N) takes a different approach to get Tommy Shelby to change the way he runs his factories.
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(Y/N) walked confidently across the factory floor, making her way directly to the office where she knew she’d find the man she needed to talk to.
She didn’t bother answering the man who questioned her presence. Instead she asked a question of her own: “is this Mr. Shelby’s office?”
“Ye-yes, it is. But why are you here, ma’am?” the confused worker asked, but he was not answered.
(Y/N) simply nodded and made her way to the closed door. She knocked on it, turning the knob and opening it before the man inside could call for her to enter.
The entrance that was made had Tommy expecting to see one of his family members. Upon looking up, he was surprised to see a woman he’d never met before. “Can I help you?” he questioned, his eyebrows raising as he removed the glasses from the bridge of his nose.
“You can,” (Y/N) answered, making her way to one of the chairs that were positioned in front of his desk.
Tommy watched her all the way in, his eyebrows still raised as she took a seat, crossing one leg over the other as she then stared pointedly at him.
A staring match ensued, neither wanting to be the first to break the silence. It was like they were sizing each other up; trying to work out the others motives and weak points.
Eventually, (Y/N) spoke: “I was sent at the request of Jessie Eden. You know her, don’t you?” she asked, her one eyebrow lifted in intrigue.
“I do,” Tommy answered with a single nod of his head.
“She’s a comrade of mine. We’re in the fight together,” she then explained the connection between her and the aforementioned woman.
“Well a friend of Ms. Eden’s a friend of mine,” he played cordial with her.
“I wouldn’t be so quick to assume my friendship, Mr. Shelby,” (Y/N) warned him, her red lips curving up into a smirk as she spoke.
“What can I do for you…?” Tommy trailed off, hoping she’d fill in his blank with her name. He also took this time to run his eyes over her figure, certainly not missing the fact that she was dressed for this occasion, her blouse and skirt tailored to her frame nicely.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N),” she happily shared with him, “I want to speak to you about the prospect of equal pay for the women who are employed in your factories.”
A scoff left Tommy’s lips upon hearing the reason for her presence. He shook his head slightly before waving his hand, “what I said to your comrade still stands, Ms. (Y/L/N). I have no time, nor care, to negotiate.”
Most would have caught the abruptness in his tone and left right there, but not (Y/N). No. She was ready for the fight…truthfully, she was hoping for it. “I know what fields of business your family and yourself are in, Mr. Shelby. I know that you are well off and that you have enough money to own the whole of Birmingham, yet you are pitting your workers against each other, cutting the men close and the women even closer to wondering how their families will eat. Something needs to be done about it.”
“If I needed help figuring out how to run my factories, I’d ask for it. Now, Ms. (Y/L/N), if you could please…”
“Mr. Shelby, your 12:30’s here,” the same man that had directed (Y/N) to the office announced as he stuck his head into the room. Tommy looked past (Y/N) for a moment, nodding to the man before he stood up from his head. (Y/N) stayed seated.
“I have a meeting,” he said in a matter of fact tone.
“I wasn’t finished,” she bluntly replied.
Tommy raised his eyebrows at her answer, his mouth opened slightly as he tried to get a read on the woman in front of him. She clocked his stare, smirking under the intensity of it. He rested his knuckles on the desk then, his eyes still focused on her as he hoped she’d crack under his gaze.
“Mr. Shelby,” the man chimed in from the door, cutting into the staring contest that was happening.
“Tell them I’ll be done in a minute,” Tommy responded to the man without removing his eyes from (Y/N). For once, the huff that came in response just before the door shut didn’t bother him…right now he had other things in mind.
“Jessie Eden told me about you, Mr. Shelby,” (Y/N) finally spoke, her smirk still present as she stood from her seat to move even closer to him.
“And what did she say?” he questioned, intrigue flashing in his eyes.
“She said you had a peculiar way of going about business…that you’re not below going down avenues that others wouldn’t dare to even think of in order to meet an end,” she elaborated, setting her palms on the desk so the she could lean forward, knowing that she’d give him a better glimpse of her cleavage as she did so. She loved that his eyes dropped to her chest almost instantly.
“Why did she send you, Ms. (Y/L/N)?” he asked, his eyes flitting across her figure again, getting stuck on her dark red lips for more than a moment before returning to her eyes.
“I thought that it’d be beneficial to try things from a another angle,” she answered, leaning even closer. At this point, they were close enough to feel each other’s breath.
“What’s your angle, eh?” he questioned, intrigue present in his tone. His fingers were itching to reach out and take hold of her chin; to hold her in his grasp and secure the upperhand in the situation they both know was coming. But he kept them on the desk, his knuckles now white from how hard he was pushing them down.
“I am also not below going down those avenues to make sure business gets done.”
A smirk was present on (Y/N)’s lips as she closed the rest of the distance to press her lips to his, hooking him into a searing kiss. Tommy allowed his hands their freewill, wasting no time in taking hold of her jaw so that he could deepen the kiss. (Y/N)’s hands were busy finding something else.
Despite his grip, she was still able to break away from him. He let her face slip from his grasp, his hands dropping down to grab the desk again.
“Not bad, Mr. Shelby,” she commented, looking at him through hooded eyes as she ran her thumb along her bottom lip to make sure the her lipstick wasn’t messed up. She took a quick glance down at her other hand before letting out a breath of a laugh. “Oh…” she trailed off as she looked back up at him, “I believe this is yours,” she stated, holding a packet of papers that had the breakdown of wages written on them. It was the same packet that she managed to grab amidst their exchange.
Tommy opened his mouth to speak, a dumbfounded look now present on his face. Seeing it made (Y/N)’s grin grow. She now had the upperhand, and he knew it.
“I’m going to be taking a look at it…to make sure that us women get our fair pay,” she said before turning from the desk and walking to the door of his office, making sure to sway her hips as she went.
(Y/N) exited the office without another word being said. The grin stayed present on her face as she walked away knowing that she’d just left one of the most powerful men in the city speechless.
“Mr. Shelby’s ready for his meeting now,” she announced to the man who interrupted her earlier, her grin growing as she saw his reaction.
Damn, she was having too much fun with this.
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @gypsy-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @dlmlufics @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @areyenotfondofmelobster @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
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koreluvsspring · 5 months
A little Imagine about Love Is Blind (Japan) Pro Hero edition…
(If you speak english…no you don’t!)
Pro-Hero Bakugou who’d rather eat his hand and season it with salt than go on the show. But his sweet daughter convinces him to and he caves in, denies that he’ll take it seriously.
Pro-Hero Bakugou who’s last relationship was a fleeting fling with a women who ended pregnant despite all the safety precautions they took. Gave birth without his knowledge and delivered his angel to him, then vanished.
Pro-Hero Bakugou who’s the least favorite out of all the contestants for his rude demeanor, lack of socialization, and immediately leaving the room once he hears something he doesn’t like.
Pro-Hero Bakugou who everyone warns you about… “He’s so grouchy! He’s kind of a jerk! Girl trust, he’s not even worth your time.” But you were curious about the infamous man.
So you enter the pod and start with a simple Hello in your native language and Bakugou is suddenly all ears. Who leans forward at the sound of your jewelry rattling as you sat down. Who immediately asks what language that is because he’s a language nerd. When you respond with guess.
He takes up the challenge and goes through languages until you tell him the right answer. You say a few more words and he’s locked in. He’s speaking more than he ever did with the other ladies. He’s curious about your background and asks questions. You continue to talk but switching to Japanese, while teaching him a few words at his request. Without realizing it, you talk for hours until it’s late.
Pro-Hero Bakugou who’s sure you’re his match after your first encounter and doesn’t even try with anybody else. (Not that they were interested) Who gets jealous when he finds out you’re still exploring your options. Who gets upset hearing stories or comments about you from the other men. Why didn’t you tell him that for the first 14 years of your life your mother only bought jasmine scented products, to the point it was YOUR signature scent to this day??? He was jealous and it SHOWED.
Everybody is surprised on how quickly you melted his exterior. Especially the girls when you seemed to favor him! “You guys he’s actually pretty sweet i swear!” They don’t believe you.
Days go on and Katsuki can’t take it any longer.
“Call me Katsuki.”
“Okay then, Katsuki… what is it?” You poke because it sounded serious.
“I’m getting impatient.” He says while he grips the sides of the pillow. “I came on here thinking i’d never find the woman for me. That love couldn’t be blind and that it was all some sort of mushy gushy bull shit. I was so convinced that I was sort of meant to be alone. Yet here you come, all happy ‘nd shit, and jus’ talking to you makes me feel things. Imagining being alongside you as you travel, or being the person you come to have a ramble session with. It makes me pretty fucking happy. As i’m saying this, i’m on a single knee. Make me a happy man and marry me?”
He was already on his knee holding out a ring for you. Your eyes water and you immediately say yes. Katsuki can feel all his nerves disappear at the confirmation.
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seancekitsch · 1 year
Can I ask you a Question?: An Adrian Chase x Reader Kinktober fic
here it is! the first fic of kinktober :) all of these are gonna be shorties but smutty
warnings: sex pollen, dub con, rough sex, spitting, slightest degradation, 
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Heat spreads along your skin as you stare at the wall, a single focused point in the absolutely unremarkable plain wall of the ARGUS issued motel room, and still managing to fail completely at ignoring the other more than warm body in the room. Anger bubbles as you think about how you were shoved in here kicking and screaming in protest. It's not your fault and you should be allowed to sweat this out at home. Why does Chris even have a pheromone helmet to begin with? Why does that one just activate whenever it wants to like a malfunctioning furby? You wish you could have gotten a good punch in before Emilia shoved you in here claiming a needed quarantine, even though as Adrian pointed out, there are air ducts in the room which means nothing is airtight and if you and the air around you is the issue then the whole building is fucked.
