#I’m not sure where to put these thoughts but I have them. And now you have them
You up? (baby daddy AU: College days prequels)
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Baby Daddy Masterlist
Context: this is Post break up.
Word count: 400
Not proofread
12:35 pm.
Fourteen month old Gabri is sleeping peacefully in her crib, the room consumed in darkness with exception to the light glow from your laptop. Tired fingers idly typing out yet another senior paper, trying to not type too loudly since she is such a light sleeper. With your phone turned on silent mode, you didn’t even noticed you got a new message till you checked the time.
Miguel 🫤: You up?
Oh god. You bite your lip as you stare at the message. I shouldn’t respond, I’m just gonna end up in his car and either we end up making out and arguing. You thought as you placed your phone face down, shifting your attention back to your laptop…
For only about five seconds until you reached for your phone again and opened the message.
You: I’m doing homework.
You: why?
You didn’t even have a chance to put your phone back down before the screen lit up again.
Miguel🫤: Miss you.
You: Gabriella’s asleep.
Despite your front of resistance at the idea, you have to admit it was hard for you to say no. It was always hard to say that to him. The break up was bad, messy, the only reason you haven’t blocked his number and never show your face around him was because of your daughter.
But… You missed him.
You missed the sharing of a bed with your little bundle of joy tucked between you two. You missed baking cookies at three in the morning when you were supposed to be pulling an all nighter studying. Missed being invited to the same group hang out without the other being excluded, and the way Mj and Peter would coo and all but steal Gabriella away from you both the entire time. Missed the tender kiss, and the whispered sweet nothings, the ‘I love you’s…
Now, everything is different, just you and Gabriella in your old childhood room a few streets away from your old apartment where your ex boyfriend is.
So like always, like every other time he called… you came.
“Hey mom, dad…is it okay if you can watch Gabriella for a bit? I-I know it’s late but Mj and Peter got into a fight and-“
God you hated lying to them.
“Of course honey, go go. I’ll turn on the baby monitor.” Your dad assured you as he got up and out of bed, giving you a kiss on the forehead as he walked past you and back into your room.
You hated how trusting they were of you.
“Thanks, I’ll be back soon.”
You hated how you still craved Miguel so much despite it all.
You hated the nerves you always got appearing on your his doorstep.
“You gonna come in or just stare at me?” The way his head tilted when he teased you, how you saw the glimmer in his eyes when he looked at you still…
You made sure to lock the door behind you.
taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st @mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush
@queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout @reader-1290 @laysmt @migueloharasoulmate @fruityfucker @pigeonmama @scaryplanetdestroyer @migueloharastruelove
@krentkova19 @genny1019 @maiyart @stressed-cherry @haveclayeveryday @leonsbimbogf @bmoplanet @carmison @c4rm1son :
@scaleniusrm @ginnysculture @mishaglass @wusyanmee @bunnibitez @miguelzslvtz @dahehow @sinners-98-world @othersideoftheparadise @toyfortoji @yeshajane @yvesbi @hanjisgf @deljojeisbackagain @safixiovi @emmalandry
@maxinemus3 @aaaaslaaaan @kenz-ee @esmedelacroix @whattheshock @syler-griffin @comeonatmebruh @xwonderlandresidentx @m4dyy @the-pan-liquid @lilbrababe99 @jxstanemo @badbitchhour @freehentai @sillysillygoofygoose @nj452896 @jadeloverxd @faretheeoscar @ce3stvu @scorpihoooe @blossomofbismuths @nxxav3rs3 @ilovespiderverseeee @ghost-lantern @saaaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiira @lavenderslemonade @rinnako @reirain @nommingonfood @miguelsfavwife @tomalymme @farrowroyale @beckberin-xo @chrishy973 @amberpanda99 @thesmutconnoisseur @candied-snails22 @nanam1 @namjoons-baby @urbimom @cherrycosmos392 @beaberr-xo @night-spectrum @Chrissymodi-frost @electricgg @ohara-whore @coquitokisses @lilmiss-stussy @Sukunash0e
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Sir , I’m filing a complaint . ( Jiyan x reader)
New fic ! Though his man seriously needs sleep . He has enough stress upon him with all those tds .
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Well , this is a nice surprise .
When you woke up in the morning you never thought you’d see Jiyan in your bed with his arms wrapped snuggly around you .
It was…..
It’s been so long since you’ve seen him , the image in your brain muddled from all the weeks you haven’t seen him.
Now that he was here by your side , sleeping, you could finally recall all the details . You sighed . It was comforting to see that your dear general was finally sleeping after such long days on the battlefield.
You really need to file a complaint about his screwed up sleep schedule.
While you’ve done that many times , some of the encounters with a scowl on your face since your dear husband collapsed, they never seem to learn .
So, you do it over and over again in order to finally convince the commander to let your lover rest for some time .
You slipped out of bed , after finally untangling yourself from his arms, and put on your clothes to set off for the office .
As soon as you got there , you were met with a surprise , the surprise being the fact Jiyan is awake and ready .
“ Hey, why are you up?” You walk over to him and gently cradle his face and kiss his cheek.
A soft rumble formed in his chest before he answered,” Because I know you were going to file a complaint about my schedule.”
You were dumbfounded for a few seconds before regaining your senses and then laughing. “ Am I that predictable?”
You smile sheepishly and walk up to him , gently taking his face in your hands and kissing his cheek and then let go .
He shakes his head before saying , “ No , it’s just that every time you file a complaint , the commander is scared to death of you and tells me about it .”
Oh. Damn .Oops.
You smile sheepishly and then say ,” Well , I’m sorry for wanting you to get some proper sleep,I don’t regret it however .”
He gives you a sweet smile before taking your hand and guiding you to the exit of the town .” As much as I appreciate your concern , I don’t require it . Now , let’s go sightseeing shall we?”
You look at him and raise an eyebrow as he pulls you outside the border of the town.” Are you sure you don’t need the concern? There have been multiple times where you collapsed in front of the house .”
You gently rub your thumbs on the dark semicircles underneath his eyes . Every time you see them , it breaks your heart .
His eyes soften and he gently takes your hand in his before kissing them . “ How about this , once the Tacet Dicords are disposed of , I’ll retire and spend all my time with you .” He gently caresses your cheek .
You think about his offer , after some careful consideration, you accept the offer.However , being the stubborn person you are , you say “ I’m filing a complaint anyways, whether you like it or not!”
He just smile and then leads you to a pond .
He’ll just have to wait for you to understand how important you are to him .
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 3 days
The Fuck Up Chapter 3
Summary:  Bucky fucked up.  A few times.  Will his best friend ever be able to forgive him?
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of war, injury, pregnancy
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The next morning Bucky woke to a loud buzzing. He shifted around until he could find his pants and rummaged through his pockets, pulling out his phone and trying to see who was calling him.
“Hello?” he said hoarsely.
“Where are you?” Becca said, her voice sounding worried and annoyed.
“What? I…” Bucky turned and looked around, remembering the night before. He looked at Y/N, still asleep next to him. “I fell asleep at Y/N’s,” he said quickly.
“God, of course you did,” Becca sighed exasperatedly. “You’re supposed to leave for the airport in an hour. Are you even packed?”
“Yes, yes I’m ready,” Bucky said quietly as he got up slowly and gathered up his clothes. “I’ll be home soon.”
“Okay. Is Y/N coming to the airport with us?”
Bucky froze at that. He didn’t know how he was even going to have this conversation with her as he left, let alone if she were to come with him to the airport to say goodbye. “Uh…I’m not sure.”
“Alright, well, get home soon, Mom is freaking out as usual.”
“I will. Bye.”
Bucky hung up and slipped his clothes on quickly. As he fixed his hair and put his shoes on he looked back at Y/N. He didn’t know if he’d be able to handle waking her and saying goodbye. Last night had been so perfect, he didn’t want to ruin it. He sighed as he walked to her side of the bed, kneeling down to look at her. She snored lightly, her eyes moving behind her eyelids as she dreamed. He smiled at her, carefully moving some of her hair back in place and out of her eyes. He leaned in and kissed her cheek.
“I’m leaving,” he whispered. “I don’t think I can handle saying goodbye to you again. So I won’t wake you. Either way, you’ll hate me for it. But I’ll be back,” he kissed her shoulder, adjusting the blankets around her. “I’ll come home to you.” A tear slid down his face as he stared at her one more time. “I love you.”
Bucky sent her a text after he left basically saying the same thing that he had whispered to her. He knew this was a massive fuck up, but it was too late now. He’d come home to her and fix it, and everything would be okay. It had to be.
10 months later
Bucky came home hurt, both physically and emotionally. He was grateful it was his final tour. He and Steve had survived, barely. The landmine had thrown them both and killed two of the other troops on his team. He had made it out alive, but the shrapnel that had embedded into his back had taken two surgeries to remove. He was still healing when he got off the plane and was greeted by his family.
“Oh you made it,” Winifred cried heavily, George and Becca hugging him and crying. “You are never going back, you hear me? No more, I will not allow it.”
“I’m done, Ma, I’m done,” Bucky chuckled. “I’m officially discharged. Retired.”
“Good,” Winifred said, patting down his uniform and looking him over.
“Where’s Y/N?” Bucky asked, looking around expectantly.  Becca then punched his arm. “Ow! What the hell?” he yelped.
“We will talk about it when we get home,” she hissed at him.
When they reached the house Becca rounded on him. “What did you do?”
“Excuse me?” Bucky asked.
“What did you do to Y/N?” Becca snarled. Bucky’s eyes widened. He hadn’t heard from Y/N since he left, which was out of the ordinary because she always wrote to him, but he thought for sure she would have been there to greet him when he got home. He hadn’t been able to worry about it too much, what with special operations and the whole trying-not-to-die-part, then healing from nearly getting killed.  “She disappeared after you left. I’ve tried calling, her number is disconnected.” Winifred sniffled next to him. “I tried going to her apartment, the landlord says she no longer lives there.” Bucky’s brow furrowed. She loved that apartment. “I even reached out to her adoptive family, who of course know nothing.  All her social media is deactivated. We haven’t been able to find her. So I will ask again, what did you do?”
