#I’m being dramatic I guess
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i-d-e-g-a-f · 5 months
i ache for katara so deeply, she deserves so much better than her canon fate. i cannot express in words how much her story and how the fandom views/treats her physically hurts me
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(He/him) If Darlin’ becomes a vampire and we don’t get a new werewolf listener and werewolf character series, I’m leaving for good. The only reason I came back to Redacted was for the werewolves. The only reason I listened to my first redacted video was because I wanted more werewolf content. And right now as a werewolf fan, I’m not feeling very well liked. The vampires outweigh the werewolves to the point that I’m starting to take notice of it and it’s ruining my enjoyment. It’s starting to feel like a vampire movie that gets called a werewolf movie because the werewolves have 20 minutes of screen time. It’s just harder to enjoy new videos when I feel like my time is limited. It’s upsetting but I already made my decision.
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ana-cantskywalker · 4 months
sabezra + start over again by new hope club for the drabbles?
I try to respond to an ask in a reasonable timeframe challenge (level: impossible)
Legally this isn’t a drabble (I only very recently learned what a drabble technically is and this ain’t it) I don’t even think it can be considered a microfic anymore. It absolutely got away from me and is kinda massive considering the prompt.
Anyways, I hope you like it!
Setting: Modern au, they are in college (idk the details just college)
He was an idiot.
He’d been told that before but now he was sure of it because only an idiot would do what he’d done yesterday.
It had started out going extremely well for him, after taking nearly three years to work up the courage to do so, he’d finally told Sabine how he felt. How he saw his best friend as more than just a best friend, how he wanted them to be more.
And she hadn’t killed him surprisingly enough.
He thought such a heavy confession would ruin what they already had, which is why he’d taken so long to admit it, but she took it well. She didn’t hate him for one, and she even agreed to go on a ‘date’ with him. Not a real go to a nice restaurant type of date, but something slightly more intimate than their usual hangouts, to see if it would be a dynamic they might want to pursue.
He didn’t really know why she’d agreed, he wouldn’t dare hope it was because she reciprocated even if she wouldn’t admit it, but maybe…
They’d agreed on a picnic in the park near his house, casual but not anything like what they would normally do together. All their cards on the table, but without the pressure, the stage was set to be a perfect day, and he’d been thrilled.
That is until he had to go and kriff it all up.
His first mistake was being chronically late, not on purpose of course, but late nonetheless. She had to wait for him for nearly half an hour, it was a miracle she hadn’t just left, and maybe she should have. And then he had to go put his foot in his mouth when he tried complimenting her, he couldn’t even remember now what he’d said, just that it had sounded like a borderline insult.
He should’ve just told her she was beautiful, because kriff, she was.
Then, the cherry on top to the disaster of a date was when he knocked over his drink and spilled it all over her dress. Like an idiot.
It hadn’t ended with her yelling at him like he probably deserved, but it had been three days ago and she hadn’t so much as texted him. They usually talked every day. She was rightfully upset and he didn’t know how to fix it.
He needed to, his relationship with Sabine, friend or otherwise was one of the most important relationships he had. Also if he didn’t Tristan was going to kill him the next time he saw him.
The sound of a door closing snapped him from the doom spiral he was having face down on the couch. Looking up he saw his roommate Zeb walking in. The older boy gives Ezra a disapproving once over, “You still moping?”
Ezra doesn’t dignify him with a response, so he keeps going. “You know moping here on the couch isn’t going to fix anything.”
He rolls his eyes, “Thank you for that astute observation, Zeb.”
Zeb pushes through their tiny living area towards his room, “Fine, if you want to sit here in your misery then do it, just don’t bother me about it. But, if I was you, I would go apologize.”
With that he’s gone and Ezra sits up, he was right and Ezra hated it. He’d known for the past three days that was what he needed to do, he was just terrified of the response he might get. What if she chewed him out and never wanted to see him again.
Well, maybe that was a little extreme, she had every right to be upset but he might have been making the situation more drastic in his head. He had been known to be dramatic over things on occasion.
As he is pondering the extent of his dramatization of events, his eyes land on a picture stuck to the fridge, he could barely make it out from where he was, but he knew what it was of. It was a picture he and Sabine had taken when they went to the amusement park outside town last Summer. It was one of his favorite memories, not just with her, but ever. Was he really going to ruin that over his stupid cowardice?
No. He wasn't.
He was going to make things right.
The trip to the coffee shop where Sabine worked was quick. It was the prime spot to run into her for two reasons. One, because it was currently her work hours and he didn’t want to wait. Two, because if he risked waiting till later and trying to go see her at her and Tristan’s shared apartment, there was always a chance he would be there and she wouldn’t, and he didn’t fancy getting punched in the face today.
