#I’ll have you decide what lingerie you want to see me in
rosicheeks · 1 year
ohhhhhhh my gosh adorable!!! hehehe having you on your knees would be a DREAM and oh it’s VERY fun to hear how horny you are now, just makes me want to have you worshipping my girlcock while i pet your head and call you a good girl and tell you how i can’t wait to use your pretty holes over and over 😘😘😘💖💖💖
-🌸 (‘i wouldn’t say no’ is fun and all but if you really wanna see it i’m gonna need you to beg~ ;3)
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sugume · 4 months
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✧・. on vacation with your family, you discover that your biggest fan may not be a mystery after fall.
( TW ) f!reader. camgirl!reader. stepbrother!Geto (in a plot device way, no nii-chan and stuff.) unprotected sex. cream pie. phone sex. squirting. fingering. mutual masturbation. cunnilingus. deception. mentions of bullying. misunderstandings. hurt/comfort. explicit content.  
word count - > 6.6k
authors note. can you see I wasn’t creative with the username? I have a love-hate relationship with this fic because I feel like it goes from 0 to 100 real quick lmfao. This is heavily inspired by the book Eyes on Me! 
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“I bet you look handsome.” You smile at the black screen with the default profile picture floating in the middle. 
‘Nah.’ User @Sssman72  types into the chat the takes up the left half of your computer. 
“Stop! Don’t say think bad things about yourself,” You laugh, making sure your tits jiggle in the flimsy red lingerie you're wearing. “I know your handsome baby.” You reassure your favorite client. The man who alone gives you 50% of your income. He’s the one who bought you this pretty lingerie set you're wearing.  
‘You look tired babydoll...how was today?’ He types. 
“I’m fine, I promise, just had a long day, was on a few other private chats with some other customers the entire day.” You confess. In all honesty after this call you were planning to pass out and try to get a few hours of sleep before you had to fly out to your family's vacation home. Today on your live stream, you told your followers you were going on vacation for the next two weeks and wouldn't be online. You didn't plan to get on a call with @Sssman72 but he had texted you as you were getting ready to go to bed that he had a bad day and wanted to see you. Before you had a chance to protest, he spent you 500 and said it would only be 30 minutes. You gave in because first he was your biggest supporter and you wanted to be there for him in some way with all the money and gifts, he sends you and second, you didn’t mind chatting with him, you thought he was the sweetest and you struck lucky the day he joined one of your lives.  
‘I’ll let you go then, I want you to get some rest before your flight, sorry for keeping you up beautiful just needed to vent about my ass job.’ 
“I’m always here for you handsome, I'll make sure to send you those pictures you requested through the week.” 
‘Make sure you enjoy your break babydoll, don’t gotta worry about me. Goodnight.’ 
You say your goodbyes and end up falling asleep in the lingerie bought you as soon as you shut your laptop. 
“How’s college y/n?” Your stepfather asks when you slide into the back seat of the car. Your mother fitting the last of your luggage into the trunk.  
“it’s fine, some of my classes are difficult but nothing I can't manage.” You answer as you buckle in. 
“Oh yeah? Thats good. You mom tells me you started a job a few months ago, how's that working out for you?”  
You tense under the small blanket you’ve thrown over yourself. 
“u-uhm yeah its good—yeah it’s been fun.” 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I don't remember what you mother told me you did again.” He chuckles. 
“Uhm—I'm a bartender, m-my friend works there and got me a position.” You tell him the lie you've rehearsed hundreds of times. You start to sweat under the blanket. Did he buy it? What if he and your mom found out what you did? Are they planning to ambush you when you get to the house? They're going to make you drop out and chain you up in the basement when they find out. You throw the blanket off, suddenly too hot and alert. Guess that nap you were planning on taking during the drive wasn’t happening. 
“Oh, that’s fun sweetheart, I remember I bartended awhile when I was in college, got fired for stealing the alcohol though,” He laughs at the memory before turning to look at you. “You wouldn’t do that though, you’re a good girl.” 
You nod, thankful that your mom decided now to take your stepdad's attention away and get in the car. 
“Alrighty were good to!” She cheers. Your stepdad turns back around in his seat before starting the car. 
“Finally, thought we were going to get a fine parked here another minute.” 
“Oh, shut up! Y/n are you excited to go back to the vacation house? You haven’t been in years!” You mom asks as you guys pull out of the airport.  
“Yeah, I can’t wait to, I missed the hiking trails and the waterfalls. None of that in the big city.” You answer truthfully. You did miss the silence of the secluded house you vacationed at every summer since your mom married your stepdad. It was the company that you hated. As if your mom heard your thought, she says something that makes your heart drop. 
“Suguru feels the same way, we didn't even have to blackmail him to come! That boy...” 
“Suguru is coming?” You scream.  
“Coming? Sweetie, he’s already arrived this morning. I’m so excited were all together as a family again.” 
“Are you fucking serious mom? Turn the car around and bring me back to the airport!” You screech. You were not going to spend the next week with your bully of a stepbrother.  
“Y/n!” You mom gasps. 
“Sweetheart, he’s changed.” Your stepdad tells you as if that's going to make it better. 
“That’s what he wants you to think! He’s the worst human being on planet earth, please don’t make me spend the next few weeks with him, please mom,” you lean over the consul. “Please dad.” You pout at your stepfather. You know he gets weak whenever you call him dad. 
“No! You aren’t sweet talking your way out of this, he’s changed. He isn't the same teenager with a chip on his shoulder, he’s matured. He even told me the reason he’s coming is to apologize and bond with you y/n.” 
“He’s lying mom! He doesn't care about me; I wouldn't be surprised if he told you that just so he could drown me in the lake. You guys own the land so nobody would find my body!” You start to tear up. You were going to jump out of the car if your parents didn't turn back around. Your stepbrother was your biggest tormentor since the day you met him. From picking on you at home to getting the girls to bully you at school. He made your life hell for four years. The day you left for college you screamed how much you hated him and told your parents that the four of you would only be in the same room again when you lay in a casket. 
“Oh, don’t cry sweetheart. Your mother is right, he’s changed, I wouldn’t have allowed him around you if he hadn’t. Give us a week and if you want to leave, I promise I'll drive you back to the airport and you’ll never have to see him again, please?” 
“No.” You cross your arms and look out the window despite knowing that they’ve won. You can’t jump out of the car now that you are on the highway, and you didn’t bring your own car to drive yourself back to the airport. 
“We’ll give you the master suite, the whole attic floor to yourself.” They bargain. You act like you’re thinking of accepting the offer. With the master suite taking up the entire third floor you could lock yourself up there and ignore Suguru. You could also film videos and even go live because the room is soundproof. You perk up at that. You could just spend your vacation on stream and chatting with @Sssman72. He’s somehow always free for you and told you that if you get bored you could call him. He’ll make up for your stepbrother’s awful behavior. 
“Fine, I’ll take the master suite.” 
“Okay that's the last of your luggage, we’ll be having dinner in a few hours on the dock.” 
“Kay, thanks.”  You watch your stepdad shut the door. Once he does you release the tension in your shoulders. You lock the door before running to throw yourself onto the huge king bed. You sink down. You didn’t see Suguru when you arrived, you mom told you he was probably in town. You hope he stayed in town for the next two weeks.  
After laying it bed thinking about how much you hate Suguru with a passion you pull out your phone and open the porn app. You click on messages and open your chat with @Sssman72. 
‘Hey...I know I told you I was on vacation but I already wanna go home. You don't have to answer lol.’ You send. He immediately starts typing.  
‘Of course, I'll answer you babydoll. What’s wrong?’  Your face heats at the pet names. You wish you knew what he looked like, all he told you about himself was that he was in his twenties and worked for his father's company. You want to know more, what he looks like, what he sounds like. If the messages he sends make you sweat, you wonder what’ll happen if he spoke to them to you. In your head he’s a handsome bachelor who just so happened to find you and deem you worthy of his time and money but hell, he could be lying. He could be some old rich man in his eighties who likes young girls like all the rest of your viewers. The romantic part of you ignores that and is convinced he is who he says he is and that one day you’re going to meet in person and fall in and have a bunch of his babies. 
‘You know that stepbrother I told you about?’ 
“Mm, that asshole who bullied you?’ 
‘Yep, that asshole. Anyways I bet you won't guess who's here on vacation with me?’ 
‘Are you serious?’ 
‘Dead serious...my parents didn’t tell me until I was already trapped and now, I have to spend my vacation away with a man who hates me for no reason.’ 
‘Wow that’s crazy lol. Did your parents tell you why he chose to vacation with you if he doesn’t like you?’ 
‘Apparently he’s here to make amends...he’s probably here to kill me so he gets all the inheritance.’ 
‘Well, what if he’s really there to make amends baby?’ 
‘You should've heard the groan I just let out. I can’t believe you’re on his side babe. When I tell you that he too evil for that I mean it.’ 
‘Hey, you know I'm always on your side babydoll, I'm just giving you a man’s perspective on it. Maybe he realized he’s fucked up and he feels back so he wants to apologize for all the wrong he caused you’ 
‘Yea well from a women's perspective he’s an asshole who doesn’t care about anyone else but himself!’ 
‘Don’t say the baby...hypothetically what would he have to do to get you to forgive him?’ 
‘Hypothetically he's going to have to get on his knees and beg for my forgiveness every time he sees me until I deem, he's forgiven. And he’s also gonna have to send every dollar in his bank account to me AND be my slave for the rest of his life...hypothetically.’ 
‘Lol you never know babydoll, he just might be willing to do anything for your forgiveness. I know I would.’ 
‘That’s because you’re perfect and care about my feelings...now I'm gonna go get some sleep before having to eat with the devil. Pray he doesn’t poison me and I survive the night.’ 
You sit at the dinning room table waiting for Suguru. Of course, he’s late, he doesn’t care about anyone's time but his. You say so to your parents. 
“Y/n stop being so harsh and give him a chance please.” You roll your eyes and go back to scrolling on social media.  
“Sorry I'm late.” You jump at the deep voice before whipping your head to the left where your stepbrother stands looking so...so different. 
“Suguru! No need to apologize! Come sit.” Your mother points to the empty seat opposite you. Suguru glances at you and smiles before walking to the seat. You gasp. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile at you or anyone else. Actually, you know he hasn’t smiled at anyone, he was know for being so stoic. You watch intensely as he pulls out the chair and sits. He looks like a different man, his hair is long, down past his shoulders, the black shirt he's wearing stretches around a huge chest. He looks like he spends half his day in the gym. And those eyes—those eyes that always had heavy eyebags and glared at everyone that looked his way, look at you with gentle look you can’t place. They even crease with the smile that he’s wearing. Your eyes widen, he has a fucking dimple. He looks like a gentleman, he looks handsome. You can't stop staring at his smile. 
“Y/n? You alright?” You Stepdad breaks through the haze you were in. You look at your parents and back to Suguru who all have concerned expressions on their faces.  You feel your entire body heat in embarrassment.  
‘Uhm—yea I'm fine.” You look at your parents, refusing to look back at that smile.  Suguru has different plans. 
“Hey y/n, it’s been a long time yeah?” Suguru says in that deep voice that has your heart beating faster.  Out the corner of your eye you watch as Suguru reaches over the food, holding his hand out. Does he really think you’re about to give him a damn handshake?  
...Are you seriously thinking about shaking that huge hand? No, you won’t. 
You purse your lips and cross your arms over your chest. You swear you see him glance down at your cleavage but the next second, he's holding eye contact. You blink and look away with a ‘hmm’. He lowers his hand.  
“Alright guys let's eat, okay?” You mom breaks the tension. Everyone grabs their share, and you eat in silence for a while, nobody brave enough to speak and you simmering with anger at Suguru. You throw glare at him every time you look up from your plate which happens more times than you’d admit.  
“You got something there.” Suguru points the sharp end of the fork at you. 
“What?” You ask. 
“There,” He grabs his napkin and starts to reach for you. You tense suddenly locked in place. Suguru brings the napkin to the corner of your mouth and wipes it. “There you go.” 
You stare at him like he's grown three heads. Maybe he’s dying and wants to make amends? Why else would he be treating you like this. Maybe someone took over his body? That has to be it. 
“Uh thanks?” You mummer, unsure what to say. 
“You're welcome little sis.” You choke on your spit. What the hell did he just call you!? He must be messing with you; you’re suddenly filled with rage. You glare at him, hoping he disintegrates with the sheer force of your stare. 
“You’ve grown up.” Suguru says after another blinking contest, you lost. 
“Yea, have you?” You snarl. He stops smiling. 
“I have,” he says seriously, setting his fork down. “I want to talk about—” 
“I don’t care.” 
“No!” You slam your hand on the table, and he goes silent. You’re overcome with guilt before you remember that he bullied you for a year, that he told the entire school to bully you after he graduated. Fuck him. 
You slam the door the door of your room speed walking to the bathroom. You strip your clothes before turning on the tub. You finally breathe when you settle into the scolding hot water. You needed to wash his gaze, his touch, off your body. The entire dinner after your conversation was awkward, your parents didn't really speak, and you refused to glance back up at Suguru who wouldn't stop staring.  
You hated him. You hated him. You—you can’t bring yourself to hate him. For some unknown reason you can’t bring yourself to hate him despite everything he's put you through. Why? You shake your head. You don’t want to think of Suguru while you're trying to relax. You phone dings. You pick up and a smile replaces your frown. @Sssman72. 
‘How are you babydoll, you alive?’ 
‘Yes, wish I wasn’t though.’ 
‘Why what happened during dinner?’ You sigh and send him voice message detailing everything that happened. 
‘Oh wow.’ 
‘I know.’ 
‘You gonna give him a chance to explain?’ 
‘I don’t know I don’t want to but also, I want to hear his explanation...can we call I really don't want to type all of this out?’  
‘Course, give me a second. I'll call you.’ You wait a few minutes before you hear the familiar ring. 
“Hi handsome.” you smile at the blank profile. Right now, you’d do anything to see him, to hear him comfort you, to be in his arms. He could be the ugliest man in the world, you wouldn’t care. 
‘HI beautiful. Talk to me.’ He types into the chat box. 
“I don't know. like I said I want to hear him out but also, I don't want to hear it because what it it’s bad, what if it doesn’t excuse it? But also, what if it does and I feel like shit for being mean back—it's just so stressful.” 
‘I know babydoll. I wish I could be there right now and hold you. I would do anything to take that hurt away. I'm sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.’ 
“Stop, don’t apologize you didn’t do anything. If anything, I should apologize for using you as a therapist when you paid to see me naked.” You laugh. 
‘Beautiful girl—I would rather pay to hear all your problems and be able to comfort you than see you naked again.’ 
“Wow you don’t want to see me naked, I'm hurt. Just kidding, thank you for saying that handsome.” You feel your heart skip a beat at his message. Maybe you can convince him to turn his camera on tonight. 
“I kinda wanna take my mind off everything right now.” You murmur into the phone before turning on your camera. You hold it above you and smile so he can see everything.  
‘So, fucking beautiful, prettiest girl in the world. You gonna give me a show?’ 
“hm,” You use your free hand to tap your chin. “Only if you do something for me.” 
‘And what is that?’ 
‘Can you turn your camera on? And before you say no, you don’ have to show your face—maybe you can just show your dick or something else. We can masturbate on the phone, please handsome please.” You whine giving him your best puppy face. You watch as the chat bubbles disappear and reappear. You’re about to back out but all the sudden you’re looking at a dim lit room and a huge cock between a big hand. Your eyes widen and the sight. 
"Y-you probably won’t be able to type and jack off at the same time” You suck in a breath. Please turn your audio on please... 
‘I’m gonna turn my audio on but I won’t talk, okay? Think you can get off on my moans babydoll?’  
You nod. 
‘Good girl now show me that pretty pussy, make it squirt for me.’ 
You lift yourself up to sit on the corner of the tub, propping one leg on tub and spreading the other that rests in the water. You flip the camera so your mystery man can watch you finger yourself. You hear him groan and spit onto his hand. 
You moan softly at the sound, teasing your entrance. You wish he was talking to through it, but you’ll settle for this for now. One day... 
“Mmm, wish you were the one fingering me right now,” You circle your clit before gliding your fingers out your cunt. 
“Wish you were here, holding me n' fucking me.” You curl your fingers into your g-spot and moan. You look back at your phone, watching your stranger play with the tip of his long cock. It looks so big compared to his hand, you know you’ll struggle to take it. Your pussy clenches around your small fingers that do close to nothing compared to your dildos at home.  
“Wan’ your cock in me so bad, it looks so big you’ll have to force me to take it, you’ll have to hold me down and make me take it.” You cry out. You watch as he squeezes his hand up and down his cock. It looks painful. He grunts louder. 
“M’gonna cum for you handsome, m’gonna give you what you want and make a mess,” You speed up your fingers to match how fast he slides his fist up and his cock. You moan louder, thankful that you got the suite and aren’t in the room next to your stepbrothers, how embarrassing it would be if he could hear you pleasuring yourself.  
You clench harder around your fingers. Your stranger starts to grunt and groan louder. You shiver at his deep voice on the edge of cumming. 
“Please please let me cum please! Can I come for you please?” You cry, your pussy starts to squelch, spurts of liquid coming out. 
“Yes, cum for me.” Your mystery man groans in an all too familiar voice but before you have time to think about it, you’re squirting, the grip on your phone loosening and falling into the water. 
“Yes, this phone is done for, your mother and I are heading into town we can try to find a company that sells phone, but you know how small towns like this are.” You stepdad stares at your phone that’s been sitting in a container full of rice since last night.  
“Fuck, I need it for work! What am I going to do?” You look up at him in distress. 
“What do you need your phone for bartending?” He looks down at you incredulously. 
“My boss is sending me some important email and I didn't bring my computer.” You lie. 
“Well, you can use Suguru’s laptop, I saw him using it this morning in the sitting room. Think he left it there before he went on his run.” Your stepdad points down the hall as your mother rounds the corner.  
“Ready to go honey?” She asks your stepdad. 
“Coming! Use Suguru laptop to check your email, if we come back and you haven’t got the email you can use my phone. Bye! Have fun and be nice!” Your stepdad waves before following your mother. You wave back. 
 Of course, you had to use Suguru’s laptop. Maybe you can just log in, tell your stranger that you’re okay and that you won’t be able to contact him until you get a new phone and then delete the history before Suguru comes back from his run. It’ll only take a few minutes...you hope he doesn’t a password.  
You run to the sitting room, but you don’t see a laptop anywhere. Dammit, he always has to make things hard for you. You walk up the round staircase and down the hall until you're standing in front of Suguru’s room. You look around, as if Suguru's gonna pop up out of nowhere and attack you from going into his room. You shake the thought off and open his door. You stop and stare at the bed, you feel like you've seen that duvet. You chalk it up to a bunch of man having the same bedding before turning to scan the room for a laptop. You quickly spot the laptop on his desk and run to it. You sigh in relief when it opens to the last tab he had opened. Thank you Suguru for not caring about who gets into your shit. You click new tab and start to type in the name of the website you use before you freeze.  
You only need to type in three letters before the website popped up in top hits. You stop breathing. No... He couldn’t know what you do. Is that why he came here? Was he going to expose you to your parents? Was he acting nice to butter you up before crushing you? Your vision starts to blur. All boys watch porn, maybe he just happens to watch porn on the same website you film on. You can block your account from him so that he never finds you. You swallow before clicking the tab. You shakily move they pointer over to the search bar before you spot something in the left corner that makes you dizzy.  
Right where the username of the viewer is supposed to be is the username @Sssman72. Your heart stops and you feel wetness hit your hands. This can’t be real. You move to chat and cry out when you see your username. The last text he sent was asking what happened. No—this is a dream; you’re going to wake up and this is going to be a bad nightmare. You refuse to believe the man you’ve been slowly falling in love with over the last six months is your stepbrother, your bully. The man you confessed all your darkest secrets is the man who never showed you an ounce of kindness. Is this a part of his master plan? Is he going to blackmail you and hold all the nudes you’ve sent him and all the secrets you’ve told him over your head. You’re going to become his slave, doing whatever he wants of you until you die. You curl into yourself and cry harder at the thought.  
“Y/n? What are you do—” Suguru stops when he sees what's on the screen. “Let me explain please baby.” He reaches out to touch your shoulder. You flinch away from his touch.  
“D-don’t call me that,” You sob staring at him with such heartbreak in your eyes he wants to drop and beg for your forgiveness. “You-you, it was you the whole time.” Your voice breaks. 
Suguru nods slowly trying to reach out for you again. You take a few steps away. “Was this some masterplan to hold me under your thumb for the rest of my life!?” You scream at him. 
He’s grateful your parents went out of town; this would be an absolute shitshow if they were here.  
“No babydoll—” 
“I said don’t call me that you asshole! Stop pretending. I hate you Suguru! You win okay, you win!” You tell him before you run out of his room. He curses before running after you, you run up that stairs and into the suite but before you can shut the door Suguru shoves it open. You drop to your knees to pull your suitcase from under your bed. 
“Please listen to me y/n. I wasn’t faking—stop packing and let me explain.” Suguru pleads as he watches you throw your clothes into your suitcase. 
“Y/n, baby, please listen to me please” He grabs your arm, and you try to fight him, but he pulls you down onto the bed with him. He hugs you around the waist and you push in this chest trying to break free. His heart aches. He hates seeing you hurt, he hates that he was the one who made you cry like this. He hates that you only associate him with the version of himself that he created to stop anyone from seeing what he was truly feeling. He hates that you won’t accept the real version of him now that you know it was him. He holds you tighter as you scream and cry. He whispers sweet nothings as you whisper how much you hate him. At some point you stop fighting and wrapping your arms around his neck. You sniffle into his neck, and he rubs your backs and rocks you.  
