#I’m also not too good at drawing dresses and didn’t feel like putting a lot of effort into this so excuse that
venomousautism · 1 year
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Metamy doodle because finals r kicking my ass xp
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teopatra · 1 year
~ choose a meme for a channeled message // this is not a tarot reading .. happy Virgo season and happy Mercury RX 🥵 feel free to choose multiple groups-
Why do ppl love/hate u ??
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Group 1 : si or yes
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People do not know how to read you. The decision most people would immediately jump on you take the time to consider and really weigh your options. People hate that about you bc they think you’re too good but it’s lowkey a subtle flex bc it shows you have options. People feel like you get too many chances or things come to easy for you and almost like it’s not fair like you always win. If it’s a situation where you always win people feel like you don’t even try. For example at school it can be a random drawing and your name can get called in an assembly or in the morning announcements and people know you didn’t even try and they put so much energy into hoping they’d get it. 😂
Folks pay a lot attention to you bc you always seem so oblivious yet you’re so rational. You say the most intelligent things and overall you make people feel stupid because a lot of times people assume you’re slow or have dumb blonde energy when half the time you’re not even paying attention. But the other half of the time when you seem like you’re not paying attention you actually are you’re just very strategic. Life is like a game of chess for you and this can make others feel like you’re sneaky or have the intention to one up them by using information when it’s convenient for you. You give non chalant energy but not in a rude way in a calm at peace type of way. People leave you out because you make them realize they’re lowkey thirsty or pick Me’s since you don’t jump at every opportunity like they would, but you teach others about the vastness of life by being patient. Others see you as abundant and before you come into peoples lives even if you’re not close to them they see things as very black and white, this or that, left or right, but you being a multi faceted perspective energy to things. I’m getting mutable energy especially gemini, or heavy Jupiter energy or aspects to your Jupiter or 9th house.
People do love that you kind of don’t care about things BUT YOU DO😂 people really don’t understand you, but the crazy thing is with you it’s what you see is what you get but people swear that you’re hiding something or people may ask you what’s wrong a lot and you’re like nothing????? You don’t have the typical type of resting face it’s more of a stare into the distance because you’re trying to remember if you unplugged your flat iron or turned off the TV before you left the house. If you’re in school you may forget about assignments or homework and end up having to do them on the bus, in the bathroom or in other classes and people hate that they’re tying to fill you in on things but you seem so preoccupied like you don’t care but girl you’re just trying to passss.
EVERYONE wants your energy meanwhile they’re all gossiping about you lowkey bc you’re so interesting and they don’t have anything better to talk about in the sense. But not bc there isn’t anything to talk about it’s just you’re so mysterious. You’re a popular loner like people will try to leave you out just to tell you about it later and you’re like 😃 ohmygosh that’s so wonderful and they’re like BIH you should be jealous like… people really wanna make you the villain. The type of look you have is very girl or guy next door but effortlessly sexy. You actually do alot of self care and you’re intentional with getting dressed but you’re subtle. It’s just a I washed my face and brushed my hair type of thing. You could have a chiseled jawline or symmetrical face. I’m seeing Reggie’s fine self from riverdale. It reminds me of the main character from clueless also how she’s very girl next door almost typical looking but still very standardly pretty. Don’t get me wrong you’re gorgeous and you eat everybody up on your normal day to day. I feel like you actually plan to really make yourself look nice n the mornings before you go to work too but half the time you’re almost running late bc that sleep just be too good.. you focus mostly on your dental health and I see you putting drops n your hair like hair vitamins or oil so your hair must be long and light brown. OHHH you’re giving me Ariana vibes , “no tears left to cry” like people love that you’re unproblematic but that’s the problem lol who do you think you are to be so unbothered? Meanwhile you’re oblivious 😂
Signs: STRONG Scorpio, cancer, gemini, Pisces too actually all water
Side note: People love your hair and be wanting to play with it, when you flip your hair it’s smells like Garnier fructise or something like that like not the new style shampoos that smells perfumy the old type shampoos that smell fruity but still that tumblr era shampoo smell . Your hair puts people n a trance everyone stares at the back of your head when you’re not looking so keep protection crystals around or evil eye
Group 2 : eeyuh?
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People love how talkative you are; you’re funny as hell like why you be saying crazy stuff. Even teachers love you or superiors look up to you even if you’re younger. Your supervisors or older colleagues could have crushes on you because you make them feel young like you. People love your light hearted youthfulness it makes them feel comfortable being themselves. This causes people to get clingy and obsess over you. People may send you random messages through the day like when they’re at the store shopping like Ohemgee this reminds me of you haha and it’s like a notebook or some random stuff they have at 5 below and you’re thinking uhmmmm ohhhkay should I be offended orrrrr…? Lol people make themselves uncomfortable with how much they love you because everyone kinda volunteered you as tribute to be THEE it girl or HIM, and you’re like Ohemgee I’m the main character but you just keep that to yourself. People feel like bc they praise you or put you on a high pedistal that you owe THEM something 😂 it gives you wouldn’t be here without me energy almost like you’re a local celebrity and if it wasn’t for your fans that you would be a nobody. You mind your own business and sometimes you can’t get time to yourself bc someone is ALLLLLWAYS calling your name and you’ve gotten caught a few times trying to avoid people n the halls, office, target or whatever and those people feel slapped by will smith n the moment bc how dare you. Next thing you know you’re shadow banned irl by everyone. You have this very magnetic control on folks to where everyone’s energy is the EXACT SAME towards you it’s almost scary sometimes cuz you’ll think dang did someone pass away? Cuz the energy is HEAVY; you’re left confused as if you didn’t get them memo then BOOM almost as if paparazzi announced the new issue of YOU is dropping and everyone needs the scoop and now you’re bombarded at once. Angry mob vibes almost. Heavy air sign energy I’m sensing Kanye, Doja, trump even tho you prob can’t stand either of those 3 ppl the example is to show how they can have such a strange cult like following and be hated but followed at the same time.
Back to the funny thing where you end up being like the class clown bc once people get your joke which it’s not like you’re trying to be funny but you’re very theatrical in how you talk and communicate and it cracks people up and those laughs just fuel you. People hate that you’re so funny they don’t want you to stop but then they realize so much time has gone by that they’ve spent laughing at you they’re now mad bc THEY got distracted 😂 people hate how you disappear or you like to eat alone people be literally wanting to watch you eat. People hate how obsessed they get over you because they start to feel like the feeling isn’t mutual but even as outgoing as you as you tend to be a bit reserved at times especially when you’re trying to focus. You have very good time management skills and you type fast lmao. People hate how fast you finish your work and how fast you run 😂 you’re a runner you’re a track star 😂 you be runnin from people huh lol people will literally chase you like this old school Disney channel movies where the fans chase the pop star.
People love love love you but they hate how lost in time you make them feel and everyone wants to be your best friend and people may try to make it seem like you’re mixy or you’re just social for attention.You actually made yourself be social to help with your shyness or anxiety; only your close family would realize this and you almost live a double life like Kim possible or Hannah Montana where your family would be so surprised to see how much of a starrrrrr you areeee. You may like to read books or do skits; I’m hearing theatre kid or you like to sing old pop or rock n roll. I heard “that’s just the way we roll” by the Jonas brothers 🥺 I love them they’re actually having a concert n my city this week 🫶🏽😭I’m getting more Pisces and gemini vibes like group 1, also Leo and Sagittarius
Group 3 : doj
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People hatteeeee how fine you are 😂 you will catch people staring at you and you don’t know why? You also can be super tall or super strong and if you’re a workout girly people like staring at your muscles or buttocks lol . People hate to see you in the gym or gym class bc you can do so many reps OR it’s the fact that you’re not the typical type to look as strong as you actually are and there’s a saying/ word for this but I can’t remember what it is. You could be very slim or maybe more thicker or big boned and if you’re on the heavier side you’re super beautiful and people have never seen someone plus size be that beautiful. Sorry if that’s triggering but people are superficial. People hate that you look better than them even tho you’re big 😂 BIG SEXYYYYY . For my plus size girlies and gents you have a lot of confidence and everyone loves you and people hate that bc you make them feel small no pun intended but n the sense that they try to put you down maybe by making a fat joke or a skinny joke and it just makes them look lame bc you’re actually the total package you’re smart, creative, strong mentally emotionally and physically and all they can do is comment on your weight 😂 people actually wish you were their friend bc you sound so smart when you speak it makes people feel slow bc you’re very wise.
People love how you dress and they love your shoes and the bags you carry. If you get pedicures pay attention to when you get a fresh set bc I’m hearing it be looking good and people lowkey wanna copy they wait for you to get a new color. Or you have gorgeous looking feet it makes people stare it them in a weird way lmao and you may catch people staring at parts of your body even if it’s your face and they feel awkward and may try to make a 😒🥴 face because you looked at them back bc of how hard they was staring like 🙄. Your family or friends may be very well known and you’re very quiet which for some reason attract a lot of rude people to you like someone may try to cut you off in line and you call them out now they’re embarrassed. You could have to deal with confrontation a lot or have disciplinary hearings like someone was always telling on you trying to get you into trouble 😂you’re literally so quiet half the time but you also speak multiple languages so you could be part foreign and people assume you’re dumb bc you’re foreign smh.. you could be into spirituality or some associates from school or your neighborhood could have seen you in your traditional dress maybe you’re of Asian/Indian descent or you’re Muslim … if you’re into spirituality people actually watch your YT, tiktoks or listen to your tarot readings and may blame you for being right like😂 I was just trying to warn you. People really do not like you sometimes and you honestly don’t even do anything aww 🥺 PLEASEEEE don’t let this make you feel bad bc tbh your lil feelings would be hurt n the moment but after about 5 to 10 minutes you don’t even care 😂
Like you’ll go home and forget that even happened and if you are sensitive and it hurts your feelings people are threatened by you and sometimes that’s just life and both life and people can be sucky but you’re not here n this lifetime for people your here to share your research findings and your creativity/art. Especially if you’re a tarot reader, a yogi, a herbalist, spiritualist or any type of healer , you heal those who have negative energy around or towards you bc they cannot transmute the energy in their own. It’s not your job to transmute energy for others tho bc if you do that people will only become codependent off of you then turn on you. You have to build up strength and boundaries and if you have been doing so or done that already then good. People will try you sometimes and just don’t even let it get to you bc they are projecting onto you but people love your advice they just hate that it’s you giving it 😂 you really bother insecure folks
Big libra, Capricorn vibes .. also Taurus or Saturn dominants /aspected Saturn
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
I Didn't Know Where Else to Go
Requested Here!
Pairing: Jim Street x fem!reader
Summary: You lose your keys during a rainstorm and can only think of one place to go.
Warnings: pure fluff | Word Count: 1.2k+ words
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing Street, so he is probably OOC. I actually really enjoyed it, so I'm absolutely open to keep writing for him if anyone has more requests. I'd also love to hear any feedback you have!!🤍
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As you park your car, the rainstorm stalled over Los Angeles goes from bad to worse. What started as a steady sprinkle is now a torrential downpour, and you have to run from your car to the front door. Sighing, you watch the water coat your windshield.