Adrian sits beside you staring at the wall the same as you, but he walked in here willingly. He didn’t have to be in here; he doused himself in solidarity with women or some absolute bullshit that you barely heard over the near immediate effects it had on your body and the intense rush of heat towards your abdomen. You wonder if he’s feeling as hot and squirmy as you at this point, he has to be, unless he wasn't actually lying about being unnaturally fast at healing. If you were alone you’d be ripping your clothes off and hoping the sheets are cool, or maybe taking an ice bath and watching the most ick-inducing hallmark movie your can find. But instead you try to wait it out… however long it lasts. 
“Hey, can I ask you…?” Adrian trails off mid sentence, god, your scowl must be nastier than you think. 
“Ask,” you grit out, teeth bared as you try not to shiver under his gaze. Fuck, he’s so hot. Fucking annoying sometimes, but fucking hot. 
“Are you horny?”
What, like he’s going to do something about it? Heat bubbles and pools between your legs in embarrassment, even though the situation is already clear. How you’d like to just snap and ride his face, knocking those cute dorky glasses askew or— fucking shit dude. This is bad. You make the mistake of shifting how you sit. 
“I was dosed with pheromones,” you snap back, doing everything in your power to hide the the moan in your voice. 
“I know, but is it working?”
You feel yourself clench around nothing, the friction of your tight jeans a blessing and a curse right now. There’s no teasing in his tone, just genuine curiosity. You love that about him, but god does that make this harder.
“Is it working on you?” you sigh, trying to stay as still as possible, trying not to set your own body aflame. 
“Oh yeah!” he confirms, “I’ve been rock hard since before they threw us in here.”
“Please don’t give me that mental image,” you snap, and he immediately apologizes profusely, the hint of a frown on the corners of his lips. Shit, you’ve probably upset him and made him think you’re grossed out. He shifts farther away from you and groans at the movement. He’s got it just as bad as you. 
“I mean— with everything going on right now, I can’t handle that. Not you,” you try to reassure him. 
 “Oh! Well that makes perfect sense. I don’t know what I’d do if you said something like, ‘I’m so wet right now’ I’d probably—“
“You know what Adrian? I’ll answer your question. Yes, I’m horny… and you’re not helping the situation.”
“Should I leave?”
You look at him with pinched brows, incredulous.
“Emilia will probably kill you if you try.”
He grumbles something about being able to handle a stupid little bullet. 
Your eyes follow up and down his body, tracing and following the dips and bulges of his muscles to where they become obscured by armor, biting your lip to suppress a moan. You know he’s a good fighter, and it probably translates well in the bedroom. Christ, what those biceps could do, those arms wrapped around you and— head out of the gutter, you tell yourself, but it’s too damn hard, and you betray yourself and your mind flashes back to imagining his arms wrapped around you while he takes you from behind. An embarrassing little whimper escapes your lips as another wave of heat floods your core. Damn it. 
He flinches at the noise, because of course he heard it, that’s just your luck. His fists clench and unclench, gloves discarded so you can see the whites of his knuckles. He’s holding back, and he’s struggling with it. 
“Hey,” he starts, voice much more shaky than before, “What if we—“
“Yes,” you agree without thinking. Whatever it is. Yes. Whatever he wants. However he wants you. 
“Wait- Really?” he asks, voice rising in shock as he gets up, and then stumbles, clearly thrown off by his own arousal. Fuck. You lean back onto the bed, humming in pleasure as you do, trying to look as appealing as possible despite the sweat on your brow and the state of your dishevelment, even though judging by the bulge in his pants you don’t need to go through these extra steps. You lay against the sheets and throw your head back, showing off your neck and hoping he’ll sink those pearly whites into the side of your neck. 
But then he confuses you by heading towards the bathroom, walking awkwardly.
You pick your head back up, panic shooting through you. Did you get the wrong idea?
“Where are you going?” your voice does nothing to hide your desperation, and maybe you’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so turned on its starting to hurt. 
He has the nerve to look at you like you have three heads, that jerk. 
“I thought you said yes? I was gonna go jerk off in the bathroom while you do whatever you do best in here?” he hovers in the doorway with odd energy (well, odder than normal) and tilts his chin at you as if its a challenge. 
“Where are you going?” your voice does nothing to hide your desperation, and maybe you’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so turned on its starting to hurt. 
He has the nerve to look at you like you have three heads, that jerk. 
“I thought you said yes? I was gonna go jerk off in the bathroom while you do whatever you do best in here?” he hovers in the doorway with odd energy (well, odder than normal) and tilts his chin at you as if its a challenge. 
“Oh!” you exclaim a little too loudly, “Oh, I didn’t know thats what I was agreeing to.”
You smile sheepishly as he walks back into the room proper. 
“What, did you think I was suggesting we should tear each others clothes off and do things to each other?” he scoffs, and even though his face is flushed he still tries to joke as if he’s functioning like normal. Well, Adrian’s version of normal. Yeah, you totally did, and you misread this. But even his condescending tone has you pressing your thighs together and fills your head with the imagery of it all. 
“Well…” you trail off, not really sure where to go from here. You’ve reached an impasse of unbearable arousal, a work colleague, and the distance of about ten feet. Talk about shitting where you eat. 
Adrian blinks twice.
“Is what I just said an option?” he asks, his voice rising half an octave, “Because if it totally is, I change my suggestion. I was just trying not to be sexist because I remember you telling me to watch how I talk sometimes about women after I rated the team on how much I’d like to motorboat them and you were on the top of the list.”
Yeah, you remember that night. You slapped the hell out of Adrian right after that.
“Maybe you should come join me on the bed,” you suggest, and he crosses the room as if zapped with a cattle prod. 
The bed dips as his knees press into the mattress, and your hand involuntarily reaches out along the sheets closer to his heat to share it. 
He flops himself down next to you, grunting as he does so, leaning in close to you, but not touching you. God, you wish he was touching you right now.
“How do you want to do this?” you ask, your lips moving of their own desperate accord.
“Well, this isn’t how I thought I’d woo you,” Adrian admits. Woo you? Was he planning on making a move? Oh, shit. The pressures on now. You don’t exactly have a crush on Adrian but you’d never turn a body like that attached to a genuinely sweet dude like that down. 
“But?” you urge him on, placing your hand closest to him on his, making your move known. 
“But fuck it,” he shrugs and pulls you in for a rough kiss; a little too much teeth and a little too much tongue but you drink it in, pulling him in closer and gripping at his uniform.
He moans loudly into your mouth, only spurring you on to grab him more, pull him flush against you to soothe the heat inside you. It works, sort of. The heat quells for a moment when you feel his hardness press against you; but it’s only replaced by another heat, an arguably worse one. It’s the need to have him inside you, to let him wreck you, destroy you. He shifts his position to trap you beneath him, rolling you onto your back. He cages you in with his arms and legs, presses his hips into yours harshly, the fire is fed, growing stronger. You want out of these jeans and to pull him into you, want to cover him and yourself in bruises by the end of this. He moves from your lips to your mouth and you gasp, gulping at air as his lips and teeth move to your cheek and your chin and your jaw; he’s sloppy and rushed and feverish in his pace, trying to experience all of you as soon as possible.
“How do you want to do this?” Adrian asks, glasses knocked askew against the side of your face.
“Need you,” you pant, already lightheaded from making out like some novice. He rocks his hips up into your absentmindedly as he continues to press kisses into your jawline, himself desperate for friction. He chuckles.
“Need you too,” Adrian sighs, and picks his head up. You almost want to whine because he isn’t kissing you anymore.
“Do you want Adrian?” he asks, and for a moment you don’t understand, “Or do you want Vigilante?”
Fuck, how do you choose? Aren’t they both just him in some capacity? You don’t exactly know what either entails, but your brain is foggy and slow, needing and yearning and making your body writhe under him instead of thinking clearly.
“I want… fuck,” you interrupt yourself, and he pulls back to kneel on his knees above you. He looks like a god under the cheap fluorescents, the god of fumbling upwards.
“Use your words,” he demands, and you can tell he’s made the choice for you. Fuck yeah. 
“I- I want it rough,” you squirm under his gaze, your hands traveling from the sheets to the fly of your jeans, unbuttoning them preemptively. Adrian’s eyes flicker down to your hands and then back up to your face, and he smirks. 
“You think you can handle it?” he asks, newfound confidence as he moves one hand down to palm himself through his uniform pants. You nod weakly, licking your bottom lip. He tilts his head as if to shrug and uses his free hand to pull you up by your shoulder.
“Open?” he asks, as you get your arms under you to sit up. You obey immediately, opening your mouth for him and sticking your tongue out obediently. He smiles, before spitting directly into your open mouth. You swallow gladly, and the fire is stoked momentarily, as if having some of him quelled the hunger within. 
“Good girl,” he says, pushing you back down into the mattress before his hands begin roaming your body, he pushes up your shirt roughly, his warm hands splaying across bare skin, the expanse of your abdomen. His hips roll into yours again, rougher this time. When his lips capture your own, his teeth sink into your bottom lip. Your hands come up around his neck, fingers tangling themselves in his curls and pulling. He groans against your mouth, biting down. You gasp at the first copper taste of blood.
Adrian’s hands dip lower, finishing the job unzipping your jeans and hastily starting to push them down over the curve of your ass. You help him by pushing your hips up into his, giving him more wiggle room while you can rub yourself against him. He shoves the jeans down to your ankles and then stops. 
“Turnin’ you over,” he explains, and pulls your arms away from him. He removes himself from you, but only briefly. Just long enough to maneuver you onto your stomach for him and to pull your panties down to meet where your jeans confine you. 
