#I’m bi and genderqueer so I’m projecting
roadworkaheadyea · 2 years
I put this in an ask for @five-and-dimes but Tumblr ate it so I’m typing what I remember it saying: Instead of faking his death especially in the current years, Hob could’ve used makeup, or hair dye (or bleach and also a razor/scissors) to look like he’s aging or to look different (beards too). It kinda looks like he has grey at his temples at the new inn (hopefully he isn’t just aging slowly) he (as most disaster bi beings could also switch gender?) he could adapt different accents or use semi permanent plastic surgery (Botox injections don’t last I believe) or use diy temporary hacks like face lift tape 😂 also moles/beauty marks, scars, birthmarks, freckles, age spots…
Either dream doesn’t recognize him or does.
Options of what dream walks into the new inn seeing:
Drag queen hob
Street performer mime
Old lady hob
Hob with personality change and like different ticks and accents and mannerisms
Lumberjack hob
Hob as dream 😂 /goth hob
I’m on the run as a fugitive buzzcut hob
Middle aged woman version of hob
Bleached ramen noodle Justin Timberlake hair hob
Dyed grey hair (this scares dream because maybe he’s chosen that this is his last life and is dying but isn’t)
DIY lip fillers gone wrong New Jersey accent hob
(Crack but also tiny angst if dream thinks he’s choosing to die soon) Meticulously shaving (wax/cream hair removal things) and planning bald spots and receding hairline that gets progressively worse (hob makes sure it looks real every morn before he goes out and has anxiety that if he stays out too long someone will notice the stubble (that most certainly isn’t thinning) growing back in) (after dream finds him and they relocate together hob jokes about how bad it will be to grow it back out and that he can’t just shape-shift like the shaper of forms)
Punk metal hob
Biker hob
Pirate eyepatch hob
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punkishtoxtricity · 3 months
hi hi! what are some of your tigerbear and sweet tooth in general headcanons?
(they have fully and officially infested my brain, yay!!)
i was actually just about to type these out so this ask is well timed
-Tiger is very big on 2000s emo. she LOVES paramore. Bear is the one who helped dye their hair orange(after hayley williams duh)
-Tiger is also very big on classic punk and riot grrl(i’m not projecting i swear) because it was very much the easiest music to get a hold of after the crumble (in the early day of the army them and Bear would go out to rob cd stores and she’d always steal a couple cds)
-Bear is very big on folk music. she’s also a classic emo girly. she LOVES american football and modern baseball.
-after long days they listen to music together and just kinda lay in their room. the other army members find it curious how they’re really the only ones to share a room
-Tiger first dyed their hair when she was 10. Bear helped her. the dye job was very shoddy but they loved it
-Tiger is nonbinary! they sort of came out as a kid when she first met Bear but later down the line they finally had a word for it so she explained it better. Tiger was her original chosen name(might give her a diff one in the fic later on idk)
-Bear has a very weird relationship with gender. i think she’s genderqueer but basically the “i’m nonbinary but i have a job rn so idrc)
-they’re both butch lesbians. i don’t make the rules
-Bears love language is secretly touch. she pretends it’s acts of service but Tiger knows better and tries to make a decent amount of physical contact with her
-Tigers love language is quality time. they enjoy extended periods of time with Bear but are very much too anxious to ask her to hang out more after the crush manifests
-a lot of Tigers anxiety manifests itself as anger. that’s why she’s like that in season 1.
-in the time they spent witj the hybrids while waiting for everyone to come back from alaska, Finn quickly became her favorite. they’re both a bit mischievous and she sees herself in him
-Wendy finds Tiger and Bears dancing around the idea of a relationship amusing. i think there’d be a point where her and Bear are just sitting on the porch and she’s like “i’d be fine with having a sibling in law y’know”
-i also think she’d have a talk with Tiger and be like “i think you’re good for her and you’ve got history. you helped her find me so you’re alright”
-Tiger is surprised by the accusation of crushing on Bear(she’s not)
-all of the hybrids LOVE Tiger. she does teach all of them the best swears. at some point they get back to the army headquarters and gets her computer back, once they research swears in sign all hell breaks lose
-the wolf boys visit regularly. they eventually learn very basic english but they can’t articulate well so they stick to sign
-the wolf boys are also very sweet with the rest of the hybrids! they especially love Finn since they’re all canines
-i feel like all the hybrids are bi. like how some animals are naturally just bi. i think that’s how they are
-the games they play can get personal. if someone beats someone else in one game you can bet your ass they’re getting back in the next game
ok that’s all i have for now
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lunarrosette · 1 year
Dndads pride headcanons
S1 dads & moms
Darryl - bi but like suppressed that shit until the forgotten realms it’s that religious trauma and catholic guilt baby
Ron - Demi-sexual or somewhere on the ace spec and gender wise he’s unlabeled but I don’t think he’s ever really thought abt it but if he did probably genderqueer or just unlabeled
Glenn - bisexual that’s all I gotta say that is a bisexual man
Henry - he uses the queer label and he’s also so trans
Mercedes - she’s so bisexual and trans and her and Henry are so t4t
Carol - lesbian carol is so real to me
Samantha - pan
Morgan - she’s so bisexual
Jodie - canonically bisexual !
