#I’m also finally going to design his second outfit that he gets when deserting the star warriors to join Haltman Co.
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My boi Terra Knight getting redesigned
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A World of Our Own Pt.10
Pairing: Bucky x Reader          Word Count: 1,615
Warnings: allusions to miscarriage, LOTS of fluff, past death
A/N: I know I haven’t replied to many comments or asks from the previous chapter but I wanted to get this out as quickly as possible so that the story would be truly closed. The ending was incomplete and now it is done and I hope you enjoy this ending as much as I do. It really made me so happy to write and this is the ending these babies deserve after being blown up and deserted on an island. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
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Life doesn’t happen like we think it will.
We can plan and schedule and arrange as much as you’d like, but things will just not go your way.
As the ship docks, you sigh with frustration, rising to your feet to look through the porthole.
“We’re late.” You grumble, glaring at the darkening sky. “We were supposed to be here by noon. That way we had plenty of time to look around and make sure it’s safe.”
“Kitten, come here.” Bucky holds his arm out towards you without looking up from the small tablet in his hands.
There’s a weather radar on one half of the screen and on the bottom, an email. Probably from Fury.
You make a reluctant beeline for him, sitting on his lap when he urges you to, wrapping his arm around your waist.
With a lick to his lips, he puts the tablet down on the small bedside table—bolted down to keep from moving in rough seas—and brings his other arm around you.
“What did you just tell me last week?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug, pretending you can’t remember.
“Yes, you do, Y/N. What did you so passionately talk my ear off and insist that I remind you, especially on this very trip, if you begin to slide back on your newest and most important—your words by the way—resolution in life? What was it?” Bucky pokes your leg as he speaks, then wraps his arm back around your waist and gives you a squeeze.
“Not to stress about the things in life that I cannot control.” You sigh. “Out of all the damn things I’ve told you, why is this one the one you remember?”
“Because you wouldn’t stop talking about it for an entire day!” Bucky chuckles. “We’re a little late? So what? We have plenty of time. This is supposed to be our honeymoon. Let’s just let go of everything and enjoy our time here.”
“I know, I’m sorry. I just…I wanted everything to be right.” You nod.
“It will be. We bought the island. They’ve been working on it for a year. I’m sure everything will be perfect.” Bucky soothes you, reaching up to rub between your shoulders. “You approved all the changes. They said it was done. What are you worried about? Specifically. Help me to understand this anxiety you’re feeling.”
You grab Bucky’s face and pull his lips to yours roughly. He mumbles against your lips, a small huff of a laugh seeping through.
When you pull away, he laughs. “Ow.”
“I just…we haven’t been back here in years, Bucky. And I want it to be safer than when we left it.”
Bucky’s eyes are full of sudden understanding.
“I see.” He gets to his feet as the large yacht finally stops, helping you stand too before taking your hand in his own. “Come on. Let’s go see it. You kept the hut, right?”
“I kept everything.” You tell him, following him along the narrow white hallway, pristine wooden floors varnished and gleaming. “I just had them upgrade most of it.”
“I like your dress.” Bucky states, giving your outfit a quick once over even though you’d been wearing it for the better part of the day.
You smile bright however, pleased by the compliment before you stop, grab hold of the intentionally designed a-symmetrical dress and swing it back and forth. It’s navy with pink pansy florals and light green leaves, the top more modest than the one you owned before. Capped sleeves and a lovely heart neckline, a very thin strip of pink lace along the hem.
Bucky stops with you, smiling at the shift in your attitude with one simple acknowledgment of your reference to your first time on the island.
“How many times did we end up cutting off pieces of that first dress?” Bucky wonders, letting you think.
“Too many.” You acknowledge. “It was more of a shirt by the time we left.”
Bucky lifts your left hand up to his lips, kissing your simple solitaire engagement ring, your matching wedding band also on your finger.
“Well, we won’t have to cut any of this one off. I promise.” He assures you then pulls you along once again.
Bucky makes you wait. He makes you stay behind as the two of you reach the deck of the yacht—the Paradise Lost as you’d named it—while he steps onto the long and reinforced pier.
It stretches out on the same beach where the cabin of the plane had once stood, now relocated, and honored on another part of the island for the lives that had been lost.
The graves Bucky had dug had been remade, a small graveyard built to give the pilot and stewardess a proper resting place.
You can see it from the deck, a little farther inland where you’d had a cobbled path built to lead to it from the pier.
Making a mental note to tell Bucky you want the Stewardess’s family invited to give them a chance to say goodbye. You’re not sure if you’ll be able to get them here with the secrets surrounding the plane, but you can try.
Bucky comes back fairly quickly and waves you over. Eagerly you make your way to him.
“What happened?” You ask him but he gestures towards an older gentleman on the beach.
“Mr. Lara wants to talk to you about the chef’s supplies. Looks like there was a delay in the shipment.” Bucky tells you, then hurries past you. “Don’t worry, I’ll get our bags.”
“Bucky, we’re paying people to do that!” You call after him, but he waves you off and you turn to meet with Mr. Lara.
The island, while still massively private, has been built up like a small resort. There’s your hut, which the basic structure is the same but to it have been added a full chef’s kitchen. Several bedrooms. A living room. A master bedroom and access to the beach and a private pier.
There’s a beach barbecue patio and lounge chairs. Hidden behind the hut right in the spot Bucky built it, is the bathing pool, now with built in filtration, temperature control and more sustainable materials so that it will endure.
Your little island, the world you and Bucky created was given a full makeover. You’d always known you wanted to come back. You’d hated being stranded but the memories and the connections you’d formed here were special.
After assuring Mr. Lara that you have enough provisions on the yacht to last you until the grocery delivery arrives, you make your way back to see what’s keeping Bucky.
You’re nearly there when Bucky’s sweet chuckle stops you in your tracks. He takes the ramp onto the pier and with his hand still extended towards the yacht, you wait, your heart swelling.
“Careful.” You tell him, but he doesn’t need you to remind him.
Into view toddles a black-haired angel, eyes just as blue as his father’s. Just as you had when you’d thought about the possibility of a child with Bucky how beautiful it would be to see a mini version of him with your temper running around, it’s just so.
You wait with patience, his legs sure though slightly unsteady. His eyes scanning the area with inquisitive gusto.
He’s only just two years old but he’s already smart as a whip and when he spots you, he gasps with excitement and as soon as his little feet hit the pier, he releases Bucky’s hand and races for you.
You stoop down to scoop him and chuckle as he laughs, wrapping his arms around your neck.
“There’s my big boy.” You coo, pressing a kiss to his cheek before he can pull away. “Where are we, Robin? Do you know where this place is?”
As he straightens up, he points towards the shore. “Beesh!”
“That’s right. We’re at a beach. This is an island, Robin.” You explain, moving down the pier with him in your arms.
“I-wan.” He repeats, then giggles before squirming from your grip. “Woah, easy.”
Bucky moves forward and stops the little one before he can run.
“Hey bud, we can run down the pier and play in the sand, but you have to make me a deal, okay?”
Robin lifts his little hand up, bent at the elbow with his palm turned up as he shrugs. “Dew?”
“Yeah. We can run down to the beach if you hold my hand. Okay? The water is very deep, and mommy will cry if you fall in. You don’t want mommy to cry, do you?”
“No!” Robin exclaims, his little face suddenly angry, eyebrows drawn down on the inner corners in an exaggerated expression. “Mommy no cwy!”
“Then you’ll hold my hand?” Bucky asks, holding it out for him.
Without another word Robin takes hold of Bucky’s hand ad doesn’t wait before he’s pulling him along as fast as his little legs can.
“Be careful!” You call after them but they’re not listening anymore.
Life doesn’t function according to your plan.
While you were planning your wedding, Robin came as a sweet surprise. You postponed the wedding and instead celebrated the birth of your rainbow. Much sooner than expected but welcomed all the same.
Then you and Bucky took time to nurture your son and the wedding was finally held only two weeks ago. Honeymoon delayed to make certain the island was safe for you baby.
And although you’re saving the news for the right time, you hope that you can convince Bucky to stay here for a while, at least until your second little one comes. Just another seven months.
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gretchensinister · 4 years
I want Megamind sequel
Listen, normally I don’t want sequels, and normally I REALLY don’t like sequel babies, but I have to make an exception for Megamind.
So, we start off, Roxanne and Megamind getting married (maybe Minion officiates?) and there’s a tease at the “interrupted wedding” trope, but Megamind has GOT THIS and the wedding gets done all official-like. Then there’s a montage, setting up a house, Roxanne still being a reporter, Megamind doing superhero-y things, Roxanne is pregnant, and then finally there’s a little half-human baby. Hooray!
Except that it turns out that caring for a newborn when a couple is a reporter and a ex-supervillain-now-superhero is actually really difficult! Especially because these very threatening robot drones are now showing up in the city like, all the time. They need help. But Minion can’t be the one to be the babysitter because he’s taking some time to see the world now and learn how to be his own fish, even if Megamind is still his best friend.
So it’s like, “who do we know who has a lot of free time and would be able to protect our baby from any harm?”
Obviously…MetroMusicMan! Hooray!
So that’s working out great. (And like, for anyone who is willing to see it, it’s very clear also that this is developing into a throuple situation. First with Megamind at the apex of a V, but while Roxanne and Metroman were never a couple, now with Megamind also there…)
Anyway one day Metroman and the baby are at the park and there’s just…a little tension with some people. Not most people. But not zero people. The baby’s blue. She (I’ve decided the baby should be a girl) is visibly not entirely human. She’s too young to notice, but Metroman does, and he’s (badly) singing her a song about like, ignoring people like that, when one of the threatening robot drones lands in the park and scans them both before Metroman can even react. Then it zooms off.
And the next day an alien mothership shows up calling for Earth to give up the [y]ian and half-[y]ian and the [z]ian. And Roxanne immediately makes herself spokesperson and is like “WTF why?”
And it turns out that it wasn’t a random disaster that destroyed Megamind’s and Metroman’s worlds. They were destroyed deliberately by these aliens for no reason, essentially, other than “being weird and gross. You kept…mingling.” The evil aliens admit to starting a war between Megamind and Metroman’s worlds to keep them apart, but it didn’t work perfectly and [y]ians and [z]ians kept crossing lines even after most [y]ians and [z]ians traditionally hated each other. So they decided to blow up both planets. But it’s no loss! They have all the music, history, and art of the planets stored on this crystal macguffin! And ever since they’ve been moving through the galaxy hunting down any [y]ians and [z]ians who were off-planet/got away.
And the evil aliens really don’t see a problem with what they’re doing because they’ve gotten away with it for so long.
They give Earth a time limit to give up Megamind, the baby, and Metroman before they come down to get them, but then one of the evil aliens looks closely at the drone data and is like “wait…the other half of that baby is an Earthling. You have also…mingled.”
And there’s like some argument among the evil aliens but eventually they’re like “we will spare the Earth, as long as no one does anything like this EVER AGAIN”
And Roxanne is like “You can’t tell people what to do like that!”
And then the evil aliens halve the time limit.
Meanwhile, Minion has returned from vacation to find Megamind and Metroman in various states of shock and franticness in Megamind’s new lair, passing the baby back and forth and like WE NEED A PLAN But something the evil aliens did has made it clear that neither of their usual approaches is going to work
Roxanne comes back, there’s more freaking out, and part of that is her saying of course they’re not going to give up anybody, especially not THE BABY and listing off various human things that she wants their daughter to experience.
And Megamind agrees but also like…he didn’t even know the name of the alien species he came from until today. The evil aliens have all that [y]ian stuff on the mothership. And Metroman, shouldn’t he also know more about [z]ians?
So blah blah blah “They don’t want us to face them together—but we will!”
Except for the baby. Minion gets to have a turn babysitting this time.
So then there’s a big cool action scene where Megamind and Roxanne and Metroman fight the evil aliens, get the macguffin with all of the [y]ian and [z]ian culture on it…and also, as a surprise, whatever thing the evil aliens were using to find [y]ians and [z]ians. Actually, yeah, also that tech is stolen from another planet the evil aliens blew up, so they can’t rebuild it and continue their evil mission.
The day is saved! Big hugs with Megamind in the middle! Even the people from the park are more chill now!
Credits scenes: Roxanne trying not to roll her eyes as she reports on a “mysterious new villain” that only fights Megamind in deserted areas outside the city (It’s Metroman. He missed using his powers.)
Pictures: the baby and Megamind in matching weird alien outfits, the baby and Metroman in different matching weird alien outfits, labelled things like “Baby’s first flksfjioed!”
Wheeling the [y]ian and [z]ian detector into a half-constructed spaceship. Minion in an upgraded robot body because he’s super into travel now—some ambiguous brief convo about how Megamind’s needed on Earth—
Ship landing, triad and toddler with a welcome sign and—the door opens and more [y]ians and [z]ians come out! (AND MINION HAS A FISH PARTNER NOW! WHAT!)
This scene is happy but also like super emotional obviously! And—oh yeah. The daughter is an older sister by now. But there’s something about this second blue-ish baby’s design…
(That ambiguous convo about Megamind being needed on Earth—well, the macguffin crystal explained A LOT that they didn’t know, and the second blue baby is Megamind and Metroman’s. Megamind couldn’t go off planet because he was pregnant. DON’T @ me, Treasure Planet initially had Dr. Doppler carrying the epilogue babies. Anyway it would still only be implied/only present in rumors from various creatives who worked on the movie.)
And we end with happy triad for everyone with eyes to see it, Metroman as permanent babysitter and sparring partner (for dinguses), and hopefully restoring cultures for all!
And now I’m sad that this movie will never exist.
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janewatson · 3 years
Helluva Boss Trailer Analysis!
Yes, I watch this.  Yes, I like it.  No, I won’t argue with you about it.
Now that that’s out of the way, let’s just say that I was up when the trailer dropped, and was still up for a bit after.  I’ve watched it so many times now, just absorbing everything, and now it’s time to break it down.
I’ve seen a few breakdowns already, but I noticed that there were a few things people hadn’t mentioned.  So I’m tossing my hat in the ring, let’s see if we can figure out what Vivziepop has in store for us!
I’ll be breaking down by scene, as well as go over voiceovers and predictions real quick, so prepare for a read after the cut!
Ok, first, had to laugh at Millie’s Peppermint Vodka Molotov Cocktail.  Creative, but what a waste of vodka :(  The background is of a beach, but she’s not in beach clothes (let’s face it, a bikini would probably kill Moxxie)
Moxxie is shooting at something while he’s swinging from a rope in a deserted theater.  Piano on the floor, and a sun pattern on the back wall
Blitzø (thanks for the copy/paste, Google) cleaving a blonde in half with a baseball bat.  Damn, he stronk!
Diss Summar’, with the little doodles!  So cute :3
Drunk/drugged/in shock Moxxie, poor Millie, and something big bursting out from the water behind.  Tied to first scene?
Stolas’ ‘Special Access’ bit from the Sneak Peeks, talking about the Harvest Moon festival in Wrath
Moxxie and Blitzø in a green lit room, looks like a two-way mirror on the wall.  Interrogation?
Correction to ‘Diss Season’ XD  Hopefully that means we’ll get an episode before spring, but if they need more time, that’s understandable
Glammed up Stolas at some kind of burlesque, owned by Asmodeus ‘Ozzie’, Prince of Hell’s Lust circle.  Wonder why he’s there...
CHERUBS!!!  Also from the Sneak Peeks, we know that this is a commercial, and that the TV showing said commercial gets blown up a few seconds later
Angry Blitzø, probably yelling at Moxxie, being scared shitless by a hellhound behind him.  I think this is a repo/impound/chop-shop guy who took IMP’s van, as in a later scene, they’re shown in a fence with other cars, especially because Blitzø yells ‘RUN’ at the end of the scene
Loona and Blitzø filming someone’s misery (again, probably Moxxie).  They’re in western outfits, but they’re probably still in Hell
Tentacle wrapping around drugged Moxxie and taking him, too fast for Millie to react and stop it.  Again, looks like it’s tied to the first and fifth scenes
Sassy Blitzø, probably talking to the repo-hellhound or punching-bag Moxxie.  Same setting as scene 11
Blitzø running to the window of what looks like a recording studio, with ‘VM’ spray painted on the doors next to him.  He looks distraught, but it’s not clear why
Recently choked-out Moxxie recovering, while being frame by a spiny-tailed Imp wearing what I assume is a serape, since it looks like they’re on the ranch Loona and Blitzø cheered a poor soul, scene 12
DEPRESSED BIRD DADDY.  WHY ARE YOU SAD???  IS IT GONNA MAKE ME SAD??? OH NO I’M NOT READY unless its a flashback, but stilllll
Perturbed Blitzø holding his special flintlock in a western-themed room.  Looks like he has his outfit from scene 12 on, probably the same episode, but whatever happened/is going to happen, it’s not good
Dressed-up Moxxie, who probably jumped bombed a performance, is upstaged by Robo Fizz and most likely a Robo Ozzie, given the designs on its’ head(s).  He looked uneasy even before the Robos popped up, so something else was going on first.
Scaley eye blinking and getting MAD, attached to the tentacle that kidnapped Moxxie?
50% off add for Spring Break victims, complete with coffee stain, and Blitzø‘s horse doodles.  I got a mental image of Moxxie scolding Blitzø for drawing at work, so he BS’d it into an ad.
Either Blitzø is a terrible driver, or they’re trying to speed away from someone.  Repo-hound, maybe?
HUMAN!!!  Almost definitely a human pop-star singing on a Coachella-esque stage!  I tried to fill in her name, but could only get ideas of what some letters were.  Her initials are most likely VM, from the recording studio scene, but the bottoms of some letters could be an E or L, K or R, so we’re left with V~(L/E)(K/R)OSI(K/R)A MA~~.  It also looks like she’s wearing heels, so she may be the person who threw Blitzø in a later scene
Moxxie about to be trampled by what can only be a horse, given his outfit.  Loona and Blitzø are probably filming XD
Shocked Stolas, standing up at table.  Same outfit as the burlesque, but he doesn’t looked surprised enough that it’s the part where Moxxie is upstaged, more something emotionally jarring.  Blitzø kissing someone else, maybe?
Blitzø pushing Moxxie out of the way and pinning him just outside a Hell portal in an alley, most likely Earth.  Blitzø looks mad, and rightly so, as he’s looking a little beat up himself.  Connected to the interrogation scene?
Happy Blitzø turns horrified outside some elevators with Moxxie.  Judging by the water cooler in the back, I think he’s about to slam into the recording studio.  Behind him, Moxxie gives no shits
Blitzø looking miffed, maybe at something Moxxie said.  Looks like the same scene with the repo-hound, as the setting itself looks like an impound lot, with the IMP van smack-dab in the middle of it.  I love that the license plate is IMP-666 though
Unhappy Blitzø (ok, let’s be honest, when IS he happy?)
Moxxie swinging Millie around in the deserted theater, passionately frenching each other
Blitzø getting pushed down by a horned, high-heeled... someone.  Again, might be the pop star from earlier, but there’s horns...  Maybe the pop star is human-passing, and has an alternate demonic form, like the Hazbin Hotel cast?
Western-clad Blitzø pulling his flintlock on someone, most likely before scene 18.  Most definitely Hell, judging by the poster and previous scenes, but I’m digging the décor
Blitzø not getting a break at all during this trailer and being yeeted into a dumpster, which closes on him.  Gonna take a stab and say it’s outside the burlesque Stolas and Moxxie were in, from the colors and posters of Lust Ring, Personal Companion Robo-Fizz, and Angel Dust.
The next scene is of him climbing out of a dumpster to fall into another pile of trash.  He just doesn’t get a break, does he?  It doesn’t look like the dumpster outside the burlesque, but it is similar to the alley with the hell portal, where Blitzø pinned Moxxie.  Maybe not the same scene, but most likely same episode.
Editor being absolutely plastered, teasing all the fun stuff to come in 2021, since 2020 can go f*ck itself.
And that’s a really in-depth breakdown of all the scenes in the trailer!  Now, for the voiceovers.
First, Loona’s asking if anyone ‘Can feel that?’.  Interesting thing to ask, so we’ll have to wait and see what catastrophe happens
Millie gently yelling at Moxxie to ‘DON’T PANIC’
A calm voice announcing an elevator’s departure to the Lust circle of Hell, which is most likely where the burlesque and Robo scenes are.  As to who is going, it’s either Stolas or the IMP crew, or maybe both?
Horny Stolas cooing ‘Oh, Blitzy!’, followed by Loona’s ‘SHUT THE F*CK UP’ from the Loo Loo Land episode.  Finally, I have a high-res clip I can set as my ringtone!
Blitzø yelling  ‘Dammit, Moxxie, this is all your fault!’, which may or may not be true since he scapegoats Moxxie, who replies ‘How is this my fault???’
Pop star asking, ‘Y’all ready to get f*cked up and make some b*tchin’ bad choices?’.  It’s most likely her talking, since the her lips synch up with her scene, and it’s a new voice we haven’t heard before.
Moxxie’s cut off ‘M*THERF*CKER!!!’.  So happy I get to hear Invader Zim go off, poor boy needs it XD
Blitzø being Blitzø and trying to tone down a big deal, stating again that he doesn’t pry into their personal lives, even though he obvious does (see Helluva Boss Pilot for more)
Robo Fizz’s line from Loo Loo Land asking if anybody loved Blitzø.  I’m gonna be honest and say that line choked me up in Loo Loo Land, and so did Blitzø’s response, until ‘But I’m really good with guns now.  DANCE, B*TCH!’
Moxxie ending with ‘That is deeply unsettling’, again from Loo Loo Land.  Throwing shade on Helluva Boss haters, maybe? :3
All right, now, predictions!
Chaos in a theater, with focus maybe on Millie and Moxxie’s relationship, maybe an origin story?  It won’t be the only one, with the tentacle beach monster and drugged Moxxie bits, so we can expect a lot of story and character development from the two of them.
Farm episode!  Blitzø either drags them onto a farm, or there’s a client who invites them, but sh*t will happen.
Really excited to see what happens in the Lust ring, and for the return of Robo Fizz!  Baby boy only got a few minutes of screen time, but is currently my favorite character.
Repo episode of rescuing the IMP van, probably resulting in overall team building and character development.  I really want to see Loona tear a new one into that *sshole-looking hellhound, though.
Pop star episode!  Really excited to meet this new character, I wonder what her name is and how close I was XD  Either Blitzø and Moxxie break into her recording studio to meet her, or she’s a client, but we’ll see!
Trapped on Earth/Run in with Earth authorities episode?  That interrogation room didn’t exactly look Hellish, and they obvious meet some kind of resistance while on Earth that looked like it was gonna get messy...
Stolas episode!  Please please please be flashback and story, I loved Loo Loo Land but really want some more lore and development on his character and maybe relationship with Blitzø.  Bird obviously needs to work through some things, and I really want to watch him grow, ever since I saw him struggle to tell Octavia why he was cheating.  Him stuttering and ultimately being unable to find a reason why really hit home, and I’m glad it was something they included since in media, it’s always ‘Well, she’s really ugly’ or ‘I don’t love him anymore’.  He still has feelings for his wife, but wanted to f*ck Blitzø too.
Even without the trailer, we do know that we’re getting episodes focusing on CHERUB and a Harvest Moon festival, but still.  There’s so much content Vivzie and Co have been working hard to make, and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.  Dark comedy aside, there’s so much story they can make just around these four characters, following their growth and happenings around Hell.  It’s such a cool premise and one that hasn’t been washed and worn so many times, like cop or murder shows, and I can see this going on for quite a bit.
Well, here’s to an exciting 2021!  Thank you for all your hard work, Vivizepop, keep it up!
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ye-bloodeh-liar · 3 years
I just finished AC Valhalla – A résumé.
I finished the "main story" of Assassin's Creed Valhalla. These are some thoughts of mine. (This was saved in my drafts for two weeks or so. But my stance hasn't altered. Actually, I'm even angrier now.)
