#I’ve been playing genshin a lot more recently
lovecoredeity · 2 months
-What is your oc’s fursona?
-In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
-What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
-If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
-Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
-What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
-💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
-🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
-🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
-✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
-💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
-🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
-💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
-💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
-What inspired you to create them?
-Are they someone you would get along with?  Would they get along with you?
-What traits of theirs bothers you the most?
-What triggers nostalgia for them most often?  Do they enjoy that feeling?
-How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
-If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
-💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
-🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
What is your favorite fact about your OC?
What type of Avatar The Last Airbender-type bender (or non-bender) would your OC be? Any bending specialties?
-What ocs (if any) might you associate with these songs: Icarus by Bastille, Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkel, and Circles by Passenger
♡ Cashmere’s fursona would be a bunny!
♡ Honestly I’ve only recently begun expanding upon their world, the world they live in is basically fantasy dnd france but also inspired by Fontaine from genshin which is Also France. I think like the over the top lavishness of it all has influenced Cashmere!
♡ writing is definitely the hardest part for like, me in general regardless of oc, I’m real bad at writing lol
♡ hmmm nothing that hasn’t already been changed! The fun part of it all is that I can make whatever changes I want, rather than something I regret adding I regret taking away their heart shaped horns, Cassiopeia is the one with those horns now but Cashmere used to have them but badly drawn (I got rid of them because I couldn’t draw them well lmao)
♡ the worst future for Cashmere would be one in which they return to their family and their life goes back to how it was before they died! They struggle a lot with how they view each member of their family and their relationship with each of their family members but even then they know that the last thing they want is to go back to being nothing more than a pawn to their family!
♡ hmmm I think Cashmere’s bouquet would be a mix of lily of the valley (meaning to return to happiness), bleeding hearts (symbolizes love and sorrow), and then maybe the fake flower I made, love me nots which symbolize unrequited love, none of these really look great together but it’s 1:50am as I write this and these are the flowers I always associate with Cashmere! (There was another flower I was thinking about in relation to them the other day but I forgor) also I got the flower meanings from a quick search so don’t kill me if I’m wrong, the only one I’m certain about is the flower I made up lol
♡ I think Cashmere’s greatest wish is happiness and to be loved, companionship, all those things. Cashmere would do anything to have and protect these things.
♡ Hmmm good question, I think just cast them aside, belittle them and make them feel unwanted which is an obvious answer but like Cashmere wants to have a sense of belonging and being wanted ya know? To give someone your heart and have them act like they don’t care would hurt a lot for him!!
☾ some ppl I knew did!
☾ I’d like to think Lanturn and I would get along with each other, mostly because I like him but also because most of my ocs are created with bits and pieces of myself in them, I think we’d scheme and be bitchy together lmao
☾ his arrogance and lack of self preservation like bestie you are going to DIE if you don’t watch yourself oh my god
☾ I think they feel a lot of nostalgia when they’re in a library or quiet place learning more about magic, ever since he was a child he knew he wanted to study magic and would go behind his families back to do so! It’s a bit bittersweet due to the circumstances and his family not approving of his choice to peruse wizard shit
☾ He’s possessive and bitchy, he will cling harder to the object of his jealousy in an attempt to scare off whoever is in his way as well as be a nuisance to the object of his jealousy!
☾ i am too sleepy to appropriately answer this rn, pray I remember to when I’m more awake and can figure out how to best describe this!
☾ I think it’s not noticeable unless he wants it to be, I feel like after years of his side job of seducing rich folk he’s gotten good at hiding and controlling how he expresses feelings! I think if he was really truly experiencing a genuine crush he would still have a few slip ups, perhaps not speak as eloquently as he’d like, purr perhaps?
☾ oh he For Sure acts differently around different people, he has multiple personas he wears, who he is at wizard college (idk how else to call it help), with his estranged family, whatever friends he’s managed to make, his “clients” or at one of his many jobs, who even knows what the real Lanturn is like. Lanturn isn’t even his real name lmao (his real name is Divinity but he only uses that for like school and normal life purposes and family)
☾ I think he has nightmares about his actions catching up to him, someone is bound to get sick of his shit, or that all his hard work will be for nothing and he’ll never become a talented wizard, things like that! He ignores his nightmares <3 king of ignoring his problems. he doesn’t tell anyone anything if he doesn’t absolutely have to
☾ as of rn I don’t have a like big mistake planned for him, it could be argued that seducing rich people who are probably already in relationships and trying to live a hannah montanna best of both worlds double life is a huge mistake, it just hasn’t bitten him in the ass yet
☾ as of rn none of his relationships has ended with HIM being hurt, if anyone is breaking hearts it’s him <3 I’m sure he’s had his fair share of messy relationships with equally as messy endings
☾ Lanturn can no longer tell if his dream is to be a great and beloved wizard or to live a lavish and extravagant life, he’s open about his ambitions as far as being a brilliant wizard goes, as said before he doesn’t say more than necessary to people. Lanturn would do whatever it takes to achieve his goals and dreams!
☾ I recently discovered that he is a Gemini
☾ my favourite fact is that despite what people may assume, he’s actually really smart and well spoken and passionate about academic matters! (Whether or not I, a dumbass, could ever play him as such if the opportunity arose is a different matter)
☾ I think that Lanturn would be a firebender!
General questions:
Icarus: Lanturn for sure <3
Scarborough: hmmm Cashmere maybe?
