#I’m /hj I’ll read it later
khjcs · 4 months
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group: ateez
pairing: idol!hongjoong x fem!reader
genre: angst, smut, oneshot
trope: lovers to strangers ? to lovers again *head scratch*
rating: 18+ MDNI <<< don’t make me block
word count: 6.3k
warning: angst, mild cussing, mention of death (no one dies or plans on it), argumentS (yes, plural), mention of cheating, pregnancy on two occasions (not reader), mention of an abusive partner (neither mc), if i missed any, please lmk
synopsis: an argument between you and your significant other leads you to ponder on whether the man you’re with is actually the one indicated for you.
song playlist recommendation: “west coast” “young and beautiful” “video games” “say yes to heaven” all by Lana Del Rey
a/n: i know for pairing i put “idol” hj but it’s only alluded that he is. there is no actual scene in which it shows he is an idol, just small mentions of it. don’t get your hopes up if that’s what you were looking for. also, this is, in NO WAY a depiction of the artist. think of this more of an au than a fanfic if it helps. i really hope you enjoy:)
special thanks to: @luvt0kki for proof reading🙂‍↕️🫶🏼 oh and my sister for putting me in such angsty mood (by playing lana del rey in the car), bringing this piece to life. but she’s not on tumblr and let’s keep it that way. oh and the rain outside for pushing me to post this. i swear the mixture of rain, a good playlist, and a comfortable bed is such a good cocktail for writing.
navigation ・❥・ masterlist
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Waking up in the arms of your lover on a lazy Sunday morning was on of the best feelings ever. You cuddled your face deeper into the crook of his neck, taking in his scent as the morning sun began seeping through the white curtains of your room. “That tickles,” he let out a chuckle. “I’ve got to take advantage of you allowing this skin-ship,” you retorted, both of you just smiling, allowing yourselves to be engulfed in each other’s embrace. “We have to get up,” you grumbled while pulling the covers off of your body, the cold rushing in quickly, creating goosebumps on your skin. “I don’t want to. Let’s just sleep in today,” Hongjoong whined as he got up. “You’re already out of bed. Tell you what, after we finish cleaning, we can have ourselves a small movie marathon, yeah?” “With cuddles?” His eyes sparkled. “With cuddles,” you laughed at his hypocrisy of “hating”skin-ship. It had became a habit of his to spend the weekend at your place. On Sundays, you two would clean your entire apartment together just before Hongjoong had to go back to the dorms for work. This week, however, you both had been busy and only had Saturday night and Sunday to yourselves, making the cleaning all the more dreadful.
“I say, we just do the laundry,” Hongjoong was still trying to negotiate with you. Missing your boyfriend’s presence, you were quick to give in, “okay fine.” Both dressed in comfortable clothes, you grabbed your load and the sheets, making your way to his car. On the way to the laundromat, he received a call that happened to appear on his car screen to which he declined. The all too familiar number kept calling. “Just pick up,” you rolled your eyes as you answered the call on his screen. A woman’s voice was heard, “Joong, I think I’m in trouble,” she cried through the phone. Hongjoong glanced your way and back to the road, “I’ll have to call you later, I’m a bit preoccupied right now.” Your mood had turned sour in an instant, you knew in a few seconds he’d be running to her rescue. “Love—“ “I know, you have to go to her,” you cut him off as he arrived at the laundromat. “I shouldn’t take long,” he got off to help you carry the load inside. “See you in a bit, okay? I love you.” You didn’t reply, you couldn’t. I mean, how could you? Your boyfriend of almost three years was still running behind his so called “best friend” when she needed him. “Love, please don’t be mad, it might be serious.” He tried soothing you, but you were too angry with him. “Serious? Hongjoong, I’ve seen you drop everything for that woman. Don’t think I’ve forgotten how you practically ran out of your studio when she called. But Lord forbid I need you while you’re at work. I called you to hang out Friday afternoon and all I got was a sad excuse of how you’re stuck at work. And I get it, maybe you needed to get your creativity out onto a piece of paper and get it started. See, I kept thinking that to myself, making excuses for you. I thought you and I were in a relationship, not you and her.” You began walking off, trying to not cause an even bigger scene in public. “It’s not like that. You know it’s not like that. Please love,” he reached out for your hand. “Please what? You want me to be understanding of the situation? Because trust me, I have tried these past two, almost three years. Even before we started dating. I just can’t anymore,” you half whispered the last part. “What?” “I can’t anymore Hongjoong,” you spoke up this time, “I don’t want this anymore. I don’t want to be second to no one in your heart.” “But you’re not,” he held both your hands. “Oh but I am,” you pulled your hands away, busying them with the load that you were to wash. “Look, I have to go. We’ll talk about this at your place later.” “No. I’ll just finish cleaning on my own. Just go straight to the dorms afterwards. I’m not counting on you to come back.” You waited for him to fight for you in any way. You begged inside of you for him to understand you and stay. But of course, like a fool, you sat there waiting for your clothes to wash after seeing his car drive off. All of this ripping away the feeling you had not even 2 hours ago.
With a heavy heart, you finished cleaning the rest of your apartment. You had cried as you folded his clothes neatly, placing them in the drawer you had cleared out for him. Everyone had warned you about this. At the time, you were so naive, seeing him only through pink glasses, wanting so desperately to feel loved, which you did. He had made you feel so important when he worried about your wellbeing, sending you money so you could buy yourself whatever it was you needed. He had always checked up on you when you were sick, even calling days off to go and personally take care of you. All of this making you think that you were the one he loved, so it didn’t matter if every now and then he ran off to help his best friend, given their history. You couldn’t blame him for your obliviousness when he had been so honest with you from the start about their friendship. “She lived in my neighborhood so we would play a lot when we were younger but only gotten closer at age 14 when we started walking home from school together. She opened up to me a few years later when her parents were having a messy divorce. She really just needed a shoulder to cry on, and I was there to provide comfort. I see her more as a younger sister than anything, I promise you have nothing to worry about.” You laughed at yourself remembering his words seeing as he’s with her right now instead of with you.
You plopped yourself on your couch, in front of the television, eating a spoonful of ice cream to help with the sadness. The doorbell rang, making you jump. You reached out for your phone, wiping your tears away, to check the time. It was already past 8:00 pm, with no messages on your notifications; you certainly weren’t expecting anyone at this time. “Love, please open the door,” your heart clenched. You quietly rushed to turn off the TV, making your apartment pitch black. “Don’t pretend you’re not here, I saw the light of the TV turn off.” You curled yourself back into a ball on your couch. He had the pin to your apartment door, so why didn’t he just come in? If he really wanted to come inside to talk, he would have, but he never came in on his own. You waited until he left, which only sadden you even more. Only realizing now that he wasn’t fighting for you, for your love, or your relationship, making you conclude that he doesn’t love you the way he claims. The way you loved him. That if it came down to it, you were ready to lay your life for him, but was he willing to do the same? This only saddened you more. You reached out for your phone to call him, but the longer you stared at his contact, the more you thought about how he chose to leave instead of staying to talk things out.
You no longer had the energy to deal with this. Even if your heart ached, you knew you had to end it with him, for your sake. The thought making you feel stuffy; you planned for a late night run to help you muster up the courage to end the relationship. Making your way out of your apartment, you stumbled upon something, or more like someone. It was too dark to make out who it was. Afraid to take a step closer, you waved your hand in front of the motion censor light. With it illuminating right outside your door, you were finally able to see. Noticing a sleeping Hongjoong, your eyes soften as you reach out for him, “wake up.” You shook him, but he didn’t budge. “Hongjoong,” you shook him again abruptly, waking him up. “Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he stood up, unaware of his surroundings, that is until he saw you, “please, can we talk?” “Let’s just talk tomorrow,” you sighed. “Can you drive? Do you need me to call your manager? A taxi?” You pulled out your phone. “No,” he placed his hand over yours to stop you from calling whoever it was, “I just really want to talk. I want to fix this.” Hesitating a bit, you decided to let him into the apartment, figuring you should hear what he had to say. After all, he did wait outside for you when you thought he wasn’t willing to fight for your relationship.
You two settled down on the couch after you fetched him some water. “I really am sorry. I realize now how you must be feeling with all of this. I’m sorry I made you feel like you were second to her.” “Then why do you still go running after her? Why do you prioritize her so much? Her parents’ shitty ass divorce happened years ago. She doesn’t need to be coddled anymore! She has a boyfriend for fucks sake, why does she have to go out looking for you?” You got up the couch. “Love, it’s not that simple! I wish I could explain it all to you, but that would be an invasion of her privacy!” “Bullshit Hongjoong! This is all complete and utter bull shit! Why are you so fixated on her and her needs? What about mine? What about when I need my boyfriend here? To come coddle me?” “Really? When have you ever needed coddling? Every time you feel down, you push me away! You want to be independent so bad! Maybe you should be!” “What?” Afraid of where this was leading, your eyes began to tear up. “Maybe we should break up…” he looked down at the floor. “No! You don’t get to break up with me over this! I do! I’ve put up with your bullshit friendship with that woman, so I get to do this! I am the one breaking up with you! I’m the one letting you go!” You abusively stabbed your chest with your index finger as your eyes let loose of the tears. Ironically, his phone began ringing. He took one quick glance at it before putting it back inside his pocket. “For fuck’s sake, just fucking go to her already! Run to her as you so desperately want to!” He just looked at you with a sad expression. “Just be honest with me,” you looked at him with pleading eyes, “do you love her?” You were honestly afraid of his answer. “I do, but—“ you cut him off after getting the answer you expected of him, but expecting it didn’t make you hurt any less. “Get out! Just fucking get out Hongjoong! I don’t ever want to see you again!” You threw the water bottle at him as he made his way out. He knew you like the back of his palm. He knew he fucked up and that no explanation, not that he could give you one, would help you two recover from this. So he did the only thing he could do that night: to disappear from your life as much as he could.
As much as it pained him, he found himself in his car driving off to his friend’s. You couldn’t possibly fathom what had happened that night, or why he had to urgently leave. But he had no one to blame except himself for always running away from you when his friend needed him. Hitting the steering wheel as he drove, angry at himself for letting the best thing he’s ever had go. “Fuck!” he screamed into the silence of his car, coming to a complete stop when he approached a red light. Resting his hands on the steering wheel, followed by his head. He couldn’t comprehend why his heart hurt so much that he wished to rip it out of his chest. The tears that flowed down his face a burning sensation. He wanted to give up completely in that moment. To just turn back time to where the two of you were still in the warmth of your bedsheets, wishing he hadn’t woken up. All this felt surreal, to go from being in his happy place with you to living a nightmare of having to steer clear from you. Even if he moved across the world, the distance wouldn’t be enough. He’d still want to run back into your arms and make everything alright. A car honked behind him as the light had turned green, he wiped his tears along with his runny nose before he proceeded to drive.
Stepping onto his friend’s doorstep, he knocked on the door. “Hey, you don’t look so good. Are you okay?” She reached out to cup his face but Hongjoong shooed her hand away. “I only came to tell you to not call me ever again. I’m done.” Hongjoong walked away. “Wait! I can’t raise this kid alone! Please Joong!” She hugged him from the back. “You can and you will. You’ll be fine. And stop calling me that, we’re not in a relationship for you to be calling me by my nickname.” He undid her grip from his waist and left her standing on her doorstep. Even though he wanted to run to you and tell you he completely cut his friend from his life, he knew he couldn’t. Nothing would make you take him back after he hurt you so badly. All he could do now was drive back to the dorms.
Meanwhile, you were a mess. It had only been a few minutes since he left but you could only assume he went rushing into her inviting arms. That he was happy while you were miserable on your bed. It was already past midnight when you felt a migraine creeping in, knowing you’d have to call in for work in a few hours, you decided to put on another movie. The migraine, however, won and made you fall asleep in the middle of the movie. The only thing that woke you up the next day was your coworker who had worriedly called your phone about 100 times, that being an exaggeration of your own. “Hey babes, are you okay? You didn’t come in today, did something happen? Did you and Hongjoong fight?” A stinging sensation arose in you as you heard his name. Your burning eyes couldn’t produce any more tears, as if you were dried out of your liquids. “Uh, no, I’m just feeling sick today. I should be feeling better by tomorrow,” you lied. “Okay, if I don’t hear from you soon, I’m coming over.” You let out a forceful chuckle, “okay,” and hung up the phone. Forgetting to close your curtains last night, the sun, brighter than most mornings, illuminated your room. You took this as a sign to get up and do something productive around your house. You sighed when you walked around remembering that you had just finished cleaning it yesterday, instead you went into your closet with a gym bag. You began packing every little thing Hongjoong had left behind in your apartment, down to his toothbrush. You decided it was time to take this step since you were serious about not seeing him again. It started off with you folding his clothes neatly into the bag, but as you came across the clothes you gifted him, you began just throwing the clothes in there. The room only became suffocating the longer you stayed in there to pack his belongings. Taking a break from it all, you went to the kitchen, preparing a small snack with water to replenish from your dehydration. You sat on the small dining table, that’s when you took notice of your picture frames displayed around your apartment. Most of them were pictures of you and your now ex. You just couldn’t get a break from all of this so you made it your mission to finish packing by today. After your very needed break, you grabbed all of your pictures, throwing them [carefully] in the bag. Only keeping your favorite one hidden in your closet, the pain of discarding it encouraging you to do so. What you initially thought would be one bag, quickly turned into four. This shocked you as you hadn’t noticed how deeply rooted he was in your life.
The ache in your heart only grew bigger when you saw the building to his dorms appearing bigger in your sight. You were too much of a coward to confront him at work, so you decided to drop off the bags at the dorms, knowing well he wouldn’t be there. As you stepped out of the elevator, his roommate emerged from their dorm, flashing you a big smile as he recognized you. “Hey Y/N,” the man you knew as Wooyoung waved to you. You forced a smile back with a wave. “Awe man, you just missed Hongjoong. He went to work really early this morning. Something about needing to write down lyrics for a tune he came up with last night.” He looked down to the bags you had placed by your feet, “is that for him?” “Uh, yes. Do you mind putting it inside?” You picked them up, walking closer to him. “Yeah, no problem,” he walked to you to help you carry the bags, taking all four from you. “I have to go now,” you smiled and turned around. “See you soon,” you stopped in your tracks his words catching you off-guard, “yeah, see you…” you couldn’t bring yourself to say ‘soon’ knowing fully well it was a lie. The taxi ride back home was all too quiet, but as it turns out, it was all you needed. You felt like you could breathe again now that you got some closure. What you didn’t know was that it wasn’t the closure you needed.