Disclaimer: This obviously contains some spoilers here and there. You've been warned, but tbh, who even cares about the story at this point. Also, I know I don't have many followers, and I suspect none of the few that will come across this post will actually be interested in it. That said, if you like reading people's rants about things, regardless of your interest in video games, this might be something for you. I just needed to get this out of my system somewhere. This is a rant (well, vent? I'm venting, I guess) written as it came to my mind. There's no real structure, I think. Sorry for that in advance.
After Origins, which I thoroughly enjoyed and actually played again between Odyssey and Valhalla, and Odyssey, which's name was perfectly fitting since it felt like a fucking odyssey to grind through, I hoped, actually, I was convinced, Valhalla would right Odyssey's wrongs. You see, Odyssey had one big problem for me: It did none of the things that made and still make me love Origins. In short: The world was massive, but felt copied and pasted, uninteresting to explore and lifeless. Basically, it was a lot of green sprinkled with some olive branches. A lot of the times the only way to know roughly where I am was pulling up the map because based on my surroundings, I could've been anywhere. Compared to the intriguing world of Origins, where you always knew in which area of the map you currently were, this was a shitshow. I mean, just walking through the desert in Origins had more atmosphere than the whole city of Athens (the main fucking city) could ever muster up. (Oh, remember the times of AC Brotherhood, where Rome actually felt like a city even though it wasn't actually humongous like the new games are? Or how atmospheric the whole of AC II was? I mean, Venice? Hello? M a s t e r p i e c e) But I can overlook that. The combat didn't feel heavy, or to put it better, "impactful" like it did in Origins, but more like poking the enemies to their deaths with something that made sword-y sounds. But I can overlook that. The loot system improved a bit, in the sense of giving the option to modify your loot and being able to combine different armor pieces, however, Origins outfit-system was more up my alley. But I can overlook that. Funnily enough, compared to its predecessor, Odyssey looked worse. In Origins the fabric of your outfit look like actual fabric and, I can't stress this enough, waved in the wind. In Odyssey everything felt more static and somehow "fake". But I can overlook that. To me, Origins' story was masterfully done. Personally, I'd say, that this is the closest we've ever gotten to the Ezio-Trilogy. The voice acting was top notch. Bayek was a great character, and the side characters like Aya/Amunet were equally intriguing. I still remember the first time I saw the first confession cutscene after killing Medunamun. It gave me shivers and goosebumps and got me excited for what was about to come. What I want to say with this, is that Origins made me care; care about its characters, care about their backstory and motives, care about the world, etc. After I had finished the DLC The Hidden Ones I felt like I had actually witnessed the igniting spark of something epic, namely the Assassin Brotherhood, in such a chilling way, even though they basically were just chillin' in a cave. Because that's what character building gives you: payoffs. Well, Odyssey did none of that. All it did made me care about was to get all the loot, because that's what my mind always goes for in any game (I'm that kind of stupid ape). I didn't care about what would happen in the end – I just wanted to get there. I wanted to know how the story would end, but in whichever way it would, I knew I wouldn't care for it in the sense of being disappointed or yearning for a different outcome for the character I was so invested in, because, as I said, nothing got me invested in the character(s) in the first place. That's what bugged me the most about Odyssey. Not the flimsy feeling combat, not the husk of a world I found myself in, not the downgrade in design and animation, etc., but the lack of care it invoked.
Now, when Valhalla was originally announced, I was excited as I could be for a video game. Ubisoft was clearly aware of their mistakes with Odyssey and tried to show that they're willing to listen to their fanbase. A world where every area has its own identity? Sounds great. Heavy combat? Hell yeah. Gear and loot that actually matters and is special (unlike in Odyssey where after a few hours of playing you find yourself carrying the same fucking bow 25 times)? Oh my. Choices not for the sake of choices, but story? Yes please. I mean, if you have to implement choices. Even though choices don't really make sense in Assassin's Creed, but that's another topic.
Well, did it deliver (for me)? No. And to be completely honest, I prefer Odyssey, even as the grindfest that it is, over Valhalla, and me replaying Odyssey seems a lot more likely to me, than going through all of Valhalla again. I'm not going to list all of the points mentioned above again in full detail: The world is a bit more intriguing than Greece, but a shadow of what Egypt was. The combat feels heavy, yet every weapon looks too big (????) and it still feels a bit off. My biggest grudge of the minor points is actually the look/the graphics: How on earth does Valhalla manage to look less real than Origins? The fur and pelts on the armor, every piece of cloth, i mean just e v e r y t h i n g looks somewhat plasticy (at loss for a better word here; just compare Origins' outfits in motion to Valhalla's) Anyway, let's get to the real problem here, because all boils down to the point I've mentioned before: Invoking care.
This became very apparent to me after forging the fourth (?; was it the fourth? They all blur together. That's how e n t i c i n g they are. Great.) alliance or so. I didn't give a single fuck about the characters in those arcs. It was very clear that they'd be soon replaced by other characters in the next alliance's arc, which I probably wouldn't care for either, especially, since they all felt somewhat the same: empty. Alliances felt like checklists to do. Even Wincestre, which had an interesting beginning, somehow managed to loose all of its "darkness" after the first two quests. But I could overlook the dreary sidequest-like alliance arcs, if they served the main storyline in some way or form. Now you might ask, what main storyline? E x a c t l y. Looking back, there is none. At least not really. And there where a lot of times playing the game where I found myself wondering, if this alliance-arc-thing I was currently dragging myself through was in fact meant to be the actual story. But it shouldn't be. Was it? I have no fucking clue. My conclusion on what Valhalla's main overarching story is, is what follows:
Eivor's parents got killed when he was a child (never seen before lol), got adopted, and is now part of the Raven clan with his "brother" Sigurd//Sigurd comes home from some raid with the Assassins Basim and Hytham//(Eivor gets the Hidden Blade; I mean, this is an Assassin's Creed game. Big moment. Done in 2 seconds.)//Sigurd and Eivor aren't happy with the new King of Norway.//Sigurd and Eivor fuck off to England (with Basim and Hytham) to set camp there.//Eivor starts to forge alliances throughout England to make his clan's hold on England stronger.// Sigurd and Basim do their own thing.//Eivor meets Sigurd and Basim two or three times throughout his alliance forging.//Basim seems a bit off.//Sigurd says that he was told (by Basim?) that he is a descendant of the gods.// Sigurd wants to "pursue his destiny"// (sidenote: the last few things are all within one (!) short cutscene in a small house. d e v e l o p m e n t.)//Sigurd gets captured and tortured and loses his hand.//Eivor rescues Sigurd.// Sigurd is back in the settlement.//Sigurd distrusts Eivor because Eivor doesn't believe Sigurd and Sigurd thinks Eivor wants to take his title as the jarl (jarls are the bosses of settlements).// And then the end sequence hits. This is where I want to go into somewhat detail again. We go from Sigurd distrusts Eivor to "Eivor, I don't wanna be the boss of the town, so I don't hold a grudge anymore, let's go back to Norway and I'll show you I was right all along" like it's nothing. It's literally just that: You walk up to Sigurd, he says this (more or less) and you sail away. Again: development is taken very seriously in this game. Honestly, at this point I didn't even know that this was going to trigger the ending. My genuine thoughts were "Oh my, finally, after all this grinding, the story is going to start." when in reality of course, ironically, it was going to end. Absolute belter. So you sail to Norway with Sigurd, which takes fucking forever, because OF COURSE you have to sail (for everyone who didn't play the game, yes, sail, that means looking at a viking longship while occasionally moving the stick slightly to change its directions slightly) to your original settlement in Norway, for what feels like far too long, only to say Hi to your dad. Fucking lost it. I thought we were going to assassinate the King? Nah bruv let's just have some quick family talk instead. Some action? Nah. Just get back to the longship. A N D S T A R T S A I L I N G A G A I N. Where? Just around the curve of our settlement in Norway. Yes, they pulled the old trick of the ending is literally just right around the corner of your starting position hehe. Absolute belter. Is this to make it seem like something is about to happen? The calm before the storm? It doesn't work like that. Well, then you actually sail through a storm (lol), which doesn't matter, because Sigurd just says "Let's keep going" and, well, you keep going. Also, to this point the weather conditions have never affected neither Eivors health, nor the ship in any way whatsoever, so why should I be impacted by a storm now? Like, it's a nice thing for atmosphere, but at least make the ship harder to steer or something. Then you walk up a mountain. Funnily enough Sigurd walks in manner that shows that the walk against the storm isn't easy, whereas you, hah, you can just yeet yourself up that mountain like nothing. I could sprint up there. Fucking sprint. Anyway, Eivor and Sigurd enter the Isu temple, because of course, we had to throw an Isu temple in there, I mean, i t ' s A s s a s s i n ' s C r e e d. Was it hinted at before in the story? Not really. Were we chasing or searchig for it? Nah, better get that next alliance going. It just suddenly was. Again: development. So we walk to the main platform of the temple and activate the machine and bam we're in Valhalla (because at some point Ubisoft realised that maybe they should include what is literally in the name of the game). Again, were we looking for Valhalla? Like not in the sense that every viking was, but more in the sense
of was it the main objective of the game? Did Eivor look for a way to Valhalla? Was there anything that led us here other than Sigurd having had a few dreams (that only got mentioned, like, twice?) and being influenced into thinking he was a demigod or something? Nope, Eivor was looking for that next alliance to forge. So, Eivor realises that his experience of Valhalla is fake and he wants to get out. But fake-Odin doesn't want to let him go. In a really weird cutscene (jump to 6:30), Eivor eventually escapes Odin and enters a door with his settlement-family (look, I'm all here for metaphors, but this, this is just utter rubbish. It just doesn't make sense, and there is no payoff whatsoever). Odin actually had a build-up of some sort. In every assassination sequence he's there and talks with Eivor. I actually thought there would be some cool payoff/ending/reveal here. But nah, this ain't it chief. Yet somehow, until here, I had hope. I thought maybe now, building on all this confusion, there's gonna be a relatively good ending. Something enticing. Something that made everything somewhat worthwile. And Ubisoft went: Lol nah. So, you're out of the Isu machine again (for all the non-AC-peoples here: basically like the matrix. Eivor gets hooked up to the machine and experiences alternate reality: Valhalla), and Basim is there. What a twist. The guy that showed up like three times and went from friendly in the first time to super suspicious (like glaring-in-your-face-suspicious) in the two-or-so other major cutscenes he was in, has now been revealed as the enemy. Congrats to that. What a twist. The thing is, and this bothers me a lot actually, it could have been anyone there. It didn't need to be Basim. It wouldn't have felt out of place if it wasn't him. Why? Because Ubisoft failed terribly at making you connect to any character and at building any actual story (or character). It could have been Gunnar, the friendly black-smith in our settlement, and it would have been as fitting as Basim. Then Basim says that this is "for his son". Ah yes, the lost son of Basim, which was mentioned once. Right. Eivor defeats Basim by hooking him up on the Isu machine and gets back to the settlement with Sigurd (in my ending at least. There seems to be a possible ending in which Sigurd doesn't come back.) Cut to the modern day, where Layla now knows the coordinates of the Isu temple, goes there, hooks herself up to the machine, becomes the overseer of time with the other overseer of time which already was hanging out there (I mean yeah, great idea, terrible execution. Build it up, then you can have a payoff. This was just straight outta nowhere, and who cared about Layla anyway.) Anyway, meanwhile Basim, who was still hanging on that machine a fuck ton of years later, pops off, and is now living in the modern day. The idea here is, that we lost the hero (Layla) which caused the (just established) vilain (Basim) to do his fuckery in the modern day. But why should I care? Basim was basically nonexistent in the basically nonexistent story and suddendly I should feel sad or shocked, because he's in the modern day? Is this supposed to be intriguing? And yeah, Layla is "gone". Layla, who had no character building over three fucking games. Why should i be bothered? Why should I care about anything that just happened? Remember when a side character (Lucy) died in AC Brotherhood? That was intriguing. Why? Because they built her as a character we (Desmond) trusted, even though it was in the modern day (which no one really cares about in AC). And this is why Valhalla broke me and Odyssey didn't. Valhalla failed to make me care on a much deeper level. It's just a lot of nothingness. Empty characters in a nonexistent story. And by nonexistent, I mean non-built at all. When I play the game now, I have no actual reason, and throughout the game never actually had any actual reason, to continue. It was a chore. I didn't bother if after three hours of grind I would eventually get a mini-snippet of a husk of a story, and neither do I care now. Everything in
this game is so devoid of sparking curiosity and screams of lacklusterness to the point where I don't even know what I have actually expierenced. For fuck's sake Ubisoft, make me care again. At least once in 40 hours.
May I sum up Valhalla's "story" and content in the glorious words of Catherine Tate: Am I bovvered? The answer, sadly, is a holistic no.
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Title: Tuning up your TIE-Fighter to prove you’re better than the bastard currently running the TIE-Fighter Program for fun and profit
Summary: As a rule, Vader did not really do anything with his social media account, but then the rant of some kid from Tatooine about the inefficiency of TIE Fighters began trending, the pilots and engineers on the Devastator started fixing their ships and Vader got invested.
AN: This fanfic is almost 7.000 words long do yourself a favor and go read it on AO3.
“Why are all the engineers tearing through the ships?” Vader asked the officer in charge.
Truthfully, they hadn’t been sent on a campaign lately, but the Emperor liked to whimsically assign Vader and his ship to pointless random battles, so they always had to be prepared to head into combat and couldn’t afford all their Fighters to be in repair. Frankly speaking, most of the TIEs never saw any repairs. They were just scrapped and demolished. He supposed he should be glad his mechanics had enough sense not to start working on all ships simultaneously.
“They are fixing the life support and shielding of the TIEs, my Lord.”
The what.
“The TIE-Fighters don’t have deflector shielding,” Vader stated.
The Head Engineer nodded nervously and stood up straight. Vader hadn’t picked them for nothing. Their predecessor had been a weak sucker-up who had seen it fit to either doesn’t inform Vader about crucial decisions and changes or had bothered him about every little detail. This new one knew how to do their job or at least it had seemed like it up until now.
“We are aware, my Lord. But there was this video explaining how to easily make some changes to the TIEs and I saw it fit to ensure we reduce our damages,” they replied.
“What video?”
The Head Engineer fetched a datapad from the nearest table and searched through a couple files until they opened one, revealing a video. It appeared to have been posted on the holonet one and a half weeks ago and already had an impress number of views and comments. The entire video was several hours long, and had gained a few Reaction Videos as well.
The thumbnail showed a blonde boy, roughly fifteen if Vader were to guess, wearing a half undone overall and a tank top, standing next to a slightly older boy and an assassination droid, a severely damaged TIE-Fighter lying in the sands behind them.
Vader hit play.
The video started, showing the blond boy of before sitting in a makeshift workshop, a pair of goggles lying around his neck.
“Welcome to another episode of Scrap Hunting,” the teenager in the video said. He took a sip of water from the metallic canteen he was holding, drinking slow and carefully the way only a desert dweller did. “A couple weeks ago some sleemo commented that I’d never be able to improve any Imperial ships since I’m just Outer Rim trash.”
The boy took another sip, then set his canteen aside to reach for some parts that looked like they belonged to a half-finished droid.
“And I suppose you did have a point that the things I fix won’t ever reach the level of an Imperial TIE because I wouldn’t build such trash in the first place.”
The teenager’s face was fairly blank, but laughter could be heard coming from whoever was behind the camera, likely the other boy.
“So, to prove that I can do better, I sold a lot of speeders, ships and droids, repaired more terrible freighters than I can count, won several totally legal races and placed a couple of very fortunate bets in the palace of Jabba.”
The boy paused, then he smiled widely and, together with his cameraman, yelled “Boonta Eve Classic Champions!”
When he was done laughing, the boy continued talking. “Anyway, the point is, I made a lot of money to buy a lot of trash.”
The screen turned black and when it returned, it showed the image depicted in the thumbnail. The blond boy climbed on top of the TIE and smiled victoriously.
“So in today’s episode, I’m not only going to prove all you disbelievers wrong, I’m also going to drag the entire Tie-Fighter Program through the sarlacc pit. I’m Luke, the man recording is Biggs, my helper over there is HK-77 and this is Scrap Hunting.”
The first few notes of a song start playing and the channel’s logo, two suns overlaid by a speeder, showed up. The Head Engineer proceeded to stop the video, the screen frozen on the image of the boy grinning mischievously.
“He proceeds to begin to completely overhaul the damaged TIE he bought with alarmingly low cost and high efficiency within a few hours and, frankly speaking, embarrasses me. Some of the things Luke does never occurred to me and it should have, I went to one of Coruscant’s best universities-“
They sighed and put the datapad down. “Either way, we are now making changes to our TIEs. I apologize for not having informed you before, my Lord, but I assumed you’d approve of our Fighters being the most advanced on the field.”
The Head Engineer didn’t look like they regretted their decision, but they had obviously resigned themselves to whatever Vader decided their fate would be. They were loyal to Vader and his command. Vader needed people like them on his crew, not more of the Emperor’s spies.
“You presumed correctly,” Vader said. “Finish outfitting the TIEs you already began taking apart. I will watch the video of this Luke and see what exactly he has to say about the military.”
The Head Engineer saluted. “Yes, Sir! I won’t disappoint you!” Then they turned around and marched over to where the others had stopped working to watch their exchange and told them to get back to work.
Vader, meanwhile, took the datapad and returned to his own rooms. He had a video to watch.
Luke had not planned on becoming famous with a video titled Tuning up your TIE-Fighter to prove you’re better than the bastard currently running the TIE-Fighter Program for fun and profit. In fact, he had never expected any of his videos to gain the kind of following and attention they had even before that particular one. In all honesty, it had just started with him making a recording of how he fixed vaporators without taking them apart completely so his friend Biggs could do it as well. He’d just posted that on the net and kept going. First about droids, some more rambles about ships and a while back he’d finally been allowed to go to the shipyards on his own to earn some extra cash.
But then he had found HK-77 in a dumping ground. The droid had been severely damaged, but not so much that Luke couldn’t fix it. Assassin droids were intelligent, much more than any other ones and Luke could honestly use some extra hands around the farm and when he was repairing speeders. Biggs had recorded bits of Luke working on the droid, cut it together and uploaded it and people had loved it. His videos got more clicks, he got more subscriptions and here he was now.
Usually, Luke didn’t let comments get to him, but one obviously core-world spoiled bastard had discredited Luke’s skills without having any idea how terrible the Empire’s priced Fighters actually were.
“C’mon,” Biggs said, throwing an arm around Luke’s shoulders. “One last project before I leave for the Academy.”
Luke had also been trying his best to avoid thinking about how much he was going to miss his best friend. He wanted to leave with him – though not to be a common TIE-Fighter pilot, Luke wasn’t suicidal – but he couldn’t leave his family behind when they needed him.
“Alright,” Luke agreed, blushing. “Where are we going to get a TIE, though?”
Turned out that a TIE had crashed a while back and a junk dealer had picked it up. Unfortunately, despite its terrible damages, it was really expensive and Luke didn’t have that kind of money. It took a lot of work to scrap it all together – and he had been grounded for a month after winning the Boonta Eve Classic, but being the second human to ever win after Anakin Skywalker, his own father, had been worth it – but in the end Biggs and Luke had poured their funds together and bought the TIE.
And then the fun had started.
Vader sat down at his desk and pulled up the video again. He skipped to the moment the Head Engineer had stopped the video and hit play.
“Okay, first things first,” Luke said. “TIE’s were not made to be repaired. How do I know?”
Luke crawled into the pilot’s seat and opened the panels beneath it. “Because this is where the Empire would store the hyperdrive navigational systems, theft prevention protocols and life support, if the TIEs had any!”
He disappeared beneath the panels and began taking out the machinery, handing it to the HK-77 droid. Tatooine’s junkyards had always been a treasure chest, but finding C-3PO there had been astonishing. An assassination droid was worth much more than a mere protocol droid. Vader would have to check if the boy talked about how he’d acquired it somewhere.
“What kind of moron designs a ship that doesn’t have that?” Luke spoke up, his voice echoing. “I know who. They’re called Sienar Fleet Systems and go back to the Clone Wars.”
Luke stood up, and placatingly held up his hands. “I know, the Empire also made some pretty cool ships. I won’t lie, I’d kill to get my hands on the schematics on the Devastator, but the security of Kuat Drive Yards is too good.”
Luke paused.
“Not that I’d ever attempt to get a better look on them.”
The video zoomed in on Luke’s face and his frankly speaking terrible poker face in what was supposed be a comedic shot. Not many people would have the guts to admit they’d attempted to slice into KDY’s security and Vader doubted it was idiocy on the boy’s part. The youth was interesting and it became apparent rather quickly that he knew what he was talking about. He would certainly make a good asset to Vader’s crew, should he sign up.
“Point is,” Luke continued. “They cut all these extra measures out to lose weight and mass produce these TIEs with the lowest costs possible. However, even out here on Tatooine we’ve got ships with really small and efficient support systems, so I’ll dig through this mess down here and make some space for life support first.”
Luke then pointed on the rather large box standing next to him. “All I need for that is in this box. I uploaded the schematics to my usual server. It’s free to download, but I’d be very thankful if you could leave me a tip because I am broke until I’ve gotten this project done.”
Vader only skimmed through the next hours as Luke was working on taking the TIE’s insides apart. He explained what he was doing more or less coherently. It was clear he was lacking some of the terminological knowledge needed to describe the precise measures he took, but he was a rather efficient worker.
“Not sure yet if I can get my hands on a hyperdrive that won’t blow up on me, but we’ll see,” Luke said during the last minute of the video. “Theft prevention, however, I can work with.”
The video cut again and by now only the last beams of sunlight were illuminating the sands.
“Check this,” Luke said and pulled back his arm, a hydrospanner in hand, and threw it at full strength at the outer shell of the TIE. Upon impact, the TIE began blaring alarms.
“Nailed it,” Luke declared confidently while the HK-77 next to him gave him a thumbs up and presumably his friend behind the camera, held his thumb up in front of the recording as well.
“And this concludes part one of-“ Luke began to speak, only to be interrupted by a man’s shout.
“Oh, shit,” Luke muttered, eyes wide. “Stop recording, Biggs, stop-“
The video ended and a couple of suggestions popped up, all with equally unserious titles such as ‘Killing it with a Murderbot’, ‘Repairing a hyperdrive but your arm is broken and All Stars is playing’ and ‘Garbage Summary of Republic/Imperial Ships’. The most recent upload was titled ‘Status Update: Scrap Hunters vs. Guardians.’
Vader decided to play it.
The channel’s introduction started to play against and soon after there was a recording of the black-haired boy playing.
“Hello, fellow Hunters,” the young man said, smiling widely. “I’m Biggs and unfortunately, I have to do today’s video by myself.”
He closed his eyes and in fake serenity added, “I hope you’ll enjoy it despite the lack of our overly bright mechanic and resident murderbot. Don’t worry, I know you’re all not actually watching this for me.”
Biggs sat still as writing appeared in the upper corner. I’m also just here for Luke. Hit me up at @darkestlight if you feel like it.
“Anyway,” Biggs continued and the writing disappeared. “This short video is just an update on our current situation. First of all, we’re super happy to see that so many people enjoyed our newest video. The next parts will be uploaded as soon as we can get our hands on the items we need, which might take a while given that Luke has been grounded from working on the TIE for the foreseeable future. If you have any questions for him though, feel free to drop him a message @skyseekerpilot, he’s still got access to the holonet.”
From out of the camera’s reach, he pulled a piece of flimsi, showing off the account’s name and a small doodle of what Vader assumed was meant to be Luke.
“Written by yours truly,” Biggs said and set the flimsi aside. “We’re thinking of doing a Q&A in the near future to bridge the time between the actual next update. Feel free to send us any kind of question! That being said, don’t miss us too much!”
The video stopped and Vader almost found himself being disappointed. The youth had certainly talked a lot about unimportant things, it was clear that he was a mere aid to Luke. Perhaps contacting the boy about his ideas would be worth it.
Luke was bored out of his mind. Honestly, he hated being grounded. Nothing new to tinker with, only work and endless hours of chores and browsing the holonet. He supposed he could work a little more on his schematics, but he didn’t really feel like it. Sitting down and actually sketching what he was thinking was always the most difficult part of the process. Most of the time, Luke just knew and could figure out what he had to fix. He worked by instinct alone, but that didn’t really help others so he had to write things down properly.