Circles: none as of rn because none of my ocs are so soft <3 it’s a very nice song so maybe one day that’ll change!
pop culture questions
not so nice questions
emoji asks
creating ocs
Sorry this is so long an incoherent and rambly omg
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fatuismooches · 9 months
having the worst signora brainrot ever recently and i’ve been stuck on the idea of reader somehow managing to get signora out of tenshukaku alive (not without some harm to either of them unfortunately bc let’s be real it’s the raiden shogun) but recovering away from the fatui somewhere idk where though.. maybe mondstat? since it’s where signoras from but unsure if she’d really wanna be there or not but idk!! i miss mondstat it was a really fun region even if i didn’t get to play the recent windblume event since i havent played genshin in so long so it’s on my brain rn too
idk i just think signora should’ve made it out somehow and so i’m hoping so bad that she gets resurrected in natlan or something djdhdk
YES TO EVERYTHING. At least you can say you escaped the Raiden Shogun alive... not many people can have that feat under their belt 😤 And giving Signora the partially domestic life she deserves,,, It'll probably be in a more desolate/quiet part of Mondstadt considering how the last time she was there she kicked the Anemo Archon (which she never regrets, she just doesn't want to deal with the people there again nor see that bard.) You're probably a lot less hurt considering Rosalyne got beat by the Traveler as well so you spend a lot of time nursing her back to health :( Her ego is probably hurt from the whole fight so she might be a lil quiet at first... the Fatui are still on your doorstep since she is still a Harbinger but nevertheless, you'll take a vacation when you can.
Well, the last Windblume Festival was in 3.5, so in March! I like Mondstadt but I feel they need to add a new region or area to it, I would love to explore it again. And I wholeheartedly agree with you anon, I should be maining Signora rn smh... she WILL get resurrected in Natlan!!
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crystallinestars · 4 days
Regarding your post mentioning Genshin burnout, recently I kind of felt it as well ! The only saving grace for me was Scara's banner, I finally managed to get him on Tuesday after pining for him during the past few months. So I guess I kind of have more motivation to play now? Esp to build him along w his team (Layla and Faruzan also popped up in my rolls :D). But after I've built them sufficiently, I might lose motivation again ...
And I saw you mention toxicity on online platforms, this is so real (for both Genshin and HSR) 😭 Like I was scrolling on Reddit yesterday and I saw a hella cute AvenPaz family artwork. It was then reposted on another subreddit (It's kinda meme-y community) and OMG they were being so rude ... Like they legit seemed so pressed seeing Aventurine in a non-BL ship. They were going "ohhh the str8s are at it again," (they used a more obscene term that I won't name) and I was thinking: so my bi self is apparently mega straight now just because I like NL stuff, huh 🤨🤨 I had to unsubscribe, like I loved seeing the funny edit pics from this subreddit but whenever they see a NL ship (or even a hint that a male playable character could be with girl) they just absolutely become so rude... I guess it could have been worse (like straight up brigading the artist) but the negativity was so so off-putting. Ofc we could all have our own preferences but whyyy feel the need to become so insulting when they see something they don't like.
Big big sorry for longggg negative vibes rant 😭 Ngl I'm also super tempted to go off about the treatment of a certain architect by the hands of both Mihoyo and a huge chunk of Genshin fandom, but if it is too uncomfy for you then I will refrain. ^^ I don't want to disrespect your blog !
Tbh though it is comforting to know that there are at least other Genshin likers (esp girls) who have similar sentiments regarding BL and our favorite architect ahahah...
Congrats on pulling Scara!!! He’s so much fun and a godsend in exploration. Seems you already have a good team for him (I use Layla and Faruzan with him too 😄)! May he grow big and strong haha.
If you lose motivation to play again, well… don’t play! Do something else you find fun! Life is too short to dedicate all your free time to a single game.
Honestly, the entirety of the Hoyoverse fandom is quite toxic. The only game that’s exempt from it, to my knowledge, is Tears of Themis.
Reddit is definitely up there with Twitter for being the most toxic platform in the fandom (I’m guessing TikTok and Instagram too, but I’ve never been on these sites). The BG/NL ship bashing is incredibly common, unfortunately. Really can’t enjoy anything NL on there. Really, why can’t they leave the things they don’t like alone and just move on? Why be so rude? 😔
I used to be a part of AlhaithamMains and things were mostly chill at first, but over time it became a haikaveh mains. Anyone who requested for there to be a separate sub for the ship was berated, and posts politely saying they didn’t see Kaveh and Alhaitham in a romantic light were rife with hateful and aggressive comments. I remember someone posted Kavehlumi art in KavehMains, and one person had the audacity to comment that Kaveh actually belongs to Alhaitham. And these types of comments were EVERYWHERE, under every NL ship post.
I took one peek into AventurineMains, saw the very first post talk about how Ratiorine is implied in the 2.0 quest, and noped out of there. Not surprised the same fate befell Aventurine 😔
So yes, Reddit is full of awful, loud people that ruin the fun for anyone who doesn’t ship the popular ship. You were right to leave. I left a long time ago and have been so much happier because of it. It’s unfortunate you have can’t enjoy a lot of things now, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to protect your mental health.
If you want to go off and rant about how Kaveh gets treated, please do! God knows I have my own gripes about it, so it’s really nice to know I’m not the only one troubled by it. Plus, I love it when people share their complaints with me, so don’t worry about being too negative.
Trust me, there are quite a few of us girls who love Kaveh but don’t care for BL. We just keep to ourselves and stay quiet to avoid trouble from the toxic shippers.
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List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material
tagged by: @eldritchteletubbie (thanks!)
1. The life of Mary Stuart O’Donnell and the related Irish politics of the early 1600s. I got into researching her life a few years ago and, while the project is on the back-burner, it’s still of great interest to me. After reaching out to several historians who had written about her (however small the writing), it sparked a bit more interest in said historians and more research and articles started cropping up in the subsequent years which was neat to see. There isn’t a lot recorded about her, but what we do know is fascinating: I’d love some day to travel to Ireland so I can read and transcribe her letters from the National Library. They currently don’t exist in any digitalized or transcribed format.
2. Theology, generally speaking, but recently I’ve been really digging into the theology of gender and sexuality which has been fun. I can also go on for quite a while about the necessity of reading the Bible within cultural, temporal, and textual context.
3. Most video games that I’ve played. But especially We Happy Few and Genshin Impact. WHF had me in a choke hold for over a year and still is of great interest to me. The game mechanics are janky as hell but the writing, characters, themes, and environmental storytelling are deeply compelling. Genshin is immersive, massive, emotional, character-driven, and rich with plot and lore. There’s just so much to talk about! I did actually talk for over and hour about both of these games on my first date with my now partner. That’s how you know he’s a real one.
