#I’ll be back with a little translation of the cypher
emry-stars-art · 10 months
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Oops wrong au 👀🦈🪼
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Hey BPP, I am guessing you know about the big news by now lol.
I wanted to ask you something—since Hybe released a statement earlier this year saying that they hope that the decision for the enlistment is done soon, do you think that BTS was waiting until July before they finalized their decision? The government already extended their final decision announcement twice ? I think. And then when it was postponed, maybe BTS said fuck this shit and started prep for it then they dropped the bomb without alerting the government? If so, this is such a power move on their part. A lot of armys are saying that may be this is why NJ changed his Cypher pt3 lyrics to You can’t control my shit. It would make sense bec he’s done it a lot of times before, esp when he feels like his thoughts or circumstances have changed.
Translation of the kr statement also said that Hybe will be withdrawing Jin’s extension request so he can start his preparations asap. It looks like he wants to go in by EOY. Tbh it makes me respect them, especially Jin more because he showed that the antis are wrong and he won’t be turning back on his duty. It’s been the number one thing hes criticised for in the last few years right ? BTS are so freaking classy !!!
Hi Anon,
It’s been… a day. (Other Anons and KPFT, I see your asks, and believe me I’ll get to them before the end of this week, but right now a lot is happening personally and with Bangtan so please be patient.)
I like how you’re thinking through the events of the last few months Anon, and I largely agree with you.
Something I’ve always said is that I believe BTS go on to do their full service, whether or not they get exemption. In fact I wrote my feeling was that the government would give them some sort of reduced term/alternative service, and BTS would decline it, to do the full service anyway. Because BTS has been the only party that never asked for exemption (Big 3 agencies have been using BTS to lobby for their own artists getting exempted since 2018. HYBE/Big Hit was never even present at the early meetings, while every K-pop agency from SM, JYP, YG, baited the government with BTS to argue that their artists were at a similar level and should be exempted); and the boys know that the only people who benefit from them doing an alternate service, is the military - as all monetary gain made during the enlistment period goes to the military/government.
The issue now though, is that the military and government is now trying to find a way to further exploit the boys by forcing them to do performances while they’re in service, knowing that every Won, Dollar, and Cent will be going into military coffers.
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Loool. Like just sit with that for a bit. Think about it. And imagine how tired the boys must feel after seeing the government do this for 4 years. Like there’s so much about BTS that I cannot help but respect and why I can’t take any of their antis (in all their forms) seriously, because if you fully understood the sort of system they operate within, if you fully grasped the levels of ignorance, contempt, greed and hate that surrounds them on a constant basis, and how they maneuver with grace and intelligence in this system... Like, I’ve talked about domestic hate campaigns (partly funded by government relatives) against smaller artists like Tablo simply because he excelled academically at an American university on this blog before… like I’m not sure how else to express what’s been happening on this particular topic y’all. But there’s a lot here that’s fucked up.
Like there’s a reason the government isn’t asking SuperM or Stray Kids or Taemin, or any of the EXO boys to do any of what they’re now contemplating (in broad daylight on the national evening news) for BTS. Certainly not on the same scale. So basically, expect more BS from this administration for the next little while. Koreans have a saying that very much applies here, but I’m holding my tongue until the full details come out on what the military plan to do. I really hope I never have to say it.
Which brings me back to your comment on BTS changing the lyrics in Cypher Pt 3. The boys are already acting on their own terms, as they always said they would, and they seem to have anticipated further shenanigans from the gov, if I’m reading all this correctly.
- Jin was supposed to enlist end of 2020 after a massive world tour, but stuff happened and because BTS met the criteria for postponement after receiving the highest National award (for merit) in 2018, they pushed back that plan and made ad-hoc preparations given the pandemic and Grammy nominations, among other things. Today, BigHit announced Jin has withdrawn that postponement application (the 1st step to begin his full enlistment), and will be going to the military to do his full service.
- They’ll be going likely one after the other or in units to return by 2025 (my guess is H2 2025), meaning it will be staggered such that there won’t ever be a full OT7 serving at the same time, so in the event the government forces them to do performances, they won’t ever be working with a full slate.
And we get back to OT7 BTS in roughly 2.5 years.
912.5 days
21,900 hours
I hope the boys are given a choice on this military performance stunt, because I’m nearly certain they’ll reject it (unless maybe it’s for something like the Grammys Idk).
But in any case, they will be fine. Even with all this said, I’m not worried for them, because ultimately, they will always choose to do what they know is best for them. Just look at how they’ve navigated the last few months:
- Announced a hiatus, travelled and had fun at their own pace
- Focused on their solo music projects
- Accepted an ambassador role put upon the guys last minute
- Paid out of their own pockets to put on the OT7 concert of the decade for their fans, for free
- Announced they will begin their full military service regardless of what the government has been doing for the last 4 years.
My guess on how the solo music roll-out will go
Q4 2022 - Jin single/RM release
Q1 2023 - RM release / Suga release
Q2 2023 - JM release
H2 2023 - V release / JK release
Q1 2024 - JK release
*a Release could mean single, EP, full album, etc.
I’m not concerned about the boys, and the fandom seems to be handling the news well enough, but I’m a bit concerned about ARMY ‘overreactions’ to the government’s continued nonsense. By now it should be clear that no matter the facts, no matter how valid it is to be upset about an injustice or wrong action, ARMYs and the boys will likely be vilified by those who have an interest in doing so. So fingers crossed that all 40 million of us don’t go ape shit.
I’ll be IA most of the next few days because it’s getting late and I’ve hardly slept this past weekend, and will have to catch a flight early in the morning to return to a busy week of work, as I’m sure is the same for a lot of you.
I’ll be streaming with several instances of Magic Shop, Paradise, Run BTS, Reflection, Best of Me, Dis-ease, Ugh, and What Do You Think, on repeat.
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stray-cattt · 2 years
Sweet Dreams, Harsh Mornings
A Valorant Fanfic, once again. If you would rather read it on AO3, link is here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40655328
Summary: Based off of the post by @honestlyitsjustsam on Tumblr that says "Goodnight ill be thinking of Cypher being in the arms of his dear wife Nora, laying down on their bed and then their cute daughter jumping to their bed to join and snuggle them but only for Cypher to actually wake up from his dream to his alarm sound on his cold and lonely bed surrounded by the monotone steel walls of the headquarters" So I will be using that as my summary :) Some Arab is used (like three words) Disclaimer tho, I don't speak Arabic I used google translate.
In my opinion, not my best work but wooo writing go brr anyway!
Baba: dad, أمي: mom, عسل: honey
 Cypher smiled sweetly at Nora next to him, the sun rays illuminating her face with their gentle glow. Cypher slowly pushed her hair out of her face, carefully as not to wake her. A content hum fell from his lips, his smile growing wider, noticing the drool that was leaving his wife's mouth. He let out a soft chuckle, his eyes looking at her, so calm and serene. How did I get this lucky? Cypher asked himself, as he memorized every freckle that adorned her face.
       The quiet morning either fortunately or unfortunately, did not last much longer. A quiet squeak broke the silence between the two. Cypher rose his head a bit to look at the source. The door was left slightly ajar, but no person was in sight. He was left in confusion until a small laugh was heard behind him. Cypher laid back down and pretended not to have heard a thing. Suddenly he felt a weight on him, smiling he turned to meet his daughter’s eyes. Giggles escaped out of her mouth filling the room.
       “Baba! It’s time to get up!” She yelled slightly, shaking the poor man ferociously.
       “Alright, alright, I’ll get up.” He sighed, putting his arms up in defense. Seeing as her father was awake, she then moved on to wake her mother. Before Cypher's arms could scoop her up and protect his sleeping wife, she pounced.
       “أمي! Gotta wake up!” She squealed as she shook her mother.
       “Hm?” Nora groggily said, a confused look written all over her face.
       “Up! Up!” Their daughter said jumping up and down on the bed.
       “Alright, I think that’s enough little one,” Cypher said, now standing. He made his way over to his wife's side before picking up the small girl. Said girl pouted at him and rammed her head into his chest in defiance, only earning a hearty laugh from him.
       “Are you hungry?” He asked her, booping her nose, effectively distracting her from her pouting fit. She gave a swift nod before reaching out to her mother. Cypher shifted her to his left hip, turning to his wife, who was trying to blink the sleep out of her eyes.
       “Good morning عسل.” Cypher smiled. Nora smiled back, getting herself out of bed. She only walked a couple of feet before pecking Cypher on the lips sweetly.
       “Good morning love,” Nora replied, running a hand through Cypher’s curly brown hair. “And good morning to you too, trouble maker.” She said, turning her attention to the small girl in Cypher’s arms, ruffling her hair. The girl just smiled widely in response before sticking her tongue out at Nora.
       “Now, let’s go get some breakfast. Shall we?” She asked, holding out a hand for Cypher to take. He grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together, bringing her hand up to his mouth and giving it a soft kiss.
       The three of them all spent the day together from dawn to dusk. Starting the day off with creps and jelly all over a certain someone’s mouth, and ending the day with lamb, sauce yet again found its way all over a certain someone’s mouth. Who that someone was will forever remain a mystery. Cypher sat in his chair reading a book as Nora got the young one ready for bed.
       “I wanna sleep with you and baba!” The girl whined as Nora tried to lead her to her room. Ears perking up at this, Cypher diligently placed a bookmark in his current place. He walked over to the source of the commotion with a hand on his hip. Crouching down, his knees popping in the process, he met his eyes with his daughters.
       “Do you not want to sleep in your big girl room tonight?” Cypher asked her, brushing some hair behind her ear. She shook her head strongly before rushing over to him and clasping her hands around his neck. Cypher stood letting a sigh leave him as he heaved the girl onto his hip for the second time that day.
       “She sure is a stubborn one.” Nora smiled before crawling into bed.
       “Yeah, I have no idea where she gets that from,” Cypher said with sarcasm.
       “Well, it certainly isn’t me.” She responded, laughing quietly. Cypher rolled his eyes in response but let a smile grace his lips. Carefully he laid down his daughter next to Nora before climbing into bed himself. Cypher flicked the lamp off, then rolled over to meet the eyes of his lover. But instead of being met with her eyes, he was met with her lovingly stroking their daughter's hair, she was humming a song lulling their young one further into sleep. Cypher’s eyes held nothing more than love for the two amazing women in his life.
       “I love you, Nora,” Cypher whispered, not wanting to wake the sleeping girl in between them. Nora smiled and opened her mouth to respond, but a loud alarm startled Cypher out of his slumber. He jolted awake, still processing his dream as bits and pieces of it flooded into his brain. Cypher felt his stomach churn, wanting so badly to go back to his dreamland. He crossed his arms around himself as tears began to roll down his face. Cypher looked around him to take in his surroundings, the cold monotone steel walls staring back at him. A similar feeling of loneliness washed over him, almost as strong as the day he lost them both.
       Cypher tried desperately to wipe his tears off but they just continued to fall. Deciding he wouldn’t be able to get himself together before breakfast he let them fall, no longer trying to stop them. He sat in his bed, staring at the wall, praying that he could go back to his family. But even if they were somehow alive, once you join the Valorant Protocol, you can never go back to the life you once had.
       Cypher’s absence did not go unnoticed by the agents that morning, as the distinct smell of his tea was nowhere in the air. Sova made a note to himself to check in on the man and bring him a bagel once he finished his food. The other agents also made sure to check up on him even though he ensured them he was doing well once he had left his room. And if Cypher stayed up the next few nights working on projects to keep himself from dreaming of the again, that’s not my secret to say.
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thanksjro · 2 years
More Than Meets the Eye #39 — Tarn Has a Religious Experience in the Cocaine Cave
Last we left off, we’d just seen the climax of Brainstorm’s Time Tour to murder Megatron, as well as completing the roundabout on all of our time loops and preventing Chromedome and Rewind’s divorce through the power of guns.
Anyway, let’s check in on everyone’s favorite gang of Decepticons.
No, not that one. The other one.
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We’re back with the Decepticon Justice Division, or at least some of them. Because Tarn is the narrative focus for today, we’ll be breaking this issue into chapters, because that’s intellectual or some shit. We’ll also get what might be an almost-illegal amount of narration boxes. While certainly in-character for Tarn, who has already established himself as pretentious in the most irritating fashion, good god does it clutter up the page. What’s Tarn thinking about, anyway?
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Oh right, he still thinks that Vos and Kaon are dead.
Vos’s little phrase there doesn’t translate to anything, by the way. I checked. Honestly, I think it’s a shame; why bother having a fully rendered (if simple) cypher if you’re not going to use it?
Anyway, Tarn, Helex, and Tesaurus are just about finished with Blip, a Decepticon who was unfortunate enough to be at the top of The List at the moment.
Tarn isn’t really feeling it right now though, having lost a bit of the spirit. He’s burnt out, you see; on the DJD’s theme song— which I’ll remind you is one of Ultra Magnus’s favorite songs— on all the murder, and the endless churning of a war that never seems to go anywhere.
Still, a job’s a job, and he’s nothing if not a good performer. He tells Helex to take Blip’s brain out of Blip’s mouth, and Helex complies, in the “censored” way. Originally, Helex was going to kiss Blip’s brain out of his mouth, and that idea got all the way to fucking pencils before someone pumped the breaks.
Which brings me to our artist for the issue, Hayato Sakamoto. Sakamoto is known for having drawn a lot of doujinshi— Japanese self-published comics— several of which were rather racy. He’s done a lot of work for Transformers, including package art and Japanese-specific publications, as well as toy designs. His current pinned Tweet, at time of writing, is a link to his print of Halloween Rodimus, wearing pumpkin booty shorts. He’s got everyone covered in the horny department, what an ally.
Getting back to the issue, Helex spits out some brain juice from that kiss that didn’t happen, while Tarn has a chat with Blip about his crimes. What horrible thing could Blip have possibly done to incur the wrath of the DJD?
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No idea what these two think they’re sitting on. Tarn must be the squat king of the fucking universe, to hold that pose through his explanation of Decepticommunism’s take on religion.
Blip has objections to his being on The List, and not just because he’s about to get turned into chunky salsa. He’s literally the only guy who thinks he’s a Sparkeater, and that hardly counts as a religious cult, now does it? But Tarn believes in nipping things in the bud, as it were, and he asks Blip if he has any final words before Tesaurus gets ahold of him.
Blip, to his credit, actually throws Tarn for a bit of a loop, grabbing his mask— bastard couldn’t even commit to properly replacing his face with the symbol of his cause. Blip demands to see Tarn’s face, claiming he’s hiding from something. Tarn doesn’t say anything, walking off to let Helex and Tesaurus finish today’s work. His narration, however, is very chatty, saying that the reason he wears the mask is so that nobody can see him looking away from the moments where he denies his victims the “mercy” of being talked to death, instead leaving the finale to his peers.
Back at their very pointy ship, Peaceful Tyranny, the boys head in for prayer time at the dual life-sized statues of Megatron, Helex leading the sermon of all people. They finish just in time to get yelled at by the tiniest and best member of their team, Nickel.
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Hold on, let me look something up.
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Christ alive, Nickel, you might as well’ve called the man a slur.
Nickel is their medical officer, and also apparently their adoptive mother, as she chastises the lot for their lack of hygiene and health maintenance. When Tesaurus grumps about having health insurance, Tarn threatens to write him up. Still, it seems like they all have at least some sort of rapport going on. Of course, Tarn has to ruin the fun, by telling Helex and Tesaurus to bring their personal development plans for their employment appraisals.
The appraisals of their murder job, where they murder people.
Later, Tesaurus shows up to Tarn’s quarters, even though he bitched earlier, probably because he knows better than to ignore an order from his boss. Tarn is at least a gracious host, offering a beverage consisting of innermost energon that’s apparently from a guy as old as Tailgate.
Yeah, energon being as diverse of a substance as it is really makes for some weird implications.
Anyway, Tesaurus and Tarn get through the appraisal pretty quickly— turns out the guy who turns into a giant blender on treads is really good at dismembering and murdering. While they do this, Tarn’s narration boxes go on about the importance of administration and professionalism to the Decepticause.
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I fucking guess, Tarn.
Tarn notices that Tesaurus is even less into this process than usual, and asks what’s up, even though he already knows the answer. Tesaurus is thinking about Vos. And Kaon, but he feels like a bit of an afterthought. I get the impression Kaon’s the weak link in this team.
