#but I just want to get in my car and head west till I hit ocean
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junkyarddogjyd · 1 month
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[Intro Post]
The name’s Scott, freshly 24, and I’m from the great region of Kanto.
Moved to Hoenn on a business proposal but I feel that this transfer is permanent, not that I’m complaining as Kanto is staggeringly large in comparison. Something that I wasn’t too fond of. If you’re wondering about my job, I work remotely for INTERPOL. Serious work, I know. Nobody wants an unsafe neighborhood; my department deals with “underground Pokémon fighting rings,” we help unravel the heads behind these illicit crime syndicates. I won’t talk about my work much as it’s very heavy hitting material and I’d much rather lighten the mood than soak it all out like a sponge.
I prefer my tranquil peace and solidarity which is why I moved a bit further than one-klick west of Littleroot into a tidy log cabin stationed in the forest. In the two months I’ve been here, there has been several running-water issues that’s likely due to my friend Bruce, (my Sharpedo buddy), constantly banging on the enclosure when it’s almost feeding time.
Speaking of pals, here are the friends I’ve made and taken along my voyage:
“J.Y.D.” : This little fella is the Houndoom I adopted back in my hometown of Kanto when I was 19. We crossed paths when our group was busting one of the largest rings we’ve ever seen. She was shaken up for sure but wouldn’t let go of my pant legs! We took her and the other mistreated Pokémon to a professional care center and when that was all cleaned up, the higher-ups had to figure out ways to get them back to their original regions. To make our adjacent department’s job a little easier, instead of sending her back to Johto, I did the responsible thing and took care of her myself in my apartment. Saying that was a challenge would be a massive understatement. She would obliterate any couch she touched and destroy my rugs till there was nothing left; I’ve never seen such a playful Dark type before. There wouldn’t be a day that went by where she didn’t get her horns stuck. She was my first ever Pokémon while on my own and I can’t say I regret any of it.
Bruce : Moving into Hoenn was difficult, all of my colleagues weren’t minutes away, it was just JYD and I versus the world. That lasted about a day. Settling into my cabin took all of 4 hours with the minimal packing I had to do which meant that I could take a drive and relax by the coast, something child-me dreamed of doing. While there, I couldn’t help but notice the same Sharpedo swimming in what seemed to be a triangle-esque pattern. After getting closer, it started to breach the water bobbing up and down repeatedly. As a kind gesture for the show, I chucked a piece of raw fish its way. Now for the past 2 weeks, I’ve been coming to the same dock and feeding Bruce. Even though he’s not my Pokémon, I named it and try to see Bruce everyday. Hopefully one day I can build a substantially large aquatic aquarium and take care of Bruce one-on-one.
Rayquaza : The only work I have is online reports for the time being, meaning that I have a lot of free-time on my hands. One of my favorite things to do is hike here. After my third trip to the Hoenn Peak my 10th day here, I met a wild Rayquaza. Thankfully they’re naturally peaceful creatures as seeing that lanky, slender, snake-like body wrap around a tree and reveal its enormous body right in front of my eyes nearly had me dart to my car! Even though it’s stated that they tend to “stick to their own lane,” this one allowed me to pet its underbelly. It followed me all the way back to my cabin and is now resting on my porch, completely crushing my 2nd favorite rocking chair. At this moment I have no clue what to name them and would gladly take suggestions!
I’m always looking for new people to meet since I’m starting my blank slate in Hoenn. I do lots of hikes and lumber work in my free-time so if you ever need a new fence built, or in my case, a new rocking chair, be sure to reach out! I’m mostly friendly and don’t quite have a routine set up yet. I keep my circle of people small but that’s something I should work on, especially with how tight-knit everyone in this region seems. It would do me more good than harm.
//OOC — this is my first time doing something like this and would appreciate any kind words sent my way! I have a little story drawn up in my head and can’t wait to take those around my blog with me. Thanks again for taking the time to read this and if you have, let me know :D be sure to have a great day!
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How do you use map icons in totk cause mine are:
Leaf: foraging area for rare/useful materials (fun fact you can get hearty bass at that low gravity island with the mirror puzzle, the water never refills but the fish still spawn and just around on the floor. It’s part of my “post blood moon rotation” of foraging points and enemy spawns.
Skull: enemy I can’t reliably defeat yet (I finally got all mine off my map! TAJE that silver lynels you fucking suck ass)
Sword: mini boss/tough enemy I can reliably defeat
person looking one: Addison sign or backpack korok to return to later
Crystal tower thing: depths ascend point
Cooking pots: overworld cooking pots in useful locations so I don’t have to rely on portable ones all the time
Hearts: korok puzzles or areas I think are going to be used fir a side quest later
stars: anything else, usually related to whatever I’m working on at that moment
Bonus content: my material grinding routine for every blood moon as a paranoid newbie to this franchise who is not going into the final fight until I’m considerably over prepared.
Immediately go to the Lanayru Promenade and teleport to the O-ogim shrine, ascend up and defeat the three lynels that spawn in a line heading northwest from that point. This is both farming for weapons and fuse parts AND practice with dodging and flurry rushes (it took me a Long Time to figure them out and I’m not going to stop until I can get 5 in a row)
Then I open my map again and teleport to two locations where Gibdo’s spawn (gibdo bones my beloved) generally the underground cemetery then the ancient altar ruins, it’s generally worth putting a travel medallion down in a Gerudo cave of your choice cause desert travel is awful and most of the caves for some reason don’t have shrines
Then I teleport to several sky islands rapidly:
Ga-ahisas shrine in the North Tabantha Sky for aforementioned fish
Josiu shrine in north Necluda sky (then to the island north of it with the pond) for a big radish + everything else those islands grow
And finally the water temple, as it’s my preferred location for farming Construct parts. I like combat in low gravity im a sniper at heart just let me have infinite bullet time
(my current plan for Ganondorf is a full inventory of rocket shields + multi shot bows + gibdo bones. everything else is a backup plan. I hope I don’t need the backup plans cause they’re not very good. One is literally to look up on YouTube how to build an indestructible car and just run him over till he dies)
Then I stop off at Sturnida Springs Cave (north + a little west of Rito Village) aka the crazy mushroom cave. Also a decent place for a travel medallion tbh, it’s fairly far from any travel points.
Then its Hateno to harvest from the school field and set the new crop (I’m usually rotating between endura carrots and hearty radishes) and buy out anything useful at the store, mostly pumpkins. And arrows. I consider anything under 150 to be running low.
If I’m running low in cash I track down a rare stone talus or two, there’s two fairly close to the Gerudo Canyon tower.
Then I spend the remaining time either defeating gloom spawn/boss rematches in the depths/more Lynels depending on what I’m running low on, or farming parts from a dragon (I try to rotate but. It’s usually Dinraal cause she’s my favorite dragon)
And when I inevitably get bored of this I switch to collecting poes in the depths to buy bomb flowers.
And yes. My link does have a severe addiction to speed elixers. That’s none of your business. It gets the job done. Gan won’t know what fucking hit him (it’s bones and bombs. He’s getting hit by bones and bombs)
And anyway I don’t want to do the final boss until I’ve done the majority of things to do in the game, it feels like the finale should be… final, yanno? I’m not gonna find every korok seed or anything but I do want to get all inventory upgrades, get every armor piece and upgrade most of them, do all the side quests, fill my compendium most of the way, etc.
but even then I’m still REALLY close. I’ve got like… three shrines, five quests, 4 wells, and maybe 2 armor pieces left and SURELY more m close to getting all the Addison signs I mean I never slacked on those. I already have plans lined up to get upgrades for the armor pieces I already have (fuck the goddamn star things I just want to upgrade my own damn canonical armor and you want falling stars AND dragon parts? Literally fuck off) so. Im running out of things to do to avoid the ending 😬
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football-rambles · 3 years
Delicate - John Stones
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I written this a couple of years ago, I just deleted and altered it. I just listened to the song yesterday and felt I needed to re-write it. I may re-write my attempt at my reputation series. But for now here we go!
Warnings: A pathetic attempt at smut
Special mention to @wheelergrealish​ for reading this before I posted this, you’re a star 
You laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. The room was in complete darkness and your thoughts were with a certain footballer. Who had you met just over a couple of weeks when you attended your best friend boyfriend football match. It was what you ‘needed’ after you broke up with your now ex. That was when you met him.
You had started dating, but it was very casual. You couldn’t even call it dating. You had been on one date, had sex, well you lost count on that. Both of you reeling from each other’s break ups. Both afraid to properly commit, or even label what you are.
It wasn’t something you both had really talked about, but you knew he would avoid that conversation on purpose. You knew it was because he hadn’t directly told you. He was a little careful because of how his last relationship had been so full on.
Elle, Ella? you couldn't remember.
Your phone that laid on your nightstand suddenly lit up, casting a dim light in the dark bedroom. Reaching for the phone, you squinted at the brightness as it hit your eyes to read the text.
Dive bar on the east side. Where you at?
You looked at the time and jumped up, jumping out of bed, realising that you had lost track of time in your thoughts yet again. He was at his best friend’s party and had asked you to meet him there for the night.
You hurried to your closet and put on the plain black dress you knew he liked. He didn’t tell you that of course, you we’re both shy when it came to complimenting each other. As you grabbed your purse and hurried out of the apartment, telling yourself you would do your make up in the Uber as you thought to yourself.
He's taking up too much of my headspace.
You stood outside the bar, it was old and around the corner from the river. It was so peaceful except for the music that was booming inside the bar. The wooden sign hanging over it, slightly rusty. But from the outside, you could see through the glass that it was a small, cosy place. You wondered what a footballer like Kyle chose somewhere like this. But you hesitated because though it looked like a place you would love to be, it was very crowded.
You avoided crowded places and had gotten use to the quiet. After your breakup with your ex, you couldn’t stand being around the crowds, judging. You hesitated outside the door for a moment before inhaling deeply as you walked into the bar.
You couldn’t see him anywhere, so you made your way straight to the bar, you wanted to avoid conversations with people. As you made your way over to the bar and sat on the stool and started to tap the bar waiting to be served. You looked around to see if you could see him, but nothing.
Dark jeans and your Nikes, look at you Oh damn, never seen that colour blue
You were served, which annoyed the bloke that had joined next to you, moaning about the service. You turned around to see that he was making his way over to you. You noted his outfit, black jeans, Nikes that fitted well. He had a light colour blue shirt that you couldn’t quite place it with the outfit, but you liked it on him.
“Let me buy this lady a drink.” The man slurred at the bartender that handed you a glass of wine.
“No thank you,” you muttered before the man laughed at you.
“Oh, come on.” The man slurred again, this time he started to lean over to you.
“No thank you.” You pulled back. You hated strangers, they made you even more nervous that before. Ever since your reputation was ruined by your breakup with your ex, you we’re constantly being judged by everyone. Your reputation was damaged over something you couldn’t control. Yet you had the shit to deal with.
“Back off buddy.” A voice says to the stranger as he slipped his arms around your waist.
“I’m just trying to buy her a drink,” The man spoke.
“Her drink is on me,” John said in a calm tone. “Now back off,” He repeated.
With that, the man left, and he sat next to you on the barstool that just became vacant. “I’m sorry about that, I should go come over.”
“It’s not your fault,” you whispered, shaking your head. “I’m used to it now, my reputation never been so worse, so” you trailed off, letting out a sigh.
“Well, I don’t care about that,” He says quietly as he took your hand from the bar.
“You must like me for me, huh?” You say with a small smile.
“I do,” said, planting a kiss on your hand. "And I promise that-"
"We can't make any promises now, can we?" you say, cutting him off with a peck on the lips as you leaned across.
He smiled warmly and after hesitating for a few seconds, leaned across to kiss your forehead. With that, he turned away to get the barman’s attention. you stared at his back, swallowing thickly, resisting the urge to touch his shoulder.
Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you're in my head? Cause I know that it's delicate
As you pulled up outside his house, you were worried for a moment if it would be alright with you just showing up without warning. You had been going out nearly a month. Things were just the same. Nothing had changed.
You were starting to feel a little anxious as you realised that you were the one taking the relationship seriously, worried that he didn’t. It frustrated you that things were going so slow, yet so fast.
When you were together neither of you could keep your hands off each other, and they had sex anywhere but each other houses. Cars, even in the changing room once when you visited on a training session. But you hadn’t been to his house and neither had he yours.
When you’re with him, the question was always on the tip of the tongue, but almost as if he knew what you were thinking, he'd kiss you and then, everything was history. Temporarily at least, till the thoughts came crawling back.
Stop right there.
You simply could not afford to be the one who invested more in this relationship. Did he want it slow? That was fine, perfectly fine. He did not want to talk about it. That was cool too.
It was just fine.
Frowning from your thoughts, you were still debating whether to go and knock on his door. Thoughts interrupted when you heard a tap on the window making you jump. You turn to find him stood there, in a hoodie and shorts, standing there with a half-amused smile. Grinning sheepishly at him, you rolled her windows down. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He replies, crouching to give you a kiss on the lips. “What are you doing?” He asks.
You looked at him, hesitantly before answering. "Honestly? I thought you were training, so I just sat here." you lied.
He raised an eyebrow, his smile widening. "Well, I’m off today...that’s why my car is in the drive."
"Yeah...that explains that" you say, looking down at your steering wheel embarrassment. “Do you fancy coming for a drive?” you blurted out.
John looked at you and straightened up “I-Sure, but you’re a good driver, right?” He teased.
“Um, I don’t have my license...so” you joked, which John looked at you are laughing. “Let me lock up.”
The drive was silent, a comfortable silence. As you gripped the steering wheel for dear life as you drive down up the street you lived; you were going to turn off towards the lakes one of your favourite spots.
“This is the street you live on, right?” John asked.
“Uh...yeah I share an apartment with my best friend” you explain, quietly. Looking across at him, “Do you want to see my place?”
JOHN looked over at you and nodded, “Sure. I’d love too,” He says.
The third floor on the West Side, me and you. Handsome, your mansion with a view. Do the girls back home touch you like I do?
A few minutes later, you were both standing outside your apartment door as you fumbled with the keys nervously, grateful that your best friend wasn't home. The door clicked open, and you gestured for John to enter first, flicking on the lights as you followed.
You kicked off your shoes and taken off your coat as watched John looking around the apartment quietly, and you could see him processing everything he was seeing. Suddenly, you felt quite nervous because you knew the décor were not really his thing and it was small, his house was about 5 times the size of the apartment.
"I know it isn't your style or big but-" you started, but he you off.
"I love it," he said with a half-smile, turning to you.
You smiled at him and felt yourself relax a little and walked over to him slowly, satisfied when you saw his eyes darken a little. As soon as you were within touching distance, John pulled you towards him and kissed you. His arms wrapped around your back, engulfing you completely, as his fingers splayed across the length of her waist. He started to tug at the hem of your shirt,
You instinctively guided him towards the couch, leading him there while the two of you were still kissing. Both fell on to the couch, His lips kissing yours all down your jawline before meeting her lips.
Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.
For two weeks after they'd gone to her place, you had started to drop by the training ground unannounced. Almost all your visits always ended with a night spent in your apartment. Other than that, JOHN dropped by during the days when he wasn't at training or a game.
Despite all the time you both were spending together; you hadn't spoken about where you were going or what you were to each other. The only thing you knew was you both wanted each other, and that he was in your head almost all the time. You tried to tell him that you didn't like when he left the apartment, and you'd be wide awake listening to the fading echoes of his footsteps, desperately wanting to tell him to stay.
Echoes of your footsteps on the stairs, stay here, honey, I don't want to share
But the last time you were around your apartment, you were woken by an annoyed best friend, she had thrown a fit; she was tired of either going to her boyfriend’s place or being kept awake by the two of you. She would like to spend at least one silent night at her own house.
Now you were stood outside John house, waiting for him to open the door. Seconds later, the door opened, and he stood in the doorway grinning at her. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, John,” you say shyly.
You could feel your cheeks burning, you were still shy around him after all this time. He stepped aside so you could walk through the door. Placing his hand on your back as he guided you in. He took your coat and purse and laid it on the table neatly by the door. He looked at you and around. “This is home.” He says quietly.
Your face turned red, once again stricken by how he didn’t hesitate. In the first week, he was always careful, and though you both hadn’t talked about anything, all these subtle things that he had started doing; small kisses, playing with your hair, hand-holding every time you were out and people staring. These things have her stupid amounts of happiness, and you knew you had fallen for him hard.
Cause I like you
“So, I know you love the notebook,” he started. “So, I thought we could, maybe watch it tonight?” He suggested.
You looked at the table that had a bowl of popcorn, and the DVD, tears filled your eyes. He listened to you babbling on about random things.
You looked at him, “it’s perfect!” you say kissing his cheek.
John half was watching the film but was watching you as you were indulged in the movie. He smiled as he went back to watching the film.
You had turned to see that John was watching you wipe away the tears “I just love this film, so much,” you say defending says, smiling.
John smiled and kissed your forehead, “I know.”
You had let out a small laugh, and her hand travelled upwards from his chest to bottom of his t-shirt. You leaned up to him kissing him. His hand left the armrest of the couch and rested on the side of your face, tracing along your jawline with his thumb; John knew you loved it when he did that.
"Bedroom," he whispered rapidly, pulling back for a second.
He stood up and offering his hand you and lead you up to his bedroom. After he closed the door behind him, he turned around and crashed his lips to yours again. You impatiently began to pull at the hem of his shirt, and chuckling softly, he left your lips for a second to pull his t-shirt over his head before going back to kissing you. Flipping you around, your back now to the door and continued to kiss.
You let out a satisfying and let your hands travel down towards his pants, teasing him slightly over his boxers, growling, he started to back away, pulling you with him towards the bed. When the back of his knees hit the edge of the bed, he turned around to you and pulled away from your lips. Both of you we’re breathing heavily, and he gave you a gentle nudge, so you fell back on to the bed.
Sliding his hands under your skirt, his fingers teased your hipbone before starting to remove your pants. You were already slipping out of your top, arching your back slightly as you pulled it over your head and threw it away recklessly before lying back down entirely. He bent down to kiss you, supporting himself with one hand while the other travelled back down to tug at your skirt.
Once that was off, his mouth moved from your lips to your chin, and then to your collarbone, one of your weak spots. He was moving slowly, from the top of your breasts to gentle kisses on your stomach, teasing you into frustration. Finally, his mouth travelled to between your legs, and your eyes fluttered closed as he teased you endlessly with his tongue, alternating between soft caresses and firm kisses. You began to whisper his name, request clear in your voice until he complied with your requests. Your hands clutched the sheets as you arched your back, each thrust eliciting a louder groan.
Your hips bucked, meeting thrust for thrust, as both of your moans fuelled each other's fires further. Finally, you felt yourself climaxing under him, and he followed soon after. He collapsed on top of you, both of your bodies shuddering with the release of desire you had just experienced. After laying on top of you for a few quiet minutes, John kissed your collarbone and rolled off you, lying next to you both catching your breath.
Sometimes I wonder when you sleep. Are you ever dreaming of me?
He slid one arm under your neck and pulled you into his side as you marvelled for the umpteenth time on how well you both fit together. You turned towards him and watched him quietly as he fell asleep. your eyes traced his jawline, and you were unsure whether to stroke the hint of stubble he hadn’t bothered to shave. You saw his eyes flicker towards you at his touch, but you didn’t back away. You knew you wanted more. This man-made you feel things no one ever had in a short space of knowing him, and you loved it. As you looked at him thoughtfully, he turned on his side to face you.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked
You looked at him hesitantly, swallowing nervously, this was it. You could either lie and worm your way out of it or just talk to him. You knew how that would end, he would either reject you and say you’re on different pages all this... or this could go somewhere, somewhere much better than where it was now.
Sometimes when I look into your eyes, I pretend you're mine, all the damn time
Leap of faith. Do it, Y/N.
"I like spending time with you, John" you say softly into his shoulder. "An-And I don't like it when you leave. When you go, I keep wondering if there're other girls who touch you like I do, you know?”
"Y/N I don't-" John started.
"I know, I know, you don't, John. It's just my mind messing with me because of... you know... I just worry, that's all. I feel like I'm sharing you with everyone else, and I don't like it. That's weird, right?" you sighed but continued. "I guess it's just because... Because... I don't know what we are to each other, you know? We never really talked about it. Am I your girlfriend? I just need to know. It drives me crazy and I just..." you trailed away, eyes still on his shoulder, too scared to look at his face.