Annoyed, Luke flopped down on his bed again. He hoped that Biggs at least would be allowed to come over again soon. It was just so boring without anyone around.
“I could get rid of the problem,” HK-77 offered from where it was sitting in the corner.
“No, thank you, Hagekay,” Luke replied. “I guess I’ll just check the ‘net again.”
He took out his datapad and began skimming his usual sites. He watched the video Biggs had uploaded and looked a little though all the comments they’d already gotten. Their channel had really blown up in the past days and a lot of people seemed quite eager about the possibility of a Q&A, already shooting off questions. Luke switched over to his page and saw a steady amount of questions and comments come in. A lot of them were rather personal, but one caught his attention.
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick asked:
You pay a great deal of attention to enhancing the pilot’s safety and protection in the events of a crash, but how do you intend to make up for the lesser maneuverability? The added weight will lower the TIE’s speed to 1,112 KPH and in actual combat, the added speed is necessary. If one considers the lack of deflector shields, the TIE becomes much more vulnerable, to a degree that even your additions will not work. I’d like to hear your suggestions as to how you would solve that problem.
Reading the message, Luke began to smile widely. Fighterfan had obviously sat down to do the proper math. Luke, admittedly, had only done some rough calculations but his result had been almost the same and he’d immediately began searching or results.
Easy, he wrote back, grinning like a madman. I add deflector shields and modify a hyperdrive of the Interio Class. ;)
Luke knew that his holonet connection wasn’t exactly the best. There was a reason Biggs was the one who uploaded their content. Sometimes, especially before, during and after sandstorms, Luke could forget doing anything with his datapad. So when he got a reply barely thirty minutes later, he knew that the other person must have replied immediately.
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick replied:
The Interio Class hyperdrives are slow at best and do not work at all at worst. I take it you intend to break it down so far that it cannot actually do a hyperspace jump but still accelerates much faster than any other engine?
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot replied:
Exactly!!! :D Should push the speed back up to 1,200 KPH despite the added weight! I’d also suggest changing the wings to bent-wing solar arrays, but I don’t have the materials for that right now :/
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick replied:
While the flight controls were designed to be intuitive and easy to learn, very few people would be skilled enough to fly a ship with the modifications you are proposing.
Luke smirked. It would be dangerous indeed, but he’d be able to make it. He’d stretch out his senses, feel the vast expanses of space around him, the million planets and stars and he’d rush right past them.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot replied:
I could. :)
Vader hadn’t been sure what to expect of his conversation with Luke. The boy certainly proved that he was bright and clever. Not just intelligent, he knew exactly what his modifications would do to the TIE- Fighter. Despite his excessive need to tag emojis onto his every message and add exclamation marks, actually talking about ships to somebody who couldn’t care less about Imperial regulations was almost enjoyable. The boy’s suggestions were refreshing and unorthodox and a few of them even puzzled Vader for a moment until he was able to follow Luke’s train of thought.
Soon he found himself looking forward to the boy’s messages, even if he couldn’t bring himself to care particularly much about the daily life of a teenage moisture farmer. Unfortunately, he had to admit that he was almost a little annoyed Luke was still a child and therefore couldn’t accept a job offer. Well, Vader would simply have to wait a little longer to get his hands on his next Head Engineer. Until then, messaging him while pretending to listen to some Moffs blab away about the Death Star yet again, would have to suffice.
He had learned nothing but patience in the past years.
“Welcome back to Scrap Hunting!” Luke announced excitedly. “As you can see, I have returned to the land of the living!”
“He’s still grounded,” Biggs said next to him. “I’m just allowed to visit now.”
Luke rolled his eyes and lightheartedly punched his friend into his side. “Don’t make fun of me. I was incredibly lonely.”
Biggs smiled and messed up Luke’s hair in return. “Sure, whatever you say. Anyway! We collected a lot of comments in the meanwhile and decided to do the promised Q&A about ourselves. Luke, if you’d do the honors to read the first question.”
Luke reached for the datapad in front of them and started it up. He spent a few moments scrolling through it, then stopped and began to read out loud. “For Biggs: In the video repairing Hagekay you said that it keeps threatening you. Does it still do that?”
“All the time,” Biggs replied seriously. He raised his hands in a what-can-you-do kind of way and then dropped them again with a sigh. “Literally. I don’t think this droid likes anyone but Luke and the mouse droid keeping the house clean.”
Biggs frowned and looked around as if he were searching for something. “Where is Emmy? It always seems so eager to clean up after me.”
Luke shrugged. “Maybe got lost in Aunt Beru’s closet again, wouldn’t be the first time. Alright, you do the next question.”
Biggs took the datapad from him and moved on to the next inquiry.
“What the kriff is your title song?” Biggs read, then groaned and buried his head in his hands. “Just let it die please.”
Luke on the other hand immediately jumped up in excitement. “Oh! It’s every fifth note of my favorite song so it doesn’t get taken down for copyright reason. I’ll put a link in the description.”
“Question #3: Where do you live?” Luke stared straight ahead into the camera. “Tatooine, Outer Rim desert world. Do not recommend unless you can survive without a lot of water.”
Beside him, Biggs nodded. “Indeed, not the best place to raise your children. Question number four: Could you upload Hagekay’s original programming?”
The two boys looked at each other and finally shook their heads while staring suspiciously at the camera again. “What could you possibly need the programming of an assassin droid for?”
“Next up: How old are you? And how long have you been working on projects like this?”
Luke frowned and turned to Biggs. “Didn’t we say that before once?”
Biggs only shrugged. “No idea, you talk a lot when you’re working.”
“You love to hear me talk,” Luke replied teasingly. “Well, I’m seventeen and Biggs is nineteen. I’ve been doing repairs on droids for as long as I can think. Speeders and ships are new additions.”
“Same for me,” Biggs said. “You can’t grow up in the middle of nowhere running a moisture farm and not be at least a half-decent mechanic. Okay, next question: What was your favorite project so far? Hmm, I think I enjoyed ‘Hagekay vs Emmy with a viroblade’ the most. You?”
Luke chewed on his lip and paused, deeply lost in thought.
“The TIE-Fighter,” he said eventually. “Even if I wasn’t so sure about it at first. That reminds me! I don’t know how many of you have seen the bits of the conversation that aren’t private, but you should seriously check out Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick. The ship modifications he speaks of are the best and a couple of them will definitely end up in the TIE, credit given, of course. When we’re done with this video, I’ll go right back to replying to your thoughts about navigation systems because I totally agree-“
“Alright, alright,” Biggs interrupted, clasping his hand over Luke’s mouth. “Nerd out with your new best friend somewhere I don’t have to see it.”
Luke huffed and, going by the way Biggs quickly pulled his hand away from his mouth and wiped it on his shirt saying “ewww”, had licked it.
“What are you? Five?” Biggs complained.
Luke laughed. “Compared to your mature six? Alright, next question-“
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
Have you thought about a way to solve the take-off issue yet?
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Noooooo (TT^TT). It’s so stupid, why does anyone design a ship that lacks landing gear? I mean, I get it, these were built for space combat but it just seemed unnecessary that you need an extra start up. What do you do when somebody crashed on a planet? Leave them there????
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
Yes. TIEs are viewed as expendable, due to their cheap production costs, as are their pilots. The Empire prefers quantity over quality.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
That just seems incredibly short-sighted. What kind of person doesn’t go back to save their friends?
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
You are wrongly presuming that TIE-Fighter pilots have friends.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
So you don’t have any friends?
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Oh gosh I’m SO SORRY! I didn’t mean that, I just wanted to ask whether you were TIE pilot bc you seem to know the ships so well and I didn’t want to be rude
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
I’m sorry!!!
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Super sorry!
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Honestly, I didn’t mean to insult you. I apologize, I shouldn’t have said that.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Are you still there?
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
Yes. I was stuck in a briefing and couldn’t reply. You mustn’t worry. I do not have any friends, nor do I want them.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Oh, I’m glad I didn’t scare you off and I’m sorry for overreacting. But you really don’t have any friends? Doesn’t that get lonely? Biggs has been gone barely a couple weeks and I’m already going crazy. I miss him a lot.
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
You are too dependent on him, Luke. You do not need him.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
I do! He always had my back, ever since we were small. And even if you don’t want any friends, you can be sure that I will consider you mine. No expectations of course! But I really enjoy talking to you and I have learned so much since we started talking!
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
I have also found our talks to be pleasant.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
TIE Advanced x1
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
You wanted to ask me whether I am a TIE-Fighter pilot. I own a TIE Advanced x1
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
REALLY???? THAT’S SO COOL THEY ONLY STARTED MANUFACTURING THEM LAST YEAR. How fast does it accelerate? Are the stabilizers really that improved? No wait tell me about the hyperdrive which did they go with? Does it use a Class 4.0? I would have built in a Class 7.0 but they’re more expensive and hard to really stop correctly if you’re not like a great pilot ooOOOH WAIT
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
YOU are flying a TIE/AD!!!!!
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
YOU NEVER TOLD ME YOU’RE ACTUALLY IN THE IMPERIAL NAVY. Which ship do you serve on??? Please, please, please tell me about the Destroyers I’ve been wanting to compare them to Republic ships since FOREVER but I couldn’t find any good sources pls I’ll pay in an extra special videos
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
Give me a few hours.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Vader could not fathom what was wrong with Luke. Nobody wanted to be friends with Darth Vader, certainly he had never given the boy the impression that he was interested in such a relationship? He had merely strived to see what the boy was capable of. He shouldn’t supply the boy with more in-depth plans to his ships and yet he found himself downloading the corresponding schematics. It had been a while since he had been able to carry on a conversation that was actually on his level and engaging as well. Luke was only improving and Vader wanted to keep him. Good personnel was hard to come by and Luke was something different entirely.
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
I have sent you the plans we talked about. Have you ever considered signing up for the Imperial Academy?
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Yes, but I can’t go this year because my uncle still needs me on the farm :/
 Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
I am able to get you a contract as civilian consultant. You’d be able to work from home.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
What? Is that really a thing?
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
If you give me your personal data, I’ll send you a contract.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Thank you!! It’s Luke Lars! My ID is T-LL-2187-A23. Also, uploaded a new video for you :D Hope you enjoy my misadventures!
Luke was sitting on his bed, HK-77 standing beside him, holding out various tools while the mouse droid Emmy was sitting in his lap.
“Hello, everybody and welcome to another episode of Scrap Hunting! Today is a special compilation dedicated too @thatsaneattrick, who basically gave me an early birthday present. So, sit back and enjoy a compilation of the things we usually cut from our videos! I’m Luke, my helper today is HK-77 and shout out to Biggs who is currently studying a couple of planets away from me!”
The video cut away to start showing the first in a series of rather short escapades featuring at least one member of the trio.
The first video showed Luke working on the TIE’s wings, singing underneath his breath. “This was not designed to land, this ship was not designed to land, this ship was not designed to be functional, functional at all.”
The next video depicted Luke working in the background while Biggs and HK-77 were staring intensely at each other, Emmy stuck between them, driving forwards and backwards like they were trying to keep the two from fighting.
“Where did you hide my hydrospanner.”
“I did no such thing, Biggs.”
The recording blurred as Biggs threw himself on HK-77.
It was dark. The camera slowly focused on Emmy attempting to drive up to the TIE fighter but getting stuck because of the sand. Two giggles could be heard.
“We have to help Emmy,” Luke whispered.
“Yes, wait- oh, Em’s gonna fall over-“
The video slowed down as Emmy tragically fell to its side and couldn’t get up again.
“It’s so kriffing clumsy, like a baby,” Biggs laughed.
“It’ll get there someday.”
In white writing, the message Hasn’t Happened Yet showed up.
“Luke, what are you?”
Luke sighed and looked downcast. “A good mechanic?”
“Then why is the TIE’s cockpit smoking?”
“I was just taking a look at the repulsorlift antigravity field- oh, kriff it’s burning.”
Ever since Biggs had left, Luke’s conversations with Fighter became the most fun part of his days. Sometimes, replies took a little longer depending on how busy and far away Fighter was, but their talks never failed to bring a smile to Luke’s face, no matter how standoffish Fighter acted.
Luke checked his messages again, hoping to catch a new message from Fighter. Sadly, none were in his inbox, only something from a stranger.
Lord Vader @ImperialCommand: Consultant Contract
Luke frowned.
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
Have you thought about my job offer yet?
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Job offer? You were really serious about that? O.o
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
Of course, did you not see the attachment I sent you?
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
I never got a message with a job offer, so I thought you were joking!!! The only thing I got was a message by some guy pretending to be Vader. Didn’t even bother to open that, who knows what kind of virus I could have caught. -.-‘
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
Someone pretended to be Lord Vader? Surely nobody would actually be so ignorant.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Idk! I had to go on his holo page and it seemed legit but there’s no way the emperor’s slaver would ever message me I’m not that naive
Are you still there?
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
You would do well not to spread such rebel propaganda anywhere others could find them.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Rebel propaganda???
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Do you mean the ‘slaver’ thing?
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
That’s not propaganda, that’s what Vader is. I know your serve in the Navy, and probably met him once or so. I can’t judge what kind of superior he might be, but his behavior is that of a slaver.
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
What do you know of slavery, child?
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
I live on Tatooine, remember? Hutts control everything. And my father was a slave, that’s why I have to go by my uncle’s last name, least of all somebody thinks I’m a runaway just cause my father’s name was ‘Skywalker’.
Fighterfan @thatsaneatrick
What was your father’s name.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
His name was Anakin Skywalker, he died towards the end of the last war. Freed himself as a child and became a navigator on a spice freighter. I don’t know much more about him, my aunt and uncle only met him once for my grandmother’s funeral and that’s it. I’m sure he was a good man, though. I just know it.
The boy, Luke, was living Tatooine with his aunt and uncle. Vader had known his last name was Lars, had even seen him mention Owen and Beru multiple times, but he hadn’t made the connection-
Quickly, he pulled up the files he had made on the boy. It said in his documents that he had been adopted by Owen Lars and Beru Whitesun Lars, no mentioning of his biological parents anyway. Vader hadn’t paid any attention to it because it happened often enough on Tatooine. Newborns were smuggled bought out of the slave quarters so they’d get a better life. The boy could be lying, of course, but what would he seek to gain from this ploy?
Anakin Skywalker was dead and everything he had held dear had burned with him, his Master had seen to it.
But hadn’t the boy’s smile reminded him of his dear wife? His excitement for ships, his brilliance- Vader had assumed that some of his stories might have been exaggerated, but maybe he had performed all those death-defying stunts indeed and it was the Force which had saved him.
Luke Skywalker of Tatooine.
It was impossible to think that he had managed to find him through mere interest. The Force must have led him to his son.
His son.
His Master had lied to him, deceived and betrayed him.
Snarling, Vader left his rooms behind and marched towards his personal hanger. He had to go now, reach his son and protect him before the Emperor would diminish his light.  Vader would make them pay, all of them, every single person involved in keeping his child from him would be destroyed.
The past weeks had not been particularly interesting or happy for Luke. Ever since his discussion with Fighter, the other man had completely cut their communication. No matter how many messages Luke sent him, he didn’t reply.
He supposed he should have seen it coming. Fighter didn’t say much about his background, but if he was skilled enough to be trusted with a TIE/ad, he had likely grown up on some Imperial Core World, surrounded by the Empire and Vader’s image and didn’t see things the way some Outer Rim kid would. It was too bad that their conversation had stopped. Even if they couldn’t agree on the Empire’s policies, ships were still ships.
He’d miss talking to Fighter.
Luke dragged himself out of his room to go in the kitchen for lunch. He had halfway crossed the homestead when a man in a dark robe hurried down the steps.
“Luke!” He said and threw back his hood, revealing himself as Old Ben Kenobi.
“Oh, hi, Ben! Is everything alright?”
Ben shook his head and a pained expression crossed his face. He looked like he was in a hurry, but Luke could feel the fear lingering in the air.
“We need to go, now,” Ben said hurriedly. “Where are your aunt and uncle?”
“Aunt Beru went into the city and Uncle Owen is out working on the vaporators,” Luke replied slowly.
Ben’s behavior was confusing him. He’d known the older man since he could think. He had never said a thing, but Luke knew he was the one who had made a lot of the model ships now proudly displayed in his room and made sure the Tuskens stayed away from their homestead.
Ben was a nice and kind man, carrying a lot of grief. He was a little strange, but not mad. If he was worried about something, Luke figured he should as well.
“Then there is no time to get them,” Ben said and took Luke’s hand. “We must hurry.”
“Ben, what’s going on?” Luke asked and let himself be pulled along to the homestead’s entrance and out into the sun. “Why are we running?”
“We need to go before he’s here-“ Ben stopped abruptly and stared right ahead.
A black demon stood in some distance from the two of them. He looked like the monsters out of the stories Luke had been told as a child and now knew to be real. Lord Vader.
Ben let go of Luke’s hand and took a step forward, keeping Luke behind him.
“Kenobi.” Vader’s voice was deep, mechanic and artificial. “I have finally found you.”
“So you have, Darth,” Kenobi replied and ignited a lightsaber of a light blue color.
Vader followed suit, his blade an angry red and soon after they were clashing against one another, whirling up the sand. Luke hadn’t known Ben could fight like that, keep every move so fluent despite the ground he was standing on. He met each of Vader’s aggressive strikes with equal strength.
Luke felt like he was suffocating.
He had to stop them, he knew it. He didn’t know why or how, but if he didn’t do anything, the desert would swallow them up.
“What is going on!?” Luke shouted. The two fighters turned to him and it occurred to Luke only then that shouting mid-battle was probably not his smartest move, but what else was he supposed to do.
“You have been deceived all your life, young one,” Vader said. “Kenobi stole you from me, kept you hidden so you wouldn’t inherit your birthright.”
“My birthright,” Luke repeated. “I’m sorry, what are you even talking about.”
“Your father-“
“Was a good man,” Ben interrupted, his words as sharp as a knife. “And you ruined him.”
“You left me to burn!” Vader screamed. “You said you loved me and you left me behind for Sidious to take and remake as he wanted. You took my son from me and let him grow up on the Force-forsaken planet! You stole years from me, months of being unaware of who I was talking to.”
My son, the winds seemed to echo Vader’s words, dancing around Luke’s small frame. The weight behind them almost seemed to push him over.
“Father?” Luke realized. The wind roared in agreement, rushed through Luke’s mind as a barely comprehendible mess acknowledging an impossible truth.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Going on a galactic roadtrip for the foreseeable future! :D
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
(Somebody please get me off this ship they keep glaring at each other it’s so awkward)
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Pros of having parents: You don’t have to pay for lunch Cons of having parents: Lunch is ration bars
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
If not for the laws of this galaxy I’d have a glowing sword to cut through durasteel with
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
I have adopted 4 more mouse droids to keep our ship clean!
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
I love discovering I have a godfather who is also a pirate while being held hostage by said godfather. 5/10 experience
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
I have the power of the Force and Hydrospanners on my side!!!
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
Turns out HK-77’s programming was not as thoroughly deleted as I thought. My bad.
Twin Suns @skyseekerpilot
TIE-Fighters still suck. New video tomorrow together with @thatsaneatrick
“Hi!” The video showed a young blond man standing in what appeared to be a huge hanger. He was a little older than he had been in the last video uploaded on the channel.
Next to him sat an older man whose skin was as pale as ash. Many scars covered his face, the only part of his body that was actually visible. The rest was covered by dark robes. The third member of the group was another man with snow-white hair and beard. He sat in a safe distance from the ship behind the other two, reading through a datapad while drinking a cup of tea. All three of them carried lightsabers and it was practically impossible to ignore them.
“Welcome back to another episode of Scrap Hunting!” The blond continued. “I know, it’s been a year but I was pretty busy.”
He glanced at the man beside him and leaned slightly into his side, as if he were seeking comfort.
“Today we’re finally concluding our series ‘Tuning up your TIE-Fighter to prove you’re better than the bastard currently running the TIE-Fighter Program for fun and profit’. Unfortunately, the original TIE-Fighter was lost, but Father crashes so many that we could easily start from scratch with a new one. The focus of this episode is finally adding the safety that prevents the twin ion engines from moving an energizer out of alignment so that the recharge systems won’t become ticking time bombs. Henceforth, we dedicate this episode to Darth Sidious, alias Emperor Palpatine. My name is Luke Skywalker. The man in the back is my Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi-“ The old man looked up from his datapad to wave at the camera and then continued on reading “-and my helper today is my Father.”
Luke paused and smiled softly while the scarred man put his hand on Luke’s shoulder. The gesture seemed almost a little possessive, would certainly be like it if the man’s touch weren’t as gentle as a feather.
“My name is Anakin Skywalker,” the man said, his blue eyes shining as brightly as Luke’s, but much colder in nature. “And I’m coming for you, Sidious.”
The video flashed black, then brightened again, depicting a round emblem of two wings settled around a sword.
151 notes · View notes
Day #36: Love Story (Epilogue)
The day is finally here. Korkie and Crosshair might have been just a brain worm, but these two have been fun to write. So long boys. May the Force be with you.
The rich deserts of Kalevala was shining through the windshield of the Katalyst and the passengers were happy to be back. Even if it wasn’t going to be for long. 
Fennec had the pilot’s pit to herself. Korkie and Crosshair were far too busy at their bedroom to be the pilots. Sarad was too busy playing with her wedding bow that she tore it apart. Crosshair was smirking too much for Korkie’s sake.
“That’s my duchess!” Crosshair said. “You look better with armor anyway.”
“Cross, she’s too tiny,” Korkie groaned. “She’s the size of a two-year old. Kryze would wear armor when they’re bigger. Also, today’s our wedding.”
“Well, it’s a Mandalorian wedding. Shouldn't we have armor?”
“We have weapons. No one is going to attack our wedding if they know what’s good for them.”
Crosshair smiled and kissed his fiancee’s forehead. It was a year since they’ve met and they’ve been through so much. The fights, the target practice, the bounties and having Sarad. They grew as partners and as a couple. And now they’re getting married in Kalevala.
Which was Crosshair’s idea. He wanted Bo-Katan to watch him marry her former nephew. Though, he said it was because he wanted to marry at the place they first met.
Korkie didn’t believe his excuse, but he wanted Nanny Rana to watch his wedding. Also, he wanted to see Bo-Katan faint at the sight of him marrying Crosshair while the Bad Batch was in attendance. 
The Bad Batch was already at Kalevala because of Crosshair. He wanted Rana to get them fitted for the wedding and he deathly knows how bad they were at wearing top-grade suits. Hunter and Echo were always trying to get away from wearing something they felt undeserving, Tech would be too busy talking about clothing facts to wear one, and Wrecker was just big. Yet, Rana seemed to know what to do since she sent a comm of them in their wedding outfits.
As for the Shands. Well, Luka was once a wedding officiant before Fennec was born and he did demand that he wear clothes fitting for a former officiant. Kristal wore a motherly blue gray dress that matched her husband’s clothes. Fennec wouldn’t stop beaming in happiness at the sight of her happy parents. She asked to wear a dress with leggings in case of a Bo-Katan attack.
As for the grooms and Sarad? Crosshair had a gray suit he asked Rana to prepare for his wedding. It was simple and made out of Beskar to make sure it would hold for years. Korkie wanted to wear the last outfit he ever created for his mother. A rather plain blue dress that he knows Bo-Katan would try to burn in anger. To match her fathers, Korkie made Sarad wear a gray and blue dress. With a now broken blue bow because it wasn't made with Beskar.
Fennec saw the Havoc Marauder and landed near the Bad Batch’s ship. The four exited the Katalyst with two boxes containing Fennec’s dress and Korkie’s wedding dress. Rana and the Shands greeted the four first. Then, the Bad Batch came out and hugged Crosshair.
“Congrats, Crosshair,” Hunter said. “I’m so proud to call you my brother.”
“I’m happy to know you’re the one giving me away,” Crosshair said.
