#I’m crying the Minnie hat-
skzooweemama · 9 months
Hiii!! I just wanna request smthing‼‼
Imagine Skz with their Idol!s/o where their s/o is having their concert with their group and skz is just really proud of them 😣😣😣
(Also may I be 💗 anon? If yes, thank uu!!)
omg my first anon requesting to be called something?? yes ofc you can be 💗 anon!! 🥹
i took some liberties with some of these so they didn't get repetitive, i hope you don't mind!
this idea is so so cute! i hope you enjoy~
Bang Chan:
This was one of those moments were Chan was glad not to be recognized. From his place among the crowd of people, a mask and hat obscuring his face, he watched you perform.
You looked absolutely electric on stage. You were completely lost in the music, dancing your heart out, with your vocals on point. You were gorgeous, and he was lucky enough to be yours.
Chan giggled softly to himself, the sound being swallowed in the sea of cheers around him. His grin was wide and cheesy, and in any other setting he’d feel completely embarrassed to be smiling like that. But the pride in his heart in seeing you do what you loved, and do it so well, made him indescribably happy. You were his light, and you made sure to shine.
Chan watched until the end of the concert, admiring you and your talent from afar. During your group’s ending sentiments, he made his way backstage and waited for you there. He was practically buzzing with excitement.
Soon enough, he heard your voice mixed among your members’, and as the door to the stage opened, you came through it. You looked tired, but you were smiling and laughing, joking about something that happened on stage. Chan watched you, a soft smile on his face as he waited for you to notice him.
Your eyes found his soon after, and before he could realize what happened, you had thrown yourself into his arms. Chan embraced you quickly, pressing kisses to your hair as your burrowed into the crook of his neck, your arms wrapped around his waist. Vaguely, he heard your members oohing and aweing, but he was focused on you and you only.
“Hi baby,” he murmured into your hair. “I’m so proud of you.”
Lee Know:
Minho was never obvious with his emotions, especially when he was feeling vulnerable. He took pride in being disciplined enough to control himself in most emotional situations, which he frequently bragged about to his members (especially the “cry babies”). Unfortunately for him, he was still human.
That was how he found himself backstage after your group’s show, trying his best to hold himself together while waiting for you. This was the kick off of your first world tour, starting in Korea. This venue had been the biggest you’d performed in to date, and Minho was feeling a whole bunch of mixed emotions about this.
One one hand, he was the proudest he’d ever been. You were doing it- making your dream a reality. Ever since he met you at his former dance studio, you’d only ever wanted to be an idol. You loved to dance. You were learning to sing. The two of you were similar in that way. Minho had joined Stray Kids much before you debuted, but still he kept in close contact with you since then. And now, 5 years later, you had both achieved your dreams. And fell in love in the process.
On the other hand, he was really gonna miss you while you were gone on your touring schedule.
Minho had texted you before the concert, wishing you luck and telling you to find him after. You had responded back with a cat emoji, a wordless promise to come see him first as soon as you were off stage. As the door opened to the green room, you came rushing through it. Minho didn’t waste any time, meeting you halfway and wrapping you up in his arms.
You were giggling, breathless, as you hugged him back. “Hi Minnie- did you like it?” You asked softly, voice right next to his ear.
Minho shivered at the feeling, and simply nodded into your shoulder. He felt himself begin to splinter at the edges, and soon enough he was shaking with shallow sobs as he held you. One of your hands threaded into his hair, rubbing comfortingly.
You pulled away and brushed some hair from his red, teary eyes. “Why are you crying, my love?” Your eyes were soft and you looked radiant. There were so many words Minho wanted to say, but he settled on just a couple for now.
“I’m just so proud of you, honey… you did it.”
The air was practically buzzing around him as Changbin watched your solo performance. All those long nights spent together going over the rap portions of it, how your flow would change, which words you would emphasize... it was all for this. Your solo debut.
In your group, technically you were a dancer. You never had much vocal or rap training prior to your debut, and since then it had been a frequent topic of discussion among your fans. Could you sing? Could you rap? Why didn't you ever get a single line to yourself in your songs? All of these questions rasped at your confidence, until finally you asked someone for help.
You were lucky enough to have Changbin as a fellow JYPE idol, and you contacted him for to see if he could help you out. When he responded, you weren't expecting him to be quite so willing. Over the next couple months, he helped you write, practice, and produce your very own solo rap song. He was so knowledgable, and he gave his help without expecting anything in return.
You sometimes think that's what made you fall in love with him.
The words seemed to flow from your mouth as if your lips were never meant to say anything else. As you leap from one verse to another, you felt your confidence soar, knowing somewhere in the crowd was your Binnie. After everything he had given you, you knew you had to put your all into this performance.
As the last words left your mouth, perfectly ending the with the trap beat, you were met with thunderous applause. You bowed and waved, making your way off stage to allow your other members their turn in the spotlight. Once you were completely hidden within the wings, you were snatched up in a bone-crushing hug by none other than your dark rapper.
You let out a soft laugh, squeezing Changbin back tightly. A whispered question filled the air between you two. "How'd I do?"
Changbin couldn't help but giggle his goofy giggle, pulling away to press a kiss to your lips. "You were perfect. Binnie's so proud of you."
The videos playing from his phone didn't do you justice, Hyunjin knew that. Unfortunately, from half a world away, that was all he had at the moment. Stray Kids had been on a tour for the last three months, and he was currently in California instead of Seoul. He would much rather be in Seoul.
Your family had been kind enough to record your best moments and send them over to him. It was bittersweet watching you from his phone. The audio was tinny and strange, but he still heard your beautiful voice shine through. The video quality was poor, but he could still make out the features of your face that he was so in love with. He just wished he could've been there in person.
The digital hotel clock blared at him in the dark. It was nearing 6am. Hyunjin sighed, knowing he should still be sleeping. Instead, he opened your text thread, thumbing through the messages glumly.
You had last texted him around 8pm, telling him to get some sleep. He didn't, not really. You occupied his thoughts day and night, especially when he was so far from you.
Hyunjin frowned slightly at his screen, beginning to type out a text to you before he paused, instead clicking the small phone icon. The line rung... and rung... and rung...
You must have your phone off still.
After your voicemail greeting finished and the little beep sounded, Hyunjin started speaking.
"Hi my love," his voice sounded froggy from nonuse. Hyunjin cleared his throat softly before continuing. "How are you? I saw some videos of your performance. You were amazing, really. You sounded so beautiful when you sang, and you looked even better... how did I get so lucky?" He asked, wishing he could actually hear you respond.
"I miss you a lot. But we'll be home soon, I hope. Wish me luck, okay love? I want to do my best for you." Hyunjin glanced at the clock again. "It's getting late for you, hm? I'll let you go. I love you and I'm always proud of you. Never forget that."
Han was so glad to be home. Stray Kids had just finished a tour and had a couple days to rest and recuperate before their schedule continued. It was good timing too, because you ended up hurting yourself in your group's rehearsal just a day before. Now he could stay home and take care of you.
You were so happy to spend time with your boyfriend, but you couldn't help but wish it was under different circumstances. Your group had be rehearsing for a music show performance, and now that you were injured, you couldn't be there. It felt like you let your members down, even if it wasn't really your fault. Someone had spilled water and you slipped and fell while dancing.
Now you were couch-ridden with a sprained ankle and you couldn't dance for another week.
Han hated to see you so down. While he had time off, he brought you whatever you wanted and made sure to fit in ample cuddle time. You were thankful, but did feel a bit bad that this was how he was spending his time off. Han assured you over and over that he was just glad to be home with you until you had to believe him. You knew he had your back.
Tonight was no different, but it was the night of your group's performance at the music show, and you were feeling sadder than ever.
Han held you close to him on the couch, rubbing your arm comfortingly and dropping soft kisses on your forehead as the two of you watched your group. You sniffled a bit as you watched, feeling so happy for your members but also insanely guilty for not being there. And maybe a bit jealous. After the performance ended, Han paused the TV.
"Honey, look at me?" He asked softly and you did. Your eyes were slightly teary. "Baby, you know you're still a part of your group, right? You may be hurt now, but you should just focus on getting better, okay?" You nodded, pouting a bit. Han giggled at you and kissed your pout away.
"I'm proud of you, okay? Always."
Anxiety sat heavy in Felix's stomach as the lights began to flash on the stage, signaling the start of your debut performance as a soloist. You had been working towards this for months, and he just wanted you to do well.
After your group disbanded due to controversy with some of the other members earlier in the year, you decided to continue your career as a soloist. It was a big step, seeing as you had never performed without a group, let alone debuted without one. The public had mixed thoughts on the matter, so really it all depended on how well your performance was received. You had to do well.
Felix knew you would, even if he was nervous for you.
He watched as you stepped out onto stage, lights illuminating your face in various colorful shades. The catchy beat started, and you began to sing. Immediately he knew you'd be okay. You absolutely shined on stage, and it was especially apparent now that you were alone. Felix couldn't help but laugh in astonishment as he realized that your group had been holding you back.
You had the entire crowd wrapped around your finger as your song finished and you were met with thunderous applause. The sea of people was practically glowing with how many light sticks being held up. They loved you.
Felix was backstage before he could blink, immediately finding you in the small crowd of crew and other performers. He just about ran to you, wrapping you up in the biggest hug he could muster. You laughed gleefully into his ear, hugging him back. Felix laughed too, swaying you back and forth. When you pulled away, your smile was nearly blinding.
"I'm assuming you liked it?" You asked, even though it wasn't really a question you needed him to answer.
Felix smiled and grabbed your hands. "That was the best I've ever seen you perform. You were made to be a soloist, baby. You owned that stage." You blushed a bit at his gushing, leaning forward to hide your face in his shoulder. Felix laughed his deep laugh and kissed the side of your head. "I'm seriously so proud of you..."
Seungmin always loved your voice. You had such a way of speaking- it was unique. When you spoke to him, sometimes it felt like he was hearing the words you used for the first time. That was probably part of the reason why you were such a talented rapper. You stood out because of your interesting tone and inflection, and you quickly boosted your group to fame once the public realized what a gem you are.
But the thing was, you only ever rapped.
Sure you could dance and do supporting vocals during the choruses of your group's songs, but you never sang. Except for now, that is. You had been given a chorus to sing all by yourself. You nearly threw up when you were told about it.
Luckily, you just happened to be dating a vocalist, and Seungmin was more than happy to help you out.
He may be teasing sometimes, but truly he only ever wanted good things for you. Especially if you were going to be vulnerable enough to sing in front of thousands of people. So he helped you out, meeting whenever you both had time to practice the chorus.
Once you got the pitch down, you sounded good. Seungmin knew you would.
Now he was watching you perform probably for the dozenth time, but it almost felt like the first. He finally got to hear you sing on stage. And when you finally did, you sounded heavenly. Of course you did, you were his angel.
As soon as the concert ended, he was rushing backstage. He caught you just as you were stepping into the green room and he called out your name. You turned towards him with exhaustion clear on your features, yet you still managed to beam at him once you saw who it was that called out to you.
"Seungmin!" You exclaimed, embracing him in a tight hug once he as close enough to do so. "Hi baby..." You murmured softly, just so he could hear.
Seungmin's face burned as he pulled away, smiling at you joyfully. "You sounded amazing." He said bluntly, causing you to laugh and press a quick kiss to his lips.
"You mean it?" You asked, fiddling with the fabric of his suit jacket.
Seungmin bit back a smile and rolled his eyes. "Of course. I'm so, so proud of you."
It was a well known fact that the stage was the worst place to make a mistake. You could always do another take when you were recording vocals or shooting an MV, and in practice it just meant you needed to practice harder. The stage was unforgivable, though. You didn't get a do-over.
And everyone was bound to mess up eventually.
Jeongin knew that. He had messed up on stage, as had all of his members. A couple of his mistakes still left a pit in his stomach when he thought about them. No one was safe from human error, after all.
You might've jinxed yourself by thinking the opposite.
Tonight's performance was televised, which was new for you and your group. It meant that a lot more people would be watching you than you were used to, and it also meant that you had no idea how they would react. That not knowing is what scared you.
You tried to calm your nerves, reminding yourself that this was a song you had performed a lot before. It was in a good vocal range for you, and when you had to belt in the chorus, you always nailed it. It would be okay, right?
Wrong. So very wrong.
As you approached the climax of the verse, your voice completely gave way beneath you. You had messed up. It felt as if everything went quiet before you realized you were still on stage and you had to keep going. You did, but hurried off stage as soon as the lights went dark.
Your members tried to comfort you, but you didn't want to hear it. It felt as if you were drowning. How did you mess up so badly? You knew that song so well... what happened?
You nearly collapsed in on yourself before Jeongin found you, makeup staining your cheeks as you sobbed. He said nothing, just wrapped you in his arms and told you that it was okay. He was here. You hugged him back and took deep breaths.
When you calmed down, Jeongin wiped at your cheeks and fixed your hair. He smiled at you and held your hand, saying just what you needed to hear. "No matter what, I'm proud of you. Don't doubt that."
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basu-shokikita · 8 months
Kloktober 2023 Day 15
Dethklok on Vacation
I wanted to write Dethklok chilling at the beach for this but I already wrote a Skwistok beach fic very recently for the Seasons Zine so I had to think harder for it.
And then, it came to me. The answer was so obvious...
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Nathan looked at his surroundings. He had never been happier to see lines, crying babies, lovey-dovey couples or to have excited children bump into him, colored drinks in hand. 