“Why?” You ask hoarsely after all the anger leaves your body. Now you feel numb, like you're watching your life from a third perspective.   
“I never hated you, I never lied, and I never planned to blackmail you—I know you don’t believe me baby but everything I've ever told you on that app was real. Everything I feel for you is real.”   You pull your face out of his neck and stare up at him. You don’t believe him. 
“I have never hated you y/n. I swear it. I hated the fact that my father replaced my mother with yours not even a year after she died. Baby, I never fucking hated you. I was just a teenager who didn’t know how to express my emotions so I took them out of the person I knew I could hurt the most. It was bad I know; I feel like shit to this day. When I graduated and got away from my father, I realized how bad I was to you, and I got into therapy. I wanted to be better for myself, for you, for everyone around me. I didn’t know that the bullying continued when I left. I didn’t know how bad people had taken it until that day I came back home. When you told me off about it, I was so confused. I’m so fucking sorry. I want to reach out and apologize for everything and the day I planned to do it Satoru—my best friend, you remember him—well he sent me the link to your account and so I made an account and it all just spiralized out of control after that. I was too embarrassed to tell you it was me and then we started to form a connection, a real connection, and I didn’t want our conversations to end so—fuck I'm sorry. Everything I told you; I meant it. I fucking meant every word.”  
You sit there stunned, trying to comprehend everything he said. You never knew about his mother. You thought she had passed away long before your mom and his dad had met. But you remember when your stranger told you that. God, you remember when your not so mystery man told you about his family the seemed so familiar to yours. And he didn’t tell all those people to bully you after he left? Did he mean every word? Every word of affirmation he gave you. Those times when he told you that you were capable of being loved and that you were going to find someone who would love every part of you, the good and bad. Was that the same Suguru? You try to wrap your mind around the fact that the man you love is your stepbrother. 
“I know it’s a lot of information.” 
“It is.” 
“Do you believe me?” He looks at you with furrowed brows. You do. Despite everything you find yourself nodding. He sighs and you feel the tension release from his shoulders that your arms are wrapped around. You suddenly realize the position you two are in and feel your face heat. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your legs are on either side of his thick thighs his cock, the cock that you saw last night, is right underneath you, if you lower yourself an inch, you’d be sitting on it.  
Suguru grips your waist with one hand, the other cupping the right side of your face. You look up at him and sniffle. He leans down until your foreheads are touching.  
“If you give me achance, I'll treat you like the queen you are. I’ll love you the way you’re meant to be loved. One chance is all I ask for.” He mummers rubbing your noses together.  
You hesitate, one part of you wants to run away with him because he’s the man you’ve wanted for the last six months. The other part of you wants to run away from him, he’s your stepbrother, he lied, and you don't know if he would’ve ever told you the truth. But isn’t that what he came here to do? Can you blame a little boy for being mad at the people who replaced his mother?  
You give him his answer by grabbind his neck and push his lips towards you. If this does go to hell at least you’ll have a story to tell your feature children.  
Suguru kisses back before standing and pulling you off him. “What—” 
“You said you wanted me on my knees, didn't you? I’m ready to serve you in any way you want. I can have my savings transferred to your account by tomorrow night.” He says as he drops to his knees. You stare at him with wide eyes as he holds your legs and starts kissing from knee to right where your pussy starts.  
“Shh babydoll let me take care of my girl, show her how sorry I am for hurting her.” He mummers before dropping your leg and picking up the next one. He repeats this a few more times before finally asking you to lift your hips so he can pull your leggings and panties off. Suguru throws your pants behind him before standing up to pull your tank top off. You reach behind to unbuckle your bra and toss it on the floor with your other clothes. Suguru chuckles, reaching up to kiss all over your face. 
“Take your clothes off too Sugu.” You giggle, reaching for his sweatpants. You get a firm grip and yank them down. His thick cock bounces out. Your mouth goes slack. The phone call didn’t do it justice. It somehow looks bigger than before and if you weren’t wet before, you are now. That thing is going to be inside you soon.  
“Like what you see beautiful?” You nod dumbly as you watch Suguru step out of his pants and take his shirt off with one hand. He’s so fucking sexy.  
He drops back down to his knees and pulls you until your ass is hanging off the bed. “Lay down and let me please you.”  You comply and watch as Suguru lifts your legs up and buries his face in your cunt. Your hands fly down to his long shiny hair. 
“Suguru!” You moan as he licks you from asshole to clit. He sucks on your clit before biting both lips. Your pussy clenches. “Feels s’good Sugu!” You grind down on his talented tongue. Suguru hums into your clit before setting one of you thighs in his shoulder and bringing his fingers to your entrance. He teases you, only pushing his fingers into the joint before taking them out. You cry out in frustration before pulling on his long hair when he finally slides two big fingers into you. 
Yours definitely don't compare to his long thick ones. Your back arches off the bed as Suguru fingers jackhammer into you all the while his mouth sucks on your clit.  
“S’good Sugu! Don’t stop!” You scream letting go of hair with one hand to cover your loud mouth.  
“Don’t hide those sweet moans from me babydoll. If you want my cock, you’ll let me hear you scream my name as you cum on my fingers and mouth.” 
You bring you hand back to hair and grind hard as you get closer and closer to orgasm.  
“Gonna cum! M’gonna come!” You cry, as you release all over Suguru's face. He moans and sucks even harder before adding another finger. You cry at the sudden intrusion. It doesn't take long before you’re coming all over again, this time liquid shooting out of you and onto Sugu’s chest.  
“Yes baby, that's it—what a good girl,” He praises as he slurps up all your juices. “Such a fucking good gril f’me.” 
“Gimme a kiss.” You say between heavy breaths.  
“Does the pretty girl want kiss?” You nod, pulling Suguru down with you by the shoulders. 
“Want you to kiss me while you fuck me for the first time. Want it to be special,” You confess shyly. Suguru leans down and pecks you on the forehead, then the nose, and then both of your cheeks. 
“Don’ tease meanie!” You laugh when he kisses the corner of your lips. 
“M’sorry baby, can you forgive me?” He pouts.  
“Hmm—I’ll forgive you only if you kiss me right no—” You don’t even finish your sentence before Suguru shoves his tongue down your throat. You kiss him back and your tongues fight for dominance. Suguru wins and smiles into the kiss. You can’t believe this is happening. Your bully, your stepbrother, your mystery man is kissing you right now. Your about to make love with said man. 
“You okay babydoll?”  
“Mhm, just can’t believe this is all happening.” 
“Me too beautiful, you sure you want to do this right now? We can always wait.” 
“No, I want to. I want you.” You raise your hand to tuck his hair behind his ear. He smiles, showing you that adorable dimple. You kiss it.  
Suguru kisses your lips once more before he grabs his cock, rubbing it up and down your cunt. 
“Fuck—I don’t have a condom.” 
“I’m on the pill—please Sugu.” You beg, frustrated from all this foreplay. You’ve been on edge since last tight in the tub.  
“Alight beautiful,” He pushes the head of his cock into you. “Fuck me—you feel so good. Always knew you would.” You feel his fist guide his long cock into you. You moan. He fits you perfectly.  
“Sugu—feel’s s’good, want more!” You cry, fisting the blanket’s underneath you.  
“Does my baby want more—does she want to orgasm on my cock?” You nod watching Suguru lift your legs to his shoulder. He leans down, bringing your feet to the side of your head. You whine at the stretch. 
Suguru groans as he pulls his cock in and out of you.  
“S’too much!” You moan into his shoulder. He just laughs and picks up his pace. The fancy headboard above the bed starts to slam against the wall. You watch with blurry eyes as the stock photos hung on the wall shake.  
“Said you wanted more baby, ‘m giving you more.”  he says before biting into your neck. Hard. You scream, back arching at the pain. Your hands fist the sheets even tighter, knuckles turning white. Suguru unlatches his jaw. Lifting his head to admire his mark. Now all your customers will know you belong to someone. To him. He kisses the mark. 
“Sugu, It’s too much. Hurts! m’gonna cum!” You cry, tears soaking the blanket breath you. 
“Oh, don't cry baby—shhh—you’re so beautiful y/n. So damn pretty.” He whispers, coaxing you to orgasm. Your eyes roll to the back of your head. You stop breathing for a second as your pussy contracts around Suguru's cock. Suguru follows in suit, spurting his cum deep inside your pussy. 
“Fuck,” he draws out, collapsing onto you.  
“T-that was—” 
“The best sex ‘ve ever had.” 
“Same.” You smile before wincing. 
“What’s wrong babydoll.”  
“You're about to break my damn hip if you keep my legs up any longer,” Suguru lefts himself enough to bring your legs to his sides. “And you probably ripped a chunk of my neck off with that little trick of yours.” You grumble. 
“It’s not bad, promise.” He kisses the bite mark softly. 
“And all the pictures fell of the wall.”  
“I’ll put ‘em back up baby,” He laughs into your ear. “Just let me hold you for a second.”  He kisses your cheek before snuggling deeper into you. You throw your arms around his shoulder while you both try to wrap your head around everything that happened.  
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imyourbratzdoll · 10 months
hiii baby 🤍
weird request maybe…
But reader being tired of dating but really wanting a baby…like she just really doesn’t want to wait for the perfect man to settle down with, but she really really really wants a baby.
So she asks childhood!bestfriend!bucky or like childhood!bestfriend!CE!Character to impregnate her…
He (being secretly in love with her) agrees, so they make one 😩
hi honey! not weird at all! I loved this, I'm hoping I did it justice and that you love it!
summary - you've decided to stop going on dates when the last one fails and go to your best friend for the thing you desperately want.
warning - smut, breeding kink, unrequited love (or not), horrible dates, creampie, swearing, slight angst.
18+ only please, the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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You sigh, having just come back from yet another failed date. No man seemed to live up to the expectation you were looking for. You sagged into the couch, kicking your shoes off and beginning to massage your temples. “Ugh, I’ll never find the perfect man to settle down with…” You look down at your stomach, and your mind fills with images of you being pregnant. Your eyes blink it away as you rub your belly. “I just want a baby… Is that so hard?” 
Your eyes widen when you realise you have the perfect plan. Bucky! He’s your best friend, an ideal option for a sperm donor. You quickly dig through your purse and pull out your phone, unlocking it and quickly sending him a message. 
‘Hey, are you able to come over? I have something important to ask you.’ You send the text, gnawing on your bottom lip as you wait for his response, watching the three little dots appear. 
‘Sure, I’ll be there in 10 minutes with your favourite snacks.’ 
You smile, quickly jumping up and running to your room. You strip from the clothes you sadly wasted on your date and changed into a red lingerie set that Bucky got you for your birthday. You smirked when you remembered how flushed Bucky looked as you opened the gift bag and promised to show him one day. You walk over to the mirror and fix your make-up, reapplying your red gloss. 
When you hear the door unlock, you quickly throw on your silk robe and head out of your room, ready to greet Bucky. He enters and smiles when he sees you waiting there for him. His heart practically pounds out of his chest as you smile back at him, walking over and wrapping your arms around his body. “Hey, I got us some Chinese.” He wraps one arm around you, tightly holding the bag of food with the other. 
“You came so fast!” Your cheeks heat up at the innuendo of your words. You don’t notice the pout on his lips as you pull away from him and begin to walk toward the lounge room. “C’mon, I’d feel better asking you the thing while sitting down… I don’t really know how you’ll feel about it.” Your chew on your bottom lip, your nerves getting to you as you realise if he says no, you’ll possibly be ruining a good friendship.
Bucky follows you like a lost puppy, practically feeling your nerves radiating off of you. His eyes shamefully land on your arse, watching your hips sway as you walk before him. “So, uh… How did your date go?” This would be the tenth date this week that you’ve been on, and as your best friend, Bucky knows all about them and how lately they haven’t been going well. Except for his heart that constantly broke every time you told him you had a date with everyone but him. Bucky sits beside you, pulling out the hot food and handing you your usual. 
“Shit like the others.” You immediately begin to stuff your face with food, starving from storming off during the date. “From the moment we met, all he spoke about was himself and the women he’s been with. Then when we sat down to eat, he ordered for me, but when I stood up for myself and ordered what I wanted. He decided to call me a cow and fat and that no man would ever love me if I didn’t let them take control of my life.” You growl, shovelling more food in your mouth. You swallow and look at Bucky, noticing the angry look behind his eyes but deciding to ignore that. “But, I came to a conclusion. You know how much I’ve been wanting a baby and have been trying to find the perfect man to settle down with.”
Bucky nods before frowning. “Please don’t tell me you're going to just sleep with one of these guys to get one.” His brows furrow. “You deserve more than that. You deserve someone that will be there for you and the baby.”
You wave him off, sucking some juice off your thumb. “Of course not. I had someone better in mind.” Your eyes connect with him, and Bucky’s brows raise when he puts the pieces together. “I want you to impregnate me, Bucky.”
“Y–you–” He swallows, blinking rapidly, wondering if he heard you right.
“I want you, Bucky. Just imagine how cute our baby would be, but I understand if you say no and no longer want to be–”
“Yes.” Bucky immediately scoots closer and cups your cheeks. “I’ll pump you full until you are carrying my child.” You feel slick gather between your thighs, turned on by his words. Bucky’s hands move down and undo your robe, choking on his saliva when his eyes land on the red lingerie set he had bought you. “You’re so beautiful…” He whispers, staring for a while before looking into your eyes. “D–do you want to go slow or…” Bucky swallows, knowing that you weren’t doing this because you felt anything for him. You were doing this to get a baby.
“Fast, for now, I just need you.” You whimper. You grasp the back of Bucky’s head and pull him toward you, devouring his lips with yours. “Please, fuck a baby into me.”
Bucky catches the for-now part, causing his heart to jump, knowing there might be another time. His breath catches as your lips connect, swearing that fireworks went off. His hand lands between your legs and begins to rub you through your knickers, letting out a moan as he feels how wet you are. “D–did you touch yourself before I got here?” 
You shake your head, “No, no….” You whine, back arching and legs spreading more as he touches you. Bucky feels his cock harden more when he realises he made you wet. “Bucky, please.” You blink the tears away, so overwhelmed with your feelings for your best friend and your horniness. You hadn’t been touched in so long, and to have Bucky finally touch you with the promise of putting a baby in you intensifies it.
Bucky leans back, giving you a look. “Are you sure about this? Because once I start, I really don’t think I’ll be able to stop.” You nod rapidly, gripping any part of him that you can. He places a hand under your chin. “I need words, Y/n.” 
“Yes, Bucky. I’m sure I want this.” You watch him remove your clothes, followed by his, and you gasp as your eyes land on his member. “You’re so big…” Bucky strokes his cock, lining it with your sopping cunt. As he pushes in, Bucky leans forward and connects his lips with yours, swallowing your moans. “O–oh…” 
His hands move down and grip your hips, thrusting deep, fast and hard into your tight walls. “Fuck, you feel so good, doll.” Your legs wrap around him, pulling him closer to you. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he hits deep inside you, hitting places you’ve never reached before. “I can’t wait to pump you full of my cum, doll. Breed you.” He growls, getting lost in the feel of you. 
You moan, gripping onto your best friend, feeling him split you open, bringing you pleasure you’ve never felt before. You can’t wait until he fills you with his cum, giving you what you’ve always wanted. “Faster, Bucky, please.” You don’t know how he’s done it, but you're so close you can feel your orgasm just around the corner. 
Bucky’s hips begin to snap, slamming into you hard and fast. “Shit, doll. I’m so close.” His hand slides between your bodies, locating your clit and rubbing it. Your back arches, legs squeezing tighter around him as your juices squirt out of you, your walls pulsating around his thick cock. Bucky groans, burying his face into your neck, pounding into you before burying himself deep inside you. Thick spurts of cum shoot out of his mushroom tip as he pumps you full of his cream. “Fuck, fuck! There’s so much. It feels too good, doll!”
You sag into the couch, pulling Bucky along with you, enjoying the feeling of his softening cock inside of you. He stares at you, stroking your cheek, and you smile tiredly up at him. “Thank you, Bucky. I hope this takes, if not. We will have just to keep trying.”
Bucky smiles, “I’d be happy with that.” He leans forward and presses a soft kiss on your forehead.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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meiieiri · 5 months
𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 [gojo satoru]
WARNINGS: fluff! sickening blegh blegh fluff. maybe some undertones of misogyny but that’s only because i lowkey have a thing for naoya zenin please don’t judge me, please don’t. and i know, i know, i’m sorry for the late updates, but i’m working on the new chapter of WE as fast as i can, hahaha. just feeling so demotivated lately so i decided to write something new for a bit.
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╰┈➤ gojo satoru who falls harder and harder for you everyday as you dutifully help him with his kimono, prepare his bath, and plan out his meals. one day, i’ll marry her, satoru vows silently as he watches you brew his hōjicha just the way he likes it.
╰┈➤ gojo satoru who waits for you at every blind corridor in the gojo estate, hoping to steal a kiss from you while you’re working. “satoru—!” what was he thinking, pulling you into a searing kiss while you carried a laundry basket full of his clothes? he finds it cute how you instinctively melted in the feeling of his luscious lips, clumsily dropping the laundry basket on the hardwood floor. “is my little servant distracted? tsk, tsk. we can’t have that, can we?” he grins against your lips but before he could lean in for another kiss, he takes a step back. “get back to work, (y/n)-chan~” he waves to you as he struts down the hall.
╰┈➤ gojo satoru is a bold man when it comes to sashaying around his clan’s vast banquet hall, purposefully keeping you within ten feet of him as he speaks to the other clan heads, indirectly showing you off in the new yukata he got for you. though his only concern about the yukata is how troublesome it’ll be to take it off of you and he really doesn’t want to rip another piece from your wardrobe. as you pour him another cup of sake, he wonders if he should’ve just bought you a lingerie set instead.
╰┈➤ gojo satoru has gotten used to his mother nagging him about getting married soon. his family has been growing impatient since the day he turned twenty-six for satoru to find an upstanding lady from another one of the big three clans of jujutsu. he’s seen countless women, been forced to kiss the backs of their hands, and he’d pull through outstandingly - charming one bridal candidate after another who’ve no idea that the entire time, satoru is thinking of the little lady he keeps back home in the gojo estate.
╰┈➤ gojo satoru who takes your hand one day and says: “follow me.” he leads you into the tea room, and finally reveals what the two of you have in front of his elders as he slips an engagement ring, a family heirloom, onto your finger unbothered that the elders whispered among themselves about how shameful it would be for the greatest sorcerer of this generation were to get married to some nobody. “i’d sooner drop dead than see our clan head getting married to this whore!” one of his elders snarls at you, instinctively causing satoru to shield you from them. his face hardens as he speaks his next homicide-coded words. “that could be arranged, auntie.”
╰┈➤ gojo satoru who purposefully chooses a rainy day for your wedding date, so no one could see the joyful tears streaming down his cheeks as he finally makes you irrevocably his.
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junkissed · 1 month
on the nose
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member — minghao x f reader  genre — smut, fluffy ending word count — 6.2k synopsis — you're too shy to be on the nose about what you want. luckily, minghao's got you figured out... he even likes the fluffy tail, too. warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, established relationship, nicknames (bunny, baby, love, honey, good girl, etc), unprotected sex, dom/sub dynamics, pet play, lingerie (bunny costume), teasing, begging, anal plug, oral (f receiving), not quite ass eating but close to it, breeding kink, creampie, filming during sex, praise, little bit of manhandling, overstimulation, spanking, hair pulling, biting, marking, squirting, generally rough and messy sex, and then it does a total 180 and it becomes really soft and gentle i'm sorry i can't help it this happens every time it's just who i am, pls lmk if i missed any there's a lot nksdjfsfh notes — requested by anon for my 🐈 1k event — thanks so much to @onlymingyus and @highvern for helping me brainstorm <3 this was a challenge to write tbh but i'm glad i decided to finish it. if you enjoyed and want to see more like this please lmk how you liked it with an ask or a reblog! i always want to try new different things and feedback on this would be super appreciated :)) hope you enjoy this my slutty little bunnies mwah xoxo
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you've been waiting for this day for weeks.
“hi baby,” minghao says warmly as you walk inside the house and slip your shoes off, setting your bag on the chair by the door. he wraps his arm around you to pull you in for a kiss before he turns his attention back to the boiling soup on the stove. “there was a package for you when i got home.” he nods his head towards the living room. “it’s on the table.”
“ooh, it’s my new hat!” you squeal and race across the room. “it's finally here!” you tear into the plastic like a wild animal, taking it out of the package and holding it up to show him.
it’s a knitted white beanie with white floppy ears hanging down from the sides of the hat. you pull it on over your hair, repositioning it so that the long fabric dangles at your shoulders. “what do you think?”
“you look so cute, baby. i love it.” he grins and moves closer to kiss you again. “though you know i’ll love anything you wear.”
you scrunch your nose at his reaction, but minghao must mistake the disappointment on your face for joy, because he leans down to kiss the tip of your nose before letting go of you and moving back towards the stove. “dinner will be ready in a bit, love. i’ll let you know when it’s on the table.”
you take off the beanie with a soft sigh and fold it up as you walk to your bedroom, not wanting to get it dirty before you’ve even had a chance to wear it anywhere. it's unreasonable to think he'd get it immediately, you know that, but you can't help but wish he'd have been just a little bit more excited at the sight of your bunny ears.
the soup is already done and minghao is waiting patiently once you come back out of your room changed into your pajamas, and by the time he’s got you pinned beneath him in bed later that night drawing pretty little moans from your lips, your bunny fantasies are the furthest thing from your mind. laying on your side as you listen to his gentle snores, you sigh and close your eyes, leaving it be. for now.