4. Environmental activism and sustainability in all of their intertwined facets.
5. The history of vampire literature, with a focus in pre-1900 works. Der Vampire, the Vampyre, Carmilla, Clairmonde, the works of Paul Feval peré, Varney the Vampire, Dracula, etc. And the way that the cultural climate of the times influenced what fears vampires represented. Was it the seductress? The predatory man? The homosexual? The aristocracy? The con man? Humanism? Catholicism? The list goes on. Vampire literature is just so fascinating and I love researching and discussing this topic
no pressure tags for: @runawaymun @monstroso @djangodurango @wigglewyrms @exeggcute @sasusquatch @veranthia @greyjedijaneite and any one else who wants to!
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lunatenais · 10 months
I’m realizing as I’m writing I don’t know my own interests! Wahoo! Anyway I’ve had such a wonderful 2 years in TOA, and I’m so excited to be here for many more years to come!!
Tagging: You. [grabs you]
Name: Eleven/Emil
Pronouns: He/they
Birthday (no year): June 19th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? AST :) I’m in Atlantic Canada
Roleplay experience: I think it’s been like 10-11 years? My first RP was for like Sonic OCs but I mainly did DR OC :]
Got any pets? Yes! I have a cat named Jerrie! I also live with 3 cats who belong to my roommate.
Favorite time of year: Autumn
Some interests and things you like: Flowers/gardening, magical girls, classic literature, pink things tm, stuffed animals, idols
Some fun facts & trivia about you: I have no idea
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Dangan Ronpa, Granblue Fantasy, Love Live, Ensemble Stars, Genshin Impact, League of Legends, been on a visual novel kick recently also EDIT I FORGOT PERSONA AND HARVEST MOON
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Fairy type & my fav pokemon is Lilligant!
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I bought Awakening because a friend of mine (N) liked it so much, and then I didn’t play it for almost a whole year after that! But I decided to try it out while I was on a road trip and quickly became obsessed.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? (In order): Awakening, Sacred Stones, Fates, like 1/4th of Gaiden, SoV, Three Houses, Genealogy, like half of Shadow Dragon, Binding Blaze, Blazing Blade.
First Fire Emblem game: Awakening!
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Sacred Stones :)
Any Fire Emblem crushes? a Frederick, Niles, Leon, Seth, Linhardt, Henry, Ced, Donnel, Duessel, JOSHUA
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? - Awakening: Frederick, Fates: Niles, Three Houses: Linhardt, Engage: ?
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Mage :)
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Probably Cleric or Pegasus Knight
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? EIRIKAAAA
How did you find TOA? My good pal N was talking about it and I was interested in it! I often follow him to different rp groups like a dog.
Current TOA muses: Eirika, Lugh and (hopefully soon) Tharja!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Knoll! I have highly entertained the thought of bringing him back, though I worry about the interest in him a lot!
Have you had any other TOA muses? a Knoll, Julia, Patty, Olwen, Peri, Ingrid, Nanna, Lute, Leon, Hisame, Florina, Panette (am I forgetting someone??)
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? I love thieves, though it doesn’t show from my list since Patty stuck around so long— I also love quieter, mysterious characters a lot or characters with some sort of image issue tm especially in the vein of growing up too soon
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I love anything I can put some fucking angst on happy characters going through something tm is my fav ever.
Favorite TOA-related memory: Uh yeah that bitch explodes
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day in TOA that you’d like to share? Nótt, Clarine, Ced, Tethys, Virion, Nina, Seadall, Marni, Maribelle
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instantbreplay · 11 months
Note: I really wanted to post this, but I decided to make it into parts because there are a lot of characters to go through. Consider this part 1!
Recently, I’ve been listening to Twisted Wonderland English voice headcanons, and I agree with some but not others but that’s the point of headcanons. They’re always someone’s thoughts, and sometimes they fit perfectly! So, I wanted to give my headcanons for the Twisted Wonderland cast.
Part 1: Heartslabyul
Ace Trappola — Max Mittleman
Most known for:
Saitama in One Punch Man
Ryuji Sakamoto in Persona 5
Arataki Itto in Genshin Impact
I chose Max because I agreed with a few other headcanons! Max, during his performances as Itto and Ryuji, has a very playful and mischievous tone of voice and as Saitama, he can perfect a voice that’s nonchalant, a bit bored, and blunt which summarizes Ace as a whole. When thinking of Saitama, I remembered his scream when he punched Vaccine Man with one punch and got mad and when he told Genos to get to the point, and that could fit with Ace as he signed a contract with Azul and had a sea anemone growing out of his head and got crushed by a cauldron.
Deuce Spade — Johnny Yong Bosch
Most known for:
Vash the Stampede in TRIGUN (original from 1998) and TRIGUN: Stampede (2023 reboot)
Lelouch Lamperouge in Code Geass
Ichigo Kurosaki in Bleach
Personally, as a girl who loves both TRIGUN shows, I loved the way Johnny performed; as Vash in both versions, he maintained a kind and gentle voice while also being silly and giving out the best surprised shouts or nervous chuckles at the right moments. This would make Deuce very memorable as Deuce has a bit of Vash’s personality towards his friends but still maintains a little of his delinquency from his past and acts more of a tough guy when certain challenges arise such as when his opportunity to play in Spelldrive came, but after playing Ichigo, I doubt that would be an issue to give a rough voice.
Trey Clover — Alejandro Saab
Most known for:
Cyno in Genshin Impact
Izumi Miyamura in Horiyama
Yuri in Fire Emblem: Three Houses
This was another one I agreed with as Alejandro is the king of voice range! Trey is the calmest yet one of the firmest vice housewardens, and sometimes can go out of character a bit when it comes to brushing teeth. Alejandro fits this as I heard him play the most serious yet punniest Genshin Impact character, Cyno, who breaks character to break the tension in the room through jokes, but he is also capable of being a gentle soul who comforts like Miyamura or someone as calculating and diligent as Jing Yuan in Honkai Star Rail.