Kiddads and their spouses
Grant - gay homo
Nick - trans and bi
Sparrow - aroace sparrow is so important to me when reading him. He’s just so aroace
Lark - demiromatic gay
Terry - bi ace spec and non-binary
Rebecca - unlabeled enjoyer of like all genders but doesn’t like labels
Veronica - Omni
Cassandra - bi and trans
Marco - gay
S2 kids
Normal - so gay so homo perfect rep of cringe gay crushes
Scary - she’s a lesbian she’s such a lesbian to MEEE
Taylor - alloaro (because he should’ve won the poll)
Linc - gay and ace (this especially pulled from https://www.tumblr.com/jayferins/719243480682102784/linc-as-a-character-reads-extremely-queer-to-me-in because it’s so real)
Erica - lesbian
Other relevant npcs
Hermie - bi genderfluid
Scam - canonically bisexual !
Mark - gendequeer
Margarita - ace lesbian (I’m totally not projecting)
Erin - trans fem lesbian
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cringemoth · 4 months
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Tiktok hated my pride posts so uh, enjoy?? I guess!! Imma take this opportunity to introduce y’all to my some of my dnd characters and OCs. Because I can ramble here!!
First up we have my teifling bard/wizard named Belqine Zherus. He is a sword-singer wizard! He basically created drag in our campaign, but unfortunately (fortunate for the party and no one else) he is also a mad scientist with the ultimate goal of becoming a god. He’s trans, bi, and has two daughters. Neither are blood related to him. One is his friend’s daughter he promised to care for and the other who is his familiar! She’s a baby arch-fae so it gets…interesting. He’s got a lot going on and I’m obsessed with him.
Next are my main OC’s named Rhan and Banshee! Ive Never played them in DND but they’d be a teifling/aasamir fighter and a revived/undead sorcerer respectively!
Rhan is a fallen Angel from a personal project! Im making a little fantasy universe that has,,,quickly taken over parts of my brain. Rhan is non-binary, pansexual and polyamorous! She uses primarily she/They pronouns! She has two partners as of now but methinks they will be gaining at least one more… Rhan basically figures out that she’s the spawn of a demon and an angel and that’s a big no-no in angel society, so she’s kicked out.
Banshee, however, is a ghost. A banshee, to be specific. She’s a demigirl and mainly uses she/her pronouns. She was murdered the night before or the night after her wedding (i have not decided) and has been haunting a deeply cursed manor ever since! She’s Demisexual and Demiromantic (she’s demidemidemi)! Banshee befriends other ghosts and spirits in a TMA inspired part of my fantasy universe!
Finally, my firbolg Paladin/warlock Poppy! Shes a Vengance Paladin with a pact of the undead! Her dead brother is her patron. She’s genderqueer but hasn’t really had time to think about it, so she’s not sure quite yet. She is also poly and demisexual! She’s in a big QPR polycule with her party but they aren’t fully aware.
Anyway, rambling over!
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@arcvmonth day 16: actually, he would say that.
Today is headcanon time! You’ve already seen a lot of my headcanons in previous days, but I’ll just have them all here out in the open for convenience sake. Also, all of these are of course canon to my entrusted story on ao3.
First of, Yuya.
As you’ve seen from my time pendulumgraph prompt (among others) I hc Yuya as bi-gender/genderqueer. Also intersex. The yu-boys and bracelet girls don’t really have agabs due to not being born, but I’d say Yuya was probably raised as male, and it was only after the series that she started exploring femininity more explicitly and openly with help from Zuzu. It’s not exactly canon, but I’m pretty sure Yuya is a wielded of the gentle darkness. It would explain the talking to monsters, as well as the various superpowers the yu-boys have shown (remember when yuri had a beam attack?) fruitshipping is probably my number 1 yu-gi-oh! Otp. I’d say Yuya and Zuzu were sort of dancing around their feelings for a bit longer after the series, they both knew they were in love with each other, but were still stuck in that place of being too nervous to make the first move. I’d say the “relationship upgrade” probably happened at the same time Yuya came out to her. I also hc Yuya as ace, that might be me projecting a bit, but he just seems to not have much of an interest in sex stuff. That may also be part of the reason it took so long for her and Zuzu to get together, alloace romantic attraction is usually complicated by the whole “but what if they want to do a sex” thing. Also I feel like Yuya uses monsters for mundane stuff all the time. Flying to school on clear wing, using swordfish as a kitchen knife, just, having his monster buddies help out at every opportunity. This would probably get even worse post-canon, as with the power of the gentle darkness, she doesn’t even need a duel disk to summon them anymore.
