#I’ll be making more proper art soon!
fl0atingbubbles · 10 months
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I did this in class instead of my work :3
Might not be the exact aesthetic you were looking for, but I tried!
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noxchievous · 2 years
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Okay ☺️ recent doodles of MariLynn + her husband
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miguelhugger2099 · 7 months
What a Man!
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Summary: Your past experiences with other men had left you with scars. Scars that show in your lovely relationship with Miguel. Art by AndalusiaLu on twt <<Prev
Miguel x GN!Reader, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Drabble
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It had been quite a few months since your relationship with Miguel had blossomed into something beautiful and real. He really was different from everyone else and you couldn’t be luckier. Miguel would often disagree, he thought he was the lucky one to end up with someone like you. Kind, intelligent and headstrong as well as so loving. You were the prettiest package to him. You tried your very best not to screw things up. You don’t know what you’d do if you said something or did something to make Miguel not want you anymore. So you remained diligent, making sure that Miguel was happy with you and that he stayed happy. Despite your best efforts to hide the ugly side of you, it managed to creep in the more you were with Miguel. It became harder to hide, slipping through the cracks of the facade you kept up. It started with him arriving home late. Miguel at some point had asked you to live with him, which you declined and eventually settled on visiting and having sleepovers at his place as a compromise. It was still technically early in the relationship. At first when he would come home late, you’d be worried sick wondering if this was good for his health or if he’d get home safely when he’s so tired. Miguel would trug through the door and you’d be at his side as soon as you heard the click. His tired eyes brightened seeing you, wrapping his arms around your waist and trying not to rest his entire body weight on you. “I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” He murmured in your hair, one arm around your waist and the other going around your shoulders. He breathed in the smell of your shampoo and lotion, his body nearly melting on top of you. You returned his hug with a tight squeeze, the worry in your heart subsiding and replaced with a warm feeling. “It’s okay. I wanted to stay up to see you.” You snuggled closer to his shoulder, his cologne gone after a hard day's work and only leaving a lingering smell along with his natural scent. “No, no, that’s not right. I don’t want you to get big ugly giant eyebags like me. You’re too gorgeous.” Miguel lifts his head up and stares down at you, sleepiness evident in his eyes but his will to see and feel you are stronger. You smile softly and reach up to cup his cheek which he leans into. “I think your eyebags add character.” You giggle and he chuckles along with you. “Really. I don’t mind.”
Miguel’s hands go down to squeeze your hips. “Well I mind. You deserve proper rest. C’mere, off to bed. I’ll join you in a bit.” He takes your hand in his larger one and leads you to his bedroom. What was once very plain and sleek now had little trinkets of your things around like your hairbrush, your favorite candles and a half empty water bottle. Hell, even a new blanket Miguel had bought you along with some extra clothes and pajamas. You practically lived here. After Miguel had washed up in the shower, he joined you in bed, collecting you in his arms and running his hands up and down your back. He asked you about your day, what you had done, what you bought with his credit card–none, you told him– and any other things he might’ve missed when he was off at work. While you listed things off, Miguel listened with an attentive small smile. He focused on the way your lips moved, how your eyes looked up at the walls in thought and how your hands played with his chest hairs. Before falling asleep, he promised one thing. “I’ll do my best to come back home to you.” To your demise, Miguel continued to come home late. Each time he'd come home late he would apologize in any way possible. In kisses, extra cuddling time even when he’s exhausted and showering you in gifts. None of it was enough when he was gone most days and you only got maybe an hour with him before falling asleep. He was one of the top geneticists in his field, most likely number one. He was bound to be busy and needed everywhere. He can’t help it, you told yourself. It’s a taxing job. He’s not doing this on purpose. So why does it leave a sour taste in your mouth? Why does it bother you so much?
You grew anxious. Why couldn’t he just ask for more days off? Why is he so busy? What was the point of him finding a partner when he’s just too occupied from his job? You began to feel alone. His kisses started to feel weak, cuddling time was cut short and the gifts meant nothing after each apology. You tried pushing those thoughts aside. You were acting spoiled. Miguel basically threw his money and love at you and you’re taking it for granted. How selfish can you be? He’d be furious to know you’re using him like this–taking his gifts and whining about it. What if he’s lying? What if the job is just an excuse? Was there someone else? Is that why he’s going to bed faster? A few pecks on the lips before he passes out? Oh, how could you think that of him? He’s been nothing but burned out and trying his best. What would he do if he knew what you were thinking? He can’t. He won’t. So you do what you know best: you shut down. Your inner emotions conflicted with one another. One berating you and the other trying to convince you. You sucked up all your spilling emotions when Miguel came home late again. You met him at the door like always but this time a little slower, more hesitant.
Miguel drops his bag by the door like usual, taking off his coat and placing it down on a chair seat before looking at you. Like always, his eyes brighten up and he brings you in his arms for a hug. He feels himself recharge with you in his embrace but you just feel uncomfortable. The weight of your thoughts and feelings rest heavy in your chest and you slowly wrap your arms around him, resting your head on his chest and hoping to feel some comfort again. “I’ve missed you so much.” You hear Miguel mumble. “I know I keep saying this but I’m really sorry for coming home so late these days. You know I’d rather be here than anywhere else.” “Yeah. I’m sure you do.” You mumble bluntly before slipping out of his arms. Miguel feels his heart drop and confusion overshadow his exhaustion. He watches your back afterwards and there’s nothing he hates more than seeing you walking away from him. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He chases after you, walking behind you as you walk into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. “Nothing.” You sigh and it’s quiet between you two except for the tap water running and filling your glass. Miguel’s eyebrows furrow. He can feel something’s wrong with you but he doesn’t know what. Did someone say something to you? “What’s wrong? Did you have a bad day at work?” He crosses his arms and leans back on the counter next to you. He notices how you purposefully look away from him, settling on just sipping from your cup. “No.” “Did someone say something to you?” “No.” “Did I do something?” “No.” You said more quickly this time. “Then can you tell me what’s wrong?” Miguel reaches out his arm to try and turn your cheek to face him but you shrug off his touch.
“I said nothing, Miguel.” You feel yourself grow irritated. You wanted to spill but you knew it would only lead to bad things. You didn’t want to start an argument and have it spiral into more arguments that would inevitably ruin your relationship. You take a few steps away from him until you hear Miguel call your name sternly. You pause in your tracks and for a moment, there’s fear. Is he going to yell? Miguel had never yelled at you but you’ve been yelled at before when being…difficult like this. You felt your heart start picking up speed and you held onto your glass tightly. You hear him call your name again, softly this time, but you still hear it as yelling. Miguel touches your arm and you quickly flinch, turning around and taking a step back. You look up at him, an apology about to drop from your lips. “I’m sor–” Your breath hitches. “Did I do something wrong?” He repeats again. Oh, he noticed your tone. “No, I’m–I’m sorry.” Miguel’s eyes soften, a knowing look as he tilts his head and says your name gently, coaxing the truth out of you. “Talk to me, cariño.” He whispers, now both heads coming up to cup your cheeks. You don’t know what to do. It was a risk to talk about what was bothering you, even as small as him coming home late, but it meant a lot to you. You miss him. You take the risk with a shake of your hands. “I…You come home late,” You start off slowly and he waits patiently. “It’s too much for me. Well… maybe not too much, I know how hard you work but it–” You take a deep breath. “It’s not enough. I miss you. I want to see you for more than just a couple hours in the morning and at night. I just want you to be here and I’m sorry if that sounds clingy of me, but it’s how I feel.” You feel your chest tighten up and look down, unable to meet his eyes and failing to see his face crumble. Miguel takes the glass from your hands and places it beside you on the counter. “C’mere.” He whispers, bringing you in a hug again. “And you promised me so it just feels extra bad, y’know? I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You bury yourself in his arms. Miguel shushed you. “Don’t apologize. I should be the one apologizing.” “But you did–you have–” “And yet here we are. I made you cry.” You didn’t notice the way your tone got more nasally or how you hiccuped and sniffled–all of your tears getting soaked up by his collared shirt. “Are you mad?” You ask. Miguel pulls away to wipe away your tear stained cheeks.
“Jesus, no I’m not mad. How could I be mad at you?” You sniffle when his thumb swipes across your cheekbone. “Sweetheart, why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” You shrugged. “You promised and I just…I dunno. I felt like it wasn’t my place to tell you to work less just because I felt lonely.” You try to look away but Miguel doesn’t let you. “I don’t know any other way to tell you this but you are equally as important as my job–maybe even more. You never mentioned that this was bothering you. I could’ve asked for less hours.” “I didn’t want you to get mad at me or think I’m spoiled.” “Baby, it’s my job to spoil you.” Miguel smiles and playfully pinches your cheeks, making you mutter a small ‘ow’ and grin. “I’ve just been taking so much time because everyone there looks at me for answers and advice and other bullshit so they make me oversee everything. But if you want me home, then I’ll come home. Just say the word and I’ll do anything you ask of me.” His tone is soft, as soft as it can be with his deep voice. “That’s a lot of power.” You joke. “It’s yours. I’m yours.” He leans his forehead on yours. “So you’re not mad?” “Not even a little.” “And you’re gonna be coming home earlier?” “Starting tomorrow.” Your smile widens. “Are you sure this is okay? I don’t want you doing things just because I said so.” Your smiles wavers and you slide your arms around his neck. Miguel leans down to pepper kisses along your cheeks, wanting to see you smile more. “Trust me, this is more than okay. A gift even! A couple less hours of work to spend time with the most beautiful, stunning, outstanding, and amazing person in the entire world.” With each compliment, he leaves a giant kiss to your cheeks, forehead, nose and even your chin.
The next day, Miguel comes home way earlier than usual, just when the sun is setting. With more energy than before, he picks you up in his arms and lifts you off the ground after dropping his things to the floor. He runs to the bedroom with you in a fit of laughter, the sound making his heart drum against his chest. He jumps in bed with you, his weight nearly crushing you but you still laugh anyway. “Stop! No outside clothes on the bed!” Miguel smothers you with his lips. “We can clean the sheets later. Let me finally spend time with you.”
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sonicexelle-junkary · 4 months
Okay, Art block has been hitting me hard and I can’t get myself to do work on the AU idea I had, so I can’t make something fun to introduce you guys to the AU first off.
Instead, I’ll simply explain what the story is gonna be about, as well as the plot to it. I’ll include the art I have made so far for the au as well (which isn’t much). Feel free to ask any questions and I’ll answer best I can.
The au takes place in a 1970’s to 1990’s sitcom set of a very popular show called [REDACTED] produced by [REDACTED] (I don’t have proper names for them yet). Pretty much the whole cast of Sonic is here, with our main character Sonic, secondary characetrs Amy, Tails, and Knuckels. As well as occasional and returning guest stars; Shadow, Mighty, Ray, Rouge, Vanilla, Cream, and a whole lot more!
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“But this is a horror AU, right?” I hear you say. “This is for your horror blog. It has to be horror. Is it?” And you’d be right!
After suffering a massive concussion from a falling light fixture on set, Sonic wakes up and finds that nothing is as it seems. In fact, he realizes that as far as he could remember, his life had been a lie, as he’d been living on a set this whole time, and he’d suddenly became aware of the fourth wall.