Bucky was afraid. He knew it wasn’t the right thing to leave her without waking her up and saying goodbye, he just couldn’t bear it.  And now she is gone? “I…we…”
Becca’s face twisted with recognition. “Oh my god…you fucked her.”
“You what?!” George and Winifred exclaimed.
Bucky hung his head into his hands. “Yes, okay, the night before I left. But you make it sound so gross, it wasn’t like that,” he said, running his hands through his now short hair.
“Explain,” Becca demanded.
“I…look, it just happened. I was leaving and we were both sad and when I woke up the next morning I just couldn’t…I couldn’t stand to wake her up and say goodbye again so I…I texted her and then I left.”
“You…you TEXTED HER?!” Becca screamed, jumping forward and hitting him again.
“Ow! I know, hey, I KNOW!” Bucky yelled back at her, pushing her hands away. “I know I fucked up! Okay? I’ve regretted it ever since. Not her, but leaving like that. I just thought…I don’t know what I was thinking. It was stupid and I was hoping when I got home I could fix it.” He took a shaky breath. “She never wrote to me. And I was worried when you guys had said you hadn’t seen her in a while but, now she’s gone?” He sat on the chair at the table next to him. “Gone…”
They all sat in silence for a moment. Becca was the first to move, sighing heavily as she walked over and took the seat across from him. “You’re right, you fucked up real bad.” Bucky scoffed as he wiped his face with his hands. “We’re still looking for her. If there’s anything you can think of that might help us, then great. Otherwise,” she reached over and grabbed his hand. “I’m happy you’re safe and you’re home, but I’m really angry with you.”
Bucky nodded, squeezing her hand.
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sourmiguel · 2 days
Hi there!
Biggest sterek fan here, could you recommend any Alive Hale family fics where they love Stiles and want Sterek to happen.
Bonus point if Peter plays the matchmaker and tell Derek to stop being uptight
Pretty please 🙏.
Also thank you for the amazing work you’re doing with your blog, much appreciated 🫶🏻
Hey! I have so many Alive Hale Fam fics bookmarked it's crazy! I love them so much. I'm not coming up with any Peter ships Sterek specifically, but here is a wide variety of some fun Alive/Meddling Hale Fam fics:
Blind Date With a Book by thepsychicclam (wc30361, mature)
Summary: Stiles thought the Blind Date With a Book trend was a great way to drum up business for his small bookshop. He definitely thought it was a great idea after the hot guy kept returning and buying more blind dates with books. Derek didn’t know how he kept getting set up on blind dates by his family, or why he kept going on them. The highlight of his night was when the date was over and he could go to the little bookshop in town and buy something to read for the rest of the night. He wanted to read, not date.
I’m totally obsessed with this fic. So cute. I love Derek and his aversion to his blind dates. I love Stiles and how cute and eager he is. I love their game nights. I just love this.
Follow the Jelly Beans by @afailureandamasterpiece (wc5793, teen)
Summary: Derek waves hello to everyone else who is gathered around a bare tree and hops up the stairs to his childhood bedroom to put on his soft flannel bottoms. Gracie had picked them out especially for him last Christmas and he made sure to pack them for the traditional pajama decorating party. Only his pants aren’t in the bag. In fact, none of his belongings are in the bag. It’s not his bag at all. “Oh no,” he mutters, sifting through the contents. “Who the fuck packed this?”
I love: meet cutes, Hale family love, single father!Stiles, fluff. This has all of that.
Just a Hobby by kaistrex (wc3009, teen)
Summary: Five times Deputy Derek shelters his partner from the world of the supernatural and the one time he discovers he’s just been making a fool of himself.
Silly Derek, trying to shelter Stiles from the big bad world of the supernatural.
When You’re Close I Feel The Sparks by Leslie_Knope (wc39671, mature)
Summary: The guy is hot as hell, sure—leather jacket and glasses, Jesus, be still Stiles’ poor, bisexual, beating heart—but more importantly, it must really suck being new on the first day of senior year. “We’re adopting him,” he decides, tugging Scott and Kira by the elbow in that direction. “Let’s go.”
This is the best kind of HSAU - still in the ‘verse, just everyone lives. I love the progression of their relationship and the twists and turns of this fic!
Hale’s Modern Encyclopedia of Playing Cards (and Dating Humans) by thepsychicclam (wc49698, mature)
Summary: Wolves don’t date humans. And Derek’s okay with that. He’s got his Pack, his friends in the Pack network, and lacrosse. Plus, he plays cards with his grandma all the time. Stiles Stilinski definitely doesn’t factor into his life - no matter how much of a crush Derek has on him. But when bird creatures attack Derek, Stiles, and their friends in the Preserve, Stiles finds out about werewolves and things get pretty complicated. For Derek at least. And he thought school was his only problem, but now he’s grounded and Stiles is hanging around way too much for Derek to ignore him any longer.
I adore Derek and Stiles’s relationship and the growth it goes through in this fic. I think Derek with an uncontrollable crush that makes him wolf out in Stiles’s presence is so cute. I also love the Hale fam and the way Stiles (and Scott and the Sheriff) just get folded in after the crazy. So good.
Children’s Tales by @artemis69 (wc4690, general)
Summary: Be careful, little girl. Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, little girl, because the Hales live there. Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you. – Or: In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after. Then Kate comes in. Well. Tries to.
There are so many things about this fic that I love - the Sterek friendship, the Hales protecting the town, and the town protecting the Hales right back. So great.
Followers, let us know if you have any Peter ships Sterek / Alive Hale Fam fics for us!
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mammonsrockstargf · 2 days
I've had a thought about the devildom. ☝🏼🤓
In my country, there’s this book, and I don’t know if it ever made it abroad, but it’s called “The Devil’s Apprentice.” It’s about this kid Filip who dies and then goes to hell, where he finds out that The Devil, Lucifer, is dying, and he wants Filip to become ruler of Hell after him. A bunch of stuff happens; there’s like six or seven books. Lilith is also a really big part of the series. I read them all when I was like 12.
Now, in this book, there are basically different types of devils/demons who all have different types of jobs.
The first type is the one who tempts humans. They’re all really hot because they’re supposed to be able to seduce humans into doing evil deeds, ya know. So if we’re putting this on Obey Me, I think the brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, Mephistoles, etc. would all be this type, right? They can also shapeshift into whatever they think will be most irresistible for said human, so say the human they’re trying to corrupt is really into a certain physical trait, bam, they have that trait.
So now I’m officially imagining that the generic MC is just really into washboard abs, and that’s why all of the brothers are super ripped. It’s just because generic MC thinks it’s super hot and we’re seeing it through their eyes.
I don’t remember all that much about the other types in the book, but there’s this one type who are the "punishers." Their jobs are basically to torment the humans in hell, and because of that, they’re really scary-looking. They often have green skin and long snake-like tongues, they’re gigantic and use whips to punish people, but they’re all very reasonable fellas with families n shit, even though they’re so scary-looking. Tormenting humans is just their nine-to-five.
So imagine you’re in the Devildom and you’ve only been introduced to the hot demons, and then all of a sudden you see this gigantic fucking monster who definitely looks like he wants to eat you. You ask Mammon what the fuck that is, and he just waves at the guy and goes, “Oh, that’s just Larry.” And then you have to stop on the street for like 10 minutes so Mammon can catch up with him, until Larry reminds Mammon that he still owes him that Grimm he borrowed on gambling night 46 years ago, and all of a sudden Mammon is very busy, and, oh, look at the time, we gotta go.
The third type of demon I remember is this kind that lives in the shadows and feeds on people’s souls. They’re so evil that even other demons avoid them. Imagine one day you’re out with one of the boys, and you take a shortcut through an alley, and it suddenly gets really dark and cold (and this is the devildom so it gets REALLY dark and cold), and you’re just thinking, “What?” until whoever you’re with just grabs you and says, “We've gotta leave.”
It’s not until you’re several blocks away that he’ll tell you what just happened, and he basically just explains that if you’re ever somewhere and it gets really dark and cold all of a sudden, then you just run. Don’t let them eat your soul.
Like, thanks, I’m gonna have nightmares about that now.
Another thing I remember about the series is that in the second book, the whole plot is that there are these really old demons who are so old that they can barely do anything, and they just want to stop living honestly, but they’re immortal, so they can’t.
Do you think that those kinds of demons exist in the Devildom as well? We know that Barbatos is fucking old and he’s doing pretty well, but there are also demons like Dia’s dad who just want to be left alone. Surely there must be a bunch of demons who have been around for as long as Barbs and the Demon King, who are just tired of living? It has to get boring at some point, right?
Imagine in the Devildom there’s a nursing home for all of the old demons who just do not care anymore, and all they do is play cards and hang out. They’re so wrinkly, they look like corpses, but don’t go too close because they still have a liking for human meat, and they can be quite fast when they want to.
Obviously, it's not exactly the same, because in the book they're quite literally in Hell, and the Devildom is more of its own entity and isn't really tied to any religion, but it could be cool if we learned more about different types of demons.
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koolades-world · 1 day
Can I request prompt #32 with Mammon?! Where the brothers are doing their usual teasing of Mammon and it finally gets to him. He then goes to MC for comfort! Maybe cuddling involved? 👀
thank you! of course you can :)
i love a good hurt comfort with mammon
enjoy <3
prompt 32 w/ Mammon
You loved the brothers, no doubt. You’d all formed unbreakable bonds and you spent lots of time together. They loved each other too. But at the end of the day, they were demon who really did treat each other as siblings. They were downright cruel to each other at times. You understood to some degree, but you and your siblings never went that far. You would get into a loud argument, but about ten minutes later, be good friends again and give each other a helping hand. Maybe that’s how the brothers expected their relationship to be, but it felt like more times than not, they took things a little too far.
It was oddly quiet in the house. You and Lucifer were sitting in his room together. He was doing paperwork, while you tried planning the latest shenanigan that Diavolo had proposed. You occasionally asked him for advice or his opinion on something. From time to time, the two of you would randomly start to chat about things that happened to come to mind. It was nice to work in silence, but it did leave you questioning what the rest of the household was doing.