Cater Diamond — Kaiji Tang
Most known for:
Osamu Dazai in Bungo Stray Dogs
Satoru Gojo in Jujutsu Kaisen
Gengo in Naruto Shippuden
I won’t lie; finding Cater’s voice actor was difficult until I stumbled upon Kaiji who voices Osamu and Gojo, two playful and supernaturally powerful men with quips and mischief. When Osamu said thanks to Chuuya after telling him to go into enemy fire to die, I knew this fit Cater too well as Osamu, like Cater, is depressed but keeps a smile on his face with a fun, joking tone with any situation, and like Gojo, Cater is a bit flirty (not womanizer flirty). Although he might have a little more of a feminine sounding voice because it is canon in the Japanese version that he is bisexual, I'm sure it would still be fitting to have Kaiji as his actor.
Riddle Rosehearts — Billy Kametz
Most known for:
Naofumi Iwatani in The Rising of the Shield Hero
Ferdinand von Aegir in Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
Josuke Higashikata in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable
Not only was Billy Kametz talented with line delivery, but he brings out the personality of his character that playing Riddle would have been magnificent. It is unfortunate that he passed on, but I still appreciate his work. What really made me choose him for Riddle was his performance as Anai in the Sanrio anime Aggretsuko because Anai was one to get easily sensitive over everything, feeling as if he was being personally attacked because he didn't like how one of his coworkers phrased their words to him. Because Billy played such a stickler, his voice would have suited Riddle in better ways than imagined with other voice actors, especially when he gets upset or angry or even overblots.
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ac-liveblogs · 9 months
Ty! I’ve been enjoying FGO so far—I always like Nasu’s works & FGO revisits so many reccuring theme in his works that make me appreciate them better. Anw, Genshin struggles with so many basic areas, it strikes me as amateurishly written (& it feels so amateurishly managed in general?). It promises you Cool Interesting Stuff, but they can't stick the landing. I'd rather have a story of modest scale told engagingly, but ig that won't generate hype & praise for Bringing Up Important Issue? Sigh...
! Personally, the chapters Nasu writes end up being my favourite overall so I hope you have a good time :) (i have gotta find time to play mahoyo before tsukihime drops next year...)
Genshin always strikes me as a story that's written by Lore Bros that love filling out pages on Wikipedia pages and will spend hours world-building their universes (hours longer than necessary) without really thinking about the stories or development of the characters living in them, or how they're going to portray them. I feel like someone is trying to design an immaculate sandbox for someone else to create characters to play in it with.
And that the storylines feel like they try to replicate stuff they think is cool from other shows or games, but without understanding why those things worked.... I think the Ace Attorney trial/investigation gameplay in Fontaine is probably the most recent example of them not understanding how something works but trying to replicate it anyway =_=;
It's all such an ambitious game, but the scale of what it accomplishes is really small compares to other RPGs..... Very few spontaneously cool quests that result in cool boss fights, character quests are extremely mundane because the assets required to create something cool and unique either don't exist or will take too long to build... so everything's just kinda dull. I always think of Xiao's storyline talking up all the gods and demons he fights, and especially during Lantern Rite.... allegedly. Too much effort, I guess.
I agree that games of smaller scope done more competently are superior to games that try to be big and impressive but end up feeling hollow. They aren't as exciting unless they drum up a lot of hype for being exceptional after launch though. I guess it's harder to sell investors on stuff like that :I
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azumasoroshi · 1 year
watched the first two episodes of oshi no ko a while back (REALLY FUCKING GOOD, ive been a manga reader for a while but i stopped reading the recent chapters and basically forgot everything except for the major points and god it’s so satisfying to have the adaptation remind me of what i’ve forgotten in the most beautiful way possible)
but this post isnt about onk, it’s about izaya!! izaya orihara!! lets fucking goooooooooo izaya idol au!!!! i cant get this flea out of my BRAIN
i was about to open a new canvas to draw some more shizaya stuff for my animatic that im never gonna finish and i was like huh. maybe i should draw onk fanart. and then i remembered this art of venti genshin impact with ai’s eyes and i remembered thinking man i hope this becomes an artist trend for people to do with their art blorbos! and then i was like OH. guess i could contribute to the trend by drawing izaya with ai’s eyes
and then i started thinking and i was like huh. Ai’s never experienced love from her parents, doesn’t think she knows how to love or how to express it, doesn’t get attached to others easily, is a perpetual liar, became an idol because she hoped she would learn how to love - oh hey doesnt. that. sound like izaya. just a little bit. not exactly, her character goes into more learning how to love/that she can love while izaya’s character is i can love but only impersonally because i’m afraid of getting hurt and his arc would be learning to let his walls down for his own good
SO for izaya idol au, izaya would become an idol because he wants to experience love, or something along the lines of “there’s no greater demonstration of parasocial love and foolish decision making than in the idol industry! ahaha~” and probably “idols are perfect liars and i need to put myself into their shoes so i can become an even better liar and close myself off to any possibility of falling in love that could ever exist”
there’s a lot of reasons he might want to become an idol, really. there’s so much corruption and behind-the-scenes dealing and lies and facades and shit in the entertainment industry that i think izaya would eat for breakfast. he would LOVE witnessing that shit and making his own shady deals and stuff and occasionally ruining lives and watching people rise and fall down the rankings and tear each other down. plus the people who are in it for passion rather than money are fascinating as well. psychology student’s dream really- i mean what this is definitely about izaya and not me projecting
plus he definitely has the looks for it (narita would hard agree given how many times he’s indirectly called izaya attractive through other characters. we love a canonically hot king)
now i need to make everything shizaya because i’m not okay but i have no idea who shizuo would be lmao
like you could make him some up and coming manager (no age difference stuff here sorry lmao) or a fellow idol (doubtful. shizuo can act cute but i dont think he could dance) or an actor like akane/kana or a streamer??? like memcho (my favorite character)