Once inside your apartment, you were determined to fill the void that he left behind. Now that you no longer needed the drawer, you contemplated whether to throw it out or to store it. Your heart not fully being able to take in the pain of you two being over, you decided that the latter was less painful. As you moved the furniture out to the living room, the doorbell rang. Cautiously, you made your way to the door, hoping it wasn’t him coming to grovel again. “Babes, open up. You haven’t answered your calls and I’m only growing worried for you. Talk to me, yeah?” Relieved to hear your friend’s voice through the door, you opened the door for her. Strangely, your emotions overcame you when you saw her and you fell to the floor, a crying mess. No longer being able to contain your sobs along with tears that appeared out of nowhere. “Oh sweetie,” your friend joined you on the floor, hugging your body, trying her best to provide you with comfort. She could tell something was really wrong with the way you have never showed any sign of “weakness” in front of her. “I fucking loved him so much, why am I the one who gets betrayed this way? Was I never good enough for him? Or was I just too blind to see he was never going to choose me over her?” “No sweetie, don’t blame yourself. Don’t beat yourself up over this. He is the blind one for choosing her countless of times when he had a treasure in front of him. Trust me babes, he’ll regret his decisions one day. It’ll come back to haunt him when he least expects it.” She helped your zombie-like state off the floor. “Have you ate?” She sat you down at your dinner table when you shook your head. “Let’s get some food in you, yeah?” She looked through your fridge, taking a few ingredients out to whip up something for you. You thanked the universe for sending you an angel like your friend. She had been there when you needed her the most, helping you recover from your heartbreak. You felt indebted with her for life. Jokingly, you told her you’d be her first-born’s god-mother. Funny how the universe works, the face on your friend’s face only shocking you, “how did you know?” She looked back to you. “What? What are you talking about?” Trying to understand what she meant, you looked at her. Only when your eyes fell on her hand that was on her lower stomach did you realize what she was trying to tell you. “I came here to tell you, but you took me by surprise with your situation. I didn’t want to make this about me.” Running to her, you went to hug her, crying once again, “I’m so happy for you.”
Time passed you by so fast. Suddenly you were attending the baby shower you had planned for your friend. As you walked through the venue, checking with the guests to make sure they were comfortable, making sure they didn’t need anything, your friends approached you. “Hey, you look good,” one of your friends mentioned. “Thank you. You do as well,” you complimented back with a smile. “Sorry to bring this up, but you are okay now, right?” Your other friend asked. You knew she was only concerned about you, but you couldn’t help but wish she hadn’t brought it up just as you felt like you were finally healing from the pain that Hongjoong left you with. “Yeah, I’m doing so much better now.” “I’m here whenever you’re ready,” their mutual guy friend added. He had been trying to get with you the moment your friends introduced him to you. You were thankful to your friends for trying to put you out there, frankly, you weren’t ready for that yet. You let out a playful laugh, “you’ll be the first to know when I’m ready,” you half meant it. You considered to give him a chance once you were ready to get back out there. He was a good guy with you, much different than him… He made sure to go at your pace. He wanted nothing more than for you to be comfortable around him. Leading to him often waiting for you to initiate any contact, but you never really did. You didn’t want to lead him on unless you were sure of your feelings. You managed to slip away from your friends and went to the bar that your celebrated friend insisted on having. Her excuse to you was that, “just because I can’t drink doesn’t mean the rest can’t. Just add it for them. For you. You never know, you just might need a drink or two.” She just so happened to be right. Your energy depleted, you felt the need to get a drink. Right as you received your drink, your heart dropped lower than the pit of your stomach as you caught a glimpse of a man who looked a little too much like him. In a discreetly manner, you followed him, only to be even more disheartened. It truly was him, and he was with her, except now she had a huge belly, had to be nearing birth. Leaving your heart a reopened wound. Out of all things you could have imagined, the idea of him cheating never crossed your mind until now. You gave him too much credit because even seeing them in front of you, looking at each other so fondly, you still couldn’t help but make excuses. Maybe he didn’t cheat. Maybe he only got with her after he lost you. There was no way that what he felt for you was never real. Except you have all the proof you needed right in front of you. With that, again, you felt a single teardrop fall onto your cheek. Still staring at them both, finally noticing when Hongjoong turned around to see you, making eye contact with you. He was the first to break it by walking away only after whispering something into the woman’s ear. You knew you were the one who told him you didn’t want to see him anymore, but you wanted an explanation of what you had just witnessed, so you followed.
It wasn’t that he tried fleeing away from you, willingly, at least. He only wanted to ensure he kept his promise of staying away from you, as per your request. He wanted to stay so bad, to go up to you and hold you again as he used to 9 moths ago, but he knew he couldn’t. He knew that his presence alone would only taunt you, more-so that he was accompanied by his friend. He mentally cursed himself as he made his way to the parking lot, beating himself up remembering your expression, he knew he had hurt you once again. He had told himself he wouldn’t contact you first, even if he was so close a couple of times. Only until you contacted him first would he talk to you. Not for petty reasons, nothing like that, but instead to allow you the space you needed. Even if it meant you would never contact him. A sudden thought popped up in his head. Without a second wasted, he went against all he promised himself and went running back inside the building. He needed to clear something up.
You had walked around the whole building before giving up when you couldn’t find him. You leaned on the hallway outside of the venue, catching your breath. The feeling you were feeling right now contradicting what you had previously told your friends. You clenched your chest, trying to keep your composure to go back into the party. You made your way back inside the venue, but your heart and legs had another idea, pulling you away from the venue. Speed walking towards the entrance of the building only stopping when you saw Hongjoong running inside. You both paused, locking your eyes with each other. Everything about that moment felt like a movie, down to the way that time seemed to slow down. You approached each other slowly, neither daring to break the silence, that is until you saw a tear rolling down his cheek. “Why are you here? I didn’t add you to the list of invitees.” You hadn’t meant to be harsh, but you only had one thing that you wanted to really say. Instead of beating around the bush, “congrats by the way. On the baby that is.” Hongjoong shook his head, “it’s not mine. That’s why I came back inside looking for you. To clear that up.” He walked closer to you, keeping his eyes on you attentively, making sure to not scare you away. “I figured that’s what you thought when you saw me. Your expression gave it away,” he stopped mere feet away from you. “I’m ready to tell you everything. The reason I kept going to her. Personal matters and all. No more keeping stuff from you. Of course, only if you’re willing to hear me. But not here, I don’t want to cause a scene at your friend’s party. And to answer your question, she was the one who invited me.” Hesitant at first, you saw the fondness in his eyes, which is why you followed him to his car, making your way to his dorm. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, instead you settled for staring out the window. “You do realize you left her at the party, right?” You rested your head on the window, still looking outside of it as it began raining. He sighed, “I’m sure she’ll find a way back home.” His response shocked you, making you sit up in your seat. “Don’t be too shocked,” an inaudible chuckle left his throat, “she’s really not my top priority.” He quickly glanced at you and your expression before driving into the parking garage.
Sitting on the couch across from you, he cleared his throat, forcing you to face him, “can I just start off by saying I’m sorry,” he looked dejected. “I truly have been miserable without you, I hope you believe me.” ”Even if I do believe you, that doesn’t change the fact that you ran after her countless of times while being with me.” “I know,” he sighed, bringing himself closer to the edge of the couch. “I know this isn’t much of a rational excuse, but you have to understand, in the moment I felt that I had to.” You let out an exasperated laugh, “you had to?” “Yes… her boyfriend was very abusive. The night you and I argued, she had called me crying because she had found out she was carrying his child. Not wanting her kid to meet the same fate as her, she decided to leave her house, to stop the cycle before it became more serious. But she was too afraid to take that step on her own. She needed a push, and a place to stay at in the meantime. I helped her pack all of her things that day and took her to one of her friend’s house. Both me and her friend encouraged her to report him to the police, though, they didn’t help much, we were able to put a restraining order on her boyfriend that same day.” “If you had settled everything that day, then why did she call you again at night?” You hadn’t noticed the tears that rolled down your face until Hongjoong sat next to you, wiping them away gently with his thumb. “She was afraid of the idea of raising a child alone. She had thought she wasn’t strong enough for that yet.” “So she called you to co-parent with her? Ha, I knew it,” you fidgeted with your fingers, looking away to hold back the rest of the tears that threatened to fall. “No—On the contrary, she wanted me to talk her out of giving up on her baby. She’s dating the friend that took her in. He’s a real good father figure already and the baby isn’t born yet. Y/N, please look at me…” it came off not as a demand, but a plea. He held your chin to make you face him. “Me and her are nothing more than friends, I mean it.” “What about when I asked you if you loved her? You told me you loved her…” Your voice now wavering. “Is that why you came with her today?” “I—“ he sighed, “I meant it. I do love her. But I’m not in love with her. I only came with her because I owed her an apology for ending my friendship with her the way I did that night.” A silence overcame you both momentarily, “I’m sorry,” your voice barely audible. “I feel like a fool for not trusting you.” “Don’t apologize. I know I didn’t help by keeping all those secrets when I shouldn’t have. I know now that there shouldn’t be any secrets between us…” he hadn’t used that word in so long, yet it felt right and wrong at the same time. He didn’t know if there was still an “us” to claim. To him, you wouldn’t accept him back, all he could hope for is for you to accept his apology.
You threw yourself at him, hugging him tightly at his words. You so badly wanted him back and the fact that he referred to you both as “us” was the perfect indication that he wanted the same. Or so you assumed. You took his face in your hands, looking into his eyes, searching within them the answer to your assumption. His soft gaze encouraged you to kiss him. He placed his hands on your shoulders stopping you right after you tried to deepen the kiss. “I’m sorry, I can’t,” Hongjoong pushed himself off of you. “Why? Why can’t you?” You looked for an answer in his eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you,” his head hung low. “You can’t hurt me any more than you did 9 months ago. You sat up on the couch. “I want you Hongjoong. No, I need you,” you stood up, slowly undoing the zipper on the dress you were wearing. “Please, not here. Not like this…” he rushed you two to his dorm before your dress could fall to the floor.
His room still being filled with pictures of you two, pictures that held beautiful memories. “You still have them” you held a picture frame of you two, one you had packed in the bag you returned to him. “Of course,” he approached you from behind, wrapping his hands around your waits, leaving a trail of wet kisses down your neck to your now exposed shoulder. This brought tears to your eyes. He really does love you the way you loved and still love him. “You were the best thing that has happened to me.” You leaned your head to the side, giving him more access. Holding the back of his head with your right hand, closing your eyes, taking in the moment. Hongjoong helped you walk towards his bed, never detaching himself from you, not wanting you to slip from his grasp once again. Swiftly turning you around, he guided you to sit on the edge of the bed. Kneeling down before you, wiping away your tears that threatened to fall. “I need you to stop me if this isn’t what you want. Because this is what I want. I want a future with you. I want more than just forever with you. If we take this step, just know I’m not letting you go again. I will fight to the death for you.” You nodded, “this is what I want Joongie.” He quickly attached himself onto you, the kiss being very needy. With a hand to the back of your head, he urged you lie down on his bed. Treating you the entire time as if you were a fragile object. His left hand roaming down your side, reaching your panties, gently assisting you out of them. For each piece of clothing he took off from you, you helped him out of one of his too. Lying fully exposed on his bed, you waited as he grabbed a condom from his drawer. He slid the condom on, fixing himself back on top of you. “It’s not too late to back out love,” the latter word brining you such bliss, you pulled him into another kiss. “I wouldn’t back out for the world.” He nudged at your entrance, entering you painfully slow, allowing you to get used to the sudden stretch. You gasped when he was fully inside you. His movements were slow, causing a small sting on your heat. “Let me know if you feel even the slightest discomfort love.” He moved a bit faster, taking a few moments to kiss you ever so passionately. Never once detaching your hands from him, that is until you saw the sweat forming on his forehead. You helped him into a new position that allowed you to ride him. You planted your hands on his chest as you moved your hips up and down. The new position aiding him to be deeper in you, bringing you to loll your head back with your eyes closed, enjoying the feeling all too much. “My beautiful lady,” he reached out for one of your hands, bringing it closer to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss, “I love you.” At his confession, you slowed down, fluttering your eyes open as you brought yourself to face him again. “I love you Joongie,” you intertwined your fingers with his as you made your way down to kiss him. He let go of your hands only to fully embrace you, deepening the kiss once more. He reached for your hips to help you move against him, brining you both close to your high. You were the first to reach your orgasm, brining you almost to a complete stop. His hands, still on your hips, assisted your movements once again, allowing him to chase after his.
You laid next to him, both your chests heaving. Hongjoong went into the bathroom, coming back with a small wet cloth. He placed it at your heat, letting you warm up to it so he could wipe you clean. After cleaning himself up too, he lied down next to you, taking you into his embrace. You smiled at the man, overjoyed that you were in his arms again. “You should consider yourself lucky. You’re the only one I like to have skin-ship with.” The room was filled with your laughter. Happiness spread across both your faces now that you were back together. “I have something for you,” he left the room for a few seconds. “I made this thinking of you,” he settled down next to you again, giving you the usb in his hands. “Untitled (choose you)” was written on a piece of tape that was attached to it. He had composed a beautiful song describing how he felt for you. It was, if not, the best gift you had ever received. Well, a close second. The universe gifting him back to you was your first best gift.
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gaybananabread · 10 months
Can I buyyyyyyy some cherries and bananas for Lee!satan and Ler!lucifer
Fruit(s): Cherries, Bananas
WHOOOOOO DAMN I haven’t played this in two years @~@. I tried my best to keep these boys in character and flesh the idea out. Hopefully this doesn’t suck(/hj). May or may not have restarted my interest in this fandom… As always, thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Satan
Ler: Lucifer
Summary: Satan becomes engrossed in a new novel, locking himself in his room all day. He forgets about everything else as time flies, accidentally ignoring his duties and MC. Lucifer gives him a reminder he won’t soon forget.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Satan curled up on his bed, the soft pattering of rain on his bay window making the perfect white noise. He had been gifted a new mystery/drama novel by his favorite human and was intent on binge-reading it to the end. Abandoning his worries and silencing his D.D.D., the avatar of Wrath cracked the spine and began to read his new novel.
Lucifer stormed through the halls of the House of Lamentation, heading for the fourth oldest brother’s room. The knowledge-obsessed recluse hadn’t shown his face in over 24 hours. MC was worried, and the blonde demon’s list of assignments was left untouched. 
As the oldest, he took it upon himself to punish his brothers for their various misdeeds. Despite this, he had a soft spot for every one of them in his heart, no matter how small. Mammon was a cheeky, greedy little shit most of the time, but he still loved him as his brother. Nevertheless, Satan’s hermiting couldn’t be left unchecked.
Reaching the sturdy oak barrier, Lucifer knocked rather politely. He was too civilized to bang right away, though he definitely felt like it. “Satan! Open this door, now!” He could still yell, though.
The bibliophile jolted, almost dropping his beloved book as the yell shook him. He scoffed, bookmarked his page and moved to open the door. “What is it, Lucifer? I’m doing something.”
That got a huff out of the prideful demon, his eye twitching. “It’s not your list of tasks for today, is it? Or perhaps spending time with the human? You can’t be in there just reading and think you can speak to me that way.” Internally, he facepalmed. He really had lost track of time, hadn’t he? No way he was admitting that to Lucifer, though. “What makes you think you can talk to me like I’m a child? I’ll get them done, and I’ve got plans to hang out with MC later.”