They went back to the mansion to talk about the steps of the wedding. Korkie and Fennec went to their rooms to wear their dress while Crosshair was too busy cradling Sarad. Rana and the Shands went to the garden to finish up the place.
“She’ll always have bragging rights against future siblings,” Wrecker said. 
“Your next children would possible ask you for a recreation of the wedding,” Tech pointed out. “ Sarad might rally them if she wants them to understand what a wedding is.”
“Wouldn’t they already understand if they teach the kids?” Echo asked.
“They might,” Crosshair said. “But, I’d be happy to recreate the best day of my life.”
Hunter laughed. Crosshair had changed from the cold sniper they all knew. HE was kinder and warmer.
“It’s time,” Kristal said when she fetched them. “The place is ready, Fennec is there, Rana is getting Korkie and my husband is trying his best not to cry. Oh, and the birds are singing like it’s the biggest wedding in the whole galaxy.”
The Bad Batch and Sarad were taken to the garden where Crosshair met Korkie. He gave Sarad to Fennec and the girls went to their designated spot. Tech, Wrecker and Echo went to the opposite side of her. Hunter took out his arm and walked Crosshair down the aisle. Hunter was not going to cry before his brother said his vows. At the aisle, Crosshair looked at the entrance and smiled. Korkie was wearing the wedding dress like a true Duke of Mandalore and had a bouquet of beautiful flowers. Rana was already crying since she was full of happiness that she couldn’t wait. 
When Korkie took to his side of the aisle, Crosshair couldn’t stop laughing at the sight of his groom. He had a hard life as a defective clone, but what can he say now? He got the best man to marry him.
“Friends, Family and Guest,” Luka started. “We are gathered here to join these men as husbands in wedded life. If there is anyone who would deny this right, speak now--”
The door open and Korkie groaned in unsurpassed annoyance. Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls had arrived. They brought Amis, Lagos and Soniee with them.
“What now Lady Bo-Katan?!” Korkie screamed. “I know I’m not supposed to be here, but this place is where my husband and I met!”
Bo-Katan steeled herself as Amis, Lagos, ans Sonies said sorry to the wedding party.
“I’m not here to stop you,” she said.
Korkie and Crosshair gave her a surprised look. She had to be joking, right?
“I really am not going to ruin whatever this is. I’m just here to witness it and finally announce that Satine’s bloodline has finally ended. You’re more than open to continue. I just have to see the last of my sister leave Clan Kryze and be with someone I know might not have been the best pick, but the one that makes him happy for the rest of his life.”
Bo-Katan said nothing else and let the wedding continue by having her Nite Owls stand next to the doors as if they were going to exit the instant the wedding ended. Korkie nodded at his former aunt and her decision. It might have been more hurtful to her losing the last piece of Satine, but even they knew their relationship was not going to be the same anymore.
“Well,” Luka said. “Let’s get back to the wedding. I’ve read the entire book on Kryze weddings, and I know it’s time for the promise vows. Then after the vows, it’s the marriage vows to which they’ll be husbands for life.”
Korkie went first since he was a former Kryze.
“Crosshair,” he started. “When I first met you, I was an unhappy former duke who had his entire life destroyed and was exiled from Mandalore for whatever reasons. I initially wanted to use you to get away from Mandalore and anger my entire House because you were there in my visions getting me away from Mandalore. 
Then, I realize I’m not a master manipulator and stuck myself to you because why not? I’m already away from Kalevala and you’re a bounty hunter, so what were the chances?”
The entire wedding party laughed much to Crosshair’s dismay. He really know how to end up with Korkie of all Mandalorians.
“Then, we bonded. I know I made stupid risk that day getting the carbonite unit and almost got both of us killed, but I’m grateful that you saw that I was just trying to help. Then, I forgot the fuel for the hyperdrive and we talked about our respective families. Then, Tatooine where we met Fennec...”
Korkie took a breathe and finally cried looking at his Crosshair.
“What I’m just saying is, you had multiple chances to just ditch me and leave me for dead, but you didn’t. You said I was important when I needed to hear it. I made me feel important after all the pain I had been given after my mother’s death. You gave me a family again. I will never stop loving you and I will always love hearing that I’m your husband til the day I die. I love you, Cyare.”
Crosshair smiled. He knows it’s his turn, but he needs a pause. He took a breathe and spoke.
“You’re never going to stop being important to me,” he declared. “I was angry, lonely, and I had just broke away from my brothers. I wanted to show me I was capable of being a big-time bounty hunter and it lead me to you. I’ll never forget the day I thought I had you as a bounty, you were just sitting here in this garden ready for a deal that would change my life. I didn’t believe you until you almost killed that Death Watch commander and made me realize how true your deal was. 
Ans you’re right, we had a bunch of ups and downs, but you never gave up on me. I remember the day I was teaching Fennec how to shoot. We both know it was a disaster since I’m not a teacher, but instead of just leaving me in the rain, you came for me and told me I can always talk to you. Which is true because despite the fact I made you feel like we’re galaxies apart at times, you still wanted to be near me. You were patient and you did not take my words as a sign of backing off, but instead you kept telling me that I can talk to you. Then, you’re old friends came, and I really thought for one second you’d leave me for them. Yet, you never did and you made us trick them into thinking we’re already married by scarring Lagos for life with us kissing like it’s our actual wedding night.”
Lagos blushed as Bo-Katan looked at her with dismay. She never did tell Bo-Katan that Korkie and Crosshair might have done the deed before marriage. The Bad Batch had to hold their laughter as Bo-Katan looked like she was about to faint. They were betting with Fennec on this. One hundred credits on the line.
“And like you said, we have a family to ourselves because of our bond. Well, including my brothers and Fennec it’s a quite a chaotic family. Yet, it’s perfect for me. You healed me and I’d die fighting for this marriage, and this family. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, my darling Korkie. You’re forever the only one for me.”
“Now for the marriage vows!” Luka announced.
Korkie and Crosshair looked at each other’s eyes and started their vows.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde" (We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors.)”
The two Keldabe kissed first and kissed on the lips afterward.
The entire place erupted in cheers. Even Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls cheered for the marriage. Then, Bo-Katan went towards them.
“Please,” Bo-Katan begged. “Tell you didn’t pull a Satine. You know? As in did the deed before marriage?”
Korkie blushed and ducked his head on Crosshair’s suit. Crosshair shrugged as if to say ‘So what?’
Bo-Katan fainted to the happiness of Wrecker and Fennec. They did bet against Hunter, Tech and Echo that Bo-Katan might come and faint during the wedding. The three placed their credits to the winners as the Nite Owls grabbed her and steadied the heiress.
“You really are Satine’s son,” Bo-Katan said. “Going after the worst possible suitors and being in love with them.”
“At least I’m not a Jedi,” Crosshair pointed out.
“That kind of makes it less painful.”
Bo-Katan exited the mansion with her Nite Owls following her. Amis, Lagos, and Soniee stayed for the wedding reception. Which was minutes after the wedding. The food was great, the atmosphere was nice and the family pictures were one to remember.
As Korkie and Crosshair took their last couples photo alone. They took each other’s hand and closed their eyes. This was the best love story they had a part in. It felt like a dream come true to the both of them.
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(That is my fan art of Crosshair and Korkie. It was a hard fought second place.)
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melbee · 3 years
Electric Love
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David Lee Roth Fanfiction
Oh see, don't ever set me free
I only wanna be by your side
Girl, you really got me now
You got me so I can't sleep at night
- you really got me
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Saying goodbye to Holly must’ve been one of the most hardest things I had to do in my life. I knew that we would see each other soon, as we promised to meet up whenever we both were available, but I realized that she wouldn’t be here for everything, and somehow I would have to survive by myself.
Well not totally by myself...but you get the point. Tears were shed, hugs, a few knocks on the head and final waves as I stood near the window that overlooked the front parking lot of the apartment, as the red Ford drove away into the sun which had begun its descent.
“You know I have these beautiful bay windows over on the other side, since the sun sets over to the west. It’s much prettier.” I heard Lewis voice out as I turned around to look at him smiling, motioning with his hands toward the other room.
I smiled, “Sure, I would love to see it.” I walked over to the windows and peaked at the sun that was steadily falling with every passing second, and realized Lewis was right. It was beautiful. I imagined those right off the beach in Malibu had the joy of watching it in full every evening, and sighed in contentment.
“It’s nice isn’t it? The light beginning to fade.” Lewis said as I felt his presence as he too made his way over to the windows and leaned in a daze.
“Yes, it reminds me of Arizona, those sunsets weren’t so bad..” I said laughing as I envisioned the many times as kids me and Holly would drive out into the desert during the weekends.
“Yes, but doesn’t it get dreadfully cold when it’s finally dark out?” Lewis asked facing me.
I shrugged as I looked over at him, “Well yes, doesn’t it get cold in California?”
Lewis plastered a sinful grin as he giggled, “Honey, quite the opposite..”
I smiled and laughed, as I stood from my position making my way over to the couch. “Oh?”
Lewis got up as well as he stood walking over and begun looking at nearby fabrics left forgotten on the counter, “Well perhaps in Bel air or some shit, but here? In Hollywood? Baby it gets hot.”
A confused looked etched my face, “What do you mean?”
Lewis rolled his eyes and sighed, “Chica, you’ll figure it out one day..”
I gave him a weird smile as I shrugged. While I had no clue what he meant by hot, I had a sneaking suspicion he wasn’t talking about the weather. It was something else. I felt a chill run down my back at the thought.
“That’s besides the point... I was hoping we could go over some things, projects and sorts. I’ve got quite a few but a recent one I just picked up. I’ve been looking at designs, it’s hard to tell which would look good.” Lewis said as he sighed. I made my way over to him as I fingered the skills and the velvets, and even the.. spandex?
“Spandex?” I said as I grabbed the piece of black and tight fabric, as I heard a giggle come from my left.
“Yes, that was a bit of a client’s request. Rockstars these days...” he said as he looked at it thoughtfully.
“Oh rockstars? I heard you dealt with musicians. Who are you working with now?” I said.
His eyes bugged as his jaw dropped before slapping his face, “LORD! I completely forgot to tell you that over the phone didn’t I? Gosh I’m so stupid!”
I laughed as I shook my head.
He sprung to life suddenly, as he walked out of the room, much to my confusion. I was close to following him until he came back with stacks of what looked like paper cutouts from magazines and posters.
I grazed my hand over the first one. A beautiful tall man, with leggings that hugged every inch of his curves, a plethora of chest hair and a Jean cutout jacket that seemed to sparkle even from the picture. He had fluffy blond hair, and a look that I’m sure would make any girl drop to their knees.
It suddenly dawned on me who this was. “Are you working for..”
“Van Halen? Yes! Isn’t it wonderful. Trust me I was shocked when I got a call they wanted me to make some clothes. I mean.. come on..” Lewis gasped as he started flipping over the different pictures of the guys.
I laughed as we stared at all the different members of the band, Eddie, His Brother and what I assumed was the bass player stood in many pictures. Every time we passed by ones with the blonde haired guy, I couldn’t help but get confused at who that was.
I know I wasn’t exactly the most literate music fan, I couldn’t help my tastes were a bit old fashioned.
“So the blond guy...he’s..” I started to say as Lewis gave me a wild look.
“David Lee Roth? Do you not know who he is?” Lewis gasped standing back in horror.
I looked sheepish as I scratched my arm, “I know a few songs by them.. I haven’t really gotten a chance to listen to them fully.”
“Oh god.. that’s it! Impromptu music sesh’.” Lewis said as he made his way over to a cabinet bringing out an old record player, and opened a cabinet adjacent which was stocked with vinyls of all types. He looked through, as I made my way over to him, before he gasped and grabbed the first album to come out.
“Van Halen 1. No bullshit just straight up rock n roll.” Lewis said as he put the track on as a familiar song came on that I’m sure I heard on the radio at some point.
He beckoned me to sit down on the couch as he grabbed the pile of pictures of Van Halen, nodding his head back and forth to the music. I smiled finally getting to understand the meaning behind the meolodies. Some of the songs were quiet sad, Jamie’s Cryin? It irked me they could play such powerful and rocking music, and the lyrics were much deeper then what they appeared to be.
When Eruption started playing I couldn’t help but gasp, at the sounds that were emitted from the record player. The guitar wailed with power and sophistication. “Wow!” I said to Lewis, who just smiled at my reaction.
“You should here him play it in concert. Holy fuck, Eddie is the cutest little thing with that impish grin, he just plays that shit like he’s washing his car.” He said as he sighed looking at the pictures once more.
“Oh I’m sure..” I said imagining myself at the concert. “Do they play to big crowds?”
Lewis gave me a dumbfounded look before nodding his head vigorously, “Huge! Every single one of them are controlled by those guys, I’m telling you..”
“So what outfits are you making for them?” I asked as Lewis set the pictures down, as he got up.
“All for their shows mostly, specifically for the one coming-“ He paused with dramatic horror as his eyes bugged. “Chica!!! Their show is coming up!”
I gasped realizing he was right, remembering the billboard I had drove past on our way here. I feared the worst at his reaction. Did he not have all the outfits ready?
“Oh don’t worry. I’ve got most of them finished, I’m just finishing the bedazzled sequins on David’s chaps, and Michael’s cowboy pants.” He said as he grabbed my hand pulling me off the couch and into a separate room, that reminded me of a seamstresses room.
“Do you know hand stitching? Or bejewelling by chance?” Lewis asked as he unzipped a hanging bag and grabbed a pair of pants that by my astonishing surprise, were assless.
I smiled and laughed, nodding my head yes. As I rubbed a finger down the material “Yes, I love bejewelling! I always got As in that class in college.”
He grinned grabbing a container of crystals, and some sort of machine that imprinted them into the material. “Well great this bottom half still needs finishing. Also bear in mind that these are swarovski crystals, and I’d love if none of them get lost somewhere.”
My eyes widened as I nodded my head. He quickly showed me how to use the machine, before he made his way over to a pair of cowboy pants, and grabbed slashes of leather. “I’ve got to finish these up. Don’t worry we’ll have it all done quickly. I’ve got my friend Mari from the front desk she used to help me out, but she’s going to be help us on Saturday to load everything up to the venue.”
“Oh I met her at the front desk. She’s very nice!” I said laughing as I begun placing the crystals on the pant carefully.
“Oh she’s wonderful, poor thing won’t go to the venues anymore though...” Lewis said sighing.
“Oh really, why?” I asked. Curious if it had any thing to do with her bold words when she warned me about rockstars earlier.
“Poor thing, her heart got broken.” He said clicking his tongue, as I heard the sound of snips and tears as he worked.
“Oh.. By who?” I said.
He suddenly stopped as he gave me a look, “David.. He.. well I guess you could say they had a falling out. He wasn’t really interested in her, but she was completely in love.. I think he kissed her and well..”
“Dissed her?” I said as I frowned going back to my work.
“Yes, something like that. He played with her emotions a lot and well, she’s never been able to see him again.” Lewis said as he sighed.
“Is that why she was so stand offish about your clientele?” I asked
I looked over to see Lewis nodding, “She wanted to quit helping me out, but I told her she needed to find a way to balance her life again and so this is the only solution. That’s why I needed a new assistant. I can’t just pay someone to walk the outfits to the car and leave.”
I nodded in understanding, but what confused me, is why Mari would be so heartbroken she couldn’t even do her job properly. What exactly did that guy do to her? I hadn’t even met him yet, and he already sounded like an asshole.
“David’s very.. peculiar. He’s very eccentric, and sometimes that makes him a little insensitive at times. However, I think he means well for the most part. It’s understandable, ever since his claim to fame he would be more egotistical.” Lewis said as he continue to cut through the pieces of leather and sowed them onto the jeans.
I nodded my head in understanding, but I still didn’t believe that was a good enough excuse. Was he that clueless enough to not be careful with manipulating someone’s emotions? Something didn’t sit right with me, but I chose to ignore it until I got a better judgment.
“So what are the other guys like?” I asked Lewis, slightly humming to myself as I felt an onslaught of exhaustion hit my face as I realized that the road trip had definitely taken a toll on my body.
“Oh they’re lovely..wild... crazy as ever for sure..but a lot of them have different personalities.” Lewis said as I turned to him.
“Oh yeah?” I smiled.
Lewis laughed, “Yes, well Michael Anthony—he’s the bass player by the way— he’s a lot more calmer then the rest and very sweet, but so funny. He’s got a great smile.”
“Both the Van Halen brothers while they might be similar, they are polar opposites in a lot of ways. Eddie’s a bit more quieter, but is so cute and charming. Al is a bit wild, but he’s funny, and has a good time.” Lewis said.
“So you know them on a personal level?” I asked, realizing how familiar Lewis spoke when referring to Van Halen, and I had a hinting suspicion he was closer to them then what he put on.
Lewis laughed nodding his head, before shrugging. “I got the call almost a year ago that they wanted costumes, and I guess they liked my work so I continued. I’ve been to lots of there shows over the year, and their parties.”
I gasped, wondering how fun hanging out with celebrities would be. “Did you get to travel?”
Lewis smiled and nodded. “The best part was probably getting to go to Japan for a couple days, and a night in Sweden. I’m telling you they must ditch all the ugly people to Norway, because EVERYBODY was so attractive.”
I laughed, trying my best to picture the scene in my head.
We continued on for hours until I was just about finished, and my eyes were starting to fall from exhaustion.
Lewis noticed my tiredness and smacked his arm much to my humor. “Jeez, I’m a totally idiot! I totally got sidetracked! You must be dead tired right now.” He had finished his pants and was now cleaning up. he stood up and walked over to me signaling for me to get up.
I stood up smiling and laughing, “Are you sure I can’t help finish this last bit? I’m almost done.” I said holding my hand to my mouth as a yawn passed my lips.
Lewis frowned making a tsking sound, before grabbing my hand and leading me to my room. He turned on the light, and pointed to an adjacent door. “There is a bathroom in there, and a closet to the left side of the wall. Help yourself with a shower if you want, just don’t be in there too long. The neighbors upstairs run an indoor ‘kiddie’ pool, or some shit..”
I smiled suddenly getting the urge to hug him, so I did. Patting his back thoughtfully, before pulling away. “Thank you Lewis, truly.”
Lewis smiled, before grabbing my cheeks and squeezing them. “That’s what friends are for.”
I smiled, as he walked away before standing at the doorway giving me a happy smile. “I’m so glad you’re here, Rosie.”
I laughed, “I am too.”
“I want you to know that no matter what happens or where you go in life, I have full belief that you will excel in life. I see the passion for designing in you. It’s a wonderful thing.”
I blushed tucking my hand over my ears. Lewis beamed tapping the door softly with his hand, his rings making a solid thumping sound. “Goodnight. We will be up early tomorrow, I’ve got some of Van Halen’s tour designers coming to get the clothes ready for fitting, before the show. Mari will be here on the following Saturday.”
I nodded my head sighing loudly. “Sounds exciting. Goodnight.” With that Lewis closed the door silently, leaving me to breathlessly plop my body onto the bed, a slight creaking noise resonating through the quiet atmosphere.
I held my head in my hands, before looking up in exasperation. “Well I guess I’m fucking doing this thing.”
With that I prepared myself for the day ahead, that I had no doubt would be as eventful as they come.
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When morning came, I was ill-prepared from what would meet me through the front door.
Sure, I assumed that Lewis had a few designers he worked with and maybe they would bring in a rack of clothes, possibly some bags to help transfer them, but I had no idea the size of what the operation really was going to be.
So when a flank of men and women combined dressed in suits, and skirts came in with clothing racks of various styles of pants, shirts, and even scarfs I knew I had not prepared myself enough.
Lewis smiled brightly as the people came in, as I watched as a smaller figured girl holding a box of fabrics, with pretty brown hair struggle to keep up with the pace. I sprinted over to her, grabbing onto the other side to help her pick it up.
“Here I let me help you.” I said with a huff as I picked it up, much more effortlessly then I anticipated.
“Ooh!” I heard a cry come from the other side as we walked backwards over to a table and set the box down. I walked backwards to see the girl raise her eyebrows questioningly at me.
I smiled as I wipe my slightly sweaty palms on the side of my jeans as I raised an arm for her to shake. I could see hesitance in her eyes before she gave me a small smile and shook it.
“Hi, I’m Rose.” I said laughing as I stood back awkwardly. I couldn’t tell if she liked me or not from the odd look on her face as she stared.
She suddenly gulped as she nodded her head quietly. “I’m Annie.”
I smiled nodding my head. “Nice to meet you Annie. So, I assume you work with all these people?”
She shrugged shoving her hands into her pockets, “Yes well, it’s a way to meet ends. I love fashion.”
I laughed and smiled, but couldn’t help but turn at her odd comment. If she loved it so well, why did she say it as if she would rather be doing something else?
Her eyes glazed over, as I sucked in my cheeks at the awkward silence.
“Oh there you are!” Lewis said as she grabbed my shoulder, and looked over at Annie.
As if she was a brand new person, Annie suddenly smiled so brightly. “Hey Lewis!”
He laughed grabbing her into a hug, as she giggled wrapping her arms around him. I couldn’t help but frown slightly at her sudden bold and excited nature around him. Did she not like me? Why was she so cold and hesitant, but suddenly a new person around Lewis?
They pulled away from the hug as Lewis noticed my odd look, but decided not to comment on it. “Well it seems you guys met.”
I smiled looking over at Annie who had quieted down to only a small smile. The original glint in her eyes slightly coming back as she set her gaze back on me.
I laughed trying to cheer up the awkwardness, “Yes we have. Wow! I didn’t know this was all going to be as formal as it was!” I said trying to change the subject.
Lewis shrugged as he surveyed the busy room. “Believe me it wasn’t always like this, but we’ve all built up ourselves a lot over the past year. We’re closer then ever.”
I smiled, as he motioned for me to follow him into the room we were in last night working on the outfits. “So as you know this is my work room. We do most of the making here, and we also organize the clothing for before and after the fittings.”
I nodded my heads as the people from before stop there chattering as they all looked at me with curious expressions.
Lewis laughed, “Okay guys don’t bite. This is Rosie, my new assistant. She’ll be helping with all our preparations.”
The room immeasurably lifted as they all came walking over, a few girls laughing as they pulled me into a hug. Complimenting my hair and whispering how pretty I was.
One of the guys with a bright smile walked over embracing me tightly. “Lewis, you’ve got yourself a keeper.” He winked.
Lewis rolled his eyes trapping me in a playful arm lock, “Channing, she isn’t up for sale.”
His eyebrows quirked, “Really? So my man finally likes the front hol-“
Lewis turned tomato red, as he slipped his hand over Channing’s mouth. He laughed putting his hands up in mock surrender, as Lewis still recovering from his blush as he shook his head.
I giggled in understanding. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but many men in the fashion world tended to be, a bit blatant in their...preferences? I had a slinking suspicion that Lewis was the same way.
They all backed away, as I saw Annie who had been behind us quietly make her way over to the girls as they all began surveying the work.
“Wow! These chaps look great!” One woman said as she grazed her finger down the side of the seams.
Lewis winked at me, grabbing my hand and brought me over to the table where the clothes lay. “Well I happened to know a girl.”
The woman smiled, and looked at me in surprise. “The cross-stiching at the ends are impeccable! The crystals are placed wonderfully.”
I laughed as I shrugged, “It isn’t too complicated.”
She rolled her eyes playfully, “You’ve got in you girl. Id love to see some full ensembles.”
The other girl with red pigtails that reminded me of Holly giggled, “Yes, those outfits would for sure sell some more tickets to the concert.”
They all giggled in response except for Annie who only smiled, as her eyes glazed over in a thoughtful look.
“David’s going to love them. I just know it.” The woman said as she grabbed a hanger and clips from the rack as they all begun ensembling the outfits into bags and secured them.
“Oh he’s going to just love her, Molls” The One with red hair, said as she winked at me. “Have you met the boys yet?” Her eyes glinting with curiosity.
I simply shook my head, crossing my hand over my chest. “No, I haven’t gotten the chance. However, I’ve heard a few of the stories.”
“Yeah well, trust me they aren’t as available as you think they are.” I heard the quiet voice of Annie ring out as she stepped away from the rack.