He presses a hot hand to you, coating his fingers where you already soaked through your panties. He hums in appreciation. 
“Is this from the pheromones or from Vigilante at work?” he asks, and you groan, this time not from pleasure. 
“Ugh, shut the fuck up, Adrian,” you sigh. Of course, it’s a mix of both. The pheromones are actively probably killing you with hormones but Adrian himself is hot even if you haven’t admitted that to him. He responds with a sharp slap to your ass that makes you yelp, loud and actually embarrassing. 
“Call me Vigilante,” he tells you, and then you hear the zipper of his pants release. 
His full length enters you with no warning, but meets no resistance. You’re so slick and wet from everything, but you’ll let him stroke his ego if it means he keeps himself against you. Adrian wraps his arms around your middle, using it as leverage to slam into you harder; your body a tool to get off, but equally his body a tool to stoke the fires and make you feel real again. But fuck, if you don’t actually love this. This is the way you wish dates fucked you, the harshness and care rolled into one. Adrian’s hand wraps around you, shoved between your body and the mattress to your clit, rubbing in tight circles.  Fire ignites more, like a candle to a campfire. Adrian’s weight pushes you into the mattress, one hand pressed to the bare skin of your abdomen and the other between your legs.
“Fuck, Vigilante,” you moan, a particular movement of his middle finger making you buckle even more into the mattress below him. 
“That’s it, baby,” he praises, and presses harder. The fire stokes and spikes and calms and crescendos. Adrian’s hips don’t let up, thrusting hard and hateful, trying to break your frame with every move. Adrian will break you, and you’ll probably let him. You’ll probably let him do anything if he makes you come in the next ten seconds. 
“Are you only this slutty for me?” Adrian asks, and you nod into the pillow eagerly, whining and leaning harder into his thrusts. At this point, they hurt. It’s to the point he’s bruising your entire ass. Yeah, only for him. It’s not like your dating pool is huge here but it’s also not like you’d let anyone else on the team see you like this, but also Adrian has a certain charm to him. 
“I’m gonna- I—“ you pant, and he only speeds up the pace of his fingers and hips.
“That’s right, come for Vigilante,” he coos, and it’s like every fiber of your being releases it’s tension. 
You shout, pressing your face into the pillow as you do to avoid any embarrassing terms of endearment towards the man above you.  The shaking starts in your core, and the spreads outward. Heat spreads and explodes into almost cold in your toes afterwards. Your limbs go rigid under him. 
“That’s it, baby,” he hums, but he holds you through it, his arms holding you in place.
“Fuck!” you shout, and a particularly hard jolt of your nerves punches through you, and Adrian stills behind you. That’s all it took for Adrian to come, and he spills into you, holding you against him and moaning wantonly. 
You both breathe deeply as you try to calm down, not at all separating. You center yourself, trying to say some shit you remember from a college yoga course. You can’t see Adrian’s face, but he keeps kissing you business as usual. 
“Can we do this again?” Adrian asks, and you think for a moment. He’s a fucking psycho, maybe? but you’ve already fucked him.
“Sure,” you say, you voice still muffled by the pillow.
Why not.
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wutheringcaterpillar · 9 months
To Have and To Hold
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Requested by @furrypaintermiracle
warnings: noncon, dark!cillian, financial/emotional abuse, grooming kind of (reader is inexperienced and 20, Cillian is 47), gaslighting, forced pregnancy, somewhat slow build, Cillian is single with no kids
Summary: Cillian catches the eye of a woman that seems to be much younger than him and he is determined to build the perfect love story even if that means isolating you from your family and friends and convincing you he is the perfect man.
Author’s note: I’d like to reiterate everyone is of age, there is no pedophilia and I don’t condone writing it. Nor is this story in association with Cillian’s real life.
To Have and To Hold 
It was a cold wintery night in the small town you lived in, people were roaming the streets holding their hot chocolates and coffees, some wrapped around with their lovers, some with friends. It seemed like the only time family could potentially come together. 
“Y/N look!” You friend Makayla pointed up at the shooting star in the sky.
“Make a wish!” You closed your eyes gently, yet playfully as you inhaled and exhaled as if that would make the wish become any more true.
You excused yourself to the near coffee booth that caught your eye and senses, not being able to resist the sweet smell of caramel any longer.
Snow began to fall delicately from the soft, hazy clouds on top of your hat, intertwining with strands of your hair. 
Once you exchanged the money, the kind lady whom was very soft spoken handed you your coffee, insisting that she’d hope you’d have a great night. 
You thanked her kindly before turning and bumping into a stranger, knocking some napkins out of his hand.
“Oh, so sorry! Always seem to be a cluts around this time of year, I like to blame it on the ice.” You laughed nervously, sliding a strand of hair behind your ear while your cheeks heated red from embarrassment.
“Oh don’t be concerned, we all have accidents here and there, nothing to keep you awake at night I hope.” The man spoke rather calmly, his voice deep with a hint of sincerity.
His hand reached out, insisting on helping you up from your state.
“Oh, thank you.” You smiled softly, but once you looked up to see this mysterious man, his baby blue eyes drew you in, and the way his lips looked plush, and inviting as they formed a warm smile. 
It was very apparent this man was older than you by the small yet visible age lines, and the way he spoke in a decent, charming manner.
He too couldn’t help but notice your kindness and how soft your voice sounded, almost angelic to his ears.
You hummed awkwardly, breaking your eye contact and looking around, spotting your friends sitting at a bench staring and giggling at the scene unfolding before them.
“I’m Cillian.” His voice had you spinning back around to him instantly. His hand was held out in a welcoming matter, to which you obliged.
“Y/N, my name’s Y/N.” 
“Well Y/N, what are you doing saturday night? If you don’t mind me asking that is?” You couldn’t stop yourself from blushing, all words seeming to run from your mind at the realization, the possibility this older, yet attractive man could be asking you on a date.
“Ugh, n-nothing. Why do you ask?” 
“I’d like to take you on a date, well multiple dates. Can’t have a beautiful girl like you get lost in the water now can I?” It didn’t take you long to respond with an answer.
“Yes! I mean um- sure.” You were so bad at this, not having much experience. He handed you his phone and you typed your number in creating a new contact. You couldn’t help but notice the amount of contacts with womens names but you brushed it aside. He was older so clearly he knew more people than you.
“5 o’clock work? At the chaplin park?” You nodded with a contained excitement.
“I will see you then, after all your friends can’t stop staring at us. I have an idea.” Before you could ask what, his arm slid behind your shoulders respectfully, as he walked you back to your friends across the street.
The faces they were making were priceless, mouths open in astonishment.
“Hello, sorry for keeping Y/N from you. I couldn’t help but take an interest in your fascinating friend and I couldn’t have her crossing the street alone, you never know what type of men are out on the streets. Enjoy the rest of your night, I will see you saturday.” He placed a gentle kiss on the top of your hand that almost had your eyes fluttering to the back of your head.
His lips felt warm, and soft when they touched you skin just how you imagined.
Butterflies formed in your stomach as the man abid you a do, fading in the distance of the crowd of people.
You were in disbelief that such a handsome, well dressed man asked you out on a date, the very first. 
You and your friends stayed chatting the rest of the night wanting the full details and you attempted to explain in a collected way but you had your moments of excitement.
When saturday rolled around, your stomach felt like it was in knots, your nerves building more and more until you pulled into the park.
You were about to text him what kind of car he was driving and to your surprise you glanced up and noticed him stepping out of a car that was clearly brand new, as it shined with luxurious features.
Your jaw wanted to drop but instead you checked yourself once more in the mirror, still not being able to see what he could possibly want with a lower class woman like yourself.
The wind blew threw his hair as he walked toward your car, his hair flowing ever so slightly from the small breeze, the sun shining straight into his crystal blue eyes, it was like a scene out of a movie.
Internally you felt like you were going to combust inside when he reached your door opening it for you.
“Hi, how’ve you been?” He asked as if you hadn’t been texting constantly leading up to this very moment.
He extended his hand like the first day he met you, assisting you out of your old piece of junk car, to which he seemed not to care or notice.
“I’ve been good, dealing with school and bills, y’know?” You laughed anxiously, and concern seemed to etch it’s way through his face slightly. Not from how you were acting but the possibility of your financial woes being terrible. It wasn’t safe.
“So how old are you? I know you must be over eighteen if you’re in college.” You nodded as the two of you began walking toward a trail.
“Oh I’ve just turned twenty about a month ago, you?” Cillian couldn’t stop himself from whole heartedly laughing, holding his stomach.
“My dear I’m forty-seven, nonetheless that doesn’t change my interest in you. Tell me about yourself, please.” 
“Well I’ve just begun college, I’m very close with my family and I know you may not believe it but I’ve never had a boyfriend, yet alone been asked out.” Cillian stopped you mid stride, acting like he was in disbelief when in reality he could tell from the awkwardness, and the way you seemed embarrassed to be yourself, that’s where he had an advantage. He wasn’t attracted to you solely based off looks, it was your mannerisms the way you still seemed so new to adulthood he’d be your first relationship and he was getting to that age where he was looking to settle down.
“If I may, those bloats who didn’t ask you on a date are quite idiotic but I suppose that’s a grand thing or else I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet such a smart, young woman.” He knew how to charm, smirking to himself when he watched your rosy cheeks blush.
The two of you walked, chatting about where you were from, your family life, difference in childhoods and upbringing, hobbies. All of the starter conversations to get to know somebody. 
Much to your surprise he lived in Dublin and he was in the states because of work which you hadn’t asked about quite yet, but it obviously paid him well.