It was their first vacation since the world almost ended, so Nathan was learning to appreciate all those little things he once took for granted.
Oh, and also, they were in Disneyland. Magic Kingdom, to be more specific. It was his favorite, he was a man of classic taste after all. Just the sight of the Cinderella Castle in the distance soothed his heart. Except this time, the crowds did too.
“Nethans, Nethans!” He heard Toki call him enthusiastically and he turned to him.
Toki was wearing Minnie Mouse ears, hand clasping Skwisgaar’s, who was wearing Mickey Mouse ears to match. Not that the latter had been keen to do it, simply given up against Toki’s relentless insistence. Even now, he looked less than excited to be there.
“Skwisgaar and me wants to goes to the Mad Tea Parties!” Toki said. “Cans we?”
Nathan exchanged glances with Pickles and they both shrugged. “Sure.” He said. They normally did everything together, the lines, the food, the attractions unless someone got lost. Things were different this time, though.
Beaming, Toki pulled Skwisgaar by the hand and they went in another direction and Nathan was left seeing their backs. Toki pointed at things, chatting happily while hugging Skwisgaar’s arm. While Skwisgaar didn’t return the affection, he didn’t reject it either and Toki seemed to read that as encouragement to kiss his cheek.
Toki and Skwisgaar had always been close, in their own particular way. Or rather, it was like they were two halves of the same thing. What thing was that? Nathan had no idea. But at some point after the defeated Salacia, that…wholeness seemed to turn into something else. While Nathan would’ve been shocked and even kind of thrown off before, he couldn’t find it in himself to care now. Lots of things lost their impact after surviving the end of the world. Walking into Toki and Skwisgaar kissing wasn’t impressive after witnessing thousands die and realizing your main connection on this Earth had been with the band all along. Hell, maybe they were all a little gay. Maybe he was kind of gay too.
“I’m going to Big Thunder Mountain.” Murderface announced and also left, like a child making use of his independence for the first time. 
Murderface has also changed lately, making less of a fuss about everything he did. It made Nathan wonder if all this time he had been simply seeking their attention and approval. And now that he knew he had it, he could act more naturally. 
Man, he was sure having big thoughts while in the line for “it’s a small world”. It was his ultimate favorite attraction, hands. down. Always made him shed brutal tears seeing those little dolls dressed as people from all over the world and dancing. And he had a feeling this time he would cry even harder over them.
“I fucking love Disneyland!” He said, to himself and anyone that could hear him, really.
Pickled snorted, shoving another handful of loaded fries into his mouth. He was wearing a Goofy Hat, complete with ears, and wayfarer sunglasses so the kids didn’t see how high he was. “I fucken’ missed it, dood.” He said.
“Me too!” Nathan agreed, raising his fists in the air with furor. “This is awesome!”
Pickles smiled. “Yea.”
As he let his arms fall, Nathan inhaled deeply and felt in the air. In the air, even. In everything around him right now. In the child that had dropped his ice cream just now and was about to start crying, in the trees waving with the afternoon breeze, in the sign that said they still had 40 minutes to go. In his friend standing next to him right now, waiting to get in this silly ride with him like there was nothing better he could do. 
“Hey, Pickles?”
“I love you, man.”
Even with the sunglasses, Nathan could tell Pickles was staring at him with wide eyes.  “Huh?”
Usually, a reaction like that would discourage him from showing any more emotion. Not today, however. “I said I love you!” He repeated, pulling Pickles into a forceful hug and rubbing that dumb, balding head of his. “I do!”
As it happened, Pickles had a tendency to deflect compliments, though this time it was harder while being squeezed between Nathan’s arms. “Ow-What- Nethan did you take sumthin’?” He sputtered against Nathan’s chest.
“Uh, no?” Nathan tried to remember. It was stupid and definitely the kind of stuff he would’ve punched a regular jack-off for saying, but he felt high on life. Yeech, he shook his head, trying to shake off the cringe of even thinking that particular phrase.  “I’m just feeling it, man.”
“O-Okei!” Pickles finally managed to pull away from Nathan’s grasp, one hand holding the plate with the remains of the fries, the other holding his now smushed sunglasses. There was a mark on the bridge of his nose and his face was flushed so funny that it made him look like a fucked up strawberry. “I love ya too, dood.” He said, like he was trying to get it out of the way already.
“Cool.” Nathan smiled. “I already knew that.”
Pickles made an offended noise, though he still broke into a grin. “Now, aren’t ya fucken’ humble.” He shoved Nathan playfully.
“Whatever.” Nathan eyed the fries on Pickles’ hands. “Can I have some?”
“Oh, sure.” Pickles raised his hand, to bring the food closer to Nathan, but when Nathan leaned in, he smashed it against his face. While cold melted cheddar invaded his nostrils, Nathan heard him laugh. “Bet ya didn’t see th’t one comin’!” 
He wanted to get mad, yet he couldn’t. “You’re such an asshole, Pickles.” Nathan chuckled, wiping his face.
“Whatever.” Pickles shrugged, still laughing, which made Nathan burst into laughter in turn.
And so they remained, in hysterics over some dumb prank while the people in front of them threw them judgemental glare.
Happiness was really fucking brutal. 
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Someone to Watch Out for You: Chapter 3
When Stars Dance
Summary: In which Ventus becomes Disney Castle's first Keyblade wielding knight. Word Count: 1,811 First | Previous | Next ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆ ⚬ ☆
A year later and Ven didn't think he had changed much. He certainly didn't look much different at the very least. Goofy had been rather accommodating to Ven's squire attire. The only real addition were braces for his dominant hand and lower legs. It was two steps down from wearing his Keyblade armor in whole. In fact, Goofy even let him use the armor to take on training exercises with a bit more punch to them. The amount of times Ven actually needed to wear his armor were few, but in the instances where he did? It was a lifesaver.
Soon enough, his Keyblade armor was synonymous to his status as Queen Minnie's protector. It was a symbol of protection to everyone. One glance and you knew help was on the way. Ven thought back to Pete's disguise of Captain Justice and almost laughed.
Today Ven was going to be knighted. It was an event that made him both proud and anxious. This was the true mark that he was part of Disney Castle and one its citizens. This was his home now, and he was going to protect it with his life. Curious, Ven went over to his window that held a pretty good view of Disney Town and tried to see how many people had shown up so far. He could already hear the big house band play triumphant marching music to pump everyone's spirits up.
Sure enough, from here Ventus could see more than half of Disney Town's residents were already grouped in the main square. Everyone was greeting each other as if they hadn't seen their friends in awhile. He almost couldn't wait to see the decorations at ground level. Up here it just seemed like a mess of color. Which, considering Disney Town's usual color schemes, made the ceremony that much more overwhelming.
Resting his arms on the window sill, Ven idly said to himself, "I wonder how Terra would react with all this stuff. Bet he wouldn't even believe it was for me. Heh."
The soon-to-be knight paused.
"I wish they were both here to see this." he decided in one last murmur before deciding to head down to the square.
The first thing Ven saw when he crossed the gateway from the castle to the square was Minnie crying.
"Queen Minnie!" he suddenly declared as he got to her side. "Is something wrong? Did something happen?"
Choking back a laugh from her light sobs, Minnie shook her head.
"Oh no, Ventus dear." Minnie assured him. "I'm just really happy. It's a big day for you, and oh! I invited some important guests. I wasn’t sure if they’d come or not, but they'll be here shortly."
"Alright." he agreed with a nod. He then gave the queen a formal bow before inquiring, "May I still escort you until the festivities properly start, my queen?"
Minnie laughed; a genuine one no longer held back by tears.
"I'd be honored, Sir Ventus."
Smiling, the duo walked around the square with no real aim or goal. They were occasionally stopped by a citizen or two that wanted to give Ven their congratulations. Not a single one got annoying or too overbearing. Minnie even nudged Ven to notice a pair of young dog-like female citizens that appeared to have a crush on him. He gave them a polite wave and the girls in turn huddled in a circle to giggle.
"Oh!" Minnie suddenly declared at one point, almost scaring Ven. "They're here!"
"Who?" Ven wondered. His answer came rather quickly when someone barrel hugged Minnie.
"Minnie!" the newcomer, a female cat in a frilly pink and blue dress with matching sun hat, happily proclaimed. "It's been forever! Those boys really need to make travel easier between our worlds."
"Ortensia!" Minnie happily said back, even returning her hug. "You're right. It has been awhile. But... don't tell me you came alone?"
"Of course not." Ortensia huffed. The spunky cat lady spun on her heel, then brought her fingers to her lips to let out a loud, shrill whistle.
The response was instant. In a stampede of roughly 30, blue bunnies no larger than Ven's fist came bursting through the crowd. Obediently the bunny children formed a crowd of their own around Minnie, Ven, and Ortensia. Minnie bent down to pat the bunny child closest to her.
"They've gotten bigger." she said to Ortensia. The bunny child approved of this remark, making itself stand a bit taller and even attempting to flex its muscles. Minnie laughed. She gave a thoughtful hum before asking Ortensia, "Is that all? I would understand Oswald, but I thought she would also..."
"Oh no. She's here too." Ortensia finished for her. "I don't know where she went though..."
"Well when you give that whistle, I think we all know we need to report for duty." a new voice piped up.
Ortensia lit up at the addition.
"Sabrina!" she exclaimed. "Oh sweetie, come over here and greet Minnie."
Sabrina, unlike Ortensia or the bunny children, was a fully sized human. She looked around Ven’s age, maybe a bit younger. Ven found himself knocked away just by the sheer fact that it was the first time (in a long, long while, actually) he'd seen someone his size around here. It was just his luck that he immediately fell for her too.
Worst of all, she was heading his way.
"So you're the new knight in question?" Sabrina questioned. Her dark eyes scanned him over with a certain air of scrutiny. When they caught Ven's own, his breathing hitched.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Ven breathed, quickly giving her a bow. The bunny children let out a soft round of 'ooooh's as if they knew something everyone else did not. Sabrina quickly gave them a glare, and even tried to swing her foot at a few close ones. Catching a quick sight of her ankle made Ven consider if he should look away or not.
She might have been aware that he was staring. After shooing away the bunnies, Sabrina made a point to bend down to readjust her dress skirt. As she got up again, she gave a glance directly at Ven that made a chill run up his spine.
But it wasn't him that she spoke to after all this.
"Thank you for the invite, Aunt Minnie." she said to Minnie with a nod. "Depending on how the rest of the ceremony goes, I might stay for the after party."
"That's wonderful to hear." Minnie approved. "Just have a good time and relax, alright?"
Sabrina gave a half smile of agreement.
"Wait," Ven realized, "Aunt?!"
He wildly looked from the girls in hopes of some explanation. At best he got some giggles between Ortensia and Minnie, at worst Sabrina smirked in her own level of bemusement. To add insult to injury, Sabrina gave them a small wave before departing. Half an impulse in Ven wanted to follow her. Instead he got bombarded by the blue bunny children out of nowhere.
"What's your name, mister?" one asked.
"Does your hair always look like that?" another questioned.
"I think he has a crush on Sabreenie!" yet another declared. "Lookit, he's blushing!"
If his face really was red, it was because all these bunnies had decided to dog pile him without a way out. There was no way he was crushing on a girl he just met. Besides, it wouldn't work. Ven wouldn't call himself a genius, but even he knew she was way out of league. They might not even see each other after today. Besides, he had more pressing matters to focus on.
. . .
Mickey was worried about something. It was a small feature; something no one would have noticed at first, or unless they were talking to him directly. Ventus himself only caught it for a fraction of a second as Goofy recited the first half of the knighting speech. That worry wasn't directed toward Ven, was it? No. It must have been something else. For a fleeting moment Ven wondered if it was Sabrina, but that seemed even sillier. Earlier Minnie and Ortensia had talked about an Oswald- could it have been him Mickey was worried about? Especially since Sabrina seemed to imply a relation between the royals and herself.
"Do you, Ventus, promise to uphold the laws of our land as you, in turn, defend it from those who do not?"
"I do."
"Should the Cornerstone of Light be compromised in any way, do you swear to use the light within yourself to ensure it does not waver completely?"
"I do."
"Will you stay true to the light within yourself, and listen to your heart so long as it does not harm others?"
"I will."
Minnie had started sniffling again. Ven almost wanted to stop the ceremony just to get her a handkerchief.
                             "Ventus," Mickey then said, "As our kingdom's first Keyblade wielder since, well,                                                  me                                                  , we wish to present to you a new Keyblade. Found by Master Yen Sid, forged by the heart of our very world, Queen Minnie and I are proud to present to you Tempest Heartbeat."                    
With a flourish, King Mickey made the new Keyblade appear within his hand and pointed it to the sky. Like Wayward Wind before it, this new Keyblade had a guard designed from the reverse gripped wielder. Its main coloring was a dark green, almost resembling that of dried bone, with bright green accenting. If Ven looked at it a certain way, the center of the bright green fuller seemed to pulse in a rather relaxed way. The crowd made the awe known in both wonder and approval.
"Now," Mickey said, "Put on your armor and accept this blade, so that you may officially be known as a knight of light."
"As you wish, my king." Ventus agreed. Turning the audience, Ven slammed his hand on the activation for his Keyblade armor. Once the light had dimmed on his new form, he went to Mickey to gently take the new Keyblade with both hands. Ventus lent his attention back to the citizens as he vowed, "With my duty as both Keyblade wielder and your knight, I promise to you all that I will always protect this world and the many others with every ounce of light in my heart. May our hearts be our guiding key!"