“Do you think I should try plan the venue set up around the ice sculpture, or the games? If the sculpture was in the center, it would definitely help elevate the overall elegance, but the games are the whole point of the event. I’m not really sure what Diavolo was thinking asking me to plan a classy, but fun event. It’s very him though, I will say.” You stared blankly at the paper you were sketching on. It was rather crude, but it was only the first draft.
Lucifer remained silent for a second. “Plan around the games. The sculpture can be at the far end of the venue. Still center, but helps put the focus on what Lord Diavolo wanted. Besides, who know what kinds of games he wants to plan? The more room the better.” Lucifer didn’t look up from his work, but you could tell he’d thought hard about what you’d said.
“Thanks. You’re right.” You went back to sketching, making note of what he said off to the side with your other little notes. The two of you sat in silence for a little while longer, before Lucifer spoke up again.
“It’s awfully silent. I think I’m going to go check up on everyone.” He abruptly got up. You had been thinking the same thing.
“Alright, I’ll stay here for now I think. If you have any issues, call me.” You had a few ideas you wanted to get down, alas you forget them.
“I’ll be back shortly.” He shut the door behind him, leaving you alone in his room. You thought about snooping a little, but that would be a breach of his privacy. Besides, how many people could say they were trusted so much so by Lucifer himself that they were left alone in his room? You continued to work, jotting down ideas that came to mind to bring up with Diavolo and Barbatos later.
When you finally looked up, you realized Lucifer still wasn’t back. With that, you got up and decided to look for him. He hadn’t called for you, but knowing him, he wouldn’t even if there was something wrong. The house was still silent. It gave you an icky sort of dread. Something was wrong. You grew more and more panicked by the minute, throwing open every door in the house in search of anybody, but to no avail. The last place you could think to check was outside.
Fortunately, they were all out there.
Unfortunately, some kind of conflict seemed to be happening.
You struggled to take in everything that happening, But, the first thing you zeroed in on was Mammon. He strangely wasn’t part of whatever was happening. He was sitting on the ground, head hanging and looking defeated. Ignoring everyone else, you quickly made your way over to him and knelt beside him. He didn’t even turn to acknowledge you.
“Mammon?” You took his hand, but you still got no reaction. You gently took his face in your other hand and turned it towards you. You’ll never forget the expression on his face. It was devoid of the joy and that smile you were so used to seeing. Instead, it was blank. It was eerie seeing him with a blank slate of an expression. He looked without looking, as if he didn’t even register you were there. “Mams. Let’s go inside.” You didn’t know what happened, but that could wait. Right now, you knew he needed to be away from the ongoing argument. They were so into the fight, they didn’t even notice the two of you leaving.
After you shut the door behind you, the din was deafened. No wonder you didn’t realize they were outside. You led Mammon back up to his room and locked the door behind the both of you. You knew he had some snacks and drinks in his mini fridge in case you needed them. You sat him down, and threw one of the blankets you’d left in his room around his shoulder. “What happened?” Now that the two of you were alone, you figured he might be more receptive to you.
Mammon turned to look at you: the most reaction you’d see out of him so far. He stared at you, and you held his hand comfortingly. He gazed at you, still with a mostly blank expression. “Yer too good to me.” He finally spoke.
“You deserve it. I don’t think I could imagine my life without you.” You were a little confused where all of this was coming from, making you wonder what might have happened.
“Well, my brothers could. They don’t need me.” He looked away from you again.
“What are you talking about? Of course they need you. This family wouldn’t be complete without you. You’re the great Mammon.” You tried to lift his spirits, but it didn’t seem to work.
“Ya’d think differently if you didn’t see me so positively. I’m a piece of scum.” You lent forward a little, trying to meet his eyes, but he fully turned away. He gripped your hand tighter. You sunk back into your chair, but he didn’t move back to how he was before.
“What’d they say?” You move his hand and held it to your chest.
“They told me I was a stain on the family and I didn’t deserve my title. That all I did was make their life harder. They said it in the heat of the argument, so maybe they didn’t mean it, but I’m starting to thing they’re right.” You felt your heart throb for him. It seemed as if he was past the point of tears, because you saw none now and before. He seemed almost numb to it all. If you didn’t know him, you’d just assume he was tired. But you did. And you knew just what you needed to say to try and help.
“You’re Mammon. You fought beside Lucifer and earned your spot fair and square. They might not see what makes you special, but I do.I got to know you much more recently than they did, but we’re so close. Did you ever stop to wonder why? You’re so sweet and loving to me, even early on. It was really great to know I could trust someone in this new and scary world. To me, you’re perfect. I don’t care what anyone else says. You’re my first demon, after all.” You spoke from the heart. “You light up my world, Mams. I’m really glad I met you.” While he was still facing away from you, you felt the grip on your hand soften a little.
“Do ya really think that?” He seemed tentative with his words, as if you might take them back any second.
He still seemed unsure, so you continued. “Think of it this way. Every choice you ever made led you here, and the same goes for me. Even if every choice was a bad one, which they weren’t, we still ended up here, together. You make my life better, and if I need to tell you it a million times, I will.”
“Really?” He finally turned back to look at you. His eyes were still free to tears, but a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
“Of course I do. Why else would I be here with you right now?” With that, Mammon tackled you into a hug. You playfully screamed, but hugged him back. He needed it. You let him have his moment, and the two of you remained snuggled up in your blanket on his bed. He rolled over, so you were on top of the cuddle hug now.
“I can’t be suffocating my human, now can I?” His signature smile was back. You were glad you were able to help him. You’d do anything for that smile.
“Prime example of you being sweet.” You laughed as he threw the blanket over your head. As much as he tended to deny it, he truly did love his human. You picked him up during times likes this and supported him no matter what, even when he tended to act prickly with his emotions. You were just what he needed in his life.
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biolumien · 10 hours
Hi omg your writing is amazing. Thank you for serving us some good food. Was wondering if you could do a prompt with Vice Captain Hoshina and a reader with glasses?
I've recently been diagnosed with really bad eyesight. Enough for me to get a disability card. And suddenly it makes sense why I always struggle to find people in crowds or from a distance. Was wondering if you could do write something related to it? Like maybe reader lost Hoshina in a crowd. And because their vision is super blurry even with glasses, its hard to make out where he is and stuff.
I recently read your Samurai Hoshina fic and it was divine. 🙏 Keep it up you are a godsend.
notes: hihi, thank you for your request and your kind words ;-;; i hope this is okay; i wrote a little drabble so i hope it's okay🙏...!
found you!
soshiro hoshina x gn!reader mentions of a constricting, tight crowd that might be uncomfortable if you have claustrophobia and the like ;-; word count: 708
you wish you hadn’t lost hoshina in the crowd after all. when the kaiju attack was called, he’d leaped into action, even off-duty, pulling off his button-down shirt to reveal the izumo tech suit still underneath. 
“stay here. i’ll come back for you later. i promise.” he’d kissed you on the head, despite your growing protests that it wasn’t safe, and quickly before pulling out his twin katanas and pushing deep into the scattered crowd to confront the kaiju threat. it’d been hard to see the fight in the distance, but you thought you saw a gigantic plume of smoke forming a hazy mirage over the horizon, and the faint flickering of orange and yellow of a possible fire. it’d terrified you, but hoshina could handle himself. you knew that much. 
but now that the kaiju had been dispersed, you still saw no sign of him. you’d been corralled away along with the rest of the civilians towards a shelter, but when the defense force officer in charge of overseeing your shelter came back with the announcement that civilians were free to return back outside, hoshina was still nowhere to be found. when you’d asked the defense force officer if there was any sign of hoshina, he’d simply shrugged.
“i thought he was off duty for today.”
decidedly unhelpful, but what made it worse was that you couldn’t really parse through the crowd at all. you were surrounded by a horde of strangers, each of their features as blurry and indistinct as the next, trying to ignore the pounding in your heart. hoshina’s red eyes, the warmth of his smile. he’d said he’d come back, and there was no way he’d let just any old kaiju kill him. that was utterly impossible, right? you swallow, trying to ignore the rising panic in your chest. 
and somehow, the crowd, seeming to respond to your panic, only seemed to thicken, pressing up against you. 
“sorry, sorry,” you murmur weakly as you bump into a stranger. “sorry. i’m–i’m just trying to–”
the words soon die on your throat as someone from the back of the crowd continues to push you forward. you look around, cursing the fact that you couldn’t see where anything was too distinctly–you don’t even think you remember the signposts that were close to you when hoshina told you to stay put. your pace falters for a moment, as you try to gather your bearings–but before you can, you get slammed so hard from behind that your glasses fall off your face, skittering to the ground. 
you drop down, trying to feel for them, because suddenly your head hurts and you don’t know what to do. you think something like a strangled sob leaves your lips.
“found you.”
you look up towards the source of the voice, even your peripheral vision blurry enough that you could only make out a vague dark shape on your shoulder, and another dark shape wrapping around your wrist–a hand, thankfully–pulling you to your feet. 
“hoshina,” you say, relief creeping into your voice. 
“hey,” hoshina says softly, tender fondness in his voice. your hands fumble, not quite sure what to do, and you can feel the soft subtle breath of hoshina’s shaking laugh. “lean forward for me?”
you do, and hoshina places your glasses back on your face, his fingers gentle.
he seems thankfully unharmed as he comes back into focus, but your hands reach up to touch his face, to map the way his cheekbones feel against your thumbs.
“why the hell did you run off like that?” you ask, slapping your hands on his face with a little more force. he winces, laughing–you feel the corners of his lips quirk up, the way his cheeks press up as he smiles. “and you left me, too!”
“i’m sorry,” hoshina says, only sincerity in his voice. “i didn’t mean to leave.”
“i know you didn’t–you couldn’t have predicted the kaiju attack–but don’t just rush off without giving a more concrete plan of where you’ll be,” you scold. “i don’t think my heart could take if if i couldn’t find you again.”
hoshina nods, leaning forward to press his forehead to yours.
“i’m sorry,” he murmurs quietly. “i’ll always find you, okay? i promise.”