Oh. I had wondered what her hesitancy was. Did she see me as some threat? I didn’t have the slightest idea as to why, though. I had no intention of even getting to know them, rather then actually..
Molly sighed sympathetically patting Annie’s back. “Babe, I just don’t think-“
“I don’t really want to talk about my personal life. I’ll bring some of the stuff down to the car.” Annie said with a tight lipped smile as she walked away.
The red head, noticed the tension and smiled, “Rockstars will surely be the end of all of us.”She walked over to me grabbing my shoulders. “I’m Liz by the way.”
I nodded, “Nice to meet you, Liz.” I looked over to the woman who had a small frown over her face. “You too Molly.”
She snapped out of her haze and gave me a wide smile. “Anytime, girl. We’ll be seeing each other soon.”
We heard thundering footsteps come into the room, as I looked over recognizing that it was Lewis, who must’ve slipped out the back while we are all talking. This time his signature smile was gone, as a deep perturbed looked etched his face.
“What’s wrong?” Molly said as she gave Lewis a concerned look.
“I just got off the phone with Noel. They’re all hungover as hell, right now. Apparently they all pissed somebody off at some bar.”
Liz snorted, “okay, that’s their regular Tuesday. What about it?”
Lewis sighed as he shook his head, “No, it was someone important I guess in the industry. Anyways, they’re kind of off the rails a bit still, at least David is. They had to put him in a..” Lewis then seemed to be battling his smile, as he bit a lip.
Molly gave him a humorous glance. “What?”
Lewis began laughing, “They had to put David in a straight jacket.”
I couldn’t help but smile along with the rest of group as we all snorted and giggled, at the idea of a rockstar being put in a straight jacket for being so off the walls.
I hadn’t even met David, and he already seemed like quite a character. What irked me even more is that I felt as if I did know him. I acted as if I was battling whether he was a weird guy, or just a gigantic asshole. I didn’t know what I would do when I met him. However, I knew it wouldn’t be a boring conversation.
I pictured the man in the magazine articles, his hair wild, like a mane of a lion. He had such a lustful look in many of his doctored, professional looks. However, I couldn’t help but admire the ones with him performing. That wild look, the giant smile, something told me deep down that, that was the real David. Under all the glitz and glamour, there was just a man going after one big dream.
I finally looked back at the people to realize only Channing, Liz, and Lewis had stayed in the room. I watched them all converse animatedly as Channing brought out a notebook and was hastily writing things down. They all seemed to be conversing about the outfits, as they all waved their hands widely with deep expressions.
I smiled realizing I had finally found my people. True artists. I walked over to them, as they wrapped up their conversation.
Channing smiled embracing me in a hug, “It was nice meeting you, Rose. I’m already counting the days till our next partnership.” He said as I kissed my hand, with a suave look in his eyes.
“Okay Romeo, back off.” Liz said as she laughed grabbing me in a hug. “We’ll be seeing each other in a couple days.”
“Really?” I said as I looked over at Lewis. He smiled nodding his head.
Lewis gave me a knowing look as he winked. “Chica, we’re seeing Van Halen. And I’ve got backstage passes.”
They all began to laugh as the day seemed to close with that single thought.
I was going to meet Van Halen.
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chemiste · 4 years
Foresight ~ ch. 6
a/n: if you haven’t read CMBYN you need to! also if you can’t sing, well, you can in my story!!
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You scoffed and went to crawl back into bed, “Harry we have to leave early tomorrow—“
“I know but I never get t’ see the cities we go t’ cause ‘m always on the move. Pretty please?” 
It was definitely a no brainer than any other person would be saying yes immediately to the British superstar, but you just weren’t as fazed by celebrities as others were. It could be associated with your abilities but you just considered yourself a chill person who didn’t give a fuck about a status. 
“Think of it like this, yeh need pictures fo’ your assignment right? Amsterdam is a perfect city fo’ that. Plus it’s still yo’r spring break, come sneak out wit’ me.”
You flopped back from your sitting position at the edge of the bed and let out a groan.
Harry did a fist pump in the air and you went to grab your winter jacket and doc martins, put both on and then unbuckled the bag that carried your camera, pulling it out and checking the battery.
 “Okay, let’s go.” 
After getting your phone and wallet, you turned out the lights and opened the door slightly, peaking out before grabbing Harry by the jacket sleeve and racing with him to the emergency staircase. 
“The staircase always has an emergency exit, we can go out that so we don’t get spotted.” You said, taking two steps at a time.
Once outside, you slipped into the alleyway and then came out onto the street. It was a beautiful sight, the buildings across the river were reflecting upon the water and simmered with the movement of the current. 
You snapped a couple photos of the scene before you and then turned to Harry. “Where to now?” You asked.
“There's a bench over there, want t’ sit fo’ a bit?” 
You agreed and the both of you crossed over to the sidewalk, the bench faced towards the water and you both just sat and watched for a moment, listening to the sound of the water splash against the rock wall every so often.
You put your left arm up on the back of the bench and turned slightly to face him, “Do you really never get to experience the places you visit? You don’t get to have moments like this?”
“Not as often as I would hope,” he exclaimed. “I’ve been to most places we’ve toured but ‘ve always had security wit’ me so it was never like a true feeling of—“ “freedom?” “—yeh, freedom ’s a good would fo’ it.” 
You leaned back against the bench and moved some of the loose pebbles around with your foot, thinking about how trapped he must have felt sometimes. 
You sprang up out of your seat suddenly and looked at him with a mischievous glint in your eye. He slowly got up to your gaze, “Wha’ ‘re you up to junebug?”
You laughed at the nickname, “Junebug? Where on earth did you get that?” 
He smiled, “Dunno, guess I thought ’t was fitting.”
You were off, running down the deserted sidewalk. 
“Race you!” You called out to the bewildered boy you lifted behind in the dust.
 He immediately started after you, quickly gaining speed from those damn long legs. Both of you were in time with each other, running down the road alongside the water’s edge, like you were racing the current itself.
Then quickly you turned left, up a small stone staircase and to the right, coming to a screeching halt in front of a bench against a wall.
 Harry slammed into your back a few moments later, making you stumble forward. You were destined to fall and probably land on your camera but a muscular arm wrapped around your waist before that could happen. 
“You alrigh’?”
“Oh yeah, fine, fine.”
On the wall before you was a simple frame painted above the wooden seat.
 “Wake me up when I’m famous.” You read, slightly chuckling at who you were within the circumstance of seeing this for the first time.
You sat down on the bench and draped yourself like a model, propping your arm up on the metal frame. “Oh darling,” you started, doing your best to impersonate the boy before you, “wake me when I am as famous as the sun.”
Harry smiled at your silly antics and played along. “My dear, you can rise from your slumber as I believe you already are.”
You hopped up from the bench and grabbed your camera, turning the flash on to snap a photo of the piece before you. After checking if the shot pleased you, you put the camera back over your shoulder and smiled at Harry. 
“Is there anything else you want to do while the sun is still down?” 
“Just maybe a stroll around ‘n the moonlight s’all.”
You smiled, “I think we can do that.”
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“Okay Harry, go to stage right again.” 
The superstar groaned, he had been doing this for twenty minutes.
Something was wrong with the mic, when Harry would walk to one side of the stage, the wired mic cut out and no one could hear his voice. The tech team was in shambles trying to figure out the problem.
You were sitting in the pit on a fold-out chair that you’d found backstage. Poor Harry seemed stressed out for the Belgium show that was supposed to start in roughly 3 hours. 
Finally, after the 5th retry, Harry shouted, “Can we please just get another mic hooked up so I don’t have to keep goin’ back an’ forth like a crazy person?”
Quickly an intern got a mic hooked up and handed the second one to harry before vanishing off the stage, not wanting to get the brunt of his frustrations.
“Could you sing into it?” 
At first, you didn’t realize he was talking to you, too invested in picking which picture to make your new wallpaper when you looked up and he was at the edge of the stage looking down to you.
“Oh, I mean sure I guess.”
You climbed the steps at the front and grabbed the mic from him. 
“What song would you like to sing?” He asked. 
“Up to you, I’ll know the lyrics to any song you start so I’d say just take your pick.” He nods and tells a techie off to the side which song track to start. 
You hear the first few chords and smile, the singer to your right starts.
Sweet creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
But we're still young
We don't know where we're going
But we know where we belong
You picked up the next verse, walking a bit with the mic.
And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh
Harry couldn’t believe it, you sounded fantastic! He looked up to the ceiling and smiled, you definitely had some cards up your sleeve you’d yet to play. You both made eye contact and sang the next part together.
Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
You were harmonizing with him! Harry stumbled a bit over his words when he realized but you stated on tempo and started to turn in circles on your side of the stage when the tech booth asked you both to move more.
Sweet creature
We're running through the garden
Oh, where nothing bothered us
But we're still young
I always think about you and how we don't speak enough
Harry stood in awe while you sang your part. He watched you sway to the music, the stage lights making it seem like you were glowing, and then you motioned for him to sing the next parts together.
And oh we started
Two hearts in one home
It's hard when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh
Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
You both sounded ethereal. It was a strange situation indeed, you were wearing mom jeans and a tour shirt while harry was in sweats and a white T, but the sound coming from both of you made it seem like you were sirens in the ocean, luring sailors to their watery graves.
I know when we started
Just two hearts in one home
It gets harder when we argue
We're both stubborn
I know, but oh
Sweet creature, sweet creature
Wherever I go, you bring me home
Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home
You'll bring me home
The song ended and claps and whistles were heard from a couple of people around the stage. 
“I didn’t know you could sing, like actually sing!” 
“Yeah, I was in musicals at my community arts center.”
The same intern came and took the microphones from both of you, Harry started dancing around you with newfound energy pouring through his veins.
“Harry what are you doing— Harry! Stop that— tickles!” 
You laughed as Harry picked you up from behind and started to tickle your sides. You wriggled yourself out of his grip and sprinted down the steps into the aisle with Harry hot on your tail.
You both weaved your way through the concert seats, dodging his attempts to grab you again. You laughed and screamed when he popped up suddenly in front of you. 
“Okay okay mercy!” You said with your hands up. 
“Harry Styles, you’re needed for final fittings in the dressing room.” 
The intercom rang throughout the giant room making you both pause. 
He sighed, “Gotta go, make sure these guns haven’t grown too much and might rip the shirt on stage.” You pushed him back as he overly flexed his biceps. 
“Go, I’ll meet you there in a minute, gotta grab my phone from the chair.” 
The British boy sprinted off to the dressing room and you trotted over to the chair, picking your phone off it and folding it back together, carrying it back to the same place you found it before. 
The dressing room go was ajar, you could hear Harry and the stylists bickering over which outfit to wear for the concert tonight. 
“I’m jus’ saying I think it fits the mood— oh Y/N! Which one do you like more?” Harry held two suits up to you. 
“I like the designs on the cuffs of the maroon one,” you said as you sat down on the couch next to Sarah. 
Harry grinned expectantly at the stylist, apparently, you had picked the one he liked too. The rest of the band members were doing final touches to makeup or just chilling before the show.
Sarah sat on your right reading a book as you looked at your postings from Amsterdam. You pulled your phone in and tried to read the title of the novel she held. 
“What are you reading?” You asked, not sure what it was since the cover had been recovered with papier-mâché.
“Oh, it’s Call Me By Your Name, you know it?” Your face split into a giant grin, “Know it? I’ve read it probably 100 times and seen the movie at least every month when I’ve got downtime. Look at this!” 
You turned your phone to her and she laughed, your new lock screen were the two main characters from the story. 
“Who ‘re they?” 
You glanced up to see Harry behind the couch looking at your phone screen.
“Elio Perlman and Oliver from a book I like.” 
“They’re lovers,” Sarah added pressing the book to her heart smiling at the piece of romance she loved. 
Harry scoffed, “If ya wanted a picture of a twink on you’r phone you could’ve jus’ asked fo’ a picture from me junebug.” 
You gasped, “Harry!” 
He chuckled at your bemused expression, “Wha?” You slapped the arm closest to you slightly as if to chastise him, “don’t make fun my favourite characters, I usually don't like romance novels but this one has a special place in my heart.”
 The pop-star smiled cheekily at you, “oh I won’t dare. I can see that you have a certain soft spot for femme fatales, like moi.” 
You rolled your eyes, what a dork.
You watched as the band started to do a couple voice warm-ups, a few tongue twisters, and harmonies. Adam and Mitch had stress balls in their hands as they sang with the group. Clare and Sarah rolled their wrists a couple times and their necks to relate and tension. 
You looked over to Harry who was at the dressing table, picking up each ring from the table and polishing the top with a cloth before sliding back into their rightful place. 
Each member had a little ritual to do before the show and it showed you their appreciation for each performance they put on, wanting to make it their best yet. 
A knock on the door quieted everyone, Mabel could be heard from the stage through the opening as Helene popped her head in, “Picture time lovelies.”
 Everyone headed out and got together for a group shot before they went to their battle positions. You stood by her as she adjusted the aperture before taking a couple more shots. 
“Alright, I’ve got what I need, see you out there everyone.” The band walked over to the hallway behind the stage to wait for Mabel to finish her last few songs, you started to walk before Hélène caught you by the shoulder. 
“Hey, can I talk to you real quick?”
telephone hour #6
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What’s one animal you wish you could have as a pet but can’t?
A penguin. I love them so much.
Favorite thing to wear to sleep?
Sometimes I wear one of those “drug rugs” or baja hoodies. With shorts. And sometimes knee high socks. I HATE pajama pants. So if I’m cold I find alternatives. 
What song really gets you going?
Right now, Drinking Alone by Carrie Underwood. But usually Tranz by Gorillaz.
Where do you usually eat your meals?
At my dining table or in the family/living room with my mom.
Favorite meal: breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
Most embarrassing habit?
Sometimes I’ll pick my nose at the most inconvenient times like a child.
Chocolate or fruity candy?
Soft or hard tacos?
When I ate meat regularly, soft, with carne asada. 
Worst way to break up a fight?
Throwing a pan at them? Dude I don’t know. Wrestle them to the ground? I feel like either of those are terrible.
Best thing to say in an elevator of strangers?
“You’re all probably wondering why I gathered you all here today.”
What color/design are your bedsheets?
Teal. And my comforter is a black/white diamond pattern.
Any hidden talents?
I was a dancer for roughly nine years. So I’m pretty good at that.
Favorite thing to drink out of (mug, glass, etc.)?
My Star Wars Luke Skywalker lightsaber water bottle. 
Socks or bare feet around the house?
Bare feet man. Those who wear shoes in the house are weak and will not survive the winter.
 Favorite board game?
Do you sleep with the fan on or off?
I don’t even own a fan.
Heat on or keep it cold with lots of layers?
Heat at 67.5 and a sweater. Perfection.
Do you sing in the shower?
Who doesn’t?
Favorite song to belt out at the top of your lungs when you’re alone?
Tranz by Gorillaz. All time favorite song EVER.
Last thing you cried about?
Watching Zack die YET AGAIN in Crisis Core. I don’t think I’ve ever watched that scene WITHOUT crying.
At what age did you first have alcohol?
15ish. Wine.
Relationship status?
What’s the most amount of money you’ve spent on a single item of clothing?
249$ A Guess coat that I absolutely adore.
What do you typically wear to formal events?
A modest dress. Heels. And a Louis Vuitton bag to match.
Favorite memory?
Probably almost getting arrested with my friends back when I was 17. We were at a closed park, after hours, past curfew, and it was like 3 am. We bought 64 tacos from Jack in the Box and pigged out in the venue. Super rad.
Gum or breath mints?
Favorite shoes?
Probably my Guess sneakers. I don’t wear them often, but I love the design.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
My chubbiness. I’m not fat per say. But I’m not skinny either, but I want to look more like a classic, 1950′s pinup model more than anything.
What is the natural state of your hair?
My hair has very soft curls. Naturally, there more like “beach waves”
Have you ever had braces?
Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?
Ghost hunting. I was illegally trespassing, and the building was real sketchy. 
Most embarrassing thing your parents have caught you doing?
I’m just an embarrassment through and through. What haven’t they caught me doing. But I guess writing porn is a close first.
Last time you had an orgasm?
I’m a virgin who has never experienced anything remotely sexual. 
Celebrity crush(es)?
Sebastian Stan, Bill Skarsgard, Sam Claflin, Karl Urban, Sebastian Stan
Windows or Mac?
I’ve never owned a Mac, so I’m biased when I say Windows.
How old were you when you learned to ride a bike?
Six, seven? I was still quite young.
Makeup or natural?
What color do you wear the most?
I wear a lot of neutral colors like gray.
Favorite season?
Umbrella or rain coat?
Have you ever fallen out of a tree?
First car you ever owned?
A 2002 Toyota. Super old, and the chip was painting off. My trunk also broke. Oil leak. Y’know, a traditional first car.
What time do you usually go to bed?
Anytime between 11-1 am.
Are you a competitive person?
Least favorite color?
First pet you’ve ever owned?
A cat :)
Sweet or salty?
Favorite pasta dish?
Favorite kind of chips?
Talk about something you’re passionate about.
Writing. I love being able to put my ideas on paper, let my thoughts and emotions run free in a world where I have to act a certain way. I can be anyone while writing!
What are some of your hobbies?
Watching too much television
Caffeine? If so, what kind?
I’m a tea gal. But I LOVE coffee. Especially mochas and caramel. With extra pumps of espresso. Hell yeah.
Favorite kind of pizza?
Ranch and Chicken or just plain cheese.
Fast food or sit-down restaurant?
Lots of acquaintances or a handful of close friends?
I love having a large circle, but I choose my best friends wisely. I only have about two or three of those and they’re the one’s I keep close to my heart.
Something that ruins your appetite?
This is a bit more dark, but my dad and I don’t bond outside video games. And he’s the type that believes it’s his way or no way no matter what. So if you get him angry he acts like a two-year-old who just got a toy taken away, and will try to push your buttons until you’re the same way. I saw the signs years ago, but whenever his anger is targeted at me I just don’t want to eat. I write instead. 
Favorite labels about you?
As in names? It’s near 1 am while writing this so I might have just gone stupid. But I love it when my friends call me cutie. Or my good friend Charlie calls me Smarties. And he’ll pull out a smartie from his pocket when he does it. I also get called Reid, as in Spencer Reid, a lot.
Are you a religious person?
Yes. I try to be at least. I’m Christian.
Night out with a bunch of friends in public or night in with one friend having deep conversations?
Night out. I spend too much time indoors with one friend as is.
What size shoe do you wear?
Favorite thing about yourself?
My confidence, or my keen fashion sense. 
Have you ever told someone you loved them first?
Have you ever had sex on the first date?
Heroes or villains?
Villains. (Sephiroth, Bucky Barnes, Loki, etc.)
Favorite fruit?
Least favorite fruit?
Bananas. I’ll eat them, but there are a lot better choices honestly. 
Favorite vegetable?
Least favorite vegetable?
Brussels sprouts
How many plates can you eat at a buffet?
About a good three. First is salad. Second is fruit. Third is desert. 
Favorite dessert?
Ice cream. Bubble gum flavor is my favorite!
Do you play any sports?
Age you learned how to swim?
Seven or eight.
Tell a funny story.
Maybe this is just funny to me, but earlier today my cat was trying to lick her coat but she set her front paw on a piece of paper and anytime she bent over to lick herself she slid and she would have to readjust herself. She did this like four times before she decided to move.
What’s one interesting thing about your culture?
As someone who is a part of the Navajo tribe, something neat is the more fat you have on your bones the more people respect you because they believe you have money.
What’s one annoying thing about your culture?
We can’t touch cold-blooded animals. It’s said if you touch the scales of a snake, or even breath in the same air, you’ll get the same skin as them.
What job would you be terrible at?
Accounting. I can’t do math to save my freaking life.
Would you rather watch a TV show or a movie?
TV shows.
What’s your favorite compliment to give?
“Cute Outfit!” or “Love the Hair!” You have no idea how many people light up on either of these, male/female/nonbinary. Looking good is a happiness found across all the spectrums. 
What’s your favorite compliment to receive?
“Cute hair.” Or “Love your makeup/nails.” 
Has your opinion changed on something recently?
I can’t remember. Like I said, it’s close to bedtime where I’m at and boi, it’s hard to concentrate right now.
Do you always order the same thing at a restaurant or order something different each time?
I order the same. 
What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
This sounds awful, but I’ve always wanted to try ecstasy. I have buddies who’ve taken it and say, if you do it right, the first time is pretty bomb. 
If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?
Singing. I can’t carry a tune.
Favorite physical feature about yourself?
My eyes.
Least favorite physical feature about yourself?
My wide hip/waist ratio. If my waist was thinner I wouldn’t mind as much.
What’s one amazing thing you did that nobody was around to see?
OKAY. I scored a strike on Wii bowling while i was on the toilet one time. Two rooms away and not even looking at a screen. Just using my heart and determination and it was SUPER COOL AND I WISH PEOPLE COULD HAVE SEEN THOSE SKILLS.
If you could change your height, would you?
Yes. Everyone is a good foot taller than me. So I would most definitely want a few more inches.
What’s something you would rate 10/10?
Final Fantasy 7 Remake’s Character concept for Sephiroth. The eyes, the height, the hair. WOW. In love.
Heels or flats?
What’s something you wish you had more knowledge about?
Politics. I want to get more involved but every time I do I get so confused.
Would you want to be famous?
I wouldn’t mind. But I value my private life.
What’s something you would get arrested for?
Well I already almost got arrested for eating tacos in a closed park at 3 am. So maybe that.
What’s your spirit animal?
A cat. 
What’s the luckiest thing that’s ever happened to you?
The fact that I graduated high school. I was developing anxiety and literally had no idea what the frick was happening with me and no one told me what it was. So I ended up skipping loads of school for that reason. 
Are you the type to have an organized mess, or no mess at all?
Organized mess. Or just a mess. 
Do you tend to make decisions based on the past, present, or future?
The future.
Are you a planner or a more spontaneous person?
Planner. I hate when things are sprung on me last minute. I have to emotionally prep up before a social event so 5-10 business days are needed.
Thoughts on the oxford comma?
I was taught to use it, but it’s literally so useless? I found myself either not using it or just doing it on instinct. So in one story you could probably find multiple instances where I use it and where I don’t use it, maybe in the same paragraph. I just do whatever fits that moment I guess.
What do you hope never changes?
My squad. I love them to pieces and it would break my heart if at some point they’d want to split.
How would you celebrate your 100th birthday?
Something extremely dangerous like skydiving or zip lining across a canyon. 
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dreamyjoons · 5 years
everglow // 4 // myg
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Synopsis: Of course exes move on, but what happens when they move on together and want to tie the knot? You don’t know the answer, but with Yoongi by your side, you hope you’ll find out.
Warnings: some angst, fluff, some fluffy smut, briefest mention of death, some swearing.
Words: 5.4k
A/N: fourth and final part of this short series. Thank you so much for all the love and feedback, this has been such a fun and encouraging way to start my ff career 😉 as ever, please check out my growing masterlist for more! I hope you enjoy, and thanks for stopping by. 🧡
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You walk back into your hotel room, stunned to see it deserted.
“Yoongi?” You call, checking the bathroom and finding it empty.
You walk to the side of his bed and find his phone gone. Worry tingling in you, you pull your phone out of your pocket and dial his number. It rings once before it ends, and confused, you try again. This time it immediately goes to voicemail.
You sit on the bed and worry your lip, wondering where the hell he had to be at five in the morning.
You sat back against the headboard, unlocking your phone and pulling up your messages.
[you: 5:02 AM]
Where are you Yoongs??
You hit send, and you tip your head back against the headboard, your head thrumming. Before you realise it, your eyes flutter closed as you fall asleep waiting for him
You wake up to the sound of the shower, and you shuffle up from your sleeping position to blurrily look around. Cursing yourself for falling asleep, you reach for your phone. It read 14:06, and you sighed. The wedding was at three, you needed to get moving.
You realise the shower had stopped for a bit, and you draw your lip between your teeth. Something was wrong, you just knew.