Transgirl. I think she probably knew she was a girl from a really young age, and so she’s been living her true self for most of her life. She likes listening to classical music and stealing clothes. She has some minor reality alteration abilities with the natural energy cards, but doesn’t use them very often. I’ve already shared my view of fruitshipping, but lustershipping is also nice. She deserves 2+ girlfriends.
None of the other characters are especially fleshed out beyond canon and what’s visible in my previous arcvmonth posts, but those are some of my head canons.
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veronicathegoddess · 3 years
men who are interested/attracted in persons who are afab genderfluid, non-binary or genderqueer but then claim to be straight are some of the most confusing people on this planet. how are you straight but you're interested in persons who aren’t cisgender women???
the problem with these men is that they're not straight but they simply don't want to admit that they're not straight so they invalidate our gender and think of us as women. and most of them go for mainly femme presenting persons so they can again, see us as women to keep holding onto heterosexuality and it upsets me.
because they rather internally misgender us and think of us as women and pass us off as women if they're talking about us just so they can say they're straight when they can just say actually i'm bi, but the thing is they're bigots.
they don't ever want to claim bisexuality because behind their allyship and oh your gender doesn't matter to me, they're just homophobic and they're just transphobic.
they see all femme presenting afab non-binary, gender queer and genderfluid persons as women and they'll be interested in them because they see them as women. so in their minds, they're straight because they don't acknowledge the gender of the people they're interested in so that’s a woman to them but it’s a non-binary person. in all honesty most of these “straight” men are bi or pan or literally anything besides hetero but they refuse to accept that their attraction to persons who aren’t cis women makes them queer in some way.
and the reason i'm talking about this is not just because it's a personal matter but because it's a problem on tumblr within the nsfw community especially with sex workers.
they see them as women and not persons who exist outside the "traditional" gender binary so these men are just downright disrespectful and insulting and go out of their way to be c*nts to people because they don't identify as the women they view them as. they are hateful towards innocent persons because they are unable to accept their attraction to them and their sexuality. 
and then they wonder why a lot of these creators do not want cishet men in their spaces and this is why...this is shit that they do and no amount of money allows you to treat a creator like that and no amount of money means that a creator has to accept this shit.
here’s the thing: no one and i mean no one is forcing you to buy content from non-binary/genderfluid/gender-queer creators and no one is forcing you to be interested in persons who identify as such. 
if you're straight, there are so much women on this app who are cisgender, be interested in one of them, buy content from cis sex workers and just leave non-binary/genderfluid/gender-queer creators alone. they are existing happily, let them exist happily, take your bigotry and your closeted sexuality problems elsewhere because you have no right to project your unresolved issues onto people. 
let people be who they are, it’s that simple. thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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iambic-stan · 2 years
Panace pride and love of hearts
Pride Month is coming to a close, and it hasn’t been an overwhelmingly positive one, with the erosion of women’s (and others’) rights with Roe v. Wade being overturned, and the distinct possibility that Obergefell v. Hodges as well as other significant decisions could be next.  This year, for me, June has been a reminder that bigots never really take a holiday—quite the opposite, as this month has a way of emboldening them; the Hide the Pride campaign affecting public libraries across the country is just one example.
In light of all the depressing stuff, I wanted to write something more positive about being queer and being a heart lover—two parts of my identity that are irrevocably intertwined.  I knew early on that I was different in more ways than one.  I was obsessed with my Fisher Price stethoscope, and dreamed of using it with/on everyone I cared for.  I never knew anyone else who felt so strongly about heartbeats. A few years later, I knew that I did not experience attraction the same way most of the population does.  It felt empowering to come out as a lesbian at 20, but flipping through Curve magazine never felt quite right.  I was into my twenties before I learned about asexuality on the internet: the orientation that involves experiencing little or no sexual attraction.  I just wanted to listen to hearts, to be listened to; it was no type of foreplay and the goal was not arousal.  I cherish the opportunity to share that intimacy with friends and significant others alike.  I love romance as much as most, but feel anything from indifference to outright repulsion at sexual imagery.  My disinterest in sex led me to denying my attraction to women, men, and other genders because it seemed that allosexuality is compulsory in society, as though my attraction could not be valid if it didn’t have a sexual component.  It was quite some time before I realized that attraction truly is as varied as colors of the rainbow, to be cheesy about it. :) I think of my love of hearts and my overwhelming desire to share it with people I love is just something that makes me that much more wonderfully queer.
Despite the unfortunate makeup of our Supreme Court and how it makes me fear for the future, I feel so encouraged when I see young people living out loud and understanding what took me 20+ years to comprehend.  They’re realizing they’re asexual, and they aren’t broken because of it; they’re realizing they’re gay, lesbian, bi, or pan, and that doesn’t make them mentally ill and they don't need conversion therapy.  They’re realizing that they’re trans or otherwise genderqueer, and it doesn’t mean they’re confused at all.  They’re seeing more and more representation in books, TV, films, music, and every aspect of pop culture.  I’m meeting more and more mental health professionals that understand these identities, and seek to understand them better instead of pathologizing them.  I know there is so much more work to be done, but I’m so glad that most younger people won’t be saddled with the kind of doubt and self-loathing that I was.