No matter what he does, he can’t seem to escape the show he was forced into, as the camera follows him the entire time, and he always stumbles back onto set, hearing the “live” audience react to every thing he does or say. His friends don’t believe him. Are they his friends? Are they even real?
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Tune in to follow Sonic on a path of insanity as he tries to escape this hellish nightmare, through endless corridors, sets, rooms, trough this constantly changing place. It’s like someone is taking joy in swatching him slowly break.
Sonic believes that the only way to escape is to go head to head with the director of this show. He will soon find out that would be more of a challenge than he thinks he’s ready for.
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loverofstufflof · 4 months
Six Ears design
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because I am once again not doing alright!!
Some of you may remember my Wukong design where I just mess around to draw a cute monkey, and I am back on my BS yet again! The voices will not shut up about these stupid monkeys!!
I was hoping to finish the entire roster of primates this weekend, but unfortunately life is not yet done slapping me in the face, so here is the one that’s been rotting my brain the most.
Design notes!
Because of we already have a stone monkey, I am keeping things on brand and making all of the primates elemental! Obviously, Míhóu is wood! (More on this when I finish the other two)
His ears are leaves that correlate with seasons! Is it summer? Past ear will be spring, and future ear will be winter, so on and so forth. Yes, they still function as intended, just able to photosynthesize as well.
Same as Shíhóu, I took references from baby langur monkeys and rhesus macaques. I think it makes sense that they’d be approximately the same species, considering the plot.
I couldn’t think of any clothes for him? I guess it makes sense for Wukong to be the only clothing-wearer, because he’s the only one that contacts society, but it still feels weird drawing him nakey.
Little patches of lichen litter his wood-fur in random places (wherever feels cutest), though most notably on his tail. I’m considering reworking it slightly so they specifically go on fluffy/differently coloured parts of actual monkey fur.
Considering the fact that the only proper description we have for Míhóu is when he looks identical to Wukong (and also his namesake) I’ve decided to just ignore trying to follow canon in that right. Makes things more fun.
And that’s all my notes! Really sad I can’t get to Yuanhou and Mahou quite yet (I have so many ideas for them) but I hope I can get to them soon!
Other than that, I’ve made some small refinements to my Shìhòu design—mainly his staff. It felt a bit too Monkie Kid for me. I’ve always wanted to really lean into the “he’s just hulking around a large pillar” idea, so I did some research on Chinese pillar designs and reworked it to resemble a huabiao! Something I’ll likely show when I put out my Gibbon and Baboon art.
And that’s all I got! Have this concept sketch from months ago while I head out to scream into the aether :3c
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 4 months
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POV: There’s a spiky-haired ginger nearby.
Ack, just a few more days, and it’d be a whole month exactly since my last post 🫠 oops… I am working on things, I swear, it’s just, they’re taking longer than I thought they would… And I’ve also just been busy in general, too (not too busy, but busy all the same).
So realizing just how long it’s been, decided to sketch a quick lovestruck Hime because <3 <3 Played around with colors and rendering whilst staying loosey-goosey with it—was fun; especially love those pinks sm… I need more pink sketches, tbh, haha.
No, but I should probably let myself do doodles like this more often, especially in between longer projects (and not, like, dip for a month, ahhh). Helps with being 1) a warm-up (would you believe I barely do warm-ups? ‘Cause I barely do warm-ups… I have awful drawing/writing habits ^^;;;), 2) being a bit more experimental without me nitpicking, and 3) making me feel better about my art in general. ‘Cause, like, part of why it’s taking so long to get a proper post out is because I keep redrawing the same thing over and over again and haven’t even started on coloring…
These, however, can look flawed on purpose, but I’m also just really happy with the result! Ahhh, Hime’s a precious bab, especially a smitten Hime 🥺🥹 (which I don’t draw as often as a smitten Ichigo, I don’t think; she’s, like, more happy/delighted than full-on endeared—shame, shame, shame on me… But, like, his soft puppy dog eyes are also ✨everything✨).
That being said, do expect my next post to be soon (at least, not in a month’s time again…). At the very least, I do plan on whipping up a quick Mother’s Day post (it sneaks up on me every year, so I can’t ever plan one…). But a proper post shouldn’t take much longer after that, I don’t think. I’ll discuss more then.
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leafofkudzu · 3 months
Hi hello my computer exploded earlier this week so apologies for the cursed and late announcement post, but prepare yourselves! The first Saturday of a new month is tomorrow, which means it's time for another...
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[VS] Art Party
July 6th, 2024 Captain's Cut, Stormbluff Isle Bloodtide Coast
Round 1 (EU): 9pm-12am CEST (3pm EDT) Round 2 (NA): 7pm-10pm EDT (1am CEST)
For those who aren’t familiar with art parties, they’re a concept carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - in-game get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all types to hang out, chat, and create together! Get your favorite character/look together, head to the location, find someone that catches your eye, and create! Afterwards, everyone posts their creations in a shared tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see, interact, and share! Tl;dr: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Time and /squadjoin information is under the cut, but will also be posted again via reblogs as the squads go up on the day of the party!
Location Information:
It's another, proper beach episode! While I don't have the technical capacity at the moment to get a map screenshot of the location, it's essentially the southwest edge of Stormbluff Isle, the nearest waypoint being Stormbluff Waypoint! Here's a picture from the wiki of the entire island for reference:
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Time & Squad Details:
As we always do, we’ll be having two parties - one on EU servers and one on NA ones - with an hour break in between. People tend to arrive early and/or jump between accounts as soon as the break comes up, so don’t be surprised to see tags and announcements going up ahead of schedule!
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Summer Time (aka 3pm Eastern Daylight Time or 5 hours before in-game reset). This time due to work conflicts I will NOT be the one starting the squad, but will instead be joining about an hour or so in! So, please welcome our first 'guest' [VS] tag, @vampiricsheep! Please /squadjoin or whisper Vegetarian Maneater for an invite in my absence, it'll treat you well and with my blessing. ♥
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Daylight Time (aka 1am Central European Summer Time or an hour before in-game reset). I’ll be back to hosting this one and be on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Kirslyn for an invite.
Closing Words
I said it at the top of the post but here I am saying it again - I am so sorry for the delay. The intention was to get this out on Mon/Tues at the latest due to me being busy with Dawntrail, but both my SSDs thought it was time to fry themselves and I've been scrambling to rebuild everything from scratch ever since. I've more or less got things back to a usable state now though, so I look forward to seeing everyone (and their shiny new anet-sanctioned beach outfits?) tomorrow! Thank you for always coming out to these and making them fun, they're one of the highlights of my time in game! ♥♥♥
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gremlinmodetweeker · 12 days
Bellowing Bull Calling Home
Please forgive me for not posting any stories in a hot minute! I've just been super busy and tired. I had a whole issue with my meds (thankfully it's been sorted out) and since I'm so angry I wrote something about König getting mad. I really like the idea of being yelled at by this man, so once I get to 500 followers, I might post some snippets of smut.
Also, I'm thinking about opening a Kofi soon. I don't make much money, but it would be a good place to post some more... Interesting drawings, so to speak. I could also take some comissions if anyone is interested. However, I'm not sure yet. I'm just floating the idea.
Anyways, enough about me! Time to read König getting mad because that's super hot.
TWs: König yelling and insulting recruits, slight allusions to degradation kink, allusions to a horrible government secret contained in a suitcase (you never learn what it is)
Wordcount: 4.1K
Art from This Post
Story below the cut
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Bellowing Bull Calling Home
 Normally, visiting König at work was a laughable concept. A PMC base was no place for a simple civilian such as yourself, yet here you were with König’s (supposedly) very important briefcase that he’d been directed to hold close to his chest for the foreseeable future. You’d begged König to let you read them, but he had simply laughed you off and changed the locks on the briefcase again. He then politely hid it out of view to keep you from trying to break into it. You had no intentions of doing so, but apparently whatever was in there was important enough for König to go to such lengths to protect it.
Unfortunately, by hiding the suitcase to keep it out of sight and out of mind from your curious fingers, König had forgotten about it entirely when he left that morning. You wouldn’t have known were the suitcase not sat proud and regal on your humble dining room table.
Sipping your drink and leaning against the counter, you realized you had the perfect opportunity to try and hack the damned thing open. Whatever was in there had König muttering darkly under his breath and leaning away from your touch. Those accursed documents were driving a wedge into your relationship the size and depth of a canyon. Of course, you knew the case was tamper-proof. You knew that if you so much as cracked it open as much as a millimeter, it would most likely set off some sort of alarm if a proper code wasn’t punched in the top. You had the strange feeling, based on the hefty weight in your hands, that the case wouldn’t even so much as dent if you took a simple butterknife to it.
You swung it back and forth as you left the home, the weight of your relationship hanging with the suitcase in your hand. Making your way to the main gates of the base.
A soldier checked your ID before waving you through, getting another soldier to help make your way to your husband.
“So, I don’t know if he’ll be in his office right now, but we can swing by there first,” Horangi chirped as he followed behind you to a long, grey building that sat close to the entrance.
You passed through a series of doors under the judgemental stares of low-ranking officers as Horangi brought you down the linoleum floors to come to a plain wood door, its only decor being a brown and white plaque reading ‘LEICHENBERG’ in big block letters. Horangi flicked the back of his knuckles against the doors twice before rolling back onto the balls of his heels. He looked at the door expectantly, then to you, then knocked again.
“Sometimes I knock and he thinks he’s going crazy,” Horangi explained before turning back to the door, “what he doesn't know is that sometimes I’m walking by and I’ll knock on the door and leave before he can answer it. I don’t think he’s caught on yet.”
You shook your head tiredly. That would at least explain some of König’s strange tendencies as of late, at least. Friends like Horangi tended to shorten lifespans, so if König dropped dead on his next mission, at least you knew who to blame now.
Horangi pulled out a set of keys and unlocked the door to step through into the minimalist office. You balked at his gall, but the way the soldier swaggered through the doorway had you thinking that Horangi was far too comfortable with pushing his way into your husband’s office.
You barely got a chance to see your wedding picture on König's desk before Horangi cleared his throat.
“Whelp, looks like he’s not here,” Horangi sighed as he turned to face you, “guess I can just hand that over to him myself, if you’d like.”
You sighed, “I was really hoping to hand this over to him personally…”
“Why?” Horangi snorted, “so you can go fuck in a closet or something?”
“No!” you gasped, “I just… I wanted to see him. I never get to see him at work so, you know... I thought this might be a good chance to see what he's like at work.”
“Well who am I to deny such a fine and noble venture?” you could hear Horangi’s shit-eating grin through his mask, “if we’re gonna track down König, we gotta use plan B.”
“Plan B?” you asked warily.
“Plan B!” Horangi cheered before sauntering over and slinging an arm over your shoulder, “looks like we’re going on a goose chase today.”
“Please not a wild one.”
“It’s gonna be a wild one.”
