#I’ll have to check the exp date
theloveinc · 9 months
dabi fic possibly today
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1plus1kiyoomi · 4 years
Chapter 11: If You
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“I want to thank everyone for coming. I know some of you came from other cities, and it’s great to see you come here in Hyogo. Just now, I heard that all of the dogs have been adopted. I couldn’t explain the happiness I feel knowing that these dogs will finally have a safer place to come home to. But this is only the start. Once again, thank you. Please enjoy the rest of the day,” you say in the middle of the little open area of the shelter. Everyone claps so you bow and then start looking around.
“Hey, (Y/N).” Kuroo calls you and you see him holding Rice. “Can I bring your dog home?”
“No. Put him down and let him play with the other dogs,” you scold him. He puts Rice down and the dog runs to where Kenma is. The long haired man is seated at the corner, probably vlogging as well. “Where’s your wife?”
“I don’t know. The last time I saw her was at the airport yesterday. She’s probably with Alisa or something,” he answers you, shrugging nonchalantly. “Where’s your boyfriend?”
“He said he had somewhere important to go to first, but he’ll be here,” you tell him, then continue to interact with other people.
The Red Falcons are around, just like they promised. Suna brought Komori along, and the libero’s reaction to seeing you was priceless. He nearly fainted when you gave him a hug. Osamu catered so he was at the kitchen most of the time. Atsumu was playing around with his teammates, scaring the shit out of Sakusa by randomly holding up a dog to his face. The curly haired man only came because his daughter, Kia, begged him to go in her place. His sole purpose is to take pictures of the dogs for Kia.
An hour passes, people start going home, so you stay nearby the main door to greet them out. As you stand there, you hear a familiar voice, like literally. It’s a family member’s voice.
“Mom? Why are you here?” You ask in shock, forgetting to greet her properly.
Your feelings rages in fire just from seeing her. You and your mother have never been in good terms. She doesn’t see you as a daughter, but rather a competition. Ever since you were born, your father saw you as the most important girl in the world. And she hated that, she hated you. For that, she makes sure to give you a hard time.
“Is that what you say after not seeing your mother for a long time?” She says sternly, so you hesitantly give her a hug. “I came here to see how you are of course. And I wanted to talk to you about something. Sei’s here, too. He’s just looking for a spot to park.”
Your worries rise even more just from hearing your brother’s name. Sei definitely knows about Kita. He knows everything going on in your life without you knowing how. Whenever you come home for holiday, he just scolds you about all your life decisions. He’ll probably tell you off about dating a farmer, too. But compared to your mother, he is a saint. He’s Team (Y/N) all the way despite nagging at you a lot.
“So where’s your farmer boy?” Your brother says as soon as he nears you and your mother.
“He’s busy. You won’t meet him today,” you snap back, rolling your eyes at him.
“So the rumors are true, then?” Your mom hums. “Since he’s busy, when can we meet if we can’t see him today?”
“On our wedding day,” you deadpan and your mother chuckles. She pats your head so you move your head away in irritation. She smirks at you. “What did you do this time?”
“Nothing.” She smiles at you. You look at your brother and he’s eyeing your mother suspiciously as well. If there’s anything you and your brother can agree on, it’s that your mother is evil. “How about we eat dinner tonight? As family.”
“Okay,” you agree, not wanting to start an argument with her.
An hour or two later, Kita still doesn’t show up. You feel disappointed but you won’t get mad at him until you know where and what he really did. As he said, it’s an important matter. It might has something to do with her grandmother.
You leave Rice in Osamu’s care, without forgetting to warn him about not to overfeed the poor dog. Sei, your mother, and you proceed to the city. Since it’s too early for dinner, your mother decides to go shopping. You and Sei feel that something is up with your mother, but you can’t pinpoint what it is yet.
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After shopping, the three of you direct to a shabby ramen place at a random street of Osaka, which heightens your doubts about your mother. She would never eat at such place. What exactly is she doing?
The waitress does her usual greeting as you enter, leading you to a table at the end the of hall. The place is packed with teenagers, couples, and just normal people. But making things even weirder, the table beside yours is empty. The waitresses lead coming in customers to another table or make them wait.
“What would you like to order?” The waitress asks you.
“I’ll get your best seller,” your mother answers. You and your brother say yours, then the waitress leaves to prepare your order. “So how’s university?”
“We’ve been together for more than 3 hours, but you’re asking just now?” You cock an eyebrow up and your brother calls you sternly. You sigh before answering your mother, “It’s fine. I’m getting good grades.”
“That’s good to hear. How about the whole vlogging thing?” Your mother continues to ask and you know where this is going.
“Mom, let her do what she wants,” Sei tells your mother before you can remark back.
“Welcome!” The waitresses greet as someone enters the store. Out of boredom, you check who it is and it’s Ayako? A man follows behind her and your heart shatters into millions of pieces then and there.
“Kita...” you mutter under your breath, clutching onto the chopsticks on the table.
Your head goes empty. Your heart drops. Every moment with Kita flashes your mind in one quick second. You know you can never compete with Ayako, but he should have told you. He promised to show up today. No wonder why he wasn’t replying to any of your messages. Because he was with her the whole day.
Ayako’s the important matter.
Did you even matter to Kita?
What do you do now? Do you slap him? Do you shout at him? Your head is clouded in anger. But somehow you still manage to think about your dog. ‘What about Rice? Kita mostly takes care of him. He might miss him.’
Sei notices your sudden change in mood and looks at where your eyes are stuck in. He sees Kita and Ayako walking over to the table just beside yours. He gives your mother a look of disappointment.
“What’s wrong with the two of you?” Your mother asks, eyes blinking innocently.
Kita sees you too, and his eyes widen in shock. He’s not one to be surprised, but this is something he definitely didn’t expect. In his mind, he’s literally shouting and begging for you not to misunderstand the situation. But he thinks it’s too late since the chopsticks your gripping on is already split in half.
Kita’s about to talk to you, but Ayako takes a hold on his wrist, pulling him to sit back down on the chair. Your mother starts laughing at your expression and you finally connect the dots. She orchestrated this whole thing. You should have known sooner. You should have seen it coming. After all, she’s the one who placed in your head that you marry a rich man. She’s the one who desperately wants you to marry into a rich family so she can have more money in her pocket.
“You are the worst mother ever,” you spat before slamming the chopsticks on the table then storming out of the store. Kita stands up from his seat as well, quickly following you out.
“Ayako, dear... I paid you a lot for this. I even bought you a ticket home. So do your job and make sure they break up,” your mother tells Ayako and she hesitantly nods and runs after the two of you.
Sei stands up then scoffs, “You know mother... the devil works hard, but you work way harder.”
“(Y/N)!” Kita calls you, his pace getting quicker as he sees you walk further than him. He finally catches up to you and he grabs your wrist but you shake his hand off.
“If you still love her, I understand. I don’t care anymore if you get back together.  Did you even like me? Because to be honest, I think I love you. Say that it’s too quick for me to tell, and I think that, too, but I really do. And it hurts so much. I wish you did not date me when you still thought of her. Because it makes me wonder, ‘where was I then?’ Where was I the whole time?” You manage to say without your voice cracking, but you feel your cheeks getting wet from the tears coming out of your eyes. When did you even start crying?
“(Y/N). Please let me exp-” Kita starts to speak but you don’t let him finish.
“I’m taking Rice with me. Don’t expect to see us at home.”
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forthehpfanboys · 4 years
❄️Christmas Photos❄️
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Pair: Fred Weasley x Reader; he/him.
Warnings: [None]
Notes: During Hogwarts.
Fred literally skipped into your classroom, his left hand behind his back while the one on the right was waving enthusiastically. He didn’t give two fucks about the fact that he was literally interrupting your teachers teaching or distracting the glass. 
“Hello, my dear, my love, my perfect boyfriend! How are you during this fine evening?” He bowed when he got to you, picking up your hand in his and kissing the knuckles. Before you could answer, your professor was already on his case.
“Mr. Weasley! Would you like to exp-” 
“Hello McGonagall! I am very sorry for intruding into your classroom so unexpectedly, and I know it’s rude, but I must steal your favorite student.” His voice was laced with sugar and honey, like it always was when he did something stupid as fuck. “Only if that’s ok with you.”
McGonagall looked between the two of you before sighing and rubbing her temple in a circular motion. The professor knew Fred wouldn't leave until he got what he wanted. She pointed towards the door.
“Will this take long?” “Of course not!” Fred put a hand against his chest in mock pain. “How dare you insinuate I’d waste your time!” Fred smiled at her while she just stared at him in shock. 
“Fine, but it better be quick, Mr. Weasley. I trust you’ll pick up the notes from a peer.” She sighed again, trudging back to the front of the classroom. Fred grabbed your hand, his grin growing wider while he tugged you out your seat. 
“Come on, love!” He pushed you forward, keeping whatever was behind his back hidden from your view. His hand held a good hand against your shoulder while he pushed you straight out the door. “I’ll give him back in a few minutes, I promise!” He shut the door behind him quickly, turning just as fast to face you. “So, you never answered my question.” Now, both of his hands were hidden behind his back, his grin growing wider.
“I’m as good as I can be, Freddie, but if I get detention because this can’t wait until lunch I’m going to personally bury you alive.” You pointed a finger against his chest, a wicked grin spread across your lips. It truly is your fault, you fell for the chaotic one. 
“You love me.” He gave you a boyish grin. “Now close your eyes, I have an early Christmas gift for you.”
“If this is a prank-” You squint your eyes, poking his chest again.
“Stop it, it’s not a prank!” He whined out, reaching out to cover your eyes with his hand. “Now, hold out your hands. Be careful, it’s got a good weight to it.” His voice was serious while you held out both hands, palms up. You felt a heavy weight land into your hands and soon enough you could see again. It was a carefully wrapped box with a big bow on top. You looked from the box, to your lanky boyfriend, a grin spreading across your lips.
“Can I open it now?”
“No, I pulled you out of class to give you the box and leave. Of course you can open it now!” Fred teased, guiding you to a bench. He sat down, patting the seat carefully next to him. “Come on! I wanna see your reaction.” 
After setting the box on your lap, you gently pulled the bow off the top and put on top of Fred’s hair before tugging the wrapping paper off the brown box. You set it off to the side and pulled the lid off the box, your eyes landing on a polaroid camera. 
“Aw, Freddie.” Your heart melted at the sight of the muggle contraption. You pulled it out quickly, setting the box off to the side carefully. “It’s- How did-”
“The shop has been going really well! Figured it’d be worth it. Dad enchanted it, too. It takes pictures just like ours do.” He smiled, leaning over to kiss your cheek. “Check the box, lovie! There’s more!”
You peered back in the box, your eyes widening at what else was inside. Printed polaroid's laid inside, moving just like wizard photos. Sharpie was scribbled along the bottom of the photos. You picked up the photos, flipping through them. They were all of you and Fred. The little labels either had jokes or promises of love scribbled across them, along with dates on the back. 
“Wait, ok. Explain how you got these.” You turned to him. They were all clearly taken from a far, meaning someone had to-
“George.” You both said at the same time. You looked back down at the photos, the one at the top of the pile being of you and Fred, dancing together in the common room in matching Christmas pajamas that had been an early gift from you.
“How did you come up with this?” You smiled, your thumb rubbing gently over the adorable Christmas photo.
“I’m smarter than I look, love.” He taped his temple, standing up again. “But I should let you get back to class, hate for you to get detention.” He grabbed your chin, lifting your head up to plant a kiss over your laps before scurrying off. “Bye, babe! See you tonight!” 
“Bye, Freddie!” You rolled your eyes and gathered the gift before heading into the classroom. You looked over to see all the students and McGonagall gathered at the window. They’d been watching everything. “What happened to the lesson?”
“Forget the lesson! Show us what he gave you!” Your professor called out, hurrying to you.
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jibrillenyan · 3 years
Eldarya Come-Back
[Disponibile in Italiano qui]
Eldarya EU servers are back up. For people out of the loop, a fire destroyed both the servers and the backups of Eldarya. It's not beemoov's fault.
BR and US servers, stored somewhere else, are perfectly ok.
The FR server accounts were lost, but the story retrieved.
All the others (IT HU PL DE ES RU) have both the accounts and the story wiped out. ANE has been re-translated/Recovered, but origins is currently only playable in english.
Only the first 2 episodes of ANE have been translated so far. Errata corrige: PL, RU, ES haven't released any ANE episodes yet. DE IT and HU have the first 2 available in english. DE and HU appear to be broken.
Level 7 and episode 6 of origins (completed) are needed to access the market.
BUG REPORT: Currently there is a bug where if you change the name of your companion for the first time after evolving it you lose 100gc. please take care.
BUG REPORT: If you already have a companion and you play episode 3 of Origins you won't be able to hatch the companion Kero gives you and you might get stuck right after "Objective: Go to Kero’s room to complete the Companion Questionnaire" 
Accounts must be recreated. You have to create a new account and, if you ever bought maana or gold coins, follow the instructions below.
FAQ of sort under the cut, original here. Italian translation will be here starting tomorrow. warning: it’s long XD
Everyone gets 1000 maanas, 100 gold coins and 350.000 ancient coins upon creating an account. You will also get 5 big exp potions, 10 small, 5 big energy potions, 10 small, 1 evolution potion and 3 incubators. You will also get the companion Sogiluv... it's not very good. You can retrieve some (most?) of the currency you bought by contacting the support (see below), you will be credited maana/ancient coins depending on your purchases; once you get the money back the 3 spin-offs will automatically unlock, along with the bank outfits.
The first companion to hatch will require no incubation time.
BR and US Server got 10.000 AC for their troubles too, but no maana or GC or items.
Please check this page. Re-doing the 3rd episode of Origins WON'T help.
If you want to know how to get the guy you like AND have the room decorated by him, or other questions along these lines check this link
Since you can now get any companion you like if you want to get the "best" one in terms of energy/luck ratio you should consider these:
PLESE NOTE: Hatching an adult companion (Chiromagnus, Blobbiathan) has the advantage of giving you an adult companion AND saving the evolution potion. This could be nice to have, for example, during a map event, you can use all the energy of your companion after midnight, then hatch another egg, use all the energy of the baby, evolve with the potion, use all the energy of the adult. If well played , with a baby companion, it means potentially 400-500 energy to use on the map
"Best" Companion, bought food (36 maana): Blobbiathan Energy 170 (already an adult when hatched) Luck 360 - 400
"Best" Companion, bought food (30 maana or less):
1. Chiromagnus Energy 160 (already an adult when hatched) Luck 340-390
2. Zarali Energy 90-160 Luck 350-380
3. Ocemas Energy 100-150 Luck 310-360
4. Ciralak Energy 110-160 Luck 300-350
4. Rawist Energy 110-160 Luck 300-350
"Best" Companion, farmed food (in exploration):
1. Alfeli: Energy 80-150 Fortuna 320 -370
2. Gallytrot: Energy 110-150 Fortuna 320-370
I consider the Alfeli "better" because its food, elven grapes, comes from a 20energy/30 min area, Mont sizhe, compared to the food for the gallytrot, gallyflore, from the Cave (35 energy/60 min).
There is a special ancient coins shop (Until May 9th) with ALL the items ever released in the game. I do not advise using them for Origins illustrations but I suggest you grab some of the rarest items at least. It's among the boutiques.
BANK ITEMS WILL ONLY APPEAR AFTER RETRIEVING THE PURCHASED CURRENCY (? Im not sure about this, some are there from the beginning and I'm still waiting on the email I sent for the currency)
May 9th
Go to "your account" by clicking on your name (top right). There is a button to retrieve the credit, for many payment options there is a simple form to fill.
However, if you paid by credit card or paypal you have to send an email to the support (you can get the adress by clicking on "other"). In the mail you should include:
Credit card:
- Old/New Username (if they aren't the same) - The email address associated to the accounts - The date and the amount in €/$ of a recent transaction (max 12 months old, the most recent, the better). - Last 4 digits of the credit card you used. - I'm not sure what happens if you you used more than a credit card, I'd suggest sending one transaction per credit card and telling them about this issue.
- Old/New Username (if they aren't the same) - The email address associated to the accounts - If it's not the same email address, the email address/username of the paypal account. - The date and the transaction ID* of a recent transaction (max 12 months old, the most recent, the better).
* Transaction ID's can be found in the confirmation email you get when you make a payment or on the paypal website, in the payment history section.
One ID should suffice, they can retrieve them all from there.
On a general note, do not buy things that can be found at all times, like explorations items, other than that, anything you like, but I'd at least consider to buy/play the following:
*** PLEASE NOTE: I've heard rumors that during each event, you will be able to find things in explorations from the previous events of that kind, so easter should have the other easter events' outfits on the map. I'd wait a bit to spend the coins to see if we get any confirmation, the store will be open until May 9th.
Wiki. Or This wonderful site. Or the wikinyan (c'est moi!), I don't mind answering specific messages, I'll update this post with any question I get. If you don't know the french name you can find it out in the French shop.
Other than the event companions that you like you should probably consider...
Minaloo and Draflayel. These only comes from the purro'swap. Once the store closes, if you're unlucky, you'll never see them again.
Calunko and Bunraku. They're 2 of the japan expo rewards and with the merchandise boutique closed, they're incredibly hard to obtain, you need a physical code.
Chiromagnus, while you can get this from explorations, the scroll for it is extremely rare, and 2000 AC is stealing it.
The Seryphon , Poulpatata (both of them) and the chestok. These can be found on AH but require Gold coins to get in exploration. Personally I won't get them, but it's personal preference.
All the normal explorations companions, no matter how rare. They'll start popping up at the market soon enough
This is clearly completely at your own discretion, Events and ranking rewards should be considered. However there are some times never released before, like the fireflies so...
Fireflies. A beta-tester reward item, they were never made available to purchase before.
Steam girl set (Total: 1594 AC). It's the japan expo 2017 reward, 9 pieces
Maana demon and its other 3 colorations is a skin never seen in the game, previously reserved for admins. It could however be added to explorations, like other items of this kind.
Frency French was once an inside joke for ChiNoMiko, has not been made available to the public before, you can buy the skin, the hairstyle (it's a special jackson), Frency French Top, etc it's just a joke, but it's still something you won't see again, if you like it.
Depending how much you hate alchemy, you can consider some alchemy stuff.
Some rare Skins like Nan'vi, that could be hard to find in explorations
Rainbow and Pearly hair colours, if you like them, they can be rare/offered only in rare circumstances.
Crylasm set (526 AC), top, socks, hat. It was a special Christmas outfit released one piece at a time during Christmas events of 2016, 2017, 2018
Healer support Set (400 AC), made of 7 pieces, it was a special gift given at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic)
Rainbow Spirit (1594 AC), released for the 2020 Pride month (sorta)
Guard ranking rewards, the total il 11.980 AC (thanks Desdhi ♥)
Anything normally on the shop, or from (normal) map explorations.
Possibly the event ones you like the best, there should be 42 event illustrations for a total of 105.000 ac
If you have the time to farm, the episodes' ones. They're way cheaper with replay, with a few exceptions (see below).
There are a few episodes where it's cheaper to buy the other illustrations than replay, I'll make a list below.
As "one time" I mean it's either now or never, so exclusive items or event items, unless they come back with their event.
No Explorations is events + rare +the stuff  that you would pay gc to get the bait for
All the eggs: 222.400,
One-time + rare ones: Chiromagnus, Minaloo Draflayel: 164.500
one-time: 158.000
No explorations (+GC/rare ones): 180.700
All: why do you hate yourself? don't. it should be around 5660
Events only: 2460
Event Illustrations are 2500 each, Episodes' 2000
It's generally cheaper to play the episode to unlock illustrations. Coins won't disappear, so if you can slowly make your way up you will end up saving A LOT of Ancient Coins. During episodes, each dialogue is 2 AC
(cost is rounded up) (!) = Replaying is not worth it, money wise (*) = more expensive than 1 illustration, but still worth it in the grand scheme of things
(how much it costs playing Origins VS how much it costs at the shop)
Episode 1 - Free - 1 Illustration, play once (FREE vs 2000) Episode 2 - Free - 3 Illustrations, play twice (FREE vs 6000) Episode 3 - Free - 1 Illustrations, play once (FREE vs 2000) Episode 4 - Free - 2 Illustrations, play once (FREE vs 4000) Episode 5 - Around 1200 maana - 3 illustrations, play 3 times (3600 vs 6000) Episode 6 - Around 1500 maana - 2 illustrations, play once (1500 vs 4000) Episode 7 - 1200maana ca - 4 Illustrations, play 4 times (4800 vs 8000) Episode 8 - 1700maaana ca - 4 Illustrations, play 3 times (5100 vs 8000) Episode 9 - 2000 maana ca - 1 Illustration, play once (2000 vs 2000) Episode 10 - 1500 maana ca - 3 Illustrations, play 3 times (4500 vs 6000) Episode 11 - 1900 maana ca - 2 illustrations, play once (1900 vs 4000) Episode 12 - 1500 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play 3 times (4500 vs 6000) Episode 13 - 1500 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play 3 times (4500 vs 6000) Episode 14 - 1500 maana ca - 2 illustrations, play once (1500 vs 4000) (!) Episode 15 - 2500 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play 3 times (7500 vs 6000, it's better to buy the other 2!) (!) Episode 16 - 2150 maana ca - 1 illustration, play once (2150 vs 2000 it's still worth to play the episode) (*) Episode 17 - 2450 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play ONCE (2450 vs 6000) Episode 18 - 1900 maana ca - 6 illustrations, play 3 times (5700 vs 12000) Episode 19 - 1700 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 4 times (6800 vs 8000) Episode 20 - 1800 maana ca - 5 illustrations, play 4 times (7200 vs 10000) Episode 21 - 1800 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play once (1800 vs 6000) Episode 22 - 1700 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 3 times (6800 vs 8000) (!) Episode 23 - 2100 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 4 times (8400 vs 8000, it's better to buy the other 3!) Episode 24 - 2000 maana ca - 2 Illustrations, play once (2000 vs 4000) (!) Episode 25 - 2500 maana ca - 3 illustrations, play once (2500 vs 6000) (!) Episode 26 - 2200 maana ca - 4 Illustrations, play three times (6600 vs 8000, it's better to play once for 2 illustrations then buy the other 2!) Episode 27 - 1800 maana ca - 4 Illustrations, play 3 times (5400 vs 8000) Episode 28 - 1700 maana ca - 5 illustrations, play 3 times (5100 vs 10000) (!) Episode 29 - 3250 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 4 times (13000 vs 8000 it's a huge ac loss to replay) (!) Episode 30 - 2400 maana ca - 4 illustrations, play 4 times. (9600 vs 8000 it's better to play once and buy the other 3)
Grand total so far: 93 Illustrations, 71 playthroughs, 58 suggested.  Extimated maana/Ancient coins: 129.000 replay eveything vs  186.000 buying everything. Optimal:  122.750
IF you play everything once then buy the rest you should spend around 146000
* Optimal means buying the illustrations where needed before May 9th, then play all the episodes at your leisure.  The episodes where you'd have to buy illustrations are: 15, 23, 26, 29, 30.
Please remember that if you buy the illustrations then you decide to play the game you will ended up paying not only 186.000 ac for the illustrations, but also roughly 60.000 to play all the episodes. The only case where my racommendation is to buy the illustrations is if you really don't care about origins or you only want a few illustrations
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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Atlus introduced new the Bethel demons of each country and traversing the world of Da’at for Shin Megami Tensei V during the third volume of its Shin Megami Tensei V News program.
Here is the full English transcript:
It’s time for the Shin Megami Tensei V News. This show from Atlus will showcase information regarding Shin Megami Tensei V, a Nintendo Switch-exclusive RPG launching November 11, 2021. I’m your host, Chiaki Matsuzawa.
Here are today’s Shin Megami Tensei V News topics.
Bethel Demons of Each Country
Traversing Da’at
Now, let’s begin the show.
We’ve introduced various human characters in Shin Megami Tensei V News Vol.1 and 2, but this time, we’ll be introducing some demons that are key to the story. Let’s take a look.
Bethel Demons of Each Country
In order to protect Tokyo, the protagonist agrees to cooperate with the Bethel Tokyo branch. And so, demons that work with Bethel in various countries appear before him.
Khonsu, from the Bethel Egypt Branch – “See for yourself the Creator’s ‘almighty’ handiwork.” “See how the earth’s inhabitants lament their injustices and buckle under misfortune.”
Vasuki, from the Bethel India Branch – “I shall be filling in as Lord Shiva’s proxy.”
Zeus, from the Bethel Greece Branch – “Bah! I’m sick of hearing babble from that winged wench and her automatons.”
Odin, from the Bethel North Europe Branch – “But wait, are you not a Nahobino? How could you have broken the shackles that bind us?”
As each of their ambitions and motives intertwine, What future awaits Tokyo and the protagonist…?
We’ve just taken a look at the demons from the Bethel branches in various countries. One can’t help but wonder, could they be friend, or foe?
Next, we have news regarding Da’at, an alternate Tokyo in ruins. Please take a look.
Traversing Da’at
Da’at, an alternate Tokyo in ruins. A vast world, its terrain varies widely depending on the area. There’s a variety of enemies and marvels to find, so be sure to explore every nook and cranny.
Leylines connect regions of Da’at, and can be used for features such as saving game data. By accessing them, you can also visit the Cadaver’s Hollow.
You can pay Macca to purchase items from the master of the Cadaver’s Hollow, Gustave, or sell him your loot.
—Gustave: “I’ll sell you what you crave, long as you’ve got the Macca!”
—Gustave: “Give yourself an edge against the demons, why don’t you?”
—Gustave: “So, what’ll it be?”
—Gustave: “See something you like, it’s all yours… For a small fee, of course.”
Gustave’s pawns, known as Miman, can be found hidden throughout Da’at.
—Miman: “What?! Gustave wants us to come home?”
—Miman: “I haven’t found any relics yet… but I guess I’ll go now.”
Find Miman, and report to Gustav to obtain rewards based on the number found.
—Gustave: “Keehee. Found a Miman already, have we? My thanks, friend.”
—Gustave: “I got just the thing to show my appreciation.”
—The protagonist gained Onmoraki’s Essence.
By finding Miman, you can also earn Glory, which is necessary in order to obtain Miracles.
—Miman: “Don’t forget to search inside buildings too.”
—The protagonist gained 5 Glory.
Be sure to explore every corner of Da’at to find them.
There are all sorts of things that can be found throughout Da’at, like useful hidden items.
—Vending Machines: You can find relics exchangeable for Macca.
—Treasure Boxes, Amalgams: You can find items, Essences, and Glory.
—Gained 2 Medicine.
Collect Magatsuhi scattered throughout Da’at to reap their various benefits.
—Green, Yellow, Red Magatsuhi: Heal HP, MP, and increase Magatsuhi Gauge.
You may also encounter giant, demon-like statues in your travels.
—Absorb the petrified demon’s magic? (Select: Yes)
They are remnants of the war that took place over a decade ago.
—Demon Statues: Touch them to increase your demons’ levels.
There’s a low chance that you could encounter special demons called Mitama.
—Protagonist: Zanma + 2
—Mitamas: Drops items exchangeable for money, EXP, and Glory.
—Cloth Mask, Cartridge Game Console
If you find one, try to defeat it right away.
Occasionally, you will encounter giant, red obstacles known as Abscesses. Powerful enemies will spawn around them, but if you manage to destroy the Abscess, you can obtain new Miracles.
—Protagonist: Aramasa
—Abscesses: Defeating them will not only clear your path, but also teach you new Miracles.
—Miracle Awakening: By destroying the Abscess, the Nabohino obtained Magatsuhi and awakened new Miracles!
When you encounter a demon called Amanozako, she will support you through your exploration of Da’at.
—Amanozako: “I’m Amanozako. Here’s hoping we can help each other out. Cool?”
—Amanozako became your quest navigator!
—Amanozako: “Hey, I sense something interesting over here! (Select: Check)”
—Amanozako: “See? See? You found something nice, right?”
Demons other than Amanozako can also join you as quest navigators.
—Gained 3 Revival Beads.
You can take on various requests from demons living in Da’at.
—Neko Shogun: “Would you mind sparing some Life Stones if you have any?”
—Neko Shogun: “I still need five more Life Stones.”
—Neko Shogun: “Would you mind sparing some Life Stones if you have any?”
—Accept quest ‘Bring Me Life Stones’? (Select: Yes)”
—Accepted quest ‘Bring Me Life Stones.'”
You can acquire useful items by completing these requests.
—Neko Shogun: “I wish you luck on your journey.”
—Completed quest ‘Bring Me Life Stones.’ (Select: Close)”
—The protagonist gained War God’s Amulet.
We encourage you to explore every corner of the grand world of Da’at.
That’s it for our segment on Da’at, the ruins of another Tokyo. I can’t wait to explore this vast world in detail.
User Questions
PSA: Here at Shin Megami Tensei V News, we are always accepting messages from our viewers. We’ve been highlighting a few of them at the bottom of the screen. For this next segment, I’d like to read one out loud.
We received the following message from @Giru-kun.
“I’m excited for the Shin Megami Tensei V release. If there’s an option like Safety mode or something, I’d be able to buy the game without worrying about the difficulty, so please take it into consideration.”
Thank you for your message. Allow me to explain the difficulty settings for this title.
There are three difficulty settings: Casual, Normal, and Hard. All three modes are available from the beginning of the game. Hard mode is filled with danger and many challenges, and can only be selected at the beginning of the game. You can switch to Casual or Normal modes during your playthrough, but you cannot switch back to Hard mode after doing so. We recommend it for players who aren’t satisfied by the challenge of standard gameplay.
In addition, an even more user-friendly Safety mode will be available from the release date as free downloadable content. Players have the option to choose the difficulty that suits them best.
Please continue to send along your messages and questions. >> Tweet your questions with the hashtag #AskSMT5! We look forward to hearing from you!
Related News
And now, we would like to share some related news. Let’s take a look.
All retail exclusive items revealed! Check them out through our purchase guide.
Osamurai-chan’s Shin Megami Tensei Challenge #1 is now on YouTube!
On September 30, a Shin Megami Tensei V article will be released in Weekly Famitsu!
On November 11, original Shin Megami Tensei V merchandise will go on sale!
A Shin Megami Tensei V Pop-up Shop at Tower Records!
On November 8, the “Shin Megami Tensei if… Campus Demonic Envoy” Reprinted Edition will go on sale!
That concludes our related announcements.
It is now time to say farewell.
All the information we shared today will be updated on our official website. Please be sure to check it out, along with our latest trailer.
Here at Shin Megami Tensei V News, we plan to periodically deliver the latest information about the game.
The next program is scheduled for late October. We will see you again then.
Until next time!
Shin Megami Tensei V is due out for Switch on November 11 in Japan and November 12 worldwide. Read more about the game here, here, and here. Watch the latest trailer here.
Watch the full program below.
Full Program
Bethel Demons of Each Country
Traversing Da’at
3 notes · View notes
lockefanfic · 4 years
Business Trip - Part 2
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 “You’re wrong! Cloud clearly felt stronger feelings towards Tifa.”
 “No, you’re the one that’s wrong. Did you know Aerith was the default choice for the date scene? And what about the fact that Cloud and Aerith are in Final Fantasy Tactics and Kingdom Hearts together? If you still think Cloud belonged with Tifa, you’re crazy.”