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The Second Bridgerton And I: Part 4
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Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Summary: Y/n Clearwater becomes named the “Sparkling Diamond” by Queen Charlotte herself, but she doesn’t know what to do with all this attention. Of course she has her family, but sometimes that doesn’t seem enough. But what happens when she encounters a specific Bridgerton, which changes the course of her season.
Author’s Note: I am sorry for not updating sooner. When I posted chapter 3 I already had half of this chapter written, but I stated working recently and I have been reading the Bridgerton prequels (which are amazing by the way I highly recommend), so I have been a little busy. I am here now and I already have most of the next chapter written, so there should be another update really shortly. This story is also going to be a lot longer than I originally thought wave I planned to do about one chapter per episode and that plan is out the window. Especially since am adding scenes that are not from the show.
Author’s Note: This chapter includes scenes from season 3 episode 3 of Bridgerton. Down below is the link to the part 3. I hope you enjoy! Y/nn= reader’s nick name.
My family and I entered Lord Tremble’s house and it was quite different from other social events. This event was nothing like a ball and was more like an event to socialize and mingle with one another. I would definitely be glued to my families side tonight because I knew many people would approach me. Last ball I was able to completely occupy myself with Maxwell, but here it won’t be the case.
I wonder if Benedict and his family were here yet. He did say he was coming and all week I have been looking forward to spending more time with him.
My siblings and I were rather hungry and we made our way to the food table. As I picked my desired foods I couldn’t help but notice the deer heads that were hanging from the wall.
“Is it just me or are those deer heads watching us?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” Adeline said, “but it sure seems like it. They are creepy. Let us hurry so we can leave them.”
Adeline and I hurried with our food selection and forced our brothers to do the same. The four of us then made our way across the room. It has been a while since the four of us passed the time with another and it brought back memories from our childhood.
“What are you thinking about Carina?”
Noah asked.
“Nothing.” I said. “I just missed this. The four of us all together.”
Alex put his arm around my shoulder and said, “Well we are not going anywhere little sister. Even when you want nothing to do with us we will still be here annoying you. And you will still be here annoying us when we want nothing to do with you.”
He said that in the most brotherly way possible and it warmed my heart. Adeline and Noah both gave smiles filled with the same message and meaning as Alex.
“So.” Adeline started, “How are things with you and Lord Tewkesberry? I’m assuming things are going well.”
“And here is where we take our leave.”
Alex said.
“Why?” I asked.
“We do not need to hear the two of you discussing men. We hear enough of that at home.” Noah said. “We will be over there in the corner in case you need us.”
Adeline and I both nodded in understanding and the both of them walked away.
“So. Lord Tewkesberry. How are things?” Adeline asked.
“Things are going well between us. The way things are going I am expecting him to ask to court me soon.”
“That is good.”
“How are things going with you and Lord Harvey?”
“Very well! I think he might propose before the end of the season!”
Lord Harvey asked Adeline to court her the day after the ball last week. They have been courting ever since and Adeline seemed content.
“Are you happy Adeline?”
“I am.” She said with a smile.
I smiled in return. We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Speak of the devil.
“Miss Clearwater. Miss Clearwater.” Lord Harvey said.
Adeline and I slightly curtsied while he bowed in return.
“Can I steal you for a moment?” He said towards Adeline.
“Of course!” She said excitedly. “Are you going to be okay all by yourself?” She asked me.
I wanted to say no. I did not want suitors to approach me and I would feel uncomfortable being all alone. I have also been on edge all day, and being left alone can possibly trigger me, but I did not want to hold Adeline back with Lord Harvey.
“Do not worry about me. You go on ahead.”
Adeline nodded and she placed her hand into Lord Harvey’s and they went to have more privacy. I found myself quite parched and decided to find a lemonade table.
The lemonade table was in a separate room tucked in the corner. It was the perfect place to hide away. I took a sip of the pale yellow liquid and it was refreshing.
“Miss Clearwater.”
I turned around and was startled when I saw three men standing in front of me. When did they get here?
“We’re sorry for frightening you Miss Clearwater. We simply wanted to talk with you.” Said Lord Clayton I believe.
“That is alright. I thought I was alone.”
I said.
“Well now that we have your attention, we are quite curious about you.” The second man said.
“Curious about what exactly?”
“About you.” The third man said. “What are your hobbies? What makes you tick?”
“Are you a morning person or night person? What makes you you?” The second man asked.
Lord Clayton started asking me a series of more questions, but I could not hear him. His words were blurred as if we were underwater. The questions from the three of them were all too much at once. I felt the oxygen slowly leave my lungs and I could not breathe. Tears started to fill my eyes. I had to get out of here.
I walked past the three men and tried to find a quiet private place to breathe. Several suitors tried to stop me, but I kept on walking. I even bumped into one of them, but I did not pay them any mind. I just needed to get out of here. I walked down the hall and opened the nearest door. It was empty, so I quickly shut the door and slid down to the floor. My tears continued to flow as I tried to control my breathing. This was not the first time I have had a panic attack, but it was the first time in a while. The solution for me to become well again is for me to be secluded until I felt like I was better.
After a while my breath evened and I could finally see clearly. I took a moment to look around the room.
To my right was a marble fireplace with the fire running and a portrait of Lord Tremble, I’m assuming, above. Towards the center of the room was a sofa and two chairs across which a coffee table in between. Behind the lounge area, facing me, were windows that were ceiling high. It had a windowsill to gaze at the view. The room was cozy.
I wiped my tears from my face when I was pushed forward by a force. I turned around and noticed someone opened the door.
“I’m sorry I hit you! I did not realize you were on the floor.”
It was a man’s voice, but it did not belong to my father or brothers. The door opened fully and Benedict stepped into the room
I entered a room, with Eloise and Colin, and I saw Ms. Stowell and her mama noticing my presence.
Great! Just the two people I needed to see.
I turned to Eloise.
“If anyone asks for me, I am not here.”
I did not wait for her response and escaped. I wonder if Y/n is here, because she did say that she will be here. I started reading the book she recommended me and it was very interesting. Maybe we can talk about it. I definitely had some thoughts to share.
I walked into three entirely different rooms with no sight of Y/n. Maybe she has not arrived or I missed her. I noticed the table with alcohol and decided that that was the way to go for tonight. If anything was going to save me from the relentless mamas it would be this, but not too much that my mind will be too affected to function.
I took a sip of the amber liquid and it burned as it went down my throat. However it kept me in check and awakened my senses.
Suddenly someone bumped into me and I looked to see that it was Y/n. But something was wrong and she did not look well. I placed my cup on the table and went after her. She was walking fast past people, so it was difficult to keep up, and she made a left. I heard a door slam coming from an empty hallway. She was in one of these rooms.
I opened the first two doors and was left with empty rooms. I approached the third door and I heard sniffle coming from the other side.
She was crying and my heart clenched at the sound. Y/n deserved nothing, but good things. I could not bear to hear her cry and I knew I would not like seeing her cry if I was in the room with her.
I waited until her crying to die down before I opened the door, however I did not realize she was sitting on the ground and I accidentally hit her.
“I’m sorry I hit you! I did not realize you were on the floor.” I said.
Y/n looked at me from the ground and her cheeks were stained with dry tears. I quickly crouched down to meet her on the floor and pulled out a handkerchief from my coat pocket.
“Here.” I said softly.
Cautiously I dabbed under her cheeks and around her eyes. I caressed the side of her face with handkerchief and started into her eyes. They were the most mesmerizing e/c eyes I have ever seen, and I somehow saw my future when I looked into them. It was crazy to think of such things, but when her irises met my own I felt a sense of warmth and home.
I snapped out of my daze and handed her the handkerchief. She blew her nose and we fell into a comfortable silence.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” I asked.
Y/n said nothing, but she stood up and walked over to sit on the windowsill. Her gaze upon the view below. I slowly raised to stand up and followed her to where she sat.
“The windowsill has always been a source of comfort for me. Whenever I am having a hard time, here I can find peace.” She said.
I nodded in response, but she did not look up at me,so I do not think she noticed.
“I had a panic attack. It has been a while since I had one that I forgot how exhausting it can be. The questions Lord Clayton ,and a few others, were bombarding me with and the immense pressure was all too much at once. I had to get away.”
“Do you feel better now?” I asked.
“I do not know.”
“What immense pressure do you struggle with Y/n?”
“Pressure from being the diamond. My family. Society. Especially society.”
“Why mainly society?”
Y/n stayed silent and I thought she would remain that way. Then she looked at me for the first time, during this conversation, and I saw frustration in her eyes.
“People in society want everyone to remain in a neat little tiny box. To fit in. But would if I do not want to remain in the neat little tiny box. Would if I want to explore outside the box. See what more life has to offer. Would if I want to break free from the restraints that society has put on me because I am a woman.” She said
I did not know what to say after that statement. As a man I knew that we were “more free” compared to women. Especially involving marriage. We had the choice to be unwed, while unmarried women are considered spinsters. I guess I never really thought of ideals of this nature because I am a man and those rules do not apply to me. I could never know what a woman goes through, but I wanted to understand for Y/n.
Y/n stood from the windowsill, walked towards the fireplace and continued.
“I cannot do that though, because as soon as I step out of that box everyone will cast me aside. They expect more from me because I am the diamond. I have to be perfect. I have to be the perfect mold of society. And it kills me every time I play the game. There are so many rules! You can dance with who you like, but it is rude to deny a dance if you have not already reserved one with another man. You cannot ask to court a man because you must wait for them to do so. You cannot dance with one partner too many times. If you are caught in a scandal the whole ton judges you.And so much more. When does it end Benedict? When?”
Y/n’s voice cracked at the end and I noticed she began to cry. I quickly rushed over to her from where I sat. I stood in front of her and she looked up at me. Her eyes glistening with tears. I slowly wrapped my arms around her and laid my head on top of hers. I slowly began to caress her back. It was only thing I thought to do without making her more upset.
“I know I cannot make things better, I said, “but I will do everything in my power to make you happy. As your friend.”
I pulled away from Benedict and thanked him. He nodded, but I can still see concern in his eyes. I freed my self from his embrace and cleared my throat.
“We should both leave this room before someone notices that both of us are gone and catches us here. I would not want anyone to get the wrong idea.” I said.
“That works with me.”
