#I’m not equipped to handle the heat
spoofyleaf · 11 months
The warmest it’s gonna be this week is 55 f, and I for one am not complaining
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betterthanbatman1 · 3 months
Someone tell me how to combat fatigue?? Like I’ve read before that you should drink water or do regular exercise like bitch I would if I could actually move
6 notes · View notes
vnti-vntiety-recs · 17 days
Team Spirit! (M)
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★ PAIRING: Jaemin x cheerleader! Reader
☆ WORD COUNT: 8.5k
★ GENRE(S): smut, fluff, pwp
☆ SUMMARY: Clingy boyfriend Jaemin joins the cheer team to get closer to his girlfriend. You aren’t happy because you know he only joined to fuck you. He swears he didn't join for that reason (he did)
★ ☆ WARNINGS: unprotected sex, degradation, light slapping, swearing, rough sex
☆★ NOTES: I have been obsessed with cheerleader Jaemin since this tweet. I was a cheerleader like once in elementary school, so I winged it. Enjoy!
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“We need to hurry, or Coach is going to kill me!” you protest, glancing nervously down the long, dimly lit corridor as Jaemin drags you along. The empty hallways of the gymnasium echo with the sound of your footsteps.
“Don’t rush me; I barely get to see you anymore,” Jaemin murmurs, glancing back at you with a playful smile. He halts in front of a sturdy supply closet, testing the handle with hopeful fingers, but it creaks in protest, remaining locked. After a few moments of searching, you finally discover a door that opens, revealing a small, cluttered room filled with unused equipment and old cheerleading mats.
You’d been in the midst of cheer practice when Jaemin had appeared, smoothie in hand and a teasing glint in his eye as he claimed he was there for “encouragement.” You knew better; he was just finding an excuse to steal a few moments with you. He was undeniably a clingy boyfriend, but you didn’t mind at all. You didn’t mind as long as it wasn’t competition season. As cheer captain, you had to dedicate extra hours to perfect your routines, which meant you hadn’t spent as much time with Jaemin as he would’ve liked.
Without warning, he pushes you into the room and pins your back against the door, leaning in for a passionate kiss with a hunger that sends a thrill down your spine. You can feel warmth radiating from his body as he presses against you, his hands exploring your body. Soon his rough hands grip your bare thighs, the spandex shorts you wore to practice, leaving little to the imagination.
You instinctively wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer, your heart racing in sync with the urgency of his touch. You love it when he gets like this—intensity clouding his usual calm demeanor. There’s an animalistic need in his hands and lips, and as you kiss him back with equal fervor, you can’t help but feel exhilarated by the moment. Lately, it seemed as if he was overflowing with desire, as if not tasting you would be the death of him. The heat in the room, the thrill of being hidden away, and the intoxicating electricity between you made it clear how much you both craved these stolen moments together.
You reluctantly pull away from Jaemin’s lips, trying to catch your breath. “Jaem, I have to go back,” you manage to say, but he responds swiftly, reconnecting your lips before you can finish.
“I’m serious,” you protest, trying to pull back again, but he isn’t having it. “your not listening”. You mumble against his lips.
He buries his face in your neck and presses his hips into yours, causing an intoxication friction. You whine out, resolve fading quickly. “You don’t understand,” you groan, but even you can hear the lack of conviction in your voice. It’s hard to think straight when he’s like this, his presence overwhelming, holding you captive in a whirlwind of feeling.
“Just a little bit longer, please,” he begs, his voice low and pleading as his hands grip your hips, trying to pull you impossibly closer. "Fuck,” he moans into your skin as he dry-humps you like a dog in heat.
“Alright, that’s enough,” you say firmly, pulling his head back by his hair. “Down. Now,” you command.
As much as you would love to stay here with Jaemin, the thought of facing whatever cruel and unusual punishment your coach would devise for you if you were late back from break for the third time this week sends a shiver down your spine.
You catch a glimpse of disappointment flickering in his eyes as he reluctantly pulls away, breaking the spell between you. “I’ll make it up to you later, I promise,” you say, your voice hopefull.
He gives you a soft nod, a hint of a smile returning to his lips as he helps you smooth your hair and adjusts your outfit. You both exit the room, the atmosphere still crackling with unresolved tension.
You hurry back down the hallway, your heart racing, and manage to slip into the practice room just seconds before your coach bursts in, the door swinging open with a heavy thud behind her.
"Alright, where we left off!
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You strolled toward the gym, the warm spring weather embracing you as you wore shorts and a tank top. The sun beat down on your back, but you didn’t mind. With a refreshing swig from your sports bottle, you adjusted your cheer bag higher on your shoulder. Soon, fall would arrive, and you couldn’t help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought.
Fall was more than just a beautiful backdrop; it was your favorite season for all the excitement it brought. You loved the way the world transformed into a tapestry of warm hues, but what truly made your heart race was the arrival of competition season for cheerleading. You could already picture the adrenaline-fueled practices and the thrill of showcasing your hard work on the mat. This season felt like a fresh start, full of promise and unforgettable moments waiting to unfold.
Today was open tryouts, and with only a few spots available, the decision-making process was bound to be challenging. You knew that choosing who would make the cut could mean letting go of some promising talent. You pushed open the doors to the gym, spotting a few members already setting some practice mats up.
“Hey, Nayeon!” you called out to your co-captain, who was busy overseeing the preparations as Coach Kim stepped outside. “How many do we have to potentially show?” You set your cheer bag down with a thud.
Nayeon flipped through the clipboard in her hands, deep in thought. “Maybe five? Seven?” she replied before finally settling on a number. Then, with a slight smile, she added, “Also, you’re not going to be too happy about who shows up.”
“It doesn’t matter; we need all the help we can get,” you shrugged, determined to keep a positive outlook. Last season had been tough after losing a few teammates, and it had taken a toll on your routines. You just wanted to get things rolling again.
“Alright, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Nayeon replied, shaking her head slightly.
Once everything was set up, all you had to do was wait. Tryouts officially started at 9 a.m. The first girl walked in at 8:30 and greeted you, Nayeon, and Coach Kim as you all sat at the folding table in the center of the gym. With no one else around yet, it felt like the perfect opportunity to chat one-on-one with her. You smiled, noting her potential. There was something admirable about her drive; arriving early was a smart move if she wanted to stand out.
You put a star next to her name: Park Soo-young.
After another 30 minutes, a few more people started to filter into the gym. You were pretty satisfied with the turnout so far—there were about ten hopefuls waiting. You decided to wait an extra five minutes for anyone else who might want to join, and just as you were about to begin, the door swung open again. In walked Jaemin. You sent him a quick smile before turning back to the group, feeling a little more energized now that he was there to watch the tryouts. You adored how he supported everything you did.
Your coach began the introductions, and you glanced over at Jaemin, surprised to see him standing so close to the group. Normally, he would settle into the bleachers. You shot him a stern look, hoping to indicate he was interrupting, but he ignored you, remaining where he was and listening intently to your coach.
As everyone took turns introducing themselves—each one making an effort to impress—you couldn’t shake the feeling of annoyance nagging at you. Then, to your disbelief, Jaemin decided to introduce himself too.
He wouldn’t.
After the introductions, Coach Kim had the group do warm-ups, and you and Nayeon moved to the floor to lead them. You tried your best not to be distracted, but you couldn’t help but steal glances at Jaemin as he followed along, effortlessly keeping up with the exercises.
Once the warm-ups were complete, you and Nayeon introduced the group to a few cheers, a short dance routine, and some basic jumps. While some trainees struggled to keep pace, Jaemin seemed to pick everything up with ease. You were pleasantly surprised at how good he was; you didn’t recall him ever mentioning having a background in dance or gymnastics.
Next came the individual evaluations, allowing you more one-on-one time to interact with the trainees. You already had your favorites in mind, ready to advocate for them to join the team. At the top of your list was Soo-young, who had mentioned she preferred to be called Joy. After your conversation with her, you found yourself even more impressed. She had a great attitude and an eagerness to learn that you knew would fit perfectly with the team's dynamic.
As much as you hated to admit it, Jaemin had made it onto your list—albeit at the bottom. You weren’t sure if he was joking or if he was genuinely serious about joining the team. He had never expressed any interest in being part of it before, but you knew he wouldn’t play around with something so important to you. When your eyes met again, he shot you a confident smile.
You dismissed the floor for a break while you and Nayeon spoke with Coach Kim. As you discussed your picks, you found that most of your choices aligned.
“I really like that Jaemin kid,” Coach Kim said. “He’s got a great attitude and a solid build; we could definitely use him as a spotter.”
At the mention of his name, you bristled. If Jaemin was chosen and didn’t follow through, it would reflect poorly on you as cheer captain.
“I’m going to head to the bathroom while they’re on break,” you announced, your tone casual but your mind racing with thoughts.
Coach Kim didn’t look up from her notes, merely giving you a nod. Nayeon shot you a knowing look that confirmed she understood exactly where you were headed.
You stepped outside and quickly spotted your target. Once you were far enough from the gym door to avoid any prying ears, you let out a stern, "NA JAEMIN!"
He turned around at the sound of his name, flashing what he probably thought was his most charming "I’m innocent" smile. A mix of exasperation and disbelief washed over you as he approached, looking completely unfazed.
“Quiet,” you said, shooting him a glare that could have silenced anyone else, but only seemed to amuse him further. Jaemin leaned in slightly, his smile widening, clearly enjoying the banter despite the tension. You took a deep breath, trying to regain your composure. “We need to talk about you and this cheer team.”
“Ah,” he says, like he forgot something “I should have told you i was coming to try outs but I wanted to surprise you,” He shot you another charming smile, the kind that usually melted your frustration, but today, it only deepened your irritation.
“You know that's not what I mean,” you said, your tone turning serious. Jaemin straightened up at the look on your face. “If this is some sort of silly plan to spend more time with me, you’ll definitely find yourself in the doghouse.”
“I—” he began, momentarily at a loss for words.
You could tell he was definitely using this as a way to be closer to you. A part of you found it endearing; his eagerness to share experiences with you was cute. But cheerleading was important to you, and his joining the team simply because you were on it felt like it undermined the efforts of everyone else who worked hard to earn their spots.
“I wanted to join the team to spend more time with you,” he admitted, and you opened your mouth to scold him. But he cut you off, rushing to finish, “But! But! I’m serious about putting in the work to earn my spot. I’m not going to just up and quit, I promise. I’ve always thought your practices looked fun!”
“Jaemin, you mostly come to my practices to watch me jump around in a short skirt. Let’s not lie,” you rolled your eyes.
“Okay, that’s also true,” he conceded, “but I’m serious! Give me a shot! What do I have to do to prove it?” He begged, his eyes wide and pleading.
He was wielding the saddest puppy dog eyes you had ever seen, and though you wanted to stay angry, he knew your weaknesses all too well.
“Ughhhhhh,” you groaned, and his smile widened as he sensed victory. “Fine! I swear, Jaemin, if you slack off for even a second, I'll kick your ass—not only as your girlfriend but also as your captain.”
“Oooh, my captain? That sounds kind of hot,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.
You shot him a glare. “You think I’m playing? Okay, bet. You want to spend time with me? Fine, but no sex until after competitions.”
His face fell at your words, and you turned to head back to the gym, satisfied with your decision.
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It was officially the first day of practice, and you were determined to make your new teammates feel welcomed. As they walked in, you greeted each of them with a smile, trying to ease any nerves they might have had. With only five spots available, the selection process had been intense, and after careful consideration, you were thrilled with the choices. Joy was your flyer, with Yeji and Jisoo as the two bases, and Shotaro and Jaemin as your two spotters.
You felt grateful that Shotaro made the team; his bright personality was infectious, and you had no doubt he would lift everyone’s spirits. But you couldn’t deny the excitement bubbling in your chest at having Jaemin on the team. He wasn’t the only one missing the quality time you two used to spend together. Still, anxiety gnawed at you as well. There were so many things that could go wrong, and you wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on him every second. As captain, you needed to lead the team, not babysit. You could only hope he was taking this seriously.
Jaemin had a crucial role—if he messed up or half-heartedly approached any stunt, someone could end up getting injured. That reality weighed heavily on your mind, especially knowing he had to be responsible for both the safety of the stunt group and the flyer.
As practice began, your coach introduced the new members and then called them over to have their sizes taken for uniforms. You couldn’t help but internally squeal at the thought. Jaemin would look so cute in his uniform, and the thought made your heart flutter. You glanced over at him as he laughed with Shotaro, and you felt a surge of pride. Jaemin had a carefree demeanor and a smile that lit up the room.
“Alright, team!” you called, your voice authoritative yet encouraging. “Let’s have a great first practice! Remember, communication is key, and safety comes first. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or speak up if something doesn’t feel right.”
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“I mean, he’s keeping up, so what’s the problem?” Nayeon said, taking a bite out of her fries. You sat in the campus café, surrounded by your friends, as their voices raised in an animated debate.
Jaemin had joined the squad just a week ago, and though his intentions had been clear to everyone, he insisted they were purely to support you—his girlfriend.
“But he’s only here because his girlfriend is cheer captain,” Seungkwan argued, crossing his arms defiantly.
Seungkwan was not just your fellow teammate but also a good friend. Right now, he had his sights set on Jaemin and was pressing you hard about his place on the team.
“Kwan, come on! He’s taking practice seriously. Give him a chance!” you defended your boyfriend, feeling a surge of frustration.
“I don’t like this! He’s not even committed to the team; he’s just committed to you!” Seungkwan shot back, his tone firm.
You hated arguing with him because—let’s be honest—he often had a point. He didn't easily back down, and you respected that about him, even if it made things more complicated.
“Can we just drop it? He’s on the team now, whether you like it or not.” Nayeon rolled her eyes, trying to intervene.
“I’m just saying spotters are crucial, and Coach will not allow us to compete without everyone spotted. You know how she is about safety.” Seungkwan crossed his arms tighter, clearly not backing down.
Point for Seungkwan. You sighed, trying to compose your thoughts.
“I understand that, and I agree! But I know Jaemin. He’s capable, and he cares about this. He’s not just here for fun—he wants to prove himself.” You took a deep breath, hoping to quell the tension brewing around the table. “Besides, if there’s ever been a time where we could support each other, it’s now.
Seungkwan softened a little but still looked unconvinced. “I just want what’s best for the team. If he fails to keep up with the rest of us… it could put everyone in danger.”
“I get it,” you replied earnestly. “But I really think Jaemin is taking this seriously. He might surprise you.”
Nayeon reached out and squeezed your hand in solidarity. “Look, let’s just give him a shot. If he doesn’t work out, we can revisit this conversation later. No need to stress about it now.”
You appreciated Nayeon's attempt to lighten the mood, but Seungkwan was still shaking his head. “Fine. But if anything goes wrong during practice, I’m holding you both accountable.”
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You met up with Jaemin later that day at his dorm, and the moment you walked in, his bright smile washed over you like a warm blanket, pulling you out of the slump caused by your earlier argument with your friends.
“So, how was I today at practice?” he asked, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as he awaited any critique.
“Honestly, you were pretty great! Most of the team loves you; I think they're impressed, but—”
“But?” he prompted, his expression shifting slightly from excitement to curiosity.
“Jaemin, please promise to take this seriously.”
“I told you already, I am serious,” he replied, a hint of concern creeping into his voice.
“I know, I know. I'm just nervous,” you admitted, biting your lip.
He moved closer and pulled you into his embrace, cradling you tightly against him. He kissed the top of your head, and the warmth of his presence made your heart calm. “I know I joined on impulse, but I'm serious about this and even more serious about you. I won’t let you down,” he comforted you, his voice steady and soothing.
“Pinky?” you asked, raising your pinky finger playfully.
“Promise,” he chuckled, intertwining his pinky with yours in a solemn gesture that meant everything to you. “Alright, enough about practice. Want to watch a movie?” he asked, as he pulled out his laptop and set up his bed for optimal cuddling.
“Of course,” you replied, settling in comfortably under his sheets.
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You had to give the man some credit. You had never seen Jaemin so focused at practice. He took his role as a spotter seriously, and there hadn’t been any accidents under his watch. Jaemin and Shotaro worked seamlessly together, and you were grateful he’d formed a connection with someone else on the team. It was good to see him thriving in this way.
You thought he would struggle to keep his hands off you, but Jaemin was managing just fine. Surprisingly, it was you who found it difficult to maintain your composure. Jaemine looked so sexy during practice and now you could easily understand all the times he would drag you away to get frisky in the back rooms of the gym.
Spotters call the shot during the stunt as they have a better vision of the overall stunt compared to the flyers and bases and Jaemin was hot when he was shouting commands. By the end of practice, he’d be dripping with sweat and panting for breath, and you had to pinch yourself several times just to regain your focus.
Today was a challenge. The uniforms had come in for the newbies and you had followed Jaemin into the office to grab his size. With the locker room empty from your early arrival, you didn’t think twice about sneaking in behind him as he went to try it on.
The spandex cropped long-sleeve fit him deliciously tight, accentuating every curve of his toned body. His pecs were visible through the fabric, and the cropped design left just a sliver of his abdomen exposed—making it hard to look away. The matching bottoms clung to his thighs in a way that made you feel a pang of desire.
You needed him. Now. Your heart raced as you fought the urge to step closer, to feel the warmth of his body against yours. Every fantasy you had been nursing flared to life in an instant, and you struggled to maintain your composure, the urge to take action overwhelming.
He catches your lustful stare and shakes his head in playful disapproval. “Eyes up here, babe,” he warns, his tone light but with an undeniable edge of confidence.
You don’t even reply, still ogling him no better than a man would. “Turn around for me,” you tease.
He shoots you a smile, a mix of pride and amusement dancing in his eyes, and complies. You watch as he turns, showcasing the fitted uniform that hugs him in all the right places.
“How do I look?” he asks, glancing at himself in the mirror.
"Like I’ill have to fight someone who stares for too long," you say, and Jaemin laughs, not realizing how serious you are.
You had never imagined what Jaemin would look like in a cheer uniform before, and honestly, you were grateful. No image you had tried to conjure in your mind could ever come close to this.
“Come here, baby,” you say, your voice dripping with a sultry lilt.
“Practice starts soon; we need to start warming up,” he replies, but there’s a hint of uncertainty in his tone. You can tell the resolve isn’t truly there. Jaemin was an even nastier dog than you when it came to fulfilling his needs. As he stands there, the tension thick between you, you can practically see him weighing his options, the desire flickering in his eyes in perfect sync with your own
“They can wait. I need some one on one you” you smirk before standing up from the bench you were previously sitting on.
You close the distance between you, pushing him up against the lockers with a playful urgency. Jaemin looks down at you, a knowing smirk playing on his lips that suggests you might have just stepped right into his trap. The confidence radiating from him makes your heart race, and you can sense the shift in power; he knows he’s the one leading this dance, and you’re more than willing to follow his lead. The moment hangs between you, electric and charged.
“What about competitions? I thought you said I had to wait,” he replies. The challenge in his gaze is hard to ignore.
"Just stop talking, Jaem," you say, rolling your eyes as you lean in, capturing his lips with yours. The sensation sends a thrill through you, as you find yourselves chest to chest. He wastes no time in wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer. With a loud rattle, your back collides with the lockers, and he effortlessly lifts you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. The kiss is heavy and messy, a tantalizing rush as you both know your time is limited before someone walks in. Fortunately, you're tucked away at the back of the locker room, giving you just enough time to react before anyone sees you.
Jaemin pulls you both away from the lockers and sits down on a nearby bench. You straddle his hips, eager to close the distance between you, and you waste no time grinding against him. A low moan escapes Jaemin as he bites your bottom lip, his gaze fueled with desire as you work him through the thin material of his uniform.
You were wearing sweats that drove you wild, the thick fabric preventing you from feeling him as intimately as you desired. With a sense of urgency, you stand up to undress and as the material slips away, Jaemin practically groans at the sight of you.