 As if to emphasize her point, Minatozaki Sana makes a cute pouty gesture with her lower lip before downing the rest of her glass of beer. It was relatively noisy in the busy izakaya you were both having dinner in, but Sana’s voice still had no problems drowning out all the other voices around you; apparently, the love lives of fictional characters was a passionate subject for her.
 “Okay, okay, you win. I guess maybe Cloud was meant to be with Aerith.”
 “That’s right!” she says in her charming, mildly accented English, “I can be very aggressive.”
 “Aggressive? You mean, persuasive.”
 “Yes, that’s the word. Persuasive. But I’m also aggressive.”
 “Really?” you ask, allowing a little flirtatiousness to your tone.
 “Really,” she replies, a small smile forming on the corners of her lips, returning the flirtation with some of her own. She lets the word linger in the silence between you for a second, before her smile widens, the cuteness returns with a giggle, and she reaches for another chicken yakitori.
It’s been quite the busy afternoon, and Sana has proven quite the capable tour guide, taking you to all the major tourist destinations in town as well as a few lesser known ones. You quite enjoyed the hours you spent in Akihabara, watching as Sana hunted down an apparently elusive figurine of a Final Fantasy character and picked up copies of her favorite mangas from three different bookstores.
 The afternoon with her made it obvious that most of her charm came from the innocent naivete that pervaded every part of her personality. Her accented English perhaps played a large part in that charm, but there was no denying that she was also ridiculously beautiful, with large, expressive eyes and a round face with cute, small features. She had a fit body to match - not quite as fit as Momo’s, mind you, as Sana’s was more shapely and feminine; however, it was mostly her innocence and that cute, sweet face that attracted you to her.
 But she also had a playful, flirtatious side - an innocent “accidental” touch or graze here or there, a soft pat on on the forearm whenever you made a joke, her suggestive jokes whenever you encountered something lewd or sexual in your journies throughout Tokyo (the incidences of which were surprisingly common).
 It was refreshing, in a way, to spend time with a woman who was in many ways the exact opposite of Hirai Momo. Where Momo was upfront about her intentions and confident in her sexuality, Sana was shy and playful; she liked to flirt, apparently, although she did so in a less overtly obvious way than Momo did.
 “So where else did you want to go this week?” Sana says as she chews on her yakitori stick, “Perhaps we should go to Ginza or Roppongi with Momo? I know a few nice izakayas there.”
 “Sure, that’d be nice,” you reply, “I’m getting kind of tired, though. It’s been a long day. My feet are killing me!” You enjoyed every minute of Sana’s whirlwind tour of Tokyo, but all the walking, not to mention your activities with Momo that morning, had worn you out.
 Sana giggles, her giggle a musical sound amidst the loudness of the izakaya, before nodding in understanding. A waitress happens to be passing by, and she flags her down to request the bill. You reach for the bill when the waitress returns with it, but Sana snatches it away.
 “This is my treat! Now you’re debted to me,” she says with a smile that is mostly cuteness on the outside, and a hint of suggestiveness. You smile back, both at the suggestiveness of her comment and at the fact that she used the phrase “debted to me” instead of something more casual, like “you owe me.” Either way, you found it charming.
 You both gather your things (consisting mainly of Sana’s shopping bags filled with geeky sundries) and head to the door. Once Sana has paid and you are both outside, you pull out your phone to map your way back to the hotel, only to find that the battery has died.
 “Dammit, my phone’s dead,” you say dejectedly, “can you tell me which stations I need to get to to get back to the hotel?”
 “Oh, darn,” she says, and you find her use of the word darn intensely endearing, “well, I have a battery pack at my apartment and it’s only three stops from here, if you want to borrow it?”
 The idea of getting lost in a foreign city without a working phone to guide you back to your hotel is daunting, so you decide to take her up on her offer.
 “Sure,” you say, “lead the way!” Sana smiles brightly at your response before you head towards the nearest subway station side by side.
 Apparently, being an interpreter for a large international business paid well enough to afford a pretty swanky apartment in downtown Tokyo. Sana’s residence was small, as most apartments in Tokyo tended to be, but it was modern, well-designed, and filled with a ton of geeky anime and video game related collectibles.
 You had expected her to dart into her apartment to pick up the battery pack while you waited at the door, but she insisted that you check out the view from her window, which apparently was spectacular - and it really was. Looking out over the bustling Shinjuku district, Tokyo appeared as a dazzling array of moving and blinking lights, stretching out over what seemed to be an impossibly long distance. Nightfall had just begun to creep over the city, and the last vestiges of the daylight began to disappear into the distant horizon.
 “Pretty, yes?” Sana asks as she stands next to you.
 “Definitely,” you agree, although much of your attention was devoted to admiring Sana’s reflection in the window, “it’s gorgeous.”
 You notice Sana’s smile grow wider in the window reflection.
 “I have a question,” she asks, her tone shy and demure.
 “You and HIrai-san… or, Momo. Are you... sleeping together?”
 The question catches you off guard, but you nonetheless respond with a smile.
 “Was it that obvious?”
 “No,” Sana says, “but girls have ways of knowing.”
 “Are you disappointed?” You wonder if perhaps your relationship with Momo, as purely platonic as it was, had ruined any shot you had with Sana. Even worse, you wonder if perhaps she thought less of you for sleeping with a woman you weren’t in any sort of romantic relationship with.
 “No, no,” she replied, waving her hand in front of her in that cute gesture Japanese girls do, “Not at all. Hirai-san is very beautiful. I can see how you can be attracted to her.” You notice that she has has reverted to calling Momo “Hirai-san” - perhaps it is instinctual.
 “We’re just friends,” you say, eager to set the record straight, “nothing more. We just get lonely on business trips, I guess,” you add, in a lame attempt to justify yourself - the second the words leave your mouth you wonder if perhaps you shouldn’t have said them.
 “No, I understand, you don’t have to explain,” says the young woman next to you, “it happens.”
 A moment of silence passes between you, both pairs of eyes searching the Tokyo skyline for something to say, hoping to find some new conversation starter amongst the flashing lights and tall buildings.
 “Even though you’re just friends, do you have feelings for Hirai-san?”
 “No,” you answer, surprising yourself with how quickly the words came, “not right now, anyway. We’re just friends, and that’s all.”
 Sana nods.
 “Did you like what you’ve seen of Tokyo?” she asks.
 “Definitely,” you answer, “it was amazing. I can’t wait to see more of it.”
 “I’ll show you whatever you want to see.”
 As Sana says those words she turns to you with a bright smile. You are struck in that moment by how beautiful she looks, the neon blues and greens of Tokyo’s evening lights playing on one side of her face whilst her apartment’s lights paint the other side of it in warm yellow. It is almost surreal; her face looks like it was drawn by a painter.
 What she does next surprises you - swiftly, gracefully, she moves so that she is between you and the window, her back against the glass, your view suddenly filled with her warm, beautiful face. Her proximity makes you fully aware of everything about her - her gorgeous face, the way her one-piece sweater dress hugs the soft, feminine curves of her body, the slight hint of perfume she is wearing. You harbor strong, perhaps undefined feelings for Momo, but the young woman standing in front of you presents such a strong contrast to her. Both are wonderful young women that any man would be pleased to have any sort of relationship with; but each are wonderful in their own, different way.
 It dawns on you that her inquiries about Momo earlier were just to ensure that she wasn’t getting in the way of anything; now that she was sure you were merely friends, she could make her move. It was a small gesture, but one that you respected.
 She stands still for a moment, allowing you a moment to adjust to her sudden closeness. Then she looks up at you with those eyes - those large, round, impossibly deep eyes - and after holding your gaze for a moment she raises her head so that your noses touch. She lingers there for a split second - although it seemed like forever - and then suddenly you are both kissing, your lips crashing together as the romantic and sexual tension that has been building up all afternoon between you is finally released.
 Her arms wrap themselves around your neck and yours wrap around her slim waist, your arms fully aware of the relative thinness of her grey sweater dress, happy to find that she is likely not wearing anything aside from her underwear beneath it. As your hands wander around her back her tongue enters your mouth in a move you weren’t quite ready for. You remember her statement from earlier about how she could be aggressive - she certainly was.
 Minutes pass as you explore each others’ mouths, relishing the newfound intimacy with another human being that Sana has initiated. You are content to stand there, making out with her against the glass of her apartment window, but clearly that is not all she has in mind. You feel her fingers working your belt, and within seconds she has your pants loosened.
 You suddenly realize what that means - what she has in mind for the evening. The girl didn’t waste any time. She breaks the kiss and looks you straight in the eye.
 “Keep admiring the view,” she says, a devilish look in those eyes that seconds before you had thought were so innocent.
 With that, Sana lowers herself to her knees, hooking her fingers into your pants and dragging them down with her. From this position on her knees, she was below the windowsill, and thus no one looking into her apartment could know she was there. Sana tugs your pants down your legs and you kick them free.
 Seconds later your boxers follow suit, and before you knew it your manhood has sprung free. Sana wastes no time in grasping your mostly hard shaft with her soft, delicate fingers, while her nose - her cute, button nose - brushes up against its base. Then her small tongue darts out quickly, placing small, wet licks up your shaft until she reaches your tip - and at this point, you are hard as a rock. Satisfied that you are fully erect, she pumps your shaft a few times with her soft hand, before pulling it down slightly and taking it into her warm mouth.
 No straight male in the world could have possibly kept their eyes off that sight, and so despite her insistence that you keep admiring Tokyo’s skyline, your find yourself looking down at the young Japanese girl kneeling in front of you with your shaft in her mouth. Sana giggles softly as she looks up and sees that you have failed in the task she has given you.
 “You’ve failed the mission,” she says with a giggle.
 “Oh no. Do I get punished?”
 “No punishment,” she says, eyes still locked with yours, her hand giving you two quick strokes that send shivers of pleasure up your spine, “only pleasure.”
 With that, she takes your cock back into her mouth and continues her blowjob. As she takes your shaft in and out of her small, warm, wet mouth, you force yourself to stare out the window, and even you can’t help but be hit by the ridiculous naughtiness of the situation - there you were, standing at an apartment window in downtown Tokyo, getting a blowjob from a beautiful young woman you had met the day before (and someone you technically worked with, at that) - and no one looking up at you from the street could have known.
 Added to this was the fact that just minutes before, you had Sana pegged as an innocent, naive young woman - and now she was on her knees in front of you, taking your length in and out of her mouth.
 Momo gave amazing head, but Sana was no slouch either, using her grip on your shaft and working her fingers in a corkscrew motion as she pumped them up and down along your length, her mouth focused on taking only your head and the first inch or two into her mouth at a time, her tongue playing circular patterns on the very tip.
 Your gaze returns to watch Sana’s head bobbing up and down your cock, and while you were never one to turn down a blowjob (particularly one in such erotic circumstances as this), you also knew that she deserved just as much pleasure as you did.
 “Stop, Sana,” you say, bringing your hands to her cheeks and slowly easing her off your cock. She lets the head pop out of her mouth, and the look of her large, round eyes looking up at you in surprise arouses you to no end.
 “It’s your turn to look out the window,” you say, and you pull her up by her shoulders until she is standing up again. Before she has time to say anything, you have switched positions so that she is now facing out the window - and you are down on your knees in front of her.
 You waste no time - why should you, when she certainly didn’t? You quickly bring both of your hands up and draw the hem of her tight, short sweater dress up until it is bunched around her hips, revealing the simple pink thong she is wearing beneath. There is a small, pink bow on the front of the garment’s waistline, which you find cute - but even more alluring is the significant damp spot between her slightly spread thighs. You bring both of your hands to her warm, full ass cheeks, taking a moment to admire their firmness, before hooking your fingers into the waistband of her thong and pulling them down.
 The second her underwear hits the floor your mouth moves forward, and your tongue darts out, giving her a long, deep lick, burying your nose and mouth as far between her thighs as it would go given her standing position. Your reward is a loud, startling gasp of pleasure that escapes Sana’s lips, and as she takes a moment to compose herself, you savor her sweet, slightly tangy taste on your tongue. You look up to watch her quivering face as she struggles with every ounce of self control to keep her gaze outside her window, her beautiful features wracked with pleasure. Anyone glancing up at her window from the street would probably only notice her silhouette, not realizing there was a man pleasuring her at that very moment with his tongue.
 Before going in for a second lick, you bring the middle finger of your right hand up and drag it up her slit before digging slightly between her lips, playing around her entrance, her abundant juices lubricating your digit easily. As your finger teases her entrance you return your mouth to her crotch, your tongue darting out, spending long seconds teasing her, playing with her warm, wet flesh, before you find what you are looking for - that warm, hard, small nub that is the centre of her pleasure.
 When you find it, you immediately penetrate her simultaneously with your middle finger - and the effect is immediate, to say the least, as Sana’s hips quiver sharply and a wordless gasp of pleasure escapes her lips. You are merciless, and this time you don’t give her time to recover as you continue, your tongue weaving random circular patterns around her clit whilst your finger pumps in and out of her drenched slit, curving slightly to scratch that rough, wavy patch at the front of her pussy.
 “Fuck!” Sana gasps, the English swear word being the first recognizable word that you can make out amidst a stream of syllables that might have been Japanese, “Fuck! It feels so good!”
 You take that to mean that you’re doing it right, and after a couple of minutes of steadily increasing pressure, you take a moment to introduce a second finger into her pussy as your index finger joins the one already inside her body. Almost immediately Sana’s pussy tightens around your questing fingers, and in a moment of pure pleasure, she cums.
 “Oh! Fuck!!”
 Her hands find your head, and her nails dig almost painfully into your skull as she finds release, her body shaking and quivering as the waves of pleasure finally break and overwhelm the young woman, her legs threatening to give out beneath her. Your tongue darts out and continues to give her clit soft, wide licks, flattening your tongue against the part of her pussy that is left exposed, savoring the increase of delicious juice flowing from her body.
 Eventually the aftershocks cease. You look up at Sana to find her her round, beautiful face flushed with pleasure, her once tidy and neat hair now sweaty and unkempt, strands of black and purple hair plastered against her cheeks. You try to remove your fingers from her body, but her tightness won’t let you.
 “Let me go,” you say with a smile, and Sana giggles at the ridiculousness of your demand. The smile is still on her lips as you are finally able to remove your fingers from her body, your fingers drenched in her slick juices. She lowers herself until you are both sitting on the floor, your back up against the wall as she sits in your lap. She dives in for a kiss that is full of desire and lust, evidently uncaring that her juices are still in your mouth.
 “I’ll do whatever you want,” she says, tearing her lips from yours for a second before kissing a path to your left ear, “You can do whatever you want to me. Just fuck me.”
 The aggressiveness of this girl continues to surprise you, and you take a moment to draw the moment out, teasing her with feigned indecisiveness as she plants soft kisses on your neck and ear. You savor the moment - here you were, sitting on the floor of an apartment in downtown Tokyo, with a gorgeous young woman in your lap that was willing to do whatever you wanted, her dripping pussy rubbing your hard shaft even as her juices stained your lips and fingers.
 The possibilities cycle in a split-second across your mind, although you realize that there was no need to do anything too crazy - it was best to start with the basics.
 “Take your clothes off,” you tell her.
 Sana’s response is to reach down and grasp the hem of her sweater before pulling up and over her head, tossing it aside. She was not as well endowed as Momo was, but her round breasts are well shaped and perfectly proportioned to her body, held in place and pushed up deliciously by a simple pink bra that happened to have a pink bow at the front that matched her thong.
 Patience, apparently, was not a word that was in Minatozaki Sana’s vocabulary, and almost as immediately as she as able she reaches behind her to undo her bra clasp, before pulling it forward and throwing it away. Her soft breasts sway slightly, newly freed from their lace prison, and Sana leans forward, allowing you access to her chest.
 Her breasts are on the smaller side but no less alluring, and as the warm flesh dangles deliciously in front of your face, you bring both hands up, cupping them both from the side and allowing your thumbs to reach up and play with her quickly hardening nipples. Sana lets a soft moan escape her lips, and at that sound you lean your head forward and take her left nipple in your mouth, your tongue happy to taste another part of this young woman’s flesh, swirling around the hardened tip in random patterns. The Japanese girl leans her head back and moans as you continue to suckle her breast, your other hand taking her right nipple between a thumb and index finger and teasing it similarly. A deep, wordless growl of pleasure torn from Sana’s throat is your reward, and you are acutely aware of the wetness between her thighs pressing against your crotch, as she rubs and grinds herself onto your erect cock.
 Seconds, minutes, maybe hours pass while you play with Sana’s chest - you cared little for how much time passes while you enjoy a young woman’s body. But eventually you tear yourself away from her chest and look straight into her eyes.
 “Ride my dick,” you say, and Sana returns your statement with a look that is full of lust. Gone is the innocent; naive girl you thought she was - now there was only lust, and passion, and desire written all over her face and body.
 Reaching between your bodies - which are at this point hot and covered with a film of sweat - she takes your cock with gentle fingers and aims it for her entrance, still drenched with her sweet juices. She allows the head to penetrate her, rotating her hips whilst it is just inside her lips - the teasing is wonderful and sends soft pleasure radiating from your body, but as you have realized, when it came to sex, Minatozaki Sana had little patience when it came to sexual matters.
 All at once, she thrusts her hips down, taking you into her body. Both of you gasp loudly, and you find yourself realizing again that no possible other sensation on earth could possibly equal the pleasure of first penetration. Every woman you have ever entered has felt different, and Sana is no exception - she was ridiculously tight, the outer muscles of her pussy squeezing every inch of your cock deliciously as you enter her.
 Sana takes a brief moment with you fully impaled inside her, perhaps allowing herself to become accustomed to your size. Before long, she is raising her hips, drawing your cock out of her body, and as soon as only the head remains inside, she is sliding down your shaft again.
 Her pussy feels amazing around your cock, and while Momo’s was soft and wet, she was not nearly as tight as Sana, whose insides constantly felt like a hot vice of moist silk pressing against every bit of your shaft as it entered and exited her body. She was probably the tightest you had ever had.
 “Fuck!” Sana exclaims as she continues to bounce up and down, grinding herself against your crotch, “It feels so good… fuck… you’re so big! Ahhh!”
 You take a moment to savor the sight and feel of her body bouncing up and down on your lap, her soft breasts bouncing freely, her thin arms bracing her weight against your chest and shoulders. Momo’s body was in amazing shape, more like a supermodel or an athlete - Sana was no slouch and was also fit, but she was slightly softer, with more feminine curves and more meat on her bones in general. You found yourself admiring her round, full thighs and the way they slammed against yours as they flex up and down with effort, raising and lowering her body in an attempt to drive you as deep as she could inside her.
 Her long, graceful neck is extended as she throws her head back and allows a long moan to escape her lips, followed by a mixture of Japanese and English syllables as she continues to impale herself again and again on your shaft, every muscle in her body working towards the pursuit of pleasure. There was something intensely intoxicating about watching a young girl who was so demure, so feminine in public, become such a fiercely passionate woman in the throes of lust. She was not slutty, nor was she overly fierce or aggressive - she was merely a young woman who knew what she wanted with sex, and she wasted no time in getting it.
 “Fuck! Your cock… feels so good inside me. You like… you like my pussy?”
 “Fuck yes,” you answer, your brain barely able to form the words amidst all the pleasure. The way her accent tinges the words ‘fuck’ and ‘pussy’ makes them infinitely sexier.
 Her tightness is almost overwhelming, her pussy’s grip around your cock intoxicating. You want her to ride you until you cum, want to pull her hips down into yours and drive yourself as deep into her body as you can before you spill into her...but you also have another idea in mind - revenge.
 “Stop, Sana,” and again Sana’s flushed, pleasure wracked face is surprised at your command. You hesitantly, slowly push her off until your cock pops out of her grasping pussy with a pop that is accompanied with a sigh of dismay from the young woman. You take a moment while she is sitting on the floor to quickly pull your sweater up and over your head, so you are both finally fully naked.
 You bring yourself to your knees, then to your feet, and taking her hands, you pull her up as well so that she is standing - but then you turn her around, and push slightly on her back so that she is leaning her hands against the windowsill and bent over, her round ass in the air - then, wasting as little time as possible, you grasp your slick, wet cock with one hand and penetrate her from behind.
 “Fuck!” Sana says, the word almost a shout, as you begin to fuck her against the window, obvious for anyone to see were they to peer into the window of her apartment - not that either of you gave a damn about that aside from that fact that it added another layer of raunchiness to your fucking.
 “Tokyo… is… gorgeous,” you say between thrusts into her pussy, driving home the naughtiness of the situation and getting a little revenge for her earlier teasing.
 A stream of passionate, lustful sounds erupts from the young woman’s throat. Some of it sounded vaguely Japanese.
 “Shut up and fuck me,” she says - there was no misunderstanding that.
 She felt even tighter in this position, as if such a thing were possible. You watch as each thrust into her round ass rocks her body, sending a shock through her full thighs and through her slim, graceful back and her thin arms. She had a little more meat on her lower body than Momo did and you appreciated the sight of every thrust jiggling the soft flesh of her thighs and ass.
 “Fuck! Fuck me! Just like that… You’re so deep!”
 Sana throws her head back, sending strands of black and purple hair flying. You grip her waist tightly, pulling her back towards you as you thrust forward, in an attempt to somehow get deeper into her tight, willing, wet body, making every effort to fuck her even a fraction of an inch deeper than you already were, that delicious friction between your bodies overwhelming every part of your brain.
 The thrill of it all - the fact that you had each gone down on each other while facing the window, the fact that you were now straight up fucking this girl for anyone looking up at the window to see - it was starting to drive you towards that point of no return. The thrill, the audacity of the action is one thing, but there was no denying that Sana’s tight, grasping pussy was the main driving force towards your impending orgasm.
 Before it came, though, you had to make sure she was safe.
 “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, Sana. Where.. Can I...”
 “I’m… I’m gonna cum too,” she says, the words barely discernable amidst the stream of moans and soft noises of pleasure that are escaping her mouth, “I’m… I’m cumming!”
 Sana writhes suddenly in a way that she hasn’t before as the pleasure suddenly erupts in an orgasm that she would later tell you took her completely by surprise, her pussy contracting and releasing in pulses around your still thrusting shaft. It is almost unbearable, and whereas before you were merely close to orgasm, the feel of her pussy now meant you were mere moments away.
 “Sana… I’m so close. Where…”
 “Inside! I want it inside!” she says, her answer almost a shout, “Cum with me. Please! Cum inside me!”
 That was all you needed to know, and you willingly threw yourself into the pursuit of orgasm as you thrust deeper and deeper into Sana’s pussy, driving her quivering body forward against the window. Her hands search for something, anything to grasp, both of your bodies orgasming at near the same time, both of you reaching that wonderful plateau together.
 In a split second it hits you all at once - the fact that you were fucking her in front of an open window, the soft, wetness of her body, the moans of desire that spill unbidden from the young woman’s lips as you drive in and out of her wonderfully tight pussy as she is locked in the throes of orgasm - and you join her as you cum as well.
 You grip her hips tightly as with one last stroke you drive yourself as deep as you can go inside Minatozaki Sana’s body. Warm, hot semen erupts from your cock and into the welcoming depths of her pussy, and with each spurt you give short, quick thrusts to elongate and multiply the pleasure that flows outward from your crotch like a tidal wave.
 Time loses all meaning - you would have stayed there for a year if you could have, buried deep inside her body, but eventually your strength and hers gives out, and you both fall to your knees on the floor. Through some miracle (perhaps it is the tightness of her pussy not wanting to let you go), you maintain your connection, and as you both hit the floor you remain deep inside her.
 There are no words spoken, and every effort is given to heavy breathing and recovery from the intense session. You admire the sight of Sana bent over, one hand still gripping the edge of the windowsill above her head as though she were afraid to let go of it. The rest of her is slumped and bent over in front of you, her black and purple hair hiding her face. The most alluring sight of all is her back and full, round ass, between which your cock was still impaling her pussy, her lips tight around your softening shaft as though unwilling and unable to let it go.
 “Let me go,” you say finally between heavy breaths, and Sana giggles in response despite her fatigue. Eventually your cock softens enough that you are able to withdraw it, and seconds after you remove it you are delighted to see a thin stream of thick white liquid appear and begin to flow down her full, flushed thighs.
 “That was… that was…” Sana begins, and you could see that she is searching for the right English words in her head, “fucking amazing.”
 It’s your turn to let out a small laugh. Sana finally falls onto her side on the floor, and you join her, propping yourself up on your left arm so you are facing her, your right hand palming and massaging her butt. You brush her hair away from her sweaty brow to reveal the same cute, lovely face of the afternoon’s tour guide, but flushed and painted with the afterglow of sex.
 You lean down for a kiss that is less passionate, and more emotional. When you break your kiss you notice the soft smile on Sana’s lips.
 “I can’t believe we did that,” Sana says, “anyone could have seen you fucking me.”
 “I guess so,” you say with a shrug.
 “Whatever,” Sana says, “it was fucking hot.”
 You both share a smile.
 “Sana… this was… just sex, right?”
 “Of course,” she answers quickly, “it was just sex. Fucking amazing sex.”
 You are thankful that she sees it the same way - for a moment you are afraid that perhaps she had thought differently. She was a wonderful, gorgeous girl inside and out, but the fact of the matter was you had little to tie you together except for a single afternoon in a foreign land - and the fact that you technically worked for the same company.
 You cursed the fact that you lived on opposite sides of the planet, and wonder what would have happened had you met her on the sidewalk back home.
 But nonetheless you are happy your paths have crossed, if even for a day - and she did promise to see more of you in the five days you had left before you went back home. And at the very least, you had a new friend in Tokyo whenever your business trips led you there.
 “I should clean up,” Sana says, interrupting your reverie, “you were like a fire hydrant.”
 You laugh as Sana finally gets up on shaky legs, and admire her small, thin form as she gets up and walks towards the bathroom. When Momo did the same after your sessions in the morning you found your eyes glued to her ass - strangely, your eyes are only watching the back of her head as Sana walks away, cursing the fact that such a wonderful young woman lived so far away from you.
 “I guess this is what you came for,” Sana says as she presses the small battery pack into your hand. You smile as you plug your phone into it and slip both items into your jacket. You are at her apartment door, and about to head out back to the hotel.
 You had both spent a few minutes recovering, sitting on her kitchen table and sharing a random assortment of Japanese snacks she had lying around, even making a game of it where she would place a random snack in your mouth and you had to guess what the ingredients were. It was made even more difficult by the fact that Sana was wearing what was probably the most distracting t-shirt in the world, a pale blue, thin cotton shirt with a frog on it that was low-cut enough to reveal some delicious cleavage and barely, just barely covered her nether regions. If she were to lift her arms, it would raise the shirt and expose herself - she clearly knew what she was doing when she chose that shirt to put on.
 Alluring t-shirts aside, it was getting late, and as much as you would have gladly spent the night there, you knew it would probably be best if you headed back to the hotel.
 Sana is watching as you slip your shoes back on. You turn to her once you are ready to go.
 “So I’ll see you tomorrow?”
 “Yes!” Sana says, her face bright with enthusiasm, “we can go see that giant Gundam. And we can go to Tokyo Skytree! The view from the top is amazing.”
 “I don’t think it would be as good as it is here,” you say suggestively.
 “Maybe we can make it better,” Sana retorts, a naughty, teasing look in her eyes. How was it possible for a girl to look so innocent and so racy at the same time?
 “Good night, Minatozaki Sana,” you say finally.
 “Oyasumi,” she answers, her voice soft and barely above a whisper.
 As she gives you a short bow, she lifts her head and looks straight into your eyes, and for the second time you find yourself cursing the fact that she lived thousands of miles away. You wonder what might have been had she, or you, simply been born in the same city.
 These thoughts give you a sort of sudden sadness, and you turn to make your way back to the hotel. As you step out the door, you feel her catch your upper arm with her hand. Before you can turn fully, she reaches up and plants a kiss on your cheek, before giving you a smile, her cheeks flushed red with emotion. You smile back at her sweet, lovely face, before you finally step out her door and take the first steps to the nearest subway station.
 Ten minutes later, you are sitting in the subway when your phone vibrates. Pulling it out of your jacket (along with Sana’s battery pack), you read the text you have received.
 MinatozakiSana says: Do you know what the Japanese phrase "3P" means?
 You take a moment to ponder the term, but it doesn’t ring any bells. You reply to Sana’s text and tell her that you are unfamiliar with it.
 MinatozakiSana says: Hehehe. ^^ Good night. <3
 You are puzzled by what it could possibly mean, and so you turn to your good friend Google for the answers. Your Google-fu is strong, and within minutes you know what 3P means - it is right there in front of you in black and white, on the screen of your phone:
 “3P is a popular Japanese term for a threesome.”
 You smile to yourself as you get off the subway and head towards your hotel. You hoped Momo were still awake, as you had much to discuss.
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jiminsfault · 5 years
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Gamin’ for love 0.1 | jkk
— pairing: gamer!Jungkook x escort!reader
— genre: smut, angst, a little fluff, crack maybe
— word count: 8.5k
— summary: if love was a game, even Jungkook wouldn’t know how to win. Ordering an escort might help.
— warnings: a lot of mentions of dick and pussy, Jungkook being a horny airhead, oral (f), dom!Jungkook, mentions of sex work, name calling, degradation, cursing, protected sex, fingering, squirting, he’s wearing a condom but he’s pulling out, Jungkook being sad, mentions of pathological liars, manipulation, emotional attachment, emotional unavailability, truth hurts should be the title track of this
— A/N: this was supposed to be a pwp but I did an oopsie :~) I hope you'll enjoy! The second part will come out soon.
— Special thanks to Heath (@maptoyoongi​) for helping me so much with this fic, I honestly wouldn’t have been able to do it without her. I love you boo❤️
moodboard | part one | part two | masterlist
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Jungkook often felt lonely. His profession being a twitch streamer meant constantly sitting in his dark room, playing his favorite games and entertaining others, not making for a lot of free time or opportunities to leave the house and socialize.
He rarely got to meet up with friends because of the lack of those, which meant that he rarely got to go out and meet a few new lady friends. After his relationship three summers ago failed at just four months, let’s just say; his soul hasn’t been very happy.
Neither has his dick. 
Granted, Jungkook realizes that he could’ve done a lot of things differently to change the outcome of things, he just didn’t at that time.
He’s sad, to say the least. Yes, he’s glad that he can just turn on his webcam and play video games to earn his pay. But constantly being hunched over a keyboard or a controller isn’t helping the state of his dick. 
The important part of a relationship shouldn’t be just sex, he constantly hears from his best friend, a chaotic author, who’s always screaming about the newest drafts he wrote down on his travel with the subway. A lot about sex as well, so Jungkook doesn’t really get his point there. 
If sex wasn’t as important, why always write about it? 
“It’s just fulfilling fantasies, stoopid!” It’s always the same thing. “It’s not there to be realistic! You can’t just go get coffee and meet a girl that’s willing to go home with you and fuck! It’s not meant to be realistic!”
Jungkook isn’t happy with that at all. He doesn’t have time to invest into a relationship. Neither motivation. The break up three years ago has left him with trust issues after he caught her cheating on him. Seeing the messages of one of his own best friends on his girl’s phone wasn’t really the greatest of feelings.