a mangaka/screenplay writer/writer in general could also work but i feel like you’d have less reason to interact with idols that way
idk how japanese idol groups work for men in particular or if there’s even like a market for that :sob: id have to look into that if i actually started making stuff for this au
alternatively izaya crossdresses as a female idol and somehow no one realizes. except for shizuo. that would be hilarious actually. he refuses to do swimsuit modeling or other provocative stuff and his fans are like “oh?? the brazen kanra-chan is unexpectedly shy?? how cute” and he plays into it but inwardly he’s like. god i know exactly how im gonna go out with a bang when i retire. and shizuo watches him playing at being shy on tv knowing that that motherfucker is planning to strip on his last days as an idol
anyway this is just me spitballing ideas but ill definitely write at least a concept/intro fanfic of this at some point so stay tuned lmAo im just about to run out of writing juices on ABAON so i gotta transfer my energy somewhere else and where better than the idol!izaya au
#shizaya#idolzaya#ill be using that tag for whatever idol au stuff i come up with#i drafted this like. five days after the onk anime came out#this has been drafted for way longer than i wanted it to be#this was also sorta inspired by the idol!kim dokja au fic that’s really popular#i think the male idol industry is way stronger in korea than japan thiugh#that said i dont interact with idols at all personally lmAOO so i have no idea#i will do research later i promise#and read more of more more jump!’s stories for inspiration PFF#i wonder if izaya’s group should be a bunch of drrr girls or like. mostly irrelevant side characters#or if he should just go solo which again. i need to research how hard that would be#i feel like he might want to blend in a bit inside a group#would be fun to observe the jealousy and drama and group dynamics up close too#because if they get jealous of HIM at any point he might just laugh until he dies#i have more ideas but i should save those for the fanfic….#anyway#izaya orihara#shizuo heiwajima#durarara#im excited for this one bro oshi no ko is one of my favorite series ever#but like. not for the romance just because i really like learning about the entertainment industry LMAOO#i dont ship aqua with anyone tbh#can he just be besties with everyone pls#i loved his and kana’s relationship in the beginning where they’re like two good actors in a room full of mids#that was a fun dynamic but it just went downhill for me personally#oh well i can talk about this in my author’s notes pff
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hanenoaozora · 1 year
Me vs Energy Cost
When I started playing Genshin Impact, I had no concept of energy cost or energy recharge. My very early team was anemo traveler, Kaeya, Benny, and Beidou. Traveler, Kaeya, and Benny need 60 energy for a burst, while Beidou needs 80. I didn’t think too much about how long I had to charge Beidou’s burst, even though me and my sad skills were very dependent on her shield*.
Then, once I’m comfortable with Qiqi’s healing mechanics, I played her a lot (still do😉). Sometimes she swapped Benny out, sometimes she went together with Benny. She and Benny carried me against two abyssal beings in the Chasm (yeah, I’m that sad).
Later on I had Ayato, Thoma, and the last addition to my Yashiro team: Ayaka. At this point, I already know what it means to recharge energy, so for the those whose burst skills I rely on the most, I’ve learned to prioritize ER stats/substats in their weapons and artifacts. Problem is, for DPS class characters like Ayato and Ayaka, you generally want to prioritize their ATK stats and crit ratio, and these stats leave little room for more ER. Fortunately for Ayato specifically, his burst stays on field for a very looooongggg time that it feels fine even if he can’t burst every rotation (fyi rotation is something I should care more, but don’t 🤣), so I don’t have that much trouble with his energy requirement. At some point I put an ER Heart of Depth sands on him though, and at ~170% ER it was so much fun.
Anyway, as I have mentioned before: I’ve had a lot of high-energy cost characters since the beginning. Another character that I bring with me often recently is Xingqiu, and he also… require 80 energy 🤣 Aaaaaand… now that I really, really want to run Yashiro comm team, I’ve started building Sayu and when I checked her skills… yep, you guessed it. With how OP dendro traveler is, I now have him wield dendro and turns out his burst also requires 80 energy.
So, like… I don’t know what I’m trying to say here… 🤣 I guess… since I’m so used to bringing characters with high energy requirement, 80 has become some sort of standard for me and anything below that feels “cheap”, as opposed to the other way around for a lot of other people… 💁‍♀️
*later I found out that most people build Beidou to be a damage dealer and not a shielder, and thus pairing her with The Bell was super not optimal… which is the sole reason why I kinda stop playing her. Because I can’t parry if my life depends on it… and yeah, finding out that I had been playing Beidou wrong kinda killed the joy of playing her for me >_> Just one example that the internet can be so very annoying when it comes to Genshin…
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dollsonmain · 1 year
That Guy has been complaining that he CAN’T be THAT good at Genshin Impact that he can run through bosses and things with sub-standard, under powered characters easily etc. etc. and I’m like you know, maybe Genshin Impact isn’t actually difficult, it’s actually easy and it’s dopamine hit after dopamine hit because it LOOKS difficult and there are stats to manage via equipment and that leads people into thinking their choices matter, but it’s not difficult at all, and that’s why so many people play it....
I get comments like that when I fix doll or pony hair, too. I was saying that Barbie styling head wasn’t a challenge at all but get comments on it saying it sure looked like it was a challenge and it wasn’t. It was nothing. The makeup slid right off, the hair just needed combed, that was it. That’s not a challenge.
For me.
The Kayas I’ve fixed were a challenge. That one Jewel Hair Mermaid Midge was.
Maybe That Guy is just that good at Genshin Impact and it’s challenging for everyone else, I don’t know.
I was thinking recently that for a lot of people video games are the only way they ever get a feeling of accomplishment.
That’s not a judgement, it’s the same for me. I get more happy brain juice out of sorting and organizing stuff in Minecraft than IRL. I think a large part of that is because it only has to be done once, like non-repeatable quests in RPGs. You do it. It’s done. Yay. Whereas IRL micro-accomplishments have to be repeated sometimes daily, getting things organized doesn’t mean you don’t have to dust it off constantly, and sometimes the big ones get undone (like finally finding a job and then losing it) or become irrelevant (finally finished painting the living room but now I hate it (I did not paint the living room or get and lose a job it’s just an example)) so I never get that dopamine hit.