“Fuck baby, I need this. I’ve been waiting,” he palms himself, gripping his length through the fabric with a hiss “It's yours,” he promises
It's like the gate holding back your desires suddenly burst open, unleashing a torrent of emotions. You settle back onto him, helping to free him from the confines of his uniform. You were already soaking wet and you cringed a little at the mess you were about to make on his uniform pants but you were too impatient to wait for him to pull them down.
You line him up and sink down, taking all of him. It was like both of you were extra sensitive to each other's touch. Hungry for more, your knees dig painfully into the wood bench as you ride him. The pure blissed-out look on his face made it all worth it. Jaemin wasn't one to moan—his voice usually carried an air of authority. He'd tell you how good you felt and how desperately he wanted you, his deep groans resonating with pleasure but today was different. It was as if he couldn’t utter a single word.
Mouth dropped open in silent moans as he gripped harshly at the skin of your waist. “Fu—” he tried to say but nothing came out.
You lean down, kissing into his open mouth, urging him to kiss you back. You lean back against his knees and grind down dangerously. Jaemin closes his eyes tight at the sensation and his hips rut up into your finally taking control. He holds you down still against him as he thrusts up inside of your tight, dripping cunt. The locker room echoing with his sloppy wet thrusts. He was losing it and you were lucky you had practice after this or he would have thrown you down against the cool floor of the gym and fucked you to tears. A hand reaches out, firm yet surprisingly gentle, gripping your throat with just the right amount of pressure. His fingers dig in softly, and you feel a rush of exhilaration as his gaze pierces through the sweat-soaked strands of his bangs.
“You fucking slut. You teasing fucking slut.” He seems to have finally found his voice: “You're gonna take this fucking dick. Feel that shit”
Too sensative, his words were driving you over the edge and you couldn't help but clench down against him violently. “Just like that baby, let me have it,” he growls.
Jaemin was usually a bit wild, but after being locked up for so long, he couldn't contain himself any longer. There was no sense of decorum as you both made a mess of his uniform and the bench beneath you.
"Do you hear me?" he demands, slapping your cheek lightly—not hard enough to sting, but enough to draw your focus back to him. “Tell me how much you love the way I fuck you”
"Jaemin, Im close,” you whine, tears threatening to spill.
“Thats not what I fucking asked you”
“I love it! Fuck, please let me cum,” you cry, trying to move your hips against him as much as you could, chasing your high.
Muffled chatter echoed from outside the locker room, the team likely filtering in to start the day. You didn’t have much time left.
“Fuck, I got you, baby. I got you,” he groans, speeding up his movements, needing you to finish before you two were caught. You can hear the muffled sounds of teammates gathering outside, their voices rising as they joke and jostle each other. The minutes tick away, each second stretching into eternity as the pressure mounts.
His hand reaches out and rubs your clit harshly before he leaves bites along your chest and neck, knowing it drives you crazy.
You fall over the edge before you know it and you cream all over him. The vice-like grip your core has on him during your orgarm pushes him to his own and he throws his head back with a sound that was a little too loud so you clamp a hand around his mouth. His eyes snap to yours and the eye contact he holds as the tremors from his orgasm wrack his body almost has you cumming again.
You sit in silence for a moment longer, gathering your thoughts, when the door to the locker room swings open and voices spill into the space. Hastily, you scramble to get dressed while Jaemin swiftly adjusts his uniform. Just as you’re putting the finishing touches on your hair, Seungkwan rounds the corner, wearing a curious expression. He studies you for a brief second, his brow furrowing slightly as he takes in the scene.
“You missed warm-ups,” he remarks, tone laced with judgment as he raises an eyebrow.
You screwed up. You would have preferred getting caught by your coach over Seungkwan. He already disapproved of Jaemin being on the team, and now here you were, caught slacking off just as he had predicted.
“I was helping Jaemin with his uniform,” you offer weakly, trying to explain.
Seungkwan's eyes shift to Jaemin, and he gives him a scrutinizing look. “Looks more like you were helping him take it off,” he retorts, rolling his eyes. “Just go change. Naeyeon led warm-ups, but Coach is looking for you.”
Fortunately, Jaemin stays silent throughout Seungkwan's reprimand; any comment from him would only make things worse. Yet, you can't miss the glare he sends Seungkwan's way, a flash of defiance in his eyes.
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Seungkwan gave you a proper talking-to after practice that day. Though you regretted nothing that happened between you and Jaemin, you both decided it was for the best to keep your distance during practice. Aside from that, things were going remarkably well. You were landing your routines with ease, and despite new members joining the team late, everyone seemed to gel effortlessly. Even Jaemin and Seungkwan appeared to be getting along better, which was a pleasant surprise.
Everything was going great until it wasn’t.
During a particularly intense practice session, the atmosphere shifted. The air crackled with tension, and you could feel the unease creeping in. It started with a minor mistake from one of the new members during a routine. Their falter caught everyone off guard, leading to an abrupt halt as Seungkwan’s voice rose with frustration. Before long, it escalated into an argument over blame and expectations, and the camaraderie built over the last few weeks began to unravel.
More and more mistakes began to occur on the mat during practice. One day, while attempting a needle, Joy lost her balance. Thankfully, her spotter reacted quickly and caught her before she hit the mat, but in the process, he twisted his ankle. Hanbin, one of your best spotters, was out of commission, and his absence left a noticeable gap in the team's dynamics.
In the wake of Hanbin's injury, Coach Kim decided to appoint Jaemin as Joy’s new spotter. At first, it seemed to restore some normalcy to the team; everyone adapted quickly to the change. However, for you, the situation felt anything but normal.
You had always prided yourself on not being the jealous type. Jaemin had a way of showering you with attention that made it hard to believe you could even possess a jealous bone in your body. Even before he became Joy's spotter, you watched him work with other girls without any feelings of insecurity. What felt different this time was the undeniable chemistry that seemed to spark between Jaemin and Joy.
Perhaps the most difficult part for you was having to avoid Jaemin throughout practice, while he shared warm smiles and easy conversations with someone else. Each laugh he exchanged with Joy felt like a reminder of what you were missing,
Joy was amazing, and you tried your best to shake off any negative feelings you had towards her. She was hard-working, kind, and honest. You trusted her, and even more so, you trusted Jaemin.
Despite the connection that seemed to be forming between him and Joy, you reminded yourself that it was rooted in teamwork and camaraderie, nothing more. You wanted to believe that Jaemin’s warmth and attention were still yours to cherish, regardless of how seamlessly he clicked with others. Yet, every time you saw him share a laugh with Joy, a small part of you struggled to silence the voices of doubt creeping into your mind.
As the captain of the cheer team, you had too much on your plate to let your thoughts linger on jealousy or insecurities. With competitions less than a month away, your focus needed to be on preparing your team, especially after the sudden loss of Hanbin. You could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on you.
You knew you had to keep morale high while also ensuring everyone was on point with their routines. Each practice was crucial, and you couldn’t afford any distractions—neither from your emotions nor from the situation with Jaemin and Joy.
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“You need to pull it together! You’re the captain, and we can’t afford for you to make silly mistakes,” your coach called out, her voice sharp and clear, echoing across the gym floor. You steeled yourself, determined not to let her words shake you.
“Yes, Coach,” you replied, your tone emotionless.
You had messed up the routine after losing your place during a tumble, causing a domino effect as others struggled to find their spots. Deep down, you wanted to argue that it was an honest mistake, but the truth was you had been distracted—distracted by Jaemin and Joy. They were off to the side during your routine, and the way she smiled at him, coupled with the soft smile he returned, made your heart clench painfully. It felt like you were trapped in a cheesy romcom where your boyfriend was the leading man, and you were just an extra in the background.
As more little mistakes crept into your performance during practices, you felt a wave of frustration wash over you. With each misstep, the weight of your responsibilities as captain grew heavier, and it made you feel inadequate. Jaemin had tried to talk to you about it to lift your spirits, but you had shut down his attempts.
Seungkwan corners you during break, and for a moment, you brace yourself for a lecture. Instead, his expression softens, and he opens his arms to you. In an instant, your resolve crumbles, and you step into his embrace. Seungkwan has been one of your best friends for a reason—he knows you better than anyone, able to read your emotions without needing to ask.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asks gently.
“It’s so stupid,” you choke out, feeling embarrassed by your own feelings. “I’m letting something so small ruin my performances.”
“Is it Jaemin?” he inquires, his tone laced with understanding.
“I guess I just miss him. I feel so childish—it’s ridiculous. I see him every day after practice, and when he shows attention to someone else, I just lose it.”
You cringe internally at the irony of it all. Not too long ago, you used to scold Jaemin for being clingy, insisting that a few hours of practice wasn’t a big deal and that he needed to learn to be patient. Now, you find yourself grappling with the very feelings you once criticized him for.
“You should talk to him about it. You know he would stop time for you if you asked,” Seungkwan adds his gentle advice. “You’re human. Everyone has feelings, and he’d want to know how you’re feeling.” Seungkwan pulls back slightly, looking you in the eye with that reassuring gaze of his.
“Fine, your right I need to get this straightened out before competitions.”
It was officially fall, and the warm hues of autumn surrounded you, calmed your nerves as you strolled through campus, inhaling the crisp, fresh air. After practice, you made your way home, steeling yourself for the conversation you planned to have with Jaemin later. A hot shower felt like the perfect remedy to ease your tension and clear your mind.
As the steam enveloped you, you reflected on how sweet Jaemin had been these past few weeks, always checking in on you and making sure you felt okay. You realized you owed it to him to be honest about your feelings and let him know what was on your mind.
You had texted Jaemin to let him know you were on the way to his dorm but you didnt get a response. You shrug it off and continue on. You knock on his door and his roommate opens the door.
“What’s up?” Jeno asks, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
“Where’s Jaemin?” you respond, equally puzzled.
“I thought he was with you. He’s still at practice,” Jeno replies, offering you an apologetic shrug.
“Thanks,” you say, your voice coming off a bit more irritably than you intended.
You turn on your heel and head back to the gym, counting backward from ten to calm your nerves. You were being irrational; he was just at practice—practicing. It’s what you should be doing too if you want to make it to the finals of the competition.
As you push open the doors to the gym, you stifle a groan at the sight before you. Jaemin and Joy are alone on the mats, and he’s spotting her as she attempts a backhandspring back tuck. When she lands it flawlessly, he cheers for her with such genuine enthusiasm.
He’s being nice. He’s being NICE.
You remind yourself of this over and over, trying to steady your racing heart and push down the flicker of jealousy rising within you.
Finally, he notices your presence and the way his face lights up eases your frustrations a little. “Baby! Shit Im sorry I didn’t notice the time. Where you waiting for me” he says before walking over to grab his things.
Finally, he notices your presence, and the way his face lights up eases your frustration a little. “Baby! Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t notice the time. Were you waiting for me?” he asks, rushing over to grab his things.
“I tried to call,” you reply flatly.
“I'm sorry, my phone was in my bag,” he says, inching closer and taking your hand in his.
Joy stands across the room and sends you a smile and a wave. “Sorry, my spotter is still out, and I really want to perfect my back handspring!”
You sigh—you could never hate her. “Your form is great! I appreciate you putting in the extra hours; I can see how much this team means to you.”
Your words bring a beaming smile to her face, and you can tell it’s exactly the motivation she needed.
You were captain before anything, you would always support your teammates.
You and Jaemin walk back to your dorm in silence, his voice filling the space as he rambles on about practice. He seems to genuinely enjoy it, and you recall how he once mentioned his friends teased him about first joining the team, calling him a princess. Yet, even they started showing up to support him.
“Are you okay?” he asks, noticing your quietness.
“I just feel really, really stupid,” you admit, unable to meet his gaze.
“Nothing you do is ever stupid, don’t say that,” he scolds gently. He stops walking and tilts your chin up, locking eyes with you. “You’re not stupid.”
You pout at him, the frustration bubbling inside.
“Say it,” he commands, playfully squishing your cheeks together.
“I’m not shtupith,” you mumble, and he leans in, pecking your lips with a smile.
“There she is~” he coos, a grin breaking across your face despite yourself. “Now talk to me,” he says, interlacing your fingers as you continue walking.
You hesitate, taking a deep breath to steady yourself.
“I guess I’ve been feeling jealous lately. You’ve been spending so much time with Joy, and—” You cut yourself off with an exasperated sigh, realizing how selfish it sounds now that it’s out in the open.
“Continue,” he encourages softly.
“It’s just hard not talking to you during practice and then seeing you with her, all pearly-white smiles,” you admit bitterly, a knot forming in your stomach.
“I understand” He says. “I haven’t been giving you enough attention”
“No its not that Jaemin you have been great im just selfish” you say.
“Nothin selfish about wanting whats your baby, its ok” he says eyes darkening “i’ll just have to help you remember that im all yours”
You know that look in his eyes and that put a little pep in your step as Jaemin stalks you from behind like a predator.
You were excited for what he had in store for you.
When you finally arrive back home, he’s on you in an instant. It’s been a while since you last felt his touch—most nights after practice, you’ve been too exhausted to engage in your usual routine. He’s still dressed in his practice clothes: a simple tank top and sweats.
Jaemin in a tank top is like a refreshing rain in the desert—not because it’s rare, but because it’s a blessing. Each kiss pulls him deeper into you, making it harder for him to pull away. He’s stealing the air from your lungs, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Your hands wander lightly over his broad shoulders, toned arms, and slim waist before they find their way back up, tangling in his hair.
Your movements weren't hurried; they were intentional, savoring every moment. He gently walked you backward until you were laid flat on the mattress. Embraced by his presence, you felt enveloped in his scent, his touch, and the depth of his love. As he slowly shed you of your clothes, silence enveloped the room; neither of you wanted to break the spell. You simply allowed yourselves to get lost in each other.
Every inch of skin laid bare to him was met with tender kisses, warm and sweet, until you were completely exposed. He kissed his way down your body, pausing to place a soft kiss on your abdomen. The eye contact you shared in that moment sent a flutter of butterflies dancing in your stomach, igniting a mix of awe and desire.
He's nipping and leaving teasing licks on the inside of your thighs before he finally gets to where you need him most. Lips meet your clit in a wet kiss and then he's dipping his tongue to swipe through you until it's flattened against your clit and he's wrapping his lips around you again. You relax your thighs as best you can, letting him have his way with you. A lazy hand pushes his bangs back so you can look him in the eyes as he tastes you.
His eyes were so intense. Jaemin was mostly known for his beautiful smile but for you, it was the eyes that really did it. He had such strong, expressive eyes. Just by looking at them, you could see all the nasty things he wanted to do to you.
The hands that rested gently on your thighs began to explore, gliding across your body with a delicate touch. They roamed slowly, tracing the curves and contours, igniting sensations that sent shivers through you. One hand found its way to your chest, caressing while he brought the other down to tease your entrance. Hes pressing one into you hooking it sensually before another joins. Hes so sloppy, mouth making slick, intoxicating sounds that filled the air around you. Each flick of his tongue made your eyes roll into the back of your head. His fingers pumped, twisted, and curled as he began to coax an orgasm out of you.
“Come on baby, look at me,” he says once he notices your eyes closed in pleasure.
“Why are you not looking at my pretty face? Are you gonna cum?” he teases.
Your back arches and you lose it. Your body convulses and you're making a mess of his already glossy lips.
He leaves a stinging slap to the side of your thigh. “Be so lucky I'm being nice; you know better. Who said you could cum?”
You whined at his tone, knowing you were going to be in trouble. “Fucking spoiled. You just take what you want” He sits up and pulls his tank top over his head. “Turn around”
You do as you’re told and you hear him shuffle behind you, probably taking off his sweats. Then you feel him. Thick and warm pressed against your backside and you turn to look over your shoulder as you watch him spread your juices with the head of his cock and sink into you. His hands gripped your ass, spreading you open to be able to see how you took him with ease.
“Mhm, Jaemin,” you moan, arching into him.
“Uh uh, who am I” he says as he smacks you ass.
You could feel the shift in the air and you knew what you were in for.
“Nana” you whine.
“Thats right, Nana is going to take care of you.” he coos before pulling back to leave a particularly sharp thrust against your cervix.
You fall forward and a hand reaches out to grip your hair, pushing you down further into the mattress. Jaemin rearranges himself so he's kneeling on one knee, giving himself a better angle to drive you into the mattress.
“I love you, and I'm going to make sure you know it. Going to make sure you feel it,” he groans.
Hes so deep, its all you could feel. You reach behind you after a particularly rough trust and he just grabs your arm and pulls you back into him, using it as leverage.
“Oh fuck!” you moan and you were not going to last long. “Fuck me Nana, dont stop”
“You gonna be a good girl and ask to cum?” he reminds you.
“Please let me cum Nana!” you beg.
He slows down and you almost complain until the slow, deep thrust steals your breath away.
He builds you up and you're crying against the sheets.
“Im gonna cum, please let me cum” you beg pathetically as tears blur your vision.
“Thats my girl, cum” he says and you melt away. Your body shudders and you become a puddle of limbs as he helps you ride out your high.
You could hardly keep yourself up so he manhandles you onto your back and stokes over you before spilling all over your chest and stomach.
You peer down at the mess he’d made and when you look up at him, he gives you a satisfied grin. After catching his own breath, he wastes no time in cleaning up. A warm towel and clean sheets are brought to you after you two definitely left several wet stains in the covers. He cleans you up nicely and cuddles you.
This was all you needed.
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You and Jaemin had finally stopped trying to avoid each other during practice, and it felt liberating. You reminded yourself to be responsible, and somehow that balance brought you an unexpected sense of happiness. Every day, you walked into practice wearing a bright smile that was so radiant it made everyone around you groan in unison.
“Ugh, can you tone it down with the sunshine?” someone teased, prompting a chorus of laughter from the rest of the team. But you didn’t mind. With your renewed focus, you were running practices like the Navy—organized and disciplined. No one could get away with slacking off or skipping out anymore, and you could sense that some teammates yearned for the old, more carefree version of you.
You let them slack off for a week and now they wanted to act brand new. You roll your eyes.
Competitions came and went in a flash, and you felt proud of your team—and of Jaemin, who had stuck through it all. You genuinely enjoyed his presence and the time you spent together.
During one of the final competitions, when the team took home the trophy, you found Jaemin amid the celebration. His eyes sparkled with joy, and when he pulled you into an excited hug.
“You did amazing out there!” he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight.
“So did you! I’m so glad we got to do this together!” you replied, beaming up at him. In that moment, surrounded by cheers and the thrill of victory, you realized how special this experience was.
With the chaos of the competitions behind you, you found a quiet spot away from the celebrations. The stars twinkled overhead, and the cool night breeze carried the scent of victory. Turning to Jaemin, a genuine smile lit up your face. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” you said softly. “I’m sorry if I was hard on you at first.”
He shrugged, unbothered. “You’re kind of hot when you’re an asshole,” he teased.
You nudged his shoulder playfully. “I am not an asshole!” you protested, but you couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up in your voice.
“Whatever you say sexy,” He jokes. "Come, it's time to celebrate. I brought some fireworks,” he says, wiggling his eye brows at you.
You laughed and nudged Jaemin, intrigued by his playful grin. He proposed grabbing some snacks, finding a quiet spot, and lighting fireworks under the stars. The only sounds were the gentle rustling of the trees and the chirping of insects.
"This is perfect," you thought, gazing up at the stars as Jaemin handed you a sparkler. Watching it fizzle out made you feel like a child again, and when you looked at him, you saw nothing but love in his eyes.
As the night wore on, the fireworks brightened the tranquil darkness, and leaning against Jaemin felt completely right. In that moment, you realized this was the ideal way to celebrate your victory
(A/N: Sorry for the rushed ending this was supposed to be short but i really wanted to flush it out heh)
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Dirty Work 9
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as bullying, familial discord/abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new gig and find one of your clients to be hard to please.