That made the older man’s blood boil. Normally he’d smack the other demon around a bit and call it a day, but that time was different. He had promised his human that he would refrain from harming his brothers, especially satan. They hate seeing the two fight. Violence is off the table, but something else they had shown him came to mind. Bingo…
The smirk on Lucifer’s face sent an odd feeling to his stomach. One he could’ve sworn he’d felt before, but couldn’t quite remember when. “Satan, I’m giving you five seconds to run. If I were you, I’d use them~” He raised one hand, teasingly wiggling his fingers. Oh... Oh.
Satan did what any rational demon would in that scenario; he ran for his life. Luci rarely got into teasing moods, but when he did, they were killer. Every brother in the House knew to fear a playful Lucifer. 
The eldest brother chuckled, watching the cat-lover flee. He loved moments like these, though he’d never admit it. He slowly counted to five listening to every shoe squeak and opening door as his brother ran. Finally, when the time was up, he pursued his victim for the evening.
Lucifer followed his mental map, retracing the noises he’d heard. A shoe squeak for a turn, a door slam for a room change. He reached the end of the trail, watching a bag swing on the closet door. There we are…
Taking long, slow strides, he walked over to the closet. The demon made sure every step was loud and slapped against the ground for his hidden brother to hear. Was it mean? Absolutely. Did he care? Not one bit.
Satan kept a hand pressed over his mouth, not daring to make a sound. He knew that Lucifer was just drawing it out. Before their human showed up, the brothers never would’ve considered such a playful option. But now? It was their favorite alternative, often on both the giving and receiving side. Lucifer was still the most revered in the family, even in such a silly sense.
Chuckling to himself, Lucifer flung the closet door open, grabbing his brother’s arm and pinning him to the couch before he could even think about running. Satan kicked and squirmed, his tucked cardigan quickly getting bunched as he tried to escape. “L-Lucifer! Let me go right now!” 
A gleam shone in his older brother’s eyes, one that sent a shiver down his spine. He only got that look when he was about to do something evil, usually to Mammon… If only the greedy avatar were there to distract him. 
Lucifer leaned in, speaking directly into his brother’s ear. “I want you to know, Satan, that I will be tickling you mercilessly.” His tone was as smug as it was level. The simple gesture made his stomach do anticipatory flips. “And I will be enjoying myself~”
Before he could even breathe another protest, Luci dug into his upper rib cage, scribbling and drilling his fingers between each bone. Satan fell in a giggle fit, his cheeks quickly pinkening. “L-Luhucifeheher! Nohoho! Gehet off mehehehe!” 
“Aww, how unfortunate for you, brother. I won’t be doing that anytime soon.” He cooed, climbing up and down Satan’s rib cage with his wiggly fingers. He had the other demon strongly pinned, giving him very little wiggle room. Still, he tried his best to get away. “Gohoho awahay! I-Ihihi’ll stohop reading fohor todahahay!” 
Lucifer believed him, though he didn’t care. His sadism kept him going, but more than that, he liked seeing his logical brother laugh. “Go away? What have I said about you speaking to me like that?” He moved his wiggling fingers to Satan’s neck, basking in the high-pitched squeal he caused. “N-NYAHAHAO! LUHUCIFER, PLEHEHEASE!” That had to be one of his favorite spots, though the true winner was up next.
Satan hated begging anyone for anything, especially Lucifer. His neck was stupidly ticklish, though, and he’d much rather beg under Luci than laugh and squeal like a child. The prideful demon had no intentions of stopping, instead moving to Satan’s “jackpot spot” as his brothers called it. He moved two fingers underneath the boy’s chin, attacking the area with his short nails.
Satan was not proud of his reaction.
A mash-up of a squeal, snort and scream ripped from his throat, his whole body jolting at the feeling. The blush had pretty much taken over his face, tinting his neck and ears a vibrant crimson. “L-LUHAHAHA! I- IHI- NAHAHAHO!” Amidst the crazed laughter, unintelligible nonsense reached the other demon’s ears. He couldn’t understand that if he tried.
“Wow, Satan; I never knew a demon could get so flushed. You’re as red as Diavolo’s coat.” Lucifer had no problems  being an asshole to his brother; he had promised he wouldn’t hurt the other demon, but he never said he wouldn’t drive him mad. The teasing was just one more way to make sure his punishment stuck.
Satan was lost in his laughter. His nerves felt as if they were on fire with the ticklish sensation, his typically logical and quick mind a squishy, bubbly soup. There was no way he could do anything but laugh and hope Lucifer had a heart. “PLEAHAHA- PLEHEASE! MEHEHERCY!” 
While he was greatly enjoying himself, he could tell his cat-loving brother was at his wits end. With a sigh, he retracted his fingers from beneath Satan’s chin, granting the man his mercy. “You’re lucky I’m feeling benevolent today, brother. Next time, I won’t stop my fun so quickly.” 
With that, he released Satan’s arms and dusted off his coat as he stood. He had no shame for reducing his brother to a dazed, giggly puddle. Lucifer left the room, leaving his brother to recover by himself. He had a human to inform.
Satan curled up on the couch, rubbing his neck and hugging himself. Such an asshole… He refused to acknowledge the buzzing in his stomach, instead focusing on a revenge scheme. Taking a deep breath, the Avatar of Wrath stood, following the distant sound of his older brother’s footsteps. After he ranted to MC about how amazing the novel he received was, he had the perfect idea for his revenge. It was only a matter of time…
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starlostseungmin · 2 years
一 oh yes darling, hjs.
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pairing — idol!han x gn!reader
genre — domestic fluff
warnings — mentions of sex but not implied, kissing, not proofread.
word count — 988
notes — this is just for an experiment, might delete later if it doesn't show on the tags. i'm so upset right now.
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“I’m so exhausted darling, are you sure, you don’t want to cuddle with me?” Jisung asked, loosening his tie while you flip a page on the book you were reading, feeling the comfortable mattress and the new sheets from the laundry. It was a good Friday night which means it was your boyfriend’s day off the next day. He’s been working overtime during the week and badly wanted to rest, with the help of your cuddles, of course一but he came a little late today when he promised he will cook dinner for the both of you. 
“No,” You said, flipping another page of the book leaving the poor man pouting his lips. He knows this game, this is one of those nights when you’re trying to play hard to get as a joke to make him act all cute and beg but your boyfriend knows you too damn well. 
“Are you upset?” He said, taking off his white polo after the blazer. You tried you remain calm and fix your attention on the book you were reading. Jisung loves your reaction every time you see his exposed skin or the way he takes his clothes off in front of you. Nevertheless, it makes you crazy and he knows it. The change of the atmosphere caught you off guard, you didn’t even get to say anything before he was completely topless. Even the book is not helping and the words seem to be scrambled and hard to read. 
“I’m not,” You said. 
“Then why won’t you cuddle me?” He pouted. 
“You were late,” You answered as he chuckled in return. 
“So you’re upset with me,” Jisung smiled but you just rolled your eyes in response. “Come on, how do I make it up to you?” He asked, sitting on the empty space beside you, trying to get your damn attention away from the book. Your boyfriend loves to tease, he can manage to make you give in when he starts to do something that will make you sore in the morning. But it’s not that easy, because sometimes, you weren’t just up for it. Your boyfriend is not the type to be patient, but when it comes to you, he would always understand. Yet you would also feel bad about it when he sighs and leaves in disappointment after you refused. No arguments were made because he won’t force you if you don’t want it. 
You sensed his face getting closer to yours, attempting for a kiss as his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His hot breath gave you the chills down to your spine making the book fall on the mattress. Jisung started rubbing the tip of his nose on your cheek which made you giggle in response while attempting to break free from the tight hug. You knew he wouldn't be able to finish his night routine if you let him be like this for a while. 
“Go wash up first, I’ll cuddle you alright?” You smiled, cupping his cheeks before giving him a quick kiss on the lips. 
“Fine, don’t forget the smooches,” He smirked, kissing the tip of your nose before dashing towards the bathroom. A smile formed on your face as you fixed your hair, and placed the book back on your side table. Your boyfriend has been working too hard that you are worried if he is getting enough rest. Being part of a famous boy group in the whole industry gives him a tight schedule where it’s rare to spend some time with his beloved. And the tour一the tour is right along the corner. 
A sigh escaped your lips as you waited for him. He deserves all the cuddles he could get from you anyway. The love he gives and the time management he has when it comes to you are very endearing. You knew there are a lot of reasons to love him, and being loved by him is already a huge thing to earn. 
You heard the bathroom door open and shut as his footsteps are getting closer to the bed. His hair is soaking wet and his body was enveloped in a white robe, you prepared for him. The dryer started doing its job as Jisung watched himself in front of the mirror while you wait. Watching him like that made you think you are the luckiest person on earth to have him. He’s perfect wherever you look at him, he denies them sometimes but his narcissistic side is not debatable. 
“I will melt if you keep staring at me like that,” He said as you scoffed in response. 
“I was just waiting,” You answered as he ruffled his disheveled hair, taking his way back to your shared bed. 
“There’s something I wanted to say,” He said, halting a foot away from the mattress. 
“Shoot,” You said. 
“Why don’t we spice things up for tonight and stay in all day tomorrow huh?” He said, with a smirk on his lips while wiggling his brows. You could feel the heat rising on your cheeks and Jisung could see how they turned pink because of the blood rush. It’s been a while since the last time you did it一thanks to his occupied schedule, he’s been missing a lot with you. 
“Honey, no,” You said. 
“Oh, yes darling,” He said when he attempted to hover over you but you were too quick to move, making him fall to his face on the pillows. “Oh come on,” He whined in response as he laid on his back, kicking his legs on the sheets like a little kid, making you laugh. 
“You’re so cute,” You said, kissing his cheek. “I was just kidding you know? Come here,” 
“I won’t go easy on you, darling,” Of course, Jisung is a sucker for you. He never hesitated to get on top of you again, before crashing his lips on yours and wrapping your arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. 
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taglist: @wolfchanchan @inseonqt @soobin-chois @hanjiesgf @koovvie @lix-ables @zoe8stay @gwynsapphire @cherryhanji @lixesque @seungly @sleepyleeji @kim-seung-mo @strangevante @h0neydewmoon @ppiri-bahng @myjisung @snow-pegasus @milkybonya @l3visbby @yejis-biggest-simp @tangylemonade @hwan-g — lmk if you want to be added or removed !!
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serrennedyanonwriter · 5 months
room tour???
I’m assuming this is in response to me showing off the rooms in my RE household. Anyway-
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Claire’s Room
Didn’t have of much of idea of what to do besides using red and making it look like a room she’d likely use. Also, Chris likes to randomly go into her room, talk to her, and then use her exercising equipment very casually as they’re still talking.
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Sherry’s Room
Used a lot of lighter blue along with whites and lighter browns as it fits for her. Also, tissues next to the bed because I don’t know, something tells me she sometimes has hardcore crying sessions because of Raccoon City as well as loosing both of her parents. Also, she has an art easel as I feel like she’d like painting in some way.
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Carlos’s Room
Carlos and Chris really got short ends of the stick as they’re both military-ish green men. For that reason, I used a lot more browns for of them to make things look better. A lot of I wanted to use for him were locked by career stuff, and unfortunately, to cheat to unlock them does not work on PS4, so I used could.
Fun fact: I made Luis an astronaut (because closet thing to scientist I have active in the game), and he has to workout for likely higher chances of being promoted. Because of this, I make him go into Carlos or Leon’s rooms when they’re there, and he flirts with them automatically without me making him do so.
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Luis’s Room
Yes, his room will be lost if there were to ever be a fire started in there, but in my honest opinion, it’s worth it for aesthetics and canon accuracy. I don’t know, something just tells me he’d use a lot of candles, and the curtains and bed just scream him to me. When he’s not being gay, he likes to read in his room a lot by the way.
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Leon’s Room
A lot of blue and black for him as I had no ideas really for him. I might go back and edit to make it more messy/depressing as I hc he is messy (not on purpose though). Plus, he is depressed so making his room reflect that makes sense. Also, the TV in front of the treadmill is something I feel like he’d do. The row of bookshelves is for aesthetic (He rarely reads /hj)
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Chris’s Room
I GAVE HIM BACK HIS GUITAR. Also, I did say him and Carlos got short ends of the stick thanks to the military green they wear. Gym equipment as this man keeps constantly wanting to work out. I might make his room messy since in the OG RE2, Leon makes comments about Chris being messy.
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Krauser’s Room
A hidden-ish bisexual flag since I feel like he’d be ashamed of being gay (internalized homophobia™️). Coffin is there not only because he is dead but because I wanted to do a replacement for Las Plagas for him by making him a vampire. One of the weaknesses I gave him was only being able to rest in a coffin. I completely forgot to give him a dresser and mirror (as I did with everyone else), but I’ll fix it later.
Ada’s room has three pictures, and I reached the image limit so, time to wait for a reblog for her room.
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wist-eri · 1 year
rapid analysis of what some of the descriptions/footnotes possibly mean
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usually i wouldn’t put this on my main account, but since the other blog i would post it on is a little more in-detail on average, i decided why not (i think you know which blog i’m referring to)
so yep! i read some of the footnotes and added some personal analysis as to what some of them could mean. i’m positive the song used in the new DRDT MV will be “bungaku shoujo insane,” based on the similarity of the thumbnail as well as some specific footnotes, so a lot of my analysis will be based on that song and its lyrics
[1] In this situation, it is better to use full names over nicknames. Exclude our protagonist—he is not "that person." not sure what this means yet. we’ll have to see.
[2] Other examples include Drosophilia melanogaster and E. coli. don’t know if this is intentional, but drosophila is misspelled. (they wrote it as “drosophilia”) either way, both are often used in school experiments in order to develop a further understanding of genetics and genetic material (and how it’s transferred). 
[3] From Title 17 of the United States Code. referring to copyright laws in the United States. the reference may be more apparent in the released MV, similarly to some other footnotes—after all, the original “Bungaku Shoujo Insane” video has some moments where they simply show excerpts from famous texts. this may be one of them that’s featured specifically in the DRDT version of the MV
[4] The practice of avoiding the number four; it is most common in East Asia. This superstition arises from the fact that the number four can be read similar to the word "death" in multiple languages. self-explanatory.
[5] As the translation has been intentionally botched in many parts, it should not be considered accurate. this could be a separate author’s note to one of the texts referenced in the MV—we’ll have to see.
[6] (Prayer) no idea but i don’t feel like searching the bible for this one /hj (i think there might be a prayer written in text in the MV though)
[7] Seven is considered an auspicious number in many Western cultures. Let's just skip it. also self-explanatory.
[8] 'Tut, tut, child!' said the Duchess. 'Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it. excerpt from Alice in Wonderland. don’t know how important that’ll be in the future—could be referenced directly in the MV? 