You groaned as Horangi’s laughter echoed off the empty walls of König’s office. It figured that the one day you had to go to König’s work he’d be squirreled away into the farthest corner of the base. He had a habit of being in the wrong spot at the wrong time, which made you all the more anxious every time he was sent on deployment. It also had a tendency to haunt you in your daily life when he returned home to your awaiting arms.
Horangi trotted down the halls, conveniently pushing you past anything he considered a bit too explicit for civilian eyes and ensuring you were in front of him to prevent you from skiving off to some derelict corner of the base.
“König usually likes to go to the gym when he’s frustrated about something,” Horangi explained as he brought you from the main building to a separate section of the base. Once inside, Horangi rounded on the help desk like a tiger on a deer.
“So, Matrice,” Horangi drawled as he leaned his chin on the heel of his hand, somehow exuding smugness through his mask and sunglasses, “you wouldn’t happen to know where ol’ Col. Leichenberg is, would you?”
“Uh…” Matrice darted her dark eyes between Horangi and you, then down to the suitcase fearfully.
“König’s my husband,” you offered.
“König has a wife?” Matrice shook her dark curls as she tapped away on her archaic keyboard, “nobody ever tells me anything around here...”
“Well maybe if you actually came to the staff parties, you might get to know us a bit better,” Horangi slyly slid the dig into the conversation with serpentine ease.
“Horangi, last time I attended a KorTac hoedown you threw up in my car,” Matrice grumbled, “I’m never gonna be your DD again.”
“I don’t remember it being that bad,” Horangi snorted, then turned and muttered, “not that I remember that much anyways…”
“And that’s why I’m not your DD anymore,” Matrice scrolled through the page a couple of times before shrugging and turning to you, “sorry ma'am, but you’re outta luck here. Maybe try checking the cafeteria? It’s nearly lunch. Big boy's gotta eat."
“König would be the first out to lunch,” you grumbled after you thanked the woman. Horangi paid no mind to your whinging and simply turned you back around to head back to the main building.
“If it makes you feel better,” Horangi offered as he firmly pushed you across the road, “I think I saw him cut down on red meat the other day.”
“We’ll see how long that lasts,” you rolled your eyes. 
Horangi only laughed as he opened the door for you.
“I’m serious! He needs to watch what he eats!” you insisted as Horangi led you into the belly of the PMC.
“You know, sometimes I think about what your grocery budget is like, and then I think I'd rather go back to South Africa than have to pay your bills for a month,” Horangi chirped as he stopped you from missing a right turn, “watch your step.”
“You know it would be easier if you were the one in front,” you huffed as you swung down the bland corridor.
“I don’t like the thought of you being out of sight,” Horangi explained as he guided you around yet another corner, “König’s said some interesting things about you.”
“You guys talk about me?” you cast a glare over your shoulder at the tall Korean man.
“What else are we gonna talk about?” Horangi shrugged, “living on base isn’t exactly exciting. Dunno if you civvies got the memo, but there’s only so many times you can talk about special secret missions before it just gets boring.”
“Special secret missions?” you perked up.
“Cleaning duty assigned to whatever poor fucker got the shit end of the stick,” Horangi clarified.
You groaned, then complained, “Please tell me he doesn’t say bad things.”
“Not really,” Horangi replied, “but he tells me a little bit. Just the juicy bits.”
“Really?” you scoffed, “like what?”
“Did you actually forget your own birthday this year?”
You flushed, which seemed to be enough proof for Horangi to laugh at your humiliation.
“He told me you nearly had a heart attack when he told you,” Horangi snickered.
“Oh really?” the cafeteria came into view, “well has he told you he eats other people’s lunches as snacks?”
Horangi sighed, “I figured it was him. It’s not hard to guess that one.”
“Has he told you that he ate Stilleto’s cake?”
Horangi paused, “I thought he was a better man.”
“We both did,” you shook your head morosely, “but I guess she stole his evening snack or something?”
“Oh my God he didn’t try to justify it, did he?” Horangi groaned.
“I tried to explain it to him but he wouldn’t have it,” you pushed the door to the cafeteria open.
The massive room was empty save for a table of sergeants playing poker and a couple of officers sharing a coffee. The room was notably absent of any giant men with a propensity for malicious snacking. The warm and inviting smell of the room made you want to grab one of those dishwater coffees they served and kick up your feet, get a taste of the military experience, but the suitcase felt hot in your hands.
“Looks like he’s not here,” Horangi pointed out the obvious, “so maybe he’s outside training one of his teams? I hope not…”
“Why don’t we check?” you offered.
“But it’s so far…” Horangi trailed off weakly as you marched past him, “hey! Where are you going!?”
“To see König!” you called back.
Horangi rolled his eyes, but followed behind you regardless.
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The outdoor training area had been split into three squads of men, each squad being led by a different officer. The first leader Horangi brought you to had looked you up and down suspiciously before promptly turning a shade of milk white when he spotted the suitcase in your arms.
“What the hell are you doing with that!?” the portly man squawked as he jabbed a finger at the offending black pleather suitcase.
“My husband forgot it before going to work,” you spoke softly, taken aback by the man’s animated reaction.
“Wh-König just left it at home?” the man’s pale skin was steadily flushing to a beet red the longer you let him sit with your answer.
“Can you show me where he is? I need to get this back to him,” you tried to calm him but he only grew steadily more upset.
“You’re telling me König left that suitcase in the hands of a damn civilian?” the man scoffed, “König’s an idiot, but he can’t be that stupid!”
“She’s probably telling the truth, Baker,” Horangi interjected.
Baker steamrolled over him with the grace of a bulldog chasing a rat, “So where the hell did you get that?”
“It was just on my kitchen ta-”
“It was on your what!?” Baker howled.
“Baker!” Horangi barked, finally making the man pause to let you breathe, “this is König’s wife.”
Baker’s eyes widened as his mouth dropped into a perfect ‘o’. He turned to you with a sheepish smile, “Sorry, ma’am, I… I should’ve put two and two together but just seeing a random civilian with that in their hands and… Well… You gotta understand, right?”
You tried to steel your nerves as you replied, “It’s alright! Don’t worry about it.”
“I really should apologize though,”  Baker blundered on, “I mean if I’d only known you were König’s wife I never would’ve-”
“Baker please,” Horangi pinched his nose bridge, “cut the shit. I’m really not in the mood to listen to you kiss ass for an hour straight.”
“Understood sir,” Baker snapped his jaw shut before subtly turning to you, “please don’t mention anything to König.”
“I won’t,” you assured him kindly.
“Thank God,” Baker quietly made the sign of a cross before returning back to his platoon.
Horangi dragged you along to the next platoon, quietly ignoring Baker’s inability to direct you to König. Instead you were brought before a short man with notably thick dark eyebrows, accentuating his severe browline as he scowled at his soldiers.
“G’day Horangi 'ow are what the hell is she holding,” the man glared at you as though you were but dirt beneath his steel-toed boots.
“This is König’s wife,” Horangi cut you off before you could even start, “she’s here to deliver what he forgot at home.”
The man’s dark eyes darted from you back to Horangi, “You’re tellin’ me big boy over there forgot the damn-”
“Don’t say it,” Horangi interjected harshly, “don’t you dare.”
“She don’t know?” the man whispered.
“Not a word,” Horangi’s threat was nearly lost under the shouts of men and the screams of whistles.
The man looked unnerved, but nodded along begrudgingly.
“Right, well, you’re lookin’ for the big guy?” the man glanced between you both.
“Sure are,” Horangi nodded.
“Well yer in luck!” the man’s face lit up, “big boy’s just over there.” With that, he pointed out into the distance at one big man sitting in a navy blue folding chair whilst commanding the smallest group of soldiers, no more than a squad in number. His back was to them, but it was clear it was none other than König. If nothing else, the mask on his face in the sweltering hot sun was a dead giveaway. It was a miracle you didn’t see him earlier.
“Damn,” Horangi spat, “you really think it would be easier to find him, but he’s damn good at getting lost in a crowd.”
“When ‘e’s in that chair it’s hard to spot ‘im,” the man chuckled, “now get outta my sight with that damned thing. Gives me the heebie-jeebies just lookin’ at it.”
You glanced down at the suitcase and back at Horangi.
“You don't want to know. Seriously,” Horangi muttered as he urged you onwards.
Instead of taking in the weight of Horangi's ominous utterances, you focussed on making your way to König with a skip in your step, eager to see your beloved husband. You were so eager that you didn’t notice how he tensed up as you drew close. Just as you were about to greet him, he slowly rose from his seat with a blood-curdling howl sent straight from hell itself.
“YOU!” König bellowed like a brazen bull, “JEFFERSON, YOUNG, MANDULU! GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW.”
You stopped dead in your tracks. You had never, never, in your life ever heard König yell like that before. Sure he could curse up a wicked storm when he stunned his toe on the corner of your table, but this? This was another beast entirely. The mere thought of König yelling like this had been completely foreign to you.
“YOU USELESS ANIMALS,” König raged as he rounded in on the three cowering soldiers, “I have never, in my entire life, seen such incompetence,” König drew himself up to his full height, making even you shiver in your shoes, “and yet here you three are before me. What gives you the right to call yourself soldiers!?”
“I’m sorry sir, it won’t happen again,” the middle man’s voice quivered as he stepped forward for the others.
König’s laugh sounded downright demonic, “You’re apologizing for what? I haven’t even told you what you did wrong!”
You looked back at Horangi, who only threw you two thumbs up as he smartly backed away. You glared at his retreating form before König forcefully grabbed your attention.
“All three of you have been nothing but DEAD WEIGHT to the rest of your team. I’ve seen better performances from drunks moping up their own VOMIT!” König snarled as he drew close to the men, circling them like a hyena stalks its prey, “fucking Aziz is doing better than any of you. And Mandulu!” König clucked his tongue as the terracotta skinned man quivered like an aspen tree when König's voice dropped to a lull, “I expected better of you. You’re supposed to be up for promotion, yeah?" König leaned in close to scream, "DOES THIS PERFORMANCE WARRANT A GOD DAMN PROMOTION?” König’s face wasn’t even a foot from the man’s nose, leaning down and coating him with hot breaths from his draconic lungs.
The man, Mandulu, slumped as all fear left his body, totally replaced with encroaching shame. He dropped his head down, before tearfully admitting, “No sir.”
A part of you wanted to intervene. You felt like you were witnessing a torture session with how König rounded on this poor man, but something held you back. Maybe it was fear, but maybe, just maybe… It was arousal.
You hated to admit it, but something about watching König’s muscles bulge in his neck as his mask swayed forth when he leaned down over men who easily dwarfed you excited you. You almost wished that you were in their shoes, but watching was more than enough. He was a glorious sight, rage burning like the sun as he lorded over his men like a god. He was a mountain of a man with how he held himself up above his victims. You wished to lay before him like Prometheus, let him rip you apart with his talons.
“And you two,” König spat as he turned to the others, “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ON YOUR PHONES? What are you doing twenty feet off looking at the others while they work like ACTUAL FUCKING SOLDIERS.”
