#I’m sorry for the rant
daemonmage · 5 months
Does it ever frustrate you when people argue about the moral implications of characters in serialized media (like comics and tv shows) when you yourself know that the reason characters will do things incredibly differently and make some completely out of character choices depending one what the writer wants to write.
Or not even moral implications, literally just any action or characterization.
And also those writer change so frequently that often the character will do something with one writer and then not do it with another writer.
Also these things have been existing so long that (especially with comics, like nearly a century) that times have changed and writing has also changed.
Just remember that these are characters that have been around for years and have been passed around by writers since their conception.
There is no hard canon with these things.
(Also a better argument would be about the industry issues and why the writers wrote what they did rather than arguing about fictional characters. Because a lot of this stuff is mostly industry issues that should be addressed because these are real people making these writing decisions and editorial changes.)
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umbiedecoder · 1 year
hi i’m just here to gush about the omen twins (and just omens in general) from just stuff i’ve picked up on.
so first things first, let’s start with the easy stuff (that like everyone knows): their opinions of themselves/outlook on their race. morgott is clearly ashamed of being an omen, he shaves his horns, he wears rags, yadda yadda yadda. mohg is like… the exact opposite, he wears extravagant clothes, he owns real estate (mohgwyn palace), he has a polycule (the bloody fingers), etc.
time for me to talk about them individually.
first of all, when comparing his horns to Mohg’s, they grow in an entirely different way. Morgott’s horns grow out; and they resemble a crown. when you see Morgott, you go “Wow, that is certainly an interesting looking human being.”
i think it’s very clearly implied that the erdtree decides when someone has exhausted their usefulness, and when that happens, they turn into that dust we see upon killing enemies. so let’s think for a second, how many bosses don’t do that when they die? ONE. AND ITS MORGOTT. do you know how long it keeps me up at night to know that this man had it SO BAD that LITERALLY GOD let his body sit around just long enough that he could finally hear some kind of approval from someone who loved him.
not only is he kept around, his horns are excised by the erdtree, the erdtree literally excises the omen """curse""" (i’ll get to why that’s in quotes) from him, as a final act of mercy, FUCK.
this guy.
this. fuckin. guy.
let me preface with this: Mohg is an animal. i don’t mean that in like a hateful way, it’s genuinely how he is portrayed.
let’s start with the horns, just like Morgott. Mohg’s doesn’t shave them, but unlike Morgott, whose unshaved horns grow out and up, Mohg’s grow in, they wrap around themselves. exhibited in rams and boars, their horns will dig into their skin as they grow, if you look at Mohg’s big ugly face for longer than two seconds you’ll notice that he is also exhibiting said phenomena.
Mohg is, by design, a monster. you see his wings, you look at his jagged teeth and twisting horns and go, “Woah, is this a new species in the lands between, is he the last of them” and when you read his lore, BAM. HES AN OMEN.
also, i think it is so telling of Morgott’s opinion of his brother in that cutscene with the thrones; Morgott lists the runebearers, except Mohg. i don’t know if there really is a reason for that beyond “Why would Mohg have a throne?” but i like to think it’s Morgott protecting(?) Mohg, or atleast keeping him hidden from us by simply not acknowledging him. Mohgwyn Dynasty and the bloody fingers are likely one of the biggest threats to the golden order, and I highly doubt that Morgott would just let that slide, he must have a reason for not searching for his brother, and i believe it’s willful ignorance.
so, this theory was presented to me by my friend Mita, and it’s a great one. she suggests that the omens are linked to the erdtree and that Marika invented the stigma around them because that interferes with the order, and that theory is just GRAHHH it’s so good.
so fun fact, after a mistranslation of the bible, many statues of moses have him horns. if you’ve played elden ring past the intro, you’ve probably noticed all of the catholic imagery.
isn’t that INTERESTING???
isn’t that. isn’t that just so COOL????
i personally believe that those statues of moses are the biggest inspiration for the omens, and that the curse really isn’t a curse at all.
anyways. i don’t know how to end this, if you read all of this i commend you but also i’m so sorry.