“Sunny Los Angeles, huh?” you mutter, reaching for your bag.
Sliding your hand into the pocket where you keep your house key, you only feel the fabric of the pocket. Frowning, you pull your bag open further, tipping your head forward to look inside. Your key has vanished, it seems, and you have no idea where it could be.
Sitting back in your seat, you try to think of a place where you can go. The roads had begun to flood as you drove home, a downfall of living in a city not used to continuous rain. Unwilling to travel more than a few miles, you check the time before backing out of your driveway.
There is only one place you can think to go.
Sliding your bag onto your arm, you take a deep breath and open the car door, rushing up the driveway and onto the porch. When you’re under a covering again, your hair and clothes are soaked and dripping onto the concrete below you. Shivering slightly, you tighten your grip on your bag and raise your hand to knock, whispering a request for someone to answer the door.
After a moment, there's no answer, and you take a step back. Turning around, you look out into the rain as you pull your phone from your bag, scrolling through your contacts and failing to find anyone you can call.
You hear your name and turn around quickly, sighing when you see Jim standing in his open doorway.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” you admit quietly, glancing down at your sopping wet shoes. “But-“
“Come in. I’ll grab you some dry clothes,” Jim says, cutting you off before you can apologize or offer to leave.
“Thank you.”
Stopping just inside his door, you stand by the wall and wait.
“You good?”
Raising your head, you see Street looking at you intently. Jim has never been easy to lie to, and he cares about you. He’s your best friend, that’s why you came here.
“Yeah, I’m okay. I lost my house key and didn’t realize until I got there. Didn’t know where else to go,” you repeat.
Jim nods before disappearing around a corner. He returns a moment later with dry clothes and a towel in his arms. Extending them to you, he fails to hide his smile as he asks, “You want to use the bathroom or change right here? I don’t mind either way.”
You roll your eyes, setting your bag on the floor while you point out, “I’m going to get water everywhere on the way.”
Jim lays a hand on your shoulder, pushing you forward a few steps before saying, “Too late. If you want to shower or anything, go ahead.”
“Thank you,” you say over your shoulder.
After you close the bathroom door, you peel your wet clothes and shoes off, dropping them in the bathtub before drying off. After dressing in Street’s clothes, you take a minute to enjoy the feeling. Being close to Jim has always been comfortable, but this is different, and if you’re honest with yourself, you like it. A lot.
Jim knocks on the door, drawing your attention away from his clothes.
“You can put your clothes in the dryer when you’re ready. Need anything else?”
Opening the door, you smile as his eyes move down your body and back up to your face.
“I’m good, Jim. Thank you, you’ve already done more than enough.”
“I’m making coffee,” Jim says, looking away from you quickly. “Want anything?” You don’t have a chance to answer before he adds, “I thought so. I’ll make your favorite.”
Watching him walk away, you furrow your eyebrows. Jim Street can be act strange at times, you know that, but this is unusual even for him.
After putting your clothes in the dryer, you walk to the kitchen and stop in the doorway.
“Do you- should I leave? I can find somewhere else to go,” you say quietly.
“Of course not,” Jim replies, turning to set a steaming mug before you. “Sorry.”
Shrugging, you run your finger over the rim of the mug. “For what? You’re helping me, Jim.”
“Yeah, I mean, I know that, and I’ll always be here to help you. But- I’m just sorry if I’m making this weird.”
Jim’s eyes drop, his gaze catching on your neck, where his shirt rests against your skin. Thinking – hoping – that he’s thinking the same thing you are, you take a step closer to him. Taking his hand, you raise it between you before looking up at him.
“Maybe you should make it weird,” you tease.
“I’m glad you didn’t know where else to go.” You narrow your eyes, and Jim chuckles, adding, “You know what I mean.”
Smiling, you drop your joined hands and take one more step, tilting your chin up and leaning in.
“Is this okay?” you ask.
Jim nods quickly, and you move your free hand to his jaw, gently pulling him to you. Just before your lips meet, the power flickers before shutting off. You don’t stop, though, too invested in Jim and this moment.
Jim grabs your waist, tugging you against him as he kisses you. He pulls back suddenly, and you lean against him before opening your eyes.
“Do you…” you begin, trailing off.
“Sit down. Please.”
He steps away from you, turning back into the kitchen while you walk to his couch, taking your drink with you. Sitting alone, you take a few sips before Jim joins you. He hands you a blanket before setting a tray of snacks and candles on the table before you.
“Romantic,” you hum.
“Careful,” Jim warns. “You don’t even have clothes right now.”
You laugh, quieting as he sits beside you. Unfolding the blanket, you spread it over both of your laps.
“Thank you, Jim,” you say again, leaning your head against his shoulder.
“You know, when Luca told me I was in love with you I almost didn’t believe him.”
“Your friends had to tell you that? I’ve known for months.”
Street pulls the blanket off of you to set it to the side, and as you begin to ask what he’s doing, he grabs your hips and tugs you toward him, flipping you so you’re facing him. Catching yourself on his shoulders, you rise to your knees on either side of his legs.
“I know it’s your job, but I wasn’t resisting,” you mumble.
“You certainly weren’t,” Jim replies, smiling as he sets his hands on your hips.
Thunder rumbles in the distance, and you think you could stay here forever. You look over his head to the rain-streaked window.
“Hey,” Jim calls, waiting until you look back down at him to kiss you again.
He pulls the blanket over you, covering both of your heads. You break the kiss in surprise at his actions, and he tugs you to lay against him as his chuckles mix with your pleased laugh.
“I’m glad I didn’t know where else to go, too,” you say.
“And now you’ll have to stay here until you can replace your key. A pity.”
“Trust me, I know. It will be hard to cope,” you reply, playing along. “There’s only one thing that will make it manageable.”
“Me?” Jim asks happily. “Because I’ll always be here.”
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For any of your OCs
🌖 - What is your OC’s favorite scent? Is it nostalgic? 
🌗 - How much does your OC care for their appearance? Are they vain? Are they well-dressed or strictly utilitarian?  
🌘 - Write a flowery description about an aspect of your OC: appearance, personality, past experiences, etc. 
🌑 - Hint at your OC’s darkest secret. 
🌒 - Under what circumstances is your OC their most genuine self? 
Thank you for the asks @casp1an-sea & @firowisteria appreciate it sm!
Ya’ll are probably so tired of seeing Emma, I’m sorry but I'm literally an Oc artist, what can I say?? (This is a bit of a long one, I hope you like reading! Don’t worry there are pictures too lol! 🖼 I spent a lot of energy on all of these, my brain is very soupy rn tbh)
Ask #1:
🌖 — Sea Salt & Hibiscus Flowers . . .
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(I’ll fix the coloring on this one later, I literally didn’t see how much of his colors I actually failed to put in until now. Fixed it 🙃 — Also why are reptiles so much harder to draw than mammals???)
🌗 — Sincerly Emma will throw on anything that feels comfortable. Most times it’s not even her’s. Although in public she dresses better than she feels. Sometimes you’ll see her walking around with sun glasses just to hide the bags under her eyes.
(This is just a sketch so we’ll see if I get around to finishing it later. I was struggling because Emma is supposed to be a lot taller but I didn’t measure the proportions very well. I was just trying to figure out how to draw a gosh darn grocery cart!)
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🌘 — Emma is truthfully just doing her best. I don’t know how else to put it. She puts all the world’s problems on her shoulders and expects very little in return. At the end of the day she knows bad things will happen, but as long as they happen to her she doesn’t mind all that much.
She’s constantly throwing herself at problems just to keep her friends and family safe. Her worst fear is letting her team down and she likes to beat herself up if anyone where to get hurt on her watch. She’s had a lot of hospital visits and bed rest days if you know what I mean. But at the end of the day she’s still a very sad individual and isolates herself from everyone.
(It’s partially the Maned Wolf in her, they aren’t really pack animals if that makes sense)
Ofc Emma has a team that loves and cares about her, and in a way they’re like her family aside from the A.S.A. She’d do anything for them. I think it’s just a matter of not wanting to be in their way. She hates being selfish, but sometimes just a hug can heal the day’s strains.
🌑 — . . . ❤️‍🩹
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(My babiesssss)
🌒 — When Emma is with her team nothing can stop her . . .
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(I wonder if they’ll notice how I didn’t mention anything about Kwazii . . .)
Ask #2:
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This is such a good question, I’m not joking! Thank you so much for asking @firowisteria !!! Also I believe what they are referring to is the branches of the A.S.A. so let’s get into it.
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C.L.A.D.E. — Justice/Legal Department
S.O.S. — Coast Gaurd/Aerial Protection
S.S.Jade — Forest Conservation
R.S.R. — Animal Rahabilitation/Reserves, Search and Rescue
The Octonauts — Ocean Safegaurding
Thank you again for the asks! That is now 5/8 of the original asks done! Phew! Thank you to everyone who continues to send stuff in, it may take a long time to put each one together but it’s still very fun for me! Have a wonderful day and here’s a cookie for those who made it this far! 🍪
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
Hhhhdhdgshgd I’m very shy abt them but I’m gonna be brave since a couple of y’all were curious!! :’> here they are!!
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There’s four of em and their names are Maisie, Lacey (short for Shoelace), Crowbar and Junior. They were born tiny, hairless and wrinkly and developed the ability to zoom around and track smells before they managed to open their eyes so they start terrorizing Jimmy Two Teeth before they can even see him, they’re like a horrible mix of naked mole rats and piranhas lmaoooo
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Also here is the first drawing I ever did of them :’)
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When I was designing them I felt like there were already so many fankids out there that are a really perfect fusion of both of Sam and Max’s looks, and I wasn’t crazy about trying to do it myself so I just made an army of little maxlets. The Maxlings, if you will! But I did give them longer tails in later drawings and Crowbar has floppy ears like Sam, so they didn’t completely skip his genes jfkhsgs ^^; I have planned out how they came to be but I’ll probably put that in a different post (maybe I’ll even write a little thing for it teehee that might be fun). But I can describe them a little here!!
Maisie is the oldest (as in the first one to be found, they weren’t really born in the traditional sense so \_:p_/) and she just really loves sharp objects lmao. She is mostly non-verbal, but in kind of a Ferb way where she’ll occasionally throw out a cryptic one-liner and mostly remain silent with kind of an ominous stare. Her sisters and brother are completely unfazed by this and have absolutely no fear of her, but she loves being scary to everyone else. She constantly seems like she’s about to commit an act of incredible violence but she doesn’t like to be caught doing it, so it’s all off-screen. She feels like it’s scarier that way. Max is very proud of her.
Lacey (Shoelace, because she used one as a teething toy as a baby which is baffling because neither of her dads wear shoes where did it come from??) is one of the middle kids. She likes dressing up and bounces around between masc and femme and both and neither. She also likes chatting a mile a minute with Crowbar, and she’s less of a twig than her sisters. Later in life she might try and get a lil buff like Sam. She mostly likes to go along with her sisters’ ideas because her head is pretty empty a lot of the time, and she’s slightly less inclined to jump to violence than they are. But only slightly. She also maybe picks up Sam’s habit of grabbing random items.