One meekly spluttered, “Sir we were just-”
“Just what? Laughing at Goetz?” you could see König whipping himself up into a frenzy as he hurled his next insults, “GOETZ HAD KNEE SURGERY THREE MONTHS AGO AND IS STILL HAULING YOUR USELESS ASSES ACROSS THE GODDAMN FIELD. AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PLAYING ON YOUR GODDAMN PHONES!!!”
You shuddered. If there was one thing König hated, it was soldiers on their phone during training. You gave a silent prayer for the poor men.
König stalked around them slowly, “I should have you thrown out. What would I be losing? Nothing! Not a single thing! I might actually gain something without you two dragging us down!”
The men cowered miserably. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for them, despite knowing the abuse was more than well deserved. From the sounds of it, it was a miracle König hadn’t beaten them to a pulp. Now that… That would be a sight to witness…
“ALL OF YOU,” König snapped as he finally stood to face the three men directly, “Mandulu! Give me a ten page report on all the reasons you’re still worthy of a promotion today at eighteen-hundred exactly, or you’re up for recycling. For the next half hour, you’re running laps around the yard. Maybe think how you'll structure your points, ja?” he turned to the other two, this time with a sadistic gleam in his eyes. You knew that under his mask, he was grinning from ear to ear through the fury etched into his face. “And you two!” he cackled, “give me your phones. For the next week, you’re going to be putting your phones in lock boxes. You’re going to carry those fucking boxes from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. If you’re good little boys, you’ll get your phone for an hour before lights out. Are we clear?”
“But sir, my wife-”
The man shrunk into himself like he’d been burned by the flames of König’s fury.
“You are to carry your phones in lockboxes for the next two weeks! Are we clear?” König snapped.
“Yes sir,” the two miserable whelps squeaked out before König finally relaxed.
The goliath finally stood straight before them, “All three of you! Dismissed!”
“Yes sir,” the three men saluted and slunk off miserably.
Just as Mandulu looked like he couldn’t be in any worse of a state, König called out, “And Mandulu?" the man raised his dark for eyes, "I’m disappointed.”
The poor man looked like his whole spirit had just been crushed to dust. His face crumpled in just briefly before he quickly turned his face and quietly left.
You watched the poor man leave with his tail tucked between his legs before turning to look at König. He was shaking his head slowly as he turned his back on his soldiers, all of whom were watching him for further instruction. He quietly turned to them, barked a couple of commands that had the soldiers scurrying into actions, then turned back to stare off into the distance. Incidentally, that was right at you.
“Ah!” König stiffened slightly as he locked eyes with you, “meine liebe! What are you doing here?”
“I brought this for you,” you held up the suitcase that had been weighing you down all day.
“Oh mein Gott,” König gasped as he rushed over, “ohhhhh mein Gott meine leibe I can’t believe you found this. I can’t believe I forgot oh mein Gott.”
“I figured you might need it,” you laughed as you handed the suitcase over.
“I knew I was forgetting something, but this? If one of my superiors saw me without this,” König shuddered, “I don’t even want to think about it.”
“Well it’s a good thing I got it for you!” you smiled brightly before scowling, “it was really hard to find you though.”
“Oh?” König put the case down and put his hands on your shoulders, “where did you think I was?”
“Well, first Horangi took me to your office-”
“Please tell me he didn’t take you inside,” König groaned.
“He did,” you chirped, “but he did knock twice at least.”
“Well that’s something,” König grumbled, “so where did you go next?”
“We went to the cafeteria afterwards,” you placed your hands on König’s hips and shifted from side to side.
“You went to the cafeteria? Why didn’t you come here first?” König scoffed in mock offense.
“König,” you cupped his masked face in your hands, “I know you too well to not check the cafeteria second.”
König sniffed indignantly but let you continue your regales of your odyssey.
“So anyways, when you weren’t in the cafeteria, Horangi took me out here to find you! It took us a couple of tries, but we got here in the end!” you lightly kissed the inside of his wrist, making him chuckle sheepishly.
“So you saw all that?” König grimaced.
“All of it,” you told him, “I feel kinda bad for them though…”
“Ach,” König scratched the back of his head, “Jefferson and Young are fucking idiots, but Mandulu is usually one of my best. I don’t know what got into him today…”
“Maybe he’s going through a tough time?” you asked.
“I really hope not,” König winced, “if he is… Well, I can’t apologize. And if he were out on the fields it wouldn’t matter, so this is a good experience. Still,” König paused as he looked off to where Mandulu left, “I hope tomorrow is better.”
“Can't you go easy on him?” you asked hopefully.
“It’s because I like him that I have to be harder,” König patted your head lovingly, “if I’m soft, he’ll never be what he wants to be. If I’m hard on him, he might get to my rank in a couple of years.”
“That fast!” you whistled, “he must really be something special.”
“I was the one who put him up for promotion,” König brought his hands back to his hils, “but… You weren’t upset by any of that, were you?”
“Not really,” you shook your head, “if anything, it was kinda hot.”
“You thought me going red in the face is ‘hot’?” König shook his head in disbelief, “you’re a strange woman.”
“It’s cool to see you when you get all angry and stuff,” you chirped, then quietly added, “it would be hot if you yelled at me like that.”
“I don’t want the neighbors to know about your kinks,” König drawled as you blushed, “but if you really want, we could always try something when we get home.”
“Could we really?” you grinned eagerly.
“Well, not like that,” König pointed over his shoulder at where the three men had stood, “but I’m sure we can figure something out. Now,” he picked up the suitcase, “do you need a lift home?”
“I’ll be alright,” you assured him, “do you need me to go?”
“I'd hate for you to go so soon. If you like, I can meet you back in my office, but as you can see I’m a bit busy just right now,” König gestured over to the soldiers hauling a massive log over their shoulders from one end of the muddy field to the other.
“Can you at least give me a kiss before I go?” you asked.
“Of course,” König laughed.
Without missing a beat, König lifted his mask up to lean down and press a kiss against your lips. He held you tight briefly, then let you step back from his grasp. His eyes shone with an undying warmth as he took in your form once more.
“Colonel König has a face!” a soldier screamed in the distance.
König closed his eyes as he let out an exasperated groan.
“They’ve never seen your face?” you asked.
“They’ve never been on the field with me,” König explained before ruffling your hair, “now go to my office. I’ll be there soon, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too,” you blew him a kiss as you walked off back to the main building.
As you did, you could hear König raging and roaring at the soldiers from behind you. You felt bad, but you knew you’d be on the receiving end of König’s rage soon enough. Funnily enough, you looked forward to it.
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Story Masterlist
95 notes · View notes
rayman-raymania · 4 months
Raymania update!
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WOW HEY it’s been awhile! So long in fact, that I’ve been updating and working on Raymania in a story/episodic format!
i have much to cover in this update, but I’ll try and keep it short!
first of all, THANK YOU for following the blog! We love seeing the engagement and how you all respond to Raymania!! I feel repetitive but thank you so much for loving our Au!! Even if we’re slowing down in content, I hope to make more for you to enjoy!💖💖💖💖 the boys would love y’all too :)))
Whats been up with Raymania?
I’ve been planning, plotting, and working on Raymania as a story and show type of format! And with that- a little bit of a re-write! I’ve been solidifying the characters, new characters being added, and working out future and past events! It feels more fleshed out and I’m happy with how it’s developing!
How were gonna dish out this content is still being decided on, but until then I’ll keep on working on Raymania and beyond!
What does this new rewrite mean for the blog?
I have in mind three things:
We will continue to answer and respond to questions and comments!
Be able to post silly content like doodles and drawing pieces, unrelated to the current story, including info posts for the Raymans and more!
Lastly we have the proper story and plot, this is a bigger project to take on and most likely won’t appear for awhile unless we drop art or content related to it
we hope to get back to you guys properly soon!! Thanks for reading and have a good day!
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127 notes · View notes
archerlullaby · 9 months
Hello friends! It’s been a long while since I posted, but here’s a piece based off of @kikker-oma ‘s incredible whumptober art! Go check it out!
Sky is tired. So tired. Tired of walking, tired of how his lungs burn when the forest grows thick, tired of how his callouses tore after the fifth time he raised it in battle today. Tired of—
“Pick up your feet Sky. By what Wild says, we won’t make it to Necluda if we keep going at this pace.”
Warriors pats him on the back and moves ahead of him without even so much as a glance. Sky closes his eyes in agitation but sighs his annoyance away. You’re the peacemaker. The peacemaker is calm. The peacemaker smiles. You don’t get upset with your brothers, especially when they’re just trying to help. “Sky! What’d I tell you? Hurry it up!” Warriors’s voice breaks through his calming mantra and Sky grits his teeth.
“Yes! Coming!” He picks up his feet, catching up with the group with a wheeze he hides in his sleeve.
The sun grows hot, and though the surface world of Wild’s land is beautiful, it seems to have a personal vendetta against Sky’s lungs. Having spent most of his life up in the Skyloft where the airborne irritants are few, this forest full of different flowers, trees, and grasses is a far throw from what his lungs are used to. Unsurprisingly, it doesn’t take long until he feels that oh-so familiar band tightening around his chest. He focuses his breaths, trying to ignore the urge to cough, to yawn, to do anything to get more air in his chest so that the group doesn’t catch on.
“If you’re having trouble breathing, Sky, you should loosen your sailcloth. It likely doesn’t help being tied around your neck like that,” Warriors says, shooting him a backwards glance as if to say “I can hear you choking on the very air you breathe, dumbass.” Sky smiles thinly and tugs at the knot, loosening it slightly. Obviously that wasn’t what he meant. Warriors is just trying to help, as always, Sky chides himself.
“Right as always, Captain. Thank you.”
“Hmmm,” Warriors replies, giving Sky a quick once-over with a raised brow before turning forward again. Sky grits his teeth, hanging back away from the group to gather his thoughts and squash the buzz of annoyance that has once again invaded his headspace.
Master, I detect a rise in blood pressure and slight emotional instability. I suggest you take a break.
Fi’s voice echoes in his head and, unlike the usual calming affect her voice has, it only serves to muddle his thoughts.
“Now’s not the time, Fi,” Sky mutters.
On the contrary, master. There is a high probability of both your physical and mental health deteriorating further if you do not rest soon.
Sky merely groans inwardly and puts his focus into making one foot go in front of the other, which would be a relatively easy task had Warriors not fallen back to walk astride him.
“Sky, I think we need to work a little on proper hand care. A warrior is only as effective with a blade as his hands are capable of holding it, and I can tell that yours are hurting,” Warriors chides gently. The buzzing in Sky’s head gets louder.
“I’ll keep that in mind, thanks,” he replies stiffly. Warriors huffs.
“You’re not taking me seriously.”
“Now is not a good time, Wars.”
“Well, forgive me for trying to help you!” Warriors throws his hands in the air dramatically. “Listen. I’m just worried about you. I can tell you’re in pain, and I have a lot of experience with—”
Sky stops in his tracks, allowing the group to move ahead, leaving him alone with the other man. The annoyance that has been simmering all day suddenly ignites into something hotter. “Oh, and I don’t have experience?” He says, his voice low. Warriors looks at him with surprise, then rolls his eyes.
“Goddesses, Sky, don’t be ridiculous, you know that’s not what I meant. What’s with you?”