The events of the Alternate Lost Light Super-Murder Power Hour took place eighteen months ago, when Quantum-Duplicate Brainstorm called up the DJD to come nab Overlord. His only stipulation? No one else gets hurt, as to not blow Brainstorm’s cover. Yeah, that’s why. Absolutely not because he cares about these stupid Autobots. Tarn agreed to the terms, fully intending to keep this shit covert.
It’s just too bad he and all his coworkers were fucking tweaked out of their goddamned gourds at the time.
The DJD, high as balls off Nuke, because that’s real professional, ran into Drift— who is on The List for defecting, back when he was Deadlock— and they saw red so hard, they painted the interior of the Lost Light pink. With robot blood.
They eventually went back to the ship, at Nickel’s insistence, to steal the quantum engine, only to find that the Galactic Council and the Black Block Consortia were there for the exact same thing. This happened a month ago. Which makes me wonder why the fuck Rewind spent nearly a year and a half laying inside his brother-in-law’s chest cavity. Maybe it was a “Tailgate in the hole” situation.
Kaon and Vos got lost in the fight, assumedly killed in action. We, of course, know that they are very much alive, and actually feeling well enough to commit heinous dismemberments, thanks to the magic of blood donation. It would seem that the twinksome twosome haven’t been able to contact Peaceful Tyranny though, so Tesaurus doesn’t know that.
Tarn acknowledges that they retreated without going to pick up Vos and Kaon from the planet, and Tesaurus makes a comment about Decepticons not abandoning their own. Tarn takes this slight against his Decepticonism, to his Decepticon-masked face, in his room that appears to only have Decepticon badges as decoration, relatively well.
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Tarn grabs Tesaurus by the head, practically sticking his fingers in the guy’s mouth, and gets in kissing range as he gives him a taste of the murder-voice. It wholly looks like Tarn’s about to kill Tesaurus over this comment, but he backs off, because he understands how stressful this has been for everyone. In fact, he tells Tesaurus that they’re going back for Vos and Kaon’s bodies, as he pats Tesaurus on the cheek in a way that looks like he’s about to snap the man’s neck. Again, Tarn is just the epitome of professionalism.
Helex interrupts this absolute HR nightmare to report that he just teleported Vos and Kaon aboard, and, wonder of wonders, they’re alive! Yayyyy! Tarn is astounded by this news, but he ain’t seen nothing yet, because Helex then hands him that new version of Towards Peace that Kaon grabbed from Trailcutter. The one where Megatron denounces the Decepticause. Tarn takes the news relatively well.
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Tarn reflects on the destruction of the only thing that makes up his personality, going so far as to take off his mask to stare at it contemplatively, like the dramatic bitch that he is. We only get to see the bottom half of his face, as he tells Kaon to meet him in the fueling chamber. I do want to stress, knowing what this son of a bitch looks like literally doesn’t matter, as we’ll find out towards the end of MTMTE.
Deep down in the abandoned mines, the DJD have set up their fueling chamber. Well, they call it a fueling chamber, and it’s technically correct, but what it actually is is the cave that they do their space-cocaine in. Tarn floats in a tank, hooked up to about thirty tubes that pump Nuke into his body while he screams in pain. Kaon, the motherfucker who doesn’t have eyes, is in charge of watching Tarn, as Nickel provides commentary. Nickel’s never been down here before, having been picked up by the ship relatively recently. Kaon tells Nickel that the nucleon down here is special, as it’s been structurally rewritten by temporal bullshit— thanks, Brainstorm— and their stash is irreplaceable, though he’s certainly tried.
Which I guess means that Kaon is their plug. No wonder they keep him around.
Nickel is a little worried about Tarn having hooked every major vein in his body into a bath of liquid cocaine cut with time travel and gas station dick pills, convinced that the guy is trying to kill himself. Tarn’s narration boxes confirm this, as he reflects on his life. Skids is there. I’m sure that doesn’t have any unfortunate connotations.
Tarn opens his eyes to see Nickel slapping at the glass, and he has a change of heart, busting out of the tube and flopping onto the floor and catching himself with his suddenly terrifyingly-large hands.
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Foreshortening be damned, they shouldn’t be this huge.
Smashcut to Peaceful Tyranny floating outside of Deathsaurus’s warworld, which looks suspiciously similar to the Rod Pod. Deathsaurus stole this warworld for the purposes of joyriding around the galaxy with all his friends, and that’s the reason they’re there, right? Though the DJD seem to be going out of order of The List, which is pretty out of character for a guy like Tarn. Vos is over by the controls, in his default gremlin pose, maybe he can shed some light on the situation.
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…Well, at least we know he’s trilingual now.
Kaon bumps that estimate up to the thousands, having gotten an earful of the inter-Decepticon radio frequency. Tarn claims that Deathsaurus’s defection is a mystery, though he images it wasn’t for any rational reason, knowing Deathsaurus. Tarn then informs his men that this is, in fact, a meeting, and not a super-murder death spree. Seems like a bad idea to not tell your men what the hell is going on until it’s basically already happening, but what do I know? I’m not a murder tank with a hard-on for workplace synergy.
The DJD board the warworld, Deathsaurus greeting them with a box under his arm, seemingly in the middle of something. Up on the topmost catwalk, a couple guys slap the wall for no discernible reason. Vos seems ready to go crab-mode at a moment’s notice.
Deathsaurus asks Tarn to hold his box for him, even as Tarn is requesting a moment to discuss the Megatron issue. Deathsaurus makes a jab at Tarn’s well-known thing for Megatron, asking where his Autobot mask is, then tells him to go stand on the X.
And Tarn does it, because he is the stupidest bitch alive.
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Literally how has this man survived this long.
Tarn is, of course, blown the fuck up, though he takes it rather well, only getting somewhat singed. Deathsaurus knew from the moment Tarn called, he was trying to trick him into trusting him enough to get killed. Which he actually wasn’t, for once, but you can’t blame Deathsaurus looking at the statistics and making a call with his self-preservation in mind. Tarn, lamenting how his talents precede him, fires a warning shot, but Deathsaurus is on a roll now, fully intending on removing this threat from his home. The rest of the DJD watch from the doorway. Kaon suggests they do something, but Vos and Nickel know that Tarn wouldn’t appreciate the help.
Tarn asks Deathsaurus to be reasonable— which is a stupid fucking thing for him of all people to say— before immediately using his murder voice. Deathsaurus, knowing this trick already, cuts off his audio sensors. It would seem that he didn’t know that the DJD had a communications officer, however, as he’s surprised when the inter-Decepticon frequency gets hijacked. Tarn finally has his in, having finally gotten enough of a leverage to force Deathsaurus to actually listen to him.
Tarn uses this leverage to talk about the Decepticons’ foundation, which I’m sure is one of his favorite topics. In the beginning, Megatron was sweeping the board, win after win after win, basically taking Cybertron overnight, before looking at what he could do to the rest of the galaxy. Seeing the universe as staunchly anti-robot, he decided he would remedy this injustice by committing genocide on countless organic races, a lot of which didn’t even know who the Cybertronians were.
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I fucking guess, Tarn.
Deathsaurus is sick of this history lesson, demanding that Tarn get to the goddamned point. Tarn admits that he’s been a bad Decepticon, equating Megatron to the Decepticon cause, having placed the man on a pedestal that reached into the heavens. But he had a revelation during his drug-induced stupor, when he opened his eyes to find Nickel trying to get him out.
Nickel was picked up by the DJD because her planet— a colony world that was populated by Cybertronians who had come there by Titan— had been razed by a plague created by the Black Block Consortia. Tarn realized that the real purpose of the Decepticons was to correct injustices, and the mass murder of Cybertronians by organics is one of the greatest injustices he knows of. He asks Deathsaurus and his men to join him, in exchange for being removed from The List.
Deathsaurus has an additional condition however; he wants Tarn to kill the rest of the DJD, as repayment for all of Deathsaurus’s men that he’s killed in the past. Tarn, to his limited credit, considering how Tesaurus’s appraisal meeting went, refuses Deathsaurus’s demand.
Deathsaurus then says that they have a deal, much to Tarn’s confusion. Deathsaurus was testing Tarn, to see if he’d be someone worth following. Now knowing that he can be trusted, at least to some extent, Deathsaurus gives Tarn control of his men.
Tarn’s new goal, as an embodiment of the true Decepticause, is to destroy Megatron and those who are currently affiliated with him, seeing as he’s directly opposed to the Decepticons now. The new List currently consists of Megatron and the entire crew of the Lost Light. Tarn’s pretty sure they already got those guys, but he’s not gonna question how they’re all fine now. It’s been a long day for Tarn.
Anyway, time for a group photo! Everyone say “mass homicide!”
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the-nubiest · 2 years
Fade x Astra HCs 😏😏😏
that ask on @flooficandii is very 😏
they seem to be that kind of couple who would tease each other way too much, then the other agents are just crying in their third wheelness.
i feel like the two of them have lots of tension
fade definitely teases astra and just hops up in the astral plane in nightmare form just to flirt with her
“What are you doing? I’m doing astral guardian stuff.” “Nothing much. Was just wondering on how my little star girl was doing.”
fade acting like astra’s anger translator
astra eventually tames fade’s prowler and they become absolute besties
fade finds it cute that the two of them are getting along and she asks the little prowler what they and astra did together
“So… what happened?” *ghost noises* “That sounds like her. I wish I could do that with her.”
the prowler acting like a messenger between the two and dropping off little flirty notes
“Fade said… ‘hope to see you in the practice range later. you know i’ll top you in the scores.’ Prowler, send this to her.” *scribbles and writes aggressively*
*fade receives the note* “Star girl said… ‘guess we are not chales anymore after this.’ Does she want to be my girlfriend???” *prowler shakes their head in absolute disappointment*
‘Someone will die’ x ‘Of fun!’ dynamic 👌👌👌
astra attempting to bring fade in the astral plane and fade panicking cause there is nothing on the ground so astra has to bridal carry her the whole time they’re there
astra just saw fade and was like, ‘definitely art worthy’
both visit each other’s home countries and buy lots of clothes as gifts for the other
whenever fade is having a nightmare, astra comforts her 😭😭😭
if astra’s power goes awry, fade attempts to bring her back to earth and to realise where she is
whenever astra loses in the shooting range, fade uses the gun to lift her chin up and just says, “Get better, Im pretty sure you want to top me one day.” then realised what she said and tells astra that’s not what she meant
*phoenix in the background* “ARE YOU GUYS F-”
omen eventually picking up on what is happening between the two girls cause he’s also besties with the prowler
astra asking raze and killjoy for advice on how to ask fade out
then fade asking cypher for advice
cypher being like, “Glad you asked me. I was quite the womaniser when I was younger.” then fade just standing there with a straight face
these two would be cute. imagine the fanart 😳
like having very obvious and strong tension fanart
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dougolingo · 2 years
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( chella man. 24. he/they. genderqueer. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that fixing up old computers, colorful vintage sweaters, and stacks of books make you who you are, DOUGLAS RAMSEY. with the powers of OMNILINGUAL TRANSLATION, you’re sure to have an inteligent, nervous personality — and you definitely belong to SWORD. were you listening to BOYS WILL BE BUGS by CAVETOWN on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! ( @reshieldedintro​ )
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: douglas aaron “doug” ramsey 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐒: cypher, douglock 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 24 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌: chella man 𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌: chella man 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐒𝐄𝐓:
omnilingual translation - superhuman ability to translate any languages, spoken or written, human or alien in origin. as they’ve learned more about their mutation, it’s only grown more powerful. it extends to deciphering codes and computer language as well as hidden intentions and body language.
hand-to-hand combat - with a mutation that has no offensive/defensive abilities, doug was forced to pick up hand-to-hand combat at first to defend himself. being partially merged with shapeshifting techo-organic alien means doug is now pretty set when it comes to combat, though they can still throw a mean punch. don’t be swayed off by the oversized sweaters, he’s hiding muscle under there.
warlock - a member of the technarch race. he ran away from his home planet to escape a battle to the death with his father. originally seen as a threat to the x-men and the new mutants, it wasn’t until doug was able to communicate with warlock were his true good intentions revealed. the pair instantly formed a close bond-- doug being the only one able to communicate with warlock at first (and teach him some english). the pair are partially merged, physically and mentally. warlock is able to protect doug this way by turning into a suit of armor or weapons. their merging is a risky game, doug is constantly at risk of permenantly getting infected by the transmode virus and merging into one being entirely 
𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: new mutants, x-men, s.w.o.r.d in that particular order 𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘: philip ramsey ( father ), sheila ramsey ( mother ) 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂: taurus sun, aries moon, virgo rising 𝐖𝐈𝐊𝐈 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊: douglas & warlock i’ll be playing both of these guys together since they are quite literally bonded, even if warlock isn’t physically there, he’s always wrapped around doug’s right arm giving the appearence of a metal arm.
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was your character “blipped” out? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed?
doug ( and warlock ) were not blipped. it was a challenging five years, desperately wanting to help the x-men but also desperately wanting to keep the remaining new mutants together. eventually, the stress of the situation got to them-- doug was never one to work well under stress. he found himself a in north salem, needing his own space but still wanting to be near the school should duty call. he was etastic when the disappeared returned... less so to give his little apartment back to the woman who had lived there before she had been blipped. he’s glad to have his fellow new mutants back after so long, finally something that feels normal.
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
livin’ his best life in a college apartment in the city. after the blip, he finally felt comfortable enough to start attending college. he easily got into the linguistics program at empire university ( mainly by hiding his mutant abilites and just posing as some guy™ who happens to speak like six languages ). roommates wanted, money on loan from the x-men doesn’t cover all of the costs of a kid and their alien sidekick.
why is your character affiliated with s.w.o.r.d?
while not fully trusting of s.w.o.r.d. just yet, doug wants to believe they can do some good for the world... plus they were kind of forced to become alligned when it somehow spilled that he was merged with an alien. doug cares about protecting warlock above anything when it comes to s.w.o.r.d. matters, followed closely by the x-men and new mutants.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
his ultimate ally will always be warlock. the two of them need each other. as much as doug hates to admit it, they’ve also relied on his fellow new mutants for a lot over the years, it was easy to feel like their weakest link for so long, but they are truly his best friends. his loyalites lay deep with charlies xavier and the x-men, the school became a home for them when doug was disowned by his parents for being a mutant. any foe to mutantkind is a foe to doug + magus he hates warlock’s dad.
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
someone who cares about mutants and aliens.
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
doug has always been anxious. the ‘a’ in douglas a. ramsey actually stands for ‘anxiety’. but that’s okay, they constantly have their emotional support alien wrapped around their arm.
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wanted connections
college roommate
new mutants
someone bully him
ex crushes
mayhaps a potential love interest
ppl to tutor
library buddies
training buddies
another emphasis on buddies
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || You’re An Interviewer at BBMA’s [Request]
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A/N: Hope this is okay for you hun!!
To say you were nervous was an understatement, you were beyond nervous now. You'd been working for the company for one week and they decided to throw you in at the deep end to see if you could survive in their world. Being a journalist wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Now here you were standing on the red carpet of the Billboard Music Award's about to interview one of the biggest bands at the moment, said band was also one of your favourite bands and you were going to have to keep your cool around them.
"Are you ready?" The cameraman asked as BTS started walking towards you with smiles on their faces, you smiled back at each of them and you nodded at the cameraman.
"Let's do this." You told him, getting ready to interview the boys, you didn't bother with the questions that your boss had given you because they were awful.
"Hi guys, how are you enjoying tonight?" You stuttered over the words and they all smiled, going into explanations about how their nights were going and Jin noticed you. He'd seen plenty of interviewers in his time of being in BTS but none of them were like you, you looked nervous and he could see your hands shaking as you tried to keep talking to them. He kept his eye on you, mostly because he couldn't take them off you, the moment he walked over to you he couldn't stop staring at you, your smile was what drew him in first, the way it was small but as soon as they walked over it seemed genuine and true, unlike a lot of other interviewers.
"You okay?" He asked once the interview was over and the camera was down, you nodded without saying anything. Trying to manage your breathing but it wasn't working very well.
"Here, breathe with me." You stared at him as he started to breathe in deeply, holding it and then breathing back out with you. You began following along with him and the other boys looked at you both, saying nothing and continuing with their own conversations.