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you wait a couple days before you try again.
“have you thought about what you’re gonna be for halloween?”
minghao looks up from his laptop sitting next to you in bed. “not really,” he chuckles. “it’s only april. why, did you have something in mind?”
you purse your lips, trying to seem casual. “i was thinking of being a playboy bunny. don’t you think that’d be cute?”
“mm… cute isn’t the first word that comes to mind,” he says, the corner of his lip quirking up into a smile. something flashes across his eyes and you hold your breath, hoping for the reaction you want this time. “we can look for costumes closer to october, yeah?”
you start to frown at his answer but quickly catch yourself, hiding your dismay with a smile. “good idea. hey, i’m gonna take a quick shower before bed, m’kay?”
he nods, and you lean over to give him a soft kiss on the cheek before standing up.
but this time he doesn’t miss the way your expression falls, his brows furrowed as you walk out of the room and close the bathroom door with a quiet click. he knows there’s something you want, something you’re not happy with, but sometimes it’s so hard to get you to tell him what’s on your mind.
he closes his laptop and sets it aside on the bedside table, crossing his arms over his chest in thought as he hears the shower water start to run. if all you’re willing to do for now is drop hints, then he’s just gonna have to start paying better attention until you feel like opening up. he’s not exactly a mind reader, but he’s figured you out before and he’ll do it again.
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the next time it comes up, you don't even mean for it to happen.
you're walking through the mall, hand in hand as you stroll past boutiques and shops. something in one of the windows catches your eyes, and you tug on minghao's hand to go inside. he follows your gaze to the display of frilly white dresses, the wire rack wrapped with pastel garlands for their spring sale.
a sales lady with a cheap rabbit ear headband walks over and greets you with a smile, quickly launching into a memorized script about new items and clearance sales. you subconsciously squeeze minghao's hand and he pauses to watch the way you look at the woman as she talks, trying to see what you're looking at.
and then he notices something, and things start to click into place. you say something to the woman that he doesn't hear before she nods and walks away, and he sees your gaze lingering on the little cottontail tied to the belt loop of her jeans, bouncing with each step.
“you like these?” he asks curiously, running his hand over one of the dresses you'd been eyeing earlier.
“hm?” you ask absently and whip your head back around, your attention clearly drawn elsewhere. “oh, yeah. they're cute.”
well, he may not be a mind reader, but he has a hunch that the reason you wanted to come in this store wasn't to look at the clothes.
he has the chance to put his theory to the test later that night when you're straddling his lap, hands gripping your ass as he pulls you up and down along his cock.
he decides to try it, under the guise of dirty talk in the heat of the moment, and he's so casual about it you'd never suspect a thing. it already doesn't take much to get you fucked out in his arms, so when he slips it in between curses and moans you'd never be able to guess that he's been thinking about this all afternoon.
he groans as you grind down against him, waiting for the perfect opportunity. “bouncing on me so good, like a little bunny,” he says, punctuating his words with a sharp thrust that makes you fall forward onto his chest.
like a magic word you instantly clench around him, whimpering loudly as your hips stutter and fall out of rhythm with him. he sees your eyes squeeze shut as you struggle to keep going, blatantly ignoring his words and pretending they don't affect you like he knows they do.
he lets himself grin at your reaction and thrusts up into you again, making you whine again as the tip of his cock presses into the spot that has you falling apart for him.
“hao! fuck, fuck, i'm—” you barely have time to moan out a warning before you're cumming, your body trembling against him from the strength of it as you gasp for air.
when you finally come back down he does everything he usually does, nothing out of the ordinary. he kisses your forehead and cleans you up and tucks you into bed beside him. he files this new little piece of information away for later and doesn't bring it up again.
for a while you start to think it was probably just an accident, a slip of the tongue when he wasn't thinking. he says a lot of things when he's inside you; he doesn't always have to mean them. but you should know better by now not to underestimate your boyfriend when he's got an idea in his head.
days go by and both of you pretend like it never happened; you because you're embarrassed at how much it affects you, and minghao because he has bigger plans up his sleeve.
everything seems perfectly normal until one evening when you come home from work and he's waiting for you at the door, wrapping you in a hug as soon as you step inside.
"hey, baby,” he smiles, his hands resting on your waist. “got a present for you."
your cheeks warm. "but it's not my birthday or anything?" it's not uncommon for him to spoil you with gifts, but he never makes a show of it. he just hands you things like you've owned them all your life, little surprises popping up without explanation like the necklace with your birthstone on it or the box of chocolates he'd known you were craving.
"it doesn't need to be. just something special i want you to have." he runs his hand over your forehead, tucking a strand of hair gently behind your ear. "it's in the bedroom, if you wanna go take a look.”
you give him a suspicious look and pull away, slipping your shoes off and leaving him by himself. he doesn't follow you down the hall, just standing in place and folding his arms with a satisfied grin once he hears squeals coming from the bedroom.
the house goes silent for a moment, and then he sees you poke your head out into the hall. “minghao?”
“yes, baby?” he grins teasingly as he leaves the living room, meeting you in the bedroom where he finds you standing next to the bed. you raise an eyebrow at him and point at the pretty white lingerie set he'd laid out for you. 
the thin lace stands out laying atop the dark bedsheets, accompanied by a pair of fluffy white wrist cuffs and a headband with soft floppy ears similar to the one worn by the lady at the store the other day but clearly much higher quality; maybe even custom or handmade. the finishing touch is a thin, white leather collar with a bow, and he can't help but smile as he surveys his layout.
“what is this?” you draw his attention away from the setup, and though your tone sounds accusing he can tell how secretly thrilled you are despite the way you try to downplay it. 
“i told you,” he smirks. “a present.”
now it's your turn to cross your arms at him. “and why is it here?”
“because i thought you'd like it,” he says in a low voice, moving closer to you. “don't you wanna be my little bunny?”
you yelp in surprise but then sigh, finally giving in. “how'd you figure it out?”
“you're easier to read than you think, my love,” he chuckles. “i know you too well.”
“you don't… hate it?” you ask shyly, lifting your eyes to meet his gaze.
he wraps his arms around you again. “of course not. you know you could've just asked me, right?”
you scrunch your nose and pout. “i was nervous you wouldn't want to. or you'd think it's stupid.”
“you know i'd do anything you want, love. it's not stupid to me.” he leans over to press a quick kiss to your lips. “now, will you get changed for me? i can't wait to see my cute little honey bunny all dressed up.”
with a reluctant but excited squeal you push him out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him so that the reveal will be a surprise. minghao grins at the way you try to hide your enthusiasm, leaning against the doorway as he waits patiently.
finally you open the door just a crack and poke your head out, hiding your body behind it nervously. “ready?” you ask.
he nods, and with a deep breath you pull the door open all the way. you give him a little spin, the ears flopping against your hair as you show off the outfit. he smiles proudly as he joins you in the room, his fingers falling to your waist and backing you up against the bed.
“you look adorable, baby. just like i imagined,” he says in a husky voice, and you bite your lip shyly. “do you like it?”
you smile, and it's the prettiest thing he's ever seen. he'd buy you a million outfits and lingerie sets if it means he gets to see you like this every day. “i love it, hao. it's perfect.”
he sits down next to you at the edge of the bed and lifts his hand to pet your head, smoothing down your hair between the ears. you shiver in excitement, and it only makes him more eager to get started, his pants growing tighter every minute.
“i have one more present for you, mkay?” he leans away from the bed and pulls out an object from the dresser drawer. your breath catches in your throat when you realize what it is, a shiny silver plug with a round little white tail at the end that makes your heart race. “can’t be a bunny without a tail.”
you bite your lip and look at him, and he puts his hand on your thigh when you don't respond verbally. “is that okay?” he says gently, but your quick nod reassures him.
he stands up from the bed and quickly strips off his clothes, and you watch with lustful eyes as his cock slaps against his stomach, almost drooling at the sight. once he's ready you let him flip you over, kneeling down on your hands and knees with your ass readily pushed up in the air. he slips a finger under the seat of your panties, pulling them carefully to the side as he reaches over to grab the bottle of lube from the nightstand beside the bed.
you shiver as he pours the cool liquid over your ass before rubbing the toy against you to coat it. once he's satisfied with it he starts to drag the metal upwards, and you jump involuntarily as he presses the end of the plug against your hole. “mm— it’s cold,” you whine as he teases you with it once more before pulling it away.
“but it won’t be for long.” he chuckles at your reaction and rubs his free hand across your lower back soothingly, and you lean your hips into his touch. with a grin he bends down and presses his lips gently against your ass cheek, and you moan when his teeth graze your skin. “just relax for me, baby, that’s it…”
he begins easing the toy past your entrance, just a little bit at a time until it's fully enveloped inside you. you've played with plugs before, but somehow the stretch is like nothing you've ever felt. knowing that this time you've got a cute little bunny tail attached sends a new wave of desire throughout your body.
with one finger he carefully pulls your panties back into place to cover you up, admiring the fluffy tail that protrudes from your hole. it really does complete the outfit, and he smiles at his own thoughtfulness, proud of his handiwork.
you wiggle your hips to test it out, adjusting to the feeling of its weight stuffed inside of you. minghao's hand comes down hard on your ass and you yelp, bucking away from him in surprise. immediately you feel his hand gently touch your stinging cheek, rubbing small circles to massage the pain away. "fuck— sorry. don't know what came over me." he says, voice gravelly. "you just… you look so fucking good right now, baby. you make such a cute bunny."
your face flushes as the initial shock fades, and you push your hips back towards him encouragingly. "it's okay. you can do it again, if—if you want."
he grips your waist and pulls you against him, and you whine as you feel his hard length grinding into your ass. "if i'd known you'd like that, then i would have bought the matching paddle with the ears and the tail too," he groans. "this is why you gotta speak up, baby. gotta tell me what you want so i can give it to you."
you bite your lip and bury your face into the pillow, ears burning in embarrassment, but you quickly lift your head again when you feel his hand leave another sharp smack on your ass. "mm, mm, don't hide from me now, love." he tsks in disappointment, his voice laced with fake sympathy. "you wanna be an obedient little bunny for me, don't you? well-behaved bunnies get rewarded." 
you start to answer, but he runs his cock against your clothed pussy and your head falls back down into the pillow instinctively, letting out a muffled string of moans. his tip teases you, pushing the lace into your wetness and back out again. "what was that, baby? i couldn't hear you."
you scrunch your nose and raise your voice, though it still only comes out as powerful as a squeak. "i said, i'll be good!"
he grins and squeezes your ass with both hands before he pulls your panties off all the way, tugging them down your legs until the thin fabric bunches up at your knees. he drags his cock over your dripping entrance again as you clench around nothing.
“hao,” you whine softly. you tilt your hips backwards to try and push him inside, but he leans back out of your reach. 
“be patient.” he runs his hands along the curve of your ass, bending down to come face to face with your aching cunt. “think i’ll eat this pretty pussy first instead. is that what you want, hm? give me a nice view of your cute little bunny tail while i make you cum all over my tongue?”
you whimper in reply, hiding your face in embarrassment as you lay on your stomach with your ass pushed into the air, proudly displaying your glistening arousal.
with his hands on either side of your hips he pulls you towards his waiting mouth. you gasp into a moan when his lips latch onto your clit, his tongue flicking at the sensitive spot as his nose prods against your entrance.
he presses his tongue flat against you, licking upwards before pulling away. it was happening so fast, too fast, and you wanted more. you needed more. but you should’ve known better than to think he would give you what you want that easily.
“feels good?” he hums, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.
“please, hao,” you moan. “need you. please, i’ll be good. just don’t stop.”
he scoffs lightly, his face next to your cunt but still too far away for your liking. “and why should i do that? are you gonna behave next time and tell me when you want something?”
“mhm,” you nod weakly. “i will. promise. please, minghao—”
“that’s my good girl. now just let me take care of you, hm?” he presses his lips against your ass in a kiss and you whimper when he begins sucking, hard enough that you know it’ll leave a bruise later. once he’s satisfied he sits back up to his knees, reaching over to pat your head between the ears of your headband. “don’t you worry your fuzzy little head about a thing.”
you let out another moan at his words, relishing in the way he talks about you. it gets you going more than you could’ve ever imagined, and you love him for the way he’s embraced this so wholeheartedly, falling into the role so easily that you’re cursing yourself for ever trying to hide.
he slides back down behind you, using his thumbs to spread your folds apart to give him easier access as he pushes his tongue into you. you can feel yourself growing wetter every second that passes, coating his lips with your slick as he eats you out like a starving man.
he directs his attention away from your clit, tracing his tongue up until it reaches the underside of your tail and the tip of the plug poking out. just like he’d predicted the metal is warm now, heated by the warmth radiating from your holes.
he smooths his hands over your cheeks, kneading them with his slender fingers and pushing you back further into his face. his tongue darts out to lick around the edges of the toy in your ass, and you can’t help but squirm in his grasp as his mouth wanders between your legs, briefly moving back down to suck at your clit before licking upwards again.
your thighs tremble, feeling so much stimulation in ways you'd never knew possible. he traces his tongue over your pussy, dipping into your entrance before he sits back on his knees. 
“you think you deserve to cum now?” he says, and even though you're facedown in the mattress you can still hear the teasing lilt in his voice. “has my little honey bunny earned it, do you think you've been a good girl?”
you're so fucked out already you can barely speak, but you know he wants you to beg him before he'll actually do anything. so you collect yourself and twist your head to look over your shoulder, bunny ears flopping against your back and the most pleading expression you can muster. “mhm… please? been such a good bunny for you.” you prove your point by wiggling your hips, shaking the little tail plug that sticks out of your ass back and forth.
he groans, hands squeezing your waist tighter. he can tell how much you wanted this, how much you're enjoying this, and who is he to deny you any longer when you've been so well behaved? “mm, alright.” he leans down over your back to kiss your shoulder, brushing your hair and your floppy ears out of the way. “gonna let you cum on my cock now, is that what my baby bunny wants?”
you nod eagerly and let out a yip as he finally sinks into you. you swear you've never felt this good in your life as he starts to fill you up, your walls stretching to accommodate his length.
“so fucking tight,” he groans through gritted teeth when he finally bottoms out, his cock buried in your heat. “clenching so hard, i can barely move.”
“minghao—” you plead out his name, desperately trying to fuck yourself on his cock but his grip on your hips is too strong to let you have even a little bit of control.
he stays still for a minute to give you time to adjust, but that doesn't stop him from playing with your tail and tracing his fingers teasingly along your lower back, relishing in the way it makes you shiver and moan his name louder.
finally when neither you nor him can take it anymore, he starts to slide out of you, groaning at the way his shaft is already coated in your slick. he's not sure you've ever been this wet for him before— and you haven't even cum yet.
it doesn't take long for him to build up his pace, propelled by the sight of your cute little tail bouncing with each deep stroke. he spreads your cheeks apart to watch the spot where his length disappears inside you and groans, an idea hitting him as he digs his fingertips into your hips. “fuck, baby— want me to video this? you look so fucking good taking my cock, wanna let you see yourself.”
your walls clench around him faster than your lips can whimper out a “yes”. god, the thought that later you'll get to watch yourself, kneeling on the bed in your pretty lingerie getting fucked like the slutty little bunny you've always wanted to be? it's your biggest dream come true.
he gradually slows down his pace so he can reach over and grab his phone off the nightstand, fingers fumbling with the buttons to start the recording. he shifts his phone into one hand and uses his other to push down on your lower back, forcing you to arch up more for him. 
his long fingers wrap around your side as he starts to thrust into you again, pulling you backwards to meet his cock with each stroke as he builds back up to a brutal pace. he holds the camera up by his chin to make sure he captures a full view of the scene, your pretty ass pushed into the air as a constant stream of whimpers and whines escapes you.
“look at my pretty bunny,” he pants out, squeezing your hip even harder as he fucks into you, knowing everything he says will be immortalized for your pleasure when you watch this together later. “look at you. so good for me, aren’t you?”
you moan out something unintelligible that sounds like a yes, and he rewards you by fucking you harder. he grins and moves his phone closer to your ass to get a better view of your pussy, close enough to see the glint of metal poking out and the way your muscles contract around both it and him with every thrust.
his eyes rake over your body, occasionally glancing at his phone screen to check the video. after a minute he stops the video and tosses his phone aside, quickly moving both hands back to grip your hips so he has more leverage to plunge into you more deeply. your arms give out from the force and you fall forward against the bed, whimpers muffled by the sheets that you grip so tightly to stay grounded to.
one of his hands suddenly leaves your hips and you feel his fingers tangle in your hair, gasping as he jerks your head up again.
“c’mon, baby,” he says, winding his hand around your hair until it tugs your scalp. it burns but it feels so good, sending a shiver down your spine as he pulls on you. “you’ve been so good for me, don’t ruin it now. you can take it. isn’t that right, bunny?”
“fuck,” you whimper as you strain your neck backwards, your tits pushed against the lacy front of your lingerie as you arch your back. “i can—i can take it. please… please.”
his other hand slides up your stomach, pulling you to sit upright with your back against his chest. if it weren’t for minghao’s grip on you, you doubt you’d have even been able to hold your head up on your own, let alone the rest of your body; his forearm wraps around your chest, holding you flush against his body. you swear he’s never fucked you this hard before in your life, slamming his hips into you so hard you already know you’ll be feeling this for days afterwards, his pace never tiring.
minghao is good at giving you what you want, but you’ve always been able to retain at least a little bit of control even in your most fucked out state. but tonight your head is reeling, mouth hanging open with not a single coherent thought running through your mind. maybe it’s the thrill of being “caught”, of him finally figuring out your secret fantasy and letting you play into it.
your first orgasm catches you off guard, overtaking you with no warning. you double over in minghao’s arms as you writhe against him, clenching so hard that even he can’t keep up the pace. his hips stutter as he struggles to continue thrusting, barely managing to even stay inside of you as your muscles contract and try to force his cock out from your pulsing walls.
“go on, baby, let go for me,” he breathes in a low voice against your ear, holding you tighter to keep you in place. “such a good bunny, cumming all over my cock.”
“cu—cumming!” you manage, and you squeeze your eyes shut as another wave slams into you.
he curses under his breath as he snakes his hand down the front of your body to toy with your clit. “fuck— that’s it, baby. let me have it, give me more. such a good girl.”
you lean your head back against his shoulder with another broken moan, all the tension suddenly leaving your body in a rush. the bed is soaked, his thighs are soaked, your pussy is soaked, but you can't stop. his fingers don't stop either, rubbing fast circles on your clit as you squirt.
after what seems like an eternity of cumming you claw at his fingers on your clit, weakly trying to pull his hand away. “h-hao,” you moan, your voice cracking. “wait. stop—”
his grip on your body loosens and he moves his hand before pulling out of you slowly, his cock still hard and aching and his heart pounding with adrenaline. immediately his tone is softer, keeping his voice quiet beside your ear despite his heavy breathing. “what is it, love, what do you need? can you tell me?”
you lean your head back to rest against his shoulder, your body shaking as you try to catch your breath. it’s hard. you can barely think straight from so much stimulation all at once, your head still cloudy from such intense orgasms back to back, and it takes a long few seconds before you can string together your thoughts. “just… need to slow down.” you find his hand on your thigh and squeeze his fingers with all the strength you can muster. “but don’t wanna stop.”
he exhales and turns his head to place a gentle kiss on your cheek. “okay, sweetheart. just let me know. i’m here.”
he knows he was getting a little carried away, but he wasn’t expecting this to get him so riled up. even after he’d figured you out and put his plan into motion he hadn’t once thought about how he felt, so focused on making sure you’d be happy with him.
he’d spent hours online looking for the perfect outfit for you, pretty lingerie that would be comfortable yet still make you feel as beautiful and sexy as you are to him. if only he hadn’t wanted it to be a surprise, because he kind of wishes you’d been able to see the grin on his face when he’d picked out the cutest little tail and ears to match.
he never considered how much he’d enjoy seeing you in the outfit, maybe even more than you, the lace hugging your body as you whimper and whine so cutely for him. if anything, he knows he's definitely going to get his money's worth out of your pretty costume set, because he's already planning out in his mind the next time you'll get to do this together.
you hum his name softly and it brings him out of his head, looking down at your hazy expression. this is still sort of new to him, but he’ll figure out how to handle it. he’s good at that.
“do you wanna lay down?” he asks, fingers tracing up and down your sides and gently toying with the fabric of your bra as he holds you against his body.
you hum in agreement and turn over in his arms, letting him slowly guide you onto your back as he hovers on his hands and knees above you.
you tug at your ears headband and toss it away, and instinctively his hands begin smoothing over your hair to carefully massage your scalp. “uncomfy?” he asks as your eyes flutter shut, a sweet smile on your face at his soothing touch.
“after a while, yeah,” you say softly, leaning your head into his fingertips. you open your eyes slowly, finding his face just inches above yours. “i’m still your bunny?” you ask a little shyly, watching his gaze.
he smiles and leans up to kiss your nose, a habit of his that now means so much more. “mhm. cutest bunny i’ve ever met. and she’s all mine.”
you can feel his throbbing cock resting atop your stomach, and you sigh out his name, reaching up to pull him down to meet your lips. “minghao…” you lift your hips a little, whimpering quietly in response when he groans from the pressure.
“ready to go again?” he breathes, and at your nod he positions his cock back at your entrance, pushing in slowly. the stretch is easy this time and it doesn’t take long before he bottoms out again, bending over you to leave kisses all over your face as you readjust to him. 
you wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer, whining softly as you squeeze his bicep to try to get him to move. even just having him completely still inside of you feels incredible, but you're eager for more, almost insatiable for him. you don't want this to end just yet.