The crowd went into an uproarious applause at this promise. Ven grinned as he raised his Keyblade high in the air. Not once did he consider the last sentence of his speech, nor where he had heard it before. He didn't even realize that Mickey had suddenly gotten nervous again, or how Sabrina glared at the Keyblade with a sense of familiarity. Right now this was a new beginning, and nothing was going to ruin it.
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yesterdayiwrote · 1 year
I mean I get putting a packet of timtams in there but since they all know what he’s allowed to eat/not to eat on race weekends why give him a package with 3x stuff he can’t even look at?😭
Like, ok one bite won’t kill, but this is a competition where drivers are paid $$$ to drive $$$$ cars, I bet insurance would be hell of a nightmare should one driver fell sick because of biting on a crisp for a tiktok video…
I liked a lot the video in general (George looks way too cute in that bucket hat), but if I was on such a strict diet I would cry if they handed me so much food I know I can’t eat💔😭
See I’m aware it makes me look like a moaning Minnie, and in general it’s a cute enough video but it more pisses me off the content team not thinking about the wider implication.
It’s absolutely not George’s fault here, because he’s the one being put in a difficult position and absolutely fair enough him standing his ground. But equally there’s many people who could find someone giving out about the health implications of one bite of chocolate repeatedly intensely triggering and harmful.
Maybe I’m being a fun sponge, maybe I’m overthinking it, I don’t know. I just think it’s a really delicate subject that can just be avoided altogether? Like if you want a driver to eat something on camera just… get their consent first?!
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unsubhotchner · 4 years
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𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓 𝐆𝐢𝐛𝐬/𝐒𝐒𝐀 𝐀𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞
✨ sense ✨
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stonedregulus · 2 years
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trans!Regulus, trans!Remus
tw: pregnancy
James ran his hand up Regulus’ back gently, watching him laugh at his brother as he attempted to fit a Santa hat onto the cat’s head. “Are you nervous?” He asked under his breath.
Regulus smiled and turned to look at him, eyebrow cocked up, “I’m not, but I’m guessing you are since you’re about to tell your best friend you knocked up his baby brother.”
“You make it sound like we’re two teenagers who had a one-night stand.” Regulus laughed, eyes crinkling up at the sides. James was glad to see him in a good mood. The past three months he’d been doing hardly anything except leaning over a toilet as James held his hair back. Remus reappeared at the bottom of the stairs, sighing heavily as he wrapped his arms around Sirius’ chest from behind and kissed his cheek.
“That took a while. Teddy giving you a hard time?” Regulus asked.
“Oh you know, Christmas excitement, too much candy from his Uncles, that sort of thing,” Remus chuckled into his husband’s neck.
“Okay well, now that the child is in bed we can do our presents to each other!” Sirius cheered, kissing his husband quickly before jumping up and sprinting to the tree.
“What are you talking about, the child is still wide awake,” James teased, pointing at his brother-in-law who was shaking a present with his and Remus’ names on it.
“Watch it, you,” Sirius retorted without any bite, bringing the gift over to Remus who had settled himself on the couch across from James and Regulus. “It’s for both of us, Moons. Help me out.”
“I know you don’t actually want my help,” Remus teased, pulling the bow off the box and sticking it to his husband’s hair.
“You’re right, I really don’t,” Sirius grinned broadly, ripping the paper unceremoniously from the package. James slipped his phone out of his pocket, clicking open the camera to start video recording. Regulus laughed silently next to him as Sirius flipped open the lid of the box.
“Oh, it’s so cute!” Sirius squealed, pulling out the little white onesie. Remus’ eyes grew to the size of dinner plates fitting between the onesie and where James and Regulus were sitting like he was watching a tennis match while Sirius turned quickly, snatching the cat off the back of the couch and sitting her on his lap.
“Sirius, what are you-“ Regulus started.
“Minnie look! Look at the cute little shirt,” Sirius cooed at the cat, attempting to fit the onesie over the Santa hat he’d put on the poor animal's head earlier.
“Sirius! It’s not for the cat!” James choked out between fits of laughter as Remus covered his face with his hands, shaking his head at his husband.
“What? It’s not?” Sirius asked, looking up at them in confusion, “Then who is it-” His eyes widened as his mouth dropped open comically before he shrieked and stood up so quickly that Minnie jumped off his lap, looking up at him like he’d mortally offended her.
“You’re an idiot,” Regulus muttered, standing up as Sirius jumped over the coffee table, scooping up his little brother and swinging him around.
“Careful, careful!” James yelled through his tears of laughter, allowing himself to be pulled into a hug by Remus.
“Congratulations, you guys! I’m so happy for you,” Remus said, ruffling James’ hair a bit as he pulled away.
“Are you crying?” Regulus’ voice was muffled in Sirius’ hair. He patted his brother on the back gently, “You can put me down now.”
Sirius laughed and set him down, eyes shining and wet, “Of course I’m crying! Wait, how far along are you? We’ve saved everything from when Teddy was a baby so you don’t have to buy anything! AHH! MY BABY BROTHER IS HAVING A BABY!”
“Shhh! You’ll wake up our child!” Remus chastised him, smacking his arm playfully. He pushed his husband aside and pulled Regulus into a tight hug, “I also kept a lot of things from my pregnancy they’re in really great condition, if you want them.”
“That would be great, thank you, Remus. And I’m fifteen weeks,” Regulus said nervously. They’d wanted to keep it a secret until they’d gotten past the first trimester, but he was worried Sirius would be offended he didn’t know sooner.
“I thought you were wearing baggier clothes than normal! Do you have ultrasound pictures? If you don’t I will be so mad,” Sirius said, kneeling on the floor in front of his brother to look at his stomach. “Hi, baby! This is Uncle Sirius! I’m so excited to meet you!”
“Okay, enough of that,” Regulus laughed, pushing Sirius’ shoulder so he fell over backward onto the floor.
James wrapped his arms around his husband, laying a palm flat on his stomach before resting his chin on his shoulder and pressing a soft kiss to his neck. “Love you,” he said quietly, watching Remus pull Sirius up off the floor.
Regulus hummed, tilting his head to rest on James’. “Love you more.”
based on this tiktok
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I just really think Remus Lupin is a ballerina okay AU
Remus Lupin has been doing ballet since he was four. He was exuberant and flashy at first, but after his first teacher, Greyback, molested and abused him, he is quiet and reserved. He prefers to dance by himself and does not speak to anyone inside or outside of the class. He wears pink material and is the best dancer in the school, but everyone is more terrified of him than they are jealous. He has sad eyes and soft hair, but prominent scars (both self-inflicted and from Greyback and accidents) cover his freckled skin. He’s a mystery, but no one wants to solve him.
He lives with his roommate and only friend, Severus Snape, who is a writer. He spins out films and novels and poems by the hundreds, especially inspired by the rain. Remus and Severus will often spend rainy days together in their apartment, with Severus typing furiously and scribbling while Remus dances to Hozier and Lana Del Rey off to the side. Sometimes when Remus will have nightmares, Severus will hold him and sing Russian lullabies until he falls asleep. Severus smokes lazily and wears subdued flower and gothic dresses that show off his jutting hips and collar bones. Having escaped an abusive father and a dead mother, he and Remus bond over their shit parents, with Remus’ father being neglectful and his mother kind but catatonic. Their neighbors think they’re witches, but they’re alright with that.
They both have to work to pay the bills, so while Severus works with preschoolers, Remus works as an assistant for a terrifying professor named Grindelwald at the university. He’s a reformed felon who’s always glowering, and there are rumors he’s Dumbledore’s husband, who is Remus’ mysterious ballet teacher with the twinkling eyes. But no one has the guts to ask him - it’s unknown what he was locked up for, and nobody wants to risk that it was irrational homicide. He mostly ignores Remus though, and doesn’t mind if Remus reads or dances while he works, so Remus doesn’t think he’s too bad.
One day Remus is grading some papers for Grindelwald when Lily Evans walks in, a vision in a white floral lace flowing vest and an across-the-shoulders dark blue dress, a brown belt around her waist and matching ankle boots coming up over creme knee-high knit socks, a black hat on her head. There’s a camera around her neck and her smile is beautiful, surrounded by her freckles, and she and Remus hit it off immediately. She asks if he can spare some time to be her model for the day, and he agrees. They’re hanging out in the park and laughing when Severus walks over, having finished work. The moment he and Lily lay eyes on each other, something happens, something magical, and Remus can see it in both of their smiles as they exchange shy hellos.
Lily starts to hang around them, her and Severus teetering on the edge of something. Remus nudges Severus until he’s brave enough to ask her out, and their first date is in the park where they met, sitting on a bench in the rain and watching the birds. Remus is pretty sure they’re gonna get married one day.
To keep himself busy while his two friends fall in love, Remus escapes to the dance school, dancing alone to Lana Del Rey in an empty room when the door creaks open and he hears, “Wow.” He turns around and smiles, taking in the sight of James Potter, an old school friend who left for Julliard and he hasn’t seen in years. James laughs, pulling him into a hug, and Remus lets him, tangling his hands in James’ curls and grinning when James presses a kiss to the corner of his mouth. James tells him he’s been enjoying a gap year before going to search for a job as a back-up dancer for Taylor Swift, to which Remus giggles and tells him he’ll be great. James beams, and pulls Remus along, saying he has to meet James’ best friend-partner-person. Remus agrees, and changes back into his flowing white dress decorated in bees and black flats, tucking spruce leaves in his hair before taking James’ hand and following him out.
At James’ apartment, he calls out, “Babe! I’m home!” Remus watches as Sirius Black comes skidding down the hall, dazzling in a sparkling black croptop with gold touches and a raggedy sheer maroon skirt that falls just above his spiky combat boots. With white and gold dahlias in his hair, he’s the most beautiful thing Remus has ever seen, and he stares as James pecks Sirius on the mouth, coming away with dark red lipstick stains. When Sirius looks up at Remus, his eyes twinkling, and Remus reaches out a hesitant hand, which Sirius takes. “Hi,” he breathes, and Sirius laughs, loud and bright. He leans in and kisses Remus’ cheek. “Hello, beautiful,” he says sweetly, wrapping an arm around Remus’ waist. “James has told me all about you, love.” Remus blushes, unable to stop smiling even as Sirius pulls away at James’ indignant “Oi!” and doesn’t touch him again. Sirius is the love of his life - he doesn’t know how, but it’s something he just somehow knows, the feeling taking root in his chest and sprouting flowers.
Sirius, as it turns out, is James’ roommate and queerplatonic partner. He ran away from his abusive home and is taking commissions as an artist. Mostly he draws wolves, dogs, rats, deers, doves, snakes, and cats. He affectionately calls Remus Moony, insisting his scars look like something were bit him and his eyes are the fierce amber of a wolf’s. Sirius in turn is called Padfoot, for his doglike energy and loving nature, while James is dubbed Prongs for being a dumbass who continually forgets he’s too big to fit in small spaces and gets lost in the woods almost every weekend. Remus never wants to stop hanging out with them, and learns to spend hours shopping at the vintage shop where Sirius works, the two of them falling for each other fast while James reclaims them as his partners in love as in life. And Remus is so, so happy.
While he’s busy falling in love with Sirius, Lily has moved in with him and Severus. Remus doesn’t mind, and tells Severus he’s thinking of making a home with Sirius and James. Severus hugs him and tells him he’s proud of him, suggesting they hang out that day just the two of them, like old times. Remus agrees, and lets Severus take him to the cafe where Lily works. In the corner of the shop is Regulus Black, a boy drenched in hoodies and coats that Remus and Severus buy free food and drinks for. Regulus thanks them profusely, and they all make small talk until Remus makes a comment that Regulus looks like Remus’ boyfriend Sirius, to which Regulus starts crying, explaining that Sirius is his older brother and he’s been trying to find him for years but gave up looking when their shit parents died and Sirius was nowhere to be found at the funeral. Remus offers to take him home, and Severus kisses Remus on the forehead before heading off to find Lily.
On the way there, they stop at the bakery and accept some free cupcakes from Peter Pettigrew, who owns the bakery with his elusive partner. Regulus, as it turns out, is homeless, and has been trying to make it on his busking money alone. But while he’s fairly lovely at singing, it’s not enough to buy anything concrete. As they eat, Regulus also tells Remus about Amir Levis, a librarian who lets him stay at the library. Remus exclaims that he already knows Amir, who helps Remus remember his pills and doctor’s appointments and always has a spare wheelchair and some tea for him just in case. Regulus admits to having a crush on Amir, but he’s too scared to do anything about it. Remus assures him he and Sirius will help him with it, and just like that they’re on their way.
At home, Remus smiles softly at the sight of Sirius and James entwined on the couch and says, “Look who I found.” At the sight of Regulus, Sirius shoves James to the floor in his haste to stand up, taking Regulus’ face in his hands and searching his eyes for answers. “You got out?” He says, breathless. “Really? You’re alright?” Regulus smiles sheepishly. “Of course I did, Siri,” he whispers. “You think I was gonna let you have all the fun?” Sirius tears up and tugs him close, rocking back and forth as the two of them mumble apologies and love confessions into each other’s necks and shoulders and hair. Remus gravitates towards James, kissing him with a smile before pulling him out of the apartment, saying they should leave the brothers alone.