"How are you doing now?" You smiled up at him and nodded, finally finding words to be able to talk to him.
"Sorry, it's my first big interview, they sort of threw me to the sharks." You joked looking at him as he chuckled at your lame attempt to make him laugh,
"We aren't that scary, but I'm glad that you were our interviewer, not everyone is as nice as you were." He told you as he looked at Namjoon, they were being called along to the next interview and he looked at you sadly. He almost didn't want to move, he knew he couldn't slip you his number in any way because there were cameras everywhere,
"I'll find you again Y/n," He whispered to you just as he left you there, you stared off after him thinking you were imagining him saying that when he turned around and sent you a sly wink.
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Yoongi was looking forward to your interview, mostly because he knew about you and how kind you were with everyone you met. He was walking down the Billboard Music Awards red carpet when he spotted you, you were stood interviewing someone else and all he could focus on was you. You weren't dressed up like everyone else on the carpet, you were wearing jeans and a fancy shirt unlike other female interviewers who were all dressed in giant dresses or heels they couldn't walk in.
"What can fans expect from the new album?" He heard when he zoned back into the interview they were already in but he couldn't help but keep glancing over at you, struck by how cool and calm you were being.
"Hi boys, can I offer you some water? Or something to eat before we start?" You questioned looking at each member and they all took a bottle of water from you and a cookie. From what Yoongi had read about you, you did this with everyone. You wanted everyone to be comfortable during your interviews,
"I'm Y/n and I'll be doing the interview tonight." They all nodded and you smiled again before you went straight in with the interview, but you were reading questions from Army instead of generic interview questions and all of them were loving it.
"The last one for the night, Army wants to know what your favourite tracks are from the new or the old albums." All of them went on to tell you their favourites and you actually listened to them, turning to Namjoon if he had to translate something and then looking back at the original member as they spoke. Something Yoongi noticed a lot of interviewers didn't do, they would ask a question and then ignore them or just wait for them to finish. Yoongi's turn to speak was coming up and he'd been rehearsing what he wanted to say in his head and when you turned to him and smiled he almost lost everything in his head, he told you his favourite song and why and then did something that shocked you,
"What about you?" In all your time in interviewing a celebrity never wanted to engage in more than they had to so it was a little shocking.
"I think it's either Cypher part 2 or maybe What am I to you...I'm a sucker for your old music but I do love your new stuff." You told them and the interview finished, they stayed standing with you for a couple of minutes while they waited for the next one to open up.
"You guys are amazing, thank you for taking the time to talk to us tonight." You said to each member before they began talking to one another. Throughout the rest of the night, Yoongi would look around to see if he could spot you and when he did, he couldn't take his eyes off you and he made a promise to himself he would find out how to get your number or any way of contact with you.
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Another red carpet event meant another night of interviews, with the same questions just worded differently. Hoseok was normally the happy one but tonight he was too tired from practising the night before and all morning and all he wanted to do was go home and crawl into bed.
"Hello guys, I'm Y/n and I'll be interviewing you tonight, I hope that's okay." You said to them, as Namjoon went to translate you surprised him by repeating what you'd said in Korean to the members, Hoseok's ears picked up and he looked up from the floor to meet your eyes, you were smiling at each of them.
"I took Korean in school, I knew it would come in handy for something." You told Namjoon as the cameraman got the camera ready for the interview. Throughout the entire interview, you were switching between English and Korean to make it easier for the boys to understand and to give Namjoon a break from being a translator all night. You knew you were going to have to edit the subtitles in later but it was worth it to see BTS smiling so much during an interview.
"Lastly, what can fans expect from the upcoming album?" You questioned in both English and Korean, Namjoon looked at each of the members and Hoseok took the answer to the question,
"It's going to be big, huge and we hope that Army will love." You smiled at him as he spoke in amazing English and then you ended the interview, handing your cameraman your microphone and shaking Namjoon's hand as he complimented you on your Korean, they were all waiting for their next interview to start so you offered them some water and then looked at Hoseok who'd been staring at you all night, you smiled at him and felt a blush creeping up on your cheeks as he smiled back at you.
"You did amazing, where did you learn Korean again?" He questioned and you went into a deep conversation about where you went to school and why you took Korean instead of French or Spanish.
"I hope you enjoy your night." You said as they were getting ready to move along to the next interview.
"And good luck with your performance." He waved at you and asked Namjoon if he knew where he could find you after the night was finished. He didn't want that to be the last time he would see you.
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They were all used to interviews by now, it was something they'd been doing for seven years and something they were going to be doing for a long time coming but Namjoon couldn't help but feel that small amount of cringe when they met an interviewer and they faked being happy to see them, or were really giddy and couldn't contain themselves which is why when they met you on the carpet for the BBMA's it was like a breath of fresh air to him and the rest of the boys. You were standing up by the entrance, you were the last interview of the night and he smiled at you,
"Hi, I'm Y/n." You said to them all, giving them each a genuine smile and looking at your cameraman to check if he was ready for you.
"I'll be your interviewer for the next five minutes." You told them and the cameraman nodded, you took out the cards you were reading from and asked the questions. The whole time Namjoon was supposed to be paying attention but every now and again he would find himself zoning out as he watched you speaking, only coming back to reality when the younger boys poked him in the side, you blushed as you noticed he was watching you but continued to read off the questions calmly trying to ignore the fact that one of the hottest men were staring right at you and watching you.
"Thanks for this." You said to them as the interview ended and you were left to talk to them before they were called into the building, Namjoon was still staring at you at a loss for words.
"Hyung...Ask her out if you're so taken by her." You heard Jungkook whisper not so quietly, you looked at the floor trying to act as though you hadn't heard anything not thinking he was talking about you. You knew that people have their own private lives and it wasn't your business to meddle in them.
"Jungkook, shut up," Namjoon mumbled under his breath and you turned to look back at them going to offer them something to drink when you came face to chest with Namjoon, almost knocking him and yourself over.
"Sorry, I didn't expect you to be that close." You giggled as you tried to steady yourself but his arm was on your upper arm steadying you so you didn't tumble over.
"It's okay, I didn't think you would turn around that quickly." You smiled looking up at him and forgetting everything you'd been thinking about before as you stared up into his brown eyes.
"Erm-I...Do you want something to drink?" You asked as he let go of your arms and nodded.
"Sure," At first it was awkward to be around him without having premade questions for you to ask him but he smiled at you and it made everything seem less awkward as if he had some superpower to do so.
"I would love to do another interview with you, do you have a number we can call to set that up?" You nodded and reached for a business card but Jungkook came over to you,
"He means your mobile number, he's too much of a gentleman to ask." You felt the blush creeping back and you took out a pen, writing your number on the back of the card and handing it to him.
"Thanks, Jungkook." You whispered as they walked away.
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The number of interviews the boys had done that night had lost count in Jimin's mind and he was getting tired of answering the same questions over and over again which is why when he got to you he didn't look happy and just wanted the night to be over or for the interviewing portion to be over, he was looking forward to performing. You introduced yourself and he blanked out like he normally would after saying hello but as soon as you started giving them questions that weren't routine or everything they'd heard before he started to pick up, his mood brightening as you continued to read off questions from Army instead of the company.
"Your fanbase is one of the kindest I've met, I asked when on twitter on Instagram for questions because I know how boring those interviews can be and Army welcomed me with welcome arms." You told them and they laughed along with you, you began giving them questions and you noticed that Jimin was smiling more as you read them out. Which is why you did this instead of the boring old interviews, you wanted to give celebrities a way of talking to their fans instead of asking questions that no one really cared about or something they'd answered ten times over before.
"Army wants to know if you all have secret fan accounts?" You questioned looking up at them as they all shook their heads, but Jimin nodded not thinking about what was happening.
"Oh...Oh- No, no we don't." He answered quickly and you made a not to remove him nodding from the interview, knowing that if it got out that he did, no one would rest until they found it.
"I'll edit it out." You told Namjoon who was looking extremely nervous about Jimin's answer he smiled at you and you continued reading from the cards.
"Do you really have secret accounts?" You questioned after the camera was away and Jimin nodded laughing at Namjoon's glare,
"I won't tell anyone." You promised as you giggled at Jimin pretending to be scared of Namjoon,
"We have to go, but I hope I can see you again." Jimin said taking hold of your hand and kissing the top of it, before he walked away from you, leaving you blushing and trying not to freak out.
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Why did you agree to do this again? You were just an intern and your boss decided it would be a good idea to let you lead interviews with people since the original interviewer was out sick. You looked up nervously to meet Taehyung staring at you with a smile,
"I'm Tae." He said shaking your hand and you greeted the rest of them, smiling and shaking their hands as you tried to remain cool.
"I'll say sorry now, I'm not used to this. I'm only here because my coworker is sick." You explained as you felt your hands shaking, you'd been like this for the last hour. Nervous to talk to anyone who came over to you. Taehyung noticed and shook his head at you,
"It's okay, take your time." You smiled gratefully and he looked at Namjoon who was also smiling at you. Each of them understood that you were new at this and weren't used to running that kind of interview.
You made it through the interview without messing up too badly but you'd stumbled over a couple of the questions but you got through them in the end.
"You doing okay?" Taehyung asked handing you a bottle of water from your cameraman, you nodded and looked up at him.
"I'm not an in front of the camera kind of girl, more of a, sit behind a desk and type up articles." You told him and he chuckled kneeling down in front of you since you were sat on a chair trying to calm yourself down.
"A tip I got when we first started was to imagine everyone in their underwear but it doesn't really work...So use this instead," He came closer to you and you stared at him as he spoke to you.
"Act as though you know everyone like you've been friends before and it's just catching up." You nodded along with him and he smiled, helping you up to your feet.
"Ask me something." He said to you, handing you the stack of cards and watching you, you did as he said. Pretending in your head that you'd known him years and you were just catching up, no one else around you. Just you and Tae and you did it. You weren't shaking or stumbling over your words and he smiled patting you on the back.
"Thanks, Taehyung, maybe I'll be able to make it through the rest of the night now." You said with a small laugh behind your words and he chuckled looking up to see Namjoon calling for him to leave, he patted you on the back and left you, glancing back to see if you were still okay and you were.
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Jungkook had been watching you for most of the night out of the corner of his eye, he noticed how calm and collected you were with everyone you were meeting and he smiled at the thought of someone being so in love with their job that they really were happy to interview everyone they met. He was making his way over to you with the rest of the boys when you turned around to switch out cards, he walked closer and was standing beside you, making you jump and drop the cards onto the floor when you finally noticed him standing right behind you.
"Shit." You whispered bending down to pick up all of the cards that were now out of order,
"Well done Jungkook." The older members teased and Jungkook dropped onto the floor to help you find all of the cards since it as his fault that they were on the floor in the first place.
"It's okay, you don't need to help." You told him but he insisted and continued to help you, handing them to you. Your hands made contact and you stared from his hands up to his eyes and he smiled at you with one of the biggest smiles you'd seen, and you couldn't help but blush as he stared at you.
"Sorry, you just have really pretty eyes." He whispered to you as he blushed back, you both stared at each other for a couple of seconds before the cameraman cleared his throat and you were brought back to reality both of you standing up and joining the boys to continue with the interview.
"Sorry about that, I scare easy." You told them as they all waited for you to start and you did, avoiding looking at Jungkook throughout the whole thing but you could feel his stare on you the whole time. He couldn't take his eyes off you, you'd really caught his attention when you locked eyes and it was as if the world around him had gotten brighter. Something he'd always dreamed about when he thought about meeting someone, but he never expected it to happen so soon, he smiled at you and then looked at the rest of the boys. They were getting ready to leave and he didn't want to, he wanted to stay with you all night and stare into your eyes.
"Here. Her number." The cameraman said sliding the number to Jungkook who raised his eyebrows at the man before smirking and running off to join his Hyung's and tell them what he had.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @ficdump101​ @babymochichimmy​ @btsiguess-kpop​ @snowy-meowl​ @lynnthevirgo​ @yourguessisasgoodasminemate​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Blacksad: Somewhere In the Shadows Review
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Hello you beautiful people! I have a WEIRD relationship with Noir. It’s weird because i’ve never really dived into the films of type, though I really should, But as a kid I absolutely LOVED the tracer bullet arcs in Calvin and Hobbes, where everyone’s favorite hyperactive and imaginative six year old would plant himself as the hero in a noir pastiche.. ironically like myself Bill Watterson was also not a huge noir buff and just relied on Cliches but hey, it worked. 
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Still love these. So from fourth grade on it imprinted a lifelong love of a good bit of detective noir. Not enough to you know, get me to read any traditional noir books or watch any noir tv shows or detective procedurals but I still love a good mystery from time to time and some of my favorite comics such as Howard the Duck by Chip Zdarksy and Peter David’s second run on x-factor run on the genre while having fun with it’s cliches. 
I also love anthropormphic animal stories. Dunno why, I just do, so once I found out about Blacksad, a comic that combines disney quality art from a former disney animator with gripping, adult noir that rips your heart out... I couldn’t resisit trying it. Telling the tale of John Blacksad, a cynical private detective and the cases he steps into via gorgeous, straight out of a disney storyboard art, the series is by  Juan Díaz Canales (writer) and Juanjo Guarnido (artist), the latter a former Disney artist who worked on several Disney films, meeting in the 90′s while working on licensed works and hitting it off, leading to this series.  That’s.. really all I could find about the making of the series in English. The only other fact is the series is designed for first release in France, which has a huge comics market, hence the various volumes being called “Albums”, with them later being released in Spain and then english, currently in the latter through Dark Horse Comics, who last year collected the current 5 albums and some side stories into one big volume. And with Dark Horse having infrequent sales including Blacksad on comixology it’s easy enough to pick up all 5 volumes in one complete package on digital for 9 bucks, as it is right now. Seriously I’m not trying to shill for Comixology or Dark Horse, I just love these comics and suggest picking them up. The creators DO intend on new volumes... it’s just both have been busy with other work so they’ve been stuck in development hell since 2013. However given there have always been, if much smaller, the biggest being 5 years, gaps between the Albums, I don’t think the series is dead quite yet and with Dark Horse fully backing it, taking the series from only two volumes getting translated to both translating the first four AND translating the fifth within a year of it’s release, we’ll undoubtly get the next one quickly. The series has also spawned a game, Under the Skin, which i’ll probably also cover some day as i’m dying to play it, but i’m waiting for a sale because it’s around 30 bucks and I can wait. It’s also been nominated for an Eisner three times to no suprise and has had fans in Stan Lee, Jim Steranko, Tim Sale and Will freaking Eisner. Yes the GUY the awards were named after liked the series.  So yeah, I love this series and highly support it, but the thought of covering it hadn’t occrued to me.. in part because I already had three comic retrsopectives going, my looks at The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck, Scott Pilgrim and New X-Men, and simply because I just hadn’t thought of it till Kevin, frequent patron and comissioner of the blog whose paid for tons of reivews, suggested covering the second Album, Arctic Nation, which has our hero searching for a missing little girl he feels has been taken by the titular white supramacist movement.. and if your wondering “Wait how the fuck does that work their animals”, John is black coded due to his black fur, while the white suprmacists are all Arctic Animals.. a touch I really like as I’d honestly never thought of that as a metaphor but it fits like a glove, especially given that most white furred arctic mamals are pretty agressive looking. So yeah I’ll be covering that one next month for Black History Month, among many other things, but I felt I wanted to cover the series in order and since again, it’s only the second of five and I had a free space on the schedule. So without further adew, join me somewhere in the shadows and under the cut as we enter the world of one John Blacksad. 
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We open as you’d expect for a Noir with a heady narration and a murder. John was brought in by Smirnov, the chief of police and an old aquantice who serves as his Commissioner Gordon. Since the victim is John’s ex, he was brought in to see if he knows anything and as you’d expect warned not to look into it further, as John dosen’t buy this was a simple robbery. His response is exactly what you’d expect. 
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I mean.. what did you expect? You called him out of bed to see his former lovers corpse, KNOWING he’s one hell of detective, dosen’t give up on things easy, and would probably be curious. For him to say “Cool gonna go smoke some reefer and take in a looney tunes short at the theater, call me when you find the murderer?” Also  this series takes place in the 50s. Because of course it does. 