Characters: Loki
Note: We made it to Friday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The watch ticks on in your hand, counting down the seconds you spend trapped beneath the bed. Cowardice, embarrassment, shock. Pick one. You finally break your paralysis and crawl out from beneath he frame, listening cautiously as you drag yourself across the floor inch by inch.
You stand, glancing furtively around the room. You clutch the watch and turn, hovering it just above the night table. That's too obvious. It wouldn't just appear out of nowhere. You need to come up with a story but you don't know if any lie you tell could be believed. It seems, he even doubts you when you are honest.
You drop your hand to your side and near the door, turning your ear out to listen to house beyond. You grip the door handle tight and lift the door on its hinges as you open it. You slip out, easing the handle down then up to keep the mechanism from clicking.
You peer down the hall as you hear Mr. Laufeyson in his study, the shuffling and scuffing of drawers being pulled in and out. 
There are two paths forward; put the watch somewhere and let him find it or return it to him and feign ignorance. You don't know which is better, both entail a lie you aren't equipped to tell.
You pad down the hall, sidling against the wall and into the library. You could pretend you were there all along, say you found the watch earlier. He would think you busy as he was in the shower. That you were in a world, and a room, separate from him.
You go to the desk and set the watch down as you sit. It takes you a moment to get your mind to focus and you open the lid of the laptop. You hit the power button and tap your fingers on the wood as you wait for it to start up. As the screen lights up, the door from the study opens. You don't have time to hide the watch. The path forward is paved.
Mr. Laufeyson sweeps in without pretense, as he often does. For as much as he resented his brother for the very same, he is comfortable in just barging in. You sit up and look at him over the top of the computer. He crosses his arms as his eyes peruse the space.
"You've not seen--" He begins, his voice trailing off as he faces you. Like a hound, his eyes fall instinctively to the watch. You don't acknowledge it.
You type the password in to unlock the computer. He comes forward and leans forward, spreading his fingers wide over the other edge of the desk. He hums.
"Where did you find that?" He dips his head down, gesturing to the left of your laptop.
"Uh," you let your eyes wander over, "oh!" You look at him with surprise, "I was cleaning and it was... by the sofa. I meant to return it but I haven't seen you, Mr. Laufeyson."
He squints and shifts his weight. He pushes himself straight and smooths his shirt. He is without his usual jacket. He takes measured steps around the desk and comes to stand right beside you. Too close. You feel the heat radiating from, smell the same scent from the room cloying from his figure.
"The sofa?" He questions as he snatches up the watch. He examines it, as if he suspects it is a dupe. "Why, I should be grateful, yes? You've found the very thing I was in search of."
"Er, I guess," you shrug and drag your fingers around the touchpad listlessly. "Uh, excuse me," you stand, the chair scraping loudly behind you, "I forgot my bag downstairs, Mr. Laufeyson."
"Hvitsten," he wags the watch at you, staying firmly in place, "a Norwegian brand," he explains, "this is the North Sea model. Backed with Lapis Lazuli," he turns the face out, "nice, isn't it?"
"Um, sure, Mr. Laufeyson, I... I don't know much about watches," you eke out.
"But you can see it is a fine watch, yes?"
You take a step back and he takes one forward as your leg hits the edge of the chair. You gulp and stare at the watch hanging over two of his long fingers, "I like the colour--"
"If you were to guess, what do you think this piece costs?"
You blink and shake your head. You don't understand why he's asking. Can't he just thank you and take the watch?
"I don't know, Mr. Laufeyson," you croak.
"A pawn shop might offer you a few hundred, but that would be a con," he scoffs and turns the watch over, bringing his left wrist up to hook it in place. "This particular model retails for over two grand. I expect that's more than your rent," he tuts, "a fair amount for anyone but I pay for quality."
"I... it is really pretty," you offer.
"Oh I am aware," he smirks, "naturally, it catches the eye. One can hardly miss it."
You frown. Is he accusing you? You don't say a word. You expect whatever you say wouldn't change his mind.
"So, what I mean to say is I am very grateful that you've found this," he tugs his cuff straight, "for it would be a great loss indeed."
He drops his arm and stays where he is. He does not retreat and despite the urge, you do not either.
"I must be mistaken to think Thursdays you were to clean the second floor only," he remarks, "though it may be a trick of fate that you did the first as well."
"Er, I... had a few minutes-- Mr. Laufeyson, my ledger is in my bag--"
"In time," he crosses his arms and leans back on a heel. You dare to glance up as his eyes scan you from head to toe, "these..." He dips his head to allude to your attire, "are new?"
"Yes, Mr. Laufeyson, I thought-- no more jeans," you press your palms to the wool pants.
"Mmm," his hum is less than delighted, "still, lacking."
You wilt. You really tried and it's still not good enough. He unfolds his arms and you stand dumbly, frozen, as he reaches to pick a thread from your collar. It unravels and he lets it dangle before you.
"As I said, quality is worth the extra cost," he harrumphs and lets the thread fall, "I did provide you a rather generous signing bonus but perhaps your first check will provide adequate compensation."
You watch the thread fall and back up to bend and retrieve it. He watches you and you close your hand around the string.
"I'll throw this out," you assure him, "and grab my bag--"
"I did not dismiss you," he insists.
"I am coming back--"
"You do grow bold, yes?"
"Sorry, Mr. Laufeyson, I didn't mean--"
"If you would let me speak, I might be able to tell you what I had in mind when I entered," he rebukes, "I have a delivery expected at two. I would need you to sign for it. Can I trust that simple task in your hands?"
You chew your lip and bow your head. He inhales and backs away slowly, "very well, go." He flicks his fingers at you dismissively, "grab your things and get to work.”
There's a pungent stench as you enter the house. The TV blares loudly from the living room as the stale waft of tobacco lingers in the air. But more, there's something far more putrid. 
You peek into the living room. It's later than usual. Your father's head is tipped back as he snores upright. His oxygen tube is taught across his nose and the tank pulled against his leg. As you turn on a light, you notice the dark stain across the front of his pants. Oh no, that's what that smell is.
He gurgles, frightening you. At first, you think he's choking. He coughs and spits into his ash tray. He waves his hand in front of his face.
"What're you waking me up for?" He snarls.
"I was just checking on you--"
He groggily shifts back and forth, shaking his head as he gets his bearings. He looks down and you see him tense. He sits up and reaches for the remote.
"Um, did you need any help--"
"Piss off," he snips, "I was yelling for you earlier. Where were you?"
"I... was working. I told you--"
"Working? What the fuck is work? You? Pfft," he scoffs as he flicks through the channels.
"It's okay, dad, I'll grab you some new pants--"
"Shut up!" He barks. He's obviously embarrassed. You are too. Worse, your guilt sears in your stomach. You should've been there.
"Dad, it's not--"
"You're a dumb bitch, you know that? Shoulda let me fucking sleep," he grits out, "like you shoulda let me die. Now I'm hear sitting in my own piss with no fucking smokes."
He throws the empty pack at you and you wince. You pick it up as your eyes tinge hotly.
"Maybe... maybe I could look into getting a nurse. The doctor said--"
"I can take care of my fucking self!"
You snap your mouth shut and clasp the package between your hands.
"I'm only trying to help--"
"What? By keeping me in this hellhole? Eh? It's fucking torture. Why the fuck would you that?"
"Dad," you squeak, "I love you--"
"Proves how fucking stupid you are," he snorts.
You stand in scalded silence. You're just trying to help. That's all you've ever done and it's never been good enough.
"If you don't got smokes, go the fuck away," he hisses.
You obey and leave him, tossing the empty pack in the garbage. You head upstairs with heavy steps and yawn at your door. You drop your bag on the bed and go back to close the door. You lean on it as your tears begin to flow.
You can't do anything right. No matter what you do. It's like you're trying to get your head above water in the middle of a storm. You slide down to the floor and hang your head over your bent arms.
You know you can't stay home. As prickly as Mr. Laufeyson can be, he pays you well and he isn't entirely unkind. He didn't have to pay you a bonus but he did. He didn't have to hire you at all. Besides all that, he can at least admit when you've done something well.
It isn't him you can't say no to, it's the money. Not just to pay off the hospital but to keep the house running. For yourself as much as for your father.
And you can't leave your dad alone to fend for himself. He obviously can't, not anymore and he doesn't want your help. You might love him but there's only so much you can do.
You lift your head and inhale, sniffling roughly as you wipe your nose. Tomorrow, you'll go to the hospital and ask about home nurses. You'll have to find room in the budget.
You're out of breath as you get on the bus. You had everything timed out so you could get to Mr. Laufeyson's on time. Still, your usual bus went out of service and you had to get a transfer onto a different route. The change throws your entire day off and adds to the disparity of your week.
You get off a bit further from Mr. Laufeyson's as this bus doesn't go as far as the other. You run down the street, sweating in the black polyester pants and peach coloured button-up. You scramble to get out the phone and put in the proper code.
Your first try is with the one from the day before. On your second try, you clatter through and scurry down the path. The backdoor proves just as troublesome in your frantic rush.
You get inside and leave your shoes by the door. No cleaning, or at least, you don't plan on it. You near the bottom of the staircase, breathless and puffing, clinging onto the straps of your leather bag.
"You are late," Mr. Laufeyson strides out of the den.
"Yes, Mr. Laufeyson, I'm sor-ry," you gulp through repressed pants, "the bus--"
"I don't care about the bus. It is your responsibility to be here on time, regardless of the method."
"I understand--"
"I am starting to question if you do," he rebukes.
"Mr. Laufeyson, it won't happen again."
"I know it won't or you will not have another chance to be late," he warns, "you were not here to prepare the tea for my guest. I had to do it myself."
"Guest? I... didn't know--"
"I didn't ask if you knew. If you'd been here on time, you would have," he chides, "it seems, in my efforts, I forgot to fetch the biscuits with the teapot so you will go and do so."
"Yes, Mr. Laufeyson," you nod, "I'm so sorry--"
"Sorry, yes, I'm sure you are," he lifts his chin and turns on his heel, "you certainly will be..."
At first, you're not sure you've heard the words. That he would say something so callous. You back away, heart hammering as you try to convince yourself it wasn't real.
You go back down the hall and shove your bag in the back closet. You veer into the kitchen and search the cupboards; biscuits, biscuits, biscuits...
You find an unopened tin and bring it down onto the counter. You peel away the plastic and take out a sleek black serving plate. You use some tongs to lay out the biscuits neatly, an array of each type. You'd done similar for Corrissa with the hors d'oevres. You take the plate and carefully make your way into the hall, trying not to disturb the arrangement.
You enter with your head down, hoping not to disturb Mr. Laufeyson as his deep voice carries to the high ceilings. The curtains are open and the windows shine brightly. You peak up as you approach him and his guest.
She doesn't notice you until you're a foot away. You shy away from her gaze, her pupils a greenish blue and her golden hair silver along the temples. You place the plate on the round table by her elbow, just between the chair and the end of the sofa where she sits.
"And who is this?" She preens curiously.
"Mother, you needn't worry--"
"You hired a full-time maid?" She wonders.
"Mmm," he hums, "suppose she would be a house manager. She handles all the little details I don't have time for."
"Oh, like Evelyn."
"I suppose," Laufeyson agrees dryly.
You back away and look up again. Is that really his mother? She's beautiful.
"Please, darling, join us," she trills.
You blanch and look at Mr. Laufeyson as a line squiggles between his brows. He looks between you and his mother. Before he can protest she is on her feet.
"Please, I do love to get to know the staff," she approaches, "I'm Frigga. I hope you've heard a lot about me. His mother, of course. I only came to see that he's well... he never has time to call. Perhaps you might change that, hm?"
You glance over at Laufeyson again, frightened. Not just by this over friendly woman but by him. You don't know if you should say you have work and refuse or if that would be rude. She is his mother and you wouldn't want to upset.
"Mother, she does have her work--"
"Tosh, it can wait," she puts her hand on your arm and ushers you to the couch, "have some biscuits, darling, you look faint."
Laufeyson huffs but does not speak. He hooks one leg over the other and places his chin on his knuckles. He glares at you and you look to your lap.
You've done the wrong thing again but you're not sure there is a right option in this circumstance.
"These are my favourites," Frigga declares as she holds out a braided biscuit with large grains of sugar sprinkled over it. "Don't tell me these are the same I gifted you for the holiday," she tisks.
"I haven't much of a sweet tooth."
"I do forget, Thor tends to fancy the sugar," she chitters and returns her attention to you, "forgive me, I didn't get your name."
Your mouth is dry. You stare at the golden rings on her fingers. You clear your throat and utter your name, sealing your misdeed.
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pucksandpower · 1 year
can you do some Carlos sainz in honour of home gp?! first meeting or a surfer girl type reader?! 🥹🙏
Spice Up Your Life | CS55
Summary: Carlos Sainz is called “Chilli” for a reason and it’s not the one you might expect
Warnings: minor medical intervention but this is fluff galore
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The lingering scent of antiseptic fills the air as you recline in the worn leather chair surrounded by stacks of patient files in your brightly lit office. The soothing hum of the air conditioner is interrupted by the creaking sound of the door as it swings open. Your eyes widen in surprise as you see a familiar face in the doorway — none other than Carlos Sainz. He stands there, blinking rapidly as a pained expression clouds his teary eyes.
You quickly compose yourself and greet him warmly. “Now this is a surprise though I’m sure you would rather be anywhere else. How can I assist you today?”
Carlos winces with his hand covering one eye. "I managed to get myself into a bit of a spicy situation here. A chili pepper decided to show me who’s boss during a team cooking challenge and now it’s really stinging.”
You chuckle softly, finding the irony quite amusing. “It seems you've taken the concept of spicing up your life a little too literally. But fear not, I happen to be the resident expert in pepper related emergencies.”
As Carlos takes a seat on the examination table, you approach him with a gentle smile and reach for your medical equipment. “Just close your eyes and trust me. I am about to put on a magical show of doctorly power to recover your vision.”
He smirks, playing along with your theatrics. “I always knew being a race car driver required a little blind faith but I never imagined it would extend to a physician’s office.”
You raise an eyebrow, feigning indignation. “Oh please. I may not be behind the wheel of a Ferrari but I assure you that my skills are just as impressive in their own way.”
With utmost care, you grasp a sterilized cotton swab and gently dab the corner of Carlos’ eye. He winces slightly but keeps his eyes closed, following your instructions.
“And now for the most crucial part of this operation,” you declare dramatically. “I’m going to need you to hold still, Carlos. This may sting a little.”
Carlos laughs softly. “I’ve driven through crazy hairpin turns at breakneck speeds, I think I can handle a little sting.”
You dip a cotton pad into a soothing saline solution and gently bring it closer to his eye. With a deft touch, you carefully clean away the remnants of chili pepper oil.
Carlos slowly opens his eyes as you finish, blinking a few times to adjust to the newfound clarity and lack of pain. A smile of relief spreads across his face as he continues joking. “You’ve truly worked your magic. My vision is back and the monstrous chili pepper has been slain.”
You bow with a flourish of your hand. “It was merely a touch of medical wizardry combined with a dash of charm. You’re not the only one who knows how to handle the heat.”
Carlos chuckles, gratitude shining in his still reddened eyes. “I must say that this is the most entertaining doctor’s visit I have ever had. Thank you for the exceptional service and the delightful company. And for making sure I don’t have to race in an eyepatch.”
You smirk at him playfully. “Well it’s not every day I have a Formula 1 star as my patient. Consider it an occupational perk.”
With a spring in his step, Carlos stands up from the examination table, ready to conquer the track once more. “If you ever need a driver, you know where to find me.”
You wave him off, laughter bubbling from your throat. “Thank you, Carlos but I think I’ll stick to my stethoscope as my trusty sidekick. If you ever need a prescription for an extra spicy dish, you know who to call.”
He manages to wink the best he can through tender eyes. “How about I take you up on that over dinner at my place? Can’t let the chili peppers think they’ve scared me off.”
“And that, kids, is how your father actually got his nickname.”
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raspberrybesitos · 10 months
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Woven in the Stars | din djarin x f!reader
Series masterlist | Main masterlist
Chapter 1 - Stitching Serenity
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word count: ~2.5k
Chapter summary: As he adjusts to life on Nevarro, Din Djarin ventures into town with his son, Grogu, to gather supplies to finish settling into their new home. While shopping, he has a chance encounter with you - a local seamstress. The two of you make an instant connection, as he's drawn in by your beauty and kind heart. After striking up a deal with you, Din heads home after a long day, where suppressed feelings of loneliness and desire arise.
Chapter warnings: slow burn, domestic!Din, dad!Din, mutual pining, yearning, loneliness, bit of flirting, inaccurate star wars info, male masturbation, Din Djarin is referred to as Din and i’m not sorry, reader is female, no mention of hair type/skin color/body type, NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: happy mando monday! we’ve got another series, babes! buckle up - we’ve got mega pining incoming. Din is a very special character that i hold close to my heart. 🩵 he is so complex, and i want to handle him with so much love and care. i hope y'all enjoy this introduction to the series! feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or in my asks/dms 🫶🏼
Divider by @saradika
Light blazes through the cracked window, his room rapidly warming up from the brutal Nevarro heat. Din stirs as he hears his son babbling from his room right next to his. Rising to his feet, he pads into the next room, greeted by an excited Grogu. Din scoops him up out of his bed, and carries him into the kitchen.
Grogu’s been babbling a lot more, Din is curious if he’ll say his first words soon. He fixes up Grogu’s breakfast and sets him in his chair at the table along with the food. Making sure his son doesn’t choke while eating, he makes a mental list of things they need to get today at the market.
Beams, wire, fence lining.
Grogu spills some of his breakfast on his tunic, eliciting a sigh from Din. 
New clothes for Grogu are added to the list.
After breakfast, Din changes Grogu out of his messy tunic into a spare one he keeps in the drawer for laundry days. Settling Grogu back into his tiny bed, which Din so proudly made himself, he places his favorite ball and a stuffed frog Greef Karga had gifted to him inside to keep him occupied while he gets ready.
He trudges into the refresher, turns on the shower and strips down before stepping into the water. While scrubbing, Din makes another mental list of chores he needs to do around the farm. 
Tend to the yard, give the starfighter a tune-up, begin building the fence around the pond.
He steps out of the shower and dries off. Dressing in the refresher, he slips back out into the hall and back into his room.
He’s still adjusting to this new life, never knowing such tranquility and domesticity before. They haven’t got much yet, but he’s trying his best. Wanting to give his son a new, calmer life after all they’ve been through.
Sliding on his helmet and tacking on his remaining equipment, he slings the sack Grogu likes to occasionally ride in over his shoulder. He pads back into Grogu’s room, scooping up his gurgling son as he’s entertained with his toys, and placing him into his pram. The clan of two sets off on a long day of gathering things for their new home.
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Sauntering into the markets, the clan heads in the direction of the hardware stand. Buying a few beams, wire, and a few sheets of metal fencing to build a fence surrounding the pond in his front yard. Din efficiently packs the supplies together and slings them on his back.
The fabric stand catches his eye, noting that he and Grogu do need more clothes, and even some new bedding.
As Din peruses through the selection of handcrafted items, picking up a new set of sheets for himself and garments for him and his son, Grogu wanders off in his pram to the stuffed animals.
Din perks up at Grogu’s babbling, seeing that his son has picked up a stuffed bantha. “No, Grogu. Put that down, we’re only buying things we need right now.” Grogu’s ears droop as he whines. “We’ll come back in a few days. I promise, kid.”
“Do you need help with anything?” A sweet voice breaking through the bustling air.
You appear from behind one of the cloaks that are hung up on display, kindly smiling at him and Grogu. Din’s breath hitches in his throat at the sight of you. You look radiant, ethereal - your beauty rendering him speechless for a moment before clearing his throat.