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whalesforhands · 8 months
“Beautiful blue is absolutely stunned as he stands there, before a quiet whisper is breathed out with the fragrant summer breeze, under the warm sun where three souls have finally reunited eternally in the embrace of each other.”
fucking HELL im this 🤏 close to crying happy tears. THEY DESERVE THE WORLD WAAAHHHH [sobbinf]
these are the times when i wish i could use my well earned money irl but im trying to save up for a pc 😭 (not to mention i dont have a lot of money atm in the first place…) i bet whatever ur cooking on kofi is so heart wrenchingly fluffy.
tl;dr you never miss and im sobbing on this fine friday morning
by the way what are the video games you’ve been playing as of late? 👀 for me i’ve been playing splatoon 3, overwatch 2, persona 4 golden, genshin and hsr! :)
-omori anon
there is no rush to read them haha, they’re more like bonus scenarios that aim to deepen your understanding of the relationships in dyf au. (so that it hits harder when i pull something strange)
recently i’ve been playing valorant and league of legends like the sweaty gamer i am, either i’m doing that or playing dress up with the clothes in my closet
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renren-writes · 1 year
Just a quick update on life
Hey fellas! I know there aren’t a lot of you here/I talk about daily life more on twitter than tumblr, but I figured I’d give an update that has some silver linings to it.
I’m gonna put it under the cut as it warrants a tw, the the TL;DR is that I’m recovering and things are improving for me, and I haven’t discarded my three webtoon idiots, they’re just taking a coffee break while I make some vidya game idiots!
So around Oct last year, I was attacked at my work. We’re gonna call it nsfw-flavour assault, and it set me back a ton with therapy and mental health.
The past four months have been spent prepping for court and mentally preparing to prove it happened, but recent developments have eased that burden and aside from a standard impact statement, I don’t need to be involved in the case any longer.
It was tough for a while to work on stuff—I literally left off Free Dinner on a make out sesh right before this incident—and while I was able to get some updates out, I decided that while I process stuff in therapy, I give Eunbyeol and Hani a little rest. They are my very depressed babies, after all, and while I vent through them, sometimes all three of us need a win. Suji, though… He’ll probably get a win quicker than the girls kek
So I’ve been a bit quiet on socials and got back into playing a game that rhymes with “mention impact”, and this post is to also let you guys know I’m not dropping my trash ocs series any time soon! If I post something for GI on AO3, it’s just the stuff I worked on to keep the mind distracted and indulge in the dating sim game’s characters! Shio and my partner, Monty, have been talking with me nonstop about ideas and I’m even excited to watch them make their first Genshin OCs 🥰
I’ve got my fingers crossed and a ton of love for you guys! The comments left over the last four months have been so encouraging and the memes sprinkled in brought a big smile to my face! And I want all of you to know that no matter what, if you’re struggling for any reason, there will be someone who will listen when you need to talk 🥺
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unknown-lifeform · 2 years
So I’ve been thinking about Genshin Impact and Visions and basically I present you, my theories on what qualities people need to be given Visions of a certain element. Now some characters will fit better into any theory than others, I definitely may be wrong about a bunch of things, but this is my best guess. Feel free to let me know if you have any thoughts!
Disclaimer that I don’t have any Dendro theory yet due to low sample size and the fact half of the current Dendro characters are shady as fuck
Anemo: Anemo is the element of freedom, and in a sense freedom does play a role in my theory, but it’s not just freedom. Rather, people with Anemo Visions are all people who go through their lives or jobs in the way they personally want, without abiding to external opinions too much, just setting their own personal way to live. This can mean doing their work in a very specific way, ignoring other people’s rules, or just being peculiar in general.
Jean seems arguably one of the least free characters in the game, being a workaholic and all, but her character stories show that she has very firm opinions on how to do her job and won’t compromise on that. Sucrose basically lives for her experiments alone and pursues them even if anyone else would see no need to follow whatever whim she has.
Xiao is dead set on protecting Liyue the way he thinks is best, and after the Chasm storylines we know he was different from the other Yakshas in that he was the only one who couldn’t imagine having a normal life.
Kazuha left everything behind to roam and live his life how he pleases. Sayu is the only ninja left of her specific training, and she constantly runs from the shrine maidens to be able to sleep and grow taller. Heizou’s entire deal is being a weirdo
Cryo: in short, Cryo would be the element of loss. There isn’t much more to say about it. Basically all Cryo characters feature loss in their backstory in some form
Examples: Kaeya’s backstory is full of questions, but even admitting he doesn’t feel abandoned by his biological father he did lose his foster father and also whatever relationship he had with Diluc. Rosaria’s parents were murdered when she was a child. Eula’s family is alive, but she effectively lost them when she joined the Knights of Favonious. Diona has the least amount of loss, in a sense, but her motivations also stem from her losing the trust she had for her father seeing how he gets when he’s drunk.
Shenhe was turned into a child sacrifice by her own father. Chongyun’s pure yang energy means he can never achieve his goal to be an exorcist in the traditional manner, and also has to deprive himself of a lot of things to cool himself down. Ganyu’s story doesn’t talk of loss specifically, but she is an immortal being surrounded by mortal humans, and she does feel very out of place around humans, so loss has to be a constant in her life. Qiqi lost her life, in every sense of the word, because she can’t even remember her old life
Ayaka was strongly influenced by the loss of her parents and her character story revolves around trying to reconnect with her mother.
Electro: Electro is all about duplicity, starting with the Ei/Makoto and Ei/Shogun pairs. All Electro characters are people who have contradicting personality traits, conflicting beliefs, or have to bridge different and apparently opposite sides of their story and heritage.
Lisa is both apparently lazy and laid back, and also scaringly efficient. Fischl, as highlighted in the recent Golden Apple Arcipelago event, has had to reconcile her fantasies of being Prinzessin Fischl with her real life. Razor is a boy who was raised by wolves and doesn’t quite fit as either.
Keqing’s job involves - well, involved - working in relatively close contact with Rex Lapis, yet she was the biggest skeptic of his work, and her skepticism extends to Visions themselves, I mean she even tried to destroy her own Vision. Beidou is apparently a very friendly and approachable person, but she does have a more closed off side, and is even the only character who starts their own hangout event without the maximum amount of hearts.
Miko presents an aloof, mysterious persona to everyone, but she is actually mischievous and petty, and never shows anyone all the cards she has. Shinobu works for the Arataki Gang despite being the most qualified person in all of Inazuma. Sara is a tengu who was raised by humans, and has to deal with what that means to her.