So John goes back to his office to brood, reflecting that the office feels like the remains of an ancient civlization because “It seems to be all that remains of the civlized person I used to be”. Hell of a line. 
We then get his backstory with the victim, Natalia. She’s a famous actress, who John first as a younger man when hired to investgate some death threats she’d received with a boquet of flowers. John shows off just how good he is at his job in just a few panels. 
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IT not only shows in just a few panels just how ferocious our hero can be when needed and how good he is at his job, easily having tracked down the man responsible and scared him shitless without breaking as sweat, but how fucking gorgeous the art is. I meant it when I brought up the old disney comparison, as Steranko even mentioned in his introduction to the collection of the first three volumes how it looks like animation cels on the page. IT’s utterly breathtaking and ONLY gets even more lush and beautiful as the series goes on and perfectly fits the noir stylings with it’s realisim, making it’s animal characters feel utterly human and real while still keeping their animal traits in perfect detail. 
John impressed her, and as we see in the next page under his narration they not only had really steamy passionate sex, and why yes we do see them naked even if the bits are covered it’s still very much nsfw and we saw Natalia’s naked corpse earlier, so that ship had already sailed anyway, with Natalia taking him on both as her lover and her on staff detective and the two were much in love.. until the fame apparenlty got to her judging from the visuals, and the realtionship fell apart. 
Before we move on i’d like to talk about the narration which CAN be a bit overwrought here or there and is a bit overused.. but does have it’s mometns of being utterly effective as with above, contrasting John’s statments about a sucessful job and being hired on.. with the beginnings of his and Natalia’s relationship and their passionate lovemaking. IT’s not BAD and it works for the setting, but it can be distracting, but thankfully the series levels this out as we go and they learned from it so no harm done. Just the kinda thing that happens early in a series life when the creators are getting a handle on things, so no harm done. 
But naturally John isn’t going to take the love of his life, responsible for the happiest days of said life, being brutally murdered lying down and is going to find the bastard who did this. So he goes to an old friend, Jake Ositombe, a championship boxer and Nat’s former bodyguard who he recommended to her. Given we see him knock the shit out of his opponent without the slightest effort, yeah good call. Also yes we share the same name and no it’s not weird to type about another Jake, adventure time sorta.. knocked that out of me. Jake dosen’t know much since she fired him a long time ago as one of her lovers hired private security, and the last one he knew of was a guy by the name of Leon.  John, naturally, easily finds the guy’s apartment, Leon Kronkski, a screenwriter.. but also rules him out as the guy lived in a humble apartment and clearly didn’t have the cash to hire his own hired goons. 
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He does find a clue, a matchbook for some place called the Cypher Club.. and another when the man’s sweet  mouse landlady shows up, who John charms by pretending to be Leon’s friend and flashing a big smile, finding out a msyterious man with “big bulging eyes”, took him. This scene also to me is great in subtly showing off John’s skill. While the previous flashback showed how badass he is, shoving a gun down the throat of a stalking wannabe murderer with pure rage in his eyes.. here we see a lighter approach, how despite his serious and dour nature.. he easily slips into being cheery and looking like an average joe off the street. He bluffs the landlady not because the plot says so.. but because like any PI he’s just that good at slipping into whatever roll he needs to get the info he needs. He can be his dour self or a charming happy go lucky guy without missing a beat. 
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So with that he goes to the studio leon worked for where his boss.. is a walrus j jonah jameson?
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But yeah J. Jonah Walruson wants pictures of spider-man.. moving pictures.. but he can’t film them with his star dead and his screenwriter indefintiely gone, with the same bulging eyed man having told JJ he’d be gone indefintely. Nothing suspicious about that!
So naturally John’s next plan is to find the guy.. who is already after him as you’d expect with both a knife to slash at our hero with and the fog covering him so he can hit and run. But unluckily for him .. well i’ll let john say it...
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John  headbutts the myserious snake, who only managed to get his coat before and tries to interogate him.. but gets a quick jab to the gut and the guy gets away. 
We soon meet our big bag, who has a big speech about insects and things being usefufl.. and once they stop being useful.. they become dead and collectable, telling the snake man to back off John.. and sending his right hand man to go take care of the Snake who apparently took something from the office. Realizing his numbers up the Snake Man goes to a lizard bar, picks up a package from a friend and runs out the back, knowing he’s being followed.. and we get some hints there’s also racial tension between lizards and mammials here as the bartender, said friend, has the entire bar circle around the guy preventing him from following our mysterious bulging eyed man. 
Meanwhile John goes to the Cipher Club, a wretched hive of scum and villiany. Given Nat was a glamorous movie star, it’s very clear she was here to hide from something or someone, and the bartnender, a wild pig. 
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No not you sweetie. The wild pig tells John leon was indeed here and a local rat, in both senses of the word, offers to take John to him.. though understandably John is supscious of the guy he just met in a seedy bar taking him anywhere except to get some heroin. Did Heroin exist yet? Questions for later. But he’s got a case so he follows. Though suprisingly the guy DOES actually come through and it’s not ENTIRELY a trap: he takes john to a tomb for Noel Krinsok.. an anagram for Leon’s name. Unsuprisingly he’s dead. And also unsuprisingly, two hired goons
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Show up. As I said not ENTIRELY a trap but it’s obvious given the rat split moments before that our mysterious big bad knew where john would be headed next, and thus while giving him a clue, also set him up to get his head knocked in. And while John is badass.. these guys are a bear and a rhino,  both stronger, bigger, and with suprise on their size, as well as a tombstone to knock john’s head into. They easily beat him senseless and hope he got the message, though john gives a defiant fuck you before being punched out for it. He returns home, feeling like he’s aged 20 years “But no one respects the elderly anymore”, PFFT, and heads home to his rathole, not literally this time, apartment to lay on his cot and think as he gets some rest. 
And while the trail for Leon is cold. our mysterious murderer accidently tipped his hand: only someone with a LOT of money and influence could make a man disappear like this, and it tracks with what we’ve seen so far. The guy has multiple henchman and despite being a big star with plenty of clout, Natalia had to hide in a dive bar just to get away from him and even THEN clearly wasn’t so lucky given she and her new lover both wound up dead.  But Blacksad has bigger problems.. he wakes up in a jail cell.
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Turns out Smirnkov had him arrested.. but for his own protection as the case is getting too hot and while he was late on that front given John’s face is hamburger, it’s clear from his tone and demeanor that while he may of been harsh with John earlier.. the two are old friends, and the Chief is simply worried about him winding up dead, and John takes you know being thrown in prison in stride. Which while not a bad scene it is a BIT suspect that a black coded character was thrown in jail for nothing and it’s treated very lightly and as a simple protection between friends, though given they wouldn’t think of coding john like that till next volume, I brush it off as accidental implications in hindsight. 
Smirnkov though also called John here.. because he needs his help. Since Natalia’s Murder Case is pointing very high up, so his superiors have ordered him to bury the case and as he puts it “the bastards know where to squeeze”. And given in volume 3 we learn Smirnov has a wife and children, it’s very obvious where they squoze and to the volume’s credit while we don’t know that yet it’s VERY clear from Smirnov’s body language they went after some form of family. So while he has to give it up.. John does not. So he brought him to jail to offer a proposal: John goes after this son of a bitch and nails him to the wall.. and Smirnov will FULLY protect John no matter what he has to do.  Now naturally given the rightful reckoning for police that’s been going on for almost a year, this SHOULDN’T play well. You have an officer outright telling an outside party that he and his boys will cover up his crimes. But.. honestly even in that framework.. it still works. That’s because.. the system has failed here. The higher up and more corrupt cops put pressure on the honest and hardworking family man Smirnov to stop a legitimate investigation into a horrible murderer.. because the guy is rich. And even now we’ve seen time and time again how rich assholes effortlessly escape the consequences of their action: How our own president who actively asked other nations to interfere in our election escaped his first impeachment trial, but hopefully not the second, aquitted. How Jeffery Epstien took YEARS to bring down with his years of ellicit parties involving innocent women and children he fucking enslaved. How Bill Cosby got away with all kinds of sexual assault for decades. The rich are often literally above the law in this country, so having a down on his luck detective, who retroactively himself is a minority, go after him with the full support of an actually GOOD police officer who genuinely believes in these people being held accountable but is held back by his family’s safety.. it works. John isn’t able to skirt consequences BECAUSE of a corrupt system.. but because the system’s so broken and slanted in the rich’s favor, that the ONLY option an honest officer like Smirnov has is to go outside it. And when asked WHY he’s doing all of this, Smirnov merley replies
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... I got chills, their multiplyin. So John plans to find the bulge eyed snake after a hot shower.. only for the guy to hold a gun to John’s head, having been waiting for him and wave the murder weapon, in a baggie around, the item he had retrieved, feeling John’s trying to replace him as number two. However before he can do anything our snake  pal is shot full of holes by the rat from before, who John dispatches with his own gun. 
So the Snake starts to expire.. but feels a kinship with John “We are nothing right cat? Spent so much time waiting for the right chance and when it happens it all falls to pieces”. The Snake explains his roll in things: He was one of the private security our big bad hired to guard Natalia. But being supscious he also hired the rat to follow her around, and thus found out about her affair, brutally torturing and murdering Leon and shooting Natalia in the head. And we finally get a name as our snake friend tragically expires. 
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The snake’s death and tragic dying moments are something I forgot about.. but damn if their not really good writing, taking a character who before was seemingly just a murderous goon.. and comparing him to our hero. Another working class joe, and one who just caught up with the wrong asshole at the wrong time. He easily could’ve been john in another life and vice vers and it’s a good parallel. 
So John’s nightmares finally have  name and he naturally goes to confront the guy since he has an almost literal get out of jail free card. Turns out Smirnov is the richest man in town, and has his own big tower. Huh.. sounds familiar, and John simply sneaks his way up and once Statoc’s guards from before hear him rustling about.. sneaks up on them and clocks both one at at time with a fire extinqusher. 
Statoc warmly welcomes our hero inside, and has the fucking lizard balls, as he’s some sort of lizard himself, to offer John a JOB
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I mean he’s clearly lost a lot of his goons and most of them were incompetent. He fails to realize that John can’t be bought, is here for vengeance and has no intention of selling his soul to some rich asshole who killed someone he loved for the creepiest and most asinine reasons imaginable. He says john’s Concisence is why he can’t pull the trigger and that he lacks “cold blood”.. before we cut to the next page, where John’s shot the fucker in the head and left a gaping hole where his lack of a brain was. 
And again what makes this work is the aftermath: John is clearly shaken, having ONLY been able to pull the trigger beause of Statoc’s smug grin and clearly not taking the sight of Statoc’s dead body bleeding out well. And while Smirnov keeps his word, covers for him despite the two guards clearly providing an iron clad argument against john and knoiwng thier blatantly covering this up.. he’s not happy about it. 
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This is WHY the narrtive still works. Statoc stacked the law against the bad guys. .but despite this being a necessary evil.. it’s still an evil and subverting teh law at this rightly leaves him not in a great place mentally. John himself isn’t even if he plays it off as otherwise, as we get our final bit of narration and one hell of a closing line. 
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Final Thoughts:
Somewhere in the Shadows is a bit rough around the edges, leaning a bit too heavily into the noir pastiche and Blacksad being a harboiled detective, something the next volume would ease up on. That being said.. it’s still a masterpiece, with gorgeous art and masterful pacing. While it’s the shortest of the stories, like those after it the pacing is sublime and never feels like it has any down moments or stuff that could’ve been cut, and the mystery keeps you on edge the whole time. Having forgot a lot of the details since last read I was on the edge of my seat the entire story and loving every second of it. Somewhere in the Shadows is the perfect starter for the series, introducing an important charcter in Smirnov and the noir nature and giving us a case personal to John so we can see who he was before, what he is now.. and what he WILL be for the rest of the series. The moment that MADE him into an even harder man than the one we follows here.. when he took a life in cold blood. A masterful story, seriously check it and the other volumes out, on comixology, in stores, great stuff. Next time we look into john and as I said, he’s taking down some racists and we also meet his sidekick weekly for the first time. As for me tommorow I dive back into my Tom Luictor retrospective but hit pause on our boy for a bit to take care of some of the larger plot.   Until the next rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
Prompt: myths and chaos with Logan with the line “so apparently microwaving this ancient manuscript isn’t a good way to find out its secrets.”
Remus’ Puzzle Temple Of Friendship And Chaos
Warnings: Baby eldritch thing, tentacles, one eye, vague sexual reference that’s from a song
Platonic Logince, brotherly-and-on-good-terms Creativitwins and Intrulogical of whatever relationship interpretation that you want.
“Remind me to thank your brother at dinner tonight.”
“That’s if we make it to dinner. And you all call me extra; he made an entire temple for us to explore within a week!” He spent a lot of energy on it too. I still remember the shaky finger he pointed at me after the second day of working on this Incan-like temple; slurring tiredly about not going into the space between our Kingdoms and ruining the surprise. He also forced me to carry him to his room as he dangerously swayed on his feet. I’ll have to thank him by working just as hard for his and Logan’s adventure after the two of us finish this one.
“I know; yet I’ve yet to thank him for doing so. And I must ask how long it took to make this language.” Taking my first glance at said language, I recognise it immediately as the first language that Remus and I had known. We had known it better than English at one point, until Patton insisted that we make English our main language so that we wouldn’t confuse Thomas. 
“Oh, we’ve always known it. We used to speak it in front of Patton as kids to confuse him and we still use it occasionally whenever we send a letter, or in his case a slab of mysterious leather, between our Kingdoms.”
“So you can translate this?”
“Of course!” I hold the slightly chipped black and red tablet out at arms length, quickly noticing that everything on the tablet makes no sense. No wonder he was so tired after every day in the Imagination; he even made us a puzzle. “It’s encrypted though, so we have to figure out what the cypher is first. And knowing Remus, it could be anything.”
He takes it from my hands and adjusts his glasses for the fiftieth time today before tapping his chin. I doubt Logan realises that he has so many visual tells when he becomes passionate and interested. “He would leave a clue somewhere where we could find it. He’s chaotic, not unfair.”
“Aha!” In a spark of inspiration, I rough up my hair and gain a huff of defeat from the neighbourhood nerd as I do the same to his own. It had dust from the temple in it anyway. “We just have to think like Remus! Now what’s the most logical place to put a cypher for this thing?”
“Where we found it.”
“Okay. Now what’s the opposite of that?”
His eyebrows do that cute thing where they pinch down a bit when he’s confused. I don’t bother hiding my smile as his eyes shift around, taking in invisible words as he tries to find my line of thinking. “I’m… not following. The opposite of where we found it is every room that we didn’t find it in, and we went through forty-three rooms and eight hallways; perhaps half or less of the entire temple judging by the size and spacing between each room.”
“And only twelve not-too-tough traps, which is less then his usual quota…” Probably because of the exhaustion, but I should have figured that out earlier. I’ll up the level of hazards in his next one as a double thank you for his hard work. “Anyway, we must think chaotically if we are to beat the chaotic one!”
With a silent nod, he attempts to fix his hair as I take in our camp and the temple before us. It’s very reminiscent of an Incan temple in design yet is mainly made out of pitch black obsidian; with intricate wall carvings engraved with pure ruby, emerald, moonstone and diamond; and a whole lot of animal and human skulls that are packed tightly into every ceiling. And I must say, adding the creatures from both of our Kingdoms as the wall carvings is a nice touch. 
Except I won’t say it out loud because the majority of them are of naked people, naked cannibals and of naked murders. 
At least our camp has some more class to it! Logan wished for something realistic, but was soon swayed by my enchanted Harry Potter tent that’s magically large enough to have a working bathroom and still look like a ‘regular’ camping tent from the outside. I do like regular camping, but I prefer to have a shower after a tub of Thomas-knows-what is dropped over us and getting into every uncomfortable crevasse. Just thinking about that disgusting concoction makes me shudder.
“... Perhaps our microwave?”
I snap my gaze back to him, beaming at his rather shy sounding remark. He always sounds shy when he says something that deviates from his path of logic. At least he’s opening up a little more. “Perfect! I knew you’d think of something!”
“It was the first usable thing that I saw. Were you daydreaming again?”