“Uh, no, ma’am. Is this your stand?” He asks, feeling flustered.
“It is. Do you like that one, baby?” You ask, crouching a bit to get on Grogu’s level, who’s cooing at your words. “Take it, sweetheart. It’s okay,” you gently tell him. 
“Oh no, I’m sorry. We’re only buying necessities today. Will you have any more next week?” You smile up at the mandalorian. “Nonsense, it’s on the house,” you tell him, giddy as a toothy grin plasters your face. “I’m afraid I can’t accept, ma’am. Thank you for your generosity, but-” 
“You mandalorians are always so cordial. I insist it’s on the house. It’s alright, sweet boy. Go on, take it,” you say. Grogu squeals and squishes the stuffed bantha into a bone crushing embrace, your heart melting at the sight of the little green child. 
“Thank you, ma’am. That’s very kind of you. Could you at least let me pay for it?” You playfully roll your eyes. “Is your helmet sound proof or something? It’s on the house,” you smile, winking at him.
Thank the stars Din wears this helmet, or else you’d be able to see how red he is underneath. 
“I surrender. You drive a hard bargain. I’d at least like to pay for the clothes and these sheets. Are you the seamstress in charge, ma’am?”
You perk up at his question. “I’ll allow you to pay for the clothes, and that I am!”
You’ve got a bit of a spunky personality, from what Din can gather.
“Do you happen to take commissions? These shirts will fit him fine, but if it’s not too much trouble, could I possibly ask for some smaller ones that’ll fit him a little better? I’ll even pay double whatever you normally charge,” he rambles. A twinkle glints in your eyes, your face hurts as you can’t stop smiling at the flustered mandalorian.
“I do take commissions. And no need to pay me double, I’m more than happy to help at whatever price works for you,” you kindly respond. The mandalorian huffs out a modulated chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Thank you very much, ma’am. Could I stop by tomorrow with him to get his measurements? We’ll be in town again gathering more supplies for our new cabin. We’re still settling in and I want him to have enough clothes,” he tells you.
“Sure! I’ll be here for the next week until dusk or whenever I sell out, whichever comes first. Are you liking Nevarro so far?” You curiously ask, wondering if he’s got a spouse at home.
“We are. It’s a much quieter life than our past one, but… it’s a nice change. Just want to make sure the kid has everything he needs.” 
You nod at his answer, unable to stop the next words tumbling from your lips. “Does your spouse need any custom garments as well, or just your son?” 
“No spouse. It’s just me and my son,” he quickly blurts. Your smile reappears at his answer, silence brewing amongst you two. Grogu’s gurgling cuts through the air, both of you turning to look at the excited child in his pram.
“You’re a good dad,” you softly tell him.
“Thank you. You’re a very kind woman. Thank you for being so kind to my son,” he quietly says, fondly staring at Grogu who is occupied with his new toy. “Of course. I can tell he’s a sweet kid. Also helps that he’s adorable. I can fold those by the way,” you say, hands out awaiting his items.
“Oh, thank you very much,” the mandalorian says gratefully, intently watching you fold his purchases as he searches for his next words. Not wanting your conversation to end just so he can hear your sweet voice.
“Do you make those stuffed animals as well?” The mandalorian asks you. “I do.” 
“You’re very talented,” he compliments. Now it’s your turn to feel flustered, heat surging throughout your body - and it’s not from the blistering Nevarro heat.
“Thank you very much,” you gracefully tell him with a bashful smile, silently asking for the items in his hands
“I might just have to commission you for one of those as well,” the mandalorian says as he hands you the credits for the sheets and garments as you fold them.
“Apologies, as well, for not introducing myself earlier. I’m…Mando. It was nice meeting you,” Mando says, trailing off at the end while packing everything into his bag. 
The market bustles now, making you shuffle a bit closer to him so he can hear you, as you timidly give him your name. He quickly repeats it, burning it into his memory. The gap between you both having grown smaller. Catching a whiff of your sweet perfume, Din’s knees nearly buckle.
Of course you’re the embodiment of sweetness - and he longs to have a taste.
Flashing him your dazzling smile, you stick your hand out, awaiting his grasp. His face grows hot as he shakes your hand, both of your touches lingering. You gaze deeply into the slit in his helmet, hoping he can sense a sliver of desire from you.
You shuffle even closer, nearly fully flushed against his beskar. “It was nice meeting you too, Mando. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” Your voice hushed, your words only meant for him to hear. 
“Yes, we’ll be back in the morning,” Mando says just as quietly. Your smile softens as you glance down to your conjoined hands. You pull away, realizing your hold on his hand lingered for a tad too long.
He clears his throat before turning to his son. “Come on, Grogu. Let’s go,” he barks, causing Grogu to snap his head up and look at his father.
“Bye, baby! Oh, hold on a second!” You say, fishing in your pocket and pulling out a piece of candy. “Here you go!” You squeak as you hand him the sweet treat. His eyes light up and he gurgles in excitement. He hurriedly takes the candy from you, unwrapping it to shove it in his mouth. 
“Grogu, what do you say?” His father sternly asks him. Grogu looks up at you and babbles what you think is his version of ‘thank you.’
“You’re welcome, Grogu. Bye bye!” You giggle as you wave off the clan. 
Din makes one last stop, purchasing some things to make dinner. He carries his bag of garments and sheets in one hand and the bag of ingredients in another as his hardware rests on his back. He lugs everything back home as Grogu entertains himself with his new toy.
Opening the door, Grogu rushes in first in his pram as Din trails behind and shuts the door. He tosses the bags onto the couch and settles the hardware in a corner of the living room. Grogu babbles as he plays with the bantha you gave him, giving Din the perfect opportunity to quickly cook him some soup for dinner.
It’s different not living out of ration packs, and actually having time to cook a real, hot meal. Domesticity is so foreign to him. The thought of sharing this new life with someone - with you - quickly infiltrates his mind. His mind swirls as recalls his encounter with you today while making dinner. 
How did you become a seamstress? What’s your story? Do you give away stuff for free to other customers? Or was it because you’re interested in him? Is that why you had asked if he had a spouse? Or were you just being polite? Why does he care so much? He hadn’t thought about the other merchants this way, but there is something about you that has pulled him into your orbit, making him unable to shake you from his mind.
Grogu’s cooing pulls him from his trance, the soup he’d prepared had boiled over while he reeled through his thoughts. Din exasperatedly cleans up the mess and serves Grogu dinner, who scarfs it down the second it’s placed in front of him. As his son eats, Din continues reeling.
He’d been fine with being alone all these years. Why is he starting to feel this way? He and Grogu have been living here for a few months now, so why is he suddenly feeling a sense of desire? Longing? Even loneliness? Could it be the paternal instinct to provide more for his son? Or could it simply be you?
A tiny burp drags him back into reality. Grogu tiredly yawns, his belly full after a long day at the market with Din. His eyes droop, along with his ears. Din scoops him up and heads to Grogu’s room. He places the green child in bed, placing the stuffed bantha you’d gifted him alongside him.
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Din shuts the door and walks into his room next door. He continues to think of you while stripping his armor. He’d suppressed his feelings of loneliness for years now, but something about you had brought them to the surface.
Perhaps it was the way you treated Grogu with such sweetness, so maternally. Or perhaps it was your divine beauty which shines so brightly, penetrating from within your kind heart into the external realm. Whatever it may be, Din could not seem to shake the overwhelming feelings of yearning and loneliness - needs craving to be fulfilled by someone, by you.
Sighing as he removes his helmet, he changes into sweats and opts to sleep shirtless tonight. Padding into the kitchen, he puts the dishes from dinner into the sink, grabbing a glass in the midst of everything.
He knows his son is a Jedi and can overpower him at any moment, but Din still places his spotchka on the top shelf of a cabinet. He just hopes for the best and trusts Grogu won’t get into it.
Swiping the spotchka from the high point, he pours himself a hefty helping and chugs it. Helping himself to two more glasses, he begins to feel the effects, his eyes glazed over and heavy.
Placing the spotchka back on the top shelf and his empty glass in the sink, he walks back to his room and pulls his blanket back. Settling into bed, he still can’t get you out of his head.
His cock twitches at the thought of you, palming himself through his sweatpants. Images of you flash through his mind as he takes himself out of the confines of his sweatpants. His length springs out and bounces onto his stomach, thumping in the processing. 
Din spits into his hand and winces as he strokes his cock. He’s so hard it hurts. Closing his eyes, he sighs as he strokes himself up and down, gathering the bead of precum that has dribbled from his tip and smearing it along his length. 
The memory of you smiling as you appeared from thin air has him thumbing at his sensitive head. Your sweet scent lingers in his nose, smelling of florals, candy, and a hint of musk. He picks up the pace at the recollection. His breathing grows ragged as he remembers the glint in your shimmering, kind eyes. A fire burns in his veins, balls throbbing as he nears the edge.
He recalls how his skin felt electric beneath his glove as you shook his hand. The thought of your lingering touch sends a jolt of lightning through his veins as he replays the sweet sound of his name fluttering from your lips.
He wonders if his real name would sound just as sweet.
At that thought, he teeters off the cliff and plummets into his orgasm, painting his stomach with his spend while he groans your name. There’s so much cum, he’s definitely going to have to use his new bedding tonight.
He swims through the treacherous waves of his climax, sweat sheening his body. His hair sticks to his forehead and the back of his neck, a heady bliss crashes over him as he tries to catch his breath. He hasn’t cum that hard… ever.
He pants as he throws an arm over his face. Attempting to steady his breathing, he exhales a deep sigh. He’s never been so frustrated with himself. He’s always had more self-control, more discipline when it came to his desires. It’s unbelievable, and downright embarrassing, how quickly he caved at the thought of you. He doesn’t even know if you’re interested in him that way. It’s not like he could give you everything you deserve either, so long as he follows the Way.
Rising to his feet, he pads into the refresher to clean up the mess he made on his stomach. He heads into the living room, rummaging through the bags he carried in earlier. Slipping into the new pair of pants he purchased from you, along with grabbing the new sheets, he trudges back into his bedroom. He strips the bed and replaces the sheets with the ones you crafted and sold to him.
Groaning, he plops himself onto the mattress and stares at the concrete ceiling. Scintillating moonlight shines through the cracked window while the embarrassment and guilt sink in.
How is he supposed to face you at the market tomorrow?
An exhausted sigh rumbles from deep within his chest. He's never been more eager to wear his helmet ‘til now. He turns on his side before nodding off - hoping for a dreamless sleep, one free of you.
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thank you for reading! may the yearning begin 🫡 i’m setting these two up for a slow burn hehehe
we will learn more about reader and her story in the next chapters!! i just wanted to introduce Din’s mindset after settling into a calmer life with Grogu
i want to delve some more into Din’s mind and examine his loneliness since we only catch very brief glimpses of it in the show. we know he gets lonely though, an example being apart from Grogu for 2 years. he’s a human after all underneath all that armor. a complex one at that with being an orphan and having to hide himself all the time.
anyway, i hope you enjoyed! let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters <333
tag list: @gracieheartspedro @undrthelights @tinygarbage @party-hearses @bastardmandennis @nostalxgic @pascalpvnk @javierpena-inatacvest @mandoisapunk
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bohemianblasphemy · 1 month
Hey, could I please request a Billy x reader, where the reader emotions are all over the place for no reason, and she lashes out at the Boys and she also lashes out at Billy who she never does get angry at, and eventually she calms down and Billy is there to comfort her?? (I feel like my emotions are all over at the moment) Thank you!!
of course! i hope this is okay and i hope you’re okay ✨✨
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The Boys have always been… chaotic, unpredictable- to put it lightly. Your presence was a beacon of calmness, more than often steadying conflicts and problems that arose between the groups mixed personalities.
However today was different, that calmness you exuded had vanished and a whirlwind of storm-like disturbance had started to brew inside you; your unknown frustration was surging and crashing inside of your head.
The group was arguing once more, this time with MM and Frenchie arguing about the latest supe that they were going after.
“this supe can make sound waves that could fucking kill us Frenchie, it’s gonna be fucking hard to face her if we don’t have the right tools to handle her.” Frenchie shook his head.”
“nah MM, we don’t need equipment we just gotta move in quietly, get her to trust one of us and then wham! we get intel from her.” MM rolled his eyes. “ how the fuck are we gonna get anything if she screams the fucking life outta us? what are we gonna do then?” MM argues further, the fight getting more and more ridiculous as time goes on.
“Can you both just shut the fuck up for a second?!” you snapped. your head was in your hands, rubbing your hands over your face in frustration. Frenchie and MM look at you shocked at your frustrated exclamation- this was the first time that they had witnessed you lash out at them, let alone anyone.
“We’re just trying to figure things out.” Frenchie shrugged, crossing his arms.“there’s no need to bite our heads off.” Mother's Milk added, his voice was gentle but firm, unsure of how to approach this different side of you. You took a deep breath, but it did nothing to quieten the feelings inside you. “I’m- I’m just tired of this. all you guys fucking do is FIGHT - it pisses me off!!”
“Oi! what’s got your knickers in a twist? this ain’t like you.” Butcher had spoken up, having watched the events unfold from his seat. you turned to him, the heat burning deep within you.
“no one can ever come up with a solution without having a fight about it. this shit is not a fucking joke! people are in danger and this-“ you gestured to MM and Frenchie. “is the way that you all deal with it!” your anger had boiled over, but the guilt you felt had come crashing into your minds shoreline and tears had welled up in your eyes.
you didn’t like that you took it out of the group, especially Billy- since you joined to group he was your rock; your shared experiences with the evil of Vought and the so-called heroes that had changed the trajectory of your lives brought you both together, he was someone you could depend on.Billy noticed the sudden change in your demeanour and stood out of his seat, walking over to you.
“what’s goin’ on with ya?” he’s concerned, but all you can feel is the overwhelming emotions that consumed you. “i-i don’t know Butcher! e-everything just feels so wrong right now and i can’t fucking take it!” you sobbed, your hands cover your face to stop the tears threatening to fall down your cheeks.
Butcher looks over at the others and gestures them to leave for a moment. “give us some space yeah?” he asks, they nod and moved out of the office space, leaving Butcher and yourself alone. you looked up at Butcher, your vulnerability was on display.
“i’m so sorry…” you apologised, sniffling and wiping your tears away. “ No, no…”he whispered before he pulled you into his arms for a comforting hug which you accepted, melting into his chest.
“shh… it’s alright…” he rubbed your back, holding you tight. “i didn’t mean to Butcher i just couldn’t hold it in anymore-“ “you don’t have ta apologise love, this stuff happens… believe me i know.” he reassured you, continuing to sooth you. you both stood in silence as you embraced.
you spoke up, breaking the silence that filled the room. “i’m just so overwhelmed, Billy. it just feels like the world is crumbling away right under me…” he nodded, understanding your emotions.
“i know that all too well.” there’s a beat of silence before he spoke up once more. “you’re not alone yeah? i’ve got ya, i’m by your side, always…”
you embraced him once more muttering a thank you; his comforting words wrapped around you like a safety blanket, allowing you to relax and come to a more peaceful state of mind- knowing that Billy was there by your side ready to weather the storms that plagued you; that you were not alone.
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courtingchaos · 3 months
Anything with Steve! LOL
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Dream Barista
Nightmare!Steve Harrington x Fem Reader
A/N: My dearest @bettyfrommars has let me borrow her Nightmare Steve for this little ditty. I’ve been thinking about the blurb she wrote for me during her prompt requests and I really just wanted to toss him in a situation. I’ve been suffering a bit in these first few weeks of summer so here’s a little spooky season for you.
No warnings!
18+ No Minors
“Do I know you?” You’ve been staring at the barista making your coffee for almost five-no…five minutes? Seriously how long has it been?
“Me? I’m not sure, I think I’d remember you.”
“I bet you say that to all the girls.” You frown when you say this, banter that feels weird in your mouth. Come to think of it your mouth just feels weird in general. Dry and cottony all of a sudden and a too big tongue. “I’m sorry, this is gonna sound stupid, but what did I order?” You’re eyes have not left this man but when he dips down to pull a container of oat milk out of the fridge there’s a flash of red, the back of his neck deep crimson under his fluffy brown hair.
He holds up a paper cup with your name scribbled on it. “Hazelnut Macchiato.”
There’s a huff behind you, a customer upset with their wait and the packed cafe probably, but you lean forward into the glass partition to get a closer look at the scribble. “I don’t usually get hot…drinks…” The black marks mean nothing. That isn’t your name and whatever has been written isn’t legible. Another huff behind you, closer now and you can feel the heat coming off of this person. “I don’t think that’s my drink.”
The barista suddenly seems nervous, eyes flicking behind you a few times before you catch his gaze again he smiles tightly at you. “This is gonna be stressful, I’m sorry.”
“I mean, it’s just an iced coffee.” You try to make a joke but it comes out more like a cough when one of those bodies behind you bumps you forward into the counter. Words knocked out of you in a puff you try to turn around to ask what their problem is when you notice the cafe is packed. Full to the brim, to the gills, with a crowd of black eyed anger. People in all states stare at you as their voices raise to yell about wasted time. Meetings they’re late to. Children they have to pick up. Useless employees who can’t move faster. Rooted to the spot you stare back at them and panic. This really is your worst nightmare when they start moving forward to press the counter and you do the only thing you can think to do; climb up and over the counter and partition, kicking the espresso machine and banging your knee on your way down the other side.
No other employees are there as steam wands continue to push steam and grinders pull beans. A clatter behind the register makes your head snap over and there is one barista, the brunette man that was making not your drink. He’s taller than he was a moment ago and you try to say sorry for climbing over the equipment and breaking about a hundred food safety rules but the flash in his fist makes you choke. Long bread knife pointed at you-no, past you, but he advances with an apologetic look pinching his face. That crowd that grew is suddenly climbing like you did and you decide to run for the swinging black door to the back, hoping that you’re not making a mistake. It’s cramped and twisted but the chaos behind you pushes you forward into the maze, especially when you catch sight of that knife behind you. The twists are sharp, too many to make any sense but you can’t think of that right now, you need to get to that back door. Find that cold air outside and the stretch of highway that has to be out there where you can run in the open and find someone, anyone.
Like a mirror in a funhouse that fire exit is right in front of you for you to slam your body into, hands grasping at the large push handle that won’t budge. Voices raise in a cacophony of accusations but one rings out clear with your name. Of course it would be the knife wielding possible red skinned barista but when he makes it to you it almost looks like he smiles at you. The handle pushes open suddenly with a hard slap of your palm and cold air fills your lungs just before you get taken out at the knees with the large trash bin. Tangled immediately in blue bags of grounds and paper cups you feel the bin roll. Fingers grasp for the edge of plastic that should be right there but instead you grapple with bags that try to drown you, right until they don’t. A large hand pushes through and grabs yours, pulls up hard and there he is.
“Time to get out of here, if you know what I mean.” He grins and suddenly it dawns on you as he looms over you with longer hair curling up behind his ears. Paper with string and then red skin and dark eyes. “Devil.”
“Yes! Devil!” He points at the enamel pin on his black apron, a little horned devil next to a grinning skull. “You do remember me.” He smiles even as the beating behind the heavy door continues, even when it bucks against his impossible hold on it. The bright joy takes over and you can feel yourself smiling too, right until you get a tingle up your spine. Hairs on the back of your neck stand upright just before the air smells of ozone and lighting strikes the blacktop next to you.
You barely scream before he’s pulling you out of the large bin and dragging you across a parking lot that seems to morph under your feet. The horde from inside streams out from the back door now but the asphalt buckles and craters as more of them follow. Somehow the two of you walk fine but these monsters seem less monstrous now as they fumble and fall, grasping onto one another for balance as the coffee house parking swallows them up in big black clouds of dust.
“Steve what is-”
“Hey, you remembered my name!” He turns back to you fast and you’re not sure if you see it right, if his eyes were black and then soft brown. They’re warm when they’re on you though, smile touching the crinkles in the corners.