The reason why his ex cheated on him was because the nineteen year old teenager couldn’t stop playing video games. He didn’t pay enough attention to her, she wasn’t feeling appreciated. So she got it from someone who was willing to give up his time for her. 
But guess what? The twenty-two year old manchild still can’t stop playing video games! And the fact that Jungkook’s stream blew up one day and from then on money was made easily, didn’t help that at all. 
It would just be the same outcome anyway, if he tried to get into dating again. Girls always complain about these kind of habits, not paying attention to them and such. 
“If you just want to get some pussy, then a girlfriend shouldn’t be what you’re looking for,” his friend states. “Fucking pay for it like everybody else does!”
And that’s how that happened. 
It was just a little click, he guessed. The idea wasn’t bad, paying to see some pussy. It’s what he wants and he has the money. 
It’d save time too, no going out and finding a pretty girl to talk to. He wouldn’t get a guarantee for sex from the girls in the clubs or bars either. It’s a 50/50, going out and trying to flirt. 
Jungkook has never been that kind of dude, too, just going up to a girl and flirting with her. He wasn’t even sure if he’d be successful.
So it just made sense to him, paying to get his dick wet.
It’s decided, he thought. He pushed himself off of the couch and made his way to find his phone with a bounce in his step. It was still laying on the kitchen counter, left there from earlier when Jungkook made himself some ramen noodles. The gamer life, he guessed. 
“How do I google this, now?” he murmured into the empty room. Shrugging, he decided to just go crazy and went with the first thing that popped up when typing in ‘escort girls’. 
Is what greets Jungkook instead of their website. He just wants the phone number, goddamn. 
After closing all of the annoying porn bot ads, he finally found the number, copy pasted it into his phone and went on dial. 
“Hello, Aphrodite’s Erotes on the phone, how can we serve you today, Sir?” a warm, female voice greeted him. 
“Uuh, I would just like to pay to see some pussy I guess, hah” Jungkook laughed. How else would he approach this? 
The warm voice giggled, obviously not expecting somebody to order an escort in such a way. 
“Do you have any preferences? We have thick girls, skinny girls, tall girls-” she starts to count out the different varieties of girls, but Jungkook only furrows his brows. 
“I really don’t mind any. Just has to have a cute pussy, I guess.” the woman on the phone hummed in acknowledgement and asked Jungkook to wait a little, she would check for available girls. 
“Would you mind telling us your address and name? We’d send her on her way then. Y/N is said to have the best services we can provide.”
With bulging eyes and maybe already a little bit of a bulging dick, Jungkook confirms his personal information and couldn’t believe he was actually going through with this.
After five years of sad dick life, he was finally going to dunk into the sweet juices of a wonderful female being. A wonderful female being with the name Y/N, who was going to grace his ugly one bedroom apartment in less than thirty minutes, if the woman with the warm voice on the phone told the truth. 
Then it hit him; he still had to clean up. No, he wouldn’t need to make a good impression on this escort but he’d at least want the girl that’s blessing his dick with her presence to be comfortable around his place.
“If I go around in zoom zoom speed, maybe I’ll make it in time!” Jungkook was confident he’d make his chaos disappear before you arrived.
Additionally, he still had to shower as well, he’s been neglecting that a little over the last five days. So that’ll be the first thing, the apartment can wait. 
You couldn’t judge him for that though, he is a very busy man, constantly having to cook up ramen between gaming streams and Netflix marathons.
Yes, he has to admit he does keep himself fit in the gym too, how else would he still be able to move with the way he’s eating? it’s just that he likes to seem like a pig when describing his life sometimes. 
Constantly having a conscious eye on the clock, he was getting himself a little clean around the edges, he blow dried his hair until it wasn‘t dripping onto his white, a little tight tshirt anymore. He threw on his favorite grey sweatpants and went commando under it. He doesn’t expect to need any underwear anyway.
Jungkook was nervous, to say the least. He never ordered an escort and he doesn’t even know if he’s a good fuck; his last time was so long ago, he actually couldn’t remember if he made his ex girlfriend cum that last night. Perhaps that’s why she broke up with him? 
Actually, his ex did tell him that he was the worst fuck she ever had, she told him that if he would’ve at least had a good game in bed, maybe she wouldn’t have to cheat. Yeah, that hurt a lot. Didn’t really help with his insecurities either. Yikes.
There wasn’t much more time to dwell on the thought, his doorbell rang the usual tone and while rubbing his hands around each other he walked over to the door. 
What would you look like? Suddenly he feels like it’s christmas morning and he’s getting the present he's been begging for all year. He couldn't wait to unwrap your beautiful body.
His nervousness slowly began to dwell down and excitement took over his form. He hoped you would be nice, he couldn’t bare if you were mean about his dick or the way his apartment looks. 
Maybe you’d like to watch some Netflix with him? Is that included in paying for an escort? 
Jungkook shook his head, the fluffy, a little longer and still damp hair swinging with the motion. 
Deep breath, in and out. He can do this, it’s just sex. Right? Opening the door in the most casual way he could and leaning against the frame, it is. 
When his eyes meet yours, he’s stunned. You looked breathtaking, to say the least. Your hair was pretty and your make up seemed to be just light and natural, the dress you wore layed smooth across your skin and enhanced your beautiful curves. 
Maybe Jungkook felt his dick twitch a little when his eyes zeroed in on your boobs, they were squished together by the dress and the way it was cut just added to expose them. 
But the highlight was definitely your face, the prettiest girl he might ever have seen just stood in front of him. The way you smiled at him softly and put your hand up to wave at him was cute, but at the same time the sexiest thing a woman had ever done. 
“You must be Jungkook?” you asked, your voice sending him up into heaven, as well as his dick. 
“Hell yeah.” His eyes glossed over as he lost focus while staring at you and he doesn’t realize his reply. What he does pick up is your giggle, god does your giggle sound angelic.
“Do you wanna pay me for standing outside of your door or are you gonna let me in?” Is what ripped him out of his cloudy state.
“Uh.. yes, yeah of course, come in.” At that you took a step towards him and he opened the door wider to make the way. 
A few quiet moments went by as you sauntered around his living room, taking a peek at the kitchen and then turning around to look at Jungkook with an expecting expression. 
“So, where do you want me?” you purr, giving him an alluring gaze and your most subtle smile you could manage. You found it quite funny, the way he was acting. He clearly hasn’t had an escort over before, otherwise he wouldn’t just stand around and stare at you like a deer caught in the headlight.
“Wh- oh, uh,” he stammered. Where does he want you? His gaze crossed the room. Did you not want to get to know him first? 
You realised that he’s unsure of what to do, so you walk over and take his hand in your own to pull him towards the small corridor with two closed doors.
“Which one is it?” practically hearing the gears in his head turning, “your bedroom, baby,” you remind him. His eyes grew big as he got it and hastily nodded in understanding.
“This one,” he pointed and went to grip the door handle to the right door. Opening it, you saw a dim room, the blinds rolled down. It was still enough light flowing in for you to make out the bed, a dresser and a tv on shelves. Decorations aren’t visible except for the silhouettes. 
Both of you walked in, Jungkook went to turn on the light but you stop him. 
“It’s alright.” With a smile you reassure him, feeling his hands shaking slightly. 
You’ve been an escort for about three years, so new customers aren’t something unknown to you. In fact, it’s always pretty enjoyable, the regular customers aren’t much fun anymore. There’s a routine settled already, they know what they want and they know they’re gonna get it. 
So having a big, broad man standing in front of you, still holding onto your hand and seemingly growing smaller with every passing moment, does intrigue you. 
“Should we maybe just talk first?” He suggests. You grin and hold back your chuckle, he surely must know that that’s not what you’re here for. 
“Jungkook, baby,” you purr. “If you’re nervous about this it’s okay, but all I’m here for is to fuck you for your money, you know?” Stating the obvious seemed right. 
“You can go wild, do whatever you want with me. For as long as you’re willing to pay, I’m yours.” That seemed to stir him into motion. He nodded and took a breath. 
“Then.. sit down on the bed, please.” Jungkook knew that he didn’t have to ask, he knew that this was your job and that he could treat you the worst without consequences. But that just wasn’t him. 
In this house, we respect women, Jungkook just wasn’t that kind of man. Yes, he’s got some preferences in bed, but before sex, respecting women always came first. 
As you sat down, he joined you as well, leaning back on his hands and throwing his head back to move his bangs out of sight. 
“Can we kiss? Like, is that alright?” He didn’t want to just go ahead, maybe you have boundaries? But he needed to get over his nerves, he wanted this. He just didn’t expect you to be this pretty, is all. It made him shy to think about sleeping with such a beautiful woman. 
You nodded once, getting ready to straddle his lap. He was surprised from your sudden movement but you could tell that it was very much needed. Helping to spur him on is the least you could do. 
“Say… should I dom you tonight? Do you prefer that?” You murmur. He just gave you the energy, even with his big built. 
“No, I’m not a sub.” With a stern look in his eyes he reached his hand behind you and pushed you towards him. Fixating your lips, he quickly made eye contact to reassure himself if you consent for this and swept your lips in one move.
His lips were soft, tasted like cherries. They were puffy and he moved them agonizingly slow. Gladly accepting the sudden braveness from the man, you relaxed on his lap. His large hands held your waist tight and you felt incredibly small against him. At the image of the tall man, who’s hands started to roam your body, you let out an involuntary sigh. 
Jungkook started mushing his lips against yours, nibbling on your bottom lip. His left hand moved up to your hair, pushed it back from your shoulders and held you by the back of your neck. The other one still gripped your waist, kneading the flesh. He pulled you closer, causing your middle to rub against his crotch while your dress kept riding up, so your panties were even more exposed. He looked down your bodies and groaned when he saw your lace clad pussy, firmly placed onto his lap. 
“So that means I can’t get to know you first?” He dropped the question all of a sudden. You, not expecting any customer to ever prioritize getting to know you before getting off, let out a surprised chuckle. 
“I thought you wanted to fuck me, what do you need to know about me other than my body and my name?” You purr and let your hands run across his broad chest. The perks of getting a young customer from time to time is that maybe, you’ll be able to get off from this too. Jungkook is a very attractive man, his facial features gorgeous and his body built like Adonis himself would be sitting under you. The muscly thighs just spur you on to grind down on him, even through the loose sweatpants, the girth of them wouldn’t go past you. 
As your mind went into detail about how good it would feel when his thighs would clap against your own as he pounded into you well, Jungkook let his hands roam over you more, his right hand slipped from your waist down to your ass and the left situated itself right under the swell of your breasts.
“If you mind it that much, I will at least take my time to get to know your body, then. Go lay on the bed and be pretty, baby.” The sudden boost of confidence and the not missed radiance of dominance threw you off a little, to say the least. He said he wouldn’t be submissive, you just didn’t expect him to be this dominant either.
Before you obeyed him, you made quick movement in getting rid of your heels, assuming they wouldn’t be needed in the comfort of his bed. It was freshly made, as far as you can tell and the covers and pillows smelled like laundry detergent, not too intrusive of a smell. Laying down in the middle, you get comfy and look at Jungkook, who stood up from his place on the edge of his bed. 
With his gaze fixed onto your form, he grinned and pulled his tight tee over his head from behind. The anticipated muscles didn’t disappoint at all, his pecks very much there, chest puffed and you see a happy trail disappear into the secrets of his loosely hanging sweats. 
You wanted to just crawl over there and take him into your welcoming mouth, but the roles were clear and you didn’t want to go against him this early on. Instead, his knee pushed down onto the bed, his eyes seemingly darker and his arousal very clear if you looked at the outline of his hardened cock. Jungkook made his way to you and your breath hitched as he had you under him. 
“You’re gonna be good and let me take off that pretty little dress of yours?” He grinned, taking one hand to slide up and down your upper arm and onto your shoulder. Two of his fingers slid under the strap and slowly pulled it down to expose your collarbone. He bends his head down and let his mouth glide across your skin, barely touching you. Your hands fly up to grip onto his forearms, the tension he built up getting to you. His smile wasn’t visible to you but the little exhale of breath as he huffed amused was still there. 
“Jungkook..” you gasp when his lips finally touch your neck, “please.” Not knowing what you’re asking for, he still manages to excel. Carefully he bites into the skin just under your jaw and pulls it a little bit, kissed it after to heal the stinging. Laving his tongue up to the spot behind your ear he sucked the sensitive skin into his mouth, the fingers that were just resting next to your arm slowly creeping under you in search of the zipper. 
You helped a little bit, curved your back and automatically pressed into Jungkook’s chest with that. He’s warm and his skin seemed soft. He found the zipper and in contrast to his continuous, slow kisses, rips it down quickly. 
He seemed eager to discover more of your skin. 
With more vigor he unstrapped your other arm and, lifting up from his arms, he kneeled above you to shimmy your dress down your body and onto the floor. Your own arms fell down next to you from his movement, but you did not even stop to think of covering yourself up under his burning gaze.
“Beautiful,” was his only remark to this, his eyes roaming every inch of newly exposed skin. Your dress didn’t require you to wear a bra, so all you were wearing now were the innocently beautiful lace panties clinging to your pussy. A groan rumbled out of Jungkook’s chest at the view he got when he zeroed in on your middle. Your arousal was made visible through the wet spot and he dropped his hand down to your hip. His thumb barely ghosted over your lips and you shivered. 
“Need to eat you out, baby.” He stated, licking his lips in anticipation. With a whimper you nodded, strongly agreeing to this. You needed him to do something, anything. He made you this affected, now he has to finish the job. With a look into your eyes he dropped down onto his forearms, kissing your lips eagerly. 
“Wanna touch all of you, your body is so gorgeous,” Jungkook whispered into your ear, taking your earlobe in between his lips but still paid attention so that his teeth weren’t biting down, just grazing the soft skin. You reached up to dive your fingers into his soft hair and settle your hands on the back of his neck.
“Jungkook, I really need you. Please j-just-” you gasped when he pushed his knee against your groin. 
“I wouldn’t call you good, seeing as to how impatient you are, hm?” His tone was clearly teasing, his eyes glinting as he looked at your trashing form. The pressure was nice, but just not enough. You needed friction. 
“Look at you, grinding on my knee like a bitch in heat. I was trying to treat you like a princess,” he shakes his head in a demeaning way, “would you rather be treated like the bitch you are, then?” His chastising voice made your tummy feel heavy, the way he was talking to you making you feel so small. 
“N-no, please.” Jutting out your bottom lip on instinct made Jungkook laugh, you looked unbelievably adorable. “If you wanna be worshipped, baby, you gotta earn it,” he reminded. You nodded, wanting nothing else other than for him to finally do something, but he won’t unless he deemed you behaved enough.
Happy with your compliance, he flashed a toothy smile and bent his head down again to peck your lips, before he kissed down your chin and neck, to the valley between your boobs. With his lips he trailed over to your right breast, circled your nipple with his tongue and you whimpered his name. Smugly, he grinned and took the bud between his teeth to pull at it a little. Your mewls got louder and when he was satisfied, he repeated the actions on your other nipple as well. 
Your breathing started becoming heavier while Jungkook continued to leave sloppy kisses along his way to your tummy and finally, he was at your middle. Not done teasing you though, he started mouthing at your clothed slit, the touch barely there but still noticeable. Your hands went into his hair and you pushed and pulled at his soft strands. 
The sweet moans you let out only spurred him on, he kissed over your hip bone and down to your thighs. The kisses trailed a little bit down to your knee until your trashing increased so much, Jungkook felt like he had to discipline you. So with one quick movement, he lifted his hand and let it collide with the inside of your left thigh. The sound was loud and startled you, but not as much as the feeling. You gasped in shock and your grip in his hair tightened for a few seconds. 
“I said behave, you impatient little slut!” His voice boomed as he looked up at you with sharp eyes. His hand, still laying where he slapped your thigh, started kneading the smarting flesh. Without minding your ogling eyes, he moved up a little and presses his nose into your crotch. He inhaled deeply and fixed you with a strong look. 
“Was just gonna tell you what a nice fucking pussy you have, but maybe you don’t deserve the praise?” He questioned harshly. You keened at his action, loved that he’s all over your body. 
Just as you were about to apologize, trying to get Jungkook to do something, he harshly tugged your panties aside and took a good look at your wet slit. He let out an airy laugh. 
“You’re really this wet already? Poor thing must feel so neglected, hm, pretty?” You blushed at his words, from shyness because of the nickname and shame because yes, you already were soaked without much foreplay. You mewl and try to push Jungkook away from you when he didn’t retreat after a few minutes, but suddenly he delved right in.
Licking a fat stripe up your folds, he left the teasing for another time. With your glistening, perfectly pink pussy right in front of him, he couldn’t have possibly held himself back for any second longer than necessary. He took your mound in like a man starved and slurped up all your juices. Running his tongue up and down your slit and twisting it in figures on your clit made you scream out, your grip on his scalp like iron and your legs squirming around next to Jungkook’s upper body. 
He grips your thighs and throws them over his shoulders, holding you down with his hands on your tummy. He pressed his thumb down on your clit with his right hand and started pushing his wet muscle in and out of your tight hole. He moaned into you and let you feel the vibrations, getting you to throw your head back into his pillows and moan out loud. 
“F-fuck! Like that, please, Jungkook! Oh-” you can tell that he was grinning, his ego pumped to the hill from the noises he coaxed out of you. Even though he’s loving a full face of your pussy, your juices wetting his face from nose to chin, he lifts his head up for a short moment, intently looking at your withering form. 
“So, Y/N what’s your favorite color..?" Jungkook purred before he took another long swipe of your pussy making you gasp in pleasure. 
“Jungkook are you serious right now?” You almost scream out, upset at how he even stopped to circle your clit with his thumb. Looking at him, you saw that he wasn’t going to continue until you answered his question. You exhaled and sank back into the cooling pillows. 
“I like yellow..” he piqued up at that. “Oh wow, me too! I see, we’re getting along very nicely, pretty.” With a wink and that damned grin he lowered his head again, finally soothing the clammy feeling of need on your clit. 
He seemed almost desperate, groaning into your lips as he slurped up your juices, slipping his tongue in and out of you and making you gasp. He continued to hold you down to stop you from squirming up the mattress and you felt like his prey, at loss of your expense and slumping on the bed as you hold onto his hair with weak hands. 
“Jung-kook! Fuck!” Your gasp for him only spurred him on, he pressed his open mouth and flat tongue onto you and moved his face from side to side. “I’m gonna- nhhgg-“ an almost sadistic laugh rumbled through him and you shuddered. You could feel yourself get closer, his nose rubbing into your clit providing extra friction and your breath starts to get short. The heat built inside of your abdomen and you almost got pushed over when Jungkook removed himself completely off of you. 
Left with no touch your eyes ripped open and you stared at his smug face with disbelief. 
“What the fuck, Jungkook?” You groaned. He just laughed, wiping your glistening juices dry on his chin and nose with the back of his hand. 
“You’re not going to cum unless it’s on my dick, baby.” He shrugged, “just to be clear, I decide everything around here.” Not wanting to admit how much you like the idea of him controlling you in such a way, you frowned and let your head fall back into his pillow. 
“Understood?” He suddenly was on you, his eyes dark and lids heavy. You gasped but hastily nodded, whimpering when his unnoticed hand dragged over your sensitive clit. “Good girl,” Jungkook purred and mushed his head into the crook of your sweaty neck, mouthing at your skin and tickling your face with his hair that’s pointing in different directions after your rough pulling. 
After assaulting your tender neck for a few quiet moments in which you were able to calm your breath, he got up on his knees in front of you, grabbing your underwear and, with a little help from you, dragged them down until they were off and tossed away. With a twinkle in his eyes he started soothing his hands up and down your legs. 
“Ready for me?” He asked, his tone soft and hushed. He smiled at you and you were so delirious that you almost forgot your most important rule. 
“Wait!” You sit up with wide eyes, flushing when you realized how sudden you were and saw Jungkook’s doe eyes staring at you in shock. “You.. you need to put on a condom, sorry.” 
Expecting a complaint like from every other customer on how he’s clean and he’ll pull out and all that, you were surprised when he complied instantly and reached out to his nightstand to rummage through the drawer. With a smile he retreated a foil packet and held it up proudly. 
“I just recently went and bought some!” He exclaimed happily and went ahead to rip it open. After hastily removing his sweatpants and boxers, leaving you ogling his hard dick, he was able to pinch the tip and roll the condom over his erection without much trouble, rubbing over the length of it to make sure it’s on properly. You gulped at his movements, can’t seem to remove the image of him at his desk, rubbing one off to some cheap porn he found on the internet. You already knew some of the pretty sounds he makes, groaning deeply when he tucks on his cock. 
“Ready?” He checked in with you, ripping you from your little daydream. But why dream about him when you have the full meal right in front of you? He was more than ready to devour you in any way possible, never have you felt this good with a customer before. You nod, biting your lip. With his size, it would be a tight fit. 
Impatiently but still collected he rubbed his head between your lips, dragging it through your wetness and applying pressure to your clit. You gasped and raised your hips, not wanting to be teased like this when you could be welcoming him into your warmth already. 
Wrapping your legs around his petite waist, you urged him on, “hurry, Jungkook! Just fuck me alrea-“ your words morphed into a squeal with the pressure his tip brought. He pressed it against your opening, slowly making way for him and as you start to swallow him he panted and looked up from where you’re connected. 
“Your pretty pussy is so tight, baby. I can’t fit,” he gasped, shocked with how tight you actually are. It’s a nice snug feeling for him, your walls tightening around him when the first inches finally dip into you. You both moan in ecstasy when he pushed further and your pussy gripped him like a vice. 
Pushing your head backwards and curving your back, you gripped his covers and mewled. “You’re so big, Kook, make me feel so full!” The sentence slips out, wasn’t even practiced. You didn’t have to fake the feeling you had right now, he was fully satisfying you and you had no problem admitting to that.
Ragged breath and slowly working up a sweat, Jungkook held himself atop your figure, pushing his hands into the bed next to you and holding his hips for a little to let you get used to him. 
“Can I move?” He carefully asked, sincerely looking into your eyes. Once again, you just nodded, not able to form any words because he felt so nice inside of you. 
Having your go, he started to pull out and you felt the drag on your walls. With more strength he pushed into you, slamming his hips against your buttocks and making you shift up the mattress a little. You moan loudly, his power took you by surprise and his girth, that stays consistent until the very end of his shaft, filled you completely. He was thick, you already knew that but with the length he has on him his head was snugly laying against your cervix, just kissing it and you clench around him when the tip brushed your spot as he pulled out again. 
Jungkook continued at a slow pace, hard slams into your pussy that dragged on your walls and made you keen. Not able to keep your eyes open, you squeezed them shut and gasped out his name. “Please, take me how you want to, I’m yours to play with. Use me, Jungkook!” You spurred him on, partly for your own advantage. You were close again quickly due to your neglection earlier and with his dick sliding in and out of you, you wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer. 
It had its intended effect on him, he fell down onto his forearms and pushed his forehead into your shoulder. His hot breath was on your skin and you moved your hands into his hair, noticing that he enjoyed it being played with. 
“You’re close.” It was not even a question, he already knew how much you want to cum and he knows you’ll be there soon. “Cum for me, baby. If you wanna be a good little slut, then cum.” His commanding tone made you shudder and you reached one of your hands down his body to where you meet, starting to rub at your clit but he catches your wrist in his hand. 
“No touching, I know you can cum just like this. All you need ‘s my dick, hmm?” and fuck, yes it was. With a few more slams of his hips you were shaking around his form, one hand clamming onto his shoulder, the other still in his hair, now pulling on his roots. He moaned heavily into your ear, gasping when you clenched hard and sank your nails into his flesh. 
“Mmh, knew you would be able to do it, so proud of you,” he praised, heaving himself up a little to kiss your lips and lick into your mouth. You whined when he pulled away, chasing after his soft lips. 
With caution he started to move his hips again, building up a rhythm and pushing himself up on his hands again. His eyebrows were knitted together, face full of concentration and he let his tongue slide over his lips to wet them. 
“Such a good cunt, you’re such a fucking slut, letting me fuck you like this. God baby, I’m gonna cum soon.” You moaned at that, anticipating his release, wanting to please him as best as you can. You were already gasping and panting again, nearing your second orgasm slowly. 
“Please, Jungkook, make me cum again” you whine, “so close!” He grinned at that, his confidence boosting with every whimper that leaves your mouth because of him and what he does to you. 
He loved seeing you come undone for him like this, laying under him and grabbing at everything you can grasp. His thrusts were so hard that you needed to hold yourself close to him, otherwise you would just ride up the bed and into the pillows. 
Your hands were clamming at his arms, eyes blurry with tears threatening to fall. Your entire body felt like you were on fire, your cunt clenching around Jungkook and trying to keep him in, milking him for all he’s worth. 
“Such a cockhungry whore. Can’t get enough of my dick, huh?” his hips rammed faster into you, he stopped sliding out and almost didn’t remove himself from you anymore. “Need to fuck until you can’t even think anymore, hmm?” You nod, looking into his eyes and moaned loudly. 
“You fuck me s..so good! Want you to cum on me, cum all over me, please!” You begged, couldn’t handle the pressure in your abdomen anymore. “Jungkook.. pleaseplease!” 
“Ffuck! Gonna cum all over you, baby,” he pushed himself off of you and pulled out, ripping off the condom and quickly rubbing over his cock. He bit his lip, eyes zeroing in on your shaking body and with deep groans of pleasure, let his seed spurt out onto you. The first few shot up to under your breasts, Jungkook kept tugging on his head to squeeze out everything he’s got. Most of his release ended up on your tummy and a few drops on top of your mound. 
Jungkook moved his thumb to rub your clit with it, loving the milky tint your skin got from his cum. You mewled at the touch and pushed your hips into him. 
“Wanna cum.. please..” you murmured, looking into his strong eyes and pleading him to get you off again. 
“Need me to fill up your tiny pussy again, slut?” All but eager you nodded and wiggled your hips with a wicked grin. “Please, make me cum so hard I forget everything but your name, Jungkook.” 
That seemed to convince him, because suddenly he lowered his head again, licking his cum off your clit with tiny wiggles with just the tip of his tongue and pushed three fingers inside of you. You startled and gripped his hair again, pulling and pushing, not sure if you want him to stop or continue. He took the decision off of you and started to curl his fingers, rapidly pushing in and out of you, precisely keeping his fingertips on your sensitive tissue. 
Your thighs started shaking, tears actually streaming over your cheeks and your body contracted fast and hard. You were scared you had to pee but suddenly your ears made a shrill sound and you felt wetness around you. Your sight went white for a little and you felt yourself slump down, taken by a wave of pleasure. You were heaving and moaning loudly and your hand went limp in Jungkook’s hair. 
“Shit, baby..” you faintly hear his voice and wonder why he seemed so far away. 
Slowly your hand started to tingle and you felt yourself being moved around. Your body came back into your control after what seemed like an eternity and when you opened your eyes, Jungkook was right in front of you, still between your legs. 
“That was so hot!” He exclaimed, the short moment where you could see a bit of worry on his face fading and fascination adorned his expression. 
“What the fuck.. happened..” you whispered, in shock. “You squirted! That was sick!” You what? You’ve never done that before! 
Your eyes widen and when you put your hands under where you laid, you feel the wetness soak the sheets. Starting to blush, your first instinct was to apologize but Jungkook made quick work of leaving a kiss on your lips, “no need to be sorry, baby. Best experience in my life, thought it was just a myth!” 
“Guess these are the Gamer perks, huh? Can move my hands really fast,” he smirked and the cocky tone was prominent in his voice.
Without being able to process anything, you only saw his head disappear again and felt him lick softly around your lower lips, still wet with release. “You taste really good, could eat you all day long,” he stated, mumbling into your slit. 
When he noticed you squirming, he figured you were sensitive, so he moved up again. Laying down beside you with one arm around your stomach, Jungkook exhaled and snuggled into the pillows. 
“Let’s shower? We made a mess.” He chuckled, moving to stand up from his bed but you shook your head. 
“I don’t think we should.. uhm..” you weren’t sure how to tell him that after fucking him, you didn’t feel comfortable enough to shower with him. You’re not here for aftercare, just for him to fuck and pay you. 
“Ah well, let’s cuddle for a while then. We can shower later.” Hearing the smile in Jungkook’s sleepy voice hurt you for an odd reason, a bad conscience nagging you. 
“Cuddling isn’t included in service, Jungkook.” You tried to sound serious, cogent but he just put his head on your chest and smacked his lips in a lazy manner. 
“I’ll pay for it. Just stay a little, alright?” You feel bad when you noticed that you really wanted to stay. Not for money, but because his company was very soothing. Thinking about it, never has another customer offered to care for you after they got off. Before you could think about it too much, you pushed him off and sat up. 
“Not during working hours, kook.” There was a cold tone lacing into your words, trying to make it clear where his limits were. Looking around, you only spotted your dress, no panties. 
Deciding quickly, you pulled your dress on, zipping it up only halfways and stood up. You can just get new underwear, but right now you needed to leave before you’d get all soft on him and stay for cuddles. 
Putting on your shoes, you tried to sound nice when saying, “I will take cash.. you kinda need to pay me right now..“ slowly turning around, you find him lying on his bed, one leg propped up and his head resting on his hand. He was looking at you tiredly and only nodded somberly. 
“Right, yeah. Hold on, I‘ll get it.” Awkwardly waiting in his bed room, you fiddled with your fingers. Not after long, he came back with a stack of cash and let you count through it. When you knew you had all the money your work is worth, you nodded and gave him a small smile.
“Alright, thank you, Y/N. Get home safe.” The soft tone made your heart ache, how sweet of him to tell you this. With a little wave you turned around and left the room, ultimately closing the door to his apartment and leaving the building. 
Jungkook was able to hear your steps click on the floor in the hallway, until these too, faded away. 
Yawning, he stretched his spent body, settling on just wiping his dick and lower region instead of showering, too tired to do that much. He’ll do it later at night, after he took a nap. A stream for his subscribers was deemed necessary anyway, so he’d have no choice other than getting up again after a little rest. 
Laying back down, this time with a new pair of boxers on, he tried to get as much sleep in as possible, but you wouldn’t leave his mind. Your noises and your pretty face, that wonderful body of yours and how you’d say his name over and over again. 
You felt so good against his skin and fit perfectly against his body and — was he really swooning over an escort right now? Shaking his head, he tried to think about anything else. 
After tossing and turning for about half an hour, sleep slowly took him in. But your sweet smile and cute voice still hung in his thoughts as he drifted off.
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“Y/N! Your customer’s waiting!” Your coworker and best friend in this little hell of your own stormed in screaming. Rolling your eyes, you finished munching on the olives meant to be served with the drinks. 
You were working almost every day, needing the money. And this customer of yours is one of the regulars, a special guest. He chose you as his new favorite plaything and now you have to suffer. He’s very touchy, very clingy. 
He gets attached once he found a liking in one of the girls and if they want to stay, they have to endure it. When you just came in he already was sat at one of the lounges, talking to his rich friends who also frequent this club. Aphrodite’s Erotes is a famous club for many things. One of the more incautious ones, you must realize, considering that you had a website advertising the escorts, a number put onto it, accessible for everyone.
You don’t know how this club still exists, really. Police has come in often, checking the workers and building to see if they were right in assuming this was a whorehouse. Everytime your boss was able to get them to believe his lies. He’s good at that. Made you believe his lies too, once when you were still hopeful of graduating high school, attending college, building up a perfect suburban life. 