“Nope- Using the microwave to solve a cypher sounds like something Remus’ mind would think up. He did mix sardines, lettuce and one of your ties in the blender before drinking it once.” I mumble the last half -I probably shouldn’t out Remus just yet for drinking Logan’s tie a few months ago- and put the tablet in the microwave and set it to three minutes. Three is the magic number after all.
“Did you say something?” 
“Mumbling ideas to myself is all!”
The microwave suddenly glows a bright purple and I manage to drag Logan in close before blocking something from hitting the both of us with my summoned shield. With a pop, crackle, fizz and several loud noises that sound like tearing metal; I risk peeking over it in perfect sync with Logan. The sight of three large tentacles wiggling out of the new holes in the camp's microwave brings out a sigh from me. A very loud sigh. Remus could probably hear it and currently giggling to himself from the comfort of his bedroom.
“It may be best not to touch those. Or the microwave.”
“But the tablet!” Logan pushes by my shield and barely escapes my reach before I am able to pull him away. With a straight posture and a quick slick back of his hair, he opens it and nearly jumps into my arms Scooby-Doo style from the loud pop that occurs. I’m in front of him again within a moment, but the usual feeling of hostility that Remus puts on his dangerous creatures as a warning is lacking. At least this thing won’t try and face-hug me like that faceless chicken that guarded the temple did.
Inside was a brown-black-blue ball of tentacles, with three longer than the others that retract out of the newly-made holes in the microwave. My heart stutters as a singular, goat-like, boysenberry coloured eye opens from one of the many seams in the creature; just to quickly dart it’s vision between the two of us before landing it’s creepy gaze on Logan. “Huh. So apparently, microwaving the ancient manuscript isn’t a good way to find it’s secrets- but a great way to hatch an eldritch abomination.”
“If you’d hand me a blanket, perhaps bringing it with us would be advantageous in future explorations.” Of course he wants to bring the nightmare creature; he always does. I hand him the nearby dish towel instead as I don’t feel like leaving this thing alone with Logan would end nicely.
“As long as you're carrying it.”
“Of course; you’re the one with the sword and shield.” I’m rather sure that that means that he would make me carry the disgusting creature if I wasn’t the one with our only ways of defending ourselves; and I don’t know if I should dramatically put my hand to my chest in horror or just pout.
I go for the pout.
Only for it to be rather rudely ignored as he cradles the little beast in its new home, wrapping it’s longer tentacles around Logan’s hands and attempting to remove his watch for a moment before I manage to grab it before they do. Logan’s too busy holding it in one hand and going through his cue cards to notice though. “And I shall name it as randomly as I can; since Remus seems to name all of his creations.” 
“It’s only polite to follow custom; and the custom for Remus is to name his creatures.” I hate everything about this -plus the tablet is just full on missing or destroyed now too- but Logan seems enraptured by the little thing. I roll my eyes and put on my backpack as Logan already begins walking up the temple steps. We just had lunch, so we have a chance of leaving before dinner, but I highly doubt it.
Despite not being able to see, the creature manages to grab out one of the cue cards from Logan’s hand before letting him snatch it back. With a quick smile after reading it, he pockets them all again before getting a better hold of the thing before it runs away and eats a whole deer or something. “It’s name shall be Anaconda-Do-Not.”
God-fucking-dammit Remus. I frown at the thing as we enter the fire-lit entrance, glad that its eye is hidden under the dish towel. Sheep eyes have always kind of creeped me out; especially on things that aren’t sheep. “You’re not allowed to hang out with Remus, Virgil or Janus anymore if they keep giving you those weirder cue cards.”
“This one’s from Remus. It’s a metaphor about-”
“I KNOW WHAT IT IS!” A light pain follows my facepalm, but I ignore it and march onwards. Hoping to get rid of this thing as quickly as possible. “Let’s just… go shove it into a keyhole or something already.”
By the way, I really hate that stupid Anaconda song and so I know that it’d be perfect for Remus. Hopefully the ending is alright because it was the only bit I really had issues with ^^’
Oh and Remus definitely fell in love with the new Eldritch creatures name.
@ladyedwina @5am-the-foxing-hour @sparrowofsong
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hold-me-sickfics · 4 years
Day 2: Jin’s Prompt💙
Good morning everybody 😊
TW: Scat mentioned, heavy emeto, I don’t think food is mentioned, but if I missed anything please let me know and I’ll fix it!😁
“That is it! I’m done!” Jungkook stood up and partially threw the game controller halfway across the room.
“Jungkook!” The leader scolded. Namjoon was not one to put up with Jungkook’s occasional spoiled attitude towards games.
“He’s cheating! He couldn’t beat me normally! There is literally no way.” The youngest pouted and huffed as he pleaded his case.
Taehyung decided to fan the flames.
“Or maybe you’ve just lost your touch Goldie.” Taehyung snickered at his reference to Jungkook’s “golden maknae” title.
“Shut up Taehyung!” Jungkook shouted, falling back on the couch.
“Make me!”
The two continued to bicker. Namjoon decided to intervene (meaning lecture both of them for at least a very long, long half-hour, and had delegated another important task to Jimin. Jin was late waking up, so Namjoon told Jimin to go check on him. They had a huge conference today, and Jin never liked being out of routine on these kinds of days.
Jimin’s house shoes tapped the floor as he walked quickly down the hallway. When he reached Jin’s door, he was shocked to find it locked. Jimin tapped lightly, and then heard no movement so he knocked a bit harder.
“Hyung? Are you awake?”
“Mh- yeah, what time is it?”
“Nearly 10:15… we have to leave for the conference in forty-five minutes. Are you feeling alright?”
“I’m good. Just tired. I’ll be out there before time to go.”
Jimin gave an affirmative “okay” and then went back up the hallway to watch his two younger members get scolded. It was always so funny to watch.
On the other side of the door…
Jin bent down to set his bucket in the floor. The simple motion made his stomach feel like revolting. He’d been awake since nearly 3:00 that morning, but hadn’t left his room. He knew the other members needed sleep if they were going to do that conference today, so waking them up would have been counterproductive.
His feet touched the cold floor, sending shivers up his back. He had a fever, he’d already checked. At 5:00, it was almost 100.8, but he was sure it was higher now. He’d attempted to take fever reducer, but it wouldn’t stay down no matter what he tried. He had just hoped that it would go away eventually.
He took out the thermometer once again, and closed his puffy eyes hoping that just maybe his fever went down and the house was just cold. After a couple seconds, the familiar beep sounded, and he took it out of his mouth.
He leaned on the side of the countertop, feeling more lightheaded than he ever had before. His eyes welled up with tears, but he wiped them away quickly with his sleeve. He felt vulnerable, like a little boy. His lips quivered, and he sniffled as he tried to regain composure.
He hated the fact that he had to be sick today. This conference was big, and they really needed to do well. He had to suck it up and do well… if he just didn’t let any of the others know he was sick, he’d be fine.
Taking his pajamas off was one of the most painful experiences he’d ever had. Each time the fabric brushed his skin, he felt like thousands of needles were just jabbing him over and over. Somehow, he managed to make it through that, and went on to brushing his teeth. This would be a difficult task.
He usually used a charcoal toothpaste to whiten his teeth (those maknaes made you need wine sometimes. And coffee. Lots and lots of coffee.) However, today he used a mint flavored paste since his gag reflex was already beyond triggered. As he slowly brushed his teeth, he stood crouched around his stomach, attempting to ignore the cramps which meant he’d need another “bathroom break” and soon.
He was able to put clean clothes on and brush his hair, but he still looked like he was sick. He couldn’t let the others know, or they’d worry. Not to mention, he loved taking care of them, but the thought of them taking care of him? That was just weird. He felt like he should be independent since he was the oldest… although, he’d kill for some tea to calm his stomach and maybe a heating pad? And a hug? Please?
He put his shoes on, and then went over to his vanity mirror. The dark circles under his eyes didn’t do anything to help his pale, sickly complexion. He applied a bit of foundation and powder to his face just to hide the lack of color. He was desperate to keep the secret about him being sick, which is probably why that was the best makeup he’d ever put on himself. He hoped to remember how to do it again when he felt more like a living person.
He stood up slowly, and felt his stomach drop. He shuffled quickly to the toilet, and let out everything he could. He felt bloated and crampy, so he wrapped his arms around his taut stomach as he tried to empty himself.
Though he tried, his efforts were less than successful. He cleaned up, and flushed, still feeling beyond full.
He walked up the hallway, and out into the living room. Namjoon had finished playing “father figure” to the maknaes, and they were already hugging and making up.
“Morning Jin- woah, are you feeling okay?” Namjoon got a good look at Jin’s sweaty, pale, and weak appearance. Adding the “sleeping in” part, things were starting to look suspicious.
“Yeah, I’m alright. Just ate something that didn’t agree with me. But I think I’m about done so I’m good.” Jin lied pretty convincingly. His story would allow him some bathroom breaks, and the other members wouldn’t question a story that embarrassing.
“Okay,” Namjoon raised an eyebrow. “But if anything starts bothering you and you don’t feel well enough to go, just tell me alright?” Namjoon was always so caring. He placed a strong hand on Jin’s back. The gesture itself nearly made Jin bust out crying. He needed someone to be his strength right now, and Namjoon, though he didn’t know it, had just reassured him that everything would be okay.
A few minutes passed and it was time to load the van. Jin made sure to get the back seat, and put his bag in the seat beside him. He wished he could have Namjoon there, but he didn’t want to risk extra exposure for the leader, or risk Namjoon actually finding out his temperature. Earlier had been a close call anyway. Luckily, he’d been wearing a jacket so Namjoon couldn’t really tell.
The car ride passed relatively smoothly. For one, the tight, confined sections in the van helped Jin to feel warmer and more protected. For two, it was rainy and that made the guys keep slower, more calm songs on the radio. Jin wasn’t sure he could handle “IDOL” or “Cypher 4” at the moment. Although, they had thrown on Namjoon’s “Expensive Girl” for kicks and giggles and Jin had to admit: even with how bad he felt, hearing all that come out of Namjoon’s mouth made him laugh a bit. (Side note: there had been a night in the studio where Namjoon and Jin were alone reviewing tracks. They’d gotten a little drunk, and Namjoon might have performed “Expensive Girl” whilst dancing on a table. It always brought back good memories.)
The minute they got onto the premises of the conference building, Jin felt bile rush up his throat.
“Not in the bus” he thought, “Anywhere but here.”
He swallowed thickly, bringing the bile back down. He gagged again, but was able to jump up and get some fresh air before it came back up.
“Alright guys, we don’t have much time. Our scheduling manager made a small mistake and brought us in an hour late. We won’t have time to get hair and makeup done, but we do all have time to run to the restroom real quick if any of us need to.” Namjoon subconsciously turned to glance at Jin. Thankfully, Jin didn’t catch him.
Jin was just trying to focus on the cool rain that was dripping from the roof of the awning to his palm. Somehow it helped his nausea to calm down.
The others went ahead into the conference room, but Namjoon stayed back with Jin.
Namjoon saying his name broke his trance.
“Oh, sorry. I got distracted.”
Namjoon took Jin’s hand and pulled him inside. He then took off his jacket, and wrapped the older boy in it.
“I know you’re sick Jin. You need to rest. Honestly, you need to be at home asleep. Why did you try to hide the fact that you feel bad?” the leader then helped Jin to sit down on a small bench.
“I’m…” he paused. “I’m sorry Joonie…” Jin started to tear up. Namjoon wiped his tears, and started to whisper to him sweetly.
“Hey, it’s all okay. Everything is okay. I just don’t like that you feel bad and you aren’t able to rest. Was it because of this conference?”
Jin felt dazed, but was able to say yes.
Namjoon’s eyes softened. He was about to brush Jin’s hair out of the way, but one of the staff members came to get them both. Namjoon would have stopped them from taking Jin, but Jin had gone back stone-faced too quickly. He was back to pretending he was fine.
They were into the room and in their seats quickly. Namjoon was furious when he learned that Jin’s seat was on the other side of the table. He wanted to help him… and he couldn’t even touch him.
The cameras started rolling quickly, and Namjoon put on his “stage face,” pretending he wasn’t about to hyperventilate over Jin.
Namjoon answered question after question, translating for the rest of the boys. Jin could feel his stomach becoming more and more active as time went on.
Eventually, a question came for Jin.
“Kim Seokjin, how did you decide to dye your hair purple?”
It was a fun question that Jin would have normally enjoyed answering. However, his stomach decided to answer first.
Jin cried out in pain as his stomach was overtaken with a sharp cramp. He doubled over, and immediately felt bile come up his throat again. This time, he couldn’t stop it. In no time, both the medical team and Namjoon were at his side.
“S-s-sorry.” Jin sobbed.
Namjoon was speechless. His heart was broken into hundreds, maybe thousands of pieces. Jin was in front of him, doubled over in pain with vomit on his pant legs and shoes.
“Okay, let’s check him out.” The medical team went straight to work examining him. Jin squirmed against them, partially becoming afraid of all the people around.
“It’s alright bud, look at me.” Jin nodded, but still squirmed quite a bit as numerous people came close to him.
His fever was found to be back at 100.4, but that didn’t stop the team from giving him a pill version of fever reducer. The hope was, even if it didn’t all get digested, at least some would.
The other members stepped up quickly to help out with whatever they could. Hoseok called the driver, Yoongi talked to the interviewer, and Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin waited for incoming orders from their hyungs.
The medical team deduced that Jin was suffering from a stomach virus, one that was contagious at that. They said that there was really nothing they could do to cure him. It just had to run its course and leave his system. The conference was scheduled for another day, and the boys headed home.
Since Jin had to stay behind and change clothes, Namjoon and Jin rode separate from the others. Jin was sick practically the whole way home. Luckily, he had a bucket to throw up in, so all he had to do was just hold it.
Jin retched painfully, and having thrown up all of his stomach contents already, this time he didn’t have anything left to bring up.
All Namjoon could do was stroke his back and encourage him.
“You’re doing great Jin. Just close your eyes. It makes it easier.”
Jin couldn’t protest. Any advice was relevant when you were puking your guts out.
That continued until they got home. The others had gotten home first, and when Namjoon and Jin got to the door, they realized just how sweet the other guys were.
At the time, they were all in their rooms, but they were being quiet as mice. They had turned the lights down just in case Jin would have been sensitive to them. They’d made the bed in Namjoon’s room, and had even left a couple cold bottles of water on the countertop. Namjoon smiled at the boys’ efforts, but quickly focused his attention back to Jin, who was using his shoulder for support.
They walked to Namjoon’s room, and the leader leaned Jin down on the bed.
“So I’m gonna let you borrow some of my pajamas since your room is down the hall.” Namjoon might have just used that as an excuse to see Jin in one of his own hoodies. He picked out a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, and a yellow hoodie that he’d worn to a fan sign.
Jin looked pretty weak, so Namjoon decided to offer his help in changing clothes.
“Want me to help you change?”
“Yeah... I don’t think I can sit up without my stomach hurting.”
Namjoon nodded, and then gently got Jin dressed. He looked much more comfortable by the time he got done.
Namjoon turned around just in time to see Jin gag over the blanket. He quickly grabbed the waste bin and put it in his Hyung’s lap.
“That’s it Jin. Just let it up okay?” Jin leaned into Namjoon’s side, but kept his head over the bin. Namjoon rubbed Jin’s back a bit, and that helped to relax him. He ended up not throwing up again, but retching so harshly had caused him to feel even weaker. He was so tired.
“I feel so bad...” Jin’s eyes were red and puffy. He was going to cry.
“I know Jin. I know.” He wrapped the older boy in his arms and held him close. His heart hurt as Jin’s chest started to bounce with sobs. He couldn’t catch his breath once he started to cry.
“Breathe Jin, you’re okay, it’s all okay. I know you feel bad. I’m gonna take care of you. I promise.” Namjoon gently guided Jin’s face to his own neck, hoping that Jin would feel safer there.
Thankfully it worked and in a couple of minutes, Jin was calmed down again.
Even then, Namjoon could tell his Hyung was exhausted, and decided to help.
“Wait here alright?” Namjoon went over to the television and turned on one of Jin’s favorite KDramas. He looked back, and was relieved to see Jin smile a bit.
Namjoon got into bed with Jin and pulled the covers over them both. Within five minutes, Jin was asleep, but he had subconsciously curled himself around Namjoon. Jin would never admit it, but it made him feel safe and protected when he was close to him. Namjoon didn’t mind at all, and had even readjusted the way he was lying to accommodate more room for Jin’s head on his chest.