“What’s with me? What’s with you?”
Warriors opens his mouth to retort but Time’s voice rings out from ahead.
“It’s a dangerous place to fall behind!” Time says, the warning clear. Warriors gives one last look at Sky before turning on his heel and stalking back towards the group. Sky knew it was foolish to get in a fight over something so meaningless, but he was just so damn exhausted. He put a shaky hand to his chest and took a too-shallow breath. Can’t think straight. Can’t breathe right. Apparently I can't even take care of myself, according to Mr. High and Mighty, Sky thinks bitterly.
When he finally gathers himself enough to continue walking, the group is far enough ahead to where he can’t discern who is talking. Unease shoots through him and he begins to jog to catch up, but doubles over in a fit of coughing in just a few measly steps. When it finally subsides, he wipes the spittle from the edges of his mouth with one hand, his other supporting himself on his knee. With a groan of exasperation, he tries to blink away the spots in his vision
Master, behind—
Sky looks up blearily to see Wild sprinting at him with a familiar glint in his eye just in time for a spear to imbed itself into the ground less than six inches from his boot. He has the right sense to throw himself to the side just as a Lizalfos’s tail sweeps the air right where his legs were a moment ago. Still recovering from his coughing fit, he wheezes as his hand reaches for the Master Sword, easily pulling the blade from the sheathe but not without throwing him off balance as he backpeddles away from the long reach of the monster’s spear. He lands on his back on the forest floor, bringing the sword up to defend himself best he could as the Lizalfos jumps on top of him.
Before it could complete its attack, a blur of royal blue body slams the creature off of him, both figures tumbling to ground with a thud. Twilight is not far behind, pulling Wild up with a single hand as the duo faces off with the creature. A hand tugs Sky up to his feet.
“Are you injured?” Time’s steady voice cuts through the air. Sky merely shakes his head, turning to help Twilight and Wild, but finds that the two have already dealt the final blow. Wild flicks his sword expertly to clean his blade, a grin on his face as Twilight glowers at him.
“Seriously? You have almost every weapon in the books and yet you still choose to tackle it?” Twilight baps Wild upside the head before chuckling. “Black-blooded too? You’re a maniac.”
Sky shoots Wild a shaky smile.
“Thanks, champ. I was in a bad way,” he says quietly. Wild merely shrugs.
“Sure thing. Also, we should keep moving. Where there’s one, there’s more,” he replies, before pointing and walking back to the path. “We’re only about an hour out. We can get to a safe part of the woods before the sun sets.”
The group follows Wild and Sky falls into line, acutely aware of how Warriors has not said a single word through the entire ordeal. The adrenaline wears off, leaving Sky feeling worse than he was before.
Just as Wild promised, they reach a clearing just as the sun touches the horizon. With a groan, Wind drops his pack and flops onto the ground.
“Ughh! My feet are falling off!” Wind exclaims, voice muffled by the grass. Sky watches as Warriors approaches the youngest and laughs, squatting beside the boy and ruffling his hair.
“Oh, come on, sailor! You could’ve asked me to carry you! Or we could have slowed it down a bit!” Warriors grins down at Wind.
Outrage. Slowed down a bit? Anger shoots through Sky as he hears Warriors continue to talk to Wind. Where was that sympathy when I couldn’t breathe? When he knew I was struggling?
Master, your heart rate has jumped to 115 beats per minute, an increase of 64.23 percent from two minutes ago. Sitting down would be a logical course of action.
“Yes. Yep. Sitting down, thanks Fi,” Sky makes out through gritted teeth. Taking off his armor and setting the Master Sword aside, he does his best to breathe. Rolling up his sleeves, he basks in the cooling air. He sits with eyes closed, face towards the darkening forest, listening to the sounds of the coming night, the crickets chirping, the frogs croaking. All is well. All is well and you are calm. You are the peacemaker…
“—Do not believe he should take watch tonight. I am not confident in his line of thinking right now,” Warriors’s voice cut through Sky’s meditation. Sky’s eyes snap open as he tunes in to what was clearly supposed to be a private conversation. Not confident?
“Can you check on him?”
“Time, I don’t think that’s a good idea. He clearly wants to be alone, and to be honest, I don’t feel like holding a conversation with him right now.”
“Don’t, Time. He’s been off all day, and there are already tensions between us. And with that stunt he pulled earlier? I already told him once to catch up. His lackadaisical actions could’ve gotten people hurt, or worse. Something has to change. I’m trying to figure out what to do with him.”
Sky heard Time say something in return, but the anger that had clouded his mind blocked it out. He rose slowly, turning towards the two with rage written across his face. Time notices him first and places a hand on Warriors’s shoulder.
“What to do with me?” He hisses, stalking towards Warriors.
“Sky—” Warriors starts, tugging out of Time’s grasp.
“What to do with me?” Sky stops nearly chest-to-chest with the other man. “What am I? A child?”
“No, Sky, that’s not—”
“Or maybe I’m one of your soldiers that you can command? Is that it, Captain?”
Warriors’s gaze darkens. “Well then, maybe, if it would help you get your head out of the clouds, perhaps it would be best to start thinking like the knight you are, Skyloftian,” he replies.
Sky was breathing hard, his wheezing starting to come back. Fi chimes from where he left her, but he ignores her warning. “You have been on my ass all day! There is no doing anything right with you is there? Because you’re always so perfect!”
“I’ve been helping you all day, because you clearly need it! Maybe you should use that head of yours to listen!”
“I don’t need your help!” Sky’s voice has risen, drawing attention from the others. Time merely stands aside with crossed arms, electing to let the two men settle their differences. “I don’t need you to tell me how fast to walk, I don’t need you to tell me how to take care of myself, I don’t need your two-sense on if I am capable of standing watch or not!”
“Is that so? Then explain to me how you got yourself trapped under the spear of a Lizalfos if not for you and your lack of ability to think for yourself?” Warriors spits.
Rage makes Sky’s mind go blank. He shoves the other man before gathering his tunic in his fist, pulling Warriors towards him, their faces mere inches apart. Sky could feel angry tears burning his eyes, and he was angry, so angry, and so, so tired.
“I’m getting real tired of you treating me like the village idiot, Captain!” Sky snarls.
Warriors’s hand wraps easily around Sky’s wrists, pressing bruises into the skin as he leans forward, his face red with anger. “You are way out of line, Chosen,” he snarls and yanks on Sky’s arm, which doesn’t budge. “You need to step back before I make you.”
Chosen? I’ll show you chosen, is Sky’s last conscious thought before he raises his lips in a snarl.
“Make me.”
Fi’s voice rings and reverberates in his head, but he chooses to ignore it as the hair on his neck and arm rise, the buzzing in his head deafening. He fails to see how Warriors’s eyes change from anger to fear, or how he tries to pry Sky’s fist from his tunic. He is aware of yelling, and then Warriors is ripped from his grip and a strong pair of arms is encompassing his chest. A sharp pop fills the air, then silence, and the next thing he knows he’s gazing up at a sky full of stars, something hard at his back. There is an odd energy in the air, and it smells of ozone. Ozone? Oh…oh no. Oh no, no, no, what have I done?
A voice in his ear snaps Sky out of his panic. “Time?”
“That’s me,” Time’s voice replies.
Sky scrambles off of him and turns, his hands ghosting over the other man.
“Did…did I burn you anywhere? Does your head feel okay? Oh, I’m so, so sorry!” Sky exclaims, tears springing to his eyes. Time merely chuckles from where he lays on the ground.
“I’m fine Sky. But maybe I won’t wear my armor next time you call electricity forth from your person,” he says with a wince as he sits up.
“I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay.”
“No, I really—”
“Sky.” Time stands and grabs him by the shoulders. “Don’t apologize to me. Gather yourself, and when you’re ready, go to Warriors. I believe a calm conversation would do you good. As adults.” Sky nods. Time looks at him skeptically. “And I reiterate, as adults,” he says again, raising an eyebrow.
“Yes, I understand,” Sky murmurs, “Thank you.” Times nods and moves away, gesturing at the others to go about their business. Warriors is nowhere to be seen.
Sky makes his way over to his space, laying out his sleeping roll, gently refusing the food Wild brings to him (until Wild shoves it in his face with an unsettling glare), and apologizes to Fi for not heeding her warning. She chimes quietly in response, never one to hold a grudge. After several hours into the night, Sky still can’t sleep despite Fi’s gentle plea to get some rest, so he stands and searches the camp for Warriors. Legend, who is on watch, glances at Sky then simply juts his chin towards the edge of the camp, towards a large stump at the woodline. Sky smiles his thanks.
Gathering his courage, Sky walks towards the stump. On the other side, he can see the top of a blond head and a familiar blue scarf. Sky pauses just before reaching the stump.
“May I…join you?” Sky asks softly. Warriors merely gestures a spot next to him on the grass. Sky settles next to him, and they sit in silence for a while until Wars breaks it.
“So. Lightning,” he says. Sky winces inwardly.
“Oh…yeah. It’s a long story,” he replies, “And not a very happy one, unfortunately,” he adds quietly. Warriors nods understandingly. Silence again.
“It’s okay Sky.”
“I should be the one apologizing to you,” Wars finally turns and faces him, regret in his eyes. “I was insensitive. Uncaring. I knew that you were being hurt by my words and I didn’t stop.”
Sky shook his head. “I was too lost in my own emotions to see that I was losing control. I almost hurt you out of anger. I hurt Time,” he sighs, resting his head in his hands. “You’re right. Sometimes I am too undisciplined to call myself a knight.”
Warriors shoves his shoulder. “None of that. We all have our moments. Yours wouldn’t have happened had I not been such a moblin-headed idiot,” he declares. “But truly. I am so very sorry, Sky. I was on edge already from traveling in Wild’s world and I took it out on you.”
Sky nods. “Thank you. And I’m sorry as well. For almost, you know…”
“Electrocuting me?”
Sky nods again.
“Eh. I deserved it,” Warriors chuckles. A smile pulls at the edges of Sky’s mouth and they fall into a comfortable silence. Warrior’s arm falls across Sky’s shoulders and he pulls him into a hug.
“You’re still my brother. You know that?” Wars mumbles into Sky’s hair.
“And you’re mine,” Sky replies softly, melting into the embrace as tears prick at his eyes for the third time that day. “I love all of you to death,” he adds.
“Yeah, we’re pretty great, huh?” The other laughs quietly, Sky chuckling in return.
They stay like that for a long while. The night grows colder and the moon is high in the cloudless sky, the stars dancing far above the canopy of trees below. Sky feels his eyelids grow heavy, the warm embrace lulling him into sleep until Warriors nudges him to sit up.
“You should go back to your bedroll and get some real sleep. I know you’re exhausted,” he tells Sky.
“Dn wnna mve,” Sky mumbles in response.
“Try to move me again and I will strike you with lightning,” He says, cracking an eye open and glaring halfheartedly at Warriors, who laughs in response.
“Alright, alright! Sleep well, Sky,” he whispers. A beat. “And for what it’s worth, I love you too. You lot are the best family I could ever ask for.”
