#I’m not answering anymore asks
jewishbarbies · 1 year
Men can be and often are victims...
That doesn't change the fact that Amber was abused by him . It could be mutual or more accurately it could be true that he was retaliating after her abuse but it could also be her relatiliation after HIS abuse . She won in the UK court for a reason.
So why are ao many people so proudly on the witch hunt ? Does calling her evil make people feel better about themselves
y’all are still on this? there’s no such thing as mutual abuse. someone started it and the other defended themselves. the UK case is bullshit because it was literally (1) person deciding, whereas here we have a full jury and each party gets to fairly represent their sides with as impartial people as possible. the UK’s system is really fucking stupid imo.
“men can be and often are victims” and “it could be true that he’s retaliating” explain it all already. you don’t even need to ask this. everyone here has already been through this conversation a million fucking times. if you disagree, fine, but it’s not my job to convince you who the abuser was. it’s the court’s job and that already happened.
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lizaisdrawing · 1 month
I accidentally deleted an ask I had plan to answer 😭 so I’ll paraphrase it
“Where does Wallaces inspiration for Welcome Home come from?”
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Wallace inspiration for welcome home came from a variety of things. I guess you could say it started in the beginning when he first got into art. He just loved taking objects, insects and people and creating his own little spin on them. During his college years (he was studying to be a teacher) while working in a daycare facility, it really helped him understand what children took a liking too, as well as few things they could learn lol which made him start contemplating about creating a show. He already had concept material based on his past works.
But ofc he didn’t do it all alone,It really helped that kids loved sitting around Wallace and create short stories with eachother that helped inspire some eps :) as well as his friends getting into silly shenanigans and the support of his grandparents. Last but not least, we can’t forget that whenever Wallace has some new inspiration for eps ideas, he calls up Sylvia! I shared a lil more info than required lol
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pixlokita · 7 months
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Aight 😔
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I'm experiencing the worst nasal congestion of my life as I'm typing this so I'm begging for a villain pampering a sick hero, make it fluffy pls 🙏 (only if you want to write this ofc)
“Shirt off,” the villain ordered and the hero �� despite protesting — took it off. “Fine. Swallow this.”
The villain gave them the painkillers and a glass of water. Unfortunately for them, the villain needed the hero alive. They were working together but the hero had gotten sick.
And they hadn’t stitched their wounds yet.
“Good. Lie down on your stomach.” The hero rolled with their eyes and sighed, annoyed beyond compare, yet they followed the order.
“I’m fine, you know,” the hero said but the cold had changed their voice and the wound had been looking quite nasty for two days now.
The villain didn’t answer, instead they sat down on the hero’s lower back and pulled the thread through the needle’s head. The hero wanted to turn around to look at them but the villain pushed their head back into the pillows.
“Do you have to sit on my ass?” The villain’s fingers brushed the swollen flesh around the hero’s wound, making the other hiss in pain.
“You can’t keep fighting when you’re injured,” the villain said. “I need you alive for the mission.”
“Because I have all the information?”
The villain didn’t answer. Their fingers were still in the hero’s hair, right where they had pushed them into the pillows. Before they took the alcohol from the nightstand, they let their fingers slide down the hero’s neck.
“You know, people die when they’re sick and working out.”
“It’s a mission,” the hero reminded them. “I can’t afford to get sick.”
“Incompetent behaviour.”
“Rude caretaker,” the hero answered. The villain cleaned the needle and the wound.
This time, the hero’s reaction was something close to a cuss-shriek and the villain felt a little bad for cleaning the wound without a warning.
“Easy…” Once again, their hand went through the hero’s hair and they were more than glad that the hero’s face was buried in the bed. “I need to stitch this and then you can sleep for as long as you please.”
The hero was ready to sacrifice everything, especially themselves and the villain wasn’t satisfied with that decision.
No one matched them in battle like the hero.
No one laughed at their jokes like the hero.
And no one looked at them like the hero.
“Relax, you’re being dramatic,” the villain said, rubbing their hand over the hero’s shoulder. “I’ll be quick.”
“Fine,” the hero mumbled into the pillows. “Can I put my hand on your thigh?”
“Yes.” The villain knew they were blushing. “Squeeze if you have to.”
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new-revenant · 4 months
Do you guys remember that one DP x DC au me and some anons made about Danny being stuck possessing a stuffed bunny doll? Damian was carrying him around nd Tim was super suspicious of him. Idk, it was cute and I might go back to it.
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sun-lit-goth · 9 months
Time to greet old friends at the workplace
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spittyfishy · 22 days
1A with mondo and ishimaru?
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They deserve all the great big hugs!
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would you like a box? no? too bad *chucks a box at your face*
*very gracefully catches it*
jokes on you because I actually do want a box, so thank you so very much for this gift :D
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hiyyihrts · 5 months
I kinda feel like the Ross & Rachel comparison is waaaay off. Colin & Pen are not in an established romantic relationship. They are just friends. I feel like people are focusing way too much on the act itself and not in the grander scheme of things as to why this makes sense for Colin as a character.