Crowbar is the other middle kid and fairly precocious. She’s the first one to unlock language capabilities (I have a comic about that I can post later!), and she loves trying to imitate Sam’s vocabulary. Not that she’s, like, good at it yet, but she’s trying lmao. She’s always very cheerful and bouncy and probably the most likely to cry a little if something goes wrong, but also frequently swings back around to bouncy happy and tends to forget whatever upset her immediately. She swings violently back and forth between having zero thoughts and being head full many thoughts that she has to babble loudly all at once.
And Junior is the youngest, the smallest, the baby of the family. He’s very shy and sensitive, and his sisters are like his own personal bodyguards lmao. He has a lot of sensory issues that his dads make sure to help him with, like getting him soft clothes and a noise cancelling beanie (bc he ears not really suited to headphones) and shooting out overhead lights when they’re too bright for him hdkdhshs. He also likes napping in Sam’s pockets and under his hat and Max loves carrying him around like the baby he is. He’s also a creative little dude and he likes drawing (and also eating the crayons afterward).
All four of them are little goblins who have no concept of morality (like even Junior, he may be skittish but he still condones violence and chaos hdkdhshs) and will eat almost anything. They are truly their fathers’ children shjfjjdgdjshsh, and speaking of which Sam and Max are thrilled to have them around and completely obsessed with them hehe. They pretty much just carry on with their cases like usual except now they have a small pack of land piranhas that they can sic on difficult suspects lmaoooo
And I have some more sketches of them I can post, too!! So I’ll probably bounce back and forth between that and the virtues for a bit hehe :>
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holy-hysteria · 1 year
I’ve seen a lot of headcannons on the Sinclair brothers in high school and here’s my take on them:
Bo Sinclair
I don’t think Bo was popular AT ALL.
He’s the kid that gets in fights all the time, disrespectful to teachers + peers, and just doesn’t give a shit whatsoever about anything.
He’s super smart though. He never does his work but he understands what’s going on. I think he was a naturally gifted kid, didn’t have to try in school to get good grades, probably could have been in the top of his class. He probably tried to use his grades when he was younger to get his parents attention but when that didn’t happen, he just gave up.
Along with being smart, I think he’s also pretty good at art too. I feel like if Trudy gave Bo as much attention as she gave Vincent and his art, Bo could have been just as good as Vincent. But since Trudy neglected Bo and his interests, he kinda gave up on it. Thought that it really wasn’t good enough.
His favorite class was probably math. I know most people would think shop but i really think he’d like math.
I think he did play sports in high school, or at least tried to. His temper got him kicked off most of the teams. Out of all the sports he played though, I think he probably enjoyed wrestling. It was a sport where he could get on the mat and all he had to focus on for a few minutes was getting a pin and scoring points. No thoughts about home or his parents, just the sport.
He probably didn’t have many girlfriends in high school. I feel like his whole demeanor in school kind out girls off so he didn’t get much action till high school was over.
I think the one teacher to actually like him was the librarian. The librarian probably knew about how Vincent was favorited and they felt like he was misunderstood. He probably ate lunch in there too since it was quiet and no one was around. He’d even help shelf books and things like that.
I don’t think Bo really had friends. Sure he’d hangout with the douchebag jocks, but it was never more than being friendly and cracking a joke here and there.
Probably started smoking bc of them.
Wanted to be an electrician and would read any books he could find on it while eating lunch in the library. ( That’s why the town still has power and everything works electrical wise down there. )
Vincent Sinclair
I’m gonna say it, Vincent was probably popular. He’s the kid that’s nice to everyone, teachers love him, and he’s always willing to lend a hand.
He was on student council. He helped make decorations for the dances and design the class shirts.
He did get bullied a little in school, only by certain kids, but I feel like he got through school pretty unscathed.
Like Bo, Vincent really didn’t have any true friends. Sure he was friendly with people, and would eat lunch with them sometime, but they weren’t super close.
Vincent had a lot of pressure put on him by Trudy. He always felt like his every move was being watched. As the “gold child”, Vincent felt like he had a lot to live up to.
Vincent was average in school. He wasn’t terribly bad but he wasn’t a child prodigy either. He had to study, things didn’t come easy to him, but he got good grades.
He HATED high school art. When he signed up, he thought we he’d be able to create whatever he wanted, but when he got into class and realized he had to follow assignment rules and didn’t get to have as much creative liberty as he would like, he dropped the class.
His favorite class would have to be English. I can see him liking the classics they had to read in class and would often go home and draw the scenes from the books. His favorites are To Kill a Mockingbird and Mice of Men. He cried while reading both of them.
I’m guessing Bo and him went to high school during the 80s/90s? But i think they both dressed somewhat similar, in that twin way that most parents dress their young children. Probably band t-shirts, pearl snap shirts (since they’re from a rural small town), and jeans. Vincent would have a turtle neck or sweater thrown in there somewhere though.
Vincent wanted to be an art teacher, so that kids wouldn’t have to get projects with little room to take creative liberty.
He drew comics for the school newspaper.
He took french. Just look at him. He DEFINITELY took french.
Also like Bo, he’s very awkward with girls. Not as much as Bo. He’s just shy and i think he doesn’t realize when someone hits on him.
Lester Sinclair
He’s no different than he was in the high school.
He was very much the class clown. Cracked jokes in class all the time and definitely planned the senior prank.
Unlike his older brothers, he had lots of friends. He had one or two super close friends but he got along with everyone.
No one was a stranger to him. He got along with people so well that when a new student came, he was asked to show them around.
He’s also very much like abi when it comes to school. He’s super smart but plays himself down to make people laugh.
HATED math class. Didn’t like the material, didn’t like the teacher, thought he was super creepy bc he flirted with all the female students.
Wore Vincent and Bo’s hand-me-downs.
He played soccer in school. I can see him play forward/striker. He’s super fast and very aggressive.
Unlike his brothers, he’s a ladies man. Always had a date to dances, always had a girl fawning over him. He’s funny and nice, true southern gentleman.
Favorite class was science. Loved learning about how things work, why things are the way they are.
If you looked in his senior yearbook, he’s on almost every page.
Wanted to be a park ranger. I don’t have to explain why, it fits him so well.
Went to parties all the time. He was the life of them too. He smoked pot a couple times too. Still does to this day just to relax.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Part 10
Why yes I did devote an entire chapter of their “un-date” as Steve is calling it in his head, why do you ask? :D And yes they did both “overdress” for a meal between acquaintances (especially Eddie). If you want to see what they looked like in my head, let me know and I’ll try to draw them both.
Also Steve’s experience with D&D is what happen to my sister in college. She hates D&D.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 
Steve stood in front of his closet, hands on his hips in frustration. “Robs!” he called out panicked. “I don’t have anything to wear!”
She walked into the room and shook her head at the mess he’d made. “I see a lot of clothes in here. Hell, it looks like hurricane Steven came through.”
Steve put his head in his hands. “I don’t want to look too dressed up, like I’m trying too hard. I don’t want to look too causal, because then he’ll think I don’t care. I want to look nice, but not something that will show my scars. Fuck, Robs. This is hopeless.”
Robin sighed and waded through the mess, picking at the clothes. She handed him a light blue button up, a grey vest and nice blue jeans. “Here. And then pair it with your blue sneaks and tada! Everything you wanted.”
Steve put on the clothes she suggested and turned back to the mirror. He rolled up the sleeves to his elbow and nodded approvingly.
“It looks so good, Robs,” he murmured.
She smiled. “It just needs one more thing.” She reached around his neck and clasped a single silver chain. It fell to his collar bones and if he undid one more button it would show off his chest. You could still kind of see his neck scars but only if you knew they were there.
“How are we feeling about the open collar?” she asked gently.
Steve let out a slow breath. “I’m thinking it looks hot.”
Robin hugged him from behind. “I think so, too.”
He looked at his watch. “It’s about time to go, I’ll freshen up my hair a bit and I’m out of here.”
She kissed his cheek. “Good luck.”
Steve blushed. “It’s not a date.”
She looked at him fondly through the mirror. “I know, dingus. But it’s still a big step considering everything that has happened to you both since January. And it’s a little scary.”
He sighed and turned in her grasp to bury his head into her shoulder. “I know, and if I didn’t have you, I probably would have canceled twelve times already.”
She giggled. “At least that.” Robin let go of him and pushed him in the direction of the bathroom. “Go finish getting ready, you dork. Or you will be late!”
Steve laughed and went to do just that.
Eddie bounced on his heels as he waited for Steve to arrive. He refused to look at his watch again. The last time he looked he swore time had stopped all together.
Eddie looked down at his clothes nervously. He was wearing a black button up, completely unbuttoned, tucked into a nice pair of black skinny jeans. His hair was pulled back out of his face with a black bandanna, the sides of his hair loose to his shoulders. Over all that was his black leather jacket. Well, there was also all the loose chains at his hips, his rings on his fingers, and his lucky guitar pick dangling at his throat.
If Chrissy had been there, she would have told him he was being ridiculous. But she hadn’t been, so here he was rethinking his outfit for the billionth time tonight.
And then he saw Steve. Gorgeous, beautiful, amazing Steve. Yup. All those feelings of attraction and desire that Eddie had put inside his heart’s box, chained and padlocked to the extreme came bursting out all at once.
How could he possibly believe this man wished him deliberate harm?
“Hey, Stevie!” he greeted with a grin. “Looking good.”
Steve did a slow twirl to show of the whole outfit. “You think so?”
Eddie walked up into his was in Steve’s space. “I know so.” He put his finger under the chain and lifted it up. “Very nice.”
Steve blushed. “I don’t have as many as you, but it’ll do.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “You can never have too many.”
“If you say so,” Steve teased. He started walking, but said over his shoulder, “You look pretty damn fine, too.”
Eddie laughed and hurried to catch up to him. “Good to know.”
“We’re taking my car. I hope you don’t mind.”
Eddie shook his head. “I’d be more shocked if we were taking my van.”
Steve beamed at him. “Yeah. It’s so nice not having to take the bus.”
“Robin doesn’t seem to mind.” Eddie winked at him.
Steve unlocked Eddie’s door first before going round to the driver’s side and getting in. “That’s because she’s a zen master of the bus system. She always knows exactly when one is going to show up. I always get confused which one I’m supposed to get on and where I’m supposed to transfer.”
Eddie nodded, buckling his seat belt. “Yeah, it makes my head spin, too.”
Steve flashed him his most blinding smile. “Do you like Italian food?”
“Yeah, sure,” he said. “Is that where we’re going?”
Steve nodded as he pulled out into traffic. “I have a friend who’s mom owns an Italian restaurant and he’s been pestering me to come try it out for awhile.”
“So why haven’t you gone?” Eddie asked.
Steve gave a little half shrug. “Robin isn’t a fan and I only have one night off a week. So if she doesn’t want to go...”