I noticed I was still holding his handkerchief and motioned for him to take it back.
“Keep it. It is yours.” Benedict said.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
I looked down at the white handkerchief and noticed that Benedict’s initials were beautifully sewn into it with blue stitching.
“Thank you.” I said.
I looked up at Benedict and we both shared a mutual understanding. We will discuss this later. I folded his handkerchief and stuffed it into the top of my dress. I then made my way to the door, twisted the door knob and left the room.
I began to search for my family. This incident happened because I strayed from my family in the first place. I hope I look presentable because I did not want my family asking questions about what happened. Not when feelings from the situation was still fresh. I did not even ask Benedict if I looked decent. I regret not asking.
I entered the room with the deer heads and I saw my brothers in the corner. As I approached them they must have noticed my affected mood and appearance because they looked at me with concerned expressions.
“Are you okay Y/n?” Noah asked.
“Can…can I stay with you two for the rest of the night?”
“Of course.” Alex said.
They did not say anything, but I can tell by the looks on their faces that they would want to talk later on like Benedict.
The balloon was quite disappointing. For the past week, all throughout the ton, people have been talking about the giant ballon. That it was grand and majestic and could transport several people to other areas.
The balloon part was beautiful. I can tell that a lot of detail and time went into the design. The basket part on the other hand , was small and strong looking, but not grand and majestic. It could fit about two people if you want enough space to maneuver around and three people tops if you are content with little wiggle room. I would definitely not ride the balloon if I was in need to travel a long distance. I assumed it would be bigger.
“Come one! Come all! Watch man attempt to take flight! Soaring to nights never before seen!”
A man with a megaphone was shouting
these words as my family and I entered the area. I was wearing a light blue day dress with a pink sheer scarf wrapped around my shoulders. Blue was uncommon in my everyday wardrobe, so I was excited to wear such a dress. The fabric was light and breathable, which was perfect for the hot weather.
“Let us all address the queen.” My mama said.
I linked my arm with Alex and we carried on to Queen Charlotte.
“I thought the balloon would be bigger. At least able to fit more than three people.” I said.
“People always tend to use hyperboles with such things like the balloon.” Alex said.
“What kind of sweets do you think they would have?”
I motioned to the pink tent with a pink sign that said “Ms. Plaskitt’s Sweet Treats”.
“You always have room for sweets Carina.”
“There is always room for sweets Felis.”
“Hoping for macarons?”
“Of course!”
We both laughed in unison. Our walk came to a halt when we became within talking distance of the queen. She looked beautiful with her turquoise colored dress and her unique wig. Her wig was extremely unbalanced, but that didn’t seem to deteriorate her poise and elegance. Queen charlotte is always so calm and collected and manages to always keep people on their toes. I wonder if I can become a lady like her one day in the future.
I approached the queen with my sister and mama. My brothers and father close behind. I curtsied with as much grace as I had.
“Flawless my dear. As I expected.” Queen Charlotte said. “Have you been enjoying your season so far.”
“I have your grace.”
“Any updates on Lord Tewksbury?”
Queen Charlotte was asking if Lord Tewkesberry courted or not. My family and his family were the only few people who know about the news and I intend to keep it that way.
“No. I am afraid not.” I said.
“Pity. Hopefully he courts you soon. I do not want my efforts to be in vain.”
“What do you mean your efforts being in vain?”
“I was the one who insisted to your parents for you to pursue Mr. Tewkesberry.”
This was the first time I was hearing this news and it made me feel unsettled. I thought I had made a bond with Maxwell and it was I who decided that he was a man I would like to persue, but all this time that was not true. It made me feel like my parents did not trust me with making my own choices.
“I hope your generous efforts result with a beautiful match.” I said.
“As do I. Now enjoy the day my diamond. I do not want to hold you forever.”
I gave the queen a grateful smile and curtsied before leaving. I noticed my mama looking at me with a defeated look. Hoping I would look at her, so I can speak with her, but I was not in the mood at the moment. This shall be a talk for later.
I went on a search for Pen or Benedict. I knew both of them were on their way if they were not already here. Whichever one I see first shall keep me company. As I was walking, I came across the sweets tent again. Maybe they have lemon cakes or possibly macarons I thought.
I entered the tent and notice Pen with Colin. I was surprised to see them with one another after everything that has happened, but they are friends after all. Pen was the one to notice me first when she turned from Colin.
“Y/nn! How lovely it is to see you. Care to join me?”
She did not give me a time to respond and grabbed my arm to follow her.
“My goodness. Eager are we?” I said.
Penelope realized that she was pulling my arm and set me free.
“I’m so sorry Y/nn.” Penelope said, “I’m in an excited state. I am trying to locate Lord Debling.”
Penelope and Lord Debling hit it off the other night at Lord Tremble’s gathering. I was happy for Pen. I knew she was wrong with her headspace on marriage and I was glad I was able to prove her wrong.
“Let us find him then.” I said with a smile. Penelope smiled back and we began our search for Lord Debling. We made a roundabout around the balloon when I noticed Lord Debling conversing with Eloise and Cressida Cowper.
“Pen he is over there past the hill, but are you sure you wish to talk to him considering who he is with at the moment.”
“I cannot let people stop me from doing what I would like to do. If that is how people lived nothing would get done.”
Penelope began to walk towards Lord Debling and I admired her determination, because if I were in her shoes, I would be walking the opposite way. I quickly caught up with Penelope and we continued our way. When we were three yards away from them Penelope hesitated.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Maybe you were right. This is a mistake. We should head somewhere else.”
“No Pen! Let us—“
“Ah Miss Featherington. Miss Clearwater.”
We both turned to see the owner of the voice to be Lord Debling. Penelope seems stuck not knowing what to do, so I nudged her along to continue walking. As we walked towards them I noticed Eloise and Cressida looking not pleased with us joining them. There is free rein around the park, so both of them have to deal with it I thought.
“My Lord. We do not wish to intrude.” Penelope said.
“Nonsense.” Lord Debling said, “I am about to embark on another trip with no one, but my crew. Surely you two will not deny me the company while I have the pleasure of it.
“Of course not.” I said.
The conversation became extremely uninteresting. I believe Cressida mentioned the bird the great auk,but I cannot say for certain. I tuned out most of the conversation. The wind was blowing more strongly than before and it felt nice against the humid air. I was mentally counting how much money I have to purchase sweet treats when I heard Penelope say,
“I must prefer the natural world to the..unatural one. There is nothing I love more than…grass.”
I mentally face palmed at the mention of grass. This conversation was not going great for Pen. I was about to intervene and help, but Lord Debling stated.
“What about grass do you so love Miss Featherington.”
“Uh…how it is so…green.”
“It is quite green.”
Cressida was trying to hide her laughter while Eloise seemed sorry for Penelope. I could not tell how Lord Debling was feeling, but he did not seem to find Penelope’s comment about grass odd. Maybe it is due to him being odd himself, but I would never say this out loud.
As the conversation progressed the wind grew stronger and it caused my scarf to blow throughout the wind. I chased after it, but the wind blew it even further. I ran after it, but the basket of the balloon was coming towards me. I could either run towards the basket to retrieve my scarf or run the other way empty handed. The latter was more safe, but that was my favorite scarf . Who knows what can happen to it.
I heard Penelope shouting my name, but I ignored them. My mission was to retrieve my scarf.
From the other side of the ballon I heard men trying to pull the balloon the other way. Hopefully this can give me the leverage I need to reach my scarf. The ballon moved from the bottom of the steps up to the middle of the wooden platform and it gave me enough room to run as fast as I could to my scarf.
My hand wrapped around the silk fabric and as I stood I noticed the basket of the balloon coming straight towards me.
The balloon is going to hit me.
The balloon is going to hit me.
The balloon is going to hit me.
That is all I could think about as the balloon came closer. I heard Penelope shouting for me to move, as I shuffled backwards. I tripped over my feet and fell on the ground. I closed my eyes in fear as I waited for the balloon to hit me.
Suddenly I felt someone from behind wrap their arm around my waist to shield me from the upcoming balloon.
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tenjikufag · 1 day
I was thinking about tighnari with tall but clingy bf🫣 and maybe service top?? (Smut + fluff?) Like they just had a rough session (tighnari's request! not reader's!) and reader be asking him bunch of question if he's okay, does anything hurt, did he need anything? (they ended up having a bath tgt)
Just Listen.
Tighnari x MaleReader
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-nsfw/smut, rough-sex, fluff, aftercare, bossy tighnari
-thank you for the request!
Tighnari silently observed his project, the plant he’d acquired was a rare hybrid breed of a mourning flower- instead of the reddish pink petals it had been crossed with another plant that resulted in a more ashy grey colour… he tried to step away to retrieve another tool of his but..
He was stopped by you, he forgot he was stuck in the tight grip of yours. Your arms were wrapped around his waist, sitting down behind him as he stood.. his tail twitching every now and then and tickling your chest.
“I would like to move, Y/n.”
He knew he didn’t need to tell you twice, quickly you stood and allowed him to lead you- still clinging to him and resting your chin atop his head.
Tighnari smiled softly to himself; it helped a lot to have you there with him. Even if he wasn’t one to get distracted, you being present didn’t allow for him to overwork himself like he had before you decided on this routine.. you described it as making up for lost time during the day.
Through his thoughts, he began prodding between the petals with his prongs to further inspect different patterns or abnormal growths before he fully took it apart and dissected it.
That’s when his ear started to twitch and his face became red with warmth.
You started kissing his ears, soft fluttering pecks where they met his scalp.
He shuddered, trying to focus on the project at hand. It became harder when you started to massage his hips with your thumbs, along with kissing along the side of his face.
You really didn’t mean anything lewd from it, you just wanted to show him some love! Tighnari took it as you trying to distract him, supposedly knowing he had been pent up from the busy schedules.
The fox put down his tools, turning around to look up at you with a playful glare. You went to apologize, he dragged you by the wrist to your bedroom.
The male was quick to undress both of you, laying you back and getting on top.
“If you wanted this you could have just asked, not interrupt my research..”
He purred, taking your half hard dick into his hand and jerking you off until you became fully hard.
“I didn’t mean anything by it! I swear!”