A couple of ace resources:
Yasmin Benoit on IG (ace activist)
Understanding Asexuality (the Trevor Project)
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
Haikyuu!! Pride Headcanons (Other Teams)
This list of headcanons is for the characters that aren't from Karasuno. If you'd like to see my headcanons for Karasuno, that list is linked here!!
To round off Haikyuu!!, this list will cover the other major players in the anime and manga. I'll try to cover all the obvious ones (Atsumu, Oikawa, etc.) but it's totally possible I'll miss your fav. I can only cover so many before I lose my mind, so please keep that in mind and if you want to hear my take on a character I didn't cover, my ask is always open!!
Disclaimer: This list is for fun. I know I’m coming from this at a western view of queer readings and that’s not always the correct way to view a work, nor the only way to look at a work. I’m just doing this for my enjoyment. Art is Subjective. Don’t take me too seriously.
Alrighty, folks! Let's go!
Kozume Kenma (he/they): Gay, Non-Binary
I like the non-binary headcanon for Kenma. I think to a certain extent they always knew they weren't a boy, but didn't have the language to address it until high school. Nobody else really cared and Kuroo was always affirming.
Kuroo Tetsurou (he/him): Bisexual, Ace-spec
Discovered a lot of good fics with Ace-spec Kuroo and I think it fits his character!! I think he's fine with sex, he's just not one to seek it out unless it's a specific person and still not too often.
Bokuto Koutarou (he/him): Pansexual
Who cares about gender?? If a person is good, then he likes 'em!!! He just wants praise and affection and love!!
Akaashi Keiji (he/him): Bisexual, Demisexual, Genderqueer
What is gender anyway?? Is he a boy? Sure, he guesses. He could be anything else, too. It's not really that important to him. You could call him a girl and that'd be just fine too. He doesn't particularly care about other people's gender when looking for a partner either. He just needs to build a firm platonic relationship before sparks can fly.
Oikawa Tooru (he/him): Bisexual
This feels obvious. I feel like this man knew he liked men and women from Day 1. Although he didn't realize he had a crush on his best friend until after his longtime gf broke up with him. That was the real crisis.
Iwaizumi Hajime (he/him): Gay
Yeah, he's gay. What's it to you? Gotta problem with it? Go ahead. Try and be homophobic. He'll kick in your teeth. And that's only if you survive the rest of Aoba Josai's wrath.
Ushijima Wakatoshi (he/him): Asexual, Gay
Men? yes.
Sex? no.
Hotel? Trivago.
Sakusa Kiyoomi (he/him): Gay, Demisexual
Good ol' Omi-Omi! People say he plays hard to get, but it's probably just because he actually doesn't like you. Stop bothering the poor man.
Miya Atsumu (he/him): Bisexual
This feels obvious to me. Mostly men-attracted. Would like to date one(1) Sakusa Kiyoomi and/or one(1) Hinata Shouyo.
Miya Osamu (he/him): Queer
He's not straight. He hasn't thought much beyond that and doesn't really feel the need to. Queer is just what he tells people when asked.
Suna Rintarou (he/him): Gay
He likes men. It's not really something that comes up unless his boyfriend is with him. It's not a secret, nor has he ever intended it to be. If you think he's straight, that's a you problem.
Kita Shinsuke (he/him): Pansexual
Gender isn't a barrier to attraction to him. He likes all kinds of people.
Ojiro Aran (he/him): Bisexual
I couldn't not include Aran on my list! I love him!
He likes multiple genders. I don't think he knew right away. In fact, he probably went through a bit of a crisis trying to figure out if he was gay or if he was straight and just pretending? I think he suffers from the bi-cycle and it's only with the help of his affirming team that he can rise above his own internalized bi-phobia. (might be projecting a little, hmmmmmmmm)
That concludes Haikyuu!! headcanons!! I'm glad I got this out in a timely manner!
I feel like I put in a lot of work for something only a handful of people will see, but I physically cannot make a post without putting a bit of my soul into it, I guess.
Oh well!
Next up: A Cursed Series!!!
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hellobiscuit-sims · 4 years
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Happy pride month! For those of you who don’t know, I am a bi, trans simmer, and ever since last summer (when I was introduced to simblr DURING pride month), I’ve wanted to make pride-themed CC, so here’s the first of many!
Like many of you, I am disappointed in the pride flag in TS4... I’m not a fan of some of the choices they made, such as using outdated flags and forgetting many important members of the LGBT community (while still remembering to include straight allies, because of course they did).