Despite the time crunch, you sit in bed and wait. Finally, Yoongi emerges. He’s dressed in a simple dark purple button-down tucked into black jeans, his hair silky and swept back slightly. He knocks the breath out of your lungs - but that was nothing new.
But then he looks at you, and his face turns to thunder.
“Hey.” You say dumbly. He doesn’t reply as he begins to gather his things and stuff them in his suitcase. You watch him for a moment, his ring-covered fingers snatching up everything that was his.
“Where did you go last night? I was worried.” You ask weakly, your heart thudding in your chest.
He lets out a harsh bark of laughter, stopping in his motions to turn and face you. He looks at you with a coldness you’ve never seen before, and alarm bells are screaming in your head. Something’s wrong. But how? It’d only been a few hours.
“Oh, I’m sure you were real worried.” He snaps and you mouth gapes.
“Yoongi, what’s going on?” You ask, getting out of the bed and drawing to your full height.
His eyes flicker over you, lingering on his shirt that you were still wearing. He drags his eyes away to look out of the window, before turning back and looking at you in a way that made you want to hide. You’d never seen him like this. Yeah, you knew Yoongi could be a grump but this was different - colder, and directed at you.
“Are you gonna tell Isla before the wedding?”
Your brain screeches to a halt, trying to understand his words. His eyes are wide and almost watery as he looks at you, and you couldn’t be more confused.
“Isla? What… what are you talking about?” You ask, your eyebrows knitting together.
“Even after this, you’re not totally a shitty person, so do the right thing and tell her.”
“Yoongi, what the hell do you mean?” You ask, your stomach beginning to whirl as he rolls his eyes.
“You can play dumb or whatever, but I saw you with Mark. It’s shitty of you to hook up with a man on his wedding night.” He snaps, and finally the penny drops.
You realise he must have seen you with Mark downstairs. You briefly imagining how that may have looked - you in Mark’s arms, touching his face. But it wasn’t like that - Isla knew you were meeting, and you definitely wouldn’t ever go back to Mark, especially since you have Yoongi. At least, you had Yoongi.
Your look of realisation must have been plain on your face, and Yoongi took it as an admission of guilt. He shakes his head and slams shut his suitcase. He throws it by the door, and you see that he’s got all his stuff ready to go.
“Yoongi, it’s not what you think!” You rush, stepping forward to him but stopping yourself short.
“Oh sure. So what, you were just playing with me until you got what you wanted?” He bites, and you gasp.
“No! I-I love you, Yoongs.” You half whisper, sadness creeping into your bones.
“I don’t believe you. To think that after all this time…” he trails, and you shake your head.
“I do, Yoongi. I love you. I don’t know what you think you saw, but I promise you-“
He laughs mirthlessly, cutting you off. He moves to the door and rips it open before pausing and looking back at you. Your eyes swim, tears threatening to flow. You were hurt, angry and confused. How could he get you so wrong?
“I’m getting the first plane out of here, but it won’t be until after the wedding. If you can’t do right by me, at least do right by Isla. Goodbye, Y/N.” He sighs, taking in your teary appearance before walking out.
“Yoongi! Wait!” You shout, but he’s already gone, the door slamming behind him.
You step back until your legs hit the bed and you collapse on it, tears finally flowing down your face. You wipe furiously at them.
You’d come so close, so close to something wonderful. And it didn’t even last twelve hours.
You roll over and grab your phone to call him again, but the time stops you. You had to be at the wedding in twenty minutes. You consider blowing it off, but you didn’t want to do that to Isla, or even Mark. Maybe you could get them to talk to Yoongi too.
You throw yourself off the bed, a new sense of purpose filling you. If they just talked to Yoongi, he’d understand. You weren’t going to let there be another option.
You run around the hotel room, dusting your face lightly with makeup and pulling on any dress that you’d packed for the wedding. Just a few days ago you’d packed at least five outfits to choose from to wear, and now it didn’t matter. All that mattered was your Yoongs.
You grab your phone and key card, throw your sunglasses over your puffy eyes and ran from the room.
The lift down is agonisingly slow, and as soon as the doors begin to open you slip out and hurry towards the ceremony.
The chairs that had been set up the day before are filled with wedding guests, the sun bearing down mercilessly overhead.
There was only a chair on the back row that was free, and you sneak in and sit down, pushing your sunglasses up into your hair as your eyes scan the crowd.
You finally spot a head of honey-coloured hair, sat surrounded by strangers. Your eyebrows draw together as you stare at him as if he will sense your presence. You’re a little stunned to see him here - you think he wouldn’t turn up after what he believes had happened. But then again, he does seem to have grown to like Isla a lot. Maybe he was here to see if you’d confess to something that you hadn’t done. You school your emotions, not wanting to start crying again. Yoongi really seemed to bring the tears out of you.
A gentle piano melody begins playing, and the crowd stand. Having barely just sat down and caught your breath, you stand back up, looking back to see Isla beginning her walk along the boardwalk towards a waiting Mark. You turn to look at him, having realised you hadn’t taken in your surroundings at all.
He stands at the end of the aisle with the lady who conducts the ceremony, his cream linen suit moulding to his body perfectly. His white shirt sits unbuttoned, with a simple lei hanging around his neck. You also notice he’s wearing cream-coloured sandals.
You flick your eyes back to Isla, her hair curled and bouncing. Her white dress hangs off her shoulders, a gentle dip in the back that barely touches the floor. A bouquet of daisies sit in her hands, and a light purple lei hangs around her throat. But most noticeably of all, they’re both beaming. You’d never seen either of them look so happy, and even though there was a slight tinge of hurt that you couldn’t do that for them, you were genuinely glad they had found each other.
As she walks by you, your eyes slip past her to Yoongi. He’s already looking at you.
His eyes only meet yours for a second, but the hurt you see makes you feel like you've been kicked in the chest. He looks away instantly, his eyes fixing on Mark up ahead with a thunderous look. You sit back and pull your sunglasses over your eyes, determined not to wallow. You were going to make this right.
Isla meets Mark and they hold hands, both laughing giddily. The crowd settle back in their seats, and you draw your lip between your teeth and watch the wedding get underway.
The ceremony drags, and the heat feels worse than it had been all weekend. The objections part of the ceremony passes, and for a moment you were worried Yoongi was going to say something, but he remains silently glued to his chair, his eyes never moving from Mark.
Eventually, mercifully, the wedding ends, and as the crowd cheers, Mark and Isla kiss. You clap along with the crowd, a small tear slipping from the corner of your eye.
They walk out between the rows of seats, grinning and waving. Isla waved at you and Mark offered you a shy smile, to which you grinned back to both of them.
Isla’s mother stands and directs everyone to move down the beach towards where the reception as being held, and you scan the crowd for Yoongi.
He goes to move away, walking out of the row he was sat and begins heading back towards the hotel. You try to scramble to intercept him, but Mark’s mother beats you to it, linking her arm in his and dragging him towards the reception area. You can see the torment in his face, and you almost choke in your emotions. You follow behind at a distance, watching as Mark’s mom talks animatedly at him.
You soon arrive at the designated area: tables and chairs set up in the soft sand, decorated with native flowers and candles. Tables of food have been laid out, and backing onto the decking behind was a bar and DJ, with an area for dancing. It was quaint and cute, but you couldn’t tear your eyes from Yoongi.
Mark’s mom peels away from him and he’s standing alone, and before you think about it, you’re marching over to him.
“I thought you were going?” You ask, and immediately want to smack yourself in the face. Yoongi looks round to see you, and you can tell you’ve put him on edge. He gives you a brief once over before finally meeting your eyes, jaw set.
“I thought you were going to confess the truth?” Your mouth falls open. Did he really think that lowly of you?
“Yoongs, I haven’t done anything! I was trying to comfort him.”
“Oh is that what they call it now?” He laughs spitefully, and it sets daggers into your heart.
“Yoongi, please don’t-“
“I’m sorry Y/N, but I can’t do this. You broke my heart, please don’t break anyone else’s.” He slams his eyes shut and takes a deep breath before walking away to the bar.
You stand there like an idiot, staring at his back. Frustration and hurt bubble up inside you, and you don’t know how to let it out without causing any more hurt.
The sun was already beginning it’s slow descent down, the sky starting to flash shades of orange and pink. You looked out across the ocean, and although you want to take in the beauty, a dark cloud still hovered over your heart.
Fishing out your phone, you dial the one person you think might be able to help you.
“Hey, Jin-oppa.” You say quietly, moving towards the edge of the ocean for a bit of privacy.
“Oh, Y/N. What do you want?” He asks bluntly, and you realise you can’t take any more. Not today.
“I take it you’ve spoken to Yoongi.” You state, your voice cracking as you realise the frostiness of his tone.
“Yep. You should be ashamed-”
“Jin, I didn’t do anything! You know me, and Yoongi knows me. Why do you both think I’m that cruel?” You choke, hurt and betrayal bubbling in your chest.
“The evidence doesn't lie, Y/N.”
Jin, for fuck sake.” You whine, before launching into recounting the story of what happened with Mark. Jin is silent the whole time, and remains silent after you finish talking.
“... and you’ve told Yoongi this?”
“Not fully, he hasn’t given me a chance. He keeps telling me to confess to Isla about my ‘crime’.” You tell him bitterly, kicking at the sand with the edge of your sandal.
“Maybe you should get Isla to talk to him? Or go shout at him. He can never seem to hide from you when you’re angry. Maybe leave Mark out of it, Yoongi can land a mean punch if he wants to.” Jin remarks, and you briefly wonder if he knows that from experience.
“I will. She’s not here right now, and they have to do their first dance, but I’ll ask as soon as I can.”
“Okay, good luck, Y/N. And I’m sorry I believed that about you. I know you’re not like that, but Yoongi’s like a brother, and he’s loved you for a long time. I don’t want him to hurt again.”
“Thank you, Jinnie. I… I love him too. I’m going to make sure he doesn’t hurt again.” You say firmly. You’re determined.
You both say your goodbyes and hang up, just in time as a horn cuts through the chatter of the guests. You turn to see a man blowing through a shell, dressed in Hawaiian ceremonial clothes. He then lowers the shell and begins to shout.
“Please welcome Mr and Mrs Kwon!”
Isla and Mark walk through the hotel doors and onto the deck, giggling and waving as the crowd cheers. They stand in the middle of the deck and take their position to have their first dance, their bodies tight together and their hands clasping gently to one another.
The crowd gathers around to watch, and you join the back of the group, your eyes never moving from Yoongi.
A gentle melody plays and the couple begins to spin around the floor, but your eyes never leave him. Yoongi has a glass in his hands, and it looked to be a large whiskey- a very, very large whiskey.
His eyes seek you out too, and for a minute you’re both caught in an electrifying moment, as if no one else existed but the two of you. You wanted him to know you had nothing to hide, and only love to give. Whether he got it not, you’ll never know as he turns away, his face red and his teeth gritting.
Your eyes flick to Isla and Mark as you draw your lip in between your teeth and bite down, determined not to tear up yet again.
The song ends and the crowd cheer and clap, and you numbly clap along too. The couple then break apart and talk to the crowd, soaking in the love and congratulations. Yoongi had walked away then, Mark getting dangerously close to him.
Isla finally stopped before you, and even though you plaster a wide grin on your face, she sees right through it. She always did.
Grabbing your hand, she drags you out past the tables and towards the shoreline, before sitting on the sand and pulling you down with her.
“Isla, you’re meant to be talking to your guests at your wedding.”
“You’re a guest, and this is my wedding. If anyone can do what they want, it’s me. So,” she shifts and faces you fully, her light features pulling into one of utmost sincerity. Relief floods your system - a friend. “Tell me what’s going on with you and Min Yoongi.”
Tears finally break loose as you talk to Isla, explaining what happened with Mark and what had followed with Yoongi. She nods as you speak, giving you her undivided attention and you’re so thankful.
That’s until you stop. When you finally finish speaking, she nods once, looks out towards the ocean and then out of nowhere, bursts into laughter. You sit stunned, your eyebrows shooting up and your jaw dropping down.
She belly laughs and cries, and even though you’re hurting, a smile pricks up at the corner of your mouth. That was the Isla effect.
“I’m sorry,” she laughs, wiping tears from her eyes. “This is just so dumb. I know you’re both hurting but god, what a mess.”
“I know, I know. But he won’t let me get close enough to make it right.” You smile sadly, your eyes drifting out towards the ocean.
The sun was just hovering above the ocean, and the sky was darkening enough for the candles and tiki torches on the beach to be lit. It was beautiful, and you wanted to share it with Yoongi. You threw a look back over your shoulder, hoping he was still here. You had to make him hear you.
“Go to him. Deploy some of that Y/N stubbornness and get him to hear you. You’re both perfect together, even if you’ve only just realised that your feelings. They’re too strong to ignore.” She shrugs, and you snap your head to look at her. Did she..?
“Yeah, I knew you weren’t a couple. He always looks at you like you never see him. But I started to see you looking at him the same way, so I let it slide. Especially with my mother around.” You both share a giggle, before you throw your arms around her shoulder and pull her in for a hug.
“We may not have been the greatest couple, but you’ve been one of the best additions to my life.” You mumble as your cheeks squish together.
“Of course I am!” She laughs, pulling back and fixing you with a serious look. “Now go and talk to him. I want us to go on double dates, and we can't do that without Yoongi.”
You laugh and fix her with a confused look but she merely shrugs.
“You get good deals on things when there’s four of you.” She smirks, and you smile, before getting to your feet. You hold out a hand and pull her up, and share a quick hug before you both walk up towards the party.
You separate then, and you scan the guests for Yoongi. A bunch of people had made their way to dance, and a few sat dotted around the tables eating. Yoongi was at a table, leaning against his chair and sipping on his whiskey. He was watching you, and when you finally found him he snapped his eyes away. Steeling yourself, you march to him.
He looked beautiful in the dark and candlelight, and it made your heart thud in your chest - although that could have just been fear, plain and simple. You couldn’t lose him. That was not an option: not now, not ever again.
You stop before of him as he lays back against the table, his legs out in front of him and his hair covering his eyes.
“Get up.” You demand, and his eyes snap to you, surprised.
He stares at you for a moment before he laughs you off, turning away in his seat and throwing back his drink. You grit your teeth, before reaching out, snatching the glass from his hands and slamming it on the table. He spins back to you stunned, and you take the opportunity to grab his hand and pull him up, dragging him to the dancefloor before he can argue.
A slow song is playing and you’re silently relieved that you have the chance to be close and talk, but it does nothing to stop the panic that threatens to seize you.
You pull him to an empty spot in the crowd, and turn to face him, standing mere inches from you. You swallow thickly as you place your arms around his neck gently, and he huffs.
“Don’t be a child. Just do this, and if you decide you still don’t want to talk to me I'll… I’ll leave you alone. For good.” You whisper, your voice breaking repeatedly. He mulls over your words before slowly sliding his hands to rest on your hips.
You both begin to sway to the music silently, as you hurriedly race to sort out the emotions running around your head.
“What you saw isn’t what you think.” You start, taking a deep breath before you continue. You make eye contact and hold it - You need him to know how sincere you are.
“Mark wanted to clear the air before he got married. Isla knew about us meeting - she even encouraged Mark to talk to me.
“When I hugged him and wiped away his tears - which is I imagine what you saw - we were talking about his dad, and how he wanted him here. His dad dying had a lot to do with how Mark treated me, so it was rough for him to finally face. It was the ending of an era between us.” You end quietly, your heart hammering in your chest.
“But Yoongs,” you say, and you see him swallow and his eyes swim. “I love you. I do, and I would never treat anyone like that, but especially you. So whilst I’m hurt you think that, I understand you’re in pain. But I don’t want to lose you. Not ever.” You finish, before taking a shuddering sigh and closing your eyes.
You’d said your piece. Now it was all up to him. You opened your eyes to look at his face. He simply looked at you, his expression unreadable. You continued to sway in silence, fear prickling in you.
“Yoongi, please say something.” You ask, the air between you stifling.
“I’m sorry.” He says quietly.
“You’re… what?” You ask, eyebrows knitting together. Your blood rushed loudly in your ears, blocking everything out.
“I’m sorry. I know you’re a good person, but I just saw you in his arms and… freaked out, I guess.” His voice is quiet as he moves his eyes away for a minute to collect himself.
“Oh.” You say dumbly, and he looks back at you.
“I guess I never realised how deeply I feel for you until I nearly lost you. I think it scared me a little too, especially when you said you wanted me like I wanted you.” He begins, his words speeding so quickly you could barely keep up with him.
“I know- I know I’ve probably fucked this up for us, but I don’t want to lose you. So if you don’t want to be together, I get that. But I don’t want you gone from my life. Please don’t go.” He pleads quickly, his eyes flicking rapidly over your face.
You feel your entire body ready collapse from relief, and your heart feels like it’s beating so fast it could burst out if your chest.
Suddenly, you begin to giggle. Shock flits across his face as your giggle grows louder and tears fall from your eyes. You move a hand from around his neck to wipe at your eyes as your giggles subside, and you put it back over him, a smile gracing your lips. The first genuine one you’d had in a while. His lips prick up slightly, and you know you’re a goner.
You lean forward and kiss him, gentle and sweet. He’s stunned for a minute, before his entire body relaxes and he pulls you flat against him, bringing a hand up to cup your face. His thumb dusts across your jaw as he deepens the kiss, the two of you stilling in your swaying to be totally engrossed in each other.
You pull back and smile at him, and he shows you that gummy smile that shatters your heart. You card a hand through his hair, looking as his face transforms with a smile and kiss-reddened lips. You liked how that looked. In fact, you loved it.
And him. You loved him.
The thought seized you so strongly that you needed to bask in it. Alone, with him.
You step out of his embrace and grab his hand before pulling him off the deck and onto the sand. You pull a blanket that had been left out for guests in the chilly evening off the back of a chair and begin running down the beach, away from the party. You hear Yoongi laugh behind you as you run, and you pause by a palm tree, secluded enough for you both not to be disturbed, but open enough so that you can see all of the beach and look at the sky. The moon was taking its place in the sky, the sun having fully vanished - it was perfect, and you could share it with Yoongi.
You drop his hand so that you can throw down the blanket. Once it’s spread out, you turn back to him.
He stares at you like you personally put the moon in the sky for him. And you look at him as if he was the sun - eternal, bright. Both you both belong in the sky together, and you both glow.
“You’re beautiful.” He whispers, and a smile slips onto your face.
“So are you.” You say sincerely, causing his grin to slip back on his face.
You stay there only for a few seconds before he’s on you - he’s kissing you, cupping your face and dropping you both onto the blanket. You’re pressed underneath his body, his kiss hot and fast - as if he’s making up for lost time.
He creeps a hand to unbutton the top half of your dress, pulling back from your kiss long enough so that he can shove the sleeves down and reveal your torse. He unclips your bra and pulls it off you, dropping it beside you before swooping down to seize a bud in his mouth. He’s rough at first, sucking hard on your nipple as he pinches the other. But then he slows, peppering kisses along your chest and gently taking the other bud in his mouth, flicking it lightly with his tongue whilst he draws light rings around the other.
You arch under him, the change in pace driving your body wild. You could feel your panties sticking to you with how we they were. It was heavenly, but you needed him. Now.
“Yoongs, we can take turns later. I need you.” You gasp, running your hands into his hair and tugging gently so that he releases your nipple and looks at you with blown out eyes.
He smirks, before dotting gentle kisses back up your chest, pausing at your neck and jaw and capturing your lips again. His kiss is deep and slow, pulling back to nibble on your lip. You both open your eyes and look at each other, each second electric.
You push him back so that he kneels up and you begin to unbuckle his trousers. You push them down to his knees before you guide him back to sit. Slowly you drag his boxers off him, letting his hard cock spring free. You take his length in your hand and pump him a little. He throws his head back as you run your hand along him, and you kiss along his throat as small groans slip out of him. You run your finger along his tip, moving some of his precum down his length. Sweat was beginning to form on his forehead, and his shirt was sticking to his body. He looked sinful, and he was all yours.
You slide your panties off and drop them with your bra before you straddle him, feeling his hard length brushing against your wet core. The feeling makes you both hitch and groan.
“You sure?” He asks, wrapping one arm around your back for support and other reaching between you to rub his tip against your wetness and clit. You take a shuddering breath as you meet his eyes.
“Positive. I want you.” You whisper before kissing him again.
Reaching between you, you place your hand over his and guide him into you slowly. Despite how wet you are, it still burns slightly as he pushes in. You whine into your kiss and he slows to a stop, but you kiss him back fiercely and continue to take him in.
When he’s fully seating in you, you both still, your kiss trailing from fiery to gentle, slow and gentle, with the occasional small smile dotted in.
You roll your hips, and feeling more accustomed to his size inside of you, you begin to move. You start with slow bounces in his lap, getting used to the drag you feel inside. The pain subsides and pleasure bubbles up until you start to pant into his kiss.
Yoongi breaks apart your lips to lean his forehead against yours, meeting your thrusts so that he can pull out further before driving back in, the sensation making you throw your head back. The pace is slow, but so soft that you can’t ever complain. You’d never felt so cared for.
Yoongi kisses up the column of your exposed throat as you roll your hips, clenching down on him causing him to growl into you. You bring your head back up and kiss him again, rocking your hips faster.
His breath gets more ragged as you speed up, his hands moving to your ass to push himself further into you. Your hands are in his hair, holding his sweaty forehead against yours. Your eyes flutter shut as he finds the angle to hit your soft spot inside, and you whine. He laughs, and you pay him back by clenching your walls, causing to swear under his breath
“Fuck... are you getting close princess?” He asks breathlessly, pulling back to meet your eyes. You preen at the nickname, nodding quickly.
“Me too, cum with me, Y/N.” He grits out, moving a hand from your ass to press gently at your clit.
You groan as you lean your forehead against his, moving one of your hands from his hair you place over his on your clit, both of you leading you over the edge.
“Yoongi-” you gasp.
Your orgasm crashes over you, making your eyes slam shut as your body rolls, your walls clamping down hard over his cock. The pressure becomes too much for him, and his orgasm rocks through him, his hot cum filling you as you both ride out your highs together, seizing each other in one last kiss.
He softens and pulls out of you, both sitting in the same position as you catch your breath. He lets go of you for a minute, grabbing your panties to wipe at your leaking core. He throws them off the towel before he lays you both down, facing each other on the blanket.
He shimmies his boxers and trousers over himself, and you take a second to flip back down your dress skirt and cover your chest back up. Then you’re both lying still, with nothing to do but exist together.
A chilly breeze rolls past, shaking the palms above you and causing goosebumps to raise over your skin. Yoongi pulls you flat against his chest and picks up the edge of the blanket to throw over you both.
You both get sprayed with a shower of sand, and you yelp as you hide in Yoongi’s chest.
“Uh, Yoongs! It got in my mouth.” You giggle, wiping at your lips.
“I’m sorry, I was trying to be sweet and romantic.” He cringes, his cheeks flushing red. You look up at him through your lashes and laugh, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
“I don’t need all that. You being you is perfect for me.” You sigh, pulling back so that you meet eyes. A small smile cracks at his mouth, which you return wholeheartedly.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Yoongi.”
With a grin, he leans down and kisses you again; light pecks turn into a gentle kiss, his arm circling your waist.
The kiss breaks apart and you lean foreheads together, your heart light. You feel like you’re glowing, and nothing could ever break this feeling.
You had Yoongi, that was all you had ever really wanted.
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 5 years
Fashion design for OCs: Creating a cohesive world
This is my third post about how to design fashion for your OCs! Be sure to check out part 1, about where to start learning about fashion, and part 2, a case study in the Monster High franchise’s fashion design. 
In this part, we’ll be talking about creating a cohesive world of fashion, and finally taking a look at some of my own character design. 
Intro: What is a cohesive fashion world?
When you think about the fashion of the world we all currently live in, you may think about the many clothing styles and how they differ greatly depending on culture. However, if you were to line up a variety of clothing styles - say, a hanbok next to a kimono next to a sundress - you would still be able to tell that they were all made by humans, for humans. Likewise comparing American clothing from the 1930s to the 1950s to the 1980s to the 2000s. To paraphrase Bruce Timm on the Batman Beyond commentary tracks when talking about designing clothing from the future: 50 years ago we wore shirts and jeans, 50 years from now we’ll be wearing shirts and jeans. There’s a lot of variety on world fashion, but the vast majority of humans have a head, two arms, and two legs, so we’re somewhat restricted in what we can do with our fashion. (We won’t get into avant garde fashion right now.) 