Remus takes the opportunity to introduce James to Severus and Lily, who are immediately taken with him. They offer to watch him for the afternoon while Remus goes to therapy with Maxwell Needles, a counselor with magenta hair who talks to Remus about life, his accident, his trauma, Greyback, his suicidal tendencies, anxiety, PTSD, and depression. Remus also takes the chance to pick up Sirius and James’ ADHD medication, Peter’s OCD prescription, Lily’s bipolar medication, Severus’ schizophrenia suppressors, and a few books on autism (for Severus), Tourette’s (for Lily), and eating disorders (for James and, Remus suspects somehow, Regulus). Max is delighted to see him with so many friends, and says they’ll bring Peter over sometime for dinner. Though he’s not sure where that would happen since he’s torn between two homes right now, Remus agrees with a smile and bids the skater kid in the checkered jeans goodbye.
Back at school, Remus spends his afternoons in conversation with Mcgonogall, the waltz teacher who takes care of him. She’d adopted him when his parents died and he tries to stick around, asking advice about Sirius and James and whether moving in with them is a good idea. Mcgonogall says she thinks it is, and that she knows Sirius is a kind young man. As it is, he calls her Minnie, and knows her as a friend and a grandmother of sorts, since she helped him when he first ran away to James’ house. Remus is content with continuing the conversation but is interrupted by a phone call telling him Sirius, James, and Regulus have been jailed for a fist fight on the street.
Remus goes to pick them up, where he meets Bellatrix Lestrange, an abusive cousin of Sirius and Regulus who took particular joy out of torturing Sirius, who she almost killed once. She’s also been known to abuse children, especially those of the poor. Also in jail are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, a couple married only in spirit who keep having miscarriages and take their abusive anger out on each other and strangers. Their landlord, Voldemort, had demanded unconventional payments and they’d been essentially enslaved to him for years, only escaping his cultist grasp by means of murder, which is why they’re here now.
Remus sees James holding Regulus close and whispering to him as he kisses the cuts and bruises on his face in the corner of the cell, but says nothing about it, kissing Sirius hello. The four of them go home together, and as soon as Regulus is asleep Remus tells James and Sirius that he wants to make a home with them someday, just not right now. They laugh and smile and tell him they’re ready when he is and that they love him, and Remus thinks, Things are good.
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skzshortcake · 3 years
hello kitty bandaid - ksm
for @sparklemin and the seungmin crybaby club
genre: fluff, seungmin being the best boyfie
warnings: scraped knees, a little bit of crying
you were so excited to see seungmin again.
he had been busy for about a week and you both finally made the time to meet up together for the weekend. your plan was to meet him in the suburbs of the city, somewhere more secluded near the bakery you two often visited on your adventures together. but you were running late, you had managed to get into the city just 2 minutes before you needed to be at the bakery, and yet you still needed to navigate your way through the small town.
the sun wasn’t too bright, but it was shining in your eyes enough to make you want to get there even faster.
you practically sprinted down the sidewalk. the town wasn’t too busy, and you couldn’t be more thankful for the empty sidewalks while you bolted through the maze of colorful buildings with adorable porches. you wanted to stop by and look at them but seungmin was waiting for you.
you turned the corner to see him sitting down outside in a wooden patio chair. his face lit up with a bright smile as soon as he saw you. he held his arms out when he stood up, waiting for you to run and jump in his arms to hug him.
so you hurried your pace a bit, and it was a bad idea. your converse had failed you at this point and you tripped on the slight downward slope of the sidewalk. your sundress didn’t provide much protection against the rough concrete texture. when you pushed yourself back up, you could see seungmin running towards you, a concerned look on his face while he helped you up.
“oh, my poor baby... let me clean you up.” he pulled you over to sit at the patio table he had previously sat at.
you held your hands out as if you didn’t know where to put him. feeling frazzled, you checked your injuries. the palms of your hands had light scrapes on them, and you could see little bits of gravel still on your hands. there were imprints from the little rocks on your skin, but those would fade quickly. the scrapes on your hands matched the ones on your knees. you felt your eyes water and your nose scrunched up. you weren’t crying because of the pain, you were just overwhelmed from the situation.
seungmin pulled out your chair and sat you down. he knelt down so he could patch up your scrapes. he dipped his paper napkin into the glass of ice water on the table and gently tapped away the little bits of gravel and blood. you whimpered, and he looked back up at you to check if you were okay.
“i’m going to fix you right up. it’s okay, baby.” he told you, pressing the napkin down on the now-clean scrape before rummaging through his camera bag pockets for a bandaid.
you swung your other leg back and forth, adjusting your hat and setting down your bag with your scraped hands. your tears dripped down your cheeks, falling down onto your sundress. the heat was even more annoying now, and you felt hot all over, most of it from embarrassment, some of it from the sun.
seungmin finally found what he was looking for. he pulled out 5 my melody and hello kitty bandaids for children from the pocket on the side of his cameras bag.
“where did you get those?” you whimper out as he cleans your other knee.
“I just keep them around in case you get hurt. luckily I was prepared, right?” he smiles up at you, his gentle hands lining up the bandaid on your left knee, then pulling off the paper and placing a tender kiss on top of the bandage. he did the same with your other knee. seungmin sat down in the other patio chair and pulled your hands closer to him. he dipped the other corner of the napkin in the water, wiping up the marks on your palms. “don’t cry, baby.” 
“i’m so clumsy...” you sniffled, blinking as more tears fell.
he chuckled and lifted his other hand to brush away your tears “it’s okay. i’ll always be here to fix you up.” his large hands held yours like he was holding a small bird while he brushed out the small flakes of gravel and excess blood. he finished bandaging up your hands, holding your palms up to his face and kissing the bandages like he did with your knees. “you feeling a bit better?”
“a little, thank you.” you wiped the rest of your tears with the backs of your hands. you were grateful that he was so tolerant of you being, well, you.
“of course, baby.” he played with your fingers, careful to not disturb the scrapes.
the waitress came over, and seungmin ordered you both a couple pastries and some drinks. he helped you cut up the pastry, maybe babying you a bit more than necessary, but it was just how seungmin was. you could vaguely hear him quietly singing a made up song about how you were his “sweet baby” and “cute angel”. 
you lightly giggled. he always cheered you up, no matter what.
“what?” he looks up and grins at you expectantly.
you shake your head.
“thank you.”
“you’re welcome, but what are you laughing at?” he leans closer to you, trying to get you to fess up.
“you’re really funny.” you leaned back and he whined when you wouldn’t tell him what you were laughing at. 
“are you laughing at me?” he pouted at you.
“no, minnie.” you laugh, swinging your hands back and forth “i’m laughing with you!” 
he gave you a fake frown, and picked up the fork to feed you a piece of the cherry pastry while you were laughing to shut you up, which just made you laugh more. soon enough you were both laughing together. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too, minnie.”
you went back to talking about your day, things that interested you, things you saw on the internet that you wanted to share with him. you went back to being his happy baby. and he swore that no matter how many times you fell, tripped, ran into things, hit your head, or slipped, he was always prepared to fix you right back up.
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AssClass Halloween Costumes
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I’m a few days late lmao...but here we go 👻🎃
Karma: Edward Scissorhands. A classic. He goes all out in his costume and it looks really good...scary but awesome yeah. Waves his scissors in front of people’s faces to be annoying.
Isogai: The Phantom of the Opera. Gets complaints later from his fangirls that the mask was covering his “beautiful face.” 
Okajima: A sexy devil costume. It’s not too revealing but it’s certainly quite feminine, which throws people off guard. But he struts with confidence and 3-E supports him all the way.
Okano: Princess Mononoke. She looks like such a badass with the wolf cape and the red markings on her cheeks. 
Okuda: Mickey Mouse. She looks so so cute in the little overalls and gloves, and ear headbands. Matching with Kayano.
Kataoka: Audrey Hepburn. Sis got legs for days and the tights/heels emphasizes them even more. Turns so many girls gay, let’s be real.
Kayano: Minnie Mouse. She looks adorable in the dress and cute ears headband. She’s matching with her bestie Okuda UwU.
Kanzaki: Mario!! The comical handlebar mustache looks hilarious on her, and she’s just such a cutie in the outfit.
Kimura: a Mummy, who looks legitimately terrifying with dark makeup and gold contacts. Ends up having a crisis when he needs to pee but can’t get out of the wrapping.
Kurahashi: Belle from Beauty and the Beast. The yellow dress looks gorgeous on her. Lowkey wanted to ask Karasuma to be the beast, but thankfully, she didn’t.
Nagisa: Luke Skywalker. The tunic looks really adorable on him ngl, and his lightsaber is actually so cool. Half the night, his friends keep trying to steal it and play around. Didn’t expect to coordinate with Mimura but they take a bunch of great pics together uwu.
Sugaya: Doesn’t really dress up. But he has the best and most elaborate face makeup. Dude seriously looks like a monster or demon or whatever he intended. It looks so good and professional. Other than that, he’s wearing plain sweats he just threw fake blood on.
Sugino: A werewolf umpire, of course. He’s dressed in the baseball outfit with a scary mask on. Definitely gets called a furry by multiple people.
Takebayashi: KIRITO FROM SWORD ART ONLINE FSDJHKS. He spends forever (and with some help from Hara) on his costume, having the black trenchcoat and swords and everything. His hair is messy and unlike it’s usual style, and he lowkey gets some attention for his visuals.
Chiba: Howl Pendragon. He looks so charming in the outfit. Is he blonde or does he keep his dark hair? I can’t decide. Also Kaho is Sophie.
Terasaka: Totoro. He goes as Totoro. I’m not kidding at all. He may have lost a dare to his sister, and had to wear this giant onesie of the beloved character. But as much as he’s laughed at for the night, the joke is on everyone else. He (smugly) stays warm and cozy even when it starts to get more chilly.
Nakamura: A Zombie prom queen. Bought the dress part for the costume but she made the sash herself. And her makeup is on point, it’s so scary and good. Loves making guys squirm with creepy looks, then flirting with girls.
Hazama: A ghoul. But it’s literally the most horrifying, gut-wrenching costume ever seen. Straight out of a horror movie. Super detailed, makeup is on point and terrifying. Carries weapons and scares the shit out of everyone. Makes some people even pee, and cry.
Hayami: A cheetah, in a full body costume and hat with ears. She looks so GOOD. Her sharp eyes look even more bright and feline than usual in such a dark outfit.
Hara: A ballerina!!! She looks so pretty and angelic in her pink tutu outfit, and it highkey looks so professional too. She made it herself after all haha. But yes, our Hara is a pink princess, ok?
Fuwa: Piccolo. It’s ridiculously accurate and well-made. Halfway through the night, she changes to be a One Piece character.
Maehara: Thor. Let his hair grow out a bit just for this costume. Slings the hammer around everywhere and almost accidentally kills someone with it.
Mimura: Han Solo. It’s so accurate and well made...the only thing wrong is his height lmao.
Muramatsu: the KFC guy, except he keeps advertising his ramen shop to everyone at the same time.
Yada: a bloody Alice in Wonderland, with a basket full of cookies that she carries around, and a ripped apart white rabbit plushie.
Yoshida: Danny Zuko from Grease ADJHKS. Takes out his dreadlocks for the night to have a pompadour. All his friends roast him hard and say he looks no different than he usually does lmao. Itona voice: “Are leather jackets the only things you own?”
Ritsu: Who else would she go as other than the legend Hatsune Miku. Turns her hair blue too, and sings a couple songs for everyone.
Itona: Iron Man. He looks so cute ok, this tiny little 14 year old in a bulky superhero costume that doesn’t suit his face at all.
Korosensei: Tinkerbell. One of his favorite Disney characters. Totally rocks the green dress and blonde bun. But then he starts crying and whining when his students tease him. “Tinkerbell? How fitting, Sensei! You’re both such attention seekers!”
Irina + Karasuma: They go as a sexy vampire couple, much to Karasuma’s hesitance. They look really good though. He has to hold Irina back from killing someone when the students dub her a “trampire.”
Gakushuu: A skeleton, but it’s way more elaborate than it sounds. It’s like a very detailed black tux outfit, made of 3 pieces. And every piece of it has a bone design on it, with like a blue glow so it looks he’s literally an X-ray picture. Hella cool. And he refuses makeup but reluctantly compromises with just dark eye stuff. 
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stellar-starseed · 3 years
Closer Than That
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Group: Stray Kids
Pairing: Changbin x fem!reader, Jisung x fem!reader, polyamory
Word Count: 2,330
Summary: Your best friends happen to be 3racha, but Changbin was your closest friend from childhood. When things start to take a different turn in your relationship, you’re left wondering which way is up.
Chapter: 5/?
Other Chapters: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4
Warnings: 18+; sexual content, language
Note: This is cross posted on ao3
Chapter 5
Changbin entered your empty apartment after waiting outside for some time to no answer. He checked the studio to be sure you weren’t wrapped in a creative streak, but he found it empty along with the rest of your apartment. He sat on the couch and groaned. He really fucked up, he thought to himself.
Although it wasn’t more than a week since he had seen you, it had been so long since he had spent anytime without you it felt empty. On top of this not being a normal occurrence, Changbin felt out of sorts thinking you were truly upset with him.
“I should’ve never said that.” He said out loud. He looked to his side and the first time he kissed you flashed in his mind. You were shocked and he found it so cute the way you tried to deny it all at first. Changbin remembered the feeling of you relaxing into his arms as he pressed his lips against yours. The sweet taste of you as he ran his tongue over your lip. He found himself biting down on his bottom lip.