The thought that he could be gone tomorrow though worried you, were you already going to experience heartbreak so soon? Why did he ask you on a date, and hint at multiple dates.
You stopped near a fenced off area right above a cliff, the two of you alone together taking in the scenery, listening to the humming of birds and the wind. 
Beyond the cliff displayed a different part of the forest, a pond in the center of it fulfilled with ducks swimming peacefully whilst deer lay contently a few meters away from the pond. The clear blue sky and the sun shining down on the animals painted a beautiful picture that took your breath away, and brought you both a sense of peace as you enjoyed a moment of silence
His hand brushed against your arm, causing you to turn to him in your giddy state.
His arms opened unexpectedly and awaited for the motion to be corespondent.
When you had leaned into his touch he was warm, smelling of ivory and teakwood as he held you innocently from behind, warming your body with that butterfly feeling, the knots slowly dissipating.
His arms curled around your stomach contently and for some reason it almost felt right.
After the few moments of silence you broke away, ready to walk again.
“Well what about you? What do you do for a living?” You began walking once more through the dirt trail inbetween the trees.
He inhaled deeply feeling refreshed that a woman he was interested in knew nothing of his existence.
“I know you may not believe it and I urge you not to run to the internet and research but I’m an actor. I make decent money and I enjoy my job very much just not the public part.” Your eyebrows furrowed together in disbelief but your parents always raised you not to judge a book by it’s cover, not to make assumptions and really get to know a person first.
“Do you have to travel a lot?” 
“I do but I’ve really been wanting to settle down and here you are. You really caught my eye Y/N. The first glance I was at a loss for words and had to grow the strength in me to ask you on a date. I hope my career doesn’t steer you away, I may travel but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t bring you. Of course there would be circumstances where I can’t.” Sure, you completely understood that. A part of you couldn’t help but want to be indulged in his world, and have a partner to travel the world with.
“Well, I have always wanted to see the world, and I really want to say I wouldn’t rush to the internet. That wouldn’t be me getting to know you it would be others telling me what they think about a person they’ve never met.” He nodded gracefully, his dimples appearing softly on his delicate cheeks as a small smile crept onto his face.
The rest of the walk the minutes turned into hours where you both discussed insecurities, fears, hopes and dreams and the conversation seemed to lead itself which was a good sign to you that made you feel hopeful that maybe this would go somewhere as did he.
The next few months you had found yourself living with Cillian in his house in Dublin that probably was worth more than your college tuition combined with everything you’ve ever owned in life.
Maybe you should’ve put more thought into it before making such a drastic life decision but any reason you came up with not to move out of the country Cillian seemed to have a better response and solution to your worries, giving you no reason to decline.
The first month he bought you a car, and insisted on paying for your insurance and college tuition. He was patient, driving you around town and the outstanding areas to help you get to know the area. As much as you tried to decline his financial help he wouldn’t take no for an answer. You were beyond grateful and he held up to his word that he would take you traveling when he could.
The biggest problem you seemed to face together so far was your parents, who did not approve of this relationship whatsoever.
Your mom was overly concerned you were falling for Cillian too quickly, and made comments here and there about how a man in his line of work wanted one thing and that was a playmate for when they were bored.
Your father hadn’t liked him for some of the same reasons and he pointed out your finances worried him. Allowing Cillian to take over your bills, and transfer them to his name was beyond stupid he thought because what if you guys got into a disagreement? What if he decided to stop paying them. He also did not want his celebrity status to change your thoughts or the way you acted, he didn’t want you to feel like you had to pretend to be somebody you weren’t.
The only one thing that your parents seemed to agree with was when they met Cillian he was very polite, didn’t disclose any form of pda. He even shook your father’s hand, and went on calling them both maam and sir and offered to pay the bill for dinner but when they declined he didn’t push any further as he didn’t want to offend them.
It was a small stepping stone that you’d cross and bare through together.
His parents were actually quite lovely, and adored you and your American accent.
They wanted to know all about you, and kept asking Cillian where he had been hiding you. To them age was just a number and love was love, you couldn’t put a price on that.
The days he was away filming he would facetime you at the end of the day, answering any questions or concerns you might have and offer any help he could to ensure your safety, happiness, and peace.
He even helped you in school where he could, he was quite intelligent.
He truly was the man of your dreams and would surprise you when he’s away with lavish gifts and respected your wishes to wait until marriage to have sex.
He never brought it up after that, and as far as your worries about the women in his contacts he had introduced you to each and every one as they were all either family members or directors and producers, some co-stars that he worked with and nothing seemed inappropriate or bothered you.
It was almost like you were living in a fairytale.
It had only been three months into the relationship when Cillian decided to take the next step and now here he was at dinner with you and your family once more, awaiting for the right moment to talk to your parents privately.
When he was filming in Birmingham, he had took the time to look for a ring, a twenty four karat ring at that, it was silver and had an almost blush pink diamond heart in the center of it. How much he’d spent he’d keep to himself.
When you excused yourself to the restroom Cillian took this as the opportunity to do so.
“I um- I have a topic of conversation I’ve been wanting to discuss with the both of you and I think now would be a great time.” Your mother cut into her steak, prodding him to go on while your dad was pouring himself a glass of wine and raised his eyebrows.
“I want to ask Y/N to marry me, with your blessing of course.” Your mother nearly choked on her food and your father set the bottle down rather aggressively before answering almost instantly.
“No. You absolutely do not have our blessing.” Cillian’s tongue roamed to the side of his cheek as he looked between the both of them slightly irritated but hiding it.
“I don’t understand you won’t allow me to take your daughter’s hand in marriage. Why is that? If you don’t mind me asking?” Cillian was at a crossroads, his thumb dragging across his bottom lip in confusion of where he could have possibly went wrong that your parents would not like him.
“You’re nearly thirty years older than my daughter. This is just a phase, she has a career, a whole life to live and you think I’m going to allow her to throw it away for some actor who moved her across the world?” Ah, so that’s what this was, it had nothing to do with how well he treated you, but it had to do with the components that shouldn’t matter. 
“Sir, with all do respect. I’m paying for her college tuition now. Am I not?” Your father went silent, taking a sip from his glass of wine while your mother was holding her tongue.
“I have a roof over her head, I bought her a reliable, safe car and I love her very much. She’s an adult she could have said no to moving in with me. Our age and my career should have nothing to do with the fact that I’m in love with your daughter and she’s in love with me much to your dismay.” Your father went to speak but stopped when they heard the bathroom door open.
When you approached the table it was clear something was said, and you assumed it to be your dad. “Is everything alright?” You took your seat next to Cillian once more and he settled his hand on top of yours in front of your parents tracing your fingers delicately.
“Everything’s great love, your father was just saying how proud of you he is. You know going to school, focusing on your career, finding a man who cares and supports you.”
The night went on swimmingly to your knowledge and you finally felt as if there was some peace between your relationship and family. All you’d ever wanted was for your parents to be proud of you and see you for your accomplishments. Though there may had been a rough patch once Cillian came into the picture it seemed like the pieces were finally starting to come together as a whole.
Becoming more impatient by the minute with your parents, as much as he wanted their approval he’d realized he wasn’t going to obtain it anytime in the near future. So he took matters into his own hands.
“You all packed love?” You nodded excitedly, rushing over to him, pulling him into a death grip of a hug, trying your best not to break him.
“I can’t believe we’re going to Bali, I’ve been wanting to go my whole life! And now I can go with a person I love very much. I just feel bad I couldn’t really pitch in with the funds.” You mumbled against his chest those last few words.
Cillian rolled his eyes, gently tearing you off of him forcing you to lock eyes with him.
“Darling, I love you. I want you to focus on your school so you can get the degree in the field you love. I have more than enough money for the both of us so please, let me spoil my princess as I adore to.” You leaned up kissing him softly on the lips in a deep passionate kiss, but pulled away as your standards for yourself still remained, not until marriage.
“Now let’s go before we miss our private flight.” You followed his lead and he insisted on carrying your suitcases.
The flight was rather long and Cillian couldn’t help but notice the position you had fallen asleep in on the love seat. 
Your legs were spread open, breasts flowing freely almost slipping from your tanktop. He didn’t know how much longer he’d last not having sex.
He need to have sex, he needed to be inside you. He groaned and readjusted himself when you shifted in your sleep, worried that you’d wake up and see his hardened member forming a wet spot on his pants.
The perks of being a celebrity was he could get anyone he wanted, and though he liked the hard to get act, it was getting old for him.
The sun was setting when you finally arrived, Cillian waking you up sweetly with a kiss to your temple.
After he gave you a moment to wake up he guided you to your destination.
Unlocking the door, if eyes could drool yours would be at this very moment.
There was a skylight in the ceiling, a coy pond directly in the center of your private living space, the water reflecting off the moonlight that was making it’s way in.
The sounds of nature was all you could hear, there was no television or phones, just you and Cillian in a complete, fairytale like oasis. 
The house he had rented was say directly at the top of a hill, with a view of the ocean, the sounds of the waves suddenly making you feel tired once more.
“Oh my gosh, this is lovely! This is beautiful Cilly!” As long as you were happy that was all that matters, that was all he needed for his proposal to work in his favor.
The following morning you had awoke to smell of bacon and eggs, the fresh summer breeze blowing in gently through the opened doorway.
When you walked toward the smell that lead you to the kitchen, was dressed with an almost too elegant tablecloth. All of your favorite fruits and foods on display while he was finishing the rest of breakfast. “Good morning sweetheart, I hope the mimosas are to your liking.” You tiptoed toward him, wrapping your arms around his torso from behind, placing a sweet chaste kiss on his warm neck.
“How did I get so lucky?”