Sky smiles, pulling the soft fabric of the scarf over his shoulder, and falling into a dreamless sleep.
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skriblee-ksk · 3 months
“I checked the drinks… Princes’ outfits are up to code… Grimmy’s with Ryoko right now… I didn’t forget anything, did I?”
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“Okay. Ready as I’ll ever be…! Let’s make this ball a success!”
Set to Home Screen: Are you ready? I’ll wait for you, if you need me to.
Home Transition:
1: Woah… The chandeliers are so bright and sparkly… 12 arms from the bottom bowl, which are four more than the one in the Mirror Chamber, but the top… Ah, sorry!
2: Deuce called me Lady Kiyuu earlier, which really made me happy. I would have worn a pretty dress, but these clothes are a lot warmer and comfier. I think I managed to make myself look feminine either way!
3: Kalim’s really enjoying talking to the attendees. He seems to be getting friendly with everyone, including people from RSA! Must be because he’s familiar with hosting parties.
4: So many attractive people are here… I wonder if I’d be bothering them if I said I wanted to take a picture of them…?
Home, after Login: This ball is really fun! If I lean back on this wall and squint, it just looks like a blur of blue, white, and gold. I think it’s nice that there’s a time these schools can merge like this.
Tap Home:
1: I’m excited to vote for the Belle of the Ball! Huh? Oh, no, I never had any intent to participate. I just enjoy seeing pretty people.
2: Ah, what? Oh, I’m just reviewing my notepad to make sure I’m not forgetting any etiquette. I’m doing perfectly well, so far! I reviewed it before I entered too, but just in case, you know?
3: Oh, no, wait, Grim’s gonna devour the entire table of finger foods at this rate. I’ll be right back!
4: I know I’m supposed to be helping the princes out, but I’m not sure if I’m doing a proper job here… Hm? You think I’m doing pretty well? Mm… Hehe, thanks!
5: It’s a little bit harder than usual to catch the attention of the attendees here since there’s so many people… Well, I guess I just have to find better ways to make my presence known!
Glimmering Soirée is a twst fan event hosted by: @starry-night-rose!!
Groovy Lines: Unlocked
Notes and stuff under cut!!
Groovy art coming soon!! maybe. hopefully. i have the sketch done so hopefully i can finish lol. I slightly tried imitating the twst shading style, but idk.
I searched up men’s victorian era clothing and ended w making this design. few obvious design changes in the end (color) result, mostly the gloves.
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Here’s the pic without the SR thing! And the sneak peak for the groovy (which i rlly tryharded on so maybe i should’ve listed it as an ssr but whatevs i’ll leave that to my friend + ryoko because ryoko deserves that ssr title)
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And tag list for my friend who rlly wanted to be tagged in Kiyuu stuff (if you wanted be added, just tell me!!): @kathxrat-01
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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YES, PLEASE AND THANK YOU @snazzy-jas-z-is-a-fan-of !!
(Find the royal au writing masterpost here 💕)
And I’ll do an art-only version of this post for your reblogging pleasure here :) there's always always more to be said about this so I might make another post on the same topic but later
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Anyway onto the juicy stuff
Okay so. Evermore and Palmetto both have glove etiquette, but in Evermore Nathaniel never had to worry about it, because he was expected to constantly be wearing gloves from first day he’s able to after getting nasty scars on his hands. Except for when he’s working or helping Nathan work. The nobles and specifically Prince Riko made it clear that they had no desire to see how ugly his hands were. (This is also why he has a habit of wearing a little of his hair down on the left side; it helped cover the scars on his cheek that ruined his pretty complexion.)
Then he comes to Palmetto and Day introduces him to a whole new set of rules. Gloves are a common and important part of dress and fashion, but people are also able to decide whether or not to wear them at any given time. The only real rules on gloves are when not to wear them; you always take off gloves to eat or drink, and to offer your hand in greeting or service.
Nathaniel gets to kind of ease into it; he’s not around anyone important enough to need to offer proper greeting or help, so mostly he takes his gloves off to eat in the servants quarters, where he doesn’t deal with more than curious glances. There’s a lingering fear of letting anyone important see his hands, no matter what Day says to assure him otherwise.
Then Nathaniel becomes the prince’s guard. Nothing changes for a while - the prince has always been more self-sufficient than most - until one day Nathaniel sees the prince eyeing the fall from his horse. (Really Andrew is trying to get up the courage to dismount, because even if the fall isn’t actually an issue for him, his fear of heights sometimes catches up to him when dismounting horses.) Nathaniel understands by now that he’s allowed and expected to help, so he reaches out - and remembers. He’s also acutely aware that the prince hasn’t yet seen his hands, then also also acutely aware of how serious Day was about the proper etiquette, and slips off his glove. The prince gives his hand a curious look, but accepts the help and all but crushes Nathaniel’s hand in his as he finally makes the fall. Even on the ground, though, he doesn’t let go quickly. Instead, the prince’s thumb brushes once across the back of Abram’s hand and he turns his hold, pulling Nathaniel’s hand up to examine it. The only thing keeping Nathaniel in place is the bone-deep instinct that he isn’t to deny anyone, especially a prince. Maybe the prince would decide he didn’t actually want to see Nathaniel’s hands and Nathaniel could go back to wearing his gloves with little more than a strike to the cheek for making the prince look at them.
But the prince does no such thing. He drops Nathaniel’s hand and continues on as normal. Nathaniel does his best to do the same, but that’s probably the first kind skin to skin contact he’s had in years. He isn’t recovering as quickly as he imagines he should.
(Meanwhile Andrew was NOT about to let an opportunity to hold Nathaniel’s hand slip like that, and he finds that he doesn’t mind the roughness. Most other guards were pulled from a much more privileged crowd - usually who had some callouses or scratches at most. Nathaniel’s hands show Andrew that this one isn’t all bark and no bite. Andrew… really likes them.)
Gradually, Nathaniel (likely soon or now Abram) gets used to taking off his gloves. He doesn’t without reason, it takes him a while not to feel naked without them, but it only takes a few more instances for him to realize that the prince truly doesn’t mind his scars. Helping the prince from his horse becomes easy habit (GS isn’t necessarily tall, but neither is Andrew. No step stool = Abram’s help).
Maybe there’s even a few times Abram is completely gloveless when he’s around only Day or the prince. He finds himself hiding his hands subconsciously when he’s not thinking about it, but he’s never once told to cover up.
Then Abram is kidnapped, taken back to Evermore. All the same rules are enforced and more. In this case, gloves aren’t all that different or upsetting. That much is okay.
It’s when he gets back that things change. Since he’s blind for a while, he’s relying much more on touch and hearing. It’s also a good tactile reminder; if he were still in Evermore, he would never be bare handed. This is when he truly gets used to not wearing gloves. (During this time he’s also touched more gently and more often than ever in his life. Others’ bare hands on his naked skin to care for scars and rashes and fever, first Day and medics and then Day and Prince Andrew. Abram finally, finally realizes that this is what he’d been missing. He actually finds himself calmed and cared for in being touched.)
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Even when his sight returns, Abram only wears gloves out of doors or to formal events. Slowly and so, so carefully, Andrew finds more small reasons to touch Abram’s hands, and Abram always finds rationalization to accept. Then Abram even leaves his gloves in his saddlebags or pockets when they go out.
Winter hits. Abram has very few burn scars on his hands, but even the simple knife scars can seize and ache in cold weather. By now Andrew is very attentive to Abram’s pain or discomfort, so he notices. Abram’s hands hurt.
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So Andrew buys him new gloves, lined with soft, warm fur. Abram is both pleased and disappointed - pleased because any gift from Andrew is a good gift, and disappointed because the prince expects him to wear gloves again. But the first time Andrew sees Abram wearing them indoors, he says easily, “They’re to keep your hands from the cold. Wear them only as much as you need.” (Because, again; he’s not going to admit it, but he loves Abram’s hands.)
It probably takes a long time for Abram to get accustomed to much more touch. He likes holding the prince’s hand, he’s used to that this far into their courting, but anywhere else with anything more than clinical intent - sometimes including with clinical intent - he gets overwhelmed very easily.
Andrew is careful with him. Like we mentioned in the last post, Andrew’s had about six to eight years longer to get readjusted to wanting and touching; Abram is essentially starting fresh. It’s a lot for him to handle.
(Don’t worry, though, I promise they figure it out. Just like they always do, in every universe, for all of our mental health.)
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airborneice · 9 months
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i'm late to this year’s art review thingy bc I had a reeeally busy december and then left my laptop behind when I came home so couldn’t finish any drawings or get my files 🥲 anyway I’ve been reunited with it now so!!!
it’s been a weird but mostly good year!! i started my first proper job in the anim industry and moved house twice. there’s tons of stuff i wanted to make this year but couldn’t find time for bc of the amount of. everything. going on all the time. it was actually a bit hard finding art to fill the spaces this year, which is why i had to stretch my little amount of sketchbook week stuff over two months. it’s been a little bit frustrating - i feel like i’ve learned so much from my job but i haven’t had much time to do anything to show it, but i guess that’s the trade-off. it’s cool being a small part of someone else’s idea but that means i get less time & energy for my own. i want to try and strike a better balance between the two this year and i really hope that soon i’ll be able to share the thing i’m working on i’m literally gonna die of excitement 😭
it’s been really cool getting to make more content of my ocs and see ppl enjoy it, you guys and the nice comments you leave are everything to me. i hope this new year is kind to everyone and thanks for sticking around <3
some of these i haven't posted so to give due credit -
*feb was a gift for @ewwgene-fitzherbert of our blorbos <3
*september is fanart of @the-hilda-librarians-wife’s amazing OC meiri. there will be more
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blueisquitetired · 4 months
Astral Shards AU
TLDR: The Boys are in space and they have a Bad Time. (Lady Sneasler is there too)
(This is technically a No Man's Sky AU, but you don't need to know anything about the game to follow along just fine)
Welcome to the pitch! All art for this AU will get their own posts, so everything here will be in game screenshots. There's also a lot more to this story then just what's written here (As this is, you know, the pitch) so please leave any questions, thoughts, or ideas in my inbox. This bad boy isn't getting a fic anytime soon, so it's tumblr only for now!
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(In game models of the boys. I'll post a drawing of their actual designs sometime in the future)
Post proper under ReadMore!
This is honestly half fic if I'm being honest.
Length: ~3,000 words or so. Sorry not sorry.
Disclaimer: I don’t know every single No Man’s Sky lore detail, and I’m not going to scour the wiki for every piece of information and spoil the whole game for myself, so not everything will be 100% lore accurate. And I’ll be ignoring the giant late game twist (if you know you know) because, as cool as it is, it’s very much a twist that consumes all narratives set in this universe, and I’d rather not make my story *also* about that. (Also, as with all AUs not currently written down in fic form, details are subject to change)
Anyway did you know the No Man’s Sky protagonist suffers from amnesia?