“Feel better?” Felix asked as he saw Changbin come through the front door. Changbin sighed.
“It’s all good, mate.” Chan pat him on the back, “Felix made the best brownies to date.” Chan stuffed his mouth. “Mmmm!” He did a little dance. Changbin laughed at Chan’s actions.
“Give me one of those.” Changbin sat down at the table. Felix brought over a plate full of brownies.
“There are three different kinds. These are extra gooey fudge, these are dark chocolate, and the last are chocolate with chocolate chunks.”
“What? I didn’t know there were options.” Chan pouts coming back to the plate.
“Bro, you had like four I thought you knew.” Changbin chuckled at the two of them.
“These are good.” Changbin nodded. Felix brightened up and thanked him.
“I’m working on a batch of cookies right now.” Felix turned on his heal and headed back to the kitchen. Changbin chuckled at him.
“You seem like you’re feeling better.” Chan sat next to Changbin and grabbed for a fifth brownie.
“Nah, I’m just realizing how bad I fucked up.”
“I missed you.” You finally spit out the words as your heading out of the coffee shop. Jisung’s heart soars and he can’t hold back his smile.
“I missed you too,______.” His hand reaches for yours and you feel goosebumps run up your arms at his gentle touch. His eyes meet yours and he pulls you towards him. You momentarily don’t know where this is going but it crosses your mind that he wants to kiss you. You shake it from your mind, that can’t be true, you think. As your mind races through contradicting thoughts, Jisung’s lips find yours.
You’re so lost in the shock of it all you didn’t get to fully enjoy the kiss. It was over far too soon. Your lips tingled when he pulled away and you searched his eyes. He seemed so defeated when you admitted to having feelings for Changbin, but now it was as if you hadn’t said a word. He slipped his fingers through yours and let you know he would walk you to your car.
When you reached your car, Jisung pulled you in close. Wrapping his arms around you, he rested his head on yours. He felt content. He missed you, he missed this feeling.
You closed your eyes and let your arms slip around his slender body. It felt so nice to be wrapped in his arms. His scent was familiar and so comforting. You weren’t sure how you could deal without him. The pang you felt when he was gone came back and you pulled away slightly.
“Don’t leave me.” You said looking into his eyes. Jisung leaned down and softly kissed you before he seriously looked you in the eyes again.
“Never.” He said, the way he looked at you made you feel as if he wanted to make sure you understood he truly meant it. You nodded ever so slightly and rested your head on his chest. He tightened his arms around you again. You were both content to stay like that.
Jisung felt refreshed. He wasn’t sure why he let his emotions get the best of him for that long, but he vowed to never do that again. He replayed the first and second kiss in his mind the whole walk home. His heart fluttered and he chuckled to himself as he entered the dorm.
Jisung danced his way into the living room, a song playing on his lips. He stopped at the couch to belt out the last line.
“You’re in a good mood. All of a sudden?” Changbin was slumped on the couch, his hands intertwined and his thumbs circling each other. He looked down at his hands. Jisung froze.
“Uh. Yes?” He cleared his throat. “Hey,” Jisung looked around and sat on the couch. “I’m sorry. You know, for being an ass.”
“Yeah?” Changbin questioned. “Are you sorry for kissing her too?”
You fell back down on your bed with a dreamy sigh. How could his lips be so soft and delicious? You shrieked and had a mini flailing fit. He looked so good in that outfit and he smelled so good. Your mind was flooded with thoughts of your ‘Hannie’. You filled with excitement just thinking he was yours. You giggled to yourself.
Jumping up from your bed, you headed to your studio. You felt inspired and couldn’t shake the grin you had. The scene replayed over and over. The way he kissed you. The way he held you. The way he looked at you like you were the only important thing to exist.
“Seungie.” You said out loud as you gently touched your lips, chasing that feeling again. You had to tell Somin, you thought.
You pulled out your phone and immediately sent a message to your friend. Moments later she text back in her normal skeptical fashion.
18:38: Are you sure about that?
18:39: What about Binnie? I was routing for him!
You send back a few emojis. It was exciting for you to finally kiss your crush and Somin knew what a crush it had been over the years. You felt a bit guilty for it after her text.
You sat down in your chair and noticed a folded piece of paper on your keyboard. You were certain you didn’t leave this here. You unfolded it to familiar handwriting.
You chuckle to yourself when Changbin’s familiar voice runs through your mind as you read over a new nick name for you, ‘my princess’.
“I wanted to see you, but I guess you still need some space. I’m sorry that I upset you, and if I hurt you I’m even sorrier. I care about you and I hope you know that I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose.”
You smile to yourself. Changbin was the biggest sweetheart when he wanted to be and the biggest brat otherwise. You were nearly ready to head to the dorms just to see him when you realized this may not be the best idea. How were Jisung and Changbin going to get along, and how was Changbin going to feel after finding out you kissed Jisung?
You pick up your phone to a message from Minho.
>gif of mad laughter<
They’re plotting your demise. I can’t protect you, but I always liked you!
You laugh to yourself. Minho was precious. You text back the most dramatic crying gif you could find and tell him you always loved him. This web you have created is going to affect everyone around you. You sighed. Hopefully they could let out their steam and maybe things could go back to semi normal.
Jisung was caught by surprise. It wasn’t but fifteen minutes ago that he had kissed you. How could Changbin have seen?
“I-“ he cocked his head. “No.” He shrugged, shaking his head. “I’m not.” Jisung answered Changbin’s question honestly. There was a blanket of silence that took over the room.
“I don’t want to hurt you. I was an ass and I shouldn’t have taken it out in you. But I’m not sorry for kissing her. I’m not sorry for liking her. I don’t think you should be sorry for those things either.”
Slowly, their guards were let down. They had a real conversation about the events that had taken place in their friendship over the last few months. They talked about their feelings for you and they talked about the last few weeks of arguing. They were both a little hurt from each other and the situation. Neither Changbin nor Jisung knew where to go from here.
After about an hour going back and forth with yourself between whether this may be a god idea or a bad idea, you open a group text for Changbin and Jisung. You ask them to come over to talk.
18:55: Of course. :)
18:57: Like together?
18:57: He’ll be there.
18:58: Okay! Me too.
You become a little nervous when you think about addressing the situation head on. But you were all adults, and this shouldn’t be so hard. You wanted your friendships to withstand anything, and this was a true test if ever there was one.
You tried to rehearse different ways of approaching this, but in the end you basically just came up with a couple of points you needed to make. Which was better than nothing.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Changbin’s signature knock and you couldn’t help but giggle to yourself. You tried to make sure you were as presentable as possible before opening the door. You realized your heart rate had picked up a bit but you opened the door like normal.
Changbin stood there with his hat and hoodie. He was emanating boyfriend vibes, and you were a sucker for seeing him in hats and hoodies. Jisung’s smile was the next thing to catch your eye and it warmed your heart.
“Well,” you step aside, “what are you waiting for?”
Changbin pauses, glances at Jisung and back at you. He steals a quick kiss and hurries inside. Jisung paused for a moment, a confused look on his face. He wasn’t sure if that was allowed after their heart to heart.
Jisung rubbed the back of his head and stepped closer to you. He stole a quick kiss as well and you chuckled. This is something you could get used to.
“So,” Changbin plopped down on the couch. “You need my superior producing advice, right? That’s why you called me over?” He smiled wide.
“Then why am I here?” Jisung laughed.
“To kiss and make up.” Changbin remarked.
“Oh, in that case.” Jisung stepped forward, wrapping an arm around your waist he gives you a peck on the cheek. “Do you forgive me darling?” You chuckle at his dramatic tone.
“Hey, hey.” Changbin says, “I didn’t approve that kiss.”
“All kisses need the Changbin seal?” You question.
“How else is this going to work? You know I get jealous.”
“How is what going to work?” You look from Changbin to Jisung who shrugs.
“This.” He circles a finger in the air around the three of you. “Us.” He sits down on the couch. You decide to head over to the couch yourself and you grab Jisung’s hand to pull him along behind you. You sit next to Changbin and grab his hand. Looking at both of their hands in your lap, you sigh.
“Us?” You look at Changbin. “We’re going to be an us?”
“Yeah.” He says, a smile tugging at his lips. “You forgive me?” He pouts and gives you puppy eyes. You can’t help but smile at him.
“Maybe.” You pout. “You made me feel like shit when you ignored me to flirt with that makeup girl that has a thing for you. When you said you told Chan we were dating I felt like you were playing games. Please, don’t do anything like that again.”
“I won’t, but she has a thing for Chan. I asked her to do that to make you jealous. I am so sorry that I hurt you.”
You repeatedly smack Changbin’s arm. “You’re the biggest brat, you know that?” You can’t help but laugh at this point. Changbin nods with a smile.
“Seungie?” You turn to Jisung who was unusually quiet.
“Hm?” You pulled him from his thoughts and he turns his body towards you.
“Are you also on board?”
“I just...” he seems to be gathering his thoughts. “Do I have to sleep with him?”
“What?” Changbin sat straight up. “I never said...” he shuddered.
You shrugged. “No one has to do anything they don’t want to do. I’m not asking you guys to suddenly change everything. You don’t even have to agree to this, but I am interested in trying it out.”
“Okay. Then yes.” Jisung says after a moment of thought. “I have always shared you with Changbin and it didn’t seem to bother me. It was when I thought you had made a choice. A single choice that wasn’t me, that’s what hurt my feelings.”
You hold Jisung’s face in your hands and give him a kiss. You lean your forehead against his. You could see the smile in his eyes and it made you happy.
“If I can be completely honest...” You look back and forth between the two of them. “I have had feelings for you both for such a long time that it would’ve been too hard to choose.”
Changbin’s hand slid up your back and he began to rub soothing circles over your shirt. You leaned back into Changbin and pulled Jisung on top of you.
“I could definitely get used to this.” You giggle.
“Me too.” Changbin says softly next your ear before pressing his lips to your cheek.
Thanks for stopping by, lovely!
I hope you enjoyed. Catch you next episode :)
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avmisworld · 3 years
TXT when you’re sick:
"Hey, baby, I made you food." You blink slowly at the sound of your boyfriend's gentle voice before the sentence fully sinks in your mind and you furrow your eyebrows, sending your boyfriend a suspicious glance.
"You?", you ask, swallowing down the bile in your throat as you focus your bleary eyes on your sheepishly-smiling boyfriend, his pink hair falling over his eyes cutely and a plastic bag in his hand, the content hidden from your curious eyes. 
"Well, I ordered the takeout. And made the chamomile tea.", Yeonjun says with a shameless grin as you snort silently, watching as he walks towards you slowly, careful not to spill the steaming liquid held in his free hand, before placing everything on the small, round table in front of you triumphantly. 
You can't help but smile when you peek inside the bag, seeing your favorite sushi rolls from your favorite restaurant in Seoul, snuggly placed in a foam container. Too bad your stomach felt like it was melting into your ribs. 
"Thank you, baby.", you mumble, sending Yeonjun a grateful, albeit tired, smile, before sinking back into the couch, your limbs not able to hold you up for more than a few seconds without starting to tremble. 
"You have nothing to thank me for. I'm just making sure you don't die from starvation.", Yeonjun says sarcastically, sending you a blaming look before sitting next to you, pulling the fuzzy gray blanket tighter around your frail body. 
You try to roll your eyes at your boyfriend's dramatic antics, but a coughing fit overcomes you before you manage to say a word, forcing your body to hunch up, your boyfriend staring at you worriedly, rubbing your back soothingly with a warm hand until you calm down.
"Here, let me feed you.", Yeonjun says, the tone of his voice much softer now, all playfulness gone as his caring side becomes apparent. You nod weakly, knowing that no amount of arguing will get you away from eating this time, and let Yeonjun open the container of food, the sight of the colorful rolls managing to pique your interest slightly.
You feel so grateful for your boyfriend right now, your heart melting at the way he feeds you carefully, making sure to give you moderate bites and checking up on you every few minutes as the two of you watch a random drama playing on the TV. 
"I love you", you say, avoiding your boyfriend’s shining eyes with blushing cheeks, and he seems genuinely surprised for a second, knowing you're usually too shy to say these things out of the blue, before he smiles widely, his eyes loving and teasing as one when he says: "Are you talking to me or to the sushi?"
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"Aish, I told you to take a coat yesterday.", Soobin sighs, shaking his minutely as he presses another wet towel to your forehead, his eyes big and worried despite the frustration lacing his voice.
You smile weakly, finding your boyfriend's attitude adorable like always, even when he was supposedly angry at you. Or more specifically, at your sickness. 
"It wasn't even that cold yesterday, Binnie.", you mumble, cuddling even more into the thick white blanket, and your boyfriend raises his head at your words, glaring at you cutely as if he couldn't believe the audacity you have to answer him. 
"Yet here you are.", he states dryly, crossing his arms at you, and you sigh, knowing there's no point in arguing with your boyfriend. The only reason he scolds you is because he hates it when you get sick, it makes him anxious and sad.
"Can we cuddle?", you ask timidly, raising your head to look at your lover, who's grabbing another blanket to cover your shaking body. It seems like even with the furry Minnie mouse pajamas, the two huge blankets covering you and the wool hat covering your head, you can’t stop the chill in your bones, goosebumps covering your pale skin.