“god—” he chokes out, thrusting once into you so deep that it makes your head spin. “i'm gonna cum if you keep doing that. not gonna last much longer.”
maybe he’s delirious from so much in one night, but minghao swears you clench harder when he says that. you shake your head, trying to pull him even closer. “don’t care. just want you to fill me up, please?”
he lets out another groan, long and low as he pushes his hips in and out in a slow but steady rhythm. “oh, is that what you want? you want me to breed you? pretty bunny wants to be full of my cum?”
between his dirty talk and the feeling of his cock pulsing inside you, your mind goes blank, and all you can manage is a squeak and a nod and a prayer that he’ll figure it out, how badly you want him to do exactly that. despite everything he’s already given you tonight, you’re absolutely desperate for it, and if you could recall words and sentences right now you would’ve started begging him like your life depended on it.
luckily for you he knows you just as well as he says he does, because he adjusts his hips and thrusts deeper into you, his cock angled upwards to hit you just right with every stroke as filthy words spill from his lips.
“gonna fuck you so full,” he huffs, and you stare wide eyed at the sweat dripping down his cheekbones as he pounds you into the mattress. “taking it so well, gonna breed you like my bunny deserves, stuff you so full. my pretty little bunny, always so desperate for me…”
he doesn't stop, his words beginning to ramble as he focuses all his energy on thinking about your pretty eyes and the sweet, fucked out look on your face that he knows you always get when he cums inside of you because he knows how much you love it.
“please… please,” you whimper, your fingers gripping onto his shoulders so tight, and you know he's right at the edge. each stroke fills you completely, and the pressure from both his cock and the plug still inside you makes you dizzy with pleasure.
minghao buries his face in your collarbone, biting down to muffle his groans as he cums. your own mouth falls open in a gasp as you feel his cock jerk against your walls, pulsing with each thick rope of cum he releases inside. his breath catches in his throat and forces his cock deeper, his pelvis firmly pressed against yours as far in as he can possibly go. 
with shaky hands and even shakier breaths, you wrap your arms around him and hold his head against your chest, your heart still racing as you come down together. he doesn't try to pull out yet, laying down on top of you and letting his weight cover you. you whimper softly as you feel his cum seeping out of you, running down the backs of your thighs. 
after a minute he sighs, looking up at you to make sure you're still okay. “was that alright?” he asks, but your lazy grin tells him all he needs to know.
“love, hey.” he tilts your chin to make you look at him, brushing his thumb against your cheek to make sure you're paying attention. “promise me one thing. next time, just tell me if there's something you wanna try. okay?” he says. his tone is still quiet and gentle, but you can tell he's serious. 
as fun as it is to play this game, he'd much rather you just come to him and talk about it, even if you think it's silly or stupid. he knows it's hard to talk about things you want, but he feels comfortable enough to tell you anything and he hopes one day you'll feel the same, without him having to pry.
“mhm,” you hum sincerely, smiling in contentment at the soft feeling of his fingers on your skin. “i will.”
despite your mumbled voice he can tell you're being genuine with him, and he rewards you with a gentle kiss.
you giggle and run your fingers through his hair, basking in the warm, fuzzy feeling that radiates both inside and out. “so… next time you're gonna wear the outfit, right?”
he laughs and kisses you again, happy that you seem so satisfied after everything. “well, that depends on whether or not you've been a good bunny.”
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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beenbaanbuun · 5 months
Face sitting with Mingi
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words - no fucking clue
genre - smut
warnings - chubby!reader, dom!mingi, oral (f!receiving), insecurity, internalised fatphobia, nicknames (baby, princess, mingi calls himself baby boy…), praise, brief discussion of safe words, consensual somnophilia (if you squint - mingi gets off on readers thigh and she falls asleep halfway through), i think that’s it :)
one thing you’d realised about mingi is that although he may be dominant in nature, that man really knows how to beg
long limbs trapping you in place as he looks up at you with puppy eyes and whimpers in your ear until you’re practically a puddle in his lap, ready to give into his every desire
he‘a almost impossible to say no to with his pretty pout, almost being the key word
because there’s just one little thing you always say no to
after the last time you denied his request under the guise of being ‘too tired’ you expect it to be more than two days before he asks you again
but it’s not really a surprise… mingi is insatiable when it comes to you
so you just let it happen, body going almost limp as he holds you against kiss chest and kisses down your neck gently
“mmm, taste so good,” he licks a long stripe up your neck before taking your earlobe into his mouth and suckling gently, “you know what tastes better, though.”
you can’t help but moan as he teases you
“you’ll let me eat you out, right?” he whispers, and you nod.
and then he drops the same bombshell as last time and you freeze
“you’ll sit nice and prettily on my face, hm? let your baby boy devour you?”
you cant deny that you’d like to
fuck, you almost say yes there and then!
but before you can, you take a moment to come to your senses and realise that as hot as it sounds, it just won’t work
it takes a few seconds to give your body a once over with your eyes, picking out all the bits of it that carry just a little more weight than you’d like
too heavy, you decide as you begin to rack your brain for yet another excuse as to why you can’t sit on his face tonight
but just as you’re about to spout some nonsense excuse that makes no sense, mingi cuts you off
“and don’t say you’re too tired this time, baby,” he rubs your thicker waist with his hand, massaging the soft flesh like he’s kneading dough, “you were up for getting your pussy eaten before knowing exactly how i wanted to eat you.”
and again, you freeze
he has you caught, and you begin to realise that he knows you too well
“m’not going to say i’m too tired,” you definitely were, “my legs just ache too much to hold myself up for that long.”
“mhm,” he doesn’t believe you for a second, “well, that’s the good thing about sitting on someone’s face, princess… you sit”
his hand shifts to your bare thigh that poked out from your skirt, and he gropes it, big palm tugging at it until your legs are spread a little
“w-well…” you think for a moment, “my hips ache! i cant spread my legs for that long!”
he chuckles darkly in your ear
again, you know he sees through your bullshit
“if i was eating you out on a normal day, your legs would be spread,” he trails his hand up higher, “so tell me the real reason, baby.”
and you realise there’s no getting out of it
you’ll have to sit and tell him exactly why you can’t before he proves you wrong and shows you exactly why you can
its the same as when you told him you didn’t want to wear lingerie because you thought you were too big
you should’ve known mingi would go out and buy the prettiest sets he could find and get you to give him a show, all why he sat and palmed at his dick, showering you with pretty praises
you sigh, working up the courage to do it
“m’too big to sit on your face,” you mumble, “i’ll just hurt you.”
he hums in response, drawing patterns on your thigh with a finger
“and you think i care that you consider yourself ‘too big,’ do you?”
of course he doesn’t, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t care
you shake your head
“listen, baby,” he readjusts you on his lap so you’re facing him, one leg either side of his lap, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, but your reasoning is fucking stupid. if you want this, then there should be nothing holding you back…”
you try and avoid his gaze
he finds it cute for a few seconds, but he’s soon lifting your chin and making you focus on him once more
“so,” he leans forward to press a chaste kiss to your pouty lips, “you want this or not?”
and you do want it… you want it so bad!
so you nod
“you know the rules, princess,” another kiss, “i need your words…”
it takes a moment for the words to process in your brain, and then another moment for them to form in your mouth
“can i sit on your face?”
“you’re so well behaved for me…”
and just like that, mingi gently pushes you to the side and positions himself so he’s lay on the sofa, legs hanging off one end so he has a enough room for his head to lie flat at the other
and he’s dragging you closer to him by your hips, and pulling one leg over until your wet panties hover just a few inches above his mouth
his jaw is slack in awe as he moves the damp material to the side and lays his eyes on your pretty pussy
it takes a moment to shake himself out of the trance you have him in
“so perfect, hm?” he whispers, “so pretty and perfect, aren’t you?”
you let out a loud whine at his words, nothing but embarrassment filling you up
he gives your hips an experimental tug, pulling your core just a little closer to his waiting mouth
and you resist, just a little bit
a little bit is enough for him to pause
“baby, i’m only doing this if you’re fully on board,” and you are, you’re just a little nervous, “i need you to sit, baby… can you do that for me?”
you whisper out a ‘yes’, but you still make no movement
you’re still a little scared
“okay, how about this,” he says, “you sit down and i tap your thigh if i want you to move, alright? i can guarantee i won’t, but at least the failsafe is there, okay?”
you cant lie, it makes you feel better
a lot better actually
knowing that he has a way to tell you it’s too much makes you feel a whole lot safer
it makes you let out a giggle as you finally understand why mingi is always so insistent on the whole ‘safeword’ thing
if your lips were anywhere near his, you’d kiss him
for now, you’d have to settle for something else
and from that point, it takes just a few seconds for you to lower your cunt to his mouth
the groan he makes when contact is made is borderline sinful and he wastes no time slurping at your wet pussy
tongue tracing patterns up and down your slit before delving deep inside to collect as much nectar as it could
lips circling around your clit, suckling ever so gently before adding more and more pressure
messy, open mouth kisses to your hole as if he’s desperate to make out with it
youre a mess within minutes, and you wholeheartedly blame mingi
you fall forwards at some point, barely holding yourself up with your elbows
your plush tummy rests just a few inches above mingi’s forehead and he can’t help but shift his hands until they’re resting flat against it
they massage the flesh as his tongue massages your clit
and before you know it, you’re crumbling
your hips buck against his open mouth, but mingi drinks up everything you have to offer him, grunting loudly as if it’s the best think he’s ever tasted
he works you through it, barely dipping a toe into overstimulation before pulling you away and shuffling a little so you can lie next to him
he’s rock hard against your hip, but when you try and move you hands to do something about it, he clasps them in his own
“i can use your thigh, baby,” he whispers as he begins to rhythmically rub his crotch against your leg, “almost there anyway… tasted too good.”
and in a weirdly peaceful way, you can’t help but fall into a slumber as your boyfriend ruts against your thigh, kissing your cheek with his sticky lips as he groans in your ear with his deep voice
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buckybarnesb-tch · 19 days
Mafia!Bucky’s Girl gets Arrested
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Mafia!Buckys Girl gets Arrested M-Board
Warning:Police Brutality, DD/LG dynamics and Daddy Kink, Protective Bucky and Mafia!Bucky (which is its own warning)
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She always knew that it was a possibility but it never really crossed her mind as something that was going to happen. Ever since getting with her Mob Boss boyfriend, the man who had decided she belonged to him the second he set eyes on her and stalked her relentlessly until she finally agreed to be his girl, she had almost always been right by his side.
Bucky knew that Y/n was as loyal as they come and he didn’t doubt her love for him or her dedication for even a second, but he still didn’t want her out of his sight. There are plenty of men out there who want to hurt James Barnes and he refuses to see his Princess be a victim of an idiot with a vendetta or to even see an ounce of pain on her perfect face.
This day however, it was unavoidable.
Bucky had a delivery that needed to be picked up and he had to oversee it personally, something he wouldn’t bring his girl along for and so he gave her a Black Amex that he had just for her and dropped her off at her favorite outlet. He knew that she could shop around there for hours and that she gladly would until he picked her up later that evening.
‘Stay in public Princess, don’t go anywhere outside of this outlet, understand?’ Bucky warned, opening her car door and helping her out.
‘Yes Buck, I promise I will stay here. You know I’ll shop for a few outfits before ending up in the bookstore for the rest of the time.’ She teased making the notoriously angry Mob Boss smile. He had recently cleared out an entire bedroom in his mansion and lined it with wall to wall bookshelves so that she could have her own perfect reading room. She was fixing it up exactly how she wanted to make it perfect and was spending a lot of his money to give herself a library, apparently needing 1000 books before it actually counted as one (not that he minded spending money on her, especially not for something that made her so happy and often inspired new things to try in the bedroom thanks to her Dark Romance books).
‘That’s where I will pick you up, okay? I’ll text you when I’m finished and you meet me here, okay?’
‘Yes Daddy.’ She teased, knowing how much he loved it when she called him that as she pulled him down to her by his suit jacket and pressed her lips to his. ‘You’d better make sure you’re done all your work by the time you pick me up because you’re all mine for the next 2 days.’
‘Yes ma’am. I promised you a nice, quiet weekend just the two of us and I meant it.’ With all the extra time Bucky had been working after one of his biggest allies was arrested, he needed to make it up to his Princess and he had sworn that after the delivery he was all hers for the entire weekend. ‘I’ll see you soon Babygirl.’ With that he kissed her nose and hopped back into the car, leaving his girl to shop for the afternoon.
Y/n spent about 2 hours in her favorite stores getting several outfits and even stopping to pick up a few new lingerie sets that she knew her Daddy would love before entering the bookstore. By the time she had been there for an hour she had purchased 11 books and could be found sitting in a chair by the window with a hot chocolate and a muffin, reading to her hearts content. And that is exactly where they found her.
‘Y/n L/n?’ Y/n looked up to see a small women with her hair pulled into a ponytail holding a badge out to her and couldn’t help the confused look on her face.
‘Um…can I help you officer?’ She couldn’t help her confusion, she hadn’t done anything to warrant being spoken to by the police.
‘Get up!’ The man beside her barked, pulling out handcuffs and yanking her up from her chair causing her to cry out, the scalding hot drink spilling on her hand as she was moved violently.
‘Ow! What the fuck?! You can’t treat people like this! I haven’t done anything wrong, and even if I had you didn’t even give me a chance to comply! Ow!’ The cuffs went on painfully tight as her arm was twisted at an odd angle.
‘Hey, you can’t treat her like that!’ A barista spoke up, phone in hand and recording the interaction.
‘Mind your business unless you would like to join her!’ The man barked, his partner staying quiet.
‘Okay, you need to grab my stuff at least, I have bags there. Hello?! So not only are you violent, you’re deaf and stupid, good to know.’ She groaned.
‘We’ll hold your things in the back. You come and get them whenever you can.’ The same barista said, following with her phone as she was dragged out.
‘Thank you. My boyfriend will be by looking for me when I don’t answer him, my phone is in one of the bags! I-the least you can do is let me make sure my stuff is taken care off asshole!’ The next thing Y/n knew she was slammed against the police car, her face suffering the brunt of the hit as it collided.
‘Y/n L/n, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.’ The women spoke, reading her her rights as she was put into the car. ‘Do you understand these rights as I’ve read them to you?’
‘Do I also have the right to not have your boorish partner throw me around like I’m his red headed step child? I don’t think that was in there. I’m not saying anything to you, and I haven’t done a single thing wrong.’
‘Sweetie, you’ve been doin’ shit wrong since you said “yes” to a date with James Barnes.’ The asshole spoke, starting the car and driving away from the bookstore.
‘Oh, now I understand. You don’t have shit on my boyfriend who you think is some kind of criminal for some unknown reason and so because you’re so shit at your job you violently arrest his innocent girlfriend. Gotcha.’
‘You ain’t been innocent since you started suckin’ his cock. You know it, he buys you pretty things and you stick your tongue out. You’re an expensive whore and nothing more-‘
‘That’s enough Tanner!’ His partner snapped and she listened to them argue about Bucky while trying to get feeling back into her arms and hands that she was leaning on with her knees pressed painfully to the cage between the front and back seat, all the while blood was leaking down her face and onto her sundress. It was sad, this was one of Bucky’s favorites, she only wore it because she knew he was supposed to pick her up to start their long weekend together.
She was led into the precinct pretty easily before walking through the bullpen and seeing multiple cops that she knew Bucky employed. She pushed down the instinct to smile knowing that they wouldn’t get ahold of Bucky or Steve tonight but also knowing someone would call Andy. She had met Andy several times and loved Steve’s twin brother dearly, knowing that if anything ever happened that Andy Barber would be the one getting her out of it. He had taken his wife’s name in law school to get away from his “criminal” last name of Rogers and yet he still represented them as he knew he always would.
‘Sit here, I’ll get something to wipe off your face-‘
‘No thank you, I’ll stay like this. I don’t need your help.’ Y/n told the women who looked at her sideways. ‘I’ll wait until I’m out of here and my lawyer can see the state that 2 police officers put me in just to arrest a women who was perfectly cooperative. He’s going to have a field day with your department.’ She glared, now seemingly pissed off herself, slapping a folder in front of her and opening it to show her pictures of her and Bucky together. One was him helping her out of the car, one was them walking into a premier, her boyfriends arm around her waist possessively as it was in every single picture they had.
‘Seems like he’s pretty taken with you.’ Y/n raised her eyebrows, not willing to say anything about Bucky what so ever. ‘Just like he was with this girl, and this one-‘ she showed pictures of two other girls with Bucky from before they were together. Bucky and Y/n had had the “Ex’s Talk” and they were both honest about past relationships but the thing that sealed it for Y/n right now was that seeing Bucky with these women, he didn’t hold them like he held her. It wasn’t even close to the same and if ever there was doubt that she would rat on her man (which there wasn’t) there sure as fuck wasn’t any now. ‘Let us help you get away from him, he’s a bad man. He’s killed people, God only knows how many of them.’
‘Oh My God!’ Y/n exclaimed, looking at one of the pictures and while the cop seemed to think she was getting through for a single second she was quickly proved wrong. ‘I was having a really bad hair day. Do you think we could get rid of this one? I just look awful.’
‘You’re not taking this seriously at all.’
‘No, and I’m not going to. You assaulted me, violently dragged me in here and now you’re questioning me about my boyfriend like he’s some kind of criminal! He is the sweetest man alive and he would never hurt anyone, now, I’m not going to be saying anything else without my lawyer.’ Her partner scoffed as he stood by the door watching this go on.
‘Yeah, we’ll see how quickly we get around to calling him.’ He laughed and Y/n just rolled her eyes.
‘He’ll be here soon enough.’ She mumbled.
‘What was that?! What are you mumbling you little bitch, if you think for one fucking minute that we give a shit about that murderers whore you’re wrong, and he ain’t gonna save you either! We’ll let you sit in here for days and guess what? Eventually you’re gonna give him up! Just to see daylight again!’ The officer raged before pulling his partner out and slamming the door shut, all lights but one going out and leaving Y/n in almost complete darkness.
She couldn’t tell you how long she sat there in the dark, quiet room just staring at the window mirror. It felt like hours by the time the door opened again and the lights were thrown on making her squint as her eyes adjusted to the harsh brightness. Y/n could hear a familiar voice screaming and the look of apprehension on the women’s face was fantastic after her treatment.
Suddenly a man who looked way too much like Steve stormed in and took in Y/n’s appearance. ‘Jesus! She’s fucking bloody, you have got to be fucking with me if you think this is alright Captain! Uncuff her this instant!’ Andy demanded and the large cop gave him an angry look before doing as he was told, the “discreet” look from his Captain being enough to spur him into action. ‘Are you alright Miss. L/n? Do we need to go to the ER?’ He offered but she shook her head.
‘No Andy, they offered to wash the blood off, I just wanted you to see where they had slammed me into their car.’ He nodded, making a gesture that told her to be quiet and tell him everything somewhere else.
‘I’m taking my client home. I will expect the recording of this interrogation, all of it, every second, to be sent to my office by morning. If even one second is off I won’t stop until this precinct is a fucking In-n-Out burger! Now fuck off!’ Andy took Y/n’s hand and pulled her along gently, not wanting to hurt her anymore than she already was. ‘You did well, I want to take a few pictures of you to have it documented, then we’ll get you cleaned up.’ She nodded along as they exited the building and moved to his car where he took pictures of her face at every angle as well as her bruised wrists and burned hand.
They had just gotten into the car when Andy’s phone began ringing Bucky’s tone and he put it on Speaker immediately. ‘Andy! She’s Gone! You Need To Get Her Back Andy! I Can’t-‘
‘Boss! It’s okay! I got her, I got a call from Officer Bowers when they walked her in.’ She nodded along.
‘He called right away, I saw a few cops that recognized me and the looks on their faces were priceless.’ She joked, hoping to pull a laugh from Bucky but it did not happen.
‘Princess! Are you okay? I swear to God, if they hurt you-‘
‘It’s okay Daddy. Stay at the bookstore, Andy’s dropping me off there, he wants to talk to the barista who recorded my arrest. She was nice, she promised to hold all my bags until you got there.’ She realized as she heard her Daddy’s voice how badly she had just wanted to fall into his arms and cry herself to sleep.
‘Okay Babygirl, I’ll get your stuff into the car. Get her here Andy, now!’ Her Daddy demanded before hanging up the phone, clearly upset.
It took another 10 minutes to get to the store and the second Y/n crossed the threshold she was grabbed and pulled into Bucky’s arms. He was warm and strong, just like every time he held her but this time she needed him to hold her like he never had before as she felt her mind sink back to that small, regressed place that she didn’t go to very often and it was like her Daddy physically felt it happen as her mind receded back into her safe space.
‘Daddy’s here Babygirl. Your Daddy’s got you, not a thing to worry about.’ He swore, not even caring about the fact that he’s in public as he lifted his girl into his arms and cradled her like an infant. ‘Daddy’s gonna take you home now Baby, gonna go home and get you in your jammies, and all snuggled up in the blankies.’ Bucky turned and walked back out the door from where Y/n had just come, Steve promptly opening the back door and letting his boss climb in before going back to start the SUV. ‘Is my Baby hungry? Daddy has food being made right now for my Princess’ dinner.’
‘So hungry!’ She groaned, clutching to his suit jacket and nuzzling close to his warm body.
‘We’re gonna get you all fed and snuggly warm in our bed baby, don’t you worry. I love you so much, Daddy is gonna make sure those awful cops are taken care of…do you want to talk about it?’ She pouted in response and he brushed his fingers through her hair to comfort her.
‘They were all rough and mean. Showed me pictures of us and pictures of you with your other girlfriends to make me talk bad about you.’ Bucky scoffed, rolling his eyes.