You were silly, to believe the bullshit he was spewing. Luring you in, telling you he loved you. He spent more than a year with you, acting like a sweet, caring boyfriend. And then, when you were fully sucked in, he made you work for him. 
He told you you couldn’t survive in the heights of the academic, education would fail you and you’d end up on the street, throwing your life away. And you trusted his words, no matter how much they hurt you.
When he came in one day, putting on a show of crying, telling you that people were after him and he was to get killed if he wouldn’t come up with a hell of a lot of money in the next month, you were willing to do anything to save him and the love you both have. He explained how he was trying to buy you a ring, make you his and love you forever, but he scammed them and now they want their money back. 
Being the romantic you are, you believed everything he told you.
So you started working in this club, no idea that it was your boyfriend who owned it. Not until after a month, when you gave up all the money you earned for him, he told you. 
You were devastated, crying and screaming. That night you were trying to leave him, his apartment you moved into, but he convinced you to stay. He told you everything was going to be alright and eventually he’d quit running the club and the two of you would run away together. Over time he made you dependent on him. You didn’t know who you were without him, attached but hating it. 
After another month he strolled into the club, a different girl to his side. He broke up with you that day, but you weren’t able to leave. Your boss took in almost all the money that you earn, your piece not enough to afford a living without his help. He’s willing to buy you everything you desire, but won’t let you get away from him. You guessed he found pleasure in seeing you wither away in his own four walls.
Taking the drinks with you on a tray, you put on your best smile and walked out to the lounge. The rich men greeted you heartily with a smile and your client opened his arms to invite you into his lap with a grin. 
You put down the drinks and walked over to him, welcoming him and slinging your arms around his broad shoulders. 
“Y/N, my angel. Glad to see you again.” His eyes roamed over your body, clad in a tight dress that’s riding up your thighs. His big hands smoothed over you buttocks and your hips to pull you more into him. 
“I was waiting patiently for you, Taehyung,” you fake giggled, smiling into his face and making him coo at you. 
“I know you were, little doll.” Very content with your obedience he sank into the pillows of the soft velvet couch and took his cigar into his ring clad hand. 
“Where were you last time we came here? We were asking for you but your little friend said you weren’t in.” Taehyung’s companion, Jimin, asked you with a sceptical look and furrowed brows. He looked intimidating when he wanted to, big rings on his fingers and whiskey in his hand. 
“Had a customer,” you murmur. Even though Taehyung knows what you do, he takes loyalty very serious. You see him scowl when you look over. He tsked and tapped your butt a little. 
“Was he fun? Fucked you good, hm?” He taunted. It was humiliating, to be sat on his lap and pushed to talk about the work you do. Taehyung expects you to tell him that he would always be better, that Jungkook didn’t reach up to his level. but you wouldn’t lie. 
Jungkook was the first guy who treated you like a woman and not just a toy for him to play with. He made sure you felt comfortable and left with an orgasm of your own. Never once did one of the men visiting this club ask about you, your favorite color. It annoyed you at that moment, his teasing wasn’t timed very well, but it felt real. Taking the money afterwards wasn’t an act you were proud of, feeling dirty almost with what you do. And he was nice about it as well. Ugh.
“He did..” you admit, quiet, because you know that your answer wasn’t welcome. The man around you broke into laughter. Mocking almost, they held their drinks up, congratulated you for the good sex. 
“You keep forgetting your place,” Taehyung whispered into your ear, bit your earlobe and chuckled.  You wanted to leave. Just wanted to go home, lay in bed and feel warm. But even there you wouldn’t feel comfortable, living with your boss, not able to get your own place. Home felt like a prison of your own.
“Ah, the man of the house!” Seokjin, another rich man and friend of Taehyung exclaimed. The men moved to stand up, you and another girl that sat next to Seokjin getting up with them. Your boss stood there, smiling proudly when he saw you.
“Taehyung, if I could borrow my sweet Y/N for a moment?” The men exchange a handshake and Taehyung nudged you towards the other, “hope to see her back later, I’m not here to drink and chat.” 
He nodded and took your wrist in his hand. “You got a call, I’ll drive you over.” It wasn’t a nice offer, it was him controlling you, his tone made his intentions very clear. Rolling your eyes, you pull your wrist out of his grasp. 
“No need to. I’ll walk.” Your protest enraged the man. “Whatever, quit being a bitch. Taehyung complained about how you’re not into it enough. If you keep going like this he’ll look for another whore to fuck.” His words felt like a slap into your face. You weren’t willing to keep listening to him, so you turned around and walked to the bar. 
Your coworker already saw your aggravation on your face and gave you a pitying look. “There you go, baby. It’s the new customer from last week.” She told you, handing you the note with his address. “Jungkook, was it?” with a puzzled face, you nodded. Never would’ve expected him to call again, let alone ask for you. 
“Should I give you a ride?” She offered, interrupting your schoolgirl-like excitement. Exhaling, you nodded, thankful that you wouldn’t have to walk or pay for an uber yourself.
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© 2019 @jiminsfault. All rights reserved.
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krazykupcake1121 · 3 years
Transcript for meeting between Lab 3 Head Researcher Dr. Collins and Agency Director Mr. Donelly.
Date: 9/20/XXXX
Subject: Progress of Project Apotheosis (See More) and Project Manifold (See More).
Donelly: Let's start with Apotheosis. How has the testing been going for that experiment?
Collins: Not very well sir. We implemented the emotional capacity, as you suggested to reduce apathy towards reward and punishment systems (See meeting for 6/27/XXXX), but there appears to have been a miscalculation. Several of the subjects dis not survive the procedure. Only T0-33Y, P3-A71, and S4-A48 are still currently active. Furthermore, the three remaining subjects appear to have had an averse reaction to the introduction of emotions, particularly to the repeated exposure of anger and fear used in our punishment systems. T0-33Y has taken to rebellious behavior, refusing to cooperate and insulting staff. We believe this is in part to recent interactions with A1-13N, a subject from project Hybrid (See More).
Donelly: Have you restricted the ability of T0-33Y to interact with other subjects?
Collins: Yes sir, T0-33Y is currently limited to only interacting with the other Apotheosis subjects. It appears to have taken a phycological toll on it.
Donelly: And how have the other subjects reacted to the emotional responses?
Collins: P3-A71 has developed both obsessive and occasionally manipulative tendencies. It has been observed to spend hours working for slight inconsistencies in it's environment. When forced to ignore such inconsistencies, it became agitated. S4-A48 has begun to become violent towards staff, although it seems neutral towards other subjects and very protective of the other subjects in Project Apotheosis. Due to concerns about the safety of the experiment, Dr. Lewis has suggested we terminate the exp-
Donelly: Terminate the experiment? Have you lost your mind? After all the effort to gather the hero's DNA without them knowing? After all the time spent training the subjects? After all the money spent on this project? You'd have it all thrown away?
Collins: Well, we'd restart the experiment.
Donelly: With what money? Your lab is meant to give me perfect heroes. I haven't seen a single one. What about Project Manifold?
Collins: Well, Dr. Forman is in need of more subjects. Tests regarding organ replacement have had a 100% casualty rate regarding everything other than eyes, and skeletal modifications often result in severe blood poisoning, although there has been significant progress made. Forman believes that they are very close to succeeding on those fronts.
Donelly: Just have him take subjects of the streets. No one would know.
Collins: He's actually requested access to upper-class citizens scheduled for termination. He believes that the differences in lifestyle may have a positive impact on casualty rates.
Donelly: That does make sense, upper-class citizens are often significantly healthier. Although, it would still be very risky. On the off chance that one escapes, they would have even more information than even other subjects.
Collins: True, but chances for escape are extremely low. There would have to be a major catastrophe for subjects from any project to manage escape.
Donelly: Alright, I'll get clearance for that as soon as possible. I'd like to send a security team to double check your containment systems, but that is mostly a formality. I trust your evaluation.
Collins: Thank you sir.
Donelly: Was that all Project Manifold has to report?
Collins: Yes sir.
Donelly: Alright, how about Project Hybrid?
Collins: Well, Dr. Flanagan has suggested-
Meeting is interrupted, Agency Guard Lasky found Hero Trainee James Esse listening. Citizen transfer permission overrode by Mr. Donelly, Esse transferred to subject for Project Manifold (Subject J6-A34). Meeting for further discussion of Lab 3 scheduled for 10/15/XXXX. Meeting ended.
End of transcript
Personal Notes: Every time I figure out the code for a file from the Agency, it gets creepier. Most of the Lab 3 files were were lost in the fire (10/7/XXXX), but what I've found is extremely disturbing. If I could tell the public without being killed I would, but for now I will continue to document everything I can. With luck, it may come in handy some day. Most of the subjects in this file were named in a list of missing subjects (See More), and it's possible they're still alive. Hopefully, I'll be able to meet some of them. If I could get in contact with them, I could learn so much more about the Labs and how they worked, and what exactly the were attempting to do. I think I've got a pretty good read on Project Manifold and Project Apotheosis, but I have very few files on Project Hybrid. I think some of the files I haven't yet decoded have more information, so hopefully I'll figure it out. In the meantime, I can't help but be glad the initiative was terminated after the Dr. Collins death. It's probably a little dark to be glad she's gone, but I think the world is much better off for it.
Related: Project Manifold (See More), Project Apotheosis (See More), Project Hybrid (See More), Dr. Collins (See More), Mr Donelly (See More), Dr. Lewis (See More), Dr. Forman (See More), Dr. Flanagan (See More), Lab 3 (See More), Subjects T0-33Y, P3-A71, S4-A48, A1-13N, J6-A34 (See More).
Decoded and Entered into system on 10/21/XXXX
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our-time-is-now · 4 years
June 15, 2019: double date
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.
Attention! This play includes transgender topics. For more details see our interjection.  
Saturday, 5:48 pm:
Matteo: *cycled with David to Hanna's house* *naturally they're late again, as they were supposed to be there at 5:30* *locks his bike and takes the salad bowl out of the basket on his bike* *waits for David to also lock his bike* *suddenly is nervous again when he thinks about the fact that they'll see Jonas in a minute* *doesn't want him to notice anything and also doesn't want David having to put on a show* And you're really sure? We can still go home again and come up with an excuse...
David: *locks up his bike next to Matteo's and steps beside him while inspecting the house Hanna lives in* *feels a little uncomfortable when he thinks about Jonas even though logically, he knows that Jonas isn't gay and even though he believes Matteo that he doesn't have a crush on him anymore, he still can't dismiss the thought* *but thinks that the has to face it now – because of the holiday they have planned together and because Jonas is Matteo's best friend* *only vaguely notices that Matteo has asked him something and looks at him* *needs a moment for Matteo's words to register, smiles slightly and shakes his head* Let's get it over with... I'm sure it'll be nice... *takes a step toward the house but lets Matteo lead the way because he knows where to go*
Matteo: *sighs slightly and nods* Okay... *unfortunately doesn't have a free hand because the salad bowl is so big that he has to carry it with both hands* *therefore simply steps in front of David and kisses him* *looks at him a little apologetically and then turns around to go to the front door to ring the bell* *sees Jonas open the door and hears him laugh: "We should have said 5, shouldn't we? Whatever, come in!"* *sees how he wants to hug him but instead holds the salad bowl out to him* Yes, sorry, my fault... could you take that, please? *after Jonas has taken the bowl he takes off his jacket but keeps it in his hands because they will probably go back outside anyways* *only needs a reason to keep Jonas at a distance*
David: *grins slightly when Matteo steps in front of him to kiss him but obviously returns it with pleasure* *realizes that he really is a little nervous when Matteo rings the doorbell but puts up a slight smile when Jonas opens the door* *lifts his hand in greeting* Hey... *then watches Matteo a little skeptically because he seems almost more nervous than him* *then already sees Hanna come around the corner smiling at both of them: "Hey, there you finally are!"* *gets a hug from her after she hugged Matteo and hears her say: "Nice that it worked out! Should we go straight outside? Jonas has already tried firing up the barbecue – emphasis on /tried/. I hope it'll work out..."* *hears her laugh and grins slightly as well* *murmurs nervously* We'll figure it out... should we help with you anything?
Matteo: *sees Hanna shake her head: "Noo, we already set everything up, just go outside!"* *nods and reaches for David's hand while they go through the hallway and the living room outside into the garden* *sees Jonas and Hanna following them and Jonas puting the salad on the table before going to the barbecue* *sees Hanna point at a tub with ice water: "Just help yourselves with the beverages, there's also more inside."* *sees Jonas turn around to them: "Luigi, come over and help me with the barbecue."* *slightly bites down on his bottom lip, squeezes David's hand again and then goes over to Jonas* Let’s see, what did you do? Did you try using barbecue lighters? *sees Jonas shake his head and laughs* Dude... move... *slightly pushes him aside and turns his attention to the barbecue*
David: *slightly squeezes Matteo's hand when he reaches for it and then follows him outside* *nods when Hanna points at the tub and smiles slightly* *hears Jonas call for Matteo and is reluctant to let go of his hand* *but then thinks that it's ridiculous and that a week ago he wouldn't have had a problem with Matteo and Jonas talking without him* *looks after Matteo thoughtfully, but then takes a step toward the tub with the beverages* *takes a deep breath and asks the other three* Do you want anything? *sees Jonas and Matteo nod and then sees Hanna next to him: "You get something for the barbecue-masters, I'll take something to the table for us. A beer for you, as well?"* *smiles slightly and nods* Sure! *takes out beers for Jonas and Matteo, opens them and takes them over to them* *goes back to Hanna at the table after the two thanked him, takes the beer she holds out to him and sits down* *clinks bottles with her when she holds out his bottle to him with a smile and takes a sip* *looks around and says* It's nice here... cozy. Do you live here with your parents? *sees Hanna shake her head: "The house belongs to my father, but he moved in with his new girlfriend last year. Since then I basically live here on my own. But he comes over regularly to see if everything is okay and to check on his beloved plants that I always forget to water..."* *sees her grin and talks to her for some time about what it's like to live alone*
Matteo: *automatically was careful to not get too close to Jonas and every now and then looked over to David inconspicuously* *was relieved to see him talk to Hanna* *gets back to the table with Jonas and a plate full of meat* First round can begin! *puts the plate down in the middle of the table and puts his half-full bottle of beer down when he takes a seat* *sits down next to David while Jonas sits down next to Hanna* *hears Jonas: "I'll just serve, ok?"* *sees him put meat and a sausage on everyone's plates* Thanks. *bumps his leg against David's under the table and reaches for the salad to serve everyone*
David: *during his conversation with Hanna he has looked over to Matteo and Jonas every now and then, but after he got "caught" by Hanna tried to suppress the urge* *thinks that Hanna is really nice and also thinks that it's nice to have a real conversation with her instead of just doing some small talk with her every once in a while* *but gets more and more nervous the longer Matteo and Jonas are standing in front of the barbecue together and is glad when the two of them finally join them at the table* *holds his plate out to Jonas and thanks him and does the same when Matteo serves the salad* *hears Jonas say: "Well then: enjoy!"* *only nods and starts eating* *somehow found it easier to sit at the table only with Hanna and only barely listens to Hanna and Jonas when they tell them about how they got back together before Jonas starts talking about the holiday: "Man, guys, I'm really looking forward to our holiday! That's gonna be really nice! Do you remember the last time we went there, Luigi? Lake-smoking?!"* *hears him laugh "Oh man... those were the times..."* *doesn't know what to say to that and doesn't really know what he should ask to somehow participate in the conversation* *instead reaches for his beer and takes a big sip*
Matteo: *nods with his mouth full of meat when Jonas says that he's looking forward to their holiday* *gets a little uncomfortable for a moment when Jonas talks about the last time they were there* *is grateful to Hanna when she says: "Well, luckily both of you don't smoke weed anymore."* Yep... luckily... this time will definitely be better... with everyone. *looks at David while he says it and smiles slightly* I'll show you the lake and the jetty... it's really nice... *hears Jonas laugh as if he'd remembered something. "Oh man, I only remembered just now... Luigi wanted me to play Sam Smith on the guitar... I should have figured it out back then..."* *closes his eyes for a moment and wonders how many years he would get for murder* *then lets out a fake laugh* But you didn't...
David: *has to grin a little at Hanna's comment and then looks over to Matteo when he realizes that he's looking at him* *smiles slightly and nods when Matteo tells him about the things he wants to show him* *murmurs* Sounds good... *then gets interrupted by Jonas and realizes how his heartbeat is picking up because at first, he thinks that Jonas means that he should have figured out then that Matteo had a crush on him* *but then only slowly understands that he means that he should have figured out that Matteo was gay but still doesn't manage to slow down his beating heart* *takes a deep breath and swallows the lump in his throat* *tells himself again and again that it was a long time ago and that it doesn't mean anything anymore* *hears Jonas' answer to Matteo's comment: "True - I didn't really figure it out... Hey, but David, you have to keep in mind: If Matteo is ever mad at you or you want to woo him just turn on Sam Smith. I'm also happy to show you how to play a few songs on the guitar – it's not that difficult... might turn Luigi on even more when it's live and not coming from a speaker..."* *hears Jonas laugh and forces himself to grin* *answers with a slightly strained voice* I'll keep it in mind... *then thinks that he's acting totally obvious right now and not at all like himself and that he can't really stand himself right now and reaches for his beer again* *wishes that he could get rid of at least some of the tension and insecurity and hopes that the beer will help him a little with that*
Matteo: *can literally feel David's tension beside him and is cursing Jonas right now* *reaches for David's hand and simply holds it when Jonas even starts giving tips to David on how to deal with him* *takes a deep breath* Thanks, Jonas... really... but believe me, David doesn't need any tips! *hopes that it sounds harmless, just like a little banter, but nothing more* *but also hopes that it'll calm David down a little* *sees Hanna nudge Jonas, sees her grin and say: "Since when are you a relationship-expert?" and hears Jonas' answer: "I'm not, but I'm a Luigi-expert!"* *shakes his head and squeezes David's hand* Okay, that's enough... change of topic! How about a bet: Which one of your snobby companions will be the first one to complain about the bathroom on our holiday? Kiki or Alex?
David: *feels Matteo's hand and basically clings to it* *doesn't really want to let go of it again but knows that they have to continue eating at some point* *but enjoys it for as long as he can and smiles a little at Matteo's words* *hopes that he's not just saying it to console him or anything like that* *huffs quietly when Jonas even says that he's a Matteo-expert and takes another sip* *is grateful to Matteo for changing the topic and that Jonas and Hanna immediately start talking about the new topic* *hears Jonas say full of conviction: "Kiki, obviously!"* and Hanna laugh: "Definitely Alex!" and Jonas reply: "Noo, I take everything back! I say Carlos! He and his current wellness-obsession..."* *has to smirk a little at that but knows neither Alex nor Kiki very well so that he can't really say anything about it* *but then hears Hanna: "And another bet: "Who will try to weasel their way out of doing the dishes the most?"* *feels himself slowly relaxing a little and lets go of Matteo's hand to continue eating*
Matteo: *laughs slightly* I'd also say Alex... I've seen what kind of stuff he needs in the bathroom... he has more stuff than Hans and that's saying something... *grins slightly when Jonas says Carlos and nods* *feels David let go of his hand* *as it is his left hand, which he doesn't need for eating, he simply leaves it on David's leg* Oh, I think, Sam... *sees Hanna frown: "What? Why?"* *grins slightly* Well because of her nails! *Jonas laughs and nods: "Definitely! You're right!"*
David: *feels that Matteo leaves his hand on his leg and briefly looks over to him with a smile* *has to grin a little at Sam's nails but then hears Hanna chip in and say: "Noo, I bet on Jonas!"* *sees him look indignant and sees Hanna shrug with a grin: "I just know you!"* *hears Jonas: "Pfff... outrageous! Next bet?"* *sees him look at everyone and then sees Jonas look at him* *sees him looking worried and hears him ask: "Everything okay, Brudi? You're so quiet..."* *feels completely caught and chews especially long to come up with an answer* *suddenly feels bad because it really isn't Jonas' fault that he feels uncomfortable and because somehow, he's the only one among them who doesn't know what's going on with him right now* *eventually has to swallow and answers* Yeah, sorry... I've got a bit of a headache... but it's already getting better. I was probably just hungry... *sees Jonas smile and nod and hears him say: "Well, then, dig in! – By the way: Should we throw some more on the barbecue? Are you coming with me, Luigi?"*
Matteo: *bites down on his bottom lip when Jonas asks David directly if everything is okay* *feels really bad when he hears that David is obviously lying* *then hears Jonas' question and hesitates* *luckily gets saved by Hanna: "How about I come with you and show you how it's done?"* *hears Jonas laugh: "If you say so..."* *then sees them get up and go over to the barbecue which is luckily far enough away to be out of earshot* *immediately turns to David* Shit, I'm really sorry... really, we can leave if you want to... *feels incredibly guilty and bad that David is feeling bad because of him* Or I'll just tell Jonas? Then it'll be out and he'll know why we keep our distance for a while? Would that be better?
David: *is also glad when Hanna gets up to join Jonas at the barbecue and looks at Matteo when he immediately talks to him* *shakes his head when Matteo says that they can leave even though he briefly considers accepting Matteo's offer* *hears his other suggestions and even has to laugh slightly* *shakes his head again and reaches for Matteo's hand* Hey! *briefly presses his lips together and thinks about what he wants to say* *then simply starts* First of all, you don't have to apologize for anything, do you hear me? No one has to apologize – not even Jonas because he doesn't even know what's going on... and if we leave now then it'll be just as weird the next time... maybe... I think I just have to get through this now, to get used to it, okay? *briefly squeezes his hand and then shrugs* And it's your decision whether you want to tell Jonas or not... But if you want to tell him, then please don't do it just so we keep our distance afterwards. We won't do that, okay? *laughs quietly and shrugs again* We just have to get through this... at least I do! And you should stop feeling bad because of it... I'm... even glad, somehow, that I know about it now.
Matteo: *slightly grimaces at David's answers* *sighs* I don't want you to feel awkward... *also takes his other hand so that he's holding both of David's hands* *shakes his head* I'd tell him so that he'd stop talking shit like that... *sighs again and quickly kisses him* Isn't there anything I can do? So that we'll get through this more easily?
David: *grins slightly desperate* I don't wanna feel weird, either, believe me... *wonders if it might not be better if Matteo told Jonas – at least then all four of them would know about it and he himself would see by Jonas' reaction that his worries are unfounded even though he actually already knows it* *but then thinks that it's really only Matteo's own decision and doesn't want to meddle* *thinks about Matteo's question and shrugs* *grins slightly and tilts his head* Fast forward a few months... maybe then I wouldn't constantly feel like he knows you much better than I do... *leans forward again and gives him another kiss* *leans his forehead against Matteo's and quietly says* There's nothing you can do, I think...
Matteo: *sighs again* He doesn't know me better now, either... only differently... *returns the kiss and puts a hand on the back of his neck* *kisses him again* *says a little stubbornly* But I want to *leans back a little so that he can look at him* It's not comparable, okay? *unfortunately can't hear David answer as Jonas and Hanna come back and Jonas says: "Enough making out, here's the second round!"* *reluctantly pulls away from David but leaves his hand on his leg again* Well, then, serve! *holds his plate out to Jonas*
David: *grins at Matteo's stubborn comment and quietly parrots him* *returns his look and feels his heartbeat pick up because Matteo is looking at him so seriously and repeats that it isn't comparable* *can only nod before Hanna and Jonas return to the table* *empties his beer and also holds his plate out to Jonas and thanks him* *hears Hanna: "I'll get another round of beer for everyone!"* *sees Jonas sit down again and hears him sigh: "I really missed that! Barbecuing, I mean! We definitely have to grill on holiday! There's a barbecue at the cabin, right, honey…?"* *sees Hanna return with the beer and nod: "Yes, but it's not very big. No idea if we can grill meat for 11 people on it... but somewhere in the shed there's also one of those swinging thingies for the fireplace..."* *has to grin a little and looks at Hanna questioningly: "You mean a tripod barbecue?"* *hears Hanna laugh: "Yes, exactly... one of those swinging thingies!"* *opens two beers and hands one to Matteo* *sees Jonas look at him and eventually hears him ask: "How is it, Brudi? Headache gotten better?"* *briefly looks at Matteo, then back at Jonas and shrugs* A little...
Matteo: *gratefully accepts the beer from David and takes two big sips* *laughs slightly when David knows the right name* Nerd... *runs a hand through his hair when Jonas addresses David once again* *briefly returns his look* *then sees Jonas frown: "There's something going on here. Is everything ok with you guys? No, wait, it has to be, you were just making out... but there's something, just spit it out already!"* *swallows and sees Hanna look at him awkwardly* *then thinks that it's really not fair that Hanna and David have to keep their mouths shut for him* *without thinking about it says* I had a crush on you! *briefly feels like he's getting dizzy once the words are out and stares at the table to not see Jonas' reaction* *takes a deep breath* I had a crush on you until I met David and at the party last weekend David found out and that's why it's... a little weird now... *bites his lip and looks up slowly*
David: *briefly gnaws on his bottom lip when Jonas suspects that something is wrong, and briefly looks at Hanna and then at Matteo and tries to somehow come up with an excuse in case Matteo can’t think of one, but then hears Matteo simply blurt out the truth and at the same moment feels his heart start pounding* *finds it so incredibly brave of Matteo and searches for his hand under the table* *only now realizes that he said it, that it really means something to him that Matteo told Jonas because somehow it shows him that Matteo is probably really over Jonas* *but notices that it’s still somehow difficult for Matteo and slightly squeezes his hand* *is really proud of him right now* *looks at Jonas who looks pretty confused and hears him ask: “What? Found out?”* *hears Hanna interrupt: “I was talking about it with Matteo in the kitchen and David came in and overheard it”!* *sees Jonas look at Hanna: “What? You knew about it?! How?!”* *sees Hanna shrug: “Female intuition?”* *sees Jonas look back at Matteo: “Oh man… I really didn’t notice anything, sorry! And when we were talking about David and you told me that it’s a boy you really, really like you sounded totally convincing when you said that it wasn’t me…”* *sees him scratch his head and hears him add: “Yes, okay, I wasn’t anymore, at that point…”*
Matteo: *looks between Jonas and Hanna a little overwhelmed* *then shakes his head at Jonas’ words and was just about to say that at that point he wasn’t when Jonas already says it himself* No, by then it wasn’t because of you anymore… and I /was/ convincing because I wasn’t, and aren’t into you anymore* *looks away again to sort his thoughts and then back at Jonas* And it’s not even worth mentioning, ok? It’s over now and it was just… well, doesn’t really matter anymore… *sees Jonas look from him to David* *sees him open and close his mouth again without saying anything* *doesn’t want Jonas to say anything to David right now and therefore quickly says* Can we just forget about this now and continue eating?
David: *had let go of Matteo’s hand again and had reached for his fork when Matteo said that they should just forget about it* *but sees Jonas shake his head and hears him say: “Hey, you’ve all had time to process it… I have just learned about it… I still have a few questions, if it’s okay… but first…”* *sees Jonas look at him now and hears him say: “Sorry, man, here I am talking shit about Sam Smith and how well I know Luigi and you’re probably sitting there thinking ‘what an ass’!”* *has to grin slightly and shakes his head* *murmurs* No, it’s alright! *sees Jonas shake his head and hears him say: “No not really, is it? I mean, if there were a guy sitting here and I’d know that Hanna used to have a crush on him and he were telling me the entire time how great Hanna was and all the great things they’d experienced together, I’d go crazy! I’d probably not even be here anymore… So kudos for still being here!”* *puts his fork back down and briefly presses his lips together* *somehow finds it comforting that Jonas can relate to his feelings* *eventually says* Well, you’re Matteo’s best friend… and we want to go on holidays together… it would suck if I wouldn’t at least try to come to terms with it, wouldn’t it? *sees Jonas smile and raise his bottle to him: “Like I said, David! Kudos! And sorry that I sometimes talk so much nonsense…”* *smiles a little as well and feels a little better somehow* *now sees Jonas turn to Matteo: “And you… hey, why didn’t you ever say anything? Did you think you couldn’t talk to me about it or what? Am I such a shitty friend?”* *looks at Matteo a little worriedly because he wanted to drop the subject, and hopes that he can somehow deal with Jonas’ questions*
Matteo: *is somehow relieved after all when Jonas is talking to David and seems to understand him* *also sees Hanna smiling and slightly nodding* *then sees Jonas turn toward him and briefly closes his eyes as if that would help avoid what’s to come now* *shakes his head* No, you’re not… that’s why. *briefly presses his lips together* *still finds it hard to talk about his feelings, even those that are over* *needs some time again to sort his thoughts* If I’d told you I would have had to live with the consequences… and I didn’t want that… in every respect. I just… no, I mean… it was easy, ok? In private. I didn’t want Hanna to realize it, either. *looks at Jonas and shrugs slightly*
David: *would love to take the conversation with Jonas off Matteo’s shoulders when he sees how difficult it is for him to talk about it* *sees Jonas looking at Matteo a little confused and hears him say: “I still don’t quite understand… what was easy? The situation must have been hell for you! We were constantly around each other… and Hanna was constantly there, as well… I suppose that didn’t make things easier for you. What do you think would have happened if you’d talked about it with me?”* *lowers his gaze because he doesn’t want to also look at Matteo expectantly and wonders how he feels right now having to talk about it – after all, it hasn’t even been three months since he had feelings for Jonas and he can’t really judge if it seems like a long time or a short time for Matteo and how much distance he mentally has to this topic* *but still thinks that Jonas is handling the whole situation quite confidently and that he shows Matteo that it’s okay and that he can talk to him about it*
Matteo: *swallows again and clings to the fabric of his pants with his free hand* *is a little overwhelmed by the situation and feels a little like a sitting duck even though these are all people that he trusts* *decides to concentrate on Jonas and looks at him* Okay, easy might be the wrong word… but it was… safe. You were there and at the same time completely inaccessible so I didn’t really have to deal with the what-if’s, you know? And what good would telling you have done? It wouldn’t have changed anything… on the contrary… you would have felt guilty or responsible… and it would have sucked for me. And besides, I was miles away from coming out to anyone. *scratches his nose and runs his hand through his hair*
David: *sees how uncomfortable Matteo is feeling and looks at him a little worried* *but thinks that he’s still explaining it pretty well and listens to him* *for the first time thinks that he’s got something that Jonas doesn’t  – apart from the fact that Matteo is with him instead of Jonas. But also feels like, unlike Jonas, he was somehow worth dealing with the topic and that he was apparently also worth enough for Matteo to come out* *smiles slightly at the thought and looks at Jonas when Matteo finishes talking* *sees him think and eventually admit: “Yes, okay… if you’re looking at it like that… so I was something like a teenage crush?”* *sees him think for a second and then say: “But you still could have told me, we could have talked about it somehow…”* *intervenes after all, to somehow save Matteo a little* Well, but he told you now – if he wasn’t ready back then it doesn��t necessarily mean that you were a bad friend to him or anything… *shrugs and then hears Hanna agree with him: “I agree with David! And think about it, Jonas, how long did it take us to admit to ourselves that we had feelings for each other. And we basically only managed after we were pretty sure that we were both feeling the same… before that we weren’t that brave, either. I can understand why Matteo didn’t say anything back then!”* *sees Jonas shrug and reach for his beer, sigh briefly and look between him and Matteo: “Okay… yes, true, you’re right.”* *sees Jonas hold out his bottle to him and Matteo for a toast: “Everything okay between the three of us? David? Really, sorry again that I always have such a big mouth…”* *briefly looks at Matteo to see if he’s really okay and then clinks his bottle with Jonas’* *murmurs* It’s okay, everything’s good! *then holds his bottle out to Matteo to also clink bottles with him and while doing so searches Matteo’s face to see if he’s really okay*
Matteo: *laughs tunelessly and nods slightly* Yes, teenage crush is quite fitting… *shrugs when he keeps insisting that he could have told him* *doesn’t agree with him* *but also thinks that it would be no use to keep arguing about it* *is surprised when David intervenes and looks at him gratefully* *nods in agreement* *then also hears Hanna take his side and can’t really believe it* *slightly smiles at her as a sign of gratitude* *is relieved when Jonas agrees that they are right* *is happy about his so-called peace-offering but first looks at David searchingly* *has to grin when David seems to have the same idea* *clinks bottles with Jonas and nods* Everything okay… *then clinks bottles with David and only nods at his questioning look* *then also clinks bottles with Hanna and murmurs a quiet “thanks” before taking a sip* *even though everything had been resolved, feels like everything is too much for him right now* *gets up* I… um… am just gonna go take a piss. *turns around and quickly disappears into the house* *still knows his way around and quickly finds the bathroom* *locks the door and sits down on the closed toilet seat* *takes a few deep breaths and leans his head back*
David: *smiles when they all clink bottles and really feels a little better* *didn’t think that it would help him so much that the topic was brought out in the open but still wonders if Matteo has only told Jonas about it because of him and if Matteo didn’t really want to talk about it* *hears Hanna complain: “Great, now the steaks are cold!” and Jonas answer with a full mouth: “I don’t know what your problem is, they taste just as awesome even cold…”* *is cutting off a piece of meat himself when Matteo says that he’s going to the bathroom* *looks after him a little worried because it reminds him a little of his disappearance at the neon party but doesn’t want to be overconcerned and therefore continues eating* *turns to Hanna and says* Why don’t you tell me about the cabin… and Heidesee in general… *listens to her and thinks that it sounds really cool but gets a little nervous when Matteo is gone for so long and interrupts Hanna when she is pausing for a moment* *puts his cutlery down and murmurs a little embarrassed* I think I should check on Matteo… where’s the bathroom? *sees that Hanna is also looking a little worried now: “Right, he’s been gone for a while… right next to the front door – there’s a sign on it…”* *nods, gets up and goes into the house* *quickly finds the bathroom but stands in front of it for a moment indecisively and listens, but knocks carefully when he can’t hear anything coming from inside* *quietly asks* Matteo?