“Of course, I just don’t…what is going on?” This has to be a dream. A nightmare actually when you think about the customers turned hungry mass and the thunder that has suddenly shown up. Before you can pull at him to slow down it’s like a switch is flipped. Rain falls in a sheet turning the world grey. “Steve hold on!” You have to shout over the din of the rain hitting the ground, spattering in the mud that your shoes are stuck in now and-
“Am I dreaming?”
“Oh.” It’s obvious now. Is this what lucid dreaming is? You look around to see the world has changed. Through the heavy rain you make out small hills around you, molding you and Steve into a valley wreathed in trees showing off their golden colors. Thick maple leaves cling to branches and wispy ginkgo flutter to the ground as the rain begins to lighten up. Your fingers still clutch at Steve’s but it’s only drawn him in closer, another shift in reality as he holds a leather jacket out to you from seemingly nowhere.
“Here, it’s gonna get a little cold.”
It’s warm like he’s been wearing it the whole time and he holds the collar up so you can slide your arms in. “I’m really confused.”
“I bought us a little more time.” He nods his head towards an incline and holds up an arm for you to fall under. “Not much, but enough for me to actually show you some stuff. No mermaids tonight though.”
“The face eaters?” You remember this suddenly, a motorcycle rumbling between your knees as you clung on for dear life before…before what you can’t remember that but it doesn’t matter right now. Steve is warm and he holds you against him as he takes you around a thicket of trees to a little set up.
“Did you make a picnic?”
“Kind of.” He’s bashful and you finger the pins on his lapel, nail tracing the raised edge of the devil horns. “More of a resting place.”
“Oh, morbid. I like it.” The flannel blanket is soft under you. The sunset burns oranges and purples in unrealistic hues and the trees around you drop endless leaves that tap lightly on their falls. Steve sits beside you, quiet and watching the side of your face, studious like you might disappear at any moment. If you’re right and this really is a dream, you suppose that could happen. Tonight though you’d taken some of those sleep gummies so maybe he’d be stuck with you for longer than planned.
“That doesn’t really have a lot of bearing on all of this.”
“Can you read my mind?” You ask with a laugh and sharp look. Steve shrugs and sighs before he winds a hand around your hip to pull you closer and back towards him where he falls backwards onto the blanket.
“A little?” He says it like a question but you find you don’t much care. Not with him it seems, not with this comfort you’ve found in sleep, something that has eluded you for most of your adult life. The sun isn’t setting like it should, it just hovers along the horizon and you watch little smudges of black flit across the light, either bats or birds or something other. Trying to get comfortable against Steve’s shoulder you realize your hair is still wet while the rest of you is dry like the grass around you.
“Sorry about that, I just needed a quick transition.” His smile is soft like his hair and his eyes and you feel lulled. Safe and comfortable like you’ve made a bed out of nature and him and dreams.
“I like the rain, it’s just sometimes the thunder scares me. Makes me feel like the world is gonna spin out.” You curl into his chest and catch a whiff of coffee for just a moment. Exhaustion pulls at your eyelids suddenly. “Were you…did you make me coffee earlier?” Sleep has caught you it would seem and you can feel how lax you go, fingers falling out of their places twisted in his shirt as his own grip tightens around your shoulders. Under the roasted scent there’s a latex smell, something sweet and aged with a hint of pumpkin. Cinnamon? God it smells like something you can’t put your finger on.
“Maybe. I do make a great a cup.” He’s quieter now as you seem to fade fast, his grip more secure as you relax further. “Next time I won’t chase you out with a bread knife, okay?” He whispers into the crown of your head and it gets a tired chuckle from you. “I’ll leave the thunder out too, I just needed you a little scared so I could get some more time.”
“No I liked the storm. Bring that back with you.” Another deep sigh before it feels like you’ve missed the last step into the basement and suddenly, you remember. “Halloween.”
“Halloween boxes, decorations. It’s your mask.”
He feels your last words spoken into his shoulder as you mumble them against him and he can smell it now too. In your hair and his jacket, something sweet and warm that makes him think of aisles of masks and taper candles. Pumpkins that match the ever present deep sunset on this horizon and the dry leaves that stick to the damp, dying earth.
You’re gone before he realizes it and he slaps a hand down hard on the flannel blanket where you just were. The stage under him reverberates with his hit and the lights above him switch from warm tones to cool. He can’t linger for long, not when Ed has already brought more eyes down on this department, but he does linger. You remembered the mask and his name and next time? Next time you’ll remember the sunset and the warmth. When he stands and picks his jacket up he catches the fading scent you brought with you and he braces himself to leave the small sound stage.
Tomorrow night, he thinks to himself, tomorrow night I’ll bring you a sweeter sleep.
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vanfleeter · 18 days
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Bound For Earth: Chapter 7
Characters: Jake Kiszka, Josh Kiszka, Sam Kiszka, Daniel Wagner (briefly), Marlie Warnings: 18+ || Language. Fluff. Brother banter. Angst. Self doubt. Relationship doubt. Frustration. Jealousy. Anger. Smut. Talk of sex. Allusions to m/m sex. Penetrative sex. Oral sex (f receiving). (i think i missed something so let me know so i can add it)
Bound For Earth Masterlist
We talked nearly every day, There some days where I wouldn't hear from her at all. Almost every single time we were on video chat, she was either sweaty or just getting out of the shower. I knew better than to push it if I asked so I kept quiet. It couldn’t be that bad.. Maybe I’m just overthinking it and she really is just running every day. Nothing wrong with that. After all, I’ve been doing it too.
After I finish with work, I’ve been running and working up my endurance to Earth’s gravity. If I want to go back there, I have to make sure that my body can last for more than three days. And if sex is the problem, then I’m screwed. That’s one of many basic human needs. It’s not necessarily important, but it just feels intimate and meaningful. I know most people do it just to do it because it just feels good. Of course it feels good. But for me, it makes me feel closer to her.
I ran my personal best in the first three months that I’ve been training and not one thing has gone wrong with my body. Marvin checks my vitals and pays extra attention to my heart but he has yet to find something wrong. I felt pretty proud of myself.
These training modules were mostly designed to keep the crew in shape and to also help them stay used to the weight of the gravity on Earth. But for Josh and myself, it would be a way for us to train to get our bodies used to the pressure so that if we ever do get to go back to Earth, we’ll be better equipped and ready to handle the challenges.
They had us running a mile, testing to see how far we could make it before we passed out. The mile seemed easy enough and neither of us had any problems. So they extended it to two.. And then eventually three. Three was our limit. The minimum for an adult is one to two miles and we made it to three which apparently is still pretty good, especially for an average person.
They had us running in all different kinds of climates. Cold weather, in the heat, sometimes they’d make it rain, other days it would snow. They wanted to test our limits in the off chance that we happened to deal with any of these. The heat was their main concern with the added pressure of pushing our bodies further than they can handle. So that’s what we worked on the most. How to survive the heat.
“Stay hydrated”, was something they constantly repeated. Josh made it out to be as if we were plants. Not all plants can survive in the heat, they do need water to keep themselves alive and thriving. If we were a plant, odds are we wouldn't be a cactus. A cactus mostly thrives in heat and they can store their water for a long amount of time, whereas in most plants it can last maybe a few days at most before needing water. That is how humans are, especially on Earth.
So water is the key. Keep myself hydrated and not overwork myself to the point of death.
I had to ask about sex, preferably when there weren’t listening ears. I wanted to know if sex would be something that I’d still be able to do. Lucky for me, I can. “Know your limits,” Ivan told me after one of our mile runs. “If you’re feeling tired or out of breath, slow down or even stop for a little bit. Sex doesn’t need to be fast, it’s just what some bodies crave. You and your brother have different body types than an average human. Both of us need to take your time.”
When he told me sex is different up here than down there really got my brain thinking. Oh god.. Do they actually have sex here?
“Is it easier here?”
Ivan chuckles. “I’d say so. There’s a lighter atmosphere here so it’s not so strenuous. You sweat less and you can endure a little longer.”
“Is that why you never left on the last transport?” I tease.
He chuckles. “I like it better up here, that’s all.”
I unintentionally found out why he preferred to stay here versus going back to Earth. When I was walking past Josh’s cabin on the way to the training module, I could hear noises from inside. And he says I’m loud. We’re twins, we both are apparently.
It wasn't until an hour later when I was coming back that way to go to my cabin when I saw Ivan leaving Josh’s cabin. I quickly hid back around the corner, hoping that neither of them saw me. I peer back around the corner to make sure Ivan was gone. Seeing that he was, I quickly rush down the hall to Josh’s cabin and grab hold of the door before it slides shut.
“Okay, you have a lot of explaining to do,” I say, nearly making him jump with fright.
“Fucking hell, Jake!” He exclaims.
“Come on, spill..” I say as I lean against his desk. “You and Ivan? Since when?”
Josh sighs and sits down on the bed. “When we got back from Earth, he umm.. He was the person I felt comfortable talking with. After everything that happened, I just needed someone to talk to and he was there. It wasn’t anything but just a friend listening to a friend talk. But then we eventually learned that we kind of like each other.”
“Obviously it moved onto something more.” I could see his cheeks flush slightly and I smiled. “That’s good you found someone. Does he make you happy?”
Josh nods his head. “Very.”
I pat him on the shoulder. “Well good for you. You deserve this. But damn.. An hour?”
“Shut the fuck up.” He says as he shoves me over. “It is so much easier up here. I’m telling you, if Marlie ever makes it up here, you’re gonna have to try it.”
“Never thought I’d be taking sex tips from you.”
He chuckles, “Just trust me.”
A few more weeks had gone by and the communication between Marlie and I slowly began to dwindle. She always claims to be busy and that she'll hop on a call if she can. But she never does. Eventually the communication just ended all together. I even had Josh reach out a few times from his own computer but he even came back with nothing.
“Do you think she decided this was too much?” I ask Josh. “Have I been doing too much?”
“I don’t think that’s it. People do get busy.”
“Josh, it’s been nearly a month since the last time we talked. She won’t answer my calls or respond to my messages. What if it is me? What if she decided that she didn’t want to pursue this anymore? Maybe living on different planets just isn’t working?”
“Jake, I think you’re overthinking this.”
“What else am I supposed to think?!” I exclaim, slamming my hands down on the cafeteria table. Several people look over and I huff. “Forget it..” I say as I swipe my tray off the table and stand up to leave.
“No, Jake! I didn’t mean it like that!”
Overthinking. I’m overthinking? Seriously, what else am I supposed to think?
Stepping into my cabin, I flop down on the bed and rest my arms over my head. What if she did decide that and just not tell me? That’d be a shit thing to do. What if she found someone else?
Oh god, thinking about her with someone only makes my blood boil. Fuck.. Am I seriously jealous over something that most likely isn’t even true? Though I wouldn’t blame her. Anyone down there can give her everything that I can’t. Maybe I am overthinking all of this. Maybe she is just busy. But even then, why not just tell me?
So instead of thinking about her, I do what I always do to keep myself distracted. Burying myself into my work. For days on end, I’d only leave my cabin to eat and to train for a couple hours, but aside from that, I’d be holed up in my cabin and working on coding programs and classifying files.
Eventually days turned into weeks of doing the same routine.
Wake up.
Eat breakfast.
Train for a couple of hours.
Dive into work for five hours.
Take a break to eat lunch.
Get back into work for a few more hours.
Then shower.
And go to bed.
Day after day, week after week, which then turned into month after month. I would try to reach out to Marlie maybe once or twice a week, but still I got no response back and my calls still went unanswered. Eventually I gave up altogether. As much as it hurt to let go and just move on, I still loved her. She made my first experience on Earth a wonderful time even with the short amount I got to spend there. I’d be forever grateful for that and for her.
One afternoon while I’m training, Josh bursts into the room, the slamming of the door echoing through the chamber. “The cruiser’s coming in!” He exclaims. “Come on!”
“Josh, it’s just the same–”
“Quit being mopey, Jake. It’s tradition, we have to greet everyone regardless!” He grabs my hands and pulls me off the treadmill.
He drags me through the corridors and until we’re gathering with the rest of the crew by the launchpads. Of course we were stuck in the back, yet again. He was uncharacteristically buzzing with excitement. I’ve never seen him this excited for a crew to come in. Ivan was still here so he can’t be excited about him. So why–
“There they are!” Josh exclaims as he rises on his tip toes. “Sam!”
I whip my head around and rise on my toes to get a better look over everyone else. Sure enough there was Sam with a bright smile on his face as he waved enthusiastically at us.
“You made it!” Josh says as they hug. “How was the trip?”
“A blast! You know.. Skim milk really isn’t all that bad.” He chuckles before turning towards me and pulling me in for a hug. “It’s so great to finally see you all again!”
I embrace him in a hug too. “I had no idea you were coming, but it’s great to see you.”
“Well, it’s been tough keeping it a secret.” Sam says when we pull apart. “We wanted to surprise you, knowing you were kind of struggling to adjust to being back up here.”
“Oh dude, this place looks so cool!” I hear Danny exclaim as he comes up beside Sam. “Josh! Jake! So good to see you again!”
“You came too?” I laugh. “Did Dad come?”
“Uh duh!” Sam laughs. “He’s somewhere in there with Mom,” He says, waving his hand over to the crowded corridor. “You have to show me that space car…” Sam begins to say as my attention drifts back over to the doors.
That’s when I see a familiar face stepping out of the cruiser and onto the landing. She was looking around, over the sea of heads before our eyes finally locked. A smile spreads across her face and she starts to weave her way through the crowd. My feet were frozen in place, and I couldn’t move. I had to have been dreaming. She can’t be here. Is this even real?
Soon she’s making it through the back of the crowd and throwing her arms around me. My heart is racing in my chest. She’s here. She’s really here.
When I bring my arms up to wrap around her, all of the walls I had built up over the last handful of months break in a million pieces and I clutch her to my body, afraid that if I let go this will all be fake and I’ll wake up and all of this will have just been a dream. I bury my face into the crook of her neck as the tears wash down my cheeks.
That’s why she was silent all this time. She was coming here. She came up here for me.
We pull away only slightly to get a good look at each other. “Oh Jake,” She giggles as she reaches up to wipe her hands over my cheeks. “I’ve missed you so much.” I couldn’t speak. My voice was in my throat. She reaches up on her toes and brings her mouth close to my ear. “Let’s go somewhere private.” She lowers back down and nods her head, hoping for me to agree.
Taking her hand in mine, I pull her away from the crowd and through the corridors to my cabin. Reaching my door, I slide it open and pull her inside. Before the door was even closed all the way, I grabbed her face in my hands and I kissed her. She smiles against my lips and wraps her arms around my waist.
I backed up towards the bed and pulled her down onto my lap. She straddles my waist and keeps kissing me.
“I have missed you so much,” She says when she pulls away. “I’m so sorry for keeping you in the dark, but I really wanted to surprise you. You really thought I wouldn’t want you anymore?”
“How did–” I sigh. “Josh..”
She giggles and nods her head. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to talk to you but I knew I'd ruin it.. Especially if we were on a video call. You’d figure it out immediately.” She kisses me back and gently nudges me down on my back.
“You came up here..”
“I figured that since you might not be able to come back to Earth, I’d come to you.” She kisses me again and gently grinds her hips down against mine. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
I reach for the zipper on her suit and slowly I pull it down revealing nothing underneath. She giggles when my jaw slowly falls open. “I was hoping for quite the reunion.”
“Then that is what you shall get,” I chuckle before sitting up and taking her off my lap.
Within minutes we were both naked and under the covers of my bed. Feeling her again felt so good and so wanted. I missed the soft skin of her body against mine. I missed everything.
Laying her on her back, I leave a trail of kisses down her neck and to her chest. She moans sweetly as I wrap one of her breasts in my mouth and massage the other in my hand. I swirl my tongue around her breast as I suck on it before eventually releasing it and kissing further down her body. Sliding beneath the covers, I kiss between her legs and she grabs a fistful of my hair in her hand as the other one slams flat against the wall of the cabin.
“God… Jake!” She exclaims when I dip my tongue past her folds and through her entrance. I accompany my tongue with a finger and she moans out loud again as her grip on my hair increases. “Please don’t stop..”
I don’t plan on it.
Her back arches up from the bed as I drag my finger down her soaked walls. Eventually I have her crying out my name again as she tightens her thighs around my head. Her release pours out of her and I take in every single drop she gives. Once I lick it all clean, I slowly make my way back up her body before kissing her.
“You still sound so beautiful,” I say as I grind my hips against her.
Her teeth dig into her bottom lip and she pushes her hips upwards to meet mine. “Can we try something?” I ask.
“Anything,” She says.
I give her one more kiss and pull away. Leaning back on the heels of my feet, I grab hold of her hips and gently turn her over onto her stomach.
“Oh I see what you’re getting at.” She says.
“Have you ever done this one before?”
“Once or twice..” She says looking over her shoulder.
“Oh?” I press the pads of my fingers into her hips.
She smiles and turns her head again to look at me. “Way back in high school. Nothing for you to worry about.”
“Mmhmm..” I hum as I lift her hips up and bend her knees beneath her. “Are you ready?” She nods her head. Lining myself up with her entrance, I slowly push inside of her, unsure of how the both of us would feel after so long.
“You don’t have to be gentle.” She says. “I can handle it.”
“Yeah but it’s been a while, are you–”
“Jake..” She glances over her shoulder again to look at me. “I’ve been taking care of myself.”
I pause my movements and lean over top of her. “Pardon?”
She smirks as she looks at me. “Don’t tell me you haven’t pleasured yourself up here?”
“Well..” She giggles, dropping her head forward. “But I bet it wasn’t as good as me though, right?” She shakes her head and I nod mine in intrigue. “Alright, good..”
“Are you jealous that I had to use a substitute?” She asks when I start to move again.
“Pfft,” I scoff. “No..”
“And it’s not like you could sub out with anything except your hand,” She says. “Right?”
“Definitely not.. Never even thought of that.”
“Why? Are you jealous?” You say as I run my hand up her back and thrust deep inside of her. “Because in my defense, I never knew it was even legal to sleep with other crew members, not that I found any of them attractive anyways.”
“Yeah, you know.. They are our colleagues at this point since we technically work with them..” I pull out slightly before thrusting back inside of her. “I thought maybe it was against the rules or something–that is until I accidentally caught Ivan coming out of Josh’s room.”
“Woah, woah!” She pulls away from me and quickly turns around. “Josh and who?”
“You can’t tell anyone,” I say. “No one knows except for three of us–and now you.”
“Aww, does Josh have a boyfriend?”
I nod my head. “At least I think he might. I don’t really know the extent of it, but he’s been so good to him while I was–you know.. And he’s a really cool guy too, I like him.”
“Oh this is so fantastic!” She exclaims. “Aw, I’m happy for him.”
“Me too. Even more so because Ivan stayed behind to be with Josh when the last transport left for Earth.”
“Shut up, that is so cute!” I chuckle at her excitement and pull her onto my lap. “Today has just been a great day so far.”
“It definitely has,” I say before she kisses. “I’m still trying to wrap my head around you being here.”
“Well I’m here,” She says. “Now please, please, please no more talking..” She presses her lips to mine as she grinds her hips down on mine. “I need you..”
I kiss her again before laying her on her back. Lining myself up at her entrance, I push myself inside of her until she’s completely full of me. Slowly I roll my hips, dragging myself out before pushing back in until I create a steady rhythm. I kept at it for a little while before I pulled out and laid her back on her stomach. Inserting myself again, I clutch onto her hips as I continue to the steady pace. She’s pushing back on me, making me go deeper. She moans loudly when I press against her sweet spot.
I lean over top of her, never ceasing my movements, and I press my lips to the back of her neck.
“Wait for me..” I groan against her back. “I want to go together.”