[9] no respect for the classics smh hold on let me see if there’s a lyric mocking classic literature- 
[10] The Roman numeral for 10 is X. imagine there’s an X with a footnote and it’s just this
[11] I admit to lying. There is no one named OOOOO OOOOO. I am, and always have been, an only child. a lot of theories about this, but regardless of whether or not this statement is true, it could be a reference to diana chiem, arturo’s sister, david himself even (i’ll explain later), etc. either way, this footnote seems to be more about one of the characters in the DRDT cast than anything
[12] "Majority rule" is known to be the fairest method of making decisions for a group. That's why murderers never complained when we voted for them to die. just a random question, but you know what a majority vote is? /ref this may also be a reference to this lyric:
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rough translation + wiki info: to be, or not to be—i have no idea! but let’s decide, with a democratic method!
[13] 正 character that’s often used to represent something that’s “correct,” “right,” or “just,” speaking from experience. additionally, it’s sometimes used as tally marks in a few eastern countries (china, japan, etc)
[14] Hint: word length of 256 Hamlet’s soliloquy, which starts with “to be, or not to be—that is the question,” is exactly 256 words (at least, according to this source). Additionally, this soliloquy is also referenced in one of the lyrics in this song (see [12]—the first line is actually one of the more well-known Japanese translations of “to be or not to be.” additionally, a few lines from the text are actually shown in the MV at that point), so that may be what it’s referring to
[15] “Ignorance is bliss" is an idiom used to say that it is better to remain ignorant about certain harsh truths, in order to avoid causing oneself stress. The expression comes from a 1742 Thomas Gray poem ("Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College": "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." might be a stretch, but possibly a reference to this lyric?
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(rough translation: things like the meanings(?) behind art, you’d be happier not knowing)  (note: the word used for “art” here encompasses all types of media, which include dance, writing, etc.)
i feel like this is specifically referring to how it’s better to be ignorant of the meanings behind certain actions and words, than to be aware of the dark implications behind them. this is a stretch though. do what you will with it but i think this is referring to one of the characters and their actions + true meanings behind them *cough* david *cough*
[16] While it was originally intended to serve as a military march, today it is most commonly recognized for it's association with circuses and tomfoolery. the exact song that this footnote refers to is Julius Fučík’s “Entrance of the Gladiators.” This is a song that’s featured in Bungaku Shoujo Insane, and it can be heard in the interludes—in fact, this footnote is what pointed me to Bungaku in the first place
[17] Not a real word. Can't be found in any dictionary. this might be an actual translation footnote of the song, since it’s definitely not unheard of to have words in japanese that don’t have an english translation and/or words that don’t actually exist. whether that’s actually in the lyrics i don’t know but i’ll have to look into it
[18] A/N: soz not very good at drawing flowers lol!!! i find it weird how this one specifically has A/N (author’s note)
[19] A dialogue between two individuals that serves as a discussion of moral and philosophical issues. this is known as a socratic dialogue. not sure how this is important yet
[20] It is considered by many to be outdated, providing little-to-no insight on human nature. unfortunately i don’t know what this is referring to, but it will likely be made clear in the mv. my first thought was actually the enlightenment documents, since a lot of those discuss the inherent nature of humanity and how it’s “regulated” by society and government—but i’ve never heard it being called outdated, so that’s kind of a stretch.
someone said it could be an excerpt from one of Sigmund Freud’s works, which honestly, would make total sense-
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[21] Deriving from the Latin phrase "Et cetera" : meaning "and other (similar) things", "and so forth", or "and the rest (of such things)" : abbreviated to etc., etc, et cet., &c. or &c
also pretty self explanatory. however, i have no idea how this fits in the MV
[22] The rest is silence.
no idea about this one.
anyways if you have suggestions please feel free to reblog with them 🫠 i have no idea what’s going on and tbh 90% of this is me trying to grasp at straws
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uncreativeuser27 · 10 months
Hello! I haven’t posted anything for…a while now lmao but I HAVE been drawing. So, allow me to dump all my art in this post so I can disappear off the face of the Earth again because composing a good post is too much effort for my pathetic brain to handle /hj
I’ll try to put them in order of when they were made, but I’ll also group them into categories. The date as well as my signature can be found on all of the drawings (if you care lol)
This is a drawing I did for a friend of mine. It’s his original character, Mad Snake. Normally, I don’t like taking requests, but I genuinely enjoyed drawing this guy, so I didn’t mind it. He was a step out of my comfort zone, and I liked how he turned out!
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Now, the Jaiden pieces! The first one was my idea that Jaiden started performing for Las Casualonas (but, like, as a singer or stage personality. She never actually did anything spicy). I also thought she and Melissa could have a really funny dynamic. Like some sort of rivalry for the audience’s attention/love.
The second picture, as it obviously states, is what I headcannon Jaiden looks like working for the federation. I had fun with her scythe (and if you pay close attention, you can see a little something in the reflection:])
And the third one is of Jaiden stretching w/ her wings. It’s also the most recent of this entire batch. Basically, I finally came up with a way that I liked to draw wings and had a sketch in my sketchbook of that pose, so I drew Jaiden. Her shirt intentionally comes down low in the back to make space for the wings, and her hands are out of frame because I didn’t want to draw them. Also, that one only took me about 2 and a half hours, where most of the other took from 6-8 hours, so…lol
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The next pieces are an original work from 8th grade an the redraw two years later. It was an assignment that we had to read a novel and then make a trailer for it. I asked to make a drawing instead, and thus, this creation was born.
I changed a little bit, like putting two of the characters in the trees instead of a fading color behind them. Overall, they both took me three days and I’m really happy about how the redraw turned out.
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This is Imp. Yes, he looks like SomethingElseYT, but I don’t care. I love him, and I was already attatched when I realized. I made a whole spread in my sketchbook for him (I ran out of images, so I didn’t include it here. Maybe another day) Also he serves no purpose other than being something I can doodle on random things and places. He doesn’t even have hands
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This next one is a self-portrait in an outfit that I really liked! The original had my full name, but I blurred it for the sake of not wanting my full name on the internet (I’ve probably screwed up somewhere, but at least I’m trying :’)
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And this last one is meant to be part of a collection, but I only made for Kenny. I want to draw all of the main four in South Park as teens, but I haven’t been able to think of poses and stuff for the others. It willl happen one day, but for now have this I guess
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So, yeah. That was all the art that I wanted to share but haven’t had the motivation to actually put together posts for all of them. Hope you enjoyed my little display lmao
You probably won’t see for the next, like, couple of months because I’m really bad at posting. So, take this as my going away gift :D
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clover-kunai · 2 months
So…. I’m kinda back (ish)
Yes, ik, this blog has been somewhat dead FOR MONTHS and I haven’t posted much art. Dw, I will post an art dump later! But here’s some new updates I WILL post when I have the time and motivation.
1.) Fandoms and New motivation. - Now don’t worry I’m still into Pokémon and OK K.O.!, however for the planned “Avery and Me!” comic/story which is about a girl named Avery meeting a Mew and Mewtwo, will have to be delayed until notice. Why? I’m not just really been into the Pokémon fanbase much, specifically the Mew/Mewtwo fanbase. Don’t get me wrong, they’re my favorite pokemon. But mostly it’s motivation is what changed course.
I’ve been mostly into Poképastas and working on my own story for Calamity Trails! Follow me if you want that’s what I’ll be posting about for a while. Including lore as well.
2.) Uhhh- new lore rant? - Yes I will be posting about the lore about Calamity Trails! (Story and Character lore). Be expecting an essay of it /hj
3.) New references! - It took me a while, but I finally have a persona design! And also new oc designs as well, so I’ll be posting that soon.
…and that’s mostly it! Sorry for making you read this long note dear person, or follower idk. But anyways that’s all i wanted to yap about. Expect some content soon from me here and on my YouTube channel!
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a-ghostiee · 1 year
Everything I found in the new DRDT MV
We’ll start with the footnotes. I found nearly all of them, the exception being [8] which I couldn’t find. I will provide timestamps for each, and try my best to explain what it means.
[1] (1:22) - It is talking about solving the crossword, meaning that J would go by Julia and Xander would be Alexander. It’s also saying that David isn’t in the crossword, yet Teruko is. I will go into more detail on the crossword later.
[2] (3:02) - Arabidopsis is a thale cress plant; Drosophila melanogaster is a fruit-fly; and E. coli is bacteria. I’m not quite sure how these link, though.
[3] (2:18) - Literally a quote from Title 17 of the United States Code; which talks about Copyright.
[4] (1:47) - This footnote is attached to a bit of text in the background that says “subtract 4, add to tetraphobia.”. Tetraphobia is the practice of avoiding the number 4, which is mentioned in the description.
[5] (3:10) - As it says in the description, this part of the song has been mistranslated several times, so there is no reliable translation for it.
[6] (2:02) - The little 6 can be found next to the hands that look like this: 🙏. I assume the previous hand gestures were referencing a specific prayer, but I’m not sure.
[7] (2:41) - I’m gonna be honest, there isn’t much to work with here. The footnote in the description isn’t much help and the little 7 appears to be attached to the word “mind”
[8] - I couldn’t find [8] in the video, however, I googled the quote from the description and it comes from Alice in Wonderland.
[9] (2:08) - Again, the footnote in the description isn’t that helpful. This time, its attached to “sing a degraded copy”. The phrase “degraded copy” is in pink, so it’s probably important (maybe), but I really don’t know.
[10] (2:01) - The bit in the description mentions that “10 in Roman Numerals is X” and footnote 10, can be found on the right of the big, pink X in the background. Maybe the footnote is hinting that only 10 people will die in DRDT, because the pink X is very similar to the dead portrait Xs.
[11] (1:32) - Now, this one is probably the most interesting, because it says that ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ doesn’t exist. Given that this video centres around David, we can assume that this is most likely talking about his sister that he mentioned in Chapter 2 Episode 10, Diana. She fits the amount of letters perfectly. As for why this footnote is attached to “suspicious gaps”, I’m not quite sure. All I know about the gaps, is that there’s four of them.
[12] (2:02) - This part of the video shows that one person received 16 votes, and no-one else received any. This fits in with the description talking about majority vote (YTTD ref? /hj)
[13] (2:40) - Now this one is definitely next to something that’s been encoded. It seems like it’s been encrypted into Base64, but when I put those letters and numbers into a decoder, I got utter nonsense. It could have been encrypted several times, or it could just not be Base64, I’m still trying to work that out. The symbol in the description appears to mean correct as well, which fits with the placement.
[14] (3:52) - This appears to be at the end of a long chain of numbers, split into several parts. If you look at the equals symbol in the back, you’ll find the little 14. The hint in the description says “word length of 256″, which I could easily link to ASCII. ASCII is a form of character storage which only has 256 possible characters. Again, I’ll figure out what all the numbers mean, and translate it into something readable at some point.
[15] (1:48) - Not quite sure what to say here. The 15 is attached to the word “happiness” and the description talks about “ignorance is bliss”
[16] (2:50) - This is found on several screenshots(?) of a music sheet, which is “Entry of the Gladiators” by Julius Fucik.
[17] (2:01) - Probably the first footnote I spotted, I think I noticed it during my first watch, when it premiered. The description is right though, “Democratic-ly” isn’t a word.
[18] (3:04) - This one can be found with the dandelions (weed). I don’t know what the description is talking about though, the flowers are beautifully drawn ^^
[19] (3:42) - This one’s quite interesting because it’s part of a conversation. Not quite sure what it’s about but I’m pretty sure one of the mystery people is David.
[20] (1:53) - The description mostly explains that the 5 stages of grief are kind of outdated because they can be classed as reductionist, only considering nature.
[21] (3:49) - Again, another pretty simple one that I’m not sure I need to really explain.
[22] - This one is literally on screen for barely a second right at the very end, just before the video stops.
Now, I’ll move on to discuss the YouTube comment type things that appeared on the screen at around 1:09. These are in the order of when the appeared on screen (i think lol).
1.  “ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ is like the byakuya/nagito/kokichi of the cast.” - This is probably talking about David, given the personality he showed during Chapter 2 Episode 11. Also, David has the right amount of letters. 2. “lets play spot the komaeda.” - Again, most likely about David. 3. “I like that  ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ is a protagonist who also plays the antag[onist]” 4. This one is likely about Teruko given how she’s our protagonist and can be quite antagonistic at times. (*cough* pulling a knife out on several people during Chapter 2 *cough*) 5. “mm  ⚪⚪⚪⚪ anyone?” - Not sure who this is talking about because there are so many people who have a four-letter name. (Levi, Whit, Arei, Nico, Rose and Eden) 6. “⚪ and  ⚪⚪⚪⚪ totally swapped places” - Ok, this is definitely about the J and Arei swapped theory. 7. “ ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ will obviously die in ch5″ - Could be talking about David again, but there’s something later in the video that might suggest otherwise, which I’ll talk about later on. 8. “I just hope ⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪ doesn’t go crazy and kill in chapter 3. That would be way [too] predictable.” - Arturo 100% 9. “Everyone in the comment section is a fucking idiot” - Now this one’s kind of mean, but also very interesting. This could be David telling us we’re all wrong, or the creators.
At about 1:22, a crossword shows up briefly, as mentioned during [1]. I like crossword type things so I took some time to solve it. After this crossword shows up, there are several bits of text, which are matched with a roman numerals, so I matched those phrases up to the roman numerals from the crossword.
I. Alexander IV. Arei - “Right now, why do you cry?” VI. Arturo - “mind exercises 1234” VIII. Nico - “even if I try to think, idk!!! (lmao)” IX. Levi - “look aside from that, give me the usual medicine” - I wasn’t sure what was going on here XII. Eden - “But you’re in my way, aren’t you?” XIII. Teruko - “or” / “To be or not to be” XV. Whit - “Remaining ignorant, isn’t that “happiness”?” XVI. Hu - “Go and cry.”
II. Rose - “Ego cogito ergo (terbatus) sum” III. Charles - “If you doubt brittle things are broken.” V. Ace - “Right now, why do you go insane?” VII. Julia - “Do it like that, let’s live together” X. Min - “Democratic-ly”  XI. Mai - “God is dead” XIV. Veronika - “Things like substance of the arts”
And to finish off this post, I’ll talk about anything extra that couldn’t fit anywhere else. I’ll provide timestamps as well, lol.
(0:37) - Text says “I am a cat” before the word dog quickly covers the word cat. This could be a reference to how MonoTV looks like a cat, but insists they are a dog.
(1:00) - Text that is very briefly on screen says: “I did love you once so you should not have believed me.”
(1:04) - The person on screen looks like she could be Mai? Not really sure here, but she seems important.
(1:05) - Text at the bottom of the screen says “I’m guilty as charged. Sorry, we’re not there yet.” This could be a reference to how David says “I’m guilty as charged” in Chapter 2 Episode 11.
(1:28) - Text in red says “I hate the things that I love, and I love the tings that I hate.” This could be a reference to the photos of Mai and Teruko.
(2:02) - “Voting results: Everyone will be executed. There is no such thing as “victory” in a killing game.” This does not look good for the DRDT cast.
(2:22) - This looks like Xander. It looks like its from before he got his eyepatch, but that could just be the angle. If it is from before, does this mean David knew Xander before the killing game but lost(?) those memories.