Matteo: *has apparently forgotten time* *has just been sitting there breathing desperately trying not to look at himself in the mirror* *gets startled by the knocking and wonders how long he’s been in here* *quickly answers* Yes, hang on… *gets up* *looks at himself in the mirror, after all, and quickly runs a hand through his hair* *thinks that he doesn’t look too bad and opens the door* Hey… sorry… I… I just needed a second…
David: *waits a little worried when he hears Matteo inside and is relieved when he finally opens the door* *smiles slightly* Hey… *scrutinizes him and nods when he says that he needed a second* *grabs his hand and entwines their fingers* Do you need a few more seconds? Everything okay?
Matteo: *feels David’s hand in his and can also feel himself relaxing a little* *smiles slightly and shakes his head* No… and yes, everything’s okay. It was just… a little much… *presses his lips together and thinks* Not because of Jonas or anything… but just… talking about it and stuff… *looks a little apologetic* *doesn’t want David to think Jonas has made him feel bad or anything*
David: *nods slowly when Matteo says that everything’s okay* *also takes Matteo’s other hand and slightly squeezes them both* *quietly says* And even if it had been because of Jonas… then that would have been okay, as well… *thinks that you can be overwhelmed even when you’re just friends, even if you no longer have a crush on someone and that it was a big step for Matteo to tell Jonas* *smiles slightly, looks at him seriously and says* I trust you, Matteo. And what you just did… that was so brave of you! *doesn’t tell him that he’s proud of him because he feels like this would sound silly, but somehow he still is*
Matteo: *sighs slightly* Okay… *then hears David’s next words and can’t believe it at first* *suddenly feels his heart being full of love and gratitude for David being here and for not being alone anymore* *drops his head on his shoulders and stays there for now* *murmurs “thanks” into his neck while wrapping his arms around him* *simply has to refuel right now*
David: *steps closer to Matteo when he drops his head on his shoulder and wraps his arms around Matteo at almost the same time he does* *holds him tight and closes his eyes* *finds it incredible how much he has missed being close to Matteo even though they had only been with company for such a short time but blames it on the tension and the serious topics* *shakes his head when Matteo thanks him* *doesn’t think that he has to thank him* *briefly considers thanking Matteo because right now he’s feeling better because Matteo has talked about the topic but then drops the idea because right now it’s about Matteo and not him* *is going to thank him later and simply holds him right now* *eventually asks quietly* Do you rater want to go home? *pulls away slightly to look at him*
Matteo: *takes a deep breath and really refuels* *can literally feel himself feeling better and better* *looks at him when he pulls away and shakes his head* No… those are my best friends out there… it’s okay… *kisses him briefly and smiles* Besides, you are here. *tilts his head slightly* And Hanna always makes the best desserts…
David: *smiles when Matteo says that he wants to stay and smiles even more when he says that he’s here* *murmurs* That’s good, then… *laughs quietly when he talks about the dessert and says full of conviction* We cannot miss this… *still keeps a hold on him when he wants to pull away and kisses him again properly, longer and tenderly and slowly runs his hand over the back of his neck* *smiles when he pulls away from the kiss and asks with a smirk* Shall we? *points his head toward the terrace*
Matteo: *kisses him back and for a moment forgets everything else* *smiles afterwards* Yep… *keeps a hold of David’s hand and they go back to the terrace* *was expecting some stupid comment and is therefore surprised when Jonas and Hanna look at him lovingly and Jonas asks: “Everything okay?”* *nods and quickly sits back down again* Yes… sorry… *sees Hanna smile: “Well the steaks are cold but we can also move on to dessert or to the stronger alcohol?”*
David: *goes back to the terrace with Matteo and inconspicuously scoots his chair closer to Matteo’s so that they can hold hands more comfortably* *smiles when Jonas asks if everything is okay and leans back a little* *grins when Hanna says that the steaks are cold and when she talks about dessert and says* Matteo has already raved about your desserts… so definitely! *hears Jonas: “And rightly so! Hanna’s desserts are the best!”* *lets go of Matteo’s hand to help Hanna clear the dishes* *wants to get up to help her bring the dishes into the kitchen but sees her decline: “Oh, you don’t have to, I can manage… and we’ll take the rest in later…”* *sits back down and sees Hanna disappear* *takes another sip of beer and hears Jonas ask: “Do you already have plans for the future? Are you going to study or do an apprenticeship, just chill or something completely different?”* *answers first because Matteo still doesn’t really know and because he doesn’t know if Matteo even wants to talk about this topic* Hmmm… well I applied to film school… I have to wait and see whether I get accepted – the selection criteria are pretty tough… at least at the normal universities… and the private ones I can’t afford… *sees Jonas look at him interestedly: “Filmmaking/film school… awesome… but it somehow suits you… but you do want to stay in Berlin?”* *briefly looks over to Matteo and then nods* If it’s somehow possible, yes… I haven’t been here for that long. Would suck if I had to move away again just after finally getting settled… *sees Jonas grin: “Besides, Luigi would probably die of yearning if you would leave Berlin…”*
Matteo: *is glad that David is the first one to answer the question about the future* *still isn’t too happy about constantly being asked that question* *then grins when Jonas grins and also grins at his words* Noo, I wouldn’t… *sees Jonas open his mouth to disagree and quickly says* … I would go with him. *sees Jonas look at him surprised: “Oh really? Away from Berlin? You?”* *nods* Yes, you know… badly sappy and in love couple and so on… *then shrugs* Besides, I still don’t really have a plan… and I can do some random jobs in some random city…
David: *has to smile when Matteo says again without any doubt in his voice that he would go with him if he had to leave Berlin and lowers his gaze a little so that it isn't as obvious how happy he is about it* *but somehow can only accept it because he would do the same for Matteo if the situation was reversed* *can hear how surprised Jonas is and then laughs at Matteo's answer* *looks back up again and takes Matteo's hand* Yes, and we stand by it... *sees that Jonas is still struggling with the idea that Matteo might move away and therefore says* Well, but don't worry. If everything goes to plan he won't have to leave you and I get a university spot in Berlin. *shrugs* Unless he decides to do something he can only do somewhere else... then I'd try to change universities... in the end it doesn't really matter where we study... *sees Jonas grin slightly: "I see, you've already planned and talked about it... I think it's good... really... that you're so sure..."* *wonders if Jonas might find it silly that they are already planning so far ahead into the future even though they've only been together for such a short time but then decides that he doesn't care what Jonas thinks about it* *strokes his thumb over the back of Matteo's hand and then squeezes it slightly* *asks Jonas* And what about you? Any plans?
Matteo: *laughs when David says that they stand by it and nods* Exactly! *is really surprised that Jonas seems to be floored by the fact that he would maybe move away* *quickly nods at David's words* Yes, plan A is definitely to stay in Berlin... and to keep annoying you. *grins slightly* *looks at him grateful when he's honestly happy for them* *sees him nod and already knows what he'll answer* *therefore answers in unison with him* To study to become a teacher for German and Politics. *laughs when Jonas looks at him baffled but then grins: "Yes, exactly... and also to stay in Berlin... especially now that it worked out with Hanna again..."*
David: *grins when Matteo and Jonas tell him about Jonas' plan in unison and with a smirk says* I suppose that plan has been around for a while...?! *then sees Hanna come back to the terrace with a big bowl and hears her ask: "What about Hanna and Berlin?"* *hears Jonas answer: "Jonas is staying in Berlin because of Hanna and university!"* *sees Hanna look at them in surprise: "Why? Does anyone want to leave Berlin?"* *smiles and shakes his head* Don't worry, that would only be plan B... *then leans forward to look into the bowl* Hmm, that looks really good. What is it? *sees Hanna shrug: "Some strawberry-rhubarb-cream-yoghurt-crisp-thingy... I forgot the name. But it's really good – I once made it for Papa's birthday... just help yourselves, okay?"* *sees her sit down again and Jonas grab a spoon and ladle to serve everyone*
Matteo: *takes the bowl Jonas hands him and immediately tries it* Hmmmm, wonderful... as always... *Hanna laughs: "One can always get you with food... did you also get him like that, David?"* *only laughs and shakes his head* David can't cook. *sees Hanna grin and can already imagine what she's thinking* *kicks her under the table and hears her complain: "Hey, I didn't say anything!"* *laughs* But you were thinking it. And yes, you're right, but still! *sees Jonas gape at them and look from him to Hanna and then to David and eventually hears him ask: "What's going on with them?"*
David: *also accepts a bowl from Jonas and thanks him* *immediately tries it and agrees with Matteo* Really delicious! *grinningly shakes his head at Hanna's question* I probably would have chased him away with my cooking skills... *nods at Matteo's words* I don't have to, it's enough if you can! *grins again and then looks between Hanna and Matteo a little surprised* *doesn't really get what this is about and then leans back in relief when he hears Jonas' words* Thank God I'm not the only one who doesn't get it... *laughs and then asks Hanna and Matteo* Enlighten us! Please! *hears Jonas: "Yes, please! Pretty please!"* *sees Jonas make puppy dog eyes and has to laugh again*
Matteo: *grins and looks at Hanna who shrugs* Hanna was thinking about other qualities... *hears Hanna defend herself: "You handed it to me on a silver platter, I couldn't help it!"* *laughs* Noo, noo, you're simply a little dirty! Don't put the blame on me! *hears Jonas laugh and nod: "True, but I like it..."* *groans in complaint and hears Jonas: "That's what you get..."* *shakes his head* I'll turn back to my dessert, at least there I know what I'm getting!
David: *blushes slightly when he realizes what it's about but also laughs when the three continue to mock each other* *but then also turns back to his dessert and hears Jonas: "And I'll go get another round of beer!"* *sees him get up and considers if he should really have a third beer – but on the other hand they have been sitting here for several hours and he's doing okay and he doesn't feel drunk or anything and therefore decides to have another one* *but then sees Jonas come back not only with 4 beers (2 in the pockets of his pants, 2 under his arm) but also with a bottle of green booze and four shot glasses and how he hands everyone a shot glass* *declines* No, thanks, not for me... I'll only take the beer... *hears Jonas: "Come on, one as a digestif and as a toast to our first double date..."* *only shakes his head again and smiles slightly* It's okay, I'll toast with beer!
Matteo: *sees Jonas come back with booze and immediately looks at David* *but then sees him decline immediately and is relieved* *hears Jonas ask again* *knows this tone of voice too well, it has caused him to crash several times before* I'll drink David's as well. *grins and hears Jonas laugh: "I'll take you at your word!"* *sees Jonas really pour four shots and put two of them down in front of him* Well then... *hears Hanna: "To us!"* *toasts with everyone and then drinks both of the shots* Puuuuh... that's from Hanna, isn’t it? *sees Hanna nod: "Why?"* It tastes good.
David: *smiles at Matteo in gratitude when he offers to drink his shot and is glad that Jonas doesn't keep asking* *toasts with everyone with his beer and grins slightly when he listens to Hanna and Matteo* *asks* Sweet? *hears Jonas: "Pfff, I think that's rather an insult for me – Matteo keeps insinuating that I only buy the cheap crap!"* *grins* I see... *hears Jonas continue: "Well, I'd be grateful if one day you'd convince yourself of the opposite and be on my side – I'm there all by myself... or don’t you drink any harder alcohol in general?"* *shrugs* Not very often... *sees Jonas nod and hears him ask: "And why not? Out of conviction or because you don't like the taste or why?"* *briefly presses his lips together and leans back* *picks at the label of his bottle and thinks for a moment but then thinks that the topic will probably come up numerous times when they're on holiday and that it might not be too bad to be open about it and to start with Hanna and Jonas* *therefore says* I should... *makes air quotes* ..."avoid excessive consumption of alcohol." Of course it's a matter of interpretation what "excessive consumption of alcohol" is... *shrugs and notices that Jonas and Hanna look at him questioningly and a little confused* *hears Jonas: "Okay... and... who says that? I mean, why? Or am I missing something?"* *laughs quietly and shakes his head* Noo, I... *gets a little sheepish and lowers his gaze before saying* Because of the hormone injections... *shrugs and adds* That's basically the same as when someone has to take medication regularly – then you're not supposed to drink so much, either... affects the liver... *looks back up and says* Well I do get drunk every now and then... that's not so bad, I think, but I just shouldn't make a habit out of it...
Matteo: *laughingly shakes his head* I'm insinuating it because it's true, dude! *hears Jonas ask David questions and immediately looks at him to check on him* *is ready to interfere in case he wants to distract him* *hears him answer a little hesitantly* *hears Jonas ask some more questions and notices David get tense* *immediately puts a hand on his leg* *is just about to open his mouth to change the topic when David answers* *is incredibly proud of him and slightly squeezes his leg* *sees Hanna smile and nod in understanding* *also sees Jonas look a little embarrassed and hears him say: "Oh, man, of course! Sorry... I already thought the other day that I should do some research on it... it has to suck if you always have to explain everything to everyone, right?"* *looks at Jonas totally happy and is really proud: proud of his boyfriend for being brave and of his best friend for such a great reaction*
David: *grabs Matteo's hand when he feels it on is leg and holds onto it tightly* *realizes how difficult it is to talk about it openly but also thinks that it's just as difficult to constantly come up with excuses* *is all the more relieved when Jonas' and Hanna's reaction isn't negative, relaxes his hold onto Matteo's hand a little and smiles slightly* *shrugs* To be honest, so far there haven't really been too many people who were interested in it... but... *picks at the label with his free hand* ... I think it really is better to talk about it openly instead of constantly having to come up with excuses why I don't drink so much... *shrugs and looks at Jonas (and Hanna) a little sheepishly* So you... or both of you can do research if you want to, but if you have any questions then just ask, okay? It can be a little confusing, all of that stuff... *lovingly grins at Matteo* *hears Hanna clear her throat and say: "But it's also something of a taboo-topic to ask trans people, isn't it? I mean, you don't just go up to someone and ask something so private!"* *laughs quietly* Well, I'm not someone... *adds* But you're right: With someone you don't really know that well, you don't really want to pace them... *takes a sip of his beer and adds* But hey, the offer still stands: If you have any questions, then just ask me... or Matteo – he already knows quite a few things by now... *grins at him again, pulls at him a little and then spontaneously leans forward to press a kiss on his cheek*
Matteo: *holds David's hand and lets him squeeze his hand as much as he needs to* *hears him say that it's better to talk about it openly and is really happy* *still remembers David not wanting to tell anyone and the mere thought caused him to want to run away* *squeezes his hand slightly* *nods at Hanna's words and thinks that she's right* *is surprised when David tells them that they should ask him and wants to shake his head* *but then gets a kiss and has to grin* Well... I just read up on it... and asked questions... *hears Jonas laugh: "Aha, so you can read if you want to!"* *pulls a face in his direction* *Jonas laughs but then get serious again: "Noo, really, I want to know more about it... and thanks for your offer about asking you... I'm sure I'll get back to you on that..."*
David: *has to grin when Jonas teases Matteo but then gets more serious again and nods some more at Jonas' words* *right now feels like he's a part of something and feels understood and happy and never would have thought that he'd get to a point where he's sitting in the company of his boyfriend and two people who are well on their way of becoming his friends and to talk about this topic so openly – especially considering how the evening started and how uncomfortable he felt only a few hours ago* *takes another sip of beer and briefly smiles at Matteo* *feels like the mood changed because he was brave enough to tell Jonas that he used to have a crush on him and is incredibly grateful to him all of a sudden* *sees Hanna and Jonas also smile to themselves and watches Hanna lean against Jonas and Jonas wrap an arm around her* *hears Hanna say in their direction: "Hey, there's still some dessert left... you two, dig in!"* *grins slightly and leans forward* I won't say no to that... *looks at Matteo* You, too? *reaches for the ladle*
Matteo: *looks at David and sees him relax, look almost content and his happy for him* *smiles back immediately when he looks at him and slightly nudges him with his shoulder* *grins broadly at Hanna's question* Me neither. *pushes his bowl towards David and digs in after he has served him some more* *hears Hanna say: "I think I have a question... if it's okay and not stupid... have you always been into guys or did that somehow change together with the rest?"*
David: *serves him and Matteo some more dessert and starts to eat* *looks up when Hanna says that she has a question and nods as a sign for her to ask it* *nods again, swallows his dessert and answers* I think I've always been into guys, as well... even though I'd probably consider myself more pan... I'm just somehow into people. I don't really care about the gender... but that's something I never really thought about... *thinks for a moment and then explains* Somehow, I was only preoccupied with myself for a long time... especially at the beginning of puberty when everyone started to fall in love and stuff... I was more preoccupied with fighting to be myself the way I am... and that it's okay to be the way I am... *briefly smiles at Hanna to show her that her question wasn't stupid and sees her nod and hears her ask a little less hesitantly: "So you've always known that you're a boy? Or did that also start with puberty?"* *keeps eating his dessert while answering* I've always known, actually... but what it’s called, that I'm transgender, I mean, I only found that out when I was around 12, 13...
Matteo: *doesn't find Hanna's question stupid at all* *was afraid for a moment that she would ask something really stupid* *grins slightly at David's answer* *hears Hanna say: "That's actually a good thing, right? That early on? I mean, there are stories about people who only dare that when they're much older... to live the way they are..."* *only nods at that* *then hears Jonas: "I always say all of that would be a lot easier if society knew more about it... I mean all that entails... and if people wouldn't just live according to some norm... white, hetero, umm... not trans, is there a word for it?"* *nods and answers before David does* Cis. *sees Jonas' confused look: "Huh?"* Cis... you and Hanna and I, we are cis gender, not trans, we live with the gender we were born with.
David: *nods at Hanna's words* Yes, there are people like that... but better late than never. *shrugs and says* At the beginning it's not an easy step to take, to be brave enough... *also nods at Jonas' words and was just about to answer his question when Matteo does* *grins when Jonas asks again and, after Matteo explained it, says* You see... he knows stuff... *sees Jonas laugh: "Yes, and he knows more than me! That shouldn't be the case!"* *then hears Hanna: "Well, he's right at the source for answers – he definitely has an advantage over us in that respect..."* *reaches for his beer again and takes another sip* *looks at Matteo happily* *thinks it's pretty great that he's so interested in all of that and that he did so much research* *is already looking forward a little bit to being alone with him later, even though he's also enjoying the feeling of being able to talk so openly in front of others*
Matteo: *has finished his second helping of the dessert and pushes the bowl away* *only grins when Jonas complains that he knows more and shrugs* *sees that David is also finished and immediately leans over to put his head on his shoulder* Like I said, you can also ask him... he doesn't bite... only sometimes... *grins slightly when Jonas laughs* *sees Jonas open his mouth and then close it again and grins at him* *can imagine that he was about to say something out of line and is happy that he didn't say it*
David: *wraps his arms around Matteo when he leans against him and scoots a little closer to him so that it's more comfortable* *grins when Matteo says that he bites only sometimes and adds* Veeery rarely... *looks over at Hanna and Jonas, who are sitting wrapped up in each other just like them, and sees Jonas grin and Hanna smile* *they are quiet for some time until Hanna says with a slight smirk: "Sooo... the first double date... resume?"* *laughs quietly and kisses Matteo's temple* Well... the start was a little bumpy... but the food was good and after the initial difficulties it was quite nice, wasn't it? *looks at everyone and sees Jonas nod: "I agree! We should definitely do it again!"*
Matteo: *grins at Hanna's question and nods at David's answer* Yeah, I'd say we managed quite well... *nods when Jonas says that they should do it again* *finds David's hand and plays a little with his fingers* *hears Hanna say: "But you don't have to leave straight away, right? We could grab a blanket and lay down on the grass for a while?"* *sees Jonas nod: "Oh yes! And Luigi has to drink at least two more shots with me!"* *laughs* I still have to cycle home!
David: *quickly checks the time and sees that it's almost 11* *isn't really tired yet and nods at the question about the blanket* Sounds good... *grins slightly when Matteo says that he still has to cycle home and says* If I have to I'll just pull you home... *sees Hanna get up and clear away some of the dishes and hears her say: "I'll just take that to the kitchen and grab the blanket..."* *slightly pulls his arms away from Matteo and suggests* We can also clear the table... and you get the blanket? *sees Hanna smile and nod and then starts clearing everything up and taking it to the kitchen together with Jonas and Matteo* *when they come back out Hanna has already spread a big blanket on the grass and lit some torches* *sees her grin at the torches and then at them and hears her ask: "Too sappy?"* *also grins and shakes his head* We've decided that we're into cheesiness... and that looks cozy... *tenderly reaches for Matteo's hand and pulls him down on the blanket*
Matteo: *quickly clears everything away to the kitchen and grins when they get back outside* *somehow, Hanna has always had a hand for making things cozy with only a flick of the wrist* *but it might also have to do with her presence* *nods and laughs at David's words* Yep, we've decided that we are and we go through with it without compromise *hears Hanna laugh and nudge him slightly: "Who would have thought, huh?"* *shrugs one shoulder* Well... *holds David's hands and lies down with him* *scoots down a little so that he can put his head on his stomach* *hears Jonas and Hanna apparently also find a comfortable position and finds it somehow really nice and relaxing that afterwards it's quiet for some time*
David: *wraps one arm around Matteo and puts the other one in his hair when they lie down* *softly runs a hand through his hair and enjoys the quiet after Jonas and Hanna have also laid down on the blanket* *closes his eyes in relaxation and only opens them a little when Hanna quietly says: "I'm already looking forward to Heidesee... you can see a lot more stars there..."* *hears Jonas say: "Yes, you can forget seeing stars in cities..."* *knows starry nights from the small town he's from but wouldn’t want to exchange Berlin for Lychen right now* *is quiet for some time and prefers listening to the others*
Matteo: *reaches for David's right hand with his free left hand and loosely entwines their fingers* *has his right arm around David and his hand somewhere on his hip/thigh* *also closes his eyes and relaxes* *opens them again when Hanna and Jonas talk and turns his head slightly to look over to them* But on the other hand Heidesee can sometimes be eerily quiet... but probably not if we show up there with 11 people...
David: *smiles when Matteo entwines their fingers and tenderly pulls on his hair before continuing to play with it* *laughs quietly at Matteo's words* True... then the quiet in Heidesee will probably be over... *hears Jonas groan: "God, yes, I can already hear Kiki calling for Carlos military-style!"* *hears Hanna: "Nonsense, it's not that bad... you guys are much worse when it comes to some made-up competitions..."* *grins slightly and asks* Made-up competitions? Who can jump the farthest into the lake from the jetty or what? *hears Hanna again: "Exactly! Or who can burp the loudest or... hold their breath under water the longest?"* *has to quietly laugh at Hanna's last suggestion and think of the first kiss with Matteo* *quietly murmurs* Well Matteo and I are the best when it comes to "holding our breaths under water"... *pulls their entwined fingers to his lips and kisses them briefly*
Matteo: *grins at Jonas' words and can already imagine that Hanna will defend her immediately* *laughs quietly when she really immediately does* *was just about to open his mouth to say that the competitions are a lot of fun and that she should join in one day when she says the thing about holding the breath* *immediately feels a fluttering in his stomach and looks up at David* *smiles at him lovingly and quietly says* Absolutely the best... and you win every time... *hears Hanna laugh quietly and Jonas ask: "Umm... did we miss something?"*
David: *also smiles pretty lovingly when Matteo looks at him and shakes his head* The first time you were distracted... that didn't count... *laughs quietly and would really love to kiss him right now but can't reach him and therefore only tenderly runs his hand from his hair over his cheek* *barely registers Jonas' question but then can hear both Jonas and Hanna laughing and how Jonas answers his own question: "Seems like it..."* *only reluctantly looks away from Matteo, but then grins at Jonas and Hanna and explains* Let's put it this way: Matteo and I have a special connection to holding our breaths... *laughs quietly and hears Hanna giggle: "I still don't get it..."*
Matteo: *laughs quietly* The second time as well... *only reluctantly looks away from him as well, but does so when David looks away and looks over* *grins even more at David's explanation and looks at Hanna and Jonas* *sees Jonas grimace in confusion: "Huh, I don't understand anything, anymore..."* *grins slightly* You don't have to understand everything, my friend! Some things simply stay between David and me... *then hears Hanna: "Aww... that's sort of cute..."* *laughs and shrugs one shoulder as well as he can*
David: *smiles when Matteo says that some things stay between them and tenderly cards through his hair* *also laughs quietly when Hanna says that it's cute and shakes his head* *wouldn't really refer to himself and Matteo as cute* *grinningly asks* Cute? We're not cute but... totally manly and stuff... *hears Jonas: "Yeah, right... manly and strong and brave... and sappy"* *laughs again* Exactly... fits together quite well... *hears Hanna determinedly say: "... and cute!"* *laughs again and drops it*
Matteo: *has to laugh when David claims that they aren't cute* *shakes his head about the discussion* Manly and cute also fits together... *then turns around and scoots up a little to look at David* *grins at him wickedly* You are cute! *then quickly kisses him* *hears Hanna laugh and say "awww"* *turns around again to lie back down*
David: *groans and laughs when apparently Matteo stabs him in the back as well* *looks at him questioningly when he turns around and grins at him like that* *squeezes his eyes shut in embarrassment and laughs when he hears his words and groans again* *gets kissed and then parrots Hanna's "awww"* *keeps a hold of Matteo and keeps him close when he wants to turn around again to kiss him properly* *quietly grumbles into the kiss* Great now I'm embarrassed... now we have to kiss until they change the topic so that I don't have to say anything... *tenderly runs his fingers over the back of Matteo's neck*
Matteo: *laughs slightly when David parrots Hanna* *would make a joke that Hanna has made it into the inner circle if David wouldn't have /such/ a hold of him* *returns the kiss still grinning* *laughs out loud at his mumbling* Oh now... how awful... *kisses him again until he hears Jonas: "Okay, change of topic! How much making out in front of your friends is too much making out?"* *pulls away from David grumbling and looks at Jonas* Well, you still owe me at least 100 hours, my friend... *waves his hand around between Hanna and Jonas*
David: *has to grin at Matteo's comment but gets serious again when they keep kissing and even forgets a little that Hanna and Jonas are still there* *but then sighs quietly at Jonas' comment and when Matteo pulls away* *laughs quietly at Matteo's words and hears Hanna say with a shrug: "Well, he's right about that..."* *and then Jonas: "Dude, no way that it's 100 hours!"* *grins* Well, even if it were only 50, now there are maybe 2 minutes of it gone... you can already look forward to the next couple of weeks...
Matteo: *grins broadly when Hanna agrees with him* You see… *then hears Jonas and murmurs* It is 100 hours. *grins even broader at David’s words and nods enthusiastically* *Jonas laughs and says: “I see, three against one… that will be fun on holiday…”* Yep, pretty sure… but maybe we should get going? *looks at David questioningly*
David: *laughs at Jonas’ worry* Oh, I’m sure it won’t be that bad… we’ll slowly prepare you for it until then… *hears Jonas laugh as well: “That almost sounds like a threat!”* *continues with a threatening tone of voice: “We’ll slowly but surely turn you mad…”* *grinningly shakes his head* *looks at Matteo when he asks if they want to leave and nods immediately* *even though he did ultimately enjoy the evening, he enjoys the thought of being alone with Matteo again soon even more* *slowly pulls his hand out of his hair and hears Hanna: “Too bad… but we’ll repeat this, right?”* *waits for Matteo to pull away from him and then gets up* *nods at Hanna and smiles* Yes, I’d love to! *almost automatically wraps an arm around Matteo’s shoulder but lets go of him again because Hanna and Jonas got up to say their goodbyes*
Matteo: *pulls away from David to get up* *actually wants to wrap an arm around him immediately but lowers it again when Jonas and Hanna get up* *hugs them both* *gets hugged a little longer by Jonas and understands* *murmurs “everything’s good” before he pulls away* *says to Hanna* We’ll find our way out… you two stay here and be some more sappy… *grins and reaches for David’s hand* *they go through Hanna’s house to their bikes* *unlocks his bike and quickly glances at his phone to see how late it is* *sees that it’s past midnight and then looks at the date* Shit… I missed it! *sees David’s puzzled look when he pushes his bike next to his’* Could we pretend for a moment that it’s still the 15th?
David: *sees Matteo hug Hanna and Jonas and despite the nice rest of the evening feels a slight sting when he watches Jonas and Matteo* *quickly lowers his gaze but then gets hugged by Hanna and Jonas, which surprises him a little* *but returns the hug and says his goodbyes* *grins at Matteo’s words, lifts his hand again to say goodbye and follows him to their bikes* *lets go of Matteo’s hand to unlock his bike and then pushes it next to Matteo who is putting his phone away again* *was just about to ask him if they are going to sleep at Matteo’s place or his place when he hears Matteo’s words* *looks at him puzzled, grins slightly and shrugs* I don’t have a sense of time right now, anyways… so sure, of course, if you want… *laughs quietly* Why? Did I forget or miss something important?