“You don’t,” Eddie finished. “Yeah I get that.”
They pulled up to the restaurant. It was one of those nice little diner type places where the staff was all literally family and the food came from recipes generations old. Above their heads Tony Curtis crooned and the decor was like stepping off the plane onto Italian soil.
Eddie was in love already. With the restaurant, with the restaurant, he forcibly told himself. Not the boy. The restaurant.
There was suddenly this blur and it was tackling Steve. Steve barely managed to keep upright and laughed.
“Hey Dustin,” he greeted, ruffling the person’s hair.
Once Dustin stepped back, Eddie could make out who it was. He had a wild mane of curly brown hair and goofy grin.
“Hey, where’s Robin?” Dustin protested once he got a good look at the person standing next to Steve.
Steve sighed and Eddie could tell this was a long standing argument. “She doesn’t like Italian food. You know this. It’s why your mom makes meatloaf for every time we come to dinner.”
Dustin sighed. “I know. But I just want her to try Mom’s. I just know that if she had proper Italiana she’d love it.”
Steve shook his head. “This is my friend, Eddie. You know the person I did bring who will appreciate your mom’s cooking?”
Dustin eyed Eddie up and scoffed. “You do know that Mom doesn’t care if you bring dates, right? You can just say it’s a date.”
Eddie coughed and looked away.
Steve sighed. “I know that. But this is just a thank you to him for him helping to fix my car.”
Dustin wagged his eyebrows. “Yeah. Sure...”
“Can you just seat us, please?”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Fine...”
They were seated in a booth and given menus. Steve scanned it quickly and then closed the menu.
“Already decided?” Eddie asked as he perused his menu.
Steve laughed. “The mark of a good Italian restaurant is how good their lasagna is.”
Eddie laughed, too. “Fair enough.” He continued to look over the menu and then finally set it aside it.
“Made your decision, then?” Steve asked with grin.
Eddie smiled. “The chicken penne Gorgonzola looked amazing, so I’m going to give that a try.”
Dustin came over with a pad. “So what will it be?”
“I’ll have the lasagna and a blackberry Italian soda,” Steve said, handing the menu to Dustin.
“And for you?”
Eddie picked up the menu again. “Are the Italian sodas any good?”
“Dude, they are amazing,” Dustin gushed. “They’re flavored sodas with cream and will knock your socks off. I recommend the lemon or the orange to start.”
“If you like orange Dreamcicles,” Steve suggested, “the ice cream bar, orange is the one for you.”
“I’ll take an orange Italian soda and the chicken penne Gorgonzola with no mushrooms thanks.” Eddie handed back the menu with a grin.
“Coming right up!” Dustin said and went to the kitchen to put in their order.
Eddie turned to Steve. “You really didn’t have to go this nice on dinner. I would have happily taken McDonald’s.”
Steve laughed. “Having my car back is well worth a place with waiters, I assure you. Being able to get into my car after a gig night was a god send, let me tell you.”
“Are they bad? Busy wise, I mean,” Eddie asked.
“It depends on what kind of band or solo act is playing,” Steve explained. “I love punk or rock bands. They tip well and limit the assholery to a minimum. Pop and country though? Fuck those guys. Seriously. Pop especially.”
“Do you get any other kind of music?” Eddie asked. “I know Diamond was saying that they’ve never had a metal band before us.”
Steve scratched his cheek thoughtfully. “Some. I mean rap, hip hop and R&B aren’t very big out here. We have had some more blues and jazz, weirdly enough. But they haven’t been very good.”
Eddie grimaced. “Sounds a bit...racist?”
Steve scoffed. “Yeah, from the patrons, but not Diamond. His wife, Amethyst  is black and she manages the financial side of things. She’s got a real brain on her. And she’s always trying to get more of those acts in. They’re just not interested.”
Eddie nodded.
Dustin came back with their drinks and Eddie had his first sip of Italian soda.
“Holy fuck, man,” he hissed. “That is like the ice cream.”
Steve chuckled. “Told you. You want to try mine? It’s blackberry.”
Eddie reached over and grabbed his drink and took a sip. Steve bit his lip at the sight of Eddie’s lips around his straw.
“Oh,” Eddie said. “That’s interesting. I like that.” He slid the glass back over to Steve.
“It’s my favorite.”
They chatted while they waited and just caught up with each other’s lives.
Soon enough Dustin came out with their meals, deftly placing each dish in front of them.
“Enjoy!” he chirped before dashing back to kitchen.
They started eating so the talk slowed a bit. Though once or twice Eddie went off on a tangent and Steve had to nudge his ankle with his foot to remind him to eat.
“I just don’t get why you don’t want to play D&D...” Eddie whined. “It’s lots of fun. Especially if you get a good DM.”
Steve groaned. “I had a bad experience. A bunch of friends from my dorm my freshman year of college were really big into it. And I thought, sure. At least I’d be playing with people my own age...” Eddie raised a questioning eyebrow. “Will tried to get me to play with his friends. Anyway. I build my character. They were all level ten or whatever so they let me have a level ten wizard.”
Eddie smiled. “So far so good,” he said around a bite of food. He swallowed. “So what went wrong?”
Steve gave him a pained smile. “The DM let me use fireball in a narrow hallway to see I could open the locked door.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “What the fuck?”
“I killed everyone,” Steve finished with a grimace. “And destroyed all their magic items. My dormmate wouldn’t leave me alone the rest of the time I was rooming with him about how I destroyed three years of work in three seconds.”
“Sounds to me,” Eddie said, resting his head on his clasped hands, “that the DM used you to TPK because he was tired of DM’ing them.”
Steve furrowed his brows. “What’s TPK?”
Dustin happened to be passing by when he asked. “Oh my god, Steve, if you would just play. You would know these things.”
Eddie frowned up at him. “Hey. He was just telling me about his first time and so what if he didn’t know. That’s why he asked.” He turned to Steve. “It stands for total party kill. It’s when the DM offs everyone’s character all at once.”
“Only dick DMs do it,” Dustin said smugly.
Eddie ran his tongue over teeth. “I’ve done it before. The group spent more time arguing over rules and which rule book to use than actual playing. So I nuked them and refused to DM for them ever again.”
Dustin’s jaw dropped. “You DM?!”
Steve rolled his eyes, smug in the knowledge that he knew something that Dustin didn’t.
He waved his hand dramatically at Eddie. “Meet Will Byers’ infamous DM.”
Eddie bowed as well as he could sitting down. “You know Will the Wise?”
Dustin’s jaw dropped. “Know him? Dude, we gave him the nickname. Back when we were in middle school it was Will, me, Mike and Lucas. Will was our DM. It was awesome!”
“Small world,” Eddie murmured.
“Hell yeah!” He looked over at his mom and grimaced. “My mom’s giving me the stink eye. And she said to tell you, you aren’t getting a bill.” He skipped back to the kitchen.
“Shit,” Steve groused. “There goes me paying you back for fixing my car.”
Eddie laughed. “You still showed me a good time. Introduced me to some amazing food, a cool drink, and I blew some kid’s mind. I think we’re pretty well even.”
Steve smiled shyly. “If you’re sure?”
Part 11  Part 12 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Epilogue
Tag List: @artiststarme @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @itsall-taken @m-owo-n @zerokrox-blog @runyousillydetective @grimmfitzz @wonderland-girl143-blog @sapphirecobalt-1 @scheodingers-muppet @victor-thee-corvid @apricottree @bookbinderbitch @sleepyboosstuff @biatcgh @pixiefallingupthestairs @grtwdsmwhr @thepainisspicy @carlyv @eboyawstenn @bisexualdisastersworld @bidisastersworld @abstractnaturaldisaster @evix-syne666 @nerdsconquerall @lololol-1234 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @a-little-unsteddie @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @elluminis @tailsfromthecrypt @danili666 @plyerice27 @alittlegreyfish  @n0-1-important @no-upper-limit-to-stupidity @maya-custodios-dionach @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @heaven428 @thedragonsaunt @ceaselessly-watching
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Longan dragon and black pearl fankid?İ made called longanpearl aka longan dragon x black pearl
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Here we are, this is Melo Melo Cookie
So the name comes from this particular pearl, the melo melo pearl. I don’t recall how I stumbled upon it, other than I think I was looking up stuff for an Oyster request, but basically it’s this pearl that’s formed from a sea snail, the melo melo snail. They’re also apparently extremely rare and valuable. I picked that for the longanpearl kid since it’s a pearl like Black Pearl, but also because of the orange-yellowish color of the pearl for Longan. Also I’ve heard it has some association with dragons, but I’m not entirely sure. But more fuel for it being for Longan, instead of originally the Black Pearl/Timekeeper kid
Melo melo pearl:
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So I’ll be honest, I think her colors look too much like Longan and not enough like Black Pearl, and in general they don’t look too much like Black Pearl. But the more orange color scheme of Longan just worked better for Melo Melo given her basis. Though I mean, I did try to give her a more saturated dough tone than Longan, since Black Pearl’s seems more saturated. This was the thing I mentioned earlier that held me back from finishing them, but I decided screw it, just finish it now
I gave her a tail without fins and those side bits because the melo melo pearl comes from a sea snail, so it was supposed to emulate that. I also debated giving them a giant shell backpack, but eventually I thought it made the design look too cluttered, so I got rid of it
Since her hair is covering most of her front, I wasn’t sure where her gem would be, but I ended up putting one at the back of their head, and it’s supposed to be like something holding her hair together. Whether that’s just a hairpiece or her actual gem, I’m not sure. And that’s also the reason her front looks so plain in the sketch, I kind of forgot that was the reason there wasn’t anything there when I first drew it, so I just didn’t give them anything
Also since the hair obscuring most of the front was drawn first, a lot of other design elements were done around that, hence the lack of detail in her clothes and why I don’t actually really know how her dress works. I was just trying to make it not look like Primordial Sea from way back when
Her dress probably should have also been semi-transparent, but I didn’t end up doing that. Ah well, I don’t know if it looks better one way or the other
I feel like I’m complaining a lot about her design, but in truth I actually really like it
(Also I’m not entirely sure I’m making it clear, but Melo Melo’s supposed to be she/they. Just wanted to clarify, since I’m not entirely sure how that sort of thing works)
Well in any case, let’s talk about her
So despite Longan and Black Pearl’s hatred of Cookies, Melo Melo finds herself fascinated by them, and all the things of theirs that she finds in the ocean. Sort of like Ariel in the Little Mermaid, only Melo Melo is a little kid. Whether their more optimistic views of Cookies are put to the test, I’m not sure. But for now, they’re just a little kid who thinks Cookies sound neat and doesn’t understand their hatred of them
Also, as shown in one of the sketches, Melo Melo has an alternate form, and can turn into a large sea serpent (I fully admit, I just threw something together, since I wasn’t really sure how to translate their design into a sea serpent. I’m not good at creature designs, though maybe one day I’ll draw a better one for them). She’s also the child of Black Pearl and Longan, so safe to say she’s incredibly powerful. If not yet, when she’s older. Perhaps when she’s older, they’ll be known as the Melo Melo Serpent, and fearsome beast that’s said to guard some of the most valuable pearls known to Cookie kind (melo melo pearls), yet no one has ever been able to come close to defeating it, and for some being revered as some sort of deity
Maybe they can create melo melo pearls of their own, given her extreme power. That’d be interesting
Anyways yeah, that’s all I got for Melo Melo. I hope you enjoy!