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The obligation to see family on a holiday when all they are is rude and obnoxious is ridiculous. Apparently none of my medical conditions are real and despite me having scoliosis, I have no idea what ‘proper back pain’ is 😭😭
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I’m still so upset about the “women making profitable art about glitter is good!” quote. It’s not even about Taylor because whatever. I just spent an entire summer seeing people say “see!!! When you make art about women women show up!!!” about BARBIE. A movie about a fucking DOLL. As if the same women who went and saw Barbie are only interested in pink and glitter. As if those same women have not watched a single “serious” movie in their life. As if the only things we care about are love and rainbows. I’m serious! Are you not tired?
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cl0wn-c0re · 11 months
Sorry no fun sillies today just a silly rant. I feel so bad about my shading I feel like it’s horrendous and it sucks I no fuckinh clue what I’m doing. All I know it light source but I can’t put that on a drawing somehow! Like I know where it is in my head in the drawing but it’s like a disconnect when I wanna put it on paper I’m so mad at my skills that suck just ughhhhhhhh why won’t it work I just wanna be able to make something pretty! -??
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kikimcgee · 1 year
Do you ever think about how we always talk about how Phoenix cares and shows his love in such extreme ways, especially when those he loves are in danger (e.g. falling off a bridge, kicking down an iron door, literally changing his entire career) but the SECOND Miles truly starts to realize who he is without VK’s influence, he does the exact same thing.
He makes his return after Miles Edgeworth chooses death because Phoenix is in trouble. He stays to help after Franziska is shot in order to help save Maya. He charters that stupid jet without hesitation to run to Phoenix when Phoenix is hurt. Forgets his letter-of-the-law ways to play defense attorney because Phoenix asks him to. Goes into an active hostage situation to help someone he knew years ago (a friend of Von Karma, no less). Slams his prosecutors badge on the table and resigns to make a point and save his kid. Spends precious time during a case making sure this kid who’d worked against him knows he doesn’t have to be like the man who raised him.
All because he loves and cares about them.
‘Cause I do. ;_;
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chorastar · 10 months
Giving my ocs weapons bc why tf not
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The archer bishes
They will shoot u in the face
(Please don’t mind how lazy this is I just colored the sketch and I’m half asleep) (Also don’t ask about the random ding dong and the dots) (And the height difference May is just fvcking tiny) (I also gave May a new outfit bc idk)
(I’m so tired wtf)
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cluelessbees · 2 years
I really hate how much my confidence for byler starts to slip the moment I get anything that implies it won’t happen.
Like I hate it because I know the only reason I feel this way is because it’s a queer ship.
I want to feel confident. I want to feel happy when it happens because it was built up. I want to have hope.
And I hate that I can’t sometimes.
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aholotte · 1 year
This whole “girl math” and “boy math” bullshit reminds me of why I loathe “f3mcels” and “g1rlbloggers” (censoring so they don’t come after me). Aside from their rampant racism, fatphobia, and transphobia, they’re also just misogynists but with a pretty pink aesthetic. I mean they made it so that “girl math” implies girls can’t do math unless they go shopping, do they even hear themselves? Once again, gender stereotypes. “Girl dinner” “girl this” “girl that” why don’t you girl shut up, girl go outside, and girl touch some grass.
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nepolana · 1 year
It’s interesting how we view Napoleon
I remember school in England portraying him as the big bad that terrorised Europe for +10 years. Then I went to a Polish school for an exchange and the portrayal of Napoleon was quite different - more of France’s hegemony and whatnot. Poland even mentions him in the national anthem - “Napoleon taught us how to win”. His influence was ever present in major Polish literary works and independence movements. Of course it’s often a romanticised view of him - the real Napoleon didn’t really concern himself with Poland’s independence that much (I mean some speculate that the name The Duchy of Warsaw instead of The duchy of Poland was used specifically to not provoke Russia that much)
It’s kinda exhausting having to deal with “omg he killed people” every time we get a historical film now. I mean yeah no shit welcome to Europe. We went through at least 500 wars here - most of them for a scrap of some land.
The guy was a brilliant tactician and influenced politics of Europe for decades after him.