‘Clearly they’re morons if they thought my Princess would turn on me.’ He chuckled at the absurdity of the idea. He knew how loyal his girl was, and he knew that (despite the fact that he would never let it happen) she would have gone to jail and kept quiet the whole time. ‘Don’t worry baby, this whole week is all about Daddy loving on you. Okay? You’re gonna be sick of my hugs by the end ‘cause I’ve rescheduled all of my meetings and appointments. It’s all about you now.’
‘Could never be sick of you, Daddy. I love you so much!’ She swore, nuzzling into his neck and breathing in his heavy scent. As always he smelled like peppermint and his cologne which was very earthy and smoky which he knew his Babygirl loved, however after having been working tonight she could also smell gunpowder which would have made her ask questions and worry if she weren’t completely at the mercy of her regression right now.
Bucky pressed his lips to her forehead for several seconds as Steve pulled up the driveway and finally parked outside of the cabin style mansion in the woods. Her Daddy knew it was her favorite one of his houses to spend time at which is why he picked it for the weekend before extending it to the entire week after watching her arrest video and the interrogation video that Andy sent him just before they got to the bookstore. Some of her comments genuinely made him chuckle, and he was so proud to hear her defense of him and wonderful acting as she could have really convinced people that her boyfriend was just a sweet business man being targeted by the police maliciously. However after seeing how they treated her, Bucky knew that she would be needing his love and comfort, hating to hear that they had called her a whore and tried to make her think that he was just using her for her body.
As they laid in bed that night after her Daddy had fed her dinner and given her a bath filled with bubbles and sweet smelling bath salts he held her tightly to his chest, caressing her bare thigh as she snuggled him in her panties and one of his Henley’s (which was his favorite outfit to see her in of all time, including both fancy dresses or lingerie).
‘You know that your Daddy loves you more than anything else in this world, don’t you Princess?’
‘Mmhmm…’ she mumbled, half asleep already, Bucky’s ability to make her feel safe and comfortable enough to sleep so quickly being a subject of great pride for him.
‘And you know that you’re not a whore…I mean, sometimes I enjoy it when you’re Daddy’s good little whore but…you know you are so much more than that to me, right?’ She nodded into his chest subtly and he momentarily wondered if she even knew what he was saying.
‘Not a whore. Just Daddy’s whore…I love you Daddy.’
‘I love you too Princess. You sleep now, you can be Daddy’s good little whore in the morning…’ he promised, hearing her little moan and kissing her head before pulling the covers around her tighter, allowing himself to drift off to sleep with his Baby safe in his arms.
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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euphemiaamillais · 5 months
imagining a modern sej and coryo where they’re you’re roommates but you had just found ur boyfriend cheating on you so your roommates decide to cheer you up by showing you all the pleasures they can give you. and it turns to both of them being inside your pussy at once, rubbing their dicks together while inside of you
mdni | sej and coryo help you feel better
cw: 18+//threesome//double-penetration//fingering//cream pie//oral (f. receiving)//mentions of cheating—this fic is particularly dirty so please read at your discretion!
when you’d found those photos of that girl in lingerie on your boyfriend’s phone, you’d been heartbroken. you’d come home, mascara running down your cheeks, eyes brimming with tears. you’d rushed to your room, too embarrassed to face your roommates, and spent the next half-hour weeping as you scrolled through old photos of the two of you.
there was a knock at the door, and you didn’t respond, but the door creaked open and the heads of both coriolanus and sejanus poked through the door. when they saw how miserable you looked—you’d at least wiped off your mascara—they came straight in, offering looks of sympathy.
‘what’s wrong?’ sej asked, brushing the hair that had fallen in front your face behind your ear.
you broke out into sobs again, and he wrapped an arm around you. he was so warm, and you nestled into him.
‘he was cheating on me,’ you wept, and coryo came and sat down beside you, giving your hand a squeeze.
unlike sej, his touch was cool, but it felt pleasant, both of them touching you like this. it was oddly intimate. sure, you guys had always been close since your first year of uni, but you weren’t the kind to be kissing each other. not yet, at least.
‘i’ll kill him,’ coryo seethed, and you shook your head, gazing at him through bleary eyes.
‘no, that won’t help. i just feel like shit,’ you felt your tears trickle into sejanus’ shirt and shot him an apologetic look; not that he minded.
coryo eyed sej, and moved his hand over your thigh. you furrowed your brow, but you were so overrun with emotions you couldn’t make any logical decisions. his touch made your core tingle a little.
‘i know what can help,’ coryo murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
‘yeah?’ you asked, lips flickering into a small grin.
coryo’s hand travelled further up your thigh, past the apex, and stopped when his fingers brushed against your panties. you were wearing your favourite pair, pink and lacy—they had been for your boyfriend. he raised a brow when he was surprised that you were already wet.
‘jesus, sej, she’s so fucking wet,’ he remarked, and sejanus felt his cock stiffen at the mere mention of your cunt. both of them had dreamed of a day like this.
‘you want this, yeah?’ sejanus asked, ever the sweetheart. you nodded dumbly, already distracted by the pleasant feeling of coryo’s finger stroking your cunt.
‘we’ll make you feel better, hm?’ coryo cooed, slipping a finger inside your cunt.
seeing your expression of delight at the feeling of one finger, he slipped another inside, and pressed his thumb against your clit. you turned to face sej, entranced by his warmth, and pressed your lips flush against his.
it didn’t take long for it to extend into heavy, hot open-mouthed kissing, his hands gripping at the small of your back, yours wrapped around his neck as his lips stifled your moans. coryo’s fingers felt so good, you couldn’t believe you’d wasted your time on that stupid boyfriend of yours when you had two hot roommates.
once you’d come around coryo’s fingers, you could see both the boys were achingly hard. your cunt throbbed, and in the state you were in, your mind was too blurred by your orgasm and the anger you had for your now-ex-boyfriend. you couldn’t decide which one to have first, and gnawed anxiously at your bottom lip.
‘i want both of you,’ you admitted, and the two boys exchanged glances as if they were sparring for which one got to have you first.
‘both?’ sejanus raised his eyebrows in surprise. he was a little jealous, and was anxious he wouldn’t be able to match up to coryo’s prowess—coryo was the more dominant one of the two, and sejanus knew coryo could work his charm on you.
‘you can’t exactly make me choose,’ you pout, your hand ghosting sejanus’ bulge teasingly. he let out a breathy moan, but coryo, ever the envious one, grabbed your chin with his hand and forced him to meet your gaze.
‘maybe we won’t,’ coryo murmured, and you shivered a little, his icy eyes boring into you.
within seconds, coryo had slid your panties off of you, sighing at the sight of your glistening cunt. sejanus couldn’t help himself, and slid his fingers through your wet folds.
‘jesus,’ sej shook his head in disbelief. his cock was straining against his pants; he needed urgent relief.
coryo had removed his own pants, revealing a long, pretty cock with an achingly red tip. you let out a whimper at the sight of it, egged on a little by the feeling of sejanus’ fingers rubbing at your already overstimulated clit.
‘coryo, need you,’ you gasped, feeling your body surge with the beginnings of another orgasm, skin tingling.
coryo didn’t waste his time, and slid into your pussy, causing you to cry out. even though you definitely weren’t a virgin, he was the biggest you’d been with, and you could feel his tip poking against your cervix.
‘fucking hell, she’s so tight sej,’ coryo let out a stifled breath, resting his cock. ‘you need to feel her too.’
your brows raised in alarm, watching as sejanus unbuttoned his own pants, sliding them down, and then his boxers. his cock was beautiful too, girthy and dripping with precum.
‘gonna fill you up,’ coryo grunted, sliding himself in and out of you slowly, stretching out your tight walls. ‘think you can take me and sej, huh?’
you nodded blearily, and held your breath, eyes following sejanus as he struggled to find his way to your cunt. you’d thought he’d go for your other hole, but they took you wanting them both very literally.
you let out a cry, body trembling as you feel sejanus enter you along with coryo. it stung, but you feel so pleasantly full, and from the groans of the boys, it seemed like they were enjoying it too. it feels almost pornographic, having both of them in your cunt at the same time, and you feel yourself clench around them.
‘look at you, what a fuckin’ slut,’ coryo slid his cock against sejanus’ and you flinch, the sensation driving you mad.
‘fuck, coryo, i don’t know how much more i can take,’ sejanus admitted shamefully, his cock pulsing with pleasure.
the feeling of their cocks rubbing against one another, and pressing against your hole, testing the limit of what you can take sends both of them wild. coryo, ever daring, decides to give a thrust, watching as you writhe beneath him, tears forming in the corner of your eyes.
‘too much, huh?’ coryo taunted, a small smile flickering at his lips as he glances down at your cunt.
it’s stretched to the hilt; slick dripping round both their cocks, hole clenching at them. you look like such a slut, tears rolling down your cheeks, sweat beading your forehead; lips stretched into a pretty ‘o’ shape.
sejanus feels too scared of hurting you to move too much, but the sensation of coryo’s cock sliding in and out of you and against his cock makes him clench his fist, his breaths growing heavy as he urges his body to stop himself from coming too early.
‘please,’ you beg, cunt clenching around their cocks.
coryo drags himself out at a teasingly slow pace, and you can see sejanus’ face contorting with self-restraint. he can’t help himself anymore, and as coryo slips himself completely out of your hole, the feeling sends sejanus over the edge.
‘fuck,’ sejanus pants as he spills his load in you.
coryo laughs in disbelief, watching sejanus buck his hips helplessly into your hole; and he takes his own cock and slaps it against your pussy. you whine as it presses against your clit; body tingling with the dual sensations. sejanus’ cum is hot and sticky as he pulls out of you, and coryo groans, desperate to rebury himself inside of you.
‘want you to eat her pussy, sej,’ coryo directs as he slides into you.
you gasp, pussy raw but so achingly wet at the same time. you don’t know how much more you can take. sejanus obliges, crooking his neck so he can press his mouth against your slick folds. his tongue slides over the folds, fingers rubbing his cum and your own slick over your pussy. 
coryo thrusts into you roughly, chasing his own orgasm as sejanus’ cum coats his cock. you felt so good around him, pussy clenching in spite of having been stretched out by the both of them.
you gasp as sejanus’ tongue finds its way to your clit, body going fuzzy with the start of your own release dancing across your skin. the sight of the both of them, coryo bucking himself inside your hole, and sejanus’ pretty mouth suckling at your clit sends you wild.
‘so good,’ coryo muses as he takes you further, hands gripping at your waist as he pounds you.
you feel yourself coming undone, cunt gushing around coryo’s cock. you run your fingers through sejanus’ curls, tugging as he sucks your clit into overstimulation. your mind goes white and fuzzy, and you cry out—it’s so good. you can’t even remember your stupid ex-boyfriend’s name.
‘such a slut for us, huh? bet you regret dating that stupid boyfriend of yours when you’ve got me and sej?’ coryo grunts as he ruts into you.
you nod, completely fucked out on his cock. sejanus’ mouth has moved to take one of your sensitive nipples in his mouth, and you mewl as you feel his tongue lap at the buds.
coryo finishes inside of you, breathing raggedly as he spurts thick ropes of cum against your walls. you can feel it mixing with sejanus’, and coryo can’t help but go hot at the thought of their cum together inside of you. you look so pretty like this, fucked out on them, cunt dripping with their pearly white loads.
‘thank you,’ you manage to murmur, head lolling back with pleasure.
needless to say, letting your roommates help you ‘feel better’ became a frequent occurrence.
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Can I request where monster cha hyun su and normal hyun su react when they over stimulate reader that she squirts? And monster hyun su just keeps going until she is a mess.
Cha Hyun Su x Fem!Reader
Messy Messy girl
Monster Hyun Su
Regular Hyun su
Genre: Smut✨
Warning ⚠️ : Squirting , Rough sex , Name Calling , Vaginal sex , (may contain gifs/photos for Thai one guys🥰 cause y’all be having me feel super naughty 😈)
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3 hours … it’s been three whole hours of Hyun su brutality pounding into your now messy cunt , after the first two rounds , Hyun su started to become tired and he then gave his monster side full control while he got some rest
As soon as you noticed his eyes change from a dark brown, to a bright blue that always made you choke on your spit , because you knew .. he was going to use you until you were begging him to stop
Your probably wondering how I ended up here , well it wasn’t exactly your idea .. since you and Eun Yu reunited with Hyun su , she started to take notice of the build up tense in the air when ever you to were in the same room
So being the evil friend she is , on one of her trips to find goods as she came back half an hour later carrying three bags full of stuff , telling you to follow her as you both walk down the hallway of the small abandoned building as you head up the stairs towards the second floor , opening the door as your both step inside , since every one was here , Hyun su , Ah-yi , Eun yu and you as you pushed the shelf against the door blocking the entrance/exit
Heading down the hall of the second floor as make a right in Eun Yu’s room that was at the end of the hall , sitting on her bed as you watch as she closes the door once she enters the room , heading for her bed as she places the bags on the floor
“So you know how you always wanted to see how far Hyun would really go..” Eun yu asks as you take a minute to think before commit to realization
“ Yeah..” reader says shyly as she turns to look away
“Well I got you something the it out and head for Hyun su , I’m sure he.. they will love it , I’ll take Ah-yi out to play for a bit..try to get to know her more” Eun yu says with a small smile as she takes something of of one of the bags , causing your eyes to grow wide as she places it on the bed , laughing a bit as she leaves out the room to find Ah-yi closing the door behind her , your eyes still staring at the clothing as you soon decide to do it as you strip from your clothes, slipping in the new clothing
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Taking a deep breath as you check your self in the small mirror on the bedrooms door , slowly opening the door to the room as you quietly peeking out of the door making sure to keep your body hidden as your seen Eun yu give you a wave as she and Ah-yi heads downstairs to leave the building
Sighing a bit as you were glad that Ah-yo agreed to hang out a bit with Eun yu as you soon realized she thought wrong of Eun yu , quickly but quietly heading out of the room as you head down the hall quickly turning left down the next hallways
Once you made it to the end of the hallway , you quickly head in the room on the left , opening and closing the door behind you quietly as you saw Hyun su laying across your shared bed , eye close as he’s enjoying the piece , quietly walking toward the bed as you slowly climb on top of him , legs on both side of his waist
Letting a soft moan as you feel his cold hands connect with your bare hips , eyes snapping open as in eyes your body , face becoming red as a rose as he sees what your wearing
You always wanted to try thing with Hyun su , and since you never wore lingerie for him before you thought it was a good idea .. but you were to scared to bring it up to him or his other side as you didn’t know if they would like it or not , so instead you talked about it with the only other age appropriate girl you knew , Eun yu , what you didnt expect was her to actually get it for you
And that’s how you ended up here with Hyun Su’s cock deep inside your messy cunt , watching as Hyun su, blue eyed watches you with amazement, slowly leaning down to your lips as his gives you lustful kiss, hand slowly rubbing at your cheek as his hand moves down to your neck gripping it lightly , as he slowly pulls ways from the kiss both your lips now swollen as he kiss down you neck softly leaving bruises in the process
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Back arching off the bed as your mouth falls a gasp , letting out a loud slutty moan as he cock moves deeper with in your walls kisses at your cervix
“ I’m s-so close” you moan out as your nails scratches at Hyun Su’s back , cashing him to let out a loud groan as he pulls back still holding your neck as he moves at a inhuman speed causing you to choke on your spit as your eyes roll back , toes now curling as you feel a unfamiliar feeling in your stomach
Shorty after your feel your self release as your juices squirts all over his stomach and lower abdomen, cashing home to stop his thrust staring down at your messes pussy as he see your justices all over him, the sheets , your inner thighs and your lower stomach as your body shakes violently
“W-What..” Hyun su says as he looks up at your brown eyes looking at your with curiosity and confusion , as white in a blink of an eye his normal eyes turn back a bright blue as he gives your shake d form a evil grin
“FUCK, Your going to do that again ..” Hyun su says voice becoming deeper then before a he starts he violent , inhuman thrust in your push as all you could do let out soft cries and your arms refused to let go
“Fucking slut you are” Hyun su says as he lets out a gentle chuckle watching as your face turns into a fucked out expression as he love every moment of it
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gurugirl · 11 months
The Arrangement | "Like this, Daddy?"
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Based on reader requests - was unable to find the original request but I know a lot of y'all really wanted this one. Enjoy!
Summary: Harry wants to make a cute video of Y/n stripping for him but it quickly turns into a sex tape.
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, sex tape stuff
The Arrangement Masterlist
“Want to make a little video of you. How’s that sound?” Harry said as Y/n looked down at the pretty lacy nighty set he’d just gifted her. She was used to him buying her things but this little gift with silk and lace and bows was super sexy and feminine and exactly something she’d love to have.
Looking up at him with rounded eyes she smiled, “Anything you want, Daddy. Is this for the video?” She asked as she lifted the lingerie upward.
Harry brushed his fingers over the material and nodded, “If you want. You’ll be the star so you can decide what you’d like to wear or not wear.”
Looking over the delicate fabric she nodded and bit her lip, “I’ll go change. I really like this. Think it’ll be really pretty for a video.”
It was stunning. When she slid it up her hips and tucked her breasts into the flimsy lace she looked at herself in the mirror and grinned. It really was lovely. She imagined that the lingerie was very expensive. Nothing she could ever afford. But of course, nothing Harry bought her was in her price range.
The moment she walked into the bedroom, dawning the sexy lacy set and a pair of sleek black heels, Harry already had his cellphone recording and the lights dimmed. He was sitting on a chair with his legs spread and watching her as she stepped in closer.
She’d never done anything like it before. Being recorded was nerve-wracking. She wasn’t sure how to act or what to do as she stopped and stood just feet from her lover.
“What should I do?” She asked shyly as she brushed her hands over her sides and looked down at herself.
“Show Daddy how you touch yourself, baby. Use that chair next to you if you want to sit or bend yourself over it. Show me what a good girl does for her daddy.”
Harry was already aching for her. He’d been gone at work all day and had missed her. The vintage lingerie set that he bought her last week finally came in that afternoon and seeing it hidden away in the box under his desk had him imagining what she might look like in it all day. But what he imagined hadn’t even been close to reality. The way it fit over her curves made it look like it’d been tailored for her. Her breasts were held in as the lace softly stretched over her skin and her nipples were visible through the thin fabric. Tiny bows on either hip that dangled silk over her smooth skin. She looked edible.
She smiled and rubbed her hands over her breasts first. She felt her soft tits under the fabric and pressed her nipples through the lace to get them hard as she watched Harry. Moving her hips a little she laughed in embarrassment at herself as she lowered her hands over her stomach and to her hips. She felt silly. She wasn’t a good dancer in any setting but trying to do some sort of strip dance while being recorded? In front of Harry?
Harry had a serious expression on his face though as he turned on a sexy song for her to dance to, “You’re doing so well, baby. Look at how pretty you are for Daddy. Like a little present with lace on top and little bows on your hips. Keep going, honey.”
The music gave her something to move to so she swayed her hips a little more as she continued feeling the fabric under her palms. She kept her eyes on Harry’s, wanting him to give her cues but he was silent as he watched her. She decided to lift her arms upward and spin. She spun slowly and kept her neck turned so she could see Harry and when she saw him lick his lips and his eyes drag down her frame to her hips and her waist she felt like that was a good sign.
She bent herself down, slowly pushing her bottom out and lowering her hands to her ankles before attempting to sensually pull herself upright again. Her rhythm had never been great but she was doing her best to move to the slow and sexy beat.
Placing her hands on the chair she arched her back and wiggled her tush a little as Harry’s expression turned a little darker. He looked like he was getting turned on and that really had her tummy bubbling with excitement.
“You’re a natural, Y/n. So fucking gorgeous for Daddy. Keep going, baby. I wanna see you get a little nasty.”
She knew her face was hot and her ears were on fire. Her nerves were peaking but she felt like he was enjoying what he was seeing based on the way he was looking at her. And if that didn’t give it away, the bulge at his crotch was a good indicator.
She put her pointer and middle finger in her mouth, using her tongue to swipe up and down her digits as she sat down in the chair across from Harry. Spreading her legs apart she watched as he angled his cell phone toward her and she pulled her wet fingers out of her mouth, “Like this, Daddy?” She lowered her left hand down between her thighs and pressed her wetted fingers over the thin material at her crotch. She continued rocking lightly to the music as she gazed into Harry’s eyes and bit her lip.
Harry watched as she toyed with herself over the fabric of her lingerie and he was nearly bursting from his pants. He loved how sweet and shy she acted but he knew she could be absolutely filthy if she wanted to, “Bring your other hand up and play with your tits too. They look like they need some attention.” He directed.
She was thankful he told her. She preferred to be given directions and now she at least knew for sure he wanted to see her play with her breasts.
Touching the fabric over her boobs she poked one finger under the lace and brushed over her nipple as she continued circling over the fabric at her crotch with her other hand.
Harry pressed over his erection as he watched his girl do her thing. She was adorable but he could tell she was finally getting worked up, “Don’t stop touching yourself until it’s all wet. Want you to show Daddy how wet you can get.”
Y/n let out a deep breath and nodded as she continued fingering over her nipples and rubbing the warm spot between her legs.
“Daddy, want to touch it. Under this. Can I?” She poked her finger along the inside edge of her panties close to her pussy.
“Yes, baby. Pull it to the side. Let’s have a look at Daddy’s sweet little cunt.”
She pulled at the material and pushed it to the side, exposing her pussy to Harry and his camera. Spreading her legs further she leaned back and swayed her neck as she rubbed herself, “It’s getting wet for you Daddy. Just like you like.” She lifted her fingers and puffed a small laugh, “See?”