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Protective- Pablo Gavi
A/n: my requests are open so feel free to send me more requests.
I’m honour of the win in the supercopa enjoy this piece 
wc: 2000+
Being dragged off to parties and other events has become quite normal for me since Pablo and I went public with our relationship. Most of the time I don't mind going to events as they are pretty chill and I don't really have to do anything but parties really aren't my thing. I've never been the biggest fan of going out as I don't like getting dressed up and I don't really drink so I find myself just standing around a lot. Even though I don't particularly like it I go to be with Pablo as I know he wouldn't want to go alone even though his teammates will be there.
Recently there has been a lot of events with the ballon d'or ceremony and many others that I can't even remember but tonight there is a party with the guys from the national team after the World Cup which of course I'm going to with Pablo even though I haven't really spent much time with the national team as I couldn't make it to Qatar. Apparently we are going to a club which sounds like my worst nightmare but I'm going to go anyway as I can just stay with Pablo most of the night anyway. Going somewhere like that means I have to dress up but I don't really have anything to wear so this morning while Pablo was at training I went and brought a few dresses so that I could try them when he got back to see which one he thought would be best.
When Pablo got home we chilled on the sofa watching tv for a while until I got up to shower and then I put the first dress option on and went to show Pablo. Immediately he got up for the sofa and came over to look at what I was wearing. He made me spin around because he wanted to look at the whole dress although I think we both know why he actually wanted me to turn around but either way I don't mind. After showing him the first dress he followed me upstairs so that I could show him the other options which he loved just as much as the first one but when I put on the last option which was a black dress I noticed a change in his expression.
"I love this one you should wear this one" he said
"Really isn't it a bit too revealing" I said as the dress was quite short
"I don't think so I think you look beautiful" he said
"Thank you love" I replied
Even though I thought that the dress might draw more attention than I want I decided to wear it anyway as Pablo liked it and I only really care about what he thinks. Once I was dressed I still had to do my hair and makeup which I did while sat on the floor in front of the mirror while Pablo got ready which took about 5 minutes as he doesn't have as much to worry about. After my hair was done I moved onto my makeup which had me so focused that I didn't notice Pablo come and sit behind me until his hands went around my waist. I knew he was getting impatient waiting for me so I tired my best to be quick while also talking to him about the party to stop him getting too bored. It was hard to concentrate as his hands inched further around my waist until his arms were fully wrapped around me but I managed to finish my makeup and spray him with setting spray just for fun.
He started tickling me once I sprayed him which sent us both rolling around on the ground as I tried to get away from him and he tried to follow me to keep ticking me. Eventually he stopped and helped me up giving me a hug and kiss on the cheek to apologise before we both got our shoes on to leave and I grabbed my car keys as Pablo still doesn't have his license. Even though we have a gps Pablo insisted on giving me directions which I was worried about but he was actually pretty good and we got there and found somewhere to park with no issues. Once I was parked he was ready to go but I needed a minute to prepare myself as I already saw people with cameras as I was driving so I needed to prepare myself to have people bombard us as we walk in.
Once I was ready Pablo got out the car and opened my door for me and then took hold of my hand so we could walk together. As predicted there was loads of people filming and taking pictures of us as we walked towards the club which I don't think I'll ever get used to even though it happens every time I go anywhere with Pablo. We walked as quickly as I could with heels on and he made sure that he walked next to me in a way that blocked me from the camera a bit which I appreciated as I don't like having pictures taken of me. We eventually made it to the entrance and were let in straight away so I could finally relax a bit and try and enjoy myself. I was still a bit nervous but I felt a whole lot better when we went in and the first person I saw was Pedri as we are quite close and it's someone else to spend time with.
Pedri came over and we both talked with him for a while and caught up as even though Pablo only saw him a few hours ago I haven't seen him in a little while. Everything was going exactly how I wanted it to until someone I don't know came over and told Pablo and Pedri that they were needed for something so they both had to go leaving me stood on my own in a club full of people I either haven't really talked to or don't know at all. I tried my best to just stay where I was and blend in but that lasted all of five minutes before I felt someone tap my shoulder and as much as I wanted to ignore it I didn't want to be rude so I turned round. Of course it was someone I didn't recognise but I smiled and said hello anyway.
This guy was nice when we first started talking but the longer we talked the closer he got to me even when I tried to subtly back away. I was on edge the entire conversation and it only got worse when a few more people came over and so I was stuck there with multiple guys attempting to flirt with me. In my head I was wishing for Pablo to come back because I knew he would put these guys in their place whereas I'm too scared to. No matter how hard I wished Pablo still didn't come back so I had to just wait it out or try and figure out another way to get out of there which is easier said than done.
The whole nightmare only got worse when one of the guys who had his hand leaning on the wall next to me moved so that his arm was around my shoulder. The second his hand touched me I wanted to get out of there and I started to panic a bit trying to find the best way out of there and out of the club to calm myself down. I was also thinking about how Pablo would react as he is very protective and gets jealous quite easily so I was scared that he might overreact. My prayers were soon answered though when I felt an arm go around my waist which I knew instantly was Pablo as only he would hold me in that way. Straight away I felt better as he moved the guys hand from my shoulder and switched our position so he was standing next to these guys instead of me.
"How's it going guys?" Pablo asked breaking the tension which I don't think anyone else was feeling but me
"Is that your girlfriend?" One of the group asked completely ignoring the question
"Yeah this is y/n" he said introducing me clearly a little annoyed
We didn't stay for much longer before Pablo excused us and he took me towards the exit but only after telling Pedri that we are leaving. I could see in his face as we were walking that he was annoyed so I mentally prepared myself for an awkward drive back and conversation when we get home. When we got to the car Pablo surprised me as he leant over the centre console and kissed me before taking my hand in his and gently rubbing his thumb across the back of my it which he always does to help me feel calmer. His expression had really softened when I looked at him and I felt a whole lot better as I knew he wasn't mad at me.
We still didn't really speak in the car but it wasn't awkward at all like I thought it might be which was nice but the silence did mean that my brain kept going back to what happened and how I could have got out of there earlier or just stood up for myself like anyone else would. I was getting annoyed at myself that I couldn't just tell them to stop and instead of doing anything I panicked because that's not going to help if Pablo isn't around to help me. He is often telling me that if people are making me uncomfortable I shouldn’t worry about being polite but I just can’t help it and it’s starting to become one of the things I wish I could change about myself. That’s all I thought about the whole drive home and even when we got in the house I was just in my own world as I took my makeup off and got into comfy clothes. I was brought back to reality when Pablo slid his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.
“Is everything ok love?” He asked
“Yeah I’m fine” I replied
“Ok now that’s a lie what’s on your mind remember you can tell me anything” he said
“I’m just thinking about earlier and how if I wasn’t so worried about being polite and didn’t just panic I could have fixed things myself” I said
“Hey don’t blame yourself they shouldn’t have made you feel uncomfortable in the first place but even so I don’t blame you for panicking you don’t know those guys and I know you like to always make a good impression which I really like about you so I don’t think you did anything wrong” he said making me feel better
“Really” I questioned
“Of course I love how you always try to be nice to everyone it’s one of the qualities that made me fall for you” he explained
“So you aren’t mad at me?” I asked
“No not even a little bit I was mad at those guys at the time because they made you uncomfortable but when we got to the car I was more worried about you” he said
I didn’t say any more as I just felt relieved that he wasn’t mad and was just trying to protect me and make sure I was ok which I really appreciate. Once I was completely ready he picked me up over his shoulder and walked to the sofa so we could watch some tv before heading to bed seeing as it wasn’t that late as we didn’t stay at the party too long. I thought we would watch something together but no he put me down on the sofa and got a controller so that we could play fifa together which we do a lot even though I’m useless at it. He completely took my mind off what happened tonight because I was so focused on trying to finally beat him which of course I didn’t but I enjoyed playing nonetheless.
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cattocavo · 5 months
Six sketch sunday
Thanks so much for tagging me @thewholelemon
I actually have something pretty exciting to share if i do say so myself!
In november 2022 i did a master study of romeo and juliet by frank bernard dicksee. I was very happy with it. But over time I’ve become less and less happy with it, specifically how baz looks :((
This is due to the fact that i traced A LOT in late 2022 (I was 15 ok, I’m sure we’ve all had one of those phases😭) I traced the whole painting, but baz was hard bc the original painting featured a woman, and her whole figure was covered by a white loose dress. 2022 me did their best interpreting the shapes and forming a new body for baz, but honestly they didn’t do it very well. Ive hated Baz’s face and body for a while now, but still loved simon and the painting in general. Which is why I came to the conclusion that for me to be at peace and happy with it again, I have to remaster it!
And again I’ve had this on my mind for a while now, mulling it over, because it’s quite a big project. But 7 days ago i finalized my decision and started looking at references and whatnot. It took me so long to find references bc I was confused of the angle of Juliet’s head in the original painting (so I’ve changed the angle whoops) and i needed to make sense of it all. Before i knew it i had spent 5 hours (according to procreates tracker) drawing, and literally nothing had changed.. but then i spent like 2 hours more and THAT did it. It was like digging a whole in the ground searching for water. You dig a little and nothing happens, and when you finally dig deep enough the water reveals itself like a goldmine.
Anyways, i haven’t gotten around to do any recoloring yet, so ill show you the sketch (ahem, traced) of my 2022 version versus what I have now
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The one on the left is the 2022 version. The one on the right is the current sketch.
I’m trying to incorporate a lot more body language from baz this time around. I think the old sketch of baz was very rigid. His torso is very short 💀 my biggest issue was his face though. It was far too feminine. The bone structure wasn’t exactly giving baz, in fact the whole face didn’t look like baz to me. The expression also bothered me, it was too superficial. Like it’s exactly the predictable expression you expect him to have. I tried to spice it up in the new version by making him appear a bit more anguished. It’s romeo and juliet after all.
Im currently looking at references to what clothes he should be wearing (don’t worry, i wont cover up his sleeves. Even if it’s more time period accurate) so if y’all have any inspo or suggestions, feel free to share them with me!
While baz is the inly thing getting completely redone, I’m also touching up some other thins. Just giving it a more refined, finished look overall. The plants in the original were really messily done, so i’m gonna work a lot on those. 2022 me also slacked on the curtains, so I’m repainting those to match the original frank bernard painting.
Once I’m done with it all i think i might sell some prints. Ive gotten requests to sell prints of this one before, but never really got around to do more than research. If i do make prints, I’m a bit worried they’ll all go to waste bc they’ll have to be shipped from denmark, and shipping in expensive :(( (I’ve tried to set up middlemen and it didn’t work for me. Red bubble wont even allow me to add a credit card😬) but if y’all are still interested in prints, do let me know! Ill definitely put in more of an effort to make it happen if i know it wont be in vain :))
Thats all from me for today :3 see ya next time
(Also check out what my COBB partner @thewholelemon is doing! It’s gonna be so good!)