Namjoon looked up at the television and since Jin was asleep, he decided to change the channel. Unfortunately for him, the remote was out of reach, and he wouldn’t dare move, so he was stuck watching whatever this was. Less than ten minutes after that, he was pretty well invested in the show.
“I love you Suk. Don’t leave me.” The girl had whispered those words to the leading male before drifting off to sleep in his arms. “I’ve got you Lee-hyun. You’re safe with me.” He had kissed his hand, and pressed it against her cheek. Namjoon looked down at Jin. “I’ve got you Jin-ah. You’re safe with me. I promise.” He kissed his hand and pressed it to Jin’s feverish cheek. Namjoon didn’t see it, but Jin smiled in his sleep.
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hipparelinda · 3 years
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I am shooketh that someone made a silhouette mirage iceberg... you are amazing op... and now, I’m gonna talk about it, share my thoughts! Go read op’s comments on it first. I’ll only comment on the points I have thoughts on/know about
Here’s the original post, please check it out!
It’ll be long so I’ll leave a break
Tip: Religious references: Only in the japanese version, mostly names of things that link to christianity and judaism. Shyna Nera Shyna is called Sinner Neutlarva Sinner (sins being a big thing in religion, duh), Bug is Moses, Polly Peepers are called Cupids and Specters are called Devils. A lot of the guardian angels are named after stages of angel hierarchy in judaism. I made a list of all the names in english then japanese
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Playable Zohar: They’re playable only in the english version in the credits and the ‘Super Core Fighter 2′ mode (never heard of that one...) perhaps as a bonus for the english version
Censorship: In jp version bunny salesman has a cigarette which was changed to thumbs up and when he wants you to hurry up shows a flaming cross in the background which was changed to a dragon in the localised version
Regional differences: Kinda referenced already with hell bunny and name changes. Also, the reaper and geluve aren’t in the japanese version (which with the latter I was surprised about when I found out)
Delia’s wife is Serah: Before the fight with Deliah, Hal states something like ‘think about Serah’ before he buggers off. I dunno if it’s really implied that they’re married and there’s no other reference of it, even from Delia. Though I believe there is a track in-game called ‘your wife is an angel’ so that could relate to it
Ikaruga: Think I heard about this game while watching a review on sm. Apparently it has the same silhouette and mirage thing with two aspects and facing two different ways when fighting etc etc
The genus of Zohar (their gender): Pfffftt they’re just both, duh, dunno why people get wound up over this... anyways, I just headcanon them as two separate characters..
Shyna and Clod are brothers(means, Clod is Shyna’s brother): I..... always thought Clod was female... -_- after reading up jp stuff about it I think they were male in the og version but changed to female in translation because of the translators not getting their gender. I always thought their voice sounded female in the english version. Nevermind... in the jp version Clod (dumb name) says ‘Goodbye, sister’ before the fight.
Which ending is canon?: Whichever you want... there isn’t a sequel... My chosen one is the restore edo one. I believe everyone is reborn too
Shallows Discarded bosses: Judas, Nebuchadnexxar and Hashmalim04 (+ Geluve in the jp version). Judas was apparently meant to be an ally of Megido. I believe she may have betrayed him though since Judas bible betrayed Jesus bible in the bible tm. Nebu man looks like the stereotypical anime pervert.... I think he’d play a roll in Delia’s tv pad since he looks like a director. Not sad to see you go, sir. Hashmalim04 is, duh, the fourth guardian angel. Looks real cool, probably controlled both silhouette and mirage.
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Zohar crying: I’m not aware of this, god, I felt so much for Zohar.... ;-; apparently its during the cypher zohar fight. Went to find it again and it’s kinda barely noticeable.. I must’ve thought it was just flashy particle effects. Though it’s quite sad now looking back on it.
The reaper: English only boss, appears if you haven’t lost all your health at all. Apparently they’re challenging you since you so op. I find them kinda boring... love their horse chariot though..
Merchandise: WHERE CAN I GET IT?! Nowhere probably because they most certainly made barely any
Doujinshi: Damnit these look so cute..! Doujinshi is japanese for fan manga. Not official works
Hal is not that smart: Well it’s more Shyna’s just powerful... I believe that if the angels couldn’t stop her that nothing would’ve stopped her.
The image of adult Shyna: God... I’m not a fan....
The middle bit The age of Shyna and Zohar: I see them as programs/robots so I don’t think they have ages. Op states Shyna is 14 and Zohar is 17 which I think is a good choice.
Ying and Yang: It’s the idea that good and bad must be equal and the other exists a little in the other. I really see this link. Since it’s shown that Silhouette and Mirage need to be in balance - as seen in the ending where Megido goes weird cause Har was killed therefore there was too much mirage. I believe Silhouette and Mirage in the world of the game are perhaps like light and shadow or good and evil.
Geluve’s father is Hal: I believe this one but I don’t think op does. Doesn’t Har distinctively call Geluve ‘daughter’ as she interrupts him...? I do rather believe some of the guardian angels see Har as a father, such as Dynamis calling him ‘daddy’. I also wouldn’t be surprised if Har took the angels in like children after they were abandoned
Pollys and Pumpkins are human: It seems op believes this but I’m not sure if I do. I just don’t see the evidence. Why would the humans be attacking Shyna is she’s going to restore the world for humans??
Bottom of the iceberg Shyna is has (hmm) a bomb: Like, kinda a reset bomb. She isn’t really a bomb as she’s never destroyed - you can see her in the reset ending, alive and well. You could say she was carrying a reset button that turns on automatically once close to Edo, it’s not particularly a bomb.
Shyna needs the player for her to have a purpose: I think that’s a bit deep. Yeah, every game protagonist can only do things if the player controls them. I think this is just thinking a bit too deep.
Hal and Megido are Clod’s personalities: I’m not sure what to think of this. So Clod was an asshole and an asshole? I don’t think Har and Megido are different enough to be ‘separate personalities’. We don’t really know enough about Clod to know this at all.
Depths Was she the messenger of destruction or not?: I think this all comes down to what you believe happens after Edo is restored. If you think everything is reset and all the humans are saved then she’s the messenger of justice. If you believe everyone is killed and new humans are born, perhaps it was destruction after all because everyone died anyway.
Shyna committed human genocide: See above
Silhouette Mirage 2: I wish. Though I think treasure isn’t known for continuing their ips so I don’t think this would ever happen.
The side effects of being subjected to experiments: I suppose this is talking about Clod. I really have no idea what to say about it. As I said before, we really don’t know enough about Clod to tell us what really happened to them during the experimentation.
Geluve represents how Shyna would end up if she turned out to be another failed messenger: Uh, I suppose..? Wouldn’t all the guardian angels be though..?
Bonus! Explaining the images on the iceberg: Tip: Shyna talk sprite Shallows: ‘Adult’ Shyna official(?) art Middle: ? merch perhaps? Bottom: image from a comic about how the Polly Peepers and Specters see Shyna Depths: the real faces of Polly Peepers
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wizardofozymandias · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me, @queenaeducan and @noire-pandora!
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
103513 (wow, that’s a lot for me!)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Cult of Fen’Harel (DA4) Solas/F!Lavellan - 65 Kudos
Daisy’s Garden (DA2) Merrill/F!Hawke - 34 Kudos
The Witch’s Little Goose (DA:I) Kieran & Morrigan - 30 Kudos
As Dreams Fade in the Light (DA:I) Solas/Dagna - 20 Kudos
Of Mages and Moon Men (DA:I) Solas & Dorian - 19 Kudos
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always respond to comments, even if I feel like I sound awkward. To me, it’s like thanking people for a compliment. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh boy. Well, it’s not done yet, but once I finish “As Dreams Fade in the Light,” that will probably be the angstiest one. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I’d say “Daisy’s Garden.” There’s a lot of emotional healing that takes place at the end of that story. Although there’s an argument to be made for “Seamstress, Shepherd, Scout, Spy,” my very Jane Austen-influenced fic. 
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the strangest one you’ve written?
They’re mostly WIPs, but I’ve got a Dragon Age/Mummy AU I’ve been thinking about, a How to Marry a Millionaire DA2 fic in the works, and some mythology inspired DA stuff. The weirdest one I’ve written has to be my Untitled Goose Game/Dragon Age fusion fic, “The Witch’s Little Goose.” 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, and I’m hoping maybe I won’t. I was afraid I might, once I started posting, but everyone’s been kind so far. 
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nah, it’s just not my thing. I’d feel really awkward trying it. And there are other writers who are much better at it than me. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, thankfully. I feel bad for the writers who have. 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but that would be cool. 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I’m not sure I would. Although I often brainstorm with friends to generate ideas for my work. 
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm. Probably Solas/Nessa. But there are a lot of ships I enjoy writing, and Solas/Nessa is the one I’ve written the least. I don’t feel like I can do them justice, honestly. 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I plan on finishing all of my WIPs that are currently published, but some are taking way longer than expected. *Cough* Cult of Fen’Harel *Cough*
What are your writing strengths?
Probably my dialogue? I feel like that’s where I fit in most of my characterization. And I’ve been told a few times that I’m good at writing characters who are usually difficult to write. Morrigan and Sera were the two most people mentioned. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing! I struggle to give scenes room to breathe; I almost always rush things and cut my scenes too short. I also really suck at fleshing out my OCs. I never feel like they’re characterized as well as they could be. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I barely retained any of the French I’ve learned, so I wouldn’t try writing in it. I’ll occasionally insert a phrase in elvhen, but not often, because I’m not confident in my understanding of the cypher they’ve given us. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars. Back in my self-insert Jedi protagonist days when I was ten or eleven. 
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
“Daisy’s Garden” is my favorite right now. It explores Merrill’s identity as an abuse survivor after years of living with Marethari, and I really love when characters who have been mistreated for years finally find love and acceptance. Merrill’s my favorite DA character and I haven’t seen a lot of fics that touch on how much healing she has to do to come to terms with how she was raised.  Mind the tags. This one slightly touches on the darker side of depression. 
Tagging: @boshtet-juggler, @blarfkey, @myrddinderwydd and @midnightprelude
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jenner-benjamin · 4 years
Seen as Read
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Parietal Poem written with acrylic paint on Moleskine sketchbook paper.
Seen as Read was a seven week online course hosted by SJ Fowler and offered the chance to explore a variety of visual poetry processes. Each week we were sent a presentation of source material, ideas and inspiration for the week ahead. We would then use this as a basis for investigation and offer our thoughts, outcomes and works in progress on a blog forum for everyone to share and comment on. 
The course introduced us to the study of visual poetry which I found extremely enlightening. There were aspects of the history of aesthetic linguistics that I had not considered until starting this course. On offering a definition of poetry Fowler explained that it was ‘language referent which doesn’t posit communication or information as its primary purpose’ - therefore a haiku and a scrawled note on the back of a receipt are both forms of poetry.
In the first week we were taught about the difference between phonograms and logograms; phonograms use individual written characters to represent sounds, whereas logograms are written characters that represent whole words. Examples of logograms would include; ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Mayan scripts. I found the historical detail of this week to be very beneficial. I was not naive to how widespread visual poetry is around the globe, but had not considered how far back in time one could come across it. We were introduced to a plethora of artists and reference points that included the likes of Henri Michaux, Cy Twombly, The Voynich Manuscript and the Rosetta Stone (as well as some more obscure points of interest).
As an ode to the parietal poetry on cave walls, the first activity I indulged in was making my own poems with my finger tips. I explained how there was an acute closeness to the material when applying it directly with your fingers. This way of working mirrored the close-to-hand ethos that I explored during the three month lockdown earlier in the year.
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Parietal Poem written with an ink stamp pad on Moleskine sketchbook paper.
After this exercise I chose to make my own sequence of logograms, taking inspiration from things found in my bedroom. I wrote these on exercise book paper and began practicing my invented glyphs. The rhythmic repitition of scrawling the glyphs over and over reminded me of my childhood when I was learning to write the alphabet on lined paper. The reiteration of writing the same character allows for delicate differences inferred by it being handwritten that the eye becomes drawn to. I intended to compose these glyphs in to poetry during the week but for now I quite enjoy them as they are.
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An example of a repeated logogram on exercise book paper.
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An example of a repeated logogram on exercise book paper.
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An example of a repeated logogram on exercise book paper.
The second week was beneficial in encouraging me ask questions about the nature of writing. I do often fear that the work I make runs the risk of becoming relentless and contrived so this was particularly useful.
We were asked to ponder what is the visual character of writing? What is writing without semantic meaning? What is the capacity for an imagined language to mean beyond the representational or referential? This served as an excellent starting point for the week ahead. With reference to what Fowler posited in the first week’s presentation I would reiterate that writing without semantic meaning is pure poetry - it does not seek to communicate information as its primary purpose. I would also argue that an asemic written language can still ‘mean’ despite it being non representational or referential. The meaning might be entirely aesthetic, or it might be emotionally expressive, it might even exist as a means of translating a pre-existing language.
As a printmaker I have wrestled with where the process fits in the world of printmaking. Is asemic writing to be drawn or written only? Would repeating the writing through a print process detract from its agency as a handwritten process? I was stimulated by the prompt in the slides about formulating an alphabetical system that is pictorial or logogrammatic. Encouraged by this and my previous research into typography I decided to make my own asemic font. I felt the exercise would be a good way of marrying asemic writing with printmaking - my thinking being the font could be physically made and printed in a typesetter.
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A translation of the first five letters in the first draft of my asemic typeface.
My starting point was going through my sketchbooks and portfolio to locate certain asemic characters that I had repeated over the months. It was this set of characters that I then digitised on my phone, attributing each character form to existing letters, numbers and punctuation marks.
Overall I found this exercise to be very successful as my first attempt at digitising my asemic language. Now that I have the app saved to my phone I can experiment with it further and design a cohesive body of abstract letterforms to print from when university reopens. I feel that this is the first step in potentially creating publications and artist books that find a common ground between asemic writing and printmaking.
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‘Pangram’ - a sentence that uses every letter in the alphabet - first draft of my asemic typeface.
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A selection of letters written in the second draft of my asemic typeface.
There is much scope for experimentation and a playfulness around the idea of the typeface being decoded. I could explore the dialogue between asemic writing being solely abstract and yet decipherable. I might be tempted to play on this in the same way Luigi Serafini did in his Codex Seraphinianus. With the existence of caesar cyphers and cypher wheels there is a wealth of opportunity for further consideration.
I came across weeks that I struggled with more so than others, in particular those based on art poetry and concrete poetry. I think that because the lines are so blurred between the subjects of each week I found that I was a little unsure as to how to approach them for fear of what I make not falling under the ‘correct’ umbrella. In hindsight I think the most fruitful approach would have been to read and research more and put less emphasis on creating, after all this was a learning experience and not a deadline for the next great work of art. 
I took a selection of lyrics from Enter Shikari’s most recent album ‘Nothing is True & Everything is Possible’ and made a series of monoprints on newsprint that I initially thought could be pasted on to a wall but in actual fact work quite well as a poem in book form. The lyrics work as individual loose leaves but when coupled with the repetition of the word ‘meanwhile’ they become quite powerful and moving. The poem reads as follows:
Masking weakness, masking woe.
We'll disobey our Frankenstein.
It's primal, it's tribal.
And I'll die.
Red sky at night, a shepherd's flashlight,
This isn't what I planned.
We orbit fast.
Search and seek,
I'm gonna track you down,
Search and seek,
A cosmic dance.
Now I see you,
I can't walk away.
I wish this was over, after dark.
Nothing is true,
You're not really here.
Give me a sign,
I no longer want to hide,
I am the judge,
I can hear alarm bells,
A crisis of creativity.
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‘You’re not really here’ - monoprint on newsprint.
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‘A crisis of creativity’ - monoprint on newsprint.
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‘A cosmic dance’ - monoprint on newsprint.
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‘We’ll disobey our Frankenstein’ - monoprint on newsprint.
Concrete poetry found me very much outside my comfort zone, my work tends to be more loose and free and I found myself thinking a bit more rigidly. I am used to working with a bit more expression and gesture, so this was quite the challenge. Nevertheless I made an attempt at some concrete poems of the many plants I have dotted around the place. These were made whilst isolating at home, I found that in times where I felt unsettled and uneasy it was good to have some positive growth in the form of plant-life keeping me company. These ideas are very basic and leave much room for improvement, should I wish to return to this method of working. 