Matteo: *grins slightly when David doesn’t know what it’s about* *already knows that he’s not the best when it comes to dates* *shrugs one shoulder* Oh yeah… *lifts his bike’s kickstand with his foot and simply starts pushing the bike* *sees David push his bike next to him* Well, now yesterday, 3 months ago was the first Abi-prank meeting… *grins slightly at him from the side*
David: *lifts his eyebrows in confusion when Matteo confirms that he forgot something and then has to start pushing his bike as well, to catch up with him* And what? *thinks hard about what was on the 15th but he just can’t think of anything* *then hears his words and needs a moment for the words to make sense – the Abi-prank meeting they never went to because they smoked and talked for the first time* *also grins at Matteo and meets his gaze* You remembered the date!? *finds it so incredibly adorable that for a moment his heart starts to beat a little faster*
Matteo: *smiles a little sheepishly at his question and shrugs one shoulder* Yeah… I also remembered that you were wearing all black and that you barely exchanged three words with me… *then grins at him* Incredibly romantic of me, huh? *slightly wiggles his eyebrows* We could have a joint to celebrate but I don’t have anything with me…
David: *briefly presses his lips together and smiles* *tilts his head slightly* Hey, I definitely said more than three words… *gets a little more serious when he grins and wiggles his eyebrows* *shrugs and quietly says* It really is somehow romantic that you remembered the date… *only laughs briefly when he mentions smoking and says* We’ll do that on 15th of March next year… *silently continues pushing his bike next to Matteo for a while and looks at him from the side every once in a while, his thoughts going back to that one evening three months ago* *eventually quietly says* You made me nervous, back then, do you even know that?
Matteo: *only grins, squeezes one eye shut and uses his thumb and index finger to show him how little it was* *then smiles slightly and shrugs one shoulder* You know that I’m good with dates… *nods and laughs* Yes, next year… *then continues pushing his bike* *briefly wonders if they couldn’t also ride their bikes now* *but somehow enjoys simply walking with David pushing their bikes* *looks over at him when he talks again* *is surprised* Yeah? I thought you found me incredibly annoying and only wanted free weed… *then laughs silently* You also made me nervous… I was talking quite a lot of nonsense.
David: *nods at Matteo’s question and only looks at him a little indignantly when he mentions weed for free* You asked questions… you immediately got personal… and… you kept looking at me the entire time… that made me nervous… especially your looks… I did ask myself… *stops and thinks for a moment if he should really say it but then smiles at Matteo and shrugs* I did ask myself if we were flirting at that moment and I kept thinking that I have to be cool to not appear stupid in front of you… and then Sara came and it was obvious that you were already taken. Then I thought I only imagined all of that… *grins slightly* I think we /both/ said a lot of nonsense…
Matteo: *laughs slightly and a little embarrassed* I couldn’t look away… sorry… *shrugs one shoulder* I simply wanted to get to know you… *thinks back to that evening, how good David looked, how he was looking at him, how he kept thinking a thousand times that he’s making a fool of himself but his mouth still wouldn’t stop talking* *slightly shakes his head at his next words* I tried… to flirt I mean… but you didn’t make it easy for me… *grimaces slightly when he mentions Sara* Yes, the thing with Sara wasn’t too great of me… *but then also grins slightly* Mostly me… you were pretty cool…
David: *laughs quietly when Matteo apologizes for not being able to look away and murmurs quietly and lovingly* I noticed… *smiles a little guiltily when Matteo says that he didn’t make it easy for him* Back then my plan was still to not let anyone at the new school get close to me… well slowly but surely you shot that down… *grins a little and bumps his front wheel against Matteo’s* *then laughs quietly* I think it’s somehow awesome that we both thought of ourselves as completely uncool and of the other as pretty cool… *has to think about how unfamiliar Matteo was only three months ago and how familiar they now are with each other and finds it a little surreal that they have known each other for only three months*
Matteo: *laughs slightly and grins at him* And so you thought I just tell him that I have killed my parents, then he’ll surely leave me alone? *laughs slightly* Maybe the secret is that we really are both uncool and only cool together? *retaliates by bumping his wheel into David’s* *keeps pushing his bike in silence for a while* It’s totally unreal, isn’t it? That it’s only been three months? Seems longer to me, somehow…
David: *also grins* I was just overwhelmed… I couldn’t have known that this wouldn’t deter you… *then smiles at Matteo’s theory about coolness* I like the thought… has to be some truth to it. *stops for a moment when Matteo says the exact thing he had just been thinking and laughs quietly* Fuck, get out of my thoughts! *takes one hand off the handlebar and tenderly pulls Matteo toward him by his neck to kiss him on the mouth briefly but tenderly – he simply had to do it right now* *laughs again quietly and lets go of him* *explains* I was really just thinking the exact same thing… that it’s only been three months ago… and somehow you were still a total stranger in that moment… and now… it’s somehow totally surreal… *sighs quietly and briefly looks down at the ground with a broad grin on his face*
Matteo: *laughs again quietly* I didn’t know that, either… *looks a little surprised when he stops and when he hears his words* *also stops* *then gets pulled into a kiss and grins* *listens to him and smiles* *reaches for him and pulls him closer again by his jacket to kiss him again* *quietly asks* Surreal? Surreal, good, right? *keeps his hand on his jacket and quietly says* We have been through enough crap for three years, haven’t we?
David: *gets pulled into another kiss by Matteo and closes his eyes* *smiles when he hears Matteo’s question, opens them again and nods* *murmurs an affirmation* Surreal good… very good… *puts his forehead against Matteo’s when he realizes that he didn’t let go of his jacket and nods at his next words* For at least three years… if not five… or ten… *hasn’t stopped smiling this entire time and then pulls Matteo into a hug using the arm that isn’t holding the bike* *puts his head on his shoulder, takes a deep breath and enjoys the closeness and familiarity* *eventually murmurs very quietly* I’m really happy… with you…
Matteo: *smiles when he hears David’s answer* Well then that’s good... *closes his eyes when David puts his forehead against his’* *murmurs* At least… *then feels David’s arm around him and lets go of his own bike* *hears the clatter when it hits the ground but doesn’t care and simply wraps both arms around David* *audibly draws his breath in when he hears his words and can’t believe once again that he got so lucky and found David* *kisses his head, whatever he can reach and murmurs back* Me too… very much…
David: *flinches a little when he hears the clatter of Matteo’s bike but then doesn’t think about it further when he feels that Matteo has let go of it to hug him with both arms* *feels his heartbeat pick up when Matteo returns his words and he feels Matteo kissing his head* *also lets go of his bike now, albeit a little more carefully than Matteo so that it might lean on his hip at least for some time and wraps both arms around him and presses him closer* *searches for his lips and kisses him tenderly*
Matteo: *kisses him back and moves one hand to put it on David’s neck* *but then wraps his entire arm around David’s neck, after all* *they stay like that for quite some time, making out on the sidewalk* *when they finally pull apart they only pull apart a tiny bit* *smiles slightly* Okay, race you to bed? My place or yours, Mr. Schreibner?
David: *can’t really tell which one of them ultimately pulls away from the kiss first but feels pretty light and happy right now and keeps smiling to himself when they finally do* *grins at Matteo’s challenge and pulls away from him a little more* *thinks for a moment and realizes that the flatshare is a little closer than his place and therefore says* Your place, Mr. Florenzi… *gets on his bike, which surprisingly is still leaning on his hip, and waits for Matteo to get on his bike* *starts to cycle and naturally wins*
*a little later they’re lying in Matteo’s bed – his head resting on Matteo’s naked chest and his index finger drawing small circles onto his chest and stomach – and he recalls the evening again* *somehow feels like from an emotional point of view a lot has happened, from his fear of meeting Jonas and his minority complexes in relation to Jonas, followed by Matteo’s coming out to Jonas, Jonas’ apology and the following conversation, just normal conversations amongst friends and finally even a conversation about being transgender, something he never thought he would be able to ever discuss so openly in a “bigger” group – and of course the culmination: Matteo’s and his’ conversation about the three-months-anniversary of their first conversation* *thinks that he could never have ended the evening so relaxed had Matteo not admitted to Jonas that he used to have a crush on him and that there only was understanding from everyone because ultimately, Matteo, as well as everyone else, had been so open* *smiles slightly at the thought of how brave Matteo was but still worries for a second that Matteo had only told Jonas so that he (David) would feel better and gets a little more serious* *at some point carefully asks* Was it very hard for you to tell Jonas that you used to have a crush on him? *holds his breath for a moment because he doesn’t know if the question was too personal or too private but somehow he simply spoke without really thinking about it beforehand*
Matteo: *afterwards is lying in bed with David and is playing with his hair* *is happy and sluggish and tired, as always after sex* *closes his eyes and immediately opens them again when he hears David’s question* *hums slightly and thinks* *figures that the answer is somehow yes and no and doesn’t really know how to say it* Hmmm, less than I thought… but somehow it was… *swallows and then continues* I no longer felt like it was some dark secret or anything like that… but I can’t really talk about my feelings that well… especially not when I’m the center of attention like that… *slightly shrugs one shoulder* But somehow it was also good… at least now it’s off the table…
David: *grimaces slightly when he hears that it was difficult for Matteo but then continues listening and tries to understand* *slowly nods against his chest and wraps his arm around him* *thinks that Matteo’s always able to talk to him about his feelings quite well, but can understand completely that he doesn’t like to be the center of attention* *is really happy that the reason why it was hard for him wasn’t Jonas himself* *briefly kisses his chest and says* I thought it was really brave of you. I don’t know if I would have been brave enough…. *nods again when he says that at least now it’s off the table* *is quiet for a moment before quietly saying* It turned the whole evening around… *turns slightly and props his chin up on Matteo’s chest to look at him* *briefly presses his lips together, smiles briefly with a head shake and then says* I wasn’t expecting it at all… I never even considered that you could also tell him… but ultimately… *shrugs slightly* …ultimately your bravery was the reason for the evening getting more relaxed… that /I/ relaxed more… *laughs quietly* …which I never would have thought, by the way. If anyone had told me beforehand that you wanted to tell Jonas about it, I would have probably hid under the table and dug myself a tunnel to a safe hiding spot…natural catastrophe and all that… *gets serious again and kisses his chest* Anyways… thanks for telling him… *thinks that this, as well as the conversation that followed, was the thing that really made him lose the last bit of doubt that Jonas could currently be more important than him, but doesn’t say it because he doesn’t want Matteo to worry about it*
Matteo: *shakes his head when David says that he was brave* *shrugs one shoulder and buries his hand even deeper in David’s hair* I didn’t really think about it much, to be honest… it was the only way at that moment… *moves his hand with him when David turns around and leaves it in his hair* *but turns his head a little downward so that he can look at him* *smiles slightly when he says that it made him more relaxed* That’s why I did it… *gets serious when he’s talking about natural catastrophes and running away* Good that you didn’t do that… and that it helped… *runs a hand through his hair* By the way, I found it great that you were so willing to give him a chance… and when he apologized you also quickly made sure that it got more normal again… so not only me… *then swallows slightly and looks at him* Don’t know if I could do it… to act like that with a guy you used to have a crush on…
David: *smiles slightly and says* I think sometimes “not really thinking about it” is exactly the right thing to do… *shrugs when Matteo is talking about how he handled the situation* Well, he’s your best friend… it also sucks for you if it’s tense between us… and I felt like he was serious about the apology and that he could understand that I simply wasn’t feeling comfortable. *puts his head back on Matteo’s chest for a moment and murmurs* Besides… *briefly shakes his head and searches for words* …besides, I realized in that moment that you were fighting for /me/ and not for him… and you said that back then you were far from coming out, but then when it was about /me/, coming out somehow didn’t seem to be a problem for you anymore… and in that moment I somehow thought that those are two pretty crucial aspects where I’m one step ahead of  Jonas…. *lifts his head again, looks at Matteo and grins a little embarrassed* …aside from the fact that you’re with me and not with him… *draws on his chest again with his index finger* *then laughs quietly at his next words* I think it’s not very likely that you’ll ever meet Luis. As far as I know he still lives in Lychen and we don’t want to go there...
Matteo: *closely listens to David and can't help but smile when he talks about being one step ahead of Jonas* *grins slightly* Besides, you're much better-looking, you’re funnier and more intelligent and you don't want to study Politics and German... how boring is that, huh? *chuckles slightly and hopes to make David laugh as well* *then hears him talk about some guy in Lychen and realizes how strange that feels* *until now it was just something hypothetical but now there really is a guy* *swallows* And that's a good thing.... like I said, I wouldn’t be as chill as you...
David: *at first smiles but then grins broadly when Matteo lists all the things where he’s one step ahead of Jonas* *nods mock-serious and in confirmation but then has to laugh after all* Totally super mega boring... you bootlicker! *scoots up a little to kiss him briefly but only manages to reach his chin and grins again* *but then sees Matteo swallow and look somehow serious when he's talking about Luis, looks at him a little skeptically at first but then smirkingly tilts is head in provocation, sits up and sits down on Matteo's lap, puts his hands on either side of Matteo's head and says* Yes, you would be! Because there is absolutely not the slightest reason for you to be anything but chill, do you understand?
Matteo: *looks at him a little astonished when he repositions himself* *slightly draws up his eyebrows in question* *then has to smirk as well, when he hears what he says* Is that so... and what if this guy from Lychen is really, really funny and is also really good-looking or something like that? *shakes his head slightly* Then I can't promise anything... then I have to kill him, unfortunately.
David: *draws up his eyebrows in amusement when Matteo seems to doubt his words, shakes his head and quietly says* Then I'll still love you much, much more /or something like that/ and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if you killed him... only the fact that you would go to prison might burden me a little... but if you feel better, then please... go ahead... *shrugs and acts all indifferent*
Matteo: *laughs out loud when he hears his answer* Well aren't I lucky... *puts both hands around David's neck and pulls him closer* But it's true... prison would suck... then maybe I won't kill him, after all... *kisses him briefly and then looks at him again* *says a little more serious* Thanks... that you would care if I had to go to prison... *grins and kisses him again*
David: *lets Matteo pull him closer and nods with a satisfied grin* Good! *returns his kiss and the gaze that follows* *has to laugh when he hears his words and, while Matteo still kisses him, rolls off him and then pulls away from the kiss* You're welcome, you loon! *lies down on his back and folds his hands behind his head* So – and now we'll sleep! *grins slightly and waits for Matteo to agree and for him to turn off the light* Sleep tight, Florenzi
Matteo: *laughs when he rolls off him* Okay... *rolls on his side and turns off the light* *then scoots closer to David and wraps an arm around him* Dream of us, Schreibner, you loon...
(next play)
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Oh Disneyland Paris sounds fun yeah! Were you and your roommate already close then? I went to Walt Disney's world with my aunt and cousin when I was like 11 but it would've been way more fun if I could've taken my best friend with me for sure. Maybe we can go to the one in Paris now that she lives just 3h away from me! Oh I see, sounds like LA was really fun for you yeah! your roommate didn't mind third wheeling tho? Hahaha
Yeah Canada is beautiful but what I liked about it the most was the massive improvement in quality of life I had compared to where I was living before and just being able to be who I am and people accepting me for it. Not being worried about violence 24/7 felt pretty fucking great too. So yeah I highly recommend living there if you ever get a chance. But I am loving Portugal so far, people are a bit more judgemental here tho but I like that it's easier to travel to a lot of countries I've always wanted to go to. Everywhere you go there are pros and cons tho so sorting out priorities is key. But Toronto is my favourite of all the places I've been, before living there for a year I had already been two times!
Jesus 50 states, sometimes I forget how big the US is. And you can totally do it if you plan it out! After watching Bly Manor tho I really want to go to Vermont especially during autumn season looks really pretty! There's this fic I love (only the sun by prestonarchives) where Dani and Jamie go on a road trip from Vermont to Maine and I did their entire journey on Google maps street view bc I was so obsessed with this one chapter fanfic I had to immerse myself entirety in it hahaha. So now I want to go there irl. Here's the link if you haven't read it before!
Omg I totally remember reading that on CBML and being a bit confused bc I was like why would she think you can't see the moon from the great wall of China HAHAHA but I thought it was really funny and endearing yeah it's even funnier now that I know you said it irl haha.
Oh so ENFP-T means extraverted, intuitive, feeling and prospecting personality with a bit of turbulence. Which just means you're curious, perceptive, enthusiastic, an excellent communicator, festive and good-natured. On the other hand you can be disorganized, unfucosed, a people pleaser, overcommitted, too optimistic and restless.
I wonder what Jamies and Danis mbti are as well as their zodiac signs 🤔 I think Jamie might be an ISTP-A bc she's definitely an introvert, very practical, stubborn, assertive, layed back and energetic at the same time. And Dani is either an ENFP-T like you or an ESFJ-T with the whole selfless thing going on.
AE already made it canon that Jamie's an aries (and it makes sense) but I can't figure Dani out. I've thought about her being a leo ♌ bc she's generous, passionate, warm-harted and dominant in her own way and THE HAIR haha. But she's got some pisces ♓ vibes going on too...idk. aaand I'm back at it again with the astrology signs haha.
To be fair your recent drunken exp it was dark and at least you didn't think the road sign was a bear or something (don't know what kind of wild animals you've got over there) that you wrestled with and ended up in a ditch and your best friend let you believe that happened for 3 years up until recently haha. 😂 but yeah some things happen for a reason, having life threatening health issues doesn't sound great tho, but I guess it's a good thing it stops you from drinking too much and making dumb decisions. And hey maybe I secretly want that to happen again idk maybe moving countries is not exciting enough, I have to go out and make a complete drunken fool out of myself in a completely foreign place hahaha. I guess that did kinda happen last month when my best friend came to visit me from Spain and we got drunk on wine, I got lost on the way back home and it was way past curfew. 🤔 shit I'm 29 will I ever learn...
Episode 9 is 😢😍🥰😰😭🤬☠️ just the worst roller-coaster I didn't even know I was on. Haha I was more pissed off than heartbroken the first time I watched it ngl.
Well then maybe the way you do accents is friendly and funny so people can't really get mad at you haha. Like Dani! Oh so that's called a Geordie accent! I see, it's really really cool. AE said Jamie is from Lancashire but that's a whole county isn't it? Idk if there's a specific accent to this region. Knowing you speak kinda like Jamie is something else tho, I think if anyone who spoke like her ever talked to me irl I wouldn't be able to pay attention to what they were saying 😂 just the accent haha.
Oh so you already have 4k something words for it nice. I'm kinda starting to feel an obsession with this medieval AU growing in me, I made a Pinterest board just for it ngl hahaha but I'm still resisting creating anything for it, I did a face study yesterday for Dani and Jamie to see if I finally pick up the idea and just do it but my brain was still like "I don't want to do this rn" and was just being a little bitch about it so I'll just let it cook for longer see if we can reach an agreement eventually (if ever) haha.
Glad to hear you had a good weekend! Even if it left you feeling exhausted in the end. And yeah it makes sense for you to say you don't have favourites haha! Have a great week Colour, take care! 👋✨
Yeah me and my roommate have been friends since we were like 14 so when we went to Disney Land we asked if we could be roomed together because we've been best friends for that long now... been best friends since school and now we live together. She's seen me at my best, my worst, has seen me in all my stages in life and has been there for a lot of the rough stuff I've been through and I've been there for all the stuff she's been through!! Nah she didn't mind at all we had some moments where me and my ex would just go and be a couple and have dates but my ex didn't want me travelling that far alone so invited my roommate too because she didn't like the thought of me flying 11hours alone or being in airports alone so my roommate came with me and we had a great time Awwh good I'm glad it was such a nice place and that you didn't worry about violence all the time but I'm so sorry you ever had to worry about that anyway that can't be easy. I would honestly love to live in Canada I really hope I get chance one day... I'm glad you're loving Portugal but sorry people are judgemental there but I am glad it's easy for you to travel around to other places... oh yeah every place has it's pros and cons I mean England has some pros but it sure has a lot of cons too so I know all about that Yeah America is SO big but I do want to get around all 50 states at some point and I am stubborn enough and determined enough to make it happen eventually even if I don't get around them all until I'm like 70 I'll make it happen haha!! No I haven't read that fic but it sounds amazing so I'll definitely check it out thank you for sending me the link Yeah... that really happened to me and it was just a dumb moment where I had this momentary lapse of knowledge in my brain and now I look back at that question and I'm just like... "you idiot" and this is why people are shocked when I get questions in quizzes right because I have said some really dumb stuff but I'm glad people found it funny and endearing... and I'm glad it makes it better to know I really said that haha Oooo I didn't know that, I like that and I think it's definitely fitting for me!! I think from what you've said about what ENFP-T means Dani could easily be that too and I don't know anything about the other one but I will take your word for it matching Dani because you know way more about this stuff than I do. I have no idea for Jamie though. And with zodiac signs I love that Amelia looked at Jamie and thought she was an Aries, as for Dani I have NO idea what her zodiac would be... in CBML she's a Leo but in MoU with what I have planned for her birthday she'd be a virgo but I don't know anything about zodiacs... all I know is all the pieces I've ever met have been the opposite of what Dani is so maybe that has something to do with their whole charts but I know a lot of other people always make her a Pieces and I trust what other people say about zodiacs more than what I know about them because I really know NOTHING about them haha Nah I knew it was a road sign because of how heavy and hard it was- nah we have no bears where I live... I don't think we have many dangerous animals where I live... got a couple of badgers that can be pretty aggressive but that's about it we don't have much that is scary here or at least not in the little part of England I live. Having life threatening health issues has been hard and since having my spleen removed in January (that was the surgery I needed to try and fix the issue I had) things are even harder now because I have to take antibiotics for the rest of my life to stop me getting any infections because if I ever get a chest infection now or a really bad cold it can be really dangerous but I take it all in my stride and not drinking is just a way to make sure the antibiotics actually work properly and to make sure nothing happens to me... and like you said, means I don't do anything dumb too... haha drunken stories are the best I have been lost a few times when I've been drunk... and I don't think you do learn, I have siblings that are
like 40 and still do dumb shit... I know at 27 I am still doing dumb shit too I don't think I'll ever learn haha 😂 Its such an emotional roller coaster and honestly I was just devastated the first time I watched it... no TV show or movie has ever made me cry the way Bly Manor did when I first saw it and it still makes me cry now. I can cry just thinking about that last episode. I definitely mean it in a friendly way so I hope it comes across like that. Yeah the accent in Billy Elliot is a Geordie accent and its my favourite accent there are other accents around the north that are called different things. Yeah Lancashire is a county and again in Lancashire there are loads of different accents I can't really pinpoint Jamie's down to a city I just know it's Northern. I'm from Yorkshire but don't have a strong Yorkshire accent I just have a Northern accent, like people never believe I'm from the place I'm from because I don't sound like I am but you can definitely tell I'm northern... honestly there are so many accents in England... you can drive for two hours in any direction in England and the accent will change like two times at least it's insane... see a lot of people say that but I am not a HUGE fan of the northern accent and I think it's because I grew up there. I much prefer Dani's accent to Jamie's but like I said to me, Jamie just talks normal there is no accent really haha Yeah 4k words for it but it's all jumbled up it's not like a chronological story yet it's just all over the place haha but I hope I can get it all structured properly soon!! Awwh good I'm glad you're already interested in this medieval AU!! That makes sense you're resisting creating for it but I think it's so cool you did a face study for Dani and Jamie even if you didn't wanna finish it I think letting things cook for a while is always a good idea if you're not in the right headspace right away I had such a good weekend but I am so tired and today I had a busy day too celebrating my roommate's boyfriend's birthday so I've had so many days that have been so busy and right now I am just really to sleep haha!! Yeah definitely don't have favourites but I have spent more time with one of my nieces than the others simply because I always look after her if her mum and dad are working and I'm not... like until I start this new job I am looking after her for an hour every day after school while she waits for her mum and dad to finish work but I don't have favourites haha!! Thank you so much I hope you had a great weekend and that you have a great week too!!
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toadallytickles · 4 years
Hey Toad so I need some advice. I saw that you mentioned that you and Clay are together but still play with others, how do you deal with the jealousy feeling? My partner wants to possibly play with others but I find myself worked up and upset when they mention it. The people that they would be playing with we agreed upon but I find this feeling never ending. Do you have any advice is how to deal with this or steps within becoming comfortable?
Hey there! Thanks for these questions! They’re all very good, and I’ll do my best to answer them in the most helpful way I can!
I actually have a whole post on dealing with jealousy in general and in relationships if you would like to give it a read! 
And you’re correct! Clay and I are in an open relationship and we do play with other people~ It does go beyond playing too. We’re really open, haha. Though this is something we both wanted and have agreed upon! We both have the belief that we can connect with multiple people and form other relationships and intimacies. Honestly I would have never thought that this would be the first relationship I got into and I would be this way! Clay and I talked about dating and all this for months before getting together officially. He definitely has more experience than I do, from past relationships, and he plays with more people so I may have felt similar to what you are feeling.
Before I get into it, I think you have to ask yourself first is, do you want this? Are you okay with opening up the relationship? Is this something you want to do, or try, or is it something your partner has convinced you to do or try? Do you want to play with other people too? Because you don’t have to be comfortable at all with this. Open/Poly relationships are not for everyone and that’s perfectly okay. And if you would prefer to be in a monogamous relationship, unfortunately you two want different things and it may be best to let each other go to grant yourselves the opportunity to find what you are looking for and want.
Though if you are wanting to give it a try, that’s great! I’m kinda a try-everything-once person, and you learn a lot about yourself and whatever you’re doing from experience! I personally feel a lot of people could benefit from an open experience, even just once to try. But I understand and respect if someone doesn’t ever want to. 
A great first step is talking about it! Open communication is key to any relationship, though open/poly relationships definitely require and thrive on it. You’re in an open relationship, you gotta be open about yourself and your feelings too! Whenever you are feeling worked up and upset, or anxious, anything, you let your partner know, and they should reassure you and comfort you. Hopefully they remind you that you’re their number one and they still love you just the same. Or even more! It’s also great you are both agreeing on who they play with! You could even potentially talk to these people or get to know them a little if that would comfort you. That could even be a boundary/limit for you two as well; you both must know the person, or talk a little. I would definitely be willing to reassure someone’s partner if they needed it. The awesome thing about open/poly relationships is that it is a “Build-Your-Own-Relationship,” you both create the boundaries and limits as a couple, and then play within it.
Your feelings are very normal and valid; it makes total sense to be worked up or upset when they mention it. I mean, monogamy is pushed onto a lot of us from a very early age. A lot of us are programmed to believe that’s the only option for us, and this one person is to care for us and love us for the rest of our life. And when they check out another person, suddenly we’re not good enough for them. That was built into my head growing up at least. Though open/poly relationships are new to me- its been less than a year of me learning more about them and experiencing them, and I have felt a lot within this time frame, but I am no expert. 
Yeah… less than a year ago I would have never imagined myself (my first romantic relationship too!!) in an open/poly, long distance, never-would-have-imagined-this-age-gap relationship.. And we’re both into tickling… this was all extremely new to me! 
Early in the relationship, I would have the worst anxiety and jealous feelings when Clay was seeing someone, or when he shared details. I remember days where I felt guilty for always being anxious and jealous about it, that I would bottle it up and pretend I was fine when I wasn’t. Because I honestly did feel annoying or like a bother when I needed reassurance. But bottling it up made it worse and I would spiral and beat myself up- yeah, don’t bottle emotions up. Always be open and honest with everything and anything. Letting Clay reassure me and comfort me really helped with dealing with jealousy actually, because being reminded constantly that I’m his primary partner, and he loves me, and that we always have a lot of fun together boosted my self esteem and confidence in myself. A lot of the jealousy I felt came from because this was all new to me and I didn’t understand it, and I was insecure with myself, and I would just sit and dwell on it instead of distracting myself with a hobby or other friends. I’m a lot more comfortable with him seeing and playing with others now, and I get the occasional pinch of jealousy and envy, depending on who it is and what went on. Not that we overshare what happened, though we talk about the kind of play it was and things they learned and did. And that helped me deal with jealousy too honestly because I got to feel those feelings through and learn first-hand how to work with them in the moment. Though I’ve read of some partners not wanting to know details because that’s comforting to them more than knowing. 
It’s definitely not easy right away. It will require self-reflection and self-kindness/love, and honesty and being vulnerable, open-mindedness, understanding, and being able to openly communicate and listen, and be patient. Overtime you learn, experience, and adapt. I had to do some reprogramming in my brain to be able to accept this lifestyle for myself and be happy with it. It is a big change from monogamy for a lot. And it’s okay to get jealous and get hurt and upset at times, that happens in every relationship. Though it is honestly perfectly fine if you feel an open relationship isn’t for you. Don’t try to force your way out of feeling jealous or worked up. Trust your gut. You know yourself better than anyone and know what you can handle and what you want.
Summarized points / too long; didn’t read
Jealousy is a normal feeling everyone experiences. It stems from low self-esteem or image as a fear of losing someone, or something, or that you aren’t good enough.
Being independent and having friends to hang out with, or hobbies to do, or places to go helps to not dwell on the thought that your partner is seeing someone currently. You are still your own individual person and lead your own life. 
Boosting your own self-esteem or confidence helps greatly and feel secure about yourself and your primary status. 
Open Communication is key. Do not bottle up your feelings ever! Always share how you are feeling!
 Get reassurance if you need it! Your partner can’t be there for you all the time as they also lead their own life, though when they are available to be there for you, let them love and comfort you.
Talk to other open/poly couples and partners for their experiences and advice! It’s nice to talk to people who understand what you are going through!
Take baby steps. Maybe this means you have to be present, or meet the other person before leaving the two alone, or let them see one person and communicate how you feel and work with those feelings and what would help you feel better for next time, and if you’re up for continuing! Remember you two create the boundaries and limits!
Be patient and kind to yourself. This can be a big, new change for a lot of people and it is something you can’t rush into. Listen to your emotions, feel them through, and work through them. It’s okay when it gets tough.
You know yourself better than anyone else. Its okay if its too much and you got to talk. Boundaries and limits always change. 
‘Opening Up: A Guide To Creating And Sustaining Open Relationships’ by Tristan Taormino is a super helpful guide to Open, Non-Monogamous, and Poly relationships! This is what I read prior to becoming official with Clay.
This is a lot! I do hope this is helpful in some way for you and it helps you figure out your feelings and how to communicate with your partner! Best of luck with whatever you decide! And you can always send in an ask anytime, and I’ll do my best to get back to you! 
Have a great day/night!
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yastaghr · 4 years
Grey 17
Summary: Berry finds his datemates a little too late. Blue gets inducted into the revolution, and his HP is discovered.
Warnings: Blood, Aftermath of Torture, Major Character Death
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16555439/chapters/64110841
It had been two days since Berry had last seen or heard from his datemates. To say he was worried would be an understatement. In a place as small as the Underground it was almost impossible not to run into people on a regular basis, especially if you were dating them. Plus there were the phone calls. Berry was used to calling his girlfriends every night that he wasn’t sleeping with them. So for him not to hear from them in two days was unthinkable. He had to find them!