What I personally look for in a fictional fashion world is clothing that looks like it has been made and worn by people who inhabit the same setting. You can still have a lot of variation within that setting, based on culture, religion, environment, etc, but generally you want to find similarities throughout that can be repeated. I’ve broken these similarities down into 3 rough categories - Core Inspiration, Cut/Style, and Cultural Significance. Most of my examples will be dealing with the gijinka designs I’ve made for Flight Rising. 
1. Core Inspiration
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The above designs are a sampling of the gijinkas I’ve made from my ‘Cursed Constructs’ breeding pair. Even without getting into their lore, when I line them up like this, you can probably tell that they inhabit the same world. This is because I selected a specific inspiration for these designs and I’ve stuck to it. 
That inspiration, of course, is the American Southwest. Now, one way you could approach such an inspiration is to just do cowboy gear - cowboy hats, shirts, jeans, chaps, cowboy boots - all the way down. However, that would just be designing for one occupation, not one world. I want these designs to feel Southwestern, so in addition to cowboy gear, I also considered what general elements felt ‘Southwestern’ - which is where the fringed leather, large earrings, and patterned blankets came in. I tried to consider not just what cowboys would wear, but other subcultures would wear as well, such as bikers (far left) and performers (second to right) might wear. 
I also limited myself to a palette of browns and blue-greens. In the real world, people wear all sorts of different colors. But in a constructed fashion world, pulling from the same color story helps to enforce uniformity without making every outfit literally the same. The inspiration plus the color story helps these characters feel like they all came from the same town. 
2. Cut/Style
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One way to approach a cohesive fashion world is to consider how a particular cut or style of clothing would arise within that world. For instance, back in the 2000s, low-rise boot-cut jeans were all the rage, at least in America, to the point it was difficult to find jeans in a different style. That said, those jeans themselves often varied a lot in color, wash, and additional accutroments. Choosing a particular clothing cut or way of styling a piece of clothing can help to signal that characters come from the same place. 
The above characters are three characters from my Flight Rising lore who all come from the same general region, but were born in different villages. When I was designing these characters, I wanted them to have a similar style that would designate where they came from, while each having his own highly unique look. I landed on dropped crotch ‘harem’ style pants with wide openings on the sides that gathered at the bottom, worn without a shirt. 
Admittedly, I chose this because I’m gay and wanted to draw the male form in something that I found sexy - which, imo, is a perfectly legitimate approach to fashion design, as long as you’re honest about it. However, I did feel that this particular form of sexy was appropraite for the world I was building, which is based in the desert, hence a form of clothing that is lightweight, airy, and (for better or worse) has some loose ‘desert’ vibes due to links to bellydancing. 
Again, though, I did not make a uniform - each character has his own twist on the style which reflects his personality. Cinna (left) wears another pair of pants beneath the harem pants because he is more shy about his sexuality; Grax (middle) wears his pants long because they give him a slightly older look, and he has more decorations because he is in a position of power; Omkir (right) utilizes wrappings similar to his wrist wrappings, which make him look ready to fight. 
3. Cultural Significance 
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Another way to make characters look like they belong to the same world is to figure out an element of their design that would carry significance across their entire culture. These can be based on a religious belief, a cultural practice, a superstition, etc. They also allow you a lot of variation as you play with how individuals would incorporate that element into their day-to-day wardrobe. 
Take, for instance, my Beastmen race. Each of my Beastmen designs utilizes a patterned scarf of some kind. This was an earlier design choice I made, in which I decided that part of this race’s culture involves individuals being given a patterned scarf during a coming of age ceremony. With that in mind, though, almost every design wears their scarf in a different way, from around the neck to a belt sash to a cape or a shawl. Certain elements are repeated - such as baubles and coins on the edge of the scarf, or the patterns themselves - but this design choice gave me a huge amount of freedom when it came to silhouette and color while still giving me a specific thing to keep in mind. 
Additionally, the fun thing about culturally significant clothing articles, is that you can then play with the implications of a design that lacks said article of clothing. 
Conclusion: Where to start
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Creating a cohesive fashion world can feel daunting, for sure, especially if you’re in the ‘panster’ family of creative types, as opposed to a ‘plotter’. So, how do you begin making those decisions? 
My advice is to start with just one character. Figure out one character’s wardrobe, and then build out from there. As you work, think of ways to tie your new designs to your first design. When you do this, question why you gave Character 1 clothing article X, what that character’s role in the world is, and how the rest of the world interacts with them. It’s okay if you don’t know what you’re going to do at the start, but check your work as you go. 
For example, for the characters above, I designed Kairo (far left) first, and then used aspects of his design as a template for the cut and style of the other characters, particularly the boxy top/sleek bottom silhouette, as well as the reliance on black as a strong color with a pop of a highly saturated second color for contrast. 
Thanks for reading this massively long post! If you’ve got any other aspects of character fashion design you’d like to see covered, please let me know!
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Cerebus #7 (1978)
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Elrod's boots have toes.
This cover proves that with Issue #7, Cerebus had outgrown its "sword & sorcery parody" roots. I would now define it as "madcap sword & sorcery parody." Elrod deciding he needed a little guy in a bunny outfit after hanging out with Cerebus for a short afternoon only makes me love Elrod even more. This issue is also proof that Dave Sim didn't earn his "first man to write and draw 300 issues of a monthly comic book all by himself" award because he didn't do this cover; Frank Thorne did. I don't mind that Gerhard did all the backgrounds for most of the series because without Gerhard, the comic could have been the same just with crappy backgrounds. But Dave Sim not doing the cover art for an issue?! That seems, well, actually, it seems on par with Gerhard doing all the backgrounds. Never mind. Elrod was last seen in Cerebus #4 which might make this the fastest return of any guest character in any comic book ever. I'm not a comic book historian but I'd stake my mother's life on that previous assumption. Hopefully the previous sentence will not start a rumor that my mother is a vampire which I don't think she actually is. I'm not a vampire historian so I wouldn't stake my mother's life on my mother being a vampire. That's a clever line, isn't it? This month's "Note from the Publisher" (which I guess I've incorrectly been calling "A Note from the Publisher") has been renamed "A Brief Note." Unless this "Note from the Publisher" is named "A Brief Note." And it's always possible that it's just called "Brief Note" since I've made that error with the article previously. Getting to the bottom of what this column is called is more interesting than the content of the note which is why I'm done writing about it this month. Dave Sim explains how this issue was the issue that freed him from writing a Barry Smith barbarian parody comic book as he began to take chances with the art and develop more of his own unique style. See? Just like I said about the madcap sword & sorcery designation earlier! He also points out that this is the second issue in seven issues that hints at aardvarks being important and Cerebus being some sort of Messianic figure. He wouldn't revisit that for some time because it wasn't important yet and also he probably didn't really know what to do with it. But it was a good idea because how can you not get a ton of great stories out of a character who is some kind of paradigm changing religious MacGuffin! Plus Elrod! Elrod was sure to make the readers laugh uproariously so that their parents would look over annoyed and ask, "What's so funny?" To which the comic book reader could respond, "Sheesh! Mind your own business! You wouldn't get it anyway!"
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Is it more or less manly to admit that I would fuck Cerebus' horse?
Last issue, we learned that Cerebus gets super horny when he's had apricot brandy mixed with Rohypnol. We also learned that once he has sobered up, he forgets about the woman he thinks he loves but really only sort of likes the idea of her loving him. But he doesn't forget about the location of the treasure he learned about! You might be thinking, "That's because he learned about the treasure before E'lass slipped him the date rape drugs." But then I'd say haughtily and super condescendingly, "Yes, but he also learned more information from Jaka while totally stoned out of his mind which was essential to realizing just where the treasure was!" Then you'd secretly begin to hate me and start ignoring my texts and start the slow and silent process of breaking up with a friend. What I was trying to express was that Cerebus is hunting for the Black Sun Temple's treasure! By the end of this issue, he maybe he'll be super rich but still totally alone. I can't stop thinking about that horse. I just remembered, upon the appearance of Elrod at the beginning of this comic book, that the guy in the bunny suit isn't with Elrod. At least, not at first. He's just some flim-flam man trying to become the next aardvark Messiah, I think. But that's okay because I'd use anything as an excuse to say that I love Elrod even more. I'm guessing a lot of Cerebus readers told Dave the same thing which is why Elrod is back so soon.
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How have I been a fan of Cerebus for thirty years and never made a Black Sun cocktail?
Elrod has come to the Temple of the Black Dog's Hole Sun for all of the wrong reasons unless getting shitfaced is a right reason and then I stand corrected. I'm pretty sure I'm standing corrected right now. Cerebus doesn't really want him tagging along but he also doesn't want Elrod wandering around to be discovered by the priests which might put their security on high alert. So he drags Elrod into the temple with him to find the treasure. Once inside, Elrod eventually wanders off to find some treasure of his own after Cerebus points out that a quiet living albino and a quiet dead albino are practically the same thing.
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I'm sure all the riches are consolidated in the head priest's chambers for safe keeping.
Meanwhile some short priest named Mit is busy sewing a bunny suit. It looks just like Cerebus but is meant to represent one of the Black Sun's oldest and most revered nameless gods! Mit had studied all of the past prophecy and scripture of the Black Sun's theology so that he could represent himself as the coming Messiah and be worshiped as a god. So basically he's doing what Jesus did. Or Ardra! That's a Star Trek: The Next Generation reference which is better than making a reference to the comic book I wrote and drew in my late teens called Arrogance because nobody would get that reference. But, like Ardra and Jesus and Mit, I had a character who represented himself as the prophesied Messiah. Seriously though, who can trust a Messiah that was spoken about in prophecy?! Prophecy isn't a predictor of future events; it's a blueprint for some con man to come through town pretending to be a God and/or selling pool tables. I should scan in my comic books some time! I think it went five issues (at, like, five pages per issue!) and the later issues are really inspired by Jaka's Story: lots of text next to one or two large static images per page.
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Ha ha! He's an ablino so he's easily mistaken for a statue!
Realizing the guards are onto them, Elrod rushes off to find Cerebus and drag him away. But instead he finds Mit in his costume and hauls him off. Cerebus finds his treasure and realizes Elrod has wandered off which can only mean that everything is going to become chaos at any second. Cerebus, Elrod, and Mit engage in a slapstick pursuit reminiscent of any old television program that would make you think of a slapstick pursuit. Maybe Scooby Doo or one of the Abbott and Costello movies. It eventually ends with everybody running for their lives and Cerebus discovering the pit of the Black Sun Temple's god. Spoiler: the god is a giant spider. That wasn't really a spoiler because this issue begins with this image:
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The old comic standby of starting the story in the middle for one page and then preceding immediately to the beginning and telling the story linearly. I don't think Dave ever did this again because remember how this issue freed him from copying styles and tropes?!
Hey, remember that horse? Let's look at it some more. Oh yeah. Hey girl. I've got a carrot for you. Cerebus is finally defeated by a combatant this issue. Sure, it's a giant spider whose web Cerebus fell into while also losing his sword. As a reader, I'll allow Cerebus to lose a fight when the conditions are stacked so high against him. The only reason Cerebus survives is because Cerebus has no soul which causes the sacrificial Black Sun ceremony to disintegrate into chaos. The spider, finding no nourishment in the sacrifice, falls deeper into the pit as the temple crumbles and explodes around Cerebus. He's flung far out into the desert, mostly unharmed from the violence. But his treasure and his sword are lost. I hope that sword wasn't important to his becoming the Messiah! I suppose it's okay because he still has his three medallion necklace! With Mit's people and religion destroyed, he decides to become Elrod's sidekick for awhile. I don't remember if he ever turns up again; I'm guessing this was his only appearance. In this month's Aardvark Comment, a writer grades the art of Cerebus as an "A" and the writing as an "A+" so I'm just using that as my rating. Why should I waste my time doing redundant work?! At the end of the original issue, there was an ad for a hand-sewn Cerebus plush toy. That means that a non-zero number of Cerebus plush toys have been fucked in this reality. Eddie Campbell wrote a one page comic for this issue called "Great Wasters from History Not Counting Dave Sim." This was about a guy named Jack Mytton who lived from 1796 to 1834. I could look up who he was but that would defeat the purpose of Eddie Campbell telling me who he was in Eddie's comic! If you're interested in learning about Mr. Mytton yourself, I highly recommend researching him. He was a rich drunkard who did a bunch of crazy shit and then eventually died in pauper's prison. He sounded like a fun guy to be the friend of a friend of! Cerebus #7 Rating: A and A+, remember?!
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itsshortfurball20 · 5 years
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
A/N: This is already posted on Ao3 and ff.net but figured I’d post it here as well. Enjoy.
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong?
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson nor Marvel (Just wish I did)
This is unedited.
This chapter has 3,032 words
1 – The Pegasus wants a Donut
The week had been a long one for Fury and it wasn’t showing any signs of stopping. Even the week after the incident in Budapest hadn’t been this tiring. Just within the span of a few days, the director of SHIELD was dealing with unmovable hammers falling into deserts, General Ross pestering him about the manhunt for scientist-turned-fugitive Bruce Banner, and dealing with Tony Stark who was just being… Tony.
And then he got the call about the horse.
“You’re telling me that you saw a horse flying around the base?”
“Yessir,” the agent said on the other side of the phone. “At first, we thought it was some type of missile, but it moved too fast. Once I figured out what it was, I ordered for it to be tranquilized and brought to the labs.”
Fury pushed aside the paperwork he had been working on and picked up a file that he had been the topic of many debates with the World Council recently. Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. He knew a flying horse was called a Pegasus from Greek mythology. Was this some kind of sign for them to go ahead with the project? A warning to stop?
“Give me the lab number.”
Fury knew that whatever this was, it was just the beginning.
Percy silently cursed Blackjack down to Tartarus and back. He’d had a demigod dream of the pegasus getting captured, prompting the demigod to go and rescue him in the middle of finals week. Not that he wasn’t glad for the excuse to get away from the mind-numbing hours of sitting around and studying, testing, and eating too many snacks and not enough meals, but this wasn’t the break he was looking for.
He was outside a huge, government-looking facility. The building was big, with a guard monitoring the gate that allowed people in and out. It had been hard to find. The place was in the middle of nowhere, with only a single road leading up to it. Surrounded by a forest and hills on all sides, the only way in or out undetected was through the sky.
He wished desperately that Annabeth was with him to help him come up with a clever plan to get in, but she was too busy taking tests this week for her to accompany him. And now Percy was glad that she didn’t come. On the high chance that something went wrong, she wouldn’t get dragged down too.
Percy fiddled with the pen in his pocket. Several ideas were racing through his head. He could always crawl through the vents, spy style. Or come up with some kind of lie that would get him into the building. The son of Poseidon wished he could shadow-travel like Nico, or that he could have Mrs. O’Leary jump him in there, but Percy figured that having a hellhound larger than a tank appearing out of nowhere might cause some trouble, even if the mist made her look like—
A new idea hit Percy like one of Tyson’s hugs.
There were several things that were missing, like what he would do once he got in, if he got in, but it was the best plan he had and would manage to come up with. Now all he needed was a car.
Fury thought he had seen everything. He should've known better, working in this line of work, that even when you thought you've seen everything, there was something new lurking around the corner.
Including a horse with wings.
The pegasus seemed relatively unharmed. One of its wings was folded over its stomach, which rose and fell steadily. The other was spread out behind it, showing its massive wingspan.
Fury stood behind a glass panel staring at the sedated equestrian while scientists ran around, prepping blood tests and taking DNA samples. He motioned over the head scientist.
"Give me a full report."
"Well we, uh, we, um..." She fumbled over her words.
"Get to it."
"We don't know. All tests so far have been inconclusive. No one knows what it is. It isn't a horse or bird—the DNA doesn't match. It's its own breed."
"It's a pegasus." Fury told her.
“Well, yes. But the thing is, pegasus don’t exist.” She started explaining.” Their fairytales, myths, something you tell your kid in their bedtime stories. Nothing before today has shown any indication of the existence of a pegasus species so for one to just pop up out of the blue… it has to be the result of experimentation, but nothing is adding up.”
Fury watched the pegasus. "So you mean that no one can tell me anything about it?"
“No sir, but we're working hard on it." She amended. "We'll have results by the end of the day."
"I want them in an hour."
He gave one last look to the pegasus before leaving the lab, not seeing the stressed face of the scientist.
If anyone were to ask Percy, the official story was that he got in, got Blackjack, and got out without a hitch.
He wished it had happened like that.
Things started off smooth. He'd gotten the car and driven his way up to the road, wondering the entire time if his idea would work or if he’d get hauled away. There was only one way to find out.
He approached the gate, rolling his window down. Percy tried to look confident. The guard eyed him warily. “How can I help you?”
Percy had never really used the Mist before, but he figured he could wing it. He looked the man in the eyes, focused really hard (he hoped he didn’t look like he was about to fart), and snapped his fingers—making a loud, clear snap. Mustering his most confident voice, he told the guard, “I forgot my key card. You will let me in and not tell anyone about me.”
There was a tense second where Percy was sure that the man was about to haul him away, but then a calm expression settled over his face and he pressed a button. A second later, the gate rolled open. He contained his jump of joy and instead nodded at the guard and drove off.
Percy felt a little bit of relief. Using the mist had been a bit of a wild card, the last time having used it, it didn’t work. But that was just the first part, he reminded himself as he saw people dressed in suits and business outfits. He felt underdressed in his Camp Half-Blood shirt and jeans.
It was after he snuck in through the maintenance door that things started getting rough. The building looked bigger on the inside than it had on the outside. Before him laid a maze of halls, designed to trap anyone who didn’t know their way around (maybe not literally but either way it felt like an attack on Percy). Somewhere inside the mortal version of the Labyrinth was Blackjack, alone, probably scared, and most likely wanting a donut.
And Percy had to find him.
It wasn’t too long after Percy had set off in the building that Fury became aware of the intruder. Video feeds showed a young man manipulating the guard at the front gate to let him pass. After talking to the guard who had no memory of the incident, Fury ordered for the man to be brought to him so he could interrogate him.
Percy couldn’t tell something was off. He was wondering the halls, searching for Lab 28 where he had figured out a knocked-out Blackjack had been brought to. It made him furious to think that his pegasus was being used as some sort of lab rat.
He was in the right area, if the BLA sign had been any indication (and that’s all science sounded like to him anyway—bla, bla, bla).
I can’t believe they gave me this horse crap. A faint voice entered Percy’s head. I need sugar cubes at the least.
Blackjack? Percy tried reaching out. Blackjack? Can you hear me?
Definitely Blackjack.
Blackjack, thank the gods. Stay put, I’m coming to get you.
 Thanks boss. I couldn’t’ve moved anyway. They have me tied to a table. They also gave me this stupid hay that horses eat. Can you believe that?
 Percy followed Blackjack’s voice as a homing beacon. It got steadily louder and louder.
Blackjack, you look like a horse. You are part horse.
You wouldn’t happen to have donuts with you, would you?
The son of Poseidon opened a door. Blackjack looked over at him, kneeling on the floor.
No donuts, I see.
“This is a rescue mission,” Percy told him as he moved to free the pegasus from his restraints. “Why would I bring donuts with me?”
Percy got the first latch undone and started working on the second one.
Maybe we can get some later then.
“Sure. Later. After we get out of here. I almost got you. Just another minute and—”
Behind you!
Blackjack had shouted the words too late. Something hit his back, causing a burning sensation to flow through him. He fell to the floor with a thud and was unable to move. Percy could see Blackjack struggling to get his attacker, but he couldn’t hear him or anything else. His own heartbeat was too loud. The last thing he saw was a pair of boots stepping in front of him before his head fell to the floor and the world faded to black.
He couldn’t tell how long he had been out, but judging from his stiff shoulders and the small ache in his neck, it had probably been a good while. Percy tried to make himself as comfortable as possible. His hands had been cuffed to the table, which didn’t surprise Percy, but the addition of gloves did.
It wasn’t much longer before the door opened and a man walked in and hold up. The first thing Percy noticed was the spy/pirate-ish look—a black trench coat, don’t-mess-with-me attitude, and, as the final touch, an eye patch. Percy hoped that the man knew Halloween had happened seven months ago.
“Mr. Jackson,” the man said in a way that made him hate the name almost as much as when monsters called him Perseus. “I must say, it was a surprise when I was alerted that someone had broken into a facility more secure than the White House.”
Percy swallowed uncomfortably. “You might want to update your security.”
“We will. And this time, we’ll take into account mind control.” The demigod frowned in confusion. He couldn’t mind control peo… the mist. Looking down at his gloves, he realized that these people thought that he could manipulate people. “But I’m not here to talk about that.” The pirate-man continued. “What I want to know is how you knew about this.”
He slid a photo of Blackjack across the table. Percy couldn’t help but wonder what was going to happen to his pegasus now that his only shot at rescue now needed rescuing himself. “Why should I tell you anything?” Percy eventually told the man.
“I’ve had a long week, and the sooner you’re gone, the sooner I can get back to other, bigger problems.” The man explained. Percy was surprised that the man was going to let him go, and suddenly thought that this might be a trap. But the chance that this man would actually let him free seemed like a better deal than he would get otherwise.
“I had a dream,” Percy said lowly. “That may sound strange, but I swear to Hades its true. I saw—”
“I’m gonna stop you right there,” Pirate-man held up his hand to stop him. “Did you just swear to Hades?”
Percy froze, realizing that he had messed up. “Well, uh, you see, it’s—” he started back-pedaling, but the man wasn’t paying attention to him anymore.
“First the pegasus, then the mention of Hades,” Pirate-man mumbled under his breath. “Let me guess,” he turned his attention back to Percy. “The Greek gods are real? Hades, Zeus, Apollo—all of them?”
Percy wondered if he could get away with saying no before remembering that the man could probably give him some truth serum if they had any and he’d be forced to tell him. His shoulders slumped. “Yeah,” he mumbled. “Yeah, they’re real. That pegasus you captured—” he pointed to the picture of Blackjack. “he’s mine. So when I had the dream of you guys capturing him, I had to come rescue him.”
The man stared at Percy, trying to determine if he was really telling the truth or not. Percy started to grow uncomfortable when the man dropped his gaze and rubbed his head, like soothing a headache. “If the Greek gods are real,” he started asking, “why haven’t we seen any proof of them?”
“The mist,” Percy answered. “It’s a mystical force that stops mortals from seeing our world. I used the mist to get past the guard at the front gate. Some can see past it, like my mom. It’s how she met my dad.”
“And your dad is…”
“And that makes you what. A god?”
“Demigod, actually. Half mortal, half god.”
The man was taking this all exceptionally well, Percy thought. A sudden thought struck Percy. “Hey, uh, this doesn’t change our little agreement, right? About you letting me go?” When the man didn’t respond right away, Percy’s fear grew. “Please, I gotta get back so I can take finals tomorrow, and if I don’t my girlfriend’s gonna kill me and nothing, not even you, could stop her.”
Pirate-dude held up his hand. “I’ll let you go,” Percy’s shoulder’s sagged in relief. “Just on one condition.”
And there’s the catch. There’s always a catch.
“I’m assuming you can fight,” When Percy nodded, he continued. “If ever needed, I want you to come fight for us.”
Percy paused. “Who’s ‘us’?”
The son of Poseidon considered the offer. On one hand, he really didn’t want to fight anymore. He’d seen and done enough fighting to last him a lifetime. The thought of fighting for this government agency or whatever they were didn’t sit too well with him.
But saying no didn’t sit well either. Saying no meant he wouldn’t get to leave, and Blackjack would be stuck here. He couldn’t fail his family, who were so excited for him to finally be at college. Percy couldn’t fail Annabeth, who was waiting back in New Rome for him.
“Okay.” He said a beat later. Percy wasn’t sure if he was ever going to regret that, but right now, he knew it was his only choice.