So I fixed the flag- many swatches were from the original flag, but I added in 9 more- you can find all of the swatches (minus the one in the pic above) below the cut along with a description of each flag. I got rid of the straight ally swatch, an outdated intersex swatch, and the Daniel Quasar flag* (see explanation below cut)
If I forgot any identities, please reach out and I will get them added! I’m working on a bunch of little CC projects for pride month, so if you give me a flag, I can not only add it to this, but include it in future pride CC as well!
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Download below the cut (for when I add more swatches)
@simblrcollective​ @s4library​ @maxismatchccworld​
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Note: There are two versions- one that includes two versions of the Queer pride flag and one that doesn’t. Please download whichever you prefer, but because it is an override, you cannot have both:
With Queer Flags | or | Without Queer Flags | Last updated 5 July 2020
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The flags above, in order from top left, are:
- Agender - Aromantic - Asexual - Bigender - Bisexual - Butch - Demiboy - Demigirl - Demiromantic - Demisexual - Genderfluid - Genderflux - Genderqueer - Intersex - Lesbian (Pink & Orange Ver- More stripes) - Lesbian (Pink & Pink "Lipstick" Ver) - Lesbian (Pink & Orange Ver- Less Stripes) - LGBT (OG Ver w/ Pink Stripe) - LGBT (Philly Ver) - Nonbinary - Pangender - Pansexual - Polyamorous - Polysexual - Transgender
Jun 4 update:
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Though the image is small, you can see I have added:
- Abrosexual - Achillean - Aro/Ace - Biromantic - Ceterosexual - Demibiromantic - Demifluid - Demigender - Deminonbinary - Demipanromantic - Diaromantic - Greyromantic - Greysexual - Librafeminine - Libramasculine - Libranonbinary - Omnisexual - Panromantic - Queer (Chevrons Ver) (optional) - Queer (Striped Ver) (optional) - Sapphic - Transfeminine - Transmasculine - Transneutral - Two Spirit (LGBTA Flags Ver) - Two Spirit (Rainbow ver) - Two Spirit (Sun and Moon Ver)
Jun 11 Update:
Removed the pink lipstick lesbian flag- My apologies for including it- Thank you to the wonderful anon who pointed it out!
Jul 5 Update: Added a version of the lesbian flag which emphasizes POC inclusivity: 
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* Regarding the Daniel Quasar flag, I don’t begrudge anyone who uses it, and I think the sentiment behind it is great (a flag that is more inclusive than even the 2017 Philly flag), however I have personal issues with its design, and hope others will be respectful of this- you are more than welcome to add the swatch back if you like, and I encourage you to do so if you want to use that flag. Thank you for being understanding of this preference.
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Gonna talk about me lgbt+ headcanons for Megamind because fun
Ok so Roxanne is definitely confident bi queen, she’s just bi I am projecting and sending my self insert in because I’m in love with her and now I’m her ex (she broke up with me) also kinda enby but not sure...
Megamind honestly have no idea I can’t see him as anything?? Which is strange for me usually I can project bi on nearly everyone aha but I dunno I simply can’t fathom him being into anyone else other then Roxanne and he is Not cishet but no other labels fit either. he probably when asked just goes with ‘queer’ maybe genderqueer too because that means barely anything and everything at the same time
Metro man, most of the time he is acearo with flickers of attraction to women I think...
And there’s no one else minion is fish
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Hello LGBT+ community
It’s time to do what I do with every fandom I end up digging myself into, except this time it’s public: Some sexuality and gender headcanons I have about the characters.
I know many people headcanon her as lesbian
Which is fine ofc :) her character is really open ended, which is part of why she’s so awesome
But I personally see her as pansexual
Idk I just think she’d be chill with dating whatever gender
In terms of lesbian headcanons, though, this one I 100% agree with
Even as someone who’s seen the musical (which isn’t canon anyway) I absolutely think GLaDOS/ Caroline is lesbian
The part that probably isn’t as common of an opinion, I headcanon her as an agender lesbian 
Before i continue, don’t come into my asks with “Lesbians have to be female” (lesbians are defined as non-men attracted to non-men) or any other transphobic shit. 
Anyway, I basically looked at all these cores and thought “yeah there’s no way these guys are cis” 
And I think that GLaDOS took one look at gender and said “no thanks”
Probably still goes by she/her though, or maybe she/it
Some think he’s gay
Some think he’s a straight Nice Guy TM
I think he’s bisexual
And it’s not because I’m projecting myself onto him
Or because I kin him
But just imagine him getting flustered by, not one, but multiple genders
The only cis core (you know, if humanized ig)
Pluto (space core)
Pluto is genderqueer
Pronouns are probably he/em or something, still debating
He’s also gay
Yeah I guess I don’t have much for em
He’s trans as well
Says he’s straight
Is actually also bi
Dating Nathan
Nathan (fact core. Again, I made my own names)
Guess what?
He’s trans
Listen, I took one look at the robots in this game and said “there’s no way any of them are cis. Except Wheatley.” 