Tags! @monbons @raenestee @j-nipper-95 @orange-peony
Id love to see what y’all are doing!
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nocturnalchaos · 1 year
JayRae Pregnancy Fanfic - Chapter 1
Summary: Life was finally at a good place for Raven. She and her longtime boyfriend, Jason Todd aka Red Hood, had created a comfortable routine and were both happy with their relationship. However, Raven has unexpectedly become pregnant and it feels like the world has decided to empty a dump truck of problems onto her head.
For those that did not read the prologue of this fanfic please go to this link here:
(Author’s Note: This fanfic draws a lot of inspiration from BluBooThalassophile’s Hopes For A Bastard Universe, Xaphrin, and other JayRae fanfics. In this fanfic, I have altered a lot of Jason’s storyline after the “Under The Red Hood” story arc. Also, Trigon’s sealed state does not allow for him to initiate contact with Raven or anyone outside of his gem prison. And, finally, in this fanfic Raven is a bit more expressive in this story. This is because she is no longer a teenager who is still getting a handle on her abilities and emotions or affected by teenage hormones plus Trigon has been sealed for about a decade now.)
Chapter 1
9 months earlier
Raven looked down at Jason’s jean clad butt as he bent over his motorcycle. She sat perched on the nearby workbench as she stared at the 29 year old man. Pulling out a part, he grunted as he straightened up while fiddling with it.
While he was not completely covered in grease, Jason’s fingers were liberally coated in the brown substance.
The mid morning light streamed into Jason’s partially converted warehouse located in New York City. Short unruly black hair with a white streak topped his head. He was not conventionally handsome - life had been too hard on him for that. His face was one that had more character and strength in it than symmetrical perfection. He had a strong unshaven jawline and multiple small facial scars. The only decoration he wore on his head was a swipe of grease on his left cheek. He had removed his earrings because they had a tendency to bother him whenever he put on his Red Hood helmet. He was dressed in an old Rise Against concert T-shirt and light blue jeans that had both, thus far, avoided the grease. His cobalt blue eyes with a ring of green were currently focused on his hands. But, ever so often, they would flick over to her.
She silently thanked Azar that Jason was wearing clothes as he modified the motorcycle. Not many people knew this but Jason Todd liked to wander around in his underwear when he was home alone or it was just the two of them. This tendency of his came from the fact that he hated being hot and the man was usually a furnace. She didn’t mind this quirk of his as she thought he had a great body and liked looking at it. And since Jason’s roommates were out of the warehouse for the weekend, Jason allowed himself to indulge in the habit. But even if it was just the two of them in the warehouse for the weekend, his dressing tendencies posed a safety hazard when he was fiddling with stuff … like bombs and vehicles. But previous experiences that had resulted in a few more scars decorating his body, finally taught him to put some damn clothes on when he was working on one of his gadgets or vehicles. When he did dumb shit like this she was reluctant to use her empathetic healing on him if it wasn’t too serious as she felt it would teach him bad habits… like not being an idiot.
That morning, as usual, Jason had made breakfast waffles for them as she prepared their morning beverages. Ace, Jason’s dog, was fed and let out to do his business.
Currently, the German Shepherd dog was trapped in his penned section of the mechanics bay so that Jason could work in peace. Ace was a highly trained dog but had a penchant for eating random things if the dog was ignored for too long or didn’t have Jason in his line of sight for a couple of hours.
As Raven was a slow eater, she was still munching on her second helping of waffles that morning. The plate of waffles sat in her lap as she watched Jason work. Jason had finished eating breakfast and drinking his morning coffee an hour ago. His time growing up in and on the streets of Gotham taught him to eat quickly. It was a habit that he still held onto even after leaving the streets of Gotham more than 15 years ago. The plates and dirty cooking supplies sat soaking in the sink waiting in the kitchen for Raven to come and wash everything once she was done eating. This was all part of their established routine for the weekends that Raven decided to stay with her boyfriend.
The plate of waffles in her lap was momentarily forgotten as her mind went off on a tangent analyzing the similarities between her longtime boyfriend, Jason Todd aka Red Hood, and surrogate big brother, Victor Stone aka Cyborg, as both men shared a love of tinkering with vehicles.
She found it mildly amusing that both of these important men in her life were mechanically inclined and made excellent waffles yet would sometimes fight over the silliest things. Like they did last month.
Vic had come over to Jason’s house to see if he could advise Jason on a problem that was plaguing his truck. But they didn’t start working on the truck until later that day because they got into an argument for about an hour and a half over which decade produced better music the 60s or the 70s. She loved both of them dearly but they could be such idiots sometimes.
She loved hanging around both men when either one was working on their own mechanical projects. Helping Jason when he was working on his latest vehicle reminded her a lot of her time helping Vic as he worked on the T-Car. To her, her time in the garage with either male was bonding time and provided companionship. When she was with them as they worked on their latest mechanical endeavor, she didn’t feel alone and was surrounded with a feeling of comfort and calm.
When it was her and Vic, they would just talk about their problems or whatever was on their minds. Raven became Vic’s little sister. She might ask him for some advice or give some of her own when he is missing the female perspective on something in his latest relationship.
When she was with Jason, there wasn’t always a conversational aspect to her time with him. She would sometimes read or meditate while Jason did his own thing and they would enjoy the companionable silence. They would also talk when the mood struck.
Whenever she was with Jason, outside of their superhero roles, they weren’t their labels. They were Jason and Raven. Acceptance was a huge part of their relationship and was a main factor in what made them work. They both had trauma and issues that they were both working through.
She came back to the moment when Jason swore a blue streak as he looked down at the part in his hand. Her empathy told her that he was just annoyed and frustrated. As there were no surges of anger or an overwhelming wrath in the emotions coming off of him; she knew that the Lazarus pit’s side-effect of rage was not impacting his emotions currently.
He put down the part on the work table and went to wash his hands in the nearby sink.
He never stopped swearing until he pulled out his pack of cigarettes.
“Please do that outside. Remember that Roy brings Liane here when she isn’t with the Queens.” This was stated calmly and politely with little emotion in it.
“Shit. Fuck. You’re right.” Jason let out a sigh and stomped out of the warehouse to smoke.
Raven let out a soft sigh and let a small smile creep onto her lips. Finishing her last bite of waffles, she placed the plate and fork onto the work table. Walking over to the area that currently penned in the dog. Raven gave the dog a head pat and snoot boop. The small smile was still on her lips when she was done adoring and bugging the dog.
After grabbing her dirty plate and utensils, she began her chore of cleaning the dishes. Internally, she thanked Azar that the dishwasher existed to make this task easier.
It was as she was closing the dishwasher door that Jason came back into the warehouse. Not seeing Raven in the mechanics bay, Jason got Ace from his pen area and entered back into the apartment area.
Hearing Jason walk into the kitchen, Raven asked, “Wanna talk about it?”
Raven looked up from where she was drying her hands to the doorway that Jason had just walked through with the dog. Her empathy indicated that he was calmer than before but wasn’t back to normal.
“Not really.“ Jason responded with an audible sigh as he pushed his hair back off of his face.
“Ok.” Raven shrugged as she put down the towel.
“Hey. Have you seen Constantine lately. Usually he pops up every few months to visit you, right?” Jason asked.
He had walked over to the kitchen island and was leaning towards her with his forearms on the table as he talked to her.
“Well, it’s been about 3 and a half months since you last mentioned seeing him. So, aren’t we due for a visit from your surrogate father figure?”
Please let me know what you think in the comments or reblog. If there are any grammatical errors or constructive criticisms please feel free to let me know. Your comments and likes are appreciated and what motivate me to continue posting and writing. Also, this is my first fanfic. Please be kind.
P.S. I have been continuously been making small edits to these chapters as I spot them so please keep that in mind when you read the typos and changes in the reblogs.
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purplebass · 9 months
Getting Acquainted With Santa / Wessa (+ little Lucie and James)
Will dresses as Santa Claus to surprise little James and Lucie, but someone may be scared of Santa ;) Set around Christmas 1888. I just love writing about Wessa when their kids are little.
I may have one more idea involving some of the characters in this fic set on Christmas but in the future, but we'll see if I can write it. Also, if you have requests, please send them to me.
Words: 971 Rating: T Read on A03 💜
Will bought the costume in a shop downtown without thinking, and he first showed it to his wife.
“You’re not thinking about –” Tessa said, looking at the red and white cloth with a frown. “For the Christmas party?”
He nodded. “The children will love it,” he replied giddily. “Or would you rather I dress as Mari Lwyd? You don’t seem too sure, Tess.”
She just shrugged and managed a tight smile. “I don’t want them to be scared so young.”
“By Santa Claus?” Will frowned, and put a hand on his wife’s shoulder. “Is there something I should know?”
Tessa sighed, and covered her face with her hands for a moment. “When I was six or seven,” she began, “I was deeply frightened by Kris Kringle. I was with my aunt, and it was one of those rare occasions she allowed me to go out with her. I had never seen Santa, and you can imagine my shock when he appeared out of nowhere and asked me which gift I wanted for Christmas.”
“I’m sorry, Tess,” he caressed her shoulder. “I should’ve asked you first. Maybe I should really dress as Mari Lwyd, then. They also know about her.”
“Please, no,” she laughed. “I can get acquainted with Santa. Perhaps if you wear that costume in front of me, my fear could subside. I could associate you with it, and thus face my fear.”
“Do you think it could work? I don’t want to startle you, my dear,” he squeezed her hand. 
“Let’s try it now,” she tilted her head to the side. “While the children are still asleep.”
Will smirked. “I’ve got the feeling you will want to remove the costume real quick.”
“Well,” she teased. “Let’s see if you are right.”
In the end, they were right. Seeing her husband dressing – and undressing – as Santa reframed Tessa’s childhood memory after a while. He didn’t frighten her anymore. If any, he looked –
“Amazing,” she commented, fixing his jacket. “You’re all set, Will.”
“Santa Claus is coming to town!” he exclaimed, and Tessa couldn’t help but laugh.
She went to the nursery to get Lucie and James, who were one and two respectively, and took them to the drawing room. They agreed that it was better to dress as Santa in front of them first. Tessa thought they should ask their friends if it was okay for Will to surprise the other children, since one of them could be scared like she used to be. 
Tessa sat on the rug. Lucie sat on her lap, while James sat beside her. When Will entered the room and chanted, they both looked up. 
“Hello, James and Lucie,” Will chirped, and sat on the rug. “How are you?” Tessa frowned at her husband. “What? It’s friendly,” he muttered. “I am Santa Claus, an old friend of your papa’s.”
James glanced at his mother. He was a little shy, and Tessa smiled to encourage him. 
“Good,” he said quietly. 