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‘Plant Pot’ - letraset on Moleskine sketchbook paper.
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‘Cactus Pot’ - letraset on Moleskine sketchbook paper.
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‘Ivy Ivy Ivy’ - letraset on Moleskine sketchbook paper.
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‘Cactus’ - letraset on Moleskine sketchbook paper.
One of the later weeks of the course prompted the notion of scale. What would be the consequence of making poetry for a billboard wall? I have briefly discussed how my work tends to be quite intimate, typically taking the form of smaller tactile prints or books. The prospect of poster art seemed a bit daunting at first. What sentiment would the text offer when not only enlarged for all to see, but also in the public domain as opposed to the sometimes solitary book format?
I composed some poetry earlier on in the year as part of an artist residency at Bower Ashton Library that will be bound in to small poetry anthologies when the university studios re-open. For the purpose of this week’s prompts I made an installation in my bedroom studio, projecting these poems and corresponding drawings on to the walls at various angles. The results aren’t quite as I’d hoped or imagined but the chance to experiment with the concept was a welcome one, I am keen to return to this and develop it further. This week highlighted that there a multitude of ways we might interact with our audience and the value of looking at your work with fresh eyes. 
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‘Your Mouth’ - poem projected onto an interior wall.
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‘Black, White and Grey’ - poem projected onto an interior wall.
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‘Two Men’ - poem projected onto an interior wall.
The final output I made during the course was an edition of artist’s books inspired by monostich poetry. I hadn’t heard of it before and wondered how I could make a book with just one line of text. I made monoprints of a line from the Spin Doctors' song, ‘Two Princes’ that reads, ‘if you would like to talk for hours, just go ahead now’. This varied edition of concertina books is a dialogue of sorts between the ‘two princes’, each side being a line spoken.
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‘Two Princes’ - accordion folded artist’s book with monoprinted pages.
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‘Two Princes’ - accordion folded artist’s book with monoprinted pages.
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‘Two Princes’ - accordion folded artist’s book with monoprinted pages.
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‘Two Princes’ - accordion folded artist’s book with monoprinted pages.
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‘Two Princes’ - accordion folded artist’s book with monoprinted pages.
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‘Two Princes’ - accordion folded artist’s book with monoprinted pages.
Participation on the Seen as Read course has been extremely beneficial. I have been tempted out of my creative comfort zone on more than one occasion, which is always a valuable tool as an artist. It teaches you to not rest on your laurels and even though you will most likely return to your favoured processes, you might bring with you a method of creating that you had not before. The most worthwhile aspect to take away is the contacts I have made. A handful of participants have agreed to continue our correspondence beyond the confines of the seven weeks and will proceed to critique and support each other on a similar online forum to that which we have used for Seen as Read. I hope that this is the beginning of an active role in joining in the global conversation regarding visual poetry.   
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My True Love Gave to Me
Author’s Note: Merry Christmas!  It's still Christmas in my part of the world!  I just made it!  I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday or even just a great day!  This chapter got longer than I wanted it to so feel free to read through it all or just for your favorite couple.  Read the title breaks just to preface that portion.  Enjoy!
Chapter 11:  Traditions (InoShikaCho)
Ino (Christmas Eve- Modern AU)
 Ino looked gorgeous as she sauntered down the stairs in a deep purple dress molded tightly to her body.  
“Mommy!  You look like a princess.”  Ino scooped her child up to place an affectionate kiss on his head. 
“Thank you, baby.  You look very handsome as well.”  Her son looked adorable dressed in a deep blue suit complete with a bowtie.  Sai grinned as his wife made her way towards him placing a chaste kiss against his lips.  
“You’re breathtaking tonight my Love.”
“Thank you Sai, you look quite handsome as well.  Not as good as Jin but it was a good attempt.” He just laughed as she teased him before kissing her once more.
“I agree. Let’s go.”  As had been their tradition for years on Christmas Eve they always had a romantic dinner.   Even after Inojin had been born they continued to include him in their traditions. He seemed to enjoy dressing up and ordering from the adult menu.  After dinner, her parents graciously offered to watch Inojin they planned to enjoy some time together looking at the light displays through the city.  
The restaurant was warm and inviting filled with couples celebrating the holiday.  Inojin was far beyond his years and he was the perfect dinner guest. The family enjoyed their simple dinner together the spirit of the holiday alive and well.  
When they returned home they changed Inojin into his festive pajamas before reading him a good night story, his blue eyes fighting to stay open.
“We love you, baby.”  Ino told him tucking the sheets around him. 
“I love you too Mommy and Daddy.”  They both kissed his forehead before shutting the door behind them.  They made their way to their room to change into warmer clothing to combat the chill outside.  
He held her hand tightly as they gazed at elaborate displays never taking for granted that she’d chosen him. That she loved him in ways that he could never quite comprehend.  Their first date had been on Christmas Eve years ago. It was amazing to think about how far they’d come.
  “Alright, student’s continuing our work on human form we have a live model for you to sketch today.  As it is our first time using live models it may be a new experience for many of you but I ask that you do your best.”  Sai listened as he prepared his tools. After weeks of drawing bowls of fruit and inanimate objects, a live person would be a welcome change. 
That is until she walked in.  He was stunned speechless his hands shaking so much that he couldn’t grasp onto his pencils to work. 
“Welcome, Ino.  Please take a seat in a comfortable position.  Students, please get to work.”
“Ino…”  His heart continued to beat wildly in his chest as he observed the ethereal creature in front of him.  This had to be a dream, someone this beautiful could not actually exist. Her eyes rivaled that of the sky and her hair shined brighter than gold.  She seemed to sense his stare and for a brief moment regarded him with a smile before her face returned to its relaxed state. 
He continued to stare, daydreams of that smile lingering on him for much longer. 
“Alright thank you again Ino, students please leave your work on your easels I’ll collect them after class.”  Sai’s eyes widened staring at the blank canvas before him. He’d been so enchanted by her that he failed to draw even a single line.  He was going to get a zero on this assignment and yet it was worth it. 
His eyes followed her longingly as she exited the class but her gaze shifted for just a second back to him.  Before the professor could dismiss the class officially he was out the door following after her.
“Ino!”  Surprised he found her just on the other side of the classroom door.
“Take a walk?”  He nodded knowing that he’d gladly follow her to the ends of the Earth.
They made their way out towards the quad finding a small bench hidden under a shroud of trees.
“I’m Sai.”
“It’s very nice to meet you.  I’m Ino.” She smiled brightly at him taking his outstretched hand in hers.  
She had taken the “modeling job” as a favor to her professor.  It was awkward and uncomfortable but also worth it to have met the handsome artist sitting next to her.  The whole time she was sitting there she had to consciously tell herself to focus on anything else besides him. 
Thankfully it wasn’t one-sided. 
“Ino, would you like to go out with me tomorrow night?”  Sai held his breath waiting for her response. He didn’t want to let a chance pass him by. Ino was one of those once in a lifetime loves. 
“Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.”   She thought aloud. It was a pretty romantic holiday. 
“I know.”  She smiled at how sure he was and nodded.
“I'd like that.” 
  End Flashback
 The next morning they watched as Inojin played with his new toys and art supplies. 
She twisted the new ring that Sai had given her the night before. Sapphires were embedded in it and on the inside, their names along with Inojin’s had been inscribed. 
Sai settled next to her resting his head on her lap. Inojin came over and cuddled up next to his parents.  Their family was happy and complete.  
Life at times could be very difficult, but having one another to hold onto through it all made it easier. 
Shika (Holidays in Suna) 
“Uncle!”  Shikadai ran as quickly as his little legs could take him towards his uncles.  Kankuro laughed picking him up and swung him around. 
“How’s my favorite nephew?”  The puppetmaster asked affectionately ruffling his hair. 
Before he could respond a cloud of sand pulled him towards the Kazekage.  
“Hey!”  Kankuro protested while Shikadai giggled falling into his redheaded uncle’s arms.
“How’s  my favorite nephew?”  He asked with a grin.
“Hello, Uncle Gaara!”
“How was the trip?”  He asked the couple who had barely made it inside.  
“The train is a Godsend, it’s much faster and easier to travel,”  Temari explained while directing where their things should go as Shikamaru greeted his brothers-in-law.
He and Temari had some official business to work on but the holiday season was upon them as well, so this was a perfect opportunity to spend time in Suna.  His mother would also be joining them to his relief. She’d have two other sons to nag for a few days. The Village Hidden in the Sand came alive this time of the year as everyone prepared for the holidays and festivals had begun. He was grateful that his family would be there to celebrate.
“Welcome home Lord Shikamaru, Princess Temari.”  Temari grinned turning towards the gruff voice.
“Still calling me that?”
“Still the Princess?”  Baki replied giving her an affectionate hug.
“Grandpa Baki!”  Shikadai ran towards his grandfather and it was amazing to see his normally cool exterior melt in the presence of the small child.    
“Kankuro you’ve got Shikadai for the afternoon?”  Temari asked wanting to get their work done as soon as possible.
“He’s in good hands.  Go be boring adults the kid and I will be fine.”  Shikadai clapped excitedly at the prospect. They always had a lot of fun together when he was tasked with watching him. 
Shikamaru headed off with Garra to the Kazekage’s office while Temari walked with Baki towards the Cypher office and Shikadai remained with his uncle. 
“Alright buddy let’s head to the studio we have to finish decorating for tonight.” 
 “It’s nice to see you so happy,”  Baki remarked over tea. They’d finished translating the documents that Temari needed and decided to take a break before all the evening's festivities began. 
“Are you getting soft on me?”  She asked with a grin.
He just shrugged not the least embarrassed.  “Blame it on old age.”  
“It's weird...sometimes it still doesn’t feel like it’s my life...I have Shikamaru and Shikadai, there’s peace, my brothers and homeland are safe.  They’re all the things I never imagined I could have.” She looked out towards the village as the lights began to dot the landscape  
“I’d imagine that this is the world that your mother would have wanted.”  Temari’s eyes misted over thinking about her. She prayed that wherever she was Karura was proud of her and the world they fought so hard to create. 
Gaara and Shikamaru toasted Sake over finishing their last official business of the year. 
“How are things in Konoha?”
“Good, Naruto sends his greetings.  The baby is getting bigger and bigger.”  Shikamaru grinned remembering the panic-filled state he’d left his friend.  Having to go to Suna was a welcomed reprieve away from the father to be.  
“Yes, please send my good wishes as well.”
“Have you and Temari considered another child?”  Now that Shikadai was getting older he’d been wondering for a while whether the couple was planning on expanding their family.  
Shikamaru couldn’t help but sigh.  “Truth is as lazy as I was as a child I’d always imagined I’d have a son and a daughter, but convincing her to have Shikadai took a lot of work.  I doubt that a second one is in our future but I'm quite content with what we have now but I think she has a hard time believing that.” 
Garra nodded not surprised by his sister’s hesitation.  Shikadai was a miracle in himself. “I see, I fear the circumstances of my birth have greatly influenced her feelings on the matter.”
Shikamaru took another drink thinking about his Sand Princess.  “I’d come to that same conclusion.  Ultimately Temari knows her heart and my own.  She’ll decide if one day she’d like another child and no matter what I’ll support her.”
“Shikadai!  That looks great bud!”  Kankuro complimented his nephew.  He’d created an elaborate design of lines that were meant to mimic his father’s shadows and his mother’s wind, he then layered colored sand over it.  
“This will go right at the entrance.”  Shikadai grinned proudly following after him.  His Uncle was an incredible artist and he hoped to learn from him.  While his parents worked, he had the important job of helping his uncle fill their home with candles and lights.  
They decorated alongside other Shinobi filling the usually dim space with color and candles.  His parents appeared and he jumped into their arms.
“Mama, daddy!  Do you like it?”
“You did an incredible job my little Fawn.” His eyes glowing in the candlelight.
“How about me?”  Kankuro asked with a grin.  
Temari just shrugged.  “I mean it looks fine.”
“Hey!  Thank goodness the kid’s not as bitc-”
“Alright, children get ready for dinner.”  Baki interjected before a fight could break out.  
“Mari?  Do you mind coming here for a second?”  They were getting ready for the family dinner a new much-loved tradition. 
She placed herself into her husband’s open arms straddling his lap.  She loved coming home especially because he had a specific set of Suna clothing he wore when he was there. He looked terribly handsome and distracting in it. 
“Garra asked about whether we were going to have another child.”  Shikamaru told her bluntly. This had been wearing on his heart for a while and this holiday was all about celebrating new beginnings.  It was time to put this issue to rest.   
“Oh?”  Temari began to feel herself panic which he noticed and so he began to rub her back comfortingly.  
“It got me thinking.  I just want you to know that I'm happy and content with what we have.  Whether we have another one or it is just us three I’m happy for it. I don’t want you to think for a moment that I'd need anything more.”
She was surprised at where this conversation was going.  “Shika…”
“You're an incredible wife to me and mother to Shikadai.  You’re still the fierce and cruel kunoichi that I fell in love with. I love you and the family we’ve built.   But don’t be afraid of your past or the monsters that may haunt them. You’re so much stronger. Don’t ever let that be the reason you don’t have what you want.”
She nestled her head against his chest her tears littering his coat.  For as strong and fierce as she was she was still haunted by demons and ghosts of the past.  She loved Shikadai and at times longed for another child but still, the memories of her mother and father had a stranglehold on her.  She knew that Shikamaru had wanted a daughter. To know that he was happy with their family as it was helped remove some of the anxiety she was holding on to.
“I love you Shika.”  She kissed him as the light from tiny candles glowed around them.
He placed an affectionate kiss on the top of her head holding her flush against him.  He wished that he could fight those shadows that surrounded her heart but he’d be right there with her as he’d always been in battles.  “I love you too Princess.”  
 That night they celebrated together, a family that could have never existed years ago.  Temari looked fondly at those seated around the table her heart full and complete. Shikamaru squeezed her hand with a grin before placing a soft kiss against her knuckles.
Her teal eyes shimmered brightly.  “Yes.”  
Cho (I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus)  
For as long as she could remember her dad always dressed up as Santa Claus. He’d be the guest star at family parties delivering gifts to delighted kids. He would listen to her list the hundreds of things that she wanted.  That was years ago and she’d learned the truth behind Santa Claus.  Yet, he still insisted on dressing up. 
ChouChou made her way down the stairs quietly confused by the sight. 
She groaned seeing her mother kiss her dad who was dressed up in that horrendous red suit.   
She was thankful that he wasn’t in full gear tonight rather he wore a red hoodie with white fur around the trim.  Despite her mortification, she couldn’t help but smile hearing her mother laugh as their arms wrapped around each other.  With a grin, she walked back upstairs to give them their moment.   
 She made her way to where her grandparents were staying. She loved when they visited because they would shower her with affection and treats.  She’d get away with a ton of things that she wouldn’t have if they weren’t there. They didn’t blink an eye when she crawled in between them. 
Chouza and his wife sat there amused as ChouChou made herself comfortable. 
“Oba-Chan, Oji-Chan why does daddy still insist on dressing up as Santa.”
Her grandpa got a thoughtful look on his face before responding. “I think because he remembers how happy it made you.  Your eyes would light up so bright when he wore that suit that wearing it year after year makes him remember that feeling.  Besides, even if Santa isn’t real the spirit of it is. Of being good, kind and giving. It’s a nice reminder of that. 
ChouChou could accept that explanation and it was actually quite sweet. During this time her father would volunteer as Santa at the hospital and deliver presents to the kids that couldn’t be home for Christmas. She would help as the cute Christmas Elf and loved seeing the smiles on those kids' faces. Even now at family parties, he’d still dress up sending all the kids into an excited panic.  Her mother too, for her typically stern and strict disposition, seemed to light up seeing her husband in such a silly get up. 
“He’s a good daddy.”  ChouChou whispered sleepily.
Her grandparents nodded thankful for their wonderful family and holiday traditions.  
 “You look ridiculous,”  Karui told her husband but the smile on her face took away some of the bite of her statement. 
“You love it.”  He replied wrapping his arms around her. 