However, that still wasn’t out of the question with Sabine.
The bell above the door rang as he entered, and he was greeted by the familiar smells of coffee and pastries. It was quiet inside, only a few customers sitting at tables and no one in line at the register. Behind it sat Sabine, hunched over what he could assume was a sketchbook, golden eyes narrowed in concentration, purple and pink hair framing her face. She really was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
He cautiously approaches the counter, and she doesn’t look up, even when he reaches it, clearly not noticing it was him. Without so much as a glance she asks, “How can I help you?”
He clears his throat, pushing down the nerves in his stomach. “Could I have a hot chocolate please… and a second chance?”
Her head snaps up, eyes locking with his, shock written on her face, “Ezra-”
He cuts her off, which probably wasn’t the best idea in terms of trying to make it up to her, “Sabine, I’m really sorry about the other day. I messed up completely, and I know you’re probably really mad at me because I was a total idiot.”
It all comes out as one big word vomit, and he looks at the ground, embarrassed both because of why he had to apologize in the first place, and also because of his delivery of said apology.
“Yeah, you were kind of a total idiot weren’t you?”
When he looks up, instead of the disapproving scowl he’d been expecting, he finds a mischievous smirk. He could cry from relief at the fact that she apparently didn’t hate him.
He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “Could we start over?”
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mortalheartache · 8 months
The urge to watch RotS is strong but I’m on my period and I don’t know if I’ll make it out alive
im gonna be calling up the hotline like “hedIEDDD HE DIED HE LOVED HER SO MUCH IM GONNA KILL MYSELFI NEED MYMEDS WAAAAAAA” and some poor volunteer will just sit there in stunned silence
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rqsser · 2 months
do i have insomnia or have i just had a really fucking bad headache for two weeks
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day fucking ruined nvm
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onceuponalegendbg · 6 months
Man it really is just settling in my soul that we aren’t going to get anymore Tifa and Aerith interactions in the next game….
Unless they pull some time/ghost/AU shenanigans.
But like… that’s it. They’re done.
Like obviously I knew that, but it’s just sort of now setting in with some finality.
God I’m actually tearing up right now thinking about it. What is wrong with me?
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lowcallyfruity · 5 months
Guys I thought we hated the shroud parents- I thought this was a whole thing one time when we talked about how they’re probably not the best parents- guys am I going insane I swear there was a point in time when we hated them- guys-
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doctorweebmd · 1 year
I was thinking about this the other day and wondering why it’s become so much less fun to write for BNHA and I think it’s because… I’ve written too much?
Like being a one-off author was fine and fun and novel and people were so cool and supportive, but now I’ve got multiple long fics and people have started treating me like someone that “creates content” rather than someone who is writing for fun. And I’ve shot myself in the foot by continuing to write long-fic and putting my heart and soul into them and it’s like never enough, people just expect more and more and more and I want to keep giving and keep doing better but no matter what I write it’s just not ENOUGH
And like… this started a little after I finished Zero Sum Game but like… people have started forming “opinions” that they share openly about “me” - I can’t stand going into fandom space and seeing people say they can’t read anything I write, or they don’t like me as an author, openly ranking my works, saying xyz is overrated or mention me by name in shipping discourse or send me hate mail or update requests or just straight up telling me they’re not going to read what I write anymore… and these people don’t know me!!! I’m just an empty space to them!!! Just a machine that pumps out thousands on thousands of words to just look at an forget about instantly!!!!!!!!
Where do people get off honestly. Is it like this everywhere or is it just BNHA? Is it because it’s so popular that the community has broken down completely? Sincerely what the fuck how can anyone treat writers like this…
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thevikingwoman · 1 year
I had some post 3.4 thoughts and wanted to put them out there
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV | Words: 691 | Read on Ao3
Meryta Khatin & Urianger Augurelt | post 3.4 Rating: G. Friendship, worrying for friends, dealing with everything
Meryta sits on a box in the Rising Stones, her hands and her tail curled around her legs. It’s late, but she’s not quite ready to turn in. The last few days have been a whirlwind, too many things happening, too many questions and too few answers. She doesn’t want to be alone, but she’s not sure what to talk about either or with whom, so she’s stuck sitting with her thoughts in silence.
Urianger sits at the table next to the boxes, deep in his own thoughts. He said he’d return to the Waking Sands, but perhaps he’s not ready to be alone either. Her eyes wanders across the room. Most people have left, getting ready for their travels tomorrow. Papalymo is talking with – or at – Yda, though they both seem to be leaving. Meryta bites her lips.
“Meryta,” Urianger says, interrupting her thoughts, “prithee, art thou bothered?”