Tighnari only smiled at you, shimmying down to hover his face just above your dick.
“Sure love, I needed it anyways.”
Teasing you, he lightly licked up your shaft before engulfing your member into his mouth and into his throat. Breathing heavily, you bit the back of your hand as he bobbed his head up and down; feeling every time he swallowed and constricted his throat.
Pulling off of you, he was quick to position his ass above your hips and grinding himself against your dick. He took his hand behind him and lined you up with his rim
“Hey! Don’t you need to prep?!”
He hushed you, slowly slipping the tip past his rim with gritted teeth.
“Are you okay?! Slow down, you’re going to hurt yourself!”
But he kept going, the pain and pleasure mixed in his stomach and fogged up any proper sense he had to prep himself. It burned, it stung, it stretched him out like nothing ever has before. With tears pricking his eyes, he managed to sit down on it, huffing loudly while he tried to adjust himself.
“Are you okay?”
Sitting up, he winced at the movement inside of him, you wiped the tears from his cheeks and kissed his nose.
“I-I’m fine.. just.. let me do this..”
Even if he felt really good and tight around you, his comfort and keeping him from injuring himself was on the top of all priorities at the moment. He pushed you to lay back again, finally able to not feel a sting of pain when you moved.
Moving his hips, he rolled them around to try and hit all around hit walls, moaning every time he made your dick brush across his prostate.
“Give me your hand.”
Lending your hand to your boyfriend, he placed it on his dick- making you jerk him off as he started to bounce on your dick.
The pleasure ran right to his head, making him light headed and almost fell back if it wasn’t for catching himself on his hands behind him; positioning them on your legs. With his newly gained stability, he sped up and ordered you to keep up with him.
Nodding your head, you matched your hands speed with his bouncing. It didn’t take long for him to come undone for the first time- with shaky legs he climbed off of you, telling you to keep his cum in your hand.
“Get behind me, please..”
He huffed, getting on all fours and waiting for you. You quickly got up on your knees and sat behind him.
“Are you okay? Are you sure you want to keep going, it’s okay if you’re tired-“
Hushing you once again, he arched his back and his tail swayed waiting for you.
“You know what I want by now.. just please, fuck me.”
You pouted, you just wanted to make sure he was okay.. using the cum in your hand, you let it slowly drip into his puckering hole before entering.
With every inch you slid in, he purred and arched his back further. You started thrusting, gripping his tail in the process- making him yelp and force himself up onto his hands.
“Fuck! Yes! Harder!”
You pulled his tail, almost lifting him with it every time.
The more positions you tried, the rougher he made you be. It was a long, long, hard session.
He gasped for air beside you, covered in bruises and marks. You were left virtually unscathed, only peering over his tired, cum covered body, with puppy eyes to try and make sure he was truly okay.
“What do you need? I got you water and some pain medicine, are you sure that was all okay?”
Tighnari climbed onto you, wrapping his arms around your neck and kissed your cheek.
“It was great, thank you…”
“We should take a bath.. do you want to take a bath?”
He tiredly nodded, looking down at all the cum that stuck to him and was in his tail.. he couldn’t help but laugh lightly. Wincing, he felt you pull his arms away to get up and start the bath.
Tighnari almost fell asleep with the sound of the water running, only staying awake when you walked by to grab towels, special soaps, and clothes for the both of you.
“It’s ready, do you want me to carry you?”
Tighnari reached his arms up and let you pick him up, one of your arms going under his legs to carry him.
Gently, you placed him in the bath tub, getting in carefully behind him. He leaned back into you, letting your hands wet his body with the warm soapy water.
You massaged his lower back with a cooling soap, easing the strains from his tail and hips. Tighnari couldn’t help but moan as your hands wandered his body and cleaned him- sighs of relief at the clean feeling of his skin.
He felt warm water on his ears and his hair, you’d wetted them to wash both of them with his favourite Padisarah shampoo, the lavender accents only furthering the sleep that fought him.
Tighnari smiled when you started to hum while massaging his scalp, taking extra care with his sensitive ears.
Once you finished with him, you quickly cleaned yourself up and let him relax in fresh and clean water- accompanied by a bed time bath bomb that you’d been gifted.
He laid in your arms, feeling like jelly in your arms.. completely satisfied and comfortable against your considerably larger frame.
“How do you feel? Do you need anything else? Does it still hurt anywhere?”
Your fingers softly pushed his damp hair out of his face, his bright eyes looking up at you.
“I’m fine, I promise. You did so good tonight, Y/n.”
You blushed, making him smile and reach up to kiss your jaw.
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18250mm · 2 days
Doctor, Doctor | W. Maximoff
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Gif not mine, credit to creator
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1,003
Warnings: None
Summary: You and Wanda are tired after a long day’s work, but your aspiring family doctors two lovely kids are there to make sure you’re both well taken care of.
Going back to work the day after a public holiday was not something you and Wanda were looking forward to. Alas, being part of the Avengers didn’t allow much time off once the festivities were over.
At least Fury was nice enough to let everyone come in a little later today.
So, that was how you found yourself lying in bed with your wife, a beautiful Sokovian redhead who may as well have been a goddess in her past life. Gently, you draped your arm over her and pulled her impossibly close to you, sighing contentedly.
The movement had caused Wanda to stir and turn to face you with a smile on her face, eyes still closed. She hummed and rested her forehead against yours.
"Good morning, detka."
"Good morning, sweetheart," you replied sleepily. "I really don’t want to go to the compound today."
Wanda giggled and shook her head at your words. "You know we can’t do that, Y/N/N. Steve needs those mission reports urgently. You’ve already put them off for too long."
Groaning, you pulled the covers over the two of you. You didn’t want to move. Your body wouldn’t allow it — all you wanted to do was curl up with coffee and a good book beside the love of your life for… well, the rest of your life.
"Your thoughts are loud," the redhead nudged you softly. "Come on, malysh. We have to get the kids ready to leave too."
"Bye mommy! Bye mama!" Aiden, yours and Wanda’s eldest child, greeted as he walked out the door with your best friend. Luckily, she’d agreed to take him to daycare that day.
That left Amaya, the younger of your two kids. The girl was five, just three years younger than Aiden. She wasn’t feeling well, so she was going to the Stark Tower where Pepper would take care of her until you and Wanda were finished with work.
"Ready to go, bubba?" you cooed, pinching your daughter’s cheeks. The toddler giggled and clapped her hands, eagerly reaching for you and almost falling out of Wanda’s arms.
"Y/N! Be careful!" Wanda scolded as she readjusted the girl such that Amaya was resting on her hips.
"Are you sure she’s sick? She seems plenty fine to me," you joked, leaning in to give your wife a kiss on the lips when she pouted at your statement. "I’m just kidding! Let’s go."
But before you two could make your move, Amaya tugged on your shirt sleeve and pointed to the dining table. "Mama, your medicine!"
Raising your eyebrow, you glanced at Wanda. The Sokovian woman only shrugged her shoulders.
"I’m not sick, you are!" you said, poking your daughter’s nose. "I don’t need medicine, baby."
"They are vi-" Amaya paused, facial features scrunched in thought. "Vi- Vitamins. Aiden and I packed them for you and mommy!"
How could you and Wanda say no to that? After hearing what she had to say, you immediately made a beeline for the brown paper bag that sat on the table.
"Thank you," Wanda beamed, speaking on your behalf. "Now, let’s get you to Auntie Pepper, okay? I bet she’s got a really exciting day planned just for you."
"Yay! Let’s go, mama!"
*12 hours later*
Exhaustion couldn’t even begin to describe the state you and Wanda were in. If anything, the both of you felt old, tired and worn out.
And that was just after a day’s work.
You took another swig of beer, the cold liquid going down smoother than the harshness your mind and body had been subjected to.
Even someone as powerful as Wanda couldn’t escape the pain that shot through her body from standing and working all day.
"Maybe we are getting too old for this," Natasha joked as the three of you continued to put away all the mission reports the team had completed.
Manila folders passed through nimble fingers and were slotted into metal drawers as the clock hands ticked away every minute.
"Hey," you voiced out, looking at your wife. "You know, now would be a good time to pop those vitamins."
Wanda smiled tenderly as Natasha quirked an eyebrow.
"Vitamins?" the Black Widow asked, taking a sip of her coffee. "Since when do the two of you need vitamins?"
"Let’s just say they’re newly prescribed," you laughed, taking the familiar-looking brown paper bag out of your haversack and handing it to Wanda.
The Sokovian woman emptied its contents onto the table, a note falling out right after. "Oh wow, a lot to take today. Our doctors are very strict, hun."
Playing along, you picked up your children’s handwritten note. "Alright, let’s see what we have here," you spoke aloud, reading off the piece of paper. "These are our coolness pills…"
You handed Wanda some red M&Ms. "This one keeps us strong. We also have three smile makers…”
Then came the purple Skittles. "Pretty self-explanatory. And lastly, two pills for fast running."
It was yours and Wanda’s favourite candy — green gummy bears.
"Those are just a whole bunch of sweets," Natasha noted, scrunching her nose.
"Just because Aiden and Amaya aren’t real doctors, doesn’t mean they can’t make us feel good," you replied, sticking your tongue out at the former Russian spy. "You’re just jealous you don’t have any!"
The look Natasha shot you and Wanda was nothing short of hilarious, so you knew you were right. After a little bit of negotiation, you finally agreed to let her have one of your Skittles and a gummy bear.
"Tell the kiddos I said thanks," the Black Widow smiled. "And that I’ll bring them some vitamins the next time I visit."
"Real ones, please," Wanda nodded. "The two of them are always too busy munching on snacks that they refuse to eat anything other than chocolates or candies once meal times are over."
You shook your head and laughed at your wife’s very accurate description of your tiny humans, thinking: how the hell did you get so lucky?
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bbutterflies · 2 days
alyanette kiss for drabble prompts 👀
hi kayla!!! sorry this took me a million years but I hope it’s worth the wait!! 🩷🤍🧡
Marinette’s life is complicated. Balancing being a teenage girl and a superhero and a student and the guardian and a daughter is hard. But even then, she knows what she likes.