“Come.” He walked you out toward the balcony and you found yourself unable to stop smiling, one thing Cillian was very good at was surprises, he had never gotten you something you hadn’t loved or talked about.
“Don’t open them yet.” He released you, watching your shielded eyes carefully, making sure you don’t sneak a peak.
Checking his attire, he patted down his shirt before getting down on one knee, retrieving the expensive ring from within his pocket.
He took a deep breath, putting on his charm as he decided in his head on what act would be best to get you to say yes, though he really believed there was no chance of you turning him down in the little amount of time it took for him to have you wrapped around his finger.
“Open your eyes love.” 
You gasped in surprise, your hand coming up to cover your lips in disbelief as your eyes glistened in the sunshine, purely lovestruck.
“Y/N L/N, would you do me the honour of taking my last name and becoming my beautiful, beloved wife?” Tears of happiness crept through your eyes, spilling down your cheeks as you stared into his ocean eyes, glancing back down at the silver, magnanimous diamond ring.
“Yes! Yes a million times yes!” He smiled widely as his arm moved, his fingers curling around the ring carefully taking the expensive ring out of it’s snug place in the box before placing it delicately onto your finger.
His hands lay gently on your hips as he stood up, caressing your tear stained cheeks
Your parents never responded to the wedding invitation and Cillian could tell it was breaking your heart. Scooping you up from where you sat on the sofa, he pulled you into his loving arms, caressing your back gently as you cried into his shoulder.
“Darling, they’ll come around. They will.” In his mind, he didn’t understand how your parents could be so cruel, and block your number, not even willing to support you on one of the biggest moments in your life, the number one thing most women looked forward to and he was going to use that to his advantage.
Your tears began to form a small puddle in the crook of his neck, dampening the shirt he was wearing but he didn’t mind.
“Hey.” He spoke with sincerity, pushing you softly away from him so you were still sitting on his lap, but facing him.
“Oh, my love.” His eyebrows furrowed together with a pained expression as his thumb glided over you teary cheeks once he saw your face.
“Don’t let them ruin this okay? They will realize how much they’re hurting you, we just have to be patient, alright?” You nodded, attempting to stop from crying.
He watched you with endearing eyes, hands still placed on your cheeks.
Your chest was beginning to fall back to a normal pace as his touch and loving words were beginning to calm you down immensely.
“And if they don’t come around, well fuck them. If they don’t want you to be happy and can’t put our differences aside, maybe it’d be better off to not have them in your life sweetheart. You’ll always have my parents who love you very much.” Maybe he was right, maybe you did have terrible parents. How could a father not want to walk his daughter down the aisle on the most important day of her life and how could your mother not be excited for you, surely she was excited and had help and support when she married your father.
Regardless you knew Cillian’s parents would always be there and maybe this was for the best.
Within the following weeks Cillian hired an assistant to help you plan out the wedding that was set for June so everything would be to your standards.
He needed you to have the perfect day, for everything to be exactly how you visioned.
Walking in the door he noticed you were seated comfortably at the kitchen island, three boards layed out in front of you with different color schemes and a notebook.
“I’m home love.” He approached you from behind, smelling of mint and cashmere as he settled a kiss on top of your head.
“How is the wedding planning going?” Cillian himself couldn’t deny your creativity, all three boards looked amazing and it wasn’t difficult to see the amount of time you spent on them.
“Well, everything is about settled, I can’t believe how fast we planned all of this, it almost seemed to easy but maybe it’s just because I know what I want and love, just like how I feel for you.” He hummed adoringly against your head.
“Well if you’re struggling I like the third one, seems more subtle.” Even though you were leaning more toward the second you followed his word. Aside from the fact he was older he probably knew more about planning and such big events more than you did.
When June rolled around, you stared in the mirror, waiting for your cue to walk down the aisle.
Nerves were getting the best of you and your emotions seemed to be scattered. It was hard to imagine you were about to marry the love of your life and no one you knew other than Cillian’s family and friends were attending.
Yes, they loved you deeply but a part of you still had wished your family at least would have set their differences aside to be here for you on your big day.
Instead they’d be sitting at home probably renovating your room, or out with friends anything to take their mind off of their disappointment of a daughter.
“Y/N, they’re ready.” 
When you walked out, the sight of Cillian stood at the altar nearly took your breath away as he stood, watching you in awe but kept his emotions in tact.
His hands stayed folded in front of him while a soft smile spread across his lips.
Your bridesmaids ended up being a few of his cousins who also didn’t know you very well but they had been very supportive and you couldn’t have been more grateful.
Every morning since you stared at your ring in awe but it seemed like Cillian had become distant. It had now been a month since you were married and anytime you brought it up to him it was dismissed that you were overthinking.
What had you done wrong? Why wasn’t he as loving anymore? Was it something you said? Were you too immature? 
It was all to much and was tiring you out having this constant anxiety around him, thinking you’d done something terrible or he was going to ask for a divorce.
He went as far too sleep in the spare room now, every once in awhile asking for sex but you still hadn’t felt comfortable just yet and that annoyed Cillian very much. How was he supposed to get off, expect to be loyal to you when you won’t make love with him. That was his problem he wasn’t patient anymore and always seems to be in a bad mood, especially when you wore revealing clothing on vacation or just around the house.
He still stayed paying all of your bills but he insisted that college wasn’t necessary anymore, why did you need it when you had him? Why did you need a social life when you had him?
The topic wasn’t up for debate in your eyes so he let it go.
Awaking from your nap, you didn’t hear the television anymore, had he left you alone there?
Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you reached to the bedside table for your phone to call him but your hand grasped nothing but air. 
Stepping down from the bed, your feet patted on the floor, your fuzzy socks keeping them warm from the hardwood floor.
Stumbling into the living room you spotted Cillian seated on the sofa, reading a book while your phone lay unlocked and open besides him.
“Is everything okay?”
“I don’t know you tell me.” When he spoke his tone was low to the point that you could tell something was wrong, he was upset with you.
“Cillian, what’s wrong?” As you sat down on the comforting cushion, reaching for your phone he pulled it away from you, holding it away almost as if it were a toy.
“Who’s Christian, and why do you have plans with him tonight? You didn’t even bother to ask me.” Ask him? Why would you need to have his approval to make plans with your friends. You could see why he’d be bothered he’s a male friend of yours that he hadn’t met yet, closer to your age, and you couldn’t introduce him tonight since he had a press conference to attend.
“He’s in my forensics class, he’s really kind and I was planning on introducing you to him and-“
“When? Because you’ve been chatting for weeks, never heard you bring up this man’s name once.” He stood up from the couch, tossing his book on the table as he strode annoyed to the kitchen.
You were at a loss for words but still found yourself following him like a lost puppy, worried for your marriage.
“Cillian I-“
“You’re not going. I hope you can realize how inappropriate this is. Did you even think about me and the way I would feel. I’m a high profiled person Y/N, far more older than you and my career loves to prod at our marriage. You being out with him alone in public, while I’m at a conference, what do you think that’s going to do to my reputation. Or did your mindless twenty year old brain not think that far.” You crossed your arms defeatedly. Maybe he had a point, you didn’t stop to think about the career or the press, you’d forgotten that you were married to a celebrity, one that does not like his personal life being involved with the public.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, I guess I’m still learning how to adjust to publicity, and just being married in general. You know you are my first relationship Cillian.” His mood changed, his shoulders unstiffening as he slid your phone back to you over the countertop.
“I think it’d be best to delete your social media.” You nodded in agreement but your brain was telling you not to abide by his rules or feelings. You were still young but maybe he had a point that this was just some young, silly phase that you needed to grow out of. 
If you were old enough for marriage you surely didn’t need social media, but were you ready to delete everything you knew?
Glancing up at him, he watched you intently, his arms crossed while he leaned back against the refrigerator.
You tapped on your phone deleting the applications,  showing Cillian the screen once you were done.
“Satisfied?” He smiled gracefully, his demeanor now seemed calm as he came up behind you, wrapping his arms almost too tightly around your waist.
“I am, now how about we go to the wardrobe and see what gown we can find for you tonight eh? Does that sound good?” He snuggled his nose into the crook of your neck, one of your many tickle spots causing you to giggle and nuzzle back against him, completely ignoring what had just happened.
Taking a seat at your table as the questions went by for the new season of Peaky Blinders, your phone vibrated on the table. While Tom was answering a question Cillian’s eyes glanced down at the notification, his jaw tightening when he saw it was Christian once more, asking for an answer on a time.
Noticing his reaction anxiety filled your chest and you tried your best to act like nothing was happening just as he was.
Folding his hands underneath his chin, he settled his attention back on the people, smiling respectfully as if he saw nothing like the flick of a switch.
The tension was clear that there would be an argument when you arrived home. 
The rest of the night Cillian charmed his way through, acting calm and collected, talking with such charisma you were starting to wander in your mind of what the argument was even about.
There were a few questions here and there about your marriage to which Cillian would simply respond with, “She’s always been my number one supporter and we look forward to our future together. That’s all I have to say.” He politely disregarded the age difference questions, or any questions that involved anything other than the show at hand.
He kept his pda to a minimum not going any further than his arms behind your shoulder or settled innocently on your side.
He really was a private man and would go to any extent to keep it that way.
The ride home his demeanor had changed, he didn’t talk to you once, nor did he even take one singular glance your way. Even when you attempted conversation you got nothing in return. You felt at a disadvantage, like you were messing up your marriage.
Maybe you weren’t mature enough just yet, maybe you did jump in too fast, you still hadn’t given in to your word about sex yet and it had been a month you’ve been officially married. What if he found it elsewhere? What if he thinks you’re finding it elsewhere, possibly with Christian. Anxiety fulfilled you entirely, the fear of losing Cillian worried you, how were you supposed to live without him in your life? How would you pay your bills when you hadn’t been working? Was he going to ask for a divorce?
