#I’m not sure what to tag this
heavenlydolly · 2 years
If you want, you can let me know the language(s) in the tags, and whether or not you speak it fluently!
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spydork · 8 months
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rockhousejai · 6 months
I saw something here that had “Mickey” and “Pokémon” in the same sentence, and then I was reminded I made headcanon Pokémon teams for the Toons last year hahdjwhx
Anyways though I might show them although warning since it is kind of old and there are some I don’t agree with anymore ahdhhavzhaw
Feel free to ask me about them
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yandereforme · 10 months
Yan Oc: Thomas Marten(Teacher)
This man hates teaching
He doesn’t want to be around people
He is a music teacher who is stuck teaching at an arts school because he owed a friend a favor
He doesn’t even have a teaching license, but the school accepted him anyway(they needed more teachers than ever)
You are a straight A student with a glaring problem
You can’t play an instrument
That would be fine if you weren’t forced into a music class your senior year
You need it to graduate so you are trying to suck it up and make it through
This man thinks you are a stuck up goody two shoes who is just expecting an A to be handed to you
Well he’ll put you in your place
He is a somewhat decent teacher to everyone but you
However, he has no patience
He has already made several of your classmates cry/drop out of his class
You won’t though
It’s a matter of pride at this point
This prick won’t stop you from graduating
Then one day, when he pushes you too far
You break
You start cussing him out and psychologically tearing him apart
You tell him exactly how terrible a teacher he is and how he shouldn’t be around any kids and how sick and tired you are of his shit
This was not what he expected, but for some reason he can’t stop staring at you while you rant
The flush of your cheeks, the fire in your eyes, the absolute hatred in your words
It’s …. Intriguing
No one has ever spoken to him like this before
He should be angry at you, but he can’t feel any anger at your actions
By the end of your rant, class ends and you run out of there, leaving him alone with a few wide eyed kids who just saw him get cussed out
He yells at them to leave, and when they do, he collapses into his chair
He can’t get that image of you out of his mind
The next day, you expect him to get you suspended or expelled, but you don’t get called to the office
Instead, classes go on as normal(for the most part, kids are staring at you now(they heard about the exchange and don’t know how you are still alive))
But now Mr. Marten is more focused on you, constantly poking and prodding you, to the point where barely anything gets done in class
All this man wants is to see you like that again, to see you that unrestrained and that unfiltered
He keeps trying to make you get angry at him again
He will fail you to keep you in his class if he can
He will keep track of anyone you get close to, and will take them away
He wants you to lose control on him
And he will do anything to get you like that again
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cl0wn-cryptid · 3 months
So, logged onto instagram just now. One of my pieces was removed for “infringing on trademark rights”. It was that werewolf piece I did, but only HALF of it. Because instagram sucks I have to cut up my images, the bottom half was removed for this. No option to counter it or anything what the hell. Images below for reference because like??? The fuck???
The full image and the two I posted to instagram, ONLY the bottom half was taken down. I don’t know if I should do anything I just wanted to yell to the void because of how ridiculous this was lmao.
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weirdosyringe · 6 months
we need to take every exclusionist and drop them into a showing of rocky horror and at the end see who they’ve become
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fishiepuff · 23 days
Watch me turn your man into bread and feed him to you as a sandwich
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definatelymrhyde · 4 months
Today, my Dad planted at least 40 corn plants in our garden thinking that each plant only yielded one ear per plant. Today, at dinner my Dad learned that corn can yield more than one ear per plant.
And today, I found my non religious self praying that only some of the corn would grow. Because don’t get be wrong I LOVE corn but I don’t love corn THAT much.