Harry groaned and undid his pants to let his cock have a bit more space. He was going to lose it. Yes, she was adorable, but she was a vixen and she knew what she was doing.
When the material of her panties was all wet and her soft panting had her chest rising and falling she began to pull at the lace over her breasts and bring her tits out, “Want you to see how hard my nipples are.”
Harry leaned forward and examined her body as her breasts bounced free from the top of the night set, “Now that your pussy’s all messy, want to see you dance a little baby. Start taking off your lingerie one piece at a time.”
Y/n moaned as she removed her hand from her pussy and stood up with a grin. Harry’s hard cock and his parted lips and dark eyes told her what she needed to know. He loved what he saw and her confidence to keep going was spurred.
The top part of the lingerie was unhooked and pulled off as she moved with the music and then she turned around so her bottom was aimed at Harry as she bent and looked over her shoulder, “Watch this Daddy.”
Harry was watching all right. That was never going to be an issue. He’d kept his eyes on her body the entire time, “Oh baby. You’re such a sweet girl with your ass in the air for Daddy like that. Can you stick your fingers inside your wet hole for me? Want to see you finger yourself like this.”
She grasped onto the chair and pulled the fabric away from her crotch again. It was soaked through. She kept her head turned so she could watch Harry as she brought her hand around her bottom and spread her legs, pushing two fingers into her pussy for the camera, “Feels good, Daddy. Wish it was your fingers inside of me.” She panted her words.
She arched her back further as she continued thrusting her fingers and keeping her eyes on Harry. The angle was perfect. Her backside was bare to him, the fabric pushed over so he could see everything, wet and puffy with her fingers stuffed into herself. Her tits swayed as she rocked herself to the beat and her high heels made her look extra slutty.
“Now turn to face the camera again. Want to see your perfect breasts.”
She pulled her hand away and stood as she turned and gyrated her hips and squeezed her tits together, “You like it, Daddy? Is it a good video?”
Harry nodded, “Very good. How would you feel about me fucking you and recording it? I promise no one will ever see it but us.” He hadn’t intended on it, but now that he had started it he figured why the hell not?
She would say yes to anything he wanted. She never questioned his decisions, “I like that if you want it. Want you to fuck me, Daddy.”
Harry groaned and let out a laugh, “In due time. Pull the rest of that off, baby. Keep your heels on, though.”
Her hips moved slowly as she pushed her fingers into the band of her bottoms and began to pull them down her legs, still attempting to keep up with the beat.
Harry stood up and held the phone out so he could capture everything, “Let’s have a little smoke, and then I’m gonna set this up and fuck you. Keep dancing baby.”
Lighting up a joint after he propped his phone up to record Y/n as she danced he took a puff and then handed it to her.
Taking it between her fingers she drew in a breath of the cannabis and continued dancing slowly wearing only her high heels. One hand she used to run over her curves, feel over her breasts, and down to her tummy while she inhaled and then blew out the smoke from her lips.
Harry took the joint from her to let her get back into the little strip tease she began doing.
“My pretty girl. Who’s girl are you baby?”
Y/n looked at Harry and ran her hands upward and swung her hips, “I’m your girl, Daddy.”
His smile and the sultry gaze had Y/n feeling quite bold so she tilted her neck from side to side with the beat then pinched her boobs together, “Mmm… look, Daddy…” her moans were soft as she thumbed over her nipples and swayed, “So pretty for you. Am I pretty for you?”
Harry swallowed and nodded, “So pretty for Daddy, that’s right.” He sat down on the chair she was dancing next to as the camera kept recording, “Can you give me a lap dance? Want to see how filthy you can be.”
Wearing only her heels she looked at the camera and then climbed over his lap, facing him. Her drippy pussy was on display for the video as she gently moved her hips and Harry kept his hands on the arms of the chair.
She arched her back and sighed as she rolled her hips and tried to stay steady over him as well as she could.
“You can put your hands on my shoulders if you want. I’ll allow it.”
She quickly lowered her hands so she could stabilize herself as she rocked and swayed to the music, “Like it, Daddy? I’m a good girl for you aren’t I?”
Harry groped at her ass and pulled her down over him, her pussy pressed against the zipper of his pants, “My good girl. Does exactly what Daddy asks of her.”
She smiled and nodded as she rolled her hips over him. She knew she was wet but as she felt Harry’s zipper under her she gasped and looked down, “Oh no, Daddy. I’m getting your pants all wet.”
Harry was barely holding it together. He was ready to destroy her, “S’okay. Wouldn’t be the first time, would it? Can be washed. You’re just a dirty girl. Can’t help it when she’s messy.”
When she felt Harry pull her in closer she felt like her body was on fire. She knew he was going to be fucking her soon. His cock was hard and his eyes and irises were nearly fully covered by his pupils, “I’m so messy sometimes, Daddy,” she said as she began to climb off his lap and settle onto the floor between his legs. Turning around to look into the camera before looking back up at Harry she hesitantly put her hands up to his zipper, “Can I pull you out? Wanna suck on you so bad.” The camera had the perfect angle of her taking him into her mouth as Harry struggled to keep his mind clear. He wanted to give her a taste but he really wanted fuck her brains out.
She took him down her throat as Harry pushed his hands into her hair and made her gurgle over him a few times before he lifted her up and stood from his spot and bent her over the chair, “Daddy needs to feel this pussy right now. Needs to fuck his little girl before he goes crazy. You did so good for me, baby.”
Harry watched the camera as he pushed himself into her tight, wet hole. She gasped and clung onto the chair as he stuffed into her, “Yesss… Daddy…”
Moans and grunts and slow, long thrusts started the scene. His sweet girl was only wearing heels as he was nearly fully clothed, his cock the only thing exposed to the camera as he started to work into her at a faster pace.
He pressed her down by the back of her neck, her face into the seat cushion of the chair with her mouth wide open. She could barely make a peep once he began to thud into her harder. The sturdy chair moved under their weight as each heavy plunge was given to her.
Harry kept one hand at her bottom, pulling her soft skin so he could watch his cock disappear into her slippery pussy over and over again. The camera was picking up the scene from the side and Harry knew his cock could be seen entering her pussy at the angle it was in. It was perfect for his own private collection.
When he spanked her bottom quickly she groaned and gasped, the first noises from her throat since he’d been inside of her and he smiled, “There you are. Wondered where your voice went. Little girl needs spankings to get her to speak up? Hm?”
She was being rocked and jolted at each of his harsh thrusts and her clit was rubbing hard over the fabric of the arm of the chair and it felt divine. Her eyes were rolled into the back of her head as she gurgled and tried to respond but her body was already sending her into an orgasm.
Harry coughed out a surprised laugh as he felt her clench and spasm over his cock and he closed his eyes as she came around him. It was the best feeling in the world to have Y/n’s pussy in orgasm while he was inside of her. There was nothing like it.
He landed another palm on her bottom as she began to come down and he pulled out, lifting her up gently. He wrapped his hands around her hair and pulled her back into his chest as he spoke into her ear, “On your knees for me little girl.”
Y/n clumsily got to her knees and turned to face Harry. She was a mess with drool on her face, palm prints on her backside, messy hair, and mascara down her cheeks. A gorgeous mess.
Harry grasped her hair into a makeshift ponytail and began to pump his cock in front of her face, “Open up wide and stick out that pretty tongue.”
She looked up at him in a daze as she opened her mouth and jutted her tongue out for him. She kept her hands behind her back, knowing that’s how he liked it. She only touched when he allowed her to.
The moment his warm, pink tip settled over her tongue she licked along the parts she could reach and moaned at the taste of his precome dripping. Harry continued stroking himself off, his slit in contact with her taste buds as he groaned at the sight, “My little fuck doll. Loves having Daddy’s cock in all her holes,” He pushed himself down into her throat in one swift motion and held her down on him as he continued, “Goddamn, baby. Always take it so well. So pretty when your mouth is stuffed and throat is gagging.”
He pulled back out as she gasped and kept her mouth wide open. She kept her eyes on his and slid her tongue out to reach for his pretty cock but with the way he was holding her hair she couldn’t move her head and Harry went back to stroking himself on her tongue.
He wanted to come inside of her pussy and show the camera the creampie and how cute she was dripping with him, but he also wanted to record himself coming on her face and her tits.
He felt his balls squeeze to his body as he moaned and felt his tummy swirl as his orgasm started to unfold.
Gonna cover you in my come, baby. Fuck, so pretty…” he pumped faster as his fingers tightened in her hair and he felt his legs quiver as he finally began to release.
The first pump of his come went into her mouth before he angled himself to spurt on her face and then her neck and to her tits. Harry’s groans and the sound of his palm stroking his cock, getting come all over his shaft as he poured himself all over her pretty skin was pornographic. He knew the video would be good for later. He’d have them watch it that night as he fucked her again before bed.
“Fuck, baby! God… ffffuuu…” his words were panted as he slowly came down and gently released her hair.
His chest heaved slightly as he caught his breath and grasped her chin, angling her face upward, “Time to lick Daddy’s cock clean, baby. Go on.”
Y/n got to it immediately, swiping her tongue over his shaft and down his balls and back upward, swallowing his come and her arousal, lapping at him like he was a lollipop.
“Mmmm…” she moaned as she looked up at him with her tongue roving over his skin.
“Yeah? Tastes good sweetheart? It’s cause your pussy was there too. Like how you taste don’t you?”
Y/n nodded as Harry backed away and tucked himself into his briefs. He bent down to his cute girl with his come all over her and swiped up a glob from her tits putting his fingers up to her mouth, “Taste.”
She happily opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around his fingers, licking those clean as well. Harry sighed and grinned, “Daddy’s dirty girl.”
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Feel free to ignore but what about sending Simon a spicy pic while he's at work, he's h*r ny all day then goes ham when he gets home to you 🫣
A/N: Ahhh, I love this!! Hope this does what you were looking for justice, still tryna get a feel for writing smut😭😅
Warnings: smut, p in v sex, oral (f receiving), swearing, cream pie, spanking
You're a Minx, You Know That?
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You found yourself pacing Simon's home office, phone in hand, finger hovering over the ‘send’ button. You’d just taken a rather sultry picture a few moments ago and were debating on sending it to Simon.
You had lingerie that you had just bought from the store, and were too impatient to show him.
He was currently wrapping up on base and would be returning home to you in a few days, but you just couldn’t wait that long.You’d taken the picture, sitting on his home office chair. Your legs were spread apart, and one hand was set across your lower abdomen. 
Deciding to just go for it, you hit the send button, and waited anxiously for Simon’s reply. 
Simon’s phone pinged shortly after you sent it, and he looked down to see a photo message from you. He looked at Johnny and Gaz who were sitting next to him and made sure they weren’t looking, and opened your message. 
His eyes widened at the picture, his breath hitching in his throat as he immediately went to hide his phone in his pocket. He didn’t know what to expect from your message, but it certainly wasn’t that. 
“I’ll uh, I’ll be back.” Simon cleared his throat, and made his way to his quarters, ignoring the confused looks from his teammates.
He hurried to his room, and locked the door. Pulling his phone back out, he stared at your picture and felt himself growing hard.
From: Simon
Naughty girl, you are, what’s with the picture?
From Y/N
What, didn’t you like it? Got a new set, couldn’t wait to show it to you.
From: Simon
Oh, I liked it. Why don’t you send me another, yeah?
You bit your lip as you read Simon’s reply, and settled yourself in a more comfortable position in his chair. You moved your hand down into your panties, sliding your fingers across your folds.
Lifting the phone to get the perfect angle, you took another picture for Simon in this position, and sent it to him. 
Simon groaned as the new picture popped up on his screen, and he palmed himself lightly.
From: Y/N
You like, baby?
From: Simon
I fucking love it, just wait until I get home. Can't wait to see that in person.
Simon was about to send a picture of his own, when a knock came at his door.
“L.T. Price needs us for a few.” Johnny’s voice came from the other side of the door. 
Simon bit back a groan. This couldn’t have come at a worse time. “Be right there, Soap.”
From: Simon
Got to go love, I’ll see you in a few days. Better have that little outfit on for me when I get back ;)
A few days passed, and it was finally time for Simon to come home. You couldn't have been more excited. The anticipation of what could ensue tonight had you feeling even livelier than usual. Simon had texted you not long ago that he would be home soon, so you'd put on the lingerie piece and waited patiently for him.
Simon was so glad to finally be home, the mission was long and tiring, and he just wanted to come home to you. He'd been horny as hell since seeing those photos of you, his hand just not doing enough to satiate his needs. As he walked in the door, he looked around to see you. Assuming you were just as horny as he was, he made his way to the bedroom.
He made his way into your shared room and found you lying on the bed, in the same lingerie from the photo.
You smiled at him and moved your hand that was resting on your side, down your body slowly.
“Fucking minx you are, you know that?” He asked, as he approached your side of the bed. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, I just wanted to show you some new lingerie I got.” You played innocent, moving your hand up and down your abdomen. “Hi baby. I missed you.”
Simon chuckled as his eyes raked up and down your figure. You looked absolutely divine. The lingerie had hugged you in all the right places, showing off your curves beautifully. “God you have no idea how much I have fucking missed you, sweetheart. I've been struggling for days because of those little photos you sent me.”
He leaned forward to kiss you, and you immediately pulled him closer by wrapping your arms around his neck. He ran his tongue along your lip before moving to your neck, sucking a small mark into your soft flesh.
"Wanted to surprise you. Know you've been working hard." You moaned, pushing your head back to give Simon better access to your neck. He nipped at the flesh again, using his tongue to caress the spot after.
"Nice surprise it was. Looks fucking divine on you." He mumbled as he kissed your shoulder blade. "'M gonna leave it on you while I fuck you senseless."
Simon flipped you over so you were on your stomach and pulled you up so your butt was in the air. He gave it a harsh smack, smoothing his hand over the forming red mark. He pulled back only to take his shirt off before returning his hands back to your backside, massaging gently.
Bending down slightly, he leaned in to give each cheek of your ass a kiss, before getting to his knees. “Fuck, I’ve missed this pussy.”
He pulled aside your panties and drove his tongue into your wet heat, flicking at your sensitive bud. You cried out into the pillow, your eyes rolling into the back of your head. Simon’s hands gripped tightly on your ass cheeks, as he pulled them apart to get better access to your cunt. He ran his tongue along your folds at an antagonizingly slow pace while simultaneously palming at your ass cheeks. 
You couldn’t help the soft moans that escaped your lips, as you continued to bury your head in your pillow. He slipped his tongue inside your entrance and began to circle it in a slow motion.
“Taste like fucking heaven, love.” He cooed into your pussy, moving to suck on your clit.
You felt yourself growing closer to your orgasm, the coil in your belly tightening and threatening to snap at any moment.  “Gonna cum, Si” You wailed in the pillow. He gave another long lick at your slit before returning to suck at your bud.
“Not yet, want you to cum on my cock, baby.” He pulled his mouth away from your clit, slowly, wiping the remaining juices off of his face with the back of his hand. You whined at the loss of contact.
He leaned forward to place a kiss on the small of your back before pulling you toward the edge of the bed.
You heard the sound of his belt buckle hitting the floor, then felt the tip of his cock rubbing at your folds. “God Si, fuck me already.”  
“Planning to love.” He said as he pushed himself inside you. The two of you moaned in unison at the feeling.”This pussy is always so tight.”
He pulled himself all the way out before ramming back into you. You squealed at the sensation, causing a wicked grin to form on Simon’s face. “Gonna fuck you good. Should be punishing you for sending pics like that."
Gripping your waist with a tightness that was sure to leave marks, Simon began pounding into you. You could only moan, as you desperately were gasping for air at his brutal pace.
“Dirty little girl aren’t you? What if the boys had seen that picture?” Simon’s hand came down to slap your ass hard. “Would you have liked that? My mates seeing you all dolled up in this lingerie?”
“N-No Simon, for y-your eyes only.” You struggled to get your words out, with Simon fucking you so hard you could barely think straight. “Only you.”
“Damn right my eyes only. You’re mine.” Another slap came down on your ass. “This pussy, this ass, everything. Mine.”
“All yours.” You chanted, turning your head to look at him.
He looked ethereal, covered in sweat, eyes concentrating on the sight of your pussy swallowing him whole which each thrust. He noticed your gaze, smirked, then picked up the speed of his thrusts. 
You couldn’t comprehend how someone could move as fast as he was, but you were hardly complaining. The noises that filled the room were obscene. The grunts from Simon, moans from you that were muffled from your pillow, and the sound of skin slapping against skin was all that could be heard.
“Look so good in this set, baby. Been wanting to fuck you in this since I saw it..” Simon breathed out, moving his eyes to rake along the backside of your body. “So fucking beautiful you are.”  
He started to pick up the pace even more, as his grunts started to get louder. His grip on your hips loosened as you felt yourself being pulled up against Simon's body.
He continued to jut himself into you as he moved his hand down your stomach, his fingers making their way to your clit, rubbing harshly.
"Simon!" You cried out, throwing your head back to land on his shoulder. "So good. Gonna cum."
"Cum with me yeah? Gonna cum in this pretty pussy."
Simon could feel you clench tightly around his cock, as you cried his name loudly, your orgasm tearing through you. He moaned at the feeling and felt himself nearing his own release.
His thrusts grew sloppy as he chased his high, and a tiny squeak from you set him over the edge. His cock pulsed inside you, painting your walls white with his cum.
He moaned loudly as his orgasm died down. "Fucking hell, never gets old."
You could only nod in response, still trying to catch your breath. He pulled out of you, laying you softly on the bed. He smiled to himself at the marks left on your body by him. Maybe he'd take a few more photos for himself next time he was on deployment.
"What do you say we take a shower, yeah?." He asked as he moved to scoop you back in his arms. "Gotta figure out how to get this bloody thing off you first, then it's round two."
A/N: Again, I hope you enjoyed!! Still new to smut so apologies if it's not super great😅
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boredmadamoiselle · 1 year
You know where to find me
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Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Synopsis: Charles is out to dinner, enjoying the evening with friends until he gets a naughty text from you. What is he going to do... to you?
Warnings: Smut. Masturbation. Teasing. Charles a little possessive maybe? English isn't my first language, so it might contain some mistakes. I tried my best but if you want to correct or help me, you are welcome.
Author's note: Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is always appreciated and is important for me. If you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to write them and I will take into consideration. 
As Charles was out to dinner with friends and you had stayed home, you had decided to clean your apartment and ended up tidying up your closet as well. While improvising a fashion show and pretending to be a model in your bedroom, you tried on some clothes you thought you had lost or that no longer fit you. 
You were rearranging the lingerie drawer when you found an old red bodysuit you had bought some time ago and for some strange reason never used. It was time to fix it, you thought. 
The red color reminded you of Ferrari and of Charles. He loved seeing you in red, that’s why you wore that color often – both on and off the track –, it was your way to support him. So you were sure Charles would love that bodysuit on you, especially the part where he would take it from you. Just the thought turned you on immediately. 
You looked at your phone. It was nearly midnight; it was time for Charles to come home and take care of you. It had been, in fact, several hours since Charles had left the house, he had probably had enough fun, now it was your turn. 
After putting the bodysuit on and taking a quick look in the mirror to fix your hair and put on some makeup, you got on the bed and took a few pictures with your phone. 
Satisfied with the result you sent a message and some pictures to your boyfriend and waited for his response. 
Charles was listening to his friends chatting when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He couldn’t help but smile seeing that it was you. He opened the notification without hesitation. 
Hey, amour. How is it going? Hope you’re having fun. 
Look what I found. 
The text was accompanied by some pictures. 
“Fuck”, Charles whispered as he opened the first image before remembering where he was and with whom. 
He looked up from his phone and looked around. Luckily his friends were still engaged in their previous conversation, so no one was paying attention to him. 
He went back to looking at the picture you had sent him. His mouth watered at the sight of you on your bed in front of the mirror with almost nothing on but a red lace bodysuit that left little room for the imagination. But the things he imagined doing to you were many. 
He texted you back. 
Y/n, please... Don’t.
You were quick to respond. 
What? I thought you would like it
You know you were playing with fire and that later you would suffer the consequences, but you couldn’t help but teasing him now. In the end you knew it would be worth it. 
That’s the problem, Y/n. I loved it… But I’d rather you without 
As he imagined slowly taking off the bodysuit from you and your naked body under his, he received another message from you. 
Well… you know where to find me😏
If it was up to him, he would have already got in the car and would be on his way to you as fast as he could. 
Baby, I can’t leave yet
You loved to see him beg even though you knew you would regret it later when the roles would be reversed. Since he was going to make you pay, you wanted to enjoy yourself while you could. 
I get it, Cha. But I don’t know how long I’ll be able to resist. Maybe I should take the matter into my own hands while I wait for you? 
His erection, already hard, was pushing against his pants. 
Y/n, don’t you dare…
Charles was still writing when you texted him back. 
I'll stop writing now. My fingers have better things to do. Have fun, see u later 😉
Your message left Charles speechless and unable to answer. That was pure torture, he thought. How could he enjoy the rest of the evening if all he could think about was you and what you were doing right now? Did you stand by your words and were you taking care of yourself?, Charles thought. The image of you touching yourself and moaning kept playing in his mind, driving him crazy and also a little jealous. He wanted to be the one making you feel good and hear you screaming his name over and over again. 
The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became and wanted to get out of there. The air inside was getting hotter. He loved his friends and spending time with them, but at that moment he could only think of you. He desperately wanted you. It was amazing the effect you had on him, even from a distance. 
He looked at his watch impatiently, it was past midnight. They had been there for several hours; his friends wouldn't mind if he left. At most he would have invented some excuse, for example that he was tired. He looked at his watch again, it was time to go home for him… to get back to you.