"I don't know. I just really, really like you, John," You finished with a whisper, a heavy weightlifting off your shoulders.
You laid still, your hand starting to drum a nervous rhythm on his chest. You could feel him tense, and the panic began to build as you struggled to find words that could erase what you'd just said; to make light of what you just said. "Um, sorry, is it uh... cool that I said all that?"
Cool!? Really, Y/N?!
"I mean, I know that things are kind of... I-I know that it's delicate."
When he still hadn't said anything, you finally looked at him apologetically, asking defeated. "Isn't it?"
Closing his eyes at your tone for a second, he finally turned to look at you. "It is," he said softly, but continued. "But someone had to ask, and I'm sorry that I was too much of a coward to say that."
"And... you are my girlfriend. I thought you knew that" John said, and when your eyes widened off guard and you opened your mouth to say something, but he cut your off. "Yeah, I'm sorry for not getting around to tell you I thought that."
Then, removing his arm from under your neck, he now turned on his side to face you fully. "I like you too, Y/N. I like you a lot," he said thoughtfully. "I'm glad you're around."
He turned kissed your forehead, firm but soft and pulled back with a grin. "And nope, it isn't too soon. I'd say it was about damn time."
Cause I know that it's delicate
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haikyu-nsfwblog · 4 years
You’re Mine and Mine Only. 
⚠: College Student Akaashi/Reader/Bokuto, Jealous Akaashi, smut, oral (both receive), fingering, Akaashi cums inside, Akaashi calls reader Angel, choking, degradation mixed w/ praise. 
Akaashi doesn’t like sharing what’s his, that goes for you too. He doesn’t like when people look at you for too long, or try to touch you in any way, or when conversations get too personal. You were his baby after all, his only. So when you and Bokuto are talking after his game, and Bokuto gives you a goodbye hug after asking about what you’re majoring in and how school and life is treating you… Akaashi can’t help but get jealous. He quickly walks up to you, taking your wrist in his hand, leaning into your whispering “Better go before I get more pissed than I am already Angel.” You smile at Bokuto before telling him that there was a family emergency and you needed to leave right away. Akaashi takes you to his car, speeding the whole way home. His left hand squeezing your thigh tightly. You knew he was mad, but when you were talking to Bokuto you didn’t realize how far you let the conversation go. You also know how protective Akaashi is over you, you like it, but sometimes you forget the minor details that make him mad. He quickly pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex, practically dragging you up the steps. As soon as the door was closed he had you pressed against it. His hand wrapped snug around your throat, giving it a taunting squeeze. “Akaashi please you’re being-” His eyes grow dark clearly infuriated. “Just remember you’re talking to me though, you need to watch the way you’re talking to me.” He pulls away from your neck, dropping his hand. “You should just leave if you’re not gonna listen to me.” He says bluntly, you know he doesn’t actually want you to leave, he just hates when other guys get the chance to know you. “You’ll never find nobody better than me.” You say before walking to the door. He quickly runs up to you, grabbing your waist and turning you around, pushing you against the door. “Talk and talk and talk and talk, Baby let’s just knock it off. I’m losing my patience.” He quickly takes you to the bed, kissing down your body. Leaving bite marks across your neck and stomach. He wastes no time to discard your pants and underwear, dropping his head to taste your juices. “Fuck Kaashi-” You moan out, back slightly arching off the bed. He slides two fingers into you, immediately setting a fast pace, switching between curling to hit your g-spot and scissoring his fingers to prep you. “K- Kaashi please.” You drop your hand into his hair, tugging lightly. He uses his tongue to draw slow circles on your clit. Once you're prepped he stands up, tugging down his shorts and boxers, leaning down and grabbing you by the throat, he pulls your back off the bed. “Suck.” Was all he said, you look up at him through your lidded eyes before putting the tip in your mouth. Rolling soft circles around his tip. You pull him out of your mouth, stroking him quickly, using your spit to wet his cock. You take him back in your mouth. His hand slides down, pulling your hair back before shoving you down his length. Your short gags add to his pleasure. “Fuck Angel, so good for me.” His head is thrown back, he pulls you off before telling you to lay back down. He slowly pushes into you, your eyes rolling back. He bottoms out, not giving you time to adjust, he starts a fast pace. One hand holding the headboard, the other wrapped around your throat. “Wanna act like a slut, talking to other guys…” he leans into your ear, “Guess I’ll treat you like one.” He bites your neck, following the warm feeling of his tongue after. He moves away from your ear, thrusting into you faster. “Kaashi ‘m gonna-” He cuts you off, “Don’t cum till i say so.” You whine at his demand. The way you’re clenching on his cock, trying not to cum has him going insane. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He moans out, his grip getting tighter on your throat. He takes his hand off the headboard, using it to rub fast circles on your clit. The pressure makes your eyes water. He leans down, taking a nipple between his teeth. Biting and sucking the bud.  “Fuck- cum for me.” You throw your head back, moaning loudly as you both cum. Akaashi fills you to the brim while your cum drips down his cock. He pulls out of you, trying to catch his breath. Flipping you over, he starts to lift your hips up and down. You clench on his cock from the stimulation, “Fuck keep doing that.” You clench harder, while he moves you faster. Your orgasm comes quickly, your head falling onto his shoulder. He starts to rock your hips forward and backward, making you grind on his cock. The way your clit lightly brushes against his skin makes you shake. His head falls back against the headboard. Letting out short moans, “Fuck yeah, such a good girl for me.” He forces you to move faster, now chasing his own high. A few moments later, he bucks his hips, the warm ropes of cum coating your insides. You slowly get off his lap falling beside him. Too tired to move he slides down, laying behind you with an arm around your waist. “I love you Angel.” He whispered, kissing your shoulder. “I love you too Kaashi.” With that you both fell asleep.
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sgtbradfords · 4 years
“Is that my shirt?” For a Chenford prompt! Love your writing♥️
Thank you for the prompt anon! I hope this does the prompt justice 😉
Send me a prompt from this list!
When Lucy Chen woke up that morning it wasn’t to the sound of her alarm, no. It was to the sound of a fist banging on her front door before Jackson West barged into the room.
“Chen! Let’s go, we’re going to be late!” She heard as she startled awake, sitting up.
“Shit!” She yelled throwing back the covers as she stumbled out of the bed, her body wavering as her feet hit the floor.
“What happened?” Jackson asked from the doorway as Lucy began to run around her room.
“I don’t know! I think my phone died last night while I was on the phone with-“ she began telling him as she threw on the first articles of acceptable clothing she could find. “Can I borrow your charger in the car?”
“Sure. But hurry we're going to be late.”
“Thanks roomie!” she yelled as he walked out.
Lucy hurriedly finished getting dressed, throwing on a pair of flats to go with her outfit before grabbing her duffle bag, keys and phone before running out of the apartment. She took the stairs down, two at a time, towards the main floor, swinging the metal door that separates the inside from the outside as she sprinted to Jackson’s waiting car.
“This is not how I wanted to start my Friday!” she huffed to her roommate and friend as she shut the door, buckling quickly as they headed out onto the street.
Jackson held out his right hand, a wrapped breakfast bar laid in his palm. “I grabbed you breakfast.”
Lucy took it, unwrapping and taking a bite as she plugged up her phone. “Thank you.” She said between another bite.
“So, who were you talking to so late last night that caused your phone to die?”
Lucy grimaced. “You caught that huh?”
Jackson nodded. “If you’re not ready to talk about it, that’s ok. But at least tell me you ran a background check on him.”
She snorted. “I did and I promise that his intentions are sound.”
“His intentions?” Jackson questioned, looking over his sunglasses to the girl in the passenger seat. “And just what is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that it’s kind of serious.” She shrugged. “We’ve been on a few dates. He’s been to mine, I’ve been to his. He even FaceTimed my parents once.”
“He’s met your parents? And just how long has this-“
Jackson began to ask as Lucy’s phone charging in the cup holder began chiming. She picked it up, scrolling through her missed messages.
“Huh. That’s weird.”
“I got a message from Grey telling me to plain clothes it today. Wonder what that’s all about.”
“Special assignment maybe? We are P2s now.”
Lucy furrowed her brow as she fired off a text message before she began fixing her hair into a bun. “Maybe, I guess we’ll find out during roll call.”
They made idle conversation going down the road as Lucy fixed her light make-up, Jackson steering the car into the parking lot, parking in their normal spot. “Hey, did you finish that report about the robbery from yesterday?”
Lucy grabbed her things, exiting the car. “Yeah, I need to thank Nolan for the backup. If he didn’t show when he did, I would hate to think what could have happened.”
They enter the department, Lucy telling Jackson about the two men who tried to rob the convenience store granny before they went their separate ways to the locker rooms.
Lucy placed her bag into her locker, grabbing her badge, holstering her gun, and double checking her ankle holster before she pocketed her knife.
“Hey, good catch yesterday with the Gardner Twins. They’re regulars, always in and out of jail but I heard that the old woman held her own?” Nyla congratulated as she adjusted the duty belt she just put on.
Lucy laughed, heading for the door. “Yeah, when I pulled up on scene, she had one held at gun point and the other at cane point which would have been nothing if it wasn’t for the blade sticking out of it.”
“Sounds like that is one grandma not to be messed with.”
“Definitely not, she had brass knuckles and pepper spray in her purse too.” Lucy told Nyla as they entered the meeting room, both taking their respective seats with the others at their tables in the back.
Angela Lopez walked in, sitting down beside Lucy. “Morning.”
Angela turned around to Nyla, asking a question before she turned back around to the front. “Nice shirt.”
“Than-“ Lucy began saying as she looked down, stopping her words in their tracks. ‘Oh no.’ her mind repeated frantically. In her haste to get dressed she didn’t pay attention to the shirt she put on, sure she knew the olive green color, knew it would match her dark washed jeans but ‘I should have looked in the mirror.’ was really a statement she needed stamped on her forehead.
“Morning.” Tim said as he sat down in the chair next to Nyla. “You get a special assignment or something?” he asked, looking at his former rookie.
Lucy was still amidst her internal conflict. ‘Should I go change? How could I have been so stupid, this is what I get for not laying my clothes out last night.’
“Boot!” Tim said sternly, his voice a tone he hasn’t used on her in a while, pulling her out of her stupor.
“I’m sorry, did you ask something?”
“Yeah, what’s with the plain clothes?”
Lucy shrugged. “Grey told me to dress down.”
“And that means wearing your boyfriend’s shirt?” snorted Angela as she took a sip of her coffee.
Lucy panicked. “Oh this? This isn’t my boyfriend’s, it’s Jackson’s.”
“Jackson was in the Army?” Angela smirked, pointing out the green shirt with black lettering.
“No, it’s Sterling’s. He wore it on that military movie he made a few years ago.”
Angela looked at her incredulously before glancing at Nyla and Tim who was watching the interaction with great intent. “Uh-huh.”
“Alright let’s settle down and get to it…” Sergeant Grey said as he took his place behind the podium.
“What’d I miss?” Jackson asked as he quickly sat down in the other chair opposite of Lucy.
“My funeral.” She mumbled.
Jackson turned slightly “What?”
“Nothing.” She said quickly as Grey glared the two down.
Thirty minutes later Sergeant Grey had given Lucy her assignment, assisting the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives undercover at a local bar that was serving alcohol to minors.
“Hey, wait for me.” Said the voice of her former training officer behind her. She slowed her steps, allowing him to join her. “You want a ride?”
“Sure. You set?”
Tim motioned his head towards the garage bay, “Let’s go.”
Lucy may have been the most under qualified of all the female officers in the department to go undercover, but she had what the ATF was looking for and everyone has to start somewhere. She felt a sense of relief when Sergeant Grey partnered her with Tim for the day, the newly appointed Sergeant providing backup in case things went sideways.
“So, what’s your cover again?” Tim asked. He would be parked nearby, listening in with another ATF field agent as Lucy went on a ‘date’ with one of their agents while two others attempted to get served alcohol.
Lucy read the paper in her hand, the information vague besides the location of the bar and who they would be meeting with outside of the bar.
Tim nodded. “Did you bring another shirt?”
“No, Grey didn’t tell me anything other than to wear plain clothes, which I didn’t see till I had already left my apartment.”
“Isn’t that my shirt?” he asked, smirking.
“Apparently I feel asleep talking to someone on the phone last night and never plugged it up, which caused my phone to die, so my alarm to never went off and Jackson had to wake me up. I was in a bit of a rush this morning getting dressed and thought I was putting on my olive swing top.” She glared.
“I’m not complaining, you look better in it anyways.”
“Yeah, well I’m pretty sure Angela knows it’s yours.”
Tim shrugged “She’s a Detective for a reason. It was cute you know.”
“What was cute?”
“Hearing you snore.”
Lucy opened her mouth “I do not snore!”
“You do.” He laughed. “I can’t believe I never noticed it before last night.”
“I was tired, yesterday was a long day. Besides, it’s probably nothing compared to the logs that you saw at night.”
Tim looked at her before agreeing with what she said. “I’m not going to deny that. But at least my feet don’t feel like blocks of ice.”
“I can’t help that my feet stay cold! I don’t like wearing socks to bed.”
“Lucy, I don’t mind being your personal heater but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to keep an extra blanket or two next to the beds.”
Lucy thought for a moment as she pulled her hair out of its hold, tousling the brown waves. “Fine.”
“Or we could just make it bed, as in singular.” He offered as he parked the shop next to the curb.
“Is that your way of asking me to move in with you?”
“I don’t know, is it? We've been together almost a year, we're both in a good place right now and half of your closet is in my bedroom closet."  He reminded her as he grabbed the handheld radio mounted to the dash.”7-Adam-19 show us out for special assignment.”
“7-Adam-19 10-4.”
“You don’t have to answer now, we can talk about more after shift.” He told her as he stepped out of the car. “You ready?” he asked as Lucy nodded her head, moving towards the small group of people on the sidewalk. “Let’s knock ‘em dead boot. Agent Edwards? Sergeant Tim Bradford this is Officer Lucy Chen, glad we could assist you today.”
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 years
chapter ten
(table of contents)
(chapter nine)
april 3, 1976
help me
Ellie tried keeping her mind off of her potential situation after she got back home. As soon as she landed, she was at the doctor's office getting her blood drawn. The doctor said she'd have her results on Monday.
She observed how Jimmy had been acting in the 12 hours they were together before she left after their night out. It wasn't that he was on-edge, but he was definitely a little less than comfortable. And that was an understandable reaction considering how unexpected all this was.
She was separating, folding, and putting clothes away from her suitcase when the doorbell rang an incessant amount of times. Ellie knew it could only be one person with the insistence in which the doorbell rang.
The bell only stopped when Ellie finally yanked the door open, "Andrew, what the hell!" she joked. The dark-haired man nearly screamed with delight and engulfed the blonde in a hug.
"God, that was the longest fucking three weeks of my life! How was it? How'd it go? Did you break some beds?"
Ellie held her mouth agape for a second before laughing and ushering the man inside. He followed her back upstairs as they spoke, "No beds were broken, contrary to popular belief. But it went great. Jimmy said Charlotte really liked me after we stopped by a second time. And his daughter is so sweet."
"So you're cool with the family! Awesome. Now you know you'll probably be seeing more of them. Try not to catch the baby fever, though."
Ellie chuckled dryly at the statement, "You might be a little late on that one, Andrew."
"Listen, kids are cute, but when you actually have to take care of them, it's a hassle. Wait till you're old and wrinkly and you've already lived."
Her heart sank in her chest, would her life really be slowed down that drastically by a baby?
"El, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Can we not talk about babies right now?" She asked, pinching the bridge of her nose and crumpling up a shirt she had been holding, tossing it into her dirty clothes pile quite aggressively.
"Uh, oh. Seems like I hit a nerve. Did Jimmy say anything to you about having kids?"
"No, not exactly. He wasn't opposed to it. I just—I don't want to think about kids right now. Can we talk about something else?"
"Okay, fine I won't budge," he said, throwing his hands up in surrender before stammering in an attempt to find a new topic to talk about, "what was the house like?"
"It was beautiful. Huge. Like imagine my house but like ten times bigger. I know he doesn't need all those bedrooms."
"You two should've had sex in all of the rooms. A new room every night." Andrew said, almost excited at the prospect.
"What is it with your obsession in my sex life? Aren't you getting some?"
"It's a little hard for my scene of people, Ellie. And plus, it's not my fault your boyfriend is a total looker. I don't know how you don't just stare at him all day."
Ellie chuckled at the comment, "Well we did have a morning that we spent in bed. It was nice."
"You're keeping something from me. Ellie, we don't keep secrets."
"What do you—" Ellie tried to play off, only to enter a stare-down with her best friend. She kept eye contact for as long as she could before the dryness made her scrunch her eyes shut. "Fine! I am keeping something from you."
"And it is....?"
"I can't tell you just yet. But I will say one thing, I'm extremely worried about Jimmy. I walked into his office the other day because I was looking for something and there were just bottles. And drugs. All over the desk."
"What kind of drugs?" Andrew asked, leaning in.
Ellie folded up a skirt, putting it away in her drawer before answering, "heroin and coke."
"Heroin? I hear that shit is wack if you take too much. Was he shooting it?"
"He'd done at least three. He was completely zooted. Out of his mind. His arm looked like an inexperienced nurse trying to find a vein. Andrew, it was horrible."
"Oh, God. I can only imagine. I'm sorry, babe. What did he say when you saw him?"
"He didn't say anything. I got kind of mad at him afterwards because he knows I get worried when he uses the stuff. He tried to butter me up and say sorry, but I just kinda brushed him off."
"Aw, Ellie. Do you wanna go out tonight; get your mind off it?"
"I don't know...I don't really wanna drink this weekend."
"We don't have to drink." He shrugged.
Ellie eyed him suspiciously, "since when does 'going out' not consist of drinking?"
"I heard Queen's still in town. We could try to look for 'em. Maybe I can get Freddie to sign my chest." Andrew said, stroking his chest sensually.
"You sound like a groupie." she chuckled.
"Listen, you're the famous one, not me. I can be as whorish as I want."
With a roll of her eyes, Ellie picked up her hamper, walking off to the laundry room with it to get started on her clothes.
Later that evening, after Andrew had gone home, Ellie picked up the phone. She held it in her hand for a second before hanging up the receiver. Looking at the clock, the blonde noticed it was only 6pm. A drive would be nice. She thought to herself.
Grabbing her sunglasses and a coat—it was unusually cold for April—and took her keys from the table by the front door as she made her way over to her car.
Deciding she'd go down to West Hollywood and stop at her manager's office, Ellie took the long way and chose to take her time while driving.
Turning on the radio, she just caught the beginning of "Help Me" by Joni Mitchell. She turned the volume a bit louder and relaxed against the driver's seat; letting the California sun hit her face and a slight breeze come in through the window. She forgot about everything that'd been on her mind as she drove down the highway, taking in the music and bobbing her head along to the beat.
Taking a turn onto Santa Monica Boulevard, Ellie observed the tons of stores and people that littered the sidewalk. As she slowed to a stop at a red light, she took a look across the street to find a particular head of bleach-blond hair. Rolling down the window some more and pulling her sunglasses down, Ellie's suspicions were confirmed.
"Roger!" She exclaimed without thinking. Her heart dropped to her ass at the realization that she'd just publicly yelled at someone she'd only met twice before. "Shit." she whispered under her breath.
"Ellie?" Roger asked in response. He was visibly leaning over and lowering his own sunglasses to be able see the singer inside her car.
"I thought you went back home!" Ellie said, nervously glancing between Roger and the stoplight.
"No! I hung around! The guys went back home," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets, "I've been calling you!"
"I've been away! I should've told you! I just got back!"
Another glance at the light.
"Can I call you later?"
"Sure!" Ellie exclaimed when the loud blaring of a car horn behind her caused her to jump in her seat. She waved a quick goodbye to Roger before going on her way. It wasn't until she caught her breath that she realized she'd been holding it. She shook her head and took another deep breath, continuing down the street.
"Carolyn'll see you now." The receptionist said. Ellie stood up, now with her coat and sunglasses off, she felt a bit more at ease. She said a quick thank you to the receptionist before letting herself into the office.