Geo: Geo is the element that has the most solid theory behind it. Basically, Geo is the element of people who will continue fighting for whatever goal they have no matter the cost. This doesn’t mean that they necessarily have to be successful, or even just good at what they do, just that they will never give up their own goals.
Noelle has repeated the exam to become a Knight of Favonious multiple times, and she is determined to make it despite all the failures. Albedo will research anything and everything without breaks.
Ningguang was a poor woman who climbed all the way to the rank of Tianquan, and didn’t hesitate to destroy her own Jade Chamber when it was necessary. Yun Jin worked incredibly hard to get to her position, and she will regularly sneak around her troupe’s wishes to do what she prefers.
Gorou was the general of an army that would have undoubtedly lost the war on the long run, and yet he always stayed firm. Itto doesn’t exactly vibe as a self disciplined man, but stubborness is one of his defining traits, and he absolutely determined to one day win a damn Onikabuto battle.
Hydro: while I do see a pattern with Hydro, it’s hard to put into words exactly what I see. Hydro characters in general are authority figures within their own fields or organizations, but they are also often in some way second place, second best, or otherwise not as influential as one might expect. However, they also don’t seem usually pained by their own position. I’m not exactly sure what quality this would be, but the pattern is there.
Barbara is the Deaconess of the Church of Barbatos, and also an idol, but she spent most of her early life feeling second place to Jean. Mona is an incredibly talent astrologist, but also poor and underappreciated.
Yelan is an incredibly powerful and skilled woman, but she is also happy with working in the shadows, avoiding drawing too much attention to herself. Xingqiu is the second son to the Feyun Commerce Guild, and hates that his older brother isn’t all that competent, because he doesn’t want to be forced to be the one doing all the work.
Ayato did bring the Kamisato Clan back to its glory after taking control of it, but he’s also a man who doesn’t like to make public appearances and do his job behind the shadows. Kokomi is the head priestess of a dead god.
Childe is one of the Fatui Harbingers, but he’s also very low rank within the Harbingers themselves.
Pyro: Pyro characters seem to be people who are very loyal to a goal or an organization and will pursue it at all costs. They can be personally ambitious, but overall they are more concerned with the success of what they are interested in than in personal recognition, and are generally selfless in nature.
Diluc wants to protect Monstadt at all costs, and does so while presenting himself as just some mysterious vigilante. Amber is also very loyal to Monstadt, and very invested in restoring the good name of the Outriders. Bennet feels strong loyalty towards the Adventurer’s Guild, due to how he was brought up by them. Klee’s motives are child-like in nature, but she ultimately just wants to be like her mom and make her proud, which is a reasonable meaning of loyalty for a child.
Hu Tao’s whole family has been in the funeral business for generations, and she is extremely devoted to the business and to ensuring all souls can rest in peace. Xiangling is very determined to make anything not actively deadly into a good meal. Xinyan wants to spread rock and roll, not for her own sake but more for the sake of the music itself. Yanfei is the most steadfast upholder of the law there is.
Yoimiya wants to make everyone happy with her fireworks. Thoma’s entire life is dedicated to serving the Kamisatos.
And while it’s hard to draw conclusions on most Sumeru characters yet, Dehya also seems to follow this pattern of firm loyalty towards her employers.
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Hello!!! I would like to request a match up for bsd, demon slayer, and genshin impact please.
I don’t have any gender preferences
!!I would like for it to be platonic!!
My hobbies include : Playing the violin, photography, playing board/card games, and volleyball.
My appearance: Long wavy dirty blonde hair. Pretty skinny, but I have chubby cheeks. I wear glasses and have freckles and moles. I'm also short. (5’1)
My personality : Ambivert, Smart (all As), Passionate, Loyal, Kinda Quiet, and Random. I tend to be quiet around people that I’ve just met treating them with respect, but after a while I start to open up and talk more openly. I actually enjoy small talk, and learning about new things. I am also very very forgetful.
Some of my strengths are a positive attitude, having good communication, and my smarts. Some of my weaknesses are my physical strength, (I am physically weak🫠) and if I don’t connect to someone I would rather just not talk to them at all, and sometimes my stand-offish attitude when talking to people I don’t like or have interest in
Extra: My MBTI type is ENFJ. I like to keep my nails long and when they snag or break I’m down the rest of the day. (It’s a sensory thing for me) I get cold really easily. I love fruit. I can't remember names but I can remember faces.
!!Please stake your time getting to my request!!
!! Also make sure you drink water, eat, and get some sleep!!
Hi! Thank you for your request! I really like doing platonic matchups; they're a nice change of pace. I hope you like your matchups!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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I feel like you and Ranpo would bring out each other’s good and bad qualities.
You both find each other interesting, so there are never any worries about you being stand-offish with each other. But when someone comes along that neither of you like, there’s no hope for them.
While Ranpo doesn’t strike me as someone who really engages in a lot of small talk, I think he’d enjoy talking to you. He thinks you always have something interesting to say.
Loves listening to you play violin! He finds the music relaxing and it somehow helps him think better. Whenever he gets stuck on a case (rare as it may be), he’ll ask you to play for a bit. He always manages to figure it out only a couple of songs in.
Please try to reign in his sweet tooth. If you bring along enough fruit to share, he’ll likely have that instead of a handful of sweets. It’s good for his health and he likes the sweetness of the fruit so it’s a win-win.
In Demon Slayer, I match you with...
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Unlike Ranpo, being friends with Nezuko would only bring out your best qualities.
Your good communication skills balance out her lack of speech. If you’re like Tanjiro and are able to understand what she’s trying to convey just through body language, she’s grateful to have another interpreter.
Quietly appreciative of your loyalty, especially in regard to Tanjiro. She worries about him and she’s glad he has trustworthy people like you around to support him.
Very protective of you. She knows you’re not the strongest person and being around with demons and demon slayers is dangerous.
Nezuko loves listening to you talk about whatever you’ve been learning recently. She finds it interesting as well and will hum along in agreement.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Although initially very different to both Ranpo and Nezuko, I think Alhaitham would be another good friend for you.
He is also quite stand-offish towards people who he deems to be interesting so hopefully you don’t gang up on some poor Academia student. Kaveh thinks it’s hilarious as long as it isn’t directed towards him.