Putting the car in park, he stepped out of the car, walking rather hurriedly to your side, opening the door and grasping your forearm forcing you out and inside the house. He was beginning to frighten you as he had never handled you with such violence before.
Once the door closed behind you couldn’t stop the tears from brimming at your eyelids.
“Why is he still texting you? Hm? I thought we were past this?” You sucked up your tears and tried your best to hold them back as you tossed your purse onto the sofa.
“Cillian I told you he’s just a friend! I want you to meet him please! I haven’t talked to my friends from home since we began dating and he’s the only friend I have made out here! I-“ He silenced you by putting his hand, before approaching you slowly, determination and anger filling his eyes. 
“No, no. Listen to me, when guys have friends that are girls, they want them to believe that they’d never fuck them when in reality they’re only friends with you so they can be the first one to swoop you up and spread your legs to make you fell better when a relationship falls a part. This isn’t a relationship this is a marriage and I’ll be damned if this little fucker thinks that he has a chance with you when you won’t even give in to me when I’ve given you absolutely everything!” His words struck a nerve and you hated that when you were mad or angry you’d begin to cry.
You turned your back on him, heading toward the bedroom to where he followed you instantly.
“May I need not remind you it is my name on that car, it is my bank account connected to your college funding, you are on my health insurance and you wouldn’t be able to afford any of it without me. Block his number and get rid of him, it’s the least you can do when I have done so much more for you!” When you didn’t budge you stared at him blankly, not recognizing who he was anymore.
This wasn’t the Cillian you had fallen in love with, this wasn’t the kind, respectable man who claimed to love you.
His eyebrows raised expectantly glancing down at the phone in your hand. When you didn’t do anything but stand there like a child who had just gotten yelled at and told no, he decided that enough was enough.
Walking forward, each step contained an enormous amount of fury as he snatched the phone from your hands. When you attempted to reach for it he grabbed your wrist, gripping the skin tightly to where you knew not to fight him.
Opening the conversation, he paid close attention to the emojis and noting the sentences this man has said to you.
“Hope you’ve had a great day🥰”
“Just checking in on you.”
“I assume we need to reschedule our study date for another time then.” 
Then the final one that really made him upset, the one he sent at the conference.
“Please check in with me so I know you’re doing well, I want to make sure you do great on this test😊” 
He scoffed and laughed darkly in disbelief before his eyes reverted back to you. 
“Well why don’t we get rid of your little boy toy here for good, shall we?” Before you had time to react he turned you around, forcefully bending you over the bed onto the satin sheets.
“I-I’m not ready, please, Cillian don’t do this!” His mind was too far gone. He had resisted temptation for too long, the way you dressed and talked like nothing you did affected him.
He knew you wouldn’t tell anyone, who could you tell? Your friends were convinced you left them in the dust as you hadn’t talked to them in almost a year, your parents wanted nothing to do with you once you married him and went to the lengths of blocking your number. He had you solely isolated and reliant on him, emotionally, financially, and now sexually. You just didn’t know that last part quite yet.
He slid your dress up harshly revealing the tight, nearly see through black panties you were wearing, that hugged your ass cheeks tightly, holding your pussy snuggly in the fabric. 
The phone was tossed to the side, you could hear the screen shattering on the floor as he stepped on it with hatred.
“I did my waiting. I’ve given you anything and everything you’ve ever wanted and it is my turn to receive some pleasure from this marriage.” His knee came up, pushing your legs a part, resting against your heat. As one of his hands held your small wrists in a grip that you knew you wouldn’t be able to wiggle out of.
His free hand undid his belt, the sound forcing tears to escape your tired eyes.
“What kind of a wife do you think you are? Because it’s not what one should be. Hiding other men from me, galloping around like you don’t owe me any pleasure or respect.” His armed swayed back, and down again the harsh leather slapping loudly against  your sensitive, delicate skin, forcing a cry to escape from your lips.
Another painful bow after another one and it brought him enjoyment to see you suffering beneath him, crying relentlessly as your ass cheeks turned a deep shade of red. 
The endless lashing as he spewed venom above had your chest rising and falling dramatically from the harsh reality this is whom you chose to marry. Your parents were right, you weren’t mature enough for marriage you weren’t ready for such a commitment and now you had no way out.
Flipping you over onto your back, his hand gripped your side, pulling your body aggressively toward him.
His member released from underneath the smooth fabric if his pants, popping up against his chest effortlessly. 
He was big, surely that wouldn’t fit in you would it?
Grasping at the sheets, attempting to get away from him his nails dug into your hips.
“I thought you’d like this Y/N, you crave attention from other men, anyone who would give you the time of the day. You’re nothing but a tease, a slut. Thinking you could disrespect me eh?” His hair hung over his forehead as his animalistic nature took over his entire being.
The sight of your young, beautiful, unflawed body sent thrills up his spine, his adrenaline pumping through his veins knowing that he’d be the only man able to take your virginity. 
The one whom claimed your innocence the day he layed his frigid eyes on yours.
He groaned in pleasure while you screamed as he pulled you down onto his rather large length forcefully, taking the breath from your lungs as your eyes widened.
Your eyes never left him, gazing at the man you know longer knew in a pained expression.
“My, my Mrs. Murphy, what a delicacy you are.” He pumped slowly in and out of you as you lay frozen, your stomach in knots.
“Why- why are you doing this to me?” If you had ever questioned if he was taking advantage of your age and the pure ignorance to all of the signs, you were sure now.
His tongue swiped over his bottom lip before biting agonizingly slow on his bottom lip, watching your not so innocent pussy suck his length in and slide back out, the tightness warming his cock.
He didn’t respond to you as he fucked into you raw, and mercilessly watching your tits bounce aggressively up and down, he knew he wouldn’t last long with an untouched, young body like yours.
His hands gripped your hips vigorously as you cried knowing you’d be unable to stop this from happening.
“I won’t have my wife being a fucking whore, the only thing you can be a whore for is my cock. If I find you talking to that little friend of yours again I’ll just have to try that back entrance I suppose.”
Your hands curled in the sheets as he towered over you, he could feel your slick start to warm up his cock even more, your walls tightening around his length involuntarily.
His thighs started to twitch and you knew what was about to happen.
“Cil-Cillian don’t!” But it was too late, his moans filled the bedroom as he shot his load up into your tight tunnel of ecstacy, his cock popping out of you.
You curled in on yourself completely petrified of the abusive nature Cillian contained.
When his hands settled on your hip, your body flinched away from his touch but he didn’t care.
“Pretty soon we’ll have our own little Murphy won’t we darling?” He exited the room and you heard the shower click on, you stared at the bathroom not daring to get up, the pain he inflicted in your most private area never going away, you were a battered wife.
The following month you had missed your period just as Cillian had planned.
He knew your weakness was the chance of being a mother, and you found yourself staying with him in hopes he’d change.
You never told a single soul about what he had done in fear of his high society status and the powerful people he knew that would turn your truth into lies to the public, making everyone hate you. No fan of Cillian’s would believe you, nor would his family and friends.
He’d leave you with absolutely nothing and for you to find your own way home, but what was home anymore? Your friends hated you, your family disapproved of your life you had nobody back in the states and Cillian surely would not claim to be the father of this child, giving you no support.
The first love you experienced, the first man who showed you attention was now your keeper.
To the public he was an innocent, charming, respectful, charismatic man, he would never do such awful acts to a woman.
Walking into the room pulling you away from the worrisome, intrusive though, Cillian came up behind you dressed in a suit and tie ready to head to the Oppenheimer premiere.
“You look dazzling my darling.” His hand cupped your now very visible bump, as he kissed your neck lovingly, softly. Something you had missed.
Tonight would be the first night you’d be in public since finding out you’re pregnant which you thought rather odd Cillian even invited you to go, due to the fact that this is his private life.
Escorting you out of the room, he opened the car door for you gracefully and when he settled his hand atop of yours you couldn’t help but shutter, still not being completely over what he did.
Once in front of the cameras you stuck on your happy face as Cillian played the devoted, caring husband part by assisting you out of the car, not once letting go of your hand.
His lips closed in, leaning ever so closely to your ear just barely touching your skin as he spoke forebodingly in your ear.
“Smile my darling, smile for the cameras.” 
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bloomeng · 19 days
Shout out to the person who noticed Steph was the only one in heels and said Dick would totally wear heels. You didn’t know it but you were ahead of your time (it was always my plan to put discowing in heels).
Steph originally wasn’t going to get heels but then I got the idea to add the wings and I fell in love but I think the in universe reason is she wanted them for the drama and she was extrapolating design elements from Batgirl’s og outfit and Batwoman. I was going for like a gothic princess sort of vibe which turned out a bit more Fischl from gi than I intended, but I think that actually suits the vibe pretty well.
Another shoe detail: Jason’s shoes are meant to be slight platforms to match his desire to be tall and imposing.
This is a side tangent but I want to talk about it. For this au I’ve been trying to strike a balance between feminine and “would this character actually wear this?” Now the answer is mostly no. The outfits by nature are impractical as hell bc that’s how magical girl media is, so the question I’ve been asking is more “would this character feel comfortable in this outfit?” I want each look to be equally feminine which means I’m hyper conscious of not making the women more feminine than the men. Magical girl designs are hyper fem by default so my goal is to basically make everyone relatively the same amount of fem.
However, I’m also trying to take into account personality. This is where I might lose some people but hell it’s my au. So why are Jason and Cass the only ones so far with real skirts? This is totally my headcanon but I think they’re the only ones who would benefit from skirts:
Dick would be fine with wearing a skirt but I think he’s ultimately neutral about it. He would totally do it though if someone asked and would be fully aware of how nice he looked.