After your last message, you had waited for Charles a little. You hoped your words had had some effect on him but seeing he didn’t arrive, you got bored in the end. You were still turned on by the conversation you had had with Charles. You closed your eyes and started to think about your boyfriend and the things he would have done to you if he had been there. 
Your hands slowly moved towards your pussy. As you rubbed your fingers over your panties, pressing them over the fabric, you could feel the cotton soaking through, making you shiver. 
You moaned, your bodysuit soon pushed to the side and one finger inside of you, getting all wet by your arousal. You whimpered at the contact, imagining it was Charles doing that to you.  
As you picked up the pace and pushed another finger between your wet folds, you were starting to feel your own arousal become nigh unbearable. You tilted your head back as your hips thrust to meet your fingers. 
You didn't hear the front door close or the footsteps approaching the bedroom. 
You could feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm. You were almost there when someone grabbed your hands, pinning them over your head and stopping you from reaching your orgasm. 
You instantly widened your eyes. 
“Charles! You scared me to death!”, you screamed. 
Charles smirked and looked at you with desire as he was above you, holding one knee between your legs and pressing on your pussy.
“Yeah, baby? This is what happens when you get caught doing something you shouldn’t.”
You weren’t really scared; his words were actually turning you on even more. 
“This is what happens when your boyfriend doesn’t show up on time. You are a racing driver and are so slow?”, you challenged him. 
Charles would never admit it but he loved it when you acted like a brat, it excited him.
He remained silent as his eyes wandered over your body and gently stroked you with one hand. He licked his lips and his cock hardened at the sight of your wet and naked cunt. He was dying to be inside you but he knew he needed to be patient, he wouldn't let you win so easily. 
“I was about to come, Charles”, you sighed, pretending to be frustrated. 
Charles knew it well. He had already been there for several minutes enjoying the show when he politely interrupted you. At another time he would have gladly watched you pleasure yourself and allowed you to finish the work but not that day. You would only come when he let you. 
His fingers caressed your slit, teasing it and collecting your wetness while you winced and moaned as you were still sensitive. He gently flicked your clit, sending shocks down your spine. His fingers dug into you, without much resistance. You began to slowly move your hips but Charles had other plans for you and pulled his fingers out, putting them in his mouth to taste you. 
“Only good girls are allowed to come. Have you been a good girl, chérie?”, he whispered looking at you and wearing a cocky smile, his face a few meters from yours before to kiss you roughly. 
You could feel all his desperation and desire in that kiss. He wanted you too. 
He walked away from your lips. “I don’t think so. You are just a little slut who couldn’t even wait for his boyfriend to come home.”
Before you could reply, he started to move down, kissing down your neck and chest, biting a little, sucking a little more, making you gasp as he got to one of your breasts. 
He was touching and kissing you everywhere except where you needed him the most and that was driving you crazy. You knew it was your time to beg. 
“Please, Charles… I can be good for you, let me show you”, you said in a trembling voice. 
He looked up at you. “I don’t know if you deserve it. You should rather be punished, don’t you think?”
At those words you knew you had a long night ahead. You nodded at him as you couldn’t wait to be punished. 
That night, in fact, you had to wait before coming as Charles teased you a lot but several hours and orgasms later it was worth it… three times.
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recklesssturniolo · 7 months
Bet - C.S
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As per request for a no nut November bet Chris and reader make (: but I also tied in another request for public sex w Chris in it too!
NSFW below, leave if you’re a minor
“Y/N you know what November is?” Chris asks.
“What are you on about now?” You retort.
“November is no nut November, therefore no sex for the entire month” He explains.
“You can barely go a day without sex, never mind a month” You laugh.
“Oh yeah? Want to bet on it” He smirks.
You roll your eyes knowing this is the easiest bet ever, Chris was horny 24/7, he’s out of his mind if he thinks he’d last a month.
“Sure, first person to give in loses” You say sticking out your hand for him to shake.
“Deal” He replies shaking your hand. “Be prepared to lose”
It’s been a week. Quite possibly the longest week of your life. Chris’ non-stop teasing was driving you insane. Constantly having his hand on your thigh rubbing it up and down, whispering all the things he wants to do to you in your ear, grabbing your ass, going as far to grinding on you while you two make out which made you ache for him. You’d decided you were going to tease him back, but worse.
You were getting read to out to dinner with his brothers, Nate and Madi. Chris and you both in his room as you finish your makeup. Standing up you go to figure out an outfit but knowing you purposely but on a lingerie set that you knew made Chris go insane, you take off your shirt and sweatpants. You feel Chris’ eyes on you as you search through the closet, making sure to take your time.
“What about this dress?” You ask showing it to him.
“That one’s nice” He replies, barely even looking at the dress and instead looking at your body.
Knowing your plan was working you walk closer to him.
“Are you sure? You think the colour is okay?” You knew the dress was fine, you just knew getting closer to him would only turn him on more.
“I know what you’re doing Y/N” Chris says to you, ignoring your questions.
You bend over so your face is hovering above him as he lays on the bed, pushing your chest closer to his face, “Yeah? Is that why I can see your hard on and I haven’t even touched you?”
“Put the dress on before I fuck you so hard you can’t walk to dinner tonight” Chris replies.
“But then you’d lose the bet, wouldn’t want that would we?” You smirk at him, going further and straddling him. There wasn’t any denying that the feeling of his hard on was turning you on, but you focused your attention back to just him.
Chris groaned at the contact from you sitting on him, placing his hands on your hips and slightly pushing you down harder on himself.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself now, I’m not losing the bet sweetheart. I might like what I see but I’ll have you begging for it” He smirks.
Not sure of what to respond, you connect your lips and begin grinding yourself on him, causing both of you to moan. You knew even by just doing this you could get him close, and that was exactly your plan. You continued grinding on him, honestly enjoying it just as much as he was but when you could tell he was close, you got up.
“Now I should probably put this dress on so we can go!” You smile.
“Fucking hell, there’s no fucking way you just did that to me” Chris says.
“Did what?” You reply innocently. “Can you zip this dress for me?”
Chris stands up and walks towards you, “Don’t act all innocent, I could feel how wet you were. You want me just as badly as I want you”
You shrug in response, kissing his cheek before leaving the room to leave for dinner.
Now at dinner, Chris is on some tangent about god knows what, and you decide to place your hand on his thigh. Instantly causing his body to tense up, and his eyes to flicker over to you.
“No Chris continue I get what you’re saying” You say, wanting to see just how much you could get away with.
Chris continued talking, and you began palming his dick through is pants.
“Well yeah b-but” Chris stumbles on his words, not being able to fully focus on what’s he’s saying from what you’re doing.
Nick takes over the conversation. You now put your hand under Chris’ jeans on top of his boxers, continuing to palm him.
“Fuck sakes” He mumbles.
“You okay baby?” You smirk up at him as you put your hand under his boxers, grabbing his dick and swiping the tip with your thumb noticing the pre cum that’s there.
Chris let out a moan, immediately covering it up with a cough. No one else really paying any mind to it.
“You know, I took off my parties before we left” You whisper in his ear.
That was Chris’ final straw, he didn’t give a fuck about the bet any more. He needed you.
Cutting Nate off Chris tells the table that you aren’t feeling well and that you’re both going to get an Uber home. You apologize for ‘not feeling well’ and you both say your goodbyes. You knew what this meant - you won. You started walking towards to exit before Chris grabbed your hand.
“Not a fucking chance, bathroom, now. I’m not waiting any longer. Fuck the stupid bet” He demands.
You were surprised by this, Chris had never been so needy that you did it in a public space. Getting into the washroom he pushes your back against the door and immediately starts making out with you.
“God you’re a fucking whore, doing that to me in front of everyone” He says with his hand wrapped around your throat. You moaned back in response.
You were getting exactly what you wanted, you loved seeing Chris like this. He’s wasting no time, he bends you over the counter and pulls his pants down and pulling up your dress.
“Chris” You whine out as he rubbed his dick against your entrance, teasing you.
“Oh what? You don’t like being teased?” He replies.
“Please just fuck me” You reply.
“Oh I’m going to, and you’re going to watch yourself in the mirror while I fuck you like the whore you are, got it?” He says while lining himself up.
“Yes yes just please” You moan out.
With that Chris slammed into you his pace already fast.
“God I’ve missed your pussy, so fucking tight” He groans out. Continuing to slam himself into you, each thrust hitting you in the perfect place.
“Chris you make me feel so good” You whine out, feeling your legs starting to tremble.
Unaware that you had even closed your eyes, Chris grabs your hair and lifts your head back up, “I told you to watch yourself get fucked by me, keep your eyes open”
“Yes yes I’m sorry, please keep going” You slur out, now watching in the mirror as Chris picks up his pace even more.
“You miss this baby? My dick deep inside you?” He asks, already knowing the answer but wanting to hear you say it.
“God fuck yes Chris I’ve missed it so much” You whimper, “I’m close”
“Good, come for me like the whore you are” He replies and moves his hand around you and starts rubbing your clit.
Any sentence you tried to get out from that point on was incomprehensible, the pleasure not allowing you to focus on anything else.
“Oh my god, I’m coming Chris don’t stop” You moan out. Not caring how badly your legs were shaking or how loud you were being, letting yourself ride out your high.
Chris too was about to come, meaning he was going as hard as he possibly could now, well aware there’d be bruises on your hips from how tight his grasp was.
“Such a pretty girl, you gonna let me come in you baby?” Chris asks.
“Yes” You whisper through slight pants.
You feel Chris’ dick twitch inside of you and him release himself. His pace slowing down as he moans out in pleasure.
After helping you clean yourself up, Chris stops you momentarily, “we are never doing a bet like that again, I’m never going that long without you, I’ll go insane”
“Agreed” You laugh.
You walk out ahead of Chris, him waiting a couple moments before leaving himself. What you both weren’t expecting was for the group you told you were leaving due to you ‘not feeling well’ to be standing at the exit.
“What the hell you guys are still here?” Nick asks.
You and Chris both look at each other, your cheeks heating up as you both tried to come up with an excuse.
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juicycherry99 · 6 months
San X fem.reader X Seonghwa X Hongjoong
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Genre: Smut
Warnings: foursome, voyeurism, fingering, swearing, oral (male and female receiving), subby reader, praising, unprotected consensual sex, lingerie, kissing, slightly jealous San, degradation, choking
You and San had been together for about a year now. You had met his family and his mother loved you! She liked you so much, she called you often to know how you were doing and if her son was treating you well.
your boyfriend called you as you were preparing for bed since you had a long day at work.
San: heyy princess!
Y/N: hii love!
San: are you busy tomorrow?
Y/N: no, I’m actually my a day off tomorrow, why?
San: my mom knitted you a vest and gave it to me. You should come over, I’ll be at the hotel!
Y/N: aww, that’s so sweet of her! Alright, I’ll come tomorrow.
San: good! Can’t wait to see you my love!
Y/N: *yawns* me too baby!
San: you sound tired baby, you should go to sleep.
Y/N: yeah, had a pretty rough day.
San: oh, I’ll let you rest. I love you baby!
Y/N: I love you too, Sannie! See you tomorrow!
San: Goodnight, rest well!
Y/N: ‘night, rest well.
You hung up and changed into your pj. You went to your bed and let you fall onto it. “Ah, what a day..” you sighed. You turned off the light on your nightstand and fell asleep thinking of your boyfriend.
The next morning..
You woke up to the beautiful sunlight peeking through the window. You got up and went to take your breakfast while thinking what you were gonna wear. Since it had been a while since you and San saw each other, you wanted to wear something sexy and cute to surprise him. You finished eating and went to take a shower. After your shower, you did your hair and makeup and went to your closet. You decided to wear some cute light pink thigh high socks with the matching garters you knew San loved to see on you. You took a short black and gray skirt that had hints of light pink in it, to match the socks. You chose a gray turtleneck to match the skirt and put them on. You put your jewelries on and took your purse. You checked your phone; 10:17am. You texted San that you were leaving your apartment and went to take the bus to the hotel your bf was staying.
You arrived at the hotel and went to the elevator. You went up to your bf’s room. When you found the right door, you knocked while spraying some perfume on you quickly. Your bf opened the door and you were met with the most beautiful smile ever. San eyes you down a bit, glancing at your thighs quickly, biting his lower lip. He didn’t have the time to say anything, you ran to him.
“Baby!” You screamed as you jumped into his arms.
San chuckled while catching you and pecked your lips quickly. You kissed him back roughly, holding the back of his head to deepen the kiss. You missed his soft plump lips so much.
That’s when you heard other voices echoing in the room.
“Hi Y/N!” Seonghwa said, chuckling.
You jumped a bit as you heard Seonghwa’s voice. San let go of you, smiling at you shyly.
“I might have forgotten to tell you the boys we’re gonna be here too..” he said as he eyed you up and down again, cursing in his head at the sight.
“Missed us?” You heard Hongjoong’s voice as he chuckled at your expression.
You froze a bit in place as you blushed a bit. You’d lie to yourself if you’d say you weren’t attracted to them. They’re pretty handsome and are always so nice to you.
“Hey guys! It’s been a while!” You said as you went to hug them quickly. Seonghwa was gentle and patted your upper back while Hongjoong was a bit more energetic and hugged you tightly, hand on your lower back.
Hongjoong let go of you and eyed you quickly as you went back to San’s sides. You guys sat on the couch and talked for a while, catching up on the past weeks, since it had been a while you saw your boyfriend’s friends. You we’re sat on San’s lap while talking with the other members. You started feeling San’s semi-hard under your skirt, aligned perfectly with your ass, only covered by your panties. You decided that you wanted to tease your boyfriend a bit so you moved a bit, carefully for his friends not to notice. San put his hands on your thighs to retrains you from moving but it didn’t work. After a good 20 minutes of teasing, San got up from the couch and excused you both. Would seem he had to tell you something one on one. He took your hand and led you to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He pushed you against the door, getting inches from your face and looking into your eyes.
“What do you think you’re doing, uh?” He asked, griping your throat as he looked in your eyes.
You gulped at his serious look. “I’m sorry, was horny..” you mumbled under you breath.
“you did it on purpose, didn’t you? You wanted them to notice?” He said, tightening his hold on your throat as he moves his hand down to your panties. You could feel yourself getting wetter by every seconds. He pushed your panties to the side with his hand, dipping a finger into your wetness. “You wanted this, didn’t you? So wet already.” You nodded and whimpered at his touch. He chuckled as he let go of your throat and panties. He picked you up, your ass exposed in the air and he opened the door, stepping out and walking to the king sized bed, throwing you on it. Hongjoong and Seonghwa’s eyes were glued on you guys until their eyes met San’s.
“Would you guys like to touch her?” He asked them suddenly.
They nodded right away, their movements synchronized. San turned his attention to you making sure you were comfortable with that.
“Would you like them to touch you?” He asked with a soft voice. You nodded, squeezing your legs together, feeling the wetness spread even more in your panties.
“Words Y/N. Use your words.”
“Yes pl-please..” you whimpered as you looked over to them.
“Remember the safe word?” He asked you, caressing your cheeks softly.
You nodded, smiling softly at him. “Red” you answered him.
“Good girl” he said as he pecked your lips softly.
They got up and went beside you. Seonghwa to your left and Hongjoong to your right while San went back to the couch, sitting on it and facing the bed. You could already notice the bulge forming in their pants.
“Go on, do whatever you want with her.” He said as he parted his legs slightly, palming himself through his trousers.
They wasted no time, Hongjoong caressed your cheeks softly while looking into your eyes. “Can I kiss you?” He asked, making sure you were okay with it. You nodded as you smiled at him, leaning in. He kissed your lips slowly but passionately. You could feel Seonghwa leaning to you left ear placing soft kisses to your neck. “Can I take off your shirt?” He asked softly, sending tickles to your skin. You hummed in approval in Hongjoong’s mouth, which was still kissing you. You felt Seonghwa lift your shirt up and you broke the kiss with Hongjoong to take off your shirt. Them both looked at your bare tits since you didn’t out in a bra, licking their lips at the sight of your hard nipples.
“Want your mouth please..” you asked them, playing with your hard nipples. They both leaned down, to attach their mouth to them, licking and sucking on them. You whimpered at the hot feeling of their mouth, glancing over to your boyfriend who was still on the couch. He didn’t say anything but he kept palming himself at the sight of his friends doing their work on your tits, lips parted as he enjoyed the view. You could feel yourself getting more and more excited at the feeling of being watched by your boyfriend. Seonghwa made his way to your neck placing kisses up to your jaw to end to your lips, kissing them while Joong was playing with your other nipple. Hwa was a bit rougher but you liked it.
“Can I eat you out, please?” He mumbled in the kiss.
“Hmm yes please..” you moaned out in excitement.
He moved away from you to the end of the bed and pulled down your skirt, leaving you only in your panties, socks and garters. “Fuck..” he swore under his breath, looking at the wetness through your panties. He sat down on his knees, diving his face down your clothed cunt and place a kiss on it. He moved your panties to the side and flattened his tongue on your wet hole, parting your lips and giving your clit kitten licks.
“Hmm..” you whimpered, biting your lower lip to restrain yourself from moaning out loud.
“Let it all out babygirl, wanna hear your beautiful voice” Joong said as he kept giving attention to your breasts.
“Hmm… want to suck you Joong..” you moaned out breathlessly feeling Hwa’s tongue on your cunt.
“God yess..” he groaned out while standing up and undoing his belt. He lowered his pants and boxers just enough to free his hard cock. It was thick and veiny, just how you liked them. Your mouth salivated as he moved himself closer to your lips. You stuck out your tongue, licking his red tip before taking him in your mouth. You hummed at the taste of him on your tongue, sucking and moaning on his member.
“Fuck kitten, you’re so good..” he groaned out moving his hand into your hair to push your head down on his member.
Seonghwa’s tongue was working perfectly on your pussy. He circled his finger around your hole before dipping one of them inside it. He moved his finger slowly before adding an other. He started pumping his fingers into you while eating you out like a starved man.
“Hmm… hmmm..” was all you could let out since Joong was fucking his member into your mouth. He quickened the pace, entering your mouth deeper with every thrusts, making you gag around him.
“Ahh.. fuck Y/N.. uh~” he let out, fucking your throat faster. You loved how vocal he was being.
You felt your orgasm building from the different stimulation. You moved your hips upward to get more friction of Seonghwa’s mouth on your core. “hmmm! C-cum-“ you chocked out on Joong’s member, trying to warn Hwa of your orgasm. He knew you were close from the way your cunt was tightening around his fingers.
“Cum for me kitten.” He mumbled onto your core.
His voice made you cum right away. “hmmm! hmmm!” You cried out around Joong’s member, clenching around Hwa’s fingers. He slurped all your juices, licking you clean. “So sweet..” he groaned out softly.
“Fuck babygirl, can I cum in your mouth?” Joong asked while fucking himself into your mouth slower. You hummed in approval and he quickened his pace, spilling his seeds down your throat. “Uh.. fuck.. hmm” he groaned out, panting as he slipped out his member from your mouth.
You looked at your boyfriend, almost forgetting his presence. He was still looking at you, his boxers down his thighs, teasing his hard member with his fingers.
Suddenly, you felt a tight grip on you chin, forcing you to move your head to the side. Hongjoong leaned his head down to your ear.
“I want you to ride my face while you get Hwa off” he whispered, his breath sending shivers down your spine. You nodded and moved to the other side of the bed, letting Hongjoong lay down on the bed next to you. You hovered over him and moved up above his face, positioning yourself above his mouth. He pulled down your hips to make you sit on his face and started licking your wet folds, letting his tongue play with your swollen clit.
“Oh fuck Joong! hmm..” you moaned at the stimulation of his tongue on your core, gripping on his hair tightly.
You then saw Seonghwa coming to your side and sit on the bed beside you, freeing his hard cock from his trousers and boxers. He started pumping his member a few times and spitting on it before reaching for your hand and placing it on his dick. You started stroking it slowly, your thumb resting on the tip, spreading the pre-cum all over it. You started moving your hips on Hongjoong’s face, riding his tongue slowly while fastening the pace on Seonghwa’s member.
“ahh~ so good Y/N! Please, faster!” You heard the oldest moaning beside you.
“hmm so sweet..” Joong mumbled against your slit, sending vibrations straight to your core.
“ahh god! Fuck!” You moaned out, riding his face faster. You gripped Hwa’s member harder as you felt your orgasm coming. “Shit..c-close Joong!” You whimpered as you tightened your grip onto his hair.
“Let go baby..” he mumbled onto your lips.
You quickened your pace on Hwa’s member, hearing how wet his dick was.
“Ahh~ I’m gonna cum y/n.. fuck..” Hwa moaned out, bucking up his hips into your hand.
“Come with me Hwa.. ahh~ fuck..” you moaned out as you came on Hongjoong’s lips and tongue, clenching around nothing, feeling Hwa’s hot sticky cum on your hand. Hongjoong slurped out all of your juices, licking you clean before pushing you to the side, you laying between the two men, exhausted. San hummed at the view of the three of you, fucked out and panting on the bed.
“Well, hope you guys had fun.. but now, imma take care of our princess myself.” He said as he stood up, walking to you, biting his lower lip. The two boys beside you got off the bed and went to the bathroom to clean themselves, letting both you and your boyfriend alone.
San took off the remaining pieces of clothing he had on before climbing on the bed above you. He leaned down to your ear, licking and biting it softly before whispering something.
“You like acting like a lil slut, uh?” He asked, whispering into your ear. “You like having my friends making you scream like that?” You nodded. But unfortunately that wasn’t enough for San. He gripped your throat tightly, looking straight into your eyes. “SAY IT! YOU LIL SLUT!” He spat out, tightening his grip on your throat.