The man nodded. “Now that that’s settled,” he reached over the table and unlocked Percy’s handcuffs. Percy rubbed his wrists a little and took off the gloves. “I’ll have someone take you to your… pegasus.”
“Aye aye.” Percy mocked saluted the man whose glare seemed to grow. “Oh, I’m sorry, that was insensitive of me. Aye.”
“Let’s hope you never meet Stark.”
The man ignored him and led him out of the room. A woman was waiting, tapping away on a pad. She looked up when they walked out, eyeing Percy. Percy gave a small wave. She tilted her head a little before addressing the man. “Director Fury, your plane is waiting.”
Pirate-man, or Fury, nodded. He started walking away, leaving Percy with the woman. “Wait,” Percy called. Fury paused and turned around. “You wouldn’t happen to have any donuts, would you?”
When Percy arrived back in New Rome, the sun had started setting. Blackjack took his time, moaning about how awful his day there had been. The woman, whose name Percy didn’t get had led him to Blackjack who was happy to see him (especially with a box of donuts in his hand). Before they left, Percy had asked the woman if they needed his contact info. All she had said was “We’ll find you” and left, which didn’t exactly reassure the demigod.
Blackjack dropped Percy off on the street in front of his apartment. “Stay safe buddy,” Percy told him. “Don’t get caught by any more secret government agencies.”
I wasn’t plannin’ on it boss.
The son of Poseidon smiled. “Alright. Now go get some rest,” Blackjack gave the demigod one last farewell before taking off towards the stables. Percy waited until Blackjack had flown out of sight behind the buildings before heading inside.
Annabeth was waiting on the couch. She had notes spread out all over the coffee table and on the cushions next to her. Percy remembered that she had her final test tomorrow, and it was her one for her major architecture.
She looked up when Percy entered. A smile spread across her face as she rose to greet him. “How’d it go?” She asked, giving him a small peck on the cheek.
“Without a hitch,” Percy lied. “Blackjack’s fine, he’s off to the stables right now to rest.”
“Wonderful.” Annabeth’s smile made Percy feel guilty for lying to her, but he told himself that she didn’t need to be concerned for him. If SHIELD ever decided that they needed him, then he’d cross that bridge when it came time. But for now, as far as Annabeth would know, everything was fine. “Come on, I know you might be tired, but you have your final tomorrow and I want to test you.”
Percy let her lead him to the couch while she quizzed him on Marine Biology. Soon, the thought of SHIELD left his head as he started worrying about his final tomorrow and reassuring Annabeth that she would do fine and that she didn’t need to be worried.
On the other side of California, Nick Fury was looking up research on Greek Mythology. He looked down at the two files that sat next to him. One was Percy Jackson’s file, filled with every school he had attended, who his friends were, even if he had a dental plan.
Next to Percy’s file sat another, thicker file. This one had the SHIELD logo stamped across the front.
And underneath it were the words AVENGERS INITIATIVE.
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breg21 · 5 years
Ladynoir Month: Community Service
So, I didn't get back home later than expected and I'm like 'danggg.' but I'm home and everything is set up to resume to normal for sure tomorrow! Ugh, I can't wait to get back into the groove of everything.
Thank you so much for your patience!
School had just ended for the day and things were starting to go back to normal for the first time in over a month.
For the first time in a long time, the city felt, well like a city again, people having conversations, drivers yelling at other drivers. It was odd, but people could feel free to express all their emotions again, not just the negative ones. There was a sense of peace amongst anger, sadness, and so many other emotions that have been almost banned to have for fear of it being taken advantage of.
The walk home was nice, as Marinette and Adrien were greeted to his mother having her normal coffee and passion fruit macaroon. It turned out that being semi dead for three years leaves one with one heck of a sweet tooth.
Sadly, that joy was cut off when Marinette's earrings began chirping. Grabbing her boyfriend's, hand they rushed upstairs and transformed, finding a message had shown up on their devices.
It was from Master Fu and it was a text. "Miracle box was broken into, only one miraculous gone. Butterfly."
Horror struck both Chat and Ladybug. Master Fu had the miracle box for the week so he could reset it to something that would blend in better with Marinette's room. A sort of camouflage. Never did they think this could happen. Just who could have known, and who would even want such a thing.
They had to find out and soon.
They just couldn't do this again so soon after all they had endured.
Over the next week, the two superheroes had their work cut out for them. They had been facing Akuma after Akuma, about an average of three per day if they had their count correct.
The city was once again struck by terror and they didn't know what to do. So many of them were just getting used to the idea of feeling safe again.
That was why Ladybug was zipping to her school over an hour late, just to make it to her next class on time. When she got there she figured the locker rooms would be deserted so she popped in through the windows and let out an exhausted "Spots off."
She nearly had a moment to breathe, when she heard a large thud come from behind her.
A shiver was sent up her spine as she slowly turned around.
Alya. Off all people, it was her best friend with the entire blog dedicated to her.
"I hate you." Alya back peddled immediately. "Not like actually hate you, I just hate me for not figuring this out, I mean girl you don't even change your hair, would it kill you to try a ponytail or something. I mean, now that I see it it's the only thing I'm gonna see all night. Am I rambling, I think I'm rambling now. Oh my gosh, I'm becoming you, wait, is that another power I don't know about, are you turning me into a Ladybug clone?"
"Alya! First things first," Marinette shouted, cutting off her best friend's mile long sentence. She almost laughed, had she not been so tired. "No, I can fix, heal, and zip. Second, this stays off the blog."
At that, her best friend gave a small pout, "Come on, LB, you know how much I've wanted this, years, literally years."
Marinette then walked over to her best friend and whispered a single sentence in her ear, a sentence she hoped she would never have to use, but this was serious.
There was a look of shock on her face. "My dad told me the footage was deleted in the Akuma attack."
Marinette gave her a shifty smile in response. "I would never leak it, trust me, I would never do that to you, but let's just say those Ladybug can't restore everything, that footage though, was something they couldn't even think about. I'm scarred for life. I erased the footage myself but… I can't unsee that I mean how did you even-"
Alya lifted her hands in defeat, an obvious white flag for a truce. "Alright, I get it. I'm not handing out tips here. I won't tell, but know, I have something to tell you. You're not the only super I think I know the identity to, and don't worry it's not Adrien."
Marinette's eyes bludged at that. "What, how did you know!?"
The blogger laughed, shaking her head with a roll of her shoulders. "Girl, I drew him as Chat like three years ago, and he's dating Ladybug and I know you don't cheat. No, have you noticed how quiet it's been in the past week?"
Marinette titled her head to the side in lieu of a shrug. "Well, actually I've been knee deep in Akumas, so I've been sleeping through all my classes."
"Yeah well that's not new, what is new is the lack of drama in class. No drama means…"
Her eyes almost popped out of her eye sockets when it dawned on her. "Oh my gosh, Lila's the new Hawkmoth."
Alya brought her finger to her nose. "Bingo." Her hands went to her hips as she thought over something. "Boy, it took you three years to find out the original Hawkmoth, and now it only took a week and some days, with my help." A lopsided smirk fell onto her lips. "You're welcome."
"I have to hand it to you, you're really good at this, Alya."
She sent her best friend a sour look. "Wow, it's almost like I'm an investigative journalist or something."
"Says the girl that thought Chloe was Ladybug." The young designer sighed. "Okay smart alet, what are we gonna do then?"
Alya lost herself in a deep thought before releasing a toothy grin. "What can you do to the person who speaks only in lies? You let them think they believe you."
Marinette blinked once. "Okay, not only was that cheesy but now I'm tired and confused."
Alya pressed her hands on Marinette's shoulders. "LB, I have a plan."
"You're not gonna let that nickname go ar-"
"No. No, I am not. Also, I'd like to think I've gotten better since my Chloe days."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Aly's."
Chat looked to Ladybug and Rena as they stood atop the middle of the tower. "Are you sure you can handle this Alya? I mean this plan is great and all, but you really are putting a lot on yourself."
Rena took in a gulp of air, trying her best, from what Chat could tell, to sound confident, but he could still hear the uneasiness in her voice. "Yeah, I mean how hard can it be, stop the supervillain and save the day, single-handedly. Yeah," She nodded to herself. "I've got this. Just consider it a community service."
She looked down to see Lila's latest victim running mad around the square. "I've got this!" Her voice echoed as her, Chat, and Ladybug all landed on the ground in front of the creature. "What's a matter, Lila? Lying to students doesn't give you a thrill anymore, you have to resort to the whole city now?!"
The Akuma looked confused until a voice spoke for it. "You know, that outfit never really did fit you. You just don't have the figure for it like I did. But if you must know. No, I got tired of all those little brats and their little problems and before poor little Hawkmoth took a dive, he promised me I would have a place above this city and now I finally have it."
"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Ladybug shouted to the Akuma victim.
The Akuma began to shake before lunging at ladybug knocking her flat on the ground.
"Ladybug!" Chat shouted, but he just barely dodged the Akumas next attack as it swung wide, nearly taking Rena out in the process.
Lila was obviously thrilled with how everything was coming to pass, taunting them almost gleefully through the akuma. "I can't tell if you're tired from all the attacks, or if Hawkmoth took your fighting skills with him."
Chat wasn't having it. He lunged forward, only to get smacked back into the tower.
Rena looked back to see both Ladybug and Chat out cold.
Chat looked to Ladybug high above the scene. "Do you think this is gonna work?"
Ladybug let out a joyful breath. "So far it's working like a charm. I mean look at them. They're so realistic. She even got down your little Chat walk. No, she's got this. All we have to do is wait for Lila to spring the trap and then we put a stop to all this. Never thought illusions could look so real."
Chat let his legs kick freely as he tried everything not to ask what was on his mind.
"How do you know she won't tell. Don't get me wrong, I know Alya is a great person, but I also know she's well… Alya. How can we know she won't put this on the Ladyblog?"
Ladybug gave him a playful kiss on the cheek. "Simple my kitty, I know what her and Nino did in the panther cage."
There was a look of shock on his face. "Do, do I even want to-"
"No, no you definitely do not."
"But maybe just a little bit?"
"I said no! They were nothing to me, nobody has ever been! Not my father, not my so called friends, nobody! So why should I care what I do?! Nobody has ever cared enough to stay in my life so why should I care when in another year I'll just pack up and start it all over again!"
Rena had to hold back her emotions and keep to the plan. "Ah so what, did the spoiled brat move too many times, cry me a river. You've been here for thee years know and never once have you gotten that through your head. Have you ever thought the reason you had to move so much was because of you?! You can only do so much before a school doesn't take you back. No wonder your mother moved so much. I'm surprised she could find a school that would take you!"
That was it. That was the straw that broke the cames back.
The ground below them cracked open as Lila came rising up on a hoard of butterflies.
"That's enough!"
The Akuma flew out of the victim's hands and back to it's master. "This city is filled with fear regret, loss. Yet, none of them can even defeat the B-Rate superhero in front of me. No wonder Gaberial was so disappointed in them. The black butterfly flew directly into the broach giving Lila her powers causing her skin to emanate a sickly purple glow.
"For all those ridiculous costumes he gave his minions, he never even had enough imagination to try his powers on himself with his miraculous. With Ladybug and Chat out for the count, you're all that remains between me and keeping this power, keeping this control."
Lila stretched out her arms as a wave of energy burst forth, knocking Rena back against the tower right next to the unconscious Chat and Ladybug.
Rena held her gut in pain as she looked up as high as she could. "Now!"
The Ladybug and Chat laying next to her vanished as the real heroes descended from above wrapping Lila in Ladybug's indestructible yoyo as Chat ripped the broach from her dark dress, fingers curling around the object that had caused so many nightmares. "Ladybug, I give you the honor."
Chat whipped the dark miraculous at Ladybug as she pulled the string from around Lila, catching the broach with ease.
"Time to de-evilise once and for all!" When the broach left the yoyo, Chat snatched it without a second thought, making sure to take great care of the small object.
Master Fu and Plagg were right, there would always be a new villain, but the time for Nooroo to be abused was over. He would never be used evil again.
The rest, they would figure out together.
It didn't take long after her defeat for the authorities to show up on the scene.
With Rena having to recharge Trixx, Ladybug and Chat stayed behind to talk to the police.
Ladybug had a sad look upon her face when the police showed up. "Officer, I know she's troubled, but she's just that, troubled. I don't want her to have to be locked up. There must be some reason why she is like this. Please make sure she gets the proper help."
Because in the end, Ladybug would always believe that there was some good in people.
When the sun had set and the city died down the three showed up on Master Fu's doorstep with Nooroo in tow.
With a heavy heart Master Fu opened the door and let the three in. "I see Ms. Rena has discovered who is behind the mask?"
At that, Alya gave a shy wave adding. "Knew Chat for a while actually. Not too hard with his cheekbones."
He gave a little laugh at that causing tensions to drop just a little. Before anyone could utter another word Nooroo flew out of Adrien;'s hands and into Master Fu's. "I am so sorry this has happened to you Nooroo. I think perhaps, it's time to retire the butterfly Miraculous, just for a time being. I just never thought it would come to this." He gave a single nod to the little creature asking for its consent.
Replying with a nod of his own, Nooroo flew back into the butterfly broach as Master Fu placed it in the center of the Miracle box, after a small whisper to what seemed like the box itself the room was filled with a bright light and the broach no longer present in the box.
"What just happened? Adrien asked.
Master Fu looked at the three. "Inside the box, there is a realm that only the Kwami's themselves can visit, and the little objects they take with them. Upon telling them the situation, the remaining Kwami's agreed it would be best to keep the Butterfly Miraculous in there for a time, as to let Nooroo heal, and to make sure the next time it is used is for the better and not worse."
Ladybug smiled. "Good." she nodded. "He needs his rest."
Rena called off Trixx, unclasping her necklaces, and handed it back to Master Fu. "I guess that's my cue to leave. Catch you later." She winked and slipped quietly out the door.
Ladybug felt the weight lifted from her shoulders in a matter of seconds with the fact that it was all over and moved to wrap her arms around Chat's waist, his own automatically fell to her own, and looked to the elder man. "So, my lessons start this Saturday then?"
Master Fu nodded. "Six am sharp. We have a lot to cover in a short of amount for you to become the next guardian."
She gave a low sigh. "I'll be there."
Chat snorted. "I'll make sure she gets here."
She turned her head to face her boyfriend and sent a harsh glare. "Don't gotta rub it in."
He poked her cheek. "But it's so fun."
She rolled her eyes, and loosened herself from the overgrown cat and strolled out of the shop, bidding Master Fu a goodbye and becking Chat to follow, not that she needed to do much calling for him to do that on his own accord.
He followed her anywhere, and she was never fearful that it would be anything different. She knew who they were and who they always would be. No matter the evil butterfly that may appear, or a completely new villain. They could handle anything.
They would find a way.
"So, bugaboo, I know that whole community service was just an off handed comment, but it got me thinking…"
Well, not maybe not everything. But she could deal with an overzealous kitty.
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The colors in BTS’ works - a noob study
I tried to see if there was anything worth analyzing about the colors and here’s what I came up with. As the title implies, I have no knowledge in color theory nor any observation skill so take it with a grain of salt and don’t hesitate to correct me if you see something wrong^^
When I talk about the main color of a video, I don’t mean it’s the only color used, I just mean that it’s the color that appears the most. It’s obviously completely subjective. Same goes with the identification of the colors: whether it’s a greyish blue or a bluish grey is up to everyone. Again if you disagree, don’t hesitate to tell me!
I’ll mainly focus on the MVs Lumpens worked on since they did the majority of the videos, including the BU ones. GDW did almost all the other MVs, they are usually a bit darker and more action-focused, think “Dope,” “Not Today,” or “Mic Drop”.
I also won’t talk about the Japanese MVs but usually, they have the same color pattern as the Korean version.
There’ll be five parts:
The creation of the world
The red string of fate
The Butterfly dream
The temptation of the Green Fairy
Finding New Neverland, namely accepting the world
The creation of the world
If there’s one dominant color in 2 Cool 4 Skool, it’s black. Be it the boys’ outfits, the background or the lighting, everything is mainly black. And it’s the case in the MVs and the photo concept. They just wear some gold accessories.
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In O!RUL8,2? it’s the white that dominates. Interestingly, the two comeback trailers announcing this album start with black as the main color but end with white, like to make the transition between the two albums.
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We can consider the boys are associated with the black color (2 Cool 4 Skool and their black uniform in O!RUL8,2?) while the outside world is white. They rebel against this world in “N.O” and win.
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However, against all odds, they don’t turn the world in black, they themselves turn in white but with hip-hop outfits and gold accessories, like a white version of their 2 Cool 4 Skool selves. Where the black uniform seems to represent the world trying to force its ideal on the boys, to mold them to its convenience, the white hip-hop outfit could be the boys accepting the outside world without losing their soul, the white cover them like a second skin without hurting their core, namely hip-hop.
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Now that black and white are at peace, they can coexist in Skool Luv Affair and Dark & Wild. Other colors will also start appearing, but everything remains quite monochromatic. The only notable color is the light/greyish-yellow, coming mostly from the lighting. Skool Luv Affair also has hints of green in reference to the chalkboard.
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While we’re here, doesn’t “Danger” feels like the night version of “Just One Day”? In both, the boy is asking for the girl’s company but one is all black and the other is all white.
In parallel to those albums, we got two concerts: The Red Bullet and BTS Begins. The VCRs follow the aesthetic of an almost monochromatic world with low luminosity and a lot of black. The only exception is the outside scenes in BTS Begins when they all go to school and that have slightly more vivid colors - possibly because it is the outside world that they haven’t explored yet (but they will during 화양연화).
The concept photos also follow this idea. First black, then white, then the two together, then colors. From 2 Cool 4 Skool to 화양연화 Pt.2 we have:
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The world stopped being a blinding white for the boy in black who’s now standing in a yellow desert.
The red string of fate
There’s one color I haven’t mentioned until now but that still appeared in a significant way: red.
Since this part is a bit long, I’ll rather redirect you toward A study in red, an old post I rewrote for the occasion.
To make it short, the theme the boys question during an era (happiness, love temptation...) has often a red color.
The boys alone in the desert finds a red string. He starts to follow it, hoping it will lead him to the sea.
The butterfly dream
They finished school and are ready to discover the other colors existing in the world. This way Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa doesn’t have a dominant hue but rather a more or less bright color palette.
What retained my attention was the green and the blue.
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Note that I’m probably influenced by the Peter Pan references making me associate green with Peter himself and Neverland and “Sea” where the lyrics explain that the boys are searching for a sea in the desert.
So let’s rather just say the boys explore the outside world and so there are many colors.
One exception to this explosion of colors is “Save Me” with its grey tone. However, in the Concept Book, there’s a note saying “Save Me 화양연화 Pt.0.” And indeed the videos before 화양연화 had also a grey tone so it would actually connect well.
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As You Never Walk Alone is the events between 화양연화 and WINGS, I’ll put it here. We still have a palette of colors, maybe slightly paler.
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But the MVs have a dominant tone this time: green for “Spring Day,” pink for “Not Today.” I won’t detail “Not Today,” but you can consider its color like the pink of AWAKE or the purple of “Boy Meets Evil”
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Interestingly, this green color is associated with the motel Omelas. And I just said we had a green Neverland in 화양연화. We could thus consider that the Omelas the boys are about to leave is the Neverland from 화양연화, the paradise where they thought they could stay young forever.
Where it gets beautiful is that the scenes outside have two main colors, yellow and blue, which mixed make green and that can also be connected with the yellow of the desert and the blue of the sea.
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As they have blue and yellow maybe they can try to mix them to find back the happiness from Omelas/Neverland? Sidenote: in the NOW 3 in Chicago Dreaming Days, there’s a part called New Neverland and shot in a park with lots of green and blue. It tends to validate the idea above.
The boy found a green oasis on his path, but it’s not the blue sea he’s searching for.
The temptation of the Green Fairy
So actually the outside world isn’t all that great. Black makes its comeback but it doesn’t represent the boys anymore, it could represent the hostile world, the bad sides of life.
The Short Films are a good example. Four are mainly black: BEGIN, STIGMA, FIRST LOVE, and REFLECTION. LIE and MAMA are white with a hint of blue (sidenote: J-Hope and Jimin are a 화양연화 pair). AWAKE is blue. If we consider each short film as a step in the Demian progression, we can find an explanation:
the four black ones (Suga, RM, V, Jungkook) are still wandering between youth and adulthood, lost
the blue one (Jin) has reached adulthood, namely the blue sea. Note that considering the light blue of the room and the possibility Jin is the bird from Demian, we could also see it as a blue sky, the one you fly through to reach Abraxas.
J-Hope has almost reached the AWAKE stage so he has a white background with a blue pajama. Jimin lies and pretends he’s also near the final stage when actually he’s not.
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We have a possible epilogue to J-Hope’s progression in “Boy Meets Evil.”
“Boy Meets Evil” is neither red (temptation) nor blue (AWAKE stage), it’s purple, right between the two. In the same idea, the hallway Jin crosses in AWAKE is pale pink so it seems that before reaching the final stage, you have to go through this pink/purple/red path.
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“Blood, Sweat & Tears” (and the concert trailer for The Wings Tour actually) seems to be the same thing, but for the remaining boys. The temptation appears in hues of red and purple. And we even have a blue room, like in AWAKE.
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But now let’s talk about the elephant in the room.
There’s green in “Blood, Sweat & Tears”. Like a ton of green. So much green, Jungkook actually mentioned it in the Episode.
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You may remember I named this part “The temptation of the Green Fairy”. Green Fairy is one of the names used to designate Absinthe, the green liquid RM drinks in the MV. Basically, it’s associated with decadence, death, and poets.
So it seems this time the green color isn’t related to Neverland/Omelas/Youth but to the theme of the album, namely temptation. But why the change then? Usually, they have the red color for the theme of the album.
It’s just my guess but since another theme of WINGS is the end of youth, it could be that the boys are too old for Neverland and so it becomes toxic for them: they have to let go of their childhood (and find the New Neverland/Blue Sea).
Red is the general idea of temptation - think about the red apple - while green would be the temptation to live in the past - funny for a time travel story, isn’t it?
The boy misses the green oasis, he wants to step back rather than searching for the sea.
Finding New Neverland, namely accepting the world
And finally, we reach Love Yourself era. While it’s pretty clear all the colors are brighter than in any other era, it’s hard to find dominant ones. Be it the Highlight Reels or Euphoria, we have a color palette like during HYYH, probably meaning the boys are exploring the outside world.
But it seems yellow and blue are slightly more present in the MVs for the main tracks. You can also think about the blue mold and the yellow blanket in “Serendipity”.
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They accept to renounce to the green and to rather live in a world with yellow and blue, namely the desert and the sea. Like they accept to love themselves no matter how imperfect they are, they accept the world.
The last hints of green are in “Serendipity” and “Epiphany”. In the first one, it’s probably a remaining illusion. Tear proved Her is a lie:
the black “Singularity” invalidated the green “Serendipity”. They’re still trying to escape the world of temptations like in WINGS
“FAKE LOVE” going from the blue sea to the yellow desert invalidated the illusion from “DNA” where blue and yellow existed together
The green in “Epiphany” is most likely Jin's last attempt to change the past: the current time is grey, it turns green when Jin travels back in time and goes back to grey when he reaches the same future. I said it’s his last attempt because at the end when he goes out, the colors stay grey and it fits with the lyrics.
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As this time they accepted their destiny, it seems the yellow and blue co-existing in “IDOL” is for real this time.
The boy found the blue sea. He doesn’t hate the yellow desert anymore. He has reached the New Neverland.
As a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll use an ugly one for my conclusion:
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Nota Bene: it’s interesting to consider those colors based on the Teageuk. The red is associated with the negative cosmic energies and the Earth: it’s the dystopian world from where the boys started. The blue is associated with positive energies and Heaven: it’s the ocean the boys dream to reach. Yellow represents humanity: the boys are in the desert and eventually they realize it’s from this desert that the ocean comes from. Combining the yellow humanity with the blue hope gives green, which represents youth in Bangtan’s works according to the WINGS Concept Book.
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