My hand flies to her head and I grab a good chunk of her hair and I move a little faster and just a tad rougher. Josh was right. It is so much easier up here. With less pressure weighing us down, I definitely felt way more relaxed.
“Jake, I need to–”
“I’m right there..” I told her. I can feel her clench around me and I can’t hold it any longer. Within a few seconds and final last thrust of my hips, I’m spilling into her as she’s covering me. I collapse on to her back as my orgasm takes over my body. I feel the same as I did on Earth, just tens times more. “Fuck.. That was amazing..” I say through heavy breaths.
A knock comes on the door and I reluctantly pull myself out of her. The knocking continues and I climb out of the bed, covering Marlie up with the blanket, and grabbing my clothes to change back into. Sliding open the door, I look down to see Marvin in the hallway.
“You already did my daily check..”
“Yes, I know.. But I noticed your vitals are really elevated.”
“Yes Jacob?”
“I’m a human.. We have needs..”
“You have–” He pauses and his eyes flicker before he’s slowly backing away. “I see..”
I can’t help but to laugh. “Goodbye Marvin.” I say as before sliding the door closed again and locking it.
“Who’s Marvin?” Marlie asks as she sits up on the bed.
“Marvin is a robot.. A robot who doesn’t quite understand that I am not one and that my vitals will spike every now and then..” I explain as I crawl back onto the bed. I make myself comfortable between her and the wall and drag the covers over my body as well. “Now.. Where were we?”
Apologies in advanced with this taglist, I have recently been having problems with it!
@watchingover-hypegirl @losfacedevil @ignite-my-fire @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @writingcold (more tags in comments)
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multifandomfix · 3 months
Imagine getting caught playing with Xena and Gabrielle's weapons.
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You had been traveling with Xena and Gabrielle for only a few days, but it felt like a lifetime of adventure packed into each moment. The thrill of the journey, the constant motion, the way Xena's eyes sparkled in the heat of a battle, and the way Gabrielle's laughter lightened the mood during the darkest times. It all fascinated you.
One day, you found yourself alone in the campsite, a rare moment of peace as Xena and Gabrielle scouted ahead for something to eat. Your eyes drifted to the weapons they’d left behind, neatly laid out by the fire. Xena's chakram gleamed in the sunlight and Gabrielle's staff leaned against a tree, deceptively simple but powerful in her hands.
Curiosity got the better of you. Surely, there was no harm in just looking?
You picked up the chakram first, its weight surprising you. You turned it over in your hand, admiring the craftsmanship. You imagined the way Xena wielded it with such precision, and you couldn’t resist giving it a toss, trying to mimic her movements. It bounced off a large tree trunk and came back at you, narrowly missing your head. You winced. Quickly, you scooped it up off the ground where it had landed and placed it back where it was, as your heart slowed back to its usual rhythm.
Next, you turned to Gabrielle’s staff. It was smoother than you expected, the wood polished from use. You gripped it firmly and swung it experimentally, pretending you were defending against invisible attackers. It was lighter than you had expected, and for a moment, you felt a rush of exhilaration, like you were part of the team, fighting side by side with the warrior and the bard.
Lost in your imagination, you didn’t hear the soft footsteps behind you. It was only when you heard a low, amused chuckle that you froze, mid-swing. You turned slowly to see Xena standing there, arms crossed, a smirk playing on her lips. Gabrielle was beside her, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” Xena drawled, her voice sending shivers down your spine. She stepped closer, and you quickly put the staff behind your back, unaware of it sticking out over the top of your head. Your face burned with embarrassment.
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammered. “I was just curious.”
Gabrielle stepped forward, her smile kind. “It’s alright. Everyone gets curious. But you have to be careful with these things. They’re not toys.”
You nodded, feeling thoroughly chastised and not a little foolish. Xena’s smirk softened into a more genuine smile. “You’ve got good instincts, though,” she said. “With some training, you might even be able to handle them properly.”
Your eyes widened. “Really?”
Gabrielle laughed softly. “If Xena says so, then yes. But it means you have to listen and learn. Are you up for it?”
You nodded eagerly, excitement bubbling up despite your earlier embarrassment. Xena gave a single nod of approval and you handed Gabrielle’s staff over to her, allowing her to demonstrate a few basic moves. When she handed it back to you, you followed her instructions. You were slow and clumsy to start, but with a few tries you were improving.
A while later you felt somewhat more equipped to handle yourself with the staff. You made eyes at Xena’s chakram, but she took notice and quickly shut the idea down before you could even voice it. “Oh no, not even Gabrielle can use the chakram. Stick with the easier stuff for now.” A little disappointed, you nodded. “One more round with the staff,” you asked Gabrielle.
“You’re on!”
For @viandclintbarton-supremacy
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @ghostsunderstoodmysoul, @immyowndefender, @valencethefriendlychangeling, @crimsonwidow666, @rebelbossheart, @thedailyspiritualist, @orangeisnttheonlyfruit, @woman-simp, @aperol-with-izzy, @leonoralessoem, @ellepossum69, @lakita-fisher, @nclgsticore, @analuw, @luvlesavyy, @malfoyfeed, @aliciabrower, @bitchr-mkay, @sparrowspixie, @imaginationismyworldlypleasure, @og-kxsh-420
Gabrielle x Xena x Reader: @unnecessarypineapplesstuff, @callsigncrash
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evilvvithin · 2 years
Pairing: König x f!reader s/o Words: 1,196 Summary: König can be such a tease without even knowing about it. What happens when you tease him back?
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Notes: Little drabble I couldn’t get out of my mind for some time. He makes me go feral in soft way i can't contain myself ty @xellrani for correcting my broken german and helping me choose right austrian-german words <3
AO3 link
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”I want you to breathe with me… match my inhale… and exhale… look me in the eyes. That’s it, just relax.”
Your words echoed in König’s head and the corners of his mouth raised. Tightening his tactical belt around his waist, he wasn’t worried about himself. He was worried about you. He preferred when you stayed away from his work, when you stayed safely at base. Not this time. You literally forced yourself to be sent on a mission with him, you wanted to be with him as much as possible. It was a big surprise to both of you that they agreed to it, but here you were now and he wasn’t very happy about it. 
Checking your own equipment and packing up last pieces, he kept staring at you, eyes boring to the back of your neck. You felt his stare and knew exactly what he was thinking. 
What if something happened? Then, I’m with her, nothing can happen... fuck, aber alles kann irgendwie schiefgehen, he sighed out loudly.
“Let’s not waste time, I’m ready,” you grabbed his hand and brushed over his knuckles with your thumb.
Seeing his eyes narrow, you knew he’s smiling under his face cover. He loves small gestures of love and support like those. Without a word, he grabbed the rest of the backpacks and both of you headed towards your target. The mission was rather easy: go to the set position, unpack the sniper rifle and wait for your target to show up, eliminating with a nice clean shot. You couldn’t understand why this exact mission made König feel so on edge, but you also knew he gets stressed easily over small things. This must’ve been the reason. 
You didn’t usually see König in full gear, armored. He handled his weapons so elegantly, smoothly and made all the heavy gear look like a plastic hollow copy. It was such a contrast to seeing him in civilian or just at base, in his camo pants and jacket. You quickly cleared your throat as you felt a certain type of heat grow down your stomach. 
“The air is dry, drink enough,” he immediately said and pointed at the full canteen strapped to his backpack.
Poor soul, he has no idea, you had to chuckle at his reaction in your head.
You thought he was focused on the mission, in fact he was only focused on you. He might have hated the fact you were in action with him, in possible danger, but he loved the way you looked in gear just as much as you loved him in his. The heat you felt growing deep inside you was mutual. He tried to focus on getting to the position but the butterflies in his stomach were too distracting. 
“Here,” he said after a while. 
Putting down the sniper in place at the edge of a large hill, he hunched over you and rested his chin on the top of your head. He did this quite often, to remind you that you were his little Schatz and he was there protecting you. Usually you’d think he’s being cute but now you had to fight the urge to grind against him. He was so different when on missions compared to when you two were home. 
“Eyes on target, sir?” You raised your voice at the last word with a teasing accent. 
Feeling his jaw tense up on your head, he replied “soon” through gritted teeth. 
Mein Gott, ran through König’s mind as he felt your hips and shoulders move to finish setting up the sniper. Does she realize she’s so perfect? He just wanted to scoop you up and take you home, reminding you how much you mean to him. It’ll have to wait.
“Ready for action, sir.” You said and stood up, leaving the spot all for him.
His eyes pierced through yours, he wasn’t sure what to think about you calling him sir. He didn’t hate it but it certainly made him react to it in a way he didn’t expect.
Ignoring the blood flowing down to his crotch, he patiently waited and observed the area. Soon enough, multiple AFVs came to your view and stopped in the middle of nowhere. Both of you almost stopped breathing, even though König was the only one aiming the sniper for a precise shot. It didn’t take long before you noticed a man in black suit seemingly yelling out orders. He didn’t seem to wear any bulletproof vest or anything. Stupid… you thought. You could see his gold rings easily in the distance. Your target wasn’t him, you knew that too well, but you couldn’t help but laugh in your mind at the “cover” they tried to do to fool you. How could anyone fall for that?
“He expects us to fall for it,” you scoffed and pointed towards him.
König jumped a little as he was used to just going alone on these “elimination” missions. 
“Target undercover, ready to eliminate.” His voice turned raspy as he spoke really low and silent into his microphone.
Within a second, the soldier next to the man in suit dropped dead to the ground and panic unleashed within the group. Running to their AFVs, they were scoping the area trying to see where the shot came from. 
“Down!” König grunted and jumped at you, locking you fully under his giant frame. 
A bullet dug into the ground right next to you.
“Did they see us?”
“More likely a blind shot, but don’t move.” 
Couple more shots were heard, but none of them were aimed in your direction anymore.
“I don’t even want to move.”
He gave you a long look and waited till all the AFVs were finally away. Gripping on your ass suddenly, he pulled you up so your face was right in front of his.
“Target eliminated. Pick his guts off the floor.” He emotionlessly stated in his microphone and pulled his headphones off, not waiting for a reply.
“That was dangerous,” he whispered to you.
Your face grimaced into fake shock: “How could it be when I’m with my Lieblingssoldat?"
“You know what’s also dangerous?” He was smirking under his mask. “Me, when you tease me like that.”
You grinded against him as soon as he said that and heard him lightly whimper in response. 
“Scheiße - not here. Let’s pack up and head back.” 
He helped you on your legs, leaving a quick brief kiss on the top of your hand through his mask before grabbing the sniper and backpacks. He always found time to shower you with touches and kisses, no matter the time or situation. Lowering himself, he threw you over his shoulder with ease.
“Wh- I can walk,” you shouted in surprise.
“Not as quick as me, meine maus.” 
Feeling his hand over your ass holding you firmly to prevent you from falling, the lust grew strongly inside of you. 
“Can’t we go quicker, or stop somewhere nearer?” Your teasing tone was back. “I can’t wait all the way home, sir.”
“No quickies, love.” He laughed with a raspy voice. “I want to make it special.”
“You always do.”
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medicbrainrot · 1 year
i don’t wanna be here when you lose control
An awkward silence had taken over the room Task Force 141 was occupying when Ghost and Jaguar (Simon and Artemis) had gotten into a heated argument during a briefing meeting for an upcoming mission.
Ghost gritted his teeth. “Why do you always go on these off-topic tangents?! This is important!” His icy cold stare went right through Jaguar, putting a bit of a chill in the air.
“I’m sorry, but sometimes I get off track!” She says defensively.
“That is not good enough! This is important!!” He stalks closer to her, still gritting his teeth. His eyes look as angry as ever through the mask.
“We are not continuing until you realize that what you are doing is disruptive and wasting time!” His tone is cold, and his stare is even colder.
As his anger builds, his tone becomes even more harsh, to the point where he is almost yelling at Jaguar.
“Sit. Still! This is important! Now, can we please keep focus here!?” He grits out loudly.
“I CAN’T HELP IT! I HAVE ADHD!” Jaguar shouts.
Ghost growls and steps closer, putting his face right in front of hers.
“I said SIT STILL. This is IMPORTANT.” He said furiously.
His words shut her up immediately, and Jaguar didn’t move a muscle or say a single word throughout the rest of the meeting.
When the meeting was over, Ghost turned to Jaguar one more time. 
“I trust you understand the gravity of this now.” He said coldly, before walking away without another word. He’s absolutely livid, but he needs to calm down.
The next few days, the base feels awfully quiet as the team prepares for the mission.
Ghost himself is as silent as ever, hardly speaking to anyone, and keeping mostly to himself. It seems like he’s mostly gotten over the argument with Artemis, but he’s still a little pissed off about it.
No one really knows what’s going through his mind, but they’re all keeping an eye on him in case he snaps.
Artemis, in a similar vein, has been more withdrawn than usual, and barely gives more than one or two word responses when spoken to.
Simon picked up on Artemis’ behavior, and realized that perhaps she’s feeling the same way he is: guilty.
He knows he shouldn’t have snapped at her the way he did, but he couldn’t help it.
After a brief moment of pondering, he decides to go find her and try to make it up to her. He gathers a few of her favorite snacks into a little bag, and heads to her room, hesitating before knocking on the door. “Artemis?” 
After a few more knocks, Soap pokes his head out from his own room next door. “Jaguar’s not here, LT.” He says.
Ghost sighs internally. “Where is she?” He asks gruffly, even though internally he’s feeling guilty. His body language still reads frustration, but he manages to calm himself down so he doesn’t snap at Soap.
“Last I heard, she was headed to the firing range.” He supplies helpfully.
“The firing range?” Ghost asks.
Soap nods in response.
“Okay.” Ghost nods, hanging the little bag of snacks on Jaguar’s door handle before turning to leave for the range.
As he approaches the firing range, he can hear shot after shot being fired, in an even, precise rhythm. He slips on a pair of hearing protection headphones, and enters the range to find Artemis there, firing at target after target in pure anger and frustration.
She’s got her own hearing protection on, and it seems like she’s settled into a rhythm of firing round after round into the targets, quickly changing the mag, then continuing to fire.
Ghost approaches Jaguar carefully, getting closer with each step. He finally speaks when he's close enough she’ll be able to hear him over her protective equipment.
“Artemis?” He says, trying to keep a sense of calm in his voice, despite what happened the other day. “I came to apologize.”
“It’s alright Lieutenant.” She says stiffly, without turning around.
His tones soften a bit, not having expected forgiveness so easily. “Are you sure?” He pauses and lowers his voice a bit. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that…We disagree sometimes, but you didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s fine.” she says, equally as stiff as the first response.
Ghost stands in silence for a moment, before taking a deep breath. He’s not sure what else he could say to make things right between them, but he knows he has to do something.
“Are you absolutely sure it’s alright?”
She fires the rifle again. “It’s fine.” She says again. She has yet to turn around, and her voice remains awfully stiff.
Simon begins to worry that it’s not all fine. “I don’t like you sounding so stiff.” He says, notes of concern filling his voice.
He takes a step closer to her, his tone trying to remain soft and gentle. “Artemis…”
This time, she sets the rifle down and finally turns to look at him, slipping off her hearing protection. Her eyes are red and puffy, and now that she’s not holding the rifle, he can see that her hands are shaking. “I said it’s fine Lieutenant.”
An awful sinking feeling settled in Simon’s stomach, almost like he was sick. He knew immediately that he had to do something in order to fix this. All he wants is to comfort her, but he has to know where to start. He slipped off his hearing protection before speaking.
“No, it’s not. What’s wrong Artemis?”
“If you’ve come to yell at me to sit still again, don’t worry. I’ve been working on it the past few days.” She says, gesturing to the destroyed targets downrange. 
Simon looks at the targets, concerned by the mess, horrified by the realization that he was the cause. He takes a deep breath before speaking. “Artemis, I haven’t come to yell. I’m so, so sorry for snapping at you the other day.” 
He pauses for a moment, trying to put himself in her shows. “Do you…want to talk about it?”
“I don’t know…I might go on another tangent…” She says flatly.
His tone softens some more, he can tell that she’s very bitter. “Artemis, you can tell me anything you want. What’s on your mind?” He asks, trying to show that he is being genuine, and won’t criticize her for going on another ‘tangent’. 
“What’s on my mind? What’s on my mind!?” She exclaims, as she presses her hands tightly into her eyes. “What’s on my mind is I’ve been trying to figure out for weeks how to tell my boyfriend I have ADHD, only for it to slip out in an argument and then have him use it against me. That’s what’s on my mind, Simon.”
‘Oh god.’ Simon thinks to himself. ‘That’s what’s been keeping her up at night?’ Simon hasn’t felt this awful in a long, long time. He’s horrified that he’s done this to her. “I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine.” She mumbles, her hands still pressed tightly into her eyes.
“Artemis…” He takes a few tentative steps closer, putting a hand on her shoulder and turning her to face him more.
“I didn’t mean to attack you like I did. I was wrong to do so, and I was wrong to not consider the consequences. I’m so, so sorry for my actions.”
“You’re not the first one.” She mumbles, lowering her hands from her eyes. “I’m surprised you haven’t broken up with me yet.”
“What do you mean?” He asks, his eyebrows raising under his mask. “Did I make you feel like breaking up is the only option?” He’s shocked at the possibility, a look of worry on his face. “Artemis, breaking up with you never even crossed my mind. Are you serious?”
“My last boyfriend broke up with me a few days after I told him, said I was too much to handle.” She says, a few tears escaping her eyes.
Artemis’ words cause Simon to feel another wave of guilt wash over him. He had no idea this wasn’t the first time she was treated this way, and it made him feel so much worse, knowing that he was one of the people who caused her pain. “He was wrong…” Simon starts gently. “He was wrong. You’re not ‘too much to handle’, Artemis.” He pauses. “You’re perfect just the way you are, I promise.”
“That’s not what you said when you yelled at me…” She says with a flat affect.
A look of guilt passes through Simon’s eyes, and he drops his head as he tries to come up with a response. “You’re right. I didn’t say that. I essentially said the opposite, something  cruel, that I shouldn’t have said. But, Artemis…” He pauses, his tone getting soft again. “What I said was wrong. You deserve to be treated better than that… I’m sorry.”
Artemis shrugs. “It’s my fault for fidgeting during a meeting.”
“No Artemis, it isn’t.” Simon sighs and rubs the back of his neck. “You have ADHD. It’s something you can’t control. You deserve to be treated with love and respect, and you shouldn’t have to be shamed simply because you don’t act how others might want you to.”
“I wish that conversation had gone differently.” She sniffles, as a fresh wave of tears fills her eyes.
“I do too, Artemis.” Simon steps forward and hugs her tightly, trying to comfort her. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?” He asks gently.
“I don’t know. My brain is so fucking scrambled.” She sniffles.
“Scrambled?” He asks gently. “Why? Do you feel anxious? Do you feel overwhelmed?”
“I don’t know what I feel right now. There’s too much going on in my brain.” Artemis says.
“It’s okay, It’s okay to not know, love.” Simon says softly.
“It’s not okay! I keep fucking up because I can’t get my fucking brain under control!” She yells, exasperated.
Simon flinches slightly when she yells. “What do you mean by that…?” He asks cautiously. “How have you been messing up?”
“I talk too much, I fidget too much, I annoy everyone around me because I’m too much. I have seventeen trains of thought going in my head at all times and I don’t know where any of them are fucking going!” She shouts.
It takes effort from Simon not to jump when she shouts again. He takes a deep breath before speaking, trying to calm his nerves, so that he doesn’t say something that might hurt Artemis further. “Artemis…If I might speak bluntly. It doesn’t sound like you’re the problem here. It sounds to me that your previous exes were too harsh to you…” He says gently.
“It’s not just my exes. My friends, my teachers, my parents. I feel like I’m gonna go crazy if I have to be still and quiet but there’s nothing I can fucking do about it!!” She tries to take a breath. “It’s always, sit still, stop talking, stop fidgeting, stop bouncing, stop shouting, you’re being too loud, you’re being disruptive. Everything about my existence is annoying and yet I can’t seem to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!”