Soobin's eyes soften immediately, the worried crease between his thick eyebrows fading slightly, and he smiles gently, adding the black blanket in his hands to the slowly growing pile on top of you, before nodding. "Of course, sweetie."
You scooch into the couch, leaving a rather wide space between the edge of the cushions and you, and Soobin doesn't hesitate to climb into the scorching heat, wrapping his arms around you tightly and tangling your legs together, his breath a warm wind against your cheek.
"Damn, it's like an air fryer in here", your boyfriend huffs, burying his nose in your hair, and you laugh, feeling your eyes flutter shut as you finally start to feel warm, your boyfriend's presence doing wonders, heating you from the inside, the love you feel for the blue-haired boy beside you making the cold disappear slowly, the only thing left the sound of Soobin's soft humming in your ear. "I want to be your nap so I can dream with you…"
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"Why can't I come~~", Beomgyu whines, the huge pout on his lips the only thing you can see on your phone screen, and you sigh, shaking your head at your boyfriend's childish antics.
"Because I'm sick, Gyu. I don't want to pass it on to you.", you say carefully, talking to your boyfriend as if you were talking to a tantrum-throwing child, which he was, at least to you.
Your boyfriend clearly isn't satisfied by your answer, the frown on his face growing even more, and he backs away from the screen slightly, revealing his straight blonde bangs and dark eyebrows, furrowed over his big brown eyes.
He looks like a mad puppy, especially with the adorable blue-colored hoodie he was wearing, the sleeves falling past his fingertips, and the matching gray sweatpants, the loose material making him seem smaller than usual, despite him being much higher than you.
"Please? I promise I won't get close to you. We'll sit in different rooms if you want", your boyfriend says, throwing you his best puppy eyes, hands clasped in front of his chest tightly. 
You know you should say 'no', for the sake of Beomgyu, especially since the two of you know that there's no way you can stay away from each other, definitely not if you're literally in the same space. But you just can't get yourself to disappoint your loving boyfriend. 
You close your eyes momentarily, knowing you lost this game, before opening them to look at the boy on the screen, his eyes hopeful as he awaits your answer. 'Just this once', you think to yourself.
"Fine, but don't come crying to me after you catch some virus!", you say, trying to sound threatening, but you can't help but smile when Beomgyu cheers loudly, his fist pumping the air excitedly, before he sends you a kissy face, not even listening to you. "On my way!"
Later, when you and Beomgyu are cuddled on the couch, you can already envision him coming back to your apartment a few days later, whining about how he doesn't feel well, and you'll take care of him like always, never really able to hold anything against him. But now, in Beomgyu's warm embrace, his lips leaving small kisses along your shoulders, you can't help but feel content.
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You wake up to the sound of soft humming, a voice you know all too well singing softly beside you, your eyes fluttering open slightly at the beautiful sound.
Judging by the sunlight streaming through the window, it must be around noon, which means that you've been sleeping for more than twelve hours since you stumbled into your bedroom yesterday, after throwing up in the bathroom again.
You're still wearing the same red hoodie and black leggings you wore the night before, and you still feel horrible, your body begging you to go back to sleep and not move an inch from your place on the bed. Your dark is messy, falling over your eyes in small curls, and you feel pale, like the natural light in the room was streaming through you instead of on you.
"Good morning, love. Did I wake you up?", You sit up when you hear Taehyun's voice, closer than before, and then he's sitting next to you on the bed, one of his hands coming up to curl around your inner thigh, stroking the soft skin under his fingertips gently.
"Hmm", you stifle a yawn, not having the energy to get up and greet your boyfriend properly, but you manage to send him a weak smile, lifting your head to press a kiss to the strong arm beside you. "Sort of. But waking up to your singing is the best way to start the day, so no worries. When did you get here?"
Taehyun runs a hand through his maroon-colored hair, the gleaming strands falling over his face attractively, and even that simple action takes your breath away momentarily. "Yesterday. You were already passed out by the time I got here.", he says with a gentle smile. "How do you feel?"
You sigh, not wanting to worry Taehyun too much but also not wanting to lie to him. "Better than yesterday. But still not very good.", you admit, wincing when your stomach clenches painfully, as if someone punched you in the gut.
Your boyfriend stares at you for a second, his eyes attentive like always before he gets up abruptly, making you stare at him with confusion as he exits the room, immediately missing the warmth of skin against yours.
Taehyun comes back a few seconds later, carrying his favorite fuzzy blanket that you always steal when you sleep over at the dorm, a porcelain bowl filled to the brim with steaming soup, your favorite candy bar that he always carries with him 'just in case', and a small medicine bottle.
"Luckily for you, I came prepared.", he says with a victorious grin, sitting back next to you as you shake your head, baffled and touched simultaneously by your boyfriend's organized and responsible behavior. "You're unbelievable."
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Heuning Kai:
"My head hurts~", tears prick at your eyes as you press a hand to your head, trying to make the throbbing pain in your skull disappear as your boyfriend looks at you with a pained expression, his mouth set in a pout as he watches you sniffle.
You aren't a crybaby at all, but you hate being sick, hate not having any control on your own body, so it's one of the rare times where you let the salty drops slide down your soft cheeks, the exhaustion and fatigue catching up on you.
"Oh, princess.", Kai says gently, moving forward to hug you in his arms, not caring less about getting sick himself as he presses gentle kisses to your shoulders and neck, his lips flitting over the exposed skin until you finally let out a quiet giggle, the light ministrations tickling you. 
You can practically hear the way your lover sighs in relief, his body sagging slightly more into the couch, more relaxed now that he managed to make you smile, and he pulls the blanket covering the two of you, wrapping it even tighter around you, until you look like two human burritos.
"What movie do you want to watch?", your boyfriend asks, looking down at you with those soft brown eyes, his black hair parted in the middle perfectly, the shiny locks framing the sharp angles of his face. 
"Something funny", you say, leaning your head on his shoulder tiredly, and he hums, flicking through the different movies until he finds one he likes, clicking on the remote with a satisfied 'ah!'.
The two of you start watching, your boyfriend making sure to keep his arms around you the whole time, leaving occasional kisses to your cheeks, his hands rubbing your hip-bones soothingly. 
He gets up in the middle to fetch you some snacks from the kitchen, making sure to get you your favorite kind of cookies before plopping back down on the sofa, gathering you in his arms immediately.
Heuning Kai always has the ability to make you laugh, loves seeing you happy and smiling more than anything else, and you know he's doing everything in his power to make you forget about the pain in your body, making funny comments about the plot and imitating different scenes with surprising talent. 
Nobody can really be sad next to Heuning Kai, and when you cuddle into your boyfriend even more, watching the ending credits roll on the screen absentmindedly, your eyes drooping as sleepiness fills your body, you can't help but feel lighter, like some of the sickness in your body disappeared thanks to the ray of sunshine beside you, and you leave a gentle kiss to his shoulder. "Thank you."
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
Could you write something about your little daughter going to David to ask for something because you said no and she knows he wouldn’t say no to her. Him telling her not to tell mommy and you find out and get annoyed cause he got it for her and it was expensive.
Y/n had always dreamed of taking your kids to Disneyland, even before she became a mom. She remembered dearly the days she spent there as a kid and felt like it was a magical thing for every kid to experience. So when the time came for her and David to take your little princess to the park for the first time she was ecstatic.
“Mommy! Are we going to see the princesses today?” Emma asked from her car seat in the back.
“That’s right sweetheart! We are going to see Belle and Jasmine and Aurora and Tiana!” 
“And Moana too, aren’t we Mommy?”
“Yes, Moana too” Y/n smiled, seeing her little girl excited warmed her heart. She turned to her husband and they shared a look and a smile. She placed her hand on top of his for a moment, interlacing their fingers. 
“Princess, are you going to go on all the games too?” David asked, looking at her through the rear view mirror. 
“Yes, daddy! We are going to have the funnest day ever!” She cheered clapping her tiny hands, causing her parents to giggle. 
Y/n turned on her Disney playlist and the whole family started singing to “Be our guest”
Y/n had never felt happier to be married to a guy who recorded his life for a living than when he captured Emma’s reaction to seeing the castle. The first thing they did when they arrived was go choose a pair of ears for each of them. Emma chose a sequined pair that resembled minnie’s hat from the old cartoons, Y/n went with a classic pair of minnie ears and David managed to find a black cap with plain ears that made Y/n roll her eyes. They started riding a few games, taking pictures and meeting characters. A few hours later they made a stop for snacks and Emma got her face covered in mickey shaped ice cream. David kept recording her and taking a bunch of pics wanting to remember the moment forever. 
At some point, after riding one of the games they found themselves at a boutique buying Emma a Belle costume. She put it on and her face lit up. Y/n and David had never seen her so happy.
After having lunch and riding more games they found themselves at another boutique where Emma started pulling on Y/n’s shirt. 
“Can I get that dress, Mommy?” She said pointing at an Elsa gown. Y/n thought about it for a moment before deciding against it, she had already gotten one costume that day and they were expensive. It wasn’t even about the money, she didn’t want to spoil her. She could get another dress some other time. 
“No, sweetheart. You already got Belle’s dress. Maybe you can ask Santa for it or you can get it when your birthday comes.” Y/n told her daughter. 
“But, mommy, I really want it. Pleeeeaseee” Emma kept tugging on her shirt. 
Y/n crouched down so she could meet her daughter’s eyes. “Emma, mommy said no. And that is final. You already got one dress today. You can get another one next time. Now let’s go find daddy so we can go ride some more games.” 
“But I want it” Emma’s eyes started watering, her face turning red. 
“Emma, stop. You are a big girl. If mommy says no you have to respect that.” Y/n said picking her up. At that point David came into the little one’s field of vision and she started struggling to get free from her mother’s arms, extending her arms to her dad. David picked her up and she started crying into his shoulder. 
“What’s going on princess?” David’s voice was filled with concern. 
“She wanted to get another dress, but I explained to her that she already got one today and that she could get another one the next time we came.” Y/n explained. 
“But I want it now, daddy.” Emma sobbed into his shoulder.
“Emma, that is enough. Mommy said no and no means no. Let’s go ride another game. If you keep misbehaving we’ll just leave and go home. Come on.” Y/n stood firm. 
After that they left the store and started riding other attractions, they even sat through a few shows and parades which Emma loved. But each time they would cross a girl wearing an Elsa costume she would point it out to David and start whining. 
“Baby, don’t you think you are being a little to strict with her? I mean, it’s not like we can’t afford to get her another dress.” David said when Emma wasn’t listening. 
“Dave, the fact that she would throw a tantrum because I said no just shows how lenient we’ve been. She needs to understand she can’t get everything she wants just because she wants it.” 
“I get it, but isn’t it a little early to start giving her those lessons?” 
“What do you think happens when parents truly can’t afford to buy their kids two dresses? And if we bought her a second dress, what would stop her from asking for a third? Besides, she needs to understand that when we say no we mean it.” 
“Fine, you are right” He conceded giving her a quick peck. 
At some point during the day Y/n went to get a few water bottles and Emma and David were left to themselves riding a little mermaid attraction. Of course, like almost every other ride in the park you had to leave through a gift shop. That is when Emma saw the Elsa gown again and started tugging on David’s hand. 
“Daddy, please, can you get me the Elsa dress? Pleasee” 
“Emma, mommy said no.” David warned her. 
“Please, daddy” She said, her eyes starting to water again. David ran a hand through his face. Y/n was so much better than he was at saying no to her. He looked at her and just couldn’t do it.
“Mommy is going to be so mad” David said, dreading the moment when he would have to tell her he had caved. He grabbed the dress and headed to the checkout. 
Outside, Y/n was waiting with the water bottles. She was surprised when Emma ran into her arms since she had been giving her the cold shoulder since the dress incident. That’s until she saw David walking behind her with a big gift shop bag. 
“Please tell me that is not what I think it is” She said getting riled up. 
“I’m sorry” David muttered. 
“I said no. You asked again and I said no. Why did you get it? Why do you undermine my authority?” She was seeing red. 
“Baby, she started crying. You know I can’t say no when she cries!” Dave defended himself. 
“Oh and I can? You think it’s not hard for me? What am I a soulless, horrible mother to you? I do it anyways because I don’t want our daughter to turn into a selfish, entitled, spoiled brat. But if you keep doing this, that is exactly where we are headed.” She said to David before crouching down to talk to Emma. “And you young lady, if mommy says no you can’t go ask daddy to go against what mommy said, if mommy says no you can’t start crying, you should to be thankful that mommy and daddy brought you here to have a nice day. I am very disappointed in you Emma, and in Daddy too. You two need to learn to respect me, and until you do I don’t want to talk to either of you.” Y/n explained calmly and walked away. 
She had gotten herself a popcorn bucket and was eating her disappointment away when David and Emma, hand in hand, approached the bench were she was seated. 
“I’m sorry mommy.” Emma started, sitting next to her. Y/n remained silent. 
“We both are” David said sadly. 
“We gave back the dress” Emma continued and that is when Y/n looked up at David. 
“It took us about 5 seconds to realize that it wasn’t worth you being mad at us and Emma suggested we returned it to the store. We really are sorry.” David explained. 
“And we are never going to do it ever again mommy, we promise” Emma said and both her and David nodded. Y/n pretended to think about it for a moment.
“Fine.” She said. “I forgive you both. Thank you, for giving back the dress and for apologizing. Now give me a big hug you two” She extended her arms. Both Emma and David crammed into her embrace. 