I know we Brits like to dunk on France how we beat them at Trafalgar and Waterloo (really Prussia was vital in this one) but why is it so difficult for us to admit that the guy was a genius on the battlefield. I mean he single-handedly dealt with 7 coalitions against him.
It’s the same issue I had with portrayal of Prussia in Polish history lessons and literature.
The sheer amount of money, resources and forces spent on the napoleonic wars is really impressive for the lack of a better word.
I really recommend a book “How Britain fought Napoleon” - it shines a light on the logistics and resources that Britain had to rely on to beat the guy.
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whatcha up to tag game!
tagged by: MY WIVES 💕💕 @bussyslayer333 and @roostersrooster (forever and always)
currently reading: so TikTok has lured me into some ‘the last of us’ fics but other than that, I am obscenely obsessed with @bussyslayer333 ‘s fics literally any of her work, or @ohtobeleah and @tongue-like-a-razor ‘s Jake seresin fics are my comfort ones.
Book wise: I’m not reading much books but I do want to read Neil Gaiman’s American gods.
last song:Pink dolphin sunset by Tory lanez and do you like me? by Daniel Caesar (both of these songs are really good)
last movie: I have been too busy watching Tokyo Recengers and rewatching Alice in Borderland this ENTIRE MONTH that I have forgotten the last movie I watched hehe. edit; i rewatched the princess diaries for the 10th time.
currently working on: I think I have a Jake seresin roommate request, antidotes and poisons part 6 and a “tale of crowns” inspired English writing piece for my English Lit class.
(I have a few other WIPS as well, sooo if you wanna know more, lmk🫣😉)
No pressure tags!! @tongue-like-a-razor
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rainthenobody · 2 years
I’ve got another brain teaser for the TMNT fans out there.
Of course we have a… What if? Plenty of people want to think of what could happen if Leo wasn’t saved. How the gang responds to this pain. This loss.
Many of the fandom created AUs with each member being separated. Either individually or all 4.
But I bring you - What if Raph wasn’t saved? What if even with Leo humbled himself. Apologizing for all he had done. What if, Raph had truly fallen… What hope would they have then?
Each of the turtles have their own part to play in the team. (This will play in later. Promise ^^)
Mikey is the youngest. Being the youngest he finds it his obligation to keep the team together. He’s the reason his family ever sits down and talk. He allows them to communicate to one another their ailments. He’s often then one to help break up fights. Ergo Dr. delegate touch feels nothing. And Dr. feelings.
Leo is the face guy, creating strategy and bringing laughs. Much to the others displeasure. He showboats yes. But he also is the reason the team begins to shift and change. Allowing each of them to grow. After the movie, he helps to understand everyone. Trusting one another.
Donnie? Of course he’s the group’s resident genius. His low empathy giving him a sharper edge. Allowing to him to tell his brothers when they’ve (lack of a better word) fucked up. He’s not as empathetic as Mikey most days. But he still has some to a degree. Not only does he play his part in leveling the playing field. But he also provides his brothers with gadgets and gizmos. Anything that would be seen as helpful.
Now finally for Raph. Raphael is sturdy. As the oldest, he has to be. He (hypothetically) raised his brothers. In retaliation to that, he’s extremely protective and proud of them. Yes, he’s mother hen quite often. But it’s in good reason. These chaos children get themselves into so many situations and problems. That Raph being raph, wants to protect them from it. Mikey Leo and Donnie often use him as a shield, or a platform. This is because they feel safe with him. He is supposed to protect them.
So, I ask once more. What would happen when the foundation that helped to hold each one of them up, were to be lost.. Permanently. (Or until further notice. >;])
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braverynight · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about the poem, “The View from Halfway Down”
Everything hurts, nothing is going my way, and I feel so so lost. How easy it is to start to fly…
But if I saw the view from halfway down, those few remaining seconds, I don’t think I could forgive myself
Life is a bitch. But you gotta keep on living
I never want to know the view from halfway down
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sheinthatfandom · 2 years
I’m holding on to the fact that most dirt sheets have said Bryan loses so much because he wants to put over others so it wouldn’t make sense for Yuta to leave BCC. If anything Bryan would leave after saying Yuta losing proved he made the wrong choice then Yuta beats his ass in a match to prove he belongs where Bryan doesn’t
I refuse to listen to wrestling tabloids all they do is lie and try and quote each other while adding more dramatic lies. Case in point meltzer said he hasn’t heard anything about Adam coles concussion. (Okay he heard nothing.) then he says (speaking generally) it could be tomorrow or it could be never. (Again he’s heard nothing )
Fucking adam cole started trending right after with all the other tabloids claiming his career was over and even claiming they’re quoting meltzer
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Do not listen to wrestling tabloids don’t full stop if the news ain’t coming from the wrestler themselves fuck all the noise remember all that bullshit with malakai black and they were wrong wrong wrong.