(2:38) - “Note to self: put something here” Maybe something will be added to the video later?
(3:00) - “portrait of someone dearly loved” with an arrow pointing to the photo of Mai Akasaki. Maybe David loved Mai before something tragic happened?
(3:00) - “portrait of someone dearly unloved” with an arrow pointing to the photo of Teruko Tawaki. I think Teruko has something to do with whatever happened to Mai and David hates her for it. I think David was the person at the very beginning of the very first episode of DRDT, he’s the only person that I think has a motive. You can also spot a fork in the background of the MV and at the beginning of the prologue.
(3:04) - There’s a QR code on the books to the right. I haven’t been able to scan it so I don’t know what it leads to yet.
(3:06) - The supporting cast list has Mai Akasaki scribbled out and what looks like “Ms Naegi”  cut off underneath it. On the right of the screen, there was faint text that says: “(i.e. these are the only characters who make an appearance.) which could mean that Arei, Hu and Ms Naegi are in the video. This is a stretch but maybe Hu killed Arei. Probably not, though.
(3:10) - It looks like Xander is the one holding the gun here.
(3:20) - No, that’s wrong!
(3:44) - The lyrics here say “I’ll disappear” and David disappears from the chair, leaving what looks like splattered blood. The words “Chapter 3″ flash on the screen, though its cut off. David dies in Chapter 3 maybe?
Thank you for reading this extremely long post; I’ll reblog it anytime I get more information.
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thesunshineriptide · 2 years
Riddle, Floyd, Idia and Jade (separately) with an s/o who’s very forward and confident when innitiating affection but gets super flustered when on the receiving end of it? :3
I can absolutely do that because honestly I need some fluff to break up the wall of absolute angst that is becoming my writing. Anyway please enjoy some dumb dumb dumb moments of squishy soft Romantic snuggling, smooching, and squeezing
Characters: Riddle, Idia, Floyd, Jade
CW// physical affection, physical touch, smooching, flirting, PDA
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You groaned and flopped yourself down onto Riddle’s bed, shoving your face in your hands.
“Dearest, it really it’s that complicated.” Riddle tried to placate, “It’s simple theoretical physics.”
You sat up to glare at him with no real heat behind it, “Easy for you to say, Mr. Braniac, you’ve been learning this stuff since you were in diapers.”
He rolled his eyes and came to sit beside you, “If it was easy enough for an infant to learn, surely you’re capable then, aren’t you?” He baited, smiling a bit.
“Guhhhh.” You groaned, pulling him to lay beside you, “You’re insufferable. I love you so fucking much.”
“Language.” He chastised idly, face burning red as the sudden physical contact, “A-and, you’re going to mess up my uniform…!” He added, eyes darting away from where your arm laid.
“I’ll iron it for you later.” You hummed, tugging him closer to you, “Just take a rest with me. Snuggling is like, ten thousand times better than particle physics.”
“Theoretical physics.” He corrected around the lump in his throat before he simply sighed and settled into your touch, “You’re a terrible influence. If my mother saw us right now, she would be screaming.”
“Your mother’s just jealous that you get to cuddle with an amazing partner.”
He frowned a little, turning to face you, “You aren’t wrong. Honestly, my parents may have been better off getting a divorce.”
You hummed in agreement, eyes staring into his with such admiration it made him flush even deeper.
“I always wondered if your eyes were blue or silver…” you said, leaning in a little closer, “I’m starting to think that perhaps it’s both. A very blue-ish silver. It’s nice. It reminds me of snow.”
Riddle’s tongue caught in his mouth, brain still trying to catch up to what you’d said. “Snow?” He finally asked in a whisper, eyes searching your face for emotions he could read.
“Mhmm. Snow at dusk is always on the silvery colored side.”
For a while the two of you simply laid in silence, basking in each other before Riddle finally got his brain back online and said up to hover over you slightly.
“Wh- huh?” You gaped, surprised at his sudden movement.
“May I do something real quick?” He asked politely. He looked just as nervous as you did, biting his lip until it was nearly cherry red.
“Y-yeah, sure.” You stuttered out, laying still.
Riddle smiled a little, nervously planting both arms near your head before leaning down. He stared into your eyes for a moment, breathlessly murmured, “Stunning.” Before planting a gentle kiss on your lips.
The squeak that came out of you surprised him, and he smile softly as he pulled away.
“Was that okay?” He asked, somewhere between nervous and delighted, “I-I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I’ll never do it again if you-“
“I liked it.” You cut him off, blushing as well, “That was really nice. Though I think it would be better if I…” (smooch, but confident)
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Idia genuinely seems like someone that doesn’t like being touched. Not that he’s afraid, per say, but he doesn’t seem to enjoy it, worried he might cause someone harm on accident between his hair and being bony as shit.
But this is your boyfriend! So I guess you just have to live with the fact that he smells rancid and is terrified of touching you (/hj)
After hearing that Idia is pretty uncomfortable with physically touching, you have to come up with some interesting ways to show him that kind of affection.
Each morning you send him electronic stickers of hugs, A la stickerme. In the afternoon, you go on club penguin and hold hands or throw snowballs at each other. In the evening, you hop onto your mutual open world rpg and find his avatar to victory dance with him.
In real life, you probably don’t see him a lot during the day, but when you do, he’ll maybe let you hold hands before marriage so long as you’re wearing gloves and don’t make eye contact. If he’s feeling really confident, he’ll let you brush shoulders or sit close together.
So it’s kind of a surprise when, after gaming for several hours next to each other in his dorm room, he taps your shoulder lightly.
Into your arms is thrust a fireproof jacket, and Idia’s hair is neatly tucked into a long braid.
“Hmm? What’s goin on, babe?”
Idia looks shy and fiddles with his hands as he mumbled and stutters out, “I know you like to cuddle, so I’ve been thinking about ways to do it.”
You raise an eyebrow, then smile, putting on the fireproof jacket and zipping it up, “if you’re not comfortable, we don’t have to.”
He shakes his head, nervously looking at his game for a second, “No, I’m…I want to. ‘Cause I love you, or whatever. God, that sounds so cheesy.”
“Sometimes cheesy is good.” You mumble back, settling into a more comfortable laying position.
Idia turns and smiles at you, hair turning a soft pink as he cuddles in, head resting on your chest.
“Thank you for being patient with me.” He says softly, smiling. He doesn’t look at you, but it’s easy to tell he’s pleased based on his tone and hair alone.
“Y-yeah, of course.” You mumble nervously, just as pink as him as you wrap your arms around him, “is this good?”
“Yeah, it’s perfect. You’re perfect.” He says earnestly. For once, he doesn’t go on a nervous Idia rant or try and backtrack, instead just letting his comment hang in the air before he pulls out is phone to watch some twsttoks with you.
Whether or not he can hear how hard your heart is beating isn’t clear, nor is whether or not he knows how hot your face is or how sweaty your palms are, but it’s probably safe to assume that he’s in a similar state.
You two lay there like that for hours, late into the wee hours of the morning. You even end up falling asleep like that, curled up together in Idia’s bed, phones out watching cat videos, snuggled together like two little imps straight from the underworld
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It seems like in between classes, you and Floyd always manage to find each other, no matter what. It’s honestly kind of impressive, since you two can be in classes on opposite sides of the campus and still manage to find each other.
It started out as a one off. You had gone to find Floyd and give him a quick hug and a snack to boost his mood after he sulked away from alchemy class and Jade had informed you to try and steer clear. You, being the doting parter you are, took none of that and instead went to the mystery shop to go stock up and various candies and bring them directly to your moody eel boyfriend.
He, in turn, lit up like a Christmas tree and absolutely threw himself at you every time he saw you for the rest of the day, enveloping you in several near bone-crushing squeezes with the ferocity of a lion’s jaw.
This became almost normal to you for the next week, and you could expect that whatever you were doing, wherever you are, Floyd is probably less than a minute away and he is going to barrel into you or possibly just lift you up and carry you off.
Now, however, was your chance to get revenge. You managed to sneak up behind him, only catching the attention of Jade who simply pretended he didn’t see you as he was talking to Floyd.
You pounce, jumping up and onto Floyd back with a giggle and a kiss to his cheek, wrapping your arms around him, “I got you!”
Floyd tensed for the hot second it took for him to process you, looking to Jade who was covering his mouth to hide a laugh. When he realized that it wasn’t serious, he finally turned and seemed almost surprised to see you.
“Shrimpy! There you are!” He grinned, leaning up to give you a kiss, “I was worried it was another assassin for a minute. What’re you doin up there?”
“I’m getting you back for all the squeezes.” You said simply.
Floyd’s grin turned somewhere between amused and sinister, sharp and wide, “That just means I’ll hafta get you back tenfold, huh?”
The yelp of surprise he earned when he managed to lift you over his head to cradle you in a bridal hold, peppering your face in kisses was well worth the look of disgust on half the halls faces and the look of terror on everyone else’s.
You looked to your potential savior, only to remember that Jade is also Floyd’s brother and definitely not going to help you, based on the look of amusement painted obviously on his face.
Instead you turned to Floyd, who had stopped covering your face in kisses to watch you with a dopey grin instead, and leaned up to give him the sweetest little peck on the cheek.
This, in a strange turn, caused Floyd to get all soft, eyes crinkling in perfect crescents in response and a light dusting of rose covering his cheeks. “Awww, lil’ shrimp. You’re making me wanna squeeze you so hard~”
You will not escape this cuddle bug of an eel (cuddle fish? Deep snuggle isopod? More fish puns?)
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You sighed as you pressed yourself against Jade’s back, mumbling a greeting into the fabric of his blazer. Initially, he seems surprised, even a bit alarmed in his own Jade way, but when he turned only to see you, he relaxed in your grip, gently patting your hands in acknowledgement as he continued his conversation with Azul.
This was, evidently, a very common occurrence. If anyone else had tried to hug Jade from behind, they likely would have ended up with a dislocated shoulder and a sharp, cold glare piercing their soul. But with you, and a surprising lack of fear, this was just a Tuesday.
“Did you want me to make the menu for the next two weeks after that as well, or shall we play it by ear?” Jade asked his boss.
Azul, for his part, was mostly unfazed. Surprised that you would be so bold as to show Jade open affection in public, and more so that he hasn’t made any attempt to stop you, but not surprised that you’re doing it in general. “We’ll get to the menu after that when it comes up. I believe that’s all I needed to discuss, unless you have something?”
Jade did indeed have something, leaning in to whisper something to Azul. You, however, just continued to be latched onto his waist like a living belt. Eventually, when Azul had finally left, Jade turned his whole attention to you.
“Love, did something happen?”
“Just needed a pick me up.” You mumbled.
He frowned and turned around, detaching your arms from his waist as he held your hands instead, “I suppose I should attend to you then, hmm? We can’t have something so precious in dire straights, that wouldn’t do any good.”
Jade hums as he leans down give your forehead a kiss, brushing your hair from your face tenderly.
At the sight of your bright red cheeks and panicked eyes, he lets out a chuckle.
“Darling,” he coos, tipping your head up to look at him, “I thought you quite liked physical affection, no?”
“I-I…!” You stuttered out, squirming under his gaze, ”Of course I do! It’s just…weird being on the receiving end of it.” You mumbled, tuck your face into his chest.
He laughed softly, continuing to pet your head gently, “Do I not meet your needs, my love? Do you need more physical intimacy from me?”
“No!” You squeaked, hiding your face still, “This is good, just-“
“Just?” He hummed, forcing you out from hiding to look up at him, “if you need something from me, don’t be shy in telling me. I want to be the best partner I can be to you.”
You glared, huffing and gently smacking him in the stomach, “You’re already the best partner, I don’t need you changing just for me. And, it’s fine…I do like being touched ‘n all, I just never really…uh, expect it? So I come to you when I wanna cuddle. Seems easier that way.” You awkwardly trailed off, rubbing the back of your neck nervously, “Sorry, I made it weird.”
“Not at all,” Jade assured, an arm slipping around your waist, “I’m glad to hear that you wish to be upfront in your needs. It pleases me to know you value such clear communication.”
You blushed so hard it made your ears burn as he let out a soft clicking noise that may have been a laugh.
“Would you like to take a walk with me? Perhaps it will help with your mood. And besides that, I think we could use the time together.”
“Are you sure this isn’t just because you want a foraging buddy?”
“You wound me so.” He said, not at all upset, “Though, I suppose if we find any interesting flora on our walk….”
“You’re diabolical.” You laughed, bumping into him gently.
He gasped dramatically, “A slice directly to the heart. I shall never recover.”
“Do you want me to kiss it better?”
He hummed and leaned in, “Perhaps that could help my condition.” He murmured before pressing a lil kiss to your lips. “A wonder, I feel better already.”
“So do I.” You giggled, giving him another kiss.
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kinfanfiction · 2 years
Charlie Eppes x Fem!Reader - Chapter 6 - Morse Code
A/N: I am genuinely losing my mind. I really hope my writing makes that obvious. /hj
Credit to @iloaveanna for the initial idea for this chapter. I’m sorry if I took it in a completely differently direction than the one you suggested but hey hopefully you still like it!
If you’re reading this chapter and you’re thinking, “Wow this kinda sucks.” I swear I will come back and comb through it multiple times because I really want this chapter to be good. So essentially, if you want to see a better version of this chapter return in a couple days.
Slight TW themes of violence are involved in this chapter.
There’s no Charlie gif fitting for this chapter so here is him being pretty.
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     “Something changed, Larry. I looked at her, and I felt something for her I never thought I would. I’ve always admired her, of course. I mean, she’s beautiful, and brilliant, and kind, and she makes me laugh, and feel safe. I mean, she’s perfect, but I’ve always known that, and still I’ve always seen her as my best friend. Not necessarily someone I was…” Charlie sighed, unwilling to finish his last sentence.
     “In love with?” Larry finished for him, grinning at his smitten friend.
     Charlie quickly shook his head. “No, no, it’s way too soon to assume I love her.”
     “Charlie, you’ve known her almost your entire life. It’s not abnormal that you love her.”
     “Larry, it’s far too soon to tell.” He insisted. Larry laughed abruptly. “I know we’ve known each other a long time, but these feelings have never come up until now. So to jump to the idea of love is too soon in spite of that fact.”
     Larry stopped arguing and nodded. “Well, have you talked to her about it?”
     Charlie looked down at the cup of coffee in his hands. “No. I can’t. She opened up to me recently, for the first time in years, and I don’t want to do anything to make her shut me out again.”
     Larry frowns at the suggestion that you are so easily chased away, doubting the concept entirely. “Well, it’s not like you can hide these feelings from her forever, wouldn’t that be you shutting her out?” 
     “You might see it that way, but I see it as a way of maintaining our friendship as it is. Besides, these feelings will probably fade eventually, so why should I destroy what we have for potentially fleeting emotions?” 
     “Yeah. Potentially.” Larry mutters. 
     Charlie had begun to feel extremely defensive at this point, “Look, what do you want me to say?”