“Now let’s go ride a few more games and then we’ll go chose one mug each so we can take home for breakfast tomorrow.” Y/n said and father and daughter cheered. 
“And then we’ll watch the fireworks, right Emma?” David asked. 
“Yeah!!” She exclaimed. 
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westofessos · 4 years
What I’ve Watched During Quarantine (so far):
TV Shows:
The Last Kingdom - holy shit I love this show and I cannot wait for a new season. Æthelflaed is a badass bitch. But I miss Alfred.
After Life - the most heartbreaking show in the world, with Ricky Gervais being funny between making me cry.
Community - maybe my favourite sitcom. I fucking love this show. I’m containing myself because if I don’t, I’ll go on forever.
Hunters - I love love love love love this weird-ass, terrifying, mind-bending, incredible show. What a ride. Sister Harriet is my favourite even though I don’t trust her.
Tiger King - Yes, along with everyone else I watched this fuckery. What is there to say? I was entertained, that’s it.
Making a Murderer - I was on a roll after Tiger King and wanted something crazy, and I got it. What a bunch of fucked up shit. I can’t believe this is real. Also Kathleen Zellner is a badass bitch and I love her.
Good Omens - I broke down and watched it. And this was the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen but I loved it. Crowley and Aziraphale are a delight. And my history nerd heart couldn’t handle it.
The Boys - wow this was the most disturbing, wonderful show. Truly terrifying but great. Billy Butcher is incredible.
Peaky Blinders - when I say I am in love with Thomas Shelby. Wow. What a fantastic show. I didn’t expect to like it, but I finished all five seasons in less than a week because I’m absolutely addicted. Damn you Thomas Shelby and your pretty eyes.
The Umbrella Academy (S2) - wow wow wow wow what an amazing season. I don’t want to spoil anything but it was absolutely fantastic.
Lost - my favourite show of all time, and my favourite series finale of all time. Fuck what people say, Lost is brilliant and I would die for this beautiful show.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - what an all around great time. I just love it so much.
Roseanne - ah, old school Roseanne. My actual favourite sitcom. Y’know, the one that was my entire childhood, basically made me who I am today, only for me to find out that the actress that played my actual idol was a racist. Yeah, that one. It was nice to ignore that though and love my favourite show regardless.
Scrubs - I just watched it for the first time just before quarantine, and decided to watch it again during. What a brilliant show. It means so much to me. Also, Perry Cox is one of the greatest, most complex characters to ever exist. And Carla Espinosa is an underrated queen. I’m also listening to Fake Doctors, Real Friends, which is Zach Braff and Donald Faison’s Scrubs rewatch podcast, and it’s great.
Friends - I missed this show, really. It’s still so great. Chandler Bing is amazing and I forgot how adorable he and Monica are.
The Philadelphia Story - again, Cary Grant is lovely. Also, Katherine Hepburn is incredible and I love her.
Rocky 1-4 (haven’t gotten hold of 5 yet) - oh, yes, yes, yes. These movies. I love love love these movies. Rocky and Adrian are the couple.
Cocktail - this one wasn’t bad, considering I hate Tom Cruise. I’d watch it again.
Anastasia - I’ve been wanting to watch this one for a while, and it was awesome. I love Meg Ryan so much.
Rebel Without a Cause - this is such a great teen movie. I was surprised about how much I related to it. Also, as if everyone didn’t already know, James Dean is gorgeous.
Thelma & Louise - what a beautiful story about friendship and badass ladies. This is exactly my shit. Yes.
Steel Magnolias - this was such a lovely, sad movie. Oh, I love it.
The Wedding Planner - this one set me on a JLo kick, because this was such an adorable movie. Her and McConaughey were adorable.
Maid in Manhattan - ah, JLo, you did it again. I loved this one so much. Loved it.
Save the Last Dance - I hadn’t heard of this one, but I saw Julia Stiles and immediately clicked. That was the right choice. This movie was so cute, oh, I loved it.
All the President’s Men - me geeking out over journalism, politics, and history for two hours? Yes please. Also Robert Redford is gorgeous and I never found him that attractive before.
Terms of Endearment - oh, break my goddamn heart why don’t you. Fuck, this was so heartbreaking. I loved it.
Taxi Driver - a garbage movie for garbage people. Imagine if Fight Club just like, wasn’t a good movie. That was the vibe of this one. God, don’t waste your time.
Singin’ in the Rain - what a lovely, fun movie. All three main characters were great, the songs were awesome, the relationships were fun, what more can I say? Oh yeah, Gene Kelly? Damn.
His Girl Friday - overall an okay movie, but it was pretty funny, and Cary Grant. Dear god, I love me some Cary Grant.
Good Will Hunting - oh, fuck me, this movie. How dare you make me feel such things, Matt Damon. What an incredible movie. It made me, a person who hates Ben Affleck, not hate Ben Affleck for two whole hours. It made me cry, of course. Robin Williams, dammit. Wow. And Matt fucking Damon was so brilliant, and so was Minnie Driver, and they were so good together, and I could gush about this movie for days.
Set it Up - as of now, I’ve watched this movie, oh, nine thousand times?? How perfect is this movie? All of the actors are great, and I’d watch two hours of just Charlie looking at Harper. Ugh. The way he looks at her gets me every time.
The Old Guard - I’m not usually a fan of action movies but this one was so good !! I loved the plot and just the idea in general, and all of the characters were so awesome. It was a really great movie.
Tombstone - I could watch this movie every single day. Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday might be my favourite performance ever. I can quote almost this entire movie, and I don’t even like westerns.
Gladiator - I hadn’t watched this in a long time, and I knew it was good, but it was so, so, so good. Wow.
Memento - maybe my favourite movie ever. Definitely my favourite mind-fuck movie. So cool, and just. . . god, it’s such a good movie. Hats off to you, Chris Nolan.
The Usual Suspects - this is one of my favourite movies of all time. Everyone is so good in it and that ending is incredible. I could gush about this movie forever. Dean Keaton deserved better.
This is the End - such a funny movie, wow. Anything with Seth Rogen and James Franco is good. Jay Baruchel, wow. I adore Jay Baruchel.
You’ve Got Mail - in my books, the best romantic movie ever. I watch this shit constantly. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are so adorable together. Add in Dave Chappelle, and it’s perfect.
Unbreakable, Split, and Glass - M. Night Shyamalan is always good and I’ll fight anyone on that. These three expecially. He’s the absolute master.
Back to the Future 1-3 - if I’m being honest, they’re not the greatest movies, but fuck, aren’t they, though? They’re cheesy as hell, but absolutely iconic and I still love the hell out of them.
The Neverending Story - this is the weirdest goddamn movie I’ve ever seen but the nostalgia hit me harddd. This movie was my whole childhood and even though it’s absolutely disturbing, it’s still great.
Talk to me about any of these!! I’m desperate to rant about my favourite movies and tv shows, and if you are too, feel free to reply to this post or message me privately! I’m always ready to talk and gush about things I love.
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
Not The Point | pt. 2
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Genre: angst (Med Student!Seokmin x Secret Agent!Reader)
Words: 1.4k+
Warnings: blood, death, hospital, medical stuff 
Synopsis: You were glad your best friend was a med student. It really came in handy in your line of work.
A/N: I absolutely love the first part of this (which was originally meant to be a oneshot but eh) and I really wanted to write a part 2 so after a lot of thinking...I bring you part 2! Let me know what you guys think of this little two-parter
pt. 1 | pt. 2
You woke up the next morning in your own bed. You weren’t quite sure how you got there, most of your night being quite hazy to you. You winched as you tried to sit up. Ah yes...you got injured. You were sure you were at Seokmin’s house though. When did you...
Your phone vibrated on your bedside table. You didn’t even need to check who it was before answering. 
“Hello?” you tried to clear your throat of your raspiness
“How’s your side?” 
“It’s alright, Minnie,” you groaned as you got out of bed, “Still hurts but not the worst injury I’ve gotten.” 
He only hummed in response. You glanced at the clock on your bedside table.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in class right now?” you asked
“The professor’s running late,” he sighed, “We might not have that class at all today.”
“Oooo lucky you~” you giggled
“Yeah I guess so,” he chuckled, “Just means more studying really.”
“I guess so Mr. Perfect GPA,” you teased, “You have work later?”
Seokmin worked as a nurse in the emergency room of the local hospital while he was studying to be a doctor. He usually worked nights after classes. Even though he was always exhausted, the money was good and helped get him through college without having to get a loan. 
“Yeah, night shift again,” he groaned, “Hopefully it’ll go by quickly.”
“My fingers are crossed for ya, buddy.”
Seokmin felt a little disheartened at your use of the nickname buddy. It felt too friendly. Like you don’t remember kissing him the night before. 
You ended the call after Seokmin reminded you how to take care of your side as if you hadn’t listened to him the thousand other times he had told you how to take care of your wounds. You walked, more like waddled, to your bathroom to shower. You mentally cursed yourself for not being more careful because it was a real bitch to shower with a huge gash in your side. Your usual 15 minute shower took an hour and you were in pain. A lot of pain. You popped some pain medicine in your mouth before leaving your house. 
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You walked around the college campus, just enjoying the scenery. If you were as dedicated as Seokmin, you could be going to school here too but school was never really your cup of tea. You were more a “learn by doing” type of person. You smiled when you spied a familiar figure sitting in the shade of a tree. You had a little pep in your step as you walked over to him.
“Hey Minnie.”
He looked up from his textbook, a slight surprised expression on his face. 
“You should be at home resting, Y/N,” he scolded
“Eh, its too boring there,” you groaned a bit as you sat down beside him. 
He glanced at your side before going to lock eyes with you. He looked so heartbroken. 
“I’m fine Min,” you assured him
“You better be,” he grumbled before returning his focus to his textbook
There was a comfortable silence between you two. The campus was bustling so it wasn’t completely quiet but it was peaceful. You felt at ease. 
“I feel like there’s something we need to talk about.”
You looked over at Seokmin, his focus no longer on the textbook in his lap but on you. He looked nervous.
“What’s up?”
“Are we just going to ignore what happened last night?” he asked quietly
“What do you mean?” 
You tried to remember anything of major significance from last night but you don’t remember much after arriving to Seokmin’s place. 
“The...the kiss.” 
“Wait- we kissed?” your eyes went wide
“You don’t remember?”
“Last night is a bit of a..haze for me.”
“Well...that makes sense since you were injured and everything...” 
A silence fell over you two again. Except it wasn’t as comforting as before. 
“I thought maybe you had just wanted to forget about it. That you didn’t feel the same way.”
“No Seokmin! I actually...” you bit your lip, “I actually do feel the same way.”
His face immediately brightened, his iconic smile spreading onto his face. His excitement overtook him and he cupped your cheeks, his lips pressing against yours. You let out a small squeak at the sudden kiss but soon melted into the feeling. You leaned into his touch but winced when you felt your side ache. Seokmin immediately pulled away, his face full of worry. 
“Oh my gosh, are you alright?” Seokmin checked over your side
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” you giggled at his concern, “Just moved weird.” 
“Well, at least now I can properly nag you to take care of yourself.”
“Oh, now you can? You always do that, regardless of our relationship!”
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You downed some more pain medicine as you finished packing your backpack. It was night now, the dark settling over everything. You were dressed in all black and your hair was hidden under a hat. You slung your backpack over your shoulder right as your phone began to ring. Your regular phone, that is. You held your breath as you stared at the name on the screen. You hesitantly answered it.
“Hey Y/N,” he singsonged, “How’re you feeling? What’re you up to tonight?”
“Oh, I-I’m alright. I’m just...ya know...about to head out for a bit.” 
“Where are you headed this late?” 
You were silent. You were skilled in lying and making up excuses but you couldn’t lie to him, not Seokmin.
“Y/N, where are you going?” 
“Are you seriously about to go on a mission?” he almost yelled, “You’re not at all healed up Y/N! You could make your injury worse or even get more injured!” 
“I don’t really have a choice here Seokmin! This is the life I chose and I have to finished what I started!” 
You hung up the phone without hearing what he had to say. You could feel the tears brimming in your eyes but you pushed them aside and left your house.  
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Seokmin looked at the clock. 2:19 am. He still hadn’t heard from you and he was starting to get worried. He desperately wanted to call you but didn’t in case the sound of your phone going off got you into trouble. He kept his phone in the pocket of his scrubs in case you called. 
He heard the incoming sounds of an ambulance, which was a normal occurrence in the ER. But this time was a big emergency. Seokmin’s name was loudly called out as a gurney came flying through the the doors. He rushed over to the person to assess the situation. He wasn’t even that close but he could clearly see large amounts of blood. One of the EMTs started going over what they knew so far.
“They were found outside a hotel in the downtown area with a gunshot wound to the shoulder. Bullet is still lodged in the body. There’s also multiple lacerations to the body, including a large one that’s been sutured on the side of the body but it has been reopened.” 
Seokmin went into a full panic. It was you. He just knew it was you. The gurney was pulled into a trauma room and the nurses went to work. Seokmin was shaking as he approached the bed. You were laying there only partly conscious. You were clearly in pain and your breathing was labored. Your eyes tried to opened, only staying open for a brief second. 
“Y/N, Y/N, come on. I need you to open your eyes.” 
Your eyes fluttered open and closed, your eyelids too heavy for you. 
“Minnie...” you breathed
“Shhh it’s ok. You’re going to be fine. I’ll take care of you, hm?” 