Picture this- Ingo wakes up on a frozen planet next to a crashed starship. He's a bit confused and lost- but his space suit is damaged and that kinda takes priority. Because of that, it takes him a hot minute to figure out he has no memories- but as he’s gathering the materials needed to not die he figures it out
The starship recognizes him as its owner and he feels relatively confident in his ability to fix all of this jazz, so he did exist before... but besides that he’s kinda stumped
But this place sucks- he’s constantly freezing to death, stuck either recharging his hazard protection with sodium or siting in his (still wrecked) starship until he warms up enough to go mine stuff with his handy dandy laser again.
And he’s alone
It’s very lonely
(He’s not supposed to be alone)
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So the tentative plan is this: fix the starship enough for space flight, launch into space, and then fly to this solar system's space station. (which he has a gut feeling exists. “Every solar system has one” he mutters to himself. He’s not sure how he knows that)
It’s….. slow going. But it’s going
There’s a lot of mining involved, a lot of looting crashed space junk, a lot of mind numbing boredom as he goes to the same spaces over and over and-
And then he sees something weird in the distance.
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(This is a monolith. In game it’s used to learn space language words and history and to get  l o r e. I’m taking advantage of it)
It’s kinda a hike over there, and it uses up a lot of his sodium reserves, but eventually he comes face to face with….. whatever this is
So he walks around it, trying to figure out what it is, before eventually finding a platform he can interact with.
Stepping up to it, he’s filled with strange sensations and knowledge, a story of an alien race that is familiar yet he hasn’t actually seen yet-
And then the world shatters in front of him
He steps back in shock as a tear in reality forms, a crack in the cosmos widening and fracturing, the sound of breaking glass as everything s h a t t e r s-
And then everything is fine
He stands there, dumbly for a moment, mind reeling….
Until he notices something that wasn’t there before
A shard of purple glass
Carefully, he picks it up, holding it up to his visor-
It whispers
It’s faint, too faint. He can’t hear it well- but it’s important. The whispers are familiar and he needs to know what they’re saying.
So he treks back to his ship, filled with a purpose he hasn’t had in his entire remembered life.
It takes a bit to wire his radio receiver to accept strange reality shards as a valid form of input, but eventually he figures it out. Connecting the last few wires and attaching the shard to it-
“Ingo, where are you? Please respond.”
That’s- that’s- that’s his brother!!!! His TWIN!!! Ingo doesn’t know much but he knows that’s his brother and he’s not supposed to be alone and what happened, why did he crash and why is his twin not here, where did he go? What happened?? He needs to find him!! He needs to find him NOW!
This lights a fire under him
Suddenly it isn’t “hey let’s fix my ship because I have nothing better to do” it’s “I have to fix my ship so I can find my brother” he’s working in overtime
He visits the monolith once or twice too, hoping to get another hint, another clue, maybe even respond- but it has no more answers. Reality is stable, and there are no more shards of glass
It takes forever and the fixed spaceship is…… not great- but at least it flies.
It works well enough, and Ingo has enough oxygen for his life support and enough fuel for his ship to get to the space station- even if it’s on the other end of the solar system.
Ingo…. reeeeaally wishes it was better put together, but this is the best he can do for a previously totaled starship.
So, he lifts off.
And things go great at first!
His radar manages to locate the space station without much trouble, and his pulse engine should get him there fairly quickly.
He charts a course and gets going, little purple shard tucked into his suit. (He’d listened to the message on repeat hundreds of times. Over and over “Ingo, where are you? Please respond.” He’d combed through his ships logs as well, but they were almost all corrupted, left with nothing but fragments of his brother’s voice. This was his only true connection)
And then the engine dies
The engine dies and Ingo is in the middle of nowhere, ages away from any planet, stuck in the middle of empty space with no hope of getting anywhere.
No debris, no friendly ships, no nothing.
He’s going to die out here.
He's going to die out here and his brother will never know, will never see him again, will think he just forgot him-
He has a nice panic, looking at his limited supply of oxygen and mildly freaking out
(Majorly freaking out)
But at least he has his radio.
He doesn’t…. know any frequencies or anything, doesn’t know what to tune it too, but he has to try something.
So he just, turns it on and hopes for the best.
“Hello this is Ingo. I am stranded in deep space and require assistance.” No response. Tune the frequency one more decimal point “Hello this is Ingo. I am stranded in deep space and require assistance.” No response. Turn the dial-
And so on and so forth.
Eventually, his wordy message turns to just a hoarse plea of “help”, and he’s started switching the stations willy nilly, no longer one decimal at a time.
He’s going to die out here.
Hours of this, hours of desperately pleading into the vast depths of space-
The frequency changes without his input.
“….help?” He asks hesitantly, staring blankly at the radio transceiver. How did it do that? Why did it do that? Why was the display filled with random symbols instead of numbers-
“With what?”
Ingo jolts upright in his seat, adrenaline rushing through his veins and his heartbeat in his throat “I am stranded in deep space and require rescue.” He wheezes out, his throat sore and dry
“Oh yeah that’s no good. You sound awful- you must have been stuck there a while.” There’s the sounds of buttons beeping and fingers tapping before- “Ah found you. We’ll open a pocket near your location. Sit tight.”
And then reality warps and-
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That’s new
It’s uh…. A bit too far from his ship though. It’s a nice, rational distance away, but his ship can’t move.
But it’s close enough he could probably jet pack over there.
Making sure his shard is close to his chest and firmly secured, he opens up his cockpit and leaps, propelling himself into the docking bay-
And oh
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Artificial gravity kicks in, and he falls to the floor in a crumpled heap right by the entrance.
Impossibly, a ship flies in a mere moment later, even though there had been no ships anywhere nearby Ingo before. Several more soar in and out as he ungracefully shuffles to the station proper. Somehow.
And by the stars, is it loud.
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(Please imagine this area being far more busy than it is. I took this photo on a weekday, but even on its busiest days it’s still a game that probably maxes out at lobbies of thirty or something. Since, you know, it’s an indie game)
After weeks of total isolation, the sheer hustle and bustle of hundreds of people is far too much to handle, the echoing reverb of ships landing and taking off sending spikes through his skull.
But, as uncomfortable as it is, it’s still people- and Ingo is so so glad to have company
“You okay?” A young voice asks as he clambers up to the parking space nearest to the entrance. “You took quite a tumble there.”
There's a short being on the platform, one that helps Ingo up. It's a youth, maybe female- and she almost seems to be the same species as Ingo. (Ingo has the feeling that he doesn't meet members of his own species much... or ever)
“Everything is operational.” he reassures, standing at full height and towering over the girl. He hunches down slightly, as to not seem intimidating. “I am just relieved that I am no longer trapped out there.”
The girl nods and gestures him forward, walking towards the station proper and expecting him to follow. He does
“Yeah I bet! If your ship wasn’t even working well enough to fly in….” She shakes her head. “Well enough of that. I’m iteration Akari! What’s your name?”
“Ingo.” He replies, a little more directly then he prefers. His voice is still hoarse. “What is this place?”
“The anomaly!” Akari replies, as they get closer to the crowd proper. “I guess this is your first time then?”
“Yes it is.” What in the world is this place? And where are all these people coming from??
“Then you should meet with iteration Adaman and Irida!”
Akari begins leading him past the crowds and towards a curving ramp.
“Iteration?” He asks, noticing the pattern in their titles.
“Oh yeah uhhhh… I’ll let one of them explain that.”
Akari chatters to him as they walk along, pointing out different landmarks and explaining their purpose
Eventually they reach a wide room that seems to overlook the entire station, just as bright and colorful as everything else.
“Hello!” A voice calls, and an alien decked in dark blue greets him. “You took quite the fall there! Are you alright?”
He is iteration Adaman apparently, and iteration Irida stands nearby. She waves when Ingo and Akari approach.
They are the leaders of this place- the founders of the anomaly. A place between dimensions, a safe haven for people like them- one's who are alone in the worlds they inhabit.
They ask about his lack of spaceship and Ingo tells them of his plight, eventually explaining his goal.
“I need to find my twin.” He explains, pulling out his shard of glass. “I remember little, but I know we are not meant to be separated. I fear for his safety.”
“A twin???” Irida sounds completely shocked, the plants she was monitoring forgotten as she turns to the group. “That’s not possible.”
“It could be.” Adaman counters. “In the infinite reaches of spacetime anything is possible.”
“The odds of such a thing are so astronomically low. Do you mean a brother in arms? A family chosen by bond alone?”
“No?” Ingo responds. “He looks like me.” He saw his reflection in the ice, his brother whispering in his ears. They shared a face.
“Impossible. Mathematically impossible”
“Improbable Irida. Not impossible.”
“The odds are far too low-"
“Plenty of people have siblings. And plenty of twins exist.” Ingo interrupts, irritation coloring his voice. “It is not that rare.”
“But not travelers.” Akari pipes up, finally joining the conversation. “Travelers are always alone.”
“That’s what you are.” Irida explains. “A traveler. We all are actually- everyone here. A being cursed to wander the stars, one with no home of their own. They may stop and rest, may find a place to settle down- but there is no place that is theirs, no community for them. No sky they rest under calls them its own.”
“Only one can exist at once.” Adaman adds. “Every dimension can only host a single one.”
“Hang on.” Ingo shakes his head. “That does not track. You just said that everyone here is a traveler. Which contradicts your earlier statement.”
“We are in an in-between space.” Irida explains, her tone pitying. “We founded the anomaly so travelers could find each other. So that the iterations could finally interact.”
“So we wouldn’t always be alone.”
“I…. I need to sit down.”
Adaman pulls up a chair and Ingo slumps into it, his head and helmet falling into his hands
“You can stay as long as you need.” Adaman reassures, his tone soft. “Our home is open to all, a bastion of safety.”
“I cannot.” Ingo sighs, before straightening back up. “I must find my brother.”
He holds out his shard of glass, reflections of multicolored light gleaming off it.
“This is the only clue I have”
“May I?” Adaman holds out his hand and Ingo hands it over reluctantly, watching as he holds it up to the light. His face falls as he examines it.
“Oh dear. Irida is this….?”
“Yes.” Irida's tone is grave, somber and mourning. “A shard of the glass world.”
“Your brother is almost certainly gone.”
“No!” Ingo leaps to his feet, his hands clenched in fists. “He is not! He sent me that message-“
“There are many in between spaces.” Irida interrupts. “We are in one, a stable pocket that hides us from the world, from the gaze of the Atlas.”
She frowns.
“Larger ones are far less stable. Refractions, cracks. The-"
“-world of glass.” Adaman finishes for her. “Any living being unlucky enough to fall in there will cut themselves on its fragments, their very being torn to shreds. Your brother would not survive."
“Not necessarily.” Ingo counters, his voice tight. “If I could get him out-” 
“He would be nothing like he was before, shattered beyond compare.”
“But he would be THERE!” His voice is loud and booming, his throat stinging in pain. “I refuse to let him suffer and die in there. I refuse to just…. give up on him! I will get him out!”
“It will be difficult.” Adaman hands him his glass back. “To find a way in will be tricky enough, but to find a way out….”
“How do I get in.” Ingo holds the shard to his chest. “How do I find him.”
Adaman frowns, drumming his fingers on his arm.
"Entering the world of glass shouldn't be much trouble. It's a vast space, and opening pockets in spacetime is our specialty."