He regretted not searching for them sooner when he found them. The state they were in… he would remember it for the rest of his life. They were missing all of the toes on both of their feet, and the raw patches had been burned. Their legs had been fileted. The places where the strips of flesh were missing had been salted. They went all the way up to their underwear. At least whoever did this hadn’t hurt them there. Their stomachs, though, were apparently fair game. It had been sliced up in a grid pattern that would make healing much, much harder. Their arms had words carved into them deep; “slut”, “creep”, and “shithead” were the only three he could make out around the blood. Their faces, though, were easy to read. They had the word “freak” carved from cheekbone to cheekbone. Spike’s glasses were embedded into gaping holes where her eyes had once been, and TNT’s gills had been cut off completely.
Berry took in all of that in a handful of seconds. That was all he had before his magic rebelled and forced him to throw up everything he had eaten that day. The mess merged with the blood on the floor of the room to form a sickening tye-dye effect. He threw up again when he realised just how much blood there was.
By the time he had gathered himself enough to act it was too late. Berry unbent just in time to see the two monsters he loved the most, the two monsters who had pulled him out of his depression and saved his life, he saw those two monsters turn to dust. He gaped, unable to believe it. This couldn’t be real, right? They hadn’t just turned to dust. This was all just a big misunderstanding. He would wake up any minute now to Spike’s snores and TNT’s fond exasperation at those snores. Then he and TNT would tickle Spike mercilessly until she was fully awake. They’d all laugh and get out of bed and… and…
Berry shuddered when he looked back down and saw the blood. That was wrong, wasn’t it? Even if this was just a dream, he shouldn’t leave the floor looking this messy. He should at least try to clean it up, so he did.
That was how Stretch found him when he came back to gloat over their bodies. Seeing someone stuck in a cleaning fit was very familiar. Maybe he should have questioned it more, but, to him, it wasn’t out of the ordinary.
Blue insisted on making sure that Scales was settled comfortably before letting them talk about anything else. It was hard for him to do; he wasn’t used to asserting himself like that. He managed it, though. It helped that he could put on his “doctor” voice. It also helped to know that these people were willing to be kind to him, even after knowing he’d been raped. That felt so alien to him that he didn’t really know what to do with it. The only thing he could do was hope it would last.
When Scales was safely set up in one of the beds down here in this hidden lab (who knew that there was a lab underneath the lab? He didn’t.), Blue gulped and faced the others. He could still feel the fire in his belly from hearing about what the King did here. He found the Royals so- so frustrating! Every decision that his Queen had ever made had hurt him. Her rules had ruined his life. Her refusal to pay for the damages of the accident had cost him his father. Her appointees to the Royal Guard had used their authority to rape him. Her arrogance had stopped him from saving thousands of lives. Why couldn’t they just be helpful? Was it really that hard?
“underfell to blue, can you hear me?” The words weren’t what smashed him out of his internal fit of fury. It was the poke that accompanied them. He definitely overreacted by flinching back and shaking with fear. Red looked at him with confusion, then shook it off. “i dunno where you went just then, bud, but scales wants to tell us her plan now. you good with that?”
Blue nodded slowly. He was just glad that Red wasn’t mad at him for overreacting. Stretch hated it when Blue overreacted in public.
Scales, propped up with more pillows than should rightly have been down here, coughed. “Well, three of you know the general plan for the revolution. Everyone hates the King, so it’ll be easy to convince them to stay home if we use Metta’s channel. The guards are already on our side, so it won’t be hard to get into the castle. The only part that we hadn’t worked out before was how we were going to subdue him long enough to shove him in the Void. I think Blue might be our answer to that.”
Blue’s head slowly tilted as he tried to figure out what she meant. Just the idea that there could even be a revolution was hard for him to grasp.
Blue stiffened in real fear. “NO, NO, NO, PLEASE DON’T-” He was too late. His stats popped up for all of them to see.
“Blue - Underswap Sans” “The easiest friend you ever made. Rulebreaker for 17 years.”
1 LV 0.568 / 0.713 HP 90 / 90 MP
AT: 1 (-25) DF: 1 (0) EXP: 0 NEXT: 10
WEAPON: None (Healer!) ARMOUR: None
Silence reigned for several seconds as Blue started to tremble. They had seen. They had seen. They had seen they had seen they had seen they had-
The feeling of fear that overwhelmed him ran into the one obstacle he didn’t expect, although he probably should have, given that it had happened earlier. Three sets of arms wrapped around him in a hug. Three voices tried to sooth him. Eventually, a fourth voice broke through the bedlam due to sheer volume. “BLUE, WHY DO YOU HAVE SO LITTLE HP? THE ONLY MONSTER I KNOW HAS HAD LESS THAN 10 TOTAL HP IS RED, AND THAT WAS WHEN HE FIRST FELL DOWN HERE INTO THE UNDERGROUND. HOW DID YOU SURVIVE WITH LESS THAN ONE?”
Seven eyes stared at him. Red’s eyes were the most angry looking. Blue quaked before them. “lemme get this straight. a maximum of about seven tenths of a hp point is an improvement for you?”
Red burst out laughing. Scales and Edge gave him an unamused stare. Felldyne looked like she wasn’t that far behind Red in the laughing department, and it was she who spoke. “Seriously? Even Fellgore didn’t care about me, and I did that to pay for my own house so I didn’t have to live with Gerson. Is that seriously why she refused to sign your license?”
Felldyne did chuckle then. “Sheesh, no wonder you hate her. If I were Empress I’d make you the Lead Healer in an instant. You helped Scales, you hate the Royal Family, and you’ve got enough spunk to compliment someone who could kill you with a sneeze. Definitely leadership quality. You wouldn’t happen to be looking for a job, would you? Once we pull this coop off I’m the next in line.”
Before Blue could jump on this opportunity, Red threw it away for him. “come on, dyne. he’s got a brother waiting for him back home. i know i’d give anything to get back to my bro if i lost him.”
Blue became aware of the way Felldyne was studying him. He shivered under that stare and the thought of going back to life with his… well, he couldn’t deny it anymore, could he? His abusive brother. He didn’t want to burden them with his problems, though. Not before he earned the right to call them friends. He had to help. “SO, WHAT’S THE PLAN ONCE I SEDATE YOUR KING? WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH HIM?”
Blue shivered. He knew who dwelled in the Void from back home, and he knew why. After all, he was the one who put River there. “ARE YOU SURE THERE ISN’T ANY OTHER WAY?”
They all nodded, but Red nodded more vigorously than the others. “that bastard has too much damned lv to put in a prison - he’ll just punch through the walls. can’t kill him neither, not without going lv crazy. no, we need to send him somewhere he can never get out.”
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exosmutfactory · 5 years
Six Phases 001
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Who knew it nearly took 6 months to win your heart, and 6 phases for Baekhyun to lose his mind.
A/N:  Here’s part 1!  I do warn you it’s 5.8k+ long (baekhyun’s fault as always) 👉🏼👈🏼 hope you like it, let me know in my ask box if you want 🌹 Enjoy ♡ ♡
[ contains: romance, fluff, angst & smut (later on) ]
Part 1 ✓ | Part 2 | Part 3 P(1) | P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) |  Part 5 P(1) P(2) | Part 6
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Track 03
Being the new girl on campus is never easy, nor the one in town. And because of a certain situation that occurred a month before high school graduation, the summer following it was spent getting over the traumatizing affair… And the following 9 months.
Don’t worry, the lesson from it all has been learned well.
“Damn this place is huge.” I squint, shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand. For the weather to be a mere 78 degrees it sure doesn’t keep the bright star from bearing down on me. Spotting a building that has “Dormitory” written clearly on the side I push my glasses farther up my nose and pull my suitcase along.
Receiving the directions and details to my room goes smoothly, but just as I’m turning to the elevators I slam into someone else.
“Fu–” I sigh, rubbing the tip of my nose as I step back. “Sorry,” I mumble already feeling the embarrassment on my cheeks as I lift my head only to be met by a broad chest.
Lifting my chin farther I’m met with friendly, sparkly brown eyes and a dashing smile. “It’s alright.”
I blink, nodding silently as my heart skips a beat. Curly brown hair; puppy eyes; thin yet pouty lips. I shift my eyes away before I get even more caught up in his smile, or worse, checking him out.
“Do you need any help?” His voice rings again. A melodic sound I’m quickly finding myself liking more and more.
Meeting his eyes again his gaze sweeps over the suitcase in my hand along with the full backpack on my back before completing the eye contact. I try not to blush farther, “No, I’m alright.”
He nods, shoving his hands in the pockets of his ripped jeans. “Don’t freak out if the elevator stops working.” He calls as I pass by him. “If it stops moving wait a few seconds before pressing the floor you want again.”
Looking back his way I forget our height difference until all I see is his white t-shirt and long neck. I nod once attempting to send him a small smile that he quickly returns. “Thanks.”
He smiles even more, waving a little as I step through the dreaded metal doors and tap Floor 3 with my knuckles.
His friendly gestures stay on my mind until I trip over nothing trying to step out onto my floor. Making a noise in embarrassment I check to make sure no one else saw before taking out the directions to my room. 304
Carefully discovering the left side of the hall has all the even room numbers I slowly made my way down. The desired dorm is 3 doors away from the staircase. Reading back over the paper my roommate’s name is Jenny.
Gathering myself I give a little mental pep talk, knocking politely on the door as the sound of laughter reaches my ears.
“Oh, hold on.” Comes muffled through the door. The next second a click is heard before vibrant blue hair and light blue eyes peek out. “Hello, how may I help you?”
“Um..” Blinking at the welcoming smile on her face I quietly hold up my paper in fear of squeaking in reply.
Her eyes drift over the document. “Oh!” She smiles even more, opening the door fully. “Come in! I didn’t expect you to get here so soon.” She continues sheepishly as I step over the threshold, taking in the state of the room. One side is obviously occupied; clothes spewed all over the bed.
“It’s okay.” I softly reply slowly shrugging off my backpack. “So!” She begins as I set it on the floor. “I’m Jenny as you already know.“ She jokes. "What’s your name? Where are you from?”
Looking her way she’s perched on her bed, eyes focused completely towards me. I shift my eyes away after a few moments, quietly mumbling my name.
“Riley?" She tilts her head, smiling again as I nod. "Your name is pretty.”
“Thank you." Fishing through my pocket I pull out my phone, taking if off airplane-mode.
"I haven’t seen you around before, are you a freshman?”
“Yes." Briefly checking my notifications and sending an ‘I made it’ to mom I put my phone back. "I’m nearly 19 but I took a gap year so.." I peek at her, "Here I am.”
She nods, looking intrigued as I start unpacking my suitcase. “Did you live close by or from out of state?”
I smirk, carefully tucking my folded clothes into the empty dresser. “I’m from a boring town down south.”
“Ah," She blinks, "Well that’s cool! I hope you like it here." Her face turns serious. "We just met but if anyone gives you problems, you let me know, okay?”
Taking in her expression I nod.
Another smile spreads on Jenny’s face. “Now show me your timetable.”
The first-week breezes by relatively fast, assignment after assignment of due dates coming from left and right. Luckily I was smart enough to research every possible way to study over my year out of school. Traveling to new countries and places during a gap year? Haha yeah. Not me.
“So Riley,” I’m greeted with the second I walk into my dorm room. I carefully set down my stack of textbooks and tablet on the desk before turning to Jenny with a quirked brow.
“I know you just got here,” She begins, perched on the edge of her bed. “But there’s a party this weekend–”
“You mean tomorrow?” I blink as it is quite literally the late afternoon of Friday.
Jenny smiles sheepishly, “Do you want to go?” Seeing the look on my face she adds, “I swear I’ll stay with you the whole night.”
Yeah, where have I heard that before. “I’ll think about it,” Checking the time I look back at her. “I’m going out and will stop for food on the way back. Want anything?”
Her eyes light up at the mention of food, nodding and excitedly telling me what she would like.
As I exit the small safe space once again my lips quirk into a smirk. Time to go shopping.
A little more than 24 hours later I find myself trying to relax in the passenger’s seat of Jenny’s small convertible; nervously fiddling with the thin straps of my dress.
“I’m surprised you agreed honestly,” She starts eyes focused entirely on the road. “And that dress.” Her eyes flicker over at me, “Forest green and backless? Damn you’re brave. And gorgeous.”
Thankfully the early night is just dark enough to hide my burning cheeks, “Thank you.”
She smiles knowingly, steering the wheel with both hands. “Lucky me I have to keep boys off you all night.”
I laugh heartily at that catching the teasing smile on her face. “I don’t know about all that.” I joke watching as the street lights flow by, “I’m pretty good at holding my own.”
“Brave, gorgeous and independent.” She pulls the car to a stop looking over at me. “Oh honey, they are going to drool over you.”
Giggling as she looks in the rearview mirror, I take a look around at the giant house up ahead. Cars lined along the street as dozens of party-goers head towards the booming bass of music.
“Riley, does my eyeshadow look okay?”
Turning back to her I take in the perfect spread and shiny golden glitter over her eyes; nodding, “Damn near perfect.”
She smiles, “Now you’re speaking my language.” With a sigh she turns fully to me, smoothing the front of her black A-line dress. “Ready?”
Nodding we both step out the car feeling the late summer night breeze rolling in. Closing the door I follow after Jenny as he heads up the hill, our respective heels clicking loudly against the concrete.
“I swear I’m filled with regret every time I face this sidewalk.” She pants sending me into another fit of laughter. “Oh shut it Miss 3 Inches, You’re one to laugh!”
I shrug smiling so much it nearly hurts, “Your silver stilettos make your legs look great, Jen.”
“Oh, now you’re just trying to butter me up.” She rolls her eyes until they widen; suddenly she stops making me freeze mid-step to not bump into her. “Hey Riley, look.” Whispering she discreetly points somewhere farther ahead.
Being as inconspicuous as possible I crane my neck while pretending to shake out my skater skirt, eyeing the group moving towards the house.
“Those guys.” She continues, “Are bad news. Make sure you stay away from them, okay?”
Just as she finishes her sentence I spot a head of silver hair, the shine of it catching in the dim glow of a streetlight. My heart quickens in unease as I nod in front of her concerned eyes. “Okay.”
Like always a smile finds its way to her face, “Good.” Grabbing my hand she starts walking again, “Let’s go have fun!”
I chuckle following her lead. The house is a lovely mansion with clean-cut hedges and a stone walkway leading up to the white, front double doors. Held open as people stream in past two men seemingly standing guard. One noticeably shorter than the other with a close-cut haircut and big eyes. The taller sporting a burgundy suit with no shirt underneath; a teasing smirk that I can guess is usually placed on his pouty lips.
“On door duty again, huh?” Jenny teases. “How much are they paying you this time Kyungsoo.”
“Not nearly enough.” The shorter replies. His lips are nicely shaped, I bet..
“Daydreaming about Soo’s heart-shaped lips, eh?”
I flinch back from the taller, tensing at the feeling of his breath fanning over my ear.
“No need to glare at me Dollface.” He chuckles holding his hands up in surrender. “Who’s the cutie, Jenny?”
“No one you need to know.” She mutters pushing me protectively behind her away from his hungry gaze.
“Well then.” He mumbles not even surprised, gesturing to the open doors. “Guess I’ll have to find out on my own–” He flinches back as Kyungsoo lifts a fist in his direction.
“Please excuse him.” He sighs. “Come on in.”
Jenny’s smile is bright as he reaches in for a hug, “Thank you Soo~” Looking back at me she grabs my wrist and pulls me ahead, shooting one last glare at the tall man as she urges me to walk inside first.
Stepping carefully into the house I make quick work of analyzing my surroundings. Makeshift dance floor to the left; expensive in-home-bar to the right. Grand stairs leading up to the second floor right ahead and surely plenty of bathrooms scattered around the whole place.
“So, what do you wanna do first?” I jump at Jenny’s voice in my ear, blinking back at her as she smiles innocently. My eyes drift to the dancefloor and she immediately shakes her head, “Here. You’ll want a drink or two before you start mingling with those idiots.” She sends me a pointed look. “Trust me.”
Before I even nod in agreement she is leading the way to the bar, keeping a reassuring grip on my wrist as we bump into careless strangers standing in the middle of the room. “Minseok!”
A handsome man with black hair and cat-like eyes looks up from shining a glass behind the bar, a friendly smile forming on his lips. “Jenny, what can I get you and your friend?” His eyes peek curiously at me.
Realizing I’m hiding behind Jenny like a little lost cub I step closer to the bar, feeling her eyes on me. “Do you perhaps have Gin?” He nods. “Brandy? Vodka?” Nodding once again, I rest my chin on my palm, quirking my lips into a half-smirk. “Dr Pepper?”
He returns the expression. “Maybe.”
“Hmm.” Grinning I finally settle on, “Vodka and Dr Pepper…Mostly the pepper, please.”
His laugh can’t be heard well over the booming music but I can tell he means well by the understanding look in his eyes. “Coming right up, Beautiful.”
Flushing I discreetly fan my cheeks with my hand, looking away as Jenny tells him her order as well. Instantly I feel a pair of eyes on me. Leaning my elbows back on the bar I lazily sweep my gaze across the room.
There. Just at the edge of the dancefloor. Adoring an all-black outfit consisting of a silk shirt, waist-length silver button jacket, and tight-fitting leather pants. Leather two-inch heeled boots and partially slicked-back silver hair completing the look. With a start in my chest, I realize it’s the same guy I bumped into at the beginning of the week. His once-friendly gaze and welcoming smile traded in for a piercing, hungry stare. The longer I continue the eye contact the hotter it gets in the room.
“Here you go.” Minseok’s voice brings me back to the present. The heated spell put over me by the handsome stranger broken as I turn to my full glass seated on the bar. Taking a tentative sip of the concoction I licked my lips, smiling at the flavor.
“How is it?” He asks. Jenny even turns to see my reaction.
“Perfect.” I nearly purr, throwing it back to chug the rest.
“Whoa!” Jenny exclaims, her beer held carefully in hand as I licked my lips again. “Damn girl, if I didn’t know any better I’d be envious.”
“I’m a lightweight,” I mumble, kindly asking Minseok for another.
“I can tell.”
Sending a weak glare her way she just shrugs in return, smiling unapologetically.
That same feeling of a stare never quite goes away as I take time to savor my next drink.
“So, you like your drinks heavily diluted, huh?” Jenny inquires.
“I don’t like the burn…” I start wrinkling my nose, “It’s starting to set in.”
She giggles at my misery. “What a baby you are.”
Nodding in agreement I down the rest of the tasty drink neatly placing the glass back on the bar. “Thank you, Minseok.”
He nods smiling as he picks it up, “Have fun on the floor.” He quirks a brow, “Be careful.”
Smiling politely I glance at Jenny before twirling around, making my way to the crowd of grinding bodies. Not surprisingly there is a clear empty space right in the middle of the floor.
Being extra I sway my hips as I walk to the dead center already feeling a handful of eyes on me. Ignoring them I let the beat of a familiar song take me over.
“I don’t hate it. You tell me. I’m nervous.”
Slowly body rolling sensually from side to side to the time of the song I walk forward with one foot in front of the other, praising myself for deciding to let my hair down in loose beach waves for the evening. Once the bass kicks in I speed up the tempo, running a hand through my hair and down my body with a smile on my face.
“She’s so selfish, but I like it.”
Letting the song take complete control, I let loose. Dancing my best as my skirt swishes around; spinning on my heels as the alcoholic buzz finally makes me feel warm all over. Or maybe it’s the curious heads turning. Surprisingly no one dares to approach. Their dance partners near slapping them every time they slow down to look my way.
Shrugging inwardly I twirl around as if no one else is in the room, busting out my favorite dance moves and teases memorized from countless youtube videos and dancer dvds.
Just as the second chorus hits a pair of hands land on my hips. Smirking I keep my back to them enjoying the feel of smooth silky material on my bare skin as they move closer.
“Betcha. We were destiny. I’m gonna getcha.”
Reaching my arm up to wrap around the back of their neck I can’t help giggling at the feel of their grip tightening on my hips; digging my fingers into their soft strands. Feeling their lips brush against my neck I decided that it’s time to turn around, my eyes widening at the familiar pair of brown eyes and smirking lips.
Backing away as the music slows down I take a good look at him, his outfit looking even more stunning up close. We circle around each other like predator and prey, not daring to take that first step closer to the other. Not quite ready to go in for the kill.
He licks his lips as his eyeliner eyes meet mine again, showing off his own moves as the beat kicks back in. I stand there awestruck at the art of broad shoulders and thick thighs moving about before starting back up on my own groove; him being quick enough to compliment my movements.
We draw in closer and closer to each other until the chorus hits again. I dance around him as he watches with an amused smirk, my cheeks flushing as I notice his hard stare set on me.
“You’re gonna be mine, I. Oh baby in time, I.”
“Betcha. It’s something certain ma girl I meet ya.”
As the last of the song plays he pulls me in, holding my hand up and gripping my waist with the other before whispering the final words in my ear, “You’re gonna be mine.”
Looking into his warm brown eyes I glance down at the mole above his pretty lips, licking my own subconsciously before I can stop it. His own orbs shoot down to capture the action, slowly leaning in until the rambunctious noise of drunk people cheering breaks the atmosphere.
Snapping out of my daze I step out of his arms, blinking at him in shock from a safe distance as he keeps his eyes on me a frown beginning to form on his lips.
Gulping with a headache coming on I spin around to a mad looking Jenny. “J-Jen–”
She shakes her head, grabbing my wrist, “Come on. Let’s get out of here.” She throws a glare over my shoulder, quickly making way back out of the crowd of grinding bodies.
I can’t help shooting one last look back myself as a familiar Grande song plays, not missing the daring smirk and challenging quirk of brow on his handsome face.
“Jenny.” I begin as she practically drags me back to the bar. “Jenny, who is he?”
She wordlessly points at a barstool and I take a seat, accepting the water bottle she hands me.
She sighs running a hand through her short, faded blue hair. “He is Byun Baekhyun.” Sending me a pointed look she continues with distaste clear in her voice. “The notorious playboy on campus.”
Remembering the feel of his hands on my hips and lips on my neck I blush in realization; turning near scarlet as Jenny crosses her arms with a knowing look on her face. “Oh.”
She sighs as my eyes flicker to a brunet man coming up behind her. “Yeah, so drink a bit of that and we’ll head on out–” Gasping a look of pure shock and a flash of fear crosses her face as he wraps his arms around her. She turns around on the spot, “J-Jongdae?”
The man with light-brown hair grins lazily, “Hey babe.”
Judging by his sluggish movements and her stiff expression he is shit-faced drunk and she knows it. Sighing once again she pats his chest, glancing over at me. “Let me help you get to your room, Dae.” Barely responding he lets her drape his arm over her shoulder, her tiny form managing to stand them both up.
I stand up to assist but she just shook her head, sending me one last apologetic look before slowly walking him in the direction of the stairs.
Minseok even shoots me a sympathetic look as I notice a man approaching out of the corner of my eye. Sipping steadily I ignore him as he leans across the counter most likely ordering a drink. My eyes seem to naturally drift over to where I last saw the infamous Byun Baekhyun. A twinge of disappointment pricking my chest when I see no silver hair insight.
“Hey,” A voice whispering in my ear has me jumping back, looking at the stranger with furrowed brows. It’s the same guy I saw walking up earlier.
“You come here often?” He continues his eyes lazily gazing over my form. If it wasn’t for his obviously reeking breath just from his unstable stance alone everyone in the room can see he’s drunk.
Feeling like I’ve had enough social interaction for the night—which I have—I turn back to my water, nearly downing the rest of the bottle. A hard nudge to my ribs has me wincing full-on glaring at the obnoxious person. “Want me to get you a drink?” He tries a smirk growing on his face as he stares at mine.
“No.” I pointedly say through gritted teeth; crushing the empty water bottle in my hand.
He chuckles at the sight brushing badly dyed blonde hair out of his eyes. “Oh well, your loss cutie.”
Leaning over to share farewells with Minseok I slowly relax my grip on the squeezed plastic, swiftly walking away from the bar. Realizing yet again that Jenny is busy and my ride I sigh venturing farther into the house. “The bathrooms have to be somewhere,” I mumble listening close to every door before daring to touch the knob. No matter how loud the music is out front people really don’t know how to tone it down on the pornographic noises. I lean away from the last door on the main left hallway with a deep sigh and heavy bladder.
Noticing a shorter darker hallway adjoined to it I peek my head around the corner. No noise seems to come from this part of the house. I have the sudden urge to bring out my phone as a guide until I remember how easy it’ll be to drop it in my state. With a shake of my head, I carefully listen through the first door; deeming it safe and opening to a nicely decorated bathroom.
Before I get the chance to enter I’m roughly yanked back and spun around, finding myself pressed up to the wall by that fucking douchebag from earlier.
“Gotcha.” He chuckles breath even more disgusting than last time.
“I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing,” My brows raise more with my voice. “But if you don’t back the fuck up we’re going to have a prob-”
He slaps a hand over my mouth, my eye twitching at the feel of sweat and god knows what else contaminating my skin. “The only problem,” He begins scarily calm, the humor fading from his face as he tightens his grip. “Is your fucking mouth.”
My eyes widened in disbelief before narrowing, using all my strength to push him off. Unfortunately, the man seems to be made of steel rather than muscle as he doesn’t move an inch beside the bruising grip on my wrist. I flinch pressing my back as close to the wall as possible as he leans in with a cruel chuckle shaking his head. Sighing at the turn of events I put on a fearful look hiding the hate in my eyes as he looks into mine, sickly satisfied.
“Now this,” He drags a hand down my waist, grossly chapped lips growing closer to mine, “Is more like it-”
Before I can stomp with all my might on his foot, he’s falling over with a yelp. Another figure just behind him with a textbook in his hands. “What have I fucking told you about showing your face around here, Lee?” His voice is calm with a cutting edge underneath.
I stay pressed to the wall slowly inching away as he goes to stand over the whimpering man on the floor. “What about not bringing your sick fucking ass around did you not understand?” He kicks him hard in the ribs, “Drinking my alcohol and harassing my guests.”
“I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry-”
“Hey you.” The mystery man calls out. Noting that we are the only ones in the hall, I freeze.
He takes a peek over at me before crouching in front of the pathetically crying man, although come to think of it if someone slammed my head with a book I’d be sobbing too. “I’ll deal with you later.” He moves to slowly stand, and with a new sense of adrenaline; I bolt. Barely making it around the corner when a pair of arms wrap around me.
“Hey.” He mumbles picking me up with strength as I thrash in his arms. “Relax, I’m not going to hurt you.” He sighs, squeezing his unfairly strong arms around me. I growl in frustration, cursing the male population as I lay limp, staring up at the ceiling in a daze as he carries me to who knows where. Closing my eyes in a stressed manner I tense at the feeling of climbing upstairs.
“Relax.” He says again, kicking a door open and setting me down on a bed like a child. When he moves away I quickly sit up prepared to jump back onto my feet even as the room starts to spin. He’s already closing the door; locking it before turning back to me with his arms crossed over his chest. “You’re staying here.”
“Excuse me.” I aim to snap only for it to come out as a pathetic wavering reply. He uncrosses his arms as I take a closer look at him; my brain taking a second to register the silver hair on his head. It’s in a fluffy more boyish state over his forehead than it was earlier out on the floor. Byun Baekhyun. He takes a step closer and I back away on instinct, heart nearly racing out my chest as he stands before me.
He crouches down to my level, cupping my face in his large hand. For some reason, I don’t flinch back at the warm contact; lost in his eyes that turn concerned as he brushes his thumb over my cheek. “You’re crying.” He mumbles a frown on his face.
I am? I blink a few times, reaching up to wipe the blur from my eyes but freezing again as he does it for me; gently brushing my tears aside.
“Jenny is going to kill me.” He sighs hand dropping as he stands back up to his full height. Taking him in once again, I notice the absence of his waist jacket; it is draped over the back of a desk chair in the corner of the room.
“Alright, lay back.” He says running a hand through his hair.
My heart drops below my feet as my face burns scarlet. “W-What?”
“I’m tucking you in.” His brows raise meaningfully as he reaches down for my boots; carefully unbuckling and zipping with nimble fingers.
Suddenly hit with all the events of the evening all at once, from the drinking to dancing to panic to this, with tear-filled eyes I blurt out an “I-I need to go…bathroom.”
He looks up at me midway through pulling off the first boot. “Let’s get these off first, okay?”
All I can do is nod as he keeps his eyes on me, gently rubbing my ankle. After my shoes are off he picks me up again even though my legs are perfectly fine just to set me down in front of his personal bathroom two feet away from the bed.
Taking a few minutes to use the bathroom and get myself together, I clumsily walk back out into the room. This time he guides me back to bed with a hand resting respectfully on my waist. Everything after that is a blur. Only a sense of comfort and the smell of vanilla before my head hits the pillow.
  Even the slightest headache after a night of partying puts me in an unpleasant mood for the rest of the day. I can already feel one coming on as I nuzzle deeper into my pillow, surprisingly soft as a baby’s blanket with a hint of vanilla-
Opening my eyes they nearly pop out at the unfamiliar surroundings and even more so at the large t-shirt covering my chest. I sit up in a rush and pull at the loose white material feeling a little silly at the thought that I have seen this same shirt once before. Looking back at the pillow it is indeed covered with a blue baby’s blanket; the material fluffy and warm to the touch. I flush at the obvious hint of wetness on it. First I sleep in another person’s bed and then I drool!?
Can the ground just open up and swallow me whole.
Burying my face in my hands I sigh deeply, working my nerve before leaping out of the unfairly comfortable bed. Mansion. I conclude taking note of the grand windows and elegant doors. Peeking out of the bedroom I tug down on the bottom of my shirt. The material nearly brushing the back of my knees bringing me comfort as I make my way down the hall; holding the wall with my hand on my forehead as I search for the stairs. Luckily they’re not hard to find.
Moving down each step as slow and quiet as possible, my sock-clad feet silently glide across the wooden ground floor.
“You get lucky last night, Byun?” A barely familiar voice teases. I look towards an open area recognizing it as the side I didn’t venture through last night.
My eyes widen in realization; all of last night’s events flooding my mind. Oh god. I run quietly to lean my back against the wall behind the bar.
“Yes,” Baekhyun replies after a short pause, “But not…quite in the way you’d expect.”
“What does that even mean?” The other voices my thoughts, the twinkle of silverware sliding across a glass plate filling the silence.
“It’s not polite to eavesdrop, is it?”
Flinching away from the unfamiliar deep voice I look up at a tall man with big eyes and oddly adorable ears to match. Though the serious expression on his face is not one to mess with. Filled with a sense of guilt and dread I nervously lick my lips,“I-”
“Do you not know the rules?” He squints looking me over scrutinizingly with a condescending hum. “You must be new, so I’ll tell you this.”
Already guessing where this is going as the situation at hand continues to dawn on me, I blink back at him with a blank face.
“You are supposed to leave the house as soon as you are finished or to be gone the next day.” His eyes run over me in disapproval. “Not in Baekhyun’s clothes intruding on breakfast. However..” He licks his lips a smirk forming. “You’re pretty cute.”