I don’t know if I’d say Tim would like wearing skirts so much as he doesn’t care. He’s more concerned with practicality.
Steph doesn’t have any issues with skirts but I think as a part of her uniform she would feel stifled. As as I said previously I think part of her look is based on Bats she would’ve looked up to but also partly it was secret wish fulfillment for that little girl who would’ve loved to look like a kickass mary sue demon princess from a y/a novel.
Duke in my opinion wouldn’t see the appeal. I think he’d be similar to Dick but just a little more shy about wearing one. I gave him a little ruffle though bc I thought it was cute.
Babs is fine with skirts but tends to prefer pants.
Cass is a bit different because I think wearing something frivolous is so novel to her. I wanted her outfit to be a blend of her canon design and her appreciation for dance. I tried to contrast her more practical elements (like her pants and armor) with the soft things I think she would enjoy (like a flowy skirt.) I still have ambition to go back and design a Black Bat outfit for her but I haven’t quite figured out the direction I want to take with it.
Jason on the other hand— this also very much in hc territory— I think didn’t know how much he would enjoy a skirt until he got to wear one. Stepping away from the universe for a sec; Jason is the most masculine design fundamentally which means that in order to match the vibe I would have to make him the furthest from his canon design. I’m really not trying to make a statement or subvert things by putting men in skirts bc it’s supposed to a silly au with aesthetically pleasing designs. I like feminine things and it shows in my work however I don’t see clothing as naturally gendered. That’s my little context psa back to my point. I think Jason is the most likely to wear a skirt and actually feel empowered by it. At first I think he was embarrassed by it but the outfits choose you so he just went with it out of necessity. And through that he found he really thrived in the juxtaposition between his intentional imposing figure and this unashamed femininity. He’s a drama kid at heart and fr what’s more dramatic than an ill-advised fit that serves. The skirt to him feels like a costume that helps give him the confidence to be Red Hood or ig… Red Bow. (Which is sorta how I think of the red helmet in canon but I also do believe that Jason and Cass would have the most fun wearing a skirt.)
I haven’t decided if Bruce will get a skirt or not but if he does just know that my reasoning is that his artifact was humbling him. Like you take yourself too seriously calm down with the brooding. He would use the skirt as a way to conceal more weapons.
(I think Kon would love wearing skirts but in this au because he built his own outfit I think he was trying to seem impressive and edgy and distinguish himself from Clark. I also think, despite enjoying skirts, he would have to work up the courage to wear them in public and never as Superboy because he would be too conscious of his image.)
Anyway I don’t claim to always succeed with my intentions coming through in my work but this is what is running through my head.
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beta-therapy · 24 days
Do women prefer loyal nice guys or alpha jerks?
Every woman just needs a man who’s loyal, right? Your crush is constantly ranting on social media about how some “player” won’t text her back, some guy who gives her no attention and doesn’t care about her. It’s almost like he just used her for sex and then moved on to the next girl.
You think “I would never treat her like that. I would be emotionally available for her, and I would always respond when she texts or calls me. I’m the solution to all her boy problems she’s ranting about. I’m not like those other guys who treat her like garbage.”
So then why aren’t you dating her? Has she just not realized you’re the good guy she’s been looking for?
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“Aha!” you say, “I just need to show her how much I care about her! Then she would finally realize what it truly means to be treated like a princess. She would see that I’m the only guy who treats her how she really deserves!”
But this doesn’t work out according to plan. You get into a conversation with her (if you even make it that far), and start making the point: “I don’t understand why some guys hook up with so many girls without even getting to know them. I’d rather be in love with one special woman and give her the world.”
“Awe that’s sweet,” she responds, “the world needs more guys like you.”
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But no matter how many times you express that you’re different than the other guys, and no matter how many times she calls you sweet, it never goes anywhere. You might try to flirt or use physical gestures to build sexual tension, but she always puts it down immediately. She makes it clear she just sees you as a friend at most (hopefully without having to say that out loud). You notice how uncomfortable she is whenever you try to escalate, so you don’t even bother trying to ask her out because you already know the answer.
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“What happened?” You wonder, “All she talks about is how she wants a loyal, attentive guy, so how come she has no interest in me?”
You’ve made the mistake of vastly underestimating how smart women are. You didn’t need to start explaining how you would never cheat on a woman. She already knows she could have you wrapped around her finger and you would never cheat on her. She doesn’t care, because she also knows the reason why you wouldn’t cheat is because you can’t! Because who else would fuck you?
When you compared yourself to the most recent “Chad” she’s had sex with, and you said you don’t understand why he likes casual sex with many partners instead of just settling down with one special woman, she saw right through your act. She knows the reason you aren’t sexually active with all those women is because they would all reject you.
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We now understand the answer to the question in the title. The reason women do not fuck nice guys is because there’s nothing attractive about a harmless man. That just means he’s weak. Conversely, women spread their legs for manipulative cheaters all the time, not because being a “manipulative cheater” is necessarily attractive, but because women intensely prefer to fight for crumbs of attention from a powerful man instead of being worshipped by a harmless one.
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hadesoftheladies · 5 months
“that’s just war” is what i keep getting told. women get raped and butchered? that’s just war. children get bombed and buried? that’s just war. when i read stories of the hamas hostages and the frustration and pain of jewish families caught up in the war, what do online politics offer? “that’s just war.” that’s just the price of resistance. when i tell my dad while watching the news on palestine “thousands more children were bombed by israeli forces this week” all he can say is “that’s just war.” if a man pointed a gun at you wouldn’t you want to have a gun, too?
were the allied soldiers better than the nazis? depends on who you ask. they bombed, raped, sabotaged the planes of women in their own army. nazis were terrible. did that make allied soldiers saints? we weep for the mass graves in 20th century concentration camps across the world. then when we grow up we learn that those black and white photos were actually grey all along. the victims had also victimized others. male prisoners could rape as the soldiers did.
“ignore war men will be men” some women say. “they’ll find a way to keep killing each other. let them have at it.�� is it feminist action to bask in our own self righteousness as women? do people sleeping while sirens go off in their city have any choice other than to wake up and run? can they ignore such a thing?
where should i stand? will the white women online help me if their president ordered a siege of my country? my country’s history is riddled with blood. the resistance gave me freedom. I can walk on my own land. go to school and own a car. I can dress myself without dressing a white mistress first. I can farm for myself and not for some smelly englishman. that’s good, isn’t it? but they also killed scores of setttlers, the resistance. they raped white women and girls. slaughtered white children and dumped their bodies in pits for their husbands and fathers to find. wasn’t that bad? but wasn’t it the black kikuyu children and women that bent their backs over white fields? wasn’t it the white people who put them in camps and exacted harsh curfews. didn’t white men shove broken glass up black detainee’s private parts? which white women came to free them? didn’t they laugh at the same racist jokes as their husbands did? didn’t she smile and pour tea for him as he told her about work? didn’t she love having such a wide sprawling estate? wasn’t that bad?
“so you stand with the evil black men that raped white women just because they could? you think their rape served a purpose?” no, but— “so you stand with white women who were okay ordering your people to be shipped, slaughtered and starved?” no! these questions are like asking me which bullet i’d prefer to be shot with. the answer is i don’t want to die. i am not comforted by the rape of women or by the enslavement of my people. why would either be something i want?
what this all is, ultimately, is a question the entitled never like to hear. in regard to the oppression of women by men, blacks by whites, the indigenous by the colonial, the one question at the heart of it all is this:
who has the right to self defense?
why is the woman that killed her rapist jailed? why is the slave that killed his master himself killed? by what means and to what extent do we rule an act of violence as self-defense or something monstrous?
the answer is even more uncomfortable: to the extent that we view the aggressor as human.
it’s not an answer that really solves anything. it doesn’t change what happens in war. it won’t stop any war.
but in these scenarios, my way has been to accept that there is rarely such a thing as moral purity in a human, and for this reason, our default attitude may need to be humility, the acceptance that we can be hypocrites. that we aren’t exempt from tragedy or more special than another life. that we’re as alike as we are different, even if we may not be equally guilty of certain acts. because if we are open to the humanity and dignity of the life of others (and I do extend this to animals as well, because they have the capacity to suffer and the will to live), we are bound to be less prone to repeat the cruelties we decry.
and maybe that’s more of a solution than a neat, easy answer or a casual dismissal like “that’s just war” might be.
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freesia-writes · 4 months
Chapter 4: A Shop Visit
Enjoy a warm and fuzzy tale of romance, suspense, adventure, and self-discovery as Hunter finds his path after the events of TBB. Banner/dividers by @pinkiemme ~ Master List ~ Previous Chapter
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Chapter 4 - Word Count: 2.2k - FANART BY @nika6q!!
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Hunter wiped his hands on the rag before tossing it on the counter, scrutinizing the rows of neatly-trimmed filets spread across the butcher block in front of him. It had been an oddly quiet day, aside from a very boisterous group of women from the school who had stopped by on their lunch break. Why they were in search of raw meat at an hour when most people would be eating prepared food, Hunter had no idea. But he had a sneaking suspicion, after recent conversations, that there was some sort of challenge going around the office that involved his attention, and their enthusiastic questions about his sausages only furthered his increasing need for caution. 
It was nearing time to close, although he wasn’t in any hurry to get home to the empty house. Omega would be home the following day, so he’d busied himself with extra hunting time as well as some organizational tasks around the butcher shop that he’d been putting off for a while. He found it strangely cathartic as he wiped the counters after putting everything away, enjoying the smoothness of the stone surface as his mind wandered across the various aspects of life on the island.