     Larry shrugs. “Nothing, yet. You take your time, of course. I understand situations like these aren’t easy to navigate.” He says, putting his hands up to show he wasn’t going to fight Charlie on the matter. It’s his life, after all. 
     Charlie takes a sip of his coffee. “Thank you.” The two sit quietly for a little while, Charlie’s eyes drift towards the view beyond the cafe window. He thought over the conversation, and he thought about his last interaction with you. He thought about how you were in such a hurry to leave the dining room and pack your things. He worried that whatever subtle change in feelings for each other you had shared would continue to scare you away. “Maybe I’ll visit her apartment later, to talk. Not necessarily about any topic in particular, but just, to talk.” 
     “That sounds like a good plan.” 
     When you had finally begun to regain consciousness, you slowly opened your eyes and took in your surroundings. You realized you’d been tied to a chair, and you were faced in front of a camera. In that moment, you remained alone, but you knew that wouldn’t be the case for very long. Still, you did everything you could to gather information about where you were. Through a pounding headache and overwhelming dizziness, you looked to your left to see a window covered by white curtains, so you could still see light streaming through them. The floor was carpeted, and the room was relatively warm. It wasn’t exactly the harsh environment you’d expected. You’d expected to be in a dark secluded basement where no one could hear your screams. 
     Finally, a tall man returned to the room. He had bright blue eyes, a brown and gray scruffy mustache and beard, with hair on his head to match. He looked old and tired. He himself was not too frightening, but the gun in his hand was. “Oh, you’re awake. Well, then we can get straight to discussing negotiations. I’m holding you for ransom, which means you have only one way out of here, just give me a number of any family members who would be willing to pay $500k for your life, and you’ll be on your way home in no time. Or of course, you can pay the money yourself.” The man spoke in a very professional tone, like this was just a regular business transaction. Meanwhile, your head was spinning. You could barely even process where you were, and now you had to take in what this guy was saying. 
     Then, you had to think. Don’t criminals usually hold people for ransom if they’re rich or they know their victims are connected to or possess something of importance? Was it possible this man knew you were connected to the FBI through Don and Charlie? Would he be suggesting you call family if he did? If there was any chance he thought he was getting any money from the FBI, he’d have to be either crazy, incredibly stupid, or both.
     Then it occurred to you, that’s exactly how you get out of this. Through Charlie, Don, and the FBI. You hated the thought of Charlie receiving a phone call like this from you, so you decided to go to Don first. You give the guy Don’s number, and he calls. “What’s your relation to this person?” He asks for clarification, and you think to yourself for a short moment. You decided there was only one correct answer to his question. 
     “He’s my brother.” Calling him your neighbor or childhood friend just didn’t seem right. He had always looked out for you like he had with Charlie. Growing up an only child, he was the closest thing you ever had to a brother. He might as well know that in case you couldn’t be saved. You could hear the muffled sound of Don’s voice answering the call. 
     “I have your sister, if you ever want to see her again, I need $500k within the next 24 hours.” 
     Don, on the other line, was immediately alert, but also a little confused. The man put you on the phone and demanded you speak. Your voice came out shakier than you’d wanted it to,“Hi Don, it’s Y/n. I didn’t want to call Charlie because I knew he’d freak out, and I know you’ll have to tell him yourself now so just tell him I’m okay right now, just uh, bring the money.” You say the last bit for the man holding you hostage, so he doesn’t think there’s any alternative to him getting what he wants. 
     “You heard her.” The man mutters, before quickly hanging up the phone so it could not be easily traced.
     After he left the room, you began to think about all the things you’d do as soon as you got out of the carpeted hellhole you were stuck in. You’d begun to realize that if you didn’t escape this, there’d be a lot you’d regret in death. Your first thought was that you hadn’t hugged your family members enough. You thought about the Eppes, and it hit you just how bad it would be if you died. It had only been a year since Margaret passed away, you hated the idea of you dying as well, and putting them through more grief than they’ve already faced. Especially with everything you had left to resolve between you and Charlie. You had just started opening up to him, letting him get close to you again, and you knew that there had been a shift between the two of you, but you were still trying to deny that there was a chance you might be developing feelings for him. 
     This wasn’t the first time you’d questioned your feelings for Charlie. The first time was when he came back from Princeton. He’d grown and matured in a way that caught you off guard. Here was this 16 year old guy talking like he was 25, and for some reason you found that strangely alluring. Still, you had no intention to express your feelings then, because you didn’t want to ruin your friendship, and instead you cast off your attraction to him as your teenage hormones acting up. For years you convinced yourself that you’d gotten over the little crush you’d had on him, and now that these feelings were beginning to reemerge, you could no longer cast them off like you had before, and that was beginning to terrify you.
     You began to think of what you would say to him if you made it out of your captor’s home alive. You weren’t coming up with much. You knew you had to be as smart as possible in your current situation, because you refused the alternative of your loved ones going through so much pain. 
     As soon as the man hung up, Don dialed Charlie’s number and called him. Charlie halted his conversation with Larry to answer. Don let out a shaky, nervous breath as the weight of the situation had begun to sink in. “Charlie.. When did you last see Y/n?” He asks in as calm of a voice as he could manage. 
     Charlie furrows his eyebrows at the question, “The last time I saw her was at the house, she said she was going to pack up, so she might’ve gone back to her apartment by now, why?” He asks, now a little on edge. 
     “Shit.” He muttered. He immediately hung up and gathered a team of FBI members and directed them all to your apartment to search for any signs of who the man that had kidnapped you might be. When they arrived, they could see your car had been left behind, and when they see your bags in the back, it’s confirmed you never made it home before being taken. The team scanned the car for fingerprints, but only found yours. The guy had been careful not to leave behind any physical evidence that he had been there. Then, Don noticed that there were security cameras set up around the apartment, and he quickly checked with the main apartment office, only to discover that there was a lapse in recording from a few hours earlier that had been cut out. His last resort was talking to eye witnesses, which is always tricky. 
     Luckily, in one of the apartments near where you had been taken, an older woman recalled seeing a suspicious looking man sitting in his parked car in the same parking lot where your car was left behind. She didn’t get a good enough look at him to be able to say what he looked like, and she never saw you get kidnapped, but she made sure to note that he was in a black Sedan, and that when the man finally drove away, he seemed to be in a hurry. Don asked her what direction she saw him leave in, and she said he’d turned left on the exit out of the apartment complex. The whole team immediately headed in that direction, until they realized they didn’t have enough to go off in order to find you. 
     Defeated, Don knew he’d have to ask for Charlie’s help, and he knew that his brother would be incredibly scattered knowing your life was in danger. Hell, he was too. He looked at his phone to see about five missed calls from Charlie, and finally answered.
     Charlie was already panicked over the short phone call earlier, but the only reason the missed calls stopped at five was because Larry was there. They had left the cafe and went to Larry’s house so Charlie could attempt to stop overthinking. When he finally got a call back from Don, he answered almost immediately. “What was that call about? Did something happen to Y/n?” He demanded in a rushed tone. 
     Don sighed, “Charlie, Y/n was kidnapped. She’s being held for ransom. We have 24 hours to find her. She’s alive, and she’s alright, but we need your help to track her down.” Charlie’s breath hitched in his throat, and he quickly sat down. He went silent for a long time, overwhelmed with worry. He partially blamed himself for not talking to you more after you’d rushed to pack your bags. Maybe he could’ve kept you from leaving long enough to have prevented this from happening. He felt as if he couldn’t breathe. In the many conversations he imagined having with Don after his first call, Charlie had imagined this as one of them, but he never dreamed that he’d be right. He was always paranoid and overthinking, so he cleared his head, assuring himself that’s all he was; paranoid. Not right!
     Don was very silent with him, waiting for him to say something, but after about half a minute he really started to worry. “...Charlie?” He spoke, finally breaking the silence. 
     All Charlie could say was, “What?” In a breathless voice. 
     “I know this is a lot, but we need you to come down to the office and help us find her as soon as you can.”
     Charlie nodded, and Larry stared at him, feeling very confused and concerned. “I’m on my way.” He said, immediately grabbing his coat and walking towards the front door.
     “What happened? What did Don say?” Larry questioned, following after him. 
     “She was kidnapped.” He spoke, and just saying the words out loud hurt.
     “Let me drive you.” Larry insisted, since he didn’t want his friend waiting for public transportation.
     The two made it to the office, and Charlie immediately combed through the evidence, and he quickly came up with ideas on how to track the black Sedan that the guy was in. He checked all traffic light cameras near the apartment complex, and spotted a black Sedan leaving in a hurry just like the woman had described. He then continued following the car through footage of all the traffic lights that followed, until eventually they lost him. Fortunately, Charlie was a genius, so he had already used the data from the traffic cameras to narrow his location down to a specific area. Unfortunately, with that being all the information they had, the only thing they could look for was a black Sedan, there was no hint from anyone on what his guy looked like. The windows on his car were too tinted to tell. So, the team went searching for all black Sedans with heavily tinted windows in the area. They wound up empty handed. Garages are a tricky thing to avoid. 
     They spent the next few hours looking for anything they could find that could lead them to this guy, just kicking themselves over their lack of success. 
     For you, the next few hours were excruciating. You had no food, no water, and no way to go to the bathroom. “Why does it always take so long for people to come up with $500k?” The man muttered. 
     “Maybe it takes so long because people aren’t made of money, jackass.” You mumbled quietly in return. The man shot his head up to look at you, rage apparent in his eyes. 
     “What did you just call me?” He said, standing up, gun gripped firmly in his hand. He put the gun to your head, practically seething with anger. “You better watch how you talk to me. Your life is in my hands now. I could kill you right now and kidnap someone else if you’d prefer, but if you wanna live I suggest you shut up and do your part until this is over.” He threatened. 
     Your eyes widen in fear. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry! I’m an idiot for saying that. I’ll shut up now.” You say in a panicked tone. The man removed his pistol from your head and sat down, still visibly pissed at your comment.
     “Actually, you know what? I’m getting tired of all this waiting, aren’t you? Why don’t we send a video over to your brother, show him just how much trouble you’re in so he’ll hurry up.” The man said, getting up to start recording on the camera that had been staring you in the eyes for hours. 
     As soon as the camera started rolling, he put his gun to your head again, standing out of frame. “It’s been six hours, we’re a quarter of the way to the hour when your sister dies, unless you give me my $500k.” As the man began to speak his threats to the camera, you quickly thought of a way to communicate with Charlie. When the two of you were in grade school, he taught you morse code. You used it often to communicate across the room during class, and now knowing it could potentially save your life. 
     As he talked, you began blinking in morse code, describing the man’s features, including specifics that would make him more easily identifiable, like any moles he had on his face, what he was wearing, the inside of his house, what camera he was using, what gun he had, any details that could help ensure you were found. You played the blinking off as blinking in fear of the gun to your head, and the guy was too wrapped up in his own fury and impatience that he didn’t catch on to what you were doing. You tried to hold it together, but soon enough the stress of the whole situation set in, and tears began to stream down your face. Of course, still trying to survive, you used your tears to help sell the need for such excessive blinking. You blinked away all your tears as they poured out, set on communicating everything you could to Charlie, Don, and the FBI.
     When the video was over, the man moved the gun away from your head and left the room. He was gone for a long while, presumably making sure his video was untraceable and sending it to Don. In the meantime, you calmed yourself down. You did all you could, and you hoped that as long as they did the same, that would be enough. You wished you had more definitive clues that could lead them to finding you, but you had been unconscious the whole ride over, so you had no street names or details on the exterior of the house to give.
     After spending hours going over everything a thousand times over, trying to figure out where you could be, Don finally sat up as soon as he received an anonymous message, with the video of you in it. He connected it to his office computer, and immediately had another agent try to trace it, but there was no luck. Charlie ran over to see the video, and his heart shattered on the spot. Seeing you so afraid for your life shook him in a way no other case had. He hated seeing you like this. He wanted so badly to find you and take you home and make sure nothing like this ever happened to you again. He focused in on every detail of the video, the background, the sound of the man’s voice, anything that could lead them to you. Then, as he watched closely, he noticed how much you were blinking, at first he’d assumed it was because of fear, but then he identified a pattern to the blinking, and recognized the pattern as morse code. He scrambled for a piece of paper, and began writing down the words.
     He was so relieved they finally had an appearance description they could use to find the guy. One of the agents sketched out the words you’d used to describe the man as best you could with such limited time. After they had an image, they started looking for matches in the area Charlie had narrowed your location down to, and they found a guy with every feature you’d described, including a mole next to his nose. Then, Don checked his records to see if they could identify what car he had for confirmation, and sure enough, the man owned a black Sedan. That was all they needed to go down and find the guy. Don gathered a team of agents, and Charlie followed. Usually, Don would argue against him coming to the scene of a crime, but he couldn’t refuse to let Charlie come get you. He knew he needed to be there.
     The whole ride over, Charlie couldn’t stop fidgeting with his hands as he stared out the window. Even though the car was speeding the entire time, he felt so anxious that 90 miles per hour just didn’t seem fast enough. As they came up on the area of the man’s address, all cars slowed down to a normal speed and parked in various spots surrounding the house. They wanted to be as quiet as they could as they snuck into the man’s house to get you. They kept in mind that he was quite possibly still in the house, and that he had a gun. Megan went into the garage to confirm he was the owner of the black Sedan they had been searching for, and sure enough, as soon as she walked in, there it was.
     Don made sure Charlie wore a bulletproof vest before they went inside the house together, walking in through the back.
     The man returned and stayed seated in the chair he’d set up across from you, next to the camera, making sure you made no sudden movements trying to escape. Then, the two of you both heard the faint sound of shuffling from downstairs. Relief ran through you, but not for long. As soon as the man felt that someone was in the house, he got up with his gun and put it to your head again. “Any sudden movements and you’re dead, got it?” He threatened. Your whole body tensed, and you dared not move, save for the fact that you had begun to shake involuntarily. 
     As soon as an agent knew you were in immediate danger, movement got a lot faster for the team. Three agents burst through the front door, then, running up from downstairs, Megan, Don, and Charlie all ran up to get you. “FBI! DROP THE GUN!” One of the agents yells. 
     “Take one step closer and I’ll shoot.” The man threatened immediately, attempting to continue holding his ground.
     “You try that, you die.” Charlie spat. Which wasn’t just a statement sourced in the rage he felt, it was true. There was a sniper outside waiting to shoot the second the man so much as attempted to pull the trigger.
     “Is $500k really worth it?” Megan questioned.
     Suddenly, the man burst into crocodile tears, realizing he’d lost. “You don’t understand, if I don’t pay that $500k, I’m gonna be in a lot of trouble.”
     Don shook his head, “You’re already in a lot of trouble, buddy. Now drop the gun and put your hands behind your back. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” The man considered defying him, but he knew even if he shot you and tried to run, he wouldn’t get anywhere. So, he cooperated, dropping the gun and letting Don cuff him. All the agents left to take the guy to the car, and Charlie rushed to untie you. As soon as you were free, you began breathing heavily with a deep sense of relief, knowing that the guy who had kidnapped and almost killed you was now in custody. 