I know nothing you said warranted me ranting but I NEEDED to get this out I’m tired of seeing it and I trust wrestling tumblr to have more sense than twitter who just doom-scrolls
I’m gonna trust moxley who said in his book that BCC was their gift to regal and the future of wrestling. BCC is the new hart dungeon so I don’t see them ending it but I could see in storyline disbanding it in time while the training continues on in real life with wrestlers training with the boys and learning and growing. I’m just really anxious over what Yuta is gonna say and what Bryan will say back. I’m trying to remind myself tk is not half as good a booker as the phenomenal writers we have on ao3 that have written about this dynamic and broken my heart time and again and put it back to together right after.
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I want everybody who’s calling Ken a Trophy Husband to know that he’s actually a Trophy Boyfriend, because when Ruth Handler invented Ken in the 1960s, she was adamant that he would never marry her and instead be her “handsome steady”, so that Barbie remained a figure of independence for the little girls and was never put in the position of housewife.
Her house is hers. She bought it and furnished it with money she made in her own job. In STEM, in politics, in healthcare, in fashion, in academy, in customer service. Her credit card is in her name (women in the US couldn’t have their own regardless of marital status until 1974). And it’s all pink and fashionable because femininity and badassness aren’t mutually exclusive. No matter who you are, you can be anything.
That’s why Barbie’s slogan is “you can be anything”. Teaching these ideals to little girls is why Barbie was created. Empowering women and empowering femininity is the original meaning of the Barbie doll. It’s not that you have to be all this to be a woman, but if you are all or some of this, you too are awesome.
And somehow pop culture deliberately changed that narrative. Sexualised, bimbofied, and villainised her, when she actually isn’t responsible for the impossible beauty standards — people are, she’s just a stylised, not-to-scale toy like most others.
Men are frothing because he’s just Ken and I guess they were expecting her to be just Barbie, but that’s exactly what Ken is. Canonically. A badass woman’s himbo boyfriend.
This movie has the potential to radically change the way we collectively see Barbie into what Ruth Handler originally intended, I’m so very excited
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leandrocrossard · 7 months
something really cool happened today that i wanted to share:
my nephew is 9 years old, and a stereotypical little boy. he likes dinosaurs, minecraft, and ninjas.
today i walked in on him excitedly watching Nimona with my dad. (minor spoiler warning!)
i had never heard of it, but i sat down and watched some of it, just to see why he was so happy.
he started narrating it, anticipating parts of it, almost as if he’d seen it before. he had.
we didn’t get to finish it, but i watched it on my own, because it looked fun and i wanted to see how it ended.
and i loved it. it was a fun, exciting, fantastical adventure about the importance of acceptance people who are different to us.
and it had a very clear queer subplot.
one that my nephew hadn’t mentioned at all in his explanation of the film. his summary was “it’s about a monster who helps a knight that was framed for killing the queen”.
and honestly yeah, that is what the film was about.
before sharing it with us, he had watched it all, engrossed himself in the story, took it in entirely, and the part he cared about most was whether Nimona got her acceptance. he wasn’t indoctrinated, or confused, or questioning anything about himself.
he didn’t bat an eyelid over a gay love confession. he just enjoyed the film, raved about it, made my 60 year old dad watch the movie about the monster who didn’t fit in.
he’s still the same little boy who’s been asking us how to get a girlfriend.
the only thing a movie centred around queer and queer-coded characters taught my nephew was that those who are different to him are not monsters. that’s it.
and that dragons are really cool.
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