"Ellie! Sit down, babe." Carolyn said cheerfully. "You said April 1st."
"I got a little caught up in some personal stuff."
"I hope nothing too bad. You didn't overdo it on the blow did you?"
"No, no. I promise, Care. That's one thing you'll never have to worry about with me."
"I better not. Don't need you dying on me or anything. How was your trip?"
"It was great! Jimmy and I got some alone time, it was nice. I met his daughter. Absolute sweetheart."
"You didn't get knocked up, did you?" Carolyn asked, furrowing her brows at her.
Ellie practically jumped in her seat, her eyes widened, "No! I don't—why would you—?"
"Oh my God, you got knocked up didn't you? You were there for barely three weeks, Ellie!"
"I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow. I'll call you as soon as I can to let you know how it went. I just don't want to think about it right now." Ellie sighed, not wanting to think about her worst fears for another second.
"Fine. Let's see if the record company needs anything from you." Carolyn replied, flipping through a notebook that was sitting on her desk before looking back up at her, "I need you to get a song out, or even an album. Tell me you did something other than screw around with your boyfriend on your trip."
"I started a song, then I kind of abandoned it when I had an idea for a different one...it's a bit personal so it'll definitely be on the slower side, I think." Ellie explained.
"Got a name?"
"Uhh, it doesn't have one yet."
"Is it finished?"
"Alright, well. Finish it by this week and we can get you in the studio in two weeks."
"I'll try." Ellie replied.
Ellie sat hunched over her songbook scribbling a few words down and crossing out others. She chewed on her pencil, staring at her thoughts on the page. The blonde hadn't thought about the song she'd written while at Jimmy's house in a while.
Trying to hum out the tune she'd created, Ellie was about to run and grab her guitar upstairs when the phone rang; this stopping her in her tracks. Detouring to the phone, she quickly picked it up off the receiver, "Hello?"
"Ellie?" the man on the other line asked, his voice identifiable immediately as Roger's.
"Hi, Roger." she said, the smile on her face audible in her voice.
"Hey, how've you been?" he asked. "You went missing for a bit there."
"Yeah, I'm doing okay, I went to England with Jimmy for a few weeks. He played host for me for once." She joked, twirling the phone cord in her fingers.
"Oh wow, was it your first time?"
"No, not at all. I go back to visit him quite often, actually. When I'm not busy, of course."
"Right, right. Uhhh, listen, I was about to grab a bite to eat. Did you want to come with me by any chance? Unless you've eaten already, then it's a redundant question." Roger added quickly to the end of his invitation.
Ellie hesitated at her answer, although she didn't know why, "...Sure! Yeah, I was just gonna wind up making some macaroni and cheese anyway, so, I guess it's better to go get an...actual meal." She replied. Her answer was painfully awkward and she physically cringed at her response.
"Okay, great! So I'll come by in a few to pick you up. Say, 8:30 ish, if that's okay with you?"
She glanced at the clock, 7:55pm. "Yeah, that's fine. I'll see you then!"
The two said their goodbyes and hung up. Then, when Ellie started on her way upstairs—again—the phone rang again. It was Roger, realizing he'd never asked for her address. They had a laugh about it before Ellie told him the information and she went to get ready.
masterlist | playlist
Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @tophats-n-lespauls @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @princesspagey @reincarnated70sbaby @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @kyunisixx if you want to be added to the list lmk!
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thekillingjoke-haha · 4 years
Beauty Sleep
Marvel and Supernatural bingo
Square:Sleeping Beauty
Castiel x Archangel!Reader
Warning?: Reader seems bad, Twist on Sleeping Beauty/Snow White, Poisoning, Wicked Father,ect.
A/n: [This text is a memory]
Tag: @thisismysecrethappyplace
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The loud clap of a book dropping on the table startled the brothers for their own research. "What the hell,Cas." The eldest said more then likely woken up for his half sleep mind set. "I found it." He said as he pointed to the thick book.
"Found the weapon that can restore balance." He explained further causing them to grow intrigued. It was the weapon they were looking for that could keep Angels in heaven,demons in hell,and other supernatural in purgatory. The one thing that can fix everything."Perfect where do we get it?" Sam asked as he pulled the book three times thicker then the largest dictionary towards him. "Where do we find her you mean." Castiel said making the Winchester's look at him confused.
Dean cleared his throat and dragged his hand down his face. "Her? The weapon is a person?!" He asked. "Not exactly. She was the first Archangel made by both God and Amare. Legend has it she's more powerful then both of them she could create life with ease and equally wipe it without so much as a single thought. Because of this she had to be put to rest." The angel explained further.
"If she's so powerful how is she "put to rest" can't she wake herself up?" Dean asked as he looked over his brother's shoulder at the book. "Apparently her prison has hex symbols that takes away and returns her grace in a constant loop to keep her weak yet alive." The younger brother explained pointing out the drawing of the three symbols on the page. "So a real life sleeping beauty? Sweet! I always fit the role of prince charming ya know?" Dean said cockily posing victoriously.
The angel rolled his eyes. "There's a catch,Dean. It says once we break those symbols all of heaven and hell will feel it. The creations that she made will hunt her down...all things supernatural will come for her,but once she's back in full power she'll be able to cloak herself." Cas said as he paced slightly. If she was a powerful as legend had it she could fix it all for them. "Her creations? She made the monsters we hunt?! I thought that was Eve." Dean exclaimed as he ran a hand through his hair. "That's a common misconception the apple she ate gave he knowledge that only three beings knew. That special apple was made from her grace." That's when the angel paused as his words raked over him. "Her garden was never just a place it was her prison."
"The garden of Eden. What's this Angel's name?" Sam asked as he flipped through the book and tried to find a name,but all he saw was angel of light and darkness,the perfect balance. "God was nice enough to name it after her. Eden the first Archangel,but she's gone by many names before." He said.
Dean looked at the book with Sam. "Where do we find the magical garden? No book supernatural or not ever gave a location." The eldest asked and it was a good question. "The garden never stays in the same place for to long it moves often. One day it could be in a forest the next in a mountain." Cas said with a sigh it was impossible to find the prison with out a bit of her grace to track the source.
"Her grace is strong even a little can help us. Even if a millennia has gone by and it's became one with the elements it can help." Cas explained. "Cain" The name fell from Dean's lips as he numbly rubbed where the mark once was. "Cain is the son of Adam and Eve. Eve had that grace in her system she must have pasted it to him!" With that the boys packed up and were heading to Cains house to use him as a tracking device. The day long drive dragged on and with those time Sam continued to ask questions.
Most of the questions the angel had no answer to until one made him freeze up. "How did it happen in the first place? Was she casted out of heaven like Lucifer?" The younger Winchester asked. "I think Chuck poisoned her. She was like Lucifer she questioned a lot of things it was a new angelic trait, curiosity, except she loved all creatures and things Chuck made so when he makes something new she was the first to see and that was the last time any angel has seen her." The vivid memory came to mind.
The giggle of the young fledglings filled the air. A girl with H/c hair dragged a younger version of himself around. "My little raven come look! Father has created such beautiful things." She said as she showed him the flowers in her hand each different from the other. "What are they called?" He asked tilting his head. "Father said I can name them,but I can't think of anything...come help me plant them on earth there we can name them!" She said using her three pairs of large F/c wings to bring them to earth before humans were even thought about.
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The soil on the ground was dark and it was vastly different from the sand surrounding it. With gentle hands she planted all of the flowers and together the angels named them. "Hmmm..." The girl hummed. "What is it Y/n?" He asked her. "We need something to keep them growing in numbers, raven." She said using a stick to draw on the dirt. "What should it look like?" Y/n asked him as she was going to go to her father to create it.
"Um...give it wings and make it the color of those sunflower over there." Castiel suggested. The drowning at took a couple tries,but as the kept adding and removing things they got what they wanted. Without realizing that the archangel just made multiple winged creatures on a whim and she wasn't even trying. God saw it all a d it scared him,but he couldn't do anything about it when his sister along with his other archangels would be there to stop him. He had to wait.
Three mil past and the two children grew bigger and she grew stronger. The small patch has turned into a garden of various plants that were only found in different climates around the world. Together they went there everyday even more often after the imprisonment of Amara and Lucifer along with the disappearance of Gabriel. Michael was busy trying to keep order after the two archangels left so it was his chance. Chuck called his daughter to see another one of his inventions,but that time was so much different from the others. Afterwards she didn't comeback she was never seen in heaven again and on that day a tree taller then any other in that garden with apples of pure gold grew.
The garden of Eden disappeared after Eve ate the forbidden fruit and it wasn't ever seen again by man,angel,nor demon knew of it location. Cas lost his friend and he knew it was god that did it even if he was suppose to be a loyal soldier he couldn't when he knew that the father of creation so willingly got rid of his most prized pupil what would he do to all the underlings.
Hours have past they stand in Cains living room. "Cain we don't need much from you just some of your blood that's all." Cas said as Dean explained what for. It took some convincing,but he agreed and bleed into a vile. "You guys better stop this apocalypse before shit hits the fan." He said as he shut them back out of his house. Sam handed the vile to Cas. "Now what do we do?" He asked the angel. Without saying a word he pulled something from his pocket a old looking compass. "Rowan taught me a location spell all I need to do is..." Pouring the small amount of blood on the glass of the compass and spoke in Latin causing the red substance to disappear. "...follow the arrow." Cas finished.
The arrow spinner rapidly as it settled on the strongest pull of the grace. "Looks like we're heading west. We have a estimated week before it changes course so off we go." Cas said as they all went back to the car. Keeping his eyes trained on it a small smile formed on his lips. "I'm coming N/n." He whispered to himself. Almost five thousand miles away a the unmoving body had a shocking pull of her lip at the mention of her name if only that could have woken her up for her comatose state.
It's been three days on the road and the impala had to come to a stop a thick treeline stopped them. The dirt road turned into a hiking trail and they had no choice,but to go on foot. Together they hiked up the trail blindly following the arrow through the woods. "Cas what are we suppose to be looked for?" Sam asked as he stepped over a fallen tree branch. "The closer we get the more exotic the plants and animals will be. Also be careful some of the wild life is experimental." The angel warned causing the brothers to freeze. "What do you me by experimental? Are we going to see a truducken?!" Dean asked jokingly as he looked around.
A loud snarling noise caused him to pull out his gun and look around. "More like human eating plants and venomous insects." This made Sam tense and stick closer to a still walking Castiel and Dean to cautiously does the same looking at each and every plant close by. "What is this fucking Jumanji?!?! Everything can kill us." Dean said keeping his gun up and ready to fire. "Oh, that was the name of the movie. Yeah those types of movies were based off of what explores experienced when getting to close to the garden." The blue eyed angel said with a shrug.
In a clearing they all look with widened eyes at the land before them. Flowers of all types with various animals and inserts. They watched in wander at everything creatures they've never seen or never insisted out of the garden. Everything was in bloom even though it was mid fall. There was a clear gravel path cutting off between the forest and wonderland in front of them.They wandered around since it became more difficult to find where the pull was unclear. "She won't be in plain sight she'll be hidden well. Look for something that doesn't quite match the rest. Trees of all kinds surrounded the area,but it was Sam who noticed the sand that mirrored a sky full of stars. He slowly followed it till it grew thick into a sanded path.
The youngest Winchester had his eyes trained down so when he looked up the apple tree before his eyes took his breath away. It looked straight out of a child's most imaginative fantasy. A white trunk with red leaves and the most noticeable feature the solid gold apples on it's branches. Sam didn't hear the voices of his brother or friend as he stepped closer directly under one of the low hanging fruits. Reaching up he picked the ripe fruit his brown eyes glazed over by temptation and curiosity. "SAM DON'T EAT THAT THAT!!!" Cas yelled using his grace to stop him mid bite. The angel looked in horror at the item in his hand a dark purple almost black apple sat in his friend's hands.
To anyone mortal it looked beautiful with it golden exterior,but Cas could see the ugly,fermented,poisoned inside. Glancing up the tree was rotting with barely any leaves and the few left were the color of blood. "It's poisoned their all poisoned." His words cleared the Winchester's vision of the tree and the surrounding woods all the plants were dead all around it. "It's beautiful on the outside,but deadly on the inside. And we're seeing it for what it truly is."
"It's clear as day that's she's here. Just how do we get to her?" Dean asked looking around. Castiel snapped towards Sam holding his hand out. "Do you still have the book?!" Sam nodded quickly taking the strap off his shoulder to dig it out of the bag. He handed it over the the angels that viciously flipped through the pages. "He made her a monster so a beast she became. She was blinded by curiosity and temptation she chose wrongly that day. Pick the fruit that doesn't call to you for the right one will choose you." He read word for word trying to see through the riddle. A beast? She was never a monster,but she was depicted as one. A angel that tainted the flock.
The Archangel landed gracefully in front of her father. She bowed on one knee as a warrior would clashed in her white armor and sword by her side. "Stand my child." She stood up looking at him. "Yes,father?" Her voice was gentle,but that didn't make the God of creation hesitate in his actions. "I've made something new for you to try and plant in the garden." Chuck said handing her the item. The skin was red and the surface was smooth unlike the peach that had a light fuzz. "What is this?!" Her e/c eyes burned bright her wings fluttering in excitement. "A red apple my dear." He said softly a smile on his lips stepping closer "Taste it."
Bringing it to her mouth she took a bite out of it and started to chew. It started of sweet,but became bitter within seconds and no matter how long she chewed it never broke down in size for long. "Father...something not right." She said that single bite still in her mouth. "Trial and error,darling, try to swallow it." Her h/c hair bobbed as she nodded. With a gulp she swallowed it down,but to her shock it stopped. Using her free hand she beaten at her chest to unblock her air way. Looking up at her creator she saw a look that can only be described as pure evil as a liquid poured out of her mouth.
Touching her chin a dark violet substance came dripped to the ground. Her gaze shifted to the apple within her hand and the inside no longer looked right. It was as if it gone bad from the inside,but the outside stayed fresh hiding the disgusting center. In fear she stepped back and with that she fell and continued to fall watching her home fade away. Y/n broke through the soil of the earth in a prison of her own design that she cared for and nurtured. Her arm dropped from her side the apple rolling away. The deceitful visibly harmless fruit planted it seed and grew becoming the only way to enter her personal mausoleum.
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Castiel looked at the tree. All of the fruit looked the same nothing was different about a single one of them. Together the trio walked around the looming tree. The Winchester's saw something beautiful and they couldn't help,but want to pick one of the apples to taste. "What do we do,Cas. We don't have much time before this place disappear and possibly taking is with it." Dean said flinging his hands in the air. "The riddle said to wait then that's what we must do.
They grouped together and sat at the base of the tree waiting for who knows what to happen. "This is stupid! Let's just get the shovels from baby and start di–" His words were cut short as a apple full down from above them. "Well that was covenant." Sam said as Cas picked it up. To the brothers it looked odd a bronze color compared to the rest just less appealing. While to Castiel it looked horrible making the clearly deadly fruits more appetizing. "Our key in." He said. Using his hands to break it open to reveal the mouth watering interior that a honey like liquid dripped from,they picked correctly. The ground began to shake and they all stepped away from the base of the tree as the dirt around it caved in making a spiral staircase down and down they went.
It was pitch black down there so Sam and Dean pulled out flash lights to look around. They all went around the surprisingly large pocket in the ground. Dean checked for the symbols when he tripped over roots and landed on something hard and and moving. Snapping up he shined the light on the women laying as if sleeping in front of him. She was in white leather armor with a sliver sword in her hands on her chest. "Didn't find any hex symbols,but here's sleeping beauty." He said looking her over she rested on a raised stone that worked as her bed. "Never mind found them." The markings from the book in a pyramid shape was on one side of the bedrock glowing a soft F/c. Sam walked over along with Cas. The knifes both brothers held was used to break the engraved symbols,but nothing happened.
"No no no that's not right. Y/n is suppose to be freed!" The angel in distress said as he flicked through the book nothing else was said to be imprisoning her, why didn't it work? The Winchester's examined her the youngest looking at the elegant armor while the oldest focused more of the feminine features. "Sammy you read that book while in the car. Didn't you say something about her being the first female?" He asked his eyes not leaving her. "Yeah a model for Eve and later Amara's less celestial form. Why?" Sam asked touching the blade of the sword. "Yeah if that’s try why does she have a Adam's apple?"Cas wasn't fully paying attention until that sentence. His blue eyes imminently went to her throat were a noticeable lump was. "That wasn't there before." He mumbled loud enough for them to hear. Placing his ear just a centimetre away from her lips a shallow breath was let out and a wheezed inhale drew it back in.
The angel put his overlapping hands on her chest. He didn't know everything about humanity,but he knew enough to understand what he was about to do. He pushed with all his strength and he heard a sharp breath push out it just wasn't enough to dislodge whatever was there. Cas continued his actions and just when he was giving up hope she coughed up the chunk of apple and a weird substance. F/c glowing eyes snapped open as she lurched forward her grace burning bright casting a shadow behind her. It was a sight to see three sets of wings,what can only be described as a halo,along with twisted horns. After the grace calmed down her eyes returned to their normal color and they instantly when to Cas a wide smile spreading on her face. "My raven." She said. Y/n knew why she was awoken after all this time. To fight in a war she wanted no part of,but with the thought of putting everything in balance and striking down her father where he stood made her ready to fight. After all she felt like she's had enough Beauty Sleep.
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A/n: This one took a minute,but I was torn between sleeping beauty and snow white since both of them fall asleep so a mix of both.
Also post #69....Noice
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innittowinit · 4 years
Can you pick me up my uni burnt down?
Relationships: Sleepy bois inc (all fics i write are platonic)
Summary:  In which Techno goes to England for University, his building catches fire in the night, and he isn't prepared for the difference in climate between England and California. SBI fluff ensues 
Words: 1785
Language: English 
Ao3 Link
3:30am was when the alarms went off, pulling all of the students out of their dorms and into the bitterness of the night. Techno had barely had enough time to get himself looking decent before someone was pounding on his door and telling him to hurry up, that it wasn’t a drill, and so he pulled on some socks, not even bothering with finding his shoes, and rushed out towards the hallway to see a very distraught looking girl, they had a few classes together but he’d never bothered to learn het name. She was probably going door to door and grabbing all the people who the alarm hadn’t woken, that was sweet, he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty that she felt she had to stay to wait for him though.
And so now he was standing outside, wearing nothing but a thin t-shirt, some shorts and a pair of socks. Being from california, he hadn’t really been prepared for just how bad nights in the UK could get and now he was paying the price as the icy wind numbed his skin and the snow pelted down like there was no tomorrow. He looked back at the school as an administrator read off names from a register, there were larger than life flames bursting out of windows in the west building.
“Techno Blade? Is Mr Blade here?” “Present!”
After getting himself marked in he was left to himself, sitting on a bench that was wet with newly brushed off snow. Most of the other Students were calling parents or family members to come collect them, which only really filled him with dread. It was just now setting in that the school wasn’t just going to let them back indoors once the firemen handled the fire, he’d have to find somewhere else to stay for the night. It wasn’t exactly as if he could just call his parents to pick him up when he was in a different country completely.
With a sigh, he scrolled through his contact list. He had a lot of friends in the UK but which ones lived the closest and which ones would still be awake at this hour of the night. Tommy was probably the closest but he was not about to ask a 16 year old if he could spend the night at his place. Next was Wilbur, he was about a 30 minute drive away and while he felt absolutely horrible about having to get his friend’s help, he didn’t really have a choice. Hesitantly, he pressed the call button. He wasn’t sure what it was but phone calls gave him so much more anxiety than discord ones, even when he was calling his friend.
After 3 rings, he got an answer.