No I don’t take criticism
Anyway, he’s gay and dating Rick. yeah that’s about it
Should I make a part 2 for Virgil, Nigel, Mel, and Rainbow Core? Atlas and P-Body maybe? I’m also curious about what you guys think. If you want to share your own LGBT+ headcanons, be my guest! I’d love to read them :)
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honeysucklepink · 4 years
Hello new followers!
I seem to have gathered some new followers of the Glee/Klaine/Blaine variety, so while I sit around during a tornado watch, I figured an “about me” was long past due! So let’s start with a hearty and full-throated
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Basic stats about me: I’m from Mississippi, in my 40s, and work as an academic. 
I usually check “female” on forms when the selection is only that, male, or “prefer not to say” but in reality I consider myself genderqueer with a feminine lean and will answer to both she/her and they/them. 
I am bi/pan (depending on the color palette I’m feeling) but been married to a cis dude for a good long while.
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Things you will most likely find on this blog include:
Glee (main focus Blaine, Kurt, and Klaine, but other characters too)
Darren Criss, his projects, his zany pals and his hot AF wife, Mia
Check, Please! (main ship: Zimbits)
Small cute animals, not restricted to: kittens, puppies, full grown cats and dogs (particular affinity for corgis), otters, possums, penguins, and bunnies
Musical theater stuff
Random shit I find amusing, interesting, or educational
Whatever I get obsessed with on any particular week. One day it’ll be Ted Lasso, next it’s Denali Foxx from Drag Race. What will it be next week? WHO FUCKING KNOWS
My eternal frustration with my home state. I will vent about its faults and laud the (few and far between) signs of progress
And of fucking course,
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Things that will get your ass blocked:
Ace-erasure, bi-erasure, pan-erasure, trans-erasure...the only Erasure I accept is the 80s-90s synth-pop duo of the same name.
Racism, colorism, anti-Semitism, and any prejudice against non-white ethnicities (white people on the other hand can suck it up, buttercup, and I say this as a white people)
Any for-real tinhatting of CrissColfer or hatred towards them or their respective partners/spouses, Mia and Will. I got no problem with reading fic to get your rocks off, but keep that shit to your rich internet life and leave the real-life folks out of it.
Basically, if...
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...then this is not the place for you.
I write fic but I’ve been on hiatus for personal real-life reasons. Read my back catalog at AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/honeysucklepink/works 
I also created the Ultimate Glee Music Index, listing every song in order of performance, noting season, episode, original artists (and actual versions covered), performers, mashups and other notes.
Comments do wonders for my self-worth, just saying:
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Sit back, enjoy the ride, and I hope you don’t regret the decision to follow.
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I’m writing today from a place of frustration and aggravation. I am writing because I am exhausted by having bisexual people be disregarded, ignored, and redefined. I believe we can do better to support and care for our bisexual community.
I was at a training recently coordinated by a national organization for educators about creating LGBTQIA+ inclusive school environments. While most of the training was helpful, the organizers shared definitions of terminology for use with elementary students. Among those was this definition of bisexual: People who love people of two genders.
A simple and correct definition of bisexual is: People who love people of more than one gender. This definition aligns with community definitions from organizations including the Bisexual Resource Center, Bisexual Organizing Project, and BiNet USA. Why does the definition matter? My experience has been that there have been attempts to more narrowly define bisexual people.
Why did the incorrect definition make me so upset? I’ve been self-identifying as bisexual for over twenty years. I recognize my gender as genderqueer. The number of genders I acknowledge and have loved has never been something I’ve needed to restrict to any particular number for myself nor for acceptance in the bisexual community. The idea of there being a number of genders or a limit to my capacity to love within those genders is as nonsensical to me as proposing that there’s some number limit possible for how many or what kinds of cupcakes I might want to eat. Hearing and seeing that definition of bisexual left me feeling like my story, my community, and my life was being erased. I was very hurt that this incorrect and harmful definition clearly written without bisexual community input was being transmitted to elementary schools across the country.
It’s important to point out that there is nothing wrong with the pansexual identity or the definition of pansexual given at the training: People who love people of any gender. I radically support individuals making and choosing their own terms. I also recognize that the decision to self-identify as bisexual or pansexual is deeply personal, can be fluid, and may also be informed by a person’s race, class, gender, age, or where they live. This applies similarly to any of the other more than fifty identity labels that may be used by people who love others of more than one gender. I use the word bi+ for this big umbrella that includes bisexual, polysexual, omnisexual, and many more.
It’s also critical to acknowledge the commonalities of experience among bi+ people, using whatever personal identities fit them best. This matters in making policies and programs that support the needs of bi+ people. We need a larger understanding of who is in the bi+ community in order to effectively advocate for bi+ people.
According to MAP’s 2016 report on Bisexual people, Bi+ folks experience more erasure and invisibility than straight and homosexual peers. They are less likely to be “out.” Bi+ people in the MAP study, on average, reported poorer outcomes than those who are gay or lesbian. Of particular note, for example, is the very high rate of sexual violence experienced by bi+ girls and women. Bi+ community leaders point to bi+ erasure and harmful myths about bisexual people as contributing greatly to these poor outcomes.