His own voice was giving away how he wasn’t sure about that. You were in a very bad condition. but he was going to keep you alive. He wasn’t going to let you leave him. He grabbed some gauze and pressed down on the bullet wound on your shoulder. You let out a cry, the pain becoming too much for you to bear. 
“They’re crashing!” 
Your body went limp under Seokmin’s hands. One of the nurses began CPR while another got the defibrillator. Seokmin stepped back, his heart sinking as he watched the nurses try to bring you back to life but with little success. He looked down at his hands, now covered with your blood. Tears streamed down his face, the sound of the heart monitor flatlining ringing in his ears. 
“Time of death, 2:37 am.” 
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HP headcannon
TW: A shit load of reading. tears, and feels, lots of them. Also this was inspired by the sentence in bold which I was going to use in my standardized test writing section. And this makes no sense chronologically (im adhd af alright.) 
Voting is important because if there was a vote then Sirius Black wouldn’t have spent 12 worthless years in Azkaban and harry wouldn’t have been raised in an abusive household rather with wolfstar dadfoot and mommy.
Harry would’ve known all about the marauders and by the time he enters Hogwarts he knows all the secret passages and where to find the map. He also knows where to hide from Filtch, prefects doing their rounds and teachers. Harry has long since been an animagus. He would’ve entered knowing all about his parents (siriusly all about them, good and the bad.) he would have entered being a pranking god and reusing some of his dads old tricks. Every time Harry  pranks he gets a howler from Sirius about how proud he in which sirius proceeds to flirt w Dumbledore, gossip w Minnie, tell Draco to tell his dad that he’s a bitch, also tell Draco that if he doesn’t stay over for christmas he will have to listen to Sirius sending a howler everyday of him singing, and then Sirius going on to roast tf outta snivellus and properly cuss him out (he also adds in some hair flips and talks ab how supperior he is.) Harry 100% would call minerva Minnie and Minnie would be like a grandma who visited a l l t h e t I m e. He would be a flying god by the time he enters Hogwarts and is immediately on the team (Sirius likes to credit himself but we all know it was Minnies excellent coaching.) In first year when he has to get the sorcerers stone he roasts tf outta voldy “I thought a bitch who couldn’t kill a fucking baby said sum,” “no literally mate you coulda just thrown me out the window but noooo,” “don’t talk to me till you get a nose you fuckin wanker.” Harry would’ve flirted with Dumbledore to get out of detentions. Harry would’ve grown up hearing stories about Regulas and about Sirius’s family and how he was brought up. Instead of shutting down Malfoy he would’ve frickin adopted him and they would be bffs; as close as Sirius and James. Malfoy would 100% join in on pranks and plan some of them but he would never get caught. Harry hating Lockhart and cONSTANTLY pranking him (almost as much as he pranks snivey) Harry constantly reminding him of how his uncles repeatedly outranked him for the hottest wizard award. When Harry is sorted he would’ve been a MAJOR hat stall because the hat would really push for him to be in his true house *cough cough slytherin* but harry doesn’t want to leave Malfoy, he also doesn’t want to leave Minnie nor does he want to leave his parents house (and uncles) and most of all, he doesn’t want ANYTHING to do with Snape. Instead he meets Ron and Mione in the house and introduces them to Draco, at first Draco really doesn’t like them but once he starts to know them he questions his families teaching (silently of course) and decides he doesn’t want to be like them. Harry being bffs with Nott, Zabini and Pansy (they were all actually crucial in the taking down of the dark lord. When Harry hangs out with them it's just all sass and sarcasm and dark jokes (the number of people they have SCARRED). Draco and Mione being the only responsible ones and help them study all the time. Draco and Harry never sitting separately and if they do they always find some other way to communicate. Draco and Harry sitting at each others house tables ALL THE TIME and it really pisses Snape off (that may or may not be why they do it.) Draco hating Snape with a passion and yelling at him whenever he’s mean to Mione. All four of them having nicknames for each other. Draco and Mione came up w a playbook together with long elaborate shit like “initiate Page 387 paragraph 4 up section 3 clause 12.” Draco and Mione tying for first every year. God help everyone when they start to compare owls. TH E S L E E P O V E R S. All of them spending so much time in the kitchens. Draco is soooo nice to house elves because of that and actually co-founds S.P.E.W. Draco and his Slytherin friends sleeping in the Gryffindor common rooms because the password is too bigoted and they refuse to say it. The golden trio promptly begins to help, Mione looks for a spell to reverse it, Harry and Ron forcefully trying to remove the portrait meanwhile Neville brings snacks, blankets and says that they did a good job (Neville also being the one the Slytherins go to when they feel bad because of blood supremacy, Neville promptly reminding them that the fact that you feel bad and refuse it shows how good you truly are.) All of them are Neville defence squad and Neville supremacy 100%. They all repeatedly tell him how they would die for him. Draco hating Bellatrix for what he did to Neville. Draco and Harry immediately trade schedules to see what classes they share and swapping common room passwords. Draco is actually an heir of Slytherin but they all know its not him doing the attacks. Draco being with Harry in the chamber and trying his best to call off the basilisk while also telling Tom how he disgraces the Slytherin name. Draco being so nice to muggle-borns and creates a club where he helps them adjust to the Wizarding World (Sirius hears and promptly send sweets and howlers about how proud he is saying “I knew he was good oh you Lucius spawn you I’m so proud.”) Draco being really happy because Sirius knows that the Sacred 28 families look down upon affection so he doesn’t get told this by his parents. Sirius dotes on Draco always giving him affection because of this. The first time it happened Draco was like “what is this” and the golden trio’s heart broke, from then on they always display physical affection to him, hand holding, hugs forehead kisses, pet names you name it.) Draco also crying a lot because it’s the first time he’s had this since he was like 2 and doesn’t think he deserves it because of how his parents are. Draco threatening anyone who says shit about any of them and the four being as close as the marauders (so much so that all the teachers have flashbacks and ptsd from all the pranks.) Harry H A T I N G Snape for all the shit he did and calling him snivellus. Sirius hears and cries because he’s so fucking proud. Harry having to be held back from tackling Snape anytime he makes a lily reference. God have mercy for anyone who was unfortunate enough to be there when he saw snapes patronus because “it’s not love you nazi bitch! you fucking betrayed her and then got all but hurt you stalker esque bitch.” Remus literally keeping Sirius 100% in the loop when he is dada teacher man knows everything going on. Harry going to Hogsmade only to see Sirius “coincidentally” there. Sirius and Draco actually having a lot in common and Sirius completely loves the kid like wtf he’s Malfoy blood I have to hate him. When Voldey returns Draco beating up anyone who calls Harry a liar. Draco working as a spy for the order and doing little undetected acts of rebellion to help Harry. Instead of outright trying to be disowned Draco just uses everything to his advantage and is on the umbitch (Draco came up w the name) too spy yet again and healing anyone who had to use the fucking quill. In seventh year Draco and Neville begin to really work together and really like each other (platonically though) but god they are so FUCKING SARCASTIC WHEN THEY’RE TOGETHER. Draco teaching Occulmency and how to pretend like you're being Cruciod. Draco and Neville being actual besties. At the battle of Hogwarts Draco saving both Sirius and Remus and calls them both dad (they both teared up a LOT.) In the battle of Hogwarts Sirius shows up and fuckin runs over voldy w his motorcycle, Sirius also bringing a machine gun and going insane. Draco ends up killing nagini and his aunt. Draco also being known as a savior.
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Stray Kids Extra Member AU
Summary: Ollie notices something at a fansign that has her on edge.
A/N: So this is going to be a multi part episode. How many parts? I don’t know. We’ll see, won’t we.  It also won’t be consecutive posts (if that makes any sense). Also, I apologize, if Chan comes off a bit weird or mean, it’s just to add to the story. He’s one of my biases, trust me, I wouldn’t do him wrong.  
Requests are open! Feedback is welcomed.
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“It was so nice meeting you!” Ollie waved at the fan that she had just talked to, and watched her move on over to Minho. Stray Kids were at a fansign and a lot of Stays had come out to see them despite the weather. 
Ollie loved fansigns. She loved any chance that she’d get to interact with them. She was also a big fan of all of the fun and weird gifts that Stays would give them, and the chaos that ensues when Stray Kids are basically left to their own devices on stage.
Ollie had just finished up with the last fan and began to play around with her fansite. She was gifted a police hat and a gun that shot bubbles (To say she was excited was an understatement). She winked at the camera then turned to face Minho, and aimed. The bubbles were shot, but Minho was ready, and dodged with ease. He continued to talk to the fan as if nothing happened. 
She tried again, but this time, before Ollie could pull the trigger, Minho covered it with his finger (Once again, not looking at the Ollie). 
“You’re no fun,” Ollie pouted. She turned back to her fansite and she could see them laughing.
“It’s alright Ollie,” she heard one girl yell.
“No, he’s a bully,” Ollie covered her eyes, pretending to cry. The fans laughed.
The fan with Minho moved on and he turned to Ollie, “Noona, stop being such a baby.”
Ollie glared at him out of the corner of her eye, grabbed her gun, and pulled the trigger. She kept her finger on it, and let the bubbles flow out in a constant flow. 
Minho was not impressed. He stood up, grabbed her and hoisted her onto his shoulder (She mentally thanked God that she chose to wear jeans today). 
“Yah! Put me down.” Ollie had tried to sound serious, but all she could do was giggle as he walked her over to the front of the stage and spun around. “I swear to God, if you drop me.”
Minho just laughed and continued a bit more then placed her down on her feet. He watched as she struggled to stand up right, then tip to the side. He grabbed her by the waist and eased her on the ground.
Once Ollie’s vision was better, she realized she was right in front of her fansite. She smiled big and waved. She yanked Minho down and forced him to do hearts with her. He obliged, though with some complaining. 
When Minho got bored, he just latched himself onto Ollie, pulling her into his lap (of course the fans screamed). Ollie smiled and patted his head.
While sitting there, Ollie noticed a girl standing to the side, glaring at them, or maybe glaring at her? She wore a black cap and matching hoodie. She had no banners or cameras, and just seemed to be standing there. Watching. 
Ollie tried to remember if she came to get something signed, but she couldn’t remember signing anything for her. Though that was probably because she skipped right over Ollie and went to Minho. She hadn’t thought twice about that, seeing as there were many fans that did that. She could just be one of those fans who just didn’t like Ollie. 
“Noona, are you okay?” Minho asked Ollie. She snapped her attention to him and realized that she had zoned out.
“Uh, yeah. I’m fine,” Ollie answered, trying to shake the glare from the girl.
“Are you sure?” Minho asked, tightening his grip on Ollie, “Are you not feeling well?”
Ollie smiled, looking up at him, “I’m fine, Minnie.” He scrunched his nose at the name and Ollie laughed. 
She faced the fans again and could feel the girl’s eyes on her, still. Ollie had never felt something like this before, it was a weird feeling. 
“Minho, that girl over there,” Ollie subtly motioned with her chin (Minho, bless his heart, understood and looked over discreetly), “Do you remember signing something for her?”
“She didn’t talk much, but I signed an album for her and she gave me a letter. I haven’t read it yet, but she told me to read it back at the dorm. Why?” He could sense that Ollie was a bit on edge and nuzzled his head into her neck (More screaming. More glaring.).
“I don’t know. I’m just getting an off feeling from her. Like, I don’t want to be mean to our fans, but,” Ollie paused looking for words, “I don’t know. She’s just off.” She shrugged and smiled at some cameras.
“She’s glaring a lot,” Minho observed. Ollie nodded her head, just as Chan came and sat next to them.
“What’s up, guys?” the Australian asked, smiling at the pair.
“Channie, that girl in the cap over by the side,” Minho waited for Chan to look over.
“Who?” Ollie and Minho both looked over and saw that the girl had left. 
“She was just there.” Ollie quickly scanned the room, but couldn’t find her.
“What are you guys talking about?” Chan arched a brow at them.
“There was a girl here, just a few seconds ago that was, I don’t know,” Ollie trailed off.
“She gave Noona a weird vibe,” Minho finished, and Ollie cringed at how bad that sounded.
“What do you mean?” Chan asked.
Ollie shrugged, “I don’t know. Kinda sketchy, I guess.”
Chan was quiet for a moment then looked at where the the two had been looking at earlier, “Well, we’re definitely going to come across some people that we don’t feel comfortable with, but that doesn’t mean we should be weirded out by them, or make a big deal out of it.”
Ollie bit her lip, “I know, but still, she-” 
“She’s gone, right? So let’s just drop it and move on. They’re still our fans. They’re still Stays,” Chan cut her off, nicely, but Ollie still felt weird that he did.
“Hyung, the girl was glaring daggers at Noona,” Minho tried. 
“That’s enough,” Chan said, a bit more serious, “Let’s get ready to say thank you to Stays.” The leader got up and walked over to the others. 
Ollie stayed seated for a few more seconds, “Maybe he’s right, and I’m just being dramatic.”
“No. I don’t like how she was looking at you. She definitely felt off. Chan’s just tired from today’s schedules. We’ll try to talk to him again later, but for now, let’s just say thanks.” Minho helped Ollie stand up and the two walked over to the rest of the boys. 
Ollie took one last look at where the girl was, but sensed someone looking at her by the entrance of the venue. Looking over she saw the girl. Once she made eye contact with Ollie, the girl turned and left.
Ollie’s Masterlist
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