“Techno!” The brunette’s ever enthusiastic voice chirped, it sounded warm and happy, a stark contrast to the oppressing chill that Techno was enduring right now. “Hellooo..you busy right now?” “Not insanely, I’ve got Phil here helping me with recording the new song though. You good man? Shouldn’t you be asleep? class in the morning and all that” “Yeah about that.. I kinda,, need a place to stay for the night?” he sucked in his breath, anticipating rejection, he hated asking for help like this, it made him feel so weak. “The school is sorta up in flames” “Say the line Techno, it’ll be funny. Say it and i'll come get you” “...wow i wonder if it’s a baby boy or a baby girl”
With a hearty laugh he heard some rustling on the other side of the phone, he heard Phil's voice too but it wasn’t clear. He guessed Will was telling him what had happened anyway. After a while Wilbur spoke to him again. “Phil’s gonna drive out to get you since his car’s heating actually works, you better fit into the same clothes as me since I'm sending him with a change for you. Maybe see if you can wait inside a shop or something while he’s driving; because of the snow, i’d say maybe like 45 minutes till he’s there”
Techno nodded, taking a few seconds to realise that his friends couldn’t actually see him. “Yeah, thanks Will, i’ll let you get back to your song now”
He took his phone away from his ear but he really wished he hadn't, without his friends keeping him company the only thing he had to focus on was how painstakingly cold it was. His arms and legs were both bright red, aching to move them at all, god he regretted his pyjama choice. Pulling his knees up to his chest, feet rested on the bench, then wrapped his arms around his legs, desperate for any kind of warmth as he shivered endlessly. Techno wasn’t quite sure what it was about the cold but it always made him feel very sleepy, that mixed with it being so late at night wasn’t really helping at all
Head pounding, he looked back down to his phone, it was hard to move his fingers and the snow kept wetting his screen, but at least it was a distraction, something he could keep his mind on for at least some of the long 45 minute wait.
======================== ========================
Techno hadn’t even realised it when Phil arrived, he was glad the School administrators were on top of things because he would have just left him sitting there had it not been for a woman that came over to tell him his ‘dad’ was here to get him. Opening his mouth, he intended to spout off about how he wasn’t related to Phil but decided against it. He didn’t want to pick up a fuss and plus, the warm car was right there!
He got up off the bench, only really having his phone with him, and made his way to his friend’s car, his face made an expression of discomfort as he had to walk through the snow in wet socks but at least he’d be warm soon.
Phil had already laid a towel out on the seat, sighing in relief, Techno collapsed into the car. Only now realising this was the first time he was meeting his friends in real life. “I’m guessing i got the right guy then?” Phil chuckled, passing Techno a towel to dry off his hair with. “God you must be freezing with that outfit. We can sit here for a bit while you get comfortable”
Though he wasn’t talking an awful lot, Techno was incredibly grateful, here and back meant Phil had to drive over an hour. He’d have to remember to pay him back for gas. “Thanks Phil” he sighed, ruffling his hair with a towel, it felt so much better to be able to dry off and warm up again.
Next he was given a hoodie and some joggers, which Phil promised to close his eyes as he changed into them. The hoodie was fine, it was about the size he would usually buy for himself, but he had to admit the bottoms were a bit long; he’d always thought of himself as tall but didn’t Wilbur claim to be 6’5? Yeah he was sure he wasn’t going to be the tallest there by a couple inches.
The drive back to Wilbur’s was peaceful, they stopped in the Starbucks drive-through to grab them both a warm drink, and while Techno wasn’t really the kind of person to frequent Starbucks, he wasn’t in any position to deny warmth right now. He ended up just getting a hot chocolate, bundling himself up in the seat with the blanket Wilbur had sent with Phil, and finally feeling content. He had imagined meeting his friends so many times, he always imagined he’d end up getting overwhelmed and needing to step out but right now he just felt genuinely happy, he felt cared for. He knew if he was back at home right now, while his parents would have still come for him, they would have complained the entire time about how he was old enough to figure it out for himself, he certainly wouldn’t have been given dry clothes and a blanket.
“You’re really nice Phil” Mumbled a very very sleepy Techno, eyes glazed over as he tried his hardest to stay awake for the entire ride.
Phil just chuckled, the GPS said they were nearly at will’s, he was sure he’d want to see Will before falling asleep anyway, plus he didn't think he’d be strong enough to carry him in. “You gotta stay up a little longer for me mate, we’re almost there, i know you’d usually be sleeping at this time”
Arriving at Wilbur's house felt a little weird, opening the car door hit him with a strong breeze that only seemed to make him even more delirious as he tried to figure out how to stand up without dropping his blanket on the floor. Eventually he got it, bundling it up in his arms he gave a big yawn, becoming a little more awake as he tried to push the sleep away. No matter how much he wanted to just go straight to bed he knew he’d need to talk to his friend first, it would be a little rude to come to his home and not even speak to him.
Since Techno’s hands were full with the blanket that had been wrapped around him, Phil grabbed his towel and wet clothes before locking the car and leading the way inside; by this time it was past 4 in the morning and he was sure they were all just exhausted.
Honestly he wasn’t sure what he had expected Wilbur’s house to look like, it was clean he supposed. Listen, he was an English major, not some kind of house furniture major, he didn't really care what Wilbur had in his home.
“Hey mate, got Tech’” Phil stated as he flopped down on the sofa, leaving Techno to sit on the other side of Will, who had been watching some kind of movie, it looked like maybe it could be one of those sappy musical lovey dovey ones but he really didn’t care that much.
“How you doing Techno Blade?” Will yawned, laying his legs over Techno’s lap and his head on Phil's shoulder.
“Not too bad Wilbur Soot, what are you watching?” Another yawn, he ran a hand through his pink hair, chucking his crown onto the floor as he unfolded the blanket he had been snuggled into during the car ride, spreading it out across the three men.
“No clue, just wanted to wait up for you” The brunette closed his eyes, still awake but barely
“You're an idiot”
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
HYMN FOR TOMORROW - A Dianna Agron Playlist
Rozzi - Hymn for tomorrow
I got baggage on my shoulders, you say Girl, let go And I been the bitch with the bad weather, you say Life is a record, play a new song
Rozzi - Orange Skies
Say goodbye Baby, take one last good look at orange skies Greater love you had, you shoulda held on tight Now there’s nothing you can do Orange skies that should be blue
HAIM - Want You Back
Some things are long forgotten Some things were never said We were on one endless road But I had a wandering heart I said we were opposite lovers (Said it from the beginning) you kept trying to prove me wrong (Said you’d always see it through) and I know that I ran you down So you ran away with your heart But just know that I want you back
Sharon Van Etten - Seventeen
Down beneath the ashes and the stone Sure of what I’ve lived and have known I see you so uncomfortably alone I wish I could show you how much you’ve grown
HAIM - Los Angeles
New York is cold I tried the winter there once, nope Clearly the greatest city in the world But it was not my home I felt more alone
Angel Olsen - Shut Up Kiss Me
And don’t delay We could still be having some Sweet memories This heart still beats for you Why can’t you see
Jessie Ware - Ooh La La
Everyday, everyday, everyday I look For your car, to pick me up, on the avenue Driving round, take me out, listening to the music Put your lips on my cheek, that would make me happy Ooo la la Open up the door, you know I like it Ooo la la Chivalry was dead but you revived it
Perfume Genius - Slip Away
Don’t look back, I want to break free If you’ll never see ‘em coming You’ll never have to hide Take my hand, take my everything If we only got a moment Give it to me now
Oh, ooh, love They’ll never break the shape we take Oh, ooh Baby, let all them voices slip away
Your Smith - Wild Wild Woman
I tried to leave her hiding, all strung up I tried to keep her quiet, but she’s screaming inside of me I tried to keep her hiding, all shut up I tried to keep her quiet But she’s a wild, wild woman
Twin Shadow - Saturdays (ft HAIM)
Traveled around a bit Making my chrome heart say Know what could make me stay? Know what could make me sit? Maybe we’re a fault line Maybe we’re a fault line ready to break Maybe you’re a time bomb I don’t care what your boyfriend say
King Princess - Hit the back
Well I’m a star but you’re an icon A dirty girl with lots of passion Staring at my fingers while I talk to you And I don’t care if you degrade me 'Cause after all, you are my safety And everything you touch just feels like yours to me Ain’t I the best you had?
Lorde - Supercut
In my head, I play a supercut of us All the magic we gave off All the love we had and lost And in my head The visions never stop These ribbons wrap me up But when I reach for you, there’s just a supercut
Maggie Rogers - Say it
I knew it when you looked my way That I’d be begging you to stay I couldn’t say it to myself I couldn’t say it to myself I fought that burdened pain away I held on when you moved away I couldn’t say it to myself I couldn’t say it to myself I couldn’t say it I couldn’t just say it
Lola Kirke - Omens
Our fire is still smokin’ Never came, then all too quickly I don’t need to see one more omen I already know just what you mean Get ahold of yourself I don’t want you to be somebody else I can’t get ahold of myself Cause I don’t want anyone else
Jenny Lewis - Do Si Do
Turn up the stereo 'Till everything rattles, ooh Life is a disco, a mambo Put on your day glow
HAIM - You Never Knew
Go on and say it Was my love too much for you to take? Well I guess you never knew what was good for you Don’t keep me waiting, say the words that you’re too scared to say I guess you never knew what was good for you
Shura - The Stage
And it’s so romantic. And I’m so pathetic. I can’t see the stage, Cause I’m looking at you.
And we’re done with music, So if you’re assuming. You’re coming back with me, Then baby yes you can.
Kelsey Lu - Due West
Didn’t know my feet were too big for my shoes Running in them led me to bruise Falling over Running home to you You had both my fingers and toes turning blue So afraid of cutting me loose You’re holding onto me You’re holding on Due west, I’m headed on this road Due west, just cruise as far as I can go to California, California, California Never looking back, goodbye (goodbye) A list of all the reasons why I wear them through I do it all for you
submission ⬆️⬆️⬆️
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
The Football Star and the New Girl - 1/? | westallen fanfiction
A/N: I suck at titles lately...oh well. Enjoy this first chap! The story itself is based loosely on a dream I had. :)
Synopsis:  HS!AU - They were like ships passing in the night. Would they ever meet on the same page?
Chapter 1 -
Francine West walked down the hall and peeked into the open doorway of her daughter’s bedroom. She found her sitting on her bed, her things packed in multiple suitcases at her feet, but she herself – Iris West, 14 ¾ years old – did not look very excited to be leaving her home without her family. She was looking at a photo album. Tears were staining her cheeks.
Francine rested her head against the door frame as she watched her, her heart aching to heal the wounds she knew would only grow more with time.
“It’s not too late to change your mind, you know.”
Iris’ head whipped toward the sound, and she hastily shut the photo album and tossed it onto her bed, wiping her cheeks quickly after.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t interrupting, was I?”
She walked into the room, and Iris scooted over a little so she could sit next to her on the bed.
“No, not at all. I’m glad you’re here.”
They shared a sweet look, then Iris leaned her head on her mother’s shoulder. Francine held out her hand, and Iris intertwined her fingers in her mother’s grip.
“I still want to go,” she assured her.
She nodded against her shoulder.
“I need stability, mom. I can’t be moving around going from school to school every six months. I’m proud of dad, of course, and I love being with you all. I’ll miss you a lot, but…I want friends and the same school and a life.”
“A boyfriend?” Francine nudged her gently.
Iris rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Maybe…eventually. I’m only 14, Mom.”
Francine nudged her again.
“14 ¾.”
Iris laughed.
“Yeah, yeah, okay. A boyfriend would be nice, once I get to know the guy for more than a couple months. But first, friends.”
“Friends are important too.”
Iris nestled into her mother’s embrace and sat in silence for a while.
“What about Wally? Is he going to be going to new schools every-”
“I’ve decided to attempt homeschooling.”
Iris lifted her head.
“You have?”
She nodded.
“He’s only 10, so the curriculum is simpler, and he’s pretty introverted, even around us, so Ruffly can suffice for his friend. At least for now.”
Francine pursed her lips. She did want real, live human friends for her son, as well as for her daughter. But for now their golden retriever seemed to be what got the most laughs out of young Wally West. She would hope that lasted at least through another school year.
“I’d take him with me if I could,” Iris said.
“You’d take both my children from me?” Francine asked, only half joking. “What am I supposed to do all day long without your brother to drive me crazy?”
Iris looked into her mother’s eyes and saw that they were watering.
“Oh, Mom, I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay, honey.”
She sighed and pressed a kiss to her daughter’s temple.
“I know it hasn’t been easy for you, losing your friends so often because we have to move. It’s the life of a military family, I’m afraid. I signed up for it when I agreed to marry the man, but you, my baby, were just born into it.”
She pulled back to look into her eyes.
“I want you to know though that if at any time the school isn’t working out for you, we’ll come get you in a heartbeat.”
Iris winced. She knew it wasn’t that simple. They were moving overseas to a new post. Iris would be staying here in the U.S. Even if the school was a bit of a move for her too. It wasn’t anything she wasn’t used to.
Still, she obliged her.
“Yeah, okay, mom.”
She smiled, but Francine knew better.
Footsteps sounded down the hallway, and interrupting their little moment came Joe West with little Wally West on his back. Joe was dressed in all camouflage wear, and Wally was giggling from bouncing up and down on his “horsie”. Ruffly was close at Joe’s heels.
“What is this here?” Joe asked, witnessing the tear streaks on his two ladies’ faces.
“Dad!” Iris sprung up.
She ran to him, and he slowly released Wally off his back, who promptly complained when his shoeless feet hit the floor.
Joe hugged his daughter tight, lifting her off her feet briefly and kissing the side of her face.
“Oh, baby girl, are you sure you want to go?”
Iris laughed when she was back on her feet again. She wiped away fresh tears.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’m just gonna miss you guys, but I need this. For me. Okay?”
He sighed and nodded, then looked across the room at his wife.
“She’s so grown-up.”
“I know.” Francine sniffled.
“Why is everyone crying in here?” Wally asked. “Aren’t we gonna see her for Christmas?”
Everyone laughed.
“Aren’t you gonna miss me at all, you little punk?” Iris asked, ruffling his curly hair.
“Eh, maybe a little.” He shrugged, uncaringly.
Iris rolled her eyes.
“Well, it’s time to get going then, yeah?” She looked at her parents who nodded.
“Yeah,” Joe said. “That seven-hour drive is no joke.”
“Seven hours! That’s a lifetime!” Wally whined.
Ruffly barked.
“Just wait till your plane ride,” Iris egged him on. “That might be even longer.”
Wally groaned. “I hate traveling!”
“Better make sure you have something to keep you occupied with then, Walls,” Joe said, and with that Wally zipped out of Iris’ room to make sure his many bags included plenty of toys to play with on his very long journey.
“I’ll go help him,” Francine said. “We’ll meet you at the door with his things.”
“Sounds good.”
Joe smiled, but it was pained. Once Francine had left, all the toughness had melted away again, as it often did with his baby girl.
“Boy, am I gonna miss you,” he said.
“I’m gonna miss you too, Dad.” Another tear streamed down her cheek, and he was quick to wipe it away. “You look so handsome in your uniform, Dad.”
He chuckled.
“Alright, enough sadness for now. We can do this again in seven hours.”
She laughed. “Okay.”
“You wanna help me get all a million and one suitcases out to the car?”
She took a step back and looked around her room.
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
“You can apologize by helping me.”
She smiled, and slowly they made their way to the front door and then the driveway with all seven of her suitcases. It took a few trips, but then she knew she would need every bit of her belongings for the long school years that lay ahead.
Her family would visit as often as they could, of course, but it would be difficult with them living overseas. She probably wouldn’t see them again until her dad was forced to move again like they were doing now.
But she’d thought long and hard   this. She longed for friendships that lasted, for a life beyond what was available to a military family. She needed to connect and to be free for a while, even at the sacrifice of not seeing her family every day, especially her mom and baby brother. This new school – Huntington Farm and Boarding School – would be just the ticket.
Out in the middle of nowhere somewhere down south, the school was on a huge stretch of lush land that also served as a farm – no animals, just crops, which was a shame, Iris thought. She’d miss having even just her dog around too.
But the place was renowned for its academics and social scene there in the middle of the wilderness. A boarding school for those who needed it, traveling families mostly; and if the colorful flyer they’d sent in the mail was any indication, Iris would absolutely love it.
“Everybody ready?” Joe asked, when everyone had piled into the car sometime later.
“Ready!” the family cheered.
Joe chuckled and started the car.
“Huntington Farm and Boarding School, here we come. Watch out for your most dazzling student yet.”
He met Iris’ eyes in the rearview mirror, and they sparkled.
“You know it!” Iris said.
Joe grinned and backed out of the driveway.
They were all on their way to bigger adventures now.
One year later…
Iris sat on top of the fence on the edge of the football field, waiting for who she hoped she hadn’t misinterpreted wrong. After nearly a year of first claiming he didn’t like her and then months of mixed signals, Iris was convinced he actually did like her, as much as she liked him.
Sitting on the fence post waiting for the guy to come kiss her seemed like an odd tradition, but it was built into the social aspect of the school, and she figured it was the only guaranteed way she’d know if he was really crushing or not.
She’d dressed as cute as she could for a game, and soon she’d know if it would pay off or not.
Biting her bottom lip, she gasped quietly when she saw him coming around the corner heading right towards where she had herself perched.
Barry Allen was the star football player – star of every sport he could get himself into really – and they’d been making genuine eyes at each other for weeks. Now, as he approached her, it felt as if their whole future was hanging in the balance.
He stopped about 20 feet away. Bracing himself maybe for the decision he’d have to make? Presumably have gained the courage, he continued his walk, headed straight for her and stopped directly in front of her.
Iris waited, her heart hammering a mile a minute in her chest. He was tall enough to reach her – so tall, but she bent her head anyway, and sure enough their lips met in a soft, tender kiss.
She opened her eyes as he took a step back, but the smile on his face was undeniable. So was hers.
Just as he was about to say something truly romantic – she’d decided – one of his teammates burst behind them.
“Did you just kiss Iris West?”
Barry spun around, panic on his features.
Another teammate appeared.
“Wait, what?”
“Barry just kissed Iris!”
“But I thought he hated her. He swore he did.”
Iris tensed on the top of the fence, waiting for Barry to smooth the whole thing over. It couldn’t be that big of a deal that he’d pretended to hate her all while flirting with her on the downlow for nearly a year…could it? It was annoying to her for sure, but his teammates couldn’t be that annoyed, could they?
Barry never smoothed it over.
His teammates left, looking disgusted, and Barry looked back at Iris for one more moment, not knowing what to do. Then he left, calling after them.
“Wait, guys, it’s not what it looks like!”
And Iris sat alone on top of the fence, the magical memory of her first kiss completely shattered.
How would they come back from this?
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zigtheeortega · 4 years
ride or die playlist
by @pixeljazzy and @zigtheeortega
so after pj made this post, and was encouraged by @choicesarehard to make a playlist for rodaw, i reached out to her and we decided to collab! this is a comprehensive playlist, with explanations for each song. some being the lyrics fit really well, but others are because the vibe fits the characters (in our opinion), not necessarily the song meaning.
putting the song explanations under the cut, since it’ll be long! songs picked by pj have [p] next to it and mine have [j] next to it! hope you enjoy it!
What You Know Bout Love, Pop Smoke [p]
I had to apply the pressure, ‘cause you my hidden treasure / I think I’m falling in love 
Are we surprised this song is first? C’mon now. Anyway, literally when I heard it for the first time, I was like this is the love song that I could see someone just vibing to in a car with their partner, at a house party in the corner serenading their boo, etc. and then BOOM a vision of Hieron and Logan in a car appeared because I could totally see this as their vibe. Just the thought of Logan rapping this line to Hieron clears my skin.
[p.s. pj wrote a fic based on this song and it’s perfect you should read it]
The Way, Trippie Redd ft. Russ [p]
We’re lost but, babe, we found the way
Because Logan and MC are two teens are a mess lowkey and don’t know what they want from life quite yet but they know they got it together.
Think About Me, dvsn [p]
This song is just radiating Logan and MC parting ways vibes
FIND MY WAY, DaBaby [p]
I feel like as Logan is driving away from MC to god knows where, this is something he’d definitely drive to
Seasons, 6lack ft. Khalid [p]
You’re lucky the greatest thing I can do is marry you / ‘cause if I could, I’d spill my blood
I absolutely adore this slow, chill song, and feel like this is something MC and Logan would be listening to as they unwind in their loft, and with the favorite line, I think it encapsulates how much Logan truly loves and would do anything for MC
Idfc, blackbear [p]
This is giving me Logan vibes after the reveal where MC leaves the shop and he’s just reeling in his emotions and feelings and is just purely in his bag thinking about everything
Hide, Juice WRLD ft. Seezyn [p]
Really think I found my home, shorty made me feel at home
Think I met my soulmate, yeah, I know it
Dusk Till Dawn, ZAYN ft. Sia [p]
But you’ll never be alone / I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn / I’ll be with you from dusk till dawn / Baby, I’m right here
This song hurts me so so much but it’s giving me MC sleeping on Logan’s chest type of vibes while he’s up because he can’t sleep and he’ . Also reminds me of Logan because we all know that infamous line “I was just a rock in space lucky enough to burn up in your atmosphere for a moment,” and I feel like this was an unspoken if you look to the stars you’ll know I’m always with you type beat.