Marinette likes designing, the sound of pencil on the page and the thrill of her ideas coming to life. Marinette likes baking, following recipes she’s had memorized for years and the easy way she can hold piping bags in her hands. Marinette likes sewing, the familiar whir of her machine soothing on even her worst days. Marinette likes Alya’s lip gloss.
But that one is new, so she’s not sure why she likes it so much.
Marinette likes boys – she knows that, has always known that. But she’s not with a boy today. She’s with Alya, alone. Having a picnic.
And Alya is wearing a really pretty lip gloss.
Marinette’s not quite sure why she’s so drawn to it. It’s subtle, a little pink, just a bit of shimmer, but she notices. She knows Alya doesn’t usually wear it. Alya doesn’t usually wear the floral spring dress she’s wearing, either, but Marinette quite likes it too. Well, of course she does – she designed it, a birthday present for Alya. But she really likes it when Alya wears it.
Marinette knows she doesn’t have it all figured out, of course, but… she’s more confused than usual right now.
Alya is sitting next to her, legs tucked against her side. Her hair is down, caught in the gentle breeze, and she keeps tucking it behind her ear. Marinette could watch her do that all day, she thinks. She’d be quite content.
Alya is peeling an orange, and she offers Marinette a slice. Marinette takes it, of course.
“I’m glad you could make it,” Alya says with a smile, tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“Me, too,” Marinette says. “This is really nice.” She looks around at the blanket Alya has brought for them, baby pink and soft, and the wicker picnic basket sitting on top filled with snacks and drinks. She takes a bite of the orange in her hands.
Alya returns to peeling, carefully digging her nails into the skin of the orange and exposing the fruit. “I, um, I really like spending time with you,” she says.
Marinette watches her, mouth agape. She’s not quite sure how to respond.
“You’re incredible, Mari,” Alya continues as she pulls off the last piece of orange skin. “I’ve always thought that. I knew it from the day we met.”
“Oh,” Marinette breathes. Alya has complimented her before, but this… it’s different in a way she can’t put her finger on.
The wind picks up and pulls Alya’s hair loose. Marinette’s hand is there to fix it before Alya’s.
Marinette isn’t sure why she does it, but it’s happening before she even realizes it. She gently tucks the hair back in place, her fingers lingering near Alya’s cheek. She likes being close to Alya.
Alya smiles.
They don’t talk. The moment stretches into eternity. Marinette keeps her hand where it is, an offer, though she’s not sure what she’s asking for. She just knows she likes it, and it seems like Alya likes it, too.
But Alya doesn’t move, so Marinette lowers her hand. Her aim is to bring it back to her lap, but Alya catches it first. Gently, carefully, Alya holds her hand.
Marinette notices Alya’s nail polish. Warm pink, soft orange, the sunset encapsulated. Alya’s hand is soft and warm. Marinette already knows this, has felt Alya’s hands before when they paint each other’s nails or Alya holds her back from a wayward plan going awry.
But this is different. Alya holds gently, carefully. She’s making her own offer, Marinette realizes.
Marinette seizes it. She moves slowly, in case Alya wants to change her mind and pull away. But Alya doesn’t. They intertwine their fingers and hold each other tight.
Maybe… maybe Marinette likes Alya. Likes her as more than her best friend. Because she loves the way their hands fit together, and she’s still drawn to Alya’s lip gloss and maybe it’s less about the gloss and more about who’s wearing it.
“I really like you,” Alya whispers. She meets Marinette eyes and smiles, confident. Her voice is louder. “I really like you,” she repeats. “And if you just want to stay friends, that’s okay, too. But I wanted to tell you anyway.”
The pieces fall into place like dominos to spell out a beautiful pattern, and Marinette realizes it all at once.
She likes girls. She likes Alya, actually. Of course she does.
Marinette scoots a little closer on the blanket. Alya responds with a breath let loose and a glowing smile. She’s never been good with words, always trips over her feet on her way to the point, but Marinette doesn’t think she needs to say anything right now to express herself quite clearly to Alya.
She leans closer. Alya meets her halfway.
Alya’s lips are soft. She tastes like cherry and oranges and pure bliss. She feels like home, familiar and safe and always pulling Marinette right back in. Marinette knows instantly she’s stuck in Alya’s orbit, and she’ll never need to be anywhere else.
Alya pulls back with a giddy smile, her heart bared between her teeth, and Marinette knows she’s a mirror image.
Marinette likes this. Loves it, even. And she’s quite sure about it.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 3 days
June of Doom Day 6
"They don't care about you." / Flinch / Broken Promise / Abandoned
Prompts List | Event Masterpost
Hero x Villain Masterpost | <- Previous Part | Next Part (coming soon!)
Fandom: Original Work
Words: 1600
Tag List: @juneofdoom @fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @pigeonwhumps @mr-orion
@scaewolf @doctorsawyer @pinkrangerv
CW: PTSD, breaking and entering, sabotage, self-deprecation, swearing, harsh words, denial, mentioned injury, crying
A/N: Introducing a couple new characters: Antihero, a part-time hero, part-time villain who owed Villain a few favors, and Youngest, the most inexperienced member of Hero's old team. Also the first appearance of Hero's powers! They're a telekinetic.
“...are you sure the distraction’s gonna work?”
“Antihero knows what they’re about, love. Trust me, we’ll have all the time you need.”
Hero shifted uneasily in their seat, watching the lights of the city streak by outside the car window. “I do, but… what about Techie? Won’t they alert Shapeshifter, Sound Gun and Leader once they find out we’re inside?”
Villain sighed, eyes fixed on the road. “I already told you, I’ll handle it.” Hero opened their mouth, but Villain raised a finger from the wheel, silencing them. “And don’t worry, I won’t kill them. If all goes well, they won’t even suspect what we came for until it’s too late.”
Villain turned onto a side street, close to Hero’s former team’s headquarters, but not close enough to draw attention. They eased the car to a stop and put it into park before turning to Hero. “Are you sure you want to go through with this? If things don’t go as planned, it could end very badly for both of us.”
Hero gritted their teeth and nodded, thoughts whirling. “Not just us, but Techie and Youngest and maybe Antihero and—!”
Villain gently put a finger on Hero’s lips. “Hush. It’ll all work out.”
“Trust me?”
Hero slowly exhaled, trying to soothe their racing nerves. “Trust you.”
Villain smiled. “Good. Now, let’s break into your old headquarters, shall we?” They removed their hand and swiftly exited the car. Hero stared after them for a long moment, painfully aware of the spot on their lips where Villain’s finger had just been, just barely brushing against their skin. Villain shut the car door, and Hero jumped, quickly following suit, heat spreading across their face.
Their mask would hide the worst of the blush, probably. And the rest was hopefully covered by the darkness—
Hero jumped. “S-sorry,” they mumbled, starting down the sidewalk. “Just… memories.”
Stupid, stupid, stupid! Hero couldn’t afford to lose focus. Not now. And especially not while inside their old headquarters, where every second that ticked by was one second closer to getting caught.
And imprisoned.
And tortured….
They snapped out of their thoughts as Villain gently touched their shoulder. “I…” Hero blinked and realized they’d almost walked past the side door, their ticket into the building. They smacked their forehead in frustration. “Fuck… sorry, I was just….”
Villain frowned. “If you’re not ready for this, we can turn around and go home. I’ll call off Antihero, and we can try again another day.” They glanced up at Hero’s old headquarters, and the frown deepened. “Your team did a lot of fucked up shit, and they deserve to pay for every damned scrap. 
“But…” they looked back to Hero, and their gaze softened. “We don’t have to do this now. Just say the word.”
Hero hesitated. The offer was tempting, it really was. But… they had the suspicion that if they backed out now, they would never muster up the courage to return. And that thought… that thought terrified them more than getting caught.
They shook their head.  “No. We’re doing this.”
“Alright.” Villain nodded slowly and gestured to the door. “Lead the way. This is your mission, after all.”
Hero took a deep breath, steeling their nerves against the memories that threatened to flood their brain and overwhelm them again. I’m coming, Youngest. They pressed their hand to the doorknob and reached out with their powers, grasping the inner mechanisms with insubstantial fingers.
The lock clicked. Hero allowed themself a small smile of victory. It had been a while since they’d used their telekinesis for something as complex as the lock. This was promising. They pushed open the door and slipped inside, Villain on their heels.
The side door opened into a hallway that ran along the entire length of the first floor of the headquarters, connecting to the lobby, a few unimportant storage rooms, and the service staircase. Hero led the way down the hallway, their powers seeking out and disabling the security cameras in the stairwell long before they reached the door.
“Alright,” Villain murmured as they ascended the stairs, “just point me in the direction of the surveillance room and I’ll be off.”
Hero nodded, passing the second and third-floor doors before stopping at the fourth floor. “Second door, end of that hallway.”
“Got it,” Villain moved past them, but Hero caught their arm.
“Just… don’t hurt them too badly. Please.”
Villain’s expression was unreadable beneath the mask, but they nodded. “Of course, love.”
With those words, they vanished through the door. Hero listened to their quiet footsteps for a couple heartbeats before they shook themself and continued up the stairs. Youngest would likely be in their room. Hero remembered from their training days when Leader would lock them in their room to prevent them from following on patrol before they were deemed ready.
The memory reared its head, threatening to drown them, but Hero shook their head and pressed on. Youngest. They were here for Youngest.
The lock was no more difficult to open than the side door. Youngest jumped up as the door opened, words already spilling out. “Is everything okay? Do you need me to…” Their eyes widened as their brain caught up with what they were seeing. “Hero?!”
Hero winced at the shock and disbelief in their voice. “Hey, Youngest.”
“I… you died! You’re supposed to be at the bottom of the ocean somewhere…” Youngest staggered, grabbing onto their desk for support. Frost spread across the wooden surface from their fingers, but they didn’t notice.
“Ah… is that what Leader told you?”
Youngest hesitated before nodding. “They said… they said you were taking a break, to go visit some family… but your plane crashed into the ocean…” They perked up and started moving towards the door. “We have to let everyone know you’re okay! Have you told Techie yet—?”
Hero didn’t move from the doorway, even as Youngest paused expectantly in front of them. “Listen to me, Youngest. I never went on a break, never went on a plane.”