“Do you want to sit here with Santa, James? You can tell me what you want for Christmas,” Will wondered, and opened his welcoming arms. 
James hesitated at first, and looked at his mother again. “Go,” she told him, and that seemed to put him at ease. “It is fine.”
Will and Tessa’s first born son sat on his leg. “Yes, Jamie, you are safe with me. I’ve known your papa for a long time, and granted a lot of his wishes,” he explained. “Let’s hear what you wish for Christmas. I can make it come true.” James bit his lip but then he whispered something into his father’s ear. Will smiled when he was done, and looked at his wife. She also seemed pleased. “Only that? Okay, let’s see what Santa can do,” he kissed his boy’s hair, and he ran back into his mother’s arms. “Lucie’s turn.”
“Do you want to sit on Santa’s leg too, Lucie?” Tessa asked her youngest child, who observed the intruder curiously. She stretched her arms out and her father picked her up without a fuss. “This was easy,” she told Will with a knowing grin. 
Lucie was less wary about the world compared to her older brother. Will often said she reminded me of him when he was little, while Tessa agreed that James was more like her. Their children seemed the perfect blending of their attitudes, even though they were still too young so this could likely change someday.
Lucie grabbed his fake beard, which she found fluffy. “Do you like this?” he inquired softly, and she bobbed her head, and it looked like a nod to him. “Later, cariad. Later,” he said, but his daughter tugged at the white wool too much that it fell off his face. “Oops,” Will muttered, and Tessa covered her mouth with her hand to hide a laugh. 
“Pa,” Lucie touched her father’s face with her tiny hand, and their eyes met. “Pa!”
“What did you say, little one?”
“Pa,” she repeated. It was the first time she had uttered that word. Will and Tessa melt just like they did when James said it a few months before.
“Papa,” James echoed from Tessa’s lap, and he ran to Will’s other side. “Papa!”
Will and Tessa exchanged a quick glance and smiled at each other. “Yes, that’s your papa Claus here,” he hugged his children. “Can papa get a kiss from you?” he offered his cheek, and James kissed him first. He put a finger on his face and Lucie also gave him a kiss. 
“Can I also kiss papa Claus?” Tessa wondered. 
“I’d be offended if you didn’t,” Will said. “Considering how fond of him you’ve become.”
Tessa rolled her eyes and kissed him, and sat down next to him on the rug, basking in the happiness of her beloved family.
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hahahahawk · 29 days
I want a fake person to live in my computer. But not like that.
The neurospicy coping/productivity technique “body doubling” is about seeing someone doing your desired activity helps your executive functioning circuits let you also do the desired activity.
I’m not a scientist about this, I just have a wonky brain that responds well to this (but not working in an open plan office, go figure (that probably has to do with agency and consent, but this is a derail))
Today I tried a utility/tool/“game” called Spirit City: LoFi Sessions. You get an avatar in a cozy apartment, and both avatar and apartment can be customized. You set the lighting/time of day and tell your avatar where to go (“on the bed”, “at the desk”, “on the window seat”, “by the fire”) and what to do (writing, typing, gaming, drawing, meditating, knitting (as a knitter, I judge the knitting animation “not bad”)).
There are lofi-chill out music playlists in the “game” and rudimentary productivity tools like a todo list, a habit tracker, a pompodoro timer, and a “journal” feature.
The gamification is earning coins (by logging in, having the app open, and using the productivity tools) to buy different furniture/clothes and following hints to find new wacky pets.
I’ve spent about 15 years obsessing over productivity tools and techniques, so that side of the utility did nothing for me. I pay for Spotify, so the included music did nothing for me (the songs were pleasant, but repeated too soon for my liking, and I wasn’t interested in manually switching the playlist every 40 minutes). Dress up/decorating does nothing for me.
Needless to say, I got a refund pretty quickly.
Well, I did… but not without some hesitation because holy shit the body doubling aspect did something for me. At a few junctures in the hour-ish I had the program open, I looked over from my main project, saw my avatar typing away at their desk and thought “hell yeah, we’re getting stuff done” then went back to my project without doing any random googling or checking social media.
I considered keeping the “game” just for that aspect, but
The window didn’t fit well on my vertical monitor
The avatar wouldn’t change tasks/take breaks without my input
I would *so much* love to have a CG avatar in the corner* of my screen that would have its own pompodoro timer and mostly spend 5 hours typing on their laptop in a variety of locations, but also model “get up and stretch/snack/drink water” for me.
The interaction I’d want to have with this avatar:
Patting them on the head to tell them they’re going a good job.
I do *not* want that behavior reciprocated to me because I refuse to be complimented by inanimate objects (or people who don’t know what they’re ‘complimenting’)
Them suggesting I take a break whenever they do
Me notifying them when I start a break/get back to work. (I do a lot of flow state work and usually prefer flexible breaks rather than scheduled ones)
I will accept feedback (and data exports) about my working/taking a break patterns
* I think the large default window was both a blessing and a curse for Spirit City. It allowed the avatar to be big enough to feel like a person in an environment instead of a stick figure in a box. But I don’t actually have a lot of screen real estate to give over. So it’s be nice if the program handled being odd window sizes better.
Anyway, Rusty’s Retirement is an idle game that doesn’t scratch the body double itch (though it might if you identify as a robot), but it is a calm farming game that is designed to only take up a strip along the bottom/side of your monitor and it’s been much better for my productivity. It’s great for the occasional quick hit of dopamine (bring it to the front, plant some crops, queue some bot upgrades, put it away again), and also useful for short breaks. On those longer short breaks, I make larger functional and aesthetic changes to my farm, but it generally takes less than five minutes to catch up/run out of content. After that I’m generally ready to jump back into work, and if I’m not it’s usually a sign I need to stand up and take care of some other needs.
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floralcrematorium · 2 months
thoughts about the asian characters(easia, seasia, south asia, west asia)!! do you have future plans to draw any of them?
literally the only thing stopping me is that i cannot draw men. i’ve been pushing myself recently with the fruk sketch and i actually had started a little drawing for Piri from the ask game a while ago, but I haven’t finished him yet. gave him a really cunty pose but can’t figure out what clothing i want to stick him in 🤔
i’ve got quite a few unfinished sketches lying around, notably of miss vietnam, but i’ll release this little concept of miss taiwan from my band au, lest i fear she will never see the light of day:
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i don’t think i’m gonna stick with this outfit for band au, i was just kinda fucking around and finding out. i really just wanted an excuse to draw some flowy fabric with all of her movement but didn’t want to cover up her whole body with a dress. i was listening to “hot to go” while drawing this and you can tell
i’ve been putting off drawing china for a hot minute. he’s been a favorite of mine for a long time, but i’m unsure of what i want to do with him. i don’t have any ships for him and when i do draw him, i want to make sure he turns out fantastic. i feel like i can’t get my other two favorites, france and norway, right and am so scared of having yet another fav that i just can’t draw the way i envision them
i’ve had the idea of doing a series of illustrations with piri and food for a hot minute now. more so comics than standalone illustrations, but i digress. i’ve been wanting to learn more filipino recipes because until some of my family members were interested in learning more about their culture/heritage when i was a teenager, the only pinoy dish my mother could make was pancit. we’d have vietnamese cha gio every now and again, but a lot of my experiences with filipino food are either things i barley remember from church events or family friends’ houses when i was a kid or in that period of exploration when we’d go out to eat at filipino restaurants. not going to get into why i’m not well connected with my heritage on main (it’s complicated and i also chronically gaslight myself into thinking that i’m not allowed to connect with my heritage for a variety of reasons), but i’d like to learn more, and i think the recipe comics would be a good way to do so. i don’t know if or when i’ll get it it, though :( a lot of my drawing comes from a spur of the moment “i have to get this out of my head NOW” and the projects i actually have lined up and planned get pushed further and further back (i am. eyeing the hetagirls art nouveau portraits nervously bc i’m halfway done but haven’t touched that project since april)
food is also just hard as hell to draw, i’ve never been good at it. i did a little triptych in college with filipino food in gouache and it was a disaster
all this said, you Will see an art nouveau portrait of miss taiwan soon. soonish. she’s meant to be after czechia, but the whole art nouveau portraits thing came to a stop because i can’t figure miss czechia out, so i may just skip straight to taiwan. also been wanting to do that “draw SEAtalia in your style” template for a hot minute. hell, i never did the DTIYS template i made for china (or france) because i’m just really bad at starting the things i want to do 😭 i make things feel too precious in my head and then get worked up when they don’t turn out right
anyway, TLDR i am dying to draw more piri in the future. ideally i’d like to draw everyone at least once, but piri has my attention. and miss vietnam — i hold a soft spot for her too
thanks for the ask!
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kmze · 6 months
Thoughts on 3x12-3x22 ok lots of thoughts again! I will say I’m not totally sure how I feel about this half of S3. While I was mostly entertained and I enjoyed some of the storylines it did feel like the show was going through the motions for much of this half. I think it had to do with the plans changing with Klaus and wanting to keep him alive for the spin-off. The Evil!Alaric and ring-that-makes-you-murder plot were zzzzzz and Esther was eh as well. I’m also not an “original groupie” I found most of the family annoying or boring especially at this stage so that probably didn’t help (I do like them better on the spin-off particularly Klaus and Bekah). While I don't care about the triangle back and forth the Defan scenes were mostly great and I did enjoy the focus on Stefan's addiction both with bloodlust and his personality.
Well Bill Forbes I don’t forgive you!
This show loves its deadbeat Moms, I tell ya! Also did they really make Abby abandoning Bonnie about friggin' Elena!?! This has to be the worst season for Bonnie and I put all that blame on Plec and Dries because they can't stand Bonnie getting anything!
Um Stefan is being way too dramatic about Elena kissing Damon, like come on man. Maybe if you weren't terrorizing her for the last few months she wouldn't have gravitated towards Damon. Even if you want to try and excuse it like "he was compelled to turn it off" his humanity was on for his most recent terrorist activity of threatening to drive her off a bridge! Damon deserved to be punched in the face though, no issues with that.
Elijah talking about the “exquisite beauty” of Tatia like we don’t all know exactly what she looks like she’s a friggin’ doppelgänger!
Stefan going to shake Klaus hand like “we have a deal… ON OPPOSITE DAY!” The murder boyfriends are fighting.
Everytime Klaus talks about someone betraying him I just cannot… have you met you? I do love how un-moved Caroline is by any of his romantic gestures because of that fact too.
Well Esther if Bonnie is the only reason you’re out of your coffin why TF didn’t you invite her to your ball! Forever and ever mad Bonnie didn’t get to go to the ball and wear a pretty dress.
How did Klaus draw Caroline so fast lol
I like how Elena is like “but Elijah?!” and everyone is like “anyway, let’s dagger an original!” because I agree! The hell I care about Elijah, already stabbed them in the back once.
This Alaric subplot with Meredith and the ring that turns you into a serial killer plot is very confusing and boring.