Lord Debling is titled with his own money. Penelope is a third daughter who’s been considered a wallflower. Debling is a HUGE upgrade for her. Probably a better match then either Colin or Pen thought possible.
Colin is a third son with no title and so little to offer in comparison. I don’t think he goes off bc he’s sad & desperate. I think he genuinely struggling with being enough and if what he can offer her is worth ruining such a good match for her.
The fact is we know sooooo little about what happens before or after that scene that everyone is so panicked over. All I know is someone that I trust that I know has seen the show has told me that this is the best season and that they deliver on the Polin front. So I think hyper fixating on a scene that last 90 seconds is completely missing the point 
You make very valid points Ali! I think everyone does get too worked up (myself included) and it’s easy to get caught up in the hype of it all, especially when people are talking about it and panicking over it non stop 😭 I trust that even if it is only 90 seconds it’ll all work itself out like the other seasons have.
But yeah, we know so little about Debling and overall the entire specifics of the season that none of us should be freaking out as much as we are. I feel the same about people who are Debling haters when we know next to nothing about him other than he’s a vegetarian and a suitor.
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
Starting to almost wish I could just go do this fucking presentation today solely bc I’m getting mad and tired of the anxiety, how is it physically possible to be this anxious for so many days straight. There has to be a limit how long u can be on the verge of an anxiety attack like ????
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riisume · 1 month
Is there a specific reason to why you deleted your old blog?
I hate that I woke up to this ask, but I’ll answer it since so many people ask and it’s frustrating.
It was a mix of wanting to avoid groups of ppl I wasn’t friends with anymore/cut off in the community and not wanting to prune my account for minors when it dawned on me how weird/normalized part of the tumblr community’s feelings about that were despite the sfw accounts.
I just figured it’s be easier to delete my account and originally I didn’t plan on coming back to tumblr. But I missed the askbox feature.
It’s mostly the former tho cuz pruning is so easy. When people scare me in the community, I run away and probably come back later because of past trauma when I was in it. :/ But that’ll all I’ll say on that cuz that’s too personal.
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inluvwcaitvi · 15 days
Going back to one of my asks, what are your thoughts when Christian Linke, one of the creators of Arcane, stated in an interview that Caitvi would be at the center of the stories being told in S2?
ya know, at first, i was excited (i literally answered another ask kinda related to this not too long ago), but i’d honestly like to see riot writers just TRY and write smth that doesn’t somehow involve or come back to jinx.
it’s very obvious who their favorite character is and i sincerely doubt anyone else is going to get anywhere near the same respect. 🤷
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trippedandfell · 2 months
whats according to you the most realistic ways they could go about making buddie canon on the show
see, realistic is tough for me because i also didn’t expect the catalyst for bi buck to be a hurricane helicopter rescue - but if i had to choose, it’s gotta be trapped dads!
just like. assuming 4x13 was supposed to be the start of buddie canon, it makes sense to me that they’d want to use another near-death experience as a catalyst. and yeah, they’ve put them in danger individually a lot - but having them be trapped together? delicious. especially if there’s some sort of kids-in-danger aspect or one has the chance to escape but chooses to stay with the other one until help arrives… the possibilities are endless
so i think that would be at least the moment for some sort of feelings confession/realization. and then they get out of whatever experience and it’s maybe awkward for a bit because it was so heat of the moment and then they somehow end up in eddie’s kitchen for their first kiss (because where else could it possibly be?)
maybe not the most realistic, but this is also the shark-on-a-freeway show, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lvstharmony · 11 months
​beyond grateful for the people that are surrounding me in my life, just as i am grateful for the people i’ve parted ways with, for without them, i would not be the person i am today.
#i have left so many people throughout my life#and#if someone would ask me if i’d regret any choice i’ve made i would say no#i regret hurting people yet i wouldn’t change a thing if i could#without the suffering the sacrifices and the lessons i would not be the person i am today that i can finally say i’m proud of#whenever i read the question “would you want to be your friend if you’d meet yourself?” deep down my answer was no#i was a good friend and i always tried my best to be there for everyone#but i was so blinded and overwhelmed by my pain that i tried so hard not to project on others that it was exactly the thing i’ve done#i was extremely caring sensitive loving and selfless but my ”bad“ traits were just as extreme#my emotions were so overwhelming that they were scattered all over the place that it didn’t allow me to have any control over them#i used to be so terrified of being alone. all i’ve felt was a great loneliness that was residing within me#until i’ve gathered the strength to leave an entire friendgroup with people that meant the world for me#they weren’t good for me anymore just as i wasn’t for them#since that day i’ve grown a lot i became a better and healthier version of myself#i learned how to be alone and to find the peace in it and in myself#all i’ve had was Allah swt. and He is all i will ever need.#without the hardships in terms of friendship i wouldn’t have been able to learn how to be alone and love and enjoy it#without it i could not say that i could easily give up the people in my life#i could if i had to bc i have Allah swt.#but i’ve learned how to choose and to choose the right people#i don’t need you and never will but i choose you bc i want you in my life and i think that makes it so much more special#i can finally say that i love the person i am today and can’t wait to see myself grow even more as the cycle of growing is never ending#I still have so much to learn and I will let it come to me with open arms#an open mind and an open heart#above all the most precious gift i’ve earned is to learn how to have tawakkul.#everything that happens every trial that is afflicted upon us has meaning#and it’s beautiful.#being able to pick out the khair in everything is the biggest blessing#alhamdulillah for the things that bruised my soul alhamdulillah for the things that mended it#alhamdulillah for everything bc truly; Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.