“y-yes” you managed to say, out of breath.
“Good girl.” He mumbled as he let go of your throat. “Now I’m gonna fuck you till you can’t walk no more. Understand?” He asked, still looking into your eyes deeply.
“Yes..” you nodded as you swallowed hard your saliva.
“Great” he spoke out as he leaned down to peck your lips.
He positioned himself between your legs, brushing the tip of his member against your core. You bucked up your hips to feel more friction, whimpering at the feeling of his swollen tip brushing against your folds.
“You wanna get fucked this badly, uh? Want my cock so bad you can’t wait? Slut.” You nodded as you but your lower lip hard enough to create a light bruise. He scoffed and pushed the head of his member inside you slowly, causing you to whimper. He moved your legs up as he placed them on his shoulders, pushing into you deeper. He started pounding into your cunt deeply at a teasingly slow pace.
“Uhh~ so tight baby..” he groaned out, gripping at your waist firmly.
“hmm faster please..” you whimpered, needing more and more.
He quickened the pace, hitting your sweet spot over and over, making you cry out of pleasure.
“fuck baby! Harder! aah~” you moaned out loudly, gripping on his biceps.
“Yeah? You want more?” He asked breathlessly as he pounded into you relentlessly. “f-fuck.. you’re taking me so well princess..” he said between breaths.
All that could be heard were skin clapping, moans and bed cracking sounds which you were convinced was gonna break.
“fuck S-San.. f-fuuck.. I’m c-close!” You let out between breaths and moans, arching your back.
San stopped everything, catching up his breath and pulled out of you which caused you to whine at the emptiness. He flipped you on all fours and shoved his length back into you deeply and roughly, pounding into you relentlessly as he grabbed your ass firmly. You’d never seen your boyfriend this rough since he was usually pretty soft except when you asked him to be rough in bed. But gosh it felt so good.
“aah~ fuck.. fuck.. fuck.. San! fuck!” You screamed as he hit your cervix again and again.
“You wanna cum babygirl?” He asked as he moved one of his hands down to your clit, rubbing it quickly as he continued pounding into your core faster than ever. “Go for it princess, come over my big dick. Cream around it real good” he said in between breaths.
“Oohhh! fuck San! C-cumming-ah~ hmmm~” you moaned out, grabbing the sheets under you tightly as you came around his shaft.
San continued pounding into you, feeling you clench around his member. He swore he could have came only from that but he wanted to last a bit longer to overstimulate you a bit. He loves to see you go crazy from his touch under him.
“San-ah~ too much! Please!” You cried out feeling overwhelmed with all these sensations going through your body, trying to move away from him. Pleasure quickly turning into pain. But GOOD pain.
“don’t you dare move away..” he groaned out, feeling his climax coming quickly. “You’re gonna have to wait for me to finish.. is that clear?” He asked as he pounded balls deep into you.
“Y-YESS!” You screamed, feeling like you were gonna explode right there.
San pounded a few last thrusts before pulling out of you to cum on you ass.
“Ugh! fuck.. hmm~” he groaned out, spilling his seeds onto you before spanking your ass cheeks.
You fell on your stomach, panting, exhausted from all of your orgasms. The next thing you felt was San wiping his cum off of you with a towel before planting a few kisses up to your neck. “Rest well princess.. love you” he whispered in your ear. You felt yourself falling asleep slowly as San pulled up the covers onto you.
❌No copyright accepted
@fandems sorry for the long wait, hope you’ll like it.
@gabeetiny bestie
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chlorinecake · 9 months
What kind of lingerie would enha legal line like on you? You can add photos 😁
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 Laced With Lust | 18+ REACTIONS
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༉‧₊˚ PAIRING ⑅ enha!legalline x fem!reader
༉‧₊˚ WARNINGS ⑅ established relationships, language, kissing, unprotected sex, teasing, thigh riding, handjobs/fingering, dry humping, hair pulling, boob and light bondage play, overstim, not fully proof-read
༉‧₊˚ WORD COUNT ⑅ between 200-250 per member
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𓊆이희승𓊇 Lee Heeseung 232
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Heeseung’s a gamer, so it comes to no surprise that E-girl inspired lingerie would be a huge YES for him. Your boyfriend was probably busy playing computer games when you decided to pop around the corner dressed like THIS, instantly grabbing his attention… Trust me when I say this man almost drooled—
Your wrists were cuffed to each wooden post of the bed, securing your hands above your head as Heeseung drew you closer to your high. The speed of his thick fingers increased with your moans, making you feel dizzy.
"Hee," you moaned, craving more than just his fingers, but also wanting him to release your hands from the restraints.
"What is it, baby," he grinned, spitting on your pussy before stimulating your clit with his free hand, "didn't you get all dressed up so I could play with you? Don't tell me you wanna cut our fun short?"
"Fuck, don't stop," you nearly begged, balling your fist as your gummy walls clenched around Heeseung's fingers.
"You're so desperate to touch me, aren't you, baby?"
"Yes, Heeseung. Wanna touch you so bad," you whined, wrestling with the hand cuffs before he finally took them off.
For the next hour or so, you and your boyfriend did it in all your favorite positions, losing count of how many times you came. Let's just say, your neighbors could probably take a good guess.
𓊆박종성𓊇 Jongseong Park 220
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I could totally see Jay being that one kid who had a crush on every animated bunny he saw on TV. So when you decided to dress up like a playboy bunny to surprise him when he came back from work one day… GURLLL!! I can already see him cumming on his little fuck bunny’s back, gripping your hips as he whispers filthy nothings in your ear ahhhhfcbhrfbch Whatever tf bunnies say, I’ll say it for Jay—
“You can take all of this, yeah?” He asked with a smirk, fucking his release back into you as he hit it from the back in doggy style.
“F-fuck,” you whined into the pillow, your toes curling at the sensation of Jay’s thickness rolling in and out of you at a tantalizingly slow pace. Mostly because that's all your cunt could handle...
“I wanna see that pretty face of yours as you struggle to speak with my dick inside you,” he grunted, grabbing your hair into a ponytail so he could meet your teary eyes. “Now use your words, baby.”
You let out a breath that you’d been holding in for a few seconds, feeling him twitch inside you as your pussy continued to swallow him, “I can take you, Jay,” you whimpered, kissing him on the lips, "all of you."
“Good girl.”
𓊆심재윤𓊇 Sim Jaeyun 218
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Jake admires both your tomboyish and feminine side, as it reminds him that you’re not just his girlfriend, but his best friend, too. He would honestly prefer you to just (a) go braless, (b) wear a pair of his boxers, and (c) one of his oversized tee's. It just makes him feel all soft on the inside and hard on the outside when you wear his clothes—
“Babe, have you seen my Calvin Klein boxers?” your cute boyfriend called as he searched through his drawers.
“And why do you need those specifically,” you asked, waltzing up behind him with his back still turned to you.
“I have a photoshoot tomorrow, and you know how my agent feels about underwear not matching the brand,” he said with a sigh.
“Well, since you need them so badly, they’re right here,” you smiled, sitting on the bed in a seductive position.
“You want me to fuck you in exchange for MY underwear?”
“Please?” You asked shyly.
That must've been the magic word, because Jake met you on the bed like an excited puppy, snaking his hands under your shirt to fondle with your tits, "My schedule's a bit busy today, but this shouldn't take long," he smiled as you wrapped your legs around him, melting into each other's touch and kisses.
𓊆박성훈𓊇 Park Sunghoon 236
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I think Sunghoon would be into the classic lingerie vibe: the kind of stuff you’d expect to find tucked away in someone’s closet on a pg-13 movie? Yeah, that. He prefers black over any color, simply because he finds it SEGGSY as hell, and if you wore heels TOO? RIP—
“Didn’t I already pay you this week?" your boyfriend asked playfully as he paced around the bedroom.
“Stop, Hoon, you know I’m not with you for your money.”
“Then all that leaves left is sex,” he smirked, taking in the black lingerie set you wore, “this is for me, isn’t it?”
“Only if I can be on top.”
He chuckled to himself, “you’re a brat, you know that?”
“And you’re mean,” you pouted, tugging at the waist of his pants before he abruptly changed his mind.
The way your heart skipped a thousand beats at this opportunity—
Sunghoon sat at the head of the bed, patting his lap for you to come closer. You started to take his pants off before he grabbed your hands, pulling your face to his, “not just yet,” he smirked, kissing you.
“Over the clothes first, princess, and if you do a good enough job, I might let you ride the real thing.”
You whined in the crook of his neck, grinding your hips against him in desperation as you craved his dick more and more with each grunt he made.
𓊆김선우𓊇 Kim Sunoo 220
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I think Sunoo would be into lingerie with lots of lace and silk textures. Soft hues of pink or ivory are a plus, too, as he loves how gentle you look in those colors. To be honest, he’d probably find more pleasure in the dress up aspect of you wearing lingerie versus anything too sexual. Think of it as a couple bonding experience where you guys just drool over each other’s beauty while half-naked— SIKE
“That looks amazing on you, sweetie, but I have to fix this one thing,” Sunoo smiled, reaching his hands under your lace skirt to toy with the hem of your panties.
“Hey, this is supposed to be a dress up session, not show and touch,” you moaned, feeling his delicate fingers graze your sweet spot.
He giggled at how flustered you appeared, “I know, baby, it’s just that your underwear’s on backwards.”
“Yah, Sunoo, I can fix it myself!” You whined, feeling your face grow hotter as he pulled your panties down and past your ankles.
“Looks like someone thinks I look pretty nice, too,” he smirked, observing the wet patch at the seat of your underwear.
It didn’t take long before you ended up riding your boyfriend’s thigh while jerking him off, soiling your cute outfit after the first *of many* orgasms you shared.
𓊆양정원𓊇 Yang Jungwon 232
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Finally, we have Jungwon, my comfort place… 🤧
Definitely a firm believer in less is more. He would probably feel a bit overwhelmed if you wore anything too revealing, so he prefers to stick with just a few peeks of skin here and there. Just don’t tease him if he blushes when you wear a cute lace bralette or high shorts, ‘cause he’ll make you regret it later—
“I’m so sorry, baby!” Your boyfriend yelped, observing your now red stained shirt, thanks to the cranberry juice he just dropped.
“It’s okay, Wonie, I know you’re clumsy,” you returned warmly, using a few napkins to clean the floor.
“Here, do you wanna wear my hoodie-“
“Nah, you’re good,” you said, taking off your shirt to reveal the white bra you wore beneath.
He couldn’t help but to blush at the sight, which led to you teasing him for it.
“Gosh, could you be any more easy?” You mocked before Jungwon pinned you against the fridge.
Your eyes wandered from his piercing gaze, and then to his broad shoulders that caged you in.
He took your face in his hands, passionately kissing you as his delicate hands grazed your waist. It didn’t take long for him to break from the kiss, looking back at your burning face with a smirk.
“Aww, you look so pretty when you’re flustered like this,” he cooed, walking away, but you grabbed his hand.
“Can we take this upstairs?”
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𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ�� Thank you so much for reading this fun request! Make sure to check my enhypen bookshelf for more interesting reads!
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drvmekoo · 1 year
quality time | jeon jungkook
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➳ pairing: boyfriend!jungkook x reader (f)
➳ genre: established relationship, fluff, a little bit of angst, smut
➳ rating: 18+ (minors dni)
➳ warnings: jungkook is a bit of a dick at the start tbh, t*tty kissing, n*pple s*cking, d*epthroating, p*ssy eating, rough s*x, unprotected s*x (wrap it before u tap it baes) cre*mpie
➳ wc: 2.1K
➳ author's notes: this is my first ever drabble on this account so please be nice! also please let me know if you guys like it! i always love hearing what people think about my writing!
➳ summary: you and jungkook were supposed to have some quality time together. however it seems he made other plans. and you're pissed.
“I just don’t understand the issue here?” Jungkook questioned, following you into the kitchen. “All I said was that Taehyung and I were gonna hang out tonight? Why are you getting all huffy?”
“You know that’s not the main issue Jungkook.” you carried on emptying the bags of groceries you bought onto the counter, back turned to him “It was meant to be us two tonight! I even went out to buy food, especially so we could cook and have dinner together!” 
Jungkook continued staring at your back while he spoke “So Taehyung can join us? We see each other all the time! What’s one night?”
You froze. Whilst you didn’t mind cooking for Taehyung and having him over, it had been a while since you and your boyfriend had quality time together where you could both be relaxed. While it was true that you saw each other majority of the week, those hours spent with each other were spent finishing off work from earlier in the day or sleeping because of the busy schedules. 
Today, you both had free schedules and that meant that the two of you were able to finally have that quality time you had missed out on for all these weeks. 
Your plan was to make a nice dinner together, snuggle up and watch a nice movie. Heck, you even put on Jungkook’s favourite lingerie set. That was how much intimacy you were craving from missing it all these weeks.  
Yet Jungkook seemed clueless. And that boiled your blood even more.
“I just think you’re being a little dramatic babe.” Jungkook rubbed your shoulder from behind “We can always do this again another time-” 
“Oh don’t give me that bullshit Jungkook.” you whipped around out of his touch “We never have the time to spend together yet the one time we do, you decided to invite Taehyung?”
“Y/n, the one night I have off I just wanna spend playing some games with my friend! What have I done wrong?” Jungkook stared at you, eyes open wide as your outburst continues
“What have you done wrong?” You scoffed loudly “I don’t know, how about the fact you haven’t even acknowledged that we haven’t eaten a proper meal together in forever? How about the fact that all we do is fall asleep without so much as a cuddle? How about the fact that we haven’t had sex in over two weeks because of how busy and tiring our schedules are?” 
At this point, you had had enough. You stormed out of the kitchen and headed straight for the bedroom. You had to get away before either you said something you’d regret. 
“Y/n, you can’t just walk away after that!” Jungkook followed you out. “What? You’re just gonna leave it like this?” 
Jungkook’s voice became a muffled mess as you stormed into the bedroom and slammed the door shut. You heard him curse under his breath as his words were met with the bang of the door closing before hearing the jangling of his keys. 
“I’m going out for a bit. I’ll be back later.” He said flatly through the door, the closing of the front entrance the only clue that he had left. 
From then on, that’s when the tears started to stream down your face. This was not how you wanted the evening to go. In fact, having Taehyung over was better than this. 
But it was too late. The night had been ruined and you didn’t know where your boyfriend had run off to. Thoughts ran into your mind of him with another, using the affection he was meant to give you on someone else…
But you know Jungkook would never do that. No matter how mad he was, you knew he loved you more than anything and the fact that you thought, for a second, that he would do something so cruel made you sick to your stomach. 
You decided to get your mind off everything that had happened and instead turned on the TV to watch your comfort shows, quickly changing into a pair of joggers and snuggling into the warmth of Jungkook’s bed.
A few hours had passed and before you knew it, you were slowly drifting off to sleep…
You awoke to the sound of the front door quietly closing shut, as if the person walking in knew that the house was asleep. You turned over to see that it was ten minutes to midnight. 
Had Jungkook really been out for 5 hours? You thought to yourself, as you stepped out of the duvet and towards the bedroom door. Opening it quietly, you came face to face with the man himself 
“Hi,” he said softly. His face looked drained, as he eyed your face. “Can I come in?”
You nodded gently, widening the door so he could slip through. A part of you felt guilty that he had to ask to enter HIS bedroom, but he didn’t give you time to apologise as he started talking. 
“Look Y/n, I thought about what you said.” He took your hands and led you to the bed so you were both sat. “I know I’ve been neglecting you these past few weeks. You know how much I truly love you right?” 
You nodded again. He sighed, voice cracking. “I was wrong about not putting you first. I guess I was just so caught up in everything with work that I became selfish. I called Taehyung and told him I had plans. It’s just you and me tonight, okay?” A tear streamed down his cheek as you took hold of his face. “Please forgive me Y/n..”
“Baby..” By this time, you were both tearing up. “Of course I forgive you, my love.” You kissed his cheek as he pulled you in by the waist for a cuddle. 
“God the thought of you leaving,” Jungkook mumbled into your neck as you embraced each other “The thought of neglecting the one I love. Makes me sick to my stomach.”
You already felt the emotion of comfort wash over you as his scent reached your nose. 
“Never again. Okay?” Jungkook said, gently kissing your neck “Never again will I ever make you feel like that.” 
The sensation of lips on your neck made you moan softly. His strong hands around your waist already feeling like velvet on your body. 
“Let me prove to you how sorry I am princess.” His kisses grew more passionate. His secure arms manoeuvred you now so that you were lying down across the bed. “Let me show you how much I missed you.” By then his fingers were skimming the edge of your shirt, giving you the hint he wanted it off.
You lifted your arms up so that he can slip the clothing off you, immediately searching his face when your lingerie was revealed. 
Jungkook threw his back “Oh fuck baby…you’re killing me.” Straight away, his hands went to your boobs, massaging them from the fabric. Your breathy moans filled the air, hands already gently gripping Jungkook’s luscious locks. His face bent down to your chest as his mouth met your exposed cleavage. “Is this what you wanted baby, huh?” Another kiss to your chest “Fucked I missed these.”
While one of his hands caressed your nipple through the bra, the other slid around to your back and clawed at the clasp. You decided to help speed things up, arching your back a bit so you can undo the latch and from there you were left exposed. 
“Such pretty tits.” Jungkook whispered, “They’re mine.” His mouth immediately latched onto one, gently lapping at the bud with his tongue. 
You whimpered softly. “Kook, stop teasing….I want you.”
His mouth unlatched from your nipple. “Oh princess me too, I gotta get you ready first though okay? Patience my pretty.” 
At that, Jungkook returned his kisses to your body. He travelled down your figure, down slowly on your stomach right towards the pit of your pleasure. He stopped at the hem of your leggings. 
“Can I take these off, beautiful?” His fingers traced the lining of them. Once you nodded, he hoisted them down slowly. “Ass up beautiful for one second.” he smiled, once the leggings reached your rear. 
Once the leggings were off and you were left only in your panties, Jungkook stood up. As he finished taking off his shirt, you admired the way his muscles tensed as he unbuckled his belt and removed his trousers. His raging cock jutted out of his boxers.
You got up onto your knees while on the bed, palming at his dick through his own fabric. He threw his head back as your hand fell over the tip. 
“Can I taste you?” you asked politely, looking up at him through your eyelashes. He nodded quickly as he helped you remove his pants. His dick bounced as it was released from the cotton confines of his boxers and immediately you took him into your mouth, wasting no time to deepthroat him. 
“Ah fuck!” Jungkook gripped your hair tightly, gently thrusting his hips at the sensation of your warm, sucking throat. “Oh, baby girl you’re taking me so well.”
You pulled back but still had him in your mouth, lapping your tongue around the poignant veins of his cock. The smell of him made you dizzy, partnering with his quiet grunts filled the dark room. His hand pushed at the back of your head, urging you to take him deeper in your mouth once again. 
“Fuck baby, I’m gonna cum if you keep on like this…I wanna be inside you.” he pulled out of your mouth, and a string of saliva connected your mouth and his cock together. He bent down and kissed you passionately, tongue exploring your mouth widely. 
He whispered against your kisses “Lay down for me baby.”
You obliged. He tugged at your panties gently, inching them down your legs. You were now left bare at his glance. He kissed twice at your stomach before edging down to your pussy. His hot breath emphasised the pit in your stomach. 
In a blink of an eye, his mouth was lapping between your folds. Moaning against your clit, the vibrations sent shoots of pleasure through your body as you clawed at Jungkooks hair. His desperate licks edge you closer and closer. 
“K-Kook…I’m so close….” your mouth was held open at the amount of pleasure his mouth was giving you. Suddenly, the cold air hit your bare pussy as Jungkook leaned away. 
“Not yet baby…need to be inside you…”  
Jungkook positioned his cock at your entrance, slowly teasing the tip inside you “ready my angel?”
You nodded. Slowly he pushed into you, making sure you felt every inch of him.
“Oh…god Jungkook!” you clawed at his back, the size of him filling you up. “Y-you’re so big!” His cock quietly quicked the pace, as Jungkook nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. You whimpered at the angle his shaft was pounding you, eyes trained shut at the waves of pleasuring hitting you at every thrust. 
“My god baby…you’re so fucking…tight!” His muffled voice vibrated against your neck “I gotta pull out…I’m gonna cum-”
“Cum in me…!” You moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist “Fill me up…”
“Oh….gorgeous….It’s so risky…” He removed his face from your neck “.....But you feel so good….”
At that, his pace quicked as his cock pounded at your pussy. Every thrust became a newfound ripple of delight. You felt your stomach tighten as the well-known feeling returned to your body once more. 
“B-babe…I’m gonna c-cum!” You threw your head back into the pillows
“Cum on my cock baby….Oh, fuck!” Jungkook exclaimed as your pussy tightened around his dick. Jungkook too felt the familiar feeling of an orgasm in the pit of his stomach 
Not too long after as you rode out your pleasure, you felt warmth enter you as Jungkook spilt inside you. With gritted teeth, he once again delved into your neck as he too rode out the other half of his orgasm, still thrusting gently and slowly. 
You whimpered quietly as he pulled out and sank next to you. Straight away he pulled you into his arms. “I love you so much. Please never ever forget that okay?”
“Okay, I love you.” You fit right into the pit of his arm as he stroked your hair, both of you exhausted from tonight's actions. 
“Hey, Kook? I know it's late but I'm kinda sticky now…”
He chuckled gently “Think it’s time me and you had a shower.”
find out what jungkook did in those five hours here
let me know if you want to be on the taglist for any future work i may post! reblog or send in an ask to show support! ily
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