Youngest blinked in confusion. “...huh?”
“I…” Hero’s voice shook as they sought the right words, “I was getting sloppy. Pulled one too many all-nighters. Let a couple big villains get away from me. Leader wasn’t happy about any of that. And… and when I asked to take a break, I think that’s when they snapped. There’s… there’s a reason why the lower levels are off-limits.”
Youngest stared at them, eyes growing wider by the second as Hero’s words sank in. They stepped back. “No,” they protested, “no, you’re lying!”
“I wish I was lying,” Hero murmured. “They don’t care about you. They only care about what you can do for them, and damned if you act like a person who has needs!”
Youngest shook their head, hands raised defensively. “How could you say something like that?! Leader took us in, trained us… they’re like a parent to me! They would never do that!”
“I’m sorry, Youngest, but it’s true. They’ll abandon you if they thought it was ‘for the good of the city’.” Hero’s voice turned mocking, remembering Teleporter’s words as they’d exacted the punishment ordered by Leader. “That’s why I came back. I didn’t want to leave you behind when you, too, caught their wrath.”
Youngest’s expression darkened. “Get out.”
Hero blinked. “What?”
“Get. The fuck. Out. Or I will make you leave. You’re not Hero. You’re something else, wearing their face, wearing their mask.”
Hero’s stomach churned, the earlier fear and panic returning at full force. “Youngest, I….”
“Don’t ‘Youngest’ me!” Youngest screamed, the temperature rapidly dropping. “Leave! Leave, or I might change my mind and trap you here so you can repeat your lies to Leader’s face! How does that sound?!”
Hero stepped back in shock. They wouldn’t… would they? “I’m sorry, Youngest,” they managed to say, voice shaking. “Just… I’m sorry.”
They thrust out with their hand, slamming the door shut with such hurried force that it rattled in the doorframe. The lock clicked, and Hero spun and sprinted back down the hallway, tears threatening to spill down their cheeks.
They were too late. 
Down the stairs.
They’d waited too long.
The fourth-floor hallway.
They failed.
The surveillance room. Hero barely glanced around the room, registering Techie lying unconscious on the floor before they dashed across the room to where Villain bent over the console. Villain turned in surprise, eyes widening as they noted the look on Hero’s face and the distinct lack of Youngest.
Hero mashed themself against Villain’s chest, the tears finally arriving in full force. “I… they… they thought I was… they didn’t want… threatened to…to….”
Villain slowly wrapped their arms around Hero, their fingers running through Hero’s hair. “Oh… I’m so sorry. You tried your best.”
“I… I really thought….”
“I know, I know.” Villain removed one of their hands, tapping on the keyboard. “If it’s any consolation, I got the other thing we needed.”
Hero continued to sob, Youngest’s words playing over and over in their mind.
“Hero… Hero!” Villain gently pushed them away and planted their hands on their shoulders. “We gotta get our asses out of here before the team gets back, okay? Plenty of time to sort through your emotions when we’re home free.”
Hero slowly nodded, removing their mask to wipe away the tears. “Okay…” they mumbled, voice still shaking.
Villain nodded, grabbing Hero’s hand. “Let’s go, love.”
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newtthetranswriter · 9 hours
Music can be relaxing... most of the time
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Word Count: 1122
Paring: Kuroo x gn! Reader (it’s not super important part of the fic just felt like adding it)
Summary: The bus ride to the summer training camp was more chaotic knowing that Karasuno was going to be joining this year. After Kuroo’s failings to calm everyone y/n has a genius idea, only for Lev to fuck it up with his choice of music
Warning: Cursing
A/n: All imma say is I said what I said. Feel free to take it up with management, oh wait I’m management. Anyway enjoy or don’t, but as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
    It was finally time for the week-long summer training camp with the rest of the Fukurodani Academy group, so it was time for Nekoma’s volleyball team to begin the bus ride to Shinzen. Normally it was a quiet trip but with the excitement of Karasuno joining this year's camp, the boy’s had decided to goof off for the majority of the trip.
    There had been a few attempts from Kuroo to get the rambunctious group to sit down and shut up, but after being ignored every time, the captain gave up. Seeing their boyfriend’s annoyed face at their younger classmen’s energy, Y/n tried to think of a way to calm the group without and convince them to conserve their energy for the upcoming practice matches. Remembering that listening to music typically helps people relax, Y/n quickly pulled out their phone and set up a new Spotify playlist.
    After adding a few songs and putting in the description that each member of the team was to add three songs, Y/n sent a mass invite to boys. Upon hearing the chorus of phones buzzing and checking his own, Kuroo looked at Y/n slightly confused. “Why did you send a playlist in the team chat?” He asked, curious as to what their plan was.
   Looking around and seeing that the whole team had stopped goofing off and were all looking to their manager as if asking the same question. “Music can help people relax, so I figured if we all contributed a few songs to this playlist we could all listen to it and save our energy for the training camp.” They explained, earning a few nods and sounds of agreement. After about two minutes everyone made it known that they had made their contributions. Y/n then hooked their phone up to the small speaker Kenma had brought with him, and hit shuffle on the playlist, letting the bus fill the sounds of each player's favorite music.
   As time passed it was clear that Y/n’s plan had worked well. Half the team had passed out, while the other half were just scrolling on their phones quietly. Kuroo took a moment to lean closer to Y/n and whisper quietly to them. “Thank you, I thought I was gonna have to help Yaku hide Lev’s body for a moment there.”
   Y/n just chuckled. “No problem, it’s my job as your guys' manager to make sure no murders happen while traveling. Now you should—” Before Y/n could finish their next sentence a very familiar song started playing over the speaker, and it wasn’t one Y/n was fond of. “Ok who the hell put Taylor fucking Swift in the playlist?” Y/n had turned to look down the bus’s aisle to look at the group of boys.
   Everyone who was still awake remained silent before Kenma pointed at the lanky first year who was asleep against the window across from him. Almost as if sensing all eyes on him Lev jolted awake. “Why is everyone staring at me?” He asked groggily while looking around.
   The first to break the silence was Yaku. “You messed up big time buddy, I hope it was worth it.” The short third year said, patting Lev’s shoulder over the seat. Lev just looked at his upperclassmen confused. Figuring Lev was not going to figure it out on his own, Yaku pointed towards the front of the bus where Y/n was still leaning into the aisle. “You pissed off the manager.” It was a simple sentence but as soon as Lev made eye contact with Y/n, he understood how fucked he was.
   “But wait what did I do? I fell asleep after the music started.” He asked, hoping to find a way out of his impending doom.
   The people who had previously been asleep had also woken up as it was silent on the bus except for the sound of the bus moving. They were confused at first until they heard their normally calm manager let out an exasperated sigh, before speaking. “The number one rule for any playlist I have is absolutely no Taylor Swift. I will not budge on it ever, her music is trash and she is overrated. If you want to listen to her go ahead but it better be with headphones and I better not hear it.” Y/n explained, their voice sounded calm but the look in their eyes said on wrong move and Lev’s body would need to be hidden.
   “Okay but I thought she was like an Bi icon or something, and aren’t you also bi? I thought you would like her.” Lev clearly misread the look on Y/n’s face, and thought there was any room to argue.
   “Lev you are a newer member of the team but I kindly have to remind you never tell me that taylor fucking swift is bi icon again. That is one of the straightest cis women I have ever seen and any one who thinks otherwise needs their eyes checked. AND also I’m not bi, I’m queer which is different and if I was why would that mean I like her trashy music. She’s a sell out and the picture of capitalistic greed.” Y/n answered, before Lev had a chance to respond Y/n faced forward signaling the end of the discussion. 
   After taking a moment to process what was just said to him Lev looked to his teammates for anysort of clarification they could give him about what happened. “I know that look and the only answer is to never bring up Taylor Swift in Y/n’s presence again or they may actually kill you.” It was Yamamoto who answered Lev’s unspoken question.
   “Tora if I hear that name one more time I will not hesitate to shave off that stupidass mohawk.” Y/n said before starting the music again, having checked the playlist for any of the cursed music.
   Yamamoto just silently nodded before going back to looking at his phone. The rest of the team followed suit knowing that any further chaos would likely cause the Captain and Manager duo to actually murder the whole team before they even reached the training camp. Lev looked around one last time before figuring out what the rest of the team already knew, don’t piss off Y/n because they are scarier than Kuroo and Yaku combined.
   Kuroo on the other hand just chuckled to himself, placing a kiss on his partner’s forehead. “I thought you were supposed to prevent murders, not threaten to commit them.” He just received an eye roll as the two silently agreed to relax for the rest of the bus ride.
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kicktwine · 30 days
anon had a much different message I’ll try to get back to But it spiraled off in my brain and I think like, a character note about the twins especially in the beginning is that they’re very uncomfortable with (if not with most loud emotions) crying. exactly like my brother and I tbr alisaie is not comfortable with it even if it sometimes happens to her without her consent, so she stuffs it behind being snappy so it’ll stop. as the story goes on she doesn’t necessarily get more comfortable with it, she just gets around people who make her feel more okay about it. alphy just seemed unused to it in general - nothing in his life has ever caused emotion like that to overwhelm either reason or ego or logic, and so it just never happened, and even when he was upset he always always distanced how he felt about things from what his role was in the real world. like as a ten year old they were doing this. after hw it kind of starts happening to him wether he wills it or no, mostly around bittersweet or moments of stress release. which rly leads me to believe in the space between arr and hw was a lot more unmentioned (or obliquely mentioned, they kinda leave it to you) awful attempts at feeling really harsh emotions by someone who’s just genuinely never done it before than we hear about directly. he’s just never cried since he was tiny, and it probably sucked. anyways alisaie understands the emotional weight of events instantly and gets to react to them even if she dislikes it later and becomes determined to fix, while alphy still retains the habit of quickly separating himself from an event until it’s like, done with and either fixed or nothing we can do, and then falls apart. they both kinda try to hide it anyways
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zivot · 8 months
What is YOUR Roman Empire?
»A little life« by Hanya Yanagihara
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Sometimes this -> :)))) is just not strong enough for what I mean
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