To move forward, I urge accepting the many different labels that LGBTQIA+ individuals identify with regardless of how similar their definitions may sound. The purpose of these identities is, I believe, to create ever more possibilities for understanding ourselves and others. I urge community definitions and listening to those who identify with those terms. Let bisexual be defined by the bi+ community for our community!
Clark Hoelscher, Ph.D., they/them is an educator and community leader in St. Paul, Minnesota and a member of GLSEN’s Educator Advisory Committee.
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thegeminisage · 4 years
I'm curious: in your personal reading of Cas as ace, do you also consider him another orientation (romantic or sexual)? For me personally, I consider him gay and ace, or sometimes gay-oriented aroace.
this is a good question actually lol. most of me wants to say that cas is gay and ace because he did canonically fall in love w/ another man and it means a lot to people to call him the gay angel even though i think he’s the ace angel so like gay ace is a v good compromise i think. ace angel handshake emoji gay angel you know!
however (unpopular opinion warning) i do have a little trouble with meg. with every other woman cas is around he either doesn’t have any chemistry (hannah, daphne), it’s CLEARLY a platonic relationship (kelly), or it’s clearly some kind of comphet weirdness (the orgies in 5.04, the reaper in s9 which also counts as rape in my book). w/ meg though his affection seemed both genuine and...i know but... ??? borderline romantic ??? hard to say. it definitely doesn’t negate or cancel out the obvious and canonical feelings he had for dean, but he liked her! he was dtf! in a way that was very different from his thing with the reaper in cursed season 9.
so like: ??? ace and gay and willing to bang a lady anyway maybe? like because when you’re ace you’re not physically attracted to ANYBODY, so it’s impossible to be physically attracted to whoever you’re banging - ace people have sex for other reasons - emotional intimacy, because it feels good, w/e. so he could have been ace and gay and still willing to nonromantically bang his lady friend just as a form of affection. “biromantic” def feels like the wrong label for cas, even if you slap a “demi-” in front of it - if anything, i’d call him unoriented. 
by unoriented i mean: i myself don’t use the split attraction model bc i don’t like it. that doesn’t mean i think it’s bad in general or bad for other people, it’s just not what i like. so when i say i’m asexual that’s the whole label. my romantic orientation isn’t “aro” or “gay” or “bi” or whatever it’s that i just don’t have one. subtle but distinct difference. so i could see something like that for cas, bc what is he there for if not to project on. he fell in love w/ dean because dean is dean (and in “like” w/ meg because meg is meg) and his orientation or lack thereof had nothing to do with it, you know?
this is NOT EVEN GETTING INTO the secret essay i have on how angel sexuality is totally different than human sexuality - because the taboo is to be attracted to humans, and gender has nothing to do with it - this is ALSO because angel gender is probably totally different than human gender, and human gender is totally fucking made up anyway - male seahorses have the babies, you know? it’s not that defining sexuality and gender is bad (labels are good because they help people be comfortable with themselves and find other people with similar experiences!) but we put the label on the experience, we don’t try to make the experience fit the label.
anyway, the point of all this to say that sexuality is weird and complicated (even moreso when you’re talking about the aro and ace spectrum, even MORE SO when you remember that the way we classify it seems to be somewhat arbitrarily based on gender, which again is kind of a fake concept that we made up), and it seems a liiiittle pointless to try and like, qualify cas’s romantic orientation when the sum total of his romantic feelings (except for MAYBE the .1% of genuine connection he had w/ meg) are just wholly devoted to and laser-focused on dean. like, CANONICALLY, castiel loves dean winchester to the total exclusion of other people. what else really matters, yk
that said, dean happens to be male and cas happens to be in a male vessel, so yes, technically the factual thing to say is that he’s gay and ace because that fits canon, it makes the people who him being gay has meaning for happy, and it also keeps exclusionists on tumblr from calling you homophobic. (apparently headcanoning a gay character as being aspec is homophobic even though the two are not at all mutually exclusive and being aspec isn’t code for being straight because aces ARE queer?? bro don’t even get me started lol)
sorry anon this answer got way longer than intended! but yeah i do think cas is queer like twice over - firstly because he loves a human (angel queer), and secondly because he loves one of his own gender (human queer). you might also say he’s some kind of genderqueer too based on your interpretation of angel genders (???) vs the gender cas became when he decided to stick around in jimmy (male, ostensibly, but many other headcanons work for that too). he’s like queer squared. and i love him. my rainbow angel <3
[spn masterpost]
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doyelikehaggis · 3 years
🌈 *smashes all characters button* I'M KIDDING I'm indecisive so anyone from the scooby gang (and for me that includes Damon) or any of Mikaelson siblings (I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for making pick because I couldn't)
I was very close to just giving you all of the characters for that lmao. Don’t tempt me, I’ll do it!