Appreicates your fondness for learning. He remembers that passion from his early days at the Academia.
You may find textbooks related to a topic you were talking about earlier laying on your desk. It’s his way of encouraging your learning.
Please translate for him. Alhaitham is awful at communicating in ways that don’t come off as abrasive and it’s started more than one argument in the past. If you can step in before that happens and smooth things over, he’ll be grateful, even if he doesn’t say it out loud.
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wri0thesley · 1 year
Nat, Nat, Nat … regarding the missing voicelines topic 👀 have you noticed or seen anyone point out that Zhongli’s line about there only being two of the original archons left was unaltered? If Rukkhadevata was wiped from his memory like everyone else’s … then Nahida would’ve always been the Dendro archon … so shouldn’t he tell us that there are only three left instead?
(I’ve seen some surprisingly compelling theories that Zhongli is not originally of Teyvat, and tbh I just think that’s so incredibly sexy of him. He’s such an interesting character and I miss him a lot even tho he’s pretty much a permanent fixture on my team 😂 and this little detail really got me thinking)
Wishing you lots and lots of luck on your Yanfei pulls btw! The four stars being harder to get than the fives is possibly the wildest part of the Genshin experience tbh - I recently started playing another gacha (for a boy who looks like bottom coded Zhongli lmaooooo) and the rate at which I’ve been bombarded with the lower ranked characters actually makes me sick. 😂 Even worse is how the constellations can make or break a characters utility. I saw people on twitter talking about how Faruzan is only truly useful as an anemo support at C6 and I just … idk how Mihoyo expects us to live like this.
ooh i read a twitter thread about that and the 'zhongli is a descender/shade of the primordial one' theory just this morning!!! (here is the link for anyone else interested). every day i am waiting for the second part of venti's story quest because i KNOW it will be a massive lore drop, and also because honestly i think he deserves one by now fgbnkjfgjk.
i pulled SO MUCH on the last banner that had sucrose in for her and i didn't get her, just got lucky on one weapon banner ten-pull. i would like, one day, to c6 my kaeya - but alas! four stars are the true frustration of this game. i CANNOT play any more gacha games. my personality is too addictive and completionist. i'm being Reasonably Normal about genshin but another would truly bankrupt me fgbnkjgfn. i wish you much luck on YOUR pulls and rolls in whatever it is you are playing though!!!
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moomoomooing · 2 years
moomoo’s landing
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I’m Kai! I draw :D
I draw for whatever im interested in! Currently thats Twisted Wonderland and Seventeen~ I also draw lots of oc/ original artwork as well.
This is a SFW blog: I will never post or rb full NSFW content, suggestive art will be cropped and the full piece under a cut. If I happen to draw NSFW, again I will post a sfw crop of it here, and there will be a link to a separate site with the full image.
This blog also contains spoilers for any of the fandoms I’m in. I won’t tag anything as spoilers unless I’m talking about it within 3-ish days of it’s release, so be warned!
(Important info from below- my DM’s are open to mutuals only! If you want to chat but we aren’t mutuals, use my ask box. Art requests are only open when I make an announcement for it. If one’s going on, that announcement will be my pinned post.)
This is a side blog I use as a main! Any followbacks will come from @kaiikko.
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KYUU SCARLET (OC/Sona, he/him pronouns)
(info card is a work in progress!)
Kyuu's UM (writing)
Kyuu and why he’s in NRC (writing)
A Lion’s Warmth (writing)
A Pair of New Ears (writing)
spiraling down into your arms (writing)
Camp Vargas Card
Halloween Card
ADONIS BEAU (OC, he/him pronouns)
(info card is a work in progress!)
YUU (OC, he/they pronouns)
(info card is a work in progress!)
Old Yuu reference
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want to know more? more info below!
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I go by Kai and use any pronouns! I’m bi and idk what gender I am but I go with whatever feels best at the mo’ (I will pretty much never disclose my age here as I’m not comfortable doing that.)
I don’t interact too much with others because of anxiety -v-;;; but I’m doing my best to change that! I love it when people send me asks, for request, ask games, or just to chat is lovely!
As you can tell- I draw! I’ve been drawing as a hobby for most of my life, but I’ve recently been trying to get into a career for it! I have two cats, Prince and Mochi, that I may sometimes post www~ I tend to say some unhinged things every now n’ then so... uh be warned? I also love hearing people ramble about things, so my dm’s are always open to mutuals~
Twst favs! Leona Kingscholar (i can’t even explain why I adore him so much.) Ruggie Bucchi, Jade Leech
Cookie Run favs! Red Velvet Cookie, Pastry Cookie, Pure Vanilla Cookie
I used to be in Genshin (I recently quit) but heres my favs anyways- Chongyun, Shenhe, Diluc, Scaramouche, Jean
Genshin Mains Jean, Zhongli, Ayato, Chongyun, Shenhe
Other games I like: Professor Layton, Nonary Games (I’ve only played the first so far), Bloodborne (never played, only watched), Hades, For The King, Inscryption, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, Monster Hunter World, Monster Hunter Rise, Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion, Outer Wilds
(I watch RTgame almost exclusively so lots of my game’s come from him, or game’s I play with friends.)
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- Again feel free to chat with my anytime you’d like! I don’t take art requests unless it’s from mutuals. Art requests will only open for events or for small 1-3 hours long periods when I feel like it. If you don’t wanna miss them try to keep updated with my posts, I don’t do anything special for spur of the moment requests.
- My comms are open! See my ko-fi for details and consider supporting me! New commission options might open or more things might pop up on my shop so check in regularly! I also have a Redbubble shop should you wanna buy and of my past doodles. Don’t see one you like? Just DM me and I’ll put it up for you
Art tag: #moomoos doodles
Asks tag: #moomoos talks (looking for a specific ask? I put the blog name in my asks)
Writing tag: #moomoos writes
XP-PEN Artist 12 Pro, Clip Studio Paint Pro, Procreate on iPad
I usually work on a 1600 by 1920 px canvas, or a square 1000 by 1000 px canvas
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I’ll add more here as I go~!
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