"But finding him is the actual problem." Irida adds, her face grim.
"Yup. Which makes your encounter at the monolith even more strange." Expression contemplative, Adaman once again holds out his hand. "May I see your message again?"
Tentatively, Ingo places it back in his palm, still reluctant to part with something so precious. Adaman hardly seems to notice, casually turning it back and forth in his hands as he re-examines it- before eventually scanning it with a tool on his table. Data streams onto his screen, and he hands the shard back to Ingo before examining what he received.
The group is silent as he scrolls through the data, a tension in the air.
".... I think you could probably find more of these shards. Going off of your account of the event and the frequency of the shard itself..." He trails off, expression contemplative. "They seem to be... tuned to you somehow. Connected somehow. Maybe it's related to you two being 'twins'."
He hums.
"Maybe your predecessor was split into two. Maybe you are connected more than you know."
Ingo has... questions about that, but he keeps silent for now. Better not to interrupt him and break his train of thought.
"If you can find weak spots in your universe, places where the boundary between the world of the living and the world of glass is thin... Maybe you can find more of these."
"And then what?" Irida asks, her tone annoyed. "What good would more of those do?"
"Why, that's where you come in my dear friend!" Voice light and face playful, Adaman turns to his partner and grins. "With enough data points, I'm sure you can triangulate his location!"
"And send this man on a suicide mission?"
"I will find a way." Ingo interrupts the two before their argument to escalate, his determination swelling. "A way to travel there without losing myself. I will not go in unprepared."
"You heard the man!" Adaman claps his hands merrily and Irida groans. "He's already made up his mind! Better to help him where we can, hmm?"
Irida shakes her head.
“Fine. I’ll rig you up a scanner. A way to find unstable areas.”
"And then you can gather more of those shards!"
“But you’ll need to go all over.” Irida huffes.
“Not just yellow stars. Red, green, blue. You’d need to build an intensive warp drive, which is expensive and requires so much materials and nanites and you don’t even have a ship-”
“We surely have an extra we can spare.” Adaman interruptes, flashing Ingo an apologetic look. “And while the trials will be difficult, I’m sure your determination will see you through. Akari?”
“Yes?” Ingo startles as the girl speaks. He had forgotten she was there.
“Can you check the hangers for a ship we could gift our friend? I’m positive we have a few that have been abandoned.”
“Of course!” Grabbing Ingo’s hand, the girl leads him onward. “Let’s find you something good!”
Unfortunately, ‘something good’ was a tall ask when looking through old abandoned spaceships. Most had been left behind for good reason, old piles of junk that barely flew and would require extensive repairs. Certainly not anything close to the state of the art traveling ship Ingo would require.
“Okay this isn’t looking great,” Akari started, no doubt noticing Ingo’s discouragement. “But you could probably break one of these bad boys down for parts and then buy a better ship? Work your way up?”
“I suppose.” Ingo frowned as he brushed his hand over one of the ships, a part coming off under his hand.
“Or maybe….” The girl trailed off, and Ingo gave her an inquisitive look. “I mean it’s kind of a long shot- but I do know a ship that has all the required technology you’re looking for already.”
“Really?!” Hope bloomed in Ingo’s chest, his hands shaking in excitement.
“Yeah. But uh, don’t get your hopes up too high. She’s really picky.”
‘She’ was a ship by the name of ‘Lady Sneasler’, a living breathing organism that happened to also be a spaceship. A marvel of biology that was like nothing Ingo had ever seen before, a pure wonder and the most beautiful thing Ingo had ever laid eyes on. And he told her as much.
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(Living ships are a very canon thing in game and they are so cool! I'll post some art of Lady Sneasler later, but for right now, here's my personal in game living ship, Darling)
She was flattered, and was even more flattered when Ingo broke into an excited ramble as he examined her thoroughly, reverently running his hands up her flank when she gave him permission. She was a prideful one apparently, and had refused a pilot for centuries- but Ingo’s genuine wonder managed to easily win her over.
And so Ingo got himself a ship.
Thus, the two begin their cosmic journey together, traveling through the galaxy to gather all of Emmet’s messages and eventually save him.
It’s long and arduous, rife with danger and trials... but eventually they manage to force their way into the world of glass, and pull Emmet out.
And boy howdy is he messed up….. but that just means they get a healing arc lol.
But yeah, that’s the basics! Feel free to ask questions if you’re curious, (I have a lot more I haven’t shared yet) and I hope you enjoyed! There’s a very decent chance I might end up writing a fic about this in the future, but that’s so far off that you shouldn’t hold your breath.
Thank you for reading!
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happypot0001 · 29 days
⚠️The drawing base does not belong to me!! I found the base on Pinterest!! (It’s a bit hard to find the original owner and their proper credentials on Pinterest but just for now know that it wasn’t created by me!!) All characters don’t belong to me either!! They all belong to @just_a_carrot!! As extra precaution I’d like to say that 🥕s design wasn’t really original, it was very HEAVILY inspired by how some other artists draw 🥕!!⚠️
Uhhhhhhhh 🥕….Is this you?
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Pffft this was so silly 😆 Lots of love to anyone reading!!
Phew!! Guess what!! Pot fiiiiinally posted!!!! Pffft uhhh idk if anyone noticed my disappearance but I guess I’ll explain anyway???? Uhhhh I mean I don’t really have much to say?? Sometimes I just don’t have the time to reblog or post anything ig HAH! I’ve been making a lot of doodles though!! I doubt I’ll be posting any of them though 😭 After Art Fight I wanted to start getting more into art and such because I really enjoyed making art for people and trying to make them happy!!!! So really I’m trying to spend the small amount of free time I have to fixing parts of my art that I don’t like (MOSTLY anatomy because…you know….I don’t like bodies and bodies don’t like me 😭) I’m glad I finally built up some art and can finally have something to post!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!
I love bases. I haven’t said it online before because I haven’t posted anything about making art based off of bases but there’s just something about them that I LOVE!! I saw this base QUITE a while ago but today was the day that I said I was actually going to draw it. The original plan was actually to just post the base and say “This is totally 🥕” or something like that HAH but in the end I realized…wait…I like bases so that I can draw them….WHY DON’T I JUST DRAW THIS ONE AS WELL????? And thats how the abomination was born hehe 😭
🥕s SONA(???) IS VERY CUTE!!!! I enjoyed drawing it heh!! I’m not used to drawing carrot people??? So I’m glad I got to test something!! Atleast I can also differentiate their sona from other peoples as well!! WHICH IS A GOOD THING!!! Also they may be an artist and a writer, but they also CODE AS WELL?? CODING ALL OF OW??? KFJLKSJDF 🥕 HAS A MANY OF TALENTS AND PROBABLY SUFFER A LOT BECAUSE OF IT 😭 KLDSFLKJDF ALL OF THEIR WORK IS AMAZING GAHHH PLEASE SHOW LOTS OF LOVE TO 🥕 PLEEEEEAASSEE!!! 🙏💖 I was going to color 🥕 in the drawing but for some reason I just thought it didn’t look good and I didn’t want to ruin the drawing anymore so I decided to keep it as it was!! KDSJFLKDJF I HOPE YOU LIKE HOW I DREW THEM!!!!
Hmmmm….welp not much more I can say!! Be aware for more posts I guess? There is still one post from Art Fight that I still have to share GRAH SORRY ⛵️!!!! I’LL BE SURE TO POST IT SOON!!! It has been a TERRIBLE HORRID week and I’m just excited for it to pass 😭 At least I had this to take my mind off of everything so I really do hope you enjoy it heh!!!
Lots of love to you 🥕 and anyone else reading once again!!! 💕💕
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ryuichirou · 4 months
As many as I can write in 30 minutes let’s go!
Starting with a couple of asks about our post from yesterday.
Anonymous asked:
I'm guessing the bunny is because of Deuce's hometown event and the fox is because of Ace dealing with Fellow.
Yes and no! It’s one of the reasons, but these two also have pretty strong vibes of these animals, especially Ace. He is such a sly little fox pup sometimes lol
Anonymous asked:
That recent Ace/Deuce post had my mind absolutely working overtime with ideas.
But they all just kept coming back to the White Rabbit Fest, even when it didn't really fit a fox Ace kinda thing.
Anyway, besides that, I really love Ace/Deuce ship stuff, so seeing you do art of them is an absolute treat!
Thank you so much, Anon! <3 I am very happy that you like it!
They couldn’t allow Ace-the-fox to enter the rabbit arena lol poor foxy.
I really like this theme for these two. Should draw it again at some point…
Anonymous asked:
Hi! Have any of you considered posting fanfics (novels)? 👀 Love your work as always btw, take care
Hi, Anon! Thank you for your kind words :)
I am not really a writer, so I haven’t considered it. I love coming up with headcanons and I think I am pretty good with dialogues for our comics, but writing a proper story (even a very short one) is just way too difficult for me. I can’t even write these replies fast enough… so I’ll stick to what I do best and keep drawing <3 Out of the two of us, Katsu is the writer, but Katsu’s main focus right now is Nebula. To be completely honest, fanfics in general aren’t our cup of tea… (That being said, Katsu did write a couple of fanfics before, albeit not twst-related)
eh-nonnie-mouse asked:
Do you have a Cara account or is it only bluesky?
Only bluesky for now :(
It seems like Cara is mainly a portfolio app, which is good (especially if it’s AI free), but right now we don’t really see the point in posting there – it’s not for art of yaoi boys kissing, which is the majority of things I draw. Things could change of course, but right now we’re sticking to bsky.
unofficialwheatdog asked:
The the way you draw Fellow Honest
My husband
it makes him so much more handsome like I have to kiss him the second he's on screen
How dare you worsen my obsession/j
(jkjk I love your art and if it's ok with you, I very much want to save the fellow honest image just so I can stare at it for five hours pls and thank you)
I am so happy you like how he looks in my style!! Especially if it worsens your obsession lol
Of course, feel free to save it and look at it; enjoy your fluffy husband lol
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
FELLOW AND GIDEL ARE HERE!!! They look so good in your style!!
Thank you so much!
Anonymous asked:
Just saw your recent replies and IT MAKES ME SOOO HAPPY!
Let's GOOOOO fellow (heh) Top!Gidel x Bottom!Fellow likers!!!
And reading your replies about their ship! UGH👌👌👌 Ryu such good taste you have! Oh dear.. I love it all!
I am honestly (..heh) looking forward if you have more art of them specially the shippy ones 👀 I'll be on the lookout. Also thank you for the food! 🙏
Hehe I am happy you’re happy Anon!!
Thank you so much for being so excited, I hope we’ll post a lot of stuff with these two in the nearest future…! <3
Anonymous asked:
OOOOH I SAW MOBS BOSSES X FELLOW ADDED TO THE LIST.... I do rly like the idea of fellow & gidel, but mob bosses x fellow is soooo juicy for art and hcs...... thoughts? plans?? plz plz plz this is living in my head RENT FREE... 😍
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3
Well we do have a lot of sketches with Fellow and his bosses (nsfw ones)… and we do have an ask with hcs about them, so if everything goes well, you’ll get more juicy stuff soon. Let’s hope! 💪
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