Fool In Love, Rihanna [p]
Mama, I found a man / who loves me and understands / papa, he’s quite a man / he adores me, he’s my biggest fan
Okay so y’all remember how MC was having a mini identity crisis and didn’t know which version of herself she was? And Logan was listening and understanding and processing everything she was ranting about but in the end was just like no matter which one you decide, I like all of you? Yeah, that. Along with him just supporting her whenever he can, even though sometimes it can be overbearing, and him just loving watching her change and grow before his eyes (even though we not gonna mention the part of him that doesn’t love that change, feeling guilty for the person she’s becoming and how it could change her life, and the initial intentions he had although how he feels now is genuine) is literally what I think about with these lines
And don’t get me wrong, I know he’s not perfect in your eyes / but somehow he’s flawless in mine
Papa, did I let you down? / Are you ashamed of how your little girl turned out?
This is the lyric that really gets me because one of the things I loved about Ride or Die was the complicated relationship MC had with her father as it was something that resonated so strongly with me. So this one right here really just encapsulates an aspect of that because when MC’s on her this is who I am now and I know you resent that because he genuinely is so hurt and in shock of how his girl changed before his eyes, beyond the reigns of control that he once had, and he can’t do anything else but process and accept that his little girl isn’t so little anymore, rolling around with the people he tried so hard to keep her away from.
Roll Dice, Roddy Rich [j]
I seen the Reap’ come / Live my life I had to roll dice / Been through strife, my heart is cold as ice
I’m a star, I’m just hidden in the low light
Pretty explanatory, considering Logan’s been through a considerable amount of situations that put him in harm’s way and he’s come out stronger (and considerably more detached) each time.
Story Of Us, Tinashe [j]
Yeah, you’re the prince of my heart / And now there ain’t no way they can keep us apart, keep us apart
This song reminds me of Logan and MC a lot because it’s an optimistic take on their relationship as a whole and the sad ending.
You Know That I Love You, Donnell Jones [j]
You know that I love you / And that ain’t gon’ change / And though you’re not here with me now / My love for you stays the same
I think Logan would listen to R&B, specifically sappy 90’s R&B, and this line reminds me of them perfectly. I mean just listen to it, it’s perfect.
My Favorite Part, Mac Miller & Ariana Grande [j]
Said, you just don’t know how beautiful you are / And baby that’s my favorite part / You walk around so clueless to it all / Like nobody gonna break your heart
Said, the universe couldn’t keep us apart / Why would it even try?
Before things come together, they have to fall apart
Logan says from the get go that he thinks it’s wild that MC is modest and that he’s surprised she hadn’t gotten a lot of attention from guys. The other song lyrics I mentioned remind me a lot of their separation.
Me And My Girlfriend, Tupac Shakur [j]
Lost in the whirlwind, ninety-six, Bonnie and Clyde / Me and my girlfriend, do one-eighty-five when we ride
All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend / Down to ride to the bloody end, just me and my girlfriend
So it’s canon that Colt likes West Coast rap – and this song absolutely embodies Colt’s musical interests and his relationship with MC. He wouldn’t admit it out loud but he definitely heard this song and thought of MC.
Something Special, Pop Smoke [p]
I think you’re something special / I’ll take you on a shopping spree
We all know Colt is the king of LA and can definitely buy him and MC anything they want, also the “her father the police” verse quite literally hit the nail on the head
Martin & Gina, Polo G [p]
He was playing games / Got you dancing in the middle of the club
At first, saw this as a Logan and MC song to listen to in the car, but if you’re like me and was romancing Logan but danced in the club with Colt because Logan was being distant, the lyrics just do it for me
Hit ‘Em Up, Tupac Shakur [p]
You couldn’t tell us Colt wouldn’t love this song, we’re not accepting criticism at this time
Pulling Me Back, Chingy ft. Tyrese [j]
Every time I try to leave / Something keeps pulling me back, me back / Telling me I need you in my life / It was meant to be / You were meant for me / So that means we gotta make it work
This song reminds me a lot of Colt’s feelings towards MC, because in the lyrics they’re not mentioning they necessarily love her, they’re just gravitating towards her, realizing they need her. And that’s exactly how Colt works through his feelings.
Loveeeeeee Song, Rihanna ft. Future [j]
Boy lately, you been stingy with your time / Got me wondering, I’m wondering if I’m on your mind / Boy I just wanna be in your possession / You say I’m the one you want so come express it
Yeah, we all know Colt wasn’t straightforward with his feelings but is more prone to expressing himself physically, and I think this song feels like a confession of her own qualms with him but recognizing that she’s alright with him being physical over verbal. Honestly it’s probably not that deep but this song reminds me of Colt x MC so much.
Complicated, Rihanna [j]
Why is everything with you so complicated / Why do you make it hard to love you / Oh I hate it / ‘Cause if you really wanna be alone / I, will throw my hands up ‘Cause baby I tried
God this whole song is Colt and MC all over because he’s so wishy washy and doesn’t express himself properly.
90210, Travis Scott [j]
I think Colt and Logan would bump this and that’s my only reasoning.
Changed Up, Rae Sremmurd [j]
I think Logan and Colt both alike would bump this in their car and maybe relate to the lyrics and the general vibe of it.
Demons and Angels, A Boogie With a Hoodie ft. Juice WRLD [p]
I’m from the West Side, know not to play with us, yeah
I think I’m addicted to this lifestyle, I swear
Colt is quite literally from the West Side, and the ‘I think I’m addicted to this lifestyle’ line is what really stood out to me because Colt wanted nothing than to be a part of his father’s life and legacy, and Kaneko wanted to keep that separate from him because he knew Colt would be all in.
Run This Town, Jay-Z ft. Rihanna [p]
Does this need an explanation because you already know Colt is running the fuck outta LA thank you for tuning in
Ungodly Hour, Chloe x Halle [j]
You know that I’ve, I heard it all before / You’re hesitant, wish you could give me more
I don’t have the time / To teach you how to love all over again / Now let me ask you this / Are you giving all that you could give?
This is Mona and MC all over. She was clear about being hurt by an ex, and that it was hard for her to open up to MC in the first place, let alone fall for her. So this is like a confessional from MC to Mona.
Te Amo, Rihanna [j]
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around my waist / I told her no, she cried Te amo / I told her I’m not gonna run away, but let me go / My soul is awry and without asking why / I said Te amo
The lyrics are sad but this reminds me of Mona and MC, too. There’s a lot of push and pull with Mona, so I think this describes their back and forth so well.
Scared of Love, Juice WRLD [p]
Not scared to love, just scared of love
I initially put this in the Logan section, but I think it’s more fitting for Mona because she put up these walls to avoid putting herself at risk in the process of giving someone her all after the last girl played her, but underneath it all, she’s still capable to love even though she may think she’s undeserving of it from MC or that love in itself is a scam.
ball w/o you, 21 Savage [p] [and j bc our minds are linked]
I’d rather have loyalty than love / ‘Cause love don’t really mean jack / See love is just a feeling / You can love somebody and still stab them in they back
This is giving me Mona and her ex vibes, and just how Mona is a very everyone for themselves type of person so she has no problem balling by herself because that’s what she expects in the end.
Escape, Akon and Wizkid [p]
We can run away / so far away, escape
Oh, my baby, oh, baby / I would never let you go
Okay I know our songs for Mona have been sad lately, but this reminds me of them because Mona said MC would be hard asf to forget and I already know MC is scrambling to find a solution, a possibility, where Mona didn’t have to go to jail and they’d be able to be together, hence ‘escape’.
Escape, Kehlani [p]
Strange for me to wanna love someone / Who’s better by themselves
‘Cause I can’t let you lose yourself, looking for me / And I can’t let you make me your, your everything
I know you see this escape theme I’m on here LMFAOO but I think this is in Mona’s perspective about MC because she’s like MC is a goody two shoes, new to this life, etc. just overall someone with a better future than me and I don’t wanna mess that up for them (hence the I’m dangerous and pushing her away in the beginning and all the warnings).
Acquainted, The Weeknd [p]
Baby, you’re no good / Cause they warned me ‘bout your type girl, I’ve been ducking left and right
To say that we’re in love is dangerous / But girl I’m so glad we’re acquainted
Can’t Remember to Forget You, Shakira ft. Rihanna [p and j]
I can’t remember to forget you / I keep forgetting I should let you go
“You’re gonna be damn hard to forget.”
This is so Mona because it’s both flexible in meaning with her ex and MC. 
Don’t Make It Harder On Me, Chloe x Halle [j]
If you keep acting so sweet / I might just wake up and leave / This boy that I pinky swore / We’d be together for sure / I can’t be thinking of you / When I’m alone with my boo / If you smile at me again / I may do something stupid
Gives me Logan/Colt/Mona love triangle type vibes!
Who Can I Run To, Xscape [j]
Who can I run to, to share this empty space? / Who can I run to, When I need love? / Who can I run to, to fill this empty space with laughter?
After her li’s leave this def gives me those bittersweet vibes like when they all leave L.A., including MC for college.
Aston Martin Music, Rick Ross [j]
Bobbin’ to the music / This is how we do it, all night / Breezin’ down the freeway / Just me and my baby
Would’ve came back for you / I just needed time to do what I had to do / Caught in the life / I can’t let it go / Whether that’s right I won’t ever know
This reminds me of another bittersweet moment like MC is reflecting on her favorite times with her LI, but also acknowledging that her LI can’t be 100% loyal to her because of her lifestyle
Love Without Tragedy / Mother Mary, Rihanna [j]
Brown eyes, tuxedo, fast cars / A James Dean on the low, Dean on the low
Who knew the course of this one drive / Injured us fatally
Let’s live in the moment / As long as we got each other / Die in the moment / I’m prepared to die in the moment / ‘Cause even forever ain’t forever
This entire song fits for all the LI’s (despite the lyrics saying “boy” it works for all of them perfectly. I just picked a couple lyrics to prove it!
Question Existing, Rihanna [j]
Who am I living for?/ Is this my limit?/ Can I endure some more?/ Chances I’m given, question existing
Reminds me of when MC was torn between loyalty to her father and Jason Shaw and MPC at the same time.
Bed of Lies, Nicki Minaj ft. Skylar Grey [p]
This is 100% MC after the reveal.
Change Your Life, Kehlani ft. Jhene Aiko [p and j]
I heard that you a gangsta / Not one to try to save her / Always focus on your paper / Don't got time to wager with your heart
You deserve someone that'll take you to another level
The lyrics to this song fit so well with all of the LI’s. Definitely addresses all of the LI’s reluctance to be with MC and MC’s pursuit of them.
Serial Lover, Kehlani [p and j]
Lord knows / My intentions are pure and my heart full of gold, oh
This song fits MC’s relationship with all of the LI’s, especially when there’s conflict between them. MC is miles more transparent with her feelings than Logan, Colt, and Mona.
She’s So Gone, Naomi Scott [p]
So it looks like the joke’s on you / ‘cause the girl that you thought you knew / She’s so gone
You can look but you won’t see the girl I used to be, ‘cause she / she’s so gone, away / like history
Yes this is from Lemonade Mouth and yes I feel like this embodies MC perfectly!
(this includes Ximena, Toby, side characters, the overall vibe of ROD, etc.)
Tints, Anderson .Paak ft. Kendrick Lamar [j]
Ridin’, ridin’, round that open street / I need tints / I need my windows tinted / I can’t be flying down that 110 with a bad bitch in my whip / I need tints
This reminds me a lot of Ximena and Toby because they’re so chill and carefree compared to the rest of the crew, and this song embodies that.
Nascar, Roddy Ricch [p]
Honestly, heard this song and thought I’d be perfect for another side show, or a racing song
We Don’t Luv Em, HoodRich Pablo Juan [p]
Another side show/racing song
DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love, Usher [p]
I feel like this could’ve played at the club depending on the vibe they were going for, and even if they weren’t, I feel like the club was a very romantically charged event so the DJ had errbody falling in love (MC and whoever, Toby and the guy he went off to dance with, etc.)
break da law, 21 Savage [p]
Me and my dawgs break laws
This is Kaneko and the crew, even though Kaneko would never call them his dawgs, but you get the gist.
Trust Nobody, Lil Wayne ft. Adam Levine [p]
I don’t trust nobody, not my lovers, not my friends / I don’t make no promises ‘cause I know just how they’ll end / I don’t trust nobody, I don’t need nobody else / And as messed up as it sounds, I don’t even trust myself, yeah
This hurts me because the song talks about not being able to trust people in general so I feel like this has been Logan all his life, Mona after she was betrayed, and Colt after the death of his father (minus the don’t trust my lover part because obviously they are whipped for MC and you can’t change my mind).
Undercover, Kehlani [p]
You know they don’t wanna see us together / But it don’t matter, no, ‘cause I got you
Baby, they don’t wanna see me be happy / ‘Cause they ain’t happy, no -- they don’t got you
So this is MC with all the LI’s because everybody (Riya, Darius, her dad, etc.) thinks everyone in the crew is bad news but no matter who MC is with, they’re happy with them regardless of what everyone thinks.
Party Monster, The Weeknd [p]
Okay, this might seem really weird, but I feel like this is a song that would play in the background as the crew would plan or orchestrate a heist you know like the camera panning to different people just really focused on that they’re doing like there’s some camera work going on in my head that I wish I could properly articulate but I hope you guys see the vision.
Shut Up and Drive, Rihanna [p and j]
This is self explanatory.
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stenbrozier · 4 years
Missed Dates and Missed Opportunites (Bill Denbrough x Reader)
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Plot: Bill has been getting more and more distant and it’s pissing you off. He misses an important date and it makes you upset so you decided to confront him about it.
Warnings: swearing, fighting!!, literally one mention of making out (very slight), sad + angry!Bill
A/N: I started writing this when my ex boyfriend and I broke up literally in October, and I finally had the energy to finish it without crying about how much I miss him cause I don’t miss that bitch anymore. I hope y’all enjoy :)
(Y/N) sat on the curb outside of the Aladdin, waiting for her boyfriend to get there for their annual movie night. It was the third Friday of the month, the day when all of the new movies were usually released, and her and Bill would both chose one to see. They’d buy tickets for one, and when that was over, they’d stay and then movie hop to the other movie that was showing. Afterwards, he’d take you to the diner around the corner from the theatre, and you’d both share a milkshake and get burgers and fries. They’d been doing it for three years. And Bill was late.
They always agreed to meet right after school, and she knew that he had baseball practice in the later months of the school year, so she offered to wait until about 5 so that he could head home and shower to. It was now 6 o’clock and still no Bill. (Y/N) stood up, wiping the rocks and dirt off of the back of her thighs and headed out of the center of town and down the street to her house. Tears fell down her face fast and hot, and she wiped them with the too-long right sleeve of Bill’s varsity jacket. She hugged it closer to her, turning down West Broadway to get to her house that was at the end of the road. She lived in the corner, her house adjacent to the Denbrough’s.
When (Y/N) got to her front door, she looked back across to Bill’s house, noticing his car wasn’t in the driveway, which made her hurt even more. She unlocked her front door, turning on the light in the foyer so that she could see where she was going as she walked into the house and shut the door, locking it behind her. Walking into the kitchen, she searched the fridge and the cabinets to see if her mom had gone food shopping for her before she left for her business trip. She sighed when she noticed all that was in the cabinets were a few boxes of cereal, all half full. (Y/N) angrily stomped her feet, going over to the plate cabinet and grabbed a bowl from the top shelf. She got a spoon out of the utensil drawer and the milk out of the fridge, and then (Y/N) made her way over to the table to sit and eat her “dinner”.
As she was eating her Frosted Flakes, staring at the stupid games on the back of the box, she heard a loud knock on the front door. Silently, she eyed it suspiciously, creeping towards the windows in the living room to see if she could peek around to see who was outside. Her heart hammered in her chest when she noticed Bill’s car was out front, headlights still on. (Y/N) walked to the front door, unlocking it and opening it slightly, see if Bill standing their looking annoyed and tired. She opened it all the way, leaning against the doorframe as he looked at her confused.
“B-baby, why weren’t you at the A-A-Al-Aladdin?” he asked quietly, hurt evident in his voice. “I-I waited for for-forever.” She shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her feet before looking back up at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Bill, I waited for an hour,” (Y/N) replied, annoyance lacing her voice. “5 o’clock to 6 o’clock, waiting for you because you said you’d be there when baseball was done. Baseball is usually done at 4:30!” She stood up straight, walking fully into her house and going to shut the door when he stopped it with his hand.
“We didn’t get done till 5 today,” he answered calmly, tapping his foot against the metal frame at the bottom of her door.
“Then you still should’ve been there when I was.” She tried again to close the door on him, not wanting to look at him any longer. He pushed the door back and walked in. “Bill, I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“L-Listen, baby, I-I’m sorry I wasn’t th-there. We-we can go n-now,” he offered apologetically, trying time reach for his girlfriend’s arm. She shook her head, folding in on herself as she backed up into the railing on the stairs that lead into the other part of the house.
“You’ve missed dates before,” (Y/N) whispered solemnly, tears stinging her eyes. “You...this isn’t the first time I’ve gone home, crying might I add, because you didn’t bother to show up or-or you decided to go do something else!”
“I-I had f-fucking baseball, (Y/N),” Bill yelled angrily, causing shock to wash over the girl’s face. She looked up at him, noticing his face was red and his eyes were watery. “I-I didn’t do-do it on p-p-p-purpose! Why w-w-would I do that t-to you-u?”
(Y/N) watched as her boyfriend threw his arms up into the air, gulping softly as he stared at her with hurt washed over his face. Bill suddenly dropped his arms, letting them slam against his sides before he slowly reached towards her. She let him grab her hand, and Bill brought it close to his mouth and leant down to kiss it.
“I love you,” he said calmly and slowly, not wanting to stutter over the most important words he’d ever told her. “I-I do. You’re my e-e-everything. I-I’m s-sorry, I’ll make i-it up to you.”
(Y/N) bit her lip, running over the situation in her mind. On one hand, she wanted to go to the movies with him and then make out in his car at the Quarry while Queen blared through the speakers. But she also just wanted her space: time to recover from the tears she had cried for him over the same stupid shit he continued to do.
“Billy,” she started, shaking her head, “I want some time to myself. I know you don’t mean to miss dates, but...I don’t want to be with you if I’m not one of your top priorities. Of course you should focus on school and baseball, for the scholarships, but I just don’t think I can be with you if you’re going to miss our dates.”
Bill let go of her hand, watching it drop lifeless to her side as he stared down at his feet. He felt tears wash down his face, his brain trying to wrap around what she had just said to him.
“B-but, (Y/N), I-I-I-“
“I know you love me,” she whispered, her sobs making it difficult to understand her. “But I’m not getting the love I need. You can love someone and yet show them no affection, Bill.” Bill looked up at her, meeting her eyes. He searched her face for any sort of remorse, and when he couldn’t read her emotions, he scoffed.
“Fine,” he said through gritted teeth. Bill turned around, hearing (Y/N) start to cry harder. “Just...just i-if you need any-anything, I’m h-here s-still. C-call me if you w-want to g-g-g-get back toge-together. I love you.”
He walked out the door, slamming it behind him and marched over to his car. It had been running the whole time, and he got in and felt the cold artificial air hit his skin. Bill slammed his hands against the steering wheel, tears falling down his face.
“FUCK,” he screamed, the word turning into a sob as Bill dropped his head to sit on the steering wheel his body shaking as all of the sadness flowed out of him through his tears.
Back in the house, (Y/N) slid down to the bottom step, not even caring that her back was being jabbed by the wood. She brought her knees to her chest, tears streaming down her face as she stared at the headlights that came in through the window of her mom’s office, which was on the side of the house that pointed directly at Bill’s. She saw the headlights of his car disappear as she wrapped the varsity jacket even tighter around her body, sobbing into her knees about the boy who broke her heart without even knowing it.