The gentle tinkle of the bell hanging inside the door caught his attention, and he ventured out from the back room. It was another one of the office ladies, the one he’d spoken to about the emergency beacon for Omega. She was wearing a long brown skirt with a plain blue shirt tucked into it, and her brown hair was tucked into a loose braid at the base of her neck. He wracked his memory for her name, surprised that he was coming up entirely blank, but was saved from speaking by her gentle greeting. 
“Hi,” she said, offering a halfhearted wave as she carefully closed the door behind her. Her eyebrows lifted slightly as her eyes flickered around the shop. “Man, I’ve never seen any place so clean,” she admitted with the faintest chuckle that was oddly endearing. Or perhaps it was just the most emotion he’d seen from her. “Also… We Meat Again? Did you come up with the name?” She was fighting to keep her face neutral.
“I lost a bet.” He grinned at the memory, shaking his head fondly.
“Ah, well… It’s fantastic. I’d like to open a cheese shop next door and call it… uh…” she faltered, clearly not having thought this far into her own joke. “Something cheesy…” She cringed, then continued, “Are you all wrapped up for the day?”
“Just about,” Hunter said, leaning on the counter opposite her. “But what were you looking for? I think your coworkers bought enough sausage to go around for quite a while…” 
“Yeah…” Her gaze found his face for a moment before returning to their leisurely perusal of the signs, glass cases, and other elements of the storefront. “They have a bit of a herd mentality sometimes.” Her tone was hard to discern, and Hunter tilted his head, assessing her body language. She seemed a little bit sheepish and a little unsure of herself, and he didn’t get the sense that she was part of the whole office debacle, which put him at ease a bit. “Anyway – I’ve been telling myself for weeks that I was going to stop by and check the place out, so… check,” she said with a small smile, moving her index finger in the shape of a check mark in the air. 
“Can I get you anything?” he pressed, rubbing his hands together slowly as if itching to make himself useful. 
“I don’t want to make you undo all your tidying,” she answered, eyeing the slabs of meat in the case.
“It’s alright; it’s a quick clean-up if you’re not asking me to butcher an entire caraboose,” Hunter said, smirking at the resulting shock on her face that quickly melted into mildly enthused humor.
“I’m not sure I’d want to see that,” she said with a smile, pointing toward the thinly-sliced fambaa fillets. “But if you wouldn’t mind wrapping up a pound of those bad boys… perhaps then my mouth will stop watering.” He nodded, a courteous grin of his own passing across his face as he moved into action. 
“They were bad boys,” he mused, laying out the butcher paper before fetching the steaks. “Took advantage of some nearby stampeding kod’yok to try to sneak up on me. Probably would have taken a decent chunk out of my leg if I didn’t have enha… If I hadn’t been paying attention.”
“You… uh… You hunt this all yourself?” she said, eyes widening slightly as he gave a curt nod. “That sounds intense. How do you do it?” 
Hunter shrugged, folding the thick brown paper in careful layers to create one neat little package, “I was trained from a young age… had lots of practice… And it seemed to address a need around here, so I’m glad to have a place to apply my… skills.” 
“You’ve been a butcher all your life?” she asked, shifting her weight to her other foot to pull her shoulder bag into reach, digging absently for her wallet. 
“Not entirely. Did some other stuff here and there. Whatever it took to get by at different stages of life,” he answered evenly, weighing the package and printing a small label. “How about you?” he continued, shifting the focus.
“I know how that goes,” she said, delicately placing the money into his hand and taking the package from him. “Um, I had a few different jobs on Coruscant. The last one was an administrative aide for a senator’s office. I thought it would be glamorous,” she admitted, again letting out that quiet chuckle as though laughing at herself, then turning somber. “Needless to say, it was decidedly not what I expected.” 
“So you came here?” Hunter asked, tucking the money into the drawer beneath the counter. 
“Yep,” she said. “The thrilling adventures of Lyra. Coming soon to a holoscreen near you.” He chuckled, running the towel across the counter again as he committed the name to memory. “But really… It’s wonderful here. So peaceful and quiet. It’s like closing a door on the chaos of the Core Worlds.”
“Been here long?” 
“Not really… Almost two years now. But long enough to feel pretty settled.”
“Hm. Any inside info I should know?” 
Lyra laughed again, almost nervously this time, shrugging as she looked at the counter, “About what?”
“The island. The planet. The comings and goings. We’ve been here for a number of months, but it seems to be almost too quiet. I guess I have a hard time believing that anywhere could be a perfect little safe place.”
“Ah,” she said, nodding slowly. “I know the feeling. But as far as I’ve seen, the Empire doesn’t seem to know nor care about anything out here, so that keeps most of the issues away. Not a lot of conflict otherwise. Haven’t even seen many pirates. There aren’t any valuable natural resources other than what sustains everyone on the planet itself, so it just doesn’t get much attention. It’s been a nice change of pace, for me at least.”
“Sounds like the sort of place the unsavory type might go to disappear…” he mused, brow furrowing slightly. Crosshair often accused him of seeing threats anywhere and everywhere, which was ironic coming from the snarky sniper, but the sense of responsibility that had rested heavily on Hunter’s shoulders for the entirety of his created life so far was hard to shake. He sensed an immediate wave of discomfort emanating from Lyra, and he turned to face her more fully. “Sorry,” he said, realizing what it may imply. “I just mean… You haven’t seen any shady types lurking around, have you?” 
“Just that tall, scowling, gray-haired man with the eye tattoo,” she said, keeping her face carefully neutral. The flashes of humor and wit were so fleeting that Hunter questioned whether they happened at all. She must have known who he was from the school’s initial orientation day, or from Omega’s enrollment paperwork, where all of her brothers had been listed as emergency contacts and trusted guardians.
“Mmm,” he agreed, tightening his lips to hold back a smirk. “Yeah, we should watch out for that one. Anyway… Sorry if that’s an odd thing to say. Just trying to get a feel for a new place, you know…”
“I get it,” she said, in the same gentle tone she’d used in her office when he’d asked her to keep the emergency beacon. He couldn’t tell what it was about her that created an air of compassion, understanding, and quiet assurance, but it had a settling effect that he appreciated. “It’s nice to feel safe,” she finished, simply and quietly. 
“It is.” 
They stood silently for a moment, pleasantly surprised by the sense of agreement and the notable lack of awkwardness, then Lyra took a step back, tucking her bag behind her shoulder and lifting her chin slightly to give Hunter another tiny smile. 
“Thank you so much for these,” she said, nodding toward her purchase. “I’m excited to try out a dry seasoning rub that I haven’t used in years.” 
“Sounds fancy,” Hunter commented, his interest piqued. “You like to cook?” 
“I do,” Lyra admitted, running an hand absently up and down the outside of one arm. “Maybe too much,” she laughed, a little self-conscious. “I love being home. I have a little garden with herbs and vegetables, way too many pots and pans, and a disproportionate love of food. So I enjoy coming up with new recipes and trying new things.”
“Well I’m sure your family members aren’t complaining. Or whoever gets to eat it,” Hunter corrected, realizing he still didn’t know much about her situation. 
“Just me,” she said with a small shrug. “Well, that’s not true – I take some meals to neighbors at times. But it’s just me and my cozy little cottage. And the critters in the garden, I suppose. I’m not very exciting.”
“Excitement isn’t always all that it’s cracked up to be.” 
“Very true,” Lyra agreed. “Well, if you ever need some fresh herbs for all your steak adventures that Omega talks about, I’m happy to share. I’ve got a trick or two up my sleeve in the thrilling realm of meat marinades.” Every word of hers felt somehow self-effacing and unapologetic at the same time, and Hunter found a small smile on his face. 
“And you said you weren’t exciting,” he said dryly, earning a little snicker from her. “Although, to be honest, I’ll take all the help I can get… As grateful and appreciative as Omega and Wrecker are, I think we’re all getting a little sick of the same three meals. I wasn’t really made for… domestic life.” His tone grew somewhat sad at the end, echoes of his creation and purpose surfacing above his efforts to find his way in a new stage of life. 
“I think we all find ourselves thrown into situations we’d never would have guessed, at some time or another in our lives,” Lyra mused, a nearly imperceptible ache in her own slightly husky voice. Her gaze grew distant for a moment, caught only by his sharp senses before she shook her head minutely and seemed to return to the present. “Feels like getting a new pair of shoes. Awkward and clunky at first, then you wear them in until they seem to fit perfectly. You know?” Hunter’s hum of agreement was lost in her words as she continued, “Unless they’re high heels. Those are just cruel and unrelenting.”
“Now that I definitely wouldn’t know about,” he said, ducking his head to run an idle hand over his hair, most of which was pulled back near the top of his head. 
“You’d be wise to keep it that way,” Lyra said with a smile, feeling the conversation coming to a close. “Anyway… Thanks again for this,” she said, patting her bag, “And I’ll see you next time!”
“See you,” Hunter echoed, watching her slip demurely out the door. He sighed, casting a glance around the shop and mulling over her words. The only shoes he’d ever known had been combat boots, made as much for him as he had been made for them. It had been simple, in a way… And then his singular, straightforward trajectory exploded like a firework into a million different paths, leaving him scrambling to try to choose the best one for him and his squad. It was hard to believe that now, after years of chaos and tumult, he could settle into something like a simple island life. 
He finished the few remaining clean-up tasks and turned the sign on the door before locking it behind him, taking a deep breath of the fresh air before starting his walk home. Part of him wanted that sense of autonomy and freedom that nat-borns took for granted, and yet part of him balked at the thought. Why? He had no idea. But he shrugged off the thoughts as much as he could, resolving to continue on, one step at a time… while remaining prepared for anything.
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