I lean back as he crowds my space, bracing his hand on the wall next to my head. “How ‘bout this…” He whispers into my ear. “Wait up in my room and we can forget this ever happened.” He pulls back to smirk down at me, “You don’t want to lose Baekhyun’s favor, do you-”
“Park Chanyeol!”
The loud clang of metal against something solid echoes in the air, ‘Chanyeol’ groaning loudly as he steps to the side. “Baek what the fuck.” He hisses clutching the back of his head.
A body steps in between us; familiar broad shoulders decked in a leather jacket with a cap on their head. “Stay away from her.” Baekhyun mutters a frying pan in his hands.
“What do you mean you didn’t get laid, Baekhy-" A familiar brunet freezes soon after rounding the corner, eyeing all of us warily. "Do I even want to know?
Baekhyun clenches his jaw. "This,” He gestures to me, “Is Jenny’s friend.”
Both men drop their jaws at the same time. “Oh fuck.”
20 minutes later I’m back in my dress seated between a timid Jongdae and tense Baekhyun at a glass dining table.
“So… Riley was it?” Chanyeol clears his throat awkwardly.
“Yeah.” I can’t help wincing at the atmosphere. The combination of his fearful tone, Jongdae’s curious stare, and Baekhyun’s arms crossed over his chest adding onto my anxiety.
The giant turns around, walking by a watchful Baekhyun to slide the scrambled eggs onto my plate. “I’m sorry about earlier.” He mumbles rubbing the back of his neck, “Is there any way I can make it up to you?”
I quickly shake my head feeling 3 sets of eyes on me. “No no, no need, it’s all good.” Cracking a small smile I focus on his chest only concealed by a tacky baby pink apron. The sight making me chuckle internally. “And thank you for the eggs.”
He shakes his head fluffy blonde locks bouncing at the action, “No problem.” With an equally small smile, he walks off with the pan in the direction of what I presume is the kitchen.
“So…” Jongdae breaks the silence, a mug of coffee between his palms. “How did you and Baekhyun meet?”
That stare I’m growing way too familiar with falls on me again as I pick at my food. “Well,” Subconsciously looking around I spot an unopened Dr. Pepper bottle across the table. Before I think too much on it, I reach over to grab it; stretching farther when it barely grazes my fingertips.
A slender hand grabs it easily, placing it in front of me as my heart picks up. Barely sparing Baekhyun a glance, I open the bottle and take a swig with slightly flushed cheeks. “We met on the floor last night-”
“Really?” Jongdae blinks a bit of disbelief in his voice. “Huh. Usually the bi-” He takes a peek behind me and stops with a cough, bring his mug to his lips. “Women Baekhyun meets end up in his bed by the end of the night." 
Lifting a brow I ignore the obviously glaring man behind me. "I’m not one of those women.”
Jongdae throws his head back in laughter, coffee forgotten as his rambunctious noise fills the air. “Right.” He chuckles. “That’s what they all say till they’re shoving his cock in their mouth.”
Overcome with rage and embarrassment, I throw my napkin onto my cold eggs standing up so fast my chair screeches in protest.
Baekhyun gets up as well as I pointedly march out into the front of the house.
“Riley… Riley!”
I yank my wrist from his hold breathing deeply as he grabs it again, pulling me to face him. “What.”
He looks me over, messy silver hair flopped onto his forehead as I wonder what state my own is in. “I’m sorry, Jongdae is just-”
“Is he right?” I cut him off staring him down even as I have to keep my head tilted up. “Is he right to assume those things about me? About you?”
All Baekhyun has to offer is an unreadable stare. I pull away from his hold and walk back out the double doors I regret ever entering in the first place.
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 ✓ | Part 2 | Part 3 P(1) | P(2) | Part 4 P(1) P(2) | Part 5 P(1) P(2) | Part 6
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capricornus-rex · 5 years
Playing Pretend (3)
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Requested by @calkesttiss​ | Prompt:
Hi! I just watched isi & ossi (rich girl and poor boxer boy AH) on netflix and now i cant stop thinking about cal and fake dating. Do with that what you will 😂
Cal Kestis x Reader
1 | 2 | Next: Part 4 | Masterlist
3 of ?
The next morning, you’ve slept in. The first thing your puffy eyes see was Tazha sitting by your dresser stool and touching every single bottle on the table. You sat up but that still didn’t get her attention.
“Since when have you been here?”
Tazha turned her head to you, she exclaimed as if she was surprised to see you awake.
“Well, good morning, sunshine!”
You lay back to your bed but Tazha prompt stood up, marched towards you and pulled away the blanket from your body.
“Ohhh no, you’ve been asleep for far too long!”
Your eyelids shot up and flicked to Tazha.
“What time is it?”
Tazha snatched up the clock on your nightstand and showed the time right in front of you. You groaned and rubbed the bridge of your nose.
“What’d you do last night?”
She wasn’t expecting you to smile and scoff through your nostrils. Tazha tilted her head in confusion as she studied your expression.
“Crazy night, I’ll tell you more in a bit,”
You stood up to go to the bathroom and wash your face. By the time you came back out to rejoin Tazha, you narrated everything that happened right after your conversation via the holotable ended. She is the only person who knows your nightly escapades. You mentioned your run-in with your new friend.
“Well, it sounds like you two had fun kicking the asses out of those muggers,”
“He was probably judging my fighting techniques. I was still sloppy,”
Tazha stands up from your bedside.
“Come on. Our dads are downstairs, they’re probably working on the party that you told me about. Get dressed.”
The conversation was indistinct but audible from your bedroom in the second floor, both you and Tazha arrived in the living room where her father and yours were discovering over business matters. You didn’t last long in the living room, you dragged Tazha away to the smaller dining hall where you usually make your own food. She sat by the barstool on the center island, watching you rummage and fix up something to eat.
“Why don’t you call one of your cooks to do it for you?”
“No, it’s fine. Not everything I need has to be done by someone else,”
When you settled down on a seat opposite Tazha, she immediately saw the firm expression painted all over your face.
“What have they talked about so far, Tazha?”
“I’ve only heard much,”
“Like what? Start from the very beginning,”
Tazha started off with the part that obviously her family is invited to your father’s party, she got to the better and relevant parts—one of which is that she had picked up a name from their conversation earlier while you were asleep.
“They’ve invited the Ithrels. Your dad said something like sponsor or something,”
“He’s made the Ithrel family his sponsors,” you deduced.
“You make it sound like that’s a bad thing,”
“Just a feeling. Thanks for covering for me, Tazha,”
Today was a busy day for your parents. You were left alone in the dark as you watch them confer with one another and with different people via the living room holotable. As a child, it was something you never understood, it was also the reason why you felt estranged from them—despite giving you what you could ever want and need or both.
Why did they always choose to speak with projections of people through a machine over their own daughter in the flesh who is always watching them from the door?
There was very little interaction between you and your parents. Perhaps the only interaction you’ve had so far from either of them was your mother calling for you to go to the atelier room. When you got there, five people who introduced themselves as designers lined up in front of you. Beside them was a mannequin wearing a dress of their making.
“I had them called here because I want you to pick out a dress for your father’s banquet.”
None of the dresses seemed to impress you. You approached every single one, each designer either smiled at you or stiffened from nervousness—probably because your approval was their prize, a ridiculous competition.
Your fingers felt the fabric of each dress, your hand slid down to the skirts’ lengths, and then you move on to the next dress. They were beautiful indeed. But you’ve no need of them, other girls could’ve felt like royalty for a night in dresses like those. To spite your mother, you twirled to face her and give your verdict.
“Sorry, but I believe I have more than enough dresses for a party like this,”
You crossed your arms. Wrinkles appeared on Yasina’s forehead upon hearing your answer. The designers were just as confused themselves.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Mom, there’s so much dresses in my wardrobe that I practically need a warehouse! I think I have enough to choose from in my closet instead of this. Send them back. Have them make a dress for you if that makes you feel any better,”
It all happened so fast for your mother, you walked out and headed for your room, realizing that there isn’t much to do in your own house.
“They’re probably too busy to even care that I’m gone,” you muttered it to yourself with great scorn, lousily tying your hair in a messy ponytail and then proceeded to march out of the house.
You were on your way to downtown again. You put on the hood of your poncho and suddenly you were one of the common faces in the crowd. The destination was your favorite pub, back in the Tipsy Taun-Taun.
The Balosar barkeeper greeted you as soon as you entered.
“You’re early,”
“Whatever, I’m a paying customer.”
“Just sayin’.”
He said he’ll be whipping up a glass of Merenzane Gold for you, but you stopped him there and ordered a glass of Meiloorun Juice instead.
“Aww, so the little princess got a hangover?” the Balosar jeered.
“No, I didn’t!”
The keeper proceeded to make your drink, you searched for a seat; the place is so much quieter in the day than in the night. Nonetheless, you enjoyed it either time of the day. When the drink was ready, Balosar called your name and you stood up from your table. As you were about to reach for the drink, another patron—a Devaronian—snatched it and finished it in a single gulp. It all happened in a flash that you still took a minute to process what he just did.
“That was my drink!”
“Tab’s on you, missy,”
You whipped out your blaster from the flap of your poncho, you clicked the safety and pointed the barrel at his nape. His chuckle sounded more like a grumble.
“Ooh, I’m scared. What’s the little princess gonna do with a big boy’s gun?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, ass-wipe?”
That struck a chord on the hulking Devaronian, he swung his arm and flicked away the blaster from your hand. He raised his arms in a charging attack at you, you dodged soon enough that his clenched fists landed on a table, partially shattering it in the middle; you got your blaster back and attempted to aim the blaster at him, but your hands were trembling so much that the shot merely grazed his waist. He howled in pain but immediately shrugged it off.
You were doing well in dodging the enemy’s blows, swinging his left and right arm alternately which you cleanly ducked from.
“Stay still and let me claw that pretty little face!” he roared.
A large glass bottle shattered on the back of the Devaronian’s head. The impact wasn’t hard enough to render him unconscious, although it stunned him enough to lower his defenses. When he turned around, much to your surprise, it was Cal.
“We gotta stop meeting like this,” he casually said despite the mood of the predicament.
“I strongly agree,”
Once again, you two were a tag team. It was now two against one. Normally, a Devaronian thug could take two humans no problem. But apparently that urban belief betrays the Devaronian. He was bombarded with your kicks, using anything around you as a weapon against him, Cal wasn’t using his lightsaber but his fists and he threw them so hard that you could hear the impact land on the enemy’s cheek.
Cal was the one to deliver the last blow. The Devaronian fell to the floor, the barkeeper leaned over the bar to check the knocked-out patron.
“Yep, he’s out cold, alright!”
“Thanks… again,”
“You’re welcome… again.”
A brief pause between the two of you, and the Balosar is just there standing awkwardly.
“Let me buy you a drink,” you gently tapped Cal on the chest with the back of your hand, then you turned to the Balosar. “The last one isn’t on me, understood?”
You ordered the same drink for the two of you. Like last night, both of you talked over anything that you could think of.
“Where did you learn to fight?” he asked after taking a sip.
You stammered, “Oh, uh… I had a trainer but only for a short while. Then I picked up some more moves by myself—it’s been like that ever since,”
“Hey, there’s room for improvement,”
“Was I sloppy?”
Cal shrugged and avoided the question by chugging all of what’s left of his drink. Your lips pursed a smile. You finished yours as well, you tossed a credit to the barkeeper.
“Follow me,”
“Come on!”
Both of you left the bar and Cal followed you to the backstreets one block away from the pub. You scaled the buildings and ended up in the rooftop.
“What are we doing here?”
“I was hoping you’d teach me, since you fight better than I do.”
“It’s gonna take some time,”
“I don’t care,”
Cal saw that there is no other way in getting around with you. You were your own brand of stubborn, but he felt that you got spirit. The rest of the day was spent with Cal training you basic combat moves in case of street fights and cantina brawls like yesterday and today.
“So, where you from around these parts?”
Your fighting stance softened when he asked that question, you knew you had to make up the vaguest possible answer quick.
“Oh… a little far from here,”
“Do you hang around here more often?”
He stopped asking questions and continued giving you pointers on how to dodge, take the upper hand, and exploit an enemy’s weakness. The session lasted until dusk, you didn’t even notice the time pass. You hurried to leave the rooftop, leaving a confused Cal watching you run away from his vantage point.
“And there you go again,” he muttered under his breath.
“Yeah... I guess she’s kinda cute,”
A small smirk curled at the corner of his lip.
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sassaetcie · 4 years
The Molten Charcoal (Idia x Silver fic) : Chapter 2
Enjoy this second chapter :) Please reblog if you like, or comment, I love to see your comments,,, 
I... went outside my room. The corridors were pretty chilly... I guess I should really go outside, huh. What if I spread the curse here, though? If some ice were to be born here, to be blossoming peacefully, or furiously, no melting would even be bestowed upon them. Only my flames would remain. Only I will remain... somehow. The darkness were soothing, though. They don't burn, after all. I should ask someone to use dark magic to boost my computers, lol. Nevermind. I didn't meet anyone, of course. All of Ignihyde's students aren't giving a shit, anyway. If we were to come across each other, we would both stare at the void and walk as if no one was there. My legs hurt a bit, tho. Less than in PE and after PE and the day after but still... I walked for a few minutes at least. Maybe I was just hungry... I was so stressed I couldn't tell lmao. But the corridors were so quiet and chilly... I'm just annoyed our colors are black (tho it's not really a color) and blue... Can't blue just fucking disappear. Hmm... if blue were to "fucking disappear", Ortho would as well kflgldlnf,. I'm stupid. He even called me some... time ago, I think? I should check the hour from time to time... What if I miss some event???
My "date" with Silver is in 6 days, probably. Why would he call it a date if he doesn't know I'm in love, though... I guess Ortho really saw through me and wasn't joking with my Prince Ideal?! Is he going to shoot Truth Bullet in my face and make me the only victim of this love trial?! Six days, tho... I'll have to see Silver... I've already met him so it won't be as awkward as the first time but... Do I even have the right to love him, anyway? I probably have, but I can't fulfill my lovey dovey dream, LOL. Even if he were to love me... Even if he is a Prince... That's the way I should behave as the future Shroud Family Head. I should wed someone of my "rank". But if I do, how many responsibilities will be pushed upon our shoulders? I can not just marry him, that's right. But he is still a "prince". I won't ever wed a fucking prince. Wouldn't that mean fulfilling my kin's wish? I don't. fucking. want. to. I don't want to be a Shroud. I am just... Idia... I am just Idia... And if the prince's ideal was just something I started to wish after what happened back then? What if I don't really love Silver but just love his aura? That's it, right... Sorry, Ortho, I really can't be in love with Silver, huh. There's no way I truly love. That's just another delusion. I'm just a stupid kid. I'm just a stupid adult. Whatever. This delusion is sweet, huh? That will last some time. And it'll vanish. I can't love a prince since it would be a Shroud's fate. I want to love the Prince Charming since I want to be saved. Couldn't I just love the sweet and caring senpai ideal?! Guess I went the hardcore mode because I'm rich and used to opulence, lol. I still got six days... I guess Ortho will knock my door like hell when the time shall come, anyway. That makes me going outside at least five times to be prepared... Welp, I'll just play some games and read the lessons's content Ortho has sent me. Lol.
[Started Recording at : 11 am : Second??? Day]
[May contain fragments and shattered data]
[The user has deemed preferable to let them be.]
-What do you mean, dude? ... trying my best. No... really.... serious!
The room next to Ortho was definitely reflective of Idia's moods. His shouting and screaming and screeching and howling were as reversed as his flame hair. He was not a bother when he let his voice ramble... He was not annoying either.
-I'm... best DPS! Y'all can't outrun my skiiiiiiiiills!
He was just acting so happily. His little brother sat on the bed he had been offered by the school, in the room the school had offered him, in the world he had been offered. The covered by some shades of blue, very likely azure, bed, was probably soft.
-GOOD GAME y'ALLLLL! I'm... play... See y'all!
-Huh? If I want to stay in the... channel? Sure~! What do... wanna talk about, though?
He did not need to go outside to seek happiness. They knew about that. His flames barely had enough sense in existing, and could erase all of the logic they were looking for. This story did not make any sense. Should this story make sense? He was a half, after all. This should make sense. But why?
-Yeah, WyverneCastel? I.... yeah... need... later. If you can, ... course!
The next lesson would soon begin. It was better to stop Recording right now.
[Ended Recording at 11:30 am : Second??? Day]
Tbh, I only had good games so far. No Internet problems (of course, since I usually fix them, NRC is so fucking slow when it comes to administration and solving problems LOL), no Internet problems for my team, no server crash... I kind of like to solve little stuff like that, to be fair... Like, I didn't really use to when I was younger. Well, until a certain incident, of course... Maids and butlers would just bring sweets, cupcakes, forêt noire, macaron, lemon pie, millefeuille, sachertorte, éclair, tropézienne, chou à la crème, mochi, dango, baklava, Turkish delight, praline pie, crepes, waffles... No matter how dark and clean their suits and dresses were, none of them were exactly identical. I guess that's why I could recognize them, especially when I was small... I guess my parents just wanted to show off by telling others their servants could have a slightly customized outfit, or some kind of shit like that. It would probably cost a bit more than regular outfits they could just ordered at the same moment... Just because they had money, the "bit" was staying a "bit". I don't want to see them again... Their blue burning hair, like mine... I fucking hate it. I can't even dye it. I can't dye it. I can't dye it. I can't dye... I can't change them... I can't change... I'm a cursed heir in love with someone who could be a prince but isn't at the same time. This story cannot end in a way or another. This doesn't make any sense, yet it does. Can it just be absolutely absurd? Give me some powers that don't make any sense. I want them. I don't want to be a Shroud. Welp, guess I'll go and check what Ortho did for the lessons. I'll probably go and take a "walk" after (that is, earning outside-resisting exp points to lvl up my skill).
Okay, so the "recordings" go as "The Seventh's history may seem simple at first, but do not forget that History is made by winners. They were the ones to win and if their people are living in, for the most, good conditions, it is yet to be proven that the means were as glorious as the results. If someone says something when speaking of History, try thinking about the opposite. It may end up interesting, although I cannot deny some FACTS exist in History itself, since an enormous sample of people were made to make sure that it was a "fact" and therefore, not a "speculation". Well, these facts could be denied since propaganda exists in our world, alas. But doubting everything will spread discord, and even lying can be used by leaders to prevent peoples from collapsing or killing each other."
Up to this point, I cannot say it's difficult. I mean, it's just almost a Civilization creative game, huh. I guess this is just the introduction or something like that, and that the "hard" part will come right after...
"The Queen of Hearts has made an abnormal lots of rules, for instance. Yet, her peoples did not dethrone her. Does that mean they like her? Well, this could be interpreted as "respect" from our point of view. But from someone else, they could actually fear her and fear the fact she has sent people to death. She held trials to judge them before sentencing them to death or other punishments, that is true. Yet, were that true trials or actually fake trials only meant to look like trials and fair justice? We do not have enough clues about whether she actually listened to mitigating factors or... . To keep going with this idea, ... also was judged when ... came to Wonderland. The trial was ... and yet almost ... ."
I'm not gonna lie, why the hell are there blanks? Ortho is always serious and meticulous. There's no way he can miss a single word. His ears are among the best of the world. I'm pretty sure he can fucking outrun all of Savanaclaw when it comes to earing (well, actually, he probably can outrun ANYONE since he's great). So if there are blanks... there are but a few reasons for that. Either he needs an urgent update, but this has NEVER occurred before since I've spent months to create a perfect calendar to never let him suffer the most insignificant flaw. Thus it can't be that. He could have been beaten up but that wouldn't make any goddamn sense. Who would even try to hurt him when I'm so neutral to anyone? I legit don't give a shit about what's going on in NRC. I'm not even sure I met the new student (if they're that new since I dunno when they have arrived lol)... This left me with two solutions.
Either Ortho was infected by a Virus, but nobody here has my hacking skills so it's very unlikely or... he has started recording more than expected and it's making its components slow down. I guess I won't have any choice but upgrade his memory next time we update him. The thing is... what the fuck is Ortho recording outside of our notes? He's probably doing something for my sake or...?! No, he wouldn't do something that twisted... He wouldn't!!! He wouldn't seek intel on Silver for my sake?! Go back Ortho! GO BAAAACK! You're a pure-hearted shota character, you shouldn't seek to change your condition or you may end in a fucking violent time loop! I don't think he's actually doing this... It would be weird for Ortho to act on this own on shady stuff like this. I guess he is trying to help me in a way... But what the fuck can he be recording... I'll think about it after checking the other days recordings. Maybe there weree already some parasite noises or something like that?
So, I've listened to the whole yesterday recordings, and even the one before yesterday (I just sped up his voice since I just wanted to be sure there were no vocal errors). I am.. pretty sure of it, now. Ortho did not have troubles until yesterday night at least. It seems it has begun during the second part of Trein's class, so it wouldn't be stupid to think that his memory is being more and more filled by "something else". I guess I will just ask him to only pick the key information and understand by himself what the teachers told him... It will take faaaar less room. I'm going to get out now, that's probably night. I hope it will be another chilly travel.
OKAY THIS DIDN'T GO AS PLANNED AT ALL. NOT AT ALL, NOT AT ALL, NOT AT ALL. I thought I'd take a stroll towards in the refectory since no one is supposed to be there at that time but I FUCKING FORGOT THAT NO ONE GIVES A FUCKING SHIT IN THIS FUCKING SCHOOL?! I even thought of taking some food if there were some leftovers so that I could award myself from getting out of my room (cause honestly walking is boring as fuck, I'd rather walk in Skyrim, at least I can hear my leather boots on the ground, lol)... Of course people would have been there. But when I got out of my room, the chilly ascension kept on telling me to move forward.  Everything was covered in darkness, to the point I thought my flames would become that of a raven, finally. I took several steps, no matter what the light piercing my skull did. The gleam may try to bath the corridor of their blue burning halo, there were too much potential icicles ready to kill it. I just wanted the chill atmosphere to let me walk, and somehow it ended up this way. For now, my flames were too weak to even absorb the ice before absorbing their waters. I wish for it to weaken to the point my sparks die. I want to walk on that silver lake too... I don't want to fly above. I don't want to sink beneath. I want... to walk on it. To swim through it.
Basically, by the time I got to the refectory (always fucking heavily decorated, like what the hell, luxurious chandeliers????), I realized I made a mistake. There were at least two potential people going there at least once a week. From the moment I heard their voices, this was too fucking late. Trey and Jamil were arguing, somehow? I didn't even think it was possible for these two to argue... I mean, Trey is the cool glasses trope and Jamil is obviously the tortured-but-actually-cunning-and-not-that-bad one. How could they even argue? Well, not that I knew if it had happened before. Cater could post a lot of stuff on Magicam (and yet that wasn't even shitpost...), lol. But I don't remember seeing stuff on Trey badmouthing Jamil or the other way round... Trey was the kind to avoid troubles at all cost, especially since he was under Riddle's influence... I would behave the same, tho I would never have been vice-dorm-leader lmao (well im already dorm head and it's already a fucking pain in the ass, thanks)... I tried to escape but it was too late... I guess that's what I get for playing with my burning curse. They asked me what was I doing there, though they probably were not surprised of my walking "hours". They seemed so suspicious of myself that it was not an ordinary situation. Usually, they would maybe have greeted me... That's all. They began asking me if I was the one stealing the food. Even if my answer was clear, even shaky, none of them would accept it. I was... after all... fire. Fire and water never meddled. Even if I pushed my body to repeating the same answer under different shapes since I may have had a bad locution... They wouldn't listen to me. At some point, I even told them I would find the criminal later and that I would just record some little things they would say to me before going back to my dorm, but they wouldn't even let me go.
-Well, you see, Shroud, there were supposed to be some yakitori, curry portions and blanquette de veau left. All of them disappeared. Although I think it would be hard for you to eat all of this, your health habit seems bad enough to let you eat nothing for several days then compensate suddenly by a huge chunk of food. Am I wrong?
Jamil wasn't especially agressive toward myself, though I know he probably doesn't like me. Who likes me in this ocean, anyway. They were not fishes like Octacreepnelle, but more of... water elementals, I guess. Or maybe barely humans able to seize water and flowing into rivers. They could merge into this part I couldn't access. Of course I would be forever different and... hated as such. Very likely.
-I am sorry to interrupt you, Mr Viper, but I don't think Shroud is the responsible. I know for sure he has a sweet tooth, and yet, most of the sweets are actually there. Except some of the biggest cakes, everything is more or less there.
I would have rather prefered Trey not to reveal my weakness to the enemy, but he was also trying to protect me in a way. Trey is probably actually more of the hero in disguise trope...! Just kidding. But up to this point, they had so many proofs and yet were clueless and even daring to choose me as the culprit...
-The culprit isn't me, isn't Trey and isn't Jamil...
-How can you be so sure about that, Shroud?
-E-eh... You suddenly rely on me so much... Guess I'm good as long as I can be useful, huh... But you won't let me go if I don't spit the truth so... Basically, all of the sweets, which are tiny and not good for health, are left. Then, we can conclude it's neither of you because you would have picked up ingredients, not food itself, or at least not Trey since he probably values a lot baking and improving.
-T-That's true...
-Then, that could be Jamil... But why would he come again if he already has stolen that much? And from what I know, Jamil prefers to cook because of some dark poison stories, right?
-Y-yes, I cannot deny that...
-Then, it is neither Trey nor Jamil. About myself, I try to stay in my room as much as I can, and I'm pretty sure Ortho only go to the refectory during the authorized hours since he is much more reliable than I am. But why would anyone steal so much food in the first place? If it were for one person, one or two dishes would have been sufficient. Moreover, let's say it again, the sweets were not stolen. So the person who stole... didn't pick up what they wanted by love of good food! They stole it because they needed it.
-Hmm... I wouldn't disagree with you, Shroud but.. I am pretty sure I got a letter from Jamil telling me I had to get here at 10 pm...
-Excuse me, Clover? Aren't you the one who sent the letter?
-And that solves the mystery. There is someone who planned on stealing food, knew that you were the only two going for sure in the refectory during night and set you up.
-Wait, who dares to do such a personnal attack against Scarabia?
-It is very likely that the culprit is... Ruggie Bucchi from Savanaclaw.
-Wait.. that would actually make sense...?!
-Especially since he didn't get a lunch earlier... I guess he planned on pleading for hunger if someone was to catch him during the act. And so he sets us up by delivering letters on different hours, and not by his own hands... Wait this level of intellect is almost that of Azul... Ruggie Bucchie is really cunning and... worthy of praise in a sense.
-Hm, that would definitely make sense since he is always the one to get the leftovers in the refectory before the holidays to help the people of his town. I did not expect you to be that useful, Shroud.
-Heh, you're talking to the one who solved Hinamizawa and Rokkenjima's mysteries on the second parts of each, of course I can do such petty investigation.
-Well... thanks... on the behalf of... Scarabia. I am going.
Jamil just left, but tbh I don't really know why. I guess he wanted some time alone before going back to Kalim. At a certain point of my childhood, I had tried to ask less and less to maids and butlers since they all worked so hard. They probably wanted some freedom too. And... I wanted to learn things for myself, too.
-Oh, Shroud, since you've helped us a lot... And... you've thought of how hard I work on my cakes... I want to make you one as an award. And it must have been hard for you to speak to us. Ask me anything and I'll bring you a cake, my best cake, when you want me to give it to you.
-H-h-h-h-huh? I mm-m-m—mean it's really nice b-b-b-but I...
-That's okay, take your time, I won't scream or shout on you just because you're different from others.
-I... I... thanks... Thanks... But... Shouldn't y-y-y-y-you be paid for that...? I mean, you're a kind of artist, and artists should be p-p-p-paid, r-r-r-ight?
His face certainly moved. But why? Was it on its own, or an order, a semi-order, even? I couldn't tell whether his mouth was smiling or if he was smirking, or the other way around. His limbs were linked like any of the sea-universe kin. So, if he were to makes any action, it should be on purpose... but that would be far too easy and stupid.
-Yeah, sure, but you paid me by solving a big trouble. Of course, depending on what you ask, the fees could overcome the wish I had, and thus you would have to pay a supplement.
I had already asked him about the fees and talked about artist respect. I couldn't possibly go beyond what he would offer me since I, for once, had gathered experience on this one, right...
-Please... Can I have a... I hope it won't sound weird... grey and blue cake? With some hard candies on the top...
-Wow! That's an original idea, I like it! Sure, I'll make it. Blueberries and hmm... I guess some white chocolate, maybe some Turkish Delight if I'm in for it... I'll try to make something unique for you! When should I give it to you?
-I-in... five days, if it's fine with you... I really don't want to bother you, you're already so nice and patient with me...
-That's okay, I'll bring it in five days to the Ignihyde Dorm! But the hard candies and the Turkish Delight may make the cake harder to make... Since you're a Dorm Leader and I don't want Riddle to have troubles with you, could attend at least one PE class? That would make up for it.
-Y-y-y-y-y—yeah, sure.
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1989nihil · 4 years
so now it’s Sat. 14th Nov. and I can finally say, in regards to Fri. 13th Nov 20-fucking-20: today at work, I fancied myself some Gyoza from the Sushi Bar we have in the store for my break. Like the kind where they make fresh sushi, but everything else, like Gyoza and stuff is already pre-made, pre-fried/cooked ect. and arrives frozen, like ready to eat, they just need to thaw in the fridges at +7C°. Idk why though, but I just craved some Goyza, Chicken Gyoza to be specific. Now, here’s the thing, the Sushi Bar offers vegan Gyoza as well, and it’s right next to the chicken one, which I find harbors the risk of people adhereing to a vegan diet accidently grabbing the chicken variety, which either leads to them leaving their mistook Gyoza right where they are in the store, instead of bothering to go back to the Sushi Barand replace it in the fridge, once they do realise their mistake (this is a story in and of itself and will only lead to me ranting about shit like this regaring all refridgerated and frozoen goods found where they most fucking definitely do not belong, so I’ll cut myself short here...). Or, once they’ve already purchased the Gyoza, and already half-way home when they realise. Anyhow... where was I? Ah, yeah, I fancied some Gyoza for my break and went and grabbed some from the Sushi Bar, but half-way to the self-checkout I realised that I had, by accident, grabbed the vegan version. So I went back, and took a moment to properly look at which type of Gyoza I am grabbing before I do a repeat. So yeah, okay, I replace the vegan Gyoza and make sure I actually get the chicken one. I also check the date on them, because as you know, Sushi Bar items only last for a couple days max.
So, yeah, I grab the Gyoza, check the date, also grab a chocolate bar as “dessert” and off I am to the self-checkout and then to the break room. I sit down, arrange my stuff (work gloves and all) on the space next to me, because since covid, the 1,5m/6f rule’s been applied to our break rooms as well. no more than two people in the break-room at the same time. Anyhow... I arrange my stuff, open the litte box with the chicken Gyoza, open the little sauce container, and break my chop-sticks appart, ready to dig in... apparently I hadn’t seen the date correctly, becuse I thought it read “best before Nov. 13th” however, the full line went “packed 13th Nov. best before Nov. 15th”...
only after I properly read the exp/bb date line, with half-a frozen Gyoza in my mouth and between my chop-sticks did I remeber that I actually saw the Sushi guy get them out from the deep-freezer storage, some ten minutes prior before I went to take abreak.. like...
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