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creekschaoscorner · 11 months
What’s happening in Gaza right now is horrifying, and I’m definitely not the most qualified person to speak on this, but I would encourage people to do their own research
It’s easy to feel helpless in this scenario, so I put together a couple resources and things you can do from stuff I’ve seen around the internet
If you have money to donate, some good places are:
- Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund (pcrf.net)
- The World Food Programme (wfp.org)
- Doctor’s Without Borders (doctorswithoutborders.org)
- Medical Aid for Palestine (map.org.uk)
- UNRWA (unrwausa.org)
Jewish Voices for Peace has also put together resources and a call script for people to call their senators, and here is a video example of someone calling their senator https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hEGUMr/
I also believe people are boycotting Mcdonalds and Starbucks in protest to their support of Israel
This whole situation is awful, but looking away is a privilege that the people in Gaza don’t have, and it’s up to the rest of the world to do something about it
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synthetic-rust · 1 year
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Another phone doodle
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little-lee-froggie · 9 months
Sorry that this post is kinda random, this was just a really beautiful experience for me and I wanted to share it.
when I was going through a really dark period of my life, I felt like my thoughts were bigger than everything. Nothing mattered to be except how terrible I felt. I was falling into complete darkness. My family was on the way to my aunts house, and we were at a red light. I was looking out the window if the car, and I saw an apartment with the lights on. There was a woman cooking in the kitchen. I remember just staring at her. I didn’t know why, but I just couldn’t look away. After what was probably only about ten seconds, I realized there was another woman in the room. I wasn’t sure if she had just walked in or if I just didn’t see her. I thought about how I’d probably never see them again. They had their own lives, they didn’t even know I existed, that I could see them through the window. And suddenly, I realized that the works is bigger than my thoughts. Even if my mind is dark, the world will continue. My thoughts weren’t everything, they weren’t bigger than the world.
I’m honestly not sure if these random people I will never see again saved my life that night because my memory of everything before this is pretty foggy, but I think it happened for a reason. I don’t know if I’d be alive without this experience. I don’t think it really matters that much if I’d be dead without this moment to be honest. I think all that matters is that I am here. That you’re here. That those woman are here. We all have lives, and they are all worth living
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blushingchaos · 10 months
Hello! My family and I lost our Aunt Renee Sands, on December 1st, 2023; She passed away after a long battle with the cancer known as Sarcoma, the cancer formed in her neck.
She passed away in our home, as she wanted to due hospice care at home.
My mother has set up a GoFundMe, for her tombstone, please reblog this post and share it, thank you.
GOAL: $2,378, we have made $70 so far! thank you!
i miss you naynay and i hope you’ve been able to see your sisters, mom, and dad in the afterlife, i miss you, and i wish i could’ve been able to see you again before you passed away, like i had promised you, i’m going to try my best for you, and i’ll get my GED like i promised you, and i’ll do you proud, i promise, i hope that you rest in peace, i love you, and i always will; thank you for being basically my second mom, and being there for me, thank you for loving me, and sharing your love of christmas and cooking with me, i haven’t really let myself mourn yet, i don’t know how to process this at all, i didn’t realize how much it would hurt to have my fp (favorite person, i have bpd) die, but i’ll mourn slowly, and remember you every step of the way.
i love you naynay, mwah.
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pine-dyke · 2 months
Hello, I hope you and your family are well. Can you please help me recycle the post on my account? 🌺 And help rescue my family from the war in Gaza? 🙏 Thank you.
unfortunately my account doesn’t have any followers so i’m not sure if anyone will see this :( but i’ll share anyway
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luxxcia · 8 months
Introduction :3
I’m Lucia, or Luxx. Either is fine!
OSDD1b-system, but we tend to keep things private.
I’m not comfortable sharing my age.
I like HnK, SU, Genshin, Puroseka, BSD, VOCALOID, Evillious and many other things,
I LOVE biology and gemology.
PLEASE message me if there’s an issue with something. I’m almost always open for messaging.
I plan on posting my art soon, but I have a whole different blog related to my oc’s. (Although nothing is posted there, yet.) I’ll link it sometime in the future.
Other socials:
https://linktr.ee/Luxxcia (for all my semi-active social medias)
That’s about it! Thank you for reading!
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deadhawke · 9 months
How about when it comes to normalizing talking about trans sex can we please keep in mind:
1) Not making assumptions about how a trans person would like their genitalia or other body parts referred to
2) Not making assumptions about if a trans person wants to use certain parts of their body when it comes to sex
Sex with trans people SHOULD be more normalized 100% but even some positivity posts make a lot of assumptions about how trans people as a whole want to have sex and it is getting a little exhausting.
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blueberrycafe · 1 year
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Mr. Pepper LOVES to smell people’s breath!
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