#I’m a fucking mess
ascendingtostardust · 9 months
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kate-komics · 1 year
How dare they make me have these feelings about a fucking Ron Swanson, don’t tread on me, doomsday prepper.
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spookyvalentine · 1 year
BREAKING NEWS: Commander Shepard to marry high school sweetheart!!
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ART BY ‼️🔥 @angstyastro 🔥‼️
EDI: sends the memo to news outlets
Mercy: I didn’t go to high school?
Anyway. Mercy and Kasumi bump into each other at Silver Coast Casino
“I thought you were out working on the crucible,” Mercy says, smiling too much to pull off stern, their dimples out in full force.
It feels. so good to see them. They’d talked over vidcall just a few days ago, but it’s been weeks since they were in the same place.
“I believe it’s called shore leave,” Kasumi says, smiling helplessly back.
Mercy sways closer into her space, and ogles her dress.
Up this close, they look tired, and it makes her heart sore.
“Who’s the mark?” Mercy asks.
“Want to come along?” Kasumi says instead, waggling her eyebrows. “For old times’ sake?”
She tweaks their collar, smooths her hands down their chest—very aware of the camera flash. Kasumi darts a glance over to where people are clearly waiting for them.
“Yes,” Mercy says instantly, and takes her hand.
(Go commission @angstyastro to witness all your dreams come true!)
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evilwriter37 · 10 months
She didn’t make it.
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jazzy-tzw · 4 months
Preordered 2 vinyls in the course of like 3 days and I just bought two Saturday…
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Anon that just sent me that Bakugou ask, I hope you know that you had me at “mid-40s”.
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pedgito · 2 years
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crippled-peeper · 7 months
I neeeeeeed to perish I think
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drivemysoul · 11 months
i literally fell asleep in the car on the way home and my mom carried me to bed i’m
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layla-moon-606 · 1 year
What if I lived in his skin and slipped my fingers into his like he was a glove. We play guitar together and I am HIM. Anyways <3
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So there’s a whole lot of shit going on in my life but the thought of One Piece ending is what makes me want to throw up. Even if it’s not going to end anytime soon we have been painfully reminded that there will be an end to all the adventures and goofiness and badassery and shows of friendship and depiction of injustice someday. And it’s official:
The day One Piece ends will also be my end.
It’s painfully obvious in how the one month hiatus is killing me. Three weeks without new chapters and my seedling of depression is slowly but surely growing into a full blown tree. I cry at least twice a day for about half an hour, I’m writing depressing poems about the concept of justice or unrequited love in foreign languages instead of essays, I painted my nails with glitter which I haven’t done since I was five, I’ve gotten so paranoid I have to look behind the door first before I brush my teeth in the evening and I have taken to giving my cats different nicknames every hour or so. It’s stuff like: “sugar cube”, “mousy bacon”, “dandelion” or “master fur” but in my language which sounds even weirder. In other words I’m a mess. And this is what one month did. So it is definitely not an over exaggeration if I say I will die when One Piece ends.
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moonypadluv · 1 year
NOOO guys i accidentally deleted my account!!!
But this is the same person as moonpadsluv I’m just an idiot and deleted it but I’m bo stealing anyone’s content just recreating the account
This really sucks and I’m actually really sad now. Please help me get back my followers and likes, you guys used to make my day
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God I’m having the midnight angsts again
Would it really be so bad if I just got some light job somewhere and wrote in my spare time?
I’m trying so hard and it doesn’t feel like it’s making me any happier and the light at the end of the tunnel is seeming more and more fake every day
What if I could just enjoy the present instead of hoping that one day in the future it won’t hurt so much to keep trying
What if I didn’t have to take classes anymore and wouldn’t ever stare at my pocket knife for ten minutes after failing one
Is that really too much to ask
But I can’t make ends meet with a fucking hobby so I can’t stop working
I can’t stop
I can’t stop crying
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thegreatgatsbutt · 7 months
Love when I find a poem I wrote and forgot about then I laugh at myself going, “hah that’s fucking gay” as any sane person does
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parmejeannecheese · 9 months
What do you do if you’re a loser at life genuinely asking
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crabpeach · 1 year
Ugh ugh ugh
I hate that my communication skills fail me when I get upset. It feels like no one takes my work seriously. Everyone sees me as some little girl instead of a lead in the work place.
Sucks that I’m such a mouse. I wish I had more confidence
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