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
Not Clickbait - Chapter 29
This is my favorite chapter! I can’t believe it’s finally out! It’s about David and Y/n going on a trip together and sleeping together for the first time. You can totally read it as a one shot too but it’s better if you are up to speed with the series! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 💕💕💕
Y/n and David had just landed in Miami and gotten their rental car. David (Natalie) had made reservations at the Ocean's Edge Resort in Key West. They got to their room just as the sun was starting to rise which made the view even more spectacular than it already was.
“Dave, this… this is so perfect. Thank you for this, thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend” she said wrapping one of her arms around his waist as they walked over to the balcony. “We should go swimming, right now before there are a bunch of people at the pool!” Y/n beamed.  
“Sure, whatever you want to do.” David agreed leaning down to kiss her.
“I’ll go change.” she whispered and walked over to her travel bag to get her swimsuit out.
She went into the bathroom and David just stood there on the balcony looking at the amazing view. A few minutes later Y/n came out of the bathroom in a flesh colored two piece. She had her hair down and her cheeks were slightly flushed. The golden light of the rising sun hitting her skin, still dewy from rubbing sunscreen all over. David thought she had never looked better, more relaxed, happier.
“Can you rub this on my back?” She muttered handing him the tube of sunscreen. She turned around as David put some lotion on his hand, she shivered a little when the cold product first hit her skin but then she started enjoying the feeling of David’s hands running through her back. David started spreading the cream and as he came across the strap of her bra he started running his hand under it. “You can untie that” she said holding the fabric by the front and he did, leaving her back completely bare for him to explore.
“Done” he whispered after a couple of minutes. Y/n turned around and leaned in for a kiss, it started off light but it soon deepened, her bra falling to the ground as she forgot she was holding it. They started moving towards the bed, his shirt falling on the ground on the way. David took a step back to look at her.
“You are so beautiful.” He muttered in her ear as he started kissing down her neck and clavicle. “I love you” he whispered on her lips. She broke the kiss to look at him for a second.
“I love you too.” she smiled against his lips.
“Are you sure you want to do this babe? We can stop, it’s okay if you want to wait.” David said breaking the kiss once again.
“I’m sure, I love you” she nodded. More pieces of clothing fell to the ground, as their hands got to know each other's bodies. It was sweet and gentle, filled with kissing and caressing, soft laughter and smiles.
A while  later Y/n and David were still in bed, wrapped in nothing but each other's arms and white sheets.
“Was… did… “ Y/n started, not completing her thoughts.
“Babe, just ask, you’ve been trying to get it out for like an hour” He smiled, putting his head on the crook of her neck.
“Did you like it? I mean you have more experience than I do so… Was it good for you?” She said feeling her cheeks get hot.
“Yes, it was great.” He smiled sweetly at her “Was it good for you? Did it hurt?”
“It was perfect. And no, it didn’t hurt.” Y/n said remembering how kind and gentle he was during the whole thing.
“You are so perfect, so amazing. I love you. This last couple months have been so wonderful.”
“I love you too, Dave. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect boyfriend.” She smiled running her fingers through his hair.
As tempting as spending the whole weekend in that hotel room sounded, after some room service breakfast it was adventure time. They rode all the way to Key West, visited the Hemingway Home and Museum, went canoeing and window-shopped through the luxurious boutiques before sitting down to have lunch.
“Most of these things have seafood!” David complained.
“Well, yeah babe, that’s kind of the point…” Y/n said giggling.
“Do you want to go parasailing after lunch?” His eyes gleamed.
“Nooo, pleeeease! I don’t like dangerous activities!! We are both too young to die…”
“We are not going to die, it’s going to be fine! You’ll love it, it’s fun!”
“If we die I am going to haunt your spirit for eternity…” she said giving up. She knew there was no point in arguing, when something got in his head…
“Good, that way not even death will do us apart”
“Funny…” She gave him a light push.
“Tell me again why we are doing this…” Y/n said squeezing David’s hand so tight it would probably leave a bruise.
“Because it’s fun and we only live once and because your face is funny when you are scared.” He replied giving the girl a quick peck.
Y/n actually really enjoyed herself, the views were amazing, it was really fun and it turned out to be the perfect thing to get her head off of what was coming. The wind blew her hair and blushed her already suntanned skin.
Night time came way too soon and David was at the bar waiting for Y/n, who was still in their room getting ready. He smiled down at his phone as he read Natalie’s text.
Assistant #1: How is the trip going, Romeo? Reformed Bieber: It’s great, the hotel is perfect! Thank u! Assistant #1: I am the best assistant, I know. U should give me a raise! Reformed Bieber: Haha v funny! U r a great friend! Assistant #1: OMG! Is that a compliment or just a way to get out of the raise? Reformed Bieber: Exactly. Assistant #1: U lil bitch, wait till u come home! Changing the locks tonight Reformed Bieber: I told her I loved her… Assistant #1: WHAT?? OMG!! I am so happy for u Dave!! Did she say it back? Reformed Bieber: Yes :)
As he sent that message he looked up to see Y/n approaching him. His jaw literally dropped, as did the ones from most of the attendants. She was wearing a silk emerald green tight dress, it was calf long and left little to the imagination as the fabric hugged her figure like a second skin. The color complemented her skin beautifully and had a sheen to it as the light reflected off the dress. Her skin had taken a golden tint, which was emphasized by the shimmer in her body oil. Her hair fell in careless curls and a proper amount of gloss made her lips look extra juicy. She was a gorgeous young woman, and David was used to her sweet pastel colored dresses but in that outfit she looked like a completely different person.
“WOW! Let's get out of here before my girlfriend shows up!” He whispered in her ear as she reached his seat in the bar.
“Sorry sweetie, I don’t do committed guys.” She muttered with a seductive little smile.
“Bummer.” He said before leaning in for a kiss, it was passionate and short lived.
“I take it you like my new dress.” She smiled teasingly.
“You should never take that off” He said, looking her up and down.
“If that is what you want! And here I was thinking you would enjoy what is underneath more than the dress.” David knew there was no way she could have anything under that dress because it would show through the fabric. So the thought of the only thing that could be under her dress appeared in his head.
“There is no way we are getting through dinner if you keep this up. I might need to throw you over my shoulder and take you back to our room.”
“Didn’t your mom teach you that you can’t have dessert before dinner?” She scolded, running her hand through the collar of his shirt.
“I’m a slow learner.”
The next day was spent at the beach enjoying the clear skies and warm water. Y/n put her book back inside her bag under the gazebo and looked over to her boyfriend.
“Are you coming to the water with me?” She asked as David played with his phone.
“No babe, go ahead. I’m too tired, I want to rest a bit.” He replied before kissing her goodbye.
It hadn’t been half an hour when David looked up from his phone to see two buff guys talking to Y/n  by the shore. He could feel the familiar green monster making an appearance. She looked too pretty in her mint green bathing suit and wet hair. He didn’t like the way those guys seemed to be eating her with their eyes. She seemed totally oblivious to that last part though. He stood up and made his way to his girlfriend.
“Hey babe! Was the water nice?” He said, grabbing her by the waist.
“It was perfect! You should go swim a bit before it starts getting cold! Oh, by the way… these are Chad and Trent! We went to high school together… isn’t it a small world?”
“Hey! Nice to meet you!” Dave smiled holding out his hand.
“Holy fuck! You didn’t tell us that the guy you were dating is David Dobrik!” One of the guys said
“Yeah, well it's kind of a secret or at least it was until he called me babe.” She explained, giving him a look. She had caught what he was trying to do and couldn’t wait till they were alone so she could tease the fuck out of him. He blushed a bit.
“Hey, don’t worry! We are not going to say anything! We still owe her big time for all the times she helped us with homework and exams! She was always the smartest little nerd in the class” The other guy said.
“Well except for gym class, those were not her brightest moments”
“Ohh god please don’t ever mention that again!! David destroyed me in tennis a few weeks ago!!” She laughed.
“Hey, so I know you two are on vacation but would you mind taking a picture with us?” Guy n°1 said
“Sure!” David said and after a few more minutes of chat both pairs went their separate ways.
“Look at you being all jealous! You are like a little puppy marking your territory! That is hi-la-ri-o-us!! OMG!! I can’t wait to go back and tell Natalie about this she is going to laugh so fucking hard!!”
“Whatever. The fact that they know you doesn’t mean they were not flirting with you!! They were eyeing you up!! You are just too naïve to notice.” He shrugged, grabbing at her waist.
“No, I am not! I did notice which is why ten minutes before you joined us I told them I came here with my boyfriend” She said giggling.
“That didn’t stop them staring then.”
“Maybe it didn’t, but I don't care. I only have eyes for one guy, and he is amazingly handsome and talented.”
“Let me guess, it’s me.” He said leaning down to kiss her.
“No, it's Ryan Gosling. But you are a close second place.” She giggled pulling him in.
34 notes · View notes
myonechicagoworld · 4 years
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                                         [background commotion]
Gabby Dawson: [grunts]
                            [pained groan]
                            Shay? [grunts]
                            Hey. Shay, sweetie. Sweetie [groans]
                            Shay, Shay.
                            You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.
                                           [sirens approaching]
Gabby Dawson: [pants] You’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna
                            be okay.
Nancy Casey: You look good, you really do. I’m so proud of you.
Matt Casey: Thanks.
Nancy Casey: How’s Hallie?
Matt Casey: We broke up.
Nancy Casey: Oh. But you were together for, what, four years?
Matt Casey: Eight.
Nancy Casey: Well, I never liked her.
                         Do you, uh… do you talk to your sister?
Matt Casey: Not really.
Nancy Casey: Well, the reason I’m asking is, um, my hearing’s
                         coming up.
Matt Casey: I know.
Nancy Casey: And I thought maybe this time… I’ve been thinking
                        about this a lot, Matthew… you could talk to her.
Matt Casey: It’s still hard for her.
Nancy Casey: It’s hard for her?
                         Look, I need to turn the page on this too, you know? 
                         When am I gonna be allowed to do that, stuck in
Matt Casey: Maybe you should’ve thought of that before you killed
                                         [door buzzer sounds]
Man 1 (Orderly): All keys, cell phones, any metal objects must be
                            placed in the basket.
Paramedic: BP’s 180 over 100. Pulse of 56. Respirations of ten and
Gabby Dawson: Her pupils are unequal, but she responded to light
                            on scene. 
ER Doctor: Is she allergic to any medication?
Gabby Dawson: No.
Chief Boden: Gabriela.
                        You okay?
ER Doctor: We’re going to need a blood test, stat… [indistinct 
                    chatter]… order labs, get a CBC… [continues
Gabby Dawson: [sobs]
Chief Boden: She’s gonna be fine.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Chief Boden: Gonna get you looked at, okay? Get you cleaned up.
                       Come on. It’s okay. Go ahead.
Kelly Severide: Is that her? Is that Shay?
Chief Boden: Let them do their job. 
Kelly Severide: I want to see her.
Chief Boden: Right now, there’s nothing you can do.
Kelly Severide: What are they… what are they talking here? 
                           She’s got a…a head injury? 
                           How bad is it?
Chief Boden: I don’t know.
                                                  - Title -
                                    [indistinct hospital chatter]
Matt Casey: [panting] What have you heard?
Chief Boden: Moderate traumatic brain injury. And they’ve located
                        the brain swelling, so they’re gonna do an MRI,
                         try to determine the extent of the damage.
Mouch: If anybody can find a way to rally, it’s Shay.
Matt Casey: And Dawson’s all right?
Chief Boden: She has a laceration on her leg, but other than that,
                        she’s fine.
                        They’re gonna release her here in a minute.
Matt Casey: The other driver, this tow truck, was he DUI or?
Otis Zvonecek: No. Breathalyser came up negative. 
Peter Mills: Stupid freak thing. Truck blew a tire. 
Matt Casey: What about Shay’s family?
Kelly Severide: Mom’s in Tacoma. Dad’s in Baton Rouge. I left a
                          message for them both.
Chief Boden: Every thought, every prayer needs to be directed
                        down that hallway. 
Christopher Herrmann: This house needs a run, big time.
Mouch: Hey Dawson.
Firefighter: Hey Dawson.
Matt Casey: Hey.
Kelly Severide: Shay?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, she’s still in ICU, but, uh, the brain swelling
                             subsided, and she won’t need surgery or the
                             ICP catheter. They’re hoping she’s out of the 
Chief Boden: Just spoke with Chief Hatcher. In the absence of
                        Shay, Candidate Peter Mills will fill in the vacated
                         post in an EMT capacity.
Gabby Dawson: For how long?
Chief Boden: Till Shay’s back in this house.
Otis Zvonecek: Hey, hey. Finally some good news. Listen to this. 
                           That fire on North Hamlin… guess who the body 
                            was. “The Chicago medical examiner identified
                             it to be that of Manuel ‘Flaco’ Rodriguez,
                             purported leader of the street gang, Insane
                             Kings, wanted for a string of unsolved West 
                              Side murders, said a CPD spokesman.”
Mouch: So long, Flaco. God has spoken.
Christopher Herrmann: I don’t throw the word, karma, around a
                                        lot, but that’s exactly what that is, my
                                        friends, with a capital K.
Matt Casey: Your brother can breathe easy, Cruz. 
                      So can you.
Joe Cruz: Well, you got that right.
Kelly Severide: Hey, Dawson. Hey.
                           What else did the doctors say?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, it’s a head injury. They’re hoping to get a better
                             indication of where she’s at in the next 24.
                             Hey, she looked a little better.
Kelly Severide: You saw her?
Gabby Dawson: Yeah.
Kelly Severide: They told me no visitors.
Gabby Dawson: I wasn’t a visitor. I was… I was getting examined 
Kelly Severide: You’re right. I’m… I’m sorry. Sorry, sorry.
                            How are you doing?
Gabby Dawson: Great, thanks.
Kelly Severide: The thing is, me and Shay had a disagreement right
                            before she went on shift.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, I know. She asked if she could stay at my
                             place for a while.
Kelly Severide: Yeah. But in the light of things, I think she should
                           come back home after she’s discharged. I’ll take
                            care of her.
Gabby Dawson: I mean, that’s her call to make. But I’m not really
                            worried about that right now.
Kelly Severide: Of course. Yeah. I just want her to be okay.
Gabby Dawson: Yeah, me too.
                                      [locker door swings open]
Leon Cruz: Yo.
Joe Cruz: What are you doing, waving that thing around in here?
Leon Cruz: Yo, did you read this?
Joe Cruz: Yes.
Leon Cruz: I thought you would have been doing cartwheels.
                    Yo, when nobody saw him come out that blaze, there
                     was crazy stories flying everywhere, like he was 
                      hiding out somewhere. 
                      This confirms it, bro. Flaco’s dead.
Joe Cruz: I know, Leon.
Leon Cruz: You did this for me.
                     That’s why you’ve been acting all shook lately, huh?
                     Yo, we take this to the grave, just me and you.
                      Thank you. Thank you!
                      Me salvaste la vida. 
                      So quit trippin’, bro.
Christopher Herrmann: This wedding job I booked, the father of
                                         the bride and I, we hit it off. Anyway,
                                         he’s the CFO of this sewage treatment 
Chief Boden: Really? You’re into sewage now? 
Christopher Herrmann: No. Anyway, turns out he’s a family guy,
                                        a really good guy. He has some venture
                                         capital that’s burning a hole in his
                                         pocket, says he might be willing to
                                         invest some start-up cash in a
                                         fleet of limos.
Chief Boden: What’s the catch?
Christopher Herrmann: None. The only hitch is that I invited him
                                         here to the firehouse today to hash
                                         things out. But with everything going
Chief Boden: If Shay gets wind that you screwed up this business
                       opportunity ‘cause of her, she will kick you in your
Christopher Herrmann: Yeah, but…
Chief Boden: Go ahead, take the meeting. We need to get back to
                        normal around here.
Christopher Herrmann: I appreciate it, Chief.
Chief Boden: No catch, huh?
Christopher Herrmann: Not unless he tries paying me with
                                         Monopoly money.
                                    [station alert buzzes & sounds]
(Over PA): Truck 81…
Chief Boden: [sighs]
(Over PA): Squad 3, Ambulance 61. Woman trapped from unknown 
                                  [indistinct chatter in background]
Lady 1: The ground just collapsed.
Kelly Severide: Okay. Get back. Get back.
                           (into radio) We got a sinkhole.
                           Guys, get these cars moved in case of a secondary
Lady 1: I tried to get close, but the ground started to pour in.
Kelly Severide: She your neighbour?
Lady 1: Our mail lady.
Victim 1 (Mail lady): Help me, please hurry!
                                  Somebody, help me! Help me, please.
Kelly Severide: Lieutenant Kelly Severide, Chicago Fire
                           Department. We’re gonna work on getting
                            you out. What’s your name?
Victim 1 (Mail lady): Sylvia. I need to get out of here. I… It’s getting
                                  hard to breathe [coughs]
Kelly Severide: Hey, air, struts and shoring, right now.
Matt Casey: Call the Chief.
Firefighter: Got it, Lieutenant. 
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): [strained breathing]
                                              Please help me!
Kelly Severide: Is that all we got?
Firefighter: That’s it.
Kelly Severide: That won’t be enough.
                                         [ground collapsing]
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): [screaming & coughing]
Kelly Severide: Get me more boards! 
Matt Casey: Grab anything you can get!
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): Please help me [coughing]
                                          [saw buzzing]
Lady 2 (Resident with Fence): Hey! 
Christopher Herrmann: Sorry ma’am.
                             [indistinct chatter in background]
                                          [ladder raising]
Matt Casey: Come on.
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): [gasping]
Kelly Severide: Hey, Sylvia, put these on to protect your eyes.
Christopher Herrmann: Up on green.
                                         It’s in.
Chief Boden: Okay, go ahead down. Check the shoring.
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): [coughs]
Kelly Severide: All right, Chief, good to go.
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): [gasping] I can’t breathe.
Matt Casey: Got something for you.
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): I can’t feel anything.
Matt Casey: Here, put this on.
                      Deep breaths, Sylvia.
Kelly Severide: [grunting] Good to go.
Joe Cruz: Here’s the line, Lieutenant.
                                 [ground starts to collapse again]
Kelly Severide: Easy.
Matt Casey: Come on.
Kelly Severide: All right, get her out of here.
Chief Boden: Pull her out. Pull her out now.
                                               [men grunting]
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): [cries out]
                                           [ground rumbling]
Kelly Severide: Let’s get out of here! 
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): Oh!
Matt Casey: Let’s move.
Christopher Herrmann: Let her in.
Chief Boden: I got her.
Victim 1 (Mail lady/Sylvia): [crying] Thank you.
Christopher Herrmann: All right.
Chief Boden: Way to go.
                       Good job.
Doctor: Eye, motor, verbal responses have improved steadily in the
              last two hours. We still have to monitor her closely, see
              how she progresses.
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Leslie Shay: Hey. You’re working?
Gabby Dawson: Well, you know, with you faking it, someone’s got
                             to step up.
                                          [both chuckles lightly]
Gabby Dawson: How you feeling?
Leslie Shay: Oh, a little beat up, but I’m all right. Be a little while
                      before I see the ambo, I guess.
Gabby Dawson: You really scared me, girl. Don’t do it again, okay?
Leslie Shay: So you were telling me, last thing I remember, about
                      your date with Casey. It didn’t go so well or
Gabby Dawson: Oh, no. Jeez. The date was a disaster. And Casey
                             kissed me on the cheek.
Leslie Shay: Oh… listen, it’s not too late to switch teams.
Gabby Dawson: You already moved in. Let’s take it slow.
                                         [knocks on door]
Leslie Shay: Hey.
Kelly Severide: You’re up.
Leslie Shay: Yeah.
Kelly Severide: [chuckles] 
                                         [kissing sound]
Leslie Shay: Hi. They’re so beautiful. Thank you.
Kelly Severide: Be good to get you home. The place feels really
                           empty without hipster music blasting from your
                            room [laughs]
Leslie Shay: I’m still gonna stay with Dawson, Kelly. I think the way
                     we left it is best.
Kelly Severide: Let me know if you hear any more updates.
Gabby Dawson: Are you high?