Simon’s eyes go wide at the outburst, but he manages to keep calm and keep holding Artemis tightly. “Artemis…” His tone remains gentle, and he realizes what he needs to say. His own trauma is screaming at him to not go near this, but he knows that right now that’s not the answer. He takes a deep breath and starts softly. “I think I understand what happens when you get overwhelmed.”
“What.” She says in a small voice.
He can hear the pain in her voice and it makes him feel even more horrible for speaking so harshly to her.  He rubs her shoulder gently, trying to comfort her. “Your mind feels like it’s being attacked by constant thoughts, and you feel like you might explode if you don’t do something…And you feel like talking and moving helps you, even if just for a little bit.”
“Pretty much. I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 22, but it made so much sense.” She says quietly.
“Artemis, I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this like that. Nobody should have to feel like they’re not allowed to speak or move. You have every right to speak and move around all you want. If anyone else tells you otherwise, they’re wrong.” His voice grows even softer. “You are not too much.”
“Even when it’s you telling me to be quiet and sit still?” She asks.
“That’s on me. That’s me being inconsiderate, and it’s me being wrong. I can’t apologize enough for that. I’m sorry Artemis, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He says softly, hoping she understands.
“It’s okay.” She says sadly. “You didn’t know…”
“Artemis, I still shouldn’t have treated you like that, regardless. I’m just…I’m sorry I didn’t realize something sooner.” He says gently. “If I could go back and undo what I said, I swear I would. But I can’t. All I can do is apologize and make sure I don’t do something like that again.”
“I wanted to tell you sooner… I just….didn’t know how…I felt like there was never a right time…” She says as a tear slides down her cheek.
“It’s alright.” Simon says softly, swiping away the tear with his thumb. “Don’t beat yourself up over it. I’m the one who reacted poorly. It’s on me to learn, not on you to do something you aren’t comfortable with.” He holds her tighter, trying to express his love with the hug.
Artemis leans into the hug, burying herself into his chest. “I’m sorry for avoiding you.” She mumbles.
“It’s alright to ask for space after an argument. It just means you want time to cool down.” He says reassuringly. “If you need more time to process, I’m alright giving you whatever you need.”
“I don’t want more time to process. I haven’t slept in two days. I just want to go to bed.” Artemis says, trying not to cry.
Simon nods, pulling slightly back from the hug. He looks down at Artemis, still feeling guilty about how he hurt her. He can now tell how tired she is, and how desperately she needs sleep. 
“Okay, I can help with that. Do you need anything before you go rest? Water, a snack, anything?”
“A snack would probably be good. I’ve been here at the range since early this morning.” She yawns. “Maybe…maybe, after I’ve slept, we can talk some more about this?”
Simon gives Artemis a warm smile. “Of course, take all the time you need, love.”
He releases her from the embrace and turns to go get her a snack while she cleans up her stuff at the range.
“Simon, wait.” She calls out.
Simon stops in his tracks, turning around to face Artemis again. “What is it, Artemis? Was there something else?” He asks softly.
She steps forward and lifts his mask to press a gentle kiss to his lips. “I love you.” She says softly.
Simon is caught a little off guard by the kiss, but he quickly recovers. He leans into the kiss, and pulls away after a few seconds, smiling warmly at her. “I love you too, Artemis.” He pulls her into another gentle kiss, holding her close. “I love you… more than you could ever know. Never forget that.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and feedback are appreciated!
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k0nfette · 7 months
How do you recommend someone look after their wrists when it comes to art?? Like are there specific exercises ??? How do you know when you should give yourself a break?? Tendonitis seems sooo painful 😭😭😭
Good rule of thumb is to stop drawing as soon as there’s pain, art shouldn’t have to be persevered through pain, it can always wait. If you do draw everyday, draw with more days in between. I work and draw so my hands are always used, so most of the week I choose not to draw. Wishing you the best!
Without equipment: I recommend these before and after drawing
(Hold 20 seconds each time)
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Idk what this is called but I do it too
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Here’s with the products that worked for me after going to physical therapy:
-Flexbar(red): grab both ends and bend 20x like you’re making a rainbow, and then 20x for an upside down rainbow. Hold both ends and twist opposite directions 20x, like you’re holding a motorcycle handle, but opposite directions on both hands.
-Theraputty(red): pinch with each finger one at a time (20x). If you’re absentmindedly doing something like a phone call or watching a video, play with the putty. Really, using your hands keeps the strength in place while doing nothing actually made me way weaker and ache all the time. Scar tissue can build up like cobwebs if you’re inactive, so moving breaks it up or keeps it from spreading to me at least.
-Digiflex(red): press down with each finger one at a time (20x)
-2lb weight: hold in hand and move arm straight in front of you like a fist bump, then pull back to body and up straight(x15). Also sitting and resting arm at a right angle on an arm rest while holding the weight. You can rotate your wrist off the edge of the arm rest left/right 20x, then another 20x curling your palm up and down with the weight. This one hurts at first but it gets easier as you get your strength back.
Be careful with braces because some hurt more after, and I had fingerless ones that hurt after because my fingers instinctively curled in my sleep. Don’t overdo painkillers since things like advil can be toxic to organs if overdone. For relief, get ice or a heating pad(there’s no decision which is better so it’s up to you). Ice after exercise or drawing is good.
Food is also a bigggg factor! Reduce salt and sugar as they can cause inflammation. If you have small wrists like me, the swelling muscles cause a lot of pain. I’m probably too restrictive but I don’t drink soda, caffeine(can make you jittery), coffee, or eat too many pastries. If I have something too sweet I’ll avoid any more sweets the rest of the day. Weirdly enough having tendinitis improved my eating habits 🧍‍♀️
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haru-sen · 11 months
halsin and zevlor, the first time/moment they are something more than diplomatic allies (maybe fluff, maybe their first sex time together, feel free!) before halsin has to go with aradin to the goblin camp (ada-melodies!)
I uh...short fiction LMAO. (It's only 3,250 words)
The Nature of Guardians
Set pre-Tav and the events of Through the Gates of Horn and Oak. SFW
“They’ve been following us for the past hour,” Tilses said quietly. “Some of the guards are getting nervous about the wolves.”
“Remind them to hold their fire,” Zevlor said, his voice carrying. Damays already warned him that this was druid territory. So when a group of large bears, wolves, and badgers started to follow from a distance, he understood that these were no ordinary animals. Maybe some were simple wild beasts, but there were likely familiars and several wild-shaped druids in the mix, and it would not do to court their anger.
Zevlor stayed in the front while Tilses and Asharak went down the line, reaffirming orders. Cerys was at the tail of it, making sure no one was left behind.
“We’re taking the Risen Road to Baldur’s Gate,” Zevlor called out to a dire wolf that lingered close to the road. “We are refugees from Elturel. We are just trying to follow the Risen Road to Baldur’s Gate. There are children here-”
The wolf locked eyes with him, a disconcertingly sentient intelligence on that lupine face, before it darted off. Zevlor exhaled, crossbow still slung across his back.
They made it another fifteen minutes before an enormous cave bear lumbered out of the grass. It trundled straight toward him, not charging, but its intent was clear.
Zevlor halted and resisted the urge to reach for his sword.
There was a shimmer of golden light and the bear stood upright and became the biggest, most solid-looking elf he had ever seen.
“Oak Father’s blessings on you and yours. My name is Halsin, the Archdruid of the Emerald Grove. You look like you’re in need of some assistance.”
Before today, Zevlor had never paid Silvanus much mind. And yet, that was the god he was thanking when he and his people bedded down in a real shelter for the first time in weeks.
“My apologies, Archdruid. The young man in question was trying to aid in kitchen duties, however-” Zevlor pinched the bridge of his nose, trying not to think of the foul smoldering mess Danis created. “He is, at best, a novice.”
“You can just call me “Halsin,” Zevlor. We don’t stand on ceremony here,” Halsin said, sitting on the stone table Zevlor was using as a desk. “I came to apologize for Marcoryl’s outburst. It was an overreaction. Granted, the scent was foul, but accidents happen and druids should be made of sterner stuff. He’s just…” Halsin stared off to the side. “High-strung.”
“I think it would benefit everyone if we limit who’s on mess duty to a...trustworthy few,” Zevlor said, mustering a small smile.
“I have no complaints. I appreciate your people helping to clean up the Hollow.”
Halsin might not have complaints, but his second, Kagha, certainly wasn’t pleased by their extended stay and she was not alone in her feelings.
“I know our presence is a burden,” Zevlor said quietly. “I’ve sent scouts out to forage, but some haven’t returned. I’m...concerned.”
Halsin stroked his chin. “There are some troubling developments in the region. Some of our familiars are reporting goblin movements. You might want to limit your people’s range. I know ogres have been spotted in the area.”
Zevlor swore under his breath. “My scouts aren’t equipped to handle ogre marauding parties.”
“Most of my people are not either,” Halsin said, shaking his head. “We’ll have to monitor the situation closely and share information.” He smiled ruefully. “You might be sick of my face by the end of this.”
“No, I don't think that will be the case,” Zevlor said hesitantly, meeting the wood elf’s green eyes.
Halsin’s smile widened, a little too knowing.
Heat stirred in his blood, and Zevlor forced himself to look away.
“I think we’ve finally retrieved the last of Loic’s belongings,” Zevlor said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Cerys took point on that one. It was best if he minimized contact with Mol, for both their sakes.
Halsin leaned against a stone table, skimming some ancient tome while measuring out dried herbs.
“Loic’s a big whiner,” Nettie said cheerfully as she bandaged a squirrel. It was scowling at him, Zevlor was certain. “Can’t believe a couple of bairns pinched his pouches. He’s only making a fuss because he’s so ashamed.”
Zevlor managed a small smile and a grateful nod to the healer. “I...don’t disagree. But some of the children have had rough upbringings. All this time on the road hasn’t been good for their social graces.” Though thieving to survive was something Mol knew long before they left Elturel. He was keenly aware of the fact that his people had a reputation for being criminals, and he spent his entire life combating that viewpoint. But times changed. Now he would rather they break the law than die for it.
Halsin nodded absently. “The matter was hardly worth bringing to our attention,” He set the book down and finally looked up at Zevlor, and his smile widened into something more personable. “Have you eaten yet?”
“I-” Zevlor looked away. Supplies were dwindling too quickly now that the scouting expeditions were halved. The children and the other workers received priority rations.
Three scouts failed to return, and Zorru spotted ogres, as well as some other creatures he did not recognize patrolling the nearby roads.
“Of course not,” Halsin said, shaking his head. “Hold on.” He left the library.
“You know,” Nettie said, turning to him. “He really enjoys your conversations. Your knowledge of the history of the pantheon is impressive. I didn’t realize the relationship between Umberlee and the Oak Father was so...nuanced. I admit that I didn’t expect a soldier to be so well-read, no offense.”
“Ah, well, I suppose that’s fair. Many are not,” Zevlor said, looking down. “I received some...liturgical training in my youth.”
“Ah, a cleric of Helm then?” Nettie asked.
Zevlor shifted back and forth on his heels, tail winding tightly around his leg. “I was once a paladin.”
Nettie nodded amiably.
“Will you stay for lunch?” Halsin asked as he returned, carrying a large bundle wrapped in leaves. It smelled like smoke and meat, and Zevlor felt his stomach clench.
“I couldn-”
“No, I have to train Apikusis and Rath on advanced wound treatment techniques,” Nettie said briskly. “Enjoy yourselves.” She gave Zevlor a cheeky wink, before hurriedly exiting.
Halsin began to unwrap the leaves, the scent of herb-roasted venison filling the room. “Join me.”
“I should really g-” Zevlor began.
“I got up early and hunted it myself. I might have borrowed some herbs from Inwe, but she is getting a portion for her help,” Halsin said, his smile placid and inscrutable. “You are not taking anyone else’s share. You haven’t even been taking your own.”
Zevlor exhaled slowly. “Is it that obvious?”
“No, but I know the state of our storerooms and I know what kind of man you are.” He clicked his tongue. “Eat with me, please. Meals are better shared with friends.”
Nodding in resignation, and not a little enticed by the smell, Zevlor sat down with the Archdruid.
“Tilses has done wonders for organizing the stockrooms,” Halsin said, grinning up at him.
Perhaps because there wasn’t much left in the stores to organize. But Zevlor did not say that. He sat by the fire with Halsin, sipping the too sweet tea that the Archdruid preferred. The wood elf was stretched out on the grass, back resting against the split log that Zevlor sat atop.
“Tilses is excellent at logistics. If things had not gone the way they did, she would have made a fine quartermaster for our division.”
Halsin sighed sympathetically. “So why the Hellriders then? Why not the Order of the Companion? Seems more suitable for a paladin.”
Since leaving Elturel he had often asked himself the same thing. He did not regret joining the Hellriders, merely how he left them. But his path would have been much simpler if he had been a Companion.
“Some of it was reputation. I was an idealistic cadet with a young man’s pride,” Zevlor said hesitantly. “The Companions were a newer order and lacked the prestige of the Hellriders. And I suppose on some level, the Companion itself, while a wonder...never sat quite right with me.” The Companion, the heatless second sun over Elturel was called Amaunator’s Gift, and it was meant to prevent darklings and other corrupt creatures from assaulting the city. It was raised after the events fifty years ago, when the former High Rider was discovered to be a vampire and the Hellriders fought a losing battle against the undead. It was also the device Zariel used to drag Elturel down to Avernus.
“Prescient,” Halsin said softly.
“It was mostly a young man’s vanity,” Zevlor said. “And the desire to show them that an untrustworthy tiefling could be just as good as the rest of them.” He smiled thinly.
“You made Commander.”
“And lost it all anyway,” Zevlor said, waving his hand dismissively. “No matter, my priorities changed, as they needed to.” Zevlor stared at the fire, impressed by how easily the lie slipped off his tongue. Of course, his priorities changed. But the sting of his exile was not so easily dismissed. He worked for this his entire life, and what did he have to show for it? A broken oath and a dwindling population of civilians. “I shirked my duty once, and paid the price.” He stared at the fire. “But I will not make that mistake again. I am here for my people’s sake.”
“A necessity, Halsin. Not a virtue,” Zevlor said sharply.
“I did not want this role,” Halsin said quietly. “After my predecessor fell to Ketheric’s Dark Justiciars, someone had to bring our people home. The details differ, but the sentiment remains the same, don’t you agree?”
Zevlor nodded slowly. “Yes, I suppose so.”
Halsin procured a pipe from his pouch. “Do you mind?”
“Not at all. I used to enjoy a pipe on a rare occasion.” Halsin carefully lit it and took a puff, the fragrant smoke drifting up into the sky. He sighed heavily and then extended his arm, offering the pipe.
“No thank you. I gave it up.”
“Why?” Halsin asked mildly.
“It contributed to an image unbecoming of a Hellrider,” Zevlor said, recalling the High Rider’s words.
“Hellriders can’t smoke?” Halsin asked, a little incredulous.
“A tiefling one should not,” Zevlor said, bitterness twisting his smile.
Halsin snorted loudly. “Your commanding officers were bigots and fools.” He extended his arm, offering it up again. “It’s just us out here. Indulge yourself, Zevlor.”
Zevlor hesitantly accepted the pipe, relieved that Halsin very kindly did not say, “but you are no longer a Hellrider. Those rules do not apply to you.” They both knew it, but some things did not need to be spoken aloud.
He accepted it, taking a small draw. He held the smoke in his mouth, a pleasantly aromatic herbal taste, accentuated by the lingering sweetness of Halsin’s lips. It was almost a kiss. He glanced over at the wood elf and blew out a mouthful of smoke, wondering if the other man would taste just as good.
Halsin smiled at him in the firelight. “You look very regal ringed in smoke, Hellrider.”
“Thank you for sharing, Archdruid,” Zevlor said, returning the pipe to him.
Halsin just brought the pipe back to his lips and closed his eyes, taking his next breath with obvious pleasure.
The evening meetings were becoming a habit. If they did not see each other at dinner, well then Halsin would often seek him out later. When asked, Zevlor would merely tell Tilses that they were sharing intelligence and addressing the concerns that came from communal living.
Tilses and Kagha did not have a good working relationship, so it went mostly unquestioned.
“I...overindulged at one point. It is best that I do not partake now.” Halsin leaned back against the stone wall, and next to him, Zevlor was very aware of how much bigger the other man’s body was. He sipped his own glass of mediocre red. “I much prefer tea and honey anyway.”
“Don’t you mean honey diluted with tea?” Zevlor asked, the wine loosening his tongue. It was easy to get comfortable with Halsin.
Halsin’s answering laugh was a deep rumble that resonated in his core. The man had a dangerously disarming sort of charm. People underestimated him for his cheerful rustic attitude, something Zevlor was guilty of. But Halsin had all the cunning of his multiple centuries, he just hid it better than most.
Zevlor’s tail twitched and he took another sip of wine, determined not to overindulge in Halsin’s presence. The druid made him feel too relaxed, too comfortable, too sloppy. And that was something he could not afford to be right now. His responsibilities were to his people. He had already let them down so many times. Allowing himself to be distracted by Halsin’s considerable charms would be irresponsible.
“You look grim, my friend,” Halsin said, reaching over, that rough hand warm on his arm.
Zevlor stared at him, trying to muster a convincing smile, but he had never been good at feigning happiness. It was much easier to be a stern commander, but that approach would not work with Halsin.
“This is my face, Halsin,” Zevlor said, dropping the false smile. “My apologies if you find it disappointing.”
“Not at all,” Halsin said, leaning closer. “It’s a good face, handsome, distinguished even.” He slowly examined Zevlor with a painstaking thoroughness that held the tiefling frozen in place. “This face has character, much like its bearer.”
Zevlor stared wide-eyed at the other man. “I-” His breath caught. Who said things like that to a man like him? Halsin was...He didn’t know what Halsin was. Halsin was not one of his people that he needed to protect. Halsin was not his subordinate. Halsin was not easily defined. “That is quite the compliment,” Zevlor said, his throat suddenly dry. “You’ve rendered me speechless. I can’t remember the last time someone remarked on my visage in such a fashion.”
Halsin frowned. “Truly?”
“I-I was a military man, Halsin,” Zevlor mumbled.
“I’ve heard several of your own people comment on what a fine figure you cut,” Halsin said cheerfully. “You have quite a few admirers.”
“The folly of youth,” Zevlor said, waving him off. “They idealize a former Hellrider, and fail to see him for his many shortcomings. It is something they will grow out of soon. Likely on this very journey.”
“Live long enough, and you will realize that you have many shortcomings,” Halsin said, fingers lightly stroking Zevlor’s arm. “What matters is how you seek to compensate for them.”
“A commendable mindset,” Zevlor’s breath caught as his tail snaked along the back of the druid’s hand. His eyes widened at his own slip, and he hoped that Halsin would not notice-
Halsin chuckled, lightly flicking the tip.
Zevlor gasped, and turned his head, the heat of that touch traveling up his spine. When was the last time someone had played with his tail like this? When was the last time someone made his pulse race in frantic anticipation? Back in Elturel? Before the Descent?
It had to be a mistake. Halsin was just being friendly. Halsin didn’t mean to-
Zevlor looked back, to see Halsin watching him with those hooded eyes.
“Too much?” Halsin asked his voice husky.
Zevlor shuddered.
No, Halsin was too old not to know what he was doing.
“Perhaps I’ve had too much wine. I find myself unfocused,” Zevlor murmured, refusing to address the issue.
“Is it really the wine?” Halsin asked innocently. “I find myself distracted as well, but I haven’t had a drop.”
Zevlor’s breathing grew ragged.