“I’m worried about Yda.”
Her happiness at seeing her friend again has faded, her gut telling her something is wrong. Yda almost sounded like her usual upbeat self, but only almost. She didn’t know the resistance meant that much to her, and she wonders what it means.
“Mayhaps thou should take thy inquiry to Yda herself.”
She shakes her head.
“I tried, but she didn’t say much.” Something changed in Yda, or maybe she herself changed and can no longer tell. Perhaps it’s just her own worries running ahead of her – after not knowing for so long that Yda – and Papalymo — was alive. Everyone has changed, she supposes.
“We can but wait and see what the fates bring us thenceforth.”
“Even if you did know, would you tell?”
Urianger tenses, his mouth drawn briefly, and then it’s gone.
“Sorry, that was unjust of me. I’m just very worried about my friend. I spend a long time worried about where she was and if she even was alive and now – now I worry more.”
“I see.” Urianger pauses, and looks down, fiddling with his ringbands. “Worrying about friends speaketh well of thy.”
Despite Alphinaud’s and everyone’s optimism at the meeting prior, she feels unsettled and she regrets her words. Thancred is nowhere to be found, even after his supportive words. Something has changed in him too. She can’t help him, not now but perhaps –
“Urianger. I spoke too rashly and – are you okay?”
“Your words were not without their reason. ‘Tis I who should inquire you the same, Meryta.”
She shrugs, then shakes her head. She doesn’t blame him for what he did. It seems to her he sees paths and possibilities others might not. She’d have asked someone if she’d had such a conundrum, but she’d have asked him. Or Alphinaud, perhaps, but she’s not sure he would have picked something sensible to do.
“It’s not the first time I’ve been sent to fight something, or someone.” She knows it’s not exactly what bothers him, or the scope of his unsanctioned bargain, but it’s part of it, and it’s the part she alone can forgive.
Urianger looks up, his gaze hidden behind those goggles of his.
“We oft have besieged thee to take arms against Primals and all manner of threat, but ne’er under deceptions shadow.”
“It would not have worked another way.” She curls her legs up under her. “Your expertise is welcome, Urianger. Don’t hide away completely in the Waking Sands, my friend.”
She doesn’t quite know if they’re friends, but it feels right to say it. They’re not not friends, and too many people, friends and almost friends, have died already. Urianger looked ready to bolt and never look back, and she knows that’s all wrong.
“I thank thee. My work taketh me thither, but I will not hide.”
She smiles, and she wishes she could see his eyes – she does not understand why he hides them beneath those goggles, his face inscrutable. Perhaps that’s the point. She’ll not soon forget those golden eyes of his, and some part of her wants to see them again, close and not across the battlefield.
“I will come visit, then.” She reaches out and pats his arm gently.
“That would please me.”
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werewolfest · 26 days
since no one else is doing it I Will be concocting elaborate scenarios wherein any and all of the iwtv characters are transsexual
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ropes3amthoughts · 1 month
Ough so unmotivated lately. It’s like I have spoons but they’re all the way in the back of the drawer and I don’t want to reach all the way back there I just want to take a nap. The nap part isn’t part of the mental health metaphor I just want to nap but I can’t because I need to shower ough. I hate how existing is exhausting like taking a shower???? Why is that tiring??? Showers are warm and they feel nice but it feels like such a big effort to take one 😭 sometimes even things like eating and getting dressed and brushing my hair can feel like a hassle too. Living is so much damn work bruh and it doesn’t help that things that aren’t even work and are in fact just things normal people get done easily are draining to me too. Like when I’m tired out after doing actual tiring stuff like martial arts that’s understandable but when I’m tired from something stupid like organizing papers? It’s like what?? My body is a frail pathetic thing that will collapse after being told to do five tasks no matter the difficulty. The tasks could be like “take one step” but it would still be a task and the fact that it’s a task would make it draining and ough doing things sucks so bad 😭 I already know I’m gonna be exhausted after my shower and that’s so stupid why is showering exhausting it’s like a basic thing I need to do what’s so frustrating is all of these mundane things aren’t difficult even to me like doing them is so easy for me but it’s just the amount of things I need to do that overwhelms me and some other factor too that makes showering tiring like why the fuck is showering tiring? Is it because I have to wash my hair and my body so it’s two tasks in one? That’s dumb this is all stupid and dumb why do easy tasks overwhelm and tire me I wish I had a million spoons so I could do things like a normal person
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senzasord · 2 months
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mossflower · 11 months
stares at my bio
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heartofmorioh · 2 months
being as mean and poisonous as I am while also having as much of a saviour complex as I’ve got is such a bad combo 😭 like what am I doing.
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