Nice to see Elena facing some consequences for bringing the Salvatores into everyone's lives and their actions always negatively affecting her friends. Caroline is such a good friend by being able to protect Bonnie there, and not make Elena feel too bad while making a great point. I mean they could have easily manipulated Elijah into backing off by playing up the "humanity and morals" bullshit he pretends to adhere by.
It’s kind of weird how the show randomly started hinting at Matlena being romantic, Matt just throwing his hat in the ring since he’s got nothing better to do.
Damon is a horrible sober sponsor.
We have reached the very strange point in my rewatch where DAMON is the least annoying member of the trio right now. He seems to be the only one who understands his brother is an addict, in all forms of life. Like he said Stefan goes from one extreme to the other, he cannot do moderation. He's either the good brother or the ripper there's no middle ground (yet). As soon as Stefan found out Elena kissed Damon he went back to the extreme "good brother persona" which, maybe if you weren't so comfortable with Damon BEING IN LOVE WITH ELENA while you were together this wouldn't have happened, Stefan. He hammed it up in 3x14 with soulful glances and manpain, that obviously worked hook line and sinker since he made it all about Elena. Then the terror at having to be the one to turn Abby to the point Damon knew he had to do it because he doesn't care (neither does Elena but that's a whole nother conversation). Then when she saw him with blood feeding on a girl he acted like everything is ruined! What I'm trying to say is Stefan is insane.
Damon and Elena arguing about who's better at teaching Stefan self-control when the answer is NEITHER LMFAO!
Elena wanting Bonnie's help to help Ric unbelievable, fix your own fucking mess for once.
I like that Caroline is using all the methods Stefan taught her when she first turned. When she told Jamie that Abby needs him and to not avoid her so she maintains her humanity with human connection. Just like how Stefan brought Caroline to the swimming hole to be with Matt and convinced Bonnie to give her a daylight ring (I miss my babies this is all I can get right now *sigh*). In general though watching Caroline's vampirism storyline has been wonderful! I have even more appreciation for it during this rewatch.
Now Elena is making Ric killing Caroline's Dad about herself and how bad she feels ugh SHUT UP. I should have kept a tally on how often this happens. I wonder if Caroline ever uses this against Ric, because I would "you didn't do the dishes like you said you would" "well you killed my Dad"
Klaus being like "you're torturing technique is subpar and your skills are lacking" to Rebekah about how she's draining Damon of vervain CTFU!
RIP Sage and Finn you were tragic but cute.
Caroline being so proud of Matt tricking Rebekah with the decade dance LMFAO I mean she is the EASIEST person to manipulate but we all gotta start somewhere!
Eh Caroline it's not just Damon who doesn't care that killing Klaus will kill Tyler, it's all of them but you.
Okay fine the Delena motel kiss was a great scene, congrats universe you win this one. They actually have been more tolerable this half of the season for me, probably won't last but I haven't wanted to roll my eyes during their scenes recently so baby steps.
Elena being like "oh you're not bias or anything" about Caroline being team Stefan instead of team Damon as if she doesn't have every right to be! The fact that Elena never acknowledges that Caroline's hatred towards Damon is a big reason that I dislike her immensely.
I'm sorry but the salt ring Esther put is ashgghdjhbdhbv did she use a dump truck!?! Crying!
The 1920s decor must be getting to Klaus’ romantic side because he tried to proposition both of his boos tonight. Trying to get Caroline to run away with him even though she can’t stand him. Then calling him and Stefan “strange bedfellows” wanting to rekindle their flame from the ‘20s even though he hates him. Oh well!
Steroline crumb!
Klaus stomping around the porch before using a soccer ball and picket fence for darts really sells it. I just love when Klaus is over-the-top in a funny non-whining way, I could do without the yelling in so many of his scenes.
Tyler saving Elena and saying "I'm not your little bitch anymore" was a great scene for him and overall he's had such a great arc the past few seasons. He's also just so devoted to Caroline and they have a great romance, and I think it's one of the reasons I can never get into the KC scenes. Because I do get the appeal and they have some good scenes (I like the chemistry in the "rescue" scene this episode) but ultimately Caroline never shows anything besides an attraction to Klaus and that's not my vibe.
I know a lot of fandom thinks Elena should have chosen herself instead of picking a Salvatore and while I do agree with that (she needed to pick lots of therapy and anti-depressants) it's kind of fundamentally not who she is. Elena loves love and being in love and because of that she's incapable of choosing to be alone.
I’m confused when Tyler swapped with Klaus, I think they answer that next season though.
Bonnie saying she's done be pushed around YES! I wish we got a real dark!Bonnie storyline though...
Forwood "I will run with you" scene *tingle* *sniff*
I don’t know if Stefan wasn't so off balance battling between extremes this season with his bloodlust and ripper/good brother personalities he would have made the same decision that he did, to save Matt over Elena. Watching it all unfold in a rewatch binge like this I noticed way more instances of that being pointed out (especially by Damon). Look I've heard all the reasons to why Stefan let Elena die, and yes he let her DIE because no one knew she had vampire blood in her system and would come back (even then he know she didn't want to be a vampire). No matter how you spin it "he didn't want her to hate him for letting Matt die" "he always respected her choice and didn't want her to have survivor's guilt" "insert any 'actually it was really selfless excuse' you've read" the fact of the matter is he looked at the love of his life drowning and saved her friend instead. That is so CRAZY!!! That his need to be the "good brother who respects Elena's choices" outweighed her life. I have even seen that he didn't save her because he feels so much regret for forcing Damon to turn and taking that decision away from him, but like when has Stefan EVER respecting Damon's decision to die? Everything he went through this season is because he wouldn't let Damon die, hell the reason he's dead now is because he wouldn't respect that decision! I think Stefan's psyche is so fascinating and how he's essentially an "addict" in so many ways. He does get better at moderation between all of his extremes (personality and bloodlust) though in later seasons, but right now he is hella hella crazy. I think this scene was pretty detrimental to Stefan in re: Elena because it meant Damon was right he's the one who was going to keep Elena alive. All I'm saying is there's a reason Paul Wesley hates this scene.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: Insulting a bunch of dead witches not smart I made the same mistake first time I came here (Damon was so smug someone else got to be tortured by the witches for once)
Caroline: I can hear every word you're saying about Damon and the vampire gigolo. (you know she was mad about it too)
Tyler: What's he gonna do, draw you another picture? (Trevino delivers this line with perfection LMFAO)
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“I was 12 years old when I started playing guitar and I mowed lots of lawns. I still haven’t gotten good. I’m not a good musician. That’s why I wear what I wear on stage to cover up for why I’m such a terrible guitar player. So they’ll [the audience] go “Oh look, look what he’s wearing!” and they just go “Look how, look how weird that guy looks!” and then, and then they go “Wait a minute, we didn’t even check if he was playing.” ” 
- Wes Borland
SPIN Magazine: Why create such an elaborate spectacle?
Borland: It’s like ritualistic war paint I’m the cherry on top, the sore thumb that makes the band stick out. I don’t fit in and that’s just what makes it work. I don’t think I can ever go back to wearing normal clothes on stage. It’s totally a mask, something to hide behind. It’s really easy to get confidence when people aren’t looking at what you are in the mirror every day. I get self-conscious. And if I can shroud my whole body behind a façade. I feel great knowing there’s a shield to deflect any humiliation I might feel. 
Guitar.com: You tend to wear bizarre costumes onstage and those wild, black contact lenses. What's the deal with that?
Borland: It just covers me up as much as possible so I don't ever have to ever show all of myself. I've always been into collecting masks and wearing masks onstage. It's more fun for me because I draw and do a lot of art work in the band. It just makes it more fun to be able to do it on myself just to try to turn myself into different characters. To look like an alien or something. I think it makes it more fun for fans too.
Guitar.com: Do you enjoy being a celebrity?
Borland: [Our singer] Fred [Durst] loves it. But I just don't think I'll ever be able to understand the whole human being worship aspect of it. People going, "Man, you're a guitar god," and I go, "Where?" And I'm glad that I'm making an impact on some people's lives, but I'm the kind of person who would rather be respected for what I'm doing than who I am. The masks and costumes are a way of avoiding all of that.
The Believer: Did you always dress up onstage?
Borland: Yes. I went to an arts high school, and had always been interested in sculpture and painting and drawing. Guitar kind of became a hobby of mine, and I had seen David Bowie and Kiss and Alice Cooper and Marilyn Manson—even GWAR—and so when I started playing in garage bands I started doing little things onstage that were nothing more than a mask or minor makeup, because the stage seemed like such an opportunity to do something outrageous. And it kept growing and growing and growing. When Limp got signed, that changed my aspirations from being in fine art. Being a musician was the job I didn’t expect, and I ended up going, “How can I incorporate this?”
The Believer: By the time we saw you on MTV, you had incorporated it. The makeup was not minor.
Borland: Well, I was bored. There’s so much downtime on tour. I ended up going around and finding thrift stores and costume shops in towns, spending whatever per diem or money I had on makeup and lipstick, and I started putting outfits together. And as the band gained more success—like, suddenly I didn’t have to carry anything or tune my guitars—I had more resources for stage outfits, and I started thinking about the show all the time.
The Believer: On TV you seem to have two personas. The polite, uncomfortable guy on camera feels different than the bunny monster, whose energy is both very aggressive and very engaged.
Borland: It’s what allows me to have that power. And I’ve noticed that the more elaborate the costumes got over the years, the more they developed into characters, the more I felt like someone else. It’s like pulling on a shirt, but having the Superman symbol underneath. There is also a very different character I have in Black Light Burns, my other band. I grow my hair and mustache out, and wax the mustache and then paint it on even bigger. I’ll wear period clothing that looks like Bill the Butcher. But in that band I’m the singer, so I don’t wear any contact lenses, because I feel that takes the audience away from me. When my eyes are dead and black-looking, I lose a connection with people who are looking at the singer to connect with the band, so I won’t do that.
The Believer: How did your bandmates feel about playing hard rock/ rap with someone dressed like a vanilla gorilla?
Borland: At first I tried to get the other guys to dress up, too, but they didn’t want to do it, so that sort of became the thing in Limp Bizkit—you’ve got a bunch of guys who look like normal dudes, and then one guy who dresses like a space alien or a zombie. But soon I started getting into more-serious art and artists, then started going to the opera. I went to The Damnation of Faust that the L.A. Opera put on, like, eight years ago, and was just thrilled by the costumes. So I started researching opera-costume makers and stage makeup, and it just built and built.
The Believer: Your costumes never seem to connote just one thing, like one thing that’s scary, one thing that’s ironic. What comes to mind right now is the Technicolor lounge-singer phantom who’s not wearing any pants.
Borland: Oh, yeah! The prom outfit. The hair for that is made of feathers. But all the characters come from what effect I want to put out. That’s the main thing: everything onstage has to make me feel, in some way, tapped into this little-boy thing, where I want to be a superhero or I want to be a warrior. I want to be filled with all this energy that comes from tricking myself into thinking that I’m more powerful than I am, or have more confidence than I would be capable of in normal clothes. It’s just becoming a monster in some way, and that helps me go out in front of ten thousand people and act like I own the place.
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