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teecupangel · 2 years
I resent the "Only Petruccio left" remark! Because no. Not just him :> We still have a: Desmond lands into the past and meets younger Giovanni and Maria. Maybe when Federico is still a kid? And it's both Giovanni and Maria setting out to get Desmond (who is having a Crisis)
Alright, you got me there. Let’s give Desmond a DILF an MILF package in one.
In a modern-day setting:
Desmond is the babysitter. Maybe he’s doing this as a part-time gig whenever he doesn’t have a shift in Bad Weather. Maybe he’s a working college student who does this and dogwalking (it would be funny if he’s the dogwalker for Rodrigo Borgia and Giovanni, Cesare, Lucrezia, Gioffre are all his super high-maintenance dogs). Either way, Federico and Ezio are super young and he babysits them whenever Giovanni and Maria have a datenight.
Ezio is an adorable little boy who definitely has said ‘When I grow up, Imma marry you, Desmond!” at least twice. Federico is the little troublemaker who gets Ezio into trouble.
They both love having Desmond over.
Desmond ends up sleeping with both of them after they returned from their date night and the kids are in bed. They got Desmond to stay the night because they returned super late, and suggested they have (decaf) coffee or tea first before they get some sleep. Ends up waking in the middle of an Auditore cuddle.
Desmond has no idea how the fuck he ended up sleeping with them but he ain’t complaining.
It happened again.
And again.
At some point, Desmond realizes his clothes are all in the Auditore home and he goes there after his shift in Bad Weather. (he has a key by this point)
Ends up sleeping with Giovanni and Maria once more and…
A few weeks later, Desmond is just living in the house.
The kids are absolutely happy, of course, and Desmond starts more or less coparenting them as well as helping out in the house.
To those who don’t know the Auditores well, Desmond is the inhouse nanny.
To anyone who knows them, he’s definitely the Auditore couple’s lover and, if you want Giovanni or Maria Auditore on your side, you have a better chance if you get Desmond in your corner.
When Claudia was born, no one is sure who the actual father is and no one cares.
……… Giovanni definitely had dealings with William Miles. Bill does not approve of his son’s choices but no one cares what he thinks anyway.
Canon Setting:
Maria would be the one to notice Desmond first. Not because he was being sneaky or anything. No. He just… has a pretty face.
This is the woman who saw Leonardo da Vinci’s talent and became a repeat customer. She has a good eye for pretty things and Desmond is an absolute find.
Desmond also has no resistance for Maria and he just assumes she wants to talk.
She brings him to Giovanni and, before Desmond understands that he had been led to a very pleasurable delicious trap, he’s already waking up in Giovanni and Maria’s bed with marks all over his body.
What the fuck.
Still reeling from that mindblowing night he had, he bumps into Federico and Ezio playing.
Seeing baby Ezio grinning (with missing tooth) at him and asking him to play with them?
The next time Maria sees him, he’s playing with her children.
He stays for dinner and ends up in their marital bed. Again.
He tries to leave.
Ezio and Federico begs him to play with them once more.
He stays and gets fucked again.
It repeats so many times that the servants just assumes he’s staying regardless and Desmond just… stays.
At some point, there will probably be a serious talk between the three and there’s going to be a bit of conflict because Desmond does have the habits and skills of an Assassin.
But, for now?
Desmond is just living his life as the Auditore couple’s mysterious lover and their children’s favorite playmate.
Strangely enough… Petruccio doesn’t have a weak body in this verse. Huh. Curious…
Whatever setting you choose:
Maria is the top-est of the three with Desmond being the bottom-est.
There’s pegging involved and praise kinks for everyone.
Body worship for Desmond.
Both Desmond and Giovanni get lots of ‘good boy’ and ‘my precious boys’ from Maria.
Maria and Giovanni also like to tease and spoil Desmond until he’s all loose limbs and head empty.
The Auditore children grew up calling Desmond ‘papa’.
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mildmayfoxe · 1 month
What is one thing you’d recommend to like, anyone. Either because you feel like its appeal is p universal or because of ur own enthusiasm? For me it’s: looking at animals, drinking mint tea, using those octopus wire head massager things
oh man great examples!! def GOTTA be reading a book outside on a sunny day with a beautiful little drink whether it be coffee or tea or a stunning glass of wine or cocktail! also going fast down the highway with your windows open blasting music & singing along at the top of your lungs! taking a walk in the middle of the night around your neighborhood in the summer and trying to get lost on purpose! getting yourself a little pastry! pretending you’re in a music video! making a really nice grilled cheese!! the list goes on!
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