“I’ve seen how you look at me, Zevlor. How your tail arches toward me when we’re alone. I’m not ignorant of tiefling body language.” Halsin’s fingers rubbed his tail and Zevlor gritted his teeth, realizing the treacherous appendage was brushing against the other man’s thigh. “I’m just letting you know that the interest is not one-sided, and if you wish to act on it, well, that is an option.”
Zevlor shut his eyes. “Halsin, that would be unwise.”
“As you say then,” Halsin said, his tone friendly and relaxed. “I have no desire to pressure you.”
“I know you wouldn’t do that,” Zevlor said. He opened his eyes to see Halsin staring wistfully at his mug of tea, still smiling, but the expression held a melancholy that he recognized intimately. Halsin led his circle much like Zevlor led his people. And it would be an imbalance of power to take a lover from those who depended on him. Halsin had similar views. Neither man was alone, but there was a certain kind of solitude that came from the position.
The poignancy of Halsin’s expression struck a chord and Zevlor’s chest tightened. He looked away for a moment, wondering when he had become so timid? Had he lost his spine alongside his oath?
Gritting his teeth, Zevlor, reached over, his hand resting on Halsin’s arm, savoring the feel of bare skin. “If we were going to pursue anything personal, we would have to be very careful,” Zevlor said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Halsin’s eyes widened. “I see.”
“Do you?” Zevlor asked dryly.
Halsin lifted Zevlor’s hand to his lips, his smile bright once more, like the sun shining through the trees. The druid kissed his palm gently, the warmth spreading along his shaken nerves and up through his chest. “I will be very careful with you, Zevlor.”
“It’s not me you have to be careful with,” Zevlor said. “It is those who rely on us.”
“Well, they are not here right now,” Halsin murmured, reaching out to run his fingers along Zevlor’s jaw. “And I think you deserve a great deal of care. I think it has been a long time since someone treated you with the thoughtfulness you deserve.”
Zevlor’s breath caught, the gentleness of Halsin’s touch taking him off guard. The damn man was too insightful, or perhaps he was too obvious in his infatuation. Still his arm moved on its own, trapping Halsin’s hand against his face.
Halsin smiled then and leaned closer.
There came a grinding sound as the chamber doors began to open. Zevlor hissed, dropping back as Halsin released him.
“Sir, the guards report mercenaries wandering around outside. They’re making so much noise, they’ll bring something down on us!” Tilses scowled as she stormed into the room. “We need to infor- Oh.”
Zevlor sipped his wine, eyes on the ground as he leaned away from Halsin.
The Archdruid sat a respectable distance away, also drinking his tea.
Tilses regarded them for a moment. “Oh good, you’re both here. I don’t know what you want to do, but there was no immediate threat, so we weren’t going to act without your permission.” “Thank you, Tilses,” Halsin said, sounding as unbothered as ever. Zevlor envied that skill. “I suppose we better go see what they want.” He climbed to his feet. “Would you come with me?”
Nodding in resignation, Zevlor rose.
“We can continue our discussion afterward,” Halsin said, his tone casual.
“That isn’t necessary,” Zevlor murmured.
“On the contrary,” Halsin said, smiling at him. “I find it a subject of great personal interest, one that requires my full attention.”
Still reeling from that declaration, Zevlor followed the Archdruid outside, to see what misfortune had come knocking at their gates.
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midnight-blue-goth · 2 months
Hawaiian Havoc: The Aftermath Episode
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Chapter 1: Behind The Scenes [Preview, Full on AO3]
The crew team was coming and going, running out of time. The show is about to start, the Aftermath.
Generally, these types of episodes are easy to handle. On set, no movement. But this one comes with a challenge, brought to you by the sadistic boss, Chris Mclean. And clearly, it involves wild animals.
Not even the fantastic environment that Hawaii offers can make this more relaxing for anyone. “There are only four hours left.” an intern repeats to themselves, holding the leash of a highly dangerous crocodile trying to push him slowly off the shore.
Another group of animals will be joining the peanut gallery, they meant to land in a couple minutes. The episode starts at six and Geoff, sitting on a pink couch, is reading the script while being fixed up by his makeup department.
According to the script, Bridgette should be back from Siberia. Everyone seems to think that this was orchestrated or a complex plan implemented by the producers. How could they let a participant be in the coldest place on Earth without protection? But no, Blaineley really sent her to the most secluded place.
The rest of the contestants are making their entrance as one of the producers guided them through their assigned seats. Everything has intention in this show, nothing is accidental.
Especially to that one girl sitting on the upper side, close enough to hear the production crew conversation. Her new boyfriend will be arriving in a couple minutes.
Gwen hasn’t been able to stop thinking about him; this sudden fixation has increased since her elimination. Thinking about all the things she wanted to say to him while recalling their secret meetings. At least she is glad that those meetings stayed secret.
Her fidgeting fingers couldn’t stop moving as the time of going on air was getting closer. “You seem kinda nervous, girl.” Leshawna started to speak up, breaking her train of thought. “You need to stop shaking so much or we are gonna slip out from this couch.”
“Yeah, sorry.”
“No need to apologize. You may want to reserve those when that stuck-up spitting-fire dragon enters the scene. Believe me, unfortunately she will let herself be known and heard. Especially heard.”
“Yeah.” Gwen seems rather absent in the conversation. Ignoring the current situation until now made her be able to stay where she is.
Leshawna takes a side look at her, she still has her guard up. “Gonna be honest, Gwen.” She let out a heavy sigh and continued “I do not wish to be in your shoes right now, you will have to sleep with one eye open from now on... maybe two. She definitely has sent you a defamation lawsuit at your house door.” Gwen made no comments.
Leshawna shakes her head “I hope he is worth it; I hope he is. And if he is not, you know what to do. And I’ll send him to the closest hospital around.” Gwen left a chuckle. “I’m not kidding. You may be dumb choosing men, but that doesn’t mean I would let them do whatever they please.”
“Don’t worry, I have got you in my speed dial. You will be the first to know, I promised.” Gwen knows Leshawna meant well, even if she uses her distinctive tough love.
“Good, good.” Now that she has shown more than a frown, Leshawna is feeling better.
Suddenly, a loud metal noise makes them turn around at the same time. It is not usual for the crew member to mess up with the equipment, they know Chris is looking from every angle. He always ends up knowing everything and he will make sure that you pay for it. But as Leshawna and Gwen can see, none of them are.
“You can recognize that green mohawk from a mile away,” Leshawna adds as Gwen’s smile begins to form in her mouth. He appears to be in a heated argument with ‘more likely than not’ innocent assistants’ producers.
Gwen’s eyes shift from him to the floor, where lies a broken television. “So that's where that loud noise came from.”
“Hm, those make-up people must be new. Don’t know how they dared to touch him.” Leshawna let out a laugh. “Why don’t you go there before he rips someone’s head off?” 
She doesn’t need too much convincing; she only needs a reason to not look too needy. Gwen is already looking at the producer to find a way without being noticed. Luckily, they are more worried about the wild animals than anything else. And without any push back, Gwen is sneaking out, making her way to Duncan.
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That's it! Check it out the full version on AO3! First fic I've ever published. There is going to be a second chapter, maybe even a third. But I needed to cut it out there or it was going to be too long imo. I hope it was worth the wait!
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sixx-writes · 2 years
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Frieza x Reader
Word Count: 2,946
cw: choking, noncon, pheromones, hermaphrodite/intersex frieza, blowjobs, cunnilingus, frieza is a whore with a frussy don’t @ me
AO3 Version | Masterlist
Summary: Frieza is in heat and reader ends up being the one to ‘help out’. PWP.
Part Two
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Existing on Frieza's ship was a tense experience to say the least. Especially since you were a human which of itself was a rare commodity and a woman at that. It garnered you a fair amount of attention from the almost entirely male army members on board and you found yourself being called to repair what looked like intentionally damaged equipment just so that the one responsible could have you alone for a while. You had no choice but to bear it for two main reasons; the first being that you were in the middle of fucking space most of the time and the second being that it wasn't like you had chosen the life you were dealt and had the option to say 'no thank you'.
It chose you instead because of your ingenuity with anything electronic making you a prime candidate to work as a technician for Frieza. You supposed it could be worse after all no one would fuck with you for fear of upsetting your boss so you had peace of mind at least.
That was until Frieza's strange mood swings started up a few days ago which had resulted in the death of three army members for trivial reasons. It seemed on the last poor soul Frieza had obliterated he'd badly damaged a panel in the observation area and the wiring needed to be repaired.
It went without saying that you were nervous having to deal with an unstable Frieza even if you did have express permission to do so.
He wasn't allowing anyone to come near him after the last incident with the exception of yourself and you tried to ignore the little sympathetic glances from the others you passed in the hall when they noticed you had your toolkit. Even the area outside of where Frieza lurked was empty of life and you had to dry swallow the knot that had formed in your throat as you got closer.
You could already smell the acrid smoke from the damaged wiring coming from inside feeling a cold bead of sweat trail along your spine at the accompanying scent of singed meat.
"Come in."
You almost jumped out of your skin at the sound of his voice, forgetting that he could sense you outside where you had stopped. There was no going back now and you committed your feet to cover the remaining distance quickly, seeking out the damage once inside, and paling at the sight of dried green blood still smeared across the floor.
Frieza sat in his chair with his back to you the end of his tail moving restlessly where it lay across the arm as it usually did.
Carefully as you could you moved towards the scorched panel which lay on the floor where it had detached exposing a collection of sparking wires and circuits and you opened your kit to take out your gloves that would protect you from the current. It was a mess unsurprisingly, more than you were equipped to handle, and you would need replacement wire and some other components given how badly it was damaged.
You got down on all fours to get a better look tucking your penlight behind your ear and you heard Frieza gasp audibly behind you followed by an angry hiss through clenched teeth.
"How dare you come in here like that. Now, of all times!" he said with barely contained rage.
Startled, you turned and saw that he was looking right at you now, teeth bared. You felt your heart drop in terror not knowing what you had done to upset him so much.
"I-I'm sorry, Lord Frieza, but I don't underst-"
"Of course you don't. Hairless primitive that you are, you barely understand anything do you? Let me spell it out for you then. You're ovulating. Your need to be bred is absolutely leaking out of you."
Your eyes widened in shock.
You had no idea how he would know such a thing when you barely managed to keep track of your cycle on your own living on this damned ship with no sense of what day it was. Then it dawned on you; Frieza was probably talking about your scent.
That was both creepy and invasive on so many levels you couldn't even react properly.
The emperor let out a choked sound and nearly doubled over.
"Lord Frieza..?" your voice came out small meant to be as non-offensive as possible.
He fixed you with a murderous glare, "Since you're already here in that.. state. I suppose you could help me with my issue."
"Issue? I'll repair it right away-"
"Not that," he snapped, "I have something else for you to take care of. Come here."
Now you were getting really freaked out.
You had no choice but to obey moving nearer noticing how unsteady his breathing was as if he were in pain. He lowered the elevation of his chair and you waited expectantly for instructions. That was until you saw the lower half of his uniform with a very obvious bulge constrained within. Frieza was panting now gripping at the edges of his seat so violently you could hear the warning sounds of how close it was to breaking apart.
 Holy shit.
"You understand, yes? What are you waiting for?"
 You understood, however...
 Actually, no, you didn't understand anything.
A hundred different questions sprang to mind, mainly just, 'Why am I suddenly being asked to give an orgasm to the emperor of the fucking universe when I'm just a technician?' and 'Where was he hiding that?'
You bit your tongue, however, not wanting it to be incinerated from your mouth, slowly reaching towards Frieza as if you were in a trance. You thought he would tell you to stop, that it was some weird joke at your expense, but no such thing happened. He seemed nearly feverish with a faint flush across his nose and cheeks, his eyes having taken on a faraway look to them. It made him appear almost cute in a weird way.
 What am I thinking. Good Lord.
You dragged down the band of his uniform freeing what must have been a very uncomfortable erection if his quiet relieved sigh was anything to go off of. It was tapered and slick with natural lubricant, similar to that of a reptile, you noticed how it had emerged from a slit in his uniquely textured skin. There were no veins anywhere on it's slick surface; only a purplish hue near the base and a small secondary slit near the tip where it faded into pink. You were a little out of your depth on what he might like so you grasped it firmly and gave a few experimental pumps slightly fascinated with how his skin seemed to secrete more of that slippery fluid when stimulated.
Frieza's panting continued to grow louder and it made you more bold when he let out a soft noise of pleasure that he had been trying to hold in. He was more sensitive near the slit in his groin you quickly learned, circling around the base of his cock with your fingertips teasing past the edges of his sheathe, making him gasp louder than before. It was awkward bending over the chair with the way it dug into your stomach but you managed to use both hands, one to work at the shaft and the other farther down, until your fingers were soaked and sticky with his arousal.
He was almost entirely silent throughout but he had a fucked out look you recognized that usually meant your lover was close to coming.
You had a momentary ridiculous mental image of what would happen if his semen ended up being acid or something horrid and shook it off with a smirk. When he did orgasm it turned out to be fairly normal, thick ropes of white the same as a human landed on the back of your hand, the only difference being that it had no scent to it.
"Damn it!" Frieza raged sending you to the floor with a painful thump to the back of your skull on impact that made your ears ring, "Why am I still like this? What do I have to do to make this infernal heat go away?"
He landed a kick to the side of his chair and it collided violently with the wall detaching more panels and you cringed knowing you would have to repair it later. If he didn't kill you first.
He turned on you with a hateful glare having nothing left to break, "What are you staring at? Do you have something to say?"
You barely heard him still not recovered from the fall, meaning to stammer out a 'no', but what came out instead was, "Maybe I can help. If you would allow it, Lord Frieza."
"You clearly can do such thing," Frieza sneered unconvinced, "as you see from your unsatisfying attempt I'm no better than before."
"That's not what I mean. I have something else in mind"
You swallowed nervously, "I-I think it would be better if I just showed you. It would be more enjoyable that way. And, um, could we go somewhere more appropriate?"
"Why can you not just do it here?"
"Because it would be best if we were in a bed."
You flushed in embarrassment despite your fear and you could tell Frieza was considering your words, "Very well. Consider this your last chance. If this turns out to be some pathetic ruse at saving your own life I'll make sure you suffer greatly before you die."
That was how you ended up in the emperor's bed chamber. It was unremarkable as everything else decorum wise with an overly large bed being the only piece of furniture in another depressingly sterile room in the same style as the rest of the ship. It seemed he only used this room to sleep and nothing else.
"Get on with it," Frieza said obviously not amused by your ogling.
"Right. Uh. Lie back on the bed," at his warning glare you quickly tacked on a, "please, Lord Frieza."
Surprisingly he listened without anymore resistance than that lying back to rest on his elbows continuing to watch you. Despite the hand job you were nervous when you took out his cock again, still very hard and swollen, tugging down his uniform with some difficulty over his tail. You had secretly wondered for some time how he managed to get his tail through the hole like that and you had to smother a hysterical giggle knowing that it was probably difficult for Frieza as well.
You settled between his muscular thighs wetting your lips with your tongue before you bent over him, tasting the tip of his tapered cock with a light lick. Almost no flavor aside from a barely noticeable salty tang.
Frieza's annoyed expression turned perplexed, "What are you doing?"
You were almost certain Frieza was older than you, probably much older, and it was disconcerting that he had never experienced a blowjob before. In fact you were almost certain he wasn't finding relief because he was treating sex more like a problem that needed solving instead of something to be enjoyed. You were learning alot about your boss today. A little too much.
You didn't answer, instead taking him into your mouth as deep as you could and starting to suck, careful of your teeth when you bobbed your head. In truth, you didn't know if he would enjoy getting sucked off as you still didn't understand his anatomy well enough. Hell, his very species was a mystery to you let alone their mating customs. You added your hand back into the mix jerking off the remaining length that wouldn't go down your throat although his shape was easier to handle than a human. It barely affected your gag reflex when he slid deeper inside and you couldn't tell if he actually liked it or not.
You explored further down, nearer to his tail, and was surprised to find another hole leaking wetness.
"Don't touch me there!" Frieza shouted.
Which only resulted in startling you so much that your fingers, up until that point were only circling around the edges of the mystery orifice out of curiosity, accidentally slipped inside. Frieza's face went slack as the resistance went out of him entirely. It was tight and velvety and familiar almost like..
You curved your fingers in a come hither motion towards yourself to confirm your suspicion and Frieza moaned loudly making your eyes go comically wide in shock. It was effeminate and raw in such a way that made your belly feel tighter. You'd heard rumors that Frieza's species were capable of reproducing asexually from the others on board the ship but you had no idea what that meant. Aliens reproduced in all sorts of bizarre ways so you never knew what to expect when it came to their anatomy.
In other words, Frieza had both organs, and his race was hermaphroditic.
His tail had instinctively gone around your wrist to stop you at the moment he realized what you were doing and where you were touching but now he seemed immobilized and it hung limply coiled; his face twisted with conflicted lust and fury at your disobedience. You resumed sucking his cock at the same time and his eyes actually rolled back with a small helpless noise from your combined efforts taking effect. The words 'Frieza' and 'helpless' didn't add up in your mind yet you were the one responsible for putting him in such a state. A nobody like you had the emperor turning to putty in your grasp.
By that point it was affecting you as well making your core ache to be filled and your clit grow sensitive against the inside of your uniform from the power trip alone. You tried to stifle it by rubbing your thighs together entirely focused on Frieza's pleasure for now.
Your chin was covered in his secretions as he grew more sensitive from having his hole finger fucked, leaking ceaselessly from the tip of his cock as a second orgasm closed in.
He let out a wrathful hiss through his teeth, "Are you listening? Do you want to die so badly?"
You weren't actually listening, only distantly aware of how rapidly your own arousal was starting to take over your actions, almost alarmingly so. An unexpected side effect that you wouldn't realize until later involving Frieza's cock in your mouth and pheromones that were highly effective on humans as it turned out. You met his eyes with pupils that were blown unnaturally wide before your face disappeared further down slipping your fingers from his tightening cunt and replacing them with your tongue.
You heard the sheets rip as he let out another sound of frustrated need, mesmerized with how he clamped around your tongue trying to hold you inside as you ate him out, and you wished you had one of your vibrators from back home to use. You could picture it so well how the emperor would writhe beneath you and you let out a lusty growl of your own. It was strange getting used to how his cock served as a clitoris but he seemed to enjoy being penetrated nonetheless with the way his legs subconsciously spread further open to allow you just a little deeper than before.
When Frieza came again it surprised both of you with the way his eyes went wide in the moments before ruining the sheets with a much more copious ejaculation than before. His chest heaved up and down with labored panting but you could already tell his cock was far from softening. You rose from your position and wiped your mouth on the back of your hand starting to climb over him.
"Hey! Have you lost your mind?!"
You didn't bother with fully removing your lower armor, just pushed it to the side before lining yourself up over his cock. You didn't miss how he twitched upon seeing your sex exposed to him, an interesting discovery to be certain given the differences between your species, one you couldn't give two fucks over at the moment. It was hardly an effort to take him all the way in until your clit rested against his skin and you allowed yourself a moment to grind finding the coldness of his flesh to be uniquely pleasurable to your overheated muscles.
At last Frieza had regained some strength in your moment of self indulgence because his tail wound around your throat in a way that was meant to be threatening but it only ended up having the opposite effect. You let out a strangled sound of desire as your pleasure soared to unknown heights from having your breathing restricted. You could have actually fucking died when he finally decided to move inside you, something you were no longer capable of doing on your own being held in place by his tail, just a single rough thrust that dragged a desperate sound from your burning lungs.
Frieza doesn't know what to make of your current state and his desire to punish you mingles into sexual violence as he sets a pace that hurts as much as it feels good. He doesn't let off of your throat and your arms go limp flopping uselessly at your sides when you nearly black out he releases you just enough for you to take in a few gasps of air.
"Don't give up now, y/n. Entertain me enough and I might let you live."
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