Kelly Severide: What?
Gabby Dawson: You’ve got pinpoint pupils.
Kelly Severide: Are you out of your mind?
Gabby Dawson: You didn’t answer the question.
Kelly Severide: I’m worried about Shay. Is that okay with you?
Matt Casey: Herrmann, relax.
Christopher Herrmann: I can’t, okay? I got a lot riding on this.
                                         Me and Cindy, we need 5 grand more to
                                         make the down payment so we can move
                                         the hell out.
Mouch: I thought you got along with your father-in-law.
Christopher Herrmann: You want to drastically alter your
                                         relationship with your father-in-law?
                                         Move in with him. Used to be that I was a
                                         fireman hero. Now he treats me like I’m
                                          Mr. Frickin’ Belvedere.
Matt Casey: You’re putting too much pressure on yourself.
Capp: Herrmann, there’s a Lance Ebbott out front for you.
Christopher Herrmann: He’s punctual. 
                                         Mr. Ebbott.
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Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): Lance, please.
Christopher Herrmann: Lance, good to see you.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): You too.
Christopher Herrmann: Fantastic wedding the other day. 
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): Oh, well, thank you.
Christopher Herrmann: Your daughter looked lovely. So did your
                                         Not that I was staring or anything.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): [chuckles] You’re very kind to say so.
                                       So uh, I looked it over… or rather, my
                                       business manager did. And it looks good.
                                       Just one last step, and then I’m in.
                                       Take me for a ride after your shift. Show me
                                        how the business operates, or more
                                        importantly, how you operate.
                                        Relationships, trust, loyalty, that’s what’s
                                        important to me.
Christopher Herrmann: As it is with me, sir.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): Lance.
Christopher Herrmann: Lance.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): See you at 7?
Christopher Herrmann: Yes, sir. See you… Lance, see you at 7.
                                         [whisper shouts] Yeah!
                            [train horn blowing in distance]
                                [knocking on car window]
Man 2: Can I help you with something?
Joe Cruz: What?
Man 2: Can I help you with something? This is private property.
Joe Cruz: Where am I? What is this place?
Man 2: Gary.
Joe Cruz: Gary?
Man 2: Yes, sir.
Joe Cruz: Indiana?
Gabby Dawson: [exhales]
Matt Casey: Hey.
Gabby Dawson: Hey.
Matt Casey: So Shay’s good, huh?
Gabby Dawson: Well, she still got some recovery left to go, but we
                             definitely got lucky.
Matt Casey: What about you? 
                      Should probably have taken a couple days off.
Gabby Dawson: Right. Like you would have.
Matt Casey: Listen, uh… the Christmas party. If I seemed
                      distracted, it’s because… I guess I was. There’s some
                      stuff I’m dealing with, stuff I gotta figure out.
Gabby Dawson: Well, you know you can talk to me anytime you
                             want, right? About any of that…stuff.
                                   [station alarm buzzes & blares]
(Over PA): Ambulance 61, difficulty breathing. 800 East Cottage 
Gabby Dawson: I hope it works out… whatever it is.
                            If we set a shift record for calls, it’s on you,
                             you know.
Peter Mills: So you’re setting me up to be the firehouse jinx?
Gabby Dawson: I’m just saying I’m counting.
                            I’m not one to shy away from labelling folks.
Peter Mills: [chuckles]
                                          [knocks on door]
Gabby Dawson: CFD. Anybody there?
Peter Mills: Whoa, there’s a woman on the floor in there.
Gabby Dawson: All right, we got to get in. Break it.
Peter Mills: All right.
                                         [glass smashing]
                                  [dog barking & growling]
Peter Mills: All right. Here. Shh, shh.
Peter Mills: Okay, good, good… good poochie.
Peter Mills: Wait! Wait!
Gabby Dawson: [sighs] 
Peter Mills: Oh man.
Peter Mills: That woman is in bad shape. We need to get back out
Gabby Dawson: (into radio) This is Ambulance 61. We need a
                             company for manpower and CPD.
Dispatcher: Copy that, 61. Sending backup. We’ll notify...
Peter Mills: Here, take this out of the wrapper.
                                     [dog snarling & barking]
Gabby Dawson: What?
Peter Mills: Okay. 
                     Here goes.
                                       [snarling & barking]
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles]
                            [clears throat]
Peter Mills: [sniffing] It smells nice. It’s, like, a… a vanilla candle or
Gabby Dawson: Uh, that… that’s my body lotion.
                                             [dog panting]
                                           [dog whimpers]
Peter Mills: Yeah, we’re good.
Gabby Dawson: You got her ID, medical info?
Peter Mills: Yes. We are all good.
Gabby Dawson: Just don’t miss any turns on the way to the ER.
Peter Mills: Ha. Funny.
Christie: This thing always catches.
Matt Casey: You should look into getting it fixed.
Christie: Yeah, unfortunately Jim’s dangerous with tools. 
Matt Casey: [chuckles]
Christie: If only I knew a contractor.
Matt Casey: Thanks for having me.
                      I wanted to talk to you about something.
Christie: Let me guess.
Matt Casey: Just wondering if maybe you’d be willing to dial it back
                      this time.
Christie: This coming from you or her?
Matt Casey: From me. She’d be on parole. There would still be
                      restrictions in place.
Christie: [scoffs] She could’ve asked for help. She could’ve moved
                far away from him. But she didn’t. She killed him.
Matt Casey: Yes, I realised that, Christie. I was there. You were in a
                      campus dorm on the other side of the country. I heard
                       all the things he said. I saw him belittle her…
                       break her. 
                       She paid the price.
                       Listen, 15 years ago, I’m not having this conversation.
                       Now I am. 
Christie: Nothing excuses what she did.
Matt Casey: I’m not asking you to forget.
                                            [kissing sounds]
Renee Royce: Mm…
Kelly Severide: Damn, I’m glad you’re back in town.
Renee Royce: Yeah, me too. 
Kelly Severide: [chuckles]
Renee Royce: I was in Madrid.
Kelly Severide: How often do you have to go there?
Renee Royce: This was for an interview, actually, for a, um,
Kelly Severide: You taking it?
Renee Royce: I am.
Kelly Severide: When?
Renee Royce: They need me there next week.
Kelly Severide: Ah.
Renee Royce: You know, it’s funny, ‘cause we’ve only dated a
                          couple times, but it just feels like longer,
                           doesn’t it?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Renee Royce: My stomach’s been in knots just thinking about
                         telling you.
                         [exhales] Do you get any vacation time?
Kelly Severide: A little, here and there.
Renee Royce: So then, would you think about coming out to visit
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
Renee Royce: Now my stomach’s back in knots again.
Kelly Severide: Hey…
                                            [kissing sound]
Kelly Severide: Congrats. Seriously.
                          And yes, I will come visit you… when I can.
Renee Royce: You will?
                          So then, should I pop open a bottle of champagne
                           to celebrate?
Kelly Severide: Absolutely.
Renee Royce: Yeah?
Kelly Severide: Yeah.
                                            [kissing sounds]
Renee Royce: Okay.
Kelly Severide: [sighs]
                                              [car banging]
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Lady 3: Hey, hey, where you… get back here.
              Where you going?
Lady 4: He’s going away.
Lady 3: Yeah, aw.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): This is good. This is good. You good?
Christopher Herrmann: Great.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): This is great. So really great.
Christopher Herrmann: Okay.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): So what I’m thinking is that, once a week or
                                       every two weeks, we go on a run, you
                                       know? We, uh, meet clients, we drum up
                                       new business, and that’ll be our cover
                                       story. And then we, you know, have a
                                       good time.
Christopher Herrmann: Sounds good to me.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): Good. So, uh, give me, like, ten minutes…
Christopher Herrmann: Uh huh.
Man 1 (Lance Ebbott): And then we’ll be out of here, all right?
                                     [indistinct chatter]
                                  [siren in the distance]
Gabby Dawson: My family had a German Shepherd. They are great
                            I’m not scared of them.
Peter Mills: Please, please. You screamed like a girl.
Gabby Dawson: I am a girl. What’s your excuse?
                            Hey, Cruz, you okay?
Joe Cruz: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: You sure? You look like you’re gonna throw up.
                                [Mills & Dawson chuckles]
Peter Mills: She literally almost hit the ceiling when the dog lunged
                     at us.
Matt Casey: Oh yeah?
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: He… he jumped higher than I did.
Peter Mills: No, I jumped higher to make myself bigger. Like, when
                    you encounter a grizzly bear in the wild, you… you…
Gabby Dawson: That survival tip doesn’t even make any sense.
                             All you’re  doing is, you’re standing there, making
                             yourself a bigger serving size for the bear or
                             whatever. Where I’m from, you haul your ass out
                             of there.
Peter Mills: Oh really?
Dawson & Mills: [laughs]
                                                [knocks on door]
Matt Casey: Hey, Cruz.
Joe Cruz: Lieutenant, I have to talk to you about something.
Matt Casey: Okay.
                                                   [door shuts]
Joe Cruz: My brother, Leon, he might be a screw-up, but he’s got a
                  really good heart, you know?
Matt Casey: Yeah, of course.
Joe Cruz: And… and these… these scumbags, the Insane Kings,
                 you know, he’s nothing like ‘em. But�� but they got their
                 hooks in him, and they weren’t gonna let him go.
                 When… when I was in that building, I was checking
                 floors. And there he was, you know, Flaco. He was…
Matt Casey: Let me stop you right there. 
                      If you’re about to say what I think you are, then you
                      and me can walk right out this door, down to the
                      police station. 
                       The second option is, you sleep on this one more
                       time. Think about why you did it or didn’t do it,
                        ‘cause at this point, I have no idea ‘cause you’ve
                         told me nothing.
                        Sure as hell sounds like your brother got a new lease
                         on life.
                        Next shift, come to me. And either we go to the cops,
                        or you shake my hand and say, good morning, and
                        we go about our business. 
Joe Cruz: I understand.
                                             [door shuts]
Christopher Herrmann: I really appreciate it. We’ll speak soon.
                                         Okay. Bye.
Chief Boden: Who’s that?
Christopher Herrmann: The business manager for that, uh, investor
                                         He’s in.
Chief Boden: You’re kidding me. How much?
Christopher Herrmann: Full boat. 30 grand.
Otis Zvonecek: Dude!
Mouch: Let the ink dry first. Let the ink dry first. These things have a
              way of going south.
Christopher Herrmann: He already wired the money into my bank
Mouch: Well, egg on my face. Congrats.
Chief Boden: You and Cindy can get that house now.
Christopher Herrmann: Looks like it.
Chief Boden: Hey, go on. Show ‘em.
                       Nice little two-storey over in the West Loop.
                        Go ahead, show them.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, man, Herrmann, congratulations.
Otis Zvonecek: Wow.
Gabby Dawson: That’s awesome. 
Gabby Dawson: Cindy’s gonna flip.
Christopher Herrmann: Yep.
Peter Mills: Tray?
Gabby Dawson: [clears throat] 
Kelly Severide: You got a sec?
                            Um… I need help.
Gabby Dawson: You got it.
                                   [station alarm buzzes & blares]
(Over PA): Truck 81, Squad 3, Battalion 25, Ambulance 61. Traffic
                   accident, University Village Marketplace.
                                   [horns honking, sirens blaring]
Man 3: He drove right through… through everything. 
Lady 5 (in hat): He hit that child. Didn’t even stop. 
Crowd: Get him out of there.
              Come on.
Chief Boden: Crowd control, before they kill that man.
                       Severide, get your men on that storefront glass.
Kelly Severide: Hadley, Capp, let’s go.
Joe Cruz: Back up. Back up, please. Back up! 
Matt Casey: Back up. 
Man 4 (In beanie): Come on.
Matt Casey: Sir, you okay?
                                        [glass breaking]
Victim 2 (Guy on ground): [grunts]
Kelly Severide: All right boys. Glass is cleared. Treat the victim.
Gabby Dawson: Here we go. Sit down.
Firefighters: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
                      Hey, hey, get back. Come on.
Victim 3 (Driver): It was a shortcut. It’s the way I always go. I didn’t
                             see ‘em.
Gabby Dawson: Okay.
Victim 3 (Driver): I didn’t see ‘em.
Gabby Dawson: How much did you have to drink today, sir?
Victim 3 (Driver): I think a bottle.
Peter Mills: A bottle?
Man 4 (In beanie): That man is drunk off his ass. Look!
Matt Casey: Stand back and let the paramedics do their job.
Peter Mills: Stay still. Come on, stay still. 
                     Calm down.
Gabby Dawson: Severe ataxia. What did you have to drink in that
                             bottle, sir?
Victim 3 (Driver): Since we were playing football all day at school…
Peter Mills: Playing football at school? You taking us down memory
Victim 3 (Driver): The coach said drink a lot of water, keep up your
                              What’s the score?
Police Officer: We’ll need a sobriety test from the drunk.
Man 4 (In beanie): I cannot believe this, man.
                                         [crowd roaring]
Firefighters: Hey, hey, hey! Hey!
                      Come on, please.
Gabby Dawson: You smell anything on his breath?
Peter Mills: No, nothing.
Gabby Dawson: All right, sir, open your eyes wide for me and track
                            my finger, okay?
Crowd: Nothing but a drunk!
Gabby Dawson: He’s not drunk. He’s having a stroke.
Peter Mills: What? Are you sure? I mean, he’s not slurring.
                     There’s no signs of partial paralysis.
Gabby Dawson: It… it could be at the base of his brain stem.
                            We got to get him to the hospital right now. 
Firefighter: Casey.
Crowd: Let’s kill him!
Matt Casey: Back her up.
Crowd: Why are you helping him for?
Man 4 (In beanie): Why should we move?
Crowd: Yeah, yeah, why?
Matt Casey: Because he needs treatment.
Kelly Severide: All right, everybody, back now!
Man 4 (In beanie): We’re not going anywhere.
Kelly Severide: Back up, or I’ll knock you on your ass.
Matt Casey: Pass me an IV. Sir?
Man 4 (In beanie): What?
Matt Casey: I need your help. We’re short on medics right now.
Man 4 (In beanie): You’re crazy, man.
Matt Casey: Hold this IV bag high in the air to start the flow of
                      saline. We use it to help the victims.
Man 4 (In beanie): You sure? Man, give me this.
                                Like this?
Matt Casey: Perfect. 
                      All right, back up. Let’s give him some room.
Man 4 (In beanie): Yeah, give me some room, people.
Kelly Severide: Back up for the medics.
Man 4 (In beanie): You heard the man, back up for the medics.
Gabby Dawson: Nice.
Matt Casey: Learned that one from you.
Leslie Shay: Seriously? I’m a paramedic.
Doctor: You’re a patient. Wheelchair to the door.
Leslie Shay: Hardass.
Doctor: Take care of yourself.
Leslie Shay: Yeah, you too. 
                      What’s going on? 
Gabby Dawson: We have a great plan. 
Cindy Herrmann: It was gonna be sound of music, but my mom is
                              saying the kids are too young for Nazis. I don’t
                              care if they watch Scarface. They’re occupied,
                              and we’re celebrating.
                              You ready? Christopher, honey?
                               Oh, no. Did the money not go through?
Christopher Herrmann: No. It went through. 
Cindy Herrmann: What’s the matter?
Christopher Herrmann: This guy… he’s not my kind of guy, Cindy. 
Cindy Herrmann: Then we’ll give the money back.
Christopher Herrmann: Then there’s no house. Or I got to find
                                         another schmo to invest 30 grand. 
Cindy Herrmann: Let’s rent.
                              I love you so much for working your ass off to get
                              us a house again, but we just want you home.
                              Margie, from school, they’re gonna have a
                              vacancy in their complex next week. We’ll make
                              it our dream home.
Christopher Herrmann: You’re my girl. You know that?
Gabby Dawson: Well, I made it for Shay, but she cancelled. So I
                             figured, why let it go to waste?
Peter Mills: Oh, wow.
Gabby Dawson: And you’re the only friend I have who’d appreciate
                            the work that went into this meal.
                                              [keys clinking]
Peter Mills: Oh, so this is where the magic happens.
Gabby Dawson: You know it.
                             All right. Juniper-braised short ribs.
Peter Mills: Ooh [sniffs]
Gabby Dawson: And roasted asparagus.
Peter Mills: Damn.
Gabby Dawson: The only thing I didn’t make was dessert.
Peter Mills: Oh, hey, well, I’ll whip something up.
Gabby Dawson: Can you make something to follow this meal? 
Peter Mills: Okay, let’s not get too cocky now.
Gabby Dawson: Oh, well, it ain’t being cocky if you can back it up.
                            Oh, didn’t Peter Mills just say that not too long
Peter Mills: Damn straight I did, but you watch and learn. Okay?
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Okay.
                                      [knocks on door]
Christie: Hi, Matt.
Matt Casey: Hey. 
Christie: Come on in.
Matt Casey: Uh, I just wanted to talk to you about the mom thing
Christie: Okay.
Matt Casey: [sighs] I realise that one of our problems is we don’t
                      talk. And I wanted to tell you, whether or not you’re
                      speaking up against mom at the hearing…
Christie: I will be.
Matt Casey: Then so am I. And I’m going to argue that she should
                      be paroled. And I respect you and… and where
                      you’re coming from, and I hope you can do the same
                      with me.
Christie: Can you wait here for a sec?
Matt Casey: Yeah.
Christie: Violet’s school picture. I was going to give it to you after 
                                             [door shuts]
Leslie Shay: [laughs] “An epic arctic hurricane, all-time low king
                      crab supply, and two mutinies aboard ship.” 
Shay & Severide: [laughs]
Leslie Shay: Awesome. 
                     See, this is why we’re best friends. Kendra, sweet as
                     she is, she gets me Pride and Prejudice.
Kelly Severide: Nah.
Leslie Shay: Yeah. I mean, get to know me already.
                       And mint chocolate chip ice cream? 
Kelly Severide: [chuckles]
Leslie Shay: I mean, what are we talking about here?
Kelly Severide: Welcome home.
Leslie Shay: You know I’m gonna be with you every step of the way,
                      right, Kelly?
Kelly Severide: I’m meeting with the surgeon next week.
                          They say they can get the whole procedure on the
                           books soon after. And I got to get Boden involved. 
                           And… the painkillers… I’m gonna go cold turkey.
                           But if I feel like I’m gonna slip on a banana peel,
                           the union has an employee assistance program for
                           substance abuse. Dawson looked into it
Leslie Shay: I am so damn proud of you, Kelly. 
                     And if I were straight, I’d throw the biggest hump into
                     you right now [laughs]
Kelly Severide: [sighs] I really don’t know what I would’ve done if
                           anything happened to you.
Leslie Shay: [sighs] I felt the exact same way.
                                         [kissing sounds]
Leslie Shay: All right. 
Kelly Severide: All right, all right. All right. 
Leslie Shay: [sighs]
Gabby Dawson: I feel like going to med school’s a way to push
                            myself further, you know? 
Peter Mills: Yeah.
Gabby Dawson: Take it up a notch. 
                             But that’s all on hold until my finances improve.
Peter Mills: See, you… you did take it up a notch today on shift,
                     calling out that stroke. I mean, you take it up every
                      day right where you are, so…
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] I don’t know. 
                            It’s funny though, the things that… the things that
                            you keep in your head and the things you forget.
Peter Mills: Like what?
Gabby Dawson: [chuckles] Don’t laugh. Sometimes I have a hard
                             time remembering all the bones in the body…
                             basic EMT. 
                                             [both chuckles]
Peter Mills: I don’t think I could name them all either [chuckles]
Gabby Dawson: You don’t have an excuse. It should be fresh in
                             your mind, Peter Mills. 
Peter Mills: Well, let’s find out.
                     Like, what is that?
Gabby Dawson: Uh, radius. 
Peter Mills: And that?
Gabby Dawson: Ulna. Right? Ul… ulna.
Peter Mills: Good. What is that?
Gabby Dawson: Sternum.
Peter Mills: It’s actually more the… costal margin.
                     What about this?
                                          [kissing sounds]
                                      [cell phone vibrating]
                                                 - end -
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Respirations of ten = A person’s respiratory rate is the number of breaths you take per minute. A normal respiration rate for an adult at rest is 12 to 20 breaths per minute. A respiration rate under 12 or over 25 breaths per minute while resting is considered abnormal
CBC = A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test that measures red blood cells, white blood cells, and blood platelets (cells that help your blood clot). It is one of the most common tests ordered by doctors. A CBC can provide a quick snapshot of your overall health.