     As soon as Charlie came around to the front of the chair to look at you, you wrapped your arms around him with such a force that it knocked you both back onto the carpet. He instinctively returned the embrace, and you swore he was shaking more than you were. You cried into his shoulder, and he let out a few tears himself. He was so glad he and the FBI had found you. “You’re okay now, I’ve got you.” He spoke in a shaky whisper. He had been so scared that his worst fear would come true so soon within your lifetimes. He thought he was going to lose you, but he didn’t. He gently pulled out of the tight embrace, his eyes wide, and he immediately started scanning you for any injuries, and, with the exception of a few bruises, you were alright. 
     You got a good look at him, and he got a good look at you. You stared into each other’s eyes, both glad you were alive and the two of you were finally together. Then all of a sudden, there it was again. That feeling in the pit of your stomach. Usually it made you want to run away and hide, but in this moment you just felt pulled to him in a way you couldn’t word. “I almost died today.” You said softly, just taking in the truth of the sentence, still in shock. 
     Charlie nodded, a tear sliding down his cheek, “Yeah, almost. But you didn’t.” He lifted his hand and moved the hair that had fallen in front of your face back behind your ear. For the first time in a long time, beyond everything that had happened today, you truly felt safe. “I think I should stay with you a little while longer.” You say quietly, and he smiled softly and nodded.
     “I think that’s a good idea.” He agreed. 
     “All my stuff is back at my apartment still.” 
     “I’ll see if Don can go get it for you, if you don’t want to go back there.”
     “That sounds good.” 
     Then silence fell upon you, and you still continued to feel that magnetic pull towards him. Through all the adrenaline you felt after everything you’d just been through, fear no longer seemed to be a hinderance. Before rational thought could take hold of you once more, you leaned in and pressed your lips against his. In no way had Charlie expected that.
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silly-little-soul · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're having a good day/night! I'd like to ask for HCs (or whatever format you're cool with!) for Casimir, maybe something just like how he would spend the day with MC when they're not working on the House?
Romantic is fine! I hope that's not too vague of a request! Thanks! :)
A/N - Hey, I’m so sorry for the wait I finished this weeks ago but forgot about it I’m sorry ;-; hope you enjoy! (Also thank you really much for being my first Tumblr request)
(I’ll fix the format of this post when I have my laptop later today)
Fandom: Fictif, Monster Manor
Format: headcanons
Type: Fluff, a bit comedy
Warnings: none I can think of
Summary: spending time with Casimir
Relationship: Casimir x Reader (Written as romantic but save for like one all work platonically)
Characters featured: Casimir, briefly Mimi and the house, Rainier mentioned
Note: maybe OOC, some of these are kind of far fetched (Also I didn't read any of the paid scenes so I’m sorry if I got something canon wrong)
Renovating is pretty exhausting so of course a lot of work means a lot of rest. There's many ways to do so such as sitting down with some tea and snacks, reading together or to each other, cuddling or watching movies; either way you spend this time together quite often 
speaking of movies, movie and show nights! At first at least there might be more of Casimir nerding over the technology than watching though /hj. Someone just please show this man the Beauty and the Beast. Or Transformers. First one is self explanatory, second one I just think would be funny. Also maybe Howls moving castle. That might be super far fetched but I think he'd like studio Ghibli. 
Bonding with Mimi! Casimir really wants to gain back her trust and having you be there calms him Mimi. Though it's better than it used to be already there's still some tension between them and you're definitely helping. You also get to spend time with both of them so that's definitely a win!
You cannot convince me this man doesn't go into hour long rants and rambles about his interests after you asked one simple question. He can get pretty lost in it once he started and tends to get a little embarrassed about it once he realises. Cmon, he was all by himself for multiple centuries, he's not used to people being around. You encouraging him to go on, asking questions or referencing things he told you later on means a lot to him. 
Of course it goes both ways, he absolutely loves listening to you talk, especially about things you're passionate about and will try to bring it up again later or engage in your hobbies with you together. He genuinely wants to know about you and your interests, for one he hasn't really heard from/about anyone else for a very long time (not counting cats and buildings) and also you're, of course he wants to hear everything you have to say
Okay okay okay this one's my personal favourite: hide and seek.​ I actually might write a whole own thing about that at some point soon because it'd just be so much fun!​ The house is quite big with super many hiding spaces. Now it's not something he'd suggest and yeah it might take some force persuasion to convince him but if you ask him really really nicely hell probably say yes, or just annoy him till he agrees (even more effective if Rainier joins). Alternatively just hide somewhere so he has no choice but to search (you definitely gave him a heart attack the first time you did that)
Casimir is old fashioned (I mean- how wouldn't he be) so your regular date nights are pretty classic. Usually it's a romantic dinner (brought to you by The House TM), sometimes it's dancing (like that one paid scene(? Is there one? Or am I mixing something up? Idk); he was taught to be a gentleman and he's gonna use that /hj
Bringing him modern things from shopping trips. It started off by you bringing him something he was curious about after you mentioned it and quickly developed into a habit of you bringing him trinkets whenever you're out. His curiosity makes you much more aware of how interesting even little thins can be and soon turned to you coming back from trips out the house with a bag of things like toys, gadgets and other fun things from the dollar store or similar. You then spend the day looking at what you brought, how it works and so on. Imagine spending the day with Casimir trying out a bunch of toys you bought or found with your old stuff (the type for children, don't think wrong here)
adding onto this because I love the idea of doing fun childish things with him (you'd have to be the one to initiate them though, potentially ‘force’ him, but he secretly enjoys it). Silly sleepovers with pillow forts, movies, teeny magazines (I want to just hand this guy a stack of these teen magazines and see what happens so bad), and snacks! 
related a bit to the one above but spa days! He definitely needs some more self care. I do kinda think he likes stuff as skincare and and used to have a routine (nobility and stuff) he likely had to cut short or even drop it completely with the house's hostility. But now you're there and not only are there so many products your world has for this, it's also much more fun together, leading to entire days planned only for spa and wellness activities (like doing each other's nails, I have a little theory connected to Casimir and acrylic nails but that's all I'm saying on that)
I feel like I have to say something to end this smoothly sooo Casimir supremacy!!
(Requests open)
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thezanyarthropleura · 2 years
The Muan-Atlantean War
And what exactly is Wold Newton?
Different sort of Gamera March post today, and a history lesson in digging through a bunch of websites I found probably 10-15 years ago that permanently influenced my take on kaiju films and how I write about them.
Readers of some of my own kaiju fandom stories (barely worth mentioning here considering the weight of what I’m about to talk about) may have noticed hints of a concept I’ve been recently building up to tackling, the origins of various Toho and Daiei kaiju and how they relate to two warring ancient civilizations, Toho’s Muans and Daiei’s Atlanteans. The story of how we got to this point begins in 1795 - yes, 1795. Really.
The Wold Newton family concept, per Wikipedia, is effectively a study of fictional universes, with the aim to figure out which of those universes might actually be the same universe after all. This exists largely outside of official crossovers, although those are often considered as evidence. The premise is basically “if it fits, it’s canon, and if it doesn’t fit, some version of it might still be canon.” AKA the absolute bane of a certain no-fun-allowed type of kaiju fan that I probably annoyed the hell out of in my younger days and remain damn proud of it. (/hj)
The concept dates back to a real meteorite that fell in the town of Wold Newton, Yorkshire in 1795, and Phillip José Farmer, a later American writer who proposed the hypothesis that many improbably strong or intelligent fictional heroes and villains are in fact descendants of two families irradiated by said meteorite. It’s since evolved to be more centered on the universe-connecting I’ve described above, but the idea of the two families seems to still be mentioned on occasion.
(Important note: Wold Newton historians thematically phrase their findings in a way that describes fictional events/characters as if they were part of a real history and dismiss contradictions between the included stories as ‘errors.’ This is not a slight against established canon or willful misinterpretation of official material, but a device meant to imply the official material is an erroneous or exaggerated retelling of the ‘true’ events as present in the Wold Newton Universe)
Which brings us to the first leg on the journey to how this is at all relevant to Gamera, the article Prehistoric Survivors in the Pacific by Mark Brown. This an oft-cited article by later kaiju writers, seeming to be the first ever suggestion that the people of Mu are responsible for the prehistoric creatures encountered by modern explorers in various fictional island adventure stories. I’ll note here that this article actually has nothing to do with Toho’s Muans, or the film Atragon, or any other kaiju films for that matter. It instead concerns other fictional depictions of the real-world hypothesis of the continent of Mu/Lemuria (proposed to explain similar lemur fossils appearing on continents separated by water and since discredited with the discovery of plate tectonics).
Among those writers that expanded on Mark Brown’s concept and adapted it to kaiju films, I specifically bring up Den Valdron and Chris N., who have done much of the most creative and scientific writing on Godzilla, Gamera, and their ilk that I have ever encountered - everything from hypothesizing what Gorath really is in true astronomical terms to a personal favorite wild theory that connects every giant spider that’s appeared in every film ever.
In constructing a kaiju universe to tell stories in, these following articles in particular are those I remembered best and find most relevant to revisit (note that all these links are to an old Angelfire site, The Godzilla Saga, and were written decades ago by Godzilla fans from decades ago, so may contain terms or phrasing that didn’t quite age well. Also note that the timeline is very, very long and may require several full days’ worth of reading to get through, if one feels inclined to make the attempt. The first article sums up the main concepts in a more digestible format, however):
THE ALIENS OF THE SHOWA TOHO UNIVERSE: COMMON ORIGINS? by Den Valdron, edits and supplements by Chris N.
To summarize, most if not all of the science fiction aspects of the Toho universe are ultimately derived from the ancient Muans - the kaiju are genetically-engineered bioweapons bred for war, the alien races are the descendants of Muan space explorers, the advanced level of modern human technology (Maser tanks, moon base in 1999, etc.) is a result of studying technology left over from the Mysterian invasion in 1957.
Likewise, one can assume similar, Atlantean-related origins for the Daiei science fiction elements (although I personally posit that the aliens seen in Showa Gamera are not actually living Atlanteans, more on that in my upcoming Gamera vs. Guiron review).
That said, these timelines for the most part do not seem to endorse putting the Toho and Daiei films and elements in the same universe. Each one only requires that the other ancient civilization exist as a rival to justify the creation of kaiju, not that that other civilization also created kaiju or that any of them survived to the present day. They also most certainly do not endorse my personal attempts to create a timeline not only involving Showa Toho and Showa Daiei, but one that includes the rest of the Godzilla and Gamera films including all five Godzilla Millennium series timelines (GMK and Final Wars need to be heavily modified), GODZILLA(1998) and its animated series, and perhaps most significantly, the Rebirth of Mothra trilogy, whose elements give some insight to events of Earth’s distant past before the Muans and Atlanteans.
But my most obvious Wold-Newtonian element may actually be the recent inclusion of a version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in this universe - because the operative question isn’t “Why would they be there?” it’s “Why wouldn’t they be there?” There are actually quite a few stories and characters where I’ve hinted at there being at least some version of them in this universe (with the caveat that they don’t include any obvious complicating elements like superheroes or aliens or the world ending, etc.). However, and I feel this is important, when writing a story I’m careful to make sure the non-kaiju-related references have no more relevance than background details, unless the story I’m writing is tagged specifically as a crossover.
I’m not going to go over every single aspect of this timeline attempt, because that would be way too long and some of them are spoilers, but since this is Gamera March, I’ll end with my version of just the Gamera elements of this timeline (save for the aliens, which I’ll get to later, and Irys, whose origins I haven’t completely settled on yet. Also note that I include characters and elements from The Last Hope in my world-building but not the exact details of the legend). I use this timeline in the stories that are set in my main kaiju universe (only two definitively so far), but you can bet I’m probably still thinking about at least some of its elements, even in one-off stories and AUs that don’t directly follow these events.
12,000 years ago: In response to the Muans developing creatures that absorb atomic power (or similar energy) to grow larger and stronger, the Atlanteans switch from their arsenal of such weapons to one that includes a genetics program. The earliest kaiju created include Gyaos, Barugon, Jiger, and possibly Zedus, but when they (most significantly Gyaos) go rogue, the Atlanteans create Gamera to stop them - emboldened by the discovery of Universal Energy/Mana and their acquirement of Elias metals to use in the Magatama amulets to channel it (the same technology as the seal used on Desghidorah). Their efforts are ultimately futile, and Atlantis is destroyed.
12,000-10,000 years ago: Toward the start of the intervening millennia, a group of Atlantean survivors establishes an underground city near what would become New York. The purpose taken on by this city and its inhabitants is to allow Gamera to protect future civilizations from the Gyaos horde. During this time, Gamera’s reincarnation cycle is developed, including a number of eggs that would be distributed across the Earth and used as beacons to re-absorb and house Gamera’s Mana upon death. (The Atlantean survivors would also establish an observation outpost nearer to the surface, which would millennia later become home to four mutant turtles. At least one Atlantean inhabited the underground city up until that time, however, his intentions were ultimately malicious and an encounter with the mutant turtles left him imprisoned in stasis, where he could do no further harm).
10,000 years ago: The continent of Mu is destroyed by Battra after an attempt to gain control over the Earth with a weather machine. With humans now nearly extinct, the adult Gyaos turn on each other and the rest die of starvation. Gyaos eggs laid across the world during this time fail to hatch due to the recovering environment and associated increase in Mana, and would remain dormant until ecological destruction and the decline of Mana reaches another peak with modern humans.
3,000-1,500 years ago: It is unknown how many incarnations Gamera took on over the next many thousands of years, but by Magatama being discovered in association with Japanese cultures from these periods of its history, we can infer he had at least one, possibly many encounters with humanity in this stretch of time. It is unknown for what purpose he emerged or what other monsters he may have faced.
1965: Gamera, in either a new body hatched from an egg in the arctic or one that was imprisoned there at some point prior, is freed by an accidental nuclear explosion and (for reasons I will theorize in my review of the original Gamera) initially chooses to wage war on humanity. He would go on to later battle other monsters either directly or indirectly created by Atlantis (more on that upcoming in my Guiron review), including a reawakened Barugon (unconfirmed if Barugon follows a similar reincarnation cycle or if the cave contains a finite number of eggs) and the first new Gyaos of many to revive during this era.
1971: the events of Gamera vs. Zigra take place (the 1985 date appears to be an addition of Sandy Frank, who commissioned the dub in 1985, and if Super Monster is included in this timeline, it appears to necessitate these events taking place before 1980).
1973: Showa Gamera is Avant Gamera, and dies sacrificing himself against a larger swarm of Gyaos that awakens six years after the first.
1980: If Super Monster is included on this timeline (and at this point I’m leaning toward yes), then another incarnation of Gamera appears when, newly hatched, he somehow winds up placed in a pet store terrarium with other turtles. This Gamera would grow to full size over several days and sacrifice himself again to stop the Zanon spaceship.
1995: After hatching inside the atoll and growing large enough to lift it to the surface, Gamera engages another group of Gyaos, then later fights Legion and Irys (for now, I’m leaving Legion as a genuine interstellar lifeform, with no connection to the inhabitants of ancient Earth).