I actually thought when you said “Scooby Gang” you meant the literal scooby gang so I’m glad you included that bit about Damon shxhsh I Think I know who is all in the tvd scooby gang, so let’s go!
Starting with Damon: He is the most dramatic bisexual vampire to exist. He is bi and he will make it everyone else’s problem. Man was crushing on his bestie Henry back in the day, as well as Katherine, and then he met Enzo — boy oh boy was he a goner for Enzo.
Stefan is bordering on straight. And before you say “but Klaus—“ I feel this was unrequited. HOWEVER, I then get more thoughts, and so I present to you, demiromantic and asexual Stefan. Stefan who only starts to really get feelings for someone when he’s good friends with them. And also — trans!Stefan. It’s one of the reasons Damon protected him so much growing up, even if he didn’t get it, he got that Stefan needed him. And their mom and Valerie were the ones who really supported him before he thought he lost them both.
Elena: I don’t actually had any headcanons for her already in mind, but thinking on it, there were bi vibes between her and Rebekah. She could be bi.
Bonnie: Pansexual and genderqueer. Don’t really have much of an explanation for this one, I just Feel it.
Caroline: Very big bi energy.
Matt: He’s queer, and realizes it sometime later after he and Caroline breakup. He did love her and Elena romantically but he also has feelings for Tyler (and maybe a little crush on Stefan helped him work that out).
Tyler: Bisexual and had strong internalised homophobia growing up.
Jeremy: Also queer. Uses he/they pronouns.
And now the Mikaelson siblings!
It’s safe to say I headcanon them all as bi, and for Freya and I Think Rebekah it’s actually canon, so. I would, however, like to project some gender onto Kol and say he’s genderfluid. And I like the idea of Freya being genderqueer. Something about the idea of Rebekah being so obsessed with a fairytale romance and realizing she’s aromantic is actually interesting to me.
I’m just realizing... I just gave you all of the characters anyway, didn’t I? Whoops. I hope you enjoy!
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fanpersoningfox · 4 years
I doses have to know
Alright, let's get into this.
(This btw is the third reply I'm writing for this post because the first was too short and the second too angry. My roommate pointed out that you're probably not aware of all the implications this question has so I'm going to try and explain, please bear with me.)
Originally top/bottom refers to who is taking the active vs the passive role in (cis) gay anal sex. It's about a sexual preference, like whether someone likes their nipples touched.
Eventually, within gay circles, people started to build their identity around these labels. Subcategories like power bottom or service top showed up. Being a Top or a Bottom (or a Verse) is a Thing in gay culture. (And by "gay culture" I here mean gay men's culture, though it's also a thing in lesbian culture. It's not really / not at all a thing in bi/pan/queer circles and I as a pan, queer person really don't get it tbh.)
As people build their identities on being a Top/Bottom, certain attributes have become associated with these labels/identities, which in turn has created stereotypes of what "a Top" or "a Bottom" is like. And this is where things get problematic.
Because this is where fandom stepped in. And by "fandom" I don't mean queer people exploring their sexualities by projecting onto characters and having a good time. I mean straight women fetishizing gay relationships, which more often than not includes very strict, stereotypical top/bottom roles (if you've ever been into anime, you may be familiar with the concepts of seme/uke, which is basically the same thing (though I don't know enough about the cultural background there so take that with a grain of salt)).
And this is why your ask rang all my alarm bells, the question of "who tops?" in fandom often means "who's the Badass Strong Top and who's the smol uwu bottom?", which is just plain dehumanizing.
I personally, as a pansexual genderqueer person, feel already quite uncomfortable with the traditional top/bottom labels in gay culture. To me top/bottom feels like gender roles 2.0 and I'm not here for that shit. I do recognize the importance of these labels/concepts in gay culture but they're just not my cup of tea. The fetishization of gay people via fandom's interpretation of top/bottom dynamics on the other hand makes me so uncomfortable I physically cringe.
In fact, it makes me so uncomfortable that I've decided not to include a scene where they have penetrative anal sex in Referendare und Liebe because I don't want people to quote me as "Schiller tops" or "Goethe tops". (There are other reasons beside this one, more important ones even, but it is a reason.)
I write them as full human beings, far away from these stereotypes.
Furthermore my Schiller is bi and my Goethe is pan and neither of them is particularly deep into Gay Culture. They both have their experiences with it, of course, and especially Friedrich is big on queer culture, but there is a difference of experiences between homosexuals and multisexuals, which often leads to bi/pan people not being part of Gay Culture. And since I, a pansexual who's really not into this part of Gay Culture, am writing these two, they aren't either.
That being said, I also see both of them as switches (if we want to use bdsm terminology) and don't believe they have set roles in bed or the relationship. However, there is a Goethe quote where he said something along the lines of "I've never liked it much from behind", so I guess that can be taken as an indication that he prefers the active part (or that he's not into anal, period. Or not into doggy. I gotta look up the context again.).
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn, they take turns.
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