Moderate traumatic brain injury = A term used when a person experiences changes in brain function for longer than a few minutes following trauma. Traumatic brain injury usually results from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body. More serious traumatic brain injury can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding and other physical damage to the brain. These injuries can result in long-term complications or death.
MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body. MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields, magnetic field gradients, and radio waves to generate images of the organs in the body.
DUI = Driving under the influence (while impaired by alcohol or other drugs).
ICP catheter = Intracranial Pressure (ICP) monitoring uses a device placed inside the head. The monitor senses the pressure inside the skull and sends measurements to a recording device. The intraventricular catheter is the most accurate monitoring method. To insert an intraventricular catheter, a hole is drilled through the skull. The catheter is inserted through the brain into the lateral ventricle. This area of the brain contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF is a liquid that protects the brain and spinal cord. The intraventricular catheter can also be used to drain fluid out through the catheter.
Me salvaste la vida = “You saved my life” in Spanish
CFO = Chief Financial Officer
Air, struts and shoring = Technical rescue teams use a variety of equipment to support collapsed structures or trenches and move heavy debris to gain access to confined void spaces. Rescue struts are commonly used in conjunction with the air bags to support the debris. In a trench rescue situation where one or both sides of the trench have collapsed, the air bags can be used to backfill the void spaces behind the shoring panels as they are being set in place. The shoring panels will be held in place against the air bag by rescue struts to protect the victim and rescuers.
Pinpoint pupils = Pinpoint pupils are pupils that remain very small even in bright light (under normal conditions, pupils change size to let in the right amount of light). They can signify many issues, including drug use, poisoning, haemorrhage, or Horner syndrome (caused by a tumour or stroke or damage to the central trunk of the brain – the brainstem)
Mr. Belvedere = It is an American sitcom where the title character, Mr Belvedere takes a job as a butler with an American family.
Ataxia = Ataxia is a degenerative disease of the nervous system. Many symptoms of Ataxia mimic those of being drunk, such as slurred speech, stumbling, falling, and incoordination. These symptoms are caused by damage to the cerebellum, the part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating movement.
Schmo = A stupid person
EMT = Emergency Medical Technician
Radius = The radius or radial bone is one of the two large bones of the forearm, the other being the ulna. It extends from the lateral side of the elbow to the thumb side of the wrist and runs parallel to the ulna. The radius is thicker than the ulna.
Ulna = The ulna is a long bone (slightly longer than radius) found in the forearm that stretches from the elbow to the smallest finger, and when in anatomical position, is found on the medial side of the forearm. It runs parallel to the radius.
Sternum = The sternum or breastbone is a long flat bone located in the central part of the chest. It connects to the ribs via cartilage and forms the front of the rib cage, thus helping to protect the heart, lungs, and major blood vessels from injury.
Costal margin = The costal margin is the lower edge of the chest (thorax) formed by the bottom edge of the rib cage. Sometimes referred to as the costal arch, the costal margin in the medial margin formed by the seventh to tenth ribs.
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megmachine · 4 years
A/N: this is the first section of my WIP star trek fic. See the tags before reading if your interested, and please let me know what you think! 
The last time Jim ever saw his aunt alive, she was crying. He was thirteen and being led onto a bus alongside his cousins and had glanced out the darkened window on a whim. She had been standing in the doorway to their farmhouse, clutching little Sarah’s favorite blanket, arguing with one of the large men dressed in black that had come to take them back. The man had laid his hand on his belt, saying something, and Aunt Josie had broken down crying. Through a cloud of red dust as they drove away, Jimmy saw her fall to her knees and sob. Tear tracks cut through the dirt on her face, leftovers from when they’d been playing in the garden earlier. They turned a corner and trees finally blocked his view, and he turned back to talk to his cousins.
He was only supposed to be on Tarsus IV for six months. Driving the car into the canyon had been the last straw, and even though they’d ‘worked things out’ with the cops, Jimmy knew he’d pushed too hard. Frank was fed up with him and he’d been suspended from school again and his mother was still out there, exploring space without him. Winona said she would be earthside ‘in just six months, Jimmy, it’s only six months,’ and that this was just a stopgap to get him away from his step-father.  What a load of bull that was, not that he’d say it to her face. Two months in, when he moved into boarding school full-time and wasn’t counting down the days till his shuttle home, Winona messaged him. She told him her ship, the U.S.S. Faragaut, would be delayed eight additional months and for the first time, he wasn’t heartbroken. Fourteen months in the colony, he could make it fourteen months. His aunt actually liked him, she never even hit him, and his cousins didn’t treat him like a burden the way Sam used to. Classes challenged him, for the most part, and he got to go back home every weekend to see his aunt and the farmhouse. Sure, meals weren’t that big, but Jimmy had never really gone hungry here, either. Tarsus was good. Life was good. 
This time, though, as the farmhouse faded from view, he could tell his Aunt knew something was different. Clouds of red dust obscured his view and it felt like he was losing something, somewhere he’d finally started to call home. It was silly to get so melancholy about a semester at boarding school, he’d thought. He’d thought a lot of things that ended up being wrong.
It was two Saturdays later when Jimmy and Will wondered if something was wrong. A full two weeks since they had seen the rest of their family. They were sitting on his cousin’s bed, each with a PADD in hand, working on their homework. Their teacher, Hoshi, had been grilling them on languages, and despite Jimmy’s efforts Will couldn’t grasp Vulcansu conjugations. 
“No, see, it’s a past tense irregular verb, and you forgot the hyphen-”
“Jimmy.” Will interrupted him, something he never did. His face, normally an open book, was drawn and stiff. Jimmy held his tongue and swallowed back his knee-jerk snarky response. His cousin took a deep breath, held it for five seconds, and let it out in a huff.  
“I’m worried about my mom. She hasn’t been responding to my comms all week, and Mr. Davies told me we aren’t doing home visits next weekend, either. I just… I know you think it’s stupid to get all worked up over family, but this isn’t like her.”
Neither of them said anything for a minute, both brains running through the options. Finally, Jimmy sighed. He knew his cousin well enough to know where his mind had immediately gone, and had an idea of how to deal with it. 
“Look, Will, I do understand where you’re coming from. If you’re really that worried about Aunt Josie, how about we go see her? Will that make you feel better?” Jimmy tossed his PADD aside and stood up, stretching his arms over his head and groaning exaggeratedly. Honestly, he’d been wanting to stretch his legs too, but hadn’t had the right opportunity to sneak out until this moment. 
His cousin wasn’t convinced yet, though. “What do you mean? How are we supposed to get home if buses aren’t running to the farm?”
Jimmy smirked, tilting his head and glancing back. “Why, we’ll be breaking out, of course!”
That line sealed the deal. After all, Will was a bad boy at heart, too.
It was dark out by the time they could put their plan into motion. The double moons were rising in the west, casting everything outside the range of the street lamps in a faint, pale light. They took a walk in the botany gardens after dinner, a fairly inconspicuous thing to do. Subconsciously, Jimmy noted that a few of the plants seemed wilted, white flecks spotting a few lower leaves, but he wasn’t a botanist and so made no comment. Will kept an eye on the teachers that patrolled the area while Jimmy made his way to a shadowy corner, the one place he knew of that the cameras wouldn’t see him. From there, he accessed the security system from his PADD - he’d been teaching himself programming since he was five, sitting in the back of his kindergarten classroom, it was a breeze to hack these types of systems - and ran a loop of camera feed. From there the two made their way to the chain link fence that surrounded the school. 
The principal told them it was to keep wildlife out, since Tarsus had some rather nasty native predators. Of course, there was a hole in the fence that Jimmy had known about for a few weeks, and nothing had managed to get in, so he didn’t know the validity of that statement. The gap was barely big enough for him to squeeze through, scrawny as he was, but he’d kept it in the back of his mind in case he ever wanted to sneak out. There hadn’t been anything suspicious going on, at least as far as he was aware, so he’d had no reason to utilize it before this night. He was enjoying his classes, and had no reason to mess around. At, least, not until then.
Jimmy went through first. After making sure the coast was clear, Will forced his way out, too. The fencing groaned, and they both held their breath for a minute before determining no one else had heard. After that, it was smooth sailing for the rest of their ‘escape.’ The fence opened up into a thick forest, full of a mix of native and terran flora that formed a dense canopy and heavy shadows. They could still use the moonlight and their knowledge of direction to make their way towards the nearby town of New Franklin. The school they attended was fairly secluded, so their hike took nearly an hour. The principal and teachers, when asked, had said that the governor thought it important that students learn astronomy and botany and all types of things you couldn’t study well in the city, so their school was the only thing this far out. They were surrounded by forests on one side, and a massive plain on the other, and as far as one could see there was no other sign of civilization. When he first got there, Jimmy had thought all the greenery was wonderful. Now he was starting to hate it, as he was slapped in the face by yet another palm frond-looking thing.
Eventually, pushing through the thick greenery native to Tarsus, Jimmy thought he could hear the murmur of human life. It was about time - they still had to consider the hour-long drive to and from the farmhouse, and he wanted to get a little bit of sleep that night. Their plan was to either hitch a ride from a kind stranger, an idea Jimmy wasn’t a big fan of, or steal a vehicle, something Will didn’t like - even though Jimmy had argued that they wouldn’t really be stealing, they'd be borrowing with the intent to bring it back unscratched. That argument was part of why they’d gotten started so late, and now Tarsus’ first moon was more than halfway through the sky. Its blue face watched them as they foraged on through the woods, unwavering and unyielding in its faint light. 
They popped out on a paved road, the outlines of squat, wide-spread buildings against the tapestry of stars the only sign of civilization. There were next to no lights on, Jimmy noticed. No street lamps, or illuminated windows, or headlights. He’d have thought the town was dead, if not for the hum of generators he could still make out. A curfew, then? Why? Neither of them had any answers, but this did throw a wrench in both their transportation options. More so Will’s favored plan than his own, though his would be difficult to pull off too. 
Well, there was no way around it. The two boys exchanged glances - neither had said a word their whole adventure other than to warn the other of a hole or tree branch, too scared of being heard and caught - and advanced towards the dead town. Jimmy knew more than enough about hotwiring to be able to steal most civilian vehicles, and Will had been driving aunt Josie’s truck for the past year, so they were rather confident in their abilities. But that all depended on whether or not they would find something to steal. 
The first couple of buildings they approached were barren. Jimmy could make out the muffled sound of human voices and movement behind the walls, but there were no vehicles other than a couple of rusting bikes parked out front. The first hovercar they saw was all black and parked in the middle of town square. The engine was still running, but no one was sitting inside the car. Jimmy made a mental note of it and kept creeping along, hoping for a less suspicious get-away vehicle. The next one they saw was sitting in front of a small house. The car itself had four wheels and more than a little bit of rust, but it obviously hadn’t been used in the past few hours. The house it was parked near, similarly, didn’t show any signs of life. Neither Jimmy nor Will wanted to think very hard about that fact. Still, this was a better option, less likely to be noticed missing if they could get away quietly. Jimmy cracked his knuckles, gave his cousin a grin, and eased the driver’s door open.
Since he’d been old enough to start developing his fine motor skills, Jimmy had been playing with wires. Maybe not a sign of the safest childhood, but it certainly had its perks. For one, he could open a panel inside any car, four-wheeled or hovering, and get it running in under five minutes if it was a model from the past half-century. Thankfully, this one was. Another thing Jimmy was thankful for, he considered once the engine hummed to life, was that 23rd century cars were so much quieter than previous renditions. Not even the house a block over could hear it starting up. Will nudged his cousin over, crawling into the driver side and adjusting the seat to his liking. 
“I’m still sticking by my argument that I could drive this puppy just as well as you,” Jimmy grumbled from where he was buckling himself into the passenger seat. 
Will ignored him, throwing the car into gear and ever-so-slowly crawling out of the driveway and onto the road. “How the hell am I supposed to navigate all the way home if I can’t turn on the headlights?” he hissed, peering over the steering wheel in a way that didn’t really give Jimmy much confidence in his abilities. 
He sighed, hunching over the center console and pulling out more wires from Will didn’t even know where. In between stripping colorful rubber with his teeth, Jimmy explained himself. “Most modern cars actually have the ability to display an active infrared view through the windshield - night vision. It’s better than using the headlights, actually, but we humans are too attached to the way things have always been to use it. Manufacturers even got rid of the easy-access switch, but they never bothered to get rid of the tech itself. Lucky us.” He spared a second to glance up at his cousin, grinning wildly, before twisting two bare wires together and clipping them to a circuit board. Jimmy had no idea how like his mother he looked in that second, and the excited expression faded almost as suddenly as it had appeared. 
The windshield display flickered once, twice, before the pitch black landscape became visible in various shades of green and grey. The compass, temperature read out, and clock reappeared in their usual location (lining the top of the windshield, out of immediate eyeline), now a bright white against hunter green shadows. 
Jimmy almost whoop-ed, catching himself at the last second and instead silently punched the air. “What’re you waiting for, Willy?” He snickered, flopping back into his seat. Will grumbled something about ‘cocky little nerds’ and eased his way down the pavement, gradually making his way out the town as a pace that had both of them out of their minds with boredom before they’d even made it a mile. 
It took a little over ninety minutes to get to aunt Josie’s farmhouse. More often than either of them wanted to acknowledge, they’d pulled off the road and held their breaths, paranoid that they were being followed, only to laugh at themselves when no one showed up. Jimmy didn’t voice the alternative - that they were being stalked, toyed with. Will was on edge enough as it were. 
The lights were off when they pulled up. Neither were that worried - Aunt Josie had always been more of a morning person, after all. Her red pickup was still parked under the carport. As they walked up to the front door, Jimmy watched his cousin unwind, tension easing out of his muscles. Will pushed the door open - again, not worrying, they lived far enough in the country to not bother with locks - and stepped into the kitchen. The house was silent. Jimmy followed, hands in his pockets but eyes darting around the heavily shadowed room. 
Making their way deeper into the house, Will seemed to relax further and further while Jimmy felt the hairs on his neck stand up. Something felt off, but he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly was wrong. It was a somewhat similar feeling to what he would get when Frank was about to come home, full of cheap liquor and anger he’d take out on Jimmy and Sam. The air felt stale in his lungs. At the end of the hallway, the door to Aunt Josie’s bedroom was closed. 
Will was smiling as he nudged the door open. He took a deep breath, ready to call out to his mom, ready to be reassured of her health and safety. The next second he was hunched over, hands clasped over his mouth and stomach rolling. The smell of decay overwhelmed them, and Jimmy finally identified what, exactly, was wrong. 
Aunt Josie was laying on the ground near her bed, an archaic bullet hole through her chest. The light grey rug under her body was stained dark brown with old blood. While Will clung to the doorframe, trying desperately to keep his dinner down, Jimmy stumbled forward to her side. He’d always heard that people were peaceful in death, but Aunt Josie looked as distraught as she’d been when he last saw her, through a school bus window, two weeks ago. Her body was breaking down, past rigor mortis and well along in the bloating process. Deep tan skin was now motley green. The stink of rotting meat and excrement and who knew what else was thick in the air, having been trapped in the room with her. Dark liquid covered the wood floor, leaking out from her body, more fluid than one would expect from a corpse. If he looked closely, which he tried not to, he could see the small movement of maggots and cadaverous bugs within her small wound and under the skin. 
Saliva pooled in Jimmy’s mouth and he turned away, stumbling out of the room before collapsing to his knees and retching. Will staggered after him, pale and sweating. Neither of them said a word for the longest time. Will was barely breathing, not making a sound as tears pooled in his eyes and ran, silently, down his cheeks. 
“How long has she been dead?” he finally whispered, choking on the word.
Jimmy hated how his mind automatically went through the stages of decomposition, hated how for a split second he could objectively analyze how far along the body (his aunt, not the body, it was his aunt lying there) was. He was barely aware of his lips moving and the words coming out of his mouth. “It takes around eight days for discoloration to start. She’s probably been… for over a week.” 
It took another ten minutes for either of them to move. Jimmy pulled himself to his feet, dragged his cousin behind him, and made his way towards the front door. Will didn’t make a sound as he was led along, eyes unfocused and staring into the distance. It was past midnight at this point, and Jimmy knew they had to get going if they wanted to avoid being caught out. As he passed the kitchen table, a stack of mail caught his attention and he grabbed them, curious, glancing over the words. 
‘In response to your request… Cannot supply more rations… Distress signal…’
Jimmy swallowed and stuffed the papers in his coat pocket without a second thought. 
Will was still unresponsive when they reached the stolen car, and without a second thought Jimmy shoved him into the passenger seat before climbing behind the wheel. Driving this old thing couldn’t be more difficult than the corvette, and this time he wasn’t trying to run from Frank and the cops and Riverside. Jimmy didn’t spare a second to glance in the rearview mirror as he pulled away from the farmhouse. If he did, he wouldn’t have been able to leave. 
It was only when they got close to town that Jimmy noticed they were being tailed. At first he thought it was a figment of his paranoid imagination. It was barely there, in the corner of his eye, and his cousin was of no help in differentiating real from fabricated. Will hadn’t spoken a word since the farmhouse. Jimmy stepped on the gas a hair and fixed his eyes on the road in front of him, ignoring the tingling in the back of his mind. 
Jimmy pulled off on the side of the road and stared out the back window. He’d seen it again, bigger and more obvious. He was 85% sure there really was something out there, in the black of Tarsus night. Either way, he wasn’t too keen on getting caught, so they would be legging it through the woods the rest of the way back. He hopped out of the car and led Will behind him into the dense forest. He'd finally started responding when Jimmy asked him questions, and could see his surroundings well enough to avoid low hanging branches.
“Come on, we’ve got to go, they’re behind us Will, we’ve got to hide,” Jimmy panted in his cousin’s ear. They were making far too much noise, stepping on twigs and getting slapped by branches. He just hoped they could get far enough ahead of the people stalking them, out of hearing range and back to school before sunrise.
 Just as the thought crossed his mind, he heard boots stomping through the undergrowth after them. “Hey! Where’d you go? You know the punishment for breaking curfew, it’ll hurt less if you just stop running!” The overt threat of pain and punishment sent a chill down Jimmy’s spine and he couldn't let himself get lost in memories of Frank, he had to get his cousin back to safety. He grit his teeth and made a conscious effort to be quieter, shushed Will when he spat a curse at a vine that tangled around his leg but it was too late. Bright flashlight beams cut through the greenery and into Will’s face and shouts filled the air. 
Then they are running through the woods, abandoning all hope at subtlety and there are crashing footsteps behind them, the high pitched whine of phaser blasts and deep voices calling out promises of pain, and - 
Will trips over a branch, twists his ankle, and Jimmy hauls his cousin up and behind him. He’s limping and leaning heavily on the younger boy but Jimmy clings tight to him. He won’t lose more of his family, he won’t, not after Sam, he can help Will, it’s not too much further to the fence and if they can just lose these guards they’ll be fine.
Gunshots and phaser fire follow them, sinking into tree trunks in their wake, cutting through leaves and then they hit something definitively not wood and Will is screaming, crying, begging Jimmy to stop but he’s bleeding out all over Jimmy and it’s too much, too much, he can’t make it stop please make it stop! There’s a hole in his stomach, gaping in what little moonlight is filtering through the tree branches. Hot blood is burning his hands, his face, and he can’t put enough pressure on the wound while trying to run and he can’t stop running or they’re both dead. They’re both so, so dead.
Will is clawing at Jimmy’s hand and at first he grips it tight, trying to take some of the pain from his cousin, but he’s being slapped and Will is glaring at him with as much strength as he can muster, though it’s fading fast. Jimmy has never seen so much fire in those brown eyes until now. He’s wheezing, but he can force out a mouthful of words. “Leave me, Jimmy. You gotta get out of here.” The men are gaining on them and they don’t have much time left. Will lets himself go limp, still staring at Jimmy, shrugging out of his hold and collapsing onto the ground. He shoves him once, for good measure, when Jimmy stops moving. “Go!” Will shouts, the force of his words making blood spew from his paling lips.
 Jimmy runs. He runs, and doesn’t look back. 
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