1999: Gamera succumbs to his wounds and dies, after his triumphant defeat of a much larger swarm of Gyaos (with the help of Godzilla Junior and the other broken-loose inhabitants of Monster Island, along with several rogue or territorial kaiju active at that time including Titanosaurus and King Cobra, in an event that becomes known as the Gyaos War).
2006: Gamera reawakens from another egg, and while only partially grown, manages to defeat Zedus. Which brings us to where our story (or one of them) begins...
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elysia-nsimp · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Elysia (Eel or Eli for short), but Comet and Dove both work just as well! I’m 19 years old and use she/her pronouns.
I’m an aspiring author, an artist, and chronically online /hj. I mean, I’m a lot more than just those but whatever works.
I have social and general anxiety, ADHD, anemia, POTS and autism. There’s more but those are the big ones. I’m very open about that kinda stuff lol
I’m big into fandoms, I do a lot of work for whatever my biggest hyperfixation is. So anyone who also likes my current hyperfixation, please come chat with me! I love conversating with people! My current hyperfixation is Twisted Wonderland.
#eely rambles — me just saying shit that I’m thinking about (happens a lot, too much in my brain)
#eely draws stuff — some of my drawings and stuff. Some earlier drawings aren’t in here but oh well
#eely asks — for anything you leave in my inbox!
#eely’s writing — any writing projects, request or not
#eel’s moots!!! — posts regarding or including my friends!!!
#elysia has too many ocs — it’s true. Over 300. Anyway here’s where I talk about them. Please please plsase ask questions, oc questions fuel my existance
#cometyuusonya — specific tag for one of my ocs; she’s a Twisted Wonderland Yuusona
#Twst Alius Academy AU — an AU spinoff that resides within the Twisted Wonderland universe!
#Charles Duras — Tag for one of my absolute FAV Asterial ocs!!!
#Elysia’s Asterial — Tag for all things from my fantasy universe, Asterial!
Here’s a list of all the fandoms I’m relatively active in and will gladly take requests for!
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me!
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion
RBLX Doors
RBLX Bear (both Alpha and Asterisk)
Hollow Knight
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Slay the Princess
That’s Not My Neighbor
Trust me, this list will grow.
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
OC Intro Masterlist
Comprehensive OC Masterlist (WIP)
My requests are open!
They pretty much always will be. Feel free to ask away, whether it’s about me, a request for writing, or if you just want someone to talk to!! I’m usually really nervous to send asks to people because of anxiety, so just in case anyone reading this is like me: I’m never gonna judge you for sending me an ask! I love interacting with people and it never bothers me. Feel free to ask anonymously if you’re nervous ^^ /gen
Rules for asks are pretty simple. I’ll go more in depth later but basically just be nice and respectful and that’s it lol
Check out my other blogs!
Uhh yeah I have some other blogs! Most are RP blogs. Some are canon characters some are OCs
@floydleechrp @minigloomurai @starcrossedmoonlet-rp @g0th1c-han4h4k1 @cherrypieola @snakewh1sperer @gloomyronin (I’m 🦋 Admin) @boatlover3000
Nice to meet you! Hope to see you again!
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causenessus · 1 month
HI LOVELY!! good morning afternoon or evening to you! how’s your day been!! i hope you’ve eaten AND REMEMBER TO EAT DURING UR LONG SHIFTS OR I WILL APPEAR ON UR SCREEN !!! (lovingly) the way i gasped when i read your response because i was just like… YOU DIDNT EAT? :( i was so distraught but i hope whatever u had for dinner was good, but still !! always remember to eat and take care of yourself or the ghost of me will scold u (lovingly again) (nothing but love for you always)
today i had banh xeo for breakfast (tbh at this point i feel like you can guess what nationality i am LMAO) but OMG YOU LIKE VIET FOOD?? WE ARE SO SOULMATES !! TWIN FLAME !! AND OMG THATS SO CUTE I HAVE A VOICE IM HHHH that’s so cute i feel so very honoured but omg yesterday while i was like doing whatever right i had a realization that im literally like mystic messenger right now with the “make sure you eat!!” “how are you!!” like IM LITERALLY A CHARACTER IN MYSTIC MESSENGER RIGHT NOW THATS CRAZY (id be so embarrassed if you didn’t know what mystic messenger is but also would not blame you) ALSO YES WE CAN YAP TOGETHER I LOVE YAPPING BUT IM DEFINITELY YAPPING TOO MUCH LIKE I WANNA REPLY TO EVERYTHING YOU SAID SO IM LIKE HHH YAP YAP YAP me and ness are literally yapper and yapper like im trying to hold back but im here like omg among us??? omg whack dreams??? i wanna know what dreams??? omg school?? i’m school soon too!!
but but one more thing omg i’m so sorry LOL BUT I FEEL LIKE WE’RE IN THE SAME TIMEZONE?? BECAUSE EVERYTIME YOU MENTION THE TIME IN YOUR POSTS i check my time and im like huh.. silly… coincidence, but it’s 4pm for me rn !!maybe im crazy maybe im not but omg when it gets to school you can 100% rant about it because i will 100% do it too HAHA school has me like like genuinely tweaking like one small thing and im like OH MY GOD YOU WILL NOTTTT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED TODAY
omg sorry i need to wrap this up but yes try again is amazing don’t doubt yourself and u can always yap to me whenever whenever like i’ll literally make a burner account and dm you instead so we can yap without having to flood your blog or if you don’t mind i don’t mind but mango anon loves you very much and mango anon would want ness to take care of herself forever and always and HAVE A GOOD DAY !!! xoxoxo
AAAAA OMG I AM HERE LIKE 11 HOURS LATER <33 DO NOT WORRY I AM EATING AS WE SPEAK BEFORE MY LONG SHIFT tbh i felt like so nauseous about eating anything though today idk why (i have like two suspicions lmao i def know why) but since i'm working i was like "then i'll just pick something up on the way there!!" so i went to my groccery store to get a sandwhich BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE ANY </333 so i'm having a blazing dragon poke bowl instead??? and it's okay 😔 like i don't know how i feel yet about groccery store sushi and stuff but i've had it before!! it's just a bunch of spicy imitation crab, cucumber, carrots, and rice and i'm mainly just there for the rice. AND OMG i walked around the store bc i was trying to see if they had liquid death (caffeinated tea i think. i don't like it but i really need caffeine today </3) and they didn't have any and i decided to go back to like their little food section to get bao (you can probably guess my ethnicity too 😭) and i almost got hit bc this man WHIPPED around when i tried to pass him like i literally ducked i was so scared he was about to hit me and that man was STILL not aware of me. ANYWAY SORRY RANDOM STORY YOU AND ME AND VIET FOOD!!! TWIN FLAMES!!
ALSO OMG MYSTIC MESSENGER 😭 BRO I WAS JUST THINKING ABOUT 707 LIKE TWO DAYS AGO WHEN THAT WHOLE ANON APOCALYPSE HAPPENED I WAS LIKE "i'm going to go 707 on these people and find out where they live and haunt them /hj" PLEASE I FORGOT ALL ABOUT THEIR LITTLE "remember to eat" messages and everything but it's so cute <33 and YES we will yap together!! i went in to school today although it starts tomorrow to switch up my schedule and going there was HORRIBLE i saw so many disgusting people :/// BUT i have a pretty good schedule now so it has it's pros and cons!!! i just give people dirty looks and accidentally saw "ew" aloud all the time :))) AND IK THAT SOUNDS MEAN BUT LIKE YK HOW PEOPLE ARE and the people that live in my state are all rich privileged kids and it never changes 😭 i see them everywhere AND THEY ALL LOOK THE SAME AND ACT THE SAME AND ARE GROSS
and LMAO A BURNER ACCOUNT I WOULD TOTALLY TAKE IT THOUGH!!! i'd love to talk to you whenever please please please feel free to make one and dm whenever you'd like!! <3 I LOVE SEEING YOUR ASKS THOUGH I LITERALLY WILL BE HAPPY EITHER WAY AS LONG AS I GET TO TALK TO YOU <3 I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY TODAY ANON!!
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psigraft · 4 months
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Hi, hi!! It might be obvious about who is moderating this and if you do know me, hello there!!! :D
(Sorry for crappy introduction post, I can’t do proper intros 😔 /hj)
So yah, this is Psigraft or Carnage!! They also go by Psi or Carn for short, but it’s more used by close friends.
No weird stuff/NSFW (Mod is a minor, and even if I wouldn’t have been, I wouldn’t condone these types of things)
It can be possible that I’m not very active on this blog, so you can excuse that as Psigraft doing something/being busy
M!A (Magic Anons) are on for any characters that’ll be available on this blog
Maybe I’ll draw art/doodles for this boy, maybe not. Dunno :P
I named them Carnage before finding out that the canon “Carnage” Omegagraft was also named that
I preferably use Psigraft/Psi for them, but any new names or nicknames are fine!
If you have any questions/asks, feel free to ask me here or on my main blog (if you know it)!
(More stuff below “read more”)
Basic information:
They go by they/it/he (arranged in most used/preferred) and are a red and grey Biograft. Their weapons are grey blades attached to their forearm, which they can hide into their forearms. Their horns are similar to Zeta’s, but more rounded and red. It also has a mechanical mouth/maw, but they can’t really do small movements like smiling or frowning with it. I’d also occasionally draw them without their mouth.
It’s fast and has blood-lust rarely, though it uses this blog mainly when it’s more calm. They drink blood for an unknown reason, probably became an addiction or so after a while. It’s not completely necessary for their living, but blood energizes their core/energy crystal. They have thin, diamond-shaped (♦️) pupils which usually only appear when they have a strong blood-lust at the moment or feel a (strong) emotion.
swearing might appear later on
non-graphic description/mentions of death
non-graphic description/mentions of vomiting
That’s it then! Also, big thanks to a specific friend for inspiring me ^^ Well, I guess have fun talking to them :} - - -
Character’s text when mentioned/speaking:
Psigraft (Bold, red, caps (only when speaking))
V!RU$ (Leet/1337, red?)
Mod (purple, because I love ourple)
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Last edited: August 3rd 2024
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haveumetbi · 7 months
I've been using tumblr for a long time, but only recently I've felt confident enough in my english to actually try to join communities and make friends. 
A little introduction... That is actually kinda really long and I’m not gonna subject y’all to it unless you want to, so here’s the tldr:
I’m an acearo, bi, cis girl (🇺🇸 she/her — 🇧🇷 ela/a).
White latina from Brazil.
I’m disabled and neurodivergent
I love sitcoms, comedy is my fav genre of fiction
and cats
and The Sims
and Turma da Mônica
and hairstyling, braids, make up
and Jane Austen
and Taylor Swift
If you like any of it, follow me!! I’ll definetely follow back. If your curious, read bellow.
I’m a 23 year old college student who is majoring in History. I’m kind of a huge nerd, I love subjects like History (duh), Literature, Politics, Philosophy, Psychology, Religion, but also Comedy (i find fascinating to analyze it, even if that kinda defeats the purpose, sue me). I kinda only watch sitcoms, actually, maybe because of how obsessed I am with the genre (more on that later). 
Being Brazilian I may reblog/talk about Brazillian issues/stuff and most definetely will reblog things about Turma da Mônica (brazil’s most beloved comic book series that shaped the childhood’s of at least 3 generations now since the 60s/70s), my longest autistic special interest. Oh, yeah, I’m also neurodivergent, AuDHD and also have persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia gang rise up! or dont, ik its hard and tiresome) and fibromyalgia.
Another special interest I’m unhinged about is The Sims, I use Tumblr mostly bc of it, so I’ll definitely reblog stuff about it, maybe if everythings works out I will even create a side simblr, who knows. I love historic/fantasy gameplay, would be cool to share with people.
Idk if its a SI or just regular cat owner thing, but I’m definitely obsessed with these little guys. Speaking of cat lover, I love Taylor Swift. Like, I’m very casual about most music I consume, but she is the exception, I just... feel SO MUCH with her songs. Idk, idk... She also makes me feel things on a sapphic way, though I’m no g*ylor or hetl*r (rlly dont care about who she dates, just here for the art). But not in a wow I wanna bang this celebrity I have a crush on, cuz I dont wanna bang no one, cuz I’m acearo. Just, dont swing that way (or any way, really /hj cuz i'm actually gray-bi-romantic but its very rare, so i'm usually not swinging at all lmao).
I really like to read, but it has been tough to keep the habit with depression and disabled adult life knocking at my door and kicking my ass... currently I’m finishing reading all Jane Austen’s work (i love her sense of humor and analyses of human psychology) in portuguese, but I plan to eventually read the original stuff in english. I just really love stories and storytelling as an art form, maybe that’s why I love to write. I’m obsessed with fanfictions, actually, been writing since I was 11, never anything in english, but who knows, actually creating and participating in tumblr may be the first step. I mostly write about tv shows I’m obsessed about (though I did write some Turma da Mônica Jovem fanfiction...... thank god I deleted, it was terrible, tho in my defense I was still a preteen) and I mostly watch sitcoms so.... About that...
My favorite sitcom ever is probably How I Met Your Mother (it was literally what i needed when i was going through a really rough patch) and BoJack Horseman (yes, cartoon sitcoms totally count, shut up). I’d say my first sitcom love was The Simpsons, my biodad had a lot of dvds and tapes from the golden seasons and the fondest memories of my childhood were us watching together and laughing like two idiots. My first fandom was iCarly (i was a preteen okay), but I wasnt a big fan of the revival/reboot (yes I was team seddie, no it has nothing to do with it, I gave it a shot, but just didnt vibe with it). I also love The Office, That 70′s Show, Never Have I Ever, Community, Our Flag Means Death, The Sex Lifes of College Girls, One Day at a Time and The Good Place.
I’m pretty sure the only other shows that I got obsessed with that weren’t sitcoms were Once Upon a Time and Lucifer, two shows that were quite humorous with its wacky premises (fairytales in real life???? the devil taking a vacation in LA??? i mean, c’mon!!). I’m loving the Percy Jackson disney adaptation, it was my favorite YA book series and it always bummed me that the movie adaptation was so terrible, I'm glad we finally have a great adaptation and can't wait for more seasons to come!!!
I’m very talkative (you dont say?? 😮 /s) and a total extroverted that really loves to make friends, but my communication difficulties really do shine on long distance conversation... be phone calls, video calls, emails, text messages etc... So, although I’d love if you shoot me a message, bc I love to make friends, I also am not the best texter, so dont expect someone who always immediately answers you right back cuz they are online — please dont take it personal, it has nothing to do with who is messaging me and everything to do with my disability mkay? And yes, I am trying to work this shit out in therapy, but you know... growth aint linear. When shit hits the fan, the first thing that I lose is the ability to answer text messages 😭 idk i just stare at them, they stare at me, i combust and die, the end. 
Dont know how to end this text, so, I’ll just show a pic of my cat, cuz shes everything. Bye!! 
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