“I love  you , that’s two very different things.”  Chouji adored the joy in her honey eyes. 
“You know ChouChou knows Santa isn’t real right.”
“Yes, but your husband doesn’t know that.”  Karui couldn’t help but laugh and smiled at the innocent twinkle in his eye.  Her husband could be far too sweet and would be insistent on her experiencing certain things that she should have as a kid. 
Her hands went to grip the soft fur trim around his hood to pull him into a kiss as warmth flooded her body. Chouji had been her personal Santa since they’d been together. Doing all he could to ensure that she had everything that she could have wished for. 
“I love you, Honey.”
“I love you too sweet girl.” 
Chapter 1:  Mistletoe (Shikamaru/Temari)
Chapter 2: Snow (Chouji/Karui)
Chapter 3:  Fire (Sai/Ino)
Chapter 4: Peppermint (Shikamaru/Temari)
Chapter 5: Cookies (Chouji/Karui)
Chapter 6: Lights (Sai/Ino)
Chapter 7: Deer (Shikamaru/Temari)
Chapter 8:  Presents (Chouji/Karui)
Chapter 9: The List (Sai/Ino)
Chapter 10:  Matching Sweaters (InoShikaCho) 
Chapter 11:  Traditions (InoShikaCho)
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Autobiographic references in BTS discography
This post is part of the TSU. It belongs to the first part: Biography.
Suga explained in an interview that all their songs were personal and inspired by their own lives. However, there are some that appear as more biographical than others. Even though they decided to share these stories with us, it remains the boys’ life and as such, there won’t be in-depth analyses.
The origins: using 사투리 (Satoori) and talking about Korea
Korea used to be made of 8 provinces that all have their own culture and variation of language (called satoori). As the boys come from different places, they use different dialects that are sometimes different from standard Korean. For details, I let you refer to the analyses linked below.
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(original map src)
The point here is that while most of their songs are in standard Korean, there have been times where they used satoori. The biggest case is obviously “팔도강산” (Paldogangsan, meaning “the scenery of all parts of Korea” and titled “Satoori Rap” in English; lyrics here) but you can also find some in “어디에서 왔는지” (Where did you come from? Lyrics here) and “Ma City” (lyrics).
“Satoori Rap” and “Ma City” are also the occasion to teach us more about the land of Korea and some of its different regions.
You can refer to those explicative posts to appreciate all the references:
Doolsetbangtan’s translation and notes about “Satoori Rap” and “Ma City”
Muish’s ramblings about “Satoori Rap” and “Ma City”
DKDKTV’s explanation about “Satoori Rap”
Last detail about “Satoori rap”: it was originally a song released in 2011 by the rap line only (src)
More recently, BTS also showed Korean traditional culture to their fans through the song “IDOL��� (lyrics). The lyrics, dance, outfits, and background all include elements from the Korean culture (see the post about “IDOL” for a list).
This is important on two levels.
First, South Korea has a heavy history of intern conflicts between the regions. One sadly famous fight is between the Jeolla province (J-Hope’s birthplace) and  Gyeongsang (Suga, Jimin, V and Jungkook’s birthplace). Muish has a note about it and ARMY SALON made a complete post about the Gawngju uprising from May 18, 1980. It’s thus a meaningful move to integrate the different regions of Korea in one song, as a message of peace and a reminder that they’re all from the same country, as explained by RM in “Satoori Rap”:
“Why Keep Fighting Either way, they’re all in Korean Look up, and we look up at the same sky”
Note that however, the boys clearly stated that they made “Satoori Rap” “for fun” and to “diss each other” (src).
Second, K-pop is usually seen as a Korean copy of Western pop music. Integrating purely Korean elements thus counter this cliché. It seems there was a real intention of making Kpop evolve - or more exactly make it go back to what it was at the time of Seo Taiji and the Boys (see Vox article and this extract from COOLKKADANG EP. 312 (20190522)) - when the boys debuted. Not a purely commercial product but an art with a message. It would thus be important to call BTS a Kpop band because that way they can make the notion of Kpop evolve. The problem is that they redefined the genre so much it can’t really be conceived as K-pop anymore. The boys have also decided to rather focus on just doing their thing rather than being a superhero.
The introduction: 2, 3 방! 탄! 안녕하세요 방탄소년단입니다
BTS introduced themselves through several of their songs. The rap line explained to us how they got into hip-hop in “Skit: Circle Room Talk”, “길” (Road/Path), and later in Dark & Wild’s “힙합성애자” (Hip Hop Lover). You can find more about BTS and their relationship with Hip-Hop in the Socio-political narrative part here.
2 Cool 4 Skool plays its role as the first contact between BTS and the public. “Intro: 2 Cool 4 Skool” explains the goal of the group:
“2 cool 4 skool We tell our story on behalf of those in their 10s and 20s you take that”
The lyrics from “We Are Bulletproof pt.2” present the group and emphasize how they worked harder than anyone before debuting:
“At the practice room instead of school I danced and sang all night While you all played I lived my dream”
“Everywhere I go everything I do I’ll show myself as much as I’ve sharpened the knife All those people who’ve ignored me now Oh oh oh oh oh oh hey shout it out Oh if you’ve done as much as me throw a rock We go hard we’ve got no fear”
And in the first hidden track, “Skit: on the starting line”,  RM talks about the feelings he had while he was a trainee.
An idol’s everyday life
BTS has kept us updated on their whereabouts through other songs. While “Skit: Circle Room Talk” and “Outro: Circle Room Cypher” were staged to sound like they were at school, even ending interrupted by the teacher for the skit, “Skit: R U happy now?” is closer to the boys’ idol life as it happens in a car before a fansign. It’s hard to know how much in their skits is scripted or not (RM talked about how they recorded skits in his Vlive about Her here, at 37:10, and said they had no script but they did talk about it beforehand and the recording was later edited) but all the following ones until 화양연화 Pt.2 will be about the boys’ lives as idol: in “Soulmate” they fool around in the studio, in “Expectation!” they want the first place in music shows and in “One night in a strange city”, they bicker after a concert. The last Skits to date are “Billboard Music Awards Speech” and  “Skit: 망설임과 두려움” (Hesitation and Fear). The first one is about BTS’ being acknowledged in the US - and basically worldwide - and thus reaching yet another stage in their career while the second is about the doubts they have after reaching such a place.
There are two more songs about their everyday life: “Rain” that express their emotions on a rainy day and “이사” (Moving On), a song about their first dorm and all the memories it holds. It’s the place we see in Rookie King and during the first birthday party, that they left a bit before 화양연화 Pt.1 and “Moving On” were released. They then settled in the one we see in the first Bon Voyage and in the 2015 Festa.
I’ll also quickly mention “Spring Day” here because the lyrics were inspired by the friendship between RM and Suga, the two members that have been together for the longest time - since 2010.
Interestingly all these songs (except “Spring Day”) are focused on a moment: the skits are little sketches while “Rain” and “Moving On” are about a specific emotion they had at a certain time.
Bangtan’s rise
Opposite to those works about one specific episode, there’s a whole other series of songs, this time dedicated to BTS’ constant hard work since pre-debut. Songs by BTS for BTS, songs that help them stay aware of what they’ve accomplished and what their next goals are. It started with the confidence of getting more and more popular in “진격의 방탄 (Rise of Bangtan)” after the success of 2 Cool 4 Skool:
“Who are we? The rising Bulletproof Boy Scouts Who are we? We swallow them all up without fear Cuz we got fire, fire fire Get higher, higher higher If you don’t know us, then take a good look Who are we? Who? The rise of Bangtan”
Then before they’ve realized it, they’re celebrating their second year of activity in Dark & Wild’s “2학년” (2nd Grade):
“In the blink of an eye, I become a second grader The me who only used to chase my dreams now sets fire on the stage”
“Rise of Bangtan” gains a younger sibling in 화양연화 Pt.1 with “흥탄소년단 / Fun Boyz”. Each member has his own part to tell his story and brag about how they’re fun to hang out with, succeeding at remaining friendly while doing so and not sounding full of themselves.
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life has also more serious songs about their hard work, namely “Dope” and “Baepsae”. However, as these songs can also apply to the whole generation BTS belongs to, they’ll be considered in details in the Socio-political narrative part. Same with “Not Today”.
“Never Mind” is in the same vein of  “I can and will do it” but with a darker vision:
“NEVER MIND NEVER MIND No matter how thorny the road is, run NEVER MIND NEVER MIND There are lots of things in the world that you can’t help You better NEVER MIND NEVER MIND If you feel like you’re going to crash then accelerate more, you idiot NEVER MIND NEVER MIND We’re too young and immature to give up, you idiot NEVER MIND If you feel like you’re going to crash then accelerate more, you idiot If you feel like you’re going to crash then accelerate more, you idiot NEVER MIND”
“Whalien 52″ brings a sadder note to their journey as they reveal this path is not only hard but also full of loneliness.
They’re also aware the dream will eventually end. “Epilogue: Young Forever” is very realistic about it:
“It can’t be mine forever The applause I say to myself shamelessly Project your voice higher, farther Even though there isn’t an eternal audience I’m going to sing I want to be myself today forever I want to be a young forever”
Yet, it’s not enough to make them give up so they keep singing, they keep believing and thus followed “Outro: Wings”:
I trust myself, Since the reason why my back hurts Is so that wings can sprout I believe me, you, though the beginning may be humble, The future will be prosperous
It’s not stated explicitly but the boys explained in later songs that those wings were given by ARMY. Thus the fans saved the artists that had saved them first.
WINGS also contains a series of solo songs that have been the occasion for most of the boys to look and see where they are now: Jungkook thanks his hyungs for raising him in “Begin”, Jimin misses his innocence in “Lie”, Suga remembers how his love for music started with a brown piano in “First Love”, RM philosophizes about the world in “Reflection” and even hints the thematic of self-love, J-Hope thanks his mother for always supporting him until he succeeded in “Mama” and Jin admits he may never be the best but he’ll still try his hardest in “Awake”. It doesn’t seem “Stigma” has biographical elements, it’s rather centered around the BU story.
The Love Yourself series initiates a whole new reflection that’ll be considered in a future post.
BTS shared a lot with us, be it their convictions, their stories, or their cultures. While they started with the idea of protecting the youth, they’ve eventually evolved in friends of the youth and they renounced to this superhero mission. In the same way, they constantly promise to aim higher and to work harder but they’ve learned to enjoy the present as everything will eventually come to an end.
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kim-lexie · 6 years
love yourself: tear.
YESSSSSS! it’s finally here. our boys have released their long-awaited album. i am incredibly proud of them, and how far they have come. this album as a whole consists of various genres, and i appreciate how much experimenting they did with this album. now we are going to take it track-by-track.
intro: singularity. this track has it’s own post because of the insanely incredible video that came out to introduce us to this new era or love yourself: tear. here is my post on this beautiful track
fake love. this track has it’s own post once again because too many thoughts and feels and gifs to contain in this one post. here is the post for fake love.
the truth untold. the true beauty of this song is the translations behind it. i am obsessed with their minds. the thoughtfulness that went into each lyric and line is incredible. “i can’t show you me, give you me.” hiding from who you are, but still wanting that person. they are telling a beautifully tragic story, and the pain within their voices really shines. the simple piano in the background perfectly highlighting the story and the emotions. then in the bridge, my goodness the build-up of emotions just releasing. dang, so much is happening and even without reading the translations you feel it and experience the song. music truly is a language in of itself. (p.s. cannot wait for what steve aoki does with this track again)
134340 (PLUTO). tae once again attacking me with vocals. this vibe is the epitome of chill car ride vibes. i love the mix of rap and vocal lines in this track, it is so perfect and smooth. the meaning and metaphor of pluto circling, dang our lyrical geniuses strike again. 
paradise. one of my faves off the album (but let us be real, every one of these tracks has been on repeat). i am obsessed with jungkook’s  “marathon marathon” line. a reality check with looking at translations. i love the meaning of needing to stop and enjoy life and not always having a destination. enjoy life! live in your own life and dream big or small whichever it is your dream so it’s beautiful. this song is an ultimate bop, and i love the free vibe just makes you want to sway and bop your head. bangtan has truly mastered the balance of rap and vocal lines in this track. i am obsessed!
love maze. this one is also one of my faves. like dang that opening! “lost in the maze in the darkness”. jungkook’s opening line, my goodness such feels. this track is set apart. my goodness, the back and forth between the vocalists. i love the electronic track behind this bop. 
magic shop. this one though. like for real, the song dedicated to army. my goodness gracious, our wonderful kings. once again don’t know who allowed taetae to come out and slay my life like this. namjoon’s raps are insanely powerful you know he is preaching his truth throughout this track. when the king of vocals seokjin and jimin come in, it just translates the beauty and balance of knowing everything will be okay. i especially love listening and watching the live performances of this song, when army sings back. my goodness, it is truly beautiful. it is a sad track with bangtan being honest about their fears and hurts, but it is offset with hopes and knowing that with army everything will be okay. these lines: TT
you gave me the best of me
so you’ll give you the best of you
you found me, you recognized me
you gave me the best of me
so you’ll give you the best of you
you will it, the galaxy inside of you
so show me
i’ll show you
here is the end of the comeback show with bts and army singing together. it had me in a puddle of tears. those smiles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ_lafEprL0
side note: if you want to cry just listen to “the truth untold” and “magic shop” back to back. 
airplane pt. 2. i was so hyped to see this track on the album. ready to hype up my man hoseok any chance i get. the vibes of this track are so unique, i love the latin track. talking to all those haters who said you can’t do it, here they are traveling all over the world writing music living life to the fullest. this live performance though! the use of props, the outfits, it was everything.
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my goodness, the mic going back and forth between seokjin and namjoon, i am living my best life. 
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p.s. these little munchkins teasing this dance move in jungkook’s japan vlog.
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p.s.s. watch it if you haven’t already G.C.F. in Osaka 
anpanman. this song is “go go”’s best friend. it is so fun and hype. i love that it is based off on an actual superhero. i love this live performance as well. it is preciousness to the next level. all about moving past your fears and taking control. the vocalists slaying the background and those runs, my heart cannot take it. (this is one of my sister’s favorites from the album, and she actually tolerates me playing it in the car so that is a win for me!)
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jungkook shaking/fluttering tae-tae’s shirt to look like he is flying is only the start of the preciousness of that is in this performance. 
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all of these anpanman performance videos are insanely bright and cute as heck.
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so what. my goodness, i love this track! i literally just want this track to completely surround me, this is a track made for surround sound, in your car driving down a long road kind of music. “young and wild and free” that’s right jimin and tae-tae. we just got to keep going and don’t worry about things around you, and just “let it go”. 
outro: tear. our boys slaying with their cypher outros. this track is very electronic, and bass heavy. i am definitely a rap-line stan, and really got into bangtan because of these amazingly talented dudes. without looking at translations you know that they are extremely passionate about their lines. i am obsessed with the vocalists namjoon, hoseok, and yoongi. i love that they are going out of their comfort zones a little bit with this track. people need to stop sleeping on these outro tracks they are the new cypher, and i love them! p.s. who allowed them to breathe at the end of the track, like that was a personal attack on my life and well being. 
the promotions. 
billboard music awards. my goodness, i am incredibly proud of these boys. they have come so far, making dreams come true. i love that they let some of the fan chants live, i love that army was respectful and showed their strength during the performance. thank you to the cameramen who stepped up their game from last year. still room for improvement but we are thankful as always.
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i have to include this gif because our maknae worked hard for those abs, and they deserve recognition. 
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our boys stole the show with their reactions and dance moves.
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mnet’s bts comeback show. once again they serve us bangtan on a silver platter. i love watching these even though i only know about 50% of what is going. i love the performances and quirky little sketches. i especially loved tae and jimin’s cafe adventures and english studies. and namjoon’s drama tease. 
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my favorite interview was zach sang show! he is such an army, and i am appreciative of all that he does for bts when they come around. i appreciate all the time he puts into his research, and he deserves lots of army support. 
the ellen show. i loved all the segments they did! i loved tae-tae’s proud english moment. i especially loved the range of reactions from bangtan when she scared them. 
the late late show with james corden performance. i love this friendship. low-key eighth member of bts.
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nevermind high-key member.
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their faces when they saw the puppies for the buzzfeed interview. 
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now we await the upcoming tour and next comeback...eventually. 
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